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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19824 The collection of the historie of England. By S.D. Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619. 1618 (1618) STC 6248; ESTC S107285 367,727 236

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his expences and debts in France he giues fiue thousand markes as if remayning The King calls his officers to accoumpt of the summe hee had promised And for the rest of the Poictouins their preferments and rewards were to be had by the displacing and spoyles of his Officers Receiuors and others whom now hee calles to accoumpt and castes for defrauding him in their offices of whom Ralph Breton treasorer of his Chamber is first who was committed to prison and grieuoulsy fined then Hubert de Burgh his chiese lusticiar a man who 1228. Anno. Reg. 13. had long ruled all vnder him in a place euer obnoxious to detraction and enuy is called to accoumpt for such treasure as passed his office which was then for all reliefes and subsidies whatsoeuer raysed on the subiect and notwithstanding he had the kings Charter for it during life yet is he thrust out of his office and besides accused of haynous crymes of treason No sooner was this great officer and inward councellor falne into the Kings displeasure but presently a whole volly of accusations which feare in time of fauour held in were discharged vpon him and euery act of his examined and vrged according to the passion of the complainers The city of London laies to his charge the execution of their citizen Constantine in the time of a ryot committed betweene their people and those of Westminster at a wrastling in Saint lames feilds Anno. Reg. 4. as done without warrant and law and craue Iustice for his bloud Hubert to auoyd this sodaine storme comming vpon him fled to the Church of Merton for Santuary whence by armed men sent to pursue him he is drawne out by force and committed to prison Of which violence done contrary to the priuiledge of that sacred place the Bishop of London in whose dioses it was complaines and so wrought that he is brought back againe to the same chappell But yet all that could not shelter him from the Kings wrath who giues strict commandement to the Shriefes of Hartford and Sussex to set a guard about the place that no sustenance be brought him Hunger inforces him to commit himselfe to the Kings mercy and away is he sent prisoner to the Vize his money left in the custody The King remoues his officers of the templars is brought forth and seazed into the Kings hands clayming that and much more as stolne out of his exchequer Stephen de Segraue is put into his office a worse minister for the common-wealth which seldome gaynes by such shiftings and who must shortly runne the same fortune Walter Bishop of Carliel is likewise thrust out of his office of Treasorer and William Rodon Knight of his place of Marshall of the kings house and all the chiefe Councellors Bishops Earles and Barons of the Kingdome are remoued as distrusted and onely strangers preferred to their roomes Peter Bishop of Winchester lately returned from the holy warres to be the author of most vnholy discord at home is charged to be the cause hereof and with him one Peter de Riuallis now the sepeciall minion about the King These straines of so strange and insufferably violences so exasperate the Nobility as many whereof Richard now Earle Marshall vpon the death of his brother William was chiefe do combine themselues for defence of the publique and boldly do shew the King his error and ill aduised course in preferring strangers about him to the disgrace and oppression The Lords combine for the publike defence against the K. of his naturall liege people contrary to their lawes and liberties and that vnlesse he would reforme this excesse whereby his crowne and Kingdome was in eminent daunger he and the rest of the nobility would withdraw themselues from his councell whervnto the Bishop of Winchester replies that it was lawfull for the King to callwhat strangers he listed about him for defence of his crowne and Kingdome thereby to compell his proud and rebellious subiects to their due obedience With which answere the Earle and the rest depart with more indignation vowing that in this cause which concerned them ail they would spend their liues Herevpon the King sodenly sends ouer for whole legions of Poictouins and withall sommons a Parliament at Oxford whether the Lords refused to come both in regard they found themselues dispised and holding it not safe by reason of those multitudes The Lords refuse to come to Parliament vpon summons of strangers Then was it decreed by the Kings Councell that they should be the second and third time sommoned to try whether they would come or not And here from the Pulpit whence the voyce of GOD and the people is vttered the King is boldly shewed the way to redresse this mischiefe of the Kingdome by one Robert Bacon a Fryer Predicant but more comically by Roger Bacon in pleasant discourse asking the king my Lord what is most nocent to Sea-men and what feared they most the King replies Seamen know that best themselues then my Lord I will tell you Petrae et Rupes alledging to Petrus de Rupibus Bishop of Winchester After this the Lords were summoned to a Parliament at Westminster whether likewise they refused to come vnles the King would remoue the Bishop of Winchester 1232. Anno. Reg. 17. and the Poictouines from the court otherwise by the Common-councell of the Kingdome they send him expresse word they would expell him and his euill councellors out of the land and deale for the creation of a new King Vpon this threatning pledges are required of the nobility to be deliuered by a certeine day for security of their alleagiance But no act passed in this Parliament though 6. Parliament though diuers Lords came thither as the Earle of Cornewall Chester Lincoln Ferrers and others in regard the Earle Marshall the Lord Gilbert Basset and other Nobles were not present Then are Writs sent out to all who held by knights seruice to repaire to the King at Glocester by a certaine day which the Earles Mareschall and his associates refusing the King without the iudgement of his court and their Peeres cause to be proclaimed outlawes seizes vpon all their lands which he giues to his Poictouines and directs out Writs to attach their bodies wheresoeuer in the kingdome The Bishop of Winchester to weaken the party of the Mareschall wonne the Eatles of Chester and Lincoln with a thousand markes and the King had so pleased his brother the Earle of Cornewall as hee likewise left them Wherevpon they withdraw them into Wales and confederat with Lewelin and other great men in that country whither also came Hubert de Burgh escaping out of the Vize Castle and ioynes with them taking their oath intermutually that no one without other should make their accord The King goes himselfe in person with an Army against these revolted Lords into Wales Where he had the worst of the busines and much dishonour returnes to Glocester The K. with an
force and shortly after deceased The Emperour to make himselfe the stronger against his successors enters into aliance with the King of England takes to wife his daughter Maud being but fiue The Emperor Hen. 5. marries Maud. yeares of age After this Calixte sonne of the Conte de Burgogne comming to be Pope and being French vnto their great applause assembles a Counsell at Reimes were by Ecclesiasticall sentence Henry the fift is declared enemy of the Church and degraded of his Imperiall Dignity The King of England seeing this Counsell was held in France and composed chiefely of the Galicane Church desirous to ouer-maister Louys incenses his sonne in law the Emperour stung with this disgrace to set vpon him as the Popes chiefe piller on one side and he would assaile him on the other The Emperour easily wrought to such a businesse prepares all his best forces the King of England doth the like The King of France seeing this storme comming so impetuously vpon him wrought so with the Princes of Germany as they weighing the future mischiefe of a warre vndertaken in a heate with the importance of a kind Neighbour-hood aduise the Emperour not to enter thereinto till hee had signifyed to the King of France the Historie of France cause of his discontent Whereupon an Embassage is dispatched The King of Fraunce answers That hee grieued much to see the two greatest Pillars of the Church thus shaken with these dissentions whereby might bee feared the whole frame would bee ruined that hee was friend to them both and would gladly bee an inter-dealer for concord rather then to carry wood to a fire too fierce already which hee desired to extinguish for the good and quiet of Christendome This Embaslage wrought so as it disarmed the Emperour glad to haue Louys a mediator of the accord betweene the The King of France accords the Pope and Emperour Pope and him to the great displeasure of the King of England who expected greater matters to haue risen by this businesse The accord is concluded at Wormes to the Popes aduantage to whom the Emperor yeelds vp the right of inuestitures of Bishops and other Benefices But this was onely to appease not cure the malady The King of England disappointed thus of the Emperours assistance proceeds notwithstanding in his intentions against Louys And seeing he failed of outward forces he sets vp a party in his Kingdome to confront him aiding Theobald Conte de Champaigne King Henry aides Conte Theobald against the king of France with so great power as he stood to do him much displeasure besides he obtained a strong side in that Kingdome by his aliances for Stephen Earle of Blois had married his sister Adela to whom this Theobald was Brother and had wonne Foulke Earle of Aniou an important neighbour and euer an enemy to Normandy to be his by matching his sonne William to his daughter Louys on the other side failes not to practise all meanes to vnder-worke Henries estate The King of France combines with the Earle of Flanders against King Henry in Normandy and combines with William Earle of Flanders for the restoring of William the sonne of Robert Curtoys to whom the same appertained by right of inheritance and had the fairer shew of his actions by taking hold on the side of Iustice. Great and many were the conflicts betweene these two Princes with the expence of much bloud and charge But in the end being both tyred a peace was concluded 1116. Anno. Reg. 17. by the mediation of the Earle of Aniou And William sonne to King Henry did homage to Louys for the Duchy of Normandy And William the sonne of Robert Curtoys is left to himselfe and desists from his claime Vpon the faire cloze of all these troubles there followed presently an accident which seasoned it with that sowernesse of griefe as ouercame all the ioy of the successe William the young Prince the onely hope of all the Norman race at seuenteene yeares of Queene Maud liued not to see this disaster age returning into England in a ship by himselfe accompanied with Richard his base brother Mary Countesse of Perch their sister Richard Earle of Chester with his wife the Kings Neece and many other personages of honour and their attendants to the number of 140. besides 50. Marriners setting out from Barbfleete were all cast away at Sea onely a Butcher escaped The Prince had recouered a Cock-boat and in possibility to haue bene saued had not the compassion of his sisters cryes drawne him backe to the sinking ship to take her in and perish with his company Which sudden clap of Gods iudgement comming in a calme of glory when all these bustlings seemed past ouer might make a conscience shrinke with terror to see oppression and supplantation repayd with the extinction of that for which so much had bin wrought and the line Masculine of Normandy expired in the third inheritor as if to beginne the fate layde on all the future succession hither vnto wherein the third heire in a right discent seldome or neuer inioyed the Crowne of England but that either by vsurpation or extinction of the male bloud it receiued an alteration which may teach Princes to obserue the wayes of righteousnesse and let men alone with their rights and God with his prouidence After this heauy disaster this King is sayd neuer to haue bene seene to laugh though within fiue moneths after in hope to restore his issue he married Adalicia a beautifull yong Lady daughter to the Duke of Lovaine and of the house of Loraine but neuer had child by her nor long rest from his troubles abroad For this rent at home crackt all the chaine of his courses in France Normandy it selfe became wauering and many Robert de Mellents conspiracie adhered to William the Nephew his great confederates are most regayned to the King of France Foulke Earle of Aniou quarrels for his daughters dower Robert de Mellent his chiefe friend and Councellor a man of great imployment fell from him conspired 1123. Anno. Reg. 25. with Hugh Earle of Monfort and wrought him great trouble But such was his diligence and working spirit that he soone made whole all those ruptures againe The two Earles himselfe surprizes and Aniou death which beeing so important a neighbour as we may see by matching a Prince of England there the Maud the Empresse maried to Geffery Plantagenet King fastens vpon it with another aliance and discends to marry his daughter and now onely child which had beene wife to an Emperour and desired by the Princes of Lumbardy and Loraine to the now Earle Geffery Plantagenet the sonne of Foulke The King of Fraunce to fortifie his opposition entertaines William the Nephew 1126. Anno. Reg. 27. where now all the danger lay and aides him in person with great power to obtaine the Earledome of Flanders whereunto he had a faire Title by the defaillance of issue in
I of granting And sure the King had great reason to suspect his adhering to Maude whose part he beganne to fauour onely out of the hatred he bare to Winchester who yet was content to forsake his owne brother in regard by his ingagement he was preferred to the Crowne rather then to loose his good will and the rest of the Clergie But yet this breaking of the King into the Church which had made him vtterly dissolued him For presently hereupon all his power fell asunder the Empresse found now away open to let her in and the Earle of Glocester presuming of a sure side Maude the Empresse conducted into England conducted her into England onely with 150 men puts her into the Castle of Arundell and himselfe attended but with twelue horse passed away cleere through all the Country to Bristow and from thence to Glocester where he had leisure without opposition to raise all the Country to take part with the Empresse who from Arundell Castle was afterward by the Legate himselfe and the Kings permission conueyed to Bristow receiued with all obedience grew daily in strength as she went and came at length to her brother who had taken in Hereford made himselfe strong with the Welsh and setled those parts to gather vp more of the Kingdome by shewing herselfe and her power in diuers places Stephen hauing no part cleere by reason the Castles vpon which he spent both his time and meanes lay so thicke blockes in his way as he could not make that speed to stop this streame as otherwise he would holding it not safe to goe forward and leaue dangers behinde that might ouer-take him And first hee layes siege to the Castle of Wallingford which Brian sonne to the Earle of Glocester held against him then to the Castle of Bristow and other places working much but effecting little which seeing to get time and stagger the swift proceeding of this new receiued Princesse he causes a treatie of peace to be propounded at Bathe where the Legat who likewise earnestly solicited the same with the Arch-bishop of Canterbury were appointed Commissioners for the King and the Earle of Glocester for the Empresse but nothing was effected both returne to make good their sides The Empresse seekes to recouer more the King what he had lost And least the North parts might fall from him and the King of Scots come on hee repaires thitherward and finding the Castle of Lincolne possest by Ralph Earle of Chester who had married a daughter of the Earle of Glocester and holding it not safe to bee in the hands of such a maister in such a time seekes to take it in by force The Earle of Chester who held Newtall attempting nothing against the King tooke it ill and stood vpon his defence but being ouer-layd by power conueyes himselfe out of the Castle leaues his brother and wife within to defend it and procures ayde of his father in law the Earle of Glocester to succour him The Earle takes in hand this businesse sets out of Glocester with an Army of Welshmen and others attended with Hugh Bigod and Robert de Morley ioynes with the Earle of Chester marches to Lincolne where in the battaile King Stephen was taken carried prisoner to Glocester presented to the Empresse and by her sent to bee kept in the Castle of Bristow but in all honourable fashion till his attempts to escape layd fetters on him Hereupon the Empresse as at the top of her fortune labours the Legat to hee admitted She labours the Legat for the Crowne of England to the Kingdome as the daugher of the late King to whom the Realme had taken an oath to accept for soueraigne in the succession and wrought so as a Parle was appointed for this purpose on the Plaine neere to Winchester where in a blustring sad day like the fate of the businesse they met and the Empresse swore and made affidation to the Legat That all the great businesses and especially the donation of Bishoprickes and Abbeys should bee at his disposing if he with the Church would receiue her as Queene of England and hold perpetuall fidelitie vnto her The same oath and affidation tooke likewise her brother Robert Earle of Glocester Brian his sonne Marquisse of Wallingford Miles of Glocester after Earle of Hereford with many others for her Nor did the Bishop sticke to accept her as Queene though she neuer came to bee so and with some few other make likewise affidation for his part that so long as shee infringed not her couenant hee would also hold his fidelity to her The next day shee was receiued with solemne procession into the Bishops Church at Winchester the Bishop leading her on the right hand and Bernard Bishop of Saint Dauids on the left There were present many other Bishops as Alexander Bishop of Lincolne and Nigel Bishop of Ely the Nephewes of Roger lately imprisoned Robert Bishop of Bathe and Robert Bishop of Worcester with many Abbots Within a few dayes after came Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury to the Empresse inuited by the Legat but deferred to doe fealty vnto her as holding it vnworthy his person and place without hauing conferd first with the King And therefore hee with many Prelats and some of the Layety by permission obtained went to the King to Bristow The Councell brake vp the Empresse keepes her Easter at Oxford being her owne towne Shortly vpon Easter a Councell of the Clergie is againe called to Winchester where the first day the Legat had secret conference with euery Bishop apart and then with euery Abbot and other which were called to the Councell The next day hee makes a publicke speech Shewing how the cause of their Assembly was to consult The Legats speech to the Clergie to Crowne the Empresse for the peace of their country in great daunger of vtter ruine Repeates the flourishing raigne of his Vncle the peace wealth and honour of the Kingdome in his time and how that renowned King many yeares before his death had receiued an oath both of England and Normandy for the succession of his daughter Maude and her Issue But said he after his decease his daughter being then in Normandy making delay to come into England where for that it seemed long to expect order was to bee taken for the peace of the Countrey and my brother was permitted to raigne And although I interposed my selfe a surety betweene God and him that hee should honour and exalt the holy Church keepe and ordaine good Lawes Yet how hee hath behaued himselfe in the Kingdome it grieues mee to remember and I am ashamed to repeate And then recounts he all the Kings courses with the Bishops and all his other misgouernments And then said hee euerie man knowes I ought to loue my mortall brother but much more the cause of my immortall Father and therefore seeing God hath shewed his iudgement on my brother and suffered him without my knowledge to fall into the hand
obstinately brake all besides hee was certainely informed that shoe and hers had plotted both against his dignitie and life But God in his mercy contrarie to her desire had turned the businesse so as hee escaped the daunger and his brother was deliuered out of bands And therefore hee from the part of God and the Pope willed them with all their vtmost power to aide the King annointed by the consent of the People and the Sea Apostolique and to Excommunicate all the disturbers of the peace that fauoured the Countesse of Aniou There was in the Councell a Lay Agent for the Empresse who openly charged the Legat That in respect of the faith he had giuen the Empresse to passe no act there preiudiciall to her Honour hauing sworne vnto her neuer to aide his brother with aboue twentie souldiers that her comming into England was vpon his often Letters vnto her and his cause it was that the King was taken and held prisoner This and much more sayd the Agent with great austerity of words wherewith the Legat seemed not to bee mooued at all nor would stoope to reply Both parts thus set at libertie were left to worke for themselues holding the State broken betweene them and no meanes made to interpose any barre to keepe them asunder Their borders lay euery where and then the ingagements of their Partakers who looke all to be sauers or to recouer their stakes when they were lost which makes them neuer giue ouer entertaine the contention But the best was they were rather troubles then warres and cost more labour then bloud Euery one fought with Bucklers and seldome came to the sharpe in the field which would soone haue ended the businesse Some few moneths after these inlargements stood both sides at some rest but not idle casting how to compasse their ends The Empresse at the Vies with her Councell resolues to send ouer her brother into Normandy to solicit her husband the Earle of The Earle of Glocester gets to Normandie Aniou to come to aide her with forces from thence Her brother the better to secure her in his absence setles her in the Castle of Oxford well furnished for all assaults and takes with him the sonnes of the especiall men about her as pledges to hold them to their fidelity Stephen seekes to stop the Earles passage but could not and then layes siege to the Castle of Oxford which held him all the time the Earle was abroad Geffrey Earle of Aniou desirous rather to haue Normandie whereof in this meane time he had attained the most part and in possibility of the rest then to aduenture for England which lay in danger refused to come in person but sends some small aide and his eldest sonne Henry being then but eleuen yeares of age that he might looke vpon England be shewed to the people to try if that would mooue them to a consideration of his right which proned of more effect then an Army The Earle of Glocester safely returning makes towards Oxford to releeue the Empresse The Earles retuine with the Empresses eldest sonne Henry who had secretly conueyed her selfe disguised out at a posterne gate onely with foure persons got ouer the Thames passed a foot to Abington and from thence conuayd to Wallingford where her brother and sonne met her to her more comfort after hard distresses Stephen seeing his enemy thus supplied and like to grow labours to winne friends 1143. Anno. Reg. 8. but money failes which made diuers of his Lords and especially his mercinaries wherof he had many out of Flanders to fall to the rifling of Abbayes which was of dangerous consequence And for Armies there was no meanes onely about Castles with small powers lay all the businesse of these times and they being so many were to small effect but onely to hold them doing which was for many yeares The Earle of Glocester the chiefe pillar of the Empresse within two yeares after his The Earle of Glocester dies last comming out of Normandie died and shortly after Miles Earle of Hereford an especiall man of hers which had vtterly quasht her but that in stead of a brother shee had a sonne grew vp to bee of more estimation with the Nobility and shortly after of ablenesse to vndergoe the trauailes of warre His first expedition at sixteene yeares of age was Northward to combine him with Dauid King of Scots his great Vncle to whom his mother had giuen the Country of Northumberland After him followes Stephen with an Army to Yorke least hee should surprize that Citie and to inter cept him in his returne but according to his vsuall manner and French-like after the first heate of his vndertakings which were quicke and braue hee quailes nothing was effected and both returne without incountring Now to aduance the State and meanes of Henry fortune as if in loue with young Princes presents this occasion Louys the seuenth King of France going in person to the Holy warres and taking with him his wife Elenor the onely daughter and heire of William Duke of Guien grew into such an odious conceipt of her vpon the notice of her lasciuious behauiour in those parts as the first worke hee doth vpon his comming backe hee repudiates and turnes her home with all her great dowrie rather content to loose the mightie estate she brought him then to marry her person With this great Lady matches Henry before he was twenty yeares of age being now Duke of An. 1151. Normandie his father deceased who had recouered it for him and had by her the possession of all those large and rich Countries apertayning to the Dutchy of Guien besides the Earldome of Poictou Whereupon Louys inraged to see him inlarged by this great accession of State who was so neere and like to be so dangerous and eminent a neighbour combines with Stephen and aydes Eustace his sonne whom hee married to his Sister Constance with maine power for the recouery of Normandie wherein hee was first possest But this young Prince furnished now with all this powerfull meanes leaues the management of the affaires of England to his friends defends Normandie wrought so as the King of France did him little hurt and Eustace his competitor returned home into England where shortly after hee died about 18 yeares of his age borne neuer to see out of the calamities of warre and was buried at Feuersham with his mother who deceased a little before and had no other ioy nor glorie of a Crowne but what we see Stephen whilst Duke Henrie was in Normandie recouers what hee could and at length besieges Wallinford which seemes in these times to haue beene a peece of great importance and impregnable and reduced the Defendants to that extremitie as they sent to Duke Henrie for succour who presently thereupon in the middest of Winter ariues in England with 3000 foot and 140 horse Where first to draw the King from Wallingford he layes siege to Malmesbury and had most
had receiued The Arch-bishop called to account for the King of certaine Bishopricks and Abbeys during their vacancies which amounted to the summe of three thousand Markes For these accounts he alledged How the King knew well he was discharged before his election to the Sea of Canterbury and how the Prince the Barons of the Exchequer and Robert de Lucie Chiefe Iustice of England had made him his acquittance for all accounts and Secular receipts in the behalfe of the King and so free and cleered was he chosen to the administration of that Office and therefore would pleade the same no more The King notwithstanding vrging to haue iudgement passe against him both for this his late attempts and disobedience he was commanded the next day to attend his Censure The morning before he was to appeare he celebrates early with great deuotion the Masse of Saint Stephen Protomartir which hath these words Etenim sederunt Principes aduersum me loquebantur and so committing his cause to God sets forward to the Court in his Stole his blacke Canonicall hood carrying the Crosse in his right hand and guiding his horse with the left The people seeing him come in this fashion flocke all about him he entring the great Chamber sate downe amongst them the King being within in his Priuie Chamber with his Councell from whom first came forth the Bishop of London and much blames him for comming so armed to the Court and offered to pull the Crosse out of his hand but the Arch-bishop held it so fast that he could not Which the Bishop of Winchester seeing sayd to London Brother let him alone he ought well to beare the Crosse London replies You speake brother against the King and it will be ill for you After this comes forth the Arch-bishop of Yorke the heate of whose antient hatred saith Houeden would not suffer him to speake in peace and rebukes him very sharply Roger Houeden for comming in that fashion as if to a Tyrant or heathen Prince and told him that the King had a sword sharper then his Crosse and if hee would bee aduised by him hee should take it from him Canterbury replies the Kings sword wounds carnally but mine strikes Spiritually and sends the soule to Hell After much debate the Archbishoppe Becket inuayes against this violent proceeding against him How no age euer heard before that an Archbishop of Canterbury had beene adiudged in any of the Kings Courts for anie cause whatsoeuer in regard both of his Dignity and place and for that hee is the Spirituall Father of the King and all other his subiects Then to the Bishops you see the world rageth against mee the enemy riseth vp but I more lament the Sonnes of my Mother fight against mee If I should conceale it the age to come will declare how you leaue mee alone in the battaile and haue iudged against mee being your Father though neuer so much a sinner But I charge you by vertue of your obedience and perill of your Order that you bee not present in anie place of iudgement where my person or cause comes to bee adiudged And here I appeale to the Pope charging you farther by vertue of your obedience that if anie Temporall man laie handes on mee you exercise the Sentence of the Church as it becomes you for your Father the Archbishop who will not shrinke howsoeuer nor leaue the flock commitmitted vnto him Then were all these great complaints of his contempt Disobedience and Periury exhibited and aggrauated against him before the Assembly and they cried generally Complaints against the Archbishop hee was a Traytor that hauing receiued so many benefits at the Kings hands would refuse to doe him all earthly honour and obserue his Lawes as hee had sworne to doe The Bishops likewise seeing all thus bent against him renounced their Ecclesiasticall obedience vnto him cited him to Rome and condemnes him as a periured man and a Traytor Then the Earle of Lecester accompayned with Reginald Earle of Cornwall came to the Archbishop and charged him from the King to answere to what was obiected vnto him or else to heare his iudgement Nay sonne Earle sayd he first heare you It is not vnknowne to your selfe how faithfully I haue serued the King and how in regard thereof hee preferred mee to the place I haue God is my witnesse against my will For I knew mine owne infermities and was content to take it vpon mee rather for his pleasure then Gods cause therefore now doth God withdraw himselfe and the King from mee At the time of my Election hee made mee free from all Court bondage and therefore touching those things from which I am deliuered I am not bound to aunswere nor will I. How much the soule is worthier then the bodie so much are you bound to obay God and mee rather then any Earthly Creature neither will Law or Reason permit the Sonnes to condemne the Father and I refuse to stand either to the Iudgement of the King or anie other person appealing to the presence of the Pope by whom onely on Earth I ought to bee adiudged committing all I haue to Gods protection and his and vnder that authority I depart out of this place And so went hee out and tooke his Horse not without some difficultie in passing and many reproches of the Kings seruants The Archbishop disguised sled out of the Kingdome Being gotten out of the Court a great multitude of the common people reioycing to see him deliuered and diuers of the Clergie conuayed him honourably to the Abbay of Saint Andrewes whence disguised by the name of Dereman hee escaped ouer into Flanders and so into France This businesse of the Church I haue the more particularly deliuered according to the generall report of the Writers of that time in regard it laie so chayned to the Temporall affaires of the State and bewrayed so much of the face of that Age with the constitution both of the Soueraignty and the rest of the bodie as it could not well bee omitted Besides the effects it wrought in the succeeding raigne of this Prince the vexation charge and burthen it layed vpon him for manie yeares is worthie of note and shewes vs what spirit had predomination in that season of the World and what Engines were vsed in this Oppugnation Presently vpon the departure of this Great Prelate the King sends ouer to the King of France Gillebert Bishop of London and William Earle of Arundell to intreat him not onely to forbid the Archbishop his Kingdome but to bee a meanes to the Pope that his The King sends Ambassadors to the Pope cause might not bee fauoured by the Church being so contumacious a rebell as he was against his Soueraigne Lord. The King of France notwithstanding this intreaty sends Frier Francis his Amoyner vnder hand to the Pope to beseech him as he tendred the honour of holy Church and the ayde of the Kingdome of France to support
ill and threatnes King Henry the Father with warre if it were not presently done which causes him to make more haste backe againe into Normandy leauing the young King in England to satisfie or preuent this quarreling Prince And whilst he remained there meanes was made that the Archbishop of Canterbury who had beene now sixe yeares in exile was brought to haue conference with the King by the mediation of the King of France Theobald Earle of Bloys and diuers great Bishops which the King of England was the more willing to accept in regard hee saw this breach with the Church might much preiudice his temporall businesses whensoeuer they should breake out and how the Archbishop continually was working the Pope and all the great Prelates of the Christian world against him which How much such a party as swayed the Empire of Soules might doe in a time of zeale against a ruler of bodies was to bee considered And therefore discends he from the higth of his will to his necessity and they meete at Montmiriall before the King of France where the Archbishop kneeling at the feete of his Soueraigne Lord the King of England sayd Beckets submission to the King Hee would commit the whole cause in controuersie to his Royall Order Gods honour onely reserued The King who had beene often vsed to that reseruation grew into some choller and sayd to the King of France and the rest What soeuer displeaseth this man hee would haue to be against Gods honour and so by that shift will challeng to himselfe all that belongs to mee But because you shall not thinke mee to goe about to resist Gods honour and him in what shall bee The Kings offer to Becket fit looke what the greatest and most Holy of all his Predecessors haue done to the meanest of mine let him doe the same to mee and it shall suffice Which answere being beyond expectation so reasonable turn'd the opinion of all the company to the Kings cause in so much as the King of France sayd to the Archbishop Will you bee greater then Saints better than Saint Peter what can you stand vpon I see it is your fault if your peace bee not made The Archbishop replied to this effect That as the authority of Kings had their beginning by Beckets reply Degrees so had that of the Church which being now by the prouidence of God come to that Estate it was they were not to follow the example of any that had beene faint or yeelding in their places The Church had risen and increased out of many violent oppressions and they were now to hold what it had gotten Our Fathers sayd hee suffred all manner of afflictions because they would not forsake the name of Christ and shall I to be reconciled to any mans fauour liuing derogate any thing from his honour This hauty reply of a subiect to so yeelding an offer of his Soueraigne so much distasted the hearers as they held the maintenance of his cause rather to proceed from obstinacy then zeale and with that impression the conference for that time brake vp But after this were many other meetings and much debate about the businesse And the King of France at whose charge lay the Archbishop all this while came to another conference with them vpon the Confines of Normandie Where the King of England tooke the Archbishop apart and had long speech with him twice they alighted from their horses twice remounted and twice the King held the Archbishops bridell and so againe they part prepared for an attonement but not concluding any In the end by mediation The King and Becket accorded of the Archbishop of Rouen the matter is quietly ended before the Earle of Bloys at Amboys And thereupon Henry the father writes to Henry the sonne being then in England in this wise Know yee that Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury hath made peace with me to my will and therefore I charge you that hee and all his haue peace and that you cause to bee restored vnto him and to all such as for him went out of England all their substances in as full and honourable manner as they held it three monethes before their going c. And thus by this letter we see in which King the command lay Becket returnes into England The Archbishop returning into England not as one who had sought his peace but inforced it with larger power to his resolution then before Suspends by the Popes Bull the Archbishop of Yorke from all Episcopall Office for Crowning the young King within the Prouince of Canterbury without his leaue and against the Popes commandement and without taking according to the custome the Cautionary Oath for conseruation of the liberties of the Church Hee brought also other letters to suspend in like manner The Bishops of London Salisbury Oxford Chester Rochister Saint Asaph and Landaff for doing seruice at the Coronation and vphoulding the Kings cause against him And by these Letters were they all to remaine suspended till they had satisfied the Archbishop in so much as he thought fit Thus to returne home shewed that hee had the better of the time and came all vntied which so terrified the Bishops that presently hauing no other refuge they repaire to the King in Normandie and shew him this violent proceeding of the Archbishop How since his returne hee was growne so imperious as there was no liuing vnder him Wherewith the King was so much mooued as hee is sayd in extreame passion to haue vttered these words In what a miserable State am I that cannot bee quiet in mine owne Kingdome for one onely Priest is there no man will ridde mee of this trouble Whereupon they report foure Knights Sir Hugh Moruille Sir William Tracy Sir Richard Brittaine and Sir Raynold Fitz Vrs then attending vpon the King and gessing his desire by his words depart presently into England to bee the vnfortunate executioners of the same but by some it seemes rather these foure gentlemen were sent with Commission from the King to deale with the Archbishop in another manner And first to wish him to take his Oath of Fealty to the young King then to restore these Bishops to the execution of their function and thirdly to beare himselfe with more moderation in his place whereby the Church might haue comfort vpon his returne and the Kingdome quietnesse But they finding the Arch-bishop not answering their humor but peremtory vntractable without regarding their Masters message grew into rage first from threatning The murthering of Becket force fell to commit it and that in an execrable manner putting on their armor to make the matter more hideous they entred into the Church whither the Arch-bishop was with-drawn the Monks at Diuine Seruice and there calling him Traytor and furiously reuiling him gaue him many wounds and at length strake out his braines that with his bloud besprinkled the Altar His behauiour in this act of death his courage to
had none two Markes for a licence The Collection whereof the Archbishop of Canterbury commits to his brother Theobald Walter Besides another new seale the old being lost by the Vice-Chancelor at the taking of Cirpus brings in a new exaction But the proceeding in the pleas of the Crowne and extorting of penalties Anno Reg. 9. By Hugh Bardolph Roger Arundle and Geffrey Hatchet Iustices Itenerants for Lyncolnshire Nottinghamshire Darbyshire Yorkeshire Northumberland Cumberland and Lancaster was of a higher straine of exaction and more profound as hauing more of time and presumption vpon the peoples sufferance of whom when once trial was made that they would beare were sure to haue more layd on them then they were able to vnder goe And with these vexations saith Houeden all England from Sea to Sea was reduced to extreame pouerty and yet it ended not heare another torment is added to the confusion of the Subiects by the Iustices of the Forests Hugh Neuile chiefe Iustice Hugh Wac and Ernise de Neuile who not onely execute those hidious lawes introduced by the Norman but impose other of more tyranicall seuerity as the memory thereof being odious deserues to be vtterly forgotten hauing afterwards by the hard labour of our noble ancestors and the goodnes of more regular Princes beene assuaged and now out of vse Besides in the same yeare this King imposes 5 shil vpon euery Hide or Plough-land which contayned an hundred Acres for the leuying whereof a most strict course was taken Likewise he required by his Vicegerent the Archbishop of Canterbury that the people of England should finde three hundred Knights for one yeare to remaine in his seruice or so much money allowing for euery Knight three shillings per diem Against which Hugh Bishop of Lyncoln opposes and saies that he would neuer yeeld to the Kings will in this for the detriment it might be to the Church and example to posterity that should not complaine thereof and say our Fathers haue eaten sowre grapes and the childrens teeth are set on edge and turning to the Archbishop wished him that he would doe nothing whereof he might be a shamed This Archbishop so husbanded the Kings businesse that in Anno Reg. 7. he yeelded Vudecies centena millia Marc. Houed an accompt vnto him that hee had Ieuied of the Kingdome within the space of two yeares eleuen hundred thousand Markes of siluer which considering that time is a most remarkeable summe And now as the first act of this King was his violent violent proceeding in a businesse of Treasore with Stephen Thurstan Seneshall of Normandy so was it likewise the last and the cause of his distruction for Widomare Viscont of Limoges hauing found a great treasure of siluer and gold in the ground sends a good part thereof to the King which he refuses laying clayme to the whole Widomare denying the same the King layes fiege to his Castle where he imagined the treasure was hid they of the Castle being but weake offered to render the same their liues members and Armor saued which the King would not yeeld vnto but swore that hee would sack the Castle and hang them all Wherevpon desperatly they resolue to stand to their defence King Richard with Marchard generall of the Brabanzons going about the Castle to view what place was sitiest for an assault Bertramd Gurdun from the walls shot a barbed arrow that hit the King in the arme with such a deadly blow as he was presently sent to his lodging notwithstanding commands he his forces to prosecute the assault without intermission which they did and tooke the Castle putting to execution all the defendants except Bartram who by the Kings command was reserued But the arrow drawne out with great torture left the head behinde which being by a rude Chirurgion after much mangling the flesh hardly cut out brought the King to dispaire of life and to dispose of his Estate leauing to his brother Iohn three parts of his treasure and the fourth to his seruants Which done he willed Bertram Gurdun to be brought vnto him of whom he demanded what hurt he had done him that prouoked him to doe this mischiefe to whom Bertram replies thou hast killed my father and my two brothers with thine owne hand and now wouldest haue slaine mee take what reuenge thou wilt I willingly indure what soeuer torture thou canst in flict vpon mee iu respect I haue slaine thee who hast done such and so great mischiefe to the world The King notwithstanding this rough and desperate answere caused him to be let loose and not onely forgaue him his death but commanded 100 shillings The death of King Richard sterling to be giuen vnto him but Marchard after the King was dead caused him to be hanged and flayed This was the end of this Lyon-like King when he had raigned nine yeares and 9 monthes wherein hee exacted and consumed more of this Kingdome then all his predecessors 1599. Anno. Reg. 10. from the Norman had done before him and yet lesse deserued then any hauing neither liued here neither left behinde him monument of Pietie or of any other publique worke or euer shewed loue or care to this Common-wealth but onely to get what hee could from it Neuer had Prince more giuen with lesse a doe and lesse noyes then hee The reason whereof as I haue said was his vndertaking the Holy warre and the cause of Christ with his suffring therein that made the Clergie which then might doe all to deny him nothing and the people fed with the report of his miraculous valour horrible incounters in his voyage abroade and then some victories in France were brought to beare more thē euer otherwise they wold haue don Then had he such Ministers here to serue his turne as preferred his before the seruice of God and did more for him in his absence then euer peraduenture hee would or could haue done for himselfe by being here present For both to hold their places and his good opinion they deuise more shifts of rapine then had euer bin practised before in this Kingdom cared not so he were satisfied what burthen they layd on the Subiect which rent torne by continuall exactions was made the more miserable in that they came betrayed with the shew of Religion Law the maine supporters of humane societie ordayned to preserue the state of a people not to confound it But the insolent ouercharging the state in these times gaue occasion to the future to prouide for themselues Excesses euer procute alterations And the Successors of this King were but little beholding vnto him for out of his irregularitie their boundlessnes came to bee broght within some limits Yet what this King wold haue proued had his daies allowed him other then this rough part of warre we know not but by the operation of a poore Hermits speech made vnto him we are shewed that he was conuertible For being by him vehemently vrged to be
remaine in the obedience of an excommunicated King and so without The Archd. of Norw forsakes the kings seruice his torture death leaue retired himselfe home and was the first subiect of his maisters wrath Who presently sent Sir William Talbot with force to apprehend him and lay him fast in fetters in a most straight prison and afterward vpon the kings commandement he was put into a sheete of lead wherein with the waight and want of victualls he soone perished This excommunication of the King of England was accompained the same yeare with that of the Emperour Otho his Nephew and are noted to be straines of an vniust nature especially for being both done in cases of the Popes owne particular interrest seeking to extend The Emperor Otho excom a predomination beyond the bounds allowed vnto piety which was onely to deale with means soules and not their Estates For in the aduancement of this Emperour Otho the third the Pope had an especiall hand opposing for his owne ends the Election of Phillip Sonne to the Emperour Frederick Barbarossa And in the vancancy of the Empire had seised vpon certaine peeces in Italy appertayning therevnto which Otho seeking to reuoke procured vndeseruedly the Popes displeasure who sent vnto him diuers messages willing him to desist both from the prosecution of this recouery as also from that which Frederick King of Sicile who was vnder the tuition of the Apostolike Sea had seised vpon The Emperour is said to haue answered the Popes Nuncij in this manner If the Pope vniustly desires to vsurp what apertaines to the Empire let him absolue me from the Oath he caused me to take at my Coronation Which was that I should reuoke whatsoeuer rights were distracted from the same and I will desist But the Pope refusing the one and the Emperour not yeelding vnto the other the sentence of excommunication is pronounced against him And all the states as well of Germany as the rest of the Roman Empire are absolued of their fealty vnto him Thus were these two mighty Princes the greatest of all the Christian world leaft to the mercy of their subiects who though they were by this meanes all vntyed from obedience yet many were not so from their affections or other obligations that held them firme vnto their Souraignes For there are so many ligaments in a state that tye it together as it is a hard thing to dissolue them altogether vnlesse it is by an vniuersall concurrency of causes that produce a generall alteration thereof And it is seldome seene of what temper soeuer Kings are but they finde an eminent party in the greatest defections of their people As this King the first of England we finde put to this straight had yet many noble members of power besides the chiefe officers of the kingdome whom their places confirme that stuck vnto him Whose names are recorded in Mat. Par. and other writers And the better to hold his reputation and his people in action hauing now no imployment abrode hee seekes to secure all other members of the Crowne of England 1210. Anno. Reg. 12. which were vnder his dominion And hauing ransackt great treasure from the Iewes makes an expedition into Ireland vpon intelligence of some reuolt and disorder there And at his first ariuall all the great men which held the maritime Castles and the Champion countries came in and did homage and fealty vnto him at Wublin such as inhabited the remote partes and fastnesses of the Kingdome kept them selues away and refused King Iohn reformes Ireland to come Here to reduce the country into better order he ordaines the same to be gouerned by the lawes and customes of England causes English money to be coyned there and to be of equall valew with that of this Kingdome and currant alike in both With many other orders which had they beene with that care continued as they were aduisedly begun would as wise men deeme haue setled that Kingdome in an intire obedience and saued all that great toyle and expence which the neglect thereof cost this state in succeeding ages And now hauing deputed Iohn Gray Bishop of Norwich Iusticiar there after onely three moneths stay hee returnes into England The Clergy pay to the K. 100000. ster where presuming now vpon his new gathered strength hee summons all the Prelates of the kingdome to appeare before him at London of whom saith Mat. Par. he extorted for their redemption the summe of an hundred thousand pounds sterling And the next yeare being the twelfe of his raigne with this treasure hee reduces Wales that had rebelled to his obedience and takes eight and twentie children of 1211. Anno. Reg. 13. the best famelies for pledges of their future subiection Returning thence exacts of euery Knight that attended not his Army in that expedition two marks and at Northampton is pleased to receiue the Popes Agents Pandolphus and Durandus sent to make peace betweene the Kingdome and Priesthood by whose exhortation and the consideration of the State of his Kingdome hee consented that the Archbishop and the Monkes of Canterbury with all the exiled Bishops should in peace returne to their owne But refusing to make satisfaction for their goods confiscated the Agents depart vnsatisfied to the greater preiudice of the King whom now the Pope finding to be yeelding in any thing falls to bee more imperious to constraine him to all whatsoeuer he desired And absolues all the Kings subiects of what condition soeuer from their obedience strictly forbidding them vnder paine of excommunication his Board 1212. Anno. Reg. 14. Councell and Conference Which notwithstanding preuayled not to diuert the subiect from the seruice of their King Who about this time takes occasion vpon the breaking out of certaine poore Mountainers of Wales that make pillage vpon the Borders to raise another Army to inuade the whole Countrey And being at Nottingham prepared for this action before he would sit downe to dinner caused those eight and twenty children the innocent pledges of the Welsh to be all hanged in his presence But before hee had dyned letters came that gaue him intelligence of a conspiracie intended for his owne distruction and that if he went forward in this warre he would be either slaine of his owne people or betrayed to the enemy Whereupon he returnes to London againe requires and hath pledges of those Nobles he suspected and here Eustace de Vescy and Robert Fitz Walter are accused of the conspiracie who fled the one into Scotland the other into France But now the Pope for the last and greatest sentence that euer yet was giuen against 1213. Anno. Reg. 15. any Soueraigne King of this Kingdome pronounces his absolute deposition from the Royall gouernment thereof and writes to the King of France that as hee looked to haue remission of his sinnes hee should take the charge vpon him and expell King Iohn out of the Kingdome of England and possesse the same for him
and his heires for euer To the same effect The Pope giues the Kingdome of England to the King of France sends he likewise his letters to the Princes and great men of other Nations That they should ayde the King of France in the deiection of this contumacious King of England in reuenge of the iniuries done to the Vniuersall Church granting like remission of their sinnes as if they vndertocke the Holy warre And with this Commission is the Archbishop of Canterbury and the other exiled Bishop of England with Pandolphus dispatched to the King of France for the execution thereof Which notwithstanding seemes rather done to terrefie King Iohn then any way to aduance the King of France whom the Pope desired not to make greater then he was howsoeuer to amuse the world hee made shew to ingage him in this businesse For he gaue a secret charge to Pandolphus a part that if vpon the preparation and forces gathered by the King of France for this deiection hee could worke the King of England to such conditions as hee should propound absolution and restorement should bee graunted vnto him The King of France vpon this act of the Pope and the sollicitation of his Ministers The King of France assembles his forces for England commaunds all the Princes and Nobilitie within his Dominions to assemble their forces with Horse Armor and all Munition to assist him in this businesse and bee readie vnder paine of exheredation at the Spring of the yeare preparing likewise a great Nauie for the transportation of these forces into England King Iohn vpon intelligence hereof sends to all the Ports of his Kingdome commandement to haue all shipping whatsoeuer possible to bee made readie with all expedition summoning likewise all Earles Barons Knights and who else could beare Armes of any condition to bee ready at Douer presently vpon Easter furnished with horse armour and all military prouision to King Iohns preparations for defence defend him themselues and the Kingdome of England against this intended Inuasion vnder paine of Culuertage and perpetuall seruitude Whereupon so great numbers resorted to Douer Feuersham Ipswich and to other places suspected as exceeded the meanes both of furnishment and prouision to intertaine them So that multitudes were sent home againe of vnnecessarie men and onely a choyce reserued of the abler sort which arose to the number of sixty thousand well appointed for battaile Besides so mighty a nauy was made ready as exceeded that of France And thus prepared King Iohn expects his enemies when secretly two Knights Templars sent by Pandolphus so wrought with him as notwithstanding all this great power of his he discends to accept of a treatie with him whereof Pandolphus is presently aduertised and withdrawes himselfe out of the French Kings army comes ouer and so terrifies King Iohn with the mighty forces bent against him and the eminent daunger wherein he stood as he yeelds to any conditions whatsoeuer propounded vnto him And not onely graunts restitution and satisfaction of what euer had beene taken from the Archbishop and the Monks of Canterbury the Bishops of London Ely Bath and Lincoln who were sled to the Archbishop But also laies downe his Crowne K. Iohn deliuers vp the kingdome of England with his Crowne to Pandolphus Scepter Mantle Sword and Rring the ensignes of his royalty at the feet of Pandolphus deliuering vp there with all the Kingdome of England to the Pope and submits himselfe to the iudgement and mercy of the Church Two daies some wright sixe it was before the Legat restored him his Crowne at the receiuing whereof he swore and his Earles vndertaking for him that hee and his successors should hold the Kingdome of England and Lordship of Ireland from the Sea of Vide Append. Rome at the annuall tribute of a thousand Markes of siluer And this with his homage and fealty he confirmed by his Charter at a house of the Templars neere Douer The The causes that moued K. Iohn to this act especiall waights that moued King Iohn to this extreame lowenes they of those times note to be First the consideration of his offences to God hauing liued fiue yeares excommunicated to the great deformity of his Kingdome Secondly the greatnesse of his enemy the King of France and his adherence Thirdly the doubtfull fayth of his Nobilities whom he had offended Fourthly for that the Assencion day was at hand after which one Peter an Hermit and Southsayer had prohesied he should be no more King of England Which though mistaken in the manner was fulfilled in a sort by this resignation and a new condition of Estate But the Southsayer with his Sonne suffered shortly after the penalty of death for his otherwise interpreted diuination Now notwithstanding this act and submission of King Iohn the interdiction of the Pandolplus forbids the French Kings proceedings Kingdome continues and his owne absolution deferred till restitution and full satisfaction were performed to the Clergy of which eight thousand markes of siluer was presently deliuered to Pandolphus who at the receiuing thereof tramples it vnder his feete as contemning that base matter in respect of the grace conferred vpon the transgressor and returnes with the same into France Where hee declares what had passed in England and forbids the King of France vpon paine of excommuication to proceed any farther in this enterprise seeing King Iohn had thus submitted himselfe to the Church The King of France now all in readinesse for this great inuasion inuasion and full with hope of victory receiuing this sodaine and vnexpected Message grew into great rage and was in regard of his honour and infinite charge hardly diuerted from this enterprise Yet in the end seeing his confederates and followers quailed with this menace of the Church extreamely discontent he giuesit ouer Notwithstanding for his owne reputation and desire of reuenge hauing all these great forces on foote his nauie ready in the mouth of Seine would vndertake something The French K. sets vpon Flan. to giue satisfaction both to the aduenturers and his owne people interressed in this action And for that Ferrand Earle of Flanders adhering to king Iohn refused to follow him in this expedition on him he falls as being next him enters into his port of Dam vowing that flanders should either be Erance or France Flanders Ferrand seeing this tempest come to light vpon him sends for ayd to king Iohn who glad hauing escaped at home the occasion of a defensiue War to enter into an offensiue abroad both to imploy this great collected Nauie of his and also put his people in action whose dismission without some satsfaction he knew would breed no safe humor dispatches fiue hundred sayle with seauen hundred knights into Flanders vnder the conduct of his base brother William Long-sword Earle of Salisbury Reginald Earle of Bologn whom he had lately intertayned with a pension being for some demerit driuen out of France And these
North Clifford Percy Scottish Lords come to aide the King of England Basset c. From Oxford withall his forces he marches to Northampton where he took prisoners Simon Monfort the younger with 14. other principall men thence to Nottingham making spoyle of such possessions as appertained to the Barons in those parts The Earle of Leicester in the meane time drawes towards London to recouer and make good that part as of chiefest importance and seekes to secure Kent with the Ports Which hastes the King to stop his proceeding succour the Castle of Rochester besieged Successe and authority now growes strong on this side in so much as the Earles of Leicester and Glocester in behalfe of themselues and their party write to the King humbly protesting their loyalty and how they opposed onely against such as were enemies to him and the Kingdome and had belyed them The King returnes answere how themselues were the perturbers of him and his siate enemies to his person and sought his and the Kingdomes destruction and therefore defies them The Prince and the Earle of Cornewall send like wise The Barons mediate a peace their letters of defiance vnto them The Barons notwithstanding doubtfull of their strength or vnwilling to put it to the hazard of a Battaile mediate a peace send the Bishops of London and Worcester with an offer of 30 thousand Markes to the King for damages done in these warres So that the statutes of Oxford might bee obserued which yeeldingnes the other side supposing to argue their debility made them the more neglectiue and securer of their power which commonly brings the weaker side more watchfull of aduantages to haue the better The Earle seeing no other meanes but to put it to a day being a man skilfull in his worke takes his time to be earlier ready then was expected and supplies his want of hands with his wit placing on the side of a hill nere Lewys where this battaile was The battaile of Lewys fought certaine ensignes without men in such sort as they might seeme a farre of to be squadrons of succors to second those he brought to the incounter whom he caused all to weare white-crosses both for their owne notice and the signification of his cause which he would haue to be for Iustice. Here the fortune of the day was his the King the Prince the Earle of Cornewall and his sonne Henry the Earles of Arundell Hereford and all the Scottish Lords are his prisoners The Earle Warrein William de Valence Guy The K. Prince and others taken prisoners de Lusignian the Kings brethren with Hugh Bigod Earle Mareschall saue themselues by flight Fiue thousand are slaine in this defeit which yet was not all the blood and destruction this businesse cost All this yeare and halfe of the other is Simon Monfort in possession of his prisoners the King he carries about with him to countenance his actions till he had gotten in all 1265. An. Reg. 46. the strongest Castles of the Kingdome And now as it vsually falls out in considerations where all must be pleased or else the knot will dissolue debate arises betweene the Earles of Leicester Glocester about their diuidend according to their agreement Leicester as fortune makes men to forget themselues is taxed to doe more for his owne particular then the common good to take to himselfe the benifit and disposition of the Kings Monsort taxed of wrong Castles to vsurpe the redemption of prisoners at his pleasure to prolong the businesse and not to vse the meanes of a parlement to end it His Sonnes also presuming vpon his greatnesse The Earle of Glocester leaues him grow insolent which made Glocester to forsake that side betake him to the Prince who lately escaping out of the Castle of Hereford had gotten a power about him of such as attended the opportunity of a turning fortune and to reuenge the dishonour of one Battaile by another The reuolt of this Earle brought many hands to the Prince whereby many peeces of strength are regained both in England and Wales The Earle of Leicester to stop the proceeding of this mighty growing Prince being now with his Army about Worcester imbattailes in a plaine neere Euesham to encounter him and noting the manner of the approch of his Army said to those about him these men come brauely on they learnt it not of themselues but of me And seeing himselfe likely to be beset and ouer-laid with numbers aduised his friends Hugh Spencer Ralph Basser and others to shift for themselues which when he saw they refused to doe then said he let vs commit our soules to God for our bodies The Earle Monsort slaine are theirs and so vndertaking the mayne waight of the Battaile perished vnder it And with him are slaine his Sonne Henry eleuen other Barons with many thousands of common souldiers At the instant of his death there hapned so terrible a thunder lightning and darknesse as it gaue them as much horror as their hideous work And so ends Monfort this great Earle of Leicester too great for a subiect which had hee not beene he might haue beene numbred amongst the worthiest of his time Howsoeuer the people which honored and followed him in his life would vpon the fame of his miracles haue worshipped him for a Saint after his death but it would not be permitted by Kings And here this Battaile deliuers the Captiue King but yet with the losse of some of his owne as well as his subiects bloud by a wound casually receiued therein and rid him of his Iaylor Monfort whom he hated had long feared more then any man liuing as himselfe confessed vpon this accident passing one day shortly after the Parliament at Oxford vpon Thames there hapned a sodaine clap of thunder wherewith the King was much affrighted and willed presently to be set on shore at the next landing 1266. Anno. Reg. 50. which was at Duresme house where Monfort then lay who seeing the King ariuing hastes downe to meete him and perceiuing him to be troubled at the storme said that hee needed not now to feare the daunger was past No Monfort said the King I feare thee more then I doe all the Thunder and tempest of the World And now the King with the victorious Prince the redeemer of him and the Kingdome repaires to Winchester 18 Parliament held at Winchester where a Parliament is conuoked and all who adhered to Simon Monfort are disinherited and their estates conferred on others at the Kings pleasure The Londoners haue their liberties taken from them Simon and Guy de Monfort Sonnes of the Earle of Leicester with the disinherited Barons and others who escaped the Battaile of Euesham All who tooke part with Monfort disinherited take and defend the Isle of Ely The Castle of Killing worth defended by the seruants of the late Earle although it were in the heart of the Kingdome endured the Seige of
they vnderstood no other ayd then spirituall and holesome councell So nothing was obtained but denyalls in this Parliament The Legat likewise imploies sollicitors to perswade the disherited LL. which held the Isle of Ely to returne to the faith and vnity of the Church the peace of the King according to the forme prouided at Couentry for redeeming their inheritances from such as held them by guift from the King for 7. yeares profits and to leaue of their robberies The disherited returne answer to the Legat. First that they held the faith they receiued from their Catholicke Fathers and their obedience to the Roman Church as the head of all Christianity but not to the auarice and willfull exaction of those who ought to gouerne the same And how their Predicessors whose heyres they were hauing conquered this land by the sword they held themselues vniustly disherited that it was against the Popes Mandat they should be so delt withall That they had formerly taken their Oath to defend the Kingdome and Holy Church all the Prelats thundring the sentence of excommunication against such as withstood the same and according to that Oath they were prepared to spend their liues And seeing they warred for the benefit of the Kingdome and Holy Church they were to sustaine their liues by the goods of their Enemies who detained their Lands which the Legat ought to cause to bee restored vnto them that they might not be driuen to make depradation in that manner which yet was not so great as was reported for that many of the Kings and Princes followers made rodes and committed great robberies which to make them odious were imputed and giuen out to bee done by them wherefore they wish the Legat to giue no credit to such reports for if they should finde any such amongst them they would themselues doe Iustice vpon them without delay Besides they declare to the Legat that hee had irreuerently eiected out of the Kingdome the Bishops of Winchester London and Chichester men circumspect and of deepe iudgement whereby the Councell of the Kingdom was in great part weakned to the daunger therof and therefore willed him to looke to the reformation of the same and that they might bee restored to their Lands without redemption That the proutsions of Oxford might bee obserued That they might haue Ostages deliuered them into the Island to hold the same peaceably for fiue yeares to come untill they might perceiue how the King would performe his promises Thus they treat not like men whom their fortunes had layde on the ground but as they had beene still standing so much wrought either the opinion of their cause or the hope of their party But this stubbornesse so exasperates the King as the next yeare following hee prepares a mighty Army besets the Isle so that he shuts them vp and Prince Edward with bridges made on Boates enters the same in diuers places and constraines them to yeeld In the meane time the Earle of Glocester with his army collected on the borders of Wales to ayde them marched to London where by the Citizens he was receiued but the Legat who kept his residence in the Towre so preuayled The Earle of Glocester reconciled with him as he againe renders himselfe to the King to whom hee was afterward reconciled by the mediation of the King of Romans and the Lord Philip Basset vpon forfeiture of twelue thousand Markes if euer after he should raise any commotion This effected the King goes with an Army into Wales against Lewellin for ayding Simon Monfort and the Earle of Glocester in their late attempts against him but his wrath being by the guift of 32 thousand pounds sterling appeased peace is concluded betwixt them and foure Cantreds which had by right of war been taken from him restored And here was an end of the first Barons Warres of England wherein wee see what effects it wrought how no side got but misery and vexation whilst the one struggled to doe more then it should and the other to doe lesse then it ought they both had the worst according to the usuall euents of such imbroylements The next yeare after this appeasement the Legat Ottobon signes with the 1269. Anno. Reg. 53. Croissado both the Kings sonnes Edward and Edmond the Earle of Glocester and diuers Noblemen induced to vndertake the Holy Warre by the sollicitation of him and the King of France who notwithstanding his former calamities indured in that action would againe aduenture therein So much either the desire of reuenge with the Prince Edw. his brother and others vndertake the Holy Warre recouery of his fame and honour or the hope of enioying another World prouoked him to forgo this and haste to his finall distruction And for that Prince Edward wanted meanes for his present furnishment this King of France lent him 30 thousand Markes for which hee morgaged vnto him Gascoigny An act which subtler times would interpret to be rather of Policie then Piety in this King to ingage in such manner and vpon so especiall a caution a young stirring Prince likely in his absence to imbroyle his Estate at home and to draw him along in the same aduenture with himselfe without any desire otherwise either of his company or ayde considering the inconueniences that stung these seuerall Nations heretofore by their incompetability in the same action but here it were sinne to thinke they disguised their ends or had other couerings for their designes then those through which they were seene their spirits seeme to haue beene warmed with a Nobler flame And now whilst this preparation is in hand King Henry labours to establish the Peace of the Kingdome and reforme those excesses the warre had bred causing by 21 Parliament at Marleborough proclamation stealth of Cattle to bee made a cryme Capitall and the first that suffred for the same was one of Dunstable who had stolne twelue Oxen from the inhabitants of Colne and being persued to Redburne was by the Bayliffe of Saint Albones according to the Kings Proclamation condemned and beheaded And the same yeare the King assembles his last Parliament at Marleborugh where the Statutes of that Title were inacted Nere two yeares it seemes to haue beene after the vndertaking the Crosse before 1271. Anno. Reg. 55. Prince Edward set forth a time long ynough if those resolutions would haue beene shaken to haue bred an alteration of desire but so strong was the current of this humour as no worldly respects could giue any the least stoppage thereunto Otherwise a Prince so well acquainted with action so well vnderstanding the world so forward in yeares being then 32 so neere the possession of a Kingdome would not haue leaft it and an aged father broken with daies and trauaile to haue betaken himselfe with his deare and tender consort Elionor and as it seemes then young with childe to a voyage that could promise nothing but daunger toyle miserie and affliction So powrefull are
Earle of Warwick in France to haue a hand in the execution of the Accorde King Iohn is honourably conducted to Calais attending the promised Summe the first gage of his libertie Anno Reg. 35. 1361. The Citie of Paris yeelds one thousand Royals by whose Example other Cities contribute according to their proportions And thus is King Iohn deliuered after hauing remained Prisoner in England neere about fiue yeeres And both Kings depart in kinde manner with all demonstrations of brotherly Loue. King Edward returning with his Crownes calles a Parliament wherein the forme of the Accord was read and allowed of all the Estates and an Oath taken by the Nobles to obserue the same for their partes Heere the King restorees to the Priors Aliens their Houses Lands Tenements which he had taken from them Anno Reg. 12. for the maintenance of his French Warres which now being ended he grants by his Letters Pattents in as free manner as before they helde them A rare Example of a iust King being seldome seene that Princes let go any thing whereon they haue once fastned Now againe was the ioy and glorie that England receiued by their gettings seasoned The second great Pestilence with the sowrenesse of another mortalitie called The second Pestilence whereof dyed many Noble men the chiefe was Henry Duke of Lancaster of the Royall blood a Prince of great note for wisedome and valour who had beene an especiall Actor in all these Warres and a principall Pillar of the Crowne of England whose Daughter and Heyre was a little before marryed to Iohn of Gaunt by dispensation being neere of consanguinitie whereby hee is made Duke of Lancaster And shortly after by the like Dispensation the Prince of Wales marryes the Countesse Anno Reg. 36. of Kent Daughter to Edmond brother to Edward the second And so both are prouided of Matches within the Kingdome The King giues to the Prince of Wales the Duchy of Aquitaine reseruing to himselfe Homage and Fealtie and shortly after sends him ouer with his wife and Court to liue there His sonne Lionell Earle Vlster is sent into Ireland with a regiment of 1500 men to guard his Eatledome against the Irish and was created Duke of Clarence in the next Parliament held at Westminster in Nouember which continued vntill the feast of Saint Brice King Edwards Birth-day and the Fiftith yeare of his age Wherein for a Iubilie hee shewes himselfe extraordinarily gracious to his people freely pardoning many offences releasing prisoners reuoking Exiles c. And vpon petition of the Commons causes Pleas which before were in French to be made in English that the subiect might vnderstand the Lawe by which hee holdes what hee hath and is to know what hee doth A blessed act and worthy so great a King who if hee could thereby haue rendered the same also perspicuous it had beene a work of eternall honour but such is the Fate of Law that in what language soeuer it speakes it neuer speakes plaine but is wrapt vp in such difficulties and mysteries as all professions of profit are as it giues more affliction to the people then it doth remedy Here was also an act passed for Purueiors as there had beene many before in his time that nothing should bee taken vp but for ready money vpon strict punishment For retribution of which relieuements the Parliament granted sixe and twenty shillings eight pence for tranportation Vid. Stat. of euery sacke of woole for three yeares Thus all were pleased sauing the remouing of the Saple from the Townes of England to Calais was some grieuance to those whom it concerned Yet the Kings desire to inrich that Towne being of his owne acquisition and now a member of the Crowne of England might herein be well borne withall And sure this King the most renowmed for Valour and Goodnesse that euer raigned in this kingdome not onely laboured to aduance the State by enlarging the Dominions thereof but to make his people as well good as great by reforming their vices whereunto fortunate and opulent States are euermore subiect as may be noted in the next Parliament held at Westminster Anno Reg. 37. wherein for the publique Good certaine Sumptuary lawes the most necessarie to preuent Ryot that dissoluing sicknesse the feuer Hectique of a State were ordayned both for Apparell Diet appointing euery degree of men from the Shepheard to the Prince the Stuffe Habits they should weare prohibiting the adornements of gold and Siluer Silkes and rich Furres to all except eminent persons Vid. Stat. Whereby forraine superfluities were shut out home-made Cōmodities only vsed The Labourer and Husbandman is appointed but one meale a day and what meates he should eate c. whereby Gluttony Drunkennesse those hideous euils which haue since vtterly disfashioned infeebled the English Nation were auoided So carefull was this frugall King for preseruing the estates of his subiects from Excesse And as prouident was hee for the ordering of his owne committing his treasure to the safest Chest that Religion could keepe lockt For by a certificat Anno Cleargy men Officers to the King Reg. 39. sent to Pope Vrbane concerning Plut alities and the estates of Church-men in England there were found more of the Spirtualty which bare office about this King then any other of Christendome beside As first Simon Langham Archbishop of Canterbury was Chancelor of England William Wickham Archdeacon of Lincolne Keeper of the Priuy Seale Dauid Weller Parson of Somersham Maister of the Rolles Ten beneficed Priests Ciuilians Maisters of Chancery William Mulse Deane of Saint Martins le Grand Chiefe Chamberlayne of the Exchecquer Receiuer and Keeper of the Kings treasure and Iewels William Askby Archdeacon of Northampton Chancelor of the Exchecquar William Dighton Pribendary of Saint Martins Clarke of the Priuy Seale Richard Chesterfield Prebend of Saint Staphans Treasurer of the Kings house Henry Snatch Parson of Oundall Maister of the Kings Ward-robe Iohn Newnham Parson of Fenni-stanton one of the Chamberlaines of the Exchequer and keeper of the Kings Treasurie and Iewels Iohn Rousbie Parson of Harwick Surueior and Comptroler of the Kings works Thomas Britingham Parson of Asbie Treasurer to the King for the parts of Guisnes and the Marches of Calais Iohn Troys Tresurer of Ireland a Priest and beneficed there These men being without those Feminine Ginnes of attraction and consumption deuoted onely to Sanctitie were thought then fittest to be husbands for his profit Shortly after three Kings came to visite the King of England The King of France the King of Scots and the King of Cypres The occasions that mooued the French king might be diuers but it seems the especial wereto free some Hostages that remained heere and to cleare such imputations as were had of him for not obseruing in all points the late Accorde wherewith his Nobles were much discontented and many dissiculties arose among them so that in an Assembly of the States at Paris certaine
seruice of his body eight in the affaires of his State Which spaces hauing then no other engine for it hee measured by a great waxe light deuided into so many parts receiuing notice by the keeper thereof as the seuerall houres passed in the burning With as faire an order did he proportion his reuenues equalling his liberties to all The first suruay of the kingdome his other expences whereof to make the current run more certaine he tooke a precise notice of them and made a generall suruay of the kingdome and had all the particulars of his estate registred in a booke which he kept in his treasury at Winchester And within this circumference of order hee held him in that irregularity of fortune with a weake disposition of body and raigned 27 yeares leauing his sonne Edward a worthie successor to maintaine the line of Noblenesse thus begun by him EDWARD though hee were farre inferiour to him in learning went much beyond him in power for he had all the kingdom of Mercna-land An. 900. in possession whereof Alfred had but the homage some write held Edwardus Senior soueraigntie ouer the East Angles Northumbrians though we finde in the ioynt Lawes that he and Guthrum made together they held the same confederation fore-concluded by Alfred He also subdued the Brittaines in Wales fortified furnished with garrisons diuerse townes in England that lay fit to preuent the incursions of the Danes and was all his raigne of 23 yeares in continuall action and euer beforehand with fortune And surely his father he and many that succeded during this Danicque warre though they lost their ease wonne much glory renowne For this affliction held them so in as hauing little out-lets or leisure for ease luxury they were made the more pious iust carefull in their gouernment otherwise it had been impossible to haue held out against the Danes as they did being a people of that power vndauntable stomack as no fortune could deterr or make to giue ouer their hold And the imbecility of some vnactiue Prince at that time had beene enough to haue let them quite into the whole Which may be the cause that in the succession of some of these Kings were certaine ruptures made out of course in respect of their ablenesse As first after the death of this renowned King Edward Senior his sonne ATHELSTAN of full yeares and spirit was notwithstanding the bracke An. 924. in his birth preferred before his legitimate sonne Edmond vnder age Nor Athelstan a Bastard preferred before the lawfull sonne did Athelstan disappoint the kingdome in this worke but performed all noble parts of Religion Iustice and Magnanimitie after sixteen yeares raigne died without issue EDMOND his brother succeded him A Prince likely to haue equalled An. 940. the worth of his Predecessors had he not vntimely perished by the hand of a base Out-law in his owne house at a festiuall amidst his people that dearely Edmond loued and honoured him And though he left two sonnes yet was EDRED his brother preferred to the kingdome before them who making An. 946. no variation from the line of Vertue continued by his ancestors was Edred or Eldred held perpetually in work by the Danes during the whole time of his raigne which was of ten yeares EDWIN his nephew the eldest sonne of Edmond succeded him an irregular Edwin youth who interrupting the course of goodnes liued dissolutely died wishedly Otherwise had Edgar the other sonne of Edmond continued that rare succession of good Princes without the interposition of any ill which is not in the Fate of a kingdome EDGAR though he were but sixteen yeares of age yet capable of counsell An. 959. was by the graue aduise of his Bishops who in that time of zeale held especially Edgar the raines on the hearts and affections of men put directed in the way of goodnesse and became a most heroicall Prince Amongst other his excellent actions of gouernment hee prouided a mighty Nauy Edgar prouides shipping to secure his coasts from inuasion which now he found though late was the onely meane to keepe out those miseries from within that thus lamentably afflicted the land euer before negligent or not inured to Sea-affaires For when the Romans first subdued the same there was no shipping but a few small vessells made of wicker and couered with hides whereby they and after the Danes both mighty as those times gaue in shipping found that easie footing they had Yet Egbert is said to haue prouided a strong Nauy about the yeare 840. And Alfred thirty or forty yeares after did the A most vsefull progresse like But either now dis-used or consumed by the enemy Edgar re-edifies and sets forth a Fleet consisting as some write of 1600 saile others a farre greater number those hee deuides and places in foure parts of the Realme making his progresses yearly with part of his mighty Nauy round about the whole Isle whereof hee assumed the title of King And to reduce it all to one name Monarchie he was intitled King of all Albion as testifies his Charter granted to the Abby of Maldesmesbury in these words Ego Edgarus totius Albionis Basileus nec non Maritimorum seu insulanorum Regum circum habitantium c. For he hauing first of all other made peace with the Danes and granted them quiet cohabitation through all his dominions had the soueraigntie ouer them And Kenneth King of Scots did him homage whether for Cumberland and Westmerland giuen to that Crowae by King Emond his father or for his whole Kingdome I cannot say And fiue Kings of Wales did the like for their Country and came all to his Court at Cardiffe So that hee seemes the first and most absolute Monarch of this land that hitherto we finde The generall peace that held all his time honoured his name with the title of Pacificus and rendred his Kingdome neuer before acquainted with the glory of quietnesse very flourishing But as if the same had beene giuen to shew and not to vse like a short calme betwixt stormes it lasted but little beyond his raigne of sixteene yeares being too short to close the diffeuered ioynts of a commixed Hee raigned 16. yeares Kingdome which was onely to haue beene the worke of Time and that none of these late Princes who were best like to haue aduanced and confirmed the State of a Monarchie were ordained to haue But all as if things would another way Saint Edward were put off from their ends by their vntimely deaths as was this glorious young An. 975. Prince in the two and thirtith yeare of his age leauing his sonne Edward a child to vndergoe the miseries of nonage to bee made a sacrifice for ambition and a Saint by persecution through the hand of a step mother who to aduance her owne Ethelred brake in ouer the bounds of
most that nation as being part of their bloud and bred amongst them Of whom it seemed notwithstanding the former order taken to the contrary he had many about his person whose neerenesse being strangers whatsoeuer they did could not auoide to be thought to doe ill offices against the Earle and the English in generall whereby what went not right in the line of mens desires was thought to be their cause And in stomackes full charged this occasion gaue more fire Eustace Eustace Earle of Bullogne maried Goda the Kings sister Earle of Bullogne who had married Goda the Kings sister hauing beene at the Court and returning into France his Harbenger in taking vp lodgings at Douer vpon his peremptory behauiour was by a Citizen slaine The Earle arriuing with all his traine pursues and slue the homicide with 18 other The City seeing this tooke armes and in the bickering the Earle lost 22. of his men whereupon backe he hasts to the King aggrauates the insolency of the Citizens so farre that the Earle Godwin is sent for and commanded with a power of men to make against the City of Douer to chastice the people The Earle considering it was vpon the information of one side aduised the King rather to send for the cheife of the City to vnderstand what they could say for themselues and accordingly to proceede which being taken for a coldnesse in the businesse and of fauour to his Countrymen gaue the King and his enemies occasion to suspect his affection Shortly after the Earle is summoned to an Assembly at Glocester where neither he nor any of his sonnes would appeare and suspecting some practise against him by his Earle Godains insurruction enemies raises forces pretending to suppresse the Welsh who were not found to offend whereupon the Assembly remoues to London summons him againe to make his apparance to dismisse his forces and to come onely attended with twelue persons He sends them word to dismisse his forces he was content or any thing else the King would command him so it were with the safety of his life and honour but to come disaccompanied was for neither Then was he commanded within fiue dayes to depart the Realme which he did and with Toustaine and Swayne his sonnes gets him into Flaunders where Toustone married the daughter of the Earle Baldouin the 5. Harald his eldest sonne departs into Ireland the King puts from him the Queene to be partaker of the disgrace and misery of her house who is described by the writers of those times to haue beene a Lady of rare parts excellently learned beautifull and as faire of minde as body The Earle Godwin in this desperate fortune whilst the French and his enemies possest the King fell to Piracy distuibed the coasts approached London by the Riuer and being so popular as no forces would oppose against him made The French forsake the Court and Kingdome of England at length his owne peace with power in such sort as the French fearing reuenge forsooke both the Court and Kingdome This as fore-pointing to a storme that was gathering on that coast began the first difference with the French nation which thus acquainted with the distraction of the Kingdome and factions of great men wrought on those aduantages and were instruments to draw on the fatall enterprize that followed The weaknesse of the King and the disproportionate greatnesse of the Earle Godwin being risen vp from so great a fall learning thereby to looke better to his seete and make his sides strong increased these discontentments and partialities in the State wherein many acts of iniustice by the sway of power and passion were committed which did much blacken that time of peace and made a good man not by doing but induring ill held to be a bad King And it is sayd that Emme the Queene mother had her part of much affliction in his raigne suffering both in her goods and same and now to purge her selfe of a scandall raised on her with Alwyn Bishop of Winchester she vnder-went the triall of Fire-Ordeall Queen Emmes affliction and tryall which was to passe blind-fold with bare feete ouer certaine plough-shares made red hote and layd an vneuen distance one before the other which she safely performed And the reason why both her sonne and the State so little respected this great Lady whose many yeares had made her and actor in diuerse fortunes was for that she neuer affected King Ethelred nor the children she had by him and for her marriage with Knute the great enemy and subduer of the Kingdome whom she euer much more loued liuing and commended dead It seemed these priuate grudges with mens particular ends held these times so busied that the publicke was neglected and an issue-lesse King gaue matter for ambition and power to build hopes and practises vpon though for his owne part he shewed to haue had a care for the succession in sending for his Nephew Edward intitled the Outlaw with his children out of Hungary But Edward shortly after his artiuall died and Edgar his sonne surnamed Atheling to say Prince Edgar whom he had by his wife Agatha daughter to the Emperour Henry the 2. who either by reason of his youth which yet was no barre to his right or being borne and bred a stranger little knowing or knowne to the Kingdom had his claime neglected vpon the death of this Pious King Edward founder of Westminster Church King Which was Anno 1065. when he had raigned 24. yeares His corps was interred in the Church of Westminster which he had newly founded Harald the second AND Harald sonne to the Earle Godwin the next day after was preferred Harald the second to the Crowne whether by any title he might pretend from the Danique Kings as discended from that nation and as some report sonne An. 1065. to Githa sister to Swaine or by meere election of the greater part of the Nobility we cannot say but it seemes the pressing necessity of the time that required a more man to vndergo the burthen of warre and that trouble the world was like to fall into by reason of the claimes now made both by the Dane and Norman cast it suddenly vpon him as the most eminent man of the Kingdome both by the experience of his owne deseruings and the strength also of his owne and the alliance of his wife Algith sister of Edwin and Morckar Earles of Yorkeshire and Chester Neither did he faile but in fortune to make good this election taking all the best courses both for the well-ordering of the State and all prouisions for defence that a politicke and actiue Prince could do But being to deale in a broken world where the affections of men were all disioynted or dasht with the terror of an approching mischiefe failing as vsually is seene in these publicke feares both in their diligence and courage to withstand it soone found more then enough to do And the first man which
was for especiall persons and such whose liuings were of a rate allowable thereunto the vsuall opinion perswading them that men of ability held a more regard of honesty With these they had the triall of Campefight or single combat which likewise the Lumbards originally of the same German Nation brought into Italy permitted by the Law in cases either of safetie and fame or of possessions All which trials shew them to be ignorant in any other forme of Law or to neglect it Nor would they bee induced to forgoe these Customes and determine their affaires by Imperiall or Pontificiall Constitutions no more then would the Lumbards forsake their duellary Lawes in Italy which their Princes against some of their wils were constrained to ratifie as Luytprandus their King thus ingeniously confesses Wee are vncertaine of the iudgement of God and wee haue heard many by fight to haue lost their cause without iust cause yet in respect of the custome of our Nation we cannot auoide an impious Law But all these formes of iudgements and trials had their seasons Those of Fire and Water in short time after the Conquest grew disused and in the end vtterly obrogated by the Pope as deriued The English trials from Paganisme That of combat continues longer-liued but of no ordinarie vse And all actions now both criminall and reall beganne to be wholly adiudged by the verdict of twelue men according to the custome of Normandy where the like forme is vsed and called by the name of Enquest with the same cautions for the Iurors as it is here continued to this day Although some hold opinion that this forme of triall was of vse in this Kingdome from all antiquitie and alledge an Ordinance of King Ethelred father to the Confessor willing in their Gemote or conuentions monethly held in euery Hundred twelue graue men of free condition should with the Greue the chiefe Officer amongst them sweare vpon the Euangelists to iudge euery mans cause aright But here wee see twelue men were to be assessors with the Greue to iudge and no Iurors according to this manner of triall now vsed Besides had there beene any such forme we should aswell haue heard thereof in their Lawes and practise as of those other kinds of Ordeal onely and vsually mentioned But whatsoeuer innouations were in all other things the gouernment for the peace The continuation of the Law for the peace and securitie of the Kingdome which most imported the King to looke vnto seemes to be contrnued as before and for that businesse he found here better Lawes established by the wary care of our former Kings then any hee could bring Amongst which especially was the Borough Law wherby euery free man of the Commons stood as surety for each The Borough Law of the Saxons others behauiour in this sort The kingdome was deuided into Shieres or Shares euery Shiere consisting of so many Hundreds and euery Hundred of a number of Boroughs Villages or Tythings contayning ten housholders whereof If any one should commit an vnlawfullact the other nine were to attach and bring him to reason If hee fled 31 dayes were enioysed him to appeare If in the meane time apprehended hee was made to restore the damage done otherwise the Free-boroughead to say the Tythingman was to take with him two of the same Village and out of three other Villages next ad oyning as many that is the Tythingman and two other of the principall Saxon Lawes men aud before the officers of that Hundred purge himselfe and the Village of the fact restoring Lambert the damage done with the goods of the malefactor which if they suffized not to satisfie the Free-borough or Tything must make vp the rest and besides take an oath to bee no way accessarie to the fact and to produce the Offendor if by any meanes they could recouer him or know where hee were Besides euery Lord and Maister stood Borough for all his familie whereof if any seruant were called in question the Maister was to see him answere it in the Hundred where hee was accused If he fled the Maister was to yeeld such goods as hee had to the King If himselfe were accused to bee aiding or priuie to his seruants slight hee was to cleere himselfe by fiue men otherwise to forfeit all his goods to the King and his man to bee outlawed These lincks thus intermutually fastened made so strong a chaine to hold the whole frame of the State together in peace and order as all the most pollitique regiments vpon earth all the interleagued societies of men cannot shew vs a streighter forme of combination This might make the Conqueror comming vpon a people thus Law-bound hand and foote to establish him so soone and easily as he did This Borough-law being as a Cittadell built to guard the Common-wealth comming to bee possest by a Conquering Maister was made to turne all this ordinance vpon the State and batter her selfe with her owne weapon and this Law may No popular insurrection before the Conquest be some cause we finde no popular insurrection before the Conquest For had not this people beene borne with these fetters and an idie peace but had liued loose and in action it is like they would haue done as noblie and giuen as many and as deepe wounds ere they lost their Country as euer the Brittaines did either against the Romans or the Saxons their predecessors or themselues had done against the Danes a people far more powerfull and numerous then these The Conqueror without this had not made it the worke of one day nor had Normandie euer beene able to haue yeelded those multitudes for supplies that many battailes must haue had But now First the strict executing this Law Secondly dis-wcop'ning the Commons Thirdly The meanes vsed by the Norman to establish his Conquest preuenting their night-meetings with a heauie penalty that euery man at the day closing should couer his fire and depart to his rest Fourthly erecting diuers Fortresses in sit parts of the Kingdome Fifthly collating all offices both of commaund and iudicature on those who were his made his domination such as he would haue it And where before the Bishop and the Alderman were the absolute Iudges to determine Alteration of the Gouernment all businesse in euery Shiere and the Bishop in many cases shared in the benifit of the Mulcts with the King now he confin'd the Clergie within the Prouince of their owne Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction to deale onely in businesse concerning rule of soules according to the Cannons and Lawes Episcopall And whereas the causes of the Kingdome were before determined in euery Shiere The order of deciding contrauerfies in the Saxons time and by a Law of King Edward Senior all matters in question should vpon especiall penaltie without further deferment bee finally decided in their Gemote or conuentions held monthly in euery hundred now he ordained That foure times in the yeare for
children of men of warre to inioy their Fiefs prouided that they followed Armes Constantine to reward his principall Captaines granted them a perpetuity in the Lands assigned them The estates which were but for life were made perpetuall in France vnder the last Kings of the race of Charlemaine Those Lords who had the great Fiefs of the King By what meanes he increased his Reuenues sub-deuided them to other persons of whom they were to haue seruice Mulctuary profits besides such as might arise by the breach of his Forest-lawes hee had few or none new vnlesse that of Murther which arose vpon this occasion In the beginning of his raigne the rankor of the English towards the new-come Normans was such as finding them single in woods or remote places they secretly murthered them and the deed doers for any the seuerest courses taken could neuer bee discouered whereupon it was ordained that the Hundred wherein a Norman was The law for Murther renued first made by King Knute vide Appon sound slaine and the murtherer not taken should bee condemned to pay to the King some 36 pounds some 28 pounds according to the quantity of the Hundred that the punishment being generally inflicted might particularly deter them hasten the discouery of the malefactor by whom so many must otherwise be interessed For his prouisionary reuenues he continued the former custome held by his predecessors which was in this manner The Kings Tenants who held their Lands of the Geruasius Tilb. Crowne paide no money at all but onely Victuals Wheate Beifes Muttons Hay Oates C And a iust note of the quality and quantity of euery mans ratement was taken throughout all the Shieres of the Kingdome and leauied euer certaine for the maintenance of the Kings house Other ordinarie in-come of ready moneys was there none but what was raised by mulcts and out of Cities and Castles where Agriculture was not vsed What the Church yeelded him was by extent of a power that neuer reached so farre before and the first hand hee layd vpon that side which weighed heanily was his seizing vpon the Plate Iewels and Treasure within all the Monasteries of King William seased vpon the Treasure commitied to Monasteries England pretending the rebels and their assistants conueyed their riches into these religious houses as into places priuiledged and free from seizure to defraud him thereof Besides this he made all Bishoprickes and Abbeys that held Barronies before that time free from all secular seruices contributary to his warres and his other occasions And this may be the cause why they who then onely held the Pen the Scepter that rules ouer the memory of Kings haue laide such an eternall imposition vpon his name of rigour oppression and euen barbarous immanity as they haue done When the nature necessary disposition of his affaires being as he was may aduocate for him in many things much excuse his courses But this name of Conquest which euer imports violence and misery is of so harsh a sound and so odious in nature as a people subdued cannot giue a Conquerour his due how euer worthy and especially to a stranger whom onely time must naturalize and incorporate by degrees into their liking and opinion And yet therein this King was greatly aduantaged by reason of his twenty yeares gouernment which had much impaired the memory of former customes in the yonger sort and well inured the elder to the present vsances and forme of State whereby the rule was made more easie to his sonnes who though they were farre inferiour to him in worth were somewhat better beloued then he and the rather for that their occasions made them somewhat to vnwrest the Soueraignty from that height whereunto he had strayned it How hee was vnderset with able ministers for the managing of these great affaires of his though time hath shut vs out from the knowledge of some of them it being in His Councellors the fortune of Kings to haue their ministers like riuers in the Ocean buried in their glory yet no doubt being of a strong constitution of iudgement hee could not but be strongly furnished in that kind for weake Kings haue euer weake sides and the most renowned Princes are alwaies best stored with able ministers The principall of highest imployment were Odon Bishop of Bayeux and Earle of Kent Lanfranc Archbishop of Canterbury and William Fitz Auber Earle of Hereford Odon supplied the place of Viceroy in the Kings absence and had the management of the Treasury A man of a wide and agile spirit let out into as spacious a conceipt of greatnesse as the heighth of his place could shew him And is rumor'd by the infinite accumulation of mony which his auarice length of office had made either to buy the Popedome or to purchase the people of England vpon the death of the King his brother who vnderstanding he had a purpose of going to Rome and seeing a mighty confluence of followers gathering vnto him made a close prison stay his iourney excusing it to the Church that he imprisoned The Bishop of Bayeux as an Earle of Kent committed to prison not a Bishop of Bayeux but an Earle of Kent an Officer accomptant vnto him Yet vpō his death-bed shortly following after many obsecrations that he would in respect of bloud nature be a kind mean for the future peace of his sons he released him But the Bishop failed his request therein and became the onely kindlefire to set Reserued for greater mischiefe them all into more furious combustion The motiue of his discontent the engine wherewithall Ambition euermore turnes about her intentions was the enuy he bare to Lanfranc whose councell in his greatest affaires the King especially vsed and to oppose and ouer-beare him he tooke all the contrary courses and part with Robert his Nephew whom after many fortunes hee attended to the holy warre and died in the siege of Antioche Lanfranc was a man of as vniuersall goodnesse as learning borne in Lumbardie and Lanfranc came happily a stranger in these strange times to doe good to England vpon whose obseruance though the King might in regard hee raised him lay some tye yet his affections could not but take part with his piety and place in so much as hee feared not to oppose against Odon the Kings brother seeking to gripe from the State of his Church And in all he could stood so betweene the kingdome and the Kings rigor as stayed many precipitious violencies that he whose power lay as wide as his wil might else haue fallen into For the Conqueror howsoeuer austere to others was to him alwaies milde and yeelding as if subdued with his grauity and vertue He reformed the irregularity and rudenesse of the Clergie introducing a more The Reformation of the Clergie by Lanfranc Southerne formalitie and respect according to his breeding and the Custome of his Country concurring herein likewise to be an actor of
Kingdome where first is read the Commission of the Legatine power granted by Pope Innocent to the Bishop of Winchester who there openly vrges the indignitie offred to the Church by the imprisoning of these Bishops An act most haynous and shamefull for the King that in the peace of his Court through the instigation of euill ministers would thus lay hands vpon such men spoyle them of their estates Which was a violence against God And that seeing the King would yeeld to no admonitions hee had at length called this Councell where they were to consult what was to bee done that for his part neither the loue of the King though his brother nor the losse of his liuing or danger of his life should make him fayle in the execution of what they should decree The King standing vpon his cause sends certaine Earles to this Councell to know why he was called thither answere was made by the Legat That the King who was subiect to the faith of CHRIST ought not to take it ill if by the ministers of CHRIST hee was called to make satisfaction being conscious of such an offence as that age had not knowne that it was for times of the Gentiles for Bishops to bee imprisoned and depriued of their possessions and therefore they should tell the King his brother that if hee would voutsafe to yeeld consent to the Councell it should bee such by the helpe of God as neither the Roman Church the Court of the King of France nor the Earle Theobald brother to them both a manwise and religious should in reason dislike it that the King should doe aduisedly to render the reason of his act and vndergoe a Canonicall iudgement that hee ought in duetie to fauour the Church into whose bosome being taken hee was aduanced to the Crowne without any militarie hand With which aunswere the Earles departed attended with Alberic de Ver a man exercised in the Law and hauing related the same are returned with the Kings reply which Alberic vtters and vrges the iniuries Bishop Roger had done to the King how hee seldome The Kings Reply came to his Court that his men presuming vpon his power had offred violence to the Nephew and seruants of the Earle of Brittaine and to the seruants of Herui de Lyons a man of that Nobilitie and stoutnesse as would neuer voutsafe to come vpon any request to the late King and yet for the loue of this was desirous to see England where to haue this violence offred was an iniury to the King and dishonour to the Realme that the Bishop of Lincolne for the ancient hatred to the Earle of Brittaine was the author of his mens sedition that the Bishop of Salisbury secretly fauoured the Kings enemies and did but subtlely temporize as the King had found by diuers circumstances especially when Roger de Mortimer sent with the Kings forces in the great daunger of Bristow hee would not lodge him one night in Malmsbury that it was in euery mans mouth as soone as the Empresse came He and his Nephewes would render their Castles vnto him That he was arested not as a Bishop but a seruant to the King and one that administred his procurations and receiued his monies That the King tooke not his Castles by violence but the Bishop voluntarily rendred them to auoyd the calumnie of their tumult raysed in his Court If the King found some money in his Castles hee might lawfully seize on it in regard Roger had collected it out of the reuenues of the King his Vncle and predecessor and the Bishop willingly yeelded vp the same as well as his Castles through feare of his offences and of this wanted not witnesses of the Kings part who desired that the couenants made betweene him and the Bishop might remaine ratified Against this Bishop Roger opposes That he was neuer seruant to the King nor receiued his moneys and withall added threatnings as a man not yet broken though bent with his fortunes that if he found not iustice for his wrongs in that Councell hee would bring it to the hearing of a greater Court The Legat mildly as he did other things said That all what was spoken against the Bishops ought first to be examined in the Ecclesiasticall Councell whether they were true or no before sentence should haue beene giuen against them contrary to the Canons and therefore the King should as it is lawfull in iudiciall trials reuest the Bishops in their former Estates otherwise by the law of Nations being disseised they shall not hold their Plea After much debate the Kings cause was vpon a motion put off till the next day to the end the Archbishop of Roan an especiall instrument for the King might bee there who deliueting his opinion said That if the Bishops could rightly prooue by the Canons they ought to haue Castles they should hold them but if they could not it proceeded of great improbitie to striue to doe otherwise And be it said he their right to haue them yet in a suspected time according to the manner of other Nations all great men ought to deliuer the keyes of their Fortresses to be at the Kings pleasure who is to fight for the peace of all But it is not their right by the decree of the Canons to haue Castles and if by the Princes indulgence it bee tollerated yet in a time of necessitie they ought to deliuer the keyes The Lawier Alboric addes That it was signified to the King how the Bishops threatned and had furnished some to go to Rome against him But said he the King would haue you know that none of you presume to doe it for if any goe out of England contrarie to his will and the dignitie of the Kingdome it will be hard returning In conclusion the Councell brake vp nothing was done The Bishops durst not excommunicate the King without the Popes The Legat and Archbishops submission priuitie and besides they saw the swords to busie about them yet failed not the Legat and the Archbishop to prosecute their parts and from authority fell to prayer and at the Kings feete in his Chamber besought him that hee would pittie the Church pittie his owne soule and his fame not to suffer dissention to bee betweene the Kingdome and the Priest-hood The King returned thern faire words but held what hee had gotten Shortly after though griefe died the Bishop of Salisbary and according to the fate of ouer-minent and greedy Officers vnpittied He was a man in his latter time noted of much corruption and vnsatiable desire of hauing For whom the present King in the beginning of his reigue had done very much makingone of his Nephewes Chancellor the other Treasurer and vpon his fute gaue to himselfe the Borough of Malmesbury insomuch as the King would say to his familiars about him If this man will begge thus still I will giue him halfe the Kingdome but I will please him and first shall be weary of crauing ere
it was ingaged Raymond refuses it and stands to his possession as of a thing absolutely sold or forfeited but being too weake to contend with a King of France fell to an accord and married his sister Constans widdow of Eustace sonne to King Stephen and so continues the possession Now King Henry hauing married this Elionor and with her was to haue all the Rights shee had tenders likewise as the King of France had done in the same case the summe formerly disbursed vpon the morgage of that Earledome And with all makes ready his sword to recouer it and first combines in league and amity with such whose Territories bordred vpon it as with Raymond Earle of Barcelona who had married the daughter and heire of the King of Arragon a man of great Estate in those parts intertayning him with conference of a match betweene his second sonne Richard and his daughter with couenant that Richard should haue the inheritance of the Dutchy of Aquitaine and the Earledome of Poictou Besides hee takes into his protection William Lord of Trancheuille possessing likewise many great Signories in the Countrey and one who held himselfe much wronged in his Estate by the Earle of Tholouse These ay des prepared he leauies an Army and goes in person to besiege the Citie of Tholouse and takes along with him Malcolin King of Scots who comming to his 1159. Anno. Reg. 5. Court to doe him homage for the Earledome of Huntingdon and to make claime for those other peeces taken from his Crowne was entertayned with so many faire words and promises of King Henry as drew him along to this warre The Earle of Tholouse vnderstanding the intentions of the King of England craues ayde of his brother in Law the King of France who likewise with a strong Army comes downe in person to succour Tholouse and was there before the King of England could arriue with his forces whereupon seeing himselfe preuented and in disaduantage King Henry fell to spoyling the Countrey and takes in Cahors in Quercy where he places a strong Garrison to bridle the Tholousains and so returnes into Normandy gaue the order of Knight hood to King Malcolin at Tours augments his forces and enters the Countrey of Beauuoisin where he destroyes many Castles and commits great spoyles And to adde more anoyance to the King of France he obtained of the Earle de Auranches the two strong Castles Rochfort and Monfort which furnished with Garrisons impeached the passage twixt Orleance and Paris in so much as the warre and weather grew hote betwixt these two great Princes and much effusion of bloud was like to follow but that a mediation of peace was made and in the end concluded With a match betweene the young Prince Henry not seuen yeares of age and the 1160. Anno. Reg. 6. Lady Margaret eldest daughter to the King of France scarce three weake linkes to hold in so mighty Princes The yong Lady was deliuered rather as an Ostage then a Bride to Robert de Newburge to be kept till her yeares would permit her to liue with her Husband In the meane time notwithstanding many ruptures hapned betweene the Parents The first whereof Prince Henry contracted to Margaret daughter to the King of France grew vpon the King of Englands getting into his owne hand the Castle of Gisors with two other Castles vpon the Riuer Eata in the confines of Normandy deliuered vp before the due time By three Knights Templars to whom they were committed in trust till the marriage were consummated And this cost some bloud the Knights Templars are persecuted by the King of France and the King of England receiues them But now the aduantage of power lying all on this side and the King seeing himselfe at large and how much he was abroad beganne to be more at home and to The King seekes to abate the power of the Clergy the cause therof looke to the Prerogatiues of his Crowne which as he was informed grew much infringed by the Clergy which since the time of Henry the first Were thought to haue inlarged their iurisdiction beyond their vocation and himselfe had found their power in the election of King Stephen with whom they made their owne conditions with all aduantages for themselues whereby they depriued his Mother and her issue of their succession to the Crowne And though afterwards by their mediation the peace twixt him and Stephen was concluded and his succession ratified yet for that might he thanke his Sword the Iustice of his cause and strong party in the Kingdome What they did therein shewed him rather their power then their affection and rather put him in mind of what they had done against him at first then layed any obligation on him for what they did afterward And his owne example seeing them apt to surprise all aduantages for their owne aduancement made him doubt how they might deale with his Posterity if they found occasion and therefore is he easily drawne to abate their power in what he could To this motion of the Kings dislike the Lay Nobility emulous of the others authority layed more waights alledging how the immunities of the Clergie tooke vp so much Complaints against the Clergie from the Royalty as his execution of Iustice could haue no generall passage in the Kingdome the Church held their Dominion apart and free from any other authority then their owne and being exempt from Secular punishments many enormious acts were committed by Clergie-men without any redresse to be had and it was notified to the King that since the beginning of his Raigne There had beene aboue a hundreth Man-slaughters committed within the Realme of England by Priests and men within Orders Now had the King a little before vpon the death of Theobald Arch-bishop of Canterbury 1161. Anno. Reg. 7. preferred Thomas Becket a creature and seruant of his owne to that Sea A man whom first from being Arch-deacon of Canterbury he made his Chancelor and finding him Diligent Trusty and Wise imployes him in all his greatest businesses of the State by which tryall of his seruice and sidelity he might expect to haue him euer the Thomas Becket preferred to the Sea of Canterbury readier to aduance his affaires vpon all occasions And besides to shew how much he respected his worth and integrity he commits vnto him the education of the Prince a charge of the greatest consequence in a Kingdome which shall be euer sure to find their Kings as they are bred At the beginning of this mans promotion this reformation of Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction is set vpon a worke in regard of that time of deuotion of great difficultie the Bishops hauing from the beginning of Christianitie first vnder the Saxon Kings principally swaded the State and though at the entrance of the Norman they were much abriged of their former liberties they held themselues if not content yet quiet For albeit they had not that power in temporall businesses as
the cause of Thomas of Canterbury against the Tyrant of England King Henry sends likewise with all speed Roger Archbishop of Yorke the Bishop of Winchester London Chichester and Excester Guido Rufus Richard Iuechester and Iohn of Oxford Clerkes William Earle of Arundell Hugh de Gundeuile Bernard de Saint Walleric and Henry Fitz Gerrard to informe the Pope of the whole cause and preuent the Archbishoppes complaint The multitude and greatnesse of the Commissioners shewed the importance of the Ambassage and the Kings earnest desire to haue his cause preuaile They finde the Pope at the Citie of Sens to whom they shewed how peruers and disobedient the Archbishoppe had behaued himselfe to his Soueraigne Lord the King of England how hee alone refused to obay his Lawes and Customes which hee had sworne to doe and that by his peeuish waywardnesse the Church and Kingdome were like to bee disturbed which otherwise would agree in the reformation thereof as was fit and necessary and therefore they besought him as hee tendred the peace of the Church of England and the loue of the King their Soueraigne not to giue credit or grace to a man of so turbulent and dangerous a spirit This Information notwithstanding earnestly vrged they found mooued not any disposition in the Pope to fauour the Kings cause so that in the end They besought him to send two Legats ouer into England to examine the particulars of this businesse and how it had beene carried and in the meane time to admit no other information of the cause but referre it to their relation The Pope refuses to send any Legat the commissioners depart without any satisfaction And with in foure dayes after comes the Archbishop and prostrates himselfe at the Popes seete deliuers him a coppie of those Lawes which the King called his Grandfathers Lawes which being openly read in the presence of all the Cardinals Clergie and many other people the Pope condemned them for euer and accursed those who obeyed or any way fauoured them Those Lawes among the Statutes of Clarendon which the Archbishop so much oppugned and most offended the Clergie were as by his owne letter to the Bishop of London appeares these especially That there should bee no appeale to the Apostolike Sea without the Kings leaue That no Archbishoppe or Bishoppe should goe out of the Realme but by the Kings permission That no Bishoppe excommunicate any who held of the King in Capite or interdict any officiall of his without the Kings leaue c. That Clergie men should bee drawne to secular iudgements That Lay men as the King and other should handle causes of the Church Tythes and such like And these were daungerous incrochments vpon their liberties But now the King seeing his Ambassage to take no effect and withall in a manner 1166. Anno. Reg. 12. contemned presently makes his heauie displeasure and the scorne hee tooke knowe by his seuere Edicts both against the Pope and the Archbishoppe that they might see what edge his secular powre had in this case ordayning That if anie were found carrying Letter or Mandat from the Pope or Archbishoppe contayning any The Kings Edicts against the Pope and his agents interdiction of Christianity in England should bee taken and without delay executed as a Traytor both to the King and Kingdome That whatsoeuer Bishop Priest Monke or Conuerser in anie Order Clerke or Layman should haue and retaine any such letters should forfeit all their possessions goods and chattells to the King and bee presently banished the Realme with their kinne That no Clergie men Monke or other should bee permitted to passe ouer Sea or returne out of Normandie into England without letters from the Iustices here or from the King being there vpon paine to bee taken as a Malefactor and put in hold That none should appeale to the Pope That all Clerkes which had any reuenue in England should returne into the Realme within three monethes vpon paine of forfeiting their estates to the King That Peter Pence should bee collected and sequestred till the Kings pleasure were farther knowne Besides this hee banishes all that were found to bee any way of kinne to the Archbishop without exception of condition sex or yeres And withall takes occasion vpon the Scisme which was then in the Church to renounce Pope Alexander and incline to the Emperors faction which stood thus After the death of Adrian the fourth Rouland a Geneuese and a great enemy of the The Election of two Popes Empire is by two and twenty Cardinalls elected Pope by the name of Alexander the third to which election foure Cardinals opposed and made choyce of Octauian a Citizen of Rome that would be called Victor the first The Emperor Frederic Barbarossa summons these two Popes to a Concel at Pauia to vnderstand determin their right Alexander makes the old answere that the Pope could not be iudged by any man liuing refuses to appeare before the Emperour and withdrawes into Anagnia Victor consents to appeare there or wheresoeuer the Emperour would appoint so that he was the man for that side But all the other Princes of Christendom except those of the Emperours faction acknowledge Alexander for Pope as elected by most voyces And especially by the King of France who called him thither and at Cocy vpon Loyr he and the King of England receiued him with all honour and reuerence in so much as they are sayd to haue attended vpon his Stirrop the one on the right hand the other on the left after this he calls a Councell at Tours whether the Kings of England Spaine and Hungarie send their Ambassadors and there are the constitutions of the Councell of Pauia and the Emperours confirmation of Victor nullified so that Alexander hauing his party dayly increasing in Italy was shortly after receiued into Rome Notwithstanding all this the King of England finding him so auers in this businesse Falls off from him renounces his Authority turnes to the Emperours faction seekes to strength himselfe with the Princes of Germanie consents to match his daughter Maude to the Duke of Saxony at the motion of Reginald Archbishop of Collen sent ouer by the Emperour for that purpose and intertaines a motion for another daughter to bee matched with the Emperours sonne But now by reason this contrary faction to Pope Alexander grew to bee but feeble all this working did the King no good but exasperates the Pope and sets him on the more to support the cause of the Archbishop who sollicites the Clergie of Pope Alexanders letter to the Clergie of England England threatnes intreats adiures them not to forsake their hold nor giue way to the inuador of their liberties which sought to confound the Priesthood and the Kingdome and if they opposed not mainely at the first but suffered the least breach to bee made vpon them they were vndone Then excommunicates hee all the especiall Ministers of the King that adhered to the Teutonicque faction or held
then giues him powre to inuade the same and to execute whatsoeuer should bee to the Honour of God and good of the Countrey with reseruation of Church-rights and Peeter-pence a penny of euery house yearely which hee had promised by his Ambassadors and so concluds with an exhortation to plant men of good and examplar life in the Clergie c. But the King at that time hauing other occasions left off the purpose of this which comes now of late to bee againe imbraced by this meanes Dermot Mac Marrgh one Dermot complains against O Conor to King Henry of the fiue Kings which then ruled that Island comes vnto him into Aquitaine to craue his ayde against Rodorick the Great called O Conor Dun King of Connaught who contending for the Soueraigntie of the whole had chaced him out of his Dominion of Lemster The King of England glad to finde a doore thus opened to his intention that might yeeld passage of it selfe without being broken vp intertaines this eiected King with promises of ayde and though hee could not as then furnish him being ingaged in other great affaires he yet permits such of his subiects as would to aduenture their fortunes with him But the occasion of the dissention betweene these two Irish Kings was indeed fowle on the part of Dermot who had corrupted and stolne away the wife of Rodoricke and for that odious iniury with his iniustice to his people the common causes Dermots offences of ruininge and transferring Kingdomes hee was by strong hand chaced out of his Dominion of Lemster and thereupon makes out for forraine aide And hauing thus delt with the King of England he betakes him into Wales where first he wrought one Robert Fits Stephen a man of a desperate fortune yet able to draw many voluntaries to contract with him and afterward Richard of the house of Clare surnamed Strong-bow Earle of Pembrooke commonly called of his chiefe seate in Monmoth-shire Earle of Chepstow or Strigil a Lord of high courage and worthinesse which made him well followed and of great possessions both in England and Normandy which gaue him meanes for his entertainements Fits Stephen was perswaded by promise of rich rewards The Earle of marriage with Eua the daughter of Dermot the succession of the Kingdome of Lemster Fits Stephen with Maurice Fits Gerard his halfe brother by the mother passed ouer The conqnest of Ireland first with a small company and landed at the place called by the Irish Bagg-bun which in English signifies Holy and therefore interpreted as presaging good successe whereof this time retaines yet the memory At the head of Bagge and Bun Ireland was Triginta Mili tibus lost and wonne And the next day after arriued at the same place Maurice de Prendergast with other men at armes and many Archers in two ships parcell of Fits Stephens forces which from thence marched to the Citty of Weishford with Banners displayed The beginning of May. in so strange a forme and order though their number were not foure hundreth as the Irish vnacquainted with so vnusuall a face of warre were ouercome with 1170. Anno. Reg. 16. feare and rendred vp themselues to their mercy with their Citty of Wcishford which with the Countrey about was giuen by Dermot to Robert Fits Stephen for an encouragement to him and hope to others And there was planted the first Colonie of the English which euer since hath continued retaining still in a sort our antient attire and much of our language proper onely to that Citty and Countrey about and called by a distinct name Weisford speech The next yeare are new supplies sent out of Wales and after vpon intelligence of 1171. Anno. Reg. 17. good successe the Earle of Pembrok ariues in the Bay of Waterford with two hundred men at armes and a thousand other souldiours takes the towne which was then called Porthlarge puts the inhabitants to the sword to giue terror to others and make roome for his owne people and there Dermot giues him his daughter in marriage with the dowry of his Country which after his wickednesse had vndone hee liued not to see more yeares hauing had to many by this and dies miserably leauing the Stile of Ningal which signifies the strangers friend added to his name in memory of his vnnaturall forsaking his owne Nation Strongbow after hauing secured the places gotten marches with those small forces he had ouer the Island without resistance Rodoricke the Great shewing himselfe but a little Prince kept in the Wildes and fastnesses of Connaught and neuer came to appeare before the enemy who passing through the Country at his pleasure takes what pledges he would of the inhabitants to secure their obedience and with as little labour possest himselfe of the Citie of Dublin the head of the Island Thus Wales got vs first the Realme of Ireland and which is most strange without stroke of battaile a thing scarce credible that a Country so populous a Nation of that disposition should not lift vp a hand to defend it selfe hauing it seemes either neglected the vse of Armes or else neuer beene acquainted with them other then in a naked manner of domesticke fight one with another whereby the terror of strange and neuer before seene forces in order of warre layd them prostrate to the mercy of the Ouer-runner But the King of England aduertised of the prosperous successe of these Aduenturers and the Estate of the Country grew in iealousie of them thinking they presumed farther then their subiection would allow and would make themselues that which they must bee made by him and take away the glory of the worke that should bee onely his causes proclamation to be made That no vessell should carry any thing out of his Dominions into Ireland and that all his subiects should returne from thence and leaue off their attempts otherwise to forfeit their Estates at home And withall sends ouer William Fitz. 1172. Anno. Reg. 18. Adelm and Robert Fitz Bernard with some forces to prepare the way for him who followed shortly after and lands eight miles from Waterford the Eue of Saint Luke Anno 1172. being the third yeare after the first Inuasion made by Fitz Stephen At his first landing a white Hare starting out of a bush was taken and presented to him interpreted as a presage of a white victory The next day hee marches to Waterford where he staied fifteene dayes and thither came to him of their owne accord the Kings of Corke Limricke Oxerie Meth and all of any powre in Ireland except Rodoricke King of Connaught who still kept himselfe in the fastnesse of his Countrey and submitted themselues withall the Clergie taking their Oath of Fealty to him and the young King The Irish kings submission and their Successors for euer so these deuided Princes holding no common Councell for the publique safty rather then to ioyne those hands that had so often scratched each other
fell all from themselues and with the same emulation they had in libertie stroue for their seruitude who should be first to receiue a forraine maister From Waterford the King goes to Dublin where hee holds an Assembly of all these subiect Kings with the Lords Spirituall and Temporall of Ireland for the further ratification of their allegiance and the ordering and reformation of the State Which done hee causes the Bishops with the Clergie there to assemble at Cassell and appoints an especiall Chaplaine of his owne with the Archdeacon of Landaff to bee assistants and aduisors vnto them for reformation of Church-businesses which seemes to haue beene Henries reformation of Ireland as disordred as the people for though the Irish had beene long before Christians it was after a wilde and mixt fashion and therefore according to his promise made to the late Pope and to doe a worke pleasing to the present it was decreed That all Church-lands should be free from the exaction of secular men and that from thence foorth all Diuine things should bee ordered and vsed in euerie part of Ireland according to the manner of the Church of England being fit as saith the Cannon that as Ireland hath by Gods mercy obtained a Lord and King out of England so from thence they should receiue a better forme of life and manners then heretofore they vsed His Christmasse he keepes at Dublin where he royally feasts all his Kings great men of the Countrey the rest of his being there he imployes in fortifying and planting Garnisons where most need required he makes Hugh Lacy Iustice of all Ireland giues him the keeping of Dublin and besides confirmed vnto him and his heires by his Charter the Countrey of Meth to hold the same in Fee for the seruice of a hundreth Knights he bestowes on Robert Fits Bernard the keeping of the Townes of Waterford and Weisford which he tooke from Fits Stephen the first inuador with charge to build Castles in them and to humble the Earle Strongbow and leuell him with the rest of his subiects he takes from him all his dependants and makes them his So was it but his winters worke to get a Kingdome which though thus easily won it proued more difficult and costly in the keeping by reason the prosequution of a full establishment thereof was neither by him or his successors hauing other diuertments euer throughly accomplished On Easter monday he sets out for England where he makes no stay but takes the young King along in his company and passes ouer into Normandy to meete other two Legates Theodinus and Albertus who were sent from Pope Alexander but in milder fashion then the last to examine the murther of the late Arch-bishop Becket Foure moneths were spent in debating the matter and in the end the King by his Oath taken vpon the Reliques of Saints and the holy Euangelists before the two Legates in the presence of King Henry the sonne the Arch-bishop of Rouen and all the Bishops and Abbots of Normandy in the Citty of Auranches purged himselfe of either commanding or consenting to the murther Yet for that he doubted least they who committed His purgation for Beckets murther the same might be moued thereunto by seeing him disturbed and in passion he tooke the same Oath that in satisfaction thereof he would faithfully performe these Articles following First neuer to forsake Pope Alexander nor his Catholicke Successors so long as they vsed him as a Catholicke King Secondly That Appeales should freely be made to the Pope in causes Ecclesiasticall Prouided that if any were suspected to worke euill to him or his Kingdome they should then put in security before they departed Thirdly That he would from Christmas next for three yeares to come vndertake the Crosse and the sommer fol lowing in person go to Ierusalem vnlesse he were stayed by the Pope or his Successors or imploied against the Sarasins in Spaine Fourthly That in the meane time he should deliuer so much money into the Templars hands as by their opinion would entertaine two hundreth souldiers in the Holy warre for one yeare Fiftly call home all such as had endured banishment for the Arch-bishop Sixtly Restore his possessions Seuenthly and lastly abolish all such customes as in his time had beene introduced to the preiudice of the Church After himselfe had sworne he caused Both Kings sweare to these Articles King Henry his sonne to sweare to all these Articles except such as concerned his owne person And for a more Memory in the Roman Church he caused his Seale to be set vnto them with that of the two Cardinals So ended this tedious businesse that made more noyse in the world then any he had and bowed him more beeing his ill fortune to grapple with a man of that free resolution as made his sufferings his glory had his ambition beyond this world set vp his rest not to yeeld to a King was onely ingaged to his cause had opinion and beliefe to take his part Which so much preuailed as the King seeking to maister him aduanced him and now is he faine to kneele and pray to his Shrine whom he had disgraced in his person and hauing had him aboue his will whilest he liued hath him now ouer his Faith being dead And yet 48. yeares after this saith the French History it was disputed among the Doctors of Paris whether he were damned or saued And one Roger a Norman maintained he had iustly deserued death for rebelling against his Soueraigne the Minister of God To make the better way to the ending of this businesse and content the King of Henry the sonne is again crowned with Margaret his wife Fraunce Henry the sonne is againe Crowned and with him Margaret his wife with permission shortly after to goe visite Paris where this young King apt inough though not to know himselfe yet to know his State receiued those instructions as made his ambition quite turne off his obedience and conceiue How to be a King was to be a power aboue and vndeuideable And to further the birth of this apprehension fell out this occasion The Father euer awake to aduance his greatnesse takes a iourney in person into Auergnia and so to Monferrato and there purchases a match for the price of fiue thousand Markes for his yongest sonne Iohn with Alice the eldest daughter of Hubert Earle of Mauriena then as it seemes Lord of Piemont and Sauoy with condition to haue with her the inheritance of all those Countreys containing many great Signories Citties and Castles specified in Roger Houeden with all the circumstances and couenants very remarkeable Vide Append. of the contract So vnto greatnesse that easier increases then begins is added more meanes and euery way opens to this actiue and powrefull King aduantages of State 1173. Anno. Reg. 19. in so much as the King of France was euen surrownded with the powre dependances of this mightie King of Eng. whose fortunes most
married the Lady Berenguela and caused her to bee Crowned Queene These mischiefes suffred these two famous Isles of Christendome in the passage of these mighty Princes against Pagans who peraduenture would haue as well vsed them for their goods and treasure as these did but Armies and powre know no inferior friends it was their Fate so to lie in the way of great attempters who though in the cause of Piety would not sticke to doe any iniustice From hence passes this famous king to the Holy Land with the spoyles and treasure of three noble rich Islands England Sicile and Cyprus besides what Normandy and Guien could furnish him with all and there consumes that huge collected masse euen as violently as it was gotten though to the exceeding great renowne of him the nation Heere for the better vnderstanding this businesse it is not amisse to deliuer in what sort stood the Estate of those affaires in Asia which so much troubled these mighty Princes and drew them from the vtmost bounds of Europe thus to aduenture themselues and consume their Estates It was now foure score and eight yeares since Godsrey of Bologne Prince of Lorraine with his company recouered the Citie of Ierusalem with the Countrey of Palestina and a great part of Siria out of the hands of the Sarazins obtayned the Kingdome thereof and was Crowned with a Crowne of Thornes in example of our Sauiour raigned The State of Palestina one yeare died and left to succeed him his brother Baldwin who gouerned eighteene yeares and left the Crowne to another of that name Balwin de Burgo who raigned thirteene yeares and left a daughter and his Kingdome in dissention Fulke Earle of Aniou marries this daughter and enioyes the Kingdome eleuen yeares and left two young sonnes Baldwin and Almerique Balwin raignes foure and twenty yeares and after him his brother Almerique twelue and leaues Baldwin his sonne to succeed him who being sickly and dispayring of yssue made Baldwin his Nephew sonne to the Marquesse of Monferrato and Sibilla his Sister his successor and commits the charge of him with the administration of the Kingdome to Raymond Earle of Tripoly whom Guy de Lusignan who had married Sibilla the Widdow of Monferrato put from that charge and vsurped the Gouerment and at length the Kingdome not without suspition of poysoning the young King Raymond making warre vpon him Lusignan drawes in Sultan Saladin of Egipt to his ayde who glad of that occasion to augment his owne State destroyed them both with their Kingdome and wonne the Citie of Ptolomeide Asoto Berytho Ascalon and after one months siege the Citie of Ierusalem foure score and eight yeares after it had beene conquered by Godfrey Now to recouer this confounded State come these two Great Kings from a farre and a different clyme with an Army composed of seuerall Nations and seuerall humours English French Italians and Germaines against a mightie Prince of an vnited powre within his owne ayre neera at home bred and made by the sword inured to victories acquainted with the fights and forces of the Christians and possessed almost of all the best peeces of that Countrey And heere they sit downe before the City of Acon defended by the powre of Saladin The Kings of England and France besiege Acon which had beene before besieged by the Christians the space of three yeares and had cost the liues of many worthy Princes and great personages whose names are deliuered by our Writers amongst whom I will remember these few of especiall note Conradus Duke of Suenia sonne of Frederic the Emperour which Frederic was also drowned comming thither with the Earles of Perch Puntif and olde Theobald Earle of Bloys that famous Stickler betweene the Kings of England and France Stephen Earle of Sancerre the Earle of Vandosme Bertoldus a Duke of Germany Reoger and Ioselin Earles of Apulia c. And lastly Phillip Earle of Flaunders and of our Nation Baldwin Archbishoppe of Canterbury Robert Earle of Leicester Ralph de Glanuile Chiefe Iustice of England Richard de Clare Walter de Kime c. And notwithstanding all the forces of these two kings they held out foure monthes after and then rendred themselues vpon composition At their entring into the Citie the Ensignes of Leopold Duke of Austrich beeing planted on the walles were with great scorne taken downe by the commandement of King Richard and those of the two Kings erected which bred great rancour and was afterward the occasion of much mischiefe to the king of England Besides during this siege diuers stings were ministred or taken of displeasure and malice betweene the two kings apt to bee set on fire by the least touches of conceipt The king of France full of disdaine for the reiection of his Sister and the marriage of the king of England with Berenguela besides competition of honour which their equality was subiect vnto made any iot of the least disproportion thereof a wounde without cure And daylie occasions in so great hearts fell out to worke the same The Article of equall deuiding their gaines in this voyage concluded between them is questioned The king of France claimes halfe the Isle of Cyprus the king of England halfe the Treasure and goods of the Earle of Flaunders whereon the King of France had seised and therein neither is satisfied Then are there two pretenders to the Crowne of Ierusalem Guy of Lusignan and Conrade Marquis of Monferrato Guy pleads the possession thereof which he had by his wife Sibilla the King of England takes part with Guy the King of France with Conrade And with these differences are they kept in imbroylements and continually distempered in so much as by their owne heats and the contagion The Kings of England and France dangerously sicke of the Country they fell into a most daungerous sicknesse that cost them both their haire being more then they got by the voyage But being recouered the King of France had no longer will to stay there where hee saw no more likelihood of honour or profit and at home hee knew was better good to be done with lesse danger and the rather by the death of the Earle of Flaunders whose state lay so neere as it tooke vp part of his whereof he had a purpose to abridge his successor and therefore craues leaue of the King of England for without leaue of each other it was couenanted neither of them should depart to returne home which King Richard was hardly wonne to grant in respect he knew the daunger it might worke him in his absence to let such an offended Lyon loose But in the end through the earnest sollicitation of the King of France and his assurance The King of France departs from the Holy warre confirmed by Oath not to doe anything offensiue to his Dominions in France during his absence he yeelds thereunto And so departs this great Prince leauing the Earle of Borgogne Lieutenant of his forces And King Richard betakes him
Commons in this imposition Of which rapin saith Mat. Par. were executors Hubert Archbishop of Canterbury for the Clergie and Geffrey Fitz Peter Iusticiar of Eng. for the Layetie But all this treasure collected amounted not to answere his wants or the furnishing of fresh supplies for the recouery of his losses for which he vrges the same to bee raised and therefore againe in lesse then the space of an yeare another leauie but by 1205. Anno. Reg. 7. A Parliament at Oxford a fairer way is made A Parliament is conuoked at Oxford wherein is granted two Markes and an halfe of euery Knights fee for militarie ayde neither departed the Clergie from thence till they had likewise promised their part No sooner is this money gathered but a way is opened into that all-deuouring Gulph of France to issue it through a reuolt begunne in Brittaine by Guido now husband to Constance mother of Arthur Sauari de Malleon and Almeric Lusignian consederats with many others who receiuing not that satisfaction expected from their new Maister call in their olde againe to shew vs that mens priuat interests howsoeuer Honour and Iustice are pretended onely sway their affections in such actions as these And ouer hastes King Iohn and by the powre he brought and what he found there won the strong Castle of Mont Alban and after the Citie of Angiers and was in a faire way to haue recouered more but that the King of France by the fortune of one day wherein he ouerthrew and tooke prisoners the chiefe confedrats Guido Almeric Saueri forced him to take truce for two yeares and returne into Eng. for more supplies And here another imposition is layde of the thirteenth part of all moueables and other 1206. Anno. Reg. 8. goods both of the Clergie and Layetie who now seeing their substances thus consumed without successe and likely euer to bee made liable to the Kings desperat courses begin to cast for the recouery of their ancient immunites which vpon their former suffrance had bn vsurped by their late Kings to ease themselues of these burthens The cause of the breach between the King his people indirectly layd vpon them And the first man that opposed the collection of this imposition was againe the Archb. of Yorke who solemnly accursed the receiuers therof within his Prouince and secretly conuayed himself out of the Kingd desirous rather to liue as an exile abroad then to indure the miserie of oppression at home men accounting themselues lesse iniuriously rifled in a wood then in a place where they presume of saftie And hence grew the beginning of a miserable breach betweene a King and his people being both out of proportion and disioynted in those iust Ligaments of Command 1207. Anno. Reg. 9. and Obedience that should hold them together the reducing whereof into due forme and order againe cost more adoe and more noble bloud then all the warres forraigne had done since the Conquest For this contention ceased not though it often Vide Append had some faire intermissions till the great Charter made to keepe the beame right betwixt Soueraingtie and Subiection first obtayned of this King Iohn after of his sonne Hen. 3. though obserued truely of neither was in the maturity of a iudiciall Prince Edward the first freely ratifyed An. Reg. 27. which was aboue foure score yeares And was the first ciuill dissention that euer we finde since the establishing of the English Kingdom betweene the King and his Nobles of this nature For the better knowledge whereof we are to take a view of the face of those times the better to iudge of the occasions giuen and taken of these turbulencies It was this time about 140. yeares since William the first had here planted the Noro man Nobility whose yssue being now become meere English were growne to bee of great numbers of great meanes and great spirits euer exercised in the warres of France where most of them were Commanders of Castles or owners of other Estates besides what they held in England and being by this violent and vnsuccesfull King shut out from action and their meanes abroad they practise to preserue what was left and to make themselues as much as they could at home Which by their martiall freedome and the priuiledges of the Kingdom necessity now driuing them to looke into it they more boldly presume to attempt in regard they saw themselues the Kingdome brought to be perpetually harassed at the Kings will that violence and corruption hath no faculty to prescribe vpon them wherin their cause was much better then their prosecution For whilst they striue to recouer what they had lost and the King to keepe what he by aduantage of time and sufference had gotten many vniust and insolent courses are vsed on either side which leaue their staine to posterity make foule the memory of those times We can excuse no part herein all was ill and out of order A diseased Head first made a distempred body which being not to be recouered a part rendred the sicknesse so long and teadious as it was Besides the strange corruption of the season concurred to adde to this mischiefe An ambitious Clergy polluted with auarice brought Piety in shew to be a presumptiue party herein takes aduantages vpon the weakenesses they found for which the Roman Church heares ill to this day And the occasion of their interposition in this busines began about the Election of a new Archb. of Canterbury Hubert being lately dead which the Monkes of that Couent had made secretly in the Reginald first chosen Atehb by the Monks night of one Reginald their Subprior to preuent the King whom they wold not should haue a hand in the busines which they pretended to appertaine freely to themselues by their ancient priuiledeges And this Riginald thus elected they instantly dispatch towards Rome taking his Oath of secresie before hand But the fulnesse of his ioy burst open that locke and out comes the report of his aduancement vpon his landing in Flanders which the Monkes hearing and fearing what would follow send to the king to craue leaue to Elect a fit man for that Sea The King nominates vnto them Iohn Gray Bishop of Norwich whom hee especially fauoured and perswaded them vpon great promises of their good to preferre the Kings desire is propounded to the Couent and after much debate is Iohn Gray aduanced to the Chayre Wherein their last error sayth Mat. Par. was worse then their first and began that discord which after proued an irreparable dammage to the Kingdome The King sends to Rome certaine of the Monkes of Canterbury amongst whom was one Helias de Brandfield a most trusty seruant of his with bountifull allowance to obtaine the Popes confirmation of this Election And about the same time likewise send the Bishops suffragans of the Church of Canterbury their complaynts to the Pope against the Monkes for presuming to make election
two Charters before And twelue Knights or Legall men are chosen in euery shire vpon their Oath to disparte the old forests from the new and all such as were found to haue Disforrestations beene inforested since the first coronation of Henry the second to be disafforested and disposed at their pleasure who were to posses them wherevpon they were layd open plowed and improued to the exceeding comfort and benefit of the subiect whereby men in steed of wild beasts were sustayned and more roome made for them to vse their industry Two yeares with great quietnesse and generall content the blessing of a state 1225. Anno. Reg. 10. these liberties were inioyed when the King at a Parliament at Oxford declaring himselfe to be oflawfull age and free from custody to dispose of the affayres of the Kingdome cancells and anulles the Charter of Forests as graunted in his Nonage hauing no power of himselfe or of his Seale and therefore of no validitie and causes Proclamation to be made that both the Clergy and all others if they would inioy those liberties 4. Parliament should renew their Charters and haue them confirmed vnder his new Seale for which they were constrayned to pay not according to their ability but the will of the chiefe Iusticiar Hugh de Burgh to whome is layd the blame of this mischiefe which procured him the generall hatred of the Kingdome and bread a new insurrection of The reuoking the Charters of Forrests which bred a new insurrection the nobility who taking aduantage vpon a breach lately falen our betweene the king and his brother Richard Earle of Cornwell about the Castle of Barkhamsted appertayning to that Earledome which the king had committed to the keeping of on Walleran a Dutchman ioyne with the Earle and put themselues in armes For the king mayntayning the cause of Walleran commands his brother to render the Castle which he had taken from him or else to depart the kingdome The Earle answeres that he would neither doe the one or the other without the iudgment of his Peeres and so departes to his lodging leauing the king much displeased with this answere The chiefe Iusticiar fearing the disturbance of the peace aduises the king sodainly to apprehend the Earle and commit him to close custodie but the Earle either through notice or doubt therof flies presently to Marleborough where he findes William Earle Mareshall his friend and consedrate by Oath with whom hee hastes to Stamford and there meets with the Earles of Chester Gloster Waren Hereford Ferrers Warwicke with diuers Barons and men at armes from whence they send to the King aduising him to right the iniurie done to his brother The cause whereof they impute to Hugh de Burgh and not to himself besides they require restitution to be made without delay of the liberties of the Forrests lately cancelled at Oxford otherwise they 1226. Anno. Reg. 11. would compell him therevnto by the sword The King to anoyd this daunger appoints them day to come to an assembly at Northampton where a concord is concluded and to satisfie his brother besides the rendring vnto him his Castle he grauntes him all that his mother had in dowre and s. Parliament whatsoeuer lands the Earle of Brittaine held in England with those of the Earle of Bologn lately deceased and so the Parliament brake vp After this the generall motion 1227. Anno. Reg. 12. for the holy warres intertaines some time Which so strongly wrought in that credelous world as sixty thousand sufficient men are reported to haue vndertaken that voyage of whom Peter Bishop of Winchester and William Bishop of Excester are the leaders The King is sollicited by Hugh le Brun Earle of March who had marryed his Mother and by other great men of Normandy to come ouer into France to recouer his right vpon the great alterations happening in those parts by this occassion Louys the eight who succeeded Phillip the second being lately dead after his great siege of Auignon and his warres made against the Heretickes Albegeois in Prouince leaues the Kingdome to his Sonne Louys of the age of twelue yeares in whose minority his Mother Blanch taking vpon her the regency so discontented the Princes of the French Hist. bloud as they oppose themselues against her holding it both dishonorable and daungerous that a woman and a stranger by the Councell of Spaniards whom she aduanced aboue the Naturalls of the Kingdome should gouerne all according to her pleasure and therefore enter league against her The chiefe of whom were Phillip Earle of Bologne vncle by the Father to the King Robert Earle of Champaigne Peter de Dreux Duke of Britagne and Robert Earle of Dreux his brother and with these Hugh the Earle of March takes part in regard the Queen Regent had erected the Country of Poictou to a Conty and made Earle there of Alphonso her Sonne brother to the young king whereby finding himselfe inclosed within that County he refuses to acknowledge Alphonso for Lord instigated therevnto by his wife a Queene Dowager of England who could not comport a superior so neere her doore in so much as they likewise draw in the Earle of Lusignan brother to the Earle of March who also presuming vpon the greatnesse of his house discended of kings was apt to take their part and these with the Earle of Britagne call in the King of England Who after he hed exacted great sums of the Clergy of the Citie of London for redemption of their liberties and taken the third part of al the goods of the Iewes passes ouer with an Army lands at Saint Mallos is met by many Nobles of Poictou who with the Earle of Britagne doe homage vnto him and great preparations are made to recouer such peeces as had beene obtayned by the late King of France The Queene Regent sets out a powerfull army to stop the proceeding of the King of England and much mischiefe is wrought on both sides in Pocitou Xaintonges Angoumois where their friends and enemies suffer all a like At length seeing no great good to arise by their trauaile both weary of the busines either a peace or truce is concluded The King of England besides an infinite expence of treasure hauing lost diuers of his Nobles and other valiant men in the iourny without any glory returnes home bringging with him the Earle of Britagne and many Poictouins to receiue their promised rewards which notwithstanding all the former expence must be wrung out of the substance of the poore subiect of England Vpon his returne hee intertaines a purpose of Marriage with a sister of the King of Scots against which the Earles and Barons of England generally oppose alledging it to be vnfit that he should haue the younger Sister when Hubert his chiefe Iusticiar had maryed the eldest and the Earle of Britagne by whose Councell he was now much directed disswades him likewise from it To this Earle after supplies obtained towards
to be Maister of the Kingdome yea of the King the Rector and Disposer of Court is throwne out with disgrace the Seale taken from him and giuen to the Abbot of Euesham In like sort his brother Geffrey a Knight Templar is put out of the Councell both of them much maligned by the Nobilitie who had often before laboured their amouement as held to be corrupt Councellors and wrongers of the State and now are they falne off themselues But the cause of this their deiection may shew that oftentimes Officers vnder weake Princes are not so much faulty as the World holds them to be for not yeelding to passe a Grant from the King made vnto Thomas Earle of Flaunders the Queenes Thomas of Sauoy marrieth the inheretrix of the Earledome of Flanders which he held but during her life Vncle of 4 pence vpon euery sacke of Wooll an enormious act then accompted they both lost their places though not their reputations in this their fall discouering what the Enuie that attended their fortune hindred men to see To this Earle of Flanders the next yeare after the King grants notwithstanding 300 Markes to bee payd out of his Eschequer annually for his homage Now besides the great exactions of the King and his wastes The Sea of Rome extorts huge summes as if one Gulph sufficed not to swallow vp the substance of the Kingdome which opened the mouthes of our Clergie so wide as they let out many exclamations against the auarice of the Popes of that time and the Roman Factors who by permission of the King or by his negligence presumed so farre vpon the easi-yeeldingnesse of the State as they wrung out what they listed In so much as besides the fleece they would now haue the bodies of their possessions And the Pope sends his Mandat to haue three hundred Romans preferred to the benefices which should bee first vacant in England which so amazed the Clergie and especially Edmond Archbishop of Canterburie as hee seeing no end of these concussions of the State and Liberties of the Church and himselfe on whom the Scandall of all must light vnable by reason of the Kings remissnesse to withstand it tyred with the vanity of worldly actions giues ouer all and betakes himselfe to a voluntarie exile in the Edmond Archbishop of Canterbury giues ouer his Sea Abbay of Pontiniac in France and there applies him to the contemplation of a better life But before his departure he yeelds as a ransom for his Church 800 Markes to the Pope The Clergie although thus left by their head generally oppose what they could against the Popes rapine who to get money for his wars with the Emperor vsed dayly Pope Gregory the 9. new and insolent pressures vpon them in so much as they repaire to the King declare how preiudiciall and detogatory it was to his royaltie and the liberty of the Kingdom to suffer this proceeding which none of his Predecessors heretofore euct did and of how dangerous consequence it was to his successors The King either not apprehensiue of the mischiefe or content to ioyne with the Pope to punish and awe the Kingdome not onely refers them to the Legat but offers to deliuer the chiefe opposers vp vnto him Whereupon they seeing themselues forsaken and no powre to succor them but their owne did what they could to withstand the Legats proceeding who now by the Kings animation presumes more peremptorily to vrge them to supply the Popes present occasion and holds a Conuocation at London for effecting the same Wherein the Clergie declare how this contribution now required by the Pope for the destruction of the Emperor and effusion of Christian bloud was vnlawfull hee being not an Heretike nor condemned by the iudgement of the Church although excommunicated That it was against the Liberties of the Church of England being required vnder paine of Ecclesiasticall censure as a thing of seruitude and compulsion That they had heretofore giuen a Tenth to the Pope on condition that neuer any such exaction should againe be made least it might be drawne to a Custome for as much as binus Cod. de Episcopal L. Nemo actus inducat consuetudinem That for their businesse in the Court of Rome they were to passe through the Emperours Countries and the daunger they might haue thereby That it was not safe for the Kingdome to impouerish the King who had many enemies against whom hee must haue to sustaine warre And besides how for the furnishing of diuers Noble men vndertaking of late the businesse of the Crosse great contributions had beene made That the Church of England was poore and hardly able to sustaine it selfe That a generall contribution was to bee made by a generall Councell c. Notwithstanding these reasons though at first they staggered the Legat yet such course was taken by winning some of them vpon hope of preferment as the rest could not without the note of contumacie but yeeld perforce so by this treason of deuision the body of the Councell is entred into and the Pope preuailes in this businesse The King hath now a sonne lately borne and Richard his brother Earle of Cornwall Edward eldest sonne to King Hen. hauing likewise issue by permission of the State which heretofore hee could not obtaine vndertakes the Crosse and with him his Vncle William Longsword Earle of Salibury and many other Noblemen These departing out of England Peter of Sauoy another Richard Earle of Cornwall vndertakes the Crosse. Vncle to the Queene comes in and hath the Earledom of Richmond bestowed on him with many other gifts he is knighted and feasted suptuously for which the poore Iewes by way of redemption pay 20 thousand Markes at two tearmes of that yeare Boniface the sonne of Peter of Sauoy Nephew to the Queen is preferred to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury After this the King makes an expedition into Wales which had often put him to great charge and trouble hauing beene very vnfortunate in his many attempts 1241. Anno. Reg. 25. against Lewellin intituled Prince or King of North-Wales who being lately dead had left his two sonnes Dauid and Griffin by deuision of State to bee at discord betweene themselues whereby hee came to make an easier end of that businesse and now onely but with the shew of his powre got that which heretofore hee could not with much bloud hath submission and fealty rendred vnto him by Dauid withall his charges for that iourney but now this ended another attempt of greater expence but lesse benefit is in hand The Earle of March with his wife the Queene Mother and many other Great Lords of Poictou so worke by their earnest solieitation with assurance of successe as the King is induced to vndertake another expedition into France The 11 Parliament matter is mooued in Parliament generall opposition made against it the great expence and the ill it last brought to the Kingdome vehemently vrged How it was vnlawfull to
breake the truce made with the King of France who was now too strong for them to doe any good c. Notwithstanding many of the greatest Peeres drawne by faire promises and their owne hopes for recouerie of their Estates so preuaile as the action is resolued on and an Ayde demaunded for the same The very motion for money was so distastefull as presently all the Kings supplies made from the beginning of his raigne are particulerly againe opprobriously rehersed as the 13. 15. 16 and 40 part of all mens moueables besides Carucage Hydage Escuage Escheates Amercements and such like A repetitiō of the Kings supplies formerly made which could not but fill his Coffers Then the Popes continuall exactions with the infinite charge for those who vndertooke the Holy warre are likewise repeated Besides they declare how the 30 leuied about foure yeares past in regard it was to bee layde vp in certaine Castles and not to bee issued but by the allowance of foure of the Peeres was as they held it yet vnspent the King to their knowledge hauing had no necessarie occasion to imploy the same for the vse of the Common-wealth for which it was graunted and therefore resolutely they denyed to yeeld him any more Whereupon the King comes himselfe to the Parliament and in most submissiue manner craues their ayde at this time vrging the Popes letter which hee had procured to sollicite and perswade them thereunto But all preuailed not their vow made to each other not to disseuer their voyces or to be drawne to a disvnion held them fast together In so much as the King is driuen to get what hee could of particular men either by guift or loane and vses such meanes as notwithstanding The King carries ouer 30 Barrells of siluer into France he carries ouer with him thirty Barrells of sterling coyne and taking with him his Queene leaues the gouernment of the Kingdome to the Archbishop of Yorke hauing first for his better quiet at home contracted a match betweene his daughter Margueret yet an infant and Alexander eldest sonne to Alexander 3 King of Scots to whom he commits the gouernment of the Marches This second expedition into France had no better successe then the first For therein The Kings second expedition into France he likewise consumed his treasure vpon strangers discontented the English Nobility was deceiued in his trust by the Poictouines who failed him with his money and after more then a whole yeares stay the Lords of England leauing him was driuen to make a dishonorable truce with the King of France And after hauing beene releeued with much prouision out of England and another imposition of Escuage hee returnes puts the Iewes to another redemption exacts of the Londoners is visited by his An imposition of Escuage with another redemption of the Iewes wiues mother the Countesse of Prouince who bringing with her Zanchia her daughter is to adde to his other expencesses sumptuously feasted a marriage solemnized betweene the young Lady and Richard Earle of Cornewall whose wife was late dead and he returned from the Holy warres The olde Countesse at her returne is presented with many rich guifts hauing besides The Countesse of Prouince mother to the Queen comes ouer into England to the great charge of the Kingdome receiued an annuall pension of 4000 Markes out of England for fiue yeares passed in consideration of a pact made that King Henry should after her discease haue the Earledome of Prouince But shortly after her returne home she disappoints him of that hope and bestowes the same with her youngest daughter Beautrix on Charles the French Kings brother who was after King of Naples and Sicile So that she liued to see all her foure daughters Queenes Richard Earle of Cornwall comming afterward to be elected King of the Romans Meanes now vpon these profusions to haue fresh supplie of Treasure was 1244. Anno. Reg. 28. onely by way of Parliament which is againe in Anno Reg. 28. assembled at Westminster and therein the Kings wants and the present occasions vrged for the necessarie defence of the Kingdome hauing now to doe with Wales and Scotland whose Princes lately reuolting ioyne together to annoy the same but nothing could bee effected 12 Parliament without the assurance of reformation and the due execution of the Lawes notwithstanding the King comes againe himselfe in person as before and pleades his owne necessities Here they desire to haue ordayned that foure of the most graue and discreet Peeres should be chosen as Conseruators of the Kingdome and sworne of the Kings Councell both to see Iustice obserued and the Treasure issued and these should euer attend about the King or at least 3 or 2 of them Besides that the Lord Chiefe Iusticiar and the Lord Chancellor should bee chosen by the generall voyces of the States assembled or else bee one of the number of those foure Besides they propound that there might bee two Iustices of the Benches two Barons of the Eschequer and one Iustice for the Iewes and those likewise to bee chosen by Parliament That as their function was publike so should also be their Election But whilst these things were in debating the enemy of mankind and disturber of Peace the Deuill saith Mat. Paris hindred the proceeding by the comming of Martin a new Legat sent from the Pope with a larger powre then euer any before to exact vpon the State which hee supposed now to haue beene so wrought and ready as the Kings turne being seru'd his likewise should bee presently supplied But making too much haste before the first had passage hee frustrates his owne desire and receiues a most peremptory repulse of the whole Kingdome in so much as his Agent was disgracefully returned home with this displeasing message That the Kingdome was poore had great warres the Church in debt not able to yeeld any more Besides this course was of daungerous consequence to this State which alone seemed exposed to the Popes will and therefore seeing a generall Councell was shortly to bee held at Lyons if the Church would bee relieued it were fit the same should bee done by a generall consent in that Councell Besides at this time the Emperour Frederic by his Letters which were openly read Vide Append. The Empetor Fredericks letters to the King in this Assembly first intreates as before he had oftentimes done that the Pope might haue no supplies out of England which he sayd were only required to ruine him whom contrarie to all Pietie and Iustice hee had oppressed by seizing vpon his Cities and Castles appertayning to the Empire And for many yeares notwithstanding his often submission and desire of Peace proceeded in all foule and Hostile manner against him both by the sword and vniust excommunications And seeing hee could obtaine no due hearing hee had referred his cause to bee arbitrated by the Kings of France and England and the Baronage of both Kingdomes And therefore
for that he would not haue also their repulse he sodainly goes thither himselfe in Person enters the Chapter house as a Bishop or Prior gets vp into the Presidents Chayre begins a Sermon and takes this text Iustice and Peace haue kissed each other and therevpon vses these words To mee and other Kings and to our Princes and Iusticiars who are to gouerne the people belong the rigor of Iudgement and Iustice to you who are men of quiet and religion peace and tranquillity and this day I heare you haue for your owne good beene fauorable to my request Iustice and Peace haue kissed each other Once I was offended with you for withstanding me in the election of William Rale your late Bishop a man I liked not but now I am friends with you for this and will both remember and reward your kindnesse As by a woman came distruction to the world so by a woman came the remedy I to satisfie my wife desirous to prefer her vnkle William Valentine disquieted and damnified you so now willing to aduance my brother by the Mother will reconcile my selfe vnto you c. And you are to consider how in this citty I was borne and in this Church Baptised Wherefore you are bound vnto me in a straighter bond of affection c. Then commends he the high birth and good parts of his Brother and what honor and benefit they should haue by electing him but concludes with some threatning So that the Monkes seeing him thus to require the Bishopricke held it in vaine to deny him and Athelmar is elected though with this reseruation if the Pope allowed thereof Shortly after followes the memorable cause of The cause of Sir H. Bath Sir Henry de Bath a Iusticiar of the Kingdome and an especiall Councellor to the King who by corruption had attayned to a mighty Estate and is said in one circuit to haue gotten 200. pound land per annum he is accused by Sir Phillip Darcy of falsehood in the 1251. Anno. Reg. 35. Kings Court and the King so incenced against him as in the Parliament about this time holden in London Proclamation is made that whosoeuer had any action or complaint against Henry de Bath should come and be heard one of his fellow Iusticiciats accused him of acquitting a malefactor for a bribe The King seeing the friends of the accused strong breakes out into rage protesting that whosoeuer would kill Hugh de Bath should be acquitted for the deed but afterward he comes pacified by the Earle of Cormwale and the Bishop of London who vrged the daunger of the time the discontentment 15 Parliament of the Kingdome aud how the proceeding in such a manner with one of his councell whom hee had vsed in so great businesse would discourage others to serue such a maister who vpon malicious accusations should so for sake them whose places were euer exposed to enuy and detraction And thereupon Sir Henry is released paying 2000 Markes and after restored to his former place and fauour The mariage of Margueret with Alexander K. of Scots solemnizedat at Yorke The King keeping his Christmas at Yorke the marriage is solemnised betweene Alexander King of Scots and Margaret his Daughter the ryot of which feast with the vaine expences of apparell the note of a diseased time is discribed by our author who amongst other things reports how the Archbishop gaue 60. fat Oxen which were spent at one meale besides that feast cost him 4000. Markes which shewes the pouerty of the Church was not so great as it was pretended to be seeing when they would shew their glory they could finde what they denyed at other times The Pope Sollicites the King to vndertake the Crosse and so doth Alphonsus King of Castile Offering to accompany him in Person to reskue the King of France Who The King of France prisoner with the Soldian hauing euen emptied his country both of Treasure and nobility was now taken prisoner by the Soldan and held in miserable captiuity A ransome collected for him in France with great vexation is by tempest cast away on the Sea other meanes are made for treasure which could not easely be had the captiue king offers to restore Normandy to the King of England so he would come to his rescue Which the nobility of France takes ill and disdaine the weakenesse of their King vpon the Popes sollicitation The King of England vnder takes the Crosse. the grant of a Tenth of the Clergy and Laytie for 3. yeares to come the king of England vndertakes the Grosse rather it seemes to get the money then with any purpose to persorme the iourny Which had it beene collected would saith Paris haue amounted to 600. thousand pound to the vtter impourishing of the Kingdome which was that they both sought but by seuerall waies for many now began to discouer that the Pope by this imbarking the Princes of Christendome in this remote and consuming warre to wast them their nobility and Kingdome was onely but to extend his owne power and domination The king by Proclamation calls the Londoners to Westminster and there causes 1252. Anno. Reg. 36. the Bishops of Worcester and Chichester to declare his intention and exhort the people to vndertake the crosse and attend him but few are moued by their perswation onely 3. knights and they of no great note are nominated whom the king presently in open view imbraces kisses and calls bretheren checking the Londoners as ignoble mercenaries for that few of them were forward in this action notwithstanding hee there takes his Oath for performing of the same and to set forth presently vpon Midsommer day next In taking this oath hee layes his right hand on his brest according to the manner of a Priest and after on the booke and kist it as a lay man A parliament about this tenth graunted by the Pope but not the people is called at London the Bishops are first delt withall as being a worke of piety to induce the rest they absolutely refuse the same then the Lords are set vpon they answere The Bishops and Lords deny the K. the Tenth granted by the Pope what the Bishops who were first to giue their voyce consented vnto they would allow the same this shufling put the King into so great rage as hee draue out all that were in his chamber as he had beene mad Then falls he to his former course to preswade them a parte sends first for the Bishop of Ely deales with him in all milde and kind manner recounting the many fauours he had receiued at his hands how forward hee had found him heretofore to supply his occasions and intreats him now to giue good example to others c. The Bishop replies he was glad at any time to haue done him acceptable seruice but in this for himselfe to goe from that forme the vniuersality of the state had determined he held it a dishonest act and therefore
Oath without leaue of his father they plainely Cron. Lichfield Henry eldest sonne to the King of Romans refuseth to take his Oath told him that if his father would not consent with the Baronage in this case hee should not bold a Furrow of Land in England In the end the Kings brethren and their followers are dispoyled of all their fortunes and exiled by proscription vnder the Kings owne hand directed to the Earles of Hereford and Surrey with charge not to passe either their Money Armes or Ornaments but in such sort as the Lords appointed and after their departure Claus 49. hee enioyneth the Citie of Bristow and other ports not to permit any strangers or Hen. 3. kinsmen of his to ariue vnlesse they did so behaue themselues as both hee and the Lords should like The Poictouines retyring to Bolongne in France send to King Louys to craue safe passage Mat. Par. through his Countrie into Poictou which in regard the Queene of France had been informed how they had defamed her Sister of England was by her meanes denyed at that time and Henry sonne to the Earle of Leicester whose estimation was great in France followes them with all eagernesse thither to incense the French against them And as they whom Enuie tumbles downe from high places shall be sure euer to haue all the thrusts possible to set them headlong into disgrace with the world so now the death and sicknesse of diuerse great men and others happening in England soone after this fatall Parlement is imputed to poysons supposed to haue been prepared by those Gentlemen The Earle of Glocester in a sicknesse sodainely lost his haire his teeth his nailes And his brother hardly escaped death which made many to suspect their nearest seruants and their Cookes Walter Scotny the Earles Steward being one is strictly examined committed to prison and after without confession executed vpon presumptions at Winchester Elias a conuerted Iew is said to haue confessed that in his house the poyson was confected but it was when he was a Diuell not a Christian Any thing in the prosecution of malice serues the turne Euery man that had receiued any wrong by those great men now put vp their complaints and are heard to the agrauation of their insolence and iniustice Guido de Rochfort a Poictouin to whom the King had giuen the Castle of Rochester is banished and all his goods confiscat William Bussey Steward to William de Valence is committed to the Towre of London most reprochfully vsed as an especiall minister of his Maisters insolencies Richard Gray whom the Lords had made Captain of the Castle of Douer is set to intercept whatsoeuer the Poictouines conuayed that way out of England and much treasure of theirs and the elect of Winchester is by him there taken besides great sums committed to the new Temple are found out and seised into the kings hands And as vsually in such heates much wrong is committed in these prosecutions of wrongs But now as an amuzatory to make the ill gouerned people thinke they are not forgotten the new chiefe Iusticiar Hugh Bigod brother to the Earle Mareschall chosen this last Parlement by publique voyce procures that foure Knights in euery shire should enquire of the oppressions of the poore done by great men vnder their hands and seales certifie the same by a certaine day to the Baronage that redresse might be made Moreouer order was taken that from thence forth no man should giue any thing besides prouisions for iustice or to hinder the same and both the corrupter and corrupted to bee grieuously punished Notwithstanding this pretended care of the publike it is noted by the writers and records of that time how the Lords inforced the seruices of the Kings tenants which dwelt neare them and were totidem tyranni how they furnished the especiall fortresses of the kingdom with Regist. in Scace William Rishangar Guardians of their owne sworne to the Common state and tooke the like assurance of all Shirifs Baylifes Coroners other publike ministers searching the behauiour of many by strict commission vpon oath And to make their cause the more popular it was rumored that the Kings necessitie must be repayred out of the Estates of his people and how he must not want whilst they had it whereupon the King sends forth proclamation How certain malicious persons had falsly and seditionsly reported that he ment vnlawfully to charge his Subiects and subuert the Lawes and Liberties of the Kingdom and by these subtile suggestions altogether false auerted the hearts of his people from him and therefore desires them not to giue credit to such perturbers for that hee was ready to defend all Rights an Customes due vnto them and that they might rest of this secured he caused of his freewill his letters to be made Patents But now Monfort Glocester and Spencer who had by the late institution of the 24 Conservators drawne the intire managing of the Kingdome into their hands inforce 1258. Anno. Reg. 42. the King to call the Parliament at London where the Authority of the 24 is delivered vnto themselues and order taken that three at the least should attend in the Court to dispose of the custodie of Castles and other businesses of the Kingdome of the 18. Parlement at London Ordinat inter Record Civil Lond. Chancellor Chiefe Iusticiar and Treasorer and of all Officers great and small And heere they binde the King to loose to them their Legall obedience whensoever he infringed his Charter In this State stood the Kingdome when intelligence was given to the Lords that Liceat omnibus de Regno nostro contra nos insurgere ad gravamen nostrum open operam dare ac si nobis in nullo tenerentur Chart. Orig. sub Sigillo Richard King of Romans had a purpose to come ouer into England which made them greatly to suspect being ignorant of the occasion least he were sent for by the King to come with power to subvert them by the example of King Iohn Whereupon they send to know the cause of his comming and to require of him an Oath before hee should land not to preiudice the now established orders of the Kingdome which he sternely refuses to do saying Hee had no Peere in England being the sonne and brother of a King and was aboue their power and if they would haue reformed the Kingdom they ought first to haue sent for him and not so presumptuously attempted a businesse of so high a Nature The Lords vpon returne of this answere sends presently to guard the Ports and come strongly to the Coast prepared to incounter him if occasion were offered But finding The Lords require an oath of him his traine small accompanyed onely with his Queene two German Earles and eight Knights they vpon his promise to take their propounded oath receiue him to land but would neither permit the King who came thither likewise to meete him nor
himselfe to enter into Dover Castle At Canterbury they bring him into the Chapter house where the Earle of Glocester standing forth in the middest calls out the Earle not by the name of King but Richard Earle of Cornewall who in reverent manner comming forth takes his Oath ministred in this manner Heare all men that I Kichard Earle of Cornewall do heere sweare vpon the Holy Evangelists The Oath of the King of Romanes that I shall bee faithfull and dilligent to reforme with you the Kingdome of England hitherto by the Councell of wicked persons overmuch disorded bee an effectuall coadiutor to expell the rebels and disturbers of the same and this Oath will inviolably obserue vnder paine of loosing all the Land I haue in England so helpe mee God In this manner deale the Lords to binde this great Earle vnto them supposing his power to haue beene more then it was which at length they found to be nothing but an Ayrie Title for having consumed all that mighty substance abroad in two yeares which with great frugality had beene many in gathering he returnes in this manner home poore and forsaken by the Germans without any other meanes to trust vnto but onely what he had in England Notwithstanding vpon his returne the King takes heart and seekes all meanes to vindicate his power dispatching first messengers secretly to Rome to be absolued from 1259. Anno. Reg. 44. his inforced Oath then sends into Scotland to the King and the Queene his daughter for aydes to be ready vpon his occasions And to haue the more assurance of the King of France and be freed from forraine businesse he makes an absolute resignation of whatsoever right he had to the Duchy of Normandie and the Earledomes of Aniou King Henry resignes his right to Normandy c. Poictou Tourene and Maine in regard whereof the King of France giues him three hundred thousand pounds some say crownes of Aniouine money and grants him to enioy all Guien beyond the river Garoune all the Country of Xantonge to the river of 1261. An. Reg. 45. Charentè the Countries of Limosin and Quercy for him and his successors doing their Homage and Fealty to the Crowne of France as a Duke of Aquitayne and a Peere of that kingdome The Lords likewise on the other side seeke to strengthen their association and hold in each other to their Oathes and observation of their orders which was hard to do for consisting of manifold dispositions there was daily wauering sometimes Pikes among themselues in so much as the Earle of Leicester the chiefe man that kept the fire of that saction in told the Earle of Glocester finding him staggering that hee cared not to liue with such men whom he found so mutable and vncertaine for said he my Lord of Glocester The Lords combine against the K. as you are more eminent so are you more bound to what you haue vndertaken for the good of the kingdome And as he incensed others so had he those that animated him as Walter Bishop of Worcester and Kobert Bishop of Lincolne who inioyned him vpon remission W. Rishenger of his sinnes to prosecute the cause vnto death affirming how the peace of the Church of England could neuer be established but by the materiall sword But now many being the temptations many are drawne away from their side especially after the sentence giuen against them by the King of France made Arbitor of the quarrell who yet though hee condemned the prouisions of Oxford allowed the 1262. An. Reg. 46. confirmatiō of King Iohns Charter by which distinction he left the matter as he found it for those prouisions as the Lords pretended were grounded vpon that Charter Howsoeuer his sentence much aduantaged the King of England made many to dispence with their Oath and leaue their party Amongst whom was Henry Sonne to the Earle of Cornewall on whom the Prince had bestowed the Honour of Tyckhill who comming to the Earle of Leicester told him hee would not be against his Father the King nor his allyes but said he my Lord I will neuer beare Armes against you and 1263. Anno. Reg. 47. therefore I craue leaue to depart The Earle cheerfully replies my Lord Henry I am not sorry for your departure but for your inconstancie go returne with your armes I feare them not at all About the same time Roger de Clifford Roger de Leiborn Hamo I Strange and many other wonne with gifts depart from the Barons Shortly after Roger de Mortimer of the Kings part breakes into open act of hostility makes spoyle of the lands of the Earle of Leicester who had now combined himselfe with Llewellin Prince of Wales and had sent forces to inuade the lands of Mortimer in The beginning of the warres those parts And here the sword is first drawne in this quarrell about three yeares after the Parlement at Oxford The Prince takes part with Mortimer surprises the Castle of Brecknock with other places of strength which hee deliuers to his custodie The Earle of Leicester recouers the towne and Castle of Glocester constraines the Citizens to pay a thousand pounds for their redemption goes with an Army to Worcester possesses him of the Castle thence to Shrewsbury and so comes about to the Isle of Ely subdues the same and growes very powerfull The King doubting his approch to London being not yet ready for him workes so as a mediation of peace is made and agreed vpon these conditions That all the Castles 1264. Anno. Reg. 48. of the King should be deliuered the keeping of the Barons the Prouisions of Oxford should bee inuiolably obserued All strangers by a certaine time should auoide the Kingdome except such as by a generall consent should be held faithfull and profitable for the same Here was a little pause which seemes was but a breathing for a greater rage The Prince had fortified Windsor Castle victualled and therein placed strangers to defend it and himselfe marches to the towne of Bristow where in a contention between the Cittizens and his people being put to the worse hee seends for the Bishop of Worcester an especiall partaker of the Barons to protect conduct him back When he comes neare Windsor he gets into the Castle which the Earle of Leicester was going to besiege being about Kingston the Prince meets him to treat of peace which the Earle refuses and laies siege to the Castle which was rendred vnto him the strangers turned out sent home into France The King to get time conuokes another Parlement at London wherein hee wonne many Lords to take his part with them the Prince Richard Earle of Cornwall Henry 19 Parlement held at London his sonne William Valence with the rest of his brethren lately returned hee marches to Oxford whither diuerse Lords of Scotland repaire to him as Iohn Comin Iohn Baliol Lord of Galloway Robert Bruce and others with many Barons of the
the person of the sonne of a Prince or any other Nobleman that we read of in our Historie But this example made of one of another grew after to bee vsuall to this Nation And euen this King vnder whom it began had the bloud of his owne and his brothers race miserably shed on many a scaffold And iust at the sealing of this Conquest Alphonsus his eldest sonne of the age of 12. yeares a Prince of great hope The death of the Prince Alphonsus is taken away by death And Edward lately borne at Carnaruan an Infant vncertaine how to prouo is heire to the Kingdome and the first of the English intituled Prince of Wales whose vnnaturall distruction wee shall likewise heare of in his time But thus came Wales all that small portion leaft vnto the Brittaines the auncient Wales vnited to England possessors of this Isle to bee vnited to the crowne of England Anno Reg. 11. And strange it is how it could so long subsist of it selfe as it did hauing little or no ayde of others little or no shipping the hereditarie defect of their Auncestors no Alliance no confederation no intelligence with any forraine Princes of powre out of this Isle and being by so potent a Kingdome as this so often inuaded so often reduced to extremitie so eagerly pursued almost by euery King and said to haue beene by many of them subdued when it was not must needs shew the worthinesse of the Nation and their noble courage to preserue their libertie And how it was now at last gotten and vpon what ground wee see But the effect proues better then the cause and hath made it good For in such Acquisitions as these the Sword is not to giue an Account to Iustice the publique benefit makes amends Those miserable Mischiefes that afflicted both Nations come hereby extinguished The Deuision and Pluralitie of States in this Isle hauing euer made it the Stage of bloud and confusion as if Nature that had ordained it but one Peece would haue it to bee gouerned but by one Prince and one Law as the most absolute glory and strength thereof which otherwise it could neuer enioy And now this prudent King no lesse prouident to preserue then subdue this Prouince established the gouernment therof according to the Lawes of England as may bee seene by the Statute of Ruthland Anno Reg. 12. This worke effected and settled King Edward passes ouer into France vpon notice of the death of Philiple Hardy to renue and confirme such conditions as his State Reg. 13. Anno. 1286. required in those parts with the new King Philip 4 intituled le Bel to whom he doth Homage for Acquitaine hauing before quitted his claime to Normandie for euer And afterwards accommodates the differences betweene the Kings of Sicile and Aragon in Spaine to both of whom hee was allied and redeemes Charles entituled Prince of Achaia the sonne of Charles King of Sicile prisoner in Aragon paying for his ransome thirtie thousand pounds After three yeares and a halfe being abroade hee returnes into England which must now supply his Coffers emptied in this Voyage And occasion is given by the generall Reg. 16. An. 1289. complaints made vnto him of the ill administration of Iustice in his absence to inflict penalties vpon the chiefe Ministers thereof whose manifest corruptions the hatred to the people of men of that profession apt to abuse their Science and Autoritie the Necessitie of reforming so grieuous a mischiefe in the Kingdome gaue easie way thereunto by the Parliament then assembled wherein vpon due examinations and proofe of their extortions they are fined to pay to the King these summes following First Sir Ralph Hengham Chiefe Iustice of the higher Bench seuen thousand Marks Sir Ralf Henghans a chiefe Commissioner for the gouernment of the Kingdome in the Kings absence Sir Iohn Loueton Iustice of the lower Bench three thousand Markes Sir William Bromton Iustice 6000 Markes Sir Solomon Rochester foure thousand Markes Sir Richard Boyland 4000 Markes Sir Thomas Sodington two thousand Markes Sir Walter Hopton 2000 Markes these foure last were Iustices I●enerants Sir William Saham 3000 Markes Robert Lithbury Master of the Rolls 1000 Markes Roger Leicester 1000 Markes Henry Bray Escheater and Iudge for the Iewes 1000 Markes But Sir Adam Stratton Chiefe Baron of the Exchequer was fined in 34000 Markes And Officers fined for briberie extortion Thomas Wayland found the greatest delinquent and of the greatest substance hath all his goods and whole estate confiscated to the King Which were it but equall to that of Sir Adam Stratton these fines being to the Kings Coffers aboue one hundred thousand Markes which at the rate as money goes now amounts to aboue 300 thousand Markes A mighty treasure to bee gotten out of the hands of so few men Which how they could amasse in those daies when Litigation and Law had not spred it selfe into those infinite wreathings of contention as since it hath may seeme strange euen to our greater getting times But peraduenture now the number of Lawyers being growne bigger then the Law as all trades of profit come ouerpestred with multitude of Traders is the cause that like a huge Riuer dispersed into many little Rilles their substances are of a smaller proportion then those of former times and Offices now of Iudicature peraduenture more piously executed Of no lesse grieuance this King the next yeare after eased his people by the banishment of the Iewes for which the Kingdome willingly granted him a Fifteenth Hauing before in Anno Reg. 9. offred a fift part of their goods to haue them expelled The banishment of the Iewes but then the Iewes gaue more and so stayed till this time which brought him a greater benefit by confiscating all their Immouables with their Talleis and Obligations which amounted to an infinite valew But now hath he made his last commoditie of this miserable people which hauing beene neuer vnder other couer then the will of the Prince had continually serued the turne in all the necessarie occasions of his Predecessors but especially of his father and himselfe And in these reformations that are easefull and pleasing to the State in generall the Iustice of the Prince is more noted then any other motiue which may bee for his profit And howsoeuer some particular men suffer as some must euer suffer yet they are the fayrest and safest waies of getting in regard the hatred of the abuses not only discharges the Prince of all imputation of rigor but renders him more beloued respected of his people And this King hauing much to doe for money comming to an emptie Crowne was driuen to all shifts possible to get it and great supplies wee finde hee had alreadie drawne from his Subiects As in the first yeere of his Raigne Pope Gregorie procured him a Tenth of the Clergie for 2. yeeres besides a Fifteenth of them and the Temporalty In the third likewise another Fifteenth of
both In the Fift a Twentieth of their goods His many supplies means for Money towards the Welsh Warres In the seauenth the Old Money was called in and New coyned in regard it had beene much defaced by the Iewes for which 297. were at one time executed at London and this brought him in a great benefit In Anno Reg. 8. seeking to examine Mens Titles to their Lands by a Writt of Quo Warranto which opposed by the Earle Warreine who drew out his Sword vpon the Writt saying How by the same hee held his Land and thereby would make good his Tenure the King desists obtaines a Fifteenth of the Clergie In the Eleauenth he had a Thirtieth of the Temporaltie a Twentieth of the Clergie for the Welsh Warres In the Thirteenth Escuage forty shillings for euery Knights fee for the same purpose In the Fourteenth he had a Thousand Marks of certaine Marchants fined for false Weights In the Seauenteenth those fines fore-declared of the Iudges In the Eighteenth this Confiscation of Iewes a Fifteenth of the English After this Anno Reg Nineteenth pretending a Voyage to the Holy-Land the Clergie grants him an Eleauenth part of all their Moueables and shortly after the Pope procures him a Tenth for Six yeeres to bee collected in England Scotland and Ireland and laid vp in Monasteries vntill hee were entred into Mare Maggior But hee made the Collectors pay him the money gathered for Three yeeres without going so farre hauing occasion to vse it at home about the purchase of a new Kingdome For the crowne of Scotland vpon the death of King Alexander of the Daughter of Reg. 17. Anno. 1290. his daughter Margaret who was to inherit was now in controuersie Six Competitors pretend title thereunto all discending from Dauid earle of Huntingdon younger brother to William King of Scots and great Vncle to this late King Alexander This title King Edward takes vpon him to decide pretending a right of Superioritie from his Ancestors The occasion of his Warres with Scotland ouer that Kingdome The Scotts which swayed the Interregnum are constrayned for auoyding further inconueniences to make him Arbiter thereof and the Six Competitors bound to stand to his Award Two are especially found betweene whome the Right lay Iohn Baliol Lord of Galloway and Robert Bruce the one descending King Edward chosen by the Scots to arbitrate the right of the pretenders to that Crowne from an elder Daughter the other from a Sonne of a younger Daughter of Alan who had Married the Eldest Daughter of this Dauid Brother to King William The Controuersie held long Twelue of eyther Kingdome learned in the Laws are elected to debate the same at Berwick All the best Ciuilians in the Vniuersities of France are sollicited to giue their oppinions the differences and perplexednes whereof made the decission more difficult According to the Nature of Littigation that euer begetts rather Doubts then Resolutions and neuer knows well how to make Reg. 18. Anno 1291. an End King Edward the better to sway this businesse by his presence takes his Iourney Northward and whilst hee sought to compasse greater felicitie hee lost the better part of what hee had in this world his deere consort Elionor who had euer attended Queene Elionor dies Her Prayse him in all his Fortunes the Paragon of Queenes and the honor of Woman-hood who is said to haue sucked the Poyson out of the Wound giuen him by the Assasin in the East when no other meanes could preserue his Life dies by the way in Lincolnshire With whose Corps in extreame griefe hee returnes back to Westminster causing at all especiall places where it rested by the Way goodly engrauen Crosses with her Statue to bee erected As at Stamford Waltham West-Cheape Charing and others Gratefull Monuments of his Affection and her renowned Faithfulnes Her Funeralls performed back hee returnes to his Scottish businesse And now Six yeeres it was since the Death of King Alexander and much time hauing beene Scottish Hist. spent and nothing concluded in this controuersie King Edward that would be sure whosoeuer preuailed to haue the hand that should make him deales priuately with Bruce who had the weaker Title but the more friends and promises him if he would yeeld Fealtie and Homage to the Crowne of England he would inuest him in that of Scotland Bruce answeres Hee was not so desirous of Rule as thereby to infringe the Liberties of his Countrie Then with the like offer hee sets vpon Baliol who hauing better right but lesse loue of the people and more greedy of a Kingdome then honour Bal ol made King of Scotland yeelds thereunto is Crowned King at Scone hath Fealty done him of all the chiefe Nobility except Bruce comes to New-castle vpon Tyne where King Edward then lay and there with many of his Nobles sweares Fealtie and did Homage vnto him as his Soueraigne Lord. Which Act as hee thought done to secure him ouer-threw Reg. 21. Anno. 1294. him For being little beloued before hereby hee became lesse such as stood for Bruce and others of the Nobility more tender of the preseruation of their Countries libertie grew into Stomack against him as hauing not onely discontented them in this Act but shortly after in his Iustice in the case of the Earle of Fife one of the sixe Gouernours in the time of the Anarchie who had beene slaine by the Famelie of Aberneth And the brother of this Earle now prosecuted in Law before King Balioll in his high Court of Parliament where hauing no right done him King Baliol giuing Iudgement on the side of the Aberneths the wronged Gentleman appeales to the Court of the King of England King Baliol is thither summoned appeares sits with King Edward in his Parliament till his cause was to be tried and then is hee cited by an Officer to arise and stand at the place appointed for pleading He craues to answere by a Procurator it is denied then himselfe arises and discends to the ordinary place and defends his cause With which Indignity as hee tooke it hee returnes home with a brest full Baliol discontented returnes into Scotland charged with indignation Meditates reuenge renewes the ancient League with France Confirmes it with the marriage of his sonne Edward with a daughter of Charles brother to King Philip glad in regard of late offences taken against the Reg. 23. An. 1296. King of England to imbrace the same Which done Baliol defies King Edward renounces his Allegiance as vnlawfully done being not in his powre without the consent of the State to doe any such act Hereupon brake out that mortall dissention betweene the two Nations which during the raigne of the three last Scottish Kings had held faire correspōdence together that consumed more Christian bloud wrought more spoyle and distruction and continued longer then euer quarrell wee read of did betweene any two people of the World For hee
was most welcome to his mother who herein had her desier and being wholly bent to reuenge whereof none are saide to bee more eager then women found there besides her great partie in England those who nourished that humour in her amongst whom was chiefe Roger Mortimer Lord of Wigmor lately escaped out of the towre of London a gallant young Gentleman whom shee especially fauoured The Bishop of Exceter perceiuing some plots to be in hand and their The Bishop of Exceter discovers the Queens plots close consultations made without him withdrawes secretly from thence and discouers to the King so much as hee obserued of their courses The King sends presently for the Queene and Prince soliciting withall the King of France to hasten their returne which when hee saw was neglected and delayed hee caused them openly to be proclaimed enemies to the kingdome banishing them and all their adherents out of the The Queene proclaimed enemy to the Kingdome Land and withall causes all the Ports to bee strongly kept and sends three Admiralls to attend on seuerall coasts to oppose their landing The Queene to inflame her the more is informed of a plot laid to murther her and the Prince and either doubting how much the money of England might worke in those should be tempted therewith or else finding little forwardnesse in her brother to aide or countenance her course against her husband withdrawes to the Earle of Haynault being then a Prince of great meanes and likewise Earle of Holland to whose daughter Phillippa she contracts her sonne the Prince and gets aide and mony of him to transport her into England Arriving at Harwich with the Prince the Earle The Queene returnes with forces of Kent the Kings brother whom she brought with her from the Court of France the Earle of Pembrooke the Lord Roger Mortimer and Iohn brother to the Earle of Heynault with 2500 Henowayes and Flemings she was received with great ioy and concourse of all the discontented Nobility and others and especially by the Bishops of Hereford and Lincolne who soone resorted unto her as men who had lost to recover their fortunes The King vpon notice of this sodaine and safe arrivall of the Queene demands aide Reg. 19. Anno. 1326. of the Citie of London which returnes answer That they would with all dutie honour the King Queene and Prince but their gates they would shut against all forreiners and traytors to the Reatme and with all their power withstand them The King with his small Councell The King demands aide of the Citie of London about him reposing no assurance in this answer after Proclamation made that none vpon paine of death should aide the Queene and commandement given to destroy all her adherents onely her own person the Prince and his brother the Earle of Kent excepted and that whosoever brought the head of Roger Mortimer should haue 1000 pounds he leaues the Citie committing the keeping of the Tower to Sir Iohn Weston with the guard of his yonger sonne Iohn of Eltham and his Neece the Countesse of Glocester first wife to Pierce Gaueston now of Hugh Spencer the younger a Lady vnfortunate by the over great fortunes of both her husbands and departs towards the West hoping to finde aide in those partes as formerly he had done against the Barons but he saw the world was altered and no man there to regard him The King departs towards the West The Queene advertised of his course marched after him growing daily greater as she marched and comes to Oxford where the Bishop of Hereford Preached before her and the whole assembly and delivers the cause of her proceeding taking for his The Queene followes Text My Head aketh my Head aketh and concludes most undevinely that an aking 2. King 24. and sick Head of a Kindome was of necessity to be taken of and not otherwise to be cured A most execrable doctrine and repugnant to the Sacred Word which in all corrupted times is evermore produced to abuse mens Credulity and iustifie Impiety in whatsoever Ambition or Malice shall attempt a sinne beyond all other that can bee committed vpon earth And the more to countenance the Queenes proceeding it was noised two Cardinals were seene in her Campe sent by the Pope to excommunicate such as tooke Armes against her and the cause of hers to be for the delivering the kingdome from the misleaders of the King the Spencers the Lord Chancellour and their adherents all others to be safe And here proclamation is made that nothing should bee taken from any subiect without paying ready mony and a penalty imposed on whomsoever The Queenes Proclamation did the contrary as for the value of three pence to loose a finger sixe pence the hand twelue pence the head and that whosoever brought to the Queene the younger Spencers head should haue 2000 pounds Thus is a bad cause defended with shew of Iustice and an vunaturall presumption made to seeme right by power and authority An impotent woman led with passion and abused by wicked counsell is brought to make head against her owne head to conduct an innocent sonne against the father to vndertake an action she knew not how to manage and to put her selfe into their hands who having other ends then hers would work beyond though under her authority what pleased themselues And though the event as commonly it doth in such attempts proue worse then the intention of the vndertaker yet howsoever the infamy of all what was acted lyes foule and open vpon her Memorie and no Apologie extant any way to cover it and therefore we must leaue the same as wee finde it And better had it been for the honour of the state of England to haue beene without her great dowre then to haue had her example the worst of a Queene it ever yet had The miserable King having his reputation the maine support of Maiestie blowne vp with the hurlewinde of his pursuers found few or no hands to aide him So that after hee had put Hugh Spencer the father into the Castle of Bristoll with what defence could be prouided for the guarding thereof hee leaues to trust the Land and commits himselfe to a more vnfaithfull Element the Sea with purpose either to hide himselfe a while in the Isle of Lundie or to passe ouer into Ireland The King betakes him to the Sea but tost to and fro with contrary windes after Sir Thomas Blunt his Steward with others were shrunke from him hee lands in Wales in Glamorgan shire where though hee found not saftie hee found loue and was hidden in the Abbey of Neth The Queene with her Armie from Oxford goes to Glocester where the Lords Percie and Wake with ayde from the North met her and thence to Bristoll assailes and winnes the Castle puts to death the defender Hugh Spencer Earle of Winchester without forme or tryall of Law causing him to bee drawne and hanged on the common
Edmond Earle of Kent brother to the late deposed King is accused and condemned vpon his confession for intending the restoring of his brother and conferring with divers great men concerning the same but without any matter of fact This miserable Earle stood on the Scaffold from one till fiue and no Executioner could bee found to dispatch him at length a silly wretch of the Marshalsey cut off his head These violences and vnpleasing courses in a new alteration could not long hold without effecting another which the next yeare produced A Parlement is held at Nottingham wherein all the power and glory of the Queen and Mortimer being scarce A Parlement at Nottingham of three yeares growth were overthrowne the Queene hath all her great Ioynture taken from her and put to her pension of 1000 pounds per annum Mortimer is accused to haue procured the late Kings death to be the authour of the Scots safe escaping from Articles against Mortimer Stanhope Parke corrupted with the gift of twenty thousand pounds to haue procured the late marriage peace with Scotl. so dishonourable to the King and Kingdom to haue consumed the Kings treasure besides all what was taken from the Spencers to haue beene too familiar with the Queen c. And for these haynous offences is condemned of high treason sent vp to London drawn and hanged at the common Gallowes at the Elms now called Tyburne He is hanged at Tyburne where his body remained two daies as an opprobrious spectacle for all beholders Such were the tragicall and bloudy returnes those ambitious supplanters of others got by exchange of the times which now may seeme made the world weary of such violences and more wary to runne into them And the King growing to yeares of more Ability to governe of himselfe wrought a greater respect of his service in those who were of power about him seeing him to be of a spirit likely to go through with his work and therefore they vse their best advice to put him into courses that might be most honourable for him and the Kingdome The staines which his youth had received by such as governed the same are now discovered and meanes devised how to take them of And withall occasions fall out to put him into Action And first a new King of France lately crowned vpon the death of Charles le Bel King Edward is summoned to do his homage to Phillip de Valois K. of France without issue Male requires his homage according to the custome for the Duchy of Guien and his other lands in France held of that Crowne whereunto though King Edward was supposed to haue the better right yet seeing Phillip de Valois was now in possession of the same and himselfe then yong his owne Kingdome factious turbulent and vnsettled he was not as yet otherwise then by Law which seldome gets a Crown able to debate his title and therefore is content to temporise and goe ouer in person to performe this ceremony which did much preiudice his after claime layde an imputation vppon the iustnesse of his cause hauing thereby acknowledged and made good the right of his Competitor The difference betweene them stood thus Philip le Bell father to Isabell Mother The Title of K. Ed. to the Crowne of France to King Edward had three sonnes Louys Philip and Charles which all were successiuely Kings of France and died without any issue male to inherite the kingdome and notwithstanding Louys the eldest sonne had a daughter whom Eudes Earle of Bologne her vncle by the mother laboured to haue crowned Queene yet for that it was adiudged contrary to the Salicque Lawe which debarred women from the succession Phillip the younger brother of Louys is ad admitted to the Crowne This Phillip likewise left foure daughters and yet doth Charles his brother succede him by the force of the same lawe which passed now as a case adiudged without any controuersie Charles dying leaues his wife young with childe difference arises about the Regencie of that kingdome betweene King Edward of England the Nephew and Phillip de Valois Cosen-german to the last King Charles This Phillip was the first Prince of the blood sonne to Charles de Valois brother to Phillip le Bell. And though King Edward was in degree nearer then hee yet was the Regencie adiudged to Phillip if the Queene brought forth a sonne as descending from a brother more capable of the Crowne then King Edward descending from a daughter that was vncapable as they alleadged The Queene at length deliuered of a daughter the processe is ended and Phillip receiued and crowned King of France by their Salicque Lawe maintained to be vnviolable Robert de Artois a Peere of great power was a speciall meanes of his pre ferment and the exclusion of King Edward who shortly after vppon Sommons giuen 1331. An. Reg. 5. as is aforesaid goes ouer and meetes King Phillip at Amiens where by the Councels of both Kings two especiall points are debated the one concerning the quallity of the Homage pretended liege by the Councell of King Phillip but denied by that of King Edward The second point for the lands in Guiene which the last King Charles had detayned as his whereof the Councell of King Edward demanded restitution as appertaining to that Duchy The Composition for this last point was easie in regard of the treatie of Peace made betweene the saide King Charles and Edward the second the last of May 1325. wherein their rights were saued by protestations reciprocall aduised and receiued in offer and acceptance of Homage made to the saide King Charles by this Edward before hee was King which protestations were agreed to be followed and repeated in this with Couenant that if King Edward would pursue his right in Parlement he should haue iustice done him accordingly for those things in controuersie Now for the first point concerning the quallity of his Homage it was accorded without specifying the same that it should be done and receiued according to the vsuall manner of former kings with sufficient time granted to King Edward to inquire of the said quallity and to make his declaration thereof And thereuppon Iean Tilet the sixt of Iune 1329. King Edward in a Crimson veluet gowne imbroydered with K. Ed. doth Homage to the French K. Leopards with his Crowne on his head his sword by his side and golden spurres on his heeles presents himselfe in the body of the Cathedrall Church at Amiens before King Phillip sitting in his chaire of estate in a veluet gowne of violet colour imbroydered with floures de lis of gold his Crowne on his head and his Scepter in his hand with all his Princes and Peeres about him The Viscount Melun Chamberlaine of France first commands King Edward to put off his Crowne his sword and his spurres and to kneele downe which hee did on a crimosine veluet cushion before King Phillip and then the Viscount putting both his
haue no conference with the King but in open Parlement which at that time said the King was not for especiall reasons conuenient to be called Then aggrauates hee the vndutifull contempt of the Archbishop and his hypocriticall dealing with him avowing that although by hereditary right and the diuine grace hee was aduanced to that sublimitie of regall power hee held it alwaies to haue beene a detestable thing to abuse the greatnesse thereof and how he affected nothing more in the world then to gouerne his subiects with mildnesse clemency and moderation of Iustice that hee might with peace enioy their loue And how notwithstanding the Archbishoppe had most iniuriously by his Letters published in diuerse parts torne his innocency and slandered the faithfull seruice of his Counsailors and Officers who executed his regall Iustice exclayming how the people were opprest the Cleargy confounded the kingdome agrieued with taxations and all kinde of exactions Which the King argues was to no other end but to raise sedition amongst his people and to withdrawe their loue and obedience from him Lastly to giue notice of the Archbishoppes corruption he declares how himselfe beeing vnder age had through his counsell made so many prodigall donations prohibited alienations and excessiue gifts as thereby h●s treasurie was vtterly exhausted and his reuenewes diminished and how the Archbishop corrupted with bribes remitted without reasonable cause great summes which were due vnto him applying to his proper vse or to persons ill-deseruing many commodities and reuenewes which should haue beene preserued for his necessary prouisions And therefore concluded vnlesse hee desisted from this his rebellious obstinacie hee intended in due time and place more openly to proceede against him inioying them to publish all and singular these his malignities and to cause others to doe the like for the manifestation of his owne pious and Princely intention in relieuing his owne and his subiects wrongs This Letter was sayd to haue been penned by Adam Bishoppe of Winchester and bare date the 12. of February An. Reg. 15. Thus the King and his Officers whose proceedings must not receiue a check are cleared and the imputation rests vpon the Archbishop who is charged with great accoūts pressed by such as lent the King mony to render the same But shortly after the King found much to doe in the Parlement held at London being earnestly petitioned by the whole Assembly of the three Estates that the great Charter of Liberties and the Charter of Forrests might be duly obserued and that whosoeuer of the Kings Officers infringed the same should lose their place that the high Officers of the kingdome should as in former times be elected by Parlement The King stood stiffe vpon his owne election and prerogatiue but yet yeelded in regard to haue his present Vid. Stat. 15. Edward 3. turne serued as himselfe after confessed these Officers should receiue an oath in Parlement to doe iustice vnto all men in their offices and thereupon a Statute was made confirmed with the Kings Seale both for that and many other grants of his to the subiects which notwithstāding were for the most part presently after reuoked The truce agreed on before Turney for one yeare was by the Commissioners of both The Articles Vid. Appen Kings and two Cardinalls from the Pope concluded at Arras which yeelded some cessation of Armes but not of plotting more mischiefe Louys of Bauier intituled Emperour is wonne to the party of the French King becomes his sworne confederate The Emperor reuokes the Vicariate the reason why Vid. Append. and reuokes the Vicarshippe of the Empire formerly confirmed on the K. of England pretending the cause to be for concluding the late truce without him as appeares by his Letters to King Edward which are againe by him fully and discreetly answered But in steed of this remote and vnconstant confederate whose power lay without the limits of France Fortune brought in another more neere and of readier The controuersie for the Duchy of Brittaine meanes to offend within the bodie of that kingdome The inheritance of the Duchy of Brittaine is in controuersie betweene Charles de Blois Nephew to King Phillip and Iohn de Monfort vpon this title Arthur Duke of Brittaine had by Beatrix his first wife two sonnes Iohn and Guy by Yoland Countesse of Monfort his second wife Iohn de Monfort Iohn the eldest sonne of Arthur hauing no issue ordayned Iane his Neece daughter to his brother Guy who died before him to succeed him in the Duchy This Iane Charles de Blois marries on condition his issue by her should inherite the same wherein after consummation of the Marriage hee is inuested and had homage done vnto him during the life of Iohn their Vncle. But after his death Iohn de Monfort doth homage for the Duke of Brittaine to King Edward Monfort claymes the Duchy comes to Paris to do homage for the same to the French King Charles de Blois in the right of his wife opposes him the controuersie is referred to the Parlement Sentence passes on the side of Charles Monfort inraged repaires to the King of England doth his homage vnto him for the Duchy is receiued with great applause and his title howsoeuer held bad at home is heere made to bee good Returning back into Brittaine both with comfort meanes after some encoūters Monfort taken prisoner His wife prosecutes her husbands quarrell with his enemie hee is taken and committed prisoner to the Louure in Paris His wife the Countesse of Monfort sister to Louys Earle of Flanders a Lady who seemed to haue more of the man then her brother prosecutes her husbands quarrell puts on Armour leads and incourages her people surprises and defends many strong peeces of Brittaine but in the end like to be ouerlaide by the power of Charles de Blois she craues ayde of the King of England and hath it sent vnder the conduct of the Lord Walter de Manny which relieued her for the present but the future required more whereof King Edward was not sparing in regard of his owne designes for aydes are seldome sent to forrainers but for the Senders benefit The Lady her selfe comes ouer into England to treate both for supplyes and alliance tendring a match betweene her sonne and a daughter of King Edward The Earles Salisbury Pembrooke and Suffolke Forces sent ouer into Brittaine the Lords Stafford Spencer and Bourchier with Robert de Artois Earle of Richmond are sent with great forces backe with the Lady Many were the incounters surprises and recouerings of Fortes betweene the English and the French and in this action The death of Robert de Artois Robert de Artois receiued his last wound at the siege of Vannes but yet was brought to die in England it being not in his Fate that his countrie which by his meanes had suffered so much affliction should haue his bones though it had his blood which he lost with little honour
of lay Fee were appointed to finde an Archer on horse-backe of 25 pounds a Demilance and so ratably aboue The King himselfe goes in person to confirme and make the Flemings fast vnto him and at Sluce Iaques van Arteuile with other Commissioners from their chiefe Townes repaire vnto him where a motion is made that either Louys their Earle should do homage to the King of England or else be disinherited and Edward Prince of Wales receiued for their Lord for which King Edward promises to erect their County to a Dukedome Arteuile was forward to entertaine this motion but the rest of the Commissioners require leaue to acquaint therewith the Townes that sent them which though they were all desirous to haue the Protection of the King of England yet disliked the disinheriting of their naturall Lord. Arteuile notwithstanding vndertakes to induce them vnto it and returnes to Gant garded with fiue hundreth Welsh which he desired to haue for that one Gerrard Denyse Prouost of the Weauers opposed him and sought his distruction The people whom he had so often led to muteny against others now vpon his returne rose against himselfe and a Cobler with an Axe strake out his braines And so King Edward lost his great Agent which much displeased him and disappointed his businesse in those parts Yet the Townes sent to excuse themselues of this accident laying the fault on the turbulent Gantoys and in all things vowing their faithfull seruice vnto him onely to the disinheriting of their Earle they could not consent But they hoped to perswade him to become his homager and to procure a match betweene the sonne of their Earle and his daughter And thus pacifying his present displeasure the league is renued betwixt them and King Edward returnes to prosecute his other designes But now the warres in Guien grew hot the Earle of Darby Generall of the Army assaults and takes in Ville-Franche Agenois Angolesme Rions Saint Basile with many other Cities and Castles The French King sends his eldest sonne Iohn Duke of Normandie to incounter him who recouers the Cities of Angolesme and Ville-Franche thus is the sword out before the Truce is expired the breach wherof the French King layes on the King of England and hee the same on him for entertayning King Dauid and setting the Scots vpon attempts of inuasion of his Realme So that it seemes both were prepared to breake not able to holde their hands any longer from the fatall worke of destruction It was now the twentith yeare of this mighty and actiue Kings raigne wherein Reg. 20. Anno. 1346. hee had prepared the greatest Fleet that euer yet crossed the Seas for France and ouer hee passes into Normandy in Iuly leauing for Wardens of England in his absence the Lords Percy and Neuile taking the young Prince with him about the age of fifteene yeares to learne him the way of men and what trauell greatnesse was borne The king goes with a mighty Army into Normandy to indure to attaine glory in this world His Army consisted of foure thousand men at Armes and ten thousand Archers besides Welch Irish which followed on foot hee had of Earles Hereford Northampton Arundell Huntingdon Warwicke Suffolke and Oxford of Barones Mortimer who was after Earle of Marche Iohn Louys and Roger Beauchamp Cobham Lucy Basset Barkeley and Willoughbie with diuerse other both Knights and gallant Captaines Hee had of late entertayned Godfrey de Harcourt who had beene as a minion to the French King and became another Robert de Artois vpon some discontent or doubt of some discoueries of fauouring the English party in Brittaine for which cause the French King had a little before executed Oliuer de Clisson Bacon Percy Geffrey de Malestroit men of especiall marke whom hee had there imployed And now insteed of this Harecourt had wonne from King Edward the Lord Iohn de Beaumont who had long serued him was his wiues Vncle and acquainted Iohn de Beaumont when King Edward had made him Earle of Cambridge takes the French Kings part with all his courses Such is the trust of mercinaries who sell their faith for better entertainement Neither did this Harecourt long hold out but changed colours and made his peace with the French King his naturall Lord but in the meane time did him and his countrie much mischiefe For vpon King Edwards landing with his mighty Army in the Isle of Costantine in Normandy by his conduction hee made him one of his Marshals and the Earle of Warwicke the other The Earle of Arundell is appointed Constable He diuides his people into three battailes one to march on his left hand along the Sea coast the other on the right conducted by the two Marshals and himselfe in the midst with his mayne Army The Earle of Huntingdon imployed for Admirall of his Fleete was to take all the shippes hee found on the Sea The manner of King Ed. proceeding with his Army coast The three Armies by land lodged euery night in one field And first he sackes the City of Caranton slew all hee found armed or disarmed therein burnes razes desolates the Citie saying hee sacrificed those oblations to Bacon Percy and others whose heads hee found set vpon the principall gate vniustly massacred by Phillip Thence hee marches forward and tooke Saint Lo a rich Towne of marchandise and pillaged the same Then after some bickring became Maister of Caen and put all that countrey into so great terror as Falaise Lyseaux Honfleur strong walled townes rendered themselues vnto him This done hee spread his power in the Isle of France to draw out Phillip to the combate giuing out that hee would wrastle with him in the eye of all France on the great Theater before his capitall Citie of Paris Phillip this while held not his armes in his bosome but had ramassed one of the The French K. prepares to oppose K. Ed. fairest Armies saith the French History that euer was seene in France composed of French Lorraynes Alemaines Genouoys which hee led towardes Meulan where King Edward was said to haue made a stand and attended him but vpon report of his comming on retyres it was supposed hee fled for feare but the euent shewed that the great God of Armies had destined his victory for another place King Phillip followes and ouertakes him at a Village called Arenes a name remarkeable signifying the Sand to show on what vnstable earth all the trust of humaine forces and the designes of the great are founded This mighty Army of King Phillip hauing the aduantage to be at home where all was theirs made him account the victory certaine King Edward retires to gaine the Riuer of Some at Blanquetaque but the passage was to be disputed by the sword For Phillip had before sent thither Gundemar de Fay with a thousand horse and fixe thousand foot King Edward notwithstanding resolues to K. Ed. goes ouer the riuer of Some defeites the Fren. passe
the night and in approaching the walles the Guard asked Who goes there he answered The fortune of France His voyce being knowne the gates are opened and in is hee receiued with the teares and lamentations The French King flyes of his people when yet seekes to comfort all he could The number of the slaine on the place are certified to be 30. thousand The chiefe men were Charles d' Alanson Iohn Duke of Borbone Ralfe Earle of Lorraine Louys Earle of Flanders Iaques The number of the slaine Dauphin de Viennois Son to Imbert who after gaue Dauphine to the Crowne of France the Earles of Sancerre Harcourt brother to Geoffry and many other Earles Barons and gentlemen to the number of 1500. This memorable victorie hapned vpon the Saterday after Bartholomew day being the 26. of August 1346. All the Markes of an intire ouerthrowe rested with King Edward the field of the Battaile the bodies of the slaine and their spoiles The occasion of this great defeit according to humaine coniecture the French attribute to the choller rashnes and precipitation of their King and his brother and sure temeritie and presumption haue euer been the ruyne of great Actions especially in warre King Edward managed this victorie with as great moderation as he wanne it and first hauing imbraced his Sonne commending his valour shewed that day he renders thankes to God after as he had inuoked his ayde before at the beginning of the Battayle and earely in the morning being Sunday he sent out 300. Lances and 2000. Archers to discouer what was become of the enemie who found great Troupes of such as were comming from Abbe-uille St. Requier Roan and Beauvoys ignorant of what had hapned led by the Arch-byshop of Roan and the Prior of France whom they like wise defeited and slew 7000. Our Writers report that of Straglers which were fled from the Battaile or comming on hauing lost their way by reason of a thicke mist which hapned that morning were slaine many more then in the field the day before which sheweth vs the wonderfull losse this afflicted Countrie susteined at one fatall blow But this was not all the victories that fell to King Edward that yeere there was an other of more importance gotten in England by the Queene and his people at home against the K. of Scots who being set on by the French to diuert the warre there entred King Dauid ouerthrowne and taken prisoner vpon this Kingdome with 60. thousand men as our Writers report assuring himselfe of successe in regard as he supposed the maine strength thereof was now gone into France But he found the contrary the Lords of the North as Gilbert de Humfrivile Earle of Angos Henry Percie Ralph Nivile William Dayncourt with the Arch-byshop of Yorke the Bishop of Durham and others of the Clergie gathered so great force and so well ordered them by the animation of the Queene who was there in person as they vtterly defeited this great Armie tooke Dauid their King prisoner with the Earles of Fife Menteth Murry Sutherland the Lord Douglas the Arch-byshop of Saint Andrewes and others and put to the sword 15. thousand Scots This Victorie sell likewise vpon a Saterday and sixe weekes after that of Cressie And as if all concurred to make this yeere tryumphant The aydes sent to the Countesse of Monfert in Brittaine lead by Sir Thomas Dagworth ouerthrew and tooke prisoner Charles de Blois pretender to that Duchie and with him Monsieur la Val the Lords Rochford Beaumanoyr Charles de Bloys taken prisoner Loyacque with many other Barons Knights and Esquires there were slaine in the incounter the Lord De la Val father of him which was taken Vicont Rohan Monsieur de Chasteau Brian de Malestroit de Qnintin de Direval great Lords besides many other worthy men at Armes Knights and Esquires to the number of about 700. Thus all fell before the Sword of England Now King Edward without medling with the great Cities Amiens and Abbeville which were both neere marches on directly and sets downe before Calais a Towne of more importance for England and the gate to all the rest wherein Iohn de Vienne Marshal of France and the Lord d' Andreghen a great man in his time commanded All that Winter King Edward hauing sheltred his people as in another Towne furnished with all prouisions lay without any molestation of the French King who King Edward besiegeth Calais this while was likewise besieged with the affliction of his owne state Misfortune is euer held a great fault both in mightie men and meane and opens the mouthes of those whose hearts are peruerse The people of France were in extreame pouertie yet notwithstanding the necesitie of the Kings affayres must constraine fresh supplyes The ill managing the publique treasure the falshood of the Financiers the decrying of Moneys the deminishing of trafficke augmentation of impostes Subsidies Gabels c. were the causes of this publicke murmur and put the people in dispaire seeing no end of the troubles wherein their King was dayly more and more ingaged And now was no way to helpe him but by an assembly of the States Wherein the Financiers Receiuers and managers of monies are called to render an account and the treasure committed to the disposing of the Cleargy and the Nobles to take away suspition in the people of ill dealing Foure Bishops two Abbots and foure Knights are chosen for that businesse Pierre des Essars Treasurer of France is committed to The State of France prison condemned in a great Fine to the King Other Officers and accountants restore at once what they were long in gathering The Banquiers Lombards and other vsurers are put to the presse for their vnlawfull exactions the Intrests are proued to exceed the Principall which is confiscate to the King and the Intrest giuen to the Debtors Courses wherewith indigent Kings in expensiue times vse to serue their turnes and please their oppressed people Which I haue the rather noted though it lye without our circle to shew that other Kings likewise layd hand vpon what they could fasten as well as ours haue done and made benefite of mens offences onely this of the Vsurer is new to vs but yet like to that practised heretofore vpon the Iewes and might serue a turne with as much content to the people and as faire a shew of a iust correction as theirs did the nature of the Extortors being alike Ayded with this meanes and the ready seruice of his Nobles and ablest subiects the French king in the Spring hath an Army in the field approaches Callais but findes no way open to come to relieue it The King of England was both Maister of the Hauen and possest all other wayes whatsoeuer were passable and had the Flemings his friends who with a huge Army had besieged Ayre and did much mischiefe on the confines of France To oppose them is Iohn Duke of Normandy the Prince sent for out
Edward arriues with 300. men at Armes and 600. Archers Monsieur Charmy sets out The French circumuented in their practise likewise the same night from Saint Omers with his Forces and sent 100. armed men before with the Crowns to Americo and to possesse the Castle The men are let in at a Posterne Gate the Crownes receiued and themselues layd in hold Which done the gates of the Towne are opened and out marches the King before day to encounter Monsieur de Charny comming on with his forces who perceiuing himselfe betrayed put his people to the best defence hee could and the king of England to a hard bickring who for that hee would not bee knowne there in person put himselfe and the Prince vnder the colours of the Lord Walter Manny and was twice beaten downe on his knees by Monsieur de Riboumont a hardy Knight with whom hee fought hand to hand and yet recouered and in the end tooke Riboumont prisoner Charny was likewise taken and all his forces defeited King Edward the night after which was the first of the new yeare feasted with the prisoners and gaue Riboumont in honour of his valour wherein he honoured his owne a rich chaplet of Pearle which himselfe wore on his head for a New-yeares-gift forgaue him his ransome and set him at liberty The rest pay dearely for what they got not and were well warned how to trafficke in that kinde Yet the English not long after in the like practise had better successe and got the Castle of Guisnes a peace of great importance neere Calais for a summe of mony giuen to one Beauconroy a French man Of which Castle when the French King demanded restitution in regard of the Truce King Edward returnes answer That for things bought and sold betweene their people therein was no exception and so held it Shortly after the French king not borne to liue to see any better fortune dyes leauing that distressed kingdome to his sonne Iohn who found farre worse For An. 1305. Reg. 24. these fore noted wounds were but as scratches to that State compared with those horrible maimes it indured in his and after in the Raignes of Charles 6. and 7. till the sword of England was turned home vpon it selfe to let out the blood of reuenge The French King dies with as tragicall mischiefes on the fuccessours of these great actors who now thus wrought others ruines aboade King Edward the next yeare after is againe in person with a Fleet on the Sea to incounter certaine Spanish shippes passing from Flanders loaden with cloth and other King Edward in action at sea against the Spaniards commodities whom after a great fight and much blood shed on either side hee tooke with all their substance for that the Spaniards the yeare before entered the Riuer Garonne and tooke away certaine English ships loaden with wines and slew all the English His forces in Guien were not idle this while but many conflicts passed betweene the French and them notwithstanding the Truce which was renewed The warres in Brittaine likewise continue and are hotly maintained betweene the two Ladies the widdow of Monfort and the wife of Charles de Bloys whose husband remaynes prisoner in England eager defenders of eithers pretended right Diuerse ouertures of peace had beene made by Legates sent from the Pope and Commissioners often met to the great expence of both Kings but nothing could be cōcluded the winner the loser seldom agreeing vpon cōditions in regard the one wil haue more then the other is willing to yeeld vnto so temporary Truces which Alterations of moneys were but slenderly obserued are onely taken to winne time These actions not only consumed our men but the treasure of the kingdome The warre though inuasiue could not maintayne it selfe The monyes here are altred and abated in weight and yet made to passe according to the former value Before this time there were none other peeces but Nobles and halfe Nobles with the small peeces of siluer called sterlings but now grotes of foure-pence and halfe grotes of two pence equiuolent to the sterling money are coined which inhansed the prices of things that rise or fall according to the plenty or scarcity of Coine Which made seruants labourers to A Parlement raise their wages accordingly Whereupon a Satute was made in the Parliament Anno Reg. 27. now held at Westminster to reduce the same to the accustomed rate which was giuen before the late great Mortality This caused much murmuring amongst them imputing the cause thereof to William Edington Bishop of Winchester the Kings Treasurer whom they held to be the Author of the abatement of the Coyne The King conceiuing displeasure against the Flemmings for being disappointed of the Match betweene a Daughter of his and their yong Earle Louys who was escaped into France and bestowed on a daughter of the Duke of Brabant with-drawes the Mart or Staple of Woolls from their Townes greatly inriched thereby and can The Staple established in England sed the same to be kept at Westminster Chichester Canterbury Lincolne Warwick Yorke New-castle Excester Carmarden Bristoll and Hull Holding it fitter to aduance his owne Townes then Strangers by the commodities of the Kingdome And here are prouident Ordinances enacted for the gouerning and ordering this Staple An Act is also made in this Parliament that all Weares Milles and other stoppages Walsinham of Riuers hindring the passages of Boates Lighters and other Vessels should be remooued An Act most commodious to the Kingdom but it tooke little effect saith my Authour by reason of bribing and corrupting Lords and great men who regarded more their owne then the publike benefite A mischiefe fatall to all good Ordinances and yet is it an honor to that time that so behoufull an Act was ordained For this eafie conuaying and passing of Commodities from place to place to impart the same more generally would no doubt be an infinite benefit to this State And seeing God hath made vs Riuers proper for the same it is our negligence or sloth if we marre them or make them not vsefull in that kinde as other Nations doe with farre lesser Streames There is mentioned also an Act to bee made at the instance of the Londoners that Stow. no common Whore should weare any Hood except rayed or striped with diuers colours nor Furres but garments reuersed the wrong side outward wherein they did well to set a deformed marke vpon foulenesse to make it appeare the more odious After this Parliament Henry Earle of Derby is created Duke of Lancaster and The Earle of Derby created Duke of Lancaster Ralfe Lord Stafford Earle of Stafford and heere Charles de Bloys a long Prisoner in England agreed for his Ransom which was 40. thousand Florins and was permitted to returne into Britagne to prouide the same Great mediation is made by the Pope to accord the two Kings and Commissioners meet on both
perticular Lords whose Homages were passed ouer to the King of England protested against it Alledging how that the King could not dispose of the Soureigntie of the Kingdome nor alien his Domaine and therefore they would not obey it The French King notwithstanding least King Edward should thinke this but a collusion betweene him and his subiects publishes his Commandement for the obseruation of the Accord and thereof certifies King Edward Besides he had vndertaken a iourney for the Holy warres and desired to settle all things in peace at home before his going And this might be the occasion of his comming and not his loue to the Conntesse of Salisburie as is reported But howsoeuer this King shewed a Strange disposition to returne to the Gaole where he had indured so much affliction and where shortly after his comming The death of King Iohn of France hee ended his life much lamented of the King of England who sole mnly attended his Corps to Douer whence it was conuayed to Saint Denys and entombed with his Ancestors An. 1364. Reg. 38. The debate for the Duchie of Britaigne is about this time determined by the death of Charles de Bloys slaine in a Battaile neere Vannes by Iohn de Monfort and the English Forces led by the Lord Latimer Sir Iohn Chandos and Sir Hugh Cauerley The businesse of Britayne accomdated for a time Iohn de Monfort marries Mary Daughter to King Edward and by his consent doth his homage for the Duchie to Charles now King of France compounding with the widdow of Charles de Bloys for a summe of money and some estate in land And heere we haue some time of rest which the Souldier whom the warre had bred could not well brooke The cast Companies in France though they had no Head yet had strong Bodies and did much mischiefe in many parts of that Kingdom till they were imployed in the Warres of Spaine which fell out shortly after A Company of them passed over into Italie vnder the conduct of Sir Iohn Haucut a great The Italians call him Iohannos de Acuto Warriour who found such entertainement with the Princes there where hee reuiued Militarie discipline that had layne long vnused among them and got such honour and estate by his valour as his fame remaines to this day and his Statue amongst their memorable Princes for action and vertue though hee went but a Taylorout of this Kingdome which in those dayes could haue furnished the whole world with Leaders and expert Militarie men And now heere haue we brought this mightie King to the Fortieth yeere of his Anno Reg. 40. Raigne which had it beene his last wee had left him the most glorious and tryumphant Prince in the world to whom Fortune neuer yet shewed her back neuer was retrograd But now these last ten yeeres present vs with a turning of the Beame a declination from that height of glory with certaine blemishes that age and frailtie brought vpon him This new King of France Charles the fift Intituled The wise recouered great aduantages vpon him hauing in the life time of his Father strugled so with affliction a better Mistresse of wisedome then prosperitie and learned so well to know a Crowne before he had it as now hee manages the same with great temperance and vigilancie and finding the preseruation of that State consisted more in counsell then force which had beene too aduenturously imployed by his Father and Grand-father he workes his fortune by lying still hauing excellent aydes and ministers to execute his designes and labour for him of whom for his warres Guesclin a Brittaine whom hee made Constable of France was of especiall note and first shewed the way how that State was to be recouered The Prince of Wales remayning in his Duchy of Aquitayne with a great Court which required great expences and many military attendants without worke is Anno Reg. 41. 1367. solicited by Peter King of Castile chased out of his kingdome by his bastard brother Henry to ayde him to recouer the same which the Prince vpon great promises of remuneration vndertakes by the consent of his father The cause was better then the person For this Peter sonne to Alphonso 11. King of Castile had cōmitted so tyrannicall outrages as were intollerable to his subiects oppressing and destroying The Prince of wales aides the King of Castile his Nobles to inrich himselfe putting away and after murthering his wife which was daughter to Peter Duke of Burbon sister to the now Queen of France by the instigation of his Concubine Maria de Padilla whom he afterwards married Whereupon the State adhering to his brother Henry who though he were a bastard by his birth was more Legittimate by his vertues then hee who was more a bastard by his vices crowned him King of Spaine at Bargos and forced Peter to fly the kingdome This Peter thus reiected the Prince of Wales with an Army of thirty thousand attended by his brother Iohn Duke of Lancaster and many Lords of England goes to re-inuest in his kingdome Henry is ayded by the French and those floting companies fore-remembred led by Guesclin Constable and Dandrehen Marshall of France hauing besides of Castilians Christians and Sarasins so many as his Army consisted of neere an hundred thousand men Vpon the borders of Castile it came to a Battayle the Prince of Wales hath the victory Henry is put to flight the French Leaders taken prisoners and Peter put into his Throne againe at Bargos The worke done reward for the same is required by the Prince which Peter could not or cared not to prouide but staruing him with delayes inforced him in the end to returne to Burdeaux without mony to pay his Army which was worse without health which he neuer after recouered This successe had this vnfortunate action vndertaken to right an vngratefull Tyrant who afterwarde notwithstanding was The Prince obtaines the victory in Spaine againe dispossessed taken and put to death by his brother Henry It is written that to strengthen himselfe hee combined with a Prince of the Sarazins married his daughter and renounced the Christian faith but it is commonly the reward of euill princes to be made worse then they are The Prince of Wales returning thus out of Spaine charged with more debts then before and destitute of meanes to content his people fals vpon another misfortune The il successe of that iourny as commonly men in these declinations seeking remedies increase maladies imposing a new taxation vpon the Gascoignes of Feuage or Chymney mony so discontented the people as they exclaime against the gouernment of the English and appeale to the King and Court of France for redresse The King of France at the instance of the great Lords and others who were turned ouer by the accord to hold of the Crowne of England sends a Gentleman to the Prince of Wales at Burdeaux with sommons to answere before him and his
Court at Paris to these complaints Now had the Lords of Arminiaque D'Albert Peregort Cominges and many others Anno Reg. 43. 1369. made their protestations against the King of England for the Crowne of France which they say they were by nature to obey and not to a strange Soueraigne that it was absolutely against the Fundamentall Law of the Kingdome to disseuer them from the Crowne that the Contract was made in prison and therefore inciuile and not to be held by the right of Nations So that they were resolued to spend their liues and estates rather then bee vnder the gouernment of England By their example the Cities of the County of The Emperor Charles 4. makes a iourny into France to reconcile the two Kings Ponthieu rendered themselues to Guy Conte de Saint Poll and Guy de Chastillon The King of England complaines of this breach of accord to the Pope and the Emperour Charles 4. who made a iourney into France to reconcile the two Kings and determine the businesse Before whom our Ambassadours first declare how this Accord hauing beene more for the good of France then vs in regard we resigned thereby not The allegations of the English Ambassadours before the Emperour onely our Title to Normandie Touraine and Aniou the fairest and richest Countreys of France But also our Title to the Crowne to the end we might hold in Souraigntie the Duchy of Aquitayne the Country of Ponthieu with some other peeces which by Hereditary right appertained to the Crowne of England whereby the effusion of Christian blood was stayed France had peace and their King restored in faire manner after a faire imprisonment and vpon the most resonable Conditions could bee deuised Notwithstanding the French King who Vid. Appen himselfe with the whole Councell of France contracted the Accord and solemnly swore to obserue the same hath contrary to the Law of God and Nations after he had recouered his Hostages by fraud seazed both vpon the Duchy of Aquitayne and the Country of Ponthieu without denouncing Warre by his Heraldes c. The French Reply How we by the Accord were bound immediately to with draw our The Reply of the French Army out of France which they say wee did not during all the Reigne of their King Iohn That the Peace was thereby made more offensiue then the Warre they being constrained to purchase the departure of our Souldiers with greater charge then would haue maintained an Armie That the breach was on our side for that the Souldiers were ours That King Edward was bound to renounce his Title to the Crowne of France in open Assembly of the States of both Realmes which they say was not done And concerning the releasing of their King they say it cost France more gold then the redeeming of Saint Louys their King his brother the Peeres and the whole Armie taken by the Soldan an Infidell Thus both sides defend their cause being easie for Princes who will breake out of their Couenants to finde euasions The French King it seems though willing to get in what he could yet was very loath to renue a Warre and therefore with many Presents courts the King of England Who seeing himselfe thus deluded prepares to haue out his Sword And Anno Reg. 44. hauing borowed great Summes of the Clergie sends ouer Iohn Duke of Lancaster and Humphry Bohun Earle of Hereford with a mightie Armie to Calais to inuade France on this side whiles the Prince of Wales works to recouer the reuolted Townes on the other But little was effected The Duke shortly returnes And then Thomas Beauchamp Earle of Warwicke with fresh supplyes is sent ouer who dyes in the iourney Forces sent into France Sir Robert Knoles a man renowned in those times for valour and counsaile is made Leader of an Armie Consisting of many great Lords who disdayning to bee commanded by him whom they helde their inferiour ouer-threw themselues and the Action Thus all went backe and the French King growes both in State and Alliance Anno Reg. 45. Margueret sole daughter and Heire to Louys Earle of Flauders to whom King Edward sought to match his sonne Edmond is wonne to marrie Phillip Le Hardy Duke of Burgogne brother to the French King And this much vexes King Edward who A Subsidie granted by Parliament the maner of seyzing the same the better to furnish himselfe for reuenge calles a Parliament at Westminster wherein he resumes his claime to the Crowne of France and requires ayd of his Subjects and hath it The Clergie graunted him 50. thousand poundes to be payd the same yeere and the Laitie as much For the leuying whereof euery Parish in England was rated first to pay 23 shillings foure pence the great helping the lesse vpon supposition there had beene Parishes ynough to haue made vp that summe But by certificate vpon the Kings Writs sent out to examine what number of Parish Churches were in euery Shire they found it came short and then rated euery Parish at fiue pound sixteene shillings the greater to helpe the lesse and so of 8600. Parishes found to be in the 37. Shieres 50. thousand 181. pound 8. peence was raised But in regard of the great pouertie of Suffolk and Deuon Shire the 181. pound was abated and the King answered 50. thousand pounds for the Laytie Vpon this Supply the King grants that the great Charter and the Charter of The Duke of Lancaster sent into Aquitaine Forrests should bee obserued in all points which in most Parliaments of his is euer the first Act as may be seene in the printed Statutes And now Iohn Duke of Lancaster and Edmond Earle of Cambridge are sent with Forces into Aquitayne to ayde the Prince of Wales who after he had sacked the Citie of Limoges that was reuolted his health failing to performe any more leaues the prosecution of the Warre to his brother and with his wife and young sonne Richard borne at Burdeaux returnes The Prince of Wales returnes into England home into England and here resignes vnto his father the Duchy of Aquitayne The Duke of Lancaster after the departure of the Prince did little but being now a widdower his wife dying two yeares before in the third great Pestilence in which yeare also Phillippe wife to King Edward ended her life hee marries Constance eldest daughter to Peter King of Castile by whom hee had the empty title of King The Duke of Lancaster marries Constance daughter to the King of Castile and was after the death of his father-in-law stiled King of Castile and Leon. This Constance though shee were the daughter of a wicked father and infamous mother yet was so happy that the daughter shee had by this Duke of Lancaster named Katherine became after Queene of Castile and Leon being married to Henry 3. in possession before and in her right King of both those Realmes and left her posterity Kings of Spaine Edmond Earle of