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A34262 The Confessions of the faith of all the Christian and Reformed churches which purely profess the holy doctrine of the gospel in all the kingdoms, nations, and provinces of Europe, with the order of time when they were written, and an exact table of the principal articles of faith, which in every confession is debated : wherein the obsure and difficult places are explained, and those things which may in shew seem to contradict each other, are plainly and modestly reconciled, and such points as yet hang in suspence, are sincerely pointed at : freely submitted to all Reformed Churches, as a means to knit and unite all the churches of Christ in one bond of love, for the avoiding of hereafter, discords and schismes in these dangerous time. 1656 (1656) Wing C5803; ESTC R16415 482,755 587

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before things of greater weight You leave saith he the weightiest matters of the law as iudgement Matth. 13. and mercie and fidelitie These ought ye to have done and not to Luk. 11. have left the other And although our Preachers doe not keepe all rites alike with other Churches the which thing neither can be neither is necessary to be done that in all places where there be Christian assemblies one and the same ceremonies should be used yet they doe not withstand or oppose themselves to any good and godly constitution neither are they so minded as that for the ceremonies sake they would raise up any dissensions although they should thinke that some of them were not very necessary so that they be not found to be contrary to God and to his worship and glory and be such as doe not diminish true faith in Iesus Christ which alone doth purchase righteousnesse How be it in this place and in this point it must not be passed over with silence to wit that we ought by no means to burden the people with many superfluous and grievous traditions such as the Mosaicall traditions were under the law For the Apostles forbad that this should be done as also holy Peter said unto certaine concerning this matter Why do ye tempt God in laying a yoke upon the necks of the disciples Also Gal. 5. Be ye not saith Paul intangled with the yoke of bondage For which cause also Christ did vehemently inveigh against the Scribes saying Woe also be to you Scribes for ye lay burdens upon mens shoulders which can scarse be borne Luk. 11. Also men are taught to acknowledge this that humane tradittions do not containe a perpetuall immutable law but as they are for just causes instituted of men so also they may upon just and weightie causes and if the matter so require be broken abrogated and changed without any sin according to the example of the Apostles who did transgresse the traditions of the Elders when as they did eate bread with unwashed hands and did not observe the Matth. 15. Mark 7. same fasts with others and yet they were not by this means guiltie of any sin also according to the example of the first and holy Church upon which the Apostles and the whole Councell layed this commandement by the holy Ghost that they should abstaine Acts 15. from the eating of those things which were sacrificed to Idols and of blood and of that which is strangled Notwithstanding after that the causes and occasions for the which this decree was made in processe of time did vanish away even this Apostolicall constitution did grow out of use Neither in these things ought we to care for the offence of the wicked who are offended with this thing as the Lord faith Let them alone they be blind and guides of Matth. 15. the blind And on the other side we must take diligent heed hereunto that no offence be given to little ones by a rash froward Rom 14. 1 Cor. 8. Matth. 15. and wicked using of Christian libertie for this also the Lord saith Woe be to that man by whom offence cometh Now if so be that there be any unlikenesse in traditions and externall ceremonies and if any diversitie which is not hurtfull be found in Ecclesiasticall assemblies certainly no man ought to be so ignorant in these things as for this cause to be offended therewith or to take offence at others and in this respect to reproach or hurt others or to be an author of sects and also of factions seeing that there was never in all places one and the same forme of an Ecclesiasticall constitution in this point neither is at this day the same The which thing also is mentioned in the books of the Canon law in these words The holy Church of Rome doth know Dist 12 Cap. Scit that constitutions and customes being divers according to time and place do nothing at all hinder the salvation of the faithfull if the Canonicall authoritie be not against them Rather it becometh every sound Christian to be content in his conscience to rest in that if he see Christians to have the one spirit of Christ and with agreeing Phil. 2. Eph. 4. mindes to hold and follow his true meaning and one and the same doctrine in all these things and chiefe points of saith For he that hath not this Spirit of Christ he is not Christs as the Apostle Rom. 8. doth witnesse although he use all and every kinde of ceremonies or constitutions Therefore whosoever be Christs this is their dutie as in all other such like things that as members of one body they doe suffer and beare one with another in charitie without 1 Cor. 13. the which no thing can profit any whit according to the meaning of the Apostolike doctrine Out of the FRENCH Confession VVE beleeve that it is expedient that they which be chosen Artic. 32. to be governours in any Church doe wisely looke unto it among themselves by what means the whole body may conveniently be ruled yet so that they doe never swarve from that which our Lord Iesus Christ hath instituted Yet this doth not hinder but that every place may have their peculiar constitutions as it shall seeme convenient for them But we exclude all humane devises and all those laws which Artic. 32. are brought in to binde mens consciences under pretence of the word of God and we doe onely like of those which serve for the nourishing of concord and to keepe every one in due obedience wherein we thinke that we are to follow that which our Lord Iesus Christ appointed touching excommunication which * Looke the 1. Observation upon this confession we doe allow of and together with it additions thinke to be * necessary Out of the ENGLISH Confession AS touching the multitude of vaine and superfluous Ceremonies Artic. 15. Epist ad Ianuar. 119. we know that S. Augustine did grievously complaine of them in his own time and therefore have we cut of a great number of them because we know that mens consciences were encumbred about them and the Churches of God overladen with them Neverthelesse we keep still and esteem not onely those Ceremonies which we are sure were delivered to us from the Apostles but some others too besides which we thought might be suffered without hurt to the Church of God for that we had a desire that all things in the holy congregation might as Saint Paul commandeth be done with comlinesse and in good order But as for all those things which we saw were either very superstitious or utterly unprofitable or noisome or mockeries or contrary to the holy Scriptures or else unseemely for sober and discreet people whereof there be infinite numbers now adayes where the Romane Religion is used these I say we have utterly refused without all manner exception because we would not have the right worshipping of God
holden But if it once come to passe and the Lord grant that the Churches may at length injoy so great a benefit then there may be one onely confession of faith extant conceived in the same words if the state of the Churches shall seeme to require it Let them therefore leave of in mockage to terme us Confessionists unlesse perhaps they looke for this answer at our hands that it is a farre more excellent thing to beare a name of confessing the faith then of denying the truth For even as moe small streames may flow from one spring so moe confessions of faith may issue out from one and the same truth of faith Now to speake somewhat also of those who while they will seeme to embrace the truth of the Gospell and renounce popish errours shew themselves more unjust towards us then was meet they should we are compelled to finde want of Christian charitie in them This one thing in deed was remaining that after so many dangers losses banishments down-fals woes without number griefs and torments we should also be evill intreated by those of whom some comfort was rather to be looked for But that ancient enemie of the Church is farre deceived by whose subtilties this evill is also wrought for us while he hopeth that we may by his crafts be overwhelmed But bearing our selves bold on that love which the mercifull God through Iesus Christ our Lord beareth unto us and who hath planted a love and feare of him in our mindes we leap for joy in these very things and boast with the Apostle that it will never be the same grace of God alwaies preventing us that tribulation anguish hunger nakednesse the sword false accusation or cursed speaking shall withdraw us from the truth once knowne and undertaken For we know that saying of Chrysostome to be true It is not evill to suffer but to doe evill Neither are we any whit disgraced hereby but they whom I know not what distemperature whetteth against us having deserved nothing and to repay them like for like quitting rayling with rayling far be it from us whom God vouchsafeth this honour that being fashioned like to the image his Son we might through good report and evill report walke on upholden with the stay of a good conscience yea we have resolved with our selves not only to abide the open wrongs of our enemies but even the disdaine of our brethren although never so unjust And what we furthermore thinke of the doctrine of our Lord Iesus Christ the confession of our faith set forth many yeers agoe hath made it known to the whole world and we have God and Angels together with men witnesses of that sincere endeavour by which we laboured and doe as yet to the uttermost of our power labour to set up againe and maintaine the pure worship of God among us on t of Gods word And even as we shewed our selves to be ready at all times to render a reason of the hope that is in us so we thought it a matter worth the pains to make all men privie to that bond which one our part is very straight with the holy and truly Catholike Church of God with every Saint and sound member thereof that so farre as we can we might deliver partly our selves partly the Churches joyned with us from those most grievous crimes by which some mens speeches and books are laid to our charge And when we bethought our selves by what means it might best be done this especially for the present time seemed a meet way unto us which would give offence to no man and might satisfie all that would yeeld unto reason namely to publish this Harmonie of confessions whereby it might sufficiently be understood how falsely we are charged as though we that have rejected popish errors agreed not at all among our selves For to begin with those stout maintainers of the Romish tyrannie who will yet seeme to be defenders of the truth this conference of confessions will plucke every visard from their faces when as it shall plainly appear that all the opinions in these confessions of faith were in other sundry words so laid down that yet the same truth alwaies abideth and there is none at all or very little difference in the things themselves And how narrow must they needs perceive the bounds of that their Catholike Church to be when it shall be openly known that so many kingdomes provinces cities peoples and nations professing the truth of the Gospel doe with common consent renounce the abuses and orders of the Romish Church As for those whom without any desert it pleaseth to count us among the Arrians and Turks they shall see also how farre through the benefit of God we be from such hainous and wicked errours And they also who accuse us of sedition shall perceive how reverently we thinke of the dignitie of Kings and the Magistrates authoritie and they to conclude that not being content with those publike confessions of the Churches of Germanie may by laying against us that forme of new agreement seeme worthily more and more to sever themselves from us and who have alreadie very pithily been refuted by most learned writings they also shall if true agreement be earnestly sought be satisfied with this Harmony For that we may freely say as it is indeed that long ranck of names sealed and written at that booke is such that it seemeth rather to stand idly in the field then to fight manfully And if it had pleased us to follow this pollicie wee might have set downe the names not of seven or eight thousand meane men most famous Princes and some other excepted of whom it may worthily be doubted whether there ever were any such or what they were but also the names of farre moe Churches And this our diligence had beene farre more commendable namely being bestowed not in wringing out and begging from village to village some hundreds of names but in laying out the opinions of most gracious Kings most renowned Princes of noble nations and peoples of most mighty common-wealths and Cities of which a great part hath not been used to dispute in corners or to trifle but hath knowne these many yeeres how even unto blood to suffer many and grievous things for Gods truth sake But we know that the truth hath not it warrant from men nor by men it is simple it will be simply published and taught Therefore we are purposed for this time not to deale by any long disputation with any man but barely to open the meaning of the reformed Churches to knit all the Churches of Christ together with one bond of brotherly love to keepe peace with all men and so farre as it ought to be done to judge well of all men yea and to intreat those who think somewhat too hardly of us that if we disagree from the Confession of no Church that doth truely beleeve they would themselves also beginne to be of the same minde with us and
rehearsing the context of every Confession because we were to have regard of the order of things and doctrine rather then either of the time or worthinesse of the Churches and Authours that wrote them or other such like circumstance therefore it seemed good without any envie or preiudice of other Confessions either more ancient or more famous to give the first place to the latter Confession of Helvetia both because the order thereof seemed more fit and the whole handling of doctrine more full and convenient and also because that Confession was publiquely approved and subscribed unto by very many Churches of divers Nations Farther upon this doe the rest fitly follow to wit the former Confession of Helvetia and then all other without any choise indifferently save that we had rather ioyne together the Confessions of Germany then sever them each from other according to the argument of every Section Yet we were inforced to put that Confession of the foure Cities as received somewhat late in the last place Which order notwithstanding if it shall not seeme fit and convenient to any it may easily be altered in the second Edition as other Confessions also if any such besides these shall be wanting may in their due place be adioyned To conclude that the godly Reader may want nothing and that no man may suspect any thing to be taken away or added to any of those Cofessions we have here set downe the Articles or chiefe points in the order wherein they were first written Which we desire every man favourably to interpret and to enioy this our labour rather seeking peace and agreement then maliciously hunting after occasions of dissentions PROPER CATALOGVES FOR EVERIE CONFESSION CONTAINED IN THIS HARMONIF AFTER THAT ORDER wherein they were first written The Articles of the former Confession of Helvetia SCripture 1 Interpretation 2 Fathers 3 Humane Traditions 4 The drift of the Scripture 5 God 6 Man and his strength 7 Originall sinne 8 Free will 9 The eternall Counsell touching the restoring of man 10 Iesus Christ and those benefits which we reape by him 11 The drift of the doctrine of the Gospel 12 Faith and the force thereof 13 The Church 14 Of the Ministers of the word 15 Ecclesiasticall power 16 The choosing of Ministers 17 The head shepheard of the Church 18 The duties of Ministers 19 Of the force and efficacie of the Sacraments 20 Baptisme 21 The Eucharist 22 Holy assemblies 23 Of Heretikes and Schismatikes 24 Of things indifferent 25 Of the Magistrate 26 Of holy Wedlocke 27 The Chiefe points of the latter Confession of HELVETIA OF the holy Scripture being the true word of God 1 Of Interpreting the holy Scripture and of Fathers Councels and Traditions 2 Of God his unitie and the Trinitie 3 Of Idols or Images of God Christ and Saints 4 Of the Adoration worship and Invocation of God through the onely Mediatour Iesus Christ 5 Of the providence of God 6 Of the creation of all things of Angels the Devil and Man 7 Of the fall of man sinne and the cause of sinne 8 Of free will and so of mans power and abilitie 9 Of the Predestination of God and Election of the Saints 10 Of Iesus Christ being true God and man and the onely Saviour of the world 11 Of the law of God 12 Of the Gospel of Iesus Christ of the promises also of the spirit and the letter 13 Of Repentance and the Conversion of man 14 Of the true iustification of the faithfull 15 Of Faith and good works and of their reward and the merit of man 16 Of the Catholique and holy Church of God and of the onely head of the Church 17 Of the Ministers of the Church their institution and duties 18 Of the Sacraments of the Church of Christ 19 Of holy Baptisme 20 Of the holy Supper of the Lord. 21 Of holy and Ecclesiasticall assemblies 22 Of the Prayers of the Church of singing and Canonicall houres 23 Of holy dayes fasts and choise of meates 24 Of Comforting or visiting the sick 25 Of the buriall of the faithfull and the care that is to be had for the dead and of purgatorie and the appearing of Spirits 26 Of Rites Ceremonies and things indifferent 27 Of the goods of the Church 28 Of single life Wedlocke and the ordering of a Family 29 Of the Magistrate 30 The Articles of the Confession of Basil OF God 1 Of man 2 Of the care of God toward us 3 Of Christ being true God and true man 4 Of the Church 5 Of the Supper of our Lord. 6 Of the Magistrate 7 Of Faith and workes 8 Of the last day 9 Of things commanded and not commanded 10 Against the errour of the Anabaptistes 11 The chiefe points of the Confession of Bohemia OF the holy Scripture and of Ecclesiasticall writers 1 Of Christian Catechising 2 Of the unitie of the divine essence and of the three Persons 3 Of the knowledge of himselfe Also of sinne the causes and fruits hereof and of the promises of God 4 Of repentance 5 Of Christ the Lord and of Iustification through faith in him 6 Of good workes which be holy actions 7 Of the holy Catholique Church the order and discipline hereof and moreover of Antichrist 8 Of the Ministers of the Church 9 Of the word of God 10 Of the Sacraments in generall 11 Of holy Baptisme 12 Of the Supper of the Lord. 13 Of the Keyes of Christ 14 Of things accessory that is of rites or Ecclesiasticall ceremonies 15 Of the politique or civill Magistrate 16 Of Saints and their worship 17 Of fasting 18 Of single life and wedlocke or the order of married folke 19 Of the time of Grace 20 The Articles of the French Confession OF God and his one onely essence 1 Of the knowledge of God 2 Of the Canonicall bookes of the holy Scripture 3 Of distinguishing the Canonicall booke from the Apocryphall 4 Of the authoritic of the word of God 5 Of the Trinitie of the Persons in one onely essence of God 6 Of the creation of the world 7 Of the eternall providence of God 8 Of the fall of man and his free-will 9 Of originall sinne 10 Of the propagation of originall sinne and of the effects thereof 11 Of the free election of God 12 Of the repairing of man from his fall through Christ 13 Of two natures in Christ 14 Of the hypostaticall union of his two natures 15 Of the death resurrection of Christ and of the fruit thereof 16 Of the merit and fruit of the sacrifice of Christ 17 Of the remission of sinnes and true Iustification 18 Of the Intercession or Mediation of Christ 19 Of iustifying Faith and the gift and effects thereof 20 21 22 Of the abolishing of ceremonies and true use of the mor all law 23 Of the intercession of Saints Purgatory and other superstitious traditions of the Popish sort 24 Of the ministery of the Gospell 25 Of the unitie of the Church and the true
notes thereof 26 27 28 Of Ecclesiasticall functions 29 Of the power and authoritie of the ministers 30 Of their lawfull calling election 31 Of Ecclesiasticall discipline 32 Of Excommunication and other Censures 33 Of the Sacraments in generall 34 Of Baptisme 35 Of the holy Supper of the Lord. 36 Of the efficacie and true communication of the thing signified by the signes 37 38 Of the Magistrate and politicke laws 39 40 The Articles of the English Confession OF one God in three Persons 1 Of Iesus Christ being the true Sonne of God and of the Incarnation and other works of Redemption and of his two natures being unseperably united and unconfounded 2 Of his last coming Of the holy Ghost and his works in us 3 Of the Catholique Church and the one onely King head and husband thereof 4 Of the divers degrees of the Church 5 Of the lawfull calling the Antichrist of Rome 5 Of the lawfull calling and Election of Ministers 6 Of their power and the use of the Keyes 7 Of marriage and a single life 8 Of the Canonicall Scriptures 9 Of the Sacraments and the number thereof 10 Of Baptisme 11 Of the holy Eucharist 12 Of the sale of Masses 13 Of Purgatorie 14 Of Ceremonies and Ecclesiasticall rites 15 Of Prayer in a vulgar tongue 16 Of the onely Intercessour and Mediatour Christ 17 Of the corruption of man through sinne of his iustification through Christ 18 Of the one onely sacrifice of Christ whereby we are perfectly reconciled to God 19 Of good works 20 Of the last resurrection of this flesh 21 The Articles of the Confession of Belgia OF the Essence or nature of God 1 Of the double knowledge of God 2 Of the beginning and author of the word of God 3 Of the Canonicall books of the old and new Testament 4 Of their authoritie 5 Of the Apocryphall books 6 Of the perfection of the Canonicall Scripture above all the doctrines of all men 7 Of three persons in one onely essence of God 8 Of the testimonies of both the Testaments whereby both the Trinitie of the persons and also their properties may be proved 9 Of the divine nature and generation of Iesus Christ the Son of God 10 Of the divine nature of the holy Ghost 11 Of the creation of the world and Angels and the distinguishing of them 12 Of the Providence of God and of his iust government both generall and speciall 13 Of the creation of man his fall corruption and servile free-will 14 Of originall sinne 15 Of free election iust reprobation 16 Of the repairing of man through Christ 17 Of the first coming of Christ and his true incarnation of the seed of David 18 Of his two natures hypostatically united in one onely person 19 Of the cause or end of his death and resurrection 20 Of his onely Priesthood and expiatorie sacrifice 21 Of faith the onely instrument of our iustification 22 Of true iustificatiō through Christ 23 Of regeneration and good works 24 Of the abrogating of the law and shadows 25 Of the onely Mediatour or Intercessour Christ against the Intercession of Saints 26 Of the Catholique Church 27 Of the unitie and communion thereof 28 Of true notes of the true Church 29 Of the government and Ecclesiasticall functions 30 Of the Election of Ministers Elders and Deacons and of their authoritie 31 Of Ecclesiasticall traditions 32 Of the Sacraments and their number 33 Of Baptisme 34 Of the Supper of the Lord. 35 Of Magistrates and their office and power 36 Of the last Iudgement 37 The Articles of the Confession of Auspurge OF God and the persons of the divinitie 1 Of originall sinne 2 Of the incarnarion of the Sonne of God 3 Of Iustification 4 Of the Preaching of Repentance and generall Remission 5 Of the righteousnesse of good works 6 Of the Church 7 Of the Sacraments which are administred by evill men 8 Of Baptisme 9 Of the Lords Supper 10 Of Repentance 11 Of Confession 12 Of the use of Sacraments 13 Of Ecclesiasticall order or degrees 14 Of Ecclesiasticall rites 15 Of civill ordinances 16 Of the last iudgement 17 Of free-will 18 Of the cause of sinne 19 Of good works 20 Of Invocation 21 Articles concerning the abuses which are changed in externall rites OF the Masse 1 Of either kinde of the Sacrament 2 Of Confession 3 Of the difference of meats and such like Popish traditions 4 Of the marriage of the Priests 5 Of the vows of Monks 6 Of Ecclesiasticall power 7 The chiefe points of the Confession of Saxonie OF Doctrine 1 Of originall sinne 2 Of the remission of sinnes and of Iustification 3 Of free-will 4 Of new obedience 5 What works are to be done 6 How good works may be done 7 How new obedience doth please God 8 Of rewards 9 Of the difference of sins 10 Of the Church 11 Of the Sacraments 12 Of Baptisme 13 Of the Lords Supper 14 Of the use of the whole Sacrament 15 Of Repentance 16 Of Satisfaction 17 Of Wedlocke 18 Of Confirmation and anointing 19 Of traditions or Ecclesiastical rites 20 Of a Monasticall life 21 Of the invocating of godly men departed out of this life 22 Of the civill Magistrate 23 The chiefe points of the Confession of Wirtemberge OF God and three persons in one Godhead 1 Of the Sonne of God 2 Of the holy Ghost 3 Of sinne 4 Of Iustification 5 Of the law 6 Of good works 7 Of the Gospell of Iesus Christ 8 Of the Sacraments 9 Of Baptisme 10 Of Confirmation 11 Of Repentance 12 Of Contrition 13 Of Confession 14 Of Satisfaction 15 Of Prayer 16 Of Fasting 17 * Of Almes 18 Of the Eucharist that is of the Sacrament of thanksgiving 19 * Of the Masse 20 Of holy orders 21 Of Marriage 22 * Of extreame Vnction 23 Of the invrcating of Saints 24 Of the remembrance of the dead 25 Of Purgatorie 26 * Of Monasticall vows 27 Of Canonicall houres 28 Of Fasting 29 Of the consecrating of water salt wine and other such like things 30 Of the holy Scripture 31 * Of the Pope 32 Of the Church 33 Of Councels 34 Of the Teachers of the Church 35 Of Ecclesiasticall Ceremonies 36 THE CONTENTS OF THE BOOKE FOLLOWING ACCORDING TO THE SECTIONS which are in number nineteene and of how many confessions each Section doth consist THE FIRST SECTION pag. 1. OF the holy Scripture being the true word of God and the interpretation thereof This Section consisteth of ten confessions to wit Of the former and latter confessions of Helvetia of that of Basil or Myllane of Bohemia or the Waldenses the French the English that of Belgia Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sheveland THE SECOND SECTION pag. 19. OF God in essence one in persons three and of his true worship This Section consisteth of 11. confessions to wit Of the former and latter confession of Helvetia that of Basil of Bohemia or the Waldenses the French the English that of Belgia Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge
FRENCH Confession THis one God hath revealed himselfe to be such a one unto men first in the creation preservation and governing of his workes secondly farre more plainly in his word which Artic. 2. word in the beginning he revealed to the fathers by certaine visions and oracles and then caused it to be written in these bookes which we call holy Scripture All this holy Scripture is contained in the Canonicall books Artic 3. of the old and New Testament The Catalogue whereof is this The five bookes of Moses namely Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomie Iosua Judges Ruth two bookes of Samuell two bookes of the Kings two bookes of Chronicles or Paralipomenon one book of Esdras Nehemiah Ester Iob the Psalmes Solomons Proverbs Ecclesiastes the Song of Songs Esay Ieremie with the Lamentations Ezechiel Daniel the 12. small Prophets namely Ose Ioel Amos Abdiah Ionah Michea Nahum Abacuc Sophon Haggaie Zacharie Malachie the holy Gospel of Iesus Christ according to Matthew Marke Luke and Iohn the Acts of the Apostles Pauls Epistles namely one to the Romanes two to the Corinthians one to the Galathians one to the Ephesians one to the Philippians one to the Collossians two to the Thessalonians two to Timothie one to Titus one to Philemon the Epistle to the Hebrews the Epistle of Iames two Epistles of Peter three Epistles of Iohn one Epistle of Iude Iohns Revelation We acknowledge these bookes to be Canonicall that is we Ar●ic 4. account them as the rule square of our faith and that not only for the common consent of the Church but also much more for the testimonie and inward perswasion of the Holy Ghost by whose inspiration we are taught to discerne them from other Ecclesiasticall bookes which howsoever they may bee profitable yet are they not such that any one article of faith may be builded upon them We beleeve that the word contained in these books came Artic. 5. from one God of whom alone and not of men the authority thereof dependeth And seeing this is the summe of all truth conteining whatsoever is required for the worship of God and our sa●vation we hold it not lawfull for men no not for the Angels themselves to adde or detract any thing from that word or to alter any whit at all in the same And hereupon it followeth that it is not lawfull to oppose either antiquitie custome multitude mans wisedome and judgement edicts or any deerees or Councels or visions or miracles unto this holy Scripture but rather that all things ought to be examined and tried by the rule and square thereof Wherefore we doe for this cause also allow those three Creeds namely the Apostles the Nicen and Athanasius his Creed because they be agreeable to the written Word of God Out of the ENGLISH Confession VVE receive and embrace all the Canonicall Scriptures Artic. 10. both of the Old and New Testament giving thankes to our God who hath raised up unto us that light which we might ever have before our eyes lest either by the subtiltie of man or by the snares of the devill we should be carried away to errors and lies Also we professe that these be the heavenly voyces whereby God hath opened unto us his will and that onely in them mans heart can have setled rest that in them be abundantly and fully comprehended all things whatsoever be needfull for our helpe as Origen Augustine Chrysostome and Cyrillus have taught That they be the very might and strength to attain to salvation that they be the foundations of the Prophets and Apostles Whereupon is built the Church of God that they be the very sure and infallible rule whereby may be tried whether the Church doe swerve or erre and whereunto all Ecclesiasticall doctrine ought to be called to account and that against these Scriptures neither law nor ordinance nor any custome ought to be heard no though Paul himselfe or an Angel from heaven should come and teach the contrary Out of the Confession of BELGIA HE hath revealed himselfe much more plainly in his holy A●tic 2. Sub fi●em Word so farre forth as it is expedient for his owne glory and the salvation of his in this life We confesse that this Word of God was not brought or delivered Artic 3. by any will of man but that holy men of God inspired by Gods holy Spirit spake it as S. Peter witnesseth but afterward God himself for that exceeding tēder carefulnes which he hath of his and of their salvation gave in Commission to his servants the Apostles and Prophets that they should put those oracles in writing and he himselfe also wrote the two Tables of the Law with his own finger which is the cause why we call such writings sacred and divine Scripture And we comprehend the holy Scripture in those two books of the Old and New Testament which are called the canonicall Artic. 4. bookes about which there was never any adoe And of them this is the number and also the order received of the Church of God The five bookes of Moses the book of Iosua of the Iudges of Ruth two books of Samuel two of the Kings two of the Chronicles which are called Para●ipomena the first of Esdras Nehemiah Ester Iob also Davids Psalmes three books of Solomon namely the Proverbs Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs the foure great Prophets Esay Ieremie Ezekiell and Daniel and further more also the 12. small Prophets moreover the Canonicall bookes of the New Testament are the foure Evangelists namely Saint Matthew Marke Luke and Iohn the Acts of the Apostles the 14. Epistles of Saint Paul and seven of the other Apostles the Revelation of Saint Iohn the Apostle These books alone doe we Artic. 5. receive as sacred and canonical whereupon our faith may rest be confirmed and established therfore without any doubt we beleeve also those things which are contained in them and that not so much because the Church receiveth and alloweth them for Canonicall as for that the holy Ghost beareth witnes to our consciences that they came from God and most of all for that they also testifie and justifie by themselves this their owne sacred authoritie and sanctitie seeing that even the blinde may clearely behold and as it were feele the fulfilling and accomplishment of all things which were foretold in these writings We furthermore make a difference betweene the holy Artic. 6. bookes and those which they call Apocriphall for so much as the Apocriphall may be read in the Church and it is lawfull also so farre to gather instructions out of them as they agree with the Canonicall bookes but their authoritie and certaintie is not such as that any doctrine touching faith or Christian Religion may safely be built upon their testimonie so farre off is it that they can disanull or impaire the authoritie of the other We beleeve also that this holy Scripture doth most perfectly Arti● 7. containe
all the will of God and that in it all things are abundantly taught whatsoever is necessary to be beleeved of man to attaine salvation Therefore seeing the whole manner of worshipping God which God requireth at the hands of the faithfull is there most exquisitely and at large set downe it is lawfull for no man although he have the authoritie of an Apostle no not for any Angel sent from heaven as Saint Paul speaketh to teach otherwise then we have long since beene taught in the holy Scriptures For seeing it is forbidden that any one should adde or detract any thing from the Word of God thereby it is evident enough that this holy doctrine is perfect and absolute in all points and parcels thereof and therefore no other writings of men although never so holy no custome no multitude no antiquitie nor prescription of times nor personall succession nor any councels and to conclude no decrees or ordinances of men are to be matched or compared with these divine Scriptures and bare truth of God for so much as Gods truth excelleth all things For all men of their owne nature are lyars and lighter then vanitie it selfe therefore we doe utterly refuse whatsoever things agree not with this most certaine rule as we have beene taught by the Apostles when they say Trie the spirits whether they be of God And If any come unto you and bring not this doctrine receive him not to house c. Out of the SAXONS Confession Of Doctrine SEeing it is most undoubtedly true that God out of mankinde doth gather together unto himselfe a Church unto eternall life for and by his Sonne through preaching of that doctrine which is written in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles we plainly avouch before God and the whole Church in heaven and in earth that we doe with a true faith embrace all the writings of the Prophets and Apostles and that in that very naturall meanning which is set downe in the Creeds of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius And these selfe same Creedes and the naturall meanning of them we have alwaies constantly embraced without corruption and will by Gods helpe alwaies embrace and in this faith doe we call upon the true God who sending his Sonne and giving cleare testimonies hath revealed himself in his Church joyning our prayer with all Saints in heaven and in earth and our Vide obseru 1. adhaac conf●ss tum in hac s●ct tum in s●ct secunda declarations upon the Creeds are abroad containing the whole body and ground of doctrine which shew that this our protestation is most true We doe also very resolutely condemne all brainesicke fantasies which are against the Creeds as are the monstrous opinions of heathen men of the Iewes of the Mahometists of Marcion the Manichees of Samosatenus Servetus Arrius and those that deny the person of the holy Ghost and other opinions condemned by the true judgement of the Church Out of the Confession of WIRTEMBERGE Of the holy Scripture CHAP. 30. THe holy Scriptures we call those Canonicall books of the Vide obseru 1. in hanc Confess old and new Testament of whose authoritie there was never doubt made in the Church This Scripture we beleeve and confesse to be the Oracle of the holy Ghost so confirmed by heavenly testimonies that If an Angel from heaven preach any other thing let him be accursed Wherefore we detest all doctrine worship and Religion contrary to this Scripture But whereas some men thinke that all doctrine necessary to be known of us to true everlasting salvation is not contained in this Scripture and that the right of expounding this Scripture lyeth so in the power of chiefe Bishops that what they according to their owne will give out is to be embraced for the meaning of the holy Ghost it is more easily said then proved The whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable 2 Tim. 3. to teach to improve to correct and to instruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may be perfect being throughly prepared to every good worke And Iohn 15. I have called you friends for all things that I have heard of my father have I made knowne to you And those things which the Apostles received of Christ those have they by their preaching published in the whole world and by their writings delivered them to posteritie It is a plain case therefore that all things which are needfull to be knowne to salvation are contained in the Prophets Chrysost ad Titum hom ● and Apostles writings He hath revealed his owne word in due season by preaching which is all committed to me this is the preaching For the Gospel containeth things both things present and things to come as honour piety and faith yea and all things he hath ioyntly comprised in this one word preaching Againe Ierome ad Tit. Cap. 1. August super Joan. Cap. 11. Tract 40. Without authority of the Scriptures babbling hath no credit For seeing the Lord Iesus did many things al are not written as the same holy Evangelist himselfe witnesseth that the Lord Christ both said and did many things which are not written But those things were selected to be written which seemed to suffice for the salvation of those that beleeve For wheras they say that the right of expounding the Scripture lyeth in the power of cheif Bishops it is evident that the gift of expounding the scripture is not of mans wisedome but of the holy Ghost To every man saith Paul is given the manifestation of the spirit to profit withall for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisedome c. But the holy Ghost is altogether at libertie and is not tied to a certain sort of men but giveth gifts to men according to his own Num. 11. good pleasure Oh that all the people had power to prophecie and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them Debora a woman Iud. 4. the wife of Lapidoth is raised up to be a Prophetesse Againe I am Amos. 7. no Prophet nor Prophets sonne but I am a heard man and a gatherer of wilde figs. And yet Amos received the holy Ghost and was made a Prophet All these things worketh one and the 2 Cor. 12. same spirit distributing to every man as he will Many examples also do witnesse that chiefe Bishops have been often and very foulely deceived wherfore the gift of expounding the Scripture is not so tied to the Popes that whosoever shall be Pope must needs rightly expound the Scripture but the true meaning of the Scripture is to be sought in the Scripture it selfe and among those that being raised by the spirit of God expound Scripture by Scripture CHAP. XXXIIII Of Councels VVE confesse that Councels ought to have their judgements in the Church concerning the holy doctrine of Religion and that the authoritie of lawfull Councels is great but the authoritie of Gods Word must
this number we comprise both the sinnes of affectate omission that is affectate negligence in a dutie which is contrary to that saying This is required that we be faithfull And also affectate ignorance such as is Pharisaicall and is to be seene in an infinite multitude which endeavoureth not to search out the doctrine of the Church and ignorantly retaineth Idols or doth also further the rage which is used in the defence of Idols Thus much of those fals whereby the holy Ghost is shaken off There be also other sinnes in the regenerate who keepe faith and a good conscience which doe not corrupt the foundation * Looke the 2. Observat upon this confession neither are sins against the conscience but are the reliques of Originall sinne as darkenesse doubting carnall securitie wandring flames of vitious affections and omissions or ignorances not affected Some extenuate these evils and name them deformities beside the Law of God But this blindnesse is greatly to be reproved and we must consider both the greatnesse of the evill in this whole pollution which is contrarie to the Law and will of God and also the greatnesse of the mercy and benefit of the Sonne of God who covereth these great and lamentable wounds in this miserable nature And Paul commandeth us to Resist those evils by the spirit that is Atticus and Scipio doe bridle their corrupt affections by reason but Joseph and Paul doe bridle them by the spirit that is by the motions of the holy Ghost by true griefe true faith feare of God and invocation Paul feeling in himselfe doubts and other wandring motions is sorrowfull and by faith perswaded that this pollution is covered by the Mediatour and by the feare of God doth stay himselfe that he give no place to anger or to other wandring motions and there withall he doth invocate God and desire his helpe saying O Lord create in me a new heart When we doe after this sort withstand that corruption which as yet remaineth in the regenerate these evils are covered and it is called sinne that doth not reigne or veniall sinne and the holy Ghost is not shaken off It is evident that this doctrine concerning the difference of sinnes is true plaine and necessarie for the Church And yet many know what manner of intricate disputations are to be found in the bookes of our adversaries touching the same c. Having thus briefly declared the summe of the doctrine of justification we should now also declare and confute the arguments which are objected against this judgement of ours but because divers men doe object divers things we have onely recited our confession and offer our selves to larger declarations in every member of the confession Out of the Confession of WIRTEMBERGE Of Sinne. CHAP. 4. VVE beleeve and confesse that in the beginning man was created of God just wise endued with free will adorned with the holy Ghost and happie but afterward for his disobedience he was deprived of the holy Ghost and made the bondman of Satan and subject both to corporall and eternall damnation and that evill did not stay in one onely Adam but was derived into all the posteritie And whereas some affirme that so much integritie of minde was left to man after his fall that by his naturall strength and good workes he is able to convert and prepare himselfe to faith and the invocating of God it is flatly contrary to the Apostolike doctrine and the true consent of the Catholike Church Rom. 5. By one mans trespasse evill was derived into all men to condemnation Eph. 2. When ye were dead in trespasses and sinnes wherein in times past ye walked according to the course of this world and after the Prince c. And a little after We were by nature the children of wrath as well as others He saith Dead in sins and the children of wrath that is strangers from the grace of God But as a man being corporally dead is not able by his own strength to prepare or convert himselfe to receive corporall life so hee which is spiritually dead is not able by his owne power to convert himselfe to receive spirituall life Augustine saith The Lord that he might answer Pelagius to come doth noth not say without me Tom 7. contra du●● epist Pelag ad Bonifacium lib. 2. cap. 8. ye can hardly do any thing but he saith without me ye can do nothing And that he might also answer these men that were to come in the very same sentence of the Gospel he doth not say without me ye can not perfit but without me ye can not doe any thing For if he had said ye cannot perfit then these men might say we have need of the help of God not to begin to doe good for we have that of our selves but to perfit it And a little after The preparation of the heart is in man but the answer of the tongue is of the Lord. Men not well understanding this are deceived thinking that it appertaineth to man to prepare the heart that is to begin any good thing without the helpe of the grace of God But farre be it from the children of promise so to understand it as when they heard the Lord saying without me ye can doe nothing they should as it were reprove him and say Behold without thee we are able to prepare our hearts or when they heare Paul the Apostle saying Not that we are fit to thinke any thing as of our selves they should also reprove him and say Behold we are fitte of our selves to prepare our hearts and so consequently to thinke some good thing And againe Let no man deceive himselfe it is of his Tom. 9. in Io. tract 49. owne that he is Satan it is of God that he is happy For what is that of his owne but of his sinne take away sinne which is thy own and righteousnesse saith he is of me For what hast thou that thou hast not received Ambrose saith Although it be in man to will that which is evill yet he hath not power to will that which is good De invocat ●gent l. 1. c. 9 Hom. 1. de annuntiat beatae Mariae except it be given him Bernard saith If humane nature when it was perfect could not stand how much lesse is it able of it selfe to rise up againe being now corrupt THE FIFTH SECTION OF ETERNALL PREDESTINATION The latter Confession of HELVETIA Of the Predestination of God and the election of the Saints CHAP. 10. GOD hath from the beginning freely and of his meere grace without any respect of men predestinated or elected the Saints whom he will save in Christ according to the saying of the Apostle And Ephes 1. 4. he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world And againe Who hath saved us and called us with an holy 2 Tim. 1 9. calling not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose and grace which was given
c. that many grave men have doubted whether these states of life did please God or no. Therefore our Preachers have with great care and studie set forth these both kindes of doctrine teaching the Gospel concerning faith and adjoyning therewith a pure and holy doctrine of works Of Faith FIrst touching Faith and Iustification they teach thus Christ hath fitly set downe the summe of the Gospel when as in the last of Luke he willeth that repentance and remission of sinnes should be preached in his name For the Gospel * Looke the 5. observation upon this consession reproveth and convinceth sinnes and requireth repentance and withall offereth remission of sinnes for Christ sake freely not for our owne worthinesse And like as the preaching of repentance is generall even so the promise of grace is generall and willeth all men to beleeve and to receive the benefit of Christ as Christ himselfe saith Come unto me all ye that are laden And Saint Paul saith He is rich towards all c. Albeit therefore that contrition in repentance be necessary yet we must know that remission of sins was given unto us and that we are made just of unjust that is reconciled or acceptable and the sonnes of God freely for Christ and not for the worthinesse of our Contrition or of any other workes which either goe before or follow after But this same benefit must be received by faith whereby we must beleeve that remission of sinnes and justification is given us for Christs sake This knowledge and judgement bringeth sure consolation unto troubled mindes and how necessary it is for the Church consciences that have had experience can easily judge There is in it no absurditie no difficultie no craftie deceit * Looke the sixt observat upon this confession Here needeth no disputations of predestination or such like for the promise is generall and detracteth nothing from good workes yea rather it doth stirre up men unto faith and unto true good workes For remission of sinnes is removed from our workes and attributed unto mercy that it might be an undoubted benefit not that we should be idle but much more that we should know how greatly our obedience doth please God even in this our so great infirmitie Now for any man to despise or mislike this doctrine whereby both the honour of Christ is extolled and most sweet and sure comfort offered unto godly mindes and which containeth the true knowledge of Gods mercy and bringeth forth the true worship of God and eternall life it is more then Pharisaicall blindnesse Before time when as this doctrine was not set forth many fearfull consciences assaied to ease themselves by workes some fled to a monasticall life others did chuse out other workes whereby to merit remission of sinnes and justification But there is no sure comfort without this doctrine of the Gospel which willeth men to beleeve that remission of sinnes and justification are freely given unto us for Christs sake and this whole doctrine is appointed for the true conflict of a terrified conscience But we will adde some testimonies Paul Rom. 3. We are iustified freely by his grace through redemption that is in Christ Iesus whom God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his bloud Rom. 4. But to him that worketh not but beleeveth in him that iustifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse Ephes 2. By grace ye are saved through faith not of your selves In these and such like sentences Paul doth plainly teach that remission of sinnes and justification are given us freely and not for the worthinesse of our workes And in the 4. to the Romans he disputeth at large why this consolation is needfull for us for if the promise did depend upon the worthinesse of our works it should be uncertain Wherefore to the end that we may have sure and firme comfort against the feares of sinne and death and that our faith may stand fast it is needfull that it leane onely upon the mercy of God and not upon our worthinesse Therefore Paul saith Therefore it is by faith according to grace that the promise might be sure For our workes cannot be set against the judgement of God according to that saying If thou markest our iniquities who shall indure it And therefore Christ is given for a Mediatour to us and this honour is not to be transferred unto our workes When therefore we doe say that we are iustified by faith we doe not meane that we are just for the worthinesse of that vertue but this is our meaning that we doe obtaine remission of sinnes and imputation of righteousnesse by mercy shewed us for Christs sake But now this mercy cannot be received but by faith And Faith doth not here signifie onely a knowledge of the history but it signifieth a beliefe of the promise of mercy which is granted us through our Mediatour Christ Iesus And seeing that faith is in this sort understood of a confidence or trust of mercy Saint Paul and Saint James doe not disagree For where James saith The Devils beleeve and tremble he speaketh of an historicall faith now this faith doth not justifie For the wicked and the devill are cunning in the historie But Paul when he saith Faith is reckoned for righteousnesse he speaketh of a trust and confidence of mercy promised for Christs sake and his meaning is that men are pronounced righteous that is reconciled through mercy promised for Christs sake whom we must receive by faith Now this noveltie of this figurative speech of Saint Paul We are iustified by faith will not offend holy mindes if they understand that it is spoken properly of mercy and that herein mercy is adorned with true and due praises For what can be more acceptable to an afflicted and fearefull conscience in great griefes then to heare that this is the commandement of God and the voyce of the Bridegroome Christ Iesus that they should undoubtedly beleeve that remission of sinnes or reconciliation is given unto them not for their owne worthinesse but freely through mercy for Christs sake that the benefit might be certaine Now Iustification in these sayings of Saint Paul doth signifie remission of sinnes or reconciliation or imputation of righteousnesse that is an accepting of the person And herein we doe not bring in a new found opinion into the Church of God For the Scripture doth set downe at large this doctrine touching faith and Saint Paul doth especially handle this point in some of his Epistles the holy Fathers doe also teach the same For so saith Ambrose in his booke de vocat Gent. If so be that Justification which is by grace were due unto former merits so that it should not be a gift of the giver but a reward of the worker the redemption by the blood of Christ would grow to be of small account and the prerogative of mans workes would not yeeld unto the mercies of God And of this matter there be
9. VVE beleeve and confesse that the Eucharist for so it pleased our forefathers to call the Supper of the Lord is a Sacrament instituted of Christ himselfe and that the use thereof is commended to the Church even to the latter end of the world But because the substance is one thing and the use thereof another thing therefore we will speake of these in order Touching the substance of the Eucharist we thus thinke and teach * Looke the 1. observation upon this confession that the true body of Christ and his true blood is distributed in the Eucharist and we refute them that say that the bread and wine of the Eucharist * Looke the 2. Observat are signes of the body and blood of Christ being onely absent Also we beleeve that the omnipotencie of God is so great that in the Eucharist he may either annihilate the substance of bread and wine * Looke the 3. observation or else change them into the body and blood of Christ but that God doth exercise this his absolute omnipotencie in the Eucharist we have no certaine word of God for it and it is evident that the ancient Church was altogether ignorant of it For as in Ezech. where it is said of the Citie of Hierusalem described on the out side of a wall This is Hierusalem it was not necessary that the substance of the wall should be changed into the substance of the Citie of Hierusalem so when it is said of the bread This is my body it is not necessary that the substance of bread should be changed into the substance of the body of Christ * Looke the 4. observation but for the truth of the Sacrament it is sufficient that the body of Christ is in deed present with the bread and in deed the very necessitie of the truth of the Sacrament doth seeme to require that true bread should remaine with the true presence of the body of Christ For as to the truth of the Sacrament of Baptisme it is necessary that in the use thereof there should be water and that true water should remaine so it is necessary in the Lords Supper that there should be bread in the use thereof and that true bread should remaine whereas if the substance of bread were changed we should have no proofe of the truth of the Sacrament Whereupon both Paul and also the ancient Ecclesiasticall Writers doe call the bread of the Eucharist even after consecration bread 1 Cor. 11. Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eate of that bread c. And Whosoever shall eate this bread and drinke this cup of the Lord unworthily c. And Augustine in his Sermon to young children saith That which you have seene it is the bread and the cup the which thing also your eyes doe witnesse unto you but that which your faith desireth to learne is this the bread is the body of Christ the cup is his blood Now as touching the use of the Eucharist first although we doe not denie * Looke the 5. observation but that whole Christ is distributed as well in the bread as in the wine of the Eucharist yet we teach that the use of either part ought to be common to the whole Church For it is evident that Christ being nothing at all terrified by any dangers which afterward humane superstition invented or by other devises gave unto his Church both parts to be used Also it is evident that the ancient Church did use both parts for many yeeres And certaine Writers doe clearely witnesse that they which doe receive bread alone doe not receive the whole Sacrament Sacramentally for so they speake and that it is not possible to devide one and the self same mystery without great sacriledge Wherefore we thinke that the use of both parts is in deed Catholike and Apostolike and that it is not lawfull for any man at his pleasure to change this institution of Christ and a ceremony of such continuance in the ancient and true Church and to take away from the Laitie as they call them one part of the Eucharist And it is to be marvelled at that they who professe themselves to defend the ceremonies of the ancient Church should so farre swarve from the ancient Church in this point Moreover seeing that the word Sacrifice is very large and doth generally signifie a holy worship we doe willingly grant that the true and lawfull use of the Eucharist may in this sense be called a Sacrifice howbeit the Eucharist according to the institution of Christ is so celebrated that therein the death of Christ is shewed forth and the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ is distributed to the Church and so it is truely called an applying of the merit of the passion of Christ to wit to them which receive the Sacrament Neither doe we condemne godly lessons and prayers which use to goe before and to follow consecration as they call it and the dispensation of the Eucharist yet in the meane time it is not lawfull for us to dissemble or to allow of those errours which have been added to this holy Sacrament rather by the ignorance of private men then by any lawfull consent of the true Catholike Church One errour is this that of the worship which ought to be common to the Church there is made a private action of one Priest who as he doth alone to himself mumble up the words of the Lords Supper so also he alone doth receive the bread and wine For Christ did institute the Eucharist not that it should be a private action of one man but that it should be a communion of the Church * Looke the 6. observation Therefore to the right action of the Eucharist two things at the lest are requisite to wit the Minister of the Eucharist who blesseth and he to whom the Sacrament of the Eucharist is dispensed For when Christ did institute this Sacrament he did not eate thereof alone but he did dispense it to his Church which then was present with him saying Take ye eate ye c. And Drinke ye all of this c. This institution of Christ the ancient and true Catholike Church did so severely observe that it excommunicated them which being present whilest this holy Sacrament was administred would not communicate with others Anacletus in his first Epistle saith After that consecration is finished let all communicate except they had rather stand without the Church doores And he addeth For so both the Apostles appointed and the holy Church of Rome keepeth it still Also the Antiochian Councell cap. 2. saith All those which come into the Church of God and heare the holy Scriptures but doe not communicate with the people in prayer and cannot abide to receive the Sacrament of the Lord according to a certaine proper discipline these men must be cast out of the Church Dionysius in his book De Eccles Hierarc saith The Bishop when
Obser 1. pag. 155. even of goodnesse are in no case to be so highly esteemed as those which are commanded of God Vnderstand this of those works which yet are not will-worship and devises of mans brain For such are wholly to be rejected as is also said of such a little after that are not of faith but contrary to faith Vpon the same By taking heed that they fall not into mortall sinne Looke the 2. Obser 2 pag. 157. observation upon the Saxonie Confession in the 4. Section Vpon the same First for this cause that is for divers causes whereof this is one Obser 3. pag. 157. Lest that the grace of faith which we have already c. Vpon the Confession of Auspurge THe Gospell bewrayeth our sinne These words seeme thus to be Obser 1. pag. 163. understood that the Gospell should bewray all kinde of sinne yet not properly and by it selfe For the proper difference betweene the law and the Gospell is to be held fast to wit that the Gospell doth properly reprove the sinne of infidelitie and by an accident all other sins also but the law doth properly reprove all sins whatsoever are committed against it Vpon the same And deserveth reward Touching the word of meriting or deserving Obser 2 pag. 169. which this Confession useth oft in this Section Looke before in the 8. Sect. the 7. observation upon this same Confession and looke the 1. observation upon the Confession of Wirtemberge in this Section And againe after in the 16. Section the 1. observation on this Confession Vpon the same Living in mortall sinne Looke before in the 4. Sect. the 2. observation Obser 3. pag. 167. upon the Confession of Saxonie Nor the righteousnesse of works Looke before in the 4. Section Obser 4. pag. 167. the 1. observation upon the Confession of Saxonie Vpon the same And like as the preaching of repentance in generall so the promise Obser 5. pag. 169. of grace Generall that is offered to all sorts of men indefinitely as well to one as to another without difference of countrey sexe place time or age But we cannot conceive how repentance and the promise of grace can be said to be preached universally to every nation much lesse to all men particularly for as much as experience doth plainly prove that to be untrue Vpon the same Here needeth no disputation of predestination Even as we doe Obser 6. pag. 169. abhorre curious disputations that is such as passe the bounds of Gods word touching predestination of which sort we take these words to be meant as most dangerous matters for grievous fals so we affirme that whatsoever the holy Ghost doth teach touching this point in the holy Scriptures is warily and wisely to be propounded and beleeved in the Church as well as other parts of Christian Religion which thing the Doctors of the Church both old and new did and among the rest Master Luther himselfe in his booke de servo arbitrio and else-where Vpon the same That they be necessary We take them to be necessary because Observ 7. page 173. they doe necessarily follow the true faith whereby we are justified not that they concurre unto the working of our justification in Christ as either principall or secundarie causes for that faith it selfe as it is an inherent qualitie doth not justifie but onely in as much as it doth apprehend and lay hold on Christ our righteousnesse Vpon the same Albeit that men by their owne strength be able to doe outward Observ 8. page 175. honest deeds c. Looke in the 4. Sect. the 3. observation upon this Confession Vpon the same Moreover nature by it selfe is weake Without Christ and without Observ 9. page 175. regeneration the nature of man can doe nothing but sin For God by his grace doth create the habilitie of thinking willing and doing well not helping the old man in that he wanteth but by little and little abolishing it According to that saying When we were dead in sins c. Ephes 2. But touching the weaknesse of our nature looke that which was said in the 1. observation upon the Confession of Bohemia Section 4. Vpon the Confession of Saxonie BEcause that God left this libertie in man after this fall Here also Obser 1. pag. 181. looke in the 4. Sect. the 1. observ upon the Confession of Bohemia and the 3. upon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same Therefore although men by the naturall strength Looke here Obser 2. pag. 190. againe the 1. observation upon the Confession of Bohemia in the 4. Section and also the 9. observation upon the Confession of Auspurge in this same Section Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge VVE teach that good works are necessarily to be done and doe Obser 1. pag. 198. deserve c. That is obtaine and that as it is well added by and by after by the free mercy and goodnesse of God Touching which point looke the 7. observ upon the Confession of Auspurge in the 8. Sect. the 2. observ upon the same Confession in this Sect. Also touching the necessitie of good works looke the 7. observ upon the same Confession in this selfe same Section IN THE TENTH SECTION Vpon the latter Confession of Helvetia ANd no marvell if it erre How and in what respect the visible Obser 1. pag. 206. Church considered universally is said to erre it is afterward declared more fully in this same Confession Vpon the Confession of Bohemia THe Heathenish life This saying the brethren in Bohemia did Obser 1. pag. 213. themselves expound thus unto us in their letters to wit that they speake here of the notes of the visible Church which are all joyntly to be considered that looke where both the errours of Idolaters and heretikes and impietie of life doe openly overflow there it cannot safely be affirmed that the visible Church of Christ is to be seene or is at all And yet notwithstanding there is no doubt to be made but some secret true members of Christ and such as it may be are onely knowne to God be there hid and therefore that there is a Church even in Poperie as it were overwhelmed and drowned whence God will fetch out his elect and gather them to the visible Churches that are restored and reformed whereas Popery never was nor is the true Church Vpon the same But he that looseth In what sense we thinke that a true faith Observ 2. page 214. may be lost we have declared before in the fourth Section in the first observation of the Confession of Saxonie and elsewhere Vpon the same By Ecclesiasticall punishment which is commonly called c. We Observ 3. page 215. take this to be so meant as that notwithstanding every Church hath her libertie left unto her what way to exercise such discipline as is before said in the first observation upon this same confession in the 8. Section As for this
particular cursing to wit of this or that man if the word be taken for a perpetuall and an unrepealable casting out from the Church of God we leave it to God alone and therefore we would not lightly admit it in our Churches For the Church useth onely such a cursing as determineth nothing finally following Saint Paul 1 Cor. 16. 22. Vpon the same Goe and chastise him that is reprove him and admonish him of Observ 4. page 215. his dutie Vpon the confession of Saxonie THe sentence of excommunication c. Looke before in the Observ 1. page 226. 3. Observation upon the Confession of Bohemia in this same Section Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge HAth authoritie to beare witnesse of the holy Scripture This Observ 1. pag. 228. authoritie and right you must understand in this respect that the true Church of God discerning the Canonicall bookes of the Scripture from all others teacheth and defendeth that nothing is to be added to or taken from the Canon of the old Hebrew or to the new Scripture of the Christians Vpon the same Authoritie to iudge of all doctrines and to interpret Scripture Observ 2. pag. 228. To this we yeeld with these cautions First that in the judging of controversies not any judges whatsoever doe take unto themselves the name of the Church but that as the matter and importance of the cause doth require judges lawfully chosen whether more or fewer whether in an ordinary assembly of a particular Church or in a more generall meeting ordinary or extraordinary provinciall or generall be appointed to judge of the matter Secondly that there be free obedience and free giving of voyces Thirdly that all controversies be determined out of the word of God alone yet so as the fathers judgements be not condemned but laid to the onely rule of Gods word according as they themselves would have us to doe Now the Church is said to judge of doctrine not that it is above the truth of the doctrine or that the doctrine is therefore true because the Church hath so judged but in as much as the Church being taught and confirmed out of the word by the holy Ghost doth acknowledge and hold fast the true doctrine and teach men to hold it fast and condemneth and rejecteth and teacheth to reject all other strange doctrines IN THE ELEVENTH SECTION Vpon the latter Confession of Helvetia ANd such are found among us c. To wit interpreters of the Observ 1. pag. 235. Scriptures that were indued with a speciall gift of the spirit thereunto For as touching the visions of Prophets and those extraordinary motions and inspirations of the holy spirit this gift as also the gift of tongues and of healings being fitted for the confirmation of the Church when it was beginning is now long since ceased after that the whole Counsell of God touching our salvation was plainly revealed howbeit God yet can when he will raise it up againe Vpon the same And were also Preachers of the Gospell Such as the Apostles Observ 2. pag. 235. did joyne unto themselves as helpers and sent them now to this place now to that and these also are no more in use since the Churches were setled in good order Of which sort divers are mentioned in the Acts and in the Epistles of the Apostles Vpon the same Bishops were the overseers and watchmen of the Church which Observ 3. page 235. did distribute c. Taking this name for those which in a more strict signification are called Deacons and are distinguished from them which attend upon the preaching of the word Vpon the same Provide things necessary for it To wit spirituall things by Observ 4. page 235. teaching reproving correcting instructing both all in generall and man by man particularly yet tied to their speciall flocks and charges Vpon the same Now the power given to all the Ministers To wit of the word Observ 5. page 235. that is the Pastours and Doctors whose divers functions are afterward more fully set forth Vpon the former Confession of Helvetia BY the voice of God As namely if at any time the lawfull ordinary Observ 1. pag. 242. vocation being quite abolished as it hath fallen out under the Papacie God by his spirit hath extraordinarily raised up certaine men Which thing when it appeareth by their fruits then the liking and approbation of the Church reformed being added thereunto they are confirmed in their calling For otherwise while the lawfull order of calling standeth in the Church no man may enter into the ministerie but by that doore Vpon the same By the laying on of hands of the Priest By Priest take that they Observ 2. page 242. meane him that is appointed out of the Colledge and companie of the Pastours for to set him that is lawfully chosen as it were into the possession of his ministerie in the sight and presence of the whole Church Now as touching the very rite of this ordination every Church hath it own libertie so that both alike superstition and occasion of superstition be avoided Vpon the Confession of Bohemia BY laying on of hands Looke before the 2. observation upon Observ 1. page 246. the former Confession of Helvetia and looke after in the 14. Chapter of this same Confession and the 1. observation upon this Confession in the 13. Section Vpon the same Hereof speaketh the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews Yet Obs●rv 2. page 246. not properly for he disputeth of the Leviticall Priesthood which was abrogated by Christ and not of the ministerie under Christ Vpon the same Are a long time c. Let the reader thus take these words not Observ 3. page 247. as though this same order were prescribed unto all and singular Churches or were observed of all seeing we neither have any commandement touching that matter neither can it every where be performed But that this is very carefully to be looked unto that none but he that is furnished with learning and an approved integritie and uprightnesse be advanced to any Ecclesiasticall functions Vpon the same And Sodomiticall life That is of an unclean life given to riot Observ 4. page 249. and excesse as Ezech. chap. 16. vers 49. chargeth the inhabitants of Sodome Vpon the same Especially those c. Once againe this is to be taken as that Observ 5. page 249. we must know that this law of working with their owne hands is is not prescribed to the Churches Vpon the same Such as are to lay on hands Touching this rite looke before in Observ 6. page 251. the 2. Obser upon the former Confession of Helvetia Vpon the same To each severall Ecclesiasticall societies That is to Presbyteries Observ 7. pag. 252. or Consistories which stand of Pastours and Elders and unto whom properly the dispensing and ordering of the keies and Ecclesiasticall Censures doe belong As afterward is taught in the fifth Observation
much peevishnesse through which some do straight way upon very small occasion call their brethren heretikes schismatikes ungodly Mahometans let these speeches be thrown out against Atheists Epicures Libertines Arians Anabaptists such like mischevous persons which desire to have the Lords field utterly destroyed but let us every day grow in faith love and let us teach the flocks committed to our charge to fear God to hate vices and follow after vertues to denie the world and themselves obeying the commandement of our Lord and teacher Iesus Christ who biddeth us not to braule but to love each other Whose example in governing the Church if we will follow we shall raise up those that are afflicted take up those that are falne cōfort the feeble waken the drowsie and not negligently denounce Gods wrath against sinnes and shall draw out the sword of the same word which is no blunt one against hypocrites wolves dogs swine goates and to conclude against all wicked ones which in our Churches mingle themselves with the true sheepe and which cause the word of God to be evill spoken of It were a farre better thing surely then that which some do busying the sharpnesse of their wit in making of certaine trifles that forsooth the knowledge of such subtilties may shake out of our mindes all conscience It was justly said that the strength of the Gospel was weakened through the thorny subtilties of schoole-questions and we through our wayward disputations what else doe we then cause that the authoritie thereof be not strengthned but rather weakned and doe even stagger among the wicked We reade it excellently written in Livie a very grave writer that not onely grudges but also warres have an end and that oftentimes deadly foes become faithfull confederates yea and sometimes Citizens and that by the same speeches of the people of Rome very bitter or cruell enmities have beene taken up betweene men of great account And that which these few words wrought with the heathen shall not godlinesse toward God obtaine at the hands of Christians of Divines and of Pastours of Churches yea of the travell of reading and diligently examining and conferring of this booke shall not be irkesome if upright and sincere judgement if not prejudicate opinions but the love of one truth shall beare sway in all mens hearts it will shortly obtaine it That old contention about the celebrating of Easter very hotly tossed to and fro for two hundred yeeres or there about betweene the Greeks and the Latines was long since by us thought worthy of laughter but we must take good heed lest in a matter not altogether unlike we seeme to be wiser then both if so be that we desire to have the Church whole and not to leave it rent unto the posteritie and would have our selves be counted not foolish among men and not stubborne in the sight of God There hath scarce been any age which hath in such sort seene all Churches following altogether one thing in all points so as there hath not alwaies been some difference either in doctrine or in ceremonies or in manners and yet were not Christian Churches through the world therefore cut asunder unlesse peradventure then when the Bishop of Rome brake off all agreement and tyrannically injoyned to other Churches not what ought to be done but what himselfe would have observed but the Apostle did not so Barnabas indeed departed from Paul and Paul withstood Peter and surely for no trifle and yet the one became not more enemie or strange to the other but the selfe same spirit which had coupled them from the beginning never suffered them to be dis-joyned from them-selves It is the fashion of Romists to command to enforce to presse to throw out oursings and thunder excommunications upon the heads of those that whisper never so little against them but let us according to the doctrine of the holy Ghost suffer and gently admonish each other that is keeping the ground-work of faith let us build love upon it and let us joyntly repaire the wals of Sion lying in their ruines It remaineth that through the same Lord Christ we beseech our reverent brethren in the Lord whose Confessions published we set forth that they take this our paines in good part and suffer us to leane as it were to a certaine stay to the common consent of the reformed Churches against the accusations and reproches of the common adversaries of the truth But it had been to be wished that we might at once have set out all the Confessions of all the reformed Churches but because we had them not all therefore we set out them onely that were come to our hands to which the rest also so farre as we suppose may easily be drawne And we also could have wished that the thing might have beene made common to all the reformed Churches But when as the state of our Churches seemed to force the matter and that they could not abide any longer delay the right well beloved brethren will pardon us with whom by reason of the time we could not impart both the Harmonie it selfe and the Observations as also the intent of this whole Edition Whereas moreover we have put to moe confessions of one and the same Nation as of Auspurge and Saxonie as also the former and latter of Helvetia that was not done without cause for besides that one expoundeth another we thought it good also hereby to ridde them from all suspicion of inconstancie and wavering in opinion which the adversaries are wont to catch at by such repetitions of Confessions Yet why we would not adde some Confessions of the brethren of Bohemia often repeated we will straight way shew a cause and we hope that our reason will easily be liked of them And we have set downe every where two yea in some places three Editions of Auspurge for this respect lest in this diversitie we might seeme to have picked out that which rather favoured our side and to have utterly misliked the other Wherein notwithstanding we have not every where followed the order of times in which every of them came to light but the coppie which we had in our hands printed at Wirtemberge 1572. with a double Edition And we have therefore thought it meet to passe over the Apologies adjoyned to the Confessions as of Auspurge Bohemia Sueveland and England as well that the worke might not grow to be exceeding bigge as also that we might not seeme rather to increase disputations and controversies then to make an Harmonie of doctrine And as for our Observations our minde was to meet with the cavils of sophisters who we know well enough will take hold on the least matters that they may thereby set us on worke Wherefore lest they should charge us to set out a discord rather then a concord of Confessions we have added in the end very short Observations in which we lay open those things which might seeme some what obscurely spoken and
very word of God is preached and received of the faithfull and that neither any other word of God is to be fayned or to be expected from heaven and that now the word itself which is preached is to be regarded not the Minister that preacheth who although he be evill and a sinner neverthelesse the word of God abideth true and good Neither do we think that therefore the outward preaching is to be thought as fruitlesse because the instruction in true religion dependeth on the inward illumination of the spirit because it is written No man shall teach his neighbour For all Jer. 12. 1 Cor. 3. John 6. men shall know me And he that watreth or he that planteth is nothing but God who giveth the increase For albeit no man can come to Christ unlesse he be drawn by the heavenly Father and be inwardly lightned by the holy Ghost yet we know undoubtedly that it is the will of God that his word should be preached even outwardly God could indeed by his holy spirit or by the Ministery of an Angel without the Ministery of Saint Peter have taught Cornelius in the Acts but neverthelesse he referreth him to Peter of whom the Angel speaking saith he shall tell thee what thou must doe For he that illuminated inwardly by giving men the holy Ghost the self same by way of commandement said unto his Disciples Goe ye into the whole world and preach the Gospell to every creature And so Mark 16. Acts 16. Paul preached the word outwardly to Lydia a purple seller among the Philippians but the Lord inwardly opened the womans heart And the same Paul upon an elegant gradation fi●ly placed in the 10. to the Romanes at last inferreth therefore faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God We know in the meane time that God can illuminate whom and when he will even without the externall Ministery which is a thing appertaining to his power but we speake of the usuall way of instructing men delivered unto us of God both by commandement and examples We therefore detest all the heresies of Artemon the Manichees Valentinians of Cerdon and the Marcionites who denied that the Scriptures proceeded from the holy Ghost or else received not or polished and corrupted some of them And yet we do not deny that certain books of the old Testament were of the ancient authors called Apocriphall and of others Ecclesiasticall to wit such as they would have to be read in the Churches but not alleadged to avouch or confirme the authoritie of faith by them As also Austin in his 18 Book De civit Dei C. 38. maketh mention that in the books of the Kings the names and books of certaine Prophets are reckoned but he addeth that they are not in the Canon and that those books which we have suffice unto godlinesse CHAP. II. Of interpreting the holy Scriptures and of Fathers Councels and Traditions THE Apostle Peter hath said That the holy Scriptures are 2 Pet. 2. not of any private interpretation therefore we do not allow all expositions whereupon we do not acknowledge that which they call the meaning of the Church of Rome for the true and naturall interpretation of the Scriptures which forsooth the Defenders of the Romane Church do strive to force all men simply to receive but we acknowledge that interpretation of Scriptures for authenticall and proper which being taken from the Scriptures themselves that is from the phrase of that tongue in which they were written they being also wayed according to the circumstances and expounded according to the proportion of places either like or unlike or of moe and plainer accordeth with the rule of faith and charitie and maketh notably for Gods glory and mans salvation Wherefore we do not contemne the holy Treatises of the Fathers agreeing with the Scriptures from whom notwithstanding we do modestly dissent as they are deprehended to set down things meerely strange or altogether contrary to the same Neither doe we thinke that we doe them any wrong in this matter seeing that they all with one consent will not have their writings matched with the Canonicall Scriptures but bid us allow of them so farre forth as they either agree with them or disagree and bid us take those things that agree and leave those that disagree and according to this order we doe account of the Decrees or Canons of Councels Wherefore we suffer not our selves in controversies about Religion or matters of faith to be pressed with the bare testimonies of Fathers or Decrees of Councels much lesse with received customes or else with multitude of men being of one iudgement or with prescription of long time Therefore in controversies of religion or matters of faith we cannot admit any other Iudge then God himself pronouncing by the holy Scriptures what is true what is false what is to be followed or what to be avoided So we do not rest but in the judgements of spirituall men drawn from the word of God Certainly Ieremie and other Prophets did vehemently condemne the assemblies of Priests gathered against the Law of God and diligently forewarned us that we should not heare the Fathers or tread in their path who walking in their own inventions swarved from the Law Ezek. 20. 18. of God We do likewise reject humane Traditions which although they be set out with goodly titles as though they were Divine and Apostolicall by the lively voice of the Apostles and delivered to the Church as it were by the hands of Apostolicall men by meane of Bishops succeeding in their roomes yet being compared with the Scriptures disagree from them and by that their disagreement bewray themselves in no wise to be Apostolicall For as the Apostles did not disagree among themselves in doctrine so the Apostles Schollers did not set forth things contrary to the Apostles Nay it were blasphemous to avouch that the Apostles by lively voice delivered things contrary to their writings Paul affirmeth expressely that he taught the same things in all Churches And againe We 1 Cor. 4. 2 Cor. 1. saith he write no other things unto you then which ye read or also acknowledge Also in another place he witnesseth that he and his Disciples to wit Apostolicall men walked in the same 2 Cor. 12. way and ioyntly by the same spirit did all things The Iews also in time past had their traditions of Elders but these traditions were severely confuted by the Lord shewing that the keeping of them hindereth Gods Law and that God is in vain worshipped Mat. 15. Mar. 7. with such Out of the former Confession of HELVETIA THe Canonicall Scripture being the Word of God and delivered Artic. 1. Scriptura by the holy Ghost and published to the world by the Prophets and Apostles being of all other the most perfect and ancient Philosophie doth alone perfectly contein all piety and good ordering of life The interpretation hereof is to be Artic 2.
is preserved and doth discerne it from other nations and knoweth which is it what manner of one it is and where to be found Therefore that all godly men might be the better confirmed against these doubts This Article is set before them in the Creed I beleeve the holy Catholike Church By this profession we affirme that all mankinde is not rejected of God but that there is and shall remaine a certaine true Church that the promises of God are sure and that the Sonne of God doth as yet reigne receive and save those that call upon him And being raised up by this comfort we doe give God thanks and invocate him we do desire receive and look for eternall good things at his hand By reason of this admonition and comfort the Article in the Creed is rehearsed seeing that the selfe same doctrine touching the preserving of the Church is very often repeated in sundry Sermons in the booke of God as Isa 59. This is my covenant with them saith the Lord my Spirit which is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed saith the Lord from henceforth even for ever And Christ saith I am with you for ever even to the end of the world Also this is a sweet comfort that the heires of eterna●l life are not to be found else where then in the company of those that are called according to that saying Whom he hath chosen them he hath also called Let not therefore mens mindes goe astray beholding this ragged body of the Church and peradventure dreaming that in other places some which do not know the Gospell are notwithstanding holy and the dwelling house of God as Fabius Scipio Aristides and such like But turne thou thy eyes hither Know for a certaintie that in this companie of those which are called some be chosen and jo●ne thy selfe to this companie by Confession and Invocation as David saith Psal 26. One thing have I desired of the Lord and that I doe still require that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the daies of my life to behold the will of the Lord and to visit his temple We doe not therefore speake of the Church as if we should speake of Plato his Idaea but we speake of such a Church as may be seene and heard according to that saying Their sou●d is gone forth into all the earth The eternall Father will have his Sonne to be heard among all mankinde as he saith H●are him And Psalme 2. I have set my King upon the holy hill of Sion I will declare the Decree The Lord said to me thou art my Sonne this day have I begotten thee Be wise now therefore ye Kings We say therefore that the visible Church in this life is a companie of those which doe embrace the Gospell of Christ and use the Sacraments aright wherein God by the ministery of the Gospell is effectuall and doth renue many to life eternall And yet in this company there be many which are not holy but do agree together concerning the true doctrine as in the time of Mary these were the Church to wit Zacharie Simeon Joseph Elizabeth Mary Anne the teachers and many other who agreed with them in the pure doctrine and did not heare the Sadduces and the Pharisees but Zachary Simeon Anne Mary and such like c. For when the companie is very small yet God doth reserve some remnants whose voice and confession is heard and he doth oftentimes renue the ministery according to that saying Except the Lord had left a seed unto us we had been like to Sodome c. Therefore this description taken out of the manifest testimonies of the Scriptures doth declare which is the Church what it is and where it is We may not doubt that the Church is tied to the Gospell as Paul saith If any man teach another Gospell let him be accursed And Joh. 10. My sheepe heare my voice And Joh. 14. If any man loveth me he heareth my word and my Father shall love him and we will come to him and will dwell with him And Joh. 17. Sanctifie them with thy word thy word is truth Therefore the Sadduces the Pharisees and such like Bishops and others who set forth an other doctrine differing from the Gospell and doe obstinately establish idolatry are no members of the Church of God although they hold a title and dominions But it is manifest that our adversaries teach and defend another kinde of doctrine differing from the Gospell seeing they teach that the Law of God may be fulfilled by our obedience in this life and that this obedience doth deserve remission of sinnes Also that by this obedience men are made righteous before God Also that evill concupiscence is not sin nor an evill resisting of the law of God Also that they which are converted must doubt whether they be in state of grace and that this doubting is not sinne Also that dead men are to be prayed unto Also that difference of meats monasticall vowes and other ceremonies chosen without any commandement of God are the service of God Also that the sacrifice in the masse doth deserve the remission of sinnes and other things both for him that maketh it and also for others that are alive or dead Also other manifold and horrible prophanations of the Sacraments Also that Bishops may appoint services of God and that the violating of those services which are appointed by them is mortall sinne Also that they may enjoyne the law of single life to any degree of men Also that the rehearsall of all and every offence is necessarie to the obtaining of remission of sinnes Also that Canonicall satisfactions doe recompence the punishments of Purgatorie Also that those Synods wherein the Bishops alone doe give their judgement cannot erre Also they which doe consecrate oyles and other things without the commandement of God and doe attribute thereunto a divine power against sins and Devils and diseases Also they which allow of prayers made to certaine Images as though there were more helpe to be had Also they which doe kill honest men onely for that they dislike these errours and doe professe the truth These things seeing they be altogether heathenish and idolatrous it is manifest that the maintainers thereof are not members of the Church but doe rule and have soveraigntie as the Pharisees and Saduces did Neverthelesse there have beene are and shall be in the Church of God such men as doe keepe the foundation although some had have and shall have more light and others lesse And somtimes also even the very Saints doe build stubble upon the foundation especially seeing that the miserie of these times doth not suffer those which have the beginnings of faith to be instructed and to conferre with the better learned Yet these are in the number of those whom the Lord commandeth to be spared Ezech. 9. who
Chapt. touching Prayers did appertaine to the 15. Sect. if they might fitly have been separated most holy works and such as doe very much beseeme Christians whereunto our Preachers doe most diligently exhort their hearers For true fasting is as it were a renouncing of this present life which is alwaies subject to evill lusts and desires and a meditation of the life to come which is free from all perturbation And prayer is a lifting up of the minde unto God and such a familiar speech with him as no other thing can so greatly set a man on fire with heavenly affections and more mightily make the minde comformable to the will of God And though these exercises be never so holy and necessary for Christians yet seeing that a mans neighbour is not so much benefited by them 1 Cor. 13. as man is prepared that he may with fruit and profit have regard of his neighbour they are not to be preferred before holy doctrin godly exhortations and admonitions and also other duties whereby our neighbour doth presently receive some profit Whereupon we reade of our Saviour that in the night time he gave himselfe to prayer and in the day time to doctrine and to heale the sicke For as love is greater then faith and hope so to beleeve those things which come neerest unto love to wit such as bring assured profit unto men are to be preferred before all other holy functions whereupon S. Chrysostome writeth that Among the In Matth. Hom. 48. whole companie of vertues fasting hath the last place Of the commanding of Fasts CHAP. 8. BVt because that no mindes but these that be ardent and peculiarly stirred up by the heavenly inspiration can either pray or fast aright and with profit we beleeve that it is farre better after the example of the Apostles and the former and more sincere Church by holy exhortations to invite men hereunto then to wring them out by precepts such especially as do binde men under pain of deadly sin the which thing the Priests that were of late tooke upon them to doe when as then the order of Priests had not a little degenerated But we had rather leave the place time and manner both of praying and also of fasting to the arbitrement of the holy Ghost then to prescribe them by certaine laws especially such as may not be broken without some sacrifice of amends Yet for their sakes that be the younger and more imperfect sort our Preachers doe not dislike that there should be an appointed time and meanes both for prayer and also for fasting that as it were by these holy introductions to exercises they might be prepared hereunto so that it be done without binding of the conscience We were induced thus to thinke not so much for that all compulsion being against a mans will is repugnant to the nature of these actions but rather because that neither Christ himselfe nor any of his Apostles have in any place made mention of such kinde of precepts and this doth Chrysostome also witnesse saying Thou seest that an upright life doth helpe more then all other things Now I tearme an upright life not the labour of In Matth. Hom. 47. Fasting nor the bed of haire or ashes but if thou doest despise money no other wise then it becommeth thee if thou burne with charitie if thou nourish the hungry with thy bread if thou overcome thy anger if thou doest not desire vain glory if thou be not possessed with envie for these be the things that he teacheth for he doth not say that he will have his fast to be followed howbeit he might have proponed those fortie dayes unto us but he saith Learne of me because I am meeke and lowly in heart Yea rather on the contrary side saith he eate all that is set before you Moreover we doe not read that any solemne or set fast was enjoyned to the ancient Church but that fast of one day For those fasts which as the Scripture doth witnesse were ordained of Prophets and of Kings it is certaine that they were no set fasts but enjoyned onely for their time to wit when as evident calamities either hanging over their heads or presently pinching them did so require it Seeing therefore that the Scripture as Saint Paul doth affirme doth instruct a man to every good work and yet is ignorant of these fasts which are extorted by precepts we doe not see how it could be lawfull for the successours of the Apostles to overcharge the Church with so great and so dangerous a burthen Truly Ireneus doth witnesse that in times past the observation of fast in Churches was divers and free as it is read in the Ecclesiasticall historie lib. 8. cap. 14. In the same booke Eusebius maketh mention that one Apollonius an Ecclesiasticall Writer among other arguments used this for one to confute the doctrine of Montanus the heretike Because he was the first that made lawes for fasts Thereupon Chrysostome saith in a certaine place Fasting is good but let no man be compelled thereunto And in another place he exhorteth him that is not able to fast to abstaine from dainties and yet affirmeth that it doth not much differ from fasting and that it is a strong weapon to represse the furie of the Devill Moreover experience also it selfe doth more then prove that these precepts concerning fasts have been a great hinderance to godlinesse Therefore when we saw it very evidently that the chief men in the Church did beside the authoritie of the Scripture take upon themselves this power so to enjoyne fasts as to binde mens consciences under paine of deadly sinne we did loose the consciences out of these snares but by the Scriptures and chiefly by Pauls writings which doe with a singular endeavour remove these rudiments of the world from the necks of Christians For we ought not lightly to account of that saying of Paul Let no man condemne you in meat and drinke or in respect of an holy day or of the new Moone or of the Sabbath daies And again Therefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world why as though ye lived in the world are ye burdened with traditions For if Saint Paul then whom no man at any time did teach Christ more certainly doe earnestly affirme that through Christ we have obtained such libertie in outward things that he doth not onely not give authoritie to any creature to burden those which beleeve in Christ no not so much as with those ceremonies and observations which notwithstanding God himself appointed and would have to be profitable in their time but also denounceth that they be fallen away from Christ and that Christ shall nothing at all profit them who suffer themselves to be addicted thereunto what shall we then thinke of those commandements which men have devised of their owne braine not onely without any oracle but also without any example worthy to be followed and which are therefore made
all things and shall bring all things to your remembrance which I have shewed you Againe He shall not speake of himselfe but what he hath heard that shall he speake Out of the Confession of SAXONIE Of traditions that is of Ceremonies instituted in the Church by mans authoritie ALthough for orders sake there must needs be some decent and seemely Ceremonies yet notwithstanding men that Artic. 20. are given to superstition doe soone pervert those Ceremonies falsly imagining that such observations doe merit forgivenesse of sinnes and are accepted for righteous in the sight of God and do turne the signes into Gods like as many have ascribed a Godhead unto Images and many either of superstition or by tyrannie doe heape up Ceremonies and superstition hath increased in the Church the Ceremonies of satisfaction as they call them Nebuchadnezar and Antiochus because they are of opinion that consent in Religion is availeable to the peaceable governement of their kingdomes doe ordaine such service of God as they will have indifferently observed of all their subjects There new laws and new gods were erected not of superstition but by tyranny Thus we observe that amongst men true and false religion are confounded and each changed into other and we marvell at the cause why men doe not stedfastly continue in the truth revealed by God But the word of God pronounceth that men are set on by Devils to fall away from God and the nature of man being blinde curious and inconstant loveth to play with divers opinions Against these great mischieves God armeth and confirmeth his Church and delivereth a sure and certaine doctrine which is contained in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles and in the Creed Wherefore it is necessary to consider what those lawes or rites be and whence they had their beginning The first rule therefore is this It is lawfull for no creature neither for Angels nor for men neither for Kings nor for * Looke the 1. observation upon this confession Bishops to make laws or ordaine ceremonies disagreeing from the word of God Horribly sinned the King of Babylon although he excelled in wisedome and valour when he commanded his Image to be worshipped and all men doe sinne that obey such Proclamations or lawes even as Eve sinned when she departed from the commandement of God for the lying perswasion of the Devill But generally the rule is to be observed which is set downe Act. 5. We ought rather to obey God then men Such are the Edicts which command to call upon dead men or to imbrace false doctrine or to use ungodly worship Touching all these that Rule of the first Commandement is to be holden 1 Cor. 10. Flie from Idols Such is also the law of the single life of Priests which many can not observe without sinne And albeit we know what opinion politique and expert men doe hold of the change of lawes yet God hath so commanded obedience that still he would have us fast tied unto himselfe and to agree with his wisedome and righteousnesse From whence do arise those unchangeable and perpetuall rules Exod. 20. Thou shalt have no strange gods Also Act. 5. We ought rather to obey God then men Also Gal 1. If any man teach you any other Gospel let him be accursed The second rule For as much as it is usuall to adde superstition to those works which otherwise in their owne nature were indifferent as to eate or not to eate flesh it is necessarie to reprove such superstitions and errours as are in this sort added and in the practice of our libertie examples of this doctrine may modestly be shewed And that errour is not among the least which the folly of many teachers and for the most part of the people bringeth in in that they teach and thinke that fasting and such like works deserve forgivenesse of sinnes both of the guiltinesse and of the paine as both Thomas doth write of satisfactions and many also doe say the same This Pharisaicall imagination easily intangleth the mindes of men and darkeneth the light of the doctrine of the benefits proper to Christ and of free forgivenesse of sinnes and of faith For when as men think that they merit remission of sinnes by these their Ceremonies they take away the honour due unto Christ and give it unto these ceremonies and are somewhat puffed up with vaine confidence Yet afterward when they be in true sorrow they fall headlong into many doubts which turne to their destruction And of it selfe it is a great sinne not to know the benefits of God For this cause Paul so earnestly contendeth for the abolishing of circumcision and other ceremonies of the law of Moses for feare lest the true acknowledgement of the Mediatour might be cleane put out if men should thinke that they deserved remission of sinnes and were made righteous by this observation of the law and ceremonies of Moses as the Pharisees did avouch And oftentimes Paul admonisheth to beware that the light of the Gospel be not darkened by new ceremonies of mans invention This second errour is not so evident but yet very dangerous After that some men see that this Pharisaicall errour cannot be defended they come to this Although say they these ceremonies deserve not remission of sinnes yet are these traditions defended because they are good workes and services of God as in the law of Moses the abstinence of the Nazarites although it deserved not the remission of sinnes yet it pleased God and was a service acceptable unto God With this colour certaine of late have learned to paint traditions which yet strive not about these indifferent matters but go about to establish other foule errors and the opinion of the power of Bishops But it is necessary for the godly here to beware of deceitfull doctrine There is a great error even in this colourable reason neither is that example well alledged out of Moses The workes ordained and commanded by God do farre differ from workes not commanded nor ordained by God but onely devised by mans invention The workes ordained in the law of God were services of God although they deserved forgivenesse of sinnes But wil worship devised by men neither have beene nor are any service of God God doth not allow this boldnesse of men which notwithstanding hath alwaies beene usuall to devise new worship that is such as is immediately intended to honour God withall Therefore the Word of God crieth out Matth. 15. In vaine doe they worship me after the ordinances of men And every where in the Apostles and in Paul this boldnesse is reproved But the true service of God are those works that he hath commanded which are done in the acknowledgement and confidence of the Mediatour to the end that God may be obeyed and that we may professe him to be the true God whom we so worship So also Ezec. 20 he calleth us back to the commandement of God saying Walke not after the ordinances of
Vniversities wherein we teach the Gospel and we are perswaded that this is the true sincere and incorrupt doctrine of our Lord Iesus Christ agreeing with the Apostles and Prophets and with the Creeds and that it is necessarie for the Churches and we pray our Lord Iesus Christ who was crucified for us and rose againe that hee would mercifully governe and defend these Churches Also we offer our selves to further declaration in every Article This was written Anno 1551. Iuly ●0 in the Towne of Wirtemberg where the Pastours of the Churches neere adjoyning were met together c. Out of the Confession of WIRTEMBERGE The Conclusion which is placed in the latter end of the 35. Chapter VVE have rehearsed those things which seeme good both to be approved and also to be refuted or amended in the Ecclesiasticall doctrine and in the whole administration of the Church And if any thing be spoken either more briefly or more obscurely then so great a matter would require our Preachers doe promise that they wil expound them more largely and more cleerely That which remaineth we beseech all the godly through Iesus Christ the Sonne of God our onely Saviour that which thing we hope they will doe of their owne accord every one according to his office and calling would take unto himselfe a true and earnest endeavour to reforme the Church It cannot be denied but that hitherto for these many yeeres not onely the discipline of the Church hath decayed and the manners thereof have beene corrupted with great and horrible vices and they have very much degenerated from the honestie of our Elders but that also the doctrine of the Church hath beene depraved in suffering and bearing with corruptions which if hereafter they be either dissembled or confirmed every man that is but meanly wise may consider how great evils are like to follow in the Church of God Those execrations and cursings are well known whereunto the law of God doth addict the transgressours of his word And Josias the King of Iuda was endued with an heroicall minde when he repaired the Church and although the wrath of God was by his godly repentance and obedience mittigated after that the book of the law was found out and well knowne that those punishments which the Church of God at that time had des●rved through the neglect of his word and their impietr might be deferred till another time yet notwithstanding such was the severitie of God against the contemnets of his word and the impenitent that the King although he were very godly could not altogether take it away from them and appease it Now we think that in these times the wrath of God is no lesse yea much more grievously kindled and set on fire against the assembly of his Church by reason of so many hainous wicked deeds and offences which even in that people which glorieth in the Name of God are more evident then that they can be denied and more cleere then that they may be excused then in times past when as yet the Sonne of God was not made knowne to the world by his Gospel And the judgement of God shall be so much the more severe by how much his benefits are the greater which he seemeth to have bestowed both in the former and also at these present times upon unthankfull men But many other things have need of amendment in the Church and ministery thereof and especially the doctrine of Repentance Iustification and the use of the Sacraments and single life of the Ministers of the Church doe require a godly amendment If these things by the mercy of God and by the diligence and care of all good men shall be restored according to the writings of the Prophets and the Apostles and according to the true Catholique consent of the ancient and purer Church we shall not onely give unto God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ a most acceptable worship but also the whole Christian world shall be stirred up to declare their thankfulnesse and obedience in all dutifull manner that they may We truly doe not know of any errour in our Preachers either in doctrine or in the other administration of the Church yet we doe not doubt but that they are indued with so great modestie and godlinesse that if they be admonished by the testimony of the heavenly doctrine and by the true consent of the Catholique Church they will in no case be wanting to the edifying of the Church And as much as lyeth in us and in our government we will do our endeavour that the mercy of God helping us none of those duties may be pretermitted of us whereby we hope that the true quietnesse of the Church and salvation in Iesus Christ the Sonne of God may be preserved Out of the Confession of SUEVELAND Of Secular Magistrates CHAP. 23. IN the former points we have declared that our Preachers doe place that obedience which is given unto Magistrates among good workes of the first degree and that they teach that every man ought so much the more diligently to apply himselfe to the publique lawes by how much he is a more sincere Christian and richer in faith In the next place they teach that to execute the office of a Magistrate it is the most sacred function which can happen unto man from God whereupon also it is come to passe that they which are endued with publike authoritie are in the Scriptures called Gods For when as they doe justly and orderly behave themselves in their function it goeth well with the people both in doctrine and in life because that God doth use so to moderate our affaires that for the greater part the safetie and destruction of the subjects doth depend upon them which are the Governours Wherefore none doe more worthily execute Magistracie then they which of all others are the most Christian and Bishops and other Ecclesiasticall men were promoted by most godly Emperours and Kings to an externall government in civill affaires Wherein though they were religious and wise yet in this one point they offended because they were not able to discharge both those functions sufficiently and it was necessary that either they should be wanting to the Churches in ruling them by the word or to the commonwealth in governing it by authoritie The Conclusion THese be the chiefe points most mightie and religious Emperour wherein our Preachers have somewhat swerved from the common doctrine of Preachers being forced thereunto by the only authoritie of the Scriptures which is worthily to be preferred before all other traditions These things being so declared as the shortnes of time would give us leave we thought it good to offer them to your sacred majestie and that to this end that we might both give account of our faith to thee whom next unto God we doe chiefly honour and reverence and might also shew how necessary it is speedily and earnestly to consult of a way and meane whereby a thing of so great
soever they have professed For as without Christ Iesus there is neither life nor salvation so shall there none be participant thereof but such as the Father hath given unto his Sonne Christ Iesus and those in time to come unto him avow his doctrine and beleeve in him we apprehend the children with the faithfull parents This Church is invisible known only to God who alone knoweth whom he hath chosen and comprehendeth as well as is said the Elect that be departed commonly called the Church triumphant as those that ye live and sight against sinne and Satan and shall live hereafter The immortalitie of the soules THe Elect departed are in peace and rest from their labours Ap●c 14. Apoc. 7. not that they sleepe and come to a certaine oblivion as some phantastikes doe affirme but that they are delivered from all feare and torment and all temptation to which we and all Gods Elect are subject in this life and therefore doe beare the name of the Church militant as contrariwise the reprobate and unfaithfull departed have anguish torment and paine that cannot be expressed So that neither are the one nor the other in such sleep that they feele not their torment as the parable of Christ Iesus in the 16. of Luke his words to the thiefe and these words of the Luke 16. soules crying under the Altar O Lord thou art righteous and Apoc. 6. iust how long shalt thou not avenge our blood upon these that dwell in the earth doe testifie Of the notes by which the true Church is discerned from the false and who shall be iudge of the doctrine BEcause that Satan from the beginning hath laboured to deck his pestilent Synagogue with the title of the Church of God and hath inflamed the hearts of cruell murderers to persecute Gen. 4. 21. 17. trouble and molest the true Church and members thereof as Caine did Abel Ishmael Isaac Esau Jacob and the whole priesthood of the Iewes Christ Iesus himselfe and his Apostles after Mat. 23. Iohn 11. Acts 3. hiw It is a thing most requisite that the true Church be discerned from the filthy Synagogues by cleere and perfect notes lest we being deceived receive and imbrace to our condemnation the one for the other The notes signes and assured tokens whereby the immaculate spouse of Christ Iesus is knowne from the horrible harlot the Church malignant we affirme are neither antiquitie title usurped lineall descent place appointed nor multitude of men approving an errour for Cain in age and title was preferred to Abel and Seth Ierusalem had prerogative above all places of the earth where also were the Priests lineally descended from Aaron and greater number followed the Scribes Pharisies and Priests then unfainedly beleeved and approved Christ Iesus and his doctrine and yet as we suppose no man of sound judgement will grant that any of the forenamed were the Church of God The notes therefore of the true Church of God we beleeve confesse and avow to be first the true preaching of the word of God in the which God hath revealed himselfe unto us as the writings of the Prophets and Apostles doe declare Ioh 1. 20. Secondly the right administration of the Sacraments of Christ Iesus which must be annexed unto the word and promise of Rom 4. God to seale and confirme the same in our hearts Lastly Ecclesiasticall discipline uprightly ministred as Gods word prescribeth 1 Cor. 5. whereby vice is repressed and vertue nourished Wheresoever then these former notes are seene and of any time continue be the number never so few above two or three there without all doubt is the true Church of Christ who according to his promise is in the middest of them Not in the universall of which we have before spoken but particular such as was in Corinthus Acts 16. 18. 1 Cor. 2. Acts 20. Gallacia Ephesus and other places in which the Ministerie was planted by Paul and were of himselfe named the Churches of God and such Churches we the inhabitants of the Realme of Scotland professours of Christ Iesus professe our selves to have in our Cities townes and places reformed For the doctrine taught in our Churches is contained in the written word of God to wit in the Books of the Old and New Testaments in those Books we mean which of the ancient have been reputed Canonicall In the which we affirme that all things necessarie to be beleeved for the salvation of mankinde are sufficiently expressed The interpretation whereof we confesse neither appertaineth to private nor publique person neither yet to any Church for any preheminence or prerogative personall or locall which one hath above another but appertaineth to the Spirit of God by the which also the Scripture was written When controversie then happeneth for the right understanding of any place or sentence of scripture or for the reformation of any abuse within the Church of God we ought not so much to looke what men before us have said or done as unto that which the holy Ghost uniformely speaketh within the body of the Scriptures and unto that which Christ Iesus himselfe did and commanded to be done For this is one thing universally granted that the Spirit of God which is the spirit of unitie is in nothing contrary to himselfe 1 Cor. 1●● If then the interpretation determination or sentence of any Doctor Church or Councel repugne to the plaine word of God written in any other place of the Scripture it is a thing most certaine that there is not the true understanding and meaning of the holy Ghost although that Councels Realmes and Nations have approved and received the same For we dare not receive or admit any interpretation which repugneth to any principall point of our faith or to any other plaine text of Scripture or yet unto the rule of charitie The authoritie of the Scriptures AS we beleeve and confesse the Scriptures of God sufficiently to instruct and make the man of God perfect so doe we 1 Tim. 3. affirme and avow the authoritie of the same to be of God and neither doe depend on men nor Angels We affirme therefore that such as alledge the Scripture to have no other authoritie but that which he hath received from the Church are blasphemous against God and injurious to the true Church which alwaies heareth and obeyeth the voyce of her own spouse and Pastour Iohn 10. but taketh not upon her to be maistresse over the same Of the generall Councels of their power authoritie and causes of their convention AS we do not rashly damne that which godly men assembled together in generall Councel lawfully gathered have proponed unto us so without just examination we doe not receive whatsoever is obtruded unto men under the name of a generall Councel for plain it is as they were men so have some of them manifestly erred and that in matters of great weight and importance So farre then as the Councel proveth
he hath praised the divine gifts then he maketh the holy and most excellent mysteries and those things which before he had praised being covered and hid under reverent signes he bringeth into sight and reverently shewing forth the divine gifts both he himselfe doth turne to the holy participation thereof and doth exhort the others to participate them to conclude when the holy communion is received and delivered to all he rendering thanks doth make an end of these mysteries Therefore we thinke it necessary to the remining of the institution of Christ in the celebration of the Eucharist and that we may follow the example of the ancient and true Catholike Church that the private Masses of the Priests may be abrogated and that the publique communion of the Lords Supper may be restored Another errour is this that the Eucharist is such a sacrifice as ought to be offered daily in the Church for the purging of the sinnes of the quicke and the dead and for the obtaining of other benefits both corporall and spirituall This error is evidently contrary to the Gospel of Christ which witnesseth That Christ by one oblation once onely made hath made perfect for ever those that be sanctified And because that Christ by his passion and death hath purchased remission of sinnes for us which also is declared unto us by the Gospel in the new Testament therefore it is not lawfull to sacrifice any more for sinne for the Epistle to the Hebrewes saith Where there is remission of sinnes there is no further oblation for sinne For whereas Christ saith Doe this in remembrance of me he doth not command to offer his body and blood in the Supper unto God but to the Church that the Church by eating the bodie and drinking the blood of Christ and by shewing forth the benefit of his death may be admonished of that oblation of the body and blood of Christ which was made once onely on the Crosse for the purging of our sins For so Paul doth interpret this saying of Christ saying So often as ye shall eate he doth not say offer this bread and drinke this cup shew ye forth the death of the Lord till he come And truly we confesse that the ancient Ecclesiasticall writers did call the Eucharist a sacrifice and an oblation but they expound themselves that by the name of Sacrifice they meane a remembrance a shewing forth or a preaching of that Sacrifice which Christ did once offer upon the Crosse as also they call the memoriall of the Passeover and of Pentecost the Passeover and Pentecost it selfe The third errour is this that many doe thinke that the oblation as they call it of the Eucharist is not of it selfe a propitiation for sinnes but that it doth apply the propitiation and merit of Christ to the quick and the dead But we have already shewed that the Eucharist properly is not an oblation but is so called because it is a remembrance of the oblation which was once made on the Crosse Moreover the application of the merit of Christ is not made by any other outward instrument then by the preaching of the Gospel of Christ and by dispensing those Sacraments which Christ hath instituted for this use and the merit of Christ being offered and applied is not received but by faith Mark 16. Preach the Gospel to every creature For by the ministerie of the Gospel the benefits of Christ be offered and applied to creatures that is either to the Iewes or to the Gentiles And it followeth He that shall beleeve and be baptised he shall be saved because that by the receiving of the Sacrament and by faith the benefits offered and applied be received Rom. 1. The Gospel is the power of God to salvation to every one that beleeveth that is the ministery of the Gospel is the instrument ordained of God whereby God is able and effectuall to save all those which beleeve the Gospel Therefore the preaching of the Gospel doth offer or if it liketh any man so to speake doth apply salvation to all men but faith doth receive salvation offered and applied Now in the private Masse bread and wine are so handled that the Priest doth neither publikely declare the Gospel of Christ but doth softly mumble up to himselfe certaine words and especially the words of the Supper or of consecration neither doth he distribute bread and wine to others but he alone taketh them therefore there can be no applying of the merit of Christ in the private Masse This did our true Catholique Elders well perceive who as we have declared before did so severely require that they which were present at the Masse and did not communicate should be excommunicated The fourth errour is this which we have already touched in that they doe require that the words of the Supper or of consecration may be rehearsed softly in the Eucharist seeing that these words are a part of that Gospel which according to the commandement of Christ is to be preached to all creatures For although our Ancestors did sometimes call the Eucharist a mystery yet they did not so call it with this purpose that they would not have the words of the Supper to be rehearsed before the Church in the Eucharist publikely and in a tongue commonly knowne but because that in the Eucharist one thing is seene and another thing understood For Christ himselfe is also called a mysterie who neverthelesse is not to be hid but to be preached to all creatures And because that in the receiving of the Sacrament it is necessarily required that we should have faith and faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the wora of God it is most necessarie that in the Eucharist the word of the Supper that is the word of the Sonne of God should be publiquely rehearsed for this word is the preaching of the Gospel and the shewing forth of the death of Christ Therefore that the Church may understand what is done in the Eucharist and what is offered unto her to be received and that she may confirme her faith it is necessary that in the Eucharist the words of the Lords Supper should be rehearsed publiquely The fifth errour is this that one part of the Eucharist is used in shew of a singular worship of God to be carried about and to be laid up But the holy Ghost doth forbid that any worship of God should be appointed without the expresse commandement of God Deut. 12. You shall not doe every one of you that which seemeth good in his owne eyes And againe That which I command thee that onely shalt thou doe to the Lord see that thou adde nothing thereunto nor detract any thing from it And Matth. 15. In vaine do they worship me teaching for doctrines the precepts of men Clemens in his second Epistle to James and in three Chapters De Consecr Dist 2. saith Certainely so great burnt offerings are offered on the Altar as may be sufficient for the people if so be that