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A08610 The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.; Monument of matrones. Part 1-4. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576.; Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549. Miroir de l'âme pécheresse. English & French.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Lamentacion of a sinner.; Tyrwhit, Elizabeth, Morning and evening prayers.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Prayers or meditacions. 1582 (1582) STC 1892; ESTC S101562 669,543 1,114

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For God there is all in all whome they doo alwaies behold and by beholding him continuallie they burne the more in loue towards him They loue and they praise him they praise and they loue him all their worke is to praise God without ending without fainting without toiling O happie yea and euermore happie shall I be if after the resolution of this mortall bodie I may heare those celestiall songs of melodie which are sung vnto the praise of the eternall King by those citizens of the supernall countrie and by the companies of the blessed spirits Happie then yea much happie should I be might I be counted woorthie to sing those sugred songs and to wait on my King my God and my Captaine to behold him in his glorie according as he hath promised saieng Father I will that they whome thou hast giuen me be with me euen where I am that they may behold my glorie which I had with thee before the foundation of the world And in another place If anie man serue me let him followe me For where I am there shall also my seruant be And againe He that loueth me shall be loued of my father and I will loue him and will shew mine owne selfe vnto him Another godlie and Christian praier for the Church and congregation presentlie assembled ALthough the holie Scriptures doo teach vs euerie where that the heauen O most good and mercifull God is thy dwelling place yet the same doth in such wise set out thine infinite goodnesse as the Church is both called and also is in deede thy sanctified house wherein thou most frequentest wherein also thy blessed name is lifted vp with high praises the faithfull instructed in thy sacred words and the holie Sacraments dulie receiued And therefore the godlie hauing an especiall regard to the honour of thy glorious name most earnestlie with a feruent mind and vehement affection doo continuallie stir vp one another to make holie assemblies with woonderfull exhortations to the intent the pure worshipping and holie inuocating of thy blessed name might onlie be therein practised Now therefore and at what time so euer we shall come together in the holie congregation our earnest request is that wee may be there with cheerefull and verie desirous minds For thou trulie hast of an exceeding liberalitie adorned thy holie Church with most flourishing right excellent gifts neither is there anie thing pretermitted that apperteineth to hir garnishing which may either belong to the spirituall decking and beautifieng thereof or to the plentious enriching of it in abundance of all heauenlie good things Which seeing they haue proceeded most fullie from thee this onlie remaineth that thou wouldest be present with vs and them which are assembled together in the name of Iesus Christ and so condescend vnto our feruent praiers who thereby doo call vpon thee as the members thereof may be annexed together with a perpetuall concord Cause all our meetings I saie good father to be in such sort as we may render due honour vnto thee Let the sacred Scriptures be heere purelie and sincerelie interpreted and let thy glorious kingdome from daie to daie be more and more inlarged making all these things to be established with thy ioious peace and the tranquillitie of thy holie spirit yea so long as we praie for the quietnesse and felicitie heereof Let vs procure substantiall and perfect good things both to our neighbours and also vnto thy blessed house and holie sanctified Church And cause that those Citizens which doo credit the sacred doctrine of thy holie Church may by thy excellent benefit become frends and faithfull brethren one to another and in the end beeing quite deliuered from thrall bring thou to passe that one daie we may altogether repose our selues in the true and most holie Ierusalem through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another praier for the increase of the Church THE Church is vnto thee O most good and mercifull GOD as a most roiall Queene espoused to the intent she may bring foorth vnto thee a most plentifull and holie seede Wherefore forasmuch as thou hast coupled hir vnto thee to be thy wife by faith and that she is reputed of the vngodlie as a barren woman because shee seemeth to haue left off child-bearing grant hir to be made vnto thee through thy sacred word and holie spirit afruitfull and ioifull mother of manie holie and vertuous children by whome thy glorious name may be exalted with perpetuall praises in thine holie house euen as it becommeth them Let hir be glad with a perfect and substantiall ioy for the great number of hir most faithfull religious sonnes and daughters Multiplie increase the issue of thy sacred Church I saie O God with a plentifull and an innumerable issue and let hir ingender godlie children vnto thee dailie more and more euen such as are worthie of such a father mother and to be partakers of thy blessed spirit Grant that we may altogether aspire vnto the loue of thee our most delectable bridegroome and that throughour labour laid together in stead of our forefathers who are now alreadie gathered vnto thee manie mo faithfull religious and holie children may be begotten vnto thee anew with whom we may alwaies in our posterities set out celebrate thy famous honour most noble praises Shine thou downe out of Zion O God euen from thine exceeding high vnapprochable light vpon the virgin thy blessed Church preserue hir from the number of perils which she is in cōtinuall danger of Let hir not fall to ruine nor be as a lampe despised in the opinion of the rich welthie men of this world but let thy mountaines glister and giue their light as lamps of fire Yea let righteousnes saluation breake forth out of zion as a shining light and burning lamp that all men may see it and glorifie thee Let the lamps of hir loue I saie O God be as coales of fire and a verie vehement flame of the Lord to dazell ouercome and consume hir enimies after a woonderfull and miraculous manner and cause the seuen lampes of the Uirgins euen all thy spirituall gifts and graces O GOD in the Saincts to burne bright and cleere without anie quenching before thy throne for euer Let thy Church be as a flourishing Uine spreading it selfe far abroade so that Antichrist with all his craft and industrie may not be of force to cut and hew it downe And euen as thou O Lord hast euerie where maruellouslie replenished the earth with thine inestimable goodnesse so in like manner be so good as to let the number of thy true and faithfull suppliants bee dailie more and more greatlie enlarged Let there bee continuall labouring in thy beloued Church by doctrine and example to nurture the blessed children so that their works may be a singular ornament thereof to thy glorie and the increase of all manner of vertue Let hir I saie be made dailie like vnto a most fruitefull woman that
Sauiour not for my merit or deseruing but onlie for the merits of thy death and bitter passion I humblie beseech thee Amen A praier against the feare of worldlie casualties O Most bountifull and louing Father mine onlie guider and comforter the well of mercie the true light of the world take awaie the darknesse of my mind lighten my hart senses indue me with thy grace arme me so stronglie with sure hope confidence and trust in thee that I neuer be driuen into feare either by the subtile inuasions of our ghostlie enimie Sathan or by the craftie wilinesse of the world neither yet by losse damage hurt or hinderance of anie of those vaine and transitorie things which we in this world doo possesse but alwaies whatsoeuer shall becom of them to thinke that they are but things lent and not our owne and that we shall make a streight account of the vse or abuse of them whereby the more we possesse thereof the greater shall be our paine if we abuse them Wherefore take from mee all inward heauinesse thought and care for anie losse or discommoditie receiued by worldlie goods and alwaies to thinke that as well pouertie as riches needinesse as abundance sicknesse as health aduersitie as prosperitie come from thee and that it is knowne to thine inscrutable iudgement onlie why and wherefore thou sendest either of these vpon vs. And therefore let not my mind be troubled with anie feare of things to chance sauing onlie to feare to displease thee but alwaies to be merrie in thee with sobernes and to cast all my care of worldlie affaires vpon thee forasmuch as thou hast commanded that we should not be carefull what to eate or what to drinke or with what raiment we shall be clothed For thou wilt not see the righteous forsaken or their children begging their bread and that thou turnest all things to the best to them that serue thee and flie vnto thee for succour in the time of their distresse Let this O Lord be euermore fresh in my memorie grauen in my hart and readie in my mouth so that I leauing all needlesse feare may alwaies giue thanks vnto thee and praise thy holie name Amen A praier to be deliuered from enimies and dangers O Most mightie Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob which didst leade the children of Israel through the red sea and madest the streames of Iordan runne backe into their springs againe that thy people might passe through the midst thereof Good Lord whose heasts the flouds obeied at whose voice the hils doo leape and the earth doth tremble O most mightie Lord which canst destroie the proudest kings with verie flies and ants which madest little Dauid to triumph on the giant Goliah which deliueredst his enimie king Saule into his hands gauest Gedeon thy seruant with his few souldiours victorie of so manie legions of strong men Thou which hast subdued so manie mightie kings and sundrie nations vnto thy people Israel O God which workest all in all things which giuest victorie alwaies as seemeth best to thine vnsearchable wisdome defend me alwaies I beseech thee against mine enimies and all euils that my ship tossed and beaten in the waues of this world may rest in thy happie hauen of euerlasting ioie for euer My soule cleaueth vnto thy mercie as to an holie sanctuarie O God if thou shouldest not be mercifull who could abide the heat of thy displeasure But thou O Lord art good to thy seruants and I hope to see thy goodnesse in the land of the liuing All glorie be to the most high and mercifull God for euer and euer Amen A praier for righteous iudgement in matters of controuersie O Lord God of all iustice which in equall ballance dooest weigh the cause of the Prince and of the poorest man which despisest not the suites of the simple which deliuerest the captiue and comfortest the desolate and carefull O Lord which hast blessed them that are poore in spirit releeue thy seruant oppressed with griefe remooue from me the clouds of my sorowes O Lord stretch forth thy mightie hand and helpe me Let me not sinke in the seas of slander and shame Thou knowest the secrets of my hart defend me in mine innocencie pleade thou my cause against the vngodlie which haue laid their net for me O God thou which hast deliuered Ioseph Daniel Mardocheus Susanna from captiuitie and instant death and didst cloth them with honour good Lord strengthen me and be my defender against all euils and let not the poisoned arrowes of malicious tongues doo me anie harme Grant these my praiers good Lord I beseech thee for our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake Amen A Psalme to be said after trouble escaped MY soule reioice in God for he is my light and my defence my helpe the lanterne to my feet He hath heard my praier when I called on him he hath holpen me in my neede he hath deliuered me in my dangers The Lord is the keeper of my life from whome shall I shrinke whome shall I feare Lieng prostrate at the feete of my Lord I bewailed my case and he heard my plaint he forsaketh not his seruants Wherefore if armies of men stood vp against me I should not feare For if God be on my side who can preuaile against me He is happie and safe whome God the mightie God of Israel keepeth The Sun shall not burne him by daie nor the Moone by night Chrise blessed is he that feareth the Lord for he shall see happie daies As the Hart thirsteth after the water springs so my soule hath longed for my Lord the liuing God When shall I come to appeare before thy presence to see thee in thy glorious maiestie face to face O Lord let thy kingdome come Come Lord Iesus that I may see the daie of my redemption Good Lord make hast to helpe me All glorie maiestie and empire be vnto God the Creator God the Redeemer and God the holie Comforter for euer and euer Amen Comfortable exhortations against the manifold assaults of Sathan IF thou perceiue that the storme of temptation doth verie often and greeuouslie assault thee dismaie not therefore thy selfe neither be displeased with thy selfe as though almightie God nothing regarded thee but rather thank him that he instructeth and teacheth thee as one to be his heire that he punisheth and correcteth thee as his most deere soune that he prooueth and assaieth thee as his welbeloued freend It is a manifest and great token that man is reiect from the mercie and fauour of God when he is troubled with no temptation In thy temptation remember the holie Apostle S. Paule which being rapt to the mysteries of the third heauen was vexed with the Angel of Sathan Remember the temptation of the holie man Iob and other which were greeuouslie troubled with their offences O happie and fortunate man in whome this earthlie Adam is so mortified and subdued that it in no wise resisteth the spirit But whether
of thee their God Notwithstanding when thou O God thereby well hadst tamed their fiercenesse and hadst brought them to this point that they could find no help in anie thou gratiouslie heardst them crieng vnto thee in their distresse and deliueredst them from their miserie and broughtst them from the dongeons of the prisons and darkenesse of death breaking their iron fetters in sunder O praise yee therefore this so great mercie of the Lord before him and declare his woonderfull actes to other mortall men who hath broken the brasen gates and hath dashed in peeces their iron barres How manie also being driuen awaie through persecution vnto that prophane Babylon euen auoiding so much as laie in you the sight of the wicked enimies did confesse with most dolefull silence euen with abundance of teares both your sinnes and sorowes at the flouds of Euphrates being mindfull of Zion And though you caried your harps euen to be your comfort in so great calamitie yet being outragiouslie mocked and derided in your miserie by the enimie that draue you awaie into most miserable captiuitie you were faine to hang them vp vpon the sallowe trees and make no noise in the sight of the persecutors as they that sawe more cause rather to mourne than sing in that time and place Notwithstanding the Lord did not forget you for euer but seeing the crueltie of the persecutors in his good time turned awaie your captiuitie mourning and restored you to libertie and ioie againe so that you liue and see the daie wherein Babylon is destroied and hir children dashed against the stones For the Lord hath giuen hir prosperitie vnto vs to deale with them againe as they haue dealt with vs. Yea the Lord hath armed his people with double edged swords in their hands wherewith they may punish the prophane Gentiles and auenge the crueltie of the oppressed also may drawe their kings and nobles bound in chaines and iron fetters euen to execute the iudgements appointed and commanded by thee O Lord. And this verelie is the dignitie and the honour of all them whome God hath receiued to his fauour Wherefore O ye glorious people vpon whome the Lord hath bestowed so manie benefits now see that yee in this your great quietnesse and rest sing triumph Praise the Lord in deede O Israel and delight thy selfe in setting foorth his praise continuallie whose worke thou art as it were newlie formed being deliuered from so manie not dangers but deaths What shall I speake Lord furthermore of them who by their owne foolishnesse going in the waie of wickednesse and being oppressed by manifold plagues and diseases doo dailie suffer the reward of their madnesse and loathing all manner of meate are at deaths dore whom notwithstanding thou O Lord diddest heare crieng vnto thee in their miserie and thou deliueredst them out of their distresse yea thou speaking but one word diddest take awaie all the cause of their deadlie disease and restoredst them to health Let these men also I saie praise this thy so great mercies O Lord and publish thy maruellous works before other mortall men Let them offer the sacrifices of praise vnto thee O God in the middle multitude of the people standing about them and let them rehearse with great ioie what he hath done for them in the assemblie of the cheefest Go to therefore O all yee people praise the Lord our God together with me who when wee were oppressed with Pharaos tyrannie was mindfull of vs and with a strong force deliuered Israel from the slauerie of Egypt and hath giuen this dominion to be possessed by ELIZABETH his handmaid for his mercie endureth for euer CAP. III. O All yee people I saie tribes kindreds and inhabitants of the earth both noble and simple rich and poore clap your hands and praise this most holie God with most ioifull voices Giue vnto the Lord the praise of all power worship and glorie giue him the honour due vnto his name and maiestie For lo he is come to gouerne the earth The Lord himselfe reigneth amongst you and gouerneth the whole world with a iust and righteous gouernement and ruleth altogether with the scepter of his iustice and truth Go to therefore O yee yong striplings and old men yong children maidens matrones and you also all other that loue feare God come I praie you praise y e name of y e Lord euen of our most mightie IEHOVA together with mee For he alone deserueth most high praise as he that is more deepe than the verie earth and more high than the heauens and far aboue all the powers and potentates of the world Go to also O ye damsels and virgins stir vp your ioie to daie with songs of praise vpon timbrell lute but voide of wantonnesse so that your ioie may tend to the glorie of God your onlie strength and celebrate this daie of your deliuerance as festiuail to the Lord our deliuerer O ye Uirgins and damsels vnmaried now reioice with me I saie and sing vnto the Lord a triumphant song Praise the Lord also O ye brides in your marriage songs with glorie and maiestie that ye liue to see my daies and that the flower of your youth is not consumed in the flame of Gods furie For the time was when you being desolate and vnmarried did remaine pensife without your marriage songs and liued solitarie sitting at home among the soote of pots but now the women that durst not come out of their houses come foorth glittering like gold and shining like dooues as white as snowe and boldlie diuide the spoile of the enimie Go to therefore O ye damsels of Iuda and multitude of Uirgins seeing ye haue so great cause to reioice shew not your selues vnthankfull in anie wise but praise the Lord together with me in Hymnes and celebrate his name with spirituall songs for his victories goodnesse and mercie towards vs. Come foorth yee daughters of Zion I saie and breake out into gladnesse with me reioice you of the iust iudgements of God vpon our enimies yea compasse you Zion round about account hir towers consider diligentlie hir wals and bulworks and set foorth the praises of hir peace and palaces so that yee may spread foorth the memorie thereof euen to all posteritie And doo you let all men to vnderstand that this is God euen our owne God for euer which hath not forsaken vs neither will leaue vs no not in the last minute of our life Go to now therefore I beseech you let vs altogether praise the Lord as we are bounden let the whole companie of vs Uirgins plaie vpon the Timbrels on euerie side and corner of the citie Zion one exhorting and answering another by course and that with new and excellent songs of praise to the glorie of God Let vs magnitie that mightie and eternal name of his for it is holie let vs continuallie come before the Lord and worship him for he is holie For what should we rather doo
shall or will receiue me If thou despise me and turne thy face from me who shall looke vpon me Recognise and knowledge me O Lord to be thine although vnworthie comming to thee although I bee vile and vncleane For if I be vile and vncleane as I confesse my selfe in deede to be thou canst make mee cleane If I be sicke thou canst heale me If I be dead and buried thou canst reuiue me for thy mercie is much more than mine iniquitie Thou canst forgiue me more than I can offend Therefore O Lord doo not consider nor haue respect to the number of my sinnes but according to the greatnesse of thy mercie forgiue me and haue mercie on me most wretched sinner Saie vnto my soule I am thy health which saiedst I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he liue and be conuerted and turne to thee O Lord bee not angrie with me I beseech thee but for thy great mercie sake forgiue and pardon me all my misdeeds and bring me to the blisse that neuer shall cease Amen Another forme of Confession and praier to be vsed of the Maister and Mistresse with their families in priuate houses euerie morning ALmightie God and most mercifull Father we doo not present our selues heere before thy Maiestie trusting in our owne merits or woorthinesse but in thy manifold mercies which hast promised to heare our praiers and graunt our requests which we shall make to thee in the name of thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who hath also commanded vs to assemble our selues together in his name with full assurance that he will not onelie be amongst vs but also be our mediator and aduocate towards thy Maiestie that we may obtaine all things which shall seeme expedient to thy blessed will for our necessities Therefore we beseech thee most mercifull father to turne thy louing countenance towards vs and impute not vnto vs our manifold sinnes and offences whereby wee iustlie deserue thy wrath and sharpe punishment but rather receiue vs to thy mercie for Iesus Christes sake accepting his death and passion as a iust recompense for all our offences in whom onlie thou art pleased and through whome thou canst not be offended with vs. And seeing of thy great mercies we haue quietlie passed this night grant O heauenlie father that we may bestowe this daie wholie in thy seruice so that all our thoughts words and deedes may redound to the glorie of thy name and good example to all men who seeing our good works may glorifie thee our heauenlie father And forasmuch as of thy meere fauour and loue thou hast not onlie created vs to thine owne similitude and likenesse but also hast chosen vs to be heires with thy deere sonne Iesus Christ of that immortall kingdome which thou preparedst for vs before the beginning of the world we beseech thee to increase our faith and knowledge and to lighten our harts with thy holie spirit that we may in the meane time liue in all godlie conuersation and integritie of life knowing that idolaters adulterers couetous men contentious persons drunkards gluttons and such like shall not inherit the kingdome of God And because thou hast commanded vs to praie one for another we doo not onlie make request O Lord for our selues and them that thou hast alreadie called to the true vnderstanding of thy heauenlie will but for all people and nations of the world who as they know by thy wonderfull works that thou art God ouer all so they may be instructed by thy holie spirit to beleeue in thee their onlie Sauiour and Redeemer But forasmuch as they can not beleeue except they heare nor cannot heare but by preaching and none can preach except they be sent therefore O Lord raise vp faithful distributers of thy mysteries who setting apart all worldlie respects may both in their life and doctrine onelie seeke thy glorie Contrariwise confound Sathan Antichrist with all hirelings whome thou hast alreadie cast off into a reprobate sense that they may not by sects schismes heresies and errors disquiet thy little flocke And because O Lord we be fallen into the latter daies and dangerous times wherein ignorance hath gotten the vpper hand and Sathan by his ministers seeke by all meanes to quench the light of thy Gospell we beseech thee to mainteine thy cause against those rauening Woolues and strengthen all thy seruants whom they keepe in prison and bondage Let not thy long-suffering be an occasion either to increase their tyrannie or to discourage thy children neither yet let our sinnes and wickednesse be an hinderance to thy mercies but with speede O Lord consider these great miseries For thy people Israel manie times by their sinnes prouoked thine anger and thou punishedst them by thy iust iudgement yet though their sinnes were neuer so greeuous if they once returned from their iniquitie thou receiuedst them to mercie We therfore most wretched sinners bewaile our manifold siunes and earnestlie repent vs for our former wickednesse and vngodlie behauiour towards thee And whereas we cannot of our selues purchase thy pardon yet we humblie beseech thee for Iesus Christes sake to shew thy mercie vpon vs and receiue vs againe to thy fauour Graunt vs deere father these our requests and all other things necessarie for vs and thy whole Church our Queene and Realme according to thy promise in Iesus Christ our Lord in whose name we beseech thee as he hath taught vs saieng Our Father c. Almightie and euerlasting God vouchsafe we beseech thee to graunt vs perfect continuance in thy liuelie faith augmenting and increasing the same in vs dailie vntill we growe to the full measure of our perfection in Christ whereof we make our confession saieng I beleeue in God the Father almightie c. Almightie God which hast promised to heare the petitions of them that aske in thy Sonnes name wee beseech thee mercifullie to incline thine eares to vs that haue now made our praiers and supplications vnto thee and graunt that those things which wee haue faithfullie asked according to thy will may effectuallie be obteined to the releefe of our necessitie and to the setting foorth of thy glorie through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen The Lord blesse vs and saue vs the Lord make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lord turne his fauorable countenance towards vs and graunt vs his peace Amen The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of God and the communion of the holie Ghost be with vs and remaine with vs for euer So be it A Morning praier for Sundaie AFter due examination of my former life with an humble and contrite hart with a sorowfull and repentant spirit I sue vnto thee most mercifull father beseeching thee of mercie and forgiuenesse of mine offences which in this night or at anie time heeretofore I haue committed against thy godlie will and pleasure by anie manner of vncleannesse of soule or bodie that I haue fallen into
for not worthilie preparing themselues and for misvsing the Sacrament of the bodie and bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ and manie died thereof as thine holie Apostle Saint Paule hath taught vs. Since which time O Lord as the Monuments of thy Church and other Chronicles doo declare thou hast from time to time so plagued with pestilence not onelie cities but also whole countries for these and other like causes that we may iustlie looke for the comming of our Sauiour so manie and so horrible pestilences haue beene among vs alreadie All which causes O Lord for the which thou hast so afflicted thy people are through the malice of Satan and our wilfull consenting vnto him growne so ripe in vs that were it not for the exceeding greatnes of thy mercie and compassion we should all presentlie perish and that woorthilie so horrible and outragious are our iniquities For we loath not onelie the plentifull prouision of wholesome victuals and apparell which thou hast giuen vs for our bodies more abundantlie than to manie nations trauelling by all meanes to get wherewith to pamper our flesh with wines spices silks and other vaine costlie and delighting things but the pretious Manna of our soules thy holie word and Sacraments we can not awaie with we are so full that we are glutted therewith We so little esteeme the heauenlie kingdome which our Sauiour hath so deerlie prepared and kindlie promised to vs that we abhor it and are readie to stone those few that commend it and exhort vs for our owne good to trauell thitherward better liking and crediting those false prophets the Epicures and Atheists that with their lies discourage vs therefrom What murmuring and grudging make we against the ministers of thy word which thou of thine especiall goodnesse hast in mercie giuen vs How despise wee our bishops preachers and other ministers of thy holie Sacraments whom thou hast commanded vs to reuerence and honour Did not we through our wicked liues wretchedlie leese the Arke of thy holie word and the true ministration of Sacraments not manie yeeres agone which the popish Philistines tooke from vs And now when thou through thy plagues laid vpon them hast miraculouslie sent it againe see how hold we be with the Beth-samites vnreuerentlie to receiue it For manie make of it a gazing-stocke to serue their eies and tongues rather than a lawe to obeie and followe in their liues Yea the knowledge of thy truth goodnesse and mercie breedeth in manie of vs a carelesse securitie and a contempt of thy holie ordinances For we presume vpon thy mercie and promises not regarding the conditions nor anie of thy commandements which in our baptisme we vowed to obserue Yea we make thy Gospell a cloke of our couetousnesse vnder colour whereof we seeke our owne lucre and hide all our wicked and filthie practises If the Corinthians deserued to be plagued for abusing thy holie Sacraments how much more are wee woorthie of fierce wrath that not onelie abuse it but also abhor contemne it bicause it is ministred as it ought For thou knowest O Lord what a sort there are which bewitched with the diuell and the Popes doctrine doo vtterlie abhor Christs holie communion and sauing for feare of the lawe would neuer come at it In what sort these receiue and how they be prepared is not vnknowne vnto thee How rashlie also and vnaduisedlie and vnprepared the common multitude doo frequent it partlie appeareth in that manie of them neuer forgiue old offences nor reconcile themselues nor in anie thing doo amend their old sinnes and vices Seeing then that we Lord the common sort and multitude doo thus abound in all kind of wickednesse how can it be but that thou of thy iustice must suffer our magistrates to offend also in somewhat to the end thou maist iustlie take vengeance of our sinnes For these manifold heapes of sinnes and wickednesses O Lord thou hast iustlie at this present sent this dangerous pestilence among vs as thou hast often and long time threatened by the mouthes of thy faithfull preachers who continuallie haue called vpon vs to staie thy wrath by earnest repentance amendement of life but we haue alwaies beene deafer and deafer The delight in our sinnes not onlie stopped our eares but also hardened our harts against their hartie and friendlie admonitions And in that we now O Lord doo begin to feele and acknowledge our sinnes it commeth more of thy rigour in plaguing vs than of anie good inclination of our selues Mollifie therefore O Lord our flintie harts with the suppling moisture of thy holie spirit Make vs to reuerence thee as children for loue of thy mercies and not to dread thee like slaues for feare of punishment Seruants Amen Maister or Maistres O deere Father reclaime vs thy lost children O mercifull Sauiour pitie vs thy putrified members O holie Ghost repaire vs thy decaied temples O holie and glorious Trinitie haue mercie vpon vs miserable sinners Seruants Amen Maister Grant vs O Lord such true repentance as may through the bloud of our Sauiour blot out the staines of our heinous iniquities Forgiue vs our sinnes O Lord forgiue vs our sinnes for thine infinite mercies sake Seruants Amen Maister Forgiue vs our blasphemies idolatries and periuries Forget our vaine and outragious oths As thou hast by thy rigour and plagues forced vs to acknowledge thee to be our iust and righteous Lord so let vs through thy mercie and forgiuenesse feele thee to be our mild louing Father and giue vs grace for euer hereafter to reuerence this thy glorious name Seru. Amen Maister Take from vs O God the care of worldlie vanities Make vs content with necessaries Plucke awaie our harts from delighting in honours treasures and pleasures of this life And ingender in vs a desire to be with thee in thine eternall kingdome Giue vs O Lord such taste and feeling of thine vnspeake able ioies in heauen that we may alwaie long therfore saieng with thine elect Hasten thy kingdome O Lord take vs to thee Seru. Amen Maister Make vs O Lord obedient to thy will reuealed in thy holie word Make vs diligent to walke in thy commandements Forgiue vs our contempt and murmuring against the magistrates and ministers whom thou hast in thy mercie appointed make vs obedient vnto their godlie lawes doctrine Saue and preserue O Lord thine annointed our QVEENE ELIZABETH that she in thy grace and feare may long reigne amongst vs. Giue peace to all Christian nations Mooue vs by thy spirit to loue one another as the members of our bodie that we may all doo thy will in earth as it is in heauen Seru. Amen Maister Dig out of vs O Lord the venemous roots of couetousnesse and concupiscence or else so represse them with thy grace that we may be contented with thy prouision of necessaries and not to labour as we doo with toile strength guile wrong and oppression to pamper our selues with vaine superfluities Feed our soules O
with hir Who so leadeth a godlie life men of good conscience let such be hir seruants Let no deceitfull person haue anie place in hir house him that telleth lies or is a reuenger of bloud cause hir speedilie to cast out of hir sight Finallie grant hir will and power O Lord of hosts dailie to suppresse all the vngodlie in the land that she may root out from the citie of God all wicked dooers Queene Elizabeth hath done that is lawfull right wherefore O Lord leaue hir not to such as doo offer hir wrong For thine owne goodnesse sake take hir thine handmaid vnto thy protection let not the proud oppresse hir with wrong Deale with thine handmaid according to thy louing kindnesse and teach hir thy statutes She is thy seruant grant hir vnderstanding that she may knowe thy testimonies Thy testimonies conteine woonderous things therefore cause hir hart to be zealous in keeping of them The first entrance of thy words will illuminate giuing vnderstanding euen vnto the simple Worke in hir hart so feruent desire of thy word that through affection thereto she may be like one that panteth openeth his mouth for breath Looke thou vpon hir O Lord and be mercifull vnto hir as thou vsest to doo vnto them that loue thy name Direct hir steps in thy word and so let no wickednesse haue dominion ouer hir Redeeme hir from the fraudulent dealings of men and cause hir to keepe thy commandements Make the light of thy countenance shine vpon our Queene Elizabeth thine handmaiden and teach hir thy statutes Heare my praiers O God and giue good eare vnto mine intercessions For behold from the ends of the earth I call vnto thee for our deere Souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth whensoeuer hir hart is in heauines oh set hir vp vpon the rocke that is higher than she For hitherto thou hast beene hir defence and a strong tower for hir against the face of the enimie Let hir dwell I beseech thee in thy tabernacle for euer let hir trust be vnder the couering of thy wings For thou O Lord heardst hir desires and hast giuen hir an heritage ouer those that feare thy name O grant vnto the Queene a long life that hir yeeres may endure manie generations Let hir dwell before the Lord for euer O appoint thy louing mercie and truth that they may preserue hir so cause hir alwaies to sing praise vnto thy name that she may daie by daie performe hir vowes and keepe thy heasts Finallie giue thy iudgment O Lord vnto hir Grace and thy righteousnesse vnto hir Counsell that they may iudge the people with iustice and the poore with equitie Let the mountaines bring peace and the little hils righteousnes vnto the people Let them iudge the afflicted among the people and saue the sonnes of the poore make them to destroie the backe-slider that he persist not to afflict the miserable and such as trust in thy mercie and protection so shall quietnesse and peace abound among vs like the hillocks on the earth Cause hir enimies to feare hir so long as the sunne and moone shineth from one generation to another Water hir with thy grace from heauen as thou didst Gedeons fleece of wool with dew and as thou refreshest with drops of raine the new cut grasse vpon the earth In hir daies let the righteous flourish and great abundance of peace so long as the moone is in the firmament Defend the dominions that thou hast giuen hir within the seas and from the floud vnto the end of the earth Cause hir foes to kneele downe before hir and hir enimies to licke the dust of hir feete Giue hir a long and prosperous reigne indue hir with abundance of riches and wealth heape glorie and honour vpon hir head and let hir be partaker alwaies of the praiers of the iust and be dailie blessed The Lord euen the God of Israel which onelie worketh woonderous things blesse our gratious Queene Elizabeth and blessed be the name of his Maiestie for euer yea let all the earth be filled with his glorious praise Amen And she shall magnifie thee O Lord hir King and she shall praise thy name for euer Euerie daie let hir giue thanks vnto thee O Lord and praise thy name for euer and euer Grant this O most mercifull Father for thy deere sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christs sake Amen Amen Another praier for the Queenes most excellent Maiestie WOnderfull O most excellent and almightie GOD is the depth of thy iudgements Thou King of kings Lord of lords thou which at thy pleasure doost take awaie and transpose roote out and plant confound and establish kingdoms Thou of thy singular goodnesse hast deliuered our gratious Souereigne Queene Elizabeth thy chosen Handmaid when she was almost at deaths dore yea thou hast deliuered hir out of prison and setled hir in hir fathers throne to thee therefore doo we render thanks to thee doo we sing laud and praise thy name doo we honour daie and night Thou hast restored againe the libertie of our countrie and the sinceritie of the doctrine with peace and tranquillitie of thy Church Thine thine O Lord was the benefit the meanes the labour and seruice was hirs a burthen too heauie alas for a womans shoulders yet easie and tollerable by thy helping hand Assist hir therefore O most mercifull father neither respect hir offences or the deserts of hir parents or the manifold sinnes of vs hir people but thinke vpon thy woonted compassion alwaies at hand to thy poore afflicted Preserue hir kingdome mainteine religion defend thy cause our Queene Elizabeth vs thy sheepe and hir people scatter thine enimies which thirst after war let them be ashamed and confounded that woorship idols let vs not be a praie vnto forraigne nations nor to the people that knowe not thee neither call vpon thy name Strengthen and confirme O Lord the good worke which thou hast begun inspire our gratious Queene thy seruant and vs thy poore flocke with thy holie spirit that with vncorrupt life we may ioine puritie of religion as we may not yeeld and bring foorth wild and bastard fruits but mild and sweet grapes and fruits beseeming a liuelie faith and true repentance and meet and conuenient for thy Gospell to the intent we may enioie this immortall treasure and that liuing and dieng in thee we may finallie possesse the inheritance of thy heauenlie kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord. For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer Amen A forme of blessing or praier for our most gratious Queene Elizabeth Christ his deere spouse out of the Scriptures COme downe O Lord come with thousands of thy Saincts and appeare gratiouslie vnto thy Church of Saincts Come visit the people and congregations of Iacob whersoeuer assembled whome thou so tenderlie louest and which are humbled at thy feet to yeeld thee thanks for all thy blessings and benefits receiued Come downe I saie O God of Iacob and blesse Israel yea come
precepts and examples meet for meditation instruction and imitation to all posteritie And now in most dutifull maner commending and appropriating so diuine exercises of the church vnto your Maiestie the most naturall mother and noble nursse thereof the cause of a virgine to a Virgine the works of Queenes to a Queene your owne praiers to your selfe to whom indeed the particular interest and due praise and honour thereof iustlie belongeth I here prostrate on my knees in most humble maner meekelie beseech your excellent Maiestie gratiouslie of your woonted clemencie to pardon and forgiue this my too rash and bold enterprise attempted both with bashfulnesse feare and trembling and fauourablie as in like cases you are accustomed to accept these your liege subiect his great labors and painfull trauels in good part which he not to instruct your Highnesse of whose notable learning I am not able to speake but onelie for a monument of the hartie loue he beareth both to the church his deere mother and to your Maiestie his dread Souereigne hath in a godlie zeale and conscience bestowed to the good and profit of his countrie That by your Graces good liking and princelie approbation they may be both patronized against the wicked and practised of the godlie And so manie by that means with due reuerence and great honour to so honourable works may receiue these lamps as from your bountifull hand to inlighten them by your good industrie in all vertue and to prepare them by your holie example like wise virgins to perseuerance in all good works of the spirit And that therein manie may often looke and labour mightilie for your Highnesse as they are bound in feruent praier and manie mo thanks I saie be giuen of manie faithfull harts on your Maiesties behalfe for the benefit of such and so manie needfull and readie helps ministred and afoorded by your painfull hand and princelie affabilitie to your euerlasting comfort and renowme the praise of God and glorie of his deerest sonne Iesus Christ your sweet spouse Whom now for a conclusion as I began I most entirelie beseech that as of his owne good will he first loued his church my deere mother and gaue himselfe freelie for hir to sanctifie and clense hir in the most holie fountaine of water through the word to make hir vnto himselfe a beautifull virgine and glorious spouse without spot or wrinkle that she should be holie pure perfect and without blame before him so he will vouchsafe in like mercie still both to cherish defend and maintaine the same in his continuall grace religion and holinesse that she may yet bring foorth more fruit in hir age and members to his glorie and also as your spirituall spouse to set your Maiestie a most woorthie and mightie gouernor of the same euer as a seale vpon his hart to tie you fast as a signet or bracelet vpon his arme to beare you still in his owne bosome to set his eie ouer you continuallie for your health wealth and prosperitie to bend his desires alwaies towards you to doo you good that so your Highnesse may be kept in his continuall grace peace and fauour long to reigne ouer vs and also defended and preserued euermore from all bodilie and ghostlie perils and enimies to your euerlasting comfort and the reioice of all christian harts Finallie the Lord blesse your Maiestie euen out of Sion with all his heauenlie gifts and spirituall graces that hauing the principall heroicall spirit of your holie father good king Dauid doubled yea trebled in your noble and princelie hart you may as in numbers of yeeres beyond manie ages so in singular pietie and godlines far surmount excell your most noble progenitors that the remembrance of you our good Iosias may to all posterities be like the composition of the most pretious perfume of the Apothecarie and as sweet as honie in all mouthes and as harmonicall musicke at a banket of wine that in you our zealous Hezechias I saie we may still remaine in happie peace and haue an hiding place from the wind and a refuge from storms and tempests and riuers of waters to quench our thirst and temperate shadowes to shrowd vs from parching heate in a drie land so shall the harts of manie thousand virgins in England and else-where be ioifull and thankfull to God and your Maiestie so shall the daughters of Ierusalem sing ioifullie the sweet songs of Sion in their owne land with great triumph to their celestial King reigning on high ouer all yea so shal all your faithfull and louing subiects I saie in all humble obedience and dutifull seruice both towards God your Maiestie and their countrie resound by all possible meanes to all posterities your most excellent and woorthie praises vntill the comming of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whom with the Father and the holie Ghost be all empire honor dominion and praise now and for euer Amen Your Maiesties humble faithfull and obedient subiect THOMAS BENTLEY Lampas Virginitatis ECce tibi lucet Princeps clarissima lampas In tenebris gressus dirigat illa tuos Siquaeris librum cur lampada virginis istum Inscribam causas dico fuisse duas Vna est quòd talem praefert ecclesia lucem Expectans sponsum virgo pudica suum Altera quòd manibus virgo reginea librum Sumit cuiverae lampadis instar erit Dum Domino litat sacris indicit honorem Nuncupat Christo vota secunda suo Anna sibi lucem sibi Debora praetulit istam Inque suis Princeps ELIZABETHA malis Sic didicit lenire suas sic fallere curas Praesentémque sui poscere regis opem Quem non plena sacris placant altaria donis Non oblatorum corpora caesaboum Ille Deus Deus ille humili libamine vocum Irae deponit iusta flagella suae Illecebras carnis vincunt mundique furores Et sathanae faciunt fulmen inane preces Afflictis illae praestant solatia rebus Illis caelestes effodiuntur opes Hoc oleo plenam Domino qui lampada praebet Ille sacrificio nobiliore litat To the Christian Reader grace and truth in Christ HAuing my selfe taken no small comfort good Christian Reader by the reading and pervsing of diuers verie godlie learned and duiine treatises of meditations and praier made by sundrie right famous Queenes noble Ladies vertuous Virgins and godlie Gentlewomen of al ages who to shew themselues woorthie paternes of all pietie godlinesse and religion to their sex and for the common benefit of their countrie haue not ceased and that with all carefull industrie and earnest indeuour most painfullie and diligentlie in great feruencie of the spirit and zeale of the truth euen from their tender maidenlie yeeres to spend their time their wits their substance and also their bodies in the studies of noble and approoued sciences and in compiling and translating of sundrie most christian and godlie bookes a tast whereof you haue here in the second Lampe as
all the daie long He hath filled me with bitternesse and made me dronken with woormewood and with great anguish and sorowe he hath made me loose my senses He hath smitten my teeth in peeces with stones and rolled me in the dust Thus my soule was farre off from peace I forgat prosperitie and all good things And I said My strength and mine hope is perished from the Lord. O remember yet my miserie and my trouble the woormewood and the gall Yea in remembring my soule doth still remember them and is humbled within me I consider these things in my hart and therefore I get hope againe Namelie it is of the Lords mercies that we are not vtterlie consumed for our wickednesse for truelie his pitifull compassions faile not New mercies shall the Lord shew vpon thee earlie in the daie springing euerie morning O Lord great is thy faithfulnesse for we féele thy benefits continuallie The Lord is my portion saith my soule therefore will I hope in him O how good is the Lord vnto them that put their trust in him and to the soule that seeketh after hun The good man with silence and patience doth both trust and waite for the health and saluation of the Lord. It is good for a man to take and beare the yoke vppon him in and from his youth vp He sitteth alone and murmureth not but is patient and holdeth him still and keepeth silence because he hath taken and borne the Lords yoke vpon him He laieth his face vpon the earth and humbleth himselfe waiting with patience if there may happen to be anie hope of succour He offreth his cheeke to the smiter he will be content with reproches For the Lord will not forsake for euer But though he send affliction and punish yet will he haue compassion and according to the multitude of his mercies he receiueth to grace againe For he doth not plague willinglie nor delighteth to afflict the children of men but doth it of necessitie for our amendment To treade all the prisoners of the earth vnder his feete To ouerthrowe the right of a man before the face of the most high To condemne a man in his cause the Lord hath not pleasure in such things What and who is he then that saith And it commeth to passe And the Lord commandeth it not For without his prouidence nothing is done Out of the mouth of the most high proceedeth not euill and good both prosperitie and aduersitie Wherefore then mourneth the liuing man when God afflicteth him Let him mourne and be sorowfull for his owne sinnes for which he suffereth Let vs search and trie and looke well vpon our owne waies and remember our selues and turne againe to the Lord. Let vs without hypocrisie lift vp both our harts and our hands vnto God that is in the heauens and saie We haue sinned and rebelled therefore hast thou not spared Thou hast couered vs in thy wrath and persecuted vs thou hast slaine without anie fauour Thou hast hid thy selfe as in a cloud that our praiers should not passe through Thou hast made vs the offscowring and reffuse in the mids of the people All our enimies haue opened their mouths against vs and gape vpon vs. Feare and snare is come vpon vs yea desolation and destruction Whole riuers of waters gush out of mine eies for the destruction of the daughter of my people Mine eie droppeth without staie and ceaseth not for there is no rest Till the Lord looke downe from heauen consider Mine eies breake mine hart and I am ouercome with wéeping bicause of all the daughters or people of my Citie Mine enimies hunted and chased me sore like a bird yea and that without a cause They haue shut vp my life in a dungeon and cast a stone vpon me The waters flowed ouer mine head then thought I Now I am destroied I called vpon thy name O Lord out of the deepe pit and lowe dungeon Thou hast heard my voice stop not thine eare from my sighings and crieng Thou drewest neere vnto me in the daie when I called vpon thee and hast said Feare not O Lord thou hast maintained the cause of my soule and hast redeemed my life that was in danger O Lord thou hast seene my wrong take thou my cause vpon thee and iudge it Thou hast seene all their vengeance and all their deuises against mee Thou hast hard their reprochfull despitefull words O Lord yea and all their imaginations against me The lips also of those that rise against me and their deuises and whisperings that they take against me all the daie long Behold also their sitting downe and their rising vp how I am now their song Reward them O Lord according to the works of their hands Giue them sorrowe of hart and an obstinate hart euen thy curse to them Persecute them O Lord with thine indignation and root them out and vtterlie destroie them from vnder the heauen The fift lamentation or praier of Zion CAll to remembrance O Lord what is come vpon vs consider and behold our confusion and reproch Our inheritance is turned to the strangers and our houses to the aliens We are vnderlings without fathers and our mothers are as widowes We haue drunken our water for monie and our wood haue we by sale sold vnto vs. Our necks are vnder persecution we are wearie and haue no rest Aforetime we yeelded our selues to the Aegyptians and now we haue submitted our selues to the Assyrians onlie that we might be satisfied haue bread inough Our fathers which now are gone haue sinned and we must beare their wickednesse Seruants haue the rule of vs and no man deliuereth vs out of their hands We must get our liuing with the perill of our liues bicause of the drought of the wildernesse Our skin is made blacke like as an ouen bicause of the trouble famine and verie sore hunger They rauish and defile the wiues in Zion and the maidens in the citie of Iudea The princes are hanged vp by their enimies hand they haue not honoured the old sage mens faces They haue taken the yoong men for slaues to grind and the boies fainted vnder the burden of wood not able to abide it The elders haue ceased from the gates so that there were no more lawes nor forme of Commonwealth and the yoong men from their songs The ioie of our hart is gone our danse and melodious meeting is turned into mourning The garland or crowne of our head is fallen Wo now vnto vs and alas that euer we sinned Therfore our hart is full of heauinesse and for these things our eies are dimme with wéeping Bicause of the hill or mountaine of Zion which is destroied and desolate insomuch that the foxes runne vpon it But thou O Lord remainest for euer and thy seate throne from generation to generation world without end and therefore thy couenant and mercies can neuer faile Wherefore dost thou forget vs for euer and forsake vs so long time
welspring of all goodnesse and faithfull promise I did leaue thee But whither went I Into a place where nothing was but cursednesse I haue left thee my trustie friend and louer worthie to be beloued aboue all others I haue put thee aside O welspring of all health somnes by mine owne wretched will yea I haue forsaken thee full of beautie goodnesse wisedome and power and sought to withdrawe me from thy loue I haue accepted thy great enimies that is the diuell the world and the flesh against whome for my sake thou foughtedst so sore on the crosse to set me at libertie which was by them of long time a prisoner and slaue and so bound that no man could cause me to humble my selfe And as for the loue and charitie that I should haue had towards thee they did quench it so that the name of Jesus my deare husband which before I had found so sweet was to me tedious and hatefull so that oftentimes I did iest at it and when I haue heard the Gospell preached or taught the word which I haue hard hath not tarried with me but as a feather doth in the winde I went neuer yet to heare thy word preached but for a fashion onlie which was a worke of hypocrisie I was also annoied when I hard speake of thee because I was more willing to go at my pleasure Now brieflie to conclude all that thou didst forbid me I fulfilled and all that thou commandedst me to do I did eschue and this was the cause why I loued not thee But yet Lord for all that I did thus hate thee and forsake thee ran awaie from thee and betraied thee should I giue place to anie other Hast thou suffered that I should be mocked either yet beaten or killed Hast thou put me in darke prison or banished me for euer setting naught by me Hast thou taken awaie thy gifts and pretious iewels againe from me to punish me for my vnfaithfull fruits Haue I lost my iointure which thou promisedst me through mine owne offence done against thee Am I accused by thee afore the eternall father for a naughtie woman Hast thou forbidden me thy presence as I haue deserued and that I should neuer appeare in thine house O most true husband pure and perfect friend the most louing among all louers Alas thou hast done otherwise for me For thou hast diligentlie sought for me when I was going into the most deepe place of Hell where all euils are done When I was farthest from thee both in hart and mind and directlie out of the waie then didst thou louinglie call me backe saieng My deare daughter hearken and see and vow thine eare toward me forget that strange nation with whome thou hast run astraie and also the house of thine owne father where thou hast dwelt so long and then shall the King of all faithfulnesse desire thy beautie But when thou Lord sawest that thy sweete and gratious calling did not profit me then begannest thou to crie to me with a lowd voice saieng Come vnto me all you which are wearilie loden with labour for I am he that shall plentiouslie refresh you and feed you with the bread of life Alas sweet Lord vnto all these sweet words would I not hearken but rather doubted whether it were thou that so spake vnto me or else a fabulous writing that so said I was so foolish that without loue I read thy word I considered not the comparison of the Uineyard which brought foorth thornes and briers in stead of good fruit and that it signified me that so had done I knew also that when thou didst call the barren wife saieng Returne Shulamite that thou didst speake it that I should forsake my sinnes Yet for all these words did I as though I had vnderstood neuer a whit But when I had perused the Prophet Ieremie I confesse that I had in the reading thereof feare in my hart and bashfulnesse in my face I will tell it yea with teares in mine eies and all Lord for thine honor to suppresse my pride Thou hast said by that holie Prophet If a woman haue offended hir husband and is so left of him for going astraie with other if he therevpon refuseth hir is she not to be esteemed polluted and of no value The lawe doth consent to put hir in the hands of iustice or to driue hir awaie and so neuer to take hir againe Thou hast made a separation betweene thy bed and mine saith he vnto me and placed forren louers in my roome committing with them fornication yet for all this thou maist returne to me againe for I will not alwaies be angrie against thee Lift vp therfore thine eies and looke about thee on euerie side and then shalt thou well see into what place thy sinne hath lead thee and how filthilie thou liest in the earth O poore soule looke where thy sinne hath put thee euen vpon the high waies where thou didst waite and tarie to beguile them that came by euen as a theefe doth which is hidden in the wildernesse Therefore thou in fulfilling thy wicked pleasure hast with fornication infected all the earth which was about thee thine eies thy forehead and thy face haue lost all their good maner for they were such as an harlot hath and yet thou hadest no shame of thy sinne And the surplus that Ieremie saith constreineth me to knowe my wretched life and to wish with sorowfull sighes the houre the moneth the daie the yeare and time that my life might haue an end yeelding my selfe condemned and worthie to lie for euer in the euerlasting fire The same feare which proceedeth of thee and not of my selfe putteth me rather in hope than in despaire as often as I do remember my sinne For as soone as thou knowest my will bowing vnder thine obedience then putting in me a liuelie faith thou didst vse great clemencie so that after I knewe thee to be that same Lord Maister and King whome I ought to haue feared then found I my feare not quenched but mixed with loue beleeuing that thou art so gratious gentle and sweete and so pitifull an husband that I which should rather haue hid me than to haue shewed my selfe was not then in feare to go foorth and to looke for thee so seeking I found thee But what didst thou then Didst thou refuse me No Lord but rather hast excused me Hast thou turned thy face from me No for thine eie so sweetlie penetrated my hart that wounding it almost to the death it did giue to me remorse of my sinnes Thou hast not put me backe with thy hand but with both thine armes and with a sweet and manlie hart thou didst meete with me by the waie and not once reprouing my faults embracedst me I could not see in beholding thy countenance that euer thou didst once perceiue mine offences wherefore thou hast done so much for me as though I had neuer broken promise with thee For thou didst
What shall I do Whether shall I go I can not hide me from his sight How oft haue I trespassed against him How oft haue I deserued his displeasure And yet how seldome hath he punished me How oft hath he beene good and mercifull vnto me How oft haue I promised and vowed amendment and how little and seldome haue I performed it This is a wofull case Who will haue pitie on me I dare not lift vp mine eies towards heauen because I haue sinned against it and in earth I can looke for no refuge because I haue beene a slander and shame vnto it What then Should I despaire No God is mercifull and a good Sauiour he doth visit them that liue in darknes and is a cheerfull light to them that sit in the shadowe of death He willeth vs to forgiue our brother though he offend seuentie tunes yea infinitelie And God is more mercifull than anie man can be and he must be the onlie refuge and comfort he will not despise his creature the image of himselfe Returne thee therefore O my soule vnto thy Lord God praie to him humblie on thy knees for grace and continue to bewaile thy sinnes past because that he which loueth thee prouoketh thee dailie with his gratious gifts and blessings to loue him and will not leaue thee vntill he haue made perfect his worke begunne and brought his mercie to full effect in thee What naturall cause beginneth his worke and leaueth it in the halfe waie imperfect The vertue of seed sowne doth not cease till the fruit be brought to perfection yet that nature worketh not at once but first prepareth the matter and then disposeth and makes it fit to receiue the shape which is the perfection and end thereof And as by naturall order and right course things do proceede and increase by little and little from the lesse to the more euen so doth God first dispose vs to his mercie and then increasing his goodnesse dailie bestoweth on vs in the end the treasure of his grace and inheritance of euerlasting ioies What bird forsaketh hir yong till they be able to liue of themselues and yet no auaile for their paine commeth to them Uerie loue worketh in naturall causes to bring foorth their affects to perfection If it be so in creatures what will the Creator doo which is loue it selfe and infinite goodnesse he will withdrawe thee from thy sinnes make thee cleane and pure and finallie blesse thee with eternall life which he hath prepared for thee O Lord I come to thee sad and mourning I sit at thy feete humblie waiting for thy mercie Thou art my hope and helper according to thy great mercies haue mercie vpon me Amen A praier to be purged from sinne and vncleannesse TAke awaie from me O Lord the burden of my corruption which by the continuall exercise of my sinne and wickednesse hath wounded my soule wofullie with the dangerous darts of transgression so that I feele my putrifaction abounding and my festered conscience ouerladen with vncleannesse so that I haue no other meane nor remedie but to prostrate my selfe before the throne of thy glorious maiestie beseeching thee intirelie of thy gratious goodnesse to salue my sores with the comfortable oile of thy mercie Thou onlie O Iesu art the sweete Physition of my soule sprinkle vpon me hysope and I shall be made whiter than snowe If thou of thine exceeding bountie and fauour good Lord wilt vouchsafe to wash awaie the spots of my sinne and wickednesse that heapeth thine indignation and furie against me I shall then excell the gold that hath beene purified in the fornace seuen fold Let it therefore good Lord and mercifull father seeme pleasant vnto thy diuine maiestie to touch my corrupted and vncleane hart with the heauenlie finger of thy grace that I may bring foorth the fruits of true repentance which are more acceptable to thy glorious and diuine presence than the offering of calues bullockes sheepe goates or anie other burnt offerings or sacrifice of peace A contrite and sorowfull soule is the thing that thou doest most delight in An humble and a lowlie spirit is the oblation that thou dooest desire A cleane and pure hart O Lord my God I knowe thou dooest loue and fauour Wherefore I beseech thee to purge me from my sinne and inquitie of thy great mercie Let the bitter deploration of mine offences and hartie contrition through thy glorious merits and painefull passion O Iesu be the onlie meane and waie to set me free from the powers of hell death and damnation And sith I am by thy goodnes begotten and borne anew strengthen me good Lord that I neuer slide nor fall from thee but that I may continuallie beare in my remembrance the state wherevnto I am called by thee Through thine aboundant loue and kindnesse wipe awaie good Lord all my sins out of thy remembrance Cleanse me in the bloud of thy spotlesse Lambe Iesus Christ and I shall be made cleane pure and safe Graunt this most mercifull God for the honour and glorie of thy name sake through the bitter death of thy sonne Iesus Christ my onlie mediatour and aduocate to whome with thee and the holie Ghost be giuen all laud glorie power and praise for euer and euer Amen Another praier of the penitent for mercie O Lord I am a sinner my sinnes are heauie vpon me the burden of them is intollerable refresh me with thy grace wash awaie mine offences and I shall be whiter than the snowe Let the cheerefull beames of thy countenance shine vpon me and giue light to the darkenesse of my life We can looke for nothing as deserued but punishment due to our offences Wherefore good Lord not according to thy iustice but in the multitude of thy mercies deale with thy seruant Remember not the sinnes of my forefathers thinke not on the milde meanour of my youth passed haue pitie on thy creature which according to the likenesse of thy selfe thou hast made and shaped of earth How long wilt thou turne thy face awaie from me Forsake me not O my God but renew in me thy holie spirit Plucke awaie from me all that withdraweth me from thee Graffe in my hart thy grace that I may loue thee and feare thee and so finallie reioice in thy goodnesse with the elected and praise thee in thy woonderous works for euer Graunt this most mightie God for our Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake to whome with thee and the holie Ghost be all honor and glorie for euer and euer Amen Another praier to be said of the sinfull soule MY sinfull life increasing and my sinnes still abounding good Lord to whome shall I flee or to whome shall I resort for succour From offending thee I can not cease neither daie nor night and my sinnes are heauie vpon me pressing me downe euen to hell such is the weight thereof Moreouer when I prepare my selfe to amendment of life and thinke stedfastlie to serue and please thee euen
THEODORE BEZA I Doo loue thee O LORD my strength I doo loue thee euen from the bottome of my hart The Lord is my rocke and my fortresse my deliuerer my God my mount my refuge my sheeld the horne wherwith I driue awaie the enimie and my high tower of defence I haue praised the Lord and called vpon him and he hath deliuered me from all mine enimies The bands of death had compassed me round about bound me most wicked men like most raging flouds made me afraid enuironing me round about I did lie as it were wrapped in my winding sheete euen snarled with the snares of death I called vpon the Lord in these extremities I called vpon my God I saie and he heard my voice out of his high palace and receiued into his eares the crie that I made vnto him in the prison Then began the earth to quake and tremble the verie foundations of the mountaines to shake and shudder And he breathed out smoke from his nostrels spitting foorth fire out of his mouth yea casting foorth euen coales of fire He bowed the heauens and came downe the darkenesse being spred all abrode vnder his feete He did ride vpon the wings of the Angels and was caried with the wings of the wind Blacke darknesse enuironed his tabernacle round about and he was caried with most darke and thicke clouds Untill his glistering brightnesse did breake those clouds and the flames of fire did flash on euerie side At the length he thundered from heauen and filled all places with his mightie sounding voice and with haile-stones and lightenings He shot foorth his fierie darts and increasing his lightenings he terrified mine enimies and destroied them Then the deepe bottoms of the waters appeared and the foundations of the world were discouered at thy rebuke O Lord and at the blustering wind of thy wrath So then hath he stretching his right hand from the heauen taken me and drawne me out of the bottome of the deepe waters From the mightie enimie I saie and from the other enimies by whose power I was oppressed For they verelie had almost cast me downe and destroied me at the sudden but he was my staffe that staied mee And he hath drawne me out of these streights and placed me in an open and large place bicause it so pleased him without my deseruing to fauour me For he had regard indeed of me that so was oppressed of these men without cause granted these things to me being guiltlesse For I haue followed the waie that the Lord hath appointed me howsoeuer these men vexed me neither could I be drawne by anie of their iniuries that I should fall from my God as the wicked vse For I had all his lawes before mine eies neither did I put his statutes foorth of my sight But I behaued my selfe without hypocrisie with him neither did I followe mine affections which else would easilie haue caried me foorth of the waie Therefore had the Lord regard of me that was oppressed of them without anie cause and fauoured mee the innocent partie For thou O Lord wilt shew thy selfe good and vpright to them that deale vprightlie And as thou shewest thy selfe sincere with them that deale sincerelie so the craftie men shall perceiue thee to be more cunning For although manie times thy seruants be sore vexed yet dooest thou preserue them and dooest cast downe those that behaue themselues so proudlie Hence haue I my light whereby thou causest me to shine and driuest awaie my darknesse Thou hast made me to ouercome these dangers easilie and to leape ouer the wals and lets that were in my waie For the waie whereby God leadeth vs is plaine the word of God is most pure the Lord doth defend all that trust in him as with a shield For who is God but the Lord And who is mightie but our God onelie He hath girded me with power and hath made my waie safe He hath made me as swift as the Hinds and hath placed me in most high and safe places He hath taught mine hands to fight and he hath giuen me so great strength that I am able to breake a bowe of brasse with these mine armes Thou hast preserued me with the protection of thy shield thou hast staied me with thy right hand when I was readie to fall through thy great mercie Thou hast caused me to go safelie without danger and thou hast staied my sliding steps Therefore haue I pursued mine enimies and taken them and I haue not turned back till I haue destroied them I haue so beaten them downe and troden them vnder foote that they were not able to raise themselues againe For thou verelie hast giuen me such strength that they which haue risen against me haue fallen hedlong at my feete Thou hast giuen me power to strike off their heads and that I might destroie them that pursued me Yet Lord I grant they cried vnto thee but thou hast not deliuered them neither wouldest heare their crie Therefore did I beate them small like the dust that the wind scattereth abroad and I did beate them like the mire which is tempered vnder the foote of them that walke the streets Yea also thou hast deliuered me from domesticall and inward troubles and thou hast giuen me dominion ouer the nations that I neuer knewe before Unknowne people I saie obey my commandements and strangers be compelled for feare to submit themselues vnto me The hearts of the strangers haue failed so that they fall downe for feare in their strongest forts Let the Lord liue and let him that is my defence be knowledged and worshipped of all as he worthilie deserueth Let God my deliuerer bee praised euerie-where Euen God I saie who is mine aduenger who hath subdued so manie people vnder me Thou hast saued me from mine enimies thou hast deliuered me from them that rose vp against me especiallie from that cruell curssing man Therefore will I praise thee euen amongst the prophane nations and I will sing vnto thy Maiestie For verelie thou hast maruellouslie preserued thy Queene not onlie ELIZABETH hir selfe whom thou hast annointed Queene but also thou hast shewed singular fauour to hir posteritie that shall remaine for euer Amen * Glorie therefore be vnto thee ô FATHER the Sonne and the holie Ghost as it was from all beginnings is at this present and euer shall be through all ages and worlds world without end Amen AMEN The 118. Psalme made by DAVID when he obteined his kingdome after the death of Saule OH acknowledge declare yee openlie that the Lord is good for his bountious goodnesse is for euer Let Israel now confesse this thing for his bountious goodnes and mercie endureth for euer Let the stocke of Aaron now confesse that his louing kindnesse is perpetuall Let all the sincere woorshippers of the Lord now confesse this that his louing kindnesse is perpetuall I doubtlesse being a notable example of his vnspeakable bountie haue not ceased as yee knowe
assist me most puissant Prince of all power with thy prudent skill and heauenlie grace that I may be truelie able to aduance iustice and to hate wrong and so be found a faithfull minister ouer thy people In whom plant I beseech thee thy heauenlie grace and feare with obedience towards mee thy minister and kindle in me the loue of thy holie spirit that I may perseuere in the truth of thy word without doubt or wauering to the end Grant this oh mightie God of hosts for the merits and passion of thy deere sonne my Lord and Sauior Iesus Christ AMEN The praier of King SALOMON for Wisdome to gouerne well Wisd 9. O GOD of my fathers and Lord of mercie which hast made all things with thy word and ordeined man through thy wisdome that he should haue dominion ouer the creatures which thou hast made and gouerne the world according to equitie and righteousnesse and execute iudgement with an vpright hart Giue me wisdome which is euer sitting aboue thy seate and put me not out from among thy children For I thy seruant and handmaid am a feeble person and of a short time and yet lesse in the vnderstanding of iudgements and the lawes And though a man be neuer so perfect among the children of men yet if thy wisdome be not with him he shall be nothing regarded Thou hast chosen me to be a QVEENE vnto thy people and the Iudge of thy sonnes daughters Thou hast commanded mee to maintaine thy Church which from the beginning thou hast chosen Oh send out of thy holie heauens therefore vnto me that thy wisdome wherewith thou madest the world gouernest thy works and knowest what is acceptable in thy sight right in thy commandements Send hir I saie from the throne of thy Maiestie that shee may be with mee and labour with me that I may knowe what is acceptable in thy sight and right in thy commandements For she knoweth and vnderstandeth all things and she shall leade me soberlie in all my works and preserue mee by hir power and glorie so shall my works be acceptable and then shall I gouern thy people righteouslie and be well and woorthie to sit in my fathers throne Amen Holie Praiers and godlie Meditations desciphering in Alphabeticall forme the Roiall name of our vertuous Souereigne Queene ELIZABETH properlie to be vsed of hir Maiestie ELIZABETH E ENter not into iudgement with thy seruant O LORD for no flesh is righteous in thy sight PSALME 143 verse 2. O GOD which dwellest in light that no man can attaine O God which art hid and canst not be seene with bodilie eies nor comprehended with anie vnderstanding neither expressed with the tongue of men or Angels O my God what is it to be righteous in thy sight It is that wee should bee without sinne before thee which no man euer was since the fall of Adam For which cause the holie Prophet DAVID saith in this wise Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for no flesh is righteous in thy sight If then no flesh be righteous in thy sight O vnhappie that I am loden and burdened with sinne who shall haue pitie or compassion on mee or whither shall I go My sinnes are euer before me mine vnrighteousnesse condemneth me What shall I doo Shall I despaire God forbid For mercifull meeke and louing is my Sauiour My refuge therfore shall be in my God for certaine I am he will not forsake his owne image neither wil he forsake the worke of his owne hands Wherfore most meeke louing and mercifull Father to thee come I all sad and sorowfull But what shall I saie vnto thee I will saie Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for no flesh is righteous in thy sight And againe I will with the Prophet powre out before thee the words of sorrowe I will hartilie beseech thee saieng Haue mercie on me O God haue mercie on me according to thy great mercie not after the mercie of men but after thy great mercie which is incomprehensible which is vnmeasurable and which passeth all sinnes without comparison According therefore vnto that thy great mercie by the which thou hast so loued the world that thou gauest thy sonne for it by the which thou hast taken awaie all our sinnes by the which through his crosse thou hast lightened all men by the which also thou hast restored all things in heauen and in earth wash me I saie O Lord wash me in his bloud restore me in his resurrection and iustifie me by thy grace and fauour and the redemption which is in Christ AMEN L LORD looke thou no more on my sinnes but according to the multitude of thy compassions wipe awaie all mine iniquities Psal 51. verse 1. THy mercie O Lord is the abundance of pitie thy compassions are the works and processe of thy mercie by the one thou lookest gentlie on the poore and wretched by the other thou forgiuest the multitude of sinnes O sweet and mercifull Sauiour Iesus Christ the sorowfull and penitent sinner Marie Magdalen came prostrate before thy feet she washed them with hir bitter teares she wiped them with the heares of hir head thou forgauest all hir sinnes and sentest hir awaie in peace this was good Lord one of thy compassions Peter thrise denied thee and forsooke thee with an oth thou mercifullie lookedst on him and he beholding thee bitterlie wept and thou Lord forgauest him which was another of thy compassions The theefe on the Crosse was saued with one word Paule in the furious madnesse of persecution was called and by and by was filled with the holie Ghost these all Lord are thy pitifull compassions Sith therefore that thou art the same our GOD with whome is no alteration neither shadowe of change and sith there is but one Mediatour and attonement betweene God and man that is Christ Iesus which endureth for euer why doost thou not powre out thy plentious compassions vpon vs as well as thou didst vpon our forefathers Why standest thou so far O Lord and hidest thy face in the needfull tune of trouble Hast thou forsaken vs Or are all thy mercies spent and none left O Lord my God I hartilie beseech thee most humblie praie thee that thou wilt according to the multitude of thy compassions wipe awaie all mine iniquities that as thou hast drawne and receiued innumerable sinners vnto thee and hast made them righteous in thy sight euen so thou wilt vouchsafe to drawe and take me and also to make mee righteous through thy grace and so to clense and purifie my hart that after all mine iniquities and vncleannesse put out it may be as a cleane table in the which thy finger O GOD may write the lawe of thy loue and charitie AMEN I IN the daie of trouble I will call on thee ô LORD Psa 120 vers 1. Because thou hast said In what houre so euer a sinner doth repent him of his sinnes I will no more
earth of old to continue alwaie most stable firme and vnmoueable So that thou Lord onlie maist iustlie challenge vnto thy selfe the authoritie of the kingdome in deede ouer all nations vpon the earth who art that most gelous and dreadfull IEHOVA vnto whome all the Emperours Kings and Gouernours in the world shall bow submit themselues and doo their homage and diuine seruice with their scepters and crownes cast vnder thy feete and who dooest declare thy selfe verie terrible to all the potentates and powers of the world and cuttest off their courage strength and glorie throwing it in the dust euen as the Gardener doth twist and proine his Uine CAP. II. AND therefore most worthilie ascribing and resigning vp the honour and glorie of all empire kingdome rule power and dominion vnto the holie secret maruellous and renoumed name of thy most high and sacred Maiestie which art the father of lights ancient of daies the sauiour of all beleeuers and the onlie redeemer strength glorie and hope of Israel and of all the ends of the earth euen Alpha and Omega the first without beginning and the last without ending that shalt come to iudge both the quicke the dead God blessed for euer Amen I according as it is meete and my verie bounden dutie doo now meekelie confesse and protest to thy perpetuall praise that it is thou O most mercifull God and none other which in the beginning when I laie as a rude lumpe without shape being shut vp in the secret place of my mothers wombe didst forme fashion and nourish me and at the time appointed and set downe in thy booke didst drawe me foorth of the darke caue wherein I was fashioned and broughtst me foorth of the bowels of my mother as it were a midwife So that the verie bowels within me are thine owne by good right and authoritie because thou ioining all my sinewes and bones togither hast made me a mortall woman and couered me within my mothers wombe For there is no King or Queene that had anie other beginning of birth for all men haue one entrance into life and one going out in like manner Which worke of thine surelie when I behold in my selfe it is so wonderfull O Lord that I should vtterlie shew my selfe most senselesse and vnthankefull vnlesse I praise thee for the same and confesse that thy works are exceeding maruellous in deede seeing I doo perceiue the thing so manifestlie as it is So soone also as I thy workemanship came foorth a reasonable creature into this world I receiued like aire as other men and was committed vnto thee my Creator at what time thou didst declare thy selfe to be my God and causedst me to looke vp vnto thee when I did hang yet on my mothers breasts Euen in my verie cradle and swadling clouts O God thou hadst a speciall care regard ouer me and tookest in hand fatherlie to foster and gouerne me so manie yeares ago and to leade and guide me from my tender yeares vnto this daie Euer since I was borne I saie thou my God hast defended me from dangers both when I was strong and in the floure of my youth neither hast thou forsaken me now being in my middle age nor wilt I trust when I am graie-headed O mine inlightener it is thou that hast taught and instructed me with the knowledge of thee from my childhood hitherto Therefore haue I depended wholie vpon thee alone vpon thee I saie O excellent Father haue I set all my hope euen from mine infancie and will doo so still euen vnto mine old age CAP. III. NEither hath thy prouidence and mercie towards me ceased at anie tune For surelie thou hast made me a singular euerlasting example of thy fauour mercie to all men in that thou beholding me alwaies with thy pleasant countenance and obseruing continuallie with thine heauenlie eie what iniurie soeuer was offered me hast not onelie woonderfullie comforted and preserued me in all my troubles but also oftentimes most miraculouslie saued and deliuered mee out of most great and manifold miseries imminent perils and multitudes of mightie enimies wherewith I haue beene assaulted enuironed vexed afflicted persecuted and turmoiled from my tender age Yea so tenderlie O God hast thou loued mee that thou hast not suffered me to be intrapped of thousands of aduersaries that rose vp against me saieng in their harts Hir God can not helpe hir But being the iudge of mine innocencie my glorie my shield and my valiant Champion thou hast thy selfe smitten downe all mine enimies brought me safelie out of distresse and lift vp my head aboue all mine aduersaries Thou hast deliuered my life I saie foorth of the present doores of death staied the teares of mine eies and established my feete that I did not fall for any temptation so that I walked safe sound before thee among the liuing that praised thee And that I liue now to praise thee I may onlie thanke thee my deliuerer who hast caused me thus to taste feele and enioie the most comfortable sweetnesse of thy goodnesse mercie and fauour And though I was forsaken of all men and the most mightie together with my neerest friends had mee in contempt though the superstitious aduersaries I saie heaued vehementlie against me and with great violence sought to cast me downe and laie mine honor in the dust yet hast thou my God by thine owne hand repulsed driuen out all those mine irreligious foes which so wickedlie resisted thy purpose and to their confusion of faces hast exalted me to the highest degree of dignitie Wherefore great cause of continuall ioie and hartie reioicing hast thou O Lord giuen vnto me thine handmaid which acknowledge my selfe mightilie and miraculouslie preserued by thy power Doubtlesse now thou hast woonderfullie deliuered in deed thy QVEENE that was annointed by thee and hast heard me out of the highest Sanctuarie granted vnto me that which I requested in my praiers For I put my trust neither in chariot nor horses men nor munition but onelie remembred thy name and called vpon thee in all my troubles and lo thou ô KING of heauen hast heard me in all my necessities and giuen me my harts desire accomplishing all my purposes I required this thing onlie of thee that I might escape aliue and safe from persecution but thou hast not onelie strengthened and comforted me out of Zion and placed me here in thy dominion and empire in safetie but also hast granted vnto me a life that shall neuer faile and that bicause I onelie set my hope still in thee in whom all power remaineth as I oftentimes by good experience haue prooued Yea thou O most excellent Father hast done a notable worke woorthie to bee set foorth in writing to all posteritie and to be limmed out in gold to euerlasting memorie bicause O Lord thou hast not despised the praiers and teares of thy most miserable people but from thy holie throne hast looked downe vpon me and them to
permanent vnchangable and vnmooueable lift vp the head of thine handmaid as it were of an Unicorne being annointed by thee with fresh oile and laden with new benefits continuallie Thou art he I saie by whose power consisteth whatsoeuer is high in the world euen by thy might which as it establisheth the kingdoms and policies whereby mankind is preserued so also by these testimonies of thy most mightie power the inhabitants of the earth being conuinced doo tremble and keepe silence And this peace being restored in my dominion thou causest that my people againe doo leade their liues both daie and night in comfortable peace godlie tranquillitie Wherefore thou hast giuen me great cause of new ioie and to reioice in thee O Lord my God who hast thus mercifullie dealt with me thine handmaid and especiallie bicause thou hast granted vnto me to ouercome all mine enimies how manie and how mightie soeuer and to compose and set my kingdome in peaceable order and to place in Iuda the throne of iudgement and iustice being directed by thy word O GOD which I haue and whereof I glorie still will glorie To conclude I doo reioice bicause thou Lord art my louing shepheard and feedest me in the greene pastures and sweet medowes of thy word with ioie and solace making me that was sometime as a barren woman without comfort now a ioifull and glad foster mother of manie spirituall children to thee Yea euen in the verie sight of mine enimies dooest thou O most bountifull Father prepare a deintie table for me and reaching vnto me a full cup thou giuest me drinke of thy pleasant springs and causest thy goodnesse and mercie thy bountie and liberalitie to followe me wheresoeuer I become blessing both me and my people with all thy blessings continuallie Finallie it is thou O Lord onlie who of thy singular goodnesse hast assuredlie fortified my hill woonderfullie with honour health peace and securitie and that dooest presentlie keepe me in safetie and causest me quietlie to lie downe and take my rest in thee Thou doost ward the gates of my Cities with bars and mightilie multiplie and cherish thy familie my citizens Thou bringest me into amitie with my neighbors and feedest me with the finest flower of wheate And these things verelie doo testifie most plainlie both thine infinite goodnesse and power yet surelie they are nothing in comparison of that benefit of the doctrine of saluation and holie word which thou hast bestowed vpon thy people and deliuered vnto vs as a rule to lead our liues both godlie and honestlie neither is there anie nation vnder heauen with whom thou hast so dealt as with vs herein Therfore hauing such experience of thy support I will comfort my selfe in thee my strength my shield in whom my hart doth rest neither will thine Annointed trust in anie other but onelie in thee which giuest power vnto Princes Euen I will blesse and praise thee O Lord which thus hast blessed both me and my people with thy continuall blessings And in this my present blessed state I will not cease to magnifie thee O Lord my deliuerer but I will declare set foorth before all people the maruellous works which thou my God hast done for me and whereof I my selfe from the beginning of my life vnto this houre haue had good proofe experience The fourth part of the Vow conteining fiue Chapters CAP. I. OH Lord my God how excellent is thy name ouer all the earth Aduancing mee thus to glorie far aboue my deserts I as one nothing able to compasse such great mercies am euen astonished with the admiration of thine excellent liberalitie and fatherlie prouidence ouer me O how greatlie doo these so manie and so great benefits binde me vnto thee And what shall I giue againe vnto thee for all thy bountie which thou hast bestowed vpon me Uerelie I will paie that which onlie I am able namelie I will take in my hands the Lampe which thou hast ordeined for thine annointed and will therein continuallie magnifie thy mercie I will take in my hands I saie the cup of thankefull sacrifice and calling vpon thee by name O Lord I will testifie openlie that I knowledge this my deliuerance and honour to be onelie of thee And those things which I vowed vnto thee O Lord when I was in danger will I now paie in the presence of all the people For thou art he by whose benefit I remaine aliue thou art my defence my tower my sauiour my sheeld my refuge finallie thou art he who onelie hast subdued all this people vnto me and therefore well deseruest the renowme and praise of all these victories by most worthie right Wherefore by good right O Lord I will declare thy praises euen with a sounding voice And bicause it becommeth all men and women that haue receiued benefits of thee and to whome thou grantest the vse of this life and deliuered from so manie not dangers but deaths to doo this thing diligentlie and continuallie I will labour to commit the memoriall of thy benefits vnto others and exhort them to accompanie me in the dutie of thankefulnesse earnestlie and saie CAP. II. O All yee holie spirits the apparitors of the Lords Maiestie which are diuided into innumerable garrisons go yee before others in this his praise and sound them foorth euen from the most high heauen O yee Citizens of Zion reioice yee in the Lord your King and Gouernour and set foorth his praise far and wide not onlie priuatelie but also publikelie Praise the Lord I saie for his infinite goodnesse and euerlasting mercie deserueth the same O you the innumerable multitude whome God hath deliuered out of manifold dangers and foorth of the hands of your enimies and persecutors praise the Lord for his infinite goodnesse and euerlasting mercie deserueth the same and acknowledge this thing with me For how manie hath he gathered from the beginning of the world which were scattered from the East and the West from the North and South Ocean sea How manie wandering wretches in the waste wildernesse and seeking a Citie commodious to dwell in halfe dead and killed with famine and thirst crieng vnto thee O God in their extreame miseries hast thou heard and drawing them foorth of their distresse hast brought into the right waie and led them into commodious Cities of refuge to dwell in peace O let these men therefore set foorth this thy great mercie before thee O Lord thy selfe and shew foorth thy maruellous works to other men who hast thus refreshed them panting for thirst and fed them so mercifullie being hunger-starued How manie also being shut vp in darke prisons and euen as it were in the darkenesse of death being chained in their mind with sorow and in their bodies most strictlie with iron fetters And that worthilie I confesse because they did not obeie thy commandements oh God which are engrauen in the minds of all men but rather followed their owne lusts than the wholesome counselles
than to giue hartie and continuall thanks by all possible meanes vnto God who besides that he is God and therefore hath bound all men vnto himselfe by good right hath bestowed vpon vs so manie peculiar benefits And againe what can be more ioifull and more to be desired than such a testimonie of his fatherlie loue who hath deliuered vs from so manie not onlie dangers but deaths also CAP. IIII. GO to also O all ye Kings Princes Gouernours and Iudges of the earth hold vp your hands humblie vnto God the eternall KING acknowledge his power which sitteth vpon the most high heauens from all eternitie as it were vpon a chariot and maketh a terrible and most mightie sound from the clouds O yee mightie Monarchs and Potentates of the world now worship and praise ye the LORD our GOD together with me doo him all possible reuerence and reioice vnto him with feare and trembling as I doo O ye Kings and all ye of power giue place vnto the Lord giue vnto the Lord I saie the honour of all glorie and power giue vnto the Lord the maiestie and glorie due vnto his name fall downe before his footestoole and worship him in his most holie temple for he is holie and seeke his glorie carefullie as I doo For this chieflie becommeth all Princes to doo whom God of his vnspeakable fauour hath consecrated vnto himselfe and brought them into the most high state of dignitie aboue others but speciallie it becommeth me to reioice and to set foorth thy praises O God after a most exquisite maner in whom thy most excellent Maiestie doth so gloriouslie shine and who haue receiued so manie rare and singular benefits of thee from my conception to this houre Go to then O my deere soule and mine inward bowels giue thanks vnto God with all your power praise the Lord O my soule and declare thy selfe that thou art mindfull of all his benefits For what honour is not the Lord woorthie of which of his vnspeakable mercie and compassion hath forgiuen thee all thy sinnes healed the deadlie wounds thereof cured thy diseases borne thine infirmities redeemed thy life from death preserued thee from miserie renewed thy youth like the Egle that liueth most long and adorned thee so richlie with all his benefits as testimonies of his singular goodnes and fatherlie mercie towards thee Go to therefore with me you mightie spirits being his apparitours and the diligent executioners of his will so soone as ye heare him speake celebrate yee the praises of the Lord. O yee mightie armies of his most obedient souldiours praise the Lord I saie O ye euen the verie Angels worship him as your Lord and King Praise ye the Lord O all his works in what place soeuer of his dominion and whatsoeuer hath breath let it sound and set foorth his glorie finallie thou my deere soule set thou foorth the praise of God CAP. V. AND I O my God my King euen I thy handmaid and annointed in thankefull remembrance and worthie memoriall of thy woonderfull works and benefits wrought and shewed vnto me continuallie doo againe as it is meete render vnto thee this acceptable sacrifice of praise and thankesgiuing I paie the vowes vnto thee which I haue promised both secretlie among the faithfull and openlie before the whole assemblie of thy people and that in the courts of thy house O Lord and in the midest of the Citie Ierusalem wherein by thy power and benefit I thus flourish I will praise thee with my whole hart and magnifie thy name for euer because I haue experience of thine infinite goodnesse in my selfe and am deliuered from so manifold dangers of death and destruction Neither will I be ashamed to sing foorth thy praises also in songs before the assemblie of the mightie and before the verie Angels that stand about thine arke I will together with all Angels Spirits soules and with all Kings Queenes virgins and creatures both in heauen and earth incessantlie magnifie thee in the palace consecrated to thy Maiestie and will sing of thy mercie and truth because thou hast gotten vnto thee now at the length most great honour for that thou hast so maruellouslie aboue expectation surelie performed vnto me that which thou didst promise in thy word I with the residue of the people of my dominion as a mother with hir daughters and the virgin with virgins being for this cause replenished with incredible ioie and comforted with thy iudgments O Lord will reioice in thee which seeing nothing in me that should so moue thee hast neuerthelesse embraced me with so great fauour and mightilie also defended me and with all the iust I will magnifie the holie remembrance of thee so great a King continuallie which sitting vpon thy most holie throne rulest the whole earth and exaltest thy selfe far aboue all that is aloft anie where For to this end chieflie thou O Lord hast consecrated and set me ouer them that I should diligentlie exercise the rites of thy diuine worship among them Therefore I will delight my selfe in setting foorth thy praises more and more and I will testifie my selfe in my whole life to be desirous of thy honour and glorie to whome all honour and glorie of right belongeth O my God my King I will highlie extoll thee and celebrate thy name for euer and euer I will consecrate all the daies of my life to set foorth thy glorie and will amplifie thy name with songs that neuer shall haue end For thou art great O Lord and no praise is sufficient for thee neither can anie man attaine to thy greatnesse For thy woonderfull works endure not for one generation and age alone but as one age succeedeth another so likewise must some men commit the memoriall of them vnto others vnlesse they will be negligent in dooing their dutie Wherefore trulie be it far from me thy handmaid that anie thing should be of greater authoritie with me than that I should carefullie thinke that the brightnesse of thy Maiestie which shineth vnto vs in the verie dailie vse of things and that thy deeds to me and my people-ward are greater than can be comprehended by the admiration or capacitie of all mortall men and women And doubtlesse Lord though verie manie be most blockish and woonderfull thankelesse yet can there neuer be wanting some which shall euen against their willes confesse at the least thy terrible power euen ouer all princes and people of the world But admit that others be silent and vnthankefull yet I will neuer cease to declare thy greatnesse and the nations most far off shall heare me publishing thy praises and singing vnto thee for deliuering and sauing me by thy power whome thou hast chosen and loued But God forbid that I alone should labour to doo this my dutie For verelie there will be alwaies some assemblie which will by all meanes testifie the remembrance of thy peculiar goodnesse and thy most vndoubted promises Namelie that thou art most mercifull and
wicked men whom I see or heare doo abuse their authoritie vnder me against the good and godlie will I cast downe againe but I will increase the iust with honours The subtill man will I thrust out of my house neither will I suffer those that be scoffers and speake deceiptfullie to tarrie in my sight The extortioner and cruell man which doo speedilie put in execution their wicked deuises and whose hands are full of bribes those will I vtterlie destroie from off the earth I will bridle the proud and dissolute persons I will terrifie the wicked that they shall not lift vp their hornes so high with blasphemous words against thee and thine annointed Finallie I will destroie the slanderer and false accuser I will not suffer the proud and the ambitious to dishonor thee Yea I will painefullie and without anie delaie worthilie punish whomsoeuer I shall vnderstand to be wicked and will purge the holie Citie of the Lord from all wicked persons Contrariwise I searching out on euerie side men that loue the truth will take them to be my familiar companions and counsellers and I will not vse in dooing mine affaires anie but such as are trustie and faithfull both to God and their Prince If I doo knowe anie that feareth thee and that keepeth thy statutes I will ioine him to my fellowship those I saie whome I see doo worship thee trulie and deuoutlie will I ioine my selfe as companions with me Yea all my delight Lord shall be vpon the Saincts that are in the earth with me to comfort them and to promote such as excell in vertue and godlinesse For otherwise I am able to doo little or nothing that can profit thee Neither will I suffer anie violence to bee done vnto them that be godlie by anie man but will rebuke euen the mightie Princes for their sakes None shall touch thine annointed Priests no man will I suffer to hurt anie of thy Prophets CAP. V. TO conclude I will surelie care for nothing so much now that I am set peaceablie ouer the kingdome and haue the people by thy goodnesse committed vnto me as to institute an holie and righteous gouernement And thou granting me grace when the case so standeth that the bonds of the lawes are broken and the kingdome is in anie thing disordered or confounded I will carefullie compose and set the same againe in good order and establish the pillers and foundations thereof in their places if they be remoued And this will I doo by the direction of thy reuealed will that all things may remaine safe among my people by the difference of right and wrong preserued and mainteined and that they may followe thee our God with great cheerefulnesse whosoeuer delight in righteousnesse when they see the disordered state of the Realme restored by me at the last into the ancient most right order of discipline and iustice prescribed by thy word Thus by the grace and assistance of thy holie spirit the which I beseech thee plentifullie to powre downe vpon me doo I thy seruant determine with my selfe vnfeinedlie to serue and worship thy dreadfull Maiestie O my God in feare and trembling and I will labour to preserue and to amplifie thy Church with as great care as is possible that thy pure worship may continuallie to all posteritie be exercised therein For so haue I sworne euen by an oth and make my solemne Uowes that I will doo that I will keepe thy most sacred Heasts and iust lawes inuiolable the which thing I will performe in deede Neither will I suffer my selfe at anie time to be drawne awaie from thy iudgements nor to depart one ynch from thy holie commandements O God which waie soeuer thou leadest me But trusting onelie vnto thee by whose power and conduct I haue gotten the Empire and regiment of so manie large prouinces strong cities and goodlie townes I will now set my kingdome in good order and place the throne of iudgement therein euen the tribunall seate of my father DAVID that iudgement and iustice may be ministred indifferentlie therein to euerie one and the safetie and welfare of the people that loue thee and fauour thy truth be procured and maintained For to this end O my God hast thou giuen me this kingdome the possession of so manie goodlie countries and sundrie sorts of people and caused me to obteine it with so great facilitie and ease that being thus peaceablie placed therein I should loue Ierusalem with all my hart and that I should root out all the inhabitants therein that prophane the land with filthie superstition and euill life and cause all diligentlie to obserue thy statutes and lawes giuen them of thee And so I make a Uow I will O Lord I saie according to the simplicitie of my hart both prouide faithfullie for thy people and also guide them by good counsell and continuallie defend and preserue them by my power as thou in thy heast hast commanded me And that I may the better perfourme these my Uowes vnto thee and thoroughlie discharge my dutie to the glorie of thine eternall Maiestie I beseech thee shew me thy glorie O God and let thine honour beautifie and adorne me O my KING O gouerne thou our counsels and endeuours from heauen yea all our enterprises and our counsels guide and gouerne thou from the highest heauens that thy glorie O Lord thy glorie may shine foorth in me thine humble Haudmaid to all posterities and the fame thereof fill the whole world and be perpetuallie praised of al thy creatures both in heauen and in earth visible and inuisible for euer and euer So euen so shall it be O my GOD euen so let it be Amen Amen O Lord I beseech thee let the Uowes and free promises of my mouth proceeding from an vnfeined hart be accepted of thee and teach me thy lawes more and more For vnto thee and them I confes that I owe my life Gressus meos dirige verbo tuo non dominetur in me peccatum Sic psallam nomini tuo in perpetuum persoluam vota mea per singulos dies Glorie be to GOD on high in earth peace good will towards men Halleluiah A table orderlie comprehending vnder some speciall titles all such praiers meditations and other matters whatsoeuer which conuenientlie might there vnto be referred or gathered in the first second and third Lamps or parts of this booke for the benefit of the simple reader by T. B. S. ¶ Before praier A Meditation to be vsed before priuate morning praier the second lampe pag. 105. Another to be vsed before euening praier the second lampe pag. 121. Another to be vsed before common praier in the church 2. l. pag. 158. ¶ Morning praier When one awaketh 2. l. pag. 224. At our vprising 2. lam pag. 103 104. A forme of priuate morning praier 2. l. pag. 106 107 c. An exercise of an housholder with his familie to praie in the morning 2 l. pag. 225. A fruitfull morning
and feede thee with the heritage of Iacob thy father for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Esaie 58 verses 13 14. Yea blessed is he that keepeth the Sabboth and polluteth it not and keepeth his hands from doing anie euill Esaie 56 verse 2. Then his threatenings where he saith Yee shall therefore keepe the Sabboth for it is holie vnto you he that defileth it shall die the death therefore whosoeuer worketh therein the same person shall be euen cut off from among his people Exod. 31 verse 14. Of going to Church AND to the end you may the spéedilier addresse your selfe to frequent the Church often not alone but with your whole familie as you ought first call diligentlie to your mind some of these sentences of holie Scripture following ¶ Esaie 66 verse 23. AND it shall come to passe that from Moone to his Moone from Sabboth to his Sabboth all flesh shall come to worship before me saith the Lord. ¶ Esaie 2 verses 2 3. AND it shall come to passe in the latter daies the hill of the Lords house shall be prepared in the height of the mountaines and shall be higher than the hilles and all nations shall prease vnto him and a multitude of people shall go speaking thus one to another Come let vs ascend to the hill of the Lord c. ¶ Agge 1 verses 4 5 6 c. Zach. 14. THus saith the Lord of hostes Consider your owne waies in your harts ô yee people get yee vp to the mountaine and fetch wood and build this house and I will take pleasure in it and I will be glorified saith the Lord. Is it time for your selues to dwell in seeled houses and this house lie waste Ye haue sowne much but ye bring little in ye eate but ye haue not ynough ye drinke but ye are not filled ye cloath you but ye be not warme and he that earneth wages putteth it into a broken bagge ye looke for much and lo it came to little And when ye brought it home I did blowe vpon it and why saith the Lord of hosts Because of my house that is waste and you run euerie one into his owne house Therfore vpon you is the heauens staied from deaw and the earth is staied from yeelding her increase and I haue called for a drought vpon the land and vpon the mountaines and vpon the corne and vpon the wine and vpon the oile and vpon all that the earth bringeth foorth vpon men and vpon cattell and vpon all the labour of thy hands c. Thus hauing well perused and weied these holie sentences stir vp your selfe and exhort all your children seruants strangers and neighbours about you with chéerefull minds willinglie and diligentlie to resort to the Church especiallie euerie Sundaie and Holiedaie saieng vnto them as followeth An exhortation to be vsed of Maisters and Dames euerie Sundaie morning COme let vs ascend to the hill of the Lord to the house of the God of Iacob and he will there instruct vs of his waies and teach vs how to walke in his paths For out of Zion shall come a lawe and the word of the Lord from Ierusalem and hee shall giue sentence among the heathen and shall reforme the multitude of the people Come therfore I saie let vs cheerfullie ascend and go vp to Ierusalem the hill and house of the Lord. O let vs go our waies into his gates with thanks-giuing and into his courts with praise that we may present our selues to daie holie before the Lord and serue him with gladnesse ¶ When you be going towards the Church the better to expell idle thoughts and noifull cogitations and to prepare your harts to deuotion euen by the waie as ye go meditate and saie with your selfe some of these Psalmes and praiers following the which also for more readinesse would be learned by hart and said without booke Praiers to be vsed going to Church A Psalme I Was glad when they said vnto me We will go into the house of the Lord our feete shall stand in thy gates O Ierusalem Ierusalem is builded as a Citie that is at vnitie in it selfe For thither the Tribes go vp euen the Tribes of the Lord to testifie vnto Israel and to giue thanks vnto the name of the Lord. For there is the seate of iudgement euen the seate of the house of Dauid O my soule praie for the peace of Ierusalem they shall prosper that loue it Glorie be to the Father c. As it was in the c. Another Psalme LORD I haue loued the habitation of thy house and the place where thine honour dwelleth yea the zeale of thine house hath euen eaten me Therefore will I wash my hands in innocencie O Lord and so will I go to thine altar that I may shew the voice of thankes-giuing and tell of all thy woonderous works in the great congregation Behold I will go with the multitude that by the motion of the spirit are brought forth into thy house O God euen vpon the multitude of thy mercies in thy feare will I among such as keepe holiedaie worship towards thy holy Temple make haste vnto thy Tabernacle to vnderstand thy worthie wais diuine wil. For vnto thee O God which hearest the praiers vnto thee shall all flesh come to worship thee in Zion praier shall be made euer vnto thee and dailie shalt thou be praised in Ierusalem O therefore let the congregation of thy people come about thee O God that they may shew all thy praises within the portes of the daughter of Zion and reioice in thy saluation Remember also I beseech thee good Lord according to the fauour that thou bearest vnto thy people and visit me with thy saluation that I may see the felicitie of thy chosen children and reioice in the gladnesse of thy people giue thee thanks with thine inheritance O make me one of the houshold of faith and congregation of them that seeke thee euen of them that seeke thy face O Iacob saieng Lo I come to fulfill thy will O God O send out the light of thy truth that they may leade me and bring me vnto thy holie hill and to thy dwelling and that I may go vnto the altar of God euen vnto thee the God of my ioie and gladnesse With ioie and gladnesse I saie cause thou me to be brought to thy mansion house and to enter into the Kings palace That I may ascend vnto the hill of the Lord and rise vp holilie in his holie place That I may receiue the blessing from the Lord and righteousnesse from the God of health and saluation Another verie godlie praier to be vsed going to Church either at morning or euening praier IAm now entred into the voiage of saluation conduct me O Lord luckilie vnto the port that deliuered by thee from the verie death I may escape all dangers and come to the verie life Behold Lord my hart hunteth thee out and would God I
might dailie more and more trace thee out yea I haue a great while sore longed with so godlie affection as I could to celebrate thee in the frequented assemblies of the godlie which trulie I will now doo accordinglie by the grace and assistance of thy holie spirit and that with a most readie and ioifull mind as it behooueth And that this mine enterprise and beginning may proceede to a further good successe and amendment of my maners and imbettering of my life doo thou finish the thing O God which thou hast begun in me and make me continuallie to increase from faith to faith Yea so renew and shape me againe in innocencie and righteousnesse O grations Lord I beseech thee that as a person new borne of thee I may insearch thee againe and againe both in the dawning of the daie morning noone euening and night Now lead me forooard O Lord I beseech thee in thy righteousnesse let thy louing spirit direct my feete and make thy waies plaine before my face bicause of my mortall and inuisible enimies And doo thou vouchsafe luckilie to conduct my bodie this daie vnto thy materiall temple and to bring my soule at the last vnto thy holie hill and blessed mountaine which thou hast purchased with thy right hand that I may rest both bodie and soule in heauen and remaine with thee foreuer Amen Or praie thus O GOD the word who art the light by whom light was made who art the waie truth and life in whom there is no darknes ouersight vanitie nor death shine foorth O Lord my light mine inlightening and my welfare whom I will reuerence my Lord whom I will honour my Father whom I will loue my Iudge whom I will feare my Bridegroome whom I will cleaue vnto and keepe my selfe an vndefiled spouse Shine foorth O euerlasting light shine foorth I saie and lighten the Lampe of my virginitie with the oile of thy diuine grace and mercie that this blind soule of mine which yet sitteth in darknesse and shadowe of death may see the light and eschew darknesse see the waie and eschew straieng see the truth and eschew leasing see the life and eschew death And guide thou my feete vnto the waie of peace that by thy mercifull protection I may see the light walke in the light and neuer stumble vpon the snares of Sathan but may now passe thereby into the palace of thy woonderfull tabernacle and be able to climbe vp euen vnto the holie house and temple with the voice of gladnesse and confession there to abide and receiue at thy hands both mercie righteousnesse health blessing and euerlasting saluation with my fellowe-citizens thy Saints and houshold menie Amen Another godlie praier to be said either going towards or being in the Church LOoke what earnest and feruent desire soeuer the old fathers had O most mightie GOD to come vnto the place wherein thou hadst appointed a tabernacle to thy selfe for that time euen the like am I kindled withall in beholding the repairing of thy sacred Church and to see therin a very great companie of godlie men women lawfullie assembled together for the aduancement of thy glorie hearing thy holie doctrine dulie receiuing of thy blessed Sacraments accordinglie Wherefore I humblie beseech thee which art my God my King that I may this daie reioice to be there For what felicitie soeuer may be attained vnto in this fraile life I doubt not but it will light vpon the sacred companie of the godlie there assembled Giue eare therefore O excellent Father vnto mine earnest praiers grant that I make none other account of thy blessed house than thy will and pleasure is I should doo For a more blessed thing it were for me to haue one daies meeting and abode therein than if I abide neuer so great a time of continuance in the congregation of the vngodlie or in such a one as is not lawfullie assembled with the aduantage and ouer-plus of all the pleasures of this transitorie world Seeing that therefore thou art our most splendent light and strong defence cause our assemblies on the earth O God so to redound to thine vnspeakable glorie that our assured hope by comming in the end vnto thee in the euerlasting tabernacles of the heauens may be augmented and verie much increased through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen VVhen you enter into the Church meditate thus with your selfe and saie LORD who shall ascend into thy high hill Or who shall rise vp in thy holie place Euen he that hath cleane hands and a pure hart and hath not lift vp his mind vnto vanitie nor sworne to deceiue his neighbour He shall receiue the blessing from the Lord and righteousnesse from the God of his saluation This is the generation of them that seeke him euen of them that seeke thy face O Iacob Lift vp your heads O ye gates and be ye lift vp ye euerlasting doores and the King of glorie shall come in euen the Lord of hosts most mightie and strong Open me the gates of righteousnesse O Lord that I with the righteous nation that keepe thy truth may go into them and giue thanks vnto thee This is the gate of the Lord the righteous shall enter into it Yea blessed are they that doo thy commandements O God For their power shall be in the tree of life and they shall enter in through the gates into the holie citie new Ierusalem But without shall be dogs and inchanters and whooremongers and murderers and idolaters yea there shall enter into it none vncleane thing neither whatsoeuer worketh abhomination or maketh lies but they onlie which are written in the Lambes booke of life Amen Or thus LOrd who shall enter into thy sanctuarie to consider thy mightie power except thou open it vnto him And who shall open it if thou shut it Trulie O Lord my God I sillie worme and claie am not able to enter into thine euerlastingnesse vnlesse thou which hast made all things of nothing doo lead me in Yea I knowe Lord I knowe and confesse that I am vnwoorthie to enter vnder thy roofe but yet I beseech thee let a blessed entrance to the house of eternall felicitie whither I haue dailie a feruent desire to come be set open and made as a free passage vnto me O God And giue mee leaue now I praie thee though a dog and an vnwoorthie wretch euen for thine owne honour sake to enter into thy holie house and to approch thy sacred presence and confound not thy seruant that seeketh thee and putteth all hir trust and confidence in thy mercie Oh suffer me not I saie good Lord to knit vp and finish my last daies with malefactors and wicked persons but grant that after my long and dailie trauell in this transitorie world I may in the end at length be permitted through thy mercie to enter the courts of thy diuine presence and with thine elect and chosen seruants for euer inhabit the hauen of eternall felicitie through
heare the praiers of thy people which they shall make in this place of thy holie temple behold now that thou hast shut vp heauen and there is no raine giuen vnto the earth but a drought doth vtterlie destroie the fruites of the earth for our sinnes and iniquities we come vnto thee and confesse our sinnes wherewith we haue prouoked thee thus to anger against vs and thy creatures for our sakes We I saie whome thou dooest iustlie thus afflict with drought and barrennesse of the earth returne vnto thee with all our harts in fasting weeping and mourning beseeching thee by hartie and earnest praier to haue mercie vpon vs and deale not with vs as we haue righteouslie deserued Heare thou now in heauen and pardon the sinnes of thy seruants and giue raine vnto the land that thou hast giuen the people to inhabit Heare O Lord I saie the crie of man and beast and open the treasures of the heauens and giue vnto vs moderate showres to water the earth that our cattell may bee satisfied and our drought ceasse Oh Lord hast thou vtterlie reiected vs or doth thy soule abhorre thy people for euer that thou hast so long plagued vs with drought and want of water Our iniquities in deede testifie against vs and our rebellions are more than can be numbred For we haue sinned against heauen and against thee and haue beene verie noisome to the earth and all thy creatures therin But O Lord thou hope of Israel thou comfort helpe and sauiour of all that are in trouble haue mercie vpon vs haue mercie vpon vs and doo not abhorre vs nor cast vs off for euer O Lord are there anie among the gods of the Gentiles that can send raine Or can the heauens of themselues giue showres to the earth Is it not onlie thou O Lord our God which hast made heauen and earth and dooest all things by thy mightie power that must doo it O saue the people therefore that call vpon thee O let the daie come wherein thou wilt vouchsafe to heare vs O Lord when I saie thou wilt heare the heauens and the heauens may heare the earth the earth heare the corne and the wine and the oile and they all heare one another and thou heare Israel that thou maist haue mercie vpon vs and cause to come downe for vs the raine euen the first raine and the latter raine in the first and second moneths in due seasons vpon the earth that our barns may be full of wheate and our presses abound with wine and oile our cattell serue to labour by thy blessing that both man beast may cease their mourning and haue cause to reioice in thy mercie Graunt vs this O father for Iesus Christs sake our onlie mediator and aduocate to whome with thee and the holie Ghost be all honor and glorie now and for euer Amen Another praier for the fruits of the earth O Lord God almightie King of heauen and earth which of thine abundant goodnesse doost adorne and replenish the earth with all kind of fruit and graine whereby the life both of man and beast is susteined we beseech thee euen for thy free mercie that thou wouldest vouchsafe to blesse our feelds and ground and to make them prosperouslie to yeeld their corne and increase For without thy blessing and fauour neither can the earth of it selfe bring foorth anie whit nor we by our paines make the same to prosper Wherefore grant to all things springing from the earth a meet temperature of aire that luckilie they may take and increase Keepe our fruit vpon the face of the earth from all infection of the aire from thunder haile from vntimelie showers from too great drinesse and ouermuch heate from woormes hurtfull and beasts deuouring it before their prime and from all other corruption that our land in thine anger be not desolate and denie vs fruit enioieng hir wofull Sabboth Shut not vp the heauens in thine indignation for our sinnes that it be not as iron nor the earth as brasse wherby it can not be tilled ploughed nor sowne and so come to a verie plaine and vtter wildernesse but of thy goodnesse giue vs both the earlie and latter raine that we may haue abundance of all fruit and a ioifull haruest with a plentifull vintage O God send a gratious raine vpon thine inheritance and giue thy blessing that our ground may bring foorth hir fruit Cause thy raine to powre downe in due season that it may be raine of blessing whereby both trees may giue their fruit the ground yeeld foorth hir graine Grant also that the aire be pure from infection our bodies free from sicknesse to our whole Realme peace and quietnesse that safelie without trouble we may enioie thy gifts Driue awaie and repell from vs malediction and the destroier Giue vs not in stead of raine dust and ashes but open thy good treasures and visit the land with thy blessing make it drunken and enrich it abundantlie Thy riuer O Lord is full of water prepare our corne and dispose our earth to prosper water abundantlie the furrowes of the same and cause the raine to descend into the vallies thereof make the same soft with showers and blesse our buds Crowne the yeere with thy goodnesse and let thy clouds drop fatnesse let them drop vpon the pastures of the wildernesse and make the little hils reioice on euerie side Let the plaines be replenished with sheepe and the vallies with corne that the inhabitants of the earth may reioice and be merie O Lord thou causest grasse to growe for cattell and herbs for y e vse of man thou bringest foorth bread out of the earth wine to make glad the hart of man oile to make the countenance cheerfull bread for to strengthen the hart Haue therefore a care O heauenlie Father of the seed and other things springing from the earth keepe them both in cold raine ice and snowe from the beating of winds and iniurie of weather Preserue them in extreame heat drinesse moistnesse and such like that they perish not afore their time Roote out the destroier that there be neither blasting mildew nor grashopper neither caterpiller hurting the fruits of the earth Keepe vs O Lord in the time of dearth that we perish not for hunger nor be confounded in the perilous time For thou art our God and Creator which satisfiest the thirstie soule and fillest the hungrie with goodnesse which hast said I will not faile neither forsake thee whereby being faithfull we may saie The Lord is with vs therefore we will not feare what man can doo vnto vs. Behold we miserable great sinners doo confesse our wickednes with groning griefe of hart crieng vnto thee which art in heauen Heare our praiers in thy dwelling place be mercifull to thy people which haue sinned against thee and forgiue vs all our iniquities wherein we haue transgressed against thee By our sinnes wee haue brought all these
corne with hailestones nor with hailestones smite thou our cattell and deliuer our flocks from the thunderbolt Cast not the feercenesse of thy wrath anger and displeasure vpon vs. Giue vs not hailestones for raine neither flames of fire in our land but of thy mercie conuert the thunder into gentle raine whereby it may bring out fruit aboundantlie Send not among vs either vntimelie or vntemperate showres which be either noisome to the fruits and bring the mildew or destroie the corne Restraine in like sort the winds and violent tempests that they bring none hurt neither to vs or our goods euen for Christes sake our Lord and Sauiour Amen In time of dearth or famine O GOD heauenlie father whose gift it is that the raine doth fall the earth is fruitfull beasts increase and fishes doo multiplie behold we beseech thee the afflictions of thy people and graunt that the scarsitie and dearth which we doo now most iustlie suffer for our iniquitie may through thy goodnesse be mercifullie turned into cheapenesse and plentie for the loue of Iesu Christ our Lord to whome with thee and the holie Ghost bee praise for euer Amen Another praier in time of anie plague or sicknesse warre penurie orscarsenesse c. O Eternall and euerliuing God most mercifull father which of thy great long suffering and patience hast hitherto suffered and borne with vs most miserable offenders who haue so long straied out of thy waie and broken all thy lawes and commandements and haue neither by thy manifold benefits bestowed vpon vs vnworthie and vnthankefull sinners nor by the voice of thy seruants and preachers by continuall threatnings out of thy holie word hitherto bin moued as the children of loue to returne vnto thee our most gratious father either for feare of thy iudgements as humble and lowlie seruants to turne from our wickednesse And therefore most righteous iudge thy patience being as it were ouercome at the last with our obstinate repentance thou hast most iustlie executed those thy terrible threats now partlie vpon vs by plaguing vs so with most dreadfull and deadlie sicknesse with troubles of warres with penurie and scarsenesse of foode and victuall whereby great multitudes of vs are dailie afflicted and consumed We beseech thee O most mercifull father that in thy wrath thou wilt remember thine old great mercies to correct vs in thy iudgements and not in thy iust anger least we be all consumed and brought to naught Looke not so much vpon our deseruings O most righteous Iudge to take iust vengeance on our sinnes but rather remember thine infinit mercies O most mercifull father promised to vs by thy deerelie beloued sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ for whose sake and in whose name we doo earnestlie and humblie craue mercie and forgiuenesse of our sinnes and deliuerance from this horrible sicknesse wars dearth c. being thy iust punishment and plague for the same And as thy holie word doth testifie that thy people of all ages being iustlie plagued for their sinnes and yet in their distresse vnfeinedlie turning vnto thee and suing for thy mercie obteined the same so likewise we most worthilie now afflicted with greeuous and dreadfull plagues for our iniquities praie thee O most mercifull father to grant vs thy heauenlie grace that we may likewise both trulie and vnfeinedlie repent and obtaine thy mercie and deliuerance from the same which we beseech thee O father of all mercies God of all consolation grant vs for the same Iesus Christs sake our onlie sauiour mediator and aduocate Amen In time of anie common plague or sicknesse ALmightie God which in thy wrath in the time of King Dauid diddest slea with the plague of pestilence threescore and tenne thousand and yet remembring thy mercie didst saue the rest haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that now are visited with great sicknesse and mortalitie that like as thou didst then command thine Angel to cease from punishing so it may now please thee to withdrawe from vs this plague and greeuous sicknesse through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A forme of meditation and praier verie meete to be vsed dailie of all honsholders in their houses especiallie in the dangerous and contagious time of the plague The Maister Mistres kneeling with their familie in some conuenient place of their house well perfumed before with frankincense or some other wholesome thing as iuniper rosemarie rosewater and vineger c. shall with feruent harts saie or cause to be said that that followeth The seruants and familie to euerie petition shall saie Amen Maister or Mistresse WE reade in thy holie word O Lord what blessings thou hast of thy mercie promised to them that liue obedientlie according to thy blessed will and commandements Wee reade also the cursses that thy instice hath pronounced against such as despise thy word or negligentlie passe not to liue thereafter And among the rest of thy heauie cursses thou threatenest by name the plague and the pestilence with other noisome and most painfull diseases to such as forsaking thee worship strange gods and followe their owne vaine fantasies in stead of thy sacred ordinances We find also how extreamelie thine owne people the Iewes haue oftentimes fealt the performance of these thy bitter threatenings and that for sundrie and diuers offences bicause they loathed Manna and were not contented with thy miraculous prouision but would haue Qualies and other daintie victuals to content their luxurious appetites thou slewest so manie with a sudden and mightie plague that the place of their buriall was named thereof and called The graues of lust Also for murmuring against the ministers of thy word Moses and Aaron thou destroiedst with a sudden plague xiiij thousand and more besides those traitors whom the earth swallowed for their rebellion And had not Aaron intreated for them and gone betweene the quicke and the dead thou wouldest haue consumed them all as thou wast minded to haue done before when they despised the plentifull land which thou hadst promised them had not Moses staied thy wrath when thou saiedst I will strike them with the pestilence and vtterlie destroie them Furthermore when they had lost thine Ark through their owne sinnes and the sinnes of their priests the keepers therof after that the Philistines were forced through thy plaguing hand religiously to send it home againe thou strookest with the plague fiftie thousand of the Beth-samites thy people for rashlie presuming to looke into the same not hauing thy warrant so to doo In the time of King Dauid thou destroiedst three score and ten thousand of thy people in three daies with thy wasting plague of pestilence mooued thereto by the transgression of Dauid the King whom for the sinnes of the people thou sufferedst to be tempted and subdued with a vaine curiositie to number the people Also shortlie after the death of that immaculate Lambe our Sauiour thou sufferedst the plague to reigne among the members of his bodie the Church of the Corinthians
all the earth full of patience forbearance pitie and repentance ouer the wickednesse of sinfull people declaring the sharpnesse of thy iudgements for their amendment and deliuerance from punishment Thou O Lord hast promised according to thy bottomlesse bountie and goodnesse a penitent spirit not to iust and righteous Abraham Isaac and Iacob which haue not offended against thy Maiestie but to those that are ouerwhelmed with the tempestuous tides of their transgressions We O Lord haue offended and our fathers haue committed sinne in thy sight We haue defiled our selues in the filthie puddle of iniquitie and therefore beholding in the verie heauens such dreadfull tokens of thy wrathfull indignation hanging ouer our heads for our monstrous and prodigious life we bow before thee the knees of our harts beseeching thee to be gratious vnto vs and to open thine eares to our praiers We haue sinned O Lord we haue sinned and we acknowledge our misdeeds humblie beseeching thee to forgiue vs our offences O forgiue vs and deliuer vs not ouer to destruction with our iniquities neither laie thou vp in store vengeance against the daie of iudgement O reserue not for vs the whip of wo and wretchednesse but in mercie pardon our misdeeds and let not the fierie flames of thy furie and wrath waxe hot against vs to burne and consume vs in our iniquities Amen In the time of warre O Almightie God King of all kings and Gouernor of all things whose power no creature is able to resist to whom it belongeth iustlie to punish sinners to be mercifull vnto them that truelie repent saue and deliuer vs we humblie beseech thee from the hands of our enimies abate their pride asswage their malice and confound their deuises that we being armed with thy defence may be preserued euermore from all perils to glorifie thee which art the onlie giuer of all victorie through the merits of thine onlie sonne Iesus Christ our Lord Amen In time of rebellion or intestine warre O Most mightie and mercifull Lord God which art King of glorie and Lord of hosts the Gouernour of all creatures the onlie giuer of all victories who alone art able to strengthen the weake against the mightie and to vanquish infinite multitudes of thine enimies with the countenance of a few of thy seruants calling vpon thy name and trusting in thee defend O good Lord thy seruants and our gouernour vnder thee our most gratious and souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth and all hir faithfull subiects and people committed to hir charge And especiallie at this time O Lord haue regard to those hir trustie louing and obedient subiects which be sent into the north parts of this Realme or ouer the seas to the aid of such as be persecuted for the profession of thy holie name to withstand the crueltie force and power of certaine false and vnfaithfull subiects yea rather cursed rebels and wicked traitours and all those which be common enimies as well to the truth of thine eternall word as to their owne naturall Prince and countrie and manifestlie against the Crowne and Realme of England which thou hast by thy diuine prouidence assigned in these our daies to the gouernement of thy seruant our souereigne Ladie and most gratious Queene to the great comfort of all vs hir louing subiects and faithfull commons thy most glorious name be praised therefore O Lord God of hosts which by thine Angel therevnto appointed doost minister both warre and peace and which diddest giue vnto Dauid both courage and strength being but a little one vnarmed and vnexpert in feates of warre with his sling to set vpon ouerthrowe the great huge giant Goliah our cause now being iust and being forced to enter into warre and battell we most humblie beseech thee most gratious God so to turne the harts of these rebels thine and our enimies to the desire of peace that no Christian bloud be shed or spilt Or else grant O Lord that with small effusion of bloud and to the little hurt and damage of thy seruants who doo ieopard their liues for the defence of thy holie Gospell our Queene Realme against the aduersaries thereof we may to thy glorie obteine the victorie and that the warres being ended the rebels soone put to flight and vanquished we may all with one hart and mind knit togither in godlie concord and vnitie laud praise thee which art our God O most mercifull Father if it be thy holie will make soft and tender the stonie harts of all those I saie that exalt themselues against thy truth and seeke either to trouble the quietnesse of this Realme of England or to oppresse the Crowne of the same and conuert them to the knowledge of thy sonne the onelie Sauiour of the world Iesus Christ that we and they may iointlie glorifie thy mercies Lighten we beseech thee their ignorant harts to embrace the truth of thy word or else to abate their crueltie O most mightie Lord that this our Christian Region with others that confesse thy holie Gospell may obteine by thine aid strength suertie from all our enimies without shedding of Christian and innocent bloud whereby all they which be in feare of their crueltie may be comforted and finallie that all Christian realmes and especiallie this Realme of England may by thy defence and protection continue in the truth of the Gospell and enioie perfect peace quietnesse and securitie and that we for these thy mercies iointlie all together with one consent hart and voice may thankfullie render vnto thee all laud and praise that we knit in one godlie concord and vnitie among our selues may continuallie magnifie thy glorious name And furthermore for as much as it is thy good will and pleasure to appoint vs in the number of subiects we most humblie beseech thee O heauenlie Father to giue vs faithfull and obedient harts vnto our dread souereigne Ladie the Queenes most excellent Maiestie and to the high powers and godlie rulers that are in authoritie vnder hir noble Grace that there may be found in vs no disobedience no vnfaithfulnes no treason no falsehood no dissimulation no insurrection no commotion no conspiracie nor anie kind of rebellion in deede word or thought but all faithfulnesse obedience quietnesse subiection and humilitie and whatsoeuer else becommeth faithfull subiects vnder so good and so gratious a Prince that we liuing heere in all lowlinesse of mind may at the last daie through thy fauour be lifted vp into euerlasting glorie where thou O most mercifull Father with thy sonne and the holie Ghost liuest and reignest one verie true and perfect God for euer and euer Amen A thankes-giuing for the suppression of rebellion or insurrection O Heauenlie and most mercifull Father the defender of those that put their trust in thee the sure fortresse of all them that flie to thee for succour who of thy most iust iudgements for our disobedience and rebellion against thy holie word and for our holie profession whereby we haue giuen
iniquitie shall be suppressed and thy chosen children be fullie endued with that perfect glorie in the which now our Lord Iesus Christ reigneth to whome with thee O father and the holie Ghost be all honour praise and glorie now and euer Amen In time of inuasion by the Turke and Infidels that make warre in anie part of Christendome praie and that earnestlie as followeth OMnipotent and eternall God father of our Lord Iesus Christ maker preseruer and mainteiner both of heauen and earth together with thy coeternall sonne and the holie Ghost we haue sinned O Lord with our fathers we haue done amisse and dealt wickedlie and therfore we confesse that by thy righteous iudgements we are iustlie punished and haue trulie deserued that barbarous nations and cruell Turks making inuasion into Christendome should spoile vs of our goods ouerthrowe Schooles Churches Common-weales make pitifull hauocke of the promiscuous mixt or confused multitude of sillie weake people as they were sheepe prepared to the shambles and carrie miserable men from the sweet bosoms of their deere freends into far and barbarous nations to a slauerie more greeuous than death O God it is thou which hast repelled vs yea thou makest vs a shame to the nations for our sinnes and goest not foorth to war with our armies Thou makest vs to turne our backs vpon our enimies so that they which hate vs spoile our goods Thou lettest vs to bee eaten like sheepe and hast scattered vs among the heathen Thou sellest thy people for naught and takest no monie for them Therefore he the heathen come into thine inheritance thy holie Temple haue they defiled they haue destroied our townes and houses and brought them into an heape of stones The dead bodies of thy seruants haue they giuen to be meate to the fowles of the aire and the flesh of thy Saincts vnto the beasts of the land Their bloud haue they shed like water on euerie side and there was no man to burie them We are become an open shame to our enimies a verie scorne and derision vnto them that are round about vs. O Lord in these mischieuous warres and in the middest of fatall or mortall punishments which threaten an horrible mutation of worldlie empires we flie vnto thee saieng Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glorie of thy name O deliuer vs and be mercifull vnto our sinnes O Lord deale not with vs according to our sinnes neither reward vs after our iniquities but haue mercie vpon vs and that soone for we are come to great miserie Looke vpon our aduersitie and miserie and forgiue vs all our sinnes Consider our enimies how manie they be and they beare a tyrannicall hate against vs. Thou which aforetime didst remit the offences of thy people diddest couer all their sinnes and didst turne awaie thine heauie indignation from them turne vs we humblie beseech thee O God our Sauiour and remooue awaie thy displeasure from vs also that in true repentance wee may please thee for thy sonne Christs sake Wilt thou be displeased at vs for euer Or wilt thou stretch thy wrath from one generation to another Oh let the sorowfull sighing of the prisoners come before thee according to the greatnesse of thy power preserue thou those that are appointed to die Powre out thine indignation rather vpon the heathen that haue not knowne thee and vpon the kingdoms that haue not called vpon thy name that all nations may knowe that thou takest vengeance of the bloud of thy seruants that is shed Consider the mortall threatenings of our enimies that they exercise not their crueltie vpon vs and saie triumphantlie Where is now their God Keepe from our necks the greeuous yoke of the Turkish bondage and represse the furiousnesse of all tyrants which labour to spoile and make hauocke of thy Church to abolish true doctrine praiers and pure religion that they may bring in paganisme and build vp idolatrie errours and blasphemous ceremonies Defend our Churches our politike gouernance our Schooles and Uniuersities our cities and dwelling places Suffer not good studies learning religion and lawes being ouerthrowne these our townes to be reduced into stables for sauage Mahomets Turkish tyrants or other bloudie tyrants which hate thee and vs extremelie Arme the right arme of our gratious Queene and hir Nobles as also all other Christian Emperours Kings and Potentates that they may fight for our lawes liues and libertie Teach their hands to warre and their fingers to fight Increase in them an inuincible courage of mind that inflamed through the zeale of thy religion they may valiantlie withstand the Turks which are the mortall enimies of thy deere Sonne and of his Church Guide thou the hands of such as doo fight in the cause of thy religion and grant them happie successe ouer all their enimies For a king is not preserued by his great armie and a giant shall not be saued by the multitude of his host nor warlike strength but the victorie proceedeth from the heauens At thy rebuke O God the chariot and horses fall downe Thou shalt take awaie the courage of princes and art terrible vnto the kings of the earth O be thou our helpe in trouble for vaine is the helpe of man Through thee O mightie Iehoua we shall doo great acts and thou wilt tread our enimies vnder thy feet that they come to naught through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen A thanks-giuing vnto God for the Christians victorie had against the Turks O Mercifull Father O Lord God of hosts the onelie protector and defender of thine heritage against whome no might no power nor counsell can preuaile who of thy great mercie without our merit or deseruing hast at all times protected defended vs from the cruell hand of our enimies and mightilie deliuered vs euen out of the mouth of the roring Lion we yeeld vnto thee O father for these thy great goodnesses and mercies most humble hartie thanks and especiallie O father we praise thy holie name that at this present thou hast saued and deliuered thy people from the great assaults and dangers of that same professed mightie enimie of Christian Religion the Turke and also hast giuen vnto the people which fought thy battels battelled vnder thy banner and trusted onlie in thy helpe so great and notable a victorie for the which O Lord God we doo laud and magnifie thy holie name for euer through Christ our Captaine Redeemer and Sauiour beseeching thee for thy mercifull goodnesse that thou wouldest sheeld vs vnder thy mightie protection for euer that we hauing the fruition of godlie peace through thy mercie may the rest of these few daies which we haue to liue lead a peaceable and a quiet life in all pietie and honestie through Christ our Lord to whome with thee and the holie Ghost be all honour glorie and praise for euer and euer Amen O God whose nature and propertie is euer to haue mercie and to forgiue receiue our humble petitions And though
beeing made thine adopted children we may by the sanctification of thy spirit inherit the euerlasting kingdome through the same Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Or praie for the fruits of Baptisme thus MOst heauenlie and eternall father we thy humble seruants entirelie desire thy fatherlie goodnesse that as thou hast begun in vs a newe birth washed vs with the fountaine of regeneration whereby we are made members of thy bodie and elected into the number and felowship of thy Church and congregation so thou wouldest powre vpon vs the grace of thy spirit to direct our liues according to this beginning in holinesse and purenesse that we may mortifie the lusts of the flesh resist the assaults of Sathan and auoide the alurements of the wicked world remembring alwaies that Baptisme doth represent vnto vs our vocation quenching those sparks of concupiscence that we all drawe from the old Adam and quickning vs in those good fruits of Christ our Sauiour who continuallie preserue vs with his holie spirit for euer and euer Amen Or praie for the continuance of the true institution of the Sacraments thus O Most mightie and most mercifull God by whose power the heauens and earth and all things therein are created who hast placed euerie thing in a most excellent order and hast framed man after thine owne similitude and image raising him from hell to heauen from wo to ioie from damnation to saluation and hast giuen him through thy sonne Iesu Christ a most sure bond of thy promise made in the beginning to mankind for the redemption of the world sending thine onlie begotten Sonne Iesu Christ to performe the same who made one onelie oblation and sacrifice for the sinnes of the whole world and did ordaine and institute two most holie Sacraments to continue the remembrance of the same make vs euer mindfull we beseech thee of these thine inestimable treasures Continue oh Lord this thy fauour towards vs. Let not tyrants preuaile against thy Church but let thy mightie power be shewed that the sacred rites may cōtinue in thy Church that the enimies may be ouerthrowne as the Turke who would vtterlie destroie those most holie Sacraments which thou hast ordeined for our saluation as the Anabaptists which like heretikes alter thy most holie institution as the Atheists who bred in them great corruption Conuert them we beseech thee O Lord and establish vs in the truth of thy holie spirit by thy mightie power that both now and euer wee may continue in the right institution of thy Sacraments which thy Sonne our Sauiour Christ hath left most perfect vnto vs to the endlesse ioie and consolation of our soules To whome therefore with thee and the holie Ghost be all honour glorie and praise world without end Amen Prouerbes 9. verse 1. WIsedome hath built hir house and hewen out hir seauen pillers she hath killed hir victuals drawne hir wine and prepared hir table she hath sent foorth hir virgins and crieth vpon the high places of the citie saieng Who so is simple let him come hither and to him that is destitute of wisedome she saith Come and eate of my meate and drinke of my wine that I haue drawne Canti 5. I AM come saith Christ vnto his spouse the Church into my garden my sister my spouse I gathered my mirrh with my spice I ate my honie-combe with my honie I dranke my wine with my milke Eate ô freends drinke and make ye merrie ô welbeloued Reuelation 19. HAppie and blessed are they which are called vnto the Lambes supper Christian praiers to be said before at and after ye receiue the holie Communion and first An effectuall meditation of the right Christian beleefe in the holie Sacrament of the Lords supper and of the woorthie and fruitefull receiuing the same to our comfort and saluation to be diligentlie read before you receiue O My soule let vs now carefullie consider first whether we bee come namelie to the celestiall table heauenlie banket greate feast costlie repast and sumptuous supper of the most puissant glorious mightie and magnificent King of kinges and Lord of lordes Iesus Christ thy most mercifull maker righteous redeemer souereigne sauiour and deere spouse and that of necessitie as both forced therevnto by his iust commandement and also allured and inuited by his mercifull promises Secondlie O my soule let vs rightlie knowe and diligentlie marke what things are heere presentlie set before vs on this holie Table and prouided for vs in this blessed banket to taste of namelie that the deintie dishes and the refection and meate which we must in verie deede seeke for onelie in this sacred supper are no vaine ceremonies no bare signe no vntrue figure of a thing absent no earthlie bodie no carnall meate nor anie fleshlie substance but as the sacred Scripture saith and other holie men doo rightlie tearme and call them The Bread and Cup of the Lord a heauenlie refection the sweet deinties of our sauiour the nourishment of our soules an inuisible meate a spirituall foode a ghostlie substance which all are heere now most mercifullie offered and exhibited vnto vs and all other faithfull soules as the soueraigne preseruatiue against death the conseruatorie to euerlasting life the comfortable medicine of the soule the salue of immortalitie the pledge of eternall health the defence of faith the hope of the resurrection the memorie of Christ the annuntiation of his death finallie the communion of the bodie and bloud of the Lord Iesus in a maruellous incorporation which by the holie Ghost the verie bond of our perfection with Christ is through faith wrought in the soules of the faithfull whereby not onlie their soules doo liue to eternall life but also they surelie trust to win to their bodies a resurrection to immortalitie In the which also we may not onlie heare see taste and knowe the mercie of God our Creator sealed the sanctification by Christ our redeemer towards vs confirmed the remission of our sinnes through the holie Ghost our comforter and regenerator fullie satisfied and established but also most sensiblie and effectuallie to our further comfort in deed feele wrought in vs the tranquillitie of conscience the increase of faith the strengthening of hope and the long spreading abroad of brotherlie loue and kindnesse with manie other sundrie maruellous graces and benefits of God most profitable vnto vs. Which things well considered and weighed my soule O with what feruent affection and earnest zeale ought they now to inflame our hart and kindle our mind greedilie to couet and desire the participation of these most holie mysteries yea often to long and hunger after this healthsome bread and continuallie thirst for this diuine heauenlie and blessed food Thirdlie and lastlie O my soule let vs aduisedlie call to mind and well vnderstand the cause wherefore wee are now come vnto this holie table of the Lord which indeed is onlie to this end that we should now be godlie ghests not idle gazers hungrie eaters not steruing
Giue vs not onlie store of all things to the necessitie of life but grant also to our meate and drinke vertue and power to releeue and strengthen our bodies For thou alone vpholdest all things by thy word of power Unlesse thou dailie didst feed vs with the hidden grace which thou dooest inspire into the bread to feed vs all the heapes of our yeerelie increase were to small purpose For be it that there be aboundance of wheate wine and of all other things yet vnlesse they be watered by thy blessing quicklie would all come to naught and we should perish for lacke of food in all that aboundance For all the substance that we possesse what is it without thou prosper and fructifie the same with thy blessing And albeit we feed on bread yet we ascribe not our life to the vertue of the bread neither is thy power tied to the bread nor mans life included within the same but altogither it dependeth vpon thy will and good pleasure We beseech thee for thy most large and bountifull liberalitie cast vs not off in the time of our old age and when our strength faileth vs forsake vs not Likewise confirme our faith that we distrust not thy promises neither be driuen from thee by anie meanes seeme they neuer so contrarie to naturall causes but giue grace that we may withdrawe our eies from all worldlie consultations and as touching our food and other necessaries for this life may wholie depend vpon thee and at no time go beyond the limits which thou hast prepared through our Lord Iesus Christ which liueth and reigneth with thee for euermore Amen At noone-tide or mid-daie saie thus O Lord my light my inlightning and my welfare from whence all true brightnesse and light doth come grant I beseech thee that as of thy goodnesse thou hast giuen me thus plentifullie this corporall light to compasse my bodie on euerie side so of thy mercie giue me aboundantlie the spirituall light of thy grace and knowledge which may inlighten my mind and cause mine age to appeare as cleere as the noone daie And because O Lord nothing in this world is so perfect and glorious but when it is at the full it will decrease and weare awaie euen as we see in the course of this thy glorious creature the Sunne which now being at the highest will begin to drawe downeward Graunt also I beseech thee that when at the age of fortie yeeres my bodie by little and little shall begin to fade and the beautie thereof wither and drawe towards an end it togither with my soule in the daie of iudgement may shine as bright as the Sunne being now at the highest doth and may then begin to be glorified to the full in the region of the celestiall world where the Sunne of all righteousnesse and the brightnesse of perpetuall charitie and felicitie doth euerlastinglie shine and inlighten all the holie companie of heauen Amen Or else thus LOrd let thy fauour preuent vs as doth the Sunne which being now in the highest region spreadeth his beames ouer all the parts of the earth And as the brightnesse therof shineth now without the clouds after the same sort giue vs thy cleerenesse and shewe thy bright countenance ouer vs that lightened by thy word wee may walke this daie thorough circumspectlie and warilie in the waies of thy commandements that being blinded in the mid daie we run not headlong into darkenesse neither grope at noone daie as in the night wandering from the paths of thy iudgements Open thine eies O God ouer vs be thou vnto vs a mightie protector this daie a firmament of strength a couering against heate parching a shadow at noone tide a defender from offence an assister from falling a comforter of our soules a lightener of our minds and a giuer of health and happines in Christ our Lord Amen ¶ After meate the better to keepe you from vaine exercises and idle cogitations and to spend the Sabboth daie both wholie and holilie to the Lord as it behooueth take occasion on Gods name either to cathechise your children and familie or to praie for the preseruation of the Queenes most excellent maiestie or to reade deuoutlie some of these godlie meditations and praiers of Gods works and feasts following On Sundaie A praier for the right keeping of the Sabboth or Sundaie O Eternall father of our Lord Iesu Christ which togither with thy Sonne and the holie Ghost didst create man of thine infinite mercie powredst into him a similitude of those things which are most excellent in thee the fountaine of all goodnesse and wouldest in that nature as it were in a Temple seeing thine image to shine therein continue and celebrate the ioifull Sabboth When man had defaced thine image and was pluckt from thee it was thy will that the Sonne of thine owne substance should take our flesh vpon him and be made a sacrifice for the sinnes of mankind bee crucified die yea and on the great Sabboth daie of the lawe lie in the graue where the word after an vnspeakable manner rested that we may receiue againe the societie of the new and celestiall Sabboth We beseech thee grant that thy Sonne which is the Lord of that Sabboth may begin in this life to rest in vs to heale the corruptions of our nature by his holie spirit which is the heauenlie fire to drie vp the dropsie of our flesh that he may loue vs which are bone of his bones to make vs one with him through his spirit and finallie to bring vs into that glorious companie where the eternall Sabboth is in such excellencie as can not be conceiued by the hart of man In the meane while let vs ceasse from this hurlie burlie this toiling and drudging in the vaine trumperie of this world so as once at last we may religiouslie halowe and keepe the godlie rest of the new Sabboth in doing such things as be allowable and pleasant vnto thee and sanctifieng thee in true rest and peace Drawe vs from the vaine fantasies of present things that we may attend and await vpon thee and thy ioifull comming Grant I saie that we may be humbled vnder thy mightie hand that we may knowe our infirmities obeie thee in our crosses and correction looke vnto thee in a liuelie faith and hope of a ioifull deliuerance which then shall be perfect when thy Sonne by his trumpet shall summon the new Sabboth and drawe vnto him on high where he sitteth at thy right hand exalted thine elect all thine enimies which through beastlie arrogancie blushed not to contend and fight against thee being subdued Amen Another ALmightie God and most mercifull heauenlie father who after that in sixe daies thou haddest created all things didst rest the seauenth daie and sanctifiedst it teach vs to keepe holie the Sabboth daie not in shew and cercmonie onlie but much more in euerie good woorke which thou hast commanded not in part for fashion sake but wholie
haue mercie vpon me 6. On the first Sundaie in Lent Of Christ his temptation in the wildernesse and most glorious conquest ouer Sathan The Preface MY sonne if thou wilt come into the seruice of God stand fast in righteousnesse and feare and prepare thy soule to temptation for he that is not tempted what is he Remember alwaie the Lord thy God which lead thee fortie yeares in the wildernes for to humble thee and to prooue thee and to knowe what was in thine hart whether thou wouldest keepe his commandements or no. He humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger and fed thee with Manna which neither thou nor thy fathers knew of to make thee knowe that a man doth not liue by bread onlie but by euerie word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth a man liue To daie therefore if you will heare his voice harden not your harts as in the prouocation and as in the daie of temptation in the wildernesse when your fathers tempted me prooued me and sawe my works Fortie yeares long was I greeued with this generation and said It is a people that doo erre in their harts for they haue not knowne my waies vnto whome I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest Examine me O Lord and prooue me trie out my reines and my hart For thy louing kindnes is euer before mine eies and I will walke in thy truth I haue sinned haue mercie vpon me The Praier THE cause of thine appeering in the flesh O Sonne of God Lord and Sauiour Christ was to destroie the works of sathan which our first parents did The diuell through hatred of thee and of thine eternall father encountred in visible forme He soaked into their minds certaine suspicions and doubtings of thy will and pricked them on with a desire of a more excellent nature being themselues of all the creatures the most excellent He tickled them with the spurre of pride and ambition and so by his subtiltie caried them headlong with himselfe being withdrawne from thee into the bottomles pit of eternall destruction But thou incensed against him through the infinite and vnspeakable good will which thou bearest to mankind tookest vs miserable wretches out of the insatiable iawes of our mortall enimie and in thy flesh at length when he dreaded not to assaile thee our Captaine thou puttest him to a shamefull flight and drauest him from thee and thine so that at anie time through thy small assistance we may both repell him and preuaile against his fierce assalts of temptations Unto thee O almightie God and victorious Captaine with godlie groanes doo we crie requiring at thy mercifull hands to be made of the number of thy celestiall souldiers parteners of thy glorious victorie and enioiers of thy happines Arme vs with thy heauenlie armour that is with the knowledge of thy word and spirituall consolations whereby we may bee able to repell the firie darts of that foule feend Against thy Church in all ages hath this enimie of thine set himselfe and brought these engins to their ouerthrowe which he vsed against thine owne person at such time as thou wentest from thy baptisme to preaching knowing that thy prosperitie would be his decaie and yet through the will of God did not acknowledge thee to be the Messias He troubled thee beeing in the wildernes without worldlie power aid wealth and riches with horrible cogitations did he vexe thy soule and troubled thy hart with greefe vnspeakable At this time thy Church lieth in the wildernesse poorelie and miserablie doth she lie oppressed with wrongfull iniuries and mightie troubles He laugheth thereat derideth the Saincts standing vnder the crosse he bids stones to be made bread he contemneth their miserie and casteth in their teeth the glorie and wealth of his kingdome Assist vs that in these temptations we may laie hold of the armour of proofe and behold this noble answere of thine Man liueth not by bread onlie We knowledge thee with the euerliuing Father and the holie Ghost to be a true and almightie God giuing vs the bread of life and so ordeining that with corporall things we are fed and susteined in this life O eternall Father which knowest what we need and alone canst giue a reason why after this manner thou wilt feed vs and not as thou dooest the starres without corporall things Giue vnto the Church of thy wisedome such things as are necessarie for the sustentation of this life wherein the ioies of the life eternall and to come doth begin And albeit sometimes we lacke diuers things although thine aduersarie throweth stones at vs for bread yet by thy power strengthen vs that we faint not Thou art our maker wee are thy workemanship In thy hands is the whole frame of this world We liue not by bread alone or by our owne industrie neither art thou tied with a fatall chaine of second causes but by thy decree by thy will doo we breath in thee we liue moue and haue our beeing At thy commandement we take life and when thou biddest we leaue this world Wherefore if so it please thee we shall liue as doo the birds of the aire which haue no protection or as the child in the mothers wombe which knoweth not how he liueth And as he albeit lieng in great darkenes and couered in secret parts receiueth nourishment after a maruellous manner from his mother and at length by the course of nature commeth safe and sound into this world so we notwithstanding our liuing in palpable darkenes of this life and wrapped in the miseries of this world among the packe of thine enimies yet armed with thy word and promise doo receiue comfort thereby and are protected by thee after a woonderfull sort and at length trust to be deliuered out of this bodie of sinne and to come to a better life which neuer shall haue end For we are not made to liue alwaies in this world in miserie but thou hast prepared a more glorious life for thy seruants the sweetnes whereof beginneth in this world Thy word is our life O eternall Father Thy Sonne is the word speaking to vs both inwardlie and outwardlie Outwardlie by his ministers he vttereth from thy bosome thy will and commandements and inwardlie he speaketh to our soules raising vp godlie cogitations and manners pleasing thee so that a double life is reserued for vs to wit a corporall and a spirituall not through bread not through our owne merits but through thy will reuealed by thy Sonne Furthermore forsomuch as sathan vseth another kind of weapon to the destruction of the godlie when thy Church enioieth quietnes and peace by stirring of excellent good wits and teachers armed with publike authoritie vnto curiositie and ambition whereby through enuie and hatred vaine contentions are mooued famous men cast themselues from the pinacle of the Temple and heresies doo arise we humblie beseech thee in this respect also because it is more hurtfull than
reuiled beaten scourged spit vpon and most miserablie handled Thou wentest through Ierusalem to the place of execution euen to the mount of Caluerie a great crosse to hang thee vp was laid vpon thy backe to beare and drawe as long as thou wast able Thy bodie was racked to be nailed to the tree Thy hands were bored through and thy feet also Nailes were put through them to fasten thee thereon Thou wast hanged betweene heauen and earth as one spued out of heauen and vomited out of the earth vnworthie of anie place The high Priests laughed thee to scorne The Elders blasphemed thee and said God had no care for thee The common people also laughed and cried Out vpon thee Thirst oppressed thee but vineger onlie and gall was giuen thee to drinke Heauen shined not on thee the Sunne gaue thee no light the earth was afraid to beare thee sathan euen then tempted thee and thine owne humane senses caused thee to crie out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Oh wonderfull passions which thou sweet Iesus sufferedst for me and all mankind In them thou teachest me in them thou comfortest me for by them God is my father my sinnes are forgiuen me By them I should learne to feare God to loue God to hope in God to hate sinne to be patient to call vpon God and neuer to leaue him for anie temptations but with thee to crie Father into thy hands I commend my spirit Amen The praier wherein we confesse our selues to be the verie cause of all these Christ his passions WHat hast thou committed oh Lord that thou shouldest bee so iudged what hast thou offended that thou shouldest be so cruellie handled and ordered what was thy fault what was thine offence what was the cause of thy death what was the occasion of thy condemnation I Lord I am the cause of thy sorowe the fault is in me that thou wast killed for I haue deserued thy death I committed the offences that were aduenged vpon thee Oh maruellous kind of iudgement and vnspeakable disposition or ordering of mysteries The vniust man offendeth and the righteous is punished The guiltie doth euill and the innocent is beaten The euill doth trespasse and the good is condemned That which the euill man deserueth the same doth the good and iust suffer That which the seruant doth amisse the maister maketh amends That which man trespasseth God suffereth it Oh thou which art the Sonne of God how lowe did thine humilitie descend How greatlie did thy charitie euen as it were waxe hot and burne towards vs How far did thy pitie exceed Whither did thy benignitie and gentlenes growe and extend How far did thy loue stretch How far came thy compassion For I did wrongfullie and thou wast punished I committed the mischeeuous deeds and they were aduenged vpon thee I did the fault and thou submittedst thy selfe to the torments I was proud and thou wast humble and meeke I was swelled and puffed vp thou wast extenuate and appaired I was disobedient neuerthelesse thou being obedient barest the paines and punishments of disobedience I obeied and was as it were a seruant to all excesse and gluttonie and thou wast punished with scarsitie and lacke of food The tree did drawe me in my grandmother Eue vnto vnlawfull concupiscence and desires but perfect charitie led thee vnto punishment and to endure the torments vpon the crosse I presumed being forbidden but thou didst smart therefore I tooke my pleasure with delicatenesse thou wast vexed with the crosse I abound and haue plentie of all pleasures thou art all to torne with nailes I doo taste the pleasant sweetnes of the apple and thou the bitternes of gall Behold O king of glorie mine iniquitie and vngodlinesse and thy pitie and goodnes is manifest Behold mine vnrighteousnes and thy iustice is plainelie declared What thing O my God and my King shall I render vnto thee for all these things which thou hast bestowed vpon me For nothing can be found in the hart of man that may worthilie recompense such rewards Can mans wit excogitate or imagine anie thing that is woorthie to be compared vnto thy diuine mercie Neither is it the office of a creature to go about to recompense fullie and iustlie the aid helpe of a Creator There is trulie O Sonne of God in this thy maruellous dispensation and appointments some what in which my frailenesse may helpe a little if so be that my mind once pricked and stirred by thy visitation doo punish the flesh with the vices also and euill concupiscences thereof And this thing if thou wilt grant and giue me grace to doo then shall it begin as it were to suffer and susteine sorrowes and greefes because that thou also didst vouchsafe to die for my sinnes and so by the victorie of the inward man it shall be armed thou beeing a captaine for the externall and outward victorie forasmuch as the spirituall persecution once ouercome it shall not be afraid for thy sake to be obedient vnto the materiall sword and crosse of this world and so the slendernesse of my state and condition if it please thy goodnes shall be able according to the little power thereof to answer vnto the greatnes and excellencie of my Creator And this is y e heauenlie medicine O good Iesu this is as it were a preseruatiue of thy loue this I beseech thee by thine accustomed ancient mercies to powre into my wounds the fowle and filthie matter of the venemous contagion and infection once cast awaie which may refresh and restore me to my former puritie and cleanenesse that when I haue tasted of the pleasant sweetnes which is to abide in thee it may make me to despise and vtterlie set naught by the entisements of this world and to feare for thy sake none aduersities thereof and that I remembring thine euerlasting nobilitie excellencie may alwaies abhor and disdaine the troubles of this transitorie world And as thou O Lord wast crucified for me so I beseech thee crucifie me with thee that I may rise againe with thee to euerlasting life Thy flesh was crucified for me crucifie with thee O Christ the kingdome of the flesh which hath dominion in me that I may put off the old Adam and by newnesse of life may be transformed into thee the second Adam sinne infidelitie and the whole tyrannie of sathan being vanquished and ouercome Bring to passe O Lord that by thy crosse and painefull suffering thy yoke may be to me made light and thy burthen easie that willinglie and gladlie following thee I may come whether thou art gone that is to thy father most blessed and immortall from whome nothing shall afterwards be able to separate vs Amen I haue sinned I haue sinned my God my God haue mercie vpon me God forbid I should reioice in anie thing but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified vnto me and I vnto the world Galath 6. Another
shall not perish but haue euerlasting life Haue mercie vpon me haue mercie vpon me according to thy great mercie And according to the multitude of thy mercies put awaie mine offences O God most holie wash me from my wickednesse and make me cleane from mine vncleannesse For I acknowledge O Lord my heinous sinnes and accuse my selfe of mine vnrighteous deeds I confesse against my selfe the wickednesse of mine hart which hath beene euer vnfaithfull and rebelling against thy precepts I haue beene an vntrue and froward child to thee and haue prouoked thee with my vanities O holie Father I haue offended thy diuine Maiestie and am not woorthie to be called thy child Bicause I prouoked thee to anger through the multitude of my sinnes and haue not exercised my selfe in thy righteous lawes I haue turned backe from thy waies and done euill before thee I haue done wickedlie and vniustlie behaued my selfe leauing thy commandements and murmuring against thy correction I haue turned my selfe awaie and not kept my promise made vnto thee I haue walked in an euill waie after mine owne thoughts and fantasies choosing the things that thou wouldest not O Lord God almightie I haue not feared thee nor shewed due reuerence vnto thee but I haue beene disobedient and stubborne vnto thee As a common harlot is without shame euen so am I without shame of my sinnes for behold I speake vnto thee and yet I sinne more and more I haue left that which is good and gone backe from thee and I haue not put my trust and hope in thee my maker but haue sought for helpe and safegard otherwise I haue ploughed wickednesse and reaped iniquitie and eaten the fruit of lies bicause I haue trusted in mine owne waie I haue cast thy lawes behind my backe not regarding thy commandements nor leauing mine owne lewd customs I haue not giuen my hart to returne to thy paths for I would not knowe thee but haue fallen through mine iniquitie I neuer vnto this daie turned trulie vnto thee with all my hart but as a woman that breakech hir fidelitie and promise vnto hir husband euen so O LORD God I haue broken my promise vnto thee For I haue liued abhominablie and haue had no remorse nor repentance for my euill deeds but haue run from sinne to sinne following the lewd desires of my hart Thou knowest all things O Lord how I haue prouoked thee to displeasure by my lewd inuentions and none of all my sinnes be hid from thee I hated thy discipline and correction and regarded not thy words and saiengs I haue not done penance for my malice but haue increased in much vanitie Mine hart hath beene void of truth and my hands haue wrought vnrighteousnesse My tongue hath spoken sinfullie and I haue laboured with the imaginations of mine hart to find out lies and deceits and no truth hath beene in my waies I haue accustomed my tongue to speake trifles and vanities fulfilling my fleshlie desires and thoughts my purposes and inuentions haue beene contrarie to thy will whereby I haue offended the eies of thy Maiestie Thou hast seene all these things O Lord and hast holden thy peace and yet they were euill in thy sight and displeased thee In thine anger thou hast cast me awaie and art diuided from me now manie daies Thou hast giuen me vp to the desires of my hart to doo the things which be not seeming Wo I am that I haue gone from thee great is my miserie that I haue led my life in sinne Wo is me that I haue forsaken thee to doo my deuises not after thy mind to accomplish my thoughts which haue not proceeded of thy spirit but haue heaped vp sinne vpon sinne Mine infamie and reproch is dailie before mine eies and for shame I dare not shew my face And now O Lord God why forgettest thou mee Why keepest thou awaie so long thy mercie from me Heare now my cause gratiouslie although thou hast beene displeased with me a great while for thou art mercifull be not angrie alwaies I beseech thee Cast not awaie a contrite and penitent person a wretch and an abiect which humblie calleth vpon thy name Turne againe a little toward me O Lord God and forgiue me my mischieuous deeds Order me not according to my sinnes nor punish me as my wickednesse deserueth Shew not foorth thy power against a poore wretch persecute hir not so sore which is without all strength Turne not thy face awaie from my praiers but according to thy promise take me againe vnto thy fauour For I am thine O righteous Father whom thine onlie deere Sonne hath redeemed with his pretious bloud And now my soule abhorreth mine old conuersation and of thee which art iudge of all men I aske mercie I doo submit my selfe vnto thy mightie hand for after thine anger thou shewest mercie and in the time of tribulation thou dooest forgiue sinnes I acknowledge that I am a sinner beseeching thee Lord God almightie of thy goodnesse to doo with mee according to thy great mercie I am confounded and ashamed to lift vp mine eies vnto thee for my sinnes are ascended vp vnto thy sight Against thee O Father against thee haue I sinned and done euill before thee thou seest that mine iniquitie is great Trulie I haue beene an offender against thee euen from my cradle and since I sucked my mothers brests I haue not ceased to doo euill Behold I was begotten in iniquitie and my mother brought me into this world defiled with sinne For the corne of an euill seed is sowne in mine hart and how much wickednesse hath sproong thereof vnto this daie thou knowest O Lord. I can not shake off my sinnes and offences but I carie still with me the infamie of my youth Behold Lord I am sold vnder sinne and in my flesh I find not that which is good For the good that I would that doo I not but the euill that I hate that I doo All the thoughts and imaginations of mine hart haue beene set to doo euill euer since I was yoong O why doo I die in my sinnes Lord God seeing thy will is not that a sinner die but returne from his sin and liue For thou art good and mercifull and according to thy great mercie sauest them that be vnwoorthie For albeit no man is able to beare the punishment which thou doost threaten against sinners yet the mercie which thou hast promised is great and vnsearchable Thou hast shewed mercie a thousand times heretofore to make the same glorious as it is euen yet still The old fathers in their necessities cried vnto thee and thou diddest deliuer them they put their trust in thee and they were not confounded When they were at their wits end and wist not what to doo this was their onelie refuge to lift vp their eies to thee Thou didst saue them for thy name sake to shew in them thy might and strength Manie a time they prouoked thee through their iniquities and
hath offended thee make me free from the guilt of my transgression for I acknowledge mine iniquitie and am sorie for my sinnes I haue forsaken thy waie and I knowing thy commandements haue done all things contrarie to them I haue broken the couenant that I made with thee and haue despised to keepe thy lawe Uerelie I haue sinned against thee O Lord GOD and the blemish of my sinne abideth still with me euen vnto this daie I haue forsaken thee O God my maker and gone awaie from thee my Sauiour haue rebelled against thee like an oxe that winceth and striueth when hee should be yoked I haue hardened my hart against thee and I haue lifted vp my necke proudlie after my sinne I haue trusted in lies and through deceit would not knowledge thee but I haue followed the lewdnesse of mine hart My pride and arrogancie haue beguiled me and the foolish boldnesse of mine hart hath brought me into desolate waies Mine owne counsels and aduises haue brought me these things such is the malice and rebellion that possesseth the harts of men My soule is put from quietnesse and rest and I can not thinke of anie good thing The yoke of my sinnes is waxed verie heauie it is lifted vp and fastened about my necke Thou hast spoken to me but I would not heare thou hast called me but I would not answere I beleeued not thy words nor would abide thy counsell I regarded not thine holie word and I gaue not my mind to thy saiengs Thou hast striken me but I would not knowe the cause thereof thou hast corrected me but I would not take thy discipline I did not consider in mine hart that thou wouldest not forget my sinne and malice With my mouth and my lips I glorified thee but mine hart was farre from thee I hid my sinne as Adam did to the intent to haue mine iniquitie vnknowne I asked not counsell of thy mouth and I would not followe thy lawe I haue sinned before thine eies and therefore my soule is made vnstable I forsooke thee which art the fountaine of continuall springing waters to the intent to dig to my selfe muddie pits which haue no water In all these things I am not returned to thee nor I haue not praied vnto thee that I might leaue my wicked waies See Lord and behold how vile I am made all the beautie of my soule is perished and gone in so much that now I dare not in anie wise behold and looke vpon thee And there was no cause why I should forsake thee and vainlie followe vaine things Lord haue mercie vpon me and heare my praiers for thou art my God and there is no Sauiour besides thee Turne awaie from me thy heauie displeasure and destroie me not for the sinnes of my youth I humblie beseech thee O Lord forgiue me forgiue me for thine exceeding mercie O Lord God of hosts if thou be determined to saue who can let orresist If thou stretch out thine hand who shall turne thee awaie Thou maist doo to me as the potter doth to his pot for behold I am in thine hand as the claie is in his Amend me O Lord but in mercie not in thine anger least thou vtterlie consume me make me to vnderstand and knowe how hurtfull and deadlie a thing it is to forsake thee my Lord GOD and to cast awaie from me the feare of thee There is no man that can heale mee nor cure my plague no man can deliuer mee but thou O Lord which woundest and makest whole which strikest and healest againe My destruction commeth of my selfe my helpe and saluation standeth onelie in thee For none is like vnto thee thou art mightie and great is the name of thy strength Turne me to thee O Lord and I shall be turned take awaie from mee this sinfull hart that thy lawe may bring foorth fruit in me Remember me Lord for thy goodnesse sake and for the great loue thou bearest towards me O Lord God behold thou hast made both heauen and earth by thy great might and nothing is hard to thee Thou art that puissant and mightie whose name is the Lord of hosts great maruellous in thy counsell As soone as thou hast spoken the word all things be done as soone as thou hast commanded things be and thy word returneth not to thee void and without effect Thou O Lord GOD she west mercie vnto all for thou canst doo all and thou makest as though thou sawest not the sinnes of men bicause they should doo penance and amend their liues For thou louest althings that be and hatest nothing that thou hast made for nothing thou madest or hast ordeined of anie hatred Thou sparest and tenderest all men for all things be thine and thou louest the soules of men Thou doost minister mercie equitie and iustice in the earth and therefore in these vertues thou greatlie delightest Trulie O Lord thou art righteous and gratious notwithstanding I haue offended thee transgressing thy couenant and trespassing against thee O Lord thou hast seene all mine abhominations looke on my cause and consider how vile and wretched I am see and behold my great confusion In the time of reconciliation heare me and in the daie of saluation haue mercie on me Be mercifull vnto me and haue mercie on me which haue none other helpe but thee whose will nothing can resist whensoeuer thou doost purpose to saue Heare me which am a wretch making supplication vnto thee make me to trust in thy name and deliuer me by thy power Haue regard to me from heauen O Lord and looke downe from thine holie habitation from the throne of thy glorie Destroie me not bicause of mine iniquitie but remember the sorowe and paine that I suffer Be not still angrie with me O Lord forget all my sinnes and remember them no longer Let my praier ascend vp vnto thee saie vnto my soule Behold I am come to thee thy helth and thy saluation Amen Another Psalme for the remission of sinnes O GOD eternall iust and holie which keepest couenant and mercie with them that loue thee and keepe thy commandements Looke at me and haue mercie vpon me for I haue trespassed against thee done euil in thy sight Shew foorth vpon me the tender affections of thy mercie that thy seruant may haue an hart to praie vnto thee I humblie make my praier before thy face not trusting in mine owne righteousnesse but in thy great mercies For I am vncleane and filthie and all my righteousnesse is like a foule bloudie clowt Unto thee O Lord be iustice mercie and pitie but vnto me be confusion and shame for mine iniquities Certainlie euen from my beginning I haue vsed my selfe proudlie against thee dooing wickedlie and not ceasing O Lord thou hast redeemed me and yet I haue not ceased to offend thee and mine hart hath not beene straight in thy sight Thou hast taught and instructed me and stablished my power and I haue beene euill affected
secrets of the hart Laie not against me O Lord the sins of my youth nor haue in remembrance mine old iniuries done against thee Dailie sorowe ouercommeth me and sadnesse possesseth mine hart I looke after peace but I can not haue it I looke for a time of health but my greefe continueth still When the time of thine anger is past let mercie come yet am I vnhappie more and more Wo and alas that euer I sinned mine hart therefore mourneth and is sad all mirth and ioie be banished from me How am I wasted How miserablie am I confounded bicause I haue forsaken and cast awaie thy lawe Death hath ascended vp by the windowes pearcing the inward parts of mine hart When I dailie one while muse secretlie with my selfe another while with lowd voice crie out and complaine the meane time my life draweth neere to the pit Who shall giue me a place to rest in from all my griefes and troubles And I will forsake all men and get me awaie from them Who shall giue me water to mine head and a fountaine of teares to mine eies that I may bewaile my sinnes both night and daie And I will looke for him which may saue me and deliuer me from the wrath to come I haue no trust neither in life nor death but I feare thy iudgement O Lord and the paines prepared for wicked sinners The feare of my sinne maketh me carefull and the burden of my conscience oppresseth me sore O GOD which tenderlie louest mankind and art a most rightfull iudge spare me now I beseech thee and shew me some fauour while time is Forgiue that which I feare put awaie that which I dread before I depart hence and shall not returne againe My sinnes doo vexe and trouble me sore they be so great that none can be greater Alas my fall alas my miserie alas the griefe of my plague and stroke certainlie my sinne is the cause of all this and so I will take and suffer it A verie deuout and effectuall praier vnto Christ for mercie and grace to be hartilie said and often vsed especiallie when ye fast or prepare your selfe to receiue the Communion O Lord Iesu Christ Sonne of the liuing GOD which being vpon the Crosse with thine hands spred abroad for the redemption of all mankind didst drinke the most bitter cup of thy passion I beseech thee that thou wouldest vouchsafe to giue me helpe this daie or night and euer Lo I a poore wretch come vnto thee which art rich a sinner vnto thee that art mercifull let mee not returne home contemned and despised with nothing I begin an hungred let me not leaue off fasting I come vnto thee as though I were famished let me not go awaie vnfed Although before I eate I sigh and sorowe yet after my sorowe giue me somewhat to eate First of all good Iesu I acknowledge before thy Maiestie mine vnrighteousnesse towards thee Behold O Lord I was conceiued in sinne and borne in the same and thou diddest wash them off from me and sanctified me but I afterward defiled my selfe with bigger and more greeuous sinnes For I was borne in sinne of necessitie bicause I could be borne none otherwise but afterward I rolled my selfe willinglie in sinnes Neuerthelesse thou O Lord being mindfull of thy pitie diddest take me out of the house of my carnall father and out of the tents of the vngodlie and hast inspired me and put me in mind to followe thee with the generation of them that seeke thy face of them that walke in the right path of puritie of them that abide and continue among the lillies of virginitie and chastitie and of them that sit downe togither with thee at supper of most scarsitie and least excesse But I an vnkind wretch forgetting so manie great benefits after that I was entered into thy seruice haue committed manie vnlawfull things I did offend woonderfull vngratiouslie dooing manie a foule sinne And where I should of right haue amended mine euil life and left my sinnes I heaped sinnes vpon sinnes And these be the euils wherewith I whom thou didst create after thine owne similitude and likenesse haue dishonoured thee O Lord and haue spotted and defiled my selfe namelie with idolatrie superstition pride vaine-glorie couetousnesse and other manie euils and foule vices wherewith mine vnluckie soule is vexed punished torne and destroied Behold O Lord mine vnrighteousnesse is gone ouer mine head and is like a sore burden ouer heauie for me to beare and except thou whose propertie is euer to haue mercie and to forgiue doo laie vnder mee the right hand of thy Maiestie I shall be constrained miserablie to sinke into the deepe and be drownd Giue heed O Lord God and behold bicause thou art holie looke how mine enimie assaulteth me saieng GOD hath forsaken him I will persecute him and catch him bicause there is no man that will deliuer him but thou Lord how long Turne againe and deliuer my soule oh saue me for thy mercies sake Haue mercie vpon thy daughter whom thou hast brought foorth with no small sorowe and paine and bee not so intentiue vnto mine euilnesse that thou forget thine owne goodnesse What father is there but hee will deliuer his child Yea and what father is there that will not correct his child and chasten it But with the rod of pitie Therefore O Father and Lord although I be a sinner yet can I not choose but bee thy daughter bicause thou hast made me yea and made me againe when I was mard with sinne Repaire and amend me now euermore O Lord but first of all I being mended and chastised as thy child with thy gentle scourge deliuer me to thy Sonne Can a mother forget the child she bare of hir womb And surelie although she sometime be forgetfull yet thou O Father hast promised not to forget vs. Behold I crie and thou dooest not heare me I am vexed with sorowe and thou comfortest me not What shall I saie Or what shall I doo most wretched caitife that I am I being desolate of so great comfort am cast out trō the sight of thine eies Wo be vnto me From how great goodnesse into how great a mischiefe am I fallen Whither purposed I to go And whither am I come Where am I And where am I not Whom did I labour to attaine vnto And what euils haue I obteined I sought for good things and behold I haue found trouble anguish care Behold now I am in a most miserable case euen in the state of death and damnation For Iesus is not with me my Iesus is departed from me and surelie it were better for me to haue nothing at all yea no being at all than to bee without Iesu It is better not to liue than to liue without life And thou O Lord Iesu where be thine old mercies Wilt thou absent thy selfe for euer Wilt thou bee angrie towards me a wretch for euermore O be pacified I beseech thee and haue mercie vpon