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A77834 Mans inbred malady, or The doctrine of original sin maintained, as also the necessity of infants baptism. / By George Burches B.D. late Rector of Wood-Church in Cheshire. Burches, George, d. 1658. 1655 (1655) Wing B5613; Thomason E1708_2; ESTC R10375 36,789 142

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convert some of his posteritie and to give them inward holiness so that here is meant not any inherent internal qualitative personall holinesse but an external relative faederal holinesse Hence is that of Grotius Non loquitur Apostolus de sanctitate naturali et naturae liberorum inhaerente sed de sanctitate adhaerente its extrinsice i. e. de sanctitate faederis credentium liberi faedere gratiae comprehensi sunt et eatenus sancti adeo censentur This Text shews that children are stil in covenant with their parents but proves nothing at all that they are freed from original sin R. 2. Because this sin proceeds causally from the flesh though subjectively and formally it is in the Soul as sicknesse comes of corrupt meats as the cause yet not the meats but the body is the subject of sicknesse They that live in a smoakie house must needs be smu●ched and contract some of the blacknesse if you put the whitest wool into the Die-fat of Oade it will come out blew So here a pure soul in an impure body cannot but infect it with impuritie this then is an hereditary disease as a leprous father begets a leprous son the disease being in the blood runs through the whole progenie which verifies that of Isa 18.2 The Fathers have eaten sour grapes and the childrens teeth are set on edge And therefore saies the Apostle 1 Cor. 15.46 That was not first which was spiritual but that which was natural and afterwards that which was spiritual The first man was of the earth earthy and so begat children like himselfe sinful and corrupt which was the ground of this original contagion which was sprung in our parents by their offence and so by the same it is conveyed to posteritie Obj. If sin be conveyed by the parents to the children it passeth to them either by the body or by the soul but by neither it cannot be in the body till the soul come and in the soul it is not because that is immediately created pure of God Ergo unlesse the soul be traduced from the parents where place you original sin Ans The consequence and coherence of the major is to be denyed because in it there is not a sufficient numeration of the parts by which original sin passeth for it passeth neither by the body nor by the Soul but by the offence of our parents in regard whereof God whilst he createth men souls bereaves it of originall righteousnesse which he gave on that condition to our first parents that they should continue or lose them to posteritie according as themselves either kept or lost them which privation of righteousnesse in respect of God for mans offence is not a sin but a just punishment though in respect of the parents which draw it unto themselves and their posteritie it be a sin which through the conjunction of both is conveyed from the parents unto their children so neither the body alone nor the soul is to be respected but as they joyntly make one man Vse 1. This may meet with the proud hearts of men who are ready to advance themselves in respect of their birth and parentage which if they did truly consider this Doctrine would rather humble them seeing nothing is derived from them but basenesse and corruption their natures being vile contaminats their posteritie and instead of making them honourable doth make them odious in the pure eyes of God yea and most miserable for ever if they be not born again Iohn 3.3 if we got not a better birth then that which we had from our parents it may be said of us as it was said of Iudas it had been better for us that we had never been born Mat. 26.24 It is reported of Diogenes that he told Alexander the great that he could know no difference betwixt the bones of King Philip and other men what he spake of dead men lying in the ground holds true of all men living so long as they lie in the grave of sin there is no difference betwixt the greatest and the meanest for all are by nature sinful and this sin of our nature is conveyed from the fathers to the children so that here is no cause of boasting but rather matter of abasement whereby the best may be humbled upon the sense of this their condition The greatnesse of birth through thy corruption makes thee more uncapable of grace then those of meaner degree You see your calling brethren saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 1.26 and surely so may we now how that not many great men not many noble are called Even greatnesse of birth nobility is a bar oftentimes to keep men from salvation and life eternal though blessed be God some great men are called yet there are but few not many saies the Apostle O what madnesse then is it to rest and glory in our birth in that we were born of such parents and never seek to be born of God This is that which makes men truly honorable when they become truly gratious Hence 1 Sam. 2.30 They that honor God them will God honor As they of Berea Acts 17.11 were more noble then they of Thessalonica shewing the fruits of grace in receiving the word with all readinesse of mind And thus if our nobilitie appears we may take comfort in our estate otherwise we may be abased for the sadnesse of our condition Be not then like the bigger the better hills the higher the barrener but like unto a Diamond Use 2. This may serve to humble all parents in the consideration of those sins that break forth in their childrens lives their pride and stubbornnesse their aversenesse from God and prophannesse all which is by them the cause of great sorrow and humiliation Hence is that of Solomon Prov. 10.1 A foolish Son is the heavinesse of his mother And 17.25 A foolish Son is a grief to his father and bitternesse to her heart that bare him For the root from whence all this evill springeth they had from their Parents the plague-sore of sin was conveighed by them and this they were infected with from their very birth In the time of the plague we count it a great affliction to bring the infection into our houses and set it upon our children and yet we have all done worse to our children then this we have set upon them a farre more dangerous and deadly disease which doth not only slay the body but overthrow the Soul and that everlastingly if God look not in mercy upon them 1 If the Lord was angry with the Serpent and had laid a curse upon it because it was but an instrument used by the Devil for the corrupting of our first parents though it were no cause of it Gen. 3.14 how much more reason hath he to be angry with us that have not only been instruments to convey this cursed contagion of nature into our children but the principall agents and causes of it Oh consider then this you that forget God that have
hard to be removed which by timely prevention of frequent acts in the practise of holinesse may be hindred It is therefore a seasonable advice given by Solomon Eccles 12.1 Remember thy creator in the daies of thy youth Youth being that spring time wherein should appear the hopeful blossomes of goodnesse if not blasted through the parents neglect for want of timely instruction It 's a rare character which God gives of Abraham Gen. 18.19 and takes notice of him on this score in that he knew he would instruct his children in the fear of his name Happy then are those parents that herein imitate faithful Abraham timely to acquaint their children with the knowledge of God God will own such as he did Abraham and give them the blessings of his right hand with the greatest joy and comfort Hence we may say with David Psal 127.3 Lo children are an heritage of the Lord. And verse 5. Happy is the man that hath his quiver ful of them they shal not be ashamed but they shal speak with their enemies in the gate 3. Cause them to frequent the publick worship of God when you have the spouts of grace powring forth incomparable sweetnesse and comfort on the soules of all such as shall attend and wait upon it We find Exod. 10.9 that Moses told Pharaoh that they must have the little ones with them to solemnize the worship they were to perform to God in the wildernesse It cannot but add much joy to the parents to hear their children sing the song of Sion before they have known the ditties of sin and to speak plainly the language of Canaan before they have been corrupted with the expressions of Ashdod Cause them therefore to frequent the publick worship where the presence of Christ doth most gloriously appear not only in the tender of his grace and mercy for our childrens good but in the choice embracings of their ●●ligious endeavours who have been educated in the fear of his holy name It is a practise much to be condemned in many parents in that they are carelesse of their childrens good in causing them to frequent the publick worship of God they doe rather tolerate them to stay at home to be nursed in prophanenesse and ignorance then to cause them to frequent the publick worship of God where they may be directed to walk in the comfortable paths of grace and holinesse it is to be feared that such children one day will have cause to curse their parents indulgency yea their very parents for this neglect may expect that those darlings of theirs when they should become their greatest comforts to prove the greatest crosses and grief of heart unto them Be advised then you parents that are herein guilty remember the doctrine you have read that you conveigh nothing but corruption to your children and will you add fuell to the fire be guilty of more injury in keeping your children from the publick worship of God let this be far from you so to doe but rather endeavour as to acquaint them betimes with the knowledge of God so to cause them to frequent his publick worship where they shal find great comfort and sweetnesse administred unto their souls Fourthly Give good ex●mple to them that by your light they may shine in a continued light of holinesse and pietie This made David Psalm 101.2 resolve to walk in his house with a perfect heart And Job Job 11.14 to say let not wickednesse dwel in thy Tabernacles The loose lives of parents do too often prove much injurious to th●ir childrens souls so that we may observe in the childrens practice the fathers guilt of their impietie Hence you have it in the proverb that when the child swears the Chicken crows but as it hears the old Cock and if the father reprove the child is ready to say Medice cura teipsum Father reform thy selfe if thou hadst brought me up better I had learned to be better this is the fruits of a bad example which parents must learn to avoid if they desire either to discharge their own dutie or to save their poor childrens souls Learn then Oh parents to cull out the best examples for your children be ye followers of Christ that they may follow you in the waies of Christ let your light so shine in the presence of God before them that they may see your good works to glorifie their father in heaven Do not with Samson pull down those pillars of goodnesse by your sins that shall not only quash your selfe but be the ruine of your children your facts become examples those examples laws and it is natural for your children to follow the law of fact before the law of faith a visible pattern rather then a meer audible Doctrine 5. Examine your children how they profit by the means of grace this is the means to sharpen and whet them on your children use in this case makes perfect and the more fit for the practise of holinesse A pious education is a great prevention of those gross evils which their natures are prone to commit Examination is the tryal which by grown experience encourages their practise in old age hence are they ready to praise God for the care and zeal their parents had in their education and considering the progresse they have made in the waies of Christ under God they are readie to acknowledge it from their Parents care which must needs cause great comfort to them 6. Lastly be earnest to God by prayer for them Solomons Mother Prov. 31.2 calleth him the Son of her youth She was wont to pray much for him what greater comfort can arise to the child when grown in years then to consider he was the Son of his Parents prayers they begg'd him of God and God gave a returne to their prayers in giving grace unto him There are too many herein faulty in the neglect of their duty both for themselves and their children yea they are so farre from praying for them as that they are too ready upon the least occasion to curse them bitterly What comfort can these expect from the hands of God either for themselves or children but that the Lord might justly plague them in their ofspring in suffering their children to prove the greatest crosses whom otherwise had yielded the greatest comforts Let us then with Hannah pray for our children and with Monica pray for the salvation of them prayer is requisite that we may be new born in grace and that being so born wee may grow in grace Prayer it is the Key to open the gates of Heaven and let grace out and prayer is a lock to fasten our hearts and keep grace in Let all Parents therefore be exhorted to bee earnest to God by prayer for their children So shall they wash away those stains wherewith they have polluted their childrens souls and take away that guilt they have brought upon them by conveying their corruption unto them That whereas by nature they are the children of wrath and heirs of Hell God hearing their prayers in their childrens behalf will make his promise not onely to be their God but the God of their seed in making them the sons of God and children of light to shine as starres in the firmament of glory To which he bring both us and our children for his sake who hath so dearly bought us even Jesus Christ the righteous To whom with the Father and blessed spirit three persons but one God be ascribed all glory and honor now and for ever Amen Imprimatur Edm. 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no care in the education and bringing up of your children in the knowledge of the waies o● God ye have much to answer for at the Tribunal seat of Christ that having conveyed poyson into your children at their birth you seek not after the antidote to prevent their eternal ruine wil you be instruments to wound their souls and never seek after a Chyrurgeon to heal them shall you be the cause of giving a deadly potion that will work their undoing and never have recourse to the Physician in their behalfe to cure them Oh here 's a cursed neglect Be abashed therefore in the thoughts of this and l●● not your soules be so secure as to endanger your own eternal welfare by neglecting the dutie in preventing your childrens woe but be humbled for them your selves being the cause of their inbred maladie which by you were conveyed unto them Use 3d. Exhort to stir up parents to do their utmost to work grace in their children and so to cure that deadly poyson and infection that they have conveyed into them Now for the better enforcing so necessary a dutie I will set down 1. Certain motives that may provoke them to this care 2. Discover the means that they must use to this purpose Mot. 1. Because of that natural affection that we bear to our children whereby we are moved to love them hence bowels of pitty and compassion appears towards them when we see them in any miserie And therefore the Lord hath been pleased to set forth his mercy and compassion towards his children by the compassion of a Mother Isa 4.15 Can a Mother forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb And by the compassion of a Father Psalm 103.13 Like as a Father pittieth his children so the Lord pittieth them that fear him He is worse then a beast that pittieth not his children and grieves not to see them in miserie Lam. 4.2 Even the Sea-monsters draw out the breast they give suck to their young ones Yea where there is not natural affection there the very light of nature is extinguished and such in the just judgment of God are given up unto a reprobate mind Rom. 1.31 Now what love can we bear to our children if we have no care of their souls the nature of Christianity is to seek the good 〈◊〉 their souls whom we love as Abraham expressed his love to Ishmael Gen. 17.18 O that Ishmael might live in thy sight which should be the desire of all godly parents Oh that my children might live in thy sight that they might fear thee and know thee and learn truly to serve thee this is the greatest portion that can be given them the largest possessions we can desire to leave them as that they may live in the sight of God For godlinesse is the greatest gain and hath the promises of this life and of a better 1 Tim. 4.8 Strive then to make your children godly and let the bent of your affections towards them lie that way and if they become once sincerely to love God then ●●ve you shewed natural affection in the highest degree towards them which at the last will bring not only grace to them but glory for ever to your selves 2d Mot. Because the rule of justice requires that we should make them amends for the wrong we have done them if we injure any man in body goods or good name we are bound in conscience to make him satisfaction See the equitie of Gods Law in this point Exod. 21.19 He that smote him shal pay for the loss of his time and shal cause him to be thoroughly healed how much more are we to be careful to cure the inbred maladie of our children and to heal that filthy dissease which from our selves have been conveighed unto them Shal we be the causes of their miserie and not use our best endeavours to cure them It is through us that they become odious assoon as they are born in the sight of God and shal not we seek to make them amiable and lovely in his presence shall we be the progenitors of their evil and not the promoters of their good Oh far be it from us to be so forgetful of our own dutie and so neglectful in not using all means for their good This was that which good Hezekiah meant in his prayer Isa 38.18 19. The grave cannot praise thee death cannot celebrate thee the living shal praise thee and who among the living the Father to the children shal make known thy truth Hence is that of the Apostle Epb. 6.9 Ye fathers bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And so Psal 78.5 He established a Testimony in Jacob and appointed a Law in Israel which he commanded our Fathers that they should make them known unto their Children Let all parents therefore think of this seriously and consider that it will be a most heavy reckoning one day they must give for the neglect of their childrens souls those especially that instead of reforming them do tolerate them in most sinful courses as in lying swearing Sabbath-breaking and the like these are far from Abraham's practise Gen. 18.19 and Josuah's resolution Jos 24.15 that instructed their families and brought their children to fear the Lord. Consider then this motive you that desire to serve the Lord remember it is but justice to seek after all means to doe your children good you have wrong'd them greatly ●ow recompence that wrong you have done them by seasoning their tender years with the knowledge of Jesus Christ 3d. Because the propagation of Religion dependeth principally in the education of our children To this purpose you have a notable example of this care in the two Tribes and the half that had their possessions given them beyond Jordan Iosuah 2.24 25. we have done it set up this Altar for fear of this thing saying In time to come your Children might speak to our Children saying what have you to do with the Lord God of Israel so shall your Children make our Children cease from fearing the Lord. Concerning which you must understand that there is no man doth so much desire to have a posterity and to provide for posterity as the Lord doth And surely the meanes whereby the Lord may have a posterity raysed and preserved is to derive Religion unto them when Parents are not onely Religious themselves but be careful to provide that their Children may be so also This is that Seminary of Gods Church Here was the cause of that Commandment Deut. 4.9 Take heed to thy self and keep thy soul diligently lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen and lest they depart from thy heart all the daies of thy life but teach them thy son and thy sons sons This is made by the Prophet Malachi 2.15 to have been the cause why the Lord at the first institution of marriage appointted but one woman for one man and did so
torments to be much more then any fire can inflict for the pains afflictions and crosses of this life are not to be spoken of in respect of those endless and infinite ●orrowes in the life to come That we suffer here is but a miserable passage to that we shal feel here●fter and rather to be counted blessings then crosses being forcible means which God useth to humble us and as bridles to check our unruly and headstrong lusts yea as wormwood to wean our appetites from the desire of the worlds vanities For howsoever many doe account themselves happy that live in ease and abundance here on earth yet most certain it is that there can be no greater a curse or crosse befal any man in this life then to prosper in the course of sin and iniquity But to return from whence we digressed The miseries of sin shall be farre greater then any thing in this world can resemble when as by the power and just Iudgment of God there shal be such exact and exquisite distemper and pains inflicted upon every part and parcell of man that if all the most forcible torments that ever were invented by the most cruel Tyrants that ever lived were put together they were as nothing in respect of those infinite pains and tortures which man shal everlastingly suffer in hell where the humors shal be both inflamed benumed with unsufferable heat cold where the senses are infected with most loathsome and abominable stenches and savours their eyes terrified with gastly and fearfull spectacles when the affections shal find no refreshing but endlesse grief and afflictions when every joynt shall be disordered and racked in extensum as possibly it can bear when the glandules the muscles and all the fleshie parts shal frie in scorching heat where the entrals and bowels shall perpetually gnaw with continuall griping yea when these shall be filled with everlasting anguish and horror by being banished for ever from the presence of almighty God and the communion of his blessed Saints and Angels and instead thereof astonished with the deceitfull and hideous noise and wailing of wretched souls never to see hope for ease or end of such unspeakable miseries And lastly when those carnifices those damned executioners of Gods judgments the Divels being cast down from the glorious presence of God's Almightie Majesty and suffering the infinite and unsupportable burthen of his justly deserved wrath and anger shal execute their unspeakable malice and furious vengeance upon the miserable bodies and distressed Soules of reprobate and condemned sinners Nay to conclude if all their griefs and diseases all the anguish of mind whereunto the body and soul of men are subject and which all the men from the beginning of the world unto this day have suffered were in the extremity upon any other man and that the soules and bodies by the Almighty power of God were so fastned together and so perpetually conjoyned that there could be no dissolution yet all this must the sinner eternally endure besides infinitely more sorrowes and pains all unspeakable all unconceivable Hence from the causes we define the sin that it is A determinate and wilful transgression of Gods Law depriving all the parts and faculties both of Soule and body of all kind of goodnesse of all kind of righteousnesse in it self of all manner of happinesse which had been the effect and consequent thereof So that having pointed out the disease and considered what it is it remaines in the last place to search out the Original ground whence it springs and proceeds intimated in these words shaping and conceiving Behold I was shapen c. Peccato Originali saith Aug. nihil ad praedicandum notius nihil ad intelligendum secretius There 's nothing more commonly preached and yet nothing more obscurely to be understood then Original sin And iniquitie is a mysterie saies the Scripture neither of which doth imply an impossibilitie but only a difficulty of understanding the depth and secrets thereof and therefore as the search of the knowledge thereof requires deeper speculation so doth the delivery thereof deserve more heedful and serious attention I was shapen in iniquitie I may not now stand to dispute that question which is disputed in the works of some great Divines namely whether propagation and traducing of sin be from the Father or Mother Some collecting and affirming from that Rom. 5. As by one man sin entered into the world c. that sin proceeded only and is derived from the man and if the woman could conceive and bring forth without the man the child be without sin Others again inserting that 1 Tim. 2. That the man was not deceived but the woman was and was in the transgression And also from this of the Prophet in the Text In sin hath my Mother conceived me Inferring I say that it is probable that sin is principally derived from the Mother which question may easily be decided by acknowledging it both waies True that it descends from the man and the woman for under that phrase as by one man may be well implyed both sexes and certain it is that both being Parents and both sinfull they are as well the parents of the sin as of the child But to return to our purpose I was shapen in iniquitie saies the Prophet declaring thereby the original ground and cause of this disease the manner how it became sinful wherein it may be probably objected that in as much as the principal guilt of sin depends upon the efficient cause thereof namely Liberum arbitrium hominis the freewill of man in the wilful disobedience of Gods Law which David never had but was born as all other men captives to their lusts and could not obey the Law if he had been never so willing and which never man had but one Neither was sin in that extense and high nature which the free and malitious a version of the will perpetrated and committed by any one but by that one and that by a transient act many hundred years afore how then can the Prophet be said to be guilty of sin in that kind which onely properly undequaque completly is sin or justly assum● the last unto himselfe To which I answer that although the act of our first parents was transient yet the will of that act was permanent and remaine● and it is justly reputed unto the Prophet and unto all men that descend from their loyns It standing both with the rule of equitie and righteous judgment justly to attribute and impute that unto us which we as it were did in our progenitors for can any man be more just and equal then to charge every part by that which is committed by the whole for all the generations and successions of men make but one body and every one is member of that body and the whole lease of man is but as one tree whereof our first parents are the root and therefore that sprig which hath but newly sprouted
that he that runs may read a full satisfaction in it Use 3d. Reprove such as think it folly to be troubled with the sins of litle ones with their lying and swearing cursing and the like not considering that the very Originall sin of the Infant the sin of his nature before it doth thus break forth makes him odious to God and deserveth damnation much more wil these same cursed fruits do it See an example in this 2 King 2.23 where those forty that mocked the Prophet were devoured by Bears where youth was no excuse for the hainousnesse of their offence but were severely punished by the hand of God Vse 4. Let this then humble us in considering the sharp and severe judgments that oft light upon little ones yea and take them to heart and to be much affected with them as with most evident demonstrations of Gods wrath against sin even against the sin of our nature Our Saviour sighed Mark 7.34 to behold the judgement of God upon the deaf man as a sign of Gods anger upon him for sin how much more doth it become us to do so in this case The Lord in his judgements upon us that are of years may have other ends and respects but in those upon Infants he can have no other but onely to make known upon them his wrath against sin Oh that we could seriously in this case thus expostulate with our own souls If God be so angry with the sin of the infant alas what measure of wrath is due to me that besides the sin of my nature wherewith I am every whit as much defiled as it can be have so many actuall sins to answer for and have sinned in a far more odious manner then this infant hath done If this be done to the greene tree saith our Saviour Luk. 23.31 What shall be done to the drie surely this is enough if well considered to melt the hardest heart into tears throughly to bewaile the Originall corruption especially when they consider the next point following namely Doct. 2d That the sin which we are from our very infancie stained withall is conveyed by our Parents unto us T is Leprosie began in Adam and you ran over all successions of mankind Hence the Prophet acknowledgeth I was conceived in sin not meaning any particular sin of his Parents in the act of generation for he was begotten and born in lawful marriage but his hereditary sin whererof he was guilty in his mothers womb For though many causes may be assigned of actuall sins committed by men or women as either of themselves James 1.14 the world 1 John 2.16 or the devil Eph. 2.2 yet of original sin that is in Infants no other cause can be assigned no root no fountain but this that they received it from their parents Hence is that of Aug. per duos homines transisse peccatum Both saith Ambrose parentes ut generis sic et erroris This is agreable to the law of nature Partus sequitur ventrem If a free man get a child by a bond-woman the child shal be bond by the mother not free by the Father As sin entered into Paradise so it entered into the world for it is the same sin in us that was in them in them actually in us originally and the same sin must have the same beginning but it came into Paradise by them both therefore so into the world And therefore Gen. 5.3 it is said that Adam after his fall begat a son in his likenesse after his image sinful and corrupt as himselfe was and the Evangelist making an opposition between the causes from whence corruption and grace cometh saith John 1.13 The one cometh from bleod and from the wil of the flesh and from the wil of man but the other commeth from God alone Hence there was never any that had parents a Father to beget him and a Mother to conceive him that was free from this original sin and corruption of nature no not such as had the godliest Parents that ever lived as the the children of Noah Abraham Isaac David did stand in need of circumcision Gen. 21.4 which signifies the cutting away of the filthy fore-skin of their hearts this original corruption as the Prophet expounds it Jer. 4.4 wherefore Job 14.4 when he would give a reason why man every man young and old is not only subject to so many troubles in this life but also so filthy and sinful alledgeth no more but this Man that is born of a woman he is born of a woman and therefore must needs be so So again Iob 15.14 and 25.4 and though the Mother only be named by Iob and David yet is this corruption derived to the child not from the Mother only but from the father as much as from the mother The sin came by two and the Apostle saies it entered by one for they two made but one Two shal be one flesh By one it entered yet both sinned R. 1. Because all parents have been poysoned with sin wher●by their natures being infected doth convey this poyson unto their children As the brood of Vipers Toads and Spiders must needs resemble them and have poyson in them Hence is that of our Saviour Mat. 7.18 a corrupt Tree cannot bring forth good fruit for if the tree be not found the fruit will prove tainted and therefore saith Iob Iob 14.4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean Not one This reason our Saviour gieth why all that is in man by nature is flesh that is corrupt and sinfull because he that is born of the flesh that is of corrupt parents Iohn 3.6 is flesh that is sinful which is Job's meaning when he saith who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean that is no man can beget a child that is clean from sin himselfe being unclean For such as the fountain is such is the stream such as the ground is such is the corn such as the fuel is such is the fire such as the mine is such is the metal such as the parents are so are their children Obj. If the root be holy the branches are holy therefore the children of the Saints are holy and have not this sin conveyed to them by their parents Ans Parents beget children as men not as they are holy men Sanctus generat non regenerat filius carnis by generation they derive unto them their nature they cannot derive grace which is above nature we give them that which our earthy parents give us not what our Heavenly Father infuseth into us There is a wide difference betwixt infusion and propagation neither doth holinesse in this place signifie a freedome from sin or integritie or uprightnesse of nature Sanctitas est duplex fidei faederis sancti sunt non virtute nativitatis secundum carnem sed virtute Testamenti gratiae et promissionis dei Bulling but the prerogative and priviledge of Abrahams posteritie whereby God covenanting with him had appointed alwaies to