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cause_n child_n great_a parent_n 1,520 5 8.2359 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06390 A dialogue between custom and veritie concerning the vse and abuse of dauncing and minstrelsie Lovell, Thomas. 1581 (1581) STC 16860; ESTC S109641 21,954 68

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much more difficultie then in prose that therby the carelesse mindes of vvanton persōs might be mooued to read or hear that vvhich othervvise they vvould neuer regarde Learned he hath shevved him selfe in that he hath confuted all obiections and confirmed his ovvne assertions by sufficient aucthoritie of holie scriptures and also by the iudgemēt both of ecclesiasticall and profane vvriters yea and by the lavves and constitutions made in generall counsailes and in our ovvne parliaments also Receiue thankfully therfore these our brothers labors so godly so painfull and so learned Imbrace veritie vve he not maried to custome but to Christ He neuer said I am custom But thus he hath said I am the vvay the truthe and the life Let vs therfore vvalke in him that vvhen our iourney shal be ended vve may enter vvith him into that endles rest vvherof the rest of the seuenth day is a figure And liue vvith him in that endles life that he hath prepared for vs vvhich God for his mercie sake graunt vs all to doo Amen ❧ Yours in Christe Robert Crowley A Dialogue between Custom and veritie concerning Dauncing and Minstrelsie Custome WHē I beholde the discord great bout things of sundry kinde one thīg aboue the rest there is that runs oft in my minde Some fréend therfore I seek to finde to him the same to showe And it discust betwixt vs two the truthe therof to knowe Ah fréend wel met for one I wisht a matter to dissolue Wherof I greatly stand in dout and oft in minde reuolue Veritie If my small skil in any wise to you may profit bring In honest cause it shall not want therfore declare the thing Custome But first your name I doo demaunde and that the truthe be tolde Euen as you think herein and that you nothing doo with holde Veritie In trueth my name is Veritie the trueth therfore I tel And hate all lyes and flatterie though few doo like me wel Custome For to discourse my cause you are the chéefst that could be found For Custome I and you the trueth therof shall search the ground The knot that I would haue vntied is in the great dissent Of men conscerning dauncing which hear in haue right iudgement Veritie Your cause is hard to be discust and trueth therin to tel Gets many foes of all degrées Dauncing they like so wel Yet sith that trueth is great and dooth preuaile in spight of all Confirme thy cause if thou haue ought confute the same I shall Custome In this conflict and battel fearce in front shall Scripture be As Armor strongst that thou therwith dismaid the rest maist flée Sam. 6 26 That princely Prophet Dauid eke and king of Israell Did leap and daunce before the Arke as sacred Scriptures tell Veritie That noble king and man of God before the Arke did spring With dauncing leapes with all his hart but for no worldly thing But praisd the Lord which had him set on royall seat as King And eke because the mightie Ark they back again did bring And Micol which this humble king Sam. 6 2 did rashly scoffe and scorne Had this rewarde that of her womb no Childe at all was born Custome When Dauid Victor did return Sam. 18. and great Goliah kild With songes the women with daunce did méet him in the féeld Veritie They sung daunst and musick made not for their fleshly lust But for to sée that Giant quaild and lye now dead in dust Which did before blaspheme their God and sore their harts afright But ah alas in these our dayes in this daunce few delight Custom Exod. 15.20 Miriam Aarons sister and the women daunced and ioyd When Iewes did paue the sea as land and nothing them annoyed Veritie The cause of mirth as was before for that the Lord did saue His owne and did his foes all drown with waters surging waue Custome Likewise when Iephtha Captain stout with triumph home did fléet His daughter sole with Timbrell shril and daunces him did méet Also when Iudith had cut of proud Holofernes head Iudg. 11.34 The women daunced and in that dance she all the women led Veritie In bréef to these as to the rest Iudith 15. ● 13 this onely I reply To Iewes a common vse it was to ioy at victory ●uk 13.25 Because with musick daunce and song they praysd the high Gods name Ougt be no cloke for filthy rimes or wanton daunces shame Custome But what to that Saint Luke to vs dooth showe in Gospel plain When the lost Childe and prodigall returned home again His parents made great mellodie glad daunsing eke was heard I déem therfore that men may mirth and plesant daunce regarde Veritie Ah wher 's the parent that dooth daunce or mirth for his cause make To sée his sonne leaue his lewd life and wicked waies forsake Our custome is clene contrarie we laugh and mery be To sée them wanton proud vnchaste and liue in lechery And practice that which dooth vs make to stinck before the Lord For which except we doo repent we shall be clene abhord Custome The woord of God you wrest a wry to make your cause séem right From it I flée and for defence wil run to reasons might Veritie Gods Gospell and his woorthy woord I neither wrest nor wring But as the text wil teach all those that wil attend reading Turn to the bookes weigh wel the woords where these recorded be That I the truthe hearin haue tolde moste plainly shalt thou sée Thē dauncing dames delight falles down in Gods woord hath no stay Now let vs heare what reasons reach too saue the same can say Custom First reason saith that daunces neat cause many men to catch A faithful wife with whome too liue yf they can wisely watch Veritie A woorser way who can deuise an honest Spouse to choose Then at such foolish fantasies where lewd life they doo vse Gods book bid'th man vse other meanes Pro. 31.30 if wife he minde to wed That she haue better qualities then traces fine to tread The Virgins vertues let him vieu if viewed he doo minde Tob. 4.12 In honest sort let him demaund chaste mariage may them binde Her Parents paths eke let him prye what life they long haue led What law they looue how they haue their tender babes vp bred Let parents in this case consent so better may they thriue A wary way he ought to woork which dooth begin to wiue What godly properties should prooue her fit to be thy mate Of sacred scriptures counsaile learne This cause they doo debate Where one by dauncing dooth obtain a spouse that may him make Twenty doo make deer fréends their foes while wiues they rashly take For making one and that by chaunce let many not be mard Let men therfore those honest meanes in wedding wiues regard Custome Again while they doo tread their trace and lightly leap about They from their mindes vaine fansies and