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A22472 The neuu couenant, or, A treatise of the sacraments whereby the last testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, through the shedding of his pure and precious blood, is ratified and applyed vnto the conscience of euery true beleeuer : diuided into three bookes [brace] 1. Of the sacraments in generall, 2. Of baptisme, 3. Of the Lords Supper : verie necessarie and profitable for these times, wherein we may behold the [brace] truth it selfe plainly prooued, doctrine of the reformed churches clearely maintained, errors of the Church of Rome soundly conuinced, right maner of the receiuing of the[m] comfortably declared, and sundry doubts and difficult questions decided / by William Attersoll ... Attersoll, William, d. 1640. 1614 (1614) STC 889.5; STC 896_INCORRECT; ESTC S120393 495,931 616

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haue carried the burden of the building and those labourers that haue borne the heat of the day who albeit they haue written much of the Sacraments and themselues liued where they receiued eyther standing or sitting yet neuer wrote against kneeling nor condemned those Churches that practised it knowing very well that we are no more bound to follow them then they are to follow vs. Indeed they haue all of them abhorred kneeling to the bread but none of them haue abhorred kneeling at the receiuing of the bread and therefore let them that haue beene so earnest heeretofore for sitting at the Communion and to reason for the practise a●● in the maintenance of it lay their hand vpon their mou and not so eagerly pursue that cause but be content to submit themselues to the order of the Church and let them learne to giue thanks to God the Father that we haue the Supper of the Lord so sincerely administred among vs and that they may so reuerently receiue it which in so pure and holy a manner is not either deliuered or taken in some other Churches where notwithstanding they ought to Communicate that liue in them So long as wee may take the bread and drinke of the cuppe of the Lord with hearing the word preached with prayers and praises offered to God let vs not striue and contend in indifferent things as we haue proued this to be which are to be ordered by the higher powers but yeeld obedience to the truth and be content to ioyne with our brethren as in the action of the Supper so in the gesture of the body that so with ioy of heart and comfort of Spirit with one minde with one mouth we may glorify our Father which is in heauen And if the best reformed Churches bee onely the competent Iudges in this case Pag. 50. to whose iudgement we are to conforme our selues as themselues confesse the question will soone be at an end forasmuch as there is no Church vnder heauen that we know nor learned writer before our times that I can vnderstand by the relation and obseruation of others to haue simply condēned the gesture of kneeling at the Sacrament as vnlawfull I deny not but some haue held this ceremony needlesse vnprofitable in expedient and fit to be abolished but not impious vnlawfull Idolatrous in it selfe It is well said of Beza Beza epist 2. in his second Epistle that albeit the Sacraments be instituted by Christ and that by mans authority nothing ought to bee added to them or detracted from them yet not euery declining from the institution is to be accounted a corruption so that the intent and purpose of the Author of them be obserued When the Lord Iesus did ordaine his last supper it is most likely that the disciples receiued the bread and the cup not at the hands of Christ but one of another forasmuch as he tooke the cup and gaue thanks and said Take this and diuide it among your selues Luke 22 17. and that all of them did drinke of one and the same cup what then Shall wee say that those Churches offended or that the commandement of Christ is transgressed or that the institution is violated where one doth not deliuer the Sacrament to another but all receiue it at the hand of the Minister where they drinke also not of one but of diuers cups No in no wise because the taking of the Elements is necessarily required but the manner is not precisely appointed and prescribed And heereby also we see farther that we are not seruilely bound to cleaue to the example of Christ in the administration and participation of the Supper albeit on the other side we haue no purpose to oppose our selues any way against him but inasmuch as he hath left it free we haue made choice of that we thinke fit Thus I haue finished the point which I intended to bring backe our deceiued brethren and sisters to a willing submission to the orders of our Church in this behalfe I haue of purpose abstained from speaking of many other points which I might haue touched and peraduenture had beene fit to be obserued least I should exasperate any way those that are contrary minded and thereby driue them farther from that whereunto I goe about to perswade them and so wound those whom I desire to win For I am so farre from going about to kindle the coales of contention and mouing them any way to anger or bringing them to trouble whom I minde to gaine to the truth that if I haue let fall any thing from my pen that they which are contrary to me in opinion and to our Church in practise might take to be spoken to their disgrace or vttered in contempt of their persons I do heere freely condemne it my selfe before it come into other mens hands to be read of them I seeke for verity I striue not for victory In the matters of God we should be farre from bitternesse and especially in things of this nature we ought to be patient toward al men In all controuersies I account it an heauenly direction worthy to bee followed set downe by the Apostle Eph. 4. Eph. 4 31 32. Let all bitternesse and wrath and anger and clamour and euill speaking be put away from you and be ye kinde one to another tender hearted forgiuing one another euen as God for Christs sake hath forgiuen you And to conclude I say with the same Apostle in another place Gal. 6. Gal 6 16. As many as walke according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and vpon the Israel of God Thus much of the duties and rites to be practised of the Communicants as likewise touching the rest of the outward parts of the Lords Supper CHAP. VII Of the words of Consecration in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper ALthough we haue spoken before sufficiently of consecration a Booke 1. ca. 8. what it is and how it is wrought to satisfie all such as are sober minded and simple louers of the truth yet because special points are heere to be obserued and that the aduersaries turne the true consecration into a certaine magical incantation to worke a miraculous or rather a monstrous transubstantiation it shall not be amisse to assume handle this point againe that therby the truth of God may be cleered the ignorant instructed the aduersaries satisfied and consequently their mouths stopped Consecration is a change or conuerting of the outward elements into another vse by obseruing the whole institution of Christ which giueth it his effect We confesse a turning and changing not of one substance into another not by abolishing of natures not by close pronouncing of certaine words but in the vse and in respect of vs c The vse of the elements is c●anged the substance is not changed and in regard of the promise of God The water which flowed out of the rocke in the wildernesse signified the same to the Fathers
whole volume of such differences howbeit I will leaue them in their owne deuises and come to the third point which is to answere those that pleade the cause of Baal and are bold to speake what they dare for the whore of Babell who albeit they liue among vs and would bee thought to bee of vs yet they are neyther affrayd nor ashamed to affirme n Against such as would not haue it disputed and determined how Christ is present that the controuersie of the Supper is not so manifest as we teach nor the words of Christ so easie as we affirme nor the iudgement of the Fathers so cleer as we pretend nor the maner of eating so necessary to be holden as we define that we are to beleeue that Christ is present but how he is presēt we should not dispute whether it be carnally or whether it bee spiritually Indeed we feare not to teach that there is no transelementation or transubstantiation that is no reall turning of the bread into the body and the wine into the bloud of Christ but when he said This is my body hee intendeth not to change one substance into another but meaneth This bread is a signe or Sacrament of my body which is deliuered to death for vs and for our saluation And when he saith This Cup is the new Testament in my bloud hee vnderstandeth that the wine in the Cup is a Sacrament of the new Testament of our reconciliation to God and of our communion and participation of Christ with al his benefits therefore we doubt not to call this Sacrament a representation a remēbrance an image a token a type an antitype a signe a figure and such like Now that it may appeare that the wordes of institution are truely expounded and haue the constant consent and full approbation of al antiquity o The anciēt Fathers teach the same touching the Supper that we doe let vs produce our witnesses and see what the Fathers of the grayest heads before vs haue declared deliuered But before we come to fight hand to hand with these aduersaries and to discharge the volly of shot which we haue in store it shall not be amisse to set downe certaine inducements as it were certaine preparatiues to leade vs to beleeue that the Doctours of the Church are no lesse ours in this cause and controuersie then Caluine and Beza and the later writers For first we shal neuer read in all the monuments of former times any mention of adoration or eleuation of the host or that the maner was to lick vp the drops of the Challice or to sweepe the place where a drop was falne or to burne the wormes which haue corrupted or consumed it or to seeke out the host whē it is vomited vp to commend those that will swallow it againe Secondly Ierome teacheth that after the communion they had a common banket in the Church whereat they did eate vp all that q Ierom. vpon 1 Cor. 11. remained after the administration of the Supper If then it were the manner of many Churches to eate the residue at their loue feasts and ordinary bankets doubtlesse they did not thinke it was Christ himselfe which was eaten therein Thirdly the custome was in some places to burne the remainder of the r Hesych lib. 2. in Leuit. ca. 8. Eucharist and therefore it could not bee that they should beleeue that the bread was the very body of Christ forasmuch as it had beene horrible impiety and a most detestable prophanation to burne it as a ſ Gregory 7. an Atheist Necromācer certaine Pope in his rage and fury cast the Eucharist into the fire because it did not answere to his questions when he consulted with it or else peraduenture the body of Christ seeing the flame of fire comming toward it fled vp into heauen for feare of beeing consumed by it Fourthly another teacheth that in other Churches the custome was to giue the parts that were not spent and vsed to little children t Niceph lib. 17. cap. 25. frequenting the Schoole who are barred from partaking of the Supper by the Apostle because they are not able u 1 Cor. 11.28 to examine themselues and therefore they were not of opinion with the Church of Rome Fiftly the Masse it selfe vsed at this day and the prayers vsed in it do speake for the truth against their Idolatrous practise Heereunto commeth their sursum corda when they exhort to lift vp the heart on high to God and the prayers crauing of God that their oblation may be acceptable which is the figure and signe of the body and blood of our Lord whereas if the Church had beleeued that they did eate Christ with their mouths they might haue stayed their eyes beneath gazing and gaping vpon that which the Priest held in his hands and needed not to haue lifted vp their harts to Christ Iesus which sitteth at the right hand of his Father in the highest heauens Sixtly they teach vniformely that a body cannot be but in one place and that if we take space of place from them we destroy the being of a body and thereupon one saith a Virgil. lib. 1. Contr. Eutich The flesh of Chr●st was not in heauen when it was vpon the earth and now because it is in heauen it is not on earth And Augustine in his 57 Epistle to Dardanus hath these words The humane nature of Christ is destroyed if there bee not giuen vnto him after the manner of other bodies a certaine space wherin he may be contained The popish purgers and correcters could not suffer the waight of this sentence and therefore haue b Printed at Paris Anno. 1571. raced it out of some of their late editions and yet Bellarmine doth alledge it and obiect it against himselfe howbeit it is likely he did not remember himselfe but had forgotten to consult with his good companions who blot out that which they cannot answere These sixe considerations are as certaine inducements to sharpē our taste to break the Ice and so to prepare the way now let vs set downe the seuerall testimonies themselues and see how they depose for vs. Tertullian one of the most ancient faith c Tertul cont Marci lib. 4. Christ receiuing the bread and the same being diuided vnto his Disciples made it to be his body saying This is my bodye that is to say a signe of my body Theodoret saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. that is the mysticall signes depart not from their nature no not after consecration for they remaine in their former substance figure and forme Can any thing be spoken more plainely Doubtlesse Theodoret was in this point a Lutheran or a Caluinist one of those whom the bastard Catholikes call heretickes Augustine is a man of great authority in the Church therfore a sufficient witnesse beyond all exception he saith for vs d Aug. cont Adamant● ●2 The Lord made no doubt
requisite that the min●ster should kneele at the deliuering of it as they pretend it is much more reasonable that the people kneele in the receiuing of it And albeit the former maner of answering Amen noted by the ancient and obserued by the people be not prescribed in our Liturgy as a law and commandement yet I doubt not but it is both intended by the Church and practised of euery good Christ●an as a duty For when the minister saith according to the forme of administration vsed among vs The body of our Lord Iesus Christ which was giuē for thee preserue thy body and soule to euerlasting life c. who is it indued with any true feare of God and faith in Christ that doth not ioyne with him in heart secretly and seriously answere Amen If then we subscribe to that prayer in our soules to our selues although we do not answere to h●m with an audible voice how should it not be rather want of reuerence in vs to sit then fear of Idolatry in vs to kneele And it were not hard to produce the exāple of some that haue formerly vsed to fit who hauing a tender conscience haue bin troubled that they sate did not vse the gesture of kneeling iudging of themselues that they did not receiue it in that reuerent maner which they ought If any say Obiection kneeling hath beene abused to Idolatry which is a grieuous sin I answere rather we should say that abuse hath bin committed in the time of kneeling But grāt it to be so Answere this doth not touch vs at al who haue separated the abuse do retain the lawful vse of it We abhor the worshipping of the signes the committing of Idolatry euē our aduersaries being iudges we haue purged the gesture of kneeling frō all pollution vse it onely to expresse our reuerence and deuotion If any shall wonder as it Why there is so little mention in antiquity of sitting standing or kneeling at the Communion and aske the question how it commeth to passe that there is so little mention of kneeling or sitting or standing in all Antiquity I answere with that honourable Lord of Plessis in another cause though for substance not farre different The Apostles and Ancients haue not pressed any thing but that which was of the ordinance and appointment of God leauing all the rest indifferent to the arbitrement determination of such as gouerned the Churches who haue authority to take order in such things as are lawfull and yet are neither commanded nor forbidden in the word I will lay before the eyes of those that are contrary minded two points to bee considered Many standing against the Ceremonies do yeeld to kneeling and then I will ende this Controuersie First it cannot be denyed which experience teacheth that diuers euen among those that haue stood against the Ceremonies yet do stand against them do neuerthelesse nothing dissent in opinion from the order prescribed in the Church but conforme themselues in practise to the same and haue beene authors and perswaders of conformity vnto others as might easily be prooued by sundry witnesses so that these two causes must be seuered and diuided Secondly it will be very hard if not vnpossible to alledge the testimony of any learned man before our times No writers vntill 〈◊〉 times hold it vnlawfull to kneele so farre as I or others of greater reading can remember that held it absolutely wicked or vnlawfull to kneele at the taking of the Sacrament and therefore there is iust cause that others inferior vnto them should suspect their owne iudgement If then the most or at the least many euen among those that yeeld not to some other Ceremonies of the Church do notwithstāding kneele at the Crmmunion with all reuerence and all the learned troope of classicall writers account this kneeling to bee lawfull indifferent in it selfe why should we be so wedded to our owne opinions as to fasten an imposition of impiety and idolatry vpon it as we do as if all were wicked persons and idolaters that submit themselues vnto it This point I haue briefly touched in this place Booke 3 ca 6. but handled more at large in the Booke it selfe whereunto I referre the Reader for farther and fuller satisfaction where I haue produced as godly and sauoury writings as I thinke are any in our age to the end that if we be led by the iudgement of men who set a byas vpon our iudgement we may also haue many that are as sufficient to ouerwaigh and ouersway the others Neuerthelesse I begin not without some cause to suspect before hand that I am like to incurre the displeasure of such as are contrary minded whom I haue no thought or purpose to offend but rather to winne to that which I am perswaded is the truth And albeit I haue protested sufficiently touching my soundnesse and sincerity in this behalfe Pag 434. yet I feare offence will be taken where none is eyther giuen or intended therefore if any shall vnchristianly and vncharitably censure me I w●ll comfort my selfe in the cleerenes of mine owne conscience so that if mine aduersary should write a book against me Iob. 31 35 36 surely I would take it vpon my shoulder and binde it as a Crowne vnto me 1 Cor. 4 3. I haue learned to say with the Apostle With me it is a very small thing that I should bee iudged of you or mans iudgement yea I iudge not m●ne owne selfe I cannot forget the words of iust Iob when he was scoffed and scorned of his friends he appealed from them to the sentence of the Almighty chap. 16. Ioh. 16 19 Behold my witnesse is in heauen and my record is on high It is noted of Alcibiades when one lifted vp his staffe to strike him if hee would not hold his peace that trusting in the iustice of his cause the strength of the truth he answered 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Plutar. Smite so that thou wilt heare So it shall be no great griefe vnto mee to be taunted by the tongue or traduced by the pen if I may either strengthen any that wauer or recouer any that wander or confirme any that stand it is enough I haue my desire and a good recompence for my paines Now I proceede to buckle with the common aduersary both of them and vs I meane the popish sort who as they haue notoriously corrupted the maine pointes of religion so none more horribly then the Sacraments Sundry nouelties taught in the Church of Rome and by no meanes more then by the blasphemous Masse and the Idolatrous seruice belonging to that Idoll I haue oftentimes maruelled with what face or forehead they can aske of vs where our Church was before Martin Luther or Iohn Wickliffe as if it were vnknowne or vnheard of in the former times whereas thēselues are not able to declare or demonstrate where the Romane
our owne vnrighteousnesse And heereby wee may examine our selues whether Christ be in vs or not for then the body is dead because of sinne but the spirite is aliue through righteousnesse This is that which the Apostle teacheth 2. Cor. 5 17. If any man be in Christ let him be a new creature old things are passed away behold al things are become new So the Prophets prophesying of the kingdome of Christ do foretell of a new heauen and new earth Esay 65 17. signifying thereby that all such as belong to Christ and haue him dwelling in them by faith must bee renewed and regenerated by water and the Holy Ghost He is not as a dead body that hath no working but hee worketh wheresoeuer he commeth and dwelleth and altereth al those that are truely partakers of him not in substance but in qualitie giuing them new mindes new wils new affections and a new conuersation Happy are they that finde this change in them for they shall bee saued in that great day of the Lord the day of account when the mouth of iniquity shall be stopped and all the vngodly put to silence Thus much of the third inward part of a Sacrament CHAP. XII Of the fourth inward part of a Sacrament THe a The last inward part of a Sacrament is the faithful receiuer last inward part of a Sacrament is the faithfull receiuer desiring apprehending receiuing hungring and thirsting after Christ There is required a faithfull receiuer if wee would receiue Iesus Christ faith must of necessity goe before without this there is no iustification without this there is no saluation as Rom. 14. Whatsoeuer b Rom. 14 23 Heb. 11 6. is not of faith is sinne And Heb. 11. Without faith it is vnpossible to please God Iudas executed the function of an Apostle hee was partaker of the Passeouer yet he ceased not to remaine an hypocrite a diuell and the childe of perdition c Iohn 17 12. that the Scripture might be fulfilled Neither was he bettered or sanctified by that Sacrament or by the vse thereof Ananias and Sapphira his wife d Acts 5 4 9. being in the number of Disciples were no doubt baptised of the Apostles had also receiued ofttimes the Lords Supper yet they continued in their wickednesse lying and hypocrisie the Sacrament did not take away their wickednes nor giue them a iustifying and sauing faith e Acts 15 9. which purifieth the heart by repentance and worketh new obedience in the soule The like we haue said of Simon the sorcerer f Acts 8 23. who albeit he were baptised yet remained in the gall of bitternes and in the bond of iniquity Wherefore the Apostle teacheth that the word profited not g Heb. 4 2. because it was not mingled with faith in those that heard it If the signes be receiued without faith they hurt not that Gods guifts and ordinances hurt of themselues but not being receiued aright they hurt through our sinne and default As the word not receiued by faith is an empty sound without force so the Sacrament is an vnprofitable and a naked shew without substance Wherefore the Sacraments in regard of the vnbeleeuers and vngodly are no Sacraments to them because to them they are not seales of the righteousnesse of faith True it is they remaine Sacraments in respect of God who offereth his owne Sonne but they loose their strength and force toward the vnfaithfull that do abuse and contemne them h Rom. 2 25. as the Apostle expresly teacheth Circumcision verily is profitable if thou keepe the law but if thou bee a transgressor of the law thy circumcision is become vncircumcision The same Apostle speaking of such i 1 Cor. 11 20. as vsed the Lords supper without true godlines and due preparation saith This is not to eate the Lords Supper denying that to be which was not done as it ought to be Wherefore seeing the right vse of the Sacrament is Vse 1 when such as are truely conuerted vse them aright we learne diuers instructions that flowe and follow from hence First that the reprobate though God offer the whole Sacrament to them doe receiue the signes alone without the things signified they haue the bare title without the thing the vanishing shadow without the body the outward letter without the Spirite the empty boxe without the oyntment and the creature without the Creator They are washed with the element of water but not with the grace of regeneration They eate the bread and drinke the wine but they are not partakers of the bodye and blood of Christ Iesus to saluation They eate k Panem domini non pan●m dominum ●ugust hom in Ioh. 65. the bread of the Lord but they eate not the bread the Lord because the signe without the right and holy vse thereof is not an auaileable Sacrament to the receiuer of it Wee see therefore the wicked partake not Christ although they partake the signes of Christ l Ioh. 20 6 7. as they that found his cloathes but missed his body Secondly we see heereby that the elect ordained to Vse 2 eternall life but not yet called and conuerted to the Lord and to the obedience of his wil though they come often to the Sacraments yet do in like manner receiue the bare signes without the things signified because as yet they want faith and repentance What then Doe they nothing differ from the reprobates In this they differ not for the present time from the Reprobate Notwithstanding that receiuing of the Sacrament which for the time present was vnfruitefull and vnprofitable shall after in them haue his good effect as the Corne that lyeth long couered in the earth at the length doth come vp and flourish For the Sacrament receiued before a mans conuersion is afterward to the beleeuer and penitent sinner ratified and so becommeth profitable wherby the vse of the Sacrament which before was vtterly voide and vnlawfull doth then become lawfull comfortable as we see in the word heard without fruite and faith by an vnbeleeuer is made a word of saluation afterward when he is conuerted Vse 3 Lastly the elect already conuerted and sanctified by the Spirite of God do to their profite comfort and saluation receiue both the signe and the thing signified together yet so as that for their vnworthy receiuing therof which hapneth through their manifolde infirmities and often relapses into sinne they are subiect to temporal punishments for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus Heereunto cometh that saying 1 Cor. 11.30 For this cause many are sicke and weake among you and many sleepe for if wee would iudge our selues wee should not bee iudged of the Lord. Where the Apostle teacheth that God brought a iudgement vpon his owne house and punished this Church with weaknesse sicknesse and death it selfe for their vnreuerent vnworthy and disordered receiuing of the Lords Supper
as it may in part be gathered out of chap. 16. when Paul saith I will tarry at Ephesus vntill Pentecost how can it be that the Apostle baptising these Ephesians and writing his Epistle from Ephesus shold not remember them among aboue the rest beeing many and also present with him before his face Thus wee haue opened the meaning of this place which the vnlearned vnstable haue wrested as they do also other ſ 2 Pet. 3 16. Scriptures to their own destruction and we haue proued the baptism of Iohn to be one the same in substance with the baptisme of Christ and therefore to be neither vnperfect nor vnprofitable Thus we see that the vnion of the outward and inward parts togither teacheth t The sum of th● Chapter is ●et downe that in baptisme the outward rites are no needlesse ceremonies that it must b●● ministred with all conuenient speede against those that defer the same many weekes and months that it requireth our presence to the end of the administration thereof that prayers may bee offered vp by the Church for infants to be baptized and our selues learne what we haue vowed to God Wee haue also learned that God testifieth his loue euen to the lowest in the Church Nothing is done in the Church but to the benefit of the whole and if we desire our Children should be the children of God why do we not stay to aske it of God Or how shall we better know what our selues haue vowed and promised in our baptisme to God and how we haue beene answerable thereunto then by our continuall presence when it is administred Lastly this diuision of the parts teacheth that the baptisme of Iohn Christ differ not in the truth and substance thereof Thus farre we haue shewed that the parts of baptisme are partly outward and partly inward Now let vs see what these outward parts are and afterward proceed in order to the inward CHAP. III. Of the first outward part of baptisme AS we declared before in the former booke chap. 3. the number of outward parts of a Sacrament a Foure outward parts of Baptisme so the outward parts of baptisme are foure namely the Minister the word of institution the water and the receiuer All these though outward parts yet are substantiall and necessary parts The first is the Minister as the Ambassadour of God sent out by him with commission to meddle in the matter of the Sacraments as appeareth by the ministry of Iohn by the commandement of Christ and by the examples of the Apostles The Baptist b Luke 3.15 when all men mused in their hearts if he were not that Christ saide to them Indeede I baptize you with water but one stronger then I commeth whose shooes latchet I am not worthy to vnloose And Ioh. 1. he saith I am come baptizing with water I knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water saide to mee vpon whome thou shalt see the spirit come downe and tarry still on h●m that is hee which baptizeth with the Holy-Ghost And Mat. 28. Teach all nations baptizing them Now according to this commandement and commission the Apostles went forth teaching preaching to the people and ministring the Sacraments to such as were conuerted to the faith c Act. 1.38 8 12.38 as we see Act 2.38 Notwithstanding whereas Paule sayeth Christ sent me not to baptize d 1 Cor. 1.17 but to preach the Gospell 1. Cor. 1.17 It is not to be vnderstood historically but comparatiuely For his meaning is not simply to relate and set downe his office whereunto hee was called but by conferring it with his preaching as if hee should say This is not the chiefe and principall end of my calling and function to baptize the high work of my ministery is to preach the Gospell Indeede they are both of them parts of the Ministers Office but this is the chiefest to labour in the word and doctrine in regard of the greater gifts required and of the fruite that floweth and followeth from thence to their hearers it being the high ordinance of God to saue such as belieue That this is the Apostles minde and meaning appeareth by the wordes immediately ensuing where he reckoneth vp some whom he had baptized which he wold neuer haue done or attempted without a calling True it is the dignity and force of baptisme dependeth not vpon the worthines or excellency of the Ministers thereof but on the authority and institution of God who onely remitteth sinnes and baptizeth with the Holy-Ghost This appeareth by the example of such as ca●t out diuels in Christs name of whome Christ sayeth M●t. 7 22.23 hee knew them not So Iudas was sent out with the rest of the Apostles to teach and to preach the Gospell of the kingdome Mat. M●t. 23.1 ● 3 I●h 4.1 and to heale euery sicknesse and euery disease among the people yet hee was the sonne of perdition that the Scripture might be fulfilled The Scribes and Pharisies sit in Moses his chaire For this cause Christ himselfe would baptize no man Ioh. 4. least any should esteeme of baptisme by the worthinesse or vnworthines of Ministers Neuerthelesse f Reasons rēdred why the Minister onely may baptize it is required that baptisme be done and deliuered by a Minister ●f ●he church and one reputed so to be of the Church as may be confirmed by sundry reasons First baptisme is a part of the ministry which none may vndertake but such as are therunto lawfully called God hath ioyned the g Mat. 28 19. Heb. 5 4. Mat. 19 6. ministry of the word and Sacraments together and what God hath coupled together let no man separate Mat. 19.6 But women or priuate persons may not be admitted to teach in the publike assemblies h 1 Cor. 14 34 35. in a true and well ordered Church 1 Cor. 14. Let your women keepe silence in the Churches for it is not permitted vnto them to speake but they ought to bee subiect as also the Law saith and if they will learne any thing let them aske their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speake in the Church 1 Tim. 2 11 12. And 1 Tim. 2 Let your women learne in silence with all subiection I permit not a woman to teach neither to vsurpe authority ouer the man but to bee in silence Likewise i Reuel 20 20. the Apostle reproueth the Church of Thyatira that it suffered a Woman to teach among them and to exercise the publike ministry of the word contrary to Gods commandement and the practise of Gods people I confesse k Iudg. 4 4. 1 Sam. 2 2. 2 King 22 14. Act 21 9. there haue beene Prophetesses in the Church as Deborah Huldah Hannah the foure daughters of Philip with some others but the examples are extraordinary and therefore cannot make an ordinary rule for imitation The causes hereof are direct
or function in the Church For the apostles had Euangelists Pastors that did accompany them whither soeuer they went as appeareth in sundry places of the Acts. And if as yet there were no Pastors and Teachers appointed in the Church nor ordinary Ministers erected it pertaineth not to the question in hand because when wee enquire what persons are permitted to minister the Sacraments wee vnderstande it of the ordinary and setled gouernment of the church whereas that may not be suffered in a Church planted which is allowed in the beginning while it is planting and the foundation is in laying before an ordinary ministery be erected Againe those that did baptize at the appointment of Peter did it not of their own head but by the warrant of the Apostle who may be sayd to baptize by their hand because he that dooth a thing by other may bee sayde to doe it himselfe as it is sayde sometimes that Christ baptized Iohn 3 22. Iohn 3.22 Iesus came and his Disciples into the Lande of Iudea and there hee tarried vvith them and Baptized Sometimes it is sayde that hee baptized not at all as Iohn 4 verse 1 2. When the Lorde knevv that the Pharisies had heard Iohn 4 1 2 2. that Iesus made and Baptized moe Disciples then Iohn though Iesus himselfe baptized not but his Disciples These things may seeme contrary the one vnto the other Iesus baptized Iesus baptized not yet the latter place openeth and expoundeth the former and sheweth that if wee speake touching his practise in his owne person hee baptized not but if wee speake what hee did by the hand and by the Ministery of his Disciples hee baptized because when hee had preached hee sealed his Doctrine by Baptisme which the Apostles ministred Lastly there is nothing which I knowe to hinder why these wordes thus written Peter commaunded them to bee baptized may not bee thus interpreted He commaunded Water to bee brought where-with they should bee baptized as such as attend and serue the Pastour in carrying about the Breade or reaching the Cup should bee said to minister the Lords Supper For the assistant may beare the name of doing the chiefe principall worke But howsoeuer it was they are greatly I will not say grossely deceiued that imagine the Apostle would not vouchsafe to do it so long as other wer present that might do it For this should sauour of Antichristian pride which was farre from the Apostles who bare themselues with all Christian humility as they had learned of their Lord and Maister besides the ministry of the holy Sacraments is of the same nature with the preaching of the word and therefore is of greater worth and excellencie then any mortall man liuing vpon the face of the earth is woorthy to handle Thirdly it may be saide what shall we do when a lawfull Obiection 3 Minister is wanting and cannot be had May we not then vse the helpe and hand of priuate persons Answere I answere no necessity can compell vs to violate the ordinance of God and to breake the orders that he hath established in his Church For as in the first institution and administration of baptisme Iohn baptized that preached the Gospel so is this course to be continued and holden euen vnto the end The commandement to preach is the commandement to baptize the forbidding to preach is a restrayning to baptize and therefore Paul ioyneth the washing of the Water with the word of the Gospell Ephe. 5. As for these that haue not the preaching of the word committed to them Christ neuer said to them Go and Baptize If it cannot be had for our children according to this rule they must be commended to God who will baptize them with the holye Ghost and saue them by his grace albeit they be not partakers of the outward part of the Sacrament and washed with the element of water Neyther let any heere obiect the opinion of S. Augustine Lib. 2. contr Epist P●●men ca. 13. who writeth That if a Lay-man baptize in case of necessity either it is no sinne at all or a veniall sinne for first this place concludeth nothing inasmuch as he speaketh doubtfully whether it bee lawfull or vnlawfull He therefore that will ground any thing vpon this authority and practise such Lay-baptisme from this place must do it with a doubtfull conscience which in him that doth it is sinne albeit it were in it selfe lawfull Again if this godly Father stand in doubt whether baptisme ministred by a lay-man be auaileable or no and consequent-whether such persons so baptized ought to be rebaptized it is manifest that hee alloweth not that a lay-man should take vpon him to baptize for if he had holden such ministration to bee lawfull there had beene no cause or reason why he shold doubt whether that baptisme were good or not Let not any therefore ground vpon his authoritie more then euer he taught them but rather let vs stom hence inferre that seeing hee was not resolued whether baptisme by a lay-man be auailable doubtlesse he was out of doubt that being administred through the presumptuous intrusion of a woman it is voide and of no effect who is doubly barred from publicke charges of the Church more then a priuate man Furthermore wee answere that the iudgement of this learned and reuerend Father is in this cause lesse to be waighed and esteemed and indeede not at al to be allowed and followed because he ascribeth too much to baptisme and the outward washing with water as thogh all they that departed hence without it were damned for euer And this is that which made him rush vpon the former rocke ready to suffer shipwracke for rather then hee would haue the infant perish hee would haue any meanes vsed that were possible to saue the soule of the child but we know that God is not so hard to them who hath promised to be their God nor the sentence of his word so heauy forasmuch as the children of the faithfull are within the Couenant and called holye by the Apostle of which wee shall speak at large afterward Victor Vticensis in his second booke of the persecution of the Vandals telleth vs of a miserable lamentation of the people Lib. 2 de persecut Vandal when their Ministers were banished by the Arrian heretikes saying Alas vvho shall baptize these Infants And this the Rhemistes confesse in their annotations vpon Iohn 20 23. Whereas this complaint should not haue needed if priuate persons or Midwiues in case of necessity in time of persecution and in the want of Ministers might haue baptized as well as the ministers and the people withall be assured to receiue a Sacrament at their hands as well as at the hands of the Ministers And hence it is that Augustine also saith that in time of necessity August Tom. 2. Epist 183. the women hasted to carry their Children vnto the Church that they may be baptised Epist 180 Do we not consider
saith If the first fruites be holy the lumpe is also holy and if the roote be holy Rom. 11 16. so are the branches Rom. 11. By the name of root in that nation of the Iewes he doth not vnderstand the next parents who peraduenture were prophane vngodly but those first parents of that people to wit Abraham Isaac and Iacob to whom the promise was made and the couenant confirmed that God would be their God and the God of their seed by an euerlasting couenant and therfore al their posterity which did not wholy forsake and renounce the true God of Israel and cleaue to the false Gods of the Gentiles which are no Gods but the workes of mens hands are within the compasse of the couenant and rightly iudged to be holy in regard of the holinesse of the couenant Among Gods owne people the Iewes we know that many were wicked persons yet was not circumcision the signe of the couenant euer denyed to their children In like manner the Sacrament of Baptisme may not be taken away from the childrē of such as are counterfeit Christians which professe Christ in words but deny him in their deeds forasmuch as euen they are in the Couenant in regard of the Elders of whom they descend and in regard of the whole Church in which they are borne and do liue Whether children born in adultery may be baptized This point being duely waighed and considered serueth to answere another question to wit whether children borne in fornication and adultery may be baptized I answere as such were circumcised in the Church of the Iewes so they may bee baptized and ought to be baptized in the Churches of the Christians And as the children of wicked Christians who hold true religion in iudgement but deny it in their practise are to be partakers of baptisme as we haue already prooued in the former question so may the children of the adulterer and of the whore prouided that there be some to answere and to vndertake for them besides their parents For it skilleth not what the next parents were out of whose loynes immediately they proceede neither is it materiall in this case whether the parents doe repent or not forasmuch as their children being presented by other then the parents themselues and brought vnto baptisme may not be reiected from the Church It pleaseth God in mercy to call some of them to beleeue and to bring them to saluation as we see in the example of Iepthah who was the sonne of an harlot and borne in fornication Iudg. 11 1. Heb. 11 32. yet he is commended in the Epistle to the Hebrewes and registred among the cloud of faithfull witnesses who through faith wrought righteousnesse out of weaknesse was made strong waxed valiant in fight and turned to flight the armies of the Aliens Heb. 11.34 So then albeit the children of harlots beare the brand of their parents shame and are oftentimes giuen ouer to follow the sinne of their parents yet if they hate their wicked waies God hath grace in store for them If then saluation belong to them so that they repent and beleeue how should any deny the outward washing with water vnto thē and barre them from the outward part which is the least part of the Sacrament And this doth Austine teach at large in his 75. epistle reprouing a certaine Bishop August epist 75. who for the wickednes of the father excommunicated the whole family thereby punishing the sonne for the sinne of the father the wife for the sinne of the husband and the seruant for the sinne of the maister contrary to the equall law of God that the sonne shall not beare the iniquity of the father Ezek. 18 20. Whether the children of professed papists and Recusants be to be baptized Ezek. 18 The next question to be discussed and decided is whether the children of Recusants and professed Papists haue right to be baptized or not I answere two things first that their parents are such as were baptized in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy-Ghost and they haue receiued true baptisme albeit corrupted with sundry superstitions Secondly albeit the papacy be not the true Church yet the true Church is in the papacy and to be gathered out of it and for this cause baptisme yet remaineth in the essentiall part of it so that such children as are baptized in the Church of Rome ought not to be rebaptized because the true forme of baptisme is obserued and likewise their children may be baptized in our Churches prouided that their parents desire this baptisme or consent vnto it as we noted before in disputing about the baptizing of the children of Turks Infidels and againe there be such sureties as wil vndertake the education and training vp of the child in the true knowledge of God and faith in Christ Iesus The last question which now I wil stand vpon is Whether the children of excommunicate persons may be baptized whether the children of excommunicate persons which are cast out of the Church and not holdē as members of it may be baptized or not I answere they cannot nor ought not to be kept from partaking of baptisme For first touching the parents that are excommunicate it lyeth not in the power of the Church to cut them off from the body of Christ for albeit they be separated frō the Church for some greeuous offence Beza epist 10. yet they are not open apostataes backsliders that combine themselues with the enemies of the Church and seeke the ruine of the Church and plot the ouerthrow of the Gospell Albeit for a season they bee put out of the visible Church it is not to their destruction but their conuersion and in the iudgement of charity we must hold them to be as decayed members which are as plants engrafted into Christ albeit for the present time they haue not any liuely and sensible feeling of the power of Christs Spirite in them They are as an arme that hath a dead palsie which though for a while it remaine without sense so that the body hath no vse of it nor benefit by it yet by the vertue of some strong medicine it may bee recouered and restored to the former strength and so made as whole and sound as the other A free-man belonging to any incorporation that is imprisoned for some crime remaineth a free-man still although for the time he be restrained and haue lost the vse of his liberty Againe parents are banished out of the Church for their owne personall sinnes but it is against the light of reason common equity that the personall sinnes of the father should interrupt and intercept the blessing of God from the Childe for then the prouerbe should be true that the fathers haue eaten sowre grapes Ezek. 18 2. and the childrens teeth are set on edge Ezek. 18. which the Lord would haue no more vsed in Israel Besides we are taught
it did appertaine to the children of the Iewes vnder the old Testament vnlesse peraduenture we will say that our Sauiour Christ by his comming hath restrained or diminished the grace and loue of his Father which were detestable blasphemy against the Father and an horrible reproch against the Sonne of God From hence then we reason thus If the infants of the Iewes were circumcised then the children of Christians are to be baptized but the infants of the Iews were circumcised therefore also the children of Christians are to be baptized Against this reason sundry exceptions are taken by the aduersaries of this doctrine Obiection which are not vnworthy the consideration They say circumcision was a signe of mortification it was tyed to be administred the eight day and that women ought not to be baptized if baptisme were like to circumcisiō inasmuch as they were not circumcised I answere Answere these obiections wil easily appeare to be very cauils and meere dreames of idle and addle braines if we diligently obserue both wherein circumcision and baptisme agree and in what points they differ They e Wherin circumcision baptisme agree agree first in one author of them both that is God himselfe who first appointed the Minister of circumcision which was Abraham and Iohn the Minister of baptisme whereof hee was called the Baptist Secondly in the chiefe and principall ends for which they were instituted namely to seale vp the promises of grace by Christ Thirdly by both of them is wrought our visible receiuing into the Church the Iewes were receiued by circumcision the Christians are entred by baptisme Lastly by both of them our mortification regeneration newnesse of life and iustification are signified So then they fully agree in the ends which they respect and in the things which they signifie to wit in the substance and nature of the things themselues The same Christ is promised in circumcision and giuen in baptisme Againe circumcision and baptisme differ f Wherin circumcision baptisme differ onely in certaine circumstances first in the forme and manner of dooing as circumcision was administred by cutting away of the foreskin effusion of blood but baptisme by washing and sprinkling with water Secondly in the outward signe which is indifferent in both Thirdly in the circumstance of time for circumcision promised from God grace and mercy in the Messias to come baptisme in the Messias already exhibited Fourthly in the subiects or persons that are partakers of them circumcision belongeth onely to the male children but baptisme is common to male and female Notwithstanding g How womē were after a sort circumcised howsoeuer the bodies of the men children alone were imprinted yet through them the women were after a sort made partakers and companions of circumcision so that albeit God commanded onely the males to haue this signe in their flesh yet the females were not excluded from being members of the Church nor accounted strangers from the Couenants of promise For as the man is the h 1 Cor. 11 8. head of the woman so they were accounted as circumcised in the man yea they were reckoned and numbred with the men namely the vnmarried with their father and the married with their husbands Now that their circumcision was thus comprehended in the men so that it was vnto thē in stead of circumcision to be borne of the circumcised may be gathered by many places as Luk. 13. Where the woman which Christ healed of a spirit of infirmity bound together is called i Luk. 13 11. the daughter of Abraham to signifie that the priuiledge of his posterity belonged no lesse to her and all women that were faithfull then to the males and that she was as well his daughter as they his sonnes Likewise Gen. 34. the sonnes of Iacob communing with Hamor after their sister was humbled and abused said vnto them k Gen. 34 14.15 16. We cannot do this thing to giue our sister to an vncircumcised man for that were a reproofe vnto vs but in this we will consent vnto you if ye will be as we are that euery man-ch●ld among you be circumcised then we will giue our daughters to you c. where these two are set as contrary one to another our sister and the vncircumcised which teacheth that they were accounted as circumcised in the males so that it was enough to them to be born of parents that were circumcised Fiftly they differ in the setled time which is limited for circumcision being precisely and necessarily tied to the 8. day but in baptisme it is not so there is greater liberty left to the church yet the Sabboth following would not without vrgent cause be omitted Sixtly circumcision was instituted for the Israelites that were the seed of Abraham but Baptisme was instituted for all Nations that are willing to ioyne themselues to the fellowshippe of the Churches of Christ that professe his name of whatsoeuer Land and language they be Lastly circumcision was to endure onely till the comming of the Messias but the body being come the figure must cease whereas baptisme is to continue vnto the end of the world l Mat. 28 20. as our Sauiour teacheth Mat. 28. Teach and baptize and loe I am with you vntill the end of the world Wherefore the circumcision of the Turkes and Tartars which liue in infidelity and of the Moores which professe christianity vsed at this day is nothing worth albeit they retaine the outward signe and ceremony because the institution of it was only to endure vntill the blessed times of the Gospell Thus we see that notwithstanding the differences betweene circumcision and baptisme in circumstances of time manner of doing yet being in substance and effect the same the argument standeth strong and inuincible as a brazen wall prouing the baptizing of infants in the time of the Gospell from the commandement of circumcising infants in the time of the Law Againe m The practise of the Apostles let vs consider the practise of the Apostles and ages succeeding in this point For albeit it be not expressed that any infant was baptized by the hands of the Apostles yet we finde in diuers places that whole families and housholds haue beene baptized in which no doubt were many infants sucklings n Act. 16 13.33 1 Cor. 1 14 16. Acts 18 8. and 2.37 38.39 as Act. 16 15. Lidia being conuerted to the faith was baptized and all her houshold And againe verse 33 of the same Chapter the Iaylor was baptized and all that were with him So was Crispus the chiefe Ruler of the Synagogue and his houshold baptized and the houshold of Stephanus Furthermore when Peter commanded the Iewes newly conuerted to the faith of Christ and hungring after saluation in him whom before they had crucified to bee baptized he addeth this as a reason For the promise is made to you and to your children and to all that are a farre off euen as many
of Christ seeing they are a principall part of his possession If they be a part of the houshold they ought to haue entrance into the house if they belong to the Citty of God who shall dare to shut the gates against them Or if they bee in the number of the sheepe of Christ who shal presume to keepe them from the sheepefold Or if they be sound members of the body of Christ who shall cut them off as rotten members Wherefore then u Gen. 17 7. Acts 2 39. 1. Cor 7 14. should they not receiue the seale whereby the promise is confirmed vnto them seeing they haue the promise it selfe of saluation Why should they not bee partakers of the outward signe a Mat. 19 14. seeing they are partakers of the thing signified Why should they be put backe from the figure seeing they haue the truth it selfe Why should they not be partakers of the Sacrament with the faithfull seeing they are enrolled in the fellowship of the faithfull And who shall depriue them of the seale of the couenant seeing they are partakers of regeneration and remission of sinnes Heereupon thus we reason whosoeuer are in the couenant and Church of God vnto them belongeth baptisme which is the seale of the couenant but Infants are in the Couenant and of the Church therefore to them belongeth baptisme which is the seale of the Couenant Againe to whome the promise appertaineth they may and ought to bee baptized but the promise was made euen to Infants therefore they may and ought to be baptized Furthermore to whom forgiuenesse of sinnes and the Holy-Ghost are promised and giuen they ought by no meanes to be denied the outward signe but forgiuenesse of sinnes and the Holy-Ghost are promised to Infants and giuen vnto them therefore infants ought not to be kept from the element of water no more then such as are of yeares of discretion Thus much of the first point putting Children into the right and possession of Baptisme as if it were the right heires into their inheritance from which they haue beene wrongfully and vniustly dispossessed Hauing now sufficiently proued by the Scripture that children are to be baptized it remaineth that we should maintaine this assertion against b Obiections of Anabaptists impugning childrens baptisme an●wered the cauils of the Anabaptists For as the former reasons grounded vpon the euident demonstration of the worde as vpon a pillar that cannot be shaken may perswade vs to embrace the truth so the weakenesse and sophistry which appeareth in the Obiections of the aduersaries serueth to confirme vs in this perswasion But let vs examine what is the strength of them First they obiect Obiection it was neuer commanded that Infants should be baptized I answere Answere vnblameable examples practises not contradicted are in the nature of precepts Againe the will of God approuing and appointing childrens baptisme appeareth c Col. 2 11.12 in that it came in place of circumcision Baptisme is our circumcision Besides we d Mat. 28 19. 1 Cor. 10 1 2. haue a generall commandement Go teach all nations and baptize them And the apostle saith all were baptized in the cloud and in the sea and he comprehendeth the whole Church when hee saith it was clensed with the washing of water Ephesians 5. verse 26. Christ saith all nations the Apostle saith all the Israelites let them shew where infants are excepted and exempted for we hold this as a certaine principle that a general commandement includeth the particular and comprehendeth the same vnder it as well as if it were by name expressed Secondly they obiect if infants may be baptized Obiection then they may be admitted to the Lords Supper for why should not the Supper be giuen to the whole church as wel as baptisme I answere Answere there is not the like reason and respect of both There is great difference betweene these two Sacraments For baptisme is a signe of our entrance and receiuing into the church so that the Supper is to be granted to none but to such as are baptized and are fit to be●r strong meat being instituted for our confirmation and sealing vnto vs that God hauing once receiued vs into the Church wil also euermore preserue vs in it that we neuer fall from it nor forsake it and will nourish and ch●●●sh vs by the body and blood of Christ Wherfore the Lord Iesus to shew that his Supper was not for children but for men would not administer it in the element of milke which is for infants and for new borne babes but in bread and wine which are for strong men that are of age Againe sundry conditions and considerations are required in the supper which debar yong infants that although they are to be baptized yet they ought not to be admitted to the Lords supper seeing by their young yeares they are excluded For it is required of all those that come to this supper e 1 Cor. 11.26 28 29. to shew foorth the Lords death to discerne the body and blood of Christ and try themselues whether they haue faith and repentance But infants cannot doe these things they cannot shew forth the Lords death they are not apt to discerne his body and blood they are not able to examine themselues and therefore infants for good causes are excluded from this Supper If any say Is this a good reason the promise doth belong to infants and therefore the Sacrament of Baptisme Then why may not the Lords Supper be as well giuen vnto them vpon the same ground This will not follow howsoeuer some of the ancient Fathers were of that opinion Cyprian Ser. 5. de laps August de eccl dogm cap. 52. Ioh. 6 6 5● applying this Scripture to their purpose Ioh. 6 53. Except ye eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his blood yee haue no life in you But this place is to be vnderstood of spirituall eating by faith not of the Sacramentall eating as wee shall shew in the next booke They were therefore deceiued that thought the Supper of the Lord did belong to infants And touching this consequence The promise of grace belongeth to children Therefore the outward signe of the Sacrament it is true being rightly vnderstood to wit according to the limitation and the appointment of God proper to euery Sacrament who hath ordained that the Sacrament of entrance should be receiued both of men and children Gen. 17. howbeit only the males in the old Testament and not before the eight day but in the new Testament both of male and female without restraint of time And touching the Supper of the Lord which is the Sacrament of our norishment it can appertaine to those onely that are come to yeares of discretion first because the end thereof is to shew the Lords death vntill he come 1 Cor. 11 26. 1 Cor. 11 28. Secondly because euery one that commeth vnto it is commanded to examine himselfe Mat. 26 26.
to the Eunuch Acts 8. If thou beleeuest thou maiest Thus we see that the children of those that professe the faith belong to the Church of God the children of Pagans belong not to the Church of God loe how great a difference there is betweene them Heereby then the children of the faithfull are discerned and distinguished from the prophane multitude of Atheists Epicures Libertines Arrians Anabaptists Turkes Sarazens Persians and other barbarous nations g Eph. 2 1● which are without Christ without hope without God in the world whereas the holy seede of all the faithfull belong to the Church of God and are reckoned in the company of the Church For this h Rom. 11 6. cause the Apostle calleth the whole posterity of Abraham holy that is consecrated and hallowed to God If the roote be holy the branches are also holy Not that the children of the faithfull do want originall sin or that they gather any actuall holinesse or inherent righteousnes by carnall generation and propagation from their parents but because by benefit of the couenant of God and by force of his gracious promise they are separated from prophane Infidels and brought into the bosome of the Church as Noah was into the Arke Fiftly this doctrine that children are commended to Vse 5 God infranchized into the heauenly Citty setteth forth the honour and glory of God For is not God greatly glorified when he sheweth himselfe true in his promises and hath mercy vpon the faithfull i Deut. 7 9. for a thousand generations And is not occasion offered vnto vs continually to glorifie him Can we deserue that God should be our God Nay do we not deserue that he should not be our God And yet behold he will bee the God of our children also Let vs therefore neuer forget his mercies let vs fill our mouths or rather our hearts with his praises let vs confesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse and his wonderfull workes before the sonnes of men Sixtly all parents are heereby wonderfully comforted Vse 6 they haue their faith strengthened and are confirmed in the loue of God when they see themselues so beloued of God that it descendeth and floweth euen to their Children as they are assured by this visible signe This is that worthy and wonderfull promise which we must receiue by k Gen. 17 7. faith Gen. 17. I will be thy God and the God of thy seed after thee I will establish my couenant betweene me and thee and thy seed after thee A sentence to be written not onely in Gold but in the tables of our hearts to dwell with vs for euer When wee must leaue the world and our families in poore estate behind vs and go vnto the Father let vs not be dismayed discouraged or discomfited this is the stay of our hope this is the staffe of our comfort this is our anker-hold that he will not shut vp his mercy toward our children but be a gracious God to them as he hath beene to our selues so that we may assuredly say vnto them with faithfull Abraham l Gen. 22.8 My sonne God will prouide Let vs bee content with those things that we haue for he hath saide m Heb. 13 5.6 7. Iosh 1 5. H●g 2 9. I will not faile thee neither forsake thee so that we may boldly say The Lord is my helper neither will I feare what man can doe vnto me Godlinesse is great gaine and he that is truely godly is truely rich He that hath Christ hath all things he that wanteth him wanteth all things Heauen and earth are the Lords all the gold and siluer are his who hath promised to be an husband to the widdow eyes to the blinde a couering to the naked a father to the fatherlesse and he will not forget his kindnesse toward vs for euer Wherfore let vs lift vp n Heb. 12 12.13 our hands and our hearts which hang downe let vs strengthen our weake knees and make straight steps vnto our feet God is able to worke contentednes in all his seruants whose power is best seene in our weakenes and whose glory shineth brightest in our greatest wants Remember o Psal 37.25 34 8 9 10. what the Prophet saith Psal 37. I was young and now am olde yet I neuer saw the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread And againe Tast ye and see how gracious the Lord is blessed is the man that trusteth in him Feare the Lord ye his Saints for nothing wanteth to them that fear him The Lyons do lacke and suffer hunger but they which seeke the Lord shall want nothing that is good Loe how the man shal be blessed that feareth God not only in his owne person but in his children p Psal 115 13 14. Ier. 32 38 39. inasmuch as our seed is no lesse deare to him then we are as Psal 115. He will blesse them that feare the Lord both small great the Lord wil encrease his graces toward you and toward your children And to the same purpose the Prophet Ieremy chap. 32. saith They shal be my people I wil be their God and I will giue them one heart one way that they may feare me for euer for the wealth of thē and of their children after them Let vs al rest in his words and rely vpon his mercifull promises He is not as man that he should lye nor as the sonne of man that he should deceiue He hath said he wil be our God and the God of our seed that we leaue behind vs. Behold O Lord the words of thine owne lips consider the promises that are gone out of thine owne mouth We know thou art true and faithfull in all thy sayings thou wilt not alter the things which thou hast writtē with thine owne finger on thee we waite and in thee we put our trust let it be vnto thy seruants according to thy free promise and according to thy gracious couenant that we may feele the accomplishment thereof in our soules Seuenthly al parents are heereby to be warned and admonished Vse 7 that seeing the promise of forgiuenes of sinnes and the kingdome of heauen belongeth to their seed and consequently the signe and seale therof they must be carefull to bring them vp q Eph. 6 4. in the true knowledge and feare of God as Eph. 6. Fathers prouoke not your children to wrath but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lord. So Moses teacheth Exod. 12. Exod 12 26.27 When their children should aske them touching the Paschal Lambe that then it is their duty to declare and deliuer to them the true cause and occasion thereof Likewise so often as we consider how our children are by grace accepted by baptisme consecrated vnto God and so made heires of life and saluation it standeth vs vpon to plant and water the sauing knowledge of Christ Iesus in them For what should it profit vs to leaue them great riches
earth If this inward maister and teacher be wanting the Sacraments g The Sacraments profit not without the Spirit can work no more in our mindes then if the bright Sun should shine to the blinde eyes or a loud voice sound in deafe eares or fruitefull corne fall into the barren wildernes or a shower of raine fall vpon the hard stones Wherefore least the word of saluation should sound in our eares in vaine and Sacraments ioyned to the word should bee present before our eyes in vaine the Spirit worketh in vs whensoeuer we come vnto them aright he mollifieth the hardnesse of our hearts he frameth vs to new obedience and assureth vs that God offereth to vs his owne Sonne for our iustification and saluation For euen as the seede that falleth into a barren soile dyeth and rotteth yet if it be sowne in fruitfull ground wel tilled and manured it bringeth forth good increase with gaine and aduantage so likewise the word and the Sacraments if they hit vpon an hard necke and fall into a barren heart become vnprofitable and vnfruitefull but if the effectuall worke of the Spirite accompanieth the hearing of the one and receiuing of the other they are profitable auaileable and comfortable Thus much of the second part CHAP. X. Of the third inward part of baptisme THe third inward part of baptisme a The third inward part of baptisme is Christ Iesus is Christ represented and signified by the water For as the Apostle teacheth b Heb. 10 4. That the blood of buls and calues cannot take away sin so the water in baptisme cannot wash away sinnes It toucheth the body washeth it cleanseth and purgeth it but it can proceed no further Nay al the water in the riuers and in the Sea cannot scowre and make clean the conscience it is another water euen the Spirit that must do it Hence it is Ier. 2 22 that the Lord saith by his Prophet Ieremy chap. 2. Though thou wash thee with nitre and take thee much sope yet thine iniquity is marked before me saith the Lord. To this purpose speaketh Iob Iob. 9 30.31 chap. 9. If I wash my selfe with snow-water and make my hands neuer so cleane yet shalt thou plunge me in the Ditch and mine owne clothes shall abhorre me It is not therefore the outward water but the inward water that auaileth vs. For this c Act. 2 38. 10 ●8 19 5 cause the beleeuers are said to bee baptized in the name of Christ as Act. 2 38. Be baptized euery one of you in the name of Christ So chap. 19 5. They were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus Not meaning heereby the forme and manner of baptizing but the fruit foundation and end of baptisme Likewise d 1 Pet. 3 21. the Apostle sheweth the same 1. Pet. 3 21. Baptisme answering to the figure of the Arke saueth vs by the resurrection of Iesus Christ There is no force in outward baptisme to saue the whole vertue and force floweth from the streame of Christs blood as the true materiall cause thereof wherein the power of inward baptisme doth consist The truth beeing euident that the pouring out of the blood of CHRIST is one of the inward partes of Baptisme let vs see the vses Vse 1 The vse of this part teacheth diuers points First that the outward washing with water is not the washing away of sins for thē whosoeuer were dipped in it should receiue forgiuenesse of sinnes repentance from dead workes and sanctification of the Spirit whether he beleeued or not e Acts 8.22 which is otherwise as we see Acts 8 22. Also they should not and could not be Christians and eternally saued which are not outwardly washed but departing this life without baptisme they should perish in the next world without redresse or redemptiō and so our condition were worse then the Iewes their condition in times past and the grace of God more restrained vnder the Gospell then it was vnder the law Moses offering more mercy then Christ himselfe So then the washing with water serueth to ratifie the shedding of Christs blood for the remission of our sinnes and the imputation of his righteousnesse to our iustification f 1 Ioh. 1 7. as 1. Ioh. 1 7. The blood of Iesus Christ his Sonne doth cleanse vs from all sinne So Reuel 1 5. He hath loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his blood and made vs Kings and Priestes vnto God euen his Father And Col. 1 14. the apostle saith In him we haue redemption by h●s blood that is forgiuenesse of sinnes Againe when we see with our bodily eyes the water Vse 2 poured vpon the body of the baptized wee must behold and consider with the eyes of faith the blotting out of all our sinnes as well originall as actuall as well after baptisme as before baptisme by the precious blood of Christ that we may assure our selues it is no idle action For we must not behold the Sacramentall rites as certaine dumbe gestures or stage-like shewes without substance and signification but we must make them serue to further our faith and edification or else we do horribly abuse them to the great dishonour of God and to the fearefull destruction of our owne soules Lastly it teacheth vs not to be led by the outward senses Vse 3 to measure the truth or to iudge of the substance of baptisme by the outward signe and visible parts but to haue our faith fixed on Christ crucified on the Crosse and signified in baptisme The Infidell seeing children solemnly baptized in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holy-Ghost will rashly and ignorantly coniecture nothing to be there but naked rites and bare water but the faithfull and true Christian doth behold the washing of the soule and cleansing of the heart by the dearest blood of Christ So in the Lords Supper to the vnbeleeuer appeareth nothing but Bread and Wine because we see with our eies wee receiue with our hands wee taste with our mouth no more but the beleeuer knoweth that together with these signes God the Father offereth the body and blood of his Sonne to be spiritually receiued and digested Euen as he that is vnlettered and vnlearned if he looke g Esa 29 11 12. vpon the face of a booke beholdeth onely blacke colours and spots vpon the Paper seeth certaine figures and characters of Letters differing each from other but cannot reade the writing or comprehend the meaning but he that hath learned his Letters and is able to reade them reapeth great profite and instruction thereby So is it in the Sacraments He that resteth in the outward signe deceiueth himselfe but hee that respecteth the thing signified receiueth the profit and aduantage The Crosse of Christ and preaching of the Gospel h 1 Cor. 1 23.24 are a stumbling blocke to the Iewes and foolishnesse to the Graecians For the Infidell hearing that Christ was crucified
I speake not this as though I would haue men to do nothing to abstaine frō all duties to refraine from hearing and forbeare from praying but because I would haue them carefull and watchfull ouer themselues to make conscience of all sinne and then they may looke for a blessing at the hands of God Thirdly there is another sort that is not ashamed to affirme The third obiection that this often receiuing is more then needs as if forsooth it were a worke of supererogation Thus they open themselues to the whole world Answere and shew manifestly of what prophane spirit they are For we haue not onely the word of God requiring vs often to eate of this bread and to drinke of this cup 1 Cor. 11.26 but our owne weakenes and wants crying out aloud vnto vs that we haue great cause oftentimes to come to his Table And surely if these men had euer found any sweetnes in this Sacrament and tasted how gracious the Lord is 1 Pet. 2 3. they would neuer argue thus absurdly I haue often receiued therefore I need receiue no more If thou wouldst reason in this manner touching thy bodily food as thou doost of this that is heauenly I haue eaten meat before therefore I need not eate againe there would follow the ruine of the body forasmuch as it must perish through famine so if we will not come to this spirituall food because we haue often already eaten of it it must needs bring the destruction of the soule As then they that are in health hauing eaten liberally and plentifully of one kind of meat to day do come with a good appetite vnto it to morrow so should it be with vs touching this dyet of the soule the oftner we haue eaten of it the more we should desire it These are like those carnall Israelites that loathed the Manna that God gaue them in the wildernesse Num. 11 6. saying Our soule is dried away there is nothing at all besides this Manna before our eyes so haue we a multitude among vs that regard not their soules nor the food of their soules but are like those that Salomon speaketh of Pro. 27. Prou. 27 7. The full soule loatheth an hony-combe but to the hungry soule euery bitter thing is sweet If these despisers of holy things would with diligence and without partiality examine their owne hearts they should finde much prophanes and great corruption to lurke in the hidden corners of it or else they would neuer make it a needlesse and superfluous thing to come often but would rather thinke they come too sildome and therefore desire it againe and againe There is none almost so absurd as to say I need not come to the word because I haue heard it already nor I haue prayed to God therefore I need not to pray any more now it is no lesse vnreasonable to reason thus I haue receiued oftentimes therefore I need receiue no more But as he that knoweth what it is to heare aright hath found the word sweeter to him then the hony and the hony-combe and more to be desired then much riches the more he heareth Psal 19 10. the more hee longeth to heare so if at any time we had tasted the sweetnesse of that glorious worke of our redemption or the bitternes of the fearefull estate of mans transgression and corruption wee would come verye often to this Sacrament which is a liuely remembrance of his death and passion whereby we are redeemed Let such then as care not for their redemption neither esteeme any thing of their saluation neither thinke they stand in need of Christ to be their iustification let such I say tell vs they need not come oftentimes to the Supper of the Lord but if eyther Christ be needfull for vs or his word powerfull in vs or if we haue found that God hath beene mercifull vnto vs let vs not despise his bountifulnes nor neglect the sweet pledges of his goodnes offered vnto vs. Others tell vs plainely The fourth obiection they haue gone further then the former they haue receiued oftentimes and come to the Table of the Lord againe and againe and looked for some fruite and benefit by it but yet they could neuer finde or feele any profit any comfort or any good by it This is because thou art not good Answere for it argueth intollerable stupidity and hardnes of heart in many that come to the food of the soule and are partakers of the Supper yet haue no more sence of Gods inestimable mercy then very blockes and stockes and stones Woe vnto such prophane wretches their owne mouths shall serue to condemne them They neuer go to the Table of their neighbours and to an ordinary feast of common meat but they find refreshing of their spirits and strengthening of their members and nourishing of their bodyes and sustaining of their liues and maintaining of all the parts in good estate but they resort to the Table not of men but o● God to a most costly banket not of earthly but of heauenly food euen to eate of the bread of life which came downe from the bosome of the Father and yet are neyther afraide nor ashamed to affirme that they can finde no benefit and can reape no comfort by it And it is very fitly said to be a costly banket For Christ Iesus who of God is made vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption 1 Cor. 1 30. Ioh 6 55. hath giuen vnto vs his owne flesh to eate and his precious blood to drinke forasmuch as it was not siluer gold and such corruptible thi●gs that could redeeme vs. It cost him deare euen his life to make vs this feast and will we neglect it His soule was heauy to make vs merry chearefull and will we not come to this feast He was troubled that we might be comforted Esay 53 ● He was wounded that wee might be healed He was despised and reiected of men that we might be honoured of the Father Hee was cast downe into the depth of sorrow that we might be exalted and lifted vp He was brought as a Lambe vnspotted to the slaughter that our mouths and our hearts might be filled with laughter He was smitten with stripes that we might be spared He was afraid and astonished and amazed Heb. 5 7. Mar. 14.33 that we might be cheared vp and refreshed Finally he was crucified and put to death that we might be deliuered and restored to life This is the rich and royall feast that he hath made vs this is the costly banket that he hath prepared for vs and yet nowithstanding wretched and miserable men can finde no profit at all in this dainty and delicate food that cost the heart blood of Christ before it could be dressed and prouided for vs. Howbeit we dare not so hardly censure al that say they can feele no such comfort at the Communion as we perswade is to
the quicke the dead abolishing the fruite and remembrance of the death of Christ disanulling his Priest-hood giuing him to his Father whereas the Father hath giuen him to vs and imagining thereby to pay a price to God which he shold receiue as a satisfaction for our sins True it is the Lords Supper may af●er a sort be called a sacrifice not as the Church of Rome meaneth a In wine ●ea● Ch ●ists Su●p●● 〈◊〉 be ca●led a ●ac●ifi●e but because therein we offer vp praises thanksgiuings to God for that sacrifice of attonemēt once made vpon the Crosse which is most acceptable to God and because such as come aright thereunto offer vp themselue wholy to God a reasonable holy and liuing sacrifice and lastly because therby we cal to our remembrance the bloody sacrifice of Christ with all the circumstances thereof the shame of the Crosse the darkenesse of the heauen the shaking of the earth the renting of the ayre the cleauing of the rocks the reproches of the Iewes the taunts of the Souldiors the opening of the graues and the conquering of the Diuell For the Christians in former times b The Fathers of the church liuing among the Gentile called th● s●pper a sa●●●● perceiuing that many both Iewes and Gentiles refused to imbrace the faith of Christ and to ioyne themselues to the Church because they pretend the want of sacrifices among th●m and nature engrafted in all nations this principle that we haue no free accesse to God no true peace to our selues without a sacrifice the Fathers to win such as were without affirmed that the Church had also a sacrifice and thereupon entituled the Sacrament of the Supper with the name of a sacrifice for the causes before remembred But for a mortall man whose breath is in his nostrils to presume in the pride of his heart vnder the formes of bread and wine o offer vp Christ the Sonne of God in sacrifice to his Father and to dare to desire the Father fauourably to behold and accept his owne Sonne is idolatry blasphemy horrible impiety to be detested of all true hearted Christians Touching the originall of d The originall of the word Masse the word Masse it seemeth to come from an ancient custome of the Church sending away such as communicated not For the Deacon was accustomed to bid thē depart that were nouices in the faith and such as by Church-discipline e Folid 〈◊〉 de inuent Rerum l●b 5. c 19. were remoued from the Communion This dimission of them was noted by the word M●ss● signifying a sending away and licensing to depart and thus some of f Suct●● in Cal●g cap 24. the heathen vsed it The name then being in it selfe not euill is turned into an euill practise and therefore as it is vsed and vnderstood of our aduersaries we reiect both the name and thing it selfe for these causes First no Angell no man no creature is of that dignity and worthines that he may offer vp and sacrifice the Sonne of God for the Priest is aboue the sacrifice they therefore that will be the Priests to offer Christ aduance lift vp themselues aboue Christ Secondly if Christ bee really offered in the Masse then hee is killed truely and indeed for a reall sacrifice proueth a reall death and when Christ was sacrificed really he dyed really as when the beasts were sacrificed they were killed And Hol●●t one of the schoolemen saith If there had beene a thousand hosts n a thousand places at the same time that Christ d d hang vpon the Crosse g 〈…〉 l●b sent ●● 3. Christ had beene crucified in a thousand places Wherefore they that really sacrificed our Sauiour Christ did in that act really and wickedly kill him so that the Priests of Baal if they will be sacrificers of Christ must acknowledge themselues therein the reall murtherers of Christ Thirdly new sacrifices are not to be instituted by men without commandement of God as Moses teacheth Deut. 12. We must not do what seemeth good in our own eyes but take heed and heare all these words which he commandeth vs. Now Christ neuer said Sacrifice ye my body and blood to God Fourthly Christ tooke the bread and gaue it to his Disciples he did not offer it vp to God the Father he tooke the cup and bad them all drinke of it he did not turne himselfe to God end desire him then to accept the sacrifice of his body and blood Fiftly if the bread and wine remain in their former substance in the Lords Supper then bread and wine onely are offered not the body and blood of Christ but they remaine for Christ deliuered i 1 Cor. 10 16 bread to his disciples and Paul teacheth that it is the bread which is broken and that as often as they shall eate this bread and drinke of this cup they shew the Lords death therefore their reall Sacrifice is reall Idolatry Sixtly it appeareth in the institution of the Supper that Christ consecrated the bread apart and the wine apart and afterward deliuered them both apart but the body of Christ was neuer sacrificed without the blood nor the blood without the flesh for Christ offered vpō the Altar of the Crosse the sacrifice of his body and blood together this is the cause that he saide Take ye eate ye drinke ye not take ye to offer and to sacrifice Seuenthly the Scripture teacheth vs one offering and sacrifice for sin once performed and offered Heb. 10. We are sanctified by the offering of Iesus Christ k Heb. 10.12 once made ver 12. This man after he had offered one sacrifice for sinnes sitteth at the right hand of God And the Apostle 1 Tim. 2. There is one meditator betweene God and men the man Iesus Christ who gaue himselfe a ransome for all men So 1 Ioh. 2. If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and hee is the propitiation for our sins Likewise Heb. 9. By his owne blood he entred in once vnto the holy place obtained eternall redemption for vs not that he should offer himselfe l Heb. 9 12 25 often as the high Priest entred into the holy place euery yeare with other blood for then must he haue often suffered since the foundation of the world but now in the end of the world hath he bin made manifest once to put away sin by the sacrifice of himselfe We haue plentifull testimonies of this truth in this Epistle as chap. 10. Where remission of these things is there is no m Heb 10 18 more offering for sin If then we haue remission by the sacrifice of Christ all other sacrifices are superfluous and abrogate his al-sufficient sacrifice So Rom. 6. In that he dyed he dyed for sin n Rom. 6 10. once And 1. Pet. 3. Christ also hath once suffered for sins the iust for the vniust If then this perfect offering were
midst of them that are gathered together in his name and therefore it neuer happeneth that all become vnworthy The word of God hath his effect and one part of the seed falleth into good ground as we see in the parable of the sower Luk. 8 15. And if it could come to passe which is heere imagined it were better to abstaine for a season then to break the commandement of Christ according to the rule of the Apostle When ye come together to eate tarry one for another 1 Cor. 11 33. Furthermore the Priest knoweth not the worthinesse or vnworthinesse of the greatest part if any offer themselues to receiue they must be receiued when their sinne is not knowne Secondly they say that priuate Masses may bee called Obiection 2 common because the people heerein communicate spiritually and because they are celebrated by the publike Minister Answere Heere wee haue common Masses without a communion and without any Communicants howbeit this is true that heere is no communion at all in breaking of bread and eating it beeing broken commanded in the Gospell What agreement then is there betweene Christ sitting at the Table with his Disciples distributing the bread and ministring the cup vnto them and the Masse-Priest standing alone at an Altar and eating all alone without being seene of the people Besides if a Minister pray alone in a corner of the Church yet his prayer cannot be called publike albeit it be made by a publike person and offered vp for all that are absent and conceiued in a publike Temple The like may be saide of the administration of the Lords Supper Thirdly they pretend that the cause why the people Obiection 3 do not communicate is their want of deuotion and good affection that they ought to haue to holy things Heere is a new colour set vpon a foule and deformed face Answere A man would thinke that heareth these excuses that the Church of Rome did onely tollerate priuate Masses but not command them and that they desire they should be publike common were it not for the slothfulnesse and the backwardnesse of the people Sess 7. Howbeit the Councell of Trent not onely suffereth but alloweth and commandeth priuate Masses wherein the Priest alone communicateth Againe if they desired that the people should communicate they would reproue their negligence and stir them vp to greater diligence whereas they confirme them and continue them in it and apply themselues vnto it and leade them into error by their owne example Neither haue they cause to make such a generall complaint seeing the people for the most part are more deuout and religious then the Pastors of the Church of Rome as it was in the dayes of Hezekiah 2. Chron. 30. Obiection 4 Fourthly they demand whether it be the fashion at feasts to constraine them to eate that are not disposed to eate Is not euery one left to himselfe whether hee will eate or not eate I answere Answere the Church of Rome leaue it not at liberty for the people to eate or not to eate but vtterly forbid them and restraine them Secondly at our common feasts no man is compelled to eate because there is no absolute commandement of God to binde them vnto it but in this holy feast it is farre otherwise for we haue the expresse commandement of God to take and eate all of vs. Lastly this comparison of a feast ill besitteth their whole purpose For who euer saw a feast where all the guests that are bidden stand by and eate nothing and the Gouernor of the feast deuoureth and swalloweth vp all alone as it falleth out in the Masse where no body but the Priest eateth Or who euer heard of a solemne feast whereunto no body is inuited But in priuate Masses no man or woman is bidden to come or receiued if they come Obiection 5 Fiftly they adde if the people wil not come would you haue vs leaue the seruice of God Should we be negligent when they are negligent Or should we follow the humor of the people Answere This obiection standeth vpon a double supposition and both of them false The first is that they desire the people should come and receiue whereas all men know the contrary and some men haue accounted it no lesse then heresie to require the partaking of the people at this Supper The second is that the Eucharist without Communicants is the seruice of God these points they take for granted but they neuer go about to prooue them and confirme them If we will receiue such trash at their bare word so it is if not they haue not a dram of reason to establish it Furthermore whereas they adde that the ordinances which God hath commanded ought not to be left for the indisposition of particular men I would know whether the Minister should pray in the Church openly when there is none to ioyne with him Or whether hee should preach the word when there are none to heare him If he may not then how should hee deliuer the Supper when there are no guests I will heere conclude with the complaint that Chrysostome vseth in his time when this corruption began to creepe in O custome O presumption Chrysost Homil. 3. in Ephes In vaine is the daily sacrifice offered in vaine do we stand at the Altar seeing no body communicateth Tell me if a man that is bidden to a feast wash his hands and sit downe and bee placed at the Table and yet eate not doth hee not wrong him that bad him Were it not better that such a one were not present So thou art present thou hast sung the hymne and in that thou hast not retired thy selfe with them that are vnworthy thou hast made profession that thou art of the number of those that are worthy how then dooest thou stay and not partake of the Table Lastly they demand farther Doth the essence of the Obiection 6 Sacrament depend vpon the peoples communicating thereof I answere Answere All communions without communicants do ouerthrow the nature of a Sacrament For Saint Paul defineth this Sacrament to bee a Communion of the bodye of CHRIST 1 Corinthians chap. 10. verse 10. and therfore the Church of Rome destroyeth the definition and consequently the essence thereof But of this wee haue spoken sufficiently before And thus much of the sole communions and priuate Masses brought into the worship of God against the example of Christ against the practise of the Apostles against the vse of the Church against the authority of the Fathers against the light of reason and against the name and nature of the Sacrament it selfe Vse 5 Hitherto we haue pulled downe the heresies of the church of Rome and haue raked in the dirt and dunghill of their deuices the sauour whereof hath annoyed heauen earth now let vs obserue out of this last outward part of the Sacrament how we are directed and instructed thereby to further our knowledge and obedience Did Christ command the
thē of sitting at the same table How a man may breake the institution sitting Or wherfore do they depart from the institution faile in the manner of their receiuing sitting and yet will seeme religiously to cleaue to the example of Christ Let thē therefore make it manifest that it is more necessary for them to sit then it is necessary to sit at the same Table Will they haue what they lift to be necessary and what they list not to be necessary what they please to be indifferent what please not thē not to be indifferent But some will say as hath bin often obiected Obiection vnto me It is a Supper or a feast and therefore if we be not tyed to the institution yet we are tyed to the same gesture which is vsuall at our suppers and feasts I answere Answere this is a most weake and vngrounded assertion and therefore whosoeuer trusteth vnto it or leaneth vpon it it will deceiue him and make him fal For it is called a Supper vnproperly and figuratiuely and therefore to draw an argument from it as if it were spoken properly can haue no sure and certaine foundation Besides such do suppose it is called a Supper because of the gesture which we are charged to obserue at the partaking of it and that we must necessarily receiue it as we do our suppers But it is called a Supper for other causes as we haue noted in the first chap. of this booke Againe the more common and vsuall gesture obserued at bankets is to stand and not to sit and therfore by this reason we should haue neither sitting nor kneeling but standing at the Table of the Lord. Furthermore I might better affirm that it ought to be receiued kneeling because it i● receiued with prayer which is the most common cōmend●ble gesture in that part of Gods worship Lastly sitting standing leaning are variable circumstances which change and alter according to the different manners seuerall customes of seuerall places I haue also heard others alledge in defence of their refusall to receiue kneeling Obiection that they can see no reason why they shold kneele to the bread and wine Answere And wherefore do they not as wel say they see no reason why they should kneele to the Minister for they do no more kneele to the bread and wine which they do receiue then to the Minister of whom they do receiue For no man requireth thē to kneele downe to the outward signes any more then to the seates that are before them We kneele to the creator not to the creature And if we may no● kneele in the action of receiuing for feare of superstition by like reason we may not be vncouered and bare-headed Answere for this ceremony we vse in the matter of Gods worship But we alwayes vse that gesture of kneeling in prayer when the Sacrament is not administred and when the Sacrament is deliuered we vse the outward reuerence of bowing the knee and thinke it meet to be performed and retained partly to stirre vp in our selues and in others a more religious estimation of those diuine seales Reasons why we kneele at the Communion partly to remoue all prophane thoughts of contemners and despisers of the Sacrament of the body and blood of our Lord Iesus partly to put a difference hereby from our common bread and wine which we take in our houses and at our Tables and partly to teach vs to lift vp our harts to God to blesse his own ordinance that as well we may take his Son by the hand of faith as receiue his seales by the hand of the body So then it is one thing to kneele before a creature or where the creature is another to bow downe vnto it to honor it adore it And how can we kneele any where but it must be before some creature in heauē aboue or in the earth beneath It is one thing to kneele at the Sacrament another to kneele to the Sacrament If we should kneele downe at our giuing of thanks for our ordinary meates and drinkes at home may we iustly be taxed for kneeling to our meates drinkes We kneele downe to God onely to whom we pray and make request not to the outward signes to which we pray not Againe it will be obiected Obiection that we must abstaine from all appearance of euill but if kneeling at the Communion be not Idolatry yet at least it hath appearance of Idolatry in our conformity with the Church of Rome which hath brought in transubstantiation and therefore if we shal kneele as they do there is feare of adoratiō Thus haue I heard many reason I answere Answere kneeling reuerently obserued is no shew or appearance of euill but of good And there is no feare of adoration when we kneele more then there is while we sit For doth not he that sitteth prayeth aright adore God and may not a man worshippe an Image sitting as well as kneeling and set vp an Idoll in his heart while he prayeth to it trusteth in it dependeth vpon it and confesseth vnto it when he sitteth vp as well as when he lyeth downe And in whom is there feare of adoration Or to whom is there occasion giuen of stumbling Not to the Church-papists that liue among vs and communicate with vs through hypocrisie for howsoeuer they holde their Idoll of transubstantiation yet we cannot nourish and nuzzle them in their Idolatry because they hold our consecration to be no consecration and consequently our Sacrament to be no Sacrament and professe themselues in the prophanesse of their hearts to receiue it as ordinary bread Not to our own people who in their kneeling haue no purpose to adore the bread or to bow downe vnto it What offence then can be giuen by this gesture to any that liue among vs if not to ●he papists who wil neuer kneele to our bread much lesse to any others who haue learned long ago to renounce their transubstantiation their ducking their prostrating falling vpon al foure their kissing the earth their knocking and bouncing of their breast and all popish creeping and crouching to the bread to adore it They tell vs that kneeling to the Sacrament was brought in by Antichrist that man of sin and son of perdition Obiection Honorius the 3. in the yeare of our Lord 1220. therby teaching the people to worship the bread But what is all this to the purpose or what doth this belong vnto vs who Answere thogh we allow kneeling at the Supper yet dislike and condemne kneeling to the Supper reseruing of it carrying it about lifting of it vp doing worship vnto it Honorius the 3. first commanded the people at eleuation time to encline and bow themselues when the host was carried about in a solemne procession to fall downe to it This superstition and abuse we go not about to iustifie or defend or restore but condemne it to the pit of hell from whence
but we deny that Christ is thus present in the Sacrament for his body cannot be vnder so little a quantity of bread and wine besides it is impiety to auouch that the person of Christ or his bodye and blood can be truely receiued of Dogges Swine and Mice be chewed with the teeth swallowed downe the throat digested in the stomacke and be cast out into vncleane places This we deny this we do not beleeue this we abhorre and detest from the bottome of our hearts What is it then we teach and professe We deny that the body and blood of Christ are carnally contained vnder the shewes and shaddowes of bread and wine we deny them to be eaten and drunken of wicked men or vnreasonable creatures we deny that they are truely and properly both in heauen and on the earth in pixes and on the Altars These are k Aug tract 25 in Iohan. meate for the minde not for the mouth for faith not for the teeth for our beleefe not for the belly for the soule not for the body For this cause Chrysost hom 24. in 1 Cor. saith well Vbi cadauer ibi aquilae c. that is where the carkasse is there are the Eagles the carkasse is the Lords body because of his death he calleth vs the Eagles to shew that he must flye vp on high that will come neere to that body This carnall eating of Christ is l Sundry reasons rendred to refel the real presence confuted and conuinced by many reasons First Christ sate downe at the Table and the Disciples with him afterward he tooke bread gaue thanks brake it gaue it and said This is my body likewise he tooke and gaue the cuppe and saide Drinke yee all of this whereby we see when the Apostles receiued m Luk. 22 19. the Sacrament Christ sate at the Table with his true body but the body which they tooke sate not at the Table therefore they tooke the signe of his body Likewise the blood which they receiued was not in the body which sate at the Table therefore it was not properly Christs blood which was not as yet really and actually shedde The same body could not sit at the Table and not sit at the Table the same body could not be in their hands and out of their hands the blood of Christ could not be out of his veines in the cup and in his veines within his body hee could not sit visible at the Table and be inuisible in the mouths and bellies of the Disciples Wherefore the reall prsence bringeth with it reall contradictions which cannot stand together Secondly the end of the Lords Supper is to call his death to a continuall remembrance as Luke 22. Do this in n Luk. 22 19. remembrance of me and the Apostle 1 Cor. 11. Ye shew the Lords death vntill he come Now to what end should we neede the remembrance of Christ if hee were corporally present in the Sacrament if he were taken in the hands if he were holden in the mouth if he were eaten with the teeth And to what purpose should wee shew the Lords death till hee come if he come daily and be present bodily in the Sacrament Besides the wisest among the Philosophers teach vs that o Arist lib. de memoria sence is of things present but remembrance is of such things as are absēt as hope is of such things as are to come not seene p Rom. 8 24. and this the Apostle teacheth Thirdly Christ receiued a true body with all the naturall properties of an humane body like to vs in all things sinne q Heb. 4 15. onely excepted and is therefore called the sonne of Dauid the sonne of Mary the sonne of man our brother partaker of flesh and blood he is said to haue taken vpon him the seede of Abraham and not the Angels nature r Luk. 24 ●9 to be visible Luk. 24 39. Behold my hands and my feet for it is I my selfe handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me haue For if he may be in many places together in some place visible and in some inuisible in some to be handled in others not to be handled hee can haue no true body of a true man And if this were not a strong reason It is not felt and seene therefore no humane body the Disciples might haue answered vnto Christ why doest thou bid vs behold thy hands and see thy feete and handle thy body and therby to try thy humanity seeing thou hast a body which cannot be seene touched or handled ●ourthly Christ hath left the earth with his bodily presence and is ascended vp into heauen farre aboue all principalities and powers and is sit downe ſ Act. 1 9. and 3 22. on the right hand of his Father as Act. 1. While they beheld hee was taken vp And Mar. 26. After the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God So Act. 3. Whom the heauens must containe vntill the time that all things are restored Likewise Phil. 3. Our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for a Sauiour And againe Luk. 24. As he blessed them he departed from them and was caried vp into heauen So Ioh. 12. The poore alwayes ye haue with you but me ye shall not haue alwayes I am come out from the Father and came into the world againe I leaue the world and goe to my Father If these things be true that Christ is t Catechism Triden in exposit Simbo Apostol departed from vs if he be no longer among vs if he be taken vp into heauen if he must be contained there vntill the restoring of al things if we must looke for a Sauiour frō heauen to change our vile bodies if he be carried vp to his Father and haue left the world then he is not now present with vs his body is not in euery Altar he doth not lurke and lye vnder the shewes of bread and wine For to be departed from vs and not to be departed from vs to be contained in heauen and not to be contained in heauen to leaue the world and yet to remaine in the world to sit at the right hand of God and to lye vnder euery Altar cannot stand together any more then to be a man and no man to be Christ and not Christ to be a Sauiour and no Sauiour to be God and not God Fiftly Christ reproueth the Caparnaits because they thought his body was to be eaten in fleshly manner with the mouth of the body should descend into the stomack which is the way that all other meates do passe when they heard him preach of eating his flesh drinking his blood they said u Ioh. 6 60.36 This is an hard saying who can heare it They murmured and departed from him because they thought they must eate him with the mouth and teeth chew him and
person touch an holy thing it shall be vncleane The person must be holy that will haue sound profite by the holie things of God the man that is vnholie defileth euery thing he toucheth the polluted person polluteth all thinges For as to m Tit. 1 15. the pure all things are pure but vnto them that are defiled and vnbeleeuing is nothing pure but euen their minds and consciences are corrupted so the prophane person defileth all thinges and turneth wholesome meate into noysome poison We must therefore vse sanctifyed things with sadctifyed hearts and for spirituall meate wee must haue spirituall vessels Furthermore marke the great danger punishment that is procured and purchased by the want of preparation For the vnworthy receiuer is guilty n 1 Cor 11 27 of the body and blood of Christ as the Apostle specifieth 1 Cor. 11. Whosoeuer shal eat this bread and drinke the cup of the Lord vnworthily shal be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. And againe He that eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drinketh his own iudgment because he discerneth not the Lords body for this cause many are sicke and weake among you and many sleepe Where he teacheth that such as come vnworthily vnreuerently and otherwise then such mysteries should be handled do despise tread vnder their feete Iesus Christ himselfe prouoke the Lords wrath and bring on themselues swift damnation Not that be is carnally and bodily present but because the reproach which is vsed to the signes toucheth the bodie and bloode of Christ signified by them Euen as if a man shoulde rent disgrace deface spit vppon treade and trample vnder his feete and villanouslie abuse the image seale and letters patents of a Prince he should be adiudged d Ren. Iaesae Maiestatis guiltie of a greeuous crime against the person of the Prince himselfe not which hee receyueth but despiteth so such as come vnthankefully and vnworthily to this supper are guiltie of his body not which they haue eaten but which they haue refused and reiected being offered vnto them and therefore are guilty of their owne death inasmuch as God with the signes offereth his owne Son Wherefore seeing the presence of God mooueth seeing our owne profit perswadeth seeing our owne practise furthereth seeing the defiling of the Sacrament and the danger of vnwoorthy receiuing teacheth and lastly seeing our owne iudgement in humane affayres when the daunger is not so great nor the losse so certaine cryeth out for this necessary preparation it standeth vs vpon before wee enter into this holy worke whereunto of our selues wee are more vnfit and vnto warde and which in it owne nature is most profitable to set our selues before the Lord who shal examine and iudge the quicke and the dead to search into our owne waies and to keepe a sessions in our owne soules to looke into our secret and hidden corruptions how wee haue gone forward or backeward in godlinesse to try whither wee haue a knowledge feeling and disliking of our sinnes and whether we haue any feare of Gods iudgments or faith in his promises or hope in his mercie to iudge our selues that we may not be iudged of the Lorde to labour to finde our speciall sinnes striuing against them by earnest prayer to God and condemning them for euer in our selues If we would thus iudge our selues we should not be condemned with the world● Let vs be grieued for our naturall blindnesse Let vs acknoledge confusion of faces to be due vnto vs Let vs deepely imprint in our owne hearts the horror of our sins past and present The more we perceiue and discerne our owne vnworthines the greater shall be our fitnes to come to this Sacrament and the lesse we espy our owne imperfections the more we incurre the danger of Gods iudgements So then to touch vs with true humility and to breake our stony hearts in pieces with remembrance of our daily offences let vs often meditate on the death and passion of Christ who was forsaken scorned buffetted and crucified for vs he was led as a lambe to the slaughter and shunned not the shame of the Crosse then the powers of heauen and earth were moued p Mat 27 45 Iudea was darkened the earth quaked the stones claue in sunder the graues opened the Sunne was in the ful-moone eclipsed the vaile of the Temple was rent the dead were raised the theefe repented the Centurion glorified God and the whole order of nature was changed All these things doe set before vs the heinousnesse of our sins and the greatnes of Gods wrath which could not be appeased but by crucifying of the body and by shedding of the blood of Christ which is represented to vs as in a glasse in this Supper Thus we haue shewed by testimonies and effectuall reasons that as in the Passeouer they were commanded to chuse them a lambe q Exod 12 3. on the tenth day but to kill him on the fourteenth so that they had foure dayes liberty betweene the separating and the killing of him for preparation and sanctification of themselues in like manner in the Supper which is the same to vs that the Passeouer was to the Iewes the Spirit of God chargeth this duty vpon vs that we prepare our hearts reuerently thereunto Vse 1 Now as we haue seene the necessity of this examination let vs consider what vses are to be made thereof It is required of all Communicants that come to the Lords table diligently to examine themselues Then from hence it followeth that all men are bound to know the word of God and to be skilfull in the Scripture that thereby they may be able to try their owne hearts and examine themselues by that rule But if the rule be vnknowne the tryall spoken oft cannot be made the examination commanded cannot bee practised Especially there is required of vs the knowledge in the doctrine of the law not onely to be able to rehearse the words but to know the end and meaning of them the speciall braunches of them what are the duties commaunded what are the sinnes condemned for by r Rom 3 20. the Lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne and the Apostle had not knowne sinne ſ Rom. 7 7. but by the Law for hee had not knowne lust except the law had sayed thou shalt not lust As then hee that will trie Golde from Copper must haue his touchstone so hee that will rightly examine his obedience must familiarly be acquainted with the Canon of the Scriptures This our Sauiour teacheth t Iohn 5 3● Search the Scriptures for in them ye thinke to haue eternall life they are they which testifie of me If then we search them they will giue vs light to search our selues And the Apostle requireth the Colossians Col. 3 16. to haue the word of God dwell plentifully in them in all wisedome Wherefore he that said examine your selues ment we should also know the Scriptures and especially
neede of nothing if wee flatter and deceiue our selues comparing our selues with our selues or with others and not with the rule of Gods word God will examine vs and sit in iudgement vpon vs. If he enter into m Psal 130 ● iudgement with vs no flesh shall be iustifyed in his sight for if thou O Lorde streightly markest iniquities O Lord who shall stand Hee will be reuenged of our sinnes and bring many plagues vpon vs he will send sundry diseases vppon our bodies and a troubled spirit vpon our soules he will add one punishment to another vntill we repent as he teacheth by manie examples in the scriptures The Apostle saith He that eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drinketh n 1 Cor. 11 29 30 32. iudgement to himselfe For this cause many are weake and sicke among you and many sleepe for if wee would iudge our selues we should not be iudged But when we are iudged we are chastened of the Lord because we should not be condemned with the world So the Israelites being myraculously fedde by the Lords owne hand lusted and became vnthankfull and therefore while the meate was yet in their mouthes o Psa 78 30 32 The wrath of God fell downe vpon them and slew the strongest of thē and smote downe the chosen men of Israel Iudas chosen to be one of the twelue p Iohn 13 27. comming vnwoorthily to the Passeouer Satan entred further into him wroght in him his owne confusion and brought vpon him fwift dam nation The ghest in the Gospell q Mat. 22 22 13. that pressed vnto the supper without his wedding garment was taken speechelesse bound hand and foot and cast into vtter darkenesse where shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth Let no man therefore put off and deferre his repentance from day to day least he draw vpon himselfe finall destruction of soule and body and find his hart exceedingly hardened through continuance in sinne but while r 2 Cor. 6 2. the acceptable time is let vs both purpose and endeuour to forsake our euill waies our wicked workes and all knowne sins reuealed vnto vs by the sacred Oracle of the word of God And because we haue daily wants and do commit daily and new sins through infirmity of the flesh ſ Renewed faith and renewed repentance required of vs. we must haue renewed faith renewed repentance t Luk. 22 32 because euery new sinne requireth a new acte of repentance and appealing to Christ by faith Then we are aright disposed to the Lords table when we are liuely touched with a sense and feeling of our corrupt dispositions and daily fallings in our saith obedience For the repentance of euery faithfull man must be double first generall repenting of originall and actuall sinnes generally receiuing power of God to change our minds wils and affections u Mat. 3 1. whereof Iohn Baptist faith Repent for the kingdome of heauen is at hand This is giuen and granted vnto vs at that time when first we receiue to beleeue it maketh an alteration in vs slayeth the olde man quickeneth the life of the new man beginneth in weaknes continueth in greater strength and groweth more more vnto perfection Secondly speciall for speciall sinnes and continuall failings into which we fall which we must practise to the end of our dayes Now as we said in the former chapter that no man for the feeblenes of his faith is to absent himselfe from this Supper so must wee remember touching our repentance though it be in great weaknesse and frailety yet if it be a sound and sincere hatred of all sin not a forsaking of some sinnes onely as Saul Herod and Iudas did keeping other in themselues to their own confusion our imperfections shal be couered our wants shall be supplied our weaknesse shal be remitted by the death of Christ who was annointed sent to preach Luk. 4 18. the Gospell to the poore to heale the broken hearted to publish deliuerance to the Captiues recouering of sight to the blinde and to set at liberty them that are bruised And he pronounceth such b Mat. 5.3 blessed as are poore in spirit For theirs was the kingdome of heauen Wherefore if thou feele in thy selfe great defects of faith of repentance of sanctification pray to God earnestly that hee will vouchsafe to increase his gifts let vs confesse with Dauid c 2 Sam 12.13 we haue sinned let vs weepe with Peter d Luk. 22 62 and 7 38. and the sinfull woman let vs acknowledge our vnworthines and say with the Centuriō Lord e Mat. 8 8. We are not worthy that thou shouldst come vnder our roofe Let vs cry out with the Publican f Luk. 8 13 O God bee mercifull to me a sinner Let vs not be ashamed to speake it with Daniel that to vs belongeth open shame and confusion of faces This is the way to make vs worthy this is the means to fit vs to the Lords Table this is to be practised of such as will be his guests CHAP. XIX Of reconciliation to our brethren the last part of Examination HItherto in examination of our selues we haue shewed what we are to doe in respect of God the root whereof is knowledge the body is faith the fruite is repentance Now to conclude we are to handle the last part which is a Loue toward their brethren is required of al that come to the Lords Table loue toward men and reconciliation of our selues vnto our neighbours for iniuries wrongs and offences done vnto them which are as poyson to this banket For in vaine we shall pretend knowledge boast of faith glory of repentance if we faile in duties toward our brethren First we must looke to be at peace with God and to be reconciled to him For we shall neuer be at peace with our brethren except we be reconciled to God The greatest war is betweene God and our owne soules so that nothing can bring peace to vs vntill we be at one with him but when once we are at one with him we shall quickly be at one with all others For heere is the touchstone and tryall of all the rest euen our obedience to the second Table which concerneth the duties of loue toward our brethren Heereunto commeth b Mat. 5 23. the doctrine of Christ set downe in the Euāgelist Mat. 5. If thou bring thy guift to the Altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leaue there thy gift before the Altar and goe first be reconciled to thy brother then come and offer thy gift Where he teacheth that he so approueth this duty that he will haue his owne immediat seru ce cease and giue place for a time till i● be performed So in the Sermon which he made to his Apostles before he was betrayed to death he did diligently beat vpon this point saying c Ioh 13 35. By this shall all men know