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A17140 Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. Or, the trauels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, iudges, kings, our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Testaments. With a description of the townes and places to which they trauelled, and how many English miles they stood from Ierusalem. Also a short treatise of the weights, monies, and measures mentioned in the Scriptures, reduced to our English valuations, quantitie, and weight. Collected out of the workes of Henry Bunting, and done into English by R.B.; Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. English Bünting, Heinrich, 1545-1606.; R. B., fl. 1619. 1636 (1636) STC 4020; ESTC S106784 396,681 582

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Ierusalem Southward and fell by lot vnto the tribe of Iuda This tower was as it were a bulwark for the city of Ierusalem stood in the way as you go thence to Bethlem and so to Gaza Of Zareah THis was a city in the tribe of Iuda eight miles from Ierusalem toward the West which Rehoboam did also repaire and fortifie 2 Chr. 11. There was another city of this name scituated vpon the border of the tribes of Iuda and Dan 18 miles from Ierusalem Westward of which you may reade in the trauels of Sampson Of Adoraijm ADoraijm or Adarah was a city in the tribe of Iuda 44 miles from Ierusalem Southwestward which Rehoboam the son of Solomon also fortified 2 Chr. 11. It is scituated vpon the borders of Iudah and Arabia Petraea betweene Cades and Casmona It signifies a glorious City being deriued of Adar he was glorious The Trauels of King Abia. ABijah or Abia signifies The Father of the sea Hee began to reign in the 18 yeare of Ieroboam his Aduersary An. mundi 2988 before Christ 980 and reigned ouer Israel 3 yeres 1 Reg. 15. 2 Chr. 17. He went from Ierusalem to the mount Zemeraim 8 miles After that hee went to Bethel and conquered all the countrey from thence to Ephron which was 36 miles From Ephron hee returned to Ierusalem 44 miles there hee tooke vnto him 14 wiues and begat 20 sonnes and 16 daughters 2 Chron. 13. The Trauels of ASA King of Iudah ASa signifies a Physitian He began to reigne about the end of the 21 yeare of Ieroboam King of Israel An. mundi 2990. before Christ 978. He gouerned Iudah with great commendations 41 yeares He went from Ierusalem to Maresa 16 miles where in the valley of Zephatha hee ouercame the Ethiopians in a memorable battell 2 Chr. 14. From thence he pursued the Ethiopians to Gerar being 22 miles and recouered many cities which the Ethiopians dwelt in 2 Chr. ca. 14. From Gerar he went to Ierusalem which was 32 miles and offered to the Lord of the spoiles that hee had taken 700 Oxen and 7000 sheepe 2 Chr. 15. These trauels of King Asa make 70 miles The journey and expedition of Saerah King of Aethiopia whom Asa King of Iudah ouercame in the valley of Zephatha SAerah or Saerach signifieth A noble and puissant Lord. This was a mighty and warlike Prince who gouerned Lybia and Aethiopia the King of which countrey at this day wee call Presbyter Iohn or rather Petro Iohannes who holdeth his Court in a faire and goodly city called Hamarich the Metropolitan of all Aethiopia and extendeth his gouernment beyond Meroes in Affrica Many though ignorantly suppose he is a Priest because he is called Presbyter though indeed he is not so but rather a puissant and mighty Emperor But to return to Saerah or Saerach who in hope to extend his Empire into these parts went with a great army out of Ethiopia to the valley of Zephatha in Iuda to fight with Asa King of Iudah 1200 miles but lost the day and returned with great shame 2 Chr. 15. It seemeth that this King was the mightiest of all his predecessors and a Prince of no vulgar estimation because of the multitude and great aboundance of soldiers which he brought in his army for it is reported that there were 1000000 that bore armor and 300 chariots but this great army was dispersed and most of them died miserably as did that great army of Xerxes which consisted of 1700000. From whence it may be concluded That it is not the strength of man which deliuereth him but the Lord. The Trauels of IEHOSAPHAT King of Iudah IEhosaphat signifies The Iudge of the Lord. He began his reign in the fourth yeare of Ahab 1 Reg. 22. The greatest part therfore of the first yeare of this King hapned in the yeare of the world 3033 and before Christ 935. Hee reigned ouer Israel 25 yeares that is from the 35 of his age till the 60. In the 7 yeare of his reigne hee went from Ierusalem to Samaria which was 32 miles to visit his kinsman Ahab King of Israel for Ioram his son some ten yeares before had maried Athaliah King Ahabs Sister 2 Reg. 8. From Samaria hee went with Ahab to the war at Ramoth in Gilead which was 24 miles where Ahab was slaine 2 Reg. 22. 2 Chr. 18. From Ramoth he went safe from the wars to Ierusalem which was 48 miles From Ierusalem hee went to the city of Beersaba the vtmost bounds of his kingdome towards the South to instruct his people in the Law of the Lord which was 42 miles from Ierusalem Southward From Beersaba passing through all his kingdome hee came to Mount Ephraim which was 48 miles and the vtmost bounds of his kingdome Northward beeing some 8 miles from Ierusalem 2 Chr. 19. From Mount Ephraim he went to Ierusalem which was eight miles Thus Iehosaphat went through al his dominions to instruct his subjects in pietie and the true worship of God In euery Citie ordaining Iudges and Gouernours Magistrates Procurators and Assessors committing to their discretion the deciding of all controuersies saying to them Take heed what you doe for the office which you haue taken vpon you is not humane but Diuine and as you iudge so shall you bee iudged for the Lord is with you in iudgement Wherefore doe all things with diligence and in the feare of the Lord for with the Lord there is no iniquitie nor respect of persons neither taketh he any bribes And he himselfe remained chiefe Iudge in Ierusalem to whom any might appeale from the inferior Iudges that so there might be a iust end of controuersies 2 Chr. 16. Afterward Iehosaphat went forth with his army to Tecoa sixe miles from Ierusalem where by feruent prayers the sounding of trumpets and other musical instruments he obtained a memorable battell against the Moabites Ammonites and Idumaeans for the Lord turned the weapons of them one against another and they wounded one another to the death This fight happened in a faire vally between Tecoa and Engedi So Iehosaphat pursued the enemy for three daies with great slaughter and returned with a mighty spoile This was called the valley of Blessing because of this great victorie at Tecoa and began 8 miles from Ierusalem Southeastward and extended it selfe to the tower of Engedi neer to the banke of the red sea 20 miles From Engedi out of the valley of Blessing Iehosaphat and his army returned to Ierusalem 20 miles and went into the Temple with shalmes harpes timbrels and great joy thankfully acknowledging Gods mercifull fauor toward him in giuing him so great a victorie 2 Chr. 20. But as there is nothing in this life that can be said permanent so likewise the felicitie of Iehosaphat changed on a sudden the froward and aduerse frowne of aduersitie seising vpon his prosperitie for ioyning with that wicked and impious King of Israel Ahaziah vpon condition to build a certain navy of ships at Ezeongaber to
fetch gold from Tharshish and other places in India he displeased the Lord for which cause there arose a great tempest which brake down the workes and destroyed the Navy From Ierusalem he went with Iehoram King of Israel to war against the Moabites and with them went the King of Idumaea so passing through the desarts of Edom they came to Mount Seir and so went to Petra the chiefe city of the King of the Moabits distant from Ierusalem 72 miles 2 Reg. 3. From Petra Iehosaphat returned to Ierusalem 72 miles where he died and was buried 2 Reg. 22. 2 Chr. 21. So all the trauels of Iehosaphat King of Iuda were 372 miles The Typicall signification of IEHOSAPHAT AS Iehosaphat by prayer and the sound of trumpets and other instruments of musick ouercame dispersed his enemies without drawing his sword so Christ also by the sound of his Word and doctrine without drawing weapon ouercame the enemies of the Church The Trauels of IORAM King of Iudah IOram signifies The Exalted of the Lord. He was crowned king his father yet liuing at such time as he made his expedition against Mesa King of the Moabites which hapned about the fift yere of Iehoram King of Israel An. mundi 3055 before Christ 913. He reigned with his father Iehosaphat 2 yeares and after his decease six So Ioram reigned 8 yeares ouer Iudah and when hee was forty yeares old died miserably 2 Reg. 8. 9. About the beginning of the second yeare of this Kings reign which was the sixt of Iehoram King of Israel Elias the Prophet was taken vp into heauen About the beginning of his reigne he went from Ierusalem to Mount Seir which was 28 miles Southward where he vsed such extreme cruelty toward the Edomites which at this time were his subiects that of a sudden they fell from him and chose them a King of their own 2 Reg. 8. From the Mountain of Seir he returned to Ierusalem which is 28 miles and there cruelly put to death his owne brothers But God stirred vp against him the Philistines and Arabians who broke into Iuda and destroyed it with fire and sword They also went to Ierusalem and tooke thence all his substance and riches put his children to the sword all but Ioachas which also called Ahaziah or Ochorias caried away his wiues captiue into Arabia Foelix which is neer vnto Ethiopia 1200 miles Then the Lord strooke him with an extreme paine in his bowels of which after two yeares he died and was buried without any funerall pomp or honorable respect neere to the Kings tower A man vnworthy to be buried in the sepulchre of the rest of the Kings because hee so much degenerated from Dauid his predecessor 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chr. 28. So all the trauels of Ioram were 56 miles The Trauels of AHAZIAH King of Iudah AHaziah which also was called Iehoachas succeeded his Father Ioram in the gouernment of Iudah began his reign in the 12 yeare of Iehoram King of Israel Ann. mundi 3062. and before Christ 906 and reigned one yeare 1 Reg. 8. He went from Ierusalem to Ramoth in Gilead which is accounted 48 miles There he went to battell with Iehoram King of Israel against the Syrians 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chr. 22. From Ramoth in Gilead he returned to Ierusalem forty eight miles Within a while after he went backe again to visit his kinsman Iehoram King of Israel to Iesreel for hee was wounded in the battell against Hasael and lay there to be cured which was forty and eight miles With Iehoram he went to meet Iehu the Captaine of the Host who shot an Arrow and wounded Iehoram that hee died in the field of Naboth the Iesreelite Wherefore Ahaziah to saue his life fled with all possible speed taking his way to the Kings garden that stood close by the vineyard of Naboth the Iesreelite not farre from the City and Tower of Iezreel But Iehu followed him so close that he wounded him as he ascended vp vnto a place called GVR which signifieth A Lions Whelpe neere vnto the Towne which is called Iiblea Wherefore Ahaziah feeling himselfe hurt he went to Megiddo foure miles from Iesreel and neere to Apheck vpon the West There as Iosephus saith Lib. Antiq. 9. hee caused his wounds to be searched and bound vp This citie of Megiddo is 48 miles from Ierusalem Northward From Megiddo hee went to Samaria which was 14 miles there he lay hid for a while flying from one place to another to saue himselfe 2 Chron. 22. But being found out he was carried backe to the citie of Megiddo which was 14 miles and at the commandement of Iehu was there slaine 1 Reg. 8. From Megiddo his carkasse was carried to Ierusalem which was 48 miles and there buried 2 Reg. 8. 2 Chron. 22. So all the Trauels of Ahaziah King of Iudah were 224 miles Of that Idolatrous and wicked Queene Athalia AThalia was sister to Ahab and daughter to Omri married to Ioram sonne of that good King Iehosaphat when he was but 17 yeares of age and after the death of Azahiah who was slaine about the 23 yeres of age she vsurped vpon the kingdome of Israel anno mundi 3063 before Christ 905 and raigned with great tyranny almost 7 yeares So soone as she had obtained the gouernment she cruelly and miserably put to death all the children of Ahaziah and all those that were next heire to the Kingdome onely Ioas who was saued by the policie of Iehoshabeath sister to Ahasiah that stole him from among the rest of the Kings sonnes and put him to nourse in her bed-chamber and hee was with them in the house of God six yeares all which time Athalia raigned ouer the land And in the seuenth yeare Iehoiada waxed bold and proclamed Ioas King as being next heire to the crowne and annointed him in the temple who after Athalia was slaine succeeded in the gouernment 2 Reg. 11. 4. 2 Chron. 22. Of Ioas King of Iudah IOas began th raigne ouer Iudah when he was almost 7 yeres of age and about the middle of the seuenth yeare of Iehu King of Israel anno mundi 3069 and before Christ 899 and raigned ouer Iudah 40 yeres He did that which was acceptable in the sight of the Lord all the daies of Iehoiada the Priest who crowned him king but after his death he fell into euil courses and caused that good Priest Zachariah the sonne of Iehoiada who was the author of all his preferment to be stoned to death in the vpper court of the Temple which act argued that he was very vnthankefull and tyrannicall But the Lord displeased with his crueltie within a yeare after the death of Zachariah stirred vp the Syrians who inuaded Iudaea and spoiled the citie of Ierusalem in which warre all those that stirred vp the king to Idolatrie were cruelly slaine To conclude within a while after some of his courtiers conspired against him and as he lay sicke of a grieuous disease in his
Of Gesur GEsur was a country neere to Caesarea Philippi in the land of Basan beyond Iordan neere Libanus in the Tetrarchie Trachonitides 88 miles from Ierusalem Northeastward With the King of this country Absolon remained in banishment for 3 yeres space after he had slain his brother Ammon and with vs may be termed the vally of Oxen 2 Sam. 13. Of Hadsi THe lower country of Hadsi stood neere to the city Corazin in the halfe tribe of Manasses 52 miles from Ierusalem toward the Northeast and signifies a new land beeing deriued of Chadasch that is New Of the fountaine Rogel THis was neere Ierusalem Eastward to which place Ionathan and Ahimaas Dauids intelligencers brought him newes of Absalons counsels and intentions 2 Sam. 17. It seemeth that trauellers vsually washed their feet in it from whence it was called the Wel of feet beeing deriued from Raegael signifying a Foot Neere to this place was the stone Zochaeleth where Adoniah at such time as he affected the kingdome contrary to his fathers liking called an assembly and made a great feast 1 Reg. 1. The Trauels of Baena and Rechab THese two went out of the tribe of Benjamin ouer Iordan to Machanaim 40 miles There they murthered their master king Ishbosheth in his chamber as he lay vpon his bed and after cut off his head The head they brought to King Dauid to Hebron 68 miles But Dauid was not pleased with their treacherie wherefore hee caused them both to be put to death So their trauels were 108 miles The Trauels of Absalon ABsalon was borne in Hebron and went with his father to Ierusalem 22 miles 2 Sam. 13. From thence he went to Baalhazor 8 miles where hee caused his brother Ammon to be slain From thence for feare of his father he fled into the land of Gesur 88 miles 2 Sam. 14. From thence he came backe with Ioab to Ierusalem which was 88 miles 2 Sam. 14. From thence he went to Hebron 22 miles and made himselfe King and rebelled against his father From thence he went backe againe to Ierusalem which is 22 miles There he lay with his fathers Concubines 2 Sam. 16. From thence he pursued his father to Machanaim 40 miles there was hanged by the haire in an oke tree where Ioab put him to death 2 Sam. 18. So all the trauels of Absolon were 290 miles Of Baal-hazor IN this city Absolon made a great feast for his sheepe-sherers and inuited all his brothers to it where he caused Ammon to be slain because he had abused his sister Thamar It lieth in the way some 8 miles from Ierusalem toward the North-East as you go to Iericho neere to mount Ephraim 2 Sam. 13. and is deriued of Baal which signifies a Lord or husband and Chazir a Den or caue Of the name ABSOLON ABSOLON signifieth a Father of peace although he was the author of all discord and sedition against his father The Trauels of the wise woman of Thecoa THis woman went from Thecoa to Ierusalem 8 miles and spake with King Dauid and with her sweet words shee persuaded him that he would recall his sonne out of exile who then remained in Gesur 2 Sam. 14. Of Thecoa THecoa was a city in the tribe of Iuda some 8 miles from Ierusalem toward the Southeast neere this city Iosaphat by praier and the sound of Trumpets without drawing sword got a memorable victory and for that cause it signifieth the sound of a Trumpet In this place the prophet Amos dwelt and there lieth buried whose sepulchre was to be seene 400 yeares after Christ as S. Ierom obserueth It was from Bethlem Iuda 6 miles Neere to Techoa was the lake Aspher where Ionathan and Simon Iudas Machabeus brothers pitcht their tents 1 Mach. 9. Of this city you may reade Ier. 6. Am. 1. 2 Chr. 11. Of ACHITOPHEL THis perfideous and wicked man was borne in the towne of Gilo not far from Hebron and Debir in the tribe of Iudah Ios 15. 2 Sam. 15. 20 miles from Ierusalem Southeastward who when his counsell would not take place he went home to his own house and there desperatly hanged himselfe The Trauels of wicked Shimei SHimei went from Bahurim where he cursed King Dauid to Bathabara vpon the riuer Iordan which was 18 miles where he got pardon of Dauid 2 Sam. 19. From thence he went backe with King Dauid to Gilgall foure miles 2 Sam. 19. From thence he went with King Dauid to Ierusalem 12 miles 2 Sam. 19. From thence he went to Bahurim 3 miles From Bahurim King Solomon sent for him again to Ierusalem 3 miles There he was constrained to build him an house and not to depart thence vpon pain of death 1 Reg. 2. But Shimei transgressing this commandment of the king went to Gath a city of the Philistims 12 miles From thence hee returned back againe to Ierusalem 12 miles where he was slain by the command of King Solomon in the third yeare of his reign 1 Reg. 2. So all the trauels of Shimei were 104 miles The Books of Kings and Chronicles Of ABISHAG the Virgin that lay with Dauid THis Maid was accounted the fairest in all Israel for which cause she was brought to Ierusalem for King Dauid that she might lie with him in his old age to procure heat she was born at Sunem a town some 44 miles from Ierusalem 1 Reg. 1. Of Sunem you may read before in the trauels of Dauid Saul The Trauels of King Solomon SOlomon the son of Dauid King of Israel entred vpon the full gouernment of the kingdome of Israel An. mundi 2931. and before Christ 1037. when he was about 20 yeares old After he went from Ierusalem to Gilgal 4 miles and there offered vpon the altar which Moses had made 1000 burnt offerings 1 Reg. 3. 2 Chr. 1. From thence he went backe to Ierusalem which was 4 miles and built a Temple to the Lord in mount Moriah 1 Reg. 6. This was begun about the fourth yere of his reign and 480 yeres after the children of Israel came out of Egypt in the moneth Ziph which answereth to our May. So that the Temple began to bee built in Anno mundi 2934. and before Christ 1034. To the building whereof Hiram King of Tyre sent Cedar trees from Mount Libanus 120 miles to Ierusalem 1 Reg. 5. 2 Chr. 2. This Temple Solomon within plaited ouer with pure gold and set with pretious stones and finished it in the month of Nouember about the eleuenth yeare of his reigne 1 Reg. 6. The dedication whereof was about the twelfth yeare of his reigne and in the 32 yeare of his age Anno Mundi 2942 and before Christ 1026. The Temple being finished he began to build his owne house which was 13 yeares a building and was finished about the 44 yeare of his age and in the 24 of his reign 1 Reg. 7.8 After 20 years in which time he had finished the house of the Lord and his own house in Mount Sion that
carrieth the smell vnto the red sea and they that saile can easily discerne the sweetnesse of the aire There is gold also found there very fine and pure insomuch as for the goodnesse of it it is called Arabian gold The Phoenix is found there of which there is but one in the world Pliny lib. 9. cap. 35. describes her to be as big as an Eagle with a list of feathers like gold about her necke the rest are of a purple colour therefore from Phoenicea and the purple colour of her wings shee is called Phoenix Shee hath a tuft of feathers vpon her head like vnto a crowne Shee liueth 660 yeares at the end of which time she buildeth her a nest of Cassia Cinnamon Calamus and other pretious Gummes and herbs which the Sun by the extremitie of the heate and the wauing of her wings fires and she taking delight in the sweetnesse of the sauor houers so long ouer it that she burnes her selfe in her owne nest Within a while after out of the marrow of her bones and the ashes of her body there groweth a worme which by little and little increaseth to some bignesse and after to a purple bird Then her wings extend themselues to a full greatnesse till such time as she commeth to be a perfect Phoenix This Bird doth liuely represent our Sauiour Christ who only and alone is the true Messiah and through whom we must expect euerlasting life who in the fulnesse of time offered himself a Sacrifice vpon the Crosse sustaining the punishment for sin at the time of his Passion putting on a purple robe being all be sprinkled with his owne bloud Ioh. 19. And as the Phoenix is burnt in her owne nest so likewise was hee consumed in the fire of Gods wrath according to that in the 22 Psal My heart is become like melting wax in the middest of my body And as the Phoenix of it selfe begetteth another of the same kinde so Christ by the power of his Deitie raised vp his body from the dust of the earth and ascended vp into heauen a glorious body to sit at the right hand of his father in that euerlasting Kingdome of glory Thus gentle Reader I thought fit to describe vnto you these two townes that when you shall reade of them in the holy Scripture the one being in Aethiopia towards the South the other in Arabia Foelix and called Seba you might discerne the one from the other of both which there is mention in the 72 Psalme The Kings of the Sea and of the Isles shall bring presents the Kings of Saba and Seba shall giue gifts The Trauels of King Pharaoh out of Aegypt when he ouercame the Towne of Gazer 1 Reg. 9. IN the 16 yeare of King Dauid Anno mundi 2906 and before Christ 1602 Chabreus King of Aegypt began to raigne and raigned 56 yeares Diod. lib. 2. cap. 2. Herodotus calleth this man Chephrines in his second booke and Eusebius Nepher Cherres He went from Memphis the chiefe Citie of Aegypt with a great armie 268 miles euen vnto the tribe of Ephraim and there tooke Gazer a Citie of the Leuites and burned it with fire 1 Reg. 8. Ios 21. After he came to Ierusalem which was 28 miles And this city which he had thus destroied he gaue to his daughter the wife of Solomon 1 Reg. 9. From thence he returned to Memphis in Aegypt 244 miles So all the Trauels of King Pharaoh were 244 miles Of Memphis MEmphis is a great city in Egypt where commonly the kings of that country keepe their Courts and lyeth from Ierusalem 244 miles South-westward This citie was built a little before the floud but repaired and enlarged by a king called Ogdoo who in loue of his daughter after her name called it Memphis You may reade of it in the ninth of Hosea called there by the name of Moph for thus he saith The people of Israel are gone out of the land of Ephraim because of their Idolatrie into Aegypt but Aegypt shall gather them vp Moph that is Memphis shall bury them Moph or Mapheth in this place signifieth A prodigious wonder but the rest of the Prophets call it Noph for the fertilitie pleasantnes of the country as you may reade Esa 19. The Princes of the Zoan are become foolish and the Princes of Noph or of Memphis are deceiued See also Ierem. 2.44.46 Ezech. 30. in which places you may find it called after this name Zoan is the citie Tanis where Moses wrought all his miracles But Noph or Moph is this Memphis a beautifull towne large and spacious scituated in the strongest and profitablest place in Aegypt diuided into two parts by the riuer Nilus so that any kind of commodities or merchandise might with ease bee brouht thither by water for which cause the kings of that countrie for the most part kept their abiding there Strabo saith lib. 17. That vpon the East part of this citie there standeth a Tower or Castle called Babylon built by certaine Babylonians who leauing their owne countrey by the permissions of the kings of Egipt dwelt there in after times there was placed a garrison in it one of the three which were for the defence of Aegypt and by Ptolomy was called Babilon through both which viz. Memphis and Babilon Nilus passed the one standing vpon the East side the other vpon the West Zoan or Tanis stood about some foure miles from this towne and was a faire spacious citie also scituated towards the South vpon the East side of Nilus to which the kings of that country often resorted and Heliopolis anothet faire citie stood some six miles off that towards the Northeast All these foure townes were so wonderfully inhabited by reason of their pleasant profitable scituation that in processe of time they become all one citie and in this age is called Alcaire containing in circuit 60 miles so that it seemeth to spectators to be like a country replenished with nothing but fair houses goodly churches strong towers exceeding all the rest of the cities of Egypt aswell for the beautifulnesse of the place as the extent and largenesse of it It is reported that in the yeare of our Lord 1476 there was such an extreme pestilence in it that there died 20000 a day from whence may be gathered how infinitely it is peopled Neere to this towne stood the Pyramides which are held to he one of the wonders of the World as Strabo saith lib. 17. the height of one of them was 625 foot and square on each side 883 foot it was twentie yeares a building a hundred thousand workemen emploied about it whence it may be easily gathered how hard and difficult it was in those times to get stone it being for the most part brought from Arabia and at what an excessiue charge they were that set vp them Of Gazar This Citie is described in the Trauels of Solomon The Trauels of Hadad King of Idumaea WHen Dauid conquered Idumaea Hadad
that hee was constrained to leaue the battell 1 Reg. 22. And as he went backe againe to Samaria which was 24 miles he dyed of his wound Of this man you may reade more 1 Reg. 21. 22. So all the Trauels of Ahab were 152 miles The Description of Carmel Apheck and Ramoth you may reade before Of Iesreel IEzreel is a city in the Tribe of Issachar scituated vpon a rising ground some 48 miles from Ierusalem towards the North where Ahab somtimes kept his court Here Noboth the Israelite dwelt an honest and religious man one of good esteeme and authoritie that feared God and would not suffer the inheritance of one Tribe to be transferred to another because God had commanded the contrary Nu. vlt. For which cause he would not sell his vineyard to Ahab wherefore Iezabel that wicked woman to satisfie the Kings desire caused him to be stoned Iezreel signifies The seed of God being deriued of Sera Seed and El the Almighty God Though in former times this hath bin a faire town yet at this day there is not past 30 houses in it and is called Charity standing at the foot of Mount Gilboah they shew at this day the field of Naboth the Iesrelite lying towards the West as you goe into the citie a little before you come at it This towne standeth vpon a faire prospect for you may see from thence through all Galile to Carmel the mountaines of Phoenicia and Mount Thabor also from Mount Gilead by Iordan and Mount Salem where Iohn baptised neere by Mount Hermon vpon the North side of Mount Gilboah there lies a faire and plaine way to the citie Iezreel by which Iehu came when he made wars vpon Iehoram King of Israel of which you may reade more 2 Reg. 9. It stood not far from the riuer Kison as you may reade Ios 17.19 1 Sam. 2. 1 Reg. 4. 18. Of Ahaziah the sonne of Ahab AHaziah was crowned king of Israel during the life of his father a cruell and wicked man he began his raigne in the 17 yeare of Iosaphat king of Iudah Anno mundi 3049 and before Christ 919 about such time as Ahab went downe to Ramoth Gilead to recouer it from the Syrians within a while after the death of his father hee fell through the lattice window in his vpper chamber which was in Samaria of which hurt he died Of this you may reade more 1 King 1. The Trauels of Iehoram King of Israel IEhoram succeeded his brother Ahazia in the kingdome of Israel who began his raigne in the 18 yeare of Iosaphat King of Iudah and as Iosephus saith li. Ant. 9. about the fifth yeare of his raigne went from Samaria to Ierusalem which was 32 miles There he told Iosaphat how the king of Moab had rebelled against him therefore desired him to goe along with him to the war 2 Reg. 3. Then Iehoram and Iosaphat and the King of Edom went from Ierusalem and compassed about through the wildernesse of Idumaea by the space of seuen daies so that they and their army for want of water had almost perished but at the prayers of the Prophet Elisha they were miraculously preserued At length they came to Petra the Metropolitan Citie of the Moabites and is distant from Ierusalem 172 miles which they tooke and consumed it with fire and sword 2 Reg. 3. From the citie of Petra Iehoram King of Israel returned backe to Samaria which was 104 miles where within a while afrer he was so sorely besieged by Benhadad king of Syria that the famine grew very great within the towne insomuch as a certaine woman eate her owne childe 2 Reg. 6. From Samaria he went to Ramoth in Gilead with his armie which is 24 miles where he was ouercome by Asahel King of the Syrians and wounded euen to the death 2 Reg. 8. From the fight of Ramoth Gilead he was carried in his chariot backe to Iezreel which was 24 miles where he lay to be cured of his hurts But Iehu one of his chiefe Captaines rebelled against him and as hee was in his Charriot shot an arrow and wounded him the second time whereof he died in the field of Naboth the Iezrelite 2 Reg. 9. So all the Trauels of Iehoram were 356 miles The Trauels of Iehu King of Israel IEHV signifies A constant man in himselfe and was the sonne of Iosaphat the sonne of Nimschi hee was annointed King of Israel in the castle at Ramoth in Gilead by Elisha Anno mundi 3063 and before Christ 905 hee raigned 28 yeares 2 Reg. 9. From Ramoth in Gilead in his Chariot he went to Iezreel which was 24 miles where in the field of Naboth the Iezrelite he killed Iehoram with an arrow And when he came to the gates of the citie he caused Iezabel to be throwne from a tower whom he trampled vnder his horse feet And after in that same place shee was eaten vp with dogs Then hee sent messengers to Samaria commanding the Samaritans that they should put to death the 70 sonnes of Ahab which they immediately did and sent their heads vnto him in baskets 2 Reg. 10. From Iezreel he went to Samaria which is 16 miles In that journey he caused to be slaine by his ministers the 42 brothers of Ahaziah king of Iuda neere to the well which was beside the house where sheepe was shorne And when he came to Samaria he caused all the posterity of Ahab to be vtterly destroied and rooted out And to conclude the tragedy by a cunning policie put to death all the priests of Baal 2 Reg. 10. So all the trauels of Iehu were 40 miles Of Iehoahas King of Israel IEhoahas was the sonne of Iehu and succeeded his father in the Kingdome of Israel he began his raigne in the 33 yeare of Ioas King of Iudah in the yeare of the World 3091 and before Christ 876 hee raigned ouer Israel 17 yeares God stirred vp against this wicked King Asahel King of the Syrians who with 10000 foot and fiue hundred horse besieged Samaria very strongly put to the sword many of his subjects and got many cities and townes from him as the Prophet Elisha had before told him 2 Reg. 8. 13. The Trauels of Ioas King of Israel IOas succeeded his father Iehoahas and while he was yet liuing was annointed King of Israel in the 37 yeare of Ioas King of Iudah and raigned two yeares with his father after his death 15 so all the raigne of Ioas was 17 yeares This man was a great souldier and went from Samaria with an army against the Citie of Apheck which was 14 miles there he smote the Syrians and in three seuerall battels carried away the victory recouering the Cities which his father Iehoahas had lost according to the prophecie of Elisha 2 Reg. 17. From Apheck he returned to Samaria which was foureteene miles From thence he went with his army to Bethsemes in the land of Iuda where in a sharpe and cruell war he conquered Amasia and tooke him
fathers The Trauels of Manasses MAnasses or Manasseth signifieth forgetting or he hath forgotten This man was 12 yeares old when hee succeeded his father Ezekiah in the Kingdome of Iudah he began to raigne anno mundi 3251 and before Christ 717. This King was a great Idolater and one that put the Prophets of the Lord to death so that it was wonderfull to see what tyranny mischiefe he wrought in Israel wherefore the Lord stirred vp the Assirians against him who ouercame him in a great battell and tooke him captiue carrying him bound in chaines from Ierusalem to Babylon euen 680 miles But after being humbled by his afflictions he came to a knowledge of himselfe and repented for his former euill humbling himselfe with prayer and fasting vnder the hand of God wherefore the Lord tooke compassion of him and stirred vp the minde of the King of Babylon to mercy so that hee loosed his bands and sent him backe againe to Ierusalem 680 miles From that time forward he left idolatry and worshipped the true God adorned the Temple of the Lord with many faire and beautifull buildings and in the 55 yeare of his age he died and was buried in the Kings garden 1 Reg. 21. 2 Chron. 33. So all the trauels of Manasses were 1360 miles Of Amon King of Iuda AMon signifieth True and faithfull he succeeded his father Manasses when he was but 22 yeares of age anno mundi 3307 before Christ 661. He raigned two yeres and then because of his exceeding idolatry the Lord cast him off when he was about 24 yeres of age neere which time some of his seruants conspired against him and put him to death The Trauels of King Iosiah IOsiah signifies A sacrifice of the Lord he succeeded his father Manasses in the gouernment when he was but 8 yeres of age Anno mundi 3309 hefore Christ 659. He gouerned Israel with great commendations 32 yeares 2 Reg. 22. his mothers name was Iedidah and dwelt in a towne called Bozkath but how farre this Towne stood from Ierusalem it is not set downe by any Author This good King went from Ierusalem to Bethel which was 8 miles there he burnt vpon the Altar which Ieroboam built the bones of the Priests of Baal as the man of God that came from Iuda had told Ieroboam 350 yeres before 1 Reg. 13. 2 Chr. 23. From Bethel he returned backe again to Ierusalem which was 8 miles there he celebrated the Passeouer with a solemne feast and great attendance 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chr. 35. In the last yeare of his raigne he went with his army from Ierusalem to Megiddo which was 44 miles against Pharaoh Necho K. of Aegypt in which battell he was slaine with an arrow about the 39 yeare of his age 2 Chron. 35. From Megiddo his body was carried in a chariot backe again to Ierusalem which was 44 miles and there with great lamentations honourably buried 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chr. 35. So all his trauels were 104 miles The Trauels of Iehoahas King of Iudah IEhoahas signifies The knowledge of God he succeeded his father Iosiah in the 23 yeare of his age Anno mundi 3340 which was 628 yeares before Christ and raigned onely three moneths 2 Reg. 24. 2 Chron. 36. Ieremy cap. 22. calleth this man Schallum that is A recompence He went from Ierusalem to Riblah a city in the tribe of Nepthaly which is accounted 80 miles where he was taken prisoner by Pharaoh Necho 2 Reg. 23. From Riblah Pharaoh Necho led him captiue bound in chaines backe again to Ierusalem which was 80 miles and there appointed Iehoiakim his elder brother to raigne in his place 2 Reg. 23. 2 Chron. 36. From Ierusalem he carried Iehoahas to Memphis the Metropolitan citie of Aegypt which was 244 miles 2 Reg. 23. So all the Trauels of Iehoahas were 404 miles Of Iehoiakim King of Iuda IEhoiakim was the eldest sonne of Iosiah that good King and succeeded his brother Iehoahas in the Kingdome Anno mundi 3341 before Christ 627 he gouerned Iudah 11 yeares Pharaoh Necho made him King when he was 25 yeares of age to whom he was constrained to pay 100 talents of * What this is in our money you may reade after in the quantitie of moneys siluer and a talent of gold This money being payed he obtained the Kingdome and continued in great impiety and idolatry for which cause he was sharply reprehended by Ieremiah the Prophet but he being offended at his words sought to put him to death wherefore the Lord stirred vp Nebuchadnezzar the second of that name Emperour of the Assirians and Babylonians who in the 11 yeare of this Kings raigne came to Ierusalem and took him captiue tyed him in two chaines and would haue carried him to Babylon but his minde changed wherefore hee caused him to be put to death and cast out into the fields of Ierusalem for a prey to wilde beasts Ier. 22. 2 Reg. 23. Of Iehoiachin King of Iudah IEhoiachin signifies the preparation of Iehouah This man succeeded his brother Iehoiakim and began his raigne about the end of the 3351 yere of the world and raigned only 3 moneths and 10 daies which was about the 8 yeare of Nabuchodonesor the great at which time he was led captiue from Ierusalem to Babylon together with Mordochae and many other Nobles which was 680 miles This captiuitie hapned 617 yeares before Christ 2 Reg. 24. 2 Chron. 36. Ester 2. Ier. 52. The Trauels of Zedekiah the last King of Iudah AFter Iehoiachin succeeded Zedekiah which signifies The just man of God This was the sonne of that good King Iosiah yet an impious tyrant who by the permission of Nabuchadonezar the great was suffered to be King of Iudah after his brother when he was 21 yeares of age He began to raigne about the beginning of the 3352 yeare of the World and before Christ 616 he gouerned tyrannically 11 yeares 2 Reg. 24. In the 11 yere of this king Ierusalem was taken by Nabuchadonezar the great Emperour of the Babylonians wherefore Zedekiah to escape the brunt of war fled from Ierusalem with all possible speed to Iericho which was 12 miles Ier. 39.52 From the plaine neere the citie of Iericho where he was ouercome by the Princes of the Chaldeans he was led to Riblah to Nebuchadonezar which was 68 miles From Riblah after the Emperour Nabuchadonezar had caused all his children to be put to death before his face and had put out both his eyes he led him captiue to Babylon which was 600 miles where he died miserable 2 Reg. 25. So all the Trauels of Zedekiah King of Iudah were 680 miles Of the destruction of Ierusalem by Nabuchadonezar In the ninth yeare of this Zedekiah which was the last King of Iudah Nabuchadonezar began to besiege Ierusalem it being then Winter anno mundi 3860 vpon the tenth day of the tenth moneth Tebeth which answereth to the 27 day of December which day the Iewes till now obserued as a fasting
So all his trauels were 320 miles Of Amanus AManus was a mountain between Syria and Cilicia which extendeth it selfe to the riuer Euphrates Between this Amanus and Euphrates Arabia deserta is scituated 400 miles from Ierusalem Northward and signifies The mountain of truth from Aman True and faithfull The Trauels of Demetrius Nicanor the sonne of Demetrius Soter IN the 165 yeare of the gouernment of the Grecians in Syria which was 141 yeares before Christ Demetrius syrnamed Nicanor which signifies Victorre sailed out of Creet into Cilicia which was 600 miles Ios Ant. 13. c. 6. 1 Mac. 10. Out of Cilicia he came into Syria the lower 160 miles where ioyning with Apolonius he tooke vpon him the crowne and Kingdom of Syria Afterward Apolonius went into Iudaea with a great army and besieged Iamnia Ptolomeus Philometor also assisted the proceedings of Demetrius seeing Alexander his son in law beginning to decline and the better to strengthen their allyance matched him to Cleopatra his daughter which before had bin wife to Alexander by which policie he added to the kingdom of Egypt all Asia ouer which he ruled 2 yeares 1 Mac. 11. After Demetrius Nicanor came out of Siria the lower with Ptolomeus Philometor to Antiochia which was 80 miles 1 Mac. 11. From Antiochia they went with their army to a plain neer the mountain Amanus 120 miles where in a sharpe war they ouercame Alexander and put him out of his kingdom Ios Ant. li. 3. c. 7. Now after the death of Ptolomeus Philometor Demetrius Nicanor Nicanor returned to Antiochia 120 miles where he gouerned the kingdome of Syria two yeares From Antiochia he went to Ptolomais which was 200 miles to which place Ionathan the high priest came to meet him where he gaue to him many presents and great gifts to win his fauour 1 Mac. 11. From Ptolomais he returned to Antiochia 200 miles There his soldiers and the city of Antiochia rebelled against him For which cause Ionathan the high-priest sent him 3000 men which deliuered the King out of danger put to the sword 100000 of the seditious and burnt the city of Antiochia 1 Mac. 11. But after Demetrius shewed himselfe vnthankfull hee was driuen out of his kingdome by Tryphon and yong Antiochus the sonne of King Alexander who was also called Theos which signifies God In the 172 yeare of the reigne of the Grecians in Syria which was 138 before Christ Nicanor hauing slaine Antiochus the son of Alexander he would haue reigned alone in Syria wherefore Demetrius who was the lawfull King of Syria being 3 yeares before driuen thence went 1200 miles into Media to craue aid against Tryphon but Arsaces king of the Medes Parthians and Persians sent the chiefe captain of his host against Demetrius who burned his tents tooke him prisoner and caried him back to his master to Hecatompylon the chiefe city of his kingdome distant from Syria 1220 miles toward the East Iustin lib. 36. 38. From Hecatompylon Arsaces sent him to Hyrcania the Metropolitan city of that countrey which was 176 miles where although Arsaces kept him as a prisoner yet he allowed him royall attendance and after maried him to his daughter Iust lib. 38. After the death of Arsaces with singular industry and policie he got out of captiuitie after he had beene 12 yeares prisoner in Hyrcania and came into Syria which was 14 miles where he recouered his kingdome and reigned foure yeares So all his Trauels were 4156 miles ¶ Of the Places to which he trauelled Of Creta now called Candia THis is an Island of the Mediterranian sea distant from Ierusalem 600 miles Westward very fruitfull and pleasant in which there growes great plenty of Cypresse trees and grapes of diuers kindes but principally such whereof Malmsey and Sacke are made Here Tytus Pauls Disciple was Bishop wherefore you shall reade more of it after Of Seleucia SEleucia is a famous city of Syria scituated vpon the shore of the Mediterranian sea 280 miles from Ierusalem Northward neere to which the riuer Orantes runneth and the mountaine Casius standeth which is 4 miles high Plin. l. 5. c. 22. You may read more of this in the trauels of S. Paul Of Syria SYria was sometimes called of the Hebrewes Aram of Aram the sonne of Sem of whom all Armenia tooke the name Aram signifies A man of great spirit and dignity being deriued of Rom that is lifted vp for he was a man of an excellent spirit Gen. cap. 10. Syria signifieth a great tract of land and is diuided into two parts the vpper and the lower In the vpper Syria are these cities Antiochia Seleucia Laodicea and Apamea in the lower Syria are Sydon Tyrus Berytus Tripolis and Orthosia This Countrey is scituated in a very temperat Zone from whence it happeneth that it is neither oppressed with too much cold nor heate There are that diuide Syria into foure parts that is into Syria Assyria Leucosyria and Coelosyria Also Pliny Lib. 5. Cap. 12. attributeth Mesopotamia and Babylonia to Syria But it is euident that these were distinct Countries from them in the which there reigned Emperours and Kings which had large and spatious Dominions For Syria is scituated betweene the Mediterranian sea and Euphrates but Mesopotamia which is so called because it is scituated in the middle of waters is separated from Syria and Assyria with the riuers Euphrates Tygris and Arabia is separated from Syria and Babylon with many vast wildernesses Therefore these countries cannot properly passe vnder the denomination of Syria Of Parthia PArthia is a spatious country full of mountains and desarts lying vpon the borders of Media Westward the Metropolis whereof is Hecatompylon taking the name of 100 gates wherewith it is fortified It lieth as Stephanus saith 1512 miles from Ierusalem Eastward Here Arsaces that mighty King of the Parthians kept his court who had vnder his gouernment Media Parthia Persia Hircania and the greatest part of all the countries toward the East It is called Parthia because of the fruitfulnesse of the soile being deriued of Parah To fructifie Of Hyrcania HYrcania is a fruitfull and pleasant countrey bordering vpon Media and the Caspian sea for the most part plain champian beautified with many faire Cities the chiefe of which are Hyrcania the Metropolis of the whole kingdome Talebrota Samariana Carta and Tape It was so fat and fruitfull that the inhabitants vse not to till and dresse the ground as they doe in other places but the seed that falleth from the huske vpon the earth springeth vp and bringeth forth great plenty and increase without further labour The Dewes also falling vpon the trees there droppeth from them oile and honey in great plenty It taketh the name as it is thought from a Wood called Hyrcania In like manner the Caspian sea which bordereth vpon it of this country is called Hyrcanum Many cruel beasts are found therein as the Panther the Tyger and the Leopard The Panther is of a whitish colour inclining something
Christ when he was scourged besides many other things of which you may reade at the beginning of this treatise in the description of Ierusalem as it is at this day The Description of the holy Sepulchre THe Sepulchre of Christ stood vpon the West side of Ierusalem close by Mount Golgatha in the garden of Ioseph of Arimathea for it was the custome of the Iewes to build their tombs or sepulchres in their Orchards and Gardens and beautifie and adorne them with Lillies Roses and other floures on purpose to put them in minde of their mortalitie according to that of Dauid Psal 103 The daies of man are like grasse as a floure of the field so flourisheth he for the winde goeth ouer it and is gone and the place thereof shall know it no more And for this cause the Iewes but especially the kings would be buried in their gardens so Ioseph a good and just man following this custome had hewed him out of a rocke a new monument in which there had been no man laid that so when he walked into the Garden to take the aire he might be put in mind of his mortalitie In this monument our Sauiour Christ was buried And from this place vpon the third day early in the morning he rose to the terrour and astonishment of such as watched the sepulchre From whence may be gathered That as our first parents Adam and Eue trespassed against God and lost felicitie in a garden so Christ the Sonne of God in a Garden made satisfaction for that sinne restored vs againe to grace and make vs capable of heauenly felicitie This sepulchre as it is described by S. Iohn when he went with S. Peter to see of that notable miracle of the resurrection were true was like a little chappel the doore thereof being vpon the outside was but one roome without any diuision so that a man might see all that was within it for he saith Ioh. 20. That he did not goe in but lookt in and saw the linnen clothes were they lay wrapped vp from whence may be concluded that the sepulchre which is now extant howsoeuer perhaps it may stand in the same place is not the same sepulchre wherein our Sauiour Christ was buried for it is described to be four square to be open at the top to haue within it two vaults an inward and an outward and that you discend to it by staires as you may reade at the beginning of this treatise which description doth not agree with that of S. Iohns Again S. Iohn saith that they rolled a great stone to the doore of the sepulchre did not lay it vpon the top of it Also Eusebius and Nicephorus affirme that the Pagans and other heathen people filled vp the Sepulchre of Christ with earth and built vp in the place the Temple of Venus and in it put her image where shee was worshipped a long time after vntill such time as that godly Emperesse Hellen caused that Temple to be abolished and the sepulchre clensed and purified Afterwards at her instigation Constantine the Great who was her sonne built vp in the very same place a faire and goodly Church in memory of our Sauiour and bestowed great cost both in the workemanship and in beautifying it with gold and siluer This Temple as it was before it was destroied by the Saracens is said to be built all of white polished marble and beautified with stones of diuers colours guilt with gold and siluer couered on the outside with lead to withstand the stormes and showers of raine that happened but the inside was guilt all with splendant and refulgent gold which cast a wonderfull lustre vpon the beholders On either side of it were two walking galleries one aboue which was close and another below which was open extending themselues the length of the sanctuarie all the roofe and vault being couered ouer with gold and artificiall worke the one being supported with pillars of Marble the other with posts of wood plaited with siluer There were also three gates towards the East very fitly and fairely disposed by which the multitude that resorted thither go in out within these there stood an arch representing after a sort the Hemisphaere of the Heauens extended to the top of the sanctuary like a circle girded about with twelue pillars of equall bignesse representing the twelue Apostles and vpon the top of this arch were placed cups of siluer beautifully burnished All which the said Emperour dedicated to God for a monument There were many other memorable things that did belong to this Temple which were admirable to looke on all which as you came vp the high street from the market place were presented to your view a stately sight the like whereof those parts did not affoord This temple was built by the Emperor Constantine Anno Dom. 333. Venerable Bead who was a Dr of Diuinity and liued in England 700 yeares after Christ describeth the holy sepulchre after this manner This Sepulchre ouer head was something round so high that a man could scarce touch it with his hand standing in that rocke which extendeth it selfe from mount Caluarie into the Garden of Ioseph of Arimathea representing in forme a little chappell the entrance thereinto was towards the East And further hee addeth that they which went into this vaile found on the right hand towards the North a stone tombe which resembled a coffin scituated in the pauement joyning to the wall which stone coffin was of a mixt colour that is white and red being seuen foot long and three handfulls high This description venerable Bede receiued from certaine Monkes that went vpon deuotion to Ierusalem to visit this Sepulchre but since it hath beene diuers times destroied and polluted by the Turkes and other heathen people From whence may be gathered that the Sepulchre which is now standing and shewed vnto Pilgrims is some new deuice of Monkes to get money of strangers and procure a kind of blind deuotion in the hearts of ignorant people wherefore as the Angell said Marke 16. Let vs not seeke Christ any longer amongst the dead or in the graue but in his holy Church where the liuely pourtraiture of his diuine presence is set forth vnto vs that so we may be made partakers with him hereafter in that place of eternall glorie Concerning the residue of this description you may see it before Of Emmaus THis citie or castle of Emmaus is distant from Ierusalem almost eight miles towards the Northwest It signifies the mother of fortitude being deriued of Em a mother and Vtz which the Hebrewes call Fortitude It stood where three seuerall waies were that so it might serue for a direction to passengers From whence Melancton saith that it was a notable type of the Church which is our true mother shewing vs the way vnto eternall life And although it be but little and the number in it few yet it is strong As the castle though it were small yet it is
broad here Xerxes when he inuaded Graecia built vp a bridge for his army to passe ouer There is also another strait and narrow place in this sea which is called by the name of Cimmerius Bosphorius These two Bosphori are so called as some authors hold because a Bull when he loweth may be heard from the one side to the other but Pliny seemeth to deriue the name from Io that faire maid which Iupiter turned into a Cow who swam ouer this sea and of her was called Bosphorus lib. 6. cap. 1. It is also called Propontus because it lieth just before the Euxine sea and Hellespont from Helle the daughter of Athamantis K. of Thebes who was drowned therein then running thence it falleth into a gulph of the Mediterranean Ocean there it is called the Aegean sea of Aegeus King of Athens who drowned himselfe therein for the supposed losse of his sonne Theseus In this sea were scituate the Isles of Pathmos Mytelene Samothrace Chius Lesbus and many other Isles as you may reade in the trauels of S. Paul Of Samothracia ot Samothrace SAmothracia is an Isle of the Aegean sea scituate between Troades and Thracia eight hundred and eightie miles from Ierusalem towards the Northwest close to that part of Thracia where Hebrus falleth into the sea sometimes called Dardania of Dardanus King of Troy who when hee had slaine his brother Iacius and taken from him the Palladiam he came first into Samothracia and then into Asia where he first laid the foundation of the citie called Troy and of that Kingdome And although this Isle at that time was called Dardania yet because of the neerenes that it had to Thrace and the altitude of the rocke whereon it stood it soone changed the name and then especially when the people called Samos came thither to inhabit who after their own name called it Samothracia It stood vpon such a loftie place that from thence all the countries round about might easily bee seen Arsinoë Queene of Thrace was banished by Ptolomeus her brother into this Island who after put to death all her children and vsurpt vpon the kingdome of Thrace A cruell part in a brother Virg. li. Aeneid 3. makes mention of this Island saying Treiciamque Samum quae nunc Samothracia fertur And Samian-Troy which now adayes is Samo-Thracia call'd Strabo also writeth of it li. 13. And in Acts 16. it is said S. Paul sailed from Troad is to Samothracia so went thence into Thracia and came to the city of Neapolis Of Neapolis THis Neapolis to which Paul went was a city of Thrace not far from Macedoni 880 miles from Ierusalem Northwestward called also of some Caurus There are many other Cities of this name one in Iudea where Sichem and Sichar stood another in Caria a third in Africa a fourth in Pannonia but aboue all that which stands in Campania is most remarkable being the chiefe city of the Neapolitan kingdome Of Philippa THis city in times past was called Crenides because of the veins of gold that were found close by it But after Philip King of Macedon father of Alexander the Great caused it in the yeare before Christ 354 to bee re-edified and inlarged and then after his own name called it Philippos It was scituated in Grecia close by the riuer Stridon 936 miles from Ierusalem toward the Northwest and endowed with many priuiledges In those times the gold was so much increased in this place that the reuenue thereof was worth vnto this King more than a thousand Talents which at 4500 li. the talent amounteth to forty fiue Millions of pounds yearely By the which means King Philip grew so rich that he caused his gold to be coined and called it after his owne name Philippian gold To this place Paul came and did many miracles taught the Gospell and conuerted many From hence he wrote his second Epistle to the Corinthians and sent it to Corinth euen 292 miles He also wrote an Epistle from Rome to the Christians of this Towne and sent it them by the hands of Epaphroditus euen 628 miles It was afterward a Colony of the Romans Of Amphipolis THis was a city of Macedonia compassed about with the riuer Strymon from whence it tooke the name and was distant from Ierusalem 960 miles towards the Northwest Here also the Apostle Paul was Acts 17. Of Apollonia THis was a citie of Mygdonia scituated not farre from Thessalonica towards the West close by the riuer Echedorus 948 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northwest being so called from Apollines which signifies the Sunne it stood twentie miles from Thessalonica There are many other Cities of this name one scituate in Graecia close by the Adriatick sea another among the Islands of Thrace a third in Creet on this side the riuer Ister a fourth in Syria and a fift in Africa amongst the Cyrenes Of Thessalonia or Thessalonica THis was a citie of Macedon in ancient times called Halia because it stood vpon the sea after called Therma of the hot bathes that were in it and lastly Thessalonica of Philip the sonne of Amyntas King of the Macedonians who gaue it that name either of the great victory that he had against the Thessalonians or else after the name of his daughter called Thessalonica who was the mother of Cassandrus it stood close by the Thermaick gulph not farre from the mouth of the riuer Echedorus 932 miles from Ierusalem towards the Northwest The Apostle Paul taught publiquely in this city and there conuerted a great multitude of people Act. 17. Hee also wrote two Epistles to the inhabitants thereof and sent them from Athens being 232 miles distant In the time of Theodosius the first Emperor of Rome there hapned by reason of some discontent a grieuous sedition amongst the Thessalonians in which stirre some of his captains gouernors were slain Wherefore the Emperor hauing intelligence of what had hapned sent an army against the city with authority to put to death a certain number of those who had rebelled whence it hapned that the city was filled with many vniust slaughters for the soldiers respecting more their priuat profit than the equitie of the cause spared neither innocent nor nocent yong nor old so that as well the inhabitants as strangers that resorted thither did partake of this miserie and suffered like punishment as did they which were the first authors of this rebellion But because the emperor was consenting vnto these euils Ambrose Bishop of Millaine would not suffer him without publique repentance to come to the sacrament of the Lords supper wherefore in a publique assembly hee acknowledged his offence with great contrition Theodor. li. 5. ca. 17. Soz. li. 7. ca. 24. This town was afterward purchased by the Venetians of Andronichus Palaeologus son of Emanuel Emperor of Constantinople who held it a long time vntill Amurath Emperor of the Turkes won it from them and exercised grieuous cruelty vpon the inhabitants At this day it is