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A00005 Here begynneth a shorte and abreue table on the Cronycles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. English. Selections.; Trevisa, John, d. 1402. 1515 (1515) STC 10000; ESTC S106695 471,876 302

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London and euery good towne of Englonde sent ouer the see to his rescowe certayne peple well arayed of the beste and chosen men for the warre ¶ And the seconde daye of August the forsayd duke of gloucestre aryued at Calays wyth all his army .v. hondred shyppes moo ¶ And the duke of Burgoyne all his hoost that laye in the syege as soone as they aspyed the sayles in the see before they approched Calays hauē sodaynly in a mornynge departed frome the syege leuynge behynde hym moche stuff and vytayle fledde in to Flaundres and Pycardye And in lykewyse dyde the syege that laye befor Guy●es where as they of Gwenes toke gregonne of brasse called Dyg●on many other grete gonnes serpentes And than whan the duke of Gloucere was aryued wyth hys host He wente in to Flaunders there he was .xii. dayes dyde bute lytell harme excepte that he brente two fayre vyllages Poperynge Bell other houses whyche were of no stronge buyldynge so he retorned home ayen· ¶ And thys same yere the kyng of Scotlonde besyeged Rokesburgh with moche people But syr Raufe graye departed frō the castell ordeyned for a rescowe But as soone as the kynge of Scotlōde vnderstode hys departynge sodaynly he brake his syege wēte his waye lefte moche ordinaunce behynde hym where he gate hym no worshyp· This same yere the seconde daye of Ianyuer quene Katheryne the whiche was the kinges moder and wyf to kynge Hēry the fyfte deīed departed out of this wolde was brouht ryally thrugh Londō soo to westm̄ there she lyeth worshypfully buryed in oure ladyes chapel ¶ And also this same yere the fourth day of Ianyuer felle downe the gate wyth the tour on it on Londō brydge to warde South warde with two arches al the stone theron ¶ This same yere was a greate treate holdē bitwene Grauenynge Calays bytwene the kyng the duke of Burgoyne where was ī the kynges name the Cardynall of Englonde the duke of Norfolke and many other lordes for the duke of Burgoyne was the duchesse hauynge fulle power of hyr lorde as regnette and lady of hys londes where was taken by thaduyse of bothe partyes an abstynence of warre for a certayn tyme in the name of the duchesse and not of the duke by cause he had gone frome his othe and legaunce that he had made to kynge Henry the fyfte therfore the kynge neuer wolde wryte ne appoynt ne haue to doo with hym after but all in the duchesse name ¶ Also thys same yere quene Iane deyed the seconde day of Iule whiche had ben wyfe to Kynge Henry the fourthe and was caryed frome Bermondsey to Caunterbury where she lyeth buryed by kynge Henry her husbonde This same yere deyed all the Lyons in the toure of London the whiche had not ben seen many yeres before ¶ Howe Owen a squyre of wales that had wedded quene Katheryne was arested and of the scisme bytwene Eugenie Felix IN the .xv. yere of kynge Henry the sixth deyed Sygysmondus Emperour of Almayne and knyght of the garter whos termēte the kynge kepte at saynt Poules in London tyally where was made a ryall heerse and the Kynge in his astate cladde in blewe was atte euen at dyryge on the morne at masse c. And after hym was electe and chosen Albert duke of Osteryk whiche had wedded Sygysmondus doughter for to be Emperour This man was takē receyued to be Kynge of Beme and Vngary by cause of his wyf that was Sygysmondus doughter whiche left none other heyre after hym This Alberte was Emperoure but one yere for he was poysened so deyed some saythe that he deyed of flix but he was a vertuous mā pytefull moche that all the peple the knew hym sayd that the world was not worthy to hauy his presence ¶ This same yere one Owē a squyre of wales a mē of low byrth whyche had many a day befor secretly wedded quene Kateryn had by hyr .iii. sones ● one doughter he was takē cōmaūded to Newgate to prysō by my lord of Gloucestre protectour of the reame And this yere he brake the prysō by the meane of a preest that was his chapelayn after was takē ayē by my lorde Bomōde brought ayē to Newgate afterwarde deliuered at large And one of his sones afterwarde was ma●e erle of Rychemōde an oth●r erle of Pēbroke the thyrde a mōke of westm̄ whiche mōke d●yed sone after ¶ This same yere also on Newe yeres daye at Bernardes Castell fell downe a stake of wode sodaynly at after none and slewe thre mē myschyfly foule hurte other ¶ And at Bedforde on a shyresdai were xviii mē murdred without stroke by fallynge downe a stayr as they come out of the comune ●alle and manifoule hurte ¶ In the .xviii yere syr Rycharde Beauchāp the good erle of warwyke deyed atte Rone he beynge the tyme lyuetenate of the kīge in Normandye and frome thens his body was brought to warwyke where he lyeth worshypfully in a newe chappel on the south syde of the quere ¶ And also this yere was a grete derth of corne thrughout all Englonde for a bussell of where was worth xl pens in many places of Englonde ¶ And yet they myght not haue ynoughe wherfore Steuen Browne that tyme Mayre of Londō sente into pruce and broughte to London certayn shyppes laden wyth rye whiche dyd moche good to the poore people For corne was soo scarse in Englonde that in some places of Englonde poore people made them brede of fern rotes ¶ This yere the generall coūseyll of Basylyde posed Eugeny they chose Felix whiche was duke of sauoy than began the scysme whiche endured vnto the yere of our lorde M. CCCC.xlvii ¶ This felix was a deuoute prynce sawe his sones sone And after lyued an holy lyfe and was chosen pope of the coūseyll of Bysyle Eugeny deposed And so the scysme was longe tyme. thys Felyx had but lyttll obedience by cause of the naturalyte for the moost parte wel nyghe al crystendome obeyed and reputed Eugeny for very pope of theym bothe gor bothe occupyed duryng the lyf of Eugeny This same yere syr Rychard whyche was vycarye of Hermettelworth was degrated of his preesthode at Poules brent at toure hylle as for an heretike on saynt Botulphus daye how well att his deche he deyed a good Crysten man wherfore after his dethe moche people come to the place where he was brēte and offred and made an hepe of stones set vp a crosse of tree helde him for a saynt tyll the Mayre shreues by the kyngꝭ cōmaundement of bysshappes dystroyed it made there a doūge hylle ¶ And also this yere the shreues of London set out of saint Martins the graunte of the sent wary fyue ꝑsones whyche after warde were restored ayen to the sentwary by the kynges
but yf he payed for it And came rydyng thorough the cyte ī grete pryde smote his swerde vppō london stone in Canwycke strete ¶ And he beynge in the cyte sēte to the toure for to haue the lorde Say And so they fette hym brought hym to the yelde halle before mayre chaldermen where that he was examyned And he sayd he wolde ought to be Iuged by his petys And the comyns of Kent toke hym by force frō the mayre office●● that kepte hym and toke hym to a prest to shrewe hym And or he myght be half shriuē they broughte hym to the standerd in the chepe syde and there smote of his heed on whos soule god haue mery Amen ¶ And thus deyed the lorde Saye Tresourer of Englonde ¶ And this they set his heed vpon a spere bare it all about the Cyte And the same daye about Myle ende Cromere was beheded And the daye before at after none the Capytayne with certayne of hys men went to Philyp malpaus house robbyd hym and toke a waye moche good And from thens he wen to saynt Margaretes patens to one Gertis house and robbyd hym and toke away from hym moche good also Att whiche robbyng dyuerse men of London of thier neyghbours were at· and toke part wyth theym ¶ For this robbyng the peples hertes felle frome hym· And euery thryfty men was a ferde for to be serued in lyke wyse ¶ For there was many a man in London that a wayted wolde fayn haue sene a comyn robbery whyche almyghty god forbyd For it is to suppose yf he hadde not robbyd he myght haue goon ferre or he had be wythstonde for the kynge and all the lordes of the reame of Englonde were departed except the lorde Scalys that kept the toure of London And the fyfte daye of In● he dyd do smyte of a mānys hede in south werke And the nyght after the mayre of London with the Aldermen the Comyns of the cyte● concluded to dryue away the capytayne hys hooste And sent to the lorde Scales to the toure to Mathegough a capytayne of Normādye that they wolde that nyght assayll the Capytayne with theym of kente And so they dyd come to London brydge in such werke or the Capytayne had ony knowlege therof they fought with theym that kept the brydge And the kē●ysshmē wēt to harnes came to the brydge shote and foughte with thē gate the bridge made theȳ of Londō to flee slewe many of theym thys endured all the nyght to fro tyll one of the clocke of the morowe And at the laste they brente the drawe brydge where many of theym of london were drowned In the whiche nyght satton and alderman of Lōdon was slayn Roger heysaunte Mathegough many other And after this the chaunseler of Englonde sent to the Capytayne a pardon generalle for hym an other for his meny and then they departyd fro such werke euery man to his owne hous ¶ And whā they were al departed gone ther was proclamacyons made in Kente South sex other places that what man coude take the Capytayn quycke or deed sholde haue a thousāde poūde ¶ And after this one Alexander ydē a squyer of kent toke hym in a gardē in suthsex And in takē Iohn̄ Cade capytayne was slayne and beheded And his heed sette vpon London brydge And anone after the kynge came in to kente and dyd his Iustices sytte at Caunterbury and enquyred who was causers chyef cause of this Insurreccyon And there were .viii. mē Iugyd to the deth in one daye in other places mo And from thens the kynge went in to Southsex and in the weste countree where a lytell before was slayne the bysshop of Salysbury And this same yere there were so many Iugyd to deth that thre hedes stode vppon Londō brydge atte ones ¶ Of the felde that the duke of yorke toke att Drenched in kent of the byrch of prynce Edwarde of the fyrste bataylle at Sayne Albōs where the duke of somerset was slayne IN the .xxx. yere of the kynge the duke of yorke came out of the Marche of walys with therle of Deuenshyre the lord Cobham and grete puyssaunce reformacyon of certayne Iniurys and wrōges and also to haue Iustice vpon certayne lordes beynge about the kynge toke a felde at Brentheth besyde Detford in Kente whiche was a stronge felde for whyche cause the kinge wyth all his lordes went vnto blacke heth wyth a grete and a stronge multytude of peple armyd and ordeyned for the warre in the beste wyse And whan they hadde mustre on the hethe certayne lordes were tho sente vnto hym for to treate and make apointmēt with hym whiche were the bysshop of Ely the bysshop of wyncestre therles of Salysbury of warwyk And they concluded that the duke of Somerset sholde be had to warde and to answere to suche artycles as the duke of yorke sholde put on hym And then the duke of yorke shold breke his felde come to the kyng whiche was all promysed by the kynge And soo the Kynge commaunded that the duke of Somerset sholde he hadde in to warde And then̄e the duke of yorke brake vp his felde and came to the kynge And whan he was come contrarye to the promyse afore made the duke of Somerset was presēte in the felde awaytynge and cheyf aboute the kynge And made the duke of yorke ryde before as a prysoner thrughe london ¶ And after they wolde haue put hym in holde But a noyse arose that therle of Marche hys sone was comynge with .x. thousande men to London warde wherfore the kynge and hys counseyll feryd And then̄e they concluded that the duke of york sholde departe att his owen wyll ¶ Abowte this tyme began grete dyuylyon ne Spruce bytwene the greate mayster and the Knyghtes of the duchye ordre whyche were lordes of that coūtree For the comyns townes rebelled ayenst the lordes and made soo greate werre the at the last they called the kyng of Pole to be theyr lorde the whiche kynge came and was worshypfully receyued And besyeged the castell of Mar●engburgh whiche was the cheyf castell of strength of all the londe An● wa●ne it droue out the mayster of Da●ske ● and all other places of that londe so they that had ben lordes many yeres loste all theyr seygnourye and possessyons in tho londes ¶ And in the yere of the Incarnacyon of oure lorde M. CCCC.liii on saynte Edwardes daye quene Margarete was delyuerde of a fayre prynce whyche named was Edward That same day Iohan Norman was chosē for to be Mayer of London And the daye that he sholde take hys othe att westmynster he wente thyder by water wyth alle the craftes where afore tyme tho mayer alderme and the craftes rode on horsbacke the whiche was neuer vsyd after For syn that tyme they haue euer goon by water
in to batayll and the other for to abyde att wynchestre in the bysshop chyrche And for that cause he was called euer after vter Pendragon ¶ And Octa that was Engistes sone cōmended vter but lytell that was made newe kynge And ayenste hym began to meue warre And ordeyned a grete power of his frēdes of hys kynne and of Ossa hys brother \ and had taken all the londe from Humbre vnto yorke But those of yorke helde strongely agaynst them and wolde not suffre them to come in to the cytee neyther to yelde the cytee to them And he besyeged the towne anone ryght and yaue therto a stronge assawte But they of the cyte them kept well strongely ¶ And whan vter herd therof he came thyther wyth a grete stronge power for to helpe rescowe the towne put a way the syege yaue a stronge batayll And Octa his company them defended as well as they myght But at the laste they were dyscōfyted the most partye of thē slayne And. Octa and. Ossa were taken put in pryson at London ¶ And vter hymfelf dwelled a whyle atte yorke and after he wente to London And at the Eester after he wold vere crowne holde a solempne feest And lette somone all his Erle and Barons that they sholde come to that feest And all those that hadde wyues sholde brynge them also to that feest And all the seygnoury came at the kynges cōmaundemente as they were commaunded ¶ The feest was rychely arayed and holden And all worthely sette to meete after that they were of astate Soo that the· Erle Gorloys of Cornewaylle and. Igreyne his wyf sate nexte vnto the kynge And whan the kyng sawe the fayrnesse of that lady and the beaute that she had He was anone rauysshed for her beaute and often he made to her nyce countenaunce in lokynge and laughynge So at the laste the Erle perceyued the preuy lokynge and laughynge and the loue bytwene them And roso vp from the table in wrathe and toke his wyf ●nd called to hym hys knyghtes and wente thens wrath wythout takynge leue of the kynge ¶ The kynge anone sente after hym that he sholde come agayne and goo not thens in dyspyte of hym And the erle wolde not come agayne in no maner of wyse ¶ wherfore the kynge was wrothe and in wrathe hym defyed as his deedly enmye ¶ And the erle wente thens in to Cornewaylle with his wyfe in the castell of Tyntagyll ¶ And the kynge lete ordeyne a grete host and came in to Cornewaylle for to destroye the erle yf that he myghte But he hadde put hym in suche a castell that was stronge and welle arayed called Tyntagyll and wollde not yelde hym to the kynge ¶ And the kynge anone besyeged the called there dwelled .xv. dayes that neuer myghte spede and euer he thought vppon Igreyne vpon her layde so moche loue That he wyste not what to doo ¶ So at the laste he called to hym a knyght that was called vlfin that was preuy wyth hym and tolde hym all hys counseyll and axed hym wha● was best for to done ¶ Syr sayde he sende after Merlyn anone for he came telle you the beste counseyll of ony man lyuynge Merlyn anone was sente after came to the kynge And the kynge tolde hym all his counseyll and his wyll Syr sayd Merlyn I shall doo so moche thrugh crafte that I can that I shalle make you come to nyght 〈◊〉 the castell of Tyntagyll shall haue all yo● wyll of that lady How vter begate on Igreyne that ●as the Erles wyf of Cornewaylle Arthur MErlyn thrugh craft that he co● 〈…〉 the kynges fygure in● 〈…〉 of the Erle and Vlfin Garlois 〈…〉 in to the fygure of Iorda● 〈…〉 erles chambrelayne so that ec● 〈…〉 transfygured in to others lyke● 〈…〉 Merlyn had soo done he sayde 〈…〉 Syr sayd he now ye may goo● 〈…〉 castell of Tyntagyll axe ene● 〈…〉 your wyll The kynge toke pry● 〈…〉 to gouerne and lede to a knyght that he moche loued tooke his waye towarde the castell with hym toke Vlfin his Chambrelayne and Merlyn whan they came thyder the porter demyd it had ben hys owne lorde And whan tyme came for to go to bedde the kynge went to bedde with Igreyne the erles wyf and dyde with her alle his wyll And begate vpon her a sone that was called Arthur And vppon the more we the kynge tooke his leue of the lady wente ayen to hys hoste And the same nyghte that the kynge laye by Igreyne in bedde that was the erles wyf the kynges men gaaf a grete assawte vnto the castell And the erle hys men manly them defended But at the laste it befell so that in the same assawte the erle hym self was slayne the castell taken ¶ And the kynge anone torned againe to Tyntagill and spowsed I greyne with moche honour made her quene ¶ And soone after tyme came that she sholde be lyuered bare a chylde a sonne that was called Arthur after gate on her a doughter that was called Amya ▪ And whan she came to aege a noble Baron that was lorde of Lyons weded her ¶ whan Vter longe tyme had regned ther came vpon hym a grete sykenesse as it were a sorowe ¶ And in the meane tyme those that had to kepe Octa that was Engistes sone Ossa his brother that then̄e were in pryson they lete them go for grete yeftes that they them yaue went wyth thē And whan tho two brethern were escaped were in to theyr owne countree agayne Thenne they ordeynede them a gret power of folke and began for to warre ayen vpon the kynge ¶ How kyng Vter those A loth to kepe the londe of Brytayne whyle that he was seke for as moche as he might not for his syknesse ANd for as moche as kynge Vter was syke myght not helpe hym self he or● Aloth sone of Eleyne that tho was cho● 〈◊〉 to be wardeyne and chyeftayne of alle 〈…〉 And soo he anone and all hys Bry●●mbled a grete hoste yaue bataylle to 〈…〉 his folke but Octa at the last was 〈◊〉 ¶ It befell thus after warde 〈…〉 ●●ytons had dedignacion of Aloth 〈…〉 ●othe to hym attendaūt wherfore 〈…〉 ●as anoyed wonder sore lete put 〈…〉 in the hoste amonges his folke 〈…〉 ●de hym to Vereloyne that tho was a fayre cyte there that saynt Albon was martred And after was the cytee destroyed wyth paynems thrugh warre· thyther they hadde sente Octauian and. Ossa ther people And entered in to the towne and lete make sure the yates there they helde them And the kynge came them besyeged made a strōge assawte but the that were within manly theym deffended ¶ The kyng lete ordeyne his gunnes and his engynes for to breke the walles the walles were soo stronge that no man myghte them mysdo ¶ Octa his
that he was deed he lete sende after the lady E●●●ylde that he sholde come vnto the cyte of London and ther he wedded to the kyng with grete solempnyte and worshyp And helde a solempne feest And he ware a crowne that was of golde the quene an other ¶ And saynt Dunstane on the morowe came vnto the kynge in to the chambre and founde the kynge in bedde an● the quene togyders And sayn● Dunstane axed the kynge who she was And the kynge answered and sayd that she was the quene E●●yllde And the Archebyssop saynt Dunstance sayde that he dyde grete wronge and ayenst goddes wyll to take a woman to wyf whose chylde ye had take at fonte stone And the quene for that worde neuer loued saynt Dunstance after And the good man warned of that foly to be lefte but it auaylled but lytell for the loue bytwene them was so moche The kynge begate vpon her a sone that was called Eldred· whan this childe was .vi. yere olde the kynge his fader deyed And aboute that tyme he had regned .xvii. yere lyeth at Glastenbury BEryngarius the thyrde was Emperour after Henrycus ·vii yere thys Beryngarius was Emperour in ytaly In whoo 's tyme was grete dyuysyon ¶ And Henricus thēperour decessed and. Otto began to regne in Almayne ¶ Lothariꝰ regned after hym two yere and decessed whan Otto regned in Almayne And hadde a wyf that hyght Dalnyham The whiche after wedded Otto ¶ Beringarius the fourth was after hym this man with grete tyrannye subduedytaly wherfore the pope and other romayns called Otto that he myghte delyuer them whiche he dyde And he toke Beryngaryus by strength and twyes he outlawed hym And he toke Lotharius wyfe the whiche the tyraūt had prysoned ¶ Leo the .viii. was pope after Benedictus one yere and foure monethes This man was chosen with the comyn voys and Iohannes was deposyd This Leo ordeyned that no pope sholde be made without consente of the Emperour For the malyce of the Romayns the whiche oppressyd them Thys man graunted all the yeftes to Otto and hys successours the whyche were yeuen by Iustinianus and Karolus to the chyrche that he myghte defende ytaly frome the reberlyons ¶ Iohanes the .xii. was pope after hym almoost .viii. yere \ thys Iohēs suffred grete wronge of the Romayns For he was take and exyled but Otto bare this heuyly For he slewe the noble men of Rome and certayne of them exyled for euer more Benedyctus the .vi. was pope after hym vi· yere thys man was take and in the castell Aungell was strangled ¶ Nota. ¶ The Empyre in thys tyme was translated to the Almayns And the same cause is here as was before for the ●ycyous lyuynge Ne these vnhappy men cowde not be Informed that they shold eschewe that ●o woyce thrugh the whiche they sa●e soo many noble men to perysshe ¶ Otto was Emperour after Beryngarius .xii. yere This Otto was the fyrst Emperoure of Almayne And he was all vertuous as an other kynge karolus for he was the defender of the chyrche of god and the syngular promoter for the whyche he was worthy to be Emperoure Many men of fals byleue he conuerted And he helde with hym pope Benedictus the vsurper of the popeherd in to Soxony And there he decessyd in his exyle And this Emperoure decessyd a ryche man in vertue and goodnes ¶ Otto the seconde was Emperour after his fader And he was a noble man to the chyrche as his fader was And many a batayll he had ayenst the fals men of byleue And at the laste he almoost loste all his hoste in Kalabur yet for sothe with all his mynde besought saynt Peter to helpe And meruellously saynte Peter delyuered hym And his wyf was the doughter of the Emperour of Constantynopolytan of the Romans bloode And this man was crowned of Benedictus the pope ¶ Of saynte Edwarde the martyr how Escrylde hys stepmoder lete kylle hym for to make Eldred her owne sone kynge ANd after this Edgar regned Edwarde his sone that he begate vpon hys fyrste wyfe that wyll and nobly gouerned the londe For he was full of all maner of goodnes and ledde a full holy lyf And aboue all thynge he loued god holy chyrche And the quene Escrylde that was his stepmoder lete slee hym by cause to make her owne sone Eldred kynge And this on a daye he was slayne as ye shalle here afterwarde ¶ It befell thus vpon a day that tha● kynge Edwarde wente in to a woode for to playe in the southe coūtree be syde a towne that is called warham In that whiche foreste was grete pleyntye of hartes and hyndes And whan he had ben whyle there hym for to playe he thought vpon his broder Eldrede that was with hys moder the quene for her place waste nygh the foreste and thought for to goo thyder and vysyte and see hys brother And toke with hym but a lytell meyne wente hym towarde hys stepmoders hous that in that tyme soiourned in the castell of Corfe And as he rede in the thyckensse of a wood is speye hys game it befell that he wente amysse and loste hys meyne that with hym came And at the laste he came out of the wood And as he lo●d hym about he sawe there there fast besydes a ●e that hys stepmoder dwelled in and thyder warde he wente alone And anone it was tolde the quene how that the kyng was comen alone wyth out ony company And therfore she made Ioy ynough and thought how that she myght do that he were slayne as pryuely as she myght called to her one of her knyghtes To whome she had tolde moche of her counseyll bytwene them And bothe they came to the kynge and curteysly hym receyued ¶ And the kynge tolde that he was come to vysyte and also for to speke with Eldred his broder The quene many tymes hym thankyd and hym prayed for for alyght and her borugh with her al that nyght ¶ The kynge sayd that he myght not But agayne he wold goo vnto hys folke yf he myghte theym fynde ¶ And whan the quene sawe that he wolde not abyde she prayed hym that he wolde ones drynke and he graunted her And anone as the drynke was come the quene dranke vnto the kynge And the kynge tooke the cuppe and sette it to his mouth And in the meane whyle that he dranke the false knyght that was with the quene with a knyfe smote the kyng vnto the herte there he fell downe deed vnto the erthe of his palfroy The quene for this dede gaue the knyght golde and syluer greate plente and of other ryches ynough And the knyght anone as thys was done wente hym ouer the see And so escaped he oute of this londe ¶ Whan this kyng Edwarde was thus martred It was in the yere of the Incarnacyon of our lorde Ihesu Cryste .ix. C.lxxx And he had regned .xii. yere and an halfe and lyeth at Glastenbury
dyscōfyted hymselfe there was slayne and thys batayll was ended at Tombryge in the seconde yere of his regne vpon sanyt Calixtꝰ daye and so he was buryed at waltham ¶ Of kynge william bastarde how he gouerned hym well wysely of the grete warre bytwene hym and the kynge of Fraunce AS willi●m Bastarde duke of Normādy had conquered all the londe vpon Crystmasse daye then nexte lete crowne hym kynge at westmestre and as a worthy kyng yaue vnto Englyshmen largely londes to hys knyghtes And after warde he wene hym ouer the see came ī to Normandy there he dwelled a whyle And in the seconde yere of his regne he came ayen in to Englonde and brought with hym Maude his wyf lette crowne her quene of Englonde oon wytsondaye ¶ And tho anone after the kynge of Scotlonde thoe was called Malcolin began to stryue warre with the kyng wylyam And he ordeined hym towarde Scotlonde with his men both by lōde and by see for to destroye kynge Malcolin But they were accorded the kynge of Scotlonde became hys man and helde all hys londe of hym And kynge wyllyam receyued of hym is homage and came ayen in to Englonde And as kynge wyllyam hadde be kynge .xvii. yere Maude the quene deyed on whom kynge wyllyam hadde begote many fayr chyldern that is for to saye Robert Curthos wylllyam Rous Richarde also that deyed Henry· Beauclerke and Maude also that was the erles wyf of Bleynes and other foure fayr doughters ¶ And after his wyues deth grete debate began betwixt hym the kynge of Fraunce Philyp but at the laste they were accorded And tho dwelled the kynge of Englonde in Normandy no man hym warned he no man longe tyme. ¶ And the kynge of Fraunce sayde vppon a daye in scorne of kynge wyllyam had longe tyme lyen in chylde bedde and lōge tyme had rested hym there And this worde came to the kynge of Englonde there that he dyde lye in Normandye at Rome And for thys worde was tho euylle apayed also wonder wrathe towarde the kynge of Fraunce And swore by god that whā he were arysyn of his sykenesse he wolde lyghten a thousande condelles to the kynge of Fraūce anone lete assemble a grete host of Normandy of Englysshe men And in the begynnynge of the Heruest he came in to Fraunce and brente all the townes that they came by thrugh the coūtree and robbed dyde all the sorowe that he myght thrugh out all Fraunce And at the last he brenned the cyte of Mandos and cōmaunded his people to bere wood as moche as he myght brenne And hym self halpe ther to all the he myghte with good wyll And there was a greate hete what of the fyre what was so grete of the sonne that it was wōdder hote that it stuffed hym so that he became fell in to a grete dysease sykenesse And whan he sawe that he was so stronge syke he ordeyned assgned alle Normandye to Robert Curthos his sone all englonde to wyllyam the Rous and bequone to Henry Beaclerke al his treasour And whan he thus had done he receyued all the sacramētꝭ of holy chyrche and deyed the .xx. yere of his regne \ and lyeth at Cane in Normandy ¶ Anno dm̄ M.lxvi. GRegorius the .vii. was pope after Alexander .xii. yere this man ordeyned in a generall Synodus that no preest sholde haue a wyf ne sholde dwelle with wymmen but tho that the holy Synodus of Micena and other decrees had suffred And then̄e the preestꝭ sette nought or lytell pondred hys ordynaunce This pope cōmaunded that no man sholde here masse of a preest that had a concubyne And he on acertayne tyme whan he was Cardynall and Legate in to Fraunce proceded sharpely ayenst prelates and that were symomers And amonge other was one bysshoppe there that was gretely famed with symonye And those that accused hym pryuely hyered them to saye the countraye The whiche the Legate conceyued and afor● all the people he sayde Lete the Iugement of this men cesse at this tyme for it is dysceyuable and lette god dyspose for it And sayde thus it is certayne That the dygnyte of a bysshop is the yeuer of the holy ghost And whosomeuer byeth a bysshopryche doth ayenst the holy ghost Then̄e yf thou bysshop dyde not ayenst the holy ghost saye openly afore all the people Glori● petri et filio et speritui sancto And many tymes he beganne to saye it but he coude neuer speke spiritui sancto Thenne he was deposyd of his bysshopryche and after he coude speke it wyll ynoughe ¶ Victor the thyrde was pope after hym oo yere this man was poysoned with venym in the chaly● ¶ Vrbanus was pope after hym two yere This man cursyd the kynge of Fraunce for his adu●●●erys And he called a counseyll at Claurum in the whyche he ordeyned that matyns of our lady shold be sayd euery daye and on Saterday her solempne masse And it is sayde that this was shewed vnto the freres of Cartusis ¶ Also he called an other counseyll att Turan for the holy londe to be wonne ayē and pryuoked the people to that matere and within a lytell tyme after that matere the holy londe was recouered and the sepulcre of our lorde and Anthioche with many other cytees taken fro the Sarrasyns And it is sayd and byleued that CC.M. crysten men wente to that Iourny For there wente of states olde men and yonge and also ryche and poore and noo man compelled theym And this passage was made by the vysyon of our lady And the prynces of thys peaple were dyuerse One was Godfroy de Boloynt a full noble man of all the worlde and a vertuous man and an other was Beemonde the Duke of Neaples And the thyrde was Hughe the kynges brother of Fraunce and many other the whyche dyde full nobly for the fayth of god ¶ And it were to longe in this boke to reherce the gloryous actes that they dyde ¶ Of kynge wyllyam Rous that was kynge williams bastardes sone the destroyed townes houses of Relygyon for to make the newe forest ANd after thys wyllyam bastarde regned his sonne wyllyam the Rous. ¶ And thys wyllyam was a wonder contraryous man to god and holy chyrche and lete amēde make the towne of Cardies that the Paynems had destroyed Thys kynge wyllyam destroyed holy chirche theyr possessions in what parte he myght them fynde And theyr fore there was so moche debate bytwene hym and the Archebyssop of Caunterbury Ancelmus For by cause that he repreuyd hym of hys wyckednesse that he destroyed holy chyrche And for that cause the kynge bare to hym grete wrath And so he exyled hym out of thys londe the Archebysshop went to the courte of Rome there dwelled with the pope And this kynge made the newe forest caste downe destroyed .xxvi. townes .lxxx. houses of Relygyon
the kynge of Englonde was come in to Normandy all the grete lordes of Normandye torned vnto the kynge of Englonde and helde ayenst the duke theyr owne lorde and hym forsoke and to the kynge them helde and all the good castelles and townes of Normandy And soone after was the duke taken and ladde with the kynge in to Englonde And the kynge lette put the duke in to pryson and this was the vengeaun●e of god ¶ For whanne the duke was in the holy londe god yaue hym suche myghte and grace that he was chosen for to haue be kynge of Iherusalem and he forsoke it and wolde not take it vpon hym And therfore god sente hym that shame and dyspyte for to put in hys brothers pryson Tho seased kyng Hery all Normandye in to hys honde and helde it all hys lyfe tyme ¶ And in the same yere came the bysshop Ancelmus for the courte of Rome in to Englonde ayen And the kynge and he were accorded ¶ And in the nexte yere comynge after there began a grete debare bytwene the kynge Phylyppe of Fraunce and kynge Henry of Englende wherfore kynge Henry wente in to Normandye and there was stronge warre bytwene them two And tho deye● the kynge of Fraūce lowys his sone was mad kyng anone after his deth And tho went kyng Henry ayen into Englond maryed Maude his doughter vnto henry the emꝑour of Almayne ¶ Of the debate that was betwixt kynge Lowys of Fraūce kynge Hery of Eenglonde how kynhe Henryes two snes were loste in the hyghe se● AS kynge Henry had be kynge .xvii. yere a grete debate arose betwixt kynge Lowys of Fraunce and kynge Henry of Englonde for by cause that the kynge had sente in to Normandy to hys men that they sholde be helpynge vnto therle of Bloys as moche as they myght in warre ayenst the kyng of Fraūce And that they sholde be as redy to hy● as they were to theyr owne lord for by cause that therle hadde spowsed hys syster dame maude And for this cause the kynge of Fraunce dyde moche sorowe to Normandy wherfore the kynge of Englonde was wonder wroth in hast wen●e ouer the see with a grete power came in to Normādye for to defende that londe And the warre bytwene them lasted two yere tyll at the laste they two faught to geder And the kynge of Fraunce was dyscomfyted vnnethes escaped awaye wyth moche payne the moost partye of his men were taken And the kynge dyde with theym what hym best lyked And some of them he lette go freely and some he lete be put vnto the deth But afterwarde those two kynges were accorded And whan kynge Henry had oonly all the londe of Normandy dyscōfyted his enmyes of Fraunce he torned agayne in to Englonde with mochē honour And his two sones wyllyam and Richarde wolde haue come after the fader wente to the see with a grete company of people But are that they myghte come to londe the shippe came ayenst a roche and alle were drowned that were there in saue oo man that was in the same shyppe that escaped And this was vpon saynt Katheryns daye and these were the names of them that were drowned Wyllyam and Richarde the kynges sones the Erle of Chestre Ottonell his brotger Geffroy Rydell Walter Emurci Godefray Archedeken the kynges doughter the coūtesse of Perches the kynges nece the countesse of Chestre many other ¶ Whan kynge Henry and other lordes arryued in Englonde and herde these tydynges they made sorowe ynough And alle theyr myrthe and Ioye was torned in to mornynge and sorowe ¶ How Maude the Empresse came ayen in Englonde how she afterwarde wedded to Geffroy therle of Angoy ANd whan that two yere were agone that the Erle had dwelled wyth the kynge the erle went from the kyng and begā to warre vpon hym dyd moche harme in the londe of Normandy toke there a stronge castell there he dwelled all that yere And tho came to hym tydynges that Henry the Emperour of Almayne that had spowsed Maude hys doughter was deed and that she dwelled no lenger in Almayne that she wold come ayen in to Normandy to her fader And whā that she was come vnto hym he toke her tho to hym came ayen in to Englonde made the Englysshemen to do othe and feaute to the Empresse And the fyrste man that made the othe was wyllyam the Archebysshop of Caūterbury And that other Dauid kyng of Scotlōde and after hym all the barons and erles of Englonde ¶ Also after that the noble man therle of Angoy that was a worthy knyghte sent vnto the kynge of Englōde that he wolde graūt hym for to haue his doughter to spowse that is to saye Maude the Empresse And for by cause that her fader wyst that he was a noble man the kynge hym graunted consented ther to And tho tooke he his doughter ladde hir in to Normandy came to the noble knyghte Geffroy there he spowsed the forsayde Maude wyth moche honour the Erle beg●te vpon her a sone that was called Henry the Empresse sone ¶ And after whan al this was done kynge Henry dwelled all that yere in Normandy after the lōge tyme a greuous sykenesse toke him where thorugh he deyed And this kyng Henry regned .xxxv. yere foure monethes And after deyed as is before sayd in Normandy And his herte was enteryd in the grete chirche of our lady in Rouen his body was brought with moche honour in to Englonde enteryd at Redynge in the abboye of the whyche abbaye he was begynner and founder HEnrycus the fourth was Emperour in Almayne after Harry the thyrde .xv. yere This man put his owne fader in pryson there helde hym tyll he deyed And tooke pope Paschall wyth hys Cardynalles presente them as it is sayd afore For the whiche cause as it is supposed he lacked yssue For he wedded the kynges doughter of Englonde Maude But after warde he came to grace and all the lawes of the chirche freely he resyned to Calixtus the pope And besought hym to yeue hym in penaūce that he sholde neuer come ayen to his Empyre that he myghte haue remyssyon of his trespaas And after the oppynyon of many a man he was wylfully exyled and deyed and hys wyfe bothe at Chestre in Englonde ¶ Gelasius was pope after Paschall two yere And fledde frome Henry the Emperour in to Bourgoyne and there decessyd Thys Emperour those Benedyctus a Spanyarde to be pope the whiche stroue with Calixtus ¶ Calixtus was pope after hym two yere and fyue monethes Thys Calixtus was the sone of the duke of Bourgoyne was chosen in the place of Gelasius And whan he sholde come to Rome he toke the for sayd Benedictus and made hym to ryde afore hym shamefully For he on a mule torned hys face to the tayle of the mule helde the tayle in
the kyng hymself afterwarde alle the lordes of the londe that they wolde holde that statute for euermore and who that them brake sholde be deed But the seconde yere after that the ordynaunce the kynge thrugh counseyll of Edward his sone and of Rycharde his brother that was erle of Cornwaylle also of other repented hym of that othe that he made for to holde that lawe and ordynaūce· And sente to the courtre of Rome to be assoylled of that othe And in the yere next comynge after was the grete darth of corne in Englonde For a quarter of whete was worth .xxiiii. shelynges And the poore people ete netles and other wedes for hūgre And deyed many a thousande for defawte of mete ¶ And in the .xlviii. yere of kynge Henryes regne began warre debate bytwene hym his lordes for by cause he had broken the couenauntes that were made bytwene them at Oxforde ¶ And the same yere was the towne of Northamton taken folke slayne that were wythin For by cause that they had ordeyned wylde fyre for to brenne the cyte of London ¶ And in the monethe of Maye that the next after vpon saynt Pancras daye was the Batayll of lewes that is to saye the wenesday before Saynt Dūstans daye And there was taken kynge Henry hym self and syr Edwarde his sone and Rycharde his broder erle of Cornewaylle and many other lordes And in the same yere nextse wynge syr Edwarde the kynges sone brake out of the warde of syre Symonde of Mountforth erle of Leycetre at Hertforde and wente vnto the barons of the Marche and they rceeyued hym with moche honour ¶ And the same tyme Gylbert of Claraunce erle of Glocetre that was in the warde also of the forsayd Symon de thorugh the commaūdement of kynge Henry that wente fro hym wyth grete herte for cause that he sayd that the forsayd Gylbert was a foole and helde hym with kynge Henry ¶ And on the Saterdaye nexte after the myddes of August syre Edwarde the kynges sone dyscomfyted syr Symonde de Mountforth ac Kelyngworth but the greate lordes that were there with hym were takē that is to saye Baldewyne wake And Wyllyam de Mouchentye and many other grete lordes And the Tewysdaye next after was the batayll done at Eusbā And there was slayne syr Symonde de Moūtforth Hugh the Spenser Mountforth that was Raufe Bassectes fader of Drayton and other many greate lordes And whanne thys batayll was done all the gentylmen that had ben with the erle Symonde were dyshery●ed and ordeyned togyder and dyde moche harme to all the londe For they destroyed theyr enmyes in all that they myght ¶ Of the syege of Kenylworth how the gētylmen were dysheryted thorugh counseyll of the lordes of the reame of Englonde and how they came agayne and had theyr londes ANd the nexte yere comynge in May the fourth day before the feest of saynt Dunstane was the bataylle scomfyture are Chestrefelde of them that were dysheryted there was many of theym slayne· ¶ And Robert Erle of Feriers there was take and also Baldewyne wake Iohan delahay with moche sorowe escaped thens And oon saynt Iohan● the Baptyst tho sewynge began the syege of the castell Kenylworth the syege lasted to saynt Thomas eue the appostle in whyche daye syr Hugh Hastynge had the castel for to kepe that yelded vp the castell vnto the kynge in this manere that hymself the other that were within the castell sholde haue theyr lyues lymme as moche thynge as they had therin both hors harneys foure dayes of repyte for to delyuer clenly the castel of them self of all other maner thynge as they had within the castell soo they wente fro the castell And syr Symonde Noūtforth the yonger the countesse his mo● were gone ouer the see in to Fraūce there helde them as people that were exyled out of Englonde for euer ¶ And soone after it was ordeyned by the Legate Octobone by other grete lordes the wysest of Englonde that all tho that had be ayenste the kynge and were dysheryted sholde haue ayen theyr londes by greuous raūsons after that it was ordeyned And thus they were accorded with the kynge peas cryed thorughout all Englonde and thus the warre was ended And whan yt was done the Legate toke hys leue of the kynge of the quene of the grete lordes of Englonde wente tho to Rome the .lv. yere of kynge Henryes regne ● Edwarde kynge Iohn̄s sone of Brytayne Iohan Vessi Thomas of Clare Rogere of Clyfforde Othes of Graūstone Robert le Brus. Iohn̄ of Verdon and many other lordes of Englonde and of beyonde the see toke theyr waye to warde the hooly londe And the kynge Henry deyed in the same tyme at westmestre whan he had regned .lv. yere .xix. wekes on saynt Edmonds daye the Archebysshop of Caumterbury And he was enteryd on saynt Edmondes daye the kynge in the yere of the Incarnacyon of our lorde Ihesu Cryste M.CC.lxxii ¶ Prophecye of Merlyn of the kyng Henry the th● expowned that was kynge Iohans sone ANd of this Hēry prophecyed Merlyn sayd that a lambe sholde come out of wynchestre in the yere of the Incarnacyon of our lord Ihesu criste M.CC. .xvi. with true lyppes holynesse wryten in his hert And he sayd sothe for the good Henry the kynge was borne in wynchestre in the yere abouesayd he spake good wordes swete was an holy man of good consyence And Merlyn sayd that this Henry shold make the fayrest place of the worde that in his tyme shold not be fully ended he sayd soth For he made the newe werke of the abbaye of saynt Peters chirche at westmestre that is fayrer of syght than ony other place that ony man knoweth thorugh out al crystendom But kyng Henry deyed are that werke were fully at an ende that was grete herme ¶ And yet sayd Merlyn that this lambe sholde haue peas the moost parte of hys regne And he sayd full soth for he was neuer noyed thorugh warre neyther dyseased in no maner wyse a lytell afore his deth Merlyn sayd in his prophecye more in the regne ende of the forsayd lambe a wulf of a straunge londe shal do hym moche harme thorugh his warre and that he sholde at the last be mayster thorugh helpe of a reed foxe that sholde come forthe of the North west sholde hym ouercome And that he sholde dryue hym out of the water the prophecye full well was knowen For within a lytell tyme or the kyng deyed Symonde of Moūtforde Erle of Leycerre that was borne in Fraunce beganne ayenste hym stronge warre thorugh whyche doynge many a good bacheler destroyed was and deyed and dysheryted ¶ And whan kyng● Henry had the vyctory at Eusham Symonde the erle was slayne thorugh helpe myght of Gylbert of clare erle of
sayd the sone shold become in hys tyme as redde as ony blood in tokenynge of grete mortalyte of people And that was knowe wel whā the Scottes were slayne And syth sayd Merlyn the same dragon shold nouryshe a Fox that sholde meue grete werre ayenst hym that sholde not in hys tyme be ended and that semed well by Robert the Brus. that kynge Edwarde nourysshed in hys chambre that sythen stale a way meued grett werre ayenst hym whiche werre was not ended in his tyme And yet sayd merlyn that the dragon sholde deye in the marche of an other londe that hys londe sholde be long without a good keper And that men shold were for his dethe from the yle of Shephey vnto the yle of Mercyll wherfore alas shall be ther songe amonge the comyn people faderles in the londe wastyd And that prophecie was knowe ouer all full well For the good Kynge Edwarde deyed at Burgh vp sandys that is vpon the Marche of Scotlonde the englyssmen were dysc●mferced and sorowed in Northumberlonde For cause that kynge Edwardes sone sete by the Scottes no force for the ryot of Peers of Ganaston wherfore alas was the songe thrugh out all Englond for defawte of theyr good wardeyne from the yle of Shephey vnto the yle of Mercyll the people made moche sorowe for good kynge Edwardes dethe ¶ For they wende that good kynge Edwarde sholde haue gone in to the holy londe For that was holy his purpoos ¶ Vpon whoo 's soule god for his hygh Inginyte grace haue mercy ¶ Anno. dm̄ M.CC.lxxxiiii CElestinus was pope after Nicolas fiue monethes and nothynge noble of hym is wryten but that he was a vertuous man Bonefacyus the eyght was pope after hym .viii. yere This bonifacius was a man in those thynges the whiche perteyneth to courte for he was very experte in suche maters And bycause he had no pere he put no mesure to hys prudence And toke so grete pryde vpon hym that he sayd he was lord of all the worlde and many thynges he dyde with his myght power· the whyche fayled wretchedly in the ende He yaue an ensample to all prelatis that they sholde not be haue ne proude But vnder the fourme of a very shepeherde of god they shod ● more study for to belouyd of other subgectes thā dradde This man is he of whom it is sayd that he entred as a fox He lyued as a lyon deyed as a dogge ¶ This tyme the yere of grace was ordeyned from an hoūdred yere to an hondred yere And the fyrste Iubyle was in the yere of our lord Ihesu Cryst a thousande thre hoūdred ¶ Benedictus the enleuenth was after Bonefacius .xi. monethes This man was an holy man of the ordre of the frere prechers and lytyll whyle lyued but dyssessyd anone ADulphus was Emperour .vi yere This man was erle of Anoxone And this Adulphus was not crowned by the pope for he was slayne in batayll ¶ Albertus was Emperour after hym ·x yere This man was the duke of Astryr fyrste was repreued of the pope after was confermed by the same pope for the malyces of the kyng of Fraunce the whiche was an enmye vnto the chyrche· to the alberte the same pope yaue the kyngdom of Fraūce as he dyde other kyngdoms But it proffyted not for at the last he was slayne of his neuewe ¶ Clemens was pope after Benedictus almoste .ix. yere and he was a greate buylder of castels and other thynges And he dampnyd the ordre of Templaryes and he ordeyned the seuen booke of the Decretales the whiche be callyd the questyons of Clementyns ¶ And anone after in a counseyle the whyche he helde atte Vyenna he reuokyd the same boke the whiche is successary Iohan called ayen in corporyd it and publysshyd it This Clement fyrste of all popes teanslatyd the popes sette fro Rome to Auinion and whether it was done bi the mocyon of god or by the boldenes of man dyuers men meruaylle ¶ Iohn̄ the ·xxii was pope after bym .viii. yrre This man was all gloryous as for those thynges that were to be vsed thrugh the actyf lyf And he publysshed the Constytucyons of the clementynes sent thē to all the vnyuersytees And many sayntes he canonysed these fatte bysshopryches he deuydyd and he ordeyned many thynges ayēste the pluralytae of benefyces many herytykes he dampned but whether he was saued or not our lord wolde not shewe to those be louyd very well ¶ Henry the .vii. was Emperour after Albert v· yere this Henry was a noble mā in warre and he coueyted to haue peas by londe and water He was a gloryous man in batayll And neuer ouercome with enmyes and atte the laste he was poysened of a frere whan that he howselyd hym by receyuynge of the sacramente ¶ Of kynge Edwarde that was kynge edwardes sone ANd after this kyng Edwarde regned Edwarde his sone that was borne att Carnriuan and thys Edwarde wente hym in tho Fraunce and there he spowsyd Isabell the kynges doughter of fraunce the .xxv. daye of Ianuari at the chyrche of our Lady at Boloyne in the yere of our lorde Ihū Cryste M. CCC vii And the .xx. day of Feuerer the nexte yere that came after he was crownyd solemply att westmestre of the Archebysshop of Caunterbury And there was soo grete presse of people that syre Iohan Bakwell was slayne and murdred And anone as the good kynge Edwarde was deed syr Edwarde hys sone kyng of englonde sent after Pers Ganaston in to Gascoyne so moche louyd hym that he callyd hym brother anone after he yaue vnto hym the lordshyp of walyngforde And it was not longe after that he yaue hym therldom of Cornewaylle ayenst the lordes wyll of englonde ¶ And tho brought syr walter of langton bysshop of Chestre in to pryson duraūce in the toure of London wyth two knaues alonely hym to serue For the kynge was wrothe wyth hym fore by cause that syre water made complaynt on hym to hys fader wherfore he was put in pryson in the tyme of Troylebaston the for sayde Pers of Ganaston made so grete maystreys that he wente in to the kynges tresory in the abbay of westmestre toke the table of golde with the trestls of the same many other ryche Iewels that somtyme were the noble and good kyng Arthurs toke thē to a marchaūt that was called ameri of Friscōbande for he sholde bere them ouer the see in to Gascoyne so he went thens they came neuer ayen after wherfore it was a grete losse to this londe And whan this Pers was rychely auaūsyd he became so proude so stowte wherfore all the grete lordes of the reame had hym īdyspyte for his grete berynge wherfore syr Henry Lacy erle of Nicholl syr Guy erle of warwyk the whyche grete lordes the good kynge Edwarde syr Edwardes fader kyng of Englonde chargyd that Pers of Ganaston
batayll was Roger Clyfforde take syr Iohn̄ Mombray syr wyllyam Tuchy● Syr wyllyam fitz wyllyam and many other worthy knyghtes there take at that batayll Syr Hugh Dandell nette daye after was taken and put in to pryson and sholde haue be doon to dethe yf he hadde not spousyd the kynges nece that was Erle Gylbertes syster of Gloucestre ● and anon after was syr Berthylmewe of Badelesmore taken at Stow parke a maneyr of the bysshop of Lyncoln that was his neuewe many other barons and baronetters wherfore was made moche sorowe ¶ How Thomas of Lancastre was heedyd at Pountfret and .v. barons hangyd and drawen there ANd now I shall tell you of the noble erle Thomas of Lancastre wha he was take brought to yorke many of the cyte were full glade and vpon hym cryed with an hyght voys O syr traytour ye be welcome blessyd be god for now ye shall haue the rewarde that longe ye haue deserued And caste vppon hym many snowe balles many other repreues they dyd hym But the gentyll erle all suffred sayd nother o worde nor other ¶ And at the same tyme the kyng herde of thys scōfyture was ful glad Ioyous in grete hast came to Poūtfret And syr Hugh Spenser and syr Hugh his sone syr Iohn̄ erle of Arundell and syr Edmonde of wodestoke the kynges brother erle of Kent syr Aymer of valaunce erle of Penbroke and mayster Robert Baldoke a fals pyllyd clerke that was pryue and dwelled in the kynges court all came theder wyth the kynge And the kyng entryd in to the castel and Syr Andrewe of Herkela a fals tyraunte thrugh the kynges cōmaundement toke wyth hym the gentyll Erle Thomas to Pountfret and there he was prysoned in his owne castell that he had newe made that stode ayenste the abbaye of kynge Edwarde ¶ And syr Hugh Spenser the fader the sone cast and thought how in what maner the good erle Thomas of Lancastre sholde be deed wythoute Iugement of hys perys wherfore it was ordeyned thrugh the kynges Iusticus that the kyng sholde put vpon hym poyntes of treason And so it befell that he was ledde to barre before the kynges Iustices bare heed as a theyf in a fayre halle in his owne castell that he had made ther in many a fayre feste both to ryche to poore ¶ And these where is Iustices syr Hugh Spēser the fader Aymer of Balaunce erle of Pēbroke syr Edmonde of wodstok erle of Kent syr Iohan of Brytayne erle of Rychemonde syr Robert Malemethrop Iustyce and syre Roberte hym a couplyd in this manere ¶ Thomas court excludeth you of all maner answer Thomas our lorde the kynge puttyth vppon you ▪ that ye haue in hys londe ryden wyth baner dysplayed ayenst his peas as a traytour ¶ And with the worde the gentyll erle Thomas with an hygh voyce sayd Nay lordes forsoth and by saynt Thomas I was neuer traytoure ¶ The Iustyce sayd ayen tho Thomas oure lorde the kyng putteth vpon you that ye haue robbyd his folke and murdred his people as a theyf Thomas also the kynge puttythe vpon you that he dyscōfyted you our people wyth his folke in his owne reame wherfore ye wēte fledde to the woode as an outlaw ▪ and thomas as a traytoure ye shall be hangyd by reasō but the kynge hathe foryeuen you that Iugement for loue of quene Isabell And Thomas reson wolde that ye sholde be hangyd but the kynge hath foryue you that Iugemēt for by cause loue of your lygnage But for asmoche Thomas as ye were taken fleenge and as an outlawe the kynge woll that your heed shalle be smyten of Anone haue hym oute of prees and brynge hym to his Iugement ¶ Whan the gētyll knyght Thomas had herde all these wordes wyth an hygh voyce he cryed sore wepynge and sayd alas saynt Thomas fayr fader Alas shall I be deed thus Graunt me now blessydful ▪ god answere But all auayled hym no thynge For the cursyd Gascoyns put hym hyther thyder on hym cryed wyth an hyghe voys O kynge Arthur moost terryble dredefull well knowen shewed now is thyn open traytour And an euyll deth shalt thou ryght anone deye Haste thou not ryght well deserued it ¶ And thenne thyse cruell folke sette vpon the gode knyhht Thomas for very scorne an olde chaplet that was alle to rente that was not worth an halfe peny And after that they sette hym vpon a whyte palfroy full vnsemely also all bare wyth an olde brydell And wyth an horryble noyse they draue hym out of the castell to warde hys deth and they cast vpon hym many balles of snowe in dyspyte And as the traytours lad hym out of the castell tho sayde he these pyteous wordes And his hondes helde vp on hygh to warde heuen Now the kyng of heuen yeue us mercy for the erthly kyng hathe vs forsaken and a frere precher wente with hym out of the castell tyll he came to the place that he endeth his lyfe vnto whome he shroue hym all hys lyfe And the gentyll erle helde the frere wonder fast by the clothes sayd to hym Fayr fader abyde with vs tyll that I be deed for my flesshe quakyth for drede of dethe ¶ And the sothe for to say The gentyll erle sette hym vpon hys knees and torned hym to warde the eest but a rybaude that was called Hygone of mos●●on sette honde vpon the gentyll Erle and sayd in dyspyte of hym Syr traytour torne the towarde the Scottes thy fowle deth to receyue torned to warde the Nosth The noble erle Thomas answered tho wyth a mylde voys and sayd now fayr lordes I shall do your wyll And with that worde the frere went from hym sore wepynge And anone a rybaude wente to hym smote of hys heed the .xi. Kalendas of Auerell In the yere of grace M.CCC .xxi. ¶ Alas that euer suche a gentyll blood sholde be don to deth withouten cause reason And traytoursly the kynge was counseylled whan he thrugh the fals counseyll of the Spenser suffred syr Thomas his vncles sone to be put to suche a deth so he beheeded ayenst all maner of reasō And grete pyte it was also that suche a noble kynge sholde be dysceyued and mysgouerned thrugh counsell of the fals Spensers the whyche tho he mayntened thrughe loselry ayenst his honour also his proffyte For after warde there fell grete vengaunce in Englonde for by cause of the forsayd· Thomas dethe whan the gentyll erle of his lyf was passyd the pryour the monkys of Pounfret gate the body of syr Thomas of the kynge buryed it before the hyghe awter on the ryght syde ¶ That same daye that thys gentyll knyght was dede were hangyd and drawen for the same quarel at Poūtfret syr Wyllyam Tuchet Syr Wyllyam Fitz Wyllyam syr werreyn of Isell Syr Henry Bradborn syr
Englonde and also of Scotlonde· ¶ And anone after in the same yere kynge Edwarde of Englonde receyued of the duke of Brytayne hys homage for the erldom and lordshyp of Rychmonde And so folowynge in the .ix. yere of hys regne after Myghelmas rode into Scotlond And there was faste by saynt Iohānes towne almoost all the wynter tyme And soo he helde his Crystemas at the castell of Rokersbourgh ¶ And in the same yere trughout all Englonde abowte saynt Clementys tyde in wynter ¶ Chere arose suche a sprengynge and wellynge vp of waters and also flodes bothe of the see and also of the fresshe ryuers and sprenges that the see bankes walles and costes brake vp that mennys bestes and housys in many places namely in lowe countrees vyolently and sodaynly were drowned and fruyte dryuen awaye of the erthe thrugh contynaunce and abundaunce of waters of the see ouer more afterwarde were torned into more saltnesse and sourenesse or sauoure ¶ The .x. yere of kynge Edwardes regne kynge Edwarde entred the Scottes see after Mydsomer And to many of the Scottes he haue bataylle and ouercame theym and many he treatyd and bowed vnto hys peas thrughe hys doughtynesse and hardynesse ¶ And after the feest of saynt Myghell thenne nexte folowynge was the erle of Moryf hadde and taken at Edenbrugh brought into Englonde and put into pryson ¶ And in the monethes of Iune and Iulii thā next folowynge in the xi yere of his regne was seen and apperyed in the fyrmament a beme sterre the whiche clarkes calle stella Cometa that sterre was seen in dyuers partes of the fyrmament ¶ Where after anone there folowed in Englonde goode chepe and wonder greate plente of chaffare vytaylles marchandyse there ayenst honger scarsyte myscheyf and nede of monye ¶ In so moche that a quartre of whete at London was solde for two shellynge and a good fatte oxe att a noble and fyue good douues byrdes for a peny In whiche yere deped syr Iohn̄ of ●l●am erle of Cornewaylle that was kynge Edwardes brother and lyeth atte westmestre ¶ How kynge Edwarde made a duchye of the Erldome of Cornewayle and also of syxe other Erles that were newe made and of the fyrste chalēge of the kyngdodome of Fraunce IN the yere of our lorde a M. and of kynge edwarde .xii. in the moneth of marche durynge the parlement at westmestre in lente tyme kynge Edwarde made of the erldome of Cornewayle a duchye and lete it calle the duchye of Cornewayle the whiche ducye he gaaf vnto Edwarde hys fyrste sone with the erldom of Chestre And also kyng Edwarde made att that same tyme syxe other erles That is for to saye Syr Henry the erle of Lancastres sone erle of Leycetre Wyllyam of Bughū erle of Northamptō wyllyam of Mountagu erle of Salysbury Hughe of Awdell erle of Gloucestre Roberte of V●orde erle of Southfolke And wyllyam of Clyton Erle of Huntyngeton ¶ And in that same yere it was ordeyned in the same parlemente that no man sholde were noo clothe that was wrought out of Englond as clothe of golde ne of sylke or veluet or damaske or satyne baudkyn ne none suche other ne none wylde ware ne furres of bynde that see But suche as myght spende an hundred poūde of rente by yere but this ordynaūce statute was but of lytyl effect For yt was no thynge holden ¶ In the .xiii. yere of his regne kynge Edwarde went ouer see into Braban with quene Phylyp his wyf there beryng a chylde at And warpe there he dwellyd more than a yere for to treate wyth the duke of Braban and other alyed vnto hym of the chalengynge of the kyngdome of Fraunce to kynge Edwarde of Englond by ryght and by herytage after the deth of Karoll the grete kynge of Fraunce brother Gerymayne of quene Isabell kynge Edwardes moder the whyche was holden and occupyed vnryghtfull by Phylyp of Valoys the ēmys of kynge Karoll the wheche duke and all his in the forsayd thynges all other longynge there to with alle hys men and goodes kynge Edwarde founde redy vnto hym and made behyght hym suerte by good fayth truste and after that the kyng hath hym ayen into Englonde lelft there the quene styll be hynde hym in Braban Than in the .xiiii. yere of his regne whan all the lordes of his reame other that oughten to be at his parlement were called assembled togyder in the same parlemēt holden at London after the feest of saynt Hylarye The kynges nedes were put forth promothed as touchinge the kyngdom of Fraunce For whiche nedes to be spedde the kynge axed the fyfte parte of alle the meuable goodes of Englonde the wulles the .ix. sheep of euery corne And alle the lordes of euery towne where suche thynges sholde be taxed gadryd sholde answere to the kynge therof had it and helde it at his owne lust wyl wherfore yf I shold knowleche the very trouth the ynner loue of the people was torned in to hate And the comyn prayers in to cursinge for cause that the comune people were soo strongely greued ¶ Also the for sayd Phylyp Valoys of Fraunce had gadred vnto hym a grete hoste destroyed in hys partyes kyngdome many of the kynges frendes of Englonde wyth townes castels many other of theyr lordhypoes and many harmes shamys dystytes dyd vnto the quene wher fore kyng Edwarde whan he herde thys tydynges strongely meued therwythe and red and sente dyuers letters ouer see to the quene to other that were his frendes Glagynge them certefyenge them that he wolde be there hymself in all the haste that he mygh ¶ And anone after Ester whan he had sped of all thinges that hym neded to haue he went ouer see ayen Of whose cominge the quene all hys frendes were wonder glad made moche Ioy And all that were his enmyes and held ayenst hym made as moche sorow ¶ In the same tyme the kynge thrughe counseyll of hys trewe lyeges and counsell of hys lordes that there we represent wyth hym wryte the kynhe of Fraūces name and toke and medled the kynges armes of Fraunce quartred with tharmes of Englond and commaunded forth with hys coyen of golde vnder dyserypcyon and wrytynge of the name of englonde and of Fraunce be made beste that myght bee and that is to saye the floreyne that was callyd the noble pryce of .vi shellynge .viii pens sterlynge and the half nobell the value iii· shellynge and .iiii. pens and the far thynges the value of .xx. pens ¶ How kynge Edwarde came vnto the scuys and dyscomfyted alle the power of Fraunce in the hauen ANd in the next yere after that is to say the .xv. yere of his regne he cōmaūded and lete wryte in his chartres wryttes other letters the date of the regne of fraunce the fyrst And whyle that he was thus doynge and trauayllynge in
conuersyon of Saynt Poule helde parlemente at westmestre in the whyche parlemente was put forthe and shewed the accorde and the treates that was stablisshed and made bytwene the twoo kynges whyche accorde pleased to moche people And therfore by the kynges commaundement there were gadred and come togyder in westmynster chyrche the fyrste sondaye of lente That is to saye the .ii. kal february the forsayd Englysshemen and frensshmen where was songe a solempne masse of the Trynyte of the Archebysshop of Caunterbury mayster Symonde Issepe And whan Agnus dei was done the kynge beynge there with his sones And also the kynges sones of fraunce and other noble and greate lordes wyth candell lyght and crosses brought forth and that were callyd therto that were notte sworne afore swore the same othe that was wryten vppon goddes bodye on the masse booke in thys wyse we N. and N sweren vppon goddes body and on the holy gospels stedfastly for to holde and kepe towarde vs the peas and the accorde made bytwene the two kȳges and neuer for to do the contrary whan they had thus sworne they toke theyr scrowes that theyr othes were comprehended into the notaryes And in this same yere in the Ascencyons euen aboute myddaye was seen the clypses of the sonne And there folowed suche a drought that for defaute of rayne there was grete brennynge of corne fruyte and hey ¶ And in the same moneth the .vi. kal of Iune there fell a sanguyne rayne almoste lyke blode at Burgon and a sāguyne crosse from morne vnto pryme apered was seen at Bolyn in the heyre the whiche many men saw and after it meued and felle in the myddes of the see ¶ And in the same tyme 〈◊〉 fraunce and Englond and many other londes as they that were in playne countre●s and d●serte baren withnesse sodeynly there apperyd two castels of the whiche wēte out two hostes of armed mē And that one hoste was closed in whyte and that other in blacke and whan Batayll bytwene theym was begonne the whyte ouer came the blacke toke herte tho theym and ouer come the whyte and after that they wente ayen in to theyr castels and thā the castels and all the hoost vanysshed away ¶ And in this same yere was a grete and an huge pestylence of people and namely of mē whoo 's wyues as womē out of gouernaunce toke husbondes as well straungers as other lewde and symple peple the whyche forgetynge theyr honoure and worshyp coupled and maryed theym with thē that were of lowe degre and lytyll repuracyon ¶ In this same yere deyed Henry duke of Lācastre ¶ And also in this same yere Edwarde prynce of walys wedded the countesse of Kente that was syr Thomas wyf of Holōde that whiche was departed somtyme deuorced fro the erle of Salysbury for cause of the same knyght ¶ And aboute this tyme begā and rose a grete company of dyuerse nasoyns gadred togyder of whom theyr leders gouernours were Englysshe people they were called a peple wyth out ony hede the whyche dyd moche harme in the partye of fraunce· ¶ And not longe after there arose an other company of dyuerse nacyons that was called the whyte company the whiche in the partyes and countrees of Lombardy dyde moche sorowe ¶ This same yere syr Iohan of Gaunt the sone of kyng Edwarde the thyrde was made duke of Lancastre by reason cause of his wyf that was the doughter the heyre of Henry somtyme duke of Lācaster ¶ Of the greate wynde and how prynce Edwarde tooke the lordshyp of Guyhē of his fader and wente theder· ANd in the .xxxvii. yere of kyng Edwarde the .xv. daye of Ianyuer that is too saye on saynt Maryes daye about euynsonge tyme there arose come suche a wynde out of the southe wyth suche a fyersnes and strenthe that it brasted and blewe downe to the grounde hyghe houses and stronge buyldynges toures chirches steples and other strōge places and all other stronge werkes that stoden stylle were shaken ther with that they ben yet shall euermore be the febler and weyker whyle they stande And this wynde lasted without ony cessynge .vii. dayes contynually· And anone after there folowed suche waters in the hey tyme and in the haruest tyme that all felde werkes were strongely lette and lefte vndoyn ¶ And in the same yere prynce Edwarde toke the lordshyp of Guyhen dyde to kynge Edwyrde his fader homage and feaute therof wente ouer see in to Gascoyne with his wyf chyldren ¶ And anone after kynge Edward made hys sone Lyonell duke of Clarence and syr Edmonde his other sone erle of Cambridge in the .xxxviii. yere of his regne it was ordeyned in the parlement that men of lawe bothe of the chyrche and temporeslawe shold fro that tym for the plete in theyr moder tonge ¶ And in the same yere in to Englond thre kynges that ys to saye the kynge of Fraunce the kynge of Cypres and the kynge of Scotlonde by cause to vysyte and for to speke with the kynge of Englonde And after that they had be here longe tyme two of them went home in to theyr owne countres and kyngodms but the kynge of Fraunce throughte greate sekenesse and malady that he had abode stylle in Englonde And in the .xxxix. yere of his regne was a strōge a grete froste that lasted longe that is to saye fro Saynt Andrewes tyde to the .xiii. kal of Apryls that the tylthe and sowynge of the erthe and other suche feld werkes and honde werkes were moche lette and lefte vndoyne for colde hardnes of the erth And at orray in Brytayn was ordeyned a grete dedely bataylle bytwene syre Iohn̄ of Mountforde duke of Brytayne and syr charles of Bloys but vyctory fell to the forsayd syr Iohn̄ thrughe helpe and socour of thenglysshmen And there were taken many knyghtes squyres other men that vnnōbred in the whiche batayll was slayne Charles hymself with all that stode about hym of Englysshmen were slayne but seuen and in this yere deyed at sauoy Iohan the kynge of fraunce whos seruyce exequyes kyng edwarde lete ordeyne dyd in dyuers places worhypfully to be done and at Douer of worshypful men ordeyned hym worthely tho be ledde with his owne costes and expēces fro thens was brought to fraunce buryed at saynt Denys ¶ In the .xl. yere of kyng Edwarde the vii kal of Februer was borne Edwarde prynce Edwards sone the whiche whan he was .vii. yere of-aege he deyed· And in the same yere it was ordeyned that saynt Peters pens fro the tyme forthe sholde not be payed the whyche kyng yuo somtyme kynge of Englond of the countre of west saxen that began to regne the yere of our lord god vi· hondred .lxxix. fyrst graunted to Rome for the scole of Englond therto be contynued ¶ And in thys same yere there fell a grete rayne in hey tyme that it
one many sterres gaddred togyder on an hepe felle downe to the erthe leuynge byhynde them fyre bemes in maner of lyghtnynge was flammes brent cōsumed mens clothes mens heer wallyng on the erth as it was sene knowē of many a man ¶ And yet that northern wynde that is redy destymate to alle ylle fro saynt Katherynes eue tyll thre dayes after loste grete good without nobre ¶ And in this same dayes ther fell also come such lyghtnynge thondre snowe hayll that it wasted and destoyed men bestetes howses and trees ¶ Of the batayll of Spayne besyde the watre of Naxers that was bytwene prynce Edwarde and syr Henry bastarde of Spayne IN the yere of our lord a M.CCC.lxvii and of kynge Edwarde .xlii. the thyrde daye of Aprylle there was a stronge batayll a grete in large felde called Pryazers faste by the water of Nazers in Spayne bytwene syre Edwarde the prynce syr Henry the bastarde of Spayne but the vyctory fyll to prynce Edwarde by the grace of god ¶ And this same prynce Edwarde had with hym syr Iohn̄ duke of Lācastre his broder other worthy men of armes about the nombre of .xxx. thousand ¶ And the kynge of Spayne had on hys syde men of dyuers nacyons to the nombre of an hondred thousande moo wherfore the sharpenesse and fyersnesse of hys aduersary wyth his fyll boystous and grete strenthe made and dryue the ryghtfull partye a backe a grete waye but thrugh the grace of almyghty god passynge ony mannes strenth that greate hoste was dysparpled myghtefully by the noble duke of Lancastre and his hoost or the prynce Edwarde came nyghe hym And whan Henry bastarde sawe that he torned with his men in so grete haste and strenth for to flee that a gret company of them in the for sayd flood of the brydge ther of fellen dowen perysshed And also there were taken the erle of Dene syr Bartram Cleykyn that was cheyfmaker and cause of the warre also cheyftayne of the vauntwarde of the bataylle wyth many other greace lordes and knyghtes to the nombre of two thousande of whome two hondred were of Fraunce and many also of Scotlonde ¶ And there were felled in the felde on oure enmyes syde of lordes knyghtes wyth other meyn people to the nombre of .vi. thousande and moo and of Englysshmen but a fewe And after this the noble prynce Edward restored the same Peers to this kyngdome ayen the whiche Peers afwarde thrugh trechery and falsnes of the forsayd basterd of Spayne as he satte at his mete he was strangled deyed But after this vyctorye many noble men of Englond also hardy in Spayne thrug the flyx dyuers other sekenes toke theyr dethe ¶ And also in the same yere in the Marche was seen stella Come ta bytwene the north costes the west whoo 's bemes stretched towarde fraunce ¶ And in the next yere folowynge of kyng Edwardes regne xliii in Apryll syr Lyonell kynge Edwardes sone that was duke of Clarnece wente to warde Melayne with a chosen meyne of the gētyls of Englonde for to wedde Galoys doughter haue hyr to hys wyfe by whom he sholde haue half the lordshyp of Melayne but after that they were solemply wedded and about the Natyuyte of our lady the same duke of Melayne deyed And in the same yere frensshmen brake the peas the trewes rydynge on the kyngꝭ grounde lordshyp of Englond in the shyre countre of Puūtyfe token helde castell townes bere the Englysshmen on honde falsly subtyll that they were cause of brekynge of trewes in thys same yere deyed the duches of Lācastre and is buryed worshypfully in saynte Poules chyrche ¶ The .xliiii. yere of kyng Edwardes regne was the gretest pestylence of men and of grete bestes by the grete fallynge of waters that felle at that tyme there fell grete hyndrynge destroyenge of corne in so moche that the next yere after a busshell of whete was solde for xl.d ¶ And in thys same yere about the laste ende of Maye kynge Edwarde helde tho his parlement at westmyster in whiche parlement was treated spoken of the othe trewes that was brokē bytwene hym and the kynge of fraunce how he myght be auenged vpon his wronge ¶ In this same yere in the Assumpcyō of our lady deyed quene Phylyp of Englonde a fulle noble gode lady at westmyster full worshyp fully is buryed and entered And aboute mydsomer the duke of Lancastre the erle of Herforde with a grete company of knyghtes wente into fraunce where as they gate them but lytel wroshyp name for there was a grete hoste of the frensshenmen vppon Calkhull brydge and an other hoste of Englyssemen faste by the same brydge that lōge tyme had lyued there And many worthy grete men of Englonde ordeyned yaf counseyll for to fyght yaf batayll to the frensshemen but the forsayd lordes wolde not consent therto for no maner thynge ¶ And anone after it happened that the erle of warwyke come thyderwarde for to warre and whan the frensshmen herde of his comynge of that he came fully to londe they left theyr tentes pauylyous wyth all theyr vytayls fledde went a waye pryuely And whan the erle was comē to londe wyth his men he went in all hast towarde Normandy destroyed the yle of Caux with strenthe of swerde and thrugh fyre But alas in his retornynge to Englond warde home ayen at Calys he was taken with sykenes of pestylence deyed not leuynge behynde hym after his dayes soo noble a knyght of armes ¶ In whyche tyme regned warred the noble knyght syr Iohn̄ Hawkewod that was an Englysshman borne hauynge with hym at his gouernaunce the white cōpany that is a forsayde that whiche o tyme ayenst holy chirche an other tyme ayenste lordes warred ordeyned grete batayls and there ī that same coūtre he dyde many merueyllous thynges ¶ And aboute the cōuercyon of saynt Poule the kyng whan he had ended done the entrynge exequyes wyth greate costes and ryaltes about the sepulture of buryeng of quene Phylyp his wyf he helde a parlement at westmyster in whyche parlement was axed or the clergye a thre yeres dyme that is for to saye a grete dyme to payed thre yere durynge the clargye put it of and wolde not graunte it vnto Ester next comynge than they graunted wel that in thre yere by certayne termes that dyme sholde be payed and also of the laye fee was a thre yere .xv. graunted to the kynge ¶ How syr Robert Knolles with other certayne lordes of the reame went ouer see in to frauce and of theyr gouernaunce ANd in the .xlv. yere of kynge Edward in the begynnynge kynge Edwarde with vnwyse counseyll vndyscrete borowed a grete sōme of golde of the prelates marchauntes other ryche men of his
of Angoy with many other lordes and prelates of bothe reames for to treate of peas ¶ Of the dethe of prynce Edwarde and of the lorde Latymer and dame Alyce peres thrughe whome and hyr maynteners the Reame many a daye was mysgouerned NOt longe after the .li. yere of Kyng Edwardes regne he lette ordeyne holde at westmynster the grettest parlement that was seen many a yere afore In the whiche parlemente he asked of the comynaltee of the reame as hee had done afore a grete subsydye to be graunted to hym for defēdynge of hym and of his reame but the comunes answerd that they were soo ofte daye by daye greued charged with so mani talag●s subsydyes that they myght no lēger suffre noo suche burthōs and charges that they knewe wyst well ynough that the kynge had ynough for sauynge of hym and of hys reame yf the reame were well truely gouerned But that it had bee soo longe euyll gouerned by ylle offycers that the reame myght nother be plenteuous of chaffre marchaundyse ne also with rychesse And in these thynges they profyred themself yf the Kyng wolde certaynly to preue it and stande by and yf it were foundē and proued afterwarde that the Kynge had nede they wolde gladly euery man after hys power and state hym helpe and lene And after this were publysshed shewed in the parlemente many playntes and defautes of dyuers offycers of the reame and namely of the Lorde Latymer the kynges chamberlayne bothe to the Kynge and eke to the reame ¶ And also att the laste there was spoken treated of dame Alyce Pers for the grete wronges euyll gouernaunce that was done by hyr counseyl in the reame The whiche dame Alyce pers that the kyng had holden longe tyme to hys lemman wherfore it was the laste wonder though thrugh the frealter of the womans excytynge hyr steringe he consented to hyr lewdnesse euyll coūseyl the whiche dame Alyce also the lorde Latymer other suche the meued the kynge to euyll gouernaunce ayenst his profyte the reame also all the comynalte asked desyred that they sholde be remeued put awaye and in theyr stedes wyse mē worthy that were trewe wel assaied proued and of good gouernaunce sholde be put in theyr stedes So amonge al other there was one amonge the comunes that a wyse knyght and a trewe and an eloquent man whoo 's name was Pers delamare And this same pers was chosen to be speker for the comunes in the parleament And for this same Pers tolde and publysshed the trouthe and rehersed the wronges ayenste the forsayd dame Alyce other certayne persones of the kynges counseyll as he was bydde by the comyns ¶ And also trustynge moche to be supported mayntened in thys mater by helpe fauour of the. prynce anone as the prynce was dede att the instaunce requeste of the forsayd dame Alyce thys Pers de amare was Iugyd to perpetual pryson in the castell of Notyngham ¶ And in the .vi. kal. of Iule lastynge the same parlemente deyed prynce Edwarde kynge Edwardes fyrst sone that is to saye in trynyte sonday in worshyp of whyche feste he was wōte euery yere where that euer he were ī the worlde to holde and made the moost solēpnyte that he myght whos name fortune of knyghthode but yf it had be of an other Ector alle men bothe crysten hethen whyle that he liued was in good poynt wōdred moche and dradde hym wonder soore whoo 's body is worshypfully buryed in Crychyrche at Caunterbury And in this same yere the mē and the erles tenauntes of warwyk arose malycyously ayenst the abbot couent of Euesham theyr tenauntes destroyed thabbaye the towne woūded bete theyr men slewe many of theym wente to theyr maners places dyde moche harme and brake downe ther parkes closes slewe theyr wylde bestes chaced them brekynge theyr fysshe poundes hedes lete the water of theyr pondes stewes ryuers renne out toke the fysshe bare it with them and dyde theym all the sorowe that they myght in so ferforthe that forsoth they had destroyed perpetuall that abbay with all theyr membres apportenaunces but yf the kynge the soner had not holpen it taken hede therto therfore the kyng sent his letters to the erle of warwyk chargyng hym cōmaūdynge hym that he sholde stynt redresse amende tho euyll doers brekers of his peas and so by meanes of lordes other frendes the peas was made bitwene them and for this hurtynge as it is sayd the kynge wolde not be gouerned as that tyme bi his lordes that there were in the parlement but he toke made his sone the duke of Lancastre his gouerneur of the reame the whiche stode soo styll as gouernour tyl the tyme that he dyed ¶ The same yere after cādelmasse or the parlement was done the Kynge asked a subsidye of the clargy of the lay fee it was graūtyd hȳ that is to say that he sholde haue of euery persone of the lay fee both man and woman that passed fourtene yere of aege foure pēs out takē pore beggers that were knowen openly for nede pore beggers ¶ And that he shold haue of euery man of the holy chyrche that was benefyced or promoted twelue pens and all other that were not promoted iiii pens out taken the .iiii. ordres of the frere beggers This same yere after Myghelmasse Rycharde prynce Edwardes sone was made prynce of wales to whom the kyng gaf the duchy of cornewayle with the erldom of chestre And about this tyme the Cardynale of Englond the .iiii. day before mary Mawdalenes day after dyner sodaynly was smyte with the paslye and loste his speche on mary Mawdalen●s daye deyed ¶ Of the dethe of Kynge Edwarde how syr Iohan Monster warch knyght was drawē hanged for his falsnesse Ryght anone after in the .lii. yere of Kynge Edward in the begynnynge of Octobre pope Gregorye the .ix. broughte remeued his courte wyth hym from Auy●yon to come ¶ And the .xii. daye of Apryl Iohan Monsterwarthe Knyght att London was drawen hangyd than quartred sent to four cheyf townes of Englond his heed smyten of sete vpon londen brydge for this same Iohn̄ was full vntrewe to the kynge and to the reame coueytous vnstable for he tooke oftymes grete sōmes of money of the kynge his coūseyll for men of armes wages that he sholde haue paed them tooke it to his owne vse he dradde that att the laste he sholde be shent accused for the same cause and fled pryuely to the kyng of Fraunce was sworne to hym become hys man and behyghte hym a greate nauye out of Spayne in to confucyon destroynge of Englonde But the ryghtfull god to whom no preuyte is vnknowen suffred hym fyrst to
Iustices ¶ And after Alberte the thyrd Frederyk was chosen Emperoure ▪ This frederyk duke of Osteryk was lōge Emperour dyfferred to be crowned at Rome by cause of the scysme but after that vnyte was had he was crowned wyth the Imperyall dyademe wyth grete glorye and tryumphe of pope Nycholas the iiii This was a peasyble man quyete and of synguler pacience not hatyngethe chryche he wedded the kynges doughter of portyngale ¶ How the duchesse of Gloucestre was arested for trason cōmytted to perpetuall pryson in the yle of Man of the dethe of mayster Roger Bolyngbrok IN this same yere Elynoure Cobham duchesse of Gloucestre was arested for certayne poyntes of treason layde ayen hir whervpon she was examynde in Saynt Stephens Chapell att westm̄ afore the Arche bysshop of Caunterbury And there she was enioyned to do open penaunce to go thrughe the Chepe beryng a taper in hir hande after to perpetuall pryson in the yle of Man vnder the kepyng of syr thomas stanley Also that same tyme was arested mayster Thomas southwell a chanō of westm̄ mayster Iohn̄ haue a chapelayne off the sayd lady mayster Robert bolyngbroke a clerke vsyng Nygromancye and one Margery iouroemayn called the which of Eye belyde westm̄ there were arested as for beynge of con̄seyl with the sayde duchesse of Gloucestre and for mayster Thomas suthwel deyed in the tour the nyght before he sholde haue be reyned on the morowe for he hymself sayd that he sholde deye in his bedde not by Iustyces ¶ And in the .xx. yere mayster Iohn̄ hume mayster Roger bolyngbrok were brought to the gylde halle in Londō there before the Mayre the lordes chyef of Englonde were reyned dāpned bothe to be drawē hanged quartred but mayster Iohn̄ hume had his charter by the kyng but mayster Roger was drawen to tyburn where he cōfessed that he deyed gyltles of this mater neuer hadde trespaced in that he deyed fore Notwithstondyng he was hāged heded quartred whos soule god haue mercy Amē ¶ And margere iurdemayn was brent in smythfylde also this yere was a greate fraye in london ī flete strete by nyghte tyme bytwene mē of courte and men of london And dyuerse mē slayne and some hurte And one Herbotel was the chyef canser of the mysgouernaūce affraye ¶ Also this yere at the chesynge of the mayre of londō the comēs named Robert Clopton and Raulyn Holande talyor and the aldermē toke Robert clopton and brought hym att the ryght hande of the Mayre as custome is And than certayn talyour● and other h●de craftes men cryed nay nay not thys man but Raulyn holande wherfore the Mayre that was Padyslye sente theym that so cryed to Newgate where they abode a grete whyle were punysshed· ¶ In this yere were dyuerse enbassatours sente in to Guyon fro a maryage for the kynge for the Erles doughter of Armynake that whiche was concluded but by the meane of the erle of Suffolke it was lette put a parte· ¶ And after this the sayd erle of Suffolke wente hem self ouersee in Fraunce and there he trated the marynge bytwene the kinge of Englonde and the kynges doughter of Cycyle and of Iherusalem And the nexte yere yt was concluded fully that maryage by whiche maryage the kynge sholde delyuer to hir fader the duke of Angeo and the erldome of Maynē whiche was the keye of Normandye Thēne departed the erle of Suffolke wyth his wyfē dyuerse lordes and knyghtes in the moste ryal astate that myght be oute of Englonde wyth newe chares palfreys whiche wente thrugh the chepe and so wente ouer the see and receyued hir and than after in the lenten broughte hyr vnto Hamton where she lāded there was ryally receyued ¶ And vpō Candelmas euen before by a grete tēpeste of thondre lyghenynge at after none Poules styple was set on fyre on the mydddes of the shaft in the tymbre whyche was quenched by force of laboure And specially by the morowe masse preeste of the Bowe in chepe whyche was thought impossyble sauf only the grace of god ¶ This yere was the erle of Stafforde made create Duke of Bukynghm therle of werwykd of warwyk the erle of Dorset markys of Dorset the erle was made Markꝭ of Soffolk ¶ How kynge Hēry wedded quene Margarete of her coronacyon THis yere kinge henry maryed at Suthwyk quene Margarete she came to lōdon the .xxviii. day of may And by the waye al the lordes of Englōde receyued hyr worshypfully in dyuerse places And ī especiall duke of Gloucestre on the Blacke heth the Mayre with all the aldermē all the craftes in blewe gownes broudred wyth the deuyse of hys crafte that they myght be knowen met with hyr with redde hodes brought her to londō where were dyuerse pagēris countenaūce of dyuerse hystoryes shewed in dyuers places of the Cytie costely ¶ And the xxx daye of May. the forsayd quene was crowned at westm̄ ther was Iustes thre dayes durynge wythin the Sayntwary before the abbaye ¶ This yere the pryour of Kylmain apeled therle of Vrmonde of treason whyche had a daye to theym assygued for to fyght in Smythfelde And the lystes were made the felde dressed But whā it came to poynt the king cōmaunded that they sholde not fyghte but toke the quarell in to his honde And this was done at the Instāce labours of certayne prechers doctours of lōdon as mayster Gylbert worthyngton persone of saynt Andrewes in Holbron other ¶ Also this yere came a grete embassate in to Englonde out of fraūce for to haue cōcluded a perpetual peas but in cōclusyon it torned in to trewes for a yere ¶ Aboute this time dyed saynt Bernardyne a gray frere whiche began the newe reformacyō of the ordre in many places in so moche that they that were reformed bē called Obseruaūtes ▪ whyche obseruauntes been gretly encreaced in Italy in almayn this Bernardyn was canonysed by pope Nycholas the .v. in the yere of our lorde MCCCC l ¶ Iohānes de Capristrano was his dysciple whiche profyted moche to the reformacion of that ordre for god hathe shewed many a fayre myracle ¶ Also here is to be noted that frome this tyme forwarde kynge Hēry neuer profyted ne wente forwarde but fortune begā to torne frome hym on all sydes as well in fraunce Normandye Guyon as in Englonde sō men holden oppynyon that kynge Henry gaue commyssyon preuarly to Syr Edwarde Hull syr Robert Roos Deane of Saynt Senerynes and other to cōclude a maryage for hym with the Erle of Armynakes syster whiche was promysed as it was sayde and cōcluded and after broken and he wedded quene Margarete as afore is sayde and a full dere maryage for the reame of Englonde for it was knowe verely that for to haue hyr delyuerde was the duchy of Angeo the erldom of Mayn whiche was the keye of Normandye
for the frenssmē to entre ¶ And aboute this the sayde Markys of Suffolke axed in playne parlement· a fyftene and an half for to fetche her out of fraūce ¶ Loo what a mariage was this as to the comparysō of that other maryage For there sholde haue be delyuerde so many castels and Townes in Guyon and so moche golde sholde haue be yeuen with her that alle Englonde sholde haue be therby enriched but cōtrary wyse fell wherfore euery grete prynce ought to kepe hys promyse For bycause of brekynge of this promyse for maryage of quene Margarete what losse hath the reame of Englond had by lesynge of Normādye Guyon by dyuysyon in the reame the rebellynge of comyns ayēst ther prince and lordes what dyuysyon amoge the lordes what murdre and sleynge of theym what feldes foughte made in conclusyon soo many that many a man hathe loste his lyfe in conclusyon the kynge deposed the quene wyth her soone fayne to fle into Scotlōde from thens in to Fraūce so to Loreyne the place that she came fyrst fro many mē deme that the brekyngege of the kynges promyse to the systyr of the erle of Armynack was cause of his greate losse aduersy●e ¶ How the duke of Gloucestre the kynges vncle was arested at the parlyament of Bury and of hys dethe how Angeo in Mayn was delyueredd IN the .xxvi. yere of kynge Henry was a parlyament at Bury called Saynt Edmondes bury abowte whiche was cōmaunded all the comyns of the countre to be there ī their moste beste defensyable araye for to wayte vpon the kynge To whiche parlyament came the duke of Gloucestre Vmfry the kynges vncle whiche hadde be protectoure of Englōde all the noneage of the kynge And anone after as he was in hys lodgynge he was arested by the Vycoūte Beaumont the Conestable of Englonde whome accompanyed the duke of Bukyngham and many other lordes ¶ And for the wyth all his seruauntes were cōmaunded to departe frome hym And xlii of the chief of theym were arested and sente to dyuerse prisons And anone after this sayd areste the sayde duke was on the morowe deed on whos soule god haue mercy but how he dyed in what maner the certente is not knowe Some saye he deyed for sorowe some said he was murdred bytwene two federbeddꝭ some sayd that a spytte was put in his fūdamente But how he deyed god knoweth to whome no thynge in hydde then whan he was deede he was layde open that all men myght hym se· And soo bothe lordes knyghtes of the shyre wyth Burgeys came sawe hym lye dede but woūde ne token coude they not perceyue how he dyde Here may men marke what this worlde is ¶ This duke was a noble man a grete clerke ruled worshypfully the reame to the kinges behoue and neuer cowde be foūde fawte to him but enuye of thē that were gouernours had promysed the duchy of Angeo the erldome of myan caused the dystruction of this noble man For they dradde that he wolde empeshed the delyueraunce And after they sente his boody to saint Albons wyth certayn lyghtes for to be buryed And so syr Gerauys of Clyfton had then the charge for to conueye the corps And so it was buryed at Saynt Albons in the abbaye And fyue ꝑsones of hys housholde were sente to london there were they reyned Iugyd to be drawen hanged also quarered Of whome the names were syr roger chamberlayne knyght one mydelton a squyre Richard denham· whiche v. ꝑsones were draw fro the toure of london thrugh Chepe to tyborn· there lete done quycke and them striped to haue be heded quartred then the marqueys of Suffolke shewed there for thez the kyngꝭ ꝑdon vnder his grete seale soo they were ꝑdoned of the remenaūce of all the other execusyon had theyr lyues so they were brought ayē to lōdon after freely delyuered Thus begā trowble in this reame of Englonde for the dethe of this noble duke of Gloucestre al the comyns of the reame begā for to murmure for it were not cōtent· ¶ And after the pope Eugeny was deed Nycholas the fyfte was elect pope this Nycholas was chose for Eugenye yet hangyng these sysmo notwithstondyng he gate the Obediēce of all crystē reames For after he was electe sacred pope certayne lordes of fraunce of Englōde were sente in to Sauoy to pope felix for to entreate hym to seasse of the papacye And by the specyall laboure of saynt Iohānes he sessed the seconde yere after the pope Nycholas was sacred And the sayde felix was made Legate of fraunce and Cardynal of Sauoye· and he resygned the hole papacye to Nycholas And after lyued an holy lyf deyed an holy man And as it is sayde almyghty god shewed myracles for hym This was the .xxiii. scysme bytwene Eugeny and Felyx dured .xvi. yere ¶ The cause was this the generall counseyll of Basyle deposed Eugeny whyche was oonly pope and Indubytyte for asmoche as he obserued not and kepte the decrees and statutes of the counseyll of Constance as it is sayde before Nether he rought not to yeue obedyence to the gener all counseyll in no maner wyse wherfore arose a grete alteracyon among wryters of thes matere pro et contra whiche can not accorde vnto this daye one partye sayth that the counseyll is aboue the pope And that other partye sayth nay but the pope is aboue the counseyll God blessed aboue all thynge yeue and graunte his peas in holy chirche spouse of cryste amen This nycholas was of Iene comen of lowe degree a doctour of dyuynyte An actyf man he Reedyfyed many places that were broken ruynous and dyd make a walle aboute the palays and made the walle newe abowte Rome for drede of the Turkis the people wondred and gretely merueylled of the ceasyng and resynyng of pope Felix to the pope Nycholas cōsyderynge that Nicholas was a mā of so homely a byrth the other was of affynyte to all moste party of cristen prīces wherfore ther was a uerse publysshed as is a fore sayde ¶ How syr ●raunsoys Aragonys toke Fogyers in Normandye and of the losse of Constātynople by the Turke IN the yere of kynge Henry .xxvii. beyng trewes bytwene fraūce and Englond A knyght of the Englisshe partye named Syr Fraunces aragony toke a towne in Normādye named Fogyese ayēste the trewes of whyche takynge begā moche sorowe losse for thys was the occasyō by the whiche the frenssmmē gate all Normandye ¶ Aboute this tyme the Cyte of Cōstantynople whiche was the emperial cytye in all Grece was takē by the turkes ▪ Infydels whiche was bytrayde as some holde oppynyō And thēperoure taken slayne the ryall chyrche of saynt Sophya robbed dyspoyled and the relyques and ymages and the rode drawynge aboute the stretes whiche was done in spyte of Crysten
then they sayd the who someuer wolde deffende kepe them from these peryles he shold haue the ryght of noblenesse for hym his heyers for euer more in thys maner of wyse many are radde to be noble mē ¶ The fourth cause of noblynesse was grete haboundaunce of goodes Somtyme the people we holdē with grete penury of mete drynke And then they toke them and theyrs to some ryche man that thrugh that couenaunte they s●old tempre the grete straytnesse of ther hungre and after that they shold knowe hym as theyr lorde and a noble man ¶ Also there be founde certen noble men by the prouysyon of god thoughe they were but fewe of the whyche some abode in vertue as Dauyd and some fayled anone as Saull and Ieroboam Also it is radde that many were noble men by tyranny and vyolence Of the whyche some were destroyed anone And some abode in stablenesse as Paynymes myght ¶ Anno mundi .ii. M.ix C. .v. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .ii. M.ii. C.lxxxiiii SAruk lynelly descended from our forn fader Adam to Abraham And Nachor was sone he lyued an houndred and .xlviii. yere ¶ And aboute this tyme ydolatry began to encreace myghtely And yf ye reuolue loke the hystoryes ye shall fynde that thre thynges pryncypally brought men to the synne of ydoly That is to vnderstonde the affeccyon whyche theg had to deed men Dredde flaterynge agaynst ther prynces And the dylygence of artyfycers crafty men about scultures or grauynges wycked fendes thenne entred in to the ydollis and gaue answeres to the people And these wycked spyrytes confermed the erroure of the peple myghtely In so moche that what some euer manere of persone wolde not conforme hym to the reason he sholde greuously suffre the payne of deth Also there was added and put to these thynges the dysceyuynge laude and praysynge of Poetes the whiche wretches and also dampned men in to heuen with alle theyr gaye aourned wrytynges exalted And that same tyme whanne deuylles beganne for to speke so fayrly and so mekely to man The good lorde of his greate and abundaunt mery sente his aungelles That they sholde speke to hys elected men in vysybly leest that all man kynde sholde perysshe wyth thys myscheuous errour BElus sone to Nemroth this tyme was kynge of Babylon And he was the fyrst kyng of this world this man was he whom the errour of the people fyrst trowed shold be a god wherfore dyuers people named hym dyuersly And some called hym Bell some Baal some Baalim some Beelphagor some Belsabub And this vnhappy errour stode in man kynde more than two M. yeres ¶ Ninus sone to Belus the seconde kynge of Babylon of assuriorū regned .liiii. yeres And thys Ninus desyred for to haue lordshyp worshype and to that entēt that he myght be lorde of all the coūtre about hym he gaue batayll to all that dwelled nyghe about hym And by cause that tyme the people were rude and had not the comynge of yght ynge nor armour anone he subdued vnto hym all Asiam And there was made the fyrste Monarche in the eest party And whan his herte was sory for the deth of his fader Belus he made to be made to hym for his cōforte an ymage of his fader to whom he gaf so myghty reuerēce that what someuer gylty mā had fledde to that ymage ther shold no mā do vnto hym no hurte and he pardonned hym of all his trespasse· And thrugh his ensample many a man began to worshyp the deed ymage of theyr dere frendes Thenne these malycyous spyrites seynge the curyosyte of the peple hydde them within them and gaaf answeres vnto the peple and sayd they were goddes And cōmaunded them to doo reuerence vnto them as goddes Thꝰ that vnhappy synne of ydolatry was brought in the whiche repugned myghtely to goddes mageste And in so moche this madnesse grewe that he shold suffre the payne of deth that sayd they were men but goddes ¶ Anno mūdi .iii. M.C.xiiii Et ante xp̄i natiuitatem ii M.lxxv THare sone to Nachor lyued .ii. C. .v. yere this Thare after the deth of Aram went frome Vr of Calde passed in to Chartam with his childern his neuewes And it is sayd by cause he wolde not worshyp the 〈◊〉 as Nemroth had taught he was banysshe● 〈◊〉 coūtre And the comyn opynyon of the Hebrewes is Nemroth regned there the whiche was called an other name Amraphel the kynge of Sennar whom longe tyme after this Abraham ouercame Vt dicitur Gen̄ xiiii ¶ Anno mūdi .iii. M. C.lxx●●iii Et ante xp̄i natiuitatem .ii. M.xv ¶ Here begynneth the thyrde arge of the wrolde durynge to Dauyd HEre begyneth the deuoute holy storye of holy patryarkes the whiche worshype the very god in ther worshyppyng they caughte it vide pla gen̄ xii vsque ad finē● ¶ This Abraham a faythfull louer of god was born the xliii yere of Ninꝰ kyng of Babylon knowe ye that the .lxxiv. yere of Abrahā thorugh the myghty glorye of the hye god The worde of mercy descēded vpon mākynd for then he gan appere the oraculus of the promyse of god ●vide Au. xvi de ci dei Itm̄ gen̄ xv For this tyme holy aūgels appered to vs in forme of mankynde ¶ This Abraham had two brethern Aram Nachor and Aram gate Loth a ryghtwys mā an holy he deserued to be vysyted with aūgles as his vncle Abraham was· And for this Loth abraham smote .iiii. kyngꝭ for they toke Loth gen̄ xiiii Of whom one was sayd to be Nemroth but he is called here amraphel And Abrahā had many wyues as Sara Agar his childern his brethern had many childern But for vs that write cronycles it is not necessary to speke of all men but of the noble faders sed vide pla ●ine gen̄ ¶ Melchisedech this tyme was kyng of Salē This man was called a ryght wys kyng for his excedynge holynesse And he offred bred wyne to Abrahā in sygne of a gret mystery He was also the preest of the hye god ¶ Semiramis the thyrde kyng of Babylon he ordeyned an army went into ynde opteyned that coūtre And so by all Asyā the kyngdom of Assuriorum was dilated he multiplyed the cyte of Babylon myghtly made walles about it This Semiramis had a wyf he forsoke her it is wrytē that she was slayne of her sone Ninꝰ by cause she prouoked hym to the vnlefull cōcupyscēce sic di Au. viii dcci dei the mayster ī hꝭ storyes sayth that she wedded hir owne sone he gate a childe on her the whiche ordened babylon to be the heed of al his reame ¶ Ninus the fourth kyng of Babylon was sone to grete Ninus Of this man lytell is wryten but that he slewe his owne moder as is sayd afore ¶ Arrius was the fyfth kyng of Babylon And vnder hym
hylle of Hor. And his sone Heleazarus succeded hym in the bysshopryche ¶ Pharao Boccaris this tyme was kynge of Egypt this Pharao wolde not here the cōmaūdement of god ne delyuer the childern of Israel wherfore he was punysshed with ten plages Vt patꝪ exo And after he with all his hoost were drowned ī the red see Nason sone to Amynadab was prynce of the trybe of Iudas in the deserte and about this tyme the lawe of god was gyuen in the hylle of Synay the boke of Leuicici was wryte and another booke was called Numerū the tabernacle was ordeyned The boke of Deuteromanū was made Balaam was prophete and was slayne ¶ Anno mundi .iii M.vii C.xxxv. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē M.iiii C.lxxiiii SAlmen of the lyne of cryst was aboute thꝭ tyme had a wyfe that hyght Reab Moyses about thys tyme decessed the water of frome Iordan was drye Ierico was take the son̄e stode in the fyrmament Inmeuable Historia li. Iosue incipit et Iudicū Iosue seconde Iuge of Israel was a myghty mā in batayll the fyrst in deserte he ouercame Amalech after Moyses of god he was ordened iuge of Israel of whom the bataylles the werkes the relygyous lyf ye may see in the boke of Iosue wryten ¶ Eleazar was the secōde bysshop And he Iosue deuyded the londe of promyssy on to the childern of Israel And of hym descēded the bysshops vnto cryst a fewe excepted ¶ Othonyell of the trybe of Iuda was the thyrde Iuge And thys man delyuered the chyldern of Israel from the oppressyō of the reame of mesopotamie the whiche he ouercame in batayl This man toke Axam to his wyf the whiche asked the vale londes aboue beneth of her fad Calepth vt pꝪ Iudicū .i. ¶ Aoth was the four the iuge of Israel· This man subdued Eglon the kyng of Moab delyuered the childern of Israel This was a myghty man in batayl he vsed the one as wel as thother for his ryght honde ¶ About this tyme the kyng of ytaly began And many tymes theyr names ben chaūged of the whiche progenyte of the Romayns more clerely is shewed ¶ Ian●s was the fyrst kyng of ytaly after warde of the rude gētyles he was worshyped as god they feyned hym to haue two faces for they worshypped his feest in the begynnyng of the yere as he were the ende of the last yere And the begynninge of the fyrst And of hym the moueth of Ianuary hath his name ¶ Amictus was the viii· kynge of Babylon vnder whom Iosue decessed ¶ Anno mūdi .iii. M.vii C.lxxv Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē M. iiii.xxiiii BOos sone to Salmon of the lyne of cryst was this tyme but of hym is lytel wryten but that Ma●he nombred hym in the Genology As doctours saye there was made skyppynge of names bytwyxt Boos Obeth For at the lest betwyxt them were .ii. C.lxxii yere the whiche tyme to one mā may not be referred and therfore here many thynges is spoken of or I come to the lyne of cryst agayne Nicholaꝰ de lyra dicit qd sūc .iii. boos vnꝰ post alium ¶ Sāgar was the .v. Iuge of Israel but he lyued no yeres ¶ Dolbara was the .vi. Iuge thꝭ Dolbora was a womā for the grace of her ꝓphecy was gyuē to her honour that she Iuged Israel She by the cōmaūdemēt of god called Baruch that he shold go fyght with the enemyes of Israel the chyldren of Israel gate the vyctory agaynst Iabyn the kyng of Chanaan Cizaram the prynce of his chyualry he destroyed them vt ptꝪ iudicū .iiii ¶ Phenies was bysshop this Phenies yet a yonge man for goddes sake slewe many lecherous men therfore our lorde was pleased with hym ¶ Saturnus this tyme was kynge of yealy he was the secōde kyng there this Saturnꝰ is sayd to come fro the londe of cretens in to ytaly who by ydolatry thrughe a maruaylous blyndenes they sayd he was no man but a god yet they sayd that he regned vpon them as theyr kyng And he taught men to dounge theyr feldes And of Saturnꝰ the Romayns were called Saturniani Picꝰ was son to saturnꝰ or he was kyng ī ytaly he was kyng ī larētin after his dethe he was worshyped of the gētyls for a god Anno mundi .iii. M.viii C.lxxv Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē M. iii.xliiii GEdeon the .vii. Iuge of Israel was thys tyme this Gedeon subdued .iiii. kynges Oreb zebe● zeb and Salmana And he subdued Madean to Israel Vide plura Iudicum vi.vii et .viii. BOcci was bysshop in Israell then ¶ Abimalech the .viii. Iuge in Israell was natural son̄e to gedeon he was not called of god but malycyously tooke on hym the pryncehode of Israel And he slewe lxx of hys brethern wherfore he ended hys lyfe myscheuously Vt pꝪ iudicū ¶ Tola was the .ix. Iuge in Israel And this man guyded hym after the olde gouernaūce of Iuges by the maner of dyreccyon coūsell more than by domynacyon ¶ Bocci was bysshop aboute this tyme but of hym lytell is wryten ¶ Iayr the .x. Iuge of Israel had .xxx. son̄es whom he made prynces of .xxx. Cytees And by cause they were goode men and ruled to the pleasure of god Therfore in the dayes of these two men Israel drewe to our lorde And therfore al thynge came and was in prosperyte and welthe FAnus was the .iiii. kynge in ytaly he was kynge of larentin both ¶ Latinꝰ was kynge in ytaly after Fanus of this Latinꝰ was called the kyngdome of Latinorum And Carmentꝭ doughter of Euandri foūde fyrste latyn letters Tauranꝰ about this tyme was kynge of Babylon or of Assiriorum vnder this man Troy was dystroyed fyrst The occasyō of the batayl of Troy began for a lytell thyng In so moche as Lamydon kynge of Troy receyued not Hercules Iason with due honoure as they sholde haue receyued of so lytell a trespaas how many harmes hurtes grewe ¶ Sibilla delphica afore the batayll of Troy prophe●yed how a chylde sholde be borne of a vyrgyn without mānes seed ¶ Lamydō kynge of Troy was slayne his doughter Roxoma was taken in to Grekys londe For the whiche foloweth myghty batayll moost ferdfull myscheues vide hystoria troianam Hercules with Iason destroyed Iliū or Troy the whiche anone after was buylded of Pryamus son̄e to Lamydon This Hercules dyd many merueylous thyngꝭ many mighty bataylles And infynyte lesynges ben fayned on hym At the last whan he had ouercome moche people he was sore hurte in warre And whan he myght not suffre the payne of his sore with the whiche he was greued Hymselfe he ranne in to the fyre and whan he was deed he was worshypped amonge the goodes of the Gentyles myghtely ¶ Circa annū mūdi .iii. M.ix C.lxxv Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē M.ii. C.xxiiii AFter the dethe of Iayr Iuge of
they tolde to kyng Pādras And he for to haue his lyf graūted as moche as they axed and anone gaf vnto Brute Gennogen his doughter to wyfe an hondred shyppes with asmoche as them neded of all vytaylles as afore was ordeyned Brute tho toke his wyfe and all his men that forsoke the londe of Grece and went them vnto the see and had wynde weder at theyr wyll and came the thyrde daye in to an I le that was called Lorgers Thys Brute anone sente of his men a londe for to espye the maner of the countree And they founde an olde cyte all wasted and forlet that was ther in nother mā ne woman ne no thynge dwellynge and in the mydeell of this cyte they founde an olde temple of a fayre lady that was called Dyana the goddesse And they came ayen vnto Brute tolde hym what they had seen and foūde And they counselled hym to goo and doo sacrefyce vnto dame Dyana for she was wōte to yeue answere of what euer men prayed her and namely vnto them that her honoured with sacrefyce Brute wente vnto that yamge and sayd Dyana noble goddesse that all thynge haste in thy myght and power wyndes waters woodes felde and all thynge of the world and all manere of beestes that theryn ben To you I make my prayer that ye me counseyll and telle where and in what place I shall haue a couenable dwellynge for me and for my people and there I shal make in honour of you a well fayre temple and a noble wherin ye shall alwaye be honoured whā he had done his prayer Dyana answerd in this maner Brute sayde she go euen forth thy waye ouer the see in io Frauce to warde the west and there ye shall fynde an yle that is called Albyon that yle is be compassed all wyth the see and noo man maye come ther in but it be by shyppes and in that londe were wonte to dwelle gyauntes but now it is not soo but all wyldernes And that londe is destenyed and ordeyned for you and for your people ¶ How Corin became Brutes man and how kynge Goffar was dyscomfyted THenne whan Brute had this answere of Dyana the goddes Anone he lete the ancres wynde vp sayled in to the hyghe see And whan he his men had saylled .xx. dayes and moo they foūde fast besyed a cost of the see a thousande men of the lygnage kynred of Troy And ther souerayne ther mayster of all was called Corin· And whan Brute wyste whens they were he tho toke them wyth moche Ioye in to hys shyppes and ladde theym forth wiht hym Thꝭ Corin there be came brutes man to hym dyde homage And so longe they saylled forth in the see tyll they cam vnto Gascoyne And anone they arryued in the hauen of Lyegers there they dwlled .viii. dayes them for to rest ther saylles to amēde there that it was nede Tydynges soone came to kynge Goffar that was lorde of that lōde howe that moche people of straūge londe were arryued in to his lōde in the hauen of Lyegres wherfore he was sore angreged anoyed that they came and arryued in his londe wythout his lycence and his leue And anone ordened hym a gret power for to dryue out brute to destroye hym all his people But it was so that kyng Goffar was dyscomfyted all his peple And hym self fledde in to Fraūce there for helpe socour And in that tyme regned in Fraunce ·xii kynges an .xi. of them assembled a grete power for to helpe Goffar for to fight ayest Brute This Goffar dwelled with thē of fraūce halfe a yere more And in the meane tyme whan Goffar was in Fraūce Brute and his company destroyed all the londe of Gascoyne and lete take all the tresour that kyng Goffar had there lete brynge it all in to his shyppes And this Brute founde in that londe a fayry place and couenable there brute made a fayre castel and a stronge ¶ whan that this was done kyng Goffar came from Fraunce and .xi. kynges with hym and brought wyth hym .xx. M. men for to fyghte with Brute and his company and Brute had but .vii. M. CCC men And neuertheles whanne the two hostes mette togyder Brute folke thorugh helpe of hymself of Turin his cosen and of Corin the well and manly hym defended and fought so tyll that in lytell tyme they hadde slayne of the Frensshemen two thousande mo Anone all that were alyue fledde awaye And in this bataylle Turin Brutes cosyn was slayne And Brute lete entere hym worthely whan he had space leyser in the castell that he had made tho lete calle that same castell Toures For by cause of the name of Turin that there was entred And yet vnto this day there is a noble cyte that is called Toures And kynge Goffar wyste that Turin was deed he came agayne with his men after yaue a stronge bataylle vnto Brute But brute his men were so wery for fyghtynge that they myght noo lenger endure but to megre hym all his And then Brute yede in to his castell with his men and made the gates faste for to saue them and for to take counsell amoage them what were best for to do Brute and Corin gaaf counsell and ordeyned pryuely that Corin sholde go oute busshe him ī a wood tyll on the morne soo that in the mornynge whan that Brute sholde fyghte with his enemyes thenne Corin shold come with his folke in the one syde and slee and do all the harme that he myght And in a mornynge in the dawnynge of the daye Brute wēte out of the castell and fyersely faughte with his enmyes and they manly deffended them But within a lytell tyme Brute and his folke slewe .viii. hondred of kynge Goffars men Thenne came Corin with the busshement and smote to grounde he his companye all those that wolde stonde or abyde So that the kyng Goffar his cōpany were dyscōfyted faste they began to flee And brute Corin with ther cōpany fyersely them pursewed slewe mo of them in the fleynge than they dyd in the batayll And ī this maner Brute had the victory and neuertheles brute made moche sorowe for his cosyn Turī that there was slayne other also that he haded lost of his men That is to saye vii· hondred and .xv. The whiche nobly he entered in the same castell of Toures there where he had entered Turin his cosyn ¶ How Brute arryued at Totnesse in the yle thenne called Albyon and of the bataylle that was betwixt Corin and Gogmagog SO whan all this was done Brute wolde no lenger there dwell for to fyghte nor for to lese no moo of his people For kynge Goffars people myghte euery daye encreace mo and moo And Brutes lossened And therfore he toke all his men and wente vnto the see and had wende and
weder at theyr wyll And the fyfth daye after they arryued in an hauen at Totnesse and came in to the yle of Albyon And there neyther man nor woman as the story telleth they founde but Gyaūtes And they dwelled in hylles in caues And Brute sawe the londe was fayre and at his lykynge And was good also for hym and for his people as Dyan a the goddesse hadde hym behyght And therfore was Brute wonder gladde and lette assembled vpon a daye all his ●ol●e to make a solempne sacrefyce and a grete feest in honour reuerence of Dyana the goddesse of the whiche he hadde counseyll fyrste for to come in to this londe And thenne whan that they hadde ther solempnyte done as they vpon a daye sate at ther meete there came in vpon them .xxx gyauntes slewe of Brutes men .xxx. Brute and his men anone strete vp and faught with the gyauntes and slewe them euerychone excepte one that was called Gogmagog he was mayster of all the Gyauntes And he was strōger and hygher than ony of other And Brute kepte hym for by cause that he sholde wrestyll with Corin that was Brutes mā Fo he was greter hygher than ony of bruces men from the gyrdelstede vp warde ¶ Gogmagog and Corin vndertoke there for to wrestell And so togyders they wente and wrestlyd a longe tyme but at the last Gogmagog Helde Corin so fast that he brake two rybbes of h● syde wherfore Corin was sore angry And there he toke Gogmagog betwixt his armes and cast hym downe vpon aroche soo that Gogmagog brake all to peces and soo he deyed an euell deth And therfore the place is called vnto this daythe saute of Gogmagog ¶ And thenne after Brute yaue alle that contree vnto Corin. And there Corin called it after his name Cornewayl● And his men he called Cornewaylles and so sholde men of tha countree be called for euermore And in that contree dwelled Corin and hys men And they made townes and howses and enhabyted the londe by theyr owne wyll ¶ How Brute buylded London and called thys londe Brytayne and Scotlonde Albyne and walys Camber ¶ London BRute and his men wente forth and sawe about in dyuers places where that they myght fynde a good place and couenable that they myght make a Cyte for hym and his folke And soo at the laste they came by a fayre Ryuer that is called Tamys and there Brute began to buylde a fayre cyte and lete calle it newe Troy in mynde and remembraunce of the grete Troy from the whiche place all ther lygnage was comen And this Brute lete felle downe woodes and lete eere and sowe londes And also lete mawe downe medowes for sustenaunce of hym and of his people And thenne he departed the londe to theym so that euery●he of theym had a parte and a certayne place for to dwelle in ¶ And thenne Brute lette calle this londe Brytayne after his owne name and his folke he lette calle Brytons And this Brute had goten on his wyf Gennogen thre sones that were worthy of dedes The fyrst was called Lotrin the seconde Albanak and the thyrde Cambar And brute bare crowne in the cytee of Troy .xx. yere after the tyme that the cytee was made And there he made the lawes that the Brytons holde and this brute was wonderly well beloued amonge all men And Brutes sones also loued wonderly welle togyder· And whan Brute had sought all the londe in lengthe and also in brede he founde a londe that Ioyned to Brytayne that was in the northe and that londe Brute yaue to Albanak his sone And lete calle it Albanie after his name that nowe is called Scotlonde And Brute founde an other countree towarde the weste and yaue that to Cambar his other sone and lete calle it Cambar after his name now is called walys And whan Brute hadne regned .xx. yere as before is sayd then̄e he deyed in the Cyte of newe Troy ¶ How Lotrin that was Brutes sone entred with moche honoure gouerned the londe well and worthely AFter Brute regned Lotrī hꝭ sone that was the seconde kynge in Brytayne The whiche began to regne the seconde yere of Samuell And this Lotrin was crowned kynge wyth moche solempnyte and glorye of all the londe of Brytayne And after whan he was crowned kynge Albanak and Cambar his two brethern wente agayne into theyr owne countree there they lyued with moche honour worshyp And Lotrī theyr brother regned was kynge gouerned it well wysely for he was a good man wonderly well beloued of all his londe And it befell so that Albanak dwelled in his owne londe with moche honoure and worshyp And thenne came kynge Humbar of Hunlonde with a grate power aryued in Albyne wolde haue conquered the londe began to warre vpon kyng Albanak was slayne the people of that londe fledde vnto Lotrin tolde hym for he was kynge of brytayne how that his brother was slayne prayed hym of his helpe and of his socour for to auenge his brothers dethe Lotrin there anone lete assemble all the Brytons of Kente of Douer in to Dere went of Norfolke and Southfolke of Keftefen and Lyndessey And whan they were assembled they spedde them faste towarde there enemyes for to yeue them batayll And Lotrin had sente to Cambar his brother that he sholde come vnto hym with all the power that he myght make hym for to helpe to he dyde with a good wyll And so they came togyders toke ther waye pryuely for to go and seke Humbar where they myght hym fynde And so it befell that thys Humbar was besyde a water that was a grete Ryuer wyth hys folke hym for to dysporte And there came Lotrin and Cambar his brother with all ther people sodaynly or that ony of that other wyste And whan Humber sawe them come he was sore adradde for as moche as his men wyst it not afore and also they were vnarmed And anone Humbar for dredde lepte in too the water and drowned hym selfe and soo he deyed and hꝭ men were all slayne so that none of thē escaped And therfore is that water called Hūbar and euer more shal be for bi cause that thꝭ kynge Humbar therin was drowned ¶ And after that Lotrin wente to his shyppes toke there golde and syluer as moche as he founde vnto hym self And all that other pylfre he gaf vnto other foke of the hoste And they founde in one of the shyppes a fayre damoysell that was kynge Humbars doughter she was called Estrylde· And whan Lotrin sawe her he tooke her with hym for her fayrnesse And for her he was ouertaken in loue and wolde haue wedded her This tydynges came to Corin anne thoughte to auenge hym vpon Lotrin For as moche as Lotrin had made couenaū● for to spowse Corins doughter that was called Guentolin And Corin in haste wente vnto hym vnto newe Troy and thus
meny And then he sholde sende to her lorde the kyng feyne that he were come for to speke with hys doughter hym for to se so he dyde And whan the kynge and the quene herd that they came with moche honoure they hym receyued And the kynge of fraunce then lete lende thrugh al the realme cōmaunded that al men sholde be as entendaūt to kynge Leyr the quenes fader in all maner of thynges as it were vnto hymselfe whā kynge leyr had dwelled there a moneth more he tolde to the kynge to the quene his doughter how his two eldest doughters hadde hym serued Agampe anone lete ordeyne a grete hooste of Frensshmē sente in to Brytayne with Leyr the quenes fader for to cōquere his lōde agayne his kyngdome And Cordeill also came with her fader in to Brytayne for to haue the realme after her faders dethe And anone they wente to shyppe passed the see came in to Brytayne fought with the felons thē dyscomfyted slewe then had he his lōde agayne after lyued .iii. yere helde his realme ī peas after warde dyed so Cordeill his doughter thenne let enter him with moche honour at Leycestre ¶ Anno mūdi .iiii. M.iii. C.xlix Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .viii. C liii AMasius sonne to Ioam regned on the Iewes .xxix. yere after the whiche the kyngdom of Iewes was without kynge .xiii. yere This man worshypped the goddes of Seyr vt pꝪ .ii. para .xv. ¶ Ieroboam sone to Ioam regned on Israel .xli. yere the whiche was manly and vyctoryous For he ouercame the kynge of Sirie restored Israel Damaske after the worde of Iono the prophete But he was not good Therfore sayth austyn if good men regne they profyte many a man And yf ylle men regne they hurte many men· ¶ Anno mūdi .iiii. M.iii. C.lxxxviii Et ant xp̄i natiuitatē .viii. C.xi. Ozias or Azarias sone to Amasie regned on the Iury .lii. yere the whiche lyued wel afore oure lorde of hym is none euyl thynge wryten but that he vsurped the dygnyte of preesthode vnder Azari the whiche he forbode hym For that whiche cause our lorde stroke hym with a leper vt pꝪ .ii. para ¶ Ozee bysshop prophete was this tyme the fyrst of the .xii. that is sende astaynst the .xii. tribus ¶ Ioel the secōde of the .xii. prophecyed of Iuda Ananias the thyrde prophecyed agaynst many people Abdias the fourth of the .xii. prophecyed agaynst Edom ¶ zacharius son̄e to Ieroboam regned in Israel .vi. monethes the whiche began to regne the .xxxviii. yere of Ozias was nought ī his lyuynge as his predycessours were And Sellum slewe hym regned a moneth And Manahen slewe hym toke his kyngdome vt pꝪ .iiii. regū This Manahen regned .x. yere the whiche began to regne the .xxxix. yere of Ozias \ he ruled hym myscheuously And our lorde toke hym in the power of the kynge of Assuriorum And he payed to hym a thousande talentes of syluer vt pꝪ .iiii. regū ¶ Phaseia son̄e to Manahen regned in Israel .ii. yere he began to regne the .l. yere of Ozias and he was nought in his lyuynge ¶ Phase slewe phaseia regned .xx. yere he began to regne the .lii. yere of Ozias dyde as other cursed men dyde Plura vide .iiii. regū And after this Israel was without ony kynge .viii. yere ¶ How Morgan and Conedag that were neuewes to Cordeill warred vpon her And put her in pryson NOw as kynge Leyr was deed Cordeil his yongest doughter regned the .x. yere of Ozias kynge of Iury. And after her regned Conedag the .xv. yere of Ozias Cordeil that was Leyrs yongest daughter after the deth of her fader had all the londe .v. yere And in the meane tyme deyed her lorde Agampe hat was kynge of Fraūce after his dethe she was wydowe And there came Morgan and Conedag that were Cordeils systers sones to her had enuyte for as moche as theyr aunte sholde haue the londe So that bytwene them they ordeyned a grete power and vpon her warred gretely And neuer they rested tyll they had her taken and put her vnto deth And tho Morgan and Conedag seased all the londe departed it bytwene them And they helde it .xii. yeres And whan that those .xii. yeres were gone there began̄e bytwene them a grete beatel so that they warred strōgely togyders And eueryche of theym dyde other moche dysease For Morgan wolde haue all the londe frome beyonde Humbre that Conedag helde But he came agaynst hym wyth a grete power so that Morgan durste not abyde but fledde a waye in to walys And Conedag pursued hym and toke hym slewe hym And tho came Conedag agayne and seased all the londe in to his honde and held it And regned after xxxiii· yere And thenne he deyed and lyth at newe Troy ¶ And by cause the matere conteyneth moost comodyously togyder of the kynges of Brytayne now called Englonde for the tyme of them is not certaynly knowē what tyme of the wrolde the kynges folowen regned Therfore they shall be togyder tyll it be comen vnto Guentolen kyng of Brytayne now called Englōde ¶ How Reynolde that was Conedags sone regned after his fader in his tyme it rayned blood thre dayes in to kenynge of grete deth ANd after thys Conedag regned Reynolde hꝭ sone that was a wyse knyght a hardy curteyes that wel nobly gouerned the londe wonder welle made hym beloued of all maner of folke And in hys tyme regned blood that lasted thre dayes As god wolde soone after ther came a grete dethe of people For hostes wythout nombre of people fought tyll that almyghty god ther of toke mercy and pyte tho gā it cesse And this Reynolde regned .xxii. yere deyed and lyeth at yorke ¶ How Gorbodian regne in peas that was Reynoldes sone AFter thys Reynolde that was Conedags sone regned Gorbodian that was thys Reynoldes sone ·xv yere and thenne he deyed and lyeth at yorke ¶ How Gorbodian had .ii. sones how that one slewe the other for to haue the herytage how ydoyne ther moder slewe that other wherfore the londe was destroyed SO whan thys Gorbodian was deed hys two sones that he had be came stoute and proude and euer warred togyder for the londe And that one was called Ferres and that other Porres ¶ And thys Ferres wolde haue all the londe but that other wold not suffre hym This Ferres had a felonous herte thoughte thrugh treason to slee his brother But pryuely he wente in to Fraunce and there abode with the kynge Sywarde tyll vpon a tyme whan he came ayen and fought wych his brother Ferres But full euyll it happed tho he was slayne fyrste whan ydoyne ther moder wyst that Portes was deed she made grete sorowe for by cause that she loued hym more than
that other And thought hym for to slee pryuely And pryuely she came to her sone vpon a nyght with two knyues and ther with kytte his throte and the body in to smale peces who herde euer suche a cursed moder that slewe with her owne hondes her owne sone And longe tyme after lasted the repreef shame to the moder that for by cause of the one sone she murdred the other so lost them bothe ¶ How foure kynges curtously helde all Brytayne and what were ther names ye shall here after AS the two brethern were deed they lefte not behynde them nother sonne ne dougter ne none other of the kynred that myghte haue the herytage And for as moche as the strōgest mē droue descomfyted the febleit toke all ther lōdes so that ī euery coūtre they had grete ware and stryfe vnder them but amonge all other thynge there were amonge them in the counther that ouercame all the other and though ther myghte and strengthe they toke all the londes and euery of them toke a certayne countree in hys contree lete calle hym kyng one of thē was called Scater he was kyng of Soctlonde that other was called Dawalier he was kynge of Loegers of al the lōde that was Lotris that was Brutes sone the thyrde was called Ruda● he was kīge of walys the fourth was called Cloten was called kynge of Cornewayle But this Cloten sholde haue had all the londe by reson for by cause that there was no man that wyste none so ryght an heyre as he was But they that we strongest sette lytel by them that were of lesse estate and therfore this Cloten hadde noo more londe amonge them but Cornewaylle ¶ Of kynge Donebant that was Clotens sone wanne the londe THis Cloten had a sone that was called Donebant that after the dethe of hys fader became an hardy man and a fayr and a curteis so that he passed al the other kīges of fayrenesse of worthynesse anōe a he was knyghte he wyste well that whā hys fader lyued he was moost ryghtfull heyre of all the londe and shold haue had by reasō But the other kynges that were of a moche more strengthe than he was toke from hym his londe And after warde this Donebant ordened him a grete power and conquered fyrste all the londe of Loegers after he wolde haue conquered all the londe of Scotlōde walys And Scater came with his men yaue hym batayll And Rudac cam ayen wyth his walysshmen for to helpe hym ▪ but so it befel that Rudac was slayn also scater in playne batayll And soo Donebant had the victory conquered alle the londe well mayntened it in peas in quyete that neuer before it was so well mayntened ¶ How Donebant was the fyrst kyng that euer bare crowne of golde in Brytayne THis Donebant lete make hym a crowne of golde wered the crowne vpon his heed as neuer kyng dyde before and he ordened a statute that a mā had done neuer so moche harme myȝe come ī to the Temple there sholde no man hym mysdo but go there in sauete in peas and after go in to what londe or coūtree that hym pleased wythout ony harme and yf ony man sette ony hōde vpon hym He then̄e sholde lese his lyf And this Donebāt made the towne of Malmesbury and the towne also of the Vyse And whan he had regned well and worthely .xl. yere then̄e he deyed and lyeth at newe Troy ¶ How Brenne and Belin departed bytwene them the londe after the deth of Donebant ther fader And of the warre bewixt them ANd after that this Donebant was deed his sones that he had departed the londe bytwene them as ther fader had ordeyned so that Belin his eldest sone had the al the londe of brytayne from Humber South warde And his brother Brenne had all the londe from Humber vnto Scotlond ¶ But for as moche that Belin had the better parte Brenne therfore wexed wroth and wolde haue had more of the lond belin his brother wold graūte hym no more wherfore cōtake warre arose amonge them two But Brenne the yonger brother had no myght ne strength ayenst Belin therfore Brenne rhrugh coūsel of his folke went from thens in to Norwaeye to the kynge Olsynges prayed hym of helpe socour for to conquere all the londe vpon Belin hys brother vpō that couenaūt that he wolde haue his doughter to wyf and the kynge Olsynges hym graunted And Belin anone as hys brod was gone to Norweye he seased in to his honde all the londe of Northoumberlonde and toke al the castelles lete them be arrayed kepte the costes of the see that Brenne sholde not arryue in noo syde but that he were taken· ❀ ¶ The kynge Olsynges lette assembel a grete hoste and delyuered hys doughter to Brenne and all the people that he had assembled And thys damoysell Samie had longe tyme loued a kynge that was called Gutlagh and to hym she tolde all her coūsel how that Bren̄e sholde her haue and her lede with hym for euer more and so he sholde lese her but that she myght for sake Brenne And whan Gutlagh had herde this tydynges he lay for to aspye Bren̄e with as many shyppes as he myght haue Soo the two fletes mette togyder and longe tyme they faught soo that Brennes men tourned ayen were dyscomfyted And kynge Gutlagh toke Samie put her in to his shyppe And Brēne shamefully fledde thens as a man dyscomfyted And this kyng Gutlagh wold haue gone in to his owene coūtree but there came vpon hym suche a grete tempest that fyue dayes lasted soo that thorugh that tempest he was dryuen in to Brytayne with thre shyppes and no moo and tho that kepte the costes of the see toke Gutlagh and Samie and all his folke and them presented to Belin And Belin put them in pryson ¶ How Belin droue out of his londe kyng Gutlagh of Denmerk and Samie IT was not longe after that Brenne came agayne with a grete nauy sent to his brother Belin that he shold yeld ayen his londe to his wyfe and his folke and his castelles also Or elles he wolde destroye his londe ¶ Belin dradde noo thyng his malyce wolde no thynge do after that he hadde sayd wherfore Brenne came with his folke and foughte with Beline And then Brenne was discomfyted and his folke slayne hym self fledde wi●h .xii. men in to Fraunce And this Belin that was Brenne brother wente thenue to yorke and toke coūseyll what he shold do with kyng Gutlagh For kynge Gutlagh proferde to become his man for to holde his londe fo him yeldynge yerely of syluer for euermore and for surenesse of this couenaut to be kepte Gutlagh sho●de brynge hym good hostage to hym sholde doo homage his folke yet he sholde swere
vpon a booke that it sholde neuer be broke ne fayled Belin tho by counseyll of his folke graūted him his axenge so Gutlagh be came his mā Belin vndertoke of him his homage by an othe by wrytynge the same couenaūtes And vpō these couenaūtes kyng Gutlagh toke Samie his folke wente thens torned ayen to Denmak Euer more after were the couenaūtes holden the treuage payed tyll the tyme that Honelus was kyng of Denmarke also of his lond thorugh his wyf Gildebu●h that he had spoused for she was ryghe heyre of his londe ¶ This Belin dwelled tho in peas worshyp fully hym helde amōge his barons and he made foure ryall wayes one from the eest in to the weest that was called watlynge strete and an other frome the north vnto the south and that is callen Ikelme strete And two other wayes he made in bossynge thrugh out the lōde that one is called fosse that other Fosse dyke And he mayntened well the good lawes that Donebant his fader had made ordeyned in his tyme as befor is sayde ¶ How acordemēt was made bytwene Brēne Belin thorugh Cornewen ther moder BRenne that was Belins brother hadde longe tyme dwelled in Fraūce there had conquered a grete lordshyp thrugh maryage For he was duke of Bourgoyne thrugh the dought of the duke fewyn that he had spoused that was ryght heyre of the lond And this Brenne ordened a grete power of hys folke also of Fraunce came in to this londe for to fyght with Belin his brother And belin came ayenste hym with a grete power of Brytons and wolde tho haue yeuen hym batayll But ther moder Cornewen that tho lyued had that one brother wolde haue destroyed that other and wente bytwene her sones and them made acorde with moche payne So that at the laste tho two brethern with moche blysse wente togyder in to newe Troy that now is called Lōdon and there they dwelled a yere And after they toke theyr counseyll for to goo conquere all Fraunce And so they dyd and brente towne destroyed the londe both in length and in brede And the kyng of Fraūce yaue them batayl with his power but he was ouercome yaue trauge vnto Belin to his brother And after that they wente forth vnto Rome ● conquered Rome all Lombardy Garmany tooke humage feaute of erles bacons of all other And after they came in to thys lond of brytayne and dwelled there wyth brytons in Ioye and rest And tho made brenne the twone of brystowe and after he wente ouer to his owne lordshyp and theyr dwelled he all his lyf And belin dwelled at newe Troy and there he made a fayre gate that is called belynges gate after his owne name And whan thys belin hadde regned nobly .xi. yere he deyed and lyeth at newe Troy ¶ How kyng Cormbratꝰ slewe the kynge Cenmark for by cause that he wolde not paye his truage as he shold ANd after thys belin regned hys sone Cormbratus a good man and a worthy And the kyng of Denmark wolde not pay to hym his truage that is to saye a thousande pounde as he had sworne by othe for to paye it and also by wrytynge recorde to belin his fader wherfore he was euyll appayed wrothe and assembled a grete hoste of bry●ons wente in to Denmark slewe the kynge Gutlagh and brought the londe in subgec●ion all newe And toke of the folke feautes and homage and after wente ayene in to his owne londe And as he came fothe by Orkeney he foūde .xxx. shyppes full of men and wymmen besyde the coste of the see the kynge ared what they were And an Erle that was mayster of them all curteysly answered vnto the kyng sayd That they were exieled out of Spane soo that they had traueyled halfe an yere and more in the see to wyte yf they myghte fynde ony kynge in ony londe that of them wold haue pyte or mercy to gyue them ony lōde in ony countree where in they myght dwuell and hauerest and become his lyege men and to him wolde do homage and feuate whyle that he lyued to his heyers after him and of hym of his heyres holde that londe And whan the kynge this herde he had pyte of hym yaue them an yel all wyldernesse there that no man was dwellynge sauf oonly wylde bestꝭ And the Erle thanked moche the kynge and became hys man dyde him homage and feaute and toke all his folke and wente in to the same yle And the Erle was called Irlamall and therfore he lete calle the londe Irlonde after his owne name This kyng Cormbratus came ayen in to his londe and regned .xxv. yere and after he deyed and lyeth at newe Troy ¶ Anno mūdi iiii·M.iiii C.xl. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatem .vii. C.lvi. IOathan sone to Osias regned in the Iury .xvi. yere of this Ioathan no thynge is wryten of but that he toke not awaye excelsa as other dyde vt pꝪ .ii. para ¶ Amarias was bysshop And ysayas the noble prophete was in his dayes ¶ Olympias with the Grekes began the fyrste yere of Ioathan after Iosephus And after Beda Troy was destroyed foure hondred yere afore the fyrste Olympias began vnder Esalo a Iuge of Athens In whiche Coribus gate the chyualry amongꝭ all men Olympus is the name of an hylle in Grecia the whiche for hys precyousnesse is called the hylle of god· And after Ierom one Olympias conteyneth fully foure yere in the whiche foure yere foure yerely prynces are made And these Olympiades are places ordeyned tothe worshyp of Iupater vnder the hylle of Olympo And the lawe of this That who someuer is beste in ony chyualry what someuer he desyreth he shall haue ¶ Anno mūdi .iiii. M.iiii C.lvi. Et ante xp̄i natiuitetem .vii. C.xliii ACham the sone of Ioathan regned on the Iewes .xvi. yere of this Acham no thinge that is good is wrytē for he forsoke oure lorde And our lord stroke him wyth hys owne people strongly and with the kynges of Tirri vt pꝪ .ii. para xx viii ¶ Achicob this tyme was bysshop Ozee kynge of Israell regned ·ix yere the whiche beganne to regne the .xii. yere of Acham kyng of Iewes This Ozee dradde not god for he lyued noughte And he was the laste kynge of Israell· And in the .ix. yere of hys regne he was taken of Salmanasar And Israell was translated in to Assirias vt habetur .iiii. regum .xvii. ¶ Anno mundi .iiii. M.iiii C.lxii. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .vii. C.xl. ¶ Rome AFter Euseby Rome was made in the hyl of Palatin the fourth yere of Achā kyng of Iewes of two brethern Romulus and Remus .xi. Kal. Man the .vii. Olympiades begynnynge Iosephus Beda sayen the .vi. Olympiades so they defferre a yere Neuertheles it is redde other men to haue regned about that place myghtly in
ytaly That is to wyte Ianus Picus Famus Latinus the whiche vnto Eneas regned about two hondred yere And thenne after warde frome this Eneas to Romulus it was regned vnder .xv. gouernours .iiii. C.xxxii yere After that fro the Cytee was made vnto the laste yere of Tarquyne that proude it was regned vnd .vii. kynges about two hondred and .xliii. yere· Then̄e after warde vnder Senatours and Counsullers vnto Iulius Cezar Emperour by foure hondred .lxiiii. yere Romulus the fyrste of Romayns of whome they ben called in latyn Romans made the cyte to be named Rome after his name The whyche gadred togyder the peple on euery syde an C. of the sage men and wyseste he chose the coūsell of whom all thynge he dysposed the whiche he named Senatours for the tyme of theyr aege And he made theyr names to be wryten in golden letters wherfore we wryte noble faders and thynges soo yet Also he called M. men of armes the whyche he named Milites a numero mi●i●to But these were noble blod Therfore as saynt Austyn sayth de ciuit● dei And also ther was longe warre betwixt the Sabyns and them For Romulis toke many wymmen of the noble blode of Sabyns maryed theym to that vnnoble blood Of thys Romulus Orosyus wryteth moche euyll Vt patet in libro suo ¶ Aboute this tyme Merodach the kynge of Babylon sende grete gyftis to Ezechie the kyge of Iewes vt pꝪ .iiii. regū .xx. And then̄e the kyngdome of Babylon begon ¶ Anno mundi .iiii. M.lxxii Et ante xp̄i natiuitatem .vii. C·xxvii Ezechias the .xiiii. kyng of Iewes a good childe of a cursyd fader regned wyth a partyte herte to our lorde And he restored the hous of god ther was none lyke hym afore nor after amonge the kyngꝭ of Iewes therfore our lorde god gloriyed hym For whan Senancheryb the kyng of Assuriorum came ayenste Ezechias with a myghty hoste our lorde stroke hys people and slewe an ·C lxxxv of fyghtynge men Sennacheryb fledde shamfully vt pꝪ .iiii. regum .ix. et .ii. para .xxxii. ¶ Sadoch this tyme was hyghe bysshop there ¶ Anno mundi .iiii. M.v. C.i. Et ante xpi natiuitotem .vi. C·lxxxxviii MAnasses kyng of Iewes regned .lv. yere he was an euyll chylde of a good fader for he dyd more cursedly than ony that was afore hym For he slewe the prophetes of god that the stretes in Ierusalem were al blody And he made ysai the prophete to be sawen the peces with a sawe of tree wherfore the kynge of Assuriorum wasted the Iury and toke Manasses ● put him in pryson And after Manasses repented his trespaas cryed for mercy to our lorde was herde Thenne he was restored to his kyngdome he amended his lyf vt pꝪ .iiii. regū .xxi. et .ii. para xxxiii ¶ Sel●um was bysshop and Echias after hym This tyme the .vii. wyse men had worshyp in Grece ● Tale. Solon Chilon Poreandus Eldobolus Bias. Pitacus Thys Talus founde fyrste the defawte of the sonne and the moone Vide plura august .viii. deci dei ¶ Numa the seconde kynge this tyme regned in Rome .xlii. yere the whyche was a greate worshypper of fals goodes He fulfylled Rome soo full that he myght haue noo place for hym self to dwele in This man put Ianuary and February to the begynnynge of the yere Vide plura in august de ciui dei ¶ Aboue alle reason it is meruaylle that suche men so extedyng in wytte in all thynges that was ylle receded fro the knowlege of very god Amon kyng of Iewes regned two yere the whiche was noughte in his lyuyng And he was strykyn of his seruaūtes and he deyed without ony repentances ¶ Anno mundi .iiii. M.v. C.lviii Et ante xp̄i natiuitatem vi.xli IOsias the sone of Amon ac .viii. yere of his aege began to regne regned .xxxi. yere a good chylde of a peruerse fader in hys yonge aege he saught the grace of god And in that grace laudably abode vnto his ende His relygyous lyfe and his werkes ye maye see iiii regum .xxii. et .ii. para xxxiiii ¶ Azastas the sone of Elchie was bysshop ¶ Tobyas aboute this tyme deyed And he was a very holy man And he prophecyed the destruccyon of Ierusalem· ¶ Tulius Hostilius was the thyrde kynge in Rome And saint Austyn sayth in his boke deciuitate dei that from Rome was made vnto August the Emperour there was too contynuell bataylle that it was take for a merueylle and they were one yere without bataylle excepte ·xlii in Nume dayes in the whiche was contynuell peaas And that Tulius by cause he hadde reste he dyd cursedly to hys neyghburs and thenne he was slayne and all hys husholde wyth a stroke of lyghtnynge ¶ Nabugodonosor thys tyme was kynge of Babylon a manly man and a victoryous For he was the scourge of our lorde to punysshe the syn̄es of many people This man was kynge of Babylon and after he conquered the kyngdom of Assuriorum and made it one monarche But many wayes scrypture speketh of this man nowe good and nowe euyll And for by cause scrypture concludeth that he ended his lyf in the louynge of god by the prayer of Danyell and in the knowlege of one very god some doctours saye He is saued and some saye it is doubte ¶ Ancus Marcius the fourth kyng of Rome regned .xxiii. yere This man for grace and truste that he had to Tarquinus Preiscus made hym the gouernour of his chyldren And Ayres and he ylle rewarded hym ¶ Danyell yet a chylde delyuerd saynt Susan and stode in the conceyte of the kyng wyth his felowes and after warde he dyscussed the dremes of the kynge and was made a man of grete honeste Vt pꝪ Danielis prio. ¶ Ionathas the seconde sone of Iosie regned on the Iewes thre monethes and was made kynge by the people and he was not good And Pharao tooke hym and ladde hym in to Egypte and made hys elder brother kynge vt pꝪ .iiii. regum .xxiii. ¶ Anno mūdi .iiii. M.v. C.lxxxviii Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .v. C.xi. IOachim or Ieconyas the sone of Iosie was made kynge of Iewes by pharao regned .xi yere And by cause he lyued nought ne herde not the prophetes Nabudonosor toke hym and made hym his seruante thre yere And he rebelled ayenst hym after warde and he toke hym was aboute to haue ladde hym vnto Babylon but his coūsell was chaūged and so Nabugodonosor slewe hym in Iherusalem and cast his body ouer the walles after the prophecy of Ieremy and tooke with hym the vesselles of our lord Ihesu vt pꝪ .ii. para vlt ¶ Samias was bysshop vrias prophete was slayne of Iecony the kynge and Ieremi was presente ¶ Ioachim sone to Ieconias regned in the Iury thre monethes lyued nought therfore anone he was meued that he sholde regne no lenger and was boūde and translated in to Babylon and many with hym were
dayes myscheuous playes were ordeyned that pestylence sholde cesse atte Rome Of the playes saynt Austyn treateth dylygently in repreuynge the falshede of the goddes the whyche desyred to be pleased with suche wretched playes Soo shamefully these playes were vsed with naked men and wymmen that honest men wymmen wolde not ●e at those playes ne yet beholde them Vide plura in Aug. de ciuitate dei ¶ Darius Notus regned at the Persees .xix. yere ¶ Plato the deuyne phylosopher and Arystotle his discyple were this tyme noble and famous clarkes ¶ Titꝰ Quintꝰ was dictator atte Rome and he was a couetous man whome Austyn de ciuitatē dei bryngeth in ayenste coueytous and proude Crysten men ¶ Gaius was a Senatour vnder whom was a grete bataylle agaynst the kynge of Turcorum And .viii. thousand men of theym were taken ¶ Marcus Valerius was also a noble Senatoure of Rome the whiche wyth .lx. thousande Romayns foughte wyth the Frensshmen had the better and slewe many of them ¶ Arthaxereses kyng of Persees called ayen to his Empyre Egypte And he put Nacranabo the kynge in Ethyopia many Iewes in to transmygracyon Also he sende Vagosum a prynce ouer Flom Iordan to aske ayen to the trybute that was forgete to Eldra that was the .vii. yere rente propter subbam terre ¶ A●samus succeded hym and regned a yere ¶ Darius the sone of Arsamus regned with the Persees xxiiii yere This Darius was a myghty man and a bolde the whyche asked of the Grekes a trybute that was the cause of the destruccyon of the monarche of Persarū For it was translyted to the Grekes after the prophecye of Danyll For it is sayd that Dariꝰ brought .xv. hondred thousande fyghtynge men whō all Alexander slewe ¶ Iodas the sone of Elysaphat was hygh bysshop in Ierusalem in tyme of Mardachin Iohannes his sone succeded hym ¶ Arystotiles the moost subtell and famous phylosopher lerned this tyme. Senocrate the mooste chaste phylosopher was thys tyme with dyuerse other moo ¶ by cause the kynges of brytayne nexte after lyued in peas moost parte lytell of them is wryten therfore they shall be sette togyder tyll it be comen to Cassibolon kynge of brytayne the whyche was brother to Lud. ANd whan Cormbratus was deed regned Guentholen that was his sone a man of good condycyons and well beloued and he gouerned the londe welle and wysely And he regned .xxv. yere and after he deyde lyeth at newe Troy ¶ How kynge Seysell regned and well gouerned the londe after Guentholen ANd after Guentholen regned hys sone Seysell welle and worthely gouerned the londe as his fader hadde done before And he regned .xv. yere and deyed and lyeth at newe Troy ¶ How Kymor regned after Sysell his fader and he begate Howan that regned after his fader in peas ANd after Seysell regned his sone Kymor well nobly .xix. yere ī peas thēne after hym regned Howan his sone .x. yere and thenne he deyed lyeth at Ikaldowne· ¶ How kynge Mor with dyed thorugh myschaund●e thorugh a beest AFter thys Howan regned Morwith and he became so wycked so sterne tyll at the last a grete vengeaunce came vpon hym For whan as he wente vpon a tyme by the see side hemette with a grete beest that was black and horryble hydeous he wēde that it had be a whale of the see bent an arblast wolde haue slayne that beest with his quarell but he myghte not smyte hym whan he had shot al hꝭ quarlles that beest anōe came to him in a grete hast hym deuoured a lyue so he deyed for hys wyckednesse thorugh vengeaūce of god after that he had regned .ix. yere ¶ Of Grandobodiam that was Morwith sone that made Cambrydge AFter that thys Mor with was dede the brytons crowned Brandobodiā his sone this Grandobodiam longe tyme regned in goodnes made temples and townes this Grandobodiam made the twone of Cambrydge the towne of Graūtham was well beloued of ryche poore for he honoured the ryche and helped the poore This Grandobodiam had .iiii. sones Artogaill Hesyder Higamus Petitur· And whan he had regned .xi. yere he deyed and lyeth at newe Troy ¶ Of Artogaill that was Grandobodiās sone howe he was made kynge and sythe put downe for his wyckednesse AFter Grandobodiam regned his sone Artogaill .v. yere he became so wycked so sterne that the brytons wolde not suffre hym to be kynge but put hym downe made Hesyder his brother kynge he be came so good merci able that mē hym called kyng of pyte And whan he had regned .v. yere he had so grete pyte of hꝭ brother Artogaill that was kīge before· And anone he forsoke his dignyte toke his brother the crowne ayen made him kynge ayenst all the brytons wyll ¶ And after Artogaill became soo good of condicōns that he was well beloued of the londe for he came so debonayr and free and dyde ryght reason to all maner of men And he regned .vi. yere and deyed and lyeth at Grauntham ¶ How Hesyder was made kynge after the deth of his brother AFter the deth of Artogail the brytons crowned an other tyme Hesyder but his two brethern Hygamus Petitur had of hym grete spyte scorne ordeyned them for helpe to warre vpon the kyng ther brother soo they tooke hym put hym in pryson the seconde yere of his regne And they departed all the londe betwixt them both but Higamus lyued but .vii. yere and tho had Petitur all the londe and he made the towne of Pickerynge ¶ How the brytons came and tooke Hesyder oute of prysone and made hym kynge the thyrde tyme. ANd whan thys Petitur was deed the brytons toke Hesyder anone and made hym kynge the thyrde tyme And tho regned he in peas .xiiii. yere And after he deyed and lyeth at Karleyll ¶ How .xxxiii. kynges regned in peas eche after other after Hesyder AFter the deth of Hesyder regned .xxxiii kynges eche after other in peas with out ony longe taryēge I shal tell thē all how lōge eche regned as the story telleth the first kynge of tho .xxxiii. was called gerbodia he regned .xii. yere after hym regned morgan yere And after him regned Cighnus .vi. yere And after hym regned Iowalā .viii. yere And after him regned on Rohugo .xi. yere And after regned Voghen .xiii. yere And after hym regned Catyll .xv. yere And after hym regned Porrex .ii. yere after hym regned Cherin .xvii. yere after hym regned Coyl .xii. yere after him regned Sulgenis .xiiii. yere after hym regned Esdad .xx. yere after hym regned Andragie .xvii. yere after hym regned vrian v. yere and after hym regned Eliud .ii. yere And after he regned Eldadan .xv. yere And after hym regned Claten .xii yere after hym regned Ouirgūde .viii. yere after hym regned Mortan .vi. yere and after hym regned
soo went Iulius Cezar out of this londe with a fewe of Romayns that were lefte a lyue And thenne Cassybolon wēte ayen to London and made a feest to all folke that tho hym had helped And whā that this feest was done Thenne euery man yede in to his owne countree ¶ Of the debate that was betwixt Cassybolon and the Erle of London and of the truage that was payed to Rome ANd after it befelle thus vpon a daye that the gentylmen of the kinges housholde the gentylmen of the Erles housholde of London after meete wēte togyd for to playe And thorugh debate that arose amonge them Enelin that was the Erles cosyn of London slewe Irēglas that was the kyngꝭ cosyn wherfore swore that Enelyn shold be hanged But the Erle of London that was Enelins lorde wolde not suffre hym wherfore the kyng was gretely wroth and vexed towarde the Erle thought hym destroye And preuely the Erle sente letters to Iulius Cezar that he sholde come in to this londe for to helpe hym and hym auenge vpon the kynge and he wolde helpe hym with all his myghte And whan themperour herde thys tydynges he was full glade and ordeyned a stronge power and came ayen the thyrde tyme in to thys londe and the Erle of London helped hym with .viii. thousande men and at the thyrde tyme was Cassibolon ouercome and dyscomfyted and made peas to the Emperour for thre thousande poūde of syluer yeldīge by yere for trauge for thys londe for euermore ¶ And thenne half a yere after passed the Emperour Iulius Cezar wente ayen vnto Rome and the Erle of London wich hym For he durste not abyde in this londe And after Cassybolon regned .vii. yere in peas and tho he deyed the .xvii. yere of his regne and lyeth at yorke ¶ How that the lordes of the londe after the deth of Cassybolon and for by cause he had none heyer made Adragen kynge AFter the deth of Cassybolon for as moche as he hadde none heyre of his 〈◊〉 body begotē the lordes of londe by the comyns assente crowned Andragen erle of Cornewayle made hym kyng And he regned well and worthely he was a good man will gouerned the londe And whan he had regned v●ii yere thenne he deyed lyeth at London ¶ Circa annū mundi .v. M.C.lix Et ante xp̄i natiuitatem i● IOseph of the lyne of Cryste was abou● this tyme borne and after was husbonde vnto our lady ¶ Anthigonꝰ was bysshoppe thys tyme in the Iury. This Anthigonus was sone vnto Aristoboly and on euery syde he was false For he obeyed not to the Romaynes and a grete plage he brought vnto the lōde for to destroye Hircanus his vncle that he myghte regne kynge and soo Hircanus was expulsed and Flaccus was slayne and Herode was exiled But whan Herode came vnto Rome and tolde the Senatours all these thyngys the Emperour cerated hym kyng sendynge with hym an hoste the whiche tooke Ierusalem And Anthigonum the bysshop taken ledde to Anthony the Senatoure the whiche made hym seker and soo was Herode confermed in to his kyngdom And he a straūger regned on the Iewes so the kyngdom of the Iewes cessed as Iacob had sayd ¶ Titus Liuius historicus and Quidius were thys tyme. ¶ Incipiūt imperatores augusti et dictus est augustus quia augebat populum OCtauian was Emperour of Rome .lvii. yere .vi. mouthes ond ● dayes Thys Octauyan neuewe to Iuly whā he was a yonge man toke the Empyre vpon hym His flourysshynge youthe he spended in warre Fyue thousande bataylles he dyde And shortly after many bataylles he brought all the worlde in to one Monarche that man had no felowe And in his dayes peas was in alle the worlde thrught the prouysyon of the very god That the temporall peas myght glorifye the natyuyte of our sauyour Cryste Ihesu This Octauyan was the fayrest man that myghte be and hygh in wytte the moost fortunate in all thynges And he lacked not the vyce of hys flesshely luste This man made alle the worlde to be mesured And in the .lii. yere of his regne was our lorde Ihesu Cryste borne the Sauyoure of this worlde the whiche graunteth eternall peas to his louers ¶ Hic nota secundum Ieronimum that Anna and Emeria were systers ¶ And of Emeria was borne Elyzabeth moder to Iohan the Baptyste And she was fyrste wedded to Ioachim of whome she toke Mary moder of Cryste The seconde husbonde was Cleophe and he gate oon her Maria Cleophe the whiche was wedded to Alphe of whom proceded Iames the lesse Symon Cananeus Iudas Tadeus and Ioseph the whiche is called Barsabas The thyrde tyme Anna was wedded to Salome of whome she toke Mary Salome the whiche was wedded to zebede and of them came Iames the more and Iohan the euangelyst ¶ The fyrste Mary wedded Ioseph brother to Cleophe afore sayde This tyme Sibilla Tiburrina prophecyed of Cryste and sayde to themperoure August that he sholde not trowe that he was not god after the folysshenes of the paynyms And there she shewed hym a fayre virgyne in heuen holdinde a child in her armes and sayde to hym this childe is greter than thou and therfore doo hym worshyp ¶ The monarche of Rome about this tyme myghtly encresed And whan it was soo that by all the world in dyuers prouynces bataylles were reysed sodēly all men merualynge they were sessed and put them holy to the prynce of Rome that opēly it myghte be shewed that suche an vnyuersall peas came neuer by laboure of bataylle but of the powere of the very god that in his natyuyte peas sholde regne in all the worlde ¶ Herode Ascolonira was kynge in the Iury .xxxv. yere This Herode ydumeꝰ was the fyrst straūge kynge that regned on the Iewes The mayster in historiis sayth he was a noble mā and faythfull in the begynnynge and in alle thynge he had hym nobly He wys very gētyll vnto the Romayns and to the people that loued peas· And in his olde aege whan he wolde moche please the Romans herde of the byrthe of Cryste dredynge to be expulsed of his kyngdome as a straunger wretchedly he felle and slewe the Innocentes and dyuer of his owne children And at the last was hatefull to all people and felle syke deyed wretchedly ¶ Mary the moder of Cryst was borne afore the Natyuyte of cryste .xv. yere or there aboute ¶ Of Kymbulyn that was Andragens sone regned after his fader AFter the deth of Andragē regned Kymbalyn his sone a good man well gouerned the londe in moche prosperyte and peas all his lyf tyme. And in his tyme Ihesu Criste was borne of that swete virgyne Mary This kynge Kymbalyn had two sones Gynder and Armager good knyghtꝭ and worthy And whan thys Kymbalyn had regned .xxii. yere he deyed and lyeth at London ¶ Cristus natus est ex virgine maria anno mundi .v. M. C.lxxxxiii IN the begynnyge of
was Emperoure at Rome he regned xxiii yere he lyued ī the yere that our lord Ihesu Cryst deyed somwhat after This mā was in al his werkes greteli auysed that there sholde be nothing sodenly done wyse ī warres studyous ī bokes fayr of speche fresshe in wyte saue he wold of tymes feyne hymself to do thīges that he wolde neuer do of other This Emperour vnderstode trusted in cryst worshyped hym for god Some men saye at the last he was cruel ayenste people but it was a grete reasō of pyte that he was euer gracious to his subgettes poore men And he had peas all his dayes alle the peple that said ayenst crystē folke with out oni mercy he destroyed he exyled pylate for euer Thenne he decessed a worse succeded hym ¶ After Euseby it is wryten our lord at .xxx. yere of his aege chose his .xii. apostles the whiche made our Crede that is byleue and thei made it after the Resurreccyon of cryst after the holy ghost was sende vnto thē whan they had chose Mathia the apostle eche of thē made a part as it is shewed hereafter And this mathia was chose bytwene the doye of the Ascencyon and wytsondaye in the place of Iudas Scaryot the traytoust of the whiche Iudas in a history is redde thus ¶ There was a certen man in Ieruslem that hygh Ruben after saynt Ierom he was of the trybe of isacar And his wyf hyght Cyborea the whiche one a certen nyght whan he wolde lustely knowe his wyf she dremed that she shold bere a chyld of myschef the childe shold be a traitour to his king to al the peple of that regiō whā that childe was borne called Iudas his fader his mod abhorred as well to slee ther chyld as to nourysshe a traytour to the kyng all his people ther fore they put him in to a panyer or a lepe in to the see he flowed to the yle of Scaryoth where the ladi of that place had no childe bi her husbonde she feyned her to be with childe but she fayled And after ī a lytell season the same layd quene cōceiued a chil of her husbonde whan that he was of aege Iudas many tymes angerd hym caused hym to wepe the whiche the quene sawe bete Iudas many tymes and after she knowleged that iudas was not the kynges snoe hers wherfore Iudas slewe the kenges sone he dradde the payne of the lawe fledde with certen exiles to Ierusalem And whā he came there he gate hī in to Pylates courte that was Iuge by cause that o cursed mā draweth to ā other therfore he drewe to pylate stode gretly in his fauour And vpon a certen daye whā Pylate loked out of his palays in to an orcharde of a that mānes was called rubē that was very fader to Iudas Pylate desyred to haue apples Iudas went to gadre apples Ruben ranne to Iudas for to lette hym bycause he toke hꝭ apples whithaut ony leue whā they had chyd this Iudas smote his fad on the heed with a stone slewe hym Iudas fled a way secretly aft that dede but it was said that rubē died sodenly Then pylate gaf to Iudas all the goodes that Rubē had ciborea Rubēs wyf that was moder to Iudas he dealed not curcesly wyth her as a māshold with hꝭ wif for that she wepte wailed for she had put her sōe to the see that she was maryed ayēst her well It was perceyued that Iudas had slaī hꝭ owe fad wedde hꝭ owne mod Then̄e ciborea his mod wyf meuyd hym to leue his synne then he folowed Cryst he forgaue hym his syn̄e made hym his procoure apostle And howfals he was to Cryst it nedeth not to reherce And the same yere Mathewe was chosē the holy ghost was sende in to them as it is sayd afore ¶ The appostles or they were sparpied in to all the world they gadred theym cogyd in to Ierusalē made the Crede here folowinge that is our bileue Petrus ¶ Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem creatoeem celi e● terre Andreas ¶ Et in the sum xp̄m filium eius vnicum dominum nost rum Iohānes ¶ Qui conceptus● est de spiritu sancto natus ex maria virgine Iacobus ¶ Passus sub poncio pilato cruci firus moreuus et sepultus Thomas ¶ Descendit ad inferna tercia die resurrexit amertuis Iacbus ¶ Ascendit ad celos sedet ad dexteram die patris omnipotentis Phlippꝰ ¶ Inde venturus est iudicare viuons etmortuos Bartho ¶ Credo in spiritum sanctum Matheus ¶ Sanctam eccleciam catholicam Semon ¶ Sanctorum communionem remissiom peccatorum Iudas ¶ Carnis resurrectionem Mathias ¶ Et vitam eternam Amen IHesu Cryst our sauyour rose fro deth to lyf sayd to his discyples All the power in heuen and in erthe is gyuen vnto me And goo ye thus in to all the wrold and preche and teche vnto euery creature and Ish all be with you vnto the ende of the world ¶ Here he chyse hym .lxxii. discyples he had .xii. apostles the whiche he sende in to all the worlde to preche Ne it is not redde that there were more ordres amonge the discyples of Cryste of whom the prestes and bysshops in the chirche of god yet kepe the fourme For to the appostles the bysshops succede and to the dyscyple preestes To the whyche two ordres all the chyrche is gyuen as a goodly Ierarche Vt patet in Decreto Damasie pape Iohannes wrote in Asia in Greke langage In principio erat verbum cetera Marcus wrote in ytalia but in greke langage Innicium euangelu Iesu cristi c̄ Lucas wrote in Grecea in greke langage Huic in diebus herodis iude sacerdos c̄ Matheus wrote in the Iury in Hebrewe langage Liber generacionis Ihesu cristi c̄ ¶ Here begynneth the ordre of Popes of Rome and contynneth as the lyne of Cryst dyde afore For in them god lefte his power ¶ Anno domini .xxxiiii. PEter a Iewe the fyrste pope was a blessed man a gloryous apostle of Cryst ¶ He was heed of the chyrche .xxxvii. yere And he helde hys bysshopryche in the eest .v. yere sayd masse he made our lorde alone sayd the Pater noster Thenne after he came to Antiochiam there he abode .vii. yere techynge the waye of trouth And Symon Magus he confounded away That season he preched to the people that were circūcysed the whiche were in Ponto of Galati Capadocia Asia Bichinia Thenne herde he that Symon Magus deluded the Romayns thrugh the loue of the fayth he came to Rome in the fourthe yere of Claudius the Emperour And there he preched the worde of god and shewed the falshede of Symon Magꝰ and tourned many a man to the
fayth Thenne he sende his precher by dyuerse prouynces by whome crysten relygyon was myghtely encreased ¶ He ordeyned the feest of Lenton afore Eester and Aduent and the Emerynge dayes to be fasted of all crystē people in to the myrrour of the fyrste and seconde comynge of our lorde Ihesu ¶ Then̄e whan he had be pope at Rome .xxv. yere .vii. monethes and ·viii dayes He was slayne of Nero Eiꝰ pla oꝑa vide actibus aplorum ¶ Baius this tyme was Emperour at Rome regned .iii. yere .x. monethes This Gaius was fyrst vicyous in lyuynge for two of his owne sesters he mysused and on one of them he ga●e a doughter whyche chylde he sette betwext the knees of Iupyter in the Temple and feyned after warde that Iupyter had goten her wherfore he dyde crye thrugh the coūtree that alle men sholde worshyppe her as a goddesse This man also made an ymage lyke hymself and sente it to one Patronie Presydent at Ierusalem vnder the Romayns commaundynge hym that he shold compell the Iewes to do worshyp therto And fore thyse enormytees many other oure lorde suffred hym to be slayne at Rome in his owne Palays Of kynge Gynder that was Kymbalyns sone that wolde not paye the truage to Rome for the londe that Cassybolon had graunted and how he was slayne of a Romyne ANd after the dethe of thys Kymbalyn regned Gynder his sone a good man and a worthy and was of soo hygh herte that he wolde not paye to Rome that trybute that kynge Cassybolon had graūted vnto Iulius Cezar wherfore themperour that was tho that was called Claudius Cezar was sore anoyed And ordeyned a grete power of Romayns came in to this londe for to conquere the tribute thrugh strengthe and for to haue it on the kynge· But thys kynge Gynder and Armager his broder assembled gadred a grete host togyd of Brytons yaue batayll to the Emperoure Claudius and slewe of the Romayns gerte plente The Emperour had after warde one that was called Hamon that sawe the people there fast slayne pryuely cast a waye his owe armes toke the armes of a deed Bryton and armed hym wyth hys armour came in to the bataylle to the kynge sayd in this maner Syr be of a good hert for goddes loue for the Romayns that ben youre enmyes anone shall be slayn dyscomfyted euerychone And the kynge gaf no kepe to his wordes ne to his speche forbi cause of the armes that he hae vpō hym and demyd that he hadde ben a Bryton But the traytour euer helde hym next the kynge And pryuely vnder the sholder of his armes he smote the kynge wherfore the kynge deyed and felle downe to the erth ¶ whan Armager sawe his brother so deed herast awaye his arasmes and toke to him his brothers armes come in to the batayl amonges the brytons and badde them hertly for to fyght and fast laye a downe the Romayns And for the armes they wende it had be kyng Gynder that afore was slayne that they wyst not Thenne began the Brytons fyersly for to fygth slewe the Romayns So at the last the Emperour forsoke the felde and fledde as fast as they myght with his folkein to wynchestre And the fals traytour Hamon that had slayne the kynge fast anone beganne for to flee with all the hast that he myght And Amager the kynges brother pursued hym full fyersly with a fyers herte droue hym vnto a water there he toke hym And anōe smote of both honde and feet heed and hewed the body all to peres and thenne lete cast hym in to the water wherfore that wat was called Hamons hauen And after there was made a fayre towne that yet stondeth that is called Southampten And after Armager wente to wynchestre for to seke Claudius Cezar the Emperour of Rome And there Armager hym tooke And Claudius the emperour thorugh counseyl of the Romayns that were wyth hym left a lyue made peas with Armager ī this maner as ye shall here That is to saye How that Claudius the Emperour sholde yeue vnto Armager Gennen his fayr doughter for to haue vnto his wyf Soo that this londe from that tyme for warde sholde he in the Emperours power of Rome vpō suche couenaūt that neuer after warde no Emperour of Rome sholde take none other trybute of thys londe but only feaute And they were accorded And vpō this couenaunt Claudius Cezar sent to Rome for his doughter Gennen And as she was come Claudiꝰ Cezar yaf her vnto Armager to wyf Armager spowsed her at Lōdon with moche solempnyte myrth And thenne was Armager crowned made kynge of Brytayne ¶ Of kynge Armager in whose tyme. saynt Peter preched ī Anthyoche with other apostles in dyuers coūtrees THis Armager regned well and worthely and gourned the londe ryght worshypfully ¶ And Claudius Cezar in remembraūce of this accorde and for reuerence and honoure of hys doughter made in this londe fayre town a castell and lete calle the towne after his name Clauestren the whiche now is called Gloucestre ▪ then̄e whā all this was done the Emperour toke his leue then̄e wēte to Rome ayen And Armager thenne was kinge and gouerned the londe well and worthely all his lyues tyme. And this Armager gate a sene on his wyf whiche was callyd westmer And while that this Armager regned saint Peter preched in Anthioche And there he made a noble chirche In the whiche he satte fyrste in hys chayre And ther he dewelled .vii. yere and after he wente to Rome and was made pope tylle that Nero the Emperour lete martyr hym And then preched openly all the apostles in dyuerse londes the ryght fayth ¶ And whan Armager hadde regned .xxxiiii. yere he dyed and lyeth at the auncyente cyte of London ¶ How kynge westmer gaaf to Berynger an ylonde forlet And there this Berynger made the towne of Berwyke ANd after this Armager regned his sone westmer that was a good man and a worthy of body and well gouerned the londe It befell so that tydynges came to hym vpon a daye that the kynge Roderyk of Gascoyne was come in to thys londe wyth an hughe host of peple was dwellyng in Scanys more whā kyng westmer herde those tydynges he lete assemble an huge host of Brytons came to the kynge Roderyk yaue hym batayll And kynge westmer slewe kynge Rodoryke wyth hys owne hondes in playne baytaylle ¶ And whan kyng Roderyks men sawe that ther lorde was slayne they yelded them all to kyng westmer became his men for euer more And he gaf them a coūtree that was forletē wherin they myghte dwelled ¶ And thyther they wente And dwelle there alle theyr lyues tyme and .ix. hondred men there were of theym nomoo lefte at that batayll· Theyr gouernour prynce was called Berynger And anone he began a towne that they myght ther in dwelle haue resorte
abbot wēte with him And anone after he was crowned kynge by thassent of the Brytons Thys kynge Constance whan he was crowned and made kyng he wyst ne knewe but lytell of the worlde ne cude nothynge what knyghthode axed· And he made vortiger his chyef mayster and coūseyller gaf hym all his power for to-ordeyne do as moche as to the reame aperteyned So that hymself no thynge entermedled but only bare the name of kynge whan Vortiger sawe that he had all the londe in his warde gouernall he thought a preuy treason to slee Constance the kynge that he myght hym self be crowned made kynge regne And lete sende after an hōdred kynghtes of Pehites the worthyest of all the londe them helde with hym for to dwelle \ as to be kepers of hys body as he wolde goo thorugh the londe to ordeyne thinges that apperteyned to a kyng And this Vortiger honoured so moche the hondred kynghtes soo moche yaue them of golde syluer and so ryche Iewelles robes horses and other thynges plente wherfore they helde hym more lorde than they dyde the kynge And Vortyger tolde them yf he myght be kynge ye as it were thrugh treason he wolde make them rychest of the londe Soo at the laste thrugh grete gyftes that he had gyuen largely they cryed thrugh the courte that Vortyger were beter worthy to be kynge than Constance wherfore Vortiger made semblaunt as he had ben wrothe And he departed thens from the courte sayde he must goo elles were for thynges that he hadde to do And soo the traytour sayde for by cause that they sholde slee hym that ys to saye Constance ¶ whan thys Vortyger was gone yt befell soone after that tho hondred kynghtes of Pehyces brake the doores of the kynges chambre and there they hym slewe smote of hys heed ād bare it to Vortiger there that he dwelled And soo whan vortiger sawe that heed he wepte full tenderly with his eyen and neuer theles he was som deale glad in hys berte of his deth· ¶ And anone this vortiger toke those hondred kenghtes of Pehytes and badde hys seruauntes bynde theyr hondes behynde them and ladde them to London and ther they were dampned vnto dethe as fals traytours And anone after all the Brytons of the londe by the comyn assente crowned vortiger and made hym kynge of the londe ¶ Anno dm̄ C.lxxiiii SOther a martyr was pope after Anycetum .ix. yere the whyche decreed that a Nonne sholde not touche the pale of the awter nor put in sence therto And that she shold were a wymple about her heed And many perylles he sawe aboute matrymony Therfore he ordeyned that noo woman sholde be callen a lefull wyf but yf she were blessyd of the preest ¶ Elentherus a martyr was pope after Sother .xv. yere the whyche ordeyned that crysten men sholde refuse no meete resonable that was mannes mete Nota ¶ Also that noo man vnaccused in cryme sholde be put from his dygnytee or degree tyll he were conuycted thorugh ensample of cryst the whyche kepte styll Iudas Scaryoth not accused and Crist knewe hym gylty And what someuer he dyde amonge the apostles for the dygnyte of his seruyce abode ferme stable· And he sente also Legates vnto Lucie the kyng of Brytayne the whiche baptysed hym his peple And Fagus and Domianus legate the whyche the pope sente fyrst preched in Englonde and this crystendome dured in Brytayne two hōdred yere vnto the tyme of Dyoclesyan the Emperour whan saynt Albon was martred ¶ Marcus Anthonius Luciꝰ Comodꝰ were Emperours but Marcus deyed anone Lucius Comodus regned Comodus was called prouffytable of scorne for he was to euery man vnprouffytable He was yeuen vtterly to lechery Many Senatours Crysten men he made to be slayne He dampned his owne wyf to deth for aege He deyed a sodeyne deth with struglynge amonge maydens ¶ Helius Pertinax after this man was Emperour .vi. monethes and was a man of grete discrecyon whome Iulian the grete lawer slewe And he entred the Empyre was slayne the .vii. moneth of Seuerus ¶ Victora martyr was pope after Elentheriū .x. yere for the discorde of the paschall tyme he called a coūsell ī Alexand where he was presente that tyme many other where he decreed that Eesters daye shold be kepte on the Sonday but he must kepte the chaūge of the moone of Apryll that was to dyfferre fro Iewes for many bysshops of the eest abode that tyme the same daye that the yewes dyd halowe that feest ¶ Also he ordeyned that in the tyme of nede childern mystht be cristened in euery place in euery water ¶ zepherinꝰ a martyr a Romayne was pope after victor .ix. yere This man ordeyned that Crysten peple of .xii. yere of aege aboue sholde receyue his god on Eeester daye ones oo yere also he ordeyned that all the vessels of the awter sholde be glasse or tynne and not tree as in olde tyme the consecracyon of the glorious blood was made in tree vessell· And this tyme past the worshyp of the chirche grewe glasen vessell were forbode Vt patet de conse de pri ca. ¶ Origenes the noble clerke was thys tyme he wrote so moche that saynt Ierome sayde I haue redde of Origenes werkes .iiii. thousāde volimes without pystles He translated the Byble from Hebrwe in to Greke dyde many other grete thinges And of this Origenes Sampson Salomon and Traian is a grete question amonge doctours yf that they ben dampned or saued Therfore those thynges that with out perell we ben not boūde to knowe nor the chirche is not certifyed of them And therfore lete them alonly commytted vnto god ¶ Calistus a martyr a Romayne was pope after zepherinꝰ ●o yere and he ordeyned the Cimiteri in via apia where many a thousande martyr is buryed ¶ Also he ordeyned the feest of the Eemerynge dayes to be kept ¶ Anthoniꝰ Aurelius was Emperour .iii. yere And thys man lacked no kynde of lechery at the laste he was slayne amonge a greate multytude of peple for hys myscheuous lyuynge Anthonius Marcꝰ regned after hym .vii. yere This man lyued abstynatly therfore he was slayne as was his predecessour ¶ Alisander was Emperour after Anthoniꝰ regned .xiii. yere This man at the Instaūce of his moder a crysten woman the techyng of Origenes the whyche came to Rome to conuerte her was made so good vnto crysten men that he suffred them to haue ther coūseylles theyr prayers by themself but neuertheles in this tyme the cursed offycers of hym made many martyrs ¶ Anno dm̄ CC.xliiii VRbanus was pope after Calistꝰ .viii. yere and olde and yonge he was very vertuous And all the halowed vesselles of the chyrche he made of golde or syluer This man lefte his popehede and went to Agryppa and .xi. thousande virgyns wyth hym And the clergy sayd he lefte not
Alexandrum episcopum qui negauerunt in chrysto veram carnem fuisse et etiam negabant carnis nostre resurrectionem ¶ And after he hadde made many notable sermons and epystles he decessed ¶ Marcianus and valentianus were Emperours thys tyme .vii. yere In whose tyme was the grete Synody afore reherced whan Eusticem and Dyoscorus were condempned IN the tyme that Macianus was Emperour vortyger was kynge in Brytayne now called Englond In whose tyme ye. Saxons came in to Brytoyne made many kynges That is to wyte as is playne by the Cronyeles .vii And by cause it is tedyous to mannes reason to reherce many dyuers names to gyder as .vii. kynges of Englonde and in one tyme the Emperours and Popes Therfore the Cronycles of Englonde shall be sette togyder tylle that we shall treate of Alured In whose tyme the Danes came in to Englonde And the Popes and ye. Emperours and other kynges deed the same tyme shall be se●●● togyder ¶ Circa annū dm̄ CCCC xlix ¶ How the wardeyns that had those chyldern to kepe that were Constanstynes ladde theym to lytell Brytayne for the treason and the falsenesse of vortiger Hyre begynneth the fyfth parte durynge to the comynge of the Danes THys tyme came ye. Saxons that were pagans fyrste in to Brytane now called Englonde vnder vortiger the whyche was crowned kinge of this londe This tyme those that had these two childern in kepinge the whyche were Cōstantynes sons That is to saye Aurilambros and vter thrugh ordynance of Gosselin that was bysshop of London after the faders deth that is to saye Constantyne durst not dwelle in this londe with those childern but conueyed them vnto the kynge of lytell Brytayne For as moche as he tho wist the treason of vortiger that tho was made kynge Thorugh who me Constance the elder brother was slayne wherfore the hondred knyghtꝭ of Pehites were put to dethe and bore all the blame as that vortiger hadde not wyst ther of ne consented And so the kepers of those two chyldern dradde lest vortiger sholde put them to deth thrugh his treason and falsenesse As he had done the brother before And therfore they were ladde ouer in to lytell Brytayn and the kyng them receyued with moche honour and lete them to nourysshe And there they dwelled tyll they became fayre knyghtꝭ stronge and fyers And thourght to be auenged vpon Constaunce theyr brother whan they sawe theyr tyme and so they dyde as ye shalle here telle after warde ¶ It was not longe after warde that the tydynges came ouersee to the kynred of the hondred knyghtꝭ of Pehites that were dampned put to deth thrugh Vortiger in thys londe therfore they were wonderly wrothe and swore that they wolde be auenged of theyr kynnes mens deth And came in to this londe with a greate power and robbed in many places slewe dyde all the sorowe that they myght whan Vortiger it wyst he made moche sorowe and was sore anoyed And in an other place also tydynges came to hym that Aurilambros and Vter his brother assembled a grete hoste to came in to moche Brytayne that is to saye in to thys londe for to be auenged vpon Constance theyr brothers deth Soo in that one half and in that other he was brougho in to so moche sorowe that he ne wyst whether to go ¶ How Engist and an .xi. thousande mē came in to this londe to whom vortiger yaue a place that is callde Thongcastell ANd soone after this sorowe tydinges came to vortyger that a grete nauy of straūgers were arryued in the coūtree of Cent he wyst not whēs they were ne wherfore they were come in to this londe ¶ The kynge sent anone a messager thyder that some of sholde come and speke wyth hym for to wyte what folke they wert and what they axed and in to what coūtree they wolde ¶ There were two brethern maysters and prynces of that stronge company that one was called Engist and that other Horne Engist wente to the kynge and tolde hym the cause wherfore they were come in to this londe and sayde Syrewe ben of a countree that is called Saxonne that is the londe of Germayne wheryn ys so moche sorowe That of the people ben soo many that the londe maye not them susteynes And the maysters and prynces that haue the londe to gouerne and rule They made to come before them men and wymmen that boldest ben amonge theym for to fyghte and that beste maye trauayll in to dyuerse londes And soo they sholde them yeue horse and harnes armour and all thynge that they nedeth And after they shall saye to them that they go in to an other countree where that they mowelyue as theyr And cetrees dyde them before ¶ And therfore syr kynge yf ye haue ought to doo wyth our company we ben comen in to youre londe And wyth good wylle you wolde serue your londe kepe helpe and defende from your enmyes yf that ye nede ¶ whan vortyger herde these tydynges he sayde gladly he wolde theym wyth holde vppon suche couenanuce yf they myghte delyuer hys londe of hys enmyes he wolde yeue theym resonable lōdes where they sholde dwelle for euer more ¶ Engyst thanked hym goodly and in thys maner he and his cōpany a .xi. thousande sholde dwelle wyth the kynge vortiger And moche they dyde thrugh theyr boldenesse they delyuered hys londe of his enmyes clene ¶ Tho prayed Engyst the kynge of so moche londe that he myghte make to hym a Cyte and for hys meyne ¶ The kynge answered it was not to doo wythoute the coancell of Brytons ¶ Engist prayed hym eftsones of as moche plyce as he myghte compace with a thonge of a skyn̄e wherupon he myghte make a. Mancer for hym to dwelle in And the kynge hym graunted freely ¶ Tho toke Engist a bulles skynne and kytte it as sma●e as he myghte all in to oo thonge all a roūde And ther with compaced he as moche londe as he myght then̄e make vpon a fayre castell And so whan this castell was made he lett calle it Thongcastell for as moche as the place was marked with a thonge ¶ Of Ronowen that was Engistes douhter and how the kynge Voreiger spowsed her for her beaute SO whan this castell was made full well arayed Engist pryuely dyd sende by letter ī to the coūtree where he cam fro after an C. shyppes fylled with men the were strong also well fyghtynge in all bataylles the they sholde also brynge wyth them Ronowen hys doughter that the fayrest creture that a man myghte see ¶ And whan those people were come that he hadde sente after he tooke them in to the castell wyth moche Ioye And hymself vpon a daye went vnto the kynge prayed hym there worthely that he wolde come and see hys newe maneer that he had made in the place that he had compassed wyth the thonge of the skynne The kynge anone graunted hym
frely And with hym went thyder was well apayed wyth the castell wyth the fayr werke and togyder they ete and dranke wyth moche Ioye And whan nyght came that the kyng Vortiger sholde go in to hys chambre to take there hys nyghtes reste Ronowen that was Engistes doughter came wyth cuppe of golde in her honde and kneled before the kynge sayd to hym wassaylle And the kynge knewe not what it was for to meane ne what he shold answere there vpon for as moche as hymself ne none of all his Brytons coude noo Englysshe spese ne vnderstonde it but he spake in the same langage that Brytons done yet Neuertheles a latiner tolde it to the kynge the full vnderstandynge therof wassayll and that other sholde drynke hayll And that was the fyrste tyme that wasshayll and drynkhall came vp in this londe And frome the tyme vnto thys tyme it is well vsed in this londe ¶ The kynge Vortiger sawe the fayrnesse of Ronowen his armes layde about her necke thryes swetely kyssed her anone ryght he was enamoured vpon her that he desyred to haue her to wyf asked of Engist her fader And Engist graunted hym vpon this couenaūt that the kyng sholde yeue him all the coūtree of kent that he there myghte dwelle in and hys people The kynge hym graunted pryuely wyth a good wylle And anone he spowsed the damoysell and that was moche confusyon to hymselfe And therfore alle the. Brytons became soo wrothe for by cause he spowsed a woman of mysbyleue wherfore they wente all frome hym and noo thynge to hym tooke ne halpe hym in thynge that he had to done ¶ How Vortimer that was Vortigers sone was made kynge Engist dryuen out And how Vortimer was slayne THis Engist wente in to Kente and seased all the londe in to his honde for hym and for his men bycame with a lytyll whyle of soo grete power and so moche people hadde that men wyste not lytell tyme whyche were the kyngꝭ men and whyche were Engistes men wherfore all the Brytons hadde of hym dredde and sayd amōges theym But yf that they ne toke other counseyll bytwene them all the londe sholde be bytrayed thrugh Engist his people ¶ Vortiger the kyng had begoten on his fyrst wyf thre sones The fyrst was called vortimer The seconde Catagien and the thyrde Passent ¶ The Brytons euerychont by one assent chose vortimer to be theyr lod souerayne and counseyler in euery batayll crowned hym and made hym kynge wolde not suffre vortiger no lenger to regne for cause of the alyaunce betwixt Engist and hym ¶ The Brytons ordeyned a grete host to dryue out Engist and his company of the londe and yaue hym thre bataylles The fyrste was in Kente there he was lorde the seconde was at Tetforde and the thyrde in a shyre a thys half Colchestre in a more And in this batayll theym mette Catagien and. Horne Engistes brother so that eche of thym slewe other· but for as moche as the countree was yeuen longe befor to horne thrugh vortiger tho ●e spowsed his cosyn there he made a fayr castell that is called Horne castell after his owne name And vortiger was so anoyed for his brothers dethe that anone he lete fell downe the castell to the grounde And after he ne lefte nyght ne daye tyll he had dryuen out Engist his people of the londe And then̄e Ronowen his doughter made sorow ynogh And quen●ely spake to them that were nexte the kyng vortimer and pryuyest with hym And so moche she gaue hym of gyftes that he was enpoysoned deyed at London the fourth yere of hys regne and there he lyeth ¶ How the. Brytons chose an other tyme Vortiger to be theyr kynge Engist came in to this londe and how they fought togyders AFter vortimers dethe the Brytons by theyr comyn assēt eft sones made vortiger theyr kynge vpon this couenaunt that he sholde neuer after suffre Engist ne none of his eft sones to come ī to this londe And whā all this was done Ronowen the quene pryuely sente by letter to Engist that she hadde en poysoned vortimer and that vortiger her lorde bare ayen the crowne and regned And that he sholde come ayen in to this londe well arayed wyth moche people for to auenge hym vppon the Brytons and for to wynne this londe ayen ¶ And whan Engist herde these tydynges he made grete Ioy. And appareylled hym hastely with .xv. thousande men that were deughty in euery batayll came in to this londe And whan vortyger herde telle that Engyst was come ayen wyth a grete power in to thys londe he assembled hys Brytons tho went ayenst Engyst for to yeue hym Batayll hys folke But Engist dradde hym sore of the Brytons for they had dryuen hym before discomfyted hym with strēgth wherfore this Engist prayed hym for a loue daye sayd he was not comen in to this londe for to fyght but for to haue hys lond ayen yf he myght accorde with the. Brytons of them to haue loue and grace The kynge Vortiger thrugh counseyll of hys Brytons graūted hym a loue daye And thus it was ordeyned thrugh the Brytons that the same daye sholde be holden fast besyde Salysbury vpon a hylle And Engyst sholde come thyder with four hordred kdnghtes without moo And the kyng with as many of the wysest men of hys londe· And at that daye the kynge came with his coūseyll as it was ordeyned but Engist had warned hys knyghtes pryuely then conmaunded that euery one of them shold put a longe knyf in hys hose And whan he sayde Fayre syres now ys tyme to speke of loue peas euery man Anone shold drawe out hys kynue slee a Bryton And so they slewe a M.lxi. knyghtes wyth moche sorowe many of them escaped And the kyng vortyger there hymself tho was taken ladde to Thongcastell put in pryson And some of Engystes men wolde that the kynge had be brente alle quycke And vortiger tho for to haue hys lyf graūted them as moche as they wolde are yaue vp all the londe townes castelles cytees borughs to Engist and to his folke And all the Brytons fledde thes in to waiys and there they helde them styll And Engyst wente thorugh the londe and seased all the londe wyth fraunchyles And in euery place lete cast a downe chyrches and houses of Relygyon And wasted and destroyed crystendome thrughout all thys londe And lete ●aunge the nam of thys lond called brytayne that noo man of hys were soo hardy after that tyme to calle this lōde Brytayne but calle Engist londe And then ne he departed all the londe to hys men and there made .vii. kynges for to strength the londe that the Brytons sholde neuer after come therem ¶ The fyrst kyngdome was Kent there that Engist hymself regned and was lorde mayster ouer al the other
¶ The other kyng had Southsex that now is called chychestre ¶ The thyrdet kyng had westsex ¶ The fourth had Eestsex The fyfth had Estangill that now is called Northfolke Southfolke Merchemeryk that ys to saye therldome of Nycholl ¶ The sixth had Leycheter shyre Northampton shyre Herforde and Huntyngdon ¶ The seuenth hadde Ox enforde Glouchestre wynchestre wer wykeand Derbyshyre ¶ How that Vortyger wente in to walys beganne there castell that wolde not stande wyth out morter tempred wyth blood AS Engist had departed all the lond in thys maner bytwene hys men and in lyuerde vortyger out of pryson suffred hym freely to go whyther that he wolde And he toke his waye and wente in to walys there that his Brytons dwelled for as moche as the londe was stronge wycked to wynne And Engyst ●neuer came therene neuer knew it before that londe ¶ Vortiger helde hym there wyth hys Bratons and axed counseyll what hym was best to do And they yaue hym counseyll to make a stronge castell that hym myghte hymself there in kepe and defende yf nede were Ma●e sons in haste tho were fette began to werke vpon the hylle of Breigh but certes thus it befell that all the werke that the masons made a daye downe it felle the nyght and they wyste not what it myght be Ther of the kynge was sore anoyed of that chaunce wyste not what to do werfore he lette sende after the wysest clerkes also lerned men than were thorugh out walys that myght be foude for they sholde tell wherfore the foūdament so fayled vnder the werke and they sholde hym tell what was best for to doo And whan these wyse men longe tyme had studyed they sayde to the kynge that he sholde doo seke a chylde borne of a woman that neuer had with man to do And that chylde sholde be slayne and tempred with his blood the morter of the werke And soo sholde the werke euer endure withouten ende ¶ How the kynge lette seke Merlyn thorugh out all walys for to speke wyth hym AS the kynge herde this he commaunded his messagers anone to go thrugh out walys to seke that chylde yf they myghte hym fynde and that they sholde hym brynge forthe with them vnto hym And in recorde in wytnesse of thys kynge he hadde take them his letters that they ne were distroubled of no ▪ man ne lette And tho the messengers wente thens and spedde soo faste that they came in to a towne that was called Carmardyne and as they passed for the theyr waye they founde two chyldern of xxiiii· yere of aege thydynge togyder with hasty wordes And one of them sayde to that other Donebat sayde he ye do all wronge to chyde or stryue with me for ye haue no wytte ne no reason as I haue Certes merlyn sayde he of your wytte ne youre reson I make no force For men telle comynly that ye haue no thynge of god all myghty syth ye had neuer fader But euery man knoweth who was youre moder ¶ The messengers of the kynge vortiger whan they herde the stryue betwixt the two gromes they axed of them that stode besyde them whens that· Marlyn was borne and also whom hym nourysshed And the folke them tolde that a greate gentyll woman hym bare in Carmadyne that was called Adhanr But neuer myght noth man wyte who was his fader ¶ whan the kynges messengers herde these tydynges they wente anone to hym that was wardeyne of the towne tolde hym the kyngꝭ wyll and shewed hym his leter wherfore they were come thyder ¶ Merlyn and his moder were fetched before the wardeyne of the towne And he commaunded them that they sholde go to the kynge as it was ordeyned by his messagers Merlyn and his moder wente thens and came vnto the kynge and there they were receyued with moche honour And the kynge axed of that lady yf the chylde were her sone whome hym be gate The lady answered full tenderly wepynge and sayde She neuer hadde company of worldly man But syr sayde she As I was a yonge mayden in my faders chambre and other of greate lygnage were in my company that oftentymes wente to place and solace I belefte alone in my chambre wolde not goo ●orthe for bernnynge of the sonne And on● tyme there came a fayre bacheler and entred in my chambre there that I was alone But how he came in to me and where I wyst it neuer \ ne yet knowe I not For the doores were fast barred and with me he dyde game of loue For I ne had myght ne power hym to defen from me And often he came vnto me in the forsayd maner so that he begate this childe But neuer myght I wyte what he was ¶ Of the answere of Merlyn wherfore the kynge axed why his castel myght not stonde that he had begonne ne proue SO whan Merlyn hadde herde all that his moder hadde sayd He spake to the kynge in this maner ¶ Syre how I was begoten axe ye no more For it be falleth not to you ne to none other to wyte But telle me the cause wherfore I am to you brought wherfore ye haue sente after me ¶ Truely sayd the kyng my wyse couseyllers haue done me to vnderstode that the morter of a werke that I haue begonne behouety to be thempred with your blood or the foundament shall fayle for euer more ¶ Syr sayd Merlyn wyll ye slee me for my blood to tempre with your morter ye sayd the kyng or elles my castell shall neuer stande as my coūseyllers do me to vnderstonde Tho answerd Merlyn to the kyng Syr he sayd he sayd lete them come before me those wyse coūseylles I woll preu they saye not well ne truly And whan the wyse men were comen Merlyn axed yf his blod were the cause to make this werke to stōde endure All tho wyse men were abasshed coude not answere Merlyn tho sayd to the kynge Syr I shall tell you the cause wherfore your werke thus fayleth may no● stande There is vnder the moūtayne there that ye haue buylded youre toure a grete ponde of water ī the botome of the ponde vnder the water there ben two dragons the one is whyte the other reede the fyght togyd ayēst your werke do ye myne depe eyll your men come to the pond cause your men to take a way the water all out thenne ye shall see the dragans as I haue you tolde the togyder fyght ayēst your werke this is the cause wherfor your foūdament fayleth The kynge anone lete dygge vnder that men came to the ponde And lette doo a waye the water and there they founde two dragons as Merlyn had tolde that egerly fought togyder The whyte dragon egerly assayled the reede and lyadde on hym so strongely that he myght not endure but withdrewe hym and rested in the same caue And whā he had a whyle rested hym he
sayde bytwene themself that noo man sholde them remeue for noo strengthe ne engyne soo grete they were and soo longe But. Merlyn thrugh his crafte he remeued them and broughte them in to theyr shyppes and came ayen in to thys londe And Merlyn sette the stones there that the kyng wolde haue them And sette them in the same manner that they stode in Irlonde and whan the kynge sawe that it was made he thanked Merlyn And rychely hym rewarded at his owne wyll And that place lete calle Stonhenge for euer more ¶ How Passent that was Vortigers sone and the kynge Guillomer came in to thys londe and how a traytour that was called Cappa enpoysoned the kynge Aurilambros ANd men shall vnderstonde that Passent that was Vortigers sone lyued the same tyme and came in to thys londe wyth a grete power and arryued in the north coūtre wolde be auēged of his faders deth Vortiger and strongely trusted vpon the company that he had brought wyth hym out of the londe of Germayne and had conquered all the North countree vnto yorke ¶ And whan kynge Aurilambros herde this he assemled a grete power of Brytons went for to fyght with passēt he dyscomfyted Passent all his peple but Passent escaped thens with some of his men fledde thens in to Irlonde come to kynge Guillomer prayed hym of helpe and socour The kynge graūted hym with good wyll and sayde that he wolde helpe hym vppon that couenaunt that I my selfe muste go with you with all my power in to brytayne And I wolde me aduenge vpon the Broytons the rather for they came in to my londe toke the stones with strength that is called Gyauntes karoll ¶ The kyng Guillomer lete ordeyne his shippes went to the see with .xv. thousāde men and arryued in walys began to robbe moche sorowe he dyde ¶ It befell so that kynge Aurilambros laye syke at wynchestre myghte not helpe hym self So that he sente in his name Vter his brother with a power to helpe walys And thyther warde he went as moche as he myght ¶ The kynge of Irlonde Passente herde telle that Aurilambros was syke to hym there came a Sarrasyn that was called Cappa sayde Syre dwelle ye here all in peas with your host I behyght you thorugh my quayntesye the I shall slee the kynge Aurilambros that is syke Thenne sayd Passent yf ye doo so I shall you rychely auaunce The traytour Cappa put vpon hym an habyte of relygyon lete shaue hym a brode crowne came vnto the kynges courte and sayde that he wolde help● the kynge of his malady Tho sayd the traytour Cappa vnto the kyng Syr be of good comforte For I shall yeue you suche a medicyne that ye shalle swete anōe ryght lyste to slepe haue good reste And the traytour yaaf hym suche poyson to slepe anone ryghte deyed in hys slepynge And the traytour sayd that he wolde go out to the felde tyll he were awaked so escaped he awaye For no man had to hym suspeccyon for by cause of his habyte that he was clothed ī also for hys brode shauen crowne But whan the kynges men wyste that he was deed they became wonder sory and faste soughte the traytoure but they myghte not fynde hym· For the Cappa torned ayen vnto the hoste frem whes that he came ¶ whan Aurilambbros deyed a sterre in the morne was seen wyth a clere lyght at the bought of the beeme was sene the heed of an horryble dragō SO whan the kyng Aurilambros was deed enpoysoned at winchestre On the morne after he was dede aboute the tyme of Pryme there was sene a sterre grete clere the beeme of that sterre was brygheter thā the sonne And at the bought of the beeme apperyd a dragons heed out of hys mouth came two huge lyghtes that were as bryght as ony fyre brennynge that one beeme to warde Fraunce and streyght ouer the see thyther warde And out of that beeme came .vii. beemes full clere and longe as it were the lyghte fyre ¶ This ●●erre was seen of many a man But none of them wyste what it be tokened ¶ Vter that was the kynges brother that was in walys wyth hys hoste of Brytons sawe that sterre the grete lyght that it yaue they wondred ther of gretly what it myghte betoken And lete calle Merlyn and prayed hym for to telle what that it myhght betoken ¶ Of the betokenynge of the sterre MErlyn sawe the sterre and behelde yt a longe tyme. And sythen he quoke and wepte tenderly And sayde· Alas alas that soo noble a kyng worthy ys deed And I do iou to vnderstānde that Aurilambros your brotherds poysoned that I see well in thys sterre And yourselfe ys betokened the heed of the dragon that is seen at the bought of the beeme that ys your self that shall be kynge and regne And by the beeme that stondeth to warde the Eest ys vnderstonde that ye shall gete a sone that shall conquere all Fraunce and all the londes that belongeth to the crowne of Fraunce that shalle be a wrothyer kynge of more honoure than euer were ony of his auncetours ¶ And by the beeme that stretched towarde Irlonde is betokened that ye shalle gete a doughter that shalle be quene of Irlonde ¶ And the seuen beemes betoken that ye shall haue .vii. sones And euery one of them shall be kyng and regne wyth moche honoure And abyde ye no lenger here but goo and yeue batayll to your enmyes and fyghte wyth them booldely for ye shalle ouercome them and haue the victory ¶ Vter thanked hertely Merlyn and toke his men and wente to warde hys enmyes they fought togyder mortally and soo he dyscomfyted his enmyes them destroyed And hym self slewe Passēt that was vortigers sone And his Brytons slewe Guillomer that was kyng of Irlonde and all his men ¶ And Vter anone after that batayll toke hys waye to warde wynchestre for to doo entyere Aurilambros kynge that was his brother But tho was the body borne vnto Stonhenge with moche honour that he had done make in remembraūce of the Brytons that there were slayne thrugh treason of Engist that same day that they sholde haue ben accorded And in the same place they entyered Aurelambros the seconde yere of hys regne wyth all the worshyp the myght belonge to suche a kynge On whoo 's soule god haue mercy Amen ¶ Of Vter Pendragon and therfore he was called so ye shall here And how he was ouertake with the loue of Igreyne that was the Erle of Cornewaylles wyf AFter the dethe of Aurilambros Vter his brother was crowned and regned well worthely And in remembraunce of the dragon that he was lykened to He lete make two dragons thrugh coūseyll of his Brytons And made that one for to be borne before hym whā he wēte
whā he had thus deuoutly made his prayer avoys fro heuen to hym sayd And hadde hym leue the Iurney a waye in to Englonde and that he sholde goo to the pope of Rome for it was not the wyll of almyghty god that the Brytons sholde regne more in Brytane ne neuer recouered it vnto the tyme of the prophecye that Marlyn sayd before he fu●fylled And that sholde neuer be vnto the tyme were come that the relyques of his body shall be broughte fro Rome translated in to Brytayne And whan the ralykes of other sayntes that haue ben hedde for the persecucyon of the paynem folke shall be founde openly shewed thenn shalle they recouer theyr londe agayne the whyche they haue soo longe tyme loste throughe theyr desertes ¶ whane Cadwaldre hadde herde this answere he maruayled gretely and tolde it to the kynge Aleyne ¶ Thene kynge Aleyne dyde sende for the clergye of his londe and made them to brynge the storyes and prophecyes that Merlyn and Sybyll had sayd in theyr prophcyes And whan he knewe that the prophycye that Festom had prophecyed of the Egle. And other prophecyes accorded to the dyuyne aunswere that Caddewalldre had herde He counselled hym ryght faythfully desyred hym to leue his people and his nauy submytte hym to the dyspocysyon of god and do all that the aungell had cōmaūded hym ¶ Thenye Cadwaldre called y●or his sone and ymori his cosyn that was his systers sone sayd to them Taketh sayde he my folke my nauy that is here all redy passe into walys and be ye lordees of Brytons that no dyshonoure come to them by interrupcyon of the Paynem folke for defaute of lordes ¶ And thene hymselfe lefte his reame of Brytayne and his folke for euer more and tooke his waye vnto the pope of Rome Sergius the whyche worshypede hym moche and so he was confessed and toke penaunce for hys synnes And he had not longe dwelled there that he ne deyed the .xii. Kalendis in Maye ● the yere of grace .v. C.lxxii ¶ How kynge Offa was souerayne aboue all the kynges of Englonde and how euery kynge warred vpon other IT befell so that all the kynges in that tyme that were in thou londe as they of westsex Marchenryche Estangle of kente and of Southsex and of other costes eche warred vpon other And he that moste myght toke the londe of hym that was mooste feblest ¶ But there was a kynge amonge them that was called Offa that was saynte Oswaldes brother This Offa conquered all the kynges of the londe and regned all aboue them all ¶ And s●● gret was the that warre in euery there bytwene grekes that no mā myght wyte how the lond wente But abbottos pryours men of Relygyon wrote that lyues dedes of kynges how longe euery of theym regned in what coūtre in what manere euery kynge deyed of bysshops also And therof made grete bokys and lete calle them Cronycles And the good kyng Alured had that booke in his warde And lette brynge it vnto wynchestre and lete it be faste tacked to a pylar that men sholde it not remeue ne bere it thens so that euery man sholde it see therupon loke For therin ben the lyues of all the kynges that euer were in Englonde ¶ How the kynge of Northumberlonde Osbryght forlaye the wyf of Buerne Bocarde thrugh strength and after this Buerne conquered the kyng with power and strength ANd thus it befell in the same tyme that there was a kyng in Northumberlond ●e that was called Osbryght and soyourned atte yorke ¶ And this kynge wente hym vppon a daye in to a wood hym for to dysporte And as he came ayen he wente pryuely in to a good mannes house that was called Buerne and the good man of that place was gone that tyme to the see ¶ For oftentymes there he was wonte to spye theues and robbers that oftentymes were wonte to come in to the londe to robbe brenne and slee The lady that was Buernes wyfe was a wonder fayre woman ¶ And the kynge came vnto her whan that herhusbode was absente and she trusted none harme vnto the kynge and welcomed hym with moche honour and worthely hym serued in all thynge ¶ whan the kynge hadde eten he tooke the lady by the honde and ●adde her in to a chambre and sayde He wolde speke with her a counseyll And all the folke he made voyde fro the chambre saue only the lady and he But the lady wyst not wherfore he it dyde tyll that he had done alle hys wyll And whan he hadde done this dede He torned agayne to yorke And the lady he lefte there sore wepynge for the dede that the kynge to her had done ¶ And whan he● lorde was came home and sawe her wepe and suche sorowe and mornynge make he axed of her what she hadde done and why she made suche sorowe ¶ Syre she sayde subtylly and falsely the kynge Osbryght● hathe doo me shame and vylanye ayeast my wyll And tolde hym all the truthe how the kynge had ●orlayne her with strengthe wherfore she sayde she hadde leuer to be deed than tolyue ¶ Fayre loue be stylle sayde he for ayenst strengthe feblenesse is yltell worthe and therfore of me shalte thou neuerthelesse beloued and namely for thou hast tolde me the treuthe And yf almyghty god graūt to me my lyf I shall the aueng ¶ This Buerne was a grete man and a myghty lorde and was well beloued and grete frendes hadde And lete sende for the grettest lordes of the londe and to them made hes complaynte of the despyte that the kynge to hym hadde done and sayde he wolde be auenged how euer yt were And all hys frendes counseylled hym that he sholde goo vnto yorke there that the kynge was hym to defye And Buerne toke his mayne and came to the kynge whan the kynge hym sawe he called hym curtously Buerne by name And Buerne hym answerred to hym sayde Syre I you defye and yelde vp feautes homages and londes and as moche as I haue holden of you fro this tyme for warde I wyll neuer of the nothynge holde And soo he departed fro the kynge without more speche or ony abydynge and tooke leue of his frendes and went in to Denmarke and playned to the kynge Godern tolde hym of the despyte of that the kynge Osbryght to hym hadde donne of his wyfe And prayed hym of socour and helpe hym for to auenge ¶ whan kynge Godern of Denmarke and the danys hadde herde the complaynt of thys Buerne and the prayer that he badde they were ryght wonder glasde in theyr hertes for as moche as they myght fynde a cause for to goo in to Englonde for to warree vpon Englesshe men and for to aenge Buerne of the despyte that the kyng Osbryght hadde done vnto hys wyf And for as moche as Buerne was sybbe v●to the kynge of Denmarke anone they lette
pope after Sergius two yere This mā was made pope by the power of the Romayns and was not put in the nombre of popes for the euyll entred but he dyde none euyll ¶ Iohannes the .vi. was pope after hym a Greke And he was a martyr but of whome and wherfore the cause is not founde in hystoryes It is sayd that it was of the dukes of Lambardy for they were enmyes to the chyrche myghtely ¶ Iohannes the .vii. a Romayne was pope after hym thre yere but no thyng of hym is wryten ¶ Iustinianas was Emperour ayen with his sone Tyberiꝰ .vi. yeres And this was he the whyche was reued the Empyre afore by Leo And whan this mā was restored ayen he toke hym to the ryght fayth and worshypped the pope Constantyne And certaynly he destroyed Creson the place where he was exyled unto and all that dwelled in it except the chyldern he slewe them And he came ayen an other tyme to haue slayne the Innocentes And the men of that countree made them a capytayne a certayne man that was called Philyp an outlawe that whiche anone went to hym in batayll and slewe hym for his outragyous cruelnesse ayenst those chyldern ¶ Sysinnius was pope twenty dayes and thenne was grete stryfe and he decessyd \ but lytell of hym is wryten ¶ Cōstantine was pope after hym vii yere This man was a very meke man so blessyd that of all men he was beloued He wente ouer the see to Iustinianus the Emperour and was receyued with grete honour deyed a blessyd man ¶ Philyp the seconde was Emperour one yere the whyche fledde in to Scicilis for the hoste of the Romayns And he was an heretyke and cōmaunded all pyctures of sayntes for to be bestroyed wherfore the Romayns cast a way his coyne ne wolde not receyue noo moneye that hys name or ymage were wryten vpon ¶ Anastasius thseconde after he had slayne Philyp was Emperoure thre yere This man was a crysten man and helyued well But by cause he put out phylipis eyen and slewe hym after warde And therfore Theodosius faustht ayenst hym and ouercame hym And thenne he was made a preest lyued soo quyetly ¶ Anno dm̄ .vii. C.xiiii GRegoryus the seconde was pope after Constantyne .xvii. yere this Gregoryꝰ was a chaste man a noble man in scrypture And about this tyme the popes began to deale more temporally wyth the Emperours than they were wonte for theyr falsnesse theyr he resye And also for to remeue th empyre fro oo people to an other as the tyme requyred thys man cursyd Leo the Emprrour by cause he brēte the ymages of sayntes This same Leo cōmaunded Gregorius the pope that he shold brenne chirches destroye them And he sette noo thynge of hys sayenge but cōmaūded the coūtrary manly And so it ys openly shewed that the destruccyon of the Empyre of Rome was the cause of heresy For certaynely faythfull people wyth the prelates wyth one wyll drewe to the pope constrayned the Emperours for to leue theyr tyrannye and theyr heresye ¶ And thys tyme in the eest parte of the worlde strongly faylled the very fayth for that cursyd lawe of the fals Machomete· ¶ Theodosius was Emperour regned but one yere And he was a very crysten man euen as he dyde so was he done vnto For Leo deposyd hym made hym a preest ¶ Leo the thyrde with Constantyne his sone was Emperour .xxv. yere this Leo whan he was myghty he deposyd Theodosyꝰ regned for hym was desceyned by a certayne Apostata the whiche badde hym that he sholde take and brenne all the ymages of sayntes wherfore he was punysshed both in batayll in pestylence with other Infortunes And by cause he was accursyd of Gregoryus bode ther in thre dayes therfore the pope wyth the comyn peple toke for hym the best parte of hys Empyre cōmaūdynge that no man shold obeye hym ne socour hym by cause he lyued lyke an heretyke ¶ Holy men sayde ayenst hym And many by hym were marted exyled And at the last in his misbyleue he deyed wretchedly and in this manes dayes but that Karolus Marcellus holpe the Crysten fayth faught manly nyenst the Sarrasyns draue them backewarde in Spayne the whyche they had subdued els they had entred in to Fraunce And Karolus slewe thre hondred thousāde Sarasyns moo· And of his people were slayne but .xv. thousande ¶ Nota. ¶ This man for the contynuall batayll toke to laye men the tresoure of the chirche wherfore Saynt Eucharius the bysshop of Aurelian as he was in his prayers sawe that same Karolus in soule and body payned in helle And the aungell that shewed the bysshop this man sayde That that was the Iugement of all those that toke a waye the goodes of the chirche or of poore men And to fortifye that that the bysshop sayd and ●ue it the abbote of saynt Deuys wente to the sepulcre there that Karolus was burye● 〈◊〉 opened the cheste that he laye in And there th●● see a grete dragon go out but he had no 〈◊〉 ¶ Gregorius the thyrde a Romayne 〈◊〉 pope after Gregoryus the seconde The 〈…〉 confermed the woorshyppes of the 〈…〉 sayntes with the coūseyll almooste of a thou●●●de bysshops And he cursyd horrybly all the despyers of these ymages As the Emperour ●nd other that were of the condycyon ¶ Constan●nus the fyfth was Emperour a●te his 〈◊〉 Leo .xxxv. yere He was a cursed man a p●●e heretyke to that he dyde sacrefyse to the deuylles He pursued the chyrche And 〈…〉 is good of hym is wryten And so by ye●ce of god the chyrche was trowbled longe t●me About this tyme were many maruayl●es there were merueyllous erth quakys And certayne cytees that were sette on mountayns they were remeued borne awaye with the hylles in to the feldes .vi. myle thens as they stode and the cytees were not broken ne hurte In the londe of Mesopotanian the erthe was broken by the space of two myle And also there was a mule that spake in a mannes voys Asshes fell fro heuen And in the see of Poncico there was yse for grete froste that was .xxx. cubytes of thykenesse And the sterres fell fro heuen soo myghtely that men trowed that the ende of the worlde had be comen All these betokened meruaylus thynges for to come ¶ Anno dm̄ .vii. C.xliiii Acharias was pope after Gregorius x. yere This zacharis was a noble mā arayed wyth all vertue wyth all men he was loued for his mekeneste And he deposyd the kynge of Fraunce Hydery and put in hys place Puppynus for he was more profytable ¶ Here may ye see what power the thyrche had that tyme the whiche translated that famous kyngdom fro the very heyres to the kyngdome of Pippinus for a leyfull cause Vthab●t .xv. q. v. alius ¶ Stephanus the seconde a Romayne was pope after zacharyas .v. yere Thys man in all
¶ Of the kynge Eldred how the kynge Swyne of Denmake helde Englonde and how Eldred that saynt Edwardes brother was not beloued in hys Realme and therfore he fledde in to Normandye SO after this Edwarde regned Eldred his brother And saynt Dunstane crowned hym· And this saynt Dunstane deyed soone after that he hadde foryeuen the quene her trespa●s by cause that she was cause of kynge Edwardes deth And saynt Dunstane had her assoylled and penaunce hadde her ●●oyned And she lyued after a chaste lyf and a clene ¶ This kynge Eldred wedded an Englysshe woman on her begate Edmonde Irensyde and an other sone that was called Edwyne And after deyed the quene theyr moder ¶ And in that tyme came Swyne in to Englonde that was kyng of Denmark for to chalenge and to conquere all that his auncetrees had before that tyme. And soo he conquered had it all his axyng ¶ For the good erle Cuthberte of Lynd eseye and all the people of Northumberlonde and almoost al the grece of Englonde helde wyth Swyne that was kyng of Denmark for so moche as they loued no● kynge Eldred for by cause that hys good brother Edwarde was slayn for loue of hym And therfore no man sette but lytell by hym wherfore kynge Swyne had all hys wyll and toke alle the londe And Eldred the kynge fledde th● in to Normandye And soo spake to the duke Rycharde that the duke yaue hym his syster Emme to wyf Vpon the whiche he gate two sones that one was called Alured and that other Edwarde And whan Swyne had conquered all the londe he regned nobly and lyued .xv. yere and thenne he deyed and lyeth at yorke ¶ How kynge Eldred came ayē from Normandy and how knoght the Dane regned of the warre betwixt hym and Edmonde Irensyde THus after the deth of Swyne that was a Dane Knoght hys sone dwelled in Englonde and wolde haue ben kynge And tho came agayne Eldred out of Normandye with moche nombre of people with a stronge meyne that Knoght durste not abyde but fledde thens in to Denmarke The kynge Eldred had agayne his reame and helde so grete worshyp that he began for to destroye all tho that halpe Swyne that was a Dane ayenste hym And afterwarde came agayne this Knoghte from Denmark wyth a grete power soo that kynge Eldred durste not with hym fyght but fledde from thens vnto London and there he helde hym ¶ Tho came Knoght hym besyeged soo longe tyll that kyng Eldred deyed in the Cytee of London and lyeth at saynt Poules And he regned .ix. yere BOnu● was pope after Benedictꝰ one yere This man abode but a lytell tyme ¶ Bonifacius was pope after hym fyue monethes ¶ Benedictus was pope after hym .x. yere This man crowned Otto the seedde made many Romayns to be taken And he gadred a counseyll agaynst the kynge of Fraunce where Gylbert the Nygramancer was deposed ¶ Iohannes the ·xiiii was pope after hym .viii. monethes And he was put in the castell Aungell and was famyned to dethe ¶ Iohannes the .xv. was pope after hym foure monethes ¶ Iohannes the .xvi. was pope after hym almoost .xi. yere Thys man was taught in armes made many bokes elles lytell of hym is wryten ¶ Gregorius the .v. was pope after this man almoost thre yere And this Gregorius was made pope atte the Instaunce of the Emperour Otto thyrde for he was his consyn And whan he hadde be a lytell whyle pope and the Emperoure receded from the cyte of Rome Placentinus was put in by Crecensius a Counsul for moneye And thenne was stryfe a fewe dayes But the Emperour came soone after and tooke Crecensius the Consull and stroke of his heed putte out the eyen of this man Placencius pope the whiche put out his cosyn of the dignyte of the pope ▪ And maymed hym on other membres his knyghtes ne his dukes halpe hym no thynge For he dyde that thynge that he sholde not haue done And he suffred that that he deserued ¶ Nota. This Gregorius with the Emperour Otto ordeyned the chesers of the Empyre the whiche frome thens forth hathe a bode vnto this daye For the Frensshmen ne none other myghte not breke that ordynaunce And those the●ers of the Empyre by the pope and Otto were not made for ony blame of the Saxons but to eschewe the euylles to come And theyr names ben wryten for lerned men in latyn in these verses Maguntinensis Treuerensis Coloniensis Quilibe● imperu fit cancellarius horum Et Palatinus da●ifer Dux Portitorensis Marchio prepositus camere Pincerna Bohemus Hustatuunt dominum cuntis persecula summum Palatinꝰ est comes ren● Marcio est Brandebur gensis Dux saxorum et rex Bohemorum verū vt quidam dicunt ¶ Thrugh this occasyon the Egle hathe loste many a feder And in the ende he shall be made naked ¶ Otto the thyrde was Emperour .xviii. yere Thys man was a worthy man alle the dayes of hys Empyre And after the wysdome of his fader he was a very holy faythfull man to the chirche And in many bataylles he prosperyd by cause he was deuoute vnto almyghty god and hys sayntes And yaue myghty worshyppynge to the relykes of sayntes And oftentymes he vysyted hooly places ¶ This man was crowned by Gregorius hys cosyn And atte the laste he decessyd at Rome ¶ Anno dm̄ M.iiii SIluester the Seconde was pope after Gregorius foure yere· And he was made pope by the helpe o● the deuyll to whom he dyde homage for he sholde yeue hym all thynge that he desyred And he was called Hylbecte· And his enmye gate hym the grace of the kynge of Fraunce and he made hym the bysshop of Remensis but anone he was deposyd And after he gate the grace of the Emperour and was made the bysshop of Rauennie and after the pope But he hadde an ende anone and soo haue all that put theyr hope in fals deuylles ¶ yet men truste in his saluacyon for certayne demonstracyon of his sepulcre and for the grete penaunce that he dyde in hys last ende For he made his honde and in his legges to be curte of and dysmembred in all his body and to be caste out at the doore to foules and thenne his body to be drawen wyth wylde beestꝭ and ther to be buryed where someuer they rested as an honde And they stode styl at saynt Iohan lateranensis and there he was buryed And that was sygne of his saluacon ¶ Iohannes the .xviii. was pope fyue monethes ¶ Iohannes the .xix. was pope after hym fyue yere And these two dyde lytell thynges ¶ Henricus the fyrste was Emperour in Almayne .xx. yere This henricus was duke of Barry and all accordynge he was chosen for his blessyd fame and good name the whiche he hadde ¶ And it is redde that many of these dukes of Barry werre holy men not all only in absteydynge of flesshely dysyres but also in vertuous lyuynge
And this man had a syster that was as holy as he the whome he yaue to wyf vnto the kyng of Hūgry And she brought all Hungry vnto the ryght byleue the cristen fayth And his wyues name was sancta Konnogundis with whom he lyued a vyrgyne all his lyues dayes And also he dyde many a batayle as well in ytaly as in Almayne ayenst the rebellyous and prosperyd ryght wysly Atte the laste wyth a blessyd ende he decessyd And in the lyfe of saytn Laurēce he and hys wyf be put for ensamples ¶ Benedictꝰ was pope after Iohānes .xi yere This man hadde grete stryfe in hys dayes for he was put out \ and a nother put in And this Benedictus after that he was deed was seen of an holy mā bysshop in a wretchyd fygure and he had grete payne And thys fygure sayd He trusted no thynge in the mercy of god And no thyng profyted hym that was done for hym for it was goten with extorcyon vniustely Thenne this bysshop left his bysshopryche for dred of thys syght went in to a monastery lyued vertuously all hys dayes ¶ Iohānes the .x. was pope after hym ·xi yere and lytell profyted ¶ Of kynge Knoght that was a Dane ANd after the dethe of Eldred Knoght that was a Dane began to regne but Edmonde Irensyde that was kyng Eldredes sone by his fyrste wyf ordeyned a grete power of men began for to warre on kyng Knoghte And so he dyde many tymes and often And the warre was so stronge harde the wonder it was to wyte· ¶ And the quene Emme that dwelled tho in westmestre had grete drede of her two sones of the warre Alured Edwarde lest they sholde be defoyled mysdone thorugh this warre wherfore she sente theym ouer the see in to Normandy to the duke Rycharde theyr vncle And there they dwelled in saufte and peas longe tyme. ¶ This Edmonde Irensyde and Knoght the Dane warred strongely to gyder But at the last they were accorded in this manere that they sholde departe the reame betwixt them both and soo they dyde after they became good frendes And so well loued to gyder as they had ben brethern goten of one fader and of one moder borne ¶ How kynge Edmonde Irensyde traytoursly was slayne thorugh a traytour that was ralled Eldred of Strotton ANd after tho regned kynge Irensyde and Knoght the Dane But thus it befel afterwarde that in the same yere that they were accorded and so moche loued to gyder wherfore a fals traytour hadde enuytee to the loue that was betwixt theym and frendshyp whoo 's name was Edrith of Stratton that was a grete lord that was Edmonde Irensydes man of hym helde all the londe that he had And neuertheles he thought his lord to betray make Knoght kynge of the londe to the entente rychely to be auaūced and with hym be well beloued wherfore he prayed hys lord Edmonde Irensyde vppon a daye wyth hym for to ete And the kynge hym curteysly graunted to hym came at his prayer And at the mete the kynge ryally was serued wyth dyuers meeteꝭ and drynkes And whan the nyght came that he sholde go vnto bedde The kynge toke his owne meyne went vnto the chambre there that he sholde take his nyghtes reste And as he loked hym about he sawe a fayre ymyge well made and in semblaūt as it were an Archer with a boowe in the boowe a fyne arowe ¶ Kynge Edmonde wente tho nere for to beholde it better what it myght be And anon the arowe smote hym thrughe the body there slewe the kynge· For that engyne was made for to slee his owne lorde traytoursly ¶ And soo whan kynge Edmōde was thus deed and slayne he had regned but .x. yere And his peple for hym made moche sorowe And his body they ba●e vnto Glastenbury there theym hym en●yred ¶ And this fals traytour Edrith anone went unto the quene that was kynge Edmondes wyf that wyst not of her lordes dethe Anone he toke frome her tow sones that were fayre yonge that her lorde had vpon her goten that one was called Edward that other Edwyn And lawe theym with hym to Londen toke them vnto kynge Knoght that he sholde do wyth them what his wyll were And tolde hym how subtylly he had slayne kyng Edmonde for by cause loue of hym so that kynge Knoght all Englonde in his power hooly myghte haue ¶ O thou fals traytoure haste thou my true brother that was soo true thus slayne for me mā I most loued in the world Now by my heed I shall for thy traueyll well rewarde as thou hast deserued anone lett hym be take bounde honde foot in maner of a traytour lete cast hym there in to Tamyse in thys maner the fals traytour ended his lyf The kynge toke the two childern and put them unto the abbot of westmestre to warde to kepe tyll that he wyst was best with them to do ¶ How kynge Knoght sente kynge Edmondes sones both in to Dēmarke to be slayne and how they were saued SO it befell soone after that kynge Knoghte had all the londe in his honde and spowsed the quene Emme thorughe consente of his baronage For she was a fayre woman the whiche was Eldredes wyf and the dukes syster of Normandye and they lyued togyder with moche loue as reason wolde The kynge axed vpon a daye counseyll of the quene what was best to do with the sonnes that were Edmonde Irensydes Syre sayd she they ben the ryght heyres of the londe and yf they lyue they wyll do moche sorowe with warre and therfore lete sende them in to a strange londe a ferre to some man that maye them defoyle and destroy The kynge anone lete calle a dane that was called walgar and commaunded hym that he sholde lede tho two childern in Denmarke and soo to doo and ordeyne for them that he sholde neuer here more of theym Syr sayde this walgar gladly your commaundement shall be done anone tho two chyldern he toke and ladde them in to Denmarke And for as moche as he sawe that the chyldern were wonder fayr and also meke he had of them grete pyte ruthe wolde them slee but ladde them to the kynge of Hungry for to noursshe for this walgar was well be knowen with the kynge well beloued Anone the kynge axed whens the childern were walgar tolde hym and sayde that they were the ryght heyres of Englonde and therfore men wolde destroye them And therfore syr vnto you they be come mercy helpe for to seke And for sothe yf they may lyue your men they shal become and of you they shall holde all theyr londe The kynge of Hungry receyued them wyth moche honour and lete them worthely be kepte ¶ And thus it befell after warde that Edwyne the yonger brother deyed Edwarde the
the fader and the sone that they myghte doo by ryght what thynge that they wolde For ayenst ryght wolde he nothynge doo for noo maner man soo good and true he was of conscyence And therfore oure lorde Ihesu Cryste greate specyall loue vnto hym shewed ¶ How kyng Edwarde sawe Swyne kynge of Denmark drowned in the see in the tyme of the Sacrament as he stode herde masse IT befelle vppon wytsondaye as kynge Edwarde herde his masse in the greate chyrche of westmestre nyghe att the leuacyon of Ihesu Crystis body and as alle men were gadred in to the chyrche and came nyght the awter for to see the sacrynge the kyng his hondes lyfe vp on hygher and a grete laughter toke vp Wherfore all that aboute hym stode gretely ganne wonder And after masse they axed why the kynges laughter was fayre lorde sayd kyng Edwarde I sawe Swyne the yonger that was kynge of Denmarke come in to the see with hys power for to haue come in to Englonde vpon vs for to warre And I sawe hym and hys folke drowned in the see and all thys I sawe in the leuacyon of Crystis body bytwene the preestes hondes and I had therfore so grete Ioye that I myght not my laughter withholde ¶ And the erle Leueryk besyde hym stode at the leuacyon and openly sawe the fourme of brede torne in the lykenesse of a yonge chylde and tooke vp hys ryght honde and blessyd the kynge and after the erle and the erle anone torned hym to ward the kȳge for to make hym see the hooly syght And to saide the kynge ¶ Syre Erle sayde he I see welle that ye see thāked be god that I haue honoured my god my sauoyour vysybly Ihesu Cryst in fourme of man whoo 's name he blessyd in all worldes ¶ How the rynge that saynt Edwarde had gyuen to a poore pelgryme for the loue of god saynt Iohan Euangelyst came ayen to kynge Edwarde THys noble man Saynt Edwarde regned .xiii. yere And thus it befelle vpon a tyme are he deyed that two men of Englonde were gone in to holy londe and had done theyr pelgrymage and were goynge ayen in to theyr owne countree where they came fro And as they went in the waye they mette a pylgryme that curtely theym saluwed and axed of them in what londe and in what countree they were borne And they sayd in Englonde Tho axed he who was kynge of Englonde And they answered sayd the good kyng Edwarde ¶ Fayre frendes sayd tho the pelgryme whan that ye come in to your countres ayen I praye you that ye wyll go vnto kynge Edwarde oftentymes grete hym in myn name and oftentymes hym thanke of hys grete curteysy that he to me hath done namely for the rynge that ye haue me whan he hadde herde masse at westmestre for saynt Iohans loue Euangelyst And toke it to the pelgremes sayd I pray you go and bere this rynge take it vnto king Edwarde and tel hym that I sende it hym and a full ryche yefte I wyll hym yeue For vpon the .x. daye he shall come unto me euermore dwelle in blesse without ony ende ¶ Syr sayde the pelgremes what mē be ye in what countree is your dwellynge ¶ Fayr frendes sayd he I am Iohn̄ the Euāgelyste and I am dwellynge with almyghty god and your kynge Edwarde is my frende I loue hym ī specyal for by chause that he hath euermore lyued in clennesse is a clene mayde I praye you my message fulfyll as I haue you sayd whan the saynt Iohan the euangelyst had them thus charged sodenly he voyded out of theyr syghtes bothe The pelgrymes tho thanked almyghty god wene forth theyr waye And whan they hadde gone two or thre myle they begā to waxe wery sette them a downe for to rest them so they felle one slepe And whan they had slepte well one of them a woke lyfe vp hys heed loked about sayd to his felowe Aryse vp walke we in our way what sayd that one felowe vnto that other where be we now Certes sayde that other it semeth me that this is not the same coūtree there we layde vs downe in for to rest slepe For we were from Ierusalem but thre myle They toke vp theyr hondes and blessyd them went forth in theyr way And as they went in theyr waye they sawe shep● goynge wyth theyr shepe the spake none other langage but englysshe ¶ Good frendes sayd one of the pelgrymes what countree is this who is lorde therof ¶ And one of the sheperdes answered sayd this is the coūtree of kent in Englonde of the whiche the good kyng Edwarde is lorde of The pelgrymes ●anked tho almyghty god and saynt Iohn̄ Euangelyst wente forthe in theyr waye and came to Caunterbury and fro thens vnto London and there they founde the kyng And tolde hym all frome the begynnynge vnto the endynge asmoche as saynt Iohn̄ had them charged of al thynges how they hadsped by the waye And tooke the rynge to the kynge Edwarde he tooke it ● thanked almyghty god and saynt Iohn̄ Euangelyst And tho made hym redy euery daye fro daye to daye to departe out of thys lyf whan god wolde for hym sende ¶ How saynt Edward dyed the Twelfth day ANd after it befell thus on Crystmasse euen as the holy man Edwarde was at goodes seruyce Matyns for to hereof that hyghe solempne feest He became full lyke and in the morowe endured with moche payne the masse for to here And after masse he lette hym be ladde in to his chambre There for to reste hym But in hys halle amonge hys barons his knyghtes myght he not come theym for to comforte and solace as he was wonte for to do at the worthy feest wherfore all theyr myrth and comforte amonge all that were in the halle was torned in to care and sorowe by cause they dradde for to lese the good lorde the kynge ¶ And vpon Saynt Iohn̄ daye Euangelyste that came nexte the kynge receyued hys ryghtes of hooly chirche as yt befaylleth to euery cristen man abode the mercy and the wyll of god And the two pylgrymes he lete before hym come and yaue theym ryche yeftes and betoke theym to god Also the abbot of westemestre he lette before hym come and tooke hym that rynge in the honour of god and saynt Mary and of Saynt Iohan the euangelyst And the abbot toke it put it amonge other rekyles so that it is at westmestre euer shall be so laye the kyng syke tyll the twelfth eue And tho deyed the good kynge Edwarde att wehmestre there he lyeth For whoo 's loue god hathe shewed many a fayre myracle ¶ And this was in the yere of the. Incarnacyon of oure lorde Ihesu Cryste M.lxv. And after he was translated and put in the shryne by the noble martyr saynt Tomas
hys honde as a brydell tyll he came thrugh the cyte and there he was put in pryson And this pope made peas wyth the Emperour ¶ Honorius was pope after hym two yere and lytell of hym is wryten ¶ Nota. ¶ Hary the fourth Emperour of Almayne decessyd thys tyme and was buryed with his progenytours after some men wyth suche an Epytaphe Filius hic pater hic Auus hic proauus iacet istis ¶ But it is lykely to be truer that the Geralde sayd in Itinerario walke wherfore he sayth that after he had prysoned his carnall fader hys sperytuell fader the pope with his Cardynalles after he was reconsyled wylfully he was exyled And he lefte Maude his wyf the kynges doughter of Englonde pryuely and lyued an heremytes lyf at Chestre .x. yere where he myght lyue as noo man knewe hym And he called hymselfe Godyscallus the whyche Godysson is called So the Emperour secretely went awaye Maude hys wyf the Empresse there she went vnto her fader Henry in to Normandy where anone after she was wedded vnto Geffroy Plantaginet the duke of Andegame vpon whom he begate Henry the seconde afterwarde kynge of Englonde Vnder whom saynt Thomas of Caunterbury regned deyed ¶ Lotharius was Emperour aftey Henry the fourth .xii. yere And lytell of hym is wrytem but that he was manerely to the chyrche And that he subdued Roger the vsurper of the kynge of Cycyle ¶ Hugo de sancto Victory was a noble man this tyme atte Parys and a noble doctour of the nacyon of Saxons ¶ The ordre of saynt Iohan Baptyst at Iherusalem began thys tyme by the worshypfull man Reymonde myghtely dysposed vnto the we●ke of mercy ¶ All this ordre make theyr waye to serue poore men ¶ Anno dm̄ M.C.xxxiiii INnocencius was pope after Honorius xiiii yere and vii· monethes This mā was a very deuoute mā and wyth suche men he accompanyed hym and he had stryf ayenst ▪ Perys of Lyon the whiche named hym Anocletus And by strenth he tooke the popehede The whiche Innocēcius sawe and with two Galeys he fledde in to Fraūce was worshyp fully receyued of saynt Bernarde the whiche that tyme had alle the kynges and prynces in his honde And he prouoked them for to brynge this pope Innocencius in to dygnyte ayen And at the last all thynge was sessyd and hys enmyes were destroyed thrugh the Iugement of god And he was pope ayen lyued prouffytably was buryed at Latranence· ¶ How Stephen that was kyng Henryes systers sone was made kynge of Englonde AFter thys kynge Henry that was the fyrste was made kynge his neuewes syster sone Stephen erle of Bolonye For anone as he herde the tydynges of hys vncles deth thēne he passed the see and came in to Englonde thrught counseyll strength of many grete lordes in Englonde ayenst the othe that they had made to Maude the Empresse toke the reame he lete crowne Stephen kyng of the londe ¶ And the Archebysshop wyllyam of Caunterbury that fyrste made the othe of feaute to Maude the Empresse sette the crowne vpon Stephens heed and hym anoynetd And bysshop roger of Salysbury mayntened the kynges parte in as moche as he myghte ¶ The fyrste yere the kynge Stephen began to regne he assembled a grete hoste and went to warre Scotlonde for to haue warred vppon the kynge of Scotlonde But he came ayenst hym in peas and in good manere and to hym trusted But he made to hym none homage for as moche as he had made vnto thempresse Maude ¶ And in the fourth yere of his regne Maude the Empresse came in to Englonde tho began debate bytwene kynge Stephē Maude thempresse This Maude went vnto the cyte of Nicholl the kyng her besyged longe tyme and myght not spede so well the cyte was kept defended And tho that were within the cyte meruaylously scaped a way wythout ony maner of harme And tho toke the kyng the cyte and dwelled therin tyl Candelmasse And tho came the barons that helde wyth the Empresse That is for to saye the erle Radulphe of Chestre the erle Robert of Glocestre Hugh Bygot Robert of Morley and these brought wtth them a stronge power faught wyth the kyng and yaue hym a grete bataylle In the whiche bataylle kyng Stephen was taken sette in pryson in the castell of Brytowe ¶ How Maude the Empresse wente fro wynchestre to Oxenforde and after she escaped to walynforde and of the sorowe and dyscease that she had NOw as the kynge was takē brought in to warde in the castel of Bristow this Maude the Empresse was made lady of Englonde all men helde her for lady of the londe But those of Kent helde with kyng Stephens wyfe also wyllyam of Prece his retenewe halpe them helde warre ayenst Maude them presse And anone after the kynge of Scotlonde came to them wyth a huge nombre of peple And tho went theyr togyder to wynchestre there that the Empresse was wolde haue takē her But the Erle of Glocestre came wyth his power fought with them And the Empresse in the meane whyle that the batayll dured scaped from them wente vnto Oxenforde and there helde her And in that bataylle was the erle of Glocetre dyscomfyted taken wyth hym many other lordes And for hys delyueraunce was kyng Stephen delyuered out of pryson And whā he was delyuered out of pryson he wente thens vnto Oxenforde besyeged thempresse that was tho at Oxenforde And the seyge endured fro Myghelmasse vnto saynt Andrews tyde ¶ And the Empresse lette clothe her tho alle in whyte lynnen clothe 〈◊〉 by cause she wolde not be knowen Fo● 〈◊〉 same tyme there was moche sorow● and ●●e escaped by the Tamyse from them a waye that were her enmyes And from thens ●he w●nte to walyngforde there helde her And the kynge wolde haue beseyged ther but he had so moche to doo with the erle Radulphe of Ch● and with Hugh Bygot that strongely wa●d vpon hym in euery place ● that he wyste whether for to torne And the erle of Glocester ●alpe hym with his power ¶ How Gaufryde the erle of Angoy ●au● vnto Henry the Empresse sone all Normandy ANd after thys the kynge wente vnto wylton and wolde haue made a castel there But tho came to hym the erle of Glocestre wyth a stronge power there almooste he had taken the kynge but yet the kyng escaped with moche payne And wyllyam Mar●ell there was takē And for whoo 's delyuera●ce they yaue vnto the erle of Glocestre the good castell of Shyrborn that he had taken ¶ And whan this was done the erle Robert all the kynges enmyes went vnto Faryngdon and begā there for to make a stronge castell but the kynge came thyder with a stronge power and droue hym thens And in that same yere the erle Radulphe of Chestre was accorded with
the kyng and came to his courte at his cōmaundement And the erle demed sauely for to come And the kyng anon lete take hym put hym in to pryson And myght neuer for no thynge come out tyll that he had yelded vp to the kynge the castell of Nicholl the whiche he had taken from the kynge with his strengthe in the .xv. yere of his regne ¶ And Gaufride the erle of Angoy yaue vp vnto Henry his sone all Normandy And in the yere that nexte ensewed deyed the erle Gaufryde And Henry his sone tho anōe torned ayen to Angoy there was made erle wy●h moche honour of all hys men of the londe And to hym dyde feaute homage the moost party of the londe And tho was thys Henry the Empresse sone erle of Angoy also duke of Normandy ¶ In the same yere was made a dyuorce bytwnene the kynge of Fraunce and the quene hys wyfe that was ryght heyre of Gascoyne For bycause that it was knowen and proued that they were sybbe and nyghe of blood And tho spowsed her Henry the Empresse sone erle of Angoy and the duke of Normandy and duke of Gascoyne ¶ In the .xviii yere of thys Stephen thys Henry came in to Englonde with a stronge power began for to warre vpon this kyng Setphen toke the castell of Malmesbury dyde moche harme And the kynge Stephen had so moche warre that he wyst not whyther for to go But at the laste they were accorded thrugh the Archebysshop Theobaldus thrugh other worthy lordes of Englonde vpon this condycyon that they sholde departe the Realme of Englonde but wene theym two so that Henry the Empresse sone sholde hooly haue the half of all the londe of Englonde And thus they were accorded peas was cryed thrughout al Englonde And whan the accorde was made bytwene tho two lordes kynge Stephen became so sory for bycause that he had lost half Englonde felle in to suche a malady and deyed in the .xix. yere and .viii. wekes and .v. dayes of his regne all in warre and in contake And he ●yeth in the abbaye of Feuersham the whyche he lets make in the .xvi. yere of his regne CElestynus the seconde was pope after Innocencius .v. monethes And lytell he dyde ¶ Lucius was after hym lytell proffyted for they deyed both ī a pestylence ¶ Eugenius the seconde was pope after hym .v. yere foure monethes Thys man fryst was the dyscyple of saynt Bernarde after the abbot of saynt Anastasius by Rome And came to the chirche of saynt Cesary and was chosen pope by the Cardynalles he no thynge knowynge therof And for drede of the Senatours he was consecrated without thys cyte thys man was an holy man suffred trybulacyon And atte the last he decessyd and lyeth at saynt Peters And after anone decessyd Saynt Bernarde ¶ Petrus Lombardus the bysshop of Parys brother to Graciam compyled the foure bokes of the Sentence this tyme. ¶ Petrus Cōmestor brother to Graciā and to Pyerrs Lombardus made Hystoriam Scolasticam and other bokes ¶ Fredericus primus after Conradus was emperour in Almayne in Rome ·xxxiii yere This man after the deth of Adryan the pope the whyche crowned hym dyde cursydly wyth Alexander to hym grete preiudyce For he dyd helpe foure that stroue ayenst the appostles sete And he faught myghtely ayenste the kynge of Fraunce through power of the Danys other nacyons But Rycharde the kynge of Englonde halpe for to expoulse hym And he destroyed medyolanū to the grounde Of the whiche cytee the walles were hygher than the walles of yny other cytee This man at the laste after that he had done many vexacyons to the pope he was recounsyled for he dradde leste the Lombardes wolde haue rebelled ayenste hym he axed for yeuenes of the pope And toke the crosse vpon hym and wente vnto the holy londe and dyde many meruayllous thynges there almoost as moche as euer dyde Karolus magnus And there he came by a towne that men calle Armeniam and in a lytell water he was drowned and at Tyrum he was buryed ¶ Anastasius was pope after Eugenius foure yere and more This man was abbot of Rufy and thenne he was chose Cardynall and after pope ¶ Of kynge henry the seconde that was the Empresse sone in whose tyme saynt Thomas of Caunterbury was Chaunceller ANd after thys kynge Stephen regned Henry the Empresse sone and was crowned of the Archebysshoppe Theobaldus the .xvii. daye before Crystemas And in the same yere Thomas Beket of london Archebysshop of caunterbury was made the kynges Chaunceller of Englonde ¶ The seconde yere that he was crowned he lete caste downe all the newe castels that were longyngt to the Crowne the whiche kynge Stephen had yeue vnto dyuerse men them hade made erles barons for to holde with hym to helpe hym ayenst Henry thempresse sone ¶ And the fourth yere of his regne he put vnder his owne lordshyp the kyng of walis And in the same yere the kyng of Scotlond had in his owne honde that is to saye the cyte of Karleyll the castell of Bambrugh and the newe castell vpon Tyne and the erledom of Lancastre ¶ The same yere the kyng with a grete power wente in to walys lete caste downe woodes and made wayes made stronge the castell of Rutlonde Basyngwark And amonge the castels he made an howse of the Temple ¶ And in the same yere was Rycharde his sone borne that afterwarde was erle of Oxforde And the fourth yere of his regne he made Gaufryde erle of Brytayne And in that yere he chaunged his moneye And the .vi. yere of hys regne he ladde a grete hoste to Tolouse conquered it And the .vii. yere of his regne deyed Theobaldus the Archebisshop of Caunterbury and tho almoost al the cyte of Caūterbury through myschyef was brēte The .ix. yere of his regne Thomas beket that was his Chaūceller was chosen Archebysshop of Caunterbury· And vpon saynt Bernardes daye he was sacred And in that yere was borne the kyngꝭ doughter Eelenore ¶ And in the .x. yere of his regne saynt Edwarde the kyng was translated wyth moche honour ¶ And the .xi. yere of hys rgne he helde his parlamēte at Northampton and fro thens sledde saynt Thomas Archebysshop of Counterbury for the grete debate that was betwixt the kynge hym For yf he had be foūde on the morowe he had be slayne therfore he fledde thens wyth thre felowes on foot oonly that no man wyste where he was \ wente ouer the see to the pope of Rome And this was the pryncypall cause For asmoche as the kynge wolde haue put clerkes to deth that were ataynt of felonye without ony preuelegye of holy chyrche ¶ And the .xii. yere of his regne was Iohan his sone borne ¶ And the .xiii. yere of his regne deyed Maude the Empresse that was
moder ¶ The .xiiii. yere of his regne the duke of Saxon spowsed Maude his doughter And he begate vpon her thre sones that were called Henry Othus and. Wyllyam ¶ And in the xv yere of hys regne deyed the good Erle Robert of Glocestre that founded the abbaye of Nonne of Eton. And in the same yere Marke kynge of Ierusalem conquered Babylon ¶ And the .xvi. yere of his regne he lete crowne his sone Henry at westmestre· hym crowned Roger Archebysshop of yorke ī harmyng of Thōas archebysshop of Caūterbury wherfore this same Roger was accusyd of the pope ¶ How kynge Henry that was sone of kynge Henry the Empresse sone and of the debate that was bytwene hym and his fader whyle that he was in Normandye AFter the cornacyon of kynge Henry the sone of kyng Henry the Empresse lone That same Henry thempresse sone wente ouer to Normandy there he lete mary Elenore his doughter of the Dolphyn that was kynge of Almayne And in the .vii. yepe that the Archebysshop saynt ▪ Thomas had bē our lawed the kyng of Fraūce made the kyng saynt Thomas accorded And then̄e cam Thomas the Archebysshop to Chaunterbury ayē to his owne chyrche this accorde was made in the begynnyng of Aduente afterwarde he was slayne martred the fyfth daye of Crystmasse thenne folowynge For kynge Henry though● vpon saynt Thomas the Archebysshop vpon Crystmasse daye as he sate at hys mete these wordes sayd That yf he had ony good knyghtes wyth hym he had be many a day passe● auenged vpon the Archebysshop Thomas· ¶ And anone syr Wyllyam Bretō syr Hugh Moruile syr wyllyam Tracy syr Reygn●l●de Fitz vrse beers sone in Englysshe pryuely wente vnto the see came in to Englonde vnto the chyrche of Caūterbury there they hy● martred at saynt Benets awter in the mode● chyrche And that was in the yere of the Incarnacyon of Ihesu Cryst M.C.lxxii yere And anone after Henry the newe kyng began for to make warre vpon Henry his fader vpon his brothern wyllyam Othus ¶ And so vpon a daye the kyng of Fraunce al the kynges sones and the kynge of Scotlonde and all the gretest lordes of Englonde were rysen ayenst kyng Henry the fader And at the last as god wolde he conquered all his enmyes And the kynge of Fraunce he were accorded· ¶ And tho sente kyng Henry specyally vnto the kynge of Fraunce prayed hym hertely for his loue that he wolde sende to hym the names bi letters of them that where the begynners of the warre ayenst hym And the kyng of fraunce sent ayen to hym by letters the names of thē that began that warre ayenst hym The fyrste was Iohn̄ hys sone Rycharde his brother Hēry the newe kyng his sone Tho was Henry the king wōder wroth cursyd the tyme the euer he hym begate whyle the warre dured Hēry his sone the newe kyng deyed sore repētyng his mysdedes moost sorow made of ony mā for bycause of saint Thomas deth of Caūterbury and prayed hys fader wyth moche sorowe of herte mercy for his trespaas And his fader forgaaf hym and had of hym grete pyte And after he deyed the .xxxvi. yere of his regne lyeth at Redynge ¶ How the crysten men loste alle the holy londe in the forsayd kinges tyme by a fals Crysten man that became a sarrasyne ANd whyle thys kynge regned the grete bataylle was in the holy londe bytwene the crysten men and the sarrasyns but Crysten men were there slayne thrugh greate treason of the erle Tyrpe that wolde haue had to wyf the quene of Iherusalem that somtyme was Baldewynes wyfe but she forsoke hym and toke to her lorde a knyght a worthy man that was called syr Gnyperches wherfore the erle Tyrpe was wroth wente anone ryght to the Soudan that was Soudan of Babylon became his man and forsoke hys crystendome and alle crysten lawe And the cerysten men wyst not of his dedes but wende for to haue had grete helpe of hym as they were wonte to haue before ¶ And whan they came to the bataylle thys fals Cresten man torned vnto the Sarrasyns forsoke his owne nacyon And soo were the crysten men there slayne with the Sarrasyns ¶ And thus were the crysten men slayne put to horryble dethe and the cyte of Ierusalem destroyed and the holy crosse borne a waye ¶ The kynge of Fraunce all the grete lordes of the londe lete them be crossyd for to go in to the holy londe· And amonges them wente Rycharde kynge Henryes sone fyrst after the kynge of Fraunce that tooke the crosse of the. Archebysshop of Toures But he toke not the vyage at that tyme for cause that he was lette by other maner wayes nedes to be done ¶ And whan kynge Henry his fader had regned .xxxvi. yere and .v. monethes and four dayes he deyed and lyeth at Fonntenerad ¶ Anno dm̄ M. C·lvi ADrianus the fourth was pope after Anastasius ·v yere This pope was an Englysshe man the voys of the comyn people sayth he was a boūde man to the abbote of saynt Albon in Englonde And whan he desyred to be made a monke there he was expulsyd and he wente ouer see and gaue hym to studye and to vertue And after was made bysshop of Albanacens thenne he was made Legate in to the londe of wormacian and he conuerted it to the fayth Thenne he was made pope and for the woundynge of a Cardynall he enterdyted all the cytee of Rome And he cursyd wyllyam the kyng of Cecyle and caused hym to submytte hym This man the fyrst of all the popes with his Cardynalles dwelled in the olde cyte ¶ Alexander the thyrde was pope after hym .xii. yere This Alexander had stryfe ·xvii yere and the foure stryuers that the Emperour sette ayenst hym he ouercame them cursyd them and all deyed an euyll deth This man also accorded Frederyke the Emperour and ▪ Emanuell of Constantinoble the kynge of seculorū And this man nourysshed saynt Thomas of Caunterbury in his exyle ¶ Nota. ¶ Saynt Bernarde was canonysed by this Alexander and his abbot for bode hym he sholde do no myracles for there was so myghty concours of people And he obeyed to hym whan he was deed and dyde no moo ¶ Lutius the thyrde was pope after Alexander .iiii. yere and two monethes Of hym lytell is wryten In hys dayes decessyd Henry the fyrste sone to Henry the seconde this is his Epytaphy Omnis honoris honor decor et decus vrbis et orbis Milicie splendor gloria lumen aper Iulius ingenio virtutibus hector Achellis viribus Augustus moribus ore paris ¶ Vrbanus the thyrde was pope after Lucius two yere this man decessyd for sorowe whā he herde tell that Ierusalem was taken with the sarrasyns· ¶ Gregorius the viii was pope after hym foure monethes And he practysed
a man of grete perfeccyon an ensample to many a man dyde many a myracle this tyme. And he ordeyned the frere Minors ¶ And the .vi. yere of pope Innocencius the thyrde the ordre of the frere prechers beganne vnder Domynyke but it myght not be confermed tylle the fyrste yere Honorius ¶ Of kynge Iohn̄ that in the fyrste yere of gis regne loste all Normandye AS kyng Rycharde was deed by cause that he had none heyre nother sone ne doughter then̄e his brother Iohn̄ was made kynge and crowned at westmestre of Hubert that tho was Archebysshop of Caunterbury And whan he began for to regne he became so meruaylous a man and wente ouer in to Normandye and warred vpō the kynge of Fraunce And soo longe they warred togyder tyll at the laste kynge Iohan loste all Normandy Angoy wherfore he was sore anoyed it was no meruaylle ¶ Tho lete he assēble before hym at London Archebysshops bysshops abbots pryours Erles Barons helde there a grete parlyament axed there of the Clergye the tenthe of euery chyrche of Englonde for to conquere and gete ayen Normādy Angoy that had lost They wolde not graunt that thynge wherfore he was wonder wroth ¶ And in that same tyme deyed Hubert The pryour the couent of Caūterbury chose ayenst the kynges wyll to be Archebysshop Stephen of Langton a good clerke that dwelled at the courte of Rome sent to the pope theyr cleryon the pope confermed it and sacred him at Viterbi· ¶ Whan the kynge wyst these tydynges he was wonder wroth droue the pryour and the couente fro Counterbury and exyled out of Englonde commaūded that no letter that come fro Rome ne commaūdement sholde be receyued ne pleryd in Englonde Whan these tydynges came to the pope he sente kynge Iohan his letter prayed hym with good wyll and good hert that he wolde receyue Stephen the Archebysshop of Caunterbury to hys chyrche suffre the pryour and hys monkes to come ayen to theyr owne dwellynge But the kynge wolde not graunte it for no thynge ¶ How kynge Iohn̄ wolde noo thynge do for the popes commaundement wherfore all Englonde was enterdyted and suspended ANd at the last the pope sent by his auctoryte and enioyned to the bysshops of Englonde that yf the kyng wolde not receyue the pryour of Caunterbury his monkes that they shold do general enterditinge thrugh out all Englonde And graunted full power to foure bysshops to pronounce the enterdytynge yf he it warned· The fyrst was bysshoppe wyllyam of London that other bysshop Eustace of Ely the thyrde was bysshop Walter of wynchestre the fourth was bysshop Gyles of Hertforde ¶ And these foure bysshops prayed the kynge knelynge on theyr knees sore werynge that he wolde do the popes commaundement And shewed hym the popes Bulles of the entertydynge but for no prayer that they myght praye he wolde not consente therto And whan the bysshops sawe this they wente fro the kyng And in the morne after the Annunciacion of our lady they pronounced the generall enterdytynge thrughout all Englonde so that the chyrche doores were shytte with keys with other fastynges with walles And whan the enterdytynge was pronoūced thenne the kynge began for to wexe all out of mesure anone toke in to his honde al the possessiōs of the foure bysshops of all the clergye thrugh out of all Englond the lōde he toke and ordeyned men for to kepe it that the clerkꝭ myghte not haue theyr lyuynge wherfore the bysshops cursyd all them that put or shold medle with holy chyrche goodes ayenst the wyll of theym that ought theym ¶ And whan the kyng wolde not of hys malyce cesse for no maner thynge These foure bysshops afore sayd wente ouer the see and came to the bysshop of Caunterbury tolde hym all thynge And the Archebysshop to them sayd that they shold go ayen to Caunterbury and he sholde come thyder to theym or elles he wolde sende vnto theym certayne persones in hys stede that sholde do as moche as of he hymself were there And whan the bysshops herde thys they torned agayne in to Englonde and came vnto Caunterbury The tydynges came to the kynge that the bysshops were come againe to Caunterbury and hymself myght not come thyder that tyme he sente thyder bysshops Erles abbotes for to create with them that the kynge sholde receyue tharchebysshop Stephen the pryour and all the monkes of Caunterbury that he shold neuer after that tyme no thynge take of hooly chyrche ayenst the wyll of them that oweth the goodes And that the kynge sholde make full amendes to them of whom he had ony goodes taken And that hooly chyrche sholde haue alle fraunchyse as ferforth as they hadde in saynt Edwardꝭ tyme the holy Confessour ¶ How Stphen of Langton came ayen ▪ in to Englonde thrugh the popes cōmaūdement and how he wente ayen SO whan the fourme of accordemente thus was ordeyned It was in a payer of endentures theyr seales to that one par●e and they that came in the kynges name put theyr seales to that other parte of the endentures And four bysshops aboue sayd toke that one parte of the endentures to them And that other parte of the endentures \ they bare with theym to shewe to the kynge ¶ Whan the kynge sawe the fourme and vnderstode he helde hym full well apayed of all maner thynges as they had ordened sauynge as touchynge restytucyon of the goodes for to make ayen To that thynge wolde not accorde so he sente worde ayen to the foure bysshops that they sholde do out and put awaye that one poynt of resty●ucyon But they answered that they wolde not doo one worde out ¶ Tho sente the kynge to the Archebysshop by the four bysshops that he sholde come to Caunterbury for to speke wyth hym there and sente vnto hym saufcondyte vnder pledges that is to saye his Iustyces Gylbert Peyteum Wyllyam de la Brener ● and Iohan fitz Hugh that in theyr conduyte sauely he sholde come go ayen at his owne wyll And thus in this maner tharchebysshop Stephen came to Caunterbury whan the Archebysshop was come the kyng came to Chill●● For he wolde no nyghe Caynterbury at that tyme. But he sente by his Tresorer bysshop of wyncester that he sholde do out of the endentures the clause of restytucyon for to make of the goodes ¶ And tharchebysshop made hys othe that he wolde neuer doo out oo worde therof ne yet ●● chaunge of that the bysshops had spoken ordeyned And tho the Archebyssop yede ayen to Rome without ony more doyng ¶ Kynge Iohan was wrother thā euer he was before and lete make a comyn crye thrugh out all Englonde that all tho that had holy chyrche rentes and wente ouer the see that they sholde come ayen in to Englonde at a certayne daye or elles they shold lese
theyr rentes for euer more And that he commaunded to euery Shyref thrugh out all Englonde that they shold enquyre yf ony bysshop abbot or pryour or ony other Prelate of holy chyrche fro the daye afterwarde receyue ony commaundement that cometh fro the pope That they sholde take the body bryng it before hym and that they sholde take in to the kynges hondes all theyr londes of holy chyrche that were yeue to ony man by the Archebychop or by the pryour of Caūterbury from the tyme of eleccion of the Archebysshop And commaunded that alle the woodes that were the Archebysshops sholde be caste downe vnto the grounde and all solde ¶ How kynge Iohn̄ destroyed the ordre of Cesteaux ANd in the same yere the Irysshe men began to warre vpon kynge Iohn the kynge ordeyned hym for to go in to Irlonde lete arere an huge taxe thrughout al Englonde that is for to saye .xxx. thousande marke And thus he sent thrugh out all Englonde vnto mōkes of the ordre of Cisteaux that they shold helpe hym of ·vi thousande marke of syluer ¶ And they answered and sayd that they durst no thynge do without theyr chyef abbot yf Cisteaux wherfore kynge Iohan whan he came ayen from Irlonde dyde them so moche sorowe care that they wyst not wheder to a byde for he tooke so moche raunson of euery hous the somme amoūted to .ix. thousande .iiii. hondred marke so that they were clene lost destroyed voyded cheyr houses theyr londes thrughout all Englonde And the abbot of wauersaye draded so moche hys menace that he forsoke all the abbaye went thens pryuely ordeyned hym ouer the see to the hous of Cisteaux whan the tydynges came to the pope that the kynge hath done so moche malyce then he was to warde the kynge full wroth And sente to Legates vnto the kyng that one was called Pandulf the other Duraunt that they sholde warne the kynge in the popes name that he sholde cesse of his persecucion that he dyde vnto holy chirche amende the wronge the trespasse that he had done to the Archebysshop of Caunterbury to the pryour vnto the monkes of Caunterbury to all the clergye of Englonde And that he sholde rest ore al the goodes ayen that he had taken of them ayenst theyr wyll elles they sholde curse hym by name And to do this thynge and to conferme the pope toke them his letters in bulles patentes ¶ These two Legates came in to englonde came to the kynge to Northamton there that he helde his parlyamente full curteysly they hym salewed sayd Syr we come fro the pope of Rome the peas of the holy chyrche the londe to amende And we admonest you fyrst in the popes half that ye make full restytucyon of the goodes that ye haue rauysshed taken of holy chyrche of the londe And that y● receyue Stephen Archebysshop of Caunterbury in to his dygnytee the pryour of Caunterbury his mōkes And that ye yelde ayen vnto the Archebysshop alle his londes rentes without ony withholdynge ¶ And syr yet more ouer that ye shall make restytucyon vnto all holy chyrche wherof they shall holde them wel apayed Tho answered the kynge as touchynge the pryour his monkes of Caunterbury All that ye haue sayde I wyll do gladly and all thynge that ye wyll ordeyne But as touchynge the Archebysshop I shall tell you in my herte as it lyeth That the Archebysshop leue his archebysshoppryche that the pope then̄e for hym wolde praye then̄e vpon auenture me sholde lyke some other bysshopryche to yeue hym in Englond And vppon this condicyon I wyl hym accepte receyue And neuertheles as Archebysshop in Englonde yf he abyde he shall neuer haue so goodꝭ saufconduyte but that he shall be take ¶ Tho sayde Pandulf vnto the kynge Syre holy chyrche was wonte neuer to dyscharge an Archebysshop wythout cause resonable But euer it hath be wonte to chastyse prynces that to god holy chyrche were In obedyence ¶ What how now sayde the kyng menace ye me Naye sayde Pandulf But ye now openly haue tolde as it standeth in your herte And to you we wyll tell what is the popes wyll And thus it standeth that he hathe you hooly enterdyted accursyd for the wronges that ye haue done to holy chyrche to the clergye And for as moche as ye dwelle beth in wyll to abyde in malyce in wretchednesse wyll not come out therof ne to amēde ye shall vnderstande that this tyme after warde the sentence is vpon you yeuen and holdeth stede and strength and vpon all tho that with you hath comuned before this tyme whether they ben erles barons or knyghtꝭ or ony other what so euer that they be we them assoylle saufly vnto this day· fro this tyme after warde of what condycyon someuer that they ben we them accurse that with you comyne ony worde do wene sētence vpon them openly and specially And we assoyle clene erles barrns knyghtes and all other mē of theyr homages seruyces and feautres that they sholde vnto you do And this tydynge to conferme we yeue playne power to the bysshop of wynchestre and the bysshop of Norwhiche And the same power we yeue in to Scotlōde to the bisshop of Rochestre and of Salysbury And in walys we yeue the same power to the bysshop of saynt Dauyd and of Landaf of saynt Asse And more ouer we sente thrugh out all Crystendom that all the bysshops beyonde the see that they do accurse all tho that helpe you or ony counseyl yeueth you in ony maner nede that ye haue to doo in ony parte of the worlde And we assoyle them also all by auctoryte of the pope commaūde them also with you for to fyght as with hym that is enmye to all holy chyrche ¶ Tho answered the kynge what may ye do more to me ¶ Tho answered Pandulf we saye to you in the worde of god that ye ne no heyr that ye haue neuer after this daye may be crowned Tho sayd the kyne By hym that is almyghty god I had wyst this are that ye came in to my londe that ye had brought me suche tydynges I shold haue made you redy all one yere ¶ Tho answered Pandulf Full well wende we at our fyrst comynge that ye wolde haue be obedyent to god holy chyrche haue fulfylled the popes commaūdement now we haue shewed vnto you pronounced the popes wyll as we were charged therwith And as now ye haue sayde that yf ye had wyst the cause of our comynge that ye wolde haue do vs to ryde all an hole yere And as well ye myght haue sayd that ye wolde haue taken an hoole yere of respyte by the popes leue ¶ But for to suffre what deth ye coude ordeyne we shall not spare for to
tell you hooly all the popes message and his wyll that we were charged with ¶ How Pandulf delyuered a clerke that had falsyd counterfetyd the kyngꝭ moneye before the kynge hymself ANd anone tho commaunded the kynge the Syrefs Baylyfs of Northampton that were in the kynges presence that they sholde brynge forth all the prysoners that they myght be done to deth before Pandulf for by cause the kynge wened that they wolde haue gaynsayd theyr dedes for cause of the deth all thynge that they hadde spoken afore ¶ Whan the prysoners were come before the kynge the kynge commaunded some to be hanged and some to be drawen and some to drawe out theyr eyen out of theyr heed And amonge alle other there was a clerke that had falsyd the kynges moneye And the kynge cōmaunded that he shoyde be hanged and drawed· And whan Pandulf herde this commaundemente of the kynge he sterte hym vp ryght quyckly anone axed a boke and a candell and wolde haue cursyd the kynge all theym that wolde sette vpon the clerke ony honde And Pandulf hym self wente for to seke a crosse And the kynge folowed hym delyuered hym the clerke by the hōde that he sholde doo with hym what he wolde And thus was the clerke delyuered went thens ¶ And Pandulf and Duraunt his felowe went fro the kyng came agayne to the pope of Rome And tolde hym that kynge Iohan wolde not amended be But euer abode so acrcusyd ¶ And neuertheles the pope graūted that yere thorughout alle Englonde that preestes myght synge masse in couenable chyrches and consecrate our lordes body ● gyue it to syke men whiche were lykely to passe out of this worlde And also that men myght crysten chyldern ouer all the londe ¶ And whan the pope wyst and sawe that the kynge wolde not be vnder the rule of hooly chyrche for noo maner thynge The pope then̄e sent to the kynge of Fraūce in remysseon of his synnes that he sholde take with hym alle the power that he myght go in to Englond for to destroye the kynge Iohan ¶ Whan these tydyges came to kynge Iohan thenne was he sore anoyed sore dradde lest he sholde lese his reame hym self be done to the deth ¶ Thenne sente he to the pope messengers sayd He wolde be Iustifyed come to amendemente in all thynges and wolde make satysfaccyon to all maner of men after the popes ordynaunce ¶ Then̄e sente the pope ayen in to Englonde Pandulf and other messenger and came to Caunterbury to the kynge there abode· And the .viii. daye of May the kynge made anothe● for to stande to the popes ordynaunce before Pandulf the Legate in all maner of thynges in whyche he was accursyd And that he sholde make full restytucyon to all mē of holy chyrche of relygyon and of the goodes that he had taken of them ayenst theyr wyll And all the grete lordes of Englonde swore vpon the boke and by theyr holydom that yf the kynge wolde not holde his othe they sayd the they wolde by strength make hym holde it ¶ Thenne put the kymge hym to the courte of Rome and thenne gaaf he vp the reame of Englonde and of Irlonde for hym and for his heyers for euer more that sholde come after hym soo that kynge Iohan and his heyers sholde take the two reames of the popes hondes And sholde euery yere paye ferme vnto the courte of Rome a thousande marke of syluer And tho toke the kyng the crowne of hys heed sete it vpon his knees And these wordes sayd he in herynge of all the grete lordes of Englonde Here Iresygne vp the crowne the reame of Englonde in to the pope Innocencius hondes the thyrde put me hooly in his mercy and in his ordynaunce ¶ Tho receyued Pandulf the crowne of kynge Iohn̄ and kept it ●yue dayes as fore seasynge takynge of two realmes of Englonde of Irlonde And cōfermed all maner thyngꝭ by his Chartre that foloweth afer ¶ Of the letetr oblygatorye the kynge Iohn̄ made to the courte of Rome wherfore the Peters pens ben gadred thrughout al Englonde TO all crysten people throghout all the worlde dwellynge Iohan by the grace of god kynge of Englonde gretynge to your vnyuersyte And be it knowen that for as moche as we haue greued and offended god and our moder holy chyrche of Rome And for asmoche as we haue nede vnto the mercy of our lorde Ihesu cryst And also we may no thynge so worthy of●re as competent satysfaccyon to make to god and to holy chirch but yf that yt were owr owne body as wyth our reames of Englonde and of Irlonde Then̄e by the grace of god we desyre to meke vs for the loue of hym that meked hym to the dethe of the crosse Thorugh coūseyll of these noble erles and barons we offre all freely graunt to god and to the appostle saynt Peter and saynt poule and to our moder chirche of Rome and to our holy fader pope Innocencius the thyrde and to all the pooes that cometh after hym all the reame and patronages of chirches of Englonde and of Irlonde with theyr appertenaunces for remyssyon of oure synnes and for helpe helthe of our kynne soules and of all crysten soul is So that from this daye after warde we wyll receyue holde of our moder chyrche of Rome as fee ferme doynge feaute to our holy fader pope Innocencius the thyrde and so to all the popes that cometh after hym in the same manere aboue sayd And in presence of the wyse man Pandulf the popes Subdeaken we make lyeges homage as it were in the popes presence and before gym were And shall do all manere thyngꝭ aboue sayd And therto we bynde vs and all that cometh after vs our heyres for euer more without ony agayn sayenge to the pope and eke the warde of chyrche vacauntz And in token for this thyng for euer to laste we wyll conferme and ordeyne that our specyall rentes of the forsayd r●ame sauynge saynt Peters pens in al thynge to the moder chyrche of Rome payēge bi yere a thousande marke of syluer and two termes of the yere for all manere customes that we sholde doo for the forsayd reames that is to say to Myghelmas and atte Eester That is to saye .vii. hondred marke for Englonde thre hondred marke for Irlond Sauynge to vs and to our heyres our Iustyces and other fraunchyse other ryaltees that perteyne vnto the crowne And these thynges before ben sayd we wyll that it be ferme stable without ende And to that oblygacyon we our successours oure heyres in this manere be bounde that yf we or ony of oyr heyres thorugh ony presumpcyon falle in ony poynt ayenst ony of these thynges aboue sayde and he be warned and wyll not ryght amende he shall thenne lese the forsayd reame for euermore And that is
chartre of oblygacyon and our warraunt for euer more be ferme and stable without ony gaynsayenge we shall fronte this daye afterwarde be true vnto god and to the moder of holy chyrche of Rome \ and to the pope Innocencius the thyrde and to all that cometh after hym· And the realme of Englonde and of Irlonde we shall maynten truely in alle manere poyntes ayenst alle manere men by our power thrugh goodes helpe ¶ How the clerkes that were outlawed came agayne how kyng Iohan was assoylled SO whan thys chartre was made and ensealed the kynge receyued agayne his crowne of Pandulfus honde And sete anone vnto the Archebysshop Stephen and to all his other clerkes and lewede men that he had exyled out of thys londe that they sholde come ayen in to Englonde and haue agayne theyr londes and allo theyr rentes And that he wolde make restytucyon of the goodes that he had taken of theyrs ayenst theyr wyll ¶ The kynge hymself tho and Pandulf and erles and barons went unto wynchestre ayenst the Archebysshop Stephen ¶ And whan he was come the kynge wente ayenst hym and fell adowne to his feet and thus to hym sayde Fayre syre ye be welcome And I crye you mercy by cause that I haue trespassed ayenst you ¶ The Archebysshop toke hym vp tho in hys armes and kyssyd hym curteysly oftentymes and after ledde hym to the doore of saynt Swythunes chyrche by the honde and assoylled hym of the sentence and hym reconsyled to god to holy thyrche And that was on saynt Margaretes daye And the Archepysshop anone wente for to synge masse And the kyng offred at the masse a marke of golde ¶ And whan the masse was done all they wente for to receyue theyr londes without ony manere gaynsayenge ¶ And that daye they made all myrth Ioye ynough But yet was not the enterdytynge releaced by cause the pope had sette that the enterdytynge sholde not be done tyll the kynge had made full restytucyon of the goodes that he had taken of the holy chyrche And that hym self sholde do homage to the pope by a certayn Legate that he sholde sende in to Englonde ¶ And thenne tooke Pandulf his leue of the kynge and the Archebysshop and went agayne vnto Rome ¶ And the Archebysshop anone lete come before hym prelates of holy chyrche at Redynge for to treate counseyll how moche and what they sholde axe of the kyng for to make restytucyon of the goodes that he had taken of theym And they ordeyned sayd that the kyng sholde yeue to the Archebysshop thre thousande marke for the wronge that the kynge had done vnto hym And also by procyons to other clerkes .xv. thousande marke ¶ And the same tyme Nycolaus bysshop of Tuscam Cardynall Penytenciarius of Rome came in to Englonde thrugh the popes conmaundement the fyfth kalendas of Octobre and came to London the fyfth Nonas of Octobre for by cause that kynge Iohan and alle the kynges that came after hym sholde euer more holde the reame of Englonde and of Irlonde of god and of the pope payenge to the pope by yere as it is aboue sayd ¶ How the enterdytynge was vndone in Englōde and of the debate that was bytwene kynge Iohan and the barons of the reame AS kynge Iohan had done his homage to the Legate that shewed hym the popes letter that he sholde paye to Iulyan yelne ayen that was kynge Rychardes wyfe the thyrde parte of the londe of Englonde and of Irlonde that he had withholde syth that kyng Rycharde deyed ¶ Whan kynge Iohn̄ herde this he was wonder wroth For vtterly that enterdytynge myght not be vndone tyll that he had made gre● and restytycyon to the forsayd Iulyan of that she asked The Legate went thenne agayne to the pope after Crystmasse And the kynge sente ouer see to Iulyan that was kynge Rychardes wyf for to haue a relate of that she axed of hym ¶ And so it befell that Iulyan deyed anone after Eester And in so moche the kynge was quyte of that thynge that the axed ¶ But thenne at the feest of saynt Iohan that came nexte after thorugh the popes commaundemente the enterdytynge was fyrst releasyd thrughout alle Englonde 〈…〉 daye of Iulii And .vii. yere was the londe ●terdyted And on the mornynge m●n rough sayd masse thorugh out all London and so ●●ter thorugh out all Englonde· ¶ And the ne●● yere after there began a grete debate bytwene kynge Iohan and the lordes of Englonde ●or by cause that he wolde not graunte the law●● and holde the whiche saynt Edwarde had ordeyn●d and had ben vsed holden vnto that tyme that he had them broken For he wolde holde noo lawe but dyde all thynge that hym lyked and dysheryted many men without consente of lordes and perys of the londe And wo● dysheryte the good erle Radulf of Chestre for by cause that he vndertoke hym of hys wyckednesse for by cause that he dyde so moche shame and vylany to god and to holy chyrche ▪ And also for he helde and haunted hys owne brothers wyfe and laye also by many wymmen greate lordes doughters For he spared no woman that hym lyked for to haue wherfore all the lordes of the londe were wrothe toke the cyte of London To cesse this debate the Archebysshop and lordes of the londe assenbled before the feest of saynt Iohn̄ Bap●yst in a medowe besyde the towne of Stanys that is called Romney mede And the kynge made them there a chartre of fraunchyse suche as they wolde axe and in suche manere they we●e accorded and that accordement lasted not full longe For the kynge hymself soone after dyed ayenst the poyntes of the same chartre that he had made wherfore the moost parte of the lordes of the londe assembled and began to warre vppon hym ayen and brenned his townes robbed his folke and dyde all the sorowe that they myght made them as stronge as they myght with all the power they hadde and thought to dryue hym oute of Englonde and make Lowys the kyngꝭ sone of Fraunce kynge of Englonde ¶ And kyng Iohn̄ sente tho ouer see and ordeyned so moche people of Normans of Pycardes of Flemynges soo that the londe myghte not susteyne them but with moche sorowe ¶ And amonge alle this people ● there was a man of Normandye that was called Fawkis of Brent and thys Normā and his company spared nother chirches ne houses of relygyon but they brente ●obbed it and bare a way a●l that they myght take so that the londe was all destroyed what one syde and other ¶ The barons lordes of Englonge ordeyned amonge theym the beste spekers and wysest men and sente them ouer the see to kynge Phylyp of Fraūce and prayed hym that he wolde sende Lowys hys sone in to Englonde to be kynge of Englonde and to receyue the crowne ¶ How Lowys the knges sone of Fraunce came
in to Englonde with a stronge power of people ● to be kynge of Englonde· ANone as kynge Phylyp of Fraunce herde these tydynges he made certayne alyaunce bytwene theym by theyr comune eleccyon that Lowys kynge Phylyps sone of Fraunce sholde go with theym in to Englonde and dryue out kynge Iohan of the londe And all that were in presence of Lowes made vnto hym homage became his men ¶ And the Barons of Englonde helde them styll att London and abode Lowys the kynges sone of Fraunce And thys was the nexte Saterdaye before the Ascensyon of our lorde that Lowys came into Englonde wyth a stronge power And that tyme kynge Iohn̄ had taken alle the castels of Englonde in to Alyens hondes ¶ And tho came Lowwys and besyeged Rochestre castell and tooke yt wyth strength And the thursdaye in wytson weke lete hange all the Alyens that were therin And the Thursdaye nexte se wynge he came to London and there he was receyued with moche honur of the lordes that abode hym there all to hym made homage ¶ And after warde on the Tewysdaye nexte after the. Trynyte sondaye he toke the castel of Reigate And on the morowe after the castell of Gilforde and the Frydaye nexte after the castell of Farneham And the Mondaye nexte after the cyte of wynchestre to hym was yolde and the morowe after Saynt Iohans daye the maner of wu●ueseye to hym yelden ▪ And the Tewysdaye after the Vtas of saynt Peter and Poule they toke the castell of Odyham And the mondaye after saynt Margaretes day he ordeyned hym to warde Bawmore for to syege the castell and there he dwelled .xv. dayes and myghte not gete the castell and thenne wente he thens and came to London and the Toure to hym was yolden How the pope sēte in to Englonde a legate that was called Swalo of the deth of kynge Iohan. ANd in the same tyme the pope sente in to Englond a Legate that was called Swalo and he was preest Cardynall of Rome for to mayntene kynge Iohans cause ayenst the barons of Englond But the barons had so huge parte helpe thorugh lowys the kynges sone of Fraūce that kyng Iohn̄ wyst not to ●orne ne go And so it befell that he wolde haue gone to Nycholl· And as he went thyder warde he came by the abbaye of Swynes hede there he abode two dayes And as he sate at mete he axed a monke of the hous how moche that a loof was wroth that was sette before hym vpō the table And the monke sayd ●hat the loof was wroth but an half peny O sayd the kynge tho Here is greate chepe of brede Now sayde he tho and I may leue ony whyle suche a loof shall be wrothe .xx. shelynges or half a yere be gone And so whan he sayd this worde moche he thought often he syghed toke and ete of the brede and sayd by god the worde that I haue spoken it shall be sothe· ¶ The mōke that stode before the kyng was for this worde full sory in hys herte thought rather he wolde hym self suffre deth thought yf he myght ordeyne therfore some maner remedy And anone the monke wente vnto hys abbot and was shryuen of hym and tolde the abbot all that the kynge had sayd And prayed hys abbot for to assoyle hym for he wolde yeue the kynge suche a drynke that all Englond sholde be glad therof and Ioyfull Tho yede the monke in to a gardeine and foūde a grete tode therin and toke her vp and put her in a cuppe prycked the tode thorugh with a broche many tymes tyll that the venym came out of euery syde in the cuppe And tho tooke the cuppe fyllyed it with good ale and brought it before the kyng knelynge sayenge Syr sayd he wassayll for euer the dayes of all your lyf dronke ye of so good a cuppe ¶ Begyne monke sayd the kynge ¶ And the monke dranke a greate draught and toke the kynge the cuppe and the kynge dranke also a greate draught and sette downe the cuppe The monke anon ryght wente in to farmere there deyed anone on whoo 's soule god haue mercy Amen And fyue monkes synge for his soule specyally shall whyle that the abbaye standeth The kynge rose vp anone full euyll at ease and commaūded to remeue the table and axed after the monke And men tolde hym that he was deed for his wombe was broken in sondre ¶ Whan the kyng herde this he cōmaunded for to trusse but it was for nought for is bely began to swelle for the drynke that he had drōke within two dayes he deyed on the morowe after saynt Lukys daye had many fayr chyldern of his body begaten that is to say Hēry his sone that was kyng after Iohan his fader Rycharde that was Erle of Cornewaylle and ysabell that was Empresse of Rome Elenore that was quene of Scotlonde And this kyng Iohan whan he had regned .xiiii. yere fyue monethes fyue dayes he deyed in the castell of ne werke And his body was buryed at wynchestre ¶ Anno dm̄ M.CC. FRedericus the seconde was Emperour xxx yere This man was crowned of Honorius the pope ayenst Otto for by cause that he sholde fyght wyth hym the whyche he dyde and expulsyd hym And fyrste he nourysshed the chyrche and afterwarde he dyspoyled it as a stepmoder· wherfore Honorius cursyd hym and all tho that were contrary to hys opynyon the pope assoyled And the same sentence Gregorius the .ix. renewed And this same man put Henry hys owne sone in to pryson and there murdred hym wherfore whan thys Emprerour an other season was lyke by an other sone of his owne he was murdred in the tyme of Innocentius the fourth ¶ Honorius the thyrde was pope after Innocenciꝰ .x. yere confermed the ordre of frere Prechers Mynors· And made certayne Decretalles ¶ Of kynge Henry the thyrde that was crowned at Gloucetree ANd after this kynge Iohan regned his sone Henry was crowned at Gloucette whan he was .ix. yere olde on saynt Symondes daye Iyde of Swalo the Legate of Rome thrugh counseyll of all the grete lordes that helde with kynge Iohan hys fader that is to saye the erle Radulf of Chestre wyllyam erle Marshall erle of Penbroke Wyllyam the Brener erle of Feries Serle the manly baron And all other grete lordes of Englonde helde with Lowys the kynges sone of Fraūce And anone after whan kynge Henry was crowned Swalo the Legate helde his counseyll at Brystowe at saynt Martyns feest And there were xi byssops of Englonde of walys and of other prelates of holy chyrche a grete nombre and erles barons many knyghtes of Englonde And all tho that were at that counseyll swore feawte vnto Henry the kyng that was kynge Iohn̄s sone ¶ And anone after the Legate enterdyted walys for cause that they helde with the barons of Englonde Also all
kyng of Cecyle fro his kyngdome And after he had done many bataylles ayenst men of mysbyleue many trybulacōns suffred he decessyd dyd many miracles ¶ Nycholaꝰ delira a noble douctour of dyuyte was thys tyme at Parys this man was a Iewe of nacyon he was cōuerted myghtely profyted in the ordre of frere Mynours he wrote ouer all the Byble Grelles he was in the yere of our lord M·CCC xxx some man say he was a Braban that his fader his moder were crystne but for pouerte he vysyted the scole of the Iewes so he lerned the Iewes langage or elles thys Nycholaꝰ was informed of the Iewes in hys yonge aege ¶ Honorius the fourth was pope after Martynꝰ two yere lytell of hym ys wryten but that he was a temperat man a dyscerte ¶ Nicholaus the fourth was pope after hym foure yere this man was a frere Mynor although he was a good man in himself yet many vnhappy thynges fell in his tyme to the chirche For many a batayll was in the cyte thrugh his occasyon for he drewe to moche to the one parte And after hym thre was no pope two yere and .vi. monethes ¶ How kynge Edwarde that was kynge Henryes sone ANd after this kyng Henry regned Edwarde hys sone the worthyes knyght of the worlde in honour for goddes grace was in hym for he had the vyctorye of hys enmyes as soone as hys fader was deed he came to London with a noble company of prelates erles and barons and all mē dyd hym moche honour For in euery place the syr Edwarde rode in London the stretes were couered ouer hys heed with sylke of tapiscery and other riche couerynges And for Ioye of his comynge the burgeys of the Cyte caste out at theyr wyndowes golde and syluer hondes full in tokenynge of loue and worshyp seruyce and reuerence And out of condyte of Chepe ranne whyte wyne and reed as stremes both of the water and euery man dranke therof the wolde at theyr owne wyll this kyng Edwarde was crowned and enoynted as ryght heyer of Englonde with moche honour And after masse the kynge wente in to his place to holde a ryall feest amōge them that dyde hym honour And whan he was sette to meete The kynge Alexander of Scotlonde came to do hym honour and reuerence with a q●eyntesye an hondred knyghtes with hym well horsyd arayde And whan they were alyght of theyr stedes they lete theym go whether they wolde who that myght take them tooke at theyr owne wyll wythout ony chalenge·r And after came syre Edmonde kynge Edwardes brother a curteys knyght a gentyll of renowne the erle of Corne wayllle and the erle of Glocestre And after thenne came the erle of Penbroke the erle of Garenne And eche of them by themself ladde in theyr honde an hondred knyghtes gayly dysgysed in theyr armes And whan they were alyghted of theyr horses they lete them go whether that they welde who that myght them catche them to haue styll without ony chalenge And whan all this was done kyng Edwarde dyde his dylygence his myghte for to amende and dresse the wronges in the beste manere that he myght to the honour of god holy chyrche to mayntene his honoure and to amende the noyannce of the comyn people ¶ How ydeyne that was Lewelyns doughter of walys prynce Aymer that was the erles brother of Moūforde were taken in the see THe fyrste afterwarde the kynge Edwarde was crowned Lewelyn prynce of wales sent in to Faraunce to the erle Moūforde that thorough coūseyl of his frendes the erle sholde wedde his doughter And the erle tho auysed hym vpō this thynge and sent vnto Lewelyn and sayd that he wolde sende after hys doughter so he sent Aymer his broder after the damoysell Lewelyn arayed shyphes for his doughter and for Syre Aymer and for her faare company that sholde goo with her And this Lewelyn dyd grete wronge for it was couenaūted that he sholde yeue hys doughter to no manere man without counsell consente of kyng Edwarde And so it befell that a Burgeys of Brystow came in the see with wyne laden and mette them toke them with myght and power And anone the Burgeys sent theym to the kyng And whan Lewely herde this tydynges he was very wroth and also sorowfull· and gan to warre vpon kynge Edwarde and dyde moche harme vnto Englysshmen and bete downe the kynges castels and began for to destroye kynge Edwardes londe And whā tydynges cam vnto the kyng of this thyng he wente in to walys and so moche he dyde thorough goddes grace and his grete power that he drofe Lewelyn vnto grete myschyef that he fledde all maner of strength came yelded hym vnto kyng Edwarde yaue hym .l. marke of syluer to haue peas And toke the damoysell all his herytage made an oblygacōn to kynge Edwarde to come to his parlyamente two tymes of the yere And in the seconde yere after that kynge Edwarde was crowned he helde a generall parleamente att westmestre there he made the statutes for defaute of lawe by the comune assent of all his baronage and at Ester nexte sewenge the kynge sente by his letter vnto Lewelyn prynce of wales that he sholde come to his parlemēt for his londe and for hys holdynge in wales as the strenthe of his letter oblygatory wytnessyd Tho Lewelyn had scorne and dyspyte of the kynges commaundement And for pure wrache ayen began warre vpon kyng Edwarde and destroyed his londe And tho whan kynge Edwarde herd of these tydynges he wexed wonder wrothe vnto Lewelyn in hast assembled his people went hym to warde wales And warred so vpon Lewelyn the prynce tyll that he broughte hym in moche sorowe dysease And Lewelyn sawe that is defence myghte hym not auaylle and came ayen and yelded hym to the kynges grace cryed hym mercye and longe tyme kneled before the kynges fote The kynge had of hym pyte cōmaunded hym for to aryse And for his mekenes foryaue hym hys wrathe and to hym sayd that yf he trespassed to hym a nother tyme that he wolde dystroye hym for euermore ¶ Dauid that was Lewelyns brother that same tyme dwelled with kynge Edwarde and was a felle man and a subtyll and enuyous and also ferre castynge and moche treason thoughte· and euermore made good semblame and semyd soo true that noo man myght perceyue his falsnes ¶ How Lewelyn thrugh eggynge of his brother Dauyd werryd agayn vpō kȳg Edward IT was not longe after that tyme the kynge Edwarde yaaf to Dauyd Lewelyns broder the lordshyppe of Frodesham made hym a knyght and so moche honour dyde he neuer after to mā of walys by cause of hym kynge Edwarde helde his parlemente at London whan he hadde do in walys that he wolde and chaunged his moneye that was
full yll kytte wherfore the people playned sore So that the kynge enquered of the trespassours And thre houndred were atteynted of suche maner falsnes wherfore some where hanged and somme drawen and after hangyd ¶ And afterwarde the kynge ordeyned that the sterlynge halfpeny sholde go thorugh out all hys londe And commaūded that no man fro that daye afterwarde yaue ne feoffed hous of religyō with londe tenemente without specyall leue of the kynge And he that dyde sholde be punysshed att the kynges wyll the yeft shall be for nought And it was not longe after the Lewelyn prynce of walys thrugh the tycemente of Dauyd hys brother bothe theyr consente they thought to dysheryte kynge Edwarde in asmoche as they myght so that thorugh them both the kynges peas was broken And whan kynge Edwarde herde of this anon he sent his barons in to Northumberlonde the Surreys also that they sholde go take theyr vyage vpon the traytours Lewelyn Dauyd And wonder herde it was for to warre tho For it is wynter ī walys whan in other coūtres is Somer And Lewelyn lete ordeyne well arayed vytayll hys good castell of Swandon and was ther in an huge nombre of people plente of vytaylles so that kynge Edwarde wyst not wher for to entre And whan the kynges men it perceyuer and also the strenth of walys they lete come in the see bargees botes and grete plankys as many as they myght ordeyne haue for to go to the sayd castell of Swandon wyth men on foot also on hors But the walsshmen had so moche people were so stronge that they draue the Englysshmen ayen so that ther was so moche presse of people at the tornynge ayen that the charge the burden of men made the bargees the botes to synke there was drowned many a good kynght that is to say syr Robert Clyfford syr wyllyam of Lyndeseye that was· syre Iohn̄s sone Fitz Robert syr Rychard Tanny and ā huge nombre of other all was thrugh there owne foly For yf they had had good espyes they had not be harmyd whan kynge Edwarde herde tell that hys people were so drowned ▪ He made sorowe ynough but tho came syr Iohan of Vessy frome the kynge ▪ Aragon And brought wyth hym moche people of bachelers and of Gascoynes and were souldyurs And dwelled with the sayde Iohn of Vessy receyued of hym wages and with hym were witholde and noble men they were for to fyght and brente many townes slewe moche people of walsshmen All that they myght take And all tho wyth strenth myght made assawte vnto the castell of Swandon and gate the castell And whan Dauyd the prence brother herde of this tydynges he ordeyned hym to flyght and Lewelyn the prynce sawe that his broder was fledde then he was sore abasshed for he had no power to his warre for to mayntene And soo Lewelyn gan for to flee and wynde well for to haue scapedde But in a morowe syre Roger mortymer mette wyth hym oonly wyth .x. knyghtes And sette hym rounde aboute And to hym went smote of hys heed presented the same heed vnto kynge Edwarde And in thys manere Lewelyn the prynce of walys was taken and hys heed smyten of and also alle hys heyres dysheryted for euermore thrugh ryght full dome of all the lordes of the reame ¶ How Dauyd that was Lewelyns broder prynce of walys was put to dethe DAuid that was the prynces broder of walys thrugh pryde wende to haue be prynce of walys after his brothers dethe and vpon this he sent after walsshemen to hys parleament at Dynbygh and folysshely made walys to aryse ayenst the kynge and began to meue warre ayenst kynge Edwarde and dyde all the sorowe and dysease that he myghte by hys power whan kynge Edwarde herde of thys thynge he ordeyned men to pursewe vppon hym And Dauyd fyersly hym defended tyll the he came to the towned of saynt Morice and there was Dauyd take as he fledde and ladde to the kynge And the kynge cōmaunded that he sholde be hangyd drawen smyte of hys heed quarter hym sende his hede to London and the foure quarters sende to the foure chyef townes of walys For they sholde take ensample therof and beware And afterwarde kynge Edwarde lete crye his peas thrugh out all walles seased all the londe in to his honde all the grete lordes that were left alyue came to do feaute homage to the kynge Edwarde as to theyr kynde lorde And tho lete kyng Edwarde amende the lawes of walys that were defectyue And he sent to all the lordes of walys by letter patentes that they sholde come all to parlament And whan they were come thou kyng sayd to them full curteysly lordynges ye be welcome me behoueth your counseyll your helpe for to go vnto Gascoyne for to amende the trespasse that to me was done whan I was there And for to entreate of peas bytwene the kynge of Aragon the prynce of Morrey all the kynges lyege men erles barons cōsented graūted therto And tho made hym kynge Edwarde redy went in to Gascoyne lete amende all the trespasses that hym was done in Gascoyne And of the debate that bytwene the kynge of Aragon the prynce of Morrey he sessyd and made theym accorded And whyle good kyng Edwarde and Elynore his wyf were in Gascoyne The good erle of Cornewayll was made wardeyn of Englonde tyll that kynge Edwarde came ayen And tho enquered he of hys traytours that coniected falsenesse agaynst hym And eche of them all receyued ther dome after that they had deserue But in the meane tyme that the good kynge Edwarde was beyonde the see to doo them for to make amendes that ayenst hym had trespassyd ther was a false the yf a traytoure that was called Rysap Merydok began for to make werre ayenst kyng Edwarde and that was for cause of syr payne Typtot wrongfully greued dysceased the forsayde Rysap meradok And whan kyng Edwarde herde all this matere it well vnderstode anone he sente by hys letter pryue seale to the forsayd Rebellyō Rysap Merydok that he sholde begynne in no maner wyse for to make reyse werre but that he sholde be in peas for his loue whan he came ayen in to Englonde he wolde vnder take the quarell amende al that was mysdon This forsayd Rysap Merydok dyspysed the kynges commaundement and spared not to doo all the sorowe that he myght to the kynges men of Englond But anon after he was take and ladde to yorke and there he was drawen and hangyd for his felonye ¶ Of dressyng that kynge Edwarde made of his Iusticꝭ and of his clerkes that they had done for ther falsnes and how he draue the Iewes out of Englonde for ther vsury and mysbyleue AS kynge Edwarde had dwelled thre yere in Gascoyne a
desyre came to him for to goo in to Englonde ayen And whan he was come ayen he foūde so many playntes made to hym of his Iustyces of his clerkes that had done so many wronges falsnesse that wonder it was to here and for whiche falsnesse syre Thomas waylond the kynges Iustyce for swore Englonde at the toure of London for falsnesse that mē put vpon hym wherfore he was atteynt proued fals· And anone after whan the kyng had done his wyll of the Iustices tho lete he enquere espye how the Iewes dysceyued and begyled his people thorugh the synne of falsnesse and of vsury And lete ordeyne a preuy parlement amonge his lordes And they ordeyned amonge theym that all the Iewes sholde voyde out of Englonde for theyr mysbyleue and also for theyr fals vsury that they dyde vnto crysten men And for to spedde and make an ende of this thynge all the comyn alte of Englonde yaue vnto the kynge the .xv. peny of all theyr goodes meuable and soo were the Iewes dryuen oute of Englonde And tho went the Iewes in to Fraunce And there they dwellyd thorugh leue of kynge Phylyp that tho was kynge of Fraunce ¶ How kynge Edwarde was seased in alle the londe of Scotlonde through cōsente and graunte of all the lordes of Scotlonde· IT was not longe after that Alexandre kynge of Scotlonde was dede and Dauyd the erle of Huntyngdon that was the kynges brother of Scotlonde axed claymed the kyngdom of Scotlond after his brother was deed for cause that he was ryghtfull heyre But many grete lordes sayd nay Wherfore greate debate arose bytwene theym there frēdes for asmoche as they wolde not consente to hys coronacyon and the meane tyme the forsayd Dauyd deyed so it befell that the sayd Dauyd had thre doughters that worthyly were maryed the fyrst doughter was maryed to Bayloll the seconde to Brus and the thyrde to Hastynges The forsayd Bayloll Brus chalenged the londe of Scotlonde greate debate stryf arose bytwene them by cause eche of them wolde haue be kynge· And whan the lordes of Scotlonde saw the debate bytwene them came to kynge Edwarde of Englonde seased hym in all the londe of Scotlond as chyef lord whā the kyng was seased of the forsayd lordes the forsayd Baylol Brus Hastinges came to the kynges courte axyd of the kyng whyche of them shold be kynge of Scotlonde And kyng Edwarde the full gentyll true lete enquyre by the Cronycles of Scotlonde and of the gretest lordes of Scotlonde whiche of them was of the eldest blood And it was foūde that Baylol was the eldest And that the kyng of Scotlond sholde holde of the kynge of Englonde do hym frauce and homage And after this was done Baylol went in to Scotlōde and there was crowyed kynge of Scotlonde ¶ And the same tyme was vpon the see grete warre bytwene the Englysshemen and the Normans But vpō a tyme the Normans arryued all at Douer and ther they martred an holy mā that was called Thomas of Douer And afterwarde were the Normās slayne that there escaped not one of thē ¶ And so afterwarde kynge Edwarde sholde lete the duchye of Gascoyne thrugh kynge phylyp of Fraūce thrugh his fals castynge of the Dousepers of the londe wherfore syr Edmond that was kynge Edwardes brother yaue vp his domage vnto the kynge of Fraūce ¶ And in the tyme the clerkes of Englond graunted to kynge Edwarde half ●eale of holy chirche goodes in helpynge to recouer his londe agayne in gascoyne And the kyng sent thether a noble company of hys bachelers And hymself wolde haue gone to Portelmouth but he was let thrughe one maddok of walys that had seased the castell of Swandon in to his honde for that cause the kynge torned to walys at Cristmasse by cause that the noble lordꝭ of Englond that were sent in to Gascoyne had no comforth of there lorde the kynge they were take of syr Charlys of Fraūce that is to say syr Iohn̄ of brytayne syr Robert Tiptot syr Raufe Tanny syr Hugh Bardolfe and syr Adam of Cretynge And yet att the assensyon was Maddok take in walys a nother that was called Morgan And they were sent to the tour of London and there they were byheded ¶ How Syre Iohan Baylol kyng of Scotlonde with sayde his homage ANd whan syre Iohn̄ Baylol kynge of Scotlonde vnderstande the kynge Edwarde was werred in Gascoyne to whom the reame of Scotlond was delyuerd Falsly tho ayenst his othe with sayd his homage thrugh procurynge of his folke sent vnto the court of Rome thrugh a fals suggestyon to be assoylled of that othe that he swore vnto the kyng of Englonde soo he was by letter enbulled ¶ Tho chose they of Scotlonde dousepers for to brnyge Edward of his ryght ¶ And in the tyme came two Cardynalles from the cource of Rome fro the pope Celestme to trete of acorde bytwene the kyng of Englōd as tho cardinalles spake of accorde Thā as turbeluyll was takē at Lyons made homage to the warde of Parys put his sones in hostage thought to go in to Englonde aspye the countre tell them whan he came to Englond that he had broken the kynges pryson of Fraunce by ryght said that he wolde do that all Englysshmen walshemen sholde aboute the kynge for to brynge to the ende he swore vpon thys couenaunt dedes were made bytwene them that he sholde haue by yere a thousand poūdes worth of londe to byrnge this thynge to an ende This fals traytour toke his leue wente thens came in to Englonde vnto the kynge seyd that he was broke oute of pryson that he had put hym in suche peryll for his loue wherfore the kyng cowde hym moche thanke full gladde was of his comynge ¶ And the fals traytoure fro that daye aspyed all the doynge of the kynge also his counselle for the kyng loued hym full welle and with hym full preuy But clerke of Englonde that was in the kynges how 's of Fraunce herde of this treason and of the falsnesse and wrote to another clerke that tho was dwellynge with Edwarde kynge of Englonde all how Thomas Turbeluyll hadde done his fals c●niectynge and all the counselle of Englonde was wryte for to haue sende vnto the kynge of Fraunce ¶ And thoruhhe the forsayde letter that the clerke hadde sente fro Fraunce it was founde vppon wherfore he was ledde to London and hangyd and drawe there for his treason And hys two sones that he hadde put in Fraunce for hostage were thenne beheeded ¶ Of the Conquest of Berwyke SO whan the twoo Cardynalles were gone agayne in to Fraunce for to trete of the peas of cambroy the kynge sent thether of his erles and barons This is to saye syr Edmonde his broder erle of Lancastre and of Lecetre syr Henry Lacy erle of Nychol
Wyllyam Vessy Baron and of other baronettes aboute .xiii. of the best and wysest of Englonde ¶ And in the same tyme the kynge Edwarde toke his vyage to Scotlonde for to werre vpon Iohn̄ Baylol kynge of Scotlonde ¶ And syr Robert Roos of Berwyk sledde fro the Englysshmen wente to the Scottes And kyng Edwarde wente hym towarde Berwyk and besegyd the towne And tho that were within manly them defended sette a fyre and brente two of Kynge Edwardes shyppes and sayde in dyspyte and reprey● of hym wenyth kynge Edwarde with his longe shankys to haue gete Berewyk all our vnthankes gas pykes hym and whan he was doon gas dykes hym whan kyng Edwarde thys scorne anone thorugh hys myghtenesse he passed ouer the dyches and assaylled the towne and came to the yates and gate and conquered the towne and thrughe hys gracyous power slewe .xxv. thousande and .vii. hondred scottes and Kynge Edwarde loste no man of renoune saufe syr Rycharde of Cornewayle and hym kylled a Flemynge out of the redde halle with a quarell as the forsayd Rycharde dyde of hys helme And comaunded theym for to yelde them and put them in the kynges grace And the Scottes wolde not wherfore that halle was brent and cast downe And all tho that were therin were brente and kynge Edwarde loste noo moo men at that vyage of symple estate but .xxvii. Englysshemen And the wardeyn of the castell yaue vp the keyes of the castell wythout ony assawte And there was taken syre Wyllyam Douglas Symonde Frysell and the erle patryk yelded them to the peas But Ingham of Humbresmylle Robert the Brus that were with kynge Edwarde forsoke kynge Edwarde and helde with the Scottes And afterward they were taken and put in to pryson And tho lete kynhe Edwarde close in Berwyk wyth walles with dyches and after Robert Rous went to Tyndale and sette wuyerbrydge a fyre and Exham and Lamerstok and slewe and robbyd the folke of the countree And after that he wente fro thens to Dunbarre And the fyrste wenesdaye of Marche the kynge sent the erle of Garenne syr Hugh Percy and syre Hugh Spenser wyth a fayre company for to besege the castell But one that was called syre Rycharde Sywarde a traytoure and a fals man ymagyned for to begyle the Englysshmē and sente to the Englysshmen theym for to deseeyue and sayd That he wolde yelde to theym the castell yf they wolde graunt them .viii. dayes of respyce that he myhht sende and telle to syr Iohan Bayloll that was kynge of Scotlonde how is men fared that were within the castell ¶ And hym worde but yf he wolde remeue the sege of the Englysse men that they wolde yelde that castell vnto the Englysshe men ¶ The messenger tho came to syr Iohan Baylol that tho was kynge of Scotlōde where that he was wyth his hooste and the messenger tolde hym all the caas And syr Iohan toke his hoste and came on the morowe erly towarde the castell and syr Rycharde sywarde sawe hym come that was mayster of the counseyll and keper of the castell and sayd vnto the Englyssgmen O sayde he now I see a fayre company and well apparelled I wyll goo ayenste theym and wyth them to mete and theym assaylle And syr Hughe Spenser sawe the falsnesse of hym· and the treson· And sayd to hym O traytour take and proue your falsnesse shalle not auaylle you And Hughe Spenser commaunded anone to bynde hym And all in hast wente ayenst ther enmyes and slewe of Scottes .xxii. thousand For the Scottes had that tyme no man wyth them of honour saufe Patryke Graham that manly foughte and longe at the laste he was slayne And tho sayde the Englysshmen in repreyf of the Scottes Thyse scaterande Scottes holde I for sottes of wrenches vn ware Erly in a mornynge in an euyll tymynge wente ye fro Dūbare ¶ As tho that ware within the castell sawe the scomfyture they yelded vp the castell vnto the Englysshmen And bounde theyr bodyes godes castels to kynge Edwarde And soo there were take in that castell thre erles .vii. barons and .xxxviii. knyghtes xi clerkes and .vii. Pycardys and all were presentyd to kynge Edwarde And he sente thē to the towre of London to be kepte ¶ How kynge Edwarde of his greate grace delyuered ayen the Scottes oute of pryson that were cheyftayns of that londe and they drewe them to the Frensshemen thrugh counseyll of Wyllyam waleys AS kynge Edwarde had made tho an ende of the werre and taken the chey●●eyns of Scotlonde tho came syr Iohan Baylol and yelded hym vnto kynge Edwarde put hym in his grace and he was ledde to London and whan kyng Edwarde was come thether they were brough before hym And the kynge axed howe they wolde make amendes of the trespaas and losse that they had doon to hym and they put theym in his mercy Lordynges sayde the kynge I wyll not of your londes ne your goodes but I wyll that ye make to me an othe vpō goddys body to be true to me and neuer after this tyme ayenst me bere armys ▪ And all they consentyd to the kynges wyl and swore vpon goddys body That is to saye syr Iohn̄ of Comyn the erle of Scra●hron the erle of Carryk and also foure bysshops vndertoke for all the clergye and so the kynge delyuered thē and yaue them sauf conduyce to go in to ther owne londe And it was not longe afterwarde that they ne aryse ayenst kynge Edwarde for cause that they wyst well that kynge Edwardes folke was take in Gascoyne as before is sayd But syr Iohn̄ Bayloll kynge of Scotlonde wyste well that his londe sholde haue sorowe and shame for theyr falsnesse· And in hast wēte hym ouer the see to his owne londes and there he helde hym and came neuer ayen wherfore the Scottes chose vnto theyr kynge wyllyam waleys a rybaude an harlot comen vp of nought and moche harme dyde to Englysshmen and kyng Edwarde thoughte how he myght haue delyueraunce of his peple that were take in Gascoyne And ī hast wente hym ouer the see in to Flaunders for to werre vpon the kyng of Fraūce And the erle of Flaunders receyued hym wyth moche honour and grayntyd hym all his londys at hys owne wyll And whan the kynge of Fraunce herde telle the kyng of Englonde was aryued in Flaundres and came wyth a greate power hym for to dystroye He prayed hym of trewes for two yere so that the Englysshe marchauntes also Frenche myght saufly go and come in bothe sydes The kynge Edwarde graūted ●● so that he muste haue his men out of pryson that were in Gascoyne the kynge of Fraunce anone graunted and so they were delyuerd ¶ And in the same tyme the Scottes sente by the bysshop of saynt andrewes in to Fraūce to the kynge to syr Charles his brother the syr Charles sholde come wyth hys power and they of Scotlōde wolde come with theyr
power and so they sholde go in to Englonde that loude to dystroye from Scotlonde vnto they came to ●ente the Scottes trustyd moche vpon the Frēsshmen but of the thyng they had no maner graūt neuertheles the Scottes beg to robbe kylle in Northūberlond dyd moche harme ¶ How wyllyam waleys lete reyse the londe of Scotlonde as cheyf lorde And syr Hugh of Cressynham of the batayll of Fonkyrke AS tydynges was come to kynge Edwarde that wyllyam walys had ordeyned suche a stronge power And also that alle Scotlonde to hym was attendaunt redy for to slee Englysshmen and to dystroye the londe he was sore anoyed and sente anone by letter to therle of Garrenne to syr Henry Percy to wyllyam Latomer to syr Hughe of Cressynham his tresoroer that they sholde take power and go in to Northumberlonde and soo forth in to Scotlōde For to kepe the countres and whan wyllyam waleys herde of theyr cōmynge He began to flee and the Englysshmen hym folowed dr●ue hym tyll he cam to Stryuelyn there he helde hym in the castell And the walsshmen euery daye them escryed menacyed and dyde all the dyspyte that they myghte soo that Englysshmen vpon a tyme in a mornynge went out fro the castell the moūtenaunce of .x. myles and passed ouer a brydge william waleys came with a strōg power droue them abak for the Englysshmen had ayenst hym noo power tho but fledde and they that myght take the brydge scaped but syr hughe the kyngs tresorer there was slayne and many other also wherfore was made moche sorowe ¶ Tho had kynge Edwarde sped all hys maters in Flaūdres and was come ayen in to Englonde and in haste toke his waye in to Scotlonde and came theder at the Ascencyon tyde And all that he founde he sette a fyre and brente But the poore people of Scotlonde came to hym wonder thyck and prayed hym for goddys loue that he wold on them haue Mercy pyte tho the kynge cōmaunded that no man sholde doo them harme that were yolden to hym ne to no man of ordre ne to no hous of relygyon ne no manere chyrche but lete espye all that he myght where that he myght fynde ony of his enmyes tho came a spye vnto the kynge tolde where that the Scottes were assembled to abyde bataylle And on saynt Mary Mawdelyns daye the kynge came to Fonkyrk and yaue bataylle to the Scottes and at that bataylle were slayne .xxx. thousande Scottes and of Englysshemen .xviii. and no mo Of the whyche was a worthy knyght slayne that was a knyghte hospytelere that was callyd Frery bryan Iay. For whan Wyllyam waleys fledde from the batayll that same Frery bryan hym pursewed fyersly as his hors ranne it stert in a mire of a marys vp to the bely And Wyllyam waleys torned tho agayne and there slewe the forsayde bryan that was moche harme ¶ And that whyle kynge Edwarde wente thorugh Scotlonde for to enquere yf he myght fynde ony of hys enmyes And in that londe he dwelled as longe as hym lyked And there was no enmye that durst hym abyde ¶ And soone after Kynge Edwarde wente to Southampton for he wolde not abyde in Scotlonde in wynter season for esement of his people And whan he came to London he lete amende many mysdedys that were done ayenst his peas and lawes he beynge in Flaundres ¶ Of the laste maryage of kȳge Edwarde howe he wente the thyrde tyme in to Scotlōde ANd after it was ordeyned thrughe the courte of Rome that kynge Edwarde sholde wedde dame Margarete that was kynge Phylyp syster of Fraunce And the Archebysshop Robert of wynchelse spowsed them to gyders thrugh the whiche Maryage there was made peas· bytwene kynge Edwarde of Englonde and kynge Phylyp of Fraunce ¶ Kynge Edwarde went tho the thyrde tyme in to Scotlonde tho within the fyrste yere he had enfamyned the londe so that he lefte not one that he ne came to hys mercye sauf suche as were in the castell of Estreuelyn that welle were vytaylled and stored for .vii. yere ¶ How the castell of Estrefelyn was be seged and wonne Kynge Edward came to the castell of Estreuelyn with a huge power beseged the castell but it lytell auaylled for he myhht doo the Scoctes no harme for the castell was soo stronge well kept kyng Edwarde sayde the bethought hym vpon a queyntesy· and let make anon two payr of hygh galowes before the tour of the castell made his othe that as many as were within the castell Notwithoutstandynge were he Erle of Baron he were take wyth strength but yf he wolde the rather hym yelde he sholde be hangyd vpon the same galowes And whan tho that were within the castell herde this they came yelde them all to the kynges grace mercy the kynge for yaf thē all his male talent there were all the grete lordes of Sfotlonde swore to kynge Edwarde that they sholde come to London to euery parlement shode stonde to his ordynance ¶ How Troylebaston was fyrste ordened THe kynge Edwarde went thens to london wende to haue had rest peas of hys warre in whiche werre he was occupyed .xx. yere that is to saye in Gascoyne in walys in Scotlonde and thought how he myght recouer hys tresour that he had spended aboute hys werre lette enquere thrugh the reame of alle the tyme that he had be oute of hys reame that men called Troylebaston and ordeyned therto Iustyces and in thys manere he recouered tresoure without nombre And hys purpose was for to haue goon in to the hooly londe to haue werred vpon goddes enmyes by cause he was crossyd lōge tȳe before And neuertheles the law that he had ordeyned dyd moche good thrugh out all Englonde to them that were mysbode For tho the trespassed were well chastysed and after more meke better the pore comyns were in reste and peas And the same tyme kynge Edwarde prysoned his owne sone Edwarde by cause that Walter of Lanton bysshop of Chestre that was the kynges tresorer had complayned on hym sayd the forsayd Edwarde thrughe coūsell entysynge of one Ganastō asquyre of Gascoyne had broke the parkꝭ of the forsayd bysshop And thys Peers counselyd and ladde the same Edwarde and for that cause the kynge e●yled his sone out of Englonde ¶ Of the dethe of Wyllyam waleys the fals traytoure ANd whan thys kynge Edwarde had hys enemyes ouercome in walys Gascoyne and Scotlonde and dystroyed hys traytours all but only that rybaude Wyllyam ●les that neuer the kynge wolde hym yelde and at the towne of saynt Dominyk in the yere of kynge Edwarde regne .xxxiii. the fals traytour was take and presentyd to the kynge But the kyng wolde not see hym but sent hym to London to receyue his Iugement and vpon saynt Barthylmewes eue was he hangyd and drawe his
hede smyte of his bowelles take out of his body and brente hys body quartered and sent vnto four of the best townes of Scotlonde and hys heed put vpon a spere ▪ and lete vpon London brydge In ensample 〈◊〉 the Scottes sholde haue in mynde for to do a mysse ayenst theyr lyege lorde eftsones ¶ How the Scottes came to kynge Edwarde for to amēde theyr trespasse that they had done ayenst hym ANd at Myghelmas tho nexe comyng kynge Edwarde helde hys parlament at westmestre thyder came the Scottes that is to saye the bysshop of saynt Andreas Roberte the Brus erle of caryk Symonde Frysell Iohan the erle of Athell they were accorded with the kynge and bounde by othe swore that they afterwarde yf ony of them mysbare them ayenst kynge Edwarde that they sholde be dysheryted for euermore And whan theyr peas was thus made they toke theyr leue pryuely and wente home in to Scotlonde ¶ How Robert Brus chalēged Scotlonde SO after thys Robert the Brus erle of Caryk sent by hys letters to the erles barons of Sotlonde that they sholde come to hym to Scone in the morowe after the Concepcion of our lady for grete nedys of the londe And the lordes came at the daye assygned And the same daye syr Robert the Brus sayd Fayre lordes fulle well ye knowe that in my persone dwellyd the ryght of the reame of Scotlonde as ye wote well I am ryghtfull heyer Syth that syre Iohn̄ baylol that was our kynge vs hath forsake left his londe And though it so be the kynge Edwarde of Englonde wyth wrongfull power hath made me to hym assent ayenst my wyll yf that he wyll graunte that I may be kynge of Scotlonde I shal kepe you ayenst kynge Edwarde of englonde ayenst all manere men wyth the worde the abbot of Scon arose vp before them all sayd that yt was reason for to helpe hym the londe to kepe defēde And tho sayd in presēce of thē all that he wolde gyue hym a M. poūde for to mayntene the londe all the other graūted the londe to hym wyth ther powre hym for to helpe defyed kyng Edward of Englonde sayd the Robert Brus sholde be kynge of Englonde ¶ How syr Iohn̄ of Comyn ayenst sayd the crownynge of syr Robert Brus. LOrdynges sayd syr Iohan of Comyn thynke on the truthe othe ye made to kynge Edwarde of Englond touchynge my self I wyll not breke myn oth for no man so he went from the company at the tyme. wherfore Robert the brus all tho the to hym consēted were wroth menaced syr Iohn̄ of comyn Tho ordened they another coūseyll at Dumfrys to whyche came the for sayd syr Iohn̄ of Comyn for he dwelled but two myle fro Dumfris there he was wont to soiorne and abyde ¶ How syr Iohn̄ was traytoursly slayne SO whan Roberte the Brus wyst that all the grete lordes were come of Scotlond to Scon sauf syr Iohn̄ Comyn the so●ourned nyghe scon he sent specyally after the sayd syr Iohn̄ to come speke with him And vpon that he came spake with hym at the grayfreres in Dumfris that was the thursday after Cādelmasseddy syr Iohn̄ graunted to go wyth hym And whan he had herde masse he toke a soope dranke after warde he bestrode hys palfroy rode to Dumfris whan Roberte the brus sawe hym come at a wyndow as he was in his chambre made Ioye ynoygh came ayenst hym collyd hym about the necke made with hym gode semblaūt And whan all the erles barons of Scotlonde were present Robert the Brus sayd syrs ye wote well the cause of this comynge wherfore it is yf ye wyl graūt that Ibe kyng of scotlonde as ryght heyre of the londe And all the lordes that were there sayd with one voys that h sholde be crownede kynge of Scotlond ▪ and that they wolde hym helpe mayntene ayenst all maner men on lyue for hym yf it were nede to deye the gītyll knyght tho Iohn̄ of Comyn answerd certes neuer forme ne for to haue of me asmoche helpe as the value of a baton For that oth that I haue made vnto kynge Edwarde of Englonde I shall holde whyle my lyfe woll laste And with that worde he wente from the cōpany and wolde a lyght vpon his palfroy and Roberte the Brus pursewed hym with a drawenswerde bare hym thrugh the body syr Iohn̄ Comyn felle downe vnto the erth But whan Roger that was syr Iohn̄ Comyns brother sawe the falsnesse He stert to syr Robert the Brus smote hym wyth a knyfe But the fals traytour was armyd vnder so that the stroke myght do hym no harme and so moche helpe came aboute syre Robert the Brus so the Robert Comyn was there slayne all to hewen in to peces Robert the Brus torned ayen there that syr Iohn̄ Comyn the noble barō lay wounded and pyned to warde his deth besyde the hygh awter in the chyrche of the graey freres sayde vnto syr Iohan comyn O traytoure thou shalt be dede neuer after lete myn auauncement shoke his swerde at the hygh awter and smote hym on his hede that the brayne felle downe vpon the groūde and the blood storte on hygh vpon the walles and yet vnto thys daye is that blood seen there that no water maye wasshe it a waye And so deyed that noble knyght in holy chyrche ANd whan thys traytoure Roberte the Brus sawe that no man wold sete hys coronacyon he cūmaūded all thē that were of power sholde come vnto hys crownynge to saynt Iohans towne in Scotlonde· And so it be fell vpon our lady daye the Annūcyacyon the bysshop of Glaston the bysshop of saynt Andrewes crowned for ther kynge thys Roberte the Brus in saynt Iohans towne made him kynge And anone after he droue all thenglyssshemen out of Scotlonde And they fledde came compleyned them vnto kyng Edwarde how that Robert the Brus had dryue them out of the londe and dysheryted theym ¶ How that kynge Edwarde dubbyd at westmestre .xxiiii. score knyghtes ANd whan kyng Edwarde herd of this myschyef he swore that he sholde be ouenged therof and sayde That alle the traytours of Scotlonde sholde be hangyd and drawen and that they sholde neuer be raunsonned ¶ And kynge Edwarde thought vppon this falsnesse that the Scottes had to hym done And sente after all the bachelers of Englonde that they sholde come vnto London at wytsōtyde he dubbyd at westmestre .xxiiii. score knyghtes ¶ Them ordened the noble kynge Edwarde for to go in to Scotlonde to werre vpon Robert the Brus And sent before hym in to Scotlonde syr Aymer the valaunce erle of Penbroge And syre Henry Perey baron with a fayre company that pursewed the Scottes and brente townes and castels And afterwarde came the kynge hymself with erles and barons a fayre
companye ¶ How Robert Brus was dyscōfyted in batayll how Symonde fryselly was slayne THe Frydaye next before the Assumecyon of our lady kynge Edwarde mette Robert Brus besyde saynt Iohans towne in Scotlōde and with his companye of the whyche company kyng Edwarde slewe .vii. thousande whan Robert Brus sawe thys myscheyf he began to flee and hydde hym that no mā myght hym fynde But syr Symonde fryseld pursewed hym sore so that he torned ayen abode batayll for he was a worthy knyght and a bolde of dody And thenglysshmen pursewed euer sore in euery syde and slewe the stede that syr Symonde rode vpon and they toke hym and ladde hym vnto the host And syr Symonde began for to flatre and speke fayre and sayde lordes I shall yeue you four thousand marke of syluer myn hors harneys and all myn armour and become a begger Tho answered Theobaude of Peuens that was the kynges archers Now so god me helpe it is for nought that thou spekeste For all the golde in Englonde I wolde not lete the go with out commaundement of kynge Edwarde tho was he had vnto kyng Edwarde the kyng wolde not se hym but cōmaunded to lede hym a waye to haue his dome at London and on our ladyes eue Natiuite he was hangyd and drewe his heed smyte of hangyd ayen wyth cheynes of yern vpon the galowes And his heed was sete vpō London brydge vpod a spere and ayenst Crystemasse the bodye was brente by cause that the men that kepte the body by nyght they sawe so many deuyls rampyng wyth grete yren hokes renynge vpō the galowes and horryble tormented the body many that them saw anone after they deyed for drede some wexed mad● fore syknes they had in that batayll was take the bysshop of Baston the bysshop of saynt Andrewes and the abbot of Scōne all armyd with yren as men of armes as fals traytours and fals prelates ayenst theyr othe And they were brought to the kynge and the kynge sente them vnto the pope of Rome that he shold do with theym what his wyll were ¶ How Iohan therle of Alethes was taken and put to dethe ANd at that bataylle fledde syre Iohan erle of Alethes and wente to a chyrche and there hydde hym for drede but he myghte haue there noo refute for cause that the chyrche was enterdyted thrugh generall sentence and in the same chyrche he was taken And this syr Iohan went well to haue scaped fro the deth for cause that he claymed kynred of Kynge Edwarde the kynge wolde not lenger be bytrayed of his traytours but sent hym to London in hast And there was hangyd hys head smyten of his body brent all to asshes But at the prayer of the quene Margerete for cause that he claymed of kynge Edward kynred his drawynge was for yeuen hym ¶ How Iohan that was Wyllyam waleys brother was put to dethe AS the grettest mayster of Scotlonde were thus doon to euyll deth destroyed for theyr falsnesse Iohan that was Wyllyam waleys brother was take doon vnto dethe as syr Iohan erle of Alethes was ¶ How Robert the Brus fledde from Scotlonde to Norway ANd at the same tyme was robert the brus moche hated amonge the peple of scotlonde so that he wyste not what he was best to do for to hyde hym he wente to Norway to the kynge that had spowsyd his syster there helde hym socour for to haue Robert the Brus myght not be foūde in Scotlonde Sokynge Edward tho lete crye hys peas thrught out all the londe and his lawas were vsyd hys mynystrys serued thrugh out all the londe ¶ How kynge Edwarde deyed SO as kynge Edwarde had abatyd hys enemys turned south warde and sykened atte Burgh vpon sande in the marche of Scotlonde and callyd to hym Henry Lacy erle of Nichell syr guy erle of warwyk syr Aylmer erle of Penbroke and syr Robert of Clyfforde baron and prayed theim vpon the fayth that they hym oughte that they sholde make Edwarde of Carnaruan kynge of Englonde assone as they myght And that they shold not suffre Peers of Ganaston come agayne in to Englonde for to make hys sone to ryot and they graunted hym with good wyll And the kynge toke hys sacramente of hooly chyrche as a good Crysten man sholde and deyed in repentaunce And whan he hadde ben kynge .xxxv. yere he deyed and was buryed at westmestre with moche solempnyte Vpon whose soule god haue mercy ¶ Of Merlyns prophecyes that were declared of kynge Edwarde That was kynge Henrys sone OF this kyng Edward prophecyce Merlyn and called hym a dragon the seconde of the .vi. kynges that sholde regne in Englonde and sayd that he sholde be medled with mercy and also with strenthe and fyernesse That sholde kepe Englonde frome colde and hete And that he sholde opene hys mouthe towarde walys and that he sholde sette his foot in wyk and that he sholde close with walwes that sholde doo moche harme to his sede And he sayde sothe For the good kynge Edwarde was medled with mercye and with fyernesse with mercy ayenst his enmyes of walys and after of Scotlonde with fyernesse whan he put them to dethe for ther falsnesse and traytourily as they hadde deserued And welle keped he Englond frome colde and heet sythe he kepte it frome alle manere of enmyes that ranne vppon hym to doo hym ony wronge ¶ And welle he opened his mouthe to warde walys and made it quake thrughe hydour of hys mouthe whan he conqueryd it thruoghe dynte of swerde For the prynce Lewelyn and Dauyd hys brother Ris and Morgan were put to dethe thrughe theyr falsnesse and theyr foly And he sette hys foot in to wyk and conquered Berwyk at the whiche conquest were slayne .xxv. thousande and .vii. hondred out take suche as were brente in the redde halle ¶ And the walles that he lete make shall be noyous vnto his sede As men shall here after inthe lyf of syre Edwarde of Carnaruan hys sone And yet sayd Merlyn that he sholde make ryuers ren in blood wyth brayne the semyd well in hys warres there as he had the maystry And yet Merlyn sayd that ther sholde come a people out of the nortwest durynge the regne of the forsayd dragon that shold be ladde by an yll greyhoūde that shold the dragon crowne kynge that afterward sholde fle ouer the see for drede of the dragon without comynge ayen that was proued by syr Iohn̄ Baylol the kynge Edwarde made to be kynge of Scotlonde the falsly aroyse ayenst hym ▪ after he fled to his owne londes of Fraūce neuer he came ayen in to Scotlond for drede of kyng Edward And yet sayd Merly that peple that shold lede the sayd greyhoūd sholde be faderles vnto a certayne tyme soth he sayd For the peple of Scotlonde gretly were dysesyd after syr Iohan baylol was fled And merlyn
sholde not come in to Englonde for to brynge his sone Edwarde in to ryot And all the lordes of Englonde assembled them a certayn day att the frere prechers at London And there they spake of the dyshonour the kynge Edwarde dyde to hys reame to his crowne and so they assentyd alle bothe erles and barons and all the comyns that the for sayd Peers of Ganaston sholde be exyled out of Englonde for euer more and so it was done For he for swore Englonde and went in to Irlonde and there the kyng made hym cheyfteyne gouernour of the londe by hys commyscyon And there this Pers was cheyfteyne of all the londe And dyd there all that hym lykyd ▪ and hadde power what he wolde and that tyme wer the templers exyled thrugh all cristiantee for by cause that myn put vppon theym that they sholde do thynges ayenst the fayth and good byleue Kyng Edwarde louyd Peers of Ganaston so moche that he myght not for bere his cōpany And so moche the kynge yaue behyght to the people of Englonde that the exylyge of the forsayd Peers shold be reuokyd atte Stamforde thrugh them that hym had exyled wherfore Pers of Ganaston cam ayen into Englond And whan he was come ayen in to his londe he dyspysed the grettest lordes of this londe And called syr Robert Clare Erle of Gloucetre horesone And the Erle of Nycholl syr Henry Lacy brustenbely and syr Guy Erle of warwyk the blacke hound of Arderne And also he callyd the noble erle Thomas of Lancastre churle many other scornes and shamys them sayde and many other grete lordes of Inglonde wherfore they were to warde hym full angry and wroth ryght sore anoyed And in the same tyme deyed the Erle of Nycholl But he chargyed or that he was deed Thomas of Lancastre Erle that was his sone in lawe that he sholde mayntene hys quarell ayenst this same Peers of Ganaston vpon his blessynge ¶ And so it befell thorugh helpe of the erle Thomas of Lancastre and all so of the Erle of warwyk that the forsayd syr Peers was heeded att gauersich besyde warwyk in the .xx. day of Iune in the yere of grace M.CCC and .xii. wherfore the kyng was sore anoyed and prayed god that he myght se that daye to be auenged vpon the deth of the forsayde Peers ¶ And so it befell afterwarde as ye shall here Alas the tyme. For the forsayd Erle of Lancastre many other grete barons were put to a pyteous dethe and martred for by cause of the forsayde quarell The kynge was to att London And helde a parleament and ordeyned the lawes of Symonde Mountforde wherfore the erle of Lancastre and the Erles and alle clergye of Englonde made an othe thrugh counseyll of Robert of wynchelse for to mayntene the ordynauntes for euer ¶ How Robert Brus came ayē in to Scotlonde and gadryd a grete power of men for to werre vpon kynge Edwarde ANd whan syre Robert the Brus that made hym kynge of Scotlonde that before was fledde in to Norway for drede of deth of the good kynge Edwarde And also he herde of the debate that tho was in englond bytwene the kynhe his lordys he ordeyned an hoste came in to Inglonde in to Northumberlonde and clene dystroyed the countree ¶ And whan kynge Edwarde herde this tyynges he lete assemble hys hoste and mette the Scottes at Edstreyelyn in the daye of the Natiuite of saynt Iohan Baptyst in the thyrde yere of his regne in the yere of oure lorde M.CCC .xiiii. Alas the sorowe losse that ther was done For there was slayne the noble Erle Gylbert of clare syr Robert Clefford baron and the kynge Edwarde was scomfyted and Edmonde of maule the kynges Stewarde for drede wente drowned hymself in a fresshe ryuer that is called Bannokysborne wherfore they sayd in repreyf of kynge Edwarde for asmoche as he louyd to go by water also for he was dyscomfyted at Bānosborne therfore the maydens made a songe therof in the countree of kynge Edwarde ▪ and in this manere they sōge Maydēs of Englonde sore may ye morne for tyȝt haue lost your lēmans at bānokysborne with heuelogh what wenyth the kyng of Englonde to haue gote Scotlond with rombylogh AS kynge Edmonde was dyscomfyted wōder sore and faste he fledde with his folke that were left aliue wēt vnto Berwyk there helde hym after he toke hostages .ii. chyldern of the rychesse of the towne And the kynge went to London toke coūseyl of thynges that were nedefull to the reame of Englōde ¶ And in the same tyme it befel that tho was in Englonde a rybaude that was called Iohan Tāner And he yede sayd that he was the good kynge Edwardes sone and lete hem calle Edwarde of Carnariuā And therfore he was take at Oxforde And there he chalēged frere carmes chyrche that kyng Edwarde hadde yeue them whiche was the kynges halle And afterwarde was thys Iohan ladde to Northampton drawen hangyd for his falsnesse or that he was deed he confessyd sayd before all tho that were there that the deuyll beyhyght hym that he sholde be kynge of Englonde that he had serued the deuyll thre yere ¶ How the towne of Berwyk was take thrugh treason and how two Cardynales were robbyd in Englonde ANd on mydlente Sondaye in the yere of our lorde M.CCC.xvi Berwyke was loste thorugh false treson of oon Pers of Spaldynge the whyche Pers the kynge had put there For to helpe that same towne with many burgeyses of the same towne wherfore the chyldren that were put in hostage thrughe the burgeyses of Berwyk folowed the kynges march●●se many dayes fettred in strōge yrens And after the tyme two Cardynalles in to Englonde as the pope had theym sence for to makepe as bytwene Englonde and Scotlonde And as they wente to warde Durham for to haue sacred mayster Lowys of Beamont bysshop of Durham they were take robbed vpon the moore of wynglesdom Of whiche robbery syr Gylbert of mytton was atteynt take and hangyd drawen at Lōdon his heed smytte of put vpon a spere set vpon newe gate the foure quarters sent to foure cytees of Englonde and that same tyme befell many myscheues in Englonde for the poore people deyed in Englonde for hungre and so moche and so faste deyed that vnethe mē myght bury them For a quarter of whete was at .xl. shelynges ▪ and two yeres an half a quarter of where was worth .x. marck· and of tyme the poore people stole chyldern and ete them ete also the hoūdes that they myghte take also hors and cattes And after there fell a grete myrreyne amonge bestes in dyuers countrees of englōde durynge kynge Edwarde lyues tyme. ¶ How the Scottes robbyd Notūberlonde ANd in the same tyme came the Scottes ayen in to Englonde and dystroyed Northumberlonde and brē●t and
of accorde the hym alyed to the barons came with that company sur Roger Dammory syr Hugh dandale that had spousyd the kynges neces syster syr Gylbert of clare erle of Gloucetre that was slayne in Scotlonde as before is sayd And tho two lordes had tho two partyes of the erldom of Gloucerte sur Hugh Spenser had thyrde party in his wyues half the thyrde syster and tho two lordes wente to the barons wyth all theyr power ayenst syr Hugh theyr brother in lawe And so there came wyth them syr Robert Clyfforde syr Iohan Mōbray syr Goselyn Dauyll syr Roger Mortymer of werk syr Roger Mortymer of wykmore his neuewe syr Henry Trays syre Iohā Gyffarde syr Barthylmewe of Bardesmore with all theyr cōpany and many other that to them were consent all the grete lordes came vnto westmestre to the kynges parlemente And so they spake dyde that bothe syr Hughe Spēser the fader also the sone were out lauwed of englonde for euermore And soo syre Hugh the fader wente vnto Douer and made moche sorowe fell downe vpon the grounde by the see banke a crosse wyth his armes and sore wepynge sayd Now fayr Englonde and good Englonde to almyghty god I the betake And thryes kyssed the grounde and wenyd neuer to haue come ayen· And wepynge cursyd the tyme that euer he begate syr Hugh his sone sayd for hym he had lost all Englond And tho in presence of thē all that were aboute hym yaue hym his cursee went ouer see to his londes But Hugh the sone wolde not go out of Englonde but helde hym in the see and his company robbyd .ii. dromedores besyde Sandwyth and toke and bare a waye alle the godoes that was in them to the value of .lx. ¶ How the Kynge exyled erle Thomas of Lancastre and alle that helde with hym and how the Mortymer came and yelded hym to the kynge of all the lordes IT was not longe after that the kynge made syr Hugh Spenser the fader syr Hugh the sone come ayen in to Englond ayenste the lordes wyll of the reame And soone after the kynge with a strōge power came and beseged the castel of Ledys and in the castel was the laby of Bladelesmore for cause that she wold not graunt that castell to the quene Isabel kinge Edwardes wyfe but the pryncypall cause was for syr Berthylmewe was ayenst the kynge and helde with the lordes of Englōde neuertheles the kynge by helpe socoure of men of London also of helpe of Southeren men gate the castel maugre of them all that were with in and toke with them al that they myght fynde And whan the barons of Englonde herde these tidynges syr Roger Mortymer many other lordes toke the towne of Brugge wroth wyth strenth wherfore the kyng was wonder wrothe and lete outlawe Thomas of Lancastre and Vmfroy de Bohoune erle of Herforde and alle tho that were assentynge to the same quarel And the kyng assēbled an huge host and came ayenst the lordes of Englond wherfore the Mortymers put them in the kynges grace And anone they were sente to the toure of London and there kept in pryson And whā the barons herd thys thyng they came to poutfert there that the erle Thomas soiourned and tolde hym how that Mortymers both had yelde them to the kynge put them in hys grace ¶ Of the syege of Tykhyll SO whan Thomas Erle of Lancastre herde thys he was wonder wrothe all that were of there company greatly they were dyscomfyted ordeyned there power togyder and besyeged the castell of Tykhyll But tho that were wyth in manly defended them that the barnos myght not gete the castel and whan the kyng herde that his castell was beseged he swore by god by his names that the lege sholde be remeued assembled an huge power of people wente theder ward to rescowe the castell his power encresyd fro daye to daye whan the erle of Lancastre the erle of Herforde the barons of there cōpany herde of thys thynge they assembled all theyr power wente them to Burton vpon trent kept the brydge that the kyng shold not passe ouer ▪ but it befell so on the tenthe daye of Marche in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxi the kyng the Spensers syr Aymer Valaunce erle of Penbroke Iohan erle of Araundell theyr power wente ouer the water dyscomfyted therle Thomas and his company· And they fled to the castell of Tetbury from thens they went to Pountfret And in that ●yage deyed syr Roger Daumore in thabbay of Thebury And in that same tyme the erle thomas had a traytour wyth hyme that was callyd Robert Holonde knyght that the erle had brought vp of nought had nourysshed hym ī hys butrye had yeue hym a thousāde marke of londe by yere And so moche the erle louyd hym that he myght do in the erles court all that hym lyked bothe amonge them hyghe lowe and so craftly the theyf bare hym ayenste his lorde that he trustyd more vpon hym than ony man on lyue and the erle had ordeyned by his letters for to goo in to the erledome of Lancastre to make men aryse to kepe hym in that vyage That is to saye .v. hūdred men of armys But the fals traytour came not there no manere men for to warne ne for to make arayse to helpe his lord And whan that the fals traytour herde tell that hys lord was dycomfyted at Burton vpon Trent as a fals traytour theyf stele a way robbyd in Rauēsdele his lordes men that came fro the scomfyture And toke of them hors harneys and al that they had slewe of them all that they myghte take came yeldyd hym to the kynge ¶ whan the good erle Thomas wyste that he was so bytrayed He was so abasshed sayde to hymself O almyghty good how myght Robert Holonde fynde in hys herteme to betray sythe that I louyd hym so moche O god well maye nowe a man se by hym that no man maye dysceyue a nother rathar than he that he trustyth moost vpon He hath full euyll yelded me my goodnes the worshyp that I haue to hym done and thrugh my kyndnesse haue hym auaūcyd made hym hyghe where that he was lowe And he makyth me go from hyghe vnto lowe but yet shall he deye an euyll dethe ¶ Of the scomfyture of Brurbrygge THe good Erle Thomas of Lancaste Humfroy de Bohoune ele of Herford and the barons that with theym were toke counsell bytwene them at the frre prechers in Poūtfret tho thought Thomas vpon the traytour Roberte Holonde And sayde in repreyf Alas Robert Holonde hath me betrayed and is the red of some euyll shred And by the comyn assent they sholde goo to the castell of Dunstanbrughe the whiche perteyned to therldome of Lancastre that they sholde abyde
ther tyll that the kynge had for yeue them his male talente ¶ But whan the good erle Thomas this herde he answered in this manere sayd Lordes sayd he yf we go to wade the North the Northen men woll saye that we go to warde the scottes so we shall be holden traytours for cause of dystaūce that is bytwene kynge Edwarde Robert the Brus that made hym kynge of Scotlonde And therfore I say as touchyng my self that I wyll not go no ferder into the Northe than to myn owne castell at Poūtfret ¶ And whan syre Roger Clyfford herde this he arose vp anone in wrathe and drawe his swerde on hye swore by god almyghty by his holy names but yf that he wolde go with them he sholde hym slee there the noble and gentyll erle Thomas of Lancastre was sore a ferde sayd Fayr ▪ syres I wyll go with you whether some euer ye me bydde Tho went they togyder in to the North wyth them they hadde .vii. C. men of armys came to Burbryg And whan syr Andrew of Herkela that was in the north countre thrugh ordynaūce of the kynge For to kepe the countree of Scotlonde herde tell how that Thomas of Lancastre was scomfyted hys company at Burton vpon trent he ordened hym a stronge power and syr symonde warde also that was the shyref of yorke and mette the barons at burburgge and anone they brake the brydge that was made of tree ¶ And whan syr Thomas of Lancastre herde the syr Andrewe of Herkela had broughte wyth hym suche a power he was sore adradde sente for syr Andrewe of herkela wyth hym spake sayde to hym in thys manere syr Andrewe sayde he ye may wel vnderstōde that our lorde the kyng is ladde and mysgouerned by moche fals counsel thrugh syr Hugh Spenser the fader syr Hughe is sone syr Iohan erle of Arūdel thrugh mayster Robert Baldok a fals pylled clerke that now is in the kynges courte dwellynge wherfore I praye you that ye wyll come wyth vs with alle youre power that ye haue ordeyned helpe to dystroie the venym of Englond and the traytours that ben therin we wyll yeue vnto you all the best parte of fyue Erldoms that we haue holde we wyll make vnto you an othe that we wyll neuer doo thynge wythout your counsell soo ye shal be left as well with as euer was Robert Holande Tho answered syr Andrew of Herkela sayd syr Thomas that wolde not I do ne consent therto for no manere thynge wythout the wyll cōmaundement of lorde the kynge for them shold I be holden a traytour for euermore And whan that the noble erle Thomas of Lācastre sawe that he wolde not consent to hym for no maner thyng syr Andrew he sayd wyll ye not consent to dystroy the venym of the reame as we be consente at one worde syr Andrewe I tel the that are this yere begoō that ye shall ▪ be take and holde for a traytour and more than ony of you hold vs now in worse dethe ye shall deye than euer dyde ony knyght of Englonde And vnderstonde wel that ye dyd neuer thynge That sorer ye shall you repente And now go and doo what you good lykyth I wyll put me in to the mercy of god And so went the fals traytour tyraūce a fals forsworne man For thrugh the noble erle Thomas of Lancastre he receyued the armys of Chyualrye and thrughe hym he was made a knyght Tho myghte men se archers drawe them in that one syde and in that other and knyghtes also And foughte tho togyder wonder sore And also amonge all other Humfroy de Boughon Erle of Herforde a worthy knyght of renoune thrugh out all crystendom stode a fought with his enmyes vppon the brydge and as the noble lord stode foughte vpon the brydge a theyf rybaude sculkyd vnder the brydge fyersly with a spere smote the noble knyght in to the fūdement so that his bowellys came out aboute his fete ther. Alas for sorowe pyte For there was slayne the floure of solace of comforth also of curteysye ¶ And Syr Roger Clyfforde a noble a worthy knyghte stode euer fought and well worthyly hym defended as a noble baron But at the last he was sore woundyd in his heed And syr Wyllyam of Sullaynde syr Roger of Benfeelde were slayne at that batayll whan syr Andrewe of Herkela sawe that syr thomas mē of Lācastre lassed slakyd anone he and hys company came vnto the gentyll knyght syr Thomas layd vnto hym in an hyghe voyce yelde the traytour yelde the. The gentyll erle Thomas of Lancastre answered thenne and sayde Nay lordes traitours we ben none and to you we wyll neuer vs yelde whyle that oure lyues last But leuer we had to be slayne in our thruth than yelde vs vnto you And syre Andrewe ●en gardyd vppon syr Thomas and hys company yellynge and cryenge lyke a wode wulf yelde you traytours taken yelde you and sayde wyth an hyghe voys Beware syres that none of you be so hardy vpon lyf and lymme to mys do Thomas body of Lācastre And wyth that worde the good erle Thomas yede into the castell sayd knelynge vpon hys knees and torned hys vysage to warde the crosse and sayd almyghty god to the I yelde holy I put me vnto thy mercy and wyth that the vylaynes and rybaudes lept aboute hym on euery syde as tyraūtes wood tormentours dyspoyled hym of his armoure clothed hym in a ●obe of ray● that was of his squyres lyuetay ● and forth ladde hym unto yorke by water Tho myght men see moche sorowe care For the gentyl knyghtes sledde on euery syde the rybaudes and the vyllayns egerly them dyscryed and cryed on hyghe yelde traytours yelde you And whan they were yelden they were robbyd bounden as theuys Alas the shame and dyspyte that the gentyll orde of knyghthode had there at that batayll And the londe was tho without lawe For holy chyrche had tho nomore creuereence than it had be a burdell hous And in that batyall was the fader ayenst the sone ● and the vncle ayenst the neuewe For so moche vnkyndenesse was neuer seen before in Englonde as that tyme amonge folkes of one nacyon For one kynred had noo more pyte of that other than an hungry wulf hathe of a shepe And it was no wonder For the grete lordes of Englonde were not alle of one nacyon But were medlyd with other nacōns That is for to say some Brytons some Saxons some Danys some Pehypes some Frenssemen some Normans some Spanyerdes some Romayns some Henaude some Flemynges and other dyuers nacyons the whyche nacyons accordyd not to the kynde blood of Englonde And yf soo grete lordes had be oonly weddyd to Englysshe people Thenne sholde peas haue ben and reste amonge theym without ony enuye And at that
Wyllyam Cheyne barons al and Iohn̄ page esquyrer and soone after at yorke were drawen hangyd syr Roger Clyfforde syre Iohan of Mambray barons syr Goselyne Deuyll knyght ¶ And at Brystowe were drawē and hangyd Syr Henry of wemyngton syr Henry Moun●torde barōs ¶ And at Gloucerre were drawē and hangyd syr Iohn̄ Gaffarde and syr Wyllyam of Elmebrughe barons at Londō were hangyd and drawen Syr henry Tyes baron ¶ And atte wynchelse syr thomas Clepepyr knyght And ferthermore to telle of thys cruell occyon atte wyndsore was drawe hangyd syr Fraunc●s waldēham baron at Caunterbury was drawē and handyg syr Berthylmew Badelesmore and syr Berthylmew of Asshe bourucham barons and at Cardyf in walys syr Wylyam Flemmynge baron ¶ How kynge Edwarde wente into Scotlonde wyth an hundrde thousande mē of armys and myght not spede SO whan kynge Edwarde of Englonde had brought the floure of cheua● ▪ vnto theyr deth thrugh counsell con●ente of syr Hugh Spenser the fader syr Hughe the sone he became as woode as ony lyon ▪ what so euer the Spensers wolde haue it was done So well the kynge louyd theym that they myght do with hym all thynge that them lyked wherfore the kynge gaaf vnto syr Hughe Spenser the fader the erldom of wynchestre and vnto syr Andrewe of Herkela the erldome of Cardoyll● in preiudyce and in harmynge of hys crowne And kyng Edwarde tho thrugh counsel of the Spensers dysheryted alle them that had be ayenst hym in ony quarel with Thomas of L●castre And many other were dysheryted also by cause that the Spensers coueyted for to haue theyr londes And so they had all that they wold desyre wyth wronge ayenst all reason Tho made the kynge Robert Baldok a fal●e pylled clerke Chaunceler of Englond thrugh counsell of the forsayde Spensers ¶ And he was a false rybaude And a coueytouse And so they counseylled the kynge moche that the kyng lete take to hys owne warde all the gooddes of the lordes that were put wrongfully to the deth in to hys owne honde And aswell they toke the goodes that were within hooly chyrche es the goodes that were wythout lete theym be put in to hys tresoury in London lette them calle hys for feytes And by there coūsell the kynge wrought for euer more he dysheryted them that the godes ought thrugh ther coūsell lete arer a talegge of all the goodes of Englonde wherfore he was the rychest kyng that euer was in Englonde after wyllyam Bastarde that comquered Englonde And yet thrughe coūsell of them hym semyd that he hadde not ynough But made yet euery towne of Englonde for to fynde a man of armys vpon theyr owne costes for to go werre vpon the Scottes that were his enmyes wherfore the kynge went in to Scotlonde with an houndred thousande men of armys at wytsontyde in the yere of our lord Ihesu Crist M.CCC.xxii But the Scottes wente hyd them in moūteyns in wodes and caryed the Englysshmen fro day to day that the kynge myght for no manere thynge fynde thē in playne felde wherfor many Englysshmen that had lytyl vytaylles deyed ther for hungre wonder fast an sodenly in goynge and comynge and namely tho that had bene ayenst Thomas of Lancastre robbyd his men vpon hys londes whan kynge Edwarde sawe that vytaylles fayled hym he was wonder sore dyscomfyted bycause also that hys men deyed for he myght not spede of his enmyes So att the last he came ayen in to Englonde anone after came Iames Douglas and also Thomas Radulph with an huge hooste into Englonde in to Northumberlonde and wyth them the Englysshmen that were dryuen out of Englonde and came and robbed the countree and slewe the people also brente the twone that was callyd Northallerton many other twones to yorke And whan the kynge herde thys tydynges he lete so mane all maner men that myght trauyllee And so the Englysshmen mette the Scottes at the abbay of Beyghelande the .xv. day after Mygelmas en the same yere aboue sayd and the Englysshmen were there dysconfyted And at that dyscomfyture was take syr Iohan of Brytayne Erle of Rychmonde that helde the countree the erldome of Lancastre and after he payed an huge raunsonne was lete goo And after that he wente in to Fraunce and came neuer after agayne ¶ How syr Andrewe of Herkelay was take and put to deth that was Erle of Cardoil THen at that tyme was syr Andrew of Herkela the new was made erle of Cardoil for cause that he had taken the good erle Thomas of Lancastre ¶ He hadde ordeyned thrugh the kynges cōmaundement of Englonde for to bringe hym all the power that he myght for to helpe ayenste the Scottes as the abbaye of Beglonde And whan the fals traytour had gadred all the people that he myght shold haue come to the kynge vnto the abbaye of Beyghelande the fals traytour ladde them by a nother coūtre thrughe Copelonde And thrughe therldome of Lancastre went thrugh the coūtree robbed slewe the folke all that he myght And ferthermore the fals traytour had take a grete somme of golde and syluer of syr Iames Douglas for to be ayenst the kyng of Englonde to be helpynge holdynge with the Scottes thrugh whose treason the kynge of Englonde was scomfyted at Beyghelande or that he came thyder wherfore the kyng was to ward hym wonder wrothe and lete pryuely enquere by the coūtre aboute how that it was And some men enquered and aspeyed so at the laste the trough was foūde sought And he atteynte take as fals traytour as the gode erle Thomas of Lancastre hym tolde of that he was pute vnto deth at hys ta●ynge att Burbrugge to hym sayd Or the that were doon he sholde be take holde a traytour And so it was as the holy mā sayd ¶ wherfore the kyng sent pryuely to syr Anthony of Lucy a knyght of the countre of Cardoil that he sholde take syr Andrew of Herkela put hym vnto the dethe And to brynge this thynge vnto the ende the kynge sente hys Commyssion so that thys same Andrewe was take at Cardoill and ladde vnto the barre in the maner of an erle worthyly arayed wyth aswerde gyrde aboute hym and hosyd and sporyd ¶ Tho spake syr Anthoyn in this maner syr Andrewe sayd he the kynge puttyth vpon the for asmoche as thou hast be orpyd ī thy dedys he dyde to the moche honour made the erle of Cardoil than as a traytour to thy lorde laddest the people of hys countere that shold haue holpe hym at the batayll of Beyghel and and thou laddest them awaye by the countree of Copelande and thrugh the erldom of Lancastre wherfore our lorde the kynge was dyscomfyted there of the Scottes thrugh thy treason falsnesse and yf thou haddest come by tymes he had had the bataylle and treason thou
dydest for the grete somme of golde syluer that thou receyued of Iames Douglas a Scot the kynges enmye And our lorde the kynge wyl that the ordre of knyghthode by the whiche thou receyued al thyne honour and worshyppe vppon thy body be all brought to nought thyn estate vndoyne that other knyghtes of lower degree mowe after beware whyche lorde hathe the auaunted hugely in dyuerse countrees of Englonde and that al may take ensample by there lorde after warde truly for to serue ¶ Tho commaunded he anone a knaue To hew of hys spores of his helys and after he lete breke the serde ouer hys heed the whiche the kynge yaue hym for to kepe and defende hys londe ther wyth whan he made hym Erle of Cardoyll And after he lette hym be vnclothed of hys furred taberde and of hys hode and of his furryd cotes and of his gyrdell ¶ And whanne this was done Syr Anthony sayde thenne vnto hym Andrewe sayde he Nowe arte thou noo knyghte But a knaue and for thy treason the kynge wylle that thou shalte be hangyd and drawen and thy heed smyten of and thy bowels take oute of thy body and brente before the and thy body quartryd and thy heed sente to London and there it shall stonde vpon London brydge and the foure quarters shall be sente to foure townes of Englonde that all other maye beware and chastysed by that And as Anthony sayde so it was done all manere of thynge in the laste daye of Octobre in the yere of grace M.iii. C.xxii. yere And the sonne torned in to blood as the peple it saw and that dured from the morne tyll .xi. of the cloke ¶ Of the myracles that god wrought for saȳt Thomas of Lancastre wherfore the kynge lete close in the chyrche dores of the pryory of Poūtfert that no mā sholde come therin for to offre ANd sone after that the good erle Thomas of Lancastre was martryd there was a preest that lōge tyme had be blynde dremed in his slepe that he sholde go to the hylle there the good Erle Thomas of Lancastre was doon vnto deth and he sholde haue his syghte ayen so he dremed thre nyghtes sewynge and the preest lede hym to the same hyll and whā he came to the place that he was martryd on deuowtly he made there his prayers And prayed god and saynt Thomas that he myghte haue hys syght ayen And he was in hys prayers he layed hys ryght hōde vpon the same that the gode man was martryd on a drope of drye blood and smale sonde cleuyd on hys honde there with stryketh his eyen And anone thrugh the myght of god saynt Thomas of Lancastre he had his syght ayen And thankyd tho almyghty god and saynt Thomas And whan this myracle was knowen amonge men the people came thither on euery syde and knelyd and made theyr prayers at his tombe that is in the pryory of Pountfret and prayed that holy martyr of socour and of helpe god herde there prayer ¶ Also there was a yonge chylde drowned in a welle in the towne of Pountfret and was deed thre daye and thre nyghtes And men came and layed the deed chylde the sayd Thomas tombe the holy martyr and the chylde arose from dethe to lyfe as many a man it sawe ¶ And also moche peple were out of ther mynde and god sent them theyr mynde ayen thorough vertue of that holy man And god hathe yeue there also to cryppyls theyr goynge the crokyd theyr hōdes there feet and two blynd also theyr syght to many syke folke there ●elthe of dyuers maladyes for the loue of this gode martyr ¶ Also there was a ryche man in Coūdom in Gascoyne and suche a malady he had that al his ryght syde rotyd fel a way frō hym that men myght see his lyuer hys herte and so he stanke that vnneth they myght come nyghe hym wherfore hys frendes were for hym wonder sory But at the last as god wolde they prayed to saynt Thomas of Lancastre that he wolde pray almyghty god for that prysoner behyght for to go to Pountfret for to doo theyr pylgrymage he thought that the Martyr saynt Thomas came to hym and anoynted alle his sike body and therwith the good man a woke was all hole his flesshe was restored ayē that before was ro●yd fallē a way For whiche myracle the good man and his frēdes louyd god and saynt Thomas euermore after And this good man came into Englonde And toke with him foure felowes and came to Poūtfret to the holy martyr dyd theyr pylgrymage the good man that was syke came thyther all nakyd saufe his preuye clothes And whan they had done they torned home ayen in to theyr owne coūtre and tolde of the myracle wher soo euer that they came ¶ And also two men haue ben heelyd there of the mormale thrugh helpe of the holy martyr thoughe that euyll be holde in curable And whan the Spensers herde that god dyde suche myracles for thys holy man they nolde byleue yt in noo manere wyse● but sayde openly that it was grete heresye suche vertue of hym to byleue and whan syr Hugh Spenser the sone sawe all this doynge anone he sente his massager from Pountfret there that he dwelled to kyng Edwarde that tho was at Grauen at scypton for cause that the kynge sholde vndo the pylgrymage And as the rybaude the messager went to warde the kynge for to do his message he came by the hylle the●e the good martyr was doon to dethe And in the same place he made his ordure and whan he hadde done he rode to warde the kynge and a stronge flyre came vpon hym or that he came to yorke and tho he shed alle hys bowelles at his fūdment And whā syr Hugh Spenser herde this tygynges somdele he was adradde and thoughte for to vndo thys pylgrymage yf he myghte by ony manere a waye and anone he wente to the kynge and sayde that they sholde be in greate sklaundre thrughe out alle crystendome for the deth of Thomas of Lancastre yf that he suffred the peple to do there pylgrymage at Poūtfret so he counseled the kynge that he cōmaūded to shyt the chyrche dores of Pountfret in the wyche chyrche the holy martyr was enteryd and thus they dyd ayenst all fraūchyses of holy chirche so the foure yere after myght no pylgryme come to the holy bodye bycause the monkes suffred men to come honour that holy body of saynt Thomas the martyr thrugh coūsell of syr Hughe Spenser the sone and thrugh coūsell of mayster Roberte Baldok the fals pylled clerke that was the kynges chaūceles the kyng consented that they sholde be lette to theyr wages lete make wardeyns ouer there owne good longe tyme throughe cōmaūdement of the forsayd syr Hugh Spenser .xiiii. Gascoynes well armyd kepte the hylle there that the good
man saynt Thomas was don vnto his deth so that no pylgryme myght come by that way Full well wente he to haue take crystis myght hys power the grete boos of miracles that he shewed for hys martyr saynt thomas thrugh all crystendom And that same tyme the kynge made Roberte of Baldok the fals pylled clerke thrugh prayer of syr Hugh Spēser sone was made Chaūseler of Englonde And in the same tyme was the castell of walyngforde holden ayenst the kynge thrughe prysoners that weren wythin the castell for saynt Thomas loue of Lancastre wherfore the people of the coūtre came toke the castell of the prysoners wherfore syr Iohn̄ of Goldyngton knyght and syr Edmonde of Becche prysoners were taken sent vnto the kyng to Pountfrete there they were done in pryson and the forsayd Roger was sent vnto yorke and there he was drawē hangyd And anone after syr Roger Mortymer of wygmore brake out of the tour of London in thys manere The forsayd Roger herde that he sholde be drawe hangyd at London in the morow after say● Laurence day and on the day before he helde a fayre feest in the toure of Lōdon and there was syre Stephen Segraue constable of the tour and many grete men with them and whan they sholde soupe the forsayd Stephen sente for all the offycers of the tour they came sowped with hym and whā they sholde take there leue of hym squyre that was callyd Stephen ▪ that was full preuy with the forsayd Roger thrugh hys counsell yaue them all suche a drynke that the leest of them all slept two dayes two nyghtes in the meane tyme he escaped a waye by water by the thamys and went ouer the see and helde hym in Fraunce wherfore the kynge was sore anoyed and put the same Stephen out of his Constabellary ¶ How the quene Isabell went in to Fraunce for to treate of peas bytwene her lorde the kynge of Englonde and the kynge of Fraūce her broder THe kyng went tho vnto London and there thrugh coūsell of syr Hugh Spenser the fader of his sone of mayster Robert Baldok a fals pylled clerke his Chaūcheler let sease to all the quenes londes into hys hondes and also all the londes that were syre Edwardes his sone and were so put to theyr wagys ayēst all maner of reason that was thrugh the falsnesse of the Spensers ¶ And whan the kyng of fraunce that was quene Isabelles brother herde of this falsnesse he was sore anoyed ayenst the kynge of Englonde his fals counsellers wherfore he sent a letter to kyng Edward vnder his seale· that he shold come at a certayne day to do hys homage therto he somoned hym els he sholde lese all Gascoyne And so it was ordeyned in Englonde thrugh the kyng hys coūsel that quene Isabel sholde go into Fraunce for to treate of peas bytwene her lorde and her broder that Olyuer of yngham shold go into Gascoyne haue with hym .vii. M. men armys moo to be Seneschall wardeyne of Gascoyne so it was ordeyned that quene Isabell came into Fraunce and with her wente syr aymer of Valaunce erle of Penbroke that was there murdred sodenly in apreuysege but that was thrugh goddes vengaūce for he was one of the Iustycys that cōsented to saynt thomas deth of Lancastre and wolde neuer after repent hym of that wyckyd dede And all that tyme syr Olyuer of yngham wente ouer into Gascoyne dyde moche harme to the kynge of Fraunce tho he gate ayen that kynge Edwarde had loste and moche more therto ¶ How kynge Edwarde sente syr Edwarde hys sone the eldest in to Fraunce THe quene Isabell had but a quater of a yere dwelled in Fraunce whan syr Edwarde her eldest sone axed leue tho for to go in to Fraūce for to speke with his moder Isabel the quene his fader the kynge grauntyd him with a good wyll sayd to hym go my fayr sone in goddys blyssynge and myn and thynke for to come ayen as hastely as thou may And he wēte ouer the see in to Fraunce the kynge of Fraunce hys vncle receyued hym with moche honour sayd vnto hym Fayr son ye be welcome and for by cause that your father come not to his homage for the duchye of Guyon as his auncetours were wont for to do I yeue you that lordshyp holde it of me in herytage as all manerauncetours dyd before you wherfore he was callyd duke of Guyon ¶ How the kynge exyled his quene ysabell Edwarde her eldest sone AS kynge Edwarde of Englonde herde tell how the kyng of Fraunce had yeue the ducye of Guyon vnto syr Edward his sone without consent and wyll of hym that is sone had receyued the duchye he became wonder wrothe sente to hys sone by letter that they sholde come ayen in to Englond in all the haste that they myght And the quene Isabel and syr Edwarde her sone were wonder sore a dradde of the kynges menaced of hys wrath pryncypally for the falsnesse of the Spensers both of the fader also the sone at his cōmaundement they wolde not come wherfore kyng Edward was full sore anoyed lete make a crye at London that yf quene Isabell Edwarde his eldest sone came not in Englōde that they sholde be holde as our enmyes both to the reame also to the crowne of Englonde for that they nolde come into englonde but both were exyled the moder her sone ¶ Whan the quen herd thyse tydynges She was sore adradde to be dystroyed thrughe the fals conyectynge of the Spensers wente wyth the knyghtes that were exyled out of Englonde for saynt Thomas cause of Lācastre that is to say syr Roger of wigmore syr wyllyam Trusell syr Iohan Cromwell many other good knyghtes wherfore they toke theyr counsell ordeyned among them for to make a maryage bytwene the duke of Guyhenne the kynges sone of Englond the erles doughter of Henaude that was a noble knyght of name and doughty in hys tyme. yf that thynge myght be brought a bowte then̄e stode they trowynge wyth the helpe of god and with his helpe to recouer theyr herytage in Englond wherfore they were put out thrugh the fals cocnectynge of the Spensers ¶ How kyng Edwarde thrugh coūsel of the Spensers sent to the Douzephers of Fraūce that they shold helpe that the quene Isabell her sone syr Edwarde were exyled out of Fraunce AS kynge Edwarde and the Spensers herde how that quene Isabell syr Edwarde her sone ▪ had alyed them to the Erle of Henaude to them that were exyled out of englonde for cause of thomas of Lancastre they were so sory that they wyst not what for to do wherfore syr Hugh Spenser the sone sayde to syr Hugh the fader in this maner wyse Fader cursyd by the
her counsell had ordeyned that he sholde haue be doon to deth at London But he was soo feble for hys moche fastynge that he was nygh deed therfore it was ordeyned that he shold haue his Iugement at her forde at a place of the toure hys heed was take from his body also fro Robert Baldok that was a fals pylled clerke the kynges chaunceler And men sette vpon theyr heedys chaplettys of sharpe netles and two squyres blewe in ther eerys with two grete bugle hornes vpon the twoo prysoners that men myght here ther blowen oute wyth hornes more than a myle one Symond of Rydynge the kynges Marshall bare before them vpon a spere ther armys reuersyd in token that he sholde be vndon for euermore And vpon the morowe was syr Hughe Spenser the sone dampned to dethe was drawen hangyd heedyd hys bowels taken out of hys body brent after that he was quartred hys four quarters were sent to the four townes of Englonde his heed sente to London brydge And this Symond for cause that he dyspysyd quene Isabell he was drawen hanged in a stage made a myddes the forsayd syr Hughes galowes And the same daye a lytell from thens was syr Iohan of Arundell be heddyd by cause he was one of syr Hugh spensers counselers And anone after was syr Hughe Spenser fader hangyd and drawē heedyd at Brystow and after hangyd ayē by the armys with two stronge ropes the fourth day after he was hewen all to pecys houndes ete hym And bycause that the kyng had yeuen hym the erldom of wynchestre hys heed was sent thether and put vpō a spere And the fals Baldok was sent to London ther he deyed in pryson amōge theues for men dyd hym nomore reuerence than they wolde do vnto an hounde And so deyed the traytours of Englond blessyd be almyghty god And it was no wonder for thrughe there coūsel the good erle Thomas of Lancastre was doō vnto dethe all that helde with Thomas of Lancastre thrugh the traytours were vndone all theyr heyres dysheryted ¶ How kynge Edwarde was put downe and his dygnyte take from hym ANd anone after as all this was doone the quene Isabell and Edward her sone and all the grete lordes of Englonde at one assente sente to kynge Edwarde to the castell of Kenylworth there as he was in kepyng vnder the warde of syr Iohan Hachin that was the bysshop of Ely and of syr Iohan of Pereye a baron for bycause that he shold ordeyne hys parlement at a certayne place in Englond for to redresse amende the state of the reame And kynge Edwarde them answerde sayde Lordes sayd he ye se ful well how it is Lo here my seale I gyue to you all my power for to calle and ordeyne a parlement where that ye wyll ¶ And thenne they toke theyr leue of hym came ayen to the barons of Englōde And whan they hadde the kynges Patent of this thynge they shewed it to the lordes And tho was ordeyned that parlemente sholde be at westmestre at the Vtas of saynt Hylary And all the grete lordes of Englonde lete ordeyned theym there ayenst that tyme that the parlement sholde be And at whiche daye the parlement was the kynge wolde not come there for no maner of thynge as he had sete hȳ self assygned And neuertheles the barons sent vnto hym oo tyme and other And he swore by goddys souie that he wolde not come there oo fote wherfore it was ordeyned by all the grete lordes of Englonde that he sholde no lenger be kynge but be depesed And sayd that they wolde crowne Edwarde his sone the elder that was the duke of Guyhenne And sent tydynges vnto the kynge there that he was in warde vnder syr Iohan Erle of Garen syr Iohn̄ of Bothun that was bysshop of Ely syr Henry Percy a baron syr wyllyā Trusell a knyght that was with the Erle syre Thomas of Lancastre ● for to yelde vp there homages vnto hym for all them of Englonde ¶ And syr wyllyam trussell sayd thyse wordes ¶ Syr Edwarde for cause that he haue trayed your people of Englonde haue vndone many grete lordes of Englonde without ony cause ye shal be deposyd now ye be with stand thankyd be god And also for cause that ye wolde not come to the parlemēt as ye ordeyned att westmestre as in your letter patent is conteyned for to treate wyth your owne lyege men as a kynge sholde And therfore thrughe al the comyns assente all the lordes of Englonde I tell vnto you these wordes ▪ ye shal●e vnderstōde syr that the barons of Englond at one assente wyll that ye be no more kynge of Englonde but vtterly haue put you out of youre ryalte for euer more And the bysshop of Ely sayd tho to the kynge syr Edwarde I yelde vp feaute homage for alle the Archebisshops and bysshops of Englonde for all the clergy Tho sayd syr Iohan erle of Garenne syr Edwarde I yelde vp here vnto you feaute homage for me and for alle the erles of Englonde ¶ And syr Henry Percy yaue vp also his homage for hym for al the barons of Englonde And tho sayde syr wyllyam Cruscell I yelde vp nowe vnto you myn homage for me also for all the knyghtes of Englonde for all them that holde by seryaūtre or by ony other thynge of you so that from thys daye after ye shall not be clamyd kynge nother for kyng be holde for a synguler man of all the people ¶ And so they wēte thens to London that the lordes of Englonde them abode and syre Edwarde abode in pryson in good kepynge And thys was on the daye of the Conuersyon of saynt Poule in the .xx. yere of his regne ¶ Of the prophecye of Merlyn declared of kynge Edwarde the sone of kynge Edwarde the fyrste OF this kyng Edwarde prophecyed merlyn sayd that there sholde come a gote ●t of Carre that sholde haue hornes of syluer aberde as white as snowe And a drope sholde come out of his nosethrylles that sholde betoken moche harme Hungre dethe of people grete losse of his londe And that in the begynnynge of his reyge sholde be haūted moche lechery And he sayd sothe alas the tyme For kynge Edwarde that was kyng Edwarde sone was borne att Carnaryuane in walys for sothe he hornes of syluer a berde as whyte as snowe whan he was made prynce of walys to moche he yaue hym to ryot and to foly And so moche Merlyn in hys prohhecye that there sholde come out of his nose a drope For in hys tyme was grete hungre amonge the poore people strōge deth amonge the ryche that deyed in straunge londe wyth moche sorowe in were in Soctlonde And after he loste Scotlonde Gascoyne and whyle that hymselfe was kynge there was moche lechery
the kynges brother of Englonde and syr Iohn̄ of Henaude and syr Roger Mortymer of wygmore and syr Thomas Rocelyn and syr Iohan of Cromwell and syr wyllyam Trussell and many other of the alyaunce of the gentyll erle Thomas of Lancastre that were exyled out of Englonde for his quarel and were dysheryted of theyr londes ordeyned them a grete power and arryued at Here with in South folke And soone after they pursewed the Spense●s tyll that they were takē put pyteuous dethe as before is sayd and theyr cōpany also for the grete falsnes that they dyde to kynge Edwarde to his peple ¶ And Merlyn sayd also more that the gote sholde be put in grete distresse and in grete angusshe and in grte sorow he sholde be lede his lyf and he sayd sothe For after the time that kyng Edwarde was take he was put into warde tyll that the Spensers were put to deth and also bycause that he wolde not come vnto his parlement at London as he had ordeyned and assygned hymselfe vnto hys baronage and also wolde not gouerne and rule his people ne his reame as a kynge sholde doo Wherfore some of the barons of Englonde came and yelde vp ther homages vnto hym for theym al the other of the reame in the daye of the cōuersyon of saynt Poule in the yere of his regne .xx. And they put hym out of hys ryaltee for euermore And euer lyued afterwarde in moche sorowe and anguysshe LOdowicus was Emperour after Henry four● yere this Lodowicus was duke of Banare and he dyspysed the coronaciō of the pope wherfor the pope hȳ moche labour deposyd many perylles he had aft he trowbled gretly the vnyte of holy chyrche And thē was chosyn ayenst hym Frederyk the duke of Ostryche and he ouer came the duke abode a rebelyon to hys ende and in grete peryll to hys soule And at the last Karolus was chosyn ayenst hym the whiche preuaylled and sodenly Lodowic fell downe of his hors and dyscessyd ¶ Iohn̄ Mandeuyll a douctour of physyk a knyght borne was in Englonde abowte thys tyme. And he made a merueyllous pylgrymage For he went almoost abowte all the worlde And he wrote his dedys in thre langages and decessyd· and was buryed at Saynt Albons ¶ Benedictus the .xxii. was pope after Iohn̄ .vii. yeres and more thys man was a monke and in all his ynogthe he was of good conuersacyon and a doctour of dyuinite And whan he was made pope he refourmed thorder of saynt Benet in that thynge that was nescessary he was a harde man to graunt benefyces lest he had graūtyd it to an vncunnynge man he made a decretall the whiche began Benedictus deus in donis suis And he was very cruel in fayth for that of sommen lytyll louyd he was so stoute a man that almoost he wold not knowe his owne cosyns ¶ Anno dm̄ M.CCC.xxii ¶ Of kynge Edwarde the thyrde after the Conqueste ANd after this kyng Edwarde Carnariuan regned syr Edwarde of wyndsore his sone the whyche was crowned kyng anoynted at westmestre thrugh coūsell consent of all the grete lordes of the reame the Sondaye in Candelmasse eue in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxvi that was of aege at that tyme but .xv. yere And for cause that hys fader was in warde in the castell of Kenilworth also was put downe of his ryaltee the reame of Englōde was without kyng from the feest of saynt Katheryn from the yere aboue sayd to the feest of Candelmasse And tho were all manere plees of the kynges bynche astente And tho was cōmaūded to all the Shyrefs of Englonde thrughe wrytte to warne the partyes to defendaūtys thrugh somnynge ayen And also ferthermore that all prysoners that were in the kynges gayolles that were attachid thrugh Shyrefs sholde be lete go quyte ¶ The kynge Edwarde after hys coronacyon at the prayer besechynge of his lyege of the reame graūtyd them a chartre of stedfast peas to all them that wolde it axe And syr Iohnn of Henaude and hys company toke his leue of the kynge of the lordes of the reame tornyd home to theyr owne coūtre ayen And eche of them hade full ryche yeftes euery men as he was of value estate ¶ And tho was Englond in rest peas grete loue bytwene the kyng hys lordes And comynly englysshmen sayd amonges them that the deuyll was dede but the innumerable tresour of the kyng his fader the tresour of the Spensers both of the fader of the sone and of the erle of Arundell and of mayster Robert Baldok that was the kyngꝭ chaūceler was departyd after the quene Isabelles ordynaunce syr Roger Mortymers of wygmore so that the kynge hadde noo thynge therof but at her wyll her delyuerraūce ne of theyr lōdes as afterwarde ye shall here ¶ How kynge Edwarde wēte vnto stāthop for to mete the scottes ANd yet in the same tyme was the Kynge in the castell of kenilworth vnder the kepynge of syr Henry that was erle Thomas of Lancastres broder that tho was erle of Leycetre And the kynge graūtyd hym the erldome of Lancastre that the kyng his fader had seasyd in to his honde put out Thomas of Lancasters broder so was he erle of Lancastre of Leycetre and also Stywarde of Englonde as hys broder was in his tyme But syr Edwarde that was kyng Edwardes fader made sorowe wythout ende by cause he myght not speke wyth hys wyf ne with his sone wherfore he was in moche myscheyf For though it was so that he was ledde rulyd by fals counseyll yet he was kyng Edward● sone callyd Edwarde with the longe shankys and came out of the worthyest blood of the worlde and they to whom he was wonte to yeue grete yeftes large were most pryue with the kyng hys owne sone they were his enmyes bothe nyght daye procured to make debate contake bytwene hym hys sone Isabell his wyf But the frere prechers were to hym gode frēdes euer more cast both by nyghte by daye how they myghte brynge hym out of pryson And amonge theyr company that the freres had priuely brought ther was a frere that was callyd Dunhened ● and he had ordeyned gadryd a grete cōpany of folke to kepe att that nede but the frere was taken put in 〈◊〉 of Pountfret there he deyed in pryson syr Henry erle of Lancastre that hadde the kynges fader in kepynge thrugh cōmaūdemēte of the kynge delyuered Edwarde the kynges fader by endēture of syr Thomas of Berkelay And so syr Iohn̄ Matreuas they ladde hym from the castell of kenylworth to the castell of Berkelay kepte hym there saufly ¶ And att Ester next after his coronacyon the kynge ordeyned a grete huge host for to fyght ayenst the Scottes And syr Iohn̄ the erles brother of Henaue came
from beyonde the see for to helpe kynge Edwarde brought wyth hym .vii. C. men of armys arryued att Douer they had leue for to go forth tyll they came to yorke There the kynge them abode and the Scottes came thether to the kynge for to make peas accorde but the accordement lasted not bytwene them bat a lytyll tyme And at that tyme the Englysshmen were clothed al in cotes hodes paynted with letters and with floures ful semely with longe berdes therfore the Scottes made a byl that was fastenyd vpon the chyrche doores of Saynt Petyr towarde stangate thus sayd the scrypture in dyspyte of Englysshemen Longe berdes hertles prynted hodes wytles gay cotes graceles makyth Englōde thryftles SO in the Trinyte daye next after began the contak in the cyte of yorke bytwene the Englysshmen the Henaudes in the debate were slayne of the erldom of Nicholl murdred lxxx men after they were buried in saynt clementis chyrche in Folgate for cause that the Henaudes came to helpe the kyng there peas was ●ryed vpon payne of lyf lymme in that other halfe it was founde by an enquest of the cytye that the Englysshmen began the debate ¶ How the Englysshmē stoppyd the Scottes in the parke of Stanope and howe they torned ayen into Scotlonde THys tyme the Scottes had assembled all theyr power came into Englonde slewe robbyd all that they myght take brent dystroyed all the North coūtree thrugh out tyll that they came vnto the parke of S●āhope in weridale there the Scottes helde theym in a bussment but whā the kyng had harde thorou spyes where the Scottes were anone ryght hoste desegyd them within the forsayd parke so that the scottes wyst not where to go out but only vnto ther harmes And they abode in the parke .xv. dayes vytaylles faylled them in euery syde so that they were gretly peyred of bodyes syth that Bruce came fyrst into Brytayne vnto thys tyme there was neuer seen so fayre an hoste what of Englysshmen of alyāces of men of fote the whyche ordeyned theym for to fyght wyth the Scottes thrugh eggynge of syr Henry of Lancastre of syr Iohan Henaude that wolde haue gone ouer the water of wyth for to haue fought with the ● Scottes But syr Roger Mortymer cōsentyd not therto for he had pryuely taken mede of the Scottes them to helpe that they myght go away into theyr owne coūtre ¶ And this same Mortymer counseylled somoche Thomas of brotherton the erle Marshall that was kynge Edwardes vncle that the forsayd Thomas shold not assemble at the tyme vnto the Scottes And he assentyd but wyste not the doynge bytwene the Scottes the forsayd Mortymer And by cause that he was Marshall of Englonde as to hym perteyned euer after warde he sent hastely to the erle of Lancastre to syr Iohn̄ of Henaude that they sholde not fyght with the Scottes in preiudyce and harmynge of hym his fee yf they dyde that they sholde stonde to theyr owne paryll And the forsayd erle Marshall was all arayed with his batayll att the reredoos of the erle of Lancastre for to haue fought with hym with his folke yf he had go to fyght wyth the Scottes in thys manere he was deceyued wyste no thynge of the treason And thus was the kyng pryncypally dysceyued And whan it was nyghte Mortymer that had the watche for to kepe of the host that nyght distrobled the watche that noo thynge myght be done And in the meane whyle the Scottes stele by nyght to ward theyr owne coūtre as fast as they myght ¶ And so was the kyng fasly betrayed that wenyd that alle the traytours of londe had ben brought to an ende as it was sayd before ¶ Now here you lordes how tratoursly kyng Edwarde was dysceyued how meruayllously boldly the scottes dyde of werre For Iames douglas wyth two hūdred men of armys rode thrught out all the host of kyng Edwarde the same nyght the Scottes escaped towarde theyr owne coūtree as is aboue sayd tyl that they came to the kyngꝭ pauylyon slew there many men in theyr beddes cryed Naward naward and nother tyme a Douglas a Douglas wherfore the kyng that was in hys pauylyon moche other ●●lke were wonder sore a frayed But blyssyd be almyghty god the kynge was not taken in greto peryll was tho the reame of Englonde and that nyghte the mone shone full clere and bryghte And for all the kynges men the Scottes scapyd harmeles ¶ And oon the morowe whan the kynge wyste that the Scottes were escapyd in to theyr owne coūtree he was wonder sory and fulle hertely wepte wyth hys yonge eyne and yet wyste he not who hadde hym doone that treason· ¶ But that fals treasone was fulle welle I knowen a good whyle after as the storye makyth mencyon ¶ Tho kynge Edward came ayen vnto yorke full sorowfull And hys host departyd and euery man wente in to his owne countree wyth full heuy chere mornynge semblaunt And the Henaudes toke theyr leue and went in to theyr owne countree And the kynge for theyr trauayll hugely rewarde them ¶ And for bycause of that vyage the kynge had dyspended moche of his tresoure and wastyd And in that tyme were seen two moones in the fyrmament the one was clere that other was derke ▪ as men myghte see thrugh the worlde ¶ And a grete debate was that same tyme agaynst pope Iohan the .xxii. after saynt Petyr the emperour of Almayn tho made hym emperour ayenst the popys wyll that tho helde hys see at Auinyon werfore the emperour made hys crye at Rome ordeyned a nother pope the hyght Nycholas that was a frere Mynor that was ayeng the ryght of holy chyrche wherfore he was cursyd the power of that other pope soone layed And for cause that suche merueylles were seen men sayde that the worlde was nygh at an ende ¶ Of the dethe of kynge Edwarde of Carnaryuan ANd now go we ayen to syr Edwarde of Carnaryuan that was kynge Edwardes fader somtyme kynge of Englonde put downe of hys dygnyte Alas for his trybulacyon sorowe that hym befell thrugh fals counsell that he louyd trustyd vpon to moche that after warde were dystroyed thrughe theyr falsnesse as god wolde ¶ And this Edward of Carnariuan was in the castel of Berkelay vnder the warde kepynge of syr Moryce of Herkelay also of syr Iohn̄ Matreues to them he made his complaynte of hys sorowe of his dysesee ofte tymes axyed of his wardeyns what he had trespassyd ayenst dame Isabell hys wyf and syr Edwarde his sone that was made newe kyng that they wolde not vysyte hym ¶ And tho answerde one of hys wardeyns and sayd My worthy lord dyspleyse you not that I shal telle you the cause is for it is doon them to vnderstonde
that came after hym shold holde of Brute of his heyres that is to say of the kynges of Brytayn by feaute homage And frome that tyme vnto thys tyme of kynge Edwarde the tame of Scotlond was holde of the reame of Englonde by feaute and seruyce as aboue ys sayd in the Cronycles of Englonde of Scotlonde berythe wytnesse more playnely And accursyd be the tyme that this parlement was holden at Northampton For there by fals councyll the kyng was there falsly dysheryted and yet he was with in aege ¶ And yet whan that kyng Edward was put out of hys ryalte of Englonde yet men put not out of the feautes seruyse Scotlonde Ne of the fraunchyses dysheryted hym for euer more ¶ And neuertheles the grete lordes of englonde were ayenst to conferme the peas the ●rwes abouesayd sa●f only quene Isabell that tho was the kynges moder Edwarde and the bysshop of Ely and the lorde Mortimer But reason and lawe wolde not that a fynalle peas sholde be made bytwene them without the comyn assente of Englonde ¶ Of the debate that was bytwene quene Isabell syr Henry erle of Lancastre of Leycetre and of the rydynge of Bedforde THen as the for sayde Dauyd had spowsyd dame Iohan̄e of the toure in the towne of Berwyk as before is sayde The Scottes in dyspyte of the Englysshmen called dame Iohanne the countesse make peas for the cowardly peas that tho was ordeyned But the kynges persone bare all the wyte and blame wyth wronge of makynge of the accorde And alle was done thrugh the quene Roger Mortymer And it was not longe after that the quene Isabell ne toke in to her hondꝭ all the lordshyp of Pountfret almoste all the londes that were of ony value that apperteyned to the crowne of Englonde Soo the kynge had not to dyspendede but of hys vses and of hys escheker For the quene Isabell the Mortymer hadde grete mayne of the retenewe that folowed the kynges courte euer more went and toke the kynges pryces for her peny worthes at good ch●pe wherfore the countre that they came in were fullsore addrade and almoost dystroyed of theym ¶ Tho began the comyna●te of Englonde for to haue enuye to Isabell the quene that somoche louyd her before whan she came ayen for to pursue the fals traytours the Spensers fro Fraunce And in that same tyme the fals traytour Roberte of Holonde that bytrayed hys lorde syr Thomas of Lancastre was tho delyuerde and out of pryson was wonder preuy witth the quene Isabell also with Roger Mortymer But that auaylld hym but lytyll For he was taken at Myghelmasse that tho cam nexte after as he rode to warde quene Isabell to London and syr Thomas whyther smote of his heed besydes the towne of saynt Albons And thys syr Thomas dwelled with syr Henry erle of Lancastre and he put hym asyde for drede of the quene For the quene loued hym wonder moche And prayed vnto the kyng for hym that the same Thomas might be exyled out of Englonde And the noble erle syr Henry of Lancastre had often tymes herde the comyn claymore of the Enghysshmen of the dysease that were doon in Englond also for dyuers wrōges that were done to the comyn people of the whyche the kyng bare the blame with wronge For he was but fulle yonge tender of aege thought as a good man for to do awaye slake the sklaūder of the kynges persone yf that he myght in ony manere a wyse so as the kynge was therof nothynge gylty wherfore he was inperyll of lyf lymme· ¶ And so he assēbled all his retenuwe wente spake with them of the kynges honoure and also for to amende his estate And syr Thomas Brotherton erle of Marchall and syr Edmond wodstok that were the kynges vncles and also men of London made theyr othe hym fo to mayntene in the same quarell And theyr cause was this that the kynge sholde holde his house and hys meyne as a kyng ought for to do and haue all his ryalt●e· And that the quene Isabell sholde delyuer out of her hondes in to the kynges honde alle manere of lordshyps rentys townes and castels that apperteyneth vnto the crowne of Englonde as other quenes haue done here before and medle with none other thynge ¶ And also that syr Roger Mortymer sholde abyde and dwelle vpon his own● londes For moche people In so moche that the comyn people were dystroyed and gretely domaged thoroughe suche wrongfulle takynge ¶ And also the enquere howe and by whome that the kynge was betrayed and falsly dysceyued att Stanhope and thrughe whose counseyll that the Scottes went awaye by nyght from the kynge And also how and thrugh whoo 's counseyll the ordynaūce that were made at the kynges coronacyon was put downe That is to saye that the kynge for amendement and helpynge of his reame in honour of hym sholde be gouerned and rulyd by .xii. of the grettest wysest lordes of the reame and wythout them Sholde no thynge be grauntyd ne done as before is sayd whiche couenauntes were malicyously put downe fro the kynge where many harmes shamys and repreues haue falle to the kyng hys reame and that is to vnderstonde for asmoche as Edwarde kynge of Englonde some tyme was ordeyned by assent in playne parlement for to be vnder warde gouernaunce of Henry erle of Lancastre his cosyn for saluacyon of hys dody he was take out of the castell of Kenilworth there that he was in warde thrugh colour of quene Isabell of the Mortymer without consent of ony parlement they tooke ladde hym there that neuer after none of his kynred myght wyth hym speke ne see after tratorursly toke morored hym for whose deth arose a sklaūdre thrugh all crystendom whan it was done And also the tresore the syre Edwarde of Kernaruian left in many places in Englonde and in walys was wastyd borne awaye wythout the wyll of kynge Edwarde his sone in dystruccyō of hym of al his folke ¶ Also thrughe whose counseyll that the kynge yaue vp the kyngdom of Scotlond for the whiche reame the kynges aūcetours had full sore traueiled and so dyd many a noble mā for theyr ryght was delyuered vnto dauyd that was Robert brus sone all the ryght that no ryght had to the reame as all the world it wyst And also by whom the chartres remēbraunces that they had of the ryght Scotlond were take out of the tresory taken to the Scottes the kynges enmyes to dysheritynge of hym and of his successours to grete harme of hys lyeges grete repreef to all Englysshemen for euer more ¶ Also wherfore dame Iohan of the toure the kynges syster Edward was dysperagyd and maryed vnto Dauyd that was Robertbrus sone that was a traytour enmye vnto Englonde thrugh whoo 's counseyl she was take into our enmyes
commaūde hym in my name that he be your frende and youre helpe for to take the mortymer al thynge yleft vpon peryll of lyf lym̄e ¶ Tho sayd Mountagu Syr my lorde graunt mercy ¶ Tho wente forthe the forsayd Mountagu and came to the Conestable of the castell and tolde hym the kynges wyll ¶ And he answerde and sayde· The kynges wyll sholde be doone in as moche as he myghte and that he wolde not spare for no manere of dethe And that he swore and made his othe ¶ Tho sayde syr wyllyam of Moūtagu to the constable in herynge of them alle that were helpynge to the same quarell Now certes dere frende vs behouyth to werke do by your aduys for to take the Mortymer syth that ye be keper of the castell and hath the keyes in your warde ¶ Syr sayd the Constable wyll ye vnderstonde that the castell yates ben lockyd with the keyes that dame Isabell sent hyther and by nyght she hath the keyes ther of and layeth them vnder the lursell of the bedde vnto the morowe and so ye maye not come in to the castell by the yates by no manere of wyse But I knowe an aleye that stretchythoute of the warde vnder the erthe in to the for sayde castell that gothe in to the weste whiche aleye dame Isabel the quene ne none of her men ne the Mortymer ne none of his company knowith it not And so I shall lede you thrugh the aley so ye shall come in to the castell withoute aspyenge of ony man that are your enmyes And the same nyghe syr wyllyam Mountagu all the lordes of his quarell the same Constable also went theym to hors made semblaūt as it were for to go out of Mortymers syght But anone as Mortymer harde thys tydynges he wende that they wolde haue gone ouer see for fere of hym ¶ And anone ryght he his cōpanye toke a coūseyll amonge theym for to lete theyr passage snetelletters anone to the porters so that none of the grete lordes sholde go home to theyr owned coūtrees but yf they were arested take And amonge other thynges wyllyam Elande Conestable of the for sayd castell pryuely ladde syre wyllyam of Mountagu hys company by the for sayd waye vnder the erth tyll they came in to the castell went vp in to the toure that Mortymer was in But syr Hughe of Trompynton theym ascryed hydously and sayd a traytours it is all for nought that ye ben comyn in to this castell ye shall deye yet an euell dethe euerychone And anone one of theim that was in Mountages company vp wyth a mace and smote the same Hugh vpon the heed that the brayne braste out and fell on the grounde and soo was he deed of an euyll deth ¶ Tho toke they mortymer as he armyd hym at the toures dore whan he herde the noyse of theym for drede ¶ And whan the quene Isablell sawe that the Mortymer was taken she made moche sorowe in herte thyse wordes vnto theym she sayd Now fayre syres I praye you that ye doo noo harme to his body a thy knyght our welbeloued frende and our dere cosyn ¶ Tho wente they thens and came and brought Mortymer and presentyd hym vnto kynge Edwarde he commaunded to brynge hym in saue warde ¶ But anone as they that were consentynge vnto mortymers doynge herde tell that he was taken they wente hydde them and pryuely by nyght wente out of the towne eche one his waye with heuy herte and mornynge chere lyued vpon theyr londes as well as they myghte ¶ And that same yere that Mortymer was take He hadde .ix. score knyghtes without quyres and sergaūtes of armys fote men And then̄e was mortymer ladde to London and syr Edmonde of Bedforde was ladde wyth hym and was taken to the constable of the toure to kepe ¶ But after warde was the Mortymers lyfe examyned at westmestre before the kynge and before all the geate lordes of Englonde for peryll that myght falle to the reame And to enquer● also whiche were consentynge to syr Edwardes dethe the kynges fader also thrugh whome the Scottes escaped fro Stanhope in scotlonde without leue of kynge Edwarde And also how the chartre of ragman was delyuered vnto the Scottes them the homages and feautees of the lordes of Scotlōde were conteyned that the Scottes sholde doo euer more to the Englysshe kynge for the reame of Scotlond wherfore he was Iugyd to be drawen and hangyd for his treason And this myscheyf came vnto hym on saynt Andrewes euen In the yere of the Incarnacyon of our lorde Ihesu cryste ¶ Howe kynge Edwarde gate ayen vnto hym gracyously the homages and feautees of Scotlonde wherof he was put oute thrughe the false counseyll of the quene Isabell his moder syre Roger Mortymer that was newely made Erle of Matche NOw haue ye herde how Iohan Bayllol in the tyme of peas was chosen to be kynge of Scotlonde for cause that he came of the eldest doughter of the Erle Dauyd of Huntyngton that was kynge Alysanders broder of Scotlond that deyed without heyre of hys body begoten And how this Iohan made his feaute and homage to kynge Edwarde Henryes sone the thyrde for his londes of Scotlonde And how he afterwarde with sayd hys homage thrugh counseyll of the Scottes in the yere of our lorde ·M CC.lxxiiii and sente vnto the pope thrugh a fals suggestyō that he made hys othe vnto the forsayd kynge Edwarde ouer hys estate and his wil of the whyche othe the pope hym assoyled thrughe hys bullys to hym ysent ¶ And anone as kynge Edwarde wyst therof he ordeyne anone hys barons and came vnto Berwyk and cōquered the towne at the whyche conquest there were slayne .xxv. thousande .vii. hundred Bayllol that was kyng of Scotlond came yeldyd hym to gode kynge Edwarde the kyng delyuered hym out of the toure of London and all the grete lordes with hym that tho were taken at Berwyk yaue theym saufconduyte to goo into Scotlonde And the Scottes sythe thrugh theyr falsnesse warred vpon the good kynge Edwarde And whan syr Iohan Bayloll kynge of Scotlonde sawe all this he wente ouer see vnto Dunpier and lyued there vpon hys londes as well as he myght tyll that the Scottes wolde amende theym of theyr mysdedys and trespaas and ladde with hym syr Edwarde his sone wherfore the Scottes in dyspyte of hym callyd hym syr Iohan Turnlabard for bycause that he wolde not ne offend ne trespaas ayenst the good kynge Edwarde of Englonde And soo he for soke hys reame of Scotlonde and sette therof but lytyll pryce And this syr Iohan dwellyd longe tyme in Fraunce tyll that he deyed there syr Edward his sone receyued hys herytage and dyde homage to the kynge of Fraunce for his londes of Dunpier And so it befell afterwarde that Edward that was Iohan Bayllols sone had with hym a squyre
grauntyd theym theyr prayer toke the hostages on saynt Margaretꝭ eue in the yere of grace M·CCC xxxiii the Scottes came fyersly well arayed in foure wynges for to mete kynge Edwarde of Englonde and Edwarde the kynge of Scotlonde with theyr power and came faste and sharply ayenst euensonge tyme And the same tyme was flood atte Berwyk in the water of Twede that no man myghte goo ouer on hys hors nor on fote ● and the water was bytwene tho two kynges and the reame of Englonde And that tyme abode the Scottes in that other syde for cause that the englyssgmen sholde haue be drowned ¶ Thys was the arraye of the Scottes how that they came in batayll ayenst the two kynges of Englonde and of Scotlonde In the vaunt warde of Scotlonde where thyse lordes THerle of Moryf Iamys Frysell Symond Frysell Walter stewarde Reynolde Cheyn Patryke of Greham Iohan le graunt Iamys of Cordoyl Patryk Parkeys Roberte Caldecottes Phylyp of Melledrum Thom̄s Gylbert Rauf wyseman Adam gurdon Iamys Gramat Roberte Boyd Huhhe Park with .xl knyghtꝭ newe dubbyd .vi. C. men of armes .iii. M. of comyns In the fyrste parte of thalfe batayll were thyse lordes the Stewarde of Scotlonde the erle of Mory Iamys his vncle wyllyā douglas dauyd of Lyndesey Marcolyn Flemynge Wyllyam of keth Dn̄sen Cankok with .xxx. bachelers new dubbyd ¶ In the seconde parte of the batayll were thyse lordes Iamys Stewarde of Corden Alein Stewarde wyllyam Abbrehin wyllyā Morys Iamys Fytz wyllyam Adam lemost walter Fytz. Gylbert Iohn̄ of Cerleton Robert wallam with .vii. C. men of armys and .xvii. M. comyns ¶ In the thyrd parte of the batayll of Scotlonde were thyse lordes The erle of Moref the erle of Ruf therle of Strahern the erle of Soth erlonde william of Kyrkkelay Iohn̄ Cābron Gylbert of Hey wyllyam ramsey wylliam Prēdegest Kyrston Harde wyllyam Gurde Arnold Garde Thomas Dolphyn wyth .xl. knyghtes newe dubbyd .ix. C. men of armys .xv. M. of comyns ¶ In the fourth warde of the batayll of Scotlonde were thyse lordes Archbalde Douglas the erle of Lencuax Alysander le Brus. the erle of Fyff Iohn̄ Canbell erle of Atheles Roberte Lawether wyllyam of Vypouynt wyllyam of Lonston Iohnn de Labels Groos de Sherenlawe Iohan de Lyndesey Alysander de Gray Ingram de Vmfreuille Patryk de Polesworthe Dauyd de wymes Mychell Scot. wyllyam Landy Thomas de Boys Roger Mortymer with xx bachelers new dubbyd .ix. C. men of armys .xviii. M. .iiii. C. of comyns The erle of Dunbar keper of the castelle of Berewyk halpe the Scottes with .l. men of armys And syr Alysander of Ceton keper of the for sayd towne of Berwyk with an C. men ef armys And also the comyns of the towne wyth ·iiii C. men of armys with .viii. C. of fote men ¶ The somme of therles lordes aboue sayd amounteth .lxvi. ¶ The some of bachelers newe dubbyd amoūteth to an C.lx. ¶ The sōme of men of armys amounteth .iii. M.C. ¶ The sūme of the comnyns amounteth .liii. M. and .iii. C. ¶ The sōme totalle of the people abouesayd amounteth .lxv. M.vii C.xlv And thyse .lx. .vi. gretate lordes ladde all the other greeste lordes abouesayde Infonre bataylles as it is tolde beforen allon fote and kynge Edwarde of Englonde and Edwarde Bayllol kyng of Scotlonde hadde well apparelled theyr folke in foure bataylles for to fyghte on fote ayenst the Scottes theyr enmyes ¶ And the Englys the mynstrels blewe theyr trumpetes and the. yr claryons and hydously ascryed the Scottes And tho had euery Englysshe batayll two wynges of pryce archers The whiche at that batayll shot arowes so faste and soo sore that the Scottes myghte not helpe themsefle And they smote the Scottes thousandes vnto the grounde And they began for to flee fro the englysshmen for to saue theyr lyues And whan the Scottes knaues saw the scomfyture and the Scottes fall fast to the grounde they preckyd faste theyr maysters horse with the sporis for to kept theym from peryl sete theyr maysters at on force And whan thenglyssmen saw that they lept on theyr horses faste pursued the Scottes all that abode they slewe downe ryght ¶ There men myght see the doughtinesse of the noble kynge Edward of hys men how manly they pursewed the Scottes that flowe for drede And there men myght see many a Scottysshman caste downe vnto the groūde the baners dysplayde hackyd in to peces many a gode haberyoyne of stele in the blode bathe And many a tyme the Scottes were gadred in to cōpanyes but euer more they were discomfyted ¶ And so it befell as god almyghty wolde that the Scottes had that day nomore fayson ne myghte ayenst the Englysshemen than .xx. shepe among .v. wulues And so were the Scottes dyscomfyted yet the scottees was well .v. men ayenst one englysshmen And the batayll was done on Halydoune hyll besyde the towne of Berwyk At the whiche batayll were slayne of the Scottes xxxv· thousande .vii. houndred and .xii. And of the Englysshemen but only .xiii. And this victory befel to the Englysshmen on saynt Margyretes euen the holy virgyn martyr in the yere of our lorde Ihesu cryste M.CCC.xxxii ¶ And whyle thys doynge lastyd the Englysshe pages toke the pylfre of the Scottes that were slayne euery man that he myght take wythout ony chalengynge of ony man And so after thys gracyous victory the kynge torned hym agayne vnto the same syege of Berewyk ¶ And whan they be syeged sawe and herde how kynge Edwarde had spede they yelded to hym the towne wyth the castell on the morowe after saynt Margaretes daye ¶ And thenne the kynge dyde ordeyne syr Edwarde Baylloll with other noble and worshypfull men to be kepers and gouernours of all Scotlonde in hys absence And hymselfe torned ayē and came into Enlōde after this vyctorye with moche Ioye and also worshyp and in the nexte yere folowynge after that is for to say in the yere of the Incarnacyon of oure lorde Ihesu eryste M.CCC.xxxiii And of kynge Edwarde vii· he wente ayen in to Scotlonde in wynter tyme Atte the whiche vyage the castell of kylbrygge in Scotlonde for hym and for his men that were with hym he recouered and had ayenst the Scottes All at his owne luste ¶ And in that same yere syr Edwarde Bayloll kyng of Scotlonde helde his parlement in Scotlonde with many noble lordes of Englonde that were at that same parlemente bycause of theyr londes and also lordshyps that they had in the reame of Scotlonde And helde all of the same Baylloll And in the .viii. yere of hys regne abowte the feest of saynt Iohan Baptist syr Edward Bayllol they vere and true kynge of Scotlonde as by heretage right lyne made his homage and feaute vnto kynge Edwarde of Englonde for the reame of Scotlonde att new castell vppon Tyne In the presente of many a worthy man and also of comyns bothe of the reame of
Lancastre vnder peas trewes went vnto the yates of the cyte proferynge to them that wolde abyde a batayll in the felde vnder suche condicyon that yf the kynge of Englonde were ouer comen there as god forbyd it sholde that than he sholde neued chalenge the kyngdom of fraunce And there he had of theym but short scornfull answere came tolde it to the kynge his lordes what he had herde what they sayd And then̄e went forth the newe kynghtes with many other makyng assawte to the cyte they dystroyed the subbarbes of the cyty And whyle al these thynges were doynge the Englysshmen made them redy for to be auenged vpon the shame and dyspyte that was done the yere at wynshelse and ordeyned a nauye of lxxx· shyppes of men of London and of other marchauntes .xiii. thousande men of armes and archers and went serched and skūmed the see and manly token and helde the yle of Caux wherfore the Frensshmen that is for to say the abbot of Cluyn the erle of Tankeruyll bursygaude that tho was stewarde of Fraunce wyth many other men of the same coūtre by the comune assent of the lorde Charles that th● was regned of Fraunce they hastyd them went to the kyng of Englond askynge besechynge hym stedfaste peas euerlastynge vpon certayne condycōnes that there were shewed wryten The whiche whan the kyng hys coūseyll had seen it it pleased hym neuer a deale but syth it wolde be none other wyse the tyme of better accorde delyberacyon the Frensshemen besely with grete in staūce asked trewes for the see costes and the kyng graūtyd them ¶ And in the morow after the vtas of Pasche the kynge torned hym wyth his host to warde Orlyaūce destroyenge wastynge all the coūtre by the way And as they went theder ward there felle vpon theym seche a storme tempest that none of our nacyon neuer herde ne sawe none suche thrugh the whyche thousandes of ouer men thryr horses in theyr Iourney as it were thrugh vengeaunce sodeynly were slayne perysshed the whiche tempestꝭ were full grete yet fered not the kyng ne moche of his peple but they wente forth in theyr vyage that they had begōne wherfore about the feest of Phylyp Iacob in May fast by in Carnocū the for sayd lordes of Fraūce metynge there with the kyng of Engelonde apsyble accorde a fynall vpon certayne condyons graūts artycularly gadred wryten togyder euermore for to laste dyscertly made to both the kynges proffytable to both theyr reames of one assente of Charles the regner gouernour of Fraūce of Parys of the same reame wryten made vnder dare of carnocū the .xv. daye of May. they offred ꝓffred to the kyng of Englōd requyring his grace in all thynges wryten that he wolde benyngl● admyt them holde thē●erme stable to thē to theyr heyres for euermore thens for the the whiche thyngꝭ artycles whan kyng Edwarde had seen thē he graūtyd them so that both partyes sholde be sworne on goddes body on the Euangelyst that the for sayd couenaunt sholde be stablysshe so they accorded graciously Therfore were ordeyned and dressed on euery syde two barons two baronettes and two kynghtes to admitte and receyue that othes of the lord Charles regēt of Fraūce of syr Eeward the fyrste sone and heryre of kynges Edwarde of Englonde And the x· daye of May there was songen a solempne masse at Parys and after the Agnus dei sayd with dona nobys pace● in presence of the for sayd men that were ordeyned to Admitte receyue the othes of all other that there myght be Soo Charles layd hys ryght honde on the patent with goddes bodye hys left honde on the myssall sayd we N. sweren on goddes body the holy gospels that we shall trewly stedfastly hold toward vs the peas the accorde made bytwene the two kynges and ● all hys lordes for more loue and strenth of wytnesse he deased and departed the relyques of the crowne of Cryst to the knyghtes of Englond they token curtously theyr leue the fryday nexte the same othe in presence of the forsayde knyghtes of other worthy mē prynce edwarde made att Louers Afterwarde both kynges theyr sones the moost noble men of both reames within the same yere made the same othe for to strength all these thyngꝭ afore sayd the kynge of Englond axyd the gretest men of fraunce had his askynge that is to saye .vi. dukes .viii. erles .xii. lordes all noble barons good knyghtes And whan the place tyme was assygned in whiche both kynges with theyr counsell sholde come to gyders al the forsayd thynges bytwene theym spoken for to retefye make ferme and stable the kyng of Englond anone wēte toward the see at Hountflet began to saylle leuynge to hys hostes that were lefte behynde hym by cause of his absence made moche heuynes and after the .xix. day of Maye he came in to Englond went to his palays att westmynstre of saynt Dunstons daye the thyrde daye after he vysyted Iohan Kynge of fraunce that was in the tour of London and delyuerd hym frely from all maner of pryson sauf fyrst they were accorded of thre myllyons of floreyns for his raunsōme and the kynge comfortyd hym cheryd hym in all places wyth all solace and myrthes that longen to a kynge in his goynge home warde ¶ And the .ix. daye of Iulii in the same yere this same Iohan kynge of fraunce that afore laye here in hostage wente home ayen in too his owne londe to treate of tho thynges and other that londe and fallen to the gouernaunce of his reame ¶ And afterwarde mette and came togyder att Calays bothe two kynges with bothe theyr counseyll aboute all Halowen tyde And there were shewed the condicyons and the poyntes of the peas and of the accorde of bothe sydes wrytten and there with out ony with sayenge of bothe sydes gracyously they were accorded And there was done and songen a solempne masse and after the thyrde Agnus dei vpon goddes body and also vppon the masse boke bothe the kynges theyr sones and the grettest lordes of bothe reames and of theyr counseyll that there were presente had not sworne before the forsayde othe that they had made and tytled bytwene theym they behyghten to kepe and alle other couenauntes that there bytwene them ordeyned· ¶ And in thys same yere men beestes trees and houses wyth sodayne tempeste and stronge lyghtnynge were perysshed and the deuyll apperyd bodely mannes lyknes to moche people as they wente in dyuers places in the countrees and spake to theym in that lyknes ¶ How the greate company arose in fraunce and the whyte company in Lombardye and of other meruaylles Kynge Edwarde in the .xxxvi. yere of his regne anone after Crystenmasse in the feest of the
wasted dystroyed both corne hey And there was suche debate fyghtinge of sparowes by dyuerse places in these dayes that men founde innumerable dede in the feldes as they wente And there fell also suche a pestylence that neuer seen suche in noo mannes dayes that than lyued for men that wente to beded hole in good poynt sodenly they dyed ¶ Also the tyme a sykenes that men calle the pockes slewe bothe mē women thrugh theyr enfectinge ¶ And in the xli yere of kynge Edward was borne at Burdeux Rycharde the seconde sone of prynce Edwarde of Englond the whiche Rychard kynge Rycharde of Amorycan heueden at the foū● stone after whom he was called Rychard and this same Rycharde whan his fader was deed kyng Edwarde also he was crowned kyng of Englonde the .xi. yere of his aege thrugh ryghte lyne and herytage also by the com●ne assent and desyre of the comynalte of the reame ¶ Aboute this tyme at kyng Edwardes commaundement of Englond whan all the castels townes were yolden to hym that longe were holden in fraunce by a grete company assembled togyder syr Bartram Claykyn a noble knyght and a good warryour wente and purposed hym to put out Pers kynge of Spayne out of his kyngdome with helpe of the mooste partye of the forsayd grete company trustynge also vpon helpe and fauour of the pope for as moche as it come to his eeres that the same pers sholde lede vse a synfull lyf the whiche Pers smyten wyth drede of this tydynge fledde into Gascoyne to prynce Edwarde for to haue socoure of hym And whan he was fledde out of Spayne Henry his broder that was bastarde by assent of the moost party of Spayne thrughe helpe of the ferefull company that I spake of fyrst was crowned kyng of Spayne the nombre of that same cōpany was rekened sette at the nombre of .xl. M. fytynge men ¶ This same yere in the moneth of Iune there come a grete cōpany a nauye of the Danes gadred them togyder in the Northe see purposynge them to come into Englonde to reue and to robbe and also to sle with whom they countred mette in the see maryners and other gode fytynge men o● the countre dysperpled theym And they ashamyd went home ayen into theyr owne coūtre but amonge the other there was a boystous vessell and a stronge of theyr nauye that was ouer saylled by the Englysshmen was perysshed drenched In the whiche the Stewarde other worthy and greate men of Denmarke were taken prysoners the kynge of Englonde his coūseyll prysoned them the whiche lordes the Danes afterwarde sought them all about for to haue hadde them ayen wyth theyr goodes that they had lost they not well apayed ne pleased of the answer that they had they torned homwardes ayen leuynge behynde thē in there Innes preuely writen in scrowes and on walles yet shall Danes wast the wanes Thenne happed there an Englysshe wryter wrote ayenst the Duke in this manere here shall Danes fette theyr banys ¶ And in this time pers the kynge of Spayne with other kynges that is to saye the kynge of Nauerne and the kynge of Malogre beynge meanes wenten bytwene and prayed counseyll and helpe of syr Edwarde the prynce whos counseyll whan he had vnderstandynge theyr artycles and desyre that he was requyred of tho kynges lothe he was and ashamed to saye nay and contrary to them But netheles he was a gast lest it shold be ony preiudyce ayenst the pope and longe tyme taryed them or that he wolde graunte or consente therto tyll he had better counseyl rauysemente with good delyberacyon of kyng Edward his fader But whan they were with hym euery day contynually besechynge of many noble men requyred spoken to with many prayers sente made bytwene them thā prynce edward sente to his fader both by cōplaynyng letters also by confortable conteynyng al theyr suggestyons causes wyth all the other kynges epystles letters for to haue cōforte helpe of the wronges not only done to the kyng Spayne but also for suche thynges as myght falle to other kynges Also yf it were not the soner holpē and amended thrugh the done helpe of knyghthode to thē that it asked desyred ¶ The whiche letter whan the kynge hys counseyll had seen suche a kynge spoylynge robbynge with moche merueyll And sente ayen comfortable letters to prynce Edwarde hys sone to that other kynges warned them for to arme them ordeyne theym ayenst that misdoer and to withstande them by the helpe of god that were suche enmies to kynges whā this noble prȳce had receyued this letters hym self with that other kynges before sayd all there counseyl called togider or that he wolde vndertake the quarell he bounde knytte sore the kynge that was deposed with a grete o th that is to saye that he sholde euer after mayntene the ryght byleue faythe of holy chyrche and also wyth all theyr mynysters ryghtes libertees to defende from all theyr enmyes all euylles And al that were there ayenst bytterly to punysshe destroble al the ryghtꝭ lybertes preuyleges of holy chirche encrease mayntene amende alle thynges that were wronfully taken withdrawen and borē a waye by hym or by ony other by cause of hym hastely to restore ayen to dryue and put oute sarasyns all other mysbyleued people out of his kyngdom wyth all his strenth his power and suffre ne admitte none suche for no manere thynge ne cause to dwelle therin And that whan he had taken a crysten woman he sholde neuer come in to none other womans bedde ne none other mannes wyfe to defoyle ¶ All thyse for sayd thynges trewly for to kepe contynue and fulfyll as alle hys lyfe tyme he was douuden by othe afore notaryes in presence wytnesse of tho kynges wyth other prynces ¶ And than that gracyous prynce Edwarde vndertoke the cause the quarell of the kyng that was deposed and behyghte hym with the grace of almyghty god to restore hym ayen to his kyngdom lette ordeyne gadre togyder forth with in alle haste his nauye with men of armes for to warre and fyght in his for sayde cause ¶ And in this same yere vpon the sande of the Scottes see that many a man sawe it thre dayes togyder there were seen two Egles of the whiche the one come out of the southe that other out of the north cruelly strongly they fought togyder wrastled togyder the south elge fyrst ouercome the north Egle all to rente hym with his bylle his clawes that he shold not reste ne take no byrthe the south Egle fleyth home to his owne costes· ¶ And anone after there folowed was seen in the morne after the sonne rysynge after in the last daye of Octobre sauynge
reame saynge that it sholde despended in defendyn he of holy chyrche of his reame netheles it profyted no thynge wherfore aboute mydsomer after he made a grete host of the worthyest men of hys reame Amōges whom were some lordes that is to say the lorde Fytzwater the lord graunson and other worthy knyghtꝭ of whyche knyghtꝭ the kynge ordeyned syr Robert Knolles a proude kny●t and a welle assayd in dedes of armes for too be gouerneur that thrugh his counseyl gouernaunce all thynge shold be gouerned dressed And whan they come into fraunce as longe as they dwelled helde them hole togyder that frenshemen durste not fall vpon them And att the laste about the begynnynge of wynter for enuye couetyse that was amōge them and also dyscorde they sondred parted them into dyuerse cōpanyes vnwysely folesly But syr Robert Knolles hys men wente keped thym saufe within a castell in Brytayne And whan the frensshmen sawe that our men and felaushyp were diuyded into dyuerse companyes and places not holdynge ne strengthynge thym togyders as they out for to do they felle fyersly on oure men for the moost partye toke them or slewe thē tho that they might take ledde with them prysoners ¶ And in the same yere pope Vrban● came fro rome to Auynyon for this cause that he sholde accorde made peas bytwene the kynge of Fraūce the kynge of Englond for euer more But alas or he began his treates he deyed wyth the sekenesse the .xxi day of Decembre and was buryed as for the tyme in the cathedrall chyrche of Auynyon fast by the hygh awter and the nexte yere after whan he had lyen so his bones were taken out of the erth buryed new in the abbay of saynt vyctorye fast by Marcylle of the whiche abbaye he was somtyme abbot hymself And in both places that he was baryed in there he many grete myrcales done wrough thrugh the grace of almighty god to many mānes helpe to the worshyp of god almghty ¶ And after whom folowed nexte and was made pope Gregorye Cardynalle Deken that before was called Pyers Roger. ¶ In the same yere Lymoge rebelled faught ayenst the prynce as other cytes dyde in Guyhem for grete taxes cossages raunsons that they were put and sete to by prynce Edwarde whyche charges were importable wherfore they turned fro hym and fellen to the kynge of Fraunce And whan prynce Edwarde this he was sore chafed agreued and in hys tornynge home warde ayen in to Englonde with sore scar musshes and fytynge and grete sautes fought with theym and toke the forsayd cytee and destroyed it almoost to the grounde and slewe all that he founde in the cyte And than for to say the sothe for dyuerse sekenes maladyes that he had and also for defaute of money that he myghte not with stande ne tary on hys enmyes he hyed hym ayen in to Englonde with his wyfe and menye leuynge behynde in Gascoyne the duke of Lancastre syr Edmond erle of Cambrydge wyth other worthy and noble men of armes ¶ In the .xlvi. yere of kynge Edward at the ordynaunce and sengynge of kynge Edwarde the kynge of Nauerne come to hym to Claryngdon to treate wyth hym of certayne thynges touchynge his warre in Normandye where kynge Edwarde had left certayne syeges in his stede tyll he come ayen But kynge Edwarde myghte not spede of that that he seked hym And so the kynge of Nauerne wyth grete worshyp grete gyftes to his leue wente home ayen ¶ And abowte begynnynge of Marche whan the parlemente at westmyster was begon the kyng asked of the clergye a subsydye of .l. M. poūde the whiche by a good auysement and by a generall cōuocaōn of the clergye it was graunted ordeyned that it sholde be payed and reysed of the lay fee. And in thys parlement at the request askynge of the lordes in hatred of men of holy chirche the Chaunceler the tresourer that were bysshops and the clerke of the pryue sale were remeued and put out of offyce in theyr stede were seculer men put in And whyle thys parlement lasted there come somlepne embassatours fro the pope to treate with the kyng of peas and sayd that the pope desyred to fulfyll his predecessours wyll but for all theyr comynge they sped not ¶ Of the besygynge of Rochell how the erle of Penbroke his cōpany was takē in the hauen wyth spanyerdes all hys shyppes brent THe .ix. daye of Iune kynge Edward in the .xlvii. yere of his regne helde his parlemente at whynchestre it lasted but .viii. dayes to the whiche parlement were sompned by wryte of men of holy chyrche .iiii. bysshops .v. abbottes without ony moo This parlement was holden for marchauntes of London of Norwhiche of other dyuerse placꝭ in dyuerse thynges and poyntes of trason that they were defamed of that is to saye that they were rebell wolde arise ayenst the kynge this same yere the duke of Lancastre the erle of Cambrydge his brother come out of Gascoyne into Enlonde tooke wedded to theyr wyues peters doughter somtyme kynge of Spayne Of whyche two doughters the duke had the elder the erle the yonger that same tyme there were sent two Cardynals fro the pope that is to saye an Englysshe Cardynall a Cardynal of Parys to treate of peas bytwene these two reames that whyche whan they had ben both longe eche in his prouynce countreees fast by treatynge of the forsayd peas att the last they toke with theym the lettes of procuracye went ayen to Rome without ony effect of theyr purpose ¶ In this yere was there a stronge Batayll in the see bytwene Englysshmen and flemynges and the Englysshmen had the victory toke .xxv. shyppes with salt and sleynge and drenchynge all the mē that were therin vnwetynge they they were of that countree And moche harme shold haue fallen therof had not peas accorde sone be made bytwene them ¶ And in this same yere the frensshmen besyeged the towne of Rochell wherfore the erle Penbroke was sent into gascoyne wyth a grete company of men of armes for to dystroye the syege whyche passed the see and came sauf to the hauen of Rochell whan they were there at the hauē mouth or that they myght entre sodaynly come vpon them a strōge nauye of Spanyardes the whiche ouercame the Englysshmen in moche blemysshynge hurtinge and sleynge of many people for as moche as the Englysshmen were than not redy for to fyght ne were ware of them And as the Spanyerdes came vpon them all the Englysshmen other they were takē or slayne and .x. of theym were sore woūded to the deth and all theyr shyppes brente and there they toke the erle wyth a grete tresour of the reame of Englōde and many other noble mē also on mydsomer euen the whiche is saȳt Edeldredꝭ
squyres kept manly the water of seyn fought with theyr enmyes oft tymes And on that other syde of Seyn laye the erle of Hontyngdon master Neuyll the erles sone of westmer london and syr Gylbert Vm●reuyll erle of Keme and syr Rycharde erle of Arundell the lorde Feryers wyth theyr retenue before porte du poūte and eche of these lordes had stronge ordynaūce the kynge dyde make at Poūtlarge ouer the water of Seyn a stronge and amyghty chayne of Iron put yt thrught grete pylis fast pyght in the grounde that wente ouer the Ryuer of Seyn that no vessell myght passe that in to kynde And aboue that chayn the kynge lete make a brydge ouer the water of Seyn that man hors all other caryage myght go to and fro at all tymes whā nede were And than came the erle of warwyke and had goten Doūfronte vnto kynge Henry of Englonde And anone the kynge sent the erle of warwyk to Cawdebeke for to be seyge yt And whan he came before the towne he sente his Heraudes vnto the Capytayne and badde hym yelde vp the towne vpon payne of dethe and anone he layde his sege And the Capytayne besought the erle that he myght come vnto hys presence and it pleased hym speke wyth hym and soo the good erle graūted hym for to come And than he came oute and foure other burgeys came wyth hym entreated soo wyth this erle that this same towne was vnder composycyon to be done as the Cyte of Rome dyde and the Erle graunted and consented tho●to vpoon thys condycyon that the kynges nauye of Englonde wyth hys ordynaunce myghte passe by theym in saufte with out ony manere of lette or dysturbaunce And to his composycyon they sete to theyr seales And the shyppes passed vp by them in saufte and came before the Cytee of Rone in to an hondred shyppes there they caste theyr ankers and thanne thys Cyte was besyeged bothe by londe and by water And whan all this was done and the shyppes comen vp than came the erle of warwyke ayen to the kyng and lodged hym bytwene the abbaye of saynt Katherynes and the kyng tyll that the abbaye enteraced and so was yolden vnto the kynge And thanne he remeued hym thens and lodged hym before the porte Martenuylye and tho was the erle of Salysbury commaunded by the Kynge for to make hym redy for to ryde but there came hasty tydynges and made hym to abyde And soo he retorned ayen and lodged hym besyde the good Erle of Huntyngdon tylle that syege was ended ¶ And thenne came the good duke of Gloucestre the kynges brother from the syege of Chyrbourghe the whiche he hadde goten and stuffid it agayne vnto the kynges behoue and profyte vnto the crowne of Englond And whan he was comen to the kynge before Rone he lodged with greate ordynaunce before the porte Saynt Hyllary more nerer the towne and hys enmyes thenne ony other laye by .xl. roddes of lenthe within shote of quarell And wyth hym laye the Erle of Southfolke and the Lorde of Bergeyeney wyth all hys retenue and stronge ordynaunce and manly and proudly faughte euery day wyth theyr enmyes euer whan they yssued out of the cyte ¶ And thanne came the pryoure of Kylmayne of Irlonde ouer the see to the kynge wyth a fayr meny of armes of theyr owne countree gyse the somme of .xvi. hondred good mennys bodyes and the kyng welcomed theym and made theym goode there ¶ And thanne came thydynges vnto the kynge that the kynge of Fraūce and the Dolphyn with the duke of Burgoyne wolde come downe and rescowe the Cyte of Rone with a stronge power of all manere of nacyons and breke the syege And casteth hym to entre on the northe syde of the hooste by cause that there was the beste entrynge and moost playne and there for the kynge assyned the pryoure of Kylmayne wyth his power and lodged hym on the northe syde of the hoste for to stoppe theyr passage and was by the foreste of Lyons and of this ordynaunce they were full gladde so they went forthe in all haste kepte the grounde and the place that the kyng his counseyll had assygned and they quyte them as good warryours vnto thyer kynge ¶ Now wyll I tell you whyche were the chyef Capytayns gouernoure of the Cytee of Rome Monsyr ●uy Boteler was cheyf Capytayne bothe of the cyte and of the castell And Mon syre Teymygan he was Capytayne of porte Canx Mon syr de al Roche he was Capytayne of the Dysners Mon syr Anthony he was Lyuetenaūt to Mon syr Guy Botyler Henry Chantfyen he was the Capytayne of the porte dela Pounte· Iohan Materuas was Capytayne of the porte de la Castell Mon syr de Preant he was Capytayne of the porte of Saynt Hyllary The bastarde of Tyne he was Capytayn of the porte Martenuylle And graunt Iakes a worthy warryoure he was Capytayne of al mē of warre and he wys gouernour outwarde both on horsbacke and on foot of all men of armes whan they yssued out of the cytee of all the portes than he arayed them al they sholde encountre with our menye And eche of the Capytayns ladde fyue thousande men of armes and some moo And of the fyrste comynge of our Kynge theyr were nombred by Heroudes in to thre hundred thousande of mē and womē chyldren what yonge and olde amonge all these was many a man full man of his hondes and so the preued them whan they yssued out of the cytee both on horsbacke and on foot for they came neuer att one gate allone but at thre or foure gates and attē euery gate two or thre thousande of good mennys bodyes armed manfully encoūtred with our Englyssmē and moche people slayne dyuerse tymes wyth gonnes quarelles and other ordynaunce And this syege dured ·xx wekes and euery they of the towne trusted to haue be rescowed but there cam none so att the laste they kepte towne soo lange that there deyed many a thousādes within the towne for defaute of mete of men and chyldren for they had eten theyr horses dogges and cattes that were in the towne And often tymes the men of armes drofe out the pore people out att the gates of the towne for spendynge of vytaylles and anone our Englysshmen drofe theym into the towne ayen Soo at the laste the Capytayne of the towne sawe the myschyef and that they were not rescowed and also the scarsyte of vytaylle and that the people deyed soo for defaute of meete euery daye many thousandes And also sawe yonge chyldren lye and souke theyr moders pappes were deed ¶ Than anone they sente to the kynge besechynge hym of hys grace and mercye and broughte the keyes of the towne vnto the kynge and delyuered the towne to hym al the soudyours voyed the towne with theyr horses and harnes and the comunes of the towne for to
in botes and barges ¶ ye haue well vnderstonde before how that contrary to the promyse of the kyng also the conclusyons take bytwene the kynge the duke of yorke att Brentheth the duke of Somerset went not to warde but abode about the kynge had grete rule And anone after he was made Capytayne of Calays ruled the kyng his reame as he wolde wherfore the grete lordes of the reame also the comyns were not pleased For whyche cause the duke of yorke the erle of warwyke the erle of Salysbury with many knyghtes and squyres and moche other people came to remeue the sayde duke of Somerset and other fro the kynge And the kyng herynge of theyr comynge thoughte by hys coūseyll for to haue gone westwarde not for to haue mette with them And had with hym the duke of Somerset the duke of Bokyngham the erle of Stafforde the erle of Northumberlonde \ the lorde Clyfforde many other ¶ And what tyme that the duke of yorke and his felyshyppe vnderstonde that the kyng was departed wyth the lordes from London anone he chaunged hys way costed the coūtre and came to saynt Albons the .xxiii. daye of May. there mette with the kyng to whom the kyng sent certayne lordes desyred them to kepe the peas and departe But in conclusyon why●e they treated on that one syde the erle of warwyk with the Marche men other entred in to the twone on that other syde and fought ayenst the kynge and his party and so began the batayll and fyghtinge whiche endured a greate whyle But in conclusyon the duke of yorke obteyned and had the vyctory of the Iourneye In whyche was slayne the duke of Somerset the erle of Northumberlonde the lorde Clyfforde and many kynghtes and squyres and many moo hurte And on the morne after they brought the kynge in grete astate to London whyche was lodged in the bysshops palays of London And anone after was a grete parlemēt at London in whiche parlement the duke of yerke was made protectour of Englōde the erle of warwyk Capytayne of Calays the erle of Salysbury Chaunceler of Englonde And all suche persones as had the rule before aboute the kynge were set a parte and myght not rule as they dyd before ¶ And this same yere deyed pope Nycholas the fyfte after hym was Calixt the thyrde This Calixt was a Catalane the actes of hym shal be shewed here after folowynge· ¶ In this same yere fell a grete affraye in Lōdon ayēst the Lūbardes the cause begā bycause a yonge man toke a dager frome a Lūbarde brake it wherfore the yōge mā on the morne was sēte fore to come before the Mayer the aldermē there for offēce He was cōmytted to warde And thēne the mayer departed fro the yelde halle for to goo home to his dyner But in Chepe the yonge mē Mercerye for the moost partye prentyses helde the Mayre the Shyrefs styl in Chepe And wolde not suffre theym to departe vnto the tyme that theyr felowe whyche was commytted to warde were delyuered and so by force they rescowed theyr felowe from pryson And that done the Mayre departed and the Shrefes also and the prysoner deliuered whiche yf he had be put to pryson He had be in Ieoperdye of his lyfe And thene began a rumoure in the cyte ayenst the Lōbardes And the same euenynge the hond crafty men of the towne arose and rāne to the Lumbardes houses and dyspoyled and robbed dyuers of them wherfore the Mayre and the Aldermen came with the honest people of the cyte And droue them thens and sente some of theym that had stolen to Newgate ¶ And the yonge man was rescowed by his felowes sawe this greate rumoure affraye robbed ensewed of hys fyrste meuynge to the Lumbarde departyd and wente to westmynster to saynt wary Or elles it hadde coste hym hys lyfe For anone after came downe an Oyer determyne for to do Iustyce on all theym that so rebelled in the Cytee ayenste the Lumbardes On whyche satte wyth the Mayre that tyme wyllyam Marowe the duke of Bokyngham And many other lordes to se execucyon done But the comynes of the Cytee secretely made them redy and dyde arme them in theyr howses and were in purpoos to haue rongen the comyne belle whiche is called bowe belle but they lete by syde men whiche came to the knowlege of the duke of Bokyngham and other lordes ¶ And in contynente they arose for they durste noo lenger abyde for they dowted that the hole Cyte sholde haue rysen ayenst theym But yet neuerthels two or thre of the cyte were Iuged to dethe for this robbery were hangyd at Tyborne ¶ And anone after the kynge the quene other lordes rode to Couētre and withdrewe theym fro London for this cause And a lytyll before the duke of yorke was sent for to grenewych And there was dyschargyd of the protectourshyppe And the erle of Salysbury of his Chaūchelershyppe And after thys they were sente fore by preuy seale for to come to Couētre where they were almoost disceyued the Erle of warwyke also and shold haue ben dystroyed yf they had not seen well to ¶ How the lorde Egremōde was take by the Erle of Salysbury sōes of the robbynge of Sandwytche THis yere were taken four grete fysshes bytwene Ereth london that one was called Mors Maryne the seconde was a swerde fysshe the other two were whalys In this same yere for certayne affrayes done ī the northe coūtre bytwene lord Egremōde the erle of Salysbury sones the sayd lord Egremond whō they had cōdempned in a grete som̄e of money to the sayd Erle of Salysbury therfore he was cōmytted into pryson in Newegate in London where whan he had be a certayne space he brake the pryson thre prysoners with hym escaped wēt his waye Also this yere the erle of warwyk his wyf wēt to Calays with a fayre felisshyp toke possessyon of his offyce about this tyme was grete reformacōn of many monesteryes of relygyō in dyuerse partyes of the worlde wiche were refourmed after the fyrst Instytutycyon and cōtynued in many places ¶ This same yere was a greate batayll in the Marches bytwene the londe of Hūgry Turkey at a place is called Septedrad where Innumerable Turkes were slayne more bi myracle than̄e by mānes honde for oonly the honde of god smote theym saynt Iohan of Capystrane was there presēce prouokyd the cristē people beynge thēne aferde for to pursue after the Turkys where an Infynyte multytude were slayne dystryed the Turkys sayd that a grete nōbre of armyd mē folowed thē that they were aferde to turne ayen they were holy angelles This same yere the prysoners of Newgate in Londō brake theyr pryson went vpon the sedes and fought ayēst theym of the Cytee kepe the gate a longe whyle But att
of Cornewale were chaūged to Exestre therto is subget Deuēshyre Cornwale ¶ De orientalibus episcopis IT is knowen that the Eest Saxons alwaye fro the begynnynge to nowe were subgette to the bysshop of London But the prouynce of the eest Angels that conteyneth Norffolke and Souffolk had one bysshop att Donwyk the bysshop heet Felix and was a Bourgon was bysshop .xvii. yere after hym Thomas was bysshoppe .v. yere after hym boneface .xvii. yere Thenne Bysy afterwarde was ordeyned by Theodorus ruled the prouynce whyle he myght endure by hymself allone After hym vnto Egbertes tyme kyng of westsaxon an hōdred .xliii. bysshops ruled that prouynce oone att donwyk and an other of Elyngham Neuertheles after Ludecans tyme kynge of Mercia lefte and was only one see att Elyngham vnto the .v. yere of wyllyam conqueroure whan Herfastus the .xxiii. bysshop of the estrene chaunged his see to Tetforde and his successour Herbertus chaunged these fro Tetforde to Norwhiche by leue of kynge wyllyam the reed The see of Ely that is nyght therto the fyrst kynge Henry ordeyned the .ix. yere of his regne and made subgect therto Cambrydgeshyre that was tofore a parte of the bysshopryche of Lyncoln and for quytynge therof he gaafte to the bisshop of Lyncoln a good towne called Spaldynge ¶ De episcopis Merciorum wilhelmus HEre take heede that as the Kyngdome of Mercia was alwaye greteste for the tyme so it was dealed in mo bysshopryches and specyally by grete hyrte by kynge Offa. whyche was .xl yere kynge of Mercia he chaunged the Archebysshops see fro Caunterbury to Lychfelde by assent of Adryan the pope Thenne the prouynce of Mercia of Lyndeffar in the fyrst begynnynge of her crystendom in kynge wulfrans tyme had one bysshop at Lytchefeld the fyrst bysshop that was there heet Dwyna the seconde heet Celath were both Scottes after them the thyrde Trumphere the fourth Iarmuanus the fyfte Chedde But in Edelfydes tyme that was wulfrans broder whan Chedde was deed Theodorus tharchebysshop ordeyned ther wynfrede Cheddes deken Netheles apud Hyndon after that for he was vnbuxum in some poynt he ordeyned there Sexwulf abbot of Medāstede that is named burgh but after Sexwulfus fourth yere Theodorus tharchebysshop ordeyned fyue bysshops in the prouynce of Mer●ia And so he ordeyned Bosell at wyrcestre Cudwyn at Lychfelde the forsayd Sexwulf at Chestre Edelwyn att Lyndeseye at cyte Sydenia he toke Eata monke of the abbaye of Hylde att whyt by made hym bysshoppe of Dorchestre besyde Oxenforde Tho this Dorchestre heet Dorkynge so the see of that longeth to westsaxon in Saynt Byrynes tyme longed to Mercia from Theodorus the Archebysshops tyme Ethelred kynge of Mercia hadde destroyed Kente this bysshop Sexwulf tooke Pyctas bysshop of Rochestre that come oute of Kente and made hym fyrste bysshop of Herdforde at last whan Se●fulf was dede Hedda was bysshop of Lychefelde after hym and wylfryd flemed out of Northumberlonde was bysshop of Chestre Netheles after two yere Alfred kynge of Northumberlōde deyed and wylfrede torned agayne to hys owne se hagustalden and soo Hedda helde bothe the bysshopryches Lychfelde and of Chestre after hym come Albyn that heet wor also and after hym come thre bysshops Torta at chestre wytta at Lychfelde And Eata was yet atte Dorchestre After his dethe bysshops of Lyndesey helde his see .iii. hondred .liiii. yere vnto ●emygius chaunged the see to Lyncoln by leue of the fyrste kynge wyllyam But in Edgars tyme bysshop Leot winus Ioyned both bysshopryches to gyeer of Chestre and lyndeffa● whyle his lyfe edured ¶ De episcopis Northumbran Wilhel de pon li. ca. xi AT yorke was one see for all the prouynce of Northūberlonde paulinus helde fyrste the see was ordeyned of the bysshop of Caūterbury helde the see at yorke .vii. yere Afterwarde whā kynge Edwyn was slayne and thynges were dystroubled Poulinus wente thens by water awaye into Kent from whens he come fyrste toke with hym the pall ¶ Wilhel li·iiii And so the bysshopryche of yorke ceased .xxx. yere the vse of the palle ceased there an hondred .xxv. yere vnto that Egbart the bysshop that was the kynges brooder of the londe recouered it by auctoryte of the pope R. whan saynt Oswolde regned Aydanus a Scot was bysshop in bernica that is the north syde of Northumberlonde after hym Finianꝰ after hym Salmanꝰ ¶ wylhel vby s. At last he went in to Scotlōde with grete in dygnacyon for wylfre vnder toke hym for he held vnlawfully Besterdaye .xxx. yere after the Paulinus was gone from thens wilfred was made bysshop of yorke ¶ Beda li. iiii But while he dwelled longe in Fraūce about hys sacrynge at excytynge of quartadecimonorum that were they that helde Eesterdaye the .xiiii. daye of the mone Chedde was ytake out of hys abbay of Lynstynge wrongfully put out ī to the see of yorkesby assent of kynge Oswy but thre yere after warde Theodorus tharche bysshop dyde hym a waye assygned hym to the prouynce of Mercia restored wilfred to the see of yorke But after by cause of wrathe that was bytwene hym the kyng Egfryde was put out of the see by Theodorus helpe tharchebysshop that was corrupt wyth some maner mede this was done after the wilfred had ben bysshop of yorke Cumbert at Hagustalde chirche Eata att Lyndeffar chirche that now is called holy ylonde in the Ryuer of Twede Aydanus founde fyrst the see And Theodorus made Eadhedus bisshop of Ropoune that was comen agayne out of Lyndeseye wilfred had be abbot of Repune Theodorꝰ sent Trunwynus to the londe of Pyetes in thendes of Englonde fast by Scotlond in a place that heet Candida casa and whiterne also there saynt Ninian a Bryton was fyrst foūder doctour But all these sees out take yorke fayled lytyll lytel for the see of Candida casa that is Galle waye that tho longed to \ Englonde and dured many yeres vnder .x. bysshops vnto that it had noo power by destroyenge of the Pyctes The sees of Hagalde of Lyndeffar was sōtyme all one vnder .lx. bysshops about four score yere ten and dured vnto the comynge of the Danes In that tyme vnder Hyngar Hubba ardufe the bysshop yede longe about with saynt Cuberts body vnto kynge Aluredes tyme kyng of west Saxon the see of Lydeffar was sette at Kunegestre that is called Kunyngysburgh also the place is called now Vbbesforde vpon Twede At the last the .xvii. yere of kyng Egbere kyng Edgars sone the se was chaūged to Durham saynt Cutber●tꝭ body was broughte thyder by the doynge of Edmonde the bysshop fro that tyme forwarde the see of that Hagustalde of lyndeffar fayled vtterly The fyrst kyng Henry in the .ix. yere of his regne made the newe seat Caerleyll The archebysshop of Caunterbury hathe vnder hym .xiii. bysshops in Englonde and .iiii. in wales he hath Rochostre vnder hym
frottynge vnshap that we southern men maye vnneth vnverstonde that langage· I suppose the cause be that they be nyght to the alyens that speke straungely And also by cause the kynges of Englonde abyde and dwelle more in the southe counteree than in the north countree The cause why they abyde moore the south countre than in the north countree is by cause that there is better corne londe more people moo noble cytees and mo profytable hauens in the southe countree than in the northe countree ¶ De gentis huius moribus Gir. in 〈◊〉 ▪ FOr the maners and doynge of walsshemen and of scottes ben to fore somwhat declared Nowe I purpose to telle and declare the condycyons of the medled people of Englonde But the Flemynges that been in the west syde of wales ben now all torned as they were Englysshmen by cause they companye with Englysshmen And they be myghty and stronge to fyghte and ben the moost enemyes that walsshemen haue and vse marchaundyse and clothynge and ben full redy to put themselfe in auentures and to peryll in the see and londe bycause of grete wynnynge and bē redy somtyme to the plowe and somtyme to dedes of armes whan tyme and place areth It semeth of these men a greate wonder that in a boon of a wethers ryght sholder whan the flesse is soden awaye and not rosted they knowe what haue be done is done and shall be done as it were by spyryte of prophecye and a wonderfull crafte They telle what is done in ferre coūtres towenes of peas or of warre the state of the royame sleynge of men and spousebreche suche thȳges they declare certayne of tokenes sygnes that is in suche a sholder bone ¶ R. But the Englysshemen that dwelle in Englonde ben medled in the ylonde ben ferre fro the places that they spronge of fyrste tornenne to the contrarye dedes lyghtelye withoute entysynge of ony other men by her owne assent And vnesy also vnpacyent of peas enemyes of besynes and full of slouth ¶ Wilhel de pon li.iii sayth That whan they haue destroyed theyr enemyes all to the grounde then̄e they fyghten wyth theymself and sleeth eche other as voyde and an empty stomak werketh in it selfe ¶ R. Netheles men of the southe ben esyer moree mylde than men of the North. For they ben more vnstable and more cruell more vnesy The myddell men ben parteners with bothe Also they vse them to glotony more than other men and ben more costlewe in mete and clothynge Men suppose that that they toke that vyce of kynge Herceknot that was a Dane For he heer sette forth twyes double messe att Dyner and at souper alsoo These men ben spedefulle on hors and a fote Able and redy to all maner dedys of armes and be wonte to haue vyctorye and maystrye in euery fyght where noo treason is walkynge and been curyous and can well telle dedys and wonders that they haue seen Also they gone in dyuerse londes vnnethe ben ony men ryche in her owne londe or more gracyous in ferre and in straunge londe they can better wynne and gete new than kepe thyr owne herytage Therfore it is that they be sprade soo wyde and wene that euery londe be owne The men be able to all manere sleyght wytte but to fore the dede blonderynge and hasty And more wyse after the dede than tofore an leuen of lyghtly what they haue begon ¶ Solinus li. vi Therfore Eugenius the pope sayd that Englysshmen were able to do what euer they wolde and to be sete put tofore all other ne were that lyght wytletteth And as Hanyball sayd that the Romayns myght not be ouer comee but in ther owne coūtre so Englysshmē maye not be ouer come in straunge londes but in ther owne countre they be lyghty ouercome ¶ R. These men despysen her owne prayse other mennes vnneth be pleased nor apayd with theyr owne estate what befalleeh becometh other men they wyll gladly take to them self Therfore it is that a yeman arayeth hym as a squyre a squyre as a knight a knyght as a duke a duke as a kynge yet some go abote wyll be lyke to all manere state ben in no state For they take euery degre that be of no degre for in derynge out ward they be myntrals and herowdes In talknynge grete spekers In etynge drynkynge glotons In gaderyng of catell hucksters and tauerners In araye tormentours In wnynynge argry In trauayle tantaly In takynge hede dedaly In beddes Sardanapaly In chyrches mawmetes In courtes thōdre only in preuylege of clergy and in prebendes they knowle●he themself clerkes ¶ Treuysa As touchynge the termes of latyn as argi tantali dedali serdanapali ye muste vnderstonde them as the poctes feyned of them Argus was an harde and kept bestes he had an hōdred een and Argus was also a shyp a shyp man a chapman so argus myght se before behynde on euery syde Therfore he that is wyse ware can se that he be not deceyued may be called Argus And so the Cronycle sayth in plurell nombre that Englysshmen ben argy that is to saye they se about where as wynnynge is That other worde tantaly the poete feyneth that Tantalus slewe his owne sone wherfore he is dampned to perpetuall penaūce he standeth alwaye in water vp to the neyther lyppe hath alwaye rype apples noble fruyte hangynge downe to the ouerlyppe But the fruyte ne the water maye not come wythin his moute He is soo holde and standeth bytwene mete and drynke and maye neyther eete ne drynke and is euer an hongred and a thyrste that woo is hym alyue by thys manere lykenesse of Tantalus they that do ryght nought there ys moche is to do in euere syde ben called tantaly It semeth that it is to saye in trauaylle they be tantaly for they do ryght nought therto The thyrde worde is deda●e take hede that Dedalus was a subtyll and a slye man And therfore by lykenes they that ben subtyll and slye they becalled dedaly And the fourth worde is sardanapaly ye shall vnderstonde that Sardanapalus was kynge of Assyryens was fulle vnchast vsed hym for to lye softe And by a maner of lykenys of hym they that lyue vnchastly ben called sardanapaly ¶ R. But amonge all Englysshmen medled togyders is soo grete a chaungynge dyuersyte of clothynge of a raye so many maners and dyuerseshappes that well nyghe is there ony man knowen by hys clothynge hys araye of whate some euer degre that he be Ther of prephecyed an hooly Anker in kyng Egelfredes tyme in this manere Henry li. vi Englysshmen for as moche as they vse them to drynkel●wn●es to treason to rechelesnes of goddes hous fyrst by Danes then by Normans and at the thyrde tyme by the Scottes that they holde the moost wretches lest worth of all other they shall be ouercome
ayenste a Roche of longe speres lenthe Also in Leginia is a pounde there ben seen colmans byrdes The berdes been called certelles and come homely to mannes honde but yf men do hym wronge or harme They gone a waye and come notte agayne and the water there shall be bytter and stynke and he that dyde the wronge shall not a stert wythoute wretche and myschyef but yf he do amendes ¶ R. As touchynge Patryks purgatorye ye shalle vnderstonde Saynt Patyrk that was abbote and not byshoppe whyle he prechyd in Irlonde laboured and studyed for to torne thylke wycked men that lyued as beestes oute other euyll lyf for drede of paynes of helle and for to conferme hem to good lyfe and they sayde they wolde not torne but some of theim myghte knowe som what of the grete paynes and also of the blesse that he spake of Thenne saynt Patryk prayed to god almyghty therfore ouer lorde Ihesu Cryste appyered to saynt Patryk and toke hym a staffe ladde hȳ in to a wylde place and shewed hym there a rounde pytte that was derke wythin and sayde that yf a man were very repentaunce and stable in byleue and wente into this pytte and walkede therin a daye and a nyghte he sholde see the lorowes and the paynes of euyll men and the Ioye and blysse of good men Thenne Cryste vanysshed oute of patryks syght ● and saynt Patryk arered and buylded there a chyrche and putte therin chanons reguler and ●se the pytte aboute wyth a walle and 〈…〉 in the chyrche yerde at the eest ende 〈…〉 chyrche and faste shette wyth a stronge 〈◊〉 For noo man sholde nycely goo in wythout 〈◊〉 of the bysshoppe or the poyour of the place ●ny men wente in and come out agayne in Patryks tyme and tolde of paynes and Ioye th●● they hadde seen and the meruaylles that they sawe been there yet wryten and by cause ther of many men torned and were conuerted to ryghte byleue ¶ And also many men went in ● c●me neuer agayne In kynge stephens tyme ●ynge of Englōde a kynght that hyght Owayne 〈…〉 saynt Patryks purgatory come agayne dwelled euer aft duryng his life ī nedes of thabbaye of Ludēsis that is of thordre Chystews tolde manye wōdres that he hadde seē in Patryks purgatorye ¶ That place is called Patryks purgatorye the chirche is named Reglis Noo mā is enioyned for to goo into the purgatorye But coūseylled that he sholde not come therin butte take vpō him other penaūce And yf a mā haue auowed bestale wyll nedes goo therin He shall fyrst go to the bysshoppe thēne he shall be sēte with letters to the pryoure of the place they bothe shal coūceylle hym to leue yf he wille nedes go therto he shalle be in prayers in fastynge xv daies after xv dayes he shal be how seld ledde to the dore of the purgatorye with processyon letany yet he shall be coūseylled to leue it yf he be stedefaste wyll entre the doore shal be opened he blessed goo in a goddes name holde forthe his waye the dore shall be shytte tylle the nexte daye whā the tyme is the pryoure shalle come opene the dore yf the mā be comē he ledethe hym in to the chyrche wyth ꝓcessyō there he shall be fyftene dayes in prayers fastynge ¶ Of the meruaylles of sayntes of Irlonde ca. xxix HEre Gyraldꝰ maketh mynde that as mē of this nacyon bē more angrye than other mē more hasty for to take wretche whiles thei bē alyue so sayntes halowes of this lond ben more wretchefull than sayntes of other londes Clerkes of this lōde bē chaste sayē many prayes done grete abstynēce a daye drynketh all nyghte so is afoūted for a myracle the lechery regneth not there as wyne regneth ben chosen out of abbayes into the clergye done as monkes sholde whate they that bē euyll of thē bē worste of al other So good mē amonge theym thoughe they bē but fewe been good at the beste prelates of that coūtree bē full slowe in correccyō of trespas besy in contemplacyn notte in prechynge of goddes worde Therfore it is that all the Sayntes of the londe been cōfessours noo martyrs amōge thē noo wōder for all the prelates of this londe clerkes prelates sholde doo as to thē vnknowē Therfore whā it was put ayēste the bysshoppe of Cassyl how it myghte be that soo many sayntes bē in Irlonde neuer a martyr amonge theym all sythen that the mē ben so shrewed so angry the prelates so rycheles sl●we in correccyons of trespas The bysshop answered frowardely ynoughe sayde oure men bē shrewed angry ynoughe to thēselfe but to goddes seruaūtes they leye neuer honde but do hē greate reuerence worshyp But Englyssh mē come into this londe that cā make martyrs were wont to vse the crafte ¶ R. The bysshop sayd so bycause the kynge Henry the secōde was to newe comē into Irlonde frensshly after the martyrdome of saynt Thomas of caūterbury Gir. In this lōde in wales in Scotlond bē belles staues with croked hedes other suche thynges for relyques in greate reuerēce worshyp Soo the mē of this lōde dreden more for to swere vpō one of thylke belles golde staues thā vpō the gospell the chyfe of all suche relyques is holdē Ihūs staffe that is atte Deuelyn with that whiche staffe they saye that the fyrste saynte Patryke drofe the wormes out of Irlōde Augus de ci· dei ca. vii yf mē axe howe it maye be that dyuerse manere of beestes of dyuerse kynde that be kyndly gotē bitwene mayl female come bē in ylōdes after Noes flode Mē supposē that suche bestes swāme into ylōdes aboute fyrste to the nexte soo for forthe into other Or els mē sayllynge into ylondes broughte wyth hē suche beestes for loue of hūtynge or angels that god almyghtes cōmaūdemēt brought suche bestes into ylōdes aboute or the erthe brought thē for the fyrste fulfylled tho goddes cōmaūdemēte \ the cōmaun ded the erthe to brynge forth gras quicke bestes ¶ Here endeth the descrypcyō of Brytayne the whiche cōteyned Englōde wales Scotlonde And also bycause Irlōde is vnd the rule of Englōde of olde tyme it hathe so cōtynued Therfore I haue sette the descrypcyō of the same aft the sayd Brytayne whiche I haue takē out of Poly cronycon and also enprynted by one somtyme sco●e mayster of saynt Albons vpon whose soule god haue mercy Amen Enprynted at Londō in powlys chyrche yarde at the west dore of powly● besyde my lorde of londons palays by me Iulyan Notary ✚ In the yere of our lorde god M. CCCCC.xv
ordeyne a greate hoste of men and lete ordeyne theym shyppes and as moche as theym nede for to haue to that vyage And whan all the host was redy the kyng made his two brethern chyef capytayns that were noble knyghtes of body also bolde That one was called Hunga that other Hubba ¶ How the Danys tooke yorke and slewe the kynge Osbrygt and soone after slewe kynge Eelle Sall was redy that two brethern toke leue of the kynge Godren and wente towarde the see for to passe● ouer in to Inglonde as fast as they myght spede Now is Buerne so welle comforted and faste hyed hym wyth the Danys that they ben arryued in the North coūtre comen thrugh out Holdernes and destroyed all the countree and brenned townes robbed folke and slewe all that they myght take tyll that they came vnto yorke And whan kyng Osbryght sawe them come He tooke alle hys people that he had with hym came out of the cytee faught with them but noo foyson he ne hadde ayenst them and moche of the people that there was were slayne on bothe partyas And kynge Osbryght hym self there was slayne and the cyte anene was take and the Danys wente in ¶ And there was also an other kynge in Northumberlonde that Buernes frendes hadde those helde hym for kynge a man that was called Elle for as moche as they wolde not to kynge Osbryght be attendan̄t for the despyte that he had done vnto Buerne theyr cosyn ¶ It befell thus that the kyng Elle was gone in to the wood hym for to dyosporte of the venyson some he had taken And as he sate in the wood at meete to a knyght he sayde we ha● wel spedde and moche venyson taken ¶ And with that worde came in a man to hym sayd yf yeso moche of venyson haue wonne an hodred tymes so moche more ther ayenst haue ye loste For all thys coūtree the Danys haue goten and taken the Cytee of yorke and ayenst you shall it holde that neuer ye shalcome therin and for soo moche they haue slayne kynge Osbryght whan kynge Elle herde these wordes he lete assemble all the folke of he coūtree and ordeyned all the power that he myght haue and wolde haue goten the towne of yorke with strength But the Danys came out anone yaue hym a strōge batayll And selwe the kyng Elle the moost parte of the peple that he had brought with hym ¶ And the same place there they were slayne shalle euer more be called Elle crofte and that place is a lytell from yorke ¶ And the rested the Danys neuer tyl that they hadde conquered all Northumberlonde And in that countree they made wardeynes and wente further in to the londe and tooke Notyngham And there they abode all the wynter and dyed all the sorowe that they myght ¶ And after whan Somer tyme came they remeued frome Notyngham and came in to Nicholl and Lyndesey and to Holonde For noo man myght them wythstande soo moche power and strengthe they had How saynt Edmōde the kynge was Martyred ¶ How forsothe sayde he whan I was in the castell there was the hyng and whan I wente out of the castell he went out also and whether he shalle escape or deye atte goddes wyll muste it all be ¶ whan saynt Edmonde hadde named god by that worde wyste they well that it was hym self And anone Hubba Hūgar toke hym sayd that he sholde god forsake all crysten lawes as many other had done hym before· ¶ And saynt Edmonde sayde that he wolde neuer but rather he wolde suffre dethe for goddes loue and his lawes to ¶ Tho toke they kynge Edmonde and bonde hym vnto a tree made theyr archers to shote at hym with arowes tyll that his body sty●ked as fulle of arowes as an orchen is fulle of pryckes But for all the payne that they hym dyde he wolde neuer god for sake And in the same payne and torment he deydd and betoke his soule vnto almyghty god ¶ And whan they sawe that he was dede they smote of his heed ¶ And of this manere as ye haue herde was saynt Edmonde martred ¶ How Hubba and Hungar toke the towne of Redynge SO whan Saynt Edmonde was martred Hungar and Hubba yede thens wyth all the Danys vnto Redynge as they wente thyderwarde they brente townes and tyees slewe all crysten pele that woldē opnote forsake hod caste downe chyrche came to Redynge toke the towne there helde them tyll that the kynge Edelf of westsex came thyther with all his power for to take the townes Tho came out the Danys for to yeue batayll to Edelf at that batayll was slayne an erle of the Danys that was called Sidrak Vpon the morowe came kynge Eldred and hys brother Alured wyth a stronge power and a grete hoste And the kynge Edelf came agayne that had foughten the daye before to that bataylle And the Danys tho cam out for to fyght wyth theym and the bataylle was wonder stronge For many a man was there slayne the Danys that daye had the vyctorye the kyng Eldred hys brother Alared that daye were dyscomfyted ¶ But the fourth daye after warde the Danys the Englysshe fought tohyder an other tyme vpon Elkedene there was slayne a kynge of Denmarke that was called Rafin and foure erles of grete power And that daye had the Danys shame for they were dryuen vnto Engilfelde ¶ And the .xv. day after the Danys the Englysshe men fought an ather tyme at Rafynge there were the Englysshemen dyscomfyted from thens a dane that was called Roynt wente to redynge with his hoste and destroyed all that he myght take And kinge Eldred faught wyth hym but he was woūded sore wherfore he deyed and he regned but .v. yere and lyeth at womborn ¶ Circa annū dm̄ .iii. C.xlix LEo the fyrst was Emperour after Marcianus .xvii. yere In hys tyme were the Ragacyon dayes ordeyned afore the Ascensyon of saynt Marmer bysshop of Vyenne ¶ The pope of Rome at that tyme hyght Leo a noble clerke with hym had many clerkes ¶ Hellar us was pope after Leo .vii. yere This mā ordeyned that no bysshop sholde ordeyne hys successary vt pꝪ viii.ix.i ¶ Simpliciꝰ was pope after hym whyche ordeyned that noo clerke sholde take noo garment to be clothed in after the seculer maner of a laye man by the reason of his offyce or of his benefyce ¶ zeno was Emperour after Leo .xv. yere and thys man was an heretyke and cruell ayenst cristē men And in this mānes dayes the bodyes of saynt Mathewe the Euangelyst saynt Barnaby were foūde with them the gospell that saynt Mathewe wrote ¶ Aboute this tyme there was a certayne comyn womā bare .vii chyldern at on byrth of the whyche one was made after kynge of Lombardye ¶ Felix the thyrde was pope after Symplicius thre yere
tho that holpe or yaue ony counseyll to meue warre ayenst the newe kynge Henry he accursyd them And at the begynnynge he put in the sentence the kyngꝭ sone of Fraunce Lowys And neuertheles the same Lowys wolde not spare for all that But wente and toke the caastell of Barchamstede aleso the castell of Hirtfo● And from that daye afterwarde the Barons dyde there so moche harme thrughout all Englonde And pryncypally the frensshemen that were with kynge Lowys wherfore the grete lordes and all the comyn people of Englonde lete them dresse for to dryue Lowys his company out of Englond but some of the barons and Frensshemen were gone to the cyte of Nycholl toke the towne helde it to kynge Lowys profyte But thyther came kyng Henryes men with a grete power that is to saye the erle Radulf of Chestre Wyllyam erle Marshall Wyllyam the Brenererle of Feryers many other lordes with them yaue batayll vnto Lowys men And there was slayne the erle of perchees Lowys men were fowle dyscomfyted And there was taken Serle erle of wynchestre and Humfroyde Boune erle of Hertforde Robert the sone of walter many other that began warre ayenst the kynge there they were taken ladde vnto kyng Henry that was kynge Iohn̄s sone ¶ And whan the tydynges cam to Lowys of the dyscomfyture that was the kynges sone of Fraūce He remeued fro thens wente vnto London and lete shytte the yates faste of the cyte And anone after the kynge sente to the Burgeys of Lōdon that they sholde yelde them vnto hym the cyte also And he wolde theym graunte all theyr fraunchyses that euer they were wonte to haue before And wolde conferme them by his grete newe chartre vnder hys brode scale ¶ And in the same tyme a grete lorde that was called Eustace the monke came oute of Fraunce wyth a grete company of Lordes wolde haue come in to Englonde for to haue holpen Lowys the kynges sone of Fraunce But Hubert of Brugh the fyue por●es wyth .viii. shyppes tho mette with them in the hyghe see ● assaylled them egerly ouer came them with strength smote of Eustace the monkes heed And toke also .x. grete lordes of Fraunce put theym in to pryson And slewe almoost all the men that came with theym and anone drowned the shyppes in the see ¶ How Lowys corned ayen in to Fraunce of the confermacyon of kynge Iohans hartre SO whan Lowys herde these rydynges he dradde sore to be deed lost And lete or●●yne speke bytwene the kynge Lowys by the Legate Swalo And throughe the Archebysshop of Caunterbury thrugh other grete lordes that all the prysoners on that one halfe and that other sholde be delyuerd go quyte A●d Lowys hym self sholde haue for his costes a thousande poūde of syluer and shold go out of Englonde and come neure more ther in agayne And in this maner was the accorde made bytwene kynge Henry Lowys And tho was Lowys assoylled of the popes Legate the was called Swalo of the sentēce that he was in the Barons of Englonde also And after thys kynge Henry Swalo the Legate Lowys went to Merton there was the peas cōfermed bytwene them ordeyned And after Lowys wente from thens vnto London toke his leue was brought with moche honour vnto the see with the Archebysshop of Caunterbury and with other bysshops also wyth erles and barons and so went in to Fraunce ¶ And after warde the kynge the Archebysshop and also erles barons assembled them and came to the cyte of London att Myghelmas that nexte came tho sewynge and helde there a grete parlament at London And there were tho reuewed all the fraūchyse the kyng Iohn̄ had graunted at Romney mede \ kynge Henry tho confermed by hys chartre the whiche yet ben holden thrugh out all Englonde ¶ And in that tyme the kyng toke of euery plough lōde .ii. shleynges Hubert of Brugh was made tho cheyf Iustyce of Englond And this was in the fourth yere of kynge Henryes regne ¶ And in the same yere was saynt Thomas of Caunterbury translated the .l. yere after his martyrdome And after it was ordeyned by all the lordes of Englonde that all Alyens solde go out of Englonde and come nomore therin And kynge Henry toke tho all the castelles in to his honde the kynge Iohan his fader had yeue take to Alyens for to kepe that helde with hym ¶ But the proude Fawkys of Brytayn rychely lete araye his castell of Bedforde whiche he had of kynge Iohn̄s yefte helde that castell ayenst kynge Henryes wyll with myght and strength And the kynge came thyder with a strong power and besyeged the castell And the Archebysshop mayster Stephen of Langton wyth a fayre company of knyghtes came to the kynge hym for to helpe And from the Ascensyon of our lord vnto the Assumpcyon of our lady lasted the syege And tho was the castell wonne take And the kynhe lete hange all tho that went in to the castell with theyr good wyll for to holde the castell That is for to saye .lxxx. men ¶ And tho after warde fawkys hymselfe was founde and had in a chyrche at Couentre there he forswore all Englonde with moche shame and wente agayne in to his owne countree ¶ And whyles that kynge Henry regned Edmonde of Abyndon that was ●relorer of Salysbury was consecrated Archebysshop of Caunterbury And this kynge Henry sente ouer the see vnto the erle of prouynce that he sholde lende hym his doughter in Englond that was called Ellenore and he wolde spowse her And tho she came in to Englond after Crystmas And on the morowe after saynt Hylaryes daye the Archebysshop Edmonde spowsed them togyder at westmestre with grete solempnyte And there was a swete syght bytwene them That is to saye Edwarde that was nexte kynge after hys fader floure of curteysy and of largenesse and Margarete that was after quen of Scotlonde and Beautrice that was after countesse of Brytayne Katheryne that deyed mayde in relygyon ¶ Of the quinzeme of goodes that were graunted for the newe chartre and of the purueaunce of Oxforde ANd thus it befell that the lordes of Englonde wold haue some addycyous moo in the chartre of Fraunchyse that they had of the kynge spake thus bytwene them And the kynge graunted them all theyr axenge And made to them two chartres that one is called the grete chartre of fraunchises that other is callad the chartre of forest And for the graunt of these two chartres prelates Erles and Barons and alle the comyns of Englonde yaue to the kynge a thousande marke of syluer ¶ Whan kyng Henry had be kynge .xliii. yere the same yere he and his lordes Erles and Barons of the reame wente to Oxforde and ordeyned a lawe in amendemente of the reame And fyrst swore