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A23591 Here begynnys a schort [and] breue tabull on thes cronicles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. 1485 (1485) STC 9995; ESTC S106502 430,579 577

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bene withstonde ¶ For the kyng ̄ all the lordis of the ream of Englond wer departed except the lorde Scales that kepid the tour of london ¶ And the fifth day of Iuyll he did done smyte of a mannys hede in southwark and the nyght after the ●naire of london with the aldermen and the communes of the cite concludid to driue a way the capitayn his host sent to the lord scalis to the toure ̄ to mathew gohe a copitayn of Normandie that they wold that nyght asaille the capitayn with them of Kent ¶ And so they did y come to londō brige ī to southwarke or the capitayn had ony knowlege ther of ther they sought with them that keped the brigge And the Kentishmen went to harnes and come to the brigge ̄ shot faught with them gat the brigge made them of londō to fle slow mony of them this endurid all the nyght to ̄ fro to ix of the cloke on the more And at the last they brent the draw brigge wher mony of them of londō wer drowned In wich nyght Sutton an aldermā was slayn Roger heysant and Mathew gohe and mony othir And after this the Chancilar of Englond sent to the Capitayn a pardone generall for him othir for all his menye And then they deꝑted from southwarke euery man home vn to his own hous ¶ And when they wer all deꝑtid and goon· ther wer ꝓclamacions madem Kent southsex and othir places that what man coude take the captayn quike or dede sh̄old haue a M. mark And aftir this on Alixander Iden a squier of Kent toke him in a gardē in southsex ī the takīg the Captā Iohn̄ Cade wos slaī ̄ after behedid his hede set on londō brigge ¶ And anone after then the kyng come in to Kent and did his Iustices sitte at Cauntorberi and enquered who wer causaries chief cause of this Insurreccion ¶ And ther wer viij men Iuged to deth in on day in othir places mo And from thens the kyng wēt in to southsex and in to the westcuntre wher a litell before wos slayn the bisshop of Salisberi ¶ And this same yere wer so mony iugged to deth that xxiij hedes stode vpon londō brigge at on s ¶ Of the feld that the duke of york toke at brentheth ī Kēt and of the burth of prince Edward of the frist bataill at sent Albons wher the duke of Somersete wos slayn IN the xxx yere of the kīg The duke of yorke com out of the march of wales with therle of Deuīshire the lord Cobham gret puissaunce for reformacion of certayn Iniuries and wrōges also to haue Iustice on certayn lordis beyng about the kyng ̄ toke a feld at brontheth beside dertford in Kent wich wos a strōgfeld for wich cause the kyng with all the lordis of the lande went vn to the blake heth with a gret and strong multitude of pepull armed and ordeyned for the were in the best wyse And when they had mustred on the heth Certayn lordis wer tho sent vn to him for to tret and make appointement with him wich were the bisshop of Ely and the bisshop of wynchestre and the erles of Salisberi and of werewyke And they concludid that the duke of Somersete shold be had to ward ̄ to ansuer to such articles as the duke of yorke shold put on him and than the duke of yorke sh̄usd breke his feld and cum to the kyng wich wos all promised by tho kyng ¶ And so the kyng commaundid that the duke of Somersete shold be had in ward And than the duke of york brake vp his feld and come to the kyng and whan he was comen ꝯtrarie to the promisse afore made the duke of somerset was presēt in the feld a waytyng and chief about the kyng made the duke of yorke ride before as a prisoner thurgh londō and after they wold haue put him ī hold But anoyse aroso that the erle of march his son was commyng with x. thousand men to londonward wherfore the kyng and his coūcell ferid and than they concludid that thee duke of yorke shold deꝑte at his own will ¶ About this tym began gret diuision in Spruce bitwen the gret mastir and the knyghtis of the duche ordre wich wer lordis of that cuntre For the comunes and toūes rebellid ayenst the lordis and made so grete were that at the last they called the kyng of Pole to be ther lord the wich kyng come and wos worshipfully resaued and laid sege to the castell of Marienburgh wich was the chief castell of strength of all the land wan it and drofe out the mastir of dansk ̄ all othir places of that land And so they that had ben lordis mony yeres lost all thirseygnorie and possessions in tho landis ¶ And the yere of the Incarnacion of our lord M. cccc liij on sent Edwardis day the quene Margaret wos deliuered of a fair prince wich wos named Edward That same day Iohn̄ Norman wos chosin for to be maire of londō And the day that hee shuld take his oth at westmynsire he went theder by water with all the craftis wher afore tyme the maire aldermen and the craftes rode on horsbake wich wos neuer vsed after For sen that tyme. they haue gone euer by water in barges ¶ Ye haue well vnderstond before how that contrari to the promisse of the kyng and also the ꝯclusiōs taken bitwen the kyng the duke of yorke at brentheth the duke of Somerset went not to ward but abode about the kyng and had gret rule and anone after he wos made capitayn of calais ruled the kyng his reame as he wold wherfore the gret lordis of the reame ̄ also the comunes wer not plesid For wiche cause the duke of yorke the erle of warwyk the erle of salisburi with mony knyghtis and squiers and moch pepull come for to remeue the said duke of somersete othir fro the kyng ¶ And the kīg hering of ther comyng thought by his coūcell for to haue gon westward and not for to haue met with them ̄ had with him the duke of somerset the duke of Bokyngham the erle of stafford the erle of Northūberland the lord Clifford mony othir ¶ And what tyme that the duke of yorke ̄ his feliship vnderstode that the kyng wos deꝑted with thes lordis from london Anone he changed his way and coste the cūtre come to sent Albonys the xxiij day of May ̄ ther met with the kyng to whom the kyng sent certayn lordis desired them to kepe the pees and deꝑte but in conclusion whils they treted on that on side· the erle of warwik with the march men oder entred the toune on that oder side fought ayēst the kyng and his ꝑtie and so began the bataill ̄
out of that beym rome vij bemes full clere long as it were the light fier ¶ This sterne was seyn of mony a man but none of them wist wat it betokened ¶ vter that wos the kynges brother that wos ī wales with his host of bretōs saw that sterre ̄ the gret light that it yaf he wōdred ther of gretli what it myght betokē ̄ let call Merlī prayed hī for to tell what it myght betoken ¶ Of the betokenyng of the stere MErlin saw that starre ̄ beheld him long tyme and sithen he quoke and weped tendirli And sayed alas alas that so nobull a kyng and worthy is deid ¶ And I doo you to vnder stand that Aurilambros your brother is enpeysened and that I se well ī this sterre ̄ yourself is betokēd bi the heed of the dragō that is seī at the bought of the beem that is yourself that shal be kyng ̄ regne ¶ And by the beem that standeth toward the est is vnderstōd that ye shall get a son that shal conquere al fraunce all the landes that belongeth to the croune of fraunce that shal be a worthier kyng ̄ of more honour than euer wos ony of his auncetours ¶ And bi the beem that strechys toward Irland is betokened that ye shall get a doughter that shall be quene of Irland ¶ And the vij bemes betokene that ye shall haue vij sonnis euerichon of them shall be kyng regne with moch honour abyde ye no longer heir but goth yef bataill to your enmys ̄ fight with them bodely for ye shall ouer cū them and haue the victori ¶ vter thanked hertely Merlyn toke his men and went toward his enmy ̄ they foughten to gedre mortali so he discomfited his enmy them distroyed And him self kylled Passent that wos vortiger son ¶ And his bretons killed Guillomer that wos kyng of Irland ̄ all his men ¶ And vter anone after that bataill toke his way toward winchester for to done entere Aurilambros kīg that wos his brother ¶ But tho was the body borne to stonhēge with moch honour that he had done made in remembrance of the bretons that ther wer slaī thurgh treson of Engist that sam day that they shuld haue bene accordid in the same place they entered aurilambros the secūd yere of his regne with al the worshipe that myght belong to sich a kīg of whos soull god haue me●ci ¶ Of vter pendragon and werfor he was called so ye shall here And how he was ouer take wyth the loue fe Igerne that was the Erle of Cornewaill wife AFter the deth of aurilambros vter his broder wos crouned and regned well and worthely and in remembrance of the dragon that he wos likened to he let make ij dragons thurgh councell of his bretons ̄ made that one for to be borne before hī when he went in to bataill and that other to abide at winchester in the bisshoppis chyrche ¶ And for that cause he wos called euer after vter pēdragō ¶ And Otta that was Engistes son commendid vter bot lytell that wos made new kyng and ayens him begon to meue were and ordined a gret company of his frendis of his kin of Ossa his brother had takē all the land frō humber vn to yorke but tho of yorke held strongly ayenes them and nold not suffer them to cū ī to the cite nother to yeld the cite to hē he beseged the toune anōe right yaf therto a strong assaut bot they of the cite hem keped well ̄ strōgly ¶ And whē vter herd ther of he come theder with a gret pouer for to help rescu the toune ̄ put away the sege yaf a strōg bataill Otta ̄ his cōpany them defēdid as well as they myght but at the last they wer discōfitid the most ꝑt of them slaī ̄ Otta Ossa wer takē put ī prison at london ¶ And vter hī self duelled a while at yorke ̄ after he went to london ̄ at the estir after he wold bere croune hold a solempne fest and let somen all his Erles and Barons that thei shuld cum to that fest and all tho that had wyfes shuld bringe them also to that fest and all comē at the kynges cummandmēt as they wer cummaundid ¶ The fest wos richely arrayed ̄ holdyn and all worthely set to mete after that they wer of astat so that the erle Gorloys of Cornwaill Igern his wif set●̄ alther next the kīg ̄ the kīg saw the fairnes of that lady that she had ¶ And wos rauysshed for hir beaute ̄ oft he made to hir nyse sembland ī lokīg laughyng so at the last the erle ꝑceyued the preue lokīg ̄ laughyng the loue bitwen them ros vp frō the ●a●ullull ī wroth teke is wife ̄ called to hī his knyghtes ̄ went thens all in wroth with out takīg leue of the kīg The king anone sent after hym that he shuld cum ayen and goo not thens in despite of hym ¶ And the Erle wold not cum ayene ī no maner of wise ¶ Wherfor the kyng wos full wroth and in wrath hym deffied as his deidly enmy And the Erle went thens in to cornewaill with his wife in to the Castell of Tyntagell ¶ And the kyng let ordin a gret host come in to Cornwaill for to distruy the Erle if that he myght but he had put hym ī sich a castell that was strong and well arayed of Tyntagell wold not yeld hym to the kyng and the kyng anone beseged the castel ther duelled xv dayes that neuer myght sped euer thought vpō Igerne vpō hir laid so moch loue that he not wist to done So at the last he called to hym a knyght that was callid vlfyn that wos preue with him told hī all his councell and axed of him what wos best for to done ¶ Sir qd he doth send after Merlyn anone for he can tell you the best counsell of ōny man leuyng Merlin anone was sent after come to the kyng and the kyng told him all his councell his will ¶ Sir qd Merlin I shall done so moche thurgh craft that I can that I shall make you cū this nyght ī to the castell of Tyntagell shall haue all your will of that lady ¶ How vter bigat on Igerne that wos the Erlis wife of cornewaill Arthur kyng MErlyn thurgh craft that he coud changed the kynges figure ī to the liknesse of the Erle ̄ vlfyn garlois his chāberlayn in to the figure of iordan that wos the Erles chambirlayn So that yche of them wos transfigured to oder lekenesse ¶ And when Merlyn had so done he sayed to the kyng Sir qd he now may ye go sodenly to the castell of Tyntagell axen
accordid not to the kind blod of englond And if so gret lordis had bene onli weddid to english pepull than shuld pees haue bene and rest amonges them with owt any enuy ¶ And at that bataill was roger Clifford take sir Iohn̄ monbray sir willm Tuchit sir willm Fitz willm ̄ mōy other worthy knyghtys ther wer take at that bataill And sir hugh Dandell the next day after wos taken ̄ put ī to prison and shuld haue be done to deth if he had not spoused the kyngꝭ nece that was erle Gilbertis sustre of Glocestre ¶ And anōe after wos sir Bartholomew of badelsmere taken at stowe paarke a maner of the bisshoppis of Lyncolne that wos his nepheu ̄ mony other barons ̄ baner●ttz wherfore wos made moch sorow ¶ How Thomas of Lancastre wos heded at poun●fret .v. barons honged and drawen ther. ANd now I shall tell yow of the nobull erle Thomas of Lancastre when he wos taken and brought to yorke mōy of the Cite wer full glad and vpon him cried with an high vois O sir traitour ye er welcome blissid be god for now shall ye haue the reward that long tyme ye haue deserued cast vpon him mony snowe balles and mony other reproues they did him bot the gentill erle all suffred ̄ said nothir on word ne other ¶ And in the same tyme the king herd of this same scomfiture and wos full glad ̄ in hast come to Poūtfret sir hugh spenser sir hugh his son sir Iohn̄ erle of Arundell ̄ sir Edmond of wodestoke the kynges brother erle of Kent and sir Aymer of valaunce erle of Penbroke and master Robert Baldoke a fals piled clarke that was priue duellid in the kynges courte all come theder with the kyng and the kyng entred ī to the castell ¶ And sir Andrew of Herkela a fals tirant thurgh the kynges commaundement toke with him the gentill erle Thomas to Poūtfret ̄ ther he was prisoned in his own castell that he had new made that stode ayen the abbey of kyng Edward ¶ And sir hugh the spenser the fader his son cast ̄ thought how in what maner the good erle Thomas of Lancastre sh̄uld be dede with out ony Iugement of hys perys ¶ Wherfore it was ordened thurgh the kyngꝭ Iustices that the kīg shold put vpon him pointes of treson ¶ And so it befell that he was led to barre before the kīgis Iustis barehed as a thef in a fair hall in his own castell that he had made ther in mōy a fair fest both to rich and to poer ¶ And thes wer his Iustises sir Hugh spenser the father Aymer of valaūce erle of peenbroke sir Edmōd of wodestoke erle of kent sir Iohn̄ of Bretan erle of Richemond sir Robert of Malemethrop Iustice sir roberte him a coulpid in this maner ¶ Thomas at the frist owr lord the kyng this court excludeth you of all maner ansuere ¶ Thomas our lord the kyng putteth vpon yow that ye haue in his land riden with banner displayed ayens his pes as a tratoure And with that worde the gentill erle Thomas with an high vois said nay lordis forsoth bi sent Thomas I was neuer traytour ¶ The Iustice said ayen tho ¶ Thomas our lord the kyng puteth vpon you that ye haue robbed his folk and mordred his pepull as a thefe ¶ Thomas also the kyng put vpon you that he discomfited you and your pepull with his folkd in his own reame wherfor ye went and fled to the wodde as an outlawe ¶ And also ye were taken as an outlawe ¶ And Thomas as a traitour ye shall be hanged by reson but the kīg hath for yef you that Iewes for loue of quene Isabell ¶ And thomas reson wold also that ye shuld be hanged but the kīg hath for yef you that Iewes for cause and loue of your linage ¶ But Thomas For os moch as ye wer take fleyng ̄ as an outlaw the king wyll that your hede shall be smyte of as ye haue well deserued Anone doth him out of prece and anone bring him to his iugement ¶ The gentill knyght Thomas had herd all thes wordis with an high vois he cried sore wepyng and said alas sent thomas fair fader Alas shall I be dede thus ¶ Graunte me now blissidfoll god ansuer but all a vailled him nothyng For the cursed Gascoyns put him hither thedder and on him cried with an high vois O kyng Arthur most dredfull well knawen is now thyn open traitorie an euell dethe shalt thow die has thow hast it well diseruyed ¶ And tho they set vpen his hede in scorn an hold chapelet that wos all to rent that wos not worth an half penne ¶ And after that they set him vpon a leue white palfra full vn semeli and eke all bare and with an hold bridell and with an horribul noise they droue him out of the Castell toward his deth and they cast vpon him mony balles of snowe ī disspite ¶ And as the traitoris lad him out of the Castell tho saied he this pytouse wordis and his handes held vp on hight toward the heuen Now the kyng of heuen yef vs merci for the erthely kyng hath vs forsakyn And a frere prechour wenten with him out of the castell till that he com to the place that he endid his lyfe vn to whom he shrofe him all his life ¶ And the gentill erle held the frere wonder fast by the clothis and said to him fair fadre abide with vs till that I be dede for my flesh quaketh for drede of deth ¶ And the soth for to say the gentill erle set him vpon his knees and turned him toward the est but a ribaud that was called Higone of Moston set hand vpon the gentill erle and saied in despite of him Sir traytour turne the toward the scottes thy soule dede to vnderfenge and turned him toward the Northe ¶ The nobull erle Thomas ansuered tho with a myld vois said now fair lordis I shall done your will And with that woide the frere went from him sore wepyng and anone a ribaude went to him and smote of his hede the xi Kal. of Auerell in the yere of grece M.ccc xxi ¶ Alas that euer such a gētill blod shall be done to deth with out cause and reson ¶ And tratorsly wos the kyng coūcellid whē he thurgh the fals counsell of the spēsers suffred sir Thomas his vncles son to be put to such a deth so bene heded ayens all maner of reson and gret pitte it was also that such a nobull kyng sh̄uld be desceiued mysgouerned thurgh counsell of the fallis spenseres the wich tho he maīteneyd thorow loselrie ayens his honour and eke ꝓfite For afterward ther fell gret vengeaunce in englond for encheson of the foresaid Thomas deth ¶ When the gentill
put furth and shewed the accord ̄ the tretis that wos stabilisshed ̄ made bitwen tho ij kynges wich accord plesid to moch pepull and therfore by the kynges commaundement ther wer gadred ̄ come to gedre in west mynstre church the frist sonday of lent that is to say the ij Kal̄ of Februer the forsaid englishmen and fraūshemun where was song a solempne masse of the Trinite of the arche bisshop of cantorburi master Simond Islepe ¶ And when the agnꝰ dei wos done the kyng beyng ther with his sonnys and also the kyng sonnys of fraunce othir nobull and gret lordis with candell light ̄ crosses broght forth all that wer called ther to that wer not sworne a fore swore that same oth that wos writtyn vpō goddis body on the masse boke in this wise we N. ̄ N. swerin vpon goddis body ̄ on the holy gospelles stedfastly to hold kepe toward vs the pees the accord made bitwen the ij kynges and neuer for to do the cōtrarie whan they had thus sworne they tokē ther scroues that ther othis wer comprehendid in to the notaries this same yere in the ascencion eue about mydday was seyn the clipes of the son ther folowed soch a drought that for defaut of reyn ther wos gret barnesse of corne frute and hey ¶ And in the same moneth the vi Kal̄ of Iune ther fell a sanguyn rain almost like blode at Burgon And a sangwyne cros from morne vn to prime wos seyn aperid at Boloyn in the heier the which mony men saw· and after it meued and fell in the midde see ¶ And in the same tyme in fraūce englōd mōy other land as they that wer ī playn cūtres desert baren witnesse sodenli ther apperid ij Castels of the wich went out ij hostes of armed mē ¶ And that one host wos clothed ī white ̄ that other ī blake and when bataill wos betwne them be gun· the white ouercome the blake And anone after the blake toke hert vn to them and ouercome the white and after that they went ayen in to ther castels than the castels and all the host vanesshed away ¶ And in this same yere wos a gret and an huge pestilence of pepull and namly of men whos wifes as women out of gouernaūce toke housbandis as well strangers as other lewde and simpull pepull the which foryeting ther honour ̄ worsship and berthe coupled and maried them with them that wer of low dedre ̄ litell repitacion in this same yere died Henri duke of Lancastre ̄ also in this yere Edward prince of wales weddid the countes of kent that wos Sir Thomas wife holand the wich wos deꝑted some time and deuorced fro the erle of Salisberi for cause of that same knyght ¶ And about this tyme began and arose a gret companie of diuerse nacions gadred to geder of whome ther leders gouernours wer englissh pepull And they wer called a pepull with out any hede the wich did moch harme in the ꝑtie of fraūce And not long after ther arose an other companie of diuerse nacions that wos called the whit companie the wich in the parties ̄ cuntres of Lumbardie did moch sorow ¶ This same yere sir Iohan of Gaunt the sone of kyng Edward the thrid wos made duke of Lancastre by reson ̄ cause of his wife that was the doughter heir of Henri sum tyme duke of lancastre ¶ Of the gret wynd and how prince edward toke the lordshyp of Gnyhen of his fadre went theder ANd in the xxxvij yere of kyng edward the xv day of Ianiu that is to sai on sent Maures day about eu●̄s●ng tyme ther arose and come such a wynd out of the south with such a fersenesse and strength that it bristed and blew doune to thee ground high houses and strong bildynges toures churches and stepulles and other stronges and all other strong werkes that stoden still wer shake ther with that they ben yit and shall be euer more the febuller weykir while they stond And this wind lasted without any cessing vij dais continually ¶ And anone after ther folowed such waters in hey tyme ̄ in haruest tyme that all felde werkis wer strongly let left vn don ¶ And ī the same yere prince edward toke the lordship of Guyhen and did to kyng Edward his fadre homage and feaute therfore ̄ wend ouer see in to Gascoyn with his wife children And anōe after kīg edward made sir Leonell his son duke of Clarence sir edmond his other son erle of Cambrigge ¶ And in the xxxviij yere of his regne it wos ordeyned in the ꝑlament that men of law both of the chirche and temꝑall law sh̄uld fro that time forth plete ī ther mother tong ¶ And in the same yere comen in to englond iij kynges that is for to sai The kyng of Fraunce the kyng of Cipres and the kyng of Scotland by cause to viset and for to speke with the kyng of englond Of whome they wer wonder wel come and moch worssh̄ippid ¶ And after that they had be here long time two of them went ayen home in to ther own cuntres ̄ kyngdomes But the kyng of fraunce thurgh gret sekenesse maladie that he had abode still in englond ¶ And ī the xxxix yere of his regne was a strong ̄ an huge frost ̄ that lasted long that is to say fro sent Andrewes tide to the .xiiij. Kal̄ of aprill that the tylth sawyng of the erth ̄ other such feld warkie and hand werkes wer moch let left vn done for cold ̄ hardenesse of the erth ¶ And at Orray in bretan that tyme wos ordeyned a gret dedely bataill bitwene sir Iohn̄ of Mounfort duke of Britan sir Charles of bloys but the victorie fell to the forsaid sir Iohn̄ thurgh help and socour of the englisshmen And ther were taken mony knyghtis ̄ squyers and other men that wer vnnombred in the wich bataill wos slayn Charles him self with all that stode aboute him of the englishmen wer slayn but vij And in this yere died at Sauoy Iohn̄ the kyng of fraunce whos seruice ̄ exequies kīg edward let ordeyn did in diuerse places worssh̄ipfully to be don ̄ to Douer of worshipfull men ordeyned him worthely to be led with his own costis ̄ expens frō thēs he was fet in to fraunce ̄ beried at sent Denys ¶ In the xl yere of kyng Edward the vij Kal̄ of Februer wos borne Edward prince edward son the wich wan he wos vij yere of old he died ¶ And in the same yere it wos ordeyned that sent Petres pēs fro that tyme forth shuld not be payed the wich kīg· Yuo sometyme kīg of englōd of the cūtre of west saxons that began to regne in the yere of our lord god ¶ C.lxxix first
gedre and the south egle frist ouer come the north egle and all to rent and tore him with his bill his clawys that he shuld not rest ne take no breth ¶ And after the south egle fligh home to his own costes ¶ And anone after ther folowed wos seyn in the morn a fore the son rising and after ī thee last day of October saue on day mony sterris gadred to gedre on an hepe fell doune to the erth leuyng behynd them fery bemys in maner of lightynyng whos flaumes brent and ꝯsumed mens clothis mens here walkyng on the erth as it was seyn and knwen of mony a man ¶ And yit that northeren wynd that is euer redy destinat to all ill fro sent Kat mes euē till iij. days after lost good with out nōbre vnrecouerabull And ī the same days ther fell come also such lightīyng thūder snow haill that it wasted destroid mē bestis houses ̄ trees ¶ Of the bataill of spayn beside the water of Nazers that was bitwen prince Edward ̄ sir Henri basterd of spayn IN the yere of our lord a M.ccc.lxvij of kyng Edward xlij· the iij. day of Aprill ther wos a strong batall and a gret in a large feld called Priazers fast bi the water of Nazers in spayn bitwen sir edward the prince Henri the bastard of spayn but the victori fell to prince edward bi the grace of god ¶ And this same prince edward had with hī sir Iohn̄ duke of lancastre his broder other worthi mē of armes about the nomber of xxx M. ¶ And the kīg of spayn had on his side men of diuerse naciōs to the nōbre of an C. M· ̄ mo wherfor the sharpenesse ̄ fersenes of his adusarie with his full boystous gret strength made driuen the rightfull ꝑtie a bak a gret way but thurgh the grace of almyghty god passing any mans strength that huge host wos disꝑbled myghtfully be the nobull duke of Lancaster his host or thot the prince Edward come nigh him ¶ And whan Henri the bastard saw that he turned with his men in so grete haste and strength to fle that an huge companie of them ī the forsaid flode and of the brigge therof fellen doune ̄ parisshed ¶ And also ther wer take the erle of Dene and sir Bartram Clekyn that wos chief maker and causer of the were also chiuetayn of the vaunt ward of the bataill with mōy other gret lorddis and knyghtis to the nombur of ij thousand of whom ij hondrith wer of fraūce and mōy also of scotland And ther wer felled in the feld on our enmys side of lordis and knyghtis with oder meyn pepull to the nombre of vi thousand and moo and of englishmen bot a few ¶ And after this The nobull prince edward restorid thee same Pers to his kyngdom ayen the wich Pers afterward thurgh trechery and falsenesse of the forsaid bastard of Spayn as he sat at his mete was strangled and deid But after this victori mony nobull and hardy men and nobull of englond in Spayn thurgh the fl●x and other diuerse seknes toke ther deth ¶ And also in the same yere ī the Marche wos seyn stella Comata bitwen the North costis and the west whos bemes stretched toward Fraunce ¶ And in the next yere suyng of kyng Edwardis regne xliij in Aprill Sir Leonell kyng Edwardis son that was Duke of Clarence went toward Mileyne with a chose meyne of the gentils of Enlond for to wedde Galoys doughter and haue hir to his wife by whom he shuld haue half the lordship of Mileyn But after that they wer solemply wedded and a bout the Natiuite of our lady the same duke of Mileī died And in the same yere the frenshmen breken the pees and the trews ridyng on the kynges ground and lordship of Englond in the sh̄ire and cuntre of Pountife And token and held Castelles and tounes And bere the Englishmen on hond falsely and sotelly that they wer cause of brekyng of the trewes ¶ And in this same yere died the duches of Lancaster And is beried worshipfully in sent Paules chirche ¶ The xl iiij yere of kyng Edwardis regne was the gretest pestilence of mē and of gret bestes and by the gret fallyng of waters that fell at that tyme. ther fell gret hyndring and destroyeng of corne in so moch that the next yere after a busshell of whet was sold for xl pens ¶ And in this same yere about thee laste ende of May kyng Edward held tho his parlament at westmynster in the whiche parlament wos tretid and spoken of the oth and the trewes that was broke betwen him and the kyng of fraunce and how he myght best vpō his wrōg be auēgid ¶ In this same yer ī the assūcion of our lady died quene Philip of englond a full nobull and good woman at westmīster full worsshipfully is beried entered about midsomer the duke of lancastre ̄ the erle of Herford with a gret cōpanie of knyghtis wēt ī to fraūce wher they get them but litell worship name for ther wos an huge ost of frēshmen vpō chalkhull brigge an other ost of englishmen fast by the sam brige that lōg tyme had leued ther. And mōy worthi men gret of the englisshmen ordeyned yaf coūcell for to fight ̄ yaf botaill to the frenshmen but the forsaid lordis wold nothing ꝯsent ther to ne assent for no maner thing ¶ Ther anone after it happid that the erle of werwike come thederward for to were when the frenshmen herd of his comyng or that he come fully to land they left the● tentis ̄ pauilyons with all ther vitales ̄ fled and went a way priuely And when the erle was comyn to land with his men he went in all hast toward Normandie ̄ destroyed the I le of caws thurgh dynt of swerd and thurgh fier ¶ But alas in his returnyng to englondward home ayen at Calais he wos taken with sekenesse of the pestilence died not leuyng behind hī after his daies so nobull a knyght and orped of armes ¶ In wich tyme rened ̄ wered thilk orped knyght sir Iohn̄ Hawkewod that was an englishmā borne hauyng with hī at his gouernaūce thilk white cōpanie that is aforsaid the wich o tyme ayens holy chirche and an other time ayens lordis werid ̄ ordeyned gret batailles and ther in that same cuntre he did mony meruelus thynges ¶ And a bout the conuersion of sent Paule the kyng when he had endid and done the entering and the exiquies with gret costes and rialtes a bout the sepulture berieng of quene Philip his wife he held a ꝑlament at westmynstre in wich ꝑlament was axed of the clargie a thre yeres dyme that is for to say a gret dyme to be payed iij. yere during ¶ And the clargi
day after met sodenly wos smyten with a palasie lost his speche on marie magdelene dai died ¶ Of the deth of kyng edward how sir Iohn̄ Monsterwarth knyght wos drawen honged for his falsenesse RYght anone after in the lij yere of kyng Edward in the begynnyng of october Pope Gregarie the xi brought remeued his court with him from Auinion to rome ¶ And the xij day of Aprill Iohan Monsterworth knyght at london was draw ̄ honged than quartired sent to iiij chief toūes of englond and his hede smyten of set vpon london brigge for this same Iohn̄ wos full vn trew to the kyng to the reame ̄ couetous vnstabull for he toke oft tymes gret soumes of monay of the kyng his councell for men of armes wagis that hee sh̄uld haue paid them toke it to his own vse he dred that at the last he shold be shent acused for the same cause ̄ fled priuely to the kyng of fraunce ̄ wos suore to him ̄ bicome his man ̄ behight him a gret nauy out of spayn in to confusion distroyng of englōd ¶ But rightfull god to whom no priuite is vnknowne suffrid him frist to be shend ̄ spilt or that he so tratoursly falsly his lige lord the kyng of englong ̄ his pepull in his ream in the wich ground the same Iohan wos bore wykkedly thurgh bataill destroie or bring his cursed purpose about ¶ In the fest of sent George tho next after kyng Edward yaf to Richard of Burdeux his heir that wos prince edwardis son at wyndesor the ordir of knyghthod made him knyght the wich kyng edward whan he had regned li. yere and more the xi Kal̄ of Iune he died at Shene and is buried worshipfulli at westmynstre on whois soule god haue merci amen ¶ This kyng edward was forsothe of a passing goodnesse full grecious among all the worthy men of the world for he passid shone by vertu of grace yef to him fro god a boue all his predicessours that wer nobull men worthy he wos a well herted mā a hardy for he drad neuer no mish●ppis ne harmes ne euell fortun that might fall a nobull weri our and a fortunat for both on land se in all batailles and assembles with a passing glorie ioye he had the victorie he was meke benyngne homeli sobre soft to all maner of men as well to strāgers os to his own subgectis ̄ to oder that wer vnder his gouernaūce ¶ He wos deuout holy both to god ̄ holy chirch for he worshipped holpe ̄ mayntened holy chirche ̄ ther mynisterres with all maner reueraunce he wos tretabull well auised in temꝑall and wordly nedes wise ī coūcell discret meke to speke wt. ī his dedis ̄ maners gētill wel taught hauīg pitte of them that wer ī disese plentious in yeueng of benefaites almose bisi ̄ curious ī bylddyng ̄ lighili he bere suffred wrōges ̄ harmis whē he was yeue to any ocupaciō he left all oder thīg for the tyme tent ther to semly of body a meyn stature hauīg all way to high to lawe a good chere ¶ And ther sprong shone so moch grace of hī that what maner man had behold his face or had dremed of hī he hoped that day that all thīg sh̄uld hap to hī ioyfull likīg ¶ And he gouned his kyngdō gloriously vn to his age he was large ī yeuēg wise ī spēces he was fulfilled with all honeste of good maners ̄ vertues vnder whō to liue it wos as for to regne wherfor his fame his loos sprong so fer that it come ī to hethennesse barborie shewīg ̄ telling his worthenes ̄ manhod ī all landis that no land vnder heuen had brought forth so nobull a kīg so gentill so blessid or myght rase such an other whan he wos dede ¶ Neuer the latter lechorie and meuyng of his flesh haunted him in his age wherfor the rather as it is to suppose for vnmesurable fulfillīg of his lust his lyfe shorted the sonn ¶ And here of take good hede lyke as his dedis berith witnesse· for as in his begynnyng all thīges were ioyfull and likyng to hī ̄ to all pepull ¶ And ī his midde age he passid all pepull in high Ioye worship and blissednesse right so when he drew in to age drawyng doūward thurgh lechori othir sinnes litell and litell all tho ioyfull and blissid thyngꝭ and ꝓsparite decreced and mishappid ̄ infortunat thyngꝭ ̄ vnꝓfitable harmes with mony euels began for to spring the more harme is it continued long time after CLemens the sext wos pope after Bendict x. yere this mā in name dede was vertuus mony thyngꝭ that benedict was rigus ī he made ese certan that he depriuyt he restorid and the rigusnesse of the faith of Benedict was laudabull But moch more laudabull wos the mekenesse of Clement ¶ This man wos a nobull prechour and mony sermones he geddrid he let no man paasse from him bot he yaf him good councell And decessid a blissid man Karolus the iiij wos Emprour after Lodewik xxxi yere This man wos the kyng of Beeme a wise man a myghty And this man wos chosin Emprour by the cōmaundement of Clemens Lodewik beyng on liue in his cōtemacy be cause he asked mekely the popes blissing ̄ to be crouned of him as ather good kynges did Therfor he wos proteckid of god and preualed ouer all his enmys And mony fauerabull lawes he made to spirituall men the wich yit er called Karolma at the last he decessid a rich man ī vertu and goodis Innocencius the sext wos pope after Clement x. yere And he wos a gret louer of religious men and he founded a monastery in fraūce of the ordir of Cartusiens and was a gret canonyst Vrbanus the v. wos pape after Innocent This man was abbot of Missolens of the ordir of sent Benet a doctur and is take for a seint He made the crosse to be prechit ayens the turkis And he made a pasage to the Turkis· And to him sent Brygit wos sente from crist for the confirmacion of ther rule And then he wos poysenned and decessid Gregorie the xi wos pope after hī viij yere This Gregorie did litell And after hī foloyd the tribulaciō the wich our lord shewed to sent Brigit for the sinne of the clargie Venselans son to Karolus a forsaid was Emprour xiiij yere And he wos a child and was chosen when his fadre wos on liue but he toke no kepe of the empire and when he wos warned mony tymes to take heid vn to it and wold not he was deposed For he yaf all his delite and lust vn
Subandy the wich wos cosin and alied almost to all the princes of cristyndō and euerychon left him Then ī the yere after ther wos a pees made Felix resauid for it plesid our lord his name to be glorified by a obiect of the world as wos that Ianuens· in comꝑison to the duke the pope This Nicholas was a maister in diuinite and actiue man a rich man ī ꝯsaites mōy thyngꝭ that wer fallen he bildid ayen all the wallis of rome he renewed for dred of the Turke And ther was a uerse made of this vnite and publisit in the cite Lux fulsit mūdo cessit felix nicholao And that ī the yere of our lord M.iiijC.xlix The yer of grece with a gret deuocion was ꝯfirmid ̄ innumerabull pepull wēt to the apostill setis ¶ How kyng Henri the vi regned beyng a child not oon yere of age of the bataill of vernaill in Perche AFter kyng Henri the v. regned henri his son but a child and not fulli on yere of age whos regne began the frist day of Septembre in the yere of our lord M. cccc.xxij This king beyng ī his cradell wos moch dowtid and drad by cause of the gret ꝯquest of his fader ̄ also the wysdō guydyng of his vncles the duke of Bedford ̄ the duke of Gloucestre ¶ This yere the xxi day of October dyed Charles the kyng of fraūce lieth beried at sent Denys And than wos the duke of bedford made regent of fraunce And the duke of Gloucestre wos made ꝓtector and defendour of englond ¶ And the frist day of march after wos sir willm Taillour prest degradid of his presthode and on the morow after he wos brint ī smythfeld for herise ¶ Thys yere sir Iames stiward kyng of scottis maried Dame Iane the duches doughter of Clarence of hir frist housband the erle of somerset at sent mari ouays ¶ Also this yere the xvij day of August wos the bataill of vernaill in perche bitwen the duke of bedford regēt of fraūce ̄ the duke of Alaūsone wich was a gret bataill The duke of Bedford had ● on his sid with hī the erle of salusberi Moūtagu the lord Talbot all the pouer that they coud make in Normandie the garysouns kept And also mony Capitayns with moch pepull of the duke of Borgoyns ¶ And on that other side was the duke of Alaunson the duke of Turon that wos therle douglas the erle Boughan with mōy lordis of fraūce ̄ gret cōponie of scottis and Armynakis And than the Erle douglas called the duke of Bedford Iohan with the leden swerd And he sent him word ayen that he sh̄old find that day that his swerde wos of stele ¶ And so the bataill ioyned on both sides and faught long tyme that ther wist no man who sh̄old haue the better a gret while bot at the last as god wold the victori fell vn to the English partie For ther wer slaī the erle douglas wich a litel before wos made duke of Turon the erle of boughan the erle of Almarre the erle of Toūar the erle of vaūtedor and the viscount of Nerbonne wich was on of them that slew duke Iohn̄ of Borgoyn knelyng before the Dolphyn ̄ mony mo vn to the nombre of x. thosand and mo And ther wos taken prisoners thee duke of Alaūson and mony othir lordid and gentillis of fraūce bot scottis that day wer slayn doune right the substance of them all ¶ And the thrid yere of kyng henri the sext the Duke of Gloucestre maried the duchisse of holand wēt ouer the se with hir in to henaude for to take possession of hys wyfes heritance wher he wos honorably receyuid and taken for lord of the land bot sone after he was fayn to returne home ayen tho and left his wyfe ̄ all his tresour that he had broght with him in a toune that is called Mounse in henaud wich promised him for to be trew to him Notwithstondyng they deliuered the lady vn to the duke of borgoyn wich sent hir to Gaunt And from thens she ascapid in a man nys clothyng and come in to Zeland to a toūe of hir own callid Ziorixee And from thens she went to a toune in holand called the Ghowde and ther sh̄e wos strong ynowgh and withstode the said duke of Burgoyn ¶ And sone after the duke of gloucestre sent ouer in to Zeland the lord fitzwater with certayn men of were and archiers for to help and socour the forsaid duchefse of holand wich ●andit at a place in Zeland called brewers hauen wher the lordis of the contre come doūe and faght with him and in conclosion he wos fayn to with draw him and his meny to the see ayen But yit he slew and hurt diuerse lordis and moch pepull of that same cuntre And so retourned home ayen with his meny and preuaylid no thyng ¶ And also this same yere the● Erle of Salusberi the erle of suffolke the lord Wylby and thee lord scalis with ther retenue laid sege to the cite of Manus the wich cite wos yolden to them with mony othir strong toūes and Castellis to the nombre of xxxvi ¶ This tyme all Normādie and a gret part of fraūce vn to Orliaunce wos vnder the obeyssaunce of the kyng of englond And all the remenaūt of fraunce wos in gret tribulacion and mischief ¶ How ther wos a gret fray lyke to haue bene bitwene the cardinall the duke of Gloucestre And of the coronacion of king Henri the sext both in englond in fraūce IN the iiij yere the same nyght that the maire of london Iohan Couentre had takyn his charge was a gret watch in London for a fray that wos betwen the bisshop of wynchestre and the Duke of Gloucestre protectour c ¶ For the maire with the pepull of the cite wold abide bi the duke of gloucestre as ꝓtectour of the reame bot by labour of lordis that went bitwen in speciall by the labour of the prince of Portyngale ther was a pointement taken that ther was no harme done And after the bataill of verneyll in perche thee duke of bedford com ouer in to Englond And on witsonday this same yere at Laycestre he dubbed kyng Henri knyght And forthwith the said kyng Henry dubbed all thes knyghtis whos names folowith that is to wit sir Richard duke of yorke also the son and heir of the duke of Norfolke the erle of Oxford the Erle of westmerland the son and heir of the erle of Northumburland the son ̄ heir of the erle of vrmond the lord Roos sir Iamys buttelar the lord martrauas sir Henry gray of Tankeruile sir willm Neuill lord fawconbrigge sir George Neulll lorde latimer the lord wellis the lord berkle the son and heir of the lord Talbot sir Raufe gray of werk Sir robert veer sir Richad gray sir Edmond hongerford Sir Robert
gret fray in london in flete strete by nyghtis tyme bytwen men of court and men of london and diuerse men slayn and sum hurt And on herbotell was chief causer of the misgouernaunce ̄ affray ¶ Also this yere at chesing of the maire of londō the comūes named Robert Clopton Raulin holand taliour And the aldermen toke robert clopton and brough him at the right hand of the meirs as the custom is And than certayn tailours and othir hond craftis men cried nay nay not this man bot Raulyn Holand wherfore the maire that wos padysly sent them that so cried to newgate where they abode agret while and wer ponisshed ¶ In this same yere wer diuerse enbassatours sent in to Guyan for a mariage for the kyng for the Erles doughter of Armynake wich wos ꝯcludid but by the meyn of the erle of suffolke it was let and put a parte ¶ And after this the said erle of Suffolke went him ouer the see in to fraunce and ther he tretid the mariage bitwen the kyng of Englond and the kynges doughter of Cecile and of Ierusalem And the next yere it wos concludid fully that mariage by wich mariage the kyng shold deliuer to hir fadre the duchie of Angeo and the Erledom of Mayn wich wos the keye of Normandie ¶ Then departid the Erle of suffolke with his wife diuerse lordis and knyghtis in the most raal astate that myght be out of Englond with new chares and palfreys wich went thurgh Chepe and so went ouer the se and resaued hir and sithen brought hir in the lent after vn to hampton wher she landid and was rially resaued ¶ And on Candilmasse euen before by a gret tempest of thounder and lightenyng at afternone Poules steple wos set on fire on the middis of the shaft in the timbur wich was quenched by force of labour and specially by the labour of the morow masse prest of the bow in chepe with was thought impossible sayf onli the grace of god ¶ This yere wos the erle of stafford made create duke of Bokyngham the erle of werwik duke of warwyke the erle of Dorset marquis of Dorset ̄ the erle of suffolke wos made marquies of suffolke ¶ How kyng Henri weddid quene Margarete and of hir coronacion IN this yere kyng Henri maried at southwik quene Margaret And she com· to london the xviij day of May by the way all the lordis of englond ressayued hir worshipfully in diuerse places And ī especiall the duke of gloucestre and on thee blake heth the maire with the aldermen and all the craftis in blewe gounys browderd with the deuise of his craft that thei myght be bi knowen mette with hir with reed hodis and brought hir to london wher wer diuerse pagentis and countinaunce of diuerse histories shewed in diuerse places of the cite rially and costely ¶ And the xxx day of May the forsayd quene wos crouned at westmynster And ther wos Iustis iij. days during within the sentorie be fore the abbey ¶ This yere the priour of kylmian appellid the erle of vrmond of treson wich had a day assigned to them for to fight in smythfeld And the listis wer made and feld drassid but whan it come to point the kyng commaundid that they shuld not fight but toke the quarell in to his hand And this wos done at the instance ̄ labour of certayn prechours and doctours of london as mastir Gilbert worthyngton parson of sent Andrewes ī holborne and othir ¶ Also this same yere come a gret enbassade in to Englond out of fraūce for to haue concludid a ꝑpetuall pees but in conclusion it turned vn to a trews of a yere ¶ About this tyme dred sent Barnardyn a gray frere wich began the new reformacion of that ordir in mony places in so moche that they that wer reformed bene called obseruauntes wich obseruaūtes bene encresid gretli ī Ytali ī Almayn ¶ This Bernardyn was Canonysed by pope Nicholas the .v. In the yere of our lord M. cccc.l ¶ Iohannes de Capistrano wos his desciple wich ꝓfited moch to the reformacion of that order for whom god hath shewed mony a fair miracle also here is to be notid that frō this tyme forward kyng Henri neuer ꝓfited ne went forward bot fortune began te turne from him on all sides as well in fraunce Normandie Guyan as in englōd Sum men holden opinion that kyng Henri yaf comyssion plenery to sir Edward hull sir Robert Roos Dene of sent sauerins and othir to conclude a mariage for him with the erle of armynakis sustre wich wos ꝓmised as it wos seid ̄ ꝯcludid but afterward it wos brokyn he wedded quene margaret as afore is said wich wos a dere mariage for the reame of englond For it wos knowen verili that for to haue hir wos deliuered the duchie of Angeo and the erledō of mayne wich wos the keye of Normandie for the frenshmen to entre ¶ And about this the said marquies of suffolke axed in plaī ꝑlamēt a xv ̄ an halfe for to fetch hir out of fraūce Lo what a mariage wos this as to the comparison of that othir mariage of armynake For ther shuld haue bene deliuered so mony castels ̄ tounes ī Guyan and so moch good sh̄uld haue be yeuen with hir that all englond sh̄uld haue bene ther by enriched but ꝯtrari wyse fell wherfore euery gret prince ought to kepe his ꝓmisse for be causa of brekyng of this ꝓmisse and for mariage of quene margaret what losse hath the reame of englond had by losing of normandie and guyan ▪ by diuision in the reame the rebellyng of comunes ayenst ther prince ̄ lordis what diuision among the lordis what murder sleyng of them what feldis foughten and made in conclusion so mony that mony a man hath lost his life and in conclusion the kyng deposed the quene with hir son fayn to flee in to scotland and from thens ī to fraūce and so to loriyn the place that she come frist fro ¶ Mony men demeth that the brekīg of the kīges promise to the sustre of the erle of armynake was cause of this gret losse and aduersite ¶ How the duke of gloucestre the kīgꝭ vncle wos arestid at the ꝑlamēt of bury his deth how angeo ī mayn wos deliuered IN the xxv yere of kyng Henri wos a ꝑlament at Bur● called sent Edmondis buri about wich was commaūdid all the comunes of the cuntre to be ther in ther most best defensabull aray for to await vpon the kyng To wich ꝑlament come the duke of Gloucestre vmfrey the kyngꝭ vncle wich had bene ꝓtectour of englond all the none age of the kyng and anone after hee wos ī his loggīg he wos arestid by the viscoūte bemōd the cōst a bull of englōd whom accompanied the duke of Bokyngham and mony othir lordis And forthwith all his seruaūtes wer cōmaūdid for
vertu as Dauit ̄ sū faylit a non as Saul ̄ Ieroboan Also it is red that mōy war nobull men by tyrannyde ̄ violens of the wich sum war distryet a non and sū a bood in stabulnes as Paynyms myght Aº mūdi ijM.ix C v. Et an̄ xp̄i natī .ijM.ij .ijC. lxxxxiiij SAruch lyneally descendyt from Adam to Abraham and Nachor wos hys sone ̄ lyuid an hundyrth ̄ xlviij yere And a bowte this tyme Ydolatri be gan myghttely And yf ye reuolue ̄ loke the hystoryes ye shall fynd that iij. thyngꝭ principall broght men to ydolatri that is to wete the affeccion that they had to deed men Dreed ̄ flatyring a nendys thaer prīces ̄ the dyligens of craftimen a boute sculptures or grauyngis dulys then entyrt the ydolis and gaf ownswars to the pepull and thes spretis cōformyt the errur of the pepull myghtily In so mych that who sū euer wold note cōforme hym to ther reson he shuld suffir the payn of deth also wos addit to thes thyngꝭ the dissauyng laud of poettys the wych wrecchys and dampnyt men in to heuyn wyth ther gay writyngis exaltit And that same tyme when dulys be gan to speke so farly and so mekely to man the good lorde of his grett marcy send his angils that thay sh̄uld speke to hys eleckyt men in visibely lest that all man kyne shuld ꝑych wyth that muscheuus errower Belus sonne to Nemroth this tyme wos Kyng of Babulon ̄ he was the fyrst kyng of this world and this man wos he whom the errur of pepull fyrst trawit shuld be a god wher for diuse pepull namyt hym diuersly ̄ sū cald hym Bell. sum Baall sū Baalim sum Beelphagor ̄ sum Beelsabub and this vnhapy errur stood in man kynd moor thē ijM. yere Ninus son to belus the secund kyng of Babulon or of assuriorum regnyt liiij yere and this Ninus desyryt to haue lordshyp ̄ worshyp ̄ to that entent that he myght be lord of all the cūtre a boute hym and he gaaffe batell̄ to all̄ that dwellit ne a bowte hym And be cause that tyme the pepull wos rude ̄ had not the connyng of feghtyng nor armur a noon he subduyt vn to hym all Asiam ̄ ther wos maad the fyrst monarch ī the est ꝑti ̄ when his hart wos sory for the deth of his father Belꝰ hee maad to be maad to hym for his comforth an ymage of his fadyr to whom he gaafe so myghti reuerens that what sum euer gylty man had fleed to that ymage ther shuld no man do vn to hym no hurte And he pardonythim of all his trespase And thurgh his ensampull mōy a mā be gan to worshype the deed ymag of ther deer frendys Then thees malicius spretis seyng the curiosite off the pepull hyde them with in them and gaafe onswars to the pepull and said they war goddys and commandit them to do reuerēs vn to them as god thus that vnhappy syn of ydolatri wos broght in the wich repugnyt myghteli to goddis magesty ̄ ī so myche this madnes grew that he shuld suffir the payne of deth thatt sayd they warmen bot goddys Anno mūdi iijM.C.xiiij Et an̄ xp̄i natī ij M lxxxv THare son to Nachor leuyd ij C ̄ v yere this Thare after the deth of Aram went from vr of calde and passit in too Charram with his childyrn ̄ his neuens and it is sayd be cause he woldnot worshipe the fier as Nemreth had taght he wos flemyt the cuntre And the comyn oppynion of the Hebreus is that Nēroth regnyt ther the wich wos cald a nodir name Amraphel the kyng of Sennaar wom long tyme after this Abraham awrcā vt dicitur Genes Genesis .xiiij. Anno mūdi iijM.C.lxxxiiii Et an̄ xpī natiuitatē ij M xv Heer begynnith the deuoit ̄ holy story of owr Patriarkis the wich worshippit the ueray god ̄ ī ther worshipping thai taght it vide plura gen 12. vsque ad finē this Abrahā a faithfull louer of god wos born the xliij yere of Ninus kyng of babulō knaw ye that the lxxv yere of Abrahā thurght the myghty glori of the hee god Abraham Here begīnith the threde aage of the worlde durīg to dauid the word of merci decēdit apon mankynd for then be gane to appeer the oraculꝰ of the ꝓmisse of god vide aug 16 de ci de Itm gen ih for this tyme holy āgels apperit to vs ī form of mankynd ¶ This abrahā had .ij. brether Arā ̄ Nachor ̄ aram gatt Loth a rightwes mā ̄ an holi ̄ he deseruyt to be visit with angels as his hunkil abrahā wos ̄ for this loth abrahā smoot iiii kyngꝭ for they toke loth vt gen 14. of whom on was said to be Nemroth bot he is cald heer amraphell ¶ And abrahā had mony wiffes as Sarar ̄ agar ̄ his childer ̄ his brether had mōy childer bot for vs that writte cronyclis it is not necessary to speke of all mē bot of the noble faders sed vide plrāfīe gen Melchysedech this tym wos kyng of Salē this mā wos cald a right wis kyng for hys excedyng holines ̄ he offirt bred ̄ wyne to abrahā ī signe of a gret mysteri he wos also the prest of the he god Semyramis the thrid king of Babulō this ordāt an army ̄ went ī to ynde ̄ obtenet that cūtre ̄ so by all Asiam the kīgdom of Assuriorum wos dilatit ̄ he multiplied the cite of Babulō myghteli ̄ maad wallis a bowt it this Semyramis had a wyff ̄ he for soke hiir ̄ it is wreten that sche wos slain of hiir sone Ninus be cause sche ꝓuokit him to the vnleful cōcupicēs sic dicit aug 18 de ci dei ̄ the maister ī his storys sayes that sche weddit hiir awn son ̄ he gat a child on hiir the wich ordant bobulon to be the heed of his reme Ninus the iiij kyng of babulō wos son to gret Ninus of this man litill is wreten bot that he slow his own modir as it is sayed a foor Arrius wos the. v kyng of babulon and vnder hym wos borne ysaac Ysaac sone to Abraham of the lyne of crist leued C.lxxx yere This Ysaac had a wife cald Rebecca ̄ on hir hee gat ij sonnys Esau ̄ Iacob this esau sould his enheritons to his brother Iacob ̄ he wos the fadyr of Ydumeorum ̄ he had in possession the hille of Seir. ̄ put fyrst maris to assys wher of wos gēdyrte mulis ¶ A bowte this tyme xxx lordschippis ̄ Gomorra forther horrobli syn war owerthrow the wife of Loth lokyng bacward turnet ī to a salt stone shewis that no mā ī the way of deliberacion shuld desyre thyngꝭ past hee augꝰ de
mony of ther kynghtes and of other frendes that euermore were and contake shold be amonges vs brut tho and all his folke consented well to that counsell and this thyngꝭ they tolden to kyng Pādras and hee for to haue his lyfe graunted as moch as they axid and a none yaf vn to brute gennogen his douter to wyfe an hūdreth shippes with os myche os them neded of all vitalles os befor wos ordenyd brute tho toke his wife and all is men that for soke the lond of grece and went them vn to the see and had wynd and wedre at ther wyll and com the thrid day in to an I le that wos called Lorgres this brute anone sent of his mē a lond for to aspye the maner of the contre they found a nold Cite al wasted ̄ forlet that nas therynne nether mā ne woman ne no thyng duelling ī the mydell of this cite they founden an old tempull of an feier lady that wos called Diane the goddesse ̄ they comē ayene vn to Brut told hym what they had seyn and found they cōselled hym gone doo sacrifice vn to dame Dian for she was woned to yef ansuer of what thyng that euer men prayed hir ̄ namli vn to them that hir honoured with sacrifice Brut wēt to that ymage ̄ sayd Diane noble goddest lady that all thyng hast in myght ̄ ī thy pouer wyndes waters wodes feldes ̄ al thyng of the world ̄ all maner of bestes that ther ī ben to you I make my prayer that ye me cōcell ̄ tell wher ī what place I shall haue a counabull duellyng for me ̄ for my pepull ther I shall make ī honor of you a welfaier tempyll a nobull wher ī ye shall euermore be honoured when he had done his praer Diane ansuerd ī this maner Brute ꝙ she go euē forth thy wey ouer the see ī to fraunce toward the west ̄ ther ye shall find an Ile that is called Albion that Ile is bicompassed all with the see no mā may cū therī bot it bene by shippes ī that lond wer wōed to be geantes bot now it is not so bot all wyldernes and that lond is destenyed ̄ ordant for yow and for your pepull ¶ How Coryn becōe brutes mā ̄ how kīg goffar wos discōfid WHen Brute hade this ansuere of diane the goddesse anōe he let the ancres wynd vp sayled ī to the high see ̄ whē he ̄ his men had sailed xx dayes and mo they fond fast beside a cost of the see a thousand mē of the lynage and kynred of Troy and ther souerayne ̄ ther master of all was called Corin. and whan Brute wist whennes they weer he tho toke them with moch Ioye ī to his shippis ̄ led them forth with hym this Corin ther becōe brutes mā to hym dyd homage ̄ so long they sailled forth ī that se till they comē ī to Gascoyne and anōe they arriued ī the hauen of liegers and ther they duellid viij dayes them for to rest ̄ ther sayles to amende ther that it wos nede tydyngꝭ sone come to kīg Goffar that was lord of the lond how that moch pepill of strange lond were arreuid in to his lond in the hauen of liegers wherfor hee was sore angreyd and anoyde that they come and arriued in his lond with out his lysens and his leue And anone he ordeyned hym a gret pouer for to dryue out Brute and to shend him and all his pepull bout it was so that kyng Goffar wos discomfited and all his pepull and hym self flede in to Fraunce ther to seke helpe and socour ¶ And in that tyme regned in fraunce xij kynges and a xi of them assemaled a gret pouer for to help Goffar and for to fight ayenes Brute this Goffar duelle with them of fraunce halfe a yere and more And in the mene tyme when goffar was in fraunce Brute and hys companye destruyed all the lond of Gascoyne and let take all tresour that kyng goffar had and ther let bryng it all in to his shippes And this Brute founden in that lond a fair place and couenabull theyr brute made a faire Castell and a strong ¶ When that this wos done kyng Goffar come fro fraunce and xi kynges with hym and brought with them .xx M. men for to fyght with Brute his compani and brute had but vijM. and iijC. men neuerthelees when the ij hostes mett to gedre brutes folke thorgh help of hym selfe and of Turyn his cosyn ̄ of Corin that well and manly hym defended and fought so tell that lytell tym they had kylled of the fraunshemen ijM. and mo anon all tho that were alyue fled a way ¶ And in this batell Turin brutes cosyn was slayn and brute let enteer hym worthely whan he had space ̄ leyser in the Castell that he had made and tho let call that same castell Tours for be cause of the name of Turin that ther wos entyred and yet in to this day ther is a nobull Cite that is c●lled Tours And when kyng goffar wist that Turin wos deyd he cō ayene with his men and after yaf a strong batell vn to brute bot brute and hys men were so wery for fighttyng that they myght no longer endure bot to meegre hym and all his and than Brute went ī to his castell with all his men ̄ made the yates fast for to saue them and for to take consell amonges them what were for to do Brute and Corin yaf counsell and ordeyned that corin priualy shold goo oute and bussh hym in a wod til the morne So that in the mornyng whan brute shold fight with his enymys Corin shold cum with his folke in one side and sla and do all the harme that he myght And in amornyng in the dauyng of the day Brute went out of the castell ̄ faught with his enmys and they fersly defendid bot with ī a litell tyme brute and his folke slew viijC. of gofears men and then come Corin with the busshement and smot to ground he his compani all that wold stond or a byed so that that kyng goffar and his comp●nye war descomfited and fast they gun to fle And Brute and Corin with ther companye fersly them persoed and kylled moo of them in the fleyng than they did in batell ¶ And in this maner Brut had the victorie and nertheles brute made moch sorow for his cosyn Turin that ther wos slayn and other also that he had lost of his men that is to say vijC. and xv the wich nobulli he let entier in the some castell of Tours ther wher that he had entyred Turin his cosyn ¶ How Brute arriued at Totnesse in the I le of Albion and of the batell that wos by tuix Corin and Gogmagog WHen all
this wos done Brute wold no longer ther duell for to fight nor for to lese no mo of his pepull For kyng Goffarus pepull mygth euery day encresse mo and mo And bruttes lassenned and therfor he toke all his men and went vn to the see had wynd and weder at ther will And the fyfte day afterwaard they arriued in an hauen at Totnesse and comen in to the I le of Albion and ther nether man nor woman as the stori tels the fond but Geautes and thei woned in hillis in caues ̄ Brut saw the lond wos fayr and at his likyng and wos good also for him and for all his pepull as Diane the goddesse had hym behight And ther wos brute wonder glad and late assemble vpon a day all his folke to make a solempnie sacrifice and a gret fest in honour reuerens of Diane the goddesse of the wich he had counsell first for to cū in to this lond And whan that they had thar solempnite done as they vpon a day sat at ther mete ther come in vppon them sodanly xxx geantes and kylled of brutes men xxx Brute and his men anone sturten vp and fought with the geantes and kylled them euerychone bot one that was called Gogmagog and he was master of all the geantes and he wos stronger and heyr than ony of the other And brute keped hym for encheson that he shold wrestyll with Corin that was brutes mā for he wos gretter and hyer than ony of Brutes men from thee gredyl sted vpward ¶ Gogmagog and Corin vndir toke ther for to wrestyll and so to gedre they went and wrestilled a long tyme but at the last gogmagog held Corin so fast that he brake ij ribbbes of his side wherfor Corin wos sore angri and ther he toke gogmagog betwix his armes and kest hym doune vpon a roche so that gogmagog brak all to peces ̄ so he died an euell deth and therfor the place is called yit vn to this day the faut of gogmagog And then after brute yaf all that cuntre vn to Corin ther corin called it after his name Cornwalle and his men be called Cornwailles and so shuld men of that contre be called for euermore And in that contre duelled corin and his mē and thee made tounes ̄ houses ̄ inhabited the lond by ther own wyll ¶ How Brute made London called this lond britane and scotland Albyne and Walis Cambir BRute and his mē wēt forth ̄ saw aboute in dyuerse places wher that they myght fynd a good place and couenabull that they myght make a Cite for hym for his folke Soo at the last they come by a fayr Riuer that is called temys ther Brute biganne a fair Cite and let calle it new Trey in mynd and remembrance of the gret Troy from the wich place all theer linage was comin ¶ And this brute let fell doune wodes and let erye and sawe landes and let maw doune medoys for sustenāce of him and also of his pepull and he departed the lond to them so that euerychon haad a parte and a certayn place for to duell in And then Brute let call all this lond Bretene after his owne name and his folke he let call bretons And this Brut had gotē on his wife Gennogen iij. sonnys that war worthy of dedes the fyrst wos called Lotrin the secund Albanac and the thred kambar And brute bore croune in the cite of new Troy .xx. yere after the tyme that the cite was made and ther he made the lawes that the bretons holden And this brut wos wonderly well belouyd emōg all men And brute sonnys also loued wonderly well to gedeer ¶ And whan brute had sought all the lond in length ̄ also ī breyd he found a land that Iuned to bretane that wos in the north and that land brute yaf to albanac his son and let call it Albanie after his name that now is called Scotland ¶ And brute fond an other contre toward the west and yaf that to Cambar his other son and let call it Camber after his name and now it is cald walys and whan brute had regned .xx. yere as be for is sayd then he died in the cite of new Troy ¶ How Lotrin that wos brute son entroed wyth moch honour and gouerned the lond well and worthely AFter Brute regned Lotrin his son that wos the secund kyng in bretane the wich be gane to regne the secund yere of Samuell and this lotrin wos croned kyng with moch solemnite of all the land of bretane and after whan he wos croned kīg Albanac and Cambar his .ij. brether went a gayn ī to ther own contre and ther they liued with mekyll honour and worshyp and Lotrin ther brother regned and was kyng and gouerned it well and wyseli for he wos a good man and wonderly well beloued of all his land And it be fell so that Albanac duelled in his owne lond with mekell hoonour and worshipe and then come kynge Humbar of Hunlond with a grett pouer and ariued in albine and wold haue conquered the land and by gone to were vpon kīg Albanac hym kylled in batell ¶ when albanac wos slayne the pepull of that land fled vn to Lotrin and tould hym for he wos kyng of bretan how that his brother wos slayn and prayed hym of his help and of his socour for to a venge hys brother deth ¶ Lotrin ther anone let assemble all the bretans of kent of douer in to derewent of Norfolk and Southfolke of keftefen and lyndessey and when they war all ensembled they sped them fast to ward ther enmys for to yef them batell and lotrin had sent to Camber his brother that he shuld come vn to hym with all thee pouer that he myght make hym for to help and so he did with a good wyll and so they come to gedres and toke ther way preualy for to go and seche Humbar wher they myght hym fynde ¶ And so it befell that this Humbar wos by side a water that wos a gret reuer with his folke hym for to disport ther come Lotrin and Cambir his brother with all ther folke sodanly or that ony of that other wist ¶ And whan Humber saw them cū he wos sore adrad For as moch as his men wist it not afore and also they were vn arayed And anone Humber for drede he lepyd ī to the water and drenched hym self and so he died and his men wer all slayn that none of them ascaped And thefor is that water called Humbar and euermore shall be for be cause that this kyng Humbar ther in was drenched And after that Lotrin went to his shippis and toke ther gold siluer and os moch as he fand vn to hym self and all that other pylfre he gaf vn to other folke of the host and they fond in one of the shippis a fair damysell that wos kyng
the last he shop him to the see and passed ouer in to fraunce and asked and aspied wher the Quene myght be fonde and men told hym wher she was And whan he come to the Cite that she was in preualy he sent his squyer vn to the quene to tell hyr that hir fadre wos comen to hir for gret neides ¶ And when the squyer come to the quene he told hir euery dele of hir sustres from the begynnyng vn to the end· Cordeill the quene anone toke gold and siluer plente and toke it to the squyer in counsell that he shold go and bere it vn to hir fadre and that he shold go in to a certan Cite and hym aray and wasshen and than cum ayene to hir ̄ bring with hym an honest companye of knyghtes xl at the leyst with ther menye and than he shold send to hir lord the kyng and sayne that he were comen for to speke with his doughter hym for to seen and so he did ¶ And whan the kyng and the quene he●d that thei com with mych honour they hym rossayued And the kīg of fraunce tho let send thurgh all his reame and cōmanded that all mē shold bene al 's entendent to kyng Leir the Quens fadre in all maner of thynges as it war vn to hym self when kīg leir had duelled ther a moneth and more he tolde to the kyng and to the quene his doughter how his two eldest doughtres had hym serued Agampe anone let ordeyne a gret host of fraunce men and sent in to bretan with Leir the quenes fader for to comquer his land ayene and his kyngdom And cordeill also come with hir fader in to bretane for to haue the reame after hir fadres deth And anone they went to ship and passed the see and come in to bretan and foughten with the felous and them scomfited and kylled ̄ tho had he his lond ayene and after leued iij. yere and held his ream in pees and afterward died ̄ Cordeill his doughter hym let ētyr with mekell honour at Lecestre Anno mūdi iiij M iij C xlix Et an̄ xpī natītatē viij C liij AMasias son to Ioam regned on the Iues xxix yere after the wich the kyngdō of Iues wos with out kyng xiij yere This man worship the goddis of Seyr vt pꝪ patet 2º para 2● Ieroboam son to Ioam rened on isreell xli yere y● with was manly and victorius for he ouer come the kyng sirie ̄ restorid israell damaske after the word of Iono the ꝓphet bot he wos not good ther foor sayeth Austyn yf good men regne thay ꝓphet mony mē ̄ yf ill men regne they hurt mony men Anno mūdi iiij M iij C lxxxviij Et an̄ xpī natītatē viij C xi OZias or Azarias son to Amasie regned on the Iure lij yere the wich leued well a for our lord Off hym is no ill thyng wretyn bot that he vsurpit the dyngnyte of prest hoid vnder Azari the wich he for bed hym for the wich cause our lord strok hym with a leper vt pꝪ patet ●o. para Ozee bisshop and ꝓphet was this tyme the fyrst of the xij is send a yanes the x. tribis Iohell the secund of the xij ꝓphesied of iuda Anias the iij. ꝓphised agās mani peple ¶ Abdias the iiij of the xij ꝓphesied agayns edom Iacharias son to Ieroboā regned ī israell vi monethis the wich be gan to regne the xxxviij yere of Osias and wos nought in his leuyng as his predicessurs war And zelluz kylled hym and regned a moneth And Manahen kyllid hym toke his kyngdom vt pꝪ patet 4º regū This manahen regned x. yere that wich be gon to regne the xxxix yere of Osias and he ruled him myscheuysly and our lord toke hym in the poer of the kyng of assuriorum ̄ he payed to hym M. talentis of siluer vt pꝪ patet 4 regū Phaseia son to manahen regned in israell ij yere And he bee gan to regne the .l. yere of Osias he wos noght ī his leuyng Phasee slew Phasaia regned xx yere And he be gan to regne the lij yer of Osias and did as other cursed men did plura vide 4º regū And after this israell wos with owttyn ony kyng viij yere ¶ How Morgan and Conedag that wos nevus to Cordeil werred wpon hir and put hir hir in to preson WHen that kyng Leir wos deid Cordeill his yongest doughter regned the x. yere of Osias kyng of Iuri And after hir ragned Conedage the xv yere of Osias And Cordeill that wos Leir yongest doughter after the deth of hir fader had all the lōd v. yere and in the meyn tyme died hir lord Agampe that was kyng of fraunce and after his deth she left wedo And ther come Morgan and Conedag that wer Cordeill sustre sonnys and to hir had enmite for as moch as ther aunt shold haue the land So that bitweyn them they ordeyned a gret pouer and vpon hir wered gretly and neuer they rest till they had hir taken ̄ put hir vn to deth and tho Morgan Conedag seysed ale the land ̄ deꝑtid it bitwene them And they held it xij yere ▪ and when tho xij yere were gone ther bi gane bitwene them a gret debate so that they wered strongly to gedre yfere euery of them did other moch disese for Morgan wold haue all the land fro beyond humbet that Conedage held but he come ayenst hym with a strong pouer so that Morgan durst not abide but fled awey in to wales and Conedage pursued hym ̄ toke hym and kylled hym And tho come conedage ayen and seysed all the lond in to his hand and held it ̄ regned after xxxiij yere tho he died ̄ lieth at new Troy ¶ And be cause the mater contennys most comediusly to geder of the kynges of bretan now called Enegland for the tyme of them is not certenly knawyn what tyme of the world thes kynges foloyng regned Therfor they shall be to geder tyll it be comen vn to Guentolen kyng of bretan now called Englond ¶ How Reignold that wos Cōadag son regned after his fader ̄ ī his tyme it reyned blode iij. dayes ī tokennyng of gret deth ANd after this Conedage regned Reignold his son that was a wise knyght and an hardy and curtes that well ̄ nobully gouerned the lond and wonder well made hym beleued of all maner of folke and in his tyme it rayned blode that lested iij. days as god wold and sone after ther come gret deth of pepull for hostes with out nombre of pepull foughten tyll that all myghty god therof toke mercy and pytty and tho gan it cese and this Reignold regned xxij yere ̄ died lieth at Yorke ¶ How Gorbodian regned in pees that wos reignold son after he died and lieth at yoik ANd after this
Reignold that wos Gonedag son rened Gorbodian that wos this Reignold son xv yere ̄ then he died lieth at yorke ¶ How gorbodian had ij sonnys how that one slew the other for to haue the heritage And how ydoyne ther modre killed thatt other wherfor the land was destruied WHen this Gorbodian was deid his .ij. sōnys that he had become stout proude euer wered to geder for the land ̄ the one was called Ferres ̄ other Porres And this ferres wold haue all the land but the other woldnat suffre him this ferres had a felons hert thought thurgh tresō to slee his brother but preualy he wēt ī to fraunce ther abode with the kīg Syward till vpō a tyme whan he come ayene ̄ fought with his brother ferres but ful euell it happed tho for he was slayn fyrst whē ydoyne ther moder wist that Porres was deid she made gret sorow for enchesō that shee loued hym more thē that other ̄ thought him for to kyll preualy ¶ And preuely she come to hir son vpō a nyght with ij knyues therwith cut his throt the bodi also ī to small peces who herd euer suche a cursed moder that kyllid with hir owne handes hir own son and long tyme after last the reproue ̄ shame to the moder that for enchesun of that one son she murdred the other ̄ so lost them bothe ¶ How .iiij. kynges courtasly held all Breten and what be ther names ye shall heyr after WHen the ij brethern war deid they nad left behynd them nother son ne doughter ne nōe other of the kynred that myght haue the heritage ̄ for as moch as the strangest mē driuē scomfited the feblest ̄ toke all ther londes so that in euery cōtre they had gret were ̄ strife vnder them but emong all other thynges ther were amōges them ī the contre that ouer come all tho other ̄ thurgh ther myght ̄ strenght they tuke all the londes ̄ euery of them tok a certayn cōtre ī his contre let call hī kyng ̄ con of thē was cald Scater ̄ he wos kīg of scotland that other wos called Dawaliere ̄ he was kīg of loegers ̄ of all the land that wos Lotrins thatt wos Brutes son The thrid was called Rudac and he was kyng of walis And the iiij was called Cloten ̄ was kīg of Cornewaill but this Cloten shold haue had all the land by reson for be cause thar wos no mā that wist nōe so right heir os he was butt they that were strongest set litell bi hem that wer of lesse estate and therfor this clotē had nomore lād amōg hem but cornwaill ¶ Of kyng Donebant that was Clotens son wone the lond THis Cloten had a son that was called Doneband that after the deth of his fadre by come an hardy man and a fair and a curteys so that he passed all the other kingꝭ of fairnes ̄ of worthenesse And a none as he was knyght he wist well that when his fader lyued he was most rightfull heir of all the lōd and shold haue had by reson but other kynges that were of moch more strength than he toke from hym his lond ¶ And afterward this Doneband ordeyned him gret pouer and conquered fyrst all the land of Logeris a and after he wold haue conquered all the land of scotland and wailles and Scat came with his mē and yaf him batell and Rudac come ayene with his walys men for to help hym but so it be fell that Rudac wos kylled also Scater ī playn bataill and so Doneband had the victorie and conquerid all the land and well maintined it in pees and in quiete that neuir befor it was so well mayntined ¶ How doneband was the frist kyng that euer bore croune of gold in bretan THys Doneband let make hym a croune of gold and wered the croune vpon his hede as neuer kīg did bifore and he ordyened a statut that and a man had done neuer so moch harme and myght comē in to the tempull ther shold no man hym mysdo but gone ther in safete and in pees and after goin to what lond or cūtre that hym plesed with owt ony harme ▪ and if ony man sett any hond vpon hym he than shold lese his life And this Doneband made the toun of Malmesberi and the toune also off the vise And when he had regned well worthely xl yere then he died and lyeth at new Troy ¶ How Bronne and Belin deꝑted bitweyn them the lond after the deth of Doneband ther fadre and of the were be twix them ANd after that this Doneband wos deid his sōnys that he had deꝑted the land bitweyn them as ther fader had ordeyned so that belyn his eldest son had all the land of bretan from humbar southward And his brotherbrenne had all the land from humber to Scotlād but for as moch that Belī had the better part Brenne therfor waxed wroth wold haue had more of the lond ̄ belyn his brother wold greunte hym nomore wherfor cōtake were a roso betweyn them two But brenne the yonger brother had no myght ne strenght a yens belyn ̄ therfor brenne thurgh cōsell of hys folke wēt fro thens ī to norwey to the kyng Olsinges prayd him of help socour for to cōquer all the lond vpō belin his brother vpon that connaund that he wold haue his doughter to wise ̄ the kyng Olsinges him grāted belyn anōe as his brother wos a go to norway he seysed ī to his hond all the land of northhūberlōd ̄ toke all the castelles ̄ let them be arayed and keped the costes of the see that brenne shold not arriue ī no sied but that he war take ¶ The kyng ol singes let assemble a gret host and deliueryd his doughter to brenne all the pepull that he had ordeyned ̄ this damisell Samye had long tyme loued a kyng that wos called Gutlaghen and to hym she told all hir counsel̄ how that Brenne shold hir haue hir lede with hym for euer more so he shold lese hir but that she myght for sake brenne And whan gutlagh had herd this tydīg he lay for to aspy brenne with as mony shippis as he myght haue so the two fletes metten to gedre and long tyme they faught so that Brenne turned ayene and wer discomfited And kyng gutlagh toke Samye and put hir in to his shyppe and brenne sham fulli fled thens as a man discomfitied ¶ And this kyng gutlagh wold haue went in to his owne contre but ther come vpon hī sych a gret tempest that ·v dayes lasted so that thurgh that tempast he wos driuen ī to breten with iij. shippis and no mo ̄ tho that keped the costes on the see toke Gutlagh and Samye
of Olympo And the law of them is this that who sū euer is best in any cheualri· what gyfte som euer he desyeres hee shall haue Anno mūdi iiij M iiij C lvi Et an̄ xpī natītatē vij C xliij ACham the son of Ioathan regned on the Iues xvi yere of this Acham no thyng that is good is wretten for he forsoke our lord And our lord stroke hym with his own pepil strongly and with the kynges of Syrri vt pꝪ patet 2º para 28. Achitob this tyme was bysshope Ozee kyng of israell regned ix yere the wich be gone to regne the xij yere of Acham kynge off Iues. This Ozee dred not god for he leued noght And he wos the last kyng of isreell and in the ix yere of his regne he was takyn of Salmanasar israell was translait in to Assirias vt habetur 4º regū .17 Anno mūdi iiij M iiij C lxiij Et an̄ xpī natītatē vij C xl Rome AFter Euseby Rome was made ī the hill of palatyn the iiij yere of acham kīg of iues of ij brether Romolus Remus xi liln̄ Maij. the vij Olimpiades begynnyng Iosopꝰ ̄ Beed saith the vi Olympiades so they dyffer a yere Neuerthelesse it is red other mē to haue regned a bout the place myghtely ī Italy that is to wite ianꝰ picꝰ Famꝰ Latinꝰ the wich vn to Eneas regned about CC. yere Then afterward from Enee to this Romolꝰ it wos regned vndir xv gouernours iiij C xxxij After that fro the cite wos made vn to the last yere of Tarquyn the prode it wos regned vnder vij kynges About ijC. and xliii yere Then afterward vnder Senetours and counselers vn to Iulius Cesor Emprour by iiij C lxiiij yere Romolus the fyrst of romans of whom the be called in latyn Romans made the Cite to be named Rome after his name the wich gedyrd to gedir the pepull on eueri side an C. off the saage men wytte he choise thrugh the counsell of whom all thyng he disposed the wich he named sennetours for the tyme off ther age And he made ther names to be wreten in goldyn letters wherfor we writte nobull faders and thynges so yet· Also he cald A.M. men of armys the wich he named milites a nuo millenario bot thes war no nobull blude ¶ Therfor as sent Austyn sayth de ciuitate dei And also ther wos long were be twix the Sabyns and them for Romolꝰ toke mony women of the nobyll blud of sabyns and maried them to that vn noble blud of this romulus Orosius writtis mych ill vt pꝪ patet ī libro suo ¶ About this tyme Merodoch the kyng of babulon send grete geyftys to Ezechie the kyng of Iues. vt pꝪ patet 4 regū 2● And than the kyngdom of babulon begone Anno mūdi iiij M lxxij Et an̄ xp̄i natītatem vijC.xxvii EZecheas xiiij kyng of Iues a good child of a cursed fader regned with a ꝑfite hart to our lord And he restored thee how 's of god and ther wos nonē lyke hym a for ner after emong the kynges of Iues. Therfor our lord god glorified hym for when Sennacherib the kyng of Assuriorum cam ayens Ezechye with a myghty host our lord stroke his pepull ̄ slew C lxxxv of fightynh men and Sennacherib fled shamfully vt pꝪ patet 4º regum 19. et 2 para 33. Sadoch this tyme was hee bisshopp ther. Anno mūdi iiij M vC.i. Et an̄ xp̄i natītatē vi C lxxxxviij MAnasses kyng of Iues regned lv yere and he wos an ill chyld of a good fader for he did more cursitly thē any that wos a for hym for be slew the ꝓphetes of god that the stretys in Ierusalem war all bludy And he made Ysae the ꝓphet to be sawyd in peeses with a saw of tre wherfor the kyng of Assuriorum wastyd the Iuri toke Manasses ̄ put hym ī preson ̄ after Manasses repented his trespas cried for mercy to our lord and wos herd then he was restored to his kyngdō and he a mēdit his lyffe vt pꝪ patet 4. regū 21 et .2 para .33 Sel̄lum wos bisshop ̄ Echias after hym This tyme the vij wysemen had worschip in greke s. Tales Solon Chylon Poriandꝰ Eldobolꝰ Bias Pitacꝰ This Talꝰ fond fyrst the defaute of the son the mone vide plura augꝰ .8 de ciuitate dei Numa the secūd kyng thys tyme regned in Rome xlij yere the wich wos a gret worshypper of fals goddis he fillid Rome so full that he myght haue no place for hym self to duell in ¶ This man put Ianuary ̄ February to the begynnyng of the of the yere vide plrā ī augꝰ de ci Aboune all reson it is meruell that sich men so excedyng ī witte in all thynges that wos ill resedit fro the knaulegh of vera g●d Amon kyng of Iues regned .ij. yere the wich was nought in his leuyng and he wos strekyn of his seruandis and he dyed with owte eny repentans Anno mūdi iiij M v C lviii Et an̄ xpī natītatē vi C xli IOsias the son to Amon at viij yer of age be gan to regne ̄ regned xxxi yere a good child of a ꝑuerse fadir ī his yong age he sought the grace of god And in that grace laudabully a bood tyll his end his relegius lyffe and his holy werkis ye may se ● regū .22 et 2 para 34 Azastas the son of Elchie wos bishope Tobias a bowt this tyme died ̄ he wos an verey holy man and he proficied the destruccion of Ierusalem Tulius hostilius wos the thred kyng in Rome And Sent Astyn saeth ī his boke de ciuitate dei that from Rome wos made vn to August the Emprour ther was so cōtinuall batel that it wos taken for a meruell and they were on yere with out batell except xlij yere in Nume dayes ī the wich wos cōtinuall pees ̄ this Tuliꝰ be cause he had rest he did cursedly to his nebrus and then he wos slayn and all his houshold with a stroke of ligh●īyng Nabegodonosor this tyme wos kyng of babulon a manly mā and a victorius for he was the scoourge of our lord to ponych the synnys of mōy pepull This man wos king of babulō and afterward he conquered the kyndgom of assuriorum and made it one monarche But mony way scriptur spekis of this man now good and now ill And for because scriptur cōcludis that he endyt his lyfe ī the louyng of god bi the prayer of Daniel ̄ ī the knaulege of one veray god sū docturs sayeth he is saued ̄ sū sayeth it is doute Ancus Marciꝰ the iiij kyng of rome regned xxiij yere This man for grace and trist that he had to Tarquinus Priscus made hym the gouernour of his chyld ayres he ill rewardit hym Daniel yet a child deluyed Sent susan· and s●oed in the
hym In this tyme he repared the law and the holy bokys the wich the caldes had brent And an happy wittynes to all the world he left in scriptur He fond new litters and lighter in faccion the wich thurgh the holy gost fulfilled he come ayene to ierusalē with a gret multitude with the kynges preualeges that he shuld teche the pepull that law that he had repayred And ther he died in a good age Neemias an hebru butler of kyng Artraxerses at his lord commandment went from babulon in to ierusalem wher he yaf xij yere the ledīg of pepull And the v. yere he be gon to repare the yates and the wallis of Ierusalem the wich werke he endit in .ij yere and iiij monethes and that with gret inpedimentes for the halfe of the pepul stoed armeid with out the Cite to withstond the pepull of odyr naciōns intendyng to destruy them And the other part labured in armes holdyng in the ton hond stonys for wallis and ī the notobull odyr hond a swoord or ne by it vide plrā lib o suo Permenides phelosophurs and namly in morall thynges war a bowte this Socrates a phelosophur the wich vndirstoed mych of the power of god ̄ he wos Plato maister Democritus Ipotras and odi● of whom the nobull werkis a boode Circa annū mūdi iiij M viij C ix Et an̄ cristi natī iij C lxxxx AZor is rehersed in the lyne of crist in mathe primo Bot nothyng off his dedes is wreten in the scriptur Elyasib or Elysaphat succedid Ioachym in the bysshoppryke vt dicit Eusebius et magister histor Camillus wos Dictator at Rome in whoe 's days myscheuys playes wer ordand that the pestelans shuld sees at Rome Off thes playes Sent austyn tretis delygently in repreuyng the falshed of the goddis The wich desired to be plesed with sych writch it playes So shamfully thes playes wer vsed with naked men ̄ womē that honest mē ne womē wold not be at thos playes ne yet behold them vide plura in Augꝰ de ciuitate dei Darius nothus regned at the perses .xix. yere Plato thee diuyn phelosopher And Aristotill his discipull wos this tyme nobull and famus clerkis Tytus quintius wos Dictator at rome and he wos a couetus man whom Austyn de ciuitate dei bringes in a yens couetus and prewd cristen men Gayus wos a sonetour vnder whome was a gret batell a yens the kyng of Tuscorum and viijM. men of them wor taken Marcus valerius was an other senetour thee wich with .lxM. Romans fought with the fraunshmen and had the victorie and mony of them kyllid Artharxerses kyng of ꝑses called a yene to his empyre Egipt and he put Nactanabo the kyng in to Echeopiam ̄ mony Iues ī to transmigracion also he send vagosū a prince ower flumiordan to aske a yene the tribute that was for yefen to Esdra that was the vij yere rent pp̄ sabbā tre Arsamꝰ succedit hym and regned an yere Darius the son of arsamy regned with the ꝑses xxiiij yere This darius wos a myghty man and a bold the wich asked of the Grekis a tribute And that wos the cause of the descruccion of the Monarch of ꝑsarum for it was translatit to the grekes after the prophesy off Daniell for it is sayid that Darius brought xvC.M. fightīg men whom all alexander slew Iodas the son of Elyzaphat was he bisshop ī ierusalē in tyme of Mardachn Iohēs his son succedid him Aristotiles the most sotell and famust Ppilosophur leuyd this tyme. Senocrate the most chast phelosophur was this tyme with dyuers other mo ¶ Bi cause the kīgꝭ of bretan next after leued ī peese most pte lytyl of them is wretē therfor they shall be set to geder tyll it be cōmī to Cassibulon kīg of Breton the wich wos brother to Lud ANd whan Crombatrus was deid regned Guentholen that wos his sō a man of good ꝯdicions ̄ welbeloued he gouerned the lond well and wiseli and he regned xxvi xere and after he died and lyeth at new Troy ¶ How kyng Seisell regned and well gouerned the land after guentholen ANd after this Guentholen regned his son Seissel well ̄ wortheli well gouerned the lōd as his fader had done befor him he regned xv yere and died and lieth at new Troy ¶ How Kymor regned after Seissell his fader and he begat Howan that regned after his fader in peese ANd after Seissell regned his son Kymor well ̄ nobli xix yere in peese and then afterhym regned howan hys son x. yere and then he died and lieth at Ikaldoune ¶ How kyng Morw t died thurgh myschaunce thurgh a best AFter this howon regned Marwith ̄ become so weked ̄ so sterne tyll at the last gret vengeance come to him for as he went vpon a tyme by the see side he mete a gret best that wos blake horibull hideus he wened that it had bene a whale of the see bent an arblast ̄ wold haue slayn that best with his quarell but he myght not smyte hym And when he had shot all his quarelles the best anone come to hym in a gret hast and hym deuored a lyfe and so he died for his wickednes thurgh vengeaunce of god after that he had regned ix yere ¶ Of Grādobodiā that wos morwith son that made Cāmbregge AFter that this Morwith wos deid the Bretens crosned Grādobodian his sō ̄ this grandobodian long tyme regned ī goodnes made tēpuls tounys this grādobodiā made the toune of Cambregge ̄ the toune of Grauntham ̄ wos wel beloued of rich poer for he honourd the rich helped the poer this Grandobodian had iiij sonnis Arthogaile Hesidur Higamꝰ Petitur when he had regned xi yere he died lieth at new troy ¶ Of Artogaill that wos grādobodians son how he wos made kyng ̄ sieth put doune for his wikkednes AFter Grandobodian regned his son Artogaill v. yere he become so wikked ̄ so sterne that the britons wold not suffre hym to be kyng but put him doun ̄ made Hesidur his brother kyng he bi come so good ̄ merciabull that men hym called kyng of pytte ¶ And whē he had regned v. yere he had so grete pitte of his brother Artogaill that wos kyng before ̄ anōe he forsoke his dignite ̄ toke his brother the croune ayene ̄ made hī kyng ayens all the britans will ¶ And afterward Artogaill become so good of cōdicion that he was welbeloued of all the land for he become so bonair fre and did right reson to all maner of men and he regned vi yere and died and lidth at grantham ¶ How Hesidur wos made kīg after the deth of his brether AFter the deth of Artogaill the britons crouned an other tyme Hesidur but his ij bred Higamꝰ Petitur had of him gret
in to an other contre wher that they mowe lyuen as ther auncestres did them be fore ¶ And therfor sir kyng yf ye haue ought to do with our company we be come in to your land ̄ wyth good wil you will serue and your land kepe help defend from your enmys yf that ye nedeth ¶ When vortiger herd this tydyng he sayed he wold gladly them withold vpon sich couenant if they myght dalyuer his land of his emnys he wold yef them resenable londes wher they shuld duell for euer more Engist thonked goodly ̄ in this maner he and his companye xiM. shold duell with the kyng vortiger and moch they did thurgh ther boldnes they deliuered the land clene of his emnys Tho prayed Engist the kyng of so mo●h land that he myght make to hym a cite ̄ for hys meny ¶ The kyng ansuerd it wos not to done with out conceill of his bretons ¶ Engist prayed hym eftsones of as moche place os he myght compas so with a thonge of a skyn wher vpon he myhht maake a maner for hym to duell on ¶ And the kyng hym granted frely ¶ Tho toke engist a bull skyn and cut it as smale as he myght all in to on thuong all a round and ther with compassed he os mych land as he had vpon a faire castell and when this castell was made he let call it Thwong castell For as mych as the place wos marked with a thwong ¶ Of Ronewen that was Engistes doughter and how the kyng vortiger spoused hir for hir bowte WHen this castell was made and full well arayed Engist preualy did send by letter in to the cuntre wher he come fro after an hondreth shippes fyllid with men that wos strong bold and also well fightyng in all batellis and that they shuld also bryng with them Ronewen his doughter that wos the fairest creature that a man myght se ¶ And when thos pepull wos comē that he had sent after he toke them in to the castell with moch Ioy And hym self vpon a dey went vn to the kyng and prayed hym ther worthely that he wold cum and see his new maner that he had made in the place that he had compassed with a thuong of the skyn ¶ The kyng anone graunted hym frely and with hym went thider ̄ wos well a payed with the castell ̄ with the fair werke to geders ther they eten and dronk with moch ioy ¶ And whan nyght come that the kyng vortiger shuld go ī to his chamare for to take ther his nyghtes rest Ronewen that wos Engist doughter come with a cup of gold ī hir hand and kneled be fore the kyng and saied to hym wassaill and the kyng wystnot what it wos to mene ne what he shuld ansuer for as moch as hym self ne none of his bretons coud no english speke ne vnder stond it but spekyn in the same longage that bretons done yit ¶ Neutheles a latimer told the kyng the full vnderstondyng therof wassale and that other shold ansuer drynk haill ¶ And that wos the fyrst tyme that wassaill and drink haill come vp in this land and from that tym vn to this tyme it is well vsed in this land ¶ The kyng vortiger saw the fairnes of Ronewen and his armes laid a bowt hir nec and iij. swetly kytsed hir and anone right he wos a namered vpan hir that he desired to haue hir to wif and asked of Engist hir fadre ¶ And Engist granted hym vpon this couenant that the kyng shold yef hym all the cūtre of kent that thhe er myght duele in his pepull ¶ The kyng him graunted preuely with a good wyll and anone after he spoused the damysell and that wos moch ꝯfusion to him self ¶ And therfore all the bretons become so wroth for be cause he spoused a womā of mysbeleue wherfor they went all from hī ̄ nothyng to him toke kepe ne help hym in thing that he had to done ¶ How vortimer that wos vortigers son was made kyng ̄ Engist wos driuen out and how vortimer wos slayn THis Engist went in to kent and seised all the land in to his hond for hym and for hys men and by come in a lityl whyle of so gret pouer and so moch pepull had that men wyst not in lytell tyme wich wer the kynges men and wych were Engist men wherfor all Bretons had of hym dred and sayed amongꝭ them bot yf that they ne toke other counsel be twen hē all the land shuld be betrayed thurgh Engist and his pepull vortiger the king had be goten on his fyrst wife iij. sonnys the fyrst wos called vortimer that secūd Catagren the thrid Passent ¶ The britons euerychon by on assēt chose vortimer to be ther lord souerayne counceller ī euery bataill crouned hī ̄ made hī kīg ̄ wold suffre vortiger no longer to regne for enchesō of the aliance bituix engist ̄ hī The britōs ordined a gret host to driue out engist his cōpanie of the land ̄ yaf hī iij. batallis that fyrst wos ī Kent ther he wos lord The secūd wos at Tetford ̄ the thrid ī a shire athis half Cooll ī a more ¶ And ī this botell them met Catagren ̄ horne Engistes brother so that ych of them slew other Bott for as moch os the cūtre wos yef lōg by for to horne thurgh vortiger tho he spoused his cosin ther he made a fair castell that is called horncastel after his own name ¶ And vortimer wos so annoyed for his bred deth catagrē that he wos deid ī sich a maner Wherfor anōe he let fell the castell to gronde ¶ And after that he ne left night ne day till he had driuē out engist all his pepull of the lād ̄ whē Engist wos driuē a way Ronewen his doughter made sorow y nowe quentely spek to them that wer next the kīg vortimer priueyst with hī so moch she yaf hī of yeftes that he wos enpoisened ̄ died at london the iiij yere of his regne and ther he lieth ¶ How the bretōs chose an other tyme vortiger to be ther kīg ̄ Engist come in to this land and they fouhten to gedre AFter vortimers deth the. Britons by hir commune assēt eft sones made vortiger hir kyng vpon this conuenient that he shold neuer after suffre Engist ne none of his eftsones to come ī to this land ¶ And whē all this wos done Ronewen the quene preuely sent by letter to Enegist that she had enpoisend vortimer ̄ that vortiger hir lord ayene bare the croune ̄ rened and that he shuld come in to this land well arraied with moche pepull for to a venge hī vpon the britons and to wynne this land ayein ¶ And whan Engist herd this tydynges he made gret Ioye and apparelled him hastely with xv thousand men that wer doughty in
¶ The bretons lad hym to the mount of Anbrian som tyme was an house of religion that tho wos destruyed thurgh paynyms ¶ Wher of a knyght that was called Anbry that some tyme wos found of the house and therfor the hyll wos called the mount of brian and after it wos called Ambresbury and shall so be for euermore ¶ How Aurilambros did redresse the lond of gret Bretan that was destrayed thurgh the Saxons HOw the kyng aurilambros let a mēd ̄ redresse the house of Amlesburi and ther in put monkes but now ther bennonnys a littell from the plaace that wos called Salisburi ther that the Saxons kylled the Bretans wher Engist and he shuld haue made a loue day ī wich tyme ther wer slayn a M.lxi. knyghtes thurgh treson of engist ¶ The kyng therof had gret pitte and th●ught to make ī mynd of them a monumēt of ston that myght endure to the wordes end and of this thing they toke ther counsell what ther of wos best for to done ¶ Tho spake to the kyng the bysshop of london that wos called Ternekyn that he shuld enquere after Marlyn for he coud best tell how this thīg myght best be made· and merlin after wos sought ̄ foūd ̄ come to the kyng ¶ And the kyng toold hī his will of the monumēt that he wold haue made ¶ Tho ansuerd Merlin to the kīg ̄ sayed ther bene gret stonys ī Irland ̄ long vpō the hill of kyan that mē called Geāts karoll ̄ if they wer ī this place as thei be ther. they wold endure for euer more ī remēbrance of thoo knyghtes that heir be entered ¶ Per ma●oy ꝙ the kīg as hard stones be ī my land as ī Irland ¶ Soth qd merlin ¶ But ī all your land ther be none soch For geantes set them for grete good of them self For at euery tyme that they wer woundet or ī ony maner hurt they wesshen the stones with hote water and than they wesshe them ther with and anoon they wer hole ¶ How the bretons wēt for to sech the gret stons ī Irland WHen thes bretons had herd of this thing they went swore emong them that they wold gonne seche tho stonnes toke with them vter the kynges brother to be ther cheftayn v M men and Merlin counselled them for to go vn to Irland and so they diden ¶ And when the kyng of Irland that wos cald Guillomer herd tell that strangers wer ariued ī his lond he assēbled a gret pouer ̄ fought ayens them but he his folke was discomfited ¶ The bretans went be for till they come to the moūt of Kylian and climed vp vn to the moūt ¶ But when they saw the stones the maner how they stood they had gret meruell and sayed bitwyn them self that no man shuld hem remeue for no strength ne engyne so huge they wer so long But merlin thurgh his craft he remeued them ̄ brought them ī to ther shippes ̄ come ayene in to this land And merlin set the stones ther that the kīg wold haue them and set them in the same maner that they stoden in Irland ¶ And when the kyng saugh that it was made he thanked Merlyn and richeli him rewarded at his own will and that place let call stonhenge for euer more ¶ How Passent that wos vortigers sone the kyng Guillomer come in to this land and how a tratour that was called Cappa enpuysened the kyng Aurilambros ANd men shall vnder stand stat Passent that was vortigers sone leued in the same tyme and come in to this land with a gret pouer and ariued in the north cuntre and wold ben a venged of his faders deth vortiger ¶ And strongly trusted vpon the componye that he had brought with hym out of the land of Germayne and had conquered all the north cuntre vn to yorke ¶ And when kyng Aurilambros herd this he assembled a gret pouer of Bretons and went for to fight with passent and he wos discomfited and all his pepull but passent ascapped thēs with sum of his men and fled thens in to Irland and come to kīg Guillomer and prayed hym of help and socour The kyng granted hym with good will and sayed that he wold help hym vpō that couenant that I my self must gone with you with all my pouer in to breton and I wold me a venge vpon the Bretons rather for they cum in to my land and token the stones with strength that is called Geantes karoll The kyng guillomer let ordē his shippes and went to the see with xv M. men and ariued in wales and be gon to rob and moch sorow did ¶ Hit befell so that kyng arilombros lay seke at wynchster and myght not helpe him self So that he sent in his name vter his brother with a pouer to helpe wales and thederward he went as moch os he myght The kyng of Irland and Passent had herd tell that Aurilambros was seke and to hym ther come a Sarizen that was called Coppa and sayed Sir duell ye her all in pees with your host ̄ I be hyght you thurgh my quentize that I shall sle the kyng aurilambros that is seke Then sayed Passent if ye doo so I shal yow richely auaunce This ttoraur Coppa put vpon him an abbyt of Relegion and let shaue hym a brod croune and come vn to the kynges court and sayed that he wold help the kyng of hys maladie· Tho sayed the tretour Coppa vn to the kyng Sir ben of good comforth for I shall yef you sich a medicin that ye shall swete anone right and lusten to slepe and haue good rest ̄ thee tratour yaf hym sich poysin to slep anone right and died in hys slepyng the trator sayed that he wold gone out in to the feld till he wer a waked and so scapped he a way for no man had to him suspeccion for be cause of his habbit that he wos in clothed and also for his brood shauynne croune but when the kynges men it wist that he wos deid they become wondir sori and fast sought the tratour But they myght not fynd hym for that Coppa turned ayene to the host fro whens that he come ¶ When Aurilambros was deid a sterre in the morne wos seī with a clere light and at the bught of the beme wos seyne the hed of an horribull dragon WHen the kyng Aurilambros wos thus deid ̄ enpoysened at wynchester on the morne after that he wos deid a bowt the tyme of prime ther was seyne a stere gret and clere and the beme of that sterne wos brighter then the son and at the bought of the beem a pered a dragōs heed ̄ out of his mouth come ij huge lightes that wer as bright as ony fier brennyng ¶ And that one beme toward france and stryght ouer the see thiderward ¶ And
he knew that the ꝓphesy that festome had ꝓphecied of the Egle and other ꝓphecies accorded to the dyuine ansuer that Cadwaldre had herd he councellid to leue his pepull and his naue and submitte him to the disposicion of god and done all that the angell had commanded him ¶ Than Cadwaladre called Ynor his son and Yuory his cosin that was his sustres son and saydd to them Taketh saied he my folke and my naue that his heir all redy and passe ye in to wales and be ye lordis of bretons that no dishonor come to them by interrupcion of the paynyms folke for defaute of lordis ¶ And then he him self left his reame of Bretan and his folke for euer more and toke his way vn to the pope of Rome Sergius the wich worsshipped him moch and so he wos confessed and toke pennaunce for his synnes ¶ And he had not longe duelld ther that he ne died the .xij. Kalend of May the yere of grace .v. C.lxxix ¶ How kyng Offa wos soueraxn a boue all the kynges of Englond ana how euery kyng wered vpon other IT befell so that all the kynges in that tyme that wer in the lond as thei of Westsex Merchenrich Estāgle of kēt and of southsex and of other costes eche wered vpon other and he that was most myghty toke the land of him that was most febel ¶ But ther was a kyng amonges them that wos called Offa that wos sent Oswaldes brother This offa conquered all the kynges of the land and regned a boue them all ¶ And so grete wos the were in euery cūtre bitwen kynges that no man might wit how the lond went ¶ But abbotis Priours men of relegion writen the lyues ̄ dedis of kynges and how long euery of them regned and in what cuntre and in what maner euery kyng died ̄ of bisshoppis also And ther of made gret bokes and let call them the cronicles And the good kyng Alured had that boke in hys warde and let bring it vn to wynchester and let it be fast tached to an piler that men shuld it not remeue ne bere it thens so that eueri man myght it se and ther vpon loke ¶ For ther in be the liues of all the Kīges that euer wer in Englond ¶ How the kyng of Northhumberland Osbright for lay the wyfe of Buerne bocard thurgh strength and after this buerne conquered the kyng with pouer and strength ANd thus it befell in the same tyme that ther wos a king in Northhumberland that wos called Osbright and soiorned at Yorke and this kyng went hī vpon a day in to a wod him for to disporte and when he come ayene he went priueli in to a good mans hous that was called Buerne ̄ the good man of that place wos gone that tyme to the see ¶ For often tymes he wont ther to aspie theues and robers that oft tymes wer wōt to cum in to the land to rob brene and sle ¶ The lady that was buernes wife was a wonder fair woman and the kyng com vn to hir when that hir housbond wos absent And so she trastid none harme vn to the kyng and welcomed him with moch honour and worthely him serued in all thing ¶ When the kyng had eten he toke the lady by the hand leed hir ī to a chamber sayd that he wold speke with hir a councell ̄ all the folke frō the chamber he made void saf only the lady he but the lady wist not wherfor he it did till that he had done al his will And whē he had done this dede he turned ayene to yorke the ladi he left ther wōder sore wepyng for the dede that the kyng to hir had done ¶ And whē hir lord was comē home saw hir wepe sich som mornyng make he axed of hir what she had done why she made such sorow ¶ Sir qd she queinteli falseli the kīg Osbright me hath done shame velonye ayens my will· told hī the trewth how the kīg had hir forlayne with strength wher for she sayd she had leuer to be deid than lyue ¶ Fair leef be styll ꝙ he for ayenes strength febelnesse is litell worth therfor of me shalt thou neuer the lasse be loued and namly for thou hast told me the trewthe ¶ And if almyghty god grante me lyfe I shall the well auenge ¶ This Buerne was a gret man a myghty lord wos well beloued gret frindis had and let send for the grettest lordis of the land to them made his ꝯplayn of thee dispite that the kyng to hī had done said that he wold be auengid how so euer that it wer all his frendis concelled grented to wend vn to yorke ther that the kyng wos ¶ And buerne toke hys meyne come to the kyng And whē the king hī saw he called hī courtasly Buerne by name buerne him ansuerd and to him saied Sir I you defy and yelde vp feutes hoomages and londis and os moch as I haue holden of you and so fro this tyme forward I wyll neuer of the nothing hold so he deꝑtid from the kyng with out more speche or ony a bydyng toke loue of his frēdis ̄ wēt in to Denmarke plened to the kyng Godryne told hī of the dispite that kīg Osbright to hī had done of his wyf praid him of socour and help him to auenge ¶ When kyng Godrine of denmarke and the danois had herd the complaynt of this Buerne and of the preier that he had they wer right wonder glad ī hert for as moch that they myght find a cause for to gone in to Englond for to were vpō the English men also for to auēge Buerne of the dispite that the kyng Osbright had done vn to his wife ¶ And for as moch os Buerne wos sibbe to the king of Denmarke Anone they let ordeyne a gret host of men let ordeyne them shippes and as moch as them nede to haue to that viage ¶ And when all the host was redy the kyng made his ij bretheren cheftaynes that wer nobull knyghtes of body and also bold that on was called Hunger that other Hubba ¶ How the Danys toke yorke and kylled the kyng Osbright and afterwarde kyng Elle WHen all thyng wos redy tho ·ij bred token leue of the kīge Godryn and went toward the see for to wend ouer in to Englond as fast as they myght spede Now is Buerne so well comforthed and fast hyed him with the Danois that they bene ariued in the north cuntre and comen thurgh out Holdernesse and destruyed all the cuntre and brenned tounnes and robbyd fol̄ke and kylled all that myght be taken till that they comen vn to yorke ¶ And whē kyng Osbright saw them cum he toke his pepull that he had with him and come out of the cite and
vn to the erth The quene for this dede yaf the knyght gold siluer gret plenti ̄ of other riches ynough And the knyght anone as this wos done went him ouer the se ̄ so scappid he out of this land ¶ When this kyng Edward thus wos martired Hit was in thee yere of the Incarnacion after our lord ihū crist ixC. lxxx· yere he had regned xij yere and an halfe ̄ lieth at glastenburi ¶ Of kyng Eldred and how the kyng Swyne of denmarke held englond and how eldred that wos sent edwardis bred was not beloued ī his reame therfor he fled in to Normandie AFter this kyng edward regned eldred his brother and sent Dunstan crouned him and this sent Dunstone died sone after that he had for yefen the quene hir trespasse estrild for encheson that she wos cause of kyng edwardis deth and sent dūstane had hir asoled and pennance hir enioyned and she lyued after chaste life and clene ¶ This kyng Eldred weddid an englissh woman on hir he begate edmond Irenside an other son that wos called edwyne And after died the quene ther mother And in that tyme come Swyne in to englond that was kyng of Denmarke for to chalange and conquere all that his auncestres had before that tyme and so he conquered and had it all at his axyng ¶ For the good erle Cut●ert of lyndesey ̄ all the pepull of northhumberland and almost all the gret of englond held with Swyne that was kyng of Denmarke for os moch as they loued not kyng eldred for encheson that his good brother wos slaī edward falsely for encheson of him and therfor no man set but litell by hī wherfor kyng swyne had all his will and toke all the land and eldred the kyng flede tho in to Normandie so spake to the duke Rechard that the duke yaf hym his sustre Emma to wife vpō the wich he gat ij sonnys that on was caled Alured that other edward when Swyne had conquered all the land he regnet nobeli leued xv yere ̄ then died ̄ lieth at yorke ¶ How kīg eldred come ayen frō Normande how knoght the danois regnet of the were betwix him edmond Irenside AFter the deth of Swyne that wos a Danois Knoght his son duelled in englond and wold haue be kyng and tho come ayene Eldred owt of Normandye with moch nomber of pepull with a strong menye that Knoght durst not abide bot fley thens in to Denmarke The kyng eldred had ayen his reame and held so gret lordship that he by gan to distruy all tho that holpid Swyne that wos a Danois ayens him ¶ And afterward come ayen this Knoght from denmarke with a gret pouer so that kyng Eldred durst not with him fight but fled fro thens vn to london and ther held hym ¶ Tho come Knoght and him beseggid so long tyll that kyng Eldred died in the cite of london and lieth at sent paulus and he regned ix yere BOnus was pope after Benedictus on yere This maij abode bot litell tyme. Bonefacius wos after him .v. monethes Benedictus wos after him x. yere This man crovned otto the secund and made mony romans to be take he gedrit a consell ayens the kyng of fraunce wher Gylberd the Negramensier wos deposit Iohannes the xiiij was pope after him viij monethis and he wos put in castell angill and wos famed to deth Iohannes the .xv. wos after him iiij monethis Iohannes the xvi wos after him almost xi yere This man was taught in Armys and made mony bokys and els litell of him is writtyn Gregorius the v. wos pope after this man almost iij yere This Gregori was made pope at the instans of the emprour Otto the thrid for he wos his cosin And when he had be a litell while pope and the emprour recedid from the cite of rome Placentinꝰ wos put in bi Crescencio a consull for monay and then was strife a few dais bot the emprour come sone after ayen and toke Crescenciū the consull and stroke of his heed and put out the eyn of this man the wich put out his cosin of the dignite of the pope And maymet him on odir menbyrs and his knyghtis ne his dukys holped him nothyng For he did that thing that he sh̄uld not haue done and he suffred that at he diserue●d Nota ¶ This Gregori wyth the emprour Otto ordand ther the chesers of the empire the wich from thens forthe hath a bydyn vn to this day For the frensshmen nor none oth●r myght not breke that ordinanse thos chesers of the empire by the pope and Otto wer not made for ony blame of the Saxons bot to eschew the ꝑels to cum aned the namys be writyn for lerned men in latyn in thes versis Maguntinensis Treuerensis Coloniensis Quilibus imꝑij fit cancellarius horum Et palatinꝰ dapifer Dux portitorensis Marchio prepositus camere Pincerna bohemus Hij statuūt dn̄m cunctis ꝑ secula sūmū Palatinꝰ est comes ren● Marchio est Brandeburgensis Dux saxonū et Rex bohemorum verum vt quidam dicūt thurgh this occasion the Egill has lost mony a fether ̄ in the end he shall be made nakid Otta the thrid wos emprour xviij yere This man was a worthy man all the dais of his empire after the wisdom of his fader he wos a veray faithfull man to the chirche and in mony batailles he ꝓsperit be cause he wos deuote to almyghty god his sentis and yaf mighty worsshippyng to the Relekes of sentis oft tymes he vesid holy places This man wos crouned bi gregori his cosin ̄ at the last he decessed at rome No Anno domini M.iiij SIluester the secund wos pope after Gregori iiij yere And he wos made pope bi the help of the deuell to whom he did homage· for he shuld yef him all thing that he desyrid he wos called Hylberd his emny gat him the grace of the kyng of fraunce and he made him the bisshop of Remensis bot anone he was deposit and after he gat the grace of the emprour and wos made the bishop of Rauēnie and after pope bot he had an end anone so haue all that puttys ther hope in fals deuelis Yit men tristin ī his saluacion for certayn demonstracion of his sepulcur for the gret pennance that he did in his last end For he made his hād ̄ his leggis to be cut of ̄ dismēbyrt ī al his body to be cast out at the doore to foulys thē his bodi to be drawi with wild bestis ther to be beried wher sū euer they restit as an hound and they stoed still at sent Iohn̄ latronys ̄ ther he wos beried and that wos sign of his sal̄uacion Iohannes the xviij wos pope .v. monethis Iohannes the xix wos pope after
for ther went of statis old men and yonge riche and poer no man compellid them and this passage was made bi the vision of our ladi and the princes of this pepull wer diuerse On wos Godfray the bollion a nobull man of all the world ̄ a vertuus man And an other was Beemūd the duke of Napuls The thrid wos Hugh the kynges brother of fraunce and mony other the wich did full nobully for the faith of god and it wer to long in this bake to reherse the glorius actis that they did ¶ Of kyng willm Roos that wos willm bastard son that destruyed tounes houses of religion for to make the new forest ANd after this willm bastard regned his son william the Rous and this willm was a wonder contrarious man to god and holy chirche let amende and make the toune off Cardeis that the paynyms had destroyed ¶ This kyng willm destruyed holy chirche and ther possessions in what ꝑte he myght them find ▪ ¶ And therfor ther was so moch debate bitwen him and the erchebisshop of cantorburi Ancelme for encheson that he vndernamme him of his wickidnesse that he destroied hol̄y chirch And for encheson therof the kyng bore to him gret wrath and for that cause he exiled him out of this land and the erchebishop tho went to the court of Rome and ther duellid wyth the pope ¶ And this king made the new forest cast doune distruid xxvi tounes and lxxx houses of religion all for to make his forest lenger and broder and bicome wonder glad and proud of his wod of his forest and C the wild bestys that werther within that it was meruell for to wit so that men called him keper of wodis and of pastors and the lenger that he leued the more wekked he become bothe to god and to all holy chirche and to all his men ¶ And this kyng let make the gret hall of westmynster so vpon a day in the witsontyde he held ther in his frist fest and he lokid him a bout and said that the hall wos to litell bi the haluē dele ¶ And at the last he become so contrarius that all thing that plesed god displesid him and all thing that god loued he hatid deidly ¶ And so it befell that he dremyd vpon a nyght a litel or that he died that he wos let blod and bled a gret quātite of blode and a streme of blode lepit on eigh toward heuē more than an hundreth vethem and the clerenes of the day was turned vn to nyght and dirkenesse and the firmament also ¶ And when that he a woke he had gret drede so that he not wist what for to done ̄ told his dreme to men of his councell and said that he had gret dred and supposed that to hī was sum mischance to cum ¶ And the secund night before a mōke dremed of the housold that the kīg went in to an chirche with moch pepull ̄ he wos proud that he dispised all the pepull that wos with him and that he tok the ymage of the crucifix and shamfully bote it with hys tethe ¶ And the crucifix mekeli suffred all that he did but the kyng as a wode man rent of the armys of the crucifix and cast it vnder his fete and defouled it and threw it all a brode ̄ a gret flame of fire come out of the crucifix mouth of wich dreme mony men had gret meruell and wonder ¶ The good man that had dremmed this straunge dreme told it to a knyght that wos most priuey with the kyng of all men and the knyght wos called Hamūdes soon the monke and he told the dreme to the kyng and saied that it shuld betokyn other thing than good and neuerthelas thee kyng laughed ther at twyes or thries and litell set ther by and thought that he wold go and hunte play in the forest And mē counsellid him that he shuld not that day for no maner thīg come in the wod so that he a bood at home before mete But anone as he had heten no man might hī let bot he wold gon vn to the wod for to haue his disporte ¶ And so it befell that on of his knyghtis that heght walter Tirell wold haue shot to an hart his arew glensid vpon a branche and thurgh missauētur smote the kīg to the hert so he fell doune deid to the grund with out ony word spekyng and so endid his life days ¶ And it wos no ferli for the day that he died he had let to ferme the erchebisshopprich of Cantorburi and xij abbeis also euer more did gret distruccion to holy chirche thurgh wrongfull takyng ̄ axinges for no man durste withstond that he wold haue done and of his lethernesse he wold neuer withdraw nother to amend his life therfor god wold suffre hī no lenger to regne ī his wikkidnes ̄ he had bene kīg xiij yere ̄ vi wekis ̄ lieth at westmynster Anno domini M.lxxxviij PAscal̄ was pope after vrbā xviij yer v. monethis the wich the xiij yere of his bisshopprich with his cardinales wos put ī prisō bi Henri the fourth the emꝑour ̄ they might not be deliuerid till the pope had suorne that he shuld kepe pees with hī that he shuld neuer curs hī on that ꝓmis the pope yaf the emꝑour a p̄uylege ̄ on the yere after the pope dampned that p̄uelege ̄ said on this wise lett vs cōp̄hend all holy scriptur the old testamēt ̄ the new the lawis ̄ the ꝓphettis the gospell ̄ the canons of apostils ̄ all the decrees of the popis of rome that at they held I hold and that at thei dampnid I dampne and most specialy that preuylege graūtid to Henri the emꝑour the wich rether is grantid to venge his males then to multiple the paciēs in vertu for euer more I dampne that same preuilege ¶ Of kyng Henri beauclerke that wos willm Rous brother ̄ of the debate betwen him Robert Curthos his brother ANd when this willm Rous wos deid Henri beauclerke his brother wos made kyng for encheson that willm Rous had no child begoten of his bodi and this henri beauclerke was crouned kyng at london the iiij day after that his brother was decessid that is to say the v. day of august ¶ And anone as Ancel̄me that was Archebisshop of Cantorburi that was at the court of rome herd tell that willm Rous wos deid he come ayen in to englond the kyng beauclarke welcomed him with moch honour ¶ And the frist yere that kyng henri regned ̄ wos crouned he spoused Maude that wos Margaretis doughter the quene of Scotland and the erchebisshop Ancelme of cantorburi weddid them ¶ And this kyng begate vpon his wife ij sonnys and a doughter that is to say willm Richard ̄ Maude And this
he had any goodis taken and that holy chirche shuld haue all fraunchis as ferforth as they had in sent Edwardis tyme the confessour ¶ How Stephen of langton com in to englond thurgh the popis cōmandemnt and how he went ayen When the forme of accordement thus wos ordened hit was in apayr of endenturs and thei put ther seales to that one part and they that comen in the kynges name put ther seales to that other parte of the Endentures and iiij bisshoppis aboue said toke that on part of the endenturs to them and that other part of the endenturs they bore with them to shew to the kyng ¶ When the kyng saw the forme ̄ vnder stode he held him full well apayed of all maner thyng as they had ordeyned sauyng as techīg restitucion of the goodis for to make ayen to that thyng he wold not accorde so he send word ayen to the iiij bisshoppis that they shuld do out and put a way that on poynt of restitucion ¶ But they ansuerd that thei wold not done on word out Tho sent the kyng to the erchebisshop by tho iiij erchebisshoppis that he shuld cū to cātorburi for to speke with him ther sent vn to him saufcondit vnder plegges that is to say his Iustices Gilbert Peitevyn willm de la Brener and Iohn be fitz Hugh that in ther conduit saufely he shuld come ̄ go ayen att his own will ī this maner the erchebisshop Stephen come to cantorburi ¶ And when the erchebisshop was comē the kīg come to Chilham for he wold no ney cantorburi at that time but he sent bi his tresorour bisshop of wynchestre that he shuld done out of the endenturs the clause of restitucion for to moke of the goodys ¶ And the Erchebisshop made his oth that he nold not neuer don out o word therof ne yit change of that the bisshoppis had spoken ordeyned And tho the erchebisshopp wēt ayen to rome with out any more doyng ¶ Kīg iohn̄ was tho wrother then euer he wos before and let make a comyn cry thurgh out all englond that all tho that had holy chirche rentis and went ouer the see that thei shuld cum ayen in to Englond at a certan day or els they shuld lese ther rentis for euer more ̄ that he cōmandid to euery shereue thurgh out all englond that they shuld enquere if any Bisshop Abbot Prior. or ony other prelat of holy chirche fro that day afterward resaued any cōmaundemēt that comen fro the pope That thei shuld take the bodi brīg it before hī that they shold take in to the kynges hondis all ther landis of holy chirche that wer yefen to ony man bi the erchebisshop Stephen or bi the prior of cantorbury from the tyme of eleccion of the erchebisshop commandid that all the woddes that wer the erchebisshoppis sh̄uld be castyn doune vn to the gronde ̄ all solde ¶ How kyng Iohn̄ destruyed the ordir of Cisteaux ANd ī the same tyme the Irishmē began to were vpon kīg Iohn̄ and kyng Iohn̄ ordeyned hym for to wend in to Irland and let arere an huge taxe thurgh out all Englond that is for to say xxxv M marke And thus he sent thurgh out all englond vn to the monkis of the ordir of Cisteaux that they shuld help him of vi M. marke of siluer ¶ And they ansuerd and said that thei durst nothīg done with out ther chief abbot of cisteaux wherfor kyng Iohn̄ when he come ayen from Irland did them so moch sorow care that they not wist werfor to abide for he toke so moch ransom of euery house of them that the somme ammounted to ix M.ccc marke So that they were clene lost ̄ destruid and voided ther houses ther landis thurgh all ēglond ̄ the abbot of wauersay dred so moch his manace that he for soke al the abbey wēt thēs ̄ priuoly ordeyned hī ouer see to the hous of cisteaux when the tidīg come to the pope that the kīg had don so moch malice tho was he toward the kīg full wroth ̄ sent ij Legates vn to the kyng that on wos called Pandolf ̄ that other Durāt that they shold warne the kīg ī the popis name that he shuld cese of his ꝑsecuciō that he did vn to holy chirche and amend the wrong and the trespase that he had done to the Erchebisshop of Cantorburi and to the priour and vn to the monk is of Cantorburi and to all the clarge of Englond and that he shuld restore all the goodis ayen that he had teken of them ayens ther will And els they shuld curse him bi name and to do this thing and to conferme the pope toke them his letters in bullis patentz ¶ Thes ij legatis come in to englond and come to the kyng to Northamton ther that he held his parlament and full courtasly they him salued and saied Sir we be comen fro the pope of Rome the pees of holy chirche and the land to a mend ¶ And we amonest you frist in the popis halfe that ye make full restitucion of the goodis that ye haue raueshed and take of holy chirche and of the land and that ye vndirfenge Stephen erchebisshop of Cantorburi in to his dignite and the Prior of Cantorburi and his monkis and that ye yeld ayen vn to the Erchebisshop all his landis and rentis with out any wtholdyng ¶ And sir yit more ouer that ye shall make restitucion vn to all holy chirche wherof they shall hold them well apayed ¶ Tho ansuerd the kyng as tochyng the priour his monkis of Cantorburi all that ye haue said I will done gladly and all thyng that ye will ordeyn ¶ But os tochyng the Erchebisshop I shull tell you in myn hert as it lieth that the erchebisshop let his bisshopprich and that the pope than for him wold pray and than vpō a venture me shold like some other bisshopprich for to yef him in Englond ̄ vpon this condicion I wold him resaue and vnderfenge ¶ And notheles in Englond as erchebisshop yef he abyde he shall neuer haue so good saufcondit but he shall be take ¶ Tho said Pandolfe vn to the kyng sir holy chirche wos woned neuer to discharge an Erchebisshop with out cause resonable but euer it hath be woned to chastyse princes that to god and holy chirche wer inobidient ¶ What how now quod the kyng manace ye me ¶ Nay said pandolf but ye now opēle haue told as it standeth in your hert ¶ And to yow we will telle what is the popis will And thus it standith that he has you holy enter dited and a cursed for the wronges that ye haue done to holy chyrche and to the clarge ¶ And for as moche as ye duell beth in will to a bide in malace wricchednes ̄ woll not
cum out ther of ne to no amēdment ye shall vnderstand that this tyme afterward the sentance is vpon you yeffen and holdeth stede and strength vpon all tho that with you haue communed before this tym whethir they be Erles Barons or Knyghtys or any other what so euer that they be we them assoyle saufly vn to this day fro this tyme afterward of what condicion som euer that they be we them a curse that with you comyn ony word do we sentanse vpon thē openly and specially ¶ And we assoill clene Erles Barons Knyghtes all other men of ther homages seruis ̄ feautes that they shuld vn to you done And this tydyng to confirme we yef playn pouer to the bysshop of wynchestre ̄ to the bisthop of Norwiche ¶ And the same pouer we yif in to scotland to the bisshoppis of Rochestre of Salisburi ¶ And in wales we yeue the same pouer to the bisshoppis of sent Dauid ̄ of Landaf ̄ of sent Asse· ¶ And more ouer we send thurgh out all cristīdom that all the bisshoppis be yond the see that they done a cursse all tho that helpeth you or ony cōcell yefeth you in ony maner nede that ye haue to do in any ꝑte of the world ¶ And we assoyell them also all by the actorite of the pope and cōmand them also with you for to feght as with hī that is emny to all holy chirche ¶ Tho ansuerd the kyng what may ye do more to me ¶ Tho ansuerd Pandolf we sayn to you in the word of god that ye ne none heir that ye haue neuer after this day may be crouned ¶ Tho said the kīg bi him that is almighti god I had wist this or that the come ī to my land that ye had me brought sich tyding I sh̄uld haue made you ride all on yere ¶ Tho ansuerd pādolf full well wēd we at oure frist cōmīg that ye wold haue be obedient to god ̄ to holi chirch haue fulfillid the popis commandemēt now we haue shewed vn to you ̄ ꝓnouncid the popis will as we wer charged ther with as now ye haue said that if ye had wist the cause of our comyng that ye wold haue made vs ride all an hole yere as well ye myght haue said that ye wold haue takin an hole yere of respit bi the popis leue ¶ But for to suffre what deth ye coude ordeyn we shall not spare for to tell you holi all the popis message his wyll that we wer charged with ¶ How Pandolf deliuered a clarke that had falsed ̄ conterfeted the kynges monay before the kyng him self ANd anone tho commandid the kyng the shereues bailies of Northamton that were in the kynges presence that they shuld bring forth all the prisoners that they myght bene done to deth before Pandolf for encheson the kyng wened that they wold haue gayn sayed ther dedis for cause of deth all thing that he had spokin afore ¶ When the prisoners wer com be fore the kīg the kyng commandid som to be hanged ̄ sum to be drawen sum to draw out ther eyn out of ther hede ¶ And among all other ther was a clarke that had falsid the kyngis monay And the king commandid that he shuld be honged ̄ draw ▪ ¶ And whē Pandolf herd this cōmandemēt of the kīg he stert him vp smartely and anone axed a boke and a candill ̄ wold haue cursid him ̄ all them that set vpō the clarke any hand And Pandolf hī self went for to sech a cros the kīg folowid hī deliuerid hī the clarke bi the hand that he shuld do with hī what he wolde ¶ And thꝰ was the clerke delyuerid ̄ wēt thēs ¶ And Pandolf Durant his felow went from the kyng Iohn̄ come ayen to the pope of rome told him that kyng Iohn̄ wold not amended be but euer abiden so accursed ¶ And notheles the pope grantid that yere thurgh out englond that mē myght sing masses in coueneble chirchis make goddis body and yef it to seke mē that shuld passe out of this world And also that men myght cristyn child ouer al the land ¶ And when the pope wist and saw that the kyng wold not ben vnder the rule of holy chirche for no maner thīg the pope tho sent to the kyng of fraunce in remision of his sinnes that he shuld take with him all the pouer that he myght ̄ wend ī to englond for to distru kyng Iohn̄ ¶ When this tidyng come to kyng Iohn̄ tho wos he sore anoyed sore drad lest that he shuld lese his reame hym self be done to deth ¶ Tho sent he to the pope messangers and said that he wold bene iustyfied cum to a mendment ī all thinges and wold make satisfaccion to all maner men after the popis ordināce ¶ Tho sent the pope ayen in to engloted Pandolf and other messingers come to Cantorburi tho the king abode And the xiij day of May the kyng made an othe for to stand to the popis ordinance before Pandolf the legate ī all maner of thīges in wich he wos a cursed ̄ that he shuld make full restitucion to all men of holi chirche ̄ of relegion of the godis that he had taken of them ayens ther will and all the gret lordis of englōd swore vpon the boke ̄ bi the holydom that if the kīg wold not hold his oth they saied that they wold make him hold it by strength ¶ Tho put the kyng him to the court of rome to the pope tho yaf he vp the reame of Englōd of Irland for him and for his heires for euer more that sh̄uld cum after him So that kyng Iohn̄ and his heires shuld take tho ij reames of the popes handis ̄ shuld euery yere pay ferme vn to the court of rome a thousand marke of siluer ¶ And tho toke the kīg the croune of his hede and set him on his kneys and thes wordis said he in hering of all the gret lordis of englond her I resigne vp the croune and the reame of Englōd in to the popis Innocent hand the thrid and put me holy in his merci and ī his ordinance● ¶ Tho vnderfenge Pandolf the croune of kīg Iohn̄ and kepid it v. days as for sesing tagyng of ij reames of Englong and Irland and confermed all maner thynges by hys chartur that foloweth after Of the letter obligatorie that kyng Iohan made vn to thee court of Rome wherfore the Petres pens bene gadred thurgh owt all Englond TO all cristyn pepull thurgh out all the world duellyng Iohn̄ by the grace of god kyng of englond greting to youre vniuersite and be it knowyn that for as moch as we haue greued and offendid god ̄ our modre chirche of rome
said masse thurgh out all london ̄ so after thurgh out all englōd ¶ And the next yere after ther began a gret debate bitwene king Iohn̄ ̄ the lordis of englōd for encheson that he wold not graūte the lawes hold the wich sent Edward had ordeyned had be vsed hold vn to that tyme that he had them broken for he wold hold no law bot did all thīg that hī likid desheried mony mē with out ꝯsent of lordis ̄ peris of the land wold desherite the good Erle Randulf of Chestre for enchesō that he vndertoke hī of his wykkidnesse for cause that he did so moch shame ̄ velany to god and holy chirche And also fer he held hauntid his own brothers wife lay also bi mony other womē gret lordis doughtres for he sparid no woman that him liked for to haue wherfore all the lordis of the land wer with him wonder wroth and went to london ̄ toke the cite ¶ And for to cese this debate and sorow the erchebishop and other gret lordis of the land assembled them before the fest of sent Iohan baptist in a medow besides the toune of stanes that is called Romnemede And the kyng made them ther a chertour of fraunches such as they wold axen ̄ ī soch maner they wer accordid and that accordemēt last not full longe for the kyng him selfe sone after did ayens the pointis of the same chartre that he had made wherfor the most parte of the land of lordis assembled them and began to were vpō him ayen and brened his tounes and robbid his folke did all the sorow that they myght ̄ made them as stronge as they myght with all ther pouer thoght to driue him out of englond and make Lowys the kynges son of fraunce kyng of englond ¶ And kyng Iohn̄ sent tho ouer see and ordeyned so moch pepull of Normans ̄ of Piccardes ̄ of Flemmynges So that the land myght not susteyn them but with moch sorow ¶ And among all thes pepull ther was a mā of Normandie that was called Faukis of brent and this Normand his ꝯpany spared nother chirche ne house of religion bot thei brīt robbed it ̄ bare away all that they might take so that the land wos all destroied what on oon side on other ¶ The barons lordis of Englond ordeyned amōg them the best spekers and wysest mē sent them ouer se to kīg Philip of fraunce and prayed him that he wold send lowys his son in to englōd to be kyng of englōd ̄ to vnderfenge the croune ¶ How Lowys the kinges son of fraunce come in to englond with a stronge pouer of pepull to be kīg of englond WHen kyng Ppilip of fraunce herd this tydyng he made certayn aliaunce bitwene them by ther commune eleccion that Lowys kyng Pphilipes sone of fraunce sh̄uld go with them ī to Englond driue out kīg Iohn̄ of the land and all that wer in presence of Lowys made vn to him homage and bicome his men ¶ And the barons of englond held them styll at londō abiden Lowys the kīges son of fraūce this was the next saturday before the Ascencion of our lord that lowys come in to englond with a strong pouer that tyme kyng Iohn̄ had takyn all the castels of englōd in to alyens handis ¶ And tho com Lowys be segid Rouchestres castell toke it with strength the thursday in whitson w●ke lethonge all the aliens that wer therī the thursdai tho next suyng he come to London ther he wos vnderfenge with mech honour of the lordis that a byden him ther all to him made homage ¶ And afterward on the tewysday next after the Trinite sonday he toke the castell of Reigate ̄ in the morow after the castell of Gilford ̄ the friday next after the castell of Farneham ̄ the mōday next after the cite of wynchestre to him was yold ̄ in the morow after sent Iohn̄ day the maner of woluesey and the tewisday after the vtas of sent Petre sent paule they toke the castell of Odiham and the mōday after sent Margaretes day he ordend him toward Bawmore for to sege the castell and ther he duelled xv dais ̄ myght not get the castell ̄ than when the thens ̄ come to london ̄ the toure to him wos yolde ¶ How the pope send in to Englond a legat that wos called Swalo and of the deth of kīg iohn̄ ANd in the same time the pope send in to england a legat that wos called Swalo and he wos prest Cardinall of rome for to maynten kyng Iohans cause ayens the barons of Englond but the barons had so huge part and help thurgh Lowys the kynges son of fraunce that kyng Iohn̄ wist not whidder for to turne ne gone ¶ And so it befell that he wold haue gone to Nycholl and as he wēt thiderward he come by the abbey of Swynes hede ̄ ther he abode ij dais ¶ And as he sat at mete he axed a monke of the house how moch a lofe was worth that wos set befor him vpō the tabull And the mōke said that the lofe was worthe but and halfpeny ¶ O quod the kyng tho here is gret chepe of brede Now quod the kyng I may life soch a lofe shall be worth xx shillyng or half a yere be gone ¶ And whē he had said this word moch he thougt oft he sighed tok ete of the bred said by god the word that I haue spokyn it shall be soth ¶ The mōke that stode before the kyng was for this word full sori in hert thoght rather he wold him self suffre deth and thought if he myght ordeyn ther fore some maner remedie ¶ And anone the mōke went to his abbot ̄ wos shriuen of him ̄ told the abbot all that the kyng had said· and praid his abbot for to assoill him for he wold yef the kīg such a drink that all Englond shuld be glad ther of ioyfull ¶ Tho went the monke in to a gardeyn and foūd a gret to de therin toke hir vp ̄ put hir ī a cup ̄ prikked the tode thurgh with a broche mōy tymes till that the venym comen out of euery side ī the cup. tho toke the cup ̄ fillled it with good ale brought it before the kīg knelīg said sir qd he wassale for neuer the days of your life dranke ye of so good a cup ¶ Begin monke qd the kīg ̄ the monke dranke a gret draught ̄ toke the kyng the cup the kīg also dranke a gret draught set doūe the cup ¶ The monke anone right wēt ī to the farmori ther died anone on wh●● seule god haue merci amen And v. mōkis sing for his
come aspi vn to the kyng and told him wher the Scottys wer assembled for to a bide bataill ¶ And on sent mari Magdelene day the kyng come to fonkirke and yaf bataill to the scottis and at that bataill wer kylled xxxiij thousand scottys and of englishe men but xxviij no mo of the wich was a worthy knyght slayn that wos a knyght an hospiteler that wos callid Freri brian Iay. ¶ For when willm wales fled from the bataill thatt same frere Brian him pursued fersly as his hors ran it start in to a myere of a maries vp to the bely ¶ And willm walis turned tho ayene ̄ there kylled the forsaid Brian that wos moche harme ¶ And that while kyng Edward wēt thurgh scotlād for to enquere if he myght find any of his enmys And ī that land he duelled as long as him likyd and ther wos none enmye that durst him abide ¶ And sone afterward kīg Edward wēt to south hamtō for he wold not abyde in scotland in wynter seson for esemēt of his pepull And when he come to londō he let amēd mony misdedis that wer done ayens his pees and his law while that he wos in Flaundres ¶ Of the last mariege of king Edward and how he went the thrid tyme in to Scotland ANd afterward it was ordeyned thurgh the court of rome that kīg edward shuld wedde dame Margaret that was kīg Philip sustre of fraūce and the Erchebisshop Robert of wynchelse spoused thē to gedre thurgh the wich mariege ther wos made pes betwen kyng Edward of englond kyng Philip of fraunce ¶ Kyng edward went tho the thrid tyme in to Scotland tho within the first yere he had enfamined the land so that ther left not on that he ne come to his merci sauf tho that wer in the castell of Estreuelin that wos well vetaled ̄ astorid for vij yere ¶ How the castell of estreuelin wos beseged KYng Edward come with an huge pouer to the castell of estreuelin and beseged the castell but it litell a vailed for he might do the scottis none harme For the castell wos so strong well kepid ¶ And kyng edward saw that thought him vpō a queyntize ̄ let make anone ther .ij. paire of high galews before the tour of the castell ̄ made his oth that as mōy as wer ī the castell wer he erle or baron he wer take with strength but if he wold the rather him yold he sh̄uld be honged vpō the galewis ¶ And when tho that wer within the castell heerd this they come yeld them all to the kyngꝭ grace ̄ merci And the kīg for yaf them all his maletalent ¶ And ther wer all the gret lordis of scotland swore to kyng edward that they shuld cum to london to euery parlament shuld stond to his ordynance ¶ How Troylebastonne wos first ordeyned THe kyng Edward went thens to londō and wenet for to haue had rest ̄ pees of his were ī the wich were he wos ocupied xx yere That is to say in wales in Gascoyn and in Scotlād And thught how he myght recouer his tresour that he had spendid about his were let enquere thurgh the reame of all the tyme that he had bene out of his reame that men called Troillebaston And ordeyned ther to Iustices ̄ in this maner he recoueryed tresour with out nombre ¶ And his enchesō wos for he had thought for till haue gone ī to the holy land for to haue werid vpon goddis enmis For enchesō that he was crossid long tyme before ¶ And neuer thelas that law that he had ordeyned did moch good thurgh all englond to them that wer mysbode For tho that trespassid wer well chastised and afterward the moch more meker ̄ the better ̄ thee poer commyns wer in rest ̄ in pees ¶ And the same tyme kīg Edward prisoned his own son edward for enchesō that Walter of langtō bisshop of Chestre that wos the kynges tresorar had made vpō him complayn said that the forsaid edward thurghe coūsell ̄ ꝓcurment of on Pers of Ganaston a squyer of gascoī had brokyn the parkis of the forsaid bisshapois ̄ this Pers coūcellid and lad this same edward ¶ And for this cause kyng odward exiled his son out of englond for euer more ¶ Of the deth of willm waleis the fals tratour ANd whē this kyng Edward had his enmys ouer cummyn in wales Gascoyn and in Scotland and distroyd his traitours all but only that ribaud willm wales that neuer to the kīg wold him yeld and at the last in the toune of sent Dominic ī the yere of kyng Edwards regne xxxiij That fals tratour wos take ̄ presentid to the kyng but the kyng wold not se him and sent him to london to underfenge his Iugement vpon sent Bartholomes eue he wos honged and draw his hede smyten of hys bowelis take out of his bodi and brint ̄ his bodi quartired and sent vn to iiij of the best tounes of scotlad and his hede put vpō a spere set vpon london brigge in exampull that the scottis shuld haue in mynd for to do amys ayens ther leige lord eftsones ¶ How the scottis come to kyng edward for to amēd ther trespasse that they had done ayens him ANd at Mihelmasse tho next commyng kyng Edward helde his parlament at westmynstre and thider come the scots that is to say the bisshop of sent Andrewes Robert the Brus erle of Carik Simōd the Frisell Iohū the erle of Athell thei wer accordid with the kīg and bounde and by oth swore that they afterward if any of them misbore them ayens kyng Edward that they shuld be disherited for euer more ¶ And whan ther pees was thus made They toke ther leue priueli and wēt home vn to ther own cuntre ¶ How Robert the Brus chalenged scotland ANd after this Robert the Brus erle of carik sent by his letter to the erles and barons of Scotland that they shulde come to him to Scone in the morow after the concepcion of our lady for hegh nedes of the land and the lordis come at the day assined ¶ And the same day sir Robert the Brus said fair lordis full well ye know that in my ꝑson duelled the right of the reame of scotland os ye wate well i am rightfull heir sith that sir iohan Bailoll that wos our kyng vs hath forsaken ̄ left his land ¶ And though it so be that kyng Edward of englond with wrongfull pouer hath made me to him assent ayens my wyll if that ye wyll graunt that I may be kyng of scotland I shall kepe you ayens kyng edward of englond ayens all maner men and with that word the abbot of Scon arose vp and before them all said that it was reson for to helpe him ̄ the land ta kepe
spenser the son had the thrid ꝑte in his wifes half the iij. sustre tho ij lordis went to the barons with al ther pouer ayens sir hugh ther broder in law and so ther come with them sir Roger of Clifford sir Iohn̄ Mombrey sir Goselin dauill sir roger Mortimer of werke sir roger mortimei of wigmore his nepheu sir Henri Trais sir Iohn̄ Giffrad sir Bartholemew of badelsmore with all ther companye and mony oder that to them were consent all the gret lordis comen vn to westmynstre to the kyngꝭ ꝑlament and so they spoken and did that bothe sir huge Spenser the fadre and also the son were outlawed of Englond for euer more ¶ And so sir hugh the fadre went vn to Douer and made moch sorow and fell doune vpon the ground by the see banke acros with his armes and sore wepīg said Now fair englond good englond to all myghty god I the betake and thries cussid the groūd and wened neuer for to haue comen ayen and wepyng full sore cursed the tyme that euer he begat sir Hugh his son And said for hī he had lost all Englond and tho in presence of them all thatt were about him he yaf him his curse and went ouer the see to his landis ¶ But hugh the son wold not gone out of Englond bot held him in the see he and his companye robbed .ij. Dromōdis beside Sandewich and toke and bare away all the goodis that wos on them the value of xl M. pound ¶ How the kyng exiled Erle Thomas of Lancastre ̄ all that held with him and how the Mortimer come yeld him to the king and of the lordis HIt wos not long after that the kyng ne made sir Hugh spenser the fadre and sir hugh the son cum ayen in to englōd ayens the lordis will of the reame ¶ And sone after the kyng with a strong pouer come and beseged the castell of Ledes ̄ in the castell was the lady of Badelesmore for encheson that she wolde not graunte that castell to quene Isabell kīg Edwardis wife ¶ But the principall cause was for encheson that sir Bartholomew badelesmere was ayens the kīg held with the lordis of englond notheles the kīg by help socour of mē of londō ̄ also of help of southeren men gat the castell maugre of them all that wer therin ̄ toke with them all that thei might find ¶ And when the barons of englōd herd this tidyng sir Rogere Mortimer and other mony lordis toke the toūe of burggeworth with strength wherfore the kīg was wonder wroth let outlaw thomas of Lancastre ̄ vmfra de Bohoune erle of herford ̄ all tho that wer assentant to the same quarell ¶ And the kyng assēbled an huge host ̄ come ayenst the lordis of englōd wherfor the Mortimers put thē in the kīgꝭ merci ̄ his grace ̄ anōe they wer sent to the toure of london ̄ ther kept ī prisō ¶ And when the barons herd this thyng they comen to Pountfret ther that the erle Thomas sodiourned ̄ told him how that Mortimers both had yeld them to the kyng ̄ put them in his grace ¶ Of the sege of Tykhill WHen Thomas erle of Lancastre herd this they wer wonder wroth and all that wer of his companie ̄ gretly they wer discomfited and ordeyned theyr pouer to geder beseged thee castell of Tykhill but tho that wer within so manly defēdid hē that the barons might not get the castell whē the kīg herd that his castel was beseged he swore by god ̄ bi his names that the sege sh̄old be remeued and assemaled an huge pouer of pepull went thiderward to reskewe the castell his pouer encresid frō day to dai ¶ When the erle of Lancastre ̄ the erle of Herford the barones of ther companye herd of this thīg they assembled all ther pouer went them to Burton vpō Trent kept the brigge that the king shold not passe ouer ¶ But it befell so on the x. day of march in the yere of grace M.ccc ̄ xxi· The kyng the spenser sir Aymer valaunce erle of Pēbroke Iohn̄ erle of Arūdall ̄ hir pouer wēt ouer the water discomfited the erle Thomas his companye and they fled to the castell of Tutberi and from thens they wēt vn to Pountfret ¶ And in that viage died sir Roger Danmore in the abbey of tutberi ¶ And in that same time the Erle Thomas had a traytour with him that wos called Robert of Holād a knyght that the erle had brought vp of nought had norisshed him ī his botelerie had yeue him a thousand marke of land by yere so moch the erle loued him that he myght do in the erles courte all thīg that him liked bothe among hie lawe and so quenteli tho these bare him ayens his lorde that he tristed more vpon him then he did vpon ony man a liue ¶ And the erle had ordened by his letters for to wend in to the erledom of Lancastre to make men arise to helpe him that viage that is to say v. C men of armes ¶ But the fals traytur come not ther no maner men for to warne ne for to make arise to help his lord ¶ And whē that the fals traitour hard tell that his lord was discomfited at burt●n vpon trent as a fals traytour thefe stole a way and robbed ī Rauensdele his lordis men that come from the scomfiture and toke of them hors and harnes and al that they had killid of them all that he myght take come yeld hī to the kīg ¶ Whē the good erle Thomas wist that he wos so betraied he wos sore abashed ̄ said to hī self O all mighty god how myght Robert Holand find in his hert me to betray sithens that I haue loued hī so moch O god well may naw a man see bi him that no man may dissaue an oder rather than he that he trustis most vpon he hath full euell yeld me my goodnesse and the worsh̄ip that I haue to him done and thurgh my kyndenesse haue him a vaunced and made hie wher that he wos lowe And he maketh me go from high vn to l●w but yit shall he die an euell deth ¶ Of the scomfiture of Burbrugge THe good Erle Thomas of Lancastre Humfrey de bohoūe Erle of Herford and the barons that with hem were tokē councell bitwen them at the frere prechours in Pountfret Tho thought Tomas vpō the traitorie of robert Holand and seied in reproue Alas holand had me betraied ay is the reed of some euell shreed and by the commune assent they shuld all wend to the castell of Dunstanburgh the wich ꝑteyned to the erldom of Lancastre that they shold abide ther till that the kīg had foryef them ther
maletalent ¶ But whē the good erle Thomas this herd he ansuerd in this maner and said lordis quod he if we gone toward the north the northeren men will say that we go toward the scottis ̄ so we shall be holden traitours for cause of distance that is betwen kyng edward ̄ Robert the brus that made him kīg of scotland and ther fore I sai as touchyng my self that I will not go no ferther in to the north than to myn own castell of Poūfret ¶ And wen sir roger Clifford herd this he arose vp anone in wroth and drew his swerde on high suore by almyghty god and by his holi names but if that he wold go with them he shuld him sle ther. ¶ The nobull and gentill erle Thomas of Lancastre was sore adrad said fair sirs I will gon with you whither so euer ye me bidde ¶ Tho went they to gedres in to the north ̄ with them they had vij C. men of armes and come to Burbrugge ¶ And when sir Andrew of herkela that was in the north cūtre thurgh ordynaunce of the kyng for to kepe the cuntre of scotland herd tell how that Thomas of lancastre wos discomfited and his ꝯpanye at Burton vpon trent he ordyned him a strong pouer and sir Symond ward also that was tho shereue of yorke and met the baronnes at burbrugge and anone they breke the brugge that wos made of tre ¶ And whan sir thomas of Lancastre herde that sir Andrew of herkela had brought with him such a pouer he was sore a drad and sent for sir andrew of herkela and with him spake· and said to him in this maner ¶ Sir andrew quod he ye mow well vnderstond how that our lord the kyng is lad and misgouerned by moch fals councell thurgh sir hugh the Spenser the fadre and sir hugh his son and sir Iohn̄ erle of Arundell and thurgh master Robert Baldoke a fals piled clerke that now is in the kynges court duelling Wherfore I pray yow that ye wold cum with vs with all the pouer that ye haue ordened and help to distro the venym of England and the tratours that bene therin and we will yeue vn to yow all the best parte of .v. erledoms that we haue and holdeth and we will make vn to you an oth that we wil neuer done thyng with out your councell and so ye shall bene eft as well with vs as euer wos Robert of Holand ¶ Tho ansuerd sir Andrew of herkela and said sir Thomas that wolde not I done ne consent ther to for no maner thing ye might me yeffe without the will and commaūdement of our lore the kyng for than shuld I be holden a tratour for euer more ¶ And when that the nobull Erle Thomas of Lancastre saw that he wold not consent vn to him for no maner thing sir Androw he said will ye not consent for to distroye the venym of the reame as we be consent now at one worde sir Androw I tell the that or this yere be gone that ye shall be take and hold for a traitor and more than ony of yow hold vs now and in wors deth ye shall die than euer did any knyght of Englond And vnderstand well that ye did neuer thyng that sorer ye shall you repente and now goth ̄ dothe what you good liketh And I wyll put me in to the mercy of god ¶ And so went the fals traytour tirant and as a fals for sworin maij for thurgh the noble Erle Thomas of Lancastre he vnderfenge the armes of chiualri and thurgh hī he wos made a knyght ¶ Tho myght men see archeris drawe them in that one side and in that other and knyghtes also and foughten tho to gedre wonder sore and also among other sir Humfrey de Boughon Erle of herford a worthy knyght of renoune thurgh all cristyndome stode fought with his enmys vpon the bruge and as the nobull lord stode and faught vpon the brugge a thefe a ribaude skulked vnder the brugge fersly with a spere smote the nobull knyght in to the foūdement so that his bouell is comen out a bout his fete ther. ¶ Alas for sorow for ther was slayn the flour of solace of comforth and also of curtesie ¶ And sir Roger of Clifford a nobull knyght stode euer and faught well worthely him defendid as a nobull baron But at the last he was sore wounded in his hede sir willm of Sullay and sir Roger of bernefeld wer slayn at that bataill ¶ When sir Androw of herkela saw that sir Thomas men of lancastre lassed and slaked anone he and his compani comen vn to the gentill knyght sir Thomas of Lancastre said vn to him in high yelde the tratoure yeld the. ¶ The gentill Erle ansuerid tho and said Nay lordis trators be we none and to you will we neuer vs yeld while that our lyues last but leuer we haue to be slain in our treuth than yeld vs vn to yow ¶ And sir Androw ayen gard vpon sir Thomas componi yollyng as a wode wolfe ̄ saied yelde you tratours takē yeld you And said with an high vois beth war sires that none of yow be so hardy vpon lyfe and limme to mysdone Thomas bodi of Lancastre ¶ And with that word the good Erle Thomas wēt ī to the chapell said kneling vpon his knees ̄ turned his visage towardes the crosse and said Almyghty god to the I me yelde holli I put me vn to thy merci And with that the vileyns and ribaudes leped a boute him on euery syde as tirantis wode turmētours and dispolid him of his armurie and clothed him in a robe of rey that was of his squyers liueira and forth lad him vn to yorke by water ¶ Tho myght men se moch sorow ̄ care for thee gentill knyghtis fled in euery side ̄ the ribaudis ̄ the vileyns egreli them discried and gried an high yeld yow tratours yeld you ¶ And when they wer yolden they wer robbed bounde as thefues Alas the shame and dispite that the gentill ordir of knyghthod ther had at that bataill and the land was tho with out law for holy chirche tho had no more reuerance than it had bene a brodell hous and in that bataill was the fadre ayens the sone and the vncle ayens his nepheu For so moch vnkyn denes was neuer seyn before in Englond as wos that tyme among folke of one nacion ¶ For on kynrad had no more pitte of that other than an hungri wolfe hath of a shepe and it wos no wonder ¶ For the gret lordis of englond wer not all of one nacion but wer medled with other nacions that is for to say some Bretans some Saxōs som Danys some Pehites som Frensshemen some Normans some Spanyardis some Romans some Henaudes some Flemmyng and other diuerse nacions the which nacions
erle of his life was passid The priour and the monkis of Pountfret getten the body of sir Thom̄s of the kīg and they beried it before the high auter on the right side● ¶ That same day that this gentill knyght was dede ther were honged draw for the same quarell at Pountfret sir willm tuchet sir willm Fitz willm sir warreyn of ysell sir Hēri of brad borne and sir william cheynye barons all· and Iohane Page esquyre ¶ And sone after at Yorke were draw and honged sir Rogeri Clifford Sir Iohan of Mambray barons And sir Goselin dauill knyght ¶ And at Bristow were drawe honged sir henri of wemyngton sir henri Mounfort barons and at Glocestre wer draw and honged Sir Iohan Geffard and sir willm of Elmebrugge barons ¶ And at london wer honged and drow sir henri Tyes baron And at wynchelse sir Thomas Colepepir knyght And at windesore sir Fraunces of waldenham baron And at Cantorburi wos draw ̄ honged sir Bertholome of Badelesmere sir Bartholomewe of asshebourneham barons And at kerdyfe ī wales sir willm Flemmīg baron ¶ How kyng Edward wēt in to scotland with an hondreth thousand men of armes ̄ might not spede ANd when kyng edward of englond had brought the flour of Chiualrie vn to ther deth thurgh councell and consent of sir hugh spenser the fadre and sir hugh the son he become as wode as any Lyon ¶ And what so euer the Spensers wold haue it was done so well the kyng loued them that they might done with him all thyng that them liked Wherfor the kyng yaf vn to sir hugh spenser the fadre the erledom of wynchestre and vn to sir Andrewe of Herkela the erdom of Cardoill in preiudice and in harmyng of his croune ¶ And kyng Edward tho thurgh ꝯsell of the spensers disherited all them that had bene ayens him in any quarell with Thomas of Lancastre mony oder wer disherited also for encheson stat the spensers couetted for to haue ther landes and so they had all that they wold desire with wrong and ayens all reson ¶ Tho made the kyng Robert of Baldok a fals piled clerke Chauncelar of englond thurgh caunsell of the forsaid spensers he was a fals ribaud and a couetise ̄ so they coūceled the kyng moch that the kyng let take to his own warde all the goodis of the lordis that were put wrongfully to the deth in to his own hond and as well they token the goodis that wer in holy chirche as the goodis that were wythout And let them bene put in to his tresorie in london and let them call his forfaittis bi ther councell the kyng wrought for euermore he dysherite them that the goodis owghten ¶ And thurgh ther counsell let a rere a talliage of all the goodis of englond ¶ Wherfor he was the richest kyng that euer wos in englond after willm basterd of Normādie that conquerid Englond ▪ ¶ And yit thurgh councell of them him semed that he had not ynough bot made yit euery toune of Englond for to find a man of armys vpon ther own costages for to gone and were vpon the scottis that wer his enmys wherfore the kyng wēt in to scotland with an hondreth thausand mē of armes at witsontide in the yere of our lord Ihū crist M.ccc xxij ¶ But the scottis went and hid them in moūtayns ̄ in woddis taried the englishmen fro day to day that the kīg myght for no maner thyng them find in playn feld ¶ Wherfor mony englishmē that had litell vitayles died ther for hunger wonder fast and sodenly in goyng and in comyng and namly tho that had bene ayens Thomas of Lancastre and robbed his men vpon his landis ¶ When kyng Edward saw that vitayles failed him he wos tho wonderfore discomforted for encheson also that his men died and for he myght not speed of his enmys So at the last he come ayen in to Englond ¶ And anone after come Iames Douglas also Thomas Randulph with an hoge host in to Englond in to Northumberland with them the englishmen that wer driuē out of englōd come robbed the cūtre kylled the pepull also brend the toune that wos called northallerton ̄ mony other toūes to yorke ¶ And when the kīg herd this tidyng he let sompne all maner men that might trauell And so the englishmen mett the scottis at the abbey of Beigheland the xv day after Mihelmasse in the same yere abouesaid And the englishmen wer ther discomfited ¶ And at that scomfiture wos toke sir Iohan of Bretan Erle of Rochemond that helde the cuntre and the Erldom of Lancastre ¶ And after he paied an huge raunsome and wos let go and after that he wente in to fraūce and come neuer afterward ayen ¶ How sir Andrewe of Herkela was take ̄ put vn to the deth that wos erle of Cardoill ANd at that tyme sir Andrew of herkela that new was made erle of Cardoill for cause that he had taken the good erle Thomas of Lancastre he had ordeyned thurgh the kynges ꝯmandement of englond for to bring him all the pouer that he might for to help him ayenst the scottis at the abbey of Beigheland ¶ And when the fals tratour had gadred all the pepull that he myght and shuld haue come to the kyng vn to the abbey of Beigheland ¶ The fals tratour lad them by an other cuntre thurgh Copeland thurgh the erledom of Lancastre went thurgh the cuntre robbed ̄ killed folke all that he myght ¶ And forther more the fals tratour had taken a gret soume of gold and siluer of sir Iames Douglas for to be ayens the kyng of englond and to bene helpyng holdyng with the scottis thurgh whos treson the kyng of englond wos discomfited at Beigheland or that he come theder ¶ Wherfor the kyng wos toward him wonder wroth and let priueli enquere by the cuntre about how that it wos· ¶ And so men enquerid and aspied so at the last trewth was foūd and sought he atteynt take as a fals tratour as the good erle Thoms of Lancastre him told or that he wer put vn to deth at his takyng at burbrugge ¶ And to him said or that yere wer done he shuld be take and hold a tratour ¶ And so it wos as the holy man said wherfor the kyng sent preueli to sir Anthoyn of Lucy a knight of the cuntre of Cardoill that he shuld take sir Andrew of Harkela and put him vn to the deth ¶ And to bring thys thyng vn to the end the kyng sent his comission So that this same Andrew was take at Cardoill ̄ led vn to the barre in the maner of an erle worthely arrayed ̄ with a swerde gurt aboute hī hosed ̄ spored ¶ Tho spak sir Anthoyn in this maner sir Andrew ꝙ he the king put vpon the
for as moch as thou hast bene orped in thy dedis he ded to the moch honour and made the erle of Cardoill thou as a traytour to thi lord the kyng ladest his pepull of his cuntre that shuld haue holpe him at the bataill of Beiland and thou ladest them a way by the cuntre of Copeland and thurgh the Erledom of of lancastre Wherfor our lord the kyng was discomfited ther of the scottis thurgh thy treson and falsenesse And if thou hadest comen be tymes he had had the bataill and tresō thou diddest for the gret soume of gold and siluer that thou vnderfenge of Iames Douglas a scot the kynges enmye ¶ And our lord the kyng will that the ordir of knyghod by the which thou vnderfeng all thyn honoor and worship vpon thy body be al brought to nought thi estate vndone that other knyghttes of lawer degre mow after be war the wich lord hath the a vaūced hugli in diuerse cuntreis in Englond that all may take exsample by the ther lord afterward trewly for to serue ¶ Tho commanded he a knaue anone to hewe of his spors on his heles And after he let brake the swerd ouer his hede the wich the kyng yaf him to kepe ̄ defēd his land ther with when he had made him erle of Cardoill ¶ And after he let him be vnclothed of his furred tabard ̄ of his hode of his furred cotes and of his gurdel when this wos don sir Antonye said vn to him Andrew quod he now art thow no knyght bot a knaue ̄ for thi treson the kyng will that thow shalt bene honged and drawe ̄ thyn hede smyten of ̄ thi bowelels taken out of thy body ̄ brent before the thy body quartired thyn he desent to london and ther it shall stond vpō londō brigge and the .iiij. quarters shall be sent to iiij toūes of englond that all other may be war ̄ chastised bi the. ¶ And as Antonye said so it was done all maner thyng in the last day of October In the yere of grace M ccc xxij yere ¶ And the sone turned in to blod as the pepull it saw that durid from the morne till it was xi of the cloke of the day ¶ Of the myracles that god wrought for sent thomas of Lancastre wherfore the kyng let close in the chirche doris of the Priore of pountfret that no mā shuld cum therin to the body for to offren ANd sone after that the good erle Thomas of Lancastre was martired ther was a prest that long tyme had be blind dremed in his slepyng that he shuld gone vn to the hill ther that the good erle thomas of lancastre wos done vn to deth and he shold haue his sight ayen and so he dremed .iij nyghtis fewyng ¶ And the prest let lede him to the same hill And when he com to that place that he was martirid on full deuoutly he made ther his praiers ̄ prayed god ̄ sent Thomas that he myght haue his sight ayen os he was in his praiers he laid his right hand vpō the same place that the good man was martired on ̄ a drope of dry blod smale sand cleued on his hand ther with striked his eeyn And anone thurgh the might of god of sent Thomas of Lancastre he had his sight ayen and thanked tho almyghty god and sent Thomas ¶ And whē this miracle wos knowen among men the pepull come thider on euery side and knelid made ther praiers at his toumbe that is in the priorie of pountfret and praied that holy merter of socour and of help god herd ther prayer ¶ Also ther wos a yong child drenched in a well in the toune of poūtfret wos dede .iij. dais ̄ iij. nyghtis men come ̄ laid the deid child vpō sent Thomas tombe the holy marter the childe arose from deth to liue as mony a man it saw ¶ And also moch pepull wer owt of ther mynd and god hath sent them ther mynd ayen thurgh uertu of that holy martir ¶ And also god hath yeuen ther also to crippils ther goyng ̄ to crokid ther handis ther fete and to blind also ther sight· ̄ to mony seke folke ther helth of diuerse maladies for the loue of this good martir ¶ Also ther wos a rich mā in Coundom in gascoyn ̄ such a maladie he had that all his right side roted and fell away frō hī that men myght se his liuer his hert so he stonke that vnneth men might cū ny hī wherfor his frēdis wer for hī wōder sori bot at the last as god wold they praid to sent Thomas of lancastre that he wold prai to almyghty god for that prisoner ̄ behight to go to Pountfret for to done ther pilgrimage he thoht that the mertir sent Thomas cō to him annoynted ouer all his sike body ¶ And ther with the good man awoke wos all hole his fleshe wos restorid ayen that before wos roted fallen away ¶ For wich miracle the good man his frēdis loued god sent Thomas euer mere after ¶ And this good man come ī to englōd ̄ toke with hī iiij felowes come to poūtfret vn to that holy marter ̄ did ther pilgrimage ̄ the good man that was seke come theder all naked safe his priue clothis ¶ And whē they had done they turned home ayen ī to ther own cūtre told of the miracle wher so euer that they come ¶ And also ij mē haue be heled ther of the mormale thurgh helpe of that holy marter though that euell be holdē incurabull ¶ And whē the spensers herd that god did such miracles for this holi mā they nold be leue it ī no maner wise ▪ bot said opēli that it was grete heresi such vertu of hī to beleue ¶ And when sir hugh the spenser the son saw all this doyng anōe he sent his messanger frō pountfret ther that he duellid to the kīg Edward that tho wos at Grauen at Scipton for cause that the kīg shold vndo that pilgrimage ¶ And os the ribaud the messīger went toward the kīg for to done his message he come bi the hill ther the good marter was don to deth ̄ in the same place he made his ordure And when he had don he went toward the kīg a strong flix come vpō him or that he come to yorke tho he shedde all his bowels at his foūdement ¶ And when sir hugh the spenser herd this tydīg somedele he was a drad ̄ thought for to vn do the pilgrimage if he myght by ony maner way ¶ And anōe to the kīg he went said that they shuld be in gret sklander thurgh out all cristīdom for the deth of Thomas of Lancastre if that he suffred the
london for to kepe the Cite vn to him ayen the quene Isabell his wyfe and ayens edward his sone anone hī self toke with him sir hugh spenser the son and sir Iohan erle of Arundell and master Robert Baldoke his Chancelar a fals piled prest and token ther way toward Bristow ¶ And ther the kyng abode a litell tyme and made sir hugh the spenser the fader as conestable and keꝑ of the castell ¶ And the kyng thatt other spenser went in to ship ̄ sailed toward wales toke no leue of the stiward ne of none in the kingꝭ housold ̄ went ouer ī to wales for to arere the walshmen ayen dame Isabell the quene thee duke hir son the erle of Kent ̄ sir Iohan of Henaud and thei went ̄ pursued after them and ther pouer encresid euery day So at the last the kyng was taken vpon a hill in wales sir hugh thee spenser the son in that other side of the same hill and the fals pilede clarke master Robert Baldoke ther fast besides them ̄ wer brought ayen in to englond as almighti god wold ¶ And the kyng him self was put in sauf kepyng in the castell of Kemlworth hī kept sir Hēri that was sent Thomas broder of Lancastre ¶ And sir hugh the fader come put him ī the quenes grace and sir Edward hir sun duke of Gnyhenne ¶ But sir hugh thee spenser after the tyme that he was taken nold neuer ete no maner mete ne drinke no maner drinke frō he wist to haue no mercy sauf only to be dede ¶ And the quene hir counsell tho had ordeyned that he shuld haue be do to deth at londō bot he was so febull for hys moch fastyng that he was ny dede And therfor it wos ordend that he shuld haue his Iugemet at herford ̄ at a place of the toure his hood wos take from his hede and also from Robert of Baldoke that wos a fals piled clarkd and the kynges Chauncelare and men set vpon ther hedis chappelettis of sharpe netteles and two squyers blew in ther ere 's with .ij. gret bugles hornes vpō tho ij prisoners that men might here ther blowyng out with hornes more than a myle● ¶ And on Symond of Ridyng the kyngꝭ marchall bare before them ther armes vpō a spere reuersed ī tokē that they sh̄uld be vndone for euer more ¶ And vpō the morew was sir hugh spenser the sone dampned to deth wos draw honged ̄ heded ̄ his bowels takin out of his body brent and after thatt he was quartired ̄ his .iiij. quarters wer sent to iiij tounes of englond and his hede sent to London brigge ¶ And this Simond for encheson that he dispised quene Isabell he was draw honged in a stage made a myddest the forsaid sir hugh galewes ¶ And the same day a litell from thens wos sir Iohn̄ of arūdell beheded for encheson that he wos on of sir hugh spensers councelers ¶ And anōe after wos sir hugh spenser the fader honged draw and heded at Bristow ̄ after honged ayen bi the armes with ij strong ropes the iiij· day after he was hewen all to peces and houndes eten him and for that encheson that the kyng had yeffen him the erledom of wynchestre his hede wos sent thider ̄ put vpō a spere ¶ And the fals Baldoke wos sent to londō ̄ ther he died ī prison amonges thefes for men did hī no more reuerens than they wold done vn to an hound ̄ so died the traitours of englond blissed be almyghty god ¶ And it wos no wōder for thurgh ther councell the good erle Thomas of lancastre wos don to deth and all that held with Thomas of lancastre thurgh the traitours wer vndone all ther heires disherred ¶ Hw kīg edward was put doūe his dignite take frō him ANd anone after as all this was done The quene Isabel and Edward hir sone and all the grett lordis of Englond at one assent sent to kīg Edward to the castell of kenilworth ther that he was in kepyng vnder the ward of sir Iohan Hachī that wos the bisshop of Ely ̄ of sir Iohan of Percy a baroun for encheson that he shuld ordeyn his parlament at a certain place in england for to rodresse ̄ amend the state of the reame ¶ And kyng Edward them ansuerd and said lordis quod he ye see full well how it is Lo haueth here my seal and I yef yow all my pouer for to ordeyn a parlament wher that ye will ¶ And they toke ther leue of him come ayen to the barons of englond ¶ And when they had the kīges patent of this thyng they shewed it to the lordis ¶ And tho was ordeyned that the parlamēt shuld be at westmynstre at the vtas of sent Hillarie ¶ And all the gret lordis of englond let ordeyn for them ther ayens that tyme that the parlament shuld be ¶ And at wich day that parlament wos the kīg wold not cum ther for no maner thyng as he had set him self and assigned ¶ And notheles the barons sent vn to him o tyme other And he suore by godis soule that he nold not cū ther on fote Wherfore it wos ordeyned by all the gret lordis of englōd that he shuld no longer be kyng but be deposid said that they wold croune Edward his sone the elder king that wos the duke of Gnyhenne sent tydyng vn to the kyng ther that he was in ward vnder sir Iohan erle of Garen and sir Iohan of Bothun that was bisshopp of Ely and sir Henri Percy a barone and sir willm Trussell a knyght that wos with the erle sir Thomas of Lancaster for to yeld vp ther homages vn to him for all them of englond ¶ And sir willm Trussell said thes wordis Sir Edward for encheson that ye haue traied your pepull of englond and haue vndone mony gret lordis of englond with outen any cause ye shall be deposid now ye be withstond thanked be god ¶ And also for encheson that ye wold not cū to the ꝑlamēt as ye ordeyned at westmynstre as in your own letter patent is contend for to tret with your lege men as a kyng sh̄uld ¶ And therfore thurgh all the comuns assent ̄ of all the lordis of englond I tell vn to yow thes wordis ye shall vnder stond sir that the barons of englond at on assent will that ye be no more kyng of Englond but vtterly haue put yow out of your rialte for euer more ¶ And the bisshop of Ely said tho to the kyng ¶ Sir edward heri I yeld vp feaute and homage for all the erchebisshoppis bisshoppis of englond for all the clerge ¶ Tho said sir Iohan erle of Garenne sir edward I yeld vp here vn to yow feaute homage for me
and spake vn to them of the kynges honour and also for to amend his estate And sir Thomas brotherton erle Marchall and sir Edmond of wodstoke that wer the kynges vncles and also men of londō made ther othe him for to maynten in that same quarell ¶ And ther cause wos this that the kyng shuld hold his house and his meny as a kyng ought for to done and haue all his riallti and that the quene Isabell shuld deliuer out of hir hand in to the kynges hād all maner lordshippis rentis tounes castels that apꝑtened vn to the croune of englond as other quenes did hir before and medle with none other thyng ¶ And also that sir Roger Mortimer shuld duell vpon his own landis for the wich landis he had holpe to disherited moch pepull so that comune pepull wer distroyd thurgh wrongfull takyng ¶ And also to enquere how ̄ by whom thee king was betraied and falsly disceyued at Stanhop and thurgh whois councell that the Scottis went a way by nyght from thee kyng ¶ And also how ̄ thurgh whos coūcell the ordenaunce that was made at the kynges coronacion was put doune that is to sai that the kyng for amendement and helpyng of the reame in honour of him shuld be gouerned and ruled by xij of the gretest ̄ wisest lordis of the reame ̄ with out them sh̄uld no thyng ben graunted ne done as before is said the wich couenantis maliciusli wer put doūe fro the kīg werfor moni harmes shames reꝓues haue falle to the kyng and his ream And that is vnderstond for as moch as Edward sum tyme kyng of englon was ordeyned by assent of the cominalte in playn ꝑlamēt for to be vnder the warde ̄ gouernaunce of Henri erle of Lancastre his cosin for saluaciō of his body he was take out of the castell of Kemlworth ther that he was in ward and thurgh colour of quene Isabell and of the Mortimer with out consent of any ꝑlament they toke lad him ther that neuer after none of his kynrad myght with him speke ne se and after tretoursl̄y toke and him mordred For whos deth arose a sclandre thurgh all cristendō when it was done ¶ And also the tresour that sir edward of Carnariuan had left ī mōy places in Englond and in wales wer wasted and borne away without the will of kyng Edward his son in destruccion of him all his folke Also thurgh whos councell that the kyng yaf vp the kīgdō of scotland For the wich reame the kynges ancestres had full sore trauaill and so did mony a nobull man for ther right ̄ was deliuered vn to Dauid that wos Robert the Brus son all the right that no right had to the reame as all the world it wist ¶ And also bi whom the chartres remembrances that they had of the right of Scotland wer take out of the tresorie and taken vn to the scottis the kynges enmys to disherityng of him and of hys successours to gret harme vn to his lieges ̄ gret reproue vn to all englisshmen for euer more ¶ Also wherfor Dame Iohana of the tour the kynges sustre Edward wos disꝑaged and marid vn to Dauid that wos Robert the Brus son that was a traitour and enmye vn to englond ̄ thurgh whos councell she wos take in to our enmys handis out of englond ¶ And in the meyn while the good erle Henri of Lancastre his companie toke councell how thes pointes aboue said myght be amendid vn to the worsship of the kīg ̄ to his ꝓfet ̄ to the ꝓfite also of his lieges ¶ And the quene Isabell thurgh coniecting sotelti also of the Mortimer let ordeyn a parlament at Salisberi ¶ And at that same ꝑlamēt the Mortimer was made erle of the march ayenst all the barons will of englōd in preiudice of the kyng ̄ of his croune ̄ sir Iohn̄ of Eltham the kyngꝭ brother was gurt with a swerd of Cornwaill tho wos called erle of Cornewaill And euer more quene Isabell so moch pracurid ayens hir son the kyng that she had the ward of the forsaid sir Edward ̄ of his landis· ¶ And at that ꝑlament the erle of Lancastre wold not cum but ordeyned al his pouer ayens quene Isabell the mortimer men of londō ordened them with v. hondreth men of armes ¶ Whē quene Isabell wyst of the doyng she swore by god bi his names full angrely that in euell tyme he thought vpō tho pointes ¶ Tho sent the quene Isabell the Mortimer after ther retene ̄ after the kynges retenue so that they had ordeyned amonge theem an huge host they councelled the kyng so that vpō a nyght they riden xxiij myle toward bedford the● that the erle of lancastre wos with his ꝯpani thought to haue hī destroied And that nyght she rode bi side the king hir son as a knyght armed for dred of deth ¶ And it was done the kyng to vnderstond that the erle henri of lancastre his companie wold haue distroid the kyng and his coūcell for euer more wherfor the kīg wos somdele towardis hī heuy annyed ¶ Whan the erle marshall and the erle of kent the kīges broder herd of this tyding they riden so ī message bitwen them that the king graūted him his pees to erle henri of lancastre for a certan raūsone of xi M. pound but that wos neuer paied afterward ¶ And thes wer the lordis that held with sir henri of Lancastre sir Henri beamōt sir Fouke fitzwaren sir Thomas Rocelyn sir willm trussell sir Thomas wyther and about an hondreth knyggtis mo that wer to him concentid all tho wer exiled thurgh coūcell of quene Isabell ̄ of the Mortimer for the mortimer weited for to haue ther landis if that he myght thurgh ony maner ꝯiecting for he was to couetous ̄ had to moch his will ̄ that wos gret pitte ¶ How kyng edward went ouer see for to do his homage vn to the kyng of fraūce for the duchie of Gnyhen IT wos not long after that the kyng of fraunce thurgh cōcell of his dousepe is sent to kyng Edward of englond that he shuld cume to Paris and done his homage as reson it wold for the duchie of Gnyhen ¶ And so thurgh counsell of the lordis of englond kyng edward went ouer the see at the ascencion tide he come vn to Paris the thrid yere of his regne for to do his homage vn to the kyng of fraūce and the kyng vnderfenge his homage made of hī moch ioye worsship ¶ But when kīg Edward had made his homage hasteli he was sent for in to englōd thurgh the quene Isabell his moder ̄ anone hastely he come ayen in to englond vpon witsonday with out any takyng leue of the kīg of fraūce wherfore he wos wonder
Alas the while that is to sai the x. day of October the iij. yere of kyng Edwardis regne and whan the kyng wist ther of he wos wonder sori ̄ let entier him at the frere mynors at wynchestre ¶ Of the deth of sir Roger mortimer erle of march ANd so it befell at that tyme that sir Roger Mortimer erle of the marche was so proud and se hauteyn that he helde no lord of the reame his pere and tho become he so couetous that he folowed Dame Isabell the quenes court that wos kyng Edwardis modre and beset his penyworthis with the offics of the quenes housold in the same maner that the kynges officers did and so he made his takyng as tochyng vitalles and also of cariagis all he did for because of spensis and for to gadre tresur and so he did with out nombre in all that he myght ¶ Tho made he hym wonder priue with the quene Isabell ̄ so moch lorship ̄ reteneu had so that al the gret lordis of englond of him wer adrad Wherfore the kyng his cōcell towardis hī wer agreued ̄ ordeyned among them to vndo hī thurgh pure resō law for cause that king edward that was the kyngꝭ fadre traitoursly thurgh him was mordred in the castell of Berkeley as bofore is said more planly ī the same part of this boke of his deth ¶ And sū that wer of the kynges cōcell loued the martimer and told him in priuete how that the kīg ̄ his coūcell wer about frō day to day hī for to shend and vndon wherfor the Mortimer was sore annoyed ̄ angri as the deuell ayens them that wer of the kīges coūcell said he wold of thā bene avenged how so euer he toke on ¶ It was not long afterward that kynd Edward ̄ Dame Phelip his wife ̄ Dame Isabell the kyngꝭ modre sir Roger mortimer ne went vn to Notyngham ther for to sodiorne so it befell that the quene Isabell thurgh councell of the Mortimer toke to hir the keys of the yatis of the castell of Notingham so that no man mygh cum nother in ne out by nyght but thurgh commaundement of the Mortimer ne the kyng ne none of his councell ¶ And that t●me it fell so that the Mortimer as a deuell for wroth bolled and also for wrath that he had ayens the kyngꝭ men edward ̄ principally ayenest them that had him accused to the kyng of the deth of sir Edward his fadre ¶ And p̄uely a coūcell was take bitwen quene isabell ̄ the Mortimer the bissh̄op of Lyncoln sir Symond of Beford sir Hugh of Trumpyngton and oder priue of ther coūcell for to vndone them all that had accused the Mortimer vn to the kyng of his fadres deth of treson and of felonie ¶ Wherfore al tho that wer of the kynges councell whan they wystē of thee mortimers castyng priuely come to kīg edward ̄ said that the mortimer wold them destroy for cause that they had him accused of kīg edwardis deth his fadre praid him that he wold maynten them ī ther right ¶ And thes were the lordis to pursue this quarell sir william of mountagu sir Humfrey de bo●hun sir william his brother sir Rauf of Stafford sir Robert of Hereford sir willm of Clinton sir Iohn̄ Neuil of hornby mōy othre of ther consēt and al̄l thes sworen vpon a boke to maȳten the quaril in as moch as they myght ¶ And it befell so after that sir william mōtagu ne none of the kīges frendis must nat be herbrugged in the Castel for the mortimer· but went and toke ther herbrughe in diuerse places in the toune of Notyngham ¶ And tho were they sore adrad lest that mortimer shuld them destroy And ī hast thei come vn to kyng Edward ser william mountagu tho that he wos in the castell and priueli him told that he ne none of his companie shuld not take the mortimer with out coūcell help of will̄m of Eland ꝯstabul of the same Castel Now certes ꝙ the kīg I loue you wel and therfore I councel you that ye go to the forsaid ꝯstabull and commaund him in my name that he be your fiend and your help for to take the Mortimer all thing I left vpon parill of life and limme ¶ Tho said mountaygu sir my lord groūt mercy ¶ Tho went forth the forsaid montaygu come to the cūstabull of the castell ̄ told him the kyngꝭ will ¶ And he ansurid ̄ said the kynges will shuld be done in as moch as he myght and that he wold not spare fore no maner deth and so he swore made his oth ¶ Tho said sir willm mountagu to the conestabull ī hering of all them that were helpyng vn to the same quarell ¶ Now certis dere frend vs behoueth to worch do by your quentyse for to take the mortimer sith that ye be keꝑ of the castell and haueth the keyes in your ward sir quod the constabull will ye vnderstond that the gates of the castell ben lokked with the lockis that Dame isabell send hider and be nyght she hath the keys therof lieth them vnder the leuesell of the bed vn to the morow and so ye may not cū in to the castell bi the yates in no maner of wise ¶ But I knowe an aley that stretcheth out of the ward vnder the erth in to the forsaid castell that goth in to the west wich aley Dame Isabell the quene ne none of hir men ne the Mortimer ne none of his companie knoweth it not ¶ And so I shall lede you thurgh that aley and so ye shall cum in to thee castell with out aspieng of oni mā that ben your emnys ¶ And thee same nyght sir willm moūtagu all the lordis of his quarel the same ꝯstabul also wēt them to horse ̄ made semblāt as it wer for to wend out of the mortimer sight ¶ But anone as the mortimer herd this tydyng he wēt that they wold haue gon ouer see for dred of hī and anone he his companie token councell amonges them for to let ther passage sent lettres anone to thee portes so that none of the gret lordis shuld wēd home to ther own cūtre bot if they were arestid ̄ take ¶ And amōg oder thingꝭ willm Eland conestable of the foresaid castel priueli lad sir william mountagu and his compain by the foresaid way vnder the erth so til̄ they com ī to the castell and went vp in to the toure there that Mortimer was in ¶ But sir hugh of Trumpyngton them ascried hidously and said A traitours it is all for nought that ye be comen vn to this castell ye shall die yit an euell deth euerychon and anone on of them that was in Mountagu is companie vp with a mace and smote the same hugh
and come and told it to the kyng and his lordis what he had herd and what they sayd ¶ And than went forth the new knyghtys with mōy other making assaut to the cite to they destroyd hougeli the subbarbis of the Cite ¶ And while all thes thynges wer in doīg the Englishmen made them aredy for to be a venged vpon thee shame and despite that was done that yere at wynchelsee and ordeyned a nauye of lxxx shippis of men of Landon and of other marchauntis and xiiij thousand of men of armes and archiers and went and serched and skummed the see and manly tokē and helde thee I le of Caux Wherfore the Frenshmen that is for to say the Abbot of Cluyn the Erle of Tankeruill and bursygand that tho was Stiward of Fraūce with mōy other men of the same cūtre by thee commūe assent of the lord Charles that tho wos regēt of fraūce thei hasted them went to the kīg of englōd askīg besechīg him stedfast pees ̄ euer lastīg vpō certan ꝯdicions that ther wer shewed writtin ¶ The wich when the kyng ̄ his ꝯcell had it seī ▪ it plesed hī neuer a dele but sith it wold be none othir in tyme of better accord and deliberacion the frenshmen besely and with gret instaunce asked trews for ther see costes and the king grauntid them ¶ And in the morow after the vtas of pasche the kyng turned him with his host toward Orliaūce destroyeng and wastyng all the cuntre by the way ¶ And os thei wēt thiderward ther fell vpon them such a storme tempast that nōe of our nacion herd ne saw neuer none such thurgh the wich thousādes of our men and of ther horse in ther iourneyng as it wer thurgh vengeaunce sodenly wer slayn ̄ perisshed the wich tempastes full moch yit fered not the kyng ne moch of his pepull that they ne went forth in ther viage that they had begun wherfor about the fest of fililp iacob in May fast by incarnocum the forsaid lordis of fraunce metīg ther with the kyng of englond a pesable accord ̄ a finall vpō certan condicions graūtes articularly gadered writen to geder euer more for to last full discretly made to bothe the kynges ꝓfetabul to ther reames both with on assēt of Charles the regent gouernour of fraūce of Paris of the same reame writen ̄ made vnder date of Carnocū the xv day of May they offerid ꝓferd to the kīg of englōd riquiring his grace ī all thīgꝭ writin that he wold benyngly admitte them ̄ hold them firme stabull to them ̄ to ther heiris for euer more thens forth the wich thīgꝭ articles whan kīg edward had seyn them he graūted them so that bothe parties shuld be suorne on goddis body ̄ on the euangelist that the forsaid couenaūt shuld be stabulihed and so they accordid graciously ¶ Therfor ther wer ordeyned drassid on euery side ij barons ij banerettis ij knyghtis to admitte receue that hothes of the lord Charles reget of fraūce ̄ of sir edward the frist sō heir of kīg Edward of englōd ¶ And the x. day of May ther was songen a solempne masse at paris after the iij. Agnꝰ dei said with dona nobis pacem ī presens of the forsaid men that were ordeyned to admitte receyue the othes of al other that ther myght be ¶ Tho Charles laid his right hand on the patent with goddes bodi his left hond on the missale saied we N. suereth on godis body the holy gospels that we shall trewli ̄ stedfastli hold toward vs the pees the accord made bitwen the ij kynges ̄ ī no maner to do the contrarie And ther among all his lordis for more loue strength of witnesse he deled ̄ deꝑted the reliques of the croune of criste to the knyghtis of englond they courtesli token ther leue· And in the fryday next the same othe in presence of the forsaid knyghtis ̄ of other worthy mē prince Edward made at louers ¶ Afterward both kynges ther sonnys the most nobull men of both reames with in the same yere made the same oth for to strength all thes thynges a forsaid the kyng of englond axed the gretest men of fraūce and had his axyng that is for to say vi dukis viij erles ̄ xij lordis that is to say barons ̄ worthy knyghtis ¶ And when the place ̄ the tyme was assined in wich both kynges with ther councell shuld cum to gedre all the forsaid thynges bitwen them spoke for to ratifie maken firme and stabull the kyng of englond anone went toward the see at Hounflet began to saill leuyng to his hostes that wer left behynd him by cause of his absence moch heuenesse ¶ And after the xix· day of May he come in to englond went to his paleys at westmynstre on sent Dunstane day the thrid day after he viseted Iohn̄ kyng of fraunce that wos in the tour of london deliuered him frely from all maner prison sauf frist they wer accordid of iij. myllions of floreyns for his raunson ̄ the kyng cōforthed him cherid him in all places with all solace ̄ myrthes that longen to a kyng in his goyng homward ¶ And the ix day of Iulij in the same yere this same Iohn̄ kyng of fraunce that afore hand lay here in hostage went home ayen in to his oun land to tret of tho thynges and of other that longed and fellen to thee gouernance of his reame ¶ And afterward mett ̄ come to gedre at Calays both ij kynges with bothe ther councell about all haluw tide ther wer shewed the condicions and the pointis of thee pees ̄ of the accorde of bothe sides writtyn ther without any withsayng of both sides graciously they wer accorded And ther was done songen a solempne masse after the iij Agnꝰ det vpon godis body also vpō the masse boke bothe kynges ther sonnys the gretest lordis of both remes of ther ꝯcell that ther wer present had not sworne be fore the forsaid oth that they had made titelled bitwene them they behighten to kepe all other couenaūtes that wer bitwene them ordeyned ¶ And in thys same yere mens bestis tres ̄ houses with soden tempast ̄ strong lightenyng wer ꝑissed the deuell apperid bodely in mannys likenes to moch pepull as they went in diuerse places in the cuntres and spake to them in that likenesse ¶ How the gret companie arose in fraunce ̄ the white companie in Lumbardie of other mony meruailles KYng Edward in the xxxvi yere of his regne anone after cristemasse in the fest of conuersion of sent Paule held his ꝑlament at westmynstre in the wich ꝑlament wos
greunted to Rome for the scole of englond ther to be continued ¶ And ī this same yere ther fell so moch rayn ī hey tyme that it wastid ̄ distroyed bothe corne and hey And ther wos such a debate fightīg of sparous by diuerse places ī thes dais that men fond innumerable of thē deid ī feldis as they went ther fell also such a pestilence that neuer wos seyn such in no mannys tyme that leued than for mē that went to bede hole in good point· sedenly they died ¶ Also that tyme a sekenes that mē called the pokkis slow both men ̄ womē thurgh ther enfectyng ¶ And in the xli yere of kīg edward was borne at Burdeux Richard the secund son of prince edward of Englond the wich Richard kyng Richard of Amorican heued at the fountstone after whom he wos called Richard And this same Richard whan his fadre wos dede and kīg Edward also wos crouned kīg of englond the xi yere of his age thurgh right lyne and heritage and also by the comunes assent and desire of the cominalte of the reame ¶ About this tyme at kīg edwardis cōmaūdement of englond when all the castelles and tounes were yold to him that long wer holde in fraūce by a gret companie assembled to geder sir Bartram Cleykyn knyght an orped man and a good weriour went and purposed him to put out Pers kyng of Spayn out of his kyngdom with help of the most ꝑtie of the forsaid gret companie trustyng also vpon help and fauour of the pope for as moch as it come to his heir that the same Pers shuld lede and vse the most werst and sinfullest life out the wich Pers smiten with drede of this tidyng fled ī to Gascoyn to prince Edwarde for to haue help and socour of him ¶ And when he wos fled out of Spayn Henri his brother that was a basterd by assent of the most parta● of Spayn and thurgh help of that ferrefull companie that I spake of erste was made and crouned kyng of spayn And the nombre of that same companie wos rekened and sette at the nombre of lx M. fighting men ¶ This same yere ī the moneth of Iune ther come a gret companie and a nauye of thee danes and gadred them to geder in the north se purposing them to cū in to englond to reue ̄ robbe and also to sle with whome they countrid and met in the see Mariners and othir orped fighting men of the cuntre and disꝑpeled them And they asshamed wente home ayen in to ther own cuntre ¶ But among all other ther wos a boustous vessell and a strong of ther nauye that wos ouer sayled bi the Englisshmen and wos parisshid and drenchid In the wich the Stiward and other worthi and gret men of Denmarke wer take prisoners and the kyng of englond and his councell prisoned the wich lordis the danois afterward come soughten all a bout for to haue had with ther goodis that they had lost and thay not wele apaied ne plesed of the ansuer that they had ther turned homewardis ayen leuyng be hind them in ther innes priuely writen in scrowes and on wallis Yit shall Danois wast thee wanes Than happid ther an english writer ̄ wrot ayenst the dane in this maner wise Here shall danys fet ther banes ¶ And in this tyme Pers kyng of Spayn with other kyngꝭ that is to say the kyng of Naune and the kyng of Malogre beyng menes wēten bitwen and praied coūcell and help of sir Edward the prince thurgh whos coūcel when he had vnderstond ther articles and desire that he wos required of tho kyngꝭ loth he wos and ashamed to say nay and cōtrarie them bot notheles he wos a gast lest it shuld be ony preiudice ayens the pope and long time taried them or that he wold graūto or consent ther to till he had better councell and avisement with good deliberacion of kyng Edward his fader ¶ But whan he wos with euery dais and continuall besechīg of mony nobull men requirid and spoken to and withe mony praiers sent and made bitwen them Than prince edward sent to his fader both be pleynyng letteers and also be confortabull contenyng all ther suggestions and causes with all that other kynges Epesteles letters for to haue comforth and help of the wronges not onli to the kyng of spayn doo but also for such thyngꝭ as myght fall to other kynges ¶ Also if it wer not the sonner holpē and amendid thurgh the dome and help of knyghthod to them that it askid ̄ desirid ¶ The wich letter whan the kyng and his wise councele had seyn such a kyngꝭ spoyling and robbyng with moch maruell ¶ And sent ayen comfortable letters to prince Edward his son and to that other forsaid kyngꝭ warned them for to arme them and ordeyn them ayens that misdoer ̄ to withstond them by the help of good that wer such enmys to kyngꝭ whā this nobull prince had receyued thes letters him self with that oder kynges before said all ther councell called to gedre or that he wold vndertake the quarell he bonde knytt sore the kīg that was deposed with a gret oth that is to say that he sh̄uld euer after maīten the right beleue feith of holi chirche holy chirche also with all ther mīstres rightis ̄ lebertis to defēd frō all ther enmys all euels ¶ And all that wer ther ayens bitterli to pūysh destrobull all the rightes libertes p̄ueleges of holy chirch encrese ̄ maīten amend all thīges that wer wrongfully takē with draw ̄ bore away by hī or by ony oder bi cause of him hastely to restore ayen ̄ to driue put out sarisens ̄ al other misbeleued pepull out of his kīgdom with all his strength pouer suffre ne admitte nōe soch for no maner thīg ne cause to duell ther in ¶ And that whan he had take a cristen womā he shuld neuer cū ī none other womans bed ne nōe other mannys wife to defoule ¶ Al thes forsaid thingꝭ trewly for to kepe ꝯtinu ̄ fulfill as all his life time he wos boūd by oth a fore notaries in presons wytnesse of tho kynges with other princes ¶ And than that gracious prince prince Edward vnder toke the cause and the quarell of the king that wos deposid and be hight him with the grace of almighty god to restore him ayen to his kyngdom and let ordeyn ̄ gadre to geder forthw t ī al hast his nauy with men of armes for to were ̄ fight ī his forsaid cause ¶ And in this same tyme vpon sond of the scottis fe that mōy a man it saw iij. days to gedre ther wer seyn ij Egles of the wich that on come out of the south that other out of the north cruelli strōgly they foughten to gedre ̄ wrasteled to
put it of wold not graunte vn to Ester next comīg than they greūted well that ī iij. yere by certan termes that dyme shuld be payd ̄ also of the lay fe wos a iij. yeres xv graūted to the kyng ¶ How sir Robert Knol̄les with other certayn lordis of the reame wēt ouer the see in to fraūce· ̄ of ther gouernaūce ANd in the xlv yere of kyng Edward in the begynnyng kyng Edward with vn wyse counsell and vn discrete borawed a gret soume of gold of the prelatis lordis marchantis and other rich men of his reame sayng that it shuld be dispendid in defendyng of holy chirche and of his reame ¶ Neuerthelatter it profited nought· wherfor about midsomer after he made a gret host of the worthiest men of his reame Amonges whome wer som lordis that is for to say the lord Fitzwater and the lord Graunson other worthy knyghtis of wich knyghtis the kyng ordeyned sir Robert Knolles a prouede knyght ̄ a well as said in dede of armes for to be gouernour and that thurgh his coūcel and gouernaunce all thyng shuld be gouerned ̄ dressed ¶ And wen thei come ī to fraūce as long as thei duelled helde them hole to geder the fraūshmen durst not fall vppon theym ¶ And at the last about the begynnyng of winter for enuy coueteys that wos amōg them And also discorde they sondred partid them in to diuerse companies vn wisely folely But sir Robert knolles his men wente and keped them sauf within an Castell in Bretan ¶ And when the frenshmē saw that our mē wer deuidid in to diuerse companies ̄ places not holdīg ne strengthyng them to gedres as them ought for to do they fell fersly on our men And for the most partie toke them or slowen them tho that they myght take led with them prisoners ¶ And ī thee same yere pope vrbane come fro rome to Auiniō for ēchesō cause that he shuld accord make pees bitwen the kīg of fraūce the king of Englond for euer more But alas or he began his tretis he died with sekenesse the ·xxi day of December wos beried as for the time ī the cathedrall chirche of Auiniō fast by the high auter ¶ And the next yere after whan he had lyne so his bones wer taken out of the erth and beried new in the abbey of sent victorie fast by marcile of the wich abbey he wos sum tyne Abbot him self ¶ And ī both places that he was beried in ther be mōy grete miracles done and wrought thurgh the grace of almighty god to mony a mannys help and to the worship of god almyghty ¶ And after whom folewed next and wos made pope Gregorie Cardinall Deken that before wos caled Pers Roger ¶ In this same yere the cite of Lymoge rebellid and faught ayens the prince as othir Cites in Gnyhenne did for gret taxes costages and raunsons that they wer put and set to by prince edward wich charges weren Inportable and to chargeabull wher for they turned fro him and fellen to the kyng of fraūce And whan prince edward saw this he wos sore a chafed and greued in turnyng homward ayen ī to englond with soro skarmisshes and fighting gret assautes fought with them toke the forsaid cite and distroied it almost to the grund and slew all that wer foūd in the cite And than for to say the soth for diuerse sikenesse and maladies that he had ̄ also for defaute of monay that he not might with stond ne tari on his enmys he hied him ayen in to englond with his wife his menye leuyng behind him in gascoyn the duke of Lancastre sir edmond erle of Cambrigge with othir worthy and orped men of armes ¶ In the xlvi yere of kīg edward at the ordinaunce ̄ sendyng of king edward the kyng of Naune com to him to Claringdon to tret with hī of certain thinges touchyng his were ī Normandie wher kīg Edward had left certayn seges in his stede till he come ayen ¶ But kyng edward myght not sped of that that he askid him And so the kyng of Naun with gret worship gret yeftes toke his leue wēt home ayene ¶ And about begīnyng of marche when the ꝑlament at westmīstre wos begun the kīg askid of the clargi a subsidie of .l. M. pound the wich by a good avisement ̄ bi a generall ꝯuocaciō of thee clargie it wos graūted and ordeyned that it sh̄uld be paied resed of the lay fee. ¶ And ī this ꝑlament at the request ̄ askīg of the lordis in hatered of men of holy chirch the Chanceler ̄ the tresorer that wer bisshoppis the clarke of the priue seale wer remeued and put out of office and in ther stede wer secular men put in ¶ And while this ꝑlament lasted ther come solempne embassatours sent fro the pope to trete with the kīg of pees said that the pope desired to fulfill his predicessours will but for all ther comyng they sped not of ther purpose ¶ Of the besegyng of Rochell and how the Erle of penbruke and his companie wos ther take in the hauen with Spanyardis all his shippis brent· THe ix day of Iune kyng Edward ī xlvij yere of his rene held his parlament at wynchestre and it lasted but viiij days to the parlament wer sompned by writ of men of holy chirche iiij bisshoppis ̄ iiij abbotes with out any mo ¶ This parlament wos holdē for marchantis of london of Norwich of other diuerse places in diuerse thingꝭ and pointes of treson that they wer defamed of that is to say that they wer rebell and wold rise ayens the kyng ¶ This same yere the duke of Lancastre and the erle of Cambrege his brother come out of Goscoyn in to englond toke and weddid to ther wifes Petres doghters sū tim kīg of spayn Of wich ij doughtris the duke had the elder and the erle the yonger ¶ And that same time ther wer sent ij Cardinales fro the pope That is to say an english cardinall a cardinale of paris to tret of pees bitwen thes ij reames the wich when they had bene both long eche ī his ꝓuinces ̄ ī his places ̄ cūtres fast bi tretyng of the forsaid pees at the last they toke with them thee letters of ꝓcuracie went ayen to rome with out ony effect of ther purpose ¶ In this yere ther wos a strong bataill on the se bitwen englishmē flemmīg the englisshme had the victori toke xxv shippis with salt ̄ sleyng drenchīg all the men that wer therin vn wyttyng them that they wer of that cuntre And redely moch harme had fallen bi cause ther of ne had pees accord the son̄ be bitwen thē And ī this same yere the frenshmen besegie the toūe of Rochell
leue of the kyng ̄ of othir lordis ̄ ladies wenten home ayen in to ther own cuntres with gret loue and moch thanke ¶ And in the xiij yere of kyng Richardis regne ther was a bataill done in the kynges palais at westmīstre bitwen a squyer of Nauerne that wos with the kyng Richard and an othir squier that wos called Iohn̄ walsh for pointee of treson that this Naune put vpon this walshman but this naune wos ouer comen yeld him creaunt to his adusarie ¶ And anone he wos despoled of his armur draw out of the Palays to tiburne ̄ ther wos hanged for his falsenesse ¶ And the xiiij yere of kyng Richardis regne sir Iohn̄ of Gaunte duke of Lanc●stre went ouer the see in to Spayn for to chalenge his right that he had bi his wifes titell vn to the croun of Spayn with a gret host of pepull of men of armes and archiers ¶ And he had with him the Duchisse his wife and his iij· doughters ouer see in to Spayn And ther they wer a gret while at the last the kyng of Spayn began for to tret with the duke of Lancastre they wer accerded to geder thurgh ther both councell in this maner that the kīg of spaī shuld wedde the dukis doughter of lancastre that was the right heir of spayn and he sh̄uld yef vn to the Duke of lancastre gold and seluer that wer cast in to gret wegges ̄ mōy other iewelles as mony as viij charietes myght carie ¶ And euery yere after during the life of the duke of Lancastre of the duch●s his wyf x. M. marke of gold Of wich gold the auenture charges they of spayn shuld au●̄ture bring yerly vn to Bayon to the dukis assignes by surite made ¶ And also the duke maried an oder of his doughters vn to the kyng of Portingale the same tyme. And whan he had done thus he come home ayen in to englond the good lady his wyfe also but mony a worthy man vpon the flix died ¶ And in the xv yere of kyng Richardis regne hee held his cristēmase ī the maner of wodstoke the erle of Penbroke a yong lord tendre of age wold lerne to Iust with a knyght that was called sir Iohn̄ sent Iohn̄ riden to gedre in the parke of wodstoke And ther this worthi erle of penbroke was slayn with that othir knyghtis spere as he kest it from him whan they had coupled and thus this good erle made ther his end and ther for the kyng ̄ the quene made moch sorow for his dethe ¶ And in the xvi yere of kyng Richardis regne Iohn̄ hende beyng that tyme maire of london Iohan walworth Henri ●anner beyng shereues of london that same time a bakers man bare a basket of horsbred in to fletstret toward on hostre ther come a yong man of the bisshoppis of Salisberi that wos called romayn and he toke an hors lofe out of the baskit of the bakers ̄ he askid him why he did so and this romayn turned ayen brak the bakerhede And neghbours come out and wold haue a rested this romayn he brake from them fled to the lordis place the ꝯstabull wold haue had him out but the bisshoppis men shet fast the yates keped the place that no man might entre And than moch more pepull gadred thidder and said that they wold haue hī out or elles they wold brenne vp the place and all that wer therī ¶ And than come the maire and sheriues with other moch pepull cessed the malice of the comunes ̄ made euery man to go hom to ther houses kepe the pees ¶ And this romayns lord ther bisshop of Salisburi master Iohan waltham that at that tyme wos tresorer of englond went to sir Thomas Arundell erchebisshop of yorke chanceler of englōd ̄ ther the bishop made his cōplaint vn to the chanceler vpō the pepull of the cite of london ¶ And than thes ij bisshoppis of gret malace vēgeaūce cō vn to the kyng to wyndesore ̄ made a gret complaīte vpō the maire ̄ sheriues And anon all the cite afterward wer before the kīg his coūcell ̄ they cast vn to the cite a greuous hert and wonder gret malice ¶ And anōe sodēli the kīg sent after the maire of londō for the ij· sheriues ̄ thei come to him vn to the castell of wyndesore And the kyng rebukid the maire sh̄eriues full foule for the offence that they had done ayens him and his officers in his chambur at londō Wherfor he deposit and put out the mare and bothe sheriues ̄ this wos done a xiiij daies afore the feste of sent Iohan baptest ¶ And than the kyng called to him a knyght that wos called sir Edward dalingrigge ̄ made hī wardeyn gaunour of the cite ̄ chambur of londō ̄ ouer all his peple therī ¶ And so he kepid that office but iiij wekis be cause that he wos so gentill and tendir to the citisens of londō Wherfor the kyng deposit him and made sir Baudwyn radyngton knyght that wos courtrouller of the kng housold wardeyn ̄ gouernour of hys chambre and of his pepull therin and chese to him ij worthy men of the cite to be shiriues with him for to gaune and kepe the kyngee lawes in the cite· on was called Gilbert mawefeld and that other Thomas Newenton shereues and than the maire and the ij shereues and all the aldermen with all the worthy craftes of lōdon went on fote vn to the tour and ther come out the Constable of the tour yaf the maire and the sheriues ther oth ̄ charge as they shuld haue take in the Escheker of westmynstre in the kingꝭ court of his Iustices and Barons of the Escheker and than went they home ayen ¶ And than the kyng and his councell for the gret malace and despite that they had to the cite of londō remeued all his courtis from westmynstre vn to the cite of yorke that is to say the Chaunceler the Escheker the kyngꝭ bench and the comune place· ther they held all thes courtes of law fro midsomer that is to say the fest of sent Iohn̄ baptist vn to the fest of cristemase next suyng And than the kyng and his councell saw it not so ꝓfitabull ther as it wos at londō than anōe he remeued it ayen vn to londō so to westminstre for gret ese of his offics a vaūtage to the kyng and all the comunes of the reame ¶ And when the pepull of londō saw ̄ knew that thes courtes wer come ayen ¶ And the kyng his pepull also than the maire ̄ the aldermen with thee chief comunes of the cite let gader a gret somme of gold of all the comunes of the
And they said ye and ther they swore toke ther charge vpō a boke made ther oth well ̄ trewly it to hold in all maner of pointes couenaūtis with out contradiccion or delay in ony maner wise ¶ And thā wos she brought vn to sent Nicholas chirche in Calais ̄ ther she wos worthely weddid with the most solempnite that ony kyng or quene myght be with Erchebisshoppis bisshoppis ̄ all the ministers of holi chirch And than they wer brought home vn to the Castell and set to mete ¶ And wer serued with all maner of delicasie of riall metis and drinkes plenteuousli to all maner of straungeis and all othir and no creature warned that fest bot all wer welcum for ther wer gret halles and tentis set vpon the grene with out the castil to receyue all maner of pepull and euery office redy for to serue them all and thus this worthy mariage wos solemply done and endid with all rialte ¶ Than thes ij dukes of fraunce with ther pepull token ther leue of the kyng and the quene and went ayen vn to Grauenyng water And ther the frensh lordis that is to say the ij dukis and all ther menye weren come ouer the water to Grauenyng and ther they met and euerichō toke leue at othir and so they deꝑted and our lordis comen ayen vn to Calais the frensh lordis wenten ouer the water and so home in to fraunce ayen· ¶ And anone after the kyng made him redy with the quene and all his lordis and ladies all ther peple with them and come ouer thee see in to Englond and so vn to london And the maire and the sheriues with all the aldermen ond worthy communes ridden ayens them vn to the blak heth in Kent ̄ ther they met with thee kyng and the quene and wolcomed them that in good aray and euery man in the clothyng of his craft ̄ ther minstrelles before them ¶ And so they brought them vn to sent Gregoris barre in southwarke and ther they token ther leue And the kyng and the quene ridden to Kenyngton than the pepull of londō turned home ayen ¶ And in turnyng ayen to londō brigge ther was so gret p̄se of peple both on hors ̄ on fote that therwer dede on the brigge xi· ꝑsons of mē women ̄ of children on whos soules almighty god haue pited and merci amen ¶ And than afterward the quene wos broght vn to the tour of londoō ̄ ther she was all nyght and on the morow she wos brought thurgh the cite of londō all ouer so forth vn to westmynstre ther she wos croūed quene of Englōd than she wos brought ayen to the kyngꝭ palais ther wos holdē an opē and riall fest at hir coronacion of all maner pepull that thidder come and this wos done the sonday next after the fest of sent Clement in the xx yere of kyng Richardis regne ¶ And than the xxv day of August next after by euell excitacion fals councell for gret wrath and malice that the kyng had of old tyme vn to his vncle the good duke of Gloucestre and to the erle of Arundell and to the erle of warwik Anone the kyng by his euell excitacion ̄ his euell councell and malice late ī the euenyng on the same dai aboue said made him redy with his strength rode in to Estsex vn to the toūe of Chelmesford so come to plasshe sodenly ther sir Thomas of wodstok the good duke of gloucestre lay And the good duke come to welcum the kyng anone ¶ And the kīg a restid the good duke him self his own body ̄ so he was lad doun to the water and annone put to a shipp anone had to calais and brought in to the capitayns ward to be kepid in hold by the kyngꝭ commaundement of englond ¶ And that tyme the erle Marchall wos capitayn of Calis And anone after by commaūdemēt of the kyng and by his fals councell commaunded the capitayn to put him to the deth ¶ And anōe certayn yomen that had the good duke in kepyng toke thir councell how that they shuld put him vn to deth ¶ And this was ther oppoyntment that they shuld cum vpō him when he wer ī his bedde and a slepe on a fether bedde And anōe they bond him hand fote charged him to lie still whan that they had done thus they token two smale towellis and made on them ij rid knottis ̄ cast the towellis about his nee than thei toke the fethir bede that lay vndir him ̄ cast it aboue hī and than they drew ther towellis eche weis and sum lay vpon the fethir bede vpō him vn to the tyme that he wos dede by cause that he shuld make nonoyse and thus they strangled this worthy duke vn to the deth on whos saule god for his high pitte haue merci amen ¶ And when the kyng had a restid this worthy duke and his vncle ̄ sent him to Calais he come ayen vn to londō in all the hast with an wonder gret pepull And os sone as he wos comen he sent for the erle of Arundell for the good Erle of warwike ¶ And anone as they come he arestid them him self sir Iohn̄ Cobham sir Iohn̄ Cheyn knyghtis he arestid them in the same maner till he made his ꝑlament anone they werput in to hold but the erle of Arundell went at large vn to the ꝑlamēt time For he fonde sufficient sureti to abide the law to ansuer to all maner pointes that the kyng and his councell wold put vp on him ¶ And in the xxi yere of kyng Richardis regne he ordeyned him a ꝑlament at westmynstre the wich wos called the gret parlament And this ꝑlament wos made for to Iugge this iij. worthy lordis othir mo as them list at this tyme ¶ And for that Iuggement the kyng let make in all the hast alōg house ̄ a large of tymbre the wich wos called an hall couerid with tyles ouer it was oppī all about on both sides at the endis that all maner of men myght see thurgh out and ther the dome was holden vpon thes forsaid lordis Iuggement yef at this forsaid parlament ¶ And for to cum vn to this ꝑlament the kīg sent his writtis to euery lord barō knight euery squier in euery shire thurgh out englōd that euery lord gadre ̄ bring his retenew with him in as short time ̄ in the best aray that they myght gete in mayntenyng ī strengthīg of the kīg ayens them that wer his enmys ̄ that this wer done ī all the hast they come to him ī payn of deth ¶ And the kīg him self sent in to Chestershire to chiuetās of that cuntre they gadred
they wold haue do wrought they myght haue regned had ther will ther they told wich wer ther capitayns ̄ gouernours ̄ than the kīg comaunded them to the tour of londō than toke mo of them both with in the cite with out ̄ sent them to Newgate ̄ to both coūtres ̄ than they wer brought ī examinacion before the clargie ̄ the kinges Iustices ther they wer conuicted before the clargie for thir fals herisi and dampned before the Iustice for ther fals tresō ¶ this wos ther iugemēt that they shuld be draw frō the toure of london to sent Gilesfeld ̄ ther to be honged brēt on the galewes ¶ And also ther was taken sir Roger Acto● knyght for heresi eke for tresō ayens the kyng the reame he come a fore the clargi was ꝯuicte for his heresi to be brēt dampnid before the Iustices to be draw frō the tour of londō thurgh the cite to sent Gilesfeld ̄ to be honged ̄ brent ¶ And ī the secūd yere of kyng Hēris regne the fifth he held a coūcell of all the lordis of the reame at westmynster ther he put hī this demaūde praye● and besought them of ther goodnesse ̄ of ther good councell and good will to shew him as touchyng the titell the right that he had to Normandie Gascoyn and Guyhenue the wich the kyng of fraunce withheld wrongfully and vnrightfully the wich his auncestres before him had be trew titell of conquest right heritage the wich Normandie Gascoyn and Guyhenne the good kyng edwarde of wyndesore and his auncestres before him had holdyn all ther lifes tyme. ¶ And his lordis yaf him coūcell to send enbassetours vn to the kyng of fraunce ̄ his coūcell and that he sh̄uld yeue vp vn to him his right heritage that is to say Normandye Gascoyn Guyhenne the wich his predicessours had hold afore ▪ hī· or els he wold it wynne with dynt of swerd in short tyme with the help of almyghti god ¶ And than the Dolphyn of fraunce ansuerid to our embasfatours ̄ said in this maner that the kyng was ouer yong and to tendre of age to make any were as ayens him ̄ wos not like yet to be no good weriour to do to make such a cōquest ther vpon him ¶ And somwhat in scorne and despite he sent to him a Tone full of tenys baules be cause he wold haue sū what for to play with all for him and for his lordis for that be come hī bettir thā for to maynten ony were ¶ And than anōe our lordis that wer embassatours token ther leue and come in to Englond ayen and told the kyng his coūcell of the vngodli ansuer that they had of the Dolphyn and of the present the wich he had sent vn to our kyng ¶ And whan the kyng had herd ther wordis and the ansuere of the Dolphyn he wos wonder sore agreued right euell apayed toward the frenshmen ̄ toward the kīg the Dolphyn thought to avenge hī vpō them as sone as god wold send him grace myght and anōe let make tēnys balles for the Dolphyn in all the hast that myght be And they wer gret gonstonys for the Dolphyn to play with all ¶ And than anone the kyng sent for all his lordis and held a gret coūcell at westmynster and told vn to them the ansuer that they had of the Dolphyn and of his worthy present that he sent to him and to his lordis to play with all ¶ And ther the kyng ̄ his lordis wer accordid that they shuld be redy ī armes with ther pouer in the best aray that myght be done ̄ get men of armis and ar●hiers that myght be geten and all othir stuf that longed to were ̄ to be redy with all ther retenue to mete at southampton be Lammasse next suyng with out ony del●y wherfore the kyng ordeyned his nauy of shippis with all maner of stuff ̄ vitaill that longed to such a weriour of all maner ordenaūce in the hauen of southampton ī to the nombre of .ccc. xx sailles ¶ And than fell ther a gret dissese a foull mischief for ther wer iij. lordis wich that the kyng trustid moch on And thurgh fals couetise they had purposed and ymagined the kīgꝭ deth thought to haue slayn him and all his brethir or he had take the see The wich wer named thus sir Richard erle of Cambrigge brothir to the duke of yorke The secund was the lord Scrope tresorer of englond The thrid wos sir Thomas Gray knyght of the northcuntre· ¶ And thees lordis afore said for lucrie of mony had made ꝓmisse vn to the frenshmen for to haue slayn kyng Henri the fifth and all his brethir by a fallis trayn sodenli or they had be war ¶ But all myghti god of his gret grace held his holi hand ouer them saued them frō thees ꝑllous menye ¶ And for to haue done this they resaued of the frenshmen a Million of gold that wos ther openli pruued ¶ And for thir fals treson they wer all ther Iuggid vn to the deth this was the Iugemēt that they shuld be lad thurgh Hampton and without north gate ther to be heded ̄ thus they endid ther life 's for ther fals couetise treson ¶ And anone as this wos done the kyng and all his menye made them redy went to shippe sailled forth with xv hondred shippis and ariued within Seyn at Kydecause vpō our ladies eue the Assumpcion in Normandie with all his ordinaūce And so went him forth to Harflet he beseged the toune all about by lād and eke by water and sent to the capitayn of the toune and charged him to deliuer the toune And the capitayn said that he deliuerid him none ne none he wold him yeld but bad him do his best ¶ And than our kyng laid his ordinaūce vn to the toūe that is for to say Gonnys Engynes ̄ Tripgettes shetten ̄ cast to the walles ̄ eke vn to the toūe ̄ cast doune both toures and toune laid them on the erth and ther be played at the tennys with his hard gonstonys ¶ And they that wer within the toūe whā they shuld play ther song wos wellaway ̄ alas that euer any such tennys balles wer made cursid all tho that were began the tyme that euer they wer borne ¶ And on the morow the kīg did crie at euer gate of the toūe that euery man sh̄uld be redy on thee morow erly to make assaute vn to the toune ¶ And willyam Bouchier and Iohn̄ Graunt with xij othir worthy burgies come to the kyng and besought him of his riall princehode ̄ power to withdraw his malice and destruccion
and tho was yold vn to the kyng ¶ And than he remeued him thēs logged him before Porte martenuylle tho was the Erle of Salisberi commaūdid by the king to make him redy to ride ▪ but thi● come hasty tidinges made him to abide so he returned ayen and logged him beside the erle of Huntingdon till the sege was endid ¶ And than come the duke of gloucestre the kingꝭ brother from the sege of Chirbourgh the wich he had wone and geten and stuffed ayen vn to the kynges behoue and profit vn to the croune of Englond and whan he wos comen to the kyng be fore Rone anone he loggid with gret ordinaūce before port seint Hillari more nere the toune his enmys than any othir lay by xl roddes of length with in shot of quarell And with him lay the Erle of Southfolke and the lord of Bergeyeney with all ther retenue and strong ordinaunce and manly and prowdly faught euery day with ther enmys ouer whon they issued owt of the cite ¶ And than come the Priour of Kilmayn of Irland ouer the see to the kyng with a fair meny of mē of armis of thir own cuntre gyse the somme of xv hondreth good mēnys bodis and the kyng welcoaed them and made them right good chere ¶ And thā come tidingꝭ vn to the king that the kyng of fraūce and the dolphyn and the duke of Borgoyn wold cum doūe and rescue the citi of Rone with a strong power of all maner of nacions and breke the sege and he cast him to entre on the north side of the host be cause that ther wos the best entre and most plain grond And therfore the kyng assigned the Priour of kylmayn with his power and loggid him on the Northside of the host to stope ther passage and was by the forest of Lyous And of this ordinaunce they wer full glad and so they went forth in hast and kepid thee groūd and the place that the kyng and his councell had assignid ¶ And they quitte them as good weriours vn to their kyng ¶ Now will I tell yow wich were thee chief Capitayns and the gouernours of thee Cite of Rone ¶ Mon sir Gny Botiler was chief Capitayn both of thee Cite and of the Castill And Mon sir Termegan he was Capitayn of Port de Canx Mō sir de la Roche he wos capitain of the Disns Mō sir Anthonie he was Leuetenant to mō sir Gni botiller Hēri chantfiē he was the Capitain of the Porte de la pount Iohn̄ Mantreuas he was capitain of the porte de la Chastell Mō sir de Preanx he was Capitain of the porte of sent Hillarie the bastard of Tyne he wos Capitain of the port marteniulle And graunt Iakes a worthy weriour he wos Capitayn of all men of were ̄ he wos gouernour outward both on horsbake and on foot of all men of armes whan they essued out of the Cite of all the portes he them arayed as they shuld coūtre with our menie And eche of thee capitayns lad v. M. men of armes and sum moo ¶ And at the frist comyng of our kyng ther wer nombred by heraudes in to .ccc. M. of men women and children what yong old And amōg all thes was mony a manfull man of his handis ̄ so they preued them whan they essued out of the cite both on hors bake and on foot for they come neuer at on gate out alone but at iij. or iiij gates and at euery gate ij or iij. M. of good mennys bodies armed and manful coūtred with our englishmen and moch pepull slayn diuerse tymes with gonnes quarellis and othir ordinaūce ¶ And this sege durid xx wekis and euer they of the toune trastid to haue be rescued bot ther come none so at the last they kepid so long the toūe that ther died mony thousandis with in the toūe for defaute of mete of men ̄ womē children for they had heten ther hors dogges cattis that wer in the toūe ¶ And oft tymes the men of armes drofe out the poer pepull out at the gates of the toūe for spending of vitaill anone our englishmē drofe them in to the toūe ayen ¶ So at the last the capitayn of the toūe saw the mischief that they wer not rescued also the scarcite of vitaill ̄ that the pepull died so for defaute of mete euery day mōy thousandis also saw yong children lie and souke ther moders pappis ̄ wer dede Than anōe they sent to the kīg besechyng him of his grace mersci broughte the keis of the toūe vn to the kyng ̄ delyuered the toūe to him all the soudiours voided the toūe with ther hors ̄ harnes and tho comunes of the toune for to abide and duell still in the toune yerly to pay to him ̄ to his successours for all maner customes and fee fermes and kateremes ¶ And than thee kyng entred in to the toune and restid him in the Castell till the toune was set in rewle and in gouernaunce ¶ How the kyng of england was made heritier regent of fraunce ̄ how he weddid quene Katrine ANd anone after that Rone wos goten Depe mony oder tounes in the baas Normandi yaf them ouer with out stroke or sege whan they vnder stode that the king had goten rone Also this same yere had bene a pees made and suorne bitwen the Duke of Burgō ̄ the Dolphin wich wer sworen on godis bodi that they shuld loue and assiste ech othir ayenst ther enmys ¶ And after this ꝯtrari to this oth the duke Iohan of Burgoyn was slayn ̄ pituysly mordred in the presence of the dolphī wherfore the frenshmē wer gretli deuidid ̄ of verray necessite laborid to haue a trayttye with the kyng of englond For the king of Englond wan dayli of them tounys castillis fortresses ¶ Also this same yere wos quene Iane arestid ̄ brought in to the castell of Ledis in Kent And oone frere Randolf a doctor of diuinite hir confessour wich afterward wos slayn by the ꝑsō of the tour falling at wordis ̄ debate after quene Iane was deliuered ¶ And in the vij yere both kīgis of fraūce of Englond wer accordid kyng Henri was made heir and regent of fraunce and weddid Dame Katrin the kyngꝭ doughter of fraunse at Troyes in Champain on Trinite sondai ¶ And this was made by the meyn of Phelip new made duke of Burgoyn wich wos sworn to kyng Henri for to a venge his fadres deth was becomē English ¶ And than the kyng with his new wife went to Paris wher he wos rially ressaued And from thens he with his lordis and the duke of Burgon mony othir lordis of fraū laid sege to diuerse tounes and Castelles that held of the Dolphyns partie ̄ wā them But