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cause_n child_n great_a parent_n 1,520 5 8.2359 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07471 Epitaphs vpon the vntymelie death of that hopefull, learned, and religious youth, Mr VVilliam Michel sonne to a reverend pastor, Mr Thomas Michel, parson of Turreff, and minister of the Gospel there) [sic] who departed this lyfe the 6 of Ianuarie, 1634. in the 24 yeare of his age. Together with a consolatorie epistle, to the mother of the sayd young man; wherein his vertues and good carriage are mentioned. Baron, Robert, 1593?-1639. 1634 (1634) STC 17857; ESTC S113173 17,133 47

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Wyfe to goe before the Husband whyles the Parentes to goe before the Children and whyles the Children to prevent the Parentes What cause of great sorrow is there here if men and women would rightlie consider this and firmlie belieue it Thirdlie seeing the happinesse of Parents consisteth much in the happinesse of their Children if death was to your sonne Advantage or Gayne as vndoubtedlie it is to all those who die in the LORD howe can yee thinke it so great a losse to you If hee hath gayned so much by the change howe can yee thinke your selfe so much hurt by it If an earthlie king had sent for your sonne promising to adopt him and make him his Heyre the sorrow which you would haue had for wanting his company would easily haue bene swallowed vp of the joye which yee would haue had for his advancement although yee had never looked to haue seene him agayne The application is easie and the comfort vnspeakeable if yee consider that GOD who hath sent His Messenger Death for your sonne hath given him that incorruptible Crowne in comparison 〈…〉 the glorie of earthlie Crownes and 〈…〉 Thrones is but basenesse Nowe to come to GOD'S dealing towardes him I hope it shall afford you great matter of joy if yee consider it as yee ought I will not speake of GOD'S dealing towardes him in bestowing naturall and morall giftes vpon him as desire of knowledge paynfull diligence in stryving to attayne thervnto sharpnesse of wit soliditie of judgement and an happie progresse farre aboue all his Condisciples in humane literature Philosophie and Theologie These were indeede great benefites of GOD But it was not the rememberance of these thinges which vphelde him at the tyme of his death Nor yet can the consideration of these thinges now afford you that joyfull assurance of the happinesse of his death and of his estate nowe after death which yee desire to haue Wherefore let vs consider GOD'S dealing towardes him in the worke of his Salvation And let all those who are exercysed with such Tryalls and Conflicts of Conscience as hee was learne at him to wayte patientlie vpon GOD vntill they get the victorie It is well knowne vnto you who are his Parentes howe carefullie hee remembered his Creator in the dayes of his youth and howe whyle hee was yet a Chylde GOD by His Spirit possessed his heart making him to finde heavenlie delight in all spirituall exercyses whereof hee was then capable vvhich appeared by his ordinarie and almost perpetuall frequenting of them to the great admiration of all who knewe him and to the great benefite of his Brethren and Sisters whom at all tymes hee was carefull partlie by his example and partlie by his pious conference to aedifie to draw with himselfe into the way of Godlinesse Hee found nothing then but sweetnesse and delight and heavenlie ravishmentes in serving of GOD for it pleaseth GOD often tymes so to allure young ones to His service but afterwardes GOD having furnished him with greater strength of Grace called him to harder and more vnpleasant but yet more glorious service that is to wrastle with manie temptations doubtinges and feares and for overcomming of these to seeke the LORD'S Face with extraordinarie humiliations prayers and fastinges which by frequent exercyse became so ordinarie vnto him that it was harder to him to desist from them than to abstayne from his bodilie and naturall food By these exercyses of devotion hee made singular progresse in that strayt way that leadeth to Lyfe yea I may boldlie say that hee did out-runne manie who had begun to runne therein long before him Yet so vnsatiable was his hunger after Righteousnesse that whereas others thought hee did too much especiallie in keeping his bodie vnder that his Soule might the more and more bee lifted vp vnto GOD hee himselfe thought hee did nothing ever most humblie esteeming himselfe an vnprofitable servant and with PAVL fortgeting the thinges that were behinde And because hee intended and moste vehementlie desired to serue GOD in the holie Ministerie GOD having fitted and furnished him with manie singular graces for that Calling to his frequent exercyses of devotion Hee added extraordinarie and invincible diligence in the studie of DIVINITIE especiallie in meditating vpon the holie SCRIPTVRES and reading the best Commentaries that he could get therevpon So that as Ierome sayd of his friend Nepotian who also died young hee made his breast CHRIST'S Bibliothece In a word then hee desired to know nothing but CHRIST and Him crucified neyther laboured hee for anie thing earnestlie but onelie to bee crucified with CHRIST and vnto the worlde This his earnest and industrious care to seeke GOD'S Face as it was to mee whom hee oft acquaynted with the secret estate of his conscience a matter of great joye so at last it procured to himselfe vnspeakeable contentment and tranquillitie of mynde together with a confident relying vpon the mercie of GOD and the powerfull intercession of IESUS CHRIST Happie yea thryse happie was his wrastling with GOD for thereby hee obtayned and inherited the Blessing Happie was his hungering and thirsting for Righteousnesse for in due tyme hee was satisfied and filled Happie was his seeking of GOD for the LORD heard him and delivered him from all his feares And therefore let all those who seeke the LORD with the lyke earnestnesse and diligence looke vnto him and to their owne comfort and encowragement saye as DAVID willed others to saye of himselfe This poore man cryed and the LORD heard him and saved him out of all his troubles To conclude then GOD'S dealing towardes him was as it vseth ordinarilie to bee towardes His owne Elect. For as GREGORIE the great and ISIDORE following him telleth vs GOD after Hee hath converted a man vnto Himselfe first maketh him to finde heavenlie delight and joye or as GREGORIE himselfe speaketh the allurementes of sweetnesse in His service to the effect hee may be the more enamoured with it and that hee may the more easilie with-drawe his heart from those carnall pleasures with which before his conversion hee was bewitched Thereafter when through continuance and encrease of grace hee is enabled and fitted to endure hardnesse as the good Souldier of IESVS CHRIST the LORD partly to keepe him from presumptuous confidence in his owne strength and partlie to exercyse his fayth patience and Christian fortitude withdraweth from him often tymes the sense or feeling of His gracious presence and so exposeth him to manie sorrowes feares and doubtinges yea often tymes Hee suffereth him to bee vexed with dangerous motions and strong inclinations to great and grievous sinnes all which GREGORIE comprehendeth in one generall calling them Conflictes or Fightinges with Temptations But in the ende that gracious and kynde LORD who will not suffer vs to hee tempted aboue that wee are able but with the temptation also maketh a way to escape He I say