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A01802 A catalogue of the bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this island together with a briefe history of their liues and memorable actions, so neere as can be gathered out of antiquity. By F.G. subdeane of Exceter. Godwin, Francis, 1562-1633. 1601 (1601) STC 11937; ESTC S103158 367,400 560

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money in the conquest of Scotland he summoned a Parliament at Berwicke wherein when the Temporalty contributed liberally toward the charge of that warre the cleargy alleaging the foresaid canon would graunt no thing The king would not take this for payment And therefore presently he tooke order that all barnes of cleargy men should be locked vp he also made proclamation that from that time forward all cleargy men were excluded from vnder his protection so that hereafter it should be lawfull for any man to sue them but they might not commence sute against any other This constrained them to yéeld and all submitted themselues to allowance of such a proportion as the king liked it was a fift part of their reuenewes except onely the Archv. who would make no other answere vnto the king but this vnder God our vniuersall Lord saith he we haue two other Lords a spirituall Lord the Pope and a temporall Lord the king and though we be to obey both yet rather the spirituall Lord then the temporall When therefore he sawe all the rest inclined to yéeld vsing no other words then this Saluet 〈◊〉 animam suam he rose vp and suddenly departed For this contumacy the king caused all his goods to be seased into his hands and made shew of greater displeasure Shortly after notwithstanding being to make warre in Fraunce before his departure he thought good to receiue the Archbishop to fauour againe but this grace indured for a very little while Presently vpon his returne he laid diuers treasons to his charge as that he had dehorted his subjects in his absence from payment of their subsidies that he had conspired with diuers of his nobility to depriue him of his kingdome and to crowne his sonne Edward c. Whether the Archbishop were guilty of all the crimes obiected against him or no I cannot tell But certaine it is that as guilty he submitted himselfe to the kings mercy and besought him for the same in most humble manner or rather in déede deiected himselfe more basely and lamented his cause more passionately then became a man that were guiltlesse much lesse a prelate that would be esteemed graue learned or wise Notwithstanding this his submission the king commenced a complaint against him at Rome banished him the realme and seased vpon all his goods mooueable and vnmooueable forbidding all his subiects vpon great paine to foster him or yéeld him any manner of intertainment He was in that case he must haue starued for want of sustenance had not the monkes of Canterbury secretly taken him in and aduentured to yéeld him things necessary till they found meanes to shift him beyond sea which the king afterwards vnderstanding seased vpon all their goods and lands turned them all euen fowerscore monks a begging forbid all men to harbour them and kept them in that miserable state till after a certaine space he was content to restore them againe These were the violent courses were taken by Princes in those daies how happy are we that in all peace liberty and assurance quietly enioy our owne without great desert to the contrary Two yéeres the Archbishop continued in exile In which time the king Edward the first died and his sonne Edward the second that was to succeed thinking it conuenient belike at his first entrance to shew all examples of clemency called him home by letters and restored him to all his goods euen euery peny of that which had béene receiued of his temporalties in his absence Hereby it came to passe that he was the richest Archbishop of many that were either before or after him so that his trouble turned him to great good In regard whereof he was woont to say Nihil nocebit aduersitas vbi nulla iniquitas dominatur so often as he talked of his trouble and banishment He was no sooner come home but a new danger encountred him occasioned by his owne woonted boldnesse The yoong king by the counsell of Piers Gaueston a wanton and vicious man banished into Ireland by king Edward the first for corrupting his sonne had committed the Bishop of Couentry to ward at Yorke A conuocation being gathered the Archbishop would not suffer any matter to be debated in the house till the Bishop were set at liberty This the king was content to beare with all at that time afterward he so behaued himselfe as there neuer grew any dislike betwéene them So the rest of his age after his returne from banishment which was sixe yéeres he passed in quietnes and great prosperity and died at last at Oxford May 11. 1313. hauing béene Archbishop about the space of ninetéene yéeres He was a stout prelate and a seuere punisher of sinne He opposed himselfe against Piers Gaueston the Spensers and other corrupters of the yoong king very boldly He enforced Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey to sorsweare the company of a certaine beautifull harlot with the loue of whom he was greatly bewitched And afterwards when notwithstanding his oath he returned to her company againe and got children vpon her he accused him to the Conuocation of adultery and periury both and at last made him to leaue her Such preferments as fell to his disposition he euer bestowed vpon men of excellent learning despising letters and requests of noble men which he estéemed not a rush Many poore schollers he maintained at the Uniuersities with liberall exhibition and vnto all kind of poore people was excéeding bountiful insomuch as therin I thinke he excelled all the Archbishops that euer were either before him or after him Beside the daily fragments of his house he gaue euery Friday and Sunday vnto euery begger that came to his doore a loase of bread of a farthing price which no doubt was bigger then our peny-loafe now And there were vsually euery such almes day in time of dearth to the number of 5000. but in a plentifull 4000. and seldome or neuer vnder which commumbus annis amounted vnto 500. pound a yéere Ouer and aboue this he vsed to giue euery great festiuall day 150. pence to so many poore people to send daily meate drinke and bread vnto such as by reason of age or sicknes were not able to fetch almes at his gate to send money meate apparel c. to such as he thought wanted the same and were ashamed to begge But of all other he was woont to take greatest compassion vpon those that by any misfortune were decaied and had fallen from wealth to poorer estate For these and other vertues the common people would needes estéeme him a Saint and frequented much the place of his buriall Therefore his tombe which was situate beside the altar of S Gregory néere the south wall was afterwards pulled downe His bookes apparell and other mooueables which were but of very small value he gaue all such as they were vnto his church of Canterbury Of all the Archbishops that possessed this Sée before this man which were 48. there was neuer any two that had
of vicar Generall then to the Deanry of the Arches the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon the Parsonages of Croydon and Clyff and lastly the Bishopricke of Rochester From Rochester he was remooued to Worcester his vncle yet liuing and ioying much in this his aduancement the yéere 1 63. Frō thence some say he was translated to London but that I take to be mistaken Simon Sudbury was Bishop of Londō before he came to Worcester and so continued till that after his death he succeded him in Canterbury Thether this man was aduanced by the Popes onely authority presently after Simon Langham was made Cardinall viz. the yéere 1368. At two seuerall synods he preached in Latine very learnedly The later of those sermons he could hardly end for sicknesse where with he had béene so much troubled before as for two yeeres space he was faine to kéepe his chamber almost altogither Not being able to resist the force of this tedious wearing disease any longer he paid the debt of his mortality October 11. 1374. hauing continued in this Sée almost seuen yéeres He was buried ouer-against his vncle betwéene two pillers vnder a faire marble tombe inlaid with brasse which is lately defaced by tearing out the brasse I remember that some sixtéene yéeres since I read the Epitaph engrauen vpon the same This man procured the Uniuersitie of Oxford to be exempt from the iurisdiction of the Bishop of Lincolne and al authority of gouerning the same to be committed vnto the Chauncellour and Proctors 58. Simon Sudbury PResently after the death of William Wittlesey the monks of Canterbury elected for their Archbishop a certaine Cardinall that was an Englishman borne but throughly Italianate hauing lead his life in a manner altogither at Rome I take it his name was Adam Easton The king with this choice of theirs was so gréeuously offended as he determined to banish them the monks I meane out of the realme and to confiscate their goods Gregory the 11. that then was Pope though he fauoured his Cardinall to shield the poore monkes from the danger of such a tempest was content to refuse this election and to bestow the Archbishopricke by way of prouision vpon Simon Sudbury Bishop of London whom he knew the king liked well inough This Simon was the sonne of a gentleman named Nigellus Tibold so that his true name was Simon Tibold But he was borne at Sudbury a towne of Suffolke in the parish of S. George and of that 〈◊〉 tooke his name according to the manner of many cleargy men in those daies He was alwaies brought vp at schoole and being yet very yoong was sent by his father beyond the seas to study the canon lawe and hauing procéeded Doctor of that faculty became houshold Chaplein vnto Pope Innocent and one of the Judges or Auditors of his Kota The said Pope by way of prouision thrust him first into the Chancellorship of Salisbury and then afterward viz. the yéere 1364. into the Bishopricke of London He receiued the bulles of his translation thence June 6. 1375. Two synods or conuocations were held in his time at both which he preached in Latin very learnedly Sixe yeeres one month and ten daies he gouerned the Sée of Canterbury laudably and at last was most vnwoorthily slaine or rather wickedly murthered by a company of villanous rebels By the instigation of one Iohn Ball a seditions malcontent and hypocriticall preacher the baser sort of the commons arose in diuers parts of the realme and intending to destroy all gentlemen lawyers cleargymen and whosoeuer were of any account either for their riches linage or authority in the common wealth came vp to London appointing for their leaders Wat Tyler Iacke Straw Iohn Lister Robert Westhrom c. The king vnderstanding of their comming sent vnto them to know the cause of their repaire in so great numbers They answered they were to impart vnto him certaine matters greatly importing the state of the common wealth which if he would vnderstand he should spéedily resort vnto them The king hauing receiued this saury answere began to consult with his friends whether he were best to goe to them or not The greater number 〈◊〉 him to goe But the Archbishop and Sir Robert Hales Treasurer of England 〈◊〉 him saying it was a thing not onely 〈◊〉 and shamefull for a Prince to be commanded by such rascals but also dangerous vnto his person to commit himselfe to a route of seditious people that hauing once broken the bands of all duty and alleageance feared no more to violate the sacred maiesty of their annointed prince then to wrong their neighbours of farre meaner condition of whom they had already slaine spoiled and robbed an infinite number for wich cause they thought it more safe for the king more honorable and euery way more expedient to gather some power together spéedily and to set vpon them who being yet vnprouided of armour destitute of good leaders and without all skill or experience of warlike affaires would soone be dispersed and ouerthrowen This spéech of theirs I know not by what tell-tales was carried vnto the rebels who sware by and by they would haue off the heads of these cruell counsellers So in all haste to the Tower they came where the court then lay requiring with great outcries the Archbishop and the said Sir Robert Hales to be deliuered vnto them The Archbishop hauing heard some inckling of their intent the day before had spent all that might in prayer and iust when they called for him was saying of masse in the chappell of the Tower That ended and hearing of their comming Let vs now go saith he vnto his men Surely it is best to dye séeing to liue it can be no pleasure With that in came these murtherous rebels crying where is the Traytour where is the Traytor He answered I am the Archbishop whom I thinke you seeke but no Traytor With great violence then they drew him out of the chappell and caried him to the Tower hill Séeing there nothing but swords and weapons and hearing nothing but Kill kill away with the Traytor c. Yet he was not so 〈◊〉 but with great 〈◊〉 he could go about to perswade them not to imbrue their hands in the bloud of their Archbishop their chiefe 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 offended them to his knowledge nor 〈◊〉 so cruell a death at their hands assuring them that all the 〈◊〉 would be interdicted for it that the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be punished 〈◊〉 or last by the temporal Law and lastly that though both these failed God the iust Iudge would 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 in this or the world to come if not both He was a man admirably wise and excéeding well spoken But these varlets were so egerly bent as the very songs of the Syrens would nothing haue mooued them at all from their intended course Séeing therefore nothing but death before his face with comfortable words forgiuing the executioner that scarce euer requested him so to doo with a very
and died of the palsey at Somersham vpon Saint Paules day Ianuary 25. 1336. He 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in a monument of Alabaster that was somtimes a very stately and goodly building but now shamefully defaced as are also al other monuments of the church It standeth east from the lesse Altar in the middle but to the west end of the presbytery 17. Simon Mountacute ABout the middle of March after his death Pope Ben. the 11. translated 〈◊〉 Monntacute from Worcester where he had sate thrée yéeres vnto Ely He began the building of that beautifull Lady Chappell on the north side of the Church and bestowed an infinite deale of mony vpon the same but could not finish it being preuented by death Iohn de 〈◊〉 a monke of Ely as I remember continued that worke and much deale by the contribution of well disposed people ended it at last It is said that in digging thereabout he found a 〈◊〉 of treasure which serued to pay the worke mens wages a great while This Bishop holding his place here little aboue seuen yeeres departed from it and the world June 20. 1344. and was buried in the Chappell afore mentioned 18. Thomas Lysle ALan de Walsingham prior of Ely being then chosen Bishop his election was disanulled and pronounced voide by the pope Clement 5. who 〈◊〉 potestatis without any more adoe thrust into his place Thomas Lysle or Lyld a frier preacher and caused him to be consecrate at Auinion in the moneth of July 1344. He was a doctor of diuinity brought vp in Cambridge and much estéemed for his learning He preached often with great 〈◊〉 and writ diuers works mentioned by Bale Within a 〈◊〉 or two before his death he endured great trouble and 〈◊〉 by the meanes of Blanch Wake 〈◊〉 Marshall the circumstance whereof it shall not be amisse briefly to set downe This Lady had certaine lands néere vnto one or 〈◊〉 of the Bishops houses by reason of which neighbourhoode many controuersies daily arose betwéene them concerning bounds and other such like matters The Bishop was a rough and plaine man hardly brooking such indignities as it is likely a woman of that nobilitie rich and néere of 〈◊〉 vnto the king would be ready enough to offer By reason héereof the Lady conceiued a deadly and inueterate 〈◊〉 against him for wreaking whereof she awaited this 〈◊〉 The Pope at the request of the king or rather the blacke prince his sonne had suffred one Robert 〈◊〉 to be consecrate Bishop of Lichfield a man in many respects very vnwoorthy of that honour This good Bishop was not afraide like another Iohn Baptist to steppe vnto the king and reprehend him for it which he taking very tenderly commanded him in great displeasure to 〈◊〉 his presence The Lady before named thinking it now a fitte time to deale with the Bishop commenced a sute against him the ground and colour whereof was this Certaine lewde persons had fired some housing belonging to the Countesse and being apprehended were content to accuse the Bishop as accessary to this foule fact Whereupon before euer the Bishop heard any thing of the matter at the instance of the Lady and commandement of the king a Nisi prius passed against him and adiudged him to the paiment of 900. l. which presently he was 〈◊〉 to lay downe But estéeming more the discredife then the 〈◊〉 neuer ceased to importune the king till he obtained licence of him to call the Jury and witnesses to a reckoning of their doings The time being come when the matter was to be determined in the 〈◊〉 at Huntington the Countesse 〈◊〉 a meanes to hinder the Bishops procéedings by corrupting the officers who denied him the copie of the former iudgement without which nothing could be done Being much gréeued héerewith he went vnto the king and complained how he was oppressed requesting him as he was the guide and life of the law so he would direct the same according to iustce and not sée him so ouerborne This his speeche was deliuered in somewhat more rough tearmes then beséemed him as the king tooke it at leastwise who making the worst of it accused him to the parliament then assembled Some things the king laid to his charge he denied and extenuated the rest what he might But the king affirmed euery thing vpon his honor and made some mention of witnesses who then durst but take this proofe for good So he was condemned by parliament and this punishment laid vpon him that hereafter he should neuer presume to come in the kings presence Not long after this it happened that his seruants méeting with certaine of the Countesses men in a 〈◊〉 one of her men were slaine Of this murther the Bishop is by and by déemed an accessarie and howsoeuer he knew himselfe giltlesse fearing the successe of this matter would proue but as his other sutes had done he sold all his mooueable goods put the mony into the hands of his trusty friends and hid himselfe It might not serue his turne being absent he was found guiltie by inquest and his temporalties seised into the kings hands Séeing therefore now the woorst as he thought he was content vpon safe conduct to appéere before the king and there desired to be tried by his péeres Whether his request in that point were satisfied or no I cannot tell But certaine it is that by the kings owne mouth sentence was pronounced against him For it was the manner in those daies the king should determine causes of great waight sitting himselfe in open court The matter being growen to this passe he called vpon the Archbishop of Canterbury to 〈◊〉 him such aide as the priuileges of the Church affoorded him he expected belike that he should by force strong arme rescue him in such sort as Adam Tarlton Bishop of Hereford being accused of treason in the daies of this kings father was violently taken from the barre by the Archbishop that then was and other Bishops But this king Edward the 3. was no babe well enough they knew he would take no such iest therefore they aduised him to submit himselfe vnto the kings mercy That he vtterly refused to do and hauing no other hope of succour tooke the benefite of his safeconduct tanquam ad anchoram sacram 〈◊〉 vnto the Pope for helpe and acquainted him with all the circumstances of his trouble from the beginning vnto the end Hereupon his accusers were cited to appéere in the Popes courte and for not 〈◊〉 were excommunicate The Bishop of Lincolne was commanded to denounce this excommunication which he did vnto his great trouble and also that if any of the excommunicate were dead he should cause them to be digged out of their graues and forbid them buriall in holy earth This 〈◊〉 dealing of the Pope mooued the king vnto great 〈◊〉 for diuers of those that were excommunicate were persons of no small account some of them of his priuy 〈◊〉 Proclamation therefore was made throughout the realme that vpon
letters passed betweene him Francis Petrarke and diuers other then famous for learning He had alwaies in his house as before I said many Chaplaines all great 〈◊〉 of which number were T. Bradwardin after Archb. of Canterbury Richard Fitzralph Archb. of Armagh Walter 〈◊〉 I. 〈◊〉 Rob. 〈◊〉 R. Killington Doctors of Diuinity Richard 〈◊〉 and Walter Segraue the one afterward Bishop of London the other of Chichester His manner was at dinner and supper time to haue some good booke read vnto him whereof he would discourse with his Chaplaines a great part of the day following if busines interrupted not his course He was very bountifull vnto the poore Weekely he bestowed for their reliefe 8 quarters of Wheate made into bread beside the offall and fragments of his Tables Riding betweene New-castle and Durham he would giue 8. l. in almes from Durham to Stocton 5. l. from Durham to Aukland 5. marks from Durham to 〈◊〉 5. l. 〈◊〉 I 〈◊〉 it reported that he founded a Hall in Oxford and 〈◊〉 it with some 〈◊〉 for the maintainance of Students in the same but I thinke it mistaken for that which was done by his next successor Certain it is that he notably furnished a library in that Uniuersity and tooke order that the kéeping thereof should be committed vnto fiue schollers to whom he made a certaine allowance for their labour He also bestowed many sumptuous ornaments on his church of Durham Hauing continued Bishop there 11. yeeres and almost thrée moneths he departed this life at Aukland Aprill 24. 1345. being 58. yéeres of age He lieth buried in the South Angle of his owne church 45. Thomas Hatfield THe Pope had now many yéeres taken vnto himselfe the authority of bestowing all Bishopricks which the king and nobility of this realme being much agréeued with all made diuers lawes and statutes to restore churches and couents to the liberty of their ancient elections When the king therefore had laboured a while in this matter he being destrous of preferring this Hatfield his Secretary vnto Durham a man that he knew the Pope might iustly except against and peraduenture doubting the couent would not choose him was content to request the Pope to giue it vnto him and thereby opened a passage vnto him whereby he entred into possession againe of his woonted vsurpation The Pope glad of this oportunity without any regard or examination of his worthinesse by and by accepted of him And when some of the Cardinalls tooke exceptions against him saying that he was not onely a méere lay man but a fellow of light behauiour and no way fit for that place He answered that if the king of England had requested him for an asse at that time he would not haue denied him This man it was that built Durham colledge in Oxford and purchased certainc lands vnto the same for the maintenance of such monks of Durham as should be thought fit to study there That colledge is now called Trinity Colledge so named by Sir Thomas Pope that bestowed a new foundation vpon the same He built also Durham place in London to receaue himselfe and his successors when they should haue occasion to repaire thither He was consecrate Jul. 10. 1345. and died in the beginning of May 1381. So he sate Bishop six and thirty yéeres lacking onely two moneths 46. Iohn Fordham IIohn Fordham Deane of Welles obtained consecration to the Bishoprick of Durham May 29. 1381. and was inthronised there in September 1382. Seuen yeres he continued in the same and was translated thence to Ely Septemb. 27. 1388. See more of him in Ely 47. Walter Skirlaw IAnuary 14. 1385. Walter Skirlawe Doctor of Law was consecrate Bishop of Lichfield He sate there one yeere and was translated to Welles There also he continued but two yéeres and the yéere 1388. remooued to Durham in the monethe of September The Cloisters of the Monastery there were much deale built at his charges He gaue toward that worke 200. l. in his life time 400. l. in his Will He bestowed also 220. l. in the building of the Diribitory He new built the bridges of Shinkley Yarrow and Aukland and the stéeple of Holme he repaired the Church and the Hall of the mannour there He built a great part of the Lanterne at Yorke where his armes are fixed and raised from the very foundation a faire Chappell at Swyne in Holdernesse where he was borne Lastly he bequeathed in his Testament great summes of money to the Churches that he had gouerned for the buying of ornaments as namely to the Church of Welles the value of 150. l. He fate Bishop of Durham 18. yéeres and died in the beginning of the yéere 1406. 48. Thomas Langley THomas Langley Priest and then Lord 〈◊〉 of England was consecrate Bishop of Durham May 7. 1406. at what time he gaue ouer his 〈◊〉 But a 11. yéeres after to wit the yéere 1417. it was laid vpon him againe and continued in that place about sixe yéeres In the meane time viz. June 6. 1411. he was made Cardinall together with Robert 〈◊〉 Bishop of Salisbury by Pope Iohn 23. This man bestowed the summe of 499. l. 6. s. 7. d. in repayring of that Galily in the West end of his church which was first built by Hugh 〈◊〉 his predecessor He also founded two schooles in the Place-gréen one for Grammar another for Musicke 31. yéeres he continued Bishop here and dying the yéere 1437. was buried as I am informed in the Galily and lyeth entoombed before the Altar there vnder the Table of the Consistory I find noted by the way that about this time to wit betwéene the yéeres 1408 and 1498. was bestowed vpon the Cloyster of Durham the summe of 838. l. 17. s. ob 49. Robert Neuill RObert Neuill was consecrate Bishop of Salisbury the yéere 1427. and translated thence to Durham 1438. He built the Checquer at the castle gate there and died anno 1457. 50. Laurence Boothe LAurence Boothe was consecrate vnto the Sée of Durham September 25. 1457. He built the gate of the colledge at Aukland with the 〈◊〉 adioyning Hauing sate here 20. yeres he was translated to Yorke the yere 1477. Sée more of him in Yorke 51. William Dudley WIlliam Dudley succéeded immediately He was the third sonne of Iohn Dudley alias Sutton the eight Lord Dudley as the Epitaph yet to be séene vpon his toombe doth witnesse He lieth buried in Westminster in the chappell that is South from the toombe of king Edward the third His toombe standeth in the South wall of the said chappell He died an 1483. and sate 6. yeeres 52. Iohn Sherwood IOhn Sherwood became Bishop of Durham 1483. A great learned man an excellent Poet a Grecian and so good a Lawyer as for a certaine time before his preserment to this Bishopricke he was the sollicitor of all king Edward the fourths causes in the court of Rome He brought many copies of diuers rare Gréeke authors out of Italy with him Hauing continued
Northumberland was present at what time Kinigilsus receiued this Sacrament and was his Godfather being afterwards to become his sonne by the mariage of his daughter These two Kings appointed vnto Birnius the City of Dorchester for his Cathedrall Sée where spending his time in preaching aud other pastorall offices not without great an inestimable profit he died about the yeere 650. 15. yéeres after his first comming into this Countrey was buried there in his owne Church 2. Agilbertus IN the meane time it had fallen out that Kinigilsus dying kenwalchus his sonne raigned in his stéede who refusing the offer of the kingdome of heauen by refusing Christ lost also soone after his earthly kingdome He had maried the daughter of Penda king of Mercia or Mid-England vpon what occasion I know not putting her away married another For this cause Penda tooke armes against him and forced him out of his kingdome Then for succour he fled vnto Anna king of Esser a good man and very religious in whose court he liued the space of thrée yéeres and there was first brought vnto the faith of Christ. By the helpe of this good Prince he also was restored to his kingdome againe His father had pulled downe the temple of Dagon and begun the building of a very faire church in Winchester but was taken away by death before he could finish it and for maintenance of the ministers of the same had alotted al the countrey round about within seuen mile of the city This building Kenwalchus finished and not onely ratified the foresaid gift of his father but also himselfe bestowed vpon the same church the mannours of Downton Alresford and Wordiam Soone after the conuersion of Kenwalchus one Agilbertus a Frenchman borne that had spent a great time in Ireland in preaching the Gospell there came into this countrey ann 650. and of his owne accord tooke great paines in instructing the people The king being giuen to vnderstaud of his learning and painefulnesse prayed him to accept the pastorall charge of his Countrey whereunto he agréed and continued in the same a long time 3. Wina AT last it came to passe that the King misliking his spéech and vtterance as not being able to deliuer his minde but in broken and very bad English caused an other 〈◊〉 to be ordained one Wina a French man likewise but one that could speake very good English and diuiding his Countrey into two parts alotted the one vnto Agilbert who held his Episcopall Sée as before is said at Dorchester And the other vnto this same Wini appointing vnto him for his Sée the City of Winchester This matter Agilbert taking very grieuously the rather for that it was done altogether without either his consent or knowledge returned in a great chafe into his owne countrey where soone after he was made Bishop of Paris So Wini or Wina was the first Bishop of Winchester of whom some vainely suppose the City to haue taken his name He lyeth entoombed in the North part of the Presbitery vpon the top of a wall where is to be seene this inscription Hic iacent 〈◊〉 Wini Episcopi Not long after the departure of Agilbert the king I know not for what cause fell into great mislike of Wina and droue him out of his countrey who flying vnto Wulfhere king of Mercia or Mid-England bought of him for money as it is said the Bishopricke of London being the first Simonist that is mentioned in our histories 4. Elentherius THe West Saxons were then a long time without a Bishop In which meane space Kenwalchus perceiuing all things to go against the haire with him and nothing to prosper vnder his hand but crosses and mischaunces to come thicke one in the necke of another began to consider with him selfe how that by neglecting religion he first lost his kingdome and no sooner embraced Christ but he was restored to his crowne againe and therefore perswaded himselfe that his negligence in appointing a Pastor that might looke vnto the seruice of God was the cause why his worldly affaires had no better successe Hereupon he sent an Embassador into France vnto Agilbert to excuse the wrong heretofore done vnto him with all earnestnes to perswade him to returne vnto his former charge there againe This though Agilbert refused to do alleaging that he was bound by promise not to forsake the place he now held yet that he might shew his readines to gratifie the king in what he might he sent ouer with the Embassador a priest named Elentherius his owne nephew that might if so it pleased him be ordained Pastor and Bishop of that countrey testifying that for his owne part he thought him not vnworthy of the place He was honorably receiued of the king and his people and at their request consecrate Bishop by Theodorus then Archbishop of Canterbury He continued Bishop seuen yéeres 5. Headda AFter Elentherius succéeded Headda a very holy and vertuous man but one that profited more his charge in example of good life cōuersation then in often preaching vnto them for as it should seeme very learned he was not Yet if Beda say true God approued his gouernment by the testimony of many miracles 6. Daniell HE dying in the yéere 704. or as some deliuer 705. after he had sate somewhat aboue thirty yéeres it seemed good to Ina then king of the West Saxons to diuide the prouince into two parts whereof the one he committed vnto a kinsman of his owne called Aldelmus commaunding him to make Sherborne his Sée and vnto the other was ordained Daniell who following the steps of his predecessors continued at Winchester This man sate 43. yeeres and at last perceiuing himselfe vnable to gouerne by reason of old age he resigned his Bishopriche an 741. and became a monke at Meldune or Malmesbury where he lieth buried 7. Humfridus HVmfridus then gouerned this Sée for the space of eight yéeres and died an 756. 8. Kinehardus AFter him came Kinehardus of whom I finde nothing recorded 9. Hathelardus ANd after him Athelardus or Hathelardus Abbot of Meldune who the yéere 794. was translated to the Metropoliticall Sée of Canterbury Sée more in Canterbury Then these 10. Egbaldus 11. Dudda 12. Kineberthus 13. 〈◊〉 14. Wightheinus 15. Herefridus slaine of the Danes in battell ann 834. 16. Edmundus ANd Helmstanus of whom likewise little or nothing is deliuered but that he lieth buried vpon the North wall of the presbytery togither with one of his successors Kenulphus as these verses there written do shew Pontifices haec capsa duos tenet incineratos Primus Helstanus huic successorque Kenulphus ABout this time many suppose Athelwulf or Athulf that was king of the West Saxons twenty yéeres to haue béene first Bishop of Winchester by the space of seuen yeeres Others report that he was a Cardinall of Rome also Neither of these can well be true Certaine it is that being in orders viz. a Subdeacon by the dispensation of
The 〈◊〉 of Paris the nurse of so many excellent and famous Prelates is now greatly troubled If the Uniuersity of Oxford be disquieted and 〈◊〉 also especially at this time being the second Uniuersity of Christendome and euen an other foundation of the Church it is much to be feared least it cause a generall 〈◊〉 and vtter ruine of the whole Church God forbid 〈◊〉 the King that that should happen especially in my time I will indeuour to preuent it I doubt not he was as good as his word For I find no more mention of any farther stirres This I haue thought good the rather to set downe to shew what was the reputation of our Uniuersity of Oxford in those daies 12. Benedictus Grauesend ANother Deane of Lincolne succéeded him Benedictus Grauesend whom I 〈◊〉 called also Richard Grauesend He was consecrate Nouember 3. 1258. and died December 18. 1279. 13. Oliuer Sutton OLiuer Sutton as Walsingham saith was likewise Deane of 〈◊〉 a very good and 〈◊〉 man He was elected Bishop February 6. 〈◊〉 May 18. 1180. died in the middle of a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 prayer Nouember 13. 1299. and lyeth 〈◊〉 in the North Isle of the vpper part of his Church vnder a flat Marble stone 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of Bishop Flemming 14. Iohn d'Aldarby IOhn'D'alderby or D'aderly Chauncellor of Lincolne succéeded the next yéere and died at Stow parke Ianuary 5. 1319. He was buried at Lincolne in the lower South crosse Isle But his 〈◊〉 was taken away for that it was superstitiously frequented by the common people 15. Thomas Beake IAnuary 27. following the Chapter of Lincolne made choice of one Thomas Beake Chauncellor of Lincolne for their Bishop The Archbishop of Canterbury vpon what quarrell I know not reiected this election But at Rome where all things were to be had for money he got it confirmed The yéere 1278. one Thomas Beake Archdeacon of Dorchester was Lord Treasurer of England It may be this was the man And it should seeme he was very old for he sate but a very short time which I take to be the cause that some men make Burwash next successor to D'Alderby Helyeth buried as it séemeth by a note that I haue séene in the highest crosse North Isle 16. Henry Burwash HEnry Burwash was nephew vnto Sir Bartholomew Badilismer Baron of Leedes a man of great authority vnder king Edward the second The king by his meanes dealt earnestly for the preferment of the said Henry vnto the Sée of Lincolne which he obtained and was inthronised there about Christmas 1320. within a yéere or two after he fell into the kings displeasure so far as that his temporalties were seased vpon and detained from him the space of two yéeres The yeere 1224. they were restored vnto him againe and he vnto the kings fauour but the grudge thereof 〈◊〉 so in his stomacke as the Queene rising against her husband séeking to depose him as afterward she did an 1326. no man was so forward to take her part as this Bishop no man so eager against the king his vndoubted true and naturall Prince He was also a very 〈◊〉 and miserable man as Walsingham reporteth Toward the latter end of his time he made a new parke at Tynghurst and inclosed within the same much ground that belonged to diuers poore men his tenants for the which he had many a bitter curse of them After his death it is said he appéered vnto one that had béene one of his gentlemen in the likenes of a kéeper with bow arrowes in his hand a horne by his side and a gréene ierkin on his backe telling him that for the iniurious inclosure of that parke he was appointed to the kéeping of the same and to be tormented there till it were disparked and 〈◊〉 open againe He therefore also besought him to intreate his brethren the Canons of Lincolne that the wrong done by him by their 〈◊〉 meanes might be righted They were so wise as to giue credit vnto this report and sent one of their company named William Bacheler to see it performed He did so hurled abroad the pale filled vp the ditches and caused the poore tenants to be restored vnto their right againe This Bishop died at Gaunt in the ende of December 1340. hauing béene successiuely Treasurer and Chauncellor of England and was buried in the East ende of his Cathedrall church toward the North. At his féete lyeth a brother of his named Robert a knight a great soldier and a sonne of the said Robert called Bartholomew They founded a Grammar schoole in Lincolne and left maintenance for fiue priests and fiue poore schollers 17. Thomas le Becke AFter Henry Burwash it is said that another Thomas Beake succéeded called by some Thomas le Becke and by others Thomas Weke a famous and woorthy Clerke as Walsingham reporteth He lieth buried in the lower crosse Isle When he died or what time he sate I find not 18. Iohn Synwell IOhn Synwell succéeded The yéere 1351. a great controuersie fell out betweene him and the Uniuersity of Oxford about that election of their Chancellor The discourse whereof you may see pag. 133. This ouely I thinke good to note that whereas some writers report this controuersie to haue fallen out in the time of Bishop Buckingham it must needes be they are mistaken for that this Iohn Synwell died not till the yéere 1361. This man if I mistake not built a great chappell of Saint Mary Magdalene without the North wall of the Cathedrall church and lieth buried in the West part or body of the said church 19. Iohn Bokingham IOhn Bokingham kéeper of the priuy Seale by the helpe of his purse and the kings instant request with much adoo shouldred into the Bishopricke of Lincolne the yeere 1362. This man is said to haue beene very vnlearned and it may be so But certaine it is that one Iohn Bokingham liued about those times a Doctor of Diuinity of Oxford a great 〈◊〉 man in scholasticall Diuinity as diuers workes of his yet extant may testifie and for my part I thinke this Bishop to be the man The yeere 1397. the Pope bearing him some grudge translated him perforce from Lincolne vnto 〈◊〉 a Bishopricke not halfe so good For 〈◊〉 hart he would not take it but as though he had rather haue no bread then halfe a loafe forsooke both and became a monke at Canterbury 20. Henry Beaufort HEnry Beaufort became Bishop of Lincolne in his place This man was brother vnto king Henry the fourth and is best knowen by the name of the rich Cardinal He sate here seuen yéees and the yeere 1404. was translated to Winchester Sée more of him in Winchester 21. Philip Repingdon PHilip Repingdon Abbot of Leicester vpon the 〈◊〉 of Henry Beaufort vnto 〈◊〉 was preferred vnto Lincolne This man was sometimes a great follower of Wickliffe and defender of his 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in preaching and open 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but by writing also to which purpose 〈◊〉 of
Louell for what cause I know not that they might be sure to auoyd him as also at the request of Richard Earlé of Cornewall the kings brother elected Roger Molend one to whom the king and the said Earle were both vncles Him the king readily accepted and so March 10. 1257. he was affoorded consecration This man was borne and brought vp altogether beyond the seas 〈◊〉 reason whereof he was vtterly ignorant of the English 〈◊〉 Being therefore called vpon to be resident vpon his Bishopricke the yéere 1283. he made that his excuse but it might not serue his turne Iohn Peckham Archbishop of 〈◊〉 not onely forced him to residence but reprehended him excéeding sharply for his neglect and carelesnes of his charge He sate long and died a very old man the yéere 1295. 47. Walter de Langton THe Pope meaning a good turne vnto Iohn Bokingham Bishop of Lincolne of his absolute authority tooke vpon him to translate him to this Sée from Lincolne which was then worth thrée Lichfields He chose rather to forsake all and became a monke at Canterbury Upon his refusall Water Langton Treasurer of England was preferred thereunto and consecrate December 22 1296. He liued in great authority vnder king Edward the first that fauoured him much But his sonne Edward the second molested and disgraced 〈◊〉 all that euer he might His father dying in the North countrey commaunded this Bishop to couduct his corpse vp to London and when he had so done for reward of his 〈◊〉 he caused sir Iohn Felton Constable of the Tower to arrest him seased vpon all his goods and imprisoned him first in the Tower then in the Castle of Wallingford of which imprisonment he was not released in two yéeres after In his fathers life time he had often reprehended the yoong Prince for his insolent and dissolute behauiour which good admonitions he taking in 〈◊〉 part wronged and disgraced him many waies namely one time he brake downe his parks spoyled and droue away his deere c. The Bishop complained of this outrage vnto the king his father who being greatly displeased therewith committed the Prince his sonne for certaine daies And this was the cause of the grudge betwéene the yong king him About that same time or I thinke a litle sooner viz. the yere 1301. he was accused of certain heinous crimes before the Pope and compelled to answere the accusation at Rome in his owne person Though the proofes brought against him were either none or very slender yet well knowing whom they had in hand Nonerant 〈◊〉 prae 〈◊〉 bouem valde 〈◊〉 saith Matth. 〈◊〉 they were content to detaine him there so long as it forced him to spend an infinite deale of money and yet was neuer a whit the néerer at last For the Pope remitted the hearing of the cause to the Archbishop of Canterbury and yet referred the determination of the same vnto him selfe at last The tempests of those troubles being ouer blowen the rest of his time he liued for ought I find quietly and being happily 〈◊〉 from the Court attended onely the gouernment of his charge Unto his Church of Lichfield he was a wonderfull great benefactor He laid the first foundation of the Lady Chappell there and at his death left order with his Executors for the full finishing of it He compassed the cloyster of Lichfield with a stone wall and bestowed a sumptuous shrine vpon S. Cedda his predecessor with 2000. l. charge He ditched and walled all the Cathedrall church round about made one gate of great strength and maiesty at the West part of the close and another but a lesse on the South part He builded the great bridge beyond the Uineyard at Lichfield ann 1310. He gaue his owne house or pallace vnto the Uicars for their dwelling and built a new for him selfe at the East end of the close He 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 being altogether 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 the mannour place of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 by the 〈◊〉 at London He 〈◊〉 vnto the high 〈◊〉 at Lichfield 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and two 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 worth 24. l. 〈◊〉 about with 〈◊〉 stones to the value of 200. l. besides many copes 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 price He 〈◊〉 vpon the 〈◊〉 a 〈◊〉 cup of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a pension of 20. s. by the yeere And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 both vnto them and his Church many charters and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from the king He 〈◊〉 at London 〈◊〉 16. 1321. 〈◊〉 was buried in the Lady Chappell which he built 48. Roger Northbrough THe yéere 1313. Roger Northborough then kéeper of the great seale was taken prisoner by the Scots in the battell of 〈◊〉 Being afterwards clerke of the Wardrobe so I find him called and treasurer of England by great sute and the kings often 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 meanes to shoulder into this 〈◊〉 He was consecrate June 27. 1322. sate almost 38. yéeres a very long time and died in the end of the yéere 1359. 49. Robert Stretton SOone after the death of the former Bishop Robert Stretton a Canon of Lichfield by the importunity of the blacke Prince to whom he was Chaplaine was eleccted Bishop there a man very 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vnworthy so high a 〈◊〉 in all respects The Pope hauing notize of his 〈◊〉 by speciall mandate prohibited his consecration Here upon the new elect was faine to make repaire vnto Rome The Pope him selfe examined him but was 〈◊〉 earnestly requested by the blacke Prince to 〈◊〉 his sute as 〈◊〉 he could not with 〈◊〉 honesty allow of him yet he was content to leaue him to the 〈◊〉 of the Archbishop of Canterbury The Archbishop would by no 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 him any testimony of sufficiency At last 〈◊〉 much adoo he procured the Pope to authorise two other Bishops for the allowance or reiecting of him who they were I can not call to remembrance and they by the excéeding great importunity of the Prince admitted him to consecration which he receiued September 26. 1360. Sée more of this matter in Thomas Lylde Bishop of Ely He sate Bishop here 25. yeeres 50. Walter Skirlawe VVAlter Skirlawe Doctor of Law was consecrate Ianuary 14. 1385. remooued to Bathe and Wels the yéere following and soone after to Durham Sée more of him in Durham 51. Richard Scroope RIchard Scroope Doctor of Lawe brother vnto William Scroope Earle of Wiltshire and Tresurer of England was consecrate August ● 1386. Sate here 10. yéeres and was translated to Yorke His life and lamentable death you may sée there more at large described 52. Iohn Brughill IOhn Brughill a Frier preacher was first Bishop of Landaff and Confessor vnto king Richard the second translated to Lichfield in the moneth of September 1398. and sate there 17. yéeres 53. Iohn Keterich IOhn Keterich a Notary of Rome and Archdencon of Surry was consecrate Bishop of S. Dauids the yéere 1414. and translated thence to this Sée in the moneth of May 1415 The yéere 1417. he was at the Councell of Constance
to institute a vniuersitie at Oxford and him selfe became the first publique 〈◊〉 there He writeth furthermore that he was 〈◊〉 Chauncellor vnto Asser the Archbishop of Saint 〈◊〉 his néere kinsman who both endured great vexation and trouble at the hands of one Hemeyd a mighty man of those parts that tyrannised intollerably ouer the cleargy there By reason thereof waring weary of his office he left his countrey and comming into England to king Alfred became schoolemaster of his children vntill such time as 〈◊〉 Bishop of Sherborne dying he was preferred to his place Unto this man the said king gaue the mannors of Wellington Buckland and Lydyard in Sommersetshyre which since haue come vnto the Bishops of Wels whereof one Buckland yet remaineth vnto that See By his exhortation also that good king did much for the Uniuersity of Oxford alotting diuers stipends vnto the readers and professors there This Bishop died the yéere 883. and was buried at Sherborne 11. 〈◊〉 or Sigelm trauelled into India to the place of Saint Thomas his buriall carried thither the almes or 〈◊〉 of king Alfred and brought home many pretious stones of great price 12. 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 He died 898. After Ethelwald the Sée of Sherborne stoode void seuen yéeres by reason of the Danish wars The yéere 905. Plegmund by the commaundement of king Edward the elder consecrate seuen Bishops in one day as I haue before mentioned in Canterbury elsewhere Thrée of them were appointed to Sees newly erected all taken out of the Dioces of Sherborne One had iurisdiction ouer Cornewall another ouer Deuonshire and a third ouer Sommersetshire Soone after that a fourth was placed in Wiltshire hauing his Sée some say at Ramsvery others say at Sunnyng and some other at Wilton So Sherborn had now left vnto it only Dorsetshire and Barkshire Of the rest we shall speake God willing seuerally in their particular places But these Bishops of Wiltshire because their See at last returned backe againe whence it first sprang I will deliuer them and their succession next after Sherborne Sherborne 13. Werstane He died 918. 〈◊〉 by the Danes in 〈◊〉 14. Ethelbald 15. Sigelm Florilegus mentioneth one Sigelm to haue been slaine by the Danes the yéere 834. I beléeue he 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 934. 16. Alfred He died 940. 17. 〈◊〉 This man was made Abbot of 〈◊〉 by Dunstan then Bishop of London Being 〈◊〉 to the Bishopricke of Sherborne he displaced 〈◊〉 priests and put in monkes It is reported that when he lay a dying he cried out suddenly I sée the 〈◊〉 open and Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of God immediately after those wordes giuing vp the ghost an 958. 18. Alfwold He died 978. and was buried at Sherborne 19. Ethelrike 20. Ethelsius 21. Brithwin or Brithwicke He died 1009. 22. Elmer 23. Brinwyn or Birthwyn 24. Elfwold He was a man of great temperance and 〈◊〉 for the which in that luxurious age he was much admired After his death these two Sées 〈◊〉 againe 〈◊〉 and made one Wiltshire 1. Ethelstane He died 920. 2. Odo that became Archbishop of Canterbury the yéere 934. 3. Osulf He died 870. and was buried at 〈◊〉 4. 〈◊〉 He died 981. and was buried at Abondon 5. Alfgar or Wolfgar 6. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 989. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 7. 〈◊〉 or Aluricius he succéeded his predecessor in Canterbury likewise the yeere 995. 8. Brithwold a monke of Glastonbury a great benefactor of that Abbey as also of the Abbey of Malmesbury He died 1045. and was buried at Glastonbury 9. Herman a Flemming Chaplaine vnto King Edward the Confessor was the last Bishop of this petty Sée He labored to haue his See remoued to Malmsbery and had once obtained it of king Edward the Confessor but by a countersute of the monkes there he was disappointed Uery angry with this repulse he left his Bishopricke and became a monke at Bertine in Fraunce But hearing soone after how that Elfwold Bishop of Sherborn was dead he returned home againe and with much adoo obtained that Sherborne and his Dioces might once more be vnited together againe 1. Herman THe fore named Herman liuing vnto the time of William Conquerour when as he gaue commaundment that all Bishops should remooue their Sees from obscure townes to the fairest cities of their Dioces made choise of Salisbury there laid the foundation of a Church which he liued not to finish Salisbury saith W. of Malmsbury is a place built on the toppe of a hill resembling rather a Castle then a Towne compassed about with a strong wall and well prouided otherwise of all commodities but wanteth water so vnreasonably as a strange kind of merchandise it is there to be sold. This place we now call old Salisbury whereof nothing remaineth at this time but certaine desert ruines How it decaied we shall haue cause hereafter to discourse 2. Osmond OSmond being a knight and a Norman by birth came into England with King William the Conquerour He had béene Captaine of Say in Normandy and by the foresaid king was made Chauncellor of England Earle of 〈◊〉 and after Hermans death Bishop of Salisbury He was a man well learned and passing wise in regard whereof he was alwaies of the 〈◊〉 counsell and might seldome be spared from the Court He continued the building begun by his predecessor and at last finished the same adding vnto it a library which he furnished with many excellent bookes This new Church at olde Salisbury was finished and in an 〈◊〉 hower dedicated very solemnly by the foresaid 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with Walkelin Bishop of Winchester and Iohn of 〈◊〉 the yéere 1092. In an euill hower I say for the very next day after the steple of the same was 〈◊〉 on fire by lightning That he afterwards repaired and furnished his Church with all maner of ornaments At last he departed this life Saterday December 3. 1099. and was buried in his owne 〈◊〉 His bones were after remoued to new Salisbury where they now lye in the middle of the Lady Chappell vnder a Marble stone bearing this onely inscription ANNO. 〈◊〉 Aboue any thing I may not forget that amongst diuers bookes he writ as the life of Saint Aldelme the first Bishop of Sherborne c. he was first Author of the ordinale secundum vsum Sarum It séemeth he was made a Saint 〈◊〉 his death For I find his name in our Calender the foresaid third day of December 3. Roger. KIng Henry the first being yet a priuate man and seruing his brother in his wars in Normandy it chaunced him and his troupe to turne into a Church in the Subburbes of Cane to heare seruice Roger that rich and mighty Bishop of Salisbury that was afterwards serued the cure there at that time for some very poore salary This 〈◊〉 Curate well knowing how to fit the deuotion of soldiers was so 〈◊〉 at his businesse as he had made an ende of his worke before some of the company were aware he had begunne They all
colledge in Cambridge often Ambassador in Germany Italy and elsewhere and became Bishop of Hereford the yéere 1535. A man very well learned and secretly a fauourer of religion M. 〈◊〉 doth dedicate his commentary vpon the Euangelists vnto him Himselfe also writ diuers bookes yet extant He sate onely two yeeres and seuen moneths But where he died or was buried I finde not 66. Edmund Boner hauing béene Bishop of Hereford only 7. moneths was 〈◊〉 to London See London 67. Iohn Skyp Doctor of Diuinity and Archdeacon of Dorset became Bishop of Hereford 1539. sate 4. moneths aboue 12. yeeres died at London in time of a Parliament and was buried in the church of Saint Mary Mont-hault 68. Iohn Harley sometime fellow of Magdalene colledge in Oxford was displaced by Quéene Mary and died soone after 69. Robert Parsew alias Warbington succéeded 70. Iohn Scory late Bishop of Chichester was appointed vnto this Sée by the Queenes Maiesty that now is in the beginning of her raigne He died in the beginning of the yéere 1585. 71. Herbert Westfayling Doctor of Diuinity and Cannon of Christchurch in Oxford was consecrate Decemb. 12. 1585. The Bishopricke of Hereford is valued in the Exchecquer at 768 l. 10 s. 10 d. ob farthing and yeelded the Pope for first fruits 1800. florens The Bishops of Chichester 1. WIlfride Archbishop of Yorke being banished by Egfride king of Northumberland as in Yorke you may reade more at large he thought good to occupy his talent by preaching the word of God amongst the South Saxons 〈◊〉 the king of that country a little before his comming had receaued the faith of Christ by the perswas on of Wlfhere king of Mercia He willing to increase his owne knowledge and 〈◊〉 that his subiects should be directed the way of saluation made very much of Wilfride and assigned him an habitation in Seolsey a place all compassed about with the sea except one way All that land containing eighty seuen housholds this king gaue vnto Wilfride for his maintainance He built a Monastery there and established his Cathedrall Sée in the same Now it pleased God 〈◊〉 blesse his labours as in a short time great numbers of the people being conuerted embraced Christian religion And a day being appointed for their Baptisme they had no sooner 〈◊〉 the same but immediately it rained plentifully the want whereof had caused a dearth the space of thrée yéeres before and that so great as not onely many died daily for hunger but great numbers ioyning hand in hand forty or fifty in a company threw themselues headlong into the sea choosing rather to die then to indure that torment of hunger any longer Thus it pleased God at once to deliuer these men from temporall death by famine and euerlasting destruction that their ignorance threatned vnto them Neither was this all the good that Wilfride did vnto them Their sea and riuers abounding with great store of good fish which they knew not how to take he taught them and caused great store to be caught wherewith many poore people were greatly relieued Hauing staid fiue yéeres there he was called home into his owne countrey againe and restored to his Archbishopricke of Yorke 2. Eadbert After his departure Sussex was gouerned by the Bishops of Winchester vntill the yéere 711. at what time Eadbert was consecrate Bishop of Seolsey which place before that he gouerned as Abbot 3. Eolla he being dead the Sée stood voyde vntill after the death of Beda 4. Sigga or Sigelm alias Sigfridus 5. Alubrith 6. Osa alias Bosa 7. Giselher 8. Tota 9. Wighthun 10. 〈◊〉 11. Beornege Matthew Westminster maketh mention of one Camelec Bishop of the South Saxons that as he saith was taken prisoner of the Danes the yéere 915. and afterwards redeemed with the price of 40 l. sterling by king Edward the elder 12. Coenred 13. Gutheard he died 960. 14. Alfred he died 970. 15. Eadelm 16. Ethelgar Abbot of the new Abbey at Winchester consecrate May 6. 980. translated to Canterbury 988. 17. Ordbright 18. Elmar he died 1019. 19. Ethelrike he died 1038. Nouember 5. 20. Grinketell being depriued of the Bishoprick of the East Angles for Symony obtayned this 1039. 21. Heca Chaplayne vnto king Edward the Confessor consecrate 1047. he died 1057. 22. Agelrike a man singularly commended for his skill in the lawes and customes of the realme was appointed by William the Conqueror to assist Gosfrid Bishop of Constantia in iudging a great controuersie betwéene Lanfranke the Archbishop and Odo Earle of Kent the kings brother concerning title of diuers landes and because being a very aged man he was vnable 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from Chichester vnto Pikenden hoath in Kent where the whole County in a manner were assembled about this matter he was brought thither in a wagon or chariot In a 〈◊〉 holden at Windsor he was 〈◊〉 and that as Florent Wigorn. supposeth 〈◊〉 the yéere 1070. and imprisoned at Marleborough 1. Stigand chaplaine vnto the Conqueror translated his Sée from Seolsey an obscure place at that time and now caten vp with the sea that euery high water 〈◊〉 it vnto Chichester in old time called 〈◊〉 so he was the first Bishop of Chichester He died an 1087. 2. William 3. Ralfe A man of very high 〈◊〉 and no lesse high of minde He stoode very stoutly in defence of 〈◊〉 the Archbishop in so much as when the king William Rufus threatned him for the same he offered him his ring and crosier saying it should better become him to leaue his place then his duety Neither could he euer be induced to forsake the said Archbishop vntill he séemed to forsake his owne cause by flying the country After that when the king was content to winke at the mariage of many Priests in the realme vnto whom the Archbishop was a grieuous and heauy aduersary and receiued of them yéerely a great summe of money for defending them against the austerity of the other I meane Anselme this Bishop resisted the collection of that money in his Dioces calling it the tribute of fornication and when notwithstanding his resistance it was paied he interdicted his owne Dioces commanding the Church doores euery where to be stopped vp with thornes The king a wise and gentle Prince Henry the first whether not vouchsafing to contend with him or taking his well meaning in good part was not onely content to pardon this disobedience but also bestowed the money so gathered in his Dioces vpon him saying it was a poore Bishopricke and néeded such helpes And certaine it is that before the comming of this man it was indéede excéeding poore He increased it wonderfully and yet notwithstanding built his Cathedrall Church of Chichester from the ground It was scarcely finished when as May the fift 1114. it was quite defaced and a great part of the City consumed with casuall fire He found meanes to repaire it againe being helped much with the liberality of the king and some other This Bishop sate many yéeres
Stigand being displaced in manner aboue rehearsed the conquerour well knowing how much it behooued him to the establishment of his new erected throne in England to haue a man wise and faithfull in that place made a speciall choice of him as one in all respects most fit and woorthy which being well knowne to all men the Couent at the kings first nomination readily chose him the nobilitie and courtiers willingly assented and receaued him with great applause and lastly the Pope affoorded him his pall with extraordinary fauour It is said at his first comming the Pope rose vp vnto him and mette him telling him he yeelded him that honour not of dutie but in regard of his excellent learning whereof he had heard great fame Thomas Archbishop of Yorke was present the same time together with 〈◊〉 Bishop of Dorchester This Thomas had béene lately consecrated vnto Yorke by Lanfrank and for a certaine time refused to make profession of obedience vnto the See of Canterbury euen vntill by the commandement of the king he was inforced thereunto Now whether it were discontentment and perswasion of a wrong or else enuie at Lanfranks either vertue or good fortune that mooued him hée presently began to make complaint vnto the Pope of a great miury offered vnto his Sée in the demaund of his profession Lanfrank pleaded prescription for his right and offred to make proofe of the same The Pope therefore not willing to trouble himselfe any more with the matter committed the hearing thereof vnto the king who in the yéere 1072. iudged it for Canterbury Sée more of this quarrell in Thomas of Yorke Lanfrank himselfe was consecrated very solemnly at Canterbury all the Bishops in England being present themselues or by their proctors August 29. 1070. Almost 18. yeres he continued Archbishop gouerning his charge laudably and happily till that about the end of his time one action obscured his former praises and furthermore was the cause of many great calamities vnto him It is thought that William the Conqueror left the kingdome of England vnto his yoonger sonne William Rufus at the perswasion especially of this Archbishop who the rather wisht well vnto the yoong prince because he had béene brought vp vnder him in his childhood He is blamed much for putting the eldest sonne Robert from that which might séeme in some sort due vnto him and surely God blessed him not in that action The king thus aduanced by him fel out with him and droue him out of the realme The cause of this displeasure is diuersly reported But most men agree it was none other then this that the king thought him a little too busie in exhorting him to vertue and godlinesse and reprehending his manifold vices Being thus banished he trauatled to Rome and wandred vp and downe many countries till at last by what intercession I finde not he was suffred to come home againe Soone after his return he fell sicke of an ague and so ended his daies Iune 4. 1088. or as Houeden hath May 24. 1089. He was buried at Canterbury in his owne church vnto which he was a great benefactor He bestowed much vpon the fabrike and reparation of the same built much housing for the monkes whose number he increased from 30. to 140. restored the dignities and offices of old belonging to the monastery and recouered vnto the same 25. Mannors that had béene taken from it wrongfully in times past by Odo Bishop of Bayon and earle of Rent Moreouer he built the Archbishops pallace at Canterbury in a manner all he founded two hospitals without the citie of Canterbury and endowed them with competent reuenewes Saint Iohns and Harbaldown He bestowed large mony toward the building of the cathedrall Church of Rochester or rather indéed built it all and did much the particulars I cannot set downe for the abbey of Saint Albons He was a great student writ many learned works and which deserueth especiall remembrance tooke great paines in reforming the Bible the copies whereof were much corrupted throughout England by the negligence of the writers 34. Anselm FOwer yéeres the Sée continued void after the death of Lanfranke and the king pursed the profits thereof In what good moode I knowe not he which was woont to sell all other ecclesiastical promotions as it were by the drum bestowed this Archbishopricke fréely vpon a most woorthy man Anselm abbot of Becco This Anselm was borne at Augusta a city of Burgundy standing at the foot of the Alpes His fathers name was Gundulfe a man of great account in his country and his mothers Hemeberg He came vnto Becco of the like errand as Lanfranke had done mooued thereunto by the great fame of the said Lanfranke and professed himselfe a monke there in the 27. yéere of his age Lanfranke being called away to Cane he was made Prior and soone after Abbot Eluyn the old Abbot being dead In that place he continued 15. yéeres and then was earnestly requested by Hugh Earle of Chester lying very sicke to come into England vnto him to conferre with him and to order certaine affairesof his Hither he came and had much honour done him euery where of all forts of people The king himselfe amongst the rest beside many verball fauours made offer vnto him of the Archbishopricke of Canterbury verily hoping belike that a man giuen to monasticall contemplation and not estéeming worldly pompe would vndoubtedly haue refused the same For it is certaine that after Anselm had accepted the offer pitying belike the spoile and desolation of the church for want of a pastor the king would faine haue retracted his gift and perswaded him with many reasons to leaue it shewing him how the burthen and trouble of the place was greater then he should be able to inoure a man that had spent his time within the wals of a monastery and not experienced in managing of great affaires But he lost his labour Anselm kept fast his hold and was soone after consecrated by Walkelm Bishop of Winchester or as I finde also recorded by Thomas Archbishop of Yorke Decemb. 4. 1093. all the Bishops of the land that could possibly come being present at that solemnity Presently after his consecration the king and he fel out Not long before the king had throwen downe thirty churches to make his new forest néere Winchester This 〈◊〉 reprehended him sharply for and besought him to amend that and other faults as namely his simony his extortion his cruelty c. wherein he daily offended God gréeuously and greatly dishonoured himselfe This admonition of his displeased the king very much but his quarrell in shew was none other then this that asking leaue to go to Rome to fetch his pall he had named Vrban Pope whom the king as yet had not acknowledged for Pope and for so doing accused him of no lesse then high treason After great stirre and much adoe betwéene them about this matter it was determined that all the abbots and Bishops of England should be
called together to iudge of this controuersy They met at Rochingham castell and the matter being proposed by the king for feare or flattery they all assented vnto him and forsooke their Archbishop except onely Gundulphus Bishop of Rochester A while 〈◊〉 indured to liue in continuall seare and disgrace euen vntill he was commanded out of the realme by the king Being at Douer ready to take ship all his carriages were searcht his goodes there and elsewhere soeuer taken from him and sold to the kings vse his temporalties seased and himselfe set aland in France in a manner naked He trauailed presently to Lyons and was sent for thence by the Pope At his first comming to Rome he had all manner of fauour But by that time the king with golden eloquence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 him of the cause his entertainment began to wax colder He determined therfore to haue returned to Lyons but was staied by the Pope whose pleasure while he was content to await a while longer the Pope died Soone after him the king died also being chaunceably slain by the glaunce of an arrow as he was hunting in that forest for the making whereof Anselm had reprehended him He was a very vitious man couetous in getting and prodigall in spending the most sacrilegious symonist that euer raigned in England Reioycing in the gain he made that way he would often say Panis Christi panis pinguis His death as some report was miraculously signified vnto Anselme in France A paper was put into the hand of one of his chaplaines no man knew how in which was found written 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 occisus est Within a few daies after certaine word was brought of the tyrants death and this notice taken as sent from heauen Henry the first succéeded William Rufus in the kingdome who presently called home Anselme and restored him to his former place The first thing he did at his returne he called a conuocation at London wherein he depriued many prelates of great place for their seuerall offences Guy abbot of 〈◊〉 Eldwyn of Ramsey for symony Geftry of Peterburgh Haymo of Cheswel Egelric of Middleton for not being in orders Richard of Ely Robert of S. Edmunds all abbots for other enormities Diuers canons were agréed vpon in the same conuocation too long to rehearse Some of them tended to the restraining of clergy men from mariage which notwithstanding many maried daily many that came for orders refused vtterly to make profession of chastity as we may sée reported by Girard Archbishop of Yorke in an epistle written by him vnto Anselm in the end of S. Anselmes Epistles The falling out also of Anselm with the king which happened presently after was a great weakning vnto these canons All the time that the Archbishop was absent which was three yéeres the king had disposed of all Bishopricks that fell at his pleasure giuing inuestiture and possession of them by deliuery of the staffe and the ring And in deed the princes in a maner of all christendom had taken this kind of authority vnto themselues euery where about this time Bishops thus appointed demanded consecration of Anselm which he vtterly denied vnto them professing withall that he would neuer receaue or repute them for Bishops that were already cōsecrated by other vpon such election aleaging how it was lately forbidden in a councel held by Pope Vrban 2. that any clerke should take inuestiture of any spiritual preferment at the hand of any king prince or other lay man The king vpon Anselms refusall required Gerard Archbishop of Yorke to giue these Bishops consecration whereunto he readily assented But William Gifford nominated to Winchester stoode so in awe of Anselm as that he durst not accept consecration at Gerards hands This incensed the king woonderfully so as presently he commanded Giffards goods to be confiscate and himselfe banished the Realme Great adoo now there was about this matter throughout the realm some defending the kings right others taking part with the Archbishop In the end the king doubting what might come of it and being loth to giue occasion of tumult considering that himselfe was a stranger borne and that his father by force and much bloudshed had not many yéeres since obtained the rule of this land he determined to send an Ambassador to the Pope togither with the Archbishop so to grow to some reasonable conclusion The Pope Palchalis 2. would not yéeld one iote vnto the king insomuch as when the kings Embassador William Warelwast after Bishop of Excester said he knew the king would rather loose his crowne then this priuilege he answered yea let him loose his head also if he will while I liue he shall neuer appoint Bishop but I will resist him what I may So without dooing any good homeward they came But the king vnderstanding before hand how the world went sent a messenger to forbid Anselm entrance into the realme and presently seised all his goods mooueable and unmooueable into his hands Thrée yéeres more this good man spent in exile all which time he liued with Hugh Archbishop of Lyons At last it pleased God to open this passage of his reconciliation to the king Adela Countesse of Bloys the kings sister fell dangerously sicke in those parts where it chanced the Archbishop to abide He went to visite her and yéelded so great comfort vnto her in that time of her distresse as recouering afterward she neuer ceased importuning her brother vntill she had wrought an agréement betwéene them the conditions whereof were these First that Anselm should be content to consecrate the Bishops alreadie nominated by the king And then that the king should renounce all right to such nomination or inuestiture for the time to come These conditions were allowed by the Pope and the Archbishop restored not onely to his place but to all his goods and fruites gathered in the time of his absence Two yeeres he liued after this his last returne in which time he persecuted married priests very extremely Dunstan Oswald Ethelwald and other enimies to the mariage of clergie men had onely expelled them that out of monasteries that had wiues But Anselm vtterly forbidding them mariage depriued them of their promotions that were maried confiscated their goods vnto the Bishop of the Dioces adiudged them and their wiues adulterers and forced al that entred into orders to vow chastity Halfe the clergy of England at this time were either maried men or the sonnes of maried priests The king therefore pitying the generality of this calamity sought to protect them a while from Anselms seuerity in this point But he I meane Anselm was a little to resolute in all his determinations in so much as he might neuer be perswaded to yéeld one iot in any thing he once intended So notwithstanding the kings inclination to succour so many distressed poore families the canons of the Conuocation before mentioned were generally put in execution throughout England About this time it hapned Gerard Archbishop of
paide for his paines began to stickle and to interpose his authority restoring Ieremy to his place againe till the cause might be heard and determined before him Whereat Theobald though a mild man of nature being excéedingly mooued in a great fury vowed he would neuer exercise any ecclesiasticall iurisdiction so long as Ieremy held that place He therfore seeing the Archbishop so resolute against him and fearing some great inconuenience would fall vpon the monastery by meanes of this businesse and so procure him the hatred of his owne company vpon paiment of 100. markes was content to leaue his place and liued a priuate monke in the same house euer after Now in the third yéere of his consecration it happened a Councell was summoned at Rhemes whereunto he was called Henry therefore Bishop of Winchester King Stephens brother that by vertue of his power 〈◊〉 had often contended with him and euer opposed himselfe against him in the Popes behalfe circumuented this good plaine-meaning man in this fort He dealt first with the Pope in no wise to dispence with his absence and then with his brother the King to forbid his passage and perforce to stay him at home But such were those times as it was safer then to offend the King then the Pope and therefore he resolued to goe and in no wise to giue the Pope such an aduantage against whom he had now twice opposed himselfe already dangerously Go therefore he would but all the difficulty was in getting passasse All the ports of England were laid for him yet so cunningly he handled the matter that ouer the seas he got and was at the Councell in good time The King then following the aduice of his brother the Bishop of Winchester seased vpon his goods and temporalities and banished him the realme He like a tall fellow interdicted the King and the whole 〈◊〉 and taking aduantage of the time which was very troublesome notwithstanding the Kings commaundement came home and liued in Norfolke till by the intercession of certaine Bishops he was restored Afterward he grew into great fauour with the King and was the chiefe meanes of concluding that finall peace at Wallingford betwéene him and Mawd the Empresse In the yeere 1152. he summoned a conuocation at London where the King would haue constrained the Clergy to make 〈◊〉 his sonne King to the disheriting and great iniury of Duke Henry the Empresses sonne The intent was spied before and letters procured from the Pope to forbid the Clergy to meddle in any such matter This notwithstanding the matter was earnestly followed in behalfe of the yoong Prince 〈◊〉 in so much as when they perceiued the businesse was not effected according to their desire they 〈◊〉 them vp in the place where they were gathered together and thought by force and threatning to compell them The greater part séemed to yéeld when Theobald stealing secretly out of the place tooke his barge and rowing downe the Thames got him beyond sea and so by his absence the synode was dissolued His goods by and by were once more confiscate and his temporalties seased into the kings hands But in a short time after king Stephen died and Henry Duke of Normandy surnamed Fitz 〈◊〉 succeeded who restored him immediately to all his possessions 〈◊〉 Under him he passed the rest of his daies quietly in great fauour and estimation with him He departed this life the yéere 1160. when he had sate Archbishop two and twenty yéeres Perceiuing his end to approch he made his will and gaue all his goods vnto the poore or other like good vses Helieth buried in the South part of Saint Thomas chappell in a marble tombe ioyning to the wall 38. Thomas Becket 〈◊〉 the Conquest neuer any English man obtained this Archbishopricke before Thomas Becket He was borne in London his fathers name was Giltert a Merchant his mother was a stranger borne in Syria He was first taught and brought vp during the time of his childhood by the Prior of Merton and seeming towardly was sent to the Uniuersity of Paris Hauing there attained some more learning and also the knowledge of the French tongue he returned and became an officer in some Court about London it is said he was a Justice But waring soone weary of that kind os life he found meanes to get into the seruice of Theobald the Archbishop who quickly espiyng his manifold good parts 〈◊〉 him entierly and sent him into Italy to study the Canon Lawe 〈◊〉 there might be any thing wanting in him 〈◊〉 in a common-wealthes-man for the managing whereof he discerned him then very fit and likely Upon his returne thence he was quickly preferred by the Archbishop vnto the Archdeaconry of Canterbury the Prouostship of 〈◊〉 and the personage of Bromfield The Archbishop then séeing him selfe weake and sickly which made him altogether vnable to looke throughly into the drifts and deuices of Courtyers that in all ages seeke to pray vpon the Church and euer néede some watchfull eye to ouerlooke their practises commended Thomas Becket vnto the King so effectually as he was content first to receiue him into the number of his Chapleines then made him Chauncellor of England and loaded him with all kind of spirituall preferment For Theobald being a wise man well perceiued Becket to be first so 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 so painefull and industrious as the King being yet yoong he 〈◊〉 surely possesse him altogether be able to withstand any endeuours that might be preiudiciall vnto the Church And againe he could not doubt either of his faithfulnesse to him or his stoutnesse in so good a cause of which both he had had long experience In regard hereof he imployed all his indeuours to plant a perfect liking of Thomas Becket in the mind of the King wherein he prospered so well as in a short time no man was so farre in the Kings bookes as he nay no man could doo any thing in a maner with the King but he For the maintaining of this his credit saith one he thought it good to relinquish and forsake by little and little all Priestly either behauior or attyre to affect the pompe and brauery of the Court to liue as other Courtyers to fare daintily to ly long in bed to hawke to hunt to haue many followers c. in so much as some sticked not to say the Chauncellor had forgotten he was an Archdeacon also and blamed him for not liuing like a Clergy man But by this meanes saith he T. Becket was euer at the Kings elbow was partaker of all his counsels and either by notize giuen to the Archbishop or some deuice of his owne otherwise could and did stop any courses that might be preiudiciall to the Church Hauing continued thus in the office of Chauncellor foure or fiue yéeres with the great fauour and liking of the King it hapened Theobald the Archbishop to dye The king little thinking what a snake he nourished in his bosome determined by by to doo
meanes possible he might vere and grieue him First because he knew he delighted much in the monastery of Pontiniac which was an Abbey of Cistercian monkes he signified to all the monkes of that order in his dominions that he would banish them euery one if they would not procure the Archbishop to be thrust out of that monastery which for feare of so great calamity to so many men was effected Then he also droue out of the realme all his kinsfolks friends and professed welwillers of whom he suspected him to be any way aided or comforted Alexander the Pope Thomas Beckets surest card was ferited in much like sort the same time by Friderike 〈◊〉 the Emperor as he himselfe was The King therefore by the counsell of Gilbert Bishop of London determined to ioyns in league with the Emperor if possibly he might that was a professed enimy both to the French King and the Pope To this purpose he sent two ambassadors vnto him perswading him to deals with the Cardinals Lucius the Antipope being then lately dead to set vp another in his roome to whom he promised all his dominions should yéelde obedience The Pope hauing notize of this practise began presentlyto quaile sent the King word he would order all things betwéene the Archbishop and him to his 〈◊〉 liking and that out of hand Now it had hapened a little before that the Pope had graunted vnto the Archbishop a very large licence of excommunicating whom he list in England the King the Queene and a very few other excepted This authority he abused very intemperately at that time when 〈◊〉 matters were thus in hammering betwéene the Pope and 〈◊〉 King in so much as he had marred all if the Pope had not spéedly yeelded a reason thereof to the King By this time the French King the Popes onely Protector against the Emperor began to spy that he was much more cold in the defence of the Archbishop then he had beene and reprehended him sharply for it The Pope therefore not knowing which way to turne him selfe for the satisfiyng of both these potentates neither of which he could safcly offend as things stoode he determined first to labour a reconciliation betweene them and then to make the French King a mediator for the Archbishop This he effected and brought the two Kings together at Paris Thither also came Thomas Becket And sute being made vnto the King in his behalfe that he might returne be restored to his goods and reuenues arising in the time of his absence and lastly vpon his humble submission to the Kings fauour The King answered that for the rest he was contented but faith he the profites of his Archbishopricke since his banishment I can not allow him for that I haue already giuen them to others Mary recompence I will make him for them to the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the French King or the Senate of Paris or else of the 〈◊〉 of the Uniuersity Presently the Archbishop was called for who falling downe vpon his knees vsed these words My Lord and soueraigne I doo here commit vnto your owne iudgement the cause and controuersie betwéene vs so farre foorth as I may sauing the honor of 〈◊〉 God The King much offended with that last exception 〈◊〉 honore Dei turned him about vnto the French King and telling him how much he had doone for the Archbishop and how he had vsed him I am quoth he at last so well acquainted with the tricks of this fellow that I can not hope for any good dealing at his hands Sée you not how he goeth about to delude me with this clause sauing the honor of God For whatsoeuer shall displease him he will by and by alleage to be preiudiciall to the honor of Almighty God But this I will say vnto you whereas there haue béene Kings of England many before me whereof some were peraduenture of greater power than I the most part farre lesse and againe many Archbishops before this man holy and notable men Looke what duty was euer perfourmed by the greatest Archbishop that euer was to the weakest and simplest of my predecessours let him yéeld me but that and it shall abundantly content me Hereunto the Archbishop answered cunningly and stoutly ynough that the times were altered his predecessors which could not bring all things to passe at the first dash were content to beare with many things and that as men they fell and omitted their duty oftentimes that which the Church had gotten was by the constancy of good Prelates whose example he would follow thus farre foorth as though he could not augment the priuileges of the Church in his time yet he would neuer consent they should be diminished This answeare being heard all men cryed shame vpon him and generally imputed the fault of these sturs vnto him But this was the issue for that time that they parted without reconciliation The King doubting what might come of these broiles caused his sonne Henry that died soone after to be crowned King in his owne life time so to assure him of the succession Afterwards comming into Fraunce againe they were vpon the point of reconciliation when the casting out of some such word or another as before marred all At length the King and he were made friends but his full restitution deferred till he had behaued himselfe quietly a while at Canterbury which he promised to doo But he was so farre from perfourming that promise as he sent into England before him diuers excommunications which the Pope had graunted out long before and committed to his discretion Amongst other the Archbishop of Yorke the Bishop of London and Salisbury were named in them together with so many as had béene dooers in the coronation of the yoong King which the Archbishop said might not be performed of any but by his appointment The men thus strucken with this holy fire hasted them ouer into Normandy to make their complaint vnto the king who infinitely grieued at this kinde of dealing cursed the time that euer he made him Archbishop or restored him to his place againe adding it was his chaunce euer to do for vnthankefull men otherwise some or other would long ere this haue made this proud priest an example to all such troublesome perturbers of his realme and state It happened amongst other fower knights to be present at this spéech of the kings who gathered thereby they should do a deed very acceptable vnto him if they killed the Archbishop Their names were Reynald Fitz-Vrse Hugh de Mortuill William de Tracy and Richard Briton In this meane time the Archbishop was come to Canterbury and was receiued there with great ioy Thence he went to London and so to Woodstocke where the yoong king then lay But before he could get to the kings presence word was brought him the kings pleasure was he should first go to Canterbury and reuoke those excommunications before he the king would talke with him So he returned againe to Canterbury without seeing the king
Embassadour vnto the Pope at what time the Bishop of Winchester died and he at the request of Walter the Archbishop bestowed that Bishopricke vpon this Iohn Stratford then present with him This was done without the kings priuity who desired to haue preferred vnto that place Robert Baldock his Chauncellor Therefore taking it very ill that either the one should giue or the other dare to take it without his knowledge he was content to giue eare vnto Robert Baldock who plotted many deuises a while how to kéepe him from it and after how to make him weary of it He was consecrate vpon the Sunday called then 〈◊〉 tribulat iustorū which he thought boaded vnto him how in the whole course of his life he should find nothing but continuall trouble It fell out according to that ominous prediction Neuer I thinke any Archb. either before or after him giuing so little cause dooing his indeuour to please was more encombred with vndeserued and often crosses He had no sooner set foote into this Bishopricke of Winchester but the king who at that time was altogether ruled by the said Robert Baldock caused all his goods to be seased and his liuings to be sequestred to his vse Moreouer he caused him to be summoned by certaine strange kind of writs to appeare I know not where and when for feare he was faine to hide himselfe proclamation was made that no man should dare to harbor him or giue him any kind of entertainment by meate lodging or otherwise Hauing endured these miseries the space of a yéere he intreated the Archbishop to be an intercessor vnto the king for him who relating vnto him how dishonorable a thing it was for him to persecute a true subiect so terribly both for an other mans fault and an other mans pleasure too he was soone woonne to receiue the poore Bishop to his grace and laid all the blame of that iniury vpon Robert Baldock Being thus restored he grew dayly more and more into the kings fauour whom he serued both diligently and faithfully to the last hower When all other forsooke him euen Walter the Archbishop of whom he had deserued so notably this good Bishop would neuer be allured vnto the contrary part by any meanes in so much as the Quéene and Roger Mortimer began to deuise how they might make him away This he being certified of hid him selfe and was faine so to hold him selfe close a long time In the ende the king being dead and all his fauourites or partakers either executed or otherwise consumed the Quéene and her sonne king Edward the third wel knowing they had nothing to lay against this man but that he was true and loyall to his Prince they were content not onely to receiue him to their fauour but also to make him Lord Chauncellor of England Simon Mepham the Archbishop being then dead soone after the king was also content to write earnestly vnto the Pope to preferre him vnto that Sée of Canterbury He did so as before I haue said And the monkes thinking it good to make a vertue of necessity they forsooth elected him also About this time it hapened that King Edward the third began to lay claime vnto the crowne of Fraunce and passing the seas with a great power to iustifie his claime he thought good to commit the gouernment of the realme here at home vnto the Archbishop He beside other generall promises of faithfulnes diligence c. In the charge deliuered vnto him assured the king he should want no money to expend in this exploit whereunto all kind of people shewed them selues so willing to yéelde what helpe they possibly might as he tooke vpon him to discerne the king might commaund of them what he list He was not deceiued in this coniecture For no sooner was the king ouer the seas but infinite summes of money were collected with the very good liking of all people This money which all men thought would haue maintained the charge of that warre two or thrée yéeres the king being yoong and so easie to be either mistaken or deceiued was spent in lesse then one yeere The Archbishop meruelling thereat 〈◊〉 the king by letters to remooue from him such as had had the disposing of his treasure for that without imbesilling and falsehood it was impossible so much money should be so soone consumed The king on the other side he put the Archbishop in minde of his promise and called vpon him continually for more money He well knowing how hard it would be to collect any reasonable summe so soone after so liberall contribution as had béene lately yéelded fell to perswading the king to accept reasonable conditions which he heard the French King had offred him and to come home The king either was or seemed to be excéeding angry with this motion yet knowing there was no remedy but he must get him home his money being now spent and his credite amongst the vsurers stretched to the highest pinne He tolde his souldiers on the one side that the Archbishop had betraied him vnto the French king who no doubt had hired him to detaine their pay in his hands and on the other side made his creditors beleeue that the Archbishop had taken vpon him the discharge of all his debt as hauing now gathered money sufficient for that purpose So the discontentment of these people being either alaied or cast vpon the Archbishop it was deuised that for the farther countenance of this plot the king should step ouer into England sodainly and cast into prison the Archbishop togither with the Bishop of Chichester the Chauncelour and the Bishop of Lichfield the Treasurer To London he came secretly in a night caught the two Bishops and sent them to the Tower but the Archbishop by meere chance was gone from Lambhith elsewhether the day before and hauing some inkling afterwards of that was meant vnto him got him to Canterbury and there stood vpon his guard A knight was sent vnto him to require him to make present paiment of a certaine huge sum of mony which the king said he had taken vp of outlandish merchants vpon his the Archbi credit or else to get him ouer the seas immediately vnto them and to yéeld them his body till the debt were satisfied for that so the king had vndertaken he should being animated thereunto by his owne promise Soone after there came certaine messengers from the duke of Brabant desiring to speake with the Archbishop and when he refused to conferre with them cited him by writings to make payment of certaine great summes of money which they alleaged he ought to the Duke for money the king of England had receaued This citation they fixed vpon the high crosse at Canterbury with many ceremonies Now the Archbishop perceauing what a terrible tempest was growing toward him for he was charged not onely with the debt of many thousand pounds more then euer he should be able to make but with horrible treason that might
chéerefull countenance he knéeled downe and yéelded him selfe vnto their fury Once he was stricken in the necke so weakely as that notwithstanding he knéeled still vpright and putting his hand vp to the wound he vsed these words a ha it is the hand of God He had not remoued his hand from the place when a second stroke cut of his fingers ends and felled him to the ground With much adoo hauing hacked and hewen his necke with eight blowes they got off his head This horrible murther was committed vpon Fryday June 14. 1381. all which day and a part of the next his body lay there headlesse no man daring to offer it buriall as for his head they nayled his hood vpon it and so fixing it vpon a poale set it on London bridge Sir Robert Hales and a great many of others that day tasted of the same cup the Archbishop had done Thus ended this noble Prelate his daies who though he were very wise learned eloquent liberall mercifull and for his age and place reuerend yet might it not deliuer him from the rage of this beast with many heads the multitude then which being once incensed there is no brute beast more cruell more outragious more vnreasonable How this monstrous tumult was appeased at the last and the Authors of the same punished according to their demerites the Chronicles at large declare To passe it ouer the body of this our Archb. after all sturres ended was caried to Canterbury there honorably enterred vpon the Southside of the altar of S. Dunstane a little aboue the toombe of Bishop Stratford Being yet Bishop of London he builded the vpper end of Saint Gregories Church at Sudbury and in the place where his fathers house stoode founded a goodly Colledge which he furnished with secular Clearks and other Ministers At the time of the suppression thereof it was valued at one hundred twentie two pounds eightéene shilllings lands by the yéere After his translation to Canterbury he built the West gate of the City and all the wal from that gate vnto Norgate commonly called by the name of the long wal A great worke no lesse necessary and profitable vnto the City then costly and chargeable vnto the builder 55. William Courtney SOone after the lamentable death of Simon Sudbury the monkes of Canterbury elected for their Archbishop William Courtney Bishop of London and the Pope knowing nothing of their election about the same time bestowed the Archbishopricke vpon him by way of prouision He was the sonne of Hugh Courtney Earle of Deuonshire in his youth studied the Canon Lawe and had no sooner entred into orders but he was quickly loaded with spirituall liuing ynough as a prebend in Wels an other in Exceter a third in Yorke beside benefices with cure innow The yeere 1369. he was consecrate Bishop of Hereford sate there flue yéers a halfe and then remooued to London at what tune Simon Sudbury was made Archbishop Thomas Walsingham addeth to these former honours that the yéere 1378. he was made Cardinall I find no mention of it elsewhere and therefore doubt much of it The bulles of his translation to Canterbury were published in Christchurch there Ianuary 9. 1381. Hauing then receiued his temporalties of the King and done his homage he went to Lambhith Thither came vnto him a monke sent from the Couent and Prior of Canterbury to deliuer him his crosse which he did in the Chappell of Lambhith vsing these words Reuerend father I am the messenger of the great King that doth require and commaund you to take on you the gouernment of his Church to loue and defend the same In token whereof I deliuer you this his ensigne Soone after he receiued his pall and then being throughly setled began his Metropoliticall visitation which he entended to performe in euery Dioces of his prouince Hauing passed quietly through Rochester Chichester Bathe and Worceter at Exceter he found some resistance as well as Simon Mepham his predecessor had done After the time of his first inhibition he prorogued diuers times the day of his visitation and when he had sate was not so ha sty in graunting a relaxation of the inhibition as they would haue him Hereby it came to passe that the Bishop and his Archdeacons were suspended from their iurisdiction longer as it seemed vnto them then they ought and not disposed to await the Archbishops pleasure any longer rushed into their iurisdictions againe his visitation nothing neere finished commaunding all men vpon paine of excommunication to repaire vnto their woonted ordinaries for proofe of wils administrations institutions or any other such like occasions This commaundement published in many places of the Dioces the Archbishop pronounced to be void and required all men in these and the like cases to repaire vnto him and none other Hereupon the Bishop appealed to Rome and the Archbishop cited diuers of the Bishops officers to appeare before him His apparator named Peter Hill had also in his bosome a citation for the Bishop himselfe It hapened that some of the Bishops followers méeting this gentle soumer at Tapsham beate him wel and thriftily and after forced him to eate the citation war paper and all This fact was very preiudiciall to the Bishop of Exceters cause For it incensed the king against him in so much as though a while he did prosecute his aupcale at Rome diligently he sawe himselfe so ouerborne by the king he was like to doo no good at all and therefore resolued to make his peace with the Archbishop vpon reasonable conditions which he easily obtained But they that had abused his Apparator were put to terrible penance in diuers parts of the realme and were faine to performe the same One William Byd a Doctor of the Arches had giuen counsell vnto the Bishop in this cause For so dooing he was displaced and vpon that occasion an othe was ordained of this Archbishop that euery Aduocate of that Court should take at his admission This visitation ended the Archbishop proceeded to the Dioces of Salisbury where he likewise found some resistance The Bishop there had procured apriuiledge from Pope Boniface Vrban the 6. being lately dead that it should not be lawfull for any Metropolitane to visite him or his Dioces by vertue of any authority granted from Pope Vrbane The Archbishop that was a great Lawyer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he had 〈◊〉 of himselfe as being 〈◊〉 to visite without the Popes licence and therefore procéeded 〈◊〉 notwithstanding that vaine priuilege 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Bishop with excommunications aud 〈◊〉 censures as he was 〈◊〉 to yeeld at last and cry peccani Since that time our Archbishops haue 〈◊〉 quietly all 〈◊〉 of their 〈◊〉 without resistance Towars the latter end of his time he procured a licence of the Pope to gather 〈◊〉 pence of the pound in all Ecclesiasticall preferments within his prouince The Bishop of Lincolne refused to make this collection in his Dioces and appealed vnto the Pope That appeale
non vendam neque donabo neque impignerabo neque de nouo infeudabo velaliquo modo alienabo in consulto Rom. Pontifice sicut me Deus admuet c. With what ceremony the crosse was woont to be deliuered sée before in William Courtney pag. 104. This Archbishop died February 15. 1502. the second yéere after his translation at Lambhith His body was conueighed to Feuersam by water conducted with 33. watermen all apparelled in blacke a great number of tapers burning day and night in the boate and from thence was caried to Canterbury where it was buried in the middle of the place called the martyrdome vnder a faire marble stone inlaid with brasse He bequeathed to his Church a siluer image of 51. ounces waight and appointed 500. l. to be bestowed in his funerals He built the most part of Otford house and made the yron worke vpon the coping of Rochester bridge 67. William Warham VVIlliam Warham a gentleman of an ancient house was borne in Hamshire brought vp in the Colledge of Winchester and chosen thence to New Colledge in Oxford where he procéeded Doctor of Law Intending then to vse and put in practice the knowledge he had gotten at the Uniuersity he became an aduocate or Doctor of the Arches and soone after Master of the Rolles While he was in that office King Henry the seuenth sent him Embassador to the Duke of Burgundy to perswade him that he should not beléeue the false reports of his Duchesse and to signifie how notably she had abused him and all the world in setting vp two counterfeits against him Lambert that made himselfe the Earle of Warwicke who was then to be séene in the Tower safe ynough and Perkin Warbeck whom she had taught to name him selfe Richard Duke of Yorke that was certainly knowen to haue béene murthered by his wicked vncle long before In this businesse he behaued himselfe so wisely as the king greatly commended him for the same and the Bishopricke of London happening to be void soone after his returne home he procured him to be elected thereunto He had not beene Bishop there two whole yéeres when Henry Deane the Archbishop died to whose place also by the kings speciall indeuour he was aduaunced He was inthronised March 9. 1504. with woonderfull great solemnity The day before his comming to Canterbury the Duke of Buckingham that was his high steward came thither attended with seuen score horse to sée all things in a readinesse The said Duke had also the office of chiefe Butler and therefore being vnable to doo the duties of both he deputed Sir George Bourchier vnto the Butlership Him selfe tooke great paines to sée that nothing might be wanting requisite for the performance of this ceremony in most magnificent manner The next day which was Sunday he met the Archbishop ouer against Saint Andrewes Church and dooing low obeysance vnto him went before him to Christ church At the great gate néere the market place the Prior and Couent receiued him honorably and caried him to the Church whether he went from Saint Andrewes Church barefoote said masse there and was placed in his throne after the accustomed manner From Church he was attended by the Duke as he was thetherward The cheere at dinner was as great as for money it might be made Before the first messe the Duke him selfe came ridinginto the hall vpon a great horse bare headed with his white staffe in his hand and when the first dish was set on the table made obeysance by bowing of his body Hauing so done he betooke him to his chamber where was prouision made for him according to his state With the Archbishop sate the Earle of Esser the Bishop of Man the Lord Aburgauenny the Lord Brooke the Prior of Canterbury and the Abbot of Saint Augustines The Duke at his table was accompanied with the Lord 〈◊〉 Sir Edward Poynings the chiefe Justice of England named Phineux Sir Wilham Scot Sir Thomas Kemp and others A great many other guests were serued in other places noble men and knights at one table Doctors of Diuinity and Law at another and Gentlemen of the country at a third besides an infinite number of meaner calling placed by them selues according to their seuerall degrées But to let passe these matters and to come vnto his gouernement all the time of King Henry the seuenth vnder whom he liued Archbishop some thrée yéeres he enioyed all manner of prosperity being in so great fauor with his Prince as no man greater He dying and his sonne Bing Henry the eight succeeding Cardinall Wolsey that was then but Almosuer and Deaue of Lincolne diued so cunningly into the bosome of the yong king as by and by he ouertopped the Archbishop and quickly wound him out of all authority First by the kings meanes he got from him the Chauncellorship of England Then being Cardinall and the Popes Legate a latere by speciall commisson he set vp a new court called Curia 〈◊〉 vnder colour whereof he drewe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of iurisdiction throughout England into his owne hands and appointed Officials Registers c. in 〈◊〉 Dioces who tooke vp all causes and suffered other 〈◊〉 to whom the iurisdiction of right appertained to sitte still without either regard or profit This deiection of the Archbishop wherein men estéemed him for the time very vnhapy fell out to his great good the others immoderate greatnesse was the cause of his destruction At what time the K. 〈◊〉 to be diuorced from his first wife D. Catherine she 〈◊〉 choice of this our Archb. Nicholas West Bish. of Ely two lawyers and of I. Fisher 〈◊〉 of Rochester and Henry Standish Bishop of Assaph Doctors of Diuinity to assist and direct her in that sute they did so and behaued themselues in such sort as neither the king had cause to be offended with their ouerforwardnes nor she to blame their stacknes or negligēce But the Cardinall that was ioined with Cardinall Campeius in commission wherein they were authorised by the Pope to examine the circumstances of that cause he I say being more slacke in his procéedings then the king expected he should so incensed him against him as shortly after he was content first to take the aduantage of a Premunire against him then to cause him to be arrested of high treason whereof sée more in Yorke Soone after the Cardinals death there was a conuocation held wherein the cleargy was aduertised that they all had fallen into apremunire by yéelding vnto the Cardinals power legantine neuer allowed by the king They determined therefore to redéeme the penalty they had incurred with the paiment of 118. thousand pounds whereof the prouince of Yorke should pay eightéene thousand and Canterbury the rest which was 100000. l. When this gift was to haue béene presented they were certified that the king would not accept of the same except they declared in a Canon that he was supreame head of the church Long this matter was hammering But at last they
countries which this noble Prince subdued but other huge summes of money also gathered at home by vnusuall subsidies and taxations much grudged at by the commons all which notwithstanding the king was so bare as for the paiment of debts he was constrained to bethinke him first of some new deuice to raise money The Bishops enimies taking the aduantage of this occasion induced the king to be content that a solemne complaint might be framed against him as if by his misgouernement the kings treasure had beene either vainely wasted or falsely imbesilled for that otherwise for sooth it was impossible the king should so be fallen behind hand They charge him therefore with the receite of 1109600. l. which amounteth to more then a million of poundes besides a hundred thousand frankes paied vnto him by Galeace Duke of Millaine For all this they demaund sodainely an account and to set a better colour vpon the matter patch vp a number of other accusations partly vntrue partly friuolous yet sufficient happily to bleare the eies of the common people and diuerting the displeasure of this inconuenience from them on whom otherwise it must haue lighted to deriue it vnto him vpon whom if it fell neuer so heauily it could cast him no lower then that place frō whence the king had first raised him Amongst many enimies that gouernement and enuy had prouoked against him Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster for some other cause néedlesse here to be 〈◊〉 bare vnto him an implacable hatred The King was then old and very impotent the Duke his eldest sonne 〈◊〉 and so gouerning all thinges vnder him The Duke therefore found meanes that William Skipwith Lord chiefe Justice condemned him as guilty of those accusations procured his temporalties to be taken from him and to be bestowed vpon the yoong Prince of Wales and lastly commanded him in the kings name not to come within twenty miles of the Court The yeere 1376. happened vnto him this trouble which I may call the Prologue or 〈◊〉 of the pageant to be plaid the yéere following I meane the Parliament the chiefe end and purpose whereof was a subsidy that this Prelates vexation must make way vnto The Cleargy assembled gréeuing much at the vniust oppression of so woorthy and reuerend a man for his sidelity vnto his Prince his great care of the common good his wisedome and integrity were well inough knowen to such as vnderstoode any thing they vtterly refused to debate of any matter what soeuer till the Bishop of Winchester a principall member of that assembly might be present with them By this meanes licence was obtained for his repaire thither and thither he came glad he might be néere to the meanes of his restitution but whether it were that he wanted money to beare the charge or to the intent to mooue commiseration or that he thought it safest to passe obscurely he that was woont to ride with the greatest traine of any Prelate in England came then very slenderly attended trauelling through by-waies as standing in doubt what snares his enimies might lay for him After two yéeres trouble and the losse of ten thousand markes sustained by reason of the same with much adoo he obtained restitution of his temporalties by the mediation of Alice Piers a gentlewoman that in the last times of king Edward altogether possessed him Returning then vnto Winchester he was receiued into the city with solemne procession and many signes of great ioy Soone after his returne king Edward died and the Duke hoping by reason of the yoong kings nonage to worke some mischiefe vnto this Bishop whom of all mortall men he most hated began to rub vp some of the old accusations with additions of new complaints But the Dukes malice being as well knowen as the Bishops innocency the king thought good to be a meanes of reconciling these two personages and then was easily intreated vnder the broad seale of England to pardon all those supposed offences wherewith the Bishop had heretofore béene charged This tempest thus ouerblowen the rest of his daies he passed in great peace and quietnesse Two yéeres after his restitution he began the foundation of that woorthy monument the colledge commonly called the New colledge in Oxford laying the first stone of the same himselfe March 5. 1379. and dedicating it vnto the honor of God and the blessed virgin Mary Being finished the first warden fellowes all together tooke possession of it Aprill 14. 1386. at thrée of the clocke in the morning The very next yéere he began his other colledge néere Woluesey the Bishops pallace at Winchester laide the first stone of it March 26. 1387. and finished it also in sixe yéeres space so as the Warden and fellowes cntred into the same at thrée of the clocke in the morning March 28. 1393. Beside the charge of these two woorthy foundations he build all the body of his church of Winchester from the quier westward excepting only a little begun by Bishop Edington he procured many priuiledges and liberties vnto his Sée he bestowed 20000. markes in reparation of his house he paid the debts of men imprisoned for that cause to the summe of 2000. l. he mended all the high waies betwéene London and Winchester he purchased vnto his Sée two hundred markes land he forgaue his officers two thousand markes which they owed him he bestowed two hundred pound vpon the church of Windsor he released his tenants of 520. l. due for a reliefe at his incomme he ordayned a Chauntry of fiue priests at Southwyke he kept continually in his house fower twenty poore almesmen he maintained at the Uniuersity fifty schollers for the space of seuen yéeres before the building of his colledge he built a chappell as before is mentioned at Tichfield for the buriall of his parents lastly prouided for himselfe ten yéeres before his death a goodly monument in the body of his church All these charges notwithstanding he bequeathed legacies to the value of 6270. l. left ready money to pay them left his heire 100. l. land and all his houses furnished plentifully with most rich and sumptuons houshold stuffe After all these so memorable actions hauing runne the course of a long a happy and most honorable life he ended his daies in peace the yéere 1404 being full fowerscore yéeres of age and was laid in the toombe so long before prouided for him Upon it I finde engrauen these verses which rather for his honor then any great commendation they deserue I haue thought good to set downe Wilhelmus dictus Wickham iacet hic nece victus Istius ecclesiae praesul reparauit eamque Largus erat dapifer probat hoc cum 〈◊〉 pauper 〈◊〉 pariter regni fuerat bene dexter Hunc docet esse pium fun datio collegiorum Oxoniae primum stat Wintoniaeque secundum Iugiter oretis tumulum quicunque videtis Pro tantis meritis quod sit sibi vita perennis 53. Henry Beauforte THe Pope was now growen to
paine of death no man should héereafter be so hardy as to bring into the realme any kinde of writing from the Popes court Some notwithstanding contrary to this prohibition deliuered letters to the Bishop of Rochester then Treasurer of England from the Pope concerning this matter and fearing the woorst had armed themselues This 〈◊〉 they shrunke away and fled but were soone after 〈◊〉 and diuersly punished some dismembred other faire and well hanged The Pope hearing of this was so incensed that he wrote a very sharpe letter vnto the king breathing out terrible threats against him if he did not presently reconcile himselfe vnto the Bishop and cause full amends to be made him for all the losse he had sustained either by the Countesse or him in these troubles The king was too wise either to doe all he required or vtterly to despise his authority The 〈◊〉 he knew was not for his honor nor so farre had this tyrant incroched vpon the authority of princes the other for his 〈◊〉 Warned by the examples of king Iohn Henry the emperour and other he thought good not to exasperate him too 〈◊〉 and so was content to yéeld vnto somewhat But before the matter could grow to a full conclusion it was otherwise ended by God who tooke away the Bishop by death He deceased at Auinion June 23. 1361. and was there buried 〈◊〉 béen Bishop euen almost 17. yéeres 19. Simon Laugham INnocentius translated then Reginald Bryan Bishop of Worcester vnto Ely But he died before he could take benefit of the Popes gift Iohn Buckingham afterward Bishop of Lincolne was then chosen and was reiected by the Pope who preferred to this Sée Simon Laugham Abbot of Westminster He continued here but fiue yeeres being in that space first Treasurer then Chauncellor of England and was remooued to Canterbury Of his translation some merry fellow made these verses Laetentur 〈◊〉 quia Simon transit ab Ely Cuius in aduentum flent in Kent 〈◊〉 centum Sée more of him in Canterbury 20. Iohn Barnet AT what time Simon Laugham was translated to Canterbury Iohn Barnet was remooued from Bathe to succeede him in Ely He was first consecrate Bishop of Worcester 1362. and staying there but one yéere obtayned Bathe 1363. and lastly Ely 1366. He was Treasurer of England Being a very old man before his comming to Ely he liued there notwithstanding sixe yéeres in which tune he bestowed the making of fower windowes two in the South side and two in the North side of the Presbytery He died June 7. 1379. at Bishops 〈◊〉 lieth buried vpon the south side of the high altar in which place there is to be soone a goodly toombe monstrously defaced the head of the image being broken off I take that to be Barnets toombe 21. Thomas Arundell AFter the death of Iohn Barnet the king writ earnestly vnto the couent to choose Iohn Woodrone his confessor But they elected Henry Wakefield Treasurer of the kings house This election was made voide by the Pope who placed of his owne authority as I 〈◊〉 deliuered Thomas Arundell Archdeacon of Taunton sonne vnto Robert 〈◊〉 of Arundell and Warren being an aged gentleman of two and twenty yéeres old and as yet but a Subdeacon How be it some report that order being taken by parliament about this time for the ratifying of capitular elections and stopping the iniurious prouisions of the Pope that this Thomas 〈◊〉 was chosen orderly and consecrate at Otford by the Archbishop William Witlesey Aprill 6. 1375. Hauing 〈◊〉 there sowertéene yéeres thrée moneths and eightéene 〈◊〉 he was translated to Yorke and after to Canterbury He left for an implement of his house at Ely a woonderfull sumptuous and costly table decked with gold and precious stones It belonged first vnto the king of Spaine and was sold to this Bishop by the Blacke Prince for 300. markes He also bestowed the building of the great gate house in the house at Holburne Sée more of him in Yorke and Caterbury 22. Iohn Fordham THe Sée had béene void but fowertéene daies when Iohn Fordham Bishop of Durham was translated to Ely by the Pope He was first Deane of Wels consecrate Bishop of Durham May 29. 1381. and inthronized there in September 1382. He was Treasurer of England and to his great griefe was displaced from that office the yéere 1386. and Iohn Gilbert Bishop of Hereford made treasurer Seuen yéeres he continued at Durham and September 27. 1388. was by the authority of the Pope translated to Ely in which Sée he sate seuen and thirty yéeres two moneths and 24. daies He died Nouember 19. 1425. and lieth buried in the West part of the Lady chappell It appéereth by this reckoning that he was Bishop in all from the time of his first consecration 46. yéeres and vpward Sée more of him in Durham 23. Philip Morgan THe king then and manie noble men commended vnto the couent William 〈◊〉 doctor of law the kings confessor and kéeper of the priuie Seale who was after Bishop of Lincolne But they chose Peter their Prior. That election being disliked at home by the Archbishop he was fame to seeke vnto the Pope whose manner was litle or nothing to regard elections but to bestow any Bishoprick or other preferment that fell according to his owne pleasure if it were not filled before the auoidance might come to his knowledge According to this custome hauing no respect of the election of the couent of his owne authoritie he thrust in Phillip Morgan into this Bishopricke This man being doctor of law was consecrate Bishop of worcester 1419. and soone after 〈◊〉 death viz. before the end of the yeere 1425. remoued as is aforesaid vnto Ely He was a very wise man gouerned there with great commendation nine yeeres sixe moneths and fower daies And departed this life at Bishops 〈◊〉 October 25. 1434. He was buried at charter house in London 24. Lewes Lushborough PResently after his death the Monks elected Robert Fitz hugh Bishop of london who died before his translation could be perfected The king then writ for Thomas Rodburne Bishop of saint 〈◊〉 which notwithstanding they make choise of another to wit Thomas Bourchier Bishop of worcester whose election the Pope confirmed but the king vtterly refused to restore to him the temporalties of that see And so for feare of a premunire he durst not receiue the popes bulles of confirmation but renounced all his interest by this election The king then appointed this Bishopricke vnto Lewes Lushbrough Archbishoppe of Roan Cardinall and Chauncellor both of Fraunce and Normandy that was some way I know not how kinne vnto him By his meanes a dispensation was gotten of the Pope to hold Ely in commendam with his Archbishopricke He enioyed it sixe yéeres and sixe monethes and then died at Hatfild Septem 18. 1443. He is said to haue bene buried betwéene two marble pillers beside the altar of reliques 25. Thomas Bourchier THomas Bourchier being now once more chosen without
his place one Philip his Chauncellor But the Popes Legate the cleargy of Salisbury vtterly refusing to receiue him he made sute for the Bishopricke of Bayon and obtained the same After that it séemeth vnto me one Galfridus became Bishop of Sarum But because my proofes are not pregnant and diuers affirme Ioceline to be the next successor of Roger except that same Philip whom no man reckeneth amongst the Bishops of this Sée I will passe him ouer in silence Certaine it is that one Ioceline became Bishop of Salisbury continued so many yéeres died the yéere 1184. He was excommunicate together with the Bishop of London in the cause of Thomas Becket and indured much trouble about him as you may sée more at large in the life of the said Thomas He had a sonne named Reginald Bishop of Bathe and after Archbishop of Canterbury 5. Hubert NOuember 1. 1189. Hubert surnamed Walter 〈◊〉 of Yorke was consecrate Bishop of Sarum He attended King Richard Ceur-de-lyon in his famous voyage to the holy land Hereof sée more in Canterbury whether he was translated the yéere 1193. 6. Robert AFter him sate one Robert of whom I find nothing else recorded 7. Richard Poore RIchard Poore sometimes Deane of Salisbury was consecrate Bishop of Chichester 1215. and remooued to Salisbury the yéere 1217. This Bishop considering the vnconuenient situation of his Cathedrall Sée in a place so 〈◊〉 and bleake as also wearied with the often insolencies and malapert demeanure of the soldiers that garded the Earles Castle forsooke the same and sending for diuers famous workemen from beyond the Seas began the foundation of a new Church in a place then called Meryfield Pandulph the Popes Legate laid the fiue first stones the first for the Pope the second for the King the third for the Earle of Salisbury the fourth for the Countesse and the fist for the Bishop In this worke though he had great helpe of the king and diuers of the nobility yet was he so farre from ending it as 〈◊〉 yeeres after his departure it was scarcely finished The Townsmen of olde Salisbury they likewise remooued their habitation to the same place and left the Castle all alone which hauing béene the seate of the Earles of Salisbury many yéeres was giuen ouer into the Bishops hands about the yeere 1360. and in the time of king Henry the seuenth lette downe so as now except a broken tower or two and some péeces of walles there is nothing of it remaining This good Bishop was translated to Durham the yéere 1228. or as some deliuer 1225. See much more of him there 8. Robert Byngham THe Chapter of Salisbury elected then for their Bishop Robert 〈◊〉 one of their owne company the yeere 1228. and the yéere following he was consecrate at Shaftsbury This man with great diligence set forward the worke begunne by his predecessor yet was not able to finish the same although he sate Bishop well neare 20 yeeres He died Nouember 3. 1246. and left his Church indebted 1700. markes A man of great yeeres great learning and great vertue He lyeth buried vpon one side of the Presbitery and his successor on the other 9. William of Yorke WIlliam of Yorke Prouost of Benerley succéeded A Courtier from his very childhood and better seene in the lawes of the realme which he chiefly studied then in the law of God a great deale Matthew Paris reporteth that he first brought in the custome that Tenaunts should be suters vnto the Courts of their Landlords He departed from these worldly cares the last day of March 1256. hauing taken much paines in finishing the building of his Church and was buried as is aboue said ouer against his predecessor 10. Gyles de Brideport GYles de Brideport or Bridlesford Deane of Wels was consecrate Bishop of Salisbury the yéere 1256. and had licence of the Pope to hold the said 〈◊〉 in Commendam still The new Church of our Lady in newe Salisbury being now quite finished he hallowed or dedicated the same with great solemnity September 30. 1258. in the presence of the King and a great number of Prelates Nobles other great personages all which he feasted very magnificently He lyeth entoombed in a faire monument on the South side of the quire 11. Walter de la Wyle VVAlter de la Wyle succéeded him the yéere 1264. and died 1270. 12. Robert de Wikehampton RObert de Wikehampton Deane of Salisbury was elect by the Chapter of Salisbury soone after the decease of his predecessor and had his election confirmed by the Prior and Couent of Canterbury the Archbishopricke being void The Bishops of the realme thinking it an 〈◊〉 that the Couent should performe that which they perswaded them selues belonged vnto them not onely refused to consecrate the elect but also appealed against this confirmation the Papacy being void vnto the Colledge of Carbinals After three or foure yéeres contention iudgement was given for the elect who thereupon was consecrate the yéere 1274. In his time viz. the yéere 1280. vpon Michaelmasse day the Cathedrall Church vpon what occasion I can not tell was againe new hallowed by Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury He dyed the yeere 1283. 13. Walter Scammell VVIthin the space of fiue yéeres the Church of Salisbury about this time had fiue Bishops accounting the forenamed Robert for one Walter Scammell Deane also of Salisbury was the second He was consecrate the yeere 1284. and died within a yeere or two after 14. Henry de Braundstone THe third was Henry de Braundstone who being consecrate the yéere 1286. sate onely one yéere and then died 15. Laurence de Hawkborne THe fourth Laurence de Hawkborne being consecrate 1287. died within a few daies after his consecration 16. William de Comer LAstly William de Comer became Bishop 1288. and sate scarcely three yéeres 17. Nicolas de Longespe NIcolas de Longespe was sonne I take it vnto William Longespe base sonne of king Henry the second and Earle of Salisbury that lieth buried on the left hand of the entrance into the Lady chappell 〈◊〉 this Earle lying very sicke the Bishop brought the Sacrament He vnderstanding of the Bishops comming met him at the chamber doore halfe naked with a halter about his necke threw himselfe downe prostrate at his féete and would not be taken vp vntill hauing made confession of his sinnes with teares and other 〈◊〉 of woonderfull hearty and sincere 〈◊〉 he had receaued the Sacrament in most deuoute manner Some two or thrée daies after he liued continually bewailing his sinfull life with whole flouds of teares and departed 1226. This Nicolas his whether sonne or 〈◊〉 was consecrate 1291. and dying 1297. was buried 〈◊〉 by him vnder a huge marble stone sometimes inlaid with brasse and adorned with the armes of their house 18. Simon de Gaunt AFter him succéeded Simon de Gaunt a 〈◊〉 borne He was a great Diuine and made many good statutes whereby the church is yet gouerned 19. Roger de Mortiuall Roger
of his funerals but also the building of his toombe Chappell and all did also see toombe and Chappell destroyed and the bones of the Bishop that built them turned out of the lead in which they were interred Concerning this man many other Bishops of this Church if any desire to vnderstand more I must referre them to a discourse heretofore written by me in Latin of them which is in many mens hands though neuer published 40. Richard Foxe Soone after the death of Bishop Stillington Richard Foxe Bishop of Exceter was appointed his successor and so continuing for thrée yéeres was translated first to Durham and after to Winchester Sée Winchester 41. Oliuer King OLiuer King Doctor of Law and principall Secretary to the king became Bishop of Exceter the yéere 1492. and succeeding him in this Church as well as Exceter was translated hither Nouember 6. 1495. He pulling downe the old Church of the Abbey of Bathe began the foundation of a faire and sumptuous building but at the time of his death left it very vnperfect His successor bestowed some cost on it and William Bird the last Prior there endeuouring what he might by him selfe other to see it finished had euen brought it to perfection when the dissolution of the Abbey had almost ouerthrowen what before was set vp It is great pitty that some good man or other whom God hath enabled vndertaketh not the finishing of it a worke then which I thinke nothings is to be performed with so little cost that were more likely to be pleasing to Almighty God acceptable vnto men memorable with all 〈◊〉 This man sate Bishop eight yéeres and is thought to lye buried at Windsor in a little Chappell vpon the South side of the Quier ouer against which place vpon the enterclose of the Quier I find written vnder the pictures of king Henry the sixt and his sonne king Edward the fourth and Henry the seuenth this that followeth Orate pro domino Olmero King iuris professore ac illustri Edwardi primogeniti Henry Sexti 〈◊〉 Regum Edw. quarti Edw. quinti Henr. 7. principali Secretario 〈◊〉 ordinis Garterij Registrario huius Sancti Collegij Canonicqanno Dom. 1489. postea per dictum illustrillimum Regein Henry 7. ann 1492. ad sedem Exon. commendato 42. Hadrian de Castello POpe Innocent the eight hearing of a certaine dangerous 〈◊〉 raised vp against Iames the third king of Scots thought good to send into Scotland one Hadrian de Castello as a man for his wisedome and other good parts likely to appease those 〈◊〉 Being at London he was certified of the king of Scots death whom his own subiects had 〈◊〉 in battell So resting him selfe a while there he grew into acquaintance with Iohn Moorton the Archbishop of Canterbury He much delighted with his learning and discreete cariage commended him so effectually vnto the king Henry the seuenth as he thought good to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his Proctor for the dispatch of all his causes at Rome In that place he behaued him selfe so as the King at 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 of his paines and fidelity was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vnto the Bishopricke of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the yeere 1503. and then the yeere following of this See Pope Alexander the sixt in the meane time a little before his translation hither had made him Cardinall Here he continued 12. yeeres vntill that the yeere 1518. he was depriued of this and all other promotions vpon this occasion A Cardinall of Rome called Alfonso Petruccio consptred with certaine other Cardinals the death of Pope Leo 10. Amongst them this our Hadrian was content to make one mooued thereunto as P. Iouius affirmeth not by any grudge or priuate displeasure but onely by an ambitious 〈◊〉 that surely he should be Pope 〈◊〉 were once dead A certaine witch or wise woman as we call them hauing heretofore foretold him very strangely diuers things that had happened to him selfe other of his friends tooke vpon her to assure him that after the death of Pope Leo it should come to passe that a certaine old man named Hadrian borne of meane parentage preferred onely for his learning wisedome and other good parts should be aduaunced vnto the Papacy These particularities Hadrian was perswaded could agree to none other but him selfe For he being borne at Corneto a poore fisher towne of Hetruria of meane or rather very base parentage onely by vertue and good deserts rose by many degrees vnto the preferments before mentioned The witches prediction fell out true but in an other For Hadrian a Dutchman the sonne of a Erelver of Utright that had beene schoolemaster to Charles the fift 〈◊〉 fell out to be the man that succeeded Leo by the name of 〈◊〉 the sixt What became of this Hadrian afterward or when he died I find not 43. Thomas Woolsey VPon the depriuation of Hadrian Cardinall Woolsey held this Bishopricke in Commendam fower yéeres euen till that resigning it he tooke Durham Sée more of this man in Yorke 44. Iohn Clerke IOhn Clarke Doctor of Diuinity and Master of the 〈◊〉 was consecrate the yéere 1523. A man much emploied 〈◊〉 embassages He died in the end of the yeere 1540. being poisoned as it was supposed in Germany when he went Embassadour to the Duke of Clyue to render a reason of the 〈◊〉 diuorce from the Lady Anne of Cleue his sister He is 〈◊〉 in the Mineries at London 45. William Knight VVIlliam Knight Doctor of Lawe and Archdeacon of Richmund a man likewise much emploied in embassages by king Henry the eight sate sixe yéeres died September 29. 1547. and was buried vnder the great Pulpit which he caused to be built for his toombe In the 〈◊〉 place of Welles there is a goodly crosse erected partly by this man as this inscription engrauen witnesseth Ad honorem 〈◊〉 omnipotentis commodom pauperum mercatum Welliae freqnentantium impensis Gulielmi Knight Episcopi Richardi Wooleman huius ecclesiae Cathedralis olim Decani hic locus erectus est Laus Deo pax viuis requies defunctis Amen Ann. Dom. 1542. 46. William Barlowe VVIlliam Barlowe Doctor of Diuinity sometimes 〈◊〉 Chanon of Saint Osythes hauing béene Bishop of Saint Dauids the space of tenne yéeres or there abouts was translated hether to succéede Bishop Knight and continued here all the daies of R. Edward In the beginning of Queene Mary he was forced to leaue his countrey Bishopricke and all to liue exiled in Germany vntill that by her death the most happy aduauncement of our now Soueraigne he was at once restored to his Countrey and preferred to the Bishoppricke of Chichester There he liued about the space of tenne yeeres and dying the yéere 1569. was buried in his owne Church 47. Gilbert Bourne BIshop Barlow being forced to forsake his Bishopricke here Gilbert Bourne Doctor of Diuinity was appointed thereunto by Queene Mary The nonage of that good king Edward the sixt giuing opportunity to those horrible sacrileges that
not that enabled him to performe these great workes and yet to leaue so much money behind him He procured an order to be taken that all Ecclesiasticall persons of his Diocesse at the time of their deaths should leaue and bequeath their goods to him or to some other in trust towards his chargeable buildings or otherwise to be bestowed in pios vsus at his discretion This was the meanes wherby he grew to this infinite wealth and riches He died July 15. 1369. hauing sate Bishop here almost 42. yeeres and was buried in a Chappell which he built in the wall of the West end of his Church His funerals by his owne commaundement were performed without any mannerof pompe or extraordinary solemnity In so much as he allowed not either his seruants Executors or néerest kinsfolkes any mourning clothes at all See more of him in Simon Mepham of Canterbury THomas Brentingham the kings 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Calis was at 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 chosen Bishop of 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 He 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and was 〈◊〉 vnto the 〈◊〉 vpon 〈◊〉 1. of March ann 1370. He was a man very well learned expert as well in politique gouernment as ecclesiasticall matters and in both these respects greatly reuerenced and esteemed For which cause at the parliament holden at Westminster in the tenth yéere of king Richard the second he was chosen to be one of the twelue Péeres of the realme vnder the king He was a benefactor to the callenderhay of the Uicars chorall of his owne church supplied in buildings and otherwise what his predecessors had left vndone hauing been Bishop 24. yeres died at Clist the third of December an 1394 was buried in the North side of the body of his owne church in a little chappell standing betwéene two pillers EDmund Stafford brother to Ralph Earle of Stafford was consecrate Bishop of Exceter June 20. 1395. He was Chauncellor of England vnder king Edward the third At the Parliament holden at Westminster the one and twentieth yéere of king Richard the second he being speaker of the higher house made a very learned and pithie oration to proue the absolute authority of a king His theame was Rex vnus erit omnibus and hauing discoursed at large to that purpose did conclude Quod potestas regis esset sibi 〈◊〉 annexa solida and whosoeuer did by any meanes impeach the same Poena legis merito essee plectendus For the 〈◊〉 of good letters he did increase two fellowships in the colledge of Stapledons Iune in Oxford reformed the statutes of the house and altered the name of it calling it Erceter colledge After that he had continued Bishop in much honor about thrée and twenty yéeres he died the fourth of September being the seuenth yéere of king Henry the fift and lyeth buried in his owne church in a very faire tombe of Alabaster vpon the North side of the entrance into the Ladis chappell IAmes Cary Bishop of Lichfield being at Florence when newes was brought to Pope Martyn the fift of Bishop Staffords death was then and there made Bishop of this church an 1419. He inioyed not long this place for he died and was buried there EDmund Laey Bishop of Hereford was translated from thence vnto this church about Easter an 1420. A man very deuont and religious but subiect to 〈◊〉 who carried him to their pleasure Great contentions were betwéene him and the city for liberties which by arbitrement were compounded He built the chapter house in his owne church and was a liberall benefactor vnto the Uicars of Calenderhay Hauing continued in this See 35. yéeres he died 1475. and lyeth buried in the North wall of the presbytery vnder a plaine marble tombe where many miracles are said to haue beene wrought and are ascribed to his helines GEorge Neuill was consecrated Nouemb. 26. an 1455. He finished the chapter house which his predecessor had begun And after that he had beene Bishop about tenne yeeres was remooued to Yorke See more of him in Yorke IOhn Boothe Batcheler of the ciuill Law was consecrated vpon the two and twentith day of February an 1466. He gouerned his church very well and builded as some suppose the Bishops Sée in the quier but being weary of the great troubles which were in this countrey betwéene king Edward the fourth and the Earle of Warwicke he remooued from hence to his house of Horsleigh in Hampshire where he died vpon the first day of Aprill an 1478. lieth buried at Saint Elements in London PEter Courtmay Bishop of Exceter was 〈◊〉 in Nouember an 1477. at Saint Stephans in Westminster He was translated from this church vnto Winchester in the ninth yéere of his being Bishop here 〈◊〉 more in Winchester RIchard Foxe succéeded him and hauing continued Bishop here 6. yéeres he was translated first to Welles and after to Winchester See more in Winchester OLiuer King was consecrate Bishop of this church in February 1492. He also was remooued to Bathe hauing sate here thrée yéeres Sée more in Bathe RIchard Redman Doctor of diuinity and Bishop of Saint Assaph became Bishop of this church from whence he was remooued to Ely in September 1501. See more in Ely IOhn Arundell descended of the ancient and most worshipfull house of the Arundels of Lanherne in Cornewall was translated from 〈◊〉 to this Church in the ende of the yéere 1501. He died at London the yéere 1503. and was buried at Saint Clements church without Temple Barre vpon the South side of the high altar vnder a toombe of marble inlaid with brasse HVgh Oldam was preferred vnto this Bishoprick by the meanes of the Lady Margaret countesse of Richmond whose chaplaine he was A man of more zeale then knowledge and more deuotion then learning somewhat rough in spéeche but in deede and action friendly He was carefull in the sauing and defending of his liberties for which continual sutes were betwéene him and the Abbot of Tauestocke He was also liberall to the Uicars Chorall of his Church and reduced them to the kéeping of commons Towards the maintenance whereof he gaue them certaine reuenewes and impropriated vnto them the rectory of Cornwood Albeit he suere not very well learned yet a great fauourer and a furtherer of learning he was Once he had intended to haue inlarged Exceter colledge in Oxeford as well in building as in reuenewes but being denied a fellowship there which he had earnestly requested in the behalfe of one Atkins he altered his determination and contributed largely toward the foundation of Corpus Christi colledge whereof he is esteemed and worthily the principall benefactor He chanced to dye excommunicate at the sute of the Abbot of Tauistock June 25. 1519. and might not be buried vntill an absolution was procured from Rome He lyeth in a Chappel of his owne building cast out of the vppermost ende of the South wall of the Church where he hath a sumptuous faire monument IOhn 〈◊〉 otherwise Harman succéeded Oldham by the preferment
but his speciall care was to furnish the same and the rest of his Dioces with learned and honest men with whom he was woont continually to conferre and reason sometime with one and sometime with another partly for his owne exercise and partly to sée what was in them and to raise them vp to a diligence in increasing their knowledge Himselfe was very learned and writ diuers things both in prose and verse He was also a very good musition and could not onely sing but play very well vpon the organs and did set many songs Hauing crowned king Henry the first August 5. 1100. with the helpe of Maurice Bishop of London because Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury liued then in banishment the 18. of Nouember following being sunday he died at Rippon and was buried at Yorke in the Minster himselfe had built next vnto Aldred his predecessor 26. Gerard. AFter the death of Thomas Gerard nephew vnto Walkenlin Bishop of Winchester and Chauncellor of England vnder William the Conquerour and Rofus his sonne hauing beene Bishop of Heresord no long time he was elected vnto Yorke but obtayned not confirmation a great while For he refused to make profession of obedience vnto Canterbury till being commaunded by the Popes letters he performed the same He sate Archbishop seuen yéeres and almost sixe moneths and died suddenly in his garden at Southwell at a time when no body was with him He was a good benefactor vnto the Church of Yorke for he was a meanes vnto the king to bestow the Church of Laxton vpon the Chapter and himselfe hauing obtayued of him the Churches of Dryfield Kilne Pockington and Burgh he gaue them all likewise to the Chapter This notwithstanding after his death they would not suffer him bying so suddenly to be buried within their church hardly in the churchyard So he was laide at the entrance of the church porch But Thomas his successor not suffering such an indignity to be offered vnto an Archbishop remooued his bones into the Church afterward and caused them to be honorably intoombed He was a man of great learning and for eloquence admirable but somewhat too eager against married Priests whom by no meanes he could abide Bale chargeth him with forcery and coniuration because forsooth that after his death there was found in his chamber a volume of 〈◊〉 who writ of Astrology indéed but of coniuration nothing that euer I heard 27. Thomas 2. A Second Thomas succéeded a Chaplain of the kings nephew vnto the former Thomas and sonne vnto Sampson Bishop of Worceter Euen as his predecessor he was very loath to make his profession vnto Caterbury Being called vpon by Anselme the Archbishop He made many 〈◊〉 Wherefore Anselme lying very 〈◊〉 and perceiuing his end to be néere 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all the Bishops of England commanding them not to consecrate him before he had made his 〈◊〉 laying a terrible curse and 〈◊〉 vpon whosoeuer 〈◊〉 doo it The king after 〈◊〉 death 〈◊〉 the Bishop of Worceter whose sonne he was to consecrate him But he answered that he would not haue the curse of Father 〈◊〉 for any worldly good So in the end being perswaded to yéeld as other had done before him consecration was afforded vnto him and performed by his Father 〈◊〉 the foresaid Bishop of 〈◊〉 or as other report by the Bishop of London Iune 27. 1108. This man erected 〈◊〉 newe 〈◊〉 in his Church of Yorke he placed 〈◊〉 reguler at 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 parcels of land vnto the Colledge of 〈◊〉 and purchased of the king the like liberties priuileges for them that the 〈◊〉 of Yorke 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He sate little aboue 5. yéeres and died I thinke I 〈◊〉 say 〈◊〉 Martyr Lying dangerously 〈◊〉 he was aduertised by the 〈◊〉 the nature of his disease to be such as if he vsed the company of a woman he neede not doubt of his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 otherwise nothing was to be looked for but death He 〈◊〉 rather to 〈◊〉 then to 〈◊〉 so high and sacred a calling with so soule and haynous an 〈◊〉 So he ended his life February 19. 1114. and was buried beside the former Thomas his vncle 28. Thurstan THomas the Archbishop being taken away as before I haue declared Thurstan a Cannon of Paules and the Kings Chaplaine was chosen to succéed him He when he could by no meanes obtaine consecration of Ralph Archbishop of Canterbury without making profession of subiection 〈◊〉 and forsooke the 〈◊〉 of his election Yet remembring himselfe at last he went to Rome to plead his cause before the Pope and obtained letters to the king and Archbishop of Canterbury in commendation of his cause These letters preuailing nothing with the Archbishop that would be wonne by no meanes and Thurstan continuing as obstinate in his resolution The Sée remained void along time At last it fell out that a Counsell was summoned to be held at 〈◊〉 Thurstan crauing leaue of the king to goe thither could not obtaine it before he had promised that he would not receiue consecration there Which promise notwithstanding so well he followed his businesse that before the comming ouer of other English Bishops to the Counsell he was a Bishop ready consecrate as well as they and that by the hand of the Pope himselfe So he and he only I thinke of all the Archbishops of York since the Conquest neuer made profession of subiection to the Metropoliticall See of Canterbury The King hearing of this dealing was very greatly offended with Thurstan and for bad him England Neither could the Pope méeting with the King at Gisors and intreating for him so pacifie his displeasure as that he would suffer him to returne After fiue yeeres banishment the Pope writ a very sharpe letter vnto the king signifying that he would excommunicate both him and the Archbishop of Canterbury also if Thurstan were any longer kept from his See and charge Hereupon he was called home and soone after reconciled vnto the King This man is much praysed first for his learning then for his great wisedome and discretion and lastly for his industry and diligence his care and painefulnesse in well gouerning the charge committed to him He was a very kinde man to his Cannons vnto whom amongst other things he affoorded this priuiledge that the yeerely profite of their prebends being deuided into thrée parts it should be lawfull for any Canon to bequeath two parts of the yéere next ensuing his death alotting the third vnto the Fabricke that is toward the reparation of the church This order he set downe not onely at Yorke but at Beuerley also at Southwell at Rippon and at Glocester all which were colledges founded by Archbishops of Yorke Moreouer it is to be remembred that he either founded a 〈◊〉 or renued and repaired eight monasteries In the latter end of his time to wit June 4. 1137. a lamentable chaunce befell his church and city By casuall fire Saint Peters church in Yorke Saint Maries without the walles a
histories are written He was wont to say that Thurstan neuer did a worse deede then in erecting the Monastery of Fountney And that it may 〈◊〉 he faigned not this mislike you shall find in Newbridg lib. 3. cap. 5. That a certaine religious man comming vnto him when he lay vpon his death bed requested him to confirme certaine graunts made vnto their house to whom he answered you see my friend I am now vpon the point of death it is no time to dissemble I feare God and in regard thereof refraine to satisfie your request which I protest I can not doo with a good conscience A strange doctrine in those daies but being a wise man and learned he must néedes discerne that the monkes of his time were so farre swarued and degenerate from the holinesse of those first excellent men of the primitiue Church as they resembled rather any other kinde of people then those whom they pretended in profession to succeed These men the monkes I meane to be reuenged vpon him haue stamped vpon him two notable faults one that he preferred whipping boyes vnto the chiefe dignities of the Church wherein were it true no body can excuse him The other thing they lay to his charge is manifestly false They say he was miserably couetous and how doo they prooue it Because forsooth he left a certaine deale of ready money behind him Surely in my same made no haste to receiue consecration as knowing better how to sheare his shéepe then to feed them which he knew he might do without consecration as well as with it Seuen yéeres he held the Bishoprick after that sort and at length by the perswasion of his father desirous to haue his sonne néere about him as some say or perceiuing him vnfit to make a cleargy man as other say He resigned his interest in the church of Lincolne and got him to the court where he was made Lord Chanucellour of England and held that office about eight yéeres viz. vntill the yéere 1189. at what time his father died Many Bishoprickes at that time were void and had béene some of them a long time as Yorke now ten yeeres and Lincolne seuenteene King Richard therefore vnderstanding the people murmured and grudged much at these long vacations and knowing also it imported him to see his brother prouided for he thought to stop two gaps with one bush and at once to furnish Yorke with an Archbishop and his brother with a liuing So he writ his letters vnto the chapter of Yorke in his brothers behalfe who not without some difficulty elected him He was consecrate at Tours in Fraunce in the moneth of August 1191. Presently after his consecration comming ouer into England he was imprisoned by 〈◊〉 Bishop of Ely the Chauncellour being drawen from the very altar of Saint Martins church in 〈◊〉 but he was quickly set at liberty againe And the proude Chauncellour 〈◊〉 repented him of his rashnesse and folly being excommunicate for the same and otherwise hardly ynough vsed as you may see more at large in his life This man prooued a better Bishop then was expected gouerning his Prouince if not somewhat too stoutely according to the courage 〈◊〉 in a man of so high birth and nobility very well and 〈◊〉 He is praysed much for his temperance 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 both of conntenance and behauiour All the time of his brother 〈◊〉 expecting the wrong done vnto him by the Bishop of Ely he liued quietly without 〈◊〉 or complaint of any Betweene him and king Iohn who was his brother also there was much adoe In the second yeere of his raigne he commaunded the Sheriffe of Yorkeshire to seise vpon all the goods and lands of the Archbishop and his seisure to returne into the exchecquer which was done accordingly whereupon the said Archbishop excommunicated not onely the Sherisie that had done him this violence but all those in generall that were the authors of the same and that had béene any meanes to stirre vp the kings indignation against him The cause of this trouble is diuersly reported some say that he hindered the kings officers in gathering a kind of taxe through his 〈◊〉 others that he refused to saile into Norwandy with him when he went to make a marriage for his neice and to conclude a league with the French king Whether one of these were the cause or both or none I can not tell But certaine it is that one whole yéere his temporalities were detained from him his mooueable goods neuer restored and yet moreouer he was saine to pay a thousand pound sterling for his restitution This was a greater wound then that it might easily be cured Sixe or 7. yéeres after it brake out againe to wit an 1207. King Iohn then being at Winchester required such of the cleargy Nobility as were there present to consent that payment should be made vnto him of the thirtéenth shilling of all the mooueable goods in England This motion no man gainesaid but Geffrye the Archb. his brother After this whether it were he were guilty of some greater attempt or that he vnderstood his brother to be gréeuously offended with him for withstanding this his desire well perceiuing England was too hote for him secretly he auoyded the Realme excommunicating before his departure such of his iurisdiction as either had paied the said taxe or should hereafter pay it He liued then in banishment 5. yéeres euen vntill he was called to his long home by death which was the yéere 1213. So he continued Archbishop somewhat more then 21. yéeres 33. Walter Gray THe Sée was void after the death of Geffry the space of foure yéeres In the meane space Symon de Langton brother vnto Stephen Langton Archbishop of Canterbury was elected by the Chapter of Yorke But king Iohn being lately become tributary vnto the church of Rome 〈◊〉 found meanes to Cassire and disanull that election If the old quarrell betwéene the Archbishop and him stucke yet some thing in his stomacke I maruell not but he alledged that he thought it dangerous and very inconuenient the whole Church of England should be ruled by two brethren one at Canterbury in the South an other at Yorke in the North. He laboured then very earnestly to haue Walter Gray his Counsellor remooued from Worceter to Yorke The channons there refused him for want of learning as they said but at last they were content to accept him in regard forsooth of his singular temperance and chastity they seemed to be perswaded that he had continued till that time a pure maide The matter was they durst do no other but yeeld and then thought good to make a vertue of necessity This man was first Bishop of Chester consecrate the yéere 1210. translated thence to Worceter 1214. and lastly the yéere 1216 to Yorke but vpon such conditions as I thinke he had béene better to haue staid at Worceter still The Pope would haue no lesse then 10000 l. for wresting him into the Archbishoprick
end of his time viz. the yéere 1464. 〈◊〉 Minster of Yorke was burnt I know not by what chance 52. George Neuell RIchard Neuell that great Earle of Warwicke that 〈◊〉 and pulled downe kings at his pleasure aduanced his brother George Neuell vnto great and high placss being 〈◊〉 but a very yoong man By his meanes he was consecrate Bishop of Exceter Nouember 25. 1455. at what time he was not fully 20. yéeres of age The yéere 1460. he was made Lord Chauncellour of England the yoongest Chauncelour I thinke that euer was either before or since his time In that office he continued till the yéere 1464. viz. vntill the mariage of king Edward the 4. In which action the king 〈◊〉 knowing he had giuen cause of offence vnto the Earle of Warwick for it was done whilest that Earle was ambassador in Fraunce and busie in a treatie for a match betweene the king and the French Quéenes sister He thought it necessarie to weaken him what he might and so first remooued this his brother from the office of Chauncelour and bestowed it vpon Robert Stillington Bishop of Bath Notwithstanding this alienation of the king from him the yéere 1466. 〈◊〉 obtained the Archbishopricke of yorke and held the same but with great trouble vntill his death The 〈◊〉 of the dishonour done to the Earle by that 〈◊〉 mariage sticking 〈◊〉 in his mind hauing peraduenture continual occasions of new greeses be made a 〈◊〉 with his brethren to pull downe king Edward that had raigned now almost 9. yeeres and to set vp king Henry the 6. againe who had 〈◊〉 in prison all that while This indeed they performed partly by the help of George Duke of Clarence king Edwards brother And it was the hap of this Archb. to take 〈◊〉 Edward prisoner at 〈◊〉 in Northhampton shire He carried him thence first to 〈◊〉 castell then to 〈◊〉 castell in yorke shire But being of too good a nature to be a good 〈◊〉 vsed him with such curtesie suffering him to walke abroad often to 〈◊〉 with a few 〈◊〉 to attend him as were it by the negligence or vnfaithfulnesse of those that had the charge of him I know not away he escaped being met vpon a plaine where he hunted by a troupe of his friends wasted by them into a place of safety 〈◊〉 halfe a yeere that K. Henry was restored to his crown 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Edward so handled that matter as comming suddenly to London entring that Bishops palace by aposterne gate 〈◊〉 surprised at once king Henry b the Archbishop that had not long before taken him They were both caried thence to the tower of London where that good king was soone after pitifully murthered But the Archbishop vpon the fourth of June following was set at liberty About a yeere after his inlargement he chaunced to be with the king a hunting at Windsor and vpon occasion of the sport they had seene there made relation vnto the king of some extraordinary kinde of game wherewith he was woont to solace himselfe at a house he had built and furnished very 〈◊〉 called the Moore in Hartfordshire The king seeming desirous to be partaker of this sport appointed a day when he would come thither to hunt and make merry with him Hereupon the Archbishop taking his leaue got him home and thinking to 〈◊〉 the king in the best manner it was possible for him he sent for much plate that he had bid during the warres 〈◊〉 his brethren and the king and borrowed also much of his friends The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 brought into the 〈◊〉 the day 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sent for the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 him all 〈◊〉 set a part to repaire presently vnto him being at 〈◊〉 As sone as he came he was arrested of treason all his plate money and other 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the value of 20000 l. were seised vpon for the king and himselfe a long space after was kept prisoner at Calis and Guisnes during which time the king 〈◊〉 vnto himselfe the profits and temporalties of his Bishopricke Amongst other things then taken from him he had a 〈◊〉 of inestimable value by reason of many rich stones wherewith it was adorned that the king brake and made thereof a crowne for himselfe This calamity happened vnto him the yéere 1472. By intercession and intreaty of his friends with much 〈◊〉 he obtayned his liberty the yéere 1476. and a little while 〈◊〉 the same with griefe and anguish of minde as is thought died at Blithlaw comming from Yorke He was buried in the Minster there In this mans time Sixtus the fourth made the Bishop of Saint Andrewes Primate of all Scotland and appointed twelue Bishops to be vnder him that vntill that time were of the Prouince of Yorke The Archbishop 〈◊〉 it what he might But the Pope alledging it was very vnfit that such a 〈◊〉 should be the Metropolitane of Scotland as for the most part by reason of wars was an enemy vnto the same ouerruled it and would needes haue it so 53. Lawrence Boothe THe Bishop of Durham Lawrence Boothe halfe brother vnto William Boothe George Neuils predecessor succéeded them in the Sée of Yorke He was first Master of Penbrooke hall in Cambridge consecrate Bishop of Durham September 25. 1457. and twenty yéeres after vizthe yéere 1477 remooued to Yorke In August 1472. he was made Lord Chancellour and continned in that office two 〈◊〉 This man bought the mannor of Batersey of one Nicolas Stanley and built the house there all which he gaue vnto his Sée He died at Southwell the yéere 1480. when he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Archbishop 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and nine 〈◊〉 and was buried 〈◊〉 his brother 54. Thomas Rotheram alias Scot. THomas Scot otherwise called Rotheram was borne at 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 and according to the manner of religious persons in old time would 〈◊〉 take his surname of the place where he was borne 〈◊〉 such education as the country could afford him being now ripe for the vniuersity and towardly was sent by his friends vnto Cambridge and was chosen fellow of kings colledge in which place he continued till he was called away by preferment King Edward whose Chaplaine he was procured him first the Prouostship of Beuerley made him keeper of his priuy Seale and then Bishop of Rochester the yeere 1467. Staying there scarce fower yeere he remooued to Lincolne anno 1471. The yeere 1474. he was made Lord Chauncellour and continued long in that office euen vntill the raigne of Richard the vsurper at what time or a little before he deliuered the great Seale vnto the 〈◊〉 and is blamed for committing it vnto her of whom he receiued it not and had no right to require it Being yet at Lincolne he bestowed great cost in building the goodly beautifull gate of the schooles at Cambridge the walkes on each side thereof and the new Library that is at the east side of that building which he caused to be done of his owne charge with some very
euen til that time of his captiuity This man nothing regarding the danger might ensue not onely refused to forsake him when he had forsaken himself but desided him his cause the best he could when he might well perceaue his indeuor might hurt himselfe much without any possibility of helping the other When the 〈◊〉 and vnstable multitude not contented that king Richard had resigned his crowne to saue the head that ware it and their darling Henry 〈◊〉 fourth seated himselfe in his royall throne importuned the Parliament assembled to procéed yet farther against him 〈◊〉 no doubt that to make all sure his life might be taken from him This worthy and memorable Prelate stepping forth doubted not to tell them that there was none amongst them méete to giue iudgement vpon so noble a Prince as King Richard was whom they had taken for their Soueraigne and leige Lord by the space of 22. yéeres and more And procéeding further I assure you quoth he I report his words as I find them in our Chronicles there is not so ranke a traytor nor so errant a théefe nor yet so cruell a murtherer apprehended or detained in prison for his offence but he shall be brought before the Justice to heare iudgement and will you proceede to the iudgement of an annoynted King hearing neither his answere nor excuse I say and will auouch that the Duke of Lancaster whom ye call King hath more trespassed to king Richard and his Realme then king Richard hath done either to him or vs For it is manifest and well knowen that the Duke was banished the Realme by King Richard and his counsell and by the iudgement of his owne Father for the space of 10. yéeres for what cause ye remember well ynough This notwithstanding without licence of R. R. he is returned againe into the realme that is worse hath taken vpon him the name title and 〈◊〉 of R. And therfore I say that you haue done manifest wrong to procéed against R. Richard in any sort without calling him openly to his answere and defence This spéech scarcely ended he was attached by the Earle Marshall and for a time committed to ward in the Abbey of Saint Albones Continuing yet his loyall affection vnto his distressed Master soone after his inlargement he ioyned with the Hollands and other in a conspiracy against King Henry which being bewrayed to the destruction of all the rest he onely was pardoned peraduenture in regard of his calling for it had neuer beene séene hitherto that any Bishop was put to death by order of 〈◊〉 peraduenture in some kinde of fauour and admiration of his faithfull constancy for vertue will be honored euen of her enemies peraduenture also to this ende that by forcing him to liue miserably they might lay a punishment vpon him more 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 death which they well saw he despised The Pope who seldome denied the king any request that he might affoord good cheape was easily intreated to translate forsooth this good Bishop from the Sée 〈◊〉 Carlile that yéelded him honorable maintenance vnto Samos in Greece whereof he knew he should neuer receiue one 〈◊〉 profit He was so happy as neither to take benefit of the gift of his enimy nor to be hurt by the masked malice of his counterfeit friend Disdaining as it were to take his life by his gift that tooke away from his Master both life and kingdome he died shortly after his deliuerance so deluding also the mockery of his translation whereby things so falling out he was nothing damnisted 16. William de Stirkland before mentioned was appointed his successor by the Pope at the request of king Henry and consecrate at Cawood by the Archbishop of Yorke August 24. 1400. He died August 30. 1419. 17. Roger Whelpdale Doctor of Diuinity was elected by the Chapter and consecrate at London by the Bishop of Winchester the yéere 1419. He was brought vp in Balioll colledge in Oxford Writ much in Logike Philosophy Diuinity in which as also the Mathematikes and other good learning he was very well séene died in his house at London February 4. 1422. and was buried there in the cathedrall church of Saint Paule His workes I heare remaine yet to be séene in Baylioll colledge library 18. William Barrow Bishop of Bangor was traslated to Carlile 1423. died at Rose castle September 4. 1429. and was buried at Carlile 19. Marmaduke Lumley was chosen by the Chapter consecrate 1430. and hauing sate twenty yéeres was translated to Lincolne 20. Nicolas Close consecrate 1450. sate two yéeres and was remoued to Lichfield 21. William Percy sonne to the Earle of Northumberland was consecrate 1452. and sate ten yéeres 22. Iohn Kyngscote Doctor of the Canon Law was consecrate 1462. and sate onely one yéere 23. Richard Scroope consecrate at Yorke by George Neuill Bishop of Exceter June 24. 1464. sate fower yeeres 24. Edward Storey Doctor of Diuinity consecrate at Westminster by the foresaid George Neuill now Archbishop of Yorke October 14. 1468. sate nine yéeres and was translated to Chichester 25. Richard Prior of Durham consecrate at the Popes commaundement without any election by the hands of his predecessor and sate 18. yeeres 26. William Seuer Abbot of Saint Maryes in Yorke consecrate 1496. was translated to Durham the yeere 1503. 27. Roger Layburne Doctor of Diuinity a gentleman of a very auncient house borne neere Carlile was consecrated in September 1503. and sate there eight yéeres 28. Iohn Penny Doctor of Law consecrate 1511. sate 9. yéeres 29. Iohn Kite a Londoner borne and somtimes the kings Ambassador into Spaine was first consecrate an Archbishop of a Sée in Greece and then made Bishop of Carlile the yéere 1520. He died June 19. 1537. was buried at Stepney beside London in the middle of the Chancell toward the North side where is to be seene a rude Epitaphe vpon the marble that couereth him 30. Robert Aldrich Doctor of Diuinity and Prouost of Kings Colledge in Cambridge was elected Bishop of Carlile July 18. 1537. and soone after consecrate He died at Horne-castle March 5. 1555. 31. Owen Oglethorp Doctor of Diuinity and President of Magdalene colledge in Oxford a gentleman well borne was consecrate 1556. He was so happy as to set the crowne of this realme vpon the head of her Maiesty that now doth long and happily may shee possesse the same He was depriued with diuers other Bishops for withstanding her Maiesties proceedings the yeere 1559. and soone 〈◊〉 died suddenly 32. Iohn Best Doctor of Diuinity was consecrate March 2. 1561 died May 22. 1570. and was buried at Carlile 33. Richard Barnes Bishop of Nottingham Suffragan vnto the Archbishop of Yorke was translated to Carlile July 23. 1570. 〈◊〉 the yéere 1577. was 〈◊〉 thence to Durham 34. Iohn Mey Doctor of 〈◊〉 Master of 〈◊〉 Hall in Cambridge was consecrate by Iohn Elmer Bishop of London 〈◊〉 thereunto by the Archbishop of Yorke September 29. an 1577. He died in the moneth of April 〈◊〉 1598. 35. Henry Robinson Doctor of Diuinity 〈◊〉 of Quéenes colledge in Oxford was consecrate before the ende of the same yéere Carlile paide for first fruits to the Pope 1000. ducats and is now valued to the Queene in 531 l. 4 s. 11 d. ob The Bishops of Chester IN the City of Chester there was of old a Nunry the Church whereof first built by that famous Earle Leofricus and dedicated vnto Saint Werburg being now become very ruinous Hugh Lupus the first Earle of Chester after the Conquest repaired the same the yéere 1094. and by the perswasion of Saint Anselme whom being dangerously sicke he had sent for into Normandy to be his ghostly father replenished it with monkes About the same time or a little before to wit the yéere 1075. Peter Bishop of Lichfield remooued his See thither But his next successor Robert de Lymesey forsaking Chester made choice of Couentry whence not long after the succéeding Bishops returned againe to Lichfield King Henry the eight restored vnto this City that honor and conuerting the Monastery aforesaid into a Cathedrall Church erected a new Bishopricke there appointed the Counties of Chester Lancaster and Richmond to be the Dioces of this new Sée and the same to be estéemed in the Prouince of the Archbishop of Yorke 1. Iohn Byrd THe first Bishop of Chester was Iohn Byrd borne in Couentry and brought vp in Oxford Being Doctor of Diuinity and Prouinciall of the 〈◊〉 he was preferred by King Henry the eight to the Bishopricke of Ossery in Ireland From thence soone after he was remooued first to Bangor and lastly vnto Chester Certaine Sermons preached before the King against the Popes Supremacy were the occasion of his aduauncement In Queene 〈◊〉 daies he was depriued for being maried 2. Iohn Coates BIshop Coates succéeded him His Christen name I take it was Iohn For certaine I can not affirme it He died soone after his preferment in Quéene Maries daies 3. Cutbert Scot. SHe then preferred vnto this Sée one Cutbert Scot who sitting not past two or thrée yéeres in the beginning of the happy raigne of her Maiesty that now is was displaced and for his disobedience committed to the Fléete Thence I know not by what meanes escaping he fled to 〈◊〉 and there died 4. William Downham VVIlliam Downham was Chaplaine vnto her Maiesty before her comming to the Crowne and being preferred by her vnto this Sée continued in the same about twenty yéeres 5. William Chaderton VVIiliam Chaderton Doctor of Diuinity succéeded and was translated to Lincolne the yéere 1595. 6. Hugh Billet HVgh Billet Doctor of Diuinity and Bishop of Bangor sate not fully one yéere He died about Whitsontide ann 1596. 7. Richard Vaughan RIchard Vaughan Doctor of Duinity succéeded Bishop Billet in both those places being translated hither in June 1597. He yet liueth This Bishopricke is valued at 420 l. 20 d. FINIS