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A01200 The chronicle and institution of the Order of the seraphicall father S. Francis conteyning his life, his death, and his miracles, and of all his holie disciples and companions / set foorth first in the Portugall, next in the Spanish, then in the Italian, lastlie in the French, and now in the English tongue. Marcos, de Lisboa, Bishop of Porto, 1511-1591.; Cape, William. 1618 (1618) STC 11314.2; ESTC S4305 734,345 826

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ennemyes and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you Blessed are they that suffer persecution for iustice for theirs is the kingdome of heauen and he that perseuereth vnto the end shall be saued That the Brethren shall not enter into Monastories of Religious women THE XI CHAPTER I Ōrdaine and command all my Brethren that they haue no suspected familiarities with women and that they enter not into the Couentes of Religious women those excepted who to that effect shall haue speciall licence from the Apostolicall sea Likewise I will not that my Religious be God fathers either of men or women that by such meanes there happen not any scandall among the Brethren or by their occasion Of such as shall goe among the Sarrazins and other infidels THE XII CHAPTER EVery Brother whosoeuer that by diuine inspiration desireth to goe among the Sarrazins and other Infidels lett him demaund leaue of his Prouinciall Minister who shal be very respectiue not to giue licence but to such as to him shall seeme fitt to doe good among such people And for all these causes I commaund the Ministers vpon obedience to procure of his Holines to haue a Cardinall for Gouernour Protectour and Correctour of this Confraternity that they may be alwayes subiect to the feet of the holy Romane Church stable and firme in the Catholike faith Lett pouerty humility and the holy gospell of our Lord IESVS CHRIST be entierlie obserued of vs as we haue faithfully promised The end of the rule of the Frere Minors The rest of the bulle touching the confirmation of the said Rule omitted in the beginning thereof LEtt it not therefore be permissible for any man to infringe this ordonnance of our confirmation or rashly to contradict the same And if anie presume so to doe know that he shall incurre the indignation of Almighy God and of S. Peter and S. Paul his Apostles Giuen att S. Iohn Lateran the 29. of Nouember the eight yeare of our Papacie The end of the confirmation of the rule of the Frere Minors Of the perfection of this rule and the abridgement therof THE IX CHAPTER AS the three yong men according to Daniel were ioyfull in the flaming fire of the burning fournace where Nabuchodonosor had caused them to be throwne as faithfull seruantes of God because they would not giue to his monstruous statua the honour dew to God alone and as they sung prayses to the Almightie together with a fourth like vnto the sonne of God so there were three Orders and holy Rules founded by three holy personnages S. Basill S. Augustin and S. Benedict in the burning fournace of temptations and worldly afflictions wherwith the prince of the world combatteth against the seruantes of God and often times surmounteth them which holy personnes as men freed from the fire and from feare haue with alacritie praysed God in the middes of it Afterward there was seene the fourth like vnto the sonne of God to witt The Seraphicall and crucified seruant of IESVS CHRISTS Francis that gaue a fourth estate vnto the church wherin men being deliuered from the prison of the world and taking more content in the honours and graces of God might more freelie serue IESVS CHRIST And such was his intention in all the wordes of his Euangelicall rule to witt that they who had made profession to imitate IESVS CHRIST should endeauour to become the most like vnto him in laboures of their life and exercises of spiritt that possibly could be procured He with the help of the holy Ghost founded on that onlie and firme foundation of IESVS CHRIST the edifice of the rule in meruaylous hight and perfection Therefore in the first chapter he saith The life and rule of the Frere Minors is such to keep and obserue the holie gospell liuing vnder holie obedience without possessing any thing in proprietie and in pure chastitie The life spiritt and wordes of the said holy Father considered his intention was that the Frere Minors should obserue not onlie the preceptes of the gospell but the counsailes also Neuertheles knowing and considering humane infirmitie he would not oblige them to all In the second chapter he teacheth to forsake and contemne the world with whatsoeuer is in it giuing them meanes to make such renunciation as the gospell teacheth which is to sell what they haue and to giue it to the poore that being deliuered of so great an impediment they might freelie serue IESVS CHRIST and with him say The Prince of this world is come in me he hath found nothing In the third he teacheth exercises to prayse God by the diuine offices and by fastinges and seuere abstinences mortifications of the flesh good examples and edification of our neighbour and particulerlie of seculer personnes He also teacheth them the vertue of penance humilitie and charity whereby they may with edification conuerse with all people In the fourth he expresly declareth that he will not his brethren shall haue mony vnder any pretence whatsoeuer but that the Prouincialls shall supplie their necessities knowing that auarice is daungerous to soules and principallie to Religious and how true is the sentence of IESVS CHRIST where he saith that no man can serue God and Mammon The holy Father therfore would that richesse should not onlie be remote but entierlie and absolutelie separated from the Order In the fift he bannisheth from his societie idlenes as contrarie to the true seruantes of God and capitall ennemy of mennes saluation In the sixt he rayseth the soule frō cogitations of the world and in as much as may be hoped or expected of him leauing neither place nor affection proper in thē wherby they might adhere to any cogitation of terrestriall loue to the end that they might ioyfullie say Our conuersation is in heauen as possessing nothing on earth In the seauenth he comforteth sinners and such as are sick teaching thē the conditions of their Phisicion that can and will cure them who is our lord IESVS CHRIST who will mercy and not sacrifice and who came not to call the iust but sinners that they might be conuerted and liue In the eighty chapter he teacheth the Superiours and all his Order in what manner they ought to gouerne the Religious and insinuateth that they should procure to haue alwayes a Generall sufficient and worthy of such a chardge In the ninth he teacheth his preachers to fly pride and arrogance in their life and doctrine and to be humble and zealous of the saluation of soules feeding them alwayes with holie and profitable doctrine without which they can neuer produce fruit redounding to the benefitt of the said soules In the tenth he admonisheth superiours and subiectes to be verie carefull in the diligent accomplishment of their obedience and the obligation which is reciprocallie betwen them but particulerlie that which they owe and is due to God by reason of their profession In the eleuenth chapter he demonstrateth vnto his Religious how
in their afflictions and appeare to all the Brethren a modell and patterne in the obseruation of the holie gospell and our rule fuch ought to be my sonne the Generall of the Frere Minors I would also that such a Prelate should be feared loued and honoured of all and that all his necessities be prouided for with a singuler loue as true Father and most louing Pastour Of a letter which the holy Father S. Francis wrote to Brother Helyas his Vicar Generall THE XIV CHAPTER THe holie Father S. Francis being sick wrote this letter following to Brother Helias his Vicar Generall that gouerned and visited the Order Brother God giue you his holy benediction I admonish you to be alwayes patient in what soeuer you shall take in hand and well disposed to support whatsoeuer accidēt may giue you discontēt And if you should be iniuriously offended by any of the Religious or other receaue all as proceeding from the hand of God manifesting to the world that you seeke no other thing but to loue them and to procure them to be the true seruantes of IESVS CHRIST And therfore exact no more of them then that which God shall giue you and herein I will know if you loue God my selfe his seruant and your selfe to witt if whensoeuer any Frere Minor in the world hauing committed neuer so enormous offence commeth before you he depart not without mercy and though you afterward vnderstand that he sinned a thousand times if yet you loue him more then you would my selfe and though by reason of feare or reuerence he should not require pardon you encouraging him shall demaund if he desire it to the end that acknowledgeing his offence he doe penance for it and thus much to be practised especiallie towardes the infirme You shall not faile to admonish the Guardians to doe the like and that they resolue euer to doe it And therfore when it shal be knowne that one of the Brethren hath offended and forgotten himselfe lett not the other Brethren dishonour him nor murmure at him but lett them haue compassion of his fragility remembring that the sicke and not the healthie doe need the Phisition If any Religious induced by the deuill doe fall into any mortall sinne I will that he be obliged vpon obedience to haue present recourse vnto his Guardian who shall send him to the Prouinciall and he receauing him compassionatly shall haue care of him and comfort him as himselfe in such case would be conforted and he shall haue no authority to giue other penance to the contrite but to say only vnto him depart in peace and sinne no more Of the Prouinciall Ministers THE XV. CHAPTER THe holy Father S. Francis would that the Prouinciall Ministers should be equall with the other Religious and that for their goodnes and vertue they should be loued of all in such sort that the simple conceaue no feare nor apprehension to be vnder their gouernement and discipline He would also that they should be very discreet in their commandementes and compassionate in offences more ready to receaue iniuries and to pardon then to reuenge and capitall ennemies to vices but dilligent Curers of the vicious He would not haue them commaund the Religious in vertue of obedience in a matter of light consequence for that were to lay hand presentlie on the sword or to shew authority to commaund or to discouer the commaunder to be temerarious He desired they should be much respected but withall that their life should be such as might shine before all the Brethren as a mirour of vertue and Religion The cause why he would they should be loued and honoured was by reason that they carryed the burden and carre of all the rest and did meritte great recompence att Goddes hand and great prayse and honour with men when they charitablie preserved and gouerned in the foresaid manner the soules committed vnto their chardge How the holy Father S. Francis obtayned of God the gift of pouerty for hinselfe and his Order THE XVI CHAPTER THe holy Father S. Francis as he trauayled came one night to a towne very weary and his companion also who was Brother Macie though as Religious liuing in manner of the Apostles they had nothing with them to eat and therfore they begged it for the loue of God and gott bread to releiue them comming afterward to a fountaine that was nor far from the towne they there found a very faire stone as a table there expresly placed to eat vpon wheron the holy Father hauing layd the litle bread they had exceedinglie contented in himselfe sayd O Brother Macie wee are not worthy of so great a treasure and still raysing his voice he often iterated the same wordes Wherefore Brother Macie reasoned with him in these wordes Tell me Father if you please how call you this extreme pouerty treasure where there is only bread and water without napkin to eat vpon The holy Father answeared yea I call this a very great treasure where there is not any thinge procured by humane industrie but all administred by the diuine prouidence The bread hath bin giuen vs for the loue of God the fountaine and stone were created of God for vs therfore will I beseech him to giue vs grace to loue the treasure of pouertie with all our hart wherof he is the only administrator and distributer They also receaued a refection more spirituall then corporall and gaue thanckes to God for it The next morning proceeding on their iorney S. Francis on the way discoursed verie profondlie of pouertie thus saying to his companion Brother If we well knew the worth of holy pouertie we should finde it to be so diuine a treasure and of such excellencie that we are not worthie to possesse it in such base and vnworthie vessels For this is the vertue wherbie these terrestriall and transitory thinges are misprised and trodden vnderfoot that they may serue vs and not we them This is it that remoueth the impedimentes betweene God and vs that our soule may vnite it selfe to her Creatour for it giueth her winges by which though she liue on earth she conuerseth with the Angels in heauen This is the vertue that accompanied our Lord IESVS CHRIST from his holy conception euen to the crosse that arose againe with him and in fine ascended with him to heauen On it especially God founded his holy church not only in the Apostolike estate but euen in all Christians who then renounced and sold all they possessed and brought the price to the feet of the Apostles There on also may beloued Brother hath he founded our Religion Which lett vs therefore pray him to support on that Euangelicall foundation and to cause to encrease in an infinite number of vertues in imitation of his beloued Sonne our Lord and master and that we may with more ease obtaine the same lett vs procure to be our intercessors the glorious Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul the louers and preachers
a difficult and dangerous enterprise we are therein much more induced by example then by any persuasions of whom soeuer though we acknowledg them to be certainlie true None could be found that would resolue ioyfully to embrace the vertue of pouerty humility chastity fasting and other penitētiall labours if he knew not that others not only with wordes exteriourly but really with worckes haue embraced the same Neither was it for any other cause that our Lord IESVS Christ would personnaly come into this world but by example to shew vs the way of our saluation and his holy wil because the examples aduertissementes of his faithfull seruantes would not suffice to retire vs from our euill conuersation and way and to setle vs in his no not the preceptes which he had giuen in the first written law But when he began to walke this way how many were there that would accompagny him very seriously seruing him euen till their death and this only for his loue The Church therfore knowing right well the glory that redoundeth to almightie God and the fruit which men gather by the memory of the life of our lord IESVS Christ and of his sainctes doth euery day propose and sett them before our eyes in the diuine office in the sacrifices and solemnities that it should not be tedious vnto vs to follow and imitate them whome we prayse and whose memory we honour and that likewise we should not esteeme it labourious to walke that way which alone conducteth vs to eternall life Hereof mayest thou consider deuout Reader what vse almightie God maketh of his elect in fauour of vs because we are saith S. Iohn coadiutors to the saluation of soules we may hence also conceiue how greatlie we are obliged to the trueseruantes of God who haue so put themselues to paines in the exercise of vertues that they haue left the way open that such as seeke it may finde it and by their examples haue taught vs which it is and with whath force and industry we may attaine vnto true glory Those of former ages guided only by naturall light did vse exceeding diligence to induce and animate themselues by the examples of their famous predecessours vsing them as so many spurres vnto vertrue to the end they might in no time be defectiue in the obligation they had both to their natiue country and to their owne honour and indeed the milke wher with they nourced their childrē in their publique schooles was the generous actes of their ancestours which were red vnto them in poemes and orations that by meanes of those examples the children might be affected to vertue and enflamed with desire of glory although it was more vaine then vertuous This is of such force that euen at this present many of our Christians following the same practise cause their children to spend the most entiere parte of their age in committing to memory the heroyicall actes of the ancient Grecians and Latines But would to God that too many did not employ and wast all their life in this study and that many others were not more affected to Homer Cicero and Virgil then to IESVS Christ O extreme indignity of Christians deseruing sharp reprehension and eternall punishment in regard that they glory to be imitatours of the superstitious Gentils who as they wanted faith and the true light illuminating the hart of Christians so was not their vertue true and solid but exteriour and vaine And although that in that time of obscure darcknes they gaue to men some sparckle of light some litle knowledg of vertue more with wordes then with effect these Pagans neuertheles persiste in obscurity euen in the cleare day of the true light of our lord IESVS Christ the soueraigne truth and perfection and are vnworthy to be honoured in comparison of true Christians who being illuminated with the light of faith can easily discerne iudge and condemne the world with his vnwise adherentes because as the Apostle S. Paul Saith the spirituall man knoweth and iudgeth al thinges Pagans on the contrary glorying and esteemning themselues wise with their eloquence become sottish and ignorant as hauing attributed and giuen vnto creatures that which appertayned only to the Creatour but they whose cogitation and confidence is more setled and grounded on the diuine will and doctrine then humane and do follow celestiall not earthly Philosophy such I say shal only arriue to heauen whence first discended their knowledge they cannot erre being taught by the eternall wisdome neither shall they euer want glory euen amōg mortall people though they haue with all possibility shunned the same but shal be illustrious to all the world For though antiquity haue exceedingly honoured great ambitious personnes that desired to leaue some memory and renowne of themselues in this world after their death yet our holy mother the Church doth farre more exalt and make more glorious our Sainctes continually in the predications feastes and solemnities which for them and in their honour are celebrated besides that we beleeue that they liue and gloriously raigne in heauen in the contemplation of their Lord. So that the true seruantes of God are blessed among Angels and honoured among men as eminent sainctes as great they are and worthy of all reuerence Altars are euery where consecrated and churches bult in their names their images are honoured their wordes and workes are highly commended and preached their reliques are reuerenced and worshipped on earth their soules glorified in heauen and the miracles and excellent workes both ancient and moderne which our lord in them and by them hath wrought are with exceeding great glory admired Our Lord euen in this world recompenceth his elect who not in appare●e but in effect are vertuous and holy and incorruptedlie conserue their faith to their Creatour When was there euer found in any time among the ancient naturalistes such constancie such faith temperance magnanimity sweetnes mercy iustice fortitude and loyaulty as hath bin found in our Christians who by no kinde of threates or faire speeches of Tyrantes could be induced to leaue their obedience vnto God could neuer be corrupted by any promise or recompence nor haue bin inclined by any kinde of flatteries or fauours but persisting firme constant in the truth haue nothing esteemed nor feared the terrible and horrible tormentes were they neuer so barbarous nor in the extremity of them or death it selfe but haue alwayes remayned immoueable and inuincible in true vertu piety not desiring reuenge or detriment to the persecutours or executioners but pardon and saluation praying vnto God for them And all this not att their death only but euen in their life For there is no kinde of vertue wherin the sainctes haue not excelled some in purity of virginity others in continencie with great labour subiecting the flesh to the spirit that euen on earth leading a life more angelical then humane they might purchase eternall glory in heauen others renouncing kingdomes estates and dignities
burning torches of the world It cannot be esteemed how worthy they are of honour if they be such as they ought to be and on the contrary how ●●ch they deserue pitty and compassion if they sell their doctrine ●●r recompence of a vaine and transitorie applause For which respect this holy Father could not endure such that esteemed more of themselues for being eloquent and learned then for being seruantes of the omnipotent God and employed by his diuine Maiesty in the most eminent degree that his Church affordeth to those whome he knew to be such he said Wherfore doe yee glorie of them that are conuerted to penance by your preachinges as though yourselues did conuert them wheras my simple Religious doe also the same And therfore the preachers that entierlie applyed themselues to preaching without any deuotion he called euill disposers of his goodes and exceedingly extolled those that had respect and memory of themselues after their preachinges rotyring and applying themselues to the spiritt of prayer and to tast how sweet God is after his example who leauing his disciples retyred him selfe vnto the mountaines to pray Of the feruent piety and charity which S. Francis had towardes God and his saincts THE LII CHAPTER WHo can euer expresse the feruent piety wherwith the glorious Father S. Francis the deere freind of his Spouse IESVS CHRIST alwayes burned in his hart considering that by meanes of this his feruour he was most often rapt out of himselfe and so transformed in IESVS CHRIST that it well appeared that with the exteriour quill the stringes of the instrument of his hart were touched within Wherfore he affirmed that it was vnwonted and ouer abondant prodigality to offer so great a price as the loue of God for an almose and he tearmed them senseles who were ignorant therof and who made more esteeme of a base farthing then of such a purchase for so much as they refused that sclender price which sufficed to buy heauen besides that the loue of him who hath so much loued vs ought iustlie to be prised and estoemed aboue althinges And to the end himselfe might be often stirred to this diuine loue he considered althinges as proceeding from the hand of God and so by the consideration of creatures he was with an admirable sweetnes swallowed vp in the contemplation of a most high and first cause and fountaine of all essence and life admiring in the beauty and composition of the second causes the most eminent and prudent Creator and pursued the same euery where to his pleasure which he found by a thousand new meanes manners framing a continuall ladder of althinges created wherby he ascended to the comtemplation and fruition of this lord vniuersally desired and att euery steppe of the said ladder he tasted as in a litle brooke of that most delicious fountaine of bounty with an extreme pleasure as if he had heard that celestiall harmony and consonance of the diuersity of vertues and of their effectes which God gaue to his creatures for which ●ounterchaunge he awakened and stirred thē with the Prophet to prayse their Creatour as in place heerafter shall appeare He continually carryed his desired crosse as a pleasing litle bundle of mirrh sauouring in his hart desiring with all his power to be transformed into it therby to be enflamed with an excessiue loue and to that end he had appointed lentes in which he retired into hermitages to enioy in silence his amorous IESVS CHRIST who as gratious failed not to reciprocate his deerly beloued in giuing him diuine consolations He burned with deuotion in the interiour of his bowels towardes the sacred sacrament admiring that so charitable and excessiue diuine communication And when he communicated which was often it was with such and so great deuotion that such as were present were amazed and enforced to deuotion seeing him so replenished with this celestiall tast wherwith being as it were druncken he was with all rauished into mentall extasy And he was so zealous and reuerent therevnto that fearing to handle it vnworthely he euer refused to be Preist yea being thereto vehemently sollicited and so farce foorth as he could no longer resist Wherfore he had recourse to his ordinary defence which was prayer wherin demaunding Counsaile of God an Angel appeared vnto him with a viol in his hand full of most pure and cleare liquor who sayd Behold Francis he that will administer the most holy sacrament ought to be as pure as this liquor in respect of which wordes he had neuer thence forward desire to be preist esteeming it no small matter to be Deacon sith so great a purity was required in Preisthood And therfore he commanded the Superiours and all other Religious to be carefull in the prouinces where they resided to aduertise and exhort the people Clarkes and Preistes to place the most sacred body of our Lord in a decent place with all reuerence and sent them the mouldes and first formes or modeles of steele wherin to make the hosties He was also carefull to haue the altares and churches very neate and curiously adorned and in all his chapters made mention therof He loued and reuerenced the glorious mother of our lord IESVS CHRIST with such Charity as cannot be expressed in consideration that she had made the most high lord God our Brother cloathing the diuine maiesty with our owne flesh Wherfore next after God he reposed all his hope in this glorious virgin and euen from the originall of the institution of his Religion he made choice of her for his protectrice and aduocatrice vnto her Sonne and for her honour and glory he fasted as we haue formerly alleadged After that besides and aboue all the other Angels whome he reuerenced for the speciall care they haue of vs he was with an inseparable bond of loue vinted vnto the Archangell S. Michael in regard of his office presenting soules vnto God and in deuotion vnto him he fasted forthy dayes before his feast In this holy fast it was that he merited that notable fauour of the stigmagtes as hereafter in place conuenient shal be inserted Finally he was generaly enflamed in the memory of the glorious Saints affecting them with all his soule as liuely stones of the celestiall edifice shining and glittering with that immensiue light aboue all other resplendant with the charity of IESVS CHRIST and among them he especially reuerenced with a singuler deuotion the Princes of the Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul for he went often to Rome expresly to visitt them and not in vaine sith he was reciprocally by them visited protected and comforted in all occurances Of the great charity of S. Francis towardes his neighbour and how he freed his Brethren of temptations THE LIII CHAPTER THe poore of IESVS CHRIST S. Francis had but two peeces of mony so called he the body and the soule which vpon euery occasion he offered for the loue of IESVS
other necessities they must first consider how much land will suffice them hauing alwayes regard to our pouerty and to the good example which we are bound to giue in our houses as well as in other thinges And therfore he would not that the Religious should be many together in houses nor that they should make them great it seeming to him a difficult matter that pouerty can be obserued where there is a great multitude After they shall haue considered the scituation and the place conuenient to erect the Monasteries they must repaire to the bishop of the citty and say to him My lord and Father such a one for the loue of God and for the benefitt of his soule permitteth vs to build a house one his land we first are willing to addresse our selues to you who are lord and Pastour of all this flocke recommended vnto you and euen of vs and of all the Religious that shall haue residence here where we desire with the benediction of God and yours to build a Monastery And hauing receaued the benediction of the bishop lett them first of all take a cord wherwith they shall measure the plott which is necessary for them to build the house which they shall make poore the matter shal be wood and stone the celles shal be litle onlie sufficient for the Religious to repose therin who shall also pray there and striue to auoyd idlenes their churches shal be litle they shall not make them great vnder coulour to preach to the people therin or for other edification for it shal be reputed greater humility and better example to goe to preach in other churches When Prelates Preistes Religious and other seculers shall come to our Oratory the poore celles and litle churches will preach to them and they shal be much better edified then by faire or good speeches An other time he said The Frere Minors will often build great and sumptuous edifices bringing to ruine our mistresse pouerty which shal be cause of euill exāple murmure and importunity of the people Therfore it would much better beseeme our estate and the edification of soules to make no such buildinges att other times vnder pretence of making chaunge for a more healthfull place more commodious and lesse troublesome they will forsake their poore houses to the great scandall of the people to erect greater and such as are abhominable to the eyes of God and pouerty in which buildinges they will employ much almose gotten vnder pretext of necessity wherof they shall yeld account to God as robbers of the almose of the poore In these respectes it is much better for them to haue litle churches in them obseruing their profession giuing to their neighbour example of true Religious S. Francis forbad his Religious to build their Monasteries of other matter then wood and earth as doe the poore of this world There were certaine Religious of contrary opinion alleaging diuers reasons as that in some prouinces wood and bordes were deerer then stones and lime and also that buildinges made of lime and stone were of longer continuance and more sure but S. Francis to auoyd contradiction would giue them no answeare nor did he approue their humane reasons To demonstrate that he dyed with this intention he caused these wordes to be inserted in his testament that the Frere Minors should be very carefull not to accept the houses that are builded for them if they were not conformable to their holy pouerty that they should be as for Pilgrimes and that they should liue in them as strangers He sometime said against certaine learned Prelates of the Order and wise in erronious worldly prudence that were alwayes directly contrary in the strict obseruance of pouerty Wretched be the Religious that are contrary to me in such matters as I know to be the will of God and are necessary for conseruation of the Order then he said to his companions These contradictions redouble mine infirmities for some Religious are alwayes contrary vnto me by the authority of their erronious science and prudence in matters reuealed vnto me by God for the benefitt of the Order aswell present as to come which they misprise desiring rather to follow their owne opinion then the will of God How much he was ennemy to the vse of supperfluous bookes THE XXII CHAPTER ANouice had licence of the vicar generall to haue a psalter wherby to learne to read but because he heard it spoaken that the holy Father S. Francis would not that the simple Religious should haue care either of bookes or learning he could not contentedly keepe it without approbation of S. Francis who comming to the place where the Nouice was who was lately professed h● went to him and said Father it would be great satisfaction vnto me if by your licence I might keepe the psalter though your vicar generall hath permitted me I am not yet well satisfied vnles you confirme it The holy Father answeared him The Emperour Chaflemagne Rouland and all the other Pallatine and valiant warriers with exceeding swetty labours and trauailes prosecuting the infidels gott of them great victoryes and purchaced great honour in the memory of men the holy martyres gett farre greater glorie in the battailes and victories which they obtaine against the infernall spirittes and their fellowes who are wicked men they dying gloriouslie for the faith of IESVS CHRIST it seemeth that the men of these times seeke to pourchace glorie and honour to read or heare related these histories without imitating thē not considering their labours and their death My childe hereof I would inferre that thou shouldest seeke neither bookes nor learning but vertuous worckes in which consist true glory because science alone puffeth vp in pride charitie edifieth The Nouice with this answeare departed vtterlie confounded A litle after being tempted by the deuill he mett S. Francis att the fire to whome he spake againe of the psalter And the holie Father answeared My Sonne when thou hast leaue for the psalter thou wilt also ake for the Breuiary then for other bookes to learne and when thou hast learned any thing thou wilt sitt in a chaire as if thou were a great diuine or Prelate and wilt say to one of thy Brethren Goe fetch me my breuiary Speaking this with great feruour of spiritt he tooke ashes wherwith rubbing his head he sayd A breuiary for me a breuiary for me and diuers times reiterating the same the Religious remayned as beside him selfe and durst not for that time speake any more of the psalter S. Francis said further vuto him I haue bin att times tempted as thou art now to haue many bookes but to know if such were the will of God I tooke a booke where the gospels were written and besought his diuine Maiesty to voutsafe to shew me his will by the opening therof whervpon I lighted on these wordes of his owne The knowledge of the misteries of the kingdome of God is giuen
prepared for thē that loue him perfectly And as the cōtēplatiue S. Bernard saith it is not permitted to all or in one same place and degree to enioy the secrett and glorious presence of God but according as the celestiall Father determineth to each one because we haue not elected God but he vs who hath giuen place proper to each one of his SS each one is where he hath bin placed S. Mary Magdalē found place to her was graunted the feet of our Lord I. C. S. Thomas the Apostle was admitted to his side S. Peter to the bosome of the Father S. Iohn to the breast of I. C. S. Paul was eleuated to the third heauē the sacred woūdes of our Lord I. C. were cōmunicated vnto S. Francis Who thē shall presume to haue a desire to know the perfectiō merittes of such a greatnes as S. Mary Magdalē reposed on the bed of true penance S. Thomas in the light of truth S. Peter in the chaire of faith S. Iohn in the fournace of charity S. Paul in the throne of wisdome and S. Francis in the loue trāsformation of I. C. we cānot for it is not permitted vs but only to follow imitate the SS in the worckes perfections which are mercifully reuealed by our Lord I. C. therfore to giue in finite thanckes to the author of all goodnes that by the merittes of his sainctes by their intercession and his diuine grace he conduct vs to that perfection in this life and that in the other we may enioy the eternall glorie Amen The end of the third booke and first volume of Chronicles of the Frere Minors wherin is conteined the life death and miracles of the Seraphicall Father S. Francis THE FOVRTH BOOKE OF THE CHRONICLES OF THE FRIER MINORS CONTEINING THE MARTYRDOME of diuers Religious of the Order of the Seraphicall Father S. Francis Translated by the partie aforesaid THE SECOND VOLVME How S. Francis sent certaine Religious to preach the faith of Iesus Christ vnto the Mores in Spaine THE FIRST CHAPTER IN the yeare of grace 1219. the glorious Father S. Francis kept the great generall chapter att Pentecost wherat all the Religious of his Order assembled as it hath bin amplie declared in the first booke of the first volume of these present Chronicles This Chapter was held eleuen years after that Pope Innocent the third had with his owne mouth confirmed the Order of the Frere Minors the fourth yeare of the Popedome of Pope Honorious the third of blessed memory who then piously gouerned the Church In this Chapter it was reuealed vnto S. Francis that he should againe send his Religious ouer the world to preach the faith of IESVS CHRIST as well amongest Christians as Pagans After this the most capable Religious of the Order were chosen for Prouincials S. Francis applyed himselfe to obey the holy will of God And because the rage of the Mores was spred ouer three partes of the world Asia Africa and Europe he resolued to send his Religious into those partes to preach the truth of the faith of IESVS CHRIST to reduce the Pagans from their damnable errours And to make a beginning he chose Asia for himselfe whither he went with eleuen of his Brethren and preached to the Soldan and the Mores of his kingdome He sent Brother Giles into Africa with Religious of like feruour and deuotion who thincking to preach to the Mores were apprehended by Christians and very vnwillingly brought back into Italy He sent six Italian Religious of very perfect life into Spaine where the Emperour Miramolin of Marocco persecuted the Christians The said Religious were Brother Vital Brother Berard Brother Peter Brother Adiutus Brother Accursus and Brother Otto of whome the first Brother Vital was by the holy Father constituted their superiour Brother Berard was an excellent preacher in the Arabian tongue Brother Otto was a Preist Brother Adiutus and Brother Accursus were lay Brethren the rule so tearming the Religious that keep not the quiet Now sainct Francis hauing called them said My children God hath commanded me to send you to preach the holy faith vnto the Mores and to impugne the sect of Mahomet and therfore my freindes hold your selues ready to execute his holy will in such sort as you shall see cause Goe yee I say my beloued ioyfully preparing your soules to the crowne which it shall please his diuine Maiesty to bestow vpon you performing his holy will according as you shall feele your selues inspired They as obedient children only bended their heades and crossed their armes expecting his holy benediction but the holy Father first made them this exhortation My deere children I haue certaine wordes to deliuer you that you may the better effect this commandement of God to his glorie and the saluation of your soules Be yee carefull to keepe peace among your selues and be not Brothers so much in habitt and profession as in spiritt and will Next haue speciall care to fly enuie which was the first cause of our damnation support with patience and be ioyfull in persecutions and humble before God and men and by this meane you shall obtaine victorie against your ennemis visible and inuisible Be yee mindefull to imitate with all your power our Lord IESVS CHRIST and to follow him in the strictest manner you can in all the three vowes in obedience obeying your superiour as he one earth obeyed his parentes in pouerty liuing therin as he did for he would be borne liue and dye poore and did alwayes preach pouerty to teach vs the same and in chastity liuing and persisting chast not only in bodie but euen in spirit sith our Lord so muchloued this vertue that he would be borne of a virgin and presently after his Natiuity would haue for his first fruites the holie Virgin Innocentes and being on the Crosse he would dye betwene two virgins his Blessed Mother and S. Iohn the Euangelist Cast all your cogitations and hopes in God and he will assist and conduct you Carry with you the rule and the Breuiary and say the diuine office the most deuoutly you can Lett Brother Vital be your superiour and therfore obey him entierly but aboue all be mindefull to meditate cōtinually on the passion of our lord IESVS CHRIST for that is it which shall make all incommodities sweet vnto you and all trauell pleasing in this long iorney into Spaine which you are to attempt and in the conuersation and commerce which yee are to haue with the Mores the ennemies of their Creatour Beleeue I pray you that there is nothing doth separate you from me but the glorie of God and the saluation of soules for but for that I would neuer disioyne you from me And God knoweth the greife and affliction which my hart feeleth for your departure though in deed your prompt obedience doth much comfort me but it is necessarie that we preferre the will of our lord before our owne These good
being not full but neere a yeare after his death Wherto there directly opposed himselfe a Cardinall which caused further proceeding to be deferred till the day following but the first night after the Cardinall had this dreame It seemed vnto him that his holinesse would consecrate an Altare and to that end demaunded holy reliques of him But he not knowing what to giue him heard a voice that said Giue him of the new reliques of S. Antony Wherevpon this Cardinall awakinge sollicited the Pope more then any other to hasten the canonization of the S. as hauing bin by this diuine voice fully assured of his great merittes Besides the approbation of the vnder written miracles wrought after his death nor including those wrought in his life time he cured nineteene that were lame fiue of the palsie fiue that were crooked six blinde three deafe three mute two of the gout he raised two to life and cured diuers others of sundry diseases For which cause the yeare 1232. on the day of Penticost he was enrolled by the Pope in the Catalogue of Sainctes with great solemnitie The said Pope composed and sung that worthy antheme O Doctor optime and ordayned it to be sung in all churches the day of his feast which was constitued to be yearly the thirteenth of Iune One the day of his canonization all the belles of his cittie of Lisbone did ring of themselues to the exceeding contentment of all personnes wherof they knew no cause but that they felt an inestimable ioy in their hartes but they vnderstood afterward that their contryman and fellow-cittizen S. Antony had bin that day canonized The bulle of the aforesaid canonization taken out of the tenth chapter of the sixt booke and heere more properly placed GRegory bishop seruant of the seruantes of God to our venerable Brethren Archbishops Bishoppes health and Apostolicall benediction As God saith by the Prophett I will make you honoured and praysed of all people and by the sage he promiseth that the iust shall shine in the presence of God as the sunne so it seemeth vnto vs expedient that we also here on earth below doe prayse the sainctes which his diuine Maiestie hath crouned in heauen and considering withall that God is knowne and adored principally in them who is praiseworthy and glorious in his Sainctes and that miraculously to manifest his omnipotencie and his mercy towardes our saluation he euen ennobleth here below by miracles his faithfull seruantes with whome he hath concurred to the meritt of eternall glory and this to confound the obstinacie of many heretikes and to confirme his church in his holy Catholique Apostolike and Romane faith and to expell out of lukewarme hartes all sloath and negligence awakening them to good worckes by these holy examples and that the hartes of heretikes might be made plyable to belieue by effect what they seeme not to vnderstand by the holy scriptures and finally that all Iewes and Pagans the vaile of blindnes being taken from before their eyes may see this transparent light of the omnipotencie of our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST and that they may not alleadge for excuse that they had no occasion deseruing their conuersion vnto him and their acknowledgement of him for true God and true man Wherfore my beloued we yeld thanckes to this bountifull giuer of all goodnes if not as we ought at least as we may for that it hath pleased him for confirmation of our holy faith and the confusion of heretikes to bestow on vs holy and famous men in these dayes who by signes and manifest miracles haue declared how true inestimable and indubitable is the faith of the holy Romane Church sith they who dye therein so dye in the grace of God that they glitter twinckle and shine in the world as Sunnes in the firmament Therfore being therein but one faith and the same by this diuine and manifest approbation appearing most true the falshood of all others must be very euident Of the nomber of those that haue meritted to worck miracles before and after their death is the blessed Father S. Antony of the Order of the Frere Minors who liuing in this world was very famous for his great merittes and liuing now in heauen he shineth by many miracles which are ordinarily wrought att his sepulcher wherof we are assured as well by very authenticall worthy actes as by reuelation of personnes worthy of creditt These two thinges merittes and miracles suffice to giue testimony among men of the sanctity of a man yea they suffice to make vs yeld to honour and inuocate them as our intercessors vnto God which two thinges are taken out of this text of the Gospell They goeing forth preached euery where our lord worcking withall and confirming the word with signes that followed For this cause we haue giuen order to the abouesaid Bishop to Br. Giles Iourdain Priour of the Order of S. Benett and to Br. Iohn Priour of S Augustins in the monastery of the Iacobins of Padua that they should make an exact examen and approued catalogue of the miracles of the said Sainct which we hauing seene to be conformable to that which by our owne experience we know to be very true touching his life and holy conuersatiō that it may not seeme we would hinder or depriue him of his praise being therevnto vrged by the said Bishop of Padua and the reuerence of the seruantes of God which so notoriously deserue the same and by the aduise of our venerable Brethren the Cardinalls of the holy Roman Church and of all the Prelates att this present neere vnto vs we haue enrolled him in the Catalogue of the SS Wherfore the candell not being sett on the candlesticke but to giue light we pray and commaund all those to whome the knowledge of these presents shall come that in vertue of this Apostolicall Breuie they induce their subiectes and procure them solemnly and reuerentlie to keepe and honour his feast which is the thirteenth of Iune to the end that God being moued and appeased by his holie prayers doe giue vs his holie grace in this life and his glorie in the other Besides that the sepulcher of this worthie Confessour who by the splendour of his miracles beautifieth our holie Church be with the honour due vnto it visited and frequented we trusting in the diuine grace and in the aucthoritie of the glorious Apostles sainct Peter and sainct Paul we mercifullie remitte and release a yeares penance enioyned them to all those that truelie confessed and penitent doe on the day of his feast and all the octaue of euerie yeare visitt the same Giuen att Spoletum the twelfeth of Iulie in the sixt yeare of our Popedome How his body was transported into the said church of Padua then into that where it now is and wherefore THE XXXI CHAPTER POpe Alexander the fourth desiring to deliuer manie Citties of Lombardie from the cruelty of the Tyran Ezelin that had vsurped almost all the
I hope being conformable vnto his will he will afford me the same All this is spoaken to lett you vnderstand what were the cogitatiōs and what the desires of the first Fathers of the Order of S. Francis what were their gold their siluer theirtichesse and their treasures such were their practises and negotiations to witt to learne only the meane to obtaine the perfection of vertues which are the merchandise wherwith is purchaced the kingdome of heauen and are the precious stones which the wise and spirituall merchant should seeke and the treasure for purchase wherof he should not only sell all he hath in the world but euen the desires of whatsoeuer he may haue as also all temporall tast and selfe will eating drincking and sleeping and by meane of very strict abstinence of mortifications watchinges teares and prayers they obtayned of God the vertues which they demaunded and hauing obtayned them doe possesse and conserue them to the great glory of God to the profitt of their soules and to the exceeding edification of their neighbour Of the counsaile which Br. Macie gaue to a murmurer to correct his fault THE XXV CHAPTER THere was a very deuout man that ordinarily frequēted the Couent of the Frere Minors of Cybotoly neere Perusia and discoursing with the Religious he alwayes murmured att the sinnes of his neighbours committed in his Citty Br. Macie hauing often times heard him could no longer endure him for hauing formerly forborne him in respect of the presence of the Guardian att length he drew him a part and sayd My sonne I beseech you take the consaile that I giue you as from one of yeares Haue alwayes before your eyes and in your mouth the life of the holy and vertuous and alwayes speake of their good conditions for doeing so if thou be euill thou wilt become good and if thou be good thou wilt therby become better But be not delighted yea shunne with all possible care to speake or heare spoaken of the sinnes and defectes of your neighbour for att length of good you will become euill and of bad farre worse and will doe the same you heard spoaken of them These pious wordes did not a litle profitt this miserable man in regard that Brother Macie had such a grace of deliuery that whatsoeuer he spake was to each one gratefully accepted and imprinted in the hearer Wherfore S. Francis describing a perfect Frere Minor among other conditions he must haue would he say the religious and good conceite the naturall science and spirituall eloquence of Brother Macie Of the prayer of Brother Macie and of his holy death THE XXVI CHAPTER BRother Macie was a Religious exceedingly addicted to prayer yea more then any other shedding therin day and night abondance of teares as to al his Brethrē was most manifest He did eat only once a day which was towardes the euening the night being come he tooke his rest about midinght he arose and continued in prayer till day in which the other Religious heard him often to repeat these wordes My Lord IESVS CHRIST giue me if thou please true contrition of my sinnes and giue me grace to amende and to satisfie thee according to thy holy will which wordes he neuer ceassed to repeat till he bathed and dissolued in teares in the morning hauing heard masse he retyred into his cell and singing with a very deuout tune would say My Lord IESV CHRIST permitt me I beseech thee to feare thee and to loue thee with all my hart then falling to prayer he was heard often to repeat vh vh vh with a contented ioyfull and feruent voice In his contemplation his countenance was alwayes very pleasing and ioyfull Brother Iames of Falerone a Religious of exceeding piety demaunding of him one day because he had often seene and heard him in this spirituall ioy to vtter those wordes without chaunge why he did not varifie his tune he redily answeared because finding all good and contentment in one thing it is not needfull to change the tune Thus this holy Father replenished with many graces and merittes passed from this temporall life to the celestiall and eternall and was buryed in the Church of sainct Francis att Assisium where were his other companions some are of opinion that his body lyeth att Mur in the Marquisat of Ancona The liues of the holy Brethren Brother Zacharie and Brother Walter How Brother Zacharie and Brother Walter were by commandement of the holly Father sainct Francis sent into Portugall and of the first Monastery they founded there THE XXVII CHAPTER BRother Zacharie and Brother Walter were sent by the holy F. S. Francis with some other Religious into Portugall there by their preachinges and good examples to conuert sinners to penance where being arriued they were ill treated and entertained as well because they were strangers as for the nouelty of their habitt theire defect of the Spanish tongue was cause that they were not gratefully heard and that they did not willingly discourse and hauing no letters or patentes of the approbation of their rule and profession they could no where be receaued for the Portugals feared that they might be some heretikes of Italy where then were many so that these good Religious were constrayned to repaire vnto the queene Vraca the wife of Alfonsus the second to whome they recounted their persecution and prayed her to bestow on them some litle church or chappel where they might securely remaine and celebrate the diuine seruice This queene hauing graciously entertayned them she curiously enformed her selfe of their life estate and rule and the cause of their comming into Portugall and resting at length sufficiently assured that they were the true seruantes of IESVS CHRIST and professours of the obseruation of the Euangelicall life she procured for them of the king a litle place nere vnto the Citty of Conimbria among the hermitages there and also permission to goe to Lisbone and to the cittye of Guimaranes where the reputation of their sanctity being spred came euen to the Princes Saucia sister to the said king Alfonsus a very deuoute lady and enclined to all vertues who had cōsecrated her virginity to IESVS CHRIST dwelt in the Citty of Alenquer She exceedingly desiring to see and know these Frere Minors which were so much spoaken of sent for thē and hauing heard thē discourse of God and obserued remarked their spirit vertue would not permitt them to depart from her but lodged them in her owne pallace and assigned them a Church neere to the water where there were many poore celles such as they required and there did they remayne with out desire of any other or consent to haue them bettered they being proper to the true life of these perfect poore of our Lord the first founder of the sacred Religion of S. Francis The place which these first Religious possessed is now the Church of saincte Catherine att the foot of the Citty of Alenquer as is found
diuine office in time of interdiction you doe admitt and receaue them also in to the Church in the sayd time of interdiction prouided alwayes that they be not cause of the sayd interdiction the which office neuertheles shall not be sayd but after expelling the interdicted and excommunicated out of the Church the dores being shutt and no ringing of belles and that you also admitt them to the Ecclesiasticall sacraments and to buriall in Churches or church yardes Giuen at Perusia the 2. of August and third yeare of our Popedome An other Briese of the said Pope Gregory the ninth in fauour of the Freres Penitents THE IV. CHAPTER GRegory Bishop to the Archibishoppes and Bishops of Italy It doth too manistly appeare how the clemencie of God is abused by such as hinder or delay those who withall their hart desire and seeke to serue IESVS CHRIST in conuerting themselues vnto him And yet no man doubteth but they are accursed of God that spread their ambushes against the sayd seruants ●o make them stumble disturbing them by diuerse persecutions as imitators of Pharo who hauing his harte obdurate neuer permitted the people of God to depart out of Egipt but by force of chasticement and being departed did not omitt to persecute them by tyranies and crueltyes till himselfe and all his were submerged by the diuine right hand leauing to all an example that his like deserue the like punishment you therfore must vnderstand that being come to the knowledge of Pope Honorius the third our predecessour of blessed memory that some in your quarters very prudently considering their end resolued to doe penance in their owne howses or other where and desirous more purely to approch vnto almighty God they abandon the vanities of this world and doe impose on their miserable flesh the true daughter of Babilon so much paine and affliction as it would impose on their soules the true daughters of God that by this meane the fault and punishment which they haue merited may by his diuine Maiesty the more easily be remitted But the Gouerners and Magistrates of the Citties and townes where they resided not considering that they who really serue God doe not entangle themselues with affaires and businesse of this world wherwith the Espouse will not foule or defile the feet she hath so well washed with the teares of penance doe on the cōtrary enforce them to sweare to follow and accommodate themselues to the warres constraying them to accept and vndertake publike offices yea they who the more commodiously to serue God were retyred into obscure places in villages and hermitages haue bin by them enforced to retourne to the citty then haue they imposed on them new the greatest chardges taking pleasure to affront and afflict those whome they ought more to honour and cherish as the friendes of God Wherfore our office of Pastor being to fauour such as by such resolutions lanctity of life become the friendes of God after the example of our sayd predecessour of blessed memory we by this Apostolicall B●iefe doe command your fraternities not to permitt the sayd Penitents-besides domestical affaires to be without reason molested in al the afforesayd thinges and other like wherein their holy purposes may be hindered and that you restraine their persecutors by Ecclesiasticall censure notwithstanding whatsoeuer oppositions or appeales Of an other Briefe of Pope Innocent the fourth THE V. CHAPTER INnocent Bishop seruant of the seruantes of God to our welbeloued children the Generall and Prouinciall Ministers of the Frere Minors of Italy and the kingdome of Sicily health and Apostolicall benediction We with a benigne fauour doe assist all such as being deuoutly cōuerted vnto God produce in his Church fruites worthy of penance to deserue att the handes of God an eternall recompence The Confraternities called the third Order of S. Francis being very remarckable among them through Italy and the I le of Sicilie we condescending to their iust petitions doe by aucthority of these presents command your prudence to appoint vnto them in time conuenient Religious of your Order of capacity to be visitors who instructing them in matters fitt for them to doe shall correct and reforme them as cause shall require and shall chastice the transgressours and restraine them by Ecclesiasticall cēsures Notwithstanding whatsoeuer appeales c. Giuen att Lions the fift of August and fift yeare of our Popedome Of the authenticall institution of the first rule and forme of life of the Brethren Penitents of the third Order of S. Francis ordayned by Pope Nicolas the 4. inserted with the said rule THE VI. CHAPTER NIcolas Bishop seruant of the seruantes of God to our welbeloued children in our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST the Brethren sisters of the Order of Penitents present and to come health and Apostolicall benediction The firme foūdation of Christian Religiō being already grounded built on the Mount of the Catholick Faith the pure deuotion of the disciples of IESVS CHRIST boyling with the fire of charity and by the word preached to them that liue in darcknesse this faith is that which the Romane Church holdeth and professeth the foundation wherof cannot shake for whatsoeuer tribulation that may assault it nor fall whatsoeuer violent tempest beat against it because it is the true and right faith without which none can be gratefull to God nor find grace with his diuine Maiesty It is the the same also that sheweth the way of saluation and that promiseth the recompenses and cōtentments of eternall beatitude And therfore the Confessour of IESVS CHRIST S. Francis institutor of this Order teaching by word and example the meane to mount vnto heauen denounced and preached the sincerity of this faith to his children and instituted this Order willing them accordingly to make profession of the Catholike Faith to the end that they who faithfully obserue the same walking securely in the way of vertue may meritt to be made possessors of the eternall glory after the prison of this present life Of the meane to examine them that will enter into the said Order THE FIRST CHAPTER ANd for so much as we are willing to assist this Order with cōuenient fauour desiting the augmentatation therof we ordaine that all those who are to be receaued to the obseruation of this forme of life shal be formerly withall dilligence examined touching the Catholike faith to see if they firmely confesse the sayd faith and obedience to the sayd Church thē theymay be securely admitted vnto the Order But especially dilligent care must be had that no heretike or suspected of heresie and noted with infamy be admitted to this forme of life And if any should be receaued being knowne for such lett him be presently discouered to the Inquisitor that he may be punished and corrected In what manner they ought to be receaued who desire to enter into the sayd Order THE II. CHAPTER WHen any one shall present himselfe to be admitted into this company the superiour Ministers
subiect to seculer ecclesiasticall iurisdiction These Penitents may yet as is practised in all their Cōfraternityes create an head or chefe by the title of Minister Rector or Priour who shall haue care to assemble the Brethren att certaine times to consult of matters touching their company It is also manifest that S. Francis alone among al other authors of religions did institute and ordaine the Brethren and sisters of the third Order of Penitents And because he had formerly instituted two rules the one of Frere Minors and the other of poore Sisters this Confraternity of Penitents was called the third Order thence is deriued their denomination Since that time some others Orders principally the Begging Freres endeauour to imitate S. Francis and to institute also other Confraternities of imitating Penitents or what such other denomination they will and submitting themselues in some sort to the sayd Orders they withall enioy their priuiledges But to the end more apparent knowledge may be had of this first and true Order of Penitentes instituted by the holy Father S. Francis and the holy sea and of the fruit which they haue produced in the Church we will proceed in declaration of this Order First we will sett downe certaine Apostolicall fauours and concessions bestowed on this confraternity in the beginning therof then the rule which the said Pope Nicolas the fourth of blessed memory compiled approued finally we wil deduce the illustrious personnes that haue florished in the sayd Order in all sanctity which wil be a matter gratefull and worthy to be recorded The Briefe of Pope Gregory the ninth wherby he declared this Order to be confirmed and fauoured by Pope Honorius the 3. THE II. CHAPTER GRegory Bishop and seruant of the seruantes of God to all the Brethren of the Order of Penitents instituted in Italy Forsomuch as the detestable enuy of the ennemy of mankinde doth with greater obstinacy persecute the seruants of CHRIST IESVS spreading his snares against them and with all his power seeking to withdraw and remoue them from the seruice of the king of kinges by malicious inuentions we knowing that these hauing forsaken the vanitie of the world though they be yet with their bodies on earth neuertheles in soule and spiritt they conuerse in heauen renouncing worldly desires for the loue of God they enioy not only transitory pleasures but eternal richesse so much more also doth he torment them no otherwise then did the Egiptians persecute the people of God that went out of the Egipt of this world till they perished by diuine punition and a new manner of death finding receauing the end which their worckes deserued And after our Sauiour and Redeemer IESVS CHR. hauing receaued holy Baptisme went into the desert where hauing fasted 40. dayes and 40. nightes the same wicked spirit feared not to tempt him Therfor he that addicteth himselfe to the seruice of God must according to the sentence of the Sage prepare his soule vnto temptations Which being considered by Pope Honorius the 3. our Predecessour and that doeing worckes of Penance you were afflicted by the children of this world by diuers afflictions and crosses that therfore you had need to be nourished and fauoured by laudable worckes he embracing and louing your Religion in the bowels of IESVS CHR. gratified the same with speciall grace commanding all Bishoppes and Archbishoppes of Italy to exempt and free you from such oathes as are accustomed to be exacted of Gouernours of townes and other officers of others places and to protect you that you be not constrayned to accept publicke offices and chardges or to be receauers of common rentes and such like affaires But because the children of darcknes who by their humane prudence haue learned to repute darcknes light and light darcknes and this by calomnie of sinister interpretation haue so afflicted you in the preiudice of your priuiledges that you are for more vexed and chardged then before you had those priuiledges for albeit the sayd Officers cānot exact your oathes they find other occasions to enforce you to sweare not permitting you to giue your reuenues in almose where you please Wherfore you haue with great humility demaunded that we deliuer you from the obligation of such oathes as you haue made those accepted of peace faith and testimony and that you may not be chardged with impostes and contributions more then your other fellow Cittizens that you may employ your reuenues in pious vses and distribute it att your pleasure and may not be troubled for the debtes and faultes of your neighbours but that you be obliged to answeare the debtes of others for which you shal be engaged We then considering that you enter into the way of perfection and that the children of the world will so much the more hinder you as they are and know themselues different frō your holy life and that they make a confused heape of peruerse oppositions to hide and obscure the veritie doe by aucthority of these present letters giue and graunt to all you in your vniuersity of whose faith and Religion we hold our selues assured the permission which you demaund of vs in all the sayd matters most expresly commanding you that yon endeauour to vse the grace and fauour well which we bestow on you and that none of you abuse the same Vnlesse you wil be frustrated and depriued of the priuiledge which we graunt you and therfore lett none c. Giuen at saint Iohn Lateran the 30. day of March and second yeare of our Popedone This present Breife was giuen the yeare of grace 1228. wherin appeareth that the Confraternity of the Penitentes was not exempted from seculer or ecclesiasticall iurisdiction though in this Briefe it be tearned Religion because this title of Religion is taken and vnderstood lardgely for Christian Religion The Briefe of the said Pope Gregory the ninth wherby he permitteth the Penitents of the third Order of S. Francis to heare diuine office in time of interdiction THE III. CHAPTER GRegory Bishop and seruant of the seruantes of God to the Archibishoppes Bishoppes and Prelates of the church of Italy It being euident that the intention of those who are mindfull of death is not to follow the vanitie of the world but IESVS CHRIST doeing pennance with an humble hart by true contrition chasticing and subiecting the sences to reason and that their intention is to apply themselues to the seruice of God So that it were an iniust thing that these cōfraternityes should be separated and depriued of the diuine offices Ecclesiasticall sacraments it being reasonable that they receaue some speciall fauour of the holy Apostolike sea in these and other matters that concerne the seruice of God There being then many through Italy that obserue this order of life which some call Brothers Penitents we cōmand your prudence by this our Apostolicall Briefe that in the Churches of your iurisdiction wherin it is generally permitted you to say the