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A16736 The doctrine of the Gospel By a plaine and familiar interpretation of the particular points or articles thereof: with the promises, comforts, and duties, seuerally belonging to the same. VVhereunto is added, a declaration of the danger of not knowing, not beleeuing, or not obeying any one of them. Likewise, a rehearsal of the manifold heresies, wherein many haue erred contrary to them all. Diuided into three bookes. The first whereof, is of beliefe in God the Father ... Allen, Robert, fl. 1596-1612. 1606 (1606) STC 364; ESTC S106811 1,499,180 1,052

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fatherlie care to turne all to the benefite of the soule according to that of the Apostle Paul Romanes 8.28 Wee knowe that all things worke together for the best vnto them that are called of his purpose c. But more particularlie Question What is that admirable manner of the Lord God his most prouident mercifull and Fatherlie gouernment ouer the soules of his children and faithfull seruants Answere VVheras wee are all of vs by nature vaine foolishe prowde and rebellious against God and his word he doth by the gracious power of his holie Spirit through his word so alter and change the hearts mindes and willes of all those that be his that hee maketh them fooles in themselues sheweth them to be in themselues weake also miserable euery way forlorne that so he may make them carefull to seek to be truely wise holie and blessed in him Yea hee leadeth them downe as it were to the lowest pitte of Hell that he may make them fitte at the last to inhabite the highest and most glorious Heauens And all this of his meere grace and fauour in his beloued Sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ euen according to his owne counsell and purpose in him before the world was as was saide before It is verie true For euen herevnto doth the Lord subordinate the course of his gouernment ouer all his other creatures and workes To this purpose hath hee sanctified all his holie ordinances worde prayer Sacraments c. To this purpose doth hee speciallie guide the thoughtes wordes and works of his children censuring rebuking and chastising them so farre as they doe erre and goe astray from him but comforting incouraging and reioycing them in all things wherin they doe well obeying his word and the holie motions of his good Spirit which frameth their hearts of conscience to will and desire that onelie which God willeth c. This your last answere containeth both the effectes and also the cause of this excellent prouidence of God concerning his children For the which I desire that you should shewe some proofe out of the holie Scriptures And first concerning the effectes of Gods most holie gouernment in the altering and changing of the heartes of his chldren of fooles making them wise of weake strong c. Question What ground haue you for the proofe of these things Answere To this purpose the Apostle Paul teacheth vs that wee are not of our selues sufficient no not fitte so much as to thinke a good thought 2. Cor. 3.5 Much rather therefore must the will and the deede be of God Philipp 2.13 For it is God saith the same Apostle who worketh in you the will and the deede euen of his good pleasure And 1. Corinth 12.3 No man can say that Iesus is the Lorde but by the holie Ghost And Romanes 8.14 They that are the Sonnes of God are ledde by the Spirit of God Finallie Galatians 5.22 c. The fruite of the Spirit is loue ioye peace long-suffering gentlenes goodnes faith meeknes temperance against such there is no lawe For they that are Christes haue crucified the fleshe with the affections and lu●●es If wee liue in the Spirit let vs walke in the Spirit Explicatiō and proofe See the last Answere in the former page These holie Scriptures doe shew in deed the most excellent and admirable worke and gouernment of God concerning the soules of his children To the which purpose also the Apostle saith further Let euery one that seemeth to be wise in this world be a foole that he may be wise For the wisedome of this world is foolishnes with God c. 1. Corinth 3.18.19 Reade also Rom 7.9 c. to the ende And Galat 5.17 Read likewise Reuel Thou saiest I am riche c. and knowest not that thou art wretched c. I counsell thee to buye of mee gold tryed by the fire that thou maiest be made rich c. As manie as I loue I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and amend And that the Lorde leadeth his children downe as it were to the lowest pit and raiseth them vp againe from all their feares and sorrowes c. it is euident Psalm 86.13 and Psalm 130.1 And likewise Actes 14.22 The beaten way to the kingdome of God is by manifold affliction and tribulation But in all troubles and afflictions the Lorde standeth by his children as a tender supporter and comforter 2. Corinth 4 8 9. Moreouer how exact a watche and howe prouident a gouernment the Lorde exerciseth ouer his children reade it notablie described Psalm 139.1 c. O Lorde saith the Psalmist thou hast tryed mee and knowne mee Thou knowest my sitting and my rising thou vnderstandest my thought a farre off c. Thou boldest mee straite behinde and before c. Whether shall I goe from thy Spirit c. But all this to the singular benefit of euerie true seruant of God whom God nourtereth as a Father his childe whom hee dearely loueth And as hee dealeth thus watchfullie for euerie one a parte so doth hee for the whole bodie of the Church conioyntlie against the which the verie gates and power of Hell shall neuer bee able to preuaile as our Sauiour Chr●st h●mselfe assureth vs. Finallie the gouernment of God ouer the soules of his children whether of euerie one apart or of manie or of all together it is to be considered not onely in his long sufferance before their conuersion but also in their conuersion it selfe and for euer after So that if they waxe at any time forgetfull he causeth their owne heartes to smite them as hee did the heart of king Dauid after that hee had sinned in numbring the people hee giueth them troubled consciences he chastiseth them sharplie in their bodies because of the sinne of their soules he taketh awaye all comfort of his Spirit for the time though hee mindeth to restore them to their former ioyes againe But who can expresse the manifold wisedome of Gods most holie prouidence in the gouernment of his children Hetherto of the effectes of Gods most gracious prouidence towardes his Church and euerie member thereof LEt vs now come nowe to the chiefe cause of all The which as was saide is the meere grace and fauour of God Question What ground haue you hereof Answere Because thou wast precious in my sight saith the Lord by his holie Prophet and thou wert honourable and I loued thee therfore will I giue man for thee and people for thy sake Isai chapt 43.4 c. Explicatiō proofe The same we may see likewise testified Deut chapt 7. verses 6.7.8 c. and Ezek chapt c. The which testimonies though they respected more particularlie the Church of the Iewes yet by them it is euident what manner of affection the Lord beareth towards his whole church both of Iewes and Gentiles and also what is the true cause of all the dignitie and happinesse of the Church euen the free loue and adoption or acceptance
he would not create them vntill he had made all other his creatures and so had prepared as it were a princely palace most stately and delightfully furnished for them Explication and proofe It is ve●●e true For in so much as we account it a testimonie of singular loue among our selues when a naturall father shall build his sonne a house and furnish it with all things before hand for his vse and comfort against the time that hee is to keepe house Infinitely much more great was the bountie of God toward mankind in the first creation This as was answered is as it were insinuated yea more then insinuated in that God telleth Adam that hee had prouided him all meete foode before hee had made him Yea and for all other creatures also so that Adam might well be without care either for himselfe or for them Gen 1.29.30 as was rehearsed before And specially the loue of God appeared in that hee had appointed one tree aboue all the rest to be a Sacrament and assurance of euerlasting life and happines to mankind if they would continue in faithfull obedience vnto him Gen chap. 2.9 THe last obseruation onely is now behind the which concerneth not only the commendation of Gods worke in the making of mankind but also a generall commendation and as it were a ratification of all the workes of God from the greatest to the least and from the last to the first of them To wit that all were in their kindes created verie good euery one in themselues of sound constitution and most apt to their severall endes and vses appointed of God and all of them in a perfect sympathie and consent for the vniforme conseruation of the whole world Why is this generall commendation or ratification thus set downe yea why is it so often and so particularly set downe euen sixe times before that God saw that euery part of his creation was good This is set downe to diuers very notable ends and purposes Question Which are they Answere First that the diuine nature of GOD himselfe might bee discerned euen by the nature and qualitie of his workes to witte that it is infinitely and moste perfectly good in that no euill thing but all onely goodnesse proceedeth from the same Secondly that mankinde might from the beginning be aduertised how infinitely they were bound vnto God not onely for their owne creation in a speciall degree of goodnesse and honour but also for that all other creatures were not onely created good in their owne nature but likewise very good commodious and comfortable for mans vse and the same also in so great varietie as nothing might be desired or wished more Thirdly that it might for euer bee knowne to all posteritie that man may iustly thanke himselfe as wee vse to speake for all want of goodnesse and for euery euill excesse and for whatsoeuer troublesome distemper or disorder which it come into the world or vpon himselfe That is to say he is to thanke himselfe onely for euery euill of punishment euen because he himselfe of all the creatures of this world had first made himselfe most euill and wicked through the most contagious euill of his transgression and sinne Finally the commendation of the goodnes of the workes of Gods most mightie and gracious creation being often repeated that is sixe times more particularly and ●ast of all generally it ought to bee vnto vs as a strong threefold cord yea euen of triple twine to holde vs from all thinking or speaking any euill of the least of them and from all murmuring against God what want discommoditie or annoyance soeuer wee either see or feele or may at any time expect and feare And on the contrarie to take and fasten the whole blame thereof vpon our selues alone Explicatiō and proofe These indeede are notable good endes and purposes why the commendation of the workes of God should be so often repeated and the rather euer since the fal of mankind by meanes wherof all men grew to be ouer light and forgetfull yea very malignant esteemers both of the Lord God himselfe and also of all his blessed workes But now that we may induce our selues to be of better mindes let vs consider first of that which our Sauiour Christ testifieth in the Gospell as we haue seene before that God onely is good And of that we read in the Ep of Iames chap 1. verse 13. Let no man say when he is tempted that is when he is moued and prouoked to any wickednes I am tempted of of God for God cannot be tempted with euill neither doth he tempt any man But contrariwise as it followeth verse 17. Euery good giuing and euery perfit gift is from aboue and commeth downe from the Father of lights with whom is no variablenesse neither shadowing by turning And Psal ●2 1 The louing kindnes of God indureth daily Secondly i● must needes be confessed that although God had created and set mankinde downe a great deale lower and though hee hauing giuen them reason to shift for themselues had thought good to exercise them with the feare of many dangers as our condition is now yet had hee dealt verie graciously But seeing God vouchsafed mankinde not onely a chiefe dignitie aboue other creatures but also made them very cōmodious and willingly seruiceable vnto them ô how greatly doth this amplifie the largenesse of his goodnesse and mercy So that iustly may wee wonder at his goodnesse according to that wee reade Psalm 8. and Psalm 104. How manifolde are thy workes c. According also to that wee reade Psalm 31.19 and Zach 9.17 O how great is thy goodnesse Thirdly for the clearing of God from all euill or cause of euill in any of his creatures specially to the hurt and annoyance of mankinde let vs consider the gracious warning which the Lord himselfe gaue to Adam euen from the very beginning to the ende hee might preuent the danger of all euill Gen 2.17 It is manifest therefore that man not obseruing duly that gracious warning which God gaue him pulled all euill vpon himselfe and all his posteritie by his transgression and had them not imposed vpon him by creation For as touching sicknesse death and Hell c. they come in all by mans sinne and are not to speake properly and originally creatures of Gods making They are rather the decay defacing and destruction of his creation so farre as the creature it selfe could weaken deface and destroy the worke of God Hell indeede the place now appointed for the torment of the wicked may be said truly to haue beene created of God when he created and distinguished all places but it was not by creation Hell that is a place of present torment The Diuels sinne and mans sinne caused that name and vse vnto it And concerning sicknes and death and the rest that they came in all by sinne reade Rom ● 12 and chap 6.23 Let vs consider it also from that we read Hos 2.21.22
which is most iustly fallen vpon them for it Nay rather herein the sinne of Eue was the greater because she suffered so base a creature as the Serpent was to blaspheme God as it did and did not rather forthwith euen at the mention of the first word abhorre it yea because she did not rather put it to present death then to haue consented Explication and proofe This indeed would haue beene a worthy sacrifice as it were vnto God if she had had the grace so to haue done or at the least to haue most vehemently rebuked it and to haue taken aduise with her husband what had beene best to be done in so great and blasphemous an indignitie offered principally to God and then also to themselues And the sinne of Adam also was the greater because he did giue place to the perswasion of his wife whom he as her head and guid appointed by God should haue reproued and disswaded from so hainous a sinne Hetherto we see what is meant by the fall of mankinde NOw therefore that we may proceed to consider of the holy prouidence of God herein First how can you shew that it may stand wel with the good prouidence of God that so many of his chiefe creatures created very good to wit all mankind beside many of the Angels should be so left of God that they should thus wofully fall away from him and plunge themselues for euer into so grieuous miserie when as hee could by his holy prouidence as wee would thinke most graciously haue preserued them from the same Question How therefore I say may we iustifie this to stand well with the gracious prouidence of God yea with that which we call the more speciall prouidence of God concerning his speciall creatures Answere The wisedome and iustice of God is so high aboue all that we can conceiue that wee neede not doubt but he knoweth a perfect reason and is able throughly to iustifie himselfe though we should plead nothing on his behalfe It is very true that you say according to that which we read Psal 51.4 God will approue himselfe to be righteous when he speaketh and pure when he iudgeth Explicatiō proofe Neuerthelesse it will not stand with our dutie so to leaue the defence of GOD against those which cauill at his most holy iustice If the cause of a false God came into question we might well say with Ioash the father of Gideon Let Baal pleade for himselfe Iudges 6.31 But seeing it is the most holy and iust cause of the onely true God euen the Lord our God and heauenlie Father howsoeuer hee is able indeede most sufficiently to pleade his owne cause without vs yet as was said it standeth not with the dutie of the least of his seruants to neglect to alledge what they can for the maintaining of his righteousnes against euery aduersarie that feareth not to speake euill of the same I doe therefore very earnestly desire that you should for the discharge of your most bounden duty and therein for the glory of God and peace of your owne conscience say something to this point How may it stand with the good prouidence of God Question How may we cleare the Lord from all fault or iust blame herein Answere God of his goodnes gaue both the Angels which fell and also mankinde in the beginning of their creation a pure and holy freedome of will yea and power also to haue continued therein if they would haue earnestly setled themselues to haue aboade in obedience to that most holy commandement which hee had made knowne vnto them But they of their owne accord contrarie to his reuealed will forsaking his commandement lost their freedome and so haue lost the fauour of God made themselues both vassalls to sinne and also subiect to Gods wrath as a iust punishment of the same And beside this it must needes in all good reason bee iudged most equall and meete that the Creator should in such sort create his creatures and also set them in such an estate and condition as they might knowe and finde in themselues that they are but creatures This could not haue beene vnlesse they had beene created so as they must finde it necessarie for them to depend continually vpon the fauour and supportance of their Creator and that for the same cause they should see themselues to stand most bound to humble themselues and to yeeld all faithfull and constant seruice and duty vnto him Yea moreouer this could not haue beene vnlesse also they had beene set in such an estate as it might be possible for them by vndutifulnes to fall from the same fauour and supportance of their most gratious Creator Finally it could not haue beene vnlesse through their owne default God himselfe iustly permitting the same they might haue sinned against him Explicatiō proofe It is very true For nothing could seperate the good creature of God from the most good gratious Creator but the wicked disobedience vnfaithfull departure of the creature frō him And is it not very equall meet that when the creature will not retaine his liberty that God should leaue him to himselfe and so to find the inconuenience euill of his owne losse Verily it is wonder saue that many haue lost all true light of reason that any should be found so foolish void of vnderstanding that they should not perceiue that the most wise iust God knoweth well how to permit yea to giue ouer his creature to the owne sinne and not to stay him when he seeth that he will wilfully runne into it and yet to keepe his owne most holy Maiestie most perfectly free from the least iust and deserued blame Yea be it further granted as the truth it selfe requireth that God should purpose decree in himselfe before the world was that both many of the Angels also whole mankind should through their owne default depart from him sin against him and so iustly depriue thēselues of his grace fauour therwithall procure his wrath heauy punishments to fall vpon thēselues it is wonder that any specially of those who haue the instructions of the wor● of God before thē should shew themselues more wicked in this behalfe the● the Apostatate Angels Adam Eue thēselues Who knowing best in what condition manner God had created thē durst not neither could find any iust ground in their owne knowledge or conscience wherfore they should lay any the least blame vpon the Lord. Adam indeed pretendeth The groūd and meaning of it as if he had some colour of defence for himselfe in that he saith to God The woman which thou gauest me she gaue me of the tree and I did eate Wherin he layeth blame vpon his wife but he durst not lay any blame vpon the Lord neither had he any cause And no doubt the Angells that fell were and are ●ill so shall remaine for euer no lesse conuicted in
of God as hee himselfe expresslie professeth and as the Church dutifullie acknowledgeth Psalme 44.3 Neuertheles let vs see some proofes out of the new Testament Question What haue you to alledge from thence Answere In the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians verse 3. c. thus we reade Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessing in heauenly things in Christ. As hee hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that wee should be holie and without blame before him in loue Who hath predestinated vs to bee adopted through Iesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will To the praise of the glorie of his grace wherwith he hath made vs accepted in his Beloued c. Explicatiō proofe This one place dulie considered maketh all fullie open and plaine concerning the chiefe and most high cause of all together with the effects and fruits thereof For the which the Apostle teacheth vs by his example and practise to be most thankfull to God and to giue him the highest glorie and praise that may bee For this doth equally appertaine to all beleeuers whether Iewe or Gentile that they are elected of God c. Gal 3.28 Coloss 3.11 This one place therefore might suffice alone to this purpose Neuerthelesse it shall not be amisse to adde some other testimonie to this out of the Ephesians to the ende this so principall a point may be made more familiar vnto vs. To this end therefore read Rom 8.29.30 Those whom he knewe before hee also predestinated to be made like to the image of his Sonne that hee might be the first borne among many brethren Moreouer whom he predestinated them also he called c. And 1. Corinth 1.27.28 God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weake things of the worlde to confounde the mightie things c. And Tit 3. verse 4. c. Wee our selues also were in times past vnwise disobedient deceiued c. But when the bountifulnesse and loue of GOD our Sauiour toward man appeared Not by the workes of righteousnesse which wee had done but according to his mercie hee saued vs. c. There are manie other such like places but these shall for the present suffice From the which wee may easilie conceiue The Promise that as the mysterie it selfe is very great and admirable so also is that prouidence gouernment whereby it is ordered and disposed most admirable and glorious as the Sunne when it is at the highest and shineth in the full strength and brightnesse thereof Hetherto therefore concerning the groundes of the whole prouidence and all-seeing gouernment of the Lord God ouer all his workes both visible and inuisible smaller and greater and greatest of all euen so farre forth as the Creation of the same our most wise and Allmightie God hath extended it selfe NOwe henceforth let vs in the next place inquire of the Promises concerning the gratious and Fatherlie prouidence of God and that in the same order as neare as wee can wherein wee haue searched out the groundes or proofes and meaning of this Article Neuerthelesse in so much as all other promises concerning the Fatherlie prouidence of God toward vs and all true beleeuers resteth vpon that first promise which it pleased God our heauenly Father to make our first and most ancient parents or progenitors touching both their and our owne recouerie out of their most wofull fall let vs beginne with that first of all Question What promise haue wee therefore concerning the most gratious and Fatherlie prouidence of God our heauenlie Father in this behalfe Answere In the third chapter of Genesis verse 15. This most gratious promise of God is contained It is a parte of that speech wherein the Lorde our God denounced his heauie curse against the Serpent which was the instrument of the Diuel wherewith he deceiued Eue or rather against the Diuel himselfe who was the autor of the euil I will also saith the Lorde put enmitie betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seed and her seede It shall breake thine head thou shalt bruise the heele of it Explicatiō and proofe This beeing the first promise of God after the fall it is also the most gratious promise that euer hee made and in deede the verie grounde of euerie promise whatsoeuer hee hath at any time for euer after vttered to mankinde The meaning of it is this that God of his most Fatherlie goodnesse and mercie will not suffer any one of his elect children seruilelie to abide vnder the slauerie and tyrannie of the Diuel but that in and by his Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ hee will giue them power and grace not onely to resist but also finallie to vanquish and ouercome him howsoeuer in the meane while hee shall trouble and annoye them This is liuelie expressed by an vnequall comparison betwixt the heade of the Serpent and the heele of the seede of the woman the crushing of the one and the bruising or byting of the other For notwithstanding one and the same Hebrewe verbe is referred both to the head and to the heele yet according as it admitteth a diuerse signification so is it iustlie to be translated for the best commoditie of the sence Wherefore the Serpents annoiance may fitlie be called a bruising or rather a byting or stinging though not deadlie following vppon the Serpents hyssing as the Hebrew word Shuph referred to the Serpent properly signifieth And likewise the victorie of the womans seede may well be expressed by our English worde crushing or beating to pieces or as one would say stamping to pummisse to the vtter confusion of the Diuell according as the same word is vsed Iob chapter 9.17 Hee destroyeth me with a tempest Moreouer as the crushing of the head is more grieuous then the bruising of the heele so is the speache apt to expresse that the Diuell shall goe by the worse in this conflicte And so doth the Apostle interprete the same word as it is referred to the seed of the woman Rom 16.20 The God of peace shall tread downe Satan vnder youre feete shortlie Suntripsei For Suntribo signifying to breake shukke or crushe a thing to pieces being applied to the feete noteth that breaking or crushing which is by stamping vppon a thing And so we may see that the Apostles Greeke wordes are a most fit interpretation of the Hebrew word Shuph which the Prophet Moses vseth in the 3. chapter of Genesis to expresse the victorie of the seede of the woman against the Serpent and his seede It is like in signification to the word Ramas Psal 91.13 Thou shalt walke vpon the Lion and Aspe the young Lion and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder feete But this victory is not obteined by our owne valour and strength but only in and by the diuine power and grace
with him and the holy Angels here hee telleth the wicked that they shall haue their fellowship with the Diuel and his wicked Angels The comparison thus touched let vs now consider of the latter part of the sentence more simply in the owne nature according to the seuerall parts or members of it We may consider of them in this order First who the persons be that shall be condemned Secondly what the punishment is wherevnto they are to bee adiudged The persons are saide to be such as are Cursed and they are no doubt accursed of God Neuertheles our Sauiour doth not call them the Cursed of the Father or the cursed of God as he had saide of the godly that they are the blessed of the Father The reason may be for that no man is simply cursed of God but by reason of his corruption and sinne whereby he maketh himselfe iustly subiect to the curse of God For sinne is the proper and immediate cause of that curse which falleth vpon any And the curse is the next forerunner of condemnation For this cause therefore it may by good reason be conceiued that our Sauiour Christ spareth the name of God or of the Father though hee had vsed it before that euery man might finde the cause of the curse in himselfe and the cause of blessing to be in the free grace and mercy of God who is the onely true and proper fountaine thereof Furthermore touching the persons of whom this sentence shall be principally pronounced by the course and tenure of it it is euident that they are and shall be such as be professours of the Gospell both Iewe and Gentile yet hypocriticall Christians because of their hypocrisie are more accursed then they that neuer heard of the Gospell according to the saying of our Sauiour that it shall be easier for them of Sodom and Gomorrha at the day of iudgement then for such Thus much for the Persons The punishment is to be considered first in two seuerall parts and degrees and then in some further amplifications of it setting forth both the certaintie of it and also the most hideous and wofull vncomfortablenesse of it The first part of the punishment is a seperation from Christ and from the ioyes and glory of his heauenly kingdome for euer Departye from me saith our Sauiour As though hee should say Howsoeuer yee haue presumed to boast of my name and to promise to your selues the kingdome of heauen as wee knowe that the wicked are readie both to thinke and to speake that they looke to be saued as well as the best yet saith our Sauiour Depart from me ye haue no part in me or in my comming or with my redeemed And as he saide before to the foolish virgins I knowe yee not so doth he speake to the same effect here in this place This therefore shall be the first degree of the punishment that it shall be a frustrating of all hope of happines for euer It may be called the punishment of depriuation or losse of the greatest good that might possibly be obtained The second part or degree of the punishment may be called the punishment of feeling or smart yea of the enduring of the greatest euill or woe that can befall any creature This latter part of the punishment is called fire for the sharpnes of it yea it shall be fire of such a kind as God shall make a fit executioner of his most seuere wrath For let vs not deceiue our selues God is able as easily to doe both the one and the other as hee hath alreadie giuen to euerie creature that nature and disposition which they doe presently enioy The same punishment is said to be euerlasting because it shal be such a firie vengeance as shall alwaies torment and burne and yet neuer either consume and wast it selfe or the matter which it shall burne This euerlasting fire shall not onely torment the body but also the soule Yea the soule not onely by the body but properly and in the owne nature For it shall be such a fire as shall torment the spirituall nature of the very diuels themselues Herein therefore doth their iudgement exceed all humane iudgements that euer were or can be For the most grieuous of them are but bodily they cannot touch the soule they are but temporall they cannot be prolonged for euer nay they cannot extend further then the terme of the naturall life O therefore whatsoeuer the iudgement of man shall be of vs or vpon vs let vs be careful I beseech you that we may escape this most heauie and euerlasting punishment which shall proceed from the most terrible iudgment of the diuine Maiestie of the eternall God We doe not without cause pitie those that run on in their sinnes as it were hasting a pace to this destruction Let vs learne to pitie our selues And when we shall doe so let vs magnifie the goodnes of the Lord our God and heauenly Father in this behalfe acknowledging that he hath herein shewed on vs his inestimable pitie and compassion For otherwise wee should be as careles as any other are But let vs proceed to such further amplifications of this punishment as the words of our Sauiour doe point vs vnto to wit the certaintie of it the most wofull and hideous vncomfortablenes of it The certaintie of it is argued from the cause in that our Sauiour saith that it is prepared for the wicked yea no doubt euen as certainly as God hath prepared heauen for his elect children according to the saying of our Sauiour in the 3 of Iohn He that beleeueth not is condemned alreadie to wit if he harden his heart in his vnbeliefe against the doctrine of the Gospel In the last verse of the 30 chap of the Prophet Isaiah the Lord threatening the destruction of the enemies of his Church he alluding to a doolefull place neare vnto Ierusalem where through outragious superstition parents did most vnnaturally burne and torment their children vnder pretence of sacrificing them to God as wee read 2. Chron 28 3 ch 33.6 And Ier 7.31 the Lord I say in that place of the Prophet Isaiah alluding to that doolful place of cruel superstitiō he describeth the most doolfull destructiō of the enemies of his church for euer in these words Tophteh or as the name of the same place is called Topheth Ier 7 31. alledged euen now and likewise 2. King 23.10 it is saith the Lord prepared of olde it is euen prepared for the King hee hath made it deepe and large the burning thereof is fire and much wood the breath of the Lord like a riuer of brimstone doth kindle it Whence it grewe that Hell the place of the eternall torment of the wicked was of the godly the haters of this horrible idolatrie from the name of the possessor of that place who was the sonne of Hinnom called the vallie of Hinnom according to that saying of our Sauiour Mat 5.22 Whosoeuer shall say Foole
respects And the rather also because the couenant of this forgiuenes of sinnes is an euerlasting couenant Ier 32 40 41. Which he hath confirmed by oath and sealed with the blood of his Sonne the which is therefore called the blood of the euerlasting couenant Heb 9.22.26 ch 13 verse 20. Of the which blood it is further said in this respect that it speaketh better things then the blood of Abel which cried for vengeance against Caine ch 12.24 Gen 4 10. Thus we see touching the first part of the vse of this Article that the cōfort of it is exceeding great to all true beleeuers euen to so many as haue grace to lay hold of this great mercy of God to the assuring of themselues of the forgiuenes of their sinnes NOw let vs come to the second part of the vse of it which concerneth the obedience of faith Question Which therefore are the duties which the comfort of faith in the forgiuenes of sinnes challengeth at the hands of all those to whom they are forgiuen They are these which followe Answer First an humble acknowledgement of our selues to be grieuous sinners ioyned with godly sorrowe for them and earnest praier for the forgiuenes of them all Secondly most earnest and heartie thankefulnes to God for his so infinite and vnspeakable mercie as sheweth it selfe most clearly in the forgiuenes of our most hainous and infinite sinnes Thirdly exceeding loue toward the Lord God our heauenly Father according to the greatnes of his mercy by how many the more and the greater sinnes he doth forgiue vs. Fourthly a reuerend care not to offend him any more as heretofore we haue done yea rather a most earnest studie and desire to please him better in all things then yet we haue done Fiftly a ready and tender affection of mercifulnes to forgiue one another euen as God our heauenly Father in and for our Sauiours sake hath forgiuen vs. Finally earnest resistance of all feares and doubts touching Gods faithfulnes in forgiuing the sinnes of our selues or of any other that doe walke in these duties Explicatiō proofe Concerning the first branch of this answer to wit our acknowledging of our selues to be grieuous sinners that it ought to be so the truth of the assertion it self that we are so may be a sufficient warrant vnto vs. For the proofe of which assertiō that we are grieuous sinners read 1. Kings 8 46. Eccl 7.22 There is no man that sinneth not No not the regenerate as their own cōfessiōs plainly shew Paule Rom 7.14 c. Iames ch 3 2. Iohn 1. Ep ch Read also Psal 19.12 and 130.3 Prouerbs ch 20.9 And though there are degrees of sinners as well as of sins yet euery one for his own part ought to account himselfe among the chiefe as Paule did 1. Tim 1. Daniel ch 9. Yea and though it were so that a man did not know any thing of speciall offence by himselfe yet seeing our Sauiour who knoweth vs all better then wee doe our selues teacheth vs all to pray for forgiuenes it ought to be a sufficient proofe vnto vs that we are great sinners and that we doe stand in great need of forgiuenes Neither is it in vaine as was touched before that this Article of the forgiuenes of sins is lincked with that other of the cōmuniō of Saints insomuch as not onely in most holy things but also in our most holy assembling of our selues and accompanying together we doe many waies offend And that not at our owne Tables alone which made holy Iob to feare his children so much as hee did and to be so carefull as he was to sanctifie them by holy exercises of religion while they feasted one another lest they should forget themselues and speake any thing to the dishonour of the name of God cha 1 5 but also euen in the Lords house and at his most holy Table Which was the cause why God did appoint Aaron in the time of the lawe to sacrifice for the iniquitie euen of the holy offerings of the children of Israel Exod 28.38 and why wee are so earnestly admonished to examine our selues when wee come to the Table of the Lord c. Wherefore let vs alwaies and in all things well remember that we are sinners and that God could easily lay greater sinnes to our charge then we are ware of and accordingly let vs without all hypocrisie acknowledge in his sight that wee are more grieuous and miserable sinners then we are priuy vnto Let vs I say do it without hypocrisie for else we should euen herein make our selues more abominable sinners then in any thing beside Luke 16 15. Mat 23. Neither could the Article of forgiuenes of sinnes be any Article of faith at all vnto vs for our comfort vnlesse we doe acknowledge our selues to be sinners and vnlesse we see iust cause why wee should be sorie for them and pray earnestly alwaies for the forgiuenes of them according to the instruction of our Sauiour Mat 6 12. and according to the example and instruction of the Prophet Dauid Ps 32 5 6. and Ps 25 7. and Ps 51. But here an obiection may be made how it may stand with faith to pray still for foriguenes of sinnes seeing it is an Article of faith to beleeue that they are forgiuen at the least those sinnes which haue already beene committed and for the forgiuenes whereof faithfull praier hath beene already made Question What is to be said to this Answer First this Article of the forgiuenes of sinnes presupposeth true repentance to be in euery one that hath any true faith to beleeue that his sinnes are forgiuen Neither can it stand with any reason that faith should disanull or any way preiudice prayer which God hath appointed to be the onely subordinate messenger and Spokes-man as it were of faith for the intreatie of the forgiuenes of sinnes through the mediation of our Sauiour Christ Secondly no man doth so firmely beleeue the forgiuenes of former sinnes by former praiers but by the renewing of his praiers for the forgiuenes of the same he may bee better assured against all temptations of feares and doubtings that they are verily forgiuen vnto him Thirdly faith by exercising of it selfe in prayer to the further strengthening of it selfe touching the forgiuenes of old sins it doth therewithall make it selfe both more watchfull against new sinnes that they be not wilfully committed and also more comfortable in the assurance of the forgiuenes of those our sinnes of infirmitie and weakenes which we cease not to commit day after day Finally God doth at once and for euer after forgiue all the sinnes of true beleeuers but yet vpon this condition that they continue in prayer for the forgiuenes of them and for daily profiting in godly sorow and repentance for the same so long as they haue a day yea an houre to liue in this sinfull world Explication and proofe It is very true For these are
and all things that we doe according to his word well pleasing and acceptable before him Answere 1. It is by reason of that infinite loue of God wherewith hee hath made vs accepted to himselfe in his owne beloued Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ whose righteousnesse and whole obedience and worthinesse faith apprehendeth yea and maketh vs one with Christ himselfe by spirituall coniunction and that according to the most gracious and fatherly good will and pleasure of GOD toward vs in the same his Sonne 2. It is also because God esteemeth it the greatest honour which we can possibly doe vnto him yea and the very ground and originall of yeelding him any true henour at all when we doe beleeue in him as being most true and faithfull of his word aboue all that the naturall sense and reason of man can possibly conceiue and vnderstand 3. Furthermore because faith onely teacheth vs the true deniall of our selues and of all trust in any thing but in God alone 4. Finally because faith is instrumentally as it were the seede yea the very life of all true obedience vnto him Faith most pleasing to God and why There might more reasons bee alleadged from whence the excellencie of faith may be discerned as will further appeare by that which followeth but we will content our selues with these for the present Explicatiō and proofe Now for the proofe of them first let it be well considered that euen as God is in speciall manner pleased to shewe mercy for mercy pleaseth him Micah 7.18 so likewise doth faith singularly please him in so much as it maketh most precious account of his mercy and doth most dutifully attend vpon the same as we read Ps 147.11 The Lord delighteth in them that feare him and attend vpon his mercy Now if we shall inquire yet further why it is that the Lord delighteth so greatly to shewe mercie to miserable and sinfull men it is doubtles for no other cause but for that infinite loues sake which hee beareth first to his owne naturall and onely begotten son our Lord Iesus Christ and then to them for his sake in whom he hath adopted them according to that which we read Ephes chap. 1.5 6. c. Secondly we may see by that which is saide of Abraham how greatly God doth account himselfe glorified of those that do truly and constantly beleeue in him For so we read of Abraham that he gaue great glory to God in that he did not doubt of the promise of God through vnbeleefe but was strengthened in faith aboue hope beleeued vnder hope c. He being fully assured that he who had promised was able also to doe it Ro. 4 18 19 20 21. And for this grace of faith all the seruants of God themselues are specially honoured graced as we may say according to that wee reade touching many particulars mentioned in the 11. ch of the ep to the Heb. from the beginning of the ch c. and as it is generally affirmed of them v. 39. All through faith obtained good report Whereas on the contrary they that beleeue not in God are charged to make God a lyar Then the which what greater dishonour can any doe to him who alone is the God of all truth 1. Iohn 5 10 And how also can they that be such more dishonour and reproch themselues For the third branch read Philip. 3 3 4 c. And here it may be wel worth the noting that as mans calling of the truth of Gods word into questiō was the beginning of mans fall from God so it pleaseth God that faith in the truth of his word promise should be the recouery revniting of man vnto God againe Finally call here againe to minde the words of the former answere Read also 2. Cor. 13 14. Gal. chap. 5 verse 6. VVhat Faith is BVt of the nature of faith wee are now in the next place to enquire further as after a iewell of speciall price and as after that which is the very staffe and stay of our soules as we haue partly beene giuē to vnderstand already Now therefore seeing faith is so excellent a grace shewe you yet more fully what the nature of it is Question How haue you learned to answere this so speciall a point Answere The faith whereby euery true beleeuer is iustified and saued is that most holy and excellent gift or grace of our spirituall regeneration and new birth wherein resteth the principall comfort of our soules here in this life The which arising from the knowledge of the glorious grace of God in the face of Iesus Christ and sweetly and comfortably reposing and resting it selfe onely and wholly vpon the vndoubted certaintie of the diuine truth and faithfulnes of Gods most gracious and free promise concerning the same our iustification and saluation by Christ yea laying sure hold vpon Christ himselfe in whom onely and al-sufficiently life righteousnes and saluation is to be found It hath furthermore many right worthy and admirable effects in the heart of euery true beleeuer Which are those so notable effects Question Answere 1. It reioyceth the heart of the true beleeuer with ioy vnspeakable and glorious 2. It imboldeneth him to make open profession and confession of his faith in the name of Iesus Christ euen in the middest of the most cruell despitefull aduersaries thereof 3. It causeth his soule What Faith is to haue good trust and affiance vnder the holy wings of the fatherly prouidēce protection of God in the most bitter tēptations trials of this life 4. It inciteth also and incourageth the beleeuer to earnest and constant prayer 5. It continually soliciteth to repentance and care of a godly life here in this world 6. Finally it is accompanied with hope and that also in a patient waiting for eternal happines and glory after this life in the kingdome of heauen That the true iustifying faith is of such an excellent nature as you haue described Explicatiō and proofe and that it worketh these so notable effects as you haue rehearsed it is euery where euident in the holy Scriptures as hath beene declared in the last Sermon vpon this point Let vs now briefly here call them againe to mind But first of all in so much as the word faith is vsed in the holy Scriptures in diuers and sundry significations it shall not be amisse for vs to set downe a note thereof And let vs beginne with this that faith is vsed sometimes to signifie the doctrine of faith as Act. chap 6 7. A great company and of the Priests some were obedient to the faith And againe chap. 13 8. Rom. 1 5 and chap. 3.31 and chap. 16 26. Gal. 1 22 and chap. 3 verses 2 5 23 and 1. Tim. verse 2 chap. 1. Paul writeth to Timotheus calling him his naturall sonne in the faith meaning to giue him this testimonie that hee was a true beleeuer according to the true doctrine of faith Read
should oppresse their brethren shewing therby how greatly the sinne should be detested It is like to the speach of our Sauiour Christ that his Disciples should shake off the dust of their feete against the despisers of the Gospell Note also the speach of the Lord by his Prophet Isai chap 30.22 Yee shall pollute the couering of the images of siluer and the rich ornament of thine images of gold and cast them away as a menstruous clothe and thou shalt say vnto it Get thee hence And chap 31.7 In that daye euery man shall cast out his idoles of siluer his idoles of gold which your hands haue made you euen a sin And by Ezekiel chapt 18.31 Cast away from you all your transgressions wherby ye haue transgressed not onely idolatrie as before in Isaiah but also euery other sinne Consider likewise that which the Prophet Daniell speaketh to Nabuchadnezzer in the name of the Lord Breake of thy sinnes by righteousnesse Abrumpe c. Ther must of necessitie be rough dealing and an holy violence vsed against sinne It will not yeelde vnlesse it be vanquished If it be not killed it will kill c. They therfore that striue most manfully and couragiouslie against sinne yea euen to the death of it they are to be accounted of all others the most valiant men Prouer 16.32 Hee that is slowe to anger is better then the mightie man and hee that ruleth his owne minde is better then hee that winneth a Cittie And Hebre 12.4 Yee haue not yet resisted vnto blood striuing against sinne The weapons whereby sinne is to be incountred must be spirituall according to the nature of the aduersarie Namely by holie prayers and sometimes with fasting as the importunitie of the enemie shall require Our resistance or reuenge must not be by whipping of our selues or by any other like Popish penance but onelie as God requireth in his word All other practises and blinde deuotions are of no reckoning with God Coloss chapt 2.20 As touching those that make semblance of misliking sinne generallie but when their owne particular sinnes come in question they deale as fauourablie with them as may bee they are too great triflers and euen cowardes in this Spirituall warfare They may well be compared to those that make as if they would throwe their children to the puttocks as they say but they imbrace and holde them fast in their armes still Sinne must not be so dallied withall if we meane in good earnest to repent wee must deale with it as with a most impudent and shameles guest that must be thrust out of dores by the head and shoulders as they say before he will departe Thirdlie touching admonition to others that they may learne from our example and experience to take warning read the excellent practise of Dauid Psalm 32. and againe Psalm 51.13 Restore mee to the ioye of thy saluation and stablish mee with thy free Spirit Then shall I teach thy wayes vnto the wicked and sinners shall be conuerted vnto thee And Psal 124 consider both the title the Psal And Ezekiel 18.30 Returne and cause others to turne away from all your transgressions so iniquitie shall not be your destruction It is agreeable to the precept of our Sauiour Christ Luk 22.32 When thou art conuerted saith our Sauiour to Peter strengthen thy brethren Fourthlie concerning watchfulnes that sinne renewe not the strength read 1. Cor 9.27 I beat down my bodie and bring it into subiection lest by any meanes after that I haue preached to others I my selfe should be reprooued Sinne recouering strength is more hard to be subdued afterward Matth 12.43 c. Muta animalia cum fraude capiantur si aliquo se modo in fugam excitauerint fiunt postmodùm cautiora vitantque semper ea omnia in quibus dolos insidiasque senserūt Sic hominem inquit Lactantius poenitentia cautum ac diligentem facit ad euitanda peccata in quae semel fraude deciderit The dumbe creatures growe more warie after they haue escaped their danger much more ought man a reasonable creature growe daily more warie against the danger of sinne Fifthlie how the feare of God helpeth forward this parte of repentance yea how it preuenteth sinne Read Genes 39.9 How can I doe this great wickednesse saith Ioseph to his incontinent Mistris and sinne against God And againe chap 42.8 and chap 50.19 Hee perswadeth his brethren that he minded no reuenge against them because hee had the feare of God before his eyes Reade also Prouer 16.6 By the feare of the Lord men depart from euill And chap 14.27 The feare of the Lord is a Well-spring of life to auoyd the snares of death and chapt 23.17 and Iob chapt 28. vers 28. and Prou 3.7 Read also 2. Cor 7.11 Wher the Apostle rehearseth this holie feare among diuers other of the helping graces to repentance Godlie sorrow saith hee causeth repentance to saluation not to bee repented of c. For beholde this thing that ye haue beene godlilie sorie what great care it hath wrought in you Yea what clearing of your selues Yea what indignation Yea what feare c. Read also Psal 2.11 Serue the Lord in feare reioyce in trembling And Ps 4.4 Tremble and sinne not examine your owne heart vpon your bed and be still that is take heed that ye doe not adde sinne to sinne in an obstinate rebellion against God Selah And Psalm 99.1 Finallie as for the meanes that hinder this parte of Repentance aswell as that other part now following we will consider of them together afterward In the meane season let vs proceede to those helping graces which doe formerly serue to stir vp to newnes of life which is the second part of Repētāce Question Which are they Answere First and principallie an earnest meditation and application of the Resurrection of our Sauiour CHRIST to our dull and dead soules that by the vertue therof they may be quickened suppled and made lithe as it were with a most holie and pretious oyle to rise vp to newnesse of life Secondly a like earnest meditation of all other the mercies of God concerning the comforte of this life whose bountifulnesse and euery parte fruite or benefite thereof ought to leade vs to Repentance yea to carrie vs on forwarde to this our second parte of Repentance Thirdly a faithfull and beleeuing meditation of all the sweet and faithfull promises of God touching the blessednes of the life to come Finallie the feare of God is not onely as a bridle to with-holde from sinne as was answered before but it is also a sharp spurre to quicken vs to newnes of life It is very true and therfore when the Prophet Samuel exhorteth the people of God to serue the Lord Explication and proofe hee maketh the feare of God the ground or cause of it Therefore saith hee feare yee the Lord and serue him in truth with all your hearts and consider how great things he hath done for you
last ch 41.4 I the Lorde doe the first worke I am he that doth the last not only a perfect beeing in himselfe the onely eternall and efficient cause of all creatures but also to be the cause of the effecting of all his promises and blessings in the proper times seasons therof as the Lord doth interpret his owne meaning Ex 6.2.3 Moreouer saith the text God spake vnto Moses and said vnto him I am the Lord and I appeared to Abraham Isaak and to Iaacob by the name of Shaddai that is all-mightie or all-sufficient God but by my name Iehouah was I not knowen vnto them That is I promised to Abraham Isaak Iaacob the land of Canaan for an inheritance but I did not performe it vnto them as touching the reall and actuall possession of it as I will now to you their posteritie c as it followeth in that chapter It is asmuch as if the Lord should haue said to the Iewes at the cōming of Christ in comparison of the former ages that hee neuer shewed himselfe so manifestlie or by his name Iehouah as hee did then in so much as all the promises of God are Yea Amen in Christ In which respect our Sauiour Christ himselfe telleth his disciples that they were blessed aboue all other that were before thē in so much as they nowe sawe and heard that which the Prophets and Righteous men among them desired to heare and see but could not Wherfore worthi●ie might they then and wee our selues now in speciall manner hearken to the exhortation of the 68. Genes 21.33 Abrahā called vppon the name of Iehouah the euerliuing God Psal vers 4. Sing vnto God sing praises to his name exalt him that rideth vpon the heauens in his name Iah and reioyce before him Isa ch 26.4 Trust in the Lorde for euer for in the Lord God Be Iah Iehouah there is strength for euermore Read also this name I●h Ps 89.8 A mightie Lorde Chasin Iah and Ps 94. twice verses ● and 12. and Ps 118. fiue times and 135. vers 4. And in composition often times Halleluiah praise yee the Lord. Iah is but as it were a contraction of the name Iehouah It noteth the Eternitie yea the Sempiternitie or perpetuall eternitie of God without beginning without ending He that was is and is to come as this name is interpreted in the new Testament and applyed to Christ our Iehouah the Lorde our righteousnes as wee are after to obserue when wee come to consider of the Deitie of his person Question But what other titles are there which doe more entierly then the rest declare the nature of God Answere Next vnto the name Iehouah which as I haue learned wee doe English by the name Lord therby are to vnderstand his eternall nature beeing as was euen now declared the most vsuall title of the Lord is God the which word as I haue bene also taught is vsed of vs in stead of that which signifieth in the Hebrew language the almightines or omnipotencie of God as though hee should call him the God of all might or power Explication and proofe So is it indeed For the Hebrew word El or Eloah in the plurall number Elohim signifieth the power yea the manifold power and vertue of the Diuine nature yea with some learned interpreters also El Elohim P●alm 50.1 Deut. 32.15 Eloah the distinction of the persons in God vnto whom equallie the almighty power of the diuine nature of God doth belong as we shall further consider afterward by the grace of God Thus then the most vsuall titles belonging to the nature of God are in our language Lord and God as though we should call him as in other words we doe the Eternall Almightie God In regard of which eternitie of God the name of God is oftentimes in the holy scriptures said to be eternall likewise that his mercie endureth for euer that all his promises are sure and stedfast that his faithfulnes shall neuer faile that his throne is for euer that his righteousnes is euerlasting and that ther is no end of his kingdome And in respecte of his omnipotencie He that is mightie hath done for mee great things saith the Virgin Marie and holie is his name Luk 1.49 And the almightie God by the name Shaddai Psal 68.14 and Ps 91.1 and often in the book of Iob ch 5.17 ch 6.4.14 and chap 8.3.5 and chapt 22. fiue times verses But of the titles of the iustice mercie gouernment of God we shall haue further occasion to rehearse them among some other sorts of the titles of God LEt vs therefore come to those which shew what manner of one God is named to be in respect of his creatures wherin also are noted the actions or works as likewise the diuine properties and attributes of God Question And first to speake more generallie which are they Answere Creator gouernour and preseruer of all things most high possessor of heauen and earth The Lord God of all flesh and of the Spirits of all fleshe The searcher of the hearts and reynes Iudge of the whole worlde who iudgeth without respect of persones The iudge which maketh lowe and which maketh high Lord of hosts and if ther be any other like to these These are euery where to be found in the holie Scriptures Creator Eccles chap Explicatiō proofe 12.1 and Isai ch 42.5 and chap 45.12 ver 18. Acts 17.43 c. Psalm Psalm 74.16.17 And Psalm 94.9 Iob. chapt 32.22 c. Gouernour Psal 22. The Lord ruleth among the Nations And Ps 33.10.11 The Lord breaketh the Counsell of the heathen and bringeth to nought c. He that chastiseth the Nations Psal 94.10 and Psalm 47.8 God reigneth ouer the heathen And Psal 66.7 Hee ruleth the world by his power Isai 16.1 The ruler of the worlde Preseruer Iob chapt 7.20 O thou preseruer of men And 1. Timot. 4.10 Wee trust in the liuing God who is the preseruer of all men speciallie of those that beleeue And Psalm 36.6 Hee that preserueth man and beast No man could haue anie power or authoritie to gouerne if God did not giue it him Iohn chap 19.11 and Rom 13.4 Most high God possessor of Heauen and Earth Genes 14.22 and Psalm 104 24. Tremell The Lord God of all flesh Ierem. 32.27 of the Spirits of all flesh Numb 16.22 and chapt 27.16 And Hebr 12.9 Father of Spirits Zech 12.1 The Lorde who hath formed the Spirit of man within him c. And Ezech 18.4 All soules are mine both the soule of the Father and also the soule of the sonne are mine Searcher of hearts and trier of the reines 1. Sam. 16.7 The Lord beholdeth the heart And 1. Kings 8.39 The Lorde onely knoweth the hearts of all the children of men And Prou 16.2 The Lorde pondereth the Spirits Psalm 7.9 The righteous God trieth the
hearts and reynes And Ierem 11.20 and chap 17.10 I the Lord searche the heart and trie the reynes Acts. 15.8 God which knoweth the hearts and 1. Thess 2.4 Iudge of the whole world Gen 18.25 Shall not the iudge of all the world doe right saith Abraham to the Lord. Read also Iob. chap 34.10 c. 19. He iudgeth without respect of persons Deut 10.17.18 Acts 10.34 Rom 2.11 And in many other places The iudge who maketh lowe who also maketh high Psalm 75.7 Lorde of Hostes Psalm 46.7 The Lorde of Hostes is with vs. And Psalm 82. thrise in that Psal And Ps 84. fower times and Psa 89.8 O Lord God of Hostes who is like vnto thee which art a mightie Lorde and the truth is about thee 32.18 Amos 4.13 The Lord of Hostes is his name And note also that the works of God not onely of Creation of the ordina●ie course of Gouernment but also his extraordinarie and wondrous works partly such as he worketh by his own immediate hand partly such as he worketh by the ministerie of his seruants both for his people and against the wicked they are so manie declarations of his diuine wisedome mercie iustice c. According to that Psal 9.16 The Lord is knowne by executing iudgement Selah A point worthie singular obseruation And in respect of his mercie according to that Psal 68.20 This is our God euen the God that saueth vs. c. Question NOwe which are the titles of God in a more particular respect of the degrees of his people in humane societie Answere He is in this respect called the most high excellent he that inhabiteth Eternitie whose name is the Holie one Isai 57.15 Ps 83.18 The mosthigh ouer the whole Earth Ps 97.9 And 1. Tim 1.17 The King euerlasting immortall God onely wise And ch 6.15.16 He that is blessed prince onely the King of Kings Lord of Lords who only hath immortalitie dwelleth in the light that none cā attain vnto whō neuer man saw neither cā see vnto whō be honor power euerlasting Amē Explication proofe This title of GOD Gneljon the most high is often in the Psalms namelie in these 7.9 91.92.107 Read also 1. Chron and Psal The king of glorie that is the most glorious King And 82.1 God standeth in the assemblie of Gods For Iudges magistrates assembled are the honourable assemblies which God himselfe hath called to the seate of iustice and hee iudgeth among Goddes that is among the same Iudges magistrates gathered togither in his name either ratifying euery right sentence which they giue or reprouing the contrarie as it followeth in the same Psalme For all Iudgement is properlie the Lords it is his soueraigne prerogatiue belonging as it were to his Crowne and Dignitie Deu 1.17 2. chro Read also Eccles ch 5.7 If in a Countrie thou seest the oppression of the poore and the defrauding of iudgment iustice be not astonied at the matter For he that is higher then the high regaraeth yea he that is most high aboue them Where the word Gebhohim vsed in the plurall nūber noteth the most high excellencie of God And that also as some interpret it in respect of the most high misterie of the holy Trinitie In Ezra Nehē God is diuers times called the God of heauen Thus we see what manner of one God is in comparison of those that bee in higher place aboue the rest Though they be high yea higher powers as Ro 13.1 yet God onely is the most high Wheras these are mortall Ps 146.3.4 Isa 51.12 The Lord God is immortall Though they dwell in Princely Palaces yet their dwelling places are nothing cōparable to the habitation of his heauenly glorie They are many so their gouernment is a parted gouernmēt but God is one hath the whole soueraigntie entierly vnited in himselfe Ps God is called also oftentimes in the holy Scriptures Adonai the chief Lord authoriser supporter of all Lordship and Gouernment And therfore the title is in a speciall forme of writing attributed to God as some obserue Adonai not Adon or Adoni as it is applied to mē And in this respect of his soueraignty he is called Adonei Adonim Ps 136.3 the Lord of Lords that is the Lord of all that haue gouernment whether domestical eccl or ciuill And Mal 1.6 The plural nūber for the singular in the same sense twise in the same verse Hence or according to this the word Heden is vsed for basis or sustentaculum the foundation of a thing Question NOwe further which are the Titles of God which shewe what manner of one God is in respect of those of inferiour estate and low degree who are humbled in themselues c Answer Hee is the Father of Mercies the God of all consolation and comfort 2. Corinth and chapt 7 6. The God that comforteth the abiecte Hee is the Father of the Fatherles and iudge of the Widowes Psalm 68.5 and Psalm 113.5 who is like vnto the Lord our God that hath his dwelling on high who abaseth himselfe to behold things in the heauens and in the earth Hee raiseth the needie out of the dust and lifteth vp the poore out of the dung c. And Psalm 146.7 He executeth iustice for the oppressed he giueth bread to the hungry He looseth the prisoners c. It followeth that you shew which those kind of titles are which declare what manner of one our God is against the wicked whether Princes or any other Which may they be Question Answere He ouerthroweth the way of the wicked as it followeth in the same 146 Psalm He is terrible to the Kings of the earth Psal 76 12. Yea generally it is a fearefull thing for any contēptuous sinner to fall into the hands of the liuing God For vengeance belongeth to the Lord and he will recompence Heb 10 30 30 31. and Rom 12 19 according as Psal 94 He is expresly called God the auenger To this purpose we may call to mind againe That God iudgeth without respect of persons Explicatiō proofe For seeing he will not haue his magistrates to respect the poore in any euill cause Exod 23 3 and Leuit 19 15 Much lesse will God himselfe deale partially Question NOw in the last place what are those titles of God which doe concerne his Church and that speciall fauour which he beareth to it and to euerie true member thereof Answere The Lord God of the Hebrewes and the God of Abraham Isaak and Iaacob or Israel in many places of the holy Prophets The holy one Iob. cha 6.10 The holy one of Israel Isai cha 6.3 and 41.14 and cha 43.15 and Luke cha 1.49 Holy is his name The hope of Israel Ierem. 14.8 and Psal 46.1 and 62.8 yea the hope of all the ends of the earth Psal 65.5 The God both of Iew and Gentile Rom 3.29
And then the Euangelist Philip baptized him The same was the ordinarie manner of the Ministers of the Gospell in the primitiue Church to require a particular profession of the faith of such as were from time to time conuerted from Paganisme and admitted to be Baptized for members of the Church of Christ Yea it was the verie cause why this forme of profession was collected and set downe in this particular manner Touching the second pointe reade 1. Pet. 3.15.16 Be yee readie alwaies to giue an answere to euerie man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you And that with meekenes and reuerence hauing a good conscience c. And Reuelat Chapt 2.17 Where the assurance of euerlasting life and the care of newnes and godlines of life here either of them springing from faith they are fitlie compared to the Manna that is hidden and to a white Stone wherein a newe N●me is written which no man knoweth sauing hee that receiueth it Wee may indeed yea wee ought charitablie and that with good hope and trust tow●rd God conceiue of su●h as are fruitfull in good workes that they are the true elect of God speciallie if they are in speciall manner fruitfull as the Apostle Paul was verie well perswaded of the Thessalonians 1. Epi 1.3.4 2. Ep● 1.3.4 And of the Philipp chapt 1.6.7 But the certaine yea the onely vndoubted certaintie is principallie to be found of euery man in the perswasion of his owne heart confirmed vnto him by the testimonie of the Spirite of G●d Thirdly that euery man liueth by his owne faith and not by the faith of an other Reade Hab Chapt 2.4 The iust shall liue by his Faith Yea by that faith whereby hee is assured that Christ liueth in him according to th●t of the Apostle Paul Galat 2.20 I liue saith hee yet not I nowe but CHRIST liueth in mee and in that I nowe liue in the fleshe I liue by Faith in the Sonne of GOD who hath loued mee and giuen himselfe for mee And Rom 8 3● ●● 39 Hee teacheth that euery Christian ought to bee so perswaded that hee may comfort himselfe that neither death nor life nor any thing else s●all bee able to separate him from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lorde For the last pointe reade 1. Cor 11.28 and 2. Cor 13.5 Prooue your selues whether you are in the faith examine your selues knowe yee not your owne selues how that Iesus Christ is in you except yee be reprobates That is no better then such as for the present haue no grounde to thinke better of themselues then of such as bee counterfetted Christians and no true members of Christ c. So then by all these reasons it is manifest that the articles of our faith and the faith and beleefe of them doth belong to euery true Christian that none may put them off from himselfe as that the common sort of Christians should say these thinges containe such high mysteries that they belong onely to learned men or that any of the learned should say these are so cōmon matters that they are rather for children then for vs. No no they are both for children which be of yeeres of discretion and for growne men too they are for the learned to studie a more exact and full knowledge of them and also for the most simple Christian to labour to vnderstand and beleeue them in some measure whosoeuer doe minde vnfainedly the way of their eternall saluation It is not enough for any to say I beleeue as the Church beleeueth vnlesse he do know that the Church beleeueth as it ought to do Nay rather it is the duty of euery Christian to seeke after such a measure of knowledge that he may be able to discerne betwixt the true Church of Christ and euerie false or Antichristian Church betwixt the true faith of the one and the erroneous faith of the other c. according to that we reade 1. Iohn 4.1 Dearely beloued saith the Apostle beleeue not euery Spirit but try the Spirits whether they are of God c. And Math 7 15. Beware saith our Sauiour Christ of false Prophets that is of such as teach false doctrine c. Otherwise wee shall indanger our selues to the wrath of God and to be partakers of those plagues which GOD will cast vpon them Reuelation chapter 14.9 10.11 12. Let euery true Christian therefore not onely say I beleeue but let vs euerie one be carefull to vnderstand and beleeue those high mysteries which we doe commonly professe euery day better then other For this wee may be sure of that none can beleeue them in any measure but such as doe vnderstand them in some measure Question But that wee stay not too long in one thing Why doth euerie one of vs say I beleeue in God and doe not content our selues to say I beleeue God Answere In the vse of our language when wee say I beleeue in God it is a more significant phrase of speach to expresse that particular apprehension and application of Gods mercie and goodnes as belonging particularly to euery one then if euery one should onely say I beleeue God Explicatiō proofe It is so in deede For a man may be saide to beleeue God to wit that hee is true though hee be interressed in no part of the benefit of the iustification and saluation of God And besides this phrase of speech is very fit and commodious to put a difference betwixt our faith toward GOD and that which wee beleeue concerning the Church of GOD. For albeit we doe beleeue that God hath his catholike Church consisting of Iewes and Gentiles that thereis a communion of Saints c yet we may not say without great caution that wee beleeue in the Church no not in the true Church of God It sufficeth that wee beleeue that God hath his catholike and inuisible Church in the which there is certainely a sweete communion of Saints and that to the true members thereof forgiuenes of sinnes belongeth and also the resurrection of the bodie and euerlasting life though wee doe not beleeue in it The most that wee may beleeue concerning the true Church of God is that it is a faithfull witnesse of Gods holy truth to vphold it against all Infidels and Athiests that denie it and against all heretikes which seeke to depraue it to the end it may remaine inuiolable to the posteritie and ages to come according to that of the Apostle Paul 1 Timoth. 3 15. The house of God which is the Church of God it is the pillar and ground of truth But of this more afterward There is a like good vse also of the difference which learned Interpreters put betwixt the diuerse phrases of the Latine speach * To beleeue that God is 2 To giue some credi● to God as true 3 To repose su●e trust in God as most gratious and mercifull to a ma●s selfe truly beleeuing in him
that hee is our Creator and Gouernour followeth next in order but seeing wee shall haue a speciall occasion offered vs hereafter to inquire of them wee will of purpose omit them here NEuertheles we wil proceed to those comforts which arise from other consideration● and namely from this in the next place that the Lord our God is of a most spirituall nature and beeing of infinite Maiestie filling both heauen and earth c. Question What therefore is the comfort of this Answere The comfort hereof is this that God euery where present with vs by his spirit is a mercifull beholder pittier and moderator of all our troubles and griefes our vpholder in euery griefe and distresse and finally our deliuerer out of all our troubles though with our bodily eyes we see him not Explicatiō and proofe For the proofe of this read Exod. 3 7 c. I haue surely seene the trouble of my people which are in ●gypt saith the Lord and I haue heard their cry because of their taske-maisters for I knowe their sorrowes That which the Lord did then hee doth continually as the necessities of his people doe require as we may further perceiue by other proofes of the same kinde As Zech 4 10. The eyes of the Lord goe through the whole world Neither is he an ydle beholder in seeing how things goe as we may further perceiue by that we reade in the 9 chap. and 8. verse of the same prophesie I will campe about mine house against the army against him that passeth by and against him that returneth and no oppressor shall come vppon them any more for nowe haue I seene with my eyes Likewise Prou. 15 3. The eyes of the Lord in euery place behold the euill and the good And Psal 33 verses 13 14. The Lord looketh down from heauen and beholdeth al the children of men From the habitation of his dwelling hee beholdeth all them that dwell in the earth He facioneth their hearts euery one and vnderstandeth all their workes c. Likewise Psal 34. verses 15 16. The eyes of the Lord are vppon the righteous and his eares are open to their crye But the face of the LORD is against them that doe euill to cutte off their remembrance from the earth And Heb. 11.27 We haue the example of Moses who comforted himselfe against the fi● ce●es of the king of Egypt by looking vp to him that is inuisible as the Apostle teacheth that is by looking vp to God whō he describeth to be hee that is inuisible according to that 1. Tim. 1 17. where he is called the King inuisible NOw let vs goe forward What is furthermore the comfort of this that he Lord our God is most perfect entier and absolute in himselfe so that albe●t he is euery where present silling heauen and earth and vpholding all things yet he is neuertheles altogether an other and most perfectly in his diuine nature and essence seperated from them neither is contained in any place nor vpheld by any creature c. Question What I say is the comfort hereof Answere This may exceedingly comfort vs that although a●l creatures in heauen and earth should seeme to forsake vs yea to be vtterly bent against vs yet so long as w● put our trust in God we may be sure that both he can and also that he will cherish maintaine vt yea in this fraile life so long as hee seeth so meete against all creatures that should con●pire to discomfort and destroy vs. Explication and proofe It is true that you say For God worketh most freely in all things hee is nothing intangled and snared any way hee is not limited nor tyed to any second meanes and causes And for the proofe of this comfort reade Heb. 13. c. ● God hath said I will not faile thee neither forsake thee So that wee may boldly say The Lord is my helper neither will I feare what man can doe vnto me Read also Psal 34 19. The Lord is neare to them that are of a contrite heart c. Whereupon well obserueth Maister Caluin that herein is contained a doctrine full of most sweete consolation and comfort that God doth not then leaue vs when a huge heape of euils doe so ouerwhelme vs that we are as one would say stuffled thereby or so daunted that we cannot tell almost what wee may doe His wordes vpon those wordes of the Psalme are these Plena suauissimae consolationis doctrine Deum ne tunc quidem a nobis discedere quum malorum congeries not quasi exanimatos obruit Here also call againe to minde Psal 23 4. Though I should walke through the valley of the shadowe of death I will feare no euill for thou art with me thy rod and thy staffe they comfort me A particular experience whereof we finde recorded 1. Sam. 3● ● Where we reade that Dauid comforted himselfe in his God when his owne company mutinously intended forth-with to haue stoned him Remember also to this purpose the 46. Psalme And Psalme 113. the third verse Our God is in heauen he doth whatsoeuer he will Moreouer Deut 8 3. and Mat. 4 4. Man liueth not by bread onely but by euery word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord. And 1. Sam 14.6 and likewise 2. Chron. 14 11. The Lord helpeth with fewe as well as with m●ny And Z●char 4.6 Neither by an army nor strength but by my spirit saith the Lord of Hosts And Isay 59 16 c. and Chap. ●● 1 A● God in the beginning made all things of nothing without any helpe● so as it pleaseth him he can helpe as it were without helpe c. But let vs proceede to some other particulars Question WHat is the comfort of this that as the Lord our God is of an infinite and as one would say of a transcendent nature and in his diuine Maiestie of incomprehensible greatnes as Psal 14● 3 His greatnes is incomprehensible so he is also in dignitie and worthines infinitely excelling al creatures whatsoeuer Answere The comfort hereof is that when our God shall giue iudgement on our side all creatures must be silent before him and rest in his iudgement In the meane while it may iustly be a speciall comfort to the seruants of God that as they serue him which is the chiefe Lord and maister aboue all so their seruice is the most honourable and happie seruice that may be Here indeed the common prouerbe may haue chiefe place There is no fishing to the fishing of the sea Explicatiō proofe nor seruice to the seruice of the King c. The reward of no earthly Prince is or can be cōparable to the reward of the king of heauē For this happines of the seruants of God Read how they are priuiledged aboue all other yea euen in the times of greatest danger Isay chap. 6● 8 ● 13 14. Thus saith the Lord As wine is found in the cluster one saith destroy it not for a
c. Ier 10.12 13. and Mat 6 26. Your heauenly Father feedeth the fowles of heauen saith our Sauiour Christ And ch 10.29 A Sparrow falleth not on the ground without your Father And as it followeth in the next verse of the same ch he giueth to vnderstand that the Father hath a speciall regard of his adopted children through his owne Son our Lord Iesus Christ For our Sauiour himselfe saith the haires of their head are numbred This speciall prouidence of God the Father toward his Church you also mentioned a little before Question Now what doe ye beleeue in this respect to the more full clearing of this Article of our faith in the first person of the holy Trinitie God the Father Answere I doe in this respect according to the last acception of the word Father furthermore vndoubtedly beleeue that God the Father of his most free grace and in most tender pittie and compassion according to his diuine counsell purpose and predestination euen before the foundation of the world was laid hath in his beloued Sonne chosen and adopted vs and all the elect people to be his children through the sanctification of the holy Ghost to the end that we truly knowing trusting in the same his grace should obtaine the glory of our Lord Ie Ch yea that euē in this life also we should enioy a special fruite of the fatherly prouidence of our most good gracious God aboue al the childrē of this world Explication and proofe You may safely and with good assurance beleeue this also according to the testimony of the Apostle Paul as we read 2. Thes 2 13 14. and in many other places For one the same though it may be in some differing measure is the happie glorious estate of al true beleeuing Christiās in the kingdome of heauen Read also Ps 4 6 Ps 31.19 20 46 7 8 9. But of al these points which you haue answered for the clearing of this article insomuch as they are all of them matters of great importance let vs trusting in the grace of God The Promise set our minds to inquire more particularly into the grounds and doctrine of them by a more large discourse to the more plentiful inriching of this part of the Treasurie of our faith First concerning this that God is our Father Secondly concerning his almightie power Thirdly concerning his creation and the seuerall workes thereof And fourthly concerning his fatherly prouidence both generally ouer all the workes of creation and also more specially toward his Church in the election c●lling gathering together and preseruation thereof Question FI●●● therefore what promise haue you in the holy Scriptures that God is mind 〈◊〉 to be a Father vnto vs For that God is a Father that is to say the first person in the most holy Trinity we haue seene the ground proofe of it already Now what ground haue you I say for the promise Answere In th● 2. Epistle to the Cor. chap. 6. The Apostle alledgeth the Prophesies of the old Testament concerning vs the Gentiles in this behalfe Question Which are those Prophesies Answer In the 16 verse of that chapter the Apostle hath these words God hath said I wil dwel among them and walke there and I will be their God and they shall be my people And verse 17. I will receiue you And verse 18. I will be a Father vnto you and you shall be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord almightie Explicatiō proofe These Prophesies the which as the same Apostle calleth them in the beginning of the next Chapter are so many promises they are diligently to be marked and to be surely laide holde vpon and apprehended of vs because if God were onely a father in respect of his natural and onely begotten Sonne and not also for the Sons sake a Father to vs by the couenant of grace and adoption we could not possibly beleeue in God to our comfort For by our Apostacie in Adam wee are wholly fallen from God not onely from the Father but also from the Sonne of God simply considered in the Deitie of his person and from the holy Ghost also the onely Spirit of them both Yea we are so fallen that we cannot possibly by any meanes be raised vp and restored againe but by the free grace of the Father through the mediation of the Son taking our nature and in the same by his redeeming iustifying sanctifying of vs vnto himselfe by the holy Ghost And for this cause it is that our Lord Iesus Christ of his t●nder loue is so earnest to assure vs in his holy Gospell that God is our Father For so hee speaketh oftentimes of him before his death teaching vs to pray to him as being our heauenly Father and after his resurrection also saying I goe vp to my Father and your Father c. Iohn chap. 20.17 Such therefore and so worthie and necessarie is the obseruation and faith of this most comfortable promise of God that he will be a Father vnto vs reconciled in and by his sonne our Lord Iesus Christ Question NOw let vs come to the comforts themselues such as belong to this article of our faith Which are they Answere First insomuch as God vouchsafeth to be a Father vnto vs his loue toward vs must needes be more pure and tender in that he is of a most holy and mercifull nature and infinitely more constant also in his loue in so much as hee is most faithfull then can be the loue of any the most louing and tender naturall Parents to their most deare and naturall children Secondly the comfort of this that God is our Father is very great in that according to the exceeding greatnes of his loue infinitely aboue the loue of all naturall parents so are his gifts and and benefites to his children infinitely aboue theirs both in number measure weight and value Explicatiō proofe It is very true And therefore it is that the Lord saith thus by his Prophet Isaiah ch 49 1●.16 Though a woman should forget her child not haue compassion of the sonne of her wombe yet would not I forget thee Behold saith the Lord I haue grauen thee vpon the palme of my hands thy walls are euer in my sight And chap. 63.16 Doubtlesse thou art our Father The Comforts Though Abraham would not know vs nor Israell acknowledge vs to wit to be kindely children to them insomuch as wee haue not walked in their straight steps nor done their good workes but haue committed much wickednes c. Yet O Lord saith the holy Prophet in the name of all the faithfull repenting them of their sinnes thou art our Father and our Redeemer Thy name is for euer God loueth all his creatures euen for that they a●e ●is creatures and specially mankinde From hence doth Iob make it a part of his ple●ding with God chap. 10.8 c. Thine hands haue made me and fashioned me who●e
incourage his Disciples saying Feare not little flocke it is the Fathers pleasure to giue you a Kingdome Secondly that God as a most louing and bountifull Father wil indue and furnish his children with all spirituall gifts graces c. consider it from the parable of our Sauiour Christ Luke chap. The prodigall child hath spent all his worldly riches but his Father inricheth him with a spirituall treasure and feedeth him with heauenly dainties c. Read also Isa ch 11.9 ch 54.13 Call to mind againe Eph. 1.3 and verses 16.17 c. For the third branch read Math. 6.31 Take no thought saying what shall wee eate c. For your Father saith our Sauiour Christ knoweth that ye haue need of all these things But seeke ye first the Kingdome of God and his righteousnes and all these things shal be ministred vnto you Seeing God is minded as we haue seene before to giue his children a heauenly Kingdome doubtlesse he will not denie them earthly things so farre as is meete for them Seeing hee hath already giuen his owne sonne for vs how shall he not with him giue vs all things also Rom. 8.32 Fourthly that God is minded to beare with the infirmities of his children that are carefull to obey him read Mal. chap. 3.17 They shall be to me saith the Lord of Hostes in that day that I shall doe this that is execute my iudgements against the wicked for a flocke and I will spare them as a man spareth his owne sonne that serueth him Then shalt thou returne and discerne betweene the righteous and the wicked betweene him that serueth God and him that ●erueth him not Read also Psal 103.8.9 The Lord is full of compassion slow to anger and of great kindnes He will not alwaies chide neither keepe his anger for euer He hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs according to our iniquities As high as the heauen is aboue the earth so great is the mercie of God toward them that feare him As farre as the East is from the West so farre hath hee remoued our sinnes from vs. As a Father hath compassion on his children so hath the Lord compassion on them that feare him For he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth that we are but a●st And Psal 13● 3.4 If thou Lord straitly markest iniquitie O Lord who shall stand But mercie is with thee that thou maiest be feared Fiftly that when God correcteth his children he doth it in loue reade Heb. 12.6 And that as a fruite of his loue he keepeth measure wee reade Psal 89.32.33 And Psa 125.3 The rod of the wicked shall not rest on the lot of the righteous c. Finally that God of his most gratious and fatherly goodnes will heare the complaints and supplications of his children in all their necessities i● is euident by this that our Sauiour Christ hath most comfortably taught and commanded and incouraged vs to pray to God as to our heauenly Father Math. 6.9 c. And chap. 7. verse 7. c. Aske saith our Sauiour Christ and it shall be giuen vnto you c For what man is there among you who if his sonne aske him bread would giue him a stone Or if hee aske fish will hee giue him a Serpent If ye then who are euill saith our Sauiour can giue your children good gifts how much more shall your Father which is in heauen giue good thinges to them that aske him Yea as wee reade further Luke chap. 11.13 How much more saith our Sauiour Christ shall your heauenly Father giue the holy Ghost to them that desire him It is very comfortable also that wee reade in the same Chapter from the ● verse Which of you shall haue a friend c. And Iohn chap. 16.23 Our Sauiour Christ is earnest in this point Verily verily saith hee I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my name hee will giue it to you For as it followeth v●rse 27. the Father himselfe loueth you because ye haue loued mee saith our Sauiour Christ and haue beleeued that I came out from God Thus farre of the comforts of this that God vouchsafeth to bee a Father vnto vs. THe duties pertaining to the comfort of this Article of our faith are next to be considered of vs. Question Which are they Answere First in so much as it is our principall comfort that God is our Father and that of his meere ●auour and grace it is our dutie first of all to beare in remembrance what our miserable estate is from our naturall parents of whom wee are conceiued in sinne and borne in iniquitie Yea that as wee ar● naturally descended of them wee are no bett●r then the children of the Diuell to whom the wrath of God is due for euer and euer This I say we are first of all to call to remembrance to the end we may continually put our selues in minde of that constant and euer increasing thankfulnes which i● due for so iuestimable and euerlasting a benefit and aduancement Secondly it is our most bounden dutie to withdrawe our selues from all the wayes motions and lustes of our owne sinnefull flesh and of this worlde and of the Di●ell Thirdlie it is our dutie to walke most chearfullie The Duties in all humble obedience and childe-like dutie toward God our heauenly Father beeing sorie aboue all things that wee haue hetherto bene so vndutifull vnto him Fourthlie wee are likewise admonished that it is our duety in that wee are children of God to bee imitators and followers of the same our heauenlie Father in all his most noble and diuine vertues so farre as wee may imploye our selues for the common benefit of all men speciallie concerning our Christian brethren who are members of the same houshold of faith with vs. Finallie in that wee beleeue in God to be our Father it is our bounden dutie to depende vpon his Fatherlie prouidence and in all things to account our selues to bee most gratiouslie dealt with and ordered in whatsoeuer estate and condition of life he hath placed vs for the time of our so beeing and so long also as it shall seeme good vnto him that wee doe so abide and remaine Explicatiō proofe These speciall dueties doe verie iustlie arise from the comfort of this so principall a point of ourfaith as may appeare by the proofes heereafter following Touching the first the Proph Ezekiel may be a worthie admonitor vnvnto vs in the name of God himselfe chapt 16. of his Prophesie from the beginning of the chapter in a very large and elegant discourse manie verses togither though verie sharpe and reprehensiue as the intollerable ingratitude of that people had fullie deserued Sonne of man saith the Lorde cause Ierusalem to knowe her abominations And say thou thus saith the Lorde God vnto Ierusalem Thine habitation and thy kindred is of the lande of Canaan thy father was an Amorite and thy mother an Hittite And
three men of Israel there mentioned who professed that they would not worship King Nebuchadnezzars Idoll though God should not see it meete for them or for his owne glorie to deliuer them Finallie for the proofe of the last branch Reade Rom. 8.31 For seeing the Almightie God is our Father wee may boldely comforte our selues with the words of the Apostle there saying If God be on our side who can be against vs And so forth as it followeth in a most comfortable triumph of Faith described to the end of the chapter Read also Hebr 6 17 18 19 20. Where the Apostle teacheth vs that the promise and oath of God beeing both of them immutable do minister vnto vs strong cōsolation a most sure refuge to hold fast the hope that is set before vs. Read also 1. Pet 1.5 Wee are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation Herevnto also belongeth the comfort of the resurrection of our bodies and of the renewing of all the creatures to a farre more excellent state and condition then they were created in at the first For all these are effects of the almightie power of God For by the same power wherwith God made the worlde and after destroyed it by water and restored it againe and shall at the last day destroye it yet againe with fire by the same power I say shal he restore it at the last of all and set all things in a more comfortable estate then at anie time before According to that which wee read Rom 8 19 20. and 1. Corinth 6.14 and 2. Thessalon 1 9 10 11 12. And as wee read further 2 Pet. 3.10 11 12 13. and Reuelat chap 21.1 c. These are the comforts and we cannot but to the glorie of God acknowledge that they are verie gratious and great Question NOwe which are the duties which the faith of these so great comforts ought to yeelde in obedience to God in regarde of the same his almightie and most gratious and Fatherlie power extended towardes vs Answere First it is the dutie of a true and liuely faith in the allmightie power of God our heauenlie Father to acknowledge and ascribe all power to God as belonging onely to him and according●ie to giue the whole praise and glorie therof to his Name alone Secondly it is our duty to praye vnto God that he would to the further glorie of his name make his power more more manifest in toward his whole church euery one of vs his weak and fraile children specially that power which he hath made knowne by his Gospell through his Sonne our Lorde Ie us Christ to the crucifying of sinne and to the quickening of vs to newenesse of life with mightie increases against all naturall strength of corruption and against the supernaturall power of the Diuell Thirdly it is our duetie beleeuing in the almighty power of God so to tremble at his iudgements that wee doe make his feare as a bridle to holde vs backe from sinne Fourthlie it is our dutie from the same comfort of Faith to animate and incourage our selues and one to incourage and imbolden another against our owne timorousnes or distrustfulnes and against euerie terrour whereby eyther the Diuell or any of his instruments would goe about to discourage and dismay vs from doing of our duties in our seuerall places and callings Finallie it is our dutie in all things yea euen in the dooing ef our best duties eyther to God or man to humble our selues vnder the mightie hand of God Explication and proofe That these are dueties belonging to the comfort of faith in the Almightie power of God First Reade Psalm 62.11 God hath spoken once yea twise that is often haue I heard the same that power belongeth to God And Rom 13.1 Ther is no power but of God Read also Iohn 19.11 It followeth therfore according to that wee read Psalm 68.34 that wee are to ascribe All power to God for his Maiestie is vppon Israel and his strength in the clowdes O God saith the Psalmist in the next verse thou art terrible out of thy holy places The God of Israel is hee that giueth strength and power vnto the people praised bee God See the practise 1. Chronicles c. and Psalme Reade also Psalme 21.13 Bee thou exalted O Lord in thy strength so will wee sing and praise thy power And Psalme 28.7.8 The Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I was helped therefore mine heart shall reioice and with my song will I praise him The Lord is their strength and he is the strength of the deliuerances of his Anointed And then in the same place the last verse of the Psalme there followeth a prayer according to the second branch of your answere Saue thy people and blesse thine inheritance feede them also and exalt them for euer Reade also the next Psalme which celebrateth the power of God c. But more neare to the purpose of this second point lay the Answere of GOD to the prayer of the Apostle Paul 2. Corinthians 12.8.9 My grace saith the Lord to Paul is sufficient for thee for my power is made perfect through weakenes Most of all consider to this purpose the earnest and as hee professeth the often prayer of the same Apostle for the Ephesians chap. 1. of that Epistle verses 16. c 19.20 c. For the third point reade Hebrues 10.30.31 Wee knowe him that hath saide Vengeance belongeth to mee and I will recompence saith the Lord. And againe The Lord will iudge his people It is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God And 1. Corinthians 10.21 Doe wee prouoke the Lord to anger Are wee stronger then he And Psalme 90.11 Who knoweth the power of thy wrath For according to thy feare is thine anger That is No man can feare more then there is iust cause The anger of the mightie God scareth vs not in vaine Worthily therefore saith the Prophet Ier. chap. 10.6.7 In so much as there is none like vnto thee O Lord seeing thou art great and thy name is great in power who would not feare thee O King of Nations for to thee appertained the dominion or power c. For the fourth point concerning incouragement to well doing against all distrust and against euerie timorous and seruile feare c. Reade Matthew 10.18 c. Feare ye not them which kill the bodie but rather feare him which is able to destroy both soule and body in Hell In which wordes our Sauiour Christ incourageth his M●nisters to preach the Gospell boldly without feare of any man Reade also 2. Corinthians 5.11 and Ieremie chap. 1.17 Trusse vp thy loynes saith the Lord to his Prophet and arise and speake vnto them all that I command thee Bee not afraide of their faces lest I destroy thee before them But not onely the Ministers of the word but also euery faithfull seruant of
God euen from the beginning of the world THese things thus obserued Let vs now come to the secōd daies work the which Question for our more familiar vnderstanding we vse to cal Monday What did the Lord create in it Answere The Lord so cleared and ordered the regions of the aire as they might be most commodious for the placing of all heauenly creatures in their proper seates limits and circuites as it were in their chambers and lofts each aboue other and likewise that all earthly creatures might liue comfortably vpon the earth euery one according to their kindes when they should afterward be created As it followeth in the 6.7 8. verses of this first chapter of Genesis Question Rehearse Moses his own words as they are there conteined Which are they Answere They are these Againe God said Let there be a firmament or as it is Englished more agreeable to the Hebrew word in the margent of our Bibles Let there be a spreading ouer and therewithall aire in the middest of the waters and let it seperate the waters from the waters 7 Thus God made a certeine firmament or spreading ouer as before and separated the waters which were vnder the same firmament from the waters which were aboue it and it was so 8 And God called this firmamēt heauē so the euening the morning were the 2 day The work of the Lord in this second day though it be recorded but as one yet it is a very great and a gratious one For therin he fitted the regions of the ayre for all excellent vses that the Sun and the Moon and the Starres might haue their places courses in them that the clowds might haue their place course as the bottels of God to water the earth in due time that the snow and the haile might be congealed and spred abroade in their due seasons c. And that the earthly creatures might haue a cleare and thin not a grosse and foggie aier to draw their breath in and that also to this end the windes might with their blasts purge the same For to these if ther be any such like purposes God in this second day fitted the whole aier and disposed of the seuerall regions as it were the sollers and loftes and chambers thereof according to that of the 104. Psal verse 3. The Lorde layeth the beames of his chambers in the water and hee maketh the clowdes his Chariot and walketh vpon the wings of the winde And verse 13. Hee watereth the mountaines from his chambers And Gen 7.11 it is said to note aboundance of rain● that the windowes of these chambers were opened the which are called the windowes of Heauen Likewise Mal 3.10 In this respect also the clowdes are called the bottels of Heauen Iob 38.37 On this day also this part of the firmament had a disposition giuen it in the times and seasons therof to ingender snowe and haile c. Of the which wee read in the same 38. chapt of the booke of Iob. So that from hence wee may not vnfitlie gather that the clowdes and the windes had their creation in this second day besides that all was fitted to all ends before specified Read also Iob chap 38.9 where the clowdes are said to haue beene the couering of the Sea while darknesse was as the swadling bands therof Amos 4.13 God is the Creator of the windes Thus therefore did the Lord in the second day cleare and order the aire in most excellent manner euen before the deepe gulfe of the waters were emptied out of the earth and before ther was any drie land at all to the end that herein as well as before and as we shall haue occasion to obserue afterward the wisedome and power and goodnesse of God might rather be considered in it selfe then from the reason of naturall causes as the ouerwise Philosophers of the world haue too busilie accustomed themselues to doe for want of the true knowledge of the word of God herein This firmament or spreading out and the ordering of the aire and namely of that region or circular space which the Lorde hath appointed for the raine and moysture of heauen to be staied in ouer our heads and euen this lower aire also wherin we liue and breath God called heauen that is he appointed them to be as wee may say the aiery heauen according as wee vse to call the foules or raine and such like things which are in these partes of the aier the fowles or clowdes or raine of heauen c. This as Moses assureth vs was God his wise gratious and mighty work in the second day For the which we ought to glorifie praise his most holie and glorious name as Ps 148.4 Question THe worke of the third day is next Howe doth Moses reporte that Answere It foloweth thus in the 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. verses of the same 1. chap of Gene. 9 God said againe let the waters that be vnder the heauen gather themselues or flowe together into one place and let the drie land appeare and it was so 10 And God called the drie land Earth and he called the gathering together of the waters Seas and God saw that it was good 11 God said also let the earth bud forth the bud of the hearb that seedeth seed the fruitfull tree which beareth fruit according to his kinde which hath his seede in it selfe vpon the earth and it was so 12 Thus the earth brought forth the budde of the hearbe that seeedeth seede according to his kinde also the tree that beareth fruit which hath his seede in it selfe according to his kinde And God saw that it was good Expl●cation and proofe 13 So the euening and the morning were the third day This day was that which we commonly call Tuesday Here are two mightie workes of God The one the clearing of the land as before the Lord had cleared the ayre The other the replenishing of the earth with hearbes and trees bearing their seedes and fruits But because the clearing of the earth from the waters could not be done without another worke for the conveyance and as we may say channelling and banking in of the Seas Note also that the riuers and fountaines or springs of water were ordered dis●o●ed in this day read Reuel 14.7 therefore we may iustlie vnderstand this to be a third worke of God vpon the third day The least whereof could not possiblie be wrought and brought to passe but by an Almightie and creating power Of these things therfore let vs stand to consider a little that our mindes may be the better informed concerning the greatnes and excellencie of them by the help of some other testimonies of the holie Scriptures which doe worthilie stand in the commemoration of the same And first for the clearing of the earth by the emptying of the waters it is spoken of as of a worke of a newe creation For before this it was as if it had not
earth is called Adam And after the bodie was thus framed and made God breathed into it the breath of life and so made man of senslesse and dead flesh a liuing and reasonable soule Hee made woman of the ribbe of man and endued her also with a like liuing and reasonable soule like vnto him yea as it were another as neere as might be the verie same a helper euery way most meet and commodious for him Whom Adam called first Isha of the Hebrew word Is● which signifieth man like as we in our language by a likenes of sound may seeme to call her woman as it were of man or with man because shee was taken out of man and is one man with him And afterward Adam called her Heuah comforting himselfe in hope that notwithstanding his great and grieuous sinne God would of his free grace and mercie let her liue to be a mother of the liuing answerable to the meaning of the same Hebrew word Explication and proofe So indeed Moses reporteth the true Historie of the creation of man Gen chapter 2. verse 7. And of woman in the same chapter verses 18 21 22 23. where hee setteth downe how the Lord tooke a rib●● from Adam of the which hee made woman namely after that hee had ca●sed an heauy sleepe to fall vpon him and likewise after that he had closed vp the flesh in stead of the bone which GOD tooke from him Adam therefore acknowledgeth her to be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh and therevpon as was answered giueth her the first name Isha of Ish as we say woman of man because as was said euen now shee was taken out of man And for the second name reade Chapter 3.20 And thus as the Apostle Paul saith from the faithfull testimonie of Moses Adam was first formed and then Eue. 1. Tim 2.13 Either part of which worke of God must needs be wonderfull to all but prophane Infidels As first to see a lumpe of earth chaunged from the naturall substance to be flesh yea and blood and bone framed together by ioynts knit by sinewes ouerspread with vaines and stringes as with net-worke to carry the vitall blood to euery part of the bodie to feele such a fire kindled in the stomacke the liuer and lightes and kidneies to haue their seuerall offices assigned them the heart to be made the seate of life and affection the braine of vnderstanding and memorie the eye to haue such an excellent facultie to see the eare to heare c. Who of any capacitie and of the least good disposition can consider these things but hee must needs wonder at them as being more then a world of the wisedome and power and goodnes of the Lorde in the making of this his little admirable world from a rude peece of earth and afterward to doe as much againe with a little bone This verily doth infinitely surpasse all mans power and skill Our neglect of glorifying God for this his wonderfull wisedome goodnes in our exquisite creation is the iust cause why God sendeth so great distemper so manifold diseases and disquietments in soule and bodie in eyes eares hands feete heart and all as he doth oftentimes Yea it is the cause of the decay of all at the last touching this life Eccles ch c. Question But why did the Lord proceed in this order to make man first and afterwards to make the woman That he might thereby shewe it to be his pleasure Answere that man should haue authoritie abou● the woman and yet so as euery mans wife should be as a companion and not as a seruant or drudge to her husband So indeed it is euident in that place of Tim Reade also to this purpose that which the same Apostle writeth E●●licatiō and proofe 1. Cor where the authoritie of man ouer the woman is notably qualified in the 11. 12. verses of the same chapter Reade also chap 14.34.35 And here we come now to a fewe such other points belonging to this historie of the creation of mankinde hoping that we shall not herein be curious or ouer inquisitiue seeing that the knowledge thereof serueth greatly to the glorifying of God in this behalfe I do therefore aske further Question Why did God make the bodie of man of so base a matter as is the dust of the earth Answere Hereby God would teach both the first man and woman and vs and all their posteritie to humble our selues vnder the mightie and glorious hand of our Creator Explication and proofe This is euident from that which followeth by and by after the fall For the Lord looking herevnto telleth Adam that he was dust and that hee should return to dust againe Gen 3.19 Read also Ps 9● 3 Isai 45.9 Ier. 18.6 For vnto this ground of our creation out of the earth hath the Lord a respect in the similitude of the Potter in those places Many say that the Peacock garnished with goodly feathers and therewith aduancing himselfe yet so soone as he looketh vpon his black feete letteth downe all his brauerie againe Howsouer it is with the Peacocke it ought certainly to humble man euen in his greatest excellencie when hee duly considereth that his originall is from the earth and that now by reason of his sinne he must to the earth againe And in this respect the excellent vertue or humilitie seemeth from the latin word hum●● which sign●● the grounde or earth to haue borrowed the name whereby it is named among vs. Question But that we may proceed Why was the woman made of the ribbe of man Answere To the end that both they and we and all their posteritie knowing our selues to be in a most neere coniunction of one and the same nature might from time to time liue together in a most sweete and amiable fellowship and societie euery one with his companion and neighbour Explicatiō proofe This is that which the Apostle Paul doth plainly teach vs Act chap 17. 26. 27. And further also that which hee maketh a ground of the generall dutie of all mankind euen truly to acknowledge and worship the Lord our God together according as he hath made vs of one blood c. But specially this consideration bindeth man and wife to a singular kinde of amitie and friendship betweene themselues aboue any other according to that we read Ephe ● 22.23.24 25. c. Also according as Moses writeth that God built woman out of man taking the ribbe of man as being a most fit r●fter to build withall and so made them both one house and a perfect building as it were Question B t was it not painful to Adam to haue his r●bbe taken from him Answere No for as was said before God caused a verie heauie sleepe to fall vpon him while he tooke it out of him So indeed Moses certifieth vs in the 21. verse of the 2. chap of Genesis But why was this Question
weighty in respect of God to whom alone doth iustlie belong the souereigne free bestowing and disposing of all his creatures and blessings both spirituall and also belonging to this life aboue all demande of euery why or wherfore hee should doe so or so It is proper and pertaining to God alone to saye May I not doe with my owne as I will Let vs therfore cast away all enuying at the prosperitie of other speciallie of other our fellow brethren and conuert all murmuring into a thankfull admiration at the goodnes of God which he exerciseth continuallie towards the poorest and basest of those that doe truely beleeue in him Whose outward afflictions hee doth recompence alwaies with inward and spirituall comforts and blessings as was said a little before GOD our heauenlie Father in this his vnequall vneuen course as fleshe and blood is readie to thinke of it may as one saith well be likened to a most skilfull Phisition in that hee ordereth his Phisicke according to the differing estate and condi ion of his Patients For hee knoweth that one dramme will doe as much with some as a greater quantitie of the same Drugge in another mans bodie c. So likewise the Lord he knoweth that a little headache will preuaile as much to humble one whom hee hath alreadie broken as an extreame collicke or gowte with an other that is yet of a sturdie and stoute stomacke The diuerse dealing of the Lorde therefore sheweth plainelie that hee doth not rule as a Father ouercarried with an inordinate or partiall pittie but as a most wise holie and righteous Father But admit this it may bee some will say that God as a most wise holie and discrete Father vseth the afflictions and humiliations of his children like as a Phisition vseth his bitter potions to cure the euils and sinnes which they are subiect vnto here in this life Yet how can death which to the viewe of the ca●nall eye doth not seldome fall cruellie vppon them be counted for good phisicke and to be a healing medicine For this destroyeth euen nature it se fe And death as we may say is after a sorte the shame of all phisicke Question Howe therefore may it agree to the Fatherlie hand of God and that his Diuine skill should haue any stroke herein Most of all seeing he hath in his most gracious prouidence appointed and preordained Answere death to be vnto all his children a counter-poison against death the most speedie and immediate passage vnto euerlasting life and therein to the possession and fruition of all perfect health wealth and honour for euer and euer Explicatiō proofe A notable proofe hereof wee read Philip 1 21 22 23 24. Likewise 2. Timot 4.8 and 1. Pet 1.3.4 c. Moreouer Psalm 116.15 Precious saith the holy Prophet in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints And the same againe Psalm 72.14 Deare shall their bloud be in his sight And beside this it is to be further considered that it is the good pleasure of God to take away his righteous seruants from greater euils that are after to fall vpon the wicked that remaine Isai chap 57 1. And that to this gratious ende and purpose that they should not be peruerted in their mindes to fall into errors of iudgement ouerswaied by the corruptions of the time nor carried away after common sinnes and disorders increasing ouer-strongly in the dayes wherin they liue Neuerthelesse it is not seldome seene that the Lorde maketh his seruants euen herein this world glorious by his wonderfull deliuerances and that hee crowneth them with age as with a crowne of glorie in that they are found constant in the righteous waies of God euen as it pleaseth him though death had seemed sundrie times to haue grappeled vpon them Yea and euen generallie if wee shall wisely consider wee shall finde that in common calamities God sheweth himselfe oftentimes more fauourable to his people then to their aduersaries though manie and great be their sinnes whereby they doe dailie prouoke him According to that we read Isai chapt 27.7 Hath he smitten him as hee smote those that did smite him Or is hee slaine according to the slaughter of them that were slaine by him Thou contendest with him that is with thy people as saith the holie Prophet in measure c. But hee taketh their enemies away as with a rough Spirit or blast in the daye of the Eastwinde But for all this it will peradventure be further obiected and vrged in waye of amplification that not onely particular persons but also euen whole Citties Countries and Nations professing the true religion of God doe sometimes fall before their enemies who are wicked and professed idolaters c. Question What is to be further answered to this Answere They that haue the better cause may neuertheles be guiltie of some grieuous sinnes wherin they lie without repentance for the which God in his iustice seeth meete to punish them Yea and by circumstance the sinnes of the professors of the Gospel may easilie bee greater then the sinnes of some ignorant idolaters who haue not the light of the word of God shining among them Explicatiō and proofe It is true according to that manner of aggrieuing the sinnes of Bethsaida and Capernaum aboue the sinnes of the Sodomites c the which our Sauiour Christ vseth Matth 11.20 c. And againe he affirmeth generallie that whosoeuer he be that knoweth his maisters will and doth it not shal be beaten with the more stripes But be it that their sinnes be not more heinous yet what letteth why God may not correct them in that measure whervnto they are growne that so hee may preuent the extremitie wherevnto they would shortly come And besides it may be that in the present action of defence or reuenge vpon the enemies of Gods truth or violaters of common honestie and iustice they who haue the better cause doe not prepare themselues to deale in it with holie mindes Or it may bee they doe trust in their owne strength and doe not staye themselues vprightly vpon the Lord. The which seemeth to be the sinne of the other tribes of Israel against the tribe of Beniamin before whom they fell twice Iudges chapt 20. For this verilie wee are verie apte vnto euen to presume ouer-much in a good cause as if our owne sinnes could not hinder the successe of it in our hands But therin we may easilie deceiue our selues and therfore it standeth vs in hand to walke humblie before the Lord our God and to seeke peace with him that so he may be intreated to prosper vs euen in the best seruice which wee may possiblie be imployed in But the cauilling wittes of men will be yet still maligning and oppugning the Fatherlie prouidence of our God For by an vnreuerend prying into it they snatch at this among the rest of their quarrells that manie notoriouslie wicked both particular persons also whole Cities
Lord say thus I haue no delight in thee Behold saith king Dauid here am I let him doe to mee what seemeth good in his eyes And Psalm 39.9 I should haue bene dombe and not haue opened my mouth because thou diddest it And Psalme 119.75 And Isaiah 39.8 The word of the Lord is good which thou hast spoken saith Ezekiah to the Prophet Isaiah Read also Dan and Nehem 9.33 And not to waite for the counsell of God is noted to be a fruit of vnbeliefe Psalme 106.13 For the hope of a good issue wee haue seene sufficient ground in the fourth branch That it is our duty to increase in loue toward God according to the increase of our deliuerances Read Psalm 116.1 I loue the Lord because he hath heard my voice and my prayers c. And Psalme 18. I loue thee dearely O Lord my strength It is the beginning of the Psalme which Dauid writ after that God had deliuered him out of the handes of all his enemies The fruit wherof was this that he was the more established in Gods goodnes See Psalm 3. and 23. And in the holie Storie 1. Sam. And 2. Corinth 1.10 and 2. Timot chapt 4.17.18 That it is our dutie both in prosperitie and aduersitie to be thankefull to God take Iob for a notable example chapt 1.21 The Lord hath giuen and the Lord hath taken blessed be the name of the Lord. And chapt 2.10 Shall wee receiue good at the hand of God and shall we not receiue euill In all things saith the Apostle giue thankes for this is the will of God in Christ Iesus towardes you 1. Thess 5.18 Verilie there is no bit of bread that we eat in prosperitie nor any garment which we put on c. Neither in aduersity is ther the least mitigation of paine or renewing of comfort but it is from the prouident and Fatherlie hand of God who houldeth our soules in life And therfore iust cause why we should be thankfull to him for all his goodnes Both in the one estate and also in the other we ought to resolue our selues with Iob to put our trust in the Lorde though hee should kill vs. ch 13.15 It is our dutie aso to reioice in the execution of the iudgements of God against the wicked Read Psalm 58.10.11 and 64.10 and And Psal 136. And Psal 119.62 At midnight saith the Prophet will I rise to giue thankes vnto thee because of thy righteous iudgements And verse 104. Seuen times a day doe I praise thee because of thy righteous iudgements And Isaiah 49.13 Reioyce O heauens and be ioyfull O earth brust forth into praise O mountaines for God hath comforted his people and will haue mercie vpon his afflicted c. Finallie wheras wee haue seene before that there are speciall comfortes appertaining to death as touching those that die in the Lord so let it not be forgotten heere that in so much as it is in it selfe a speciall fruit or punishment of sinne there are speciall good vses to be made of the due meditation of it in this respect For first it is verie effectuall to beate downe all hautines and pride of hearte in vs whilest that wee remember as the truth is that wee are but dust and that to dust wee must returne Genes 3.19 And Psalme 90.3 Genes 18.27 Secondlie it may iustlie preuaile with vs to withdrawe our heartes from all inordinate care of delicious pampering of the flesh which is but a fatting of it for the wormes Isaiah chap. 14.11 Iob. 17.13.14 Thirdlie it may iustl●e prouoke vs to the speedie imbracing of the feare of God and to the diligent practise of euery good and Christian dutie seeing we haue but a short tine of abiding here and because God wil call vs to an account howe wee haue spent our life Psalme Ecclesiast 11.9 and chapt 12.14 Fourthlie it may well be vsed as a speciall remedie against hypocrisie in matters of Gods holie and immediate worship and against all dissembling deceitfull dealing towards men because nothing will giue sound comfort against death but that which is sincere and vnfained An euill conscience will betraye it selfe Matth. And chapt 22.12.13 Last of all it is mightie to admonishe vs to holde fast the faith and loue of Christ who is the onely roote and fountaine of all comfort both in life and in death in this worlde and in that which is to come Philippians chapter 1.21 These then and all other like to these are the duties belonging to the comfort of faith in Gods fatherlie prouidence But here a doubt may seeme profitablie to be answered though something hath bene alreadie said concerning that point for the answering of it before The Danger of not beleeuing For seeing that all things are so ruled and ordered by Gods Almightie prouidence that without his blessing it is altogether in vaine to goe about to bu●ld the house Question or to watch the citie c as wee read Ps 127. Doth not this take away and vtterlie frustrate all our prouidence or fore-cast all whatsoeuer diligence and indeuour we shal vse either in our ciuill or domesticall and houshold affaires and busines of this life Answere No it is farre otherwise God expreslie requireth and commandeth our best diligence withall holie and discret circumspection and fore-sight to serue his diuine Prouidence in verie many things for his glorie and our owne benefit and hee hath also promised and doth daylie yeelde blessing and good successe there-vnto Onely wee must take heede that we trust not in our owne wit diligence or in any lawfull meanes whatsoeuer we vse but in the blessing of the liuing God alone As touching wicked and vnlawfull meanes we must in no wise vse any of them And seeing the wisedome gouernment of God our heauenly Father is high aboue all our vnderstanding and indeuours therefore also it is our part to be content though things take not that effect alwaies which we intend desire insomuch as we may be sure that God will bring all to a more excellent passe then we could once conceiue in our mind Explicatiō proofe It is very true and wee haue seene sufficient ground of it before Neuerthelesse God alloweth of all those indeuours which his children make according to the rules of his reuealed will and within the compasse of their callings Hee will also turne their indeuours to their blessing and reward howsoeuer for secret causes knowne to himselfe hee doth not giue them their desired and expected effect but rather the contrary as it may seeme And that God requireth our diligence and wisedome in seruing his prouidence it is euident euery where both by precept and also from the notable examples of the seruants of God Read Pro 6.6 Goe to the pismire ô thou sluggarde c Eccl 9.10 All that thy hand shall find to doe do it with all thy power c and Ier 48.10 Cursed
glorious as the christian Iewes did to whom the Apostle Peter wrote 1. Epist cha 1. verse 6 7 8 9 10. In deede it is true that to infidel's and vnbeleeuers these things are no more comfortable then there is taste in the white of an egge without salt as Iob speaketh For it is faith onely which maketh them relish and therefore to the beleeuers onely they are thus sweete and comfortable as hath beene described Whereof we may see a contrary example in either sort that is both of beleeuers and vnbeleeuers Act. 28. verses 23 24. and so forth to the end of the chapter But let vs now proceede What is the comfort of this that the Sonne of God our most blessed and comfortable Sauiour Question is the Christ or annointed of God as we haue seene before Answere This also must needes be exceedingly comfortable to euery beleeuing Christian in that according as he is a person of incomparable dignitie so he is called of God to a most holy office aboue all other both Prophets and also high Priests and Kings euen to such an office as bringeth the greatest ioy that may be to the Church of God as hath alreadie beene in a good part declared Explicatiō and proofe It is so indeed For in this respect as was alledged before hee is said to be annointed with the oyle of gladnes aboue all others Heb. 1.9 For the which cause also hee is most worthily celebrated to bee both the light of the Gentiles and also the glorie of Israel and so the onely reioycing of all the people of God Luke chap. 2. verses 29 30 31 32. and 1. Cor. 31. The Comforts And it standeth with very good reason in so much as hereby we know him to be one lawfully called to thi● high honour and not to haue intruded himselfe as was likewise obserued before Heb. 5.4 These things with the rest m ntioned in the interpretation are here necessarily to be called to minde againe Generally the comfort hereof may euidently appeare in this that by the grace and vertue of this most holy anointing of our Sauiour Christ all true beleeuers are called to the dignity of christianity according to that which is recorded Acts. 11.16 Where wee see the originall of this honourable name And in the 1. Ep of Iohn ch 2. verses 20. and 17. Where we haue the comfortable signification of it in part as noting that spirituall knowledge wisedome and discretion which christians receiue from Christ But let vs search out the comfort of the ●●●●nting of our Sauiour more particularly Question And first What is the comfort of his anointing to the Prophetship that is to be the Prince of all Prophets and the chiefe Doctor Teacher of the Ch●●●● Answere It is very comfortable in that wee are hereby put out of all doubt whom wee are to heare and in whose doctrine we may safely rest and stay our selues Explicatiō proofe It is a very great comfort indeede as we may perceiue by the consideration of the contrary For it breedeth a very vncomfortable distraction and confusion ●n the minde of a man d●sirous to know the truth when through the diuersitie of Sects and Teachers hee knoweth not whom to beleeue nor to whom he should ioyne himselfe To this end therefore it may iustly be to the singular comfort of euery christian to consider euen to the certifying and quieting of his minde in this behalfe that our Sauiour Christ●s vndoubtedly appointed of God to be the onely chiefe and vniuersall Doctor and Teacher of his whole Catholike and vniuersal● Church For so ●ur Sauiour himselfe saith Matth. 23.8.10 One is your Doctor Christ And to the end we might the rather be cōfortably established in thi● point our Sauiour doth most earnestly and vsually affirme his doctrine in a manner of asseueration proper to himselfe saying Verily verily I say vnto you c Wherevpon also he hath this title giuen vnto him that he is Amen faithfull and true yea the very truth it selfe as we haue seene before To this purpose also it is testified that he hath taught vs the will of God from the bosome of the Father Iohn 1.18 And that ●n him are hidden all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge Colos 2.3 Read also verse 4 c. This I say saith the Apostle lest any man should beguile you with entising words c. As ye haue therefore receiued Christ Iesus the Lord so walke ye in him rooted and built in him established in the faith as ye haue bin taught aboūding therin with thanksgiuing c This comfort may well be furthermore obserued from the speech of the same Apostle borrowed from the Prophet Moses Rom. 10.6 c. Say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heauen c. or who shall descend into the deepe c. The word is neare thee euen in thy mouth and in thine heart c. And herewithall did Peter comfo●t himselfe and hi● fellow Disciples Iohn 6.60 For to whom shall we goe saith he to our Sauiour Christ Thou hast the words of eternall life Let vs therefore conclude this point with the words of our Sauiour the very true wisedome of God Pro. 8.33.34 Blessed is the man that heareth me watching daily at my gates and giuing attendance at the postes of my doores For he that findeth me findeth life and he shall obtaine fauour of the Lord. Thus then it is very comfortable to our faith that our Sauiour Christ is anointed of God to be our Prophet We shall see it yet more fully when we come to his doctrine It followeth now that you are to shew what the comfort of the same our faith is Question in that he is anointed of God to be our high Priest yea a royall and kingly high Priest What I say or how great may the comfort of this be Answere The comfort thereof is so much the greater by how much his most holy and high Priesthood is infinitely more beneficiall and profitable to the Church then euer was the Priesthood of Aaron in so much as he is a most mercifull high Priest and able to saue them that come vnto God by him seeing he liueth for euer to make most effectuall intercession for them That it may be so much the more comfortable we may euidently perceiue by that testimony and comparison which the Apostle maketh in this behalfe Heb. cha 2. Explicatiō proofe verse 17. And cha 7. the whole chapter c. But is there no other comfort Question In so much as our ●auiour Christ is not onely a high Priest but also of a royall and Princely order Answere this doth further more warrant vnto vs not onely his high estimation with God but also that hee shall preuaile against all the aduersaries of our saluation It warranteth vs also that he hath power and authoritie to make lawes for the gouernement of his kingdome as also to appoint offices and officers for the administration of his
let him reioyce in the Lord. In which respect also he is called our life and the hope of our glorie Colos 1.27 and chap. 3. verse 4. When Christ who is our life shall appeare then shall ye also appeare with him in glory This making of our Sauiour to be a fit person to these so great ends and purposes of Gods manifesting of his rich and glorious grace began euen by the most holy conception of his humane nature in the wombe of the Virgin Whence it is also that as the Apostle Peter teacheth vs God according to his godly power hath giuen vnto vs all things that pertaine to life and to godlines through the knowledge of him that hath called vs vnto glory and vertue Whereby or as wee may reade rather in so much as most great and pretious promises are giuen vnto vs that by them wee should be partakers of the diuine or godly nature that is of the renewing of the Image of God in holines and righteousnes as a fruit of this our spirituall communion with God in and through our Lord Iesus Christ in that as it followeth in the Apostle we flee the corruption that is in the world through lust Read also to this purpose Iohn ch 14. v. 16 c. 26. and so forth For these are those pretious promises which the Apostle Peter speaketh of which are the cause also of these so great effects The Duties according to that of the Apostle Iohn 1. Epist 1.3.4 and chap. 4.16 And all these haue their foundation in the conception and incarnation of Iesus Christ the verie true Sonne of God our Lord. Yet so as the confirmation and ratifying thereof hath a necessary and further reference not only to his birth and life but also euen to his death and thenceforth to his sitting at the right hand of God the Father in his diuine maiesty and glory O most blessed and happy time therefore that euer in Christ Iesus this only begotten Sonne of God our humane nature was thus gloriously vnited to the diuine nature by a most sacred bond neuer thenceforth to be dissolued againe that he might for euer be Immanuel God with vs and an euerlasting redeemer and Sauiour vnto vs. Thus much concerning the Comforts of faith in respect of this Article THe duties which ought to arise from the same Comforts are in the next place to be considered of vs. Question Which are they Answere First wee are to take diligent heede that we doe conceiue nothing carnally or corruptly but most purely and holily of this conception of our Sauiour the which though it was very naturall in the effect as touching the Virgin Marie and the humane nature of our Sauiour yet in the manner it was most heauenly and diuine in respect of the holy Ghost Secondly it is our dutie to esteeme most reuerendly of it blessing God alwaies with most thankefull hearts for his great mercie in reuealing this most secret and comfortable mystery vnto vs. Thirdly it may iustly admonish vs to humble our selues in the acknowledgment of our own natural and sinful corruption in the ordinarie course of our conception Fourthly hereby we may learne that without our Sauiour Christ our profane nature could by no meanes haue beene perfectly sanctified to God We may learne also from this consideration to beleeue in the holy Ghost as in God our sanctifier in so much as he had so diuine a hand in the chiefe meanes of our sanctification and whole redemption Finally we may iustly put our selues in minde from hence to sooke for our sanctification and all increases thereof by vsing those meanes onely which the holy Ghost hath sanctified to that holy end and purpose We may well doe so indeede But let vs see some particular proofes from point to point Explicatiō and proofe in order For the first point that which wee reade Iohn 3.6 may afford vs a good proofe in that our Sauiour himselfe saith That which is borne of the spirit is spirit For seeing he speaketh so of our spirituall regeneration it may much rather be affirmed that his conceiuing of our Sauiour was euery way most spirituall pure and holy For the second we haue Elizabeth for a notable example in that she reioiced at the conception of our Sauiour blessing the fruit of Maries wombe and God for reuealing it vnto her many months before it was borne Wee haue likewise the example of Marie her selfe who praiseth God and reioyceth in her Sauiour while yet he was in her wombe And thus from them wee may perceiue that we ought not to thinke reade or heare of the conception of our Sauiour but it ought iustly to be a matter of great ioy and thankfulnes euen to this day and for euer so long as the world shall endure Touching the third It is an euident conuiction of mans naturall corruption seeing our Sauiour who was to be pure from his conception might not be conceiued by humane generation For that which is borne of the flesh is flesh that is to say it is corrupt and sinfull as our Sauiour teacheth in the 3. chap. of Iohn the former part of the 6. verse before alledged According to the fourth point our Sauiour is called our holines and so is made vnto vs as it were by the hand of the holy Ghost as wee saw it plainely testified before 1. Cor. 1.30 The danger of not beleeuing this Article For the fift point reade Iohn cha 3. verse 3. and 5. Except a man he borne againe of water and of the spirit he can neither see nor enter into the kingdome of God Reade also 1. Pet. 1. verses 2. and 22. And 2. Thes 2.12 For the last point reade forward in the 14. verse of the same chapter And 1. Cor. ch 12. verse 3. and 13. For the word and sacraments are speciall meanes of our sanctification Reade also 1. Ioh. ch 17. verse 17. Eph. 5.25 26 27. and Tit. 3.5 Hauing thus seene the ground of this Article as also the meaning the promise comforts and duties the last thing to be considered according to our order is the danger of not beleeuing in our Sauiour Christ conceiued by the holy Ghost and thereby taking the true nature of man of the substance of the Virgin Marie Question WHat therefore is the danger of it They that beleeue not in our Sauiour Christ conceiued such manner of one as he was Answere and of necessitie must be can neither beleeue rightly in Iesus Christ either brought into the world or liuing in the world or going out of the same againe and consequently can haue no fruit or benefit by him It is very true The whole doctrine of faith is so nearely knit and lincked together Explication and proofe in all the parts of it as linkes in a golden chaine that the latter is not perfit and effectuall to the beleeuer without the faith of the former nor the former but in respect of the latter The diuine nature
prophesies concerning the conception of our Sauiour for vs and our benefit they are likewise promises that he should be borne for vs and our benefit yea euen for the greatest benefit that might possibly be procured vnto vs. Explicatiō proofe It is true It could not possibly be that our Sauiour should be conceiued by the holy Ghost in vaine His birth could by no meanes be hindred or defeated And therefore the promise of this may be said to be included in the promise of that Question But haue we no speciall or expresse promise concerning the birth of our Sauiour that it should be to our benefit Answere Yes The Lord did assure his Church of this singular mercie by his holy Prophet Isaiah long before it came to passe Explicatiō and proofe This also is verie true For so we read in the 6. verse of his 9. chapter of his prophecie where we finde it thus written vnto vs that is to our singular benefit and comfort a child is borne and vnto vs a Sonne is giuen and the gouernment is vpon his shoulder c. Read also Ier 23. verses 5.6 Behold the daies come saith the Lord that I will raise vnto Dauid a righteous branch and a King shall raigne and prosper and he shall execute iudgement and iustice in the earth In his daies Iuda shall be saued and Israel shall dwell safely and this is the name whereby they shall call him the Lord our righteousnes And againe with some further amplification chap 33. verses 14 15 16. c. To this purpose likewise serue the prophesies already mentioned concerning the time the place and the manner of his birth c. Wherefore of this no more now at this time Question WE hast to the Comforts of faith which arise from the birth of our Sauiour Is it not a matter of very great and singular comfort Answer Yes verily It both was and is still matter of great ioy and comfort to the holy Angels much more ought it to be so to vs and so is no doubt to all true beleeuing Christians Explicatiō and proofe So indeede we reade Luke chap 2. that the holy Angels reioiced that the Shepheards reioiced that Simeon and Anna reioiced at the birth of our Sauiour Christ And so ought we all to reioice as hauing singular cause with them according to the speech of the Angel to the Shepheards saying Behold I bring you tidings of great ioy that shall be to all people That is that vnto you is borne a Sauiour c. But of the duties more afterward The Comforts As touching the cause of ioy and comfort which wee haue hereby wee may conceiue of it the rather if wee helpe our selues by a comparison not vnfit to be made in this cause We knowe that great ioy ariseth to a nation when the King hath an heire apparant borne to the crowne by whom there is good hope that the gouernment shall not bee deriued to a stranger whereby vnnaturall oppression and tyrannous gouernment might easily take footing c. as we our selues haue lately very sensibly felt to the vnspeakable ioy of our hearts when after the dolefull decease of our blessed Queene Elizabeth our gracious King Iames hath succeeded whose entrance vpon his roiall throne and scepter among vs was right ioious to all right English hearts but so much the more because hee bringeth with him a young Prince yea more then one of a right princely seede But the cause of ioy which now we speake of concerning our Sauiour Christ is infinitely greater not onely to vs or any one nation that should otherwise haue perished vnder the tyranny of the Diuel sinne death and Hell but to all nations vnder heauen seeing the deliuerance and saluation of all people dependeth vpon our Sauiour the onely heire apparant of the most high possessor of heauen and earth for euer and euer And seeing as was said the Angels of heauen were reioiced by the birth of our Sauiour as is euident by their praising of God for it as we haue seene Luk. 2.13.14 and namely for our sake who haue the chiefe benefit of it it followeth by good reason that wee our selues much rather haue principall cause of most aboundant reioycing herein Question But in what respects is the birth of our Sauiour a matter of so singular and incomparable reioycing to vs and to all people Answere First because hereby the Lord our God hath to the glory of his owne name most graciously and comfortably manifested his diuine nature in the Person of his Sonne so farre as it is meete for the same to be manifested to vs here in this world Secondly because he hath manifested his most gracious and Fatherly good will toward all sorts of men in euery nation of the whole world whosoeuer shall thankefully imbrace that life and immortalitie which he hath brought to light and offereth in his Son Thirdly because from hence ariseth vnspeakable peace to the conscience of all true beleeuers both in the vse of all present blessings and also in the assured hope of the inheritance of all the blessings of the life to come in that through him we are adopted to be ioin●●eires with him F nally the birth of our Sauiour is exceeding comfortable because the world is as it were borne againe and renewed vnto God in him according as it is said He is a light of the Gentiles and the glory of his people Israel as Simeon said of him while yet he was newe borne Yea because after a long time of calamitie as it were of most gloomie darke and tempes●ous weather hee is as the rising of the Sunne vpon the world wonderfully clearing the whole face and compasse of it So indeed we reade from the 2. verse of the 9. chap of the Euangelicall prophet Isaiah in that he prophesied thus The people that walked in darknes haue seene a ●reat light they that did dwell in the land of the shadowe of death vpon them hath the light shined c. And the Apostle Paul saith that in our Sauiour Christ all things are become new 2. Cor 5.17 Read also Malachie chap 4.2 He is the Sonne of righteousnes and health is vnder his wings But that we may proceede in some order Concerning the first branch of the answere read Heb 1. verses 2 3. This representation is much more gracious and comfortable then was that sight of Gods glory wh●ch Moses might be partaker of Exod. 33.20 c. Con●erning the second branch read and consider the wordes of the holy Angel● Luk. 2.14 Glorie to God on high in earth peace and toward men good will And 1. Iohn ● 5 ye knowe that he that is the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ appeared that he might take away our sins and in him is no sin And our Sauiour himselfe in the Gospell of Iohn ch 18.37 For this cause saith he am I borne and for this cause came I into the world that I should
at the things which were reported by them And verse 20. it is further testified concerning the Shepheards themselues that they returned glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seene as it was spoken vnto them And concerning the blessed Virgine Marie it is said verse 19. That she kept and pondered all in her heart Moreouer concerning the wise men we read Matth cha 2. And not onely of their reuerend estimation of our Sauiour as the whole history sheweth but also of their great trauell as we read in the latter end of the first verse Of their boldnes verse 2. Of their ioyfulnes without all offence at the externall basenes of our Sauiours birth and of their homage and worship done vnto him verses 10.11 And last of all of their circumspection and care to performe their faithfull allegiance verse 12. Concerning in the example of Simeon wee read Luke ch 2. verses Hee tooke our Sauiour vp in his armes and praised God and said Lord nowe thou doest let thy seruant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes haue seen thy saluation c. Read also verses 34.35 Behold this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel Finallie concerning the Prophetisse Anna we read as it foloweth in the same chapter verse 36. Ther was a Prophetisse one Anna c. And verse 38. She comming at the same instant vppon them confessed likewise the Lord and spake of him to all that looked for redemption in Ierusalem All which examples no doubt are recorded The dāger of not beleeuing this Article not onelie for the discourse and explanation of the holie Storie but also for our instruction and like imitation vpon the same considerations which moued them both to thinke speake and doe as they did THe duties therfore of faith concerning this Article beeing such as haue bene described now in the last place of our inquirie what is the danger of not beleeuing in our Sauiour Christ the eternall Sonne of God borne in due time Question verie true man of the Virgine Marie The holie Apostle S. Iohn teacheth and verie earnestlie affirmeth that euerie Spirit which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh Answere is not of God but that this is the Spirit of Antichrist Hee doth so indeede as we reade in the 3. verse of the fourth chapter of his 1. Explicatiō and proofe Epistle And there is verie good and necessarie reason why he should teach so For he that denieth the truth of the humane nature of Christ denieth the comming of Christ yea and all the fruites and benefits both of his birth and also of his whole life and death And therin he is an open aduersarie to God and his Christ as the word Antichrist it selfe giuen for the title of such plainly sheweth according to the Greeke language And beside that insomuch as it is a grace of the Spirit of God to teach Christians to confesse that according to this Article of the Christian faith Iesus Christ is come in the flesh as the Apostle saith in the former verse it must needes be that all such as denie it are of the Spirit of Antichrist and be therein open aduersaries to God who hath sent his Sonne in the flesh trulie Conceiued by the holie Ghost Such Antichristes and aduersaries both to God and his Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ were the Simonianites Valentinians Marcionites Apollinaristes and many other sortes of heretikes as they haue bene rehearsed before in the Article of his Conception by the holie Ghost with their seuerall heresies against the humane nature of our Sauiour The beliefe of all which heretikes was no doubte nothing better then an aierie and vanishing beliefe euen a shadow and spectrum of faith and no true faith in deede euen answerable to that which they held that our Sauiour had no true bodie but onely an outward appearance of a bodie and which as the Diuell bewitched them to thinke was but a spirituall or aierie thing of some strange cōposition not like vnto ours c. And thus by the goodnes of God wee are come to an ende of our inquirie concerning the Article of the birth of our Sauiour Christ according to the propounded order of our course NEuerthelesse vpon some good consideration wee will yet more particularlie inquire as in way of an appendix why the name of the Virgin Marie is mentioned in this Article of our beliefe For it is verie vnskilfullie yea most wickedlie and blasphemouslie misconstrued by manie as though Marie herselfe had bene such a one as had bene conceiued without sinne to the ende that in respect of her owne puritie of nature our Sauiour might be borne and brought forth of her without all spot of sinne Whervpon also haue followed these hereticall conclusions that she is to be esteemed for our Ladie here on earth and a Queene in heauen therfore to be pictured with a crowne vpon her head so painted in Church windowes c with an opinion that shee hath power and autoritie to command her Sonne and therfore is to be praied vnto c. But all these are false causes coined in the deceiuable shop of mans superstitious and idolatrous braine to be vtterlie condemned and abhorred of all true Christians as intollerable blasphemies against God and most hainous iniuries done to the blessed virgin Question I aske therefore what be the true causes or reasons which may be beleeued to be such indeed Answer First for the more full certaintie or perspicuitie plainenes of the holy history it selfe Secondlie that our beliefe might be so much the more e●●a●e and vnfoulded concerning the truth of the humane nature of our Sauiour Thirdlie that as hath bene said alreadie shee might be had in memorial for a notable example to vs of beleeuing in Christ and of obeying his Gospel and of blessing praising and magnifying the name of God for our saluation which is brought to light by the incarnation and manifestation of him Explicatiō proofe These are the true causes indeed as may be discerned by that which hath ben set downe before For how can God be sufficientlie praised for this most gracious worke of his And what place is ther left for any doubting seeing not onely according to the prophecie of Isaiah it is testified that the Mother of our Lord was a Virgine notwithstanding the conception and birth of this childe but also seeing it is particularlie described vnto vs who that holie Virgine was by her name by the place of her dwelling by her parentage in that shee was the daughter of Elie by her husband to whom she was first betrothed and afterward married by her kindred in that Elizabeth the mother of Iohn Baptist was her Cosine c. Luke chap 1.26 c. and ch 3.23 We cannot denie but the Papists are ready to alledge other causes namelie because as they teach the blessed Virgin is to be honoured
them Secondly they that belong to his betraying into the hands of his wicked and malitious aduersaries Thirdly they that belong to his apprehension Fourthly they that belong to his examination or arraignment and inditement and that in diuers branches First before Caiaphas the high Priest then before Pi●ate in the cōmon hall after that before Pilate without in the hearing of the chiefe Priest the rest of the Iewes after this before Herod last of all before Pilat againe againe Fiftly those things that belong to his iudgement and condemnation Sixtly they that belong to the execution of the same iudgement or sentence of condemnation Which was gi●en against him Finally his bur●all and the continuance of his bodie as it were vnder the power and domin●on of death seperated from his most holie soule vntill the third day after the same his buriall was a part of his lowest humiliation yea and also of his holy sufferings though not to be reckoned among those that were painefull and dolorous but onely in th● iudgment of his aduersaries dishonourable and reproch●ull vnto him Explicatiō Vnder these heads or branches we may indeede not vnaptly consider of all the principall sufferings an● humiliation or abasement of our Lord Iesus Christ Let vs therefore accordingly make our inquirie into them and that also in the same order wherein you haue rehearsed them And first of those which do concerne our Sauiour his preparing of himselfe by the serious meditation of them The which a● they were either a little more remoued or more nearely approching to his betraying and the troubles therof so let vs inquire of them Question First therefore What ground or testimonie of holy Scripture haue you for those sufferings w●ich were something more remooued from the time wherein he was betraied Answer In the 27. verse of the 12. chap. of the Euangelist Iohn we reade it testified that our Sauiour Christ in speaking and forethinking of his death breaketh forth very pathetical●y into these words Now is my soule troubled and what shall I say Father saue me from this houre but therefore came I to this houre This was fiue daies before that Passeouer at the feast wherof he was crucified and put to death Explicatiō Read a so Luke ch 12. verse 50. I must be baptized to wit of a most bitter death and how am I greeued till it be ended Of the which words thus wri eth a learned Interpreter Consi●eranda hi● est causa cur Christus supplicium quo se afficiendum notat tantopere exhorruerit c. Causa inquit interpres fuit non tam metus cruciatuum corporal●um quàm metus spiritualium quia sciebat oportere se in cruce gustare iram Deiaduersus peccata electorum ac proinde sentire cruciatus infernales quales cruciatus reprobi in Gehenna in aeternum sensuri sunt That is Here is to be considered the cause why Christ did so much feare the punishment which he notes should be laid vpon him The cause sa●th the interpreter was not so much the feare of bodily torments as of spirituall because he knew that vpon the Crosse he most taste the wrath of God against the ●lect so feele the paines of hell euen such as the reprobate shall feele in hel for euer And that our Sauiour Christ vttered these words in Iohn of exceeding dolour and heauines with a certaine confusion and astonishment at the sodainnes of it falling vpon him from the hand of God while he did earnestly thinke of his most horrible and fearefull death it is also euident both by that which goeth before in the same chapter ver 23 24. and also by that which followeth after verses 32 33. This trouble of soule fell vpon our Sauiour Christ shortly after the raising vp of Lazarus from the dead and that the glory of his kingly dignity began to breake forth the which is worthy the noting in so much as our Sauiour Christ knowing that he must suffer he did according to his excellent wisedome neuer bend his mind more earnestly to think thereof then when the glory of God did shine most brightly vpon him as beside this time we may take another speciall instance from the time of his tran●fi●uration Mat. 17. verses 9.11 And againe ch 25.31 c. compared with ch 26.1.2 Neither is it to be neglected that as the glory of his kingly dignitie The groūd and history of his agonie in the Garden shined forth when our Sauiour Christ was neare to the going downe of the mount of Oliues as the Euangelist Luke recordeth chap 19.37 so this trouble mentioned Iohn chap 12. fell vpon his soule if not at the same time yet shortly after as it might be from the admonition of the place where hee was within a while to feele the renewing of the trouble in greater measure as it were by the croched arrowe of the Lord shot into the middest of his soule so as it could not be pulled out so soone as this which being as it were more smothly headed was taken away But of this more hereafter Let vs in the meane while come to those testimonies of holy Scripture which declare vnto vs the trouble of soule or inward passions and sufferings of our Sauiour which fell vpon him from the hand of God at such time as his betraying was euen at hand and more nearely approaching These were either in the chamber where our Sauiour Christ did eate the passeouer with his Disciples at euen or else the same night a few howers after in the garden in the declining or valley of the mount of Oliues euen in Gethsemane the valley of fatnes a place likely where they pressed ther oliues to make their oile c. Question IN the first place therefore what testimonie haue you to the inward passion and suffering of the soule of our Sauiour Christ in the chamber Answere In the 31. verse of the 13. chap of Saint Iohn thus we read when Iesus had said these things he was troubled in spirit and testified and said verily verily I say unto you that one of you will betray me Explication This Testimonie as we see is not onely the testimonie of the Euangelist Iohn but a●so from the mouth of our Sauiour himselfe And in that he bewraieth and vttereth this trouble of his spirit the which it was behooffull for his Disciples and the whole Church to know as he had done before we may iustlie conceiue that it was no small or light perturbation but a verie heauie pressing and perplexing trouble aboue that hee did expresse it vnto them Some cause of it was the deepe thought of Iudas his intended and plotted treason against him intended I meane sixe daies before this time and that vpon a very vncomfortable and most vnworthy occasion euen for that our Sauiour defended the fact of the woman that powred the costly ointment vpon him a●ainst the vniust and hypocriticall murmuring of Iudas according to
of this point The groūd and history of his leading to be crucified Ans The Euangelist Matthew continueth the holie historie in these words chap. 27.31 31 Thus when they had mocked him they tooke the robe from him and put his own raiment on him and led him away to crucifie him Like to these are the words of Saint Marke It is verie true euen such as are all one in sense as wee may reade chap. 15.20 Next vnto these we may see the processe of the historie from the Euangelist Iohn Question How doth he carry it forward In the latter part of the 16. verse and in the whole 17. of his 19. chapter thus we reade Answere 16 And they tooke Iesus and led him away 17 And he bare his crosse and he came to the place of the skull so called the which is called in Hebrew Go●gotha 32 Moreouer Luke 23.32 There were two others saith the Euangelist which were euill doers led with him to be slaine Explicatiō Thus then we see in what manner they led our Sauiour to the place of his execution described by that name whereby it was familiarly and vulgarly knowne as differing from other places the which also the Euangelist Iohn verse 20. giueth to vnderstand that it was without the walles of the Citie in that he saith it was neare the Citie But before our Sauiour came to this place diuers memorable things fell out in the way as they led him the which the Euangelist Luke doeth most fully record Let vs therefore heare them f●om him Question What are the words of the Euangelist Answer They are these chap. 23. from the 2.6 verse to the 32. 26 And as they led him away saith the Euangelist Luke they caught one Simon of Cyrene comming out of the field and on him they laid the crosse to beare it after Iesus 27 And there followed him a great multitude of people and women the which bewailed and lamented him 28 But Iesus turned backe vnto them and said Daughters of Ierusalem weepe not for me but weepe for your selues and for your children 29 For behold the daies will come when men shall say Blessed are the barren and the wombes that neuer bare and the ●appes which neuer ga●e sucke 3● Then shall they beginne to say to the mountaines Fall on vs and to the hills Couer vs. 30 For if they doe these thinges to a greene tree what shall they doe to the drie Explicatiō These indeede are the memorable things which fell out in the way as they led our Sauiour to the place of execution Those things onely remaine concerning this first branch of the history of his execution the which were done at his comming to the place The first whereof seemeth to be that which is mentioned by the Euangelists Matthew and Marke to wit the offer that was made of drinke to our Sauiour and his refusall to drinke after that he had tasted what it was Question What writeth the Euangelist Matthew concerning this point Answer Mat. 17. verse 33. And when saith he they came vnto the place called Golgotha that is to say a place of the skull so called 34 They gaue him vinegre to drinke mingled with gall and when he had tasted thereof he would not drinke Explication Soe indeede we reade Matthew chap. 27.33.34 The same thing is testified by the Euangelist Marke though in some little difference of words chap. 15. verse 23. And they gaue him to drinke wine mingled with mirrhe but he receiued it not This as it seemeth was the first thing that was done after that our Sauiour was come to the place of execution euen while they fastened his crosse into the ground A second thing was that together with the setting vp of the Crosse there was an inscription and title lifted vp vpon it to the view of the people according to the appointment of Pilate which conteined the cause why he was crucified or rather in truth a most deepe conuiction of the extreame wickednes of those that did crucifie him insomuch as most rebellious subiect● doe crucifie their most lawfull and rightfull King To the which end reade the parable of the Lord of the Vineyard Matth. 21.33 34.35 36 c. 44. The which title because the Euangelist Saint Iohn doeth more fully recorde then anie other of the Euangelistes let vs therefore borrowe it from him Question Answer What are the words of the storie It followeth thus chap 19. verses 19 20 21 22. Iohn 19 verse 19. And Pilate wrote also a title and put it on the crosse and it was written IESVS OF NAZARETH KING OF THE IEWES 20 This title then read many of the Iewes for the place saith the Euangelist where Iesus was crucified was neare to the Citie and it was written in Hebrew Greeke and Latine 21 Then said the high Priests of the Iewes to Pilate write not the King of the Iewes but that he said I am the King of the Iewes 22 Pilate answered what I haue written I haue written Thus then we haue the first part of the historie of the execution of the sentence of condemnation giuen against our Sauiour Christ laide before vs. Wherein the things to be obserued are these First the manner of the Iewes and Souldiers their leading of him to the place of execution Secondly the description or notation of the place Thirdly the great lamentation and weeping of the women that were among that great multitude of people which followed our Sauiour Fourthly the excellent speech of our Sauiour vnto them while he was in the way Fiftly his refusing of the Mirrhie-wine which was offered vnto him at the place Finally the inscription or title which was set vp vpon the Crosse These things therefore are in the same order not vnfitly to be considered of vs before we proceede any further First therefore as touching the manner of the leading of our Sauiour it standeth in three things First it is said that the souldiers tooke off the purple garment and led him forth in his owne clothes but we doe not reade that they tooke off the crowne of thornes from his head Secondly they caused him to carrie the tree or timber of his owne Crosse first all alone vntill as it seemeth he fainted vnder it as one through hum●ne infirmitie not able to beare it any longer For so it pleased our Sauiour to make himselfe euery way knowne to be verie true man in bearing euery weakenes and infirmitie of mans weake and fraile nature which is come vpon him by reason of his sinne though hee himselfe was free from all sinne By reason of which fainting of our Sauiour the Iewes also souldiers hastening forward the execution they alow him a helpe Herevpon there●ore it followeth in the holy historie as it is written by the Euangelist Luke that as they led our Sauiour away they caught one Simon a Cyrenian a poore stranger comming out of the field and compelled him to carry the Crosse
of our Sauiour after him at the least the hinder part of it though as some interpret these words and so it is very likely they made our Sauiour carrie the fore part still For out of all question they would permit him as little case as they could Beza Hom. 27. in Hi●t Pass pa. 671. 672. And why doe they thus roughly deale with the poore Cyrenian comming peaceably out of the field when they had store about them nearer hand It is the property of the wicked when they are about their wicked practises to desire that all should like of them and to hate those that shall not be of like minde with them Now therefore insomuch as this stranger came as one not liking nor hauing any fellowship with them in this busines therefore they doe the rather of purpose fetch him in to haue a hand in it with them or else to take the occasion further to abuse him according to that petulancie which rude and vnruly souldiers are very apt vnto But God as we may well perceiue in his diuine prouidence aimed at an other thing euen hereby to shew that it was his good pleasure that the Gentiles should be taken into the fellowship of the Crosse and sufferings of our Sauiour not to be any partners in the merit of the Crosse but in the fruit of that redemption which our Sauiour alone hath most fully and perfectly made for vs. And touching this Cyrenian himselfe we may easily conceiue that this impulsiue bearing of the materiall Crosse of our Sauiour was an inducement vnto him willingly to bea●e his owne Crosse afterward as a faithfull Disciple of Iesus Christ And therefore is not onely he himselfe mentioned as being of good note in the Church but also two sonnes of his likewise according to the testimony of the Euangelist Marke cha 15. verse 21. Where he describeth this Simon of Cyrene to be he that was father of Alexander and Rufus to wit both father and sonnes being afterward as was said of good note in the Church of God Now thirdly in that they leade other two malefactors with him this they did the rather to preiudice the innocency of our Sauiour as if his cause had beene like to theirs because they had obteined of Pilate the like iudgement against him Secondly the place of execution is noted vnto vs and that also is described two waies First by the common and vsuall name Secondly by the situation of it The name of it as the Euangelist Iohn telleth vs was in the Hebrew language that is to say in that dialect which was now in common vse among the Iewes though not the pure and naturall Hebrew called * The naturall Hebrew word is Gulgoleth noting the head or skull of a man from the roundnes of it as Iudg. 9.53 2. King 9.35 1. Chr. 10.10 But it is oftentimes vsed for the whole person of a man reckon●ng men by the p●ules as we vse to say Reade Ex. 1● ver 16. an● chap. 28 ve 26. Numb 1. ver 18.20.22 and chap. 3.47 and 1. Ch●o 2● 3● and ver 24. Golgotha which signifieth the skull of a mans head like as in the same signification we may call it as the Euangelist further addeth Kranion topon a place bearing the name of a skull And as Luke saith that answerable to the Hebrew it may be called in greeke Kranion without any further addition And so may we call it in Latine from the Greeke word Cranium or otherwise Caluaria and in English the Skull But why doe the Euangelists with a full consent thus mention the name of the place Not that we should seeke out any blinde and curious speculation about the name as some haue done as though Adams skull had beene buried there and had therevpon borne that name c. but to note the place by that name whereby it was familiarly knowne most likely so called because it was a piece of ground fit for execution in that it conteined a little round hillocke from whence the concourse of people might more euidently beholde those that were executed For they which haue beene there report that it is such a piece of ground called to this day Caluarie So then the mention of the place by the Euangelists is to very good purpose to argue the certaintie of the storie from this circumstance But there are beside this two worthy reasons of worthy obseruation The groū and history of his leading to be crucified in this respect both of them set downe by the holy Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrews chap 13. from the 10. verse to the 15. The one is that the place where our Sauiour was crucified being known to be without the citie doth notably declare the accomplishment of that by our Sauiour in truth which was prefigured by those sacrifices for sinne which were by the commandement of God burnt without the Campe as we reade Leuit chap 4.11 12. and chap 6.30 and chap 16.27.28 In which respect saith the Apostle in the place before alledged We haue an altar whereof that is of the sacrifice whereof they haue noe authoritie to eate which serue in the Tabernacle For the bodies of those beastes whose blood is brought into the holy place by the highe Priestes for sinne are burnt without the Campe. Therefore euen Iesus that he might sanctifie the people with his owne blood suffered without the gate Yea and he did so induring ther the fire of Gods wrath burning hotely vpon him till by his water and blood issuing out of his most holy body he had for euer quenched the same for the benefit of all that are allowed to eate of him that is truly to beleeue in his name This therefore is the first reason why the place where our Sauiour Christ was crucified is so diligently recorded by the holy Euangelists and it is singularly to our comfort The second reason noted by the same Apostle both confirmeth the same comfort and also from the comfort thereof teacheth vs what our dutie is in this respect namely euē willingly couragiously to beare our reproach for Christs sake though we should be cast out from men as iudged vnworthy to enioy the common priuiledge of other men but to be as the off-scouring of the earth c. For so it followeth in the words of the Apostle Let vs goe forth therefore out of the Campe bearing his reproach For here we haue no continuing citie but we seeke one to come The third thing to be obserued in this part of the storie is the weeping and lamentation of the women which followed our Sauiour Christ in beholding how vnmercifully he was dealt withall Among the which women there were some no doubt of his most louing and dutifull disciples euen such as are mentioned by the Euangelists afterward But as touching the rest they could not but be moued greatly to see him of a sudden thus strangely and furiously carried away to be crucified whom they had
seene and heard to worke most gracious workes and to preach most holy doctrine as a singular Prophet of God by the space of more then three yeares past euen to the day immediately going before Neuertheles neither the one nor the other could direct and order their affections to weepe as they ought either in respect of the speciall cause or end wherevnto they should haue imploied their teares Onely they were moued with a certaine naturall pitie and compassion to the outward calamitie of our Sauiour as of a most forlorne man Yet many degrees are they to be preferred before all the multitude of men who followed our Sauiour Christ all of them well neare reioycing at the externall miserie of our Sauiour Wherin their sinne must needes be most grieuous in the sight of God For when as this euill reioycing is deepely condemned in any toward his enemie according to that Prou 24.17.18 Be not thou glad when thine enemie falleth and let not thy heart reioyce when he stumbleth Lest the Lord see it and it displease him and he turne wrath from him to wit vpon thee Thē surely infinitly much more dānable was the sinne of this people in their reioycing not onely at the forlorne estate of our Sauiour but also in being themselues the instruments of the diuel for the procuring and furthering thereof But let vs come to the fourth thing that is to the excellent speech which our Sauiour vseth to the pitifull women he hauing greater and more excellent compassion ouer them then they either had or could possibly haue ouer him To the which ende as the Euangelist Luke telleth vs our SAVIOVR hearing their weeping and lamenting he turneth backe and partly to preuent the breaking of his owne tender heart according to that saying of the Apostle Paul Act 21.13 What doe yee weeping and breaking mine heart for I am ready not onely to be bound but also to dye at Ierusalem for the name of the Lord Iesus But chiefly for the instruction of these women and therewithal to the iust rebuke of the wicked multitude he sheweth them that they had a more necessarie cause of weeping then they were aware of that they ought to imploy their teares to an other end then they propounded to themselues And in this sense he saith Daughters of Ierusalem weepe not for me but weepe for your selues and for your children Not that he doth simply reproue their present weeping as if they had done ill in their so doing but he speaketh in way of comparison as though hee should say there is greater cause why yee should weepe for your selues and your children and posteritie then for me Like to that comparatiue speech of the Prophet Ioel Rent your hearts and not your garments And as the Lord saith I will haue mercie and not sacrifice But why doth our Sauiour Christ vtter this in way of an vnequall comparison No doubt both because his present condition was not so vncomfortable as they in their naturall affection conceiued and also because their owne estate was much more feareful yea euen by reason of this extreame malice pursued against him then they could thinke of as hee doth forthwith expresse vnto them in the wordes following For behold saith our Sauiour the dayes will come when men shall say blessed are the barren and the wombes that neuer bare and the pappes that neuer gaue sucke c. In the which words our Sauiour describeth vnto them the daies of the most heauie and wofull iudgement of God hasting to come vpon them And he doth it most significantly For where as naturally men and women in times of peace and prosperitie doe desire nothing more then to marrie and haue children For they cannot but delight in the increase of their owne kind more then in the increase of any other thing vnlesse they would put off the affection of nature and likewise whereas it is the singular delight of men to solace themselues not onely in the sweete vallies of the earth but also to behold the pleasant prospects which are to be seene from the heighte of the mountaines it must needes bee that those times must be most vncomfortable times wherin men and women shall count the barren blessed when they shall see their children destroied before their faces wherein also they shall wish that the mountaines would ouerwhelme them and couer them as deepe as they are high too And so it came to passe within lesse then fortie yeares after that Ierusalem and the people thereof were most miserably besieged and in the siege most miserably destroied to the number of eleuen hundreth thousand as Iosephus himselfe being a Iewe writeth And the ending of the which siege also ninetie thousand were taken prisoners and the whole nation of the Iewes dispeopled and scattered abroad from being a people to this day To this purpose like as the wicked multitude which pursued our Sauiour wished the curse of his blood both vpon themselues and their children so our Sauiour telleth them that they had special cause to weepe because of the feareful iudgments which they had prouoked against themselues and their posteritie So that happie should they be whosoeuer should by earnest repentance and supplication preuent that fiercenes of Gods diuine wrath Whence also let vs learne to take heed against all such wicked and desperate courses either in presumptuous cursing of our selues or any other Thus then our Sauiour Christ by this reason taken from an vnequall comparison doth teach these pitifull women in what respect especially they were to weepe to the end they might by the mercies of God be preserued from that most wofull calamitie and therwithal admonisheth the cruel multitude of that merciles iudgement the which should certainly fall vpon many of them The same reason doth our Sauiour make plaine by a familiar similitude in that he saith If they doe these things to a greene tree what shall be done to the drie As though he should say if the fire of Gods wrath be so hote that it kindleth the greene wood which yet is more vnapt to burne then that which is s●●e how much more shall it vtterly consume the drie wood to ashes and that very speedily Our Sauiour Christ indeed was as woode a fit matter in it selfe for the Lords anger to burne vpon insomuch as he tooke vpon him the guiltines of our sinnes but yet because he was righteous in himselfe and the very true Sonne of the Father that fresh moist greennes would not suffer him to c●nsume though he were laide to the stock as it were And Go● himselfe as it were the maister of the familie seeing greene wood lying to the fire commandet● it to be taken away and calleth for drie wood that is for the wicked which take fire by and by But in this they are in worse case then drie wood because that burneth without all sence of smart and when it is turned to ashes it burneth no more but the wicked they are
what time this gracious worke was accomplished to wit about the sixt houre The which being litle regarded of the scornefull beholders though indeed it was a very wonderfull and miraculous worke the Euangelist declareth further that it pleased God to take an other kind of course to reproue this wicked people then by his insensible creatures Of the which sort the Euangelist rehearseth two in our present text The first that from the sixt houre to the ninth God had as it were put out the light among the people the reason whereof was that he had taken away the light from the Sun which had bin from the fourth day of the creation vntill that time and so euer since the ordinarie instrument lampe thereof The second reproofe by insensible creatures was the miraculous rending of the vaile of the Temple through the middest But as touching the rending of the vaile in so much as it seemeth that Matthew Marke doe rehearse it in the more orderly course together with a more full narration of other things of like nature we will deferre to speak of it till we come to them In the meane season let vs diligently consider of this one wonderfull and fearefull worke of God in casting darkenes vpon the face of the earth Whereby no doubt the Lord God from heauen would make manifest to the reproofe both of Iewe Gentile but specially of the most vnthankfull wicked and blasphemous Iewe these foure things First the greatnes and grieuousnes of their sin in the own nature insomuch as most grosse ignorance was ioined with most extreame impietie the which the Sunne was as we may say ashamed to behold any longer or to cast forth her beames that any should continue their contumelious gazing vpon this spectacle most vnworthy their beholding Secondly God doth hereby declare how grieuous displeasing vnto him t●eir sinfull dealing was for their parts against our Sauiour to be blessed and adored for euer Thirdly as a further consequent thereof that his most heauie terrible punishment should in due time as it came also to passe within a few yeares after fall vpon thē together with grosse blindnes of their vnderstanding as appeareth to this day For darknes was a most fit signe to threaten portend such a grieuous calamitie in either respect insomuch as ignorance all kind of aduersitie and the trouble or vexation thereof is in the holy Scriptures vsually termed by the name of darknes as on the contrarie true knowledge prosperitie comfort is by light according to that Isay ch 5.30 ch 8.22 9.1 ● ch 6● 1.2.3 Lament ● 1.2 Ezek 37.7.8 Amos Micah 3.6 and in many other places Read also 2. Cor 3.14.15 Fourthly God did by this darknes plainly giue to vnderstand that the crucifying of the Son of God so vilely accounted of among these crucifiers is a matter of most worthy memorable note and of the greatest both precedence and consequence as one may say that euer hath bin or shal be from the beginning of the world to the end of the same For to this end he hath by this shāge darknes made this time of special note not onely by holy Scriptures but also by many testimonies of heathen records The strangenes of this miraculous darknes is to be obserued in three things The groūd historie of his leading to be crucified First in the cause of it which was noe naturall eclipse or defect of light by the interposition of the Moone as it commeth to passe in our ordinarie eclipses much lesse by the shadowe of any darke cloudie weather but as the Euangelist Luke reporteth by the defect of light in the Sunne it selfe and that also in the time when it should haue bin as we make reckoning in the full strength and brightnes of it For as he writeth guided by the Spirit of truth about the sixt houre that is about high noone The Sunne was darkened And that it was no ordinarie eclipse by the interposition of the Moone the time of the moneth when this darkenes was vpon the earth doth of it selfe declare insomuch as it was at the full and not in the newe of the Moone that the Passouer was celebrated by the ordinance of God as well as by the constant practise and custome of the Iewes themselues This therfore doth first of all shew that this darkenes was most extraordinarie and miraculous like vnto that darkenesse which God cast vpon the Egyptians as a punishment for their crueltie against the Israelites though it continued not so long and of the like nature with that blindnes which the Angell cast vpon the Sodomites who made their more then beastly assault against the house of Lot Secondly the continuance of it in one equall degree of darkenes yea of grosse and vncomfortable darkenes no doubt by the space of three whole houres sheweth that it was no ordinarie eclipse Thirdly in that although the naturall cause of the darknes was a most extraordinarie defect of light in the Sunne it selfe to all the land of Israel and by all likelihood an obscuring of the aire ouer that part of the world insomuch as the cause of darkenes was in the fayling of the Sunne it selfe yet God so ordered the matter that from no record it is alledged hetherto that it was so palpable in any place as it was in Israel As if the Lord minded to promise light and peace to the Gentiles though he threatened warre and miserie against the obstinate Iewes So that in this respect he tooke a contrarie course to that of the darkenes of Egypt which threatened desolation to the Egyptians when as light at the same season shined onely to the Israelites in Goshen where they dwelt in portion of the land of Egypt as a promise of cōfortable deliuerance vnto them Exod And thus this three houres darkenes which was as three Euangelists Matthewe Marke and Luke doe testifie continued from the sixt houre to the ninth it was a doleful Sermon of three houres long to a most lightsome vehement reproofe and condemnation of the most blind ignorance and most deadly malice of the persecutors of the glorious Sonne of God our blessed Sauiour Thus much briefly concerning the second space of time belonging to the last part of the execution of our Sauiour THe third space which is the last of the third part of the storie of the execution is now to be henceforth weighed pondered of vs to wit from the ninth houre to the taking downe of the body of our Sauiour from the crosse Wherein many things of most graue moment will offer themselues to vs as being most worthy our best considerations as the text it selfe wil most faithfully lay before vs. Let vs therefore first of all looke vnto that Question Which of the holy Euangelists doe most fully report those so worthy things as fell out in the same Answere The Euangelists Matthew and Marke are most large in the most
deferre till wee come to the death it selfe following the course of the holy story Onely let vs from hence beare in mind that we haue from the most graue and testamentary witnesse of our Sauiour himselfe a most vndoubted and sure ground of the full and absolute perfection of it to all purposes for the which it pleased him to tast of death as the holy Apostle speaketh THis interim obserued and laide vp in our mindes let vs now come to the last and most immediate speech of our Sauiour next the s●me his most holy and propitiatorie death That was this Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit A speech likewise of very great importance full of excellent direction both for the ground and comfort of a liuely faith as also for direction in sondrie duties concerning the right manner of a Christian death And to note the importance of them it is to singular good purpose that the Euangelists both Matthewe Marke and L●ke doe all report vnto vs that our Sauiour Christ vttered these his last wordes with a loud and mightie voice as hee had done the fo●mer My God my God why hast thou forsaken me For whereas the Euangelist Matthew saith that he cryed againe with a loud voyce the Euāgelist Luke telleth vs that those aboue mentioned Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit were the wordes which he spake the second time with so loude a voice The loudenes of the voice therefore giueth plainly to vnderstand that as our Sauiour would haue all most audibly to heare them being there present and all other to heare of thē by the preaching of his Gospel according to the faithfull record of the holy Euangelists so no doubt that he would stirre vp all by this so loud sounding a voice to consider diligently of them according to the like practise of our Sauiour to the same purpose Iohn chap 7.28 Then cryed Iesus in the Temple as he taught c. And verses 37.38 In the last and great day of the feast Iesus stood and cryed saying If any man thirst let him come to me and drinke c. And chap 11 43. He cryed with a loud voice Laz●rus come forth And chap 12.44 And Iesus cried and said he that beleeueth in me beleeueth not in me but in him that sent me c. Concerning these words therfore let vs first cōsider the reasons why our Sauiour vttered them with so loud a voice and then the meaning of the wordes themselues Touching the loudnes and strength of the voice our Sauiour being now at the point of death would giue to vnderstand that he died not as other men by a meere necessarie fain●ing and feebling of the spirits of the naturall life but most voluntarily to most singular endes and purposes aboue the death of any other man according to that which he had said before of himself Iohn 10.17.18 Therefore doth my Father loue me because I lay downe my life that I might take it againe No man taketh it from me but I lay it downe and I haue power to take it againe this commendement haue I receiued of my Father The which words notwithstanding wee are so to vnderstand that wee doe in no wise denye the truth of his naturall death and of his humane infirmitie and passion therein though by his diuine power hee ouerruled all so that notwithstanding as the Apostle Peter saith Hee was put to death concerning the flesh yet hee was quickened in the spirit and had the power of life and death in his owne hande according to the decree and determination of God and was not left to the will and pleasure of wicked men Iesus Crucifixus sic ex causa natural efflauit animam nimirum ex violentia cruciatibus quos in tam crudeli supplicio passus erat vt tamen separatio animae a suo corpore procederet a pura ipsius voluntate Beza Hom in hist pass 32. And to the same ende did our Sauiour lay down his life sooner then was ordinarie in that kinde of execution which caused Pilat to mar●el as we read Mark 15 44 And the Centurion before him verse 39. Secondly our Sauiour Christ vttered these last words Father into thy hands I commend my spirit with like loud voice as he did those My God my God why hast thou forsaken me that it might euidently appeare that hee continued yet in the same dolour and distresse Neuertheles in the third place hee would make it known vndoubtedly in his church to all beleeuing Christians that howsoeuer his sufferings were exceeding great yet he did nothing doubt of his preuailing against them nor of his dying in peace So that I say euen for this cause also we may well conceiue that our Sauiour Christ to put the matter out of all doubt would the rather as mightily vtter these words which are most cleare words of a most perfect and liuely faith Father into thy hands I commend my spirit as those former words My God my God c. according to that saying of our Sauiour Iohn 11.41.42 Father c. I know thou hearest me alwaies but because of the people that stand by I said it that they may beleeue that thou hast sent me And to the same purpose let vs now after the reasons of the loudnes of the voice come in the next place to cōsider of the meaning of the words thēselues And herein that which is in the first place is worthy to be principally weighed of vs that as our Sauiour Christ called God his Father at his heauie enterance into his sufferings Father if it be possible let this cup passe from me And in the middest of them Father forgiue them for they knowe not what they doe So hee doth now in the conclusion of them call God his Father Father saith he into thy hand● I commend my spirit Neither doth he call him so either then or now in respect of the vnitie of the Godhead and because he is the naturall eternal Son of the Father onely but rather in regard of that loue and fauour which he is assured of from him on our behalfe euen in respect of this that he is the naturall Sonne of fraile man hauing taken our nature to his diuine nature in the vnitie of one Person of a mediator and therein hath fulfilled all righteousnes and now at the point of death vttering these his last words had euen perfited his sufferings for our sins to the full satisfaction of the diuine iustice and to the reconciling reducing of vs into the most gratious and blessed fauour of God In these respect I say doth he with most full perfect assurance of the most full and perfect loue of God both toward himselfe and for his sake toward all whom he had redeemed reconciled call him by the name of Father And in the same assurance doth he commend his spirit that is to say his soule for so●s the word Spi●it vsed often as 1. Cor. 6.20 Act.
ceased neither yet doe cease to couer whole christianitie with new vailes who also haue so farre increased in impudencie that they doe euen openly restraine the seely people from the way of the Sanctuary that is from the reading and vnderstanding of the holy Scriptures For they haue disguised the Scriptures by tuning them into songs mixed with infinite deuises and lies the which also they haue thrust vpon the people in a strange language after they haue deceiued them with the visard of an inwrapped faith And now saith he further marke another Sermon of the same Preacher to the enemies and molesters of this crucified man speaking to them after this manner Woe vnto you ye cursed people what doe ye Ye doe open the way into heauen which hetherto hath beene shut vp for him whom ye could not abide vpon earth the which thing I the vaile here set vp did make a representation of Now so it is that I must lay open the way vnto him from the bottome to the very vpmost top And herewithall I doe admonish you euen you hypocrites I say who abuse the vaile of deuotion and godlines to the murthering of the author and Prince of life that you are herein the instruments of your owne destruction and of the abolishing of this Temple the which you haue so greatly abused For I doe open vnto him who had hetherto figuratiuely dwelt in the Temple a way for him to goe out of it neuer to returne thither againe but to leaue this howse vnto you voide and desolate like as hee told you when with scourges he cast you and your marchandise out of it twice before Iohn 2.15 Matth. 21.12 and 25.28 Such was the Sermon of this vaile vnto this vnthankfull people with whom at this day there is no Priesthood no altar no Temple to speake in a word no state of people the which truly though they had them now yet could stand them in no stead but that which is farre worse vpon whose heart so great a couering is laide that they are altogether blinde in the vnderstanding of the old new Testament 2. Cor. 3.15 But alas by how much the vice of the ingratitude of vs miserable Gentiles is greater by so much is our blindnes greater thē was euer that of the Iewes insomuch as Pastors neglecting the direction of the holy Ghost by whom wee were led with so great light into all truth comprehended in the sacred and very true Apostolike writings casting foorth an exceeding brightnesse some through ouer great negligence other by too great a conceit of their knowledge and other of ignorance and superstition haue suffered not onely the Iewish vaile to be sowed together and set vp againe as is manifest by the Iewish ceremonies brought againe into christianitie in witnes whereof let be holy water the Chrisme the annealing lampes and tapers Priestly garments and other trifles not a few of this sort but also they haue suffered a more grosse and thick vaile to be retained vnder pretence of holines and religion then hath beene among the Heathen witnesses the same their holie water Altars Idolls the names onely whereof are changed crownes Missa gesticulationes quas acibi mimicas non minus ridiculas quam superstitiosas apellat Hom. scil 34 and goodly vestiments in the worship whereof they doe also burne incense and finally the manifold moppings or busie gesturings vsed in the Masse with other new vailes aboue number and Sacraments which they haue fained For the which the Lord being iustly wroth he hath vtterly subuerted and ouerthrowne infinite Churches in the East in the South in the North and in the greatest part of the West And as touching them that remaine deseruedly hath the Lord in the Westerne parts giuen such power to the Spirit of Error that Christ suffered nothing at the handes of the Iewes the which the small number of the children of God yet remaining euen such whose eyes God hath opened doth not suffer at the hands of the Caiaphases Priests and Pilates of this age And which is farre more to be lamented wee see darknes by little and little cast euen vpon those places the which that true Sunne had begunne to make lightsome with his very bright-shining beames For out of all doubt there are ouer many euen among those by whom the spirituall Temple of Iesus Christ beganne to be restored in our age who not duly considering that which is purposely said by the Euangelists that this vaile was rent not onely halfe way through or by the third or fourth part but from the bottome to the very toppe of it haue grieuously erred in that they haue a remainder of the leauen as by experience it selfe we finde so that if it be not preuented betimes the whole leauen will waxe more sowre then euer hitherto it hath done But brethren let vs giue immortall thanks to the Maiestie of our most gratious God for that he hath dealt otherwise with this place and with many other and yet let vs thinke in good earnest that if we doe not walke more carefully as the children of light following the light of the Gospel while yet it shineth as the Lord saide once to the people of the Iewes Iohn 12.35 that it will come to passe that this so great a benefit shall turne to our greater iudgement as the Lord threatneth Luke 11.26 Whereof O how many I speake it with griefe wicked Atheists are witnesses at this day who of superstitious ones in the beginning haue at the last proued Athiests Libertines and Epicures yea euen persecutors of the Church of God by whom they are deseruedly thrust out of his house and giuen ouer to the Prince of darknes This is that which the vaile preached heretofore of old and it teacheth vs the same things euen to this day Hetherto out of Beza Hom. 32. vpon the History of the Passion toward the end of the Homilie YEa and because his holy Prosopopie is no lesse fruitfull then delightfull concerning the other effects that did either accompanie or immediately follow the death of our Sauiour I will not be ashamed to play the truant so long till I haue borrowed from him that which I meane to write for the interpretation of the wisedome and power and mercie or wrath of God signified thereby Now therefore concerning the second effect which was as it were a second Preacher let vs heare saith Beza what the earth signified the which insomuch as it subsisteth by the most mighty arme of God alone it is neuer moued but that arme is likewise moued to shew forth the great and extraordinarie wrath of God euen as if he did hardly beare that the earth should beare men anie longer so that wee are not to sticke in naturall and second causes which the Lord vseth when and how it pleaseth him But in this place the historie teacheth vs plainely enough that the earth would testifie as it were by name that it detested and abhorred that wicked
pierced for them to their comfort yea though he was after a sort pierced by them and of vs all The text of the Prophet is plaine And thus also doth the Euangelist other-where rehearse these words as seruing notably to either vse and purpose as Reuel 1.7 Behold he commeth with clouds and euery eye shall see him euen they that pierced him through and all kindreds of the earth shall wai●e before him ●uen so Amen saith the holy Euangelist vnto it Finally from the wordes of the holy Prophet let vs diligently note that as touching all these which either haue doe or shall repent of their sinnes done against the Lord our God and his Christ this is the worke of God in their hearts by his owne most gracious and holy spirit as Ier 31.18.19 2. Tim 2.25 And againe that true repentance is not without very earnest and godly mourning for sinne as in the same place of Ieremiah and 2 Cor 7.10.11 Yea euen in this respect that they were the cause and euen we our selues by them that our Lord Iesus Christ was most bitterly crucifie● wounded and pierced not onely in his holy flesh but also in his very soule This I say is diligently to be marked of vs lest we deceiue our selues in mistaking the nature of true repentance and lest wee denie God the glory of the same his most gracious worke so singularly tending to our owne saluation and comfort ANd thus hauing considered all things recorded in the holy storie from the death of our Sauiour vntill the taking down of his blessed body from the cursed crosse let vs now renewing and whetting as it were our care and diligence proceede likewise to consider of the taking down of his body from the crosse together with those things that doe belong to the same and therevnto let vs annexe the historie of the buriall of the body of our Sauiour and the appurtenances thereof like the warpe and the woofe close together Question First therefore which are the wordes of the text wherein these things are recorded vnto vs Answere The holy storie is continued by the Euangelist Iohn in the same his 19. chap from the beginning of the ● verse to the end of the chap. in this manner 38 And after these things saith Saint Iohn Ioseph of Arimathea who was a Disciple of ●esus but secretly for feare of the Iewes besought Pilate that he might take downe the body of Iesus And Pilate gaue him licence He came then and tooke Iesus body 39. And there came also Nicodemus who at the first came to Iesus by night and hee brought of mirrhe and aloes mingled together about an hundred pound 40. Then tooke they the body of Iesus and wrapped it in linnen clothes with the odours a● the manner of the Iewes is to burie 41. And in that place where Iesus was crucified was a garden and in the garden a new sepulchre wherein was neuer man yet laide 42. There then laid they Iesus because of the Iewes preparation day for the sepulchre was neare Explicatiō In this text we haue according to that which was saide before the narration of the taking downe of the body of our Sauiour Christ and of his buriall nearely knit together We haue the instruments both of the one and also of the other by the Euangelist described vnto vs and likewise the manner both of the procuring of that and also of the performance of this The groūd and history of the taking down of his body from the Crosse Of these things therefore let vs stand a while as diligently as wee can to consider and that withall such holy supply as the other Euangelists doe in diuers points afford vnto vs. And first touching the time of the taking downe of the body of our Sauiour the Euangelist Matthewe reporteth that it was when the euen was come chap 27.57 And Marke when night was come chap 15 42. So that both compared together it is euident that it was delaied as long as might be And the Euangelist Marke doth herewithall mention the reason which moued Ioseph in this delay beside that honour which he did beare to our Sauiour Christ to take an honest and godly care of the taking downe of his body from the crosse namely because it was the day of the preparation which is before the Sabbath And this was thought reason sufficient to the malitious Iewes to moue them to intreat that the legges of our Sauiour might be broken But being disappointed of that it was with them a reason of no weight to moue them to haue care of his honest buriall And no maruell Herein therefore is an exceeding great difference betwixt Ioseph and them This Ioseph was the sole instrument of procuring the honest and seemely taking down of the body Indeed in the buriall Nicodemus was a worthy companion with Ioseph as wee shall see anone but it seemeth that Ioseph was all alone in the procuring of the fauourable and reuerend taking downe of the body of our Sauiour The manner of his procuring of it was this Hee knowing that Pilate had the power of the disposing of the body according to that which we read was prophesied Isay 53. The people gaue his graue to the wicked and to the rich euen to their owne destruction according to their imprecation against themselues His blood be vpon vs and our children as Tremelius and Iunius doe well translate and interprete those words of the Prophet Ioseph therefore is a Sutor to Pilate that he would grant him this fauour that he might take it downe and bestowe it For as the three Euangelists Matthewe Marke and Luke tell vs he asked the body of Iesus that is not onely to take it downe from the crosse but also that he might bestow it in buriall as the effect it selfe declareth For so soone as Pilate had granted him licence to doe that which he had requested he did not onely take downe the body but also he buried the same And in the procuration of the taking downe and burying of the body the Euangelist Marke obserueth to the commendation of Ioseph that he vsed boldnes in this his sute howsoeuer it might seeme to be a matter wherein hee indangered himselfe at the least through the malice of his wicked brethren the Rulers of the Iewes to some displeasure and rebuke in that he should shewe himselfe fauourable to the body of one that was executed vnder the crime of a rebell against Caesar But through the goodnesse of God it fell out otherwise toward him For hee gaue him fauour with Pilate By whose answere it appeareth that Ioseph in his sute had informed Pilate that he the rather desired that Pilate would forthwith grant him the body not onely because it was neare the euening but also because hee had beene dead a good while since For as the Euangelist Marke saith Pilate maruelled if he were dead alreadie and called vnto him the Centurion who was now returned from his
〈◊〉 euer our Sauiour being most grieuously troubled and heauie eu●n to the death vnder the horror of Gods most heauie indignation bent against the sinne of man did as wee haue seene more at large before of humane infirmitie yet without sinne praie that if it were possible the same cuppe of Gods wrath might passe away not be drunke of him yet he presently recouereth himselfe like as the Sunne being for a while shadowed by some darke and thicke cloud breaketh forth and sheweth that it hath lost no part of the light it had before and hee submitteth his will thus troubled to the most holy and dete●mined will of God And thus though he was by the passing vehemencie of the temptation terriblie shaken in his soule yet was it but as the shaking of most pure and clarified water in a Cristall glasse which cannot by any troubling or shuffling of it too and fro be any thing at all sullied and rored insomuch as there was no whit of soile or dregges in the bottome of it But that we may returne to the second branch of the former answer wherein as was saide wee may in the second place obserue the present minde and most holy wisedome and vndaunted valoure of our Sauiour in all his behauiour towardes all sortes of people in the time of his sufferings First let vs obserue what it was towardes his Disciples that is with how singular loue and in how tender pittie and compassion it was manifested toward them Question Wherein may this be discerned Answer In this respect the present minde and most excellent wisedome of our SAVIOVR shineth brightly in this that as the time of his sufferings approached nearer he did the more often preadmonish acquaint his Disciples with the praediction and foretelling of them to the end they might not be altogether sodaine and vnlooked for and so the more discomfortable vnto them The present minde of our Sauiour together with his singular wisedome and tender loue to his Disciples is euident likewise in this that when the time was at hand indeede then did hee shewe himselfe most chearefull in heartening of them howsoeuer in ●ome considerations he carried a very heauie heart in his owne most wise and holy bosome Explicatiō proofe It is true And therevpon doth the Euangelist Iohn giue this testimonie of our Sauiour That he loued those that were his owne in the world euen vnto the end so long as he liued with them Iohn 13.1 The declaration and constancie of which tendernes of the loue of our Sauiour insomuch as it was most plentifully testified at the celebration of that Passeouer in the which hee was immediatly to suffer as it followeth in the same 13. chap. of Iohn from the 2. verse euen to the end of the 17. chapter and by some other testimonies of the other Euangelists let vs as briefly and as orderly as we can collect and gather them together Question How may this be done Answer The most tender and constant loue of our Sauiour to his Disciples and consequently euen to his whole Church is euident in this that no premeditation of his sufferings which he knew must needes be most grieuous and that onely for their and our sinnes and for tht sinnes of the rest of Gods elect and nothing at all for any default of his owne could possibly diminish his loue no though he had already begun to taste the extreame bitternes of them Explicatiō proofe So in deede we read Ioh. 12.27 And verily it is a liuely proofe of a more perfit loue then the tender and louing mother can beare to her childe while the sorrowes of childe bearing are yet fresh in her minde And which of vs if so be we knew that we must die though the gentlest death that might be for any other mans cause could loue and delight in that party for whose offence we must die But specially if hee were a wicked man and an enemie vnto vs according to that Rom. 5. verses 6.7.8 Yet our Sauiour died for vs and for all other of his though wee are both by nature and in transgression of our liues such as we speake of But let vs goe forward Howe did our Sauiour furthermore declare the same his most tender loue Question He hath done it diuerse other waies Answere And first by washing his Disciples feete as it followeth Iohn chap. 13. verses 4.5 c. Explicatiō proofe If there were no other thing but this it must needes be accounted of vs an admirable declaration of his incomparable loue For assuredly whosoeuer being a Superiour can finde in his heart to wash the feete of his inferiour the which no doubt according to the vse of that Country was an office performed of the inferiour to the Superiour when a guest was entertained of the maister of the family and a farre more meane office then to poure the Ewer at the washing of hands after meate it is a certaine argument that hee loueth him well Infinitely much rather then must it be conceiued that insomuch as i● pleased our Sauiour though hee was the Lord and Maister of his Disciples and knew well his soueraignty ouer them thus farre to abase himselfe that it was a singular declaration of his most deare loue toward them Question But was this the onely cause why he did so Answere It was not the onely cause though it was one of the chiefe and principall as the Euangelist Saint Iohn giueth to vnderstand from the beginning of his 13. Chapter Question You say well But for our further instruction What other causes moued our Sauiour so to doe Answer He did it to shew them that as they had the beginning of their sanctification from him so they were to seeke for their continuance and increase therein from him and through the grace of his mediation alone He did it likewise to giue them an example of true humility and in humility of the practise of all offices of loue one to another and to the whole Church of Christ These causes are euident from the explication of our Sauiour himselfe First verses Explicatiō proofe 8.9.10 For to this end he saith to Peter who of modesty or ciuility refused for a while to haue his feete washed that if he did not suffer him to wash his feete he should haue no part in him And touching the second our Sauiour doth further expresse it from the 12. verse to the 18. And he standeth the more fully to instruct his disciples in this point of humility in themselues and of their mutuall loue and practise of the duties thereof because they were to be the Teachers of humility and of the practise of loue to all other For these are common duties belonging to all Christians without exception Wherevnto that our Sauiour might the rather induce his disciples he pronounceth a blessing vpon them if according as they were instructed by him they would performe and practise them But this belongeth to
that part of our inquirie which concerneth the duties though vpon this so iust an occasion it is not amisse that we touch them here Wherefore that we may goe forward Question How did our Sauiour Christ furthermore declare his tender loue to his Disciples and therein also toward his whole Church Answer A further declaration hereof was the institution of his holy supper thereby to represent vnto his Disciples before hand and to apply to the hand of their faith the most pretious fruite and benefite of all his sufferings and chiefly of the crucifying of his bodie and of the shedding of his blood which were the sealing vp and ratifying of all the rest This indeede is euident from the words of the institution of the same the holy Supper of the Lord Explicatiō proofe as was opened more fully in the Sermon vpon the text then now we can stand to repeate Onely let vs at this time call to mind which those most sweet fruites of the death of our Sauiour are to wit forgiuenes of sinnes and euerlasting life Ma●h 26. ver 28.29 Then the which what fruite can be more sweete to all those that knowe how great miserie our sinnes haue presently brought vpon vs and for the time to come haue made vs more fully subiect vnto in euerlasting torment both of body and soule This ordinance therefore of our Sauiour is as was saide a notable declaration yea and a confirmation of his singular loue both to his speciall disciples and also to all the members of the whole Church And yet behold he hath yet more aboundantly expressed the same by manie most sweet and comfortable speeches after the same institution and celebration of his holy Supper partly while yet they staied in the chamber where it was celebrated and partly in the way as our Sauiour walked with his disciples from thence to the garden of Gethsemane where he was betrayed and apprehended And also by that most diuine prayer Iohn chap. 17. most properlie to be accounted the Lords owne Praier euen such a prayer as no creature but he could or might make But of these things we shall haue the occasion renewed to speake more when we shall come to the comforts In the meane while let vs proceed to see how our Sauiour declared the tendernes of his loue and care ouer his disciples in the Garden where he was euen within a short space after that is in the same night to be betraied and apprehended Question How may that be perceiued of vs Answere As our Sauiour tooke them with him vnto the Garden to the end they might to their owne benefit and the common good of the Church be eye-witnesses of those things which should be fall him so they being there hee doth for the same causes direct them in the best course that they were to take admonishing them to giue themselues to Prayer lest they should enter into tentation Luke 20.40 And further lest they should in their weaknes be discouraged by the beholding of the extremitie of his tentation and affliction our Sauiour withdraweth himselfe first from eight of his Disciples And after this also from the other three Peter Iames Iohn whom he had taken yet somewhat nearer vnto him then he had done the rest Moreouer though his trouble and sorrowes were exceeding all humane strength to indure them yet our Sauiour strengthened in the spirit doth not forget nor neglect at that instant to visite his beloued Disciples with a minde no doubt to comfort them as they should stand in neede And though be found cause againe and againe to alienate his affection from them by reason of their sluggishnes and sleepy neglect of the beginning of his most grieuous troubles yet he doth onely gently reproue this their grosse failing And though he could find no comfort from them yet doth he not cease to comfort and incourage them against the terrour of his apprehension as one insinuating the hope of a good issue through all his sufferings both on their and also on his whole Churches behalfe Explicatiō proofe In all these things the present mind and most excellent wisedome of our Sauiour is plentifully testified to be filled with all loue and tender compassion ouer them The same is likewise euident by his most gratious and earnest praier for them all in the 17. chap. of Iohn ver c. 19. And particularly for Peter as we read Luke 22.31.32 Where also hee doth most wisely and louingly admonish all the rest as well as Peter of this his trouble then shortly to ensue verses 35.36.37 And after all this when hee himselfe was apprehended in the garden hee appeased the rage of the aduersaries against Peter because of his violent resistance against the Officers and in tender regard both of him and the rest giueth th●m an euasion out of the handes of his apprehenders Iohn 18.8.9 Furthermore when our Sauiour was examined before the high Priest he had a mercifull regard of Peter after his vnfaithfull deniall and therefore turned backe and by casting a gratious eye vpon him effectually admonished him by his holie Spirit to consider how grieuously hee had sinned therein Luk. 22.61 Finally euen in his agonies vpon the Crosse our Sauiour declared that singular loue and tender care and compassion which he had both vpon his mother and also vpon his beloued disciple Iohn chap. 19.26.27 And thus it is plaine that as was saide in the beginning of this Treatise Our Sauiour loued them euen to the end whom he once loued And touching the failing of the disciples and that drowsines of theirs mentioned euen now it is no other thing but that which is common to all of vs that we would surely goe euen sleeping and snoring as it were to hell were it not that our Sauiour is faine to awake vs out of our dead sleepe euer and anone Now let vs come to see howe our Sauiour did likewise declare his most present minde and all holy perfection of wisedom and fortitude in his whole course of behauiour toward his persecutors Question Wherein may these vertues of his be seene Answer They shine as the starres of heauen yea euen as the Sunne in the firmament euen from his apprehension throughout the whole course of his examination condemna●●●n and execution Explicatiō proofe They doe so indeede The which though they haue beene spoken of in the interpretation of the holy Historie yet will wee heere briefely gather the proofes thereof and call them to minde againe for our further instruction and profite This present minde of our Sauiour with his other most holy vertues are euident First in that which the Euangelist Iohn recordeth chap. 18.4 c. alledged euen now where our Sauiour minding the deliuerance and safety of his Disciples as one remembring well what hee had saide in his holy Prayer to his Father Of them which thou gauest me I haue lost none hee doth to this purpose daunt his enemies at
stoupe thus lowe to our Sauiour Christ and to his Church for his sake who may thinke himselfe excepted from like dutie and seruice And seeing the king ought to haue this generall care and dutifull regard of all for Christ sake how can we thinke but euery Christian in particular standeth deepely bound to loue and reuerence the Christian King and Queene in and for the Lord Iesus Christs sake yea euen for their owne sake in him Rom 12.10.11 But let vs proceed Question What other dutie is there to be yeelded more generally as a fruite of the comfort of faith in the sufferings of our Sauiour for vs Answer It is our dutie both in regard of the glory of God and also of loue to our Christian brethren and likewise for the testimonie of our faith in Christ who hath endured all kinde of sufferings for vs and therewithall also for the strengthening of the fa●th of the brethren to suffer whatsoeuer affliction it shal please God to call vs vnto euen vnto the death if neede shal so require Explication and proofe So it is indeed as our Sauiour himselfe giueth to vnderstand Iohn 12.25.26 He that loueth his life shal loose it and he that hateth his life in this world shal keepe it vnto life eternall If any man serue me let him followe me c. And chap 16.1.3 These things saith our Sauiour haue I saide vnto you that yee should not bee offended They wil excommunicate yee yea the time shall come that whosoeuer killeth you wil thinke th●t he doth God seruice And the Apostle Iohn is plaine in this point 1. Epistle 3.16 Hereby saith hee haue wee perceiued loue in that he that is our Sauiour laied downe his life for vs therefore we ought to lay downe our liues for the brethren Read also 1. Pet. 2.21 Herevnto are yee called to wit to endure with patience sufferings vniustly laied vpon ye for Christ also suffered for vs leauing vs an example that we should followe his steps And cap Herein we are partakers of Christs sufferings and God is glorified Read also Colos 1.24 where the profession of the Apostle Paul is notable to this purpose And likewise Philip 2.17 yea though I bee offered vp vpon the sacrifice and seruice of your faith I am glad and reioyce with you all For the same cause also be yee glad and reioyce with me Now furthermore insomuch as we stand iustly bound to yeeld such an entier obedience vnto our Lord and Sauiour who hath so dearely redeemed vs vnto himselfe from the wrath of God eternally due to our sinnes is it not our dutie much rather to be sorie for our sinnes to hate and abhorre them and euen in all holy defiance to seeke the vtter death of them which were the cause of the bitter death of our Sauiour which also had it not beene for his death and sufferings would most certainly haue beene our most woful death and destruction both of bodies and soules for euer and euer Question Is it not our dutie I say to be therefore sorie for our sinnes with most heartie godly sorrow and to hate them euen to the death with most perfect hatred c Answer It must needes be so in all good reason For otherwise wee should make but a light matter of all the sufferings of our Sauiour and bereaue our selues of all the fruites and effects of them Explication and proofe It would doubtles proue so in very deed For if we seeke not to be partakers of the power of Christs death to the crucifying of the power of sinne in our wicked and sinfull nature wee shall neuer bee partakers of the merite of his death to the remouing of the guiltines of our sin out of the sight of God And euen to cōmon iudgement it might seeme a most absurd thing that we should professe our selues to beleeue in Christ who hath for no other cause then for our sinnes suffered most grieuous sufferings The Duties in respect of his preparation to suffer euen to the enduring of a most cursed death and that in the meane while wee should make no conscience of sinne but without all remorse giue our selues ouer to commit wickednesse c. Hetherto of the duties belonging to the more generall consideration of all the sufferings of our Sauiour LEt vs henceforth consider of the duties pertaining to the same in more particular respects and that according to the order of the historicall report of them as we haue done before in the comforts And first of all in regard of our Sauiours preparing of himselfe to his sufferings Question What are the duties to be learned and performed of vs in that respect Answere First our Sauiour himselfe hath taught vs that we for our parts ought to prepare our selues in the times of our trialls by watching and prayer lest we should enter into tentation Secondly that we be constant in prayer yea with feruencie in praying so long as the occasion of any speciall tentation remaineth Thirdly that we labour to frame our hearts to be willing to suffer for Christs sake when the occasion so requireth and to this end to subdue our own wils to be obedient to the will of God Fourthly that according to the grace of God bestowed vpon our selues we be carefull to incourage and hearten others vnto sufferings specially such as by their speciall places and callings doe more nearely appertaine to our SAVIOVR CHRIST Explicatiō proofe All these duties are euidently to be obserued partly from the example and practise of the same our Sauiour and partly from his doctrine together with his example Luke 22.40 When hee came to the place hee saide Pray lest ye enter into temptation And hee himselfe praied often at the same time And finding his Disciples weake hee incouraged them as the storie maketh all plaine Finally seeing our Sauiour himselfe could not ouercome himselfe to bee willing to drinke of his bitter cup vntill he had ouercome his naturall desires though in him arising from pure affection of nature they were without sinne how may we thinke that wee shall euer be able without striuing by earnest prayer vnto God to ouercome our sinfull corruption which is infinitely more loth to suffer for Christs sake then he was for vs without Gods speciall grace Now that we may goe forward When we consider that our Sauiour was betraied by Iudas one of his owne most neare and familiar Disciples Question What good dutie may we learne by our beholding of the patience and mildenes of our Sauiour herein Answer This ought to teach vs patience and to arme vs that wee stumble not nor fall away from our Sauiour Christ and his Gospell although wee doe at any time see such as made great shewe of godlines and Christianitie in outward appearance and profession most grossely to fall away yea though like Iudas they growe to be such as doe betray vs into the handes of wicked men as hee did
lighten our eyes by the bright beames of his Gospel through the inward operation and illumination of his holy Spirit Explicatiō proofe These things verily may we not causlesly admonish our selues of from this holy consideration of the time Yea so may we obserue both his power and diuine grace that how soeuer foolish and wicked men armed themselues and watched the body of our Sauiour as if they would willingly no doubt if they could haue knocked him downe with their billes and halbards or haue taken and carried him to the chiefe Priests to haue beene crucified againe so soone as hee should in their sight haue offered to rise out of the graue Yet it was as vnpossible for them to keep him downe that he should not rise c. or to hinder the fruit and effect of his resurrection that by it the world should not be inlightened with the knowledge of his saluation as it was for them or for all the wicked in the world with all their power or deuises which they might possibly vse to hinder the Sun one moment of time from the course of the rising thereof and that it should not cast forth the bright warme beames of it euer the face of the earth And so likewise is it vnpossble at this day or for the time to come euē as it hath bin from the first time of our Sauiour Christs resurrection that any aduerse power should be able to hinder the light of the gospel that it should not shine forth there where as God doth cōmand the light of it to breake out for the comfort of his people Yea and though it falleth out by reason of the sinnes and vnthankfulnesse of the world that it is obscured and darkened for a time as the Sunne is sometime by a thicke cloude yet it is vnpossible that it should not according to the good will pleasure of God renew the light like as the Sunne after a while breaketh through the clowde againe Th●s then the time of the resurrection of our Sauiour may fitly leade vs to consider of the comfortable prophe●ie of Malachi in the place alledged before in these words of the Prophet Vnto you that feare my name shall the Sunne of righteousnes arise and health shall be vnder his wings and ye shall goe forth c. And likewise it may aptly put vs in remembrance of the like prophecies of newe heauens ●nd a new earth and of a new and cleare light to be made by our Lord Iesus Christ at the manifesting of himselfe and through the breaking forth of his Gospel and the publishing of it to all the nations of the world Isai 60.1.3 c. and ch 65.17.19 and ch 66.22 and Zech. 14.7.9 And euen for this cause as it seemeth would the Lord then beginne the world to come euen in the morning with the light as the time of the Gospel is termed 1. Iohn 2.8 to put a difference betwixt it and the former world The place frō whence he did rise againe which in the creation thereof was begunne in darknes for darknes couered all as Gen. 1.1 Hetherto of the time when our Sauiour rose againe THe place now followeth to be considered of vs. Which therefore was the place whence our Sauiour did rise againe Question Answer The graue wherein he was buried and continued to the third day as it were among the dead and in the very state and condition of the dead that was the place from whence he rose the third day euen from the dead his body being quickened by the returning of the soule vnto it againe Explication proofe It is true For that was the very place whether the women came early to seeke the body of our Sauiour but saw that it was gone And the Angel speaking of the same place telleth them He is not here but is risen remember how he spake vnto you c. Luke 24.6 And Marke 16.6 He is risen he is not here behold the place where they put him And Matth. 28.6 He is not here for he is risen as hee said come see the place where the Lord was laid And in this respect let vs call to minde that to the end there might bee no pretence of cauill against the resurrection of our Sauiour from the very place where hee was laide the holy Story assureth vs that the sepulchre in the which hee was laid was by Gods prouidence newly hewen out of the rocke and that neuer any had beene buried in it till our Sauiour was laid there Matth. 26.60 Iohn 19.41 Let this for the present suffice touching the place THe manner how our Sauiour Christ arose out of the graue is next to be examined Question How was that Answer The holy Story reporteth it thus While the vnbeleeuing and malitious Iewes little thinking that our Sauiour Christ should indeed rise againe the third day as he had said that he would and yet to put the matter out of question gathered togither set and charged a watch or garison of souldiers to keepe the sepulchre wherein the body of our Sauiour was buried lest his Disciples as they pretended should come by night and steale it away and say to the people he is risen frō the dead and lest as they further pretended to feare that by this meanes the last error should be worse then the first the Lord in this while euen early in the morning on the third day sent his holy Angell from heauen who caused a great earthquake and rowled away that great stone which was laid ouer the sepulchre and sate vpon it hauing a countenance like lightening and his rayment white as snow so that for feare of him the keepers were astonied and become as dead men so that as the holy Euangelist testifieth our Sauiour Christ did rise againe from the dead euen in this time according as he had said that he would Explication and proofe Such indeed was the māner of the resurrection of our Sauiour as the Euangelist Matthew reporteth it chapt 27.62 c. to the end of the chapter and cha 28. verse 2.4 So that we may truly say that he rose againe in a diuine manner insomuch as hee rose by his owne diuine power and so declared himselfe mightily to be the Sonne of God according to that we reade Rom. 1.4 and Iohn 2.19 and 10.18 as we haue seene before Neither is it any thing against this that the raising vp of our Sauiour is attributed to the Father Acts. and chap. 3.15 and 5.30.31 and Rom. 8.11 Eph. 1.20 and 2.6 and 1. Pet. 1.21 this is not against it I say insomuch as there is but one Deitie both of the Father and the Sonne Question But if our Sauiour rose againe by his owne diuine power why then did not he himselfe rowle away the stone and amaze the souldiers with the brightnesse of his owne diuine glorie and maiestie and so take away all heart and courage from them as hee
ground in the word of God and therefore to abstaine from all curious speculations beside As for example it were in the present case a vaine thing for any of vs to busie our selues to know who those men were that our Sauiour raised vp at this his owne resurrection and who they were to whom they appeared and what their communication behauiour was c. Neuerthelesse insomuch as the end why our Sauiour Christ did raise vp the bodies of these Saints is of it selfe euident namely to declare the mighty effect and most blessed fruite of his Resurrection vnto his Church which is that by him all the faithfull shall at the last day rise againe to euerlasting life neuer to die any more it seemeth that we may not without good reason conceiue that they died not againe but that they are receiued vp into heauen as a fruite of our Sauiours Ascension thither on the Church of Gods behalfe like as their resurrection was a fruite of his Resurrection as was said euen now But it is not meete that we should be ouer stiffe or contentious in it no more then wee ought to be concerning the bodies of Henoch or Elijah though it is most likely that they were taken vp bodily into heauen The iudgement of M. Caluin is worthy to be respected of vs in that he writeth concerning this point in his Harmonie thus Sicuti non facilis est nec prompta solutio ita anxié laborare nihil attinet in re cognitu non necessaria Diu in hominum coetu fuisse versatos verisimile non est quia tantum ad breue tempus conspici oportuit vt in illo speculo vel imagine manifesta esset Christi virtus Quum autem Deus apud viuos spem celestis vitae confirmare voluerit in illorum persona nihil absurdi erit si dicamus eos hoc officio defunctos iterū quieuisse in suis sepulchris Veri similius tamen est vitam qua donati sunt non fuisse deinae illis ademptam Nam si mortalis fuisset solidae resurrectionis documentum esse non poterat That is As the dissoluing of the doubt is not easie or readie at hand so there is no neede to trouble our selues much about it seeing it is a matter not necessary to bee knowne That they continued long among men it is not very like for it was enough that they were seene for a short time to the end that the power of Christ might in that glasse as it were bee represented and made manifest vnto them And insomuch as it was the pleasure of GOD in their person to confirme vnto the liuing the hope of the heauenly life it shall not bee vnreasonable to say that they rested againe in their graues after they had performed this dutie Neuerthelesse it is more likely that the life where-with they were indued was not afterward taken away from them For if it had beene subiect againe to death it could not haue beene a through proofe of the resurrection To the which resolution Master Beza doth easily condescend where hee writeth thus Qui ante ipsum per ipsum ex miraculo suscitati sunt iterum morituri suscitati sunt quum tamen huius miraculi finis sit vt sciamus hos fuisse suscitatos testes virtutis resurrectionis Iesu Christi in aeternam felicitatem futuros Hom. 34. in Hist. Passionis Sect. 4. That is They which haue beene miraculously raised vp before him and by him were raised vp to die againe but the scope of this miracle is to let vs know that these were raised vp to set forth the power of the resurrection of Iesus Christ touching endlesse happinesse And Master Perkins in his exposition vpon this Article It may be demanded saith hee what became of the Saintes that rose againe after Christs resurrection Answ Some thinke they died againe but seeing they rose for this end to manifest the quickening vertue of Christs resurrection it is like that they were also glorified with Christ and ascended with him to heauen This is the iudgement of those good and faithfull seruants of God But some man may say If it be not a matter of faith but left as vncertaine by the holy Euangelist what mattereth it that any should be carefull to say any thing at all this way or that way of it I answer that it is a good duty and a worthy fruit of faith in matters doubtfull and yet of good vse to interpret them most nearely according to the proportion of faith and yet so as to determine without preiudicing of those who without contentiousnesse and without preiudice against any Article of faith doe differ in iudgement from vs. Touching other things conteined in this text they are more questionlesse and very certaine First that the bodies of the Saintes onely that is of those that died the faithfull seruantes of God were raised againe and that also to certifie the faithfull liuing that Christ was risen and that the raising vp of the bodies of these Saints should be likewise as a pledge of the resurrection of all the faithfull to euerlasting life at the end of the world Secondly that their soules returned euery one to their owne bodie from that place of rest where they were preserued among the soules of all other the faithfull departed Whence also the being or existence and immortality of the soule though seperated from the body may bee confirmed And thirdly it is certaine that these Saints did not appeare after the manner of Ghosts without any true bodies but they appeared verily and indeede in their owne true and naturall bodies which God restored to them againe And finally where it is demanded why in this our text the Citie of Ierusalem being most bloody and wicked yea though there had beene no other sinne among them but this of putting our Sauiour to death i● for all that called the holy Citie I answer that the holy Euangelist calleth it so first and principally in respect of Gods sanctification dedication of it from the beginning to himselfe to be a most holy Citie therfore pl●ced his holy Temple in it though they had now long since miserably polluted defiled both it and the Temple by their sinne● And secondly he calleth it so The causes why hee was to rise againe because there were in it remaining stil a remnant of the holy seruants of God both of men and women Thirdly it is called holy because God minded to reare vp a spirituall Temple and Church vnto our Lord Iesus Christ in the midst of it by the Apostles preaching that from thence euen out of the Sion of God might the Gospel bee carried vnto the ends of the earth Psalm 110.3 Isai 2.3 Mich. 4.2 Luke 24.46.49 Thus farre of the manner of the resurrection of our Sauiour THe reasons or causes why the same our Sauiour did rise againe they are next to be considered of vs. Question Which are they Answer First the prophecies of
to seek the liuing among the dead we see that forgetfulnes of holy doctrine neglect of due care to vnderstand it which is a forestalling of memory they are sins to be sorrowed for to be watched against c. Fourthly in that the Angel as also our Sauiour himselfe did command incourage these women to go with speed to the disciples the tender care of the Lord appeareth who would not haue vs continue long but speedily to breake off vnprofitable and causelesse sorrowes yea to comfort our selues according to all causes of comfort specially according to those of our eternall saluation which he is most carefull to make knowne vnto vs. Fiftly in that the holy Angel maketh speciall mention of Peter the same tender and mercifull care of the Lord toward sinners doth yet more liuely appeare because hee would haue Peter in special māner comforted against his special discomfort euen against that most deepe sorrow which no doubt yet lay in his bosome for his grieuous fall Sixtly in that both the Angell and also our Sauiour himselfe biddeth the women tell his disciples that according as he had promised before his death so he would now go before thē into Galile and that there they should see him this sheweth that the Lord is like minded now as he was before euen to delight to shew himselfe to further his work rather in mean places among the poorer of his people where his Gospel is more willingly imbraced thē in places of greater reckoning in the world and among the richer sort of men where both hee and his Gospel it vsually most contemned and reiected as it was at this time especially in the Citie of Ierusalem Finally in that the women fall downe at the feet of our Sauiour worship him it is manifest that they did perfectly know and discerne him from all men in the world as we may say to be our Sauiour and no other but he Explication and proofe It is manifest indeed For otherwise they would not haue fallen down before him worshipped him and that with such a religious mind I doubt not as it is not lawful to yeeld to any creature but to him on●ly who being true man is also the very true eternall sonne of God This therfore among the rest may iustly be a certaine confirmation vnto vs euen vpon the certaine knowledge of these faithfull godly women that our Sauiour is vndoubtedly risen again And touching the other branches of your answer First of all it is likewise out of all question that they who with a dutiful affecti●n seek after the knowledge and faith of our Sa Ch are a thousand fold more blessed then the wicked aduersaries who any way set thēselues against him as the gratious dealing of the Lord with thē euen here in this world doth shew in that he cōforteth all such by his holy Spirit and giueth them inward peace of conscience But at the last daie hee will most perfectly declare it when all such shall see the Lord in his glory to their vnspeakable cōfort the rest shal be so terrified that they would gladly that the huge mountaines rocks might fall vpon thē to hide them frō his presence Reuel 6.16.17 For seeing the glory of the resurrection of our Sauiour was so great by the ministery of one Angel how infinite shal the glory of his cōming to iudgment be when he shal shew himselfe in his perfect glory accompanied with the thousand thousands of his Angels Math. 2● 31 Secondly according to the second branch of your answer our Sauiour pronounceth them blessed who beleeue though they see not Iohn 20.29 But of this more afterward Touching the third branch the admonitiō of the Apostle to the Heb. ch ● 1 ● 3.4 is worthily to be harkned vnto in that he saith Wherfore we ought diligently to giue heed to the things which we haue heard lest at any time we shoul● let thē sl●p c. Certainly if our Sa Ch had not bin so gratious as to shew himself to renue the doctrine of his resurrectiō the knowledge of it was likely to haue perished through the forgetfulnes not only of these women but also of all the rest of the disciples In like manner our owne forgetfulnes is ready to indanger vs to loose the fruit of much holy doctrine frō time to time if we be not carefull to call to god for his grace to the succoring of our memories against the weaknes therof Answerable to the fourth branch is that gratious cōmission of the Lord. Isai 40.1 c. Comfort ye Comfort ye my people will your God say Speake comfortably to Ierusalem and cry vnto her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquity is pardoned c. Likewise the practise of the Apostle guided by the Spirit of God 2. Cor. 2.1 c. in that he laboureth to comfort the Corinthians against their former sorrow And again ch 7.3.4 c. 13. Read also Phil. ch 4 4. To the fift branch agreeth the like gratious dealing of our Sauiour in shewing himselfe to Peter before he appeared to any of his men-disciples Luk 24.34 Likewise his often demanding of him whether he loued him or no Iohn But of these more in their due places afterward The sixt branch is according to that answer which our Sauiour gaue to the messengers of Iohn Baptist Math. 11.5 The poore receiue the Gospel and ch 18.1 c. Our Sauiour hath care of his litle ones Hetherto of the second appearance of our Sauiour to the manifesting of his resurrection The proofe of his resurrection by his third appearance LEt vs come to the third Question Where is that recorded vnto vs Ans In the 24. ch of the Euangelist Luke verse ●4 The Lord is risen indeed say some of the eleuen as they were gathered together and hath appeared to Simon Explicatiō This is vpon speciall occasion set downe by the Euangelist after the narration of the appearance of our Sauiour to the two Disciples that were going to Emmaus But that it was a thing performed by our Sauiour before that at the least before they came from Emmaus to Ierusalē the Euangelist himselfe doeth make it plaine For as he saith when these two Disciples came to report vnto the eleuē that they had seen our Sauiour at the same instant that they came in some of the eleuē were talking said that he had appeared to Simon It was as it is most like that appearance which the Apostle Paul writeth of 1. Cor. 15.5 He was seene of Cephas For Cephas as wee know as well as Simon were diuers names of one and the same Peter Of this appearance of our Sauiour to Peter there is little written and therefore we will briefly passe it ouer Onely let vs here call to minde againe that which was once mentioned before that the most mercifull disposition of our Sauiour is hereby declared in
glory of the onely begotten Son of God c yet if God doe not continue still to enlighten vs by his holy spirit we should be ignorant and vnbeleeuing touching those points yet remaining as euen these chief disciples were for a season And therefore we learne further from hence that we are still continually to craue of God that he will vouchsafe to open our eyes that euen as he hath lincked together all the Articles of our faith as in a golden chaine so it would please him to renewe from time to time the gracious light of his holy spirit that we may from point to point attaine to the true vnderstanding and faith of euery one of them For assuredly looke where the Lord leaueth teaching there of necessitie shall wee cease learning And therefore let vs be alwaies very careful not onely publikely but also priuately euery one by our selues and with our families to pray earnestly to God for the daily illumination of his holy spirit in euery point of his most holy and diuine truth This haue the excellent seruants of God done before vs namely the Prophet in the 119. Psalm verse 18. Open mine eyes that I may see the wonders of thy lawe And the Apostle Paul he praieth in the behalfe of such as had already profited excellently well in the knowledge and faith of our Lord Iesus Christ that the eyes of their vnderstanding might be yet more and more inlightened Ephes Col. 1.9 Wherefore we much rather ought to doe it as they who stand insomuch the more need then they by how much we haue lesse profited Questionles the cause why many euen of such as haue heard the word a long time and enioyed all other the holy ordinances of the Lord doe remaine still very ignorant of whom it may be saide that they are euer learning and neuer come to the knowledge of the truth it is for that they be not instant with the Lord by praier both in publike ioyning with the preacher and also in priuate by themselues attending diligently vpon the ministery of the word intreating his blessing vpon the same For no doubt if the most ignorant in the congregation would pray feruently to God for grace they should find the Lord true in his most holy gracious promise Aske and ye shal receiue seeke and ye shall find knocke and it shall be opened vnto you For as our Sauiour assure ● vs whosoeuer asketh receiueth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened For what man is there among you c. Mat 7.7 c. read also Luk 11. ● They that are ch●ldren in knowledge and stande in need of milke should grow in time fit to be fed with more strong meat as the Apostle speaketh 1. Co Heb ● 12.13.14 1. Pet 2.1.2 For as wee read Psal 19.7 The Lord giueth wisedome to the simple yea Prou 1.4 sharpnes of wit and to the child knowledge and vnderstanding Thus much concerning the effect of the breathing of our Sauiour vpon his Disciples saying Receiue the holy Ghost in that hereby their vnderstanding was opened And this is the fourth particular But that which is annexed vnto it is no lesse worthy to be obserued of vs touching the subiect matter of their vnderstanding namely the holy Scriptures for so saith the holy Euang that our Sa opened their vnderstanding that they might vnderstād the Scriptures Our Sauiour could by immediate reuelation haue giuen them knowledge without the written word but to cut off all occasion of seeking after phantasticall reuelations beside the word as many proud spirited men doe attempt and in the meane while set not a flocke by the Scriptures it pleased our Sauiour euen of purpose no doubt to honour the Scriptures thus far as to make them the groūd and guides of the vnderstanding of his most choise disciples Yea he himselfe though all that he spake was as authenticall as the Scriptures for he was the very truth it selfe yet he had alwaies his recourse to the Scriptures of the olde Testament to ground his doctrine on Moses and the prophets as it is plentifully recorded by the holy Euangelists And as it followeth in the very next words containing the fift particular Question Which are they Answer And he said vnto them Thus it is written and thus it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise again● from the dead the third day Luke 24.46 Explicatiō How the sufferings and resurrection of our Sauiour are written of in the holy Scriptures we haue shewed before Here let vs obserue diligently that insomuch as our Sauiour standeth so often in the rehearsall and confirmation of his sufferings and resurrection that they are matters of singular weight not to be posted ouer as children doe in saying the Articles of their fai●h but to be most seriously minded both of yong and olde with the best discretion and most aduised iudgement that all of vs can attaine vnto They are two of the principallest things which our thoughts and meditations ought to haue recourse vnto in the morning when we rise in the euening when we goe to bed yea in the night as wee lye vpon our beds Wee ought to talke of them as wee walke abroad with our neighbours and as wee sit at home with our wiues and children c. Verily none of vs haue yet euer sufficiently and deepely enough pondered and weighed them Whose heart should not be wonderfully affected both with godly sorrow for sinne with zealous hatred against sinne with vnsatiable loue towardes God our heauenly Father and towards the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe considering that hee would according to the will of his Father most willingly suffer for vs yea euen to the death the death of the Crosse as we haue heard at large before And who duly considering that the same our Lord Iesus Christ who dyed for our sinnes is verily risen againe for our iustification cannot but bee vnspeakeably reioyced and stirred vppe to rise from the death of sinne to serue the liuing God as we are after to consider in the comforts and duties belonging to the faith of the same Here also we see which are the principall things which our Sauiour commendeth to the faith of his Disciples as the chiefe grounds and pillars thereof and which were to be most carefully preached of them as the chiefe grounds of the common faith of all Christians There are many other Articles indeede in no wise to be neglected of vs but if wee should studie neuer so long we could not name two Articles of like necessarie respect yea of like both respect and prospect as we may say the one pointing vs backe yea containing in a manner all the humiliation of our Sauiour euen from his birth to his death the other pointing vs forward to his full and perfect glorification it being as a most triumphant entrance into it neuer to fall from the victorie and
knew not that it was Iesus Explication Our Sauiour who is other where called the great shepheard of the sheepe of the which wee shall haue occasion to speake afterward he sheweth himselfe at this time after the manner of the chiefe fisher maister ouer these his fishermen For so his words giue plainely to vnderstand First in that he standing thus on the shore calleth out vnto them and saith Sirs or children as the word Paidia which he vseth signifieth haue ye any meate wherein he speaketh as one being priuie to the cause of their fishing which was want of necessary food and victuall not as prouiding to serue any common market but for the priuate reliefe of the family Yea he speaketh as if he himselfe their Maister had set them about the present busines to that very ende For the word child●en according to the Hebrew p●rase is attributed vsually to seruants as the word Nehharim all one in signification with the Greeke Paidia that is to say children doth declare And so we read 1. Sam 25.5 13. where the holy Storie reporting how Dauid sent his seruants to Nabal and how they did their message vnto him and what answer Nabal gaue againe to them the word nehharim is often repeated in that narration And so Exod 33.11 Iosua though of mans age is called Moses nahhar that is his child or yong man c. and. 2. King 4.12 Gehazi the seruant of Elisha is termed by the name of his child or yong ma● And Psal 119 9. By what meanes shall a yong man yea such a one as is in the flower or strength of his yeares redresse his waies c. It is true that the word Pais doth likewise sometimes signifie a seruant whether yonger or elder in yeares whether a boy or a man Neuertheles we are rather to think that our Sauiour respected the vse of the Hebrew language And so he speaketh to them euer as Moses should haue called out spoken to his seruant Ioshua or E●isha to Gehazi or Dauid to his ten seruants whom he sent to Nabal c. Thus then in the first place these first wordes of our Sauiour are spoken after the māner of a Maister to whom these fisher-men were seruants The same is yet more euident in the 2. speech which he vseth For immediately vpō their answer that they had none he biddeth them Cast out the net on the right side of the ship and telleth them that so they should find Wherevpon they obey him as seruants their maister or at least hearkening to the aduise of one whom they supposed to be a man of good experience and thought that it might be that he saw some signe of some skole of fishes gathered together there about though indeed they did not yet know him to be our Sauiour Chr their Lord maister This then was the manner of our Sauiours shewing of himselfe to his disciples in this his seuenth appearance as both the time and the place and his speeches already interpreted doe plainely argue and declare Now let vs come to the fift point to wit what the speciall end and scope was which our Sauiour intended and aimed at in this appearance Question What was that Ans I haue heard you teach vs that all things duly considered it may be euident The proofe of his resurrection by his seuenth appearance that our Sauiour did not so much shew himself at this time to cōfirme his Disciples in the certaintie of his resurrection as to aximate and incourage those whom hee had chosen for his Apostles to settle themselues the more comfortably and confidently to that most difficult and hard peece of their Apostolical worke and seruice So it seemeth indeede both from all the circumstances before mentioned and by the manner of the appearance it selfe and also by all the speeches and actions of our Sauiour which are hereafter to be considered of v● Wee doe not say that our Sauiour did not at al propound to himself to confirme his very true and bodily resurrection to his Disciples yet more fully For then hee would not haue eaten with them Onely we say that he principally propounded to himselfe the confirming of the hearts of his chiefe Disciples to the work of their holy ministerie in the preaching of the Gospell after his ascension and specially of Peter for that there was cause why he might be more easily discouraged then any of the rest in the time of tentation while he should remember his former most grieuous fall in the deniall and forswearing of his Lord and maister In which respect also our Sauiour of his singular mercie vouchsafed him the first sight of him after his resurrection before yet he had shewed himselfe to any of the eleuen This verily in respect of Peter was the principall purpose of our Sauiour in this his appearance and in no wise as the Popish guides most blindly imagine and blasphemously teach that our Sauiour should intend to create Peter the prince of the Apostles and to make him his vicare generall ouer his Church much lesse to the end he might deriue it to the Popes of Rome in their succession c. Of the which more afterward when wee come to that speech of our Sauiour whence they would gladly father that their ambitious and proud conceit In the meane season let us consider how it may be discerned that the principall scope of ou● Sauiour was to incourage his Apostles present at this time to the worke and labour of the ministery Question How may this be discerned Answere Our Sauiour to this ende worketh three miracles In the first whereof his dealing is so answerable to that course which he tooke at the first calling of some of these his chiefe Disciples to be special followers of him in that he called thē from Sea faring fishing to be fishers of men that it is more then seeming that he would draw them at this time to the same consideration againe and to incourage them therevnto Yea the latter words of our Sauiour to Peter after dinner doe plainely declare that this was the chiefe scope of all both the words and the works which he wrought before Explicatiō It may well be affirmed which you say For first if we compare that which we read Mat 4.18 c Mar 1 16. c. wi●h the 5. ch of Luk. v. 1. c. we shal find that these very persons Peter Iames Iohn were in the same sea fishing and Peters ship thē was the same likely that Peter fished with now They had then fished al night and could take nothing euen as they had done now They did cast their nets yet once againe at the cōmandement of our Sa as they did at this time They tooke then a great multitude of fishes as they did now c. All things therefore agreeing so neerly how can we but think that the mind of our Sa was likewise at both the times euen one the same That
in vs toward him Wee must trie and examine our selues concerning our loue to Christ as the Apostle Paul telleth vs that euery Christian must try his faith in Christ 2. Cor. 13.5 Proue your selues whether ye are in the faith examine your selues know ye not your owne selues how that Iesus Christ is in yee except ye be reprobates The reasons why wee are thus to try our selues are principally two First because there is naturally in euery one of vs too great loosenesse and negligence touching the matters of the Kingdome of GOD and of our owne soules and saluation as it is euident by the common speeches of all Who though their own consciences conuict thē that the houre is to come that euer they seriously setled their hearts to inquire and search after these things yet they will readily and boldly say they are sure of their saluation and that they loue God with all their heart and that it were pitie that any should liue that loue not Christ c. Thus euery man is ready to giue forth good words But loue in words onely and from the teeth outward as wee say is condemned betwixt man and man and therefore the precept is giuen Let vs not loue in word neither in tongue onely but in deede and in truth 1. Ioh. 3.18 Much lesse may wee thinke that the Lord will regard bare words how neere so euer the mouth draweth toward him when the heart is farre from him as he complaineth by his holy Prophet Isai 29.13 Matth. 15.7 c. Lest therefore this generall loosenes and negligence should deceiue vs it is necessarie that euery wise Christian doe take a more carefull course Secondly it is necessarie that we trie our hearts concerning our loue to our Sauiour because there is a most hidden deceitfulnesse in euery mans heart to thinke that much good is in it which is not in truth and that it is free from much euill which it is tainted withall vntill it be chased away by this diligent inquisition and by our putting of our selues as it were vpon the racke Yea rather vntill we distrusting our owne triall as being partiall therein doe after the example of Dauid intreate the Lord who onely doth truly trie the heart and searcheth the reines Ier. 17.10 as was alledged a while since that it would please him to trie vs and both to make knowne vnto vs that which is amisse and also to testifie what the worke of his owne holy and secret grace is in vs according to that Psal 26.1.2 c. and Psal 139 verses 23.24 Trie me O God and know mine heart proue me and know my thoughts And consider if there be any way of wickednes in me and leade thou me in the way for euer And although the Lord doe at any time trie vs by laying his word to our consciences according to that of the Prophet Isai chap. 28.17 Iudgement also will I lay to the rule and righteousnes to the ballance c. And Exod. ●0 verse 20. or by any affliction as Deut. 8.2 or by any of his righteous seruants Psal 141.5 yea or though it should be by an aduersarie 2. Sam. 16 1●.12 Wee are to take heede that we be not therfore pettish and froward against the Lord after the manner of the wicked but that wee be sorie with Peter to remember that we haue giuen the Lord iust cause to call vs to so narrow a reckoning Neither are wee to thinke this to be contrarie to the Lords most free grace and aboundant mercie so comfortably described Psal 103 8. c. Ier. 31.33.34 Micah 7.18.19 and in many other places God doth neuer call to his owne minde or bring the sinnes of his children to their remembrance in his wrath and with a purpose to take vengeance of them but onelie in mercy to better their repentance and to stay them from further sinning euen from the remembrance of his former mercies in forgiuing their sinnes Thus our Sauiour dealt with Peter And the same course of the Lords dealing is very good for euery one of vs. For as it is truly said concerning the beneficence of one man to another that he which giueth the benefit should forget it but that he which receiueth it should hold it in stedfast memory so though the Lord do for euer forgiue our sins vtterly forgetteth to take vengeance of vs for thē yet we ought neuer to forget neither how infinit waies we haue offended him nor how great his mercy hath been is continually vnto vs in forgiuing forgetting the same our innumerable sinnes and offences Finally from that modestie which Peter sheweth in refusing to preferre himselfe before his brethren let vs also learne not to put forth our selues too farre as it were beyond our line through any inconsiderate rashnes or shew of boasting either in word or deede but wisely and discreetly keepe our selues within that measure of grace which God himselfe hath measured to euery of vs labouring alwaies after inward truth and not after outward shew and appearance in giuing honour going before all other as much as wee may in truth attaine vnto Thus much concerning the first part of the first speech of our Sauiour Christ to Peter particularly directed to him indeede but not vttered for his cause onely but that all might in him receiue their necessary instruction and admonition as was before truly affirmed Let vs now come to the second part of the same speech which is this Feede my Lambs and againe Feede my sheepe Feede my sheepe The which wordes as hath beene already obserued doe containe a most notable charge and direction to Peter in that hee was ordeined to bee an Apostle and Preacher of the Gospel how hee should both best trie his owne loue toward our Sauiour Christ to the peace of his conscience in the sight of God and also best declare his loue to the glory of God and profit of his Church and people as was touched before And therein also our Sauiour doth by a similitude or comparison taken from the sheepe and lambs of the flocke describe the properties of those that be the true members of his Church and dutifull hearers of his word c. So that the due consideration of these words will be no lesse profitable both to Ministers and Preachers of the word and also to the rest of the people of God then the former were and therefore let vs in the name of Christ with like diligence both inquire and also harken vnto it Question How may these things be gathered from the words of our Sauiour Answer First in them all ioyntly Feede my Lambs and then againe and againe Feede my sheepe Feede my sheepe verses 15.16 Secondly in a particular consideration of these words lambs and sheepe Explicatiō You answer well But before we come to the interpretation of these words two things are very requisite to be presupposed of vs as you haue beene taught Question Which may they be
them c. and ye shall be my people and I will be your God In all which promises of the Gospel wee through our Sauiour Christ haue our part with them and this our baptisme is a seale of it to vs as well as to the beleeuing remnant of them according to that which we reade Acts 2.38 39. compared with chap. 10.47 48. Can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized who haue receiued the holy Ghost as well as we So he that is the Apostl● Peter commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Likewise Ephes 2.11 12 c. to the end of the chapter In which place also wee are worthily admonished to consider the greatnes of the most gratious benefite of our admittance into the couenant of God who were strangers from it before c to the end we might prouoke our dull hearts according to our bounden duty to g●orifie the name of the Lord our God with all possible glory praise which we may yeelde vnto him for the same For verily the benefit ought iustly to be as great in our account as it was strange vnto the Iewes yea vnto Peter at the first that it should be so vntill that he was admonished by a speciall vision with this instruction expresly added on the behalfe of vs the Gentiles The things which God hath purified pollute thou not that is see thou doe not account them to be vncleane and vnlawfull to haue a holy communion and fellowship with yee Act. 1● verses 11 c. 15 c. In which respect also the mysterie of godlines is highly celebrated in that among other things our Sauiour Christ is preached to the Gentiles and beleeued on in the world And all this is according to the holy prophesie of Isaiah chap. 11.10 as it is alledged by the holy Apostle Rom. 15.12 He shall reigne ouer the Gentiles and in him shall the Gentiles trust And againe according to that Isai 42.1 2 3 4. and Matth. 12.21 Now therefore seeing the Lord our God of his infinite mercy doth according to this blessed ordinance of our Sauiour and for his sake assure vs that he receiueth vs into his most gratious couenant euen to the remitting of our sinnes c. Heb. 10.16 17 18 19. as hath been declared from the former part of the answer is it not cleare of it selfe according to the latter part of the answer that we ought most willingly thankfully and dutifully to dedicate and vow our selues wholly to the Lord and to his holy worship and seruice yea with a minde neuer to depart from him I doubt not but the heart and conscience of euery one that hath grace to discerne any thing at all cannot but from the consideration of this so inestimable a mercy of God say Amen acknowledging with all his heart that it is his most bounden duty so to doe We for our parts cannot but say as wee haue learned from the Prophet Micah chap. 4. verse 5. that insomuch as all people will walke euerie one in the name of his God yea though they be false gods much rather will we walke in the name of the Lord our God for euer and euer insomuch as the Lord our God into whose name we are baptized is the onely true God euen God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost three Persons one onely God as the holy Scriptures doe plainely teach and confirme vnto vs. The which obedience that we may with the better cōscience yeeld let vs wel consider what this meaneth to be baptized into the name of the Father and of the Sonne Question and of the holy Ghost Say therefore What is the meaning thereof Answer To be baptized into the name of the Father is to haue assurance giuen to euerie true beleeuer which is baptized that God the Father is through our Lord Iesus Christ his Sonne become his Father and that for the same cause he standeth bound to performe the dutie of an obedient childe vnto him To be baptized into the name of the Sonne is to haue assurance giuen that the same so baptized is for his part one of those whom our Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of the Father hath redeemed and reconciled to the same his Father through his blood and therefore standeth bound to obey him as the Lord his redeemer To be baptized into the name of the holy Ghost is to haue assurance giuen that euerie true beleeuer so baptized is sealed vp and sanctified by the holy Ghost against the day of his full redemption to haue his portion of perfit glorie in the kingdome of heauen and therefore that hee standeth bound to obey him as the Lord his sanctifier Thus indeede doth the whole Trinitie of Persons in the vnitie of the eternall Godhead Explication proofe consent in the blessed worke of our redemption and saluation And the verie phrase of speech to be baptized into the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost doth note the giuing of such a holy assurance as you speake of yea such an assurance as challengeth that singular dutie which hath also beene spoken of as may be obserued by that one instance in stead of all which is written concerning baptizing into the name of our Sauiour Christ in that he is the second Person in the glorious Trinitie For the Apostle Paul minding to beate downe all emulation and depending vpon men and to direct christians to looke vnto our Sauiour Christ who hath accepted them to be his and to whom they haue addicted themselues he reasoneth from this Sacrament of Baptisme to that end For whereas many among the Corinthians were diuided in their mindes in that one saide I am Paules and another I am Apollos and I am of Cephas and I am Christs he opposeth them thus Is Christ diuided was Paul crucified for ye either were ye Baptized into the name of Paul c. As though he should haue said yee ought all euery one of yee to be his onely into whose name ye haue beene baptized that is ye ought to depend vpon him to giue him the whole glorie c. 1. Cor. 1.12.13 and Gal. 3.27.28 For all ye that are baptized into Christ haue put on Christ there is neither Iew nor Grecian c. For yee are all one in Christ Iesus And likewise to stirre vp the care of godlinesse and holinesse of life he saith Rom. 6.3.4 Know yee not that all wee which haue beene baptized into Iesus Christ haue beene baptized into his death Wee are buried then with him by baptisme in his death that like as Christ was raised vp from the dead to the glory of the Father so wee also should walke in newnesse of life That which is saide concerning the second Person in that he is God yea both God and man in the Person of the mediator betwixt God and man is proportionably to be vnderstood concerning the rest That is seeing we are baptized into
from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion ouer him For in that hee died he died once to sinne that is to take away the power and strength of sinne in those that beleeue in him but in that he liueth he liueth to God that is immortallie in his eternall glory And Reuel 1.17.18 Feare not saith our Sauiour himselfe to the Apostle Iohn I am the first and the last And I am aliue but was dead and behold I am aliue for euermore Amen and I haue the keyes of hell and of death Finally he is in this respect called and is in very deede The Lord of life and glorie Act. 3.15 and 1. Cor. ● 8 Heb. 7.24 25. This man because he endureth euer he hath an euerlasting Priesthood wherefore he is able also perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him seeing he euer liueth to make intercession for them And chap. 9.28 THus then we hauing the meaning of this Article of our Sauiours resurrection from the dead let vs according to our order come to the promise and then to the vse of it being apprehended by faith first touching that comfort which it yeeldeth to vs from our Sauiour Christ and then for dutie which it requireth at our hands toward him as a fruit of our thankfulnesse for the same Question What promise haue we that our Lord Iesus Christ should rise againe from the dead for our benefit Answer We haue the propheticall promise of it in the 16. Psalme as it is euident by the allegation of the Apostle Peter in the 2. chapter of the Acts of the Apostles verses 25 c. And of the Apostle Paul in the 13. chapter verses 32 33 34. c yea we haue the propheticall promise of the whole glorification of our Sauiour to our aduancement in the 2. Psalme For aske of me saith the Lord and I will giue thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the ends of the earth for thy possession Explicatiō and proofe It is very true And this no doubt is for the singular benefit and preferment of euery beleeuing Gentile as well as of the beleeuing Iewes as we may see the same gratious promise of the Lord yet further confirmed by the Prophet Isaias chap. 53.10 11 12. He shall see his seede and shall prolong his daies and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hands c. The Prophet sheweth what should follow after the death of our Sauiour according as it is come to passe in a great part and shall be still more and more for euer according to the former prophecies of the holy Scriptures and according to the testimonie of our Sauiour Christ himselfe Luke 24. verses 26 27. and verses 46 47 48 49. BVt these things belong to the comfort of faith in respect of the resurrection of our Sauiour Let vs therefore proceede vnto it Question Answer Explication What is the vse of this Article for the comfort of our faith It is very great and that also sundry waies It is verie true For the comfort of the resurrection of our Sauiour is as it were the haruest of his death in such sense as our Sauiour himselfe compareth his death vnto the seede time thereof Iohn 12 23.24 saying The houre is come that the Sonne of man must be glorified Verily verily I say vnto you Except the wheate corne fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit c. Now wee know that the time of haruest The Comforts is a time of greater ioy then is the seede time And againe the Sunne rising is more glorious then the Sunne going downe So is the resurrection of our Sauiour Christ in comparison of his death For though the death hath purchased yet the resurrection putteth into possession Though all are lapped vp in the death yet they are not clearely vnfolded but by the resurrection c. And for this cause it was that vsually when our Sauiour spake of his suffering death which in themselues were vncomfortable he was wont to adde the doctrine and promise of his resurrection as a certaine larde or sweetning vnto it as Matthew chapter 16.21 and chapter 17.21 23. and chap. 20.18 19 20. and chap. 26.31 32. And Marke 14.28 Likewise Luke 18.31 32 33. and cha 24.6 7 8. where the holy Angells doe put his Disciples in remembrance thereof at the time of his resurrection But because as was saide the comfort of the resurrection is manifolde let vs not content our selues with a generall conceit or obseruation but let vs come to the particulars And whereas we cannot looke by and by to draw in so full a draught of comfort as is offered vnto vs therein let vs not be lesse wise by the wisedome of spirituall grace then the little infant is by naturall instinct who though the milke of the mothers breast come not at the first yet ceaseth not drawing till the milke streameth forth For assuredly the breasts of the word of God the olde and newe Testament the one promising the other performing they are euen pent with the sincere milke of the Spirit of God aboundantly sufficient to satisfie all those that as newe borne babes will lie drawing at the same and will not be like those who are so besotted with carelesnesse in seeking after the comfort of the holy Scriptures as if there were sufficiencie of knowledge in ignorance comfort enough in a sencelesse conceit of heauenly things But let not vs be such but let vs be carefull to seeke inquire after all the comforts which this excellent Article as the sunshine of Gods holy Spirit shining vpon our dead hearts may by the warme and healthfull beames thereof minister vnto vs. Which therefore are those manifold and great comforts which the faith of the resurrection of our Sauiour Christ doe minister vnto vs Question and to all such as doe truly beleeue in the same Answer 1 First our Sauiour Christ is by his resurrection from the dead mightily declared to bee the Sonne of God and the verie true Messiah and promised Sauiour of his Church to this verie ende that our faith and hope might bee in GOD who raised him from the dead and thereby gaue him glory in the middest of his people 3 Secondly it is a publike and reall confirmation that hee hath perfectly fulfilled all righteousnesse and holinesse in the sight of God and that we by the imputation of his righteousnesse and holinesse are perfectly iustified from all our sinnes through the satisfaction and price of his death 3 Thirdly hence was the treasure-house of the manifolde gifts and graces of the holie Ghost as it were vnlocked and set open that they might bee more plenteouslie powred downe from heauen vppon his Apostles first and so by their ministerie vpon all Nations of the worlde both Iewes and Gentiles whosoeuer among them should beleeue in his name For euen hereby also the doore was set
against euill examples the words of our Sauiour are plaine ver 10. and 12. of Mat. And Mark ch 13.12 The brother shal deliuer the brother to death the father the son the children shal rise against their parents shal cause thē to die And Luk. 21.16 Yea ye shal be betraied of your parēts of your brethrē kinsmē friends some of you shal they put to death These tētatios indeed are very great as we may easily cōceiue if we earnestly cōsider of thē but a little while For whē neither bond of nature nor religiō cā hold thē in conscience of dutie Beliefe in God the Sone who sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almightie but they will fall from that grace and sweete fellowship which they seemed to be entred into and become persecutors of their owne kinsemen and of good Christian brethren these must needs be accounted very heauie vncomfortable spectacles to the discouragement of our feeble minds if we doe not hearten our selues against them Neither is it a small stumbling block to see any though not fallen to be persecutors yet to be declining from the truth and to be luke-warme yea euen ca-cold both touching the zeale of Gods glory wherwith they seemed so be inflamed before also touching the loue of the brethren whom they made shewe to haue loued in that they were beneficial vnto them so that now they may be scared to be no better then a pray to the diuel to be easily carried away to this or that falsehood of religion But deare brethren how many soeuer we see to doe thus farre be it from vs to be moued by either sort of such examples to wax weary of well doing No no rather so much the more let the glory of God be more deare and precious vnto vs euery faithful brother sister in our Lord Iesus Christ let them be more hartily loued tendered cherished among vs. The which if we shal do then as there is no doubt but the Lord our God wil for his part make precious reckoning of vs so wil he also for the loue he beareth vs in his Son in such sort either restraine moderate the rage of the wicked or strengthen vs in patiēce that we shall alwaies find our most safe blessed protection vnder the faithful and constant profession and practise of his onely true holy religion and worship They shall not kill all but some of you saith our Sauiour Wherfore let vs not in any wise giue place to any fearful thoughts howsoeuer they shal assalt vs so as we should say to our selues by the suggestion of the diuel to our own discomfort O what shall we doe how shall we now escape The wicked are mightily increased The zealous godly are few If we deale not very warily and frame our selues to be like to them to seek fauour with thē there shal be no abiding for vs. Nay rather let vs assure our selues that the lesse the slock of the Lord is the more vigilant will he be to defend it or if he suffer any to fall into the hands of the wicked the more rigorous they shal be in oppressing tormenting the more gracious merciful wil he be in vpholding strengthening comforting as the true church of God hath had experience from time to time Let vs not therefore be discouraged through any feare Not a haire of your head shal perish saith our Sauiour Luk 21.18 That is it shall not perish without the prouidence of God further then he shall think good to permit And therfore much lesse shall our liues whole bodies perish otherwise then he shal dispose of them Wherfore I say againe as our Sa exhorteth let vs be of good cōfort arme our selues with inuincible patience that so we may most safely retaine hold the possessiō of our soules For this is the onely sure possession of them to be prepared to all affliction for the Lords cause But that which may yet more effectually incourage and confirme vs to be of good comfort constāt in the Lord against all discouragement it is the most gracious promise o four Sa that if we continue to the end to wit of this short life that we are here to liue yea euen of that short time of affliction which shal betide vs we shal be saued That is we shall not onely be freed from all trouble but also set in a most happie estate eternally in heauen with all the Saints which haue from the beginning passed through many afflictions into the same kingdom Neither is it a small incouragement that God will so prosper his owne work in the hand of his seruants that no resistances of the wicked shall be able to hinder it so but it shall take that good effect whereunto he hath appointed it For as our Sauiour saith This Gospel of the kingdome shall be preached through the whole world For a witnesse vnto all nations and then shall the end come Our Sauiour had said before after mention made of wars that the end is not yet that is the destructon of Ierusalem and the Temple and therefore much lesse the end of the world But here he saith that after the Preaching of the Gospell to all nations then should the end come to wit not onely of Ierusalem first in the time thereof Beliefe in God the Sonne who shall come from heauen to iudge both the qu●cke and the dead which was not till the Apostles were dispersed into all quarters as one may say and had Preached the Gospell farre and neare but also the ende of the word shall be then when God hath fulfilled the course of the Gospell and caused it to be preached in all places wheresoeuer he hath any people till hee hath gathered into his Church the whole number of his elect by the voice of his Gospell Thus much of the first part of the answere of our Sauiour more generally both concerning the time of the destruction of Ierusalem and also of the ende of the world not definitely determining the space of time either of the one or of the other but onely thus farre that there should first bee great and many troubles before the destruction of Ierusalem should come and then againe after that many like great troubles before the world should end Like as the Apostle prophesied afterward concerning the day of the Lord and the last iudgement that there should come a departure first and that Antichrist should be reuealed And Iohn in the Reuelation that the Churches of Christ should be grieuously afflicted before that time And herein we haue beene the more large for the more full and plaine opening and for the better applying of these most graue and weightie things to our manifold vse and comfort God grant that wee may ioyfully entertaine this most holy doctrine of our Sauiour concerning affliction that so we may the more ioyfully indure the afflictions
before For as any haue died and as they doe from day to day depart this life either in faith and repentance or otherwise so shall they be found and iudged then like as all shall be whosoeuer shall be found aliue at his comming Wherefore seeing the Disciples of our Sauiour were to watch at that time when he spake vnto them because the time of his comming was vncertaine though further off therefore we are to watch now seeing the time is not onely as vncertaine as it was but also much rather as much as almost sixteene hundred yeare commeth vnto as was said before But let vs come to the words of our Sauiour and first to those which are deliuered more simply and without parable Watch therefore saith our Sauiour as we reade in the Euangelist Matthew for ye know not what houre your Master will come These words of our Sauiour are recorded more fully by the Euangelist Marke let vs therefore make our supply from him to our more full and plaine instruction in this his admonition Qu. Which therefore are the wordes of our Sauiour as St. Marke reporteth them Answer They are these as we reade chap. 13. verse 33. Take heede watch and pray for ye know not when the time is Explicatiō Here indeed we haue three words in stead of one and so the minde of our Sauiour more fully opened as it were by an excellent commentary vpon the words of the Euangelist Matthew For whereas in all wise and circumspect dealing these three thinges are necessary to bee put in continuall practise first that the danger imminent bee seene and discerned secondly that it be watched against and preuented by all meanes as much as lieth in him that is in danger thirdly that if he finde himselfe too weake he doe implore and craue the aide of such as hee knoweth to be both willing and also able to relieue and aide him All these are here mentioned by our Sauiour First take heede Blepete see looke to it secondly watch thirdly pray And wee haue great neede to be stirred vp to all these things For howsoeuer we are vsually warie enough to espy bodily dangers and such as would annoy vs in our outward estate and accordingly wee are also ready to watch narrowly and with all diligence to make all the friends we can to backe vs yet touching our soules and the eternall welfare of them yea touching the eternall saluation both of soule and bodie we are euery way strangely negligent Wee are so farre from watching against the danger and from seeking helpe that wee are willingly ignorant that we are in any danger at all Wee fare as if it were a matter of no difficultie to attaine to the kingdome of heauen But alas all that thinke so are vtterly deceiued It is a matter of the greatest difficultie in all the world No aduersaries of our outward welfare how craftie and crabbed instruments of the diuell soeuer they are be of like subtiltie as is the diuell himselfe yea many diuells who are aduersaries to the saluation of our soules Ephes chap. 6. verses 10 11 12. And therefore wee had neede to be in speciall watch and ward against them as we are admonished 1. Pet. chap. 5. verses 8 9. And besides this the aduersaries which the diuell vseth for his instruments to hinder our saluation by the peruerting of our mindes such as our Sauiour hath giuen warning of to wit false Christs and false Prophets they are more dangerous in their craft that way then any aduersaries of the outward peace of our liues are And therefore wee haue most speciall cause to bee specially prudent and watchfull in this behalfe all the daies of our life we for our parts and all other euen to the day of our Lord Iesus Christ But because we cannot either by our owne foresight espie our danger in this respect or by our owne strength or any coadintory helpe of any man escape the continuall danger wee are in to be pulled away from the due care of our saluation wee are therefore aboue all things according to the direction of our Sauiour to pray to God and to seeke for helpe at his most gratious and onely al-sufficient hand that we may by him be guided and strengthened to walke on safely and constantly to the escaping of all the dangers which wee are most dangerously compassed about withall In which respect most comfortable is the promise which God hath made to all such as shall faithfully constantly seeke vnto him as we reade Ioel chap. 3.32 Whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saued Yea this benefit as there the Prophet saith shall be found of those that shall pray to God when his great and terrible day shall come euen that day when the Sunne shall be turned into darknesse and the Moone into blood c. according to that which our Sauiour saide should come to passe before his comming to execute his most fea●●full iudgement Yet so as wee must take heede that wee doe not thinke that euery one that shall vpon the sodaine view and terrour of Gods comming to iudgement say Lord haue mercie vpon vs shall be saued For then sure it is likely that none at all should be condemned But this promise is made to such onely as shall be found true worshippers and beleeuers in God who acquaint themselues with the duties of his seruice and worshippe of the which prayer is a very principall one as may appeare by this that the Lord himselfe did for the same cause call his house a house of prayer And as may appeare on the contrary in that he doth note out all heathenish and profane persons by this marke that they are such as doe not call vpon him Psal 14.4 and Psal 79.6 and Ier. chap. 10. verse 25. Hence therefore wee may see that they are in a blessed estate whosoeuer are carefull to invre their hearts with the performance of this excellent dutie of true christian prayer both morning and euening and so often as iust occasion is giuen both publikely and with their families and in their owne secret chambers and closets that God who seeth in secret may reward them openly Thus much concerning the words of our Sauiour as they are recorded more fully by the Euangelist Marke then they were by the Euangelist Matthew But now if wee might be certified in this great case of danger what those things are which wee are to watch against as being very dangerous vnto vs and likewise what wee are to pray for at the hands of God then should this admonition of our Sauiour conteine an excellent and full instruction as we must needes confesse Behold therefore the Euangelist Luke sheweth that our Sauiour continued the speech of his admonition euen thus farre also as we reade in the Gospel written by him chap. 21. verses 34 35 36. Question Let vs heare those words of our Sauiour Which are they Answer Thus saith our Sauiour in
whose iudgement giuen as well of one as of the other shall be their acquiting and iustifying for euer and euer But as touching the wicked which haue and shall die in their sinne and vnbeliefe before that day though they shal rise againe with their bodies and the rest which shall be liuing shall appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ yet shall their bodies abide stil in their naturall dishonour and finfull corruption onely fitted to indure that iudgement which shall be awarded against them euen their condemnation to perpetuall most extreame torment and miserie Explicatiō proofe This difference of the resurrection is made manifest in many places of the holy Scriptures As Dan. 12.2 3. Many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth saith the holy Prophet shall awake some to euerlasting life and some to shame and perpetuall contempt And they that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnesse shall shine as the starres for euer and euer And Iohn 5.29 After that our Sauiour Christ hath affirmed that the houre shall come in the which all that are in the graues shall heare his voyce as was before alledged he addeth these words And they shall come forth that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life but they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of condemnation We reade also concerning the state and condition of the faithfull apart by themselues 1. Cor. 15.51 and 1. Thes 4 14. and Luke 13.29 And concerning the condition of the wicked apart Matth 24.30 as wee saw before And Reuel 1.7 And chap. 6.15 16 17. But let vs stay principally vpon this our present Text wherein the difference is most liuely expressed and that also diuers and sundry waies First in the seperation of the sheepe from the goates that is to say of the faithfull and godly from the wicked and the same also with a most charie and sheepheard like care answerable to the prophesie of Ezek. chap. 34. And Ier. chap. 31.10 Secondly the difference is expressed in the setting of the faithfull and godly on the right hand for honours sake and the wicked on the left hand to their perpetuall reproach But most of all the difference is manfest by the contrarie iudgement which our Sauiour hath already determined and foretolde that hee will giue vpon them THis sentence or iudgement of our Sauiour let vs nowe in the fift place come to consider Question And first What is that part of the sentence which our Sauiour will giue for the finall acquiting iustifying and sauing of the faithfull euen of all such as shall be set on his right hand Answer The King saith our Sauiour shall say to them Come yee blessed of my Father inherite the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the worlde Explicatiō There being two diuerse yea contrary parts of the iudgement of our Sauiour according to the contrary estate and condition of the persons to be iudgeed we haue three things to be obserued in either part First the sentence it selfe Secondly the reason of the sentence or rather the law whereby our Sauiour will giue his sentence Thirdly an explication of that doubt which ariseth from the reason or rule of the sentence to the iustifying thereof both to the eternall consolation of the godlie and also to the eternall conuiction of the wicked The first part of the sentence we haue alreadie before vs. It is a most gratious sentence of the most soueraigne and supreame King and Iudge concerning those that doe belong vnto him let vs accordingly with all holy reuerence consider of it For whereas the words of Kings and Princes here vpon earth are not to be neglected speciallie when they sit in place of iudgement hauing God before their eyes much more is this sentence of the King of heauen himselfe euen the King of all Kings to be regarded of vs. And the rather because it conteineth such a sentence as no King but hee may presume to giue No earthly King or Monarch hath euer had or shall euer haue so large an authoritie this ouer all the world is much lesse ouer all the generations of the earth and that from the beginning to the end of the world None euer had or shall euer haue so great and high authoritie as to giue iudgement vpon bodie and soule and that for euer and euer but onely our Lord Iesus Christ the sole Monarch of the whole world In this sentence our Sauiour being thus the soueraigne Lord and King of all hee doth first most notably open and reueale to his Church before hand for the common instruction of all the faithfull what is the onely supreame and chiefe efficient cause of their perfect saluation and glory which hee will at that day bestow vpon them This cause of their saluation and glory is not their owne worthinesse either for excellence of their nature or for merit of their workes but it is as our Sauiour giueth plainely to vnderstand the onely free grace and fauour of God In regard whereof and of the fruits and effects of it he calleth them first the blessed of his Father Secondly he putteth them in possession of the kingdome of God not by purchase but in way of inheritance and the same also not by naturall descent but by adoption onely And thirdly our Sauiour telleth vs that this inheritance whereof hee giueth the faithfull the possession is such an inheritance as God had prepared for them before they were and therefore could in no wise be merited and deserued by them All which considerations are so many notable reason as well against the prowd opinion of mans merit as for the magnifying of the most free and deserued mercy of God saue onely as our Sauiour hath deserued mercie for vs at his hands And it is well for vs that our saluation is not fitted answerable to our merit though it were so that wee could deserue any thing to be paide as a wages or due debt vnto vs. For euen as the gifts of earthly Princes of great estate which proceed from them of meere fauour and bountie are greater then those which they giue in a proportion of this or that seruice done vnto them Of the which we may take the great King Ahashuerosh for an example Est chap. 6. verse 6. What shall be done saith Ahashuerosh to the man whom the King will honour Haman forthwith conceiuing in his minde that this should be a speciall honour seeing the King minded to declare his royall magnificence and gratuitie therein he therefore describeth such an exceeding honour as hee himselfe aspired after though he had no desert whereby he might presume that it should be due vnto him And chap. 7.2 of his princely bountie he sheweth himselfe ready to grant Ester her request to the halfe of his kingdome Where as if she should haue stoode vpon her worthinesse hee would not haue yeelded her so much as
do persecute the true faithfull Christians or at the least do neglect them being persecuted Let vs therfore be carefull to shew our selues while wee are at libertie members of the true church of God in pitying and relieuing those that be in want and in trouble according to this excellent doctrine of our Sauiour and as we are admonished Heb. 13.2.3 Let brotherlie loue continue Be not forgetfull to lodge strangers c. Remember them that are in bondes as if yee were bound with them and them that are in affliction as if ye were also afflicted in the bodie Yea let vs be prepared to suffer ourselues if so God shall shew it to be his good will by callng of vs forth therevnto But in no wise let vs be like them that giue themselues to pleasure without all fellow-feeling of the afflictions of Ioseph according to that reproofe of the Prophet Amos chapt 6. verses But yet one thing more Insomuch as our Sauiour in all his speech of mercie may seeme to make no mention of any to whom that mercie which he will rewarde is shewed but of such as are Christians euen such as hee calleth his brethren Question Doe wee not stand bound to relieue any other but such or if wee doe is there no promise of reward belonging therevnto Answer The Apostle Saint Paul who both spake and wrote by the spirit of our Sauiour Christ saith plainely that it is our dutie to doe good vnto all but speciallie to them of the houshold of faith as we read Gai chap 6. the 10. verse Explicatiō It is true All are to be succoured yea euen our enemies according to euery mans abilitie and as iust cause is offered with such caution alwaies as it must be to winne them to the Lord and so as the faithfull in like necessitie alreadie gained and wonne must haue as it were the double portion But to speake fullie of the right manner of exercising the fruits of mercie and beneficence it would require a larger treatise A Treatise of christian Beneficence then now were meete to be stood vpon I will referre you therefore to that treatise which is alreadie written of this argument and published to be read of you at your best leisure Onely this let vs brieflie put our selues in minde of that for want of due discretion in the exercise of these duties the mercies of manie are of no reckoning before the Lord. As for example when of blinde deuotion or ignorance anie are beneficiall to Papistes and other heretickes or of a fond pitie to vagrant and vagabondly persons as though such were cōmended to our care by our Sauiour And so they are indeed but to such a care as wherin it is of late yeeres well prouided for them that they should becaused to leaue their wandering life and to liue so as they may in a better course and order be prouided for In which course God of his infinite mercy grant that they may be duely looked vnto And as touching the present instruction of our Sauiour wee may be sure that they are no such disordered persons whose reliefe from dore to dore he will so highly commend and reward at the last day Wherefore that we deceiue not our selues in mistaking the workes of mercie which our Sauiour according to this his holy doctrine will then reward these things hereafter following are very requisite First that they themselues who doe shew mercie be true beleeuers and not loose and carnall professors of the Gospell For the workes of mercie either of heathen men or of hypocriticall Christians come not into this high reckoning before God Secondly that they haue special regard of the faithfull in the exercise of their mercie and that of loue which they beare not so much to them as to our Sauiour himselfe who professeth himselfe to be an hungred when they are hungrie c. Thirdly that they be not wearie of well doing for one or a few good works as our Sauiour giueth to vnderstand by his multiplying of many works together Neither that we stay in the duties expressed neglecting the rest but that we ioyne all other of like kinde with these Such as are instruction to the ignorant counsell to the vnstable consolation to the feeble minded remitting of debts to those that haue not to pay lending to preserue those from debt the danger therof who are readie to fall into it preseruation out of any other danger as of imprisonment if we may by any lawful means deliuer any that they fal not vniustly into it finally praier that alone if we cānot be otherwise helpfull Fourthly that they be not onely beneficiall to the Christians of greater note and common estimation in the Church but also euen to the meanest and least among them for so saith our Sauiour expresly Fiftly that they put no confidence in their works how many or how great so euer they be in their owne priuitie or in the eye and iudgement of any other man And such a disposition doth our Sauiour seeme to respect when he describeth them saying When saw we thee an hungred and fed thee c. Sixtly that they doe not thinke that these workes of mercy doe priuiledge them that they should be negligent and carelesse in any other duty of true Christian loue and godlines For as we read Math. 5.19.20 Whosoeuer breaketh any of the least commandements of God he shall be called the least in the kingdome of God Finally that we doe no waies misconstrue this description of our Sauiours last iudgement we may not thinke that there shall be any long time graunted for men to plead for themselues after the manner vsed here belowe in earthly assises and iudgements For all thinges shall doubtlesse be both begun and also finished with singular celeritie and expedition insomuch as the seperation as we haue seene is so made before hand that the iudgement of one sort shal be the common iudgment of all of the same sort as wel touching the godly as the wicked Onely the order is described by our Sauiour touching certaine of the circumstances in such manner as may best serue for the instruction of those that belong vnto him how they are euen to the end of the world to prepare themselues that they may be saued at his appearing and how in substance and effect it shall be accomplished though otherwise for the manner of it it shall be so glorious and reuerend as now we cannot fully conceiue of it no more then we are able to looke vpon the Sunne in the strength of the brightnes thereof And thus farre be it spoken concerning the former part of the sentence of our Sauiour for the acquiting of the faithfull as well touching the sentence it selfe as the reason or lawe and rule and also concerning the clearing of that doubt which our Sauiour saw might arise from the same THe second part of the iudgement is yet behind Question Which is that Answer Then saith
of God it may be esteemed a sufficient proof that he is very true God thogh we had no other But the rest which follow in the former answer are of like weight and as certainely confirmed by the holy Scriptures as we shal haue occasion to produce them hereafter therefore wil not stay vpon them here Neuerthelesse that we may handle this Article in the same order that wee haue done all the former let vs insist and stay a while vpon some one place of Scripture which may be remembred of vs for one speciall ground of it Question What place haue you been taught that we may commodiously make choise of to this purpose Answer I haue learned that in the 12. ch of the 1. Epist to the Corinthians from the beginning of the chapter to the 12. verse of the same we haue a very conuenient place Question It is so indeede Which are the words of the text Rehearse them before we proceede any further Answer 1 Now concerning spirituall gifts brethren I would not haue yee ignorant saith the Apostle 2 Yee know that yee were Gentiles and were carried away vnto dumbe idolls as yee were led 3 Wherefore I declare vnto ye that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Iesus execrable also no man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost 4 Now there are diuersities of gifts but the same Spirit 5 And there are diuersities of administrations but the same Lord. 6 And there are diuersities of operations but God is the same who worketh all in all 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is giuen to euerie man to profite withall 8 For to one is giuen by the Spirit the word of wisedome and to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit 9 And to another is giuen faith by the same Spirit and to another the gift of healing by the same Spirit 10 And to another the operation of great works and to another prophesie and to another discerning of Spirits and to another diuersities of tongues and to another the interpretation of tongues 11 And all these things worketh euen the same Spirit distributing to euery man seuerally euen as he will Explicatiō proofe It is true that we do not read in any place of the holy scriptures these words I beleeue in the holy Ghost expressed together no more then we doe these I beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth c. Neuerthelesse they are most truly diducted from the holy scriptures by sound interpretation and proofe to be one of the most necessary and fundamentall Articles of our true christian beliefe as by Gods grace we shall euidently perceiue by a more large and ample discourse And we may well take this present scripture which so plentifully affirmeth the holy Ghost to be the whole and alone immediate author worker of all spirituall and heauenly grace in the hearts of all the children of God for one speciall and sure ground and warrant of this Article from whence also we may take the occasion of opening this whole doctrine And the rather may we make choise of it because the holy Apostle setteth it down as necessary for the correction of that ambitious peruerting of the good gifts graces of God which was crept in among the Corinthiās euē as if they had bin home-bred and not inspired by the holy Ghost and as though they stood not bound to vse them wholly to the glory of God to the profit of the Church but to their own praise c. Wherein this came to passe among the Corinthians which is euery where vsuall at all other times that as the sweeter wood doth sooner breede wormes and the finer cloth is the more easily taken with mothes so they that haue the greatest gifts are soonest puffed vp if they want the most holy grace of sanctification humiliation which is a grace aboue all those other gifts and graces wherewith it may be some wicked men are indued for a time in some singular measure aboue many of the children of God Let vs therefore as briefly as we can call to minde the doctrine of this portion of holy Scripture And first of all let vs consider that the holy Apostle to the end hee might through the blessing of God the more effectually call the Corinthians from their ambitious boasting and abusing of their gifts he most prudently putteth them in minde of their former estate how they were wretched idolaters c. Whereof he telleth them that hee would in no wise haue them forgetfully ignorant but contrariwise that they should duly call to mind consider from whom they receiued euery one of the same their gifts For this the Apostle might well thinke that like as when our Sauiour called for a peece of coine asked of those that demanded of him whether they should pay tribute to Caesar or no whose superscription it was which it did beare and thereby resolued the question put his aduersaries to silence seeing that was to be paid to Caesar which did belong vnto him so he calling the Corinthians to minde that all the gifts which they had did beare as it were the Lords stampe should thereby effectually induce all those that had any good meaning in them to a conscionable applying of all their saide gifts to the honour of the author and giuer of them And to the verie same purpose also he doth furthermore lay before them the extreame follie and madnesse of their former idolatry such as they were miserably carried away withall before that God of his great mercie had by his holy Spirit altered and changed their hearts For from the contrarie effects he argueth the contrarie causes insomuch as it is the holy Ghost alone who both restraineth from execration cursing and also moueth to the honourable acknowledging and reuerencing of the Lord Iesus The world doubtlesse and they that be led by the diuell doe hold our Sauiour Christ and his doctrine for accursed and accordingly doe take delight both to speake themselues and also to cause others to speake cursedlie and reproachfullie both of him also of it as wee may take Plinies letter for an example in his practise vnder Traiane the persecuting Emperour For so he writeth vnto the Emperor that besides other compulsions he inforced weake christians to curse Christ before he would release them Yea Paul himselfe we know according to his own profession and by his bewailing of his sinne while he was persecuting Saul he laboured all that he could to make poore christiās to blaspheme Christ his holy Gospel But that we may goe forward in our text after that this our Apostle being now of that persecuting Saul made a most louing faithful instructer comforter of all true christians I say after that he hath spoken thus generally of the author of all the gifts graces wherewith the Corinthians were indued he cōmeth to a particular rehearsall of
who I say duly considereth these things but he must haue his minde greatly incouraged to looke for all grace and comfort from him And the rather because wee are certified by himselfe in his holy Scriptures that he is minded to dwell wth vs and in vs as in the Temple of God Euery particular consideration may well bring with it a speciall and seuerall comfort that he will make vs wise that he will leade vs into all truth sanctifie reuiue quicken and leade vs vnto euerlasting life in his due time Yea so that though wee should for the present finde our selues very ignorant vnholy weake in faith fainting in hope destitute of all grace and euen as it were in the darke shadow of death yet wee may conceiue good hope that wee shall be inlightened with knowledge washed from filthines fined from drosse cheared in heart and made bold against all tentations and enemies of our spirituall ioy and peace Thus comfortable yea infinitely aboue that I can expresse may the comfort of beliefe in the holy Ghost be and that not onely in respect of priuate persons but also of whole Churches in so much as by him they are gathered to Christ and by his comfort multiplied and increased from day to day according to the testimonie of Saint Luke Act. 9.31 and Ephes 2 20.21.22 Question HEtherto therefore of the vse of this Article for the comfort of faith It followeth now that we are to inquire into the vse of it touching the obedience of faith What say you to this point Answer As this Article sheweth vs by whom alone all holy and spirituall comfort is immediatlie wrought sealed vp in our hearts so it doth in special manner require that all holy and spiritual fruits of obedience be most willingly chearfully constantly yeelded vnto him Beliefe in God the holy Ghost Question There is good equity in it in deede The Duties Which therfore ought those holy fruites to be At the least which are some of the principall of them For to rehearse them all we were not able at this one time Answer First our faith in God the holy Ghost who is the onely immediate worker of all grace and comfort in our hearts requireth that we vnfainedly acknowledge our owne miserable nakednes and pouertie of soule and spirit and that wee are alltogether carnall and corrupt in our selues neither to haue any power to attaine to any holy grace or true comfort of our selues but that all spirituall riches and inward beautie or ornament of grace with all sound consolation doth proceed to vs immediatly frō his gratious working alone Secondly it is for the same cause our dutie to giue most willing ioyous and reuerend entertainment vnto him as to our most welcome guest or rather as to the most honourable Lord and gouernour of the house whensoeuer he shall by his holy word or anie other meanes knocke at the dore of our hearts Thirdly it is our like bounden dutie to take most diligent heed lest after we haue giuen him entertainment wee doe at any time grieue him by any vnkinde and vnseemely dealing but contrariwise that we doe by all meanes procure as much as lyeth in vs that he may take good contentment and pleasure to abide for euer with vs. Fourthly it is to the same end and purpose our dutie to follow his blessed regiment and direction in all things and chiefly in the holie matters of Gods diuine worship according to the instructions and commandements of the word of God which hee himselfe hath set forth vnto vs. Finallie as was answered in the beginning all and euery one of the same spirituall duties of diuine worship honour they are of most bounden dutie to be yeelded and performed to the holie Ghost as well as to the Father and to the Sonne to wit faith loue reuerence prayer thanks-giuing and such like Explicatiō proofe For the first of these points and to induce our hearts to the performance of the dutie there specified read Matth 5.3 Wher our Sauiour Christ beginneth that his large excellent Sermon vpon the mount with this asseueration that the poore in Spirit are assuredly blessed and that the kingdome of God is theirs But on the contrarie it is as certainely affirmed in the holie scriptures that God resisteth the prowde in Spirit And Reuel 3.17 the holy Ghost sharply reproueth the Church of Laodicea for that ouer-prowd conceite which it had of it selfe Whervpon it is euident that we cannot trulie beleeue in the holy Ghost so by faith haue him dwelling in vs vnles we be humble in our selues and doe acknowledge that nullitie of goodnes that is of our selues in our owne wicked nature For the second pointe read in the same 3. chapt of the Reuel verse 20. Behold I stand at the dore and knock if any man heare my voice open the dore I will come in vnto him and I will sup with him and be with me To him that ouercommeth c. Our Sauiour by his holy Spirit commeth as a Prince to the poore mans house bringing all his furniture and prouision with him not onely for necessitie but also for delicacie as it were hangings plate iewells and all kinde of spirituall delights and dainties And shall we not thinke it our parte to giue his holy Spirit most reuerend and ioyfull entertainment For the third point read Eph 4.30 Grieue not the holie Spirit of God by whom yee are sealed to the day of redemption A deede of gift or anie other euidence of writing is ratified when it is once sealed and so are wee as belonging to the Lord by the impression of his most holie and heauenlie Spirit Yea so firmelie that none can disable our title if wee our selues doe not cancell it Nowe therfore to the end we may not breake off or deface this blessed seale of God let vs haue tender and charie regard of that which the Apostle saith Grieue not the Spirit of God Yea let vs diligentlie obserue that which he saith to the same ende both in the wordes going before and also following after wherin he sheweth wherwith the holy Ghost is grieued namely by corrupt communication by bitternes c by idolatrie euery other kinde of sinne I●st therefore is the reproofe which Peter giueth Ananias and his wife Act Beliefe in God the holie Ghost 5. verses 3.9 And that also which Stephen giueth the wicked rulers of the Iewes chap 7. verse 51. Read also Heb 3.7 8.9.10 Such vnkind dealing with the holy Ghost is the most vnworthy and greatest indignitie that may be Wherefore let vs on the contrarie considering that the holy Spirit of God vouchsafeth of his infinite mercie to be our nearest and in-most friend let vs I say esteeme of him and vse him alwaies as the most honourable dearest and best welcome friend vnto vs infinitely aboue all other The acceptable fruites of the Spirit are reckoned to be of three sorts Ephes
gold had feet of yron and dirtie clay And would not the wicked I pray you take occasion from hence to speake euill of the name of God and of our Sauiour Christ specially if such as haue the places of eies or hands in this body shuld be blind or lame c. Verily that which the Apostle Paule noteth to be a deformitie in doctrine namely that any should lay hay or stubble vpon the precious foundation Christ Iesus 1. Cor 3 11 12. c. the like deformitie must it breed if any person should be laide vpon this spirituall foundation which is not a liuing stone I meane such a one as is not quickened to the care of a godly and holy life Neither could there be any peace to the conscience of any such profane person but he must needs be alwaies in feare of the iust indignation and displeasure of God This doubtles were now vnto vs whom God hath chosen to be the Temple of his Spirit no lesse sinne then it was vnto the Iewes to profane the materiall Temple of Ierusalem when they made it a denne of theeues a cageful of vncleane birds And therefore we might iustly looke for the like punishment of reiectiō casting off which fell vpon thē if we should be foūd in the like sin Let vs therfore according to the third dutie be so far from al vnseemely continuance in our profannes that we labour earnestly after all increase of true holines both in our selues and in others according to the exhortation of the holy Apostle 2. Cor 7 1. And Reuel 22 verse 11. Hee that is holy let him be holy still yea with increase of holines as the Angels meaning is But of this dutie of furthering holines belonging to euery Christian concerning his brother it shal further appear what belongeth vnto vs in the next Article concerning the Communion of Saints Touching our present Article the duties belonging to the comfort of Gods eternall election of his Church are yet behind Question Which are they Answer First and principally considering that the free grace of God cleane contrarie to the desert of our sinne is the onely cause and fountaine of our remssion iustification and saluation it is our bounden dutie to be most heartily thankefull to God in this respect aboue all other both for our selues and for all the rest of Gods elect and also to abandon all opinion of any worthines and merit of our own or of any other saue of our sauiour alone Secondly we considering that God hath chosen vs of free grace and iustly refused other to the declaration of his iustice in punishing their sinne this ought to cause vs in reioycing to feare and tremble before the Maiestie of God and to keepe our hearts farre from all proud and vaine boasting against others Thirdly insomuch as the election of God is a most deepe and hidden secrete in the counsell of God considered in it selfe it is our parts to be the more diligent in seeking to knowe it from the effects of Gods Spirit within vs and in the fruites of sanctification following vpon the same in the outward actions of our liues Finally the assurance of our election ought to worke contentment in our hearts against all wantes or afflictions whatsoeuer beside waiting with patience for our eternall happines and saluation Explicatiō proofe Touching that most bounden and earnest thankefulnes which we owe vnto God both for the free election of our selues and others to saluation the example of the elect Apostle Saint Paule may be an excellent instruction vnto vs what we and all other are to doe in this respect Ephes 1 verses 3 4 5 6. Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ c. who hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world c. And 1 Thes 3 8 9 We are aliue of yee standfast in the Lord. For what thankes can we recompence to God againe for you c. And 2. Ep 2 13. But we ought alwaies to giue thankes to God for you brethren beloued of the Lord because that God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctification of the Spirit and the faith of truth And that this holy election of God is freely of grace the same Apostle teacheth plainly Rom 11.5.6 It is of grace saith he Whence he reasoneth thus And if it be of grace then it is no more of workes c. Secondly that we ought to walke in feare and reuerence considering the iust reprobation of others no worse by nature then we our selues are we are admonished in the 20. verse of the same chap. Be not high minded but feare And he rendereth a reason of the admonitiō in the verse following For saith the Apostle if God spared not the naturall branches that is the Iewes take heede lest hee also spare not thee And Philip. 2 12. Make an end of your saluation with feare and trembling he speaketh of a reuerend childlike feare of God For saith he further it is God which worketh in you both the will and the deed euen of his good pleasure Doe all things without murmuring reasonings c. As though he shuld say if ye turne aside from an humble course of life from a godly disposition of your hearts before God ye may iustly feare your own good estate with a troublesome and doubtfull feare c. Thirdly that we are to seeke for the assurance of our election from the workings of Gods holy Spirit in vs and from the fruits of a godly life Read 2 Pet. 1 5. c. 10 as was obserued alledged before in the Comforts Read also Eph. 1 4. God hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy without blame before him in loue And Col 3 12. Now therefore as the elect of God holy and beloued put on tender mercy kindnes humblenes of mind long suffering forbearing one another and forgiuing one another c. And now last of all that the assurance of our election to saluation should be a sufficient comfort against al discontentments or discomfort whatsoeuer waiting with patience for the fulfilling of the good pleasure of God in this behalfe The Apostle Paule is a notable example who suffered all things gladly for the elects sake that they might also obtaine the saluation which is in Christ Iesus with eternall glory 2 Tim 2 10. And therefore also ought we to suffer all things willingly in thankfulnes to God for the election it selfe The greatest afflictiōs of this life are but momentanie but the glory wherevnto they prepare and lead vs is most excellent and eternally weightie 2. Cor 4.17 Thus much concerning the duties which ought to attend vpon the comfort of this Article NOw therefore that we may conclude the whole doctrine of it Question What is the danger of not beleeuing that God hath a holy catholike Church and of not regarding to ioyne with it in
Article let vs come to the Promise The Promise Question What promise hath God made of the remaining or forgiuing of our sinnes Answer We haue many very gratious and often renewed promises hereof both old and new euery where dispersed in the holy Scriptures of God Question Name you some of them Answer Beside that which you rehearsed Isai 48. verses You haue pointed vs to another notable testimonie in the 31. chap of Ieremie from the 30. verse to the 35. of the same And chap 33 the .8 verse And in the newe Testament the same promise is alledged to belong through our Sauiour Christ to the beleeuing Gentiles as well as to the beleeuing Iewes Explicatiō It is true as we may reade Act 2 38 39. And ch 10.43 Rehearse the words of some of the places which you haue named Question How do you reade Answer In the 31. cha of Ieremie verses 31. thus it is written Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that I will make a new couenant c. For I will forgiue their iniquitie and remember their sinnes no more And chap 33.8 I will cleanse them from all their iniquitie whereby they haue sinned against me yea I will pardon all their iniquities whereby they haue sinned against me And it shall be to me a name and an honour before all the nations of the earth which shall heare all the good that I doe vnto them c. Explicatiō Let this suffice out of the Prophet Ieremie for this time Wee may read the like testimonies in other of the Prophets beside those which haue beene hitherto alledged As Isai 33.24 The people that dwell therein shall haue their iniquitie forgiuen Read also Ezek chap 18. verse 21. c. 32. All these promises of forgiuenes of sinnes doe belong vnto vs Gentiles The Comforts now through our Sauiour Christ as well as they did before to the Iewes THe Promise being thus confirmed the vse of this Article is next And first for Comfort Question What is that Answer The comfort is euery way very great insomuch as the glory and happines both of our bodies and soules in this life and also in the life to come consisteth herein It is very true as we reade Psalm 32. in the beginning of the Psalme And Rom Explicatiō proofe Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne So that forgiuenes of sinnes is as one may say an epitome or short summe of all the mercies of God Whence it is that the Lord is saide Psal 103. as was before alledged to crown vs with his mercies and compassion Verily there is no goodnes or dignitie in our selues whereof we may reioyce or for the which we may looke to be accepted with God The mercie of our God is our onely crowne the glory of Gods free grace is our onely glory c. No doubt the comfort of this Article is singular to all those that knowe what Sinne meaneth And it will the rather warme and cheare vp our hearts if we shal consider that beside our former sinnes infinite and hainous in the sight of Gods iustice we remaine still very apt and prone to offend God euen after that we are by his grace regenerated and borne againe Yea if we shal consider that we daily offend his diuine Maiestie not onely by forgetfulnes and neglect of many good duties but also by rash and vnwarie committing of much euill according to that saying of Saint Iames In maine thinges wee sinne all Furthermore the Comfort hereof will be the more manifest to our consciences if we consider earnestly of the nature of sinne not onely how odious it is in itselfe but also how vile and abominable it maketh our persons both bodies and soules in the sight of God how it keepeth all good things from vs and pulleth downe vpon vs all euill Ier 5.25 Isai 59 1 2 3. till it be couered and forgiuen in our Sauiour Christ But most clearely of all wil the comfort of this Article shine into our hearts if we shall duly looke into the cause and fountaine of the forgiuenes of all our sinnes which would haue pressed vs downe to the very bottome of the gulfe of Hell to wit the most free and amiable grace and fauour of God our heauenly Father through his most blessed Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ which is better then our life though naturally that is most pretious vnto vs. According to the 3 verse of the 63 Ps Thy louing kindnes is better then life And Ps 30 5. This maketh our Baptisme exceedingly comfortable vnto vs insomuch as the whole blessed Trinitie cōsenteth to make it a testimonie of the forgiuenes of our sins through the same most free grace and rich fauour of our one onely true God Mark 1 4. Act. 2 38. and chap 22.16 It maketh the Supper of the Lord in like māner exceeding comfortable vnto vs in that it is a further pledge and assurance that our sinnes are forgiuen through the blood of our Sauiour Christ Mat chap 26. verses 26 27 28. The largenes of this free grace of God to the forgiuenes of sinnes through our Lord Iesus Christ reaching vp as it were to the heauens Ps 36. verses 5. and 7 and Ps 103 11 it enlargeth the comfort of this most excellent blessing seeing God sheweth vs plainly that he hath aboundance of mercie in store not onely for the forgiuenes of some fewe persons here and there but euen for the forgiuenes of his whole Church that is of so many thousands yea myriads of thousands of all sorts of people as shall seeke for mercy at his hands as was touched before Yea not onely for sinners of smaller degrees in offences but also for the greatest sort of sinners aboue other whosoeuer among them shall earnestly repent them and truly beleeue the Gospell of our Sauiour Christ according to that most liberall The Duties and sweete consolatorie incouragement of the Lord by his holy Prophet Isaiah chap 1.18 Come now and let vs reason together saith the Lord though your sinnes were as crimsin they shall be made white as snowe though they be red as skarlet they shall be as woole If ye consent and obey ye shal eate the good things of the land And chap 40.1.2 Comfort yee comfort yee my people will your God say Speake comfortably to Ierusalem and cry vnto her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquitie is pardoned for shee hath receiued of the Lords hand double for all her sinnes Finally the bowell-like tendernes of Gods mercy is not the least cause of the great comfort of this Article as we may consider from these and such like testimonies of holy Scripture Psal 25 6.7 and 79.8 Ier 31.20 Lament 3.22.23 Hos 11.8.9 Ioel 2.13 Luke 1.7.8 and ch 15 20. O how sweet therefore ought this mercy of God to be vnto vs in all these
deferre their Baptisme till they should bee going out of this life Finally Maister Francis Iunius so interpreteth these wordes as if huper vsually and rightly turned super should neuertheles according to the vse of the same both greeke and latine preposition in greeke and latine writers be taken here for praeter besides or in the signification of insuper moreouer as noting the continuance of the Sacrament of Baptisme in the church of God by a constant course for the comfort of the liuing still like as it was found to be of comfortable vse to those then dead so long as they were aliue As though the wordes of the Apostle were to be read thus Else what do they that are baptized still or moreouer and beside those that are already dead because otherwise it might be inferred that vnlesse the dead should rise againe neither haue the dead any fruite of baptisme abiding them to wit in respecct of their bodies and so shall bee disappointed of that which they looked for by faith neither haue the liuing any reason at the least in respect of the body why it should be continued among them And this indeed may the doubling of the question by the Apostle import Else what shall they doe who are baptized to wit such as are alreadie dead And againe why are they namely they who are liuing yet baptized But howsoeuer it be all must come to this issue that they who denie the resurrection of the body doe frustrate the vse of the Sacrament of baptisme at the least in one speciall part of it Thus much concerning the fourth reason for the right vnderstanding whereof we haue cause as we see to pray to God for his holy Spirit of iudgement and discretion The fift reason is now to be considered of vs. It followeth in the 30 verse Question Which is that Answer The Apostles wordes are these 30. Why are we also in ieoperdie euery houre Evplicatiō In these wordes the holy Apostle reasoneth from that speciall worke of the grace of God in the hearts of his children and namely of the Preachers of the Gospell in those dayes whereby they were made most willing and couragious to expose and lay open their bodies and naturall liues to all necessarie dangers as they that made no reckoning of them for the Gospels sake hauing an assured hope of a better resurrection after the example of the more ancient Martyrs of whom wee reade honourable mention to bee made Heb 11.35 The which reason the same our Apostle illustrateth from his owne example in that hee was most prodigall of his life as one may say in the cause of the Gospell as it followeth in the 31. verse and in the former part of the 32. Answer Which are his wordes Question 31. By our reioycing saith Saint Paule which I haue in Christ Iesus our Lord I dye daily 32. If I haue fought with beastes at Ephesus after the manner of men what doth it aduantage me Explicatiō The meaning of Saint Paule is to protest with great earnestnes in manner of taking an othe or rather by an attestation and calling of the Corinthians themselues to witnes that he for his part for the comfortable hopes sake of a better life and euen for the comforts sake of the resurrection of the body through faith in Iesus Christ whom he calleth the reioycing both of himselfe and of them did as they might well perceiue carrie his life continually as it were in his hand for the testimonie of the truth According to that which he writeth also 2. Cor 11.13 that he had beene oftentimes neare to death for it yea and that by all sorts of perills and dangers as we read in the 26 verse But here as wee see he giueth one speciall instance among the rest which could not but be famously knowne vnto them in that hee refused not to put himselfe in danger to haue his body most cruelly torne in peeces and deuoured by wilde beastes at Ephesus For to this punishment it seemeth that he was there condemned for our Sauiours sake and his Gospell and should haue beene so destroied had not the Lord strengthened him to ouercome the wilde beastes in fighting with them and so to escape the danger according to the lawe of victorie in that the Ephesians their inhumane and barbarous custome which they had to condemne men to that sauage fight to make themselues sport in the beholding of it Now therefore saith the Apostle in this respect what profite could I haue looked to haue come vnto me by this my dangerous aduenture had not the hope of the resurrection animated me against the naturall feare and terrour concerning the spoile of my body The holy Apostle no doubt considered thus with himselfe that if hee had made that aduenture in carnall respectes and dyed in the combate his death had beene wofull or if he should haue escaped as by the mightie and powerfull mercy of God hee did yet should the glorie of his manhood be a meere vaine thing when it should be saide Paule plaide the man so that he ouercame wilde beastes at Ephesus c. And thus we may plainly perceiue that the holy Apostle doth make the beliefe of the resurrection of the body the ground of all comfort as touching the sufferings of the body Neither indeed is there any iust cause why wee should make any doubt but that as the body beareth a great part in that fight of all afflictions for all buffetings scourges imprisonments rackings c. doe befall it so God will giue it a great part of that blessed reward which he hath promised to giue vnto those that shall suffer any such things in their bodies for his truthes sake Now the sixt reason which is the last of those which the Apostle Paule vseth to proue the resurrection of the body it is yet behind Question Which is that Answer It is contained in these wordes 32. If the dead be not raised vp let vs eate and drinke for to morrowe wee shall dye Explicatiō This last reason taketh his strength from another great absurditie which followeth vpon the deniall of the resurrection of the body euen this so great an absurditie that the vngodly speech and practise of Epicures and Bellie-Gods as wee call them should cleane contrarie to the rule of Gods blessed word and practise of his holy religion haue at the least some colour and shewe of reason in that they say Let vs eate and drinke for to morrowe weee shall dye Wherefore seeing this so absurd and godlesse an opinion speech and practise is to be vtterly condemned of all men like as God himselfe most seuerely condemneth it as we reade Isai 22. verses 13.14 it followeth that euen for the same cause also that opinion or doctrine whatsoeuer which would giue incouragement licence to so great prophanenes is with like detestation to be condemned of all true Christians And of that sort is the deniall of the
rather shall the bodies of men as we reade verse 23. of the chapter And likewiise 1. Cor. 16.20 they are bought with a price Doubtlesse insomuch as the bodies of the faithful beare the violence of all cruell persecutions for the Lords cause he will not suffer thē to want their reward In this respect the sacrament of Baptisme is the more comfortable as we haue seene in the fourth reason of the Apostle The like may be said of the Lords Supper whereof the body is partaker For seeing the tree of life should haue beene a sufficient means or assurance of euerlasting life to Adam both in soule and body if he had abode faithfull to God much more will our Sauiour sacramentally represented yea wholly giuen vnto vs in this Sacrament be the author and meanes of eternall life vnto vs. Thus comfortable is the assured hope of the resurrection of the body to all those that apprehend it by a true and liuely faith so that not in vaine may they comfort themselues and one of them comfort another in this respect as Paul exhorteth and incourageth the beleeuing Thessalonians 1. Epist 4 18. Wherfore much more shall the comfort of the fruition it selfe be when once we shall be made partakers of it BVt till that time come it is necessary that we do not onely diligently learne to know but also carefully indeuour to practise those duties which this comfortable hope iustly challengeth at our hands and which are as it were the way to the obtaining of it at the last Question Which may these duties be Answer They are set forth vnto vs by the Apostle Paul in the former alledged 15. chapter of his first Epistle to the Corinthians as it followeth verses 57. and 58. which are the last verses of the chapter Question Let vs heare the Apostles words What doth he write in these verses Answer 57 Thanks be vnto God saith he who hath giuen vs victorie through our Lord Iesus Christ 58 Therefore my beloued brethren be ye stedfast vnmoueable aboundant alwaies in the worke of the Lord for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord. Explicatiō These words of the Apostle doe notably set forth vnto vs the duties belonging to the comfort of the resurrection partly by his owne practise and partly by his exhortation made to the Corinthians The Apostles practise commendeth vnto vs most hearty thankfulnesse to God as one particular dutie most boundenly belonging to him through the Lord Iesus Christ in this respect And that not without very iust cause seeing it is a very great and gratious benefit The which duty of thankfulnes would to God we had grace to remember to performe euery day that we rise out of our beds more heartily then hitherto we haue done For our bed may not ●naptly represent vnto vs our graues and our sleepe in our beds that sleepe of death which our bodies must haue in the graue And likewise euery mornings vprising from the sleepe of the night may not vnfitly put vs in mind of our resurrectiō which shal be at the last day and therewithall of this dutie of thankfulnesse which wee speake of for that comfortable assurance which he hath giuen vs concerning the same The exhortation of the Apostle moueth the Corinthians and likewise all other Christians more generally first to constancie in the assured beliefe of this Article of the Gospel as well as of all the rest against the false doctrine of all deceiuers in which respect he saith Therefore my beloued brethren be ye stedfast and vnmoueable And secondly it prouoketh to diligence in all good duties of obedience to God to the vttermost of our power both with soule and also with body all the daies of our liues according to the same assurance of immortality not only to the soul presently after the death of the body as we haue seen before but also to the body from the time of the resurrection of the same So that by this time we may see how truly it was said in our entrance to treat of this Article that this one fifteenth chapter of the Apostle Saint Paul containeth not onely the ground and warrant of it but also there withall the true Meaning of it and the Promise and the Duties belonging vnto it yea and the Danger also of not beleeuing it as we shal haue occasion to consider in the cōclusion of our inquirie concerning this Article But before we come to that it may be profitable for vs first to see how the duties aboue mentioned are called for as fruits belonging to the comfort of the resurrection which we speake of and secondly what other duties do belong to the same Question In the first place therefore What other Scripture haue you for the dutie of thankfulnesse Answer In the 2. Epistle to the Corinthians chap. 4. verses 13 14 15. thus we reade 13 Because we haue the same spirit of faith according as it is written I beleeued and therefore haue I spoken we also saith the Apostle doe beleeue and therefore we speake 14 Knowing that he which hath raised vp the Lord Iesus shall raise vs vp also by Iesus and shall set vs with you 15 For all things are for your sakes that most plenteous grace by the thanksgiuing of many may redound to the praise of God Explicatiō Here no doubt the resurrection of our bodies apprehended by faith is made one speciall cause of this thanksgiuing whereof the Apostle speaketh as depending vpon the resurrection of our Lord Iesus Christ Shew now likewise some other testimonies of holy Scripture for constancie in the faith and for the care of all good duty as a fruit of the comfort of the same faith touching the said resurrection Question What other testimonies can you alledge Answer It followeth in the 16. verse of the 4 chapter of the 2. Epistle to the Corinthians before alledged thus 16 Therefore saith the Apostle we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed daily Explication and proofe To this purpose also well may that serue Acts 24.15 16. Where the same our Apostle professeth in an excellent profession of his faith that he had hope towards God that the resurrection of the dead which the Iewes themselues also did generally looke for shall be both of iust and vniust And herein saith he further I endeuour my selfe to haue alwaies a cleare conscience toward God and toward men Reade also Philip. chapter 3. verses 7 8 c. The things saith the same Apostle againe which were aduantage vnto me the same I accounted losse for Christs sake c. And verse 11. If by any meanes I might attaine vnto the resurrection of the dead Not that the Apostle doubted of his attaining vnto it but hee speaketh so to note the excellencie of that which hee laboured after as being worthie all labour that may be imployed about it as it is further euident verses 12.13
Answere as all scrupulous and seruile feare of heathenish and fatal Destinie Secondlie it is likewise our bounden dutie to abandon all inordinate or distrusting and distracting cares and desires with all wicked and vniust practises concerning earthly things Yea it is our dutie from faith in the Fatherlie prouidence of God to moderate all lawfull and honest studies or labours about them and that wee doe enterprise nothing in confidence of our owne wit or strength but onely by the leaue or permission and as wee may well saye vnder the correction of the Diuine prouidence of the Lorde our God Thirdlie as was said before concerning the workes of Gods creation so must wee likewise say and acknowledge concerning all the workes of his continuall Prouidence that it is our bounden dutie to thinke and speake alwaies most reuerendlie of them and for the defence and iustifying of them against all who-soeuer shall presume to depraue the least yea if wee may so speake those that doe seeme the vilest and basest of them Fourthlie from all former experience of the fatherlie prouidence of our God watching ouer vs for our benefit it is our dutie to incourage our selues to waite comfortablie vpon him for all time to come without all seruile feare of our enemies or distrust in his most gratious and Fatherlie good will In prosperitie it is our dutie to be soberlie minded and to prepare for aduersitie that is in health howe to beare sicknes in wealth howe to indure pouertie in honour how to suffer reproche and finallie in all our life howe to die and to be willing to lye downe in the dust a lesson very harde to be learned that wee may at the last enioye a more sure foundation and building from the Lord. And moreouer when aduersitie commeth wee knowing well that it is from the most wise and gratious good hand of our heauenlie Father it is our dutie as obedient children patientlie and meekely to submit our selues vnto it as to his Fatherly correction and triall labouring to make all good vses thereof to our bettering Likewise wee beleeuing all aduersitie to proceede of the fatherly and prouident hand of God it is our dutie chearefullie and comfortablie to hope and expect a good and blessed issue Furthermore also from all former succoures and deliuerances the which it pleaseth God from day to day to renewe vnto vs it is our partes to grow and increase in loue to God and therby to hearten our selues to indure greater affliction if God will so haue it for the time to come Finallie it is our dutie both in prosperitie and also in aduersitie in life and euen in death it selfe and for all the iudgements of God against the wicked to be thankeful to his diuine Maiestie in so much as by all meanes hee doth most wiselie fit and prepare vs yea guide and bring vs home to his heauenlie Kingdome and glorie Explicatiō proofe These in deed are all of them most bounden duties belonging to the comfort of our faith in the most gratious and Fatherlie prouidence of God And more also in the particulars aboue that could here for this time be conueniently expressed as was said before For manifolde and great comfortes doe iustlie call for manie and great duties at our handes But for the ground oF those that haue ben mentioned let vs first of all consider that euen among the wiser sorte of the heathen the prouidence of God hath bene alwaies after a sort acknowledged yea so farre forth that some of them haue called God by the name of Pronoia euen prouidence or fore-sight it selfe Wherevpon also a learned writer obserueth verie well that they easilie saw that it should be as vnreasonable a thing to acknowledge a God yet to denie his prouidence as it should be to ascribe an eye vnto him without sight a hande without power and a minde without vnderstanding c. Though herewithall it must be considered that the wisest of the heathen not in lightened from the holie word of God did neuer knowe rightlie this Fatherlie Prouidence of God wherof we speake Neuertheles thus farre the wiser sort of them sawe that the prouidence of God wadeth most skilfullie betweene blinde Fortune and that which is called the Fatall or Stoïcal destinie Yea and euen touching that which is called Fortune or chance here among men on earth as beeing altogether vncertaine and accidentall to them yet vulgarlie they placed it as a Goddesse in heauen as though they should acknowledge that with God all things yea these that come by the greatest happe-hazard as men deeme are certainly knowne and foreseene according to that saying of the Poet Nullum Numen abest si sit prudentia sed te Nos facimus Fortuna Deam coeloque locamus That is No power Diuine doth want on earth if wisely men would deeme T' is wee like fooles who Fortune place Farre off Shee-god in heauen Or thus Ther wants no God at all wher wisedome doth aduise Wee fooles doe Fortune Deïfie and place aboue the Skies Much rather then ought all the children of God who are taught and instructed from the holie worde of God to banishe both from their mouthes and also from their hearts all false ascription or imputation of any thing to Fortune or lucke c. And likewise it is our dutie to put away all blasphemous and desperate thoughts and speaches such as are found in the mouthes of those that neither shame nor feare rudely and barbarously to say If I be ordained to this or that destinie I cannot possiblie auoide it I must of necessitie be hanged or drowned I thinke I was borne vnder an ill Planet c. These and all such like speaches and thoughts are most carefullie to be auoided yea to be vtterlie abhorred and reiected of all the children of God For most certaine it is that God hath not by his most holie Prouidence excluded that gratious priuiledge which hee hath granted to faithfull Praier Neither is it his holie will and pleasure to frustrate that godlie circumspection and wise fore-sight which it pleaseth him from time to time to giue vnto his seruants for the preuenting and auoiding of imminent dangers yea euen for the auoiding of sinne it selfe the verie cause of all euill and danger whatsoeuer Much lesse hath hee tyed and snared the most free libertie of his owne Diuine counsell to anie necessarie or fatall connexion and knitting together of naturall causes and their effects as it is manifest in that hee hath oftentimes wrought against the vsuall and ordinarie course of naturall things for the benefite of his people As in the leading of his people out of Egipt toward the land of Canaan through the red Sea on drie land when ther was no naturall cause sufficient for the diuiding of the waters And by his feeding of them in the barren wildernes with Manna from heauen by the space of fortie yeares together c. And as touching the spirituall work of our
redemption and saluation by our Lord Iesus Christ it is altogether aboue nature So that the Lorde may worthilie say by his holie Propet Isaiah ch 55.8 against all such Iudges of euil thoughts that is such euill thinking Iudges as the Apostle Iames termeth them My thoughts are not your thoughts nor your wayes my wayes For as the heauens are higher then the earth so are my wayes higher then your wayes and my thoughtes then your thoughtes c. And furthermore it is not in any wise to be doubted but that insomuch as God vouch-safeth by his holie worde and Spirit to teach and warne to command exhort to promise and incourage his children to walk in his blessed waies to the end they may not onely escape euerlasting death but also be partakers of his blessings to their endles life it is not to be doubted I say but that he will giue them the fruit benefit of euerie part of his holie ordinance according to those good endes whervnto he hath appointed the same Finallie it is euen as certainlie true concerning the reprobates that they doe not goe on in their sinnes and so fall into the curse and condemnation by anie compulsion or temptation and prouocation from God but of their own voluntarie disposition contrarie to the expresse will and commandementes of the Lord. And in this respect it is that the Lord with whom ther is in truth no repentance or change such as is in vs doth yet ascribe repentance and changing of minde to himselfe vpon the obstinacie of the wicked according to that Gen 6. ver 6. It repenteth mee that I made man And again Ier 8.18 If the nation against whom I haue pronounced a plague doe turne from their wickednesse I will repent of the plague c. An example wherof we haue in the Prophesie of Ionah ch 3. vers 10. The first dutie therfore of faith in the Fatherlie prouidence of God is this that we trusting in his mercie goodnes do renounce all blind fortune all fatall necessitie of Stoical destinie acccording to the first branch of the answer Touching the second branche to wit that it is our dutie to abandon all inordinate distrusting or distracting cares about earthly things read a pla●●e proofe hereof Matth ch 6.25 c and verses 32.33.34 Be ye not carefull saith our Sauiour Christ for your life what ye shall eate c. For your heauenly Father knoweth that ye haue need of all these things But seeke ye first the kingdome of God and his righteousnes and all these things shal be cast vnto you For in so much as els-where he assureth vs that it is the Fathers pleasure is to giue vs a kingdome yea such a kingdome as is onelie worthy to be in request Luke 12.32 howe can we thinke that he will faile any of his children touching the necessaries of this life so farre forth as may be good for them Touching the moderat on of our lawfull studies and labours we haue a flat command●ment Pro 23.4.5 Trauell not too much to be rich but cease from thy wisedome Wilt thou let thine eyes flie vpon that which will shortlie flie away c And that it is our dutie to submit all our enterprises to the holie prouidence will of God Read Exod 18.23 If thou doest this thing saith Iethro God command the c. And 2. Sam 12. Be strong saith Ioab and let vs be valiant for our people for the cities of our God and let the Lord do that which is good in his eyes And 1. Chro 13. ● If it seeme good to you saith king Dauid and that it proceedeth of the Lord your God wee will send c. And Heb 6.3 And this will we do if God permit And 1. Pet 3 1● It is better if the will of God be so that we suffer for well doing then for euill doing And Iames 4.13 c the holy Apostle doth earnestly reproue the contrarie presumption Goe to now saith S. Iames ●e that say to day or to morrowe we will goe into such a citie and continue there a yeare buy and sell and get gaine And yet ye cannot tell what shal be to morrow For what is your life It is euen a vapour which appeareth for a little time and afterwards vanisheth away for that ye ” Note Wee ought to speake it often for the open profession of our faith be●o●e ●en but to thi●ke it alwaies for the truth of our faith in the fight of G d. Note also ought to say If the Lord will and if we liue we will do this or that But now yee reioice in your boastings all such reioicing is euil Therefore to him that knoweth how to doe well and d●th it not to him it is sinne To this purpose also serueth well the holie Prou chapt 15.3 The eyes of the Lord in euery place beholde the euill and the good Read also Psalm 139. God seeth in the night as-well as in the day hee giueth sleepe and be holdeth our eyes waking c. Read also Ester chap 6.11 c. Thirdlie that it is our dutie as a fruite of the comforte of faith in the Fatherlie prouidence of God ” T●●th● end it is o●r dutie to haue the w●rks of Gods prouidence gouernment in a holy admiration vpon a d ligent view and reuerend considerat on of them Read Iob 36 22.23 c and in the chapters o● lowing Read also Psal 8. Psal ●6 8 c. and 66.5 to thinke and speake most reuerently of the same and of all the workes therof it is euident euen of it selfe vnlesse wee should willinglie take his name in vaine For it is certaine that as God by his worde of Creation created all so doth hee continuallie by his worde of Prouidence and gouernment wherof we read Psal 147.15 16 17 18. hee doth I say by this word and wisedome of his rule gouerne dispose of all things in the world frō the greatest most honorable to the least basest from the best most vertuous to the worst most wicked thing that is done vnder heauen Yet so as we must take heede that we impute not the least error or euill or the least defect of goodnes that may be to him Farre be this from vs. Read Iames. 1. verse 1● It is one thing to be author or cause of an euill and farre another thing to be the orderer and disposer of the euill to a good and holie ende contrarie to the intent and minde of the euill worker It must be confessed indeed that God himselfe doth sometime take vpon himselfe the doing of that which is of the owne nature sinfull as the hardening of the heart of Pharaoh against the Lord and the abusing of the concubines of Dauid c. But before we can say so without blasphemie against God wee must see or rather by faith aboue our reache acknowledge first that it is iust and holie
Prophesies which were giuen forth concerning this soueraigntie of our Sauiour and this mightie administration of his kingdome from the right hand of God long before as Psal 110.1 c. The Lord saith the Princely Prophet King Dauid saide to my Lord Sit thou at my right hand vntill I make thine enemies thy footestoole The Lord shall send the rod of thy power out of Sion c. The whole Psalme is nothing else but a propheticall description of the mightie fruites and effectes of the royall Priesthood and Priestly royaltie of the kingdome of our Sauiour Christ in the subduing and ouerthrowing of his enemies from the glorious right hand of God And so also saith the holy Apostle Paul 1. Cor 15.25 from the authoritie of the same Psalme he must raigne till he hath put al his enemies vnder his feete In which words of the Apostle two things are well worthy to be obserued of vs. First that he interpreteth the sitting of our Sauiour at the right hand of God by this word to raigne because thereby as hath beene shewed alreadie his most high and kingly authoritie is signified Secondly that he referreth it vnto our Sauiour Christ which the holy Psalmist attributeth vnto God insomuch as the Lord doth that by our Sauiour Christ to whom he hath giuen all power and authoritie for the gouernment of his Church which the Prophet saith that God would doe himselfe And so he doth indeede though not imediately but as it were by the hand of our Lord Iesus Christ This most high souereigntie of our Sauiour was likewise prophesied of by the Prophet Daniel as we read cha 2 verses 44.45 The God of heauen saith Daniel shall set vp a kingdome which shall neuer be destroied and this kingdome shall not be giuen to another people but it shall breake and destroy all these kingdome hee speaketh of the proud rebellious monarchies of the world it shal stand foreuer And to his purpose is our Sauiour Christ compared there to a stone cut out of the mountaines without hands that should breake in peeces the yron The letter intēds the 4. Monarchies vz of the Babiloniās the Medes and Persians of the Grecians and Syria Egypt the clay the siluer and the gold that is to say which should breake all other kingdoms how strong or how rich soeuer they should be which wil not submit themselues vnto him For as it is in the 35. verse of the same chapter all the rebellious kingdomes of the world were to become like the chaffe of the sommer flowers which the winde carrieth away so that no place is found for them But as touching the stone which smote the image that should become as the Prophet saith a great mountaine and fill the whole earth And againe ch 7. v. 13.14 As I beheld in visions by night behold one like the Sonne of man came in the clowdes of heauen and he approached vnto the aucient of dayes and they brought him before him And he gaue him dominion and honour and a kingdome that all people languages and nations should serue him his dominion is an euerlasting dominion which shall neuer be taken away and his kingdome shall neuer be destroied And in the same chap verses 26.27 The same holy Prophet foretelling the afflictions which should befall the Church through the crueltie of tyrannous persecutors saith that the iudgement should sit to take away the dominion of the persecutor to consume and destroy it to the end And as the Prophet addeth further The kingdome and dominion and the greatnes of the kingdome vnder the whole heauen shall be giuen to the holy people af the most high whose kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome and all power shall serue and obey him The Prophet Daniel I confesse doth in these words first of all speake to comfort the Iewes to describe vnto thē what their estate should be vntil the cōming of our Sa Ch into the world and that though many tirants should arise to trouble them yet should they be suppressed by the hand of God Neuertheles his prophesie extendeth it selfe further yea euen beyond all extent of time as his wordes doe plainly shewe And euen that also which did most properly concerne the Church of the Iewes it containeth a proportionable resemblance of the state of the Chistian Churches such as it was afterward in the like times of their persecutions vnder the like vnmercifull tyrants And in this respect many things are spoken in the Reuelation of the new Testament in way of reference or by allusion at the least to this prophesie of Daniel and to some other of the holy Prophets Thus Reuel 1.6 our Sauiour is called in these dayes of the Gospell the Prince of the Kings of the earth And chap 19. verses 11.12 c. I sawe heauen open saith Saint Iohn and behold a white horse and hee that sate vpon him was called faithfull and true and he iudgeth and fighteth righteously And his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crownes and hee had a name written which no man knewe but himselfe And he was clothed in a garment dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God And the warriors which were in heauen saith Saint Iohn followed him vpon white horses clothed with fiue linnen white and pure And forth of his mouth went out a sharpe sword that with it he should smite the heathen for he shall rule them with a rod of yron for he it is that treadeth the wine presse of the fiercues and wrath of almightie God And he hath vpon his garment vpon his thigh a name written The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords And chap 17 14. The Lambe shall ouercome the Kings of the earth for he is Lord of Lord and King of Kings c. Thus then wee see how our Sauiour shall finally preuaile against all the enemies of his Church the which he doth account to be his enemies as was said And also how all the neglect of his Saints is esteemed of him to be the neglect of himselfe according to that Mat 25. verse 42. c. I was an hungred and yee gaue mee no meate c. Verily I say vnto you insomuch as ye did it not to one the least of these ye did it not to me And that he doth likewise take all the iniuries done against them to be done against himselfe we see it plainely from that his owne speech to Saul saying thus vnto him Saul Saul why persecutest thou me And againe I am Iesus whom thou persecutest And therewithall sheweth Saul his dangerous enterprise telling him that it was hard for him to kicke against prickes Act 9.4.5 How as he shall finally preuaile against all his enemies so we are further to consider and to assure our selues to our comfort that hee will in the meane white euermore so wisely order and moderate yea so mightily ouer rule all causes and persons as may best
serue to fulfill the whole counsell and decree of God to the glory of his owne name and for the euerlasting comfort and saluation of all his elect people To this purpose as was answered in the beginning of the answer the Lord doth mightily bridle and restraine the rage and furie of his aduersaries according to that in the 2. Psal why doe the heathen rage and the people murmur in vaine c. And no doubt but as God did of old time defend the holy patriarkes and gaue them their standing and remouings all the time that they dwelt in Tents restraining the heathen from oppressing them or doing them any harme and afterward brought their posteritie into the land of Canaan as we read Ps 105.12 13.14 So doth he now and alwaies hath and wil by the hand of his Sonne our Sauiour hold in the rage of all the enemies of his Church euen to the ende of the world so as the very gates of hell shall not be able to preuaile against it That Sauiour of ours who so restrained the diuels in the daies of his humiliation here on earth that they could not quetch without his leaue hee doth not now leaue them to themselues but much rather restraineth them insomuch as he is to that ende most highly exalted and glorified at the right hand of the Maiestie of God in heauen Neither is there any doubt but God doth by our Sauiour take the wise in their crafts according to that 1. Cor 3.19.20 And Prou 8.12 I am wisedome saith the Son of God himselfe I inhabite prudence c. The word Gnarmah sigfieth that holy and warie circumspection wherein the Lord ouer reacheth all the craftes of the wicked yea so that when they persist in their resisting of him he vtterly infatuateth and confoundeth them that it may easily appeare to vs while they goe on in their blinde wilfulnes that there is no wisedome nor counsell against the Lord according to that Prou 21.30 and Isai 8 verse 9 10. c. And as we haue had experience in this our age euen to this day in that the Lord hath not onely restrained those former cruelties which were like the raging waues of the sea billowing and beating against vs 1588. as an intended effect of the Antichristian confederacie against the Gospell in the popish counsell of Trent Verily and out of all question it is from no other where but from the right hand of God in the highest heauens nor by no other meanes then by the glorious mediation of our Lord Iesus Christ there that any of the Churches of Christ haue at any time receiued or at this day doe enioy such godly Princes as it hath for the protection and defence of them against the aduersaries thereof And chiefly aboue all other may we and ought we iustly say and acknowledge to the most glorious praise of God concerning our selues and the Church of Christ in our land that it could not possibly haue enioyed the Gospell nor our gracious Queene Elizabeth so many yeares together nor now our gracious King Iames so worthy a successour whom God preserue long to goe forward with his blessed worke begunne by her had it not beene for the most gracious and tender care of our Sauiour from the right hand of God our heauenly Father both toward them and vs. To him therefore with the Father and the holy Ghost be the whole glory and praise of it for euer and euer Amen Thus much concerning the comforts of this Article that our Lord Iesus Christ sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almightie All which comforts descending vnto vs from his aduancement they are so much the more comfortable because he being once seated continueth an high Priest and king for euer For good things are so much the better by how much they are of longer continuance and best of all when they neuer decay But here a doubt commeth to be answered For how then is it saide by the Apostle Paul 1. Corint 15.24.25 that our Sauiour Christ shall at the ende of the world deliuer vp the hingdome to God euen the Father when hee hath put downe all rule and all authoritie and power For as hee there affirmeth our Sauiour must raigne till hee hath put all his enemies vnder hie feete And verse 28. he saith yet further when all thinges shall be subdued vnto him then shall the Sonne also himselfe be subiect vnto him that did subdue all things vnder him that God may be all in all Question What therefore is to bee saide for the answere and opening of this doubt Answer Our Sauiour shall no more cease to be King though hee is at the ende of the world to deliuer the kingdome vp to the Father then the Father hath ceased to be a King since he committed all kingdome and power to our Sauiour by his lifting of him vp and seating of him at his right hand Explicatiō proofe It is true For it is expressely testified in the word of truth as we haue seene before that there is no end of the kingdome of Christ Reuel 1.5.6 And it is with like faithfulnes assured vnto vs yea it is of it selfe most certaine that God the Father neuer intermitteth or ceaseth the regencie and gouernment of his kingdome 1. Tim 1 17. and chap 6.15.16 and 1. Pet 5.10.11 and in the Ep of Iude verse 25. Question How then are we to vnderstand this that our Sauiour shall at the end of the world deliuer vp his kingdome to the Father Answer The meaning of the holy Apostle is this that as the Father ruleth and reigneth by the Sonne till the end so at the ende the Sonne hauing fulfilled all things most perfitly which were by the appointment of the Father to be performed of him for the gathering t●●ether and defending of his Church and to the suppressing of all vsurped power hee shall make it manifest in the sight of God and before all his Saints that no point or parcell thereof is vnperformed and so shall thenceforth rule and raigne in and with the Father onely in another manner of empire and gouernment then before Ephli This is something which you say For it is certaine that our Sauiour being most faithfull and true yea the truth it selfe Reuel 3.7 and againe verse 14. and Iohn ch 14.6 will most fully and perfitly performe all that hath beene committed to his trust And it is of like certaintie euen from the wordes of the Apostle who saith that all rule and all authoritie and power shal be put downe that is to say the diuel who hath now great power and is as it were a God in the world ruling in the children of disobedience and by them molesting the church of God shall then haue no such power neither he nor his instruments the wicked Tyrants and cruell persecutors that be in the world likewise Sinne which is of no little strength to intice and drawe euen the children of God aside in