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A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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after he died and Aetius was then restored to his former estate and dignitee by the helpe of the people called Hunni The dominion of the frenchmē was encreased so muche The yere of the worlde 4398 The yere of Christ 437 that the Romaine had no more of the lande of Gallia is theyr rule then that which lyeth from the riuer of Leyr vnto Rhine whyche is called Gallia Lugdunensis theyr kinge also ouercame the Turinges and the Germaynes The Uandales were made friendes with the Romaynes and had inhabitaunce geuen to them in Affrike Aetius the Romaine ouercame Gundicarus kinge of Burgoyne and at his instant praier made peace Anni regum britannie 6 The Gothes brake theyr league with the Romains spoyled certaine townes in Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4399 The yere of Christ 438 and vesieged the cite a Narbonense which was delyuered from theyr assautes by Litorius a Romaine capitaine Anni regum britannie 7 Ualentinian went toward Constantinople The yere of the worlde 4400 to the entent to take in mariage Eudocia The yere of Christ the daughter of Theodotius Gensericus king of the Uandales and Aleines endeuoiring to sowe the heresie of Atrius in Afrike did persecute the catholike bishops and most cruelly put many of them to death The yere of the worlde 4401 The yere of Christ 440 Certayne pyrates with great tyranny robbed and spoyled the ile of Sicilie Anni regum britannie 8 The Romaines by the helpe of the Hunnes foughte luckyly against the Gothes in Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4402 The yere of Christ 441 Litorius the Romaine Anni regum britannie 9 trusting to witchcraft and answeres of idoles fought a battayle with the Gothes and was of them with great disworshyppe put to flighte After which time peace was taken betwene the Romaines and the Gothes Gensericus king of the Uandales by deceyt toke and spoyled Carthage and subdued it to his domynion .585 yeres after it was conquered of the Romaines made a parte or prouince of the empire And thus began Afrike to be sub●ect to the Uandales The yere of the worlde 4403 The yere of Christ 442 The same Gensericus warred cruelly on the yle of Sic●●a Anni regum britannie 10 For whiche cause Sebastianus a Romayne comming out of Spayne inuaded Afrike and caused Gensericus to retourne and leaue Sicilia In the courte of Constantine king of Britaine was a certayne Picte in so great fauoure and auctoritee with the king that he might at al times come to his presence who watching his time by secrete meane traiterouslye slewe the kinge in his chambre THan Constantius his eldest sonne whyche for his dulle and simple witte The yere of the worlde 4404 The yere of Christ 443 Anni regum britannie 1 was made monke in Winchester by the meanes of Uortiger duke of Cornewalle was taken out of the cloyster and made kinge vnder whose name the foresayd Uortiger ruled all the land and vsed great tyranny Peace was made betwene the Uandales in Afrike the Romaines and certayne limittes and boundes prescribed for the marches of bothe theyr lordshippes The Hunnes falling at distance with the Romaines spoyled and ouerrunne Thracia Illiria and by force subdued all the countreys euen to the mountaines of Grece called Thermopile Attila kinge of the Hunnes slewe his brother Bletas and inforced the people to be subiect vnto hym whereby he obteyned the kingedome alone that before was deuided into two partes Anni regum britannie 4 The yere of the worlde 4407 The yere of Christ 449 This Attila was a cruell and fierce tyranne and at this time terryble to the whole worlde For within fewe daies he had subdued to his lordship all the Barbarous people of Scithia and the north partes as the Ostrogothes Sueues Marcomannis Herulis Turcilingis Turinges Ruges and other Congalius the sonne of kinge Dongarde was ordeined king of Scotland after the death of Constantine He was geuen to peace quietnes and iustice was a good and moderate prince Anni regum britannie 5 Eutices the heretike The yere of the worlde 4408 The yere of Christ 747 and Abbote of a monastarie in Constantinople was famous Constans king of Britaine was slaine of certaine Pictes or Scottes whom Uortiger had ordeined for a gard to the kinges body Whereof whan Uortiger had knowlage he wept and made semblat of great sorow and heauinesse and caused the saied Scottes or Pictes to be put to deathe thoughe he in deede was the chiefe causer of their treason and murder Aurelius and Uter the kinges yonger bretherne fled into litle Britaine Anni regum britannie VOrtiger was by force ordeined kyng of Britaine The yere of the worlde 4409 The yere of Christ 448 and gouerned the realme .xvi. yeres not withoute trouble For the nobles of Britaine suspected ▪ that Constans was not murdered withoute his consent and therfore alienated their mindes from him Anni regum britannie 2 In Britaine was so greate plentie of corne and fruite that the like had not bene sene in many yeres before The yere of the worlde 4410 The yere of Christ 449 whyche plentie was cause of idlenesse glotonie lecher●e and other vices so that throughe their incontinent and ryotous lyuinge ensued so great pestilence and mortalitee that the liuinge scantly sufficed to burie the dead Anni regum britannie 3 The Pictes and Scortes also hauing knowlege of the death of their knightes whiche were slaine by Uortiger The yere of the worlde 4411 The yere of Christ 450 for murderinge of the kinge inuaded and in most cruell wyse spoyled the lande of Britaine Than Uortigier beyng sore abasshed for so much as he knew the mindes of his people to be alienated from him after some mens opinion sente for the Saxones named Angli whiche hadde no place to dwell in and gaue to them inhabitance in Kent By their healp and manhod in many battailes he vanquished and droue back the Pictes and other enemies and therefore had theim euer after in great loue and fauour Meroneus was ordeined kinge of Fraunce the which was stronge and marciall in al his deedes and there vnto right profitable to the realme He was present in the battaile againste Attila the Hunne where he wyth hys knightes rought manfully Of this Mereoneus descended all the kynges of the frenchemen til the tyme of Pypyn father vnto Charles the great In his tyme Gallia was firste called Fraunce The Synode Chalcedonense was assembled where were present .vi. hundred byshoppes whiche condemned Eutices and Dyoscorus notable and famous heretikes The yere of the worlde 4413 The yere of Christ 452 Theodotius the emperour departed out of this lyfe at Constantinople Anni regum britannie 5 in whose place Martianus was made emperour of the east and reygned .vii. yeres This man loued so much quietenesse that he was wont to saie that a prince ought not to arme hym if he could by any meanes obteyne peace In his time was the terrible viage of Attila
yeres The yere of the worlde 4961 Alphons kyng of Spaine besiegeyng the citee Uese●m was wounded with an arrowe and thereof dyed after whom was chosen U●remunde that reigned .x. yeres Ege●rede ▪ kyng of Englande being greatly enhaunced in his owne minde for the mariage of the Dukes sister of Normandye sente sorthe into all partes of his realme secrete and streicte commissions chargyng the rulers that vpon a certaine daye and ho●re assigned the Danes whiche proudlye vsed great crueltee in the land should be sodeinely slaine And so was it dooen Whiche thinge was after cause of great misery Constantine reigned amonge the Scottes .iii. yeres by meane of hym and Malcolme the s●onne of Kenneth the realme of Scotlande was miserably tourmented with ci●ste warre Henry Duke of Burgoyne ended hys lyfe The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ who for so muche as he died without issue Anni regum Angli 25 by hys will ordeined Robert kyng of Fraunce to be hys heyre But the Burgoynes refusing to be vnder his dominion rebelled and were by hym vanquisshed and brought in due obeysaunce Sueno or Suayne kyng of Denmarke hearing of the murder of the Danes in England and beyng sore moued therwith landed with a strong armie in dyuers partes of this realme so cruelly withoute mercy and pitee spoyled the countrey and slewe the people ▪ that the Englysshemen were brought to most extreme and vnspeakeable miserye but yet after a certaine space a peace was entreated for whiche the Englisshmen payed .30000 poundes howbeit diuers princes of the Danes stil continued wastyng the land in dyuers places Grime reigned in Scotlande .ix. yeres agaynste hym Malcolme made fierce warre for the crowne whiche was appeased by the counsaile of a byshop called Fothadus Henrye Duke of Bauary The yere of the worlde by the consent of the princes electours of Germanye Anni regum Angli 26 was ordeyned emperour The yere of the worlde 4964 who was famous as well for hys godly wisedome as for his marcyall prowes and manye notable victoryes that he knyghtlye atchiued of his enemyes At his fyrste entre he subdued certayne rebelles as the Bohemes the Uandales and quieted Loraine and Flaunders Anni regum Angli 28 Godfrey succeded Otho in the Dukedome of Lorayne The yere of the worlde 4966 The yere of Christ 1005 Anni regum Angli 29 A great famine and pestilence afflicted almost the whole worlde The yere of the worlde 4967 The yere of Christ 1006 The Sarasens The yere of the worlde 4968 deuidynge theyr hostes in two sundrye partes Anni regum Angli landed in Italye toke Capua The yere of Christ 1007 and besyeged Barum Againste whome Urceolus Duke of Uenice and Gregory a capitaine of Constantinople ioygninge together theyr puisaunce went in all haste and obteyned of theim a noble victorye The Turkes toke the citee of Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 4970 Anni regum Angli The citisins of Adria vexed the borders of Uenice The yere of Christ with robbing and pillyng the countrey whom Uiscolus with so great murder vanquished that neuer after they attempted to inuade thyr neyghbours The Scottes not susteigning the tiranny of theyr kyng Grime rose vp against him wherof ensued much trouble in Scoctlande Malcolme vanquished and slewe Grime toke on hym the kyngdome and reygned .xxxi. yeres to hym the lordes of Scotlande graunted fyrst the wardes and mariage of theyr heyres Henrie the emperour fyrste founded the byshopryke of Babenberge in Germayne The yere of the worlde 4972 The yere of Christ 1011 Anni regum Angli 34 Ferdinande the son of Sanctius Erle of Cast●le was made kynge of Spayne He maryed the daughter of Alphons kyng of Legio and syster of Ueremunde whereby he was king of ●egio in the ryght of his wife Sueno or Suaine kynge of Denmarke Anni regum Angli 35 repented hym of the former couenauntes made with the Englissheme●● and thinkyng to atteine the whole dominion of this land The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1012 with a stronge armie entred fyrst Northumberland than myddle Englande or Mertia and so wente forthe tyll he came to the citee of London whiche he besieged and destroyed the countrey of Kente At this tyme Egelrede the kyng despeiryng of all recouery not ones proferynge to resiste his enemies with hys wife and children fledde to Richarde Duke of Normandy And than possessed ●ueno the whole kyngdome of this realme About this tyme Olauus and Onetus .ii. capytayns of the Danes inuaded Scotlande vanquisshed kynge Malcolme and subdued Murraye but not longe after Malcolme repatred his armye discomfited the Danes slewe Onetus Henry the emperour of Germany yode toward Rome where he was annoyncted emperour 〈◊〉 the bishoppe The yere of the worlde 4974 The yere of Christ 1013 Anni regum Angli 36 and then takyng with hym the imperiall Diademe marched with his armie towarde C●pua He vanquysshed the Sarasens and forced theim to forsake Italye he pursued also with great wrath Bubaganus a capytain of the emperours of Constantinople whiche fauoured the Sarasens He wanne the citee Tro●● whiche the Grecians had builded where sometime Annibal pitched his campe Camus another capitaine of the Danes inuaded Scotlande and nere to Farre was disconfited and slayne the place at this day is called Camustand Canutus by commaundement of Sueno brake againe into Scotland The yere of the worlde 4975 The yere of Christ 1014 with whom the Scottes fought a terrible battayle Anni regum Angli 37 to the great domage of both patees after which battale a peace was agreed S●a●e the Dane after much scathe done to the realme of Englande ended his lyfe And then succeded Canutus his sonne but the Englishmen sent agayne for Etheldred out of Normandy who by the helpe of the Normaynes and present assistence of his commons expelled Canutus Canutus returned agayne into Englande where he spared nothinge Anni regum Angli 39 The yere of the worlde 4977 The yere of Christ 1016 that mighte be destroyed wyth swoorde and fire In this tyme kynge Etheldrede ended his life when he had reygned .38 yeres After whose death variaunce fell betwene the Englishemen for the election of their king for the citisyns of London wyth certayne other named Edmunde the sonne of Etheldrede ▪ a yonge man of lusty and valiant courage in marciall aduentures bothe hardie and wise and could very wel endure al prines Wherfore he was surnamed Ironside But the more parte fauoured Canutus the Dane By meanes wherof betwene this two martiall princes were foughten many great battayles in the which eyther parte spedde diuerslye to the great slaughter of them that toke theyr partes But lastly it was agreed that the two captaynes shuld trye theyr quarel betwene them selfe ▪ onely In w●●c●e 〈◊〉 although Edmund semed to haue the vpper hande yet he condescended to deuide the realme and make Canutus felow with him in the kingedome whiche agreement was at last concluded IN this time
aduaunced William the sonne of Robert Curthoyse to the sayd Erldome of Flaunders on whom immediatly Theodorich Erle of Alsacia made mortall warre and was of him vanquished and forced to flee to Alustum where continuinge the siege Willyam was wounded to death with a darte that was caste from the walles And after this decesse Theodorich his enemye possessed the Erledome of Flaunders Anni regum Angli 25 Balach king of the Parthes toke Baldwine king of Ierusalem and slew many of the Christian capitaines The yere of the worlde 5086 The yere of Christ 1125 and souldiours of Asia Honorius the .ii. bishop of Rome .v. yeres ¶ Dauie succeded Alexander in the kingdome of Scotland He buylded so many abbeis and gaue muche landes to the churche that his successours were scantly able to maintein their estate He diminished the reuenues of the crowne .60 thousande pounde He had no warres all the time of Henry Beuclerke Anni regum Angli 27 Lothayre Duke of Saxonie after the death of Henry by consent of the electours was chosen emperour The yere of the worlde 5088 The yere of Christ 1127 This man is not onely commended for his martial knighthod and noble prowes but also for the worthi fauour he bare towarde religion and honest lawes By his procuremēt the ciuile lawes which of longe time were hid in duste in all liberaries and cleane out of vse among men were againe restored to the worlde and commaunded to be vsed in all countreis The graie friers came first into Englande Maude the doughter of kinge Henrie after the death of her husband the emperour came into England to her father The order of S. Iohns hospitalles templares Anni regum Angli and other lyke beganne first at this time The yere of the worlde 5089 The yere of Christ 1128 ¶ Geffrei Plantagenct erle of Angeow maried Maud the empresse doughter of king Henrie of which two descended Henrie the .ii. which reigned after Stephene The yere of the worlde 5091 The yere of Christ 1130 Innocent●us Anni regum Angli 30 the .ii. beinge ordeyned bishop of Rome went immediatlie with a stronge armye againnt Roger Erle of Sicilie at whiche time he toke by violence the towne of ● Germanye and besieged Roger in the castell Gelucium But William Duke of Calabre deliuered his father and toke the bishop prisoner with certaine of his cardinalles whom he shortly after sette at libertee In the meane time the people of Rome named one Peter to be bishop which was the son of a citesin called ▪ Peter Leo Wherfore Innocent durst not returne ▪ to Rome but fled straight into Fraunce This man first ordeined that he which st roke a priest should be excommunicate Balde quinus king of Damascus was vanquished of Baldwine king of Ierusalem The yere of Christ 1131 Fulco erle of Angeow Anni regum Angli 31 was ordeined the fourth king of Ierusalem The yere of the worlde 5902 About this time Philip the eldest sonne of Lewys king of France by misfortune was slaine with an horse in Paris Lewis the younger by consent of his father was annoincted king of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5903 The yere of Christ 1132 Henrie king of Englande Anni regum Angli 32 bicause he had none other issue male ordeyned that his doughter Maude whyche had bene empresse should suceede him in the kingdome Fulco king of Ierusalē slew a great noumbre of the Turkes and builded the castell or sort called Ibelli●um The yere of the worlde 5094 The yere of Christ 1133 Lothayre the emperour restored Innocentius to the bishoprike of Rome and recouered of him the imperiall Diademe Anni regum Angli 33 Bela the sonne of Almus whom Calomannus had bereft of his sight was ordeyned kynge of Hungarye and reygned .x. yeres He punisshed theim extremelye whiche caused that crueltee to be shewed toward his father and vanquisshed in battayle one Borichus the bastarde sonne of Calomannus ▪ whiche by ayde of the Pelonians and Rutenes affected the kyngdome and toke to wyfe Helena the daughter of the king of Seruia Lewys the yong king of France maried Alenour The yere of the worlde 5096 whithe was right heyre to the prouince of Aqullaine The yere of Christ 1135 Kyng Henry of Englande being in Normandye with a fal of his horse toke his death STephene Erle of Boloyne the soonne of the Erle of Bloyes Anni regum Angli 1 and Adela Wylliam cōquerours daughter The yere of the worlde 5097 The yere of Christ 1136 and nephew to Henry the firste toke on hym the gouernance of this realme of Englande This was a noble man and hardye of passyng comely fauoure and personage In all princely vertue he excelled as in marciall pollicie affabilitee gentilnesse and bountefull lyberalytee towarde all men and especially in the beginnyng for although he had continuall warre yet dyd he neuer burdein ▪ his commons with exactions sauing only certaine bishops which flowyng in riches builded dyuers castels that tourned the kyng after to greate trouble Onelye in this he s●●ied blame worthie that contrarye to hys othe made to Maude the daughter of Henrie he was thought vniustly to take on him the crowne For which cause he was vexed with warees all the tyme of his reigne Great trouble and discencion in England for so much as dyuers of the nobles fauoured Maude the empresse againe Stephene which was in possession of the crowne Warre betwene kinge Stephene and Dauid of Scotlande because he refused to doe to hym hys homage for Northumberlande and Hunting ton ▪ wh●che he helde by his wyfe ▪ In this warre the Scottisshe historye sayeth the Duke of Gloucester was taken Steph●ne made peace and agreed with Dauid kynge of Scottes and receiued of hym homage after he hadde wonne from hym certaine townes and castels and gaue to Henry the son of Dauid the Erldome of Huntington ¶ Lewys the eight surnamed the yonger after the death of his father was ordeyned kyng of Fraunce In the beginnynge of hys reigne died Ioannes de temporibus whiche as witnesseth the Frence cronicle was a squyer in the tyme of Charles the great and liued ouer .300 yeres Lothayre the emperour went to Rome the second tyme against Roger The yere of the worlde 5098 The yere of Christ 1137 whiche named hym selfe kynge of Italy Anni regum Angli 2 But Roger hearyng of the emperours comyng towarde hym sled into Sicilie Than the byshop of Rome gaue the Duchie of Puell to Raynon a knyghte of the emperours whom also he ordeined gouernour of Italie A vaine rumour was spredde in England of the death of kynge Stephene whiche was cause of muche trouble and businesse in the realme For dyuers of the lordes got theim to theyr holdes whiche after myght scantlye with great labour be quieted and appeased After whiche time Stephene passed into Normandye against Geffrey Erle of Angeow the husbande of Maude the empresse whiche was right heyre to the crowne and whan he had quieted
Sicilie and subdued to him a great part of that ilande The yere of the worlde 5244 King Edwarde sent a company of souldiours into Wales The yere of Christ 1283 Anni regum Angli 10 vnder the ga●ding of the erles of Northumberlande and Surrei of the which companye manye were slayne and sir Ro●er Clifford taken prisoner ▪ The Welshemen subdued certaine castelles and holdes Peter king of Arragon after he had conquered a great part of Sicilie toke on him the imperiall crowne therof and was for that cause cursed by the bishoppe of Rome his kingdome of Arragon proclaymed to be open to euery man that would inuade it Charles the younger was vanquished and taken in battayle on the sea Philip king of Fraunce ▪ in the quarell of his brother Charles king of Sicilie proclaymed warre agaynst Peter of Arragon Lewline prince of Wales Anni regum Angli 11 was slaine by Roger Mortimer The yere of the worlde 5245 The yere of Christ 1284 and his head set vpon the Tower of London Sanctius the .iiii. reigned in Spayne .xi. yeres Charles king of Sicilie ended his life William Marton chauncellour of England about this time buylded Marton colle●ge in the vniuersitee of Oxeforde Dauid the brother of Lewline prince of Wales was taken and beheaded The yere of the worlde 5246 The yere of Christ 1285 Anni regum Angli 12 and diuers boldes and castelles of the UUelshemen geuen to the Englishe lordes Prince Edward of Canaruan was borne in wales Laurence Duket a citisin of London was founde deade and hanged in the church of S. Marie Bowes Philip king of France fought a strong and cruel battaile with Peter king of Arragon nere to Gerunda in the whiche Peter receyued a wound wherof he died shortly after leauing two sonnes Friderich whom he ordeined king of Arragon and Iames to whom he gaue Sicilye These two brethren mainteyned their fathers warre agaynst the Frenchemen Philip king of Fraunce ended his lyfe Kinge Alexander of Scotlande brake his necke by falling of a horse Leauing no heyre male after hym The realme contynued without kinge vi yeres .ix. monethes Honorius the .v. was bishop of Rome .ii. yeres He endeuoured to toke the kingedome of Sicilie from the king of Arrogon The new woorke of the church of Westminster vnto the ende of the quiece Anni regum Angli 13 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1286 begon in the third yere of the third Henrie and continued in buyldinge .66 yeeres was fynished The Pisanes were vanquished by the Genowais and in a battayle on the sea loste .50 gallies and shippes and 12000. souldiours The order of the Carmelites beganne of Albert Patriarke of Hierusalem Philip for his beautie surnamed the fayre ▪ reigned in Fraunce .xxviii. yeres This man because of warre that he had with the Duke of Gelderlande and other reared great taxes and paimentes throughout his lande as well of the clergie as laitee Rodulph the emperour subdued to his obedience the Suitzers which before were subiecte to the Erle of Sauoy Pseudo vanquished Friderich tamed the Snaues This yere was enacted by king Edwarde the statutes called ▪ Anni regum Angli 14 Additamenta gloucestrie The yere of the worlde 1248 The yere of Christ 1287 In the countrey of Heluccia a woman was deliuered of a childe that hadde two perfite bodies from the nauill vpwarde and an other womanne bare a childe the fact wherof was like to a man and the bodie to a lion The bishoprike of Rome was voyde .x. monethes Anni regum Angli 15 King Edwarde of Englande sayled to Bordeux The yere of the worlde 1249 and from thens rode into Frāce The yere of Christ 5288 The summer this yere was so exceding hote that men died for extreme heat and yet was wheate so plenteous that it was sold at London for xl d. a quarter Nicolas the .iiii. was bishop of Rome ▪ iiii yeeres Great bayle fel in England after that ensued so continuall raine Anni regum Angli 16 that the yere folowinge The yere of the worlde 5250 wheate was solde for .xviii. d. a bushell and so encreased yerelye the reygne of this kinge and his sonne till it was lastlye solde for .xl shillinges a quarter Peace agreed betwene the Frenchmen and Arragons The Florentines with great slaughter vanquished the G●bell●es of Arentine in Italie The citee Triple was taken and destroied by the Souldaine of Egipte and the christyans slayne in most cruell wise Ries a Welsheman rebelling against Pain● Tiptost warden of that countrey The yere of the worlde 5251 The yere of Christ 1290 Anni regum Angli 17 was by the erle of Cornewall in the kinges absēce taken drawen hanged quartered About this time the Iewes were expelled wholy out of this realme Charles the yonger which was prisoner a longe time in Arragon receyued the kingedome of Sicilie and for the same was feudarie to the Romaine bishop The Souldaine of Babylon conquered the citee of Asia called Tite Sidon Barutum and raised them euen with the earth whiche were before inhabited with Chrystian people He besieged in like maner the citye of Pt●lom● is called also Acres or Acon and the same being forsaken of the christians with great cruelte burnt and destroied By this meanes were the christians vtterly chased out of Surie .190 yeres after they firste wonne Ierusalem vnder Godfrei of Bolo●ne Ladislaus king of Hungarie was slaine by the Comanes and then succeded Andrewe the thirde whiche reygned ●ii yeres Rodolph emperour of Almaine ouerthrew wel nere 60. castelles and holdes in the prouince of Thuring and by that meanes quieted the countrey of Germanie Andrewe king of Hungarie subdued Austrich Anni regum Angli 18 The yere of the worlde 5252 The yere of Christ 1291 Alexander kinge of Scotland as is before sayd dyed without issue male wherof ensued great discord among the Scottes whiche toke parte with Iohn Bailoll and Robert Bruce making claime to the crowne and shortly after deadlye warre folowed betwene the .ii. realmes of England and Scotland The election of the king of Scottes was committed to the iudgemente of kinge Edward of Englande The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1292 Anni regum Angli 19 who after sufficiēt profe made to the Scottes that he was chiefe head and soueraigne of the realme of Scotlande by all their consentes toke full possession of the same ●and then caused Iohn Bailol to be ordeyned kinge because he descended of the elder doughter of Erle Dauid kinge Wylliams brother A●oulphus was chosen emperour of Almaine and reigned .vii. yeres He was vnfortunate in all thinges that he went about therwith so nedye and poore that when he had receiued of king Edwarde of Englande .100000 markes to ayde him against the Frenche king he spente the money vpon his housholde and had not wherwith to fulfill his promisse when time required By discentio● of the cardinals the bishoprike of Rome was voyde .ii. yeres and
.iiii. monethes About this time as witnesseth Polidore and as it semeth most agreeinge with other histories greeuous and cruell warre began betwene king Edwarde of England and Philip of France for takinge of certayne shippes of Normandie Philip summoned kinge Edwarde to appeare at his parliamente but he thereat disdeigned and yelded vp into his handes the Duchie of Guyan entendinge ere it were longe to make claime to the whole dukedome of Normandie Philip sent Raulfe Nele the constable of France with a mightye power againste the Gascoines whiche by the syde of Englishemen defended them so manfullye that great hurt was done on both partes Adoulphus the emperour endeuoured to depriue Albert of his duchie of Austriche Anni regum Angli and certaine other landes The yere of the worlde 5154 The yere of Christ 1293 for which cause was betwene them fierce warre King Iohn Bailol of Scotlande came to Newcastel and did homage to king Edwarde The Welshemen by the ●●ering of Modoke and Morgaine rebelled against the kinge who sped him towarde them in al hastie wise and shortlye brought that vnstedefast and vnruly people to a newe reclaime and ▪ then commaunded their woodes to be cutte to the grounde After whiche time he helde them in more rest and quyet The Frenchmen with a company of ships arriued at Douer robbed the towne and were chased thens wyth the losse of many of their men Charles de Ualots kinge Philippes brother besieged the castell of Rion in Gascoyne wherein were sir Iohn seint Iohn and Iohn de Britaine Englisshe capitaines Michael Paleogolus emperour of Grece ended his life whom the Grecian priestes suffered to be vnburyed because that at the counsayle of Lyons be agreed to the Romaine church in procedinge of the holy ghost Celestine bishop of Rome .vi. monethes Anni regum Angli 21 he resygned the papacie to Boniface the The yere of the worlde 5255 The yere of Christ 1294 viii whiche reygned .viii. yeres .ix. monethes Andronicus Michaell emperours of Constantinople Madoke which caused the Welshmen to rebell was hanged drawen and quartered at London Iohn Bailol king of Scottes ▪ contrarie to his allegiance by the exci●ing of the Frenchmen rebelled agaynst kinge Edwarde Dinus Mugellanus Lamfranke Balbus the gatherer of Catholicon and Rabi Gerundentis ▪ flourished King Edward wanne from the Scottes the castels ▪ of Barwike Dunbarre he slewe of the Scottes aboue .xl. thousande and toke prisoners sir William Douglas sir Simon ●e Fre●sel the erle Pairike sir Robert Le Bruze with many other of name He conquered also Edenbourough ▪ where he founde the regaul insignes of Scotland that is the crowne the sceptre and the cloth of estate Iohn Bailol king of Scottes with his sonne Edward came to Mont Ros where he voyde of all kinglye ornamentes with a white rodde in his hande came before king Edwarde and resigned all ryghte and tytle that he had or might haue to the crowne of Scotland and made him a charter therof Also shortlye after at Barwike all the nobles were sworne to be true subiectes to hym in times coming In this meane time the Englishemen susteined many stormes in Gascoyne and Guyan Sir Hugh Gr●ssinghā was made regent of Scotland Boniface the .viii. was bishop of Rome whiche by hys trecherie and falshode caused his predecessour Celestine to forsake his byshoprike He reared also deadlye warres in Italy Kynge Edwarde sailed into Flaunders to rescue Guye theyr Ecle Anni regum Angli 23 The yere of the worlde 5257 The yere of Christ 1256 which was greuously ouerset by the Frenche kynge so that he had wonne from hym muche of his landes Shortly after kynge Edwardes comynge a peace was concluded for .ii. yeres and then he went to Burd●ur The ●cottes by the intisement of the Frenchemen and leadyng of one Wylliam Wallace rebelled and put the Englishemen to much trouble and losse of many men amonge the which was sir Hugh Gressingham The electours chose Albert Duke of Austria to be their emperoure and deposed Adoulphus because he was not of power to mainteine the imperial maiestee Kynge Edwarde vanquisshed the Scottes The yere of Christ and nere to a towne called Fankirke Anni regum Angli The yere of the worlde 5253 slewe of theim in one battayle 32000. at whiche tyme as some write were slaine of the Englishemen but barelye .xviii. persons After this ouerthrow the Scottes yelded the Scottysshe historye referreth this to the next yere folowyng Kynge Edwarde for a fynall peace to be had betweene Englande and Fraunce toke to wife Margaret the sister of Phillip the Frenche king A league and truce 〈◊〉 graunted to the Flemminges which continued not long For the Flemminges of Brugis while theyr Duke Gu●e and his sonne were kepte in prison by the Frenche kynge set vpon the Frenche capytaines and put them to a great afterdeale The bishoppe of Rome vsed great cruel●●● towarde the house of Columnēses and toke from them theyr castels Kyng Edward hearynge of the vntrouth and rebellyon of the Scottes Anni regum Angli 25 made his thirde vyage againste theim ▪ The yere of the worlde 5265 The yere of Christ 1298 wherin he behaued hym so knyghtly that in shorte space he subdued a great parte of the lande and toke the castell Estriualine with other holdes made the lordes sweare to him feauitee and homage Adoulphus and Alberte contendyng for the imperiall auctorytee on the mountaine Hansenbull fought a cruel battaile wherin Adoulphus was slayne and Albert succeded in the empyre and reygned .x. yeres He desyringe to be crowned with the imperiall Diademe of the byshop of Rome could not obteine it For Boniface saied to him that his election was frustrate withoute his auctoryt●e whiche helde the power of bothe swoordes that is of ecclesiastical and ciuile iurisdiction Boniface made the sixt boke of the decrees The kyng of Englande gaue to Edward his sonne the principate of Wales The yere of the worlde 5260 The yere of Christ 1299 Anni regum Angli 26 and i●ig●ed therto the Erldome of Cornwall Iames kynge of Arragon and Sicilie ended his lyfe Wherefore Robert Duke of Calabre and sonne of that Charles whiche contented with the Arragons for Sicilie inuaded Sicilie and toke Cathina but the Sicilians fauourynge more the parte of the Arragons withstode Robert and in a battaile on the sea vanquisshed and toke Phillip his brother slew many of hys souldiours The Flemminges of Brugis were soughten with of Otho Duke of Burgoyne in the quarell of the Frenche kynge who by the ayde of the Frenchemen slew of them xv thousande The yere of the worlde 5261 The yere of Christ 1300 Friderich of Arragon beyng ordeyned kyng of Sicily Anni regum Angli 27 subdued to hym the countrey of Calabre Gr●●● rufflyng and vnquietnesse was in Hetruria the space of .ii. yeres Charles of Ualois was appoynted of the byshoppe of Rome to be defendour of S. Peters patrimonie Boniface the eight ordeined fyrst a Iubilei
nature he was made much worse by the couns●ile and familiarit●e of certaine euell disposed personnes as Pi●rse of Gaueston Hugh the Spensers and other whose wanton counsaile he folowing gaue him selfe to the appetite and pleasure of the body nothing ordering his common weale by sadnesse dyscrescion and iustice whiche thinge caused first great variance betwene him and his nobles so that shortly he became to them ●dible and in the ende was depriued of his kingdome This Edwarde toke to wyfe Isabell the doughter of Philip the fayre king of France The Scottes did homage to kinge Edwarde at Dumfreis Otho king of Hungarie was taken and cast into prison by a noble man called Ladislaus ¶ Alphons the .xi. kinge of Castile reigned .xl yeres Robert was king of Naples Iohn nephew to Albert the emperour slewe his owne vncle betwene the two riuers of Heluecia called Risa and A●ula nere to Rhine the place to this daye is called kinges fielde where the quene of Hungarye buylded an abbey After the death of Albert was great vnquietnesse in Italie for euerie citee desired a peculiar gouernoure And Philip of France was put in hope by the bishop of Rome to obteine the empire and therfore came into Italye wyth a great power and toke manye townes but failed of his purpose The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1309 Henrie the .vii. was ordeined emperour of Germanie and reigned .v yeres .viii. monethes Anni regum Angli 2 He was a noble and victorious prince therewith gentill liberall and of great iustice and honestye He assembled .iii. mig●tye ar●●●es of the whiche one he sent agaynst the Duke of Wirtenburge from whens he toke 72. cast●●s An other he sent with his sonne Iohn into Beheme to obtein that kingdome the third him selfe led into Italie against the citees Bri●ium Florence Cremons and other rebelles which fauoured the Guelphes to whom he brought suche terrour and feare of his name as ●ew●mpe ours b● do●e before ti●●e At Millaine he was crowned wyth a crowne of yron The crouch friers came first into Englande Anni regum Angli 3 The yere of the worlde 5271 The yere of Christ 1310 So great a dearth 〈◊〉 Scotlande that the common people did eate horse fleshe and other vnaccustomed meates to sust●ine their liues Charles was chosen king of Hungarie and reigned xxxiii yeares He hadde successiuely .iii. wifes Marye the doughter of the king of Polonie Beatrix the doughter of Henrye the emperour and ●elisabeth the daughter of the Duke of Boheme of the laste he receyued iii. sonnes Ladislaus Lewes and Andrew Robert Le Bruze began to be of power againe in Scotlande discomfited sir Iohn Cummin Erle of Bucham and certaine other whiche helde on the Englishe part A counsaile holden at Uienna The yere of Christ 1311 where the name of the templares was abolished Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde 5272 Roberte Le Bruze expelled the Englyshmen out of a great part of Scotland and inuaded the borders of Englande Anni regum Angli 5 At Rome Henry the emperoure receyued the imperyall Diademe of the cardinals The yere of the worlde 5273 The yere of Christ 2312 He assigned certaine lieuetenantes to the cities of Lumbardye The Flemminges rebelled against kinge Philyp of France The pride and tirannye of Piers of Gaueston caused grudge and malice betwene king Edwarde of England and his nobles so that for this cause the saied Piers by suite of the nobles was twise or thrise banished the realme and styll called againe by the kinge Wherfore in thys yere the lordes beyng confederate slew him beside war wike to the great discontentyng of the kinges mynde ¶ Iohn the emperous sonne was king of Boheme Of Andronicus and his successours emperours of Cōstantinople I finde no certaintie howe longe time they reigned I wyll therfore name as many of theym as I know gessing as nie the time as I can Egnacius saieth that Michaell Paleologus reygned about .xl. yeares next to hym he setteth Audronicus which had longe contencion with the younger Andronicus Blondus setteth betwene theim Carolo●oannes Anni regum Angli 6 Henrye the emperour besieged the cytie Florence The yere of the worlde 5274 The yere of Christ he made peace with Friderich king of Sicilie and ledde an armye against his mortal enemy Roberte Duke of Naples Not long after he was poisoned by a monke whyche in ministring the sacrament gaue him poyson The Englishemen encountred Robert Le Beuze his Scottes at Estriualin Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of the worlde 5275 The yere of Christ wher was foughten a strong but taile in the ende wherof the Englyshmen were discomfited and so egrely pursued by the Scottes that many of the noble men were slaine as the Erle of Gloucester sir Robert Clifforde sir Edmunde of Maule with other lordes to the nomber of .xlii. and knyghtes and baron●●tes 67. beside .xxii. men of name whiche were taken prysoners and .10000 other common souldiours slaine or after the Scottishe historye .50 thousand after this time the forenamed Robert Bruze reigned as kinge of Scotlande The ci●●syns of Pise in Italy chose for theyr Duke a noble man called N●●uicio ¶ Lewis the leueuth sone of Phillip Le Beaue was ordeined kyng of France and reigned .ii. yeres He led an armye against the Fleminges but he atchiued nothing worthy memory A vilayne called Iohan Tanner in dyuers places of England named him selfe the sonne of Edward the first and saied The yere of the worlde 5276 The yere of Christ 1315 Anni regum Angli 8 that by a false nourse he was stollē out of his cradell and Edwarde that was nowe kinge put in hys place But shortly after he was conuict of his vntrouth and confessed that he dyd it by the mocion of a familyar spirite The Scottes inuaded Irelande and kept warre with the Irish men the space of .iiii. yeres Lewys was emperour of Almaine .33 yeres betwene him and Friderich Duke of Austrich was longe warre For part of the electours chose Friderike part Lewis of Bauarie These two Cesars with their armyes mette first at Frankforde but thei i●igned not in bataile than Leopalde a Duke of Austriche comynge to healpe hys brother profered battayle to Lewes but he gaue backe and fled to Eslengham wher was betwene theim a sore conflict so greatly to the losse of bothe partes that neyther of them claimed victorye The byshoprike of Rome after the death of Clemente was voyde .ii. yeres .iii. monethes The castell of Berwyke was yelden vp to the Scottes by the treason of Peter Spaldyng The yere of the worlde 5277 The yere of Christ 1316 Anni regum Angli A great moreine of beastes in Englande and therwith pestilence and other sickenesse Philippe the .v. for his heyghte surnamed the Longe was made king of Fraunce and reygned .vi. yeres The Scottes entred the borders of Northumberland and most cruelly robbing and hariyng the countrey Anni regum Angli 10 The yere
Englande and Fraunce at the intercession of the Genowaies The yere of the worlde 5351 The yere of Christ 1300 Anni regum Angli 14 made a vage into Afrike against the Sarisons where they besyeged the cytie of Tunes and spoyled the countrey there about in the end a league was agreed and the siege geuen vp on this condicion that the sarasens should holde them within theyr boundes and absteine frō the sea costes of Italy Fraunce and the ylādes lying betwene Afrike and Europe But Frosard maketh mencion of no such thinge but sayeth that the Christians departed sodenlye from the citye of Tunes without any league or truce making fering dyuers perilles and incidentes that might els haue chaunsed to theim He therto P. Aemilius continued his his historye In Englande it was decreed that the auctoritie of the byshop of Rome shoulde be ended with the Occean sea and that it shulde be lawfull hensforth to no man to appeale to the byshop of Rome or make suite that any Englysheman shulde be cursed by his auctory neyther that any man shulde execute such commaundemēt though it were obteined of the byshop on peine to lese all his gooddes and his bodye to perpetuall prison ¶ After the death of kynge Robert of Scotlande Iohn Erle of Carreke his eldest sonne succeded reigned .16 yeres whom the Scotes called Robert after hys father because thei thought Iohn an vnluckie name in a kinge he was maymed with the stroke of an horse in his youth therfore was vnhable for the gouernance of the realm Wherfore duke Robert of Albanie continued as gouernour all the tyme of his reigne Cruell warre in Lumbardy betwene Galyatius lorde of Myllaine and the people of Florence and Bonony The Erle of Armynack comyng with a great army to ayde the Florentines nere to the citie of Alexandrya receiued a wounde wherof he dyed Anni regum Angli 15 Peace betwene Galiatius and the Florentines After the death of Clement the Antipape The yere of the worlde 5352 The yere of Christ Bennet the xiii was chosē of the cardinalles in France ▪ the schisme still continued betwene the .ii. byshops This Clement graunted to the Frenche kynge the tenthes of the clergy Kyng Charles of Fraunce gaue the Dukedome of Orliaunce to his brother Lewys The king of fraunce making war into Britaine was sodeinely taken with a phrenesy Anni regum Angli 16 Peter Gambacurta lorde of Pise and his sones were slayne by one Appian a cōmon scribe which Appian toke on hym the gouernaunce and lordshib of that citie The yere of the worlde 5353 The yere of Christ Sigismunde king of Hungarie ledde an army against the people called Walachi whyche desyred ayde of the Turkes whom notwithstandyng Sigismund vanquished ▪ and by force toke the towne Niko● Gersō Gorrā diuines Ancoranus a famous lawier Nicolaus Florentinus and Marsilius de S. Sophia phisicions Iohannes de sacro Busto an astronomer flourished Kyng Rycharde of England conceiued a great displeasure towarde the citie of London for a certaine outrage or riotte commited by the citisyns For whiche cause he depriued them of their liberties but the citye was shortly after restored to the kinges fauour by the ernest suyte and labour of Doctour Grauisend byshop of London in memory wherof the maior with his brethern resort yerely .ix principall dayes to S. Paules church The yere of the worlde 5354 The yere of Christ 1393 A truce prolonged betwene Fraunce and England for iii. yeres This yere died queene Anne Anni regum Angli 17 wife to king Rycharde Iohn and Albriche lordes of Cume Anni regum Angli 18 reduced all Italie into one felowship or companie of S George The yere of the worlde 5355 The yere of Christ 1394 and teachinge theim to beare armes in defence of theim selfe expelled from them all foreine souldiers and straunger as Germaines Englishemen Bretaines and other whose ayde and helpe they had vsed before tyme in defendynge their countrey Kynge Rycharde made a viage into Irelande whiche was more to his charge than honour A great tempest of wynde in Englande Galias lorde of Myllayne was made a Duke by the emperour The yere of the worlde 5356 The yere of Christ 1395 Anni regum Angli 19 this Galeas fauoured the Turkes was a lied with their kinge A truce for .30 yeares betwene England and France and kyng Rycharde toke to wife Isabell the daughter of Charles the Frenche kinge The kinge of Hungarie with ayde of the Frenchmen passed the riuer of Dunaw The yere of the worlde 5357 The yere of Christ 1396 Anni regum Angli and ledde a great army into Bulgarye and Turky wher by force they conquered dyuers townes and besieged Nicopolis but than Basaach or Pazaitos kynge of Turkes encountred theim wyth great puisaunce the by pryde of the Frenchemen vanquished and slewe manye Christians and toke prisoner Iohn the sonne of the Duke of Burgoyne wyth dyuers lordes of of Fraunce the kyng of Hungary escaped hardly in the chase The duke of Gloucester king Richardes vncle wyth the erle of Arundell and other was put to cruell deathe for so much as they rebuked the king in certaine 〈◊〉 ouer liberally Anni regum Angli 21 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1397 and endeuoured to excyte the commōs to breake the peace made with the frenchemen and to depose the king whom they accused of slouthfulnesse negligence and misgouernynge of the common weale Anni regum Angli 22 Henrye Bolinbroke Duke of Hereforde and the duke of Northfolke were banyshed out of the realme The yere of the worlde 5359 The yere of Christ 1398 Kinge Richarde let the realme of Englande to serme to sir William Scrope erle of Wilshire and certayne other knyghtes Emanuel Chrisoloras brought agayne the knowlage of the Greke tongue in Italy whiche hadde bene as it were banyshed out of that countrey the space of .v. ages King Richarde went with an army into Irelande At this time reygned in Scythya a cruell fierce and blouddye tyrann● named Tanberlanis which subdued to him well nere all the east part of the worlde and lastly with an vnnumerable multitude of men inuaded the Turkes landes with whom Pazailes theyr kinge met and in the confines or marches of Gala●ia Bithinia nere the mountaine St●lla g aue to him a sore bataile in the whiche fell on the Turkes partye 2●000 and Pazai●es the kynge him selfe was taken prisoner After whiche tyme this Tartarian Tāberlanis conquered al the landes betwene Tanais and Nilus and vanquished in battaile the great souldaine of Egipte chased hym beyonde Nilus and toke also the citee Damascus ▪ Mahomet kinge of Turkes after Pazai●es reigned xvii yeres and wrought muche scathe to the Christiās Henrye Bolinbroke duke of H●rforde whyche was banished into Fraunce being sent for of the Londoners came into Englande with a small power to whom the cōmons gathered ī so great multitude and forsoke their prince that not longe
A proclamation sette foorth by the kynge for the abrogation of superfluous holydayes and the vayne ceremonies of the Nicolas bysh●● with the absteynynge frome fleshe on sainct Markes daie The lorde Leonarde Graie whyche before was deputie generall of Ireland was beheaded at Tower hill for certayne treason whiche he had there commytted A proclamation was published that the Englishe Bible shoulde be had in euery paryshe churche ready for all sortes of men to resorte vnto at tymes conuenient About this tyme a new trade of dancyng of galiardes vpon fiue paces and vauntyng o● horses was brought in to the realme by Italians whiche shortly was exercysed commonly of all yonge men and the olde facion left Doctour Pates whom king Henry had sent in ambassade to the emperour at the commyng of the bys●oppe of Winchester into Almayne secretly fledde awaye to the byshop of Rome most lyke a traitour beyng put in trust by his prince The emperour at the breakyng vp of the councel in Almayne departed from thens into Italy where he prepared an a●my to go to the citie o● Argiers in Afrike in whiche v●age fortune was contrary to hym For his nauy liyng in the rode of Argiers by a tempest contrary wind were driuen parforce vpon the toune where thei were destroied and many of the galeys also were drowned with ordinaunce and other abilimentes of warre The emperour beyng on lande with part of his army was in great distresse what for lacke of vitayle through great weate whiche fell on them In this voyage sir Henry Kneuet ambassadour for kynge Henry hardely e●caped the daunger of the sea And so the emperour was fo●ced to returne into Spayne without obteynyng his purpose A welsheman was hanged drawen and quartered for prophecyeng of kyng Henries deathe Kynge Henry toke his progresse to the citie of Yorke where he looked for the comyng of his neuew the kynge of Scottes who had promysed to come vnto hym and came not but in stede therof made an inuasion vpon England and after in the Christmasse sent ambassadours to dissimule his vnfaith●ull and vnnaturall herte whom neuerthelesse the kyng honourablye intertayned A parliament holden in Irelande where by the cōmon consent of that realme they desyred the kynges highnes to take on hym the name of kyng of Irelande for auoydyng of continuall warre amongest theym Whervpon the kyng by proclamation altered his style and receaued the name of kyng of Irelande A parliament was begunne the .xvi. day of Ianuarye in whiche witchcraftes coniurations inchauntmentes with declaration of armes names and badges in prophecies sent thither came home againe A litle before Christmas the Uiceroy of Sicil came frō the emperour to kynge Henrie in ambassade of whom he was honorablie enterteined and shortly returned againe At that time a shyp was drowned in Goodwynes sand wherin many gentilmen of Spaine goyng toward theyr countrey were loste In the Christmas tyme the flete goyng toward Flaunders by tempest were sore tossed and in great daunger at whyche tyme a vessell laded with corne was taken by the Frenchmen and certaine ships of theirs laded with fisshe was taken by the Englisshemen In this yere beyng the leape yere chaunsed foure eclipses one of the sonne the .24 of Ianuarye and three of the moone In Ianuarie all the Scottes whiche were taken and sworne to be true to kynge Henrie settyng a side both the feare of God and all humanytee trayterouslye fell from him nothyng regarding his exceding gentlenesse shewed to them in deliueryng them free taken in the inualyon of his realme nor yet the honorable interteinmēt here more lyke princes than prysoners In Februarye Germin Gardiner Ihon Heiwod with other for deniyng the kynges supremitee were arrayned and condemned to die The same time fiue priestes for an insurrection that they entended were adiudged to dye The lone whiche was lente in the .34 yeare of the kynges reigne by auctoritee of parliament was forgeuen A licence graunted to vse the feate of shootyng in handgunnes Whiche before men were prohibited to dooe In the beginning of Lent lord Edward Seimour Erle of Hereforde was made lieutenant of the Northe partes and sente thyther with an armye for the defence of that countrey Germin Gardyner and Larke person of Chelsei beside London The yere of Christ 1544 were executed at Tyburne for deniyng the king to be supreme head of the churche The yere of the worlde 5505 The .xxii. daye of Marche the lorde admyrall with a great nauie departed from the port of London towardes Scotlande All this lent season a counsaile was holden at Spires in Almayne at which the emperour with the princis of Almayn and the byshop of Romes legate were p●●sent The .29 of Marche the parliament begunne in the ●3 yeare was cleane dissolued wherin was e●tabl sh●● t●e succession of the kynges highnes and also an act ●or preseruation of wooddes and the rigour of the acte of ●ixe articles was somewhat qualified Upon Maie euen died the lord Thomas Audeley high chauncellour of Englande after whom succeded lor●e Thomas Writhosel●y Upon Maie day the nauie sente by the lorde admyrall whiche vntil this tyme had no good wynde tooke theyr viage into Scotlande from Tynmouthe with whome was lorde Edwarde Seimour Earle of Hertforde the kynges lieutenant and generall capitayne of the a●my whiche the fourth daye of May arriued by Lith the hauen of Edenbourgh and tooke the towne of ●ith and spoyled it After whyche they made towardes Edenborough where at a certayne bridge the Scottes hadde layde their ordinaunce but by the policie and manhode of our capitains and souldiours the Scottes ordinance was wonne and discharged agaynst theim selues and therby were put to flyght After this the town of Edenbourgh sent vnto the army pretendynge to deliuer the towne vpon certayn conditions to the behoufe of oure kyng but whan the armye entred they were inuaded by theym for whyche cause the towne was destroyed and cleane wasted Kyng Henry and the Emperour agreed ioyntly to inuade the realme of Fraunce with two great powers A proclamation made enhauncyng the value of gold to the rate of .xlviii. s and siluer to .iiii. s. the ounce The .xv. daye of May all frenchemen not beyng denisens were commaunded to depart the realme within xx days vpon payne to be sent vnto the galeyes Kynge Henry made great prouision for a viage into Fraunce Irisshemen to the number of .700 with dartes and handegunnes after theyr maner mustered before the kyng in S. Iames parke Bonfyres we●e made in London for the good speede and safe returne of the kynges armie ou● of Scotlande and the lorde Maxwell was agay●e taken prisoner After the whitson holy days the duke of Norfolk and the lorde priuie seale with a great armye toke their vyage into Fraunce and besieged Mountrell wher● they lay vntill the kyng had wonne the towne of Bulleyne Not longe after the duke of Suffolke with many other noble me● passed the seas and encamped before Bulleyne on
lorde who before had promised hym to be borne Then almyghty god shewinge that not by mannes prouidence but by his the effecte of all good thinges be opteined saued this litel helpeles childe For he caused Termuth the doughter of Pharao to walke to the riuer side to sporte her where she sawe this vessel swimming on the water Incontinent she cōmanded it to be brought to hir and openyng it founde therein a wonderfull fayre and goodlye babe for the whyche she not a litell reioysed and accordyng to the chance named it Moyses whiche signifieth preserued from the water After this for the fauour and towardnesse of the childe she adopted hym for hir sonne and caused hym to be instructed in all the learnynges of Aegypt It chaunced on a tyme that the kynge for his daughters sake tooke the childe in his armes and set the crowne vpon his heade whyche Moyses as it were chyldyshly playing hurled it to the grounde and with his feete spourned it But the priest the soothsayer beholdynge this cried out sayed that this was he whom before he had prophecied shulde be borne whiche wolde destroie the kyngdom of Aegypt except he were by deth preuented But Termuth excused the childe alledgyng ▪ that his age had yet no discrecion and for proofe therof caused bournyng coles to be put to his mouthe whiche the chylde with his tungue lycked wherby he euer after had impediment in his tongue By this meanes theyr furye at that tyme was appessed In processe of time there arose cruel warres betwene the Ethiopians and the Egiptians The Ethiopians destroyed Egipt toke theyr townes ouerranne theyr countreye euen vnto Memphis theyr principal cyty On the other parte the Egipcians by this necessitee compelled fledde for councell vnto theyr oracles and diuinacions where thei receiued answere that thei must elect an hebrue capitaine of theyr army by whose helpe they shuld not only expulse the Ethiopians from theyr borders but also bring them vnder theyr subiection Moyses both for his wisedome and personage was chosen soueraygne capytayne of this army he so polytikely ledde his hoste that vnwaxes he set vpon theim and at the fyrste battayle put theim to flyght wherein he slewe a great number And when they in no place were able to resyst him they fledde to theyr strong citie Saba In which whiles they suffred the siege and Moises often valyantlye and politikely assauting theym he was of the kynges doughter of Ethyope vehemently loued Who not able to sustayne the power of loue by certayne faythful ministers requyred of Moyses mariage he vppon condicion to rendre to hym the citee was contented Whiche through the meanes of the mayde was quyckely fulfylled and he maried vnto hir By this occasion he subdued all Ethiope retournyng to Egypt with great triumphe whiche prosperitee to the Hebrues was hope of libertee and to the Aegypcians cause of great feare Wherfore they sought dayely occasion howe to destroye hym Whiche Moyses perceyuyng diligently imagined to auoyde theyr deceytes and denied hym selfe to be the sonne of the doughter of Pharao chosyng rather to be afflicted with the people of god than to enioye synfull pleasure of the worlde Wherfore he slue an Egypcian whiche oppressed an hebrue and fled into Madian not farre from the mount Sinai where he was receiued into the house of Iethro priest of that citee who gaue to hym in mariage his doughter Sephora There he continued .xl. yeres and kepte sheepe ¶ This haue I drawen out of the historie of Iosephus the residue of Moyses lyfe shall be declared after his retourne into Egypte The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 1588 Mamelus the .xvi. emperour of Assyria reigned .xxx. yeres The yere of the worlde 2377 The yere before Christe 1586 ¶ Phorbas the sixte kyng of Argiues reigned .xxxv. yeres he subdued the I le of Rhodes A littell before hys reigne was the citee Epidaurus buylded in Epiro Orus kyng of Egypt reigned .xxxviii. yeres he drouned not the hebrue children The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 1585 Romanessus the sonne of Roma was created prince ouer the Aborigines The yere of the worlde 2382 The yere before Christe 1581 At whiche tyme Sicanus beganne to reigne in Spayne And in France Belgius of whome the people were called Belgici Arogilus otherwise Proclytus did fyrst make cartes The yere of the worlde 1391 The yere before Christe 1572 The citee Lesbus was builded by Xanthus and Cidon reigned in Candie The yere of the worlde 2402 The yere before Christe 1561 Marathius the .xiii. kynge of Peloponessus reygned xxx yeres The yere of the worlde 2405 The yere before Christe 1558 Sparetus the .xvii. emperour of Assyria reigned .xl. yeres In his tyme Babylon was sore bruysed with an earthquake Hiob the sonne of Zareth by Bosra a man most pacient and holy in this tyme flourished Philo maketh him to bee before this tyme. Cecrops the fyrst kyng of Athenes reigned .l. yeres The yere of the worlde 2408 The yere before Christe 1555 he buylded Athenes and instituted matrymonye amonge the Grekes Iasius reigned in Italy and Siceleus in Spayne At whose mariage the Egypcian Io was present Troyphas the .vii. kyng of Argiues reigned .46 yeres The yere of the worlde 2412 The yere before Christe 1551 ¶ Moyses in age .40 yeres fled for feare of Pharao The yere of the worlde 2414 The yere before Christe 1549 whan he had slaine an Aegypcian Iosephus saith that it was for displeasure because in the warres of Aethiope whereof he was captaine he tooke to wyfe the kynges daughter of Aethiope Acencris kyng of Aegypte reigned .12 yeres ¶ The Curetes and Coribantes builded the citie Gnoson in Candy And deuised the daunsyng in armours The yere of the worlde 2416 The yere before Christe 1547 The yere of the worlde 2419 The yere before Christe 1544 Io retourned out of Italy into Egypt ¶ The firste ciuil warres arose betwene Dardanus and Iasius for the kyngdom of Italy The yere of the worlde 2425 The yere before Christe 1538 the Aborigines fauored the parte of Dardanus and the Ianigenes with the Sicilians the part of Iasius Deucalion began to reigne amōge them that dwelled about the mountaine Parnassus The yere of the worlde 2428 The yere before Christe 1535 Achoris kyng of Egypt reigned .ix. yeres The yere of the worlde 2428 The yere before Christe 1535 Maratus the .14 king of Peloponessꝰ reigned .20 yeres The yere of the worlde 2432 The yere before Christe 1531 Cecrops in Euboēa builded the citee of Athenes The yere of the worlde 2435 The yere before Christe 1528 whiche he named also Diadas The deluge of Thessaly fel The yere of the worlde 2437 The yere before Christe 1526 whiche destroied al Thessalia sauyng fewe which fledde to the mount Pernaius where Deucalion reigned as kyng who receiued theym gentilly and norished them vpon the ridges of the hill of Pernasus as many as fled to him in botes or otherwise For whiche
them and in his triumphe solde .4000 of them in Rome Alexander brother of Olympias reigned in Molosso The yere of the worlde 3621 The yere before Christe 342 A temple buylded in Rome to Iuno Moneta Before Britayne knovven 292 The yere before Christe 341 In Rome it rayned stones the daye appeared as night The yere of the worlde 3622 About this time the Scenical plaies or comedies wer instituted in Rome to appease the wrath of the goddes Before Britayne knovven 291 Ragoas poysoned Artaxerxes The yere of the worlde 3623 The yere before Christe 340 Before Britayne knovven 290 and murdered all the kinges children except Arsees Philip leauing the siege of Byzance and Perintheus made a leage with the Atheniens other cities of Grece The Carthaginēses encresing theyr power with a new armie sayled into Sicily where by Timoleō they were ouercome The Romaines triumphed in a battail fought with the Samnites by the manhode of P. Decius the tribune The Carthaginenses came to Rome to congratulate theyr victory Before Britayne knovven 289 Arses sone of Ochus the .xiii. emperour of persia The yere of the worlde 3624 The yere before Christe 339 reigned .4 yeres being but yet a childe but when he waxed greater Ragoas fearing that he wold take vengeaunce on him for the death of his father slewe him also with al the kinges bloud Here ended the house of Cyrus Out of Grece came new inhabitantes to inhabit Sicily whom Timoleon gentilly receiued and gaue lawes vnto the Syracusanes In Rome a conspiracye of souldiours began the cytesens were reconciled the lawe of armes instituted and the legions of souldiours ordeined euerye of whiche conteined .6000 footemen and .732 horsemen Before Britayne knovven 288 Philip vainquished at Cheronea the Boeotians and Athenienses suche as were taken The yere of the worlde 3625 The yere before Christe 338 moued with the wordes of Demades the oratour he deliuered frely and entred in amitee with the Atheniens The same houre in Italy a battayle was fought betwene the Lucanes and Tarentines in whyche Archydamus king of Lacedemō fighting for the Tarentines was slayne Before Britayne knovven 287 Mithridates king of Ponthus reigned .xxv. yeres The yere of the worlde 3626 Philip by all the cltees was called emperour of grece against the Persians The yere before Christe 337 Timoleon veraie aged paied his debt to nature The warres of the Romains agaynste the Latines in the whiche Manlius Torquatus and P. Decius wer cōsuls Manlius caused his owne sonne a valyaunt yonge man to be beheaded because he brake his aray to fighte with his enemye who had chalenged him Decius auowed him selfe to death for the Romayne army by whose meanes they obteyned the victory for the oracle had geuen answere that on the one parte the capitayne should be slayne on the other the hole hoste Ragoas murdered Arses with all the kynges bloude and procured Darius to be kinge The yere of the worlde 3627 The yere before Christe 336 Pausanius slue king Philip in the Theater Before Britayne knovven 386 The Latines submitted them to Aemilius The yere of the worlde 3628 The yere before Christe 335 Alexander surnamed the great Before Britayne knovven 285 son of Philip kinge of Macedony reigned 12. yeares In his youth he was instructed by Aristottel in learninge and according to his desires had like fortune for beinge but .20 yeres of age he vndertoke the enterprise to conquere all the world with an armye prepared by his father Philip whyche was of .32000 fotemen and .4500 horsemen hauing no capitain vnder the age of .60 yeres that not in their legges but in theyr armes they shuld put the hope of victorye and so with most valyaunt courage did set vpon the whoole worlde and had alwayes victory of his enemies In his first yere he was saluted emperour of Grece but being contemned of the Thebanes he vainquished them and taking theyr city by force he destroyed it and solde the people Dariꝰ the .xiiii. and last emperour of Persia reigned 6. yeres He was first made prince of Armeny by Ochus for his singular knowlage in warfare and for the same cause was elected king by them that slue Arses But after beinge with pride and vainglorye elated was by the great Alexander ouercome and loste with his life the monarchy of the Persians The Romaines subdued Latium and triumphed The yere of the worlde 3629 The yere before Christe 334 Alexander with his army passed ouer into Asia at Granicus he ouercame the Persians tooke Sardis Before Britayne knovven 28 Miletum and Halicarnassus subduinge all the landes vnto Phrigia and obteyned al the religiōs as farre as Cilicia Minutia a virgin Uestal for incest was buried quicke Manasses brother of Iaddus the prieste of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 2 contrary to the lawe The yere of the worlde 3630 The yere before Christe 333 buylded a temple vpon the mount Garisin Agathocles the tyran of Sicily with a nauye sayled into Affrica which he sore wasted Ragoas the murderer with the poyson which he prepared for to slea Darius perished hym selfe and so was worthily punished for his mischiefe Memnon capitaine to Darius got Chion Antissa with other cities ¶ Darius with a mightie army met Alexāder at Issus in Cilicia where he was ouercome put to flight hys mother wife and two daughters were taken whom Alexander honourably and with great humanitie entreated In this bataile there fell of the Aesians .20000 fote men and of horsemen .1500 Before Britayne knovven 282 Alexander came to Ierusalem The yere of the worlde 3631 The yere before Christe 332 he was receiued of the highe priest Iaddus by whose admonicion he did sacrifice He afterwardes besieged Tyrus and tooke it and also Gaza Before Britayne knovven Agis kynge of Lacedemon The yere of the worlde 3632 The yere before Christe 331 Alexāder without any great labour obteined Egipt buylded the citie Alexādria In the temple of Hammō by the priestes he was called god and sonne of god Frō thens he returned into Syria where passyng his army ouer the riuer Tigris he fought agayne with Darius in which he obteined a bloudy victorie Before Britayne knovven 280 CEcilius the son of Guentheline and Mercia The yere of the worlde 3633 The yere before Christe 330 reigned .7 yeres of him there remaineth nothyng noble But that as the Scottes write in the fyrste yere of his reigne ▪ a people of Almaine called Pichies arriued here in Britain and possessed those partes whiche nowe be the Marches of bothe royalmes Englande and Scotlande Alexander toke Babylon Susa spoyled and burnte Persepolis the regall citie of persia Bessus presidente of Bactria wounded his lorde Darius to death whom Alexander apprehendyng for his vnfaithfulnes caused to be tied to two trees the tops beyng bowed brought together and so loused wherby he was torne in pieces Here endeth the Monarchy or empire of the persians in the yere after the arryual of Brute .778 Whā it had continued
lastely by the treason of his sonne in lawe was slayne Q. Pompeius subdued the Termesti●s but by the Numantians he was vanquished and forced to make an vnprofitable peace Uir●arus was slaine by his owne men CHirimus kinge of Britaine The yere of the worlde 3825 The yere before Christe 138 through his drunkennes as our chroniclers write Before Britayne knovven 88 reigned but one yere Triphon murdering his prīce Antiochus inuaded the kingdome of Syria Before Britayne knovven 87 FUlgen son to Chrrimus The yere of the worlde 3826 The yere before Christe 137 reigned .2 yere in Britain Triphon called also Diodotus the .14 king of ●●ria reigned .iii. yeres Simon confirmed his league with the Romains Before Britayne knovven 86 Mancinus beinge ouerthrowen of the Numanti●es The yere of the worlde 3827 The yere before Christe 136 and driuen out of his campe was forced to conclude a peace greatly to his dishonour ELdred reigned in Britaine one yere The yere of the worlde 3828 The yere before Christe 135 Before Britayne knovven 85 Antiochus Sedetes the .xv king of Syria reigned ix yeres He was inuited bothe to the mariage and kyngedome by Cleopatra and after by the helpe of Simon he slue Triphon ▪ ¶ In Rome a childe was borne with foure feete foure handes foure eies as many eares and hauinge both natures In the lande of Bonony corne grue out of trees ANdrogius likewise reigned one yere in Britaine The yere of the worlde 3829 The yere before Christe 134 Before Britayne knovven 84 In Sicily a rebellion of .70000 seruauntes began which moued a cruel Tedicion VRianus the son of Androgius suceeded his father in the realme of Britain Before Britayne knovven 83 and reigned .iii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3830 The yere before Christe 133 he wholy gaue him selfe to the desyres of the fleshe N●mantia a noble citye of Spayne by the assaulte of Scipio was destroyed This citee by the space of .14 yeares with .4000 of theyr owne souldiours not onelye withstode .40000 Romaines but also vainquished thē oftentimes For whiche cause Scipio the yonger who destroyed Carthage was sent thyther He enclosed the citie about with a great trenche Whā the Numātines by long siege were sore famished they determined to finishe their misery with death thā with a sodaine erupcion they brake forth vpon their enemies And if Scipio had not ben there present the Romaines had fled away so egerly they assayled them but by the gret multitude of the romaynes they were driuen backe and many of them slayne than the residue in good order retyred into the town and closed their gates where with the sword poison and fier they consumed them selfes their goods and their citee leuyng neither mā nor goods for a spoil to the romaynes Finnane the son of Iosine Before Britayne knovven 82 was made king of Scottes a iust and vertuous prince The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 132 as they write which gouerned them .30 yeres The sect or religion of the priestes Druides in this time was instituted in the isle of Man Simon walkyng through the citees of Iudea wente to Hiericho with his two sonnes Iudas Mathathias where by ptolome his son in lawe they were traiterously slayne Hitherto extendeth the boke of Machabeis Hirc●nus called also Ioannes son of Symon .iiii. capitaine of the Iues gouerned them .26 yeres Antiochus in the feast of tabernacles besieged Hierusalem by gentlenes he subdued the Iewes graunted them to lyue accordyng to theyr fathers lawes Not longe after that Carthage and Numantia were thus destroied the Romans fel at dissencion For Gracchus protectour of the comminaltee beynge displeased with the nobilitee because they noted hym to bee an authour of the Numantine league made by Mane●nus to wyn the fauoure of the people decreed to diuide certein landes among them For whiche cause the Senat was incensed to anger and the people to pride Wherevpon a day of session was appointed wherat the cōmons beyng also gathered by the senat they were dryuen away and Gracchus with .200 slayne Attalus kynge of Asia by his testament bequethed his royalme to the people of Rome Before Britayne knovven 81 ELiud kyng of Britaine reigned .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 3832 The yere before Christe 121 Before Britayne knovven 80 Aristonicus the son of Attalus inuaded Asia The yere of the worlde 3833 The yere before Christe 130 and slue Licinius Crassus with all his army Before Britayne knovven 79 Nicomedes of Bithinia Mithridates of Pontus The yere of the worlde 3834 The yere before Christe 129 Ariarates of Cappadocie Pylemenes of Paphlagonie kinges aided the Romaynes agaynst Aristonicus Mar. Perpenna consull sent agaynst Aristonicus euer came and tooke hym Metellus made a lawe in Rome that all men shulde be forced to be maried Before Britayne knovven 78 Scipio Aphricanus the yōger The yere of the worlde 3835 The yere before Christe 128 who destroied Carthage and Numantia beyng accused of his enemies made answere therof and in the mornyng after was founde dead in his bed strangled as som affirmed by his wyfe Sempronia who was of the house of Gracchus Before Britayne knovven 77 Hireanus did fyrst among the Iewes nourishe strāgers Antiochus encoūtryng with Arsaces kynge of Parthia in batayle was slayne The yere of the worlde 3836 The yere before Christe 127 Before Britayne knovven 76 Demetrius the .xvi. kyng of Syria The yere of the worlde 3837 The yere before Christe 126 brother vnto Antiochus reigned .iiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 75 Dedancius kyng of Britayne reigned here .v. yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 125 Before Britayne knovven 74 In Aphrike there swarmed suche huge multitudes of locustes that thei deuoured not onely all the fruites The yere of the worlde 3839 The yere before Christe 124 herbes and rotes but also dyd gnawe euen the bitter barkes whiche after with a sodeyn wynde being dryuen togyther on heapes were long tossed in the ayre fell at the laste into the Aphrican sea and by violence of the water were cast here and there on land whervpon insued such infection of the ayre and pestilente sauour that it caused great murrayn of bestes and byrdes the putrifaction of whose carcases did also the more augment the foresayde plague through whiche there died in Numedye .80000 men and about the partes of Carthage and Urica dyed also aboue .ii. hundred thousand L. Opimius first of all other by warre subdued the Ligurians on the further side of the mountaynes Before Britayne knovven 72 Alexander Zebenna the .xvii king of Syria The yere of the worlde 3841 The yere before Christe 122 vanquished Demetrius and reigned .ii. yeres The Romaines repayred agayne Carthage and stored it with newe inhabytauntes Seleueus brother to Demetrius was put to death because he without the consent of his mother tooke vppon him the crowne The yere of the worlde 3843 The yere before Christe 120 De●onus reigned in Britaine .ii. yeres Before Britayne knovven
hole citee for so much as they loued him entierly for his swete and gentille behauour In so muche that oftentimes when he came to Rome he was in great danger to be smothered with the thrange of people that preced about onely to behold him A lawe publyshed that no woman whose grandfather father or husband had bene a gentleman of Rome shuld openly gaine by the filthy misusing of hir body whyche thing was before time permitted so that the woman dyd professe and aknowlage the matter before the officers called Ediles ¶ Eleazarus sonne of Anna was made byshoppe of Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 5 Piso after his returne from Asia The yere of the worlde 3982 The yere of Christ 21 beinge app●ched of certaine Romaines for poysoninge of Germanicus fearing to be condemned murdered him selfe Tacfarinas renewing war in Affrike was ouerthrowen the second time by Decius the Romaine capitaine Fonteius Capito proconsul of Asia Simon the sonne of Camithus was ordeyned high priest in Iudea by U●lerius Lu ▪ Apronius pretour of Affrike Certaine citees rebelled in Fraunce by the intisemente of Sacrouir Anni regum britannie 6 and Florus Florus The yere of the worlde 3983 The yere of Christ 22 lest he should be taken of the souldiours of his aduersaries slue him selfe Ioseph called also Caiphas succceded Simon in the byshoprike of Rome There reigned so great flatterye in Rome that Tyberius going out of the senate vsed to saye O men ready to seruitude and bondage ¶ By the occasion of many sainctuaries was muche sedicion in the citees of Grece The yere of the worlde 3984 The yere of Christ 23 For so much as theeues Anni regum britannie 7 dettours bondmen and all suspecte and misrulye personnes gathred thither as to a sure defēce and garison For whiche cause the senat of Rome ordeined fewer sainctuaries and a meane to be set in the libertees of theym whiche remained that the largenes of theyr priuileges mighte not thens forth be cause of so great businesse Artabanus king of Parthia Tacfarinas was ones againe discomfited by Iunius Blesus proconsul of Affrike Seianus Anni regum britannie 8 whom Tiberius had aduanced to hie dignytee in the citee of Rome The yere of the worlde 3985 The yere of Christ 24 by auoutry corrupted Iunia the wife of Drusus Tyberius sonne and caused her to poyson hir husbande hopinge by that meanes at lengthe to obteyne the imperial auctoritee to the which the said Drusus was nexte and rightefull heire But this Seianus beyng cast out of the emperours fauour for sorowe thereof slewe him selfe Stage players were banished out of Italy Tacfarinas king of Numidie Anni regum britannie 9 whiche oftentimes had rebelled in Affrike The yere of the worlde 3986 The yere of Christ 25 was vtterlye subdued and slayne by Dolobella Q. Ubius Serenus was appeched of treason in Rome by his owne sonne and for the same banished Pilate beinge ordeyned president of Iudea Anni regum britannie 11 at his first entre to flatter Tiberius The yere of the worlde 3988 The yere of Christ 27 caused the images of Cesar to be brought into the temple of Hierusalem whereby rose a great sedicion For so muche as the Iewes beinge therwith greuously offended offered theym selfe rather to the death then they wold suffre any images in theyr temple Pilate in lyke maner vsed the treasure called Corbona contrary to the custome and lawe of the Iewes and by cause diuers of the Iewes shewed them selfe greued therwith he beat and slewe a great numbre of theim Corillus king of Gothes Mundus a yong gentilman of Rome rauished the chast matrone named Paulina whom for so much as he cold not corrupt by none other meanes he brought his vngracious purpose to passe by the false trecherie vntruth of the priestes of Isis whiche feigned that they were monished by an horacle that Anubius the god of Aegypte wold haue the company of the sayd Paulina To whom the chast woman gaue light credence bicause it was thā counted a great renoume to haue to do with the goddes And by this meane was Paulina in the night season abused by Mundus in the temple of Isis vnder the name of Anubius whiche thinge beyng after disclosed by Mundus him selfe the priestes were put to deathe the temple beaten downe to the ground the image of Isis throwen in to Tyberis and the yong man banished Poppeus Sabinus subdued the Thracians ¶ In Rome .50 thousande men were hurte and slaine with the fal of a theatour as they were beholding the games of the sworde players For whiche misfortune Attilius whiche set forthe those plaies was banished There were in the citee of Rome .4 Iewes which had conuerted to their religion Anni regum britannie 13 The yere of the worlde 3590 The yere of Christ 29 a noble woman named Fuluia and hir intised to geue purple and other riche treasure to the temple of Hierusalem whiche they vsed onely to the maintenance of their owne pleasure wherof when the senat had knowlage thei sharply punished the doers and for that cause expelled all the other Iewes oute of Rome ¶ Certaine of the Germaines called Friscii rebelled by meane of a great fowage or exaction that was of them leuied for paiment wherof they were first constreigned to sell their cattell than their goodes and landes and lastly their wyfe and chyldren In this rebellion they putte the Romaines to the worse wherby the name of the Friscians was famous in Germanie Tyberius Cesar waxeth so negligente that he permitted the prouinces of Spaine and Surye to be without legates and gouernours and suffered Armenia to be possessed of the Parthiens and Mesia to bee inuaded of the Danes andSarmacians and France of the Germains by meane wherof the power of the empire somewhat decased The yere of Christ 30 The holy man Iohn the Baptist beyng sent of god as a messanger or tydynges bringer of our heith and saluacion The yere of the worlde 3991 began to prepare the wai against the coming of Christ. Anni regum britannie 14 Our sauiour and redeemer Iesus Christ after he was baptised of Iohn began to preache and syrede abrode the kyngdome of god Caratak king of Scottes reigned .xxi. yeres a prince more valiaunt than fortunate and gaue his holle minde and courage to defende his realme and subiectes frome the seruage of the Romains with whome he kepte longe warre and aydeth the north Brytaines The yere of the worlde 3992 Tyberius Cesar vnto this tyme dissimulyng his cruel and naughtye nature The yere of Christ 31 Anni regum britannie 15 declared him selfe openlye to the worlde falling to pleasure and fylthy lyuing in so much that he vsed to banket two holle daies and a nighte together wherfore of his owne souldiours for Claudius Tyberius Nero he was called Caldius Biberius Mero Sainct Iohn because he iustly rebuked Herode for kepyng of his brothers wyfe The yere of the worlde 3993 The yere of Christ 32 was cast
hauing ayde of hir brother Caratake kinge of Scottes rebelled as well against him as against the Romaines and were brought in subiection by Uespatian the Romaine capitaine Herode brother to the forenamed Agrippa kinge of Chalcis The yere of the worlde 4080 The yere of Christ 47 Anni regum britannie 5 obteyned of Claudius the ordinance of the temple and hie priestes of Hierusalem Ioseph son of Canus was made hie priest by Herode The yere of Christ 48 Warre began in Parthia Anni regum britannie 4 betwene Artabanus theyr king and Gotarzis his brother The yere of the worlde 4009 during which warre Artabanus was chased out of his kingdom and restored againe by Izaites king of Adhiabens Mithridates king of Armenie Certaine frenchemen named Hedui were admitted to beare office and dignitee in the citee of Rome Anni regum britannie 5 Messalina the wife of Claudius the emperour The yere of the worlde 4010 The yere of Christ 49 a woman of so notable incontinence that she would contend with the cōmon harlotes in f●lthi pleasure was enamoured vpon a fayre yonge gentleman in Rome called Silius and for to obtene more cōmodiusly her vnlawful lust she caused his wife Sillana to be deuorced and shortely after notwithstandinge she was wife to the emperoure Claudius than liuing she was openli maried to the said gentleman Silius and vsed him as hir husbande for whiche cause after great complainte made to the emperoure by the nobles she was putte to deathe At whyche time excepte the officers had hastened hir execution the emperour Claudius throughe his forgetfulnesse would haue graunted hir pardon Caius Cassius president of Surrei Mehardates kinge of the Assiriens Abarus kynge of the Arrabies Anni regum britannie 6 About this time Theodas and Iudas of Gallilei were famous whiche seduced the people saying The yere of the worlde 4011 The yere of Christ 50 that thei wer great prophetes sent of god In like maner Simon Magus was of so gret estimaciō in Rome ▪ that Images were erected to him as to a god But he was confounded by certaine of the apostles whiche at that time by the prouidence of god were presente in Some Herode king of Chaleis ended his life whose kingdome Claudius gaue to the yonger Agrippa son of Herode agrippa whom we spake of a litell before The Parthians being wery of the cruel dominion of Gota●●ts which had by force tyranny aduaunced him selfe to that kingdome desired of the Romaines to haue Mahardates the son of Uonones to be theyr kinge who not long after was ouercome in battaile of the said Gotarzis with great reproch driuen out of his kingdome Uologeses emperour of the Parthes Claudius after the death of his wife Messalina maried Agrippina throughe whome beganne muche busynesse and trouble in Rome for she endeuoured to marye hir sonne Nero to Octauia daughter of Claudius and sought diuers occasions to cast Britannicus the emperours sonne out of fauour to the intent that Nero her son might succede in the empire which thing she brought to passe The yere of the worlde 4012 The great and wise philosophier Seneca flourished Anni regum britannie Cumanꝰ was made prouost of Iudea The yere of Christ 51 In his time was a sedicion betwene the Iewes and the Romaines in Hierusalem so that .20 thousand Iues were murdered onely by prease and thrustīg at gates and narow streightes as they fled from the Romane souldiours The people of Britaine called Sylures which vnder the leadinge of the kinge Caratacus hadde made sharpe warre vpon the Romaines the space of .ix. yeres wer vanquished by P. Ostorius and Caraticus with his wife children sēt to Rome as prisoners where for his manly courage and noblenesse he was gentily intertained of the emperour Claudius toke by adoption Domitius Nero the sonne of Agrippina to be his heire The people called Catti inuading and spoilinge the vpper Germany wer driuen backe by L. Pomponius Claudius expelled the Iewes out of Rome The yere of the worlde 4013 The yere of Christ 52 T. Uinidius Quadratus president of Surie Rhadamistus son of Pharasmanis Anni regum britannie 7 king of Hiberiās inuaded Armenie and expelled his vncle Mithridates frome his kingdome Whom Artabanus at that time king of Parthians by force of armes chased out of the countrey of Armenie and aduanced his brother Tyridates to that kingedome After the decease of Caratake his yonger brother Corbreid was ordeined king of Scottes and reigned .18 yeres He was of fierce and valiant courage and being cōfederate with the Pictes made often times war against the Romaines in Britaine So great dearth in Rome that they were not prouided of vitailes necessarie for the citee for longer space than fiue daies The yere of the worlde 4014 The yere of Christ 53 A sedicion betweene the Iewes and Samiritanes Anni regum britannie 8 in the whiche that one spoyled and robbed that other with great crueltee vntil the prouoste of Surrei punished put to death the auctours of that commocion The Pictes rebelled against the Romaines in Britaine and made warre vpon their lieutenant Ostorius The Cilicians began to make warre to their borderers they were quieted by the helpe of Curtiꝰ a Roman whiche was sent with ayde out of Surie Claudius the emperour by the excitinge of his wife Agrippina Anni regum britannie 9 vsed much crueltee in Rome The yere of the worlde 4015 The yere of Christ 54 Nero maried Octauia the daughter of Claudius his father in lawe Claudiꝰ toke from the yonger Agrippa the kingdome of Chalcis and gaue to him a greater dominion that is the rule of Bethania Tro●ronites Gaulonites with a part of Galilee Felix president of Iudea by vnlauful meanes toke to his wife Drusilla the sister of Agripa whiche before was maried to Aziazus king of Amasius A certain Aegipcian naming him selfe to be a prophet desturbed the people aboute Hierusalem excited theym against the Romaines but his companie was scattered and many of them taken and slain by Felix the presidēt of Iudea S. Paule was taken and imprisoned by the Iewes at Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 10 The yere of the worlde 4016 The yere of Christ 55 Polemon king of Licia Agrippina when she had poysoned Claudius hir husbande kept his deathe secrete vntill that hir sonne Nero was confirmed in the empire by the souldiours and thē caused it to be published Nero the son of Domitius being adopted to be emperoure by Claudius Anni regum britannie 11 which maried his mother The yere of the worlde 4017 The yere of Christ 56 reigned 14. yeres This man although he were brought vp by the reuerent and wise Seneca yet by the ineuitable corrupcion of his nature becam horrible in al kind of mis●ining and so detestable in dissolute wantonnes prodigalitee monstruous lecheries beastli crueltee and couetousnes that he seemed to be borne to the destruction of the hole worlde he was so greately delited in singinge and playing
Wherefore he confessed that it hapned for his crueltee towarde the Christians and called in his proclamacions whiche he had published against them But notwithstandinge he dyed miserably and as some write not susteininge the stenche of his owne sore slewe him selfe Maximinus whyche a litle before had taken on hym the name of an emperour in the east kept secret the commaundementes of Galerius wherein he forbade the persecucion of the Christians and after his death most cruelly tourmented them in euerye place And to the intent to corrupte the youthe ▪ he feygned actes of Pylate and Christe which he caused to be openly read to children in their scholes Ormisda the sonne of Narses king of Persians kepte warre with his brother for the kingdome and beyng put to the worse fled to the Romains Constantine came with a parte of hys armye against Marentius The yere of the worlde 4276 The yere of Christ 315 Anni regum britannie 6 whiche vexed the Romains with greeuous exaction and tribute Whan he was in his iourney by a vision in the night he sawe the sygne of the crosse in the element shyning like fyre and an angell thereby saiyng in this w●se Constantine in this signe thou shal●e ouercome Wherewith he beynge greatly comforted shortly after vanquis●hed the armie of Marenti●s who fleeyng out of the battaile was drowned in Tyber Maximinus whiche did persecute the Christians in the east parties warred against Licin●us of whom he was ouerthrowen and as he was preparing for an other battayle ended his lyfe miserablye of a paine in the guttes whereby the empyre was onelye vnder the dominion of Constantine and Licin●us which was before diuided in iiii partes Licinius obteyninge the dominion of Asia restored the Christians from banishement Anni regum britannie 7 The yere of the worlde 4277 The yere of Christ 316 Dioclecian finished his last daie nere to Solonae before his death whan he was entised by Herculius to take on him againe the imperiall auctoritee he answered in this wyse if you dyd see the herbes whiche I haue planted and sette here with my owne handes you would neuer desyre to be emperour againe Crispus and Constantius The yere of the worlde 4278 The yere of Christ 317 the sonnes of Constantine and Licinius his nephew Anni regum britannie 8 were made Caesars Lactantius was famous and wrate his woorke The yere of the worlde 4279 The yere of Christ 318 De diuinis institutionibus Anni regum britannie 9 to Constantine the emperour Constantine forbade all persecution of the Christians The yere of the worlde 4280 The yere of Christ 319 Anni regum britannie 10 Licinius emperour of the east The yere of the worlde 4281 The yere of Christ 320 persecuted the Christians Anni regum britannie 11 and expelled theim oute of his palaice pretendynge this cause that they praied more for the prosperous succeasse of Constantine than for him Ba●ilius byshop of Amasia in Ponte was martyred The yere of the worlde 4282 The yere of Christ 321 Anni regum britannie 12 Constantine ordeined the sondaie to be kepte holy The yere of the worlde 4283 The yere of Christ 322 and that men vacant from other occupacions Anni regum britannie 13 shuld employ them selfe onely to praier Eustathius byshop of Antioch The yere of the worlde 4284 The yere of Christ 323 Anni regum britannie 14 Arrius priest in the churche of Alexandria began first this heresie that the sonne in deitee was not equall with the father nor of the same substaunce but onely a mere creature Unto this errour he induced a greate parte of the worlde beynge than chrystened and many famous clerkes and great learned men Arrius was excommunicated by Alexandre whyche was than bysshop of Alexandria A noble man called Alexander in a commocion at Carthage was named emperour and shortly after was subdued by a company of a souldiours that Cōstantine sent againste him Anni regum britannie 16 Ciuile warre betwene the emperours Constantine and Licinius ▪ The firste battaile was fought in Hungarie The yere of the worlde 4286 The yere of Christ 325 where Licinius was ouerthrowen than he fled into Macedonie and repairing his armye was againe disco●mfited Finally beyng vanquished both by sea and lande he lastlye at Nicomedia yelded him selfe to Constantine and was commaunded to liue a priuate life in Thessaly where he was slaine of the souldiours Helena the mother of Constantine at Hierusalem founde the crosse on the which Christ suffered his passion and the .iii. nayles wherewith his feete and handes were perced The yere of the worlde 4288 At Nicena was called a generall counsaile Anni regum britannie 18 in the whyche the emperour Constantine was present The yere of Christ 327 with .318 by shops by whome was determined against Arrius that the sonne was equall with the father whiche decre was confirmed by the emperour and Arrius with .vi. other byshoppes banisshed In this counsaile whan certaine byshops woulde haue ordeyned that priestes should not thens foorth companye with their owne wifes Paphnucius a man of greate vertue and learninge vehemently withstode their myndes saiynge that it woulde be cause of howredome and aduoutrie Octauius Duke of Iesses or weast Saxones whom Constantine made lieu●tenant in Britaine rebelled and endeuoured to expell the Romains out of the land wherof whan Constantine had knowlege he set against him a Duke named Traherne with certaine legions of souldiours after whose arriuall in Britaine was foughte a fierce battaile nere to Winchester in which Traherne was put to the worse and constreigned to flee towarde Scotlande whom Octamus folowed ▪ and in Westmer lande gaue to him the seconde battaile in whiche Octauius was chased and Traherne was victour who pursued him so egrely that Octauius forsoke the lande and sailed to Norwaie OCtauius repairinge his armie Anni regum britannie 1 came againe into Britaine but in the meanetyme an Erle whiche fauoured his partie The yere of the worlde 4290 The yere of Christ 329 by treason murdered the fore named Traherne and than Octauius called in the englis●he cronicles Octauian reigned in this lande at the least .54 yeres In whiche tyme as saithe the Scottishe historie he was troubled with often warres by the Romaines Polidore sayeth that this realme was in good quiete al the time of Constantine and his successours vntill the .v. yere of Gracian and maketh no mencion of this Octauius whiche thing I speake not for anye reproche to Polidore whome I knowe right well to haue folowed most certaine and commendable auctours but onely to shewe to the reader the diuersitee of histories Crispus the sonne of Constantine and the yonger Licinius his nephew with manye other noble men by the enuious suggestion of Fausta the emperours wife wer vniustly put to death Constantine according to the custome of the Romās solemnised the twenteth yeare of his reigne with great bankettes and feastes at the which were all the byshops and priestes that assembled in the counsayle of
dignitee wherof whan Zenon had wittyng he fledde into his countrey Isauria purposinge to leade there a priuate life But shortly after beynge restored to the empyre he exiled Basilicus with his sonne to Lemnis where they bothe were famished to death Nepos emperour of Rome sent a capitaine named Orestes to defende the partes of Gallia from the incursions of the wisigothes who commynge to Rauenna by treason aduaunced his sonne Augustulus to the imperiall crowne wherof whan Nepos had knowlage he fled to Dalmotia Than Orestes with his son Augustulus made league and bonde of friendship with the Uandales whyche ruled Afrike thynkyng that if they were his friendes he shoulde possesse the empyre in quiete But while he feared the south a greater storme and tempest came frome the north For the Barbarous people called Heruli and the Turinges Anni regum britannie 8 with theyr capitaine Odoacer The yere of the worlde 4439 The yere of Christ 478 breakyng into Italy slew the said Orestes and wasted the countrei more cruelly than any had doen before this time And at the citee of Rome this Odoacer toke on hym the imperiall crowne and reigned as emperour of Italy .xv. yeres Than had the Barbarous people the dominion almost of al the empyre The wisigothes ruled in Spaine the Aleines in Guian and Gascoin the Frenchemē in the residue of Fraunce in Afrike the Uandales the Saxones in Britayne the Ostrogothes in Mise and Hungarie in Italy and in the citee of Rome He rules and Turinges only the name of the empyre remained with Zenon in the east The Lombardes with theyr king Andoyn The yere of the worlde 4440 The yere of Christ 479 began first to inhabite the coūtrey nere to the ryuer Dunake or Danube Anni regum britannie 9 Aurely surnamed Ambrose and Uter the bretherne of Constant kyng of Britaine whiche was slayne by the treason of Uortiger landed with a maner of shippes at To●nes and by the healpe of Britaines whyche gathered to theim in all hast made warre vpon Uortiger and burned hym in his castel in wales where he kepte hym for his most sure defence Anni regum britannie AUrelius Ambrose was ordeined kīg of Britains whiche immediatly spedde him with an armie towarde Yorke against Oeia sonne of Hēgist The yere of the worlde 4442 The yere of Christ 481 whiche with his Saxones kepte that citee where he discomfyted and toke prisoner the sayd Octa. The historie of Scotlande saieth that the Pictes and Scottes were alied with this Ambrose and made theim partakers and chiefe doers in all the victories that the Britaine 's atchiued against the Saxones Anni regum britannie 2 A Saxon named Hella with his three sons The yere of the worlde 4443 The yere of Christ 482 and a company The yere of the worlde 4002 of Saxones landed in the south parte of Britaine slewe the Britains and chased many of theim into desertes and wood●es and subdued the countreis of Southeraie Somerset Deuonshire Cornwaile and was called the kingedome of South Saxones Zeno made league with the Uandales withoute prescript of tyme which continued to the reigne of Iustine Clodoueus was made king of France after his father Childrike The yere of the worlde 4445 The yere of Christ 484 and reigned .xxx. yeres Anni regum britannie 4 In hys tyme he made war againste the Almaines and Burgonions and ouer came theim in battaile He was the first Christened king of Fraunce and was also called Clodoueus Lowys Theodoricus kinge of the Ostrogothes beynge entierly loued ofZenon the emperour was made cōsul of Rome The yere of the worlde 4447 The yere of Christ 486 Honoricus kinge of the Uandales in Afrike Anni regum britannie 6 beyng infected with the heresie of Arrius did persecute the Christian people and banisshed .334 catholike byshops The yere of the worlde 4450 The yere of Christ 489 Theodoricus king of the Ostrogothes Anni regum britannie 9 obteined of Zenon the dominion of Italy And therfore sped hym wyth all hast against Odoacer and his people whiche by force dyd withholde that countrey from the empyre By the waie he vanquisshed Strapula kinge of Gepydes and other enemies that made warre vpon him in his iourney The yere of the worlde 4451 The yere of Christ 490 Nere to the riuer Soncius the said Theodorich put to flyghte and chased Odoacer and his host Anni regum britannie 10 and lykewyse againe in another battaile at Uerona The yere of the worlde 4452 The yere of Christ 491 Cabades kinge of the Persians publisshed a law Anni regum britannie 11 that women shoulde be common to all men whiche to their pleasure woulde abuse them For the which law he was deposed of his owne people not susteignyng the impietie therof and cast in prison in whose place Zambases was chosen to be kinge Odoacer beyng ouercome in battaile of Theodorike fled to Rome and founde the gates shutte against hym wherwith he beyng sore greeued spoyled wyth swoorde and fyre as muche of the countrey li●nge aboute as he myghte come to Thens he fledde to Rauenna where he was besieged of Theodorike the space of .iii. yeres In the meane tyme Gundabalde kynge of Burgoyne Anni regum britannie 12 entred into Italy The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 492 and cruelly robbyng and destroiynge many ryche citees retourned home with great spoyle and ledde with him a great numbre of prisoners Clodoueus kynge of Fraunce toke in mariage Crothilde a mayden of excellent fauour and beautie whiche was right inheritour to a great parte of Burgoyne and neece to Gundabalde than kinge which Gundabalde by treason had murdered his owne brother the father of the forenamed Crothilde For whiche cause was after arrered deadlye warre betweene Clodouey and the kinge of Burgoyne The kingdome of East Saxones beganne in Britaine vnder a Duke named Uffa the kingdome whereof conteined Nortff and Suff. the kinges of that lordshyp were called Uffynes Greate murder and vexacion of the Britaine 's was at the entringe of these Saxones Odoacer whiche was besieged at Rauenna beinge constreigned with great scarcitee and hūger yelded to Theodorich Anni regum britannie 13 The yere of the worlde 4454 The yere of Christ 493 by whom bothe he and his sonne was after put to death Theodorich when he had vanquished Odacer was receyued into Rome of all the Senate and people wyth much myrth and gladnesse and reigned as lorde of Italy 3● yeres he was veray desirous of peace and quietenesse and so profitable to all Italye and therewith so benigne gentill and moderate a prince that Rome had neuer a better gouernour chosen among the auncient senatours then was this barbarous kinge hauing his progenye of the rude people of the Gothes he gaue muche to the churche and large stipendes to preachers and teachers of the worde of god But yet he fauoured the heresye of Arrius as al other Gothes did Zenon ended both his life and reigne at Constantinople after whō
Melitus and Iohn wyth other godly and well learned men The yere of the worlde 4568 The yere of Christ 599 Anni regum britannie 11 to preach the Chrystyan fayth to the angels which were firste receiued of Ethelbert king of Kent whom they conuerted to the fayth with diuers of his people This Ethelbert as some men write first beganne to buylde sayncte Paules churche in London The yere of the worlde 4564 The yere of Christ 603 The first contencion for the primacy of Rome beganne betwene Gregory and Iohn Anni regum britannie 15 patriarke of Constantinople For M●uritius the emperour commaunded that Iohn of Constantinople should be proclaimed the vniuersall bishop or chiefe prelate But Gregorye bishoppe of Rome would in no wise suffer that saying that no man ought to claime among Christian men to be the vniuersall bishop For he that so did diminished the honoure of other bishops For this cause was great enmite betwene Gregory and the emperour Mauritius In so much that he willed the Lumbardes to inuade the citee of Rome The yere of the worlde 4565 The yere of Christ 604 Gallinicus the .iiii. lieutenant of Italye Anni regum britannie 16 made peace with Agilulphus the king of Lumbardes Childebert king of Orliaunce in France ordeined the Tassilo to be kinge of Bauarie This Tassilo by the wil of Childebert endeuoired by force of armes to bring the Sclauines to the fayth of Christ. But Cacānus their kynge so manfully withstode that he slewe and destroyed wel nere the whole host of Tassilo The Hunnes makyng warre in Pannonie were discomfited and slaine by Theodosius and Germanus the emperours capitains the countrey of Pannonie was recouered to the empire wherwith the Lumbards found them selfes greued because they gaue inhabitance to the Hunnes in that countrey at theyr departing Go●damiris kyng of Spayne ▪ reigned .ii. yeres Childebert of France was slaine with poyson The yere of the worlde 4566 The yere of Christ 605 He lefte after hym .ii. sonnes Anni regum britannie 17 Theodobert to whom he gaue Austracie and Theodorich whiche hadde the prouince of Burgoyne The Sarasens spoyled and destroyed a great parte of Sicilie Smaragdus was againe made lieuetenant in Italye after the death of Gallinicus Rome was besiged a whole yeres space by Agilulph us kyng of Lumbardie but it was so wel defended that he departed thens in vayne The Hunues warred vppon certayne places of mydle Fraunce and did therin great harme But by meane of ryche gyftes by theim receiued of Brunichyld they leste that countrey and drew towarde Soylons where they were discomfited and driuen backe by Clothayre beyng than kyng of that prouince Mauritius the emperour for his couetousnesse beyng odible to the people and specially for that he receiued the souldiours wages was slaine by Phocas with hys wyfe and children at Chalcedo Phocas was ordeined emperour of Cōstantinople The yere of the worlde 4567 The yere of Christ 606 and reyned .viii. yeares Anni regum britannie 18 This man for happe and prosperous successe in warre was to the common weale ryght profytable but in auarice and ouer much burdeynynge hys people with exactions he was no lesse to be blamed then his predicessour There appeared a blasynge sterre wonderfull greatenesse Kenneth Ke●● the sonne of Conwallus was ordeyned kyng of Scotland and reigned onely .iiii. monethes And after him Eugenius the fourth of that name .xv. yeres He was a iust vertuous prince instructed in his youth by the holye man Co●me He commaunded all iuglars minstrelles scoffarres and such ydle persons either to auoyde his lande or to fynde some honest craft to liue by Agilulphus the Lumbarde spoyled Cremona tooke Mantua Sisseb●t● king of Spayne reygned ix yeres .vii. mo nethes He receyued the true fayth of Christ and greatly fauoured and augmented the same He arriuinge in Afrike with a nauie of shippes subdued to his lordshippe many prouinces of that countrey Sabinianus was made bishop of Rome He so muche enuied the name of his predecessour Gregory The yere of the worlde 4569 The yere of Christ 608 Anni regum britannie 20 that vneth he would suffer his bookes to be published In his time was a great dearth and famine About this time were seene many strange vncouth syghtes among others the monsters of the sea shewed theim to the people the space of halfe a daye Lemigius a Thracian was made the .vi. lieuetenant in Italie Boniface the iiii was bishop of Rome .vi. yeres .viii. monethes After the Barbarous people had disturbed the whole world with deadly cruell warres and infected all the weast partes speciallye Italye wyth moste habominable vices and all kinde of naughty liuing true learning religion and godlinesse greatly decayed among Christian men and couetousnesse arrogancie a desire of worldly pompe reigned not onely in the hertes of princes and the common people but also especiallie of bishoppes and prelates of the churche so that a little before this tyme Iohn the patriarke of Constantinople of an intollerable pride made suite to Mauritius the emperour to be called the chiefe bishop whom Gregorie than bishop of Rome vehemently withstode and wrate agaynst him very extremely in diuers epistles saying that he firste broughte in the example of Antichrist into the churche for that he claimed to him the name of an vniuersall bishop to the derogacion of al other with diuers like wordes of great reproche Uppon that occasion geuen by Iohn byshop of Constantinople Boniface beyng now at this time made bishop of Rome obteyned of Phocas the emperour to be called the vniuersall and chiefe bishop nothing regarding eyther the commaundement instruction of Christ sayyng to his disciples that they whiche woulde be highest among them should be lowest eyther els the example of godly men before time and decrees of ancient counsailes whiche did alwaye abhorre that suche titles and names of extreme pride should be vsed in the churche For saint Cyprian writing often to Cornelius bishop of Rome neuer calleth him otherwise than brother or felowe bishop ▪ the like is founde in the woorkes of Tertullian Hierome Chrisostome Augustine and other auncient writers ▪ yea and the coūsayle of Carthage hold in the yere of our lord 419. where 217. bishops were presente because the auctoritee of the bishop of Rome was sumwhat than in controuersie decreed that none should be called the chiefe bishop but only in this wyse the bishop of the chiefe see whiche honour they gaue than to Rome because it was and had been the seate royall of the empyre not to establyshe any auctoritee ouer other churches these thinges I saye nothing regarded Boniface beganne fyrst to vsurpe that primacie that the Romain bishops haue euer sence falsly alleged to be giuen them by the scripture aboue other bishops Wherfore seeing that Gregory estemed Iohn of Constantinople to brynge into the church the example of Antichrist because he sued for the name of vniuersall bishoppe euery man maye easelye iudge what is to
nauye sailed forth against the Sarasens in Egipte Anni regum saxo 60 The yere of the worlde 4705 The yere of Christ 744 in whiche meane time one Arthaustus bi trait●rous meanes inuaded the imperiall crowne and was confirmed of the people Wherof when Constātine had knowlage he retourned with his armie and besieged the citee of Constantinople and tooke the sayd Arthaustus whom he berefte of hys sight and condemned to banishement with other of hys conspiratours Griffon the yongest son of Charles a man of a fierce and wilde nature being miscontent with suche bequest as his father to him had geuen arrered warre vpon his other bretherne who behaued them so wisely that with out notable battail they toke theyr brother and kept him in warde Anni regum saxo 61 Sigibert was auctorised king of weast Saxones in Britain He was cruel The yere of the worlde 4076 The yere of Christ 745 and tyrannous towarde his subiectes and tourned the aunciēt lawes and customes after his owne will and pleasure And because a certayne noble mā some deale sharpely aduertised him to change his maners he maliciously caused the same person to be put cruelly to death And forsomuche as he continued in his malice and would not amende he was depriued of all kinglye auctorite and lastelye as a persone dessolate and forlorne wandring alone in a wodde was slayne of a swine hearde whose lorde and maister he being king had wrongfully put to death Charlemaine being of great power in France became a man of religion and yode to Rome Anni regum saxo 64 Kenulphus of the linage and bloud of Cer●icus The yere of the worlde 4709 The yere of Christ first king of weast Saxones reigned in that kingdome .31 yeres The vertue of this man farre passed his fame At the beginning he appesed certain murmours and grudges that were among the people for the deposing of his predicessour Sygebert Griffon the youngest sonne of Charles whych in thys passe time had ones or twise vexed his brother Pipine disturbed also Tassilo Duke of Bauary disseased him of his lordship for which cause Pipine went against his brother and restored the sayd Tassilo to his possessions After whiche time Griffon fledde to the duke of Guyan named Gayfer The yere of the worlde 4710 Racharis king of Lumbardie brake the league whyche he had made with the Romaines for the space of .xx. yeres The yere of Christ and wasted the countrey about Rauenna Anni regum saxo 65 and besieged Perusia To whom went Zacharie the pope and in such wise enchaunted him with his exhortaciōs that he did not onely leaue the siege but also renounsing his regall power became a religious monke The yere of the worlde 4711 The yere of Christ 750 Pipine gouernour of Fraunce vnder Childerich Anni regum saxo 66 entending to defeat his lorde and soueraigne of that kyngedome and to obteine the same by his ambassadours demaunded of Zacharie pope his bounden friende thys questiō whether he were more worthy to be king which was kinge onely by name and natural succession or els he whiche bare the bourden of the kingdome alone and yet lacked the dignitie of a kinge meanynge hym selfe To whom the pope aunswered that it was more ryghtfull that he which toke the charge of all thinges should be called king On whose iugement Pipine presuming deposed Childerich and made him selfe king In whom beginneth a newe progenie of the kinges of Fraunce For this Childerich was the laste kinge of the stocke of Meroneu● the firste christian kinge of fraunce Aistulphus was made king of Lumbardie The yere of the worlde 4712 The yere of Christ 751 Zacharie pope assoyled Pipine and the other frenchmē of their othe of allegiaunce and fealtye Anni regum saxo 67 that they hadde made to Childerich and confirmed Pipine in the kingedome of Fraunce Phroilla reigned in Spaine .13 yeres He vanquished the Sarasens whiche troubled the C●laces and slew of them .50000 Anni regum saxo 68 Griffon endeuouring to steere the people of Guian against his brother pipine The yere of the worlde 4713 The yere of Christ 752 was of theym slaine for auoyding of further daunger Aistulphus kinge of Lumbardes sette a tribute vpon the Romains whiche because they would not paie Stephene at that time Pope went into Fraunce to desyre ayde of Pipine against the tyrannie of the Lumbardes Who mete with the pope in the waye as sayth Platine and kissing his feete went on fote by hir horse the space of iii. miles Anni regum saxo 69 Pipine entring Italye with a great power The yere of the worlde 4714 beclipped the citee of Pau●e with a stronge siege The yere of Christ 753 and inforced Aistulphus to intreat meanes of peace which was to him graunted on condicion he woulde restore to the pope all that belonged to the churche of Rome The Turkes brake firste out of the mountaynes called Hyperborei Anni regum saxo 71 and inuaded Asia The yere of the worlde 4716 The yere of Christ 755 The cause whereof was that the Persians beyng ouerset with warre of the Sarasens desired ayde of the Turkes whiche beinge redye at theyr request entered Asia and firste ouer ran the Halianes after the people of Cholcis Arm●nie and the les Asia and lastly vanquished the Sarasens betwene whō peace was made on this cōdiciō that the Turkes shuld reigne in Persia and be called Sarasens Aistulphus of Lumbardie brake the league with the Romaines and besieged theyr citee .iii. monethes whereof whan Pipine had knowledge at the desire of pope Stephene he perced Italye besieged Aistulphus in Pauie and constreigned him to yeld to his mercy Pipine gaue the gouernance of Italy to the pope nothing regarding the auctoritee or desire of the emperour of Constantinople which willed him to the contrarie at which time the lieutenauntes ended their power in Italy Here maye a man perceiue how vaine it is that the fautours of the pope saye that Italye was geuen to him by great Constantine Anni regum saxo 72 Offa a noble man The yere of the worlde 4717 The yere of Christ 756 reigned in Mertia or middle Englande He made warre with the Northumbers and them for the time subdued He warred also against Etheldred king of Eastangles and vanquished and toke prysoner Egbert king of Kent Constantine the emperour did persecute theim which worshipped ymages Tassilo king of Bauarie submitted him to Pipine The yere of the worlde 4718 The yere of Christ 757 Aistulphus kinge of Lumbardie Anni regum saxo 73 dy●d as he was in huntinge after whom Desiderius by force obteyned the kingdome and was confirmed of Paule being thē pope to whom he fled for succour when he was ouerset in battaile of Rachisius the brother of Aistulphus The Saxons called Soisons disturbed the French men The yere of the worlde 4719 The yere of Christ 758 and were forced of Pipine to aske peace Anni regum saxo 74 vpon condicion that yerely after thei should
Honorius byshop of Rome .x. yeres .vii. monethes He chose Iohannes de Columna a cardynall to bee soueraygne capitaine of the warres into As●a who sped him thitherward with the souldiours that bishop Innocent had prepared for that purpose There went with him And●ew● kinge of Hu●garie Henrye Duke of Niuerna Gulth●●rus chamberlayne to the frenche king which ioygning their puissaunce with the king of Hierusalem besyeged Damas in Egipt somtime called Heliopolis The ordre of our ladies souldiers began first in Arragō AFter the disceasse of Iohn Henry his sonne Anni regum Angli 1 of the age of .ix. yeeres by the counsaile of Wylliam Duke of Gloucester The yere of the worlde 5179 The yere of Christ and the Erles of Penbroke and Chester was proclaimed kinge of England These noble men before mencioned with their retinewe kepte sharpe warre with Lewis the french kinges sonne and his affinitee who by the couenauntes made before with the Englishemen claimed the crowne but after certaine skirmishes and battailes Lewis somewhat more inclyned to peace which sadly was concluded and he departed hense into France Than was Henry confirmed in the kingdome who coming to iust age waxed strong mighty of body and of metely comely personage of nature gentyll of minde more sage and wise than valiant and hardye liberall towarde the poore In his tyme he ordeyned many lawes to the great commoditye of thys realme and reygned .56 yeres Ranulph Duke of Chester toke his iorney towarde the holy lande The citee Damyata in Aegipt was taken of the christians after long siege Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1219 Robert the son of Peter was ordeyned emperour of Constantinople Anni regum Angli 3 and reigned .vii. yeres The yere of the worlde 5181 The yere of Christ 1220 In Thuscia two erles possessed certaine citees belonging to the empyre whych whan Friderich by force of armes had recouered the two erles fled to Honorius bishop of Rome who commaunded Friderych to restore to thē their cities which thinge whan he denied the byshop denounced him accursed and forbade him the communion with the faythfull saying that those citees belonged to the churche of Rome Hoccota Can the second emperour of the Tartariās he vāquished the Turkes his thre sonnes inuaded Persia India and Cumania Kinge Henry of England began to builde our ladye church in Westminster The Christians in Egipt being brought in great ieopardy Anni regum Angli 4 by the pollicie of the Souldayne The yere of the worlde 5182 The yere of Christ 1221 restored to hym the citee Damyata and making a peace retourned into Europe The Tartariās a people of Scithia after many other countreis of the east subdued to them Georgiana the greater Armenie and then passing the mountaines called Riphei inuaded Polonia and Hungarie They in short space cōquered so manye countreys that their prince for his large pessessions was called the great Cahan Alexander king of Scottes maryed Iohā the sister of kinge Henrye of Englande A proclamacion made thoroughout Englande to auoyde straungers because one Fonkes de Brent helde the castell of Bedforde agaynst the kinges wyll At the same time appeared a blasynge sterre and much hurte was done by thunder lightning and earthquakes and many vncought and strange sightes were sene Robert emperour of Constātinople maried a maiden which before was fiaunced to a noble man of Burgoin wherwith the burgonion being greatly meued The yere of the worlde 5183 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 5 entred by violence into the emperours palace and cutte of the maydens nose and cast her mother into the sea Iohn king of Ierusalem came to Rome and gaue his doughter in mariage to Friderich themperour geuing for her dower the title of the kingdome of Ierusalē for whiche cause the kinges of Sicilie to this day be writen kinges of Hierusalem A counsayle holden at Oxenford of the bishops of Englande where a certayne man was condemned which taug ht that he was Iesus Chryste and to confirme the same he shewed the tokens of wounds in his handes bodie and feete About this time Gilesbie Ros rebelled against Alexander king of Scottes and was subdued and slayne with his two sons by the erle of Buchqhame whom the king sent agaynst hym The gray friers of the order of Francis came first into Englande The yere of the worlde 5184 The yere of Christ 1223 Friderich the emperour Anni regum Angli 6 whiche was excommunicated by the bishop of Rome caused his sonne to be made partaker of the empire Iohn kinge of Ierusalem toke in mariage Beringaria the doughter of the kinge of Spayne The men of Caithnes in Scotland ▪ burned their bishop because he cursed them for not payinge their tythes for whiche dede the kinge didde hange .iiii. hundred of the chiefe doers gelded their children disherited the erle A conspiratie was made agaynst king Henry of England by one Constantine in the citye of London for the whiche he was drawen and hanged the morowe after Lewys the eyght or after some the ninth was made kynge of Fraunce after his father Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of the worlde 5185 The yere of Christ 1234 and reygned .iiii. yeres He made league with Friderich themperour wher by the name of brotherhoode was renewed betwene the Frenchmen and Germaynes Anni regum Angli 8 The lordes and gentilmen of Englande first graunted to king Henrie the warde and maryage of theyr heyres The yere of the worlde 5186 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 9 Richarde the brother of kinge Henrye The yere of the worlde 5187 The yere of Christ 1226 ouercame the Frenchmen recouered Poyters ▪ and kept the Gascoins in due obedience Robert emperour of Grece ended his life in Achaia Gregory the .ix. was bishop of Rome .xiiii. yeres He was a man inflate with pride and for certayne vain causes as witnesseth the Abbote of Ursberge agayne excommunicated the emperour Friderich Ferdinand king of Arragon expelling the Sarasens out of the citie Ualencia Anni regum Angli 10 The yere of the worlde 5188 The yere of Christ 1227 and the yle called Maiorica reduced theim to the fayth of Christ. Lewes king of Fraunce wan certayne castels in the countrey of Poyters and shortly after toke and spoyled the citee Auignon which for the heresy of the Albigenses was cursed of the bishop of Rome the space of seuen yeres ¶ Baldwine the .ii. beyng yet a childe was made emperour of Grece to whom bicause he was not of sufficient age Iohn Brenne king of Ierusalem was appointed as a tutour and gouernour The bishop of Rome made Iohn king of Ierusalem Duke of Romandiola and lord of Rauenna Anni regum Angli 11 Lewis the .ix. and sonne to Lewys the laste kinge began his dominion ouer France The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1228 who for his youth was of dyuers thought vnmeete to take on him so greate
The yere of the worlde 5344 The yere of Christ 1383 or thē selfes take armes warre agaynst the Clemētines in like maner had Clemente done before to his adherentes agaynste the Urbanistes so that eyther of the partes reputed other as heretykes and miscreantes Henry Spenser bishop of Norwiche at the commandement of Urbane passed with great power of spirituall men and other into Fraunce and so into Flanders and cōquered the countrey before hym but by the great puissance of the frenche king they were constreigned to retourne without great worshyp and loste as muche as they had wonne Marie the king of Hungaries doughter guyded that kingdom after her father wel nere the space of .ii. yeres Lewys Duke of Angeow dyed in Italy and the Frenchemen retourned into theyr countrey Charles de La Payx conquered to his seignory the kingdome of naples About this time the Turkes wasted and burnt Bossina Croatia Anni regum Angli 8 and the farther partes of Illyria The yere of the worlde 5345 The yere of Christ 1384 The erle of Northumberlād with certayne other borderers made a viage into Scotlande and spoyled the countrey euen to Edenbourgh Kynge Richarde maryed a doughter of Uinceslaus emperour of Almayne After the death of Lewys erle of Flaunders the herytage thereof fel to the Duke of Burgoyne Anni regum Angli 9 The yere of the worlde 5346 The yere of Christ 1385 Warre in Portugall and Castile in Flaūders in Prouince in Fraunce in England in Scotlande and in Italy Iohn surnamed Galetius erle of Uerone toke Bernabos lorde of Millayne his vncle and kept him in prison all the dayes of his life se●singe to his owne vse the whole lordship and seignory of Lumbardy The nobles of Hungarye finding them greued that they were gouerned by a woman sent for Charles king of Naples and Sicilie and ordeyned him theyr king at the citee of Alba who by the treason of Mary the quene and her mother Elizabeth shortlyafter was murdered In reuenging wherof a noble man called Iohannes Banus of Horuach slewe the erle Palatine and one Blasyus that were the doers of that myschyefe and drowned Elizabeth the quenes mother in the riuer Dunaw kepīg Marie her daughter in prison vntill he harde of the coming of her husband Sigismunde brother to the kyng of Boheme and emperour of Rome An army of Frenchemen sayled into Scotland where thei acōpanied with the Scottes perced the borders of Englande and spoyled the countrey cruellye Agaynste whom kinge Richarde sped him with so great puisance that they were glad to geue backe into Scotlande and shortly after retourned into France wyth great disworshippe At this voyage the kyng of Englande burnte the towne of Edenbourgh and al the countre therabout King Iohn of Portugall disconfited the kinge of Castile in a great battail nere to Iuberoth In this conflict were slayne many noble men of Frauce and other coūtreys that came to ayde the Castilians The Sarasens about this time vexed the emperour of Constantinople other countreys of Grece The Turkes warred in Hungarye Where manye of them were slaine at the streycte entring into the countrey The k●ng of A●men●e was chased out of his countrey by the Sarasens The yere of the worlde 5347 The duke of Lancastre Anni regum Angli vncle to kinge Richarde of England The yere of Christ 1384 sailed with a cōpany of souldiers into Spaine to make claime to the realme of Castile for so much as he had taken to wife the eldest doughter of kinge Peter that was expelled his kingdome by Henry his basterde brother He conquered the countrei of Galice and made aliance with the kinge of Portugall But by great mortalitie whiche fell amonge hys people he was fayne to dimisse his armye and shortely after loste all that he had wonne The king and the lordes of France made wonderfull preparacion for the expedicion of a viage into Englande Ther was redye apparailed with great costes and charges in the hauen of Sluse and els where .1500 shyppes with so great plentie of prouision and all thinges necessary that the lyke therof was neuer sene in Fraūce But this vyage was stopped and broken by the meanes and counsaile of the Duke of Berrei Great fowages and tares were reised in France and lykewyse in Englande whiche was after cause of great myschiefe Marueilous discencion The yere of the worlde 5348 The yere of Christ 1387 and trouble in Englande betwene the kyng and his counsaile and other nobles and prelates of the realme Anni regum Angli 11 The commons by the ayde and comfort of the kinges vncles other lordes of the realm that is the Duke of Gloucester the Duke of Yorke the Erle of Darbie of Arundell and of Nottingham put to deth dyuers of of the kinges counsaile and chefe officers and chased the Duke of Irelande and other oute of the realme for that thei caused the king to burdeine his people with exactions and coulde make no iuste accompt of the same whan they were required Whyle Scalager of Neron and Frauncisce Carrary us of Padua kepte mortall warre in Lumbardy eche against other Galeatius of Myllaine wanne from them bothe their cities and adiuigned theim to his seignorye The Scottes inuaded the borders of Englande Sigismunde kynge of Hungarye .xii. yeares He subdued Bosna and Croatia A great breach betwene the French king and the Duke of Bretayne bycause that he for enuy toke prysoner and raunsomed the Constable of Fraunce by mene wherof an other viage was geuen vp that the French lordes had prepared in Englande The Scottes spoyled the towne of Calingfurd in Irelande The Duke of Britaine alie● with the Englyshmen The Scottes this yeere brake into the borders of Englande robbed Cumber and Northumberlande besieged New Castell The yere of the worlde 5346 The yere of Christ 1388 Anni regum Angli 12 and discomfited and toke prisoners the .ii. sonnes of the lorde Persie of Northumberlande A mariage entreated and finished betwene katharyne the Duke of Lancasters doughter and Henry the kinge of Castiles sonne his other daughter Philip was maried to the king of portugal wherby the warre in Spayne was finished The Duke of Britaine reconciled him selfe to the Frēche kinge and sware to be true vnto him A great iustes and feast was holden this yere in Englande The yere of the worlde 5350 The yere of Christ 1389 Anni regum Angli 13 Pazaites kynge of Turkes besieged Constantinople .8 yeeres After the death of Urbane Boniface the .ix. was ordeyned bishop of Rome in Italy the Antipape Clement continued still in Auinion in Fraunce Robert Erle of Fiffe and the second sonne of king Robert was made gouernour of Scotlande because his father was waxen olde and not able to gouern the realme This Robert inuaded Northumberland and spoiled the countrey The vniuersities of Coloyne and Erphurd about this tyme were firste founde A truce betwene England Fraunce and Scotland for iii. yeres The lordes of
.iiii. by whiche meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster which had lōg caused great diuision was knitt● together in one About this tyme Francisce Louel and Humfrey Stafforde r●●elled in the North which commocion was quieted by the pollicie of the Duke of Bedforde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Nicolas an heremite of Helu●ci● and Hiernomous S●nonarola that had the spirite of prophecie Anni regum Angli 4 were famous Ferdinand king of Spaine by knightly force and man ●o●e conquered againe the kingdome of Granade and chased from thens the Sarasens Warre betwene the Uenecyans Sigismund Duke of Austrich The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1447 A great businesse in England by meane of a priest called Rycharde Simon Anni regum Angli 5 whiche takyng with him a yonge childe called L●mbert fledde into Irelande ▪ and feigned to the nobles of that countree that he had brought wyth him the younge sonne of the Duke of Clarence nephew of king Edwarde the .iiii. lawefull heyre to the crowne ●f Englande wherwith the Irisshemen beyng excited alied with theim Margaret the syster of Edwarde an● dyuers noble men of England which gathering which theim a great power of Irishemen Englyshmen Germaines entred the lande and at Stoke mette with king He rye and his hoste and there fought a strong battail● in the whiche was slaine the Erle of Lincolne Francis Louell Thomas Broughton Thomas Gerardine of Irelande and Martine Swarte a Germaine which wer● chiefe capitaynes of the rebelles Rycharde the pryeste and Lambert the counterfeited king were taken in the fielde Fabian seemeth to auouch this to be dooen in the yere of our lorde 1487. Warre betwene Britaine and the Frenchemen Charles of Fraunce forsoke Marg●ret the daughter of M●ximilian whiche was to him f●aunced This yere was a fielde ●oughten in Flaunders by the lorde Daubene● in the quarel of Maximilian the emperours sonne and Erle of Flaunders In Englande was a taxe arrered of the tenth pen●e of mens landes and goodes by menes wherof the cōmons rose The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 5490 and slewe the Erle of Northumberlande Anni regum Angli 6 For whiche cause Chamberlaine their capytaine with dyuers other were after hanged at Yorke Maximilyan recouered the parte of his Duchie of Au●strich which Mathias kyng of Hungarye had with holden from him a good season Anni regum Angli 7 The kinge of Scotes was slaine in battayle by the nobles of his realme The yere of the worlde 5452 The yere of Christ 1491 and Iames his sonne ordeined kynge in his place Maximilian by his deputie as the maner is of greate princes maried Anne the daughter of Frances Duke of Britaine after the death of her ●ather but that mariage notwithstanding Charles of Fraunce found such meanes that he toke her to his wi●e in open mariage and by her obteined the dominiō of Britaine For whych cau●e was great grudge and malice betweene him and Maximilian and so much the more because Charles did repudiate Margaret his daughter whiche was to him f●aunced and betrothed Kinge Henry arriued in Fraunce with a great army The yere of the worlde 5453 The yere of Christ entēding to ayde the Britaines against the French king but Charles by entreatie concluded peace Anni regum Angli 8 the condicion wherof was that he shulde pa●e to kinge Henry foorthwith for his expenses and charges in the warre a greate summe of money and yerely after as a certayne tribute 25. thousande crownes after whiche agreement Henrye retourned into England The Turke with a great power bothe by sea and land inuaded the inhabytantes of the hilles in Greece called Ceraunil and theim subdued to the Turkishe empire Certaine new ilandes were found in the Oeceā se first by Amerin●s U●spucyu● after by Christophorus Columbanus Ther were driuen ou● of Spaine by commaundement of the kinge .125 familyes of the Iewes of the whyche 30 thousande dyed of the pestylence in their iourney as they were departyng Alexander the .vi. byshop of Rome .xl. yeares a blouddie and cruell tyranne ¶ Maximilian succeded his father Friderych in the empyre Anni regum Angli 9 and reigned ▪ 27. yeres The yere of the worlde 5454 The yere of Christ 1493 Charles o● Fraunce made clayme to the kyngdome of Naples and Sicilie Anni regum Angli 10 The yere of the worlde 5455 The yere of Christ 1494 and for that cause went into Italye with a great army wher in short space he conquered Naples and compelled kinge Alphons to forsake the countrei and than retourned into France and in his iournye was encountred by the Ueneciās ▪ which endeuoured to stoppe his passage where after sore fyght to the losse of bothe partes he toke an other way About this tyme beganne the foule scabbe and horible sic●●nesse called the Frenche p●ckes The yere of the worlde 5456 The yere of Christ 1495 Anni regum Angli 11 Dyuers gentilmen in Englande appeached of treason and for fauouring the conspiracie of Perkin Warb●ck● of the whiche some were pardoned some put to death Perken Warbecke whiche by the coūsaile of Margaret of Burgoyne named him selfe Rychard● of Yorke kinge Edwardes seconde sonne arriued in ken●e wher● he was driuen backe by the vplandishmen and other inhabitauntes of the countrey with losse of dyuers of hys men Ferdinand the sonne of Alphons was restored againe to the kyngdome of Naples immediatly after the departure of the Frenchemen Sozimus and I●son lawiers Alexander Benedictus and Antonius Bemuenius phisicions Iohannes Nauclerus Raphael Uolateranus Robertus Gaguinus historiographers Rodulphus Agricolo a man of excellent learning Iohanes Iouinianus Pōtanus Petr●s Crinitus Stephanus Niger Ambrosius Calepinus Philippus B●r●oldus flourished Blanch Mary the princes daughter of Insubria was maried to Maximilian Uladisaus the kynge of Polonies sonne obtayned the kingdomes of Hugarye and Boheme He made league with Maximilian the emperour The Scottes brake into the North partes of Englande by the excityng of Perkin Warbeck The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1496 Anni regum Angli 12 dyd much harme to the borderers In Italy a stone of wonderful biggenesse fell out of the ayre whiche by the violence of the ●al as some say brake in .iii. great pieces the coloure of thys stone was ●s it had been burned with fyre In these dayes preached at Florentia in Italye a frier called Hierome Sauouarola whose sayengs were these that Italy should be purged with the scourges of God for the manyfolde off●nces of the princes as well of the clergie as the laitee and that ●ft●● the subuersion of the citees of Florence and Rome shuld folow a reformaciō and redresse in the church ▪ and moreouer that one shuld come ouer the Alpes like to Cyrus which shuld su●uert and destroy Italye Anni regum Angli While king Henrye of Englande made preparacion fo●warre into Scotland The yere of the worlde 5458 The yere of Christ 1467
Shortly after the vertuous lady queene Iane his mother dyed in childbedde was buried at Windsor An assemble was holden at Wittenberge wherin the preachers of Germany agreed concernynge the controuersy of the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christe Sir Thomas Percy syr Stephē of Hamelton sir Iohn Bulmer and his wife William Lomley Nicolas Tempest and the abbottes of Ierney and Riuers also the lord Darcy the lord Husey Robert Ask wer condemned and put to deathe for high treason Iames kyng of Scottes maried ladie Magdalene the Frenche kynges eldest daughter Frier Forest was hanged and brent in Smithfielde for treason and heresie with the image of Daruell Gathern of Wales The yere of the worlde 5499 The yere of Christ 1538 in whiche idolle the Welshemen had a greate confidence and feigned of him many straunge thynges In the moneth o● december the Marques of Excester the lorde Mountacute and sir Edwarde Neuell were beheaded for treason that was layd to their charges Sir Nicholas Carew maister of the horses was beheaded for treason Pilgremage and idolatrie were forbydden dyuers images al●o hauynge inginnes to make theyr eyes open and shutte and other partes of theyr bodye to steere and many other false iuglynges as the bloudd of hayles and suche lyke wherwith the people of longe tyme had been deceiued were espied out and destroyed Abbaies were suppressed and all friers monkes channons nunnes and other sectes of religion were roted out of this realme for theyr iniquitie and naughtinesse In Ma●e the citisyns of London mustred al in bryghte harneis with coates of white silke and clothe Anni regum Angli 31 and chaines of golde in three great battailes The abbottes of Redinge Glastenburye and Colchester wyth dyuers other were atteinted of treason and put to death It was ordeined that suche religious persons as were discharged of their profession might purchase pursue and be sued in al maner of accions Auctoritee was graunted to the kyng by acte of parliament to nominate and make bishops and bishoprikes by his letters patentes or other writinges The landes and profites of all abbaies heretofore dissolued or that hereafter should be dissolued were assured to the kynges hyghnesse and his heyres The greate Onele of Irelande inuaded the Englisshe ●ale and brent almoste .xx. myles within the same wherfore the lorde Graie beynge deputie there assembled a stronge power and droue hym backe Duke Friderike of Bauerie Palsgraue of Rhine the Marshall of Duke Iohn Friderike electour of Saxonie with certaine other came to London by whome the mariage was concluded betwene Kyng Henrie and the lady Anne sister to the Duke of Cleue who in Decembre was receyued into the realme with great triumphe and sumptuous prouision The commons of Gaunt rebelled and were brought in subiection and cruelly handled by the Emperour The acte made for the abolishynge of opinions concernyng the .vi. articles was publisshed with greate rigoure and extremitee Whiche ye maye reade in the actes of the pa●liament holden the .xxxi. yere of the kyng Anni regum Angli 32 In this yeare was so great a h●ate and drought that in many places the people wold haue geuen one busshel for the grindynge of an other The yere of the worlde 5501 The yere of Christ 1540 and dyuers great ryuers were dryed The byshoppe of Chichester and doctour Wilson were deliuered out of the tower vpon the kynges pardon Many died of hot● burning agues and of the laske in all partes of this realme The religion of the knyghtes of the Rhodes was dyssolued by acte of parliament By commaundement of kinge Henrie certaine learned men were apoincted to set foorth an vniforme introduction into the latine tongue whiche onely shoulde be taught in all scholes the vse of all other grammers beynge sette a parte Barnes Hierom Garrarde priestes were forced to recante at S. Maries spitle in London Lorde Cromwel late before created Erle of Essex and Water lorde Hungerforde were beheaded the .28 day of Iuly The .xxx. day Robert Barnes Thomas Garrarde Wylliam Hierom priestes were burned The same daye Thomas Abell Edwarde Powel and Richarde Fetherston were hāged drawen and quartered for mainteinyng the byshop of Romes auctoritee and deniyng the kinge to be supreme head of the churche of Englande Kyng Henrye by auctoritee of the clergie was diuorsed from his pretenced mariage made with the ladie Anne of Cleue and maryed shortlye after the ladie Katherine Hawarde where they were sworne to bee true prisoners and than were delyuered to the custody of dyuers noble men whiche honourably i●tertained them In this season an heraulde of England rydyng on the borders syde to doo a message was mette by certayne rebelles which cruelly against all lawe of armes slew him in his coate armure But they for this moste vengeable deede were s●nt to the kyng the yere folowyng who worthily executed them for that offence After the ouerthrowe of the Scottishe army the kyng of Scottes dyd not long enioy his lyf● for he died incontinent after leauynge his queene with chylde who was delyuered of a mayden At Newe yeares tyde the Scottes that were taken by Ca●li●e were by the kyng sent home agayne with greate gyftes vpon condicion to agree to certaine articles for the welth of bothe realmes The Burdeux fl●te was arested in Gascoyne and lykewyse the ●renchmen h●re and at the I le of Wight wer taken seuen shippes laded with marchandise of the frenchemen Wherevpon the ambassadours of bothe parties were restreined after dyuers requestes proponed to the ambassadour of France ce●tain respite was graunted to knowe his maysters mynde who wolde not agree to any reasonable demandes nor yet receiue the kynges herald who came with honorable and indifferent conditions of peace for whiche causes and most specially for the common profite of Christendom seyng the French kyng had entred in league with the Turke and procured hym to make warre vpon Christendome and also that he withholdyng from kyng Henry his tribute he with the emperour Charles ioyn●tely proclaymed warre agaynste the frenche kynge In the meane tyme a parliament was holden at London in which an act was made wherby the common pe●ple were restreigned from r●dyng the holy scripture and in li●u of it was sette foorth by the kynge and his clergie a doctrine for all his subiectes to folowe to the whiche all bookes that were repugnaunte by auctoritee of the saied parliament were condemned In thys parliamente was graunted a subsidie to the kynge of .ij. s̄ of the pounde of goodes and .iii. s̄ of landes to be paied in thre yeares Anni regum Angli 35 Thomas Becon Wysedom The yere of the worlde 5504 The yere of Christ 1543 and Shingleton wer forced to recante openlye at Paules crosse The Abrine a lorde of Ireland with diuers of the wild Irishe submitted them vnto Kynge Henrie King Henry maried lady Katherine Latimer at Hampton court About this time the Sacre of Diep a shippe royal and the minion of Englande foughte a cruell fyght
161 ▪ 101.102.103 Uesta 10. Uesuu●u● 103 Uetiliu● 75 Uffa 143. Ugnerus 168 Ui●ge in Afrike 248 Uib●anus Crispus 103. Uibius Gallus 117 Uictorinus 109 1●8 Uictor Uictorinu● Rheto● 226. Uid●● 280. U●en●● 281 Uigenius 67. Uigilius 146. Uindex 101. Uirg●ll 87. Uirginius 51 Uincent 222. 〈◊〉 75.76 Uit●lis Michaell ●09 Ui●ell●anu● 144 Ui●elliu● 96 1●1 Uitigi● 147. Ui●●za 164. Uines 280. Uladislaus 210.260.269 Ulis●●ue 281. Uli●●●● ●1 Unidi● 150. Uoada 100. Uodici● 103. Uologeses 98.109 Uolumnus 65. ●olusianus 117 Uonones 92. Uortiger 137.138 ●40 141 Uortimer 140. Uor●●porius 148. Uortumnus 17. Ur●xanes 1●9 Uradislaus 200.202 Urbane the .ii. bis 200.201 Urbane the .iii. bis 213. Urbane the .iiii. 224. Urbane the .v. 242.243 Urbane the .vi. 245.247 Urbanus Rhegin● 280. Urbanus 280. Urbinia 50. U●●●olu● 191 Uria 39 Urianus 76. Ursinus 280. Ursula 130. Ussune●●an 266. U●er 138.142 143. W. VUallia 134. Wallop 288. Wat●● Tyler 140. Wayuoda 270.281 Walter of Manny 239. Warres of Peloponese 52. Warres of Syracus 53 Warre social 59. Welles 163 Weston 283. We●shem 163. Welshmen subdued 171. White sect 250. With●om 170. Wilson 285. Wisigothes 132. W●teliffe 243 Writhosley 290. Wido 181.182.184 Woll first vsed 7. Woulfe 282. William 183. Wylliam the .ii. of Norman 184. Wylliam bastarde of Norm 193.195 conquered Engl● 197. kyng of Eng. Wylliam Rufus 200.201 Wylliā sonne of ●en Duke of Form 204. Wyll●●m sonne of Robert ●urteis 205. Wylliam of Sicilie 209.210 213. Wylliam Scot●e 210.211 Wylliam of Gouc 217. Will●am of Holland 221 Wylhelmns Placeoti 227. Wylli●m Morton 227. Wylliam Walace 230.231 Wylliam Duglas 240. Wyllian Walworth 246. Wyllian Wayn●let 261 Wylliam bis of Lincoln 272 Wylliam Bulmer 273. Wylliam ●hy●gleton 231.283 Wylliem Tr●●y 28● Wyll●●m T●ndale 283. Wylli●m L●ml●y 284 Wyledome 2●8 X. XAn●●pp●● 97. Xenophanes ●6 Xenophon 57. Xexes 19.49.53 Xistus 107. Y. Yorke ●4 Z. ZAcharias 36.47 Zacharia 38. Zacharias bis 105.168 169. Zaleu●us 42. Zambaces 242. Zarach 35. Zara. 30. Zasius 276 Zate● 1●0 Zebenn● 118.119 Zenes 27. Zenobia 219 Zenon 93. Zenon emp. 141.142.143 Zensa 259 Zepherinus 112. Zeusippus ●1 Zetus 27.28 Zieglerus 280. Zizimus 267. Zoen 19● 194 Zorobabel 46 ▪ Zopirus 47. Zozimus 134. Zuinglius 276.280.281 Zulemon 169 Zuuentebaldus 181. FINIS ¶ Thus endeth the table made for the spedie findyng out of any name or other thyng that ye woulde seke for in this Epitome of Cronicles by the numbre of the leafe and in as many places we●●er● as any man is spoken of is the intent that ye shulde not spende muche tyme in serchyng out it that you desire to know ¶ Of the vse and profite of historyes and with what iudgement they oughte to bee redde ALBEIT FOR MANY CAVSES whyche we shall hereafter recyte the readyng of hystoryes doth indifferently auayle all men yet moste specyallye it perteyneth to kynges and greatte prynces whose boke it maye be worthely called because that the knowledge thereof is moste profitable and necessary to all those whyche haue the gouernaunce of cōmune weales For not onely the hystoryes of the Gentiles but also of the holy scryptures doo in euerye place make mencyon of theym The holy scryptures besydes that they make vs certayne of the wyll and woorde of God and also of the spyrytuall kyngedome of Chryste teache vs polyticall administracion and set forth many notable examples which in rulynge a publyke weale be necessary to bee knowen and whereby the myndes of prynces maye be styerred to the study of true nobilitye and vertue The hystoryes of the Gentyles declare the orygynall and begynnynge of greate empyres and for what causes there hathe chaunced in theim so gret and so straung alterations greuous commocyons In the same is also conteyned preceptes of offyces and vertues whereby the commune weales may most prosperousely be preserued contynued and aduaunced And for thys cause hystoryes are moost worthy to be called the bookes of good princis and noble men Nowe forasmuche as vnto euery prynce there belongeth a double vertue that is a politicall or externall and a fayth and feare towarde god Exaumples of them bothe be shewed to vs out of hystoryes Therefore we wyll fyrste speake of ciuyle vertues Princes yea and all other that haue auctorytye in greate affaires and hyghe matters oughte those examples and actes chyefelye to consyder wherby they maye be admonyshed by what meanes they maye mooste prosperouslye exercyse them selfes in the gouernance of the weale publike They must sette before their eyes the examples of good kinges and rulers and of them must they lerne the necessary dutye and the vpryght trade of gouerning their empyers that in their reignes besides the vtilitie and benefyte of the publyke weale they regarded nothing ▪ that iustice and equitie they onely enbraced that all misdemeanours and offences they greuously punished and agayne that towardes good men and pecible they were alwayes beneficiall and gentyl that for euery cause they woulde not rayse vp warres but by wynkinge at iniuryes reteyne peace and yet in defence of theyr royalmes were neuer the lesse of an inuincible courage and redye will finally that by their wysedome power and strength that defended their dominions from all outward hostilitye and the same in true religyon welth quietnes and in all necessarye artes made to flouryshe In all whiche qualities our most excellent gracious prince Henrye the eyghte hath excelled and is an example to theym all whiche shall succeede For in hym alone is coniested and heaped all the sundry good qualities of the auncient kynges by whyche they opteyned so great renome Whyche qualityes he hath so practysed in the gouernaunce of hys realme That I suppose there neuer was in any common weale any noble prince and gouernoure whiche hath declared mo examples of wisedome or shewed mo benefites and pleasures to hys countrey than hys grace hath But to the purpose For the contrary parte ¶ In the examples of tyrannes they maye obserue dyuers thynges as The ende of them to be miserable ▪ and that through theyr crueltie many mischefes and daungerous cōmocions haue chaunced in theyr common weales As it appereth how Pharao for tyrany peryshed and for lyke cause the Romain kynges were exiled Princes haue oftentymes distroyed one the other only for pryde disdain and enuy and that many tymes begun vpon nothyng Euen as it was the only cause of the cruel warres betwene Cesar and Pompei The Romayne hystoryes shew that the desyre of noueltie hath oft been the stirer of moost greuous warres And the sect and reygne of Machomet had none other begynnyng but of heresy and dissencion of the artycles of the fayth It auaileth them muche that bee in auctoritye to marke these thynges in the redynge of hystoryes ▪ that they lerne to beware foresee and auoyde lyke thynges in their gouernance For the same chances daily happen all be it the persones nowe and than be chaunged in the commune weales ne uerthelesse as pertaynynge to the similitude of
lyne of the iust men By the name of the yrste a cytie was builded in the earthe The holynesse of the later dooeth appere in that it is written that he hathe walked wyth god and that he hathe prophecyed of the tymes to come The yere of the worlde 688 The yere before Christe 3275 ¶ In the 6● yeeres of hys lyfe Enoch begat Mathusalem the scripture doeth recite he was of longest lyfe prefyguratyng the eyght tyme of resurrection whyche shal begin in the laste daye and neuer after haue ende ¶ Eathusalem in the .187 yeere of hys lyfe begatte Lamech The yere of the worlde 875 The yere before Christe after whose byrthe he lyued .782 yeeres and dyed in the yere of the floude He was borne in that tyme whā that wyckednes and malyce began to abounde vppon the earthe not onely amongest the chyldren of Cain but also amonge those whiche were called the chyldren of the godly Thys Lamech was not onely a iuste man but also a prophete whan he sayed he shall comfort vs. ¶ Adam our fyrste father deceaced whan he was .930 yere of age The yere of the worlde 930 The yere before Christe 3033 ¶ Enoch in this season was by god taken vp into heuen ▪ whiche deede dooeth manyfest vnto vs the immortalitye that remayneth after thys lyfe The yere of the worlde 987 The yere before Christe 2976 and that God wyll iudge the worlde who wyll saue those that be ryghtuouse and damne theim that be wycked The yere of the worlde 1057 The yere before Christe 9062 ¶ Lamech whan he had lyued .182 yeeres begate Noe sayinge This shall comforte vs frome the woorkes and laboures of oure handes in the earthe whyche the lorde hath cursed ¶ Noe whan he was .500 yeeres of age begatte Sem Cham The yere of the worlde 1556 The yere before Christe 2404 and Iapher not that they were borne all at one tyme but that before the fyue hundred yeere of his age he had begot none of them After the recytall of the byrth of the sonnes of Noe foorthwyth the holy scrypture declareth the occasyon of the floude because the worlde began to waxe wicked and there is rehersed amonge the chyefe of their vices the contempte of god adultery and crueltye in the whyche they exercysed all kyndes of voluptye and pleasure For thus the texte hath whan that men began to multiplye vpon the earthe and broughte forth daughters the chyldren of god seynge the daughters of men to be fayre tooke theym to their wyues The holy scrypture calleth the chyldren of god all those whiche descended from Seth and the chyldren of men those whiche issued from Cain For Adam commanded that the children of Seth shulde in no wyse couple with the children of Cain which long tyme was obserued till that the zele and loue of vertue decayed God therby perceyuyng that the wickednes of man was great vpon the erth repented that he had made man not that there is any suche passion in god but that the scripture so speaketh to vs after a familiar and worldlye maner and therfore thretned a destruction to the worlde by a floudde and wolde therfore Noe to declare this .120 yeres before it shulde come In the meane tyme he commanded hym that he should builde an arke that shoulde conteyne in lengthe .300 cubites whiche after the exposicion of Hugo and S. Augustine were .300 perches euery cubite geometricall beyng six cōmon cubites in widenesse it was .l. perches and in depenesse from the vpper decke to the bottome .xxx. perches and the roufe ouer it in height one perche This arke was not by mans power brought into the sea but by the course of the waters rysynge vp it was borne awaye and rather by the diuine prouidence than by mans policie it was gouerned from renuynge to wrecke Noe began to builde this in the .523 yere of his lyfe before the floud as Berosus witnesseth 78. yeres In the .vi. C. yere the seconde moneth the lorde saied vnto Noe that after seuen dayes this deluge shulde fall in whiche space he brought into the arke his stuffe prouision and al other thynges necessary for hym Wherat euery man laughed and toke hym as one madde that dreamed of suche a floud But finally as it is written in the gospell thei were eatyng and drynkyng they maried and wer maried euen vnto the daye that Noe entred the arke and wolde not knowe it vntill the deluge came and destroied them all Not that it was vnknowen vnto them but that thei dispised to beleue it For Noe shewed it to them as well in woorde as in deede Also the buyldyng of the arke was a certaine declaracion therof but thei were without faith and feare of God for whyche cause they were worthily punished Thus the tyme passyng the .17 daye of the seconde moneth Noe with his wife and three sonnes and theyr wiues entred the arke And beholde sodeinly there came together vnto him bestes of al kindes not brought thither by man but euen by the miracle of god Neither did Noe take theym but suffered theym as they came to entre ne there came anye more than of vncleane beastes two a male and a female of cleane bestes seuen foure males and three females of the which one male was reserued for sacrifice after the floud the resydue were kept for generacion The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 2307 ¶ Thus they being entred the lord shut the doore of the arke and incontinēt the springes of the sea burst out the windowes of heauen opened the rain fel continually .xl. dayes and .xl. nightes the waters swelled and rose aboue al mountaynes .xv. cubites All lyuing creatures dyed except fishe and suche as mighte endure in the bowels of the earth The waters encreased a. Cl. daies and on the .xvii. daye of Octobre the arke stacke vppon the mountaines of Armeny The last daye of Ianiuer Noe opened a windowe and put forth a crowe which streight waies retourned After seuen daies he put forth a dooue which came againe at nyght bringinge a branche of Oliue with grene leaues Neuerthelesse he taryed seuen other daies and put forth the doue agayne whych neuer returned Yet wold he not issue out but remained for the cōmaundement of the lord who commaunded him not to go foorth before the .xvii. daie of the seconde moneth wherby it appeareth that he remayned a iust yeare in the arke ¶ Berosus the Caldei maketh mencion of this floude in this maner Before the famous deluge of waters wherby the hole world perished there preceded manye yeares which of our Caldians were faithfully obserued They write that about Libanum was a great citee of giantes called Enoch who were lordes of the world from the rysing of the sonne tyl the sonne sette They trustinge in the hugenes and strength of theyr bodies with armure that thei had inuented oppressed all men They deuised tences musical instrumentes and all delycacyes they fedde with mans fleshe and companied commonly
o wne inuencion The yere of the worlde 3311 The yere before Christe 652 Before Britayne knovven 602 The yere of the worlde 3318 The yere before Christe 645 Philippus the .vi. king of Macedon reigned .38 yeres Before Britayne knovven 595 Tullus kept fiue yeres warres with the Latines Lamsacus Abdera Selinis and P●●isthenes noble cities in this time were builded The yere of the worlde 3323 The yere before Christe Grece in this season first enterprised to vse the oracles of Apollo at Dodoneus Before Britayne knovven 590 Damasia ruled the Atheniens The yere of the worlde 3324 The yere before Christe 639 Ancus martius fourth kyng of Romanes reigned .24 yeres He was nephieu to Numa by his daughter Before Britayne knovven 589 He kept warres with the Latines toke Politoriū the second tyme beat it downe to the grounde broughte the people to Rome encreased the citye adding therunto the mount Auentine and Ianiculum he made the bridge Sublitius vppon Tiber and builded the citee Hostia ▪ the hauen or port of Rome In this same time L. Tarquinius Pryscus tam to Rome with his wife Tanaquil The yere of the worlde 3325 The yere before Christe 633 Phaortes Before Britayne knovven 588 in a conflicte made against the Assryians peryshed After whom succeded Cyaraxes the .vii. kynge of Media 4● yeres Psammitichus the king of Egipte ioyninge wyth the Syrians in battayle obteyned the victory Helchias bigh priest Hieremias Sophonias Baruch and Olda prophetes flourished among the Iewes Iosias prouoking the king of Egipt to battayle was therin wounded and died Of whose deathe Heremy the prophet made his lamentacions Ioachas the .xx. king of Iewes Before Britayne knovven 587 reigned three monethes The yere of the worlde 3326 The yere before Christe 937 and was taken and brought captiue into Egipt In whose place his brother Ioachim was constitute the .xxi. kyng of Iewes and was king ouer thē .xi. yeares An insolent prince who not regardinge the prophecies of Hierentie but burning the bokes therof was finally slayn and left vnburyed like a beaste I Ago called also Lago gouerned this roialme of Britayne .xxv. yeres Missena fel from the Lacedemons Before Britayne knovven 586 Nabuchodonosor the great the .ix. king of Babylon The yere of the worlde 3327 The yere before Christe called of the Iewes Nabucadnezer Before Britayne knovven 584 reigned .xliiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3329 The yere before Christe 634 He subdued the Syrians Egypcians Lybians Hiberians and brought the Iewes into captiuitee Finally he rebelling as it were against almightye god by the companye of beastes with whome by the stroke of god he was compelled to liue was made humble and acknowlaged the godhead to whom he gaue prayse glorye as al whose waies be iudgementes and workes righteous who also can humble the proud and giue and take kingdomes as pleaseth him The Scithians entred as farre as Palestine possessed al Asia and molested Egipt with warres Ioachim burned the booke of Hieremies prophecie After which dede Nabuchodonosor made him tributarye Before Britayne knovven 577 Hierusalem was taken the king slayne and cast out of the citee vnburied The yere of the worlde 3336 The yere before Christe 627 accordīg to the prophecy of Hieremy Before Britayne knovven 576 ¶ Ioachin called also Iechonias the .xxii. king of Iewes reigned thre monethes and .x. dayes The yere of the worlde 3337 The yere before Christe 626 he yelded him selfe willingly vnto Nabuchodonosor by the counsayle of Hieremie who sente him to Babilon with all the noble men and ornamentes and iewels amōg whom also was the prophet Ezechiel In his stede Nabuchodonoser constituted Mathanias the fourth sonne of Iosias whom he caused to sweare by the name of the lord that faithfullye he shoulde serue the Chaldeis in token wherof he named him Sedechias the xxiii and last king of the Iewes who was king .xi. yeres he finally for his arrogancye and vntruth both to god man was taken blinded imprysoned and miserablye finished his life Before Britayne knovven 575 Periander the tyran of Corinth in this time liued The yere of the worlde 3338 The yere before Christe Sadyates was king of Lydia .xv. yeres Perusina Mantua and Dirachium buylded Before Britayne knovven 574 The game of Chesse about this season was deuised by wise men The yere of the worlde 3339 The yere before Christe 624 to mitigate the mindes or hertes of tyrans Susanna the most chast matron of the hebrues by two false priestes was accused of adultery but by the policy of yong Daniel she was purged and the prestes committed to the fier Nechac called also Nechepsos kinge of Egipte Before Britayne knovven 571 reygned .vi. yeres The yere of the worlde 3342 The yere before Christe 621 Abacuk and Ezechiel beganne to prophecy among the Hebrues Draco the lawe geuer of the Atheniens wrote his lawes with bloude Sedechias brake his amitee with the kinge of Babylon The yere of the worlde 3344 The yere before Christe 619 and entered in league with the Egipcians Before Britayne knovven 569 For whiche cause Nabuchodonoser retourned and besieged Hierusalem whiche he continued one yere six monethes and fiue dayes Before Britayne knovven 566 After which the holy citye with the most sacred temple misarably with pestilence famine sword and fyre was destroyed The yere of the worlde 3347 The yere before Christe 616 The king him selfe with all his nobilitee taken his chyldren slayne before his face hys eyes pulled out and sent in captiuitie to Babylon Thus was the whole nacion of Iewes without respecte of age or kind eyther slayne or brought into Babilons bondage for theyr obstinacye against god his prophetes and for the sinne and preuaricacion of theyr kinges priestes and all the people the yeare after the vniuersall floude 169● after the arriuall of Brute .492 after the beginninge of the kingedome of the Iewes .458 after the buyldyng of the temple .414 and after the buyldinge of Rome .137 ¶ Tarquinius Priscus the .v. kinge of Romans Before Britayne knovven 565 reigned 37 yeres The yere of the worlde 3348 The yere before Christe he doubled the numbre of Senatoures buylded the circuite wherin the playes and pastimes were kepte ouercame the Sabines encreased the bādes of horsmen subdued the olde Latines fyrste entred Rome wyth tryumph made the walles and synkes to conueye the fylthe of the city and began the capitoll Finally he was slayne by the sonnes of Ancus Mattius whome he succeded Panetius first tyrannised Sixilye KInimacus succeded Iago in this royalme of Brytayne The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 612 wherin he reigned .54 yeres Before Britayne knovven 562 Eniochida a capitaine of the Atheniens Stesichorus an exceltent poet in this time flourished Aliactes reigned in Lydia .49 yeres Arion the excellent harper by a Dolphin as it is writen was borne through the sea Before Britayne knovven 560 Daniel the most notable prophet florished in Babilō The yere of the worlde 3353 The yere before Christe 610 he
whom alwaies after he had in great honour and vsed much his counsaile Herodotus at this Croesus began to write his historie Cyrus by the counsaile of Harpagus brought his army agaynst Astyages and ouercame him in battaile Here the historians do somwhat vary for Metasthenes writeth that Cyrus and Darius togither vainguished Apanda whom I suppose to be Astyages ▪ and that they reigned also togither But I wil folowe the certaine computacion and agrement of most histories CYrus Before Britayne knovven 510 the first emperour of Persia reigned 30. yeres The yere of the worlde 3403 The yere before Christe 560 he ouercame the Medes Chaldeis and reunited the monarchy bringing it into Persia when the strong citee of Babylon subdued all Asia toke Cresus kinge of Lydia prisoner deliuered the Iewes frō the captiuitee of Babylon Finally by the ouermuche desyre of dominion warringe in Scithia was by Thomiris quene thereof whose sonne and armye he had ouerthrowen slayne and with him .20000 Persians whose head she caused to be cut of and put into a vessel of bloud as a meete tombe for it with these woordes Satysfye thy selfe vvith bloud vvhych thou hast alvvay thyrsted He excelled all men in his time in goodly personage wisdom prowesse and specially in memorie which was so excellent that he knewe all the men in his army and called theym by theyr sundry names when they came to him he also gloryed in the gardeins and orchardes whiche wyth his owne handes he made and the comely order of the trees that he had planted Chilon and Anaximines phylosophyers in thys tyme flourished COrbodug succeded his father Kinimacus in thys royaulme of Britayne The yere of the worlde 3404 The yere before Christe 550 as our Chronicles wryte .lxiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 509 Regassar the .xi. king of Babilon reigned .iii. yeres Seruius kept warres with the Hetruscians .20 yeres after whiche they yelded Before Britayne knovven 507 Pisistratus the tyran of Athenes The yere of the worlde 3406 The yere before Christe ouercominge the Megarenses Before Britayne knovven 506 by craft possessed theyr empire .xxxiiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3407 The yere before Christe 556 Labas Ardach the .12 king of Babilō reigned .6 yeres Atis the sonne of Cresus in hunting by chaunce was slayne with a darte notwithstanding the great prouysyon and carefulnesse of his father which before time dreamed that his sonne should perishe with yron Xenophanes Colophonius a philosopher in this tyme lyued Before Britayne knovven 502 Amintas king of Macedon reigned .50 yeres The yere of the worlde 3411 The yere before Christe 552 Cresus raised warre against Cyrus Before Britayne knovven 500 ¶ Balthasar laste kinge of Babilon reigned .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 3413 The yere before Christe 550 A prince geuen to voluptee who abusinge the holye vessels of the Iewes in his vicious bankettes was for that cause slayne by Cyrus and Darius in the taking of Babylon After this the hole monarchi was reduced to the persiās Daniell sawe the mistery of the foure empyres of the Chaldeis Persians Greekes and Romains Cresus king of Lydia was taken by Cyrus in battaile The yere of the worlde 3415 The yere before Christe 548 Before Britayne knovven 498 Cyrus and Darius according to the prophecy of Daniel Before Britayne knovven 496 tooke Babylon and slewe kinge Balthasar The yere of the worlde 3417 The yere before Christe 546 Daniel by the enuy of the princes was chast into a den of lions where by the power of god he remained vnhurt ¶ The same time perceyuing the ende of the captiuytye to drawe nere he prayed god in fasting sacke clothe and ashes to witsafe to bring his people to theyr lande whose prayer was herde Barathias called also zorobabel The yere of the worlde 3418 nephieu to Ioachim and Iesus the highe priest Before Britayne knovven 495 with .45370 The yere before Christe 545 Iewes were deliuered free from Babylon by Cyrus and retourned into theyr owne lande where they repayred agayne theyr cytee caste the foundacion of the temple renewed theyr lawes and sacrifices albeit they were sometime letted by theyr borderers Before Britayne knovven 492 Pisistratus the second time reygned in Athenes The yere of the worlde 3421 The yere before Christe 542 Before Britayne knovven 489 Policrates the fortunate tyran of Samos The yere of the worlde 3424 The yere before Christe 539 ouercame the Lesbians and entred inleague with Amasis at the last by a trayne be was hanged by Ozetes Malachias Aggeus and Zacharias prophetes liued L. Tarquinius the proude the .vii. king of Romaines reigned .25 yeres The yere of the worlde 3430 The yere before Christe 533 Before Britayne knovven 483 he first brought into the citee the vse of bondes whippes staues dongeōs prisons fetters chaines banishementes and other punishementes he ouercame the Uolscians and Gabians he subdued Suessa and Pometia he made peace with the Thuscanes and buylded a temple to Iupiter in the capitoll Fynallye besiegynge Ardea he lost his kingedome For when hys eldest sonne Sex Tarquinius had rauished the noble and chast matrone Lucrece wife of Collatine and she complayning this iniurie to her husbande father and other frendes in all theyr syghtes with a knife had finished hir life Then Brutus and Collatinus takinge therof occasion moued the people to a more libertee ' and so expelled Tarquine frome his kingedome he forsaken also of his armye came vnto Rome where the gates were closed agaynst hym Cyrus in Scithia warringe agaynst Thomiris Before Britayne knovven 481 the quene of Massagetes The yere of the worlde 3432 The yere before Christe 531 with .200000 Persiās was slayne Cambyses his sonne the .xi. emperour of Persia Before Britayne knovven 480 reigned .7 yeres .v. monethes The yere of the worlde 3433 The yere before Christe 530 He added to his monarchye Egipt ouercomming Psammenitus the king therof he subdued the Aethiopians He was a prince cruell and ebreous he slewe his brother and sister Among other his cruell deedes as it was seuere so was it righteous for he caused a fals iudge to be flayne quyck whose skin he hāged ouer the iudgement seat to be had alwayes in remēbraunce of those that possessed that place He prohibited the Iewes from buyldinge theyr citye pulled downe the temples of the Aegipcians goddis where with a tempest in the sandes he was destroied receiuing for his wickednes condigne punishment The Samyans buylded Cydonia in Candy Psammenitus the last kinge of Aegipt Before Britayne knovven 479 reigned one yere The yere of the worlde 3434 The yere before Christe 529 and was slayne by Cambyses after whom the royalme of Aegipt was brought vnder the monarchy of the Persians Pythagoras the famous philosopher in this time florished whose schole was not occupied in naturalles and astronomye as other but in arithmetike geometrye and musike whiche he reduced first into sciences and albeit that in his time none was comparable to him in wisdō yet would he
The yere of the worlde 3461 The yere before Christe 502 Before Britayne knovven 452 P. Ualerius Plublicola the contemner of rychesse after he had been fower times consul died so poore that he was buried by the common expenses of the citee ¶ The same yere a conflict was fought betwene the Romanes and Aruncians wherin the Romans as victours triumphed ¶ The Iones and Atheniens tooke Serdis and burnt it The yere of the worlde 3463 The yere before Christe 500 In the ninthe yere after the expulsion of the kynges a newe dignitee was created ī Rome Before Britayne knovven 450 called the Dictatorshyp whiche was of more power than eyther the consulshyp or maister of the horsemen for they all were obedyent to the Dictatour and he was not chosen but in daungerous warres ne contynued longer in that offyce than sixe monethes The Persians ouercame the Iones and toke Miletū ¶ Mardonius The yere of the worlde 3464 The yere before Christe 499 receiuyng of Darius a mighty nauy Before Britayne knovven 449 subdued the Thasios and brought the Macedons in subiection Nere vnto Athenes by tempest of the sea he suffred a great wrecke wherin there perisshed .20000 men He brought to his no lyttell damage and hurte Brygis vnder his power A conspiracie in Rome to bryng in Tarquine but by the industrie of the consul Seruius they were apprehended and put to deathe A. Post humius the Dictator fought with the Latines where he ouercame and triumphed FErrex with his brother Porrex Before Britayne knovven 446 ruled this lande of Britayn .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 3467 The yere before Christe 496 but it was not long ere they fell at ciuile discorde for the soueraigne dominion in whiche Ferrex was slayne And Porrex afterwardes by his mother was killed in his bedde Thus cruelly was the bloude and house of Brute destroied whan that this realme by the space of .616 yeares had been gouerned by that lygnage The feastes Saturnales were instituted in Rome Tarquine dyed at Cume In Rome were constituted xxxi tribus Before Britayne knovven 444 The commō people rose vp agaynst the Senatours for defente of their libertee Before Britayne knovven 443 The yere of the worlde 3469 The yere before Christe 494 The yere of the worlde 3470 The yere before Christe 453 but by the wisdome of Memmius Agrippa they were pacified and had graunted vnto theim the tribuneshyp that is protectours of the communaltee Before Britayne knovven 442 ¶ The Atheniens by their capitain Callimachus The yere of the worlde 3471 The yere before Christe 492 with the counsail of Melciades at Maratho ouerthrewe the army of the Persians in whiche battail there fell of the Persians .9300 of the Atheniens .192 The Uolsces were vanquished and peace was made Before Britayne knovven 441 After the death of the two brethern Ferrex and Porrex The yere of the worlde 3472 The yere before Christe 491 this royalme was rent in pieces with ciuil warres for lacke of one souerayn gouernour whiche continued the space of .51 yeres vntyl that the noble Dunwalle reduced the same in to one monarchy Gelon tyran of Sicily reigned ¶ Darius receyuynge knowelage of the ouerthrowe of his army at Maratho prepared in three yere warre agaynst the Grecians ¶ A great famine and pestilence in Rome Before Britayne knovven 440 Marcus Coriolanus by the protectours of the communaltee was exiled The yere of the worlde 3473 The yere before Christe 490 the Uolscians receiued him for their capitayn they proclamed warre agaynst the Romains they tooke many citees of the Latines bisieged Rome Finally at the humble prayers of his mother and wife he reised vp his siege for whiche cause the kynge of the Uolscians slue hym Before Britayne knovven 438 The Aegyptians rebelled agaynst the Persians The yere of the worlde 3475 The yere before Christe 488 Darius in the preparacion of his warres died Before Britayne knovven 436 Xerxes the fifte emperour of Persia reigned .20 yeres The yere of the worlde 3477 The yere before Christe 486 He succeded his father in the will to serue and honour god and dyd all thynges folowynge him that perteined to religion and vsed the Iewes liberally He exceded all his predecessours in rychesse and raysed vp all his power agaynst the Grecians He also subdued the Aegyptians constitutyng his brother president ouer them Hamilcar capitayne of the Carthaginenses Leostratus of the Atheniens The lawe Agraria in Rome was made ¶ Xerxes with an army of .1000000 men and a nauy of 1208. shippes made his expedicion into Grece The yere of the worlde 3478 The yere before Christe 485 Before Britayne knovven 435 At his setting foorth The yere of the worlde 3842 The yere before Christe 481 vpon the coste Sapiades in a calme day Before Britayne knovven 431 by a sodeyne pyrey .400 of his shippes were lost he made a bridge ouer the streictes of Helespontus with his ships wherupon his army passed ouer The yere of the worlde 3483 The yere before Christe 480 Before Britayne knovven 430 When he came to Athenes he bourned the city The Grecians toke .xv. shippes of Artemisium of which Sandaces was admyrall The battaile foughte at the streictes of Thermopyle where Leonides capitayne of the Lacedemones with 600. men put to flight the great army of Xerxes and ther with very werinesse of fighting dyed in the defence of theyr coūtreye Themistocles likewise at Salamine with a small noumbre of shippes destroyed the mightye nauye of the Persians ¶ That day that the Grecians ouerthrew the Persians at Salamine Gelon and Theron vaynquyshed Amylcar in Sicilie Amylco succeded ▪ his father Amylcar in Carthage Before Britayne knovven 429 The yere of the worlde 3484 The yere before Christe 479 Athenes Thesbia and Platea were destroyed by the barbarouse people Fabius fought a sore battayle with the Hetruscians in whiche he was victour he wold not triumphe because of the great numbre that was slayne The yere before Christe 478 ¶ The familie of Fabius Before Britayne knovven 428 at theyr owne charge for the publike weale The yere of the worlde 3485 warred agaynst the Ueientes in whyche they were al slayne except one who by his prowesse and wisedome reuiued that name agayne The yere before Christe 485 Mardonius toke Athenes Before Britayne knovven 425 receiued of Xerxes .30000 men The yere of the worlde 3488 and caused the kinge to retourne into his roialme They fought at Plateas where they were put to flyght The same daye vpon the sea Lenthichides ouercame them also Ionia forsoke the Persians Xerxes a freshe prepared warre agaynst the Grecyans ▪ Before Britayne knovven 422 The yere of the worlde 3491 The yere before Christe 472 Cymon the sonne of Mylciades capytayne of the Atheniens ouercame him both on lande and sea and compelled him to flee away in a litell fisher boote where before scarse the lande and sea were able to receyue his power For these warres thus vnfortunately atcheued he begā to be contemned
rose amōgest thē For which cause they elected ten men whom they sēt in to greece to write out the lawes of Solon and to learne the customes also of other great cities vsynge moreouer the counsel of the wyse philosophers The ten tables wer drawen out whiche were hanged openly in the courte of Rome This is the originall of the Romain lawes whiche they borowed of the Grecians ¶ Famaine pestilence inuaded the cytee the Consule Nuintilius dyed The yere of the worlde 3511 The yere before Christe 452 Before Britayne knovven in whose place was substituted Sp. Furius The ambassadours retourned from Greece with Solons lawes The yere of the worlde 3512 The yere before Christe 451 Before Britayne knovven 401 The people of Rome altered the state of their commō weale The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 450 for in place of their Consules Before Britayne knovven 400 they created tē men who had power geuen them to stablyshe lawes The lawe of the ten tables was confirmed in Rome Anaxagoras a notable philosopher mayster of Pericles in this time liued Sophocles a poete of Athenes and a wryter of tragedies flourished Pericles the valiant capitain of the Atheniens in this tyme was renoumed for his wisdom and prowes In all his tyme he nothing encreased his reuenues but alwais enriched the commune weale Finally beyng sycke vnto death the noble men of the citee coming to comfort him talked among them selues how by his marciall prowes he was victour in nyne great batailes Whiche wordes Pericles hearing saide vnto them That he muche maruailed that they extolled so much that thing whereof the more part was in fortune and had happened to other as well as to him and that whiche was most to be praised they spake nothing of it For neuer man saied he in this cytee by myne occasion had cause to mourne Appius Claudius with his felowes Before Britayne knovven 398 by force obteyned the souerain dominion The yere of the worlde 3515 The yere before Christe 448 To the first .x. tables two more were added The .x. men were deposed for their tyranny and lasciuiousnes specially for the death of Sicius and rauyshment of the daughter of Uirginius whom hir father to kepe hir vndefiled with his owne handes slue ¶ The Consules wer created again and Appius cast in prison and after exiled Pericles capitaine of the Atheniens made truse with the Lacedemones for .xxx. yeres Before Britayne knovven 349 Hitherto writeth Dionisyus Halicarnasseus The yere of the worlde 3517 The yere before Christe 444 Before Britayne knovven 391 MUlmutius Dunwallo the sonne of Clotē The yere of the worlde 3522 The yere before Christe 441 duke of Cornwall reduced his royalme into one monarchy beinge before by ciuyl warres and dissention lacerated and broughte into dyuers dominions He was the firste that was crowned kinge and constituted good lawes which long after were called Mulmutius lawes he gaue priuileges vnto temples and ploughes and began to make the .iiii. notable wayes in Britayn In london called then Trenouant he buylded a great temple whiche some suppose to be S. Paules some Blackewell haul Finally when he had brought this royalm to welth and quyetnes reigninge herein .40 yeres he dyed honorably leauinge after him two valyaunte and noble sonnes Belinus and Brennus The office of Censores instituted in Rome Before Britayne knovven 388 A famin in Rome The yere of the worlde 3525 The yere before Christe 438 by which many for lacke were forced to throwe them selfe into Tiber. An earthquake chāced also The Fidenates rebelled agaynst the Romains Before Britayne knovven 386 Tolumnius kinge of Ueientes The yere of the worlde 3527 The yere before Christe 436 commaunded the Romaine ambassadours to be slayne Before Britayne knovven 385 The Romanes in reuenging the deth of theyr ambassadours warred against the Fidenates and Uetentes The yere of the worlde 3528 The yere before Christe 435 Tolumnius was slayne and the Romaines triumphed Before Britayne knovven 383 Iudas the sonne of Eliasib was constituted high priest of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 3530 The yere before Christe 433 About this time the Atheniens confederated them selfes with the Corcirens The Corinthians kept greuous sea warre with the Corcirens in whiche bothe partyes gloried to be victours ¶ Aboute this time the warres of Peloponessus began For the citees of Grece after they had expulsed the Persians being of greater strēgth and power waxed proude and insolent and therby fell at discorde and variance among them selfes and for lyghte and smal causes vexed eche other with cruel deadlye and continuall warres in so muche that by them Grece was vtterly destroyed and lastly lost their libertee and were brought in seruage vnder kynge Phillip of Macedon and for their honest and commendable lawes and fourme of gouernance which thei had vsed before time succeded a dissolute order of al thinges and great corrupcion of maners The first occasion of this warre began betwene Corcyra and Corinth with whom the other citees toke part so that all Grecia was deuided And the cheife leaders of one part were the Atheniens and of the other the Lacedemoniens These warres as Xenophon witnesseth contynued .28 yeres with great varietee and change of Fortune For somtimes the Atheniens by the manhode and policie of theyr capitaines had the vpper hand sometime the Lacedemones But in the ende the Atheniens were vainquished their countrey destroyed and the walles of the citee beaten to the grounde and thei put vnder the seruage of .30 tyrannes An Eclipse of the Sonne Archelaus the king of Macedone reigned .24 yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 431 Archidamas king of Lacedemon Before Britayne knovven 381 The Atheniens in battayle on horsebacke ouerthrewe the Peloponenses in Phrigia Cleopompus capitayn of the Atheniēs toke Throniū vanquished the Locreās droue the Aegineis out of their countrey to whom the Lacedemones gaue landes to inhabite vpon A sore pestilence toke the Atheniens Before Britayne knovven 380 The Lacedemones ambassadours The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 430 taken by Sadocus were slain of the Atheniens ¶ Sitalces kynge of Thrace warred vpon Perdiccas Before Britayne knovven 379 and wasted the countrey of Macedone The yere of the worlde 3534 The yere before Christe 429 but by the counsaile of Setheus to whome Perdiceas had promised his sustre Stratenices in mariage Sitalces retourned againe into his countrey The Lacedemoniens beseged Platea in Grece which was confederate with the Athenians Lesbus forsoke the frendshyp of the Atheniens The Chalcidenies ouerthrue and slue the Atheniens The Atheniens by theyr capitain Phormio ouercame the Corinthians Pachetes capitaine of the Atheniens toke agayne Myti●ene and Lesbus Platea was taken by the Lacedemones and beaten downe Before Britayne knovven 378 The yere of the worlde 3535 The yere before Christe 428 And Athenes shaken with diuers erthquakes likewise the yles of Euboea and Atulanta A greuous sedicion and ruffling in Corcyra where many of
take peace should be slayne But in fine after .v monethes they were constraigned with hunger to yelde them selfe at whiche tyme the Corinthes and Thebans woulde haue had their citie vtterly destroied but the Lacedemons would not vse suche extreme cruelte towarde that citee ▪ whiche was alwaye counted one of the eies of Grece by whome thei had receiued so great beneiftes in expulsing the Medes and Perses Therfore it was decreed that onely their walles and towers should be caste to the erth and to them prescribed a certayn forme of gouernance accordyng to the which thei should lyue The yere of the worlde 3556 The yere before Christe 407 Nepherites kyng of Aegypt reigned .vi. yeares Orestes in Macedon reigned .3 yeres Before Britayne knovven 357 The yere of the worlde 3557 The yere before Christe 406 Thyrtie men were elected of the Atheniens to gouerne their common weale Before Britayne knovven 356 Lysander by dedicion toke Samos Dionyse the elder by tyrāny possessed Sicilie The Carthaginenses vanquished Gella and Camerina In Rome the Questores were elected of the cōmō people Artaxerxes the .xi. emperour of Persia Before Britayne knovven 355 surnamed Mēnon The yere of the worlde 3558 The yere before Christe 405 reigned .xl. yeres vnto Cyrus his brother by inheritaunce fell Ionia and Lydia ouer whiche Tissaphernes was president For whiche cause and beyng desirous of dominion priuily he wrought treason agaynst the kyng his brother which being knowē vnto Artaxerxes caused hym to be taken whom he cast in prison with goldē fetters But at lengthe by the prayers of his mother beyng delyuered he made open warre gettyng on his part the Lacedemones and so fightynge in a bataile Artaxerxes was wounded but Cyrus was there slayne The .xxx. men began to tyrrannyse Athenez by Thrasybulus they were vainquished in Pyreo where he was slayne The popular gouernāce of Athenes was again restored Archelaus king of Macedon reigned .4 yeares Before Britayne knovven 354 Thimbron the Lacedemon receiued certaine citees of Asia vnder his rule and gouernaunce The yere of the worlde 3559 The yere before Christe 404 About this time Dercillidas succeded Thimbron He toke Larissa Before Britayne knovven 353 Amaxion and Colonas The yere of the worlde 3560 The yere before Christe receiued the Kebrinos by submission restored the Sceoseos to libertee subdued Gergitha possessed Acarges and walled the .xi. cytees of Isthmus Wages was first graunted to the Romaine souldiors of the common cost Before Britayne knovven 352 Agis with fier and sworde wasted the prouynce of Elia and restored the Greeke cities vnto their liberte The yere of the worlde 3561 The yere before Christe 402 After his deathe Agesilaus was constituted kynge of Lacedemonia Before Britayne knovven 351 ¶ This Agesilaus was of excellente vertue euen frome his childehode as in trouthe Iustice temperance The yere of the worlde 3562 The yere before Christe 401 noble courage liberalite and continence Wherfore he was so muche honoured and prospered so well that he subdued to the Lacedemones innumerable cities and countreys in asia and Grece whan one demanded a thyng of him whiche was vniuste sayinge that he had promysed it He aunswered If it were iuste I promysed it but if it were vniuste I spake but I promysed it not he neuer spake with any woman sauing his wyfe but either in the temple or afore all men thinking those two places to be void of suspicion Whan he was demaunded why he laye no more richely than a priuate person he aunswered That a prince ought to excel other men not in delicacie but in temperance and moderate lyuing Truly the lyfe of this man was wonderful and worthy to be an example to other princes as it appereth in Plutarke which wryteth at large BElinus and Brennus sonnes of Mulmutius deuided this hole isle of Britayne betwene theim vnto Beline as elder was appoynted England Wales and Cornewall vnto other the northe parte beyonde Humber But Brennus a young man desyrous of glory and dominion thinkinge hym selfe equall with his brother in marciall prowes was not therwith contente Wherfore he raysed warre against Beline but in cōclusion by the meanes of their mother they were accorded and Brennus geuen wholly to the studie of warres leauing his countreye to the gouernāce of his brother wēt into Fraunce among the Galles wher in the prouice of Lyons for his excellent qualitees he was greatly estemed of Siguinus king of that countreye whose daughter he maried and of the Galles was made soueraygne capitayne when they made their expedicion to Rome of which I shall hereafter more largely declare Beline in the meane time both in ciuile iustice and also religiō as at that time was vsed encreased his realme cōstituting thre Archeflamins whose seas were at London York Carleon he finished the foure great wayes begun by his father subdued made tributarie vnto him Denmarke In London he made the hauen whiche at this day reteyneth the name of him called Belines gate ▪ and as mayster Leyland writeth whose labour industry in moste diligent serching out of the antiquities of this realme is greatly to be commended builded the tower of London he maried his doughter Cambra vnto a prīce of almani called Antenor of whom those people were called Cimbri and Sycambri Finallye after he had reygned wyth his brother and alone .26 yeares he dyed and after the pagan maner with great pompe was burned The yere of the worlde 3563 The yere before Christe 400 Pausanias was king of Macedon one yere Before Britayne knovven 350 The warres betwene the Lacedemones and Thebanes beganne The yere of the worlde 3564 The yere before Christe 399 Amintas reigned in Macedone .vi. yeres Before Britayne knovven 349 Otis king of Paphlagonia toke parte with Agesslaus Erippidas ouerthrue and put to flighte Pharnabazus Lisander ledde his armye into Phocea where in a skyrmishe at a gate of a citee he was slayne the Thebanes erected the token of theyr victory Pausanias the other king of Lacedemonia for all the victories that he had atcheued for his countreye was cōdemned to die for which cause he fled into Tegea where he finished his life with sickenesse ¶ The Lacedemones were vanquished by the parte takers of the Atheniēses Agesilaus was called out of Asia to succour his countrey he vanquished the Thessalians ouerthrewe the Thebanes wasted the lande of Argiues tooke Pyreum and in ayde of the Acheis with fire and sworde destroyed the lande of the Acarnanes For which cause the Acarnanes made peace with the Acheians and entred in amitee with the Lacedemons Ioannes sonne of Iudas and brother of Iesu The yere of the worlde 3568 was high priest of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 345 The yere before Christe 395 The two bretherne Phileni for the dilatinge of the dominion of Carthage suffered them selues to be buryed quicke of the Cyrenenses In this time many cities of Greece fell vnto the parte of Pharnabazus who with Conon preparinge a nauye did great domage to
of the worlde 3652 The yere before Christe 311 MOrindus a cruell prince Before Britayne knovven 261 began to reigne in Briteine he as oure cronicles saye foughte veyth a kyng who came out of Germany arriued here slue him with al his power Moreouer as they write oute of Irishe seas came foorthe a wonderfull monster whiche destroyed much people wherof the king hearing would of his valyaunte courage nedes fight with it by whom he was cleane deuoured When he had reygned viii yeres Here beginneth the kingdome of Syria wher Seleucus Nicanor first reigned .32 yeres Pestilence inuaded Rome Nola with other cityes was taken In this place the Scottes began theyr chronycles at Fergus son of Farquahard kinge of Irelande who as they write came with a great power out of Irelande to theyr ayd in the dissencion betwene them and the pitchtes where by hys wisedome and prowes be so behaued him selfe that he agreed those people and obteined suche fauour that they elected him to be theyr king he reigned among them .25 yeres and finally in passinge the seas betwene Irelande and Scotland he was drowned These histories of the Scottes asthey set them forth be full of errours and agre with no other historiens for they saye that Fergus slue Coil king of Britain when there was no suche of that name nor manye yeres after as it may in this boke playnly appeare But I will take the yeres of the reignes of theyr kinges as they write them whiche were from this time vnto the cominge of Cesar .260 yeres for whiche cause I haue here for the better agremente of the history and computacion of the yeres begun to write of them Before Britayne knovven 260 Lysimachia in Thracia builded The yere of the worlde 3653 The yere before Christe 310 Before Britayne knovven 256 Cassander caused Arsines The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 309 the wife of great Alexander with her son Hercules to be put to death Ptholome inuaded Ciprus In Rome the tribunes of the souldiours that shoulde gouerne the Legions were ordeyned with the two admirals of theyr nauy Ptholome and Cassander The yere of the worlde 3655 The yere before Christe 308 cōfederates with Lysimachus and Seleucus ▪ Before Britayne knovven warred against Antigonus whose son Demetrius fought with theym and was ouercome by Ptholome Fabius Rutilanus vanquished the Hetruscians and gaue theym peace for .30 yeres The Romaynes tryumphed bothe of the Samnites and Hetruscians Demetrius Phalereus obteyned of Ptholome that the Atheniens might be restored to their popular gouernāce Antigonus The yere of the worlde 3656 The yere before Christe 307 and all the other princis Before Britayne knovven 257 Before Britayne knovven 256 named theym selues kinges The yere of the worlde 3657 The yere before Christe 306 Demetrius the sonne of Antigonus delyuered Grece from tyrāny and ouercame and put to flight Ptholome in a battayle on the sea Fabius made proconsul ouercame brought in subiection the Samnites and sold .4000 of theyr complices The yere of the worlde 3658 The yere before Christe 305 The Romaines triumphed againe ouer the Sānites they renued their league with the Carthaginenses Before Britayne knovven 255 The yere of the worlde 3659 The yere before Christe 304 Seleucus buylded diuers cities in Syria The yere of the worlde 3660 The yere before Christe 303 GOrbomannus eldest sonne of Morindus Before Britayne knovven 254 reigned xi yeres A prince iuste religious Before Britayne knovven 253 he renued the temples of his goddes and gouerned his people in peace and wealthe Symon sonne of Onias surnamed the iust was hygh priest of the Iewes The auncient league was geuen to the Samnites the xxxi townes of the Equians were taken the Marrucines with other confederated them with the Romayns In a certayne caue in Umbria .2000 armed mē were destroyed with smoke and fyre The yere of the worlde 3661 The yere before Christe 302 Before Britayne knovven 252 Seleucus obteyned Babilon and buylded Antioche Ptholome The yere of the worlde 3662 The yere before Christe 301 Cassander Lysimachus Before Britayne knovven 251 and Seleucus ouer came and slue in battaile Antigonus king of Asia Cleominus a Lacedemon with a nauy of Grekes arriued on the costes of Italy Demetrius sonne of Antigonus Before Britayne knovven 250 succeded in the kingdome of Asia The yere of the worlde 3663 The yere before Christe 300 and reigned xvii yeres About this time the Romans began to vse barbours for before they neuer shaued theyr beardes The lawes Ualeria and Portia were made and the bishops and diuinours were consecrated The yere of the worlde 3665 The yere before Christe 298 A great famine in Athenes Before Britayne knovven 248 The yere of the worlde 3666 The yere before Christe 297 Antipater and Alexander sonnes of Cassander Before Britayne knovven 247 reygned in Macedone .iiii. yeres But Iustine writet h that Philip succeded Alexander The Samnites being driuen backe by Decius entred into Hetruria where they toke Ferentinum and other townes but by the consuls they were slayne and taken Before Britayne knovven 246 Fabyus Rutilanus triumphed vpon the Hetruscians and Gaules The yere of the worlde 3667 The yere before Christe 296 Before Britayne knovven 245 The yere of the worlde 3668 The yere before Christe 295 P. Decius auowed him selfe to die for the Romains There were slaine of the Hetruscians Gaules 24000 and of the Samnites by Uolumnius .16300 Before Britayne knovven 244 Attilius Regulus subdued the Sabines The yere of the worlde 3669 The yere before Christe 294 Posthumius the Hetruscians peace was giuen to the Uolscians and other for .xl. yeres Demetrius king of Asia The yere of the worlde 3670 The yere before Christe 293 obteined the roialme of Macedon Before Britayne knovven 243 whiche .6 yeres he kept Antipater sonne of Cassander slue his mother Demetriꝰ by fraud put to deth Alexander and Philip wherby he possessed the royalme of Macedon The Samnites and Hetruscians wer vanquished by the Romaines ARchigallo brother to Gorbamānꝰ The yere of the worlde 3671 The yere before Christe 292 was crouned king of Britain Before Britayne knovven 242 he was in cōdiciōs vnlike to his brother for he deposed the noble mē exalted the vnnoble he extorted frome men their goodes to enrich his treasury for whiche cause by the astates of the royalme he was depriued of his roial dignite whan he had reigned .v. yeres Nagid called also Nage succeded his father in the principalitee of the Iewes .x. yeres The Boeotians forsoke Demetrius whō he subdued and toke Thebes A pestilence for which cause the ymage Aesculapius was brought from Epidaurus to Rome ¶ Fabius ouercome of the Samnites was rescued by his father he triumphed ouer them and put their capitain Pontius to death Pyrrhus vainquished Pantauchus The yere of the worlde 3673 The yere before Christe 290 Before Britayne knovven 240 This Pyrrhus kyng of Epyre was a valiāt and fierse warriour sterne of countinaūce and
yere before Christe 214 Antiochus indicted warre to Acheus Before Britayne knovven 164 Philip kinge of Macedonye tooke Thebes and entered in league with Anniball Posthumius by the deceit of the frenchemen was slayn Marcellus ouercame Annibal and the Scipions vanquished Asdrubal in Spayne Fabius Maximus was created Dictator of Rome ¶ This man in his youth exercised bothe eloquence and prowesse and therfore after became as well in armes as counsaile a captaine most excellent and subduyng many countreis to the Romains triumphed fiue times At this time beyng made Dictatour against Anniball he so tempered prudence with manhode that by detracting of batail and training Annibal from place to place and at sundrye aduantages skyrmisshynge with him he minished his puisance and preserued the publike weale of his coūtrey In so muche that Annibal whan he had o●erthrowe Minutius the Cōsull and was constreigned by Fabius whiche came to the rescue to retyre with losse of his men said Dyd not I tell you that this clowde wold at the last bryng vs a storme Calling Fabius a clowde because he houered vpon the hylles Before Britayne knovven 163 ¶ Nathak brother of Doruidilla The yere of the worlde 3750 The yere before Christe was made kynge of Scottes who for his tyranny in the seconde yere of his reigne was slaine by his owne lordes The poenians were ouerthrowen by Fabius at Benenentum Before Britayne knovven 162 ¶ Pleuratus kynge of Thracia The yere of the worlde 3751 The yere before Christe 212 Scerdiletus kinge of Illyria Hitherto writeth Polibius Syphax kinge of Numidia entred in amitee with the Romaines Before Britayne knovven 161 Re●thar son of Doruidilla a yong childe The yere of the worlde 3752 The yere before Christe 211 contrary to the lawes of Scotland was made kynge for which cause Scotlande was vexed with ciuill warres in maner to the desolacion thereof and the Britons entred and subdued it whiche they kepte as the Scottes write .xii. yeres vnder their subiection their kinge Reuthar beyng expelled out of his royalme and lyuing in Irelande but afterward by entreatee vpon certain conditions he was againe restored to his kingdome and reigned in all .26 yeres ¶ Anniball tooke Tarentum and the Scipiones were slayne in Spaine Before Britayne knovven 160 The Romaines were in such feare The yere of the worlde 3753 The yere before Christe 210 by the comming of Anniball towardes Rome that thei determined to haue forsaken the citie and to fle in to Greece But by the prowes and wisdome of the yong Scipio they were persuaded to the defence of their countrey who whan all other feared to be capitaines in so daungerous warres tooke vpon him to deliuer Italy from the power of Anniball beinge but .22 yeres of age for which cause he was fyrst sent into Spayne with an army * This Scipio was of wonderful towardnesse euen frō his childhode for beyng but .xvii. yeres olde in a greate battayle by Pauia in Lumbardy he rescued hys father whan he was enuyronned with ennemies and in daunger to be slayne After he had prosperousely finisshed the warres that he had taken in hand he was so greatly renoumed that men came out of all countreys onely to see and honour him And as he was famous in marcial prowesse so was he excellently well learned and fauoured learned men excedingly in so much as he refused to here the ambassadours of Carthage makynge entreatee for peace vntyll thei had brought to hym Terence the latin poet in whom he after so greatly delited that it is sayde he holpe hym to make his comedies At●alus of Asia Pleuratus of Thracia Scerdiletus of Illyria were kynges The yere of the worlde 3854 The yere before Christe 209 Before Britayne knovven 159 The Aetolians confederated theim selues with the Romaynes and indicted warre to Philyp Scipio toke newe Carthage in Spaine and sent Mago prisoner to Rome Fuluius the consull recouered T●●ētum Scipio ouer came and vanquished Hasdruball The yere of the worlde 3755 The yere before Christe 208 Before Britayne knovven 158 RImo gouerned this roialme of Britayn .xvi. yeres The yere of the worlde 3756 The yere before Christe 207 Philyp kynge of Macedon Before Britayne knovven 157 fought prosperouslye agaynst the Aetolians Nere vnto Lacinius Annibal ouerthrue the Romains in whiche conflict Marcellus the consull was slayne Ualerius wasted Aprica and vanquisshed the Carthaginenses on the sea In Spayne Hanno was takē and the Carthaginenses that were with him The yere of the worlde 3757 The yere before Christe 206 slayne Before Britayne knovven 156 P. Sulpitius Proconsull of Grece Hostil●us put Anniball to flyght At Sena Asdruball with his army was ouerthrowen and vāquisshed by the cōsuls whose head Nero caused to be cast into the campe of Anniball Before Britayne knovven 155 Spaine was subdued to the Romains Before Britayne knovven 154 The warre betwene Syphax and Masinissa began The yere of the worlde 3758 The yere before Christe 205 in whiche Syphax droue Masinissa out of his roialme The yere of the worlde 3759 The yere before Christe 204 Before Britayne knovven 153 Scipio vanquished the Poenians and Sempronius ouercame Anniball The yere of the worlde 3760 The yere before Christe 203 Before Britayne knovven 152 Ptolomeus Epiphanes the .v. kyng of Egypt reigned 24. yeres he passed not the age of foure yeares The yere of the worlde 3761 The yere before Christe 202 whan his father dyed Wherfore he was committed to the gouernance of the Romains whiche was the occasion of great warres betwene Antiochus and the Romaines Scipis destroyed the campe of Syphax and Asdruball Syphaax was taken by Lelius and brought to Rome Annibal was cōpelled to retourne to Carthage to the defence therof the .xvii. yere after he first entred into Italy Before Britayne knovven 151 Scipio and Anniball met togither in battayl The yere of the worlde 3762 The yere before Christe 120 in which Anniball was put to flight The Carthaginenses desired peace whiche was graunted to them but .500 of theyr shippes were drouned in the sight of the citee Here endeth the second warres of Carthage Before Britayne knovven 150 Peace was giuen to Carthage The yere of the worlde 3763 The yere before Christe 200 Masinissa was also restored to his royalme Scipio retourned to Rome with great triumph after whose chariot Terence the comical poete folowed as prisoner Before Britayne knovven 149 The warres of Macedon began because that Philip sent succours to the Carthaginenses The yere of the worlde 3764 The yere before Christe 199 Ser. Sulpitius went into Macedon where he toke many townes The french warres arose in which Furius triumphed Bebius Pamphilus The yere of the worlde 3765 The yere before Christe 198 entring into the landes of the Millaners Before Britayne knovven 148 with all his army was enclosed Quintius the consul ouerthrue kynge Philip. The yere of the worlde 3766 The yere before Christe 197 The Atheians stablished peace with the Romaines Before Britayne knovven 147 A rebellion of seruantes in Rome
for euer of the kinges of great Britaine The yere of the worlde 4346 The yere of Christ 385 Arcadius the son of Theodotius was made Augustus Anni regum britannie 3 Theodotius laboured muche for the vnitee of the churche in the whiche had bene a schisme of longe time The yere of the worlde 4347 The yere of Christ 386 Maximus kinge of Britaine Anni regum britannie 4 was constreigned of the souldiours to take on him the imperial crowne and therfore beyng in Fraunce passed further into the landes of the empyre and subdued a great parte of France and al Germaine Gratian the emperour of him was putte to flyght at Paris and slaine at Lions Ualentinian the brother of Gratian beyng dryuen out of Italy fledde into the east to Theodotius of whom he was with all gentilnesse interceined Whyles Maximus was occupied in the warres in Italie Melga kinge of Pictes and Gnauius leader of the Hunnes vexed the Britaines whereof whan Maxi●mus had witting he sent a capitaine named Gratian to resist their malice The yere of the worlde 4348 The yere of Christ 387 Sainct Ursula with the .11000 virgins Anni regum britannie 5 whiche were sente into littell Britaine to bee maryed to the foresaied C●non and his knightes were slaine of the Barbarous people being on the sea Hierome the famous doctour and interpretour of holy scripture flourished at Bethlem and for hys excellent learninge was renowmed in al the worlde The yere of the worlde 4351 The yere of Christ 390 Theodotius hearing of the death of Gratian Anni regum britannie 8 spedde him with an armye against Maximus whych warred againste the empyre and at a citie of Italy called Aquile●a vanquished the saide Maximus and him beheaded Andragatius the chiefe capitaine of Maximus drowned him selfe Uictour his sonne was slaine of Abrogastes in France ▪ Anni regum britannie 1 FOorth with the foresaied Gratian The yere of the worlde 4351 The yere of Christ 390 that was sente in to Britaine of Maximus to defende the lande frome Barbariens toke on him the kingdom of Britain exercised all tyranny and exaction vpon the people For whiche cause he was abhorred of all the Britaines In a sedicion in Thessalia there happened certaine iustices and noble men to be slaine of the people wherwith Theodotius the emperour beynge greatly meeued commaunded .vii. thousande of them to be slaine punisshing the giltlesse together with the offenders Of whiche acte whan Ambrose byshop of Milleine had knowlage he excommunicated the emperour and forbade him to enter in to the churche vntill he had done open penaunce To whom Theodotius gentillye obeyed and for that deede hadde Ambrose euer after in most highe estimacion and reuerence Algelmundus the firste kinge of Lumbardy Anni regum britannie 2 A fyrie signe hanged in the ayre The yere of the worlde 4352 The yere of Christ 391 lyke to a culuer by the space of .xxx. daies Anni regum britannie 3 The yere of the worlde 4353 The yere of Christ 392 The Britains abhorringe the crueltee of their kynge Gratian Anni regum britannie 4 by one assent set on him and kylled him The yere of the worlde 4354 The yere of Christ 393 after he had reigned .iiii. yeres Than was the realme of Britaine a good space without head or gouernour in whych time they were nowe and than vexed with the foresaied Barbarous people and other externall enemies To this time were ordeined in the church certain priestes whiche should examine and confesse theim The yere of the worlde 4355 The yere of Christ 394 that after their offences dyd openly repent before they receiued the sacraments vnder pretence of this confession a deacon in Constatinople did commit fornication with a noble woman For whiche cause Nectarius their byshoppe didde abrogate confession committing euery man to his conscience in receiuing the sacrament A Duke named Abrogastes by treason slew Ualentinian the emperour of the weste and aduaunsed Eugenius to the imperiall crowne Pla●illa the wyfe of Theodotius dyed ▪ a woman of great sanctimonie She accustomed to visit the hospitalles and places of poore people ministringe to theym all thinges necessary with her owne handes The yere of the worlde 4356 The yere of Christ 395 Arcadius the elder sonne of Theodotius reigned with his father in the east and Honorius the yonger was proclaimed emperour of Italy and the west partes In the tyme of Theodotius a childe was borne in Palestine beyng deuided from the nauel vpward as it were into two bodies euery part hauing all senses and perfect members of a man Whan the one dydde eate the other didde not sometymes the one plaied with the other as it were two children The one parte liued foure daies after the other Theodotius vanquisshed and toke Eugenius the traytour The yere of the worlde 4357 The yere of Christ 396 and commaunded him to be put to death Abrogastes kylled himselfe with his owne weapon Ioannes Anachorita was famous He hadde the gyfte of prophecie Augustine the most famous lerned doctour of Chrystes churche was byshop of Hippone a citie in Afrike This man was of suche excellent wyt that in his chyldhode he learned all the liberall sciences without any instructour and in all partes of philosophie was wonderfullye learned At the beginninge he fauoured the opinions of theim whiche bee called Maniches but by the continuall praier of his good mother Monica and the perswasion of holy sainct Ambrose he was conuerted to the true faithe They bothe beynge replenisshed with the holy ghost sange the psalme Te deum aunsweringe mu●tually one to the other After in praier writing and preachinge he so muche profited the church that his name is woorthely had in reuerence of all men Theodotius the emperour died at Milleine The yere of the worlde 4358 The yere of Christ 397 Arcadius obteined the imperiall dignitee and reigned with his brother Honorius .xiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 4359 The yere of Christ 398 but for that they were yet but children Theodotius before his deathe ordeined .iii. noble men to be gouernours ouer the .iii. partes of the empyre that is to saie Gyldo in Afryke Ruffinus in the east as tutour of Arcadius Stillico in Italie and the weast as gouernour of Honorius the yonger sonne Whiche .iii. Dukes after by treason successiuelye attempted the imperiall crowne An earthquake continued many dayes The element shining like fyre seemed to burne Orosius the historiographer was famous Chrisostomus the noble clerke The yere of the worlde 4361 The yere of Christ who for his excellēt eloquence is named the golden mouthed doctour was ordeyned bishop of Constantinople Gildo gouernour of afrike toke on him kinglye auctoritee in Mauritania and cruellye put to death the sonnes of his brother Mascazell who therfore fled into Atalye and obteyned ayde of Honorius the emperoure and shortely after with .5000 men of warre vanquished his brothers army in the which were .70000 fighting men and commaunded him to be strangled
whiche fauoured Constantine Heros a holy man was by the furie of the people put from his byshoprike of Or●iau●ce The yere of the worlde 4375 The yere of Christ 414 and Patroclus ordeined in his place Which thinge caused great discention among the bishops Ataulphus was ordeined kinge of wisigothes who entended the vtter destruction of the citee of Rome and to haue buylded an other citee in the fame place whiche shoulde be called Gothia and the emperours therof Ataulphi But he was mitigated by the gentill intercession and prayer of his wife Placidia the emperours syster Two bretherne ▪ called Iouius and Sebastianus ▪ whiche in Fraunce toke on them princelye auctoritee were subdued and slaine Pelagius an horrible heretike liued in Britaine He taught that men wer not saued and iustified by the mere mercye of god for the death and merite of Iesu Christe The yere of the worlde 4376 The yere of Christ 415 but that by their owne good workes and natural operacions men obteined before god perfect iustificacion and remission of sinnes this errour sainct Augustine cōfoūdeth in many of his woorkes Attalus by the healpe of the Gothes vsurped imperial authoritee in France passed from thens into Spaine The yere of the worlde 4377 The yere of Christ 416 and from Spaine into Afrike Heraclianus a Romaine Duke being sent into Afrike against the factours of Attalus traiterously toke on him imperiall auctoritee The Burgonnions obteyned the part of Fraunce nere to the ryuer of Rhine Heraclianus by the counsaile of his companion Sabinus prepared a wonderfull nauie in the whiche were 4070. shippes and with theim made towarde Rome againste the emperour Shortly after his arriuall he was discoumfited and shamefully put to flight in such wise that he was constreigned to flie to Carthage in a small shippe where he was slaine shortly after The Iewes whiche from the time of Alexandre the great ▪ to this daie inhabited the citee of Alexandria The yere of the worlde 4378 The yere of Christ 417 for a sedicion whiche they caused were nowe driuen out of the citee and all their gooddes taken from theim A woman ▪ named Hippacia so excellentlye learned that she passed all the philosophers of that time did rede openly in the philosophie schole at Alexandria Attalus the traitour beynge forsaken of his adherentes was taken in Afrike and sent to the emperour The Gothes slewe their kinge Ataulphus for that he desired peace with the Romains and chose for him Regericus whom for lyke cause they also murdered and lastly aduanced to be their king a noble mā called Wall●a who after certaine misfortune on the sea contrary to their exspectacion made league with Constantius the Romaine whiche at that time hadde subdued the Barbarous people in Spaine Zozimus Pope ordeined that no priest should drinke in common tauernes Ua●lia kinge of the Gothes restored to the emperour his syster Placidia The yere of the worlde 4379 The yere of Christ 418 wife of Ataulphus whiche was after maried to the renowmed Duke Cōstantius who had subdued diuers rebellious traitours and quieted the Gothes and other Barbarous people whiche than were in armes againste the empyre as the Uandales Sueues Burgunnions and other A counsaile of .207 byshoppes was assembled at Carthage againste the heresie of Pellagian and other The yere of the worlde 4380 The yere of Christ 419 wher sainct Augustine was present The emperour Honorius triumphed for the victories atchiued by the marciall knightehoode of Constans hys Duke Pharamunde the sonne of Marcomirus a man garnisshed with all knightly vertue The yere of the worlde 4381 The yere of Christ 420 was ordeyned the firste kinge of frenchemen .1556 yeeres after Brute began his dominion in this I le of Britaine Constantius confirmed the league made with the wisigothes The yere of the worlde 4382 The yere of Christ 421 and gaue inhabitance to them in Aquitania and certeine citees nere about Honorius made Cōstātius felow with him in the empire The yere of the worlde 4383 The yere of Christ 422 Constantius dyed The yere of the worlde 4384 The yere of Christ 423 The Scottes according to their histories vnder their kinge Fergus returned out of Ireland into Albion and continuing the reigne of .iii. kinges that is Fergus Eugenius and Dongarde pursued the Britaine 's with most cruell warres but here they discente from the Englisshe cronicles as well in the computacion of the time as in the relacion of the whole storie For after Beda Gildas and other anciēt and credible writers the Scottes came firste about this time out of Irelande into that countrey whiche of them was after called Scotlande But howe so euer this stories agree trueth it is that the Scottes beynge confederate with the Pictes not long from this time by consente of all writers inuaded and spoyled the lande of Britaine so cruelly that the Britains were constreigned to sende for ayde to the Romaines promissing that they woulde be perpetually subiect to the empyre Whiche request was harde and a capitaine sent with a legion of knightes who within few daies chased their enemies out of the lande and teachinge them to make a wal of turnes and stakes from the water of Humbre to the Scottisshe sea wherewith their ennemies mighte be kepte backe out of the lande toke leaue of the Britaines and departed Barbaranes kinge of the Persians did persecute the Christians The yere of the worlde 4385 The yere of Christ 424 For whiche cause deadlye warre was arrered betwene the Persians and Romaines Ardaburus the Romaine capitaine spoyled the countrey called Azazena After whiche misfortune the Persians began to intreate for peace Castinus a Duke of the Romaines was sent against the Uandales whyche wasted the landes of the empyre in Spaine Against whom he somwhat preuailed by the healpe of a valyaunt knight named Bonifacius whiche came oute of Afrike to ayde hym in the businesses of the empyre But Bonifacius shortely after not susteigning the enuious tyranny of his captaine Castinus returned into Afrike afterwhich time Castinus atchiued nothing woorthy memory Placidia the wife of Constantius The yere of the worlde 4386 The yere of Christ 425 after the deathe of her husbande for certaine displeasure was driuen from her brother Honorius with her two sonnes and fled to Theodotius emperour of the easte and was of him gentilly interteined Honorius emperour of the weast departed oute of this life at Rome The yere of the worlde 4387 The yere of Christ 426 A certaine Romaine named Ioannes by the ayde and maintenance of Castinus inuaded the imperial crowne This Ioannes made into Afrike entendinge bothe to vanquishe the forenamed Boniface enemy of Castinus and also to subdue that countrey to his dominion In the meane time Theodotius made Ualentinian the sonne of Placida Cesar and sente him with ayde into Italy to recouer the imperiall auctoritee Who not long after conquered the citee Rauenna whiche shutte the gates at his comminge vanquisshed Ioanne the tyranne sente
Theudis kinge of the wisigothes in Spaine .17 yeres Theodotus without cause banished Amalasiuntha into Tusci● and there commaūded her to be beheaded nothing mindful of the benefite whiche he hadde of hir receyued The yere of the worlde 4497 The yere of Christ 535 Anni regum britannie 20 Shortlye after he sent Agapitus Pope of Rome in ambasade to Iustinian to excuse his wicked de●de For he emperour threatned that he would reuenge the death of that noble woman Siluerius for money was made Pope by Theodotus Iustinian dismissed from warrefare all Paganes and heretikes Bellizarius vanquished the Uandales in Afrike and toke their kinge Gilamir in plaine fielde whom he sēt to the emperour He recouered agayne Carthage with all Afrike to the Romaine empyre .69 yeares after it was fyrst wonne and withholden by the Uandales The same Bellizarius Anni regum britannie 21 being sent of the emperour to deliuer Italye from the Gothes The yere of the worlde 4498 The yere of Christ 537 sped him first into Sycilie where he remayned a certaine time pretendinge no cause of enmitee with the Gothes but sedeynly set vpon the citee Chrina whiche he toke with other moe and by the last daye of his consulship subdued all Sicilia that was wholy before vnder the power of the Gothes The yere of the worlde 4499 The yere of Christ 538 Uigilius the .57 Pope .18 yeres Anni regum britannie 22 Bellizarius passed from Sicilia to Afrike to wythstand the tyrannye of Stoza who hadde beset Carthage with a strong siege And when he had subdued his enemies and quieted that prouince he hetourned into Italy In this pastime the Gothes inuaded Delmatia against whom went Mauritius a yong man of lusty courage the sonne of a noble manne called Mundus who in the fight was of theim taken and slayne whereof whan his father Mundus had wittinge as a man in rage or furie made towarde the Gothes and at the first encounter vanquished theim and pursued so egrely that vnwares he fell into the handes of his ennemies and of them was slayne G●ipa a capitaine of the Gothes toke the citee Solone and expelled the Romaines out of Delmatia Bellizarius cōminge to Italy toke Naples and diuers other citees Anni regum britannie 23 Theodotus for his cowardise The yere of the worlde 4500 The yere of Christ 539 was deposed of the Gothes and a valiant warriour named Uitigis chosen king in his place whiche reigned .v. yeres By the commaundement of this Uitigis Theodotus was slaine of Optaris Bellizarius was receyued into Rome and the Gothes expelled Constantianus one of the capitaines vnder Bellizarius recouered from the Gothes Delmatia and L●burnia Childebert Clodomir and Lothayr kinges of france made sharpe warre vppon Sigismunde kinge of Burgoyne in the whiche Clodomir was slayne But the other bretherne mainteined the warre in such wise that the toke Sigismunde with his wife and chyldren and obteined the portion of Burgoyne which by enheritāce was dewe to theyr mother Clotilde Anni regum britannie 24 Uitigis kinge of the Gothes compassed the citee of Rome with a herde and dangerous siege The yere of the worlde 4501 The yere of Christ 540 by mean wherof was great famine and scarcite in Rome Arthur the Britaine when after many and diuers battailes he had set his land in some quietnesse he betooke the rule therof to his nephew Mordrod and with a chosē armie as sayeth Galfride and other sailed into Frāce where he did meruailous thinges and vanquished Lusius Hybertus the Romaine capitaine which thinge semeth not to agree with other histories Childebert kinge of midle fraunce hearing that Almaricus king of the wisigothes in Spaine misse intreated his sister made warre vpon him toke the citee Talet and lastly him subdued and sette his sister in hir former astate Uitigis sent ambasade to Cosroes king of Persians The yere of the worlde 4502 The yere of Christ 541 willing him to make warre vpon the Romaine empire Anni regum britannie 25 The kinges of Fraunce warred against the wisigothes in Spaine and constreigned them by force to forsweare the heresie of Arrius embrace the true faith of Christ. The feast of the purificacion of our lady was first ordeyned for a great pestilence that reigned at Constantynople Syluerius Pope was banished of Theodora the empresse After that Belizarius hadde receyued newe ayde into Rome from the emperour Uitigis the Gothe lefte the siege and made league for .iiii. monethes Alb●ynas king of Lumbardie kepte deadly warre against the Gepides whome he discomfited and put to flight and slew in battayl their king Commundus and of his sculle made a masarre whiche he vsed euer after in his bankettes After whiche time the Gepydes hadde no king ouer them but were partly cōfounded with the Lumbardes partly subiecte to the Bauares The yere of the worlde 4503 The Hunnes inuaded Europe Anni regum britannie 26 and spoyled the countrey euen to Byzance The yere of Christ 542 they destroyed the citee Potidea and retourning to theyr coūtree toke with them .12000 prisoners Germanus the Romaine depute subdued Stoza whyche rebelled againe in Afrike Millaine with diuers noble citees forsakinge the Gothes yelded to Bellyzarius The Gothes besieged Arminum and were driuen from thens by the policie of Bellizarius Millaine was againe yelded to the Gothes The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 543 Coiroes kinge of Persians breaking his league warred vpon the prouinces of the empire Anni regum britannie 27 and toke the citee Antioch Bellizarius by knightly force subdued Rauenna and toke Uitigis king of the Gothes and brought him to constantinople to the emperour the .v. yeare after he bigan to make warre in Italye After whyche tyme Fortune changed her copie and the Gothes by the negligence of the Romaine capitaines with wonderous successe had alway the vpper hand Morded whiche had the gouernaunce of Britaine in the absence of Arthur by treason was crowned kynge throughe the helpe of Cerdicus kinge of west Saxones Of whiche treason when relation came to Arthur being then in Fraunce with all haste he made into Britaine where he was mette of Mordred whiche gaue to him ● stronge battayles in the whiche many noble and valiāt knightes perished and lastly in a battayle foughten beside Glastenburie Mordred was slayne Arthur wounded vnto death The Scottes saye that this Mordred was king of Pietes and that Arthur was slain in battaile the Britains discomfited and Guanora the queene taken prysoner by the Scottes with great spoyle Anni regum britannie 1 COnstantine kinsman to Arthur The yere of the worlde 4504 The yere of Christ 543 by assente of the Britaine 's was ordeined king of Britaine and reigned .iii. yeres This man was by the two sonnes of Mordred greuously vexed for they claymed the lād by the righte of theyr father so that betwene theym was foughten sundrie battailes in the whiche lastly the two bretherne were vanquished and slayne Gildas the englisheman flourished
of his father in battayl and burned with his wife and children Narses a noble and valiant knight was ordeyned capitaine of the warres in Italy The yere of the worlde 4516 The yere of Christ 555 Anni regum britannie 4 This man was no lesse renoumed for his pietee and godlinesse thā for his warly policie and marciall knighthode and therwith of nature was gentil and liberall Under him fortune smyled againe vppon the empire and the power of the Gothes decayed The Gothes spoyled robbed the countreyes of Grece called Corcira ▪ Ehiru● Acarnania Aetolya and also greatly troubled the seas Nere to the citee Ancon the Romaine capitatnes in a battaile on the sea vanquished and slewe the Gothes and destroyed many of their shippes and after that setting on land chased them with great slaughter of men Pelagius .58 pope .11 yeres The great benificence gentilnesse and liberalitee of Iustinian meued many straunge princes to strength ayde him in the warres against the Gothes in Italy Anni regum britannie 5 Narses with a puissant and mighty army ▪ The yere of the worlde 4517 The yere of Christ 556 entred Italie At Tagina by the healpe of the Lumbardes the Gothes were put to flight and theyr kinge Totilas slayne with .vi. thousande of his soulidiours Narses sped him in all haste towarde Rome Gobazer was kinge of the Lazes sometime called Cholci Mermoroer capitaine of the Persians in the east recouered Petra ouercame the Romaines for which cause Bessa the Romaine capitaine was disgraded and dyscharged of his army Te●as a valiaunt knight was ordeined king of the Gothes Anni regum britannie 6 The yere of the worlde 4518 The yere of Christ 557 who foorth●with made league with Amingo and Lothayre the kynges of Burgoyne and Fraunce and of them receyued great ayde against Narses Narses recouered the citee of Rome at Tarentum the Gothes were discomfited Sysu●ldus kinge of the Brentes or Herules whiche hitherto toke part with the emperour forsooke Narses and alied him with the frēchmen and Lumbardes and together with theym ouer ronne the countrey of Italye bothe against the Gothes and also the Romaines Italy on all partes was assayled with moste cruell warres For Narses diuidinge his pussiancie ▪ in dyuers partes sette vpon the Gothes and the citees with them confederate And in like maner Teias seperatinge his Gothes in sundrye costes warred vpon the friendes of the empyre The Persians about Onagaris with great reproch chased and slewe the Romayns Agila kinge of Spaine was murdered of his owne people Anni regum britannie 7 Narses vanquished and vtterly subdued the Gothes in a battaile nere to Niceria The yere of the worlde 4519 The yere of Christ 559 in the whiche Teias was slaine with a hundred thousande souldiours After whiche victory bothe the kingdome and name of the Ostrogothes decayed in Italy This happened .64 yeres after the gothes first possessed Italy vnder theyr kinge Theodorich Athanagildus was after Agila king of the Gothes in Spaine he reigned .14 yeres The yere of the worlde 4520 The yere of Christ 559 Narses remained as gouernour of Italy .xvi. yeres Anni regum britannie 8 The yere of the worlde 4521 The yere of Christ 560 Martinus and Iustinus Anni regum britannie 9 the emperours capitaines in in the easte partes ouercame the Persians and slewe of them .xii. thousande Zates was ordeined kinge of the Lazer by the emperour The yere of Christ 561 Narses after the death of Teias Anni regum britannie 10 granted peace to the Ostrogothes The yere of the worlde 4522 and receiued by dedicion all the citees of Tuscia The Gothes conspired with the frenchemen and Burgonions whiche feared the prosperous successe of Narses and inuaded the partes of Italy nere to Fraunce But thea in two battayles were vanquished by Dagiste us the Romaine Uuidis capitaine of the Gothes was taken and sent to Constantinople Amingo Duke of the burgonions was slaine Lothayre kinge of Fraunce escaped by flight Iustinus was made prouost of Armenia and Cholcis Anni regum britannie 11 The yere of the worlde 4523 The yere of Christ 562 Cosroes kinge of Persians made peace with the emperour A great earthquake wherwith the citee Berincho was ouerthrowen and the iles called Coi greuously shaken Lothayre kinge of Fraunce dyed and lefte after him iiii sonnes whiche were all of peruerse and frowarde disposicion and speciallye Arithbertus the elder who in filthie pleasure was more corrupte than any woman and ended his life in the embrasing of harlottes Chilberich reigned in France with his bretherne and after theyr discease .24 yeres He was wrapped in mortall warre and trouble of the worlde sometime by right sometime by wronge For betwene these bretherne hapned often debate and strife He toke to wife Golsanda the king of Spaines daughter whom he dyd after repudiat casting vnlauful loue to one of hir maydens called Fredegunda For whose sake he put from him also his seconde wife An●ouera a woman of great byrthe and made the sayd Fredegunda queene Anni regum britannie 15 In the latter dayes of Iustinian the Hunnes wasted the countrey of Thracia and Grece The yere of the worlde 4527 The yere of Christ 566 and were vanquished and slaine by the noble capitaine Bellizarius whose end I thinke worthy of memorye that we may thereby consider the ingratitude of men towarde those persones at whose hand the common weale hath receiued most high benefites This noble man by whose policie and knighthode the Persians were vanquished the Uandales subdued Afrike recouered againe to the empire many triumphant victories atchieued on the Gothes in his later daies was constreigned to begge his bread from dore to dore and lastli as a miserable begger ended his life For Iustinian the emperor for a light cause and smal trifle bereft him of his sight and sent him in exyle Germanus a Romaine capitaine in a battayle on the sea vanquished a great multitude of the Hunnes and againe on the land vtterly subdued the remnant Iohn the .59 Pope .12 yeres .11 monethes Anni regum britannie 17 Iustinus the seconde The yere of the worlde 4529 The yere of Christ 568 after the death of Iustinian ob●teined the imperiall crowne A man surprised with pride contempning pouertee and most cruelly murdered the nobilitee In auarice his desire was so vnsaciate that he caused yron chestes to be prepared in the whiche he might locke vp that treasure that by vniust exactions he had extorted of the people He fell also into the heresye of Pelagian and not long after was bereft of his wittes and so ended his life when he hadde reigned .xi. yeres Sigibert duke of Austracie hauinge ayde of his brother Chilberich warred vpon the Suitzers and theym vanquished Conwall was ordeyned kinge of Scottes and reigned x. yeres He was a man of great deuocion and gaue muche to churches He made many lawes concerninge the libertee of priestes In his time S. Colme of Irelande and Mungo
or euil but that Pipine cōtinued as maister of the palace and gouerned the realme vnder him Uireza the sonne of Aegipsa reigned amonge the Gothes in Spaine .ix. yeres He was a man of euyll and naughtie disposicion For he cruellye put out the eies of Theodobert the son of Recensuindus which was right heyre to the crowne and sent him in exyle but he by the prouidence of god maried a wyfe on the whiche he begotte Roderike whiche afterwarde by the healpe of Pelagius banisshed this Uitiza and succeded in the kyngedome Uitiza kinge of Spaine Anni regum saxo 11 a man outragiously geuen to filthie pleasures The yere of Christ 696 publisshed that it should be lawfull to all priestes to kepe as many concubines as they listed The yere of the worlde 4657 Iustinian the emperour for certayne displeasure sent Zacharias maister of his chiualry to bring to him Sergius the Romaine byshop But the souldiours being as than at Rauenna withstode the emperours commaundement and defended the bishop Leo a senatour of Constantinople by the endeuour of Gallinicus the patriarke The yere of the worlde 4658 The yere of Christ 697 deposed Iustinian Anni regum saxo 12 cuttinge of his nose sente him in exile to Chersona This Leon reigned .iii. yeres Abdimelech king of Sarasenes yet ones againe inuaded Afrike Anni regum saxo 13 and was driuen backe by Iohn maister of the emperours chiualry The yere of the worlde 4659 The yere of Christ 698 Amberkeleth a cruel tyranne reigned in Scotland .ii yeres and was slaine by one of his seruaūtes as he was going with an army against the Pictes The souldiours beynge in Afrike through the great slouth and negligēce of Leo The yere of the worlde 4661 The yere of Christ 7000 Anni regum saxo 15 aduaunced one Ab●●●arus to the empyre● who spedde him in all hast to Constantinople against Leo whom he toke cutting of his nose caste him in prison and reygned after him in Constantinople Eugenius the .vii. was king of Scottes ●8 yeres He was myghtye of bodye and honeste maners he made peace with the Pictes and caused the actes of his auncestours to be put in writing commaunded historiographers to be founde of the common cost Theophilact was ordeined the .xiii. lieuetenaunt of Italy At whose cōming the people more ●nclined to the gouernaunce of the bishop of Rome than of the emperour In so much that the souldiours would haue slaine their depu●tee had not meanes of quietnesse bene intreated For what cause this hapned I cannot say except it were for the cowardise and great negligence of the emperour of Constantinople whiche semed in maner to neglecte the gouernaunce of Italy Iohn the .vi. of that name and a Greke borne pope .iii. yeres Anni regum saxo 16 The Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4662 The yere of Christ 701 perceiuing to be discorde betwene the Italians and theyr lieutenant inuaded Campaine and toke certaine citees But by the intercession and rich giftes of Iohn the .vi. pope he was quieted and restored againe the captiues at whiche tyme the pope began first to wreast to them the gouernaunce of Italy Costa the brother of Roderike was kinge of Spaine .v. yeres .vii monethes Anni regum saxo 17 Iustinian fledde from Chersona where he was in banishement to the kinge of Bauarie The yere of the worlde 4663 The yere of Christ 702 of whom he was gentily receiued at his comming but after beinge corrupted with money he woulde haue betrayed him to Absimarus the emperour Wherof when Iustinian hadde knowlage he fled to the king of Bulgares ▪ called Trebellio Anni regum saxo 19 The Aegipcians about this time forsoke the empyre of the Grecians The yere of the worlde 4665 The yere of Christ 704 and chose to theym a kinge of their owne whiche was called Caliph Arithbert kinge of Lumbardes gaue a great parte of the Alpes to Iohn the pope in the name of sainct Peter wherof beganne first the great possession of the pope Sisimus pope onely .20 daies and after him Constantinus .vii. yeres Pipine maister of the palaice The yere of the worlde 4667 The yere of Christ 720 vnder Childebert kynge of Fraunce Anni regum saxo 21 atchieued many noble victories against the Germaines dwellinge beyonde the riuer Rhine Iustinian by the healpe of the Bulgares was restored againe to his empire after whiche time he shewed wonderfull extreme crueltee towarde his aduersaries and their alies for so often as he meued his hand to wipe of the filthe from his nose whiche was cut of he commanded one of his enemies to be put to death Roderike reigned .iii. yeres in Spaine whose naughtie and vncleane life was cause that the Sarasens brake into Spaine and expelled out the Gothes For Iustinian because Rodarike had rauished his daughter priuily entised the Sarasens to come out of Afrike into Spayne of whom Roderike was slaine in battaile Colrodus kinge of middle Englande Anni regum saxo 24 warred againste Iew king of west Saxones The yere of the worlde 4670 The yere of Christ 709 in whiche warre thei spedde so vnhappely that it was harde to know whether of both had more domage or hurt Pipine of Fraunce departed out of this life and lefte for his heyre Charles surnamed Martellus begotten of his concubine Alpayde The yere of the worlde 4671 The yere of Christ 710 Asprande the Lumbarde Anni regum saxo 25 whiche was ouercomen in battayle of Arithbert trusting to the ayde of the Bauares entred Italye and mette with Arithbert and hys armie nie to Ticinum where he hadde of him the vpper hande Arithbert in the flighte was drowned in a ryuer After whom Asprand by the whole consent of the Lumbardes was made king and the third moneth after died leuing for his heyre his sonne Leuthprande which after his father gouerned the Lumbardes The Sarasens dwelling in Libya obteined the possession of all Afrike and from thens by the intisement of Iustinian sayled Sintopain from whens thei expelled the Gothes slew their kinge and subdued to them well nere all that countrey at whiche time Spaine first obeied to the Sarasens whiche they deuided into diuers kingdomes the first at Corduba an other at Hispalis and the thirde at newe Carthage After whiche forme thei helde that countreyvntill the time of Ferdinande the .iii. why the droue theim out of a great parte of theyr dominion The christians that remained gathering together in As●ucia and Bis●ay chose one called Pelagius to theyr king whiche reigned amonge them .xx. yeres makyng often warre vpon the Sarasens He was no more called kinge of Gothes but king of Castise and Legio Iohn of Beuerley died in britaine Anni regum saxo 26 The yere of the worlde 4672 The yere of Christ 711 Iustinian the emperour Anni regum saxo 27 goinge about to subuerte and destroye the cite of Pont ▪ called Chersona The yere of the worlde 4673 The yere of Christ 712 was vanquished in battail and
clothing and lastly espied to be the sonne of Dagobert and by consent of Charles admitted to be king Charles hearinge of the rebellion of the Suenes assembled an host and them subdued whyche thynge beynge done he retourned his power against an other people of the Almaines whom in like maner he brought into subiection The yere of the worlde 4689 Leo the emperour Anni regum saxo 44 commaunded al ymages to be taken out of the churches of Constantinople The yere of Christ 728 and to be burned and put to death them that would not obey Eudon Duke of Gascoine rebelled against the kinge of Fraunce Wherfore Charles maister of the palaice sped him into Gascoyn wher he gaue to Eudo so sharpe battaile that he was faine to hide him in vnknowē and secrete places of his countrey The yere of the worlde 4690 The yere of Christ 729 Cuthbert was kinge of weast Saxones in Englande Anni regum saxo 45 This man made often warre vpon Ethelwalde of Mertia and spedde therin diuersly In his time appeared .ii. blasinge sterres castinge as it were brenninge brandes towarde the North. When Eudo duke of Gascoyne perceyued that he alone could not withstande the power of Charles The yere of the worlde 4691 The yere of Christ 730 Anni regum saxo 46 he excited the Sarasens that were in Spaine to inuade the countrei of Charles which perced Fraunce with an exceding host of people and toke the cit●es Burdeaux and Poiters with other where thei shewed extreme cruelty Charles in this passe time was reconsiled vnto Duke Eudo at Towers mette with the Sarasens where he bare him so knightlye that he slewe of the Paganes by the accord of al writers .385000 and od and of the frēch men were slaine a thousand and .v. hundred onelye Leo made his sonne Constantine folow with him in the empyre Phafilla kinge of Spayne reigned .ii. yeres and was slaine and deuoured of a beare as he was in hunting Anni regum saxo 47 The Burgoines rebelled The yere of the worlde 4692 The yere of Christ 731 and made sharpe war vpon the Frenchemen whose furie was appeased by the man hode of Charles and they brought vnder subiection Anni regum saxo 48 After the death of Eudo The yere of the worlde 4693 The yere of Christ 732 Charles passed the ryuer of Leyr and conquered Burdeaux subdued to him Gascoyne and set that prouince in good order Edfine the sonne of Eugenius the .7 reigned in Scotlande .xxx. yeares This man was giuen to iustice and peace and kept the league that was made with the Brytains Englishemen and pictes Charles leuied a subsidie of the spiritualt●e to mainteyne him against the enemies of Fraunce For whiche cause the priestes were sore greeued feigned after hys death that for that deede a certaine bishop saw his soule in great tourmentes Alphons surnamed Catholicus reigned in Spaine .19 yeeres Gregorie of Rome assembled a synode of the bishops of Italie Anni regum saxo 50 in whyche was decreed The yere of the worlde 4695 The yere of Christ 734 that images shoulde with great reuerence be styll kept in the churches The holy man Beda which for his learning and godly life was renoumed in al the world ended his last day Athimus and Amorteus kinges of Sarasens Anni regum saxo 51 The Sarasens accompanied with the wisigothes inuaded Gallia Narbonensis The yere of the worlde 4696 The yere of Christ 735 and by treason toke the cytees Auignon and Narbone Against whom Charles acquieted him so knightly that he recouered the cit●●s cha●ed is enemies slew their chiefe capitaine Amorteus Ciuile warres among the Lumbardes Anni regum saxo 52 Alphons king of Spaine The yere of the worlde 4697 The yere of Christ 736 which toke in mariage Ornosuba the syster of Phafilla his predicessour vtterlye rooted oute of his realme the heresie of Arrius whyche was renewed after the death of Rychardus For which cause he was called Catholicus He recouered also dyuers townes and expelled the Garrisons of the Moores and Sarasins Anni regum saxo 53 Charles by the ayde of Lyuthbrand The yere of the worlde 4698 The yere of Christ 737 king of Lumberdie chased the Sarasens whiche had taken the citee of Orliaunce and droue theym cleane out of the landes of Fraunce by the terrour of his name The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 737 Transemunde a duke of Lumbardie Anni regum saxo 53 rebelled against the kinge Whom Leuthbrand with great puissance vāquished in battaile and broughte in subiection all that was vnder the gouernaunce of the said Transemunde whiche after the discomfiture fled to Rome Wherfore the king Leuthbrande sent to the pope and the people requiring that eyther he would send to him the traitour or els put him to death whiche bothe thinges beinge denied he with his armie certaine dayes besieged the cit●e of Rome But when he perceiud that he therby profited nothing he left the siege and assailed and toke diuers citees belonging to the Romaines For which citees such warre and debate was after betwene the Romains and the Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4699 The yere of Christ 738 Anni regum saxo 54 that Leuthbrande againe besieged the citee so fiercely that the pope desired ayde of Charles of Fraunce who by his friendly persuasions withdrewe Leuthbrande and his godfather from the siege and set the Romaines at libertee At whiche time the defence of the Romaines and Italy was firste translated from the emperour of Constantinople to the frenchmen Charles Martellus of Fraunce ended his life leuing after him iii. sonnes that is Charlemaine to whome he bequethed Austracie Sueuia ▪ Almaine and Thuring Pipine to whom he left Francia to Griffone the youngest he gaue litle or nothing Zacharias beinge ordeined pope Anni regum saxo 58 made league with Leuthbrande the Lumbarde The yere of the worlde 4705 The yere of Christ 742 by composicion whereof were restored the .iiii. citees that were taken frome the Romains And moreouer the king of Lumbardes gaue diuers cities and places of Itali to the pope in the name of S. Peter Childebert after his brother Theodorich reigned in Fraunce This man was of a more quiete nature than was meete for the gouernance of so troublous a realme wherfore he vsed the helpe of Charlemaine and Pipine to appeace and quiet the furie of his enemies The yere of the worlde 4704 The yere of Christ 743 Constantine the sonne of Leo Anni regum saxo 59 succeded his father in the empyre of Constantinople and reigned .xxxv. yeres Lyuthbrand of Lumbardie finished his last daye and lefte as kinge his sonne Hildebrande whom the Lumbardes immediatly deposed and in his place chose a noble man called Rachisius Miramomelinus about this time was kinge of the Moores Gormo of Denmarke Seyta of the Hunnes in Hungarie Charlemaine subdued the Saxones and toke of them one Theodorich in waye of hostage The emperour Constantine with a great
yelde to the Frenche kinge .300 good horses in waye of tribute Offa kinge of Mertia in Britaine buylded the churche of Wichcom The yere of the worlde 721 The yere of Christ 760 and the abbey of S. Albones Anni regum saxo 76 He chased also the Britaines or Welshemen into wales and made a famous Dike betweene wales the vtter boundes of Mertia whiche is nowe called Offedike The yere of Christ 761 Pipine made warre against Gayfer duke of Guyan because he required a tribute of the priestes or spirituall l andes within his Duchie The yere of the worlde 4722 The yere of Christ 77 This warre was troublous to Pipine and continued longe Eugenius the .viii. was kinge of Scottes and was slaine of his lordes for his auarice filthy luste and crueltee when he had reigned .iii. yeres Thelesius kinge of Bulgary inuading Thracia was put to flight of the emperour The yere of the worlde 4724 The yere of Christ 763 Anni regum saxo 79 and chaset into his countrey where for that misfortune he was slaine of his own people Sabinus was king of Bulgarie who agreed to the emperour in abrogacion of the images For which cause he was shortly after depriued of all kinglye dignitee of hys subiectes and fledde to Constantinople And after him was Paganus made king of Bulgarie Aurelius by treason murdered his brother Phroill Anni regum saxo 80 and obteined the kingedome of Spaine The yere of the worlde 4725 The yere of Christ 764 and reigned syxe yeres To the entent he might shewe the indignacion of the people he toke for his heire by adopcion the sonne of his brother named Ueremunde Fergus the .iii. was made kinge of Scotlande and reigned .iii. yeeres He was a foule dronken glutton and so outragiouslye geuen to harlottes that he neglected his owne wife and brought her to such penuri ▪ that she was faine to serue other noble women for hir liuinge Wherfore she murdered him in his bedde and after slewe her selfe also Anni regum saxo 83 Great discencion and tumultie was in Rome The yere of the worlde 4728 The yere of Christ 767 for the election of theyr pope For a noble man of the Lumbardes had by force aduanced his brother Constātine to the bishoprike being but a laye persone and not within orders whom the Romains after deposed and disanulled whatsoeuer was by him decreed Guian after longe warre was subdued to the signory of Fraunce by Pipine which shortly after ended his life Carolomanus and Charles surnamed the great begā theyr dominion ioinctly ouer the Frenchemen Anni regum saxo 84 The yere of the worlde 4729 The yere of Christ 768 Charlemaine had to his porcion middle Fraunce and Charles possessed Austracie with the other deale of Fraunce Solnathius reigned in Scotlande .xx. yeres and than died of the goute In his time rebelled B●nus of the yle of Tyre and Gillowham of Gallowaie whiche were brought to due obeisaunce Anni regum saxo 85 Desyderius king of Lumbardi The yere of the worlde 4730 The yere of Christ 769 cōminge to Rome vnder pretence of religion priuily rebuked one Paulus the emperours chamberlaine which abode as then in Rome for that he did not punishe the rebellious people nor endeuour to bring againe the gouernance of Italye frō the pope to the empire By whose woordes Paulus beinge stered put to death and cast in prison diuers whiche fauoured the partes of the Frenchemen and the pope and beganne to take vpon him in the emperours behalfe To quiete this trouble Stephene the thirde sente for ayde to Charles of Fraunce For the popes of Rome when any thinge was done contrary to their minde which they coulde not amend with theyr manasinges vsed to complaine to the French kinges desire succour of them by whose power maintenance thei in processe wer made lordes of the world and subdued to theyr beckes al other princes Hunildis whom Pipine had made ruler of Guyan rebelled against kinge Charles whom Charles subdued and vpon faithful promise of his good abbering restored him to the gouernaunce of Guyan Sillo driuing awaye Ueremunde possessed the kingdome of Spaine .vi. yeres He toke to wife Egimanda the widow of Aurelius Charlemaine the brother Charles dyed whose wyfe Bercha with her sonnes The yere of the worlde 4732 The yere of Christ 771 Anni regum saxo 87 fledde to Desiderius the Lumbarde Charles beganne his warres against the Saxones whiche continued the space of .xxx. yeres The yere of the worlde 4733 The yere of Christ 772 Anni regum saxo 88 Constantine the emperour setting forthe an nauye of ii thousande shippes against the Bulgares by a wonderful tempest lost a great part of them Desiderius king of Lumbardes besieged Rauenna and with sword and fire wasted the countrei about And when he had taken diuers citees and townes belōginge to the pope he toke his iourney towarde Rome When Adrian pope perceiued that his threatning of excommunicacion coulde not stoppe the rage of Desiderius The yere of the worlde 4734 The yere of Christ 773 he desyred helpe of Charles Anni regum saxo 89 whose comming into Italy feared so muche the Lumbardes that Spoletium and diuers other citees by meane of ambassade yelded and swore to be true to pope Adrian Charles after he had discomfited the Lumbardes in diuers battailes entred Rome where he was receiued with great pompe and made perpetuall league with the pope confirminge the giftes that his father Pipine had graunted and restored what so euer was taken awaye by the Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4735 Charles when he had conquered Pauie and Millaine did sette frenchemen to be rulers therein The yere of Christ 774 Anni regum saxo 90 and banished Desiderius with his wife Lyones Here endeth the kingdome of the Lumbardes and Italy in the popes dominion The Saxones inuaded the Frenchmen Charles vanquished chased and slew the Saxons in diuers conflictes and stronge battailes Anni regum saxo 91 Charles ones againe ouercame the Saxones The yere of the worlde 4736 The yere of Christ 775 and toke them to mercie Anni regum saxo 92 The yere of the worlde 4737 The yere of Christ 776 To subdue certaine rebelles Charles retourned into Italy toke the citee Foriulium obteined Taruisium beheaded Rotgandus Constantine the emperour going against the Bulgares forced them to aske peace whiche when they shortly after brake and rebelled he manfullye vanquished and subdued them and retourninge to Constantinople tryumphed Mauregatus the sonne of Alphons Catholicus by his concubine after the death of Sillo by the ayd of the Moores obteined the kingdome of Spaine and reigned .iii. yeres Anni regum saxo 93 The Sarasens inbabiting the boundes of Aquitaine desyred ayde of Charles against theyr owne kinge The yere of the worlde 4738 The yere of Christ 777 At that time reigned in Spaine .iii. kinges of the Sarasens Charles gathering a great power went toward Spain where he toke and destroied the cites
hym by the Italians Anni regum Angli 14 and depriued him as well of his regallye as of his syght Charles kinge of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4976 The yere of Christ 915 by the manhod of his knightes recouered to the lordshyp the prouince of Lorayne Anni regum Angli 15 The hungares wasted the countrey of Almaine Ordonius reigned in Spayne .v. yeres Anni regum Angli 17 Elfleda pryncesse of Mertya The yere of the worlde 4878 The yere of Christ 917 whyche hadde tamed the Welsshemen and in dyuers battayles chased the Danes ended hir lyfe After whose deathe Edwarde helde that prouince in his owne hande The Hungares leuynge Almayne came into Lorayne The yere of Christ 918 and the countrey annexed therunto Anni regum Angli 18 The yere of the worlde 4879 whyche they spoyled without mercye At Nottyngham two kynges that is to saye The yere of the worlde 4880 The yere of Christ 919 of Scotlande and of Wales Anni regum Angli 19 yelded theym to kynge Edwarde of Englande and chose hym for theyr chyefe lorde and soueraygne Chunrade the emperoure gaue place to nature and by his brother Euerharde sent the imperiall insygnes to Henrye Duke of Saxone ▪ and hym appoincted to be emperour Anni regum Angli 20 Henrye the fyrste was proclamed emperour The yere of the worlde 4881 The yere of Christ 920 Thys man was of greate vertue wysedome and sobrenesse and for hys woorthynesse in armes marueylously praysed at his election repined Arnolde Duke of Bauarye whom with wise counsayle and gentyll exhortacion he appeased This Henrye was the fyrste emperour of the Saxones and was neuer crowned of the Romaine byshoppe neither had the dominion of Italye Anni regum Angli 11 In Spayne Santius surnamed the grosse The yere of the worlde 4882 The yere of Christ was kynge xi yeeres He was so wonderfull fatte of bodye that he was neuer in healthe Wherfore to healpe he yode to Abdemarus kynge of Sarasens whyche in the science of phisike was verye expert In the meane season Ordonius by treason vsurped the crowne But Santius by h●alp of the Sarasens recouered hys kyngdome and punisshed the rebelles The yere of the worlde 4883 The yere of Christ 922 Roberte Duke of Guyan Anni regum Angli 22 and brother of E●do laste king of France contrarye his trouth and allegiance ceased certayne cities and holdes of the inherytance of kynge Charles and was by him vanquyshed and slayne Henry emperour of Germaine ouercame the Hungares The yere of the worlde 4884 The yere of Christ 923 The Sarasens of Afryke inuaded and robbed the countrey of Calabre and Poyle Anni regum Angli 23 possessed dyuers cyties of the Romayns and the prouince of Boneuente and consulted betwene theim selfe of the vtter destruction and deuastacion of Rome whom Iohn the .x. beynge than byshoppe by the healpe of Romanus the emperoure of Grece and Laudolphe Duke of Boneuent as witnesseth Lyuthbert put to flyghte and slewe of theim a great noumbre But Blondus referreth the occasyon of thys inuasyon of the Sarasens to Romanus and the Duke of Boneuent and affirmeth thys victorye to be atchyued by Albericus Erle of Hetruria After the death of Rollo Duke of Normandye succeded hys sonne William whiche was of great auctorytye amonge the Frenchemen The yere of the worlde 4885 The yere of Christ 924 Charles kyng of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 24 retournynge from the victorye which he had obteined against Robert Duke of Guyan by treason was taken cast in prison and lately slaine by Heberte Erle of Uermend●ys and brother in lawe to the sayed Duke of Guyan Henrye emperour of Germanye made league wyth the Hungares and shortly after recouered from the Frenche men the prouince of Loraine Rodolphe Duke of Burgoyne prouoked of the Italyans entred Italy and ouercame Beringarius whom he depriued of all kingly auctoritye and reygned as kyng of Italie .iii. yeres ADelstane after the death of Edwarde hys father beganne his reigne in Englande He was a prince of woorthie memorye valiant and wyse in all hys actes Anni regum Angli 1 and broughte thys lande to one Monarchie The yere of the worlde 4886 The yere of Christ 925 For he expelled vtterly the Danes subdued the Scottes and quieted the Welsshemen Flaunders by treason murdered Beringarius of Italy For whyche cause the .iii. daye after he was slayne of a souldiour of Beringarius named Milo Anni regum Angli 2 Symeon kynge of Burgares wyth dyuers inuasaons The yere of the worlde 4886 The yere of Christ 926 vexed sore the Grecyans whose furye to appeare Romanus the emperoure gaue the doughter of his son Christofer in maryage to Peter the son of Symeon and by the aliance was with him at peace Salarde Duke of the Hungares brake into Italy and destroied with fyre the cytie Pau●e Burcharde Duke of Swa●e whiche came to ayde Raulffe kyng of Italye was slaine at Millaine For whyche cause Raulffe left Italye and retourned into France After whom Hugo Duke of Dorleance was proclaymed kinge of Italye Constantine kinge of Scottes rebelled and disquieted with often inuasions the costes of England and beynge ouercomen and made subiecte to Abelstane swore to be his lege man Whyche thynge dyuers kynges of Scotlande after hym in lyke maner perfourmed But of thys homage dooynge the Scottyshe cronicle maketh no mencion Algina wyfe of Charles the symple hearynge of the murder of hir housbande and mistrustynge the Frenchemen fled secretely wyth hir sonne Lewys into England to hir brother Adelstane Raulffe Duke of Burgoyne after the departynge of Algina and hir son Anni regum Angli 3 by agreement of the lordes of France The yere of the worlde 4888 The yere of Christ 927 was ordeyned kyng and reygned after some writers .xii. yeres but more verely .ii. yeres Uuido Marqueo of Tuschia imprysoned Iohn byshop of Rome Anni regum Angli 4 and commaunded him to be beheaded The yere of the worlde 4889 The yere of Christ Henrye emperour of Germanye subdued the Sclau●●es and toke the cytye Brenneburgh He made tributarie to hym the people of Dalmacye and vanquysshed the Bohemes Ethylstane or Athelstane kynge of Englande after the death of Sytheryus kinge of the Danes in Northumberlande ceased that prouynce into hys owne handes and put out of possessyon his sonne whyche fledde to Constantyne kynge of Scottes The yere of Christ 929 Lewys ▪ the sonne of Charles the simple Anni regum Angli 5 after the deathe of Raulffe The yere of the worlde 4890 was desyred of the nobles to retourne out of Englande with his mother Elgina and toke possession of the kingedome of Fraunce wherin he reygned .27 yeares Ethylstane of Englande gaue hys daughter Edyth to Otho soonne of Henrye whyche Otho was afterwarde emperour Leo the .vi. byshoppe of Rome .vii. monethes And after hym Stephene the seconde .ii yeres The yere of Christ 931 The people called Redarii rebelled and refused the dominion of Henrye the
and vnrulye persons For his expertnesse in feates of armes he was muche commended wherby he quieted and kepte in dewe obeysaunce the Northumbers and Scortes and exyled the Danes Agapitus the second bishop of Rome .ix. yeres Henry the brother of Otho the emperoure beynge besieged at Mersburge submitted him selfe to his brother· of whome he was pardoned and after the deathe of Berthold duke of Bayon was aduāced to the sayde Duchie Henry duke ofBayon or Bauarye The yere of the worlde 4908 The yere of Christ 947 looke the citee Aquileia at Iustinoples chased and slewe the Hungares Anni regum Angli 2 Beringarius which aforetime fledde into Swaue retourned with an armye into Italye at which time the Italyans forsoke their king Hugh and by communication concluded that Lothayre the sonne of Hughe shoulde be named king with Beringarius But the chiefe auctoritee remained with Beringarius whiche ruled with greate auarice and tyrannye Taxis kynge of the Hungares entred Italie pretendyng great crueltee The yere of the worlde 4909 The yere of Christ 948 Anni regum Angli 3 but by the praiers and riche gyftes of Beringarius he returned into his countrey withoute doyng any further harme Harolde kyng of Denmarke beyng expelled his kyngdome by his sonne Swenon The yere of the worlde 4910 The yere of Christ 1949 Anni regum Angli 4 was excited of hys kinsmen the Normains to set vppon the countrey of Fraunce and so toke Lewys the kynge prisoner whom afterwarde he restored to the Frenchemen and set Rycharde in possession of his fathers Duch●e of Normandie which was nowe of age to take charge thereof and maried the doughter of Hugh Legraunte Erle of Paris whiche mariage was cause of more trouble betweene the Normains and kynge Lewys whome Otho also the Emperoure ayded in hys warres But yet notwithstandynge the Normains had alway the vpper hande Otho ledde an armie against Boizlai king of Bohome Anni regum Angli 5 and hym besieged in Newe citee The yere of the worlde 4911 The yere of Christ 950 where Boizlai not able to susteyne the power of Otho yelded and beynge reconsiled to the emperoure continued his true subiecte The yere of Christ Otho after the death of hys fyrste wyfe Anni regum Angli 6 at Pauie in Italie toke in mariage a noble woman The yere of the worlde 4912 called Adhelhayde late wyfe of Lothayre the sonne of Hugh and kynge of Italie whiche woman was suppressed with shamefull iniuryes by Beringarius who with all tyranny greued the Lumbardes and other Italians Beringarius fearing the mighte and puisance of Otho submitted hym with all his power became hys subiecte Lyndolphus the sonne of Otho Anni regum Angli 7 findynge hym selfe greued with the foresaied mariages The yere of the worlde 4913 The yere of Christ 952 gathered to him a greate power agaynste hys father so that eche of them greued other with cruell warre vntyll at length Lyndolphus was reconsyled to hys father notwithstandynge he had at dyuers metynges shewed hym selfe veraye dysobedient and stubburne The Hungares wasted the countrei of France and Uormana The yere of the worlde 4915 The yere of Christ 954 with swoorde and fyre Anni regum Angli 9 EDwine succeded his vncle Eldrede in the kyngdome of Englande of whome is lefte no honest memorye for one heinous acte by hym committed in the beginnyng of his reigne Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4916 The yere of Christ 955 In the selfe daye of his coronacion he sodeinly withdrewe hym selfe from hys lordes and in the sight of certaine persons rauyshed his owne kinswoman the wyfe of a noble man of hys realme and afterwarde slew hir husbande that he myght haue the vnlawfull vse of hir beautye for whiche acte and banisshynge of Dunstone he became odyble to hys subiectes and of the Northumbers and people of middle Englād that rose agaynst hym was depryued of his regallie whan he had reigned iiii yeres Otho Emperoure of Almayne nere to the ryuer called Lech with greate power and manhode put to flyghte the Hungares And shortly after vanquisshed the Sclaumes Anni regum Angli 2 Lothayre the sonne of Lewys begotten on Goberga the emperours syster The yere of the worlde 4917 The yere of Christ succeded his father in the kingdome of France reigned .30 yeres This Lothayre had muche trouble with the Normayns a longe season because he endeuoured by false vnfaithfull meanes to betraie Duke Richarde But he by the healpe of the Danes in such wise compassed his mattiers and so muche endamaged the lād of Fraunce that Lothayre was glad to be reconsiled and make recompence for all iniuryes by hym doen to the said Rycharde Iohn the .xii. was bishop of Rome .ix. yeres Anni regum Angli 3 Ueremunde was proclaimed kinge of Spaine and reigned .vii. yeares he by the healpe of Ferdinande The yere of the worlde 4918 The yere of Christ 957 Erle of Castile warred against Almanzor kyng of Sarasens and at the fyrst encounter obteyned of hym the victorre But after the Sarasen repayrynge hys armye chased Ueremunde scatered hys hoste and destroyed the churche of Compostella In the thirde battayle Ueremunde vanquyshed the Sarasens and putte theim to greate domage and losse of men Anni regum Angli 4 At this tyme appeared the figure of crosses in the garmentes of dyuers men The yere of the worlde 4919 The yere of Christ 558 EDgare brother of Edwine begā hys reigne in Englande He was a prince of worthye memorye for his manifolde vertues greatly renowmed so excellent in iustice and sharpe correction of vyces The yere of the worlde 959 The yere of Christ 4920 Anni regum Angli 1 as well in hys magistrates as other subiectes that neuer before hys dayes was vsed lesse felonie by robbers or extorcion or bryberye by false officers He chastised also the greate negligence couetousnesse vicious liuyng of the clergie and brought theim to a better order Of stature he was litt●ll but of mynde valiant and hardye and verye experte in marcyall polycie He prepared a greate nauye of shyppes whiche he dysposed in .iii. partes of his Realme and had souldyours alwaye preste and redye against the incursions of forayne and straunge enemyes Ludwallus prynce of Wales paied to him yerelye in waye of tribute .300 woulffes By meane whereof within .iiii. yere in Englande and Wales myght scantlye befounde one woulffe This Edgare in hys flourisshynge youth was somedeale giuen to the lust of the flesshe whiche he afterwarde greuously repented Indulph reigned in Scotlande .ix. yeres He kept peace with the Englyshemen andvanqushysed the Danes that inuaded his realme The yere of Christ 4922 Nicephorus emperour of Constātinople Anni regum Angli 3 The yere of the worlde 961 Otho the younger was ordeined and anoyncted kyng of Wormacia A noble man called En●cus Erle of Bigorre deliuered the prouince of Spayne called Nauarre from the dominion of the Sarasens and was theriore named the
feates of armes of all men moste ignoraunt His crueltie made him odious to his subiectes and his cowardise encouraged straunge enemyes to inuade his kingdome By meanes whereof this lande was sore afflicted with warre famine and pestilence In his time decayed the noble king●dome of Englande and became tributary to the Danes Lothayre kinge of France inuaded Lorayne and spoyled the countrey nere to Aquisgrane At whych tyme Otho the emperour was so sodaynly by him distressed that hardly he escaped the daunger who shortlye after assembled a stronge armye and recouered the prouynce of Lorayne Wherfore Lothayre returned to Paris ▪ whom Otho pursued entred the lande of Fraunce and burnt and destroyed the countrey about Parys But in his returne as he passed the ryuer Axona he was greatlye endamaged ▪ bothe by the vyolence of the water and also by the Frenchemen whiche set vpon his rear●warde and slewe ma●● of his souldiours The emperours of Greece coming with an army into Italye The yere of the worlde 4940 The yere of Christ 979 destroyed Math●ra conquered the citye ●arum Anni regum Angli 2 and slew the citizyns thereof After whiche time the countrey of P●●l and Calabre by agremente was restored againe to them The yere of the worlde 4941 The yere of Christ 908 Otho the emperour goinge towarde Italy Anni regum Angli in his iourney inuaded Sclauonie and Dalmacie and with greate praye and riches came to Rome The Danes arriued in sundry places of Englande as in the I le of Thenet in Cornwall and Suffer 〈◊〉 after many domages by them done and ryche giftes receyued of the kinge they retourned into their owne countrey Otho the emperour entendinge to subdue the countrey of Puel and Calabre to the Romayne empire The yere of the worlde 4942 The yere of Christ 981 Anni regum Angli 4 ledde an army agaynst the emperours of Greece At whiche tyme his hoste was discomfyted ▪ and he hym selfe taken as he fled in a litel fisher bote of certayne Pyrates and caryed into Sicilie From whens when he was after delyuered he tourned all his wrathe vppon the people of Boneuente which in the foresayde battayle trayterously forsoke him and were chiefe cause of that discōfiture whose citee he toke spoyled and destroyed Otho the .iii. of that name Anni regum Angli 7 after the death of his father by the consent of the nobles of Germanye The yere of the worlde 4945 The yere of Christ 984 was admitted emperour beinge but a childe and reygned .xiiii yeres notwithstandinge the malyce of Henry duke of Bauarie and other which a certayne space repined Iohn the .xv. and his successour Iohn the .xvi. byshop of Rome for theyr crueltie and wickednesse were sla●ne of the Romaines The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 985 Crescentius Anni regum Angli 8 vnder the name of consull toke on hym the gouernaunce of the citee of Rome Lewys the .vi. and last kyng of the pr●ge●●● of Pipine was made kyng of France and reigned as some wryte iii. yeres ●ut more verely one yere The yere of the worlde 4948 The yere of Christ 987 Anni regum Angli 10 Hugh the sonne of Robert The yere of the worlde 4949 The yere of Christ 988 who descended of Hugh Legraunt Erle of Paris Anni regum Angli 11 vsurped the crowne of Fraunce Charles Duke of Loraine the sonne of Lothayre The yere of the worlde 4950 The yere of Christ 989 and vncle to Lewys the laste kynge Anni regum Angli 12 as moste rightfull heyre made clayme to the crowne of Fraunce But at the citee Laone by the treason of the bishop Auseline he with hys wyfe was geuen into the handes of theyr enemies whiche sent him to Orliaunce there safely to be kept The Danes p●rced this lande in so manye places that the kyng Etheldrede was to seke Anni regum Angli 13 The yere of the worlde 4951 The yere of Christ 990 to whiche cost he should fyrst goe to withstande his enemies In conclusyon for auoyding of further danger he was campelled to appeace theim with great summes of money But whan the money was spente they felt to newe robbyngs and than the kynge gaue to theim more money but they ceassed not to spo●le the lande and lastly besieged London Elfri●●s ▪ a●mirall of Englande tra●●rouslye fledde to the Danes and after beynge reconsyled fled to theim the seconde tyme. Wh●le this persecution continued in England by meane of a bishop named El●h●gus a peace was concluded at whiche time as Polidore 〈◊〉 the kynge made his lande tributarie to the Danes the payment wherof from the summe of .x. thousande poundes in fewe yeres was raysed to .50 thousande The blo●●dye fluxe the burnyng feuer with dyuers other maledies 〈◊〉 the people throughout al England Anni regum Angli 16 Otho the emperour comyng to Rome was receyued of Crescentius and the other Romaynes The yere of the worlde 4954 The yere of Christ 993 with greate obeysaunce Anni regum Angli 18 Otho ordeyned Gregorye the .v. bishop of Rome The yere of the worlde 4956 The yere of Christ which was a Saxone borne UUhan Otho was yet scarcely departed out of Italye Crescentius and the Romains findyng theim selfe greeued with the election of Gregorye expelled him out of the citee and chose in hys place Iohn the .xvii. a Grecian and a man excedyng riche Crescentius foreseing trouble and warre to be at hand repa●red and fortified the walles and gates of the cytee The yere of Christ 996 The emperour re●●urned againe into Italie and besieged the citee of Rome The yere of the worlde 4957 Crescentius and the newe byshop Anni regum Angli fled for theyr sauegarde into the mounte Adrian From whens they were by strenght taken and Crescentius put to death and Iohn the bishop bereft of his sight Gregorye was agayne aucthorysed byshop who by the consente and counsayle of Otho ordeyned the princes of Germayne electours of the emperour whiche order and maner is kept to this day Richarde the second of that name was ordeined Duke of Normandie who for his manlinesse policie in warre was greatly praysed ●●●eldrede kynge of Englande toke to wyfe Emma she syster of Rycharde Duke of Normandye The yere of the worlde 4959 The yere of Christ 998 Anni regum Angli 21 whiche for hir beautie was called the flower of Normandie Roberte the sonne of Hugh Capet Anni regum Angli 22 begane hys reigne ouer the land of France This was a vertuous man and cunning in many sciences The yere of the worlde 4960 The yere of Christ 999 muche geuen to study and fauoured well good letters He made dyuers ●y●●nes sequences and respondes and builded many churches and castels In the beginnynge of hys reigne by the ayde of Rycharde Duke of Normandye he r●●ored Erle Bowcharde to his castel of M●●ion The yere of Christ 1000 Stephene was made the fyrste kynge of Hungary Anni regum Angli and reigned ●9
of Rome and Lewys the Frenche kyng was restored to his bishoprike and not longe after by certaine gentilm● was slayne the faulte whereof was iniustly laied to the kynge Saladine kyng of the Turkes adnexed to his signory Aegypt and Sury The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1172 He was a man of great puisance Anni regum Angli 18 and a mightie and stronge warriour whiche wrought much cathe to the Christians ¶ Baldwine the .iiii. was the .vii. kyng of Hierusalem Kyng Henrie of England sent ambassade to Alexāder bishoppe of Rome ▪ to purge hym of the false accusaciō of the death of Thomas Becket Amonge other thinges it was enioigned him in his penaunce that it shuld be lawful to his subiectes as often as theim listed to appeale to the sea of Rome and that no man shuld be accounted as kyng vntil suche tyme as he were confyrmed by the Romayne bishop Wherby it manyfestly appeareth that the byshops of Rome in all theyr doynges endeuour only to haue princes and kingdomes subiecte to theyr becke but this his iniunction was at no tyme fulfilled of the kynge of England Bela the .iii. and sonne of Stephene kyng of Hungary reigned .xviii. yeres He beynge not troubled with externall hostilytee gaue hym selfe to peace quyetnesse and iustice Kyng Henrie subdued Irelande and adnexed the same to his kyngdome Peter a bishoppe of Lumbardie wrate the boke of the Sentences The yere of the worlde 5134 The yere of Christ 1173 Friderich the emperour entred into Italy with a huge host the .v. time Anni regum Angli 19 Lewys king of France sent an Erle of his in Asia with a great summe of money whiche he had leuied of the beneuolence of the people to susteine the Christians beyng in warre against the Turkes Thomas Becket was canonised by the bishop of Rome Baldwine king of Ierusalem nere to Ascalon vanquished Saladine the Turke and in like maner at the second encounter about Tiberiadi● Anni regum Angli 20 The yere of the worlde 5135 The yere of Christ 1174 Anni regum Angli 21 The people of Millaine with their confederates The yere of the worlde 5136 The yere of Christ 1175 encountring the emperour in Italy obteined of him a bluddie victorye Henrie the sonne of king Henrie of Englande was crowned the secounde time with his wife Margaret the French kinges doughter Ema●n ll emperour of Grece inuaded Silicia and wss ouerthrowen and chased of the Turkes King Henrie the sonne by the exciting of the kinge of Fraunce Alinour his mother and certaine other nobles toke armes and arrered deadly warre againste his naturall father Anni regum Angli 22 Diuers stronge battayles were foughten The yere of the worlde 5137 The yere of Christ 1176 as well in Englande by the deputies and friendes of bothe partes as also in Normandie Pottew Guyan and Britaine where they were corporallie present but the victorie enclined alwaye to the father There tooke parte against king Henrie the father Lewys king of Fraunce William kinge of Scotlande Henrie Geffrey Iohn his owne sonnes Robert erle of Leceister Hugh of Chester and other but in the ende the sonnes with their alies were constreined to bende to their fathers will and desire peace whiche he gentlye graunted and forgaue their trespasse Wylliam kyng of Scottes in this warre was taken and yelded for his ranesome the citee of Carlell the castell of Bamburgh the new castell vpon Tine ▪ and swore for euer to be true to the kinge And as wel he as his successours to do their homage as oftē as it shulde bee required The Scottishe historie reciteth an other cause of this warre of William agaynst Kinge Henrye and sayeth he was taken in the .1174 yere of our lord Friderich the emperour after the disc●mfiture taken at Comum made peace with his aduersaries and came to Uenice to the bishop of Rome where he so humiled hī selfe that he suffered the bishoppe to treade vpon him at which time was songe the verse of the hsalter super aspidem et basiliscum ambulabis ▪ conculcabis leonem et draconem And when Friderich sayed that he did not that obeysaunce to Alexander but to Peter he answerer bothe to me and peter Of this outragious pride what is to be iudged euery mā may esteme But this is vndoubted that he stered such mortall and cruell warres as we haue before shewed without anye iust cause onelye so his pryuate election and woulde obey neyther to counsayle nor auctoritee nor yet condescende to any attonement Yea and desides this with vnestimable pryde ●yo conculcate and treade vnder fete the highest power of prynces which god commaunded with great reuerence to be obeyed Bishop Alexander coming to Rome made peace with the citisins on this condicion that their consulles should not be admitted vntill they had sworne to be obediente to him and to enterprise nothing wherby the power of the Romaine bishop might be diminished The yere of the worlde 5139 The yere of Christ 1178 In Englande fell great weathering Anni regum Angli 24 tempest of thundre and lightning in midwinter in sommer folowinge fell hayle of such greatnesse that it slewe bothe man and beast Gilbert of Gallaway rebelled in Scotlande he was chased by Gilchrist and driuen into Irelande not longe after this Gilchrist was banished for killinge his wyfe the kinge s syster stealing after agayne into Scotland liued a poore life a longe tyme vntill by great chance he was receiued to the kinges mercie The yere of the worlde 5240 Philyp the sonne of Lewis king of Fraunce after the decease of his father The yere of Christ 1179 Anni regum Angli 25 toke on him the gouernaunce of the realme which he gouerned well and noblie .xliii. yeares At the beginning he expelled the Iewes out of his lande At this time were many Iewes in England which against the feast of Easter did vse to crucify yong children in despite of Christian religion The yere of the worlde 5241 The yere of Christ 1180 Alexius being but a very childe was ordeyned emperour of Constantinople after the death of his father by whom he was committed to the tuicion of a noble man called Andronicus who first vsed him selfe towarhe the yonge emperour as a good tutour after as a felow with him in the empyre and lastlye as a shamefull trayteur murdered him when he had reigned iii-yeares Lucius the .172 byshoppe of Rome .iiii. yeres who endeuouring to pull downe agayne the gouernaunce of the consulles was driuen out of the citee and fledde to Uerona Anni regum Angli 27 The yere of the worlde 5142 The yere of Christ 1181 Anni regum Angli 28 Henrie the eldest sonne of king Henrie of England The yere of the worlde 5143 The yere of Christ 1182 ended his life Shortlye after beganne the warre betwene king Henrie and Philip of Fraunce for homage that the Frenche king required to be done for the landes of Poytow and other and
for the castell of Gisours Kynge Philip of Fraunce warred vpon the Duke of Burgoyne Anni regum Angli 29 for the castell of Uerginde The yere of the worlde 5144 The yere of Christ 1183 Andronicus after he had murdered Alexiu● toke on him the imperiall crowne and reigned .ii. yeres Baldwine the v. being but a childe was proclaimed king of Hierusalem Saladine kinge of Turkes inuaded and spoyled the countrey about Ierusalem and broughte much trouble to the Christians William kinge of Sicilie The yere of the worlde 5145 The yere of Christ 1184 for certane iniuries done to the Latines Anni regum Angli 30 ledde a huge armie both by water and by lande against the emperour of Constantinople and toke the citee Thessalonica of Macedone and subdued manye citees of Thrace and Grece to his obeisaunce Guydo toke on him the kingdome of Ierusalem ▪ for the which was great contencion betweene him and the Erle of Tripolis named Raimunde which discord gaue occasion to Saladine the Turke more cruelly to assaute the Christians in Asia Heraclius Patriarke of Ierusalem whiche had bene in diuers partes of Europe Anni regum Angli 31 came to king Henrie The yere of the worlde 5146 The yere of Christ 1185 desyring him of ayde against the Turkes Isacius vanquished put to death Andronicus emperour of Constantinople and reygned there .xvi. yeres Urbane the .iii. bishop of Rome .ii. yeres Friderich emperour of Germanie ordeined his sonne Henrie gouernour of the citees of Italie In England the Iewes crucified a childe in the towne of Burie Anni regum Angli The yere of the worlde 5147 The yere of Christ The Sarasens were chased and sleine at the citee An●●●e Saladine the Turke besieged Tiberiadis slewe the Christians toke prisoners king Guydo and the maysters of the templates He receyued by agreement the citee Ascalone and possessed Ladirea Then he wente to Ierusalem and conquered againe the citee .92 yeares after it was taken by the Christians In the meane time the people of Antioch chased slewe the Turkes in great numbre ¶ Here endeth the kingdome of Ierusalem The citee of Antioch was geuen vp to Saladine by the Patriarke for a great summe of money The yere of the worlde 5148 The yere of Christ 1187 Anni regum Angli 33 Gregorie the .viii. bishop of Rome .57 dayes and after him Clement the .iii. three yeres .v. monethes Richard erle of Poytow made warre againste kynge Henrie of Englande his father The yere of the worlde 5149 The yere of Christ 1188 Anni regum Angli 34 and takinge parte with the French king wanne from him diuers citees townes and castels and namely the citee of Ci●omanna For sorow wherof shortly king Henrie ended his life About this time the Uenecians bought the ile of Cret● or Cādy of one Boniface surnamed Monti Ferratensis The yere of Christ 1189 RYcharde the first of that name for his valiant and lustie courage The yere of the worlde 5150 Anni regum Angli 1 surnamed Cor de Lyon the second sonne of Henrie was crowned king of Englande and reigned xi yeares .ix. monethes .xx. dayes He was bigge of stature and hadde a merye countenaunce in the which appeared as wel a pleasaunte gentlenesse as a noble and princely maiestee to his souldiours he was fauourable bountifull to his friendes straungers a greuous enemie and harde to be pleased desirous of warre and abhorring idlenesse He inclined somewhat to pryde lecherie and auarice but mooste of all he is to be blamed because he semed to be impious toward his father The Londoners obteined .ii. officers to guyde theyr citee whiche were called bailiffes Great preparacion was made for the recouerie of Ierusalem and to ayde the christians in Asia by Friderich emperour of Almayne Rycharde kynge of Englande Philip of Fraunce Oddo Duke of Burgoyne the Uenecians Pisones William king of Sicilie and other The Frisones Danes and Flemminges with sword and fire destroied the sea costes of Afrike and Mauritania belonging to the Sarasens Friderich the emperoure after he had subdued the lesse Armonie and conquered diuers citees of Asia by misfortune was drowned in the riuer Selephius Phillip kyng of Fraunce and Richarde of Englande The yere of the worlde 5151 The yere of Christ 1190 went forwarde in theyr iourney toward Hierusalem Henrye the .vi. and sonne of Friderich was ordeyned emperour of Almayne Anni regum Angli 2 The bishop of Coloine and other bishops with the princes of Burgoyne rebelled Alphons the .viii. surnamed the good recouered hys fathers kyngdome of Spayne and reigned .53 yeres He take to wyfe Elenoure the daughter of kynge Henrye of England lately disceased Kynge Rycharde in his iourney towarde Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 5152 The yere of Christ subdued the Iland of Cipres Anni regum Angli 3 and than iuigning his puisaunce with the Frenche kyng in Asia conquered Acon where was kenled betwene kynge Rycharde and Philip kynge of France a greuous dyspleasure For whiche cause Phillip shortly after departed thens and comynge into Fraunce inuaded the countrey of Normandye and excited also Iohn the brother of kynge Rycharde to take on him the kingdome of Englād in his brothers absence Celestine the .iii of that name byshop of Rome .vi. yeres .viii. monethes The bishop of Rome gaue Constance the doughter of Wylliam kyng of Sicilie to Henrie the emperoure by whiche meanes Sicilye became subiecte to hym Aboute this tyme the emperour was occupied in warre in Puel Saphandinus expellyng his kinsmen was made soule daie of Aegypt Kynge Rycharde of Englande restored to the Christyans the citee of Ioppe and in manye battayles put the Turkes to great sorow Warre betwene the citees of Uenice and Pise Wylliam bishop of Elie to whom kyng Rychard had committed the gouernaunce of England The yere of the worlde 5153 The yere of Christ 1192 practised much crueltee and vsed to ryde with a thousande horses wherby he greeued the places 〈◊〉 the whiche he soiourned Kynge Rycharde exchanged Cypres with Guye of Lesingham for the kyngdome of Hierusalem Wherfore the kyng of Englande a longe tyme after was called kynge of Hierusalem Kyng Rycharde hauyng knowlage that Philip of Fraunce inuaded Normandye and that Iohn his brother by hys counsayle aspired to hys kyngdome made peace with the Turkes for .iii. yeares The yere of the worlde 5154 The yere of Christ 1193 Anni regum Angli 5 and with a smal company retournyng whomward by Thrace traiterouslye was taken prisoner by the Duke of Austrige and brought to Henry the emperour ther kept in streit pryson a yere and .v. monethes where it is sayed that he slew a lyon and toke out his hert Emericus kynge of Hungary reigned viii yeres The yere of the worlde 5155 The yere of Christ 1194 Kynge Rycharde paiynge hys raunsome of .100000 poundes was deliuered 〈◊〉 retournyng to hys countrey Anni regum Angli 6 made sharpe warre vppon the Frenche kinge and Iohn his brother at whiche time was
of Christ 1253 Alexander the .iiii. was bishop of Rome .vii. yeres He was so muche occupied in mainteining the ciuile warres betweenes the Guelphes and Gybelynes that he sent abrode preachers to steere men agaynst the Gibelines to the great disturbance of all Italie He excommunicated also Manfrede the sonne of Frideryche Nayles yelded to the bishoppe The Gibelines were driuen out of their countrey The Florentines vanquysshed the Pisanes and subdued Uolate●ra The yere of the worlde 5215 The yere of Christ 1254 Manfrede founde meanes Anni regum Angli 37 that he was proclamed and crowned king of Sicilie The yere of the worlde 5216 The yere of Christ 1255 Alphons kynge of Castile gaue Elenour his daughter in mariage to prince Edwarde Anni regum Angli 38 the sonne of kyng Henry of Englande to whom hys father gaue the principate of UUales and gouernance of Gulan and Irelād UUherof began first that the kinges of England ordeined theyr eldest sonnes princes of UUales Alphons the .ix. and sonne of Ferdynande was kynge of Castile .xxviii. yeres About this time certaine noble mē of the hous of Cumminges rebelled against the kyng in Scotland and held him in prison a certaine time Uariaunce betwene the electours of Germanie for the emperour The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1256 parte named Alphons kynge of Castile Anni regum Angli parte Rycharde the brother of kynge Henrye of Englande but because neither of theim was receiued by the whole empyre the imperial auctoritee was counted ●oide the space of .xvii. yeres The king of Scottes 〈◊〉 his quene came into Englād Dyuers lordes of Almaine came into Englande and did homage to syr Rycharde Erle of Cornwall and the kinges brother who vpon ascencion day after was crowned kyng of Romaines at Aquisgrane Anni regum Angli 40 The yere of the worlde 5218 The yere of Christ by the bishoppe of Coloine and other of his friendes King Henry went into UUales to subdue Lewline whiche with his UUelshemen rebelled against hym and hys sonne prince Edwarde Albertus Magnus Thomas Aquine Bonauenture and Peter Hispanus were famous Anni regum Angli 41 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Great variaunce betwene kynge Henrye and the Londyners in so muche that the Maior Aldermen and shyriffes were depriued of theyr offices and the gouernance of the citee committed to certayne persones of the kynges appoynting The secte of S. Augustines armites began For so much as kyng Henry had promised oftentimes the restitucion of certaine aunciēt lawes and ordināces whiche were more easie and commodyous to his people and by his longe delaye brought nothing to effect the lordes of England began to murmure and grudge against hym wherfore to appeace theyr malyce he helde a parliament at Oxenforde whiche was after called the madde parliament because manye thynges were therin enacted againste the kynges prerogatiue whiche proued after to the confusion of the realme and death of manye noble men For the confyrmaciō of these actes were chosen .xii. pieres called Douze pieres ▪ whiche had auctoritee to correcte the breakers of theyr ordynaunces These pieres transposed and altered many thynges according to theyr owne pleasure greatly to the discontentynge of the kynges mynd and disquieting of the whole realme as in the Englishe histories doeth appeare Rycharde the kynges brother returned out of Almaine into England Anni regum Angli 42 The yere of the worlde 5220 The yere of Christ Manfrede fortified the citee of Sen●s with a great garrison against the bishoppe of Rome Ecelinus whiche fauoured the Gibelines vanquyshed the byshoppes armie and toke his legate Brixia was geuen vp to Ec●linus Deadly warre betwene the Uenecians and Genoways for the possession of a church in the citee of Ptolomais in Ph●nicia Guye duke of Florentia The yere of the worlde 5221 The yere of Christ The Florentines fauouring the part of the Gnelphes went part of them to Luke part to Bononi Anni regum Angli 43 and forsoke their owne citee whiche shortlye after beinge inhabyted with a few indifferent persons was brought in the subiection of Manfrede and the Gi●elines and fortified with their fa●●ours This facion of Guelphes and Gibelines continued in Italie almost to our time Michael Paleolo●us a noble man of Grece depriued William of his principate of Achaia and by the helpe of the Genowais nauie toke Constantinople slew Baldwine the emperour put to deathe the son of Theodorus Uattaris and vsurped the imperiall auctoritee .xxxv. yeres The Uenecians ouercame the Genowais at Ptolomais and toke .xxiiii. of their ships and galleis King Henrie of England fearing some rebellion of his nobles went into Fraunce and there concluded a final peace on this condicion that Normandye Angeowe and Cenomanna shuld euer after be in the possession of the frenchemen and the king of England to haue Guyan and that Lewis should geue to king Henrie for hys expenses in warre .150000 crownes and for yearelye tribute a .100000 after which peace fynyshed the kynge retourned into England De●dly warre betwene the bishop of Argentine and the citisyns wherein the bishoppe him selfe fought manfully like a valiant champion All the countrey of Hetrucia was brought vnder the subiection of Manfrede and the Guelphes expelled Anni regum Angli 44 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1261 About this time mortal warre was reared betwene Alphons king of Castile and Richarde the kinges brother of Englande because they bothe affected the empire of Germanie Alphons suspectinge the treason of his two brethren Henrie and Friderich expelled them out of his reelme of the which the tone fled into Affrike the tother into France entending to excite the people of bothe those nacions to inuade Castile Urbane the fourth was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres He first ordeyned the feast of Corpus Christi with great plōtie of pardone Anni regum Angli 45 King Henrie of England pulished at Ponles crosse the bishop of Romes absolucion for him and all his that were sworne to mainteyn the articles made in the parliament holden at Oxenforde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1262 for which cause the Barones of Englande beganne to vtter their malice whiche they had long before conceiued agaynst the kinge and caused an insurrection that continued .iii. yeres The Barones of England armed them agaynst theyr kinge Anni regum Angli 46 The yere of the worlde 5224 The yere of Christ and al this yere houered about London and other places without any notable act of rebellion sauing that they robbed and spoyled alianes and certaine other persones whom they knewe to be agaynst theyr purpose Urbane bishop of Rome obteined of the Frenche kynge that his brother Charles the earle of Angeowe and pr●●ince might come into Italy with an army against Māfrede where the saide Charles was proclaimed kinge of Sicilie and Naples by whiche meanes that kyngedome came first to the Frenchmen This yere was an exceading dearth in Scotland wherof A●ho
Rome The Swizers vanquished the Thuricenses in battaile and vsed towarde them so extreme rage and crueltie that in the same place wher they obteyned the vyctory great bankettes and seastes were by theim made in the which they vsed the dead corses of the aduersarys in stede of stoles and tables yea and more ouer opening their bodies dranke their bloud tore their hartes with their teeth The counsaile of Laterane was indicted Lewys Patriarke of Aqu●leia The yere of the worlde 5405 The yere of Christ 1444 began first to kepe dogges and horses Anni regum Angli 22 Charles of Fraunce by the counsaile of Eugenius the byishop of Rome sēt his sonne the Dolphine with a gret company against the Switzees and them of the coūsaile of Basile where the blouddy victour with rauine sword and fyre destroyed all the countrey of Alsatia after whiche time the counsaile of Basile by lyttle little was dyssouled the Frenchmen in their return were vanquished chased slaine lightned of great pray by the Slesstattines Kyng Henrye the .vi. by the aduise and procuremente of the Erle of Suffolke ▪ The yere of the worlde 5406 The yere of Christ 1445 Anni regum Angli 23 toke to wyfe Margaret the kynges daughter of Sicile and refused the doughter of the Erle of Armynake wyth whom he made his firste contracte whyche thynge was cause of muche myserye and trouble in England as first the losynge of Normandye the diuision of the lordes within the realme the rebellion of the commynaltye against the prince and fynallye the king deposed and the quene with the prince faine to flee the realme Henry Chechley byshop of Canturbury dyed who in his lyfe time builded two houses for studentes in the vniuersitie of Oxenford called Alsolne college and Bernard college The Hungaryans by menes of the byshoppe of Rome contrary to the othe and leagu made before with Ammurates arrered new war against the Turkes in the whiche Uladislaus and Iulian the byshoppes legate nere to Uarna were vanquyshed chased and fayne with great losse of Christian bloude At Basila in lyke maner Iohn Huniades of Hungarye was ouerthrowen and Peloponesus brought in subiection to the Turkes After the death of Uladislaus the Hungaryans wyth one consent agreed to haue to their king Ladislaus the young sonne of Albert and ordeined Iohn Huniades to be protectour of the realme Eugenius byshop of Rome made war vpon Sfortia a famous capitaine of Italy and toke from him P●●●num whiche before he had geuen to his possession and gouernaunce The warre was renewed againe bytwene the Uenecians and Myllanours The yere of the worlde 5407 The yere of Christ 1446 The Uenecians and Florētines Anni regum Angli 24 bytwene Cremona Tantu● vanquisshed the souldyours of Duke Phylyp and ouer●ode the countrey euen the suburbes of Myllaine George Poggeobratius gouernour of Boheme Anni regum Angli 5 Humfrey Duke of Gloucester The yere of the worlde 5408 The yere of Christ 1447 and protectour of England by the meanes of certaine malicious persons was steared cast in holde and strangled to death in the Abbey of Bury to the great displeasure and grudge of the commons which suspected the Marques of Suffolke of that cruell deede This Duke Humfrey for hys honorable and l●berall demeanour and good rule that he kept this realme in was called the good Duke of Gloucester William Wanflet a man of great deuocion wisedome and ●ustice was made byshop of Winchester and chācelour of Englande This man to the furtherance of letters and he●lpe of studious younge men erected the famous colege of Mar● Magdalene in Oxenford to whō I knowl●de my selfe to be greatly bounden for so much as that small learning that god hath sent me I haue obteined by his benefite and the ayde and sustināce of that worshipfull house Philyp Duke of Myllayne pased his debte to nature whose deth notwithstandyng the warre against the Uenecians styll continued for Sfortia which had forsaken the Uenecians warred vpon them in the quarell of M●llaine Nicolas the .v. byshop of Rome .viii. yeres Alphons kinge of Arragone and Naples made warre against the Florentines Francisce Sfortia discomfited the Uenecians in a gret ●at● le nere to Caranaz●um Anni regum Angli 26 The yere of the worlde 5409 The yere of Christ 1448 and shortly after beyng reconsiled to their amitie made so sharpe warre vppon the Myllanours that he subdued their citie to his obeisance Constantinus emperour of Constantinople Amadeus which was made byshop of Rome by the ordinance of the counsa●le of Basile through menes made by bishop Nicolas was compelled of the emperour Friderich to resigne his papacy Anni regum Angli 27 The yere of the worlde 5410 The yere of Christ 1449 and gaue place to the saied Nicolas and so the schisme was fynyshed that had continued .viii. or .ix. yeres Mahomete and sonne of Ammurates was emperoure of the Turkes he wrought much hurte to the Christ●ās The Marques of Suffolke was banyshed the lande for the space of .v. yeres to apeace the murmure and grudge of the commons of Englande The yere of the worlde 5411 The yere of Christ 1450 Anni regum Angli 28 for the death of the Duke of Gloucester In ●a●lyng towarde Fraunce he was met on the sea by a shippe of warre and ther presently beheaded by the capitaine called Nicolas Tower and the dead cor●es cast vp at Douer The commons of ●ent for grudge that thei bare to certaine noble men nere about the king as well for the geuing vp of the Duchy of Angeo● and Maine to the king of Sicilie as for diuers iniuris and oppressions that the pore people had suffered raised a great commocion and on black heath 〈◊〉 the leadyng of Iacke Kade ouerthrew the Erle of Stafforde hauing with him a good company of souldyers Than after they came to London where after thei had put to death the lorde Say with other and committed diuers robberies and cruel deedes their company was disperkled euerie man to his home and theyr capitaine taken and put to death and after that iust exe●ucion dooen vpon many of the rebelles by the king and his officers The byshop of Salesburye was murdered by the commons of the wea st country The Uenecians made peace with Alphons king of Naples and greed to make warre against Sfortia Duke of M●llaine with whom they were againe fallen at varya●nce because he wolde not stande to the peace made betwene theim and Millaine Charles of Frāce recouered againe Rhoan and diuers other townes of Normandy and Fraunce This was the yere of Iubiley of Rome The whole Duchie of Normandy was yelded vp to the Frenchmen by menes of the Quene The yere of the worlde 5412 The yere of Christ 1451 Anni regum Angli 29 the Duke of Sommerset and other of her counsaile whiche thinge caused so muche trouble and debate in Englande that mortall warre therof ensued Friderich the emperour with his wife Elenour
tyll both parties were werie and so parted At Windsore were thre men burned An armie sent ouer by kinge Henrie of which sir Iohn Wallop captayne of Guines was generall sir Thomas Seimour high marshal Sir Robert Bowes treasourer sir George Carew Thomas Palmer Iohn Rainesforth Iohn Saint Iohn and Iohn Gascoyne knyghtes capitaines of the footemen sir Richard Cromwell capitayne of the horsemen who departed from Calais the .xxii. of Iulie London was sore vexed with the plague for whyche cause the kynge with all the nobilitie kepte theym frome thens and the terme also was adiourned to S. Albones where it b●ganne the xii●i of Nouember Doctour London deane of Osenay with William Simons for periury rode with papers at Windsor and after were sent to the Flete About Alhalowtyde a roade was made into Scotlande by the garrison there who burned .60 villages and toke great praies bothe of men and beastes In France sir George Carow sir Thomas Palmer were taken prisoners in the pursuite of the frenchemen when they fledde from their campe The siege of Landersey was broken vp vppon hope to haue foughte with the Frenche Kynge who came with a mighty army promysyng 〈◊〉 his heraldes to haue gyuen bataile but he entended not●ing lesse For whan he h●d vitailed Laundersa● the nyght before he shoulde haue fought he fled with all his power In Nouember the Englishmen men that wer sies were made felonie The bishoprike of Chester and the I le of Man was seuered from the bishop of Canturburie to the iurisdyction of Yorke The ladie Katherine Haward whom the kyng had maryed for hir vncha●te liuyng and naughtie actes committed with Thomas Culpeper of the priuye chamber and Francis Dereham was by auctoritee of parlyament atteinted and putte to death in Februarie with whom also died Iane ladye Rochforde as preuie vnto all her deedes Lorde Wylliam Hawarde and his wyfe with dyuers other were condemned to perpetuall prison for misprisyon of highe treason but afterwarde by the kynges pardon they were delyuered A mayde was boyled for poysonynge dyuers persones within the citee of London The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1542 In Mate kyng Henry toke a loane of money of al suche as were aboue the value of fiftie p●unde Anni regum Angli 34 The great Onele a lor● of the wylde Irish with other submitted them to kynge Henrie The commissioners sente to the ●orders of Scotlande to determine the debate of the confines were fayne to departe because the Scottes woulde agree to no reasonable demaundes The Scottes the fourth of Iulie beganne to inuade the borders spoylyng and burnynge as it hadde been in open warre for which cause a garrison was sent t●ither Then the Scottes after theyr false maner pretended peace and amitee with earnest suite for the same and neuerthelesse in the meane tyme spoyled the borders with sodeine ●orreis and incursyons In reuengement wherof sir Robert Bowes made a rode into Scotlande where he with other were taken without putting to ransome Than the kynge sent the Duke of Northfolke thither with an army royal But at Yorke by the craftie dissimulacion of the kynge of Scottes who sent ambassadours to intreate for peace the armye was stayed and after longe consultacion with m●che tyme spent the Scottes woulde condescende to no indifferent condicions Wherfore the Duke wente forewarde and entred Scotlande burnyng and wastynge all the marches and there taryed wythout any battaile profered by the kynge of Scottes vntill the myddes of Nouember and so returned This sommer by the procurement of the French kyng the Duke of Cleue rebelled against the emperoure and a greate noumber of Cleueners and Gelder●ys with one Martine of Rossein the capytayne came downe to Antwarpe and lay before the towne trustyng to gette it with the healp● of a great noumber of traytours whiche were within but by the wysedome of the gouernours it was preserued and the traitours within beyng tried out were woorthily punisshed throughe whiche theyr enemies departed disapoincted of their purpose The French king prepared greatly for the warres fortifiyng all partes of hys realme and wente with a greate army to besiege Pampi●●●● a strong towne in the entrie of Spayne wherby he myght haue passage into Nauern but he nothing preuayled the towne w●s ●o wel kepte After the departure of our armye from S●●tl●n●● the kynge of Scottes to be reuenged priuilye ass●●●led a stronge armie purposyng to take Carl●le a●d destroy all the weast Marches whiche he thought to be but w●ake because all the power and prouision of the Englisshem●n laye in the east marches aboute Barwyke Therefore he sent the lorde Maxwell warden of hys weast marches who knew the countrey well with the Erles of Cassiles and Glencarn and dyuers of his priuye chambre to conducte this armye But by the prowes and wysedome of sir Thomas Warton and sir Wyllyam Mu●graue with a ryght few of the borderers beyng in all not aboue two thousand these Scottes were mette vpon S. Katherines euen where by greate power of God they being in number betwene .15000 and .18000 and well prouyded for the warres were ouerthrowen In whiche conflict was taken the lord Maxwell the Erles of Glencarn and Cassiles with all the chiefe captaynes of the armye and on S. Thomas euen the apostell they were brought to London to the Tower where they lay that night and the next daye folowyng they were by the kynges charge apparayled al in silke and rode through the citee to Westminster The winter was very sharp and much frost and snow fell so that many beastes dyed for colde The kyng began great buildyng at Calais Guisnes A subsidie graunted to the kyng of .xii. d. of the pounde of goodes and .ii. s̄ of landes The courtes of the fyrst fruites wardes wer erected Egerton and Harman were put to deathe for counterfaityng the kynges great seale Alexander Seton Scotte and William Tolwine priestes were constreigned to recant openly at Paules crosse The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1541 Anni regum Angli 33 The countesse of Salesbury for treason that she wrought against the kyng through the persuasion of the traitour Raynolde Poole hir soonne was beheaded within the tower The same daye also were executed at Tyburne three whiche had begunne a new rebellyon in the North partes but by the pollicie 〈◊〉 counsaile ther they wer quickly apprehended Two of the garde were hanged at Grenewiche by the courte the kynges grace beyng there for robberies whyche they had committed about blacke heath The .xxviii. daye of Iuly were hanged at S. Thomas Watryng Mantill Roydon and Froudes gentylmen for a spoyle and murder that they had doone in one of the kinges parkes vpon Maie mornynge the lorde Dacres of the South beyng in company with theim And on the morowe whiche was S. Peters daye the lorde Dacres was ledde from the tower a fote by the two shiriftes thorough the citie to Tyburne and there putte to execution for the ●ame offence
administration of cōmon praier and the sacramentes in the Englishe tonge And furder thattaynder of Iohn Duke of Northumberlande was by thys parlyamente confyrmed In this meane whyle many men were forward in the erectyng of Altars and masses in Churches And suche as woulde stycke to the lawes made in Kynge Edwardes tyme tyll other sholde be established were some of them marked and some presently apprehended amonge whome Sir Iames Hales a knight of Kent and iustice of the common place was one Whoe not withstandinge he had ventred hys lyfe in quene Maries cause in that he wold not subscribe to the disheritinge of her by the kinges will yet for that he dyd at a quarter sessions geue charge vpon the statutes made in the time of Hēry theight Edward the vi for supremacie Religiō he was imprisoned in the Martialsy Counter Flete so cruelly hādled so put in feare by talke that the warde of the Flete vsed to haue in his hering of torments that wer in preparing for heretikes that he sought to rid himself out of this life by woūding himself with ● knife And afterward was content to say as they willed him wher vpō he was discharged But neuer quieted in conscience tyll he had drowned him selfe in a ryuer halfe a myle from his house in Kent About the .xviii. of October ther was at Poules churche in Lōdon a disputatiō appointed by the quenes cōmandement about the presēce of Christ in the sacramēt of the altare as thei call it This disputatiō cōtinued .vi. daies wherin doctor Weston was chief on the popes part who behaued himself outragiously in tantyng checking In cōclusion such as disputed on the contrary part wer driuen some to flee some to denie some to dye though to the moste mens iudgementes that herde the disputation they had the vpper hand About th end of October one Michael Seruetus a spaniard was put to deathe at Geneua for denying the eternall deitie of Christ Iesus At this tyme died Iames Sturmiꝰ at Strawsborow a man of excellēt lerning vertu of the age of .lxiii. yeres In Nouember the archbyshop Cranmer notwithstādyng he had earnestly refused to subscribe to the kynges wyll in disher●tynge his syster Mary alledgynge many and pithy reasons for her legitimation was in the guild hall of London arrained and attainte of highe treason with the lady Iane and thre of the duke of Northhumberlands sonnes which al returned to the tower agayn In this meane whyle Cardinall Poole beynge sente for by quene Mary was by the Emperour requested to staie with hym to th entent as some thynke that his presence in Englande shoulde not be a lette to the mariage which he intended betwene Philip his sonne and quene Mary For the makyng whereof he sent a moste ample embassage with full power to make vp the mariage betwixt them Whiche toke suche successe that after they had commoned of the matter a fewe dayes they knytte vp the knotte This was doone aboute the begynnyng of Ianuary and was very euill taken of the people The yere of the worlde 5515 The yere of Christ 1554 Anni regum Angli 8 and of many of the nobilitie which cōspiryng among themselues made a rebellion wherof syr Thomas Wyat knyght was the chiefe and begynner Who being in Kent persuaded the people that the quene and the counsell wolde by foreyne mariages bryng vpon this realme moste miserable seruitude and establyshe popyshe religion Aboute the .xxv. of Ianuarye newes came to London of this sturre in Kent and shortely after of the Duke of Suffolke who was fled into Warwikeshire and Lei●e●●ershyre there to gather a power The quene therfore ●aused themb●th with Carewes of Deuonshire to bee proclaymed traitoures And sente into Kente agaynste Wyat Thomas duke of Norfolke who beynge forsaken of theym that went with hym escaped to London agayne with greate difficul●ie as he thought although no mā folowed him After the duke of Suffolke was sent the Earle of Huntyngdon in poste who entryng the citie of Couentrie before the duke disappoynted hym of his purpose Wherfore the duke in greate distresse committed hymselfe to the keepyng of a seruaunt of hi● owne in a park● who lyke a false traytoure bewrayed hym And so hee was brought vp to the tower of London In this mean while Peter Carewe hearyng of that was doone fledde into Fraunce but the other were taken and Wyat came towardes London in the begynnynge of February from whence themperors ambassadors sped thēselues away in hast al by water The quene heryng of Wyats cōmyng came into the citie to the Gylde hall wher she made a vehement Oration against Wyat declaringe that she neyther had nor wold consent to mary otherwise then shuld seme to the counsell to be for the wealth of the realme Wherefore she desyred them of the Citie to sticke to her in the suppressing of rebell●use traitours and desending her royall estate This done she appointed the Lord William Haward lieutenant of the Citie and the Erle of Penbroke generall of the field And lest any shuld escape out of the citie to Wiat she caused the drawbridge of London to be cut of and let fal into the riuer Temes In this mean while was Wyat commen into Southwarke And after two dayes there spent in vayne he departed to wards Kyngston where he passed the ryuer by force thinckynge to haue comen to London in good tyme but he was disappointed partly by breaking the cariage of his ordinaūc● and par●elye by wearinesse of the longe and foule iourney So that at his comminge to Charing crosse he was paste all hope of preuailinge And yet suffered to go quietly thorow the stretes to Ludgate and returning thens was resisted at Temple barre and there apprehended On the next day proclamation was made that no mā should in payne of death kepe any of the faction of Wiat in hi● house but forthwith brynge them oute notwithstanding that generall pardon was by the haralde declared at the apprehension of Wyat the daye before which was Ashewensedaye Then were ther gallowses and gibbetes erected in all parts of the Citie and suburbs of London to the nombre of .xx. or therabout and many capitayns souldyours of Wyats fac●ion hanged theron Which ga●lowses stode styl● in theyr places in the stretes tyll the beginning● of Iune folowyng when preparation began to be m●●e for receyuyng of Philip prince of Spayne The .xii. day of February was beheded the lady Iane and her husbande Gilforde Dudley two innocentes in comparison of them that sate in iudgement vpon them For they did but ignorantly accept that which the other had wittingly deuised to take frō others to giue to them The .xxi. of that moneth was Henry duke of Suffolke beheaded at the tower hill beynge condempned but .iiii. dayes before After this were condemned for this conspiracie many gentilmen and yeomen whereof some were executed at London and some in the countrey and in fine the
of his people and at last was murdered by Artabanus his president ¶ A sedicion in Rome for the lawe Agraria Before Britayne knovven 421 The mistocles distroiyng and driuing away the Barbariens reedified and wa led Athenes The yere of the worlde 3492 The yere before Christe 471 At the laste for al his benifites by hys vnnaturall countrey men he was banished and of force driuen to go vnto Xerxes his vtter ennemy who rereyued him honourably and wold haue sent him with an army againste the Atheniens but he chosyng rather to dye than to be vnfaithfull to Xerxes or els to destroy his countrey poisoned him selfe Sedicion and pestilence in the citee of Rome Urbinia a virgin Uestale for loosynge hir chastytee was buryed quicke Aristides of Athenes for his wisedome iustice and temperance was right noble and famous He not withstanding that the Atheniēs had exiled him without anye cause but onely for that he was counted to excell in iustice yet at his departyng he prayd to god that what so euer they desired it might come to good effect and cōclusion And when he was called againe from banishment he neuer remembred any olde displeasure in so muche that he alwaye honoured Themistocles with whom he had perpetuall contention in the wealepublike Of his temperance this was a great token that notwithstandynge he had bene in the greatest dygnytiee and offyces in the commō weale of Athenes yet dyed he so poore that he left not sufficient to burye hym worshypfullye And his daughters wer maried at the cōmon charge of the citee And to his son Lycimacus was giuē by the people one hūdred Minae whiche is of our money .239 poundes .xi. s. viii d. Unto this tyme Herodotus wrote his history The yere before Christe 469 Before Britayne knovven 419 ¶ Amilco capitaine of Cartage about this tyme The yere of the worlde 3494 after many victories bothe on lande and sea lost all his army by pestilence in Sicily Before Britayne knovven 417 Artabanus in hope to opteyne the empire slue Xerxes The yere of the worlde 3496 whome Artaxerxes to be reuenged of his fathers deathe with his sworde thrust him throughe the bodye The yere before Christe 467 whan he had reigned .vii. monethes Artaxerxes the seuenth emperour of Persia surnamed long hande reigned .xl. yeares ▪ his dominion was from the furthest parte of Inde vnto Aethiope ouer an .127 prouinces The yere of the worlde 3497 The yere before Christe 466 he embraced peace Before Britayne knovven 416 and therfore was beloued of his subiectes Artaxerxes made a great feast vnto his lordes be put away from hym the queene Uaschi The yere of the worlde 3499 The yere before Christe 464 Before Britayne knovven 414 because she refused to come to him and caused many maidens to be brought before hym amonge whom in place of Uasche he chose Hester Sicily was gouerned by the people Quintius builded in Rome the brothelhouses The Romanes mustered ī which there were found .124 214. heades of citesins A pestilence in Rome wherein the consules dyed Before Britayne knovven 412 The Uolscians besieged Rome The yere of the worlde 3501 The yere before Christe 462 The Romaynes tryumphed ouer the Uolscians with theyr alies The yere of the worlde 3502 The yere before Christe 461 Before Britayne knovven 411 In this battaile the name of Uolscians was almoste destroyed For there fell of them in discomfiture 10470. taken prisoners with .xiii. insignes .1250 Esdras by the licence of Artaxerxes came from Babylon to Hierusalem with .1775 Iewes The yere of the worlde 3503 The yere before Christe 460 Before Britayne knovven 410 to repaire the lawe and citee of god and to teache the people For he gathered and brought in order the bokes of holye scripture before scattered and destroied and inuented the hebre charectes whiche be vsed at this daye This yere also Hester began to reigne as queene Perdicas kyng of Macedon reigned .28 yeres Before Britayne knovven 409 The yere of the worlde 3504 The yere before Christe 459 The seruantes in Rome rebelled they toke the capital by their capitain Herdonius and slue Ualerius the cōsul The consules triumphed ouer the Uolscians Before Britayne knovven 408 the citee mustered The yere of the worlde 3505 The yere before Christe 458 in whiche there were 1●2419 citezens Quintius Cincinatus was chosen Dictatour frō the plough The yere of the worlde 3506 The yere before Christe 457 Before Britayne knovven 407 who wypyng awaye the duste and sweate from his face entred the citee and receiued that high auctoritee in whiche by his prowesse and wisedom he not only deliuerd the citee from the assaulte of theyr enemies but also vanquished theim After whiche vyctorye he surrendred his office and dignitee and repaired agayne to his husbandry whiche he diligently applied A sedicion The ten Tribunes or protectours of the cōminaltee were created ¶ A man persuaded Artaxerxes to cōmaunde all the Iewes to be slayne Before Britayne knovven The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 456 bicause Mardocheus wolde not doo reuerence vnto hym Before Britayne knovven 405 The yere of the worlde 3508 The yere before Christe 455 The king graūted and the commandement was sent foorth and whan it should be executed In the meane while Hester declared hir kynred and deliuered the whole nacion from that mischiefe A mā was hanged vppon the galowes whiche he had prepared for Mardocheus and the other was exalted into the kynges fauour who as Philo witnesseth liued .198 yeares Empedocles and Parmenides philosophiers of Athenes in this time flourished The fyrst in musike was notable the other sequestryng him selfe from al company on the moūtayn Caucasus deuised the science of logike Cratinus Plato comedie writers and Aristarchus maker of tragedies liued A dissencion in Rome for the lawe Agraria ¶ Neemias obteined licence of the kyng and queene Hester Before Britayne knovven 403 to fynyshe Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 3510 The yere before Christe 453 At this daye begynneth the computacion of the .70 wekes of Daniel euery weke cōteynyng seuen yere whiche fynished at the death of Tiberius after whom Gaius caused his ymage to be set in the temple vnder the name of great Iupiter ¶ Neemias with the helpe of Eliasib high priest sonne of Ioachim and Resa Mosolla son of Zorobabell with other princis of the people in .52 dayes fynysshed their worke And for feare of the inuasiōs of theyr ennemies thei helde theyr weapōs in one hand and wrought with the other The walles beyng builded Neemias cōmanded the people to assemble and recited vnto them the law and celebrated the feast of that moneth he gouerned the people .12 yeres and after retourned vnto the kynge as he promised Not long after he repaired agayne into Iurie where he wrate the boke of his owne gestes and quietly fynyshed his lyfe The Romaines had hytherto no certayne lawe to preserue common cōcorde and peace in their publike weale wherby contrauersies and dissencions