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A03064 A treatise of faith diuided into two parts. The first shewing the nature, the second, the life of faith. ... By Iohn Ball. Ball, John, 1585-1640. 1631 (1631) STC 1319; ESTC S100833 364,072 489

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there of better hopes well instructed in the principles of religion diligent frequenters of Gods Ordinances and carefull to beautifie their profession with an holy conuersation who did neuer distinctly and in good earnest consider of this matter when yet they must needs acknowledge that it cannot be well done as it ought if it be not done in faith The acts of faith in this particular be these The acts of faith in this particular and such like First It calleth to remembrance the free and gratious couenant which God hath made with the belieuing parents and their posteritie I am thy God Gen. 17.7.9 Act. 2.39 and the God of thy seed For the promise is made vnto you and to your children and to al that are a farre off euen as many as the Lord our God shal call which couenant as it is made with the parents and their seed so doth the faith of the parent apprehend the promise of the couen●nt for himselfe and for his seed And this is the ground of that tender which a Christian m●kes of his Child vnto holy Baptisme For by naturall generation the Children of belieuing parents are defiled with sinne and so vnder wrath but the are holy by couenant and free acceptation the belieuing parent embracing the mercifull promise of God for himsel●e and for his posteritie Infants are not borne Christians by naturall birth but made Christians by vertue of the couenant God promising to accept them vpon offer made vnto him by the parents Secondly By faith the belieuing parents must giue themselues vnto God chusing him to bee their portion and resigning themselues in all things to be guided by his word in all estates and conditions Hee that would giue his childe vnto God must giue himselfe first Is it probable that Father can truly desire and long after the preferment of his childe in the Kingdome of grace here and of glory he●eafter who will not enter himselfe nor submit his will to the commandement of grace The promise is made to the faithfull and that faith only which drawes a man to yeeld vp soule and body as a liuing sacrifice vnto God pleasing and acceptable vnto his Maiestie doth quicken a parent truly sincerely freely and as he ought to make tender of his childe vnto God Thirdly It prouoketh parents to offer their children vnto God by heartie and vnfained prayer assoone as euer they haue receiued them from him Gods promise to accept our children calleth for prayer and supplication on our part that he would be pleased to make good his mercifull and free promise Thus Dauid reasoneth Thou O Lord 2. Sam. 7.27 of hosts God of Israel hast reuealed to thy seruant saying I will build thee an house therefore hath thy seruant found in his heart to pray this prayer vnto thee And so should euery Father O Lord thou hast couenanted to bee my God and the God of my posteritie therefore am I bold to intreat thy fatherly acceptance of my poore Infant Fourthly It considereth what a singular prerogatiue it is to be actually admitted into couenant with God receiued into his family and to haue his name put vpon vs to be partaker of the seale of regeneration remission of sinnes adoption and euerlasting inheritance solemnely to be made free of the societie of Saints and weare the Lords badge and liuerie And what an high and incomprehensible mercie it is that God hath promised and doth vouchsafe these great and inestimable blessings not only to himselfe a miserable and wretched sinner but also to his posteritie who by naturall generation are enemies to his Highnesse dead in trespasses and in bondage vnto the curse of the law With these or the like meditations of faith belieuing parents must present their children vnto Baptisme that they might receiue the seale of regeration remission of sinnes and spirituall libertie that the Name of God might bee set vpon them and their names registred amongst the free Denisons of the heauenly Ierusalem And feruent effectuall prayer doth accompany this admission that God would bee pleased to accept the partie baptized for his childe by grace and adoption release him of his sins and make him partaker of his euerlasting kingdome Faith belieueth what God promiseth as hee promiseth it and beggeth feruently what hee giueth freely Fiftly It stirreth vp heartie reioycing in the Lord that hee hath vouchsafed in tender compassion to looke vpon them and their posteritie and thus to honour and aduance them for the truest Nobilitie is to bee made a Christian and to liue in fauour with God A worldly Father would much reioyce if his childe should bee preferred to some chiefe Office in the Princes Court assoone as it was borne A Christian Father hath much greater cause of ioy that he is admitted not as a seruant but as a sonne and heire into the Court of the great King of Heauen and Earth If parents can compasse but a Lease of some Farme for ●hemselues and theirs they are glad and shall they not reioyce that God hath by couenant and seale passed the grant of the Kingdome of Heauen to them and theirs Sixtly It stirreth vp parents to be diligent and carefull to bring vp their children in information and feare of the Lord being instant with God to blesse their endeauours for the good of their children and the glorie of his name For thus faith perswadeth Thy childe is not thine but the Lords thou hast dedicated him vnto the seruice of his Maiest●e and he f●om whom thou receiuedst him at first hath committed him to thy charge to bee trained vp in his feare It is a great honour to bee trusted with such a ch●rge and it is a fearefull sinne to neglect so great a trust Wilt thou consecrate thy childe to God this day and leaue him to the Deuill for euer after Wilt thou teach him a trade that hee might liue as a Man and not teach him the way of godlinesse that he might liue as a Christian Didst thou not vndertake for his education in the true Religion and wilt thou neglect the pe●formance of that solemne oath Mar. 10.25 16. Christ commanded the children of Christian parents to be brought vnto him and wilt thou present them vntaught and ignorant of the Christian faith The same conscience which moued parents to offer their children to Baptisme will quicken them to endeauour their education in the true faith and seruice of God By faith wee should make right vse of our Baptisme Baptisme is a seale of the couenant betwixt God vs of Gods promise to vs that he will be our God and of our promise to him that we will be his people repent of our sins belieue in Christ walk before him in sincere obedience For signification force vse fruit it continueth not for a moment of time but for the whole course of a mans life It doth respect not only the time past and present but that which is to
will bring a good end ibid. 3. Want of feeling argueth not want of faith p. 175 Why the faithfull are subiect to such doubts and want of feeling p. 175. 176 The fift Temptation They receiued the truth at first without due tryall § 5 Remedie 1. God is mercifull and ready to forgiue our imperfections when vpon the knowledge and sight wee confesse and bewayle them p. 176 2. Faith may be true though much were amisse when first we receiued the truth ibid. 3. It is the great wisdome and mercy of the Lord for a time to hide from his children the sight of their infirmities and wants ibid. The sixt Temptation They neuer had that deepe sorrow which many haue felt § 6 Remedie 1. God deales not with all alike p. 176. 177 2. To doubt of Gods loue because hee deales gently with vs least we should be swallowed vp of sorrow is great ignorance p. 177 3. Faith may be sound in them who neuer felt such depth of sorrow as others haue done ibid. The seuenth Temptation They neuer felt any great strength of grace § 7 Remedie 1. We are but children and therefore weake and subiect to many spirituall diseases p. 178 2. Grace may be true whiles it is but small ibid. 3. If weaknesse of grace was any iust cause of feare none might assure themselues of Gods loue ibid. The eight Temptation What they formerly felt is now decayed § 8 Remedie In Gods dearest children there may bee decay of graces p. 179 The ninth Temptation They cannot find any liuely sence of faith § 9 Remedie 1. Graces may lye hid and worke in respect of our acknowledgement insensibly p. 179. 180 2. In the agony of conscience none are more vnfit to judge of our estate then we are of our owne p. 180. 181 3. The Lord diuersly giues euidence of his Spirit presence in vs. p. 181 4. If for the present a man can discerne no sparke of grace in himselfe hee must call to remembrance former times wherein he hath glorified God by an holy life and conuersation p. 181. 182 5. If hee bee not able to gather comfort from former experience he must lay hold vpon the gratious inuitation of Christ calling the thirsty and burdened soule to come vnto him p. 282 The tenth Temptation Their sinnes bee many in number and hainous for quality and they are pressed with the heauy burden of Gods wrath § 10 Remedie 1. The hainousnesse or number of our sins make vs not vncapable of mercy p. 182. 183 2. Faith may continue strong though sence of Gods loue faile p. 183 3. Faith goeth before experience or sence of mercy and wayteth for saluation by Christ in the depth of misery p. 183. 184 4. We are not to giue credit to our owne feeling but to the word of God p. 184 5. The dearest seruants of God haue in their own sence apprehended wrath and indignation ibid. The eleuenth Temptation They haue long vsed the meanes of grace and can find no comfort § 11 Remedie 1. Examine if some bosome sin be not that which makes the breach in the conscience p. 185 2. The godly sometimes walke without comfort because they put it from themselues ibid. 3. Oftentimes God causeth his children to seeke long before they find comfort ibid. 4. The ardent desire shall at length be satisfied ibid. 5. Remission of sinnes and peace of conscience are fauours worth the wayting for p. 186 6. We haue not wayted so many yeares in the meanes of grace for comfort as God hath wayted for our conuersion ibid. The twelfth Temptation They are afraid of falling into some fearefull extremity § 12 Remedie 1. Labour to fortifie faith in the gracious promises which God hath made to his children of sustentation and preseruation p. 186. 187 2. The strongest cannot stand by their owne might and the weakest shall be able to ouercome all their spirituall enemies by the power of the Lord. p. 187 3. Feare is valiantly to be resisted not to bee belieued or reasoned withall ibid. 4. Feare of falling arising from sence of weaknesse is diffidence in God ibid. The thirteenth Temptation They shall neuer hold out to the end § 13 Remedie 1. The same God who keeps them in time of peace is able and will vphold them in time of trouble p. 188 2. In our sorest assaults God is at our right hand to support and stay vs that we shall not fall ibid. 3. If their portion of grace be the smallest of all others they must striue to grow forward but without discouragement ibid. The fourteenth Temptation They are many wayes crossed and afflicted § 14 Remedie 1. God doth loue tenderly when hee doth correct seuerely p. 189 2. All Gods chastisements are but purgatiue medicines to preuent or cure some spirituall disease p. 182 3. God requires that men in affliction should liue by faith both for a sanctified vse in them and a good issue out of them in due season p. 190 The fifteenth Temptation They are strongly possessed with feare that God hath vtterly cast them off § 15 Remedie 1. They must beware they make not more sinnes vnpardonable then God himselfe hath pronounced to bee of that sort p. 190. 191 2. Seeing God doth call and incourage them to trust and rely vpon him they stand in need and would gladly embrace his promises made in Christ they must gather godly boldnesse to rest vpon Gods grace and courage to fight against and withstand Satan p. 191. 192 3. The soule cannot taste sweetnesse when it is ouerwhelmed with feares p. 192. 193 4. It is a fault to measure the excellency of faith and power therof by quantitie and vnseasonable fruits so to call them and not by vertue kind plantation and seasonable fruit p. 193. 194 What bee seasonable effects and fruits of faith in great temptations and cloudy seasons p. 194 5. Imperfections argue not want of faith but place for further increase of faith and the fruits thereof p. 195 6. In Scripture we haue examples of weake belieuers as well as of strong and in one and the same person different degrees of faith at diuers times p. 195. 196 7. When the heart is filled with feares the calme and still voice of the Spirit is not discerned p. 196. 197 8. In those seasons the tryall of faith is to bee taken by those fruits which are euident to the eye of others ibid. 9. They that feele themselues destitute of grace and comfort are willed to r●paire vnto Christ for both ibid. A Table of the principall matters contained in this second Part. CHAP. I. INducements to liue by faith p. 199. 200 Christ is the fountaine of life and faith the meane p. 201. 202 It is impossible that faith should challenge any thing of desert vnto her selfe p. 202 Faith is profitable for this life and the life to come for all parts and purposes of our liues but euermore it aduanceth the grace of God p. 202. 203 What it
42.3 Math. 12 2● There is a state wherein faith is a smoaking weeke desiring that it could belieue rather then getting vp to feele it selfe belieue discouering it selfe by earnest sighes and groanes for mercie and hanging vpon Christ though the Belieuer can scarce tell whether hee rest vpon him or no This faith is certaine in euent but the Belieuer in this state is farre from particular assurance of his saluation Againe though faith bee not troubled but doe quietly stay on Christ and taste God good in letting them find peace with him yet such is the infancie of spirituall vnderstanding in Christians specially now first conuerted that they doe not returne into themselues and iudge of that they doe and of the great consequence of that they doe Hence it is that they will tell you they find God good to them and goe on chearefully in duties for the present but they come not to behold the stabilitie of their saluation The child liues before hee knowes that he doth liue and knowes he doth liue before he knowes the cause of life or the inheritance whereunto he is borne and so it may be and is with a Belieuer Psal 31.22 77.3 8 9 10. There is a state in which faith is exercised with temptations from vnbeliefe or otherwise by which opposition the soule is kept from obtaining this certaintie being encountred with doubtfull appearances which it cannot well answere and cleare for the present There is a state wherein faith is now growne vp and hath either out-wrestled or otherwise is exempted from knowing such temptations in which condition the faithfull doe perswade themselues Phil. 1.19 20. 2 Tim 4.18 that Gods mercie and truth and power shall carrie them through vnto saluation But when now our consciences shall come to testifie through faith and experience this happy estate we are subiect by neglecting meanes laying downe our watch giuing the reines to our lusts or by secret desertions ere-while to loose for a time this comfortable perswasion the Spirit not speaking in vs by his light as heretofore and our consciences and faith so hurt and wounded that the actions of them are troubled depraued as we see the like befalleth the naturall senses and reason Wee see through Melancholie what reason comes to imagine how that some should seeke to kill vs who neuer thought vs hurt How the eye thinkes it seeth things yellow and red when they are nothing so the taste things bitter when they are sweet So the sight of faith and conscience when nothing but sinne guilt wrath angry desertion ouer-lay it it seemeth to see euery thing for the time of like colour to those things wherewith it is possessed Thus sometimes the strong faith is shaken greatly and strongly assaulted so that he that vnspeakably reioyced in the saluation of the Lord by hastie cogitations is brought to say I am cast out of the sight of thine eyes Psal 31.22 And if faith escape these rockes may not yet a more serious examination of our wayes and through fight of our nakednesse imperfections and manifold transgressions the strength of our lusts the disorder of our passions our daily failings and that great weaknesse which in trials wee shall finde in our selues may not those things I say raise feare in the heart of a sound Belieuer as not altogether without the reach of possible danger without repentance and greater constancie in performing all Christian duties then hitherto he hath made proofe of specially if the apprehension of the multitude and hainousnesse of sinnes bee quickened by afflictions or the liuely cogitations of the terrors of the day of Iudgement Neuerthelesse as a childe affrighted runneth to the Father looking for defence and helpe of him euen so in the middest of all feares temptations difficulties and distresses faith is still running vnto God still importuning him calling vpon him expostulating with him casting it selfe still vpon him depending vpon his aide and expecting of him that things become otherwise then presently they are § 5. Thus faith of adherencie is stronger then faith of §. 5. euidence Faith of adherence stronger and more necessary then faith of euidence and beliefe in Christ for remission then assurance of pardon and forgiuenesse And as faith in Christ is stronger then particular certaintie of our saluation so it is it more necessary For beliefe in Christ is absolutely necessarie to remission of sinnes in all them that bee of age and discretion but assurance comes not at first when we belieue but by little and little as God seeth it requisite according to the triall he hath appointed to make of vs. Without faith in Christ as the onely authour of saluation and sole end of faith with whom our soules seeke perfect vnion it is impossible to please God no action though in it selfe neuer so good or holy is truly acceptable vnlesse it be quickened and enliued by this faith But many poore soules that want assurance of Gods speciall fauour are tenderly beloued of him as heires of saluation their good works accepted in Iesus Christ A Christian of an humble and broken spirit denying himselfe and renouncing the World belieuing that his sinnes are pardonable and earnestly desiring remission of sinnes by the merits of Christ resting vpon Christ alone for saluation and ioyning with this desire and affiance the sincere vnpartiall practice of obedience to all Gods Commandements according to that measure of grace which hee hath receiued without question he shall receiue the inheritance of eternall glorie although he may be scrupulous in himselfe wanting this perswasion and assurance that his sinnes are pardoned And yet because God hath commanded vs to labour for the perfection of all graces we are sure this must bee intreated for and haue a promise that it shall be granted as God seeth meete both for the time and measure of it §. 6. Infallible assurance of saluation may bee obtained § 6. That not only some vncertaine hope and dimme sight of Gods fauour but euen assurance is to be sought and may be obtained is thus manifest Faith may receiue what the Word doth testifie for the Word of God is the obiect of faith But there is a word testifying thus much that my particular person beholding the Sonne and belieuing on him shall haue eternall life and be raised vp at the last day that there is no condemnation to me being in Christ Acts 10.43 1 Thes 5.10 Luke 2 10 11. Esay 9.6 1. Iohn 3.15 Iohn 6.35 1. Iohn 5.10 13 Neither could Iohn with the faithfull belieue Gods loue towards them in particular if some word did not shew it For the Papists themselues will not say that all o● them were priuiledged with singular reuelation Our Aduersa●ies reply that there is no Word of God saying Cornelius belieue thou that thou shalt bee saued and where there is no word there is no faith for these two are relatiues This cauill is easily remoued for that cannot be
Iohn 2.25 My sheepe heare my voice and I know them and they follow me And I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish In the Gospell wee find eternall life promised vpon condition of faith in Christ Belieue on the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shalt be saued and what God promiseth of free grace that faith doth certainly receiue Life is promised vpon condition of faith and by faith wee are quickened entitled vnto and made pertakers of life euerlasting Iohn 3.36 Hee that belieueth on the Sonne hath euerlasting life Hee that heareth my Word and belieueth on him that sent me hath euerlasting life Iohn 5.24 and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life This is the record 1 Iohn 5.11 12 13. that God hath giu●n to vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne He that hath the Sonne hath life and he that not the Sonne hath not life If once we be b●ought to belieue in Christ life et●rnall is then begun in vs. This is life eternall Iohn 17.3 to know that is with the knowledge of faith thee to be the onely true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent Col. 3.4 Ephes 3.17 For Christ is our life who dwels in our hearts by faith and therefore whosoeuer belieue in him haue life through and with him And this life is not another but one in substance with that blessed and glorious estate which the Saints enioy in Heauen though different in degree Againe when first we belieue then wee are intituled to life euerlasting and so haue the accomplishment of glorie in respect of right and proprietie 1. Pet. 1.3.4 Blessed bee the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus from the dead To an inheritance incorruptible and vndefiled and that fadeth not away That being iustified by his grace wee should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God Titus 3.7 by the death of his Sonne much more being reconciled wee shall be saued by his life They which receiue abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousnesse Rom. 5.10 Verse 17. shall raigne in life by one Iesus Christ To an earthly inheritance title followeth vpon the birth to the spirituall vpon our Adoption But when wee belieue in Christ wee are then made the Sonnes of God by Adoption yea sonnes accepted To as many as receiued him Ephes 1.6 John 1.12 to them gaue he priuiledge to become the Sonnes of God euen to them that belieue on his Name Behold what manner of loue the Father hath bestowed vpon vs that wee should bee called the Sonnes of God Beloued 1. Iohn 3.1 2. now are wee the Sonnes of God Gal. 3.26 29. and it doth not yet appeare what we shall be For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus c. And if yee be Christs then are yee Abrahams seed and hei●es according to the promise Gal. 4.4 5. When the fulnesse of time was come God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman made vnder the Law to redeeme them that are vnder the Law Verse 7. that wee might receiue the adoption of Sonnes Wherefore thou art no more a seruant but a sonne Rom 8 14. and if a sonne then an heire of God through Christ. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sonnes of God Verse 17. Heb. 12.23 Therefore wee must belieue it c. And if children then heires heires of God and ioynt heires with Christ And for this cause the faithful● are called the Church of the first begotten whose names are writt n in Heauen Now if eternall life be promised in the Gospell purchased by Christ and in right and title belong vnto the faithfull wee may conclude it is our part and dutie to belieue in God through Iesus Christ as well for the obtaining of eternall life to be giuen of grace as the forgiuenesse of our sinnes It is very necessary to belieue it And this is is necessarie that we might with the more quietnesse of Minde beare the afflictions and worldly losses the troubles and persecutions which befall vs in this world Heb. 10.35 36. Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompence of reward for yee haue need of patience that after yee haue done the will of God yee might receiue the promise Abraham is commended in Scripture that he left his friends his natiue Countrie and all earthly hopes there whi●h were not small and came to dwell in a strange Land as a Pilgrime where he suffered many iniuries Heb. 11.8 9 10. an● was exercised with many troubles of sundry kinds all which he endured with inuincible patience by the hope and desire of eternall life and that heauenly Countrie whereunto hee was called The hope of Heauen is the firme and sure anchor of the soule to sustaine and stablish it that it bee not tossed vp and downe and ouer-whelmed with reproaches and indignities Heb. 6 19. offered with the worldly losses miseries of this life It serues also to establish our hearts against sundry worldly cares and feares affectation of earthly greatnesse and carking for earthly necessaries For why should we admire the glory of this life when most excellent glory riches and happinesse ioyned with it is prepared and giuen vs through faith in Christ Why should we doubt of earthly necessaries when God hath bequeathed vnto vs an heauenly kingdome Faith in Christ to receiue an incorruptible crowne of glory will moderate desires of earthly things that wee shall neither admire nor aspire after great things below nor basely dist ust the Lord for supply of what he knowes meete and conuenient for vs. Feare not little flocke Luk. 12.32 for it is your Fathers good pleasure to giue you the Kingdome If wee keepe Heauen in our eye and looke to the high price of our calling wee shall fight couragiously and runne with pa●ience notwith●tanding all opposition What can daunt him in the wayes of godlinesse or make him sla●ke his pace who runnes to obtaine not a corruptible but an incorruptible crowne 1. Cor. 9.25 By faith some were tortured not accepting deliuerance Heb. 11.35 that they might obtaine a better resurrection Let vs runne with patience vnto the race that is set before vs Looking vnto Iesus Heb. 12.1.2 the Author and finisher of our faith who for the ioy that was set before him endured the crosse despising the shame and is set downe at the right hand of the throne of God The acts of faith concerning these promises be these The acts of faith concerning these promises First As an humble petitioner it receiueth and layeth hold vpon saluation it selfe promised which wee haue of Gods
grace as well as any benefite tending thereunto As we are iustified by faith so wee are saued by faith Eph. 2.8 not in respect of present saluation or redemption whereof here we are pertakers but in respect of glorification to come in due time to be reuealed Belieue on the Lord Iesus Act. 16.31 and thou shalt hee saued By faith wee haue accesse into this grace Rom. 5.2 wherein wee stand and reioyce in the hope of glory When the Apostle saith With the heart Man belieueth vnto righteousnesse Rom. 10.10 and with the mouth confession is made vnto saluation H●e doth not so distinguish these two as if faith were the cause of righteousnes confession of saluation or as if faith were sufficient to righteousnes but not to saluation for hee had often said Rom. 4 16. that wee are saued by faith that the promise is by faith But he describes the qualification of that faith which iustifyeth and saueth namely that it is a stedfast affiance that flyeth to God by heartie supplication and breaketh forth into profession of Gods name The promise is Rom. 10.11 Whosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued and faith herein flyeth to the throne of grace with ardent supplications and layeth hold of saluation promised of grace Secondly Faith doth not begin to apprehend life and then leaue it it to works that we might attain the accōplishment by thē but it doth euer rest vpon the promise vntill we come to enioy it Heauen is an inheritance freely vouchsafed to the adopted sonnes of God whose interest vnto it commeth by belieuing not by working Rom. 6.23 The gift of God is eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord if it be a gift of meere fauour it cannot be of workes Eph. Gal. 3.18 If the inheritance be of the Law it is no more of promise but God gaue it to Abraham by promise And that which God will doe about his children in the day of iudgement is called mercy 2. Tim. 1.18 The Lord shew mercy to Onesiphorus in that day The immediate cause of life is Gods grace as the immediate cause of death is sin Rom. 5.21 But if life be of grace it is by faith We are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation 1. Pet. 1.5 So that our faith neuer giues ouer till wee come to bee actually possessed of the immortall and vndefiled inheritance reserued for vs in Heauen Thirdly By faith we receiue the promised Spirit as the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the purchased possession Gal. 3.14 Because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into your hearts crying Ezek. 34.29 Gal. 4 6. Rom. 8.15 Abba Father The holy Ghost doth first infuse the grace of faith into our hearts whereby we belieue but belieuing and being made the sonnes of God wee receiue the Spirit more fully and manifestly dwelling in vs to sanctification and assurance of our Redemption By the benefite of the holy Ghost faith springeth in vs by which faith the abundance of the selfe-same spirit is increased and so of a greater faith is still made a greater increase of the Spirit In whom after yee belieued Ephe. 1.13 yee were sealed with the Spirit of promise He that belieueth Iohn 7.38 out of his belly shall flow riuers of liuing water And these gifts of the Spirit which we receiue by faith from Christ our Head are the beginnings of that glorious life we expect and looke for one in substance different in degrees and according to the measure of grace receiued so is the life of glory begunne in vs. Fourthly Faith in the promises of euerlasting life leadeth forward in the pathes of peace and righteousnes It mortifyeth corruption studyeth holinesse Math. 6.21 raiseth the heart to things aboue and directeth the conuersation according to the pollicie of the new Ierusalem Life etern●ll is not giuen for workes but it is the good pleasure of God that his children should be holy and exercise themselues in all good workes Rom. 8.13 Gal. 6.8 If yee through the Spirit doe mortifie the deeds of the body yee shall liue He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reape life euerlasting Blessed are the pure in heart Math. 5 8. for they shall see God Follow peace with all men and holinesse Heb. 12.14 without which no man shall see the Lord. Charge them that be rich in this world that they bee not high minded nor trust in vncertaine riches but in the liuing God who giueth richly all things to inioy That they doe good that they be rich in good workes ready to distribute willing to communicate 1. Tim. Laying vp in store for themselues a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternall life But yee beloued building vp your selues in your most holy faith praying in the holy Ghost keepe your selues in the loue of God Iude verse 20.21 Iam. 1.12.25 Math. 35.34.35 looking for the mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ vnto eternall life Come y●e blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world For I was hungred and yee gaue mee meate c. These and such like passages of Scripture shew not the cause why but the qualification of the persons vnto whom not how it is deserued but what doth precede the bestowing of life eternall And faith that looketh for that blessed hope and layeth hold vpon the promise of that heauenly and incorruptible inheritance lifteth vp the heart into Heauen kindleth loue inflameth with zeale encourage h against difficulties and inciteth to run the way of Gods Commandements If probable hope of great aduantage drawes on the Merchant to vndertake a long and tedious voyage by Sea notwithstanding the many casualties and perils wherewith it is beset faith in the assured promises of God concerning saluation will set a man forward in his Christian iourney hold h●m on in his way with courage and chearefulnesse and hearten him to the workes of godlinesse notwithstanding the temptations of Satan the allurements of the world or oppositions of the flesh to the contrarie Phil. 3.20 Our conuersation is in Heauen from whence also wee looke for the Sauiour the Lord Iesus Christ Col. Wee giue thankes to God and since wee heard of your faith in Christ Iesus and of the loue which yee hau to all the Saints For the hope which is laid vp for you in Heauen Heb. 11.13 14.15.16 By faith Abraham Isa●c and Iacob confessed that they were pilgrimes and strangers on the earth and hauing oportunitie would not returne into their owne countrey because they desired a better countrey that is an heauenly Fiftly It seeketh to get our title confirmed and assured to the conscience by euidence and earnest or pawne it exerciseth it selfe vpon the
delight This is a true saying The charter anciently giuen by that great Lord of all at our first conuersion touching the vse of his creatures was forfeited into the hands of the Doner by Adams fall But it is restored and renewed by Christ to them who a●e honoured with the Adoption The heires of heauen are the right inheritors of the earth The Sonnes of God by Adoption are Brethren and Coheires with Christ whom the Father hath appointed heire of all things Rom. 8.17 and hence ariseth vnto them the holy vse of ●he creatures Heb. 1.2 and ministerie of the Angells Are chastisements needfull or behooffull for them Iere. 46.28 Esay 54.8 Heb. 12.10 11. Ier. 24.5 Esay 27.9 Psal 89.31.32 1. Pet 4.14 Rom. 8.28 Acts of Faith that arise from the priuiledges of the godly He will correct them in measure for a moment f●r good to take away sinne but his louing kindnesse he will not take from them nor suffer his faithfulnesse to faile Are they loaded with reproaches for righteousnesse sake The Spirit of glorie and of God shall rest vpon them In a word whatsoeuer may happen All things shall worke together for the best vnto them And seeing God hath prepared and promised such excellent priuiledges vnto his children in this life hence it is that faith resteth vpon his grace to receiue from him whatsoeuer may be good and profitable for them O how great is the goodnesse which thou hast laid vp for them that feare thee Psal 31.19 which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sonnes of men Verse 20. Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of man thou shalt keepe them secretly in a pauilion Psal 36.7 from the strife of tongues How excellent is thy louing kindnesse O Lord therefore the children of men put their trust vnder the shadow of thy wings verse 8. They shall bee abundantly satisfied with the fulnesse of thy house and thou shalt make them drinke of the riuer of thy pleasures The Lord is my shepheard Psal 23.1 I shall not want He shall leade his flocke like a shepheard he shall gather the lambes with his arme Esay 40 11. and cary them in this bosome and shall gently lead those that are with young What can they want Psal 146.5 6 7 8 9. Leuit. 26.12 2. Cor. 6.16 Prou. 10.24 Esay 49.15 16. Deut. 14.2 who haue god to be their Father to prouide for them and protect them to blesse them and dwell with them to succour them and supply them with all needfull blessings spirituall and bodily in fittest season whose eare is open to their desires whose compassions exceed the tendernes of a mother to her sucking babe who hath chosen them to be his owne proper good which he loueth and keepeth in store for himselfe and for speciall vse Thou Israel art my seruant Iacob whom I haue chosen the seed of Abraham my friend Esay 41 8 9. Thou whom I haue taken from the ends of the earth and called thee from the chiefe men thereof and said vnto thee Thou art my seruant I haue chosen th●e and not cast thee away Feare thou not for I am with thee Verse 10. bee not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will vphold thee with the right hand of my righteousnesse Verse 17. When the poore and needie seeke water and there is none and their tongue faileth for thirst I the Lord will heare them I the Lord of Israel will not forsake them Verse 18. I will open riuers in the high places and fountaines in the midst of the valley●s I will make the wildernesse a poole of water and the dry land springs of water Secondly It petitioneth instantly for succour For it seeth in God whatsoeuer it needeth or desireth and will neuer cease to seeke reliefe The more confident it is to obtaine the more importunate it will bee in suing Oile put to the fire causeth the flame to ascend and the promises of helpe and succour receiued by faith put life and vigour into the petitions of faith Heare O Lord Psal 27.7 8. Verse 9. when I cry with my voice haue mercy also vpon mee and answere me Hide not thy face farre from me put not thy seruant away in anger thou hast beene my helpe leaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluation Vnto thee wi●l I cry Psal 28.1 2. O Lord my rocke be not silent to me lest if thou be silent to me I become like them that goe downe into the pit Heare the voice of my supplications when I cry vnto thee when I lift vp my hands towards thy holy Oracle With-hold not thou thy tender mercies from me O Lord Psal 40.11 let thy louing kindnesse and thy truth continually preserue me Thirdly It receiueth earthly blessings as gifts of the couenant and part of his childes portion God vouchsafeth outward things to wicked men of common bountie but to his children the blessings of this life bee tokens of his loue and speciall good-will and so receiued and embraced by faith For substance the gift is one both to the Iust and vniust but in respect of the cause possession and vse there is great difference which is discerned by faith though it cannot be seene with the eye Hosea 2.20 21 22. I will euen betroth thee vnto me in faithfulnesse and thou shalt know the Lord. And it shall come to passe in that day I will heare saith the Lord I will heare the Heauens and they shall heare the Earth and the Earth shall heare the Corne and the Wine and the Oile and they shall heare Iezreel Fourthly Faith in these and the foresaid promises doth greatly enlarge the heart towards God and stirreth vp to a serious and earnest studie of holinesse If a Christian be much in the meditation of Gods singular goodnesse towards him euery manner of way aboue all that he could possibly aske or thinke it will euen constraine him to yeeld vp himselfe wholy vnto God in all manner of godly conuersation Psal 26.2 3. Examine me O Lord and proue me try my reines and my heart For thy louing kindnesse is before mine eyes and I haue walked in thy truth Fiftly It doth inwardly quiet and cheere the heart in the midst of manifold outward discouragements troubles and persecutions in the world Hope of glorie in due time to be reuealed and of continuall supply of all good th ngs from God in the meane space to bee freely giuen will st●blish the heart with strong consolation and cause in outward p●ofession of Ioy to the glory of God the encouragement of other faithfull people and the amazement of the wicked Heb. 10.34 This is to bee seene in the liues and deaths of Gods faithfull seruants who tooke ioyfully the spoiling of their goods knowing in themselues that they had
promised Awake my soule why sleepest thou arise and lay hold vpon the promises of life which God of his great mercy in Iesus Christ doth offer vnto thee in the Gospell Be not dismayed by reason of thine vnworthinesse for the promise is of grace freely offered and freely giuen to them that be most vnworthy in their owne eyes Thou art vnworthy of the least crumme of mercy but of his rich mercie God hath made promise of highest aduancement vnto thee 2. Cor. 6.18 if thou wilt embrace it I will be a Father vnto you and ye shall be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord Almighty He that ouercommeth shall inherit all things And I will be his God he shall be my sonne Apoc. 21.7 Rom. 9.26 And it shall be in the place where it was said vnto them ye are not my people that there they shall be called the children of the liuing God Life eternall is giuen of grace not sold for works receiued by faith not purchased by desert and the more worthlesse thou art in thy owne lowly conceit the more shal the grace of God be magnified in thine exaltation Christ hath purchased righteousnesse euerlasting life belieue in him and liue for euer The Son of God debased himselfe to become the Sonne of Man Gal 4 4 5. Phil. 2.7 8. and to be made vnder the law that he might redeeme vs that were vnder the Law that wee might receiue the Adoption of sonnes Oh the bountifulnesse and loue of God to man Titus 3 4. by so great a price to purchase so high a dignity that we shold bee called the Sonnes of God and bee pertakers with Christ of all his glorie in his Fathers kingdome O my soule why art thou so dull and sluggish Wherefore dost thou not put forth thy selfe to embrace and receiue such an inestimable benefit If the worth of things may be measured by their price well then may the Sonship of true Belieuers be valued at the highest rate Who can sufficiently admire the dignitie of this estate to be the Sonne of God which could not bee procured saue only by this infinite price the making of him become nothing by whom God in the beginning made euery thing It is esteemed a matter of great honour to be the seruant of the Prince in some speciall place of eminencie in the Common-wealth How doe men seeke and sue for such Offices how do they reioyce when their desires are accomplished But there is no comparison betwixt the seruant of a Prince and the Sonne of God the fauour of a Prince and the Fatherly loue of God the dignitie of the Court and the Ioyes of Heauen a temporall office and an eternall inheritance It is better and more honourable to be the seruant of God then the Commander of men to be an heire apparant to Heauen then the possessor of the whole World There is a great opinion and not without iust cause of the estate of our first Parents Adam and Eue whilest they were in Paradise before their fall But their estate notwithstanding all their priuiledges ornaments and fauours exceeded not the condition of seruants Had they continued in obedience to their Creator they should haue beene exempted from all miserie and confirmed in perfect blessednesse But they could neuer haue attained this dignitie To bee made the Sonnes of God by Adoption of meere rich and vndeserued loue in Christ And is it not an admirable prerogatiue to bee brought by Christ into a more excellent state then that which Adam in his innocencie and glorie had iust cause to wonder at The low degree from which we are raised doth commend this and as the gratiousnesse of him who preferreth so the excellencie of that state whereunto the Belieuer is exalted Of the seruants of sinne to be made the Sonnes of God of the vassals of Satan to bee taken to raigne with Christ in glory for euermore of children of wrath dead in trespasses to be begotten againe to the hope of an inheritance immortall vndefiled that fadeth not what an vnspeakable fauour is this O my soule arise stirre vp thy selfe stedfastly to receiue the promise of life and hold it fast for Gods promises are certaine neuer lesse but rather more in accomplishment then in tender Enter possession and get the inheritance sealed vnto thee Would not a poore Beggar if he should vnderstand of some great and goodly inheritance bequeathed vnto him in a farre countrey much reioyce therein long to goe see it and take possession of it In matters of weight men loue great earnest and good assurance for great aduantage they will endure any paines hazard many difficulties Did men know the worth and glory of the kingdome of Heauen freely offered and that without all expiration of time to be possessed here in part of them that will receiue it fully hereafter when their dayes on earth be determined would they not seeke it with all earnestnesse inquire after good euidence get sound assurance and labour the possession of it more and more Men seeke earthly things and often misse of their desires but the promise of Heauen is sure and stedfast and hee that resteth vpon the Lord shall not bee confounded Euerlasting life is freely offered but men are not left at libertie whether they will receiue and seeke it or no. John 3.36 Hee that belieueth on the Sonne hath euerlasting life and he that belieueth not the Sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him Doe not they perish worthily who preferre the pleasures of sinne and honours of this transitorie life before life euerlasting promised of grace purchased by Christ full laden with all fruits of true life ioy peace and all choicest pleasures beyond comparison exceeding whatsoeuer can be enioyed in this world both in worth and endlesse settlednesse The labour to make Heauen sure which is full of pleasure and delight doth ease the heart of many burdensome distracting and cutting care For if thou be the childe of God Ephes 2.18 3.12 thou hast libertie to come into his presence and to make thy requests knowne vnto him with thankesgiuing Nothing that is truly euill shall betide thee The plague shall not come nigh thy Tabernacle Psal 91.10.13 Thou shalt walke vpon the Lion and Aspe and tread them vnder feet God will prouide all things necessary for soule and bodie and see that no good thing be wanting vnto thee Psal 34.10 Math. 6.33 Seeke first the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and all these things shall be added vnto you What then should withdraw or hold me backe from belieuing the promise and seeking the possession of that inheritance It is God who hath freely p●omised it who can and will performe whatsoeuer hee hath spoken it is Christ who hath purchased it by the sacrifice of himselfe once for all why then should I doubt I am commanded to belieue and belieuing the possession of life is g●uen
will not suffer that roaring Lion aboue measure to discharge vpon them This faith assures of 1. Cor. 10.13 and perswades quietly to waite for Ninthly If Satan renew his assaults faith stands prepared through the power of God to make resistance afresh When Paul was buffeted by the messenger of Satan he besought the Lord often in that thing 2. Cor. 12.8 Thus when wee are led into darknesse without light wee leane vpon God and cry vnto him for saluation If a childe haue his Father by the hand though he be in the darke or otherwise see what hurt might him approach and make often at him yet he is not afraid and so it is with vs whilest by the eye of faith wee see that inuisible one at out right hand to support and saue vs. Neither are wee scarred at this that Satan doth shift his temptations and returne againe after hee had left vs for a season But hauing experience of Gods gratious dealing and tender compassion we flie vnto him and shrowd our selues vnder the shade of the Almightie If wee haue in some fits found case by this or that meanes we know if wee come into like case how to helpe our selues it is wee say but doing such a thing or taking such a matter thus hauing once found in distresse and temptation strength and deliuerance by recourse to our God in Christ we know what to doe when such like state returneth on vs. Satan will not cease to assaile though hee bee ouercome nor the Belieuer faint though he be set vpon againe and againe but hauing once returned with victory through the power of God hee will abide in the secret place of the most High for euer Why the godly sometimes want the sight of Gods graces Tenthly The faithfull are the Lords vessels which he vseth to scoure by temptations True it is that in the time of triall the graces of the Spirit doe not so much appeare to the notice of the belieuing heart but by the ouer-ruling prouidence of God they serue for the increase of grace as the truth teacheth faith belieueth and experience can testifie Thus faith ministreth comfort in the most bitter agonies if it bee rightly vsed and stirred vp But what if the child of God be brought so low that he can discerne no sparke of faith no fruit of grace no marke of Gods loue in himselfe It is not to be doubted but the seruants of Christ through their weaknes are oft brought by extremity of temptation into wofull desolation which yet the Lord doth wisely order for the glory of his Name and the good of his deiected seruants And as in other things so in this that they cannot discerne any fruit of the Spirit wherewith through the mercy of God they are comfortably replenished For the blustering Tempests which the enemy raiseth against them cause such disturbance in the soule and fill the heart with such confusion feare and terrour that for the present they are altogether vnable to iudge of their owne estate For when the Mind is ouer-clouded with the mists of Temptation as the eye with the rising of dust and the heart tossed too and fro with vnquietnesse as the waues of the Sea when the winds are boisterous conscience by recoiling vpon the soule cannot conceiue or giue right notice of it true state and temper Troubled water will not giue backe the reflection of the countenance nor an afflicted Spirit the true disposition of the inner man When the poore Christian makes search into himselfe the temptation first puts forth it selfe wherewith the heart is daunted and thereupon concludeth that no grace doth lodge or abide in him because at first sight it doth not appeare Vnto these may be added that good men are sometimes pertishly disposed to cast away all they haue as nothing because they haue not what they desire or imagine others to enioy herein resembling little children who for want of some small trifle that they desire or some of their fellowes haue throw away many things much more pretious But not to inquire further into the causes of this mistaking The Remedie of this the remedy is First hee must know that as in sicke persons we see it commeth to passe they thinke there is no hope of life when the Physician and standers by see certaine and vndoubted tokens of health So it is oftentimes in these spirituall sicknesses Secondly It is the wisdome of a Christian in this case to obserue the marke that Satan driues at which is to hide from his sight the graces of the Spirit that he might bring him to despaire This being the Deuils aime hee must stirre vp himselfe to belieue and roll his soule vpon Christ for saluation For when he can see no grace in his soule he cannot but see himselfe to be miserable and so called to come vnto Christ the fountaine of liuing waters that by him hee might be replenished in him hee might find refreshing Againe taking courage to belieue hee disappoints Satan who intendeth not so much to draw him into security as to force him to cast away all hope of mercie Oh but a Christian is to examine and try himselfe whether hee be inriched with the graces of the Spirit or no True it is that the examination of our hearts is a necessary duty but to be done in due order so as we be stirred vnto not driuen frō the practice of other duties no lesse needfull But when the soule is distempered with the assaults of Satan and vnable to iudge of it owne state it is vnseasonable to make search into our hearts and preposterous is to giue place to doubtings because wee cannot find what wee desire Wee haue a commandement to belieue as well as to proue our selues both which must bee coupled together otherwise neither can be done as they ought and it is a plaine case that he who finds himselfe to be poore and naked is called to come vnto Christ that hee might receiue of his fulnesse bee inriched with his plentie If thou canst not find in thy selfe what thou seekest after come vnto Iesus Christ and belieue in him that thou mayest receiue what thou seekest and is to bee found in him Thirdly The distressed soule must learne that the grace of God worketh not alwayes alike in his children When we walke in the fields in winter we see not only no good fruit but not so much as a leafe on the trees in some also the very trunke or stocke appeareth to be dead yet is the s●p hidden in the root which in due time will shew that the tree was neuer dead When fire is raked vp there appeareth oftentimes a sort of cold dead ashes when there are vnde●ne●th certaine sparkes of which you may afterward make a fire Yea many times the fruits of grace may shine in the conuersation to the eyes of others when the powers and stirrings of grace inwardly being hindred with temptations cannot be felt Fourthly The