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A30905 Truth triumphant through the spiritual warfare, Christian labours, and writings of that able and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Robert Barclay, who deceased at his own house at Urie in the kingdom of Scotland, the 3 day of the 8 month 1690. Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690. 1692 (1692) Wing B740; ESTC R25857 1,185,716 995

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4 5 6 7 8 9. For if there come unto your Assembly a man with a Gold Ring in goodly Apparel and there come in also a poor Man in vile Raiment and ye have Respect to him that weareth the gay Cloathing and say unto him sit thou here in a good Place and say to the poor stand thou there or sit here under my Foot-stool Are ye not then partial in your selves and are become Judges of evil Thoughts Hearken my beloved Brethren hath not God chosen the poor of this World rich in Faith and Heirs of the Kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him but ye have despised the Poor Do not rich men oppress you and draw you before the Judgement-seat Do they not blaspheme that worthy Name by the which ye are called If ye fulfil the Royal Law according to the Scripture Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self ye do well but if ye have RESPECT to Persons ye commit Sin and are convinced of the Law as Transgressors Q. Though that be indeed sufficient to reprove the different Ranks among Christians upon the Account of Riches or Birth Master and Servant yet is there not a Relative Respect among Christians as betwixt Master and Servants What Admonitions gives the Apostle in this Case A. Servants be Obedient to them that are your Masters according to the Flesh with Fear and Trembling in Singleness of your Heart Ephes. 6.5 6 7 8 9. as unto Christ not with Eye-Service as Men-Pleasers but as the Servants of Christ doing the Will of God from the Heart with Good will doing service as to the Lord and not to Men knowing that whatsoever good Thing any Man doth the same shall he receive of the Lord whether he be bond or free And ye Masters do the same Things unto them forbearing Threatning knowing that your Master also is in Heaven neither is there Respect of Persons with him Servants obey in all things your Masters according to the Flesh not with Eye-Service as Men-pleasers but in Singleness of Heart Col. 3.22 23 24 25. fearing God And whatsoever ye do do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto Men knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the Reward of the Inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doth Wrong shall receive for the Wrong which he hath done and there is no Respect of Persons Masters give unto your Servants that which is Just and Equal knowing that ye also have a Master in Heaven Col. 4.1 Let as many Servants as are under the Yoke count their own Masters worthy of all Honour 1 Tim. 6.1 2· that the Name of God and his Doctrine be not blasphemed And they that have believing Masters let them not despise them because they are Brethren but rather do them Service because they are faithful and beloved Partakers of the Benefit These things teach and exhort Exhort Servants to be obedient unto their own Masters Tit. 2.9 10. and to please them well in all Things not answering again not purloining but shewing all good Fidelity that they may adorn the Doctrine of God in all Things 1 Pet. 2.18 19 20 21. Servants be subject to your Masters with all Fear not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward for this is Thank-worthy if a Man for Conscience towards God endure Griefs suffering wrongfully For what Glory is it if when ye be buffeted for your Faults ye shall take it patiently but if when ye do well and suffer for it ye take it patiently this is acceptable with God For even hereunto were ye called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an Example that ye should follow his Steps Parents and Children Q. What good Admonitions gives the Scripture as to the Relation betwixt Parents and Children Ephes. 6.1 2 3 4. A. Children Obey your Parents in the Lord for this is right Honour thy Father and thy Mother which is the first Commandment with Promise that it may be well with thee and thou may'st live long on the Earth And ye Fathers provoke not your Children to Wrath but bring them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord. Col. 3.20 21. Children Obey your Parents in all Things for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers provoke not your Children to Anger lest they be discouraged Q. What between Husbands and Wives Husband and Wife A. Wives submit your selves unto your own Husbands as unto the Lord for the Husband is the Head of the Wife even as Christ is the Head of the Church Ephes. 5.22 23 24 25 28 31 33. and he is the Saviour of the Body Therefore as the Church is subject unto Christ so let the Wives be to their own Husbands in every thing Husbands love your Wives even as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it so ought men to love their own Wives as their own Bodies he that loveth his Wife loveth himself for this Cause shall a Man leave his Father and Mother and shall be joined unto his Wife and they two shall be one Flesh. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his Wife even as himself and the Wife see that she Reverence her Husband Col. 3.19 1 Pet. 3.1 2 7. Husbands love your Wives and be not bitter against them Likewise ye Wives be subject to your own Husbands that if any obey not the Word they also may without the Word be won by the Conversation of the Wives while they behold your Chaste Conversation coupled with Fear Likewise ye Husbands dwell with them according to Knowledge giving Honour unto the Wife as unto the weaker Vessel and as being Heirs together of the Grace of Life that your Prayers be not hindered Q. * Christian's Armour What is the Armour of a true Christian and wherewith ought he to wrestle A. † Ephes. 6.11 12 13 14 15 16 17. Put on the whole Armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the Wiles of the Devil for we wrestle not against Flesh and Blood but against Principalities against Powers against the Rulers of the Darkness of this World against Spiritual Wickedness in high Places wherefore take unto you the whole Armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the Evil Day and having done all to stand Stand therefore having your Loins girt about with Truth and having on the Breast-Plate of Righteousness and your Feet shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace above all taking the Shield of Faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery Darts of the Wicked One and take the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God Q. What are Christians Weapons and for what End and Weapons A. For though we walk in the Flesh we do not war after the Flesh for the Weapons of our Warfare are not carnal 2 Cor.
needful for the good Ordering and Disposing all things in their proper Place and for preserving and keeping all things in their right Station did in the Dispensation and Communication of his holy Spirit Minister unto every Member a Measure of the same Spirit yet divers according to Operation for the Edification of the Body some Apostles some Teachers some Pastors some Elders there are Old Men there are Young Men there are Babes For all are not Apostles neither are all Elders neither are all Babes yet are all Members And as such all have a Sense and Feeling of the Life of the Body which from the Head flows unto all the Body as the Ointment of Aaron 's Beard unto the Skirts of his Garment and every Member has its place and Station in the Body so long as it keeps in the Life of the Body and all have need one of another yet is no Member to assume another Place in the Body than God has given it nor yet to grudg or repine its Fellow-member's Place but to be content with its own For the Vncomely Parts are no less needful than the Comely and the less-Honourable than the more-Honourable which the Apostle Paul holds forth in 1 Cor. 12. from Verse 13 to 30. Now the Ground of all Schisms Divisions or Rents in the Body is The Ground of Rents and Divisions when-as any Member assumes another Place than is allotted it or being gone from the Life and Vnity of the Body and loosing the Sense of it le ts in the Murmurer the Eye that watches for Evil and not in holy Care over its Fellow-members And then instead of coming down to Judgment in it self will stand up and judge its Fellow-members yea the whole Body or those whom God has set in a more Honourable and Eminent Place in the Body than it self Such suffer not the Word of Exhortation and term the Reproofs of Instruction which is the Way of Life Imposition and Oppression and are not aware how far they are in the things they Condemn others for while they spare not to reprove and revile all their Fellow-members Yet if they be but admonished themselves they cry out as if their Great Charter of Gospel-Liberty were broken Now though such and the Spirit by which they are acted The Subtilty of that Spirit be sufficiently seen and felt by Thousands whose Hearts God has so established as they are out of Danger of being intangled in that Snare and who have Power and Strength in themselves to judge that Spirit even in its most subtil Appearances yet there are who cannot so well withstand the Subtilty and seeming Sincerity some such pretend to though in measure they have a sight of them and others that cannot so rightly distinguish betwixt the Precious and the Vile and some there are that through Weakness and want of true Discerning may be deceived and the Simplicity in them betrayed for a season as it is written With Fair Speeches and Smooth Words they deceive the Hearts of the Simple Therefore having according to my measure received an Opening in my Understanding as to these things from the Light of the Lord and having been for some time under the weighty sense of them I find at this instant a Freedom to commit them to Writing for the more Universal Benefit and Edification of the Church of CHRIST Now The Heads treated of viz. for the more plain and clear opening and understanding of these things it is fit to sum up this Treatise in these following general Heads to be considered of First From whence the Ground and Cause of this Controversy is the Rise and Root of it Secondly Whether there be now any Order and Government in the Church of Christ Thirdly What is the Order and Government which we plead for in what Cases and how far it may extend in whom the Power decisive is and how it differeth and is wholly another than the Oppressing and Persecuting Principality of the Church of Rome and other Anti-christian Assemblies SECTION II. Concerning the Ground and Cause of this CONTROVERSIE WHenas the Lord God by his mighty Power began to visit the Nations with the Dawning of his Heavenly Day for thus I write unto those The first Dawning of the Heavenly Day of the Lord described that have received and believed the Truth and that he sent forth his Instruments whom he had fitted and prepared for his Work having fashioned them not according to the Wisdom and Will of Man but to his own heavenly Wisdom and Counsel they went forth and preached the Gospel in the Evidence and Demonstration of the Spirit not in the Enticing Words of Man's Wisdom but in Appearance as Fools and Mad And breaking forth to those that judged according to Man But their Words and Testimony pierced through into the Inner Man in the Heart and reached to that of God in the Conscience whereby as many as were simple-hearted and waited for the Redemption of their Souls received them as the Messengers of the Most High God and their Words were unto them not as the Words of Men but as the Words of God for in the receiving and embracing the Testimony of Truth through them they felt their Souls eased and the Acceptable Day began to dawn in and upon them Now what Evidence brought these Men to make their Testimony to be received did they Entice did they flatter did they daub up did they preach Liberty to the Flesh or Will of Man Nay verily they used no such Method their Words were as Thunder-Bolts knocking down all that stood in their Way and pouring down the Judgment of God upon the Head of the Transgressor every where Did they spare the Zealous Professor more than the open Profane Nay verily they condemned equally the Hypocrisy of the one as well as the Profanity of the other yet wanted they not Regard to the tender Seed and Plant of God in either Did they give way Did they yield to the Wisdom of Man To the Deceitfulness of the Serpent that would reason Truth for themselves saying I must stay until I be Convinced of this and that and the other thing I see not yet this to be wrong or the other thing to be my Duty How did they knock down this manner of Reasoning by the Spirit of God which wrought mightily in them shewing and holding forth that this is the Day of the Lord that is dawned that all are invited to come that none ought to tarry behind that that which so pleadeth is the same Spirit which of old time said in those that were invited I cannot come yet I must first marry a Wife I must go prove my Yoke of Oxen I must go visit my Possessions let me first bury my dead Father Did not the Lord through them testify and declare against these things and is there not a Cloud of Witnesses who felt the Enemy thus reasoning to keep us in the Forms Fellowships false Worships and
Appearance to Compass it It must be all called a Zeal for the House of God which if it only Ate up those that had it would be less Mischievous to the World but it Eats up other Folks It breaks Society violates Relation Invades Property Robs God and destroys Man a Fire of Hell not of Heaven for truly and excellently Speaking that is Love This Spirit Destroys instead of Informing Christ's Spirit Intreats Informs and finally Saves both Body and Soul People tinctured with this Religious or rather Irreligious Venom are the worse for their Religion their Natures are more Sowred their Dispositions more Testy less Bowels less Humility a worse Neighbour The good Samaritan is of more Worth than a whole Synagogue of them Reader beware of this Leaven of the Circumcision the Pharisee the spiteful Formalist that vext Paul every-where and were the great Enemies and Sticklers against the Truth in Power and Life Their Generation is yet living and sown too much about the World and seem to be the Lords of it But for all their Wisdom and Power and the fair Shew they make in the Flesh some after one Fashion and some after another Know Reader that Great is the Truth and it shall prevail The Lamb shall have the Victory who is the Light Rev. 21. and in the Despised Light of the Lamb must the Nations of them that are saved Walk The other Extream is quite the Contrary as all Extreams are but not so hurtful to the Concerns of this Life though perhaps not less pernitious to the Inward Man and in which Satan Acts a part for the most part out of Sight by which he Craftily Deceives and Ensnares some that are Simple-hearted and Commendable Livers viz. Loving all equally without due Distinction whatever their Perswasions be and standing loose of all as to a Formal Communion yet by their Latitude are in a sort of all and Intitle themselves both by their Indifferency and their Love to an Interest in them all and all to an Interest in them Our Author is weighty upon this Head he shews what Love is its Excellency in its Root and Fruit What Distinctions and Limitations true Love observes and what People and Principles now Extant in the World have the Rightfullest Claim to this Vniversal Love from their Universality and Gentleness To which I Recommend the Reader taking this along with him That true Love from Man springs from God's Love to Man They that have Tasted of God's Goodness and have had their own Hearts softned by it have an Extraordinary Tenderness to Mankind It is a most engaging Vertue It Covers Forgives Excuses Conquers all nothing can stand before it They that have known the Power of it feel all Peoples Infirmities and Sympathise with every one's Condition They hate nothing but Sin they love all can help and serve all but especially the Houshold of Faith But it is speculating this Love too far to Love all alike as these Vniversalists tell us For in Nature People do Love their Parents Brethren Husbands Wives and Children better than others and we cannot but Love the Religious Family we are of more because we feel them nearer to us than another But this it may be will not be denied in a sort but then the proper Sense is somewhat Equivocated viz. I find says one the Family of God every where in every Form and Sect and that is my Church which I love and for that Reason I love every Society and can Communicate as I see Cause with every one of them It is Certain we ought to See and Love the good in all and so far as Virtue shines in any Person whatever is their Perswasion so far there is a Loveliness it is Comely and of Good Report And though of a very differing Apprehension as to Revealed and Traditional Points of Religion yet they are to be loved nay Enemies Phil. 4.8 Heb. 6.1 2. Matt. 5.44 such as are Injurious to us in the highest Degree But all this is with a Grain of Salt under Restriction and with due Bounds For I am not obliged to Turn Jew Turk or Indian because I Honour their Virtue and Love their Persons as Fellow-Creatures Nor am I bound to Love an Enemy with the same Degree of Love I have for one that is my Friend Benefactor or Relation To Worship God with those that though Sober and Upright among Men VVorship him in Ways my Conscience tells me are below if not Contrary to the Nature of God his Revealed Will and my own Sense of Duty and Worship is an Extream that makes all Ways of Worship Indifferent and in Consequence Impeaches the Dispensations of God that have been to Carry Men farther and to Leave and Forget those things that are behind Yea Phil. 3.13 it causes the Offence of the Cross of God's Day and Dispensation to Cease especially in Trying and Suffering Times and opens a Door to a dangerous Temporizing Paul according to this Doctrine was much in the wrong Gal. 2.11 12 14. that he Reproved Peter for his Complacency with the Jews And indeed our Saviour and his Apostles will not Escape Blameless for Changing that Constitution if it were Lawful for them to Continue to VVorship God in the Jewish Manner Nor did the Primitive Christians well to be devoured by Wild Beasts if they might have been permitted to Symbolize with the Heathen For it is certain there were many Extraordinary Gentiles the Followers of Plato Zeno Seneca Epictetus Plutarch Marc. Aurelius Antoninus c. in those Times that have left the Just Fame of Virtue to their Names by their sober Lives and rare VVritings I may Converse kindly but I cannot VVorship with one I differ from even about that very VVay of VVorship and if this be a Fault we must impeach our Protestant Ancestors too But on the other hand I must be Careful I suffer not my self to be Carried beyond Bounds in Dissent neither the Difference must never Run so far as to beget a Dislike and much less an Aversion of Spirit to his Person or Conversation that I Differ from this were sinful yet alas too Common and it may be an hard Task to Conquer and a True Mark of Discipleship in all that Overcome it God Almighty Root out and Expel that Make-bait-Spirit among Men that where there is not an Vnity for that comes up to Faith and VVorship we may Exercise true Charity and Forbearance especially where there is any sincere Appearance of the Common Faith Tit. 1.4 Heb. 1.1 2. and the Fruits of a Fear towards God in general But as God has Appeared at sundry Times and in divers Manners since the World began so it was the VVay of his Spirit and Method of his Providence to gather up the Sincere-minded into one as so many Grains do Form one Lump And therefore the Apostle to the Corinthians calls the Believers one Bread unto which 1 Cor. 10.17 as a Standard others were to be gathered and upon which
had the thing declared unto them retiring to the inward Testimony of the same Spirit in themselves did feel Vnion therewith and such as went along did not only find a true liberty which might have sufficed but some of them a necessity to Concur with it And as for the carrying of the Hat and Cloak it was altogether Extrinsick being neither Essential nor Circumstantial to the thing nor so looked upon by these who did it Yet the Carping thereat shews in the Proposer a Critical mind very void of seriousness which the Lord as of purpose to starve hath permitted him to build that part of the Query in relation to A. H's Wife upon a false Report the thing being a manifest Vntruth And in Answer to the second Proposition of the Premisses it 's the alone immediate Testimony of the Spirit of God that can truly discover all false Pretenders and Delusions which if any can let them deny without overturning the Basis of all Christian Religion and rendering the Faith of the Saints in all Ages Vncertain R. B. A CATECHISM AND Confession of Faith Approved of and Agreed unto by the GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PATRIARCHS PROPHETS and APOSTLES CHRIST himself CHIEF SPEAKER In and Among them Which containeth A True and Faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers yet are found in the one Faith with the Primitive Church and Saints as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture-Testimonies without Consequences or Commentaries which are here Collected and Inserted by way of Answer to a Few Weighty yet Easie and Familiar Questions fitted as well for the Wisest and Largest as for the Weakest and Lowest Capacities To which is added An EXPOSTVLATION with and APPEAL to all other Professors By R B. a Servant of the Church of Christ. JOHN 5.39 40. Search the Scriptures or Ye search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life and they are they which testifie of me that ye might have Life LONDON Printed for Thomas Northcott in George-Yard in Lumbard-Street 1691. THE PREFACE TO THE READER READER SInce first that great Apostacy took place in the Hearts and Heads of those who began even in the Apostles days to depart from the Simplicity and Purity of the Gospel as it was then delivered in its Primitive Splendor and Integrity innumerable have been the manifold Inventions and Traditions the different and various Notions and Opinions wherewith Man by giving way to the vain and airy Imaginations of his own unstable Mind hath burdened the Christian Faith So that indeed first by adding these things and afterwards by equalling them if not exalting them above the Truth they have at last come to be substitute in the stead of it so that in process in time Truth came to be shut out of doors and another thing placed in the room thereof having a Shew and a Name but wanting the Substance and Thing it self Nevertheless it pleased God to raise up Witnesses for himself almost in every Age and Generation who according to the Discoveries they received bore some Testimony less or more against the Superstition and Apostacy of the time and in special manner through the appearing of that Light which first broke forth in Germany about One hundred and fifty years ago and afterwards reached divers other Nations the Beast received a deadly Wound and a very great Number did at one time Protest against and Rescind from the Church of Rome in divers of their most gross and sensual Doctrines and superstitious Traditions But alas It is for matter of lamentation that the Successors of these Protestants are Establishing and Building up in themselves that which their Fathers were pulling down instead of prosecuting and going on with so Good and Honourable a Work which will easily appear The generality of all Protestants though in many other things miserably Rent and Shattered among themselves do agree in dividing from the Church of Rome in these two particulars First That every Principle and Doctrine of the Christian Faith is and ought to be founded upon the Scripture and that whatsoever Principles or Doctrines are not only not contrary but even not according thereto ought to be denied as Antichristian Secondly That the Scriptures themselves are Plain and Easie to be understood and that every private Christian and Member of the Church ought to read and peruse them that they may know their Faith and Belief founded upon them and receive them for that Cause alone and not because any Church or Assembly has Compounded and Recommended them the Choicest and Most-pure of which they are obliged to look upon as Fallible Now contrary to this their known and acknowledged Principle they do most vigorously prosecute and persecute others with the like Severity the Papists did their Fathers for believing things that are plainly set down in the Scriptures and for not believing divers Principles for which themseves are forc'd to recur to Tradition and can by no means prove from Scripture To shew which I shall not here insist having alotted a Chapter for it in the Book it self because to put it here would swell beyond the bounds of a Preface Oh! How like do they shew themselves I mention it with Regret to the Scribes and Pharisees of Old who of all men most cried up and exalted Moses and the Prophets boasting greatly of being Abraham's Children And yet those were they that were the greatest Opposers and Vilifiers of Christ to whom Moses and all the Prophets gave Witness yea their chief Accusations and Exceptions against Christ was as being a Breaker of the Law and a Blasphemer Can there any Comparison run more parallel seeing there is now found a People who are greatly Persecuted and bitterly Reviled and Accused as Hereticks by a Generation that cry up and exalt the Scriptures And yet this Peoples Principles are found in Scripture Word by Word though the most grievous and indeed the greatest Calumny cast upon them is that they Vilifie and Deny the Scriptures and set up their own Imaginations instead of them To disprove which this Catechism and Confession of Faith is Compiled and presented to thy Serious and Impartial View If thou lovest the Scripture indeed and desirest to hold the plain Doctrines there delivered and not these Strained and Far-fetch'd Consequences which Men have invented thou shalt easily observe the whole Principles of the People called QUAKERS plainly couched in Scripture-Words without Addition or Commentary especially in those things their Adversaries Oppose them in where the Scripture plainly decideth the Controversie for them without Nicities and School-Distinctions which have been the Wisdom by which the World hath not known God and the Words which have been multiplied without knowledge by which Counsel hath been darkned In the Answers to the Questions there is not one Word that I know of placed but the
being Matter of Principles received and believed it is not my Work here to debate them only since they are received and owned as such for which we can and have given our sufficient Reasons elsewhere as for our other Principles we ought to care how any by walking otherwise bring Reproach upon us Yet not to pass them wholly by as to the First Besides the Testimony of the Spirit of God in our Hearts which is the Original Ground of our Faith in all things we have the Testimony of the Apostle Paul 2 Cor. 6.14 Be ye not unequally yoked together c. Now if any should think it were much from this Scripture to plead it absolutely unlawful in any Case to join in Marriage with any however otherwise Sober because of their not being one with us in all Things I shall speak my Judgment To me it appears so and to many more who have obtained Mercy and we think we have the Spirit of God But whether it be lawful or not I can say positively It is not Expedient neither doth it Edify and as that which is of dangerous Consequence doth give justly Offence to the Church of Christ and therefore no true tender Heart will prefer his private Love to the Good and Interest of the whole Body As for the Second Test. 2. Against the Priests Vsurpations In that we deny the Priests their Assumed Authority and Power to Marry it is that which in no wise we can Refile from nor can we own any in the doing of it it being a part of our Testimony against the Vsurpations of that Generation who never yet that I ever heard of could produce any Scripture-proof or Example for it And seeing none can pretend Conscience in the Matter for they themselves confess that it is no part of the Essence of Marriage if any pretending to be among us should through Fear Interest or Prejudice to the Truth come under and bow to that Image have we not Reason to deny such Slavish and Ignoble Spirits as mind not Truth and its Testimony Lastly Seeing if any walking with us Test. 3. Against forbidden Degrees of Consanguinity and Pre-engagements c. or going under the same Name should hastily or disorderly go together either being within the Degrees of Consanguinity which the Law of God forbids or that either Party should have been formerly under any Tye or Obligation to others or any other vast Disproportion which might bring a just Reflection upon us from our Opposers Can any blame us for taking Care to prevent these Evils by appointing that such as so design make known their Intentions to these Churches or Assemblies where they are most known that if any know just Cause of Hinderance it may be mentioned and a Timous Let put to the Hurt either by stopping it if they can be brought to Condescend or by refusing to be Witnesses and Concurrers with them in it if they will not For we take not upon us to hinder any to Marry otherwise than by Advice or Disconcerning our selves neither do we judge that such as do Marry contrary to our Mind that therefore their Marriage is null and void in it self or may be Dissolved afterwards Nay All our medling is in a holy Care for the Truth For if the Thing be Right all that we do is to be Witnesses and if otherwise that we may say for our Vindication to such as may upbraid us therewith that we Advised otherwise and did no ways Concur in the Matter that so they may bear their own Burden and the Truth and People of God be cleared Now I am confident What kind of Persons cannot bear the good Order of Truth that our Way herein is so answerable to Reason and Christianity that none will blame us therefore except either such whose Irregular and Impatient Lusts cannot suffer a Serious and Christian Examination and an advised and moderate Procedure or such who watching for Evil against us are sorry we should proceed so Orderly and would rather we should suffer all manner of Irregularities and Abominations that they might have the more to say against us But the Solid and Real Reasons we have for our Way herein will sufficiently plead for us in the Hearts of all Sober Men and moreover the Testimony of God's Spirit in our Hearts doth abundantly Confirm us both against the Folly of the one and the Envy of the other Fourthly There being nothing more needful than to preserve Men and Women in Righteousness after they are brought into it and also nothing more certain 4. Our Care for Restoring or Separating Offenders than that the great Enemy of Man's Soul seeks daily how he may draw back again and catch those who have in some measure escaped his Snares and known Deliverance from them therefore do we also Meet together that we may receive an Opportunity to understand if any have fallen under his Temptations that we may Restore them again if possible or otherwise Separate them from us Surely if we did not so we might be justly blamed as such among whom it were lawful to Commit any Evil unreproved indeed this were to be guilty of that Libertinism which some have falsly accused us of and which hath been our Care all along as became the People of God to avoid therefore we have sought always to keep the House clean by faithfully Reproving and Removing according to the Nature of the Offence and the Scandal following thereupon private things privately and publick things publickly We desire not to propagate Hurt and defile Peoples Minds with telling them such things as tend not to Edifie yet do we not so Cover over or Smooth over any Wickedness as not to deal roundly with the Persons guilty and causing them to take away the Scandal in their Acknowledgment before all to whose Knowledge it hath come Yet judge we not our selves obliged to tell that in Gath or publish that in the Streets of Askelon which makes the Daughters of the Vncircumcised Rejoice or strengthen Atheists and Ranters in their Obduredness who feed more upon the Failings of the Saints than to Imitate their true Repentance And therefore where we find an Vnfeigning Returning to the Lord we desire not to Remember that which the Lord hath forgotten nor yet to throw Offences in the Way of the Weak that they may stumble upon them And therefore I conclude that our Care as to these Things also is most needful and a part of that Order and Government which the Church of Christ never was nor can be without as doth abundantly appear by divers Scriptures heretofore mentioned SECTION VI. How far this Government doth extend in Matters Spiritual and purely Conscientious THus far I have considered the Order and Government of the Church as it respects Outward things and its Authority in Condemning or Removing such things which in themselves are Evil as being those which none will readily justifie the Necessity of which things is such that
preaching to the Gentiles and what Weight his and James's Words had in the Contest about Circumcision towards the bringing the Matter to a Conclusion Acts 15. Yet that we may see Infallibility was not inseparably annexed to him he was found blamable in a certain Matter Gal. 2.11 notwithstanding his Sentence was positively received in many particulars So also the Apostle Paul argues from his Gathering of the Churches of Corinth and Galatia that they ought to be Followers of him and positively Concludes in divers Things and upon this Supposition exhorts the Churches both he and Peter in many Passages heretofore mentioned which I will not to avoid Repetition again rehearse To obey the Elders that watch for them to hold such in Reputation and to submit themselves to them that have addicted themselves to the Ministry of the Saints 1 Cor. 16.15 16. Also we see how the Lord makes use of John his beloved Disciple to Inform and Reprove the seven Churches of Asia and no doubt John the Rest by the usual Computation being at that Time all Removed was then the most-noted and famous Elder alive And indeed I mind not where under the Gospel Christ hath used any other Method but that he always in Revealing his Will hath made use of such as he himself had before appointed Elders and Officers in his Church Though it be far from us to limit the Lord so as to Exclude any from this Priviledge nor yet on the other hand will the Possibility hereof be a sufficient Warrant to allow every obscure Member to stand up and offer to Rule Judge and Condemn the whole Body nor yet is it without Cause that such an one's Message is Jealoused and called in Question unless it have very great Evidence and be bottomed upon some very weighty and solid Cause and Foundation And God doth so furnish those whom he raises up in a singular Manner of which as I said I mind no Instance in the New Testament and in the Old we see though it was strange that little David should Oppose himself to the great Goliah yet he had before that killed both the Lion and the Bear which was no less improbable and which of all is most observable was before that Time by the Appointment of God and the Hand of the Prophet Anointed King of Israel Compare the 16th and 17th Chap. of the 1 st of Samuel Now as to the Third That any particular Persons de facto or effectually Assert 3 giving out a positive Judgment Proved is no Incroaching nor Imposing upon their Brethren's Conscience is necessarily included in what is said before upon which for further Probation there will only need this short Reflection That for any Member or Members in Obedience to the Lord to give forth a positive Judgment in the Church of Christ is their proper Place and Office they being called to it and so for them to exercise that Place in the Body which the Head moves them to is not to Vsurp Authority over their Fellow-Members As on the other Hand to submit and obey it being the Place of some so to do is not a Renouncing a being led by the Spirit seeing the Spirit leads them so to do And not to Obey in Case the Judgment be according to Truth and the Spirit lead to it is no doubt both Offensive and Sinfull And that all this may be supposed in the Church of Christ without Absurdity and so establish the above-mentioned Propositions will appear by a short Review of the former Passages If that Peter and James their giving a positive Judgment in the Case of Difference in divers particulars did not infer them to be Imposers so neither will any so doing now being led to it by the same Authority Every one may easily make the Application And on the Contrary if for any to have stood up and Resisted their Judgment pretending an Vnclearness or so and thereby held up the Difference after their Sentence breaking the Peace and Vnity of the Church Things being concluded with an It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us I say if such would have given just Cause of Offence Acts 15.21 and have been Cut off as Despisers of Dignities of old will not the like Case now occurring hold the same Conclusion Now whether those Propositions do not hold upon the Principles before laid down and proved I leave to every Judicious and Impartial Reader to judge Moreover we see how positive the Apostle Paul is in many particulars throughout all his Epistles insomuch as he saith 2 Thess. ult v. 14. If any Man obey not our Word by this Epistle note that Man and have no Company with him that he may be ashamed And in many more Places before-mentioned where he Commands them both to Obey him and several others Submission and Obedience to the Judgment of Truth the Spirit of God leads into who were Appointed no doubt by the Spirit of God to be Rulers among them and yet who will say that either the Apostle did more than he ought in Commanding or they less than they were obliged to in Submitting and yet neither were to do any thing Contrary or more than the Spirit of God in themselves led them to or allowed them in And if the Church of God bear any Parity or Proportion now in these Days with what it did of Old as I know no Reason why it should not the same things may now be supposed to take Effect that did then and also be lawfully done upon the like Occasion proceeding from the same Spirit and established upon the same Basis and Foundation And thus much as to that Part to shew In whom the Power of Decision is Which being seriously and impartially considered is sufficient to clear us from the Tyranny either of Popery or any other of that Nature with those that are not either wilfully Blind or very Ignorant of Popish Principles as the Judicious Reader may observe But seeing To manifest that Difference was one of those things propsoed to be Considered of I shall now come to say something of it in its proper Place Section VIII How this Government altogether differeth from the Oppressing and Persecuting Principality of the Church of Rome and other Anti-Christian Assemblies Head III. WHatever Way we understand the Popish Principles in this Matter Prop. 3 whether of those that are Most devoted to the See of Rome as the King of Spain's Dominions Proved and the Princes of Italy the Jesuites and Generality of all those called Religious Orders who hold that Papa in Cathedrâ non potest errare licet absque Concilio that is That the Pope in his Chair cannot Err though without a Council or of those that are Less devoted who plead this Infallibility in the Pope and Council lawfully Convened who yet by the more zealous are reckoned Petty Schismaticks I say whatever Way we take them all those that do profess themselves Members of the Romish Church Principles
is so much the better that the Elders and greater Number do agree to it and if Wrong their Affirming of it will not make it Right And truly a Gathering where the Elders and greater Number are always or most frequently Wrong and the Younger and lesser Number Right is such as we cannot suppose the True Church of Christ to be And if any will plead that there is now no Infallible Judgment to be expected from the Spirit of God in the Church it no doubt will leave the Dissenters as much in the Mist and at as great a loss as those they Dissent from both being no better than blind men hitting at random which will turn Christianity into Scepticism And though we may acknowledge that this Vncertainty prevails in the generality of those called Churches yet we do firmly believe for the Reasons above declared and many more that might be given That the True Church of Christ has a more solid stable Foundation and being never separated from Christ her Head walks in a more certain steady and unerring Path. The CONCLUSION THE Substance then of what is Asserted and Proved in this Treatise resolves in these following Particulars A Summary Recollection of the whole First That in the Church of Christ when it Consists of a visible People for I speak not here of the Church in the dark Night of Apostacy that consisted not of any Society visibly united gathered into the Belief of certain Principles and united in the joint Performance of the Worship of God as Meeting together praying preaching c. there is and still must be a Certain Order and Government Secondly That this Government as to the Outward Form of it Consists of Certain Meetings Appointed principally for that End yet not so as to exclude Acts of Worship if the Spirit move thereunto Thirdly The Object of this Government is twofold Outwards and Inwards The Outwards relate mainly to the Care of the Poor of Widows and Fatherless where may be also included Marriages and the Removing of all Scandals in things undeniably wrong The Inwards respect an Apostacy either in Principles or Practices that have a Pretence of Conscience and that either in Denying some Truths already Received and Believed or Asserting New Doctrines that ought not to be Received Which again to subdivide may either be in Things Fundamental 1674 and of great moment or in things of less Weight in themselves yet proceeding from a Wrong Spirit and which in the natural and certain Consequence of them tend to make Schisms Divisions Animosities and in sum to break that Bond of Love and Vnity that is so needful to be upheld and established in the Church of Christ. And here come also under this Consideration all Emulations Strifes Backbitings and evil Surmisings Fourthly That in the True Church of Christ according to the Definition above given of it there will in such Cases of Differences and Controversies still be an Infallible Judgment from the Spirit of God either in one or other few or more Fifthly That this Infallible Judgment is only and unalterably annexed and seated in the Spirit and Power of God not to any particular Person or Persons Meeting or Assembly by vertue of any setled Ordination Office Place or Station that such may have or have had in the Church no Man Men nor Meeting standing or being Invested in any Authority in the Church of Christ upon other Terms than so long as he or they abide in the living Sense and Vnity of the Life in their own particulars which whosoever one or more inwardly departs from ipso facto loses all Authority Office or certain Discerning he or they formerly have had though retaining the true Principles and sound Form and may be not fall'n into any gross Practices as may declare them generally to be thus withered and decayed Sixthly That Jesus Christ under the Gospel hath ordinarily Revealed his Will in such Cases through the Elders and Ministers of the Church or a General Meeting whose Testimony is neither to be despised or rejected without good Cause Neither is their taking upon them Really to Decide any just Ground to charge them with Imposition or to quarrel their Judgment unless it can be proved that they are decayed and have lost their Discerning as above Seventhly That to Submit and Obey in such Cases is no detracting from the Common Priviledge of Christians to be Inwardly led by the Spirit seeing the Spirit has led some heretofore so to do and yet may And that every Pretence of Vnclearness is not a Sufficient Excuse for Disobedience seeing that may proceed from Obstinacy or a Mind prepossessed with Prejudice Yet say I not any ought to do it before they be Clear and who are every Right will not want Clearness in what They ought to do And Lastly That these Principles are no ways tainted with Imposition or contrary to true Liberty of Conscience And that they fundamentally differ from the Vsurpations both of Popery Prelacy and Presbytery or any other of that Nature Robert Barclay Robert Barclay HIS VINDICATION year 1679 WHEREIN The Scruples and Mistakes some have had touching his Book called The Anarchy of the Ranters are Cleared and the Ground upon which W. R's Papers against it are Built Removed the Substance of the Papers being briefly Answered by way of EPISTLE to FRIENDS who therein have or may be Concern'd Which may serve as an EXPLANATORY P0ST-SCRIPT to Robert Barclay's Book of GOVERNMENT Aberdeen-Prison the Sixth of the First Month 1679. Dear Friends and Brethren UNTO all my Dear Friends and Brethren unto whose Hands this Paper may come or who may be any ways more particularly Concerned in the Contents hereof The Salutation of my unfeigned Love in that Vnchangable Truth whereunto it hath pleased the Lord to Call me according to his great Mercy so as to be a Partaker in some measure of the Peace and Glory which in this Day is Revealed wherewith my heart hath been often filled as I have Waited in Faithfulness according to the Dispensation of Light Manifested in me and to me And since it hath pleased God to make me a Living Witness of the pretious Truth and to Commit unto me any Share of the Ministry thereof my Conscience bears me Witness in the sight of God that I have Laboured according to my Knowledge to follow Love and Peace with all my Brethren R. B's Ministry and to do those things which might tend to advance strengthen and confirm Vnity and Brotherly Love as also to Avoid what had a tendency to beget Strife Jealousies or Evil Surmises Likewise I have studied as well in my Publick Testimony His Writings as in my Writings to beware of any thing that to my Understanding might minister just Occasion of Stumbling or Offcence to the least of my Brethren or the youngest and weakest Babe in the Truth as such as are Conversant with me i● my own Country as well as those elsewhere where I have
from it and turn it to wantonness making shipwrack of Faith and after having tasted of the Heavenly Gift and being made partakers of the Holy Ghost again fall away Yet such an increase and stability in the Truth may in this life be attained from which there cannot be any Apostacy The Tenth Proposition Concerning the Ministry As by this Gift or Light of God all true Knowledge in things Spiritual is Received and Revealed so by the same as it is manifested and received in the heart by the strength and power thereof every true Minister of the Gospel is Ordained prepared and supplied in the Work of the Ministry and by the leading moving and drawing hereof ought every Evangelist and Christian Pastor to be led and ordered in his labour and work of the Gospel both as to the Place where as to the Person to whom and as to the Times when he is to Minister Moreover who have this Authority may and ought to Preach the Gospel though without humane Commission or Literature as on the other hand who want the Authority of this Divine Gift however Learned or Authorized by the Commissions of Men and Churches are to be esteemed but as Deceivers and not true Ministers of the Gospel Also who have received this holy and unspotted Gift as they have freely received so are they freely to give without Hire or Bargaining far less to use it as a Trade to get Money by it Matth. 10. Yet if God hath called any from their Imployments or Trades by which they acquire their Livelihood it may be lawful for such according to the Liberty which they feel given them in the Lord to receive such Temporals to wit what may be needful to them for Meat and Cloathing as are freely given them by those to whom they have Communicated Spirituals The Eleventh Proposition Concerning Worship All true and acceptable Worship to God is offered in the inward and immediate moving and drawing of his own Spirit which is neither limited to Places Times or Persons For though we be to Worship him always in that we are to fear before him yet as to the outward signification thereof in Prayers Praises or Preachings we ought not to do it where and when we will but where and when we are moved thereunto by the secret Inspirations of his Spirit in our hearts which God heareth and accepteth of and is never wanting to move us thereunto when need is of which he himself is the alone proper Judge All other Worship then both Praises Prayers and Preachings which man sets about in his own Will and at his own Appointment which he can both begin and end at his pleasure do or leave undone as himself sees meet whether they be a prescribed Form as a Liturgy or Prayers conceived Extemporarily by the natural strength and faculty of the mind they are all but Superstitions Will-worship and abominable Idolatry in the sight of God which are to be denied Ezek. 13. Matth. 10.20 Acts 2.4 18 5. rejected and separated from in this day of his Spiritual Arising however it might have pleased him who winked at the times of Ignorance with a respect to the simplicity and integrity of some John 3.6 4.21 and of his own Innocent Seed which lay as it were buried in the hearts of men under the Mass of Superstition To blow upon the dead and dry bones Jude 19. Acts 17.23 and to raise some Breathings and Answer them and that until the Day should more clearly dawn and break forth The Twelfth Proposition Concerning Baptism As there is one Lord and one Faith so there is one Baptism Eph. 4.5 1 Pet. 3.21 Rom. 6.4 Gal. 3.27 Col. 2.12 John 3.30 which is not the putting away the filth of the flesh but the Answer of a good Conscience before God by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. And this Baptism is a Pure and Spiritual thing to wit the Baptism of the Spirit and Fire by which we are buried with him that being washed and purged from our sins we may walk in Newness of Life 1 Cor. 1.17 Of which the Baptism of John was a figure which was Commanded for a Time and not to Continue for ever As to the Baptism of Infants it is a meer human Tradition for which neither Precept nor Practice is to be found in all the Scripture The Thirteenth Proposition Concerning the Communion or Participation of the body and blood of Christ. The Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ is Inward and Spiritual which is the participation of this flesh and Blood 1 Cor. 10.16 17. John 6.32 33 55. 1 Cor. 5.8 by which the Inward man is daily nourished in the hearts of those in whom Christ dwells Of which things the breaking of Bread by Christ with his Disciples was a Figure which they even used in the Church for a time who had received the Substance for the Cause of the Weak even as Abstaining from things strangled and from blood Acts 15.20 the Washing one anothers feet and the Anointing of the Sick with Oil all which are Commanded with no less Authority and Solemnity than the former John 13.14 yet seeing they are but the shadows of better things James 5.14 they Cease in such as have obtained the Substance The Fourteenth Proposition Concerning the Power of the Civil Magistrate in Matters purely Religious and pertaining to the Conscience Since God hath assumed to himself the Power and Dominion of the Conscience who alone can rightly instruct and govern it therefore it is not lawful for any whatsoever Luke 9.55 56. Matth. 7.12 29. Tit. 3.10 by virtue of any Authority or Principality they bear in the Government of this World To force the Consciences of others And therefore all Killing Banishing Fining Imprisoning and other such things which men are Afflicted with for the alone Exercise of their Conscience or difference in Worship or Opinion proceedeth from the Spirit of Cain the Murtherer and is contrary to the Truth Providing always that no Man under the pretence of Conscience prejudice his Neighbour in his Life or Estate or do any thing destructive to or inconsistent with Human Society in which Case the Law is for the Transgressor and Justice is to be administred upon all without Respect of Persons The Fifteenth Proposition Concerning Salutations and Recreations c. Seeing the Chief End of all Religion is To Redeem Man from the Spirit and vain Conversation of this World and to lead into inward Communion with God before whom if we Fear always we are accounted Happy Eph. 5.11 1 Pet. 1.14 John 5.44 Jer. 10.3 Acts 10.26 Matth. 15.13 Col. 2.8 Therefore all the vain Customs and Habits thereof both in word and deed are to be rejected and forsaken by those who come to this Fear Such as the Taking off the Hat to a Man the Bowings and Cringings of the Body and other such Salutations of that kind with all the foolish and superstitious
to all the Saints that then were So that according to these mens Comment there should be a very unnecessary and foolish Redundancy in the Apostle's words as if he had said He is a Propitiation not only for the sins of all Believers but for the sins of all Believers Is not this to make the Apostle's words void of good sense Let them shew us wherever there is such a manner of speaking in all the Scripture where any of the Pen-men first name the Believers in Concretô with themselves and then Contra-distinguish them from some other whole World of Believers That Whole World if it be of Believers must not be the World we live in But we need no better Interpreter for the Apostle than himself who uses the very same Expression and Phrase in the same Epistle c. 5.19 saying We know that we are of God and the Whole World lieth in Wickedness there cannot be found in all the Scripture two places which run more parallel seeing in both the same Apostle in the same Epistle to the same persons Contra-distinguisheth himself and the Saints to whom he writes from the Whole World which according to these mens Commentary ought to be understood of Believers as if John had said We know particular Believers are of God but the whole World of Believers lieth in wickedness what Absurd Wresting of Scripture were this and yet it may be as well pleaded for as the other for they differ not at all Seeing then that the Apostle John tells us plainly that Christ not only died for him and for the Saints and Members of the Church of God to whom he wrote but for the Whole World Let us then hold it for a Certain and Vndoubted Truth notwithstanding the Cavils of such as Oppose This might also be proved from many more Scripture-Testimonies if it were at this Season needful All the Fathers so called and Doctors of the Church for the first four Centuries preached this Doctrine according to which they boldly held forth the Gospel of Christ The Heathens invited to Salvation none predestinated to Damnation and Efficacy of his Death Inviting and Intreating the Heathens to Come and be Partakers of the Benefits of it shewing them how there was a Door open for them ALL to be Saved through Jesus Christ not telling them that God had predestinated any of them to Damnation or had made Salvation Impossible to them by with-holding Power and Grace necessary to believe from them But of many of their Sayings which might be Alledged I shall only Instance a Few Augustine on Psalm 95. saith The Blood of Christ is of so great Proof 4 worth that it is of no less value than the Whole World Prosper ad Gall. c. 9. The Testimonies of the Fathers and Doctors of the first Church that Christ died for all The Redeemer of the World gave his Blood for the World and the World would not be Redeemed because the Darkness did not receive the Light He that saith the Saviour was not Crucified for the Redemption of the Whole World looks not to the vertue of the Sacrament but to the part of Infidels since the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is the price of the Whole World from which Redemption they are Strangers who either delighting in their Captivity would not be Redeemed or after they were Redeemed Returned to the same Servitude The same Prosper in his Answer to Vincentius's first Objection Seeing therefore because of one Common Nature and Cause in Truth undertaken by our Lord all are rightly said to be Redeemed and nevertheless all are not brought out of Captivity the Property of Redemption without doubt belongeth to those from whom the Prince of this World is shut out and now are not Vessels of the Devil but Members of Christ whose Death was so bestowed upon Mankind that it belonged to the Redemption of such who were not to be Regenerated but so that that which was done by the Example of one for all might by a singular Mystery be Celebrated in every one For the Cup of Immortality which is made up of our Infirmity and the Divine Power hath indeed that in it which may profit all but if it be not Drunk it doth not Heal. The Author de Vocat Gentium lib. 11. cap. 6. There is no Cause to doubt but that our Lord Jesus Christ died for sinners and wicked men and if there can be any found who may be said not to be of this Number Christ hath not died for all he made himself a Redeemer for the Whole World Chrysostom on John 1. If he Inlightens every man coming into the World how comes it that so many men remain without Light For all do not so much as Acknowledge Christ how then doth he Inlighten every man He Illuminates indeed so far as in him is but if any of their own Accord closing the Eyes of their Mind will not direct their Eyes unto the Beams of this Light The Cause of remaining in Darkness the Cause that they remain in Darkness is not from the Nature of the Light but through their own Malignity who willingly have rendred themselves Vnworthy of so great a Gift But why believed they not Because they would not Christ did his part The Arelatensian Synod held about the Year 490. pronounced him Accursed who should say That Christ hath not died for all or that he would not have all men to be saved Ambrose on Psal. 118. Serm. 8. The Mystical Sun of Righteousness is arisen to all he came to all he suffered for all and rose again for all And therefore he suffered that he might take away the sin of the World But if any one Believe not in Christ he Robbs himself of this general Benefit even as if one by Closing the Windows should hold out the Sun-beams The Sun-beams shut out heat not the Sun is not therefore not Arisen to all because such a one hath so robbed himself of its Heat but the Sun keeps its prerogative It is such a ones Imprudence that he shuts himself out from the Common Benefit of the Light The same man in his 11 th Book of Cain and Abel cap. 13. saith Therefore he brought unto all the Means of Health that whosoever should perish may ascribe to himself the Causes of his Death who would not be Cured when he had the Remedy by which he might have Escaped § IX Seeing then that this Doctrine of the Vniversality of Christ's Death is so Certain and Agreeable to the Scripture's Testimony and to the Sense of the purest Antiquity it may be wondered how so many some whereof have been Esteemed not only Learned but also Pious have been Capable to Fall into so gross and strange an Error But the Cause of this doth evidently appear in that the Way and Method by which the Vertue and Efficacy of this Death is Communicated to all men hath not been rightly understood or indeed hath been Erroneously Affirmed
Rational Principle sets it self up there above the Seed of God to reign and rule as a Prince in Spiritual things while the Holy Seed is wounded and bruised there is Anti-Christ in every man or somewhat Exalted above and against Christ. Neverthless we do not hereby Affirm as if Man had received his Reason to no purpose or to be of no Service unto him in no wise we look upon Reason as fit to Order and Rule man in things Natural The Divine Light and Natural Reason distinguished For as God gave two great Lights to Rule the outward World the Sun and Moon the greater Light to rule the Day and the lesser Light to rule the Night so hath he given man the Light of his Son a Spiritual Divine Light to Rule him in the things Spiritual and the Light of Reason to Rule him in things Natural And even as the Moon borrows her Light from the Sun so ought men if they would be rightly and comfortably ordered in natural things to have their Reason enlightned by this Divine and pure Light Which Inlightned Reason in those that obey and follow this true Light we Confess may be Vseful to man even in Spiritual things as it is still subservient and subject to the other Even as the Animal Life in man regulated and ordered by his Reason helps him in going about things that are Rational The Light distinguished from Man's natural Conscience We do further rightly distinguish this from man's natural Conscience for Conscience being that in man which ariseth from the natural Faculties of man's Soul may be Defiled and Corrupted it is said expresly of the Impure Tit. 1.15 That even their Mind and Conscience is defiled But this Light can never be Corrupted nor Defiled neither did it ever Consent to Evil or Wickedness in any for it is said expresly that it makes all things manifest that are reprovable Eph. 5.13 and so is a faithful Witness for God against every Vnrighteousness in man CONSCIENCE defined Now Conscience to define it truly comes from Conscire and is that Knowledge which ariseth in man's heart from what agreeth contradicteth or is contrary to any thing believed by him whereby he becomes Conscious to himself that he transgresseth by doing that which he is perswaded he ought not to do So that the Mind being once blinded or defiled with a wrong belief there ariseth a Conscience from that Belief which troubles him when he goes against it Example of a Turk As for Example A Turk who hath possess'd himself with a false Belief that it is Vnlawful for him to drink Wine if he do it his Conscience smites him for it but though he keep many Concubines his Conscience troubles him not because that his Judgment is already defiled with a false Opinion that it is lawful for him to do the one and unlawful to do the other Whereas if the Light of Christ in him were minded it would Reprove him not only for committing Fornication but also as he became obedient thereunto Inform him that Mahomet is an Impostor as well as Socrates was informed by it in his day of the falsity of the Heathens Gods Example of ● Papist So if a Papist eat flesh in Lent or be not diligent enough in Adoration of Saints and Images or if he should Contemn Images his Conscience would smite him for it because his Judgment is already blinded with a false Belief concerning these things Whereas the Light of Christ never Consented to any of those Abominations Thus then man's natural Conscience is sufficiently distinguished from it for Conscience followeth the Judgment doth not Inform it but this Light as it is Received removes the Blindness of the Judgment opens the Vnderstanding and rectifies both the Judgment and Conscience So we Confess also that Conscience is an Excellent thing where it is rightly Inform'd and Inlightned Wherefore some of us have fitly Compar'd it to a Lanthorn The natural Conscience compared to a Lanthorn and the Light of Christ the Candle and the Light of Christ to the Candle A Lanthorn is useful when a Clear Candle burns and shines in it but otherwise of no use To the Light of Christ then in the Conscience and not to man 's natural Conscience it is that we continually Commend men this not that is it which we preach up and direct People to as to a most certain Guide unto Life Eternal Lastly This Light Seed c. appears to be no Power or natural Faculty of man's Mind because a Man that 's in his Health can when he pleases stir up move and exercise the Faculties of his Soul he is absolute Master of them and except there be some natural Cause or Impediment in the way he can use them at his pleasure but this Light and Seed of God in man he cannot Move and Stir up when he pleaseth but it moves blows and strives with man as the Lord seeth meet For though there be a possibility of Salvation to every man during the day of his Visitation yet cannot a Man at any time when he pleaseth or hath some sense of his Misery The Waiting upon the Movings of the Light and Grace stir up that Light and Grace so as to procure to himself Tenderness of heart but he must Wait for it which comes upon all at certain times and seasons wherein it works powerfully upon the Soul mightily tenders it and breaks it at which time if man Resist it not but close with it he comes to know Salvation by it Even as the Lake of Bethesda did not Cure all those that washed in it but such only as Washed first after the Angel had moved upon the waters so God moves in love to mankind in his Seed in his heart at some singular times Setting his sins in order before him and seriously Inviting him to Repentance offering to him Remission of Sins and Salvation which if man accept of he may be saved Now there is no man alive and I am confident there shall be none to whom this Paper shall come who if they will deal faithfully and honestly with their own hearts will not be forced to acknowledge but they have been sensible of this in some measure less or more which is a thing that man cannot bring upon himself with all his Pains and Industry This then O Man and Woman is the Day of God's gracious Visitation to thy Soul which thou shalt be happy for ever if thou Resist not This is the Day of the Lord which as Christ saith is like the Lightning Matt. 24.27 John 3.8 that shineth from the East unto the West and the Wind or Spirit which blows upon the heart and no man knows whither it goes nor whence it comes § XVII And lastly This leads me to speak concerning the manner of Quest. 7 this Seed or Light 's Operation in the hearts of all men which will shew yet more manifestly how we differ vastly from all
us § III. First then as by the Explanation of the former Thesis appears Expl. 1 we Renounce all Natural Power and Ability in our selves in order to bring us out of our lost and fall●n Condition and first Nature Justification springs of and from the Love of God and Confess that as of our selves we are able to do nothing that is good so neither can we procure Remission of Sins or Justification by any Act of our own so as to merit it or draw it as a Debt from God due unto us but we acknowledge all to be of and from his Love which is the Original and Fundamental Cause of our Acceptance Secondly God manifested this love towards us in the sending of his Expl. 2 Beloved Son the Lord Jesus Christ into the World who gave himself for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling Savour Christ giveing himself a Sacrifice for us and having made peace through the blood of his Cross that he might Reconcile us unto himself and by the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot unto God and suffered for our Sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us unto God Thirdly then Forasmuch as all men who have come to man's Estate the Man Jesus only Excepted have sinned therefore all have need of Expl. 3 this Saviour to remove the Wrath of God from them due to their Offences in this respect he is truly said to have born the Iniquities of us all in his Body on the Tree and therefore is the Only Mediator having qualified the Wrath of God towards us so that our former sins stand not in our way being by virtue of his most satisfactory Sacrifice Removed and pardoned To Remission of Sins Neither do we think that Remission of Sins is to be expected sought or obtained any other way or by any Works or Sacrifice whatsoever though as has been said formerly they may come to partake of this Remission that are Ignorant of the History So then Christ by his Death and Sufferings hath Reconciled us to God The only Mediator betwixt God and Man even while we are Enemies that is he offers Reconciliation unto us we are put into a Capacity of being Reconciled God is willing to forgive us our Iniquities and to accept us as is well expressed by the Apostle 2 Cor. 5.19 God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their Trespasses unto them and hath put in us the Word of Reconciliation And therefore the Apostle in the next verses intreats them in Christ's stead to be Reconciled to God intimating that the Wrath of God being removed by the Obedience of Christ Jesus he is willing to be Reconciled unto them and ready to Remit the sins that are past if they Repent A Twofold Redemption We Consider then our Redemption in a twofold Respect or State both which in their own nature are perfect though in their Application to us the one is not nor cannot be without respect to the other I. The Redemption of Christ without us The first is the Redemption performed and accomplished by Christ for us in his Crucified Body without us The other is the Redemption wrought by Christ in us which no less properly is called and accounted a Redemption than the former The first then is that whereby man as he stands in the Fall is put into a Capacity of Salvation and hath conveyed unto him a measure of that Power Virtue Spirit Life and Grace that was in Christ Jesus which as the Free Gift of God is able to Counter-ballance Overcome and Root-out the Evil Seed wherewith we are naturally as in the Fall leavened II. The Redemption wrought by Christ in us The second is that whereby we Witness and Know this pure and perfect Redemption in our selves purifying cleansing and redeeming us from the power of Corruption and bringing us into Vnity Favour and Friendship with God By the first of these two we that were lost in Adam plunged in the bitter and Corrupt Seed unable of our selves to do any good thing but naturally joined and united to Evil forward and propense to all Iniquity Servants and Slaves to the power and spirit of Darkness are notwithstanding all this so far Reconciled to God by the death of his Son while Enemies that we are put into a Capacity of Salvation having the glad Tidings of the Gospel of Peace offered unto us and God is Reconciled unto us in Christ calls and invites us to himself in which respect we understand these Scriptures * Eph. 2.15 1 John 4.10 Ezech. 16.6 1 Pet. 2.22 24. and 3.18 He slew the Enmity in himself He loved us first seeing us in our blood he said unto us live he who did not sin his own self bare our sins in his own body on the Tree and he died for our sins the Just for the Vnjust By the second we witness this Capacity brought into Act whereby receiving and not resisting the purchase of his death to wit the Light Spirit and Grace of Christ Revealed to us we witness and possess a real true and inward Redemption from the power and prevalency of sin and so come to be truly and really Redeemed Justified and made Righteous and to a sensible Union and Friendship with God Thus he died * Tit. 2.14 Phil. 3.10 for us that he might Redeem us from all Iniquity and thus we know him and the Power of his Resurrection and the fellowship of his Sufferings being made conformable to us This last follows the first in order and is a Consequence of it proceeding from it as an Effect from its Cause So as none could have enjoyed the last without the first had been such being the Will of God so also can none now partake of the first but as he witnesseth the last Wherefore as to us they are both Causes of our Justification The first the Procuring Efficient the other the Formal Cause Fourthly We understand not by this Justification by Christ barely the Expl. 4 good works even as wrought by the Spirit of Christ for they as Protestants truly affirm are rather an Effect of Justification than the Cause of it The Formation of Christ in us begets Good Works But we understand the Formation of Christ in us Christ born and brought forth in us from which good Works as naturally proceed as Fruit from a fruitful Tree It is this Inward Birth in us bringing forth Righteousness and Holiness in us that doth Justify us which having removed and done away the Contrary Nature and Spirit that did bear Rule and bring Condemnation now is in Dominion over all in our hearts Those then that come to know Christ thus formed in them do enjoy him wholly and undivided who is the LORD our RIGHTEOVSNESS Jer. 23.6 This is to be Cloathed with Christ and to have put him on whom God therefore truly accounteth Righteous and Just. This is so far from being the
believe it I shall only from this derive this one Argument If no man can be Justified without Faith and no Faith be living Arg. nor yet available to Justification without Works Then Works are necessary to Justification But the First is true Therefore also the Last For this Truth is so apparent and evident in the Scriptures that for the proof of it we might transcribe most of the Precepts of the Gospel I shall Instance a few which of themselves do so clearly Assert the thing in Question that they need no Commentary nor further Demonstration And then I shall answer the Objections made against this which indeed are the Arguments used for the Contrary Opinion Hebr. 12.14 Not the Sayers but the Doers are blessed Without holiness no man shall see God Matth. 7.21 Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven but he that doth the Will of my Father which is in heaven Joh. 13.17 If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them 1 Cor. 7.19 Circumcision is nothing and Vncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the Commandments of God Rev. 22.14 Blessed are they that do his Commandments that they may have right to the Tree of Life and through the Gates may enter into the City And many more that might be Instanced From all which I thus Argue If those only can Enter into the Kingdom Arg. that do the Will of the Father If those be accounted only the Wise builders and happy that do the sayings of Christ If no Observations avail but only the keeping of the Commandments and if they be blessed that do the Commandments and thereby have right to the Tree of Life and Entrance through the Gate into the City Then Works are absolutely necessary to Salvation and Justification But the First is true And therefore also the Last The Consequence of the Antecedent is so clear and evident that I think no man of sound Reason will call for a proof of it § X. * Object 1. But they Object that Works are not necessary to Justification First Because of that saying of Christ Luke 17.10 When ye shall have done all these things that are Commanded you say We are unprofitable servants c. Answer As to God we are indeed Vnprofitable for he needeth nothing neither can we Add any thing unto him Unprofitable Servants but as to our selves we are not Vnprofitable else it might be said that it is not profitable for a man to keep God's Commandments Answ. which is most Absurd and would Contradict Christ's Doctrine throughout God needeth nothing Doth not Christ Matth. 5. through all those Beatitudes pronounce men blessed for their purity for their meekness for their peaceableness c And is not then that for which Christ pronounceth men blessed profitable unto them Moreover Matth. 25.21 23. doth not Christ pronounce the men good and faithful servants Those that had improved their Talents were called Good and Faithful Servants that Improved their Talents Was not their doing of that then profitable unto them And vers 30. it is said of him that hid his Talent and did not Improve it Cast ye the Vnprofitable servant into utter darkness If then their not improving of the Talent made the man Vnprofitable and he was therefore cast into utter darkness it will follow by the Rule of Contraries so far at least that the Improving made the other profitable seeing if our Adversaries will allow us to believe Christ's words this is made a Reason and so at least a Cause Instrumental of their Acceptance Well done good and faithful Servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee Ruler over many things Enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord. Object 2 Secondly They object those sayings of the Apostle where he excludes the deeds of the Law from Justification as first Rom. 3.20 Because by the deeds of the Law there shall be no flesh justified in his sight and v. 28. Therefore we conclude that a man is Justified by Faith without the deeds of the Law Answ. We have shewn already what place we give to Works even to Answ. 1 the best of Works in Justification and how we ascribe its Immediate and Formal Cause to the Worker brought forth in us The Works of the Gospel or Grace distinguish't from the Works of the Law but not to the Works But in answer to this Objection I say There is a great difference betwixt the works of the Law and those of Grace or of the Gospel The first are excluded the second not but are necessary The first are those which are performed in man's own will and by his strength in a conformity to the outward Law and Letter and therefore are man's own Imperfect Works or works of the Law which makes nothing perfect And to this belong all the Ceremonies Purifications Washings and Traditions of the Jews The second are the works of the Spirit of Grace in the heart wrought in Conformity to the Inward and Spiritual Law which Works are not wrought in man's Will nor by his power and ability but in and by the Power and Spirit of Christ in us and therefore are pure and perfect in their kind as shall hereafter be proved and may be called Christ's Works for that he is the Immediate Author and Worker of them Such Works we affirm absolutely Necessary to Justification so that a man cannot be Justified without them and all Faith without them is dead and useless as the Apostle James saith Now that such a Distinction is to be admitted and that the Works excluded by the Apostle in the matter of Justification are of the first kind will appear if we consider the Occasion of the Apostle mentioning this as well here as throughout in his Epistle to the Galatians where he speaks of this matter and to this purpose at large which was this That whereas many of the Gentiles that were not of the Race nor Seed of Abraham as concerning the flesh were come to be Converted to the Christian Faith and believe in him some of those that were of the Jewish Proselytes thought to subject the faithful and believing Gentiles to the Legal Ceremonies and Observations as necessary to their Justification The Occasion of the Apostles speaking of the Works of the Law which are Excluded This gave the Apostle Paul occasion at length in his Epistle to the Romans Galatians and elsewhere to shew the Vse and Tendency of the Law and of its Works and to Contradistinguish them from the Faith of Christ and Righteousness thereof shewing how the former was Ceased and become Ineffectual the other Remaining and yet Necessary And that the Works excluded by the Apostle are of this kind of Works of the Law appears by the whole strain of his Epistle to the Galatians Chap. 1 2 3 4. For after in Chap. 4. he upbraideth them for their returning unto the Observation of days
and Converted to the Christian Faith And being Inquired how he came to yield to that Ignorant Old Man and not to the Bishops he said That they contended with him in his own way and he could still give words for words but there came from the Old Man that vertue which he was not able to Resist This secret Virtue and Power ought to be the Logick and Philosophy wherewith a true Christian Minister ought to be furnished and for which they need not be beholden to Aristotle As to Natural Logick ‖ Natural Logick useful by which Rational men without that Art and Rules or Sophistical Learning deduce a certain Conclusion out of true Propositions which scarce any man of Reason wants we deny not the Vse of it and I have sometimes used it in this Treatise which also may serve without that Dialectical Art As for the other part of Philosophy which is called Moral 3. Ethicks or the Manner-Rules to Christians not needful or Ethicks it is not so necessary to Christians who have the Rules of the Holy Scriptures and the Gift of the Holy Spirit by which they can be much better Instructed The * 4. Physicks and the Metaphysicks make no Preachers of the Truth Physical and Metaphysical part may be reduced to the Arts of Medicine and the Mathematicks which have nothing to do with the Essence of a Christian Minister And therefore the Apostle Paul who well understood what was good for Christian Ministers and what hurtful thus exhorted the Colossians Col. 2.8 Beware lest any man spoil you through Philosophy and vain deceit And to his beloved Disciple Timothy he writes also thus 1 Tim. 6.20 O Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of Science falsly so called III. The Learned School-Divinity obnoxious a Monster A Letter-Knowledge Heatheniz'd § XXI The Third and main part of their Literature is School-Divinity a Monster made up betwixt some Scriptural Notions of Truth and the Heathenish Terms and Maxims being as it were the Heathenish Philosophy Christianized or rather the Literal External Knowledge of Christ Heathenized It is man in his first fall'n natural State with his Devilish Wisdom pleasing himself with some Notions of Truth and adorning them with his own Serpentine and Worldly Wisdom because he thinks the simplicity of the Truth too low and mean a thing for him and so despiseth that simplicity wheresoever it is found that he may set up and Exalt himself puffed up with this his monstrous Birth It is the Devil darkning obscureing and vailing the Knowledge of God with his sensual and carnal Wisdom that so he may the more securely deceive the hearts of the simple and make the Truth as it is in it self despicable and hard to be known and understood by multiplying a Thousand hard and needless Questions and Endless Contentions and Debates All which whoso perfectly knoweth he is not a whit less the Servant of Sin than he was but ten times more in that he is Exalted and Proud of Iniquity and so much the further from Receiving understanding or learning the Truth as it is in its own naked Simplicity because he is full learned rich and wise in his own Conceit And so those that are most skill'd in it wear out their Day and spend their precious Time about the Infinite and Innumerable Questions they have feigned and invented concerning it A certain Learned Man called it a Two-fold Discipline as of the Race of the Centaurs partly proceeding from Divine Sayings partly from Philosophical Reasons A Thousand of their Questions they confess themselves to be no ways necessary to Salvation and yet many more of them they could never Agree upon It s needless Questions and endless Janglings but are and still will be in endless Janglings about them The Volumes that have been written about it a man in his whole Age though he lived very Old could scarce Read and when he has Read them all he has but wrought himself a great deal more Vexation and Trouble of Spirit than he had before These certainly are the Words multiplied without knowledge by which Counsel hath been darkned Job 38.2 They make the Scripture the Text of all this Mass and it 's concerning the Sense of it that their Voluminous Debates arise But a man of a good upright heart may learn more in half an hour and be more certain of it by Waiting upon God and his Spirit in the heart than by reading a Thousand of their Volumes which by filling his Head with many needless Imaginations may well stagger his Faith but never Confirm it and indeed those that give themselves most to it are most capable to fall into Error as appeareth by the Example of Origen who by his Learning was one of the first that falling into this way of Interpreting the Scriptures wrote so many Volumes and in them so many Errors as very much troubled the Church Whereby Arrius fell into Error and Schism Also Arrius led by this Curiosity and Humane Scrutiny despising the Simplicity of the Gospel fell into his Error which was the Cause of that horrible Heresy which so much troubled the Church Methinks the Simplicity Plainness and Brevity of the Scriptures themselves should be a sufficient Reproof for such a Science and the Apostles being honest plain illiterate men may be better understood by such kind of men now than with all that Mass of Scholastick Stuff which neither Peter nor Paul nor John ever thought of § XXII But this Invention of Satan wherewith he began the Apostasy The Apostasy and its dangerous Consequence hath been of dangerous Consequence For thereby he at first spoiled the simplicity of Truth by keeping up the Heathenish Learning which occasioned such Vncertainty even among those called Fathers Many of the Fathers not only Contradict each other but themselves also and why and such Debate that there are few of them to be found who by reason of this Mixture do not only frequently Contradict one another but themselves also And therefore when the Apostasy grew greater he as it were buried the Truth with this Vail of Darkness wholly shutting out people from true Knowledge and making the Learned so accounted busie themselves with idle and needless Questions while the weighty Truths of God were neglected and as it were went into desuetude Now though the grossest of these Abuses be swept away by Protestants yet the evil Root still remains and is nourished and upheld and upon the growing hand that this Science is still kept up and deemed Necessary for a Minister for while the pure Learning of the Spirit of Truth is despised and neglected and made Ineffectual man 's fall'n Earthly Wisdom is upheld and so in that he labours and works with the Scriptures being out of the Life and Spirit those that wrote them were in by which they are only rightly understood and made use of And so
been Sent to them of God Answ. and so thy Ministry and Preaching hath not been among them in the Power Vertue and Life of Christ and so thou deserv'st nothing or else they have Rejected thy Testimony and so are not Worthy and from such thou ought'st not to Expect yea nor yet to Receive any thing if they would give thee but thou ought'st to shake off the dust from thy feet and leave them And how frivolous this Objection is Matth. 10.14 appears in that in the Darkest and most-Superstitious times the Priests Revenues Increased most If they reject thy Testimony shake the Dust from off thy feet and they were most richly Rewarded though they Deserved least So that he that is truly sent of God as he needs not so neither will he be affraid of Want so long as he serves so good a Master neither will he ever forbear to do his Work for that cause And indeed such as make this Objection shew truly that they serve not the Lord Christ but their own belly and that makes them so Anxious for Want of Food to it § XXXII But lastly as to the Abuses of this kind of Maintenance indeed he The many Abuses Priests Maintenanc● brings that would go through them all though he did it passingly might make of it alone an huge Volumn they are so great and numerous For this Abuse as others Crept-in with the Apostasy there being nothing of this in the primitive-times Then the Ministers claimed no Tithes neither sought they a stinted or forced Maintenance but such as Wanted had their Necessity supplied by the Church and others Wrought with their hands But the Persecutions being over and the Emperours and Princes coming under the Name of Christians the Zeal of those Great Men was quickly Abused by the Covetousness of the Clergy who soon learned to change their Cottages with the Palaces of Princes and rested not until by degrees some of them came to be Princes themselves nothing Inferior to them in Splendor Luxury and Magnificence a Method of living that honest Peter and John the Fisher-men and Paul the Tent-maker never coveted and perhaps as little imagined that men pretending to be their Successors should have arrived to these things And so soon as the Bishops were thus Seated and Constitute forgetting the Life and Work of a Christian they went usually by the Ears together about the Precedency and Revenues The Protestants having forsaken the Pope yet would not forsake the Rich Popish Revenues each Coveting the Chiefest and Fattest Benefice It is also to be Regretted to think how soon this Mischief Crept-in among Protestants who had scarce well appeared when the Clergy among them began to speak at the old rate and shew that though they had forsaken the Bishop of Rome they were not resolved to part with their Old Benefices And therefore so soon as any Princes or States shook off the Pope's Authority and so demolished the Abbeys Nunneries and other Monuments of Superstition the Reformed Clergy began presently to cry out to the Magistrates to beware of medling with the Churches patrimony severely exclaiming against making a lawful Vse of those Vast Revenues that had been Superstitiously bestowed upon the Church so called to the good and benefit of the Common-wealth as no less than Sacriledge But by keeping up of this kind of Maintenance for the Ministry and Clergy-men so called there is first a bait laid for Covetousness 1. The Clergy's Covetousness which is Idolatry and of all things most hurtful so that for Covetousness sake many being led by the desire of filthy Lucre do apply themselves to be Ministers that they may get a Lively-hood by it If a man have several Children he will allot one of them to be a Minister which if he can get him to be he reckons it as good as a Patrimony so that a Fat Benefice hath always many Expectants and then what Bribing what Courting what Industry and shameful Actions are used to acquire these things is too openly known and needs not be proved The Scandal that here-through is raised among Christians is so manifest that it is become a proverb that The KIRK is always GREEDY Whereby the Gift and Grace of God being neglected they have for the most part no other Motive or Rule in applying themselves to one Church more than another but the Greater Benefice The Greedy Kirk A Proverb For though they hypocritically pretend at their Accepting of and Entring unto their Church that they have nothing before them but the Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls yet if a richer Benefice offer it self they presently find it more for God's Glory to remove from the first and go thither And thus they make no difficulty often to Change while notwithstanding they accuse us that we allow Ministers to go from place to place and not to be tied to one place but we allow this not for the gaining of Money but as moved of God For if a Minister be called to Minister in a particular place he ought not to leave it except God Call him from it and then he ought to Obey for we make the Will of God inwardly Revealed and not the Love of Money and More Gain the ground of Removing Secondly From this Abuse hath proceeded that Luxury and Idleness 2 The Clergy's Luxury that most of the Clergy live in even among Protestants as well as Papists to the great Scandal of Christianity For not having lawful Trades to work with their hands and being so superfluously and sumptuously provided for they live in Idleness and Luxury and there doth more Pride Vanity and worldly Glory appear in their Wives and Children than in most others which is open and evident to all Thirdly They become hereby so Glued to the Love of Money 3 The Clergy's Cruelty that there is none like them in Malice Rage and Cruelty if they be denied their Hire they Rage like drunken men fret fume and as it were go mad A man may sooner satisfy the Severest Creditor than them The general Voice of the poor doth Confirm this For indeed they are far more Exact in taking up the Tithes of Sheep Geese Swine and Eggs c. and look more narrowly to it than to the Members of their Flock they will miss the least mite Poor Widows Mite cannot escape the Priest's most Greedy hands and the poorest Widow cannot escape their avaritious Hands Twenty Lies they will hear Vnreproved and as many Oaths a man may Swear in their hearing without offending them and greater Evils than all this they can overlook But if thou Ow'st them ought and refuse to Pay it then nothing but War will they Thunder against thee and they will stigmatize thee with the horrible title of Sacriledge and send thee to Hell without mercy as if thou hadst committed the Sin against the Holy Ghost The Work of Anti-Christ is Fury Envy Malice Of all people we
with their Grandeur and Worldly Glory War's Calamities They sheath their Swords in one another's Bowels Ruin waste and destroy whole Countreys Expose to the greatest misery many Thousand Families Make Thousands of Widows and ten Thousands of Orphans Cause the Banks to over-flow with the Blood of those for whom the Lord Jesus Christ shed his precious Blood and Spend and Destroy many of the good Creatures of God And all this while they pretend to be Followers of the Lamb like Jesus who came not to destroy Mens lives but to save them The Song of whose Appearance to the World was Luk. 2.14 Glory to God in the highest and Good Will and Peace to all Men Not to Kill Murder and Destroy Men not to hire and force poor Men to Run upon and Murder one another meerly to satisfy the Lust and Ambition of Great Men they being oftentimes Ignorant of the Ground of the Quarrel The Warriours are forced to Kill of their fellow Christians whom they never had Evil Will against and not having the least Occasion of Evil Will or Prejudice against those their Fellow-Christians whom they thus Kill amongst whom not one of a Thousand perhaps ever saw one another before Yea is it not so that there is only a Name and nothing of the true Nature of Christians especially manifest in the Clergy who pretend not only to be Professors but Preachers Promoters and Exhorters of others to Christianity who for the most part are the greatest Promoters and Advancers of those Wars and by whom upon all such Occasions the Name of God and Jesus Christ is most horribly abused profaned and blasphemed While they dare Pray to God Preachers the War's Promoters and Thank him for the Destruction of their Brethren Christians and that for and against according to the Changeable Wills of their several Princes Yea so that some will Join in their Prayers with and for the Prosperity of such The Priests Confusion and Instability in their Prayers as their Profession obliges them to believe to be Heretical and Antichristian and for the Destruction of those whom the same Profession acknowledges to be good and Orthodox Christians Thus the French both Papists and Protestants Join in their Prayers and Rejoyce for the Destruction of the Spanish Papists and Dutch Protestants The like may be said of the Danish Swedish and German Protestants as respectively concerned in this matter Yea which is yet more strange if either Constraint or Interest do engage any Prince or State to Change his Party while the same War and Cause remains then will the Clergy presently accommodate their Prayers to the Case in praying for Prosperity to those to whom instantly before they wished Ruin and so on the Contrary As in this present War in the Case of the Bishop of Munster is manifest Was there ever or can there be any more horrible Profanation of the holy and pure Name of God especially to be done by those who pretend to be Worshipers of the true God and Disciples of Jesus Christ Worse than Heathens This not only Equals but far Exceeds the Wickedness of the Heathens for they only prayed such Gods to their Assistance as they fancied allow their Ambition and accounted their Warring a Vertue whom they judged Changeable like themselves and subject to such Quarrels among themselves as they that are their Worshippers But for those to be found in these things who believe there is but One only God and have or at least profess to have such Notions of his Justice Equity and Mercy and of the Certainty of his punishing the Transgressors of his Law is so horrible and abominable as cannot sufficiently be neither said nor written The Ground then of all this is the Want of True Christianity because the Nature of it is not begotten The Ground of VVar. nor brought forth in those called Christians and therefore they bear not the Image nor bring not forth the Fruits of it For albeit they have the Name yet the Nature they are Strangers to The Lamb's Nature is not in them but the Doggish Nature the Wolfish Nature that will still be quarrelling and destroying the Cunning Serpentine Subtile Nature and the proud ambitious Luciferian Nature that sets Princes and States a work to contrive and foment Wars and engages People to Fight together some for Ambition and vain Glory and some for Covetousness and Hope of Gain And the same Cause doth move the Clergy to Concur with their share in making their Prayers Turn and Twine The Clergy's Prayers turn and twine and so all are here out from the State of True Christianity And as they keep the Name of being Christians so also upon the same Pretext each will pretend to be for Peace while their Fruits manifestly declare the Contrary And how hath and doth Experience daily discover this Deceit For how is Peace brought about Is it not when the Weaker is forced to give way to the Stronger without respect to the Equity of the Cause Is it not Just so as among the wild and devouring Beasts who when they Fight together the Weaker is forced to give way to the Stronger and so Desist until another Occasion offer So who are found Weakest who are least Capable to hold out they must bear the Inconveniency and he gets the most Advantage however frivolous yea unjust his pretence be who is most Able to vindicate his claim and preserve it not by Equity but force of Arms So that the Peace-Contrivers Rule is not the Equity of the Cause but the Power of the Parties Is not this known and manifest in many if not most of the Pacifications that have been made in Christendom It is therefore in my heart in the Name and behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ to Warn you to Consider of those things And therefore be not unwilling to hear one that appears among you for the Interest of Christ his King and Master Not as it thereby he denied the Just Authority of Soveraign Princes or refused to acknowledge the Subjection himself owes to his lawful Prince and Superiour Which Calumny some have been apt to throw upon us by reason of some in those Countreys that have so Affirmed or were any ways inclined to favour the Dreams of such as under the pretence of Crying up King Jesus and the Kingdom of Christ either deny or seek to overturn all Civil Government Nay not at all But I am one who do Reverence and Honour Magistracy and acknowledge Subjection due unto them by their respective People in all things Just and Lawful knowing that Magistracy is an Ordinance of God * Rom. 13.1.4 and that Magistrates are his Ministers who bear not the Sword in vain Yet nevertheless I judge it no prejudice to Magistracy nor Injury to any for one that is Called of the Lord Jesus to appear for him in this Affair for he is not a little concerned as by all their Confession
the Pride of all Flesh. ye would see the Lord Staining the Pride of all Flesh and bringing into Contempt all the Honourable in the Earth that the Lord alone may be Exalted and see him coming out of his Holy Habitation to silence all Flesh. Hath not the Lord removed most of all those who were Eminently Instrumental to serve him in the Work of the Ministry And is he not daily making their Skirts bare who remain and daily making them to Cease out of the midst of the National Church who rejoiced in her Pride Is not his Voice sounding aloud unto such of you as yet remain Ye shall no more be haughty because of my holy Mountain If to day ye will hear his Voice harden not your hearts for I am sure the Teacher that will tell you infallibly what ye are called to do is near and is not removed into a Corner But it is the Enemies Work to Vail and Cover present Duties and Opportunities and represent what is past or lost as very desirable and even to prompt a People or Person to lament and bewail their by-past Failings and short-comings who do little heed or regard the Worth of the remaining Season and so to Redeem the Time Wherefore my Advice in tender love to thy Soul is That thou Wait on the Lord to understand aright the Import of such Signs as are now appearing when the Lord is proceeding to work marvellous Works and Wonders in the Earth The Lord is angering the Wise and Learned by pouring out his Spirit upon Illiterate Tradesmen not bred up at Schools and Vniversities and is making the Wisdom of the Wise to perish and the Vnderstanding of the Prudent to be hid and pouring out his Spirit upon Sons and Daughters Servants and Hand-maids provoking to jealousy and angering the Mighty Learned Wise Men in this Generation by the foolish Appearance of a Company of Illiterate Tradesmen who were never bred up at Schools and Vniversities Weavers and Shoo-makers and Fishers Yea is not one of the dreadful Signs of this Time fulfilling in thee and thy Brethren Rev. 16 8 9. The fourth Angel poured out his Vial upon the Sun and power was given unto him to scorch Men with fire And Men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the Name of God which hath power over these Plagues and they Repented not to give him Glory And whether this plague be not poured out upon your Anti-Christian Sun The scorching Plague on Anti-Christ his Dialect doth shew and ye be the Persons that are thus scorched your Dialect doth sufficiently declare unto all those whose Eyes the Lord hath opened I also desire thee to consider how Inconsonant with true Christianity a spirit of Persecution is and how much more unsuitable and unequal for a People or Person under the same Condemnation Surely that poor Man who had been but a little time in Christ's Company was so far influenced by his meek and moderate Spirit as not only to forbear Railing himself against suffering Christ but to rebuke his fellow-Companion for so doing which Instance will stand in Judgment against thee for the contrary Practice Neither will thy denying us to be Members of Christ and not suffering for well-doing Gross Railing rebuked and thy accounting us Demoniacks avail thee nor cover thee from that Woe if thou obtain not Mercy to Repent denounced against such as call good evil and evil good and Light darkness and darkness Light in that day when the Lord Jesus shall declare before Men and Angels we are his Friends and Followers O Robert thy hard Speeches have manifested thy own sad Acknowledgment to be very true the Holy-Fire is gone out with thee indeed in place of which that which never was nor is of God's kindling is brought forth And this is not now to be found by secret Search in Corners by secret Surmises but is by many of you laid open and in thy late Postscript as on a Theatre set up as those who run may read the Holy Fire if ever there was any is quite Extinct Concerning which Compound of unjust groundless Accusations and malitious Inventions I hope I may say there are many sober serious People who fear and serve the Living God inward Jews whose hearts the Lord hath Circumcised to love him who desire continually in the Integrity of their hearts to serve him against whom I know no Divination nor Inchantment of Devils or Men shall prosper Of which Blessed Company I do avouch my self one through the Free Grace of God and I hope I and many with me have put all thine and thy Brethrens Writings in the Lord 's own hand to Answer for the Vindication of his Glory and the Manifestation of his Truth and I desire to make no worse use of thy Postscript than Hezekiah made of the Writings of Rabshakeh in that day Unto the Righteous Lord who searcheth the Heart and trieth the Reins do I Appeal for whose Immediate Help and seasonable powerful Appearance I desire both to Hope and patiently to Wait until he have performed his whole Work in Zion and Jerusalem both amongst you and us The Lord will plead out Cause then shall be brought to pass the sure Promise The Lord will punish the Fruit of the stout heart of his Adversary and the glory of his high looks In that day he will inwardly and outwardly both plead our Cause and execute Judgment for us He will bring forth our Righteousness as the Light and make his Judgments for us manifest as the Noon day although we lie among the black pots of your Reproaches Now the Lord will bring us forth unto the Light and we shall behold his Righteousness fulfilled in you or manifested upon you My Witness is in Heaven I am one who desires not the Evil Day but am willing to embrace all the sweet opportunities of the drawings of my Father's Love and the arisings of his Life to stand in the Gap for the single-hearted among you and I must declare for the Exoneration of my own Conscience I am an experimental Witness how grievously thou violatest the Truth in misrepresenting the things which thou callest the bitter Root springing up in these sprouts of Hell 1. Mens not receiving the love of the Truth 2. Their pleasing themselves with Names and Notions while Christ was not received to dwell in the heart 3. Their not departing from Iniquity who seemed to call on his Name I am a Witness when the Lord called me out from among the Presbyterians I was one who according to my Education and Information and Inclination from my Child-hood was a true Lover of that called the Glorious Gospel and a constant Attender upon the Declarations thereof and the Messengers Feet that published it were beautiful to me so long as those Ordinances of man were unto me as the Ordinances of Christ which was more than 30 years I loved them more than all things in this World I passed through
26. It is absurd to affirm Christ is in none but those with whom he is united 6 63. Christ's praying to save him from this Hour explained 783. what the Flesh and Blood of Christ is 861 901. Christian how he is a Christian and when he ceaseth so to be 269 270 273 281 282 283 285 394 410 412 418. the foundation of his Faith 294 295. his Priviledge ibid. when men are made Christians by Birth and not by conversion 405 406. they have borrowed many things from Jews and Gentiles 475 476. they recoil by little and little from their first Purity 486 509. the Primitive Christians for some ages said We are Christians we Swear not 555. and We are the Soldiers of Christ it is not lawful for us to Fight 562. Concerning the Life of a Christian what and how it ought to be 149 157. Every Christian ought to be concerned in the Work of the Lord 707 a Judgment of several sorts of Christians must be made from their respective Principles and not from the Practice of particular Persons 684. the Gathering of the Primitive Christians was an uniting of Hearts and not of Hands only 697 709. Christianity is made as an Art 273. It is not Christianity without the Spirit 281 283 296 297. It would be turned into Scepticism 423 424 484 491 492. It is placed chiefly in the renewing of the Heart 407. Wherein it consists not 450. what is and is not the mark thereof 484 486 492. why it is Odious to Jews Turks and Heathens 498. what would contribute to its Commendation 534. What the Cause is of all the Mischief in Christendom 711 713. the Essence or Being of Christianity placed in the true and real Conversion of the heart by vertue of the operation of the Light Seed and Grace of God 700. that there is nothing but the Name and nothing of the Nature of true Christianity among Christians is manifest in the Clergy 708 709 27. the Call of God to blinded Christendom 356. CHVRCH without which there is no Salvation what she is concerning her Members Visibility Profession Degeneration Succession 403 to 417. whatsoever is done in the Church without the instinct of the Holy Spirit is vain and impious 419. the same may be said of her that in the Schools is Disputed of Theseus's Boat 431. in her Corrections ought to be Exercised and against whom 508. she is more Corrupted by the Accession of Hypocrites 521. the Contentions of the Greek and Latine Churches about Leavened or Vnleavened Bread in the Supper 506. the Luke-warmness of the Church of Laodicea 411. there are Introduced into the Roman Church no less Superstitions and Ceremonies than among the Heathens and Jews 406. The Church of Rome's pretended Charity 688 689. the Church of Rome no Church 647. the Basis and Foundation of that Church stands in Confessing the Superiority and Precedency of Peter and his Successors and in believing that Infallibility is annexed thereunto 688. the True Church is distinguished from the False by its real Sanctification and true Holiness 203. what a Church is defined 208. the Notion and Definition of a Church which arises from the Universal Principle of Light and Grace doth Establish Universal Love 702. the Cause of the True Church's gathering to a Body was a Sense of their Want 697. such as are sanctified properly constitute the Church 226. who is the Head and who the Ministers thereof 139 144 167 168. God's Care over his Church and Heritage 191 192. Men may be said to be within the Church who want outward Preaching 805 807. the great property of the Church of Christ is pure Vnity in Spirit 217. The Ground of Division Separation and Schism in the Church 188. In the Primitive Church Condescension was practised in case of Weakness though those weak ones were not suffered to propagate their Scruples 223 224 In what Cases the Church of Christ may pronounce a positive Sentence and Judgment without the hazzard of Imposition upon either of the Parties Controverting 216 867. Circumcision a Seal of the Old Covenant 490 586. Clergy 428 430 433 436 437 507. The Clergy the greatest Promoters of Wars 708 709. they are so Impudent as to thank God for the Destruction of their Fellow-Creatures 709. upon the Charge of a Prince or State they will pray for those to whom before they wished Ruin and Destruction ibid. They cloud the Truth that the Common People might Maintain and Admire them 731. they acted the Mad Pranks of John of Leyden in the Civil Wars of England 668. See Protestants Clothes That it is not Lawful for Christians to use things superfluous in Cloaths 543 545 564 565. Comforter for what end he was sent 271 272. Commission The Commission of the Disciples of Christ before the Work was finished was more Legal than Evangelical 419. Communion the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ is a Spiritual and inward thing 148 149. that Body that Blood is a Spiritual Thing and that it is that heavenly Seed whereby Life and Salvation was of old and is now Communicated 593 594. how any become partakers thereof 496 497 498. it is not tied to the Ceremony of breaking Bread and drinking Wine which Christ used with his Disciples this was only a Figure 494 497 to 503. whether that Ceremony be a necessary part of the New Covenant and whether it is to be continued 504 to 515. Spiritual Communion with God through Christ is obtained 311. they that Witness Christ come need not Bread and Wine to put them in Remembrance of him 35 see Supper Community of Goods is not brought in by the Quakers 516 533 534. Complements see Titles Conscience see Magistrate Its Definition what it is it is distinguished from the saving Light 366 337 338 515 516. the good Conscience and the hypocritical 400. he that acteth contrary to his Conscience sinneth and concerning an Erring Conscience 516. what things appertain to Conscience ibid what sort of Liberty of Conscience is defended 517. it is the Throne of God ibid. it is free from the Power of all Men 527. Conscience and Reason are distinguished from the Saving Light of Christ in all Men 603. Clem. Alex. his Testimony 579. God alone can Inform and Inlighten the Conscience 704. Conversion what is Man's therein is rather a Passion than an Action 331. Augustin's Saying ibid. this is Cleared by two Examples 339 340. Conversion presupposeth having Light and Grace 8. Controversy Solid Controversies may be entertained for Clearing and Maintaining the Truth 730. Correction how and against whom it ought to be exercised 517. Covenant The Difference betwixt the New and Old Covenant-Worship 286 287 441 442 456 458 484. See also Gospel Law Courts see Princes Cross the Sign of the Cross 492. D. Dancing see Plays Day whether any be Holy and concerning the Day commonly called the Lord's Day 442 503. Whether the First Day of the Week has any more Inherent Holiness than any other Days
The worldly Peace-Contrivers Rule is not Equity but the power of Parties 610 711 712 Pelagians 311. how we differ from them 339 341 492. see Light of Nature Pelagius deemeth That no Man gets an evil Seed from Adam and ascribes all to the Will and Nature of Men He said that Man could attain unto a State of not sinning by his meer natural Strength without the Grace of God 398 Perfection Concerning Perfection or freedom from Sin 91 99 132 136 166 167. Perfection evicted 28 37 620. Persecution upon the account of Religion 523 529. see Magistrate Violent Persecutions upon the account of Religious Principles rather confirm than drive the persecuted from the Belief of those Principles 687. The Lutherans and Calvinists united in the Doctrine and Practice of Persecution even practise the same against one another 690. Pressing after and seeking to establish a National Church tends to promote Persecution 691. the Principle of Persecution preached up and practised by the Church of Rome 689. Severity see 865. Perseverance The Grace of God may be lost through Disobedience 388 401. yet such a stability may in this Life be attained from which there cannot be a total Apostasy 380 398 400 405 406. Concerning Perseverance or falling from Grace 136 138 167 Peter whether he was at Rome 289. he was ignorant of Aristotle's Logick 305. there were of old divers Opinions concerning his Second Epistle 297. Pharaoh 778 Pharisees 475. Philosopher an Heathen-Philosopher was brought to the Christian Faith by an Illiterate Rustick 424. a Philosopher converted his Testimony concerning the Old Man's Words 644. a Philosopher troubled for being Commended by a Profligate Person 672. Philosophers whence called 362. Philosophy 417 424 Phisicks ibid. Plays whether it be lawful to use them 531 533 545 548. 565 Polycarpus the Disciple or John 289 Power The Power of God being Inwardly felt to give Victory over Sin in some serious Inquirers was the Cause of their Uniting and agreeing unanimously to the universal Preaching up of this Power which is the True Church's first and chiefest Principle and most agreeable to the universal Love of God 697 Pray To pray for Remission of Sins 397 398. concerning the Lord's Prayer 450. to Pray without the Spirit is to offend God 453. concerning the Prayer of the Will in Silence 458 see Worship Prayer The Prayers of the People were in the Latine Tongue 422. Prayers performed without the Assistance of the Spirit are not acceptable to God 44 45. Mental Prayer the Cause and Spring of Vocal Prayer 643. is sometimes of more Force than Vocal Prayer 648 all that are Faithful who have no natural Defect may Pray Vocally at Times 645. Preacher see Minister Preaching what it is termed the Preaching of the Word 426 431. see Worship it is a permanent Institution 485. it is learned as another Trade 431. no Preaching is profitable but that which comes from the Immediate Teachings of God's Spirit 28 861 868 871 Predestinated God hath after a special manner Predestinated some to Salvation of whom the places of Scripture which some abuse be understood their Objections are easily solved 341. Presbyterians Scots Presbyterians the severest of that Sect they derive their Pedigree from Geneva but surpass it in Zeal 678. Presbyterians Complyance 758. a Presbyterian Preacher's Prayer to the Devil 708. a twofold Will in God vindicated by the Presbyterians 777. see 861 873 878 Priest Under the Law God spake immediately to the High-Priest 277 286 Priests see Minister of the Law 408 409 421 442 Pride 885 Princes the Courts of Princes the Scenes of greatest Wickedness 708 564. Principles Departing through Unbelief from the Fundamental Principles of a Society implieth self-ejection from being a Member of that Society whether in Spiritual or Temporal Matters 214. proved by Scripture ibid. that those that abide faithful in the firm Belief of those Principles and Doctrines upon which their Society was outwardly grounded have Power to exclude those that separate from them by asserting False and Contradictory Principles 215. The Doctrines and Principles which are the outward Bonds and Terms of Society are nothing else but the Product of Truth 's Power and Virtue upon the Heart 241. a good Principle is a ready way to lead People into good Practices 27 Profession An outward Profession is necessary that any be a Member of a particular Christian Church 404 Prophecy and to Prophesy what it signifies 416 417. of the Liberty of Prophesying 439. Prophecy 277 750 Prophets Some Prophets did not Miracles 416 417. Sam. Rutherford explains 1 Cor. 14.30 to be meant of Pastors and not extraordinary Prophets 104. J. Calvin affirms that in his Day God raised up Prophets and Evangelists 89. concerning Prophets 604 645 667. Protestants the Rule of their Faith 289. they are forced ultimately to recur unto the immediate inward Revelations of the Holy Spirit 293. what difference betwixt the execrable Deeds of those of Munster and theirs 288 290. they make Philosophy the Handmaid of Divinity 305. they affirm John Huss prophesied of the Reformation that was to be 309. whether they did not throw themselves into many Errors while they were expecting a greater Light 380. they opposed the Papists not without good Cause in the Doctrine of Justification but they soon ran into another Extream 365 366. they say that the best Works of the Saints are defiled 370. whether there be any difference betwixt them and the Papists in Superstitions and Manners and what it is 405 406. what they think of the Call of a Minister 409 416. it is lamentable that they betake themselves to Judas for a Patron to their Ministers and Ministry 421. their Zeal and Endeavours are praised 422. of their School-divinity 425. of the Apostles and Evangelists of this Time 430. whom they exclude from the Ministry 430 431. that they preach to none until they be first sure of so much a Year 433. the more moderate of them exclaim against the excessive Revenues of the Clergy 435. though they had forsaken the Bishop of Rome yet they would not part with old Benefices 436. they will not labour 437. whether they have made a perfect Reformation in Worship 440 441. their Worship can easily be stopped 455. they have given great Scandal to the Reformation 470 they deny Water Baptism to be absolutely necessary to Salvation 480. of Water-Baptism 491 392. of the Flesh and Blood of Christ 407 409. they use not Washing of Feet 489. how they did vindicate Liberty of Conscience 524. some affirm that wicked Kings and Magistrates ought to be deposed yea killed 5.24 how they Meet when they have not the Consent of the Magistrate 529 530. of Oaths and Swearing 550 551. according to the Episcopalian and Presbyterian Principles and Practices no Man can be a Member of the State but first they must be a Member of the Church 691. the Protestants to their Shame have recourse to their old Abdicated Father the Pope for a Title to their
as a Heathen and a Publican And lastly That the Church Gathering or Assembly of God's People has Power to Examin and call to an Account such as appearing to be among them or owning the same Faith with them do Transgress and in Case of their refusing to hear or Repent to Exclude them from their Fellowship and that God hath a special Regard to the Judgment and Sense of his People thus orderly proceeding so as to hold such bound in Heaven whom they bind on Earth and such loosed in Heaven whom they loose on Earth I am partly Confident that no rational Man will deny but that these naturally follow from the above-mentioned Scripture and if there should be any found so unreasonable as to deny it I could prove it by necessary and unevitable Consequences which at present as taking it for granted I forbear to do If it be reckoned so great a Crime to offend one of the little ones that it were better for him that so did that a Milstone were hanged about his Neck and he were drowned in the Depth of the Sea without Question to Offend and gainsay the whole Flock must be more Criminal and must draw after it a far deeper Judgment Now if there were no Order nor Government in the Church what should become of those that Transgress How should they be again Restored Would not this make all Reproving all Instructing The End of Church-Order all Caring for and Watching over one another void and null Why should Christ have desired them to proceed after this Method Why doth he place so much Weight upon the Judgment of the Church as to make the refusing of Hearing it to draw so deep a Censure after it which he will not have to follow the refusing to hear one or two apart though the Matter be one and the same And so as to the Substantial and Intrinsick Truth of the Thing there lies the same Obligation upon the Transgressor to hear that one as well as all for that one adviseth him to that which is right and good as well as the whole and they do but homologate or Confirm that which that one hath already asserted Yet Jesus Christ who is the Author of Order and not of Confusion will not have a Brother cut off or reputed a Publican for refusing to hear one or two but for refusing to hear the Church And if it be Objected That the Church of Rome and all other false Churches make use of this Scripture and cover their Persecution and Cruelty Objection and Oppression by it and thou sayst no more than they say I answer I suppose no man will be so unreasonable as to affirm that the Church of Rome abusing this Scripture will make it false in it self but how we differ in our Application of this Scripture shall be spoken of hereafter I am not now claiming Right to this Power as due to us that is reserved for another place but this I say is that which I now aver to be manifest from the Scripture-Testimony and to be in itself an unquestionable Truth That Jesus Christ intended there should be Order and Government in his Church which is the Thing at present in hand to be proved which if it be so really true as it cannot be denied then I hope it will also necessarily follow that such who really and truly are the Church of Christ have Right to exercise this Order and Government Secondly That the Apostles and Primitive Christians did practise Order Reason II and Government we need but to read the History of the Acts of which I shall mention a few pregnant and undeniable Testimonies Church-Order Practised by the Apostles and Primitive Christians In Elections· as we may observe in the very first Chapter of the Acts from Verse 13. to the End where at the very first Meeting the Apostles and Brethren held together after the Ascension of Christ they began orderly to Appoint one to fulfil the Place of Judas it may be thought this was a needless Ceremony yet we see how the Lord countenanced it I hope none will say that the Apostles appointing of these two Men or of him upon whom the Lot did not fall Contradicted their Inward Freedom or Imposed upon it but both agreed very well together the one in the Will and Movings of God in Appointing and the other in the same in submitting to their Appointment Moreover after they had received the holy Ghost you may read Acts 6. so soon as there was an Opportunity how they wisely gave Order concerning the Distribution of the Poor in Distributions for the Poor and Appointed some men for that Purpose So here was Order and Government according to the Present Necessity of the Case And the Lord God was well pleased with it and the Word of God encreased and the Number of the Disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly Might they not have said then as some say now We will give our Charity to whom we see Cause and we will take no Notice of your Appointments and Orders Whether would God have approved of such yea or nay Thirdly When that the Business of Circumcision fell in whether it was fit or not to Circumcise the Gentiles We see the Apostles saw not meet To suffer every one to follow their own Minds and Wills They did not judge W. M. in his Queries as one confusedly supposeth That this Difference in an outward Exercise would commend the Unity of the true Faith nay they took another Method It is said expresly Acts 15.6 And the Apostles and Elders came together to consider of this Matter and after there had been much disputing about it no doubt then in Differences occurring there were here Diversities of Opinions and Judgments the Apostles and Elders told their Judgments and came also to a positive Conclusion Sure some behoved to submit else they should never have agreed So those that were the Elders gave a positive Judgment and they were bold to say That it pleased not only them but the Holy Ghost By all which it doth undeniably appear that the Apostles and Primitive Saints practised a Holy Order and Government among themselves and I hope none will be so bold as to say they did these Things without the Leadings of the Spirit of God and his Power and Authority concurring and going along with them The Apostles Doctrine concerning Order in the Church And that these Things were not only singular Practices but that they held it doctrinally that is to say it was Doctrine which they preached that there ought to be Order and Government in the Church is manifest from these following Testimonies 1 Cor. 4.15 16 17. 15. For though you have ten Thousand Instructors in Christ 1 Cor. 4 15 16 17. yet have ye not many Fathers for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the Gospel 16. Wherefore I beseech you be ye Followers of me 17. For this Cause have I sent unto
you Timotheus who is my beloved Son and faithful in the Lord who shall bring you into Remembrance of my Ways which be in Christ as I teach every where in every Church Here the Apostle Paul is very absolute First In that he desires them to be Followers of him Secondly In that he sends a Teacher yea a Minister and Eminent Bishop or Overseer of the Church for to put them in Mind of his Ways which be in Christ as he taught in every Church No doubt there were Apostates and Dissenting Spirits in the Church of Corinth that gave Paul Occasion thus to write as he testifies in the Beginning of the Chapter How he was Judged by some of them he shews how they were grown high verse 8. Now ye are full now ye are rich ye have reigned as Kings without us c. Might not these Dissenters of the Church of Corinth have reasoned thus against Paul Dissenting Reasonings against Church-Government Did not this Paul teach us at first to mind the Measure of Grace in our selves and follow that for no doubt that was Paul's Doctrine but now he begins to Lord it over us and tells us we must be Followers of him Might not they have judged the Beloved Timothy to be far out of his Place Might they not have said It seems it is not God that moved thee and sent thee here by his Spirit but Lordly Paul that seeks Dominion over our Faith It seems thou comest not here to preach Christ and wish us to be Followers of him and of his Grace in our Hearts but to mind us to follow Paul's Ways and take notice how he teaches in every Church We are not concerned with him nor with his Messenger nor with none of your Orders and so forth Doth not this run very plausible I question not but there was such a Reasoning among the Apostate Corinthians let such as are of the same kind among us examine seriously and measure their Spirits truly hereby Yea he goes yet further in the following Chapter vers 3 4. Vers. 3. As absent in Body 1 Cor. 5.3 13. The Power of giving Judgment in the Church but present in Spirit have judged already as though I were present concerning him that hath so done this Deed. Verse 4. In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ when ye are gathered together and my spirit with the Power of our Lord Jesus Christ c. Would not one think this to have been a very presumptuous Word and yet who dare offer to Condemn it From all which I shall shortly observe that it seems it was judged no Inconsistency nor Contradiction to be Followers of the Grace in themselves to be perswaded in their own Hearts and also to be Followers of the Apostle Paul and of his Ways because his Ways and Example was no other than the Spirit of God in themselves would have led them to if they had been obedient Therefore he found it needful to charge them positively to follow him without adding this Reason Next the great Argument the Apostle uses to perswade them hereunto upon which he mainly insists because he had begotten them into the Truth Ye have not many Fathers As of Fathers for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the Gospel wherefore I beseech you be ye Followers of me So he makes that as the Cause which the same Apostle also in his Expostulation with the Galatians putting them in mind how he preached the Gospel to them at first and Chap. 4. Vers. 15. Where is then the Blessedness ye spake of for I bear you Record if possible ye would have plucked out your own Eyes and given them unto me We see then that the Lord hath and doth give such whom he hath furnished and sent forth to gather a People unto himself And Overseers Care and Oversight over that People yea and a certain Authority in the Power over them to bring them back to their Duty when they stray at any Time and to Appoint yea and Command such Things as are needful for Peace and Order and Vnity's sake and that there lies an Obligation upon such as are so gathered to Reverence Honour yea and Obey such as are set over them in the Lord. To be Obeyed For saith the same Apostle 2 Cor. 2.9 For to this End also did I write that I might know the Proof of you whether you be Obedient in all Things and Chap. 7. Vers. 13 15. Yea and exceedingly the more joyed we for the Joy of Titus because his Spirit was refreshed by you all Verse 15. And his inward Affection is more abundant toward you whil'st he remembreth the Obedience of you all how with Fear and Trembling you received him Betrayings of the Enemy Now this will not at all Infer as if they had been Implicitly led of Old or that such as having the same Authority to exercise it now sought Dominion over their Brethrens FAITH or to force them to do any thing beyond far less contrary to what the Lord leads us to by his Spirit but we know as they did of Old that the Enemy lies near to BETRAY under such Pretences And seeing in case of Difference the Lord hath and doth and will Reveal his Will to his People and hath and doth raise up Members of his Body to whom he gives a Discerning and Power and Authority to Instruct Reprove yea and Command in some Cases those that are faithful and low in their Minds keeping their own places and minding the Lord and the Interest and Good of his TRVTH in the general over all The Murmurer shut out shut out the Murmurer and the Spirit of God leads them to have Vnity and concur with their Brethren But such as are heady and high-minded are inwardly Vexed that any should Lead or Rule but themselves And so it is the high Thing in themselves that makes them quarrel with others for taking so much upon them pretending a Liberty not sinking down in the Seed to be willing to be of no Reputation for its sake The Honour of Truth prostrated by Divisions Such rather than give up their own Wills will study to make Rents and Divisions not sparing the Flock but prostrating the Reputation and Honour of the Truth even to the World minister to them an Occasion of Scorn and Laughter to the hardning them in their Wickedness and Atheism Besides these Scriptures mentioned I shall set down a few of many more that might be Instanced to the same Purpose Scriptures for Submission and Lowliness of Mind and Esteem of the Brethren Ephes. 5.21 Submitting your selves one to another in the Fear of God Phil. 2.3 Let nothing be done through Strife or Vain glory but in Lowliness of Mind let each esteem other better than themselves Verse 29. Receive him therefore in the Lord with all Gladness and hold such in Reputation And 3.17 Brethren be Followers together of me and mark them which walk