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A30018 Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ, or, The travels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, judges, kings, our Saviour Christ and his apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Testaments with a description of the towns and places to which they travelled, and how many English miles they stood from Jerusalem : also, a short treatise of the weights, monies, and measures mentioned in the Scriptures, reduced to our English valuations, quantity, and weight / collected out of the works of Henry Bunting ; and done into English by R.B.; Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae, das ist, Ein Reisebuch uber die gantze Heilige Schrifft. English. 1682 Bünting, Heinrich, 1545-1606.; Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. 1682 (1682) Wing B5362A; ESTC R37168 398,143 460

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that he went to Bethel and conquered all the Country from thence to Ephron which was 36 miles From Ephron he returned to Ierusalem 44 miles there he took unto him fourteen Wives and begat 20 Sons and 16 Daughters 2 Chr. 13. The Travels of Asa King of Judah AS A signifies a Physician He began to reign about the end of the 21th year of Ieroboam King of Israel An. M●n 2990. before Christ 978. He governed Iudah with great commendation 41 years He went from Ierusalem to Maresa 16 miles where in the Valley of Zephatha he overcame the Ethiopians in a memorable Battel 2 Chr. 14. From thence he pursued the Ethiopians to Gerar being 22 miles and recovered many Cities which the Ethiopians dwelt in 2 Chr. cap. 14. From Gerar he went to Ierusalem which was 32 miles and offered to the Lord of the Spoils that he had taken 700 Oxen and 7000 Sheep 2 Chr. 15. These Travels of King Asa make 70 miles The Iourney and Expedition of Saerah King of Ethiopia whom Asa King of Judah overcame in the Valley of Zephatha SAerah or Saerach signifieth A noble and puissant Lord. This was a mighty and warlike Prince who governed Lybia and Aethiopia the King of which Country at this day we call Presbyter Iohn or rather ●etro Iohannes who holdeth his Court in a fair and goodly City called Hamarich the Metropolitan of all Ethiopia and extendeth his Government beyond Meroes in Africa Many though ignorantly suppose he is a Priest because he is called Presbyter though indeed he is not so but rather a puissant and mighty Emperour But to return to Saerah or Saerach who in hope to extend his Empire into these parts went with a great Army out of Ethiopia to the Valley of Zephatha in Iuda to fight with Asa King of Iudah 1200 miles but lost the day and returned with great shame 2 Chr. 15. It seemeth that this King was the mightiest of all his Predecessors and a Prince of no vulgar Estimation because of the multitude and great abundance of Souldiers which he brought in his Army for it is reported that there were 1000000 that bore Armor and 300 Chariots but this great Army was dispersed and most of them died miserably as did that great Army of Xerxes which consisted of 1700000. From whence it may ●e concluded That it is not the Strength of Man which delivereth him bu● the Lord. The Travels of Jehosaphat King of Judah JEhosaphat signifies The Judge of the Lord. He began his Reign in the fourth year of Ahab 1 Reg. 22. The greatest part therefore of the first year of this King happened in the Year of the World 3033 and before Christ 935. He reigned over Israel twenty five years that is from the 35th of his Age to the sixtieth In the seventh year of his Reign he went from Ierusalem to Samaria which was 32 miles to visit his Kinsman Ahab King of Israel for Ioram his Son some ten years before had married Athaliah King Ahab's Sister 2 Reg. 8. From Samaria he went with Ahab to the War at Ramoth in Gilead being twenty four miles where Ahab was slain 2 Reg 22. 2 Chr. 18. From Ramoth he went safe from the Wars to Ierusalem vvhich vvas forty eight miles From Ierusalem he vvent to the City of Beersaba the utmost bounds of his Kingdom tovvards the South to instruct his People in the Lavv of the Lord forty tvvo miles from Ierusalem South-ward From Beersaba passing through all his Kingdom he came to Mount Ephraim being forty eight miles and the utmost bounds of his Kingdom North-ward being some eight miles from Ierusalem 2 Chr. 19. From Mount E●hraim he went to Ierusalem which was eight miles Thus Iehosaphat went through all his Dominions to instruct his Subjects in Piety and the true Worship of God in every City ordaining Judges and Governours Magistrates Procurators and Assessors committing to their Discretion the deciding of all Controversies saying to them Take heed what you do for the Office you have taken upon you is not Humane but Divine and as you judge so shall you be judged for the Lord is with you in judgment Wherefore do all things with diligence and in the fear of the Lord for with the Lord there is no iniquity nor respect of Persons neither taketh he any bribes And he himself remained chief Judge in Ierusalem to whom any might appeal from the inferiour Judges that so there might be a just end of Controversies 2 Chr. 16. Afterward Iehosaphat went forth with his Army to Tecoa six miles from Ierusalem where by fervent Prayers the sounding of Trumpets and other musical Instruments in obtained a memorable Battel against the Moabites Ammonites and Idumaeans for the Lord turned the Weapons of them one against another and they wounded one another to the death This fight happened in a fair Valley between Tecoa and Engedi So Iehosaphat pursued the Enemy for three days with great slaughter and returned with a mighty spoil This was called the Valley of Blessing because of this great Victory at Tecoa and began eight miles from Ierusalem South-eastward and extended it self to the Tower of Engedi near to the Bank of the Red Sea twenty miles From Engedi out of the Valley of Blessing Iehosaph at and his Army returned to Ierusalem twenty miles and went into the Temple with Shalms Harps Timbrels and great Joy thankfull acknowledging Gods merciful Favour toward him in giving him so great a Victory 2 Chr. 20. But as there is nothing in this Life that can be said permanent so likewise the felicity of Iehosa●hat changed on a sudden the froward and adverse frown of Adversity seising upon his Prosperity for joyning with that wicked and impious King of Israel Ahaziah upon condition to build a certain Navy of Ships at Ezeongaber to fetch gold from Tharshish and other places in India he displeased the Lord for the which cause there arose a great Tempest which brake down the Works and destroyed the Navy From Ierusalem he went with Iehoram King of Israel to war against the Moabites and with them went the King of Idumaea so passing through the Desarts of Edom they came to Mount Seir and so went to Petra the chief City of the King of the Moabites distant from Ierusalem seventy two miles 2 Reg. 3. From Petra Iehosaphat returned to Ierusalem seventy two miles where he died and was buried 2 Reg. 22. 2 Chr. 21. So all the Travels of Iehosaphat King of Iuda were three hundred seventy two miles The typical signification of Jehosaphat AS Iehosaphat by Prayer and the sound of Trumpets and other Instruments of Musick overcame and dispersed his Enemies without drawing his Sword so Christ also by the sound of his Word and Doctrine without drawing Weapon overcame the Enemies of the Church The Travels of Joram King of Judah JORAM signifies The exalted of the Lord. He was crowned King his Father yet living at such time as he made his Expedition against Mesa King
as he lay upon his Bed and after cut off his Head The Head they brought to King David to Hebron 68 miles But David was not pleased with their Treachery wherefore he caused them both to be put to Death So their Travels were 108 miles The Travels of Absalom ABsalom was born in Hebron and went with his Father to Ierusalem 22 miles 2 Sam. 13. From thence he went to Baal-hazor eight miles where he caused his Brother Amnon to be slain From thence for fear of his Father he fled into the Land of Gesur 88 miles 2 Sam 14. From thence he came back with Ioab to Ierusalem which was 88 miles 2 Sam. 14. From thence he went to Hebron 22 miles and made himself King and rebelled against his Father From thence he went back again to Ierusalem which is 22 miles There he lay with his Fathers Concubines 2 Sam. 16. From thence he pursued his Father to Machanaim 40 miles and there was hanged by the Hair in an Oak tree where Ioab put him to death 2 Sam. 18. So all the Travels of Absalom were 290 miles Of Baal-hazor IN this City Absalom made a great Feast for his Sheep-shearers and invited all his Brothers to it where he caused Amnon to be slain because he had abused his Sister Thamar It lieth in the way some eight miles from Ierusalem towards the North-east as you go to Iericho near to Mount Epraim 2 Sam. 13. and is derived to Baal which signifies a Lord or Husband and Chazir a Den or Cave Of the Name Absalom ABsalom signifieth a Father of Peace although he was the Author of all Discord and Sedition against his Father The Travels of the wise Woman of Thecoa THis woman went from Thecoa to Ierusalem eight miles and spake with King David and with her sweet words she persuaded him that he would recall his Son out of Exile who then remained in Gesur 2 Sam. 14. Of Thecoa THecoa was a City in the Tribe of Iuda some eight miles from Ierusalem toward the South-east near this City Iosaphat by Prayers and the sound of Trumpets without drawing Sword got a memorable Victory and for that cause it signifieth the sound of a Trumpet In this place the Prophet Amos dwelt and there lyeth buried whose Sepulchre was to be seen four hundred Years after Christ as S. Ierom observeth It was from Bethlem-Iuda six miles Near to Thecoa was the Lake Aspher where Ionathan and Machabeus's brothers pitch'd their Tents 1 Mach. 9. Of this City you may read Ier. 6. Am. 1. 2 Chr. 11. Of Achitophel THis perfidious and wicked Man was born in the Town of Gilo not far from Hebron and Debir in the Tribe of Iudah Ios. 15. 2. Sam. 15. twenty miles from Ierusalem South-Eastward who when his Counsel would not take place he went home to his won House and there desperately hanged himself The Travels of wicked Shimei SHimei went from Bahurim where he cursed King David to Bathabara upon the River Iordan which was eighteen miles where he got Pardon of David 2 Sam. 9. From thence he went back with King David unto Gilgal four miles 2 Sam. 19. From thence he went with King David to Ierusalem twelve miles 2. Sam. 19. From thence he went to Bahurim three miles From Bahurim King Solomon sent for him again to Ierusalem three miles There he was constrained to build him an House and not to depart thence upon pain of Death 1 Reg. 2. But Shimei transgressing the commandment of the King went to Gath a City of the Philistines twelve miles From thence he returned back again to Ierusalem twelve miles where he was slain by the command of King Solomon in the third year of his Reign 1 Reg. 2. So all the Travels of Shimei were 104 miles The Books of KINGS and CHRONICLES Of Abishag the Virgin that lay with David THIS Maid was accounted the fairest in all Israel for which cause she was brought to Ierusalem for King David that she might lye with him in his old Age to procure Heat she was born at Sunem a Town some forty four miles from Ierusalem 1 Reg. 1. Of Sunem you may read before in the Travels of David and Saul The Travels of King Solomon SOlomon the Son of David King of Israel entred upon the full Government of the Kingdom of Israel An●mundi 2931. and before Christ 1037. when he was about twenty years old After he went from Ierusalem to Gilgal four miles and there offered upon the Altar which Moses had made 1000 burnt offerings 1 Reg. 2. 2 Chr. 1. From thence he went back to Ierusalem four miles and built a Temple to the Lord in Mount Moriah I Reg. 6. This was begun about the fourth year of his Reign and 480 years after the Children of Israel came out of Aegypt in the Month Ziph which answereth to our May. So that the Temple began to be built in An. Mundi 2934. and before Christ 1034. To the building whereof Hiram King of Tyre sent Cedar Trees from Mount Libanus 120 miles to Ierusalem 1 Reg. 5. 2. Chr. 2. This Temple Solomon within plaited over with Gold and set with precious Stones and finished it in the Month of November about the eleventh year of his Reign 1 Reg. 6. The Dedication whereof was about the twelfth year of his Reign and in the thirty second year of his Age Anno Mundi 2942 and before Christ 1026. The Temple being finished he began to build his own house which was thirteen years a building and was finished about the 44 year of his Age and in the 24 of his Reign 1 Rg. 7. 8. After 20 Years in which time he had finished the House of the Lord and his own House in Mount Sion that he might manifest his Thankfulness to the King of Tyre he went to Cabul a City in the Tribe of Ashur some 80 miles Northward where he gave to the aforesaid Hiram 20 Towns or Cities with all the Country round about wherefore King Hiram called this Cabul that is Displeasant and Dirty 2 Reg. 9. You may read of Cabul Ios. 19. From thence he returned to Ierusalem 88 miles From thence he went to Hazor and restored the City which was 44 miles From thence he returned to Ierusalem 44 miles From thence he went to Megiddo which is not far from Iesreel in the Tribe of Manasses 44 miles from Ierusalem toward the North. This City Solomon fortified 1 Reg. 9. and Iosiah King of Iuda a long time after was there wounded to Death 2 Reg. 9. From Megiddo he returned to Ierusalem 44 miles After that Pharaoh King of Egypt had conquered Gaser and destroyed it with Fire he gave it to his Daughter the Wife of Solomon who rebuilt it This Town was scituated in the Tribe of Ephraim 28 miles from Ierusalem Northward 1 Reg. 9. From Gaser Solomon returned back again to Ierusalem being 28 miles From thence he went to the higher Bethoron which he fortified and stood 28 miles from Ierusalem
perfect Phoenix This bird doth lively represent our Saviour Christ who only and alone is the true Messiah and through whom we must expect everlasting life who in the fulness of time offered himself a Sacrifice upon the Cross sustaining the punishment of Sin at the time of his Passion putting on a purple Robe being all be sprinkled with his own bloud Ioh. 19. And as the Phoenix is burnt in her own Nest so likewise was he consumed in the fire of Gods wrath according to that in Psal. 22. My heart is become like melting wax in the midst of my body And as the Phoenix of it self begetteth another of the same kind so Christ by the power of his Deity raised up his Body from the dust of the Earth and ascended up into Heaven a glorious Body to sit at the right hand of his Father in that everlasting Kingdom of Glory Thus gentle Reader I thought fit to describe unto you these two Towns that when you shall read of them in the holy Scripture the one being in Aethiopia towards the South the other in Arabia-Foelix and called Seba you might discern the one from the other of both which there is mention in the 72 Psalm The Kings of the Seas and of the Isles shall bring presents the Kings of Saba and Seba shall give Gifts The Travels of King Pharaoh out of Aegypt when he overcame the Town of Gazer 1 Reg. 9. IN the sixteenth year of King David Anno mundi 2906 and before Christ 1602 Chabreus King of Aegypt began to reign and reigned fifty six years Diod. lib. 2. cap. 2. Herodotus calleth this man Chephrines in his second book and Eusebius Nepher Cherres He went from Memphis the chief City of Aegypt with a great Army 268 miles even unto the Tribe of Ephraim and there took Gazer a City of the Levites and burned it with fire I Reg. 8. Ios. 21. After he came to Ierusalem twenty eight miles And this City which he had thus destroyed he gave to his Daughter the Wife of Solomon 1 Reg. 9. From thence he returned to Memphis in Aegypt 244 miles So all the Travels of King Pharaoh were 244 miles Of Memphis MEmphis is a great City in Aegypt where commonly the Kings of that Countrey keep their Courts and lyeth from Ierusalem 244 miles So●●h-west-ward This City was built a little before the Flood but repaired and enlarged by a King called Ogdoo who in love of his Daughter after her Name called it Memphis You may read of it in the ninth of Hosea called there by the name of Moph for thus he saith The people of Israel are gone out of the land of Ephraim because of their Idolatry into Aegypt but Aegypt shall gather them up and Moph that is Memphis shall bury them Moph or Mapheth in this place signifieth a prodigious Wonder but the rest of the Prophets call it Noph for the fertility and pleasantness of the Country as you may read Esay 19. The Princes of Zoan are become foolish and the Princes of Noph or of Memphis are deceived See also Ierom 2. 44. 46. Ezech. 30. in which places you may find it called after this name Zoan is the City Tanis where Moses wrought all his Miracles But Noph or Moph is this Memphis a beautiful Town large and spacious scituated in the strongest and profitablest place in Aegypt divided into two parts by the River Nilus so that any kind of commodities or merchandize might with ease be brought thither by Water for which cause the Kings of that Country for the most part kept their abiding there Strabo saith lib. 17. that upon the East part of this City there standeth a Tower or Castle called Babylon built by certain Babylonians who leaving their own Country by the permission of the Kings of Aegypt dwelt there in after times there was placed a Garrison in it one of the three which were for the defence of Aegypt and by Ptolomy was called Babylon through both which viz. Memphis and Babylon Nilus passed the one standing upon the East side the other upon the West Zoan or Tanis stood about some four miles from this Town and was a fair and spacious City also scituated towards the South upon the East side of Nilus to which the Kings of that Country often resorted and Heliopolis another fair City stood some six miles off that towards the North-East All these four Towns were so wonderfully inhabited by reason of their pleasant and profitable scituation that in process of time they became all one City and in this Age is called Alcaire containing in Circuit sixty miles so that it seemeth to Spectators to be like a Country replenished with nothing but fair Houses goodly Churches and strong Towers exceeding all the rest of the Cities of Aegypt as well for the beautifulness of the place as the extent and largeness of it It is reported that in the year of our Lord 1476 there was such an extreme Pestilence in it that there dyed 20000 a day from whence may be gathered how infinitely it is peopled Near to this Town stood the Pyramides which are held to be one of the Wonders of the World as Strabo saith lib. 17. the height of one of them was 625 foot and square on each side 883 foot it was twenty years a building a hundred thousand Workmen employed about it whence it may be easily gathered how hard and difficult it was in those times to get Stone it being for the most part brought from Arabia and at what an excessive charge they were that set them up Of Gazar This City is described in the Travels of Solomon The Travels of Hadad King of Idumaea WHen David conquered Idumaea Hadad the King of that Country with some few of his Courtiers being then but young fled from Midian to Paran the Metropolitan City of Arabia Petraea which was 84 miles 1 Reg. 11. But because he thought himself scarce safe in that place he fled thence to Cheopes that impious and Tyrannical King of Aegypt that built the greatest of the three Pyramides at Memphis He hating King David gave him kind entertainment assigned him a part of the Kingdom of Aegypt to dwell in and after married him with his Sister Ta●hpenes by whom he had a Son called Genubath who was brought up in Pharaohs or King Chopes Court where he continued all the Life of David being twenty seven years 120 miles David being dead he returned into his own Kingdom of Idumaea which was 200 miles From thence he went back to Damascus which was 240 miles where he was created King of the Syrians by Reson and other fugitives which had conspired against Solomon by which means he grievously troubled that Kingdom and became an utter Enemy to the Israelites all the Life of Solomon And of him is the original and stock of the Kings of Syria So all the Travels of Hadad were 644 miles Of Midian and Paran you may read before in the one dwelt Iethro Moses
of Israel who was crowned King his Father yet living about the beginning of the twenty sixth year of Asa King of Iuda at such time as Benhadad King of Syria invaded and wasted Galilee He reigned two years one of them during the Life of his Father the other alone in Thirza at the end of which he was slain by Simri his Servant 1 Reg. 15 16. Of Zimri King of Israel ZImri signifieth a Singer and was a Captain over King Elah's Chariots he reigned seven dayes in Thirza in which time he put to death and utterly rooted out all the Posterity of Baasha and then Omri besieged the City so straitly that he had no hope to escape wherefore he set the City and Palace on fire in which he also perished 1 Reg. 15 16. The Travels of Omri King of Israel OMRI signifieth a Souldier or one that deserveth his Pay He was made King by the Israelites in his Tent while he was at Wars near to Gibithon from whence he went to Thirza which was thirty six miles and besieged the same upon the very day that Zimri had put the Posterity of Baasha to the Sword and took it He began to reign in Thirza Ann. Mund. 3017 and before Christ 951. and reigned over Israel twelve years the first six in Thirza that latter six in Samaria 1 Reg. 16. From Thirza he went to Mount Semer six miles there Omri built Samaria and made it the Seat of his Kingdom He went thither about the seventh year of his Reign 1 Reg. 16. So these two Journeys were forty two miles Of Samaria SAmaria the chief Seat and Metropolis of Israel was built by Omri in Mount Semer 32 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and took that name of Semer who was Lord of that Mountain of whom King Omri bought it for two Talents of Silver which amounteth to 1200 Crowns In this City fourteen Kings of Israel kept their Courts viz. Omri who was the first Founder of it Ahab Ahazia Iehoram Iehu Ioachas Ioas Ieroboam Zacharias Sallum Menahem Pekahia Pekah and Hosea who was the last of the Kings of Israel that reigned in this City and lost it together with his Liberty Of all these Kings there were but five that died naturally for the Lord being moved to wrath by reason of their Impiety and Idolatry either gave them up into the hands of Foreign Enemies or by Civil War amongst themselves they cruelly murthered one another until such time as the Assyrians destroyed the Land and and led the People captive Thus the Lord punished with a sharp and severe punishment this obstinate Nation because they contemned the Admonitions and Doctrines of the Prophets amongst which Elias and Elizeus were the chief So that although Samaria was a fair and beautiful City and the Countrey for that cause was called the Province of Samaria yet notwithstanding that great God the Judge of all things for the Iniquity of the People caused this fair City to be left desolate the Inhabitants of the Land to be dispersed and the Earth for want of due usage to lye as a Wilderness 2 Reg. 17. This City in the Old Testament according to the Hebrew Phrase is called Shaemaer of Schomron which signifies to keep or a Tower of strength You may read of this 1 Reg. 2. 2 Reg. 1 7. The Greeks and Latines call it Samaria which signifies the Castle of Iehovah or of God You may read more of this in the second Volume Of Hiel that built Jericho again AFter the death of Omri King of Israel when Ahab his Son began to reign Hiel a very rich man in the Town of Bethel that he might leave behind him an eternal memory of his Name went to Iericho which had been formerly destroyed by Ioshuah the Son of Nun and had lain waste for the space of 536 years where contrary to the Commandment of the Lord and curse of Ioshuah he caused the said City to be rebuilt such was the impious Security and Incredulity of this man but the Lord was angry with him and he struck all his Children that they dyed The eldest Son called Abiram at the laying of the Foundation and his youngest Son called Segub at the hanging on of the Gates Ios. 6. 1 Reg. 16. The Travels of King Ahab AHab went from Samaria to the Hill Carmel where Elias put to death the Priests of Baal which was about thirty two miles 1 Reg. 18. From thence he went to Iezreel which is sixteen miles there he told his Wife how Elias had put the Priests of Baal to the Sword 1 Reg. 18. From Iezreel he went again to Samaria eighteen miles where being prest with a hard Siege by Benhadad King of Syria he broke out of the City for his better safety and by Gods great providence and assistance he assailed the Syrians put a great multitude of them to the Sword the rest fled and he went away with a noble Victory as the Prophet of the Lord had formerly told him 1 Reg. 20. From Samaria he went with his Army to Apheck which was fourteen miles where he renewed a second Battel and therein had good success so that he took Benhadad alive and put to the Sword 100000 Syrians In this place the Prophet of the Lord reproved him for his ingratitude and obstinacy wherefore Ahab being angry he went from Apheck to Samaria which was eight miles 1 Reg. 20. From Samaria he went to Iezreel sixteen miles where that perfidious Queen Iesabel caused Naboth to be put to death and took possession of his Vineyard 1 Reg. 21. From Iezreel he went to Ramoth-Gilead twenty four miles and there in a fight that he had against the Syrians was so sore wounded with an Arrow that he was constrained to leave the Battel 1 Reg. 22. And as he went back again to Samaria which was twenty four miles he dyed of his wound Of this man you may read more 1 Reg. 21 22. So all the Travels of Ahab were 152 miles The Description of Carmel Apheck and Ramoth you may read before Of Iezreel JEzreel is a City in the Tribe of Issachar scituated upon a rising ground some forty eight miles from Ierusalem towards the North where Ahab sometimes kept his Court. Here Naboth the Iezreelite dwelt an honest and Religious man one of good Esteem and Authority that feared God and would not suffer the Inheritance of one Tribe to be transferred to another because God had commanded the contrary Num. ult For which cause he would not sell his Vine-yard to Ahab wherefore Iezabel that wicked Woman to satisfie the Kings desire caused him to be stoned Iezreel signifies the Seed of God being derived of Sera Seed and El the Almighty God Though in former times this hath been a fair Town yet at this day there is no past thirty houses in it and is called Charity standing at the foot of Mount Gilboah they shew at this day the field of Naboth the Iezreelite lying towards the West as you go
forward he left Idolatry and worshipped the true God adorned the Temple of the Lord with many fair and beautiful Buildings and in the five and fiftieth year of his age he died and was buried in the Kings Garden 2 Reg. 21. 2 Chron. 33. So all the Travels of Manasses were 1360 miles Of Amon King of Judah AMon signifieth True and Faithful he succeeded his Father Manasses when he was twenty two years of age Anno mundi 3307 before Christ 661. He reigned two years and then because of his exceeding Idolatry the Lord cast him off when he was about twenty four years of age near which time some of his Servants conspired against him and put him to death The Travels of King Josiah JOSIAH signifies A Sacrifice of the Lord he succeeded his Father Manasses in the Government when he was but eight years of age Anno Mundi 3309 before Christ 659. He governed Israel with great commendations thirty two years 2 Reg. 22. his Mothers name was Iedidah and dwelt in a Town called B●z●ath but how far this Town stood from Ierusalem is not set down by any Author This good King went from Ierusalem to Bethel which was eight miles there he burnt upon the Altar which Ieroboam built the bones of the Priests of Baal as the man of God which came from Iudah had told Ieroboam 350 years before 1 Reg. 13. 2 Chr. 35. From Bethel he returned back to Ierusalem which was eight miles there he celebrated the Passover with a solemn Feast and great Attendance 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chr. 35. In the last year of his Reign he went with his Army from Ierusalem to Megiddo being forty four miles against Pharaoh Necho King of Aegypt in which Battel he was slain with an Arrow about the thirty ninth year of his age 2 Chron. 3 5. From Megiddo his Body was carried in a Chariot back again to Ierusalem which was forty four miles and there with great Lamentations honourably buried 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chr. 35. So all his Travels were 104 miles The Travels of Jehoahas King of Judah JEhoahas signifies the knowledge of God he succeeded his Father Iosiah in the twenty third year of his age Anno Mundi 3340 which was 628 years before Christ and reigned only three Months 2 Reg. 24. 2 Chron. 36. Ieremy cap. 22. calleth this man Schallum that is a Recompence He went from Ierusalem to Riblah a City in the Tibe of Nepthaly which is accounted eighty miles where he was taken Prisoner by Pharaoh Necho 2 Reg. 23. From Riblah Pharaoh Necho led him Captive bound in Chains back again to Ierusalem being eighty miles and there appointed Iehojakim his elder Brother to reign in his place 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chron. 36. From Ierusalem he carried Iehoahas to Memphis the Metropolitan City of Aegypt which was 244 miles 2 Reg. 23. So all the Travels of Iehoahas were 404 miles Of Jehoiakim King of Judah JEhoiakim was the eldest Son of Iosiah that Good King and succeeded his Brother Iehoahas in the Kingdom Anno Mundi 3341 before Christ 627 he governed Iudah eleven years Pharaoh Necho made him King when he was twenty five years of age to whom he was constrained to pay 100 Talents of Silver and a Talent of Gold This Money being payed he obtained the Kingdom and continued in great Impiety and Idolatry for which cause he was sharply reprehended by Ieremiah the Prophet but he being offended at his words sought to put him to death wherefore the Lord stirred up Nebuchadnezzar the second of that name Emperour of the Assyrians and Babylonians who in the eleventh year of this King's Reign came to Ierusalem and took him captive tyed him in two chains and would have carried him to Babylon but his mind changed wherefore he caused him to be put to death and cast out into the Fields of Ierusalem for a prey to wild Beasts Ier. 22. 2 Reg. 23. Of Jehoiachin King of Judah Jehoiachin signifies the preparation of Iehovah This man succeeded his Brother Iehoiakim and began his Reign about the end of the 3351 year of the World and reigned only three Months and ten days which was about the eighth year of Nabuchadonozor the Great at which time he was led captive from Ierusalem to Babylon together with Mordochae and many other Nobles which was 680 miles This Captivity happened 617 years before Christ 2 Reg. 24. 2 Chron. 36. Ester 2. Ier. 52. The Travels of Zedekiah the last King of Judah AFter Iehoiachin succeeded Zedekiah which signifies the just man of God This was the Son of the good King Iosiah yet an impious Tyrant who by the permission of Nabuchadonozor the Great was suffered to be King of Iudah after his Brother when he was one and twenty years of age He began to reign about the beginning of the 3352 year of the World and before Christ 616 he governed tyranically eleven years 2 Reg. 24. In the eleventh year of this King Ierusalem was taken by Nabuchadonezar the great Emperour of the Babylonians wherefore Zedekiah to escape the brunt of War fled from Ierusalem with all possible speed to Iericho which was twelve miles Ier. 39. 5. From the plain near the City Iericho where he was overcome by the Princes of the Chaldeans he was led to Riblah to Nebuchadonezar which was sixty eight miles From Riblah after the Emperour Nabuchadonezar had caused all his Children to be put to death before his face and had put out both his eyes he led him captive to Babylon which was 600 miles where he died miserably 2 Reg. 25. So all the Travels of Zedekiah King of Iudah were 680 miles Of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Nabuchadonezar IN the ninth year of this Zedekiah which was the last King of Iudah Nabuchadonezar began to besiege Ierusalem it being then Winter Anno Mundi 3860 upon the tenth day of the tenth Month Tebeth which answereth to the seven and twentieth day of December which day the Iews till now observed as a fasting day The Siege continued even till the eleventh year of this King Ierem. 39. 5. 2 Reg. 25. and upon the ninth day of the fourth Month Thamus which agreeth with the tenth day of Iuly the City was taken and Zedekiah was put to flight Upon the seventh day of the fifth Month Ab Nabuzaradan chief Captain of the Army was sent back by Nabuchadonezar into Iudaea where he destroyed and burned the houses and buildings of the City of Ierusalem Ierem. 52. upon the tenth day of the fifth Month Ab which answereth to the ninth day of August being the Sabbath day the Temple of Ierusalem was set on fire Ier. 52. de bello Iudei lib. 6. cap. 26. 27. This first Captivity and Destruction of the City Ierusalem by Nabuchadonezar that great Emperour happened Anno Mundi 3362 and before Christ 606 three hundred and ninety years being then fully compleat and ended from the first year of Ieroboam King of Israel who set up the Golden Calves and
Antiochia they went with their Army to a Plain near the Mountain Amanus 120 miles where in a sharp War they overcame Alexander and put him out of his Kingdom Ios Ant. li. 3. c. 7. Now after the death of Ptolomeus Philimetor Demetrius Nicanor returned to Antiochia 120 miles where he governed the Kingdom of Syria two years From Antiochia he went to Ptolomais which was 200 miles to which place Ionathan the High-Priest came to meet him where he gave to him many Presents and great Gifts to win his Favour 1 Mac. 11. From Ptolomais he returned to Antiochia 200 miles There his Souldiers and the City of Antiochia rebelled against him For which cause Ionathan the High-Priest sent him 3000 men which delivered the King out of danger put to the Sword 100000 of the Seditious and burnt the City of Antiochia 1 Mac. 11. But after Demetrius shewed himself unthankful he was driven out of his Kingdom by Tryphon and young Antiochus the Son of King Alexander who was also called Theos which signifies God In the 172 year of the Reign of the Grecians in Syria which was 138 years before Christ Nicanor having slain Antiochus the Son of Alexander he would have reigned alone in Syria wherefore Demetrius who was the lawful King of Syria being three years before driven thence went 1200 miles into Media to crave aid against Tryphon but Arsaces King of the Medes Parthians and Persians sent the chief Captain of his Host against Demetrius who burned his Tents took him Prisoner and carried him back to his Master to Hecatompilon the chief City of his Kingdom distant from Syria 1220 miles toward the East Iustin. lib. 36. 38. From Hecatom●ylon Arsaces sent him to Hyrcania the metropolitan City of that Country which was 176 miles where although Arsaces kept him as a Prisoner yet he allowed him royal Attendance and after marryed him to his Daughter Iust. lib. 38. After the Death of Arsaces with singular Industry and Policy he got out of Captivity after he had been twelve years Prisoner in Hyrcania and came into Syria which was fourteen miles where he recovered his Kingdom and reigned four years So all his Travels were 4156 miles Of the Places to which he travelled Of Creta now called Candia THIS is an Island of the Mediterranean Sea diftant from Ierusalem 600 miles westward very fruitful and pleasant in which there grows great plenty of Cypress Trees and Grapes of divers kinds but principally such whereof Malmsey and Sack are made Here Paul's Disciple was Bishop wherefore you shall read more of it after Of Seleucia SEleucia is a famous City of Syria scituated upon the shore of the Mediterranean Sea 280 miles from Ierusalem North-ward near to which the River Orantes runneth and the Mountain Casius standeth which is four miles high Plin. l. 5. c. 22. You may read more of this in the Travels of St. Paul Of Syria SYria was sometimes called of the Hebrews Aram of Aram the Son of Sem of whom all Armenia took the Name Aram signifies A man of great Spirit and Dignity being derived of Rom that is lifted up for he was a man of an excellent Spirit Gen. cap. 10. Syria signifieth a great Tract of Land and is divided into two parts the upper and the lower In the upper Syria are these Cities Antiochia Seleucia Laodicea and Apamea in the lower Syria are Sydon Tyrus Berytus Tripolis and Orth●sia This Country is scituated in a very temperare Zone from whence it happeneth that it is neither oppressed with too much Cold nor Heat There are that divide Syria into four parts that is into Syria Assyria Leucosyria and Coelosyriae Also Pliny lib. 5. cap. 12. attributeth Mesopotamia and Babylonia to Syri● But it is evident that these were distinct Countries from them in the which there reigned Emperours and Kings which had large and spacious Dominions For Syria is scituated between the Mediterranean Sea and Euphrates but Mesopotamia which is so called because it is scituated in the middle of Waters is separated from Syria and Assyria with the Rivers Euphrates and Tygris and Arabia is separated from Syria and Babylon with many vast Wildernesses Therefore these Countries cannot properly pass under the denomination of Syria Of Parthia PArthia is a spacious Countrey full of Mountains and Desarts lying upon the Borders of Media Westward the Metropolis whereof his Hecatompylon taking the name of an hundred Gates wherewith it is fortified It lieth as Stephanus saith 1512 miles from Ierusalem Eastward Here Arsaces that mighty King of the Parthians kept his Court who had under his Government Media Parthia Persia Hircania and the greatest part of all the Countreys toward the East It is called Parthia because of the fruitfulness of the Soil being derived of Parah to fructifie Of Hyrcania HYrcania is a fruitful and pleasant Countrey bordering upon Media and the Caspian Sea for the most part plain and champian beautified with many fair Cities the chief of which are Hyrcania the Metropolis of the whole Kingdom Talebrota Samariana Carta and Tape It was so fat and fruitful that the Inhabitants use not to till and dress the ground as they do in other places but the Seed that falleth from the husk upon the Earth springeth up and bringeth forth great Plenty and increase without farther labour The Dews also falling upon the Trees there droppeth from them Oil and Honey in great Plenty It taketh the name as it is thought from a Wood called Hyrcania In like manner the Caspian Sea which bordereth upon it of this Countrey is called Hyrcanum Many cruel Beasts are found therein as the Panther the Tyger and the Leopard The Panther is of a whitish colour inclining something to yellow spotted all over with round shining spots in like manner are their Eyes She is a friend almost to all kinds of Creatures except the Asp and Dragon and as Oppianus saith never taken but when she is drunk or in her sleep She is the Female to the Leopard The Leopard is of the same colour and of the nature of a Wolf being full he hurteth nothing but if empty he preyeth upon every thing yea even upon men his Breath is very sweet with which many other Creatures being delighted he often preys upon them but being full he sleepeth sometimes three days together The Tyger also is a very swift and cruel Creature from whence he is so called his skin is yellow and full of black Spots round and shining If the chance to lose her young she never leaves seeking till she finds them out The Travels of Tryphon that put Antiochus to death IN An. Mundi 3826 before Christ 142. Tryphon sometime chief Captain to Alexander King of Syria who was slain in Arabia went to Emal●uel Prince of Arabia Deserta with whom Antiochus the Son of Alexander was brought up where he so wrought with him that he got the Boy from him and brought him thence into Syria 160 miles and within a while after besieged
away and we that are wounded are made whole as with a most precious Balsom Isa. 53. Hellen the Empress in an Orchard close by this Town set up a fair and beautiful Church over the Sepulchre of the Virgin Mary which she called by the name of the Mother of God Niceph. lib. 2. cap. 30. It is said that this Sepulchre remaineth to this day in this Church made of white polished Marble standing about eight and forty steps under ground being something wider than the Sepulchre of Christ in it there is two doors one to go in another to go out But whether this be the right Sepulchre of the blessed Virgin it concerneth us not since it appertaineth not to our Salvation neither is mentioned in the holy Scriptures but if any Man be desirous to be further satisfied in it let him read Nice●horus who makes mention of that and her Ascension both in my Opinion of like Credit because I suppose that Saint Luke who wrote the Acts of the Apostles and lived in those times would not have omitted so memorable an Action But to return to the Garden of Gethsamene About some fifty paces towards the East of this Sepulchre of the blessed Virgin close by the foot of the Mount of Olives stands a certain Chappel just in the place where sometimes the Town of Gethsamene stood Not far from this Chappel is shewn a certain hollow place under a Rock where the Inhabitants say our Saviour sweat drops of Blood They also shew a certain stone whereon the Angels stood which comforted our Saviour Descending thence about a stones cast they shew unto Pilgrims a place close by the Cave in the Mount of Olives where Peter James and John sat when our Saviour was in his Agony They also shew the place where Peter cut off Malchus Ear. There is to be seen a memorable Place where Judas betrayed our Saviour with a kiss when he delivered him to the Jews Not far off is to be seen the Place where the Jews fell backward when our Saviour ask'd them Whom seek ye Besides many other things if Borchardus may be credited as the Impression of his hair and head upon a stone and of his finger as if it had been in Wax upon a Rock and in the place where he prayed of his Hands and Knees which are so firm in stone that they cannot be defaced with any Instrument But there have been many in this place since these times which have seen none of these things from whence may be gathered that they have been idle delusions used by ancient Monks to get money from Pilgrims and Strangers and I have here remembred them that others knowing these may beware of the like Fallacies and Deceits purposely invented for Lucre's sake This Garden of Gethsamene is credibly thought to have been planted in former times by the Kings David and Solomon but increased and inlarged by other succeeding Princes that there they might recreate themselves and receive some content by the Fruits of the Earth But on the contrary that great King the anointed of the Lord our blessed Saviour in this place of Pleasure this Paradice of the Iews was constrain'd to undergo that almost unsupportable Passion to make us partakers of that heavenly Paradice and place of Pleasure Not far from hence is to be seen the place where Iudas hanged himself and a little from that the Field of Akeldama which was bought with the thirty Silverlings for which Iudas betrayed Christ. This Field by the appointment of the Empress of Hellen was compassed about with four Walls in the manner of a Tower upon the top whereof there are seven distinct doors like Windows by which the dead Bodies of Christians are let down into it it is fifty foot wide and seventy two long It standeth not far from the Valley of Hinnon towards the East and upon the South-side of Mount Sion in Ierusalem c. Of Kidron or Cedron THIS Brook was so called because of the blackness of the Water being derived of Kadar to wax black The Mountain whence it first riseth stands not far from Ierusalem towards the South from whence it runeth through the Valley of Jehosaphat which Valley being very fat and fertile changeth the colour of the Water and makes it look black and so through Jerusalem then passing towards the East over a cliff of Mount Olivet it falleth into the Lake Asphaltites When there falls any store of Rain the Channel is very full but in Summer it is oftentimes dry with the extremity of Heat Over this Brook David passed when he was persecuted by his Son Absolon 2 Sam. 16. and our Saviour Christ when hedrank of the River in the Way that is when he suffered upon the Cross for the Sin of Man according to that Saying of the Psalmist Psal. 69. save me O God because the Waters are entred even into my Soul Of Mount Calvary THIS Mountain according to the common Opinion was so called of dead Mens Skulls or the Skulls of such who were put to death for some capital Offence It stood upon the West-side of Jerusalem as you go out of the ancient Gate and is a part of Mount Gihon At this day it standeth within the City of Jerusalem together with the Sepulchre of our Saviour and upon it is built a fair Church which is joyned unto the Church of the holy Sepulchre being as it were a Quire unto it But it standeth somewhat lower It is built all of Marble and the inside is all polished and wrought very curiously It is also paved with the same Stone Within it is seen a piece of the Pillar of Stone to which they say Christ was tied when he was whipped in which Stone are to be seen certain red specks as if they had been drops of Bloud and these also they say were the Blood of Christ when he was scourged besides many other things of which you may read at the beginning of this Treatise in the description of Ierusalem as it is at this day The Description of the holy Sepulchre THE Sepulchre of Christ stood upon the West side of Ierusalem close by Mount Golgatha in the Garden of Ioseph of Arimathea for it was the custom of the Iews to build their Tombs or Sepulchres in their Orchards and Gardens and beautifie and adorn them with Lillies Roses and other Flowers on purpose to put them in mind of their Mortality according to that of David Psal. 103. The days of Man are like Grass as a Flower of the Field so flourisheth he for the Wind goeth over it and is gone and the Place thereof shall know it no more And for this cause the Iews but especially the Kings would be buried in their Gardens so Ioseph a good and just Man following this custom had hewed him out of a Rock a new Monument in which there had been no Man laid that so when he walked in the Garden to take the Air he might be put in mind of his Mortality
close to that part of Thracia where Hebrus falleth into the Sea sometimes called Dardani● of Dardanus King of Troy who when he had slain his Brother Iacius and taken from him the Palladiam he came first into Samothracia and then into Asia where he first laid the Foundation of the City called Troy and of that Kingdom And although this Isle at that time was called Dardania yet because of the nearness that it had to Thrace and the altitude of the Rock whereon it stood it soon changed the name and then especially when the People called Samos came thither to inhabit who after their own name called it Samothracia It stood upon such a lofty place that from thence all the Countries round about might easily be seen Arsinoe Queen of Thrace was banished by Ptolomeus her Brother into this Island who after put to death all her Children and usurp'd upon the Kingdom of Thrace A cruel part in a Brother Virg. lib. Aeneid 3. makes mention of this Island saying Terciamque Samum quae nunc Samothracia fertur And Samian-Troy which now adays is Samothracia call'd Strabo also writeth of it li. 13. And in Act. 16. It is said St. Paul sailed from Troadis to Samothracia and so went thence into Thracia and came to the City of Neapolis Of Neapolis THIS Neapolis to which Paul went was a City of Thrace not far from Macedonia 880 miles from Ierusalem North-westward called also of some Caurus There are many other Cities of this name one in Iudea where Sichem and Sicha● stood another in Caria a third in Africa a fourth in Pannonia but above all that which stands in Campania is most remarkable being the chief City of the Neapolitan Kingdom Of Philippa THIS City in times past was called Crenides because of the Veins of Gold that were found close by it But after Philip King of Macedon Father of Alexander the Great caused it in the year before Christ 354 to be re-edefied and inlarged and then after his own name called it Philippos It was scituated in Grecia close by the River Stridon 926 miles from Ierusalem toward the North-west and indowed with many Priviledges In those times the Gold was so much increased in this place that the Revenue thereof was worth to this King more than a thousand Talents which at 4500 l. the Talent amounteth to forty five millions of pounds yearly By the which means King Philip grew so rich that he caused his Gold to be coined and called it after his own name Philippian Gold To this place Paul came and did many Miracles taught the Gospel and converted many From hence he wrote his second Epistle to the Corinthians and sent it to Corinth even 292 miles He also wrote an Epistle from Rome to the Christians of this Town and sent it them by the hand of Epaphroditus even 628 miles It was afterward a Colony of the Romans Of Amphipolis THIS was a City of Macedonia compassed about with the River Strymon from whence it took the name and was distant from Ierusalem 960 miles towards the North-west Here also the Apostle Paul was Act. 17. Of Appollonia THIS was a City of Mygdonia scituated not far from Thessalonica towards the West close by the River Echedorus 948 miles from Ierusalem towards the North-west being so called from Appollines which signifies the Sun It stood twenty miles from Thessalonica There are many other Cities of this name one scituate in Grecia close by the Adriatick Sea another among Islands of Thrace a third in Crete on this side the River Ister a fourth in Syria and a fifth in Africa amongst the Cyrenes Of Thessalonia or Thessalonica THIS was a City of Macedon in ancient times called Halia because it stood upon the Sea after called Therma of the hot Baths that were in it and lastly Thessalonica of Philip the Son of Amintas King of the Macedonians who gave it that name either of the great Victory that he had against the Thessalonians or else after the name of his Daughter called Thessalonica who was the Mother of Cassandrus It stood close by the Thermaick Gulph not far from the Mouth of the River Echedorus 932 miles from Ierusalem towards the North-west The Apostle Paul taught publickly in this City and there converted a great multitude of People Act. 17. He also wrote two Epistles to the Inhabitants thereof and sent them from Athens being 232 miles distant In the time of Theodosius the first Emperour of Rome there hapened by reason of some Discontent a grievous Sedition amongst the Thessalonians in which stir some of his Captains and Governours were slain Wherefore the Emperour having intelligence of what had hapened sent an Army against the City with Authority to put to death a certain number of those who had rebelled whence it happened that the City was fill'd with many unjust slaughters for the Souldiers respecting more their private profit than the equity of the cause spared neither Innocent nor Nocent Young nor Old so that as well the Inhabitants as Strangers that resorted thither did partake of this Misery and suffered like punishment as did they which were the first Authors of this Rebellion But because the Emperour was consenting unto these evils Ambrose Bishop of Millain would not suffer him without publick repentance to come to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper wherefore in a publick Assembly he acknowledged his offence with great Contrition Theodor. li. 5. ca. 17. Soz. li. 7. ca. 14. This Town was afterward purchased by the Venetians of Andronicus Palaeologus Son of Emanuel Emperour of Constantinople who held it a long time until Amurath Emperour of the Turks won it from them and exercised grievous cruelty upon the Inhabitants At this day it is a fair and goodly City wherein is to be seen 23 Churches and is inhabited both by Christians Iews and Turks as Sebastian Munster saith but the greatest number is Iews who are partly Merchants partly of other Trades their number in this place as it is said by some of their own Nation is 14000 and they have 80 Synagogues but they are constrained to wear yellow wreaths about their heads the Christians blew and the Turks white There are many Iews also in Constantinople and Adrianople but in no place more than in this Town which is now called Salonica Of Berraea THIS is a City of Macedon scituated upon the River of Halakmon 960 miles from Ierusalem North-westward In this City the Iews stirred up a great tumult and sedition against the Apostle Paul Act. 17. At this day it is called Voria Of Athens THIS was the most famous City of all Grecia the Mother of Arts and a bountiful nourisher of large and mighty Colonies in that part of Achaia called Acte or Attica It was scituated upon the shore of the Mediterranean Sea 720 miles from Ierusalem Westward It took name from a Divine knowledg for the word is derived of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the mind