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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05025 A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590 Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1517; ESTC S111924 311,536 274

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Church not to breake the fellowship c. In ●…eed they say true In thus doing in this cōmunion I should not break ●…e fellowship but euen for companie goe to hell with them For as ●…e Apostle saith we which are manie make one bodie one bread ●…ecause we are together partakers of one bread But ô how much better should we prouide both for them and our ●…lues to examine wel declare vnto them what this action is how ●…ur sauiour CHRIST hath not only instituted after what maner yt is to ●…e deliuered receiued but also who should deliuer receaue yt ●…o shew them how in this estate they remaining impenitent and obsti●…ate there belong no sacramentes or blessing vnto them but rather a ●…arful looking for of iudgment seing they both breake GODES lawes ●… despise GODES grace therfore the sacramentes seale vnto them ●…nd vnto as many as either deliuer the same vnto them or participate ●…ith them in the same the assured wrath of God both for that they ●…lesse ioine vnto the wicked so become guiltie of all their sinnes ●…ogether with them also cōmit most heinous sacriledge in breaking ●…he institution of CHRIST in deliuering the sacramentes as they pre-end vnto the open vnworthy ioining together with them therin I ●…ope they are not so grosly popish to suppose that the sacrame●…t can ●…nctifie the vnworthy receauers giuers that in deed were no smal ●…iracle that yt should do more then CHRIST doth whome yt repre●…nteth especially where the institution is so wilfully impiously bro●…en as with them where yt is deliuered to the open vnworthy who as the Prophet saith defile that holy thi●…g whatsoeuer they touch But say they Charitie must thinke iudge the best yt must think ●…at in this heape of chaffe are many graines of wheat Well yt doth ●…ink so what of this can those graines either iustifie this sacriledge 〈◊〉 set a loafe of filthie chaffe vpō the Lordes holy table or sanctifie the ●…icked this heape of chaffe c. Surely well ought charitie to border 〈◊〉 yt self within the compace of sobrietie and not peremptorily to ●…dge or determine of any who belong to Godes election and who be ●…probates which God hath kept secret to himself vnlesse they see ●…ese damnable signes of the sinne against the holy Ghost vpon them et cannot charity iudge or pronounce any to be graines of wheate ●…hiles they lie together hidden vnseperated from this filthy chaffe ●…ese apparant wicked wickednes for charitie must be directed and ●…dged by faith faith by the word of God But charitie ought to iudge say they that euen the worst when the●…●…ome to that ●…able are inwardly sory secretly repent But doth cha●…itie see this sorrow repentance if not how should yt iudge per●…wade yt self it is so yea and presume thervpon to communicate with hem receaue them vnto the table of the Lord Charitie had need ●…aue a good ground in these high matters not walke by rote least yt ●…estroy both thē yt self Charitie may not breake Godes law●…s their ●…innes are seene known●… publike their repentance must be answerable secret repentance suffiseth not the church for open sinne they must see and witnesse the repentance or els they must proceed without delay to excommunication Charitie for no respect can either linger lighten or take away Gods iudgmentes It alwaies euen in all causes saith RIGHT and true are thy i●…dgmentes King of Saintes The iudgmentes of the Church of al the faithful are the iudgmentes of the Lord which must be vprightly without al ea●…thly affection or inclination any way executed least Gods wrath burne likewise against them as we haue plentiful examples in the scriptures How then say these blind guides that the faithful ought not to meddle with the iudging of the wicked in the church It is only Gods office to root out the tares Their final iudgment we with al humblenes re●…it vnto the Lord the Iudge of al. Their temporal iudgmentes the Lord hath cōmitted to his Church to euerie member of his Church who are to pronounce vpon them the iudgmentes that are written and euerie member of the Congregatiō throw vpon them the stone of his iudgment and consent Therfore hath the Lord raised vp the thrones of DAVID in his Church and set his Saintes vpon seates round about his Throne Yet for al this the beginning and end of their song is THAT the Church and table of the Lord is not to be forsaken and left because of the wicked True for the wicked are to be chased and driuē from thence where none may enter or stand without his seene wedding garment vpon him But as I haue beene often driuen to say they that abandon these wicked peruerted assemblies which will not be withdraw●…n from their sinnes but remayne hardned and obstinate leaue not the Church or Table of God but preserue the Church and Table of God They make not the schisme which keep the faith but they that forsake the faith yea the faithful thus seperate ought not for the sinnes of these or any to neglect or intermit these holy exercises of the Church but to inde●…or to haue ●…hem in al holy and pure maner according vnto Christes ordinance c. THE last shift help they haue for receauing the prophane wicked to the sacramentes is that we ought to detest abhor their conversation in common bread because that is in their power wil but not for their sakes to refuse the sacramentes because that is not in their wil. What can be more grosse foolish know these men what belongeth to the communion of Saintes Is it in our power to refuse him in conuersatiō to whome we ioine in the faith in communiō Or may I abhor driue him frō my table whome our Sauiour Christ receaueth admitteth to his table Am I or my table holier then he or his What a pharisaical pride were this euē the same they exercised vnto the publicanes where is now this charitie they erwhile spake of Loue couereth the multitude of sinnes wantes let not him that is strōg despise them that are weake but receaue them vnto him c. instructing them with meeknes bearing their burden c. May they ●…en despise abhor any that is held a brother or auoid his companie ●…fore he be excommunicate or haue forsaken the faith remaine ●…rdned or impeni●…ent c. what a preposterous dealing is this to re●…aue the wicked vnto the Lordes Table to driue them from their ●…ne table This is cleane contrary to the Apostles doctrine which ●…ace M r. CALVINE thought to escape and put away with this botche 〈◊〉 there teacheth that i●… any which is called a brother be a fornica●… or cōuetous or a railer c. such one is both to be purged as leauen
and burne incense to the Queene of heauen And that they might not faile at time of need see they make all the S●…intes Innocētes in heauen their friēdes on their side celebrating to the Innocentes one day of their solēne Christmas vnto all Saintes because none should be forgottē they are many in nūber they keep an especial principal feast day with a deuout fast vpō the eaue c. yet least some of the chief Santes as ●…hon the Baptist and the twelue Apostles might be displeased in that they are numbred passed ouer with other common Saintes they severally remember them againe in their tourne with their peculiar eaues daies fastes fe●…stes worship Heere is yet also an other Saint whome I had like to haue ou●…rskipped the Captaine of thē al S t. GEORGE their Borrowgh the patrone of the lād a worthy warriour our Ladies knight I wene This Saint hath heere no smal intertainemēt with his solēne processiō that by no smal states but euē the greatest of the lād with his cornets trumpets harpe shackbutes psalte●…ies dulcimer al instrumentes of Musick c. This Saint besides his noble order of knighthood hath also his famous peculiar Chaplain Palatine of the order who is to weare a goldring on his thomb what a fam●…us feast they keep vnto this Saint there is none in Court or Countrie cā be ignorant Because I ●…m no good Heralt I wil not vndertake to blazon his armes the red Crosse in white field that he beareth in banner displaied nor yet his wo●…hy 〈◊〉 For all those ●… refer you to his L●…gend A●…d heere me thinkes before we goe any further we had need enquire ●…ome learned Doctors opinion of this geare lea●…t we that be silly and ●…ooke no further then the word of God giueth vs to see take yt for ●…ost grosse idolatrie abhominatiō because in al the booke of God 〈◊〉 the beginning to the ending we find no such presidēt or cōman●…emēt therfore if yt please you because DO ROBERT SOME hath ●…ndertakē the matter we wil heare his learned iudgmēt of this stuffe This learned Doctor who hath this wit for the most part with him ●…o take no more of a matter then he is able to deale with frameth an ●…rgument in the name of an other thus The church of England maketh mē●…iō of Saintes deceased viz. Apost Martyres c. in some of their pub●…ike praiers therfore the church of England doth worship Saintes ●…eceased His answere is they are mentioned to stir vs vp not to wor●…hip thē but to tread in the steps of their vertue religion so con●…ludeth the Argumēt very weake sylly But how if this Argument ●…roue his owne what opinion shal we then hold of his Doctorhood ●…ot to speak of his euil cōsciēce who to coullor that the cannot ius●…ifie to passe by that he cānot gainesay or disproue is not ashamed ●…sually throughout his writinges to father the forgeries of his owne ●…dle head vpō others thinking by deprauing the poore professors of ●…he truth to suppresse yt or at the least to get credite and promotion ●…nto himself But I would know of his euil conscience wich shal ere ●…ong be araigned for all these thinges before him that is greater then ●…is cōscience whether he neuer heard other reasons frō some of thē ●…o proue this their celebratiō cōmemoration of Angels deceas●…d ●…aintes to be idolatrous blaspheamous abhominable euen to the ●…hief Authors of this stuffe that in the presence of some verie ho●…orable namely because they dedicate to these Angels dead Saints 〈◊〉 peculiar Eaue Day caling thē after their names therby impropri●…ting giuing that to the creature which is only due reserued in ●…he hand possessiō of the Creator 2 because vpon their Eaues they ●…nioyne bid in their church vpon their sunday a publike fast and 〈◊〉 in th●…se Angels and Saintes names 3 b●…b●…cause vpon their day which they cal an holy day they proclaime a solēne feast to be kept ●…ith general cessatiō frō their labours in their trades as vpō y e Lords day by the 4 commandement 4 this by a publike law not to men●…ion al the fleshly and lewd behauiour idlenes pride vanitie excesse ●…pely seene suffered vpon these their feastiuals holy daies 5 be●…ause vpon these daies they haue a peculiar prescript deuised worship ●…o each seueral Saint that they thus celebrate not heere to mention ●…heir vnsufferable shredding dismemb●…ing rending peruerting of ●…criptures to clowte vp this idolatrie These reasons if either those two ●…reat BBs to whome they were propounded or this Doctor which thē●…eard them had soundly confuted iustified this their maner of ce●…ebrating worshipping dead Saintes Angels in their church then ●…ad the Antichristian tyranny of the one the rep●…ochful blasphemie 〈◊〉 the other some colour which now are odious vnto God man But now seing these Argumentes still remaine with them vnanswered and that they are so loth to meddle with them I would now only learne of this Doctor where he in al the scripture hath found this idolatrous custome of theirs to celebrate the memorial of any one deceased Saint that vpon one set day yearly in this maner we reade not that the Fathers before the flood vsed yt neither yet after y e flood b●…fore the law yet were they verie godly men of great vertue such as instructed their children in the true worship waies of God such as their children honoured reuerenced whilest they liued did all filial duties vnto them being dead decently buried them but neuer after kept any ānual or set day in their remembrance The like vnder the law we reade of Moses Samuel Dauid c. men verie famous renowmed for their vertue godlines greatly honored of all whiles they liued no such matter done to thē after they were dead yet were they presidentes by their vertue euen vnto all ages vnto the worldes end The Apostles also whome they so especialy aboue al other Saintes prefer celebrate being dead yea taken away as famous martyres neuer in this maner vpon one special set day celebrated their constācie in the faith vertue as we may see by the Apostle Iames and the Martyre 〈◊〉 Likewise the Apostles Paul Peter being ready to suffer for the Gospel left no such commandemētes vnto the churches that any such praiers festiuals should be kept to them or their remembrance being dead but rather stirred vp admonished the churches whiles they liued disired the churches prayers for thē whiles they liued So that we seing no ground for this stuffe in the word of God see not otherwise but to hold them for detestable idolatries forgeries abhominations for the reasons aboue recited And now because I haue beene somwhat longer euen in the bare recital of these trumperies then I thought I wil passe ouer the
Church as yt proceedeth from the chaire of Antichrist so is yt wholy subiect therunto both the person doctrine of the preacher Their person either to be still approued licenciate or els silenced suspended depriued their doctrine to be allowed or condemned as pleaseth their Lords Ordinaries in whose pontifical brests and handes standeth the whole doctrine of the church of England what they shal receaue what they shal reiect what they shall say what they shal leaue vnsaied c. The word of God Church ministerie preaching and al are wholy in the handes of these lawles●…e Lordes to abrogate establish bring in cast out depose suspend without controlement or accompt A greater power then euer was giuē vnto or exercised by any of CHRISTS Apostles who alwaies submitted their doctrine practise persons vnto the trial and censure of the word and that by any Christian. They neuer exercised domiō o●…er the faith of any or layd anie other burden vpon the Church thē what they either read in the word of God or acknowledged to be the will of God But heere in the Church of Engl●…d yt is held a small thing to haue a strange ministerye worship lawes orders gouernment imposed vpon them to haue a great part of Gods word quite banish●…d the Church the rest that is allowed them but by shredds patches at ●…tarts braydes to haue their preaching by stint prescription limitation to haue the whole doctrine subiect not to the wil of God but to the wil of these their Ordinarie●… who they may be sure wil allow no more none otherwise then shal agree to their apostatical throne The ministers of this Church may not preach the people beleeue much lesse practise any more of the word of God thē what is confirmed by these their Ordinaries The poore parish o●… congregation where these priestes serue may not meddle or haue to do with the election administration or deposing of these their ministers for why they are lay mē haue no skil neither ought to intermeddle with ecclesiasticall affaires or with the word of God Be their minister neuer so blind vnsufficient or vile a wretch detected of neuer so horrible sinnes yet may not they remoue him their only help is to complayne to their Lord Ordinarie in the meane while they must ioine to the wret●…h in praiers in sacramentes yea still for euer if yt pleas●… not their said Lord to giue eare to their complaint Let their minister preach neuer such damnable or hereticall doctrine wrest peruert corrupt falsifie the scriptures neuer so violently and heinously all the Church no though there be all the priests in a countrie as at a Scene hath no authoritie nay is by expresse law forbidden to reproue this doctrine presently or publikely or yet to forbid him to deale with the scriptures their remedy is stil to complaine to their Ordinarie and vntil yt please him to take order therin the whole congregation is stil bound to frequent his heretical sermōs ministerie yea al the priestes of the land both pontifical and reformistes agree in this point cōclude that the lay people as they terme them ought not to intermedle either with y e deposing their minister or reproof of hi●… doctrine The one sort as you haue heard sendeth them to their Lords these Bishops the other referreth them ouer for these manie other cases vnd●…r hand to a prouincial or classical Synode or permanent councel of priests c. Amongst whome all these affaires must be debated after they are agreed vpon the point then their decrees to be brought forth solemnely published pronounced to the people who must attend vpon awayte receaue these Oracles as most holy canonical They haue no remedie if they also be contrarie to the truth but to appeale to a councel in the meane while still ioyning to such a wretch such an heretike and that in the high profanatiō of Gods holy name word ordinances But my purpose is not in this place either to refute the popish prelacie of the one sort or the deuilish forgerie of the other hoping to find a more fit place for both so much as to shew that euerie Christian congregation hath power in themselues and of duty ought presently publikly to censure any false or vnsound doctrine that is publikly deliuered or maintained amongst them if yt be knowen discerned vnto them yea anie one member in the Church hath this power whatsoeuer he be Pastor or Prophet that vttereth yt as also to shew how far this their pulpet preaching differeth from that heauēly blessed exercise of expounding scriptures or prophecie in the Church of CH●…IST The first me thinkes alreadie verie fully proued in all these places where our Sauiour CHRIST hath giuen vnto his Church and to euerie particular congregation therof himself his word his power with expresse charge to put in practise whatsoeuer he hath cōmanded them and threatned his wrath and displeasure against that whole congregation which neglecteth or breaketh any of his cōmandements or suffreth any seene transgression or error or incorrigible impenitent offendor Also where he commanded all men to informe that Church wherof they are members of fuch transgressions offences enormities as arise amongst them This he in vaine had commanded and they in ●…aine should do this except he had giuē both absolute authority expresse charge vnto the Church to redresse and take order in the same In as many places al●…o as he hath cōmanded the whole church euerie member therof to watch to scowte and obserue their teachers to trie the Spirits to marke thē diligently which cause diuisiō offences contrarie to the doctrine which they haue learned to seperate them●… from ●…uch as teach after an other maner or consent not vnto the whol●…ome wordes of our Lord IESVS CHRIST to the doctrine which is according vnto godlines to hold thē accursed that pe●…uert the Gospell of CHRIST or preach any thing besides that hath beene taught by CHRIST his Apostles to reiect an hereticke after one the second admonitiōto haue in a readines due vengeance against al disobediēce c. In al these and sundrie other places most euidently apeareth that CHRIST hath giuē ful power absolute authoritie and expresse cōmandement vnto his Church euē to euerie particular congregatiō to cen●…ure both the persons doctrines of their ministers of euery member of their said cōgregations He sendeth them not heere ●…o these popish ordinaries ne●…ther yet to a prouincial Synode or a Classis of priests there are other vses of Synods or councels as shal in due place be declared They can neither ad to nor diminish from the power of the Church or execute alter any part of the Churches dutie ‡ Moreouer sith euerie member hath like interest in CHRIST in his word the publike doctrine
priests we haue scene how wickedly they corrupt peruert abuse that scripture holy exercise Now yt remaineth but in a line or two cōpare their publike preaching in their Synagogues to this heauēly exercise of prophecie instituted in the churches of Christ. First these parish priests or hired preachers al of them preach vnder their ordinaries licence stint limitation as hath beene shewed Thē they are prescribed their time when to begin They haue a prescript place like a tubbe called their pulpyt for y e most part able to receaue no more then one person except yt be a suggestor or prompter as in some special places Neither doe they ordinarily speake any more thē one he for the most part disputes to the howerglasse which being runne his sermocination must be at an end Preach this priest neuer so vnsound corrupt or heretical doctrine there is no present or publike controulement or retractation to be had Handle he the scripture neuer so vnsufficiently or vnsauorilye peruert mistake or falsifie he yt neuer so grieuously there is no amendes or supplie of others to be looked for none els being suffered to speake The Church hath no power either to approoue or reprooue any doctrine deliuered thē be yt neuer so consonant to or dissonant from the word of God Here would not be forgotten also the sweete psalmodical harmonie of the Vultures Crowes Gleades Owles Ge●…se of the Leopards Beares Wolues Dogs Foxes Swine Goates pardō me for thus y e holy Ghost termeth likeneth the proph●…ne cōfuse multitudes assembled in the false Church All these together with one accord sympathie harmonie sing some pleasant ballade or els vnto DAVIDS melodious Harpe some psalme in ●…ime I say not rithme now or meetre wel concinnate to the eare though neuer a whit to the sens●… purpose or true vse of the psalme before the sermon to stir vp the spirit of their worthy priest or preacher Who being thus ●…apt or rauished with this harmonie goes to his geare in forme aboue●…aid vvhere his mouth distilles his lips drop downe such olde parables such premeditate wel studied chosen sentēces as shal displease no partie vnlesse he be of too suspitious a nature or howsoeuer I warrant you he hath his learned priuiledged author and that at his fingers endes for his discharge Thus haue you briefly seene the vsual order of your publike prophecie If you compare yt now to the rules and orders set downe by the Apostle for that blessed exercise vnto al churches in that 1. Cor. 14. ver 26. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33 then may you iudg of your selues what is right or amisse and ease me of further trouble to raue in this filthie doung and to bring this counterfait stuffe in particular to the triall Great were the labour and far exceeding my slender capacitie especially my decaied memorie but euen summarily to recount all the principall and speciall heades of their falfe doctrines false practise from whence flow infinite errors and enormities euen as the innumerable drops of a fountaine yea but to prosecute and goe forward in this disordered mane●… to search out and ●…me vp those which yet are wanting All which I rather leaue to the more diligent fruitful inuestigatiō of such as God hath endued with a greater i●…dgment more cleare sight confessing my self both wearied ouercharged with the greatnes of the worke For whiles I haue indeuored but to giue you as yt were a blush of their coūterfait antichristian ministerie and to shew the error of their educatiō election ordin●…tion and administration throughout of the blasphemous and idolatrous worship they vse of their sacrilegious and adulterate sacramēts their prostituting selling them the Gospel themselues of their profanation of praier the name and word of God both read and preached abrogating excluding part mankeling dismembring distorting peruerting the rest to th●…ir idol feasts sacramēts marijng burijng visiting churching charming the fields how they preach the word by stint limitation subiectiō both of themselues their doctrine to their antichristiā ordinaries whose apostati●…al throne they vphold dawbe therwith as also gild adorne the whore the false Church ioining yt to all the abhomination sin of the land hiding stealing concealing obscuring wrasting munging corrupting leauening selling the Gospel as also their abusing counterfaiting peruerting the holie exercise of prophecie Al which when I had but lightly touched discouered according to my purpose hoping that so I might haue made an end of this odious and yrksome argument these things being so manifest heinous in themselues that I need not stād either to proue or disproue them or to shew the indignitie danger enormities that ensue therof Euen then lo is the whole word of God the Law the Gospel presented vnto me most wretchedly corrupted abused violate troden vnder foot by them by your preachers I say euen your learnedst best Good men that you so esteeme of I still speake would be vnderstood of the generall publike errors transgressions of this Church which if I ●…hould goe about to particulate I could not hope to liue vntil I had made an end And that you may not think I speake by the figure hyperboie as they vse I earnestly bes●…ech any one in whom●… is any sparke of light grace conscience loue or feare of God to consider examine by the word of God or rather to lament deplore with me the through corruptiō vniuersal transgression of al Gods lawes both in the Church cōmon welth as the present estate of ech doth shew The one I hope this present treatise shal somwhat reueale discouer the other shal be as manifest if by this light with a single eye you but pervse y e publike lawes iudgments pleas trials customes orders trades estates degrees still I speake generally of the whole body which hath not from the crowne of the head to the sole of the feet one sownd parte but all is full of wounds swellings vlcers corruption so that he that feareth God cannot in this cōmon welth keepe a good cōscience liue amōgst them whether he buy sel lend borrow hire worke for hire giue take sue or be s●…ed The Lawes Courts Iudges Iuries Aduocates generally all estate●… from the highest to the lowest are so throughly corrupt Not to speake heere of the particula●… sinnes the heigth qualitie vniuersalitie of them which were infinite let the idolatrous blasphemous worship yea the idolatrous blasphemous oathes publikly admitted giuen required and receiued of all persons in all causes so contrarie to the law of God in the maner all the circumstances shew how soundly the fir●…t Table of the law is taught in the Church of England Not to speake of the common and vsual swearing forswearing blaspheming cursing for euerie trif●…e cause yea without anie cause vsed through the whole land without controlement rebuke censure punishment Let the generall
prophannesse excesse in gluttonie in apparel let the idlenes wantonnes vanitie with the idolatrie aboue spoken of vsed vpon the Lords day shew how well the fourth commandement is taught and obserued in the Church of England Let the common ryot headstrong disobedien●…e and contempt of al the children and seruants euen of al the youth of the land the due punishment wherof is here neither spoken of nor executed let their profane vaine idle educatiō shew how wel the 5 Cōmandement is taught and obserued in the Church of England Let the continual open iarres fraies murther bloodshed in euerie corner of the land without either censu●…e or p●…nishment yea the vsual pardons that they giue for the same shew how well the sixth Commandement is taught in the Church of England Not heere to speake of the cōmon contentions wrangles iarres sutes wrongs of the wrath heartburning malice enuie cursed speaking reuiling nicknaming reproching blaspheming that are rife amongst them Let the general vnclennes whoredome adulterie which neuer abounded more in SODOME so that almost there is not one amongst them that hath his wife chast or their bed priuate Let their maner of punishing purging this sinne shew how wel they teach and keep this commandement Not here to speake of their exquisite arts and curiositie in setting out their beautie to the view their prodigious shapes whorish atyres dissolute immodest behauiours entising and alluring wordes wherwith they prouoke vnto lust all which in this Church are made no sinnes but matters of comlines curtesie loue c. And that your grauest best conscienced preachers think not themselues in this case without blame let them examine their corrupt consciences how m●…ny of their cheif hearers deuou●… proselites they know both men women that know such crimes ech by other and yet for filthie lucre or fleshly respects continue together Let the publike open general thefts violence robberies wrongs and either their permission or their corrupt and vnlawfull punishing the ●…ame shew how the eyght cōmandemēt is tought Not here to speake of the priuy more secret nay truly of the opē falshode deceit couē in all trades offices callings estates degrees persons What should I ●…tand to prosecute the rest Let the generall deceit swearing forswearing backbiting slaundering the insatiate coueting lusting c. shew ●…ow well they teach obserue the other lawes And as they deale with the lawes and iudgmentes so handle they in like maner the ●…rophets which are the faithful expounders of the lawes al which to demonstrate in particuler were an endles vnacheuable laboure And if these general corruptions errors transgressiōs be so infinite what is to be thought of their perticuler personal errors which they in their publicke doctrine and daily ministery sparse abrode euen as that flood of bitter wate●…s which the Dragō casteth forth of his mouth and the miserable people of the earth swallow vp partly through their general blindnes partly through their seruile subiection which haue not the power or libertie publikely to controule or censure any error be yt neuer so blasphemous Whervpon is come about that euerie one taketh boldnes to vtter in their pulpyts what him listeth so he speake not against any thing by publick authoritie established he may handle the word of God after his owne fancie and abownd in his owne sense Whervpō arise such an innumerable heape of errors so m●…nie diuerse variable inconstant contrarie opinions amongst them that as the ignorant papistes say yt is impossible to find two of them in one mind and iudgment yea in any two Churches of the land to heare the same doctrines taught because in deed they preach either their owne dreames and phantasies or els their lucubrations out of humane writings who are almost of as diuers sundrie opinions as themselues Yet if any of these authors be with the BB●… priuiledg then are they authentick irrefragable called by both sides the faith of the Church of England and not to be impugned or gainsayed without the censure of most high presumption Thus hath God in his iust iudgment deuided the tongues confounded the language of these Babiloni●…h builders that they almost agree not in or vpon any thing one preaching one thing an other the quite contrarie one building after this sort another after that one calling for this law this thing an other for that Thus is their kingdome deuided their estate confused and their house shal shortly be left vnto them desolate Many and innumerable excuses shifts cauils they daily knit wea●…e and forge to couer their detestable dealings and hide their waies from the Lord both by peruerting the scriptures thervnto and diuerting them by their sophistrie and putting them away be they neuer so directly against them with all which their poisoned diuises yt is not my purpose nor yet in my power here to meddle they being already so infinite and their forge daily going to frame new Only this from the mouth of the Lord I warne al men of They are but Cockatrice egges that they disclose hatch but spiders webbes that they weaue their egges are full of deadly poison he that eateth of them dieth he that is but sprinkled with them or treadeth vpon them is as if he were stung with a Viper or Scorpion their webbes shall not be for cloth neither shal they couer thēselues with their deeds their workes are the works of iniquitie and the worke of violence in their hands c. The work the workmen shalbe consumed together The wall th●… dawbers shall both fal and be ouerthrowne in the storme of the Lords wrath all their turning of diuises though they build as high as heauen dig as deep as hell shall not couer them from the eies or defend them from the hand of the Lord but rather as the Prophet saith in an other place they shall pull al downe vpon their heads by the same meanes wherby they thought to vphold yt For saith he this iniquitie shalbe vnto them as a breach that falleth as a swelling in an high wall whose breaking cōmeth sodainly in a moment the sentence is gone out from the Lord yt ●…asteneth to be performed BABILON shal fall be vtterlie destroied together with al their substance people pleasures euil cōmeth vpon her and she shall not know the morning therof destruction shal fall vpon her sodainly ere she be aware the multitude of her diuines and inchanters shall neither deliuer her from nor discouer vnto her these euils but they shalbe as stubble and the fire shall burne them together with her This is the end of all their cunning learning which you see they employ not to publish and proclaime the Lords truth so much as to suppresse darken the same hoping therby to hide their owne counterfait dealing which the Lord wil haue no longer couered but reuealeth their wickednes vnto all men that those which haue any feare or
the filthie do filthilie yet and let the iust do iustice yet and let the holie be sanctified yet Behold I come shortlie and my revvard with me to render vnto euerie one according as his worke shalbe Apoc. 22. 11. 12. SEing we haue receaued a most sure word of the Lord our GOD It behoueth vs to geue heede thervnto as vnto a light that shineth in darke places whiles we trauell in the dangerous wildernes of this world In which word the whole wisdome and conncells of GOD for our direction and instruction in all thinges are fully reuealed vnto vs. So that now we are not to say in our heartes who shall goe vp for vs to heauen and bring yt vs or who shall goe ouer the sea bring yt vs cause vs to heare yt that we may obey yt For loe yt is neere vs euen in our mouth in our heart and set before our eies for to do yt the sound of the Gospell hauing beene long since caried forth through al the Regions of the whole earth So that no nation ●…halbe excused which will not serue obey vnto the Gospell of our Lord IESVS CHRIST which being proclaimed with his owne blessed mouth sealed with his owne heart blood writtē with the pen of the holy Ghost deliuered incommended by his holy Apostles Prophets vnto vs all posterities as his last wil Testament wherunto nothing may be added nothing diminished a●…tered or changed violate or wilfully neglected according to fleshly wisdome or vvorldly pollicie without most heinous transgression sacriledge and impietie For as all degrees of men without respect or exception of any person are bound vnto the same as vnto the Scepter of our soueraigne Lord IESVS CHRIST who is King ouer all blessed for euer Amen so shall all men in particular be iudged by the same of all things done in this mortall life Neither hath any Angel in heauen any mortall man no nor the whole Church power or prerogatiue to alter or neglect the least iote or title therof But GOD hath especially cōmitted these holy oracles to the caref●…l custody of the Church there to be inuiolably preserued as in the side of the Arke purely taught expounded deliuered without corrupting mixing hiding obscuring peruerting wresting there to be precisely obserued with all reuerence and feare without any willing or knowē transgression or swaruing either to the right hand or to the left of the whole Church or any member therof And heervnto is the whole Church and euerie particular member therof both iointly and seuerally bound both because they haue all of them interest in the tree and riuer of life all are bound to the maintenance of the faith which is giuen is cōmon to al Sainctes and because they are all of them the members of CHRIST and togeather his bodie each others mēbers in him Therfore are they so often by the Apostles charged stirred vp to exhort edifie and admoni●…h one an other to stād vpō the watch-towre of their faith to scowte and obserue them diligently which cause diuisions offences cōtrarie to the doctrine which they haue learned to trie the spirites to examine the doctrine whether any man teach otherwise cōsent not vnto the wholsome wordes of our Lord IESVS CHRIST to the doctrine which is according to godlines Many waightie and graue reasons are added to induce them to be the more vigilant 〈◊〉 the doctrine being likened to the light of the eies to the food yea to the life of the foule as also error corruptiō resembled to da●…knes leauen poison c. Moreouer such teachers to false and deceitful workmē blind vnfaithful guides to greeuous rauening wolues to thieues murtherers c. what counterfeit titles ●…heepes clothing soeuer they take and get ynto them yet the holy Ghost speakes euidently euerie where warneth that these builders shal destroie the Temple of God vvhose howse and work●… vve are c. these guides shall seduce mislead vs in the waies of death destruction these thieues and vvolues shal spoile murther vs. Now by how much these goods are spiritual this death of the soule by so much are they more carefully to be auoided shūned eschewed Therfore our sauiour CHRIST his Apostles as they were most vigilant faithful ministers did both preuent and foresee diuers dangers great euils to come so gaue they verie earnest and often warnings hereof vnto the disciples vnto the Churches cōmanding the porter yea euerie seruant of the house to watch to beware to take heed shewing them that manie false CHRISTES should arise many false prophets shewing great signes wōders wherby to deceaue if yt were possible the verie elect He fore told them of Antichristes original increase exaltation how he should be haue himself vvhat hauock he should ke●…p in the Church of God as also of the general defection euen of the verie beginning therof How immediatly after the tribulation of those daies namely the destruction desosatiō of the earthly material 〈◊〉 the Sunne shoud be darkned the moone should not giue her light the starrs should fal from heauen the powers of heauen should be shaken and th●… beau●…ie therof wrapped vp as a scroule that the whole world should be drowned in sensualitie and securitie as in the daies of NOAH because iniquitie shalbe increased faith scarse found vpon the earth at his coming So that if those daies should not be shortned there shoud no flesh be saued Y●…t that al these things must should vndoubtedly come to pass he shewed yt by the nearer thinges namely the destructiō of Ierusalem the temple there c. as also confirmed yt by the truth stedfastnes of his word shewing how the heauen earth should passe away but his wordes should not passe away neither should this generatiō passe vntil al these thinges were fulfilled Of these things the Prophets spake before though more darkly as a far off by diuers types as Isa. 14. 13. 14. Na●…um 3. 4. 5 6 7. Da●… 9. 27 ●…lso Isa. 13. 10. ●…4 4. Ezek. 32. 7. Ioel 2. 31. 3 14. 15. But the Apostles gaue much more euident plaine warning of these things chiefly they that liued longest and came nearest to these times As the Apostle Paul to the Elders of Ephes ' Act. 20. 29. 30. 31. in al his Epistles ple●…tifully the Apostle Peter in his 2. Epistle 2. 3. Chapt. The Apostle Iude Ihon in al his Epistles but especially in that heauenly Book of the Reuelation vvherin he most liuely describeth these thinges euen from the original in seueral visions according to the seueral times y t should ensue vvherin he sheweth the happy estate of the Church whiles Gods glorious throne was in the midst
hide or diminish these sinnes or how rather can the name of a Church without blasphemie vnto Christ be giuen them in these sinnes how can Christ be said to stand a King Lord vnto them that breake reiect his lawes set vp in stead therof their owne devises invētions or how can Christ said a sauiour vnto them that despise his grace and mercie offred refuse to repent and turne from their euil waies They then not being vnder Christes protection nor in state of grace while they continue obstinate in their sinne c. I haue often wondered how anye man of sound indgmēt could giue them the name of a Church or be so terrisied with this vaine false title that they durst not leaue the communion of those wicked assemblies adulterous Churches which haue broken the couenant and forsaken the faith God plighteth not his fauour and protection vnto vs longer then we vowe our obedience and keep our faith vnto him At what time the most righteous turneth from his righteonsnes and committeth iniquitie and wil not be turned therefrom all his former righteonsnes that he hath done shal not be mentioned but in his transgression that he hath committed in his sinne that he hath finned in them he shal die The same Iudge by the same law giueth the same sentence for the same sinnes against a whole Church nation world Neither is there cause why any of Gods seruantes should more doubt to censure iudg and auoid that Congregation which reiecteth Godes word presumptuously breaketh Godes lawes despiseth his reproofe mercie as a wicked assembly an adulterous Church then to censure iudge and auoid any particular member of the Church fallen into the like degree and height of sinne to be a withered vnfruitfull branch to be cut off from the vine to be throwen out of the vineyard But here they deceaue themselues and others vvith certayne infallible markes of the Church which they haue fantasied vnto themselues namely that where the word of GOD is sincerely taught and the sacramentes rightly administred there vndoubtedly is still the true Church of CHRIST although otherwise there be neuer so many mischeifes abounding all the wicked receaued and reteined c. no vse of the power of CHRIST among them either to censure sinne or cast out obstinate offendors For this holy power to redresse faultes they put aside by the name of DISCIPLINE They call yt an accident or hang-by and make yt not a thing of necessitie so that yt may be a Church without yt though yt be to be desired c. The vanitie and falshood of these doctrines partly apeareth where I shewed that the preaching of the word maketh not a Church except there be by the same a faithfull people gathered vnto CHRIST IESVS ordered ●…nd gouerned by the rule of his word in all things so far as shalbe reuealed vnto them c so that I need not here stand to refute the sam●… only I would know of these great learned men how yt is possible for the ministers of the Church either to preach the word si●…cerely or administer the sacramentes rightly where there is no regard had to the faithfull practise of the word no care to redresse thinges amisse no power to shut out or excommunicathe the vnworthy Or how they can with all their learning whiles they stand Pastors or teachers to such an vnbeleeuing profane people or vnto such wick●…d ones as hate to be rebuked and reformed of their sinnes preach the word exercise praier deliuer the sacramentes blesse and dismisse the profane wicked people in the peace and fauour of God without most high sacriledg profanation of Godes name casting the pretious bodie and blood of CHRIST to hoggs doggs blessing Godes enimies c. But now i●… yt be not possible to exercise any true ministerie to haue any true vse of the vvord and sacramentes to keep any holy communion or Christian order without the diligent watch of euerie member but cheefly of the rulers and Elders to see the word of God duly practised and obserued by all in their callings to admonish all offenders to censure all errors and transgressions to excommunicate the obstinate impenitent by the power of our Lord IESVS CHRIST which he hath giuen vnto his true Church vnto the worlds end all which these men couer and cast aside in the name of DISCIPLINE without which watch and power this practise cannot be had without which power and practise the word of God is made an idol the sacramentes sacriledge vnto vs and all thinges we do odious and abhominable vnto the Lord with what common sense to let passe their deep learning can thes●… great preachers say that the Church of CHRIST may want this watch care power and practise yea and that the word may be sincerely ta●…ght and the sacramentes duly administred though there be open transgression obstinate offendors still kept and held amongst them Is yt not as much as if they said they knew n●…ither what the Church sacramentes ministerie of the word or Christian communion meant For to what purpose is the word or the ministerie of the word where true practise and obedience is denied or which way ●…an the true minister of CHRIST administer the sacramentes ●…o a people in this estate or the faithfull seruants of Christ partake with such people in such sacramentes without most heinous sacriledg and impietie WE MVST NOT say they forsake the Church nor the ordinance of GOD for the sinnes of any either minister or people for a godly conscience is not hurt with the sinnes of another neither the ministerie or sacramentes therwith defiled If they meane h●…re by the Church the assemblie and communion of God●…s faithfull obedient seruantes by Godes ordinance the vse of an holy ministerie of the sacramentes c I graunt t●…at the Church ministerie and ordinances of CHRIST are not to be left or thought the worse of for the sinne of men though all the world abuse them though ANTICHRIST haue corrupted them neuer so much or long But if they meane as al th●…ir reasoning importeth by the Church ordinanc●…s of God such wicked rebellious assemblies as reiect the word of God with an high hand breake his lawe despise admonitiō hate to be reformed receaue reteine the opē vnworthie wicked impenitent to their sacramentes c. I then denie these assemblies to be the true Churches of CHRIST seing they haue broken the couenant cast off CHRISTES yoke c. As also I denie their sacramentes to be the ordinances of God seing to them in this estate belong not the sacramētes ministerie of Christ but the curse and iudgmentes of God And therfore they that leaue them for in their sinnes in this estate do neither leaue the Church of God nor the ordinances of CHRIST but rather fulful the cōmandement of God preserue the Church in
hath D.R. SOME now to contend that the baptisme deliuered in the false Church should be a true seale of the couenant or what occasion hath Mr. PENRIES Proctor to denie that such as there receaued that baptisme are not touching the outward action baptised they must heere shew some sufficient discrepance betwixt these examples alledged out of the scriptures the estate of the present question or els with reuerence rest in the practise of the holy Ghost though neither they nor I be able to arriue to the wisdome therof As for D. SOME I see not what he can say vnles he either affirme y ● circumcisiō in that apostacie of Israel to be a true seale of the couenant which if he doe then I oppose vnto him not only the through corruption of their estate but also the publike repudiation bil of diuorce which the Lord sent them by his Prophets or els he must in deed shew himself a worthy champion prefer his mother Church of Rome to the defected estate of Israel which if he doe then must we send to E●…dor to call vp Amasiah the priest of Bethel to debate the matter with him And vntil they meet I leaue vpō him the 17 Chapter of the Reuelation where the holy Ghost as liuely describing y t Citie Church of Rome in their scituation and collers as if he had named them calleth the one the Beast the other the Harlo●… or great whore in that vision Now if she be an whore as I must beleeue God rather then D.S. then can she not be the spouse of CHRIST the true Church Then for the rest let Bethel Rome striue in hell for the preemin●…ce I haue nought to do to iudg them that are without But now M r. PENRIES aduocate D. SOME his aduersarie who hath chosen the much more reasonable extreme peraduenture wil not be so soone satisfied It is an hard matter to perswade sense where faith is wanting But I for this matter must hold him still hard to the places of scripture alledged so that he must shew me some sufficient difference b●…twixt these cases or els yeild vnto or reproue the holy Ghost If he put difference yt must be either in the estate of the place of the people or of the thinges deliuered and compared For the place though Israel were part of the promised land yet that could no way sanctifie the Israelites or better their state or defend them from the wrath of God due to their sinnes It was also accursed of God together with and for them deliuered into y ● handes of the heathē as we reade Neither was yt euer more holy then Rome or any place where the Church of God was or is seing Gods blessing is eu●…r with his Church therfore y e place can put no difference For the people as they were somtimes Gods chosen peculiar people so were somtimes the people of the Church of Rome also both of them apostatate both in transgression though yt may be not in like depth yet both of them out of the fauour in the wrath of God It were in vaine to plead which of them were worse the best place out of the Church of God they shal●… find ill inough Though I easilie yeild Rome or the fairest of her Daughters though yt be the Church of England to be w tout all comparison worse For the thing●… deliuered compared both circumcision baptisme were seales annexed to the Lords couenant both signes and markes which all that were receaued into the communion of Gods seruantes ought to haue both signifijng a putting away the shame of Egip●… a cutting washing away our original natural corruption our ingraffing into CHRISTS death resurrection both through with him of our dijng vnto sin liuing vnto righteousnes as also a verie putting on of CHRIST with the ful benefite of his merits passiō to the perfect redemptiō of our soules bodies ful appeasing of our consciences from the wrath of God the rigour of the law for all the sinnes that euer we haue cōmitted as fully assuredly as we our selues had fulfilled the law satisfied the wrath iustice of God c. what then should be the impediment why the outward baptisme deliuered in the false and apostaticall Church which I only properly count y ● false Church as the outward circumcision deliuered in the false apostaticall Church should now more be denied this more then that Peraduenture yt will heere be alledged that the circumcision there was much more lawfully done better then this baptisme I will not stand vpon y t yt being nothing to our purpose I wil not stand vpon tearmes of better more lawful in cōparing thē one with an other It sufficeth me y t in comparing them vnto iudging them by the law of God neither of them are found either good or lawful For vnlawful yt was to administer circumcision vnto opē idolaters or apostataes or vnto their seed vntil they were renewed by faith repentance So is y●… stil in baptisme the lawfulnes of circumcisiō or the holines of y e word of God doth not iustifie the action or the people where the one or the other are abused As in the false Church circumcision is good the word of God is most holy but to receaue circumcision or to heare the word of God in y e false Church is to apostatate from CHRITS to ioine to Gods enemies to forsake the true church He cānot haue fellowship with both at one time at what time he ioineth to the one he forsaketh the other Nothing done in y e false Church be it neuer so holy in shew is iustified either by them or to them but euē the calling vpō y ● name of God the reading scriptures the administring baptisme c. is turned into sinne presumptiō profanatiō of Gods name ordinance vnto them whiles they remaine in their inquitie There was nothing in the false Church either in their maner of doing yt that made this circumcisiō receaued allowable or not to be repeted neither did the faith subsequent iustifie the action past of circumcision done to in the false Church It was the meere mercie of God y t pardoned and purged the sinne to the faithful penitent It was the wisdom of God the sin abuse of the action thus done receaued in y e false church being thus purged to reserue his owne ordinance not to reiterate y e action of circumcision They that giue a natural cause therof as of the impossibility of reiterating circumcision so put difference betweene circumcision baptisme the one being impossible to be done againe the other not so greatly erre in iudgment misse the point For both ●…he Apostle in expresse words sheweth experience in Chirurgeric confirmeth the same that circumcision may be gath●…red so
holdeth the 7 stars in his owne right hand he is the arch-Bishop and visiter of all Churches shepheardes CHRIST is the head ouer the vniuersall euerie particular bodie of his Church he hath giuen this office to no mortal man in earth they are al but members of some one bodie though diuers in functiō dig●…itie as the eie hand foote c. yet al but mēbers of the bodie to which they serue euerie member being circumscribed within the limites of their place office function One member cānot place displace or cut off an other this ought to be done by the whole bodie as in the name power of their head CHRIST vnto euerie one of which congregations CHRIST hath giuen this his power to be executed according to the rules of his word CHRIST is the Bridegrome he only hath the Bride but the frendes of the Bridegrome they stand and heare and reioice exceedinglie for the Bridegromes voice CHRIST is that slaine liuing Lābe that hath obteined to take y t sealed written Booke out of the right hād of him that sitteth on the throne and to open the same All Elders Angels and the whole host in heauen in earth fall downe on their faces giue glorie to the Lambe CHRIST is the only Lawgiuer vnto his Church and hath giuen mos●… heauenlie perfect lawes in his Testamēt vnto his Church hath sealed his Testament with that his blood so that nothing may be added vnto or taken there from He neuer gaue to anie mortal man power to make new lawes but hath commanded all men faithfullie to keep those lawes which he hath made within the limits of their calling It is onlie the office of the holy Ghost to teach the S●…ints to pray to giue wordes according to the wil of God to fill their mouthes with new ●…onges which they as sweete odors incense day night offer vp vnto God through CHRIST What then and how great is the sinne of these presumptuous shepheardes these blasphemous antichristian Bishops that climbe vp and intrude into the place office and roome of CHRIST that take his spowse from him and al his ministers officers orders and ordinances from her that alter abrogate bring in cast out what and whome they ●…st c. that take the office of the holy Ghost vpon them and not onlie set vp in the Church of God their moulten egiptian calfe cast ●…n y e old mould of the masse booke saue a litle new annuled ingrauen with a few of their owne diuises b●…t thrust this filthv idoll vpon mens con●…ciences as their praiers yea vpon God himself as al the seruice and worship they wil allow him in his Church See whither these be not the vndoubted markes of Antichrist that aduersarie search the prophecies the scriptures whether this be not that verie abhomination of desolatiō lift vp your eyes to the destructiō hauo●…k and wast thes●… aduersaries haue made in the sanctuarie how they roare in the midst of the congregation haue there set vp their bāners signes lift vp their axes vpon al the Lordes plantes broken downe with their malles al the beawtiful sieling carued worke haue cast the Lordes sanctuarie into the fire haue raced yt to the ground haue profaned the dwelling place of his name they are resolued in their hearts to doe violence and to destroy them altogether and haue brought in al maof filthy abhominable thinges into the sanctuarie When they find these thinges in this estate then let him that readeth consider let them that be in the citie and wil saue their soules flee into the mountaine There belongeth no reformation to this estate euen that reformation which these counter fait preachers pretēd is altogether as yl You see what in ordinate antichristian power they still retaine in the priests hādes in al their parishes the pa●…son or minister as they cal him must rule all and be aboue the whole ●…ocke who may controwle him or withstand him in nothing either in doctrine or practise be yt neuer so ill They must complaine to the Synode classes or councel of pri●…ts which synodes classes councels must consist wholy of ministers ●…e people shut out and those haue absolute power ouer al churches persons matters causes to debate define determine decree ratifie di●…anull what they list by permission of the high Court of Parliament which hath supreme power ouer the Church and all councels and causes therof vt supra otherwise vntill by this court these decrees be taken away all churches are burdened and must stand subiect vnto them But let vs now returne to the execution of this mōstrous antichristian power of the BB●… This extendeth euen to al the whole practise worship ministerie orders ordinances iniunctions decrees lawes of their Church alreadie made and heerafter to be made and therfore are infinite and passe any man or creature whatsoeuers setting downe in particular A great labour yt were to recken vp all their consti●…utions and cānons which they haue fetched from I wote not what old councels or rather from th●…ir holie Father the Pope or the heape of their ciuil lawes customes which they haue receaued frō their mo●…er of Rome al which are pleaded iudged sould by these Lords Bishops their chāc●…llors ●…eanes ciuil Doctors Proctors aduccates pleaders brawlers archdeacōs cōmissaries in their Courts of faculties Ar●…s prerog●…tiue delegates in their commissaries court not heere to spake of y e wel head y t euer rūning spring of al mischief their Spanish i●…quisitiō or english high cōmissiō yt deserueth especial mētion by yt ●…lf These lawes they take for y e foūdation of th●…ir church in stead o●… Christs new Testament these courts giue the whole direction vnto and execute all the censures of for this Church whether yt be excōmunication s●…spension or mulct M r. Archdeacon masse Commissary bea●…e no small sway It were long ha●…d to relate the diuers orders processe maners of pleading that belong to these courtes that is no small secret yt is no easie occupation many a mans liuing dependeth theron yt is no small calling to be but a pursuyuāt or cursetor of these courtes I say not so of the parators sumners that belong to the cōmissaries court heere are all things plead●…ble vendible fo●… money but without money heere is no man will open his mouth be the cause neuer so iust For money you may heere haue expedition or delay of iudgmēt with ●…undry shifts euasions which I want skill to vtter For money you may haue priuiledges dispensations licēces to eate fle●…h or to marry at forbidden times as in the holy time of Lent c. priuatly in the night in some secret place sodenly without consent of parents yea without banes as king by what Priest you will also to haue many benefices in sundry other cases wherof these courtes exercise iurisdiction as of
actiō of the Church to approue or orderly to reproue any action or person of the Church and that publikly if need so require how cā any from this place draw that the reproofe of Elders only belōgeth to Elders or how could this popish prelate collect that this power was only giuen to Timot●…y when Timothy and the Apostles themselues were subiect to the reproofe of the least where these transgressed from the word wil of God how could he from hence deriue his absolute power ouer all Churches Priests when no such thing is heere by this commandement giuen to Timothy how could this old dreamer from hence deriue or hereby defend these romish brawling bawdy courts with all their popish cānons customes pleadings pleaders euen al that swarme of vermine that liue attend vpon the same courts I hope if we granted him his owne most false interpretation that Timothy had sole power and by vertue of this commandement exercised absolute iurisdiction ouer the whole Church the other Elders that yet he did yt not after this antichristian vngodly maner as he and his brethren Bishops doe by such mercenarie romish Doctors pleaders proctors c. which are to couller plead the most vile hatefull causes which a christians eare abhorreth to heare of or by such wicked blasphemous customes othes purgations c. These I suppose he can not proue to be vsed in Timothies courte neither can he deriue any of this doung from that holy cōmandemēt of God for thē●…ight euery christiā keepe such a court ouer against BBs c. seing they may reproue and rebuke the greatest Bishop in the Church that transgresseth against the word of God No let him looke into the 9. chapter of the Reuelation there he shall see his owne al these poisoned armed locusts original to haue come out of the smoke of the bottomles pyt c. Further to discusse the poperie wickednes folly of this reason or the vnlawfullnes of these antichristian courts were labour needles they being so grosse of thēselues as by the first bringing the heauenly light vnto them they are discouered therby chased away as the darknes of the night by the sunne rising the grosse vapours by the wind They haue no foundation of the word and therfore must needs fall the word of God wil beare no such rotten stubble and filthy doung therfore I leaue this reason to remaine to his perpetual shame and the shame of all the brood houshold of Anak who if they could be drawē but to any peaceable opening the booke of God but with y ● least christian I would not now be vnderstood of any learned Priest of the opposite faction who hauing deriued all their ministerie ministration from them and exercising the same vnder them cā neuer preuaile against their fathers as in all their conflicts hath beene seene because in deed they take not the whole cause and right groundworke therfore they cannot further the Gospel or bring glory to God But if the least Christian whome both factions so depise perfecute might haue but free orderly triall with either or both sides and factions I doubt not but God would giue such blessing and power to his word which he would put in their mouthes as their counterfait and wicked dealings should be discouered yea albeit both sides hate the light and flee this christian peaceable triall wherby they plainly bewray of what Spirit they are though they digge as deepe as hel to hide their deuises y●…t God will disclose them and that euen by their owne pennes and tongues rather then he will want instruments An other fleshly reason he bringeth frō the lawfulnes of these courts y t is frō the Princes authority A christian Prince that alloweth the free course of the Gospel cōmandeth them therfore euery godly subiect ought to obey thē The Gospel cānot haue free course whiles these antichristiā courts Bishops ministery stand yf the Gospel had free course they should all be abolished But is this a Bishoply or Christian reason a godly Prince commandeth them therfore they ought to be obeyed why haue Princes authoritie to command what they list or if they doe ought christians to obey any vngodly decree I had thought that both they ought to cōmand we to obey in the Lord alwaies but especially may Princes bring in any new ordinances at their pleasure into the Church of CHRIST what can the Pope say more for his sackfull of traditions make you this vnlawfull in the person of the Pope that maketh some more shew of learning knowledg and religion and hath his learned councell of cardinals about him and yet make yt lawfull in a christian Prince to innouate or abrogate the Testament of CHRIST in this maner to bring in or keepe out of the Church what ordinances they list you shew your self a faithfull watchman and Bishop ouer the Church vnto your Princes soule y t suffer such rule to be kept in the Church without blowing the trumpet of Gods word against yt that suffer your Prince thus to runne into and remaine in the wrath of God vnadmonished vnreproued You learned this of no true Prophets no faithful Bishops let yt remaine then vpon you for an vndoubted marke of a false Prophet a Balaamite a wolfe a murtherer of soules And as for your authoritie know seing yt hath no better ground in the world of God yt shall all fall to the ground al the Princes of the world or powers of hell ●…hall not be able to vphold yt Babilon shall fall and all her pompe shall vanish though her princes and shipmasters or bishops and all her mariners ministers and marchandmen howle and wayle therfore for the God that condemneth her is a strong Lord as for the King of Egipt he is a man and not God almightie and their horses flesh but not Spirit wherfore when IEHOVAH shall stretch forth his hand the helper shall fall and the helped shall fall and all these shall faile together Let vs now proceed to the censures of the church of England which wholly consist in the Bishops hand who executeth them by himself or his Commissarie they are not exercised for obstinacie ioyned to sin or error but lightly if not altogether for contempt of their courtes either in not appearing at or obeijng their commandements and decrees or els for some transgressions against their idoll seruice booke in speaking against yt or against their ordinarie or his stubstitute M●… Commissarie or the parish priest or such like or els for not obseruing their idoll holy daies or not receauing with their parson or not hauing their children baptised c. For these and such like they shalbe conuented and very seuerely punished either by mulct or excommunication or imprisonmēt there are no other sins amongst the people that deserue excommunication they haue other punishments for sin besides excōmunication as to fine them punish them by the
and all the ordinances therof without accompt or 〈◊〉 as hath beene plentifully shewed in all this discouery and yet more shall appeare if we now take a litle view of th●…ir Commission which is the very abisme golph from whence spring flow all these innumerable enormities into euery pa●… of this whole land their Church THIS INDEFINITE monstrous Commission I hauing neuer seene their letters pattents or any copie therof cannot othervise describe then by certaine appa●…ant circumst●…nces as the men of whome yt consisteth and that haue the chiefe rule therof the persons causes ouer which this Cōmission is set and hath iurisdiction and the maner of vsing their sayd power The Commissioners are certayne ecclesiasticall ciuile persons as first the Primate of England the Arch-b of Canterburie then I suppose the Metropolitane of Yorke with certaine other Bishops as London Winchester c. certaine Deanes Arch-deacons Chancelors with sundry especial ciuile Doctors c. The ciuil persons of this Commission are now of late dayes some few of her Ma ties honorable Councell the two chiefe Iudges certaine Courtiers as the two Maisters of her Maiesties requests certaine chosen Aldermen the Recorder of London certaine other officers about the Citie as the Li●…ftenant of the Tower the post-Mr sundry other that I know not not hee●…e to recite that rabble of aduocates proctors scribes pursuyuāts attending thervpon These thus ioined in this high great Commission haue or at the least exercise by vertue therof absolute power iurisdiction ouer the whole Church of England and euery particular congregation of the same and ouer eu●…ry minister member of the same euen ouer al the Q. Subiects They also exercise finall iurisdiction absolute power ouer all causes ecclesiasticall whatsoeuer to handle and determine to visite enquire punish to make new lawes orders decrees and to inioine the same as authentike vpon all Churches as before the holy oracles of God They haue power also to assume any cause or plea out of any other of their inferior spiritual Courtes as they call them into their owne hands to ratifie or disanul any thing there done They haue power also to erect and to authorise new litle high Commissions in any Citie of the land where yt pleaseth them only with this exc●…ption that they alwaies acknowledg the supreme power of their parent at Lambeth Yet further this great high Commission hath absolute power ouer sundrie and what not ciuil causes insomuch as they feare not to meddle with matters belonging to the Q. crowne or pre●…ogatiue roial or to any of her Courts of plea whatsoeuer yea they haue not doubted to intercept caus●…s belonging vnto depending in the high Court of parliament if Mr. PENRY in his app●…ale say true Th●…y haue power to cite summon or conuent by their pursuyuants cursitors what person of the land eith●…r man or woman at any time when they please they haue power to command all the Q. officers as Maiors of Cities Sherifs c. to serue attend watch ride by day or by night vpon their busines whatsoeuer also to apprehend to incarcerate or to deliuer out of prison what person or pe●…sons how innocent or flagitious soeuer vpon their barre warrant without further enquire or delay yea they haue power to fetch vp any of these officers before thē from their charge in her Maiesties seruices there also to ymprison them if they so thinke good They haue power to authorize these rakehel ●…obbers their pursuyuants to herry molest or attach any of the Q. ●…aithful subiectts they list to breake open ●…ansack their houses by day or by night to spoyle carie away what and whome they please without controulement their warrants being made indefinite without anie certaine perscription or limitation Wel being thus furnished with this power they come together at their Session as charrets armed to the batt●…l a great tayle of officers court of a●…tendants being assēbled the apparance wherof exceedeth I suppose that of the Vaticane at Rome no praier vsed before neither the booke of God opened in this their ecclesiastical councel The parties conu●…nted are to attend being called to appeare before them before whome being come what affaires soeuer they haue whither of a whole Church or of manie congregations what office or degree soeuer they be of they must there stand their head●…s discou●…red before them no place giuen them with or by these Commissioners Yf they be to propoūd speake or complaine of any thing they mu●…t doe yt by the officers of this Courte their Aduocates Proctors R●…gisters Scribes seou●…dum modum formam and that to no small charge by that time all these voultures haue their fees otherwise thē by these they may not plead in this Courte the iudgments of this Court they must receaue without contradictiō or gaynsaijng there is no appeale no help●… no m●…anes to reu●…rse the same be they neuer so vni●…st Any oth●…rs that are blamed and accused vnto this Courte haue not he●…re pl●…ce to answere vnto such things as shalbe obi●…cted against them by their accusers b●…ing brought face to face or to defēd themselues according to equitie but heere they shall hardly know their accusers or accusations at anie time vntil they haue taken an othe to answere truly vnto such things as shalbe demāded of thē in that Court wherby they are driuen to accuse themselues and so minister matter abundantly vnto their aduersaries The othe that is heere administred is that laying their hand or finge●…s vpon a booke they sweare by God by the contents of the booke to answere truly vnto such things as shalbe demanded of them and so kissing the booke their othe is accepted no further leisure giuen to consider what th●…y answere vnto their demandes But if anie make conscience or denie to receaue this idolatrous wicked othe which though yt be proued vnto them to be n●…uer so vnlawful and contrarie to the commandement of God Deut. 6. 13. De●…t ●…0 20. to be neuer so superstitious in deuising adding yea in inioyning ceremonies where God in these lawes hath made none but cōmanded to sweare without anie ceremonies by the name of God only though yt be proued to be neuer so idolatrous in ioyning any thing vnto or with God in swearing by any thing besides or with God though the fearful curse of God be shewed to be denoūced against such mane●… of swearing swearers by the Lords prophets in these words They that sweare in the sin of S●…maria that say thy God O Dan liueth and the way of Beerschebah liueth euē they shal fal neuer ●…ise vp againe and in an other place that the Lord will cut off al that sweare by IEHOVAH as they sweare by 〈◊〉 be this othe prooued neuer so vnnecesfarie the cause not requiring anie such triall be yt proued neuer so vnnatural yt being to accuse thēselues y
● vnto their aduersaries yet wil these graceles Bishops inforce this othe first by way of perswasion by Abrahams Iaacobs exāples who caused the one his se●…uāt y e other his sonne to sweare putting their hād vnder their theigh c. and by the Angels lifting vp his hād vnto heauē to sweare If vnto the fi●…st they be answered that Abrahā Iaacob ioyned not this ceremony vnto the othe so much as to exact the fidelitie performance of the othe seijng God himself sware vnto Abraham without this ceremonie Gen 15 17 as also Ishaac sware Iaacob sware without this ceremonie Gen. 26. 31. Gen. 31. 53 so that there cā be no law drawen or exāple made of Abraham Iaacob heerin especially seing this was before the law was giuē but now we ●…aue an absolute law giuen of God for the forme of othes frō which law we ought not to swerue Yf vnto the secōd namely the Angels lifting vp the hād vnto heauē whiles he sware yt be likewise answered y t no law cā be inforced frō hēce or any new ceremony inioyned in swearing nothing being done heere contrarie to the law of God neither any example giuē to breake or alter y ● law giuē of God seing now both al superstitious ceremonies idolatrous othes are forbiddē vs by our Sauiour Christ his Apostles Math. 5. 34. 3. 5 Mat. 23. Gal. 4. 9. Col. 2. 20. Their next reason is drawē frō the Princes priuiledg y t the Prince hath power to make lawes of indifferēt things is therin to be obeied this maner of othe is shewed to be no indifferēt thing but altogether vnlawful prohibited for the reasons aboue alledged But if yt were a thing indifferēt as they suppose so to sweare or not so to sweare yet were yt not lawfull for any mortal man to bind that by way of law which God hath left in our libertie much lesse to bring in new ceremonies or diuises into the worship of God for so might al the Popes traditiōs be brought in iustified Whē these reasons wil not serue to perswade o●… assure the conscience thē these holy fathers these tēder hearted christian BBs are driuē to their last argumēt wherby they vphold their antichristiā throne Viz. the ciuil power authoritie which is committed into their murtherous handes Then are they forthwith committed vnto close prison there to remaine vntil they either yeild or die and this without respect of age sexe or degree especially if they be convēted for refusing or speaking against the BBs Popelike authoritie antichristian decrees idolatrous iniunctions c such with mortall hatred they persecute much more ●…hen they doe the most hainous malefactors traiterous Papists such they opēly publish to be sectaries scismatikes heretikes Anabaptists disobedient to magistrates seditious conventiclers c. and al because they will not beare Antichristes yoke nor carie the Beastes marke nor bow downe vnto worship his image Such therfore they hunt pursue a●…rode by their spia●…s pursyuants and hauing caught thē vse with al e●…quisite tyranny neuer suffring thē to depart out of thei●… hāds vntil they either deny y e faith or be fetched frō thē by the Lords peremptorie messenger Death Long yt were to relate their fine spanish arts to molest these constant witnesses faithfull seruāts of Christ when they get them in their prisons by shutting them vp long close by causing them to be produced and indicted at the general sessions vpō the statute of recusansy hauing made some of the Iudg●…s on their part although this statute was made for Christs and her Ma ties ●…nemies the Papists recusants of all christian veritie When vpon this statute they haue gotten them indicted and vpon the execution therof cast into prisons yet he●…re their malice ceaseth not but although they be the Q. prisoners in her execution yet will they contrarie to all law assume them back againe into th●…ir handes and by th●…ir sole authoritie without anie cause alledged commit them perpetuall close prisoners therby to shorten their liues and to cut off all meanes either of their owne maintenance from them or wherby they might any way satisfie the Que●…ne Thus play they with poore Christians as the catte doth with the mo●…se boldly committing them vnto and taking them f●…om the seculer powers at their owne pleasure abusing the Queenes lawes and most faithfull subi●…ctes at their owne lust without checke or controulement they being subiect and liable to no lawe To such a heigth is this strange Romish spanish Court now growne vnder colour of ●…eforming ●…cclesiasticall abus●…s that yt vsurpeth absolute power ouer al law●…s caus●…s persons 〈◊〉 yea and becommeth the very fountaine or synke rather from whence flow al errors abuses and disorders into the whole lād yt being the very bane poyson both of the church and common welth that ●…uer going forge of Sathan wherin he daily mint●…th al his antichr●…stian new deuises decrees for this monstrous harlot the false Church that Senate wherin all their affaires are cons●…lted that Councel wherin all their decrees are concluded a Synode wherin all causes are debated a schoole wherin al questions are disputed a fayre wherin all their wares are sould This monstrous Court taketh vtterly away the power and stoppeth the course of Gods word of his Church and of the godly lawes of the land preiudicial yt is to the prerogatiue of the Prince to the iurisdiction of her ●…oyall Courts to the libertie of her free subiects to the great Cha●…r of England as their practise euidently sheweth How contrarie yt is vnto God vnto al the rules of his word euen by this summarie recitall insufficient description of their doings at the first reading may appeare to al men that wil bring them to the light So barbarous is th●…ir power so odious their proceedings as no apologie cā be made for them vnlesse by the same they wil also iustifie the authoritie of the Pope and proceedings of the spanish inquisition both vvhich yet heerin they exceed in that this Court hath power to make lawes o●…dināces for al churches without their consent which the Pope cannot doe as also in that this Court hath power iurisdiction ouer many almost al ciuil causes which the spanish inquisition hath not Let not my words be wrasted or misconstrued to the reproch of these honorable personages such ciuile magistrates as are of this Cōmission whose ciuil offices persons we from our hearts vnfainedly honour and reuerence yet can the authority of their personages no way iustifie the vnlawfulnes of this Commission or hide the vngodlines of the BBs proceedings therin with whose crafty practises we suppose they are not made acquainted being tised into this Cōmission by the sub●…ilty of the BBs who suppose to fortifie their anti●…hristian power popish regiment by the authority and countenance of the these honorable reuerend men
whome they perswade that they shal do much good herein before whome they bring none but the most heinous fowle causes as incest plurality of wiues papistry c. neuer suffring them to looke into the secrets mysteries of their kingdome or to heare the iust complaints of the Q. oppressed subiects by their tyranny These as is aboue said they wil not suffer so much as to expose their griefes vtter their wrongs or to plead defend their owne cause before these c●…uil magistrates no not in this their owne courte where the Archbishop is in his exaltation and their chiefe aduersaries are Iudges so fearful are they least the light should breake forth and all their packing and wickednes be bew●…aied But he that discloseth all secrets will I doubt not shortly reueale all their doings and make them as odious as they are now honorable At which time such as now ioine to them and vphold them shall stand far off for feare of their torments when the wrath of God shalbe reueled from heauen against all the impiety and iniustice of these men that withhold the truth in vnrighteousnes For sure if the Prince Magistrats but knew the vnlawfulnes of this Cōmission ●…ither in the persons power or practise therof they would ●…oone withdraw their power f●…om the beast and would not in this maner vphold or 〈◊〉 vnto the throne of Antichrist that forgeth wrong bes●…des law The ecclesiasticall persons of this Commission we ha●…e by express●… scriptures shewed neither to be true ministers of the Gospell neithe●… true members of the Church of Christ. Both which though they were yet could they not receaue or exercise such antichristian power inordinate authority ouer all or any one congregation of Christ much lesse in the estate they stand For the ciuiil magistrates that are of this Commission though they may as members together with those congregations whervnto they are ioined iointly with the whole Church exercise such spiritual power to censure faltes discusse matters and determine of such affaires as belong vnto arise in their congregations c. yet can they not as by vertue of their ciuil office exercise these spirituall censures power which Christ hath giuē belongeth vnto the whole Church much lesse assume into their owne hands and plucke from the whole Church this power which Christ hath giuen them So then all the persons of this Commission both ecclesiastical ciuil are ●…tterly vncapable of this inordina●…e power iurisdictiō which being so mon●…trous heinou●… ouer al churches al 〈◊〉 causes persons doctrines to ratifie or di●…anul erect or pull downe bring in or cast out of the Church handle hold plea of many ciuile causes also and that after so blasphemous vnchristian a maner by administring enforcing their idolatrous booke othe by prohibiting somuch as to speake for themselues or in their owne causes by inflicting penalties fines by incarcerating whome for what they list and there deteining them as close as long as they list and that without bayle mainprise or trial which monstrous confused power belongeth rather vnto is more fit for y t Antichrist that Beast and vnto the false church then vnto any member of CHRIST or of his church God hath pur difference though no disagreement betwixt th●…●…hurch and the cōmon welth betwixt the ministers iurisdictiō censures of ech of them hauing set vnto ech sort their due bounds officers and limits which they ought not after this maner to transgresse or confound making I know not what cōmixture of persons offices causes in this monstrous Commission where the ciuil magistrate is made a Iudg minister of ecclesiastical causes their church ministers of ciuill cōmō welth matters al vnder pretext of the cōmission of y e Prince who because he hath power ouer all causes persons both of the Church cōmon welth ●…herfore these mē suppose that he may make what new lawes decrees orders for both Church common welth that he list change the ordinances decrees of God at his pleasure especially if he be a christian Prince for then he is no way bownd to the lawes of God or limits of his calling But against such deuilish doctrines we haue oftē in this treatise proued that though the Prince be placed of God in the most high authority both o●…er y e church cōmon welth here vpon earth yet he is but ●…he seruāt of God circumscribed with lawes as one that shal render an ●…ccompt be iudged before the Lord of all his doings as any other Though the Prince haue the booke of God ●…ōmitted vnto him with charge to see yt duly executed by euery one in his calling yet hath he ●…t to keepe obserue not to breake or chāge We haue also proued all the lawes of God to be most holy inuiolable and al sufficient both for the church cōmon welth the perfect instruction of euery officer member of the same in their seueral duties callings so that nothing is now left vnto a●… mortal man of what high dignity calling soeuer but to fulfil execute the will of God in his word in their places callings which word being now perfected in y e heauenly ministery of Christ nothing may be added to or takē from the same without most high sacriledg impiety the vtter abrogating of CHRISTS Testamēt no new deuise how holy or necessary ●…oeuer to our earthly seeming is now to be brought in or required at our hands our obedience being more acceptable vnto God then our sacrifice Which way ●…en can this strange monstrous Cōmission neuer read nor heard of in the new Testament of Christ or whole word of God so vnlawfull in the persons y t are y e Cōmissioners in the power authority they exercise in al their proceedings so pernicious to y ● whole church so dir●…ctly contrary to y ● word of God to y ● vtter subuersiō taking out of the way y ● whole Testamēt ordināces of Christ how may this cōmissiō I say be set o●…er y ● whole church or be iustified by y e Princes authority But to proue y t this ecclesiastical high Cōmission is no antichristian vngodly or new diuise Mr. SOME hath taken some paines bestowed vpon vs a few reasons such as they are Saith he this Cōmission is deriued from our gracious soueraigne Q. ELISABETH to whome the Antichrist of Rome is a professed enemy and is directed to honorable reuerend wise men of the clergie temporalty therfore yt is not antichristian Againe sundry branches of this Cōmission are godly as to preserue Gods religion whole sound from popery Anabaptistry c. to meete with suppresse notable disorders as incests polygamies oppressiō of the ministers c. and to giue defence countenance to the good therfore this Cōmission is very godly Thirdly high Commissions
were directed from Iehos haphat King of Iuda and from Artaxerx●… King of Persia therfore the high Commission of England is no new deuise 2. Chron. 19. Ezra 7. By the first reason it should seeme that M r. SOME supposeth that there is no Antichrist but the Pope of Rome neither any thing to be Antichristiā which commeth not from him otherwise ●…here wil be litle sequele of this reason that because the Q Maiestie directeth this cōmission to honorable reuerend men of the clergie temporalty therfore the high Cōmission is not antichristian or vnlawfull Might not by this reason King Dauids Commission or letters mandatory vnto Ioa●… for the murthering of Vriah be accompted good because king Dauid was a most godly Prince if so be that the goodnes of any mortal man might make that which is euill good or iustifie any vnlawfull action We heere reason not of the goodnes of any mens persons●… so much as of the vnlawfulnes of this Cōmission which by so many reasons being proued such can neither be iustified by the Princes authority that dir●…cteth yt nor by the goodnes of any to whome yt is directed but remaineth altogether vnlawful for the one to graunt for the other to accept Yet for the persons of these Cōmissioners we haue shewed the ciuil personages magistrates to be vtterly vncapable of any ecclesiastical functiōs whiles they retaine these ciuil offices much more of such vnlawful vngodly authority iurisdiction ouer so many churches as they execute in this Cōmission As for the honorable reuerēd clergie this Doctor speaketh of if we had said nothing concerning their office ministery before yet this his popish tea●…me of clergie wherby he segregateth the ministery from the rest of the church or els only would ha●…e them to be the Lords heritage sufficiently bewraieth frō what forge they al came plainly sheweth them to haue come from their holy father the Pope begotten and borne vpon their mother of Rome such a Lordly Clergie or clearal Prelacy not being before heard of or r●…ad in the Te●…tamēt of Christ and so by this reason the high Cōmission is like to proue antichristian this honorable reuerend clergie which beare al the rule in this Commission being so immediatly deriued and directly discended from that Antichrist of Rome And as for this popish distinction betwixt the clergie the laitye I refer him to reade with due consideration Act. 26. 18. 1 Pet. 5. 3. There is as litle sequele of his second reason that because this Commission hath some good branches as to purge Gods religiō of popery anabaptistry to punish to suppresse notable disorders as incests polygamies oppression of ministers therfore this whole high Cōmission is good godly Might not the most vngodly councels y t euer were be thus defended iustified because they decreed not some but many good things Might not any sect or heresy be thus also defended iustified because they hold teach many good things yet iudge we such ecclesiasticall councels assemblies antichristian which haue no warrāt from the word of God where the holy ghost is not both the author ruler Therfore vntill this high Cōmission be approued either by president or rule we must still hold yt antichristiā vnlawful And now touching these faire pretexts wherwith this sepulchre of all rottennes is guilded this deepe graue is couered as with flowers greene grasse let euen these fairest shewe●… therof be examined and proued by ●…hat which hath bene said touching their seruice-booke ministery what a pure worship holy ministery this Cōmission preserueth and maintaineth Let the cōmonnes of ince●…ts polygamies adulteries for●…ication al vncleannes y t aboūdeth in the land shew the great good y t this cōmission doth in the land yea let their profane vngodly order that they take for the suppressing punishing these crimes shew what a holy coūcel this is The Lord cōmandeth odious vnnatural incests al adulteries to be puni●…hed with death the high Cōmission punisheth the most hatefull incests poligamies by prisons or by the purse As for such incest as is not in marriage other adulteries they are but peccadilia punished by doing penance in a white sheete or els by some lesse mulct w tout impri●…onmēt Moreouer this cōmission punisheth y e most high execrable idolatries by prisons forfaiturs making yt a pecuniary matter cōtrary to the law of God Deut. 1●… Deut. 7. Now let vs come to Mr. SOMES 3 argumēt where by scripture he doth approue this high Cōmission to be no new diui●…e King Iehoshaphat and king Ar●…axerxes directed high Cōmissions Iehoshaph●…t saith M r. SOME in these words In Ierushalem did Iehoshaphat s●…t of the Leuites of the Priests of the chiefe of the families of Israel for the iudgmēt cause of the Lord. And they returned to Ierushalem and he charged them saying c. How ignorantly if not corruptly D. S. hath inuerted this text both in the words distinctions may appeare to any that wil compare yt to the orginal He hath inuerted the wordes thus in that he saith for the iudgment cause of the Lord where the text is for the iudgmēt of y ● Lord y ● plea or strife Lemischphat Iehouah velarib He hath inuerted the di●…tinctions in these words And they retur●…ed to 〈◊〉 and ●…e 〈◊〉 them sa●…ng In which 〈◊〉 he hath put a periode where the t●…xt is cōtinued in the verse without distinction and hath made a litle 〈◊〉 where should be an hebrew periode beginning the verse where he ●…hould not rēding part of the ●… verse giuing yt to the ninth wherby he hath dism●…mbred confounded the text as shal by by appeare by misplacing this word IEHOVAH and putting yt after both the iudgment the plea he hath giuē or rather takē occasion to thinke that this was but one entire commission consisting of ecclesiastical ciuil persons ioi●…d together and y t this cōmission had authority to handle decide both ecclesiastical ciuil causes whereas in deed ●…he word IEHOVAH is ioined to the word Mis●… of purpose to put differēce betwixt the ecclesiastical politicall iudgments which are expressed in the 10 verse the 11 verse also shewing the distinctiō both of these iudgments Iudges for ecclesiasticall matters sending to the people Amariah the high Priest to the Temple to the ministers therof the Priests Leuites for pollitike ciuil causes sending the people to Zebadia to those heads of y e families mencioned in y e ●… verse here called Schi●… rulers or Iudges which verse he also hath most corruptly deliuered both by misplacing the wordes of the text and conueijng in words of his owne especially in these words the Leuites shal be officers before you where the words lye in the text thus Iudges Leui●…s ●…efore you wherby he craftily would collect that y e Leuites
executed ciuile functions and so our Bishops and Priests may be Lords Iudges Iustic●…s of peace hold iurisdiction of ciuil causes this rable of romish ciuilians aduocates proctors c. might be officers in the stead of Leuites Further his rash inuerting the hebrew distinctions in the latter end of the ●… beginning of the 9 verse he hath so royled cōfounded y e t●…xt as no mā can vnderstand who they were that returned to Ierushal●…m or rather as the text is when they sh●…uld returne to Ierushal●… whither these iudges Cōmissioners as Mr. SMOE calleth them or the other Iudges people of the land that in cases of doubt should returne to Ierushalē according to the law cōmandement of God Deut. 17. 8. 9. to enquire at the priests or at y e chief Iudg c. But D. S. hauing thus troubled roil●…d the pure fountaine with his f●…te would now giue vs this muddy water to drinke that this cōmi●…ion as he termeth yt at Ieru●…alem was s●…t ouer all the Cities Iudges c. of the whole land and that these cōmissioners were they that returned to Ierushal●…m By which scripture thus deliuered vnderstood he would shape and erect this his Lords Grace high Commission But let vs now euē a litle compare them together and see what likenes there is betwixt 〈◊〉 proceedings in Ierushalem and theirs in this high commission Iehoshaphat set Iudges in the land through all the strong cities he set in Ierushalem of the heads of the families of Israel appointing amongst th●…m one chiefe Iudg for al ciuil affaires and the Kings busines as the Kings 〈◊〉 He cōmanded also caused the Priests to remaine in their due course at Ierushalem to studie teach the law of God diligently and to see this duly done of them he set the high Priest ouer them to be the chiefe in all matters of the Lord. What of al this what new thing is heere done or besides law Exod. 18. Num. 1●… Deut. 1. That the Prince al●…o is charged and of dutie ought to see the ministers of the church to doe their dutie teach the law of God diligētly sincerely we reade Deut. 17. 1 Chron. 28. 2 Chron. 29. 30. 35. This did Ieho●… no other thing Now in that he placed yt at Ierusalem yt was according to the cōmandment of God who had chosen that place to put his name there that the law might proceed out of Zion al people flow thither to worship God heare his word But in al this Ie●… hath neither commixt nor confounded the ciuil and ecclesiasticall offices in one cōmission neither erected any new ecclesiastical ordināce besides those which God in his word had prescribed or peruerted or diuerted any ordināce that God hath instituted But in this high Cōmission of the church of Englād is an opē cōmixture confusiō of ciuil ecclesiastical offices causes a new diuised ordināce with new officers new proceedings and a strange course not heard or read of in the whole word of God Yea by this Commission they pervert and turne away the whole practise of al the ordinances of Christ in his Church Neither will that great commission which Artaxerxes gaue vnto He●… the Priest any vvhit more either couller or warrant this monstrous high Commission of theirs granted vnto their chiefe Priest arch-Bishop which Commission if yt should haue reached ouer far yet had yt rather beene to be imputed vnto y e ignorāce of the heathē King that knew not the lawes of God then to haue beene alledged or vrged as an exāple for vs to follow in the sáme euil especially now vrder Christs most perfect absolute Testament ministery in his church But what was this commissiō of Artaxerxes that D. SOME so enforceth Artaxerxes granted vnto Hezra leaue by cōmission to carry vp with him vnto Ierusalem al such of Israel and Iuda as were willing to goe together with al such vessels instrumēts gold siluer or free gifts as should be giuē vnto the seruice of God by thē in Babilo●… as also that being come to Iernshalem he should set Iudges arbiters that might both diligētly teach and see the lawes of God duly executed What is in this Commission found contrarie to the law of God or what did Hezra by this commission contrarie to the law of God Yt wil heere be said that Hezra being a Priest had ciuil and ecclesiastical power committed vnto him by vertue of this commission exercised both ciuil and ecclesiastical iurisdiction c. we see manifestly in the 23 25 verses that the kings commission had relation wholy to the law of God that Hezra being a man prompt therin should see al things done in the Tēple at Hierusalem in the kingdome of Iuda and Israel according to the law of God yet heere is no commission giuen him to execute both ciuil and ●…cclesiastical offices in his owne person neither reade we or may vve without sin imagine that euer he did so for that had beene an heinous breach of all Gods lawes an vnsufferable confusion of al Gods ordinances who as he hath in his word alwaies put difference distinction betwixt the ciuil ecclesiastical estates so hath he vnto ech seueral office apointed seueral ministers to attēd Mōstrous therfore most vngodly is that commission where both these estates offices are mingled cōfounded in one Antichristiā beastlike is that person that sitteth as chiefe of this Cōmission exerciseth both ciuile ecclesiastical iurisdiction by the cōmandement of any mortal creature yt being so directly repugnant to the lawes of God and the Testamēt of Christ so pernitious to the Church of Christ vtterly peruerting diuerting al the ordinances therof subuerting the whole libertie powers censures duties of the whole Church and of euerie mēber minister therof Euil thē may this mixt cōfuse ecclesiastical high Cōmission be cōpared vnto or approued by this godly cōmissiō of Artaxerxes or this popish supremacie inordinate power ciuil iurisdictiō of this high Arch-Priest or Bishop by y ● person of Hezra who most painfully sincerely taught y e law of God most precisely practised y e same within the boūdes of his calling most modestly faithfully behaued himself in al things as the scripture beareth recorde The 26 verse where the disobediēt the offendors are commāded to haue due iudgment executiō according vnto the law of God qualitie of their offence cā by no common reason much lesse by any Christian iudgmēt be said to be cōmanded to be executed by Ezra his person The Priestes office as we haue said was to teach the law to exhorte al persōs to the obediēce of the same but their office was not to erercise ciuile iurisdictiō or to execute ciuil iudgmētes these were to be performed by ciuil magistrates Neither may these iudgmēts of death eradication mulct of goods of bandes by
this cōmandemēt of Artaxerxes who no doubt vsed such words in this cōmission as agreed to the lawes iudgmentes of Persi●… rather then of knowledg in Gods law be made either ecclesiastical censures or any way be executed in any Christian pollitike regiment otherwise thē they are found to accord with the lawes iudgments of God prescribed in his word But this new diuised high ecclesiastical Commission doth not only cēsure punish al faultes of their churches by these iudgmēts penalties but doth inflict thē in what measure manner they lust vpon al persons for al cawses whatsoeuer whether cawses of religion as opē idolatrie popish masse c. or contempt of their iniunctions decrees in not resorting to their worship sacraments or administring them after any other māner thē they haue prescribed c. whither for ciuil offences be they neuer so hainous abhominable as most odious incests adulteries polygamies c. Al these by this commission are punished by the purse by the prison for the law of God for idolatours adulterers were al to sharpe therfore this holy councel guided belike by some better wiser spirit haue found out this more mitigate course repressing these sinnes But if any vpon faith and conscience towards God refraine their idolatrous deuises there can for such be found out no kind of hostility confiscation perpetual close imprisonment sufficient for their faultes Thus no way can this high Cōmission of the church of England be iustified by these examples of 〈◊〉 Artaxer●…es neither hath yt any more defence in the new Testament where is no mention of any such councel or Court set ouer all churches ouer euery méber minister cause affaire cēsure therof to impose depose determine iudge censure punish at their pleasure whome what they lust without cōtradiction or controlement We reade in the practise of the Apostles of a synode or councell of ●…undry churches for the deciding of controuersies doubtes where certaine chosen Elders of the churches are thervnto assembled together with such faithfull of any church as will be present without shutting out of any of them neither are these Elders here gathered in any such stagelike or pontisicall maner as these our Prelates are in this Cōmission but in this christiā councel or assembly ech one hath free liberty and place to relate or debate his owne cause without interruption or preiudice neither is any thing heere decre●…d by the wil of any man but only by the wil of God that vpon euident demonstratiō of the word otherwise no credite or obedience giuen to any thing they set downe or determine During y e time of which coūcel at any time after w tout any preiudice any christiā hath freedome and liberty in due time place not disturbing the peaceable order of Christiā assemblies to speake according to the word of God either in approbatiō or reproofe of any thing to be done or done in y t councel Which councel or synode as yt hath not power to erect or bring in any new decrees or ordināces into the church besides those which are prescribed in y e booke of God which are alsufficiēt for al times occasions vnto the worlds end so hath not this councel any power or authority ouer any church or any member of the church to censure excōmunicate erect or depose any This councel or assembly is only ordained for the helpe quiet of churches to discusse questiōs to decide doubtes as they fall out arise that so all churches in all places might walke by one rule in the vnitie of the spirit This coūcel is not permanent or alwaies setled in one place but to be vsed by any Churches at any time or place vpō due occasions Neither is this councel so subsisting of the presbitery ortied to the persons of any that the least mēber of Christ is therby shut out not suffred to heare or to speake or any way preiudiced neither is any Church by this councell either depriued of their high power authority which Christ hath giuē to euery seuerall congregatiō alike or forestalled frō the due execution therof towards any member of their congregation or cause that ariseth amongst thē But as is said this councel is only a broth●…rly peaceable meeting of sundry churches for the better more as●…ured deciding discussing of doubtes and questions that arise leauing the whole practise due execution of al things to euery particular congregation in that order maner that Christ hath prescribed in his Testament These occasions rules and proceedings of Synodes councels or meetings of diuers Churche●… we find left vnto vs in that holy patterne Act. 15. where though the chiefe builders y ● Apostles themselues were yet euen there were al things handled with this order modesty sobriety freedome c. But now if we compare their high ecclesiastical Commission vnto this holy councell and meeting how vnlike in al their orders proceedings and actions shall yt be found Their Commission being made a continuall setled permanent Court hauing strange Iudges aduocates officers iuri●…diction pleas processe c. vsurping and exercising supreme power absolute authority ouer al churche●… ministers persons lawes doctrines to ratifie or disanull to establish or reiect to erect or depose whome what they lust executing al the censures offices of the Church changing bringing in and setting vp what they please shutting out the sentence of all Churches Christians allowing them neither interest electiō voice or presence in this their councell thrusting their decrees and constitutions as most holy vpon all Churches the consciences of all men with an high strong hand to be receiued without contradiction or question adiuring exam●…ning suspending deposing fining emprisoning persecuting with all hostility all such as receaue not their constitutions submit not vnto their power Now let any christian iudge whether this Commission be not more like vnto the high court of the Beast then vnto an holy peaceable orderly assembly of christiās met in the feare of God and guided by his Spirit to enquire search out Gods wil and humbly to rest in the same The ciuill magistrats power or presence can no way i●…stifie this Cōmission or their proceedings being found so directly contrary to the Testamēt of CHRIST vnto which yt is now lawfull for no man or Angel to superordeine alter or pluck away any thing without hainou●… sacrilege This monstrous cōmixture then of these distinct powers in one court or person together with this confuse practise barbarous hauock tyranny they make exercise ouer Gods heritage Christ●… poore seruants doe euidently denote and as by the very steppes trase out vnto all men the person throne and power of that Antichrist that aduersary that beast accordingly as they are described foreshewed vnto vs in the scriptures Math. 24. 15. 2 Thess. 2. how Antichrist should presume into the very
place and office of CHRIST shewing himself in the Church of God as God by changing the lawes and Testament of CHRIST and by bringing in new ordinances new ministery worship c. Reuel 13. Reu. 17. 12. 13. 14. 17. how Antichrist being thus exalted the Dragon should giue him his power his throne his great authority as also the Kings of the earth yea such Kings as had before burnt the whore with fire should giue vnto the Beast their power authority wherwith he should fight with the Lamb make wa●… with the Saints opening his mouth vnto blasphemy against God and his tabernacle and them that d●…ell therin setting vp his blasphemous image in all pl●…ces c. Now as we haue by the light of Gods word in this litle y t hath beene s●…ied euidently found seene these Bi●…hops their courtes gouernment to be wholy antichristian vtterly vnlawfull but especially this their high court of Cōmissiō to be most blasphemous y e very throne of the Beast vtterly cōmingling cōfounding subuerting al Gods ord●…nances all estates and offices both of Church cōmon welth the whole liberty of Christians the power duties of the church so likewise if we by the same rules but as lightly examine measure the secret classes the ordinary set Synodes councels of ministers as they terme them selues which these Reformists now priuily bring in and would openly set vp they shall no doubt be found as new strange and antichristiā as preiudicial to the liberty of the Saints to the power right and duties of the whole Church and as contrary to the Gospell of our Lord IESVS CHRIST as these other what shew soeuer of former antiquity or of present necessity they may pretend And this if they be compared in the persons assembled and causes for which they are assembled and which they handle in the se●… continued times place of their meeting in their order maner of proceeding iudgment in t●…eir decrees power vnto that perfect patterne of all christian councelles Act. 15. will forthwith appeare The persons assembled in these councels are only ministers al other Christians being shut out and allowed neither place voice or consent among them The causes for which they are assembled and which they handle not being doubtes or questions which arise in the Churches but al the affaires offices and duties of the Church that without making the Churches priuy wherfore they assemble or what they will t●…ere handle The time place of these councels they without the wil priuity of the Churches make setled continual permanent not leauing to the Church either the liberty when and where to keepe these councels or whome to vse in these councels The order maner of their proceeding and iudgment is first to choose erect amongst thē a Prolocutor Moderator or Iudg to gouerne order this action who whē they shall speake and when they shall cease c. where the matters being debated the greater part preuaileth and carri●…th the iudgment Their decrees are per●…mptory irreuocable most holy inviolable to be receaued embraced of all Churches without contradiction or scruple no power left to any Church to examine refuse or reuerse the same be they found neu●…r so contrary to Gods word but only either by the same councell or by act of Parliament in the meane while they all must practise obey these decrees The power of these councels is ouer all Churches persons causes doctrines to giue the right hād of fellowship as they terme yt or to send the bill of diuorce to ratifie or rei●…ct whome what they will This councel also executeth al the censures duties of the church as to make or depose ministers to censure excōmunicate c. To conclude as all these councels haue exercise power iurisdiction ouer the ch●…rch so are they in authority one aboue an other as the Synode aboue the Classes the Councell aboue the Synode to confirme abrogate or disanul whatsoeuer constitutions or actions the other ha●…h made Yea as some report vpon the e●…ormities abuse●… y t did arise in these coūcels assemblies of Bishops were deuised erected these new strange orders degrees of Bishops Arch-bishops Patriarches Popes and all their substitutes courtes From which strange councels offices ministery courtes haue flowed forth and daily spring all these strange popish ●…ntichristian orders decrees innumerable diuises traditions daily innouations continuall changes in the worship of God all the proceedings of the Church of the whole Testament of CHRIST whiles men re●…t not in the wisdome councels of God but presume to be wise aboue that they ought to be wise some attributing vnto their Clergye as they call them others to the Prince others to the Church more then inough none yeilding vnto CHRIST that which is his due namely to suffer him to gouerne his whole Church by such officers and lawes as he hath in his Testament prescribed but rather in the presumption of their owne hearts they will set ouer him his Church such lawes officers or at the least assigne vnto him such lawes offi●…ers as they thinke best to accord and iudg most meet for their pollicie as though CHRIST could be a minister or mediatour of any other Testament thē of his owne or that any mortal men may alter change neglect or re●…ect CHRIS●…S Testament without his fearfull wrath heauy indignation for the same Wherfore seeing the whole church al the proceedings therof must be built vpon CHRISTS Testament seing euery ●…oule and euery action shalbe iudged by CHRISTS Testament seing nothing is pleasing vnto God or wil stand before the face of CHRIST that is found disagreeing to CHRISTS Testament seing also euē by this litle search superficiall view we haue takē of the present estate and pretended reformation of this their church of England all things appeare to be out of frame stil in the olde corruption and at the best but enclining to the primitiue ancient defections from CHRISTS Testament nothing being aright or according to the will of God amongst them seing we find all those scriptures that haue foreshewed of An●…ichrist his proceedings liuely fulfilled amongst them al the markes of that painted deccitful harlot the false malignant Church to be fownde vpon them as also all t●…e vials of Gods wrathfull iudgments to be powred forth vpon them and al their doings Finally seing God vouch●…afeth both to discouer and to call al men forth out of Babilon by proclaiming of his glorious Gospel and yet offr●…th more grace before he let fal the heauy milstone of his finall indignation vpon them al to grind them to dust and to presse them to the bottome of hel b●…ing ready to receaue all that come forth vnto him to esteeme guide and defend them as his deare children It behooueth al such in whome in any care of their owne saluation