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A10581 The sermon, which Christ made on the way to Emaus to those two sorowfull disciples, set downe in a dialogue by D. Vrbane Regius, wherein he hath gathered and expounded the chiefe prophecies of the old Testament concerning Christ; Dialogus von der schönen predigt die Christus Luc. 24. von Jerusalem bis gen Emaus den zweien jüngeren am Ostertag, aus Mose und allen prophete gethan hat. English Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Hilton, W. (William), fl. 1578. 1578 (1578) STC 20850; ESTC S115783 385,014 486

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that their kinges should alwayes be of the tribe of Iuda And beside this worldly authoritie or pollitick gouernment the Iewes had an other spirituall authoritie or ecclesiasticall gouernment which was of the tribe of Leui. These were priests in the law and prophets and doctors But as some suppose Sanhedrim those 70. Elders in Israell which Moyses doth chuse in the xi of Numbers The Iewes by these 2. Magistrats were gouerned But this office of kings priestes or elders was not of any longer continuance but till Christ the trew king priest and doctor of the Iewes should come Heare the Patriark Iacob prophesying of the firster cōming of Christ Iesu our Lord sayth Iuda or the people of the Iewes shall haue kinges or gouernours of the tribe of Iuda whiche shall gouerne them and they shall haue doctors till Christ himselfe come their trew king and doctor And so the Iewes had Kinges Iudges or Princes and doctors of the tribe of Iuda almost euen vnto the birth of Christ But when he was borne it must needes folow according to this prophesie that this princely dignitye of the tribe of Iuda and office of the priesthood should end ¶ Anna. Was not this princely dignitie taken from the Iewes long before Christes birth when for 60. yeares long they were prisoners at Babilon vnder a king of the Gentiles for Christ as thē was not come And if I be not deceaued the Iewes in disputations with vs Christians make a iest at this prophesie of Iacob obiecting that captiuitie ☞ Vrb. The Iewes in this place as in many other are deceaued For in all the time of the captiuitie the kinges stock neuerthelesse remained in Iechania who being deliuered from captiuitie was with great power honored as a king after the captiuitie of Babilon all these princes of the tribe of Iuda did raigne rule Zerubabel Ioanna the son of Resa Abner Semei Nagid Artaxat Amos Scyrath Arses Resa Iudas Hercanus Eli Mattathias Agai Hesli Mattathias Siloia Ianus the 2. Hercanus Misciola Iosephus the 1. Asar Maath Massoth Naum Iosephus Minor. After these did raigne but not of any continuance the Afmonites or Machabies Iudas and Ionathas his brother Simon Iohn Hircanus Priscus Aristobulus Iohn Alexander and Alexandra his wife and Hercanus whome Herod slew and by violence vsurped the kingdome This Herod was not a Iewe borne but an Aliant an Edomite sonne to Antipater of the Citie Ascalon Hee obtained at Rome of Octauian Anthony that by the authoritie helpe of the senate he might be king of the Iewes but with much adoe he hardely subdued them and brought them to acknowledge him for their king Thei rebelled diuers times conspired his death that so they might shake of the yoke of a gentle king But when he had sore weried them and greuously oppressed thē about thirty yeares still wrastling with him at last after many bickeringes and conflictes he hardly begā quietly to rule haue ful princely gouerment without any rebellion of the Iewes who by extreme force were compelled to acknowledge him their king At the same time when Herod was kyng and had taken the scepter from the Iewes and when all their power was dawnted then came this Siloh or Christ and was borne at Bethleem as Mathew the Euangelist sayth who alledgeth the testimony of Micheas the prophet Wherfore the true Lord and king now being come the Iewes kingdome had an end But here must we diligently marke what kinde of kingdom Christs should be and how great his power should be which thing the Patriark doth herin set forth when he geueth him so royall holy famous a name calling him Siloh For Siloh doth signifye rich happy fortunate and one which in all thinges he taketh in hand hath good successe and to whome all thinges fall out as he wisheth and desireth ¶ Anna. There is one thing that troubleth me much wherin I cannot resolue my selfe I doubt not at all but that the promise in Genesis 49. was fully performed so that there is not a letter or titell of it left vnfulfilled For whatsoeuer God promiseth that must needes be performed For who can let it But seing that prophesie of Iacob sayth that the princely power should continue with the tribe of Iudah euen vntil the tyme that Siloh should come and seeing you a little before sayd that this princely dignity after the death of Ianus Hircanus came to the Machabies afterward to Herod I would know why the scepter did not tary with the posteritie of Nathan vntill Hely Were not the Machabees of the tribe of Leuy and not of the tribe of Iuda How therefore came Schebeth into their hands by what right got they the kingdome and held it ☞ Vrb. Seing we certaynely know and beleeue that this prophesy which the Patriarke vttered by the instinct of the holy Ghost is performed so that no one title therof is left vnfulfilled lyke as both the tyme of Christes natiuitie and also Herods regement doetruly agree and iumpe vpon I trust wee may without daunger reuerently reason of this matter in the fayth and feare of God. It was meete that this prophesy should be so fulfilled that it might agre with this Siloh Christ according to his firster comming into the world that it might not disagre with other prophesies of Christ and of his estate or kingdome But the Prophet Zachary sayth the firster cōming of Christ shal be Eni that is to say poore needy base contemned and despised Now then if Christ had bene borne at such tyme as some of king Dauids stock had yet set on the princes throne and so Ioachim Mary and Ioseph had bene in authoritie come to the kingdome with full sayle of worldly pomp where should that base and beggerly maunger in Bethleem haue bin found where should his flight into Egipt haue bene sene and where should other notes and tokens of Christes humility and of his wretched and miserable state in the time of his ministration wherof the prophets foretold haue appeared Wherfore that short authoritie or gouernment which the Machabees had in the kingdome of the Iewes doth not hinder the performaunce of this prophesie Gods prouidēce perchaūce would haue it so for certayne causes first it was meet cōueniēt that this tribe a few yeares before Christes birth should lese most of his dignitie and that it should become base vile despised as it were faline not esteemed of the world that Christ might be borne as a spirituall king of the tribe of Iuda and stock of Dauid poorely without great sterre and worldly pomp as it is signified in Esay where he sayth There shal come forth a rod of Iesse and a graffe shall grow out of his rotes The Ebrew text vseth the word Gesa which Aquila Symmachus and Theodotio translated into greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a stock a bole a dried tree or a staffe To the intent they might
daughter Ierusalem behold thy king commeth vnto thee he is iust and saued poore ryding vpon an asse and vpon a colt the fole of an asse I wil cut of the chariots frō Ephraim and the horse from Ierusalem the bow of the battaile shal be broken and he shall speake peace vnto the Heathen and his dominion shall be from sea and from the riuer vnto the ende of the lande Thou also shalt be saued through the bloud of the couenant I haue loosed thy prisoners out of the pit where in is no water Note here first and formost that the holy ghost by the prophet in this text sheweth vs an inestimable and infinite ioy to wit that Messias our onely helpe in all our distresse and the saluatiō of our soules which was promised vs so long before should come vnto vs And therfore to the ende to awake vs and that we should shake of our sleepe and attentiuely and diligently consider what and how great a thing he doth here handle how worthy a thing it is which is here foreshewed to come to passe He sayth Reioyce reioyce greatly thou daughter Sion and shoute forth O daughter Ierusalem c. By daughter Sion and Ierusalem he doth vnderstand the people of Ierusalem but seyng that Sion Ierusalem were a figure of the catholike church and seyng that not only the Iewes but euen the Gentiles also should be partakers of this great and infinite ioy I will apply these wordes to the whole church which consist both of Iewes and Gentils He sayth lift vp thy voyce and reioyce Here must needes some passing and wonderfull matter be vnderstood in that that holy ghost prouoketh vs so earnestly to shoute out and reioyce Behold that is to say awake awake take heed ye sleep not or play the slouthfull sluggardes Looke you leese not or despise not this opportunity offred you Awake take good heed what I tel you giue eare giue eare the state of your soule and saluation is here in hande giue eare Thy king commeth to thee This is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the cause of this great ioy Our king cōmeth to vs seking his lost people which were led captiue by the wicked spirit and horrible tirant into the kingdom of hel and euerlasting darkenes to perish for euer In which deadly daunger grieuous perill and great calamitie man was so blynded so farre past vnderstanding and so ignorant that he would not acknowledge his misery and wretched state neither see the present daunger of euerlasting death nor yet desire helpe counsayle or remedy But would such was his madnes securitie blindnes haue taried bondslaue in the tiranny of Satan and died captiue to the deuil if this our king being moued with mercy towardes his people standing in such danger had not presently helped vs He saw that we could not deliuer our selues out of this kingdome of sinne neither shake of that cruell tiranny of sathan and that the deuill through his great might strength would haue ouercommed vs and so haue possessed his palace in peace because that in man there was no such strength no such force no such subtletie neyther any such deuise that he could wynd himselfe out of the misery wherin he was wrapped Wherfore Christ seyng this taking compassion of this our miserable state came downe to vs that he might deliuer vs out of this bondage and thraldome and set vs at liberty We neuer desired nor required him neither did our deserts moue him What say I did we moue or desire him to come nay our hartes could not once thinke of him nor desire his helpe or comfort such was the blindnes wherin we were drowned We came not we fled not for helpe to him of our selues for nothing was so farre past our reach We could do nothing lesse it was not in our abilitie such was the corruption of our nature such so darke and so dimme cloudes of deprauation possessed our myndes No no this our king came to vs for we neither could nor would go to him The cause why he came and what he doth with vs what profite he brought vs and how nedefull it was that he should come to vs the Prophet addeth saying He cōmeth to the iust and saued or he commeth vnto the iust and a sauiour This is that great ioy this is the cause of our reioycing and triumphing We were through our sinnes wicked and guilty of all iniquity and defiled with all kinde of vice wickednes and impiety and ordayned to euerlasting death and adiudged to eternall damnation and yet could we not helpe or quite our selues from it But Christ our king commeth to vs he bringeth vs saluation and he iustifieth and deliuereth vs from all dangers This our king was not only iust innocent and free from all offence and spot for and concerning himselfe onely but he giueth also his righteousnes and innocency to vs In so much that through him we are coūted righteous before God if we beleue in him as Paul sayth he onely is iust and iustifieth others This word iust must not here be vnderstoode to be that exact and perfect iustice by which God iudgeth the wicked and punisheth the hard harted For this seuere iustice doth sore afray vs poore sinners and offenders against god Yea it bringeth heuines vexatiō of hart driueth vs to desperatiō neither doth it any thing lesse thē worke ioy gladnes and reioycing in vs But the Scripture vseth for comforte sake to call Christ iust or righteous as well in the olde as new testament For he only among all the sonnes of men is iust and righteous and so iust and righteous that thorough him alone we are counted before God iust innocent and righteous God the father calleth Christ by this name and saith in Esay My seruant is righteous And so saith Zachary Steuen and Iohn And S. Paul sayth the same to the Rom. in these wordes For as by the disobedience of one man that was Adam many were made sinners euē so by the obedience of one shall many also be made righteous We could not of our selues or by our works iustify or redeme our selues but we are made righteous by the only grace of Christ and fayth in him which in holy scripture is called the righteousnes of God that is by which we are accounted righteous before God. Which righteousnes he himselfe doth worke in vs when by his holy spirit he doth make vs righteous and without blame The prophet also calleth Christ our sauiour and that rightly for first he iustifieth vs and whom he iustifieth he both saueth and giueth thē euerlasting lyfe And this is the maner of his worke in vs By his gospell he calleth vs iustifieth vs and then saueth vs The Iewes do here in this prophesie obiect the Hebrew word Noscha which our translator calleth a Sauiour and they say it signifieth saued or deliuered passiuely But this neede not trouble the godly
causes then all the kingdomes empires powers honors wealthes and riches of this world to wit to destroy the workes of Sathan with the kingdome of sinne and death and to establish his kingdome of righteousnes and euerlasting life But carnall men do carnally expound the promises of the Lord vntill they receaue the holy ghost the true Doctour and teacher of the truth It is the spirite of God which at the last doth trulye open the eyes of the hart that the truth of God may be seene perceaued and vnderstode The Euangelists vse so to speake of the person of Christs as though we may take thē some tyme to speak of the Godhead and glory of Christ and sometyme of his humilitye submission affliction miserye and contemptible state in the eyes of the world euen as occasion and place serue You haue heard before how Esay prophesied that the onely begotten sonne of God Iesus Christ who was spoken of before by the prophets should come into this world euen in his own person But Esay now in this 35. chap. telleth what he should doe and performe at his cōming in the fleshe to wit that he should be our seruaunt And the Father calleth him his seruaunt in respect of his office because he is to helpe vs obediēt to his Father euen vnto the death the death of the crosse and because he humbleth himselfe beneath all men and is a very abiect and lowlye seruant to all men that thereby he may exalt all men The Prophet also sheweth that Christ after this his humilitye should be exalted vnto the most highest state of honor and glorye ¶ Anna. I pray you then tell me how shall Christ obay and how shall he rule ☞ Vrba Very wisely For he will so rule and gouerne the misterye which his Father committed vnto him that no man can euer sufficiently commende him For though it may seeme absurde and foolish vnto reason that Christ should promise to deliuer other mē from death whē he himselfe dyed and to bring all that beleeue into eternall glorye when he himselfe came to eternall shame and ignominye yet this was the best and fastest way to worke such a notable worke For how can the euerlasting wisedome of the Father doe anye thing that should not in euery respect be most excellently done And Iaskaet may be thus translated He will geue wisedome and vnderstanding or he will make men wise and skilfull For Christian beleuers teach true and perfect wisedome in the schoole of Christ which wisdome no worldling can vnderstād The children of this world by the wisedome of the flesh can search after and get nothing but the fraile and transitory goodes of this world But faythfull Christians are much wiser they vse this world and the treasures thereof as the stranger vseth his inery they after the true eternall treasures of their heuenly cuntrye But we must note that this seruice of Christ was not of long continuaunce and that after it should follow true and perfect glory with euerlasting honor And therfore sayth Esay he shal be exalted extolled hiely estemed And this thing shal be so that many may wonder and be offended at his great and extreame humilitie which thing hapned in the Iewes who abhorre and thinke it detestable great wickednes to say that Messias which is promised in the prophets should be constrained to suffer a most vile and ignominious death whereupon they call Christ Thalui that is hanged vp blaspheming him most horribly wickdly and detestably The cause why they are offended at the crosse of Christ is because they seeke in Messias the corporall goodes and temporall honors and dignities of this world They thinke it wickedly and impiously spoken to say that so great a king of Israell should hang among theues as though he himselfe had bene a most hainous and wicked offender But if so be that the sight of him should be so miserable so vncomely so vile so foule that he should not seeme in the eyes of the world to be the man that could deliuer others and bring them vnto honor and glory and this is the cause that he is the stone of offence how could his kingdome be worldly Worldly princes must so set forth their brauerye dignitye and maiestye that men may euen be amased to looke on them A worldly kingdome cannot stand vnlesse there be in it both power and reuerence where the prince is poore and dispised and oppressed by the violence or tyrannye of the enimies and doth neither in power nor riches excell his aduersaryes there must needes the kingdome come to ruine But this our king wil doe more by his humility then all the princes and kings in this earth can doe with all their pompe power and riches What will he then doe The prophet saith He wil sprinkle many nations This is an Hebrue phrase This word Iaseh doth properly signify to disparce abroad hether and thether euen as drops of water are sprinkled here and there This sprinkling therfore of the Gentils betokeneth nothing els in this place but to teach and preach gods word amongst them and this was fulfilled when the Apostles by the holy ghost instructed the gentils through the holy word opened vnto them this welspring of Gods grace in christ Iesus and dispersed the same euen as the fertil rayn which falleth in May that therby the fruit of Gods knowledge might grow and increase in al places they preuailed so much through the preaching of Gods word that euen mighty Emperors and Princes did worship adore and feare Christ Iesus and held their tongues and were astonyed And among the gentils and other places where before the scriptures were not known and the gospell not heard of there did they so teach the great misteries of the gospel that they were vnderstood Seeing then in Christ such great maruels and wonders are wrought to wit that God becommeth man humbleth him self very lowly and in his blessed and most innocent humanity I cal his humanity that humain nature which he tooke vpon him suffereth so great shame greef and calamity and that of his own people whom he had blessed with so great and infinite benefits both of body and soule and seeing he must by this his ignominious death be exalted vnto honor and so begin his spirituall kingdome but must first as the king therof labour vnder his crosse and suffer all kind of calamity and shame and yet by the self same crosse be in deed exalted to honor and crowned with eternall glory seeing I say these wonderful things which are contrary to mans reason are done in Christ and his kingdome the world wil not beleeue them when it shal heare them And this thing the prophet saw in spirite when he sayd who wil beleue our saying that is our preching or doctrine They are so great incredible that reason cannot be perswaded that such wonders either are or could be done How did
therfore there are not eares in the stone but eyes onely are grauen therein They therfore which imbrace the gospell by the holy ghost that they may beleue in Christ and know the vnsearchable riches of his grace and bring others to the knowledge therof they are the 7. eyes The Apostles truely were sharpe and quicke eyes and also the godly which do yet to this day learne to know Christ Wherfore where Christ by the Gospell is not yet knowen there is black and thicke darknes and neuer one eye at all And the eyes are onely in the stone The faythfull Christians be onely they which see know all thinges as namely what God is what Christ is what the spirite is and what life righteousnes sin hel and Angels be and what the deuill the world the lyfe present and the lyfe to come be Of all which the wise of the world can not so well iudge as the blind man doth of colors And where he sayth that he will cut out the grauing of that stone that is meant of the passion of Christ because that by his crosse and passion he was as it were pollished grauen that he might be the corner stone of the church he was also formed and pollished to his glory euen as a stone is cut and pollished for the building as he himselfe also sayth vnto these 2. his disciples Was it not meete that Christ should suffer and so enter into his glory And Paule sayth That he by afflictions should confecrate the prince of their saluation The instrumentes for this ingrauing were they which martired Christ as the souldier which perced the holy side of Christ and other tormenters Iohn 19. And this stone with his afflictions is the foundation of this new and heauenly temple vpon whome all the other building doth safely stand All faythfull Christians are builded vpon this stone and haue all their righteousnes strength life by Christes passiō And he himselfe now plainely declareth what profit the grauing or pollishing of this stone or the passion of Christ bringeth vnto mankinde Saying I will take away the iniquitie of this land in one day As if he should say in the leuiticall priesthood were diuers sacrifices for sin but those sacrifices could not in deed take away any sin by their bloud they weare only figures betokening Messias to come he only alone both can must by his ingrauing death in one day that is to say on good friday offer vp such a sacrifice and make such a reconciliation for sin as may be sufficient for all the sins which haue ben committed from the beginning of the world and shall be vnto the end thereof Hereby also you may gather his resurrection For if he must be cut of that is put to death and so take away all sin and consequently abolish death it selfe it must needes that he must rise agayne and raise vs vp also at the last day And seeing that the truth it selfe that is Messias should not long after the captiuity of Babilon come to beutify and set vp a true omnisufficient priesthood and kingdome therfore that tipicall priesthood of the Iewes and the earthly kingdome had their end as sone as that true and perpetual kingdome of Christ came in which in one day because of the sacrifice that then was offered is perpetuall remission of sinnes and reconciliation with god But seing sin is purged for which there was perpetuall enmity betwixt god and man seing the wrath of God is pacified seing we are reconciled vnto our God by the death of Messias we haue true peace and tranquilitie in Christ his kingdome need not feare our enemies sin death and sathan For Christ hath vanquished them al for vs which thinge the prophet meaneth by the wordes following In that day that is in the day of Messias shall ye call euery man his neighbor vnder the vine and vnder the figg tree In these similitudes and figuratiue words he speaketh of the spirituall peace of God which is in the Church And in his 6. chap. he sayth Behold the man whose name is Zemath that is the braunch he shall grow vp out of his place and he shall build the temple of the Lord and he shall beare the glory and shall sit and rule vpon his throne and he shall be a priest vpon his throne and the counsell of peace shal be betwene them both In this prophecy is Christ with his double kingdome promised to wit his kingdome priesthode for the prophet was made to set 2. crownes vpon the head of the hye priest Whereby it was signified that Messias should be the true king and priest in Israell And it is meete that these two kingdomes the priesthood and princely power should both be found in one person Christ For he putteth the crown onely vpon the head of him that was then the hye priest but he did not put it vpon the leuitical magistrate Zerubabell And againe he calleth Messias Zemath he sheweth the cause why he calleth him so For this king and priest shall haue so great felicitie and prosperitie in his kingdome that all thinges shall haue prosperous successe and shall fall forth happely and according to his minde and desire And Esay sayth The will of the Lord shall prosper in the hande of Messias As a fine bow or braunch at the first is small and tender but after groweth hyer and hyer and doth shute forth vntill at the last it become a faire pleasant and hye tree full of faire and bewtifull braunches so that it delighteth the eyes of all men and is also very pleasaunt by reason of the shadowe therof euen so Christ although he was in the beginning but small and vnknowen when his name was yet but onely knowen in Iudea in the land of Israell and was dispised of the most part of men yet did he grow so mightely and shute vp so hy and spread so broad that he filleth the whole world with his bowes and braunches as Esay sayth that he may confirme and strengthen it c. And Daniell sayth that the stone which is taken out of the mountaine without handes becommeth a great mountaine and filleth the whole earth This Zemah is not tied vnto a certaine place where he should be king as Dauid was vnto Ierusalem but he is king in al the world and raygneth in all places by the gospel the holy ghost Sathan with this his world goeth about to hinder destroy cut downe and pluck vp blossomes while it be young that it grow not but the more they hinder it the better it prospereth and groweth and buildeth Gods temple that is the church of Christ with pretious and liuely stones of which Peter speaketh But this is a far greater temple then that which Iehoschua and Zerubabell builded at Ierusalem It is a temple which no Nebucadnezer no Antiochus nor Tytus can burne and destroy This temple is the spirituall
our harts ioyful and glad as when we vnderstand what inestimable and great riches of his grace God in his Prophets hath promised to vs sinners and when we see those promyses of him fulfilled now in the Gospel and dayly also to be in fulfilling and seeing we haue Christ himselfe the very Sonne of God a most sure pledge of the performance of those promyses may we not well I say reioyce and be glad ¶ Anna. I am very desirous to heare of you if time serue you the order of Christes Sermon out of Moyses and the other Prophets What and how in euery place they prophesyed of Christ that thereby I may when my faith is strengthned haue ioy in the lord And though you spend some time in explicating these prophesies yet happely it may be a work worth our labour and you shal neuer a whit misspend the time nay I think the time that is so spent godly profitably very necessarely spent seeing S. Paul warneth vs that the word of Christ should dwel plentifully in vs. ☞ Vrb. We read in the acts that Paul made a long Sermon of Christ out of the Law and prophets euen from the morning til night Why then should not we speak often much and willingly of our Lord Iesus Christ our only and incomparable Treasure with whom we shal liue and dwel for euer But first note what Luke wryteth in his last chapter where he sayeth when Christ had blessed broken and geuen the bread to his Discyples their eyes were opened and they knew him And a litle after he saith that Christ opened their vnderstanding that they might know the Scriptures Wherfore we also must pray to Christ that he would feed and refresh vs with his bread of the knowledge of him that he would driue away the thick cloudes of our vnbeleef that he would mend and take away our ignorance and dulnes that he would send down into our minds the light of his holy spirit wherby we may learn to know him out of the holy scriptures Paul saith we haue not receued the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the thing which is geuen vs of God. Let vs therfore pray with humble feruent harts Almighty God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ our Father and the Father of all mercy and God of all comfort and consolation haue mercy vpon vs heare vs we beseech thee O God for thy deerely beloued sonne Iesus Christs sake for all his workes and benefits which he hath done for vs and for his precious passion and death which he suffered for the redemption of vs Send thy holy Spirit of truth into our harts that it may geue and ingraft in vs true and constant faith so that the light and brightnes of thy Gospel and the glory of Christ may appeare vnto vs and lighten our harts that we may learn and vnderstand the vnspeakable and aboundant riches of thy mercyes O Father of glory geue vs thy Spirite of wisdome and bring vs to the knowledge of thee and thy deerely beloued Sonne Iesu Christ Open and lighten we beseech thee the eyes of our minds vnderstanding That we may perceue what is the hope of our vocation and what is the rich glory of our heauenly and euerlasting Herytage which in Christ and through Christ thou hast geuen vs That by true faith vnderstanding and knowledge of thy eternal wisdom which is Iesus Christ we may in deed be made as we are called true christiās That we may worship thee alway in Spirit and truth And that we may now and for euer shew forth thy glory whereby thou hast blessed vs in Christ our Sauiour Graunt this O Father through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ¶ Anna. Amen ☞ Vrb. Now Christ being our gouernor and our good guid let vs begin the treatise and opening of the matter which we haue taken in hand But first of all wife see you harken with as great reuerence diligence desire as if Christ were present seeing Christ sayth He that heareth you heareth me And looke also that you beleeue al things which shal here be spoken and declared vnto you to be as true and certayn as if Christ himself visibly and in his bodely shape had spoken them vnto you out of the Prophets And as if he should in his own person declare vnto you by his own mouth how and for what cause it was conuenient he should be born suffer dye and rise again and so ascend into his glory ¶ Anna. Begin then Husband at Moyses and tel me I pray you what he wrote of Christ ☞ Vrb. Moyses hath written much of Christ as Christ himself witnesseth in Iohn where speaking to the Iewes he saith If you had beleeued Moyses you had also beleeued me for he wrote of me And Moyses euen in the beginning as soone as heauen earth and man were made saith that the Serpent to wit Sathan deceiued Eue and entyced her to make a lye and seduced her and she afterward perswaded and deceued Adam and so God being despised and set aside brought him and threw him headlong into the same calamitie and thus they beleeued a lye wherin they cōmitted an horrible offence because they broke Gods commandement and did not obey the Lord their God as their duety was but were obedyent vnto the Deuil which from the beginning is a lyar and a mankiller into whose power and tiranny they fel both in body and soule by their transgression and disobeydience and so death by the sinne of Adam came in both vpon Adā al Adams posterity in so much that by the iust iudgement and iustice of God all men should haue entered by the death of this body into euerlasting death And thus did death through sinne mightely raign in all the world Alas what is more horrible then this power of sinne and this extreame calamity which casteth vs into euerlasting damnation What burthen is there heuyer or harder then this and what more cruell mischiefe could there haue hapned then this But God here in the middest of this danger being mindful of his mercy as the Prophet saith of him found a most present and soueren salue for this sore to wit he offred vs his grace and promysed that he would pardon our sin and destroy death by a certain marueilous meane to wit by his only begotten Sonne who when the fulnes of time that is to say when the determined time was come was sent into the earth from heauen and salued this sore that is to say redeemed and deliuered the poore prysoner mankind out of the tyranny and power of darknes and Sathā and that after a strange and secret sort For he tooke vpon him the shape of a seruant and being made man subiect to all misery calamity and troble of this life yea and death it self but yet free from all faulte and pure without sinne vouchsafed to dye for vs that
Rom. 8.19 Our hope 1. Tim. 1.1 Our brother Psal 22.22 Hebr. 2.12 Mat. 28. 10. Our shepeherd Ezech. 34.23 Iohn 10.11 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the chiefe shepeheard 1. Pet. 5.4 The dore of the sheepe Iohn 10.7 The bread of lyfe Iohn 6.48 Our rocke Math. 16.18 Our peace Ephe. 2.14 The stone that hath seuen eyes vpon it Zach. 3.9 The stone which was cut out of the mountain without handes which became great and filled the whole earth Dan. 2.34 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the ende of the law the perfection and fulfilling of the law Rom 10.4 The head of the church Ephes 22. 5.23 The true vine Iohn 15.1 The stone which is become the head stone in the corner Psal. 118.22 and Act. 4.11 The righteous branche or branche of righteousnesse Iere. 23.5 The Lord of lyfe Acts. 3.15 The Lord of all Acts. 10.36 The king of glory Psal. 24.7 The righteous one Rom. 3.26 and 5.7 Esay 51 6.7 Acts. 3.14 and 7.52 1. Iohn 2.1 Mat. 25. The hope of glory Col. 1.27 The heyre of all Heb. 1.2 The prince of the kings of the earth Apoc. 1.5 The word of lyfe 1. Iohn 6. Immanuel God with vs Esay 7.14 Mat. 1.23 The euerlasting word of the father Iohn 1.1 The wisdome of God. 1. Cor. 1.24 The power of God. 1. Cor. 1.1 The image of the inuisible god Col. 1.15 The first borne of all creatures Col. 1.15 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the brightnesse of the glory of god Hebr. 1.3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the expresse image of the substance of God the father Heb. 1.3 True God and eternall lyfe Iohn 5.20 The Lord of Zebaoth that is of hostes The seuenty Translators interpreted it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is almighty as Hierome noteth vpon Zach. 2.8 The angell of the Testament Mal. 3.1 Wonderfull Esay 9.6 The geuer of counsaile Esay 9.6 The mighty god Esay 9.6 The euerlasting father Esay 9.6 The prince of peace Esay 9.6 The sonne of righteousnesse Mal. 4.2 The iudge of the quicke and the dead Actes 10.42 Christ hath these and many moe most sweete epithites and goodly figuratiue names giuen him in the Scriptures which would be both long to recite and here not much nedefull ¶ Anna. It is vncredible to beleue what light what vnderstanding what comfort and what consolation I haue receyued euen of this bare and briefe recitall and catalogue of these epithites and names of Christ But what vnspeakeable ioy what maruelous profound knowledge and what plentifull and aboundant consolation would then follow euen as out of a ful fountaine to vs if these Heroycall titles were thorowly opened and euery one particularly in his place expounded ☞ Vrb. These epithites in deede plainly and euidently declare though not fully both the qualitie and quantitie of Iesus Christ our Lord as what kinde of one and how great he is and they tell vs what comfort and helpe we may hope to haue at his hands But it were a very tedious trauel at this tyme to handle euery name at large according to his dignity they shal be expounded God willing more commodiously and fitly together in an other place in the openyng of the Prophets ¶ Anna. You promised also to say some thing of the former comming of Christ into the worlde If your leisure serue I would see you performe that your promise ❧ Of the former commyng of Christ into this world and of his humble conuersation and being here on the earth and also of the tyme of his comming Vrbane THis article in deede is worthy to be diligently expounded and well vnderstood If the Iewes had well vnderstood this article and beleued it they had neuer fallen so horribly or if they would yet either vnderstād it or beleue it they would not be so greatly offended at Christ as they are neither would they so obstinately persist thus long in their blyndnes as they doe Before Christes comming and in Christes tyme they of all men in the world gloriously vaunted themselues of their great knowledge and vnderstanding of the holy scriptures as a thing in which they excelled al men and yet were they vtterly ignorant of this especiall chiefe point and article of scripture to wit of Iesu Christ how after what sort for what cause he should come They in their carnal vnderstāding dreamed that Messias should come into the world as a mighty Monarch with a puissant and huge army of men and that in worldly pompe power brauery and dignitie he should exceede all other kings of the earth and with dint of sword subdue Goym that is all nations and bring them in subiection to the Iewes and that he should establish his princely throne at Ierusalem in the land of Canaan and giue the Iewes al welth riches dignity ease and plenty of all worldly pleasure These thinges did they in their doltish iudgement grofly looke for at the hand of Christ so vtterly ignorant were they of the heauenly and spirituall blessings promised in Christ Wherefore carnally construing all the prophecies of Christ they promised themselues in him onely the externall momentany fraile brickle and transitory riches of this short lyfe At this day also the Iewes retayne these and much more doltish dreames and fantasies of Messias For oftentymes at Ratisbone and other places I haue disputed with them of Messias and his kingdome But I could neuer here any thing of them but mere doltish dreames carnall imaginations and ridiculous foolish fables S. Hierome writeth much of the errors of the Iewes how they looked for an earthly kingdome in Christ and many other grosse and foolish fantasticall fansies which I would neuer haue beleeued if afterward I my selfe had not heard them with my eares But it is no maruell to see them which are thus wrapped in darkenes bewitched with all madnesse fowly and foolishly erre seing they neither be nor can abide to be in the catholike church of Christ in which onely and els not the holy ghost doth reueale vnto mē the vnderstanding and true meaning of the scriptures And this is the cause that they vnderstand no parte of diuinitie neither haue any sound iudgement at all in their Bible bookes For where gods holy spirit is not there must needes the mysteries of the holy scriptures lye hid The Iewes deuise and dreame onely of the earthly land of promise But the Scripture speaketh of much more excellent high and glorious things then is any Iudea or Ierusalem though it were of Iemmes or beaten gold The Prophets with their spirituall eyes looked farre aboue this world vp into heauen where we shall need neither perle gold meat nor other necessaries of this mortall lyfe but inherite euerlasting life with celestiall ioy and felicitie As S. Peter sayth the Prophets speake of our saluation But let vs see what the holy ghost sayeth of Christes comming and humilitie in Zachary where he writeth thus Reioice greatly O daughter Sion shoute for ioy O
I am sure you spent sixe houres or there about in disputation ☞ Vrb. He brought out of his Nezacon a doltish and folish cōputation of yeares without any good groūd it was a very trifling toy and far more fenceles and foolish then an old wiues tale For the Iewes vnderstand no histories nay they be further to seeke and more ignorant in them then childrē He could therfore alleadge nothing that had any face of any thing but shewed him self a very Asse Verely to speake a truth though he be counted a great doctor with the Iewes I found nothing at all in him In deed I saw there in him what a horryble plague it is when God striketh his enemies with blindnes And who so euer are so blinded are in a most darck night and thick and horrible cloud And then easely without help of an interpreter I vnderstode the words of Paul to the Romanes where he wryteth thus of the incredulity and blindnes of the Iewes What then Israell hath not obtayned that he sought but the election hath obtained it and the rest haue been hardened according as it is written God hath geuen them the Spirite of slumber eyes that they should not see and eares that they should not heare vnto this day ¶ Anna. God graunt that their eyes may be opened that with vs they may acknowledge and confes our Lord Christ ☞ Vrb. Amen For I trust that before the last day many Iewes shall be conuerted For this saying of Paul to the Romanes is of some importance Partly obstinacy is come to Israel vntill the fulnes of the Gentils be come in and so all Israell shall be saued as it is written The delyuerer shall come out of Syon and shall turne away the vngodlynes from Iacob And this is my couenāt to them when I shal take away their sinnes ¶ Anna. This prophesy of Danyell sticketh still in my mind And I cannot forget that last yerely weeke For it is in deede that most gladsome and happy time wherin God sent vs his only begotten Sonne into this world But I pray you doth Paul cal this week the fulnes of time ☞ Vrb. Paul doth call it so in deed For this last weeke may rightly and truely be called the fulnes or fulfilling of time which God hath appointed for the gracious visitation of the world into which he sent his onely begotten Sonne made of a woman and made vnder the law or subiect to the law that he might redeem them which were vnder the law that we might receue the adoption of the sonnes or that by adoption we might become children Those seuenty weekes may also be numbred and gathered by the time of the high Priests regiment in Ierusalem vnto the preaching of Christ and the Apostles And we must begin if we account thus at the first yeare of the high Priest Iehoscua when he was disinist of Assuerus and came out of captiuity into the land of Iuda For Gabryell saith in the prophesye of Danyel that after Danyell began to pray the word went out when he prayed for the people in the first yeare of Daryus long hand And from the first yeare of Darius long hand vnder whom Iehoscua the high Priest bare office 20. yeares to the time of the Apostles after the resurrection of Christ when sinne should haue an end and when iniquity should be blotted out are found by computation 70. yearely weekes that is 490. yeares And thus I gather mine account Iehoscua the high Priest after his returne out of captiuity was high Priest 20. yeares His sonne Ioachim was Priest 48. yeares Eliasib 21. Ioiadad 24. Ioathan 24. Iaddua 10. Onias Priscus 27. Symon Priscus 13. Eliazarus 20. Manasses 27. Symō Iustus 28. Onias 39. yeres And after him came Iudas Machabeus and ruled 5. yeares Thē Ionathas his brother 19. Symon 8. Iohn Hircan 26. Aristobulus 1. Iohn Alexander 27. Alexandra his wife 9. Hircane the last 34. yeares And after him raigned Herod by the commaundement auctority of the Senate of Rome This man thruste him selfe into the Iewishe kingdome quite against the Iewes will and he ruled 37. yeares And in the 30. yeare of the raign of this Herod was Christ our Sauyour borne who lyued in this earth 33. yeares and a half Now gather these yeares together and add to them 3. or 4. yeares moe in which the Apostles preached the gospel of Iesus Christ after they had receaued the holy Ghost on whitsonday and then shall you finde these 70. yearely weekes to wit those 490. yeares Of which Daniel speaketh in his 9. chapter But now if you finde seuen or eight yeres ouerplus yet is there no cause why you should doubt For it happeneth oftentimes that in registring the yeres of kings some tyme one yere is taken for two or two for one For we see often that the last yere of one kyng is the first of the next king following And so it cōmeth to passe that in gathering vp of yeres they cal make one yere two ¶ Anna. Now I vnderstand the wordes of S. Peter where he sayth Of which saluation the Prophetes haue inquired and searched which prophesied of the grace that should come vnto you searching when or what tyme the spirite which testified before of Christ which was in them should declare the sufferings that should come vnto Christ and the glory that should follow ☞ Vrb. Peter in deed speaketh especially of Daniel who not onely prophesied of Christ as other prophets did but hath aboue all other perticularly poynted him out because he numbreth the daies and yeres sheweth and setteth downe the very time of his commyng prophesiyng how far he was of or how long it should be before he came He also manifestly and clearely describeth what should be the state of the world at that day and who should be head ruler in the world or where the monarchy should remayne to wit that the Grekes and Persians kingdome should then be ended and the kingdome which was the last should begin to florish so that Christ should come in the tyme of the Romains rule euen when they most florished This deuine and plaine prophesie of Christ doth wonderfully confirme our true and catholike faith and maruelously and soundly comforteth our consciēces because we see presently in the world before our eyes those thinges finished which in this prophesie were so plainly clearely and orderly many yeres ago declared ¶ Anna. Are there any more textes in the other prophets which foreshew the humility lowly conuersation and former comming of Christ into the world I pray you if there be recite thē for I long to heare thē ☞ Vrb. There are many testimonies therof both in the Psalmes and Prophetes But seeyng we haue to speake of it in other places as in the article of the death and passion of Christ and els where I will deferre it vntill such tyme as we shall handle those matters ¶ Anna. Go
lyue and are remaining in the comming of the Lord shal not preuent them which sleepe For the Lord himselfe shal descend from heauen with a shout and with the voice of the Archangel with the trump of God the dead in Christ shal rise first Thē shal we which liue and remain be caught vp with them al in the clouds to mete the Lord in the ayre and so shall we euer be with the Lord wherfore comfort your selues one another with these wordes An. I haue oftentimes bene tēpted about our resurrectiō these cogitatiōs greuously vexe me Christ did rise in his owne power strength as true God but how shal we poore wretches rise which cannot remooue or driue away from vs euen the lest sicknes that hapneth to vs wherfore I besech you tell me how Christes resurrection maketh vs to rise Vrb. Whose sinnes were they which Christ did beare An. It is manifest certain that he bare our sinnes Vrb. What maner of nature was it which Christ tooke vpon him An. It was our nature For we beleue that he toke vpon him our very humaine nature Vrb. Wherfore did the son of God take vpon hym our nature in the vniō of his deuine euerlasting person why did he take vpon him our sinnes An. He became true man for our sakes toke vpō him our sins that he might be a true oblation and sacrifice for them on the crosse and wipe them away and reconcile God the father vnto vs. Vrb. I heare you say that our sinnes were the cause of Christes death but what hurt did sinne vnto vs men An. It brought vpon vs an horrible destruction decay of al mans strength as wel of body as soule together with euerlasting death and condemnation Vrb. Seyng then that Christ by his death satisfied for our sinnes and suffered death for them that he might put them away it is not to be doubted but that he also abolished and destroyed death which had rule dominion ouer vs But if he destroyed death in vs as I say he did it followeth well that we shall rise agayne to lyfe For he did not these most worthy workes to wit that he suffred that he dyed that he rose again for himself or for his own cause for he is innocent free frō all sin so that he had no nede to do any of al these for himself nay there was no cause why he should do these things in respect of himself or in his owne behalfe but for vs Yea whatsoeuer he did or suffred he did it suffred it al for our sakes profit he gaue vs that his victory ouer deth This therfore is a good consequēt Christ died for our sins rose again for our iustificatiō Therfore shal we also rise in our flesh otherwise should we deny the vertue operation of Christs passion resurrection in our nature and be worse and more wicked thē Turks or Ethnikes which deny Christ An. Now you bring into my remembrance the 15. cha of the first to the Corrinthians which you do so highly and often commend vnto me wherin you say that Paule hath so coupled and ioyned Christes and our resurrection together that they can in no wise be seperated ☞ Vrb. That chap. hath such and so much sweete and sound comfort in it that I wish all christians in the worlde would wel faithfully remember it Paul in that cha reasoneth thus Christ is risen from the dead therefore shal we also rise againe from the dead because he dyed and rose againe only for our sakes for our saluation If we should stil abide in death then the death and resurrection of Christ had nothing profited vs neyther had they wrought any alteration in our nature but we had still bene should so haue continued in death euen as in our earthly father Adam we were borne to die But god forbid it were so our hope is sure For as it is certaine that Christ rose from death sitteth at the right hand of God so certain is it that we shal rise again because Christ is our head our bridegrome our redeemer our life And therfore wheresoeuer Christ remaineth and is there must nedes we also be abide for euer There is no cause why you should dout left Christ our head should leaue vs his beloued members spirituall body here behynde him in earth Marke what Paul teacheth vs in the 5. to the Eph. Note how he bindeth vs tieth vs to Christ We are saith he the members of his body of his flesh and of his bones ¶ Anna. Blessed be God our louing fauorable and heauenly father for euer euer for these infinite riches of his grace These wordes of Paul do greatly comfort ioy vs for if we be the members of Christ of his flesh surely there is no doubt but as Christ did rise again in his owne body euen so shal we also rise agayne in our bodies vnto euerlasting life by the power of the glorious resurrection of Christ Vrb. This is as certaine as you see now your selfe and heare your selfe speake ¶ Anna. But the condicion state of our bodies shal not then be such as they be now for now our bodies eate drinke slepe are subiect to wearines We eate disgest and waxe hungry and they that do not eate and drink must nedes decay and die But though we do eate and drinke yet can not these earthly meates or drinkes maintayne our lyfe here for euer For when we be olde and sickly and when our stomacks leese their naturall heate and disgesture then can neither meat nor drinke help preserue or prolong our life But when the natural helth strength is gone we end our dayes and die It must nedes therfore be a strange kinde of meate which we shal eate in the world to come which maketh vs liue for euer And the condicion and state of our body which shal be then must nedes be far differing from this and much better more excellent happy and blessed thē either hart can thinke or we desire ☞ Vrb. Paul hath taught this euidently plainly manifestly in his epistle to the Phil. where he saith Christ in the last day shal change our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodye according to the working wherby he is able euen to subdue al things vnto himself Lo both in this place to the Cor. he saith the our bodies in the last resurrection shal be pure cleare and vnspotted like the stars of the firmament and lyke the sunne moone And among other things he saith that this body of ours is as a graine of corne sowen in the earth in corruption and is raised in incorruption it is sowne in dishonour and raysed in glory it is sowen in weaknes and is raised in power it is sowen a natural body is raised a spiritual body that is to say
Then Ierusalem at that time to wit in the time of Christ when the gospell shall be preached through the whole world thou shalt not be confounded or ashamed any more For thy sins through the Gospell shall then be wiped away and thou shalt plentifully receaue the holy spirite of Messias that thou mayest not be defiled againe with so great Idolatrye as thou wast before The proud hauty and swelling pharises with their accōplises and other of such like stampe which are puffed vp with a perswatiō of their owne holines and trust to their owne righteousnes fastings sacrifice circumsitiō almes deeds the workes of the lawe the temple vpon this presumption haue erected a humain holines of their own reiected the deuine grace of god in Christ these pharisaicall fellowes I say can not abide to acknowledge the true righteousnes of God to wit Iesus Christ as sufficient to saluation whome God himselfe hath geuen vs for our righteousnes and who alone and no other is the fulfilling and end of the Law for righteousnes vnto euery one that beleeueth in him But the Lord hath taken away from the true Ierusalem these proud puft vp Iusticiaries which will be saued by their owne workes and looke not for saluation by the meere and free grace of God that the true Christians may know thē to be seducers and take heede of them Now note that the kingdome of Christ is not an earthly but a spirituall kingdome and that the true christifidelians are not proudly prickt vp in the pomp of worldly vanitie neither doth the world greatly regard them and yet are they in great price and highly glorified with God. He calleth faythfull Christians a miserable and pore people They are not in deed in multitude so many as the wicked be and for the most part the world despiseth and reiecteth them in this earth but with God they are in great honor and highly esteemed For by fayth in Christ they are the childrē and heyres of god whose names are written in the heauens The time is not yet come wherein their glory doth appeare now is the time of trouble with them euen vntill the last day that they may by afflictions crosses and persecutions be made lyke their Maister Christ But at the last day Christes kingdome shal be manifested in glory In the meane time they hould them selues contented with Gods word they trust him who hath promised them true and euerlasting lyfe with sure parfite and eternall treasures He calleth faythfull Christians as other prophets do reliques or remnantes for the smalest cōpany of people come vnto Christ euen as the Lord sayth many are called but few are chosen He calleth thē in Luke his little flocke in whome the Lord is so well pleased that he will geue them his kingdome And where he sayth that the chosen remnant will worke no wickednes it is spoken of the Godlines innocencie integritie and simplicitie of the faythfull because they are honest and simple dealers For they haue that true fayth which worketh by loue And although they are not altogether perfect neyther can in all pointes fulfill the law but haue many infirmities so that they must dayly praye our Father which art in heauen forgeue vs our trespasses and so haue their sinnes also by fayth dayly forgeuen them yet by fayth they are in the gratious kingdom of Christ wherein is perpetuall remission of sinnes and a perpetuall exercise vnto repentaunce and Godlines and the remnant of their sinnes which lurke in their flesh are not imputed vnto them to condemnatiō for Christ the king of glory his sake on whome they beleue and continually call It followeth therefore that the remnant of Israell the faythfull Christians shall liue safely and without daunger For the kingdome of Christ is a kingdome of true peace and securitie in which they are so louing as by fayth in their hartes they lay handes on Christ their Lord who hath ouercome the world and Sathā and both can and will dayly helpe all that be his in all their calamities and dangers What then neede they feare haue they not I pray you in him and of him a true shepheard comforter sauiour deliuerer and a full horne of all happines Now he exhorteth Sion to wit the faythfull Christiās to be hartely merry And he prophecieth very cōfortably of the saluation which Christians haue in Christ the Lord of Sion to wit that Christ saueth christians from punishmēt and turneth their enemies frō them but wheras he deliuereth the earthly Ierusalē driueth away their enemies it is a figure but where as he deliuereth the spirituall Ierusalem to wit the faythfull and taketh away the punishment which their sinnes had deserued and satisfieth for their transgretion and ouercommeth the world death and the deuil and turneth away those enemies from vs this is that true deliueraunce and helpe which Sophonias and other Prophets spiritually had respect vnto What can be spoken more comfortably then that God himselfe is the king of Israell and is ready with vs to helpe vs. For God himselfe is made man and dwelleth with vs We are his tabernacle his possession his darling and his people and he him selfe will alwayes continue with vs there is therfore no cause why we should feare any euill or danger Who can hurt them which haue God the Father and which haue God the son with them as their king reconciler deliuerer and the life it selfe and which haue God the holy ghost as their comforter and earnest peny of their euerlasting inheritaunce and saluation For the prophet vseth that great name Iehoua that is God himselfe 3. persons and one god Is not this kingdome of Christ a glorious and princely kingdome are not these treasures which our faythfull God promiseth by his Prophets in Christ great vnspeakeable and infinite treasures He which hath the Lord God the Father the son and the holy Ghost that summum bonum that onely alone and the chief goodnes to be his defender what can he desire more Wherfore Sophoni sayth furthermore at that time that is in the day of saluation when Christ shall come then shall a ioyfull Message be brought vnto Ierusalē the church as the Angell sayd vnto the sheapherds be not affraid let not thy handfast hold goe that is dispaire not beleue still that God will help thee all things shall hap well your case shall be better thē you can either desire or wishe seeing that thy onely God and mighty Sauior is in the middest of thee And that thou mayest the better looke for helpe and all happines of him be assured of this that thou art so derely beloued vnto him that he doth reioyce in thee euen as the tender father doth in his deerely beloued son when he loueth and cherisheth him The prophet cannot sufficiently declare the ioy which god taketh in the congregation of the faythful Christians saying he will saue thee and he