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A06986 A catholike and ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy gospell after S. Marke and Luke. Gathered out of all the singular and approued deuines, vvhich the Lorde hath geuen to hys church by Augustine Marlorat. And translated out of Latine into English by Thomas Timme minister. Sene and alowed according to the order appointed; Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica. English. Selections. Marlorat, Augustin, 1506-1562.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1583 (1583) STC 17405; ESTC S101063 491,796 424

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his hand lifted him vp being prostrate and layed on the Grounde Religion was a thousand wayes contaminated In publique Doctryne there was nothinge sincere the gouernment of the Church was quite out of order nothing appeared but mere barbarisme the pollitique gouernment was ouerthrowne the body of the people was rent torne by the Romaines by Herod as by brute Beasts Wherefore the more gloriouse was their deliuerance which they had no hope to enioy And that which the Lorde did then hee do●h also dayly For those are his whom he helpeth and deliuereth For that must be fulfilled in vs which happened vnto the people of the Iewes If we fall there is no cause why wee shoulde dispayre let vs looke when the Lord shal stretch forth his hande to helpe vs. This is a notable consolation And by this name Israell hee comprehendeth the vniuersall Church of all the faithfull Israell is here called the Seruaunte of the Lorde as in many other places also because hee was admitted and receiued into the Housholde of GOD. B. But they are the true Israelites which imbrace Christe the Sauiour For all which are of Israell are not Israelites before GOD but onely they which are partakers of the promise Rom. 9.7 Galat. 3.7 euen as Paule proueth in many words That hee might be mindefull of his mercy C. Mary sheweth the cause why a People proane to Destruction was receiued of God yea why GOD would lift them vp nowe that they are fallen namely that in sauing of them he might declare his mercy Notwithstandinge Shee sayth expresly the God remembred his mercy the which hee might seeme after a sort to haue forgotten in sufferinge his People so miserably to bee vexed afflicted For it is a vsuall thing to attribute Affections vnto God accordinge as men gather that hee is eyther angery or pleased with them Therefore God neuer forgetteth his mercye nor chaungeth his Affections But this is not alwayes knowne vnto vs but is oftentimes hid from vs. Therefore Mary sayth that it was Reuealed to Israell that God had remembred his mercy Thus it happeneth vnto vs oftentimes For we are often times so destitute and without all helpe that we cannot tell what to thinke els but the God hath forgotten vs his mercies When we feele that we are destitute of all helpe then let vs remember this that GOD hath holpen his seruaunte Israell And note here that hee calleth the promises of Saluation the mercies of God least any man should thinke that God is moued by any other thing then by his onely mercy to promise and to performe his promises then by the reuealed saluation in Christe 55. Euen as hee spake to our Fathers namely to Abraham and to hys Seede for euer Euen as hee spake to our Fathers C. Bycause mens myndes do not conceiue the Mercies of God no farther then he offereth and testefieth the same by his word here Mary reduceth her selfe and others to the Promises teachinge that God hath bene faithfull and constant in his promises In this sence God is oftentimes called Gentle and true bycause wee shall neuer be perswaded and assured of his good will towarde vs excepte wee remember his worde by which hee hath bounde him selfe vnto vs which worde also doth couple tye with an inseperable knot our saluation with the goodnesse of God Moreouer Mary sheweth by the same wordes that the Couenaunte which God had made longe before with the Fathers was free and without deserte bycause there Shee deriueth the promised saluation from the mere mercy of God as from a well And hereby wee gather that shee was wel exercised in the doctrine of the scripture Mary exercised in the scriptures Euery one at that time looked for the Messyas but fewe grounded their Faith vppon such sincere knowledge of the Scripture Namely to Abraham C. After shee had spoken generally of the promises of God she cōmeth to the particuler as if she should say Hee spake not onely to the Fathers but to all their Posterity If you reade it appositiuely it seemeth an absurde alteration of the case For it ought rather to haue bene sayd To Abraham and his seede But it is not a simple apposition Bycause Marye doth not only shewe who those fathers were to whom God spake but doth also extend the force and the effect of the Promises to all the Posterity which were the naturall seede of Abraham Whereupon also it followeth that she speaketh of the solemne couenant which was specially made with Abraham his Posterity For other Promises which were geuen to Adam to Noe and to others did belonge to all Nations generally And to his seede That is to say to the posterity of Abraham Faith maketh the Gentiles the seede of Abrahā Galat. 3.7 looking for Christe by Fayth as did Abraham C. For as their owne incredulity cut of many of the sonnes of Abraham and were deuided from the house and Linage of Abraham bycause they were Bastards euen so we which were Forrayners being ingraffed by faith are sayd to bee the true seede of Abraham B. For they which are of Faith saith the Apostell Paule are the Sonnes and seede of Abraham C. Therefore let vs knowe that God spake so in olde time to the Fathers that the grace offred vnto them pertayneth also vnto the Posterity Secondly that the Adoption of all the Gentiles was made by Faith that they might be the spirituall Sonnes of Abraham which were not so by Nature For Marye speaketh not here of Christ the Seede of Abrahā as many to curiously write but of Abraham and of the Posteritye of Abraham to whom Iesus the Sauiour was promised For euer As if shee should say that the seede of Abrahā should endure to the ende of the world 56. And Mary abode with her about three Monethes and returned agayne to her owne house C. Mary aboade with her Cosine almost three Monethes namely vntil the day of her Childbyrth For it is probable that there was no other cause of so longe tariance but onely this that she might beholde the grace of God which was tolde her of the Angell for the cōfirmation of Faith B. As therefore their friendship onely is true whom the grace of God linketh together in friendship euen so they cānot by and by depart one from another which come together in the Lord except the same glory of God which broughte them together doe also put them a sunder the which glory they can better seeke beinge seperated in Body then when they are ioyned together notwtstanding in myndes they are neuer distracted And returned againe to her owne house A. There is no doubte but that Mary greatly reioysed in hearte in all this Iourney 57. Elizabethes time came that she shoulde bee Deliuered and Shee brought forth a sonne C. The sūme of this story is that the birth of Iohn the Baptist was made notable wonderful by diuers miracles which foreshewed that there should be
him because so soone as they see him they salute him yea and his presence doth cease the rage of the Scribes because whē they wer asked whereof they disputed they held theyr peace For it followeth 16 And he asked the Scribes what dispute ye among your selues B. The Lord suffered his Disciples here to be not a little confounded because they could not cast out the deuil Notwithstanding he came to them in time least they seming to be ouercome by the Scribes should not only bryng shame and reproch to themselues but also to the Gospell which they preached But theyr owne vnbeliefe was the cause of al the Ignominy whych they suffered Let vs therefore at all times boldly trust in the Lord and he will neuer suffer vs to be confounded For by vnbeliefe the glory of the Father is hyndered As concerning that which followeth vntill ye come to the 20. Verse Reade in the seuentene Chapter of S. Mathew 20 And they broughte him vnto him and when he saw him straight way the Spyrite tare him and hee fell downe vppon the Grounde wallowing C. Heereby we see that the presence of God oftentimes when the time of manifesting his grace is come dothe make the Deuill to rage For althoughe hee seeth that he is not equal with God yet notwithstanding hee seeketh to resiste him asmuch as he can Euery man by experience knoweth what great difficultye there is in ouercomming temptations when he feleth the God the which temptations truly the wicked do not feele Notwithstanding sometimes he doth so raigne that hys kyngdome doth not appeare Let euery man way and consider with himself how long time he hath bene vnder Sathan when he liued in Superstitions The nearer that Chryst commeth the madder is the Deuil a manifest profe wherof we haue in this history Who would not haue sayd seeing the deuill so to rage What profite hast thou in brynging thys thy son This man is commonly a prouocation to the Deuill to make him more mad but we may not iudge by the beginning we must alwayes waighte for the ende For at the firste the Chylde was torne and rente Iohn 2 but after that he was deliuered When Chryst cōmaūded to fill the vessels with water who woulde not haue sayd that it had ben a ieste as though the Water had bene the better in them but the purpose of the Lord was not yet knowne To the ende therefore the Deuill might hynder the fayth of the Father and moue the people to the hatred of Christ he raged the more behemently and tare the Chylde After the same maner Sathā pricked Pharao forth to oppresse the People of Israell more and more before theyr departure out of Aegypte and also to brynge them to desperation to make them enuy Moses and Aaron the seruants of God 21 And he asketh his father hovve longe is it ago since this came vnto him And he said of a Chylde A. Chryst demaundeth this question as though he were ignoraunt who knoweth notwithstanding all thynges before they come to passe And he sayde of a Chylde C. If hee had this Disease from his infancye it is certayne that it was not a punishment layed vppon him for any sinne that he had committed but rather the secrete Iudgemente of God It is most certaine truly that euen the very infants so soone as they come forth of the mothers womb are guilty before God but the punishmēts of God haue oftentimes secrete causes and that to proue our obedience we cannot more iustely honour God then if we reuerently modestly adore hys iustice when it is hydden from vs we know what Chryst sayde in an other place Neyther the blynd man neither his Parentes haue sinned that he should be born blynd Iohn 9. He denieth blindnes to be a punishment for sin and yet notwithstanding it is certayn that he was not innocent 22 And oftentimes he casteth hym into the fyre and into the water to destroy him but if thou canst do any thynge haue Mercy on vs helpe vs. A. Hereby we may gather that thys Chylde was preserued by the grace of God from a thousand Deathes And further that Sathan can not do what him lysteth For seeing hee is a murtherer from the beginning hee seketh by and by to kill those vppon whome he hath any power But truly the Lorde of Hoste doth restrayne this his cruel tyranny The which wee may euidently so in Iob and in diuers others But if thou canst do any thing C. We do see heere how litle honour he doth attribute vnto Chryste for he thinking him to be some Prophete whose power might be lymitted hee commeth vnto him doubtfully But truly the first Foundation of Fayth is to imbrace the immesurable power of God 23 Iesus sayd vnto him th●● thing if thou canste belieue all thyngs are possible to him that belieueth C. Because the Father of the chyld thought nothing of Chryst more then of a man his false Opinion is corrected For it was necessary that his Faithe should be framed so that it might bee capeable of the grace which hee desiered For this exception of Chryst If thou canst belieue is as much as if he had sayd Thou prayest me to helpe if I can but truly thou shalt finde in me a bottomles well of Vertue if so bee thou bringe with thee a Buckette of Faith bigge inough to draw the same To the ende therefore thou shouldest not doubte but that I can I requyre of thee thy Fayth If thou haste not the which thou demaundest the faulte is in thee not in mee And heere a verye profitable Doctrine may be gathered which shall Generally pertayne to vs all Namely that the cause why we haue not the Fruition of Gods Benefites oftentimes is the weakenesse of our Fayth Oftentimes we complain of God because hee is not present with vs and because wee feele not hys power but such complayntes are Wycked seeing we our selues are the cause All things are possible to him that belieueth There is no doubte but that Chryste taught that the fulnes of goodnes was geuen to him of the Father and that we should hope no lesse to receyue all maner of helpe at hys Hand then at the hands of hys Father as if he had said Onelie Belyeue and thou shalt obtayne So in the Gospell after Mathew he sayth Yf yee haue Faith like a Grayne of Mustard Seede yee shall say to this Mountaine remooue from hence thyther and it shall remoue neither shall any thinge be impossible to you All thynges are sayd to be possyble wyth GOD because hee can gieue and bryng to passe all thynges And all things are sayd to bee possible vnto men when they are capeable of some thinge as waxe can receiue the Seale beyng Impressed in it that which is impossible for the stone and Water do All thinges therefore are possible to him that belieueth that is ther is nothing which the belieuing man can not obtayne at the
peace of Conscience nor agrement with men amonge them bycause they wante the goodwil of God For God hath made so many accepted in his beloued Sonne Iesus Christe onely as hee hath chosen to the same purpose 15. And it came to passe as soone as the Angells were gone away from them into heauen the Sheepherds said one to another Let vs go now euen vnto Bethlehem and see this thing that is come to passe which the Lord hath shewed vnto vs. And it came to passe as soone R. So the Angell is sayde to goe oute of Gedeons sight Iudg 6.21 This going away was not a flyinge into the vpper Region of the Ayre like Byrdes flyinge but it is a vanishing out of our sight And whē the Aungells goe from vs to Heauen they haue no neede to trauaile far For whersoeuer GOD dwelleth there is heauen God dwelleth euery where Ier. 26.24 I fulfill sayth hee Heauen Earth Also ●ay 66.1 Heauen is my seate the earth is my footestoole Seeinge therefore Angells doe appeare visibly ●ppariti●ns of An●ells they are sayd to bee in Earth and when they vanishe out of our sighte agayne they are sayd to goe into Heauen Wherevpon it followeth that though they be in Heauen yet notwithstandinge they are with vs in earth and do attend vppon vs. Math. 18.10 Their Angels sayth Christe doe allwayes beholde the Face of my Father which is in Heauen The Sheepherds sayd one to another C. Here the obedience of the sheepherdes is described vnto vs for seeing the Lord had appoynted them to bee Witnesses vnto the whole Worlde hee spake effectually vnto them by Angells leaste that which was spokē vnto thē should be forgotten They were not expresly commaūded to come into Bethlehem but bycause they perceiue that such was the purpose of God they make speede to see Christe Euen as at this day seeinge wee knowe that Christe is reuealed vnto vs to this ende that our hearts may come vnto him by Fayth wee haue no excuse for our negligence and slouth Neyther doth the Euangelist teache in vayne that the Sheepheards tooke counsaile to go to Bethlehem so soone as the Angels were departed But to this ende that wee might not suffer the Worde of GOD as many doe to goe in at one Eare and out of the other but to take deepe roote in our hearts that it may bring forth his fruite when our eares heare the same no more Furthermore wee must note that the Sheepheards take mutuall counsayle one of the other BV. Therefore the Sheepheards doe belieue the Angells Wordes and accounte their Woorde for the Woorde of God Wherefore beinge not Idell Hearers they stirre vp and exhorte one another to followe Gods callinge and to seeke the Sauiour of the Worlde B. Thus we may see that faith so draweth vs vnto God and bringeth to passe that we bend our Selues thither with all our strength where wee know Christe to be that is to say where wee know that those works are which are approued and accepted of God And see this thinge that is to come passe Or And see how this thing which the Lord hath tolde vs is fulfilled For they do rightly ascribe that vnto the lord which they had heard onely of the Angell For to him whom they acknowledge to be the seruant of the Lord they geue so much authority as if hee were the Lord him selfe For this cause the Lord calleth vs vnto him least the maiesty of his worde might be vile in the sight or be holding of men Wherefore let vs also at this Day acknowledg that whatsoeuer we haue heard hetherto concerning the byrth of the Messias is the worde and worke of the Lord God C. Moreouer here we see what a shame the Sheepheardes thinke it for them to neglect the seeking of that treasure which the Lord had shewed vnto them For they thinke it necessary for them vpon the knowledg which they had receiued to goe into Bethlehem to see Euen so it is meete that euery one of vs accordinge to the measure of faith which wee haue receiued be ready to follow whethersoeuer it shall please God to call 16. And they came with hast foūd Mary Ioseph and the Babe layed in a Maunger And they came wyth haste R. Wonderfully is the Fayth of the sheepheardes who doe so firmely belieue the woorde of God the leauing their flocke in the fielde they seeke after Christe with speede Let no man thinke that they tooke this Iourney with small peril of all that they had For they fed kept the Flocke which belonged to other men Wherefore they put in pearill both their goods Bodies But God which bringeth into perills saueth also those that are in perill and geueth vnto them greater Benefits For while they obay Gods calling with perill of the losse of their flocke they do not only keepe their flocke in saufety but do also finde the Messias C. Therefore in this Luke cōmendeth obedience that he sayth they made haste euen as also the readines of faith is required of vs. And they founde Mary and Ioseph Bu. No man is deceiued with the word of God no man belieuing with a true faith in the true God is confounded as we here see for the Sheepheardes founde all thinges in euery respect after the same maner as the Aungell had foretolde them These thinges cōmend and approue vnto vs the truth certainty of the prophesies of God He is true which promiseth and fulfilleth all thinges at the full which hee doth promise And the Childe layed in a Maūger A. In this thinge also the sheepherds declare the greatnesse of their Fayth C. For this was such a deformed and odiouse sighte that by the same alone they mighte haue bene drawen away from Christe For what is more vnsauory than to beleeue him to bee the King of the People which was more base in outwarde shew than any of the common sort of People To looke for the building vp of the Kingdome and for saluation to come from him who by reason of his Pouerty neede was constrayned to lye in a Stable Notwithstanding Luke writeth that none of all these thinges stayed the Sheepeheardes but that they praysed GOD with admiration namely bycause the Maiesty of GOD was before their Eyes and the reuerence of the woorde fixed fast in their myndes they easely ouerpasse by the height of their faith what soeuer they sawe to bee base and contemptible in the person of Christe And verely there is no other cause why the least Offences doe hinder our Fayth or tourne vs out of the righte way than bycause wee hauing lesse regarde vnto GOD than wee oughte are easely caried euery way For if so be we had this cogitatiō only throughly fixed in our mindes that we haue a sure and faithfull Witnesse from heauen it should be a sure stay against all temptacions and shoulde sufficiently fortefie vs against all kinde of temptacions These
the God hath geuen vnto vs a Kingdome and that for no other cause but because it it was his pleasure wee see most manifestly that the same is not gotten by the merite of Workes Therefore so often as the Lord doth put vs in hope of Eternall Life let vs remember that there is no cause why we should feare the lacke of Daily foode 33. Sell that ye haue and geue almes prepare you Bags which wexe not olde euen a Treasure that faileth not in Heauen wher no thefe commeth neither Mothe corrupteth Sell that yee haue The like charge the Lord geueth in the 19. Chapter of Mathew Verse 16. and in the tenth of Marke Verse 17. Where we shall haue the Expostion hereof By these woord● the Lord geueth vs to vnderstand that he would haue in all Chrystians a selling mynd that is to say a mynd so affected that it trusteth not in Riches but prepared to forsake them at the wil and pleasure of God Psal 62 11 1. Ti. ● 17 Then he requyreth at our hands that wee be willing and ready to helpe such as bee in neede and necessity with our goods Rō 12.8 2. Co. ● ● O●e 6.7 Luke 3.11 For this is a generall saying I vvill haue mercy and not sacrifice And agayne Let him that hath two coates chare with him that hath none Therefore that which Christ speaketh heere concerning the sellinge of possessions oughte not so precisely to be vrged as though it were not lawful for a Chrystian man to keepe sōwhat in store for himselfe Onely hys purpose is hereby to teach that we muste not onely geeue vnto the poore of our superfluity but also that we must not spare our Landes if so be we haue not money lying by vs to helpe and releue the poore As if he should haue sayde Let your Liberallity be extended euē to the deminishing of your Patrimony and to the selling away of your lands For the reste of this Verse reade our annotations vpon the 6. Chapter of Math. Verse 19. 35. Let your Loynes be girded about and your Lights burning C. Chryst doth here shew very briefly in few wordes how the Faithful must walke in this world For first of all he setteth the gyrding of the Loynes against Idlenes and burning Candels against the darkenesse of Ignoraunce Chryste therefore commaundeth hys Disciples to bee ready and prepared for theyr Iourney that they may speedely goe throughout the Land that they may seke no sure or quiet abiding any other where then in heauen An admonition very profitable For although also prophane men haue the chariot of Life in theyr mouth Yet notwtstanding we see how they lye groueling vpon the Earth But God dothe not aduaunce any to the honor of hys Sonnes but those which acknowlege themselues to be inhabitaunts on the Earth for a time and which are not onely prepared always to wander but doe also runne all theyr course to the Celestiall Life And now because al the whyle they are in Earth they are incloased in Darkenesse he appoynteth vnto them lightes as haue they which walke in Darkenes and in the night As touching the gyrding of the Loynes it is a speach taken from the common manner of those that dwell in the East partes ● Ki 18.46 4. Ki 4.19 ●ere 1.17 which vse longe Garmentes R. And in the holy Scriptures the girding of the loynes signifieth celeritye and speede to finishe any matter to bee taken in hande by those Seruauntes which vsed to weare long Garmentes which they vsed to gyrde vp whē they wente any whether By gyrded loins and burnyng Candels the Lord meaneth that we must be ready always to goe with him 36. And ye your selues bee like vnto men that wayte for theyr Lorde when hee will returne from the Wedding that when hee cōmeth and knocketh they may open vnto him immediately C. Christe here vseth another similitude which Mathew omitting is more briefe in this matter then Luke For he likeneth him selfe vnto the Maister of a house who being mery abroade at a mariage or beinge ells where from home makinge good cheere will notwithstanding haue his seruants to behaue themselues modesty and soberly at home and being occupied with their lawfull woorke to looke dayly for his returne Therefore although the sonne of God be now absent from vs being taken vp into the blessed Rest of Heauen yet notwithstanding bycause hee hath enioyned to euery one his duety it is very absurde that any man should sleepe Idell Furthermore bycause he promiseth that he will come againe vnto vs it becommeth vs to be ready euery moment to receiue him least hee finde vs sleeping and Idell For if so be a mortall man loke for this seruice that at what hower soeuer he returneth home his seruaunts shall be ready ready to go and meete him how much more lawfully may the Lord require the like seruice at the hands of his seruauntes that being sober and watching they may alwayes waight for his comming 37. Happy are those seruants whom the Lord when he commeth shall finde wakinge verely I say vnto you that hee shall gyrd himselfe make them sit downe to meate and will come forth and minister vnto them Happy are those seruaunts A. The Lord exhorteth to watchinge by many similitudes in Mathew in Marke but here he semeth to speake somwhat more For hee addeth Verely I say vnto you that he shal gyrd him sele C. In the which wordes to the ende he may the better encourage his Dysciples he saith that Earthly maysters are so much delighted with the readynes and diligence of theyr Seruants that they will also serue them Not that all maisters vse this but because thys commeth sometime to passe that the Mayster which is gentle and curteous doth admit his Seruauntes as Companions to his own Table Bu. Wherfore we may not so vnderstande thys saying of Chryst as though the Lorde should minister seruelely in Glory to those that are happy and blessed but because he geueth vnto them full and perfecte rest and shall make thē partakers of his owne Glory For the Lyfe and all the Ioye of the blessed commeth of Chryst and is in Christ For he came not to be ministred vnto Ma. 20.28 Luk. 22.27 but to minister and to geue his lyfe a redempcion for many 38. And if hee come in the seconde watch yea if hee come in the thyrd watche and finde them so happie are those Seruauntes R. This is the behauiour of faithfull seruaunts which loke for the cōming of theyr lord in the night from a feaste or mariage they gyrd theyr coat vnto them and carry in theyr handes burning torches they prescribe not to their Lord any time when he shall come but being watchfull and careful they wait for his comming home that so soone as he knocketh at the dore they may open vnto him and may geue him light with theyr torches Euen as if the lorde comming in the first watch findinge
followed him Very few and briefe are the Words but there seemeth nothing to be more wōderfull and harde and lesse possible for a man to doe then this worke whych Mathew did For Mathew was very rich and had greate possessions Beside thys he had such an offyce that thereby he receiued yerely gayne And yet for all this hee followed Iesus But what other thinge seemed this to bee then a playne pathway to his ignominy decay yea and to present death For he heard that Iesus was coūted amōg the Rulers of the people an Heretique a seditious person and worthy of extreame punishment But Mathew notwithstanding passed through all these narrow and daungerous straightes by faith because he beleued this Iesus to be the very true Messias 15. And it came to passe as Iesus sate at table in his house many Publicanes and sinners sate at table also vvith Iesus and his disciples For there vvere many that follovved him And it came to passe as Iesus sat at Table A. Luke addeth somewhat before this saying And Leuy made him a greate banquet in his house Many publicanes and sinners also Luke hath There was a great cōpany of Publicanes also and of other that sate at the table with them 16. And vvhen the Scrybes Phariseys savv him eate vvith the Publicanes and sinners they saide vnto his disciples Hovve is it that hee eateth and drynketh vvith Publicanes and Synners A. Luke sayth that they murmured agaynst his Disciples This truly aboue all other is worthy to bee noted that the Scribes and Pharisies that is to say those which seemed to ioyne the Relygion purenesse of lyfe wyth the knowledge of the Scriptures and for that cause were counted more excellent then the rest of the people that they I say shoulde backe byte and sclaunder the Lorde before all other should condemne al his words deedes were they neuer to so excellent purpose and good effect But this is the proper Nature of humayne righteousnes that the same being nothing but externall and deceiptfull doth not withstandinge despyse set at naught all other thinges in respect of it selfe Reade the ninth of Mathevv 17. Novve vvhen Iesus heard it hee sayd vnto them The vvhole haue no neede of the Phisition but they that are sicke I came not to call the ryghteouse but sinners to repentaunce The vvhole haue no neede of the Physition Reade the nynth Chapter of Mathevv going before I came not to call the righteouse R. By these wordes it appeareth that the Publicanes had polluted defiled their life with great sinnes notoriouse crimes which els had bene good for he calleth them sinners as the rest also whom he calleth to repentaunce 18. And the disciples of Iohn and the Pharisies did fast and came and sayd vnto him vvhy doe the Disciples of Iohn and of the Pharisies fast and thy Disciples fast not Reade the nynthe Chapter of Mathevv going before 19. And Iesus sayde vnto them Can the Chyldren of the mariage Chamber fast vvhyles the Brydegrome is vvith them as long as they haue the Brydgrome vvyth them they cannot fast And Iesus sayd vnto them B. Th Euāgelist Luke hath Can yee make the Childeren of the wedding Chāber to fast as longe as the bridgrome is with them S. Mathew hath Can yee make the Children moorne but in the same sence For fasting is as it were a certayne mourning according to this place of the Prophet Esay 58. Wherefore haue wee fasted thou seest it not we haue punished our selues and thou regardest it not Who seeth not here that these wordes we haue fasted and punished are put for one thing Hereby we may gather what was the cause why our Elders fasted for their fast was not to take meate only once a day and to eate fishe but once to put away all delightes and pleasures and to vse a certayne kynde of mourninge and a iust castigation or chastisment of the body Whereupon that the hypocriticall Phariseys might seeme so to fast they disfigured their faces and fared outwardely as though they did mourne punish them selues as appeareth by the which is writen in the sixt of Mathew Math. 6. Contrary vnto the which counterfayting was washyng and anoyntinge as we haue noted by many places of scripture in the foresayde Chapter of Mathevv Wherefore the fasting which the Lord commaunded to the Chyldren of Israell in the day of reconcilliation is called not a fasting but an affliction humbling of the mynde For thus it is written Leu. ● 23 The tenth of this same moneth shal be a day of reconsilliation shal be an holy cōuocation vnto you and yee shal humble your soules And a litle after it followeth For euery person that humbleth not him selfe that same day shall euen bee cut of from his people For fasting as it signifieth only an abstayning from meate is a parte of that fast whych was commaunded to the people of Israell to obserue for the humbling and depressing of the mynde Iudg 2● The children of Israel being twise put to flight of the Beniamites are sayd to mourne and fast before the Lord vntil the euening and to offer sacrifice 1. King 7 Such was the fasting of the people in Maspha by which they cōfessed and bewayled their sinnes 1. King 31 After the same maner did the citizens of Iabes fast when they buried Saule and his sonnes 1. King 1 In like sorte Dauid and the men that were with him fastinge mourning vntill the euening bewayled the death of Saule and Ionathas and the people also which perished with them 3. King 21 Such a fast did Achab obserue when he shewed himself penitent for the death of Naboth The lyke consideration of fasting was that whereof Daniell Ioell and Zacharias the Prophets make mencion Hereby wee may perceyue what is ment by the worde mourning which Mathevv vseth 20. But the dayes vvyll come vvhen the Brydegrome shal be taken from them and then shal they fast in those dayes As cōcerning the exposition of this verse reade the 9. Chapter of Math. 21. Also no man sovveth a piece of new cloth in an olde garment for els the nevve piece taketh avvay the filling vp from the olde and the breach is vvorse Luke addeth more than this saying And he put forth a similitude vnto thē Reade our exposition vpon Math. for this verse and the 22. also 23. And it came to passe as he vvent through the Corne on the Sabboth day that his disciples as they vvent on their vvaye began to plucke the eares of corne Began to plucke the eares of Corne S. Luke addeth and to rub them betwene their handes and to eate them 24. And the Phariseis sayd vnto him Beholde vvhy doe they on the Sabboth day that vvhich is not lawfull S. Luke writeth that certayne of the Phariseis rebuked the disciples wyth these wordes Why doe yee that which is not lawfull to bee done on the Sabboth
prouyde meate and other necessaryes to leade Sheepe and Oxen to the water to drawe an Oxe or Asse out of a pit and such lyke Some workes pertayned to sanctification as to circumsise Chyldren to kill sacrifices such lyke And of both these kynde of workes Christe maketh mencion whē he declareth the Saboth in this place saying that it is lawfull to do good on the Saboth day as to heale the sicke and to saue a mans Lyfe that is in health For this worke doth not let but that a man may heare the preaching of Gods worde and may be present at the sacrifices for these were the cōmon works of the Saboth commaunded in that time of the lawe By these thinges truly it is manifest when the Lawe sayeth Thou shalt doe no maner of vvorke on the Saboth that it speaketh not simplely of all maner of workes but only of those which are an impediment and let that the Saboth cannot be sanctified that is to say that those works cānot be done which specially pertayne to the worship of God as to heare the word of God to do sacrifice to the cōfirming testifying of fayth By these things also we may perceyue what we ought to thinke of the Sonday which the Christians obserue and keepe in the steede of the Saboth For seeing it is meete that we come together to heare the worde of God at certayne dayes appoynted and to be partakers of the mysticall breaking of the Breade and also to Ioine in prayer furthermore seeing seruaunts other labourers must rest and cease from worke it ought not to seeme newe vnto vs if the day which wee call Sonday be a day selecte and chosen for that purpose But there are same which speake against this day of rest affyrminge that Christians continewe in Iudaisme because they retayne some obseruation of dayes These men that thus ●eake are murmurers agaynste all order in the Church For we obserue these dayes and yet are voyde of all Iudaisme because in this poynt we differ far from the Ievves For we doe not vse it as a Ceremony necessarye to Religion by which we might thinke the spirituall mistery to be figured but wee receyue it as a necessary remedy to retaine and keepe order in the Church Neyther did our Elders without great consideration poynte that day which wee call Sonday in steede of the Ievves Sabaoth For seeing it is the ende and accomplishment in the resurrection of the Lorde of that true rest which the olde Sabaoth did shadowe all Christians are admonished not to cleaue vnto the shadowed Ceremony B. But whereas the Lorde doth requyre so seuerely certaine solemnities of the Ievves as we may reade in dyuers places of the Law and the Prophets when as godlynesse notwythstanding did litle cōsist in the obseruation of them there are truely two causes The first was because in them the people myght learne the lawe of the Lord and increase fayth to the which things we ought to be caryed wyth all diligence Wherefore these solempnities could not be neglected without as well the great contempt of the goodnes of God as the neglect●ng of piety and godlynesse The 2. cause being more special why so great a religion was made of daies is this be cause it might be a figure of the rest of a minde not lyuing to it self but vnto God For it is certayne that so farre as the Saboth was appointed to be kept holy a tyme to cease from externall labor was a figure of the li●e in the which we do nothing so much after our owne will as we doe after the will of the Lord the which we ought to seeke onely for euer For we must meditate in this worlde of that thynge which we hope to obtayne in the world to come And we hope to enter into the rest of the Lord that as hee after hee made the Heauen the earth and all other creatures rested from all his labour euen so we should cease from all our laboures when wee should inioy the euerlasting rest To do good or to do euell A. What hee meaneth by doing good he playnely sheweth when he restoreth health to the sicke man Therefore of the contrary it is to do euell not to be carefull for a sicke person and to helpe him if thou maiste The which what is it els then to destroy and kill a man E. The wordes of Christ therefore are as much in effecte as if he should haue sayd Yee see this miserable creature to whom there is no good man but he wisheth health whom who so euer would haue neglected he sheweth him selfe not only farre from humanity but also from Religion To what ende therefore doe yee thinke that the Saboth was ordayned Eyther to doe euell as to neglect those whom yee may help Or els to doe good Furthermore wee must note by this question of the Lorde that not to doe good when thou mayest is to doe euill not to saue when thou mayest is to destroy But they held theyr peace Neyther the misery of this sicke person which they euidently sawe neither the equitye of the cause so manyfest coulde chaunge on whit the cruelty of the Phariseys whē they had nothing to aūswere they rather held their peace than to confesse that which they thought in Conscience to be true They durst not say that it was rather lawfull to doe euell then to doe good on the Sabboth day althoughe they would haue sayd so neither would they say that it was lawful to do good They held their peace therefore which challenged to them selues only authority to make aunswere of matters concerninge the lawe what ought to bee done and what ought not to be done 5. And when he had looked round about on them wyth anger mourning for the hardnesse of their hearts hee sayth to the man Stretche forth thy hand And he stretched out and hys hande was restored as whole as the other B. Who would not haue bene angry at such contemners and open despysers of the manifest power and goodnesse of God Christe truely is angery but his anger is mixt with mourning for our blyndnesse by the which agayne hee declareth his loueing kyndnesse towards vs namely that althoughe we by our obstinacy and blyndnesse doe prouoke him to anger yet notwithstādinge hee accordinge to his goodnesse doth no lesse mourne for vs and oure blindnesse than a father lamenteth the vntowardnesse of his children Strech forth thy hand Reade the 12. Chapter of Mathew going before 6. And the Phariseys departed and strayghte vvaye gathered a Councell with the Herodians against him that they might destroy him BV. The darkenesse of this world cānot abyde the cleare lyght of the Gospell but doe flee from the same yea so much as they can they seeke to destroy it This thing we may see in the Phariseys who in all haste roome out of the Synagoge and ioyne them selues to the Herodians whom except it were to conioine in this
Ephatha is the imparatyue or commaunding moode in the Chalde tongue which signifieth be thou opened that is to say haue thou or receiue thou open or hearyng eares a leuse Tongue C. The Euangelist Marke doth not without cause put down the Chalde word but that it might bee a witnes of the Deuine power of christ BV. And further that we myghte know that the Lord vsed no wordes of Inchauntement inhealing Dyseases For hereby euery man may nowe gather that the vertue of healynge was not in the wordes but in the power of Chryst which had his proper effect in all things that he commaunded 35 And straight way his eares were opened and the string of his Tongue was loused and he spake playne A. The cyrcumstance of the time doth not a little set forth the power of oure sauiour Chryst 36 And he commaunded thē that they shoulde tell no man but howemuch soeuer he forbad them the more a greate deale they published it But hovv much soeuer he forbad them the more C. Certayne interpreters wrest thys commaundement diuersly and to the contrary parte as thoughe Chryste of purpose had pricked them forward tocelebrate the fame of his miracle not withstanding the simple and true meaning therof is that he would not haue had it published vntill a more fit and conuenient time Wherefore there is no doubte but that theyr zeale wanted the more dyscretiō for that they make somuch hast to speake being commaunded to Sylence Notwithstanding it is no meruayle that men vnacquainted with the Doctryne of Chryst were rashly moued to doe that which they shoulde not Howbeit Chryst maketh that to turne to his glory which they rashly attempted Because the miracle was known and all that region despysing the Author of heauenly giftes was made void of excuse 37 And were beyonde measure astonyed saying he hath dō al things well Hee maketh both the deafe to heare and the dumbe to speake C. The Euangeliste Mathew after he hath gathered many Myracles hee addeth at the length this little sentence namely that the people merueiled and praysed the God of Israel because God shewinge his power by vnwonted meanes renewed the memorye of his couenaunte But our Euangelist hath He hath done all thinges vvell In the which wordes there semeth to be an Antithesis or comparison For because the rumor of Chryst was diuers the people seeme to say that they are euill disposed which speake euil of his deedes when they rather deserue prayse then reproche And we knowe by the sence of nature that there is nothing more vnmeete then to enuy and calumniate benefits that are bestowed of good will He maketh both the deafe to heare C. The Lord is not slowe neyther doth he differre hys benefites Chryste taketh not a longe time as commonlye Phisitions doe to heale diseases but doth it quickely and out of hand Here uppon it is sayd he hath done all thinges well no man can speake euill of his doinges FINIS Chapter the Eyghte 1. IN those Dayes when there was a very greate company and had nothing to eate Iesus called his dysciples to him and sayd vnto them Bu. Our flesh alway standeth in fear that it shall want at some tyme those things which are necessary for the body Whereuppon it commeth to passe that many neglecting the woorde of God and Holy Exhortations set all theyr mynde vppon gaine and how to encrease theyr substance But the Lord Iesus doth openly teach that nothing shal be wanting at any time of thynges necessary and pertayning to the Body to those that seeke after the worde of God and lyue in sincere Godlinesse And beside that the soule of the iuste man shall not hunger for euer For the reste that concerneth thys Verse and the residewe following vnto the twelfth verse Read the 15. cap. of Mathew 12 And when he had sighed deepely in his Spirite he sayth Why doth this Generation seeke a signe Verely I say vnto you there shall bee no signe geuen to this Generation And vvhen he had sighed deepely Read the 16. Chapter of Mathew beginning at the third Verse There shall no signe be geuen to this Generation The Euangeliste Mathewe hath the wicked and Adulterous Nation requyreth a Signe but there shal no Signe be geuen to them As touching the Exposition of this Verse and the Verses following vnto the 22. Verse Reade the sixetenth of Mathew 22. And he came to Bethsaida they broughte a blynde man to him and desyred him to touch him And he came to Bethsaida A. This was a City of Galile Iohn .1 of the which Peeter Andrew and Phillip the Apostles were And they brought a blynd man to hym Only this our Euangeliste Marke maketh mention of this miracle 23 And he caughte the blynde by the hand and led him out of the towne and when he had spit in his Eyes and put his hands vpon him he asked him if he saw ought And he caught the blynd by the hand A. As Chryste tooke the deafe and dumbe man aparte from the multytude wherof before mention is made so now he being aboute to heale this man leadeth him out of the towne to the ende the rude and such as were vnmeete witnesses mighte not behoulde his glory And vvhen he had spit in his Eyes C. It seemeth that Marke made mētion of this miracle omitted by the rest specially for this Circumstance namely because Chryst restored not sighte vnto the blynde in a moment or at a sodayne but by litle and litle and wyth circumstances The which is likely to he done that he might geue vs a lesson in this man of his free Dispensatiō that he is tyed to no thing but that he may shew his power by what meanes he will He doth not therefore so opē the eyes of the blinde that they should by and by be able to do their office but doth geue vnto them an obscure confused sight After that by the other laying on of hands he maketh them to se perfectly I● asked him if he savv ought At the first touching this blynde man as we sayd euē now saw not perfectly For the Lord ment that hee shoulde feele after a sort his power bestowing the same by litle and litle no doubt to to this end that by the benefite receyued he might more certainly and fully acknowledge him to be the Sauioure Howbeit he obserued not one manner of healing teaching thereby that wee should simpely commit our selues to his goodnes not appointing vnto him how and after what maner he shal help vs with his grace For hee doth not geue vs all things at the first to the end he might the more inflame our desire as no doubte the mind of this blynde man was set on fire when he saw that he was somwhat holpē And he which knew all things asketh the blinde whether he saw any thing not so much for himselfe as for the others sake and for our sakes also 24. And hee looked vp
dispence to his Brethren Neither is there any that hath not his proper office and Vocation Wee must watch therefore Faythfully to dispence the giftes of the Lord according to his will But specially it is the portars office to watch because the custody of the house is committed vnto hym Euen so truly they muste watch more then the reste to whome the care of congregations is committed By this parable therefore Chryste speaketh thus vnto vs. It fareth with you as it fareth wyth Seruaunts which are set in Authority by their Mayster to gouerne the house Among whome the portar hath receiued speciall charge to watche agaynst the Thiefe that commeth in the Night Therefore as euery one of thē do theyr office and the portar diligently playeth the Watchman euen so I requyre of you aboue all things dilygent and faythfull watching For I departe in Bodye but the time wyll come when I shall retourne agayn in Iudgemente But for that I poynte no certaine Day I shew no certayne time onely I shewe that I wil moste certainely come the time being vncertaine to you Watch therefore alwais loking for that my comming Reade the 24 Chapter of Mat for the next Verse 37. And that I say vnto you I say vnto all watche Least any man should think the same which was spoken to the disciples not to pertaine vnto them these Woordes were added Watche BV. Not without cause these wordes of the Lord watch ought alwaies to sound in our Eares For it telleth vs what we should do all our Life tyme. Our life is a warfare vpō erth Therfore we must alwaies watch FINIS Chapter the 14. AFter two Dayes was the feast of Passouer of vnleauened bread and the hye Priestes and the Scribes sought how they might take him by crafte and put him to death BV. Now the Euangelist Marke commeth to the absolute perfectiō of our saluation Namely to the description of the salutiferous and wholesom Sacrifice of our Redemption by the Death of Chryst in the which first he rehearseth the causes of his death the which in deede appertayneth to the Aduersaries of Chryst to the hie priestes I mean and to Iudas the traitor who being blynded with couetousnes and Enuy sould the Lorde for a small price And then he maketh mention of his last supper All the which Thynges are at large expounded in Math. Read the 26. cap for that which followeth vnto the 10. Verse 10. And Iudas Iscarioth one of the twelue went away to the hie priests to betray him vnto them The Euangelyst Luke sayeth that Sathan entered into Iudas in these wordes And Sathan entered into Iudas whose Syrname was Iscarioeh which was one of the twelue We haue plentifully intreated here of in the 26. of Math. where you may read of the same 47. And one of them that stoode by drew out a Sword and smote of a Seruaunt of the hie Priests cut of hys Eare. Luke addeth saying But Iesus answered and sayd suffer ye thus farre forth and when he had touched hys eare he healed him R. Iesus turning to his Disciples sayd God forbid that ye should fighte with the Swerd I wil that ye suffer my Aduersaries to shew theyr cruelty vpō me so far forth as it is permitted vnto them I know not you to bee my Aduengers there is an other to whome I haue committed all Vengeonce he when hee seeth time conuenyent will reuenge all iniury done vnto me Wherfore suffer ye them to rage against me at this time so far as they can For in healing Malchus Eare hee sufficiētly declareth that he misliketh of Peters deede aboue all the rest So that the more infirme and weak christ seemeth to bee at this time the more respect wee oughte to haue vnto thys Myracle For he was captiue vnto his Enemies in body but not in Power and Maiesty For although he vseth not his maiesty to the oppressinge of his enemies he declareth notwithstāding by thys healing of Malchus that the same is present with him to the end he might declare that hee was a Captiue by his owne free will and not by mans force 51 And there followed him a certaine younge man clothed in linnen vpon the bare and the yonge Men caught him C. How it commeth to passe that certaine imagin this to be Iohn wee knowe not neither doth it make any great matter it pertaineth more to the matter to note wherefore our Euangelist onely maketh mention of this story He dyd it truly to this end that we might know howe shamefully and ragingly the wicked rāged and hanched theyr pray in apprehending a man vnknowen to them and not suspected of any matter Who this yonge man was as it may be by probable reasons cōiectured wee haue shewed in the 2● cap. of Math. 54 And Peter followed him a gret way of euen till hee was come into the Pallace of the hye Priest and hee sate wyth the Seruants and warmed himselfe at the fire BV. It is a token of greate loue that Peter followeth the lord and of feare in that he followeth him a farre of of rash foolishnes in intruding hymhimselfe into the Courte of the highe priest For the reste that followeth in this Chapter read the 26. of Math. FINIS Chapter the fiftenth ANd a none in the Davvning the hyghe Pryestes helde a Councell vvith the Elders and the vvhole Congregation and bound Iesus and led him avvay and deliuered him to Pylate BV. Now Marke declareth what was done with the Lord before Pilate the Deputy to whom the Iewes delyuered him to be put to death Al these things are more plentifullye expounded in the 27. of Mathew 6. At that Feast Pylate did deliuer vnto them a Prisoner vvhomesoeuer they vvould desire BV. The intente of the Deputy is declared in that he goeth aboute to deliuer an innocent and one that deserued no punishment but in vain for he was ouercome by the wickednes of the Iewes Furthermore Pilate delte not so seriously and with so great constancy as it was needefull Yee shall haue a more plentifull Exposition of these Thynges both in Mathewe and in Iohn 16. And the Souldiers ledde him away into the Hall called praetorium he called together the whole band BV. Fyrst the Euangelyst noted what the Lord suffered of the ministers of the Iewes in the palaice of the hie Priest now he teacheth what hee suffered at the hāds of Pilates seruāts a heathē Iudge after he was cōdempned in the Iudgement hall and finally ly how hee was led vnto the Death of the Crosse All these things are to be sene more at large in Mathew and Iohn And they brought him to a place named Golgatha whych is if a mā interprete it is the place of deade mens Sculles Marke diligently describeth what was done after his condempnation in the place call Caluary Namely howe Chryste was nayled and hanged on the Crosse betweene two Theeues what hee dyd speake on the crosse what
Euangelist Mathew him selfe although hee bee more plentifull than the rest and beginneth with the very Natiuity of Christe like a Hystoriographer yet notwithstandinge hee hath pretermitted almost all the Chyldhoode and youth of Christe Also the Gospel of Marke omitteth many thinges and begynneth the Euangelicall Hystory at the preachinge of Iohn the Baptist Iohn toucheth certayne thinges gleaningly as omitted of the rest Wherefore S. Ambrose gieueth vnto Luke a Hystoricall or peculier style For when hee hath geuen to euery one of the Euangelists that which belongeth vnto him hee sayth S. Ambro. But S. Luke obserued as it were a certaine Hystoricall order and hath reuealed vnto vs more of the Lords Myracles notwithstandinge so that the Hystory of this Gospell might cōprehend al the Vertues of Wisedome And a litle after he sayth For wee haue sayd that this Booke of the Gosple was penned with a Hystoricall style To bee shorte if so bee wee compare him with others we shall see that hee hath bestowed much more Laboure as well in wrytinge of matters as in expressing Preceptes Also this our Euangelist after the Hystoricall maner beginneth with narration There was sayth he in the daies of Herod the king c. The which History he prosecuteth to the end Which are most suredly to bee beleeued B. The Euangeliste woulde haue those thinges which hee is about to shewe to bee taken and receyued not as matters of Chaunce but as Matters of waight and credit euidently proued without all doubt For somuch doth the Greeke worde importe C. There is in this speache a secrete Antithesis or comparison as wee sayd before because hee challenging to himselfe the authority of a faythfull witnesse abrogateth credit from others which taught the contrary B. Let vs learne by this example of Luke to follow with all diligence sincerity certaynty in Gods matters least at any time wee imbrace the Imaginations of men for the worde of God Let vs bee no longer Chyldren wauering and caryed about with euery wynde of Doctrine in the wilinesse of men Ephe 4.14 in craftinesse to the laying wayte of deceipt They which are led by their owne opinions must of necessity abyde doubtfull the which is far from a Christian man who ought to bee most certainely perswaded by the spirite of God of those thinges which hee belieueth concerninge Chryste Wherefore also they which are faythfull Mynisters appoynted of God to geue vnto his family the worde of saluation if at any time as often times it happeneth vnto men as vndiscreete persons they doe mingle with the true heauenly foode the poyson of humane inuencions they ought not onely most willinglye to suffer both them selues also their Brethren to be admonished thereof but also intreate them to doe it Whereuppon Paule when one did prophesie would haue the rest to Iudge 1. Cor. 14 29. least any humane thinge should creepe into the Churches vnder the name of Gods worde Here wee see that Luke doth note or accuse none of all those which tooke vppon them to set forth a story of the Lords Actes of any notable lye or error but only of vncertainty and yet notwithstanding he thought that cause sufficiente for him also to write the narration of these thynges Verely if in this lyfe we haue nothing more wholesome than the Woorde of God it is meete that wee shoulde not bee lesse carefull to set forth preserue the sincerity of the same then Sathan continually laboureth to leauen corrupt the same Among vs C. This ought to bee referred to the faythfull B. But hee seemeth very sclenderly to ground fayth vpon the report of men which ought to be stayed onely vpon the woorde of God And in deede the certainty of fayth is attributed to the sealing of the Spirite Wee aunswere that Fayth except the authority of God bee chiefly esteemed and doe first take place will bee contented and satisfied with no testimonyes of men notwithstandinge when there is firste in them the internall confirmation of the Spirite that they haue also gieuen vnto them a certaine Hystorical knowledge of thinges Wee call that a Hystoricall knowledge which wee conceyue of matters done eyther by our owne sighte or els by the reporte of others For concerninge the manifest workes of God wee must geeue no lesse eare vnto eye Witnesses Knovvledge Hyst●rical then wee muste geeue credit vnto experience Moreouer Luke doth not followe pryuate Authors but such as were also Ministers of the Worde By the which Titell he extolleth them aboue the degre of humane authority Sayinge 2. Euen as they delyuered them to vs which from the beginninge sawe them them selues wyth their Eyes and were some parte of those thinges which they shewed Euen as they deliuered them to vs E. Therefore it euidente that the Euangelist LVKE hath wrytten those things which hee heard of others For that is delyuered which is by narration vttered from one to another But hee writeth not those thinges which hee hath heard of euery one but that which hee hath hearde of men of vndoubted credit that is saye of those which were present at the doing of all those thinges which they shewed And were some part of those things which they shewed A. Or which were Mynisters of the worde For so they which haue bene well exercised in the worde of GOD thoughte good to translate it For hee calleth the Apostells Mynisters of the worde which were appoynted Mynisters in preaching the worde of the Gospell He which only seeth may report otherwyse then hee sawe but these were not onely eye witnesses but were appoynted also Mynisters C. Wherefore they faithfully reported that which they hadde seene and preached He meaneth therefore that they testefied vnto him cōcerning the Gospell to whom authority was geeuen of GOD to preache the same Hereof also commeth that security of the which strayte way hee maketh mencion the which excepte it bee stayed on God may afterward be shaken and troubled Therefore it contayneth great wayght that hee calleth those Mynisters of the word of whom hee hath receyued his Gosple because the faythfull may thereby gather that they Witnesses which ought not to be denyed or excepted 3. I determined also as soone as I had searched out dylligently all thynges from the begynninge that then I woulde wryte vnto thee most excellent Theophilus As soone as I had searched out dilligently E. The olde translation hath When I had attayned all thinges And the Greeke worde is metaphorically taken from those which followe one steppe by steppe least they loose any whit of the way Therefore the minde of Luke in this place is to expresse his paynes and dilligence in enquyringe searching out the truth This note beginning at L. is taken o●t of Francis Lambert by the trāslator and added because Marlorate is but briefe L. How diligently wee oughte to examine those thinges which are taught the Euangelist sheweth by his Example when hee sayth I determined also as
the rashe and vnaduised speache of his tongue did shee still remayne doubtfull likewise for the space of fiue monethes together Also her Woordes playnely shewe that her Hope was not suspended or doubtfull For when shee sayth Thus hath the Lorde delte wyth mee shee doth playnely and boldely pronounce that his grace was knowen vnto her And there might bee two causes why shee hid her selfe The first was least she might make the wonderfull worke of God to bee talked of amonge men before the same was euident according to the common maner of the World which was euer woonte to talke and prate rashly and vnreuerently of the workes of God The other was that when men should sodenly perceiue her to bee great with Chylde they might bee styrred vp the more to prayse God For those Woorkes of GOD which shewe them selues by litle and litle are often tymes when they are finished litle or nothinge of vs regarded Elizabeth therefore did not hide her selfe for her owne cause so much as for the respecte which Shee had vnto others 25. Thus hath the Lorde delte with mee in the dayes wherein he looked on mee to take from mee my rebuke amonge men Thus hath the Lord delt with me C. This is a thanks geuing whereby Shee attrybuteth all thinges vnto God the author of the worke It is likely that her husband had enformed her by writing of the same which the Lord had promysed for the which cause the more assuredly with a more cheerefull mynde shee pronoūceth God to be the author of this benefite as appeareth by these words also In the dayes wherein he looked on mee For she noteth this to bee the cause of her barrennesse for that the Lorde at that time had turned away his fauour from her A. For by these wordes loked vpon mee shee noateth that grace and benefite which had happened vnto her of her parte vndeserued The contrarye whereof is turnde fro and to looke another way Psa 138.6 Hereupon the Prophet Dauid saith Hee looketh vpon the humble as for the proud he beholdeth them a far of That is to say hee hath compassion vpon the lowly but vppon the proude not so And it doth not much differ frō the worde Mercy sauinge that to beholde signifieth the Iesture of him that hath compassion and mercy is the affection of Gods good will toward vs. Elyzabeth therefore accounteth it for a singuler benefite of God that shee is great with Childe And not without cause C. For the Scripture maketh speciall mencion of this among the temporall blessings of God that God geueth vnto vs the Fruite of our Body And not in vayne For if so be the fertillity and increase of brute beastes be his blessinge looke howe much more excellent is the increase of mankinde so much the more account ought we to make of the same And this is no meane or small honor that seeing God is and ought to bee accounted our onely Father Children are the blessing to God Psa 127.3 hee admitteth the sonnes of men to be partakers with him of this name Wee must hold fast therefore this doctrine that Children are the inheritance that commeth of the Lord and the fruite of the Wombe his rewarde But Elyzabeth had a farther respect because she being barren and an olde Woman had by a singuler myracle contrary to custome and the order of nature conceyued Barrennesse vvas counted a reproch among the IEWES To take from mee my rebuke Barrennesse was not without cause alwayes a reproch seeing the blessing of the wombe is reckoned among the speciall testimonies of Gods loue Some thinke that this was a speciall thing most acceptable to this auncient people because Chryste was to come of the seede of Abraham But this only belongeth vnto the Trybe of Iuda The Iudgement of others is much better which affyrme that the multiplicatiō of the holy people was prosperouse and happy euen as it was sayde to Abraham Gen. 13 16. Thy seede shal be as the sande by the seas side and as the starres of Heauen Moreouer the vniuersall blessinge which is extended to all mankinde the promise made to Abraham which specially belongeth vnto the Church of God ought to be Ioyned together Therefore they which want Chrildrē seeme to be depriued of that grace and benediction which was spoken of by the Prophets sayinge Psa 128.3 God shall blesse thy Wombe Also Thy Wyfe shal bee as the fruitefull Vyne vppon the Walles of thy House On the cōtrary parte God cursseth when either he geueth not or taketh away the fruit of our bodies Notwithstanding this is but a temporall cursse Let therefore all Parents learne to be thankefull vnto God for the Chyldren which they haue receiued and let them which are without fruit in this pointe learne to humble themselues Amonge men Elizabeth restrained this reproch vnto men because it is a temporall punishment for the which we loose nothinge in the kingdome of Heauen Therefore the godly man which is without fruite ought thus to consider and way with him selfe that God will not make him partaker of this honor for some Iust cause It is the tytle of God to be a Father as we haue sayd already in that therefore men are called Fathers it is because God vouchsafeth to geue vnto them this name of honor Therefore this cursse is not a signe of reiection but it is an erudition to humility R. Let vs learne here by the example of Elizabeth to ascribe that which wee haue receyued of God not to our owne power but to his deuyne grace least we be to proude but be rather brought to humility 26. And in the sixte moneth the Angell Grabriell was sent of God vnto a City of Galile named Nazareth In the sixt moneth A. That is to say after that Elizabeth had conceyued The Euangelist Luke diligently noteth the time For the Angell sayde afterwarde to the Virgin Also beholde thy Cosine Elizabeth hath conceyued a Sonne in her olde age and this is her sixt moneth which was called barren Wee hearde euen now also that Elizabeth after her conception hid her selfe for the space of fiue moneths Therfore in the sixt moneth vnder the raigne of Herode in the 32. yeare of his raygne these thinges followinge came to passe By which we gather that Iohn the Baptist was elder then the Lorde Christe by certayne Monethes Vnto a City of Galile named Nazaret C. Wonderfull is the ordering of Gods counsayle and farre differing from the common Iudgement of men in that God would haue a more noble beginninge of Generation in the Forerunner Iohn the Baptist then in his owne sonne Christe is promised to the Virgin The prophesie concerning Iohn was in the Temple but Christe is promised to the Virgin in an obscure place of Iudea and the sayd prophesie remayned buryed in the bosome of the Virgin onely But this same ought to be fulfilled euē from the byrth of Christ That God hath
saued the Faythfull through foolishnesse 1. Cor. 1.21 But he so layed vp the Treasure of this Mystery with the Virgin that at the laste in due time it was knowen to all the godly Wee confesse that this kinde of custody was very contemptible but yet notwithstādinge such as serued excellently well both to the allowing of the humillity of faith and also to the beating downe of the pryde of the wicked And let vs learne modestly to submit our selues vnto God yea although reason do not strayte way appeare vnto vs and let vs not bee ashamed to haue her our Schoolemaistres which caried Christ in her Wombe the euerlasting Wisedome of God Wee ought verely to take heede of nothing more than least wee by proud cōtempt depriue our selues of the knowledge of the incomparable mystery the which God woulde haue reuealed to Babes such as are apt to be taught A. Finally Nazareth was a litle town of smale reputation the which hee chose which came to teach men humility Of the which we haue spoken in the second Chapt. of Math. vers 23. 27. To a Virgin spoused to a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the Virgins name was Mary To a Vyrgin spoused to a man E. Or betrothed to a man Both are allowed of good Authors The Greeke participle which the Euangelist vseth here signifieth that the Virgin was then promised to a Husband but not geuen vnto him to bee his Wyfe For it was very vsuall amonge the Iewes for the Parents to keepe their Chyldren for a tyme at home after that they handfasted them to their husbandes that should bee otherwise the Lawe which is extant cōcerning the corruptions of the men betroathed had ben superfluous vaine For thus it is written by Moses Deu. 22.23 If a Mayde bee betroathed vnto an Husband a man finde her in the town and lye with her c. And this seemeth to be the cause why GOD chose a Virgin espoused to a man being the very same which we alleadged before namely that so the humility of Faith might be approued the Pride of the wicked therewithall beaten downe C. Origus imagination is very corrupt when he saith that the Lord did this that hee might hide from Sathan the saluation which hee prepared to geue vnto men Therefore the vale of Matrimony was drawen before the Eyes of the Worlde that the godly at the last might know him to bee the Sonne of God whom the common sort beleued to be the sonne of Ioseph Wherefore Christe came not forth so deuoyde of glory but that his heauenly Father declared from the beginning the glory of the deuinity which was in him For the Angels tolde that a sauiour was borne but their Voyces beinge onely hearde of the Sheepheardes sounded not farre One myracle might haue ben much spoken of which the Magi published in diuerse partes which came from the East how that a starre appeared vnto them witnessinge the byrth of a great King Yet notwithstandinge wee see how God kept his Sonne as it were in secret vntill the full time came in the which hee should be made manifest vnto the whole Worlde Whose name was Ioseph A. All these thinges make to the certaynty of the history Luk. 2.4 Of the house of Dauid The Euāgelist Luke saith afterward Because Ioseph was of the House and Linage of Dauid Of the which the Euangelist Luke therefore maketh mencion because the kinreds of men were wonte to be spoken of with their names Of the which thing we will speake more in another place E. Therefore this Virgin was betroathed to a man very base accordinge to the estimation and Iudgment of the worlde but very acceptable vnto God for the vertues of the mynde by arte hee was a Carpenter his Name was Ioseph comminge of the stocke Lynage of Dauid From the which Stocke also his Spouse had her Ofspringe leaste that Prophesie shoulde not be fulfilled which promysed that the Messias should come of the course and stocke of Dauid the king For it was meete that the man the Wyfe should bee of one Tribe as you may see in the first of Mathew verse 16 that Ioseph was 28. And the Angell went in vnto her and sayd Hayle thou that art freely beloued the Lord is with the blessed art thou amonge Women And the Angell went in A. Now the Messenger sente of God executeth his office And sayd Haile E. The Greeke woorde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for the which wee haue Haile here may be englyshed God speede Be of good cheere Thou that art gratiouse C. Because this message which the Angell was to reporte was very straūge and almost incredible the Angell beginneth with the commēdation of the grace of God And seeing our myndes accordinge to the smale capascity of our vnderstanding are not able to comprehend the exceedinge greatnesse of the woorkes of God this is a notable remedy if wee lift vp the same to meditate and consider the infinitnesse of his grace Seeinge therefore the gate of Fayth is the feeling of the goodnes of God the Angell doth very well obserue this order that in causing the Virgin to muse of the grace of God hee might bring her to the conceiueing of the incomprehēsible For the greeke participle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which Luke vseth expresseth the free fauoure of God as may more euidently appeare by that place of Paule where hee speakinge of our reconcilliation sayth God in his welbeloued Sonne ●phe 1.6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is hath receiued vs into grace fauoure which were before Enemies E. For hee may bee deere vnto vs or beloued who hath cōmended himselfe vnto vs by his dutifullnesse but no man can be called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but hee whom we loue of fauoure freely Therefore the Angell goinge about to shewe the most excellent benefite of Gods goodnesse towards men and now ready to bee offered to the Worlde so saluted Mary that hee put her in comforte to looke for some notable and ioyefull thinge The Lord is wyth thee This is an explication and proofe of that which the Angell sayd before in callinge her gratious For hee which hath gotten grace and fauour with God hath God with him who loueth him and powreth his benefits vpon him C. Therefore the third parte is added Blessed arte thou amonge Women For hee putteth the blessinge as the effecte and proofe of Gods fauour For praise is not ment hereby but rather felicity So the Apostell Paule first wisheth grace Rom. 1.7 and then peace that is to say al maner of goodnesse geueing vs to vnderstand that wee are then blessed and ryche when wee are loued of God the author of all goodnesse Wherefore if so bee the felicity righteousnes and lyfe of Mary came from the free loue of God and if so bee all her ver●ues excellency was the free and meere liberality of God they doe toto wickedly which
that she came not simply to make enquiry because she had the son of God no lesse in her hart through faith then in her wōbe neither is it likely that she came only to see how shee dyd but partely to increase and confirme her Faith and partely to set forth the grace of God in each Poynte And there is no cause why wee should thynke it absurde that shee sought the Confyrmation of her Faythe by the sighte of the myracle the whych the Angell not wythout cause reuealed vnto her For although the faythfull are cōtent wyth the bare worde of GOD yet notwithstanding they Neglect nothyng of hys Woorkes whych they knowe may serue to the cōfyrmation of theyr Fayth And there was great cause why MARY shoulde receiue that Confyrmation offered vnto her excepte shee woulde reiect that whych the LORD had willingly geuen vnto her FVRTHERMORE the Mutuall sighte of eche other of them might aswell moue her as Elizabeth to the greater thankefulnesse as appeareth by the texte For the Power of god was the more manifest and notable in one sight of double grace because the very comparison dyd not a little manifest the same Into a City of Iuda E. In the which Zacharias dwelte C. Luke doth not shew what this City was in the which Zacharias dwelt but onely sayth that the same pertayned to the tribe of Iuda and that the same was cituate in the Hill coūtrey Whereby we may gather that it was further from the city of Nazareth thē Hierusalem 40. And entered into the House of Zachary and saluted Elizabeth A. Mary entered not without gret feruency of minde into the House of thys olde Prieste and saluted her Cosine 41. And it came to passe that when Elizabeth hearde the Salutation of Mary the babe sprange in her wōbe and Elizabeth was filled with the holy Ghost And it came to passe R. Heere is a notable miracle at the Salutation of Mary Iohn being an infante leapeth and spryngeth in the wombe of Elyzabeth C. It is a naturall thinge for an Infant to moue in a great bellied woman at a sodayne Ioy but the purpose of Luke is to note some extraordinary matter Howbeit it is far from the purpose to trouble our selues with intricate questions whether the infante felte the presēce of Chryst or whether this was rather a feeling of Godlynes Let this one thing suffice that the infant sprange by the secret motiō of the spyrite For Luke doth not attrybute vnto him any proper feling but doth rather gieue vs to vnderstande that this was a part of the Deuine operation in the Mother her selfe that the infant sprange in her wombe And Elizabeth was filled with the holy Ghost That is to say she was sodainly replenished with the spirite of prophesie contrary to her vsuall maner For she was not before voyd of the giftes of the Spyrite but then a much more plentifull vnwonted force appeared 42. And shee cryed with a loude Voyce and sayd Blessed arte thou amonge women and the fruit of thy Wombe is blessed Blessed art thou amonge women A. The very same thing the Angel had spoken to Mary before And the Fruite of thy Wombe is blessed C. Hee seemeth to put the mother and the son in one degree which could not be meete and conuenient But we know that there are diuers degrees of Gods blessings For as Mary was blessed so Chryst far excelled her who is the bottomles well of all Grace Christ is a Bottomles vvel of grace Therefore he is not blessed by mesure but his fulnes is Infinite and aboue measure from whence we receyue all blessing that is to say the abundance of all good thinges and Felicitye of whose fulnesse wee haue al receiued saith Saint Iohn Iohn 1 1● For this blessynge signifieth not Fame and prayse And there is no doubte but that the Coniunction And in this place is taken for the reason of the matter as thus Blessed art thou amonge women because the Fruite of thy Wombe is blessed And althoughe this was not the chiefe Felicitie of Mary to haue christ in her Wombe but was a thynge of lesse Dignity then by the Spyrit of god to be born again into a new lyfe yet notwtstanding she is iustly called blessed whom God hath aduanced to thys Dignity that shee should bring forth a sonne to the worlde ●egenera●on is ●essednes in whome shee was spyritually begotten again And we cannot at this Day call to mynde the blessing that commeth by Chryst but wee muste also remember howe greatly God hath honoured Marie in appointing her to be the mother of his onely begotten sonne A. Notwithstanding her speciall Dignity as we sayd euen now consisted in this that shee belieued in her Sonne whome shee conceiued Whereuppon a certaine Woman saying to Chryst ●oh 11.27 Blessed be the wombe that bare thee and the Pappes which gaue thee sucke Hee answered her againe and sayde Nay rather blessed are they that heare the worde of God keepe it Also Elyzabeth sayth heereafter Blessed is shee that belieued For those thinges shall bee perfourmed whych were toulde her from the LORDE 43. And whence commeth thys to me that the mother of my Lorde should come to mee And whence commeth this to me C. We must note this moderatiō that Elyzabeth waying and considering the great Graces of God in Mary doth geue vnto her due Honor doth acknowledge her to haue done more then was meete And also that the same appertayned not vnto her And yet for all that she doth not extoll her higher then it became her to the derogating of Gods Glory For such is the wickednes of the world that there are very few which haue not one of these two faultes that is to say They wil either haue to good a lyking of them selues that they alone may excel maliciously contemning the gifts of God in theyr brethren or else they excel mē so superstitiously that they make vnto them selues Idoles of them Hereuppon it is come to passe that Chryste being put as it were into the ben●hehoale Mary hath his seate and Dygnity Contrariwise Elyzabeth in cōmending her is so far from obscuring the Glory of God that shee rather referreth all things to God himselfe And although she knoweeh that Mary was exalted aboue her and others yet she enuyeth not the same and confesseth that more was done to her self then was due Notwithstanding this is commonly seene Charity i● rather beneficiall thē couetous that if any of our Neighbours neglecte to doe vnto vs theyr duty we can straight way espye the same but when wee forslew or for get to do that which becommeth vs towards them we are blynde But Charity teacheth the contrary There are some also who hauing receyued a benefite thinke that they owe nothinge for the same What hath he done say they Hee hath done no more then the Lord cōmaunded But we ought not to cōsider what is other mens dutyes towards vs but
what we our selues ought to do vnto others If any man honor another endued with Gods Giftes he gieueth honor vnto GOD himselfe And contrariwyse if he contemne the same he despyseth God himselfe Therfore sayth Elyzabeth The mother of my lorde We cannot geue honor vnto God but we must also honor his grace when and wheresoeuer wee see the same The Mother of my Lorde C. In that Elyzabeth calleth Mary the mother of her Lorde the vnitie of the Person is noted in the two natures of Chryst As if she had sayde that he which is borne a Mortall man in the VVomb of Mary is also God Euerlastyng For we must remember that the woman speaketh not of her owne brayne but onely vttereth that which the holy Ghost put into her minde For thys name properly belōgeth vnto the ●●n of GOD manifested in the flesh to whome all power is geuen of the Father and who is ordayned to be the chyefe Ruler in Heauen and in Earth by whose Hande God gouerneth all Thyngs Howbeit hee is chyefly the Lord of the Faithfull who wyllingly submit themselues to hys Gouernment Christ the head of 〈◊〉 body onely For he is the Head but of his body Therfore Paule saith Although there be many called LORDES in the Worlde 1 Cor 8. yet not withstanding we which are of the Housholde of Fayth haue but one Lorde For loe as soone as the Voyce of thy Salutation sounded in my eares the Babe sprange in my Wombe for Ioy. C. She amplyfieth this grace of God of which she speaketh of the sodaine motion of the Infant which she had in her VVombe VVherby ther is no doubte but that shee would declare that she had the feeling of some Supernaturall and deuine thyng Read the 42. verse going before 45. And blessed is shee that beleued For these Thynges shall be perfourmed vvhych were toulde Her from the Lorde And blessed is she that belieued A. Thys is to be ioyned to the 42. Verse in the which the Angel called her blessed amonge women that shee might not simply be called blessed because she should be the mother of the Lord but because she beleeued C. And seeing it is euident by the former Testimony of Luke that Elizabeth spake by the secret motion of the Spyrite it must needes be the same Spyrite which pronounced Marye blessed because she beleued and praysing the Fayth of Mary he generally sheweth in what the true felicity of man consisteth Mary is happy who imbracinge with her heart the promise of God conceiued and broughte forth saluation for her self the whole world This was special vnto her but because we can haue no lyfe righteous or any goodnes without the Lord offer vnto vs his woord it is Fayth only which maketh vs partakers of true felicity being deliuered frō extreame neede and misery And there is great wayght in this part of the sētence following For those things shal be performed For the sence meaning of it is this that Fayth submitteth it selfe to the promises of God that they may haue theyr effect in vs It is certayne that the truth of God doth not depend vppon the wyll of men but this is rather true that God doth alwayes remaine true although the whole VVorlde which is vnbeleuing and ful of lies goe about to discredit the same Rom. 3.4 But because the vnbeleuing are vnworthy to reape any fruite of the Promyses therefore the Scripture teacheth that they are effectuall onely by fayth to our Saluation For Gyd offereth his benefits generally to all mē but faith openeth our bosome to receiue them and incredulity suffereth them to fall that we might not receiue them If so be there had bene any vnbelyefe in Mary yet notwythstanding the same could not haue let but that God wold haue brought his purpose to passe by some other meanes that had pleased him ●nbeliefe ●fisteth ●od but shee is called blessed because She receiuing by fayth the blessing of God offered vnto her gaue place vnto God to finishe his worke euen as on the cōtrary parte vnbeliefe resisteth him putteth away h●s hand from the worke that they which defraude the same of the praise of his vertue might not feele it a sauing hand Wee must also note the relation betwene worde and fayth by which we gather what it is to beleue to weete when we subscribe vnto God which speaketh and are fully perswaded that hee will performe and fulfill that which hee promiseth From the Lorde The which soundeth not as though the Lord himselfe had spoken but because these thinges were spoken vnto her in the name of the Lorde or from the Lord. For the promyse was brought by the Angell but it came only from God Whereby wee gather that whether God vse the mynistery of men or of Angells hee would haue no lesse honor geuen vnto his woorde than if hee him selfe should openly descende from Heauen But the former sence doth best agree 46. And Mary sayd My soule magnifieth the Lord. And Mary sayd C. Nowe is declared the notable and worthy song of the holy Virgin by which playnly appeareth with what plenty of the Spirite she excelled And this Canticle or Psalme consisteth of three partes The first part setteth forth the thankesgeuing of Mary for the mercy of God shewed towardes her In the second part she cōmendeth the power Iudgmentes of God with generall Tytells Last of all Shee applyeth them to the present cause where Shee speaketh of the redemption promised longe a goe vnto the Church and nowe performed My Soule magnifieth the Lord E. The Virgin beginneth with thankes geueinge testefyinge her thankefullnesse The thankesgeuing of MARY R As if Shee shoulde say God hath bestowed an inestimable benefite vpon mee and nowe I am confirmed by a greate certainty of Faith by a Sygne foreshewed of the Angell Wherefore I am so Ioyfull in my Conscience that I cannot staye my selfe but I muste needes burst forth into the commendation of the name of God C. Therefore because Hypocrites oftētimes with shrill voyce and pleasaunt time without any affection of the heart doe singe the prayses of God Mary saith that shee prayseth God from the inward affection of the mynde And in very deede they doe nothinge els but prophane the holy name of God which set forth his glory not with the mynde but with the tongue onely But seeing these woordes Soule and Spirite are diuersly taken in the Scripture yet notwithstandinge beinge Ioyned together they signifie two principall powers of the Soule For this worde Spirite is taken for vnderstanding and this woorde Soule for the place of the affections That wee may vnderstand the minde of the holy Virgin Ioy of the spirit is required before thāksgeuing we must note that the same is put in the Seconde place which should be in the first For that the wil of man may be styrred vp to praise God it is necessary that there goe before the reioysinge of the
had commaunded concerning his name Otherwise he had not obayed the cōmaundement of God But hee shal be called Iohn C. Why God gaue this name vnto Iohn the Baptiste wee haue declared before verse 13. Bu. We haue also an example of faithful obedience in the Parents of Iohn in that they obayed the cōmaundement of the Angell receyued not counsailes aduice of their kinsfolkes who not knowing the coūsaile of God thought it best to retayne the approued Custome But custome ought alwayes to gieue place vnto the truth though it be neuer so exellent 61. And they sayd vnto her There is none in thy Kynred that is Named wyth this Name B. This must be vnderstoode of such as were presently aliue or at least of those which were not longe before disseassed For amonge his auncetors many were called by the name of Iohn as he which was Priest when the Temple was builded by Salomon the King And it agreed very wel that looke what name the Priest had vnder the Typical Salomon the same the Priest of the true Salomon shoulde haue For this our Iohn now that the kingdome of Christe began and the building of the spirituall Temple being settinge vp had the office of the more true Priesthoode teaching the people the most wholesome knowledge C. And wee see the custome is taken for a sufficient testimony It was sufficient for them to alleage the Auncient maner and custome the which is geuen to all men almost by Nature Custome vvithout the truth is vayne But what other thinge is custome oftentimes then meere corruption That therefore which is builded vppon Custome alone is infirme and vaine 62. And they made Sygnes vnto his father how he would haue him called A. To make an ende of the contencion the Kinsfolkes seeke to be certefied by makinge Sygnes vnto Zacharias by what Name hee would haue the Childe called who was before instructed of the same by the Angell 63. And hee asked for wrighting tables and wroate sayinge his name is Iohn And they marueiled all B. Hee meaneth waxen Tables in the which in olde time they were wonte to write BV. That which his Tongue coulde not doe hee doth by his hande and by wrtinge requiring Tables by signes and beckes and not by voice E. For when the Mother and Kynsfolkes coulde not agree the Fathers authority was requisite to ende the cōtencion But hee had not as yet the vse of his Tongue when hee stoode in moste neede of the same Therefore when by signes it was demaunded of him what name hee woulde haue geeuen to hys Sonne hee vnderstanding the matter required his writinge Tables that by dumbe Letters hee mighte vtter that which by voyce hee coulde not And when the Tables were broughte vnto him hee wroate thus His name is Iohn Geuinge them to vnderstande that this name was geuen vnto him by the Angell before hee was conceiued Sayinge his name is Iohn If he spake what needed hee to write Wherefore this word saying in this place muste not bee referred to Zacharias him selfe but to the writinge of Zacharias which spake after a sorte And at this agrement of the Parents they marueyled all 64. And his Mouth was opened immediately and his Tongue loosed hee spake and praysed God C. GOD doth adorne and make noble the byrth of his Prophet by restoringe to his Father his Tongue For there is no doubt but that hee put of this Benefite vnto that Day to this ende and purpose that hee might draw all men to the admiration of Iohn And praysed GOD C. Zacharias is sayd to prayse GOD not onely to shewe him selfe thankefull but also that they might knowe that their kinsman and neighbour was punished bycause hee was to slowe to beleeue For hee was not ashamed to glorifie GOD to his owne shame And thus it was knowne to all men that the Infante was not borne by Chaunce or according to common order but promised by heauenly Oracle 65. And feare came on all them that dwelte nyghe vnto them and all these sayings were noised abroade through out all the hyll Countrey of Iury. And feare came on all them C. In this place Feare signifieth Reuerence which came from the feeling of Gods power For the workes of God ought so reuerently to bee considered that they oughte to make vs seriously affected And God doth not dally in his miracles but stirreth vp the mindes of men which he seeth to be sluggish and dull Throughout all the hill Coūtrey of Iury A. The Lord wrought not a miracle to the ende a fewe onely might know the same but to the ende many might be brought to reuerence by this so notable a worke C. Therefore LVKE sayth that the Fame of these things was spred abrod throughoute all the Hill Countrey of IVDEA Howbeit it profited many nothinge at all that they were so touched with the power of GOD for a time bycause when IOHN began his Office of Teachinge fewe remembered how wonderfull his birth was But GOD woulde haue the Fame of these thinges bee spred abroade not onely for their cause which heard but also bycause the miracle might bee more certayne in all Ages which at that tyme was knowne in diuers places 66. And all they that hearde them laide them vp in their hearts sayinge what maner of Chylde shall this bee And the Hande of the Lorde was with him Layde them vp in their hearts A. This is spoken accordinge to the Hebrew phrase and signifieth as much as to consider with ones selfe to deliberate in the minde of any thinge what the meaninge and Effecte of the same should bee C. And here we haue a common spectacle of mans Ingratitude set before our eyes For when vaine and friuolouse thinges doe take to deepe roote in our myndes the rememberaunce of geuinge thankes vnto GOD which oughte for euer to remayne vanisheth away Luke speaketh not of sencelesse wicked men or of the cruell Contemners of God For hee sayth that they layed them vp in their heart meaning that they had a deepe consideration of these thinges And it is lykely that some were mindefull of them for a time but the greater parte within a while after put away that feare which they had cōceiued Notwithstandinge wee must note that they wente not out of the way when they referred the miracles which they sawe to that exellencie which the Infante shoulde haue For we sayd that such was the coūsayle and purpose of GOD that Iohn might afterwards come abroade with great commendation Therefore they sayd What maner of Chylde shall this bee B. Bycause they sawe the mightie power of the Lord which was shewed in sundry Myracles concerninge the Childe there was cause why they should looke for great things concerninge him and should bee as it were afearde for the more present maiesty of the Lord. And so are the hearts of men framed that the more they see his outstretched Arme and power the more they feare God Hereupon it
rashly wythout consideration geuen by men but by the Aungell from heauen Secondly that IOSEPH and MARY obayed the commaundement of GOD. And this is the agremēt of our Fayth with the worde of God Namely that hee speakinge vnto vs firste by hys VVoorde our Faith also aunswereth and consenteth vnto hys promises Specially LVKE commendeth vnto vs the order of Preaching the word when he sayth that Saluation was Preached by mans voyce to proceede from the mere grace of CHRYST which was promised of GOD by the Aungell 22 AND vvhen the Dayes of purification after the Lavve of Moyses were ended they broughte hym to Hierusalē to present him to the lord And when the Dayes of her R. Two Lawes are set before vs in this place out of the old Testamente the one concerning the purging of woin Chyldbed and the other concerning the offering and sanctifying of the first begotten The Law concerning the vncleanes of a VVoman in Chyldebed is thus descrybed Leu● 72.2 When a Woman hath broughte forthe Seede and borne a Man Chylde shee shall bee vncleane seuen Dayes lyke as shee is vncleane when shee is put a parte for her Dysease And in the eighte day the foreskyn of the Chyldes flesh shal be cyrcumcysed And shee shall continew in the Bloud of her purifyinge three and thyrtie Dayes C. Therefore it was meete that shee should fulfill the ryte of her Purging the 40 day after her deliuerance Notwithstandyng Mary and Ioseph came to HIERVSALEM for an other cause Namely to presēt Christ vnto the Lord because he was her first borne Sonne Now we must first speake of purifying Purification C. Some Translations haue AND vvhen the Daies of theyr purification c. C. By which VVoordes Luke maketh both Mary and Chryste Partakers of the purifying For this Pronowne there cannot by any meanes be referred to Ioseph And it is no absurdity to say that Chryst who should be made accurssed for vs vpon the Crosse tooke vpon him for our sakes our vncleannesse althoughe as touching him selfe he was without all Spot of Sinne that is to say if the VVell of all purenesse would be coūted impure and vnclean to wash away our spottes They are deecyued whych thinke thys to be onely a polliticall Lawe as though the VVoman were vncleane before her husbād and not before God When as rather both the Corruption of Nature is set before the Eyes of the IEVVES Originall sin proued by the lavv of purifying and also the remedy of Gods Grace And this one Law is sufficiente to proue oryginall sinne as it containeth a notable Testimony of the Grace of God For the cursse of Mankind could not be more euydently declared then when the LORDE testified that the Infant commeth impure and Vncleane from his Mothers VVomb inso much that the mother her selfe is thereby polluted and defiled Verely excepte man were borne a sinner and were by Nature the chylde of VVrath and had remayninge in hym some Dregges of sin hee should not neede purifying VVherefore it followeth that all were corrupted in ADAM seeinge by the Mouth of the LORD they are condempned of Vncleannesse Neyther is it any Thynge Repugnaunte vnto this that the Ievves are called Holie Brawnches spryngynge from a Holy Roote Rō 11.16 because this Holinesse came not of them selues For althoughe by the Pryuilege of Adoption they were chosen to be a holie People Yet notwithstanding they had fyrste that naturall Corruption whych commeth from ADAM Therefore wee must distinguyshe betwene the first nature and the peculyar benefite of the couenaunt by which God doth deliuer his people from the common cursse And to this end belonged the legall purifying that the Iewes might know that theyr spottes whych they brought with them into the worlde were washed away by the Grace of Chryst Hereby also wee learne howe horrible the contagion of sin is whych doth in some part defile the lawful order of nature We graūt that neither wedlocke nor Chylde bearing of them selues are vncleane nay we confesse that the vice of vncleanes is couered wyth the holines of Wedlocke yet notwythstanding so deepe and profounde is the Welspryng of sin that from thence do issue alwaies some vices which doe defile that which otherwise is cleane To present him before the Lord Ex. 34.19 Exo 13.1 Nu. 8.16 E. Or to offer and geue hym vnto the Lord Concerning the presentinge of the first borne before the Lorde the Law prescribeth a forme as is to bee seene in these places coted in the margent Whereuppon it followeth 23. As it is written in the lawe of the Lord. Euery man Chyld that first openeth the Wombe shal bee called holy vnto the Lord. As it is written in the Law C. The Lord commaunded that all the male Children should be dedicated vnto him for a remembrance of the redemption Because when the Aungell killed all the first borne of Aegypt hee spared the first borne of Israell afterward it was lawfull for euery one to redeme his first begotten with a certaine price that was the olde Ceremony Now seeing the Lord is the redeemer of all men hee doth by ryghte challenge vs all vnto him from the least to the greatest That first openeth the wombe E. Or which is first begotten Shall bee called holy vnto the Lorde The Hebrew Phrase is Hee shall be hallowed or consecrated euē as it is sayd Exo. 13.2 Exo 34.19 Sanctify vnto me euery first borne that openeth the Matrix Also Euery first borne is mine The Euangelyst Luke hath not set downe the words of the Law Verbatim but thoughte it sufficent to set downe the sence onely of the places before cited out of the Bookes of Exodus and Numbers 24. And to offer as it is sayd in the Lawe of the Lorde a payer of Turtle Doues or 2. younge Pigeons R. Concerning the Oblations of women after theyr deliuerāce in the day of theyr purifying it is thus writtē in the Law And when the dayes of her purifying are accomplished for a Son or for a Daughter Leuit. 12.6 shee shall offer a Lambe But if shee can not offer a Lambe shee shall offer two Turtle Doues or two yonge pigeons C. Therefore this Sacrifice belonged to the right of purifying least any man should thinke that the same was offered for the redeming of the first begottē Or two yonge Pigeons C. When the Euangelist speaketh of a payer of Turtle Doues or of two younge Pigeons he taketh it as graunted vnto him that the pouerty of Ioseph and Mary was so great that they wer not able to offer a Lambe For this Exception is plainely set downe in the twelfth of Leuiticus If any man Obiect and say that the Magi a litle before offered Gold vnto Chryst Mat. 2.11 wyth the which they myghte haue bought a Lambe wee aunswer that we must not thinke that they brought such plenty of Gold wyth them as inriched Mary and Ioseph For wee doe not read that they brought with
them Camels laden with Golde but it is rather likely that theyr Offering was some small present which they brought with them onely for honors sake And the law dyd not commaunde that they being poore should spende theyr Substance vppon a Sacrifice but making a difference betwene the poore and the rich in offering theyr Sacrifices it eased them of coste Wherefore there shall no inconuenience follow if we say that Ioseph and Mary gaue so much as theyr Ability woulde beare although they had some money left in stoare to beare the Costes and Charges of theyr Iourney and to buy them fode A. Moreouer these Sacrifices signified that true and onely propitiatory Sacrifice which is the Death of our Lord Iesus Chryst Last of all Luke doth not so often times repeate in vaine that Ioseph Mary did that which was prescrybed vnto them in the law of the Lord. For in these Words we are taught to deuise nothing after our own fantasye in the VVorship of the Lorde but to follow obediently that which hee hath prescribed in his holy word 25. And beholde there was a Man at Hierusalem whose name was Symeon And this man was iust godly looking for the consolation of Israell and the holy Ghost was on him And behold there was a man S. Luke commeth nearer to the principall Offices of Chryst whych concerned the illumination of the Gētiles and the gloryfying of the Israelites This word Behould is a word of attention by which Luke seeketh to make the hearers geue diligēt heede to heare the wonderfull euente of all things in the person of that olde Man Symeon who alone amonge so great a people as Israell was and in so great Impiety knew Chryst to be the Sauiour and promised Messias C. For this story is set downe that we might know that althoughe thys whole People almoste had profaned them selues with the wicked contempt of God yet notwithstanding there remayned a few which worshipped God of whome Chryst was knowen euē frō his first Infancy These were the Reliques whych Paule sayth were saued according to the free Election of GOD. And in thys small Number the Church of GOD was encluded Rom. 11.5 although the hie priests and Scrybes boasted of the Tytle of the Church The Euangelist maketh mētion of two only which acknowledged Chryst at Hierusalem when hee was brought into the Temple namely Simeon and Anna And first of all wee must speake of Simeon Concerning his state and condition we read not of it may be that hee was one of the common sort of People and of no fame R. Therefore the Proceedynges of Chryst are agreeing with his Beginnings For as Chryst was born in misery and in pouerty so he is onely acknowledged of poore and abiect men For he is not visited of Kings but of Sheepeheardes he is not worshypped of the Pharisies but of the Magi who although they were men of great calling in theyr owne Countrey yet notwithstandyng they were contempned and despysed among the Iewes To these base beginninges agreeth that also which the Euangelyste now describeth For as yet the Pryests knew not the Chylde offered in the Temple as yet the hyghe Pryestes salute him not as yet the Kynges honour him not but a certayne olde man whose name was Symeon a Citizen of Hierusalem being Famouse neyther for his Ryches Dignitie nor Offyce commeth to salute and embrace the Child who peraduenture seemed in the sight of mē to be out of hys VVitts But what maner of man so euer hee seemed to be in the Iudgment of men the Scripture highly commendeth him For it saith And this man was iust and Godly C. Luke commendeth him for his Righteousnes and piety to the which he addeth also the gift of Prophesie Piety and righteousnesse are referred vnto the two tables of the Law therefore in these two partes consisteth the integritie of lyfe The same also Luke testefied of Zacharias and Elyzabeth Looking for the consolation C. It was a Testimony of pietie that hee looked for the Consolation of Israell For God is not truly VVorshipped without the trust of saluation which both dependeth vpon the Fayth of his promises and also especially vpō that restoring promised by Chryst Now seeing such wayting for Chryst is commended in Symeon for a rare Vertue wee may thereby gather that at that time there were a fewe whych had the hope of Redemption in theyr hearts Euery man had in his mouth the Messias and the happy estate vnder the Raigne of Dauid but no Man in the meane time patiently bare the present myseries vppon hope that the Redemption of the Churche was at hand Luke 23. ●0 Therefore Symeon is praysed as for his greate Vertue that hee looked for the Consolation of Israel For the whych cause also wee reade that Ioseph of Aramathea was commēded for that Kingdome of God which the same Ioseph looked for was that consolation of Israell which Simeon waited for as we haue noted vpon Mat. Math. ●●7 C. And as in this the piety of Symeon appeared that hee comforted himselfe vppon hope of the promysed Saluation Euen so at this Day whosoeuer will shew themselues to bee the Sonnes of GOD must continuallie desire the promised redemption And we must also noate in this worde Consolation that without Chryste there is mere Desolation that is to say Dispayre And the holy Ghost was vpon him C. Luke speaketh not of the Spirite of Adoption which belongeth to all the Chyldren of God thoughe not alike but of a speciall maner of Prophesie which more plainely appereth in the verse following where it is said that he receiued an answer of the holie Ghost and that being led by the same spyrit he came into the Temple Therefore thoughe Symeon excelled not in temporall Dignity and promotion Yet notwithstanding he was adorned with excellent Gyftes as wyth Godlines Innocensie of Lyfe Fayth and Prophesying A. And there is no doubt but that hee greatly desiered to see the Redeemer for it followeth 26 And a Reuelation was geuen hym of the holy ghost not to se death before he had sene the Lords Christ E. The like Reuelation was made to Ioseph as you may Read in the 20. Ma. 1. ●● verse of the first Chapter of Mathew Also concerning the Magi it is sayde And they were warned of God in a Dreame Not to see Death A. To see Death accordinge to the Hebrevve Phrase signifieth to die R. Behoulde beere what an excellent gifte was geuen vnto Symeon beyonde all the Patriarkes and Prophets For Chryst was promised to the Patriarkes and his comming was reuealed vnto the Prophetes Yet notwithstanding it was promised vnto none of them that they shoulde see Chryst in this VVorld with their corporall Eyes although they greatelie desiered the same But both happened to Symeon Blessed are your Eyes sayth Chryst because they see and your Eares because they heare For verely I say vnto you ●3 17 many Prophetes and righteous men haue
these woordes Simeō geueth vs to vnderstand that Chryste was ordayned of God that all People might enioy his Grace and that shortely after hee shoulde be exalted on hyghe that hee might bee seene of all men And in this woord hee comprehendeth all the Prophesies that haue ben concerning the enlarging of the kingdom of Chryst Wherefore if Symeon imbracyng the tender Infante in his Armes coulde extend his minde vnto the vtmost ends of the World that he might acknoweledge his Power to bee present euery where how much better oughte wee to thynke of him at this Day nowe that hee is made the Saluation of the Gentyles and hath reuealed himself to the whole world A. Chryst therefore is offered vnto all people that all men may behould him as the only author of Saluation C. Wherefore they are far oute of the way which would haue GOD soughte without Chryst by whom we are dyrected the right way vnto the Father God is hidden from vs and is inuisible If wee will seeke him ther is no other way but Chryst he is the marke whych GOD hath appoynted if wee will come vnto him 32 A Lyght to lighten the Gentyles and the Glory of the People Israell E. In this last Verse Symeon declareth to what end the Father reuealed Chryst before all People Namelie to lighten the Gentiles whych before were in darkenes and to be the glory of the People Israell A light to lightē the Gentiles is as much to say as that he may geue light vnto the Gentiles expell al darkenesse out of their minds Also Chryst himselfe testifieth of hymselfe I am the Light of the World Iohn 8.12 who so followeth me walketh not in darknes but shall haue light of Lyfe And hee compareth darkenesse wyth Light Good vvorkes not vvrought In● Chryst are darkenes Colo. 3.5 Ephe. 5.3 1. Cor. 6.9 in the which darkenesse the Gentiles wer And whatsoeuer good thing is wrought without Chryst is darkenes so is the wisedome of the World the wisedome of the flesh and al maner of sinnes of the which the Apostle speaketh in these Chapters coated in the margent out of the which places the Interpretation of this place also may be gathered As by these words also of Chryst himselfe vnto Paule I haue appeared vnto thee for thys purpose to make thee a Minister and a witnes both of those thinges which thou hast seene and of those thinges in the which I will appere vnto thee deliuering thee frō the people and from the Gentiles vnto whom now I send thee to open theyr Eyes that they may be turned from Darkenesse to Light and frō the power of Sathan vnto God that they may receiue forgeuenes of Sinnes Act. 26 16 and Inheritaunce amōg them which are sanctified by faith that is towards mee Therefore the Reuelation of the Gentiles is theyr illumination and the opening of theyr Eyes by which they see by which they see that they are in the darkenes of sinnes and that they must flee vnto Chryst for remission of sinns and newnes of life Esa 42.6 R. But this parte of the verse seemeth to bee taken out of the wordes of the prophet speaking of Chryst thus I haue made thee a light of the Gentiles to open the eyes of the blynd to brynge those oute of Pryson that were bounde and in darkenes And agayne he saith It is but a smal thinge that thou art my Seruaunt to set vp the Kindreds of Iacob and to restore the Destruction of Israell Esa 49.6 For I haue made thee the Lighte of the Gentiles that thou mayst be my health vnto the ende of the World Also hee sayth Get thee vp betimes and bee bright O Hyerusalem for thy Light commeth and the glory of the Lord is rysen vp vppon thee Esay 60.1 The Gentiles shall come to thy light and Kynges to the bryghtnes that spryngeth out vpon thee And the glory of the People Israel C. Symeon doth not without cause put a difference betwene Israel and the Gentiles because by the righte of Adoption the Chyldren of Abrahā were neare vnto God but the Gentiles with whome God had made no couenaunce were forreiners from the Church Exo. 4.22 For the which cause Israell is not onely called the Sonne of God but also his first begotten Rō 15.8 And Paule teacheth that Chryste came to be a minister of the Circumcision for the truth of God to confyrme the promises made vnto the Fathers Moreouer so Israel is preferred before the Gentiles that all men generallie obtaine Saluation in Chryst For by this place we gather that men are naturally depryued of Lighte vntill such time as Chryst the Son of righteousnes doth shyne vnto them As touching Israell though GOD hath greately aduaunced him to Honour yet notwithstanding Symeon sheweth that his whole Glory depēded vppon the Head alone Christ promised to the Ievves belōged to Ievves Gētiles because a redemer was promised vnto him R. Although therefore Chryst bee the Glory of all those which beleue in him whether they be Iewes or Gentyles yet notwythstandyng he is chiefly said to be the Glory of Israell because hee was specially promised vnto thys Nation and because whatsoeuer excellēcie and maiesty happened vnto the People of Israell in this World the same happened vnto him for Chryste and through Chryst For God multiplyed the seede of Abraham and gaue vnto it victory ouer all his Ennemyes the Lande of Chanaan the Kingydome Scepter of the same not for their own Righteousnesse but for Christes sake that they might be a People in the which the promises concerning Christ might bee reuealed and mighte bee kepte vntyll his Natiuitie Because of these things the Iewes boasted as witnesseth Paule saying Behoulde thou art called a Iewe and restest in the Law and makest thy boaste of God c. And a litle after that he saith Thou that makest thy boaste of the Lavve through breaking the Law dishonerest thou God Rom. 2.17 To be shorte because Chryst was borne of Israell according to the Flesh then the which Glory none hath happened more Glorious to any people in the whole world Therefore the Iewes had cause to reioyse when they sawe Chryst borne of theyr Nation according to the promises concerning the which matter Read these places coated in the margent 33. And his father and mother marueiled at those things which wer spoken of him R. It may seme straūge why Ioseph and Mary shoulde marueile at these wordes of Symeon who were certefied before by so many Testimonies that this Infant was the true Messias and Sauiour of the World Had not Mary learned of the Aungell Gabriell that shee should be the mother of the Messias the Sonne of the highest Was not Ioseph tould by the Aungell that his Wyfe had conceyued by the Holy Ghost the Sauioure of the VVorld Did they not see the Magi VVorshippe and acknowledge him for the most high king VVhat then happened vnto
them now that they wondered at the woordes of Symeon May it bee that they being offended at Chrystes humilitie beleeued none of those thinges which they had seene and heard GOD forbid For Luke meaneth not that they wondered as at a newe thynge but that they reuerently considered and imbraced with conueniēt admiration this Prophesie of the Spirite vttered by Symeon that they might profite more and more in the knowledge of Chryst R. Therefore they wonder not because they beleeued not but because they beleeue Faith admiratiō are ●oyned toge●her therefore they wonder For they which do not beleue doe not wonder but do contemne and scorne But they which beleeue the more excellent testimonies that they heare of Chryste the more plainely that they know CHRIST the more they are held with admiration Whereupon also the name of the Lord is called VVonderfull and hys VVoorkes also Not because they are not beleeued but because the Godly heare them with greate admiration of Fayth C. Therefore by thys Example of Chrystes Parentes we are taughte that so soone as wee are endued with a true Fayth wee must seeke euen the leaste that may be to confirme and increase the same For he hath truly profited in the woorde of God which ceasseth not to marueyle daily at all whych he heareth so that the same make to the increase of Fayth 34. And Symeon blessed them and sayde vnto Mary his Mother Behoulde this Chylde is set to bee the fall and vprysing agayne of many in Israell and for a signe which is spoken agaynst And Symeon blessed them C. If you restraine this to IOSEPH and MARY it maketh no great matter but because LVKE seemeth to comprehende CHRIST also it may bee demaunded by what right and authoritye Symeon vsurped vnto hym the office of blessing For commonly the lesse is blessed of him which is the greater as teacheth the Apostle Heb. 7.7 Also it seemeth very absurd that any Mortall man shoulde pray for the Son of GOD. VVee aunswere that the APOSTLE speaketh not generally of euery Blessynge but of the Blessynge of the PRYESTE onely Num. 6.23 of the which Mention is made in the Booke of Numbers For Men by Custome Salute and wysh well one to an other But it is more likely that Symeon rather blessed them as a common man one of the multitude then as a pryeste For pryest was he none Moreouer it is no absurdity if we say that he prayed for the happy successe of the kingdome of Chryst R. Therefore Symeon saluted them wished them well and prayed that they might haue prosperity Behould this Chyld is set to be the fall A. Symeon added to his blessing that which seemeth far contrary to the promises R. For before hee set forth Chryste with excellent tytles He called him the Saluation of God the lighte of the Gentiles and the Glory of the People Israell a little before hee blessed them all and wished that all things might happen well and prosperouslie vnto them and now hee seemeth to vtter the cleane contrary concernynge Chryst Hee saith that he shall bee the Destruction of many in Israell and a signe whych is spoken againste Howe doe these thinges agree with the tytle of Saluation and Glory A. But the olde man doth not here dote or speake hee knoweth not what but beinge rather led by the holy ghost he preacheth that concerning Chryste which was shewed longe before by the Prophetes as wee shall see anone C. Simeon dyrected this speach properly vnto Mary Notwithstandyng it doth generally belonge to al the Godly This admonition was very necessarie for the Vyrgin least she beginning with Ioy should exceede in sorrowe in the ende And to this ende also it serued that she might not looke to haue Chryst receyued with the general cōsent of the people but that she might rather arme her selfe agaynst with inuincible fortitude against all contrarie assaultes And wyth all the purpose of the holy Ghost is to geue vnto all the Godly a generall Lesson that seeing the world to resiste Chryst of malicyous wickednes they should notwythstanding be nothing at all dyscouraged therewith Wee know what a greate let the Obstinacie and vnbeliefe of the worlde is vnto vs but we may wel inough ouercome the same if wee wyll beleue in Chryst For wee shall neuer see men so well disposed that the greater parte will follow Chryst Wherefore they must needes be thus instructed which wil be the disciples of Christ that they may abyde in his fayth But this among all other was the greatest temptation that Chryst came among his owne and his owne dyd not onelie receiue him but reiected hym who notwithstanding boasted them selues to be the Church of God but specially because the high pryestes scrybes to whom the Regiment of the church was committed were his mortal Enemies For who woulde haue iudged him to haue bene theyr king of whom he seemed to be so opprobriously reiected Therefore not without cause Symeon foresheweth that Chryst was ordained to be Destruction to many that amonge the people of Israell But wee must noate that destruction came here hence for that the vnbeleuing doe resist and kicke agaynst him the which is straighte after expressed when Simeō calleth him a signe which is spoken agaynst And for a signe which is spoken agaynst C. Therefore because the vnbeleuing are Rebels vnto Christ they crushe and breake them selues vppon him Whereuppon followeth they re destructiō Euen as if Symeon should say Hereof wee may beholde the mallice of men yea the wicked inclination of mankynde for that all men euē as if they had conspyred together Christ is destructiō to the vnbeleuing doe wtstand and resiste him For there coulde not be such a generall consente of thys worlde to gainesay the Gospel except there were a certayne naturall stryfe contention betwene the Sonne of God and men For although the Enemies of the Gospell do disagree among thēselues and are drawen into diuerse partes and fashions eyther by ambition or fury yet notwithstandynge in this they all agree to withstande the Sonne of God Wherefore it is truly sayd that it is to euidente a proofe of mans wickednesse that Chryste is in many places resisted And although it seeme to bee to monsterous outrage for the world to rebell agaynste the maker of the same yet notwythstandyng because the Scripture hath foreshewed that the same should come to passe there is no cause why such Examples should trouble vs but rather our faith beyng armed with those weapōs may prepare it selfe to fight with the contradiction of the world And because God doth now gather vnto himselfe an Israell out of the whole world and there is no more difference betwene the Iewe and the Gentile the same must now befall which we reade came then to passe Esay sayde in hys time He is the stone to stūble at the rocke to fall vpon and a Snare and meete to both the houses of
and any thing from the same that as he grew in body so also for our sake he woulde profite in mynd And verely seeing the Apostle teacheth in the forenamed place that he was like vnto vs in all thyngs sinne onely excepted no doubt he comprehendeth this also that his Soule was subiect to ignoraunce This onely difference is betweene vs and him that he of his owne accord and will tooke vppon him those infirmities which we haue of necessity Iohn 1.16 Therefore Chryste accordinge to his Age in respecte of his humane nature encreased in the free gifts of the Spyrite that of his fulnes hee myght power vnto vs because we draw Grace from his Grace Some being more fearefull heere then they neede doe restrayne these woordes to the externall shew and doe expounde it that Chryst semed to profite as though in very deede he had no new vnderstāding But the words haue an other meaning and this error is yet more plainely confuted when Luke a little after addeth saying And Iesus increased in wisedome and stature in fauour with God and men For it is not lawfull to imagine that the vnderstanding lay hid in Chryste which appeared before God in contynuance of time And there is no doubt but that the purpose of God was plainly to shew howe truely and perfectelye Chryst when hee tooke vppon him our flesh imbraced all the parts of brotherly Coniunction with men And yet we do not after this sort make of him two For although there bee one Person of God and man yet notwithstandynge it doth not follow that whatsoeuer is proper to the Diuinity is geuen to the humane Nature but the Son of God dyd as it were hyde his Deuine power in secrete in the woorke of our Saluation Also that which Irenaeus sayth The Son of God suffered his diuinity lying still ought to be vnderstode not onely of Corporall Death but also of that vnspeakeable sorrow of the mynd whych caused him thus to complayne and say My God My God Ma. 27 4● why hast thou forsaken me To be short excepte it be lawfull to deny that Chryst was made very man we ought not to be ashamed to confesse that he willingly toke vpon him those thynges which could not be separated from humane nature And it is fondely obiected that ignoraunce being a Punishment for Sinne doth not agree with Chryst For then we should say the lyke of Death But rather the Scripture teacheth that he discharged the Office of a mediator because he toke frō vs vpon him selfe what punishmēt soeuer we had deserued Moreouer they do to grosly ignorantly make ignorāce the punishment of sinne For we may not think that Adam when he was soūd perfect knew al things neither do the Angels when they are ignoraunte sustaine the punishment of sin B. Therefore Chryst was very man lyued alway very man but the spirite of God alway so reuealing himself in him that withal he appeared to be more then a man specially to them to whome it is geuen to know deuine things C. Moreouer when Luke sayth that Chryst was strengthned in spyrit and fylled wyth wisedome he geueth vs to vnderstand that whatsoeuer Wisedome there is in men and doth daily increase in them doth spring frō that generall Wel. Namely from the Spirite of God 41. Novv his Parents vvent to Hierusalē euery yere at the Feast of the Pasouer Novv his Parents vvent to Hierusalem C. Hee calleth Ioseph and Mary his parents because they were so counted The name of father is geuen to Ioseph for honors sake because it became him to haue a care for him Here the pietye of Ioseph and Mary is commended because they diligently exercised thēselues in the external worshippe of God Neither did they take vpon them this yerely iourney without cause but by the cōmaundement of God For wheras God commaundeth the males onely to presēt thēselues before him he doth not altogether exclude Womankind but doth spare and fauour them according to their sexe Exo. 34.23 Deu. 16.1 And by this Marke we may discern pure religion frō wicked superstitions in that the same kepeth it self vnder the obedience of God and the prescript of his law but as for superstitions they are after euery ones fantasie without the word of GOD Therefore Mary of her owne accorde did accompany her husbād euery yere to the temple of God At the Feast of the Pasouer C. There were three Feast Dayes but because they dwelte a farre of they coulde come but once onely Behould in what estimation they had the temple for the commaūdement of Gods sake and not for superstition For if wee consider what the state of Thynges was in the Church of Hierusalē there was no cause why Ioseph should goe thyther at any time Al thinges were swarued from the right institution the worshyp and seruice of the Temple was infected with many corruptions the priesthood was set to sale and doctrine was wrapt with many errors Yet notwithstanding because the ceremonies of the law stode in force still wyth the externall ryte of sacrificing it was necessary that the faithfull should testefy their Fayth with such exercises Therefore when the faithful came thither together they did nothynge but that whych was commaunded them of the Lord. For they presented themselues before the Arke of the testemony simply obaying the commaundement of the Lord wythout any superstition This ought to bee an example for vs to teache as that we oughte not to be easely moued if so bee we see many vices in the Church We ought rather to endeuour our selues to correct whatsoeuer is amis and yet neuertheles to retain the Fellowship which the Lord hath commaunded But when the testemony of the cōmuniō or fellowship is in any superstition we muste absent our selues from it as from an accursed congregatiō Christ said we know what we worship That is to say Wee haue testemony from God of those things which wee do Yee worship yee wot not what because their worshippe was not approued of God whose will is alway to be loked for 42. And vvhen he vvas tvvelue y res olde they ascended vp to Hierusalem after the custome of the Feast day A. Onely Luke maketh Declaration of of these things For Math. passeth straite frō the Infancy of Chryst to his Manifestatiō After the custome of the Feast day That is to say As they were wont so often as the Feaste of Passouer came For they did not traueyle for pleasure or for Curiocity Ie. 23.39 Deu. 16.8 but to worship to reuerence and to honor God 43. And vvhen they had fulfiled the dayes as they retourned home the Chyld Iesus aboade still in Hyerusalem and Ioseph hys Mother knevv not of it The Dayes S. That is to say the Day of Passouer and the other sixe dayes following which wer also kept holy The child Iesus abode still Not of Disobedience but to shew what his Office was whereunto he was sent of
fryers seeme to exell the cōmon sorte of Christians Notwithstanding Ihon meteth them with such reproche that hee calleth them generation Vypers But this is the office of a Preacher of the worde and not reproch For so ought all Hypocrites to bee handeled who flatteringe them selues in their hearts goe about to deceiue God and men For this verse and the other two verses following reade our Annotacions vppon the third of Mathew beginninge at the 7. verse 10. And the People asked him sayinge what shall wee doe C. Luke intreateth of the particuler Sermons of Ihon euen as hee hath begon For the former reprehension pertayned to the Pharises nowe hee addeth that which pertayneth to the people Therefore the cōmon People aske him saying what shall we do C. The true Affection of repentance causeth this carefulnesse that the sinner greedely inquireth what is the will of GOD and what GOD commaundeth A. That is to say what oughte to bee done to obtayne Saluation So the Iewes when they had heard the Sermon of Peter were pricked in heart and sayd vnto Peter and to the rest of the Apostells Acts. 2.37 Men and Bretheren what shall wee doe Also the Keeper of the Prison sayd to Paule Silas Maisters Acts 16.30 what must I doe to bee saued 11. He answereth saith vnto them Hee that hath two coates let him parte with him that hath none hee that hath meate let hym doe lykewise C. This answere of Iohn doth briefly define the condigne worthy fruites of repentance for the Worlde euer coueteth ceremonies in the worship of God neyther is it more proane to any thing then to worship with fayned and counterfeyt worship so often as hee calleth to repentance But what fruites doth Iohn the Baptiste cōmend vnto vs in this place Surely the duties of loue and of the second table Not that GOD neglecteth the externall Profession of Pietie and of his true Worship but bycause this note of difference is more certaine doth lesse deceiue For Hypocrites doe very busily occupy themselues to proue them selues to bee the Worshippers of GOD by Ceremonies hauing no care in the meane time for true righteousnesse when as they are eyther Churllish and discourteous to their Neighbours or ells geuen to fraude and Rapine Wherefore they are necessarily to be brought to a more grosse triall as whether they liue honestly amonge men whether they help the poore whether they bee fauorable to those that are in misery whether they ●oe gentlely participate with others those thinges which the Lord hath bestowed vppon them For this cause Christe calleth the principall pointes of the Lawe Mat 23.23 Righteousnesse Mercy and Faith The Scripture doth oftentimes cōmend righteousnesse and Iudgement Wee must note this first of all that the duties of Charity are named not bicause they are more exellent then the worship of GOD but so far forth as they are Testimonies of mans Piety that their Hypocrisie may be discouered which boast that thing with their mouth which no doubt is farre from their heart But it may bee demaunded whether Iohn did precisely lay this Lawe vppon all men Question whom hee soughte to frame make Disciples for Christe that they should not haue two Coates First of all wee must note that it is a sinecdochall kinde of speach Aūsvvere bycause vnder one particuler hee comprehendeth a generall doctrine Hereupon it followeth that wee must drawe forth that sence and meaninge which may agree with the Rule of Charity as it is prescribed of God namely that euery one of his aboundance doe help and relieue the neede of the poore Euery man ought to waigh consider howe much the Lord hath geuen vnto him he ought also to be carefull for the neede and necessity of his Bretheren and to vnderstande that his goods are therefore geuen vnto him that he might dispence and bestowe the same vpon others These things are pentifully and plainly set downe by S. Iames Iam. 2.15 1. Ihon. 3.7 and by S. Iohn in his first Epistell Therefore the meaning of Iohn the Baptist is that wee must help and relieue the necessity of our bretheren of that abundance which God geueth vnto vs. 2. Cor. 9.7 The Apostell sayth that the Lord loueth a cheerefull gieuer We speake this to this ende that men may know how acceptable and sweete smelling a sacrifice it is vnto God to geue of their goods vnto the poore But those kinde of men which doe make it as a Lawe that no man shall possesse his owne doe not onely bringe feare and dreade into the Consciences of men but do also quite ouerwhelme them with desperation R. For Ihon did not appoint here that mens goods should bee common as the Anabaptists teache and the seditiouse desire neyther doth hee take away the ciuill diuision of thinges ordayned by publique Lawes For althoughe ryches are sometime spoken against for the euell abuse thereof yet notwithstanding of them selues they are the good creatures and the gift of God Pro. 10.22 The blessinge of the Lord saith Salomon maketh men rich And in Iob it is sayd Iob. 42.12 And the Lord doubled vnto Iob all things that hee had before two foulde Also the lord saith to Salomon 3. ki 3.12 I haue gieuen vnto thee those thinges also which thou requiredest not that is to say Ryches and glory in such wise that no Kinge hereafter shal be lyke vnto thee Thus you see by the testimony of Gods woorde that riches are the gifte of God But who so much voide of shame that he will deny it to bee lawfull for a Christian to haue and to possesse the gyfts of God For the earth is the Lords and the fulnesse of the same And Christians are the Lords What then should bee the cause that they may not lawfully possesse the gifts of the Lord their God Moreouer that is to bee considered which is written in the Lawe Thou shalt not steale By the which commaundement is vndoubtedly confirmed the Diuision of thinges and Superiority But if it were vngodly for a man to possesse his owne goods verely there would be no place left for wicked theft euen as hee cōmitteth not theft which vseth the Ayre bycause by Naturall right the Ayre is cōmon to all men Psa 62.11 1. Ti. 6.17 Moreouer consider what the Prophet saith in the Psalmes Yf ryches increase set not thy heart vpon thē The Apostell Paule also teacheth the same They cōmaund not to cast away Riches but they teach vs not to repose our trust in Riches Wherefore S. Ihon in this Sermon teacheth not a new Law but expoundeth and interpreteth the olde naturall Law not onely to the Iewes but also to the Gentiles For the Naturall Law is this What soeuer yee would that men should do vnto you Mat. 7.12 euen so doe yee vnto them There is no man which in hunger colde which would not wishe to bee sustained and clothed
moment And this error broughte forth another as commōly it commeth to passe For he iudged that Christe was no Prophet because he knew not as he thought what maner of woman it was but although we see the some thing at some time was hidden from the Prophetes because the Lorde onely reuealed so much vnto thē as was nedeful for thē yet notwithstanding Chryst the true Prophet knew well inough what she was and he dyd not onely knowe her but also he would haue present and by her Example beate downe the pryde of the Pha●isie Here therefore we see how greatly wee oughte to beware of presumptuous opynions because they brynge vs into other errors the which euill wee shall easely withstande if so be we iudge onely of matters of the which we are certayne 40. And Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto him Symon I haue somewhat to say vnto thee And he said Mayster say on C. Chryst doth not tarry vntyl the Pharise● vtter his mynde but preuenceth him geuing a signe of his Diuinity in bewraying the secrete thoughtes of his hearte For in declaring what hee thought he sheweth that he is much more excellent then any Prophet and that not onely for Symons sake but that we mighte all thereby learne that it is not to be feared least he reiecte any sinner who is no lesse ready as it were with stretched oute armes to receyue all then he doth gentely and friendlie call all saying Come vnto me all ye which labour and are laden and I wil refresh you Ma. 11.28 41. There was a certayne Lender which had two Debters the one ought fiue hundred pence and the other fiftye C. By this simillitude Chryste sheweth how greately Symon erred But bicause the Aduersaries of the Gospell denying the free remission of sins brynge in this place thereby to proue that remission of sinnes commeth by merites and satisfactions as thoughe this woman had deserued pardon by her teares by the anoynting and kyssing of his feete must take dyllygence heede and consideration of the same least hereafter any man be deceiued by such Iusticiaries in the Interpretatiō of the same Therefore this is the sence and meaning of this place The Pharisie as we sayd before thought wythin him selfe that the Lord knewe not the Woman whom hee admitted to his Company with such facility For For he thought that he would not haue admitted her if he had knowne what maner of sinfull woman shee had ben And herof he gathered that he was no Prophet which might after that maner be deceyued The Lorde to shewe that shee was no Sinner whose sinnes were alreadye forgieuen propoundeth a parable the summe whereof is that Symon doth erre in condēpnyng the woman whom the heauēly iudge doth absolue There was sayth hee a certayne Lender which had two Debters the one ought fiue hundred pēce and the other fiftie The Debte was forgeuen to both Which of the two had greatest fauour The Pharisie aunswered He to whome hee forgaue moste Then our Lorde sayd Knowe hereby that this Woman sinnes are forgeuen her because she loued much By which Words Chryste proueth that this VVoman is iuste not because she made satisfaction vnto God but because her sinnes were forgeuen her For otherwyse the simillitude wer vnapte where Chryst doth plainlg expresse that the debters which wer not able to pay had the Debte freelye forgeuen them So that the Argumente which Chryst vseth was not taken of the cause but of the Effecte because both one must first receiue a benefit before hee geue Thankes and also fre remission is noated heere to be the cause of mutuall loue Therefore he maketh not the womans Loue the cause of remission of sins but the probation For these are the wordes Many sinnes are forgeuen her because shee loued much being taken from the simillitude o● that Debter to whō fiue hundreth pence wer forgeuen to whom he said not that they were therefore forgeuen because she had loued much but that shee therefore loued much because many sins wer forgeuen her Also how she obtayned remission of Sinnes the Lorde himselfe testefieth saying Thy Fayth hath saued thee Therefore by Fayth we obtaine remission of sinnes and by loue we geue thankes vnto the Lord acknowleging his mercy and goodnes 44. And he tourned to the Woman and sayd vnto Symon Seest thou this Woman I entered into thy thy house thou gauest me no Water for my Feete but shee hath washed my feete with teares and wyped them wyth the Hayres of her Heade C. The Lorde seemeth so to compare Symon wyth the Woman that he condempneth him onely of small offences But this is a maner of grauntyng as if he had sayd Admit Symon that thy faulte were small which the lord hath forgeuen thee and that this Woman is guilty of many grieuous crimes Notwythstanding thou seest by euidēt Testimony that she is forgeuen For what meane such flowing teares such often kyssing my feete such anoynting with precious Oyntment but onely that she confesseth herselfe to be oppressed with greate and deepe Dampnation And now in the greater Necessity she feeleth her selfe to be the more feruē●ly shee imbraceth the mercy of God Therefore By the words of Chryst it cannot be gathered whether Symon dyd owe much or little or whether his faulte were forgeuen him More credyble it is as he was a blynde Hypocrite that he was as yet drowned in the filthynes of his sins But christ standeth vppon this one thinge that how wicked soeuer this woman was the signes of her righteousnes were manifeste because to declare her thākfulnesse she omitted no kynd of dutie and by all maner of meanes declared how much she dyd owe vnto God And by the way Chryst admonisheth Simō that there is no cause why hee shoulde flatter himselfe as though he wer free from all faulte for because he himselfe had neede of mercy I entered into thy house That which followeth is added to amplify the matter to shew how greatly this woman loued the Lord for the sinnes whych he had forgeuen her For euery man the more that he feeleth his sinnes to bee forgeuen him the more vehemently he loueth God and the more feling wee haue of Loue the more we shal know that we haue profited in Remission of sins and in Fayth Hereby let vs note that no man can be righteous before god but he which loueth God although loue as we said euen now is not the cause of righteousnes Thus Paule proueth righteousnes out of the Psalme saying Blessed are they whose Iniquityes are forgeuen Psal 32.1 Rom. 4.5 2. Co. ● 1● and whose sins are couered And in another pl●ce he sayth God was in Christ reconcyling th world to himselfe not imputing vnto thē their sins For no man is iuste but he which hath the true feeling of his sins neither can he imbrace true righteousnes except he fele them with a true affectiō And whosoeuer hath this knowledge that his sinnes are forgeuen him by
Chryst he must needes loue God Thou gauest mee no water for my Feete Christ speaketh not these thinges to reproue his hoste Symō of negligence as though hee had not honoured him sufficiently or courteously ynough entertained him but rather to beate down the pharisaicall pride and to shew that he was not hidden of hym to his house with a sincere pure hart seeing hee did not geue vnto him those things which the Iewes were wont at diuers Times to geeue vnto their guestes Gen. 18.4 Gen. 19.2 I●d 19.21 C. So that we must note the comparisons in the which the Woman is preferred before Symon namelye because she with her Teares watered Chrysts feete and anoynted his heade when as hee commaunded not so much as common water to bee geuen vnto him because she did not let to kisse hys feete when as he did not receiue christ with a kisse of entertainement because she poured precious Ointment vppon his feete when as he anointed not hys head with oyle And this was the cause why the lord which was a singuler exāple of sparingnes suffered that oyntment to be spent because by this means the miserable sinful woman declared that shee oughte all duty vnto him For hee sought not for pleasaunt delights n●yther was he delighted w●th sweete odors neither did hee allowe Gloriouse worship but loked for the onely odor of true vnfained repentance of the which her flowing teares were manifest witnesses 45 Thou gauest mee no kisse but she since the time I came in hath not ceassed to kisse my feete My Heade with oyle thou didest not anoint but shee hath anointed my Feete with oyntmēt Thou gauest me no kisse A. The Iewes vsed to entertaine theyr friends and acquaintance wyth a kisse euen as we doe at this day wyth imbracing or with shaking by the hand as may euidentlye appeare to such as reade the Scriptures My head with oile thou diddest not anoynte The Iewes did vse to anoynt with oyntment in their feasts as wee haue shewed in our Exposition vppon the 26. cap. of Mat. Verse 7. 47 Wherefore I say vnto thee many sins are forgeven her for she loued much to whom lesse is forgeuen the same doth lesse loue Wherefore I say vnto thee BV. As if he shoulde say Therefore I would not haue thee to condempne her as a prophane and abhominable person who being iustyfied by her sinnes is no more a Sinner as shee was before but holy and iust C. VVherfore Loue in this place is not sayde to bee the cause of forgeuenesse but the following Signe of forgeuenes For hys VVoordes are in effecte thus much They which behoulde so large a desier and Loue of Godlynesse in the woman and iudge not that GOD is nowe Mercifull vnto her freely forgieuynge her all her Sinnes are peruerse Iudges For CHRIST doth not heere shew how men shall bee buy the Grace of GOD but proueth that GOD hath now pardoned this miserable sinfull Woman leaste mortal men should mis●ike of her 48. And hee sayd vnto her Thy sins are forgeuen thee A. Now Christe comforteth the woman For although the Woman came not thither without faith yet notwithstanding she had neede of some consolation For she was vexed with the feeling of her sinnes for her Teares proceeded from great sorrow But if she had not bene afflicted this consolation might seeme superfluous Notwithstanding shee had faith C. Therefore it may be demaunded why Christe now promiseth pardon vnto her which shee had gotten already and of the which she was assured Some say that this sentence was spoken not somuch for her as for other mens sakes Other some beter Iudge that in these words he had speciall regarde of the Woman the which euidētly appeareth by that which followeth And there is no doubt but that she which had already tasted of the grace is nowe throughly absolued by the voice of Christe of whom she was perswaded that he was her only refuge of saluation Euen so daily our faith must go before when we craue remission of sinns at the hands of the Lord. Therefore although this woman brought with her a cōceiued trust of the grace which she receiued yet notwithstanding this promise was not superfluouse which serued very much for the confirmation of faith 49. And they that sate at meate with him began to saye wythin themselues who is this that forgeeueth sinnes also C. Here wee see the men being ignorant of the office of Christe do bring vnto thē selues new offēces And this is the roote of the mischife that no man doth consider his owne misery the which no doubte would haue moued euery one of thē to seeke a remedy But Hypocrits which sleepe in their sinnes murmur as at a new thing when as Christe remitteth sinnes saying who is this this is an interrogation of the contempt of that person As if they should say what vile contemptible person is this which forgeueth sinnes specially seing the same belongeth to God only As we haue shewed in the 2. Chap. of Mar. 7. verse 50. And he said to the woman thy faith hath saued thee goe in peace C. Christe to stop the mouthes of these whisperes also to cōfirme the woman praiseth her faith As if he should say how soeuer these mutter grudge abide thou cōstantly in that faith which hath brought thee sure saluation By the way Christe challēgeth vnto himselfe the authority geuen to him of his father for bycause he had power to heale faith is rightly directed vnto him And hereby he geueth to vnderstand that the Woman was not rashly or erroniously mooued to come vnto him but by the motion of Gods holy spirit Whereupō it followeth that wee can beleue in no other but in the son of God but wee must make the same the disposer of life death for if so be we beleue rightly in Christ bycause the heauēly father hath geuē him power to remit sinns hee must needes bee robbed of his honor so so●e as faith is geuen to another Also by this place their error is confuted which thinke the sinnes are redemed with loue For Christ doth far otherwise define here as whē by faith we imbrace the mercy of God The li●e speach we haue in the 9. Cap. Math. vers 22. Goe in peace B. As if hee should say Thou which hast beleued and hast geeuen credit to the preachinge of Repentaunce and to Remission Sinnes beinge tourned from thy wicked wayes and haste vnfaynedly declared thy selfe to take and to Worshippe mee for thy Sauiour and hast also testefied thy exceedynge Loue towards me goe in peace and be of a quiet mynd My Father wil neuer remember thy sins Thy Faith in me hath made the safe thou hast beleued that I cā restore thee into my fathers Fauour and obtain pardon of thy sins beholde thou hast receiued that whych thou beleuest go thy way now in safetie thou art the Chyld of God Heere Chryst declared himselfe to be the Sauiour by
which seeme to be most ielouse of the Glory of God are blynded with pryuate Affection of the Flesh R. If a man receyue hurte of an other he thinketh it Equity and right to doe Iniurye agayne and to reuenge Another cursseth his Aduersarie another wisheth to his Ennemy not onely Death but also an infinite sorte of Deuils and Hell fire it selfe And as these Thynges are done so sometime they are thought to be iustly done And why so For say they he hurt me first Why should hee doe vnto me such iniury who haue don no harme but good And why is it not lawfull for mee to doe that whych the Prophets dyd Elyzeus whē he was mocked of Chyldren curssed them in the name of the Lord and two Beares came and tare forty of them in pieces And Sampson concerning the Philystines sayd 4. Ki. 1.23 As they haue don to mee so haue I done to them Iud. 15.11 If thē it wer lawful for holy men to cursse and to do euill to theyr Aduersaries Why may not I do the like which haue receyued so many and so great iniuries A. Beholde here the common Disease of the Flesh Yea beholde the preposterous peruerse and mischieuous zeale of men R. By which the desire of pryuate Reuenge is not onely counted iust but also acceptable before God Wherefore excepte our zeale bee gouerned by the Spyrite of God it shall profite vs nothing at all to make any Excuse for whatsoeuer we haue done For the Spyrite doth gouern vs with his Counsaile wisedome least we should take any thinge in hand vnwisely contrary to our office or calling yea it will endue our mindes with right affections putting away all the dregges of the Flesh that we may desire nothing but that which is according to Gods wil. S. Therfore Christ by this Reprehension forbiddeth Reuenge as a vyce of our corrupte Nature and willeth vs to goe beyond nature as to loue our enemies to beare with the Aduersaries of the truth to suffer iniuries and to pray for those that hate vs. For the Kingdome of Chryst is the Kingdome of the Crosse of patience of meekenes of peace of humanity and such like Chryst also here separateth his Kingdome from the kingdome of this World and Chrystiā mē from the Chyldren of Darkenesse Moreouer he teacheth that the Kingdome of GOD is not a Kingdome in the which the matter must be tryed with Swordes and Clubbes Ye wot not what maner Spyrite ye are of S. He calleth heere the internal motion with the whych they were led the Spyrite They which haue the Spyrite of GOD are led by the Holy Ghost and they which haue the spirite of the Flesh are gouerned by the Flesh Therefore Chryst putteth a difference betwene the Spyrite of the Flesh and of corrupte nature and betwene the wyse Spyrite of God and those thinges which are of God and wythall hee reprehendeth his Disciples because they being farre frō the Spyrite of ELYAS vsurpe vnto thē selues amisse that which he did R. As if he should say Ye vnderstand not that your mynd your Spyrite and your desire is so euill that if all Synners shoulde bee delte vvythall alyke not onely these vnthankefull SAMARITANS but also you your selues and all Mankynde should vtterly bee destroyed C. ELYAS whose Example yee alleadge executed that Iudgement of GOD which was commaūded hym by the spyrit but ye wyll fal to Reuenge not at the Commaundement of GOD but at the motion of the Flesh Hereby we learne that the Examples of the Saynctes doe nothyng at all serue our tourne except the same Spyrite whych was theyr Dyrector dwell in vs R. There are some which reade thys Sentence by interrogation● thus Know ye not what Spyrite ye are of As if he should say Know ye not that in speaking thus ye are led by the Spyrite of the flesh For the Spyrite of my Father by whych yee oughte to ve gouerned seeketh not reuenge Or els Know ye not of what Doctrine ye are the dysciples and of what Religion ye are the Professors For fyrst ye are the Disciples of the Law Ma 5.44 and I haue taught you oute of the Law that ye must doe good not onely to your friends but also to your Enemies Secondly ye are my Disciples which am that Sonne of man which is called the Messias or Christ sent for the common Saluation of mē 56. For the Sonne of man is not come to destroy mens liues but to saue them And they went to another Towne A. Hee sheweth the cause why they should not seke reuenge but rather desire that all mighte repent and bee saued because hee which is the Lorde came to saue all Luk. 19.10 Euen as it is sayd in another place The Son of mā came to seeke and to saue that which was lost Io 3.17 And agayne he sayth God sente not his Son into the worlde to iudge the World but that the Worlde might be saued through him R. The which words bryng no small consolation to the conscience in all afflictions 1. Ti. 1.15 For they doe explicate the proper office of Chryste namelie that he doth not destroy but saue If so bee the wages that is to say Afflictions Pouerty Sickenesse Infamy Exile Death and Hell vexe thee Why arte thou faynte harted Chryst doth not destroy but saue 〈◊〉 1● 23 A●● in the Prophete it is sayde I liue sayth the Lord. I will not the deth of a Sinner but rather that hee bee conuerted and liue Beleue therfore in Chryst and thy sinnes are forgeuen th●e and thou shalt liue safe from destruction And they went to another towne A Chryst would goe to another place rather then hee woulde satisfie the vndiscrete and rash zeale of his disciples For the Exposition of the reste whych followeth vnto the 61. verse reade the eight Chapter of Mat. beginnynge at the 19. Verse 61. And another sayd Lord I wil follow thee but let mee first goe bid them farewell which are at home at my House C. Mathew maketh no mentiō of this thyrd man but it appeareth that hee was more bent vnto the worlde then preste and ready to follow Christ Hee offereth himselfe to be a Companiō of Chryst but with an exception as whē hee hath bid them at home at his house farewell that is to say when hee had set those thinges whych were in hys house in a readines as they are wonte which take theyr leue This is the cause why Chryst doth so sharpely reprehēd him For in word he professed himself to bee a Companion of Chryst then forsooke him vntill hee had ended hys worldly busines B. But whosoeuer wil haue Christ to bee theyr Sauiour must forsake al thinges and geue themselues wholie vnto Chryst 62. Iesus sayde vnto him No mā that putteth hys Hand to the Ploughe and loketh backe is apt to the Kingdome of God B. As if he should say Thou muste not haue such Respect vnto those
And then goe to saith the Lord let vs talke together thoughe your sinnes be as red as scarlet they shal be as white as snowe And behold all thinges are cleane vnto you C. By these words Christe doth neyther extenuate the grace of God nor yet reiecte the Rytes Ceremonies of the Law as vaine vnprofitable bicause he speaketh against those which carelesly serue God with bare signes as if he had sayd that is only a lawful vse which sanctifieth the meates and they do rightly iustly vse their meates which of their aboūdāce help the neede of the poore Therefore it were better to geue almes of the plenty which ye may spare thē scrupulosly to neglect the poore by washing of hands cups And wheras the Papists vpō this place do infer the almes deedes are satisfactions by which we are delyuered clensed from our sinnes it is fond that it neede not any refutacion For Christ doth not here shewe with what pryce we may here seeke to get remission of sinnes but declareth that they do eate breade purely which geue parte vnto the poore R. The Conscience is not purged but by repentance The which repentance consisteth of two partes the one by the acknowledginge of our sinnes and the other by fayth bycause through Christe sinnes are remitted Therefore when as Christe cōmaunded the Pharises to pourge their conscience from sinnes by the same also he admonished thē to acknowledge their sinnes and to beleue that they are forgeuen by Christe A. For he alone can reconcile vs vnto God and make satisfaction for our sinnes Then he addeth the fruites of repentance which are the workes of Charity proceeding from a true fayth For the exposition of the rest which followeth vnto the 52. vers reade the 23. Chapter of Math. vers 23. and 4. 52. Wo vnto you yee Lawears for yee haue taken away the Key of Knowledge yee entered not in your selues them that came in yee forbad The Key of Knowledge E. That is to say yee haue taken vpon you the office of teachinge B. The key is erudition and instruction for to explicate the metaphor he addeth of knowledge signifying by the Key of knowledge the explication of the scriptures instruction in religion This Key is not a certaine externall lordship or rule in this Worlde but it is the publique Mystery of preaching the worde of God by the which Mynistery the kingdome of Heauen is opened and shut Whose sinnes yee remit they are remitted Iho. 20.23 Mat. 23.13 sayth Christe and vvhose sinnes yee retaine they are retayned 53. When hee thus spake vnto them the Lawears and the Pharises began to vrge him vehemently and to prouoke hym to speake many thinges 54. Layinge wayght for him and seekinge to catche somethinge out of his mouth whereby they myght accuse him C. Nowe Luke hauinge repeated diuers maledictions concludeth at the length that all the Scribes were the more styrred vp against Christe in somuch that captiously they soughte to get some aduauntage of his wordes A. Thus wee see the disposition of the Scribes and Pharises who were vtterly hardned in their impiety The more they are reprehended and called to saluation the farther of they goe from the same To them agreeth that which the Prophet spoke concerninge their Auncetors Thou hast scourged them but they tooke no repentance Iere. 5.3 thou hast corrected them for amendment but they refused thy correction they made their faces harder then a stone would not amend R. And although Christ did not reprehend thē to destroy them yet notwithstanding those peruerse Contemners of Gods Iudgements lay snares for Christ to render euill for good And this is the fashyon of pestilent men to hate nothing more then wholsome reprehensions Whereby they mighte accuse him For they knew that they could not destroy him excepte they had somewhat to accuse him to the Deputy FINIS ❧ THE XII CAP. IN the meane time whē there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people in so much that they trod one another he began to say vnto his Disciples first of all beware of the leuen of the Pharises which is Hypocrisie R. Christe now returneth to geue instructions vnto his Disciples that he mighte confirme and grounde them in wholsome doctrine and mighte arme them against daūgers to come whom hee mynded to make Teachers of the whole Worlde Concerning this Leuen reade in the 16. Chapt. Mat. vers 5. For the exposition of the rest which followeth vnto the 10. ver reade 10. of Mat. beginning at the 26. vers For the 10. vers reade the 12. of Math. vers 31. And for the 11. 12. verses reade 10. of Math. vers 19. and of Marke 13. vers 11. 13. One of the company sayde vnto him Maister speake to my Brother that hee deuide the Inheritance with mee R. This man bewrayeth hys notable ignoraunce in that hee knewe not the kingdome of the Messias nor the ende of his offyce ●sal 72.2 For hearing out of the Prophets that the Messias shoulde establishe the kingdome of Dauid in iudgment and in righteousnesse and should Iudge the poore with equity and had ●eard also that this Iesus was the Messias which taught that no man ought to doe harme vnto his Neighbour he thought that Iesus oughte not onely to teache wyth Woordes but also to shewe with deedes that one ought not to hurte another A. Therefore he calleth Christ to proceede against his brother of his authority Speake vnto my brother sayth hee to deuide the Inheritance with mee As if he should say Seeing thou seemest to bee the Messias and dost so often times teach Brotherly loue bring to passe that my brother may shewe that in deede towards mee which thou teachest in worde and which the office of the Messias requireth Hee bewrayeth also here his couetousnesse For whereas Christe called his Dysciples to the confession of his Name and commaunded them to prepare them selues against the persecution to come this man as thoughe no daunger were at hand was so tyed to his Inheritance that hee sought for nothing els but for the riches pleasures of this Worlde and seeketh not to follow Christe but to gather riches together as may easely be noted by the Sermon of Christe followinge For this cause Chryste reprehendeth both his ignorance his couetousnesse 14. And he sayd vnto him Man who made mee a Iudge or a deuider ouer you C. The Lord being required to geeue his Iudgmente for the deuidinge of the Inheritance refused the same Question But seeing this thinge tended to the mayntayning of Brotherly concord and seeing it was the office of Christe not only to reconcile men vnto God but also to bringe them to mutuall agreement it may be demaūded what was the stay why hee did not take away the contencion betwene the two bretheren Surely Aūsvvere it apeareth that there were two causes why he abstained from the office of Arbyterment The first was
bicause the Iewes thought that the kingdome of the Messias should bee an Earthly kingdome hee would not mayntayne their Error by that Example For if they had seene him to deuide Inherytaunces the rumor thereof shoulde by and by haue bene spread abroade So in like maner many looked for a Carnall Redemption the which they too earnestly desired the wicked boasted that he went about to make a chaūge and to pull away the state of the Romaine Empyre Wherefore hee coulde not doe better then geue this answere by which they might all know that the kingdome of Christe was spirituall Therefore let vs also learne soberly to behaue our selues and to take nothinge in hande that may cause vs to bee euell spoken of Furthermore the purpose of the Lorde was to put a difference betwene the Polliticall gouernment of this Worlde and the gouernment of the Church For hee was ordayned of the Father to be a Teacher who with the Sworde of the Woorde should cut the thoughts Affections of men and pearce into their foules ☞ Thus the latrocinie and Robbery of the Pope and his is condemned who boastinge them selues to bee the Sheepheardes of Christe do take vppon them to inuade ear●hly prophane Iurisdiction For there shal be somewhat lawfull of it selfe which shall not pertayne to euery one Wherefore Christe woulde not haue all thynges mixte and confounded For the gouernment of the Church is spirituall the politicall gouernment pertayneth to the cōmon life of men We must therefore alwayes haue respect vnto our calling and what is meete for the fame For those things which are most exellēt are somtime in the sight of God most vile There was also a 3. particuler cause namely bycause Christ saw that this man leauing the doctrine of God had respect vnto his domesticall profite And this disease is to generall and cōmon in somuch that many professing the Gosple let not to abuse the same by making it a cloake to couer their couetousnesse Wee may easly gather this by the circumstance of exhortacion for except the man had abused the titell of the Gospell for hys owne Gayne occasion had not bene gieuen vnto Christe to condemne couetousnesse Therefore the text doth sufficiently shew that this man was but a coūterfeit Disciple whose minde was wholly occupied with his land cōmodity Moreouer the Anabaptists do to absurdly infer vppon this place that it is not lawefull for a Christian man to deuide Inheritances or to take vpon him any ciuill office Whereas Christe only denyeth him selfe to be a Iudge bycause he was ordayned of the Father to another ende Let this therefore be as rule vnto vs to keepe euery man wythin the boundes of his callinge whereunto he is called of God 15. And hee sayde vnto them Take heede and beware of couetousnes for no mans Life standeth in the abundance of the things which hee possesseth Take heede beware of couetousnes E. For couetousnes the Greeke word is Pleonexia which signifieth an insatiable desier of the which Christe commaundeth vs to take heede For no mans Life standeth in the abūdance By which words the spring internall originall frō whence an insatiable desier of hauing doth come is noted For bycause men do cōmonly iudge him to bee happy which possesseth most doe imagine ryches to bee the cause of a blessed life hereof cōmeth the imoderate desier which sēdeth out his flames like a hoate Fornace yet neuertheles is nothing abated in heate wtin But if wee were persuaded the riches were but necessary helps for this presēt life which the Lord reacheth vnto vs with his hand the vse whereof he blesseth this only cogitacion would easly asswage al wicked desiers that which the faithful know to be true by experience For whereupon commeth it to passe that they hange vpon God alone but only bicause they do not tye submit their lyfe vnto abūdance but do only rest thēselues vpon the prouidence of God who alone doth both sustaine vs with his power also geueth vnto vs so much as is needefull And that which is spoken heere of Ryches may be extended to honors to all the helpes of this presente life 16. And he put forth a similitude vnto them sayinge The ground of a certaine ryche man brought forth plentifull fruites C. This similitude doth set forth as in a glasse the proportion of that sentence the men liue not in their aboundance For when life is taken away from the most riche what doth it help that they haue heaped together much ryches We all graūt this to be true yet notwithstanding few regarde the same but rather all men for the most parte doe so order their Liues that they goe quite from God placinge their life in the present abundance of things Therefore all men must needes waken them selues least they fayninge them selues to be blessed with ryches doe tangle them selues in the Snares of Couetousnesse Plentifull fruites First of all wee see here the truth of this common Prouerbe The more wicked the more fortunate For the riche man of whom mencion is made here was wicked yet notwithstanding his Land brought forth plentifull fruite What meaneth Moses then to write sayinge that vngodlinesse is accurssed If thou wilt not hearken saith hee to the voyee of the Lord thy God Deu 28.17 curssed shalt thou be in the fielde curssed in thy Barne c. Why then was the fielde of the wicked ryche man blessed Question The word of the Lord pronoūced by Moses is not in vaine For so God hath ordained that blessing and good should befall the Godly and curssinge and euell happen to the wicked Yet notwithstanding God doth somtime suffer his ordinance to be chaunged to the which he is not tyed partly that by this meanes hee may declare his exceeding clemencie Mat. 5.45 by which hee suffereth hys Sunne to shyne vpon the euell and his Rayne to fall vpon the vniust partely that thereby hee may declare that there shal be another Iudgement and another world in the which all thinges shal be ordred not by words only as in this worlde it is seene but by deede according to lawfull order partely that hee may exercise the good and Godly in Fayth and to driue them to seeke after the ryches to come and partely to call the euell by this goodnesse to repentance and that if they doe not repente hee may more grieuously afflicte and punishe them Hereupon the Prophet sayth Iere. 12.3 Psal 73. ●8 Take them away lyke as a flocke is caryed to the slaughter house and appoynte them for the day of slaughter Therefore when the fieldes of this riche man brought forth plentiful fruit it was not for the deserte of his Godlinesse bycause he was a wicked man but that he might be inuited to repentance and that if he did not repent his punishment should be the more C. Furthermore in this parable is set forth vnto vs the transitory
of people to heare the worde of God The circūstance of time is also noted whē Christ is sayd to teach on the Sabothes Now this was the most conuenyente time to receiue Doctrine as we haue noated out of diuers places Therfore although the word of God be tyed to no places or Circumstances of times Yet notwythstanding at the wisedom and discretion of the teacher the same ought to be taught when ther is greatest hope of fructifying 11. And he holde there was a womā which had a Spyrit of Infirmitye eightene yeres was bowed together and could in no wise lifte vp her selfe C. Here is declared a myracle in the woman which was healed and the offence malitiouslye Conceiued of the IEWES because the LORDE had healed her on the Saboth Day LVKE sayth that the woman had the Spyrite of Infirmity in such wise that by the Contraction and shrynkynge of the sinnes her body was croked Because hee doth not otherwyse shewe what maner of disease it was it is lykelie that it was no common disease or such a one as the cause thereof was known to the Phisitions therefore he calleth it the Spyrite of infirmitie For wee know that by the Deuils means men are very much afflicted with straūge euils and vnnaturall diseases For although diseases come of naturall causes Yet notwithstanding there is no doubt but that they are punishmentes which the Lord sendeth for sinne And Sathan vseth them so often as it seemeth good vnto him Wee see what happned to Iob the Scripture is full of such Testimonies And was bowed together This Disease had so bowed the Womans backe that shee could not looke vp straite to heauen but went stouping downe to the groūd A. So that it seemeth that this was an extraordinary disease with that which Sathan afflicted this miserable Woman both in Body and minde C. Whereby the power of Chryste more euidently appeared by which he triumphed ouer Sathan not that sathan hath rule ouer men at his owne wyl but in that he hath power geuen vnto him of God to hurte 12. Whē Iesus saw her hee called her to him and sayd vnto her woman thou art loased from thy dysease C. In this miracle as in others also Chryst declared as well his power as his grace For he had further respect then to the disease For so long as wee sustaine the punishment of sin Sathā holdeth vs bound without mercy but Chryst is sayd to loase this woman How loaseth he her Doth hee loase her because he restoreth to her her mēbers No not for that onely but that externall solution was a signe of the inward loasing in soule For she myght haue ben deliuered from her disease and not haue bene loased frō the bondes of Sathan The cause therfore muste be ioyned with the effect So the saynts do oftentimes ioyne the wrath of God with theyr Sinnes euen as here the deliuerance from the disease and the cause are ioyned together And hee vseth the Preterperfectence or the time past Thou art deliuered when as not withstanding she was not deliuered or loased vntill Chryst had layd his hāds on her But she was loased alredy because the Lord had taken compassion on her and had decreed to heale her What then remained but that shee should receiue and apprehend by faith that which Chryst gaue vnto her Thus wee must haue respect vnto God by hope otherwise we shall see the diseases but shal be ignoraunt of the causes 13. And he layd his hands on her and immediately she was made strait and glorified God And he layd his hands on her A. Chryst vsed this externall signe so oftē as it pleased him For it was not necessary seeing we read that many wer healed of him with his word only but when it seemed good vnto him he vsed thys externall signe C Concernynge the vse whereof we haue spoken in an other place And glorified God here we haue in the womā an example of thanks geuing For to glorify God is to geue him thanks for the benefit receiued by Christ his son This gloryfiing of God is the effect of faith whych testefieth that the womā had faith the which whosoeuer hath he cannot be vnthākeful vnto God for his benefites Also that to glorify God to geue thanks vnto God are al one it is manifest by the example of the leper of whō it is said Luk. 17.16 Hee fel downe on his face at his feete and gaue him thankes There are not found that returned to geue Glorye vnto God but only this straunger 14. And the Ruler of the Sinagogue aunswered with Indignation because that Iesus had healed on the Saboth day and sayd vnto the people There are sixe dayes in which men ought to worke in thē therefore come that ye may be healed and not on the Saboth day Aunswered with Indignation A. That is to say he spake with Indignation because Chryst healed on the Saboth Day the which hee therefore did that the hypocrite might haue occasiō to speake agaynst the miracle It was not a matter done of purpose and yet notwithstanding all this was done by the prouidence of God Euen so the Lord doth oftentymes discouer the wickednesse and Hipocrisie of the wicked that they myghte bee knowne to the world There are sixe Dayes C. This Ruler durste not openly reprehend Chryst but tourneth the poysō of his waywardnes another way ouerthwartly condēning Chryst in the Person of the common sorte of people But this was wonderfull outragious mallice He telleth thē that there are sixe Dayes appoynted for labor but how foolishly doe they define that to be Labour which is permitted to be done onely wythin the compasse of sixe Dayes Why doth he not kepe them frō entering into the Sinagogue least they breake the Saboth Day VVhy doth he not commaund thē to ceasse from all the workes of piety But if men be restrayned from theyr workes onely on the Saboth day how vnmeete a thinge is it for the grace of God to bee tyed then He commaundeth them to come vpon other dayes to craue health as though the power of GOD lay a sleepe on the Saboth day and did not specially extende the same on that Day for the healthe and comforte of his People To what end serue Holy Assemblies but onely that the Faythfull might call for the Ayde and helpe of God VVherefore this wicked hypocrite speaketh as if the lawfull obseruation of the Saboth did stop the course of Gods Benefits exclude men frō calling vpon him and dyd depryue them of the Sence and feeling of his grace 15. But the Lorde aunsweaed him Thou Hypocrite doth not each of you on the Saboth Day loose hys Oxe or his Asse from the Staule and leade him to the Water C. In that he calleth him Hypocrite he doth it not to reproach him but sheweth that he which was a wicked man in heart preferred holines before Externall thinges Doth not ech one of you on the Saboth Day C. VVhen
as the Lorde mighte easely haue vsed many Arguments to refelle this grosse mallice he was contented with this one That if it be lawful to shew humanity to brute Beastes on the Saboth day it is out of order to make such a precise Holynes in the same that the Children of God may not be holpen 16. AND ought not this Daughter of Abraham whome Sathan had bounde loe eightene yeres be loased from this Bond on the Saboth Day C. There is a double comparison in the wordes of Chryst as of the Oxe wyth the Daughter of Abraham and of the Halter with the which the Asse or the Oxe is bound to his cribbe or staule wyth the bondes of Sathan with the which hee holdeth men bound to Destruction Ye sayth he which are such scrupulous obseruers of the Saboth dare loase your Oxen and Asses to lead them to the water And why may not I shew so much humanitie to the Electe people of God specially when there is greater necessity as whē one is to be deliuered out of the Bondes of Sathan And although the Wycked reprehender and cauiller helde his tongue for shame yet notwythstāding we see that there was nothynge so well done by Chryst whereat the wicked tooke not occasion to cauill And it is no marueile if Sathan endeuoured himselfe by all meanes possible to peruerte the Glory of Chryst which ceasseth not daily to disperse abroad his cloudes thereby to obscure the holy workes of the Faithfull Whō Sathā had bound lo eightene yeres R. Is then Sathan the author of Diseases Is hee which is diseased bound of Sathan Question Shall we say that hee which is sicke in Body is bounde captiue with the bonds of Sathā Is not the Lord our God sayd to send vnto vs Diseases and afflictions Ansvver To aunswer this we must first note what God is by his owne nature For God if thou well weigh his true and proper nature is nothing els but the chiefe and most excellent fountain of goodnes and health There is nothing in the nature of God whych is euill or diseased Wherefore God by his owne Nature doth neither make nor send Diseases vnto vs. For howe should he which is the chiefe Health and health it self create diseases How should the moste excellent ioy make sorrow and griefe Then thou wylte say whereof come Diseases Verely euen of sinne For if so be Death entered into the world by sinne then verely diseases also entered wyth Death which are foremessēgers of the same And Sathan is the Author of sinne He sayth Chryst was a murderer frō the beginning and aboade not in the truth because ther is no truth in him When he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his owne because he is a lyar Ioh. 8.44 and the father of the same It resteth therfore that Sathan be the Author of Diseases also and diseases are rightly called the Bondes of Sathan Notwithstanding we must thinke that GOD himselfe sendeth Diseases and other manner of afflictions vnto vs. Fyrst because God geueth liberty vnto Sathan to annoy vs with Diseases For so he sayd vnto Sathan concernynge Iob. Beholde he is in thy hande Iob. 1.12 and 2.6 but yet saue his Lyfe Secondly because after that Sathan by the permission of God sendeth Diseases God receiueth them into his owne hand and vseth them as an Instrument to our Saluation For euen as the wycked facte which the Sonnes of Iacob committed against theyr Brother Ioseph by which they sould him vnto straūgers was the worke of Sathan and God taking the same into his owne hande vsed it for an Instrumente to worke the Saluation of the house of Israell Ge. 50.20 For so Ioseph himself expoūdeth it saying Ye thought euil against me but God tourned it vnto good to bringe to passe as it is thys day to saue much People aliue Euen so also Diseases are the works bonds of Sathan by which he worketh our Saluation Iob. 1 21 Iob. 2.10 So Iob thought of his afflictiōs The Lord geueth the lord taketh away Da. 9.7 So Danyell confesseth that the Exile into Babilon came of the Lorde for the which cause the Lorde tooke the same into his handes turned it to the Saluation of the Israëlites Wherefore when Diseases or other afflictions are sent vnto vs wee must acknowledge our sinnes wee must acknowledge them to bee in the power of Sathan for sinne Notwithstanding we must not thinke or iudge of afflictions and diseases as they are styrred vp of Sathan but as the Lord our GOD hath taken them into hys hands who being not onely the beste but also the moste wise and mighty Workeman of his singuler goodnes and wisedome Rō 8.18 bryngeth to passe that all thinges turne to good to thē that loue him Howbeit this woman was captiue vnto Sathan after a certaine speciall maner C. This also is to bee noted that Chryst calleth her the daughter of Abraham whose bodie was vexed by Sathan eightene yeres and that not onely in respecte that she was a Iewe but also because shee was one of the true members of the Churche Whereby also we may perceiue that to be true which Paule teacheth that some are deliuered to Sathan for the destruction of the Flesh 1. Cor. 5.5 that the Spirit might be saued in the Day of the Lord. Eightene yeres The Lorde noateth the space of time to certefy vs that although he doth not out of hand releue our miseries yet notwithstanding we must not dispayre A. The people of Israell were longe afflicted in the Land of Aegipte yet notwythstanding at the length they were deliuered from thence by the mighty hand of God So in like manner hee which lay by the pooles side was diseased eight and thyrty yeres yet notwithstanding at the last when he was paste all hope Ioh. 5.5.9 he found remedy in Chryst 17. And when he sayd these thinges al his Aduersaries were ashamed and all the people reioysed for all the excellent deedes that were dō by him All his Aduersaries were ashamed C. The Euangelyst meneth not that his Aduersaries were so ashamed that they chaunged theyr mind but he meneth that they were quite conuinced put to silence insomuch that all men knew theyr mallice and wickednesse in resisting the Lord. And all the people reioysed The people reioised be cause al things hapned to the Glorye of Christ because the Aduersaries had nothing to answer They were impudēt in reprehending yet notwithstāding now theyr mouthes are easely stopte Euē so there is no worke so good and excellente which shall not finde some slaunderous withstāders of the same For the Exposition of the reste whych followeth vnto the 22. verse Reade the 13. Chapter of Mathew verse 31. 22. And he went through all towns and villages teaching Iournyinge towardes Hierusalem Iournying toward Hierusalem C. It is vncertain whether hee speaketh of one onely iournying Mat. 9.3 Mark 6.6 or whether he meaneth
weeping gnashing of teeth when yee shall se Abraham Isaac and Iacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and ye your selues thrust out B. Here he sheweth the Punishments which remaine for hipocrytes but specially for the Iewes that he might the more dryue them from theyr hypocrisie draw them to the study of the truth By weping Mat. 8.12 he vnderstandeth exceding sorrow by gnashing of teeth he meneth great honor feare When yee shal see Abraham C. The Iewes being farre vnlike to the holy Fathers were proud in vain of theyr oryginall and ofspryng neither did they vse any thing more cōmonly then the abusing of the title of the church For the whych cause Chryst testefieth heere that they were a degenerate sorte which swarued from the fayth and Godlinesse of the fathers being banished from the Kingdom of God And herewithall is ioyned a secret reprehēsiō as if he should say If now ye neglect to enter in at the strait gate because the multitude of those that go out of the way stay you do ye not see that ye are separated frō the order of the faithfull being thus ioyned to the vnbeleuing Wherfore if your eyes are now wholly bente vnto the world the last day shall brynge heauy vengeance vpon you for the same For thē ye shal know that you your Companions are from the kingdome of God and that ye haue no fellowship with Abraham 29. And they shall come frō the Easte and from the west and from the north and from the south shal sit downe in the kingdom of God C. This is an Amplification taken hereof that the Iewes being banished who thought themselues onely to be the lawfull heires of God the gētiles should be taken now into theyr place that they might obtaine the Lyfe promised to Abraham and his posterity And he compareth the Gentiles with them that he might styrre them by a holy Ielousie vnto the Faith Euen as Paule did account it the extolling of his office if by any menes he might prouoke them that were of his Flesh to such emulation Rō 11.14 And thus it was necessary that the Iewes shoulde bee prycked forward who thinkyng to wel of themselues despysed God wyth hys giftes This sentence is expounded in the eight Chap. of Math. verse 11. 30 And behold there are last which shal be firste and there are firste that shall be last C. Chryst vsed these words very oftē notwithstanding in another sence In this place his purpose was onelie to beat downe in the Iewes a vaine confidence of themselues who being chosen of God from amonge the rest of the whole worlde being themselues bold of this Dignity thought that GOD was tyed vnto them Ma. Mar. 10.31 For this cause Chryst affyrmeth that the Gentiles which were at that time the outcastes and refice should be preferred before thē 31. The same day came there certain of the Pharisies and sayd vnto him Get thee out and depart hence For Herod will kyll thee For Herod will kill thee How they wer affected which gaue this coūsaile we cannot tell notwithstanding it is a probable coniecture that because they saw the greater part of the people to be addicted vnto Chryst that doctrine of the Gospell being receyued in many places they soughte to dryue him to another place We must noate what these friendely Admonishers were Luke sayth that they were certayne of the Pharisies And we know that the same Secte was not so fauorable vnto CHRISTE that it is likely that they would bee carefull for hys Lyfe What was their meaning then Surely they intended to make hym afeard and so to driue him into some Corner to hyde himselfe thynkyng thereby in a while to deminish his authority and to make hys Doctrine to quite forgotten R. It may bee also that HEROD dyd secretly suborne these Pharisies to perswade CHRIST to flee For seeing Herod had before put Ihon to death and sawe now that a greater multitude of men did followe Christe who was Ihons friēd hee might peraduenture feare least Christe woulde reueng Ihons death with force of armes and depryue him of his Dominion in Galile Wherefore seeing hee durst not openly bend his force against Christe he suborned Pharises who by dissemblinge great friendship might Counsaile Christe to departe out of Galile and to shun the cruelty of Herod that Christe being cast out he might be in Security and retayne the Maiesty of his Dominion 32. And hee sayd vnto them go and tel that Foxe Behold I cast out diuells and heale the people to day and to morrow and the thryd day I shal be perfected R. In that Christe sendeth the Pharises backe againe to Herod it seemeth greatly to cōfirme that which we sayd euen now namely that they came being subtilly suborned by Herod C. And it is certaine that Christ speaketh of Herod Antypas And although he was in behauiour a very Foxe and no lesse seruile than crafty in disposition yet notwithstandinge the craftinesse of his whole Lyfe is not touched in the name of Foxe but Christe noteth his priuy and secret snares by which hee lay in waight to ouerthrowe the Doctrine of the Gospell when as with open force hee durst not encounter with the same I sayth Christ by what subtilties soeuer hee practyseth will too day to morrow discharge that office which my Father hath committed vnto mee and when I haue ended my course then will I be offered for a sacrifice Exo. 22 28 A. If any man demaund how Christe called Herod Foxe seeing the law forbiddeth all men to speake euell of the Prince Wee answere B. that Christe did not transgresse the law for hee did not call him Foxe in contempt of his authority but by the power of the spirite and to declare his Fathers power which made him bolde not to feare him For the Spirite of God is aboue all power Christe speaketh not as a priuate man whose liberty whoso will follow let him take heede that hee be not voyde of the same spirite Herod though hee were a tyrante yet notwithstandinge being subtill crept into the myndes of men by deceipt in such wise that he ouercame all his aduersaries and yet stoode without any punishent There haue ben many tyrants which haue not dissembled their cruelty but haue openly manifested the same Nero and Caligula at diuers times boasted of their cruelty Tyberius being worse than they both hid his tyranny Such a one was Herod who playing the tyrant ouer the Iewes retayned still the fauour of the Romaines so contynued his kingdome Wherefore Iustly hee might be called a foxe A. Howbeit the purpose of Christe in this place was only to nyp the priuie and sly wiles of Herod with that which hee went about as is sayd to ouerthrow the doctrine of the Gospell Beholde I cast out diuells B. As if hee should say I will liue a few dayes and will shew diuers miracles and afterward
felicity Therefore hee goeth forward in his Iourney to Hierusalem which hee had begon And hauing gotten hytherto by his doctrine and myracles so great authority that hee was secretly counted for the Messias and reported already to be going to Hierusalem there to begin his Kingdome hee went forwarde with a great company of men following him For one being afflicted another beinge oppressed with neede this follow with Infamy and that with the tyranny of the Magistrate some with Domesticall trouble and some otherwise and thinking that the Kingdome of Christe should be a carnall earthly kingdome and should bring with it corporall felicity euery one hoped that if hee followed Christe that hee should be deliuered not only from his affliction but also should obtaine some kingdome or Principallity And Chryste was contented that they should follow him and should heare Sermons of the Gospell but he could not abyde that they shoulde promise to them selues in him and by his kingdome external and corporall Felicity and should seeke after nothing but the commodities of this Worlde Therefore turning himselfe to them hee sayd that his kingdome was another maner of kingdome then they dreamed of and he setteth before them certaine lawes which they must needes obserue and keepe which will follow him and be his Disciples 26. If any man come to mee and hate not hys Father and Mother and Wyfe and Chyldren and Bretheren and Sisters yea and his owne lyfe also hee cannot bee my Disciple 27. And who soeuer doth not beare his Crosse and come after me cannot bee my Dysciple For the Exposition of these two verses reade our annotacions vppon the 10. Chapt. of Math. beginning at the 37. verse And the 16. Chapt. vers 24. And the 8. of Marke vers 34. And the 9. Chapt. of Luke vers 23. 28. For whych of you dysposed to builde a Tower sitteth not downe before and coūteth the cost whether he haue sufficiēt to performe 29. it Least after hee hath layed the Foundation and is not able to performe it all that beholde it begin to mocke him sayinge 30. This man began to builde was not able to make an ende C. Leaste it should grieue any man to follow Christe to forsake him selfe his Affections in all thinges we haue here put downe vnto vs a very profitable admonition to meditate and consider aforehand what the profession of the Gospell requyreth For thereof it cōmeth that many doe faynte in the most light temptations bycause they promised vnto them selues nothing but mere Pleasures and Delightes as though they should be alway in case and rest For he shall neuer be a meete seruante for Chryst which hath not a long time before prepared him selfe for the warre So that the Simylitudes whych Chryste bringeth here serue very well for the purpose It is a paynetull and tedious thing to builde and requyreth great cost and charge Also no man without hee bee constrayned will take Warre in hand bycause it bryngeth so many incommodities wyth it yea it threatneth almost destruction to all man kinde And yet notwythstandinge the profit of Inhabiting allureth men to spend their substance about the same Necessity also constrayneth that men refuse no expences in mayntayninge Warre But there remayneth a farre more excellēt rewarde for the Builders of the Lords Temple for the Souldiers of Christ For Chrystians labour not for a transitory buildinge or for a momentany triumph But where as Christe sayth that if a Kinge bee not able to Encounter wyth his enemy seeketh peace leaste hee bee ouercome to his Ignominy Shame it ought not to be applyed to the present cause as though we should haue any reconciliation wyth our spyrituall Enemy if wee bee not able to match him For it were fond to straine all thinges in Parables to the matter which is in hande But the Lord meaneth simplely that wee ought to be so appoynted least wee being founde vnarmed tourne our Backes in the conflicte And as by this Doctrine theyr rashnesse is reproued which passe their boundes without Wit or discretion or which promyse vnto them Selues pleasure not consideringe the burthen of the Crosse so also wee muste take heede least this meditacion to the which Christe exhorteth doe terrefy or discourage vs. Many bycause they are not by by deliuered oute of Pryson abandon all Pacience and forsake their course for they cannot abyde to be Christians vnlesse they may be free from the Crosse Othersome hauing a straight and vnsauerye Condition of Lyfe set before them dare not come vnto Christe But there is no cause why our neede or Pouerty shoulde Dyscourage vs whom the Lord helpeth in due time Wee confesse that if we waigh the cost and Charge wee are so poore and vnprouided that wee are not able to laye one Stoane towarde the Foundation nor yet to lyft vp the Sworde against the enemy But seeing the Lord trom Heauen doth beare our cost and doth arme and fortefie vs against the Enemy wee shall haue no excuse to cloake our slouth and negligence withall Therefore the purpose of Christe is to put his Disciples in minde concerning the bearing of the Crosse the they might arme themselues with fortitude They are deceiued which thinke that the Lord forbiddeth vs here to enterpryse more then we are able to discharge We are to slow in taking in hand any good act 33. So likewise whosoeuer hee bee of you that all that hee hath hee cannot be my Dysciple As if he should say So in like maner shall hee bee laughed to Scorne which forsaketh mee after hee hath followed me bycause hee did weigh and consider with himselfe as making his account before he imbrased the Gosple that he must constantly persist in bearinge all maner of Crosses euen to the ende of his Race not onely to the losse of his goods but also of his Lyfe C. Therefore in these wordes Christe declareth what he meaneth by castinge of an account with the which he cōmaundeth his Dysciples to begin namely that they must haue euer in their minde to forsake all that they haue For they do in vaine intrude themselues to professe Christianisme who are delighted with a life that is sweete pleasante and vnexercised with the Crosse Act. 14.22 2. Ti. 3.12 A. For wee must enter into the kingdome of God And all they which will liue godly in Christe Iesu must suffer persecution C. But let vs vnderstande that to forsake all is so to preferre Christ before our own life and the desiers of the flesh that nothing do stop vs from the right course For it were to Chyldishe and grosse an Interpretacion so precisely to vrge the letter that none shal be accoūted the Disciple of Christe but he which casteth all his goods into the Sea and forsaketh his Wyfe and Children By such foolishe Imaginations fond men haue bene brought to Monchary in somuch the seeking to come vnto Christe they haue forsaken all humanity But no man doth more truely
society of men For if matter were so that no man were Godly but he which cōtemned and refused riches how should common weales bee maintained and who shoulde bee saued Thus yee haue the iudgement of the Pharises and wtall also the Iudgment of all hypocrits and couetous persons concerning their honesty and vanity of the word of God For as they thynke themselues to be iust and Godly so they iudge the Doctrine of the worde God to be so false as it is pernicious to the common saluation of men This is greate impiety Wherefore it is sharpely reprehended of Chryst For it followeth 15. And he sayd vnto them yee are they which iustefy your selues before men but God knoweth youre hearts for that which is highly esteemed amonge men is abhominable in the sight of God Yee are they which iustefie C. We see heere that Chryst doth not geue place to the proude disdaine of the Pharises but doth constantly maintaine the Authority of his Doctrine agaynste scoffes scornes And this also ought all the ministers of the Gospell to behaue themselues that they may set the terrible Iudgement of GOD before wicked and vngodly contemners Hee sayth therefore that theyr hypocrisie with the which they blynd the Eyes of men shall profite them nothing in the Iudgement of GOD. They would not seeme in their scorninges to defēd their couetousnes but Christ teacheth that thys Poyson brast forth frō theyr secrete soare Yee would seeme saith he to be iust and holy But God knoweth your hearts As if he should say Yee thinke it sufficient to bee thought holy iust before men but God seeth well inough those vices which ye hyde from the face of the Worlde Acts. 15.8 Rom. 8.27 1 Thes 2 4 For hee is a searcher of the heart and raynes Whereby wee haue to noate that there is a difference betwene the iudgemēts of men and the Iudgements of God because whereas men do iudge onelie after the outward appearance commend that which externally hath a goodly shew before the Iudgement Seate of GOD nothing is allowed but a sincere heart For that which is highly esteemed By this excellente Sentence wee are forbydden to haue a lyking of our selues if so bee men commende vs for the same is not only nothyng worth but also an abhomination For men behoulde onely the outwarde shew and iudge by Externall signes Furthermore the whole Wisedom of the Worlde is generally condempned For we must only haue respect vnto this that our Life may bee acceptable vnto God What shall we say then concerning the counterfeyte wisedome of men What of fayned VVorshyppinges Howsoeuer they please men yet notwithstanding he prouounceth them to be abhominable stynkynge before God But doth not true righteousnes please men Yes verely but here Chryst distinguisheth betweene that which is proper vnto God and that which is proper vnto men For whatsoeuer is proper vnto men and not of GOD if it be of any pryce or estimamation in the world it is an abhomination before GOD. Therefore GOD doth not reiecte Vertues the Prayse whereof he hath prynted in the heartes of men but he doth abhorre reiecte whatsoeuer men do reiecte in they re owne sence and immagination The next verse following is expounded in the 11. Chapter of Mathew verse 12. And the 17. and 18. Verses are expoūded in the fifth Chapter of Mat. verse 18.19 19. There was a certayne riche Man which was clothed in Purple and fine white and fared delitiously euery Day B. The Argument of the other parable going before and of this also is all one by which Chryst exhorteth to mercifulnes toward the poore A. Wee haue already shewed that the Euangelistes haue not set downe all things in order as they were done but haue set before vs a summe of the words of Chryst as it was requisite and needefull for the edification of the Church And this is the cause that Luke placeth certayne matter betwene this parable and the other going before C. Now therefore Chryst sheweth what the condition of those shal be which hauing no care at all for the poore doe stuffe and pawmper themselues with all delights who being wholly geuen to pleasure suffer theyr poore Neighbors to pine wyth hungar whereas they myght of theyr Superfluity to relieue them And although it seemeth to some that thys is a simple parable yet notwithstandyng because the name of Lazarus is expressed it is likely that it was a true story and more then a bare parable But whether it be or no it maketh no matter so that the Readers note the sūme of the Doctrine Which was clothed in Purple C. Fyrst of all wee haue heere set before vs a Rich man clothed in purple and which fared delitiously euery day by which wordes is noted a Delycate life full of Luxurie Excesse pompe Not that all finenes and sumptuousnes of apparell is simply displeasante vnto God but because it is very seldō seene that a meane is kepte in these thinges For he which desireth a Glory in apparrell wyll euery day exceede wyth new deuises And it can not bee but that he also must exceede with delighteth in a table furnished with sūptuous delicate dishes Notwythstanding in this man cruelty is speciallie condempned in that hee suffered poore afflicted Lazarus to lie at his Gate For Christ cōpareth these thinges together that the riche man being geuen to belly cheere to pompe as an vnsatiable glutton deuoured great plenty being nothing at al touched with the neede miseries of Lazarus but willingly suffred him to perish with hūgar colde corruption of his soares B. The which ought the more dilligently to be noated because certaine learned men doe condemne nothing here but infidelitie We graunt that Infidellity is the welsprynge of all sinnes but yet there are many sinnes beside it Therefore thys man is condempned because he despysed the poore hee himselfe liuing delicately A. After the same manner the Prophet accuseth Sodome because in the fulnes of bread and wine shee dyd not reache out her hande to helpe the poore 20. And there was a certaine beggar named Lazarus which was layd at his Gate full of soares 21. And desiering to bee refreshed with the croomes which fell from the Rich mans boarde And no mā gaue vnto him but the Dogges came and licked his soares R. Heere poore and scabbed Lazarus is set opposite agaynst the Rych man who seemed so much the more miserable by howmuch others were more happy But the Dogges came licked C. Hereby the beastly and cruell vnmercifulnes of the Rich man is condempned in that so miserable a sighte did not moue him to pittie and cōpassion For if there had bene any whyt of humanity in him he should at the leaste wyse haue commaūded some of the fragments of his table to haue bene geuen vnto him But this was beastely and monsterous cruelty to be more mercyles then Dogges A. A wonderfull spectacle verely that
5.20 What haue yee to do with the day of the Lord sayth the prophet the Day of the Lorde is darkenes not light Zach. 9.9 Contrarywyse Zacharias commaundeth the daughter of Syon to reioice for the comming of the king And that iustly because as Esaias sayth the same day which bryngeth to the reprobate wrath and vengeāce Esay 35.4 bringeth fauor and redemption to the faithful Therfore Christ teacheth that the light of ioy shal arise to his Discyples by his cōming that they shall tryumph to se the wicked cōfo●nded with feare 1. Co. 1.7 2. Ti. 4.8 And for this cause Paule sayth that the Godly loke for loue the cōming of the lord Because your redemption draweth nie Paule also calleth that same day the day of redēption because wee shall then haue the fruition of that delyuerance which Christ hath purchased for vs. For the rest vnto the 34. verse read 24. cap of Mat. verse 32. 34. Take hede to your selues leaste at any time your harts be ouercome with furfeting dronkennes and cares of this life and so the Daye come vpon you vnawares R. There is nothing more effectuall to put away careles slouthfulnes then the certaintie of perils at hand there is nothing of greater Force to make men watch then the vncertainty of the time with the which perils come Wherefore Christ ioyneth them both together to make his disciples diligēt in theyr office He said that moste certainely calamities should come vpon the Iewes yea vpō the whole world now he saith that there is nothing more vncertaine or more vnknowen then the comming of the foresayd day So also it is said in Math. Watch therefore for ye know not the hower when your lord will come But here he willeth them to beware least theyr hearts be ouercome with surfeting and dronkennes C. For they which by liuing intemperately haue their sences ouercome with meat and wine shall neuer haue theyr mindes eleuated to the meditation of a heauenly life R. Paule also forbyddeth surfeting and dronkennesse in his epystle to the Romanes Rō 13.13 35. For as a snare shal it come vpō all those that dwel on the face of the erth Bu. This speach is borrowed of fowling For the vndiscrete birds are takē with the snare Euen so the last Daye shall ouerwhelme the blinded wycked which looke for no perill but feede euen as do folish birdes in the myddest of snares with the which they are intangled or euer they beware VVyth these wordes of the lord agreeth thys saying of S. Paule When they shall say peace and safety then shall sodayne destruction come vpon thē as sorrow vppon a Woman with chyld and they shall not escape A. 1. The. 5 3 So in Noes time they did eat they dranke they maried euen vntill the Day that Noe entered into the arke Lu. 17.27 the floud came and destroied them all 36. Watch yee therefore and praye continually that yee may bee accoūted vvorthy to escape al these Thynges that shall come and that yee may stand before the son of man C. Because there are many Snares of the Fleshe by which mens myndes are intangled there is neede of greate watching Because also it is nedefull for vs to seeke for Ayde and Helpe at Gods Handes Prayers are necessarie by which our infirmities are holpen And Chryst prescribeth heere vnto vs a forme of prayer Fyrst that it would please God to deliuer vs from the daunger of so many snares Secondly that we may stand in safety before the Face of that son of God For we may not come thither except wōderfully we escape a thousand Deathes That ye may be coūted worthy E. This speache is as much as if he had sayd That yee may be able to stand in the presēce of God make continuall prayers vnto him 37. In the Day time he taught in the temple and at Night he went out and abroad in the Mounte that is called Olyuet BV. Hereby the Ministers of Godds word are taught how carefull and dylligent they ought to be in preachynge the Gospell after the exāple of Christ the Prynce of sheepeheards Also how dylligent they ought to be in praying For in that he went to the mountayne it was to pray as may playnelie appeare by the words of Mathew saying And when he had sent away the people he went alone into the mountayn to pray Ma. 14.23 Mar. 6.46 Therefore Chryst taught and prayed For his office and callinge was to preach the Gospell concerning remission of sinnes Lu. 4.18 and the Reconcylliation to his heuenly Father euen as he him selfe testefieth out of Esay And the nearer his death approached the more vigilant hee was in following his calling 38. And all the people came earelye in the morning to him in the temple to heare him E. Hereby wee see the feruente desyre which this people had to hear Christ in that they are sayd to come early in the morninge to heare hym Therefore they may be ashamed before whom Chryst setteth his Gospel daily in the Church and yet notwythstanding neglect to come to heare the same rather following their temporall businesse A. The feruēt desire of this people shal condempne the contempte of these men in that so ernestly they soughte to heare Christ preach the Gospel ❧ CHAPTER XXII THE FEASTE OF sweete Breade drewe nyghe which is called Passeouer A. The Euangelist Luke in this cap beginneth to descrybe vnto vs the Hystorye of the passion of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Chryst in the whych he repeateth a fewe things which the other omitted Concerning this Feast and the reste which followeth in thys Chapter Read the 26. cap of Mathew verse the second and the 14. Chapter of Marke verse 10. 15. And hee sayde vnto them I haue earnestly desiered to eate this Passeouer with you before that I suffer R. Here let vs note the desire of Christ to worke our Saluatiō In this feast of passeouer Chryste was to suffer a most shamefull and cruell death Another man woulde haue desiered by all maner of meanes to shunne and escape so horrible a death But Christ rather desiereth to suffer the same Not that Death it selfe was so pleasaunte but because he so earnestly thyrsteth after our Saluation which we attained vnto by his Death Rō 9.33 Therefore thys desire of Chryst ought to styrre vp euery carelesse and slouthfull person to repente in time If Chryste had called vs to such labor as might rather haue brought daūger then profit we might peraduenture make excuse and turne our selues another way but nowe hee hath called vs to those labors nay rather to those Felicities which shal alway brynge Saluation with them For euery one that beleeueth in hym shall not be confounded Why then do we delay to take them in hande and to follow them Also this desyre of Christ ought to strengthē their minds which feare that Chryst neither behouldeth them nor receiueth
Moises saith that he was mighty in words deedes And in this place it is doubtfull whether Chryst be called mighty in worke for his myracles as if he had sayd that he was endued with powers deuine which might proue that he was sēt frō heuē or whether this was more large as if he had said that he excelled as well in the gift of teaching as in holynesse of life and other excellent gyftes And this latter sence doth best agree Neither is this addition superfluous Before God all the People whych sheweth that Chrysts excellencye was so manifest in the sight of all men that it was without all couler and vayne ostentation And hereeby may bee gathered a short definition of a true prophet which is such a one as ioyneth the vertue power of his workes to his words which wil not seke only to excel in the sight of men but also before GOD to walke sincerely with an vpright heart 21. But we trusted that it had ben hee which should haue redemed Israel as touching all these things to day is euē the third day C. It shal euidētlly appeare by the text that they had not fors●ken the hope which they had conceyued cōcerning Chryst though at the first sighte the woordes may seeme to importe the same But because the reporte of the commendation of Chryste contained in the 20. verse might haue discouraged a man hauing no tast of the Gosple Cleophas setteth against this offence the hope of the resurrection And although hereafter he shew himselfe fearefull and wauering in the hope thereof yet notwithstanding he dylligently gathereth all the helps hee can to support the same For it is likely that hee noted the thyrde Day to no other ende but because the Lord had promised vnto him that he would rise againe the thyrd day Also whereas after that he sheweth that the body was not foūd of the women and that they saw a vision of Angels and that the Women had spoken concerning the empty Sepulcher is referred to this ende that Chryste was risen Thus the Godly man hanging betwene faith Feare helpeth his faith and fighteth agaynst feare so much as he is able 22. Yea and certaine women also of our Companye made vs astonyed whych came Early vnto the Sepulcher Made vs astonyed R. Is this iuste cause of astonishment They ought rather to haue geeuen thankes vnto the Lord because those women knew these thinges Hereby we see how slowe wee are to beleue God whether he declare his will by wordes or by deedes Chryst had oftentimes spoken of hys Resurrection here signes are shewed and yet notwythstanding they doe not beleue Therefore it commeth of the singuler goodnes of God whē our herts are opened to receiue his worde Hee may speeke a hundred times but hee shall finde no faith in vs vntil he himselfe worke the same in vs. 25. And he sayd vnto them O fooles and slowe of hearte to beleeue all that the Prophets haue spoken This reprehention seemeth to sharp for the infirmity of man But he which wayeth all circumstances shall easely vnderstād that the disciples were not wtout cause so sharpely reprehended of our Sauiour Chryst vpon whom hee had ill bestowed so longe time his Labour which was almost without profite For we muste noate that the same which is spoken heere is not onely restrayned to these two but also a common faulte is set before them whych the rest of their fellowes might heere anon at theyr mouthes Chryste had so oftentimes tould them before of hys death so oftentimes also he had spokē of a new and spyrituall life had confirmed his Doctrine by the sayings of the Prophets and yet notwithstāding his words were spoken as it were to deafe men or rather to stockes and stones and being astonished wyth the feare of Death they wauer wyth the wynde Therefore he doth iustly attribute this wauering to folishnesse and maketh slouth and negligēce the cause thereof because they were not more ready to beleue And he doth not only cast in their teeth that they were to slow to learne of him he being so excellente a Scholemaister but also hee casteth in their teeth theyr small regard to that sayings of the Prophets Euen as if he had sayd that their dulnesse had no excuse because the same could not stād but by them seeing both the Doctrin of the Prophets was so playne manyfest of it selfe and also so notably set forth vnto them Euen at this Day the greater parte of men beare the same blame of folly because they are vnapte to be taught But some man may demaūd whether this O Fooles and slow of heart bee not a rayling sentence Question Whether also Chryst himselfe taught not saying Who soeuer sayth vnto his Brother thou foole shal be in daunger of Hell fire How commeth it to passe then that he obserueth not his owne doctrine I answere that Chryst both taught well and also did well Hee taught that it is a certaine kynde of murther to reproch our brother with words with priuat rashnesse and carnall affection to geue vnto our neighbour the name of foole But that which he spake in this place is not rayling or reproch but dutye it is not carnall affection but Spirituall Zeale it is not pryuate rashnes but publique Authority For in that hee calleth his Disciples fooles and slowe of heart to beleue it is a parte of that Sermon which being reuealed from heauen and confirmed with an innumerable sorte of myracles bryngeth Saluation vnto vs. For that holy sermon which of all other is most necessary for vs to Saluation consisteth of two parts The first part is a rehersal of the ten Commaundements The second is the Gospell of Chryste By the first we know that we are fooles dull abiecte curssed and dampned seeyng we doe none of these workes perfectly which the law of God commaundeth Therefore when Chryste blameth reprehendeth these his two Disciples he taketh vpon him the office of the law and sheweth vnto them their sinne and vnbeliefe that by this way hee myght bryng them to the knowledge of them selues that so they might the more cōueniently know Chryst their saluation R. If so bee Chryst had not sought theyr profite this sentence had bene a reproch But seeing such reprehensiōs as this is proceeded of Charitie we must not counte them reproches neyther must we iudge by the words but by the affection C. Therefore let vs note that Chryst seeing his Disciples to be to negligent slouthful to make them more dilligent beginneth wyth reprehension So also muste they bee delte withall whom we knowe to bee neglygent or stubborne Yet notwythstanding the same must bee don wythout bytternesse For we must haue cōpassion vppon them which had rather beare a heauy yoake then obey the word of God 26. Ought not Chryst to haue suffered these thinges and to enter into his Glory C. There is no doubt but that the lord
and dilligence 49. I am come to send fire on the earth and what is my desire but that it be already kindled C. By this sentence it may easely bee gathered that this was one of the laste Sermons that Chryst made and not put downe by Luke in his due place time But the sence is this that the whole Disturbaunce and trouble of the World was layed vppon Chryst euē as if hee would confound Heauen and Earth For the Gospell is compared Metaphorically vnto Fyre because it transformeth al thinges with violēce Therefore when the Disciples falsely surmised that the Kingedome of God should come to such as were quiet and a sleepe Chryst setteth before thē terrible burning with the which that world must first be set on fire And because his Disciples might feele the present power of the Gospell he encourageth them As if he had sayd thus Seeinge already great motions begin to burn ye ought to be so litle made aferd therby that the same ought rather to geue you occasion to bee of good courage For I am glad to see this fruit of my Labor R. Therfore he declareth what should be the state to come accordyng to the outward shew of that time which should endure from his first cōminge in the flesh vnto his second and last cōming in maiesty And he taketh away the Offence which mighte discourage the Faythfull from the true Faith of the Gospel because of the troubles calamities which aryse when the Gospell is reuealed For the Prophetes had promised all maner ioyfull and happie thynges at the comming of Chryst As when it is sayd His dominiō shall bee enlarged Esay 9.7 there shal be no ende of his peace Agayne Esay 2.4 One Nation shall not lyfte vp the sworde agaynst another neyther shall they be exercised in Warre Also Esa 1.6 The Wolfe shal dwel with the Lambe and the Leoparde shall lye downe by the Goate Furthermore Violence and Robberye shall neuer be heard of in the Lande Esay 60 1● neyther harme and Destructiō within thy Borders thy Walles shall be called health and thy Gates the praise of God To be short there is no felicitie which the Prophets do not ascribe to that time in the which the Patriarkes were promised that Chryst should come Therefore Chryst teacheth that his Kyngedome is not of this world and that those thinges which were spoken by the Prophetes concerning the Felicity of hys time are not to be drawē to the externall Felicity of this World For hatreds debates and murders were to followe the preaching of the Gospell C. Now let all ministers of the Gospell apply this vnto themselues that whē all the world is on a roare they may with the better courage followe theyr office Also we must noate that with the same fire of Doctrine both Chaffe stubble are consumed but Golde and siluer are purged 50. Notwithstanding I must be baptised with a Baptisme and howe am I payned vntyll it be ended C. By these wordes the Lorde affyrmeth that his last parte and act is yet behinde that by his death hee mighte worke the renouation of the Worlde For because that tempest of the which he had spoken was terrible and that burning also of mankinde ful of feare he teacheth that he must in his owne person be the firste that must offer the first fruites of the same And he cōpareth Death to Baptisme because the Chyldren of God being drowned for a time in the Destruction of the Flesh doe rise within a while after agayn to Life that death may bee nothing else but as a swifte passage throughe the water And how am I payned Hee sayth that he is payned vntill he hath ended this Baptisme in the whych wordes he comforteth eueryone of vs by his Example to be ready bothe to beare the Crosse and also to suffer Death Not that any man can naturally desire death or any inclination of the present state but because when we behoulde on the lee shoare Celestyall blessednes Glory and immortal rest we so desire these that we doe not onely patiently suffer death but are also willingly carried whethersoeuer faith and hope will drawe vs. For the reste vnto the 54. Verse Read the tenthe Cap. of Math. verse 34. 54. He sayd also to the People whē yee see a Cloude ryse out of the West straite way ye say ther cōmeth a shower and so it is The like of this we haue in the 16. Chapter of Mathew Verse 2. sauing that the signes of the Tempest which hee nameth heere differ from those which he noateth there For hee sayth here When yee see a Cloud rise out of the Weste For the Iewes had the Sea on the west part And it is a sure rule that when a Cloude ryseth from the Sea it bryngeth with it Rayne Whereupon Elyas also after three yeres Drouth hearing his Seruaūt say 3. Ki. 18.43 that there arose a litle cloud from the Sea the which is westward from the Iewes sayd that ther should come great Rayne 57. Yea why iudge ye not of your selues what is right C. Chryst doth heere reueale the cause of the euill and doth as it were touch and laūce the soare to the quick namely bicause they did not descende into theyr owne consciences nor enquyre there what was right before God For hereuppon it commeth that hipocrites are so ready to cauill because they doe not consider theyr wickednes nor set them selues before the tribunal seate of God that truth may haue the victory What is ryghte The Lorde vsed this example in the fifth Chapter of Mathewe Verse 25 Where hee exhorteth to agree out of hand with our Aduersarie And nowe he admonisheth the Iewes not to neglect and omit the conuenient time geueth them to vnderstand that they are more wise in any thinge then in that which apertaineth to theyr Saluatiō For if so be they were drawen to the Law by theyr aduersary he sayth they will by and by agree with him leaste they incurre a greater displesure whē they come before the Iudge but they neglecte to seeke the fauour of God whē as he willingly offereth his grace vnto them not weighing that they shall not feele his Iudgemente wtout theyr Eternall Destruction R. Other some expound his wordes as if he had sayd thus Why doth not euery one consider and weighe wyth himselfe which is iust and right ☞ If so be euery one did know the law in each poynte skarce one among a thousand would come into Westminster Hall but euery one is blynde in his owne cause that which blindnes commeth two wayes Fyrst of simplicity and Ignoraunce Secondly of set mallice when as a man shutteth his Eyes for the nōce and will not see that which he seeth ¶ One trusteth in Lies another in his Eloquence one in power another in Friends The most part of mē presuming of these thinges and not vpon the goodnes of their cause contende goe to the
law Wherefore the Lorde here exhorteth that if any man contend in Lawe with his Brother hee shoulde rather end the matter then suffer the same to be brought before the Iudge For there may bee some remission hoped for at the hands of the creditor not of the Iudge who pronounceth the Sentence of the Law without fauoure remitting nothinge Hee therefore which is wise so soone as he is called before the Iudge seeketh to agre with his Aduersary A. Thus this Verse may be expounded if it be ioyned with that which followeth But if wee will ioyne it with that which goeth before the former Exposition is beste Concerning the rest which followeth Read the fifth chap. of Math. Verse 25. c. ❧ CHAP. THE XIII THERE WERE PREsent at the same Season certayne men that shewed him of the Galileans whose Bloud Pilate had mingled vvyth their owne Sacrifice R. Chryst in this Chapter doth euen the very same which alwaies and in all places he doth and for the which he was also sente into the world For hee exhorteth men vnto repētance C. And he doth withall correcte that Naturall desease in vs by which we are to seuere Iudges towards others flatterers of our selues in our sinnes And so it commeth to passe that we doe not onely to narrowly sifte the sins of our Brethren but doe also condēne them for wicked men and Reprobates so soone as any Aduersitye happeneth vnto them In the meane time who so is not vrged with the hand of God slepeth securely in his sinnes euen as if God were fauourable and mercifull vnto him in the which there is a double fault For so oftē as God doth chastise one in our sight he putteth vs in mynde of his Iudgementes that all men mighte learne to examine themselues and to weighe what they haue deserued And whereas he spareth vs for a time he doth by that benignity Clemencie inuite vs to repentaunce R. Mans reason therefore iudgeth amisse of sinne by the punishment whē as God doth neuer lay on those externall and visible punishmēts according to the maner of sins For God doth oftētimes so dispose the things of this present life that the most wicked do lyue in peace with abundance and plentie of al thinges that oftentimes the most holy are afflicted As we may see by the example of the rich glutton begging Lazarus in our Lord Iesus Chryst himself Also against this error of mās wisedom the whole booke of Iob disputeth Luk. 16.19 C. Therefore to the ende Chryste might correct the wicked and euil iudgment by which we are wont to be enemies to such as are in misery and calamity Fyrst of al he teacheth that they are not worste of all other whych are handled moste sharpelye because God exerciseth his Iudgementes in such order and maner as semeth good vnto him that some may be punished and other some liue in ease and pleasure Furthermore he pronounceth the looke how many calamities there happē in the world so many testimonies there are of the wrath of God Whereupon we gather what destruction hāgeth ouer our heads except we repent To be shorte the occasion of this exhortation came herof that some tould him how the Pilate mingled mans bloud with the sacrifices that by such a hainous fact the sacrifices might be abhorred Anti boke 18 Cap. 7. Z. Of this matter Iosephus wryteth in his eightene boke of the antiquities of the Iewes where we may gather that the factious had theyr Sacrifices in mount Garisim And many thinke that these things were don in Christs time For when Christ taught that so often as GOD shewed signes we ought to be cyrcumspect and repent except wee woulde sustain the punishment euen at the same instante some came which toulde him such things C. But because it is likely that this was spoken to the reproch of the Samaritans who were declyned from the true worship of God the Iewes were redy by condempning the Samaritans to commend themselues but the Lord disapointeth their expectations For because they hated and detested the impiety of that nation he demaūdeth whether they thought those miserable men whome Pilate had slaine to bee worse then any other or no. 2. And Iesus aunswered and said vnto them Suppose ye that these Galileans were greater sinners thē all the other Galileans because they suffered such punishment C. As if he should say ye know wel inough nough that the same lande is filled with wicked vngodly men and that many which were worthy of the same punishment are left yet a liue He is theefore a blind and vniust Iudge which iudgeth mens sins by the present punishmentes For he which is worste is not firste punished but GOD choseth a few out of many to bee punished shewing in their person to the rest that he wil take vengeance that al might be terrefied I tel you nay but except ye repēt ye shal al likewise perish R. As if hee should say Pilate punished these Galileās to discharge his office to pacefy the sedition ready to arise But the Lorde our God suffered this thing to be don not that ye should iudge thē alone to be sinners but that by their punishmēt yee might be put in mind of your sins so So in like maner whereas God hath ordayned that they which are knowen and open sinners should be openly punished it was not therefore done because they were the greatest sinners aboue al others but that the Lion to speake prouerbially might be chastysed with the Dogges strypes FOR as they which take in hand to tame a Lion are wont to take a younge Whelpe and to beate hym with a cudgell in the sight of the Liō that the Lion being terrefied with the cry and howling of the whelpe might be made gentle Euen so God setteth before our Eyes the open punishmēts of the wicked that by theyr Example the rest might be admonished of theyr sinnes and repent 4. Or those eightene vpō which the Tower in Siloë fell and slue them Thinke ye that they were sinners aboue all Men that dwelt in Hierusalem C. After the Lord had spoken of the Samaritanes he commeth more nere vnto the Iewes themselues For when as in those Dayes the fall of a tower in Hyerusalem kylled eightene men he denyeth them to be the most wicked but saith that in theyr Destruction matter of feare was propounded vnto all other because if God declared hys Iudgemēt vpon them others should nothing the more escape hys Hande though they were suffered for a time The Tower in Siloë R. In Hebrewe it is called SILOAH Esay 8.6 Iohn 9. ● which is the name of a poole whereof mention is made in Esay Neare vnto the which poole this Tower that fel was builded and falling it slue eightene Citizens of Hierusalem 5. I tell you Nay but except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish C. Chryst doth not forbid the faithfull to consider the