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A17183 Fiftie godlie and learned sermons diuided into fiue decades, conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian religion, written in three seuerall tomes or sections, by Henrie Bullinger minister of the churche of Tigure in Swicerlande. Whereunto is adioyned a triple or three-folde table verie fruitefull and necessarie. Translated out of Latine into English by H.I. student in diuinitie.; Sermonum decades quinque. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; H. I., student in divinity. 1577 (1577) STC 4056; ESTC S106874 1,440,704 1,172

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feastes and holy dayes which we kéepe holy to Christe our Lord in memorie of his Natiuitie or Incarnation of his Circumcision of his Passion of the Resurrection and Ascension of Iesus Christe our Lorde into heauen and of his sending of the holy Ghost vpon his Disciples For Christian libertie is not a licentious power and dissoluing of godly Ecclesiasticall ordinances which aduaunce and set forward the glory of God and loue of our neighbor But for bicause the Lorde will haue holy dayes to be solemnized and kept to him self alone I do not therefore like of the festiuall dayes that are helde in honour of any creatures This glory and worship is due to God alone Paul sayth I wold not that any man should iudge you in part of an holie day or of the Sabbothes which are a shadow of things to come And againe Ye obserue dayes and monethes and yeares and times I feare least I haue laboured in you in vaine And therefore we at this day that are in the Churche of Christe haue nothing to doe with the Iewish obseruation we haue onely to wish indeuour to haue the Christian obseruation and exercise of Christian religion to be fréely kept obserued And yet as the hallowing of the Iewish sabboth so also the sanctifying or exercise of our Sunday must be spent occupyed about foure things which ought to be founde in the holy congregation of Christians if their Sunday be truely sanctified and kept holy as it should be Firste let all the godly Saintes assemble them selues together in the congregation Let there in that congregation so assembled be preached the worde of God let the Gospell there be read that the hearers maye learne thereby what they haue to thinke of God what the dutie and office is of them that worship God and how they ought to sanctifie the name of the lord Then let there in that congregation be made prayers and supplications for all the necessities of all people Let the Lord be praised for his goodnesse and thanked for his vnestimable benefits whiche he dayly bestoweth Then if time occasion and custome of the Church do so require let the sacramentes of the Church be religiously ministred For nothing is more required in this fourth commaundement than that we should holily obserue and deuoutly exercise the Sacramentes and holy lawfull profitable and necessarie rites and ceremonies of the Church Last of all let entyre humanitie and liberalitie haue a place in the Saints assembly let all learne to giue almes priuately and relieue the poore dayly and to do it frankly and openly so often as opporunitie of time and causes of néede shall so require And these are the dueties wherein the Lordes sabboth is kept holy euen in the churche of Christians and so much the rather if to these be added an earnest good wil to do no euil al the day long This discipline now must be brought in and established by euery householder in all our seuerall houses with as great diligence as it was with the Iewes Touching which thing I haue nothing to say here since I haue before so plainely handled this point as that ye perceiue that it agréeth euen to the Churche of vs that are Christians This one thing I adde more that it is the dutie of a Christian magistrate or at leastwise of a good housholder to compell to amendment the brekers and contemners of Gods sabboth and worship The péeres of Israell and all the people of God did stone to death as the Lord commaunded them the man that disobediently did gather stickes on the sabboth day Why then should it not be lawful for a Christian Magistrate to punishe by bodily imprisonment by losse of goods or by death the despisers of religion of the true and lawfull worship done to God and of the sabboth day verily though the foolishe and vndiscrete Magistrate in this corrupted age doe slackly looke to his office and duetie yet notwithstanding let euery householder do his indeuour to kéepe his seuerall familie from that vngodly naughtinesse let him punish them of his housholde by suche meanes as he lawfully may For if any one householder dwell among Idolaters which neyther haue nor yet desire to haue or frequente the Christian or lawful congregations thē may he in his own seuerall house gather a peculiar assemblie to prayse the Lorde as it is manifest that Lot did among the Sodomites Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the land of Chana●n and in Egipt But it is a haynous sinne and a detestable schisme if the congregation be assembled either in cities or villages for thée then to séeke out bywayes to hide thy self not to come there but to contemn the church of God and assēblie of saints as the Anabaptistes haue takē a vse to do Here therfore I haue to reckon vp the abuses of the sabboth day or that sinnes cōmitted against this commaundement They transgresse this cōmaundement that cease not from euil works but abuse the sabboths rest to the prouoking of fleshly pleasures For they kéep the sabboth to God but work to the deuil in dicing in drinking in dauncing féeding their humors with the vanities of this world wherby we are not only drawn from the cōpanie of the holy congregation but do also defile our bodyes which we ought rather to sanctifie and kéepe holy They sinne against this precept which eyther exercise any handie occupation on the sabboth day or else lye wrapt in bed and fast a sléepe till the day be almost spēt not once thinking to make one of Gods congregation They offend in this precept that awe their seruants to worke and by appointing them to other businesse do drawe them from the worship of God preferring other stinking thinges before the honour due to god And they aboue all other offende herein which do not only not kéepe holy the sabboth day them selues but doe also with their vngodly scoffes and euil examples cause other to despise and set light by religion when they do disdaine and mocke at the holy rites ceremonies at the ministerie ministers sacred Churches and godly exercises And herein too do both the goodmen and goodwiues offend if they be slacke in their owne houses to call vpon and to sée their families kéepe holy the sabboth day Who so euer do contemne the holynesse of the sabboth day they giue a flat and euident testimonie of their vngodlinesse and light regarde of Gods mightie power Furthermore the kéeping or despising of the sabboth doth always carry with it either ample rewards or terrible threates For the proofe whereof I will recite vnto you dearely beloued the wordes of Ieremie in his 17. cha Thus hath the Lord saide vnto me sayth he Goe and stand vnder the gate of the sonnes of the people through which the kings of Iuda goe in and out and vnder all the gates of Ierusalem and say vnto them Take heede for your liues that ye
doth spring vp a great number of men that acknowledge cal vpon worship god as they ought to do The third cause whie matrimonie was ordeyned that Apostle Paul expresseth in these words To auoide whoredome let euery man haue his owne wife euery woman her owne husband It were good and expedient for a man not to touch a woman and to liue single but because this is not giuen to al men as that Lord in the gospel testifieth and that cōcupiscence of the flesh doth for the most part burne the greatest sort of mē the Lord hath appointed mariage to be as it were a remedie against that heate as the Apostle in an other place witnesseth saying Let them marrie which cānot absteine for it is better to marrie than to burne By this we learne that the natural cōpany of a man with his owne wife is not reputed for a fault or vncleanesse in the sight of god Whoredom is vncleannesse in the eyes of the Lord because it is directly contrary to the lawe of god But God hath allowed wedlocke and blessed it therefore married folkes are sanctified by y blessing of God throughe faith and obedience Neither lacke we here any euident argumentes and testimonies of Paule to proue it by For to the Hebrewes he said Wedlock is honourable among al men and the bed vndefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God wil iudge The Apostle here spake very reuerently and by the bed he vnderstode the natural company of a man with his wife which he saith plainely is vndefiled What God hath made cleane who shal call vncleane who cā denie that to the cleane al things are cleane Paphnutius therfore both bishop and confessour iudging rightly of this did in the Nicene counsel say opēly that the lying of a man with his owne wife is chastitie Neither was the most modest Apostle ashamed to make lawes betwixt a mā his wife For to the Corinthians hee saith Let the husband giue to the wife due beneuolēce likewise also the wife to the husbād The wife hath not the power of her owne body but the husband likewise also the husbād hath not the power of his own body but the wife Defraud ye not the one the other except it be with both your cōsents for a time that yemay giue your selues to fasting and to prayer and afterward come together again that sathan tēpt you not for your incōtinencie These words of the Apostle are so euident that they néede no exposition at all In the same Epistle againe he saith If thou mariest a wife thou sinnest not And againe If a virgin marie she hath not sinned Now what is more excellent pure and holy than virginitie is But a virgin sinneth not if she chaung virginitie for holy matrimony Very wel therefore doth Chrysostome in a certaine homilie say The first degree of chastitie is vnspotted virginitie the 2. is faithful wedlock S. Augustine also calleth mariage chastitie or cōtinēcie the place is to be seene in the 19. 20. cap. de bono coniugali in that 198. epist. This is the head frō whence doth spring y greatest part of publique honestie For god alloweth wedlock but disalloweth fornication and al kind of vncleannes It pleased him by his ordinance to exclude al vncleannesse frō his beléeuing seruants Let the saincts therefore but magistrates especially haue an especiall eye not to be slacke in promoating holy wedlocke but diligent to punish seuerely al filthie fornication and other vncleannesse This haue I hetherto rehersed somewhat largly out of the holy scripture to the intent I might proue to al men that wedlocke is holy that therfore no man cā be defiled with y moderate holy and lawfull vse therof and so cōsequently that marriage is permitted to al sorts of men For the Apostle saith Let a bishop be the husband of one wife let him rule his owne house wel and haue faithful children For it is manifest by the testimonies of scripture and ecclesiastical writers that the Apostles of Christ and other Apostolical teachers of the primitiue Church were married men and had wiues and children Neither is there any thing next after corrupte doctrine which doth more infect the Church of Christ and subuert al ecclesiastical discipline thā if the ministers of that Churches which should be lights of the whole congregation be fornicatours or adulterous persons That offence especially aboue all other is an hinderance and blot to al kind of honesty but touching this I purpose not at this time to discourse so largly fully as I might To this I ad that the band of wedlock is indissoluble euerlasting that is to say such a knot as neuer can be vndone For of two is made one flesh one body which if you seuer you do vtterly marre it What god hath ioyned together therfore let not man seperate They therfore do make a slaughter of this body that do comit adulterie For the lawes of God and men admit a diuorcement betwixt a man his adulterous wife And yet let not any lesse or lighter cause dissolue this knot betwixt man and wife than fornication is Otherwise God which in the Gospel hath permitted the lesse doth not forbidde the greater to be causes of diuorcement And in the primitiue church the Epistles constitutiōs of christiā princes do testifie that once cōmitting of fornication was no cause of diuorcement Of which I haue spoken in another place But that this holy knot may be the surer it is auayleable that marriages be made holilie lawfully with discretion in the feare of the lord Let them not be vnwillinglie agréed vnto and made vp by cōpulsion First let y good liking of their consenting mindes be ioyned in one whom the open profession of mutuall consent outwarde handfasting must afterward couple together Let them be matched together that are not seuered by alliaunce of bloud and nighnesse of affinitie Let them be coupled in one that may marrie together by the lawes of God and their countrie with the consent coūsel of their frends parents Let them which minde marriage haue a sincere hart purposely bēt to seeke their owne safegard continual felicitie that is to respect only the wil and pleasure of God and not admit any euil affectiōs as counsellers to make vp the mariage betwixt them Hierocles in his booke De nuptiis saith It is meere follie and lacke of wit which make those things that of thēselues are easie to be borne troublesome and make a wife a greeuous clog to her husband For marriage to many mē hath bin intollerable not because the wedded state is by default of it self or owne proper nature so troublesome and comberous but for our matching as wee should not it falleth oute as wee would not and causeth our marriages to be greeuous and noysome To this end verilie our daily marriages do commonly come For they marrie wiues vsually not for
the people beare your trouble your burden and the st●ifes that are among you What may be thought of that moreouer that in the most sure felowship of the auncient and Apostolique Church yea in those very vessells which were regenerate the wrangling disposition of slesh did shew it self For the Gréekes murmured against the Hebrues because their widowes in the daily ministerie were little regarded The Corinthians also go to lawe before Heathen Iudges and therefore doth Paul very sharply rebuke them and chargeth them to appoint honest iudges among themselues to take vppe matters betwixt them that were at variance Let no man therfore make this obiectiō and say that the old people of Israell were a carnall people and not regenerate For wée see that euē in the regenerate the roliques of flesh remayne which euer and anon whē occasion is offered do shew forth themselues trouble the quiet state of euery thing For I will not now say that the greater sort of men do rather follow the flesh than the spirite And for that cause God who loueth man who kéepeth and preserueth ciuilitie peace humane societie hath prepared and applied a medicine against those gréeuous diseases of men hée hath appointed the magistrate I say to step betwixt them that striue with the authoritie of law equitie to iudge and discusse matters betwixt them that are at variance to bridle suppresse wrong and affections and lastly to saue the giltlesse innocents Whosoeuer subuerteth this ordināce of God till such time as men do leaue their wayward disposition hée bringeth vtter confusion to euery state and aydeth wrongful dealers and violent robbers to oppresse and roote out the best sort of people By this verilie which hitherto wée haue alledged it is manifestly apparaunt that the magistrate is ordeyned by God for the safegard of the good punishment of the euill I meane for the good and quiet state of mortall men Wherefore wée read that from the beginning there haue béene magistrates in the world Hereunto doe appertayne these testimonies of the holy Scripture Moses in y Law calleth The iudges Gods and this iudgement saith hee is Gods. From whence also Iosaphat borowed that saying which he spake to y Iudges where hée sayth See what ye do For ye iudge not to man but to the Lord which is with you in the causes which ye iudge let the feare of God therefore be in your harts S. Peter sayth That we must obey the magistrats for the Lords sake by whom he is ordeyned to the praise of the good and terrifying of the euill And Paul the teacher of the Gentiles saith There is no power but of God and the powers that are are ordeyned by God and whosoeuer resisteth the power resisteth the ordinaunce of God and he that resisteth shall receiue to him selfe damnation For rulers are not feareful to them that do well but to the euill For hee is the minister of God reuenger of wrath on him that doth euill The magistrate therfore is of God his office is good holie pleasing God iust profitable and necessarie for men and the rulers which do rightly execute their office are the friends and worshippers of God they are his elect instruments by whom he worketh mans health and safegard Wée haue examples hereof in Adam all the Patriarches our father Noe Ioseph Moses Iosue Gedeon Samuel Dauid Iosaphat Ezechias Iosias Daniel many other after the time of Christ who rightly executed the office of magistrates Now many there are which will haue the magistrate to be of two sorts to wit either good or badde The good magistrate is hée who being lawfully ordeyned doth lawfully execute his office duetie The euill magistrate is he which whē he hath by euil meanes got the authoritie doth tourne dispose it as hée himselfe lusteth And herevpon the question is wont to be demaunded Whether an euill that is a tyrannicall magistrate be of God or no To this I aunsweare that God is the author of good and not of euill For God by nature is good and all his purposes are good being directed to y health and preseruation not to the destruction of vs men Therefore the good and healthfull ordeyning of the magistrate without al doubt is of god himselfe who is the author of all goodnesse But héere it is requisite that wée make a difference betwixt the office which is the good ordinaunce of God the euill person that doth not rightly execute that good ●ffice If therfore in the magistrate euill be founde and not the good for which he was ordeyned that commeth of other causes and the fault thereof is in the men and persons which neglecte God and corrupt the ordinaunce of God not in God nor in his ordinaunce for either the euill Prince seduced by the diuell corrupteth the wayes of God and by his owne fault and naughtinesse transgresseth Gods ordinaunce so farre that hée doth worthily deserue the name of diuelish power and not diuine authoritie Wée haue an example hereof in the magistrate of Ierusalem For although he were able to referre the beginning of his power by degrées vnto Moses and so vnto God himselfe who did ordeyne it yet for because hée taketh the Sauiour in the Gardeyne and byndeth him to his seruaunts it is sayd Ye are come out as it were to a theefe with swords and staues Whē I was daylie with you in the temple ye stretched not forth your hands against mee But this is euen your houre and the power of darcknesse Loe héere he calleth the ordinarie magistrate the power of the diuell when hée abus●th his power What could be more euidently spoken But here ye must marke that the reproch was in the person and not in the office Likewise also the Romane Empire was ordeyned by God as by the visions of Daniel it is clearely euident And yet whē Nero not without Gods ordinaunce bare the sway in the Empire whatsoeuer hée did as king and Emperour contrary to the office of a good king that did hée not of God but of the diuell For whereas he honge vp beheaded the Apostles of Christ mouing a bloudie persecution against the Church that sprang not from elsewhere than from the diuel the father of murder So then verily wée ought not at any time to defend the tyrannicall power and say that it is of god For tyrannie is not a diuine but a diuellish kind of gouernment and tyrauntes themselues are properly the seruauntes of the diuell and not of god Or else otherwise some people do deserue by their wicked deedes to haue not a king but a tyraunt So then the peoples sinne is an other cause that euil magistrates are found in common weales In the meane while the king is of the Lord sometime hée makes an hypocrite reigne Wherefore the euill magistrate is of God euen as also seditions warres plagues hayle frost and other miseries of mankind come from the Lord as
be magistrate whose care is day and night to haue an eye that the flock of the Lord be not scattered indaungered nor vtterly destroyed And thus haue I hetherto told you what kinde of men they ought to bée to whom the charge is to be committed ouer the Lords people Last of all touching the maner of consecrating magistrates sondrie citties and countries haue sondrie customes Let euery countrie fréelie reteine their owne vsual order I for my part thinke best of that maner of consecrating wherein sumptuous pompe is little or none but what reason and decencie séeme to allow The best and most profitable way is in cōsecrating them that are once chosen to vse a certaine moderate ceremonie and that too in the face of al the people that euerie one may know who they bee that are the fathers of the people to whom they owe honour whom they ought to obey and for whose health and welfare they ought to pray The people of God had a certaine prescribed ceremonie which wée read that they vsed in consecrating their kings and magistrates and it is certeine that it was profitablie and for good causes first inuented and then commaunded by God himselfe The rest that is yet behind to bee spoken touching the magistrate I meane to deferre vntill tomorrow And now to end with thanckisgeuing let vs praise the lord c. ¶ Of the office of the Magistrate whether the care of religion apperteine to him or no and whether hee may make lawes and ordinaunces in cases of Religion ¶ The seuenth Sermon THE first and greatest thing that chieflie ought to be in a magistrate is easilie perceiued by the declaration of his office and duetie In my yesterdayes sermon I shewed you what the magistrate is how many kindes of magistrates there are of whom the magistrate had his beginning for what causes hée was ordeined the maner and order how to choose péeres and what kinde of men should be called to be magistrates To this let vs now adde what the office and duetie ●● a magistrate properlie is The whole office of a magistrate séemeth to consist in these 3. points To Order to Iudge and to Punish Of euerie one wherof I meane to speake seuerallie in order as they lye The ordinaunce of the magistrate is a decrée made by him for mainteyning of religion honestie iustice publique peace and it consisteth on ij points in ordering rightly matters of religion and making good lawes for the preseruation of honestie iustice common peace But before I come to the determining and ordering of religion I will brieflie and in few words handle their question which demaunde whether the care of religion do apperteine to the magistrate as part of his office or no For I see many that are of opinion that the care and ordering of religion doth belong to Bishops alone and that kings princes senatours ought not to medle therewith But the catholique veritie teacheth that the care of religion doth especiallie belong to the magistrate and that it is not in his power onely but his office duetie also to dispose and aduaunce religion For among them of old their kinges were priestes I meane maisters and ouerséers of religion Melchisedech that holie wise Prince of the Chananitish people who bare the type or figure of Christe our Lord is wenderfullie commended in the holie Scriptures Now hée was both king and priest together Moreouer in the booke of Numbers to Iosue newlie ordeined and lately consecrated are the lawes belonging to religion giuen vp deliuered The kings of Iuda also and the electe people of God haue for the wel ordering of religion as I will by examples anon declare vnto you obteyned verie great praise and againe as many as were slacke in looking to religion are noted with the mark of perpetuall reproch Who is ignoraunt the the magistrates especiall care ought to bée to kéepe the common weale in safegard prosperitie which vndoubtedlie he cannot do vnlesse he prouide to haue the word of God preached to his people and cause them to be taught the true worship of God by that meanes making himself as it were the minister of true religion In Leuiticus and Deuteronomie the Lord doth largelie set downe the good prepared for men that are religious and zealous in déede reckoneth vppe on the other side the euil appointed for the contemners of true religion But the good magistrate is commaunded to reteine and kéepe prosperitie among his people and to repel al kinde of aduersitie Let vs heare also what the wise man Salomon saith in his Prouerbes Godlines and trueth preserue the king and in godlines his seate is holden vp When the iust are multiplied the people reioyce and when the wicked ruleth the people lamenteth The king by iudgemēt stablisheth his dominiō but a tyrant ouerthroweth it When the wicked increase iniquitie is multiplied the iust shall see their decay Where the word of God is not preached the people decay but happie is hee that keepeth the lawe Whereby we gather that they which would not haue the care of religion to apperteine to princes doe séeke and bring in the confusion of al things the dissolution of princes and their people lastlie the neglecting oppression of the poore Furthermore the Lord commaundeth the magistrate to make triall of doctrines and to kill those that do stubbornelie teach against the scriptures draw the people from the true god The place is to be séene in the 13 of Deut. God also forbad the magistrate to plant groaues or erect images as is to be séene in the 17. of Deut. And by those particularities he did insinuate things general forbiding to ordeine to nourish set forth superstitiō or idolatrie wherfore he commaunded to aduaūce true religion so consequently it foloweth that the care of religion belongeth to the magistrate What may be thought of that moreouer that the most excellent princes and friends of God amōg Gods people did challeng to themselues the care of religiō as belonging to themselues in so much that they exercised toke the charge therof euē as if they had béene ministers of the holie things Iosue in the mount Hebal caused an altar to be builded and fulfilled all the worship of God as it was commaunded of God by the mouth of Moses Dauid in bringing in and bestowing the arke of God in his place in ord●●●ng the worship of God was so diligent that it is wonder to tel So likewise was Salomon Dauids sonne Neither doe I thinke that any man knoweth not how much Abia Iosaphat Ezechias and Iosias laboured in the reformation of religion which in their times was corrupted and vtterlie defaced The verie heathen kings and princes are praised because when they knew the trueth they gaue out edicts for the confirmation of true religion against blasphemous mouthes Nabuchodonosor the Chaldean the most mightie Monarch of all the world than who I
Lord in Ieremie crieth out and saith I call a sworde vppon all the dwellers vppon earth Againe in Ezechiel The sword is sharpe and readie trimmed to kill the sacrifice And againe I will giue my sword into the handes of the king of Babell The kings of Aegypte were of their people called Pharaos as who should saye Reuengers But the swoord in the magistrates hand is to bée put vnto two vses For either hée punisheth offenders therewith for doinge other men iniurie and for other ill déeds Or else hée doth in warre therwith repell the violence of forreine enimies abroade or represse the rebellions of seditious and contentious Citizens at hoame But here againe an other obiection is cast in oure way by them which say that according to the doctrine of the Gospell no man ought either to kill or to be killed ▪ because the Lord hath said Resiste not the euill And againe to Peter Put vppe thy sword into thy sheath Euerie one that taketh the sworde doth perishe by the sworde Mine aunsweare to this is that throughout all the Scripture priuate reuengement is vtterlie forbidden but that that is done openlie by authoritie of the publique magistrate is neuer founde fault withall But that was priuate and extraordinarie vengeaunce that the Apostle Peter was about to haue taken considering that hee was called to bée a Preacher of the woord of God not to bée a Iudge a Capitaine or a man of warre And against priuate and extraordinarie reuengment is that sentence rightlie pronounced Euerie one that taketh the sword shall perish by the sword But that publique vengeaunce and the ordinarie vse of the sword is not prohibited by God in the Church of Christe I proue by this testimonie of the holie Apostle Paule in the 12. to the Romanes hath taught what and how much the perfectnesse of the Gospell requireth of vs and among the rest thus hée saith Deerelie beloued reuenge not your selues but rather giue place vnto wrath For it is written vengeaunce is mine and I wil repay But because this might be argued against and this obiection caste in his way Than by this meanes the long suffering of Christians shall minister matter enough to murder and manslaughter hée doth therefore immediately after in the next Chapiter adde The magistrate is the minister of God to thy wealth to terrifie the euill doers For hee beareth not the sword in vaine For hee is Gods minister reuenger of wrath to him that doth euill Wée gather therefore by this doctrine of the Apostle that euerie one of vs must let God alone with taking of vengeaunce that no man is allowed to reuenge himself by his owne priuate authoritie But publique reuengemēt wrought by the ordinarie magistrate is no where forbidden For that God which said to vs Vengeaunce is mine I will repay doth graunt to the magistrate authoritie to exercise and put that vengeaunce in vre which hee doth claime as due to himselfe So that the magistrates duetie is to punish with the sword the wrongfull dealings of wicked men in the name and at the commaundement of God himselfe Therefore when the magistrate punisheth then doth God himselfe to whom all vengeaunce belongeth punish by the magistrate who for that cause is called by the name of god Moreouer it is written Thou shalt not suffer a witch to liue Againe A wise king will scatter the wicked and turne the wheele vppon them And againe He that iustifieth the wicked and he that condemneth the iust they are both abhominable in the sight of the Lord. Neither doe wée lacke examples to proue that some haue incurred y heauie wrath and displeasure of the Lord for their foolish pittie in sparing them whom the Lord cōmaunded to strike with the sword I speake of Saul and Achab. Againe on the other side there are innumerable examples of most excellent Princes which testifie beare witnesse of the praise that they deserued for punishing of lewde wicked offenders For the Prince sinneth not nor is blameworthie any whit at all which killeth or otherwise punisheth the guiltie and vngratious man and for that cause we finde in the law so often repeated His bloud be vppon him selfe But if the bloud of the guiltie be not shedde then that is imputed as a fault and layde to the magistrates charge because hée neglecting his office hath pardoned them that were not worthie to bée forgieuen and by letting them goe hath left the innocent vnreuenged For hée is made partaker of the iniurie done shedding of the innocents bloud which he leaueth vnreuenged by letting the murderer goe vntouched on whose necke the Lord gaue charge to let the sword fall The iust seueritie of the vprighte magistrate in punishinge naughtie men is not as it is falselie iudged extreme crueltie But ouerthwart and péeuish pitie that spareth offenders which are not worthie to liue amonge men is vtter and méere crueltie in déede For when the magistrate letteth them goe vnpunished and at ease which with their naughtie déeds haue deserued death he doth thereby first of all giue occasion and courage to like offenders to go on and increase in their mischiefous wickednes For they sée their owne faultes borne with al in other men Secondarilie the men that are not as yet altogether drowned in the myre of wickednesse but are euerie hour● tempted and prouoked to naughtinesse wil at the last leaue to haue scruple of cōscience and giue their consent to yéeld to mischiefe For they sée that mischiefous marchaunts are gentellie dealt withall Lastly offenders set frée without any punishment doe for the most parte become little better yea they become twice worse than they were before and the increase of his sinne shal at length compell thée to kil him for many murders whom thou wouldest not kill for the murder of one wherby thou mightest haue saued many guiltlesse men whō that cutthroate since his first pardon hath villaynously slaine They therefore send wolues and beares amonge the common people that let such rakehells escape vnpunished Since now that I haue declared the right vse of the sword proued that the magistrate hath power to reueng mens iniuries and to kill haynous offenders let vs goe on to consider what the causes bée for which God cōmaundeth to punish transgressors let vs sée also when they ought to be punished and lastlie what kinds of punishment or penalties the magistrate must vse The especiall causes for which the Lord doth openly commaunde to punish offenders are for the most part these that follow The Lord resisteth force with force worketh the safegard and saluation of men he reuengeth them that suffer wronge and restoreth againe whatsoeuer may be restored Hée declareth his iustice also which rewardeth euerie one according to his déedes And therefore hée wipeth out reprochfull déedes with a reprochfull death Hée putteth offenders in minde of their crime and therwithall for the most part doth giue them sense of repentaunce
all Goods ordinances scant any one can be found that is more commendable or profitable than wedlocke is Musonius Hierocles and other auncient sages thinke marriage to bee so necessarie to liue well and conueniently that the life of man without marriage séemeth to be maymed Euen they y heathens I meane doe make the euills and discommodities of mariage to consist in y married folkes and not in mariage For marriage of it selfe is good but many vse not well the thinge that is good and therefore they feele the smart of their foule abuse worthilie For who knoweth not that the faulte of dronkennesse is not to bee referred to wyne which is the good and holsome creature of God but to the excessiue bibbing and ouer great gréedinesse of mā which abuseth Gods good creature That which commeth out of the hart of man saith the Lord in the Gospell and not that which goeth in by the mouth defileth the man. Hereunto belongeth that saying of Paule the Apostle of Christ where hee attributeth sanctification to wedlocke for the bed saith he is vndefiled and in an other place he testifieth that the vnbeleuing husband is sanctified by the beléeuing wife hee affirmeth also that children borne in wedlocke are holy or cleane Moreouer the same Paule maketh Christ an erāple of loue betwixt man and wife and shadoweth the mysteries of Christ and the Church by the colour of wedlocke he figureth I say a heauenly thing by an holy type that God doth allowe Wherevpon in an other place the same Apostle doth say That their doctrine is a verie doctrine of diuells which forbid men to marrie And so consequently it followeth that that is an heauēly doctrine proceeding from God which permitteth mariage freely to all men and doth commende and reuerence it The excellencie and dignitie of matrimonie being thus vnderstoode let vs now séeke out and looke on the causes for which God hath ordeyned mariage for men to imbrace God according to his natural goodnesse directeth all his ordinaunces to the greate good and aboundant commoditie of mortal men and therefore it followeth that hee ordeyned matrimonie for the preseruatiō of mankinde to the end that mans lyfe might be pleasaunt swéete and thoroughly furnished with ioyes sufficient But al these causes may be reduced into the number of thrée First God himselfe doth say It is not good for man to be alone let vs make him an helpe therefore to be before him or to dwel with him So then that first cause whie wedlecke was instituted is mans commoditie that thereby the life of man might bée the pleasaunter and more cōmodious For Adam séemed not to liue halfe happilie nor sweetly enough vnlesse he had a wife to ioyne himselfe vnto which wife is not in the scriptures called an impediment or necessarie euill as certaine Poets and beastly men who hated women haue foolishly iangled but she is the helpe or arme of the man Antipater an heathen writer In sermone de Nuptiis doth wonderfullie agrée with this saying of the scripture and expresseth plainly what kinde of help and what manner of arme the wife is to her husband Whosoeuer saith hee hath not had triall of wife and children hee is vtterly ignoraunt of true mutuall goodwill Loue in wedlocke is mutuallie shewed when man and wife doe not cōmunicate wealth children and hearts alone as friendes are wont to doe but haue their bodies in cōmon also which friends cannot do And therfore Euripides laying a side the deadly hate that hee bare to women writ these verses in commendation of marriage The wife that gadds not gigglot wise with euerie flirting gill But honestly doth keepe at hoame not set to gossip still Is to her husband in his cares a passing sweete delight She heales his sicknesse all and calls againe his dying spirit By fawning on his angrie lookes she tourns them into smiles And keeps her husbāds secrets cloase when friends worke wilie guiles For like as a man hauing one hand or one foote if by any meanes hee get himselfe an other may thereby the more easilie lay hold on what hee listeth or go whether he wil euen so he that hath married a wife shall more easilie enioy the healthfull pleasures and profitable commodities of this present life For married folkes for two eyes haue foure for two hands as many more which being ioyned together they maye the more easilie dispatche their handie businesses againe when the ones two handes are wearied the handes of the other supplie their roome kepe their worke in a forwardnesse still Mariage therfore which in steede of one member is by increase cōpact of twaine is better able to passe thorough the course of this world than the single and vnwedded life Thus much out of Antipater Hierocles also in his booke de Nuptiis saith To liue with a woman is verie profitable euen beside the begetting of children For first she doth welcome vs hoame that are tyred abroad with labour and traueile shee interteyneth vs seruiceablie and doth all shee maye to recreate ou●e wearie mindes She maketh vs forget all sorrowe and sadnesse For the troublesom cases of our life and generallie of care and busines while wee are occupied in matters abroade in bargayning in the countrie or amonge oure friends are not easilie suffered to bee troubled with oure domesticall and houshold affayres but when we haue dispatched them and are once retourned to our wiues at home so that our minds are at quiet we restoared to our ease and libertie then are our cōbersome businesses well lightened eased whereby they ceasse to trouble vs any longer Neither is a wife troublesome vndoubtedly but lighteneth things that are troublesom to vs For there is nothing so heauie that man and wife liuing in concord are not able to beare especiallie if they bee both willinge to doe their indeuour And so forth The second cause why matrimonie was ordeyned is the begetting of children for the preseruation of mankinde by increase and the bringing of them vppe in the feare of the lord For the Lord blessed Adam and Eua saying Increase and multiplie replenishe the earth Paule the Apostle in his Epistle to Titus saieth Speake to the elder women that they maye teache honest thinges that they may make the younger women to be sober minded to loue their husbandes to loue their childrē to be discrete hous keepers good obedient to their husbands And againe to Timothie Adam was not deceiued but the woman was seduced notwithstandinge through bearing of children she shal bee saued if they continue in faith and charitie and holines with modestie But the begetting of children were altogether vnprofitable if they were not wel brought vppe For shée that loueth her children in déede doth bring them vp in the feare of the Lord Which bringing vppe is no small cōmoditie to the comon weale Church of god The glorie also and worship of God is greatly augmented when as by wedlocke there
firste begotten or auncient of euery housholde did circumcise before the lawe which office was turned to the priestes when once the lawe was giuen It is a singular example and no more to be found like vnto it that Zippora the wife of Moses did circumcise her sonne Exod. 4. Chap. Nowe also the time of circumcision is set downe to wite the eighth day when the newe borne childe beganne to be of a little more strength And we gather out of the fifte Chapter of the booke of Iosue that they did circumcise them not with kniues of yron but of stone for in that Chapter the Lorde doth in expresse wordes commaund to circumcise the sonnes of Israel with kniues of stone But it is manifest by the rites of the sacraments that God doth alter nothinge in the ceremonies of the sacraments and therefore we coniecture and gather that Abraham vsed none other but kniues of stone especially since we read that Zippora Moses his wife did circumcise her sonne with a stone The rest of the Iewishe trifles which they sowe abrode touching the ceremonies of cicumcision I do of purpose here let passe For they are vtterly vnworthie to be heard and haue no mysteries conteined in them But the knife of stone is of force in the exposition of the mysterie of circūcision For circumcision had a mysterie and a moste certeine meaning hidden within it For firste circumcision did signifie that the whole nature of man is vncleane and corrupt and therfore that all men haue neede of cutting and regeneration And for that cause that cuttinge was made in the member wherewith man is begotten For we are all begotten and borne the sonnes of wrath in originall sinne Neither doth any man deliuer vs from that damnation but he alone that is without sinne to wite the blessed séede Iesus Christ our Lord who was conceiued by the holy Ghost and borne of the virgin Marie who with the shedding of his bloud which was prefigured in the bloud shed in circumcision doth cleanse vs from sinne and make vs heires of life euerlasting And now this circumcision maketh sorely against them that denye original sinne and putteth them to their shiftes that attribute iustification and saluation to our owne strength and vertue For if we were cleane if we by our owne power could get saluation what néeded our fathers to bee cutt in that sorte The things that are cutt off are either vnpure or else superfluous But God made nothing vnpure or superfluous Nowe hee made the flesh of the foreskinne If the fleshe of the foreskinne had béene euill God had not made man with the fleshe of the foreskinne The skinne therefore is not euill of it selfe nor yet superfluous but the cuttinge of the foreskinne doth rather serue to teache vs to vnderstande that by our birth and nature wée are corrupt and that wée cannot be cleansed of that corruption but by the knife of stone And for that cause verily was circumcision giuen in that member and in none other I will anon adde another cause out of Lactantius why it was giuen in the priuities and in none other parte of all the bodye Moreouer circumcision did signifie testifie that God almightie of his méere grace and goodnesse is ioyned with an indissoluble bond of couenant vnto vs men whome his will is first to sanctifie then to iustifie and lastly to inriche with all heauenly treasures through Christe our Lorde and reconciler For that was the meaninge of the stoanie knife Because Christ the blessed séede is the rocke of stone out of which doe flowe moste pure and cleansing waters and he by his spirite doth cutt from vs whatsoeuer thinges doe hinder the mutuall league and amitie betwixt God and vs he also doth giue and increase in vs both hope and charitie in faith so that wee may be knitt and ioyned to God in life euerlasting which is the blessed and happie life in déede Nowe here it is expedient to heare the testimonies of the lawe and the Apostles In the 30. of Deuteron Moses saith The Lord thy God shall circumcise thy harte and the harte of thy seede that thou maist loue the Lorde thy God. Now the outward visible cutting was a signe of this inwarde circumcision And Paule also speakinge of Abraham saith And he receiued the signe of circumcision as the seale of the righteousnesse of faith which he had being yet vncircūcised that he should be the father of all them that beleeue though they were not circūcised that righteousnesse might bee imputed to them also c. Lo here Abrahams circumcision was a signe y God by his grace had iustified Abraham which iustificatiō he receiued by faith before his circumcision which is an argument that they which beléeue though they be not circumcised are neuerthelesse iustified with faithfull Abraham and againe that the Iewes which are circumcised are iustified of God by faith And for that cause was circumcision giuen in the verie bodie of man that he might beare in his bodie the league of God and be thereby admonished that hee is iustified by grace through faith Whereby wee gather also that the grace of God and the iustification of the godly is not tyed to the signe For if it had then had not Abraham béene iustified before his circumcision but euen in his circumcision Furthermore if it had béene so then the Lord whose wil is to haue mankind saued would not haue giuen commaundement to haue them circumcised vpon the eighth day For many children died before the eighth daye and neuer came to circumcision and yet they were not damned To which wee may adde that Sara Rebecca Rahel Iochabeth and Marie Moses sister with innumerable mo matrones and holie virgines could not be circumcised and yet they were saued by the grace of God through faith in the Messiah that was to come The grace of God therefore was not tyed to the sacrament of circumcision but yet it was not despised and neglected of the holy sainctes of the olde church but vsed to the end for which it was ordeined that is to be a testimonie and a seale of frée iustification in Christ who circumciseth vs spiritually without handes by the working of the holie Ghoste Furthermore God by the outwarde and visible signe did gather into one church them which were circumcised in which number those which he had chosen before hee did ioyne to him selfe with the bonde of his spirite For sainct Paule for the verie same cause did call the people of one religiō the circumcision as is euident by the 15. Chapter to the Romanes and the third to the Philippians Therefore by circumcision God did separate his people from the vnbeléeuing nations Whereupon it came that to be called vncircumcised was as great reproache among them as to be called dogge is nowe adayes among vs For an vncircumcised person was reputed for an vncleane prophane man and for such an one as had no parte
in God nor his couenaunts Finally circumcision did put the circumcised in mind of their duetie al their life long to wite that euery man should thinke that he had taken vpon him to professe God to beare in his bodie the Sacramēt of the Lorde For that is the cause why the Israelites were named or had their names giuen them in their circumcision For it is euident in Luke that Iohn Baptist and Iesus our sauiour had their names giuen them at their circumcision euen as also the first circumcised at his circumcision was called Abraham whose name before was said to be Abram It did admonish the circumcised of his duetie for so much as he had giuen his name vnto the Lord his confederate to bee inrolled in the register of God amōg the names of them that giue them selues vnto the Lord wherefore he ought by couenaunt duetie to frame his life not after his owne lust and pleasure but according to the will of God to whome he did betake him selfe For the condition of the couenaunt was that the circumcised shoulde not defile them selues with idolatrie and straunge religions that they should not pollute with vncleane lyuing the bodies and mindes that were hallowed to the Lord but that they perseuearing in true faith should ensue godlynesse shewe the workes of repentance and be obedient to God in all things For thus saith Moses in the tenth of Deuterono Circumcise the foreskinne of your hearts and harden not your neckes any longer To which words the Prophet Ieremie alludeth in his fourth Chapter saying Bee ye circumcised to the Lord and cut away the foreskinne of your hearte And the Martyr S. Stephan rebuking the vnbeléeuing Iewes sayeth Ye stiffe-necked and of vncircumcised hearte and eares ye alwayes resist the holie ghost Verie rightly therefore doth the holy Apostle Paule in his Epistle to the Romanes declare that there are two sortes of circumcision the one of the letter in the fleshe the outwarde circumcision that is made with handes the other in the heart of the Spirite the inwarde circumcision which is made by the meanes of the holy Ghost The circumcision of the heart God doth like well of in those y be his but that in the fleash he doeth vtterly mislike of if as the fleashe is the heart be not circumcised The liking and misliking of these two circumcisions is in that which went before so plainly alreadie declared that I néede not to stick any longer vpon it And here I think it not amisse before I make an ende of circumcision to reherse vnto you déerely beloued the woordes of the auncient writer Lactantius lib. Instit 4. Chap. 17. where he speaketh of circumcision in this manner The meaning of circumcision was that we should make bare our breastes to wite that wee should liue with a simple and plaine dealing heart because that parte of the bodie which is circumcised is partely like to a heart and is the fore parte of the priuitie and the cause why God commaunded to make it bare was that by that signe he might admonishe vs not to haue a couered heart that is that we should not couer within the secretes of our conscience any crime whereof wee ought to be ashamed And this is the circumcision of the heart whereof the Prophets speake which God hath translated from the mortall fleshe to the immortall soule For the Lorde being whole set and fully minded according to his eternall goodnesse to haue a care for our life and safegard did set repentance before our eyes for vs to followe as a waye to bring vs thereunto so that if wee make bare our heartes that is if by confession of our sinnes we satisfie the Lord we should obteine pardone whiche is denied to the proude and those that conceale their faultes by God who beholdeth not the face as man doeth but searcheth the secrets of the brest Thus much hitherto hath that auncient writer of the churche Lactantiꝰ Firmianus declared vnto vs touching the mysterie of circumcision Nowe all this whiche hitherto I haue saide touching the meaning and mysterie of circumcisiō was set forth as in a picture to be séene of all mens eyes so often as circumcision was solemnized in the church There was the league as it were renued which God did make with men There was the grace of God his sanctification and our corruption declared therein did Christ the rocke of stone appeare who with his spirite doth cutt wash away all spottes of the Churche Moreouer the worshippers of God did learne by that signe and so by all the holie ceremonie that they beeing in one ecclesiasticall bodie ought to do their indeuour by purenesse of liuing to winne the fauour of God their confederate Because by the visible circumcision there was after a sorte an open confession made of the true religion of frée consent to the true religion and of a bynding by promise vnto the same He therefore that did despise or vnaduisedly neglect that holie ceremonie was sharply punished as may be gathered by the 17. of Genesis and the fourth Chapter of Exodus And so muche hetherto touching circumcision There followeth nowe the seconde Sacrament of the auncient churche I meane the Paschal Lamb. It is an Hebrewe word not signifying a passion as it should séeme if it were deriued according to the Gréeke etymologie but it signifieth a skipping a leaping or a passing ouer For the Hebrewe *** signifieth to leape or passe ouer The cause of this worde Moses him selfe sheweth in the lawe where he saith The Lord shall go ouer to strike the Aegyptians when he shall see the bloud vppon the vpper poste and the two side postes of the doore *** the Lord wil passe ouer that doore and will not suffer the destroyer to come within your houses This sacrament is knowen also and called by other names For it is called a signe a remembraunce a solemnitie an holie assemblie the feast of the Lorde a worship an obseruation an oblation and a Sacrifice But whereas that ceremonie is called a passing ouer that is not done without a trope For the passing ouer was the verie benefite wherein the Angel of the Lorde did passe ouer the Iewes leaue their houses vntouched and saue their liues but for because the Paschall Lambe was a memoriall a renuing of that benefite therefore it tooke the name of the benefite Euen as I admonished you before that it is vsuall in Sacramentes for the signes to bee called by the names of the thinges that they signifie béecause of the likenesse and mutual proportion that is betwixt them Let vs sée nowe what the passeouer was and what kinde of ceremonie did belong vnto it The Passeouer was an holy action ordeined by God in the killing and eating of a Lambe partely to the ende that the Churche might kéepe in memorie the benefite which God did for them in the land of Aegypt to be a testimonie of Gods
of the Gospell which Paule hath hitherto preached with vs is sufficient to the obteining of life and saluation We intend not to laye any greater burthen vpon you than the doctrine of the Gospell and abstinence from those fewe things In which sentence they séeme to haue had an eye to the opinion of Sainct Peter who in the counsell saide Ye knowe that I beeing called by God did go to the Gentiles and did preach to them saluatiō through the Gospel Ye know that to the Gētiles being neither circumcised nor keeping the lawe while I preached to them faith in Christ Iesus the holie Ghoste was giuen from aboue so that their hearts wer purified of God him selfe by faith not by the lawe that they were made heires of eternal life And vppon this he inferreth Now therefore why tempt ye God to laye vppon the disciples neckes a yoke which neither wee nor our fathers were able to beare But wee beleeue that through the grace of the Lorde Iesus Christ we shal be saued euen as they Sée here Sainct Peter called the lawe a burthen and a yoke and therfore where the Apostles saye that they will not laye vpō the church any greater burthen they do thereby signifie that the lawe is flatly abrogated They do therefore set the church frée from the burthen of the lawe and do acquite it from all burthens like to y lawe We nowe do gather by those woordes of the Apostles that those burthensome and innumerable ceremonies which the church hath receiued by counsels Synodes since the time of the Apostles were vniustly against the Apostolique spirite then layde vppon the churche and at this daye wickedly reteined and defended in the churche For they in expresse wordes saide It seemed good to the holye Ghoste and to vs to burthen you with no more then these thinges necessarie But if any man obiect and saye that those ceremonies were for the rudenesse of the people layde vpon the churches neckes as a rule or instruction to guide or teache them by Mine aunswere is that that kinde of instruction is cleane taken awaye which whosoeuer goeth about to reduce hee desireth nothing else but to bring in Iudaisme againe God knew verie well what kinde of churche that would be which hee purposed to gather together of Iewes and Gentiles and yet he abolished those external ceremonies Nowe who doth better knowe than God what is expedient or not expedient for his church therefore the things that he abolished were not expedient for the faithfull whereupon the Apostles did rightly verie wel pronounce It seemed good to the holie ghoste and vs not to laye vppon you any greater burthen Let them therefore be ashamed of their doinges which lay so great a burthen vppon the shoulders of the church that otherwise ought to be most free Nowe also heere is added the conclusion of the sentence Than these necessarie things that is to say that ye abstaine from things offered to Idols c. In these wordes they had an eye vnto the sentence of sainct Iames the Apostle and brother of the Lorde for he confirminge and allowing of Sainct Peters opinion touchinge iustification by faith and the not laying of the lawe vpon the Gentiles neckes doth alledge a testimonie of scripture out of Amose who did foretell that the Iewes shoulde bee cut off because of their sinnes and that in their steeds the Gentiles should be taken amonge whome the true church of God should be which was prefigured by the ruine and reparatiō of Dauids tabernacle The same Prophet did also foretell a reason how and a cause why the Gentiles should be receiued into the church not for Circumcisions sake nor yet by the helpe of the lawe but by grace through fayth For he saith The remnaunte of the men shal seeke after the Lorde and all the heathen vpon whome my name is called saith the Lorde which doth all this all these workes of God are knowen to him from before the world beganne Loe here they shall seeke the Lorde and shal be receyued into his fellowship vpon whome his name shal be called This phrase of speech doeth signifie that they whiche are electe shal be the sonnes of god For vpon them the name of the Lord is called which are named the sonnes of God and are his elect Nowe the whole scripture attributeth that to faith By fayth therfore we are made the members of the church and sonnes and heires to God our maker But if any man doe murmur against the counsell of God and say why doth God so Let him thinke that this déede is the déede and worke of God whome it is not lawfull for man to gaynsaye and all whose workes are knowen from the beginninge of the worlde to haue beene donne in iudgement and righteousnesse whervpon it doth consequently follow that this counsell of his is good and righteous whereby he doth through faith in Christ ioyne to himselfe and sanctifie the heathen nations Nowe vppon these wordes of the prophet Saincte Iames subscribing as it were to Sainct Peters opinion doth gather and inferre Wherefore my sentence is that wee trouble not them which from among the Gentiles are turned to God That is to say I thinke that they are not to bee molested or charged with the obseruation of the law But least the Gentiles once hearing y the lawe was abolished should thereby thinke that they might freely doe whatsoeuer they would and so by that meanes abuse their libertie and also against all charitie despise giue offence vnto the Iewishe brethren therefore Iames addeth But I think it best for vs to write vnto them that they absteine from filthines of idols For there were at that time certeine conuerts of the Gentiles who thought it lawfull for them to enter into idol Temples and be partakers of things offered to idols because an idol is nothing since there is but one onely God alone whereuppon they gathered that those sacrifices were nothing that they did neither good nor harme and therefore that Christians might with a safe conscience be partakers of them But sainct Iames and Paule also 1. Cor. 8. 9. 10. wil haue the heathen conuerts to absteine vtterly frō the worship of Idols that is from the idols them selues and from those things which are in the idol temples offered to false and fained Gods. Moreouer he addeth Let them beware of fornication The Gentiles verily did by good lawes forbidde the adulteries and defilings of virgins matrones with verie sharpe punishments suppressing the violent deflowrers of honest women but they thought it a verie light and in a manner no fault at all for such to committ whoredome as did of their owne accordes set their chastitie to sale or if an vnwedded man should haue to doe with a single woman and therefore the Apostle Iames euen as Paule also 1. Cor. 6. and 1. Thessa. 4. doeth verie seuerely require the holy pure vse of the bodie
the second parte where wee haue to shewe you that GOD the father hath faithfully perfourmed to vs that which he promised to our forefathers in giuing to vs his onely begotten Sonne who is that true and looked-for Messiah that is to bee blessed world without ende In making this matter manifest the Euangelistes and Apostles of oure Lord haue taken great paines and set it forth so well and faithfully that it cannot be bettered They shewe that Christ doth come of the stocke of Dauid descending lineally of the séede of Abrraham they tell that his mother was the Virgin which did conceiue by the holie Ghost and being a Virgin still brought him into the world They note the time wherein Christ was reuealed in all points correspondent to the Prophets prophecies They add that the place of his natiuitie was aunswerable to that whiche Micheas foretolde In the Easte there appeareth a starre whiche moueth the Princes or wisemen to goe and salute the newe borne Kinge They come therefore and euen in Hierusalem doe openly professe that the Messiah is borne and that they are come out of the Easte to worship and honour him According to their woordes so were their déedes For when by the leading of the starre they had once found him they fall downe before him and doe by offering to Christ the giftes that they brought not obscurely declare howe ioyfull they were and how much they set by their Lord and Sauiour In the verie citie of Hierusalem the most iust man Simeon with great ioye of heart and godly gratulation doeth in the temple openly testifie that God according to his eternall goodnesse and constancie had giuen to the world his onely begotten sonne whome hee had promised vnto the fathers therewithall protesting that hee was willing to die He addeth the cause For that saith hee mine eyes haue seene thy saluation to witt that Schilo the Sauiour whome thou O God hast determined to set before al people a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glorie of thy people Israel that is that hee shaking off al darckenes should bring the light of trueth life vnto the Gentiles to lighten them withall and that hee should bée the glorie and life of the people of Israel Herevnto also belongeth the testimonie of that notable man Zacharie the holie priest of God saying Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for hee hath visited and redeemed his people hath raised vp a horne of saluation for vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid As hee spake by the mouth of his holie Prophets whiche haue beene since the world began And so forth as is to be séen in the first of Lukes Gospel Moreouer Iohn the sonne of this Zacharie syrnamed the Baptist than who we read not that any one more holie was euer borne of women did with his finger pointe at Christ Iesus and openly declare that hee is that looked for Messiah whome all the Prophetes promised and that God by giuing him vnto the woorld hath done that hee promised and wholie powred himselfe with all his benefites into and vppon all faithful beléeuers And as the people wayted saith Luke and thought in their heartes of Iohn whether hee were verie Christ Iohn aunswered saying to them all In deed I baptise you with water but one stronger than I commeth after me whose shoes latchet I am not worthie to vnlo●se hee shall baptise you with the holie Ghost and with fire And in the Gospel after S. Iohn wee read The next day Iohn seeth Iesus comming vnto him and sayeth Beehold the lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world This is he of whome I said After mee commeth a man which is preferred before mee because he was before mee and I knewe him not but that hee should be declared vnto Israel therfore am I come baptising with water And immediatly after hee sayeth I sawe the spirite descending from heauen like vnto a doue and it aboad vpon him And I knew him not but he that sent mee to baptise with water the same said vnto me vpon whom thou shalt see the spirite descending tarying still on him the same is hee whiche baptiseth with the holie Ghost And I sawe and bare record that this is the sonne of God. Againe when the disciples of Iohn did enuie the happie successe of Christ that it gréeued them to sée their maister Iohn as it were neglected in cōparison of Christ Iohn said to his disciples Ye your selues are witnesses that I said I am not Christ but I am sent before him Hee that hath the bride is the bridegrome but the friend of the bridegrome whiche standeth and heareth him reioyceth because of the bridegrome Therfore this my ioy is fulfilled hee must increase but I must decrease The father loueth the sonne and hath giuen all thinges into his hand He that beleeueth in the sonn hath life euerlasting hee that beleeueth not in the sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth vppon him These testimonies are firme cleare and euident enough and might suffice for the confirmation of this cause But let vs yet of a many moe picke out and add a fewe whiche may declare that Christ is alreadie exhibited vnto vs Therefore our Lord himselfe whome wee beléeue to bee Messiah when hee had a great while béene verie greatly commended by the testimonie of Iohn doeth at length come abroad preach the woord of life But it is not read that in any age before or since there was euer any y taughte with so great grace And therewithall hee shewed almost incredible and wonderfull miracles which do easilie argue who hée was and were sufficient to winne such a man with whome no woordes might possiblie preuaile Hee was louing and gentle to sinners repeating still and beating into their heads that hee was come to saue them and call them to repentance Therefore when the disciples of Iohn did once come vnto him saying Art thou hee that should come or shall we looke for an other Hée aunsweared Goe ye and tell those thinges to Iohn whiche ye see and heare The blinde receiue their sighte and the lame walke the lepers are clensed the deafe heare the dead are raised to life and to the poore is preached the glad tydinges of the Gospell Nowe by these his doctrine I meane and his woorkes or miracles his minde was to shewe that hee was exhibited the true Messiah vnto the world and that none other is to be loked-for Moreouer in the Synagogue at Nazareth where hee read and expounded Esaies prophecie of the comming of Messiah he declared there that that Scripture was in himselfe fulfilled And to the historie is immediatly annexed And all bare record vnto him and wondered at the gratious sayings that proceded frō his mouth Againe in the tenth Chapiter of S. Iohn his Gospell The Iewes came round about the Lord and said How longe doest thou make vs to doubt If thou
excommunication the secular power hath nowe by the space of 30. yeares and more beene called on and persecution hath beene euery where raysed vpp against guiltlesse Christians not for committing heynous crimes and defending naughtinesse but for inueighing against mischiefes and mischiefous men and for requiring the reformation of the Church and yet euen at this day most cruell edicts are out and crueltie is exercised euery day more more against them that confesse the name of Christ yea such is their impudencie brasen-faced boldnesse they dissemble not that the counsell if any must be celebrated shall be called for the rooting out of heresies yea they doe openly professe that the counsell once held at Trent was to this end assembled Nowe since these things more clearely than the sunne are perceiued to be most true thou shalt most holy kinge doe wisely and religiously if without looking for the determination of a generall counsell thou shalt proceed to reforme the Churches in thy kingdome according to the rule of the bookes of both testaments which we do rightly beleeue being written by the inspiration of the holy Ghost to be the very word of God. But nowe that it is lawfull for euery Christian Church much more for euery notable Christian kingdome without the aduise of the Church of Rome and the members therof in matters of religion depraued by them wholie to make are formation according to the rule of Gods most holy word it is therby manifest because Christians are the congregation the Church or subiects of their king Christ to whome they owe by all meanes most absolute and perfect obedience Now the Lord gaue his Church a charge of reformation he commended vnto it the sound doctrine of the Gospell together with the lawfull vse of his holy Sacraments he also condemned all false doctrine that I meane that is contrarie to the Gospell he damned the abuse and prophanation of the Sacraments and deliuered to vs the true worship of God proscribed the false therefore Christians obeying the Lawes commaundements of their Prince do vtterly remoue or take away all superstition and do restore establish and preserue the true religion according to the manner that Christ their Prince appointed them He verilie is a foole or a mad man which sayeth that the Church of Christ hath none authoritie to correcte such errours vicces and abuses as do daily creepe into it And yet the Romish tyrannie hath so bewitched the eyes of many men that they thincke that they cannot lawfully doe any thinge but what it pleaseth Rome to giue them leaue to doe The Ecclesiasticall histories make mention of prouinciall Synods held in sondrie prouinces wherein there were handled matters of faith and the reformation of the Churches and yet no mention once made of the bishop of Rome What may be thought of that moreouer that in certeine Synodes not heretical but orthodoxasticall and Catholique thou mayest finde some that were excommunicated for appealing from their owne Churches vnto the Church of Rome Sainct Cyprian writing to Cornelius the bishop of Rome doth say Since that it is ordeined by vs all that it is iust and right that euery mans cause should be heard there where the crime is committed that to euery seueral pastour is appointed a portion of the flocke which euery one must gouerne make accompt of his doings before the Lord it is expedient verilie that those ouer whome we haue the charge should not gad to and fro by that meanes with their subtile and deceiptfull petulancie to make the concord of bishops to be at iarre but to pleade their causes there where they maye haue their accusers present and witnesses of their crime committed But letting passe the testimonies of men we do now come to the testimonies in the booke of god The most holy king Iosias most godly Prince may alone in this case teach you what to do and how to do with the warrant authoritie of God himselfe He by the diligent reading of the holy booke of God and by the contemplation of things present and the manner of worshipping God that then was vsed did vnderstand that his auncestours did greatly very farre erre from the plaine and simple truth for which cause he calleth together the princes and other estates of his kingdome together with all the priestes to hold and celebrate a counsell with them In that counsell he standeth not long disputing whether the examples of the elders ought rather to be followed or Gods commuandement simplie receiued whether he ought rather to beleeue the Church or the Scripture and whether all the iudgement of religion ought to be referred to the high priest For laying abroade the booke of the Lawe he submitteth both himselfe and all his vnto the Sacred Scripture Out of the booke of the Lawe both he him selfe doth learne biddeth all his to learne what thinge it is that pleaseth God namely that which was commuanded and learned in the reading of the Lawe of god And presently hee gaue charge that all men should doe and execute that not hauing any regard to the auncient custome or to the Church that was at that time he made all subiecte to the word of god Which deede of his is so commended that next after Dauid hee is preferred before all the kinges of Iuda and Israel Nowe your royall Maiestie cannot followe any better or safer counsell than this cōsidering that it proceedeth from God and that it is most fit for the cause which is euen nowe in hand The disputation is of the Reformation of Religion and the true fayth of Christ You know that that doth spring from heauen namely that it is taught by the word of God and powred into our hartes by the holy Ghost For Paul sayth Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ Therefore as true fayth is not grounded vppon the word of man so is it not taught or planted by the same For in an other place the same Apostle sayth My preaching was not in the enticing words of mans wisedome but in the shewing of the spirite and of power that your faith might not be in the wisedome of man but in the power of God. Not without good cause therefore doe we refuse the traditions of men and turne onely to the doctrine of the word of the Lord without which it is assuredly certeine that there is no doctrine nor any foundation of true fayth Neither are they worthie to be heard who thincke that the Canonicall Scriptures are not plaine enough full enoughe or sufficient enough to minister a perfect platforme of reformation They blaspheme the spirite of God imputing vnto it obscurenesse imperfection which faultes no prophane writer can well abide to heare off Sainct Paule in defence of the trueth sayth All Scripture giuen by inspiration of God is profitable to doctrine to reproue to correction to instruction which is in righteousnesse that
god Now also hee eggeth false prophets inchāters against vs Whervnto belōg deceitful inglings and all kinds of sorcerie witchcraft which the workes of the sorcerers of Egypt and of Simō the place of Moses in Deut. 13. testifie to be moste effectuall Herevnto chiefly belong false miracles corrupt answers or Oracles By these truely in times past he did very much hurt to that church of god as histories testifie nether ceaseth he at this day to do hurt which thing experiēce it self doth teach verifie For though it be certeine y sathan is not cast out by that power of sathan yet one giueth place to another for a time to this end that they may that more dsilie deceiue men and obteine a kingdome Christe truelie and the Apostle Paule foretoulde that euen the last times should bee wonderfully bewitched with deceiptful signes and powers Moste euident places touching y thing are extant in Mat. 24. 2. thess. 2. cha More might be spoken déerely beloued that at large concerning the operations or workings of the diuell But I trust these things béeing gathered together in breuitie are sufficient and giue occasion to muse of higher thinges But let no man so vnderstand these thinges as if the diuel were able to doe all things and that what he will he can also doe by and by For his power is definite or limitted restrained so y he cannot doe so much as he would Otherwise all things had béene ouer throwē and perished long agoe Therefore not without consideration I added in the describing of the diuel y he is subiect to god for he can do nothing with out Gods permission Now God permitteth him either to exercise trye the patience of those that are his and to hasten their saluation as it is manifest in the historie of Iob and in the words of Paule to the Corin saying Least I should be exalted out of measure through the abundance of the reuelations there was giuen vnto mee a prick to the flesh the messenger of sathan to buffet me Neither is it doubful that in most gréeuous tormentes of persecutions he exalteth many notable martyrs yea and at this day doeth and in times past hath exalted such vnto glorie and euerlasting rest Or els hee giueth the diuell leaue to execute violence and crueltie vppon men by that meanes to chastice their wickednesse or to punish their vnbelief For verily the diuels are the instruments of Gods wrath to execute his vengeaūce For Paule saith The comming of Antichriste is after the working of sathan in all power signes and wonders of lying and in all deceiuablenes of vnrighteousnesse in them that perishe because they receiued not the loue of truth that they might be saued And therefore GOD shall send them stronge delusion that they should beleeue lyes that all they might be damned which beleeued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse And this in a manner is the strength and power of sorcerie or inchaunting whiche is féeble in the faithfull Wherefore there is no cause why any man should miserably feare the Diuell But rather sanctifie yee saith Esaie the Lorde of hostes let him be your feare your reuerence Some say that certaine nations of the Easte worshipped the diuell for this cause that he should not hurte them But these are starke staring madde For if it bee not Gods will which euen now I began to tel you or if hee giue no leaue Sathan cannot touch so much as a haire of thine For he could not enter into the heard of swine whiche were féeding nighe the lake Genezaret at Gadara and destroy them but by the Lords permission Saincte Augustine also expounding the 32. psalme alledgeth in these wordes the historie of Iob What could the diuell himselfe doe durste he take away one seely shepe from the holie man Iob before he said Lay thy hand on him that is to say giue mee power Hee was willing but GOD did not suffer him When God gaue him leaue then hee was able therefore the diuell was not able but GOD whiche gaue him leaue Therefore Iob being well instructed did not say as we nowe are wonte to say The Lord gaue and the diuell hath taken away but The Lord gaue and the Lorde hathe taken away And these thinges do excéedingly comfort the godly in temptations who vnderstand that nothing can happen to thē without Gods permission that he permitteth nothing but that which maketh for our amendment and saluation and therefore that we are alwayes preserued by the prouidence and bountifulnesse of god For whatsoeuer hath hitherto béene spoken concerning the power and workinges of the diuelles perteined not hitherto to dashe vs out of courage and caste vs downe but to make vs more vigilant or watchfull The Lorde that ouercame the diuell and sheweth vs the way to ouercome him commaundeth vs to watch For therefore he encountered with sathan the first second and thirde time to instructe vs howe we shoulde fight againste the enimie of mankinde He ouercame him for vs that we shoulde not despaire of ability and nower easilie to ouercome him since he is alreadie weakened and wounded By faith doubtlesse we shal ouercome him For by faith we are knit vnto Christ and by faith we drawe the spirite of Christe by the force and vertue whereof we shall triumphe Truely for that cause Saint Peter willeth vs To resist by faith Saint Paule exborting vs vnto this conflict furnishing vs with excellente complete armour sayth Take vnto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to resiste in the euill day and hauing finished all thinges to stande fast Stande therefore hauing your loynes gyrt aboute with the trueth and hauing on the breaste plate of righteousnesse and your feete shodde that you may be prepared to the gospel of peace Aboue all thinges taking the shield of faith wherewith you may quenche all the firie dartes of that wicked And take the helmet of ●aluation and the sword of the spirite which is the word of God praying always in al prayers and supplication in the spirite c. Wherevnto that also beelongeth whiche the same Apostle witnesseth God doth not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue that wee are able to beare but shall with the temptation make away to escape Let vs therefore reuerence this God let vs béeséech him that throughe his power might we may ouercome Amen Of the reasonable Soule of man and of his most certeine saluation after the death of his bodie The tenth Sermon ALl men doe confesse that the reasonable soule of man hathe affinitie or likenesse with spirites neither is there any wiseman as I thinke which doth denie that the knowledge of the reasonable soule of man wherof the Scripture teacheth so many thinges and that too so diligently is moste wholesome and necessarie to all the godly the order therfore the profite and the verie necessitie also of
office and dutie of Pastours than if they shuld set before the eyes of the world a companie of Idols For who dare denie but that a great part yea the most part of the byshops of Rome since Gregorie the great were suche maner of Idoles suche kinde of woolues and deuourers as are described by the Prophete Zacharie What than I praye you can the continuall succession of such false pastors proue Yea and they which were of the later time did they not fill almost the vniuersall churche with the traditions of men and partly oppressed the word of God and partly persecuted it In the ancient church of the Israelites there was a continuall order of succession of byshops without any interruption thereof euen from Aaron to Vrias who liued vnder Achas and to other wicked byshops also falling from the word of god to the traditions of men yea and also idolatrie But for all that that succession did not proue the idolatrous byshops with the churche that claue vnto them to be the true byshops of God and the true church of god Truely the true Prophetes of God the sounde catholique fathers preaching only the word of God without mens traditions yea cleane against all traditions were not able to reckon vp any continual succession of priests their predecessours to whome they them selues should succéede yet notwithstanding they were most excellent lights worthy members of the church of God they which beleeued their doctrine were neither Scismatiques nor heretiques but euē to this day are acknowledged to be the true church of Christ When Christe our Lord the blessed son of God did teach here on earth gathered together his church the succession of byshops was on his aduersaries part But they for that cause were not rulers of the true church of God Christ of the heretical church The apostles of our lord could not alledge for thē selues their doctrine a succession of bishops not interrupted for they were ordeined of the Lord who was also him selfe created of God the high priest for euer after the new order of Melchisedech without the succession of the order of Leuie yet the church y was gathered by them is acknowledged of al men to be the true holy church The Apostles thēselues wold haue none other to be accounted for their true felowes successors but those who walked vpright in the doctrin way of Christ For notable manifest is the saying of Paule Be ye the followers of me euen as I am of Christ And though he speaketh these wordes to al the faithful not only to the ministers of Gods word yet those wold he chiefly haue such followers of him as the residue of cōmon christians that is to say euery man in his vocation calling The same Apostle speaking at Miletū with the bishops of Asia amōg other things saith I knowe this that after my departing shall grieuous wolues enter in among you not sparing the flocke Moreouer of your owne selues shall men arise speaking peruers things to draw disciples after thē Paul y apostle not frō any other place than out of the apostolique churche it selfe yea out of the companie or assembly of Apostolique Byshops and Pastours fetcheth out of the woolues and deuourers of the Church But could not these thinke you allege the Apostolique successiō for them selues and their most corrupt cause that is to say that they be descended from Apostolique Pastours But for so much as forsaking the trueth they be fal●e from the faith and doctrine of the Apostles the ofspring and Apostolicall succession doth nothing at all make for them Therefore we conclude that the continuall succession of Byshops by it selfe proueth nothing yea rather that that is no lawful succession whiche wanteth the puritie of the doctrine of the Scriptures and Apostles And therefore Tertullian greatly estéeming and that worthily the continuall succession of Pastours in the Churche yet requireth the same to be approued by the sinceritie of Apostolique doctrine yea hée acknowledgeth those Churches whiche are instructed with pure doctrine and yet not able to make any reckoning of succession of Byshoppes to be Apostolique Churches If anye man require the words of the author they be these But if there be any churches that dare presume to plant them selues in the very age of the apostles that therfore they may seeme to haue bene planted by the apostles bicause they were vnder the Apostles wee may say thus Let them bring foorth the first beginning of their churches let them turne ouer the order of succession of their Byshops so by succes●ions going from the first beginning that that first Byshop of theirs maye be found to haue for his authour and predecessour some one of the Apostles and apostolical sort of men and yet such an one as cōtinued with the Apostles For by this meanes the Apostolique churches giue their iudgment As the church of Smyrna testifieth that they had Polycarpus placed there by S. Iohn And as the churche of Rome sheweth that Clemens was appointed by S. Peter And as in like sort also other do shew for them selues who haue their ofspring of Apostolique seede placed in their Byshopricks by the Apostles Let heretiques faine some such matter For after their blasphemies what is vnlawful for them But albeit they doe faine they shal not preuaile For their owne doctrine being compared with the doctrine of the Apostles by the diuersitie contrarietie therof shall shewe that it had neyther Apostle nor Apostolicall man for the author Bicause as the Apostles taught nothing that was contrarie among thē selues euen so Apostolicall men set forth nothing contrarie to the Apostles but only such as fel away from the Apostles and taught other doctrine In this manner therefore may those Churches appeale who albeit they can bring for their authour none of the Apostles or Apostolique men as those that are of farre later time are but nowe daily erected yet they agréeing in one faith are neuerthelesse counted Apostolicall for the likenesse of the doctrine The selfe same authour speaking of the auncient church of Rome and gathering the summe of that it either taught or learned saith Happie is that Church to which the Apostles haue vttered all their doctrine with their bloud where Peter in suffering is made like to the Lord where Paul is crowned with the like end that Iohn had where the Apostle Iohn after that he was plunged in hote scalding oyle felt no paine was banished into the Isle Let vs see what it lerned and what it taught how it doth agre with the churches of Africa it acknowlegeth one god the maker of all things Iesus Christ the sonne of God the creator borne of the virgine Marie the resurrectiō of the flesh it ioyneth the lawe the Prophets with the doctrine of the Euāgelists Apostles frō thē drinketh that faith baptiseth with water clotheth with the holy ghost feedeth
Paule baptised as a minister not as one that had power of himselfe but the Lord baptised as he that had power of himselfe Behold if it had pleased him he could haue giuē this power to his seruants but he would not For if hee should haue giuen this power vnto his seruaunts that it should also haue beene theirs which was the lords then there should haue beene as many sundrie baptismes as seruaunts c. In the Church Christ reserueth that absolute power to himselfe For he continueth the head king bishop of the Church for euer neither is that head whiche giueth life separated from his body at any time But that limitted power he hath giuen vnto the Church Whiche thing it ought to acknowledge to wit an Ecclesiastical iurisdiction hemmed in with certeine lawes whiche procéedeth from God and for that cause it is effectuall and therefore in all thinges ought to haue chiefe regard vnto God and that Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction is for that purpose giuen vnto the church that it might be put in practise for the profite of the Church For S. Paule sayth The Lord hath giuen vs power to the intent we should edifie not for the destruction of the Church And therefore that power whiche tendeth to the hinderance and destruction of the Church is a diuelish tyrannie and not an ecclesiasticall power procéeding from god And it behoueth vs diligently to marke and reteine this ende of Ecclesiasticall power But the limitted power of the church consisteth verie néere in these points to witt in ordeyning of the ministers of the Church in doctrine and in the discerning betwéene doctrines and finally in the ordering of Ecclesiasticall matters Of euery one of which pointes in their order we will speake a litle declaring what manner of authoritie the Church hath and howe farre it is limitted in euery part thereof The Lord himselfe appointed the chiefe doctours of the Church whiche were the Apostles that all men might vnderstand that the Ecclesiastical ministerie is the diuine institution of God himselfe and not a tradition deuised by men And therfore after that the Lord was ascended into heauen S. Peter calling the Church together speaketh out of the scriptures of placing an other Apostle in the stéed of the traytour Iudas by that very facte shewing that power was giuen vnto the Church by God to electe ministers or teachers The same Church also not longe after by the persuasion of Peter and the Apostles so persuading vndoubtedly by the inspiration of the holy Ghost choose seuen deacons The Church of Antioche being manifestly instructed by the holy Ghoste doeth ordeine and sende Paule and Barnabas althoughe they were longe before that time assigned to the ministerie It is read also in the Actes of the Apostles that the churches by the commaundement of the Apostles did ordeine doctours for the holy ministerie as often as néede required And yet notwithstanding they did not ordeine euery one without choice but such onely as were fitt for that office that is to say such as afterward by expresse lawes they themselues did describe to witt If any man were faultles the husband of one wife watchfull sober c. The rule set downe by the Apostle is sufficiently knowen as appeareth in the 1. to Tim. 3. Cap. But as touching the ordeyning of ministers God willing wee will speake in the third sermon of this Decade But if the Church haue receiued power to appoint fitt ministers for the Church I thincke no man will denie that the Church hath authoritie to depose the vnworthie wicked deceiuers and also to correct and amende those thinges whiche being lacking may séeme necessarie for this order And forasmuch as ministers are chosen chiefly to teach it must follow that the Church hath power to teach to exhort to comfort and such like by her lawfull ministers and yet no power to teach euery thing but that onely which she receiued being deliuered vnto her from the Lord by the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles Teach them sayeth the Lord that whiche I commaunded you Go ye and preach the Gospell to all creatures And S. Paul sayth I am put a part to preach the Gospell of God which he promised before by his Prophets in the holy Scriptures But this ministerie office of preaching is nothing else but the power of the keyes whiche the Church hath receiued The office I saye of binding and loosing of opening shutting heauen In another place also the apostles receiued power from the Lord ouer all ouer all I say not absolutely but ouer all diuels and not ouer all Angels and men and yet that authoritie and power they receiued ouer diuels they receiued it not absolutely for it is added vnto it that they should expell and cast them out And therefore they could not deale with diúels after their owne fancie but that onely so farre forth as he would haue them to d●e who hath absolute power ouer all diuels and that they might cast diuels out of men but not to sende them into men thoughe they would haue desired it neuer so much And so also as touching diseases they could not doe what they would else would not S. Paule haue left Trophimos sicke at Miletum who might so greatly haue béene profitable vnto him in the holy ministerie The two disciples if they had béen able to haue done what they would would haue commanded fire from heauen to haue fallen downe vppon Samaria and so would haue taken vengeaunce of the vncourteous and barbarous people of Samaria for that they denied to harbour the Lord Christ In like manner those same Apostles receiued keyes that is to saye power to binde and to lose to open and shutt heauen to forgiue and to reteine sinnes but perfectly limitted For they could not lose y which was bound in hell neither bind them that were liuing in heauen For he said not What soeuer ye binde in heauen but whatsoeuer ye binde vppon earth Neither said he Whatsoeuer ye lose in hell but what soeuer ye lose vppon earth Againe they were not able eyther to binde or lose whom they would not so much as vpon earth For they were not able to lose that is to say to pronounce a mā frée from sinne that was without faith Againe they could not binde that is say pronounce condemned him that was lightened with faith was truely penitent And surely such as teach other doctrine than this touching the power of the keyes deceiue the whole world of whiche wee will more largly intreat in place conuenient Likewise the Church hath receiued power from Christ to administer the sacraments by ministers but not according to her owne will and pleasure but according to Gods will and the forme and manner sett downe by the Lord himselfe The Church cannot institute sacraments neither yet alter the ends vse of the sacraments Finallie that the Church hath
hath giuen vnto none neyther doth any minister vnles he be blinded with diuelish pryde take that vnto him selfe as though he did worke those workes that are proper vnto Christe eyther for Christe or in Christes stead or together with Christ The Apostles being Christ his most faithful ministers and most chosen instruments of God did not giue the holy ghoste did not drawe mens harts did not inwardly anoynt mens mindes did not regenerate soules they them selues did not deliuer from sinne death the diuell and hell For all these things be the works of God whiche he hath not communicated to any Wherfore the most holy Baptist in plaine wordes denied that he was Christ he denied that he him selfe baptised with the holy Ghoste I saithe he baptise with water but hee baptiseth with the holy Ghost I am the voyce of a cryer in the wildernes prepare the way of the Lorde And Paule pleading his cause before Agrippa wisheth of God that king Agrippa were such a one as Paule him selfe was except his bonds But such a wishe had not néeded if he him selfe could drawe sanctifie and absolue There are infinite other of this kinde to be séene in the scriptures Yet neuerthelesse the ministerie of the church is not néedles The kings counsellers and officers haue not equall power with the king neither are they kinges with the king or for the king but for all that their seruice is not in vaine Therefore that thing which Christ the sonne of God who is the greatest the best and the chiefe high priest of his Church worketh in his catholique church inwardly and in their mindes as the onely searcher of of the hearts the very same outwardly he declareth and testifieth by his ministers whome the Scripture for that cause calleth witnesses embassadours or messingers You sayth the Lord to his Apostles shall beare witnesse bycause ye haue beene with me frō the beginning And Paul saith I am ordeined a precher an apostle a teacher of the gentiles Therfore the same apostle in another place calleth the same Gospell both a testimonie and preaching of our Lord Iesus Christe And Ihon the Apostle affirmeth that he was banished into the Isle of Pathmos For the worde of God and for the witnessing of Iesus Christe And therefore when ministers beare witnesse of the Sonne of God and out of his word promise life euerlasting their worde is not called mans word but the word of God and they are saide to saue and to release from sinn For they are the true messingers and harroldes of the king who is the deliuerer who hath sent them to publishe remission of sinnes wherevpon also they attribute all the meanes of life saluation and deliuerie to the onely deliuerer Christe Paule in an other place calleth ministers Fellowe labourers with God and afterward againe Disopsers of the secrets of God. For the saluation whiche the sonne of God hath onely wrought and whiche he also onely giueth the ministers preache or dispose and so they are fellowe labourers The same Apostle out of the doctrine of the Gospell which resembleth the teacher in the Church to one that soweth séede compareth the ministers to gardeners and planters of trées to whom he committeth the outward manuring reseruing the inwarde working to Christe our Lord saying Who is Paule then and who is Apollos but ministers by whome ye beleeued and as the Lorde gaue to euerie man I haue planted Apollos watered but god gaue the increase So then neyther is he that planteth any thing neyther he that watereth but God that giueth the increase With whiche testimonie of the Scripture Augustine being instructed learned so to speake and write of the ministerie of the Church as nothing shoulde be diminished from the glorie of God which inwardly moueth and teacheth vs and yet in the meane time the office of the ministerie should not be taken away or despised as vnprofitable For in his Epistle Ad Circenses which in order is accounted the 130. speaking of the secrete drawing of God and the outwarde ministerie of men These are not sayth he oure workes but Gods I would not at al attribute these thinges vnto mans working no not if when wee were with you so greate a conuersion of the multitude through our speaking and exhortations should happen That thing hee worketh and bringeth to passe who by his ministers outwardly warneth by tokens or signes of things but by the things them selues he inwardly teacheth by him selfe Thus farre he But least it might séem to any man that he spake too briefly and sparingly and not worthily enoughe of the ministerie of the Church euen he him selfe immediately addeth and sayth Neyther therfore ought we to be more flowe to come vnto you bycause whatsoeuer is done prayse woorthy among you commeth not of vs but of him which alone doth wonderfull thinges For we ought more carefully to runne to behold the workes of God than our owne workes Bycause euen we our selues if we haue any goodnesse in vs we are his worke and not mans Therefore the Apostle said Neither is he that plāteth any thing nor he that watereth but God that giueth the increase The same writer speaking of the verie same thing in his 26. treatise vpon Iohn Al the men of that kingdome sayth he shall be suche as are taught of God they shall not heare by men and though they heare by men yet that which they vnderstand is inwardly giuen it shineth inwardly it is inwardly reuealed What doe men in preaching outwardly what do I nowe when I speake make you to heare a noyse of wordes with your eares But vnlesse he reueale it which it within what say I or what speake I The outward workman is the plāter of the tree and the inwarde is the creatour Hee that planteth and hee that watereth worketh outwardly that doe we But neyther is he that planteth any thing nor he that watereth but God that giueth the increase This is the meaning of They shall be all taught of God. Thus far Augustine Wherfore when in another place S. Paule sayth Ye are the Epistle of Christe ministred by vs written not with ynke but with the spirit of the liuing God not in stonie tables but in fleshie tables of the heart we must diligently put a difference betwéene the worke of the spirit and the work of man or of the minister The minister doth not take on him the honor of God and the worke of the spirite but his owne worke that is to say the ministerie Paule preacheth and writeth with ynke but the spirite of God moueth the heart and with his grace or annoynting he writeth in the very heart so he worketh together with GOD Paule working his proper woorke and the spirite working his worke The Apostles are preachers and ministers of the Gospell not of the letter but of the spirite not that they giue the holie Ghoste but bycause they are preachers of the
that by a certeine heauenly couenant it is so appointed by GOD that sacramentes shoulde haue grace in themselues and should from themselues as by pypes conuey abroade the water of grace vnto those that are thirstie that is alledged without warrant of the Scripture and is repugnaunt vnto true religion As by those thinges whiche haue hitherto béene handeled and disputed of doeth as wee thinke sufficiently appeare wherevnto also we adde this The holy and elect people of God are not then firste of all partakers of the first grace of God and Heauenly gyftes when they receiue the Sacramentes For they enioy the thinges before they be partakers of the signes For it is plainely declared vnto vs that Abraham our father was iustified before he was circumcised And who gathereth thereby that iustification was not exhibited and giuen vnto him by the sacrament of circumcision but rather that that righteousnesse whiche he by faith before possessed was by the Sacrament sealed and confirmed vnto him And moreouer who wil not thereof gather that we whiche are the sonnes of Abraham are after no other manner iustified than it appeareth that our father was iustified and that our sacramentes worke no further in vs than they did in him especially since the nature of the sacramentes of the people of the olde Testamente and ours is all one Whereof I will speake a little afterwarde more at large when I expound the place of the Apostle in the fourth to the Romanes The Eunuche of whome I spake euen now out of the Actes as he iournyed and sawe water he said to Philip See here is water what letteth me to be baptised Philip sayde vnto him If thou beleeuest with all thy hart thou maist And he answered and saide I beleeue that Iesus Christe is the sonne of God. Afterward immediately it followeth And they wēt down both into the water he baptised him The Eunuche sayeth the Euangelist beléeued with al his hart that is to to say truly without dissimulation Nowe let vs sée what the Scripture saith concerning suche a faith S. Iohn the Apostle Euangelist saith Who so euer beleeueth that Iesus is Christ is borne of God. He againe saith Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in GOD Also Paule that elect vessel and doctour of the Gentiles sayth If thou shalt knowledge with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt beleeue in thine hart that God raysed him from the dead thou shalt bee saued And againe Saint Iohn sayth in his Epistle He that beleeueth on the sonne of God hath the witnesse in him self And this is the record how that God hath giuen vnto vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne He that hathe the Sonne hathe life and he that hath not the Sonne hath not life Briefely of all these thinges this wee gather The Eunuche beléeued before he receiued baptisme therefore before he receiued baptisme he was borne of God in whome he dwelled and God in him hee was iust and acceptable in the sight of God and moreouer he had also life in himselfe and therefore the baptisme whiche followed did not giue that to the Eunuch which he had before but it became vnto him a testimonie of the trueth a seale of the righteousnesse whiche came by faith and there withal to assure vnto him the continuance and increase of God his gyftes After the same maner we reade of Cornelius the Centurion in the same Actes of the Apostles that he beléeuing the preaching of the Apostle Peter receiued the holie Ghost also in a visible shape as the Apostles did at Hierusalem in the day of Pentecoste And that Peter when he knewe that thing sayde Can any man forbid water that these should not be baptised whiche haue receiued the holy Ghost as wel as we For asmuche therefore as Cornelius with his housholde receiued the holy Ghoste before they were baptised it is manifest that he did not obteine the holie Ghoste as giuen firste by baptisme or with baptisme Againe we reade in the Actes of the Apostles They that gladly receiued the woorde of Peter were baptised Therefore before they were baptised of Peter they had obteined the grace of God through faith For why I pray you doe we baptise our Infantes Is it because they beléeue with their hart and confesse with their mouthe I thinke not Do we not therefore baptise them because God hathe commaunded them to bée brought vnto him because he hath promised that he will be our GOD and the GOD of our séede after vs To be short because we beléeue that GOD of his méere grace and mercie in the bloud of Iesus Christ hathe cleansed and adopted them and appointed them to bee heires of eternall life We therefore baptising Infantes for these causes doe aboundantly testifie that there is not first giuen vnto thē in baptisme but that there is sealed and confirmed whiche they had before Let vs also ioyne vnto these thinges a testimonie of the Supper of the Lord. The Apostle teaching how the Godly shoulde prepare them selues to come to the Lordes Table sayth Let a man proue him selfe and so let him eate of this bread and drinke of this Cuppe But to examine or proue signifieth to search as muche as lyeth in man the harte or minde and thoroughe diligent inquisition to sifte ones conscience And GOD is sayde ●o proue our nartes And the same Apostle willeth vs To proue what is the good acceptable wil of God. But this proofe cannot be without knowledge iudgement y knowledg iudgement of Christians is faith therfore whosoeuer proueth himselfe before hee come to the Supper hath faith If he haue faith then he wanteth not those thinges that are coupled with faithe and therefore in the Supper those heauenly benefites are not firste receiued but thankes are giuen for those that are receiued I haue hereby shewed and proued I suppose that Sacramentes doe not conferre grace They obiect I know well enoughe against these thinges who are persuaded that sacraments giue grace and conteine included within them the thinges signified that wee doe euacuate and make of none effect the Sacramentes and that wee teache that the faithfull receiue in them or by them nothing but bare water and bare bread and wine and that by that meanes GOD by vs is accused of falshode and lying Wee briefely answere If they set voyde or emptie thinges as I may so say againste full thinges so as they bee voide or emptie whiche haue not the thinges themselues included in them truely I had rather confesse them to be voide than full But if they call them voide or emptie and meane prophane or vnholy thinges that is to say whiche differ nothing from prophane signes if by bare they vnderstande thinges of no force we openly professe that we haue sacramentes whiche are holy and not prophane effectuall and not without force
mingled with the wine in the cuppe the people is vnited vnto Christe and the multitude of the beleeuers is coupled and ioyned vnto him in whō they beleeued And thus in blessing the Lords cup only water may not be offred neither in like sort may wine only For if any man offer onely wine the bloud of Christe beginneth to be without vs but if it be water only then doeth the multitude beginne to be without Christe But when they are both mingled together and are ioyned with a confused mixture betwixt them thē is there an heauenly spiritual sacramēt wrought By these words truly doth S. Cypriā shewe vnto vs a good mysterie but why doe we seeke to bee wiser than Christ and to mingle together moe mysteries than wee haue receiued of him The holy scripture maketh mention of no water but rather reporteth that the Lorde vsed nought else but meere wine For the Lord sayth Verily I say vnto you that henceforth I will drinke no more of the fruite of the vine For he plainely sayde not the wine but the fruite of the vine that herein wee shoulde make no manner of mingling But what if that the holy martyr of God himselfe Saint Cyprian hath laboured by all the meanes hee might to shewe that the only is to be followed of the faithfull in celebrating of the Lordes supper which they haue receiued of our Lord Christe himselfe And forasmuche as that testimonie doth make much to all this our treatise concerning Christes supper to be celebrated according to the words of the gospel I will recite it worde for worde out of the second epistle of the 3. book of his epistles We must not sayth he depart in any respect from the doctrine of the Gospel and those things that our maister taught did himself the scholers also ought to obserue and do The blessed Apostle in another place speaketh more cōstantly and stoutly saying I meruell that you are so soone chaunged from him that called you to grace vnto another gospel which is nothing else but there besome that trouble you go about to ouerthrowe the Gospell of Christ Howbeit if we our selues or an angel from heauen do preach vnto you any other thing than that wee haue taught let him be accursed As I haue said before so say I now againe if any man preache any other thing vnto you than that whiche you haue receiued let him be accursed Since therefore neither the Apostle himselfe neither an angel from heauen can preache or teache otherwise than Christe him selfe once hathe taught and his Apostles haue preached I muche maruell from whence this custome hath growen that contrarie to the doctrine of the Gospell and the Apostles in some places water is offered in the Lords Cup whiche being taken alone cānot expresse the Lords bloud And againe there is no cause déerely beloued brother that any man should thinke that the custome of certeine men is to be followed if there be any that heretofore haue supposed that water alone is to bée offered in the Lordes ●up For it must be demaunded of them whom they haue followed herein For if in the sacrifice which is christ none is to be followed but Christe doubtlesse then ought wée to hearken vnto to do after that which Christ hathe done and commaunded to bee done since he him selfe sayeth in his Gospel If you do that which I commaunde you to do I will call you no longer seruaunts but friendes And the Christ alone should be heard the Father him selfe also witnesseth from heauen saying This is my welbeloued sonne in wh●●e I haue delight heare him Wherefore if onely Christe is to be heard wee ought not to regard what any other before vs hath thought meete for vs to doe but what Christ did first who is before all other Neither ought we in any case to follow the custome of men but the trueth of God considering what the Lord speaketh by the prophet Isaie saying They worship me in vaine teaching the commandements doctrine of men And againe the Lord repeating the selfe same words in the gospel sayth Ye set Gods commandementes aside to establish your owne traditions And in another place he sayth He that shall breake any one of the least of these commaundementes and shal on this sort teache men shal be accounted least in the kingdome of heauen But if it be not lawful to breake the least of the commaundementes of God howe muche more heinous is it to breake thinges so greate so weightie and so muche belonging to the Lordes passion the sacrament of our redemption or else to change it into any other order by mans traditions than is instituted by God And so forth as followeth There is no man can denie but that these thinges are of authoritie euen against the authour himselfe For neither by the scriptures nor by the example of Christe can it bee proued that water was mingled with the wine at the supper As for the authorities and testimonies which the author alledgeth euery man may perceiue how litle they make to the purpose yea that they be wrested frō their naturall meaning The gospel plainly pronounceth that the Lord dranke of the fruite of the vine vnto his disciples And as often as Paule maketh mention of the cup yet teacheth hee in no place that water was mingled with the wine or that it ought to be mingled with it Wherefore these watermen that is to say they that vse water only in celebrating the Lords supper are iustly condēned such as the Martionites and T●●tianes were Howbeit it is an indifferent matter whether you vse r●d wine or white in the supper Againe why did not the Lord deliuer the Sacrament of the Supper vnto vs vnder one fourme of bread or wine only but rather vnder both kindes the doctours of the church by one cōsent suppose this to be the cause for that he would signifie or rather testifie vnto vs that he tooke both soule flesh vpon him and gaue the same for vs and also hath deliuered our soules flesh frō euerlasting destruction For although there be 2. kinds yet do they make but one sacrament and they may not be separated Neither is their opinion of iudgemente to be allowed of who of their owne priuat or rather sacrilegious authoritie do corrupte the institution of Christ offering to the Lay people whiche do cōmunicate the one kind only of bread graunting to priests both kinds so challenging both kinds to themselues only But Paul the Apostle receiued the authoritie from the lord himself to admit all the faithful people of Christ vnto the Lords cup and therefore let these bold fellowes consider from whome they haue receiued commaundement to put back the Layitie and to forbid them the cup whiche by the Lorde our God is graunted vnto them For Christ in plaine wordes and as it were by the spirite of prophecie foreséeing what shoulde come to passe in the Church saide
but spirituall not that the fleash is conuerted into the spirit but for that it oughte to be receiued spiritually not bodily But it is eate ▪ spiritually by faith not with the bodily mouth For as chewing or eating maketh vs partakers of the meate so are we made partakers of the body and the bloude of Christe through faith But thou wilt say Howe commeth it to passe that séeing breade whereof mention is made in the 6. chapter of Iohn doeth not signifie the bread of the supper that allmoste all the doctours interpretours and ministers of the Churches do apply these wordes to the Lordes supper I answere that these wordes of the Lorde may be applyed to the matter of the Lordes supper for other causes although the breade signifie not the breade of the sacrament Yea I confesse that these words of the Lord of the eating his fleashe and drinking his bloude do bring great light to the matter of the Lordes supper S. Augustine Lib. De Consensu Euangelistarum tertio Capite primo sayeth Iohn saide nothinge in this place Iohn the. 13. of the bodie and bloud of the lord but plainly witnesseth that the lord hath spokē more at large therof in another place This much sayth hée speaking vndoutedly of the 6. of Ihon. Since therefore it is one the selfe same flesh the same bodie of our Lorde whereof hée speaketh in bothe places in the 6. of S. Iohn and the 26. of Matthewe and the selfe same is sayed in both places to haue béene deliuered to the death for vs or for our life and like-wise because there is but one meanes to be partaker of Christe whiche is by faith in his body whiche was deliuered and his bloude shed and finally bicause it is the catholique or vniuersall and vndoubted doctrine that Christes fleashe beeing bodily eaten auaileth nothing surely the thinges before written in the 6. Chapter of Iohn are agréeable and doe fully open the matter of the Lords supper And to the intente that this yet may be the better vnderstoode I will recite what testimonyes haue béene alwayes alleadged in the Churche out of the holie Scriptures concerninge the two kindes of eatinge of Christe Christes body is eaten and his bloud dronken spiritually it is also eaten dronken sacramentally The spirituall manner accomplished by faith whereby béeing vnited to Christe we be made partakers of all his goodnesse The sacramentall manner is only perfourmed in celebrating the Lords supper The spirituall eating is perpetuall vnto the godlie because faith is to them perpetuall They communicate with Christe bothe without the supper and in the supper and by it they doe more increase and continue their newe beginnings as wee haue also shewed before and now by adioyning of the holie action althings are done more manifestly and plainely As for the vnbeléeuers and hypocrites with their captein Iudas they neuer communicate with Christe neither before the supper nor in the supper nor after the supper in asmuche as they continue in their vnbeliefe but they of the Lordes Sacraments to their owne iudgement and condemnation I knowe héere what some doe teach and how they deuise a certeine third kinde of eating Christe whiche is neither spirituall nor yet sacramentall but altogether compounded of sacramentall and corporall For they holde opinion also that the true and naturall bodie of Christe is receiued bodily by the vnbeléeuers in the formes of the sacrament How be it it shall easily appeare by certein sound argumentes of the Scripture that this is but a deuise of mā which arguments we wil apply to the traitour Iudas that by this one example all the godly may learne what they eate and drink at the Lords supper For that the iudgement whiche is made of the head béeing reuealed vnto vs it shal be easier for vs to pronounce of the members Some truly do make a doubt whether Iudas were present at the supper when the Lorde distributed the holie mysteries among whome is S. Hilarie Howbeit the Euangelicall historie sayeth plainly that the Lord sat downe to meate with the twelue yea Luke so handleth his narration that we cannot dout but that Iudas did communicate of the mysteries with the rest of the Apostles which Saint Augustine also auoucheth Libro De Consensu Euangelistarum tertio Capitulo primo And likewise in the 62. treatise vpon Iohn and vpon the 10 Psalme and in his 163. Epistle Yea moreouer Aquinas also aunswering in this pointe to S. Hilarie approueth the same with vs Parte tertia Quaesti 81. Art. 2. Now therefore béeing manifest that Iudas was at supper with the rest of the Apostles it séemeth néedeful that it were knowen what he receiued of the Lorde He receiued the sacramēt of Christes body as the other disciples did but because hee had not faithe as the other had he partaked not of Christe neither did he eate and drink the Lords bodie and bloud For as many as eate the Lords body and drinke his bloud doe not hunger nor thirst for they dwel in Christe and Christe in them they are Christes members and they neuer dye The contrarie altogether appéereth in Iudas and all his fellowes wherefore the vnbeléeuers doe neither eate the Lords body nor drink his bloud Moreouer it is out of all doubt that there is no agréement betwéene Christ Belial For this hath the Apostle pronounced out of that general consent of the scriptures But Iudas is by Christe him selfe called sathan therefore Iudas did not communicate with Christe Now if we will contend absolutely that Iudas did eate the Lords body truly we shal be constrained wickedly to affirme that it is not onely an vnprofitable but also an hurtfull meate howbeit godlinesse teacheth vs that Christe is an holsome meate all wayes to all them that eate him truely S. Augustine also denyeth that Iudas did eate the Lords body or drink his bloud In the 59. treatise vpon S. Iohn The Apostles saith he did eate the bread which was the lord but Iudas did eate the Lords breade againste the lord They did eate life but hee punishment Againe in the 26. treatise Whoso dwelleth not in Christe nor Christe in him doutlesse he neither eateth his fleash spiritually nor drinketh his bloud although carnally and visibly hee breake in his teeth the sacrament of the body and bloude of Christ but he rather eateth drinketh the sacrament of so greate a matter to his condemnation c. The like also and almoste playner doeth he write in the 21. booke and 25. chapter De Ciuitate Dei. Against these they obiecte the authoritie of Paule saying That they whiche eate vnworthily are not guiltie of the bread and cupp whiche they haue eaten and drunken of but of the Lords body and bloud and also that they doe eate and drink their owne damnation for that they make no differente of the Lordes bodye wherby it followeth necessarily that they haue eaten drunken the Lords body vnworthily
FIFTIE GODLIE AND LEARned Sermons diuided into fiue Decades conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian Religion written in three seuerall Tomes or Sections by Henrie Bullinger minister of the Churche of Tigure in Swicerlande WHEREVNTO IS ADIOYNED A TRIPLE or three-folde Table verie fruitefull and necessarie Translated out of Latine into English by H. I. student in Diuinitie ET INVENTA EST PERIIT MATTHEWE 17. This is my beloued Sonne in whome I am well pleased Heare him ¶ IMPRINTED AT LONDON BY RALPHE Newberrie dwelling in Fleete-streate a little aboue the Conduite Anno. Gratiae 1577. A Praeface to the Ministerie of the Church of England and to other wel disposed Readers of GDOS woorde WHat iust cause there is that all spiritual sheepeherdes and especially these of our time should see carefully to the feeding of the flockes committed to their charge may easily appeare to him that shal but a litle stay his consideration vpon this matter For first the commaundementes of the Almightie touching this thing are verie earnest the authoritie of whiche shoulde greatly inforce Secondly the rewardes which hee proposeth to vigilant and carefull pastours are large and bountiful the sweetenesse of which should muche allure Thirdly the plagues and heauie iudgementes whiche hee denounceth against slouthful and carelesse shepeheards are grieuous and importable the terrour whereof shoulde make afraide Then the nature and condition of the sheepe ouer whom they watche the vigilancie of the wolfe againste whome they watche the conscience in taking the fleece for whiche they watche and this time and age wherein they watche being rightly considered will giue them to vnderstand sufficiently that they haue good occasion to watch Howe earnestly God commaundeth appeareth Esaie 58. Where he sayth Crie aloude spare not lift vp thy voice like a trumpet shewe my people their transgressions and the house of Iacob their sinnes And Esaie 62. I haue set watchmen vpon thy walles O Hierusalem which all the day and al the night continually shal not ceasse ye that are mindfull of the Lord keepe not silence And Iohn 21. Feede my lambes Feede my sheepe and if ye loue me Feede And 2. Tim. 4. Preache the woord be instant in season out of season improue rebuke exhorte c. Howe sweetely with rewardes he allureth doth appeare in the 12. of Daniel They that be wise shal shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnes shal shine as the starres for euer and euer And ● Tim. 4. Take heede to thy selfe and to doctrine in them occupie thy selfe continually For in so dooing thou shalt saue thy selfe and them which heare thee How fiersly also he vrgeth and driueth on the sluggish and carelesse sheapheards with terrible plagues and whips threatened vnto them appeareth Ezechiel 3. Where he sayth Sonne of man I haue made thee a watche-man vnto the house of Israel therefore heare the woord of my mouth and giue them learning from me When I shal say vnto the wicked thou shalt surely dye and thou giuest him not warning nor speakest to admonish the wicked of his wicked way that he may liue the same wicked man shal dye in his iniquitie but his bloud wil I require at thy hand And Ieremie 1. ver 17. Thou therefore trusse vp thy loynes and arise and speake vnto them all that I commaund thee bee not afraide of their faces least I destroy thee before them And 1. Cor. 9. ver 16. Though I preache the Gospel I haue nothing to reioyce of for necessitie is laide vpon me and woe is vnto me if I preach not the Gospell for if I doe it willingly I haue a rewarde but if I doe it against my will notwithstanding the dispensation is committed vnto me Nowe the sheepe whereof spiritual sheepheards haue vndertaken charge are not beastes but men the verie Images of God himselfe endued with euerliuing soules Citizens with the saintes and blessed angels cloathed with Gods liuerie beautified with his cognisance and all the badges of saluation admitted to his Table to no meaner dishes than the bodie bloud of the vndefiled lambe Christ Iesus bought also and redeemed out of the wolues chawes with no lesse price than of that same bloud more precious than any Golde or siluer Sheepe also of that nature they are that being carefully fed and discreetely ordered they proue gentle and louing towardes their sheepherds and seruiceable towards the chief sheepherd Iesus Christ but being neglected left to thē selues they degenerate into bloudie wolues watching euer opportunitie whē they may rent in peeces their sheepherds and all other sheepe which are not degenerated into their woluishe nature As for the spirituall wolfe against whom they watch which is Satan He as the Apostle Peter witnesseth 2. Epistle cap. 5. Neuer resteth but as a roaring Lyon walketh about seeking euer whom he may deuour And for that cause also is he called Apoc. 20. ver 2 A dragon Which beast naturally is verie malicious craftie and watchfull so then if the spiritual sheepheard must watche whiles the spirituall wolfe doth wake he can promise vnto him selfe no one moment of securitie wherein he may be carelesse God by his Prophet Ezechiel cap. 34. saith Woe be vnto the sheepherds of Israel that feede themselues should not the sheepherdes feede the flockes ye eate the fatte and ye cloathe you with the wooll ye kill them that are fedde but ye feede not the sheepe This sentence should awake the sleepie and carelesse consciences of many sheepherds For as the priest that serueth the altar is worthie to liue vpon the offeringes and the souldier that ventereth is worthie his wages and the husbandman that toyleth is worthie the haruest and the sheepheard that feedeth the flocke is worthie to be fedde with the milke and cloathed with the wooll so questi●nlesse the priest that serueth not is worthie no offerings the souldier that fighteth not is worthie no wages the husbandman that loytereth is worthie of weedes and the sheepherd that feedeth not can with no good consciēce require either the milke or the fleece but his due rewarde and iust recompence is punishment for that through his default the sheepe are hunger-sterued and destroyed of the wolfe But let the ministers of our time well weighe the condition and manner of the time and then no doubt they shall see that it is highe time to bestyrre them to the doing of their dueties This time succedeth a time wherein was extreame famine of all spiritual foode so that the sheepe of this time can neuer recouer themselues of ●hat feeblenesse whereinto they were brought but by some great and extraordinarie diligence This time succedeth a time wherein the multitude of wolues and rauenous beastes was so great and their rage and furie so fell in euery sheepfolde that the good sheepherdes were either put to flight or pitifully murth●red so that the sheepe being committed to wolues did
c. 878 15 He that brake the Lords Sabboth by gathering of stickes was stoned to death c. 141 19 How to make the holy clensing water against al defilings c. 376 24 Baalam foretold the ouerthrowe of Hierusalem c. 414 27 Let the God of the spirites of all flesh sett a man ouer the congregation c. 177. 389 27 Iosua the Capteine of Gods people is set before Eleazar c. 181 30 Touching Votories and when their vowes are of force c. 380 ¶ Out of Deuteronomie 1 BRing men of wisedome of vnderstanding and of an honest life c. 176. 389. 894 1 Heare the cause of your brethren and iudge righteously c. 192. 390 4 The Lord spake vnto you from the middest of the fire and a voyce of words ye heard but likenes sawe ye none c. 2. 119 5 These words spake the Lord with a lowde voyce from out of the middest of the fire c. 2 5 Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife thou shalt not c. 324 5 I haue heard the voice of the woordes of this people whiche they haue spoken c. 870 6 Heare Israel the Lord our God c. And thou shalt shewe them vnto thy children c. 56 160. 623 6 Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart c. 93 8 Man liueth not by bread onely but by euery woord that commeth out of the mouth of c. 947 8 When thou hast eaten therefore and filled thée selfe c. Beware that thou forget not c. 283 8 Saye not thou in thine hearte Mine owne strength the power c. 471 9 The Lord had determined to destroy you therefore I made intercession c. 916 10 And Nowe Israel what doeth the Lord thy God require of thée c. 668. 475 10 Circumcise the foreskin of your heartes and harden not your c. 361. 1025. 10 Thou shalt worshipp the Lord thy God him shalt thou feare c. 655 12 Euery man shall not doe that whiche is righteous in his owne eyes c. 472 12 15. The eating of bloud and strangled is forbidden c. 385 13 The Lord commaundeth that euery citie whiche departeth from God and the worship of God shuld be sett on with warriours c. 211 13 Follow ye the Lord your God feare him c. 113. 671 14 Of cleane vncleane creatures c. 382 15 Beware that thou harden not thine heart nor shutt to thine hand for c. 288 16 God also forbad the magistrate to plant groaues c. 179 16 Thou shalt appoint thée Iudges c. 894 17 When the king sitteth vppon the seat of his kingdome he shal c 252. 391 19 If a false witnesse be founde amonge you then shall you doe vnto him c. 320 20 Lawes made for warre c. 213 21 The parentes them selues are commaunded to bring their disobedient children before the Iudge c. 162 24 No man shall take the neather or the vpper milstone to pledge c. 272 24 Thou shalt not denie nor withhold the wages of an hired seruant c. 272 25 Thou shalt not haue in thy bag two manner of weightes c. 270 28 If thou shalt hearken diligently vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God to obserue and do c 641 30 The Lord thy God shal circumcise thine heart and the heart of thy séede c. 359. 454 32 Sée nowe howe that I I am God and there is none other God but I I kill c. 623. 658 ¶ Out of Iosua 1 SEe that thou doest obserue and doe according to all the Lawe c. 184 2 Let not the booke of this Lawe depart out of thy mouth c. 252 2 Giue mée a signe by oath that ye will shewe mercie vnto mée And they gaue her a roape to hang out of her windowe c. 956 5 Make thée sharpe kniues of stone go to againe and circumcise the children of Israel the second time c. 1059 28 Of the Lordes Tabernacle at his apointment erected in Silo c. 342 23 When ye shall come in among these nations sée that c. 133 ¶ Out of Iudges 6 HE is called Lord who before was called an angel c. 743 14 And the spirit of the Lord came vpon Samson c. 382 17 Micha instituted vnto the true God a kinde of seruice of his owne c. 676 ¶ Out of the first booke of Samuel 1. 3. OF the Lords Tabernacle at his appointment erected in Silo c. 342 3 And the sinne of the children of Helie was too abhaminable before the face c. 910 4 The elders of Israel said Wherfore hath the lord cast vs downe c. 996. 4 So the people sent into Silo brought from thence the arcke c. 996 4 And th● Philistines fought and Israel was smitten downe and fled c. 996 4 5. The vse and abuse of the arke c. 346 6 The Lord smote fiftie thousand thrée score and ten men of Beth-shemesh c. 997 15 Hath the Lord as great pleasure in burnt offeringes and sacrifices as when the voyce of the Lord is obeyed c. 472 677 16 The good spirite of God departed from Saule and the euil spirite succéeded c. 722 19 Dauid doth not despise the ayd and shiftes of his wi●e Michol c. 640 23 When Abigael saw Dauid shée hasted lighted off her a●●e c 649 28 Samuel or rather Sathan coūterfecting Samuel raised vpp by a witch c. 247 ¶ Out of the second booke of Samuel 6 OZa perished for handling the arche of the Lord otherwise than was commaunded in the law c. 676 7 I wil be his father and he shal be my sonne c. 57 7 Who am I O Lord God and what is the house of my father c. 952 8 Dauids sonns were called priestes c. 880 12 The sword shal not depart from thy house c. 522 12 The Lord hath taken thy sinne 〈◊〉 c. 522 12 Take thou the citie Rabah least I take it and my name be called vppon it c. 655 15 Carrie bache the arcke of God into the citie againe If I shal finde c. 308 15 If I shall finde fauour in the eyes of the Lord hee wil bring mée c. 926 ¶ Out of the first book● of kinges 3 SOlomon loued the Lord c. onely he sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places c. 343 3 And when he was come in to the king he worshipped or made obeysaunce c. 650 4 And vnder Solomon they increased and were many in number as the sand c. 284 6 Dauids deuotion was great toward the arke of the Lord c. 824 6. 7. c. The description of Solomons temple c. 344 8 If the heauens of heauens are not able to conteine thée how much lesse c. 659. 943. 1004 8 And Solomon made a solemne feast and all
thine iniquities in shewing pitie to the poore c. 584 4 Nabuchodonosor sawe in a vision a watchman comming downe from heauen c. 742 7 Thousand thousands and hundred thousandes did minister vnto him c. 609. 737 7 Daniel describeth the rising and falling of all kingdomes and of antichrist c. 703 7 Hee shall thinke that hee may chaunge times and lawes c. 887 9 We haue sinned we haue committed iniquitie and haue done wickedly c. 308 9 Thou verily O Lorde art righteous thou ar●e true and thy iudgements iust c. 564 9 I turned my face vnto the Lord God and sought him by prayer c. 924 9 We do not present our prayers before thée in oure owne righteousnesse c. 921 9 As I was yet a speaking making supplication and confessing myne owne sinne c. 736 9 A people vpon whom the name of God is called c. 656 10 His body was like the Turkish or Iasper stone his face to look vpon was like lightening c. 737 10 Angels are brought in as princes and presidentes or gouernours of kingdomes c. 742 12 And many of them that sléepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life c. 747 Out of Osee 2 I Will not haue compassion vpon her children bicause they are c. 869 3 Thou shalt be without Ephod and Ter●ph●m c. 333 6 I desire mercy more than sacrifice and the knowledge of god more than c. 475 14 Take these wordes with you turne ye to the Lorde and say c. 953 Out of Ioel. 1 PRoclayme an holy fast gather the people together c. 238 2 Blowe the Trumpet in Sion sanctifie a fast call a solemne c. 927 2 Turne ye to me sayth the Lord with all your heartes with fasting with wéeping c. 595 2 Euery one that calleth vpon the name of the Lorde shall bee saued c. 645. 657 Out of Abdias 1 HE sayth that Sauiours shall ascend into the monne Sion c. 871 Out of Ionas 3 THE men of Niniuie beleued God and proclaymed a fast and put on sackcloth from c. 595 3 Let neyther man nor beast taste any thing neyther féede nor yet drinke water but let c. 595 3 And God sawe their works that they turned from their euill wayes and he repented of c 596 4 The Lorde sayth that he hath a consideration and respect to such as are not yet come to yeares of discretion namely to infantes c. 1045 Out of Amos. 2 VNder Ietoboam the second of that name Amos the prophet a neatchearde of Tecoa taught and preached c. 855 2 I taysed vp of your sonnes for Prophetes and of your young men for Nazarites 1114 3 There is no euill in a citie but the Lord doth it c. 493 3 They store vp treasures in their palaces by violence and robberie Therefore c. 280 6 I am no Prophete neyther the sonne of a Prophete c. 1114 7 Get thee quickly hence and goe into the land of Iudea and propheete c. 855 8 Heare this Oye that swallowe vp the poore and make the néedie of the land c. 276 9 The temnaune of the men shall séeke after the Lord and at the heathen c. 425 Out of Micheas 4 ALI people walke in the name of their God as for vs we wil walke in the name of our God c. 685. 686 4 And the Lorde shall reigne ouer them in mount Sion c. 699 4 A man shall sit vnder his vine c. 72 5 And thou Beth lehem Ephrata art little to be among the thousands of Iuda c. 678. 692 6 For what cause GOD sendeth waree as a plague vppon people c. 209 6 Threatenings of grieuous punishmentes against them that vse deceites in weightes and c. 271 6 I wil them thée O man what is good and what the Lorde requireth of thée namely c. 475. 668 Out of Malachie 1 WHen ye bring the blinde for sacrifice do ye not sinne whē ye bring the lame sick c. 368 1 I haue no pleasure in you sayth the Lorde of hoastes neyther will I c. 953 1 The sonne honoureth the father and the seruaunt the maister Therefore if I be a father c. 565 2 My couenaunt was with Leuie of life and peace and I gaue him feare c. 904 3 It is but vaine to serue GOD and what profite is it that we haue kept his commandements c. 292 4 The day of the Lord shall come in which the proude and those that worke wickednesse c. 300 Out of Sophonie 1 I Will out off those that worship sweare by the Lord sweare by Malchom c. 133 Out of Haggee 1 COnsider your owne wayes in your heartes ye so we muche but ye bring little in c. 285 2 I will take thée to my seruaunt Zorobabel thou sonne of Salathiel c. 1011 Out of Abacuche 1 O Lorde howe long shall I cry and thou not heare howe long shall I cry out to thée c. 292 2 What profiteth the Image for the maker of it hath made it c. 122 123 Out of Zacharie 1 AN Angel of the Lorde is brought in sorrowfull for the miserie of the captures in Babylon c. 739 3 Behold I bring foorth the braunche my seruaunt For loe the stone c. 375 7 Thus saith the Lord of hoastes execute true iudgment shewe mercie and louing kindnesse c. 475 7. 8 Hypocriticall fastings found fault withall I haue not chosen c. 241 12 Beholde I make Hicrusalem a cup of poyson vnto all the people c. 316 12 Of warres to be made againste all nations by the Apostles c. 831 11 Take to thée yet the instrumēts of a foolish shepheard For lo I wil raise vp a shepheard c. 829 13 Arise O thou sword vpon my shepheard and vpon the man that is my fellowe c. 680 Out of Ecclesiasticus or Iesus of Syrache 1 SEeke not out the thinges that are too harde for thee neyther search after c. 642 7 God created man good but they sought out many inuentiōs of their owne c. 482 11 When the cloudes are full they poure out raine vpon the c. 771 15 Say not thou It is the Lords fault that I haue sinned for thou shalt not doe the thing c 491 15 God made man in the beginning and left him in the hand of his counsel c. 483 12 The dust shal be turned againe vnto earth from whence it came c. 715 Out of the booke of Wisedome 1 GOD hath not made death neither hath he delight in the destruction of the liuing c. 481 482 3 The soules of the righteous are in the hande of God and there shall no torment touch them c. 766 Out of the booke of Tobie 4 BE mercifull after thy power if thou haue much giue
and the abhominable and murtherers c. 655 22 And after I had heard and séene I fell downe to worship c. 653 22 Sée thou do it not for I am thy fellow seruaunt c. 743. 842. 890 The third and last table conteyning a short summe of such words or names and matters as are mentioned in this booke A. AAron a type or figure of Christ 332 Aaron his rod. 332 Abraham how he is iustified 3. 387. 554 Abia beléeuinge the ward of the Lord ouercommeth 5000000. men of the●ribe of Israel 253 Abigei what they are 279 Abrogation of the Lawe 409 Abrogation of the Iudiciall lawes 427 Abortion what it is 443 Abuse of Christian libertie 449 Alsolom 523 Abuse of the Church goods 1128 Achaz 254 Accusatiōs false and wrongfull 320 Accusations that be iust 322 Actuall sinne and the cause thereof 505 Adam and ●ethusalem 649 Adoration 651 Adamonition before punishmēt 202 Adulterie spoken against 231 Adulterie and fornication 863 Adulcerie pardoned by Christ 234 Adulterie what things are in it forbidden 234 Arian heretiques condemned 775 Affinitie that the word of God hath with sacraments 291. 892 Afflictions 292 293. 298 299. 307. 310. 311. 312. 313 316. Altar 348 Altar or table of the Lord. 1070 Allthinges of God by God and in God. 494 Amasias 254 Ammon the king rebelling against the word of God after two yeares infortunate reigne was murthered of his owne household servaunts 255 Ambition worketh by priuate gifts 278 Anabaptistes and Nouations the me 〈◊〉 of Sathan 569 Angel and Angels 732. 733. 734. 735. c. vsque 745. Anthropomo●phites 118. 613 Antiochus Epiphanes 511 Anthemius 892 Annoynting or annoyling 1136 Apostles of Christ 11 Apostles how they bynde and loose 902 Apostles what they be 877 Apostles b●ptise infants 1055 Apostles authoritie very great 12 Apostles Créede 55 Apostles receiue wages 1121 Application of scripture necessarie 903 Appeale 392 Appearing of spirits 392 Article of the Christian faith 55 2 Article 59 3 Article 60 4 Article 63 5 Article 67 6 Article 69 7 Article 74 8 Article 78 9 Article 78 10 Article 81 11 Ar●icle 84 12 Article 90 Aristocracie 169 Arcke 345. 346. 996. Assemblie 1064 Assemblies that be holy 915. 916 Ascension of Christ 69 Asturia 235 Asa 253 Ascend into heauen 1088 Auncient lawes 387 Authoritie of the Apostles very great 12 Authoritie of fathers 393 Auengment taken by the magistrate 196 Augustines opinion of the righte hand of the father 73 Augustines diuision of signes 955 Augustines sentence touching merites of Saintes 494 Auricular confession 577. 578 581 Authoritie of pastours 912 Authour of Sacraments God himselfe 962 Auncient exposition of the words of the Supper This is my bodie 1086 B. Backbiting pernicions 323 Bargaining buying selling 287 Baptisme 989. 1005. 1013. 1027. 1031. 1033. 1050. 1055. 1060. 1061. 1062. Baptising with water vnconsecrated 1039. 1040. Baptiser 1042 Baptised 824. 1055. 1060 Ba●lards 395 Ba●des and Curtisans haue benefices at Rome 900 Belongeth to vs to knowe what was written to thē in old time 15 Beléeue in the sonne of God. 59 Beléefe of oures the second Article thereof 58 Beléefe in the church forbidden 78 Bed in wedlocke ought to be vndefiled 226 Ben●fits of God are to be acknowledged 952 Beginning of sinne against the holy Ghost 517 Beginning of the ministerie from whome and the worthines thereof 875 Behauiour of the godly in their calamities 300 Bearing witnesse 319 Birth of Christ 63 Bishops 878. 905. Blaspemie 516. 517 Blessing and thankesgiuing 977 Bloud and strangled forbidden by the apostles 421 Body of Christ 689 Body glorious 87. 88 Body naturall body spirituall 89 Bodies of the wicked rise againe 89 Bonauentures opinion of grace 1003 Bondage 395. 441. 442 Both kindes in the supper giuen receiued 1066 Bow downe to images what it is 122 Bread among the Hebrues what it signifyeth 947 Bread and wine remaine in their substance after consecration 984 Bread and wine are so called after consecration 985 Breaking of bread 1063 Buriall of Christ 65 Buying and selling c. 394 C. Catalogue of the bookes of the diuine Scripture 12 Cause of Christes incarnation 60 Calling to the ministerie 891. 893 Cathechising 907. Calamities 291. 293 Candlesticke golden 347 Carnall and fleshly people 404 Cure of the bodie 448 Cauills of those that attribute iustification to workes 458 Cause of sinne and euill 483 Catholique church what it is 79. 813 Carnall bondage and seruile 991 Carthage counsell for examining of bishops 895 Celebration of the supper c. 1072 Ceremonies 229. 328 329. 330. 364. 413. 415. 424. 1033. 1034. Confession of true religion 366 Charitie 92. 98 Christe as yet executeth all the dueties of a priest in the church 872 Christ what hee receyn●th to himselfe from his ministerie and apostles 872 Christ is the naturall sonne of God 883 Christ re●eyneth both natures vnconfounded together 691 Christ in one person remayneth vndiuided 694 Christ is king of all 698 Christ is a Monarch 698 Christ is cotent to debate with Pilate of his kingdome 700 Christ called the onely sonne 59 Christ how he reigneth on earth in his kingdome 700 Christ Iesus the highe prest 704 Christ is annointed but with inuisible oile 705 Christ doth the office of a priest that is teacheth maketh intercession blesseth sacrificeth and sancrifieth 705 Christe his priesthood 706 Christians are kinges and priesis 709 Christ compared with Adam 49 Christ died not in vaine 50 Christ by interpretation annoynted 60 Christ is our Lord. 60 Christs conception and the maner thereof 62 Christes conception pure 63 Christ suffered vnder Pontius Pilate 64 Christ a Judge 74 Christ conueyeth himselfe awaye when the people would haue made him a king 218 Christians haue nothing to doe with the yron like Philosophie of the Stoikes 301 Christ cōmandeth vs to beare his crosse 309 Christ and Paule examples to vs. 314 Christ is the rock not Christ signifieth the rocke 991 Christ the first begotten 331 Christ and his Apostles institute scholes 1115 Christ hath taken all burthens frō our shoulders 437 Christ fulfilled the lawe and is the perfectnes of the faithful 407 Christ alone is our life and saluation 543 Christ doeth fully worke our saluation 544 Christ is receiued by faith and not by workes 548 Christ how he preached the Gospel 548. 661. 862. Church Churches and Cōgregation c. 667. 812. 813. 815. 816. 820. 821. 827. 831. 832. 833. 852. 860. 861. 863. 864. 866. 867. 868. 1118 1127 Circumcision 355. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. Citie and temple of Hierusalem destroyed 413 Clearkes what they were sometime 883 Cōmunicating of properties 696 Counsell of the priestes forsaken by king Ioas what followed 254 Conscience at quiet peace before God is the worke of the holy ghost 723. Constancie of the Apostles 723 Consecrating of pastours begun with fasting and prayer 897 Concupiscence 108. 949 Consubstantiall and coessentiall 59 Communion of sainctes 80 Confession and acknowledging of sinnes 81
Confession of true religion 366 Conscience 100 1 Commaundement 112. 113 2 Commaundement 116 3 Commaundement 126 4 Commaundement 136 5 Commaundement 144 6 Commaundement 163 7 Commaundement 222 8 Commaundement 259 9 Commaundement 318 10 Commaundement 318 Commaundementes of the Lorde their order 136 Coniurers and witches 116 Countrie natiue 145. 151 Correction 161 Cockering of children 262 Consecrating of magistrates 177 Constantine the great 181 Common in goods in the Apostles time c. 161 Common weale deuised 216 Communion 1063 Common cost or treasure 221 Continencie 237. 238. 239. 240 Consolations generall against afflictions and troubles 306 Coue●ing 324 Couet what it is not that we must not 325 Congregation or assembly 335 Constancie of certeine holie mē absteining from things vnclean 383 Couenant or new people all things therein are more euident than in the olde couenaunt or testament 436 Corruption of oure owne nature what and how great 499 Controuersie betweene Augustine Pelagius touching the Grace of God. 53● Conuersion to God 562 Confession 570. 571. 572. 573. 574 600. Consecration of breade and wine 168 Counsels of what sorte they haue bene in these latter ages 600 Consultation 574 Continual successiō of bishops 828 Coniunction with Christe and the Church 1021 Consecration or blessing chaungeth not the nature of things 796 Coūsel of Nice touching baptisme 1005 Counsel of Later in what yere 986 Comforte for afflicted consciences 1110 Corruption of scholes 1116 Creation of the world 5. 637 Créede of the Apostles ●5 56 Creatures cleane and vnclean 382 Curious questioning of God forbidden 605 Cyprian expoundeth the ninth Article 78 Cyprian his errour touching Babtisme 1031 D. Dagon 117 Daungerous to speake against Iupiter 170 Damage 270. 275. 396. Dauids adulterie 233 Dauid his opinion of Iustification 555 Dauid cōplaineth of his forced absence from the holy assemblies 916 Descent lineall of Messias 6 Death of the crosse reprochful 64 Death of Christ fruitfull 64 Descension of Christ into hell 65 Democracie 170 Deuises of newe fangled worships are cursed of God. 185 Deliuerance by Gods goodnes 293 Denial of Gods truth in persecution is no way to kéep our goos 312 Decree of the synode holden at Ierusalem 421 Deliuerer of vs who he is 441 Definition of sinne 408 Death of madd men is vnfruitful therefore to be construed to the best 512 Definition of the Gospel 526 Departure from the Romishe churche 849. 851. 858 Deacons what is their office 87● Deprauation is the blotting out of the Image of God in vs. 500 Demonstration of the figuratiue woordes This is my body c in the Lords supper 1087 Destinie 480 Discretion and clemencie of the iudge 199 Dicing and carding 474 Discommodities that the saints do suffer are recompenced with greater commodities 311 Disinheriting 393 Diuorcement 394. 1133 Diuision of goods 394 Difference of the olde and newe testament and people 435 Differences of sinne 480 Difference betwéene Paena and Culpa peccati 58● Disagréeing places of faythe and workes reconciled 463 Dionysius of the names of God. 615 Dignitie prerogatiue of bishop● increased 882 Diuel and diuels 479. 744. 745. 746. 747. Difference to be made of the Lord● body 1107 Discipline of the Nazarites 380 Discipline in scholes 1116 Discipline and correction of ministers 1129 Doctrine of Christe the chiefe contents thereof 3● Doctours opinion of iustification by fayth 466 Doctrine Catholique of originall sinne 49● Doctours and fathers of the church confesse with one assent original● sinne 67 Doctrine of frée iustification without workes why it is to be kept incorrupted in the Churche of Christe 557 Doctrine of veritie is néedefull to repentaunce 563 Doctrine of Chrysostome touching consestion 576 Doctrine touching the Trinitie is most certeine 631 Doctrine of the auncient Church of Rome 830 Doctours or teachers 878 Donation of Constantine 888 Doctrine when it is to be teached 904 Doctrine priuat and publique 907 Doctrine for the life sake not to be receiued 9. 12. 17 Doubting in two sortes 34 Drunkennesse 440 Drunken or made dronke in the scriptures is sometime taken for made merrie 285 Dutie of parentes to their children 158 Dutie of children 162 Dutie of a good pastour 906 E. Ease and rest vpon the Sabbaoth what it signifieth 138 Eating of bloud and strangled forbidden 385 Ecclesiasticall priuileges 183 Ecclesiasticall power in what pointes it consisteth 837 Ecclesiasticall matters of diuers sorts to be disposed by the church 839 Ecclesiasticall goods 1118 Election of magistrates 175 Elders whereof they haue their name 878 Emperours lawe for the kéeping of the sabbaoth 143 End of the ministerie wherfore instituted 875 End of prayer what 819 End of the institution of sacramēts 983 Endes of the Lords supper 1083 Ephod 333 Ephesus the twelue men thereof not rebaptised 1059 Equin●ctiall 363 Equalirie betwéene byshops and elders 880 Errour grosse of the Patris-passians 624 Errour in the Apostolique church ▪ 1001 Essence of God one hath a distinction of persons 624 Essence of substance 626 Ethnicks sentences of God are in some place maymed 104 Euil in two significations 494 Euangelistes what they are 878 Euill spirites 744. 878 Euil life of the minister scandalous and offensiue 912 Examples of true faith 36 Examples of warre of captaines out of the Scriptures 215 Examples of gods deliuerance 309 Examples of afflictions in the patriarches 313 Examples of afflictions of the old Church 314 Examples of God iustly punishing 521 Examination of bishops to be elected 895 Exercises of a bishop or pastour 911. Exercises of repentance outwardly 595 Exhomologesis what it is 575 Exhortation to liue 99 Expositions of the Scriptures c. 27. 28. Exposition auncient of the wordes of the Lords Supper 1086 Ezekias commended of GOD and prospered for breaking Images downe 254 F. Father what he first taught 5 Faith. 4. 6. 8. 30. 31. 33. 35. 37. 38. 40. 41. 42. 43. 48. 52. 53. 54. 203. 204. c. Face of God. 91 Fasting 242. 243 244. 245 351. False doctrine concerning riches rich men condemned 263 Fathers and we are all one church of one and the same Testament 429 Fathers and we haue all one faith 429. One spirite 430. One hope heritage 431. One manner of innocation 434 Falling awaye from religion of diuers sortes 859 False Christians 712 False counsellers vnworthie of the name 254 Fall of Angels from heauen 745 Feast of the 7. moneth or Tabernacle 353 Feast of trompets 353 Feast of clensing 353 Feast of attonement is the time of preaching the grace of God. 376 Feare of god 564. 565 Feare in Gods cause is to be excluded 890 Flaterie 323 Flaterers 890 Finall impenitencie 519 Fighting in defence of thy countrie 149 Flesh and bloud shall not be in heauen 89 Flesh taken in the scripture for the old man. 588 Flesh profiteth nothing 1101 Forme of the Lords Supper 1068 Formes and wayes of knowing God. 607 Forgiuenes of sinnes 82 Fornication 234 Frendship to be preserued 102 Fré●dome that we haue by Christ
that séede and branch of life should come Moreouer the holy fathers taught that God by a certaine league hath ioyned him selfe to mankind and that he hath most streightly bounde him selfe to the faythful and the faythfull likewise to him selfe againe Wherevpon they did teache to be faythfull to God ward to honour God to hate false Gods to call vpon the onely God and to worship him deuoutly Furthermore they taught that the worship of God did consist in things spirituall as fayth hope charitie obedience vpright dealing holinesse innocencie patience trueth iudgement and godlinesse And therfore did they reprehend naughtinesse and sinne falshoode lacke of beliefe desperation disobedience vnpatientnesse lying hypocrisie hatred dispitefull tauntes violence wrong vnrightuous dealing vncleannesse riottousnesse surfetting whoredome vnrighteousnesse and vngodlynesse They taught that God was a rewarder of good but a punisher and reuenger of euill They taught that the soules of men were immortall and that the bodyes shoulde rise againe in the daye of iudgement therefore they exhorted vs all so to liue in this temporall life that we doe not lese the life eternall This is the sum of the worde of God reuealed to the fathers and by them deliuered to their posteritie This is the traditiō of the holy fathers which cōprehendeth al religion Finally this is the true auncient vndoubted authenticall catholike faith of the fathers Besides this the holy fathers taught their children childers children the accompt of the yeares from the beginning of the world also the true historicall course as well profitable as necessarie of things from the creation of the worlde euen vnto their owne times leaste peraduenture their children shoulde be ignoraunt of the beginning and succession of worldlye things and also of the iudgementes of God and examples of them whiche liued as well godly as vngodly I coulde declare vnto you all this euidently and in verye good order out of the first booke of Moses called Genesis if it were not that thereby the sermen shoulde be drawne out somewhat longer then the vse is But I suppose that there are few or rather none at al here present whiche doe not perceiue that I haue rehearsed this that I haue said touching the tradition of the auncient fathers as it were worde for worde out of the booke of Genesis so that nowe I maye very well go forwarde in the narration which I haue begonne So then what so euer hitherto was of the fathers deliuered to the world by worde of mouth as it were from hand to hande that was first of all put into writing by the holy man Moses together with those thinges whiche were done in al the time of Moses life by the space of 120. yeares And that his estimation might be the greater throughout all the worlde among all men and in all ages and that none shoulde but knowe that the writings of Moses were the very worde of God it selfe Moses was furnished and as it were consecrated by God with signes and wonders to be meruelled at in déede whiche the almightie by the hande that is by the ministerie of Moses did bring to passe and verily he wrought them not in any corner of the worlde or place vnknowne but in Egypt the moste flourishing and renoumed kingdome of that age Those miracles were greater and farre more by many then that they can be here rehearsed in fewe wordes neyther is it néedful to repeate them bicause you dearely beloued are not vnskilfull or ignorant of them at al. After that also God by other meanes procured authoritie to Moses For many and often times God had communication with Moses and amongst the rest of his talke sayde he Beholde I will come to thee in a thicke cloude that the people may heare me talking with thee may beleue thee for euermore Neyther was the Lord therewith content but commaunded Meles to call together all the people sixe hundreth thousand men I say with their wiues and children They are called out to the mount Sina where God appeareth in a wonderfull and terrible fashion and he him selfe preaching to the congregation doth rehearse vnto them the ten Commaundements But the people being terrified with the maiestie of God doth pray and beséech that God him self would no more afterward preach to the congregatiō with his owne mouth saying that it were inoughe if he would vse Moses as an interpreter to them and by him speake to the Church The most high God did like the offer and after that he spake to the people by Moses what soeuer he would haue done And for bycause that the people was a stifnecked people by keping company with Idolaters in Egypt was not a little corrupted Moses nowe began to set downe in writing those things whiche the holy fathers by tradition had taught the things also which the Lorde had reuealed vnto him The cause why he wrote them was least peraduenture by obliuion continuance of time and obstinancie of a people so slowe to beleeue they might either perish or else be corrupted The Lord also set Moses an example to folow For what so euer God had spoken to the Church in Mount Sina that same did he streight way after write with his owne finger in two tables of stone as he had with his finger frō the beginning of the world writtē the same in the harts of the fathers Afterward also in plain words he commaunded Moses to write what soeuer the Lord had reueled Moses obeyed the Lordes commaundement and writ them The holy Gheste whiche was wholye in the mynde of Moses directed his hand as he writ There was no abilitie wanting in Moses that was necessarie for a most absolute writer He was aboundantly instructed by his auncestours For he was borne of the holiest progenie of those fathers whome God had appointed to be witnesses of his will commaundements and iudgements suppose Amram Kahad Iacob Sem Methusalem and Adam He was able therefore to write a true and certain Hystorie from the beginning of the worlde euen vntill his owne time Wherevnto he added those thinges which were done among the people of God in his owne life time whereof he was a very true witnesse as one that sawe and heard them Yea and that more is whatsoeuer he did set forth in his bookes that did he read to his people and amongst so many thousandes was there not one found which gainsayed that whiche he rehearsed so that the whole consent and witnesse-bearing of the great congregation did bring no small authoritie to the writings of Moses Moses therefore contained in the fiue bookes called the fiue books of Moses an hystorie from the beginning of the world euē vnto his own death by the space of 2488. yeres In which he declared most largely the Reuelation of the worde of God made vnto men whatsoeuer the word of God dothe containe and teach In which as we haue the manyfolde Oracles of God him self
God is reuealed in what manner it is to be hearde and what the force thereof is or the effect Our God is the God of all men and nations who according to the saying of the Apostle woulde haue all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the trueth and therfore hath he for the benefite life and saluation of all men reuealed his worde that so in déede there might be a rule and certaine waye to leade men by the pathe of iustice into life euerlasting God verily in the olde time did shewe him selfe to the Israelites his holy and peculiar people more familiarly then to other nations as the Prophete sayth To Iacob hath he declared his statutes and his iudgementes to Israel he hath not dealt so with any nation neyther hath he shewed them his iudgementes and yet he hath not altogether bene carelesse of the Gentiles For as to the Niniuites he sent Ionas so Esaias Ieremias Daniell and the other Prophetes bestowed muche labour in teaching and admonishing the Gentiles And those moste auncient Fathers Noe Abraham and the rest did not onely instruct the Iewish people which descended of them but taught their other sonnes also the iudgementes of god Our Lorde Iesus Christe verily laying open the whole world before his disciples sayd Teach all nations Preache the Gospell to all creatures And when as Sainte Peter did not yet fully vnderstande that the Gentiles also did appertaine to the fellowship of the Churche of Christe and that to the Gentiles also did belong the preaching of the glad tydings of saluation purchased by Christe for the faythfull the Lord doth instruct him by a heauenly vision by speaking to him out of heauen and by the message which came from Cornelius as you knowe dearely beloued by the hystorie of the Actes of the Apostles Let vs therfore thinke my brethren that the worde of God and the holy Scriptures are reuealed to all men to all ages kindes degrées and states throughout the worlde For the Apostle Paule also confirming the same sayth Whatsoeuer things are written are written for our learning that through patience and comfort of the Scriptures we may haue hope Let none of vs therefore hereafter say what néede I to care what is written to the Iewes in the olde Testament or what the apostles haue written to the Romanes to the Corinthians and to other nations I am a Christian The Prophets to the men of their time and the Apostles to those that liued in the same age with them did both preach and write For if we thinke vprightly of the matter we shall sée that the Scriptures of the olde and newe Testamentes ought therefore to be receiued of vs euen bicause we are Christians For Christ our Sauiour and maister did referre vs to the written bookes of Moses and the Prophets Saint Paule the very elect instrument of Christ doth apply to vs the Sacramentes and examples of the olde Fathers that is to say Circumcision in baptisme Coloss 2. and the Paschall lambe in the Supper or Sacrament 1. Cor. 5. In the tenth Chapter of the same Epistle he applyeth sundry examples of the Fathers to vs And in the fourth to the Romans where he reasoneth of fayth whiche iustifieth without the helpe of works and the lawe he bringeth in the example of Abraham And therewithall addeth Neuerthelesse it is not written for Abraham alone that fayth was reckoned vnto him for righteousnesse but also for vs to whome it shal be reckoned if we beleeue c. By that meanes say some we shal againe be wrapped in the lawe we shall be inforced to be circumcised to sacrifice fleshe and bloud of beastes to admit againe the priesthood of Aaron together with the temple and the other ceremonies There shall againe be allowed the byll of diuorcement or putting away of a mans wife together with sufferaunce to marrie many wiues To these I aunswere that in the olde Testament we muste consider that some thinges there are whiche are for euer to be obserued and some thinges whiche are ceremoniall and suffered onely till time of amendement That time of amendment is the time of Christe who fulfilled the lawe and tooke awaye the curse of the lawe The same Christe chaunged Circumcision into Baptisme He with his owne only sacrifice made an end of all sacrifices so that nowe in steade of all sacrifices there is lefte to vs that onely sacrifice of Christe wherein also we learne to offer our own very bodies and prayers together with good déedes as spirituall sacrifices vnto god Christ changed the Priesthood of Aaron for his owne and the Priesthoode of al Christians The Temple of God are we in whom god by his spirit doth dwell All ceremonies did Christ make voide who also in the nineteene of Mathewe did abrogate the bill of diuorcement together with the marriage of many wiues But althoughe these Ceremonies and some externall actions were abrogated and cleane taken away by Christ that we should not be bound vnto them yet notwithstanding the Scripture whiche was published touching them was not taken awaye or else made voide by Christ For there must for euer be in the Churche of Christ a certaine testimoniall wherby we may learne what manner of worshippings and figures of Christ they of the olde time had Those worshippīgs figures of Christ must we at this day interprete to the Churche spiritually and out of them we muste no lesse then out of the writinges of the newe Testament preach Christ forgiuenes of sinnes and repentance So then to all Christians are the writinges of the olde Testament giuen by God in like manner as the Apostles writ to all Churches those thinges which bore the name or title of some particular Congregations And to this end is the woord of God reuealed to men that it may teache them what and what māner one God is towardes men that he would haue them to be saued a●d that by faithe in Christ what Christ is and by what meanes saluation commeth what becommeth the true worshipers of God what they ought to flie and what to ensue Neither is it sufficient to know the wil of God vnlesse we do the same and be saued And for that cause sayde Moses Heare Israell the statutes and iudgements whiche I teache you that ye may doe them and liue And the Lorde in the Gospell confirming the same cryeth Blessed are they whiche heare the worde of God and keepe it And here is to be praysed the excéeding great goodnesse of God whiche would haue nothing hid frō vs whiche maketh any whit to liue rightly well and holily The wise and learned of this world doe for the most part beare enuy or grudge that other shoulde attaine vnto the true wisedome But our Lorde doth gently and of his own accorde offer to vs the whole knowledge of heauenly things and is desirous that we goe forward therein yea and that more is he doth further our
saued Laste of all that that shal most assuredly light vpon the vngodly and the godly what so euer the holy Scriptures doe eyther threaten or promise Out of all these definitions there-fore being diligently considered we maye according to the Scriptures make this description of fayth Fayth is a gift of God poured into man frō heauen whereby he is taught with an vndoubted persua●iō wholy to leane to God and his word ▪ in which word God dothe freely promise life and all good things in Christe and wherein all trueth necessarie to be beleeued is plainly declared Whiche description of fayth I will by Gods helpe in this that followeth vnfolde into partes and by assertion of places out of the Scriptures will bothe confirme and make manifest vnto you Ye as hytherto ye haue done so still giue diligent care and in your heartes praye earnestly to God. First of all the cause or beginning of fayth commeth not of any man or any strength of man but of God him selfe who by his holy spirite inspireth fayth into our hearts For in the Gospell the Lorde sayth No man commeth to me vnlesse my father drawe him And againe fleshe and bloude sayth the Lorde to Peter confessing Christ in true faith hath not reuealed this to thee but my father which is in heauen Whervnto the Apostle Paul alludeth when he sayth We are not able of ourselues to thinke any thing as of our selues but all our abilitie is of God. And in another place To you it is giuen for Christe not onely to beleeue in him but also to suffer for his sake Fayth therefore is poured into our hearts by God who is the welspring and cause of all goodnesse And yet we haue to consider here that god in giuing and inspiring faith dothe not vse his absolute power or miracles in working but a certaine ordinarie meanes agréeable to mans capacitie although he can in déed giue fayth without those meanes to whom when and howe it pleaseth him But we reade that the Lord hath vsed this ordinarie meanes euen from the first creation of all things Whome he meaneth to bestowe knowledge and faith on to them he sendeth teachers by the worde of God to preache true fayth vnto them Not bycause it lyeth in mans power wil or ministerie to giue fayth nor bicause the outward worde spoken by mans mouth is able of it selfe to bring fayth but the voice of man and the preaching of Gods worde do teache vs what true fayth is or what God dothe will and commaunde vs to beléeue For God him selfe alone by sending his holy spirite into the hearts and myndes of men dothe open our hearts persuade oure myndes and cause vs with all oure heart to beléeue that which we by his worde and teaching haue learned to beleeue The Lorde could by miracle from heauen without any preaching at all haue bestowed fayth in Christe vpon Cornelius the Centurion at Cesaria but yet by an Aungell he dothe sende him to the preaching of Peter And while Peter preacheth God by his holy spirite worketh in the hearte of Cornelius causing him to beléeue his preaching Verily Sainte Paule sayth Howe shall they beleeue in him of whome they haue not heard How shall they heare without a preacher And howe shall they preache if they be not sent So then fayth commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God. In another place also Who is Paule sayth he or what is Apollos but ministers by whome ye haue beleeued according as God hath giuen to euery one I haue planted Apollos watred but God hath giuen increase So then he that planteth is nothing nor he that watreth but God that giueth increase With this doctrine of Saint Peter and Saint Paul doth that agrée which Augustine writeth in the Preface of his booke of Christian doctrine where he sayth That whiche we haue to learne at mans hande let euery one learne at mans hande without disdaine And let vs not goe about to tempte him in whom we beleeue neyther being deceiued let vs thinke scorne to goe to Churche to heare or learne oute of bookes looking still when we shal be rapt vp into the thirde heauen Let vs take héede of such like temptations of pride and let vs rather haue this in oure myndes that euen the Apostle Paul him selfe although he were cast prostrate and instructed by the calling of God from heauen was neuerthelesse sent to a mā to be taught the will of God and that Cornelius although God had heard his praiers was committed to Peter to be instructed by whome he should not only receiue the Sacramentes but shoulde also heare what he ought to beleue what to hope for and what to loue all which things notwithstāding might haue bene done by the Angell c. The same Augustine also in his Epistle to the Circenses saith Euen he worketh conuersion and bringeth it to passe who by his ministers doth warne vs outwardly with the signes of thinges but inwardly doth by himself teach vs with the very things themselues Also in his treatise vpon the 26. of Iohn What doe men saith he when they preach outwardly What doe I now while I speake I driue into your eares a noise of words but vnlesse he which is with in doe reueale it what say I or what speake I He that is without doth husband the tree but he within is the creator of it c. This said he But euen as the Lorde his desire is to haue vs beleue his worde for the Prophet crieth out and saith To day if ye will heare his voice harden not your harts So in like maner he doth require of vs al which heare his word that we be not slacke in praying For in hearing the worde of God we must pray for the gifte of faith that the lord may opē our harts cōuert our soules breake and beate downe the hardnes of our mindes and increase the measure of faith bestowed vpon vs Of this order of prayer there are many examples in the holy scriptures Whē the Lorde in the gospell sayde to one Canst thou beleue to him that beleueth all things are possible He made aunswere saying I beleue lord helpe thou mine vnbeliefe The Apostles also cry to the Lord and say O Lorde increase our faith Moreouer this praier wherin we desire to haue faith powred into vs is of the grace gifte of God and not of our owne righteousnesse which before God is none at all This therefore is lefte vnto vs for a thinge most certaine and vndoubtedly true that true faith is the mere gift of god which is by the holy ghost from Heauen bestowed vpon our mindes and is declared vnto vs in the worde of trueth by teachers sent of God and is obtained by earnest praiers which cannot be tyred Whereby we learne that we ought often and attentiuely to heare the word of God and neuer cease to praye to God for the obtayning of true faith But that
I may surely fasten in euery ones mynde and that all may vnderstand what fayth is I repeate it here againe and therwithall conclude this Sermon Fayth is a gifte of God powred into man from Heaue wherby he is taught with an vndouted persuasiō wholie to leane to God and his word in which word God in Christ doth freely promise life and euery good thing and wherin al truth necessary to be beleued is plainly declared Let vs all pray to God our father through his only begottē Sonne our Lord Iesus Christe that hee will vouchsafe from Heauen to bestowe true fayth vppon vs all that wee by it knowinge him a righte may at the laste obtayne life euerlasting Amen That there is one onely true Fayth and what the vertue thereof is ¶ The fifth Sermon BEinge cutte of with the shortnesse of tyme and deteyned by the excellencie of the matter I could not in my last sermon make an end of al that I had determined to speake touching Fayth now therefore by the grace of the holy spirite I will adde the rest of the argument which seemeth yet to be behind Pray to the Lorde that that which by mans voyce is brought to your eares may by the finger of God be written in your hartes True Fayth is ignorant of all diuision for there is sayth the Apostle one Lorde one Fayth one Baptisme one God and Father of all For there remayneth from the beginning of the worlde euen vnto the ende therof one and the same fayth in all the electe of god God is one and the same for euer the onely Well of all goodnesse that can neuer be drawne drie The trueth of God from the beginning of the worlde is one and the same set forth to men in the word of god Therfore the obiect and foundatiō of faith that is God and the worde of God remaine for euer one and the selfe same In one and the selfe same fayth with vs haue al the elect euer since the first creation of the worlde beléeued that vnto vs through Christ all good things are fréely giuen and that all truth necessary to be beleued is declared in the word of the Lord wherfore the faithful of the olde world haue alwayes set led their faith on God and his worde so that now without all doubte there cānot be any more thē one true faith I know very well that in the world there are soweb many and sundrye faythes that is to say religions For there is the Indian fayth the Iewish fayth the fayth of the Mahometists the fayth of the Georgians yet not withstāding ther is but one true Christian fayth the abridgement whereof is conteyued in the articles of our beleefe and is taught at the full in the sacred Scriptures of both the Testaments I know also that there are sundry beliefes of men resting vpon sundry things and beleuing that which is contrary to true faith but yet neuerthelesse there remaineth but one true beliefe in God and his worde which is an vndoubted persuasion and confidence of things most true and assuredly certaine This confidence doth grow with increase in the mindes of the faithfull contrarily decreaseth againe and vtterly faileth And for that cause the Apostles besought the lord saying Lord increase our faith And Paul the Apostle doth in his writings euery where wish to the faithful the increase of the spirite and faith Dauid also before him prayed saying O God create a cleane harte within me and take not thy holy spirite from me For he had séene how that from Saule whom he succéeded in the kingdom the good spirite of God was departed and that in stéede therof the wicked spirit had entred into his minde which tormented him very pitifully Here vnto belongeth that saying in the gospel To euery one that hath shall be giuen and from him that hath not shal be taken away that which he hath not or that he maketh no accompt of and shal be giuen to him that hath Neither was it in vain that the Lord said to Peter I haue prayed for thee Peter that thy fayth faile not For Paul speketh of some in his time that made shipwracke of their owne ●aith and ouerthrew the faith of other And to what ende I praye you doe we dayly heare the worde of God and make our humble petitions to the Lord but bycause we looke for increase of godlinesse and request his ayde to keepe vs that we fall not from true fayth verily Paul to the Thessalonians sayth We pray earnestly daye and night to see you personally and to supply that which is wanting in your fayth And a little before he sayde For this cause I sent Timotheus that I might be certi●●ed of your fayth least by any meanes the tempter had tempted you and so our labour had ben of no effect The same Apostle also in his epistle to the Ephesians sayth Christe gaue some Apostles some Prophetes some Pastours and teachers to the restoring of the Saintes vnto the building of the body of Christ vntill we all meete together in the vnitie of fayth and the acknowledging of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of age of the fulnesse of Christ so that now we be no longer children Therfore so long as we liue we learne that our fayth may be perfect and if so be at any time it shall be weakned by temptations that then it may be repayred and againe confirmed And in this diuersitie I meane in this increase and weaknesse of fayth there is no partition or diuision for the selfe same roote and substance of fayth doth alwayes remayne althoughe it be at sometime more and at somtime lesse In like manner fayth is not therefore changed nor cut in sunder ▪ bicause one is called generall fayth and another particular fayth For generall faith is no other then that whiche beleeueth that al the words of God are true and that God hath a good will to mankind Particular fayth beléeueth nothing contrarie to this onely that whiche is cōmon to al the faythful applieth particularly to him selfe beleeuing that God is not well minded towarde others alone but euen vnto him also So then it bringeth the whole into parts and that which is generall into particularities For whereas by generall fayth he beléeueth that all the wordes of God are true in the same sorte by particular fayth he doth beléeue that the soule is immortall that our bodyes rise againe that the faythfull shall be saued the vnbeléeuers destroyed and whatsoeuer else is of this sort taught to be beléeued in the word of god Moreouer the disputation touching faith that is poured into vs and fayth that we our selues get touching formall fayth and fayth without fashion I beléeue to be beaten out of them whiche of them selues do bring these newe disputations into the Churche True faith is obtained by no strength or merite of man but is powred into him of
sonnes of God What is he therefore that séeth not that in this treatise of Saint Paule iustification is taken for adoption especially since in the very same fourth Chapter to the Romanes he goeth about to proue that an inheritance is due to fayth wherevnto also he doth attribute iustification By all this it is made manifest that the question of iustification containeth nothing else out the manner and reason of sanctification that is to say wherby and how men haue their sinnes forgiuen and are receiued into the grace and number of the sonnes of God and being iustified are made heires of the kingdome of God. And now let vs trye whether that which we haue sayde be taught in the Scriptures the Christ before the iudgement seate of God when sentence of condemnation was to be pronounced against vs for our offences tooke oure sinnes vpon his owne necke and purged them by the sacrifice of his death vpon the crosse and that God also layd vpon Christ our fault and punishmēt so that Christe alone is the only satisfaction purging of the faithful This doth the Apostle Paule teach most expressely where he sayth Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect It is God that iustifieth Who shal condemne It is Christ that dyed yea rather it is he which is raised vp is at the right hand of the father making intercession for vs. And againe he sayth Christ redeemed vs from the curse of the lawe while he was made the curse for vs For it is written cursed be euery one that hangeth on the tree that vpon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham through Iesus Christ c. This did the Apostle teach out of the writings of Moses And Moses in his bookes doth often times make mention the the sinnes are laid vpō the heads of the beastes which were sacrificed But those sacrifices bare the tipe or figure of the death and sacrifice of Christ Esaias also in his 53. chapter saith expresly He verily hath takē on him our infirmities and born our peines He was wounded for our iniquities and smitten for our sinnes For the peine of our punishment was laid vpō him and with his stripes ar● we healed We all went astraye like shepe euery one turned his own way but the Lord hath thrown vpon him all our sinnes And immediatly after He hath taken away the sinnes of the multitude and made intercession for the transgressors Then these wordes I think nothing can be brought more to the matter or more fit for our present purpose To this alludeth Saint Peter when he sayth The Lorde him selfe bare our sinnes in his body vpon the crosse that we being dead to sinne may liue to righteousnes by the signe of whose stripes we are made whole Herevnto aliuded S. Iohn the forerunner of the Lorde when he sayde Beholde the Lambe of God that taketh awaye the sinnes of the worlde Moreouer the Apostle Paule beareth witnesse hereto saying Him that knewe not sinne he made sinne for vs that we throughe him might be made the righteousnesse of God Also in his Epistle to the Colossians he saythe It pleased the father that in Christ all fulnesse should dwell and by him to reconcile all thinges vnto him selfe hauing set at peace through the bloude of his crosse by him both things in earth and things in heauen These I suppose are testimonies sufficiently euident to proue that vpon Christ are layde our sinnes with the curse or condemnation due vnto oure offences and that Christe by his bloud hath cle●sed oure sinnes and by his death hath vanquished death and the deuill the authour of death and taken away the punishment due vnto vs. Yet bycause there be some and those not a fewe whiche denie that Christe by his death hath taken from vs sinners both faulte and punishment and that he became the onely satisfaction of the whole worlde I will therefore nowe alledge certaine other testimonies and repeate somewhat of that that I haue before recited thereby to make it manifest that Christe the only satisfaction of the world hath made satisfaction both for our sault and punishment Esayas verily witnessed that bothe the faulte of our offence and the punishment were taken away when he sayth He bare oure infirmities and was wounded for oure iniquities finallye the discipline of peace that is the discipline or chastising or punishment bringing peace or the penaltie of our correction that is the punishment due to vs for our offences was layde on his necke Marke also what followeth And with the blewnesse of his stripes are we healed This doth euidently teach that by the peine of Christe oure punishment is taken a waye For looke what peine penaltie punishment or correction was due to vs and the same was layde on the Lorde him selfe and for that cause was the Lorde wounded and receiued stripes And with them he healed vs But he had not yet healed vs at all if we should yet looke for woundes stripes stroakes that is to say punishment for our sinnes The death of Christe therfore is a full satisfaction for our sinnes But what I praye you shoulde Christe auayle vs if yet we shoulde be punished for oure offences Therefore when we say that he did beare all our sinnes in his bodye vpon the Crosse what else doe we meane I praye you but that the Lorde by death that was not due vnto him tooke from vs Gods vengeaunce that it might not lighte on vs to our punishment Paule as often as he maketh mention of our redemption made by Christe is wont to name it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by which worde he vnderstandeth not as the common sort do redemption barely and simply but the very price and satisfaction of redemption Wherefore also he writeth that Christ him selfe did giue him selfe to be the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for vs that is to say the price wherewith captiues are redéemed from their enimies in the warre For that which we do commonly call raunsomes the Gréekes do name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So then that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when man for man and life for life is redeemed But vpon them that are thus raunsomed and set at libertie there is no punishment afterwarde layd by reason of the translation therof from one to another Furthermore this is the newe Couenaunt that God in his Christ hath made with vs that he will not remember our iniquities But howe could he chose but remember oure iniquities if he ceased not to punishe them So then this remayneth not to be doubted of that Christe our Lord is the full propitiation satisfaction oblation and sacrifice for the sinnes I saye for the punishment and the faulte of all the world yea and by him selfe alone for in none other is any saluation neyther is there any other name giuen vnto men whereby they must be saued I denie not but that bycause of discipline chastisement and exercise diuers sortes
euerlasting he doth not by and by swell with pryde nor yet forget the merite of Christe but setting a godly and apte interpretation vpon suche like places he dothe consider that all thinges are of the grace of God and that so great things are attributed to the workes of men bycause they are receiued into grace and are nowe become the sonnes of God for Christ his sake so that at the last all things may be turned vpon Christe him selfe for whose sakes the godly knowe that they and all theirs are in fauour and accepted of God the Father In this that I haue sayde whiche is a little in déede in respecte of the largenesse of the matter but sufficiently long inoughe in respecte of one houres space appointed me to speake in I haue declared vnto you dearely beloued the great effect of fayth that is to say that it iustifieth the faithfull where by the way I haue rather briefly touched then at large discoursed vpon the whole worke of iustification both profitable and necessarie for all men to knowe Nowe therefore I passe ouer this and come to the rest True faythe is the welspring and roote of all vertues and good workes and firste of all it satis●ieth the minde and desire of man and maketh it quiet and ioyfull For the Lorde in the Gospel saith I am the breade of lyfe he that commeth to me shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall not thirste at any time For what can he desire more whiche dothe already féele that by true fayth he possesseth the verie sonne of God in whome are all the heauenly treasures and in whome is all fulnesse and grace Our consciences are made cleare and quiet so soone as we perceiue that by true fayth Christe the Sonne of God is altogether oures that he hath appeased the father in our behalfe that he dothe nowe stande in the presence of the father and maketh intercession to him for vs And for that cause sayth Paul. Beeing iustified by sayth we haue peace with God through our Lorde Iesus Christe Throughe the same Christe also by faythe we haue a frée passage vnto the Father Wherefore we praye to the Father in his Sonnes name and at his hande we o●taine al things that are auayleable to oure behoofe Very well therefore sayde the Apostle Iohn And this is the confidence that we haue in him that if we aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs. And if we knowe that he heareth vs whatsoeuer we aske we knowe also that we haue the petitions that we requested at his handes They that want fayth doe neither praye to God nor yet receiue of him the thinges that are for their welfare Moreouer fayth maketh vs acceptable to God and doth commaund vs to haue an eye to the well vsing of Gods good giftes Fayth causeth vs not to faynte in tribulations yea also by faythe we ouercome the worlde the fleshe the Deuill and all aduersities As the Apostle Iohn sayth For all that is borne of God ouercommeth the worlde And this is the victorie that vanquisheth the worlde euen your sayth Who is hee that ouercommeth the worlde but he that beleeueth that Iesus is the Sonne of God Paule sayth Some were racked not caring by faythe to be set at libertie that they might obtaine a better Resurrection Other some were tryed with mockes and stripes with fetters and imprisonmentes were stoned were hewed in peeces were slaine with the edge of the sworde they wandred in sheepes skinnes and goates skinnes comfortlesse oppressed afflicted of whome the worlde was not worthy wandring in desertes and mountaines and in the dennes and caues of the earth For the Lord him selfe in the Gospell sayde This spake I vnto you that ye might haue peace in me In the worlde ye haue affliction but be of good confidence I haue ouercome the worlde Fayth therefore both shall be and is the force and strength of patience Patience is the proppe vplifting and preseruation of hope Of fayth springeth charitie Charitie is the fulfilling of the lawe whiche containeth in it the summe of all good workes But vnlesse we haue a true fayth in God there is no charitie in vs Euery one that loueth him that begatte saythe Iohn the apostle loueth him also that is borne of him The houre is paste a good while since and no man is able in many houres so substancially as it requireth to declare the whole effecte of fayth Ye haue hearde dearely beloued that true fayth is the iustification of the Church or faythfull of God that it is I say the forgiunesse of all sinnes a receiuing into the grace of God a taking by adoption into the number of the Sonnes of God an assured and blessed sanctification and finally the welspring of all good workes Let vs therefore in true fayth praye to God the father in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ that he will vouchsafe to fill our hartes with this true faith that in this present world being ioyned to him in fayth we may serue him as we ought and after our departure out of this life we maye for euer liue with him in whome we beléeue To him be prayse and glory for euer Amen Of the firste Articles of the Christian fayth contained in the Apostles Creede ¶ The seuenth Sermon IN my two last sermons I intreated of true fayth the effectes therof and among the reste in one place I sayde that the Articles of the Christian faith are as it were a briefe Summarie of true fayth nowe therefore I thinke it to be not beside the purpose and parte of my duetie to lay before you those twelue Articles of our belief For they are the substāce and matter of true faithe wherein fayth is exercised whiche bycause it is the grounde of thinges hoped for here is plainely and briefly declared in these Articles what thinges those are that are to be hoped for But let no man at this present looke for at my hande the busie and full discourse of the Articles of our fayth I will but briefly goe through them touching only the moste necessarie pointes They are in another place handled more at large by seuerall partes Pray ye with me to the Lord that he will vouchsafe to shewe to vs his waies to guide and preserue vs in them to the glorie of his owne name and the euerlasting saluation of our soules First I haue to say somewhat touching the common name wherby the articles of our faith are vsually called the Symbole or Créede of the Apostles A Symbele is as much to say as a cōferring together or els a badge The articles are called a conferring together bicause by the laying together of the Apostles doctrine they were made and written to be a rule and an abridgement of the saith preached by the Apostles and receiued of the Catholique or vniuersal Churche But what he was that first did thus dispose and write these articles it is not
knowne nor lefte in writing of the holye Scriptures Some there are that d●e attribute it to the Apostles them selues and therefore doe call it by the name of the Apostles Créede Saint Cyprian the Martyr in his exposition of the Apostles Créede saythe Our auncestors haue a saying that after the Lordes ascension when by the comming of the holy ghoste the fierie tongues sate vpon euery one of the Apostles so that they spake both diuers and sundrie languages whereby there was no forreine nation nor barbarous tongue to whiche they seemed not sufficiently prepared to passe by the way they had a commandement from the Lorde to goe vnto all nations to preache the worde of god When therefore they were in a readinesse to departe they layde downe among them selues a platform of preaching for them all to followe least peraduenture being seuered one from another they should preach diuers things to them that were conuerted to the fayth of Christe Wherefore being there altogether and replenished with the holy ghoste they gathered one euery ones seuerall sentence and made that Breuiarie as I saide to be a patterne for all their preachings to be framed by appointing it for a rule to be giuen to them that should beleeue This sayth Cyprian But whether they were of the Apostles owne making or no or else that other the Apostles disciples made thē yet this is very wel knowne that the very doctrine of the Apostles is purely conteyned and taught in them These twelue Articles are called also a badge bycause by that signe as it were by a badge true Christians are discerned from false Nowe I will declare what order I will vse in expounding them vnto you This whole breuiatie or abridgement of faythe may be diuided into foure partes so that the thrée firste partes may make manifest the misteries of the thrée persons in one godheade and that the fourth may laye forth the fruits of fayth that is to say what good things we looke for by faith what good things God bestoweth on them that put their trust in him And yet this notwithstanding I wil procéed herein euen orderly so as the twelue Articles are placed or set downe The first article of Christian faith is this I beleeue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth And this first Article of the Créede containeth two especiall pointes For firste we say generally I beléeue in god Then we descende particularly to the distinction of the persons and adde The father almightie For God is one in substance and thrée in persons Wherefore vnderstanding the vnitie of the substaunce we saye plainly I beléeue in god And againe kéeping not confounding the persons we adde In the father almightie In Iesus Christ his only sonne And in the holy Ghoste Let vs therefore be léeue that God is one not many and pure in substaunce but thrée in persons the Father the Sonne and the holy ghost For in the law it is writtē Hearken Israell The Lord our God is one Lord. And againe in the gospell we reade that the Lorde sayde Baptise them in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy ghoste By the way this is singularly to be marked of vs that when we pray wée say Our father which art in Heauen giue vs this day our daily breade but that whē wée make Confession of our beliefe wee say not we beleeue but I beleeue For faithe is required of euery one of vs for euery particular man to haue wythonte dissimulation in his harte and without double meaninge to professe it wyth his mouth It was not enough for Abraham to haue fayth for all his seede Neyther wil if auayle thee any thing for an other to beleeue if thou thy selfe art without fayth For the Lord requireth fayth of euery particular man for himselfe Wherefore so oft as wee confesse our fayth euery one of vs by himselfe doth saye I beleeue But what it is to brleeue I haue declared alreadye in my fourth Sermon It followeth in the Confession I beleeue in god God is the obiecte and foundation of oure Fayth as hee that is the euerlastinge and chiefe goodnes neuer wearie but alway ready at our neede Wée therfore beléeue in God that is to say wee put our whole hope all our safety and our selues wholy into his handes as vnto him that is able to preserue and bestowe on vs all thinges that are requisite for our behoo●e Nowe it followeth that that God in whom we rest and vnto whose tuition wée do all commit oure selues is The Father Almightye Our God is therefore called Father because from before all beginninge hee begatte the sonne like to himselfe For the Scripture calleth God the father of oure Lord Iesus Christe He sayth the Apostle is the brightnesse of the glorie of God and the liuely Image of the substaunce of the father to whom he said Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee And againe I will be his father and hee shal be my sonne Also God is called father in respecte of the likenesse that hee hath with oure earthly father to witte because of our Creation the fauour loue good will carefulnesse where with he is affected towards vs For God hath created vs God loueth vs God regardeth our affayres and is careful for vs yea and that more exceedinglye too then any earthly father is For saith Dauid Euen as the father pitieth his childrē so doth the Lord pitie them that feare him for hee knoweth our estate remembring that we are but duste Esaias also in his 49. Cap. sayth Can a woman forget her owne infante and not pitie and be fayne ouer the sonne of hir owne wombe But admit she do forget yet will not I forget thee In this is declared Gods good will to vs ward and wée confessing that God is our father do also professe that God to vs is both gentle liberall and merciful who wisheth vs all thinges that are auayleable to our health and purposeth nothinge to vs warde but that which is good and wholesome and last of all that at his hande wée receiue what good soeuer wée haue either bodilye or ghostly God is called Almighty because by his might hée can do al things because he is Lord of all thinges and hath all thinges subiecte to his commaundement For the same cause also is hee called the Lord of Hostes Heauen Earth and whatsoeuer is therein Starres all Elements Men Angells deuils al liuing Creatures all things created are in the power of the moste highe and euerlasting god What soeuer hee commaundeth that they doe nothing is able to withstand his will. What hee wil that must of necessitie be done and also these things he vseth euen as his owne wil and pleasure is and as his iustice and mans saluation do require Firste wée confessed that God doth will vs well and nowe wée acknowledge that whatsoeuer hée wil that he is able to bring
S. Mathew instructinge Ioseph sayth Mary shall bring forth a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus For hee shall saue his people from their sinnes So then this sonne of God Iesus is the sauiour of the worlde who forgiueth sinnes and setteth vs free from al the power of our aduersary the deuil Which verily he could not do vnlesse he were very god Hee is also called Christ which is all one as if you saye Annoynted The Iewes cal him Messias Which word is a title proper to a kingdome or priesthoode For they of olde were wonte to annointe their kinges priestes they were annoynted wyth external or figuratiue oyntment or Oyle But very Christ was annoynted with the very true oyntement that is wyth the fulnes of the holy ghoste as is to be seene in the firste third Chapters after S. Iohn Moste properly therfore is this name Christ attributed to our lord For first he is both kinge and prieste of the people of god Then the holy Ghost is powred fully by all meanes and abundantlye into Iesus from whom as it were by a liuely fountayne it floweth into all the members of Christ For this is that Aaron vppon whose heade the Oyle was powred which ranne downe to his bearde and the nethermost skirts of his garment For of his fulnes we haue all receyued The last thinge that is to be noted now in this secōd Article is the we cal the sonne of God our lord The sonne of God verily is for two causes properly called our lord First in respect of the mysterie of our redēption For Christ is the Lord of all the electe whom hee hath deliuered from the power and dominion of Satan sinne and death and hath made them a people of his owne getting for himselfe This similitude is taken of Lordes which wyth theyr monye buy slaues for theyr vse or els which in warres reserue captiues whō they myght haue slaine or which deliuer men condemned from present death So then by this Lords are as it were deliuerers redéemers or sauiours Hereunto verily alludeth Paul where he sayth Ye are bought with a price become not therefore the seruauntes of men And S. Peter saith Ye are redeemed not vvith golde and siluer but with the precious bloud of the vnspotted Lambe Moreouer Christe is called Lord in respect of his Diuine power and nature by which all things are in subiectiō to the sonne of god And for because this word Lord is of a very ample signification as that which conteyneth both the diuine nature and maiestly wee see that the Apostles in theyr writinges vse it very willingly Paule to the Corinthians sayth Although there be many Lords yet haue we but one Lord Iesus Christ by whom all thinges are wee by him Now the third Article of Christian fayth is this Which vvas conceiued by the holie Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie In the seconde article wee haue confessed that wee beleeue in Iesus Christe the sonne of God oure Lorde wherein wee haue as it were in a shadow confessed that wée beléeue assuredly that God the father hath for vs our Saluation giuen to the world his sonne to be a Sauiour and redéemer For hitherto belōg those names Iesus and Lord. Now therefore in this thirde Article I haue to declare the maner and order how he came into the world to wit by Incarnation This article contayneth two things The Conception of Christe and his Natiuity Of both which I will orderly speake after that I haue brieflye declared vnto you the causes of the Lord his Incarnation Men were in a miserable takinge and all mankinde should vtterly haue perished for sinne which wée haue all drawne from the first mā Adam For the reward of sinne is death And for that cause wée that were to be caste into hell could not enter into heauen vnlesse the sonne of God had descēded vnto vs and becomming God with vs had with himself drawne vs into heauen Therefore the chiefe cause of his incarnation is to be a mediatour betwixte God and men and by intercession to ioyne or bring into one thē that were seuered For where a mediatour is there also must needes bée discord and parties The parties are God and men The cause of this discord is sinne Nowe the office of the Mediatour is to bring to agréemente the parties disagréeing which verilye cannot be done vnlesse that sinne the cause of this variaunce be takē cleane away But sinne is neyther clensed nor taken away except that bloud be shed and death do follow This witnesseth Paule in his 9. Chapter to the Hebrewes The mediatour oughte therefore to take on him our flesh and bloud that hée might both dye shead his bloud Furthermore it is needefull that this Aduocate or mediatour be indifferently common to both the parties whom he hath to reconcile wherfore our Lord Christ ought to be very God and very man If hée had béene God alone then should hée haue béene terrible to men and haue stoode them in litle stéede If hée had béen méere man then could hée not haue had accesse to God which is a consuming fyre wherfore our Lord Iesus Christ being both God and man was a fitte mediatour for both the parties Which thing the Apostle witnessing sayth One God and one mediatour of God and men the man Christ Iesus who gaue himselfe the price of redemption for all The same Apostle in the 2 and 9. Cap. to the Hebrewes speaketh many things belonging to this place And in the seconde Chapter rehearsinge an other cause of Christ his incarnatiō he saith It became him in althings to be made likevnto his bretheren that he might be merciful and a faithful high priest in thinges concerninge God for to purge the peoples sinnes For in that he himselfe was tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted An other cause wherfore our Lord was incarnate was that hée mighte instruct vs men in all Godlinesse and righteousnes finally that hée mighte be the light of the world and an ensample of holy lyfe For Paule sayth The grace of God that bringeth saluation hath appeared vnto vs teaching vs to renounce vngodlines and to liue holilie To conclude hée therfore became one wyth vs by the participation of nature that is to say it pleased him to be incarnate for this cause that hée might ioyne vs againe to God who for sinne were seperated from God receiue vs into the fellowship of himselfe and all other his goodnes beside The nexte is for vs to declare the manner of his incarnation This article of fayth standeth on two mēbers The first is He was conceiued by the holy ghoste Al wée men Christe excepted ace conceyued by the seede of man which of it selfe is vncleane and therefore wée are borne sinners and as Paule sayth Wee are borne the sonns of wrath But the body of Christ I saye our Lord was not conceiued in
hath felte calamities Hee beareth our infirmities and hath carryed our sorrowes For the Lorde himselfe also in the Gospell said My soule is heauie euen vnto the death But verily hée suffred all this for vs For in him was neyther sinne nor any cause else whye hée shoulde suffer Secondarily in this article is noted the time Pontius Pilate the iudge vnder whom the Lorde dyed and redéemed the world from sinne death the deuil and hell Hée suffred therefore in the Monarchie of the Romanes vnder the Emperour Tiberius when as now according to the Prophecie of Iacob father of Israell the Iewishe people obeyed forreine kings because there were no more kinges or captaynes of the stocke of Iuda to haue the rule ouer them For hée foretold that then the Messias should come What may be thought of that moreouer that the Lord himselfe oftener then once in the Gospell did foreshew that hée should be deliuered into the handes of the Gentiles and by them be put to death In the thirde point of this article wée do expreslye declare the maner of his death For wée adde Hée was crucifyed and dyed on the Crosse But the death of the Crosse as it was most reprochfull so also was it most bitter or sharpe to be suffred yet tooke hée that kinde of death vppon him that hée might make satisfaction for the worlde and fulfill that which from the beginning was prefigured that he should be hāged on the tree Isaac was layde on the pile of woode to be offered vp in sacrifice Moses also stuck the Serpent on the stake of woode and lift it vp to be behelde And the Lord himself said I when I shal be lift vp from the earth will draw all men vnto mee Finally hée dyed on the Crosse géeuinge vp his Ghoste to god For hée dyed verily and in déede as you shall streightway perceiue Where I haue briefly to declare vnto you what the fruite of Christe his death is First wée were accursed because of sinne hée therfore tooke our curse vppon himselfe beinge lyft vp vppon the Crosse to the end he might take our curse away and that wée might be blessed in him Then also the heritage bequeathed to vs by Will could not come vnto vs vnlesse hee which bequeathed it did dye But God bequeathed it who that hée might die became mā and dyed according to his humane nature to the ende that wée might receiue the heritage of life In an other place againe Paule sayth Him that knewe not sinne did God make sinne for vs that wee by him mighte bee made the righteousnes of God. Our Lorde therefore became man by the sacrifice of himself to make satisfaction for vs On whō as it were vppon a Goate for sinne offring when all the sinnes of the whoale worlde were gathered together and layd hée by his death tooke awaye and purged them all so that nowe the onely sacrifice of Christ hath satisfied for the sinnes of the whole world And this verily is the greatest comoditie of Christ his death taught euery where by the Apostles of Christe Next after that also the death of Christe doth teach vs patience and the mortification of our fleshe yea Christe by the participation of himselfe doth by his Spirite worke in vs that sinne may not reigne in vs Touching which thing the Apostle Paule teacheth many thinges in the sixt Chapter to the Romanes The Lord in the Gospell sayth If any man will follow mee let him denie himselfe and take vp his Crosse and follow mee These and a few more are the fruites of the Lord his passion or the death of Christe Fourthly in this Article is added Hee was buried For our Lorde dyed verilie and in deede vppon the Crosse The very truth of his death was proued by the Souldiour which thruste him through the syde After that hée was taken downe from the Crosse and layde in a Sepulcher In the Gospell are expressed the names of them that buryed him Ioseph and Nicodemus There is also shewed the manner how they buried him The fruite of this his buriall the Sauiour himselfe hath taught in these woords Verilie verily I say vnto you vnlesse the seede of corne cast into the earthe doe dye it remayneth alone But if it dye it bringeth forth much fruit Whervppon the Apostle exhorteth vs to be buried with Christe in his death that wée may rise againe in the newnesse of life yea that wée maye liue reigne with him for euermore If therefore our bodies also be buried at any time let vs not therefore be troubled in minde For the faithfull are buried that they maye ryse with Christe againe The fift part of this fourth article some do put seuerallie by it self for the fift article of our fayth I for my part do see no cause whie it should be plucked from that that goeth before nor whie it should make by it selfe a peculiar article of our fayth The woords are these Hee descended into hell Touchinge this there are sondrie opinions among the expositors of the holie Scriptures Augustine in his booke De fide symbolo doth neyther place these woordes in the rule of beliefe nor yet expound them Cyprian sayth thus It is to be knowne verilie that in the Creede of the latin Church this is not added Hee descended into hell nor yet is this clause receiued in the Churches of the Easte but yet the sense of that clause seemeth to be all one with that where it is sayd He was buried This sayth hée So then Cyprians opinion seemeth to be that To descende into hell is nothing else but to be layd in the graue accordinge to that sayinge of Iacob Yee will bring my gray heares with sorrow to hell or the graue But there are some that thincke this assertion to be without lawful proofe For it is not lykelie that they would wrappe a thinge once alreadie plainly spoken immediatlie after in a darker kinde of speach Nay rather so often as two sentences are ioyned together that signifie both one thing the latter is alwayes an exposition of the firste But in these two speaches Hee was buried and hee descended into hell the first is the plainer and the latter the more intricate Augustine in his 99. Epistle to Euodius turmoyleth himselfe pitifullie in this matter To Dardanus de Dei praesentia he writeth that the Lord went into hell but that hee felt no torment Wée shall more agreably to the truth seeme to vnderstande this article if wee shal thincke that the vertue of Christe his death did flow euen to them that were dead and profited them too that is to saye that all the Patriarches and holie mē that died before the coming of Christ were for the death of Christe preserued from death euerlastinge As S. Peter also maketh mention That the Lord went in the spirite preached vnto the Spirits that were in prison For verilie they by the death of Christ were made to knowe the sentence of
of the Apostles Créede saith He sayd not in the holy church nor in the remission of sinnes nor in the resurrection of the body For if he had added the preposition In then had the force of those clauses beene all one with the force of that that went before For in those words wherein oure beliefe touching the Godhead is set downe we say in God the Father In Iesus Christ his Son in the holy ghost but in the rest wher the speach is not of the Godhead but touching the creatures or mysteries the preposition In is not added that we may say In the holy Churche but that the holy Church is to be beleued not as we beleue in God but as a congregation gathered together to God and that the forgiunesse of sinnes is to be beleeued not that we ought to beleeue in the forgiunesse of sinnes and that the resurrection of the flesh is to be beleeued not that we ought to beleeue in the resurrection of the fleshe So then by this sillable In the Creator is discerned from the Creatures and that that is Gods frō that that is mans This saith Cyprian S. Augustine in his booke De Fide et Symbolo hath I beleeue the holy Churche not I beleeue in the holy Church There are alledged also his wordes in his epistle Ad Neophytos touching consecration Distinct 4. ca. 1. We saide not that ye had to beleeue in the Church as in God but vnderstād how we said that ye being cōuersant in the holy Catholique Churche should beleeue in God. Much more euidently doth Paschasius in the first Chap. of his first booke De Spiritu Sancto say We beleeue the Church as the mother of regeneration we do not beleeue in the Church as the authour of saluation He that beleeueth in the Churche beleeueth in man For man hath not his being of the Churche but the Churche beganne by man Leaue of therefore this blasphemous persuasion to think that thou haste to beleeue in anye worldly Creature since thou mayst not beleeue neither in Angel nor Archangel The vnskilfulnesse of some haue drawne and taken the preposition In from the sentence that goeth nexte before and put it to that that followeth adding thereto also too too shamelesly somewhat more then needed This hath Paschasius in that booke of his which Saint Gregorie the greate Bishop of Rome liked very well of What say ye to that moreouer that Thomas of Aquine reasoning of faith in the seconde booke Part. 2. Artic. 9. quest 1. sayth If we say I beleeue in the holy Churche we muste vnderstande that oure fayth is referred to the holy Ghoste whiche sanctifieth the Churche and so make the sense to be thus I beleeue in the holy spirite that sanctifieth the Church But it is better and according to the cōmon vse not to adde at all the sillable In but simply to say the holy Catholique Churche euen as also Pope Leo sayth This hath Thomas So nowe ye haue hearde the opinions of the auncient Doctours of the Churche Cyprian Augustine Gregorie Paschasius Pope Leo and also of Thomas of Aquine whiche taught nowe in the later times And dearely beloued ye doe vnderstande by proofes taken out of the Canonicall Scripture that we must acknowledge and confesse the holy Catholike Churche but not beléeue in the holy Catholique Church And nowe we haue to sée what that is that is called the Churche and what is called the Catholique church Ecclesia whiche worde we vse for the Churche is properly an assembly it is I saye where the people are called out or gathered together to heare somewhat touching the affaires of the common weale In this present treatise it is the company communion congregation multitude or fellowship of all that professe the name of Christe Catholique is as muche to say as this fellowship is vniuersal as that that is extended throughe all places and ages For the Churche of Christe is not restrained into any corner among the Donatists in Aphrica it stretcheth out it selfe throughe the compasse of the world and vnto all ages and doth conteine all the faithfull from the first Adam euen vnto the very last Saint that shall be remaining before the end of the world This vniuersall Churche hath hir particular churches I mean the churche of Adam and of the Patriarches the Churche of Moses and of the Prophetes before the byrth of Christe the Christian Churche which is so named of Christe him selfe and the Apostolicall Church gathered together by the Apostles doctrine in the name of Christ And finally it containeth these particular Churches as the Churche of Ierusalem of Antioch of Alexandria of Rome of Asia of Aphrica of Europe of the East of the West c. And yet all these Churches as it were members of one body vnder the onely heade Christe for Christe alone is the heade of his Church not onely triumphant but militant also do make one onely Catholike Churche in whiche there are not to be founde either heresies or schismies and for that cause is it called the true Church to wit of the right and true opinion iudgement fayth and doctrine For in the Church onely is true fayth and without the Church of God is neyther any trueth nor yet saluation So then in this Article we confesse that all the faithfull dispersed through out the whole compasse of the earth and they also that at this time liue in heauen as many I say as are already saued or shall euen vntill the very end of the worlde be borne to be saued are one bodye hauing gotten fellowship and participation with God and a mutuall communion among them selues And for bycause no man can be made one with God vnlesse he also be holy pure euen as God is holy and pure therefore we beléeue that the Church is holy that is that it is sanctified by God the Father in the bloude of the Sonne and the gift of the holy Ghost We haue hearde testimonies inough in the former Sermons Therefore this one of Paule shall be sufficient which he writeth to the Ephesians Christe loued the Churche and gaue him selfe for it to sanctifie and to cleanse it in the fountaine of water through the worde to make it vnto him selfe a glorious Churche not hauing spot or wrinckle c. By which words we vnderstand that the church is called vndefiled altogether cleane not in respect of it selfe but bycause of Christe For the Church of Christ is so farre foorth holy as that yet euery day it doth goe forwarde in profiting and is neuer perfect so long as it liueth on the earth And yet notwithstanding the holinesse of it is moste absolutely perfect in Christ Wherevnto veryly belongeth that notable saying of the lord He that is washed hath no need but to washe his feete onely for he is wholy cleane For the faythfull are purely cleansed by Christe who washeth them with his bloud
againe and in their owne flesh stande amonge the lyuinge that are chaunged before the Tribunall seate of Christe lookinge for that laste pronounced sentence in iudgemente This doth Paule set downe in these woordes Loe I tell you a mysterie we shall not all verilie sleepe but we shal all be chaunged in a moment of time in the twinckling of an eye at the sounde of the laste trump For it shall sounde and the dead shall ryse againe incorruptibly and we shal be chaunged For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortall must put on immortalitie By this euident testimonie of the Apostle wee maye gather in what facion our bodyes shal bee in that resurrection Verilie oure bodyes shal be none other in the resurrection then now they bee this onely excepted that they shal be cleane without all corruption and corruptible affection For the Apostle sayth The deade shal rise againe And wee shal be chaunged And againe pointing expressly and precisely to these very bodyes which here wée beare aboute hée sayth This corruptible This mortall Yea This body I saye and no other as Iob also witnessed shal rise againe and that shall rise agayne incorruptible which was corruptible that shall rise againe immortall which before the resurrection was mortall So then this body of ours in the resurrection shal be set free from all euill affections and passions from all corruption but the substaunce therof shall not be brought to noughte it shall not be chaunged into a Spirite it shall not loose the owne and proper shape And this body verilie because of that purification and cleansing from those dreggs yea rather because of these heauenlie and diuine giftes is called both a spirituall body and also a glorious and purified bodie For Paule in the thirde to the Philippians sayth Our conuersation is in Heauen from whence wee looke for the Sauiour the Lorde Iesus Christe who shall chaunge oure vile bodie that it maye be made like vnto his glorious bodie See here the Apostle calleth not oure resurrection from the deade a transubstantiation or losse of the substaunce of our body but a chaunging then also shewing what kinde of bodie that chaunged bodie is hee calleth it a glorious bodie not without all shape and voyde of facion but augmented in glorie yea hee setteth before vs the verie bodie of oure Lorde Iesus Christ where in he sheweth vs what facion oure bodies shall haue being in glorie For in plaine woordes hee sayth Hee shall make oure vile bodie like to his glorious bodie Let vs therefore see what kinde of bodie oure Lorde had after his resurrection it was neither tourned into a Ghoste nor broughte to nothinge nor yet not able to be knowne by the shape and figure For shewing them his handes and feete that were easilie knowne by the printe of the nayles wherewith hee was crucifyed hee sayde See for I am euen hee to wit cladde agayne wyth the same bodie wherein I hong vppon the Crosse For speaking yet more plainely and prouing that that bodie of his was not a spirituall substaunce hee sayde A spirite hath not fleshe and bones as yee see that I haue Hee hath therefore a purified bodie fleshe and bones and the verie same members which hee had when as yet his bodie was not purified And for this cause did the same Lorde offer to Thomas his syde and the scarres of his fiue woundes to bee fealt and handled to the ende that wee shoulde not doubte but that his verie bodie was raised vp againe Hee did both eate and drincke wyth his Disciples as Peter in the Actes witnesseth before Cornelius that all men might know that the verie self same bodie that died rose from death againe Now althoughe this bodie be comprehended within a certaine limited place not dispersed all ouer and euerie where although it haue a iust quantitie figure or shape and a iust weight with the owne kinde and nature yet notwithstanding it is free from euerie passion corruption and infirmitie For the bodie of the Lorde once raysed vppe was in the Gardeine and not in the Sepulcher when the women came to annoynt it it meeteth them by the waye as they returne from the Sepulcher and offereth it selfe to be séene of Magdalene in the Gardeine it goeth in company to Emaus with the two Disciples that iourneyed to Emaus in the meane time while hee was wyth them in bodie hée was not among the other disciples when they twayne are returned to the eleuen the Lord himselfe at euening is present wyth them Hée goeth before his Disciples into Galile presently after hée commeth into Iurie againe where his body was taken vp from Mount Oliuet into Heauen All this doth prone the certayne veritie of Christes his body But because this bodie although it be a true and verie bodie of the owne proper kinde place disposition of the owne proper shape and nature is called a glorified and glorious body I will say somewhat of that glorie which verily is incident to the true shape and substance of the body once raysed vppe againe First glorie in this sense is vsed for a lightsomnes and shining brightnes For Paule sayth that the children of Israel for the glorie of Moses countenaunce coulde not beholde with their eyes the face of Moses so then a glorious body is a bright and shining bodie A very good proofe of this did our Lord shewe euen a litle before his resurrection when it pleased him to giue to his Disciples a small taste of the glorie to come and for that cause toke asyde certaine whom he had chosen into the toppe of a certaine hill where he was trāsfigured before them so that that the facion of his countenaūce did shine as the Sunne and his clothes were white and glistered as the light The Lord verilie had still the same bodilie substaunce and the same members of the bodie but they were transfigured But it is manifest that that transfiguratiō was in the accidēts For light and brightnesse was added so that the shape substance of the countenance and bodye remayning as it was the countenaunce and body did glister as the Sunne the light And althoughe wée reade not that the body of the Lord did within those 40. dayes wherin he shewed himselfe aliue againe to his Disciples make manifeste and spread abroade the brightnesse which it had and that by reason of the dispensation whereby also hée did eate with his disciples not withstanding that clarified bodies neede not foode or nourishment at all yet neuerthelesse his bodie shineth nowe in Heauen as Iohn in the first of the Apocalipse witnesseth and the sacred Scriptures laye an assured hope before vs that euen oure bodyes also shall in the resurrection be likewise clarified For the Lord himselfe in the Gospell alledginge the woords of Daniell sayth Then shal the righteous shine as the Sonne in his fathers kingdome For this cause the glorious bodies are called also clarifyed of the
and comfort imprisoned captiues Herevnto Lactantius lib. Institut 6. cap. 12. hath an eye where he sayth The chiefest vertue is to keepe hospitalitie and to feede the poore To redeeme captiues also is a greate and excellent worke of righteousnes And as great a work of iustice is it to saue and defend the fatherlesse widowes the desolate helplesse whiche the law of God doth euery where cōmaund It is also a part of the chiefest humanitie and a great good deed to take in hand to heale and chearish the sicke that haue no body to helpe them Finally that last and greatest duetie of pietie is the buriall of strangers and of the poore Thus muche hitherto touching the duetie of ciuil humanitie which true loue sheweth to his neighbour in necessitie But it is not inough my brethren to vnderstande how we ought to loue our neighbour though we ought often to repeate it but rather we must loue him excéedingly and aboue that that I am able to say Let vs heare the Apostle who with a wonderful goodly grace of spéech with a most excellēt exquisite holy example of Christe doth exhort vs all to the shewing of charitie to our neighbour and sayth If therefore there bee any consolation in Christe if any comfort of loue if any fellowship of the spirite if any compassion mercie fulfill ye my ioye that ye be like minded hauing the same loue being of one accorde and minde let nothing be done through strife or vaine glory but in meekenesse let euery man esteeme one the other better then him selfe looke ye not euery man on his owne thinges but euery man also on the thinges of others For let the same minde be in you that was in Christ Iesus who being in the fourme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God but made him selfe of no reputation taking on him the forme of a seruant and made in the likenesse of men and found in figure as a man he humbled him selfe made obedient vnto death euen the death of the crosse Wherefore God also hath lightly exalted him and giuen him a name which is aboue euery name that in the name of Iesus euery knee shoulde bow of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth and that euery tongue shoulde confesse that the Lorde Iesus Christe is the glory of God the father To him alone be honor power for euer euer Amen The end of the first Decade of Sermons The Second Decade of Sermons writen by Henrie Bullinger Of lawes and first of the lawe of Nature then of the lawes of men ¶ The first Sermon THE summe of all lawes is the loue of GOD and our neighbour of which and euery parte whereof bycause I haue already spokē in my last Sermon the next is that nowe also I make a particular discourse of lawes and euery part and kinde thereof Let vs therefore call to God who is the cause and beginning of lawes that he through our Lorde Iesus Christe will vouchsafe with his spirite alwayes to direct vs in the waye of trueth and righteousnesse A heathen writer no base authour ywis made this definition of lawe that it is an especiall reason placed in nature cōmaūding what is to be done and fordidding the contrarie And verily the lawe is nothing but a declaration of Gods will appointing what thou hast to do and what thou oughtest to leaue vndone The beginning and cause of lawes is God him selfe who is the fountaine of all goodnesse equitie trueth and righteousnesse Therefore all good and iust lawes come from God him selfe althoughe they be for the most parte published and brought to light by men Touching the lawes of men we muste haue a peculiar consideratiō of thē by thē selues For of lawes some are of God some of Nature some of Men. As concerning Gods law I wil speak of it in my seconde Sermon at this present I will touch first the lawe of Nature and then the lawe of Men. The law of Nature is an instruction of the conscience and as it were a certaine direction placed by God him self in the mindes and hearts of men to teach them what they haue to doe and what to eschue And the conscience verily is the knowledge iudgement and reason of a man whereby euery man in him selfe and in his owne minde being made priuie to euery thing that he eyther hath committed or not committed doth eyther condemne or else acquite him self And this reason procéedeth from God who both prompteth and writeth his iudgementes in the hearts and mindes of men Moreouer that which we call Nature is the proper disposition or inclination of euery thing But the disposition of mankind being flatly corrupted by sinne as it is blinde so also is it in all pointes euill and naughtie It knoweth not God it worshippeth not God neyther doth it loue the neighbour but rather is affected with selfe loue towarde it selfe and séeketh still for the owne aduauntage For whiche cause the Apostle sayde That we by nature are the children of wrath Wherefore the lawe of nature is not called the lawe of nature bicause in the nature disposition of mā there is of or by it selfe that reason of light exhorting to the best things and that holy working but for bycause God hath imprinted or ingrauen in our myndes some knowledge and certaine generall principles of religion iustice and goodnesse which bycause they be grafted in vs and borne together with vs do therefore séeme to be naturally in vs. Let vs heare the Apostle Paule who beareth witnesse to this saith When the Gentiles whiche haue not the lawe do of nature the things conteined in the law they hauing not the law are a law vnto themselues which shew the workes of the lawe written in their hearts their conscience bearing thē witnesse and their thoughts accusing one another or excusing in that same day when the Lorde shall iudge the secrets of mē by Iesus Christ according to my Gospel By two arguments here doth the apostle very euidently proue that the gentiles are sinners For first of all least peraduenture they might make this excuse and say that they haue no law he sheweth that they haue a law and that bicause they transgresse this law they are become sinners For although they had not the written law of Moses yet notwithstanding they did by nature the things cōteined in the law The office of the law is to disclose the wil of God and to teache thée what thou haste to do and what to leaue vndone This haue thei by nature that is this know they by the lawe of nature For that whiche followeth maketh this more plaine They when they haue no law are to them selues a law That is they haue in thē selues that which is written in the law But in what sort haue they it in them selues This againe is ma●e manifest by that which followeth For they
tranquilitie doe preserue fellowly societie among men doe defend the good bring inordinate persons into better order and lastly doe not make a little onely to the setting for warde of religion but doe also abrogate euill customes and vtterly bannish vnlawfull mischiefes Hereof we haue examples in the déedes of Nabuchodonosor Cyrus Darius Artaxerxes and other Princes more But touching the Magistrates power his lawes and office I will speake of them in an other place Ecclesiasticall lawes are those which being taken out of the worde of God and applyed to the state of men times and places are receiued haue authoritie in the church among the people of god I call these ecclesiasticall lawes and not traditions of men bycause being takē out of the holy scriptures and not inuented or brought to light by the wit of man they are vsed of that Churche which heareth the voyce of the shéepehearde alone and knoweth not a straungers tong The congregation commeth together to heare the word of God and vnto common prayers at Morning at Euening and at such appointed houres as are moste conuenient for euery place and euerie people and that the church holdeth as a lawe The Church hath solemne prayer times holy dayes and fasting dayes which it doth kéepe by certaine lawes The Church at certaine times in a certaine place and appointed order dothe celebrate the Sacraments according to the lawes and receiued custome of the Church The Churche baptiseth infantes it forbiddeth not women to come to the Lordes Supper and that it holdeth as a lawe The Churche by Iudges conueniently appointed doth iudge in causes of matrimonie and hath certaine lawes to direct them in such cases But it deriueth these and al other like to these out of the Scriptures and doth for edification apply them to the estate of men times and places so that in diuers Churches ye may sée some diuersitie in déede but no discord or repugnancie at all Furthermore Ecclesiasticall lawes haue their measure certain marks beyond which they may not passe to wit that nothing be done or receiued contrarie or differing in any iote from the worde of God sounding againste charitie and comelinesse either in little or muche that lastly this rule of the Apostle may be effectually obserued Let all thinges be done decently according vnto order and to the edification of the Church If therefore any man shall goe about vnder a coloured pretence of ecclesiastical lawes tobring in and pop into the mouthes of the godly any superstitious busie and vnseemely traditions of men whiche withal do differ from the Scriptures their part shall be first to trie that deceipt of theirs by the rule of Gods worde and then to reiect it There remaine nowe the traditions of men whiche haue their beginning are made and inuented of men at their owne choyce of some foolishe intent or some fonde affection of mankinde contrarie or without the holy Scriptures of which sorte you shall finde an infinite number of examples I meane the sectes the dominion and single life of spirituall men the rites and sundry fashioned customes vsed in their Church Touching all which the Lorde in the Gospell citing the Prophet Esaie sayth Why transgresse ye the Lords commaundement for your own traditiō ye hypocrites rightly did Esaias prophesie of you where he saith This people commeth nigh vnto me with their mouth and with their lippes they honour me but their heart is farre from me but they worship me in vaine teaching doctrines the precepts of men The blessed Martyr Cyprian alluding to these wordes of Christ Epistolarum lib. 1. epi. 8. saith It is corrupt wicked and robberie to the glory of God what soeuer is ordeyned by the giddie madnesse of mens heads to the violating of Gods disposition Depart as farre as may be from the infectiue contagiousnes of such fellowes and seeke by flight to shunne their talke as warely as an eating cancker or infecting pestilence for the Lorde forewarneth and telleth you that they are blinde leaders of the blinde Paule also in his Epistle to Titus sayth Rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the fayth not taking heede to Iewishe fables and commaundements of men turning from the trueth I doe of purpose here let passe the words of Paul in his second chapter to the Colossians bycause the place is knowne of all men I will not trouble you dearely beued with too large and busie an exposition hereof For I suppose that this little that I haue sayde touching the lawes of nature and of men I meane lawes politique Ecclesiasticall and méere traditions of men are sufficient to the attentiue and faythful hearers who at their comming home do more diligently thinke of euery point by thē selues and also reade the places of Scripture often cited by me and deuoutly expounded The Lord for his mercy graunt that we doe neuer despise the admonitions of natures lawe graffed in our heartes nor yet be intangled in mens traditions but that we in walking lawfully in vpright politique lawes and holy Ecclesiasticall ordinaunces maye serue the Lord To whom be all glory honour and dominion for euer and euer Amen Of Gods lawe and of the two first commaundements of the first Table ¶ The second Sermon THE lawe of God openly published proclaimed by the Lord our God him self setteth downe ordinarie rules for vs to knowe what we haue to doe and what to leaue vndone requiring obedience and threatning vtter destruction to disobedient rebels This lawe is diuided into the Morall Ceremoniall and Iudiciall lawes All whiche partes and euery point whereof Moses hath very exquisitely written and diligently expounded The Morall lawe is that which teacheth men manners and layeth downe before vs the shape of vertue declaring therewithall howe great righteousnesse godlinesse obedience and perfectnesse God looketh for at the handes of vs mortall men The Ceremoniall lawes are they whiche are giuen concerning the order of holy and Ecclesiasticall rites and ceremonies and also touching the ministers and things assigned to the ministerie and other holy vses Last of all the Iudiciall lawes giue rules concerning matters to be iudged of betwéen man and man for the preseruation of publique peace equitie and ciuil honestie Touching the two latter of these I will speake of them in place conuenient At this time I meane to discourse vpon the Morall lawe First of all therefore let no man thinke that before Moses time there was no lawe and that the lawe was by Moses firste of all published For the selfe same especiall pointes of the Morall lawe whiche Moses setteth down in the ten Commaundements were very well knowne to the Patriarches euen from the beginning of the world For they worshipped the one ●rue God alone for their God whome they reuerenced and called vpon him Iacob tooke away with him the Syrian Idolles of Laban out of his house and hid them in Bethel vnder an oke or Terebinth trée which was nigh to
aboue the heauens But what is he that can portraye a spirite in any Image or substaunce God is an incomprehensible power quickening and preseruing all and euery thing But Dauid describing Images sayth The Idoles of the heathen are siluer and golde the workes of mens handes They haue eares and heare not noses haue they and smell not They haue hands and handle not feete haue they and walke not neyther is there any voyce in the throate of them Wherefore if these be compared to God how like I beseeche you are they vnto him To goe about therefore to expresse God in any visible likenesse is the nexte way to dishonour God and to bring him into contempt Gods eye beholdeth all thinges Idoles sée nothing Gods eares heare all things Idoles heare nothing By God all things liue moue and are preserued the Idoles them selues neyther liue nor moue and vnlesse they be vphelde by the men that make thē they fall and are dasht in péeces An Idole breatheth not GOD giueth to other a breathing spirite Howe then and wherein are these twaine alike In substance or in shape If ye say in substaunce I aunswere is God then of golde of siluer or of wood If in shape myne aunswere is hath the inuisible power of God then put on visible and mortall members Howe greatly therefore did the Anthropomorphites offende herein If then there be no similitude of God howe commeth it to passe I beséeche you that Images and Idoles be called the likenesse and pictures of God Among vs he that calleth another an Idole or an Image doth séeme to haue spoken it too too despightfully in reproche of the other For we know that Idoles are counterfaites of men and not men in déede and therefore doe we call him an Image that is a sotte a foole a dolte an idiote and one that hath no wit nor knoweth any more then he heareth of other Why then henceforwarde should we any more call Images the likenesses of God God is lyuing Images are monumentes of deade men as Solomon the authour of the booke of Wisdome sayth God is glorious and heauen and earth are full of the glory of his maiestie but Idoles are without all glory and subiect to the scoffes and mockes of men Images are tokens of absent friendes But God is present alwayes and euery where And the signes or tokens which God did of olde ordeine and giue to his people were not simply the signes and Images of God but tokens of Gods presence signifying that God who by nature is a spirite and inuisible incomprehensible and vnmeasurable is present still among them Such a token was the cloude the smoake the fire and finally the very Arke of the couenaunt which also the Cherubim did couer with their winges signifying thereby that no mortall man coulde looke God in the face and that therefore the soule and the minde and spirite ought by contemplation to be lifted vp into heauen there to behold him For to Moses who notwithstanding is sayde to haue séene God face to face it was sayd No man shall see me liue When once we are deceassed then shall we sée him as he is according to the sayings of the blessed Euangelist Iohn So then these I say are the causes why the Lorde will not haue him self represented or portrayed in any mattier or likenesse Herevnto now doe appertaine the places of Scripture and testimonies of the men that are the chiefest pillers of true religion and godlinesse of Moses Esay and Paule Moses in Deut. sayth The Lorde spake vnto you from the middest of the fire and a voyce of wordes ye hearde but likenesse saw ye none but heard the voice only Take good heede therefore vnto yourselues as pertaining vnto your soules for ye sawe no maner of image in that day least ye marre your selues by making you a grauen image the likenesse of any manner of figure whether it be the picture of man or woman the likenesse of any manner of beaste that is on the earth or the lykenesse of any manner of feathered foule that flyeth in the ayre or the likenesse of any manner of worme that creepeth on the earth or the likenesse of any manner of fishe that is in the waters beneath the earth Yea and leaste thou lifte vp thine eies vnto heauen and whē thou seest the Sunne the Moone and the Starres with all the hoast of heauen thou shouldest beginne to worship them and reuerence them and shouldest worship and serue the thinges which the Lorde thy God hath made to serue all nations vnder the whole heauen Take heede therefore that ye forget not the appointment of the Lord your God which he hath made with you and that ye make you no grauen Image nor the likenesse of any thing that the Lorde thy God hath forbidden thee This hath Moses thus farre Esaias also in his fourtie Chapter sayth Beholde all people to wit compared to God are in comparison of him as a droppe of a bucketfull and are counted as a little dust sticking on the balance and weying nothing at all Yea the Isles are to him as a very little thing Libanus is not sufficient to minister fire to his offering and all the beastes thereof are not inoughe for one sacrifice All people in comparison of God are reckoned as nothing in respect of him they are lesse then nothing and as that that is not To whome then wil ye liken God or what similitude will ye set vp to him Shall the Caruer make him an Image and shall the Goldsmyth couer it with golde or caste it into a fourme of siluer plates Moreouer shall the poore man that he may haue somewhat to set vp choose a tree that is not ●otten and seeke out a cunning woorkeman to carue there out an Image that moueth not Know ye not this heard ye neuer of it And again It is he that sitteth vpon the circle of the worlde whose inhabitours are in comparison of him but as Grashoppers It is hee that spreadeth out the heauens like a curtaine hee stretcheth them out as a Tent to dwell in It is he that bringeth princes to nothing and maketh the iudges of the earth as though they were not To whome nowe will yee liken mee and to whome shall I be like sayth the holy one Lift vp your eyes on high and consider who hath made those things whiche come out by so great heapes and he calleth them all by their names And so foorth Thus much out of Esaias Moreouer Paule the Apostle of Christ disputing at Athens of true religiō saith God that made the world and all that therein is seeing that he is Lord of heauen and earth dwelleth not in Temples made with handes neyther is worshipped with mens hands as though he needed any thing since he himself giueth life and breath to al and euery where and hath made of one bloud all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth and hath
determined the times before appointed and also the limites of their habitation that they shoulde seeke the Lord if perhaps they might haue fealte and found him though he be not farre from euery one of vs For by him we liue and moue and haue our being as certaine of your owne Poets haue sayde For we are also his ofspring For as muche then as we are the ofspring of God we ought not to thinke that the Godheade is like to golde or siluer or stone grauen by Arte or mans deuice These testimonies are so euident and do so plainely declare that which I purposed that I neede not for the further exposition of them to say any more They were great causes therfore that moued S. Augustine pr●cisely to pronounce it to be horrible Sacrilege for any man to place in the Church the image of God the Father sitting in a throne with bended hammes Bycause it is detestable for a mā so much as to conceiue such a likenesse in his mind His very wordes I haue rehearsed in the eight Sermon of my first Decade where I had occasion to speake of the righte hande of the father and to teache you what it is to sit at the fathers righte hande Nowe touching other images also which men erect to creatures or to the heathē gods they are no lesse forbiddē then the pictures of God him self For if we may not hallow an image to the true and verie God much lesse shall it be lawful for vs to erect or consecrate an Idole to a strange or forreine god Man in his mynde doth choose him self a God and of his owne inuention deuiseth a shape or figure for it whiche lastly he frameth with the workmanship of his hands so that it may truly be sayd that the minde conceiueth an Idole and the hande doth bring it foorth But the Lord in the first commaundement forbad vs to haue any straunge Gods. Nowe he that neyther hath nor chooseth to him self any straunge or forreine Gods doth not in his imagination deuise any shape for them and so consequently erecteth no images For he thinketh it a detestable thing to make an image to the true and very God he is persuaded that it is a wicked thing to choose him selfe a forreine God and therefore he iudgeth it to be most abhominable to place the picture of a forreine God in the Churche or Temple of the true and very god And that is the cause that in the Church before Christe his time we doe not reade that any images were erected to any Saintes whereof at that time there were a great number suppose of patriarchs Iudges Kings Priestes Prophets whole troupes of Martyrs Matrons modest widowes The primitiue Church also of Christ his Apostles had no images either of Christe him selfe or of other Saints set vp in their places of publique prayer nor in their Churches The déede of Epiphanius is very well knowne whiche he committed at Anablacha in Syria It is written in Gréeke in an Epistle to Iohn Bishop of Ierusalem and translated into Latin by S. Hierome He rente the vaile that hong in the Temple bearing in it the image of Christ or some other Saint testifying therewithal that it is against Christian religion for the picture of a man to hang in the Church of God ▪ Saint Augustine in Catalogo haerese 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 maketh mention of one Marcella a folower of Carpocrates his sect whiche worshipped the images of Iesu Paul Homer and Pythagoras with falling downe prostrate before them and offering incense vnto them Verie well and wisely therefore did Erasmus of Roterodame being deepely séene in the workes of Ecclesiasticall writers when he had wittily spoken manye thinges touching the vse of images in Churches at the laste also adde this and say There is no decree no not so much as of men which commandeth that images shoulde be in Churches For as it is more easie so is it lesse perillous to take all images quite and cleane out of the Churches then to be able to bring to passe that in keeping them still measure should not be exceeded nor superstition couertly cloaked For admit that as some say the minde be cleane from all superstition yet notwithstanding it is not without a shewe of superstition for him that prayeth to fall downe prostrate before a wooden Idole to haue his eyes stedfastly bent vpon that alone to speake to that to kisse that not to pray at al but before an Idole And this I adde that who so euer doe imagine God to be any other than in déede he is they contrarie to this precept do worship grauen images And againe in the same Catechisme he sayeth Euen vntill the time of Hierom there were men of sounde religion which suffred not in the church any Image to stand neyther painted nor grauen nor woauen no not so much as of Christe bycause as I suppose of the Anthropomorphites But afterwarde the vse of Images by little and little crept vp and came into the Churches This hath Erasmus Furthermore for Christ our Lord and very God though he haue taken on him the nature of vs men yet that notwithstanding there ought no Image to be erected For he did not become man to that intent But he drewe vp his humanitie into heauen and therewithall gaue vs a charge that so often as we praye we shoulde lift vp the eyes of our myndes and bodyes into heauen aboue Moreouer being once ascended he sent his spirit in steede of him selfe vnto the Church wherin he hath a spiritual kingdome and néedeth not any bodily or corruptible things For he commaunded that if we would bestow any thing on him or for his sake we should bestow it on the poore and not on his picture or image And nowe since without all controuersie our Christe is the very true God and that the very true God doth forbid to hallow to him any likenesse of man that is to represent God in the shape of a man it foloweth consequently that to Christe no Image is to be dedicated bycause he is the true and very God and life euerlasting In the second part of this commandement we are taught howe farre foorth it is vnlawfull for vs to make any Image of God or else of fayned Gods and if so it be that any make or cause them to be made how and after what sorte then we ought to behaue our selues towarde them Images ought not in any case to be made for men to worship or otherwise to vse as meanes or instrumentes to worship God in But if so it happen that any man make them to the intent to haue them worshipped then must the zealous and godly disposed despise neglect not worship nor honour them nor yet by any meanes be brought to doe them seruice For in this precept are two things set downe especially to be noted The first is Thou shalt not bowe downe to them To bowe downe is to cap
and to knée to ducke with the heade and bende the body to fall downe to honour to worship and to reuerence The Saintes of olde did vse to bowe downe that is to bende the knée to vncouer the heade and to fall downe to the Magistrates the Prophets the Princes and teachers of the people and vnto all sortes of reuerend men And that they did partly by cause God had so commaunded who vseth their ministerie to common mens commoditie and partly againe by cause men are the liuely Image of God him selfe But deafe dumbe and blinde Idoles are wood and stone wherevnto we are forbidden to bend or bow downe how so euer we are made to beléeue that they doe beare the likenesse of god The latter is Thou shalt not worship them or else Thou shalt not doe any seruice vnto them In this clause is forbidden all the outwarde and vnlawfull honour done to God or to the Gods in the way of Religion nay rather in the way of superstition and diuelishe hallowing of Churches reliques holie dayes and such like trash and trumperie For to serue is to worship to reuerence to attribute some maiestie and diuine authoritie to that whiche we doe worship to haue affiaunce in to burne incense to offer giftes and to shewe our selues dutifully seruiceable to that which we worship There is no man that knoweth not what it is to serue and what is ment by seruice in matters of Religion We are forbidden therefore to runne in Pilgrimage to Idoles yea though they be the Images of God him selfe We are forbidden to do them any seruice in offering giftes or attributing vnto them any one iote of Gods preeminence thereby to binde our selues to mainteine and vpholde their vnlawfull honour in mingling such superstitions with better pointes of true religion This therefore considered since we may not attribute to Images any seruiceable honour I doe not sée how we can ascribe to them the office of teaching admonishing and exhorting which are the offices and benefites of Gods holy spirit and worde For Abacuck the Prophete of whose writings Paul did make no small account hath lefte in writing wordes worth remembring What profiteth sayth he the image for the maker of it hath made it an image and a te●cher of lies thogh he that made it trusteth therein when hee maketh dumbe Idoles ▪ Woe vnto him that s●yth to the wood awake and to the s●n●el 〈◊〉 stone arise Should that teach● th●●● Beholde it is couered with golde and siluer there is no breath in it But the Lorde is in his holy temple let all the earth keepe silence before him What coulde be sayde more playnely and agreeable to the trueth Images sayth he are méere and very lyes But howe can that teache the trueth which of it selfe is nought else but a lye There is no mouing there is no life there is no breath in a picture or Image But the Lord sitteth in his holie temple where he reigneth and teacheth by inspiration and the preaching of his worde the summe of godlinesse and where he liueth for euer in the hearts of all his Saintes and seruauntes Let therefore all the tongues in the whole world be stopte of them that goe about to mainteine and vpholde superstitious Idolatrie against the true and liuing God. Nowe againe in the thirde part of this commauncement the Lord doth briefly knit vp the pithy handling of sundry things For first he sheweth that men haue no iust or lawfull cause in turning from God eyther to make them straunge Gods or else to worship God otherwise then they ought to doe I am sayth he the Lord thy God a strong god If I be the Lorde then shouldest thou of duetie serue me honour me obey me and worship me so as thou dost vnderstand that I doe desire to be worshipped and honoured If I be God then am I of sufficient abilitie to minister to all men what so euer they lacke What canst thou want therefore that thou mayst not finde in me why then shouldest thou turne to straunge Gods Thou haste no cause at all vndoubtedly to turne from me I am moreouer a strong God a mightie yea an Allmightie God and Lorde Thou hast no cause to séeke a mightier or welthier prince then me by him to be deliuered out of my handes and by his liberalitie to be farther inriched then thou shalt be by my good giftes and blessings For I am that true and eternall God the inuisible and Allmightie Prince of the worlde the true and only helper and deliuerer the liberall and bountifull giuer of all good giftes or benefites I am also thy Lorde and thy God. Those goods of myne are thyne For I am thine yea I am thy helper and deliuerer out of al aduersities and afflictions Thou art mine I haue created thée I liue in thée I doe preserue thée Why then shouldest thou turne away from me and séeke after any straunge God what so euer What néedest thou any more hereafter to hunte after senselesse Idoles Thou arte the Church and Temple of god Doste thou not féele and perceiue within thy selfe that I doe dwell in thée and haue thine heart in possession And what I praye thée hath the Temple of God to doe with godlesse Images Then also he descendeth and doth very seuerely yet notwithstanding iustly threaten extreme and terrible reuengement I am sayth he a iealous god This may be taken two wayes very well and not amisse For firste the sense may be thus I will not haue thée to séeke any other Gods but me neyther will I haue thée admit or receiue any forreine or vnlawfull worshipping of me The cause is I am a iealous God enuious against my riuall not suffering myne equall nor by any meanes abyding to haue a mate I alone will be loued I alone will be worshipped and that too not after any other fashion than I my selfe haue appointed to be obserued For no man is so ignorant but that he knoweth howe God in the Scripture doth by the parable of wedlocke figuratiuely set downe the assurance and bond wherin by fayth we are boūd to God God is our husband bridegrome we are his wife chosen spouse A chaste and faithful wife giueth eare alone to her husbands voice him alone she loueth him alone she doth obey him excepted she loueth no man at al. Again on the other side a shamelesse faithlesse adultresse and whorish strumpet not worthy to be called a wife séemeth outwardly to sticke and cleaue to her husband but priuily she maketh her body common to many men and lou●th other more then her husbande and for the most part burneth on thē being colde enough to him ward But God is a iealous God and will be loued and worshipped alone without any partener to robbe him thereof That is spirituall adulterie whore-hunting when men doe partly loue and worship God and yet notwithstanding doe therewithall giue reuerence to straunge and other
not lye which sayth that they shall not scape fcotfrée that take his name in vaine The mē of our time do not only take it in vain but doe of malice also blasphemously defile it I woulde to God the Magistrates would more sincerely set forth the worship of God among the people or else if this may not be obteined at their handes yet then at leaste that they woulde be no worse nor godlesse then Caiphas who when he heard as he thought blasphemie againste the name of God did rent his cloathes and crie that the blasphemer was worthy to dye For surely vnlesse our Christian Magistrates doe become more sharpe and seuere against blaspheming villaines I doe not sée but that they must néedes be a great deale worse then the wicked knaue Caiphas Vndoubtedly the Lord is true as euery one of you must seuerally thinke within your selues and he verily will punish in all men the defiling of his name but much more the malicious blaspheming of the same This very matter and place doe nowe require that I also speake somewhat here of taking an othe or swearing whiche is done by calling and taking to witnesse of Gods name Nowe in the handling of this matter many things are to be thought of and considered For first of al I sée that some there are which doubt whether it be be lawfull to take an othe or no bycause in Matthew the Lord hath said Ye haue heard what was sayd of old Thou shalt not forsweare thee selfe but shalt perfourme thine othes vnto the Lord but I say vnto you sweare not at all c. But the Lords minde in Matthewe was not to take cleane away the true and auncient law but to interprete it and to bring it to a saunder sense bycause it was before corrupted and marred by diuers forged counterfaite gloses of the Pharises For the people being taught by them had euermore an eye to kéep their mouthes from periurie but touching superfluous vnprofitable and néedlesse othes they had no care at all not thinking that it was amisse to sweare by Heauen and by Earth wherefore the Lorde expounding his fathers lawe sayth That all othes generally are forbidden to wit those wherein the name of the Lorde is taken in vaine and whereby we sweare when there is no néede at all In the meane while he neyther condemned nor yet tooke cleane away the solemne and lawfull othe Now there is great difference betwixt a solemne oth and our daily othes which are nothing els but déepe swearings not only néedelesse but also hurtfull But a solemne oth is both profitable néedfull The lawe of God and wordes of Christ do not forbid things profitable and néedfull and therfore they condemne not a solemne and lawfull othe Yea in the lawe too is permitted a solemne othe where there is forbiodē alone the vnprofitable vsing of the Lordes name And Christ our lord came not to break the lawe but to fulfill the lawe And therefore he in Saint Matthewe did not condemne an othe vnlesse a man shoulde goe about to proue that the Sonne taught a doctrine cleane contrarie to the doctrine of his heauenly father which is a blasphemie against the father and the sonne not to be suffered Moreouer God him selfe also sweareth which vndoutedly he would not do if an othe coulde not be taken without any sinne For after a long exposition of the lawe he saith Be ye holy for I am holy be ye perfect euen as your heauenly father is perfect We reade also that the holiest men of both the Testamentes by calling and taking to witnesse the name of God in matters of weight did sweare and that they sware without any sinne An othe therfore in the lawe of Christ is not forbidden and it is lawfull for a Christian man both to exact and also to take an othe I rather verily do not sée howe that man is worthy to be called a Christian which being lawfully required to sweare wil séeme to refuse it But of this I haue more fully disputed in another place against the Anabaptistes Secondarily we haue to cōsider for what causes we ought to swere In many cōmon weals it is an vsual and receiued custome to take an othe vpon euery light occasion and for that cause we sée that an othe is lightly set by and very little estéemed For what is this but to take the name of God in vaine Let Magistrates therfore learne and knowe that an othe ought not to be required but in earnest affaires as when it standeth for the glory of God for the safetie of our neighbour and for the publique weale We must marke therefore when and why the people of God haue sworne in the scriptures Abraham sware when he made that league confederacie with Abimelech The people of God doth very often sweare vnder their kings in making a couenant with God for the keeping of true religion They of olde time did cleare themselues of heinous suspicions by taking of an othe In Exodus we reade If any man shall giue to his neighbour a beast to kepe and it shall dye or be stoalne awaye no man seeing it then shal an othe by the Lorde goe betwixt them twaine that he hath not layd his hand on his neighbors thing which 〈…〉 owner of the thing shal take the other shall not restore it For Paule in the 6. to the Hebrues sayth Men verily sweare by the greater and an othe for confirmation is to them an end of all strife To this end therefore let Magistrates apply the vse of an othe and let them haue an especiall regard in giuing an othe to do it reuerently let the peeres of the people keepe inuiolably that which they sweare and let them take héed that they do not rashly require an othe of light headed fellowes let thē not compare any thing or thinke any thing to be equall to an othe but let them reuerently and last of all haue their recourse to that as to the vtmost remedie to finde out the truth and therewithall let them vse sharpe punishment against periured persons But woe to the peoples princes if through their wicked negligēce an othe be not estéemed For he without doubt will punishe them sharply for it who sayth By cause I will not suffer him to goe vnpunished that taketh the Lordes name in vaine Thirdly I will tell you what an othe is and what it is to swears An othe is the calling or taking to witnesse of Gods name to confirme the truth of that we say There is difference betwixt an othe and that déepe kynde of swearing whereby God is blasphemed torne in péeces There is difference too betwirt an othe and those bitter speaches where with we vse to curse and ban our neighbours They are not worthy doubtlesse to be called othes But for bycause this word Iuramentum is ouer largely vsed for any hynde of othe as well in the worse as better part therefore
are practised and put in vre vpon the sabboth dayes especially to the intent that we may be sanctified of god who is the only sanctifier of vs all Hitherto haue I declared vnto you dearly beloued as briefly as I could the first table of Gods commaundements wherein we haue very exquisitely layd downe before vs the worship due to the name of god But for bycause they are not the children of God which know his mynde but they that doe it let vs beséech our heauenly father so to illuminate our myndes that we may faithfully and in déede worship our Lord and God who is to be praised world without end Amen Of the fift precept of the second table which is in order the fifte of the tenne Commaundements touching the honour due to parents ¶ The fifte Sermon NOwe followeth the second table of Gods lawe which by the good helpe of Gods holy spirite I will declare as briefly vnto you as I haue already gone through the first And as the first conteined the loue of God so doth the second teach vs the charitie due to our neighbour instructing all men what they owe euerie one to his neighbor and howe we may in this world liue honestly ciuily and in quiet peace among our selues For our good God woulde haue vs to liue well and quietly But we that will not knowe how to liue well nor yet obey his good commaundements doe with our sinnes and iniquities neuer cease to heap vpon our own pates an infinite multitude of miserable calamities This table conteineth sire cōmaundemēts the first whereof is Honour thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may be long in the lande which the Lord thy God shall giue thee Very well and rightly doth the Lorde beginne the second table with the honoring of our parents For after our dutie to God the next is the reuerende loue that we owe to our parentes of whome next after God we haue our life and by whom we are from our infancie brought vp with incredible care and excéeding great labour Now the very order of nature doth require that the most excellent and dearest things should alwayes haue the firste and chiefest place And that this commaundement may the more easily be vnderstood I mean to diuide my treatise therof into thrée parts In the first whereof I will declare what degrées and kindes of men are comprehended vnder y name of parents Secondarily I will search out what kinde of honour that is and howe farre it extendeth which the Lorde commaundeth to giue to our parents And lastly I will both touche the promise made to godly children and therevpon coniecture gather the punishment appointed for the vngodly and disobedient ofspring There is none so ignoraunt but knoweth what parents are The Lord our God hath giuen vs them for vs to take of them our beginning of life that they might nourish and bring vs vp and that of rude almost brutish things they might make vs ve●●e men Greater are the good turnes that parents do for their children greater is the cost labour that they bestowe on them greater is the care grief trouble which they take for them thā any man how eloquent soeuer he be is able to expresse And here is not the name of the father only but also the name of the mother in expresse words set downe in the law least she peraduenture should séeme be contemptible without any offence to God bycause of the weaknes of her fraile sexe The godly vertuous mothers doe feele abide more pain grief in the bearing bringing vp nourishing of their children than the fathers do For no smal cause therfore haue we the name of the mother precisely expressed in this cōmaundemēt We do also comprehend herein the grandfather and grandmother the great grandsire great grand-dame all other like to these In the second place we do contein euery mās countrie wherin he was borne which fed fostered adourned defended him Thirdly we take Princes and Magistrates into the name title For the Senators and Princes are in the holy scriptures called the fathers and pastors of the people Xenophō was persuaded that a good Prince did differ nothing from a good father Fourthly ther are to be reckoned vnder the name of parents those gardians which are vsually called ouerséers of fatherlesse children or orphans For they supply the place of departed parents taking vpon thē the charge defence of their children whom they must for that affection ought to be in them bring vp defend aduance euen as they would do to their owne those that they thēselues did once beget Among whome also we must make account of suche masters and workmen as teach them an Art or occupation For of thē yong men and striplings learne some honest science for euery one to get his liuing honestly and by them they are taught good manners being thereby after a certaine sort out of rude vnpolished stuffe made perfect séemely mē Fiftly the ministers doctors pastors of the Churches are taken for parents whom Paule him selfe did call by the name of fathers not so much for the care loue wherwith they are affected toward the disciples shéepe of Christ his flocke as for bicause we are by thē through the gospel begotten in Christ In the sixte place we must thinke of our cousins and kinsfolkes brother sister nephues and néeces mother in lawe and daughter in lawe father in lawe and sonne in law who are by alliance knit together as the members of the body are fastned with sinewes Finally in the last place olde folkes widowes fatherlesse children and impotent weake persons must be reputed among our parents whose cause and tuition the Lorde hath in more places then one commended vnto vs So then my brethren here ye haue hearde who they be that in this firste precept of the second table we haue to take for our parentes and who and howe many are comprehended and commended to vs vnder that name and nowe shall ye heare what honour we owe to them and what the honour is that we shuld attribute vnto them To honour in the scriptures is diuersly taken but in this treatise it signifieth to magnifie to worship to esteeme well and to do reuerence as to a thing ordeined by god and also to acknowlege to loue and to giue praise as for a benefit receiued at Gods hād and as for a thing giuen from heauen that is both holy profitable and necessarie To honour is to be dutifull to obey so to obey as if it were to God him self by whom we knowe that our obedience is cōmaunded and to whom we are sure that our seruice is acceptable Otherwise we haue not in any case to obey either our parents or magistrates if they thē selues shall do or else cōmaund vs to do the things that are wicked and vniust For
the end that ye neuer forget them God graunt you all a fruitefull increase of his holy word which is the séede that is sowen in your harts Let vs pray c. ¶ Of the second precept of the second table which is in order the sixt of the x. Commaundements Thou shalt not kill And of the Magistrate ¶ The sixte Sermon IVstice innocencie are very well ioyned to the higher power and magistrats authoritie and in this 6. precept both publique priuate peace tranquillitie are hedged in inclosed against opē tumults and secret discords And since the life of mā is the most excellent thing in the world whervpon al other things of how great price soeuer they bée doe waite and attend and finally since the body of man is more woorthe than all other gifts whatsoeuer the very naturall order doth séeme to require that the 6. cōmaundemēt shold be placed next which god himself hath plainly expressed in these few words thou shalt not kill For in this precept iustice innocencie are cōmaunded commended vnto vs wherein also it is prouided that no man hurt an others life or body so in this precept charg is giuē to euery one to maintein peace quietnesse Now héere are to be obserued the steppes y lead to murder wherin wée must consider the kinds causes of hurting annoying For the Lord doth not simplie forbid murder but all things else wheron murder doth cōsist all egging on therfore and prouoking to anger is vtterly forbidden sclaunderous taunts brawling speaches are flatly prohibited strife wrath enuie are plainly commaunded to be suppressed And in this sense we haue Christ our Lord himself interpreting this lawe wher in the gospel after Matth. he saith Ye haue herd it said of old thou shalt not kill whosoeuer killeth shal be in danger of iudgmēt But I say vnto you that whosoeuer is angrie with his brother vnaduisedly shal be in danger of iudgmēt And whosoeuer shal say vnto his brother Racha shal be in daūger of a counsel But whosoeuer shal say Thou foole shal be in daunger of hell fire Thou séest here therfore the anger slander brawling al other tokens of a mind moued to vtter ill words are flatly forbiddē What then must thou do Thou must forsooth come into charitie againe with him whom thou hast offended thou must lay aside al wrath enuie vnlesse thou hadst rather haue al the honour that thou dost to God be imputed for sin vnto thée that peraduenture thou woldest choose rather vtterly to be condemned For our Lord goeth on in the Gospel saith If therfore thou bring thy gift vnto the Altar and there remēbrest that thy brother haue any thing against the leaue there thy gift before the altar hée speketh to thē who as then had their tēple standing their altar remayning and burnt offerings in vse we at this day haue an other maner of worshipping God and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother then come and offer thy gift And againe Agree with thine aduersarie quickly whiles thou art in the way with him least at any time the aduersarie deliuer thee to the iudge the iudge deliuer thee to the minister thou be cast into prison Verilie I say vnto thee thou shalt not depart frō thence vntil thou hast payd the vtmost farthing But forbecause so few of vs obey this sound and whoalsome doctrine of the Lords thereby it cōmeth to passe that so many great troublesome tumults happen amōg mē For smal is the substance of them that obey the word of god but great is the rest quietnes of their cōsciences And what pleasure I pray you do infinite riches bring to man since with them a man can not likely be without troublesome cares of mind great turmoiles lack of a quiet life This law therfore which tēdeth to no other end but to teach man the way to lead a sweete and plesaunt life doth wholy take frō the mind of man such immoderate affections as anger and enuie are two the most pestilent euils that reignes among men As concerning anger I meane not at this present to speake ouer busily euē as also I haue determined to be briefe touching enuie Of anger many men haue vttered many profitable sentences And yet there is an holy kind of anger which the scripture disalloweth not so that vnlesse a man be angrie in that sort he shal neuer be a good godly man For a good man hath a zeale of God and in y godly zeale he is angrie at the iniquitie and naughtinesse of mankind whereof there are many examples to be séene in the Scriptures and this anger doth stomache the sinn cōmitted rather than the person who doth commit the sinne For the good seruaunt of God hateth nothing in the wicked mās person but his very sinne so that if the wicked ceasse once to sin he wil leaue to hate or be angrie therwithal any longer This anger is vtterly cōdemned then whē it springeth of euil and corrupt affections when no iust cause is giuē but that he which is offended doth in his anger either fulfil his affection or else hurt or determine to hurt him with whō he is angrie A great euil it is a fruit which when it is sowen doth yeld bring forth one mischiefe vppon an others necke And therefore doth the Apostle of Christ coūsel al men not to giue any place to anger and if so be it happen that it enter into our mindes stick there a while yet that wée suffer it not to catch fast hold or take déepe roote therin Be angrie saith he sinne not Let not the sonne set vpon your anger giue no place to the diuel For this is the Apostles meaning If so it happen that ye be angrie yet sinne not that is yet bridle your anger Neither doth the Apostle bid vs to be angrie but willeth vs not to let our anger to continue long nor to breake out to the working of iniurie And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which word Paul vseth signifieth anger in déede but yet more rightly y stirring or prouoking to anger so that thereby wée haue to vnderstand that to him which is by iniurie prouoked to anger although hée be somewhat gréeued touched at the quicke that griefe ought to be but of short continuance neither must we in any case suffer our aduersary the diuell to fasten his foote in our hearts who doth through anger by little and litle créepe into our mindes by cōtinuall wrath doth worke out enuie by which he doth captiuate peruert the whole man with all his senses words and workes For Enuie is anger growen into custome by long continuaunce which doth for the most part vexe burne and enuie more then the partie which is enuied Although the enuious doth neuer ceasse to deuise mischiefe against the man whom he doth enuie It is
haue the king to preach to baptize and to minister the Lords supper or the priest on the other side to sit in the iudgment seate and giue iudgement against a murderer or by pronouncing sentēce to take vppe matters in strife The Church of Christ hath and reteyneth seuerall and distinguished offices and God is the God of order and not of cōfusion Hereunto tendeth our discourse by demonstration to proue to all men that the magistrate of duetie ought to haue care of religion either in ruine to restore it or in soundnesse to preserue it and still to see that it procéede according to the rule of the woord of the lord For to that end was the law of God giuen into the kinges hands by the priestes that hee should not be ignoraunt of Gods will touching matters Ecclesiasticall and politicall by which lawe hée had to gouerne the whole estate of all his realme Iosue the Capitaine of Gods people is set before Eleazar in deede but yet hee hath authoritie to commaunde the priestes and being a politique gouernour is ioyned as it were in one bodie with the ecclesiasticall ministers The politique magistrate is commaunded to giue eare to the ecclesiastical ruler and the ecclesiastical minister must obey the politique gouernour in all thinges which the law commaūdeth So then the magistrate is not made subiect by God to the priestes as to Lords but as to the ministers of the Lord the subiection duetie which they owe is to the lord himself and to his law to which the priestes themselues also ought to be obedient as well as the Princes If the lipps of the priest erre from the truth and speake not the word of God there is no cause why any of the common sort much lesse the Prince should either hearken vnto or in one title reuerence the priest The lippes of the priest sayth Malachie keepe knowledge they seeke the Lawe at his mouth because he is the messinger of the lord of hoastes To refuse to hear such priestes is to repell God himself Such priestes as these the godly princes of Israell did alwayes ayde and assist false priestes they did disgrade those which neglected their offices they rebuked sharpelie and made decrees for the executing and right administring of euerie office Of Salomon wee read that hée put Abiathar beside the priesthoode of the Lord that hee might fulfil the word of the Lord which he spake of Heli in Silo and made Zadok priest in Abiathars stéede In the second booke of Chronicles it is said And Salomon set the sorts of priestes to their offices as Dauid his father had ordered them and the Leuites in their watches for to praise minister before the priestes day by day as their course did require In the same booke againe Ioiada the priest doth in déede annointe Ioas king but neuerthelesse the king doth cal the priest giue him a cōmaundement to gather money to repaire the temple Moreouer that religious and excellent Prince Ezechias called the priestes and Leuites and said vnto them Bee ye sanctified and sanctifie ye the house of the Lord our God and suffer no vncleannesse to remaine in the sanctuarie My sonnes be not slacke now because the Lord hath chosen you to minister vnto him selfe Hée did also appoint singars in the house of the Lord and those that should play on musicall instruments in the Lords temple Furthermore king Ezechias ordeyned sondrie companies of priestes and Leuites according to their sondrie offices euerie one according to his owne ministerie What may be sayd of that too that euen hee did diuide to the priestes their portions and stipends throughout the priesthoode The same king gaue charge to all the people to ●éepe holie that feast of Passeouer writing to them all such letters as priestes are wont to write to put them in mind of religion and hartie repentaunce And after all this there is added And the king wrought that which was good right and iust before the Lord his God. When Princes therefore doe order religion according to the woord of God they do the thing that pleaseth the lord This and the like is spoken againe by the godly Prince Iosias Who therefore will hereafter say that the care of religion belongeth vnto bishops alone The Christian Emperours following the example of the auncient kings as of their fathers did with greate care prouide for the state of true religion in the Church of Christe Arcadius Honorius did determine that so often as matters of religion were called in question the bishopps should be sommoned to assemble a counsell And before them againe the Emperours Gratian Valentinian and Theodosius established a lawe wherin they declared to the world what faith and religion they would haue all men to receiue and reteine to witte the faith and doctrine of S. Peter In which edicte also they proclaimed all them to be heretiques which thought or taught y contrarie allowing them alone to be called catholiques which did perseuere in S. Peters faith By this we gather that the proper office of y priests is to determine of religion by proofes out of the woord of God that the princes dutie is to a●de the priestes in aduauncement and defence of true religiō But if it happen at any time that the priests be slack in doing their duetie then is it the princes office by compulsion to inforce the priestes to liue orderlie according to their profession and to determine in religion according to the woord of god The Emperour Iustinian in Nouellis Cōstitut 3. writing to Epiphanius Archbishop of Constantinople saith Wee haue most reuerend Patriarch assigned to your holinesse the disposition of all things that are honest seemelie and agreeable to the rule of the holie scriptures touching the apointing ordering of sacred bishops reuerēd clearkes And in the 7. Constitution hée saith Wee giue charge and commaūdemēt that no bishop haue licēce to sell or make away any immoueables whether it be in houses or landes belonging to the Churches Againe in the 57. Constitution hée forbiddeth to celebrate the holie mysteries in priuate houses Hée addeth the penaltie and saith For the houses wherein it is done shal be confiscate and sold for money which shal be brought into the Emperours Exchequer In the 67 Constitution hée chargeth all bishops not to be absent from their Churches but if they be absent he willeth that they should receiue no commoditie or stipend of the prouinciall stuards but that their reuenue should be imployed on y Churches necessities In the 123. constitution the lieuetenauntes of euerie prouince are commaunded to assemble a counsell for the vse and defence of ecclesiasticall lawes if the bishops bee slacke to looke thereunto And immediatlie after hee saith Wee do vtterly forbid all bishoppes prelates and clea●kes of what degree soeuer to play at tables to keepe companie with diceplayers to bee lookers on vpon gamesters or to runne to gaze vppon May games or
cōmon weale Judgement and punishment therfore are in the magistrate the most excellent offices although peraduenture they séeme to be somewhat hard and cruel But vnlesse this which seemeth to be crueltie bee put in vre all ages states and sexes shal féele the smart of crueller thinges and that which is most cruel in déede For it is not crueltie but rather iust seueritie which as the Lord commaundeth is put in vre for the safegard of the guiltlesse and preseruation of peace within the realme and common weale Put case there were a common weale wel furnished with most absolute lawes for politique manners and matters of religion suppose also that in the same common weale there were no magistrate to execute and as it were to father those lawes by his authoritie to bring and reduce all the déedes and sayinges of men to the triall of those lawes and that therefore euerie man breaketh forth to what kinde of life hée list himselfe and doth what he will tell mée I pray you what good do those written lawes to the men of the countrie Belieue mée forsooth not one halfpenie worth of good The best part therfore of the magistrates duetie consisteth in vpright iudgement punishing reuengement And those two points require a man of courage and Princely stomache whom the Lord in his law deseribeth liuelie and telleth what kind of man hee would haue him to bee and what the office is whereto hée is called which description I will rehearse expound because therein the Iudges person is chieflie touched Moses at the Lords commaundement saith to the Iudges Heare the cause of your bretherne and iudge righteouslie betwixt euerie man and his brother and the straunger that is with him Ye shall haue no respect of any person in iudgement but ye shal heare the small as well as the great ye shall not feare the face of any man for the iudgement is the Lords The holie Prophete in these woords toucheth two thinges chieflie Hée declareth what the Iudges office is and what vices or diseases doe infecte the Iudge that hée cannot fulfill his office as hee ought to doe Now touching the office of a good Iudge the first point thereof is that hée repel no man but heare euery one the small the great the Citizen the stranger the knowen and vnknowen And hée must heare the parties willingly diligentlie and attentiuelie Herein there is admitted no sluggishnes of the iudge nor a mind busied about other matters Iudgement before the matter be decided is vtterly excluded because it carieth away the minde of the Iudge before the matter is knowen The thing it selfe crieth out that the matter must first be heard and wel vnderstoode before the magistrate procéede to iudgement And the common prouerbe saith Let the other partie be heard too Herie wisely said that Iudge which told one that made a complaint That with the one eare hee heard him kept the other eare for him vppon whom the complaint was made Herein wée cont●ine the perfecte knowledge of the Iudge and say that hée must not make too much haste in cases vnknowen since hée must iudge them by the thing it selfe and not by the parties secrete tales and priuie accusations Secondarilie let him iudge saith hée yea let him iudge vprightly To iudge is to determine and pronounce truelie and iustly according to the lawes what is good what is euill what is right and what is wronge Wée Switzers saye Vrteilen oder ertetlen oder richten As if one should say to distinguishe a thinge throughlie considered and to plaine and make streighte a crooked thinge Parties blinded with affections make streight thinges crocked which the Iudge by applyinge the rule of equitie and lawe doth streighten againe So that to iudge is to streighten and to make plaine Moreouer to iudge is by defending and punishing to kéepe in libertie The magistrate doeth iudge therefore when hée defendeth the innocent and brideleth the hurtfull personne But hée must iudge iustly that is according to iustice and agreablie to the lawes which giue to euerie man that that is his The Iudge doth iudge vniustlie when of a corrupte minde hée pronounceth sentence contrarie to all lawe and equitie Now therefore wée haue to consider the vices which vsuallie are wont to reigne in iudges The vices that are in Iudges bée many and the diseases of their minds are sondrie but two especiall diseases there are and chiefe of all the rest The one of these two vices which so infecteth the mindes of Iudges that they cānot execute their office as they should is the accepting of faces or respecte of personnes that is when the Iudge in geuing iudgement hath not his eye set vppon the thinges themselues or vppon the causes or circumstances of the causes as they are in déde but hath a regard either of dignitie excellencie humilitie pouertie kinred men of honours letters or some such like scuffe The Lord excludeth this euill and saith Yee shall iudge iustelie yee shall haue ▪ no respecte of any person in Iudgement Yee shall heare the small aswell as the great The other disease of these twaine is feare a verie vehement affection of the minde which disturbeth the verie best and most excellent counsells and choaketh vppe Vertue before it come to light Vnder feare wée doe conteine hope also I meane of commoditie and so by that meanes by feare wée vnderstande the corruption of bribes The Iudge that standes in feare to loose his life or goods or is afrayde to displease a noble man or is loath to loose the common peoples good will hée also that taketh bribes or is in hope to be rewarded at one of the parties handes doth peruerte equitie and aduaunce iniquitie The Lord saith therefore Yée shall not feare any mortall man yee shall not looke for any reward at any mans hand Hée addeth the reason whie Because the matter is not yours neither were yée called to doe your owne businesse but the iudgemente is the Lords The will and lawe of God therefore must bée respected For God is able to defende iuste Iudges from the vniuste hatred of any whatsoeuer they bée and against all wronge and open violence Moreouer where it is said that the iudgement is the Lords thereby are the Iudges warned that they ought to imitate the example of the moste highe god But what and of what sort that example of God is the same Mo●es in the first of Deuteronomie expresseth and saith GOD doth accept neither personne nor giste hee doth Iustice for the fatherlesse and widdowe and loueth the straunger to giue him meate and cloathinge and therefore shal yee loue the straūger And so must godlie Iudges doe in the iudgemente which is Gods. Iosasaphat without all doubt a verie godly Prince speakinge to them whom hee had made Iudges did say Take heede what yee doe For yee execute not the Iudgementes of manne but of God which is with you in
iudgement of God doth plague the men whom his fatherly warning could neuer moue but amonge them many times too the guiltlesse féele the whip In warre for the most part souldiers misuse themselues and thereby incurre Gods heauie displeasure there is no euil in all the world that warre vpholdeth not By warre both scarcitie of euerie thinge and dearth doe arise For highe wayes are stopped corne vppon the grounde is troden downe and marrde whoale villages burnte prouision goeth to wracke handicrafts are vnoccupied merchandice doe ceasse and all doe perish both rich and poore The valiaunt stronge men are flame in the batteile the cowardly sorte runne away for their lyues to hide their heads reseruinge themselues to be tormēted with more exquisite and terrible kindes of cruell punishmentes For wicked knaues are promoted to dignitie and beare the sway which abuse mankinde like sauage beastes Hands are wroūge on euery side widowes and children crie out and lament the wealth that hath beene carefullie gathered to helpe in want to come is spoyled and stolne away cities are raced virgins and vnmariageable maydēs are shamefully deflowred all honestie is vtterlie violated old men are handled vnreuerētly lawes are not exercised religion and learning are nothing set by godlesse knaues and cut threats haue the dominion and therefore in the scriptures warre is called the scourge of god For with warre he plagueth incurable idolatrers and those which stubbornely contemne his word for that was the cause why the citie of Ie●usalem with the whole nation of the Iewes was vtterly destroyed Because they knew not the day of their visitation as the Lord in the Gospel saith but wente on to kill the Lords Apostles bringing on vppon their owne neckes the shedding of all the bloud from the righteous Abell vnto Zacharias For murder idolatrie incest and detestable riot wée read that the Chananites were raced out and cutte off The Moabites as Esai witnesseth were quite ouerthrowen for crueltie inhumanitie and cōtempt of the poore The men of Niniuie did by warre vniustly vexe other nations making hauocke of all to fil their gréedie desire and therefore saith the Prophete Nahum other men measured to them with the same measure that they had measured to other before Micheas in his sixt chapiter affirmeth flatly that God sendeth warre vpon vniuste men for their couetousnes false deceipt In Ieremie arrogancie and pride in Esaie riot and dronkēnesse are said to be the causes of warre but the euill and miserie that warre bringeth with it sticketh so faste to common weales and kingdoms wher it once hath hold that it cannot be remoued taken away or shaken off at our wil and pleasure by any worldly wisedome by any league makinges with any wealth by any fortifications by any power or manhoode as it is to be seene in the Prophet Abdias Our sincere tourning to God alone is the onely waye to remedie it as Ieremie testifieth in his fifte Chapiter Nowe this turning to the Lord consisteth in frée acknowledginge and francke confession of our sinnes in true fayth for remission of sinnes through the grace of God and merite of Christ Iesus Secōdarilie it consisteth in hatred and renoūcing of al vnrighteousnesse in loue of iustice innocēcie charitie al other vertues and laste of all in earneste prayers and continuall supplications Againe thou mayste see perhappes that some by warre haue no smal commoditie profite and vnestimable riches with verie little losse or no dammage at all Such was the warre which the Israelites had with the Chanaanites vnder their Capitaine Iosue But I would not that gaping after gayne should drawe any man from right and equitie And many times the magistrates suppose that their quarell is good and that of right they oughte to make warre on others and punish offenders when as notwithstandinge the righteous God by that occasion draweth them on into perill that their sinnes may bée punished by the men in whom they did purpose to haue punished some gréeuous crime Wée haue euidente examples hereof in the Scriptures The eleuen tribes of Israel in a good quarel made warre on the Beniamites purposing to reuenge the detestable crime that a few wicked knaues had horriblie committed wherein the whoale tribe bare them oute and vphelde them beinge parteners thereby of their heynous offence But twice the Israelites were put to the woorse and the wicked Beniamites had the vpper hand in the battaile In the time of Heli the Israelites minded to driue the tyrannous rule of the idolatrous Philistines out of their countrie but they are slaine the Arcke of God is taken and caried into the cities of their idolatrous enimies Likewise that excellente Prince Iosias is ouerthrowne and slaine by the Chaldeis because the Lord had purposed to punish bring euil vppon the whoale people of Israell which hée would not haue so holie a Prince his seruaunt to see with his eyes to his sorrow and griefe Wherby wée haue to gather that the trueth of religion is not to be estéemed by the victorie or ouerthrowe of any people so that that religion should bee true and right whose fauourers haue the vpper hand and that againe be false and vntrue whose professours and mainteyners are put to the worse For wée must distinguish betwixt religion and the men or personnes that keepe that religion which do for other causes suffer the Lords visitation But all this admonisheth vs that the magistrate hath néede of the great feare of God before his eyes both in making and repelling warres leaste while hée goeth aboute to auoyde the smoulthering coasepitte hée happ to fall into the scalding lyme kill or least while hée supposeth to ease his shoulders of one euill hée doth by the way whereby hée soughte ease heape vppe either more or farre greater euills Princes therefore must precisely looke into and throughly examine the causes of warres before they beginne or take them in hand The causes are many and of many sortes but the chiefe are these that followe For either the magistrate is compelled to sende ayde and rayse the siege of his enimie which doth enuironne the garrisons that hée hath appointed for the defence of some of his cities because it were an offence and parte of parricide to forsake and giue ouer against oathe and honestie his cities and garrisons that are in extremitie Or else the magistrate of duetie is compelled to make warre vppon men which are incurable whom the verie iudgemente of the Lord condemneth and biddeth to kill without pittie or mercie Such were the warres as Moses had with the Madianites and Iosue with the Amalechites Of that sorte are the warres wherein such men are oppressed as of inuincible malice will both perish themselues and drawe other to destruction as well as themselues with those also which reiecting all iustice and equitie doe stubbornly go on to persist in their naughtinesse Such were the Beniamites which were destroyed by sword and fire of the other eleuen
Christianitie but since they were in authoritie and bare the names of magistrates what let is there I pray you whie a true Christian man may not beare that office of a magistrate in his cōmon weal What may be thought of this moreouer that in the new Testament certaine notable men are well reported off who when they were in authoritie were not put beside their offices because they were Christians and of a sound religion Touchinge Ioseph of Arimathea thus we read in Luke And behold there was a man named Ioseph a counsellour Marcke saith a noble Senatour who was a good man a iust the same had not consented to the counsel and deede of them which was of Arimathea a citie of the Iewes which waited also for the kingdome of God. Marke here I beséech you how notable a testimonie this man hath here Ioseph is a counsellour or Senatour yea and that more is a noble senatour too he sate in the Senate and amonge those Iudg●s which did cōdemne our sauiour christ but because hée consented not to their déede and iudgement he is acquited as guiltlesse of that horrible murder The same is said to haue béene a good man and a iuste and of the number of them that looke for the kingdome of God that is of the number of those which of Christ are called Christians and yet neuerthelesse he was a counsellour or senatour and that too in the Citie of Ierusalem A Christian therfore may lawfullie beare the office of a magistrate Hereunto belonge the examples of the A●thiopiā treasurer Actes 8. of Cornelius the Centurion Acts 10. and of Erastus the Chamberleine of Corinth Rom. 16. 2. Tim. 4 But oure desire is to haue the Anabaptistes proue and declare out of the Scriptures that which they obiecte here in saying that these men beinge once conuerted to that faith did streightway put off their roabes of estate and lay aside their magistrats sword For wée haue a litle before by the wordes of S. Augustine vpon Iohn Baptists answere who did himself also preach the Gospel alreadie proued that the souldiers that were baptised were not put beside their office nor cōmaunded by Iohn to giue ouer armour and ceasse to be souldiers They obiecte againe that the Lord conueyed himself priuilie away when the people were minded to haue made him a king which say they he would not haue done but because by his example hée would commend humilitie to all Christian people and as it were thereby to commaunde them not to suffer the charge to rule any common weale to be laid on their necks They adde moreouer these sayinges of the Lorde My kingdome is not of this world Againe Kings of nations haue dominion ouer them but ye shal not be so But they vnderstande not that the cause whie the Lord conueyed him selfe away was for the fond purpose of the foolish people which went about by making him a kinge not to doe the wil of God but being blinded with affections to séeke to bring those thinges to passe that were for the ease and fillinge of their bellies For in so much as hée had fedde them miraculously a little before therefore they thoughte that he would be a king for their purpose who was able to giue his subiectes meate without any coste or labour at all Furthermore oure Lord came not to reigne on the earth after the maner of this world as that Iewes imagined and as Pilate feared who dreamt that Messias should reigne as Salomon did and for that cause the Lord doth rightly say My kingdome is not of this world For hée is ascended into heauen and sitteth at the righthand of his father hauinge subdued all kinges to himselfe and all the world beside wherein hée reigneth by his word and his spirite and which hée shall come to iudge in the ende of the world And although Christe denieth that his kingdome is of this world yet notwithstanding hée neuer denied that kinges and Princes should come oute of the world into the Church to serue the Lord therein not as men alone but as kinges and men of authoritie But kinges cannot otherwise serue the Lord as kinges but by doing the thinges for which they are called kinges And vnlesse that Christians when they are once made kinges should continue in their office and gouerne kingdoms according to the rule and lawes of Christe how I beséech you should Christe be called kinge of kinges and Lord of Lords Therefore when hée said Kinges of nations haue dominion ouer them but so shal not ye bee hée spake to his Apostles who stroaue amonge themselues for the chiefe and highest dignitie as if hee should haue said Princes which haue dominion in the world are not by my doctrine displaced of their seates nor put beside their throanes for the magistrates authoritie is of force still in the world and in the Church also The kinge or magistrate shall reigne But so shall not yée yée shall not reigne yée shall not be Princes but teachers of the world and ministers of the Churches Thus briefely I haue aunsweared to the Anabaptistes obiections which in other places also I haue many times confuted somewhat more largely By this that héere I haue saide I thincke I haue sufficiently proued that a Christian man cannot onelie but ought of duetie also to take vpon him the office of a magistrate if it be lawfully offered vnto him Now before I make an end of the discourse of this place I will briefly adde what the duetie of subiectes is and what euerie man doth owe to his magistrate First of all the subiectes duetie is to estéeme honestly reuerently and honourably not vilely nor disdainfullie of their magistrates or Princes Let them reuerence and honour them as the deputies and ministers of the eternall god Let them abroade also giue them the honour that is vsuallie accustomed in euerie kingdome and countrie It is a foule thinge for subiectes to behaue themselues vndecētly towards their Lords and men of authoritie But a false a lighte or ill opinion once conceyued bréedeth a contempt of the things and persons touching whom that opinion is once taken vppe Some euidente testimonies of Scripture therefore must bée gathered and graffed in euerie mans heart that thereby a iuste estimation and worthie authoritie of magistrates and officers may bée bred and brought vpp in al peoples minds Here by the way let Princes and magistrates take héede to themselues that by a spotted and vnséemelie life they make not themselues contemptible and laughinge stockes and so by their owne defaulte loose all their authoritie amonge the common people The Lord oure God verilie voucheth safe to attribute his owne name to the Princes and magistrates of the people and to call them gods Exod. 21. Psalm 82. The Apostles called them the deputies and ministers of god ● Peter 2. Rom. 13. But who will not thincke wel of godds and them which are the deputies and ministers of god by
fellowshippe let there be betwixte man and wife For to that ende the woman was taken oute of the mannes bodie that the husbande should loue and chéerish his wife his owne bodie And for that cause the Apostle saith So must husbands loue their wiues euen as their owne bodies He that loueth his wife doth loue himself For no man at any time hath hated his owne flesh but loueth and cherisheth it as the Lord doth the Church What may bee said to that moreouer that the Apostle in the verie same place hath made the sonne of God and the holy Church an example for married folkes to follow in kéeping of wedlocke requiring at the husbands hand to loue his wife euen as Christ hath loued the Church and of the wife to reuerence her husbande and to loue him againe as the Church doth Christe Than which example there is none in the worlde more holy and effectuall For there is no loue greater than the loue of Christ toward his Church Neither is there any loue more chaste than that which the Church doth beare to Christe It is required therefore at the handes of wedded mates mutually to beare most ardente and holy loue the one to the other Let them vse all thinges in common let them bee partakers both of the same prosperitie and the same aduersitie Let them both draw vnder one yoake and beare betwixte them one an others burthen Briefly let them twaine bee the members of one and the verie same body I haue more at large set downe these offices of man and wife in my treatise which is called the Institution of Christian matrimonie Lastly let them bringe vppe their children in holy discipline the feare of God to the health of their owne house and the whole common weale Paule saith I would haue the younger women marrie to gette children and to gouerne the house for that is honest and acceptable before God. But touching the bringing vp of children I haue alreadie spoken in the fifte sermon of this Decade Now the very begetting of children alone is very profitable both to euery priuate or particular house and also to the common weale for héere I will not stand to shew that the honour and glorie of God is verie greatly augmented if children be not onely begotten but also brought vp in the feare of God and knowledge of his woord Hierocles saith I confesse that marriage is profitable especially because it bringeth children forth which is in deede a goodly fruite for they being of oure verie bloud doe while wee are in health ayde vs in all our affayres and in olde age when yeares come vppon vs they succour vs well with all that they maye they are familiar companions of our ioy in prosperitie and in aduersitie are our partners in sorowing with vs for our heauie mishapps And so forth Antipater also saith Man which is indued with a ciuil disposition to mainteyne societie must augmente his countrie and common wealth with increase of children for cities could not haue bene preserued by any meanes at all vnlesse the head men of euerie citie and the sonnes of noble gentlemen seing their auncetours wither and fal away like goodly leaues of a faire tree had married in time cōuenient and left behind them children as woorthie plantes to succeede in their countrie thereby to make it to flourish for euer doinge their beste so farre as they coulde to keepe it from the assaultes and conquestes of enimies and straungers They therefore shooting at nothing more than to defend and assist their countrie both in their life time and when they were dead did thincke it most necessarie and especially conuenient to marrie and be married desiring thereby both to doe all thinges that nature requireth and also those that touche the health and increase of their countrie most of all the worship of god c. Since therefore that lawefull matrimonie is of so great effect and so auayleable to liue well and happilie the faithfull doe not withoute cause beginne their marriages with religion and religious rites The Lord verilie did presently in the beginning blesse the first marriage of oure parentes Adam and Eue and did himselfe couple them in wedlock Whervppon the Church of God hath receyued a custome that they which ioyne in marriage before they dwell together doe come into the temple of the Lord where after prayer made in the middest of the congregation they are ioyned together and blessed by the minister of God in the name of God himselfe Wherefore in wedlocke the first and chiefest thinges that bée required are the earneste and continuall prayers of the married folkes to God that he wil vouchsafe to make the husbandes wyse relligious modest gentle honeste painefull sufferers and louers of their wiues and that it will please him to make the wiues obedient méeke chaste faithful louers of theyr husbands and children housewiues and fruitefull For no one man is able to declare all the euills that come euen of one corrupte naughtie marriage Through it whoale houses are wonderfullie disquieted all wealth and honestie do vtterlie decaye the children are bastards God is offended and prouoaked to anger and an endlesse mischiefe brought to the whoale cōmon weale God therefore must bée earnestly beséeched to blesse all married people that both the glorie of his holy name and the common weales prosperitie may thereby dailie increase more and more I am now come to speake of adulterie which is a sinne whereby the husband goeth to an other woman or the wyfe tourneth a side after an other man to whom they make common the vse of their bodies which are not their owne bodies nowe but their mates in wedlocke Some there are that flatter themselues and are of opinion that they are not culpable of adulterie if they haue the companie of any vnbetrouthed mayden or one that is vnmarried or if a woman play the harlotte with an vnwedded man They will haue it in Gods name to be fornication and not adulterie But the Scripture teacheth the contrary Thou goest to an other woman thou arte an adulterer Thou breakeste thy faith thou art forsworne Thy bodie is not thine but thy wiues when therefore thou bestowest this bodie on an other thou committest adulterie If thou being wedded doest lye with a married wife thou doubleste the sinne of thine adulterie This offēce was plagued with most sharpe punishmente euen in the beginninge almost and as soone as the world was created Pharao the kinge of Aegypt commaunded Sara Abrahams wife to be taken away and carried to his Palace that hée mighte vse her as his wyfe thinckinge verily that shée had bene Abrahams sister But the scripture sayth The Lord vexed Pharao and all his house with great plagues because of Sara Abrahams wife Loe here that king of Aegypt is punished with gréeuous plagues for his adulterie and yet he knew not that Sara was Abrahams wyfe how great plagues therefore are prepared for the
women And for that cause are lawes and very sharpe punishments ordeyned and appointed for such lasciuious knaues Rapes and such villanies committed perforce the lawes do punish with losse of life but to him that doth defloure a maide not violently that Lord doth say Marrie endowe her Other lawes appoint other penalties Touchinge which more is spoken in the ciuil lawe Moreouer Incest is especially prohibited They call incest an vnlawful medling of a man with a woman against the honour of bloud and affinitie For Cestus signifieth the marriage girdle which the bride did weare to shewe that the marriage was iuste and lawful Wée Germanes call this sinne by the name of Blout schand wherby wee signifie the sinne committed in corrupting or defiling our own bloud or kinred In Leuiticus after the degrées of bloud in which wée are forbidden to marrie the Lord doth presently adde In all these be not ye defiled For in all these thinges are the nations defiled which I caste out before you And hereby the land is defiled and I haue visited the iniquitie thereof vppon it and the land hath spewed out the inhabitaunts thereof Yee shall therefore keepe my statutes and mine ordinaunces and shall not doe any of all these abhominations For whosoeuer shall doe so hee shall be cutte off from amonge his people And in the 20 chapiter of Leuiticus hée hath appointed death to be the punishment of incest which is not changed by the ciuil lawes or Imperiall constitutions The abhominable sinne of Sodomie and medling with beastes also is plainly forbidden Against which wée haue most euident and expresse lawes set downe in the 18. and 20. chapter of Leuiticus Wée haue also a verie senere but yet a most iust punishmente layde by God himselfe vppon the pates of the detestable Sodomites For with fire and stincking brimstone sent downe frō heauen hée consumed those filthie men to duste and ashes which ashes hée washed away with the waues of the dead sea because hée would not haue so much as the verie cynders to remaine of so wicked men Moreouer their whole cities and fruitefull fields were burnte with fire For it was not requisite that any one iote of the substaunce of those most wicked men should remaine vndestroyed The place where those cities were sometime situated is at this daye ouerflowen with water and called the dead sea Whereby we do consequētly gather that the most iust God wil not spare the Gentiles entangled in the verie same sinne althoughe for a time hée wincke at and dissemble it Fire shall destroy both them theirs and they themselues shall for euer burne in hell where nothing shal remaine of them but a reprochfull memorie For in the Reuelation of oure Lord Iesus Christ to his Apostle Iohn we read And fire came downe from God out of Heauen and deuoured them and the diuell which deceiued them was caste into a lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false Prophete shal be tormented day and night for euer more Apoc. 20. Furthermore all thinges else are for hidden that doe incite or allure vs to vnlawfull lustes which baites are the ouer nice pranckinge and decking the body euill and wanton companie gluttonie surfetting dronkennesse For Ezechiel amonge the rest of his Prophecies saith This was the iniquitie of Sodom pride glutonie aboundaunce of all thinges and idlenesse Men are prouoaked to luste eyther by hearing or reading of dishonest ditties and bawdie ballads or by looking on and beholding wanton daūces vnséemely sightes ribauld talke and filthie examples They therefore are by this lawe reproued which wincke at or chearish which are the bawdes or bringers together of adulterous persons Vnto the wicked the Lord in the Psalmes doth say Whie doest thou take my couenaunt in thy mouth whereas thou hatest to be refourmed and doest cast my words behind thee when thou sawest a theefe thou consentedst vnto him and hast bin partaker with the adulterers c. The iust Lord therefore doeth punish all these offences in wicked men euery one according to the greatnesse of the sinne For some sinnes are farre more heynous than other some are Hee is an adulterer that in his minde doeth lust after an other mans wife but hée sinneth more gréeuously if hée indeuoure to finishe in déede his wicked thought hée offendeth yet more déepelie if hée do the déede and sinneth most of all if after once hée fall vnto it againe Likewise the adulterer sinneth so doth the bawde and he also that vpholdeth his adulterie The whooremonger sinneth déepely but hée that defileth himselfe with incest sinneth more gréeuously and hée most heynously of al that in medling with beastes committeth filthie Sodomie So then in this 7. precept charge is giuen for the maintenaunce of shamefastnesse modestie sobri●tie temperancie chastitie publique honestie and true holinesse of soule and bodie The next is for mée to say somewhat now touching continencie By abstinence we refraine from other mens goods and take frō no man the thing that is his Some there are that will haue temperancie to extend farther than continencie for they wil make the one to be but a part of the other I in this treatise doe simplie make contiuencie the contrary to intemperancie or incontinencie For continencie is a vertue or power of the minde receiued from the spirit of God which suppresseth affections and doth not in any wise permit vnlawful pleasures This is conuersant doth shew it selfe in the common and vsual talke of men in pleasures that are allowed in apparell in buildings and dweling houses in meate and drinke and in other things also I at this present wil onely examine those points of of continencie which are already rehearsed First of all it is required of vs to kéepe in oure tongue and not to let it loose at randon to the blaspheming of Gods glory or hurt of our neighbour Let the talke of a Christian man bee honeste profitable and seasoned with salte let it be vnacquainted with scoffinge lightnesse lyinge ribauldrie and filthinesse S. Iames in the third Chapiter of his Epistle hath spoken sufficiently of the tongues properties In his first Chapiter also hee sayth Let euery manne bee swifte to heare sloaw to speake and sloaw to anger And Paule saith Let no filthie communication proceede oute of your mouth but that which is good to edifie withall as oft as neede is that it may minister grace vnto the hearers and greeue not the holie spirite of God by whom yee are sealed vnto the daye of Redemption And againe Let not fornication or any vncleannesse or couetousnesse bee once named amonge you as it becommeth Sainctes Neither filthines nor foolishe talkinge nether iesting which are not seemelie but rather giuinge of thanckes Let no man deceiue you with vaine words For for such thinges commeth the wrath of God vppon the children of disobedience For in another place he citeth this sentence oute of Me●ander and
being vtterly forsaken of the Lord he heareth Samuel say to his face Thou hast refused and cast off the word of the Lord therefore hath God also cast thee away that thou shalt not be king of Israell I will not here stand ouer largely to declare the miseries and calamities wherein he was wrapped from that time forward For as he himselfe was horriblie haunted and vexed with the euill spirite so did he not ceasse to vexe and torment his people and kingdome vntill hee had brought them all into extreeme daunger where hee and some of his were slaine put to the worste by the heathen their enimyes leauing nothing behind him but a perpetuall shame and endlesse ignominie Next after Saule doth Dauid succeede in the seate and kingdome who without all controuersie was the most happiest of all other kinges and Princes But what stoare he did set by the word of the Lord it is euident to bee seene by many notable actes of his and especially in that Alphabeticall Psalme which in order and number is the hundreth and nintenth For therin he setteth forth the praise of Gods word the whoalsom vertue wherof he doth at large wonderfully expound in teaching what great desire zeale we ought to haue thereto For he was scholed had learned before by priuate mishaps and shameful deeds lastly by the vnhappie seditiō of his graceles sonne Absalom what an euill it is to decline frō the word of the lord Solomō the sonne of Dauid the wisest most cōmended king of all the world did so long enioy prosperitie praise at the mouth of the Lord as he did not neglect with reuerence to obey his word But when once he had transgressed the Lords commaundement streight way the Lord did say vnto him For as much as this is done of thee and that thou hast not kept mine ordinaunces and my statutes which I commaunded thee I will rent thy kingdome from thee and will giue it to thy seruaunt And nowe marke that according to that saying immediately after Solomons death the kingdome was rent into two partes and that 10. Tribes followed Ieroboam the seruaunt of Solomon Two tribes claue still to Roboam Solomons sonne Hee for neglecting the word of the Lord following after straunge Gods is ouerwhelmed with an infinite number of wofull miseries For the Scripture testifieth that the Aegyptians came vpp against Hierusalem and did destroy the Citie Palace and temple of the lord Abia the sonne of Roboam ouercame the host of Israell and bare away a triumphant victorie when hee had wounded and slaine fiue hundred thousand men of the 10. Tribes of Israell And of this so great a victorie no other cause is mencioned but because hee beleeued the word of the lord Next after Abia did his sonne Asa a renowmed and most puissaunt king reigne in his steede of whom the holy Scripture testifieth that hee abolished all superstition and did restoare sincere religion according to the word of God whereby hee obteyned a most flourishing kingdome in peace and quietnesse by the space of fourtie yeares Againe of Iosaphat Asa his sonne wee read The Lord was with Iosaphat because he walked in the former wayes of his father Dauid sought not Baalim but sought the God of his father and walked in his commaundement And therefore for his princelike wealth and famous victories he was renowmed through all the world But to his sonne Ioram who forsooke the word of God Helias the Prophete said Because thou hast not walked in the wayes of Iosaphat thy father and in the wayes of king Asa but hast walked the wayes of the kings of Israell behold with a great plague wil the Lord smite thy folke thy children thy wiues and all thy goods And thou shalt suffer great paine euen a disease of the bowells vntill thy guttes fall out And whatsoeuer the Lord threatened to bring vppon him by the mouth of the Prophet that did the vnhappie king feele with vnspeakeable tormentes to his great reproche being made an example of wretch●dnesse miserie which doth light on all the pates of them that do forsake the word of god Neither was the happ of Ochosias sonne to king Ioram and Athalia in any point better For at the commaundement of Iehu hee was stabbed in and slaine wretchedly b●c●us● hee chose rather to followe the lawes and rites of the kinges of Israell than the verie true lawes of the Lord his god Moreouer Ioas a child yet but seuen yeares old being by the labour fayth and diligence of the faithfull priest Ioiada restoared to and settled in the place of his father who was slaine before him reigned after the wicked Athalia was put to death most happilie and in a prosperous state so longe as Ioiada the priest did line But when the high priest was once departed out of this world vnto the Lord the king being immediately seduced by the malice and wilinesse of his wicked counsellours left off to follow the word of the lord And as hee ceassed to followe the lord so did felicitie and glorie forsake to followe him For the Syrians comming on with a verie small power of armed men doe destroy and put to flight an insinite hoast of Iewish people they put to the sword all Ioas his counsellours and make a spoile of all his kingdome And Ioas for reiecting the Lord deserued with excessiue griefe first to behold this miserie than to 〈◊〉 away with a long consuming sicknesse and lastly vppon his bedd to haue his throate cruellte cutt of his owne houshold scruaunts Amasias the sonne of Ioas is reno●med for a ●amous victorie which he obteyned vppon the Idumit●s for no other cause but for obeying the word of the lord But afterward when hee began to rebell against God and his Prophets he is in battaile vanquished by Ioas king of Israell by whom when be was spoyled and compelled to see the ouerthrowe of a great part of the walles of Hierusalem he was himselfe at the last by conspiratours entr●pped and miserablie murdered Next after him succeeded his sonne Osias who also as well as his father enioyed a singular felicitie and most happie life so longe as he gainsayed not the mouth of God but when hee would vsurpe and take vppon him that office which God had properly appointed to the Leuits alone directly opposing himselfe against the word of the Lord he was striken with a leprosie and for his vncleannesse was compelled seuerallie to dwell ●loofe in banishmēt from the companie of men euen vntil his last and dying day Iothan also the sonne of Osias is reported to haue beene wealthie and victorious in his warres the cause of this felicitie the Scripture d●th briefly add and say Iothan became mightie because he directed his wayes before the Lord his God. But contrarily Achaz the some of Iothan as hee was of all the Iewishe kinges almost the wickeddest so was hee in his life
hee might be the first begotten amonge many brethren Moreouer whom he did predestinate them also he called and whom he called them also he iustified and whom he iustified them also shal he glorifie Againe in the same epistle he saith We reioyce also in tribulations knowing that tribulation worketh patience patience proofe proofe hope and hope maketh not ashamed c. This do that priuate examples of the saints and publique examples of the whole Church very plainly declare Abraham Isaac Iacob had neuer knowne that Gods helping hand had bene so faithful and alwayes present with them they had neuer bene grounded in so sure hope nor shewed such especial fruit of their excellent patience if they had not bin exercised with many perils and as it were oppressed with infinite calamities Wherupon it cōmeth that Dauid cried It is good for me Lord that thou hast troubled mee The Church of Israel was oppressed in Aegypt but to the end that it might with the more glorie be deliuered and passe into the land of promise The Iewishe Church was afflicted by them of Babylon and the Assyrians so that their temple was ouerthrowne and the Saintes caried captiue with the worst of the people But the godly sort in their verie captiuitie doe feele y wonderful helpe of God and by that meanes are made the better by their afflictions so that the name of the Lord was knowne amonge the Assyrians the Chaldées the Medes and Persians to his great glorie and renowne as it is at large declared in the histories of Daniel Hester and Esoras Here also is to bee noted that certaine punishmentes are appointed of y Lord as plagues for certeine sinnes so that most commonly a man is plagued by the verie same things wherin he sinned against the lord Dauid offended God with murder and adulterie therefore is he punished with the shame of his owne house with whoredome incest detestable murder of his owne children lastly driuen out and banished his kingdome It was pride and arrogancie wherin Nabuchodonosor sinned and therfore being distract of his witts and turned into a beastly madnesse he led his life for a certaine time with beasts of the field But as Nabuchodonosor was when God thought good restoared to his kingdome So Dauid did in time conuenient féele the merrie of the Lord in settling him in his seat againe For this saying of the Lord is firmely ratified for euer not only to Dauid but to euerie one that beléeueth which is in these words set downe in that Scriptures If his children forsake my law and kepe not my commaundements I wil visit their sinnes with rodds their iniquities with scourges yet will I not vtterly take my goodnes from him I wil not breake my couenaunt neither wil I change the thing that is once gone out of my mouth Therfore it is to our profite that the Lord afflicteth vs as he himselfe testifieth in the Reuelation of Christ vttered by Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist saying Them which I loue I rebuke and chasten And Solomon long before that did say My sonne refuse not the chastening of the Lord neither faint whē thou art corrected of him For whome the Lord loueth him he chasteneth yet delighteth in him as a father in his sonne Now touching the persecutions terrible plagues layd vpon that neck of the whole Church of God or seuerall martyrs of that same as they were for the most part breathed out of worldly tyrants against the S. for their open cōfession and testimonies of their faith truth of the Gospell so most cōmonly the causes of those broyles were the sinns offēces of the S. which the iustice of God did visit in his holy ones no doubt to the good saluation of the faithful For of that bloudie persecution vnder the Emperors Diocletian and Maximiniā which caused many thou sands yea many millians of Martyrs to com to their endings we read this following in that historie of Eusebius of Cesaria who learned it not by heare-say but was himself an eyewitnes of the same When as by to much libertie and wantones the maners of the Church were vtterly marred and the discipline therof corrupted while among our selues wee enuie one an other diminish one anothers estimatiō while amōg our selues we snatch at accuse our selues mouing dedly warre among our selues while dissimulation sitteth in the face deceipt lurketh in the harte and falshod is vttered in woordes so that one euill is heaped still on anothers necke the Lorde beginneth by little and little and with the bridle to checke the mouth of his tripping church and reseruing the congregations vntouched he begineth first to suffer them to feele persecution which serued as souldiours in the camps of the Gentiles But when as by that meanes the people could not be made to remember them selues in so muche that they ceassed not to persist in their wickednesse that the verie guides of the people and chief of the church vnmindful of Gods commaundemēt were sett on fire among them selues with strife enuie hatred and pride so that they might think they rather exercised tyrannie than the office of ministers because they had forgottē Christian sinceritie and purenesse of liuing then at length the houses of prayer and churches of the liuing God were throwen to the grounde and the holie scriptures set on fire in the broade and open streetes Thus muche worde for worde out of the 8. booke of his Ecclesiastical historie And yet here I make difference betwixt sinne and sinne For the Sainctes sinne but yet they abstaine commonly from heynous crimes although nowe and then too they fall into them as it is euident by the example of Dauid But yet for the most parte they flye from theft murder whooredome and other grieuous sinnes like vnto these And while the Sainctes are afflicted by tyraunts it is not for their neglecting of iustice true religion but for that contemninge of superstition and stedfast sticking to Christ and his Gospell The Lorde therefore doeth forgiue and in the bloud of Christ washe away that sinnes of the holye Martyrs reputing them to suffer deathe not for the sinnes whiche they haue committed but for the zeale and loue of true religion He also punisheth the tyrants for the death of his Martyrs because in putting them to death they follow their owne tyrannous affection and not the iust iudgement of the liuing god The Lordes mynd verily was by tyrauntes to chasten his people Israel But the tyraunts as Esaie in his 10. Chapter witnesseth did not take it to bee so but rather following their owne affections they passed all measure in afflicting them and neuer sought after iustice and equitie they therefore are punished of the Lorde for killing his innocent and guiltlesse seruauntes For the thing which the Lorde did persecute in his people their sinnes I meane and offences that do the tyraunts neyther punishe nor persecute but
that thing that pleaseth God the loue I meane of true religion and the vtter detesting of idolatrie that they are madde vpon and persecute it with swoorde fire and vnspeakable torments To this therefore doeth that saying of Sainct Peter belong See that none of you be punished as a murtherer or as a theefe or as an euill doer or as a busie bodie in other mennes matters but if any man suffer as a Christian man let him not be ashamed but rather glorifie God on this behalfe Yet for all this I would not that heynous offendours should any whit despaire They haue the example of the théefe that was crucified with Christ that let them follow let them I saye confesse their faultes beléeue in Christ commit themselues wholie to his grace mercie and lastly suffer patiently the paine of their punishment and in so doing there is no doubt but they shal be receyued of Christe into Paradise and liue there for euer as the théefe doth with Christ And although the godly be slame amonge transgressours yet is ●ée no more defiled by suffe●ing with them than Christ ou● Lord was being hanged amonge theeues For though the godly and vngodly be wrapped and coupled together in one kinde of punishment yet are they seuered by their vnlike ending while the wicked after this bodily death is carried to hell there to burne without intermission and the godly taken immediately into heauen to liue with Christe his Lord to whom he committed and commended himselfe Touching this matter and the causes of the afflictions of the holy men of God I wil not be agreeued to recite vnto you dearely beloued a notable place of S. Augustine out of his first booke de ciuitate Dei. Wheresoeuer sayth hée good men doe suffer the same and like punishment that the euil sort do it is to be marked that there is not therefore no difference betwixt them because there is no diuersitie in the thing that they suffer For as in one and that same fire gold doth shine and chaffe doeth smoke and vnder one flayle the huske is broken and the corne purged and as the scummy froath is not mixed with the oyle althoughe one weight of the same presse doth crush both out at once euen so one and the selfe same miserie falling vppon the good and the badd doth trie fine and melt the good and on that otherside condemne wast consume the euill sort Whereupon it commeth to passe that in one and the same affliction the euill doe detest and blaspheme the Lord when contrarily the good doe praye vnto and praise his name for all that he layeth vpon them So much matter maketh it in afflictions to mark not what but with what minde euery man doeth suffer For stirre vp durt and sweete oyntments alike you shall haue the one stincke filthily and the other cast forth a swéete smelling sauour Therfore in that hurlie burlie and irruption made by the barbarous people what did the Christians suffer which was not rather to their profite while they did faithfully cōsider those troubles especially because they humbly considering the sinnes for which God being wroth did fil the world with so many and great calamities although they be farre from committing heynous gréeuous and outragious offences doe yet neuerthelesse not repute themselues so cleare of all faultes as that they iudge not themselues worthie to suffer temporal calamities for the crimes they commit euery houre and moment For ouer and besides that euery man which liueth peraduenture laudably enoughe doeth in some pointes yéeld a little to carnall concupiscence although not to y outragiousnes of horrible sinnes to the goulfe of heynous offences and abhominable iniquities yet notwithstanding he yéeldeth to some sinnes which eyther he haunteth verie séeldomely or else committeth so much the oftener as they are the lesser Ouer and besides this therefore I say what man is there which when hée séeth and knoweth very well the men for whose pride lasciuious liues couetousnes and damnable iniquitie God as he hath threatened doeth plague the earth doeth so estéeme them as they are to be thought of and liue so with them as he ought to liue wyth such kinde of people For often times many thinges are wickedly dissembled while wicked doers are not taught corrected chidden and admonished of their euil behauiours either because we thinke the paine to much to tell them their faults or while we are afrayd to haue the heauie lookes of them with whom we liue or else auoyde their displeasure least peraduenture they should hinder or hurte vs in temporall matters when as either our gréedinesse desireth to haue somewhat more or oure infirmitie feareth to lose y things which it hath alreadie in hold and possession so that althoughe the life of the wicked displease the good for which cause they fall not into the same damnation which is after this life prepared for the euill yet since they doe therefore beare with and forbeare their damnable sinnes because they feare them in lighter and smaller tris●es they are iustly scourged wyth them in this temporall life albeit they be not punished with them eternallie While they bee punished by God with the wicked they doe iustly féele the bitternesse of this life for the loue of whose swéetenesse they would not be bitter in telling the wicked of their offences This therfore séemeth to me to be no smal cause why the good are whipped wyth the euill when it pleaseth God to punish the naughtie manners of men with the affliction of temporal paynes For they are scourged together not forbecause they lead an euil life together but because they loue this temporall life together I doe not say alike but together when the better sort ought to despise it that the euill being rebuked and corrected might obteyne the eternall life to the getting wherof if they would not be oure fellowes and parteners they should be caried louingly drawne euen while they be oure enimies because so longe as they liue it is alwayes vncertaine whether their minds shal be changed to bee better or no. Wherfore they haue not the like but a farre greater cause to admonishe men of their faultes to whome the Lord sayth by the mouth of the Prophete He verilie shall die in his sinne but his bloud will I require at the hand of the watchman For to this ende are the watchmen that is the guides of the people ordeyned in the Churches that they should not forbeare to rebuke sinne and wickednesse And yet for all this that man is not altogether excusable of this fault which although hée be no guide or ouersee● of the people deeth notwithstanding knowe many thinges worthie controllment yet winck at them in those with whome he lyueth and is cōuersant because he will giue them none offence for feare least hée loose those thinges which in this world hée vseth as hée ought not or is delighted in so as hee should not And so forth For
all this haue I hether to rehearsed out of Sainct Augustine The last and hindermost cause of the calamities which oppresse that holy Sainctes of God is because the Lord in afflicting his friends deeth thereby giue a most euident testimonie of his iuste iudgement which shall fall vppon his enimies for their contemning of his name and Maiestie For Saint Peter sayth The time is that iudgment must beginne at the house of God if it first beginne at vs what shal the ende bee of those which beleeue not the Gospell of God And if the righteous scarsely bee saued where shall the vngodly and sinner appeare And like to this is that notable sentence of the Lords which hée spake when hée went to the place of execution saying If they doe this in a moyst tree what shall bee done in the drie If the Saincts by whom are meante the fruitefull trées bringing foorth most pretious fruites of good woorkes are by the su●●eraunce of God in this world so miserably tormented and wofully vexed what shall wée say I pray you of the wicked which are so farre from vertue and good woorks They shal vndoubtedly bee plagued with vnspeakable paynes and punishments For touching the causes of those calamities wherewith the wicked are tormented they can bée none other than the heynous crimes which they commit from day to day and are therefore punished by Gods iuste iudgement to the end that all men may perceiue that God hateth wicked men and wickednesse alike So wée reade that Pharao was afflicted Saul fell vppon his owne sword and was slaine in the mounte Gelboe wyth many thousand Israelites because he had sinned against the Lord which purposed to destroy him for an example of his iudgement and a terrour to them that should followe after Antiochus Epiphanes Herode the great Herod Agrippa and Galerius Maximianus the Emperour were taken horriblie wyth gréeuous diseases and died of the same The reason was because they sinned against GOD and his seruaunts on whome hee determined to take a vengeaunce and to make them proofes of his iuste iudgemente so to bee examples for tyrauntes to perceiue what plagues remayne for those which séeke the bloud of the godly and faithfull And although oure good God doth ordeyne all thinges for the beste to his creatures and sendeth in a manner all calamities and miseries to drawe vs from wickednesse yet beecause hypocrites and wicked people despise the counselles and admonitions of GOD and neither will acknowledge God when hee striketh nor turne to him when hee calleth them all thinges doe turne to their destruction euen as to them which loue the Lord all thinges woorke to the beste and therefore doe they perishe in their calamities for in this world they féele the wrath of the Almightie God in most horible punishmentes and in the world to come when once they are parted oute of this life do for euer beare farre greater and bitterer paynes than any tongue can tell But if it happen that the wicked and vngodly sorte doe not in this life féele anye plague or greeuous affliction then shall they bée punished so much the soarer in the woorld to come There is no man that knoweth not the Euangelicall parable of the riche vnmerciful glutton who when as in this life hee liued as hée iusted in passinge delightes was notwythstanding in hell tormented wyth vnquencheable thyrste and parched wyth fire which neuer ceassed burning The felicitie therefore of the wicked in this life is nothing else but ertreeme miserie For Saint Iames the Apostle sayth Yee haue liued in pleasure vpon earth and beene wanton ye haue nourished your harts as in a day of slaughter which I say wil turne to you as to well fedd beastes that are fatted vp to be slaine to make meate of For Ieremie goeth a litle more plainly to woorke and sayth O Lord thou art more righteous than that I should dispute with thee yet notwithstanding I will talke with thee Howe happeneth it that the waye of the vngodly doeth prosper so well and that it goeth so wel with them which without shame offend in wickednesse Thou haste planted them they take roote they growe and bring forth fruite And immediatly after But drawe thou them out O Lord like a sheepe to be slaine and ordeine or appoint them against the day of slaughter Wyth this also doeth that agrée which the Prophete Asaph after hée had roundly and largely reckoned vp the felicitie of the wicked addeth saying Thou verilie hast set them in slipperie places thou shalt cast them downe head long and vtterly destroy them O wyth howe soudaine calamities are they oppressed they are perished swallowed vp of terrours Euen as a dreame that vanisheth so sone as one awaketh thou Lord shalt make their image contemptible in the citie For Dauid also before him did cry saying Yet a little and the vngodly shal bee no where and when thou lookest in his place he shall not appeare I haue seene the vngodly in great power slourishing like a greene Bay tree and I went by and loe he was gone I soughte him but hee could not bee found In like maner also doth Malachie the Prophet witnesse that there is great difference in the day of iudgement betwi●te the worshipper and despiser of God and betwixt the iuste and vniust dealer For the day of the Lord shall come in which the proude and those that woorke wickednesse shal be burnt as stubble with fire frō heauen so that there shall remaine vnto them neither roote nor braunch They that are wise therefore wil neuer hereafter be offended at the felicitie of the wicked they will neuer desire and long to be made partakers of their vnhappie prosperitie they wil not grudge at all to beare the miserie of the Crosse which they do daily heare to be layd by God vppon his Saintes to the end they may be tried and fined from the drosse of the fleshe and this vncleane world Thus farre haue I sufficiently reasoned of the causes of calamities Let vs now sée my reuerend brethren howe and in what order the godly and sincere worshipper of God doth behaue himselfe in all calamities and worldly afflictions His courage quayleth not but kicketh rather all desperation aside because hee vnderstandeth that hee must manfully in faith beare al sorts of euils Therfore doth he arme himselfe with hope patience and prayer There are verily among men some which so soone as they féele any affliction do presently crie as the common voyce is That it had béen best if they neuer had béen borne or else destroyed assone as they were borne A verie wicked saying is this and not worthie to be heard in a Christian mans mouth But farre more wicked are they which sticke not to destroy them selues rather than by liuing they would be compelled to suffer any longer some smal calamitie or abide the tauntes of the open world And yet on the other
but sawe it inhabited of most puissaunt nations Moses hoped that he should deliuer the people of Israel out of Aegypt and place them in the land of promise when as yet he sawe not the maner meanes how hee should doe it Dauid hoped that he should reigne ouer Israel and yet he felt the peril of Saul and his seruaunts hanging ouer his head so that oftener than once hee was in daunger of his life The Apostles and holie martyrs of Christ did hope that they should haue eternall life and that God would neuer forsake them and yet neuerthelesse they felt the hatred of all sortes of people they were banished their countries and lastly were slaine by sundrie tormentes So I say hope is the hope and looking for of thinges not present and things not séene yea it is a sure and most assured looking for of things to come and that not of things whatsoeuer but of those whiche wée beleeue in faith and of those which are promised to vs by the verie true liuing and eternal god For S. Peter saith Hope perfectly in the grace which is brought vnto you Now they hope perfectly which doe without doubting cōmitt themselues wholie to the grace of God and doe assuredlie looke for to inherite life euerlasting Furthermore the Apostle Paule calleth hope as it were the safe sure anchor of the soule And by how much the promise of God is the surer by so much is hope the more firme and secure For hope is not the looking for of any thing whatsoeuer but of faith that is of the thing that faith hath beleeued and which we knowe to be promised to vs in the woord of god And therefore doth Paule expounde faith by hope where he saith Faith is the ground of thinges hoped for the euidence of thinges not seene Faith therfore is as it were the foūdation wherupon hope doth rest and so God himselfe his infallible word is the obiect to our hope And for that cause Paul calleth God our hope and so doe the Prophets also To this belongeth the 91. Psalm where the faithfull crieth Thou art my hope O Lord thou hast set thine house verie highe Like to this thou shalt find an inumerable sort of places in the booke of the Psalmes But hope cannot bée sure where there is no sound faith and expresse promise of god Nowe since Gods promises are as well of thinges temporall as eternall hope also is as wel of things transitorie as euerlasting And as faith is the gifte of Gods grace and not the power or effecte of our owne nature so hope is giuen vs from aboue and confirmed in vs by the spirite of god For in our looking after thinges there are both groanings and longings for them Temptations assayle and vrge vs sorely as thoughe the thinge were vtterly demed which is for a season deferred or as though God knew not our state condition because he seemeth somewhiles and as it were for euer to neglect and not set by our earnest expecta●ion wherfore our hope hath néede of much consolation and cōfirmation of the spirite of god Which if it bée sound susteyneth and vpholdeth the minde of man ouerladen howsoeuer wyth very weake infirmities And when the Lord deferreth his promises and séemeth somewhat too long eyther to neglect oure calamities or else to lay more troubles on the backes of vs that are otherwise sufficiently afflicted then commeth hope which doing her duetie biddeth vs pluck vp our harts and stay the Lords leysure who as he cannot possiblie hate them that worship him so he neuer fayleth nor in the least point deceiueth them for hée himselfe is the eternal trueth and euerlasting goodnesse Here now the places of Scripture touching the certaintie of hope are very pro●itable to teach that the people that hoped in God were neuer confounded although he did delay very long to ayde them with his healping hand The Lord promiseth the land of Canaan to the séede of Abraham but 430 yeares do first come about before he setleth them in possessiō of it yea before he brought them to it he ledd them whoale 40. yeares about in the wildernes Hée deliuereth the Israelits from the captiuitie of Babylon but not till 70. yeares were spent What may be thought of this also that God hauing immediately after the beginning promised his only sonne did notwythstanding not send him til and toward the latter ●nd of the woorlde The Sainets must therefore stil endure and alwayes wayte the Lords good leysure because truth cānot possibly fayle them and all that hope in it are surely saued Dauid cryeth Our father 's hoped in thee they hoped in thee and thou diddest deliuer them They called vppon thee and were saued they hoped in thee and were not confounded And againe The Lord is good happie is the man that hopeth in him And againe they that hope in the Lord shal be like mount Sion they shal not be moued but shal stād fast for euer And Paul in his temptations cryeth out in his epist. to the Phil. saying I know that my affliction shal turne to my saluatiō according to my earnest expectation and my hope that in nothing I shal be ashamed Thus much haue I said hetherto to teach you how the faithful do behaue themselues in sundry calamities for they despayre not but confirme their harts with assured hope and suffer al euils with a patient minde quietly wayting for the Lord in their troubles who is the only hope of al the faithful Now to the end of this I meane to ad a few general consolations which may the more confirme the hope of that faithfull induce them to patience in suffering calamities cheare vp their heauie spirits to al maner afflictions First of all let the afflicted weigh with himselfe from whence affliction cometh Euil men the diuel sicknes the world are they that afflict vs but not without god who suffereth them to do it satan could not trouble Iob neither in goods or body but by gods sufferāce And the Prophet Dauid cryeth Thou art he that toke me out of my mothers womb thou wast my hope when I hanged yet vpon my mothers breasts I was left to thee as soone as I was borne Thou art my God my time is in thy hand And the Lord in the gospel sayth Are not two sparrowes sold for one farthing one of them lighteth not vpon the ground without your father yea euen al the haires of your head are numbred Now God by whose gouernment al things are ruled is not a God a Lord only but also a father to mortal men And his will is good and wholesome to vs ward besids that whatsoeuer he doth he doth it al in order and iustly But if the will of God be good toward vs the thing cannot choose but be good to vs which happneth by the sufferance and wil of him that loueth vs so dearly And herein doe the children
apparel For as the man is such is his talk such is his cloathing therefore the rayment doeth note of what conuersation the priests ought to be Whereuppon it commeth that in the Scriptures wee are bidden to put on other cloathing whē the meaning of the holy Ghoste is that wee should chaunge our wicked conuersation so that the very garmentes doe partly instruct the priests what they haue to doe and what is seemely for them But nowe the time and course of this treatise inuiteth mée to speake somewhat of the priests office Their office did consist in many thinges but especially in teaching instructing For the chiefe cause whie the priestes were ordeyned of God was to instruct the Church in true pietie and to teach the people the lawe of god For thus wée read that the Lord did say vnto Aaron Thou thy sonnes that are with thee shall drincke neither wine nor stronge drinke when ye enter into the tabernacle of wittnesse least happily ye die Let it be an euerlasting ordinaunce among your posterities that ye may put disferēce both betwixt holie vnholie betwixt cleane and vncleane that ye may teach the sonnes of Israel all the statutes which the Lord hath spoken vnto them by the ministerie of Moses Leuit. 10. The same lawe doth Ezechiel in as many wordes almost rehearse in the 44. Chapiter of his Prophecie And Malachie declareth it also as it is to be seeae in the second of his Prophecie They therefore are vtterly deceyued which thincke that the Leuiticall priestes were appointed onely for to kill the sacrifices Moreouer the lord doth euery where in his lawes minister matter for the Leuitical priesies to instruct his people in and that matter was not the heathenish Philosophie the edicts of kinges or decrees of Senatours but the very woord of God deliuered to them by God himselfe And that this doctrine might be the more conunodiously vttered to the people the priestes appointed certaine holy dayes wherein the people should assemble together to heare them preach the word of God. The next point of their duetie after teaching was to blesse the people That blessing was not free for euerie priest to vse as hee listed but was bounde to a certaine forme of words very solemnly vttered which is thus expressed in the 6. of Numbers And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying Speake vnto Aaron his sonnes saying On this wise ye shall blesse the children of Israel and say vnto them The Lord blesse thee keepe thee The Lord shewe his face vnto thee and be merciful vnto thee the Lord lift vp his countenance vppon thee and giue thee peace This manner of blessing did they vse vndoubtedly in their holy assemblies esspecially at the breaking vpp of the congregation when the people did depart In an other place it is said that God did blesse but here that Aaron and his sonnes did blesie the people whereuppon wée haue to note that God doth woorke inwardly and performe in the faithful what soeuer the priestes in that forme of blessing did wishe vnto the people so that still to blesse is the onely and proper worke of God alone And therfore verie significantly after that solemne blessing vttered by the mouth of the priest God doth add And they shall call or put my name ouer or vpon the children of Israel and I will blesse them The priestes therefore do lay before the people the name of the Lord they commend vnto them the mightie power of his Godhead and shew them that all goodnesse doeth flowe from God teaching them how they may obteyne it through faith in Christ who is the blessed séed that blesseth al that call vppon his name Nowe in this solemne blessing sixe principal points are chiefly conteyned First the priest sayth The Lord blesse thee That is The Lord bestowe vpon thée whatsoeuer belongeth to the safetie of thy bodie and soule Secondarily he saith The Lord keepe thee For it is not sufficient to receiue good thinges at the hand of the Lord vnlesse they bée preserued by his power and not taken from vs by his wrathfull indignation nor lost againe by oure owne negligence Thirdly hee sayth The Lord shew thee his face or The Lord make his face shine vppon thee The Lord doth thē shew vs his louing face when after his anger hee sheweth vs his fauour and doth become good and gratious to vs And therefore in the fourth clause doeth followe a more plaine exposition where the priest sayth The Lord bee mercifull vnto thee as if hee should haue said The Lord be alwayes gentle and fauourable vnto thée in all that thou goest about either in words or déeds The fift blessing is The Lord liftvpp his countenaunce vppon thee Now the Lord lifteth vpp his countenaunce when he looketh vppon vs when hée watcheth ouer vs and doth direct and guide our wayes The last desire is Peace which is taken for the saluation and chiefe goodnesse that happeneth to mankinde although in an other sense it is put for the contrarie to warre or battel and the peace of the conscience is no smal felicitie to mortall men These were the good things that the priestes did wish to light vppon the people teaching them withal to beséech the Lord for those blessings with ardent prayers carnest supplications Euen till this day there doe remaine the Psalmes that the priestes did make for the peoples sake to singe For after that Dauid had brought musick into the temple then did the playing vppon musical instrumentes with swéete melodie and singing of Psalmes beginne to be taken for an office among the priests Touching this musicke vsed in the temple the first booke of Chronicles speaketh very much where it treateth of Dauid and his dealinges how he distributed the singers into 24. orders and that by course Moreouer the priestes were commaunded to minister the Sacraments and to sacrifice For they did circumcise the infants their office was to see the Passeouer eaten and to offer sacrifices of sundrie sorts vnto the Lord of which I will speake hereafter in place cōuenient And that they might more commodiously offer their sacrifices Dauid by the inspiration of the holy ghost diuided the two families of Eleazar and Ithamar into 24. orders For they did minister by course as is to be séen in the 24. Chapiter of the first of Chronicles All the while that their turne to minister did laste the priestes remayned still within and neuer did set a foote out of the temple For there were houses builded within the temple for the priests to dwell in when their lot did come to serue the Lord they neuer went vnto their owne houses vntill their course were expired and their time to minister were fully finished The priestes also did kéepe the holy vessells and make them cleane they kept the candels burning the holy fire that it should not goe out to be short they had the charge of all thinges which
good will towarde the faithful to be a type of Christ and partely also to gather all the partakers thereof into the fellowship of one bodie and to put them in minde to be thankfull and innocent This Sacrament was first ordeined by God him self and not by man For Moses deliuered to the children of Israel whatsoeuer he receiued at the Lordes hande as is to bee séene at large in the 12 Chapter of Exodus And he instituted that ceremonie euē at that verie time when he brought y Israelites from out of Aegypt Now since this ceremonie came firste from God it followeth consequently that all the passeouers which followed euen vntil that passeouer whiche the Lorde did holde with his disciples a little before his death were holie and diuine actions To fleshe and worldly wisedome many pointes I may saye all the partes of this sacrament do séeme to be méerely absurde and altogether néedelesse but faith whiche looketh vp to God the author of this sacrament hath a great respect vnto reuerenceth greately all the mysteries conteined therein For euen as God is the chiefe and moste absolute wisedome so are all his ordinances moste absolute and passing profitable Here now is noted the time when this Sacrament was first deliuered to the church of Israel to wite in the foure hundreth and thirtéeth yeare counting from the promise made to Abraham or from the time that hée departed frō his countrie firste which was the 2447 yeare from the beginning of the worlde 791 yeares after the generall floud The time is also appointed when the passeouer shoulde be holden to wite euery yere in the moneth Nisan which taketh parte of our March and parte of April Moreouer the verie day is named that is the fourtéenth of the moneth beginning their accompt at the spring times Equinoctiall For on the tenth daye they chose the Lambe that should bee eaten and on the fourtéenth day they killed it There is also set downe the houre of the daye when it should bée slaughtered that was about euen tyde to wite betwixt thrée and fiue of the clocke in the after noone according to the course of our dialles and as the Iewes were wont to reckon the houres of the daye it was to bee killed betwixt nine and eleuen a clocke And in that killing of the Lambe at euen tyde did this meaning lye hidde that Christ should be slaine in the latter dayes of the worlde yea the verie houre and moment wherein Christe should dye was therein foretolde For he gaue vp the ghoste about the ninth houre Whereupon Sainct Peter saith that the Prophets did search at what moment or minute of time the spirite of Christ which was in them did signifie that Christ should come and suffer Furthermore there was a certein appointed place assigned to this Sacrament In Aegypt verily they did eate it by companies here and there in seuerall houses But when they were once come into the land of promise it was not lawful to hold passeouer in any place but at the Tabernacle of appointment and after that at the temple in Hierusalem Being diuided therefore into seuerall houses at Hierusalem they did eate it by companies as is to be séene in the 22. Chapter of S. Lukes gospel And that was a type that Christe which was to be offered but once vppon the mount of Caluerie should bee effectuall for euer to cleanse the sinnes of all his people There was also appointed who they should be that shoulde holde the passeouer to wite the whole circumcised congregation of Israel béeinge assembled by houses and families in so greate companies as were sufficient to eate a Lambe For as Christe is the Sauiour of vs all so all sinners for wée all are sinners are the cause whie Christ our Lord was offered vppon the altar of the Crosse Moreouer there is great diligence vsed in describing the manner of killing eating the Lambe First they chose to them selues this Lambe frō among other Lambes and Kiddes the fifte daye after they cut the throate therof and saued the bloud in a platter which with a bushe of Hysope made like a holie water sticke they sprinckled vpon the two sides and vpper postes of the doore The Lambe it self they did eate publiquely not boyled with water but rosted with fire and that whole also I meane bothe head and féete and purtenaunce too and with it they did eate letuce or sower hearbes and vnleauened bread And while they were at it they stoode about it with their loynes girded with shooes on their féete and staues in their handes They did eate it in haste they neither brake nor cast a bone of it vnto the dogges but burnt the bones with fire From euening vntil morning no man did set one foot out of dores All these ceremonies had their endes whereunto they tended conteined greate mysteries and bare a verie euident signification of thinges past things present and thinges to come They did also ioyne the whole congregation or Iewish churche into one bodie and profession of one religion and did also warne all those that did eate of the Lamb to be thankfull to God and zelous in religion as I will by partes touch and teach you as briefely as I can For first of all the Lordes wil was to kéepe in memorie and as it were for euer to prolong the remembrance of that great benefite which hee did once for his people of Israel in preseruing merueilously his chosen flock when he slewe in one night all the first borne of the Aegyptians and the next day after led his elect from out of Aegypt where they had a long time susteined greate miserie in bondage This benefite he woulde not haue onely to bee preached by woorde of mouth for it is certeinly sure that in that feast were made moste effectuall Sermons touching Gods benefites grace shewed to their fathers but woulde haue them also layde before their eyes by an holie action and ceremonie as it were by a looking glasse liuely picture euen as though their déede were newely in dooing againe before their faces For the visible action did after a sorte make a Sermon to their eyes and other senses Wherfore Moses when he did interprete y ceremonie and holie action did saye When your children shall saye vnto you what meaneth this worship of yours ye shall saye vnto them this sacrifice is the passinge ouer of the Lorde who passed ouer the houses of the children of Israel in Aegypt whē he slewe the Aegyptians and deliuered our houses But this ceremonie was the signification of a thinge alreadie past and therefore it should haue little auailed that age of man which followed to celebrate a benefite which did nothing at all belong vnto them vnlesse the Lorde had applyed it to euery age and season God therefore woulde haue this to be as a testimonie to the posteritie of his fauour goodnesse and perpetual assistance to put them
giuen by God touching the magistrate or Iudges with their office and election Of their election thus we reade Bring ye saith Moses to the people men of wisedome and of vnderstanding and expert according to your tribes and I will make them rulers ouer you Againe I will make thee rulers and Iudges to iudge the people according to thy tribes in all thy cities which the Lorde thy God giueth thee And yet againe more plainly Seeke saith Ieth●o being inspired from aboue vnto Moses out of all the people men of courage and suche as feare God true men hating couetousnesse to wite such as hate to take money and bribes ▪ and make of them ouer the people rulers of thousands rulers of hundredes rulers of fifties and rulers of tennes and let them iudge the people at all seasons Which if thou doest thou shalt both keep the ordinances of God and the people in peace and safetie To this doth belōg that which we reade in the booke of Nūbers where Moses prayed saying Let the God of the spirits of al fleashe set a man ouer this congregation which may go out and in before thē that the congregation of the Lord be not as sheepe without a shepehearde Herein Moses hath leaft an example for vs to imitate in making our prayers to God for the election of our Iudges For often times our opinions or iudgements of men do vtterly deceiue vs But the God of spirites doth behold the mindes and heartes kneweth what euery one is in thoughtes and inward meaning He therefore must be besought to giue and shewe to vs not hypocrites to be our Iudges but men of trueth and vertue In the same place doth Moses leaue to vs the description of consecrating newe chosen Iudges For they were set before the Lorde and handes were laide vpon them with making of prayers supplications Moreouer the office of Iudges is verie briefely but yet in moste effectuall and absolute sentences described of the Lord by the mouth of Moses in these wordes Heare the causes of your brethren and iudge righteousely betwixt euery man and his brother and the straunger that is with him Ye shal haue no respect of any person in iugement but heare the small and the greate alike and feare not the face of any man for the iudgement is Gods. Againe Iudge the people with iust iudgement Decline not in iudgement haue no respect of persons neither take thou any bribes for rewardes do blinde the eyes of the wise and doeth peruert iust causes Doe iudgement with iustice that thou mayst liue possesse the land which the Lorde thy God shal giue thee And againe Do no vniust thing in iudgement accept not the face of the poore neither feare thou the face of the mightie but iudge thou iustly vnto thy neighbor Againe Thou shalt not haue to doe with a false reporte thou shalt not followe a multitude to doe euil neither shalt thou speake in a matter of iustice according to the greater number for to peruert iudgement that is if thou séest an innocent to be condemned of the multitude do not thou therfore condemne him because the multitude hath condemned him but iudge thou iustly and committ not euil because of the many voices of the multitude Thou shalte not esteeme a poore man in his cause neither shalt thou hinder the poore of his right in his suite Keep thee farre from a false matter and the innocent and righteous see that thou slaye not Thou shalt not oppresse the straunger seeing ye your selues were straungers in the ●and of Aegypt And God verily when he had deliuered the people from the tyrannie of the kings of Aegypt did not putt them in subiection to kinges againe nor burden them with the tributes which kings are wont to exact of their subiects for he made them a common weale or an Aristocracie which was the moste excellent kind of regiment wherein the choicest men in all the multitude were piked out to beare that swaye and to rule the rest but yet because hee was not ignorant of his peoples foolishenesse and that they being wearie of their libertie woulde craue a king which thing he did afterward also disuade them from by his seruaunt Samuel he made lawes for a king also that hee might vnderstand that he was to liue vnder the lawes and to giue iudgement according to the lawes The discipline or institution of a king is thus expressed in the 17 Chapter of Deuteronomium Whē thou art come into the land which the lord thy God giueth thee and shalte saye I wil set a king ouer mee like as all the nations that are about me then thou shalt make him king ouer thee whome the Lord thy God shall choose One from among the middest of thy brethren shalte thou make king ouer thee and thou mayest not set a straunger ouer thee which is not of thy brethren But he shall not gather many horses vnto him selfe nor bring the people back againe into Aegypt to increase the number of horses that is to get him selfe a strong troope of horse men for as much as the Lorde hath saide ye shall hencefoorth go no more againe that waye Also let him not take many wiues to him selfe least his heart turne awaye neither let him gather too much siluer and golde And when he is sett vppon the seate of his kingdome he shall write him out a copie of this law in a booke according to the copie of the booke which the priestes the Leuites do vse and it shal bee with him he ought to reade therein all the dayes of his life that hee may learne to feare the Lorde his God and to keepe all the woordes of this lawe and these ordinaunces for to do them And let not his hart arise aboue his brethren neither let him turne from the commandement either to the right hand or to the leaft that hee may prolong his dayes in his kingdome both hee and his sonnes in the middest of Israel Thus much hitherto of the magistrates of Iudges and of kinges Nowe I suppose that in this institution of a kinge all thinges are conteined which are moste largely set out by other authors touching the discipline and education of a Prince And by the waye this is especially to bée noted that Kinges are not set as Lordes and rulers ouer the worde and lawes of God but are as subiectes to bee iudged of God by the worde as they that ought to rule and gouerne all thinges according to the rule of his worde and commaundements And here I haue to rehears● vnto you some of the Iudiciall lawes I meane not all and euery seueral one but those alone which are the chiefe choicest to be noted by which ye may consider of the rest and plainly perceiue that the people of Israel were not destitute of anye lawe which was necessarie and profitable for their good state and welfare I will recite them vnto you as briefely as may bee
The eighth Sermon ALthough I haue hitherto in large Sermons layed foorth the lawe of God by seuerall partes yet mée thinketh I haue not sayde all that should be sayde nor made an ende as I should doe vnlesse I adde nowe a treatise of the vse effect fulfilling and abrogating of the lawe of God albeit I haue here and there in my Sermons touched the same argument Nowe by this discourse or treatise dearely beloued ye shal vnderstand that the testamēt of the olde and newe church of God is all one and that there is but one meanes of true saluation for all them that either haue or else at this present are saued in the worlde ye shall also perceiue wherein the olde testament doth differ from the newe Moreouer this treatise wil bee necessarie and verie profitable both to the vnderstanding of many places in the holy Scripture and also to the easie perceiuing and moste hoalesome vse of those thinges which I haue saide hitherto touching the lawe God who is the author the wisedome and the perfect fulnesse of the lawe giue mée grace to speake those thinges that are to the setting foorth of his glorie and profitable for the health of your soules The vse of Gods lawe is manifolde and of sundrie sortes and yet it may be called backe to thrée especiall poyntes and wee may saye that the vse therof is thréefold or of thrée sorts For firste of all the chiefe and proper office of the lawe is to conuince all men to be guiltie of sinne and by their owne fault to be the children of death For the lawe of God setteth foorth to vs the holie will of God and in the setting forth thereof requireth of vs a moste perfecte and absolute kinde of righteousnesse And for that cause the lawe is wont to be called the testimonie of Gods will and the moste perfect exampler of his diuine purenesse And hereunto belong those wordes of the Lord in the Gospell where he recitinge shortly the summe of Gods cōmaundements doth say The firste of all the commaundements is Heare O Israel the Lorde our God is one Lorde and thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soule and with all thy minde and with all thy strength This is the firste commandement and the seconde like to this thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe There is none other commaundement greater then these Therefore to this doeth also apperteine that sayinge of the Apostle Paule The end of the commaundement is charitie out of a pure heart and a good conscience and faith vnfeigned But since the law doth require at all our handes most absolute righteousnesse charitie and a pure heart it doth condemne all men of sinne vnrighteousnesse and death For in the lawe of God it is expressely said Cursed is euery one whiche abideth not in all that is writtē in the booke of the lawe to doe it But what one of vs fulfilleth all the pointes of the lawe what mā I pray either heretofore hath had or at this day hath a pure heart within him What man hath euer loued or doeth now loue God with all his heart with all his soule and with all his minde What man is he that did neuer luste after euill Or who is it now y lusteth not euery day Therefore imperfection and sinne is by the lawe or by the bewraying of the lawe reuealed in mankinde What shall we say to this where I pray you doth there appeare in any man that diuine and most absolute righteousnesse whiche the lawe requireth Iob crieth I knowe verilie that a man compared to God cannot be iustified Or How shall a man be found righteous if hee be compared to God If he wil argue with him he shall not be able to aunswere one for a thousand If I haue any righteousnes in me I will not answere him but I will beseech my Iudge Like to these are the words of the Apostle Iohn who saith If wee say wee haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. Againe If we say we haue not sinned we make him a lyar and his word is not in vs. Therefore by this meanes the lawe is a certaine looking glasse wherein we behold our owne corruption frailnesse imbecillitie imperfection oure iudgement that is our iust and deserued damnation For the Apostle doth expressely say that the law was giuen to the end that it might make manifest mens trāsgressions and by that meanes driue them to the acknowledging of their imperfection and guilt in sinning For none of vs doth looke into his owne boosome nor into the secrets of his owne breast but wee do all flatter our selues and will not be persuaded that our thoughts and deedes are so corrupt as they bee in very deede and therefore doth the lawe creepe in and lay open the secrets of our hearts and bringeth to lighte oure sinne and corruption Before the lawe saith the Apostle although sinne were in the world yet was it not imputed The same Apostle also saith The lawe worketh wrath for where there is no lawe there is no transgression And againe By the lawe cōmeth the knowledge of sinne For in the 7. to the Romans the same Apostle doth say more fully I knew not sin but by the lawe For I had not knowen luste excepte the law had said Thou shalt not lust But sinne taking occasion by the cōmaundement wrought in me al maner of concupiscence For without the lawe sin was dead I once liued without lawe but when the commaundement came sinne reuiued and I was dead And it was found that the same commaundement which was ordeyned vnto life was vnto me an occasion of death c. For a good part of that Chapiter is spent in that matter Therefore the proper office of Moses and the principal vse and effecte of the lawe is to shew to man his sinne and imperfection As for those which staye heere and goe no further to make any other vse and effecte of the lawe but as thoughe Moses did nothing but kill the lawe nothing but slay they are diuersly and that not lightly deceiued I do here againe repeate it and tel them that the very proper office of the lawe is to make sinne manifest also that Moses his chiefe office is to teach vs what wée haue to doe with threateninges and cursings to vrge it especially whē the law is compared with the Gospel For in the third Chapter of the 2. Epistle to the Corinthians Paul calleth the law the letter and immediately after the ministration of death then againe hée calleth it a doctrine written in letters and incke and figured in tables of stone which should not endure but perish and decay The same Apostle on the otherside againe doeth call the Gospel the ministration or doctrine of the spirite which endureth decayeth not which is written in mens hearts giueth life to the beléeuers
the honour due to parents the Lord himself doth ratifie in the 15. cap. of Matthews Gospel Euen as he doth also very diligently teache the sixte against murther the seuenth against adulterie in the 5. Cap. of y same Gospel The eighth which is against theft is renued by the Apostle whoe giueth charge that no man deceiue his brother and that no mā steale any more but that euery one should labour with his handes that he may haue thinges necessarie for himselfe and be able to giue to him that wanteth The ninthe precepte which is for the brideling of the tongue so that no lye be made nor false witnesse borne against our neighbour is by Christ himselfe and his Apostles cōfirmed so often as they giue rules for the ordering of the tongue and charge euery man to speake the trueth to his neighbour And they also doe condemne euill lustes and affections wherby they do not abrogate but repaire the tenthe commaundement which doth forbid all maner of concupiscence Therefore the whole abrogation of the tenne cōmaundements so farre foorth as they are abrogated doth consist in those points whereof I spake euen now to wit that Christ in faith is our perfecte absolute righteousnesse c. The Apostle bearing witnesse thereunto and saying What the lawe could not doe in as much as it was weak through the flesh God hauing sent his owne sonne in the similitude of sinnefull flesh euen by sinne cōdemned sinne in the flesh that the righteousnesse of the lawe might bee fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the spirite As is to be séene in the 8. to the Romans I haue therfore discoursed the brieflier of this matter in this place because I haue at the full spoken of it in the treatise of the tenne commaundements I am nowe come to speake of the Ceremonials These Ceremonials were giuen and graunted vntill the time of amendement to witt vntill Messiah should come Messiah is alreadie come therefore all the Ceremonies euen to the comming death resurrection and ascension of Christ our Lord into the heauens are come to an end and haue no place any longer in the Church of the Christians And yet héere wee must and doe make a difference betwixte the writinges concerning the Ceremonies and the verie things of the Ceremonies that are set downe in writing I meane the very Ceremonies themselues or actions y were vsed For the writings cōcerning the Ceremonies which were set forth by the spirite of God are not taken away from Christians nor abrogated so that they may not be read reteyned or vsed in the Church as I declared in the 2. Sermon of the first Decade For they are effectuall to instructe vs in Christ Iesu while in them we doe behold the maner how Christ was preached and prefigured to the auncient Church of the holy fathers Paul verilie did most significātly preach Christ out of the ceremonies which no man will denie that readeth diligently his Epistle to the Hebrues For hee doeth wōderfully in that Epistle lay Christ and all his gifts before the eyes of all the Church Therfore the Ceremonials both may and ought to be read in the church so yet that in them Christ may be sought and whē he is found be aptly preached And for that cause in the 5. 6. Sermons of this Decade where I handled the Ceremonials I annered vnto them certaine notes of their significations that I might open away for the students of the scriptures and louers of Christ to goe forward procéede in that hind of argument Now the Ceremoniall things or stuffe of the ceremonies of which sort are the priesthoode the place the time the sacrifice whatsoeuer else is like to these are vtterly abrogated so y henceforth they are neither vsed nor haue any place in the Church of Christ This did Ieremie foretel in the 3. Chap. of his prophecie saying In those daies they shal make no more boaste of the arcke of the Lords couenaunt no man shall thincke vppon it neither shall any man make mention of it for from thenceforth it shall neither bee visited neither shall such things be done any more By the arke the Prophete meaneth those poinctes of the lawe which are abolished by the cōming of Christ S. Paule in his Epistle to the Hebrues by the promise that GOD made to Ieremie saying That hee would make a newe couenaunt doeth gather this obseruation In that hee saith a new couenant he hath worne out the first For that which is worne out and waxed old is readie to vanish away The same Apostle to the Ephesians saith Christ is our peace which hath made both one and hath broken downe the middle wall that was a stop betweene vs taking away in his flesh the hatred euen the lawe of cōmaundements cōteyned in ordinances for to make of twaine one newe man in himselfe So making peace Ephes 2. God verily seuered the Iewes from the Gentiles while he chose and consecrated them to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe not by the calling of the woord onely but also by the sacraments For there were ceremonies prescribed and giuē which as a middle wall betwixte the Iewes and the Gentiles should compasse in and conteine the heritage of the Lord so that in the ceremonies the note of difference did consiste wherby the Iewes were knowen to bee the lawefull heires of Gods good promises wherof the Gentiles had no part or portiō But Christ came into the world to the intent that of two people the Iewes the Gentiles he might make one Church and therefore did hée breake downe the middle wall that parted them that is hée did cleane take away the Ceremoniall ordinances which were a stopp betwixt them For Christ in that case did the same that Princes are wont to doe whoe when they goe about to bring two nations that are at variaunce into one kingdome and vnder one authoritie doe first take away the diuersitie of armes which are the cognizaunces of their auncient hatred that when the cause of the remembraunce of the grudge is taken from their eyes they maye the better agrée betwixt themselues in minde and behauiour For euen so did Christ take awaye Circumcision the Sacrifices and all the Ceremonies to the ende that of the Iewes and Gentiles hée mighte make one Church and fellowship Paule to the Colossians compareth the Ceremonies to an obligation or handwriting wherby God hath vs bound as it were so that wée cannot denie the guilt But he saith that wee were so deliuered by Christe from the guilt that the obligation or handwriting was cancelled or torne in péeces But by the cancelling of the handwriting the debitor is acquieted set at libertie And therefore wée read that at the death of our Lord the vaile of the temple was torne in peeces from the bottome vppe to the very toppe that thereby all people might vnderstand both that sinnes
without all filthie vncleane beastlynesse Last of all hee willeth the Gentiles to be restrayned of eating bloud and strangled He addeth the cause why and saith For Moses of olde time hath in euery citie them that preache him in the Synagogues where hee is read euery Sabboth daye Of which constitution touching bloud and strangled I spake somewhat before that I made this same digression Nowe therefore since the matter is at that pointe it is euident that they are without a cause offended with Sainct Iames which thinke that he did without all right and reason make and publishe this decree and that the fruite of that Synode was verie perillous nothing healesome and flatly contrary to Christian libertie For it is assuredly certeine that the meaning of Iames did in no poynte differ from the minde of Sainct Paule who neuerthelesse did verie well and praisworthily saye Let vs followe the things that make for peace and thinges wherewith we may one edifie an other Destroy not the work of God for meates sake All thinges are pure but it is euil for that man that eateth with offence It is good neither to eate flesh nor to drinke wine nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth or falleth or is made weake c. Romanes 14. It is also moste certeine that Sainct Paule who was so sharpely set to defend the Christian libertie that hee withstood Peter openly at Antioche would not haue beene behinde hand to resist Sainct Iames if he had thought that this constitution either had béen or should bée preiudiciall to Christian libertie Verily hee woulde neither haue preached nor yet commended this tredition of y Apostles to the churches of the Gentiles if hee had not thoughte that it had béene both hoalesome and profitable for them all to embrace But he did preache and commende it vnto the churches as is to be séene in the sixtéenth of the Actes and therfore is sainct Iames without a cause murmured against of some because hee for badd to eate bloud and strangled Finally the conclusion of their Epistle is From which if ye keep your selues ye do well So fare ye well They praise that abstinence and teach it as a good woorke because it is also commended to vs in all the Scriptures Thus haue I digressed not farre I trust from our purpose to speake of the decrée of the apostolique Synode helde at Hierusalem and thus muche at this time touching the abrogation of the ceremoniall lawes It remaineth here for mée to saye somewhat concerning the abrogation of the Iudiciall lawes Nowe therefore the Iudiciall lawes doe séeme to be abrogated in this sense because no Christian common weale no citie or kingdome is compelled to be bound to receiue those verie same lawes which were by Moses in that nation according to the time place state published and set out of olde Therefore euery countrie hath frée libertie to vse such lawes as are best and most requisite for the estate and necessitie of euery place and of euery time and persons so yet that the substance of Gods lawes be not reiected troden downe and vtterly neglected For the things which are agréeable to the lawe of nature and the tenne commaundements and whatsoeuer else God hath commaunded to bee punished must not in anye case bee either cleane forgotten or lightly regarded Nowe the ende whereunto all these lawes do tende is that honestie maye flourish peace and publique tranquillitie be firmely mainteined iudgement and iustice be rightly executed Of which because I haue at large disputed in the exposition of the precept Thou shalt doe no murther I will here be cōtent to be so much the briefer The holie Apostle Paule commaundeth to obey the magistrate he aloweth of the authoritie of the sword which he confesseth that the magistrate hath not in vaine receiued at the hande of god And therefore he did not dissallowe or finde faulte with the election of the magistrate the vse of the sworde the execution of the iudgement and iustice nor with vpright ciuil lawes Now whosoeuer doth conferre the lawes and constitutions of Princes kings Emperours or Christian magistrates which are to be found either in the Code in the booke of Digestes or Pandectes in the volume of newe Constitutions or else in anye other bookes of good lawes of sundrie nations with these Iudiciall lawes of God he must néedes confesse that they drawe verie néere in likenesse and do verie well agrée one with an other Iustinian the Emperour forbad by law either to sel or otherwise to make awaye the possessions of the church things consecrated vnto god For the sincere confessing and pure mainteining of the catholique faith the Emperours Gratian Valentinian Theodosius did make a moste excellent holie law Constantine the great gaue charge to Taurus one of his lieuetenauntes to shutte the idol temples and with the sworde to destroye suche rebeiles as went about to sett them open and to do sacrifice in them That lawes were made for the reliefe of the poore and that kinges and emperours had a care ouer them it is to be séene in more places than one of the Emperours lawes and constitutions It is verie certeine y whosoeuer readeth the Code lib. 1. tit 2. he shal finde much matter belonging to this argument For the honest trayning vp of children and the liberal susteining of aged parents there are verie commēdable lawes in the bookes of the heathens Concerning the authoritie y parentes haue ouer their childrē there is m●ch● many things to be found in writing● likewise of wedlock of inc●st 〈◊〉 marriages Honoriꝰ A●cadiꝰ many other princes haue made verie tollerable laudable decrées where they speake also verie well and wisely of the lawe of diuorcement But if I go on to add or oppose to euery seuerall title of the Iudiciall lawes conteined in this sermon sundrie and peculiar lawes out of the decrées of Christian Princes I shall I knowe be too tedious vnto your patience For then would this treatise passe the time of an ordinarie sermon Let it therefore suffice vs at this time by the declaration of these notes to haue opened and made a way to the diligēt louers of the truth to come to the vnderstanding of other things which we haue here omitted and that they may beléeue that the substance of Gods Iudiciall lawes is not taken awaye or abolished but that the ordering and limitation of them is placed in the will and arbitrement of good Christian princes so yet that they ordeine and appoinct that which is iuste and equall as the estate of the time place and persons shall best require that honestie and publique peace may be thereby preserued and god the father duely honoured through his onely begotten sonne Christe Iesus to whome all praise is due for euer For we do sée that the Apostles of Christe did neither require nor cōmaunde any nation in the administration of politique affaires to binde them selues to
bands wherewith they are tyed that wishe loke to be set at libertie But throughout all ages there is none such to bée found in all the world nor yet in heauen but Iesus Christ alone the sonne of God who for that cause did in the Gospell say If the Sonne set you at libertie then are ye free in deede Nowe they whome the Lord deliuereth are bondslanes wherefore hée doeth deliuer them from bondage and doth incorporate them in the libertie of the sonnes of god Hée doth set all bondseruauntes at libertie excluding none but such as do by their owne default their owne vnbeléefe and disobedience exclude themselues For the comming of the sonne of God was to set all such at libertie as were entangled in bondage Therefore he doth so farre forth deliuer vs as we are bondseruaunts For bondage and libertie are one opposed and contrarie to the other so that without the consideration of the one wée cannot conceiue the meaning of the other Wherefore I thincke it best héere to speake so much of bondage as this present argument shall séeme to require First bondage is nothing else but the state or condition wherein bondseruauntes bée Nowe those that are in bōdage are either bondmen borne or else made bondseruauntes The children that issue of bondseruaunts are bondslaues borne The other that are made bondseruantes are so made either by captiuitie wherevppon they take their names and are called captiues For Pomponius saith Slaues were therevppon so called because the Capitaines commaunded to sell them for monie when they were in warres taken captiues by their souldiours and so by that means to spare their liues and saue them these bondmen are in latine also called Mancipia eo quod ab hostibus manu caperentur because they were taken prisoners by the hande of their enimies Or else they are made bondslaues by the ciuil law as when a frée man aboue twentie yeares of age doeth for lucre sake suffer himselfe to bée sould for monie Bondmen therefore haue loste all libertie and doe whoalie hange vppon their maisters gouernment in whose power it lyeth to kill them if they list Nowe of bondage there are two sortes the Politique and the Spirituall The politique bondage is not by grace the preaching of the Gospell taken out of the Churche of the faithfull so that there should bee no bondmen at all or that they should not doe their duetie or not doe the seruice that of right they doe owe. For the Apostle Paule saith Let euery man walke according as he is called And so ordeine I in al Churches Art thou called being a seruaunt Care not for it But yet if thou mayest be free vse it rather And againe Seruauntes obey them that are your bodilie maisters with feare and trembling and singlenesse of hearte as vnto Christ not with eye seruice as men pleasers but as the seruauntes of Christe doinge the will of God from the heart with good will seruing the Lord and not men knowing that what soeuer good thinge any man doeth that shall hee receiue againe of the Lord whether hee be bond or free And in his Epistle to Timothie hée saith Let as many seruauntes as are vnder the yoke counte their maisters worthie of all honour that the name of God and his doctrine bee not blasphemed And they which haue beleeuing masters despise them not because they are brethren but rather doe seruice for as much as they are beleeuing beloued and such as are partakers of the benefite And yet in this bondage the faithfull haue this comfort by the preaching of the Gospel that howsoeuer they bée bond in body yet they are frée in mind and soule For the Apostle againe doth say Hee that is called a bondman in the Lord is the Lords freeman Likewise hee that is called free is bond to Christ This is a comfort to the faithful in all their afflictions which knowe that their spirite is safe and frée howsoeuer their bodie is streightly imprisoned or sharpely tormented Therefore the Saincts are at their libertie although they be neuer so narrowely looked to and shutt vpp in custodie they are victorers and vanquishers howsoeuer they are bound and oppressed Finally they enioy most exquisite pleasures euen then when they are vexed with most infinite euils I knowe that the children of this world doe mocke and scoffe at these pleasures and libertie of the faithfull beléeuers as though they were méere dreames and fantasi●s of very fooles and asses But God doth soundly pay them home for their scoffes and mockerie not in the world to come onely but also in this presēt life while they themselues like miserable caytifes beeing in extreme captiuitie doe notwithstanding euen in that slauerie thincke themselues at libertie and in most absolute felicitie For they serue a filthie seruice in detestable slauerie making themselues bondmē to abhominable whoredome to beastly madd drunkennesse to the wicked Mammon and to other most vile pleasures wherein they die and rott with endlesse shame and infamie But of the seruice afflictions of the Sainctes who doe euen in their afflictions enioye their libertie and reioyce in the Lord the Apostle Paule speaketh where he saith We are troubled on euery side yet are wee not made pensiue wee are in pouertie but not in extreme pouertie wee suffer persecution but are not vtterly forsaken therein wee are caste downe but wee perish not bearing about alwayes in the body the dying of the Lord Iesus that the life of Iesus might also appeare in our bodie And againe In all things wee doe our endeuour to shewe oure selues as doth become the ministers of Christ in much suffering in afflictions in necessities in sorrowes in stripes in imprisonmentes in seditions in labours in watchinges in fastinges in glorie and ignominie in reproches and prayses as deceiuers yet speakers of trueth as vnknowen and yet knowen as dying and loe wee liue as chastened and not killed as sorrowfull and yet alwayes reioycing as poore and yet making many riche as hauing nothing and yet possessing all thinges Loe héere ye sée howe the Saincces in extreme seruitude haue a chéerefull consolation and are alwayes at their libertie as is to be séene by infinite examples in the Actes of the Apostles other Ecclesiasticall histories Nowe wee come to the second part of bondage The spirituall bondage hath a certaine likenesse to the bodily seruitude For Adam by his owne fault became a bondman and wée of him are all borne bondmen Hée was once at libertie and had the Lord to bee his friend and fauourer but hée did dis●oyallie reuolte from GOD and gost himselfe an other maister the diuell a tyraunt as cruell as maye bée who for his sinne hauing gotten power ouer him did like a mercilesse Lord miserablie handle him like a bond seruaunte Nowe wée of oure corrupte graundsire are borne corrupt and sinners and for our sinne are also vnder the diuels dominion wée are
worke and toyle There are also workemen to whome the Lorde in the Gospell commaundeth to paye the hire that is their due A woorke also is the thing which is made or expressed by the artificer or workeman For the Prophet Ieremie speaking of a potter saith He made a worke vpon a whéele Moreouer a woorke doth signifie an office or duetie For Paul saith do the worke meaning the office of an Euangelist And the holy Ghoste speaking in the church at Antioche saith Separate me Paule and Barnabas for the woorke whereunto I haue chosen them Furthermore the workes of the Lorde are the mightie déedes of God whereby he doeth declare his power and goodnesse vnto men and in that significatiō heauen earth and man him selfe are saide to be the workes of Gods hands Workes also are the benefites of God bestowed vppon vs men For in the Gospel he saith I haue shewed you manye good workes as if he should haue said I haue done you many good turnes There are also euil workes I meane workes of iniquitie Wherevppon some men are called woorkers of iniquitie whose déedes are the woorkes of the fleshe and of darknesse Againe there are good workes I meane sundrie vertues the fruites of faith of which sorte are iustice temperaunce charitie patience hope c. For the Lorde in the Gospell saide Let your light so shine beefore men that they may see your good workes and glorifie the father which is in heauen The Apostle saith that wee are made for good workes to walke in them Those same are called the fruites of repentance and woorkes worthie of repentance They are called the works of light and the fruites of the spirite The same are the workes of humanitie beneuolence and charitie suche are commended in Tabitha which is read to haue beene full of good works Paule saith Let vs woorke good while we haue time to all but especially to them of the houshold of faith Such a like worke of humanitie and charitie did Marie bestowe vppon Christe our Sauiour who saide She hath wrought a good worke on mee This beeing thus declared wee will nowe describe good woorkes in their colours and qualities Good workes are déedes or actions wrought of those which are regenerate by the spirite of God through faith and according to the worde of God to the glorie of God the honestie of life the profite of their neighbour This briefe description I will prosecute by partes and expounde so well as the Lorde shall giue mee grace First of all I will by proofe shewe that there is none other welspringe from whence good workes do flowe than God him selfe which is the author of all good thinges For the Prophet saith All men are lyars God alone doth speake the trueth And the Lorde in the Gospell saith None is good but God alone Good woorkes therefore must haue their beginning not of man who is a lyar and corrupt but of God him selfe the welspring of all goodnesse And God doeth by his spirite and by faith in Christe Iesus renue al men so that they being once regenerate doe no longer their owne that is the workes of the fleshe but the workes of the spirite of grace and of God him selfe For the woorkes of them that are regenerate doe growe vpp by the good spirite of God that is within them which spirite euen as the sappe giueth strength to trees to bring foorth fruite doth in like manner cause sundrie vertues to budde braunch out of vs men as the Lorde him selfe doth in the Gospell testifie saye I am the vine ye are the braunches As the braunche cannot beare fruite of it selfe vnlesse it abide in the vine so cannot ye also vnlesse ye abide in mee Whosoeuer abideth in mee and I in him hee bringeth foorth much fruite for without mee ye can do nothing To the same cause is that to be referred whereas wee say that a good worke is done by faith For faith is the gift of God whereby wée laye holde on Christe throughe which wée are both iustified and quickened as the Scipture saith The iust shal liue by his faith And in another place saith Paule By faith Christe dwelleth in our heartes And againe I liue yet now not I but Christe liueth in mee And the life which now I liue in the fleshe I liue by the faith of the sonne of God who loued mee and gaue him selfe for mee Nowe he that liueth doeth the workes of life through him no doubt by whome he is quickened and he that is iustified doeth the woorkes of righteousnesse through him that iustified him that is the righteous do through Christe woorke righteousnesse and righteousenesse conteineth the whole companie of vertues So then God alone remaineth stil the onely welspring and author of good woorkes But let vs nowe see the testimonies of Scripture by which wee may euidently learne that the workes of them that be regenerate are attributed to God him selfe who by his spirite and by faith doeth woorke in the heartes of the regenerate Moses testifieth saying The Lord shall blesse thee and the Lorde thy God shal circumcise thy hearte and the heart of thy seed that thou maist loue the Lorde thy God with all thy hearte and with all thy soule that thou maist liue Lo here the cause the godly men doe rightly loue the Lorde doth procéede of the circumcision of the heart Now who I praye you doth circumcise the hearte beside the Lorde The Prophet Esaie doeth more plainly saye Thou Lorde shalt ordeine peace for euen thou haste wrought all our workes in vs. In the Gospell after Sainct Iohn our Sauiour saith He that worketh veritie commeth to the light that his workes may be seene because they are wrought by God. And againe Whosoeuer abideth in mee and I in him he bringeth foorth much fruite For without mee ye can do nothing Paule also to the Philippians saith To you it is giuen for Christe not onely to beleeue in him but also to suffer for him And yet againe more plainly It is God that woorketh in you both to will and to doe accordinge to the good purpose of the minde Likewise also Sainct Iames saith Euerie good giuing and euerie perfecte gifte is from aboue and commeth from the father of lightes Moreouer Sainct Peter ascribing all the partes of good woorkes so God deeth saye The God of all grace who hath called you to his eternall glorie through Christe Iesus restore vpholde strengthen and stablishe you For wée are not able as Paule in an other place saith Of our selues to thinke any thinge as of our selues but all our abilitie is of God. Therefore God alone remayneth still the onely welspring of all good workes from whome as from a spring head good works do flowe into the Sainctes as into sundry streames and chanels Yet here by the waye this muste be added that good woorkes although they doe in deede procéede from God and are in verie true and proper phrase of
Iesus said vnto him Verilie I say vnto thee this day thou shalt bee with mee in Paradise Therefore this théefe was thoroughe faith iustified without the workes of the lawe For after this request and prayer of his the Lord made no inquisition what his woorkes were all his life longe neither did hee looke what workes hée would doe after this faith and beleeuing but did immediatly vppon his confession both iustifie and take him as a companion to goe with him to Paradise Moreouer to the woman of whom mention is made in the Gospell after Sainct Luke not for any worke of the lawe but for faith onely hee said Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee And againe Go in peace thy faith hath made thee safe Furthermore in many places of the Gospell wée finde that our Sauiour vsed the like kinde of speach making faith alwayes to bee the cause of mens saluation And a little while after the same Apostle saith God forbid that I should glorie in any thing but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ by whome the world is crucified to mee and I to the world Thou séest héere that the Apostle glorieth not of his owne righteousnesse or chastitie or wisedome or other workes or vertues of his owne but doth most plainly pronounce and say Let him that glorieth glorie in the Lord and so by that meanes all boasting is excluded And so forth with many other sayings tending to this purpose S. AMBROSE in his exposition of Paule his Epistle vnto the Romanes vppon the third and fourth Chapiters doeth saye They are fréelie iustified sayth Sainct Paule beecause when they woorke nothing nor doe any thing for GOD againe they are yet thorough faith onely iustified by the gift of God. According to the purpose of Gods grace sayeth Paule it was so ordeined of God that laying the law aside the grace of God should require faith onely vnto saluation This doeth by the example of the Prophete confirme the blessednesse of the man to whom the Lord imputeth righteousnesse without woorkes hée calleth them blessed with whome the Lord hath couenaunted that without labour and kéeping of the lawe they should bee iustified before their maker S. IOHN Chrysostome treating of faith of the lawe of nature and of the holie Ghost doth expressely saye I cannot proue that hee whiche woorketh the woorkes of righteousnesse without faith doeth enioye eternall life But I can by good proofe shewe that hée which beleeued without works did both liue and obteine the kingdome of heauen No man without faith hath obteined life But the théefe beléeued onely and for his faith was iustified by the most mercifull god And whereas here peraduenture thou wilt obiecte that hee wanted time to liue iustly and to doe good woorkes I aunsweare that I doe not greatly striue about that but this onelye I sticke to that faith alone did iustifie saue him For if he had liued any longer and had neglected faith and workes hée had vndoubtedly fallen from saluation But the onely end and argument whereat I now shoote is that faith of it selfe doth bring saluation and that workes of themselues did neuer saue any workers that wrought them As Chrysostome doth at large declare by the example of the Capitaine Cornelius These testimonies I suppose are sufficient to wittes that will bee aunsweared and doe not stand obstinate●● in quarellinges and ianglings Othe●wise I could alledge a great 〈◊〉 But I will not bee ouer ted●ors vnto you deerely beloued nor same to bee endlesse in an euident matter But nowe because to this treatise of the righteousnesse of woorkes there is a questiō annexed touching the merits of good woorkes I will therefore summarilie say somewhat of merits or rather of the hire and reward of good woorkes To this ende especiallie least any man thincking irreligiou●ly of the merits of good workes do therby winne to himselfe not good but euill workes The name of Merits is an vna●quainted terme not vsed in the Scriptures For in that signification wherin our Merite woorkers vse it to wit for meritorious woorkes for that I meane wherevnto both life and the grace of GOD is of duetie giuen as debt that is due in that signification I saye it doeth obscure the Grace of God and maketh man too proude and arrogant What I pray you can our woorkes deserue since none of the Sainctes durst bée so bold as to plead their merites before the Lord Iob cryeth If I wil iustifie mee selfe mine owne mouthe shall condemne mee If I will goe about to shewe mee selfe to bee an innocent hee shall proue mee a wicked doer If I washe mee selfe with snowe water and make my handes neuer so cleane at the wel yet shalt thou dippe me in the myre and mine owne garmentes shall defile mee Dauid crieth Enter not into iudgment with thy seruaunt for in thy sighte shall no man liuing bee iustified Christ oure Lord in the Gospell saith When ye haue done all thinges that are commaunded you then say wee are vnprofitable seruauntes wee haue done that wee oughte to doe But a little before oure Lord saide Doeth the maister thancke the seruaunt whiche doeth the thinges that are commaunded him to doe The holy Apostle Sainct Paule also cryeth I doe not despise the Grace of god For if righteousnesse bee of the Lawe then did Christe die in vaine Againe in the Gospell after Sainct Luke the Phariscie is greatly blamed which could not be content to put confidence in his owne righteousnesse but would néedes boaste of his merits also And Nabuchodonosor fealt no little plague for saying that the kingdome of Babylon did come vnto him by his owne arte industrie power and vertue By how muche a greater punishement therefore shall wée thincke them to be worthie off which are persuaded make their bragges that they by their merits haue deserued or earned the kingdome of heauen And yet all this doth not tend to y making void of the stipend of good woror to the denying of the reward that is prepared for vertues For he is true which promised and what hee promised he will performe Now he promised rewards to them that worke righteousnesse euen as also according to his iustice and trueth hée hath threatened terrible punishments to wicked impenitent sinners But the promises of God are of two sortes to witt they lay before oure eyes the giftes and rewards of this present life and of the life to come For the Lord in the Gospell after S. Marke doth say Verilie I saye vnto you there is no man that hath forsaken house or brethren or landes for my sake and the Gospels but he shall receiue an hundreth fold now at this present with persecutiōs and in the world to come life euerlasting And Paul saith Godlinesse is profitable to all thinges hauing promise of the life that is nowe of that which is to come This is a sure saying and by all meanes worthie to bee receiued For therefore wee
merits while he crowneth he crowneth his owne giftes In all this therefore the Ecclesiasticall Apostolique doctrine remayneth still immutable and vnreproueable That we are iustified and saued by the grace of God through faith and not throughe our owne good woorkes or merits Wee doe nowe againe returne to good workes and are come to expound the description or definition of good woorks which we did set downe in the beginning of this treatise Now therfore vnlesse oure workes doe spring in vs from God throughe faith they cannot haue the name of Good Workes But contrarilie if they doe procéede from God through faith then are they also framed according to the rule of the word of god And for that cause did I in the definition of good workes significantly saye That they are done of them which are regenerate by the good spirite of God through faith according to the word of god For God is not pleased with the workes which we of our selues doe of our owne braines authoritie without warrantize of his word imagine deuise For the thing that he doeth most of all like and looke for in vs is faith and obedience which is most euident to be séene in the verie example of our graundfather Adam and cōtrarilie he doth mislike and vtterly reiecte the woorkes of our owne choice our good intents which spring in and rise vpon our owne minds and iudgementes as I will by these testimonies of scripture declare vnto you In the 12. of Deuteronomie we read Euerie man shall not doe that which is righteous in his owne eyes Whatsoeuer I commaund you that shall ye obserue to doe it neither shalt thou ad any thing to it nor take any thing from it Moreouer in the historie of Samuel there is a notable example of this matter to be séene For Saule the king of Israel receiued a commaundement to kill all the Amalechites with all their beasts and cattell but he contrarie to the precept throughe a good intent as he thought of his owne and for a religious zeales sake of his owne chosing reserued the fattest Oxen for to be sacrificed for that cause the Prophete came and said vnto him Is a sacrifice so pleasant acceptable to the Lord as obediēce is Behold to obey is better then sacrifice and to hearken is better than the fatt of ramms For rebellion is as the sinne of witchcraft and stubbornnesse is as the vanitie of Idolatrie Lo here in these few words thou hast the goodly praise and commendation of the religion of our owne inuenting and of our owne good workes which doe arise of oure owne good intents and purposes They whiche doe neglecte the preceptes of the Lord to follow their owne good intents and forecastings are flatly called witches Apostataes wicked idolaters They seeme in their owne eyes verilie to be ●ellie fellowes and true worshippers of God and zealous followers of the traditions of the holy fathers bishops kinges and princes but God whiche cannot lye doeth flatly pronounce that their woorkes doe differ nothing from witchcraft Apostacie blasphemous idolatrie than which there can bée nothing more heynous by any meanes deuised Therefore the Lord in the Gospell citing that place out of Esaies Prophecie doth plainly condemne reiecte and treade vnder foote all those workes which we choose to our selues hauing their beginning of oure owne good inteates and purposes where hee sayeth In vaine doe they worshippe mee teaching doctrines the precepts of men Euerie planting which my father hath not planted shal be plucked vp by the rootes Let them alone they be blinde leaders of the blinde And therevppon it is that S. Paule did so boldly affirme that the precepts of men are contrarie to the truth and are meere lyes The same Paule in one place sayeth Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne And in another place Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Wherevppon we may gather that the woorkes whiche are not framed by the expresse word of God or by a sure consequence deriued from it are so farre from béeing good workes that they are plainly called sinnes Inforce thou I pray thée neuer so great a good turne vpon a man against his will sée what fauour thou shalt winne at his hand and howe thou shalt please him with that inforced benefite Therefore good woorkes do first of all require the precise expresse obseruing of Gods wil to which alone they ought to tend In his Epistle to the Colossians the same Apostle doeth openly condemne the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the voluntarie religion which they of their owne choyce and minde brought in to bee obserued And what néede haue wée I pray you to inuent to our selues other newe kindes of good woorkes considering that we haue not yet done those woorkes whiche God himselfe prescribeth and doth in expresse words require at our handes By this now oure aduersaries maye perceiue that wée doe not altogether simplie condemne good woorkes but those alone whiche wée by reiecting the woord of GOD doe first set abroache by oure owne imaginations and phantasticall inuentions of which sort are many vpstart woorkes of our holy Monkes and sacrificing shauelinges But to conclude the workes that are repugnaunt to the word of God are by no meanes worthie of any place or honour And that wée maye more rightly perceiue the sense or meaning of good woorkes wée must in mine opinion diligently obserue these wordes of the Apostle We are created in Christ Iesus vnto good woorkes which God hath before ordeined that we should walke in them Hee maketh here two notes concerning those that are good woorkes in deede The first is Wee are sayeth hée created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes It doth therefore necessarilie followe that good workes are wrought of him whiche is by true faith graffed in Christ Iesu For vnlesse the braunche abide in the vine it cannot bring forth fruite All the workes therefore of the faithfull howsoeuer they shine with the title of righteousnesse are notwithstāding not good woorkes in verie déede The latter is Whiche God hath before ordeyned that wee should walke in them We must not therfore make accompt that all the workes which men maye doe are to be counted good woorkes in déed but those onely which God hath ordeyned of old that wée should walke in them Now what workes those be the Lord in his lawe whiche is the eternall will of God hath verie plainely expressed And therevppon it is that the Lord in the Gospel being demanded questions concerning eternal life and the very true vertues sendeth the demaunder vnto the lawe and sayth What is written in the lawe And againe If thou wilt enter into life kepe the commaundements Therefore the tenne commaundementes are a most sure and absolute platforme of good woorkes Which that ye may the better vnderstand I will briefly recapitulate and as it were in a picture laye it before your eyes To
the first precept thou shalt referre the feare the faith loue of God with assured hope perseuearing patience constancie inuincible in trouble and afflictions To the second belongeth the true and sincere worship wherwith God is pleased with the vtter refusall of all superstition and peruerse religion Vppon the third doeth depende the reuerence of Gods Maiestie the frée confession of his might the holie inuocation of his name and the sanctification of the same In the fourth is comprehended the moderate conseruation of the Ecclesiasticall Ceremonies y preaching of Gods word publique prayers whatsoeuer else doeth belonge to the outward seruice or externall worship due to god To the fifte thou mayest annexe the naturall loue of children toward their parents of men toward their countrie kinese-folkes the due obedience that we owe to the magistrates and all in authoritie and lastly the offices of ciuil humanitie To the sixte thou shalt ioyne iustice and iudgement the protection of widowes orphanes the deliuering of the oppressed and afflicted weldoing to all men and doing hurt to no man To the seuenth thou shalt add the faith of wedded couples the offices of marriage the honest and Godly bringing vp of childrē with the studie of chastitie temperance and sobrietie To the eighth is to bee reckoned vpright dealing in cōtracts liberalitie bountifulnesse and hospitalitie Vnder y ninthe is couched the studie of trueth through al our life time faith in words déeds with decēt honest profitable speach In the tenth and last thou mayest remember good affections holie wishes with all holy and honest thoughts And so this is the compendious platforme of good workes Nowe if thou desire to haue it more briefly expressed than this that thou séest then turne thee selfe hearken to the wordes of Christ our Lord who gathereth these 10. into two principall points saith Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with al thy soul with al thy mind thy neighbour as thy selfe Whatsoeuer therefore yee would that men shuld do to you euen so do ye to thē Vppon these precepts of the Lord let all the faithful which desire to doe good works most surely fixe their eyes and minds that too so much the more diligently and constantly as they doe more surely and euidently perceiue see that God in the lawe the prophets doeth require nothing else nor any other works at the hands of his electe chosen seruants Go to now therefore let vs heare out of the holy Prophets some such euidēt testimonies touching good woorks as do consent wholie agree with the lawe of the lord Moses in Deut. crieth And now Israel what doeth the Lord thy God require of thee but to feare the Lord thy God to walk in al his wayes to loue him to serue the Lord thy God with all thy hart and with all thy soule That thou keepe the cōmandements of the Lord and his ordinances which I cōmaund thee this day And the kinglye Prophete Dauid in the 15. Psalme asketh this questiō Lord who shal dwel in thy tabernacle And presently answereth it himselfe saying Euen hee that walketh vprightly doeth the thing that is iust right And so forth as is conteined in the 10. cōmaundemēts Esaie also in his 33. cap. moueth the same question and answereth it euen so as Dauid had done before him Ieremie in the 21. chap. doth vrge and reiterate these woords to the Iewes Thus the Lord cōmaundeth Keepe equitie and righteousnes deliuer the oppressed from the power of the violent do not greeue nor oppresse the strāger the fatherles nor the widow and shedd no innocent bloud in this place And Ezechiel in his 18. cap. knitteth vp a beadrowe of good workes in no point vnlike to these sauing only y it is somewhat more largly amplified In Osée the Lord saith I desire mercie more than sacrifice the knowledge of God more than whole burnt offerings Micheas doth diligently inquire what the worshipper of God should do to please him with all what workes he should doe to delight the Lord and immediatly by the inspiration of the holy Ghoste he maketh aunswere saying I will shewe thee O man what is good and what the Lord requireth of thee namely to doe iustly to loue mercie and with reuerence to walke before thy God. In like maner the Prophete Zacharie to them that demaunded of him certaine questions touching vertues such good woorkes as please the Lord gaue this answere saying Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes Execute true iudgement shewe mercie and louing kindenesse euerie man to his brother doe the widowe the fatherlesse the straunger and the poore no wronge Let no man imagine euill in his heart against his brother neither bee ye louers of false othes for these are the thinges which I do hate sayeth the Lord. With this doctrine of the Prophets doth the preaching of the Euangelists and Apostles fullie agrée teaching in euerie place that charitie righteousnesse and innocencie are the scoape summe of all good woorkes The Apostle Iames sayeth Pure religion and vndefiled before God and the father is this To visite the father lesse and widowes in their aduersitie to kepe himself vnspotted of the world It remayneth now for me to drawe to an end and in the rest that is yet be hind to be spoken touching the descriptiō of good works to confer places of the Scripture for the confirmation plaine exposition of the same Now therfore we said y good works in déed are wrought by them that are regenerate to the glorie of God the ornamēt of our life and the profite of our neighbour For the Lord in the Gospell prescribeth this end to good works where he saith Let your lighte so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your father whiche is in heauen The Apostle Paul also oftener than once exhorting vs to good woorks doth as a most effectuall cause to sett them forward add That by those workes of ours we may adorne the doctrine of oure Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus And euen as a comelie and cleanely garment adorneth a man so doe good workes in déede set foorth the life of Christian people For herevppon it riseth that the Apostles of Christe did so often persuade vs to put off the old man and put on the newe which is created to the similitude and likenesse of god For thereby wee obteine both honour and glorie We both are and are called the seruaunts yea and the sonnes of oure Lord and God whose propertie and vertue shineth in vs to the glorie and praise of his holy name And as hée doth require good works at our hands so if we do them we on the one side do please and delight him and hee on the other doeth honour vs againe as may bee proued by many testimonies of the holy Scripture But the thing it selfe is so plaine
without all controuersie that it needeth no businesse to proue it at all Hée verilie doeth euery minute augment in vs his giftes while wée are intentiue to doe good workes For in the Gospell hee saith To euery one that hath shal be giuen and hee shall abounde And from him that hath not shal be taken euen that which he hath not and shal be giuen to him that hath To this also may be added that God is fauourable to them that worke righteousnesse and doth enrich them euen with many temporal gifts and at the last bring them to life euerlasting For the Apostle Paul doth expressely say God shall reward euerie man according to his deedes to them whiche by continuing in welldoing seeke for glorie and honour and immortalitie eternall life And againe Glorie and honour and peace to euerie one that worketh well Although the Godly in all their good workes do not as I told you before respecte so much the recompence and reward at Gods hand as the aduauncement of Gods glorie the fulfilling of his will and profite of their neighbour For Paule sayeth Doe all thinges to the glorie of God. And againe Let no man seeke his owne but euery one an others profite euen as I doe in all thinges please all men not seeking mine owne commoditie but the profite of many that they may be saued Therefore all the Godly doe so directe and temper their woorkes that they maye please delight or honour God and profite many men For in so doing they expresse or represent the nature of God whose sonnes they both are and are also called For hee doeth liberallie powre out his benefits vppon all creatures and therefore his sonnes are beneficiall and bent to doe good to all men Thus much had I hetherto to say touching the nature or propertie cause end and effecte that is the very true and right meaning of good workes by whiche I hope it is euident to bee perceiued howe in what sense the Lord in the Scriptures is sayd to attribute the name of righteousnesse and iustification vnto the good woorkes of the Sainctes his seruauntes and that that true principle of oure rereligiō remayneth firme vnreproueable wherein wée confesse and hold That wee are iustified by the Grace of God for Christ his sake thorough faith and not for workes Now therfore there is nothing more behind but this onely for vs to make our humble petition to God for true faith in Christ our Lord and that by his grace hée will so guide vs that we may 〈◊〉 in workes put that in practise 〈◊〉 hetherto wée haue béene taught in 〈◊〉 wordes of this treatise that is to saye that wée may in good workes in déede expresse the faith which wée in words professe that wée haue in Iesus Christ our lord Amen ¶ Of sinne and of the kindes thereof to witt of originall and actuall sinne and of sinne against the holy Ghost And lastly of the most sure and iust punishment of sinnes ¶ The tenth Sermon WEe Haue lastlye now to discourse of sinne which as I told you is to be referred to the treatise of the law Of whiche that I may lawfully religiously rightly and profitablie speake to the edifying of you all I shal desire you to make your humble prayers with mée to God the father in the name of Christ his sonne our gratious Lord and mediatour Sinne is of most men taken for errour for that I meane whereby we do not only erre from the thing which is true right iust and good but do also followe and decline to that whiche is naughte The Latines deriue their word peccatum sinne of pellicatus whorehunting whiche is a faulte of wedded people that are corrupted with the spirite of fornication as when mē preferre harlotts before their lawfull wiues And this definition verilie doth wōderfully agrée to this present treatise For all wée that do beléeue are by faith handfasted to oure God as to our spouse and husband if therefore wée prefer other Gods before him or choose rather to serue them If I say we let passe the true Gods in déede to follow the shadow of Gods vaine hopes and the pernicious pleasures of this world then do we sinne in déed and commit fornication against oure spouse husband But the learned sort doe for the most parte put a difference betwixte peccatum and delictum which both in effect doe signifie sinnes But they call that delictum when the thing is not done that should be done and that they call peccatum when that is done that should be left vndone S. Hierome séemeth to haue taken delictum for the first fall to sinne S. Augustine sayeth that peccatum is committed of him y sinneth wittingly delictum of him that sinneth of ignoraunce I sée that those woordes are in some places confounded and that the one is vsed for the other In some places the errour or delictum is vsed as the mylder terme peccatum in a more gréeuous sense an heynous crime a mischiefe a reuolting or wickednesse for the greatest of all For S. Augustine sayth Neither is euery peccatum crimen beecause euery crimen is peccatum Therefore wee saye that the life of a man liuing in this transitorie world maye be found to bee without that heynous offence crimen for which al the world doth crie out vpon and accuse him but if wée say we haue nullum peccatum no sinne as the Apostle sayth wee deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs Amonge the Hebrues sinne is called by sundrie names which do import signifie ouerthwartnesse peruersenesse a fault an errour a reuolting infirmitie vice ignoraunce and transgression For to transgresse doth signifie to depart from the truth from oure duetie or office not to kéepe the right path but to turne awrie from the prescript rule of the law of god Now that rule or lawe of God is of the Hebrues called Thora that is to say a direction or a leading by the hand For it doeth directe a man in the wayes that are acceptable to the lord And therefore the Gréekes call sinne by the names of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Againe in the Hebrue tongue sinne is as much to say as a turning awaye from good to euill also a reuolting as when thou drawest thy neck from out of the yoke of his power to whome thou art a seruant finally it signifieth the crime or guilte whereby wee indaunger oure selues to the rodd of punishment Verilie S. Augustine taketh much paines to finde out a proper definition of sinne In his second booke De cōsensu Euangelistarum he sayeth Sinne is the transgression of the Lawe Ad Simplicianum lib. 1. Sinne is an inordinatenesse or peruersenesse of man that is a turning from the more excellent Creatour and a turning to the inferiour creatures De fide contra Manichaeos Cap. 8. hée sayeth What is it else to sinne but to erre in the preceptes of truth or in the truth it selfe
God created Adam and so consequently created sinne in Adam To this wee aunswere that sinne is the corruption of the good nature made by God and not a creature created by God either in or with man God created man good but man beeing left to his owne counsell did through the persuasion of Satan by his owne action and depraued will corrupte the goodnesse that God created in him so nowe that sinne is proper to man I meane mannes corrupt action against the lawe of God and not a creature created in him of god To this they replie but the will and abilitie that was in Adam was it from else where than from God him selfe vndoubtedly no it was from god Therefore saye they sinne is of GOD. I denye it for God gaue not to Adam will and power of working to the ende that he should worke euil For by expresse commaundement he forbadd him to do wickednesse Therfore Adam him selfe did naughtily applye the will and power which he receiued of God by vsing them vntowardly The prodigall sonne receiued money at his fathers hand whose meaning was not that he shuld waste it prodigally with riottous lyuing but that hee might haue wherevppon to liue and supplye the want of his necessities Wherefore when he had lauishly lasht it out and vtterly vndone him selfe the fault was in him selfe for abusing it and not in his father for giuing it vnto him Furthermore to haue the power to doe good and euill as Adam had of God is of it selfe a thing without fault euen as also to haue poyson to beare a weapon or weare a swoorde is a thing that no man can worthily blame They haue in them a force to doe good or harme They are not naught vnlesse they be abused And hee that giueth thee them doeth leaue to thee the vse thereof If hee bee a iust man hee putteth them into thy hande not to abuse but to vse as equitie and right requireth Wherefore if thou abusest them the faulte is imputed to thee selfe and not to him that gaue thée them Nowe since God which gaue Adam that will and power is of him selfe moste absolutely iust it followeth consequently that hee gaue them to Adam not to doe euil but good why then is the moste iuste God blamed in such a case as sinfull man is without all blame in Wee do therfore conclude because affection in Adam beeing moued by sense and egged on by the serpent did persuade him to eate of the forbidden fruite when neuerthelesse his vnderstanding did yet holde the worde of God which forbadde him to eate and that his will was at free choyce and libertie to incline to whether parte it pleased him he did notwithstanding will and choose that which God had forbidden him wee do therefore I saye conclude that sinne is properly to be imputed to man which willingly transgressed and not to God which charged him that hee shoulde not sinne Here againe the aduersaries aske this question why did God create man so fraile that he of his owne will might incline to euill why did hee not rather confirme in him the goodnesse and perfecte soundnesse of nature that he could not haue fallen or sinned To this the Scripture aunsweareth saying What art thou that disputest with God woe to him that striueth with his maker Wo to him that saith to the father why begottest thou and to the mother why broughtest thou foorth Vnlesse God had made man fallable there had béene no praise of his workes or vertue For hee coulde neither haue willed nor choosed but of necessitie haue béene good Yea what if man ought altogether to be made fall-able For so did the counsell of God require him to bee God giueth not his owne glorie to any creature Adam was a man and not a god But to be good of necessitie is the proper glorie of God and of none but god And as God is bountifull and liberall so also is he iust He doth good to men but will therewithall that men acknowledge him and his benefites and that they obey him and bee thankfull for the same He had bestowed innumerable benefites vppon Adam there lacked nothing therefore but to giue him an occasion to declare shewe his thankfulnesse and obedience to his good God and benefactour Which occasion hee offered him by the making of the lawe or giuing his commandement We sée therefore that God ordeined not that lawe to bee a stumblinge blocke in Adams waye but rather to bee a staffe to staye him from falling For in the lawe he declareth what he would haue him to doe He sheweth that he wisheth not the death or destruction of Adam he teacheth him what to do that he may escape death and liue in felicitie perfect happinesse For which cause also hee prouided that the lawe should be a plaine and easie commandement Of the tree of knowledge of good and euil thou shalt not eat saith the Lorde for if thou doest thou shalt dye the death but of any other tree in the garden thou shalt eate What else was this than as if hee shoulde haue saide thou shalt in all thinges haue an eye to mée thou shalt stick to mee obey mee be subiect vnto mee and serue mee neither shalt thou frō elsewhere ferche the formes of good euil than of mee and in so dding thou shalt shewe thy self obedient thankfull vnto mee thy maker Did God in this desire any vniust thinge or more than he should at the hands of Adam He shewed him the trée as a sacramēt or signe of that which he inioyned him by the giuing of the law to wite that the trée might be a token to put him in memorie that he ought to obey the Lord alone as a wise bountiful excellent and greatest God and maker And what difficultie I pray you or darknesse was there herein Sainct Augustine is of the same opinion with vs who in his booke De natura boni aduersus Manichaeos Cap. 35. saith He did therefore forbidd it that hee might shewe that the nature of the reasonable soule ought to be not in mannes owne power but in subiection vnto God and that by obedience it keepeth the order of her saluation which by disobedience it doeth corrupt and marre And herevppon it commeth that he called the trée which he forbadd by the name of the trée of knowledge of good and euil because Adam if hee touched it against the Lordes commaundement shoulde by tryall feele the punishmēt of his sinne and by that meanes knowe what difference there was betwixt the good y followeth obedience the euil which ensueth the sinne of disobediēce Now therefore when the Serpēt was crept in and beganne to tell man of other fourmes of good and euil directly contrary to the lawe of God and that mā had once receiued them as thinges both true and credible hee did disloyally reuolt from God and by his owne fault through disobedience hee wrought his owne destruction Therefore
euil for warre and maketh it the contrarie to peace Againe Sainct Augustine De natura boni contra Manichaeos Chap. 28. saith When we heare that all things are of him and by him and in him we must vnderstande it to be spoken of all the natures that are naturally For sinnes are not of him beecause they do not keepe but defile nature which sinnes the holie Scriptures doe diuersly testifie to bee of the will of them which committ them Thus much Augustine Neither is it a matter of any great difficultie to answere to that sentence of Solomons where hee saith God created all thinges for his owne sake yea the vngodly against the euill daye Prouerb 16. For wee beleeue that the moste iust God hath appointed a day of affliction iudgement or punishement which shal come vppon them in due time and season But whereas the Apostle saith Hee hath mercie on whome he wil and whom he wil he ●ardeneth wee must not so wr●st it to say that God doeth of necessitie driue any man to sinne and that therefore he is the cause of sinne For the will of God is good and iuste and willeth nothing but what is expedient and not repugnant to nature and the word of god And therefore it is that the Prophet cryeth The Lorde is iuste in all his wayes and holie in all his woorks Psalme 145. Thus haue I out of much that may be saide picked out a little and layed it before your eyes dearely beloued for you to consider of the cause of sinne Wee are nowe come to demonstrate the first partes which were set downe in the description of sinne immediately vppon the beginning of this sermon They are in number two the first is Sinne is the natural corruption of mankinde The latter is and the action that riseth of it contrarie to the lawe of God. Some verily in setting downe the kindes or differences of sinnes doe verie well aduisedly saye Of sinnes one is originall and another actuall I meane in order to speake of both so farre as God shal giue mée grace and firste of the same naturall corruption in mankinde that is of originall sinne Nowe therefore it is called originall sinne because it commeth from the firste beginning being deriued from our firste parents into vs all by lineall descent and continual course from one to another For wee bring it wi●h vs in oure nature from our moth●rs wombe into this life Of this sinne there are many definitions made which as they doe not disagrée among them selues so yet is one of them more full and euident than another of them is Some say Originall sinne is the corruption of nature from the first perfectnesse Other some saye it is the corruption of mannes nature which maketh that wee doe not truely obey the lawe of God and are not without sinne Againe some call it a want or defect other call it concupiscence whiche might better séeme to be the fruite of originall sinne that is of oure corruption Other call it an inordinatenesse of appetites which is leaft in nature Anshelmus a late writer saith Originall sinne is the want of originall righteousnesse But this is thought to haue beene spoken somewhat too briefely For the force of sinne seemeth to bee not sufficiently expressed For our nature is not onely voyde and baren of goodnesse but also most aboundant and fruitefull of all euils and naughtinesse Therefore the definition of Hugo is taken for the better who saith Originall sinne is ignoraunce in the mynde and concupiscence in the fleashe But yet this séemeth to bée a farr fuller and better definition Originall sinne is the vice or deprauation of the whole man whereby hee cannot vnderstande GOD and his will but of a peruerse iudgement of thinges doeth ouerthwartly and peruerteth all thinges And nowe among all these definitions I wishe you dearely beloued to consider of this also Originall sinne is the inheritablie descending naughtinesse or corruption of oure nature whiche doeth firste make vs indaungered to the wrath of God and then bringeth foorth in vs those woorkes which the Scripture calleth the woorkes of the fleashe Therefore this originall sinne is neither a déede nor a woorde nor a thought but a disease a vice a deprauation I saye of iudgement and concupiscence or a corruption of the whole man that is of the vnderstanding will and all the power of man out of which at last doe flowe all euil thoughtes naughtie wordes and wicked déedes This sinne taketh beginning at and of Adam and for that cause it is called the inheritablie descendinge naughtinesse and corruption of oure nature Concerning the corruption and sinne of Adam out of whome we are all borne sinners I haue allreadie sufficientlye spoken where I treated of the cause of sinne and by and by hereafter shall followe somewhat more of the same argument so that I haue no néede to repeate any thing here I will therfore now passe forth to the rest The Pelagians denyed that this euill of Originall sinne was hereditarie For these are the verie woordes of Pelagius him selfe As without vertue so are we also borne without vice And before the action of our own wil that alone is in man which God created These woordes of his are somewhat obscure but Caelestius the partener of Pelagius did more openly spue out this poyson and saye Wee did not therefore saye that infants are to bee baptised into the remission of sinnes to the ende that we should seeme thereby to affirme that sinne is Ex traduce or hereditarie which is vtterly contrary to the Catholique sense Because sinne is not borne with man but is afterwarde put in vre by man because it is declared to bee not the fault of the nature but of the will. Againe Pelagius saide that that first sinne did not hurte the first man onely but all mankinde also his issue and ofspring but he doth immediately adde not by propagation but by example that is to saye not that they which came of him drewe any vice of him but because they that sinned afterwarde did in sinning imitate him that sinned first and before them This is to be seene in Aurelius Augustinus De peccato originali contra Pelagium Caelestium Lib. 2. Cap. 6. 13. et 15. Wee therefore must proue by the testimonies of holie Scripture that the euil is hereditarie in man and that originall is borne together with vs that is that all men are borne sinners into the worlde The Prophet therefore doth plainly crye Psalme 51. Beholde I was borne in wickednesse and in sinne hath my mother conceiued mee Or as another translation out of the Hebrue saith Beeholde I was shapen in iniquitie and in sinne my mother cherished or warmed mee That is to saye sinne did then immediately cleaue vnto mée when I was once conceiued and nourished in my mothers wombe Nowe that happened vndoubtedly not by any vice of matrimonie for the wedlock bedde is holie and vndefiled
of the tranquillitie of kingdomes and common weales And therefore did the most iust Lorde inriche certeine excellent men and common weales with many and ample temporall giftes For vppon the Gréekes and many Romane Princes he bestowed riches victories and aboundant glorie And verily ciuil iustice and publique tranquillitie was in great estimation among manye of them Other receiued infinite rewards beecause they did constantly and manfully execute the iuste iudgements of God vppon the wicked rebelles and enimies to god Neither is it to be doubted but that the Lorde graunted that inuincible power to the Romane empire vnder Octauius Augustus and other Romane Princes to the ende that by their strength he might breake and bringe downe the inuincible malice of the Iewish people and so by the Romanes reuenge the bloud of his sonne his holie Prophets and blessed Apostles which had béen shed by those furious and blasphemous beastes Note here that immediately after the subuersiō of Hierusalem the Romane Empire beganne to decline Nowe let vs returne to the matter againe Lastly they do demaund whether the good woorkes of the Sainctes and faithful ones be sinnes or no Verily if thou respectest our corruption infirmitie then all our woorkes are sinnes because they be the workes of vs which are our selues not without filthie spottes and therefore the works which bee wrought by vs cannot bee so perfect as otherwise they ought to be in the sight of god And yet the verie same workes for the faithes sake in vs and because wee are receiued into the Grace of God and that therefore they are wrought of vs which are nowe by Grace the sonnes of God bothe are in déede and also called good For to this ende tendeth that saying of the Apostle With the minde the same I or euen I doe serue the lawe of God but with the fleshe the lawe of sinne Lo here one and the same Apostle euen being regenerate doth reteine in him selfe two sundrye dispositions so that his verie woorke working in diuers respectes is bothe sinne and a good worke also For in as much as in mynd he serueth God so farre foorth he doeth a good woorke but in so muche as hee againe did serue the lawe of the fleshe therein his woorke is not without a spott For hee him selfe a little before in the same seuenth Chapter saide I finde when I woulde do good that euill 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to saye is present with by and in mee which euill vndoubtedly making alwayes a shewe of it selfe in all our woordes workes and thoughtes doeth cause that the worke which is done of vs when we are regenerate cannot bee so pure as Gods iustice doeth looke that it should be by the Grace therefore and the mercie of God it is reputed and estéemed as pure Here vnto now doth that sentence of oure Lorde in the Gospell after Sainct Iohn belong where he saith Hee that is washed hath no neede saue to washe his feete but hee is cleane euery whitt For if hee bee cleane euery whitt what néede hath the cleane to washe his féete But if the féete must be washed howe then is hee cleane euery whitt And yet these sayings are not repugnant betwixt them selues euen as also that saying is not where wee saye that good woorkes are sinnes For according to the plentifullnesse and imputation of Gods grace and mercie wee are cleane euerye whitt being thoroughly purged from all our sinnes so that they shall not condemne vs And yet for because there is alwayes in vs the lawe of sinne whiche sheweth it selfe in vs so long as wee liue therefore our féete that is those euill motions naughtie lustes of oures muste be resisted and to our power repressed finallie wee must acknowledge that we our selues and our verie workes are neuer with oute an imperfection and therefore consequently that all our workes and we do stande in néede of the grace of god These questions beeinge thus resolued wee are nowe come to expounde the sinne againste the holye Ghoste The sinne againste the holy ghoste is a perpetual blaspheminge of the reuealed and knowen trueth to witte when we against our conscience falsely reuolting from the knowen trueth do without intermission both inueigh and rayle againste it For blasphemy is the euill spéech or despightfull tantes wherewith we inueighe against or slaunder any man by casting forth wicked and detestable speeches againste him whereby his credite and estimation is either crackte or vtterly disgraced Wée d●e therefore blaspheme the magistrates our elders and other good men when wee doe not onelye withdrawe oure obedience and the honour due vnto them but doe also with reprocheful wordes bayte them not ceassing to call them tyrauntes bloudsuckers wicked headds and odible guides but wee doe especially blaspheme God when we detracte his glorie gaynsaye his grace and of set purpose doe stubbornly contemne and dispraise his truth reuealed vnto vs and his euidente worckes declared to all the world Euerie sinne verilie is not blasphemie but all blasphemie is sinne For beecause it tendeth againste God and his will it is sinne but therewithall this propertie more and singularitie it hath that it dothe also despise God and speake reprochfullie againste his workes Many doe sinne againste the doctrine of the trueth because they doe either neglecte and not receyue the trueth or else because when they haue receiued it they doe not reuerence and set it foorth but these kinde of men thoughe they bee sinners doe not yet deserue to be called blasphemers but if they beginne once with tauntes and quippes to mocke the doctrine whiche they neglect calling it Hereticall Schismaticall Seditious and Diuellishe then maye they rightely bée termed blasphemers Wherefore the propertie of the sinne againste the holie Ghoste is not onely to reuolte from the truthe but also againste all conscience to speake againste the trueth and with floutes incessauntly to ouerwhelme bothe the verie woorke and moste euidente reuelation of the Lorde For the conscience being by the euidence of the reuelation or woorke of the holie Ghoste conuinced suggesteth or telleth them that they ought not onely to temper them selues from reprochfull speeches but that they oughte to doe an other thing too that is that they oughte to yéelde to the truthe and giue to God his due honour and glorie But nowe to exclude this inspiration of the holy spirite to reiecte and ouerwhelme it with stubborne falshood flatt apostacie wicked contradiction and perpetuall contempt is flatly to committ sinne against the holie Ghoste And this verily taketh beginning of originall sinne and is nourished and set forwarde by diuellish suggestions our peruerse affections by indignation enuie hope or feare by stubborne and selfewilfull malice and lastly by contumacie rebellion But nowe the course of the matter requireth to heare what the Lorde saide in the Gospell concerning this sinne In the twelfth of Matthewe he saith Euery sinne and blasphemie shal be forgiuen vnto men but
ioye and alwayes bringeth gladnesse with it The tydings are that there is borne the Sauiour of the worlde euen the Lorde Iesus Christ he is borne and that too vnto and for vs that is to the health and saluation of vs mortall men Sainct Paule saith That the Gospel was promised afore of GOD by the prophets in the holie Scripture of his sonne which was made of the seede of Dauid after the fleshe who hath been declared to be the sonne of god with power after the spirite that sanctifieth by his resurrection from the dead And againe The Gospell is the preaching of Iesus Christe according to the reuelatiō which hath beene kept cloase from before beginninges but is nowe made manifeste and by the writinges of the proph●ts opened to all nations vnto the obedience of faith according to the apointment of the eternall God. And yet againe more briefely he saith The gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to all that do beleeue that is to saye the Gospell is the preaching of Gods power by whiche all they are saued that do beléeue But Christe is the power of god For he is saide to be the arme the glorie the vertue brightnesse of the father Now Christ bringeth saluation to euery one that doth beléeue For hee is the Sauiour of all Of all this wee doe nowe gather this definition of the holie Gospell the Gospell is the heauenly preaching of Gods grace to vs warde wherein it is declared to all the worlde being set in the wrath and indignation of God that God the father of heauen is pleased in his onely begotten sonne oure Lord Christ Iesus whome as he promised of olde to the holy fathers hee hath nowe in these latter times exhibited to vs and in him hath giuen vs all things belonging to a blessed life and eternal saluation as hee that for vs men was incarnate dead raysed from the dead againe was taken vp into heauen and is made our onely Lorde and Sauiour vppon condition y we acknowledging our sinnes do soundly and surely beléeue in him This definition I confesse is somewhat with the longest but yet withall I woulde haue you thinke that the matter which is in this definition described is it selfe verie large and ample which I haue therefore in this long definition or description with as greate light as I coulde endeuoured my selfe to make manifest to all men Wherefore I neither could nor shoulde haue expressed it more briefely This definition consisteth of iust partes which being once seuerally expounded and throughly opened euery man I hope shal euidently perceiue the nature causes effects and whatsoeuer else is good to bee knowen concerning the Gospell First of all that the Gospell is tydinges come from heauen and not begonne on earth that doeth moste of all argue because God our heauenly father did him selfe firste preach that tydings to our miserable parentes after their fall in Paradise promising his sonne who being incarnate should crushe the Serpents head Then againe the Apostle Paule doth in expresse wordes saye God in time past at sundrie times and in diuerse manners spake vnto the fathers by the Prophets and hath in these laste dayes spoken to vs by his sonne And Iohn before him is read to haue testified saying No man hath seene God at any time the onely begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath declared him And againe He that commeth from an high is aboue all he that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth he that commeth from heauen is aboue all and what he hath seene and heard that he testifieth To this belongeth that the Prophets were beléeued to haue prophecied by the inspiration of the holie spirite Nowe they did in the holie Scriptures foreshewe the Gospell the especiall or chiefe poyntes whereof were by Angels descending from heauen declared vnto men For the incarnation of the sonne of God is by the Archangel Gabriel tolde first to the holie virgine and after that againe to Ioseph the supposed father of Christ and tutour of the vnspotted virgin The same Angel did preache to the shéepeheardes the birth of the sonne of god Moreouer to the women that came to the graue mynding after their countrie manner to annoynct the bodie of the Lord the Angels declared that hee was risen from the dead againe The same Angels at the Lordes ascension did testifie to the Apostles whose eyes were turned and surely fixed into the clouds that he was taken vpp into heauen that from thence hee shoulde come againe to iudge the quick and the dead And to all these testimonies may bee added the voice of the eternall father him selfe vttered from heauen vppon our Lorde and Sauiour saying This is my beloued sonne in whome I am pleased heare him Which testimonie of the father the blessed Apostle Peter doth in the zeale of the Spirite repeate in the firste Chapter of his seconde Epistle Therefore the preaching of the Gospell is a diuine spéech vnreproueable and brought downe from heauen which whosoeuer beleeue they do beléeue the worde of the eternall God and they that beléeue it not do despise and reiecte the woorde of god For it ceasseth not to bee the worde of God because it is preached by the ministerie of men For of the Apostles we do read that the Lord did saye It is not ye that speake but the spirite of my father which is within you And therefore we read that they departed not from Hierusalem vntill they were first instructed from aboue and had receiued the holie Ghost Neither is there any cause why the worde of God should be tyed to the Apostles onely as though after the Apostles no man did preache the word of god For our Lorde in Saincte Iohns Gospell doth plainly saye Verily I saye vnto you hee that receiueth whome soeuer I sende receiueth mee and he that receiueth mee receiueth him that sent mee Nowe our Lorde the highe priest and chiefe byshop of his catholique church doeth sende not Apostles only but al them also that are lawfully called and doe bring the worde of Christ Therefore we vnderstand it to be spoken concerning all the lawfull ministers of the churche where the Lorde doeth saye Whose sinnes soeuer ye forgiue they are forgiuen them and whose sinnes soeuer ye reteine they are reteined And againe whatsoeuer thou loosest on earth shal be loosed in heauen whatsoeuer thou byndest on earth shal be bound in heauen For in an other place the Lorde saith Verily I saye vnto you it shall bee easier for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of iudgement than for that citie that receiueth you not heareth not your sayings Nowe who knoweth not with howe filthie horrible sinne the men of Sodome did defile them selues and that the Lorde rayned fire brimstone and pitche frō heauen wherewith he burnt vp both the citie and her inhabitants Who therefore cannot gather therevppon that rebels
Christ Iesu our Lord the true Messiah either not onely or else not fully all thinges requisite to life and saluation It is a wicked and blasphemous thinge to ascribe either to men or to things inferiour and worse thā men the glorie and honour due vnto Christ The principall exercises of Christian religion cannot by derogating from the glorie of Christe challenge any thing vnto themselues For syncere doctrine doth directly lead vs vnto Christ Prayer doeth inuocate praise and giue thanckes in the name of Christ The Sacramentes doe serue to seale and represent to vs the mysteries of Christ And the workes of faith are done of duetie althoughe also of frée accord because wee are created vnto good works Yea through Christ alone they do please and are acceptable to God the father For hee is the Vine we are the branches So all glorie is reserued vntouched to Christ alone which is the surest note to know the true Gospel by Thus hetherto wee haue heard That God the father of mercies according to his frée mercie taking pittie vppon mankinde when it stucke fast and was drowned in the myre of hell did as hée promised by the Prophets send his onely begotten sonne into the world that he might draw vs out of the mudd and fully giue vs all thinges requisite to life and saluation For God the father was in Christ reconciled vnto vs who for vs and our saluation was incarnate dead raysed from death to life and taken vpp into heauen againe And although it may by all this be indifferently well gathered to whom that saluation doeth belonge and to whome that grace is rightly preached yet the matter it selfe doeth séeme to require in flatt woordes expressely to shewe that Christ and the preaching of Christ his grace declared in the Gospell doeth belonge vnto all For wée must not imagine that in heauen there are layed two books in the one wherof the names of them are written that are to be saued and so to be saued as it were of necessitie that do what they will against the woord of Christ and commit they neuer so heynous offences they cannot possiblie choose but be saued and that in the other are conteyned the names of them which doe what they can and liue they neuer so holilie yet cannot auoyde euerlasting damnation Let vs rather hold that the holy Gospel of Christ doeth generally preach to the whole world the grace of God the remission of sinnes and life euerlasting And in this beliefe wee must confirme oure mindes with the word of God by gathering together some euident places of the holy Scriptures which doe manifestly proue that it is euen so Of whiche sort are these sayinges following In thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed Genesis 22. Euerie one that calleth vppon the name of the Lord shal be saued Ioel. 2. Wee haue all gone astray like sheepe and God hath layed vppon him the iniquitie of vs all Esaie 53. Come to the waters all ye that thirst Esaie 55. There are of this sorte innumerable places in the old testament Nowe in the Gospel the Lord sayeth Euerie one that asketh receiueth and hee that seeketh findeth c. Matth. 7. Come to mee all ye that labour and are heauie loaden and I will ease you of your burthen Matthewe 11. Teach all nations baptisinge them in the name of the father c. Matth. 28 Goe ye into the whole world preach the Gospell vnto all creatures Whosoeuer beleueth and is baptised he shal be saued Marc. 16. So God loued the worlde that hee gaue his onely begotten sonne that euery one which beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life Iohn 3. In the Actes of the Apostles Sainct Peter saith Of a trueth I perceiue that there is no respect of persons with God but in euery nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousnes is acceptable vnto him Actes 10. Paule in the thirde to the Romanes saith The righteousnesse of God by faith in Iesus Christ commeth vnto all and vppon all them that beleeue And in the tenth Chapter he saith The same Lorde ouer all is riche to all them that call vppon him In his Epistle to Titus hee saith There hath appearrd the grace of God that is healthful to all men And in the firste to Timothie the seconde Chapter he saith God wil haue all men to bee saued and to come to the knowledge of the trueth These and suche like are the manifest testimonies wherevppon all the faithfull do firmely staye them selues But now if thou demaundest how it happeneth that all men are not saued since the Lorde would that all should be saued come to the knowledge of the trueth The Lorde in the Gospell doth him selfe answere thee saying Many in deede are called but fewe are chosen Which sentence hee doeth in the fourtéenth of S. Lukes Gospell more plainly expound where he doth in a parable shewe the causes why a great part of mortall men doth not obteine eternal saluation while they preferre earthly thinges transitorie beefore celestiall or heauenly matters For euery one had a seuerall excuse to cloake his disobedience withall one had bought a farme an other had fiue yokes of Oxen to trye the thirde had newly married a wife And in the Gospell after Sainct Iohn the Lorde saith This is condemnation because the light came into the worlde and men loued darkenesse more than the light With this doctrine of the Euangelistes doeth that saying of the Apostle agrée 2. Corin. 4. Chapter And in the first to Timothie the fourth Chapter he saith God is the Sauiour of all men especially of those that beleeue Wherevppon we gather that God in the preachinge of the Gospell requireth faith of euery one of vs and by faith it is manifest that we are made partakers of all the goodnesse and giftes of Christe And verily there is a relatiō betwixt faith and the Gospell For in the Gospell after Sainct Marke the Lorde annexeth faith to the preaching of the Gospell And Paule saith that To him was committed the preaching of the Gospell vnto the obedience of faith Againe he saith The Gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to all them that doe beleeue And in the tenth Chapter to the Romans he doth by Gradation shewe that the Gospell is receiued by faith But that faith may be rightly planted in the heartes of men it is needefull that the preaching of repentaunce do firste goe before For which cause I in the latter ende of the definition of the Gospell added So that wee acknowledginge our sinnes may beleeue in Christe that is to saye the Lorde wil be oure Sauiour and giue vs life euerlasting if we acknowledge our sinnes and do beléeue in him And therefore here nowe may be annexed the treatises of faith and repentaunce Touchinge faith I haue alreadie largely spoken in the 4. 5. and 6. Sermons of the first Decade Concerning repentaunce I wil
hath bounde him selfe to vs of his free grace and goodnesse And in vs there are many thinges that hinder the perfection of righteousenesse in vs Wherevppon Dauid cryed Enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunt for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified Therefore GOD doeth freely impute to vs the righteousenesse of faith that is hee reputeth vs for righteous because we beléeue him through his sonne So wee read that in the Euangelicall parable the Lorde did saye But when the debters were not able to paye hee forgaue them bothe the debte For GOD also forgiueth vs our debtes or sinnes not reputinge them vnto vs but countinge vs for righteous for Christe his sake For the same Apostle moste euidently testifying the same thinge in the seconde Epistle to the Corinthians saith God was in Christe reconciling the worlde vnto himselfe by not imputing sinnes to men And after that againe Him whiche knewe no sinne he made sinne for vs that wee might bee the righteousenesse of God in him What canst thou require more euident than that wee are counted righteous before GOD because by Christ his sacrifice oure sinnes are so purged that wee shoulde heereafter bee no longer helde with the guylte of the same Wee proceede nowe to reckon vpp the other argumentes of Saincte Paule as firme and manifeste as these that are alreadie rehearsed In the same Chapter therefore it followeth Euen as Dauid describeth the blessednes of the man to whom the LORDE imputeth righteousenesse without workes saying Blessed are they whose vnrighteousenesses are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is that man to whome the Lorde will not impute sinne In the beginninge hee doeth with cleare and euident woordes expresse the thing that hee intendeth to prooue or confirme to wite that GOD imputeth righteousenesse to the Saincts without woorkes What coulde bee saide more plainly And to proue it to bee so here he inferreth the testimonie of Dauid which doeth in a manner conteyne three sundry members or clauses Firste Blessed saith hee are they whose vnrighteousenesses are forgiuen Then Blessed are they whose sinnes are couered And lastly Blessed is that man to whome the Lord will impute no sinne Nowe the force of the argument or demonstration doeth consist in the wordes Forgiue Couer and not Impute The creditour forgiueth the debtour that whiche hee hath not payde him whether he bee able or not able to paye it him Wee in respecte of our sinnes whiche are our debtes are able to paye nothinge to GOD. Forgiuenesse therefore of those debtes or sinnes of oures is the gifte of Gods méere grace and liberalitie For the creditour cannot forgiue the thinge that is alreadie payde vnto him For when hee giueth backe the thinge that hee hath receiued in so dooing hee doeth not forgiue but giue and that deede in the Scriptures is called Donum a gifte not Remissio a forgiueing Wherevppon Sainct Paul saith GOD gaue to Abraham the inheritaunce therefore Abraham with his woorkes did not merite the same Secondarily some filthie thing that offendeth the eyes of men is vsually woont to bee couered and yet notwithstandinge the filthie thinge abydeth filthie still although it doeth not appeare outwardly vnto the eyes of men And our mercifull God hath couered our sinnes not that they shoulde not bee but that they shoulde not appeare or come to iudgement whiche thing is the gifte of grace and not of merites For the coueringe is nothing else than the bloud of the sonne of GOD for for his bloudes sake wee sinners are not damned Lastely GOD might by right and iustice impute sinne vnto vs but of his grace hee imputeth it not And all these layde together doe confirme and prooue that righteousenesse is freely by faith without workes imputed vnto vs. This verie same place of Saincte Paule taken out of Dauid doeth discusse and make plaine vnto vs other poyntes of doctrine also whereof there is some controuersie For wee learne that iustification is nothinge else but sanctification forgiuenesse of sinnes and adoption into the number of the children of god We learne that Saincte Paule speaketh not only of the Ceremoniall woorks of the Lawe but also of the Sainctes good woorkes of euery sorte Furthermore wee learne that both sinnes and iniquities that is all manner sinnes of the faithfull are freely pardoned and vtterlye forgiuen Moreouer wee learne that sinnes are fullye remitted not the fault onely but the punishement also whiche punishment some saye is reteined but God doeth not impute sinnes In an other place he saith that he wil not haue any remembrāce of our sinne at all Lastly we learne that the satisfactions for sinne of mans inuention is a moste vaine lye and flatlye opposite to the Apostles doctrine I haue hitherto alledged two most euident places the one out of the Gospell of Christe the other out of sainct Paule his Epistle written to the Romanes by which I meant to prooue that Christe beeing preached to vs by the Gospell is receiued not by workes but by faith and I hope I haue by diuine testimonies so declared this matter of importance that no man shall néede hereafter either to doubte or wauer in the same To all this nowe I adde this note still moste necessarie to be obserued that all good and holie men in the Church of Christ must with all their power do their indeuour that this doctrine of the Gospell maye abyde sincere and vtterly vncorrupted For they must in no case admitte that iustification is partely attributed to faith and the mercie of God and partely to the workes of faith and our owne merites For if that be admitted then doeth the Gospell loose all force and vertue I thinke therefore that all men must onely and incessantly vrge this that the faithful are iustified saued or sanctified by faith without woorkes by the grace and mercie I saye of GOD thorough Christe alone And I suppose verily that this doctrine of the Gospell must be kepte sincer● and vncorrupte in the Churche for verie many causes but among all other for these especially which followe hereafter Firste of all it is manifest that the often repeated doctrine of the Grace of God which in his onely sonne doeth thorough faith alone woorke iustification is by so manye diuine testimonies euen from the beginning of the worlde by so manye demonstrations and so many determinations of vnreproueable counsels both so plainely declared and throughly inculcated that the verie cōsent of all ages in the trueth reuealed from heauen and the authoritie of the moste holye men in all the worlde do sufficiently inuite vs to retaine maintaine and keepe that doctrine vncorrupted Wée haue the iustification of oure blessed father Abraham a little aboue expounded by no obscure author but euen by Paule the teacher of the Gentiles and elected vessel of GOD him selfe Wee haue the doctrine of instification taught by the moste glorious kinge and Prophet Dauid a man euen after Gods heartes desire the greate grandsyre of Christ
satisfie him if so bée that thou canst Yea if he demaundeth not and thou doest sée thy brother to be in danger charitie againe commaundeth thée to admonishe him that is so in daunger and to handle him as a brother For Paule to the Galathians sayeth Brethren if a man be preuented in any fault ye whiche are spirituall restore such an one in the spirite of meckenesse considering thee selfe least thou also be tempted Beare ye one an others burthen and so fulfill the lawe of Christ But this belongeth nothing to confession therefore wee returne to our purpose againe Thus muche haue wée hetherto said touching the confession of sinnes which God hath instituted Now wee will annexe somewhat touching the confession of sinnes that men haue ordeyned That confession also is of two sortes the one is publique rituall or ceremoniall whiche for the most part they call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The other is priuate or secrete is called Auricular I call the publique confession Rituall not so much because it is the acknowledging or confession of sinne as for that it is the penitentiall action for the sinne committed For Isidore the bishoppe Libro Etymol 6. Cap. 18. sayeth Exhomologesis is the discipline of prostrating and humbling men in habite in huing to lye in sacke and ashes to deface the bodie with filthe to mourne lament with a sorrowfull minde and thorough sorrowe to amende that wherein they sinned before These woordes of bishop Isidore I would not haue recited vnto you déerely beloued who is an authour not very famous vnlesse I had séene the same woordes in a manner to bée read in the booke whiche Tertullian wrote of Repentaunce and vnlesse I had found an example thereof in Eusebius who in the fifte booke and last Chapiter of his Ecclesiasticall historie sayeth Natalis the martyre being seduced by heretiques and at leng the vnderstanding his errour riseth vpp in the morninge and putting on a sackecloth sprinckling himselfe with ashes and with many teares bewayling his errour casting himselfe prostrate at the feete of Zephyrinus the bishoppe and all other not Clearks onely but Laye-men also with great lamentation and exceeding sorrowe prouoked all the congregation with earnest and continuall prayers to request of Christe Iesus to pardon his offence Touching the rites of repentaunce I will hereafter speake Nowe this rituall or ceromoniall Repentaunce as it was vsed amonge them of old appeareth not to haue béene cōmaunded of God that whosoeuer at this day committeth any sinne should be compelled presently to confesse it openly in such sorte as they were wont to doe it For where is it read that such penaunce was inioyned to the sinnefull or adulterous woman that is mentioned in the Gospell Many other sinners are receiued by Christe into the grace of GOD without such outward penaunce For it is very well knowen howe Christ dealt with Matthew with Zacheus with Peter that denied him and with many other Therefore wée doe not amisse beléeue that the old bishoppes and priestes did inuent that publique kind of penance for disciplines sake and that they of their times might haue lesse libertie to sinne Truely Hermius Sozomenus Salaminius that notable writer of the Ecclesiasticall historie in his seuenth booke and sixtéenth Chapiter sayeth In the beginning it pleased the priestes that as it were in a theatre where all the congregation might beare record of the same the sinnes of offenders should bee openly published Loe héere hee sayeth It pleased the priestes Hée addeth also that there was a Priest appointed to whome they that sinned should come and confesse their sinnes and should heare of him the penaunce to wit what they should doe or how they should abye for their transgression Immediately after he describeth the manner of penaunce in the Romane Church vsed And to that againe hee addeth that in the Church at Constantinople there was a priest appointed to heare penitents whiche office remayned still till at the length a certaine Gentlewoman whiche for the sinnes that she had confessed was inioyned by such a penitentiarie to fast and to pray to God and thereby haning occasion to be long in the church was at last bewrayed to haue played the whore with a deacon For which cause the priestes were euil spoken of But Nectareus the bishop deuising how it were best to deale with such a gréenous crime depriued the deacon that had done the sinne of his deaconshipp And for-because some persuaded him to leaue it free to euery one according to his owne conscience and confidence to come to the communion of the mysteries hée did quite take away the office of that penitentiarie priesthoode and euer since that time hath that coūsel giuen to Nectareus preuailed and doth euen to this day indure And so foorth The same in the beginning of the Chapiter sayeth Nectareus the bishopp of Constantinople did first take out of the church the priest that was appointed to heare the confession of penitents whome all the other bishoppes did in a manner followe Thus farre hée But the bishop Nectareus would not haue abrogated that Exhomologesis being so holy a man as in déede hee was if hee had vnderstoode that it had béene instituted by God himselfe neither had it béene lawefull for him to haue abrogated it Therefore hee knewe euen as Sozome doeth also confesse that by the counsell of the bishoppes that order of penaunce was vsurped in the Church Neither doe wée read that Iohn Chrysostome who succéeded Nectareus and was a very diligent and seuere bishopp did euer restore that rituall penaunce whiche his predecessour had abrogated before him For in the 31. Homilie vppon S. Paules Epistle to the Hebrues hee writeth I bidd thee not to bewraye thee selfe openly nor yet to accuse thee selfe to others but I will haue thee to obey the holy Prophete who sayeth Open thy waye vnto the lord Therefore confesse thy sinnes before GOD the true and vprighte Iudge with prayers for the imurie committed not with thy tongue but with the memorie of thy conscience And then at lengthe beleeue that thou mayest obteine mercie if thou hast it in thy mind continually And so forth Againe vppon the 56. Psalme If thou art ashamed to tell thy sinnes to any man because thou hast sinned yet saye them daily in thine owne heart I bid thee not confesse them to thy fellowe that hee should vpbraid thee tell them to thy God who doth regard them If thou tellest them not God is not ignoraunt of them for he was at hand when thou didst them And againe in an other place hee sayeth I bring thee not forth into the theatre of thy companions I compell thee not to discouer thy sinnes vnto mortall men Rehearse thy conscience before God and declare it vnto him Shewe thy woundes vnto the Lord thy best Physician and aske of him a salue for the same Againe Take heed that thou tell not a man of thy sinnes least he
the fiftéenth of the Acts. And lastly what I pray you is a sinner able to doe of his owne strength What power I pray you haue we sillie wretches of oure selues to do good But it gréeueth mée and I am ashamed of these mennes impudencie to sée that they will haue this their auricular confession to bee instituted of God and that they go about to vpholde confirme it by the Scriptures guilefullye wresting that place in the Gospell where the Lord sayeth to the Lepre Goe thy waye shew thee selfe to the Prieste Now they doe not impudently wreste this place alone contrarie to the true sense but doe also corrupt all the other testimonies of holie Scriptures whiche they are wont to cite Among all the rest I will tell you of this one Bonauentura in his commentaries Ad sententias Magistri lib. 4. Dist 17. Quaest 3. imagineth two thinges to bee in confession The one formall to witt absolution or the power to heale and this hee sayeth was instituted by the Lord at the giueing of the keyes The other is materiall to wit the disclosing of the sin and this he sayth that the Lorde himselfe did not institute but onely insinuate For immediately after he addeth these woordes And therefore confession was insinuated by the Lorde instituted by the Apostles and openly proclamed by Iames the Bishop of Hierusalem For as hee proclamed the decree of not keepinge the ceremoniall lawes Acts. 15. So also he published layed vppon all them that sinne the necessitie of confession saying confesse your sinnes one to an other Thus muche hath Bonauentura But who will not woonder at the blyndenesse of that age This writer acknowledgeth that auricular confession was not instituted by the Lorde but obscurely and as it were by coniectures of the consequents That the Apostles expounded the mynde of Christ and instituted it And that S. Iames in the name of all the Apostles did by a decree openly proclame it Hee addeth that the woordes of the proclamation were Confesse your sinnes one to an other Nowe what is it else to wreste the Scriptures if this be not to wrest them Euen hee that is the blindest doth easily se that these champions are vnweaponed in this same combat bringing forth a speare made of a wrapt vp wisp of hay which they shake keepe a coyle with as if it were the lance-staffe of Hector or Achilles It is most euident that the Apostle speaketh not of secreat and auricular confession but of the confession whiche by a certaine reciprocation is made of them that haue mutuallie offended one an other And nowe agayne freely confessinge their faultes one to another are mutuallie reconciled and praye one for an other agayne Of which I haue saide somewhat allreadie a little before They doe not see that in the Apostles woords there are two thinges which beeing diligently considered do make thē meere mockinge stockes to them that perceyue them For firste the Apostle in that place vseth this worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whiche signifieth mutuallie one an other one for one and as it were reciprocately There vppon we inferre thus if according to the Apostles precepte we must confesse our selues one to an other and that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie mutuallie or reciprocately that is that wée muste confesse our selues by turnes as it were firste I to him and then hee to me as it signifieth so in verie deed Then muste it néedes be that after the Lay-men haue confessed them selues to the Priestes the Priestes shoulde againe confesse themselues vnto the Laye-men For that is to make confession one to an other For wee saye 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is they loue one another mutuallie he him and hee him againe But if this trouble the priests to haue their confessions heard of lay-men let them then acknowlege that this place of the Apostle doth-make nothinge for theyr secrete and auricular confession which they haue deuised for their own commoditie Then the Apostle addeth And praye yee one for an other that ye may bee healed Hee doeth therefore associate and as it were ioyne vnder one yoke both confession and prayer And vppon that wee doe agayne gather if wee muste confesse to none but Priestes then muste we praye for none but Priestes But we muste not praye for Priestes alone Ergo wee must not confesse to priests alone but euerye one one to another The same place of Sainct Iames must not bee vnderstoode of secreate and auricular confession but of that open or publique Confession by whiche they returne into charitie againe by the mutuall confession of their faultes which had before offended eache other with mutuall iniuries and béeing nowe againe reconciled do praye one for another that they may be saued We do therefore leaue this for an vndoubted trueth that the disputers for auricular confession neither haue proued nor can proue that it was instituted and ordeined of GOD. But when they sée that this their confession will to wracke they go about with weake proppes God wot to staye it vp and saye that that confession is to bee reteined still in the Churche if it were for nothinge else but for disciplines sake to make men blushe when their sinnes come to light which is a cause many times that some doe sinne the seldomer And also they saye that it is to bee reteined for priuate absolution and peculiar or singular consolation of the Gospell But if auricular confession bee so néedefull and profitable for the Church as they will seeme to haue it howe chaunced it that the Church for the space of a thousand yeares after the Apostles tymes was vtterlie without it It is meruayle then that the Apostles did in no place eyther vse it or commaunde it And agayne it is manifeste that the tymes which were before the comminge of Christ did not once so muche as dreame of this confession neyther did the Apostles leaue the Church of GOD destitute of any thing necessary vnto saluation Nowe what discipline this auricular confession planted in the Church of GOD is the abhominable deedes and wycked acts that insued it doe plainely declare For both hee that did confesse and hee that heard the confession learned horrible wickednesse euen by the examination and beatinge out the circumstaunces of sinnes commytted By that meanes there were gyuen and taken causes and occasions of whoredomes and adulteries Vnder the pretence of those confessions the chastitie of matrons and virgins hath ben assaulted and also corrupted oftener tymes and more sundrie wayes than is decent to bee named Those confessours fished out the secrets of euerie mans conscience which thinge auayled greately to the establishinge of theyr tyrannie By those confessions the confessours coulde cunningly spoyle and robbe theyr shrift-children as they called them of theyr goods and substaunce because they knewe what riches euery one had and how he came by them And when the Peeres of euery common wealth knewe that the priestes were priuie to
stoppes this is one of the greatest that no small number euē of the wisest sort do say that there ought no such hast to be made vpon priuate authoritie but that the determination of the general coūsell in controuersies of religion must needs be stayed for altogether looked after without the iudgement whereof say they it is not lawful for a kingdome much lesse for any other common weale to a●ter any one point in religion once receiued and hetherto vsed But the Prophets and Apostles do not send vs to the counsels of priestes or elders but to the word of God yea in Ieremie we read How say ye we are wise we haue the law of the Lord among vs Truly the lying pen of the Scribes haue wrought a lye The wise haue beene ashamed they were afraide were taken For loe they haue cast out the word of the lord What wisedome then can there bee amonge them Againe in the Gospell we read No man that layeth his hand to the plough and looketh backe is fitt for the kingdome of God. Therefore the authoritie of the Prophets and Euangelists giueth counsell fully to absolue and perfectly to end the reformation of religion once begon with the feare of God out of or by the word of God and not to looke for or stay vppon counsels which are directed not by the word of God but by the affections and motions of men For the late examples of some ages within the space of these 400. last yeres or there about do sufficiently teach vs what we may looke for by the determinations of generall counsels The causes of counsels of old were the corruption either of doctrine or else of the teachers or else the ruine of Ecclesiasticall discipline And good and zealous men haue strongly cryed nowe by the space of 500. yeares and more that there are crept into the Church superstitions errours abuses that the salt of the earth is vnsauorie that is that the ministers of the Churches are by slouth ignorance and wickednesse become vnseasonable and that all discipline in the Church is fallen to ruine Bernard Clareuallensis being one among many is a notable witnesse of the thing cōdition And for that cause there haue beene many counsels of priests celebrated at the calling together of the bishop of Rome together with the mutuall ayde of many kinges and Princes But what became of them what was done in them and what small amendment or correction of doctrine teachers and discipline there was by them obteyned the thinge it selfe the more it is to be lamented doth plainely declare For the more that counsels were assembled the more did superstition errour preuaile in doctrine abuse in ceremoniall rites pride riot couetousnesse and all kinde of corruption in the teachers or priestes a foule blurring out of all honest discipline For such men were made presidents of the counsels as had neede first of all themselues either to be brought into a better order or else to be vtterly excommunicate out of the congregation of the Saincts they being presidents did in the counsels handle causes neither lawfull nor lawfully For the word of God had amonge them neither due authoritie nor dignitie neither did they admitt to the examination and discussing of causes those men whom it was decent to haue chiefly admitted but them whom they themselues did thincke good to like off in them they sought not the glorie of God and the safegard of the Church but sought themselues that is the glory and pleasures of this transitorie world Therfore in the holding of so many generall counsels we see no amendement or reformation in the Church obteined but rather errours abuses and the kingdome and tyrannie of the priestes confirmed augmented And euen at this day although we would wincke not see it yet we cannot choose but euen with our hands feele what we may looke and hope for in a generall counsell There shall at this day no counsell haue any authoritie vnlesse it be lawefully as they expound lawfully called together None seemeth to be lawfully called together but that which the bishop of Rome doth call together that which is holden according to the auncient custome and lawes receiued namely that wherin they alone do sit haue as they call it deciding voyces to whom power is permitted to determine giue sentence in the counsel and to them who shall thinke it an heynous crime and directly contrary to the oth that is giuen them to do once so much as thinke much more to speake any thing against the bishop sea of Rome against the decrees of the fathers constitutions of the counsels What therefore may you looke for in such a counsell That forsooth which I tolde you that nowe by the space of 400. yeares and more the afflicted Church of God to the detriment of Godlinesse hath seene and felt namely that the sincere doctrine of Christ being trode vnder foote and holy discipline vtterly oppressed wee see that euery day more and more with the great and intollerable tyrannie of the Sea and Church of Rome there do increase and are confirmed vnsound and faultie doctrine most filthie abuses and too too great licentiousnesse and wicked liuing of the priestes They forsooth doe crie that it is an heresie to accuse the Pope of errour in the chest of whose breast all heauenly doctrine is layed vp and conteined They crie that all the decrees of the Apostolicall sea must be receiued euen so as if they were confirmed by the very voice of Peter himselfe They crie that it is a wicked thing to moue any controuersie or to call into doubt the doctrine and Cermonies receiued vsed in the Church of Rome especially touching their Sacraments whereof they to their aduauntage doe make silthie merchaundize They crie that the Church of Rome hath power to iudge all men but that no man hath any authoritie to iudge of her iudgement There are in the decretals most euident canons that do set out and vrge these thinges as I haue told them Now what maner reformation shall we thincke that they are likely to admitte which stand so stiffely to the defence of these thinges Truly they would rather that Christ with his Gospell and the true Church his spouse should wholie perish thā they would depart one ynch from their decrees rites authorities dignities wealth and pleasures They verily come into the counsell not to bee iudged of others that they may amend those things which euen their owne consciences and all the world doe say would be amended but they come to iudge and yoke all other men to keepe still their power and authoritie and to ouerthrowe and take away whatsoeuer withstandeth their lust and tyrannie For afore there were sent out horrible thunders against the accusers or aduersaries of the Sea Apostolique that is of the Papisticall corruption after followed the hoat boltes of that thunder euen sentences definitiue of
that are called Gods whether in heauen or in earth as there be Gods manie and Lords manie yet vnto vs there is but one God euen the father of whome are all things and we in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whome are all things and we by him Nowe I suppose these diuine testimonies are euident enough and do sufficiently proue that GOD in substance is one of Essence incomprehensible eternall and spirituall But vnder the one essence of the Godhed the holie scripture doth shew vs a distinction of the Father of the sonne and of the holie Ghoste Now noate héere that I call it a ●istinction not a diuision or a separation For we adore and worshipp no more Gods but one so yet that we doe neither confound nor yet denye or take away the thrée Subsistences or persons of the diuine essence nor the properties of the same Noetus Anoetus in very déed and Sabellius the Libyan a godlesse bolde and verie rude Asse of whome sprang vpp the grosse heresie of the Patrispassians taught that the father the sonne and the holie Ghoste did importe no distinction in GOD but that they were diuerse attributes of god For they said that GOD is none other wise called the father the sonne and the holie Ghoste than when he is named good iuste gentle omnipotent wise c. They saide the Father created the worlde the same in the name of the Sonne tooke fleshe and suffered and againe in chaunginge his name he was the holie Ghoste that came vppon the Disciples But the true Propheticall and Apostolicall faithe dooth expressely teach that the names of the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghoste doe shewe to vs what God is in his owne proper nature For naturally and eternally God is the the Father because he did from before beginnings vnspeakeablye begett the Sonne The same GOD is naturally the Sonne because he was from before beginnings begotten of the Father The same GOD is naturally the holie Ghoste because he is the eternall spirit of them bothe procéeding from them bothe béeing one the same God bothe with them and when in the Scriptures he is called a gentle good wise mercifull and iuste God it is not thereby so muche expressed what he is in him selfe as what a one hee doeth exhibite him selfe to vs. The same Scripture doeth openly say that the Father created all thinges by the Sonne and that the Father descended not into the earth nor toke our flesh vpon him nor suffered for vs For the Sonne saith I went out from the Father and came into the worlde Againe I leaue the worlde and goe vnto the Father The same Sonne fallinge prostrate in the mount of Oliues prayeth saying Father if it be possible let this cup passe from me Againe in the Gospel he saith I will pray to the Father and he shall giue you an other comforter Loe here he saith the father shall giue you an other comforter And yet againe least by reason of those persons and properties of those persons we should separate or diuide the diuine nature the Sonne in the gospel saith I and the father are one For when he saith One he ouerthroweth them that separate or rent the diuine substance or nature and when he saith We are and not I am therein he refuteth them that doe confounde the subsistences or persones in the Trinitie Therefore the Apostolique and Catholique doctrine teacheth and doeth confesse that they are thrée distinguished in properties that of those thrée there is but one and the same nature or essence the same omnipotenci● maiestie goodnesse and wisedome For although there be an order in the Trinitie yet can there be no inequalitie in it at all None of them is in time before other or in dignity worthier than other but of the thrée there is one godhead and they thrée are one and eternall God. And the primitiue Church verily vnder the Apostles the times that came next after them did beléeue so simply despising reiecting curious questions and néedlesse disputations And euen then too did arise pestilent men in the Church of God speaking peruerse things whōe the Apostle doeth vppon good cause call greeuous woolues not spareing the flock They first brought in very straunge daungerous questions sharpened their blasphemous tongues against Heauen it selfe For they stoode in it that thrée persons could not be one nature or essence and therefore that by naming the Trinitie the christiās worshippe many Gods euen as the Heathen doe And againe since there can be but one GOD they inferre consequently that the same God is father sonne and holie ghoste vnto him selfe For so it was agreeable that they should doate in follie whome the word of God did not leade but the grosse imagination of mortall flesh And God did by these meanes punish the Giātlike boldenesse of those mē whose minds being without all reuerence and feare of God did wickedly striue to fasten the sight of the eyes of the flesh vppon the verie face of god But the faithfull and vigilant ouerséers and pastors of the Churches were cōpelled to driue such woolues from the foldes of Christe his shéepe and valiauntly to fight for the sincere catholique trueth that is for the Vnitie Trinitie for the monarchie and mysterie of the dispensation That strife bred foorth diuerse words with which it was necessarie to holde and binde those slipperie merchants Therefore immediately after the beginning there sprang vp the termes of Vnitie Trinitie Essence Substance and Person The Gréekes for the moste parte vsed Ousia Hypostasis and Prosopon whiche wee call Essence Subsistence and Personne Of these againe there did in the Churches spring vppe newe and freshe contentions They disputed sharply of the Essence and Subsistence whether they are the same or sundrie thinges For Ruffinus Aquileiensis in the 29. Chapter and first booke of his Ecclesiastical historie sayeth There was moued a controuersie about the difference of substaunces subsistences whiche the Greekes call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For some said that substaunce subsistence seeme to be all one and because wee say not that there are three substaunces in God therefore that wee ought not to saye that there are three subsistences in him But on the other side againe they that tooke substaunce for one thing subsistence for an other did say that substaunce noteth the nature of a thing and the reason wherevpon it standeth but that the subsistence of euerie person doth shewe that very thing which doth subsist Basilius Magnus wrote a learned Epistle to his brother Gregorie about the difference of Essence and subsistence And Hermius Sozomenus in the 12. Cap. of his fift booke of histories sayth The bishops of many cities meeting together at Alexandria do together with Athanasius and Eusebius Vercellensis confirme the decrees of Nice and cōfesse that the holy Ghost is coessētiall with the
shewed to Iohn the Apostle sayeth The fearefull and vnbeleeuing and the abhominable and murtherers and whooremongers and sorcerers and Idolaters and all lyars shal haue their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone whiche is the second death These thinges haue wée hetherto spoken of worshipping GOD wée will nowe speake in the second place of inuocating or calling vpon God of which poinct wée promised to speake To call vppon and calling vppon is diuerslye taken in the Scriptures For it signifieth to bring foorthe as a wittnesse or a calling to wittnesse So Moses calleth heauen and earth to wittnesse against the children of Israel by the figure Prosopopo●ie Againe the name of any one to bee called vppon ouer an other is to bee called by or after his name Let my name sayeth Iacob be called vppon them that is vppon Ephraim and Manasseh that is let them bée named by my name as if they were my children and let them be called not the sonnes of Iosephe but the sonnes of Iacob Israel So saye the wiues to their husband Let thy name bee called vppon vs that is suffer or giue leaue that wée maye bée named by thy name and that wée may be made thy wiues For these women thoroughe the knott of wedlocke take vnto them their husbands names After the same manner doe wee oftentimes read in the Prophets and holy historie of the Bible The house vppon whiche thy name is called That is the house whiche is called after thy name and is named the Lords house Likewise Ioab General of the kings armie sayth vnto Dauid Take thou the citie Rabbah the chiefe citie or seate royall of the Ammonites least I take it and my name be called vppon it That is least I bee called the conquerour of Rabbah Most ignoraunt therefore and vnskilfull are they of the Scriptures and the phrases of speache vsed in the Scripture whiche cite that saying of Iacob whiche euen nowe wée declared in defence and maintenaunce of the inuocation of Sainctes As thoughe Iacob would haue his name to be called vppon of his posteritie and ofspringe In Daniel thou doest read A people vppon whome the name of God is called Whiche signifieth nothing else thā A people that is called Gods people Héere is no mention of inuocation whereby wée aske or desire any thing Furthermore inuocation or calling vppon is taken for religion For Luke sayeth in the Actes Saule had power or authoritie to binde all those that called vppon the name of the Lord. And Paule sayeth Let euerie one that calleth vpon the name of the Lord depart from iniquitie Also Seeke after peace with all them that call vpon the name of the Lord That is whiche are of the true Christian religion Lastly to inuocate or call vppon signifyeth to crie or call for help and with continuall outcries to craue somewhat That inuocation therefore or calling vppon GOD whereof at this time wée intreate is a lifting vppe of mans minde to GOD in great necessitie or in some desire and a most ardent craueing of counsell and assistaunce by faith and also a beequeathing or committing of oure selues into the protection of God and as it were a béetaking of oure selues to his Sanctuarie and onelye safeguard In inuocation therefore true inuocation I meane a faithfull minde is first of all required whiche doeth acknowledge GOD to bée the authour and only giuer of all good gifts who is willing to heare them that call vppon him and is able to graunt vs all our requests and desires whatsoeuer An vncessaunt and ardent petition or beséeching is also required But of these poinctes more shalbée said when GOD shall giue vs leaue in our Sermon of the prayer of the faithful For inuocation is a kinde of prayer Nowe verily I will shewe that in all oure desires GOD is to bée called vppon yea onely and alone to bée called vppon Surely there are expresse commaundementes of GOD chargeing vs to call vppon the name of the Lord who promiseth that for the good will and loue whiche hée beareth vs hee will heare our requestes and suites and largelye giue vnto vs thinges tending to our healthe and benefite Of many I will cite one or two testimonies Solomon the wysest of all men doeth teache vs to call vppon GOD in all and euerie one of our necessities making a particular rehearsall of mens speciall desires The same argument doeth Solomons father that most holy kinge Dauid handle throughout the whole hundreth and seuenth Psalme Hee reckoneth vpp therefore the diuerse casualties chaunces and miseries of men their affliction or oppression their wanderinges and daungers in their iourneye their bondes and imprisonmentes their diseases and the feare of death whiche sometimes is more terrible and hideous than death it selfe their ieopardies on the sea and roughe waters barrennesse scarcitie calamities contempt shame and ignominie c. Those crosses sayeth hée if they light on any man let him not ascribe them either to his God to whose defence hee hath committed himselfe or to Fortune or to his constellation destinie but to that god that knoweth all things can do all things vppon y God let him call earnestly by fayth For often doeth the prophete repeate these wordes And when they cryed vnto the Lord in their tribulation he deliuered them out of their distresse And for that cause doeth hee so often reiterate those words to the end that we hauing conceiued a perfect trust in our heartes and sure beliefe mighte learne in all chaunces to call vppon the name of the lord For Solomon in his Prouerbes yet againe sayeth The name of the Lord is a most strōg tower vnto it doeth the righteous man runne and he shal be aduaunced or he shal be set frée from daunger Asaph also in his holy songes sayth Sacrifice vnto the Lord a sacrifice of praise and paye thy vowes vnto the most highest And Call vpon mee in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie mee And he bringeth in the Lord himselfe speaking and requiring sacrifices not of beastes not of gold or siluer but of praise and inuocation Therewithall hee promiseth helpe and witnesseth that by inuocating and praising hee is honoured or glorified wherevppon Dauid said In my trouble I will call vppon the Lord and I will crie vnto my God and he shall heare my voice out of his holy temple and my crie shall enter into his eares Ioel also said Euerie one that calleth vpon the name of the Lord shal be safe And the Lord by the prophete Ieremie sayeth Ye shall call vppon mee and ye shall liue ye shall pray vnto mee and I wil heare you ye shall seeke mee and ye shall finde mee if with your whole heart ye seeke mee Furthermore we do not read that oure holy and blessed fathers in their petitions or requests were they smal or were they great called
vppon any other than that GOD who liueth euerlastingly world without end For the Lord himselfe by Asaph sayeth In thine extremities and troubles O Israel thou calledst vppon mee and I deliuered thee Also Dauid saith Our fathers hoped in thee they hoped in thee and thou deliueredst them Vnto thee they cryed were deliuered In thee they trusted and were not cōfounded Now add vnto all these the commaundement of Christ our Lord When you pray say Our Father c. Add also the wordes which followe in Luke 11. and Matthew 7. Aske and it shal be giuen you And so forth Wée conclude therefore that the true liuing and euerlasting God ought of all mē in all their necessities to be called vppon But to no purpose peraduenture I take paines in this poinct séeing that there are but a fewe or none at all whiche denie that God is to bee called vppon This séemeth to require a more diligent declaration that God onelye and alone is to bee called vppon For many doubtlesse doe call vpon GOD but together with God or for God certeine chosen patrones wherevpon insueth that they call not vppon God onely and alone Now that hee alone is to be called vppon in this sort we declare By inuocation or calling vppon we require helpe or succour either that good thinges may be giuen to vs or that euill things may be turned away from vs Whiche néedeth no further proofe séeing it cannot be denyed of any that is ruled by his right wittes Now God only and alone is our helper who only giueth good things taketh away euil things For the Lord sayth in the Gospel There is none good but one to wit God where One is taken for only and alone Againe in the lawe by the mouth of Moses the Lord sayth Behold that I am God alone and that there is none other God beside mee And againe by Isaie Haue not I the Lorde and there is none other God beside me a iust God and a sauiour there is none beside me And Dauid Who sayth he is God besides the Lorde and who is mightie or a rocke saue our God In verie euill part therefore did the worshippers of God take it so often as men asked of them those thinges which are in the Lordes handes onely to giue Rahel sayde to Iacob Giue me children or else I dy But the scripture by and by addeth And Iacob being angrie said Am I in Gods stead which hath denied thee or withholden from thée the fruite of the wombe So when the king of Syria desired besought Ioram the king of Israel a king I wisse not so godly that he wold heale Naaman who was infected with the leprosie Ioram sayth Am I a God that I shoulde be able to kill and to giue life For he sendeth to me that I should heale a man from his leprosie Wherefore most certeine it is that to God only it belongeth to giue good thinges and to turne away euill thinges Wherevppon it doth consequently followe that God only and alone must be called vpon For if these patrones whome they call vpon as their helpers and succourers that doe not call vpon the onely God be able either to giue those things that are good or to turne away those thinges that are euill then certeinely there is not one onely god For those shoulde likewise be Gods. But Gods they are not bycause there is but one God who onely and alone giueth or bestoweth good things and taketh away or remoueth euill things God only and alone therefore is to be called vppon Patrones are not to be called vppon in so much as they are able to do vs neyther good nor harme As touching that whiche of their owne heades some doe here obiect that Patrones doe vs good and harme not of them selues but of God it is doubtfull yea it is most false For the Lord him selfe by the Prophete sayth I am the Lord Hu This or Being is my name and my glory I will not giue to an other neither my praise to grauen Images So that all glorie belongeth to God bycause he is onely and alone not onely the wel-spring of all good graces whiche is neuer drawne drye but also a most iust and equall distributer of the same and for that cause he is called vpon worshipped and serued of men Psalme 50. Furthermore in so muche as we ought to sacrifice vnto none but to one God certeine it is that we muste worship but one onely god The Lord cryeth in the lawe He that offereth vnto other Gods than to the onely God let him be rooted out And therefore Paule and Barnabas when the people of Lystra were preparing sacrifices to offer vnto the Apostles they rent their clothes thereat as at intollerable blasphemie For in the law of the Lord we reade againe Who so euer shall make for him selfe a composition or perfume of incense to smell thereto he shall be cut off from among his people But the sacrifices of the godly are prayers thankesgiuings and inuocations on Gods name For Dauid sayth Vnto thee wil I sacrifice a sacrifice of praise and I will call vpon the name of the Lord. And againe Let my prayer be directed in thy sight as incense and the lifting vp of my handes as an euening sacrifice Paule likewise sayth By Christe we offer the sacrifice of prayse alwayes vnto God that is the fruite of lippes which confesse his name For the Prophete Osée biddeth vs offer y calues of our lips For so much therefore as one onely God is to be sacrificed vnto therefore one only God is to be called vpon Neither is it possible that they whom such as call not vppon the onely God name heauenly patrones woulde if they be Saintes require of men such maner of inuocations Nay rather both against God and against the Saintes do these offend ascribing that to such which no blessed spirites do acknowledge S. Augustine saith that they are not the Angels of the good God but wicked diuels whiche will haue not the onely and most high God but themselues to be w●rshipped and serued with sacrifices Besides that the blessed spirites or Saintes during the time that they lyued in their mortall bodies prayed Thy wil be done as in heauen so in earth therefore being nowe deliuered and set frée from all corruption they doe muche more fully yea moste perfectly agrée vnto the will of God which commaundeth all men to worship and call vpon the onely God. Againe he that looketh into and séeth the harts of them that call vpon him heareth their petitions or requestes and is able to fulfill the desires of all men liuing he I say is lawfully and fruitfully called vpon And surely it is requisite and necessarie that he knowe all thinges that he be almightie and the searcher of heartes Wherefore séeing the onely God is he the only God without further question ought to
bare witnes that this is the sonne of God. Herevnto belongeth that which Peter beeing asked of the Lorde But whome do ye say that I am answered in the name of all the Disciples Thou art that Christe the sonne of the liuing God. And againe the Lorde obiecting this Will you also be gone Peter againe made answere in the name of them all Lorde vnto whome shall we goe Thou haste the wordes of euerlasting life and wee beleeue and haue knowne that thou art Christe the sonne of the liuing God. We also verily are called the sonnes of god howbeit by adoption But Christe not by adoption neyther by imputation but by nature For in the 14. chapter of Marke the high Prieste saith vnto our Lord Art thou Christ the sonne of the blessed In Matthe we also the same high priest saith I adiure or charge thee by the liuing God that thou tell vs whether thou be the sonne of the liuing God Iesus answered I am For ye shal see the sonne of man sitting at the right hand of power and comming in the cloudes of heauen Which appeareth to be repeted out of the seuenth chapter of Daniel Furthermore they bring this confession of the Lorde before Pilate as blasphemous and not to be satisfied but with death crying Wee haue a lawe and according to our lawe hee ought to dye by cause he made him selfe the sonne of God. But they them selues in the historie of the gospel thunder out these words against the Lord We are not borne of fornication we haue one father euen God. It is certeyne therefore that the Iewes accused our Sauiour for none other cause of high treason committed against Gods maiestie than for that he named him selfe the naturall not the adopted sonne of god For the firste did not deserue death but the last was worthie of death For we read also in the first of Iohn Therfore the Iewes sought the more to kill him not onely bycause he had broken the Sabboth day but also for that he sayd that God was his father making him selfe equall with God or Gods fellowe Loe thou haste the manner howe he called him selfe the sonne of God not by adoption or reputatiō but by nature substance For yet againe the Lord himselfe obiecteth this to them that would haue stoned him Many good works haue I shewed you frō my father for which of these good works do ye stone me The Iewes answered againe saying for thy good woorkes or wel going wee doe not stone thee but for blasphemie namely bycause thou being a man makest thy selfe God. Loe what could be spoken more plainely Thou makest thy selfe God. And what I praye you had he spoken whereof they gathered these thinges I giue vnto my sheepe euerlasting life neyther shall they perishe for euer neyther shall any plucke thē out of my hande My father whiche gaue them mee is greater than all and none can pull them out of my fathers hande I and the father are one To giue life euerlasting doth belong to the power of God to preserue and so to preserue that none may be able to plucke them out of his handes belongeth to the same power Nowe the Lorde proueth his saying with this argument or reason None is able to pull the shéepe out of my fathers hands therefore none can pul them out of my handes The proofe of his antecedent bycause the father is greater than all that is to say is the greatest of all whose diuine power is aboue all The proofe of his consequent bycause I and my father are one to wit not in will and agréement onely but in maiestie also and power whereof we doe at this present entreate not of concorde or agréement but of power to make aliue and to preserue Touching whiche the Lorde him selfe most plentifully discourseth throughoute the whole fifte chapter of Sainte Iohns Gospell shewing that he forgiueth sinnes that by his power he maketh aliue and rayseth vp from the deade euen as his father doeth therefore that he is of one and the same diuine power and maiestie with God the father These thinges are so euident playne and manifest that albeit we had none other testimonies yet these may aboundantly suffice to proue the assertion of the true Diuinitie or verie Godheade of the sonne of God that the sonne indéede is true and verie God. Againe the selfe same our Lorde and Sauiour with greate libertie of speache and playnenesse of wordes without all manner of riddle darke sentence and obscuritie of wordes openly and expressely sayth to his disciples Let not your hearte be troubled or vexed You beleeue in God beleeue also in mee I am the way the trueth and the life Hee that hath seene mee hath seene the father Doe ye not beleeue that I am in the father and the father in mee And certeine it is that Christe our Lorde is the heauenly doctour or teacher the moste constant defender of the truth who neyther hath seduced neyther yet coulde seduce and leade out of the way no not so muche as one But biddeth vs beleue in him as true and verie god Therefore our Lorde and Sauiour is true and verie god For in another place he sayth moste plainely I am the liuely breade or the breade of life that came downe from heauen Hee that beleeueth in me hath life euerlasting He againe in the Gospell playnely pronounceth and saythe Father the houre is come glorifie thy sonne that thy sonne may also glorifie thee As thou haste giuen him power of al fleshe that so many as thou haste giuen him hee might giue them lyfe euerlasting And this is euerlasting life that they should knowe thee only true GOD and whome thou haste sent Iesus Christe By whiche wordes hée hath expressely proued both the vnitie of GOD that is to say that there is but one GOD againste the Ethnickes who worshipped many GODS and notably touched the distinction of the persons in the meane while likewise declaring him selfe to be verie GOD with the father For by and by he addeth Glorifie thou me O Father with thine owne selfe with the glorie which I had with thee before this worlde was Héere I thinke must not be ouerslipped of me the argument of Tertullian whiche I will recite vnto you Dearely beloued out of his booke De Trinitate wherein he doth gather together verie many most sound and strong reasons of Christe his diuinitie or Godheade If sayth he Christ be only man why hath he appointed set vs downe suche a rule to beléeue wherin he should say And this is life euerlasting y they might know thée y onely true or very God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christe If also he would not be knowne to be God why doth he adde And whome thou haste sent Iesus Christe but for that he woulde be taken also for GOD Bycause if he would not be knowne to be GOD he would haue added And whome thou haste
he had no mother Wherevppon sprange a suspicion that he should say the Lord was bare man and that hee should mainteine the hereticall opinion of Paulus Samosatenus and Photinus Whiche thing Socrates handleth at large Historiarum Lib. 7. Cap. 32. But Nestorius was iniurious to the Scripture and to true faith For Elizabeth the wife of Zacharie and the mother of S. Iohn Baptist béeing full of the holy Ghost in expresse woordes saluteth the holy virgin Marie and calleth her the mother of the Lord that is the mother of god And albeit his heauenly nature be without generation and corruption yet notwithstāding it is most certeine that hee whome Marie brought forth was God in verie déede For that whiche is borne of her sayeth the Angel is the sonne of God therefore shee brought forth God and shee worthily is called the mother of god For if she bare not God she brought forth bare man neither hath the sonne of GOD coupled man vnseparablie to himselfe In like manner since God of his owne nature is immortall truely he cannot die but if any man for that cause should absolutely denie that God was crucified and offered yea and died for vs hee should gainesaye Paule saying Had they knowen it they would not haue cr●cified the Lord of glorie But who is ignorant that the God of glorie or glorious god cannot be crucified In the meane while since he which according to the fleshe suffered and was nailed on the crosse was God not bare man onely wee rightly say that God suffered and was nailed on the crosse for vs though he which suffered suffered according to that onely which could suffer For Peter the Apostle sayeth Christ hath suffered for vs in the flesh The first Toletane counsell following him decréed in these wordes If any shall say or beleeue that the God head may be borne let him be accursed If any shal say or beleue that the deitie of Christ may be turned chaunged or iubiecte to suffering let him be accursed If any shal say or beleeue that the nature of the Godhead and the manhoode is one in Christe let him bee accursed And Damasus bishop of Rome sayeth If any shall saye that in suffering on the crosse the sonne of God God suffered paine and not the flesh with the soule whiche hee put on in the fourme of a seruaunt whiche he toke on him as the Scripture sayeth let him be accursed Therefore whereas Paule sayeth that God hath purchased to himselfe a Churche with his owne bloud who is so madd to beléeue that the diuine nature hath or euer had bloud In the meane while who is such a dorrhead that he vnderstandeth not that the fleshe whiche God toke hath bloud and since that God accounteth not that as an others but his owne which he tooke vnto him selfe wee most truly say that GOD with his owne bloud redéemed the world Wherevppon Theodoretus also bishopp of Cyrus Dialog Eran. 3. a little before the end sayeth If Christ be both GOD and man as both the holy Scripture teacheth and as the most blessed fathers haue always preched then as man hee suffered but as God he was not subiect to suffering But when wee say the bodie or fleshe or humanitie suffered wee do not separate the diuine nature For as it was vnited to his humane nature whiche was hungrie and thirstie and wearie yea and slept also yea and was vexed with sorrowe and heauinesse for the passion which hee should suffer abyding in deede none of those but suffering that to abide the affections passions of nature euen so was it ioyned vnto him when he was crucified permitted that his passion should bee throughlie ended that by his passion he might suffer death not feling griefe truely by his passion but making his passion agreeable conuenient for himselfe as the passion of his temple or dwelling place of his flesh ioyned vnto him by the whiche also they that beleeue are called the members of Christ he himselfe is called the head of those that beleeue Thus farre hée This figure of speache is called of some 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 alteration or chaunging of Iohn Damascenus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mutual giuing or an interchaunging of properties That is wont to be called a communicating of properties to witt when that propertie is giuen to one nature which is proper to another As for example No mā hath ascended vp into heauen sayth the Lord but he that came downe from heauē euen the sonne of man whiche is in heauen Truelie his humane nature was not then in heauen when the Lord spake this but in earth yet notwithstanding beecause flesh is taken into the fellowshipp of his Godhead that whiche is proper to this is attributed to his manhood And bishop Fulgentius making mention of this interpretation in his second booke to kinge Thrasimundus hath thus left written He said this not that the humane substance of Christ is present in euery place but because one the selfe same sonne of God and sonne of man very God of the father as hee is very man of man though according to his true humanitie hee was then locallie in earth yet according to his diuinitie whiche by no meanes can be conteined in place hée did wholie fill heauen and earth Thus sayeth hée Wherefore the sentences bearing witnesse of Christ in the writinges of the Euangelistes Apostles are diligētly to be marked For some are peculiarly referred to his diuine nature as are these I and the father are one Before Abraham was I'am In the beginning was the word the word was with GOD and God was that woord Hee is before all thinges the image of the inuisible God by whom all thinges are made And some are particularly referred to his humane nature or to the mysterie of his embassage or ministration of whiche sort are these The father is greater than I. Thou madest him a little inferiour to the Angels My soule is heauie euen to the death Againe there are testimonies whiche haue respecte to both natures but to neither of them seuerally do they sufficiently agree Such are these My flesh is meate in deede and my bloud is drincke in deede I haue power to forgiue sinnes to raise to life whome I will and to giue righteousnes and holinesse I am the sheepeheard the doore the light the waye the trueth the life No man cōmeth to the father but by mee For these doe sett forth and commend vnto vs the verie substaunce of Christe the person I meane of oure true sauiour and mediatour God and man For no man forgiueth sinnes but God onely Againe they are not forgiuen without death and sheading of bloud as the Apostle witnesseth in the ninth Chapiter to the Hebrues Againe there are testimonies whiche cannot aptly bee declared but by communicating of woords Touching whiche I hope this is sufficient Againe he doth not diuide the person of our mediatour God
manifest that this godly inuentiō of those men who liued holily in the time of Abraham which of late by the doctrine of Christe is preached to all nations is the first moste auncient and eldest of a● Thus much Eusebius Furthermore if we behold our selues in this looking-glasse of a Christian name we shal see that very few at this day are worthie of this name Truly all of vs are commonly so called we will be all named christians but fewe of vs liue a life worthie of our profession We are named christians of holy annointing The holy annointing is the holy ghost himself Vpon whom shal my spirit rest saith the Lorde Euen vppon him that is poore and of a lowly troubled spirite and standeth in awe of my wordes But we set light by the word of God we haue very troublesome heades we are corrupt with euil affections and lewde lusts we swel with pride therfore we want the oyntment of holy oyle or are voide of the holy ghost Who therefore can say that we bée Christians We are all of vs in maner ruled by wicked desires by the flesh the world and the prince of this worlde fewe of vs rule the world the flesh and those thinges which are in them Therefore not the spirite of God but the spirite of the world and the fleshe beareth rule in vs The diuel the world and the fleshe haue dominion ouer vs for in them wee liue and them we doe obey wherevppon being estranged and let loose frō all righteousnesse and holines we are beecome flaues seruing a most vile filthie slauerie For we not desiring to be deliuered do neither séeke a redéemer nor being impatient of their tyrannie rise rebell against them but like faint-harted cowardes wée yéeld our selues to be brought in subiection and to be kept vnder their tyrannie nay it repenteth and yrcketh vs of our labours watchinges prayers of all duties of Godlines béeing carelesse wee lie lurking as in a place of volu●tuousnesse But who would 〈◊〉 ●uch swine the most holy name of a Christian but he that is bothe exceeding foolish and wicked No maruel thē i● such be thrust down into hell there eternally to burne and there eternally to be yoked vnto him whom they haue moste wickedly chosen to themselues to follow And now what one of vs is there y doth teach admonish exhort those that boast brag of this Christian name I speak nothing heere concerning the Doctors or teachers of the Church but my talke doth touche the office dutie of a christian man Truly the most part of vs are slowe in instructing our families and felowe-brethren For either it grieueth vs to take the paine or else we feare daunger Therefore we turne the office of admonishing instructing vpon the publique ministers of the church as though nothing at all of this matter were required of vs For this cause speaches in a maner vnséemly to be spoken are heard vttered of men I haue not the office of a minister I am no P●aff priest why therefore should I 〈◊〉 ▪ why should I admonishe And these care not howe blasphemous and filthie things be spoken either at home or abroade For they liue to themselues and thinke that the glorie of God and the soules-healthe of their neighbour belongeth nothing vnto them But what sacrifices offer wee worthie of God and our name where are prayers and thanksgiuings where is the mortification of our fleshe and the denying of this world where is compassion or well-doing where is an holy and harmelesse life The contrarie if néede so required I coulde reckon vppe in a long bead-rowe but to what ende were it to make a large discourse of those thinges that are manifest vnto all men For who I pray you doth denie that the life of this presente age of men I meane whiche bragge and boaste of their Christian name is filthie stincking and pestilent Whiche thinges since they bee too too true and euident I haue nothing done amisse in saying a litle before that at this day there are fewe Christians They that are wise and desire to bee according to their name let them heare our Sauiour speaking in the Gospel of Matthew Striue to enter in at the streight gate for wide is the gate and broade is the waye that leadeth to destruction and many there be whiche goe in thereat Because streight is the gate and narrowe is the way whiche leadeth vnto life and fewe there be that finde it Furthermore they whiche thing ought first of al to haue béen spoken doe verie greatly offende against religion and Christian profession whiche as they doe not sincerely acknowledge the priesthoode kingdome of Christ so they boast thēselues to be chiefly praise worthie cōmendable catholike because they cōmit those things which by al meanes obscure darken the kingdome priest hood of Christ Christians being content with this only title name doe not ambitiously séeke after or admit another name But these men as thogh the name of a christiā were but a light trifling name neuer rest vntil they be also called by other names as though they were babtised into the name of Briō Benet Robert or Fraūcis Christians cleauing only to their lawgiuer maister teacher Christ do not acknowlege the voice of straūgers neither goe a strawes breadth from the diuine scriptures But these men charge thée with heresie vnlesse thou receiue and woorship for heauenly Oracles al kinde of constitutions of the Romish Church though they be flat contrarie to the wordes teaching of Christ Christians acknowlege themselues to haue one king one deliuerer one sauiour one head in heauen These men worship his vicar in earth and attribute saluation not onely to tri●●ing things but to verie stinking loathsome thinges Christians put all their trust in God to whome they offer all their vowes and prayers by Iesus Christ whome they beléeue to be the only highe priest and most faithfull patrone and aduocate of all that beléeue They make their prayers to creatures and mens imaginations and choose to themselues so many patrones and intercessours as there doe liue saintes in heauen Christians know that the sacrifice of Christ once offered is alwayes effectuall to make satisfaction for all the sins of al men in the whole worlde and of all men of al ages But these men with often outcries say that it is flatte heresie not to confesse that Christ is daily offered of sacrificeing priests consecrated to the purpose Therfore the name of a christian is common to al but the thing signified ment by the name is common to the faithfull only who cleaue vnto one Christ Nowe I conclude my whole discourse of Christ a king and a priest with these words of saint Augustine The sonne of God whiche made vs is made among vs and beeing our king ruleth vs therfore we are Christians because he is Christe He is
therefore vnto men to declare the will and commaundementes of god So the Angel Gabriel came first to Zacharie the father of Iohn Baptiste afterward he came to the blessed virgin to shewe vnto her the incarnation of the sonne of god Innumerable examples of this kinde are euery where found in the holie scriptures They watch for our safetie beeing carefull for vs yet without molestation whereof I tould you before They aduertise the faithfull in time conuenient foreshewing dangers to come and they also do comfort the afflicted For the wisemen being warned by the Angel that they should not returne vnto Hierusalem to Herode auoyde great perill Ioseph also béeing commaunded by the Angel slieth into Aegypt deliuering the Christe or annointed of the Lord out of the bloudie handes of Herode Christe also at the mount of Oliuet beeing in a bloudie sweate is comforted by the angel And Hagar the handmaide of Sara béeing in extreme daunger is recreated by the consolation of an angel As also the Apostle S. Paule béeing very néere shippwracke heareth this voice of the Angel of the Lord Feare not Paule thou must be brought before Cęsar and loe God hath giuen thee all them that saile with thee Againe angels are sent for reuengement of mischiefous persons to take punishment I meane of those that be wicked and impenitent For the fir●● borne of the A●gyptians 〈…〉 of the Angel. In the Acts of the Apostles the Angel of the Lord siniteth Herode Agrippa It is said that in the camp of the A●●yrians many were sinitten slaine of one Angel And Dauid sawe an Angel with a sword drawen houering betwéen heauen and earth afflicting the people with a most gréeuous plague So we beléeue that the holy Angels shall come with the sonne of man vnto iudgment as Paule witnesseth and sayth Our Lord Iesus Christe shal be reuealed from heauen with the Angels of his power in flaming fire rendering vengeance vnto them that know not God and that obey not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ For in the Reuelation of Iesus Christe also the Angels powre out vialls full of the wrath of God vppon the heads of false Christians Moreouer they take vppon them the charge and defence of vs God so commaunding they are oure kéepers readie at hand watching ouer vs that no aduersitie happen vnto vs and doe guide our ways For hetherto belong the testimonies of the Psalmes and very many examples of the scripture Dauid sayth This poore or afflicted man cryed and the Lord heard him and saued him out of all his troubles The Angel of the Lord pitcheth his tents rounde about them that feare him deliuereth them And in another Psalme hee sayeth There shall no euill come vnto thee neither shall any plague come neere thy tabernacle or dwelling For he shal giue his Angels charge ouer thee to kepe thee in all thy wayes They shal beare thee in their hands that thou hurt not thy foote against a stone Thou shalt goe or walke vppon the Lion and Add●r or aspe the young non and the dragon shal● thou 〈◊〉 vnder thy ●eete And the Lord in the Gospell plainely sayeth that little children haue angels without doubt to be their kéepers Iacob ●he 〈◊〉 greatly fearing his brother Esau ▪ 〈◊〉 Angels comming to meete him vnderstandeth that Angels were giuen vnto him as guides and kéepers of him in his way against the ●●ercenesse of his brothe In the affaires of Heliseus wee read that the king of Syria beséeged the citie Dothan with a great hoast wherein Helisęus at that time ledd his life whom he had purposed to take when the seruaunt of Helisaeus perceiued that and was troubled in minde and lamented his maisters case Helisaeus said Feare not for they that bee with vs are moe than they that be with them the Prophete also prayed and said Lord I beseech thee open his eyes that he may see the lord opened the eyes of the seruaunt and he looked and behold the mounteine was ful of horses and fierie chariots that is to say he was armed and defended with the guard of an hoast of Angels Abraham also sayth to his seruant The Lord God of heauen which said vnto mee Vnto thy seede will I giue this land he shall send his Angel before thee namely to directe thy way to defend thée and bring to passe that thou mayest obteine thy desire For the Lord himselfe said to Moses in Exodus Behold I will send my Angel before thee to keepe thee in the waye to lead thee to the place that I haue prepared In the Actes of the Apostles thou doest often read that Angels serued the Apostles furthered their purpose and defended them against their aduersaries In Daniel Ang●ls are brought in for princes and presidents or gouernours of kingdom● as Michael with Gabriel princes of th● Israelitishe kingdom●● and 〈◊〉 other of the Persian 〈…〉 of y Gr●cian kingd●●● and eache of them debate the matt●r touching his owne kingdome and fight for the same Not that there is any variaunce or disagréement in heau●n where doubtlesse there is plentifull peace euerlasting concorde and quietnesse neither that there are conflictes or battells fought betwéene the Angels as betwéene those Gods whom the Poet Homere describeth but by a parable and allusion heauen is compared to the Court of some puissaunt and renowmed prince where Embassadours of sundrie countries debate their diuerse causes which is done in consideration of our weake witt and slender capacitie For thus we ought to cōceiue in our minde that God who is the only Lord of all kingdomes heareth all mens suites and taketh in hand all mens matters and that Angels at the word and wil of God minister and doe seruice vnto God when it pleaseth him to vse their ministerie and seruice For so Nabuchodonosor also sawe in a vision a watchman cōming downe from heauen and foretelling the destinie of the trée that was to be hewen downe Neuerthelesse we must héere take héede least contrarie to the nature of true religion wee attribute too much to Angels that we worship them not that we cal not vppon them nor serue them In déed when men he are that Angels are giuen vnto them of God for ministers and that God by them doeth good vnto vs by and by they thincke that some honour is to bee ascri●●ed 〈◊〉 giuen vnto them But ●●ncere religion doth teach vs to acknowl●d●● ▪ GOD the authour of all 〈◊〉 thing●● ▪ that the Angels are ●he minister● 〈◊〉 God and as it were instruments by whome he worketh as wée sée the sonne the mone the starres the Patriarches the Prophets and the Apostles to be and to haue béene But who beeing well in his witts hath worshipped called vppon or serued the Sunne or the starrs though they bée creatures very excellent and beneficial vnto men And what partaker I pray
you of true faith beléefe hath worshipped called vppon or serued the Patriarches the Prophets and y Apostles thoughe they were indued with most precious gifts wonderful in working of myracles Wee doe all worship call vpon serue God wée confesse y God worketh by his saints who together with the holy angels of God require nothing lesse than to bee worshipped called vppon and serued of vs For truly said Lactantius lib. Institut 2. cap. 18. Angels since they be immortall neither suffer nor yet are vnlling to be called Gods whose onely office it is alone to attend vpon God with their seruice to bee at his becke and to do nothing at all but at his comaundement For wee say that God so gouerneth the world as a king ruleth his kingdome whose officers no man wil say are fellows with him in ruling his kingdome albeit affairs be dispatched by their ministerie and seruice And therefore we read that s Augustine also said Whē the Angels of God heare hee himselfe heareth in them as in his true temple not made with hands Verily if wée looke more narrowlie into and weighe the holy scripture we shall finde not in one or two places that the name of God and Angels 〈…〉 For angels ar● 〈…〉 ●nd instrumentall as they 〈◊〉 theme but God is the 〈…〉 principall cause For in the Acts of th● Apostles wée read th●● 〈…〉 And when fourtie yea●●s w●r● 〈◊〉 there appeared into him in the wildernesse of mount Sin● an Angel. And by and by hee addeth ▪ And the voice of the Lord came vnto 〈◊〉 saying I am the God of thy fath●● 〈◊〉 He calleth the selfe same Lord whom a little before hée had called an angel to wit because he beléeued that an angel both saith and doeth all thinges at Gods commaundement that the word and the worke is proper to God the angels are as instruments Likewise in the booke of Iudges cap. 6. he 〈◊〉 called Lord which euen now was called an angel Hagar the handmaid of Sara receiued a great benefite in the desert by the angel of the Lord yet shée accompteth not the same receiued of the angel but of the lord She giueth not thankes to the angel neither doth she consecrate the memorie thereof to the angel much lesse doth she worship and call vpon the angel nay rather she referreth her speach also vnto god For so the holie scripture witnesseth ▪ And she called the name of the lord which spake vnto her Thou god lookest on mee c. The childrē of Israel before whome the angel of the Lord went in the wildernes neuer offered sacrifice to their guid or captaine neuer worshipped or serued him Euen so the seruaunt of Abraham being committed to the angel doth not make supplication vnto him desiring him well to prosper his purpose but hée prayeth vnto God requireth of him to shewe and giue triall of his mercie toward his maister Abraham In Daniel the 〈…〉 God ●n●ly For they 〈◊〉 Blessess●● thou O Lord god of 〈◊〉 fathers ●ight worthie to be 〈◊〉 and honoured in that 〈…〉 So in like manner 〈◊〉 in expresse words ●●nfe●●●th that 〈◊〉 god whose hée is and whome hée worshippeth ▪ though in the mean● while he had made mention also of an angel For so he● saith in the Acts There stoode by me thir night the angel of God whose I am and whome I serue that is to say god For in another place Iohn being willing to worshipp at the angels féete the angel crieth See thou doe it not for I am thy follow seruaunt and of thy brethren the Prophets and of them which keepe the woords of this booke These plaine and manifest testimonies of holie scripture euidentlie 〈◊〉 vs that although God vse the ministerie of angels toward vs yet y they are to be acknowledged and confessed of vs to be ministers of God fellow seruaunts and therfore not to be worshipped nor called vppon but that God onely must be worshipped call●d vppon and serued From this holy doctrine of scripture certeine ministers and ecclestastical writers of the auncient Church haue nothing swarued For Lactantius in that booke whiche we cited a little before sayeth Angels wil haue no honour giuen vnto them whose honour is in god But they which reuolted and fell from the ministerie of God because they are enimies of the trueth offenders they goe about to chalenge to themselues the 〈…〉 I goe vnto 〈…〉 what prayer 〈…〉 deuouring to 〈◊〉 vnto thée ●●d being not able of themselues haue assayed as I heare these wayes haue fallen into ● desire and 〈◊〉 aft●r curious visions 〈…〉 to be deceiued These thinges are extant Lib. 11. Confess cap. 42. 〈◊〉 which he sheweth at large that Iesus Christ is the onely 〈…〉 ●●●tercessour for all the faithfull ▪ The same Augustine in his 〈…〉 De Ciuitate Dei cap. 16. 〈…〉 words that the good angel● of God require sacrifices not for themselues but for god In his last chapter of his booke De ver a Religione hee sayeth Let vs beléeue that the best angel 〈◊〉 that God be serued with the 〈◊〉 and most excellent ministerie that to●●ther with them we shuld 〈…〉 God in the 〈…〉 of whom they are blessed For we are not blessed by séeing the angels but by séeing the trueth whereby wée also loue the very angels and 〈◊〉 together with them Wher●fore we honor them for lou● not of 〈◊〉 Neither doe we build temples vnto them For they are vnwilling in such sorte to be honoured of vs Béecause they know that we our selues if wee hée good are the temples of the most high god It is wel written therfore y an angel for●ad a man to worship him but willed him to worship on● only God vnder whome he also was a fellow seruant with him The same August therfore in his catalogue of heretiques 〈…〉 of Christ his church 〈…〉 of the author if any require 〈◊〉 th●se ▪ If we should make a temple 〈…〉 of wood stone to the hol●● ang●● that is most excellent shuld 〈…〉 ●ee cursed of the ●rueth of Christ and of the church of God because we do that seruice to a creature 〈◊〉 only is due to one god If therfor● by building a ●●ple to any kinde 〈…〉 we should ●ob God of his 〈…〉 not hee the true God 〈…〉 we build not a temple but 〈…〉 his temple ▪ Th●● 〈…〉 These 〈◊〉 haue I hether to 〈…〉 of th● holie o● good 〈…〉 〈…〉 of wicked angels 〈…〉 that is to say 〈…〉 diuels Hereof I wil 〈…〉 plainly speake that which the holy scriptures minister vnto me● That there are diuels y Saduce●s in times p●st ●e●ied and at this day also 〈…〉 religious nay rather Epicures denie the same Who vnlesse they ●●pent shal one day féele to their excéeding great paine and smart both that there are diuels that they are tormenters and executioners of all wicked men and Epicures For the
Iohn 52. asketh the question Whether sathan were not cast out of the mindes of the prophetes and patriarchs since it is reported in the gospel that he is cast out by Christ And he maketh answere Verily he is cast out quite How therefore is it saide He shall now be cast out How think wee but because that whiche came to passe in verie fewe menne is euen now foretolde that it shall come to passe shortly in manie and mighty people As that saying but the holie ghoste was not yet giuē Because Iesus was not yet glorified may haue the like question the like answere For that abundance of spirituall grace was not giuen as yet whiche afterwarde was giuen Thus farre he Furthermore when the Apostle saith That we sight against spiritual wickednesses in heauenly places by heauenly he meaneth not heauenly ioyes placeing the diuels in heauen againe but the aire that is the lower parte of the world yea and the worlde it selfe For he saith elsewhere According to the spirite that ruleth in the aire And truelie the Princes of this worlde are in the aire aboue beneath and aboute vs assaulting vs on euery side Otherwise neither heauen nor the lower region of the aire is subiecte to the rule of diuels that therein they may doe what they wil or abuse it as they list but so farre foorth as God of his iust iudgement shall permit For in this disputation we muste alwayes holde for a confessed and vndoubted trueth that our Lord God is Kinge and gouernour of all creatures and that he kéepeth still his dominion ouer all creatures and exerciseth the same after a moste iuste and equall māner And although out of all these thinges might bee gathered howe great and what manner of operation the diuels is yet therevnto wil I ad somewhat more least any thinge should séeme to bee wanting in this matter In the description of the diuell I drewe into two heads all his effects worke or operations For diuels are aduersaries to God enimies to men whose whole endeuours driftes tend to the despising of God and to the deceiuing and destruction of men The sūme therefore is this They bend all their force to the contempt of God and destruction of men And that their power to hurte is not small and their vnderstanding also quick to bring all their purposes to effect we haue heard once or twise alreadie That they haue a wil to doe hurt there is no cause why any man shuld dout For that Lord said to his disciples in the gospel Beholde sathā hath earnestly desired to sift you as it were wheat And again Watch pray lest ye enter into tentation And S. Peter saith Your aduersarie as a roring lion rangeth vp downe seeking whom he may deuoure And that he withstandeth God and with continuall labour gaine-sayeth God and stirreth vp all creatures to the hating and despising of God that scripture doth euery where testifie He did wickedly instill into the mindes of our first parentes an opinion altogether vnworthye of God as though maliciously hee did enuie at their blessed state For hee said by the serpent Hath God said ye shall not eate of that tree And anon Ye shall not dye the death For God doth knowe that the same day that ye eate thereof your eyes shal be opened and ye shal be as gods knowing good and euill Vnto whiche deceiptfull wordes when they gaue credit they them selues perished drew with them the whole worlde into ruine and destruction Neither at this day verily ceasseth he so slaūder and speak euil aswel of God him selfe as also of his works to th' intent that he might draw vs together with him into y hating of God into distrust desperation and to euerlasting destructiō For he enuyeth vs our saluation where vnto we are ordeined by Christ But it is better to speake somewhat more distinctly of this thing Sathā hurtes men in their mindes in their bodies in their goods For he enticeth and prouoketh our minds to sinne Furthermore he also troubleth y mindes of men driueth them into an outrage and béeing out of quiet in this their outrage he miserably vexeth tormen●eth 〈…〉 them ●●●●vpon thou maist read that some physicians call this madnes or outrage an euil spirit or wicked diuel But he diuersly plagueth their bodies chiefly with diseases We haue that most holie man Iob for an example In the gospel after S. Luke it is said that that woman which was bowed together was bound by Sathan xviij yéeres Againe in the gospel according to S. Mark we read of a childe which had a dumb spirit And when soeuer he taketh him he teareth him and hee someth and gnasheth with his teeth and pineth away and casting him selfe on the ground lieth groueling This self same euil spirit taketh away frō men their goods wasteth and diminisheth their substance and wordly wealth Which thinge againe is manifest in the historie of Iob of the gospel For Iob is spoiled of all his substance sathā so ordering y matter by souldiers robbers The herd of swine also béeing drowned strangled in the sea wrought greate losse to the Gergesites béeing violētly caried away of that diuels were tumbled headlong into the sea Furthermore this mischefous miscreāt in accōplishing these things doth sōewhat by him self by wicked angels his fellowes somewhat by other creatures By him self he worketh outwardly inwardly by tēpting prouoking mē For he casteth before our eies counterfait deceiptfull shapes chaunging him selfe into an angel of light he windeth him self into the mindes of men He speaketh vnto vs setting before vs gay promises most greuous threatnings howbeit all of them coloured with deceiptes and lies For oftentimes he bringeth reasons probable indéede apparant yea places of Scripture at a blushe very agréeable but yet maliciously wre●●ed to his owne purpose And by this meanes he either hindereth and maimeth true faith in the mindes of men or else he taketh it away vterlie ouerthroweth it and by and by he possesseth thē wholy driueth them into most certeine perdition So it is said that whē he had entred into Iudas hart he cast him wholy headlong into euerlasting destructiō The hart of man is open vnto God only for he only is the searcher of the harte and reines But the diuell by circumuenting men with his guileful practises and by putting wicked persuasions into their hartes is said to enter into mens harts And he worketh against mā by other creatures also as by elements when he raiseth fire windes waters haile suche like calamities against vs Furthermore he stirreth vp mē against vs our frends to vexe and betray vs our enimies to consume bring vs to our end w persecutions battels bloudsheds The history of Iob yet again bereth witnes of these things Wherevnto thou maist reckon persecutions laid vpon the worshipers of
two speciall and principall markes The sincere preaching of the word of GOD and the lawfull partaking of the sacraments of Christ Wheras some add vnto these the study of godlinesse and vnitie patience in affliction and the calling on the name of God by Christe but we include them in the setwaine that we haue set downe S. Paule writing to the Ephestians saith Christ gaue him selfe for the congregation that he might sanctifie it and clense it in the founteine of water through the worde Ye haue in this testimonie of the Apostle the markes of the Church to witt the Worde and the Sacrament by the which Christe maketh to him selfe a church For with his grace he calleth with the bloud of Christ he purifieth that which he sheweth by his worde to be receiued by faith and sealeth with sacraments that the faithfull shoulde doubt of nothing touching their saluatiō obteined through Christ And these things truly do properly belong vnto the faithfull and the holy members Whereas hypocrits are not purified the faulte lieth in themselues and not in God or his holy ministerie They are surely sanctified visibly wherevppon they are counted holy amongst men and these things doe improperly belonge vnto them S. Peter in this pointe differeth not a whitt from S. Paule who when he preached the worde of God to the people of Ierusalem and they demaunding what they should doe Peter aunswered Repent and be ye euery one baptised in the name of Iesus Christ for the remissiō of sinnes S. Peter therefore ioyned baptisme with doctrine the sacrament with the worde Which thinge he had learned of our sauiour him selfe in the gospel written by S. Matth. saying Teach ye all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghoste So that ye reade in the Acts no other mysteries of the Word and Sacraments of the Church than are recited in these wordes They continued in the doctrine of the Apostles and in doing almes deeds and in breaking of bread and prayer where ye may sée the supper of the Lorde an other sacramente adioyned to the sacramēt of baptisme also the desire and studie of vnitie and loue and the calling vpon the name of God. These things béeing thus sufficient plaine and firme enough yet notwithstanding I will add other testimonies out of the holie Scriptures Concerning the token of Gods worde or the preaching of his Gospel the Lord him self speaketh by Esaie the Prophet saying I will make this couenant with them My spirite that is come vppon thee the church and my words which I haue put in thy mouth shall neuer go out of thy mouth nor out of the mouthe of thy childers children saith the Lord from this time foorth for euermore For in the gospel also the Lord Iesus saith He that is of God doeth heare the word of God. Againe My sheepe heare my voice and I knowe them and they followe me and I giue to them euerlasting life and they shall not perishe for euer And againe He that loueth me will keepe my commaundements he that loueth mee not will not keepe my commaundements Againe Who so is of the truth wil heare my voice Now as touching the markes and tokens of the Sacramentes Saincte Paule speaking of holie Baptisme saith Through one spirite we are all baptised in one body And he also speaking of the Lords supper saieth Though we be many yet are we one bread one body for we are all partakers of the same bread Is not the cup of blessing which we blesse partaking of the bloud of Christe It is moste certeine therefore for that it is approued by testimonies of holie Scriptures that the outwarde markes and tokens of the church are the word and the Sacrament For these bring vs into the societie of one ecclesiasticall bodie and kéepe vs in the same All these testimonies properly as I said a little before doe belong vnto the elect members of GOD beeing endued with faith true obedience but vnto the hypocrites whiche are voide of faith and due obedience they nothing at all béelong notwithstanding because these also doe heare the voice of the shepheard outwardly and insue vertue and opēly or outwardly are annexed to the elect and true beléeuers in the partaking of the sacraments yea vnto the true body of christ for those outwarde signes sake they are accoūted to be in the church so long as they departe not from it In which pointe for perspicuitie sake hauing treated of the markes of the Church we must add this therevnto that by common order these markes doe declare and note the members of the Church For there are certeine speciall members who although they want these markes yet are they not excluded from the societie and communion of the true churche of Christe For it is moste euident that there are many in the world which doe not heare the ordinarie preaching of Gods worde neither doe come into the congregation and companye of them that call vpon God or that receiue the Sacraments not for that they despise them or that it is a delight vnto them to be from Sermons and the preaching of Gods worde but because through necessitie as imprisonmēt sicknes or being let by sōe other vrgent cause they cannot attaine vnto that whiche they earnestly desire and yet for all that they are the true and liuely members of Christe and of the Catholique church In times past the Lord instituted or appointed to the people of Israel a visible Churche whiche he established by a certeine lawe and set it foorth by visible signes If any man had despised this Church or refused when he might to heare the doctrine of the Church and to enter in among the holie companie and to doe sacrifice or else had railed at it or in sted of the order of worshipping GOD that was appointed had embraced any other kinde truly he was not accoūted at al to be of the order number of the people of god And yet it is certeine that there were an innumerable company of men dispearsed throughout the whole world among the Gentiles who neuer did nor could communicate with this visible companie and congregation of Gods people and yet notwithstanding they were holy mēbers of this societie and communion and the friends of the almightie god There were a great many of the children of God with Ioachim and Iechonias taken prisoners by Nabugodonosor and brought captiue into Babylon to whome it was no preiudice neyther did it hurt them that they were separated from the people of God the Church and worshipping of God being then visibly vpholden by Zedechias at Ierusalem euen as in very déede it did little auayle a great manye to be in the visible assemblies and congregations with the people of GOD in Gods temple when their mindes and hearts were not sounde and perfect We may in these dayes finde out a great many of the
with the lords supper exhorteth with martyrdome cōtrarie to this institutiō receiueth no man This is the institution Thus far Tertullian in his booke which he intituled Of the prescription of heretiques The last thing that is to be noted is this that the lord God not only of old vnto this time but in these daies also giueth doctors and pastors to the church doctors I say and not leaders and captaines of hostes and armies of men not princes not souldiers not craftie men vsing deceitful meanes which in these days they call practises For by no other meanes or maner nor by no other instrument than by the doctrine of truth and founde simple godlinesse is that holy catholique church of God built vp fenced preserued wherof at the beginning simple men Christes Apostles by the preaching of the gospel laid the foundation Paule therefore remoueth all worldly wisedome and saith I was among you Corinths in weaknesse and in feare in much trembling neither stoode my worde my preaching in the enticing speach of mans wisedome but in plain euidence of the spirit of power that your faith should not be in the wisedome of men but in the power of god The same apostle also banisheth al craftie counsel with al sorts of deceite whē writing to the Thessalonians he saith Our exhortation was not by deceit nor by vncleanesse nor by guile But as we were allowed of God that the gospel should be cōmitted vnto vs euenso we spake not as thei that please men but god which trieth our harts Neither yet did we euer vse flattering words as ye knowe nor coloured couetousnesse God is recorde neyther sought we praise of men c. Wherfore he is greatly deceiued madde the thinketh the church can either be gathered togither or being gathered can be mainteined preserued with practises that is to say with crafty counsels subtile deceits of men It is truly said of the common people That the same is ouerthrowne againe by mans wisedome which was first built by mans wisdome Besides this the Lord him selfe doth remoue force armes frō the building of the church since he forbids his disciples the vse of sworde vnto Peter ready prest to fight saith Put vp thy sword into the scabberd Neido we euer reade that any were sent of the Lord as souldiers which with armed force shuld bring the world in subiectiō But rather the scripture witnesseth the great enimie of God Antichrist shal be destroied with the breth of Gods mouth Wherefore there is no doubt that all those thinges which are reade in diuers places of the prophets and chiefly in the 12. of Zacharie cōcerning wars to be made against all nations by the apostles apostolical men ought to be figuratiuely expounded For the Apostles according to their manner fight as apostles not with speare sword bowe of carnal warfare but of spiritual The apostolical sword is the word of god Yet in the meane time no man denieth but that the wepons of carnal or corporal warfare haue béen profitable somtime to apostolicall men and to the church do good euē at this day No mā denieth the God doth ofttimes vse the helpe of souldiers magistrates in defēding the church against the wicked tyrants Yea rather al men wil confesse that a good and godly magistrate oweth a dutie toward the church of god For not without great cause the worthy prophete of God Isaie calleth kings noursing fathers Queenes noursing mothers Paul being oppressed of the Iewes in the temple of Ierusalem for preaching of the gospel amongst the gentiles by the army of Claudius Lysias the Romane tribune is taken away and rescued And not long after there was sent with the Apostle by the same Tribune no small companie of souldiers to wit a troupe of horsmen certeine companies of footmē by whom he was brought safely to Antipatris Caesarea before Foelix the Proconsul of Iudea Whiche thing is not rashly with so great diligence at large remembred by Luke in the Actes of the Apostles The Ecclesiastical history reciteth many examples of holy princes whiche haue defēded succoured the church But these things in another place in som measure I haue intreated of in the. 7. and 8. sermons as I remēber of the second decade And thus farre of the originall of the churche of God and of the increase and preseruation of the same haue we spoken In this place it séemeth vnto me not vnfitly may the famous question be hand led or briefly expounded whether the church of god may erre which that it may more plainely be vnderstoode I will briefly discusse the parts of this question I haue taught that the catholique church of God doth comprehend firste the blessed spirites in heauen then all faithfull Christians here on earth vnto whom I say did cleane the wicked or hypocrits feyning faith for a season Now therfore if we vnderstand by the church the blessed spirits in heauen the church can neuer erre But if we vnderstand the wicked or hypocrits ioyned mingled with the good the wicked alone by them selues they do nothing else but erre but as they are ioyned vnto the good faithful do follow thē they eyther erre or they erre not For the church of the good faithfull herevpon earth doth erre doth not erre Which thing we will declare when we haue weyed the diuersities of errors and gathered the number of them together wholy in a bundle Errours some be of doctrine and faith some be of life and maners And what maner of ones either of them be I think there is no man but knoweth Let vs sée then whether the church of the faithful vpon earth doe erre or no and if it erre in what point or howe farre it erreth As concerning the manners and life of the church it can not wholy and clearely acquite it selfe of errours that is to say frō sinne For alwayes so long as it is liuing here on earth it prayeth hartily And forgiue vs our trespasses as wee doe forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And GOD for his mercies sake doth alwayes purge in his Saints all dregs and infirmities as long as they liue in this world continually renewing and defiling the elect I am not ignorant what may here hinder thée faithfull hearer If the churche sayest thou be not holy and pure howe is it called of the apostle holy without spot and wrinkle I answere if thou wilt acknowledge no churche vpon earth but that which is altogether without blemishe thou shalte be forced to acknowledge none at all For there shall neuer be any suche kinde of Church remayning on earth where The moste righteous God as the Scripture witnesseth hath shutte vppe all things vnder sinne that he might take mercie on all men S. Paule therefore doeth call the church pure without spot or wrinkle through
power to giue iudgement of doctrines euen by this one sentence of the Apostle Paule appeareth Let the Prophets sayth he speake two or three at once and let the other iudge And in an other place he saith Proue all thinges and kepe that which is good And S. Iohn said Dearelie beloued beleeue not euerie spirite but trie the spirits whether they are of God. But of this kinde of power to iudge there is also a certeine order For the Church doth not iudge at her owne pleasure but after the sentence of the holy Ghost and according to the order and rule of the holy scriptures And heere also order moderation and charitie is obserued Therefore if at any time the church of god according to the authority which she hath receiued frō the Lord do call a coūsel together for some weightie matter as we read that the Apostles of the lord did in the Actes of the Apostles it leaneth not here to her owne fleshly iudgment but giueth ouer her selfe to bee guided by the spirite and examineth all her doinges by the rule of the word of God and of the two-fould charitie Wherefore the Church maketh no new lawes as the church of Hierusalem or rather the Apostolique church sayeth that it séemeth good both to the holy Ghost and to the Church that no other burthen should be layd vppon the faithful Christians but onely a few and those verie necessarie thinges and neither beside nor contrarie to the holy scriptures Now Ecclesiastical matters are of diuers sortes the good ordering and well disposing whereof for the cōmoditie of men is in the power of the Church of whiche sorte those thinges are which concerne outward worship in place in time as is prophecying or interpretation of tongues and scholes Also the Church hath to iudge in causes of matrimonie and chiefly it hath correction of manners admonitions punishmentes and also excommunicating or cutting off from the bodie of the Church For the Apostle also sayeth that this power is giuen him and yet to the intent hee should therewith edifie not destroy For all these thinges whiche we haue remembred such like are limitted with the rule of the word and of loue also with holy examples and reasons deduced out of the holy scriptures Of all which wee will perchaun●e more largelye speake in their place Thus much haue I hetherto said concerning Ecclesiastical power the contrarie whereof I haue declared with how open a mouth our aduersaries do publish but yet they handle these matters so grossely that it may appeare euen vnto children what they séeke or what they would defende to witt not the Ecclesiasticall power but their owne couetousnesse luste and tyrannie The Canonicall trueth teacheth vs that Christ himselfe doeth hold and exercise absolute or full power in the Church and that he hath giuen the ministeriall power to the Church who executeth it for the most part by ministers and religiously executeth it according to the rule of Gods word These thinges beeing in this sorte considered it shall not bee greatly laboursome to knowe the studies of the holy Church of god For it executeth as I said euen nowe that power whiche it hath receiued of GOD most carefully and faithfullye to the ende that it maye serue God that it may be holy and that it may please him And that I may reckon vp some of her studies specially first of all it worshippeth calleth vppon loueth and serueth one God in Trinitie and taketh nothing in hand not hauing first consulted with the word of this true god For she ordereth all her doings according to the rule of Gods word she iudgeth by the woord of God and by the same she frameth all her buildinges being built mainteyneth them being fallen downe she repaireth or restoreth them againe The assemblies and congregations of Saincts vppon earth she feruently furthereth and loueth In these things it harkeneth diligently to the preaching of the word of God she is partaker of the sacramēts de●outly and with great ioy and desire of heauenly thinges It prayeth to God by the intercession of our only mediatour Christ with a strong faith feruētly continually and most attentiuely It praiseth the mai●stie of God for euer and with great ioy giueth thanks for all his heauenly benefits It highly estéemeth all and euery the institutions of Christ neither doth it neglect any of them But chieflie it acknowledgeth that it receiueth all things belonging ether to life saluation righteousnes or felicitie of the onely sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ as he who onely chose her and then by his spirite and bloud sanctifyed her and made her a Church that is a chosen people whose onely king redéemer high priest and defender he is without whom there is no saluation Therefore in God alone by our Lord Iesus Christ she only resteth him shee onely desireth and loueth and for his sake she reioyceth to loose all things that apperteine to this world yea and to spend her bloud and her life And therefore it cleaueth vnto Christe by faith inseparablie neither doeth it hate any thing more bitterly than falling awaye from Christ and desperation For without Christ there séemeth nothing in all this whole life to be pleasant With Sathan as with a deadly enimie she hath vnappeaseable enimitie Against heresies and errours it striueth both constantly and wisely The simplicitie of the Christian faith the sinceritie of the doctrine of the Apostles it most diligently kéepeth She kéepeth her selfe as much as lieth in her vnspotted of the world and of the flesh from all carnall and spiritual infection And therfore she fléeth from and by all meanes detesteth all vnlawefull congregations and prophane religions with all wicked men and willingly and openly confesseth Christe both by woord and déede euen with the damage of her life It is exercised with afflictions but yet neuer ouercome It keepeth vnitie and concord carefully All and euerye the members of her body shee most tenderly loueth It doeth good vnto all men as much as power and abilitie will suffer It hurteth no man It forgiueth willingly It beareth with the weake brotherlye till they bee brought foorth forward to perfection Shee is not puffed vpp with pride but thoroughe humilitie is kept in obedience in modestie and in all the dueties of godlinesse But who I praye you is able to recite all and euery one of the studies of the church in a very large discourse much lesse in this short recitall And who would not desire to be a member of so diuine and heauenly a congregation I would by and by ioyne herevnto that which remayneth touching the vnitie of the catholique Church of the diuision thereof and of other thinges belonging to the consideration hereof but that I doe perceiue you beeing alreadie wearie of hearing do earnestly loke for an end of this sermon Therefore we will put off the residue till to morrowe And now lifting
or out of whiche if any departe hee is excluded from the hope of saluation and life euerlasting For oure Sauiour firste sayde that out of the sheepefolde life is not found Wherefore I can not maruell enough at the corrupt and Scismaticall manners of certeine men who separate them selues for euerie light cause from the moste wholesome and pleasaunt companie or societie of the Church For you shall finde in these dayes captious and phantasticall men not a fewe whiche of many yeares haue had fellowshippe with no Churche nor as yet haue fellowship with any For in euerie man that is they finde some kynde of faulte in them selues onely they finde nothing worthy reprehension Therefore they conceiue with them selues a wonderfull fashion of the Churche whiche except they sée somewhere established after that fashion whiche they them selues haue deuised they contende with shame enough that there is as yet no true Churche of Christ in the world They are worthy surely to be maister builders in Vtopia or Cyribiria where they might set vppe a building fit for them selues But it séemeth vnto them they haue iust cause of Scisme For they will not communicate with our Churche for that it séemeth the doctrine of the ministers in the Churche is not yet sufficiently cleansed and polished neyther yet loftie as they them selues terme it Hoch gnug gericht subtile and spirituall enough Elsewhere they complaine that in our Churches are diuers customes vsed Furthermore they desire the rigour and seueritie of discipline and finally an exact purenesse of life For they feare they shal be defiled with the vncleane companie of certeine men Many for the faultes and vices of certeine ministers eyther forsake or flée the congregation of the Churche of whiche sorte at this day are the Anabaptistes But there is as yet no sufficient cause alledged by these men for whiche of right they ought not eyther to be ioyned vnto vs or for the whiche they maye bée separated from vs. Wée acknowledge that there bée iust causes for the whiche the godly bothe maye and ought to separate them selues from wicked congregations in whiche not onely the lawfull vse of the Sacraments is altogether corrupted and turned into Idolatrie but also the sounde doctrine is altogether adulterated the preachers or pastours are not nowe Prophets but false Prophetes whiche persecute Gods trueth and finally to them that sitte to receiue the foode of lyfe they minister poyson But none of these things GOD be thanked can they obiect againste vs. For as concerning doctrine it consisteth partely in sure opinions and those as it were numbered firme and immutable of whiche kynde are the Articles of faythe and those withoute addition and corruption lawfully and sincerely vnderstoode and of that sorte are also those principles That al men are sinners conceiued and borne in sinne That none but those that are regenerate can enter into the kingdome of god That men not by their owne desartes but through the grace of GOD by the onely merites of Christe are iustified by fayth That Christe once sacrificed for sinne is no more sacrificed that he is the onely and perpetuall Prieste That good workes are done of those that are iustified and those are in déede good workes whiche the Lorde hath prepared for vs to walke in That the Sacramentes of the Lorde and of the Churche are to bée receyued and not to be despised That wée must pray cōtinually that in that maner which the Lord hath appointed vs And if there bée any moe of the same sorte But it sufficeth if these and other like groundes bée vniformely purely and simply taught in the Churche according to the Scriptures thoughe there bée added no Rhetoricall figures nor no paynted eloquence bée hearde For aptly the blessed Martyr Irenaeus after the rule of fayth sette out in his firste booke againste heresies Since there is but one onely faythe sayth hée neyther hee whiche can say muche of it sayth more than hee ought nor hee whiche sayth little thereby diminisheth it Therefore when the doctrine of ministers expoundeth those thinges in the Churche whiche are agréeable to the true and sincere fayth whiche it also corrupteth not what haue these captious smatterers of Rhetorique and selfe-learned to require though eloquence and plentifull learning be wanting in the teachers Was not the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophetes moste simple and moste frée from all subtiltie that rightly it might be said how much more simple it séemed to be so muche the safer it was But in the meane season I despise not true eloquence as that which is a singular gift of God as I haue elsewhere often witnessed And partly doctrine consisteth in the daily expounding of the Scriptures and in the applying of them to oure time place and affaires In that kinde was euer great varietie and diuersitie for whiche notwithstanding no wise man euer yet separated him selfe from the fellowshippe of the Church For it commeth to passe verie often that two or thrée or else moe may expounde one place not after one manner but after most diuers sorts There may be one that expoundeth verie darkely and an other expoundeth more plainlie this man hitteth the marke he comes not neare it And this man applyeth the place whiche he handleth very fitly some other vseth not like simplicitie of application in the meane season notwithstanding he saithe nothing contrarie to the soundnesse of faithe and the loue of GOD and our neighbour and vseth all thinges to edification I say that of this diuersitie no man taketh iust occasion to depart from the Church For al godly men proue all thinges and kéepe that which is good and in al sermons and holie exercises referr their whole studie only vnto edifying And moreouer the preachers agrée wel among themselues and herevnto direct all things that both them selues and their hearers may become better not that they may séeme better learned or to haue vttered that which no man sawe heretofore And the best learned loathe not their Sermons which are not so learned For albeit they may séeme not altogether to haue hit the marke yet for as muche as they haue taughte wholesome thinges they are praysed and not condemned albeit in fit time and place they be somewhiles admonished Againe they that are vnskilfull doe not enuie the giftes of the learned nor refuse to labour for more perfection neyther loath they or condemne they learned Sermons of those that be better learned but they prayse GOD and being warned striue to more perfection For wisely sayd S. Aurelius Augustine in his firste booke of Christian doctrine the sixe and twentie Chapter Who so euer sayth he seemeth to him selfe to haue vnderstoode the holy Scriptures or any part of thē so as of that vnderstanding he gather not the two folde charitie of God and his neighbour he yet vnderstandeth nothing But who so euer gathereth suche a sense thereof as may be profitable to him for the increase of charitie
and yet gathereth not that sense that it may probably seeme he whome hee readeth ment in that place he is not perniciously deceiued neyther lyeth he at all The same anon after Hee is notwithstanding to bee corrected and must haue it shewed him howe muche more profitable it were for him not to leaue the highway lest by accustomable straying hee be forced eyther to goe crosse or croked Thus farre he Therefore where an Ecclesiasticall interpreter doth erre grossely it is lawfull to a better learned brotherly to admonishe him but to make a Scisme it is not lawfull The authours of Scisme lightly are somewhat proude and arrogant and swell with enuie and therefore are voyde of al charitie and modestie they allowe nothing but what they them selues bring foorth neither will they haue any thing common with others they are alwayes musing some high matter nothing that is cōmon or simple Vnto these men very well agréeth that saying of the Apostle Paul Knowledge puffeth vp but loue edifieth Therfore godly teachers in the church and also godly hearers for doctrine which is not altogether foolish though it be somewhat grosse yet being godly and tending to edification they neither leaue or forsake the fellowship of the churche neither striue they or contend but rather vse charitie in all things And if the ministers liues be attached with grieuous vices and yet in the meane season they be faithful in teaching admonishing exhorting rebuking and comforting if they lawfully distribute the lawful sacraments no man hath iust occasion to forsake the church The Lorde expresly saith in the gospel The Scribes the Phariseis sit in Moses seate Al therefore what so euer they bid you obserue that obserue and do but after their workes do not for they say and do not Behold the Lorde saith they say and do not therefore the teachers liues were not agreable to their doctrine yet for that they stoode in Moses seat that is to say bicause they taught the word of God lawfully and sincerely he biddeth to receiue their sincere doctrine but their life not being agréeable to their doctrine that he biddeth to refuse and therefore to make a scisme for the preachers euill liues sake the Lorde doth forbid Surely he commaundes to ●●ée from false Propetes But not an euil life but false doctrine maketh a false prophet A great con●lict about this matter had the holy father S. Augustine with the Donati●tes who contended that the ministerie was of smaller power through the imperfection of the ministers Which case is to be considered in an other sort But now what cause haue they to leaue and forsake our churches for the vnlikelinesse or varietie of ceremonies In the baptisme of childrē say they you obserue not one order and so also in the celebration of the supper Some take the breade of the Lorde in their handes sitting some do come and take it at the handes of the minister who also put it in the mouthes of the receiuers Some celebrate the Communion often some sildome and that but vpon set dayes And you vse not one forme of prayer Neither haue all your assemblies one manner neyther méete they at one time But howe shall we beléeue that the spirite of vnitie and peace is in you in whome is founde so great diuersitie For iust causes therefore we doe not communicate with you But of these customes we shall speake more fitly in their proper place But it is maruell that men not altogether rude and ignoraunt of Ecclesiasticall matters bring no other argumentes for defence of their wicked scisme Are the poore wretches ignoraunt how great diuersitie there hath bene alwayes in ceremonies vnitie notwithstanding alwayes remayning vndiuided in the catholique Church Socrates the famous writer of the ecclesiasticall historie in the fift booke of his histories the 22. chapter setteth out at large the diuersitie of ceremonies in the church of god Amongst other things he sayth No religion saith he keepeth all one kynde of ceremonies albeit it agree in doctrine about them For they which agree in faith differ in ceremonies And againe It shall be both laboursome and troublesome yea and impossible to describe al the ceremonies of all the churches in each citie regiō The blessed martyr Irenaeus writing to Victor bishop of Rome reherseth a great diuersity of the churches in their fastings and kéeping the feast of Easter and then addeth And yet not withstanding all these euen when they varied in their obseruations were both peaceable among themselues and with vs and yet are neyther doth the disagreement about fasting breake the agreement of faith And againe Blessed Polycarpus saith hee whē he came to Rome vnder Anicete hauing some small controuersie about certeine other matters were by and by reconciled But of this kinde of matter they cōtended not awhit For neither could Anicetus persuade Polycarpus that he should not obserue those thinges which with Iohn the disciple of our Lord the rest of the Apostles with whom he had ben conuersant he had always obserued Neither did Polycarpus persuade Anicetus not to keepe that custome which by the traditiō of those elders to whom he succeeded he said he was to kepe And these maters thus standing they had felowship one with an other Thus far he Moreouer the auncient church vsed great libertie in obseruatiō of ceremonies yet so always as it brake not the bond of vnitie Yea S. Austine prescribing vnto Ianuarius what in this diuersitie of ceremonies he shuld either do or followe biddeth not him to make ascisme but iudging moderately wisely No rule saith he in these things is better thā a graue wise christian who wil do in such sort as he shal se euery church do vnto which by chaūce he cōmeth For that whiche neither contrarie to faith nor good maners is cōmaūded is to be counted indifferent according to their society amongst whom we liue to be obserued Againe least vnder pretence of this rule counsel any might force vpon euery mā what ceremonies they wold he addeth The church of God placed amidst muche chaffe cockle suffereth many thinges yet whatsoeuer is either cōtrarie to faith or good life she alloweth not neither holds she her peace neither doth she it Last of al whereas these men thinke that there is no true church where as yet faultie manners are to be séen in men conuersant in the churche by whose conuersation they feare to be polluted vnles either they come not at the churche or else quickly forsake it they fall into the madnes of the heretikes called Catharoi who deceiued with the false imagination of exact holinesse vsing sharpe crueltie fled from those churches in which the fruits of the doctrine of the gospel plainly appeared not Against these we set both the prophetical apostolicall to wit the most holy churches For Esaie Ieremie rebuking the maners of their time do greatly inueigh against corruption
church of Rome that it is reade as yet in all their churches that they fetch their disputations out of it in al their schooles yea also that the sacraments haue their right place vse therfore that we are wicked scismatiques who without any necessary cause to go away are departed from the catholique church most of all for the faultes of some of the clergie of the bishops I must needs therefore digresse a little contende with these defenders of the Pop●she church and shewe that we neuer departed from the catholique church of Christe And beecause in this matter it chiefly beehoueth ●s to knowe who is truely said to b● an heretique or whō is a scismatique of these matters I will first of all speake these few words S. Augustine thinketh that this differēce there is betwene an heretique a scismatique that an heretique doth corrupt the sinceritie of faith and doctrine of the apostles with his wicked doctrine and a scismatique although he sinne not at all against the pure doctrine and sincere faith yet he rashly separates himselfe from the Church breaking the bond of vnitie And surelie he properly is an heretique whosoeuer hee bée that contrarie to the scripture whiche is the word of God against the Articles of faith or against the sound opinions of the Church grounded on the word of God through hope of any tēporal commoditie of his owne braine and fleshly choice chooseth receiueth teacheth followeth straunge thinges and stiffely reteyning doeth both defend them and spread them abroade By the Imperiall edicte of Augustus Cesar Gratian Valentinian Theodosius they are defined to bée Catholiques or Christians who continue in that religion whiche S. Peter taught the church of Rome and which blessed Damasus and S. Peter bishop of Alexandria did teach that is to say confessing according to the teaching of the Apostles and doctrine of the Gospel the only Godhead of the father and of the sonne and of the holy Ghost in equall maiestie and in an holy Trinitie And againe they are by them declared to be heretiques who followe contrary opinions whome they accompte both madd and infamous and worthie of punishment And he is a scismatique whosoeuer he be that separateth himselfe from the vnitie of the true Church of God and either himselfe gathereth together newe assemblies or ioyneth himselfe to congregations gathered by others albeit in doctrine he erre little or nothing And I thinke no man can either 〈◊〉 or gainesaye any thinge in these descriptions And therefore the defenders of the Romishe monarchie do greatly offend against vs euermore hauing in their mouthes against vs the most heyndus crimes of heresie and scisme For wee teach nothing against the sinceritie and trueth of the holy scriptures or against the articles of faith or against the opinions of the Catholique Church whiche be sounde established by the Canonicall scriptures If it had liked vs to haue sought earthly commoditie we would surely haue continued in the Popishe doctrine in which all things are gainefull But because we haue receiued the doctrine of Christ we are open to euery mans reproche Whereof wee were not ignoraunt when we departed from the doctrine of the Pope For no hope therfore of temporall commoditie doe wée embrace the doctrine of Christ neither doe wee presumptuously affirme any thing For if any man can teach vs any better out of Gods word wée will not refuse to embrace that whiche is better And moreouer with open voice and with all our hearts we condemne all heresies and heretiques whosoeuer they be which the auncient Church either in generall counsels or without Counsels hath killed with the sworde of Gods word But we striue against the false doctrine of the Pope his new decrées whiche fight against the word of God and most filthie abuses corruptions in the Church The bishops of Rome haue taken to themselues with their conspiratours a tyrannie ouer the Church playing the part of very Antichrists in the temple of GOD their tyrannie therfore and Antichristianisme wee flie and refuse Christe and his yoke wee refuse not the fellowship of saincts we flie not yea rather to that end wee may remaine in that societie and become the true mēbers of Christ of his sainctes flying out of the Popish church wee are gathered together againe into one holy catholique and Apostolique Church And this Churche wee doe acknowledge to be the verie house of GOD and the proper sheepe-fould of Christ oure Lord whereof hee is the shéepeheard For fréely we confesse and with great ioy giuing thanckes to God that hath deliuered vs wee publish abroad that wee are departed from the Romishe Church and that we do at this day also abhorre the same But first of all wee distinguishe and put a diuersitie betwéene the old church of Rome and the late vpstart church For there was sometime at Rome a holy and a faithfull Church whiche Apostolique men and the Apostles of Christ themselues did establishe and preserue by the woord of GOD whiche auncient Churche was not onely without the Ceremonies there vsed and receiued at this daye but if shee had but séene them shee would surely haue accursed them That auncient Churche wanted the decrées wherevppon the Churche of Rome at this daye altogether stayeth her selfe She was ignoraunt of that Monarchie and all that stately court Therfore from that auncient and Apostolique Church of Rome wee neuer departed neither will we euer depart We ack●owledge moreouer all that are at Rome who at this day doe worshipp Christ and kéepe themselues from all Popish pollution to be our beloued brethren of which sort we doubt not but Rome hath a great many Finally wée doe not acknowledge that vpstart church of Rome to be the true church of Christ whiche doeth acknowledge and worshipp the Pope as Christ his vicar in earth and is obedient to his lawes Wherefore wee cannot be scismatiques who leauing the Church of Rome haue not departed from the true church of God. For the holy catholique churche cleaueth vnto her onely shéepeheard Christ beléeueth his word and liueth holily But you shall finde all thinges quite cōtrarie in the church of Rome so as it cannot come within the compasse neither of the outward and visible neither of the inward and inuisible church of god The godly beare with many thinges in the church that is to say in the members of the church and in the ministers as I shewed of late when I entreated against scismatiques but in that vppstart church of Rome thou shalt not finde small and tollerable faultes either of doctrine or of life or of errours all these faultes in her are heynous desperate and abhominable What manner of charitie should it bee therefore that could hope for better of these most vntoward and lamentable thinges Hypocrites and euill men are accompted to be parcell of the outward and visible church of God and are suffered in the same but these Romanistes
celebrated in stéede of other ordinances of god came in a high heap of foolish and superstitious Ceremonies whervnto a great number of men yelding made themselues subiect to the sea of Rome In the meane space notwithstanding the church of God was not vtterly extinguished throughout al the world neither the holy ministerie of the word of God the true worship of God vtterly decayed amongest all men For there were found spred abrode in euery place not a few men who neither alowed the Pope and his conspirators nether his corruption in matters of the church But they worshipped the lord Christ whom they acknowledged to be the onely authour of saluation and therfore they kept them selues frée from Popish filthines And god also sent almost in euery age since the beginning of Popedome men that were graue godly and learned who greuously accused the Popes kingdome and tyrannie euen as the Prophets did of old time in the dayes of Ieroboam the idolatrous corruption cōstantly requiring the reformation of the church from Popish corruptions and also teaching the true doctrine of saluation the true vse of the sacramentes And wheras a pure reformation by reason of Antichristes tyrannie could not bée obteined there was notwithstanding found a continual studie of puritie a godly desire of the lawful vse of the sacraments euen as I said there was in the elect members of the true church of God in the dayes of Ieroboā Achab Manasses in the time of the captiuitie of Babylon But euen as in those times the true prophets of God were not acknowleged for true prophets of the priests of Baal but were cōdemned for scismatiques heretiques euē so in certeine ages past the bishops of Rome with their conspiratours did excōmunicate persecute godly and learned men who preached the word of God called for the reformation of the church many of them did they put to death with fire and sword which thing our Lord and maister himselfe with the prophets and Apostles did foreshewe should come to passe Moreouer God could vndoubtedly reserue to himselfe a mightie church euen vnder the Papisme euen as we doubte not but hee hath done a very gret vnder Mahometanisme for who will thinke that no mēbers of the church of God are remayning in all Asia and Africa Could not our merciful god with his mightie power in the last calamitie and ruine of gods church reserue againe as sometime he did 7000. mē of whom neuer a one had worshipped the beast or receiued his mark What hath béen don in Turkie or what at this day is don let them declare that can do it best most rightly What hath béene done amongest vs in these last ages no man can denie Through the great goodnesse of God we sée it is come to passe that euen as circumcision the signe of gods couenaunt of old was giuē vnto the people of god euen in the middest of the falling from god so also at this day in the greatest darcknesse of Antichrist most holy baptisme was giuen to the Christiās to be as a seale of the forgiuenesse of sinnes inheritance of the children of god Surely the purenes of doctrine was prophaned with infinite most grosse traditions by the Popes sworne frends yet in the meane time it was not altogether abolished For that I repeat not againe any thing of that which I haue said of godly and learned men sent of God crying for reformation of the Church and greatly profiting with all the children of God was it not with a certein vniuersall consent receiued for most certeine and vndoubted that in the decalogue or tenne commandements there was set downe a short and most absolute summe of all the commaundements of God and that in the Lords prayer was taughte vs a most ample forme of prayer vnto God And that in the Apostles créed was conteyned a most perfect rule of faith or of y which was to be beléeued Surelie the custome was to recite the créede almost vnto euery one that was departinge out of this world and to those that lay euen at the last gasp as a most perfect rule of that faith whiche bringeth saluation Neither do we doubt that the mercifull God and father of mercies who vouchsafed to saue the théefe vppon the crosse euen at the giuing vp of his life had mercie vppon those that were oppressed with the tyrannie of Antichrist and through his vnmeasurable grace touched the hearts of men both liuing and readie to die taught them by his holy spirite and that they cōfessing one God the father maker of all things and one Iesus Christ the sonne of God redéemer of the world to haue suffered and risen againe and one holy Ghoste and finallie the holie catholique Church that he hath sanctifyed them forgiuing them all their sinnes and hath translated the soules of such faithfull men into life euerlasting according as they beléeued into which place also wee beléeue our flesh being raised againe shal be caried in the end of the world They haue here therfore their answere also who aske whether all oure elders who died beefore these last times wherein the Gospell is reuealed be damned Let therfore those that bee aliue rather looke least for their contempt of the word of God and cont●ntions raised against the word of God they come to worse end thā their forefathers came Therfore thoughe we acknowledge not the Popish Church to be the true Church yet it followeth not thereof that there neither is or was any Church of God in the earth For we say that is the true Church of GOD which beléeueth in Christe and forsaketh not his word which Church also we haue plentifully enough described We know moreouer that wée our selues which at this daye beléeue in Christe are the true Church of Christ our lord For wee cleane by faith to oure onely head Christe and to all the members of the catholique church so as we are not destitute of the true markes of the true Church of God. But we read not say they that vnder the bishops priestes and kings of the Church of the Iewes either the prophets that is to saye the guides of the faithfull or else the faithful themselues did depart away from the high priest from the king or from their vniuersall Church and ordeyned vnto themselues new particular sacrifices as you at this day doe For you departing from the bishopp of Rome from kinges and gouernours and from the vniuersal Church do congregate vnto your selues a Church farre vnlike the vniuersall Church both in preaching and ministring of the Sacraments Wherevnto I aunswere that the old fathers before the comming of oure maister Christe for a certeine prescribed cause did not séeke places to offer new sacrifices in the temple being abused and defiled with idolatrie For it was vnlawfull to offer sacrifice without the bounds of the temple As is to be séene in the 3. of Leuit. and the 12. of Deut. Neither
was there any other cause why y the people being kept in bondage by the space of lxx yeres in the captiuitie of Babylō offered no sacrifices yet most certaine it is notwithstanding y both the prophets of God the holy true worshippers of God separated themselues both frō the worship and sacrifices which were vsed being contrarie to the word of god Surely we read in all the sermons of the prophets that both those sacrifices and also that Churche are condemned For whiche cause they thēselues also were condemned of the highe priest and other priestes of Baal as most abhominable heretiques and scismatiques euen as now a dayes also we are thrust through with the dartes of your curses for that we will not communicate with the Popishe church and her holy seruice and doe reiecte their holy seruice itselfe To this may be added that the sacrifices of the lawe beeing nowe fulfilled and abrogated by the lord the Apostles with manifest defection departed not only from the high priests and church of Hierusalem but moreouer gathered vnto Christe a newe church by the preaching of the Gospel and badge of the sacraments whiche church in the Actes of the Apostles we haue described according to whose patterne all churches ought of righte to bee refourmed euen as many as would be called Apostolique churches What haue wee therefore offended now adayes refourming churches after the likenesse of the Apostolique church whiche churches were of old prophaned by that sea of Rome and the members therof We read that the church of God before the comming of Christin the flesh was oftentimes defiled with filthie pollutions of corrupt men and that the same was purged againe and renued after the likenesse of the old church according to the word of god And why should not we take the same course in our age in the very same cause There remaine moreouer prophecies of our sauiour Christe and of the holye Apostles and Prophets liuely painting out this greuous oppression of the church of Christ vnder the furie of Antichristes tyrannie in this oure last age there remaine most weighty commaundements commaunding to flie from Antichriste from idolatrie false prophets For the Lord sayeth in S. Matthewes Gospel There shal arise false Christes false Prophets and shal shew great signes and wonders so that if it were possible they should deceiue the verie electe Beehold I haue told you before Wherefore if they shal say vnto you Behold he is in the desart Go not forth Behold he is in the secret places beleeue it not And againe Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening wolues Also Can the blind lead the blind shal they not both fall into the ditch S. Peter also sayeth very grauely Saue your selues from this froward generation And also in his second and third chapiters of his second epistle he entreates very largly of this matter And also S. Paule agréeing in all thinges with the holy Gospel and with S. Peter and painting forth Antichrist and those last times of Antichrist corrupt men not lightes but firebrandes of the church commaundeth the sainctes to departe from them and togather themselues together vnto Christe and his sincere trueth If any man aske for the places he shal find them 2. Thes 2. 1. Tim. 4. 2. Tim. 3. and 4. The same Apostle in another place euen the Apostle Iohn doth also say Flie from idolatrie And in the 6. cap. of the 2. epist. to the Cor. by expresse words and most manifest opposition he sheweth That there can be no agreement betweene Christe Belial light and darckenesse and betweene idols and the temple of God. And therefore he addeth by and by after Wherfore come out from among them and separate your selues sayeth the Lord and touche none vncleane thinge and I will receiue you To this apperteyneth that whiche the blessed Apostle Iohn in his reuelation shewed him by the lord Christ séeing the workes of Babylon heareth also therew t a voice cōming frō heauen cōmanding after this manner Go out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sinns that ye receiue not of her plagues The same Apostle very often threateneth euerlasting destructiō to those y worship the beast but life glory to those that forsake and flée from the beast so as they cleaue only to the only sauiour of the world Iesus Christ Therefore that departure of oures from the sea or church of Rome is not onely lawfull but also necessarie as that which is commaunded vs of the Lord himselfe and by his holy Apostles vnto whome vnlesse we● obey wee cannot be saued Otherwise we are not ignoraunt that fallings away are altogether abhominable and to be blamed amongst the which notwithstanding except we distinguishe it will not plainly appeare what wee either allowe or disproue either else what wee followe or flée from There is a defection of apostacie in the which thorough hatred of faith or religion Atheistes or godlesse men of méere vngodlines contempt of God with their wicked ringleaders Lucian and Iulian the Apostata fall away from the scunde and catholique faith and finally from the fellowshipp of the faithfull and moreouer do blaspheme rayle vpon the Christian veritie and either laugh to scorne or persecute the very Church of god There is also an heretical defection that is to saye wherein with Valentine Marcion Arrius Manicheus Artemones other such monsters certeine proude arrogant malapert wicked persons either refusing the verie Scripture or wresting the same despise and treade it vnder their féete or else do denie ouerthrowe and resist certeine articles of faith and the sound and auncient opinions of the churche of God and affirme the contrarie and so frame to themselues heretical churches and depart from the true auncient and catholique church There is moreouer a scismaticall defection such as was the Donatists who separated themselues from the true church of God vnder the pretēce of obteyning a more absolute kind of holinesse Wherof I haue spokē verie largly but a little before And the aboue remembred two kinds of defection are altogether abhominable wicked euen as also the third kind can by no meanes be defended But none of all these kinds can be imputed vnto vs nowe a dayes departing from the churche of Rome For y departure is voyd of all crime whiche is made not from the true but from the false church not from the people of God but from the persecuters of gods people not from the articles of faith and sounde opinions of the churche but from errours which obscure the articles of faith and from the wicked traditions and corruptions of men whiche moreouer is made not throughe any lightnesse but of necessitie not for inuocation but for true religions sake that leauinge the fellowshipp of darckenesse we maye bée gathered together againe with Christ the true light
their goods and as it were a certeine knitting together into one body not to be dissolued Therefore when Christ tooke vpon him our flesh both he became oures in all thinges and we also are members of the same body of his fleshe and of his bones In vs there is infirmitie sinne and death the same thinges hath our husband also taken vnto himselfe that he might make them hurtlesse vnto vs In Christe our husbande is iustification sanctification and life the same thinges dothe he communicate vnto vs his spouse that in him we might be iust and holy and might liue through him Of that lawfull ioyning together of the Lord and the Church are borne lawfull children vnto god Wherevpon the Churche is called a mother and a frée womā that is to say a matrone and a mistresse For the Apostle Paule sayth Ierusalem which is aboue is free which is the mother of vs all For euen as through the ioyning of man and woman together by propagation of séede are borne children so Christe hath coupled the Churche vnto him selfe wherein he hath left the séede of his worde By the word our mother the Churche begetteth children whereof before I admonished you when I spake of the originall of the Churche that is to say whiles she reteyning the séede of the worde by the preaching of the worde doth fashion and nourishe vs in her wombe and after bringeth vs foorth into lighte whome afterwardes she nourisheth with mylke and bringeth vp with stronger meate vntill wée growe vp into a perfect man But euen as without a husbande without true fayth plighted and without séede there is no other euen so the Church without Christ without true faith and the séede of Gods worde is not that our mother that is a frée woman and our mistresse We haue by these things by the way learned why the Church of God is called a mother The same notwithstanding is also called a virgine For of this holie mother the Church the Lorde before all things requireth faith and integritie For the Apostle Paule saith I haue coupled you to one man to present you a chaste virgine vnto Christe Therefore it is the part of the spouse to bring vnto her husband for her dowrie her virginitie and to kéepe the same vndefiled But what manner of virginitie is that sincere faith in Christe whiche wholy or with all her mynde cleaueth for euer vnto one whiche commeth to passe when we giue eare only to our spouse and loue none but him alone to be short when we perseuere in the simplicitie of the Gospell For it followeth in the wordes of the Apostle But I feare lest it come to passe that euen as the serpent deceiued Eue with his subtiltie so your mindes should be corrupt from the simplicitie that is in Christe That simplicitie acknowledgeth Christe to be the meanes of saluation the recouerie of life and all heauenly treasures without whom there is no saluation nor no good thing But who wil call her a chaste matrone who gyueth eare to bawdes and setteth her hearte also vppon the loue of othērs neyther contenteth her selfe with her husbande onely will not all men cry out that she is a naughtipack and an adultresse lying with others and bringing foorth children of straunge séede And in the holy Scriptures spiritual adulterie and fornication is muche spoken of All the sermons of the Prophetes are ful of suche Allegories They call those men or Churches adulterers whoremongers and fornicatours which receiue straunge seede that is to say doctrine differing from the word of god For suche as they going a whoreing from God cleaue not vnto God only they loue not alone him with all their hart they do not worship serue call vpon him only yea rather they choose vnto them selues others whome they may worship and call vpon eyther instead of God or together with god Herevnto perteyneth a good parte of the fift chapter of Ieremie and all the second chapter of Osée Amongest other thinges the Lorde sayth I will not haue compassion vpon her children bycause they are children of fornications for their mother hath played the harlot for she hath sayde I will go after my louers c. Since these thinges are thus brethren there is no cause why any man shuld reuerence the Churche of Rome decking her selfe with the title and beautie of the holie mother the church For she is not the holie mother churche she is not an vncorrupted matrone and virgine For where is the husband who is the onely husbande of this chaste matrone where is the faith and integritie kept with her husband hath she not defiled her selfe with straunge séede hath not she receiued taught a newe and straunge doctrine from the word of God and by that means begetteth many childrē not to Christ but to antichrist Saint Iohn beautifying this churche with her apt title calleth her Great Babylō the mother of whoredomes and abhominations of the earth and a woman drunken with the bloude of the Saintes and with the bloud of the martyrs of Iesu Christe Our holie mother the church is an vndefiled virgine hearing only the voyce or doctrine of her only welbeloued husband placing all the meanes of life and saluatiō in him alone and depending onely vpon him in all things With many other Allegories doth the Scripture paint out the mysterie of Christe and the Church but thereof it sufficeth to haue spokē thus muche The Lord Iesu the true and onely shepheard of his Church bring hoame againe louingly the wandering shéepe into his fould and being gathered together in his Churche preserue thē for euer Amen Of the ministerie and the ministers of Gods worde wherefore and for what ende they are instituted of god That the orders giuen by Christ vnto the church in times past were equall Whence and howe the prerogatiue of ministers sprang and of the supremacie of the Bishop of Rome ¶ The third Sermon THE expositiō touching the Churche of God shal be trulyer vnderstoode brethrē by those things whiche remayne to be spokē out of the worde of the Lorde concerning the ministerie and ministers of the Church For I sayde the Church of God is builded and preserued by the worde of God and that through ministers appointed for that purpose by the Lorde so that nowe it followeth to speake of the ministers of the Churche and of their ministerie that is of that order wherwith God gouerneth his church And truely the Ecclesiasticall ministerie is extended both to stirre vp and also to mainteine publique prayers and the administration of the sacraments and especially it is occupied in preaching of the worde of god Of the two former I will speake in place and time conuenient Of the ministerie of the worde I will entreate at this present In consideration whereof first it is expedient to viewe wherefore God in instructing men vseth the ayde or ministerie of men and what men perfect or worke
Antonianus calleth such scismatiques who vsurpe vnto them the office of a bishop no man giuing it them And this kinde of calling is vnproperlie called a calling Wherefore it is euident that in the churche there must néedes bee a calling and that publique and lawfull aswell for many other causes as especially for these that the ordinaunce of God bée not neglected and that the discipline of the church be reteyned and that all men in the churche maye knowe who are preferred to the ecclesiasticall ministerie Albeit therefore Paule the Apostle and doctour of the Gentiles in the beginning were not sent of mē neither by men but of God onely yet the same Paule at the commaundement of the holy Ghoste is separated by the church of Antioch together with Barnabas to the ministerie of the Gentiles After the same manner many other were sent or called of god whom neuerthelesse it behoued to be ordeyned also by men For Paul in another place sayeth And no man taketh this honour vnto himselfe but hee that is called of God as was Aaron And againe How shal they heare without a preacher And how shall they preache except they be sent c. As cōcerning that second kinde of calling whiche is common and at this day receiued in the church and yet appointed by the Lord there are thrée thinges to be considered First who they be that cal that is who haue right and authoritie to call or to ordeine ministers Secondly who or what maner of men are to be ordeined Lastlie after what manner they that be called are to bee ordeyned And first of all that the Lord hath giuen to his church power and authoritie to elect and ordeine fit ministers wee haue declared before in the secōd sermon of this Decade by the example of the auncient churches in the world Hierusalem and Antioch of whiche two the church of Hierusalem did not only ordeine 7. deacons but also Matthias the Apostle the church of Antioche separated into the ministerie the famous Apostles of Christ Paule and Barnabas Whervnto apperteineth that the churches of the Gentiles béeing instructed of Paule Barnabas ordeined them elders or gouernours of their churches by election had by voyces The chiefest in this election were the pastours thēselues For Peter gouerning the action Matthias was created Apostle by the Church This forme or order the auncient churche diligently obserued many yeres For Cyprian epist. lib. 1. epist. 4. The common people sayeth he hath especially power either to choose worthie priestes or to refuse them that be vnworthie Which thing also we see to descend from the authoritie of God that the priest bee chosen in the presence of the common people before all mens eyes and bee allowed worthie and meete by publique iudgement and wittnesse As in Num. the Lord commaunded Moses and said Take Aaron thy brother and Eleazar his sonne and bring them vp into the mount before all the congregation God commaundeth the priest to bee ordeined before the whole congregation That is hee teacheth sheweth that the ordeinīg of priests ought not to bee done without the knowledge of the people being present that in their presence either the vices of the euill might bee discouered or the deserts of the good commended and that that is a iust and lawefull ordeyning whiche shal be examined by the election and iudgement of all Thus farre hée This custome and māner indured to the time of S. Augustine For it is to be séen in his 110. epist. which witnesseth that the people giuing a shoute Augustine ordeyned Eradius for his successour In these latter times because the people made often tumults in the elections of pastours the ordination was committed to chosen men of the pastours magistrats and people These thrée kinds of men propounded or named notable mē out of whom he whiche was thought the best was chosen There is somewhat of this In Iustiniani Imperat. Nouel Constitut 123. They which thinke that all power of ordeyning ministers is in the bishops diocesans or archbishops hands doe vse these places of the scripture For this cause I left thee in Creta sayeth Paul to Titus that thou shuldest ordeine elders in euery citie And againe Lay hands soudeinly on no man. But we saye that the Apostles did not exercise tyrannie in the churches and that they themselues alone did not execute all things about election or ordination other men in the church being excluded For the Apostles of Christ ordeined bishops or elders in the churche but not without communicating their counsel with the churches yea and not without hauing the consent and approbation of the people Which may appeare by the election or ordination of Matthias whiche wee haue nowe once or twice recited Truely the Lord in the Law said to Moses Thou shalt appoint thee Iudges But in another place he saith Thou shalt seeke out among all the people whom thou mayest make rulers And againe Moses vnto the same people Bring you men of wisedome vnderstanding I will make thē rulers ouer you c. Therefore as Moses doth nothing of his own will in the election of the magistrate though it were said to him Thou shalt appoint thee Iudges but doth althinges communicating his counsel with the people So vndoubtedly Titus though it were said vnto him Ordeine elders in euerie citie yet he vnderstood that hereby nothing was permitted to him which he might do priuately as he thought good not hauing the aduise and consent of the churches Wherefore they sinne not at all that shaking off the yoke tyrānie of the bishops of Rome for good and reasonable causes doe recouer that auncient right graunted by Christ to the churches Neither makes it any great matter whether discrete men chosen of the church or the whole church it selfe do ordeine fit ministers that either by voices either by lotts or after some certeine necessarie and holy māner For in these things godly men will not moue contention so that all things be done holily and in order But I wil not here rip vp the craftes deceipts practises and greuous warrs taken in hand for this right of ordeining with sheading of much bloud spoylings lamētable burnings of countries The histories of the Acts of Hērie the 4. and 5. and also of the affaires of the Frederiches doe most euidently witnes how impudētly abhominably the Popes of Rome with their sworne friendes the bishops haue behaued themselues Peraduenture I shall haue occasion to speake of this matter elsewhere more at large Now we will declare what maner of mē it behoueth to ordeine ministers truely not whose luste but the most choicest men of sound religion furnished with all kinde of sciences exercised in the scriptures cunning in the mysterie of faith and religion strong and constant earnest painefull diligent faithfull watchfull modest of a holy and approued conuersation least thorough their corruption of life
is it read that amonge the old fathers there was any other consecrating of pastours As also all other thinges were simple and not sumptuous in the primitiue and Apostolique church In the ages following ceremonies increased but yet so that at the beginning to some they séemed not altogether to haue excéeded measure But to me the séemeth to be ouer much whiche at mans pleasure is added to Gods institution And I pray you what néede is there to patche mennes fancies and customes vnto the institutions of the Apostles Why doeth not the laying on of handes suffice thée since it sufficed the blessed Apostles who were farre holier than thou and more skilfull in heauenly matters There was afterward added oyle there was also added the booke of the Gospels For after this maner the 4. counsell of Carthage decreeth When a bishop is ordeined let two bishops place and hold ouer his head and shoulders the booke of the Gospels and one powring vpon him the blessing let all the other bishops that are present touche his head with their hands They of later time haue added heere vnto a pall But at this daye there is no ende of ceremonies nay rather of follies If any man doe diligently compare their ceremonies with the attyre of Aaron and the Iewishe priestes hee will sweare the whole Aaronisme is brought againe by them into the church yea that this is more sumptuous and burdensome yea and that contrarie to the doctrine of the Gospell That at this time I affirme not their cōsecration to be both infamous and fully stuffed with excesse pride and offence and by the meanes to bée intollerable There is another thing to be noted whiche is that albeit amonge the old fathers consecration increased by the multiplying of ceremonies yet was it fréely bestowed neither was there any thinge either in it or in the whole Churche of Christ set to sale But at this day how déere palls are sould by that Romish Chanaanite and with how great costs consecrations are made it is a shame euen to speake Gregorie in the counsell at Rome celebrated in the time of Mauricius and Theodosius amonge other things thus decréeth Following sayeth hee the auncient rule of the fathers I ordeine that there bee nothing at any time taken of ordinations neither for the giuing of the pall nor for the deliuerie of the Bulls For seeing that in ordeyning of a bishop the high bishop layeth his hād vpon him and the minister readeth the lesson of the Gospel the Notarie writeth the epistle of his confirmation As it becōmeth not the bishop to sell the hand he layeth on so neither the minister nor the notarie ought in the ordination either the one to sell his voice or the other his penne But if any man shall presume to take any gaine thereby hee shal be sure before the iudgement seate of Almightie God to vndergo the sharpe sentence due to so horrible an offence Yet forthw t he addeth But if he that is ordeined not required but of his owne freewill only for fauours sake wil offer any thing we graunt he may I haue hetherto declared what manner of men and after whatsort bishops or pastours muste be ordeined in the church of god And albeit out of those things it may easily be gathered why at this day we suffer not oure selues to be ordeined of those who are called and séeme to them selues to be the only lawfull ordinaries that is to saye such as in the Romish church by continuall succession descend from the Apostles I will yet if I can declare the cause somewhat more plainely Of the continuall succession of Byshops or pastours and of the churche I haue spoken elsewhere so that it were superfluous here to repeate and rip vp the same againe I haue also proued that oure churches are the true churches of God though they agrée not with the late vpstart churche of Rome And it is euident that true churches haue power to ordeine pastours whether it be done by the voices of the whole church or by the law full iudgement of suche as are chosen by the church Wherevpon it consequently followeth that they are lawfully ordeined whiche our or rather which the churches of Christe doe ordeine And there are weightie causes why the holy churches of God doe refuse to haue their ministers ordeyned of Popishe ordinaries For S. Paule sayth Though we or an angel from heauen shall preach any other Gospell vnto you than that which wee haue preached vnto you let him be accursed But these men preache an other Gospell beside that which Paule preached whiche thing we will haue to be vnderstood as touching the sense wherin there is more daunger and not as touching the wordes And therefore from heauen these mē are stricken with this cursse or excommunication But who can abide to be ordeined of them that be stricken with a cursse or excommunicate Moreouer the chiefe thing in the ordination is the doctrine of the Gospel Séeing that to this end especially ministers of the church are ordeined that they preach the pure gospell of Christe vnfeignedly vnto the people and without mingling of mans traditions But this very thing they doe not only most streightly forbid them that are ordeined but also they compell them to abiure by a certeine kinde of othe whiche they offer vnto them For they are bounde by that wicked othe not vnto Christ but to the Pope against Christe For among other things thus they whiche are elected bishops take their othe I. N. elected bishop of N. from this time foorth will be faithful and obedient to blessed Peter and to the holy Apostolique church of Rome and to our Lord N. the Pope and to his successours entring canonically The counsel which they shal commit vnto me by them selues or messingers or by their letters to their hinderance I will not willingly disclose to any man I will be a helper vnto thē to reteine and defend against al men the Popedome of Rome and the royalties of S. Peter I will doe my indeuour to keepe defend increase and inlarge the rightes honours priuileges and authoritie of the churche of Rome of our Lorde the Pope and of his foresaide successours Neither wil I be in counsel practise or treatie wherein shall be imagined againste our Lorde the Pope him selfe or the same church of Rome any sinister or preiudiciall matter to their persons right honour state or power And if I shall vnderstand such thinges to be imagined or procured by any I will hinder the same as muche as lyeth in me and with as much speede as conueniently I maye I will signifie the same to oure sayde Lorde or to some other by whom it may come to his knowledge The rules of the holy fathers the decrees ordinaunces sentēces dispositions reseruations prouisions and commaundements Apostolical I wil obserue with my whole might and cause them to bee obserued of other Heretiques Scismatiques and rebels against our
and exhortations If so be that euerie church had such a pastour which wold not easily forsake the flocke howe great fruite I pray you shoulde we hope for Wherefore not without cause are we commanded incessantly and earnestly to praye vnto God that he woulde giue faythfull wise godly and diligent Pastours vnto his Churche Thus haue I hitherto spoken of the doctrine of byshops in the church of god And vnlesse a byshop teach after this manner and do those thinges which are ioyned to teaching he is vnworthy eyther of the name of a Byshop Pastour or Doctour howe so euer he pretend an Apostolique title For certeine thinges are ioyned to the doctrine of the Churche which also are required of a preacher of the Gospell and belong to his office as are these to gather together an holie assembly wherein he may preache conceiue prayer and minister the sacraments But of these things shall be spoken in their place Nowe there resteth to be considered howe byshops may gouerne the Churche of Christe with holy example of their life The Lorde in the Gospell sayth to his Apostles Ye are the light of the world A citie that is set on an highe hill can not be hid neither doe men light a candle and put it vnder a bushell but on a candlesticke and it giueth light vnto all that are in the house Let your light so shine before men that they maye ●ee your good woorkes and glorifie your father whiche is in heauen Wherefore Pastours not onely in doctrine but in holie life do giue light vnto the Churche whiche beholding their life agréeable to their doctrine is her selfe also moued to practise innocencie of life For the exāple of a good man much preuaileth to the furthering of the loue of vertues And cōtrariwise the Scripture witnesseth that the corrupt example of the sonnes of Helie the chiefe rulers in religion was verie analyeable to corrupt the people For the Scripture sayth And the sinne of the children of Helie was to abhominable before the face of the Lorde so that the people beganne to abhorre the sacrifices of the Lorde For men séeing the corrupt life of the ministers of the church begin somwhat to dout of the whole doctrine crying If the pastor thought those things true whiche he teacheth vnto vs he him selfe would not liue so dissolutely Therefore such teachers are sayde to ouerthrowe that with their naughtie life whiche they haue builded with wholesome doctrine Wherefore Paul requireth a byshop or pastor of the people which shuld be blamelesse that is to say whiche can not rightly and worthily be reprehended of the ●aythfull For otherwise by howe muche euerie Bishop shall be more sincere and vpright by so much more shall he be subiect to slaunders and reproches of the wicked the Lord him selfe foretelling the same in the Gospell If they haue called saythe he the Lorde of the house Beelzebub how much more shall they call them of his housholde And If they haue persecuted me they will also persecute you And againe Blessed are ye when men shall reuile you and persecute you and lying shall say all manner of euill saying againste you for my sake Reioyce and be glad for great is your rewarde in heauen Therfore a pastor ought verie carefully and as muche as in him is to take héede that both at home and abroad he liue a life worthy of him selfe and his calling Let him liue chastely as well being single as married Let temperaunce sobernesse thriftinesse or good husbandry hospitalitie and other vertues which I haue before rehersed out of the Apostle flourish in a bishop Let him gouerne his owne houshold wisely and godlily instruct thē and so bridle them that he giue not occasion of offence to the Church through riotousnesse or other misdéedes For so also the Apostle Paule hath commaunded who frameing againe the exercises of a byshop sayeth Till I come giue attendaunce to reading to exhortation and doctrine He requireth of Timothie a diligent reading that is to say a continuall studie whereby he may more perfectly exhort and teach But Paule requireth of him that hath bene brought vp in the knowledge of the Scriptures from a childe as elswhere he writeth a continuall studie of the Scriptures Howe great diligence then doth the Apostle require of them who as they haue not obtained so plentifull gifts of the spirit as Timothie had so they are not exercised in the Scriptures from their infancie Let a sorte of them therefore be ashamed of their vnskilfulnesse let them be ashamed of leasure not bestowed in studie and of their trauelsome idlenesse For as manye reade not any thing at all but continually liue idlely and as it were rot away in idlenesse so a number of innumerable others are busied in those thinges which nothing become Byshoppes Therefore the Apostle saythe No man which goeth a warrefare intangleth him selfe with the affaires of this life that hee may please him which hath chosen him to be a souldier Here were a fitte place to speake of stipendes due vnto Pastours but we will deferre it to an other place But if Byshoppes come abroade among the people at any time for businesse sake and be present in assemblies of honest men with no lesse care ought they to indeuoure leaste eyther by déede or worde or by apparell or companie kéeping or finally in the whole course of their life they giue any iust occasion of offence to the Churche Let there appeare in Pastoures in all places and at all times holy vprightnesse méete ripenesse of iudgement honest behauiour wisedome modestie humanitie humilitie and authoritie worthy of Gods ministers But let the contrarie vices and wicked misdéedes be farre from them In these fewe wordes I thinke are conteyned those thinges whiche other haue handled at large intreating of the discipline and behauiour of the Clergie For all ages vnderstoode that a dissolute and loose life was euill in all degrées and kyndes of men but in the ministers of the Churche worsse and moste intollerable For what can a minister of the Churche doe in the Churche whose authoritie is altogether lost Authoritie therfore is requisite in Pastors Of the want hereof manye doe complayne and séeing it vnder foote goe about to reare it vppe agayne with I can not tell what kynde of proppes of titles and ceremonies But authoritie is not gotten with suche light and vayne thinges It is rather obteyned by the Grace of God through the loue of trueth and vprightnesse of life if happily God touche mens heartes so as they vnderstande that GOD worketh his worke in the Churche by his ministers as by his instruments if they perceiue that ministers do the worke of the Lorde with feruentnesse of spirite and not coldly not fearing any thing in a good cause no not the wicked and mightie men of this world but doe resist them and yet that they doe nothing of hatred or malice but doe all
the Gospell Hee which is of God heareth Gods word it followeth that they whiche loue the congregation wherin the word of God is preached haue the naturall mark of the sonnes of God. But because many doe not onelye loathe holy assemblies but also saye that prayers are altogether superfluous vaine and vnprofitable Before we procéed any further we will shew that the godly must pray and that the prayers of the faithfull are both effectuall profitable and necessarie They say all thinges are done by the prouidence of God and therefore prayers are vnprofitable For that which God hath fore-knowen that verily will hée bring to passe after the manner of his fore knowledge neither can it be hindered by prayers But these men abuse the prouidence of God for that cut of it they gather that thing which the holy Scriptures do not teach them to gather For in Deut. in expresse woords Moses hath left written The Lord had determined to destroy you therefore I made intercession vnto the Lord and I found fauour Ionas threatneth so certeine destruction vnto the Niniuites from the Lord that he euen foretold the number of dayes But when the men of Niniue beléeued the Lord and repented the Lord beecame fauourable to them againe neither did hée destroye them when they repented Moreouer Esaie had spoken to Ezechias out of the mouth of the Lord Thou shalt die and not liue But when the king powred foorth his prayers euen from the bottome of his ha●t vnto the Lord God chaunged his sentence that he had pronounced For the Lord himselfe sayeth in Ieremie I will speake soudeinly against a nation or a kingdome for to plucke it vp and to roote it out and to destroy it But if this nation against whome I haue pronounced turne from their wickednesse I will repent of the plague that I thought to bring vppon them c. Wherefore the prayers of the faithfull are effectuall stayinge the wrathfull iudgementes of God yea and taking them cleane away For wheras they obiect againe That prayer is a declaration of thinges which wée require of the Lord and that God fore-knoweth all thinges therefore that those thinges are vnprofitably and supers●uouslie declared vnto him which he alreadie knoweth and so for that cause that prayer is vnprofitable it is confuted of Christ our Lord himselfe who when hee had plainely said Your heauenly father knoweth what thinges ye haue neede of before ye aske of him Yet neuerthelesse adding a fourme of prayer hée teacheth vs to praye In an other place hee commaundeth vs and stirreth vs vpp to pray often Watch and pray sayth hée least you enter into temptation And Paule sayeth Reioyce alwayes pray cōtinually In euery place there are many preceptes of this kinde Neither doe we declare our matters to him as to one that knoweth them not but wée vtter them to him that vnderstandeth the desires of our heart and do humble our selues at the féete of his maiestie Wée aske that of him whiche wée knowe wée want but yet of him certeinely to be receiued who is the author of all goodnesse For wée beleeue his sure and infallible promises In y meane time prayers are not super●●uons for that the Lord would assuredly giue that whiche wée asked The Lord promised the deliuerie of his people whereof the godly doubted nothing at all yet with vncessant supplications they prayed vnto the Lord crying Deliuer vs O Lord our God neither did they thincke they laboured in vaine To the Anabaptistes pretending absolute purenesse and therefore being pure neither can nor ought to pray Forgiue vs oure debtes since there remaine no debtes the most holy Euangelist and Apostle Iohn aunswereth and saith If we say we haue no sinne we deceiue our s●lues and the trueth is not in vs If wee acknowledge our sinnes he is faithful and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnes If we say that we haue not sinned we make him a lier and his woord is not in vs. For as long as wee liue in this world there remaine remnaunts of sinne to bee washed away euery moment by the grace of Christ Moreouer where as they obiect It is written Wee knowe that GOD doth not heare sinners But wee are all sinners therefore God d●eth heare none of vs and so mens prayers are found to be vnprofitable Wée aunswere that of sinners some are altogether vngodly and despisers of GOD those God heareth not There are againe repentaunt men and such as feare God whiche neuerthelesse are sinners and rightly so called because of the remnaunts of sinne those God heareth Whiche might he shewed by the examples of Dauid Manasses Peter the théefe erucified with Christe many other which were both sinners and when they pray●d were heard Therefore we say that the prayers of the faithfull are not onely profitable and effectuall but also necessarie vnto men For wée are men defiled with sinne destitute and void of all goodnesse Euerie good giuing and euery perfecte gift is from aboue and commeth downe from the father of lightes He commaundeth vs to pray and offereth to them that pray verie large promises Wherefore oure fathers were both verie often exercised and verie ●eruent in prayer by their example teaching vs that prayers are necessarie The Scripture also diligently and at large rehearseth howe great thinges by their prayers in verie weightie affaires and daungers yea in matters most necessarie they obteined of our most true and most bountifull Lord and god The Apostles pray for the holy Ghost faith and the increase of faith and they receiue their requests not spareingly but liberally beeing made partakers of all manner graces of Christ In the Gospel the Publican prayeth in the temple and sayeth God bee mercifull to mee a sinner and he foorthwith found the Lord mercifull vnto him What and howe great thinges Helias by his prayers obteined of the Lord the holy historie recordeth And the blessed Apostle Iames applieth his example vnto vs also that wée also in faith should call vppon god Whiche I rehearse least any man should thincke that that perteineth nothing vnto vs Againe how much the faithfull prayers of Moses Dauid Iosaphat Ezechias and other valiaunt men preuailed in warres in famines in sickenesses and in other excéeding great dangers it were long to recite These examples proue that prayer is both alwayes necessarie vnto men and verie effectuall For wée plainely sée that God is moued with the prayers of his faithfull For hée is good and mercifull he loueth vs he toke flesh that he might be touched with féeling of our infirmities least we should bée dismayed at him hée is true and faithfull perfourming those thinges faithfully which he promiseth What doth he not fréely liberally and bountifully call all men vnto him offering himselfe wholie to them that call vppon him in faith But in that they which pray do not alwaies receiue
of godlinesse and in daylie prayers though they sing not yet remaine they neuerthelesse the sonnes of god Neither yet doth all singing and in euery place edifie neither are all Churches fitt to singe Doeth not Rabanus saye in the same place that I euen nowe cited For fleshly minded mennes sake not for such as are guided by the spirite the custome of singing is instituted in the Church that they that are not moued by wordes may bee allured with the sweetnesse of the melody c. But the singing about which there is controuersie at this day is not that auncient singing but that more is both in matter and tune for the most parte it is cleane contrarie to the olde The common sort call it Gregories singing doubtlesse not of that great Gregorie who séemeth not to haue béene very fréendlie to singing as it appeareth by his constitution whiche is read in the Registre in the fifte parte thereof Cap. 44. Wee shall therefore séeme to iudge more truely if we referre it to Gregorie the fifte which is said to haue béene enthronized aboute the yéere of our Lorde 995. and moreouer to haue vsed the healpe of I knowe not who one Robertus Carnotensis Yet there are some whiche ascribe it to Vitalianus some to Gelasius It yrc●eth mee to rehearse what Durandus hath patcht together of this matter in his Rat. Diuin lib. 5. For I little weigh it There are manie thinges in this kinde of singing to be discommended For first of all many things yea the most are soung contrarie to true godlines neither are all thinges that are sounge taken out of the holie Scriptures but out of I knowe not what kinde of Legendes and out of the traditions of men And those things whiche are soung out of the Scriptures are for the moste parte so wrested and corrupted that there remaineth no parte of the heauenly sense or meaning Creatures and deade men are called vpon Moreouer this kinde of singinge is commaunded and they singe not of their owne accorde or good will but vpon constrainte yea they singe for money and to th' end that they may get an Ecclesiasticall benefice as they terme it Onely Clearkes hyred for that purpose doe nowe a dayes singe not the whole Churche of Christe as in time paste hath béene accustomed Neither is there any ende or measure in their singinge They singe day and night And to this foolishe and vngodly kinde of singinge as to a heauenlie or meritorious worke there is more attributed than true faith doeth allowe A man maye well say that it is that much babbling which the Lorde in Matthewe forbiddeth and condemneth as an Heathenish superstition They singe moreouer in a straunge tongue which fewe doe vnderstand and therefore without any profite at all to the church There is hearde a longe sounde quauered and streyned to and fro backewarde and forewarde whereof a man can not vnderstand one worde Often times the Singers striue amonge themselues for the excellencie of voyces whereby it commeth to passe that the whole Churche ringeth with an hoarse kinde of yellinge and through the strife that riseth about their voyces the hearers little vnderstande what is sounge I say nothing at this present of their musicke which they call Figuratiue and of their musicall instrumentes all whiche are conteined in a manner in their Organes as they terme them I saye nothinge of their Diriges or prayers for the deade Of which I haue also intreated in an other place But these and such other like so occupied the whole time of diuine seruice in the Churche that verie little or none was lefte for true prayers and for the holie and heauenlie preaching of the worde of god Therefore for moste iuste causes they that beléeue the Gospell doe neither vse such singing neither suffer it in the Church of god And they séeme to deale verie deuoutly and in like manner moste wisely whiche bestowe the beste parte of the time or euen the verie whole time of ecclestasticall assemblies in feruent and quiete prayers and in the wholesome preachinge of the worde of God omitting that singinge especially since it is a harde thinge so to limitte or restraine singinge which otherwise is tollerable leaste at some time it excéede and go beyond the appointed boundes Furthermore that our auncient predecessours had certeine and appointed houres wherein they prayed bothe priuately in their houses and publiquely in assemblies all the holie Scripture witnesseth in many places Dauid more than once in his Psalmes sayeth that he will goe vnto the Lord in the Morning and Eueninge Daniel prayed vnto the Lorde at thrée seuerall houres or times of the day Againe Dauid saith Seuen times in a day doe I praise thee But by seuen times he vnderstandeth many times For so else-where we reade written I will smite you for your sinnes seuen times And againe The iust man falleth seuen times and riseth vp againe And also If thy brother sinne seuen times in a daye and turne seuen times in a day vnto thee c. Seuen times therefore in diuerse places as also in this of Dauid is put for many times And Christe our Lorde hath tyed the priuate prayers of the faithfull as wee haue also tolde you before neither to place nor yete to time he hath not taken away publique prayers For he is the Lord not of confusion but of order But his Disciples when they were in the land of Iurie did them selues also obserue the accustomed houres of praying whiche that nation kept at libertie not of necessitie and specially for the assemblies sake For Peter Iohn goe vp into the temple at the ninth houre of prayer In the day of pentecost all the Saincts with one accorde were gathered together receiued the holy Ghost at the thirde houre of the day And it is also read that Peter priuately went vpp into the vpper parte of the house aboute the sixt houre The Temple béeing destroyed and the Iewes scattered abroade the Churches gathered out of the Gentiles did not obserue like houres of gatheringes together or of assemblies but at their owne libertie as to euery church it séemed most méete and conuenient Of which diuersitie truely the Ecclesiasticall historie also makethe mention yet for the most part there were houres in the morning and euening vsed for assemblies S. Hierome in his Epitaph vppon Paula expounding not the rite or order of the vniuersall church what it should doe in holie assemblies but what the companyes of solitarie virgins are woont to doe of their owne accorde sayeth In the morning at three sixe and nine of the clocke at euening at midnight they did sing the Psalter by order Onely vpon the Sunday they went vnto the Church neere vnto the whiche they dwelt c. So it perteineth to priuate institution which of the same sorte is read writen to Laeta touching the institution of her daughter and to Demetriades De custodienda virginitate
kept of him in euil sinne and in our owne destruction For now wée add the contrarie clause which also expoundeth the former which as other say is the seuenth petition But deliuer vs from euill 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I say from that euil to wit from sathan who elswhere is called a tempter Deliuer vs from sathan and from all euils which he sendeth deliuer vs from snares craftie practises deceyuings from warre famine captiuitie plague from all those things which are euill hurtfull and daungerous Those things that are such our heauenly father knoweth verie well to whome we say here Giue vs healthfull and good things take away from vs those things whiche thou knowest to be hurtfull and euill And so briefly we conclude the Lordes prayer adding moreouer Amen That confirmation and giuing of assent is read to haue bene common and vsuall of olde as it is to sée in Deut. 27. Nehem. 8. 1. Cor. 14. The same in the beginning doth expresse our desire For we confesse that we desire those things heartily which we pray for Besides that it declareth the certeintie of our fayth As if we shoulde say I beléeue assuredly that these things are graunted vnto me of god For Amen is as muche as if one should say So be it And the lord in the Gospell oftentimes sayth Amen Amen I say vnto you that is of a certeintie I tell you the trueth Or I vtter and pronounce vnto you the vndoubted truth And so the faithfull after they haue offered prayers vnto God hauing their mindes pacified doe nowe ioyfully waite for the giftes of the Lorde Furthermore some doe place before the worde Amen immediately after the rehearsall of these wordes But deliuer vs from euill for thine is the kingdome and the power and the glorie for euer Amen But Erasmus Roterod in his Annotations vpon the new Testament witnesseth that those wordes are not found in any old latine copie but are found added in al Gréeke copies how be it not expoūded of any of the interpreters but of Chrysostome only and his follower Theophilacte And that therefore they séemed vnto him to be added vnto the Lordes prayer as some haue added these vnto the Psalmes Glorie bee to the father to the sonne c. The same Erasmus immediately adioyneth Wherefore there is no cause why Laurentius Valla should stomache the matter that a good part of the Lordes prayer was curtayled Their rashnesse was rather to be reproued who feared not to so heauenly a prayer to patch their owne toyes For I maye call them toyes in comparison of that whiche God hath taught what so euer hath procéeded from men especially if that which men haue added and put to be compared with Christ the authour of prayer Neyther did Erasmus onely doubt of this addition For the Spanishe copie which they call Codex Cōplutensis hath That it seemeth more credible that these wordes are not a part of the Lords praier as a member of the whole but put in through the faulte of some certeine Writers or Printers In the same booke is by and by added And albeit S. Chrysostome in his commentaries vppon Matth. homil 20. do expounde these words as if they were of the text yet it is coniectured to be more true that euen in his time the first originals in this treatise were corrupted wherevpon none of the Latines no not of the auncient interpreters or entreaters thereof is read to haue made any mention of these woordes And surely this is truely said For the most diligent interpreters which haue taken in hand singularly word for word to expound the Lords prayer as were S. Cyprian Hierome Augustine of this addition haue not spoken so much as one word Thus much haue I spoken hetherto of the lords prayer and of calling vppon Gods name of whiche Solomon the wisest that euer was most truely pronounceth The name of the Lord is a strong Tower the righteous runneth vnto it and is exalted that is he standeth and is preserued in a safe or in a high place out of the reach of any weapon Wée wil say somewhat as wee haue done of this of thankes giuing an other kinde of prayer And thoughe the same also be comprehended in the Lords prayer for it comprehendeth all thinges belonging to true prayer therefore it conteineth thanksgiuing also yet after the expoūding of that I also would intreate of this by it selfe least by mingling of things there rise a confusion or disorder in our mindes And truely the Lord requireth thankesgiuing of vs of whiche thinge there are extant in the holy Scriptures arguments not a fewe For howe many praises reioycings thanksgiuings are read in the Psalmes written and left both of Dauid and of other Prophets And in the lawe also the Lord instituted a peculiar kinde of oblation and sacrifice whiche wee haue said is called the Eucharist or the sacrifice of thankesgiuing What thing else was the supper of the Passeouer but a thankesgiuing for the deliueraunce out of the Aegyptian captiuitie Surely oure Lord Iesus Christe both instituting a remembraunce of all his benefits and especially of the redemption purchased by his death and knitting vpp all sacrifices in breuitie deliuered the Eucharist or sacramente of thankesgiuinge to his church As wee will declare in place conuenient and haue partly shewed in our former sermons Mankinde in prosperitie is all vppon lustinesse and iollitie and séeldome times thinketh with himselfe frō whence prosperitie cōmeth so he doth not set by those spirituall mysteries and benefites so much as otherwise hee ought But they séeme to be swine and not men which doe not onely not set by the benefites of God as they ought but doe moreouer contemne them and tread them vnder féete The heauie iudgement of God doth tarrie for them Furthermore the sacrifice of praise thankesgiuing is due to God onely For he is the onely giuer and authour of all good things though in the meane while he vse the meanes and ministerie of men and other creatures Some prince sendeth vnto thée a most royall gift and that by a courtier not of the lowest degrée but a most chosen man yet to him neuerthelesse though he bée a noble man thou giuest not thankes but to the prince from whome the gift came howbeit in the meane while thou doest honestly confesse that the Courtier herein bestowed his labour for thy sake But he had not bestowed it vnlesse his prince had so commaunded and so the whole benefite at the length redoundeth vnto the prince him selfe euen vnto him alone And as all our inuocation or calling vppon God is acceptable vnto GOD the father thorough Iesus Christe oure Lord so no thankesgiuing of ours is acceptable vnto God vnlesse it bee offered through Iesus Christe For hetherto perteyneth the mysterie of the altar of incense whereof mention is made in the ceremonies of the lawe But the Apostle also sayth Giue thankes alwayes for
they were put to their oath and sworne They toke a solemne oath hauing one to recite the fourme of the oathe to them woord by word as Vegetius saieth in his booke Deremilitari that they would stoutly readily do whatsoeuer their capiteine commaunded them and that they would neuer forsake the field in the defence of the common weale of Rome They had a donatiō giuen vnto ech of them as it were a pledge or earnest they gaue vp their names to be inrolled were marked that they might be knowen frō other souldiers Now because wee by our sacramentes specially by baptisme are receiued inrolled to be Christes souldiers and by receiuing the sacraments doe professe and witnesse our selues to be vnder Christ our captaines banner therefore not amisse nor without reason are the signes of Christ his church called sacraments In the meane while I will not stoutly stand in contention that the word Sacrament was for the cause chiefly attributed of them in auncient time to these our signes For Eras Rot. a mā very wel seene in the tongues throughly tried in old and ancient writers none better In Cathec sua Symb. 5. saith They whiche speake most exquisitly cal Sacramentū an oth or bond cōfirmed by the authoritie of god reuerence of religion But our elders vsed this word to expresse that whiche the Greekes call a mysterie which a man may call a religious secret because the cōmon people were excluded from meddling with them Thus farre he Therfore the old writers did cal those signes sacraments in stéede of mysteries For the self-same signes are called of the Gréeks 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mysteries which the Latine writers for the most part interprete holy and religious secrets holy secrets I say from the celebration of which secrets the prophane common people were excluded debarred For Cęliusin Lectio antiquis supposeth that they are called mysteries 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because it behoued thē which hid them or which ministred them to kéepe them close and to shewe them to no common person Whervppon mysteries may be well called separated holy secrets knowē to them only which were ordeined for that purpose to be celebrated onelye of sainctes or holy men Yet it maye séeme that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is deriued of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that the Etymon thereof with the Gréeks maye be of no more force than Testamentum amonge the Latines which is a wittnesse bearing of the minde Althoughe I am not ignoraunt what some also do reason in this case Sacramentes therefore are called mysteries because in a darcke speach they hide other thinges which are more holy And Paule willingly vseth this word in his epistles And why this word was attributed to the holy signes of the christian church there is a plaine reason For these thinges are onely knowen to the faithfull and are hidd from those that are prophane and vnholie And surely the preaching of the Gospel it selfe is called The mysterie of the kingdome of God to teach vs that the vncleane being shutt out it is reuealed to the onely children of God. For our chiefe interpretour of mysteries sayth Cast not your pearles before swine neither giue that which is holie vnto dogges And Paule If our Gospell lie hidd as yet sayth he it is hidd in them which are lost in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them that beleeue not 2. Cor. 4. Furthermore many of the Gréeke doctours of the Church haue called our sacraments 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Symbola which word is also receiued and vsed verie often of the Latines It is deriued of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say Confero to conferr or compare together For by comparing one thinge with another symbols are made apparant and rightly perceiued Symbolum therefore signifieth a signe which hath relation to some other thinge as wée said of the standard c. And truely amonge the Grecians in old time the vse of symbols or signes was diuers for in their sacrifices they had their symbols signes I say Allegorically meaning something as in the sacrifices of Bacchus a siue was their symbole or signe the same they carried about when they were well tippled thereby signifying y such as be dronken are blabbes and can kéep nothing in secret What if I can proue that opinions of men cōteyning somewhat of déepe vnderstanding by an allegorie or dark speach are called symbols For Pythagoras his symbols are wel enough knowen So mysticall diuinitie began to be called symbolicall béecause it was inwrapped in more hidd and secrete mysteries So that is mystical which is darkely vttered and in maner of a riddle hauing in it a farre contrarie meaning than by wordes it séemeth to offer Againe the gift and token of faith trueth whiche by mutual consent passeth betwéene the bride and the bridegrome wherby it is not lawefull for them to shrincke or goe backe from their word promise or couenaunt is called a symbole Furthermore to souldiers also seruing vnder one and the same banner symbols or badges were giuen Vnto certeine confederate cities in like maner and ioyned together in league of friendship to the end that they might go safely to the bordering cities to those which toke parts with them symbols or mutuall signes were giuen that is to say tokens whiche being shewed séene they gaue eche other gentle and curteous interteinement as to their league-fellowes companions and singular friends The auncient writers therfore herevppon haue applied this word symbol to our sacraments bycause they represente and shewe vnto vs the excéeding great and déepe mysteries of good they are Allegorical Aenigmatical hard dark to vnderstand bycause the Lord him selfe by the institution of his Sacraments hath bounde him selfe vnto vs and we againe by the partaking of them doe binde our selues to him and to all the Saints testifying and openly professing to fighte stoutly and valiauntly vnder the Lordes banner Moreouer these holy symbols or signes doe admonishe and put vs in mynde of brotherly loue and concord and that we remēber to loue thē most entirely with al our hart as Gods children our brethren which are cōmunicants or partakers with vs of the same table and are washed cleane by the same baptisme Thus much concerning sacraments what they are by what names they are called and why they are so called let it be sufficient that we haue briefly noted Setting aside all other thinges it séemeth necessarie firste of all to declare and shewe who was the author of the sacraments and for what causes they were instituted All men in a manner confesse that God alone is the authour of sacraments and not men nor yet the Church it selfe An odde man there is among the scholemen which teacheth the Churche this lesson
to wit that she should remember she is no Ladie or mistresse ouer the sacraments but a seruant or minister and that she hath no more power or authoritie to institute anye fourme of a sacrament than she hath to abrogate any law of god Aquinas also Part. 3. quaest 46. ariculo 2. saith He instituteth or is the authour of a thing which giueth it force and vertue but the vertue and power of the sacraments commeth from God alone therefore God alone is of power to institute or make sacraments And in déede God alone is of power to institute the true seruice and worship but sacraments belong to his seruice and worship therefore God alone doth institute sacraments If any one in the olde testament had offered sacrifice whiche God commaunded not or offered it not after that manner that God willed it to be offered it was not only nothing auailable vnto him but also his offence in so doing was rewarded with moste terrible and fearefull punishment Who knoweth not that the sonnes of Aaron for offering strange fire were horribly burnt and scortcht vp with fire which fell downe from heauen Suche sacrifices therefore displease God as prophane or vnholy neyther deserue they to be called lawfull sacraments whiche haue not God him selfe for their authour Herevnto is added that sacraments are testimonies and as it were seales of Gods good will and fauour toward vs And who I pray you can better more vprightly or more assuredly beare witnesse of Gods good will to vs-warde than God him selfe In no wise deserueth that to be called or counted the seale of God whereto he neyther set his hand nor printed it with his owne marke yea it is a counterfet seale bycause it cōmeth not frō God and yet in the meane time beareth a shew outwardly of the name of god In this behalfe is reade that saying of S. Augustine whiche is in euerie mans mouth The worde is added to the element and there is made a sacrament Whereby we gather that in the institution of sacraments the worde of God obteyneth principall place and hath most adoe The word I say of God not the worde of men nor yet of the Church Wherevpon it followeth that the signe ought to haue his procéeding euen from God him selfe and not from any manner of mē be they neuer so many be they neuer so clearklike or lerned be they neuer so harmlesse and holy of life of that nowe there can be no other authour of Sacraments than God him selfe alone As we doe receiue the worde of saluation and grace so it is néedefull also that we receiue the signes of grace Although the worde of God be preached vnto vs by men yet we receiue it not as the worde of man but as the worde of God according to that saying of the Apostle When ye had receiued the worde of God whiche ye hearde of vs ye receyued it not as the worde of men but as it is in deede the woorde of GOD. It is behoneful for vs to haue respect to the first authour thereof who when he sent abroade his disciples sayde Goe into the whole worlde and preache the Gospell to all creatures teaching them to obserue what so euer I haue commaunded you and baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghoste He that heareth you heareth mee and he which despiseth you despiseth me And therefore albeit by the handes of men the Sacramentes are ministred yet are they not receyued of the godly and religious as procéeding from men but as it were from the hande of GOD him selfe the first and principall authour of the same To this belongeth the question which Christe our Lorde asked in the Gospell saying The Baptisme of Iohn was it from heauen or of men Truely Iohn who did baptise was a man but in that he baptised he baptised according to Gods institution and ordinaunce and therefore the baptisme of Iohn was from heauen though the water wherewith he baptised flowed out of the bottomelesse depthe into the riuer Iordan and Iohn him selfe conuersaunt on the earth To this also notably agréeth that which Paule sayth That whiche I deliuered vnto you I receyued of the Lorde Therefore although Sainte Paule were a man yea and a sinner too yet that whiche he deliuered to the Churche he did not deliuer it as from him selfe or as any inuention of man but as Christ had deliuered the same so that it is not his or mans but Christes tradition a diuine and heauenly tradition Besides this oure highe Prieste and euerlasting Byshoppe woorketh euen at this daye in his Churche whose ministerie they execute that is at whose commaundement they baptise and according to whose institution they which are the stewardes or disposers of the mysteries of GOD minister the holie Sacramentes of the Lordes Supper The institution therefore of the Sacramentes must be acknowledged of vs to be the verie worke of god And thus farre touching the authour of Sacramentes Peter Lombard in his sentences reckoneth vp thrée causes why Sacramentes were instituted that is to say why spirituall and heauenly thinges were deliuered and committed vnto vs vnder visible signes fourmes and ceremonies the first of whiche is so colde and weake that I am loathe to moue it to memorie He placeth merite in that that by Gods gouernement and direction as he affirmeth man séeketh saluation in thinges baser and inferioure to him selfe Vnto the whiche he addeth this afterward Although not in them yet in GOD through them he séeketh saluation which also vnaduisedly enoughe he hath vttered and not sufficiently considered The other two causes to wit that Sacramentes were inuented and ordeined vnder visible signes for oure instruction and exercise séeme not altogether absurde or disagréeing from reason The truest and most proper cause why Sacramentes be instituted vnder visible signes séemeth partly to be Gods goodnesse and partly also mans weakenesse For verie hardly doe we reache vnto the knowledge of heauenly thinges if without any visible ●ourme as they bee in their owne nature pure and excellent they be layde before oure eyes but they are better and more easily vnderstoode if they be represented vnto vs vnder the figure of earthly thinges that is to say vnder signes familiarly knowne vnto vs As therefore our bountifull and gratious Lorde did couertly and darkely nay rather euidently and notably set before vs to viewe the kingdome of GOD in parables or darke speaches euen so by signes it pleased him to lay before our eies after a sort the very same thing and to pointe out the same vnto vs as it were painted in a table to renue it a freshe and by liuely representation to mainteine the remembraunce of the same among vs This cause doth Iohn Chrysostome allowe as a chiefe and proper cause who in his eightie and thrée Homilie vppon Matthewe sayeth The Lorde hath deliuered vnto vs nothing that is sensible The
thinges in deede are sensible howbeit they haue altogether a spirituall vnderstanding or meaning So Baptisme is ministred vnder a sensible element namely water but that which is wrought thereby that is to say regeneration and the newe byrth doth spiritually enter into the mynde For if thou wert a bodilesse creature hee would haue deliuered vnto thee all these giftes bare naked and bodilesse according to thy nature but since thou hast a resonable soule coupled and ioyned to thy body therefore hath he deliuered vnto thee in sensible signes substāces those things which are perceyued with a spiritual vnderstāding Which I doe not alledge to this end as if I woulde take the testimonie of man for my stay but bicause I sée S. Iohn Chrysostome his speache according to the manner obserued and vsed in the Scripture For who knoweth not that the Scripture is full of parables similitudes allegories and figuratiue speaches whiche the holie Ghoste vseth not for his owne but for oure sakes The talke whiche Christe had in the Gospell with Nicodemus touching heauenly regeneration is verie well knowne where he by hidden and couert kynd of speaches of ayre winde and water c. reasoneth saying If I haue told you of earthly things and ye beleeue not howe will you beleeue if I shall tell you of heauenly thinges He calleth Earthly things that his doctrine of heauēly regeneration or new birth figured to vs vnder earthly signes of water the spirit or of aire the winde And by heauenly things he meaneth that selfe same doctrine of heauenly regeneration nakedly deliuered to Nicodemus without any imagination without similitude or sēsible signes The Lorde therefore signifieth hereby that men do more easily conceiue and vnderstand the doctrine of heauenly thinges when it is shadowed out vnder some dark and couert signe of earthly things then when it is nakedly spiritually indéede deliuered that by comparing together of thinges not much vnlike it may appeare that the sacraments were for none other cause foūd out or instituted thā for demonstratiō sake to wit that the heauenly thinges might become more familiar and plaine vnto vs In which thing we haue to mark the Analogie which is a certeine aptnesse proportion or as Cicero termeth it a conuenience or fit agréemēt of things I say knowne by their signes that if they be sleightly passed ouer without this analogie the reason of a sacrament can not be fully and perfectly vnderstoode but this analogie being diligently discussed and obserued to the full offereth to the beholder without any labor at al the verie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say the hidden and secrete meaning of a sacrament We will when we come to intreat of these things do what we can to make them manifest by examples Whosoeuer therfore shal throughly weigh the institution of sacramēts he can not choose but extol with prayses the excéeding greate goodnesse of the Lorde who doth not onely open vnto vs miserable men the mysteries of his kingdome but hath a singular care of mans infirmitie whereby he framing him selfe to oure capacitie doth after a sort stutte and stammar with vs whilest he hauing respect to oure dulnesse the weakenesse of our wit doth as it were cloath and couer heauēly mysteries with earthly symbols or signes thereby most plainely and pithily opening them vnto vs and laying them before our eyes euidētly to be beheld In this same institution of the sacraments wee haue cause to extoll and prayse the wisedome of God if so be we take in hand to compare great and small things together For this custome is receiued as a lawe throughout the world that all the wisest men when they had occasion to speake of high mysteries of wisedome they did not by words only but by signes and words together commende them to their hearers to the ende that the two most noble senses in man to wit Hearing and Seeing might be both at once vehemently moued and forceably prouoked to the consideration of the same The volumes of heathenish philosophers are ful of examples What say you to the Iewes Gods olde auncient people did not God him selfe shewe among them verie many such kind of examples Againe as in making leagues or in confirming promises in earnest and weightie matters men vse signes or tokens of truth to winne credite to their wordes and promises euen so the Lord doing after the maner of men hath added signes of his faithfulnes and truth to his euerlasting couenaunt and promises of life the sacraments I meane wherewith he sealeth his promises and the verie doctrine of his Gospell Neyther is this rare or straunge vnto him Men sweare euen by the Lorde him selfe when they would make other beléeue certeinely and in no case to mistrust the truth of their promises yea it is read in the holy Scriptures that the Lord him selfe tooke an othe sware by his owne selfe when hee ment Most aboundantly to shewe to the heires of the promises as the Apostle sayth the stablenesse of his counsel Moreouer it was the accustomed manner among them of olde as they were making their league or couenaunt to take a beast and to diuide him in péeces and ech of them to passe through and betwéen the péeces so diuided testifying by that ceremonie that they would yeald them selues so to be diuided and cut in péeces if they did not stedfastly stande to that which they promised in their league or couenaunt After the same manner the Lorde making or renuing a league with Abraham which Moses describeth at large in the 15. of Genesis he commaundeth him to take an heifer a she goate and a ramme each of thē thrée yeares olde and to diuide them in the middest and to lay euery péece one ouer against an other which whē Abraham had done the Lord himselfe in the likenesse of a smoaking fornace or firebrand went betwéene the sayd péeces that thereby Abraham might knowe that the lande of Chanaan should of a certentie be giuen to him and to his séede to possesse and that all things which he had promised in that league shoulde be brought to passe Since therfore the good and true lord is alwayes like vnto him selfe frameth himselfe after the same manner nowe to his Churche as we sayde he did then what wonder or straunge thing is it I praye you that he hath left vnto vs also at this day vnder visible thinges signes and seales of his grace and mysteries of the kingdome of God And hitherto haue we entreated of the chiefe causes of Sacraments for the which they were instituted Touching the kinde number of Sacraments which hath the nexte place to that which went before there are diuers opinions among the writers specially of later time For amoung the olde and auncient this question as an vndoubted and well knowne perfecte principle drewe quickly to an end But he which shal diligently search the Scriptures shal
the nature vertue and efficacie of sacramentes of those thinges which are ioyned and of affinitie with them for so the order which I vsed in my diuisiō requireth Touching the vertue and nature of sacramēts that is to say what they worke in man writers haue disputed diuersly plentifully It séemeth vnto me that reuerēce must be vsed in this disputation and that héede must be taken that I do not incline either to the right hand or to the left that is that I do not attribute to much vnto them to the derogating from the doctrine of the Euangelistes Apostles neither that I should diminishe or take from them to mine owne damnation that whiche the scripture the word of God doth attribute vnto them But we shal plentifully giue great praise and glorie to the ordinances of God if we shall say that of them which the spirite of God hath set downe in the holy scriptures to bée willing to attribute more vnto them is not onely an errour in man but a great fault whiche bringeth death and horrible destruction This is declared vnto vs in the holy scripture by examples most worthie of remembrance The arcke of the couenant giuen by Moses to the people of Israel was a wittnesse of Gods presence amonge the people and of the league friendshipp betwene God man For in these words God made a league w the people I will make my dwelling place amonge them walke among them and I will be their God they shal be my people Of that ordinance agréement the arke it selfe was called The Lord God of hostes sittinge betweene the Cherubims as we may sée 2. Sam. 6. and in the booke of the Chronicles It was also called The arke of the couenant of the Lord. For when the prophets of God did attribute these thinges to the sacrament of God they both thought and spake plentifully reuerently enoughe of the sacrament of God but when the ignorant malicious priests and the people corrupted by them did attribute far greater thinges to the arke or Sacrament of God what I pray you came to passe Giue eare first what they attributed to the arke The elders of Israel said wherfore hath the Lord cast vs down this day before the Philistines Let vs fetch the arke of the couenant of the Lord out of Silo vnto vs that when it commeth amonge vs it maye saue vs out of the hands of our enimies You haue heard what they attributed to the ark Now giue eare what they did So the people sent into Silo brought from thence the arke of the couenant of the Lord of hoastes whiche sitteth betweene the Cherubims And it came to passe that when the arke of the couenant of the Lord came into the hoast all Israel showted out a mightie showt so that the earth rang againe And when the Philistines hard the noise of the shout they said what meaneth the soūd of this mightie showt And they vnderstood that the arke of the Lord was come into the hoast And the Philistines cried woe be vnto vs God is come into the hoast Who shal deliuer vs out of the handes of those mightie Gods that smote the Aegyptians But hearken now what happened howe God did declare that the arke was not God as it was called counted of the vnskilful in holy things how he punished the sinnes of his people because they attributed too much to the sacrament It followeth therefore And the Philistines fought and Israel was smitten downe and fledd euerie man into his tent and there was an exceding great slaughter for there were ouerthrown of Israel thirtie thousand footemen Beside that also the arke of God was taken the two sonns of Helie were slaine All these thinges are read in the 1. booke of Sam. 4. ca. Againe when the sacrament of God was vnreuerētly handled of the swinish Philistines they were smitten with a lothsome deadly plague They did boast that their Gods and the religion of the Philistines had ouercome the God and the religion of the Israelits but the gods of the Philistines fel downe are broken in péeces their heathenish religion is confounded What and did not the Israelites perish with a more gréeuous plague thā before when they lightly handled and contrarie to the Lawe of God Num. 4. looked into the Sacrament brought backe by the Philistines into Bethsames For the Lord smote fiftie thousand threescore tenne men 1. Sam. 6. When Moses did negligently deferre the circumcising of his children he fell into great daunger The Sichimites for receiuing circumcision rashly are destroyed And Simeon and Leui For prophaning the sacrament are cursed of their father Genesis 49. To this that agréeth which the Apostle sayth of them which celebrate the supper vnworthilie For this cause many are weake sicke amonge you many sleepe Hetherto also belongeth the example of Oza a man not altogether euill whiche touched this same sacrament that was not lawfull for him to doe Wherefore the Lord stroke him with a soudaine death and that not priuately in the tabernacle but in the fight of all the people Of the whiche déede of God Dauid also speaking in the cōgregation church of the Israelites saith to the Leuits The Lord hath chosen the Leuites to beare the Arcke of the Lord and not that kyne shall draw it in a new cart therefore see that ye be holie that yee maye bring in the Arcke of the Lord God of Israel vnto the place which I haue prepared for it For beecause ye did not this at the first our lord God hath made a rent amonge vs for that wee sought him not as the fashion ought to be And it followeth immediatly The priestes and Leuites sanctified themselues to fetche the Arcke of the Lord God of Israel And the children of the Leuites bare the Arcke of God vpon their shoulders with staues as Moses commaunded according to the word of the Lord. All these thinges are to be séene in the first of the Chronicles Cap. 15. Whereby we gather that the Lord will none of our good meanings or intentes pompous celebrations in celebrating the Sacramentes but that hee onely requireth that wee should so iudge and speake of the Sacraments as he iudgeth and speaketh by his word and that we should so vse and celebrate them as hee himselfe hath instituted and celebrated them Therefore he sufficiently setteth forth the dignitie of sacraments who attributeth that vnto them which GOD himselfe in the holy Scriptures vouchsafeth to giue them Let vs therefore first of all searche out of what dignitie Sacramentes haue béene for the most part in oure time that thereby we may the better vnderstand what is to be attributed and what is not to bée attributed vnto them The common sort of priestes and monkes haue taught that the sacramentes of the newe lawe are not only signes of Grace but together also causes of
the same manner hath hee heere lefte with vs a memorie of the mysteries stopping bridling hereby the mouths of heretiques For whē they say Whereby appeareth it that Christe was offered and many other mysteries Then we alleadging these things doe thereby stop their mouthes For if Iesus be not deade whose representation or signe is this sacrifice Thus farre he You perceiue I suppose how this writer doeth bring against heretiques the Sacrament of the super for the testimonie of truth that is to say of the lords true death Wherefore as the Gospel is called a witnesse and the Preachers of the Gospel witnesses euen so we call sacramentes witnesses of the same trueth whiche though they be dumb yet neuerthelesse are visible after which name S. August calleth them Visible words For the preaching of the Gospell consisting of wordes heard with the eares is a speaking witnesse but sacraments which consist of signes and are séene with the eyes are spéechlesse witnesses and as it were remnauntes and remembraunces of the preaching of the gospel Yea sacraments were instituted by God to that end that they might visiblie confirme vnto vs the ready good-will of GOD towarde vs and also the preaching of the Gospel and all the promises of life and saluation and that they should be as it were seales sett and fixed to the Gospell and promises made by God whiche might testifie and confirme that faith in Christ is true righteousnesse That whiche I haue saide I will confirme by the writinges of the Apostles But I taught a little before that there is allone ground of the sacraments of the olde Testament and of the new a few things onely excepted so that now by very good right by the comparing of both together wee may estimate and vtter what the force and vse of our Sacraments is Paule therefore to the Rom. 4. chap. saith We say that faith was imputed to Abraham for righteousnes howe was it then imputed When hee was circumcised or when he was vncircumcised Not when hee was circumcised but when hee was vncircumcised after hee receiued the signe of circumcision as the seale of the righteousnes of the faith which he had when he was vncircumcised that he should be the father of all thē that beleeue not beeing circumcised that righteousnes might de imputed vnto them also and the father of circumcision not vnto them onelie whiche are of the circumcised but vnto them also that walke in the steps of the faith of our father Abraham which he had when he was vncircumcised All these are Pauls words Amōg which first of all some words are méete to be expounded then we must séeke after the sense and meaning of the Apostles wordes and last of all we must apply them to our purpose touching the sacrament The Apostle héere vseth two wordes that is to say The Signe The seale Signum the word signe is more generall stretcheth very far but a seale is a word that properly belongeth vnto sacramēts which are seales and confirmatiōs For al signes seale not For some by fignificatiō onely do accōplish their duetie But 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 properly is to seale for assurance and confirmation sake of faith or credite wherefore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a seale whiche is set to to kéepe confirme our faith and promise and to be without all daunger of deceipte And héere as else where very often the Lord doth imitate the manner of men For we men are wonte by setting to our seales to confirme our writings couenauntes and faithfull promises which we before had made by word And that this hath alwayes béene the cause of the instituting vse of seales appeareth plainely by these testimonies of the Scriptures When the children of Israel vnder Ezra made a couenaunt with the Lord by and by they set downe their couenaunt in writinge and seale the writing to be a testimonie of the trueth as in Nehem. the 9. chap. and Hag. the 2. chapter thou mayst read I will take thee to my seruaunt Zorobabel thou sonne of Salathiel saieth the Lord and wil make thee as a signe or sealing ring for I haue chosē thee As if he had said All mē shal certeinlie learne that in the sonne of Salathiel y continuaunce of the posteritie of the Messias doeth consiste and remaine Thus writeth Ieremie chap. 22. As truely as I liue saith the Lorde if Chonenias the sonne of Iohoakim king of Iuda weare the signet or seale on my righte hande yet will I pluck thee thence whiche is as much as if he had saide Though thou were hee in whome I wil kéepe my promisses yet shalt thou bee ledd captiue into Babylon To this agréeth that of Matth written of the Iewes So they went and made the Sepulchre sure and sealed the stone without doubt against deceiptfull practises they appointed a watch It appeareth therefore by these testimonyes where to the vse of seales serueth These thinges béeing thus declared let vs nowe diligently searche out the counsell and meaning of the Apostles wordes Paule sheweth that iustification happeneth vnto men by the power and vertue of no woorkes of no ceremonies or sacramentes but by the onely merite of Christe through faith To proue this he bringeth the example of Abraham of whome the Scripture hath pronounced Abraham beleeued God it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse Thence he gathereth that Abraham was iustified by faith yea that that was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse Where bothe by the worde or force of imputation and by the whole sentence of Moses he doeth moste strongly reason shewing that through grace righteousnesse is imputed by faithe Where-vnto hee ioyneth also a testimonie out of Dauid touching righteousnesse by imputatiō I handled that place in the first Sermon of the fourth Decade Then hee returneth againe to the example of Abraham and applyeth to his purpose that place alleadged out of Genesis waying the circumstaunces of the manner and time of his iustification and sayeth How was it thē imputed Whē he was circūcised or when he was vncircumcised Not when hee was circumcised but when hee was vncircumcised Whiche thinges verilie are playner than that they require any exposition But because the Iewe might obiect Why then the institution and vse of circumcision was of no force but voide vnprofitable and vaine For if Abraham were iustifyed before he was circumcised what could circumcision profit him further And if it brought nothing surely it was superfluous and vnprofitable Paule preuenting that obiection maketh aunswere And he receiued saith he the signe of circumcision as the seale of the righteousnes of faith c. Circumcision saith hee was neither voide nor vnprofitable For albeit it iustifie not neither cleanse nor apply the giftes of GOD yet it followeth not therefore that there is no further vse of it For it hath an other end For he receiued the signe of circumcision for a certeine seale of the righteousnesse of
defende that infantes vpon the pinche of necessitie not béeing guiltie of the contempte of God or wicked negligence are not damned though they die vnbaptised For so saluation should be tyed to the signe and the promise of god shuld be made voide as though that alone without the signe vpon the point of necessitie were vaine could worke nothing and as if the hand of God were shortened boūd as it were to the signe For otherwise I teache by al means that infantes are to be baptised and the baptisme is not to be delaied negligētly or to be put off maliciously but in the meane time if by too too spéedy death they departe vnbaptised I exhort charge that a good hope confidence be had in the trueth mercie of the Lorde who promiseth in the law and the gospel that he is the God of young infantes and that his will is that not so muche as one of his little ones should perishe With Pelagius and Pelagians we haue nothing to doe neither are we ignorant what S. Augustine hath writen vnto Hierome epist. 28. in this behalfe Who so euer shal say sayth he that infants which leaue this life not hauing ben partakers of Christ his sacramente of baptisme are quickened and made aliue in him this man doubtlesse doth sette himselfe both against the preaching of the Apostles condēneth the whole Churche where for this cause they make hast and runne with their children to haue them baptised for that without doubt they beleeue that by no meanes otherwise they coulde be made aliue in Christe And againste the Pelagians epistle 106. The Apostolicall seate dealing against Pelagius accurseth them whiche saide that Infantes vnbaptised haue life euerlasting The same Aug. Lib. 1. de an● c. ca. 9. to Renatus disputeth against Vincentius Victor who graunted that infants are inthralled to original sinn yet neuerthelesse are saued though they be not baptised against whō he bringeth forth this saying of our sauiour Except a mā be borne of water of the spirit he can not enter into the kingedome of God. But we which cōdemne both Pelagius Pelagiās do affirme both those things which they denie to wit that infantes are borne in originall sinne therfore that the sanctification of Christ is necessary vnto them without which they are not saued Again we defend and maintein that the same infants ought to be baptised if it be possible though by the right of the couenaunt they belong to the bodie of Christ are sanctified by the bloud of Christ Pelagius taught that infants ought not to be baptised for that he helde opinion they are without all fault or any sinne blame offence That wicked vngodly man therfore did not acknowledge either our owne corruptiō or the benefit which God hath performed by in through Christ Yet canst thou find neither of these in our assertion doctrine wherfore we take no part with the Pelagians S. Aug. in that selfe same epistle vnto S. Hierome expressly saith Thou art none of them which say that there is no guilt drawne frō Adam frō which the infant should bee washed by baptisme And against Iulian also Li. 1. ca. 2. he proueth by the sentences of the holy fathers that infants haue original sinne ther-vpon gathereth that therfore infantes ought to be baptised because they haue sinne For the Pelagians gathered cleane contrarie They haue no sinne therefore they are not to be baptised For the counsel of Carthage writeth thus to Innocent The Pelagians denie that infantes are to be baptised For these say they perished not neither is there any thing to be● saued because there is nothing in them that is corrupt or wicked c. But we in so much as we beleeue that infantes are borne in sinne yea and that they are both borne the children of wrath and are corrupt and wicked moreouer because wee beleeue that the sonne of God was borne without sinne of a pure virgin to fulfill and confirme Gods promises which doe not shut out infantes from saluation but let them in as ioyncte-parteners in the league therefore we holde defende that they are to be baptised And therefore this reason gathered of Augustine we cannot simplie allowe Out of the felowshippe of Christ no man commeth vnto life But by baptisme wee are ioyned as members into the bodie of Christ haue fellowship with him therefore infantes which are not to be baptised are without the fellowship of Christ and therefore are condemned For as we denie not that we are graffed into the bodie of Christe by partaking of the sacramentes as we declared in our last sermon of Sacramentes nexte and immediately going before this so we haue elsewhere shewed and that too oftentimes alreadie verie largely that the firste beginning of our vniting or fellowship with Christe is not wought by the sacramentes but that the same vniting or fellowshipp whiche was founded and grounded vpon the promise and by the grace of God thoroughe the holy Ghost was communicated vnto vs and ours yea before the vse of the sacramentes is continued and sealed vnto vs by the participation or receiuing of the sacraments Although therfore an infant die without baptisme and being shut out by necessitie from hauing felowship with Christ so that he be neither partaker nor yet sealed by the visible signe of the couenant yet he is not altogether an aliant or stranger frō Christ to whom he is fastened with the spiritual knot of the couenant by the vertue whereof he is saued The place of Gen. 17. alledged of cutting off the vncircumcised frō the people of God in consideration of the time it fitly agréeth to those that are of perfect age wel grown in yeres not to babes or infantes which thing is séen in Moses whō the angel of the lord for neglecting circumcisiō or for delaying it longer than was lawfull would haue slaine as he testifieth of himselfe neither am I ignorant that certeine olde interpetours referre y not to Moses but to Eleazar the sonne of Moses But the verie course of the hystorie the circumstances of the same doe sufficiently proue that the danger lay on the fathers not on the sonns necke What if a reason be added in the wordes of the law whiche by no meanes agréeth to infantes Therfore shal the vncircumcised perish saith he because he hath broken my couenant So that if we consider that circumcision in the verie same place was commaunded not only to infantes but to such as were of perfect age as to Abraham Ismael and others desiring visibly to be ioyned into the felowship of god we are not to maruell the destruction is threatened to the disobediēt For if any mā at this day vnderstande knowe the Lords ordinaunce comprehended in these his wordes He which shall beleeue and bee baptised shal be saued wil yet neuertheles not be baptised but boasteth the faith is sufficient for him
vnto saluation that baptisme is superfluous he hath despised the ordinance of God is condemned for a rebell and an enimie to God. Furthermore that place of Iohn 3. is not to be vnderstood of the ourward signe of holy baptisme but simplie of the inward most spiritual regeneration of the holy spirite which when Nicodemus vnderstoode not perfectely the Lorde figured and made the same manifest vnto him by parables of water of the spirit that is to say of the winde or the ayer by elements verie base and familiar For by and by he addeth That whiche is borne of the flesh is flesh c. Again The winde bloweth where it lusteth c. whiche must néedes be ment of the ayer For the other part of the cōparison followeth So is euery one that is borne of the spirite Furthermore he addeth If I tel you of earthly thinges and ye beleeue not how will you beleeue if I tel you of heauēly things But the argumēt which he put forth was not altogether earthly For this is the argument of his whole disputatiō Except a man be borne from aboue he cannot see the kingdome of God That is to say vnlesse a man be renued as it were borne againe by the spirite of God which is giuen from aboue that is to say powred into him from heauen he cānot be saued The doctrine is altogether heauenly but the meanes wherby he deliuered declared set forthe this heauenly doctrine is earthly For by thinges taken from the earth he shadowed out to man beeing grosse of vnderstanding earthly a spiritual and heauenly thing laid it open as it were euen ●● the view of his eyes As by water ayre oftentimes the qualities of bodies are changed and as the effecte and woorking of water and the aire in bodies is merueilous in like manner is the working of the holy Ghoste in the soule of man which it changeth purifieth and quickeneth c. For so the Lorde himselfe afterward whiche I tolde you euen now expoundeth an other parable of the spirite And because al olde writers for the moste part by water haue vnderstood sacramentall water that is to say holy baptisme we also receiue this interpretation For we willingly graunte that baptisme is necessarie to saluation as wel in such as are of perfect age as also in babes or infantes so that necessitie constraine not the contrarie For otherwise if we goe forwarde stubbernly with S. August to condemne infantes by this place truely we shal be compelled also to cōdemne euen those that are baptised if they departe this life without partaking of the bodie and bloud of Christ For S. Augustine béeing infected with the like errour defendeth that the sacrament of the Lordes supper ought to be put into the infantes mouthe or else they are in daunger of death and damnation because it is written Except ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of man drink his bloud yee haue no life in you Therefore after this same order he placeth these two sentences Except a man be born of water and of the spirite he cannot see the kingdome of God. And Excepte ye eate the flesh of the sonne of man c. So that if thou persist obstinately in S. Augustines sentence verily thou wilt condemne the whole Church at this day which denieth the partaking of the Lordes supper vnto Infantes But if in this thing there be admitted a cōuenient interpretation why are ye so rigorous obstinate in another the like place cause not disagréeable What wil you say if in this opinion Augustine doeth not satisfie no not himselfe in all and euery point To a Lay-man he thinketh it veniall sinne if he baptise in time of necessitie He cannot tell whether it be godlily spoken the baptisme ministred by a lay-man ought to be iterated or done againe But how much better and safer had it béene letting the necessitie of baptisme pas which hath no lawful causes to holde opinion the infantes if they be not preuented by death ought to be baptised of the minister of the church in the church their parents procuring it as opportunitie first serueth that too too spéedie souden death which we cal the pinch of necessitie is no let or hinderance to saluation to them which are not yet broght to be baptised The same Augustine trembleth and is afraide to determine of the punishmente of damned infants for not beeing baptised neither knoweth truly what he might certeinly say In his first booke De anim c. ca. 9. hée saith Let no mā promise to infantes vnbaptised as it were a middle place of rest or felicity whatsoeuer it be or whersoeuer it be betweene hell and the kingdome of heauen But that sentence is for the most part receiued of all men ▪ whervpon also the infantes are buried in the churchyarde in a certeine middle place betwéene the prophane holy ground And againe the same Aug. contra Iulianum Pelagianum lib. 5. ca. 8. writeth That those infantes of all other shal come in the easiest damnation And immediately bee addeth Which of what maner how great it shal be although I cannot describe yet I dare not say that it were better for them to be as no body thā to be there And againe in his Epistle to Sainte Hierome 28. he sayth When I come to determine of the punishments of little infants beleeue me I am driuen into narrowe streightes neyther finde I any thing at all to aunswere Héere also may that be added whiche hee disputeth vppon Lib. 4. contra Donatist cap. 22. 23. touching the théefe whiche was crucified with Christe among other things saying That then baptisme is fulfilled inuisibly when not the contempt of religion but the poynt of necessitie excludeth and shutteth out from visible baptisme Why then should wee not beleeue also that in infantes departing by to to timely death baptisme is inuisibly perfourmed since that not contempt of religion but the extremitie of necessitie whiche can not bee auoyded excludeth and debarreth them from visible baptisme And since verie many at this day doe graunt that any man of perfect age withoute baptisme in the point of necessitie may bee saued so that hee haue a desire of baptisme why then may not the godly desires of the parentes acquite the infantes nowe newly borne from guiltinesse But thus much hitherto Touching this also who are to be baptised both in time past our age there hath bene bitter iarring Pelagius in time past denyed that infants ought to be baptised which we heard euen nowe Before Pelagius time Auxētius Arianus with his sectaries denyed that they are to be baptised Some in the time of S. Barnard denied the same as we may gather out of his writings The Anabaptistes at this day a kinde of men raysed vp of sathan to destroy the Gospel denie it likewise But the Catholique trueth whiche is deliuered vnto vs in the holy scriptures
as were religious no not many yeres after For Ezechias the king celebrated the passeouer so likewise did Iosias celebrate the same but not after any other rite or maner than was deliuered from Moses The fathers circūcised their infantes but not after any other maner nor any other rite than was first instituted In times past who so had not sacrificed in the same place according to the same maner which God commaunded by Moses was by the law accused of murther Nadab Abihu are smitten with lightning from heauen for bringing strange fire into the Tabernacle Oza is smitten with souden death for that the Arke of the Lorde of hoastes was not handled in suche sort as was by the law commanded And therefore the maner of celebrating the lords supper as it was by the Lord instituted deliuered to the Church by the Apostles is to be obserued with great religiō vnlesse we wil beléeue that the institutions maners of celebrating our sacraments are more vnperfect than theirs of olde time that God the father doth now a days lesse regard the prophanation or the religious obseruation of his sonnes institutions than these of Moses and the forefathers in olde time But Paule the vessell of election knowing Christes institution to be moste perfect that the same ought to bee kept still in the Churche simplie and without any addition sayth to the Corin. I receiued that of the Lorde which I haue also deliuered vnto you For he thought it an heinous offence to deliuer any other thing to the church than that which he had receiued of the lord Let vs therfore with great religion holde that fast whiche is deliuered vnto vs by the Lord and the Apostles But the Apostle deliuered none other thing to the Corinthians yea many yeares after the Lords ascension into heauen than that which was faithfully set downe vnto vs in writing by the holy Apostles Euaungelistes S. Matthew Marke Luke Certeinly it is well knowen how that certeine hundred yeres after the death of the Apostles this simple maner of celebrating the lords supper was held in the church For the pastour or minister of the church after that he had preached the Gospel giuen publique thanks vnto God in open prayer then came he forth into the mids of the holy assemblie Before the face of the people stoode a table furnished with bread wine behinde the which the minister standing blessed the people saying The Lord be with you The people answered And with thy spirit Thē replied the minister Lift vp your harts admonishing the congregation that the holy mysteries shal be celebrated therefore that they must lift vp their mindes from visible thinges vnto inuisible The people answered We lift thē vp vnto the lord Afterwards exhorting the whole companie to giue thankes he cried aloude Let vs giue thanks vnto the Lord our God. The Congregation aunswered It is meete and right so to do Then procéeded the minister saying It is verie meete and right our bounden duetie and behoful for vs turning himselfe then to the Lord that we giue thanks alwayes and in all places vnto thee Lord holy father almighty and euerlasting god through Christ our lord who the day before that he suffred his passion toke bread gaue thanks brake it gaue it to his discipls with the residue as followeth in the gospel These things being repeated out of the gospell the minister procéeded further saying Let vs pray being admonished by holsome precepts instructed by diuine institution we are imboldened to say Our father which art in heauen c. After the rehearsal of the lords prayer the people receiued the holy mysteries and did communicate together after they had giuē thāks and praised God they were dimissed And of this forme there remaine certeine footsteps in the writings of the auncient fathers to be séen to wit in S. Cyprian S. Augustine others But consequently in later times the prayers blessings the ceremonies grewe to be verie great Moreouer Christes institution was chaunged turned into a strange vse in fine the Masse was patcht together in whiche appeareth but small antiquitie But touching these maters I haue in treted very largely in another place you your selues are verie well séen in this point we which defend hold that the institution of our Lord Christe which is deliuered vnto vs by the Apostles is most pure perfect do nothing regard neither what any man nor at what time any bishop hath added this or that to the holy rite or else hath taken away or changed but rather what he who is before aboue all did first him selfe and cōmanded to be done If the authoritie of him that did institute if learning holines if antiquitie may be of force then the victory is ours who haue Christ on our side with the best chosen cōpanie of the apostles for frō these we haue what we celebrate the which we hold that al godly men ought to celebrate But why the Lord instituted this mysterie vnder the forme of bread wine it is euident For bread comforteth wine maketh glad the harte of man which I also touched wher I intreated of the proportiō agréement of the sacramēts Moreouer our fathers in the figure of Manna did eate bread which rained down frō heauen Also in their sacrifices gratulatorie of thanksgiuing in their drinke offerings they vsed bread and wine But there hath sproung a great contentiō cōcerning the substāce of the lords supper some holding opinion that it ought to be celebrated with vnleuened bread others with such as is leuened But among our fore-fathers of olde there was about these no such cōtentiō for the church vsed both indifferētly as thē pleased It may séeme y at the first supper the lord vsed vnleuened bread at the table acording to the auncient maner of celebrating the Passetouer Whervpon many churches vsed vnleuened bread who notwithstanding cōdemned not them of heresie which vsed leauened bread The Pope his adherents cōceiuing no smal displesure here at hath déepely accursed the gréek church for so trifling a matter But the Artotyrites were vpon some iust cause condemned by the ancient fathers of whō Epiphanius maketh mentiō betwéene the Pepuzianes the Priscillianes setting bread and chéese vpon the table in their celebrating contrary to Christes institutiō It is furthermore disputed vpon whether vnmingled wine or delayed with water is by the faithfull to be vsed at the supper Cyprian the martyr holdeth opinion that in this mystery the wine ought not to be vnmingled but delayed with water so to be offered that is to say drunken by the faithfull For thus he hath written Because Christ hath borne vs al who also bare our sinnes we may perceiue that in the water the people is to bee vnderstoode in the wine the bloud of Christ to be vnderstoode For when water is
was once perfectly finished vppon the crosse but the Churche doeth not offer vppe sacrifice any more either with bloud or without bloud Praise thanksgiuing are a most acceptable sacrifice to the Lord the same the minister offereth not for others but with others Here now therefore we ascribe none other thing to the minister but the ministrie that he bee the president or chief dealer to recite the prayers in the celebration of the supper and after the holy prelection and the pronouncing of the solemne wordes let him after the example of Christ begin to break the lords bread and distribute his cup and let him receiue also the sacrament for himself as the other faithfull people doe as companion of the faith and when the communion is done let him end the holy action with thankesgiuing and some holy exhortatiō Concerning the place where the supper is to be celebrated I finde no contention hathe beéne amongst the most auncient ministers of the church It is read how that our Lord Iesus vsed the hall of a certeine prinate mans house And also the Apostle Paule both preached brake bread at Troas in a certeine dining place The auncient Church which insued immediately after the death of the Apostles almoste vnto the time of Constantine the great had none or verie fewe large publique churches For it was scarce lawfull or safe in so troublesome a time for the Christians to créepe abroade In the meane time they vsed verie honest places in the which they mette together in holy assemblies hauing places of prayer At this present there séemeth no place to bee more worthie or more commodious to celebrate the holy supper in than that which is appointed for doctrine and prayer For so haue we learned of Saint Paule Cor. cha 11. How beit if tyrannicall power wil not suffer vs to haue a church what shal let vs but that we may reueritly celebrate the supper in honest priuate houses Touching the holie instrumentes belonging to the Supper the matter also requireth to speake something in this place In the time that the Apostles liued they iupped at tables sett foorth and furnished for that purpose they knew no fixed altars builded of stone which are more fit to make fire vpō to burne beasts on for a sacrifice A remouing table agréeth better with the example of Christe Notwithstanding we condemne not standing altars so that they serue onely to the lawfull vse of the supper S. Paule in the 1. to the Corinthians calleth the altars of Ethnickes tables so that we néede not to meruaile that the auncient fathers termed our tables altars For it is an easie matter to fall from the one to the other and it should séeme that they alluded vnto the onely altar of the Tabernacle of God. In olde time the tables were couered with some faire cloath with some linnen table-cloth or towell Frō whence perhaps were borrowed those thinges which are called corporalls As for that outwarde brauerie worldly trimming it was not then vsed on the altars of christians We reade how it is forbidden by the law that there muste no altar be builded of hewen stone by which prouiso all cost and branerie in Religion is forbidden Thus it is manifest that in the ancient times there were no precious nor costly vessels vsed at the supper For like as Christe and the Apostles taught that frugalitie should be vsed in all places condemning superfluitie and beatinge into vs the contempte of golde and siluer so in those holie mysteries they haue not ouerthrowne that doctrine of theirs or giuen occasion of excesse After longe persecution when peace was restored to the Churche then began the custume to celebrate in the church w vessels of golds siluer ▪ But th● also there were some that brought the same againe to his olde frugalitie and simplicitie Chrysostome cryed out as I haue also declared in another place that in receiuing the Lords supper we ought to haue golden mindes not golden vessels And Saint Ambrose sayeth The Sacraments require not golde neither are those things plesaunt in golde which are not bought with golde The ornament of the Sacraments is the redemption of captiues S. Hier. commends S. Exuperius byshop of Toledo who carried the Lords bodie in a basket of wicker and the bloud in a glasse had expelled couetousnesse out of the Churche And truely that canō of the Triburean counsel which is yet extante in the Popes decrées for bidding that no Priest should minister this holie mysterie in wodden vessels doeth proue sufficiently that certeine Churches more than eight hundred yéeres since Christes passion vsed to drink the bloud of Christe in wodden vessels wherefore wodden cups in the supper be of all moste auncient Bonifacius the Archebyshop which example although I haue alleadged elsewhere yet am I inforced to repeat it here again for that it agréeth so fitly with this present matter being asked long since Whether it were lawful to minister the sacramentes in vessels of wood aunswered In olde times sayth he golden priestes vsed wodden cupps but now contrarywise wodden priests vse golden cuppes But if any man bringe vessels made of any other stuffe without excesse and superstition I would not greatly striue with him so that he will also acknowledge that they do not offend which vse the wodden For as touching the forme and matter of the cuppes all are frée and lawfull for the faithful Church toovse Moreouer it is euident that the Lord in the first supper yea and the Apostles also in celebrating the same supper vsed their owne vsuall and decent apparell And therefore it is not disagreable from the first institution if the minister come vnto the Lords table couered with his owne garment so that it be comely and honest Surely the communicants doe weare on them their owne vsuall apparel We must take héede then that there créep in no superstitiō Our forfathers as it semed did weare a cloke cast ouer their common garmentes which they did not after the example of Christe or the Apostles but according to mans tradition At the length that stuffe whiche is vsed at this day was taken vp according to the imitation of the priests garment of the olde law and appointed to be worne by the ministers that would celebrate the supper Neither doth Innocentius the 3. of that name disseble this matter in the 4. Chap. and 4. booke of his worke De Sac. altar mysterio As for vs we haue learned of late that all Leuitical maters are not only put away but not to be brought againe in to the Church by any For as much therefore as we remaine in the light of the gospell and not in the shadowe of the lawe we do vpon good cause reiect that Leuiticall Massing apparell I haue also declared in another place that it hath bene the manner in olde time that euery nation hath vsed their owne natiue vulgar tonge in ministring the
the in respect therof wee were acceptable vnto God and when wée departe out of this life wée should flye straight wayes vpp into Heauen but without receiuing the Sacramente bée throwen directly downe to hell There muste also néedes arise sundrye other errours Neither is there any necessitie to constraine vs to minister the sacrament to the sick For as prisoners are absent from receiuing the Lords supper without danger of saluation so likewise are the sick those that are ready to dye For béeing neuertheles by perfect faith gathered to the body of Christe although they be absent in body yet being in minde present with the congregatiō they are also made partakers of all spirituall good things And it is sufficient for thē that as lōg as they haue bene in helth they haue bene alwayes presēt at the holy mysteries The feast of Passeouer was not celebrated euery where but at Hierusalem onely in one place But howe many were there thincke wée the by reason of their bodily health impaired with sicknes for old-age could not trauell to Hierusalem from so large and wide a kingdome And although no man brought them home a péece of the Paschal lambe in their pockets notwithstanding they did cōmunicate with the whole church of Israel And who doubteth but that by the comming of Christ the condition of the Christians is made better Our Lord Christ did not institute his mysticall supper for the dead but for the liuing onely wherefore it is not to be celebrated for the dead and to bee applied to their redēption They that die without faith immediatly fall vnder the iudgment of damnation But they that are dead in Christ are alreadie ioyned vnto the companie of the elders and stand before the Lambe singing Halleluiah for euermore For I haue declared in my sermon of the Soule that the saluation of the faithful soules which are departed by corporal death is most vndoubted And where some obiect that the auncient sathers haue made mētion of offering for the dead we suppose that it apperteineth not vnto vs We beléeue the Canonicall scriptures without contradiction we beléeue not the fathers further than they can proue their owne sayings by the Canonicall scriptures Neither would they haue thē-selues otherwise beléeued And therfore if the fathers thincke that the supper is a sacrifice that it is to be offred to procure rest to the souls departed we do not receiue that opinion as not agréeing with the Canonicall scriptures whiche teache that the Lord instituted not his supper for that purpose and therefore by such abuse of the supper God is rather displeased than pleased yea that there is no work of man be it neuer so good much lesse if it be against Gods word that can sanctifie since that prerogatiue belongeth onely to the merite of the sonne of God and moreouer that the souls departed are not in any such state in the other world that they can or ought to be holpen by any woorkes in this world But if the auncient fathers by oblation or offering doe vnderstand the sacrifice of praise or thanckesgiuing we will not striue against them but that there may be made oblations for the dead that is to say that thanks be giuen to God his goodnes praised who hath called out of this miserable world such as were indued with true faith and hath ioyned them vnto the companies of angels and all the blessed sainctes in the euerlasting kingdome of all ioye and felicitie But surely there is no truth nor godlines that willeth vs to celebrate the supper for the dead And we make a distinction in sacrifice or oblatiō For there is a sacrifice of expiation and there is a sacrifice of confession or praise The sacrifice of expiation is offered to cleanse or purge sinns and also for satisfaction for sinnes This cānot be accomplished without death and bloud as S. Paule the Apostle sheweth plainely in the 9. Cap. to the Hebrues The sacrifice of Christ was such a one the figures of whiche were all the sacrifices of all the holy fathers of the old testament who beeing both priest and sacrifice offered vp himself once to God the father while he suffered vpon the crosse and shedding his most innocent bloud there gaue vpp the Ghost The supper at this day is no such sacrifice but a commemoration of the death or of the sacrifice once offered vpon the crosse For nether ought or can Christe bee sacrificed againe who being once offered is sufficient to cleanse all the sinnes of all ages Why then should hee be sacrificed againe Neither can the sonne of God be sacrificed by any man since that for the same cause he offered vp himselfe once to God as being a priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech Therefore the minister of the Churche doeth not in the Churche sacrifice the body and bloud of Christe in the supper for the liuing but together with the whole Church doeth celebrate the remembraunce of the sacrifice which was once offered vpon the Crosse Of which as I haue said elsewhere the supper may also be called a sacrifice because it is a sacrament or signe of the sacrifice whiche was once offered by Christe as Augustine also hath lefte written The sacrifice of cōfession is of praise thankesgiuing which wée offer to God for the redemption and benefits of god fréely bestowed vpon his Church And since we offer the same alwayes vnto GOD in prayer but chiefly when wée are ioyned in the sacramēt of the Eucharist or celebrating the supper therefore the auncient fathers called it a sacrifice because in the same we giue thanckes vnto God for oure deliuerance from death and for the inheritaunce of euerlasting life which is giuen vnto vs And that this sacrifice is generally offered by the vniuersall Churche in celebrating the supper not by the minister of the church alone for those the liue in the Church we tould you before Now forasmuch as wee haue hetherto discussed certaine circūstances or questions whiche are wont to be moued about the Lords supper so farr forth as the necessitie of the matter séemed to require as muche as our smal abilitie was able to performe it remayneth that we descend further to declare for what cause the Lords supper was by the Lord instituted which place truely is not rashly reckoned among the chiefest For we made mention of the same immediatly vpon the beginning of this sermon For the lord by setting bread wine before vs in the holy banquet would haue his promise and communion testified vnto vs and his gifts represented vnto vs made manifest to our senses would also gather vs visibly into one bodie and reteine the memorie of his death in the hearts of the faithfull and finally put vs in minde of our duetie chiefly of praise thankesgiuing All these thinges haue we seuerally expounded hauing discoursed vpon them at large in the generall cōsideration
soule For the thing that signifieth is wont to be called by the name of that thing whiche it signifieth as it is written The seuen eares of wheate are seuen yeares He said not doe signifie seuen yeres And seuen oxen are seuē yeres and many such like In like sort it is said The rocke was Christ Hee said not The rock signifieth Christ but as though it were so in deede whiche is not the same in substance but by signification So likewise the bloud beecause thrugh a certeine vital substāce in it signifieth the soule in the sacraments is called the soule Thus far he The same Augustine also against Adimantus cap. 12. saith So is bloud the soule like as the rock was Christ And againe in the same place he saith I may also expoūd that that precept of the bloud and soule of the beast c. consisteth in the signe For the lord douted not to say This is my body when he gaue the signe of his body Thus much Augustine There is no foole so doultish that will say that these wordes of Augustine are darcke or doubtfull Who so liste maye add here vnto that which the same authour hath plainely written concerning figuratiue spéech Libro 2. Contra Aduers Legis Cap. 9. But let vs leaue off to cite mens testimonies cōcerning the proper and most auncient exposition of Christes wordes This is my bodie Let vs rather procéede to alledge sounde arguments out of the scriptures as we promised to do thereby to proue that wée must sometime of necessitie depart from the letter that Christes words are accordingly as I haue said to bée expounded by a figure First it is euident that the Lord at this present instituted a Sacrament whereby it is manifest that the Lord spake after the same manner as he is wont to speake in other places of the scripture concerning sacraments as when he saith that circumcision is the Lords couenaunt the lambe the Lords Passeouer that sacrifices are sinnes and sanctifications baptisme the water of regeneration But we declared in the sixt sermon of this Decade that all these kindes of speaches remaine to be expoūded This saying or spéech therefore is to be expounded This is my bodie This is my bloud because it is sacramentall For it receiued the common interpretation whiche most truly and for certeinty was vsed and receiued by the catholique church euer since the time of the Apostles yea and euer since the time of the Patriarches vnto this day to wit that signes do receiue the termes and names of those things that are signified so that thereby they receiue no part of their substance but do stil continue remaine in their owne proper nature For this cause it cōmeth to passe that our Lord Christe in the Gospell written by S. Luke did ioyne the banquet of the Passeouer with this our lordes supper in such sort that he substituted this in the place of the other that it should not séeme straunge if he said in this our supper This is my body for in the solemnizing of the feast of Passeouer it is thus said The lambe is the Lords Passeouer Which kind of speach was not darke to be vnderstoode by the Apostles who vnderstoode that this lambe was a remembrance of the passage once past By that meanes also they vnderstood that the Lords bread giuen vnto them by the Lord is a remembrance of his body For in other matters of much lesse weight they diligētly questioned and inquired of the Lord touching the proper sense signification of the words But of these woordes they neuer once doubted or asked any question For al sacramental spéeches were to the holy fathers very wel knowen Moreouer if we continue to vnderstand the words of the supper simply according to the letter it followeth that the Lord hath deliuered vnto vs his body and bloud corporally to be receiued And I pray you to what ende should hee deliuer them but that we receiuing them corporally might liue But the vniuersal canonical scripture teacheth that our life or saluation our iustificatiō cōsisteth in faith only which we repose in the body which was giuen the bloud shedd for vs which is the spiritual eating not in any work of ours much lesse in the bodily eating of Christes body whiche he sheweth in another place to be nothing auaileable Then since there is but one meanes and that most simple wherby to obteine life and iustification to wit by faith only not by the work of our eating neither is the scripture repugnant to it selfe surely the Lord hath not instituted any such worke of eating therefore the solemne words of the supper do admit some other exposition If the bread were the lords true and natural body it must néeds follow the euen the wicked being partakers of this bread shuld eate Christs body that verily his flesh shuld be meate to feed the bellie since they that eate it lack both mindes faith But all holy men abhorre that thought as absurd most vnworthie of whiche matter I will intreate more hereafter Therfore the saying of Christ This is my body admitteth an expositiō The whole vniuersal canonical scripture witnesseth that our Lord Iesus Christ toke a body of the vndefiled virgin consubstantial in al poincts vnto our bodies that is to say an humane bodie yea that hee was made like to vs in all respectes except sinne Nowe it is manifest that he spake of his true sensible bodie when he sayeth This is my body For he addeth Whiche is broken or giuen for you But the true natural sensible or humane body was deliuered and died for vs But this appeareth not in the bread or vnder the bread Wherefore the Lords words must be expounded Surely if it had béene the Lords will to make his body of bread his bloud of wine according to the power wherby he made all thinges with his word as soone ●s euer he had said This is my body the bread had béene the body of Christ and that very body whereof he spake mortall passible to be felt and séene For he spake the word and they were made he commaunded and they were created He said let ther be light and light was made and such kind of light as might be perceiued and did shine But in the supper we sée nothing in Christes hands but bread no body And therfore it was not our sauiours meaning by these words This is my bodie to create or make his body of the bread For if he had ment so to do surely it had béene done Neither is there any cause why they should here as it were casting their mistes before our eyes and applie their coloured interpretations vnto a rotten construction vsing wordes vnspe●keably supernaturally inuisibly not qualitiuely not quantiuely not as in a place For by these termes they intending in the meane while to bring some other thing to passe doe by the wonderfull iudgement of God quite subuert and ouerthrow
all that is their owne For if this their mysterie be vnspeakable why then do they vse these termes essentially substantially really corporally For they that speake so doe ●●ter truly and set down the manner of his presence If the bread be sup●rnaturally the body of Christ why th●● do they ad naturally And if the bread be Christes bodie inuisibly then can it not be corporally neither can it be a true body whose propertie is to be visible Who would not laugh if hee should heare that fire burnt and gaue no heate and that light did shine and gaue no light If he be not present in qualitie quantitie and as in a place then is he not corporally present For I pray you are not qualities quantities and place belonging to the body Hearken what Augustine saith vnto Dardanus touching the presence of God Take saith he space of place frō bodies and they shal be no where and because they shal bee no where they shal not be at al. Take the bodies thēselues from the qualities of bodies they shal be no where and therfore it must needes be they cannot be at all Let not vs therfore robb or spoile the Lords bodie of the properties thereof and so denie the trueth of his bodie Againe that we bring not so many contrary and absurd things into one and the same opinion we interprete the words of the Lord This is my bodie this is a memorall or remembrance of my body or else This signifieth my body Moreouer if this word Est Is be to bée vnderstoode substantiuely in the Lordes words This is my body it followeth then that the breade is chaunged into Christes body But that this is not so all our senses doe witnesse the verie substance remayning not onely the accidentes of the breade It is necessarie therefore that our aduersaries doe vnderstand that in this with this or vnder this is Christes body But so are they gone from the simplicitie of the Lordes wordes who sayde This is my body and not vnder this is my body Againe if we we be so tyed to the words aboue recited that vpon paine of sacrilege we may not starte from them an haires breadth I beséeche you then how durst Luke and Paule recite the words which belong to the cup farre otherwise than Matthewe and Marke For these two doe sette downe the wordes belonging to the cup in this sorte This is my bloude which is of the new Testament whiche is shead for manye for remission of their sinnes But they two recite them thus This cup beeing the newe Testament through my bloud whiche is shead for you And This cuppe is the newe Testament in my bloud But shal we thinke that there is no difference betwéene the bloude of Christe and the newe Testament S. Paule defineth the newe Testament after Ieremie to be a full remission of all sinnes And the self same sayth that this remission of sinnes is obteined through the bloud of Christ But who will so impudently contend as will dare to affirme that the verie cup or the wine in the cup is really and substantially the remission of sinnes What cause is there if wee holde on and sticke precisely to the letter why we should be forced to confesse that the cuppe not the wine nor the drinke is eyther the bloude of Christ eyther the newe Testament or the remission of sinnes For the Lord sayth not This wine but This cup. Howbeit in this place to avoyde absurditie wee willingly admitte a trope wherfore thē are we not indifferēt in a matter of equal importāce Therfore like as the cup or the wine is the Testament or remission of sinnes so likewise the cup or the wine is Christes bloude and in like maner also the breade is Christes body But the cup is not substantially the remissiō of sinnes or bloud but the sacrament of Christes bloude whereby the new Testament was dedicated full remission of sinnes obteyned for vs therefore the breade is the bodye of Christe bycause it is the sacramente of the body of Christ Surely it is a strong and firme argumente that wee haue brought foorth and of no lesse force and strengthe we hope is that behinde whiche we will nowe bring foorth The Lord at the celebrating of the holy supper sayth Doe ye this in the remēbrance of me These wordes do not import that we should determine them to be really present whome we ought to remember For who shall be sayde to remember those things which he beholdeth before him in presence But we must not goe from the simple signification of remembrance or memorie specially since Paule sayth Declare the Lords death vntill he come For thus wee gather thereby Hee whose remembrance is repeated vntill hee come or returne hee surely is not counted to be present but is looked for to come therfore the Lords body which was giuen for vs the remembraunce whereof is celebrated in the mysticall Supper is not present but is looked for to come Now those places touching Christes leauing the world and departing hence doe not simply admit the interpretation of the words of the supper It is expedient for you saith he that I depart For if I goe not away the cōforter shal not come vnto you But if I depart from you then will I send him vnto you Also I went from the father and came into the worlde Againe I leaue the world and go to the father And againe And hencefoorth I am not in the worlde but these are in the worlde and I come vnto thee These sayinges truely are repugnaunt That he went hence That he is no longer in the world That he left the worlde and that his natural body is in the world and that verily it is giuen and receyued really and substantially in the Supper Neyther is it lawfull figuratiuely to interpret the testimonies whiche are brought foorth of Sainte Iohns Gospel concerning Christes departure For the Apostles doe confesse that the Lord spake plainely or simply without any parable In so much therefore as the Apostles do testifie that this speach of the Lord was simple and simply pronounced it is needeful that those other wordes whiche are contrarie vnto these This is my body be expounded by a figure that the Scripture be not repugnant Moreouer those places whiche to it selfe beare recorde that Christes bodie after the resurrection was circumscribed by place seene and felt which also doe make a difference betwéene Christes body clarified and the angelicall spirites where by the way we may sée that here is no place left for the deuice of the definitiue meane do not admit the bare interpretation of the solemne wordes of the Lorde The Angels say He is risen he is not here Beholde the place where they layde him Also He shall goe before you into Galilee there shall you see him And againe he him selfe saythe to his disciples Feele me and see A spirite hath not fleshe and bones as you see mee haue
wil not receiue it Furthermore since by experience we finde euerie day the there are many thinges wanting vnto our faithe by meanes whereof diuerse vices spring vppe among vs whereof our vnworthines is the hightest or lest of all which the Lord of his grace may easily washe away almost wipeth away by sending his crosse vpon vs not imputing such infirmities to vs to our condemnation For the Apostle in another place ●aith that there is no condemnation for them whiche are graffed into Christ Iesus walk not after the flesh but after the spirit Neither with equall punishment doth our most iust lord punish these sundry sortes of vnworthinesse Let vs therefore sée what the blessed Apostle teacheth vs concerning the punishmente of those y eate vnworthily Therefore he sayth Who so eateth this bread or drinketh of the lords cup vnworthily the same shal be gyltie of the Lords bodie and bloud By whiche wordes verily he meaneth that chiefe and moste ●owle vnworthines of al other to wit vnbeléefe For he is guiltie of the lords body bloud to whom the fault of the lords death is imputed that is to say to whome Christes death becommeth death and not life as it also happened vnto them who through vnbeléefe wickednes did crucifie Christ For vnto them Christes bloud séemed prophane as it had béen the bloud of some beast murtherer or wicked person as being worthily 〈◊〉 for his offences And I pray you what else doeth he thinke than the Christes bloud is prophane who beléeueth not that the same was shed for the sinnes of the worlde And yet he dareth take part of the lords supper the he may worthily be saide to be guiltie of the Lords bodie bloud It is a verie great offence to eate the Lords bread and to drinke of his cup vnworthily through vnbeléefe which thing by the example of Iudas is laid before our eyes He beléeued not in the Lord Iesus yea he inuented howe to deliuer him into the hands of théeues and murtherers yet neuerthelesse he sate down to meate tooke part of the Lords supper therfore in the end the diuel worthily chalenged him wholy vnto him For S. Iohn witnesseth that about the end of the supper the diuell entred into Iudas not the he was not in him before that he came to the supper for he had begonne before to dwell in him to stir him forward but for that after so many admonitiōs of our lord Christ after that he had prophaned the mysteries of Christ as it were troden them vnder foote he wholy entred into him and fully possessed him The same Apostle Paule threateneth damnation to them that make no difference of the Lords bodie who are placed as it were in another degree of vnworthinesse saying For who so eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drinketh his owne damnation The reason hereof he setteth down in this sentence to wit why we wee oughte not rashly and carelesly to come to the Lords table for that we approche then to our condemnation But condēnation or iudgment is the paine or punishment which the Lord laieth vpon his faithfull people when they sin not in another world truly as he doth vpon the vnbeléeuers but in this world For it followeth in the words of the Apostle which ministreth vnto vs the same sense For this cause many are weake and feeble among you and many slepe For if we had iudged our selues we should not haue bene iudged But when we are iudged we are corrected by the Lord that wee should not bee condemned with the world The Apostle plainelie distinguisheth betwéene the vnworthie eaters that are subiecte to Gods correction worldly men that is to say vnbéeléeuers whose punishment the Lord deferreth to that other world but vpon his faithful people who yet offende through the negligence come to the supper not sufficiently instructed he layeth diuers sundrie afflictions as pestilence famine sicknes such like to shake off their drousinesse For it foloweth If we had iudged our selues that is if we our selues had restrained our vices separated our selues from euil we had not bene iudged that is to say punished and corrected For immediatly he addeth But when we are iudged we are chastised of the Lord. To bee iudged therefore is to be chastised But hereby we learne from whence there do flow so many mischiefes into the Church to wit by the vnworthie vse of the Lords supper But some man wil answer here if the matter be so it were better wholy to absteine from the lords supper But if any absteine wholie he also therby sinneth againste the Lorde and that grieuously For hee setteth at nought the Lordes commandement who saieth Do this yea he setteth at nought both the Lords death and all the gyfts of god Wherefore he hath not escaped dāger who hath omitted to celebrate the supper which thing also we haue said before Thou must go an other way to worke if thou desire to auoide both danger sin Heare the counsel of Paule very cōpendiously saying Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eate of that bread and drinke of that cup. And wee muste mark that in this examination he sendeth no man to another but euerie man to him selfe The Papistes bidd thée Goe to an auricular confessour there to confesse thy selfe to receiue absolution and to make satisfaction for thy sinnes accordinge to the fourme that is cōmaunded thée And so they bid thée as sufficiently clensed to go to the Lordes table But Paule the doctour of the gentiles and the vessell of election speaketh not a word of those things but saith simply Let a man examine himselfe so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. For like as God is the searcher of the hartes requireth the affection of the minde hateth hypocrisie so none knoweth what is in the hart of man or what affections wee beare to godward but we our selues do therfore he willeth vs our selues to examine euery thing in ourselues that is to say he willeth euerie man to descend into himselfe and to examine him selfe This examination cannot bee made without faith and the light of gods word But the faithfull man haueing the light of Gods worde shining before him and faith extendinge her force and power inquireth of himselfe whether hee doth acknowledge al his sinnes whiche he hath manifoldly committed against God and whether he be sorte for them being committed and whether with sincere fayth of hart he beleeue that Christ hath washed away and forgiuen al his sinnes and whether he confesse fréely with his mouth as he beléeueth in his hart that life saluation consisteth in Iesus Christ onely and in none other whether he haue determined with himselfe to die in this confession and whether he meane diligently and earnestly to applie himselfe to innocencie and holines of life and whether he be readie to loue helpe all the
argumēts the right to receiue a stipende for the holie ministerie Haue we not saith he power and authoritie to eate and drinke or maye wee not carrie about with vs a woman sister For he meaneth the lawfulnesse and authoritie to receyue any thing necessarie for him selfe his wife and his whole housholde And for that he asketh a question he sheweth what he meaneth that thereby he may declare a playne truth and equitie amongst all men and thereto addeth examples not of euerie man seuerally but of all generally and specially of the chiefest apostls of Christ and of them that were kinne vnto Christe by bloud saying Euen as the other Apostles and brothers of oure Lorde and Cephas And who is that Cephas but Peter To this Cephas the Lorde sayde in the first chapter of S. Iohn Thou shalt be called Cephas whiche if a man interprete it signifieth a stone But Peter also was so syrnamed of a rocke to the intent the interpretation of the name may alwayes fail vppon the same And who I pray you are the Lordes brethren but Iohn and Iames and Iames the brother of Iudas and Iudas and Simon the brethren of Iames All these sayth Sainte Baule liued of a stipend they had being gathered of the common assembly of the Church Vnto these examples he addeth other also like vnto them commonly put in practise Who sayth he doth goe to warre at his owne costes and charges Or who planteth a vineyarde and eateth not of the fruite thereof Or who feedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylke thereof Surely he bringeth foorth these similitudes very finely and properly applied vnto them and not vnto any other For the minister● of the Church are somtime called souldiers or vine yard-kéepers sometime husbandmen and shepherds And who I pray you is so farr from reason that he woulde denie vnto souldiers husbandmen and shepheards meate and clothing for the paynes they take in warfare husbandrie and about cattel The true hearted men therfore and suche as are of an indifferent iudgement do acknowledge that the ministers of the Church may liue by the Ecclesiasticall ministerie But least that any man should obtect that these humane parables and similitudes taken from the common vse do proue nothing in an Ecclesiasticall cause he addeth presently Doe I speake these things according to mā Doth not the lawe say also the same For it is written in the lawe of Moses Thou shalt not mussell the Oxe that treadeth out the corne As though he shoulde say I haue in a readinesse for the cōfirmation of our right not only humane similitudes but also testimonies of the holy scripture And he allegeth a place out of the 25. chap. of Deuteronomie concerning y nourishing of labouring oxen Againe lest any man shuld say that that place is not to be vnderstood of preathers but simply of oxen he addeth Dothe God take care for oxen Or dothe not hee speake it altogether for oure sakes Doubtlesse hee hath writen it for our sakes that he which ploweth may plowe in hope and he that thresheth in hope may be partaker of his hope The Lorde sayd he in his lawe would prouide for vs For he would haue the ●qualitie gathered by a certaine syllogisme or kinde of argument after this or suche like manner If the Lorde prouided for beastes and cattell and woulde haue consideration to he hadde of them howe much more of men It were truly a very vniust thing that an husbandman should labour with his oxe without hope that is to saye in vaine and without commoditie Therefore were it also a most vniust thing for the minister to exercise ecclesiastical husbandrie in the church without hope or due stipend Moreouer where it is againe obiected here against that vnto the spiritual ministerie belongeth no corporall but a spirituall reward the Apostle aunsweareth If wee so we vnto you spiritual things is it a great matter if we reape your temporal things He therefore thinketh that the Corinthians giue nothing when they giue their temporall thinges namely if they be compared with eternall good thinges which the ministers do bring by teaching For looke how farre the soule excelleth the bodie by so muche are spiritual thinges better than temporall The Apostle also concealeth an euident argument in these words where he admonisheth that it is meet that he that soweth should also reape In this point also is great inequalitie in that the ministers sowe the better and reap the worse Because men set light by God and the diuine ministerie therefore they thincke that the ministers doe nothing S. Paule againe confirmeth his owne right by the example of others saying If others bee partakers of the power towardes you why rather are not wee For séeing none had taken more paines amonge the Corinthians than S. Paule no man was more worthie of reward Moreouer he confirmeth his right by the example commaundement and ordinaunce of the Lord saying Knowe ye not that they whiche take paines in the holy thinges doe eate of the holy thinges and they that minister at the altar are partakers o the altar Euen so hath the Lord ordeined that they that doe preach the Gospell should liue of the Gospell Where hath the Lord ordeined this Forsooth when he said in the Gospell that the labourer is worthie of his hire But I iudge this especially to be obserued whiche the Apostle speaketh in plaine words That the Lord instituted his ordinaunce concerning the maintenaunce of the ministers of the church vnto the imitation of the auncient lawes of the Iewishe people Hereof wee gather that wée misse not much the marcke if in this and such like cases wée do not vtterly reiect the auncient institutions of the fathers But in that S. Paule the Apostle vsed not his authoritie as he mighte haue done it maketh nothing against these thinges For one question is of the déede and another of the right of the thing In very déede hee toke nothing of the Corinthians for diners causes yet notwithstanding hee toke of other Churches Neither receiued he any thing of the Church of Thessalonica yet for all that this his deeing is not prtiudiciall to the equitie of the right For he saith vnto the Corinthians I haue robbed other Churches hauing receiued wages of them to thintent I might do you seruice And when I was with you and wanted I was not burthensome vnto any man For the things that were lacking vnto me were giuen me by the brethren that came from Macedonia And vnto the Thessalonians he saith We behaued not oure selues inordinately amongst you neither did we take our bread for nothing But with labour and paines both night and day doing our woorke to the intent wee would not be a burden vnto any of you Not that it is not lawefull for vs to doe it but because we would set downe our selues as a patterne for you to followe after And againe the same S. Paule saith vnto the Thessalonians I
the first to the Corinthians the sixtéenth Chapiter in the second to the Corinthians the eight and ninthe Chapiters And to the Galathians While wee haue time sayth he let vs do good towardes all men especially towardes the household of faith In the first epistle to Timothie hee warneth that there be consideration had who should be holpen and who not be holpen In the same epistle he giueth charge to Timothie and to all the bishopps howe to deale with the richer sort in the Church saying Cōmaund them that are riche in this world that they be not high minded neither put their trust in vncerteine riches but in the liuing GOD who giueth vs all things abundantly to enioy that they may do good that they may bee riche in good workes that they may be readie to giue bestowe willingly laying vp vnto themselues a good foundation against the time to come that they maye take hold of life euerlasting Also vnto the Hebrues To doe good and to distribute forget not for with such sacrifice God is pleased Wherfore riches were gathered euē in the time of the Apostles to succour the necessitie of the poore withall Deacons were appointed by the church as prouiders and stewards amonge whom those first Deacons were most famous of whome the Actes of the Apostles make mention and also the noble martyre of Christ Laurence And the writinges of the auncient fathers doe testifie that with those ecclesiasticall goodes prisoners were redéemed out of captiuitie poore maydēs of lawfull yeares married finally hospitals almeries spittels harbours hostles and nourceries were builded namely to interteine poore trauellers for the maintenaunce of the poore that were borne in that countrie for the reliefe of the sick and diseased for the necessitie of old men and for the honest bringing vp of pupils orphans Concerning these matters there are yet extant certaine imperiall lawes Wherefore in refourming of Churches very diligent héed must be taken that there be no offence committed in this behalfe thoroughe ouersight or of purpose that the poore be not defrauded and that in taking away one abuse we bring not in many If there be plentie of goodes let them be kept if there be none let them be gathered of the rich Then let the state of the poore be searched and what euery mā néedeth most or howe prouision maye best be made for euery one Whiche being knowen let that which is méete and necessarie for euerie one be done spéedily gently and diligently If then any of the cōmon goods remaine let them be kept against such calamities as may ensue Let nothing be cōsumed vnprofitably or vngodlily Againe let not the treasure of the poore vnhappily be deteined from them by fraude and to the increasing of their pouertie For there maye be like offence committed on both sides For on eche side the poore are defrauded of their goods Touching liberalitie wée haue entreated in another place in these our Decades and of prouiding for the poore in other of our woorkes And Lewis Vines hath written very well of relieuing the poore The fourth last part o● 〈…〉 of the Church 〈…〉 holy buildinges as Churches scholes and houses ●●longing to Churches and scholes 〈◊〉 which because of the companies gathered together in them are also called congregations are the houses of the Lord oure god Not that God whome the wide compasse of the heauens cannot comprehend doeth dwell in such manner of houses but béecause the congregation and people of GOD méete together in those houses to worshipp and performe due honour vnto God to heare the word of God to receiue the Lords sacramentes and to praye for the assistance presence of god Churches therefore are very necessarie for the Church and people of god Touching holy assemblies I haue said somwhat in the disputation of prayer And althoughe that at the commaundement of God Moses builded a moueable Church and afterward the most wise king Solomon founded a standing Churche not without great cost notwithstanding wee must not thincke therfore that God liketh of such great charges after that hée had sent Christ and fulfilled the figures For as before the lawe was made it is not to bee found that the Patriarches did euer build any Ministers or great churches euen so after the disanulling of the law in the Church of Christe a meane and sparing clenlinesse pleaseth God best For God misliketh that foolish madd kinde of buildinges not much vnlike to that vnwise building of Babylon enterprising to sett vp the topp of the tower aboue the cloudes For God liketh not the riotousnes of Churches who without all riot doeth gather his Church together from out all the parts of the 〈◊〉 whiche Churche also be h●th taught both sparingnes and th● contempt of all riot A church is large and bigge enough if it be sufficient to receiue al that belong vnto it For the place is prouided for men and not for god But aboue all thinges let that place be cleane and holy A Churche is hallowed or consecrated not as some doe superstiously thincke with the rehearsing of certeine woordes or making signes and Characters or with oyle or purging fire but with the will of GOD and his commaundement bidding vs to assemble and come together promising his presence amongst vs and also it is hallowed by the holy vse of it For in the temple y holy Church of God is gathered together the true and most blessed word of God is also declared in the temple the holy sacraments of God are receiued in the temple and also in the temple prayers are powred forth to God whiche are most acceptable vnto him Verily the place of it selfe is nothing holy but because these holy thinges are done in that place in respecte that they are done there the place it selfe is called holy Therefore not without great cause ought all prophanation filthines be farre from the holy temple of the lord The Senatours court or seate of iudgement is accounted so holy a thing that whosoeuer either in woord or déede vsed himselfe vnreuerently towardes it should be accused of treason And yet in this Courte the Senatours only are gathered and assembled together to heare the matters of suiters in thinges transitorie that shall passe away and perish By howe much the more then ought reuerence to bee giuen vnto temples into the which the children of God do come to worshipp him to heare the true word of God and to receiue his holy sacraments And therefore as we hate and abandon all superstition in temples so wee loue not the prophanation of them yea rather I say wée cannot abide it Neither haue we leysure at this time about the consideration of temples to rehearse and searche out open and plaine superstitions Of whiche matter wee haue spoken in an other place I finde it a matter of controuersie amonge the fathers of old time to what part of the world wee ought to
diligently teacheth all men to haue a speciall care that they contracte matrimonie deuoutely holily soberly wisely lawfully and in the feare of God and that no euil disposition of couetousnesse desire of promotion or fleshly lust may lead and prouoke thē and that wedlock be not entred into otherwise than either the lawes of man or of God will permit And in this place we must consider of the degrées of consanguinitie and affinitie of publique honestie of the reuerence of bloud of offence towardes other and that no man take vnto wife a heathen woman or one that is of a contrarne religion For we are expressely forbidden to yoke oureselues with the vnbeléeuers Againe we are taught to enter into the knot of wedlock lawfully godlily and holily with prayer the receipte of Godly blessing in the temple of the Lorde bothe in the sight and with the prayer of the whole congregation and to beware that in any case we bee not stained in this pointe with all prophanation of the filthie world Neither be we ignorant in this case also that men of this worlde are commonly wonte to celebrate their weddinges more fitte for the diuell than God with riotting pride surfetting drunkennesse and all kinde of wantonnesse Moreouer we are taught to dwell with our wyues according to knowledge moderation patience faith and loue and also to bring vppe our children vertuously and honestly and them also to place and bestowe when time requireth in holy wedlocke But if for adulterie or some other matter more heynous than that necessitie forceth to breake wedlocke yet in this case the Church will do nothing vnadui●edly For she hathe her Iudges who will iudge in matters and causes of matrimonie according to right and equitie or rather according to Gods lawes and the rule of honestie The holy Apostle woulde not haue the faithfull to contend and stande in lawe in the court of the vnfaithfull wherefore he exhorted them to take vmpiers to make agréements friendly betwixte them that were in contention But in causes and matters of matrimonie there are farre greater matters that forbidde the parties that sue or be sued to come before vnbeléeuing iudges Therefore the Churche of God hath very wel appointed a court to trie matters of matrimonie But bicause we spake of wedlocke in the tenth sermon of the second Decade also haue set forth somtime a booke specially concerning the same I haue knit vppe this matter in these fewe woords touching christian wedlocke The Church of God hath widowes in it but such as the Apostle of Christ doth describe in this sort saying Shee that is a widowe and a lone woman in deede trusteth in God and continueth in prayer and supplication night and day But she that liueth in pleasures and delightes is dead thoughe she be aliue The same Paule doeth will the yonger sort to marrie to gett children and to gouerne the house neither to giue any occasion at all for the enimie to speake euill of them the place is euident in the first Epistle of S. Paule to Timothie the fift chapter The Church also hathe virgins These be careful only for those things that long vnto the Lord are true virgins without all deceit or hypocrisie Paule saith A virgin careth for that that belongeth to God that she may be holy both in bodie spirit There are many that rule and gouern their bodies but not their mindes God requireth bothe and especially of the minde It is an easie matter to deceiue men but we cannot by any meanes deceiue god S. Paul in the first epistle to the Corinths the seuenth chapter setteth forth the praise of virginitie and by comparing a virgin to a married wife he sheweth how great the goodnesse of virginitie is Notwithstanding it is lawfull for virgines to marrie if they will whiche thing the same Apostle plainly sheweth in the selfe same place of Scripture Vnto this testimonie of God the testimonie of man also is agréeable For Cyprian with his fellowe Bishoppes and Elders making answere to a question demaunded by Pomponius saith Doest thou desire that we shoulde write vnto thee what we thinke of those virgins who after that they once determined to continue their state continently and stedfastly are found to haue lien and continued in the same bedde with men concerning which thing because thou dost desire to knowe our iudgement thou shalt vnderstand that we do not departe from the traditions and ordinaunces of the Gospell and the Apostles whereby we should so much the lesse strongly and stoutly prouide for our brethren and sisters and that Ecclesiasticall discipline should be kept by all meanes for their profite and safetie And it followeth But if thoroughe faith they haue vowed vnto Christ and continue chastly shamfastly without leasing let them stedfastly and stoutely looke for the rewarde of virginitie But if they will not or can not continue it is better that they marrie than to fall into the fire of their delights pleasures And so forth S. Augustine disputing of the wordes of the Apostle Hauing the greater damnation because they brake their first promise and faithe ascribeth not this damnation to the marriage following but to the inconstancie going before Suche are damned sayth he not because they entred into the bonde and promise of wedlock but because they brake the firste promise made of continencie and chastitie And a litle after that hee addeth these wordes They therefore that say suche marriages are no marriages in deede but rather adulteries it seemeth to mee that they speake foolishly and without consideratiō And thus much he I vnderstande that by this worde Condemnation or Iudgment is men by the Apostle Reprehension whiche wee Switzers terme Ein anszricte● oder nachred For they be euil spoken of by many for that they haue broken their firste faith that is to say they haue broken the promise of continencie Wherefore the Apostle thinketh it much better for young women to matche themselues in marriage then to set downe to themselues suche an order of life from the which although necessitie forceth them thervnto they cannot depart without reprehension of men But in that place he speaketh not of virgins but of widowes Saint Cyprian speaketh simplie of virgins Monkes and Nonnes were altegether vnknowne in the primitiue churche of Christe and the Apostles the latter ages had monkes but not such as are nowe a dayes whiche are their owne rule and lawe whose monasteries abound in all filthinesse and vncleannes Which though we should holde our peace yet to be true trueth it selfe and experience wil sufficiently declare And those that séeme to bee gouerned by more seuere discipline are defiled with hypocrisie I wil say none other thing Touching the firste monkes they dwelt not in cities neyther intermedled them selues with worldly affaires We haue declared in another place howe that a writer of the middle age being made an Abbat required that
ex●●sition of the scripture 〈◊〉 not be c●●trary to the arti●●● of our beliefe The expositiō must not be repugnant to the loue of God and our neighbour 〈◊〉 expoun●●●g the ●●●●ptures ●e must ●●rk that ●●at goeth ●●fore and ●●lloweth ●●●er and 〈◊〉 the circumstā●es The exposition of g●ds word ●●st be ma●● by 〈◊〉 layin●●●ge●her of ●iuers places 2. Pet. 1. The scri●tures m●● be expo●●ded wi●● zealous ● hertaf●● earnest prayer The de●nitions 〈◊〉 faith The description of true fayth The begi●ning and cause of faith Faith is planted by the worde of God. We muste ●raye for ●rue fayth That faith is an vndoubted persuasion of the minde Faith beleueth not euerithing what soeuer Examples ●f vndoub●ed saith ●herunto ●aith lea●eth and what the ●biect or ●oundation of faith 〈◊〉 Two chief ●●in●s of ●aith True fai●● seeketh a●● good thi●ges in 〈◊〉 through Christ ●rue faith ●eleeueth 〈◊〉 holy ●●riptures Fayth is ●ue alone 〈…〉 religions but no more the● one true fayth Faith do●● encrease and decrease Generall and particular faith Faith insp●red and Faith gotten 〈…〉 mall 〈…〉 The power and ef●ecte of faith Faith is the true knowledge that maketh men wise How man may attaine to ●he chiefe goodnesse Faith maketh happy Faith quickneth Faith ioyneth to god Faith i●stifieth Iustification What it is ●o iustifie ●hri●t hath 〈◊〉 on ●im self 〈…〉 sinnes The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of since ●re take● away by Chri●● The death ●f Christ a ●●ll satis●●ction for ●ur sinnes Howe punishment is laide on vs. God hath ●ppointed ●●at he ●hat belee●eth shuld ●aue eternall life and be iustified Men are ●ustified ●y faith ●lone Christ cōpared with Adam Gods Testament We are not iustified by the workes o● the Law● but by Faith Christ died not in vaine All men are sinner● God iu●●●fieth as 〈◊〉 the Gentiles as 〈◊〉 Iewes by faith By what meanes ●ur father ●braham was iusti●●ed Neither is ●aith nor the promis of none effect ●ustification of free gift Faith sheweth foorth and expresseth it selfe by good workes Faith onely iustifieth Of good workes Faith the ●oore of al good ●o●kes Faith the victorie 〈◊〉 al Christians The Apo●tles 〈◊〉 The partition of the Apostles Creede God is one in su●stance an● three in persons I beleeue in God God is called a father God is called Almighty ●od is the m●ker of heauen ●nd earth The secōd article of our belief To belieue in the Sonn● of God. Who the Sonne of God is Consubstantial ●oessētiall The onely Sonne Iesus Christe Christe is our Lord. The 3. Article of our b●lie● The causes of the Lord his incarnatiō Immanuel A mediatour T●e manner of 〈◊〉 his ●●nceptiō The causes why Christ hi● conceptiō is pure Of the birth of Christ The fourth Article of our belief ●●●ist did 〈◊〉 Christ sufered vn●er P●nti●s Pilate Our Lord was buried He descended into Hell. The fift article of ou● belief The glorious resurrection of Christe What a resurrection ●s Out of from the dead He was ●rucified dead tokē downe and laid ●● his gran● vpon 〈◊〉 Friday where his body ●ay ▪ Saturday that is E●●er eue● and one Sunday which is Easter day in the morning he rose againe frō death to life The sixte article of our belief The glorious ascension of Christ The for● of Christ his ascension into heauen He ascen●ed into ●eauen He sitteth at the right hand of God the father Almighty The definition of gods right hand take here for the places name To sit is to be at rest and enioy felicitie Gods right hand the name of his power and in this signification to sit is to reign Saint Hierom of the ●ight hād of the fa●her Saint Augustine of the right hand of 〈◊〉 father ●●int Fulgentius His humanitie i● l●cal that is ●●●teined i● space of ●lace but ●●s Godhead incōprehēsible as that that is euery where 〈…〉 not 〈◊〉 in any place Saint vigilius The seuenth Article Christ a Iudge To Iudg● what it 〈◊〉 The pic●ure of ●he laste ●●dgemēt The quick and dead are iudged The reward and punishment is moste certaine the eighth article of our faith The father in Christ hath fully giuen vs all heauenly treasures The ninth ●rticle of ●ur belief ●ee must ●ot in our ●onfession ●y I be●●eue in ●he church Cyprian Augustine Paschasius ●●int Gre●orie ●homas ●quine Pope Leo. The Catholike Church The true Churche Wee beleeue the Church to be holy How the Church 〈◊〉 holy The co●munion of 〈◊〉 The tenth ●rticle of our belief The acknowledging and confessing of our sinnes O●r sins ar● forgi●ē of god 〈◊〉 for ●ur owne merits but for Christ his sake All sinnes are forgeuen God alone and not man forgeueth sinns Howe sins are forgeuen We make not satisfaction for punishmēt The ele●enth arti●le of our ●aith The resurrection of the flesh Whether the same bodies that do ●ut●ifie rise again Testimoni●s of the true resurrection In what sort our bodies shal rise again Of what facion our bodies shal be in the resurrection A glorious body What a glorious ●●dy is Glorious bodies rest free from vilenesse The natural and spi●●tuall body Fleshe and ●●oud ●hal not be 〈◊〉 heauen S●●su ani●●li Animalis The bodies of th● wicked shall also rise aga●n The t●elfth article of our belief Lyfe eue●lasting The face of God. Loue and c●antie Loue frō whence it is Double charitie The le● of God ▪ By the loue of God all euilles are ouercome The loue ●f God fa●oneth vs 〈◊〉 the will 〈◊〉 plea●●re of ●od The manner how to loue God. G●d alone to be loued Who is our neighbour The 〈…〉 ●ny one ●hat is a ●●an as wel 〈◊〉 we An order ●nd mea●●re in 〈◊〉 Howe our neighbour must be loued The loue of our neighbour must bee sincere We must loue our neighbour as our self We must loue ou● neighbo●● as Chris●● hath loue vs. Howe we ought to stand our n●ighbour in steede The pith of Charity Loue the fulfilling of the la● Workes of mercie An exhortation to Loue What law is The diuision of ●awes The la● of natu●● Consciēc● Nature Two especial points of the law of nature The Gen●●l●s knew God. Friendship societ●● of men t● be prese●ued The Lawe of nature answerable to the written Lawe 1 Of God. The Ethnickes sent●nces are in some pl●ces ma●●●ed 2 The Gentiles against idoles 3 The name ●f God ●ighly es●eemed 4 The Gen●●les kee●ers of re●●gion 5 The hono●ring of parentes 6 Murder adulterie 8 Theft 9 Lies False witnesses A hill in Rome Cata●a a Towne in Sicilie 10 Concupiscence Nature without grace of none effect ●awes of ●en ●awes of ●licie Ecclesias●●cal La●● Superstitious law●● Mens ●●●ditions What the Lawe of God is The mo●all lawe The Ceremoniall Lawe The Iudiciall Lawe The Law was euen before Moses time The Patriarches before Moses had the Ceremoniall and iudiciall Lawes The Mo●al Lawe endure● still The ma●estie and ●ignitie of ●he moral ●awe 〈…〉 the ●●st holy 〈◊〉 in 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 Two Tables
of Gods law He putteth 3. in the first table and 7. in the last whic● added to gether d● make vp tenne What the two tables ●● the la● doe con●eine The first commaundement The 〈◊〉 is this I am a 〈◊〉 God 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of all things ●hat this commaundem●nt requireth ofvs The true God is our God. The mysterie of our red●tion by Christ conteined in the first commau●dement Straunge Gods are forbidden Straunge gods wha● they are Coniu●●rs and witches The second commaundement of God. The ende of the cōmaundement is to drawe vs frō straūg and forreigne worshippinges God forbiddeth a grauen Image That is the Sunne Moone starres The cause why God wil not be likened to any thing They were h●●tiques ●●firming that Go● hath m●●bers 〈◊〉 to mo●● men ▪ All othe● images 〈◊〉 for bidd●● to be wo●shipped No imag● must be made for Christ How farre 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 law 〈◊〉 to ●●ke Images To Bow ●●wne what it is To serue what it 〈◊〉 Ideles teach no● Wee haue no cause to choose haunge Gods. God suf●●reth not mate How 〈◊〉 the fathers sinnes 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 A moste large promise is made to the godly worshippers of the Lord. The third commaundement of God. 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 How the name of God is abused The punishment of them that abuse Gods ●ame A pain 〈…〉 by 〈…〉 Of an oath Whether it be lawfull to sweare For what causes we ought to sweare What an ●●the is Circ●●stances ceremonies is swear●●● How 〈◊〉 ought 〈◊〉 sweare An oath is ●he special ●onour ●one to God. The conditions of an holy oathe Whether wicked o●thes must be perfou●med It is be●t to 〈◊〉 an ill 〈◊〉 Monastial vowes ●ow reli●iously we ●ught to ●epe our ●athes A large rewarde promised to such as keepe ther Othes The 4. precept The order of the Lord his commaundements The Sabboth The Sabboth is spirituall The Sab●oth is the ●utward ●●stituti●n of re●●gion ●●ere is 〈…〉 to abou● in ●he mais●●● of the 〈◊〉 must teach 〈◊〉 his fa●●lie the 〈…〉 the Sab●●th day Ease or rest The Lo●● did ke●p the Sabboth day The Lord blessed the Sabboth day 〈…〉 The Sun●●y Christ●●● day New-yeares 〈◊〉 Good Friday East●● day As●●●sion day 〈◊〉 day The sanc●●fication of the christian Sabboth 〈◊〉 office of euery housholder Nume 15. the abu●●s ●f the ●●●●●th day Promises and thre●●nings added to the Sabboth day The Emperour●●aw for ●he kee●ing of ●he Sab●oth ●●e Sab●●●● made 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 man 〈◊〉 ●he ●●●both To plow land on the Sab●oth day ▪ ●●d doth ●●●ctifie ●r make ●oly The fifth ●●ecept ●hat is 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 name parents Our natiue Countrie Magisrates or Rulers Gardians or ouerseers of fatherlesse children Ministers pastour●●● the C●urch Cousins 〈◊〉 Aged per●●ns or olde folks To honor what it is The honour of God 〈…〉 before The honour due to parents Math. 15. The Stork he ensign of natural loue The Gen●iles sen●ences touching ho●●ur due ●o parents The pains 〈◊〉 trauails ●f Mo●hers in ●hildbirth For the honoring of our Countrie Fighting in defence of our Countrie Heb. 11 ● Cor. 4 1. Iohn ● Louers of their Coūtrie We must pray for our Countrie For the honour due to Magistrates Against seditious rebels The ho●our due 〈◊〉 Gardi●●ans and maisters ●f occupations ●●e office 〈◊〉 duetie ●asters 〈◊〉 schol●●● The ho●our due ●o Ministers of the Churches 1. Cor. 5. Math. ●● Act. 23. ●● 25. The 〈◊〉 temp●● the 〈…〉 God 's 〈◊〉 The honour due to our kinsfolkes For the honour due to old men Churche goods The p●●mis 〈◊〉 to those that worship 〈◊〉 parents 〈◊〉 threatninges 〈…〉 their parents Exod. 22 ●phes 5 The d●tie of p●rents to the● 〈◊〉 Childrē to be i●structed relig●●● Counsel aduise giuen to housholders in captiuitie Precepts on the in●tructi●● of 〈…〉 〈◊〉 The chi●● must be taught manners Childr●● must 〈◊〉 an occupation Of correction Cockering of children The dutie of childrē The sixt ●●●cept What is ●●●bidden 〈◊〉 this cō●aunde●●nt Of Anger Of 〈◊〉 Al hurting is forbidden The Lawe of like for like The man●●rs of killing The ●a●ses of m●●der Sanc●●●ries Howe great an offence murder is The magistrate may kill ●hat the 〈◊〉 is ●●gistra●●● what 〈◊〉 Three kindes of Magistracies Monarchie Tyrannie Aristocracie Oligarchie Democracie A prouerb 〈…〉 it is 〈◊〉 ●or a sub●●cte to speake a●●●nst his 〈…〉 In 〈…〉 it 〈…〉 wit● Saints The 〈…〉 must 〈…〉 Titus The 〈…〉 th● beg●●ning The Magistrate ordeined by God for the good of of men A good Magistrate and a badde Wheth●● an 〈…〉 be of 〈…〉 How the opp●essed must behaue themselues vnder tyrannical princes ● Cor. 10. ● Pet. 2. 〈◊〉 of ●●antes The elec●ion of 〈◊〉 Who ●●ght to chuse thē What ●inde of 〈◊〉 ●●ght to ●● chosen ●● be Ma●●strates ●● the de●●iption 〈◊〉 a good 〈◊〉 The Magistrate must be sound in religion Deut. ● Num. 27. The manner of consecrating Magistrates The Magistrates 〈◊〉 Whether ●e care of religi●n belong ●o the Magistrate Leui●●● Deut. 2● An answer to an obiection 1. Iohn 2 Esai 4● Const●●tine the great Gratian Valentinian Theodose Osias the Leper The seuerall offices of the Magistrates of the ministers must not be cōfounded Princes haue done and dealt in religion 2. Parali 8. Pri●ces haue 〈…〉 relig●●● Ecclesiasticall priuileges What lawes the magistrate ought to appoint concerning religion 〈◊〉 ●●●isers of new fan 〈◊〉 wor●●ippes are ●●arsed of God. 〈…〉 The Magistrate 〈◊〉 a lawe i●dued wit● life To put too and take from ●awes Wh●● mann●● lawes mag 〈…〉 ought vse Written ●●wes are ●eedfull The lawe of Moses is not to be in forced vpon kingdom countries A prouerb vsed when one will make them blinde that were before him disanull that which wise men haue allowed Ciuill lawes what manner of lawes they bee Lawes of honestie 〈…〉 ●awes of 〈◊〉 and ●●nimitie What ●●●gement Iudgemēt punishment pertaine to the Magistrate as depending vpon his office The 〈◊〉 Iudge●●●fice is ●●scribe● 〈…〉 〈◊〉 Iudge 〈◊〉 iudg● 〈◊〉 The faultes of Iudges Respect of Persons Vehement affection The good iudg oght to haue God be●ore him for a pat●rne to ●olowe 2. P●●al 9. Exod●● Leui●●● 〈◊〉 Iudge●ents are ●ot abro●ated a●ōg chri●tians Esai 1. Zach. 7. Of reuengeme●t t●ken by the Magistrate The sworde whet●●● 〈◊〉 be 〈◊〉 to kil● 〈◊〉 puni●●●●fende● Foolishe pitie Seueritie is not crueltie For what ●auses God commaunded to kill offenders Luke● ▪ Wh●●● mag●●● oug●● 〈◊〉 pu●●●●● end●● ▪ The ●indes of ●unish●ente Dimin●tio ●●pitis ● kinde of ●●dgemēt ●hereby ●●e is put ●●t of the ●●ings pro●●ction or ●ondem●ed to ●ondage ●●cretion 〈◊〉 cle●●ncie of ●●e iudge What is to be punished in offenders Whether ●●e Magi●●rate may 〈◊〉 for ●he breach 〈◊〉 religiō What moderation must be had in punishing Admonition before punishm●●● Obiections answe●ed Faith is the gift of God. Whether it be lawful to compel one to faith The Apostles required no ●ide of the magistrat for the maintenance of religion against the
aduersaries of the same ●hether 〈◊〉 law●●l for a Magistrat ●o make 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Warre a thing full of pe●il daunger Warre is the scourg of God. Warre for profite They that haue the iuster qua●ell are ouercome of the vniust The 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈…〉 in hād 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 Since he asked 〈◊〉 of heathens he woulde a great deal soner haue 〈…〉 ●t at the hand●s of C●ris●ian M●gistrates ●f a● then there had been● any The 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 〈…〉 The word of God hath made lawes of war●e The description 〈◊〉 a christian souldiour 〈…〉 Christians ●ere in ●imes past The La●ine copie ●ath Et 〈◊〉 solus ●●tens by ●hiche I ●●inke hee ●●●ant the ●mperour Legio Fulmiuca Exāples of warre and Capitaines out of the Scripture A 〈…〉 may 〈…〉 〈…〉 Honestus Senator The Lord conueieth himself away whil● the people wold haue made him a King. My kingdome 〈◊〉 not of 〈◊〉 worlde 〈…〉 Of the 〈◊〉 of ●●biects Obediēc● to Magistrates Lawes 〈…〉 or ●●●sure The 7. precept What wed●ocke is 〈…〉 The cau●●s of mar●●●ge The 〈◊〉 is the 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 The begetting and bringing vp of children The bedd ●● wed●ocke vn●efiled Actes 10 Tit. 1. 1. Cor. 7. 〈◊〉 No man ●orbidden ●o marrie The knot ●f wed●●ck is in●●ssoluble How matrimonie must be contracted Against Polygamie or the hauing of many wiues The secōd and third marriages after the first wife The 〈◊〉 be●●uiour 〈◊〉 is ●●quired 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of Ma●●age Married ●●lks must 〈◊〉 faithful They must dwel together with knowledge Ephe. 5. Let them beget an● bring vp● children Marriages must be ●egonne ●ith religion Against adulterie Gene. 12. Gene. 20. Gene. 39. Iob. 31. Prou. 5. Dauids adulterie The Lord ●●solueth ●●ulterie What other things are forbid●en vnder ●he title of adulterie 〈…〉 Actes ● 1. P●● ● 1. Co● ● ▪ 1. Co● ● ▪ Ephe. 5 〈◊〉 for●●dden Asturia a Countrie in Spaine betwixt Galacia Portugall ●ncest Sodom●● 〈◊〉 for●●dden ●sal 50. Of Continencie The continencie or the b●●deling of the tounge Graunted pleasures 〈…〉 1. Peter 3. 1. Timo. 2 Titus 2. Continentie in buil●inges Continēcy in meate drinke Christe against drū●●nnesse 〈…〉 〈…〉 Of fasting 〈…〉 Of what qualitie kinde our fastinges must bee The end of fastings The trueast Of 〈…〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 choice 〈…〉 Difference● an fastings The Latin copie hath Caulis whiche I turne Hearbes it maie also bee taken for Rootes Fastinges must be free not bound to lawes The summe of this 7. precept or commaundement Matth. 6. Luke ●0 Luke 11. Frō whēce ●ssu●●th th● felicitie o● calamitie of ●inges Kingdomes Deut. 17. Iosue 1. Saul 1. Samuel 13. 14. 15. c. Solomon 1. Reg. 4. 11. Roboam 2 Para. 12. Abia. 2. Para 13. Asa 2. Para 14. Iosaphat 2. Para. 17. Ioram 2. Para. 12. Ochosias 4. Kings 9 Ioas. 2. Par. 23. 24 Amasias 2 Para. 25 Osias 2. Para. 26. Iothan 2. Para. 27. Achaz 2. ●ara 28. Ezechias 4. Reg. 18. Manasses 4. Reg. 21. Ammon 4 Reg. 21. Iosias 4. Reg. 22. Ioachas Ioachim I●chonias and Zedechias 4. Kings 23. 24. 25. The kings of Israell Forreigne kings Kings which fauoured gods word and kings which persecuted the same The. 8. ●ōmaund●ent Of the proper ownning of substance How in ●he Apo●●les age 〈◊〉 thinges ●ere common Gangresis Synodus False doctrine concerning riches and rich men condemned Of the lawful getting of riches Matt. 6. Labour is commended and idlenesse cōdemned 〈…〉 〈…〉 Whether ●argaynīg 〈◊〉 buying ●●d selling ●e lawfull 〈◊〉 no. Sundrie kindes o● occupati●n● 〈…〉 1. 〈…〉 〈…〉 vse Beware of prodigalitie Theaft Sund●●● sortes 〈◊〉 done with●●ding Thinges found Pledges pawnes The withholding of labourers hire Damage that is don by taking away Robberie deceipt Dicing carding 〈…〉 That is the me●sure small and the price great Aga●● su●●● Sacriledge Simoniaks Ambition 〈…〉 〈…〉 ●his is 〈◊〉 in no ●ace so ●uch as in ●●llingers ●●n coun●●e where ●e 〈◊〉 who ●rue all ●●en for ●oney do ●actise it ●●ily ●bigei Nothing ●f another mans must ●e posses●ed Restitutiō is necessarie Exod. 62. Esai 3. 〈…〉 〈…〉 to be 〈◊〉 To whom ●estitution ●● to bee ●ade ●owe ●●ch 〈◊〉 one ●●ght to 〈◊〉 Good coūsell or aduise Ample or large discourses haue bene made touching restitution Wee must not set ou● mindes on riches 〈…〉 〈…〉 ●iches are ●●e gift of ●od for ●hich he ●ust be ●●anked Goods serue to supply our necessitie Necessitie excludeth not allowed plesure The common english translation hath they were made mer●ie riches must serue to do honour shewe curteous behauiour betweene mā man. 〈…〉 ●e say in ●nglish 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 peckes Goods must serue to reliefe the poore To whom we must do good Howe we ought to do good How farre we must do good The kinds of calamities The good and euill are afflicted with calamities The godly are afflicted when the wicked liue in pleasures Abac. 1. M 〈…〉 Psal. 〈…〉 The cau●●s of cala●ities The causes why the Saints ●re afflic●ed We are deliuered by the goodnesse of the Lorde not bi our owne mea or abilitie Afflictiōs are testimonies of the doctrin of faith We are tried by afflictions 1. Pet. 4. 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 Psal. ● Certaine punishments appointed as plagues to certaine sinnes Apoc. 3. Prouerb 3 Sinne is the cause of the chur ches persecutions what kind of sinnes the Saints sinnes re Why God ●oth pu●ishe the ●ood with he euill 〈…〉 Luke 23 The causes of afflictitions in the wicked sorte The infelicitie of the vngodly Iames. 5. ●ere 12. Psal. 72. Psal. 37. 〈◊〉 godly 〈◊〉 haue 〈…〉 their 〈…〉 The Stoikes were of opinion that a valiant man ought not to be gree●ed for a●y misery ●● calamiti● Against the Stoiks ●●dolentia Ferrea Philosophia Iohn ● Of the Saints patience The Image of patience The force 〈…〉 pati●nce Luke 12. Heb. 10. ●am● ▪ The 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 Hope is of thinges ab●ent Hope is of ●hings 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 Hope is of ●hings ●hat 〈◊〉 most 〈◊〉 Hope the gyfte of God. Though the Lord put off the perfourmance of his promises vnto vs for a seasō yet he doeth not deceiue vs because he is faithfull and iust 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The causes of our afflictions Math. 5. Dani. 9. 2. Reg. 15. 1. Cor. 11. 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 Examples of Gods deliuerance The Lords commaundements of bearing the crosse The time of afflicti●n is short but the rewarde very ample and eternall No afflictions do seperate the godly frō their Lord and God. Rom. ● 〈◊〉 that the saintes suffer are recompenced with other commodities To deny the truth is not the way to keepe our Goodes 〈…〉 〈…〉 Af●liction in warres by deflou●ing of women The saint● in suffering the crosse do● feele no new or vnwoonted miseries Examples of afflictions in the patriarchs Christ and Paule examples vnto vs. 〈…〉 The 〈…〉 Anno Domini 306. Their afflictions were foretolde 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vengeāce taken of ●loudie Rome ●opes dye of the ●ocks which doth
Isai 49. Who is to be called vppon of them that pray ●sai 63. ●y whom God the Father is called vpō Iohn 5. Iohn 14. 1. Iohn 2. Ephe. 3. What thinges prouoke man to call vppon God. Rom. 8. With wha● abilities ●he must b● furnished which cōmeth to pray vnto God. Dan. 9. Luke 18. Faith is 〈…〉 that 〈◊〉 ●●mes 1. Psal. 50. Psal. 145. Esa. 65. Matth. 21. Mark. 11. Iohn 14. Iohn 16. Psal. 22. Let the life of him that prayeth be answearable to his faith Prou. 2● Isaie 1 Iohn 9. Iere. 7. 11. Ezech. 14. Our mind● must bee ●fted vp ●o heauenly thinges D●niel 9. Actes 10 Let prayer proceede from loue Mark. 11. Matth. 6. Matth. 5. We muste not praye with the mouthe ●nely but with the ●a●t Matth. 15 1. Cor. 14. Matth. 23. We must require nothing that ●s vnwor●hy for God to graunt cōtrary to his lawes 1. Iohn 53. Iudith 8. ● Samu. 15 We muste continue ●n prayer 1. thess. 5. Luke 1. Ab●c 2. Heb. 10. When we must pray Ioel. 2. 1. Cor. 7. Of the place of prayer Iohn 4. To praye● in the chamber Matth. 6. The gesture of thē that pray What we must aske or pray for of God. Ephe. 6. 2. thess. 3. 1. Tim. 2. It is lawful to aske corporall goodes of the Lorde In what tongue we must pray 1. Cor. 14 Of Sing●●ge in 〈◊〉 church ● Paral. 29 Matth. 26 Mark. 14. Paul rebuked not them that sounge 1. Cor. 14. Ephe. 5. The manner of the a●ncient singi●g in the Churche What mā● of singing was in old time vsed Song was alwaies fre but not ●niuersally vsed Agrement in singing in the Church Gregories singing what thinges are to ●e discōmended in the vse of singing in the church Of canonicall hou●es Dan. 6. Leuit. 26. Pro. 24. Luke 17. Actes 3. Actes 2. Trip. li. 9. Cap. 39. How we must pray Whether we be tyed to the wordes of the Lords prayer What it needeth ●o expresse 〈◊〉 d●sires ●nto God 〈◊〉 wordes Howe lip-labour or muche babbling is forbidden * Or debtes * Or our debters The lords Prayer deuided Father The Lords prayer offered to the Father by Christ Psal. 103. Luke 15. Our Which art in heauen 3. Reg. ● Actes 7. Hallowed be thy name The name of God. To sanctifie or hallowe Thy kingdome come Thy will be done Psal. 113. As well in earth as it is in hea●en To will that which God willeth is a good part of happinesse Bread. Matth. 4. Deut. 8. Oures Daylie Giue Vs. This day Pro. 30. And forgiue vs. Our debtes Luke 7. As we forgiue our debters And lead● vs not into c. Iames. 1. But deliuer vs frō euill Amen * Whiche ●s cōmonly transla●ed Veri●y Verily For thine is the kingdome power and glorie for euer ●ro 18. Of thanks giuinge We owe thankes giuing o●ly to God Thankes are to be giuen to God thrughe Christ Ephe. 5. Hebr. 13. The bene●●tes of God must be acknow●edged How the godly giue thankes vnto God. Psal. 8. 2. Sam. 7. Thāks giuing a sacrifice Psal. 50. Psal. 116. Ose 24. Mala. 1. Of the force or vertue of prayer A signe Diuisiō of signes out of S. Augustine Iohn 12. Marke 14. Matth. 9. Signes dis●inguished accordinge to their ●imes Matth. 12. Iosue 4. Iudg 6. Of signes some are giuen of men other some ordeined of God. Signes giuen of men Ezech. 4. The diuersitie of signes giuen of man. Matth. 26. Gal. 2. Iudg. 2. Signes giuen of God. The diuersirie o● Signes giuen by God. Signes wonders Luke 21. Miraculous ●ignes Esai 38. Signes pa●adigmatical or for example Iere. 27. 19. 28. Matth. 18. Sacramental signes are seuered frō other signes with which the● haue many things common Sacrament What a Sacrament is Sacrament taken for ●●orth Souldiers eath What a mysterie is Matth. 13. Ephe. 3. Matth. 7. What a Simbol is Onelie God is the authour of Sacramēts Esai 66. Leuit. 10. Sacramēts are to be receiued as it were at the handes of Christ 1. thess. 2. Marke 16. Matth. 28. Luke 10. Matth. 21. 1. Cor. 11. Why Sacramentes were instituted vnto vs in visible things Chrysostōe touching the cause of sacraments Iohn 3. Iohn 3. The lorde is to be praised for instituting sacramentes The wisdome of God shineth in th●●nstitution of the Sacramēts The manner of making leagues or couenaunts Gene. 15. The number of sacraments Wholsōe ●●tes of the church are ●ot con●emned In his booke against 〈◊〉 Sacraments cōsist of the signe and the thing signified Mark. 1. Actes 2. Matth. 26 Luke 22. Signes external and in warde thinges Signes earthly visible thinges heauenly inuisible The word and rite Promise ceremonie What is vnderstood by the worde i● the sacraments ● Reg. 5. 〈…〉 In the nāe of the lord Iesus Christ the feeble are healed Actes 4. Actes 4. Actes 19. The place of Paule in the. 5. to the Ephe. is expounded Tit. 3. Iohn 15. Rom. 10. Actes 15. The ●ordes ●poken do ●ot form 〈◊〉 make s●●raments ●ff●ctuall Whether by blessing the nature of thinges are changed Num. 20. Exod. 7. Iohn 2. Exod. 15. Exod. 7. 4. Reg. 6. The omnipotenci● of God. Gen 1. Of the worde Blessing ● Co● 10. Thankesgiuing blessing For what ●●pose ●ords are 〈…〉 of what 〈◊〉 they 〈◊〉 Eccle. 12. Authours of gathe●inges he ●●leth wise men bicase they gather the sayings of the wi●er ●orte of men in theire bookes Howe the power of almightie God is attributed to the worde Of true anctificaion or consecra●ion ● Tim. 4 Actes 10. Howe our Sacraments are confecrated The signe and the thing signified do●reteine there seuerall natures in the sacraments The wicked are not partakers of the thing signified in the sacraments The affinitie of the worde of God sacraments Heb. 4. Matth. 3. Pet. 3. The scripture maketh difference beetweene th● ministerie of man the operation of the spirit Iohn 3. 1. Cor. 3. The opinion of the Papistes touchinge transubstantiatiō is cōfuted That bread an● wine remaine in their substāces afte● consecration Whether the bread and wine for their former substance are so called after consecration Coloss 2. 1. Tim. 6. The counsell of La●eran was in the yeare of of the lorde 1215. Of the sacramental vnion It is declared how in Sacramēts the signes and the things signisied are ioyned together Signes borowe the names of things signified Circumcision The paschallamb Sacrifices Rom. 8. Hebr. 10. Zacha. 3. Isai 33. Iohn 1. 1. Pet. 1. Baptisme Actes 22. 1. Cor. 6. The supper of the lorde Sacrames●cal and figuratine speaches The māner of speach which we daylie vse The auncient fathers moved no contentiōs about the sacramēts It is not saide the rocke signifieth Christ but the rocke is Christe Their error which will not haue sacramental speeches expoūded sacramentally Carnal bōdage and seruile weaknesse How a fig●ratiue speach is to be receiued and acknowledged The wordes of our sauior in the 6. of Iohn doe mak much for the in
the benefite of Christes sanctification not that by her selfe while she is in the flesh she is without spot but for that those spots in déede otherwise cleauing vnto her through the innocencie of Christ to those that imbrace Christe by faith are not imputed sinally for that the selfe same church in the world to come shall be without spot or wrinckle For hauing put off the fleshe cast off all miseries it shal at length be brought to passe that she shall want nothing Besides this it is saide that the church is without spot because of the continuall studie of the church wherby she laboureth and traueileth by all meanes that as farre as it is possible she may haue as fewe spottes as maye be And by that meanes and chiefly by the benefite of imputation the church erreth not but is moste pure and without sinne Moreouer as touching doctrine and faith the church of Christ doth not erre For it heareth the voice of the shepeherd only but the voice of straungers she knoweth not for she followeth her onely shepheard Christ saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shal not walk in darknesse but shall haue the light of life Paule also to Timothie saith These thinges hitherto haue I writtē vnto thee that thou maist know how thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in the house of God whiche is the Church of the liuing God the piller and grounde of trueth But the Churche is the piller and ground of truth for that being stablished vppon the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles Christe him selfe which is the euerlasting truth of God the only strength of the church receiueth this by fellowship which it hath with him that she also mighte be the piller and foundation of the truth For the truth of God is in the church and the same throgh the ministerie of the church is spread abroade and being assaulted and warred againste by the enimies abiding sure is not ouercome so farfoorth as being made one body with Christe she doth perseuere in the fellowship of Christe without whome she can do nothing Againe the same church doth erre in doctrine and faith as oftēn as she turning from Christ and his word goeth after men and the counsels and decrées of the flesh For she forsaketh that thing that hath hitherto stayd that she erred not which is the word of God and Christ I thinke no man will denie that the greate congregation of the people of Israell in the desert was an excellent Churche of God with the whiche the Lord made a couenaunt and bounde him selfe vnto it by Sacraments and ordinances And yet howe shamefully she erred whilest neglecting Gods word Aaron the high priest of religiō not cōstantly earnestly resisting she both made a molten calfe worshipped it as a God no man is ignorant Where also surely it shal be necessary more diligētly to looke into and mark the whole number of the church For many in the church erring it foloweth not that none at all is frée from error For as in the churche of Israell the Lord reserued a rēnant to him selfe I meane Moses Iosua vndoubtedly many moe as wel in the cōgregatiō as else-where without whiche did neuer worship the calfe so there is no doubt althoughe there doe manye erre in the Church but that the Lord through his mercie doeth preserue to himselfe a certeine number who both vnderstād a-right and by whose faithfull diligence errours are destroyed and the wandering flocke of the Lord brought backe againe into the holy fould The Church therfore is said to erre when a parte of it hauing loste Gods word doeth erre and the same erreth not wholie and altogether forasmuch as certeine remnauntes through the grace of God are reserued by whome the trueth maye flourishe againe and may againe be spred abroad in euery place S. Paule called the Churches of the Corinthians and Galathians The holie churches of God yet these erred greatly in doctrine in faith and in manners And yet who doubteth that there were many amonge them who were most sincere followers of the pure doctrine preached by Sainct Paule That holy Church therefore erred so farre forth as it cōtinued not stedfastly in true doctrine and it erred not so farre foorth as it departed not from the truth deliuered by the Apostles From hence it plainly appeareth to the whole world that those are most vaine lyars which commend vnto vs Churches not builded vppon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles but vppon the decrées of men which they shame not to commend vnto vs for most true Churches and such as cannot erre Dauid cryeth out Onely God is true and euery man a lyar Ieremie also cryeth They haue reiected the woord of the Lord and what wisedome is in them Therfore those Churches doe erre neither bee they the true Churches of god The true Church groundeth vppon Christ Iesus and is gouerned by his woorde onelye Vnto this treatise of the woord of God which is the onely rule whereby all thinges are done in the Church the disputation of the power of the church of God in earth of the studies thereof which also are directed according to the word of God is verie like But before I wil bring forth my iudgement that is to say the iudgement deliuered by the Scriptures I will briefly rehearse the summe of those things whiche the Papistes haue lefte in writing concerning this matter and doe vndoubtedly mainteine for sounde doctrine Iohn Gerson not much amisse vnlesse he haue an ill interpreter hath defined Ecclesiasticall authoritie to be a power supernaturally and spiritually giuen of the Lord to his disciples and to their lawefull successours vnto the ende of the world for the edification of the Church Militant according to the lawes of the Gospell for the obteyning of eternall felicitie But Peter de Aliaco the Cardinal sayth that this authoritie is sixe-fould to witt of consecration of administring the sacraments of appointing ministers of the Church of preaching of iudiciall correction and receyuing thinges necessarie vnto this life They call that the power of consecration whereby a priest being rightly ordered maye consecrate the body bloud of Christ on the altar This power they say was giuē to the disciples of the Lord by these words Doe this in the remēbraunce of mee But vnto the priestes in these dayes they thinke it to be giuen of the bishop giuing with the bread the chalice and saying Receiue ye power to offer vp to consecrate Christes bodie both for the quicke and the dead This moreouer they call the power of orders and a marke or character that cānot be wyped out The power of administring the sacraments chiefly of the sacrament of Penance they call the power of the keyes The keyes they make of two sortes The keyes of knowledge that is to say the authoritie of knowledge in the cause of a sinner makinge
his confession and the keyes of giuing of sentence iudgement or of opening shutting vpp of heauen of forgiuing or reteyning of sinnes They say that this power was promised to Peter in Matthew the Lord saying Vnto thee wil I giue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen but that it was giuen to all the disciples in Iohn Christe saying Whose sinnes soeuer ye forgiue they are forgiuē to thē And in these dayes is giuen to the priests by the bishop in their consecration laying their hands on the priests at the giuing of them their orders sayinge Receiue ye the holy Ghost whose sinns soeuer ye forgiue they are forgiuen them They call the power of placing ministers of the Church Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction to consist in a certeine prelacie and the fulnesse of it to rest onely in the Pope hauing respecte to the whole vniuersall Church For it belongeth onelie to the Pope to appoint rulers and prelats in the Ecclesiastical Hierarchie because it was said to him Feede my sheepe Moreouer they say that all iurisdiction ecclesiasticall doth come from the Pope to inferiour rulers either mediatlie or immediatlie in which thinges authoritie is limitted at his pleasure that hath the fulnesse of power For a bishop hath authoritie onelie in his di●cese and a curate in his parish c. Power of Apostleship or preaching the word of God they call the authoritie of preaching which the Lord had giuen to his disciples saying Go ye into all the world preaching the gospel to all creatures But doctours in these dayes affirme y none ought to be sent out to preach but onely by Peter that is his successour mediatly or immediatly c. They say that the power of iudiciall correction was giuen to Peter by God to whome he said If thy brother shall offend or trespasse against thee c. For the words of the Lord are knowen wel enough in S. Matth. cap. 18. They say therfore that God gaue authoritie vnto priestes not onely of excōmunicating but also of determining iudging and establishing commandements lawes and canons because in that place it is said Whatsoeuer ye bind vppon earth it shal be bound in heauen To conclude they saye that the power and authoritie to receiue thinges necessarie for this life in reward of their spirituall labours was giuen by these woordes of the Lord Eatinge and drincking suche as they haue These thinges do these men teach concerning Ecclesiasticall power not onelie foolishlie but also falslie Of the power of consecration sacrificing howe vaine and foolish it is wee haue oftentimes said in other places and perhaps will say more if God graūt life in conuenient place and time Of the power of the keyes we wil dispute God willing about the end of the next sermon And something we brought when we disputed of penance auricular confession But they are foolish shameles trifles which they babble of ecclesiasticall iurisdiction of the fulnesse of the high power that is to saye of the bishop of Rome whiche I doubt not are knowen well enough to the whole world longe agoe and of that matter there shall follow hereafter some arguments for the confutation therof in these our sermōs Wheras they vsurpe vnto themselues the office of teaching and crie out that no man can lawfullie preach but such as are ordeined by them they thereby séeke the ouerthrowe of Gods word the defence assertion of their owne errors whiche shall also be intreated of in his due place The power of excommunicating they haue so filthilie shamefullie abused that the Church through their negligence and wicked presūption hath not only lost true discipline but also excommunication it selfe hath béene a great many yeares nought else with the bishops of Rome but fire sword wherewith they first raged against the true professours of Gods word and persecuted the innocent worshippers of Christ Moreouer that there is no power giuen of God to the ministers of the Church to make new lawes we wil shew in place cōuenient The authoritie and power to receiue wherewith to liue haue they put in execution to the vttermost but in recompence of their temporall haruest they haue not soawen spirituall thinges but rather being a sléepe they haue suffered him that is oure enimie to soaw cockle in the lords field and that not by any other but by their owne meanes For haue not they not being contented with thinges necessarie for this life vnder that colour subtilely inuaded kingdomes and most shamefully cruelly possessed them Wherfore he that seeth not that ecclesiastical authoritie as it is by these men affirmed and also by them put in practise is but a méere tyrannie ouer simple soules it is plaine hee séeth nothing at all Wée wil nowe herevnto ioyne a true simple plaine manifest doctrine concerning ecclesiasticall iurisdiction Power is defined to be a right which men haue to doe some thing by It is called in Gréeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wherof the first word signifieth right and power the second abilitie to execute power or authoritie For oftentimes it commeth to passe that a man shall haue authoritie to doe a thinge but is destitute of abilitie to performe it But God can do both and hath giuen them both vnto the Apostles against those the were possessed with diuels as Luke witnesseth saying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hee gaue them power and authoritie ouer all diuels c. And there is also one sort of power whiche is free and absolute an other sort of power whiche is limitted whiche is also called ministeriall Absolute power is that which is altogether frée and is neither gouerned or restreyned by the lawe or will of any other Of which sort is the power of Christ which he speaketh of in the Gospell saying All power is giuen vnto me in heauen in earth goe therefore and teache all nations baptising them c. Hee speaking againe of this power in the Reuelation shewed vnto S. Iohn the Apostle sayeth Feare not I am the first the last and I am aliue but was dead and behold I am aliue for euermore And I haue the keyes of hell and of death And againe These thinges sayeth he that is holie and true which hath the keye of Dauid whiche openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth no man openeth The power whiche is limitted is not frée but subiecte to an absolute or greater power of another whiche cannot of it selfe doe euerye thinge but that onelye that the absolute absolute power or greater authoritie doth suffer to be done and suffereth it vnder certeine conditions Of whiche sort surely is the Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction and which may rightly be called the ministeriall power For the Church of God vseth her authoritie committed vnto her for this purpose by her ministers S. Augustine acknowledging this distinction speaking of Baptisme in his fifte treatise vppon Iohn sayeth
sacraments Of the gestures which the ministers doe vse in celebrating the Lords supper we can say none other thinge out of the gospel than what we haue learned The Lord toke the bread blessed it brake it distributed it c. If the minister do follow these things he néed not to be carefull of other gestures Those which at this day are by the inuention of men receiued into the celebration of the masse are so farre off from giuing any maiestie to the mysteries that they bring thē rather the more into cōtempt I wil say nothing elso that may séeme more greuous The matter is indifferent whether the Churche take the supper sitting downe or going to the table whether a man take the holie mysteries in his owne hand or receiue it into his mouth at the hands of him that ministreth It is moste agréeable with the first simplicitie and institution of the supper to sit and to receiue the sacraments in a mans owne handes of him that ministreth and afterwards to breake it eate it and to dinide it vnto others For as the Lord sat at table with his disciples so he reached foorth that mysteries saying Take and diuide it among you Moreouer as there is more quietnes and lesse stur in sitting at the supper while the ministers carrie the holie mysteries about the congregation so is it well knowen by histories of antiquitie that the sacrament hath béene deliuered into the hands of the communicantes It is méere superstition repugnant to the doctrine of the Apostles to scrape the hands of that lay people that haue touched the holie sacrament of the supper Why do they not also by the same lawe scrape the lips tonge iawes of the communicants Of these things before handled springeth an other question What is to be thought of the remnaunts leauings of the Lords supper whether there ought any parte of it to be reserued and whether that whiche is reserued or shut vp ought to be adored This question séemeth to haue no godlines at al in it but to be altogether superstitions and very hurtfull For who knoweth not that bread wine out of the holie and lawfull vse appointed are not a sacrament Shall we pracéede to demaund with these Sophisters what that is which the mouse gnaweth when hee gnaweth the Lords bread These questions are most vnworthy to bee demanded and to be raked vp in holie obliuion Touching the shutting vp of the sacrament the lord teacheth vs not one word in the gospel much lesse of worshipping it Take saith hee eate and diuide it among you He saith not Lay it vp worshipp it For the true worshippers worship the father in spirit and trueth Moreouer wee read how the Lord hath plainly said in the gospel If they say vnto you beholde where he is in the desert go not foorth beholde where hee is in the innermoste partes of the house doe not beleeue He setteth downe the cause of this his commaundement For like as the lightening goeth foorth of the East appeareth in the West so shall the comming of the sonne of man be The comming againe of the sonne of man saith he shall be glorious and not obscure neither shall he come againe but to iudge bothe the quicke and the dead And therefore S. Paule the Apostle teaching vs true religion willeth vs to worshipp Christe not vppon the earth but with our mindes lifted vnto Heauen where hee sitteth at the right hand of his father And who will he so frantique I beséeche you to worshipp the holie signe for the holie thing it selfe it appeareth by the decrées made of late that these thinges were inuented by mans deuise For it is certeine that the feaste of Christes bodie commonly called Corpus Christi was instituted but of late yéeres vnder Pope Vrbane in the yéere of our Lorde 1264. as it may appeare in Clement the 3 booke title 16. the Chapter beginning Si Dominum It remaineth that we discusse the question concerning the time of celebrating the Lordes Supper and what season is méetest for the same the morning or euening whether we ought to sup together whether we must receiue it fasting or when wee haue dyned also how often we must celebrate the supper once or often or seldome It is euidently enough knowen that Christe sat downe at the table with his disciples in the euening but it followeth not héereof that the supper cannot be rightly celebrated at any other time but at euening The Lorde vppon occasion of the feast of the Passeouer and because he should bee betrayed that night did bothe eate the supper that euening with his disciples and instituted also the supper for vs Notwithstanding hee le●te the libertie to remoue this mysterie vnto the morning for that when we be sober then are we most méete to deale in all matters specialy in religion for which we be then fitter then when our bellyes be full of good cheere Wherefore this banquet requireth fasting and emptie guests but yet not so fastinge that a man maye not taste of somewhat a-fore-hand for his healthes sake For S. Paule sayeth If any man bee hungry let him eate at home The same Apostle also wil not haue any other feast to bee receuied together with the Lordes mysticall Supper And therefore we say that wee ought not to receiue that with other meate Tertullian writeth that Christians haue vsed oftentimes to eate other meate with it which kinde of Supper as hee writeth was called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say mutuall loue or charitie borrowing the name frō loue for that there the poore were refreshed with the feastinge of the richer sorte Howbeit prouision of meate drink and other necessaryes might wel enough be made for them without the Churche Paule will not permit that in one place both publique feastes should be made and also the mysticall supper of the Lorde celebrated Furthermore how many times in a yéere the faithfull ought to receiue this Sacrament of the Lords supper the apostles haue giuen forth no commaundement but haue lefte it indifferent vnto euery Churches discretion For what is more plaine than that which S. Paule hath said As often as you shall eate of this bread and drink of this cup you shall declare the Lords death vntill he come For the Lord as the same Apostle setteth it downe first commaunding said Doe this as oft as you shal drink it in remēbrance of me Howbeit let no no mā think that the celebration of the Lords supper is left so fréely vnto him that hee néed neuer to receiue it For that were no lawful libertie but most vnlawful licentiousnes They that celbrate the supper of y Lord vpō certeine ordinary times of the yere would not haue it brought into contempt or loathed by reason of the daily frequenting For they haue some consideratiō of their owne people they would haue the supper to be celebrated worthily