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A18921 Errour on the left hand, through a frozen securitie Howsoeuer hot in opposition, when Satan so hears them. Acted by way of dialogue. Betw. 1 Malcontent and Romanista. 2 Mal-content Romanista & Libertinus. 3 Malcontent and Libertinus. 4 Malcontent and Atheos. 5 Malcontent and Atheoi. 6 Malcontent & the good & bad spirit. 7 Malcontent and Mediocrity. By Henoch Clapham. Clapham, Henoch. 1608 (1608) STC 5342; ESTC S118641 38,052 122

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thought there had bin many groūds of oppositiō between vs them howsoeuer this stands y● would haue kept you frō poping wel I wil break one cudgel of my inuentiō vpon him There there he is awaking I will stand as butter would not melt in my mouth gazing crossing trembling Malcon awaking Ha ha what a yawning keep I and out of what a troublesome sleepe awake I But husht who is here what ailes the man I thinke he is dast Honest man what 's the matter with you Romanista An an an Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem Malcon Surely the man is mad or in an extasie Romanista Pardon me Lord parden me and I wil returre to the holy Catholique Church the mother of peace and vnity For I must needs confesse that I haue sinned much in following blind Zeloists setting al oustre with Samsons Foxes Malcon Ha blind Zelosstes surely hee hath been on our fide and in truth that is of no side For howsoeuer we all agree in the terme Reformation as the Separistes do in the terme Replantation yet in the particulars of Reformatiō we are amongst our selues at as much oddes as the Separators bee about their forme of Replantation Roma I go Lord I go yea I run to do thy will Malcon Fall you a runinng nay then haue after you I will know what the matter is ere we thus part Nay I haue hold of you friend stay I pray you buskle not stay there stay and let vs breath a little Now I be seech you tell mee what you are and how it fares with you Roma O Sir do not tempt me you know well enough that I haue had an apparition Malcon Surely not I. But if you haue had an apparition I pray you let mee bee acquainted with it Roma O Sir as I drew neere vnto you behold certaine splendent beames far more full of splendour then the Suns beames did sodainely shine vpon me wherewithall I saw one like the Son of man sit by you with his hand in yours who turning his head aside said vnto me Zeloist hereafter thy name shal be Romanist and for gaining peace to thy wearied soule thy name shall bee entred into the Catalogue of Holy Romes Confessours Malcont But stay stay this can be but some notable delusion for what holines can there be in Romes religion Roman O Sir he told me that you would not submit your selfe to the truth but vpon palpable reasons I was this morning as you haue beene and yet are a desirer of Reformation But all in vaine to séeke after a reforming of Israel beeing once schismed from Iudah To kéepe vs at home from going vp to Rome the place of the High Priest loe Dan hath béene builded at Yorke and Bethel at Canterburie As the vpstart ministry of Ieroboam did make their people beléeue that all was naught at Ierusalem so this ministry of Harry the eight sowes all false rumors of the holy Sea of Rome Stand not Sir mazing at the matter I hated the Church of Rome till now but the holy Angell no sooner breathed vpon me but my bowels yearned after her presence yea me thought such a light flashed vpom my senses as therwithall all intricate scruples vanished There was a booke published by Doctor S. Hars concerning falshood of certaine Priests about London in counterfeiting possessions dispossessions specially practised vpon the bodies of yong tender damsels That booke made me loath the holy Priesthood as being but false packing companions O sir I repent my credulity for new it was reuealed vnto me that such as came to bee examined and so deposed by the Prelates of England they were but such as sought profits pleasures amongst the Protestant Libertines by so reuiling the eldest sonnes of their mother Her discipline was too strait for thē Malcon Were I assured that you had such a Reuelation I could bee contented to reconcile my selfe with you vnto the Church of Rome Roma O sir must you put your fingers into the wounds and see also the print therof before you can beleeue well the Angel hath told me a secret of yours vpon the rehearsall wherof you are to hastē your soule vnto faith What if I tell you what was in your mind when you were now sléeping Malcon That would moue me much Roma Then this your mind ran of Elias Malcon T is very true Roma And vpon that part of Elias his story wherin he called fire from heauen Why gaze you so at me Speak is it not true Malcon True yea as true as the Gospell Now I perceiue that you haue had a Reuelation and a Reuelation most true Euen as Daniel brought Nabuchadnetsars dreame to his mind so haue you brought that into my mind that till now I had forgotten O man of God thou art more welcome vnto me then thousands of gold and of siluer But reuerend father for so I must henceforth call you Roma Good sir giue me no such title for if I take titles to my selfe my Creator will destroy me Ego quidem Minimus Seruorum Dei the least place in my mothers house is too good for me Malcon Well brother I would intreate you to resolue me of some obiections that so I may stand firmer in the Faith Roma Set we on forward and propound what you will but alwayes with an heart willing to receiue the truth Malcon How shall that Action be made good which commonly is called The Gun-powder treason Roma Uery well sir it being but an attempt against Heretiques for maintenance of the Catholique faith Dauid slue the Ammonites for but cutting the haire and garments of his seruants and shall not the Pope cut short hereticall princes for cutting off the heads and quartering the members of his Embassadours Did not Ioshua turne the wals of Iericho vpon the heads of his foes and did not the High-Priest pull Athalia the queene out of the Temple and so hew her in pieces The Pope hath excōmunicated and accursed this people of England for a Babel and the Brownists will witnes that is is a Babel and therefore as the Psalmist saith of Babel I say of this synagogue of Gospellers O worthy to bee destroyed blessed shall hee be that rewardeth thee as thou hast serued vs. Blessed shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy children against the stones Malcon But they will say sir that our Sauior did neuer so auenge himselfe Roman True sir because in his place he was but a priuat man But this other is done by publike authority Otherwise you fall vpon the rocke of Anabaptisme For they reason thus Our Sauiour and the Apostles vsed no swords therefore not to be vsed of any Christians Malcon But they will say that the Pope is as priuate a man as Christ was Roma That is to be denied for though Christ carried no sword yet hee allowed his successor S. Peter to carry two and said that there should be a time to vse them Now our holy
Neither will I answere such a foote to his full lest I become like him Neque Iupiter omnibus pluens placet neque abstinens The Lord deliuer our Church from euill Amen From my House at Norburne in East-kent this 8. of Iune Anno Dom. 1608. Thine in the Lord He. Cl. THE FIRST DIALOGVE between Mal-content and Romanist First it must be conceiued that Malcontent sitting vnder a tree in the Hie-way hee thus alone expostulates with himselfe Malcontent O Mal-content how vnhappy art thou in this life whither shalt thou go and what will become of thee Go to the Brownist shall I do so In them and their proceedings I find no vnity no concordance Their hand being against all and the hands of all against them The brother of that Churches Pastor hath writ a great booke against them their vnsetled resolutions bloody excommunications and hie-handed tyrannies as if the Pastor were a Pope taking more vpon them for the measure of strength they haue then do all the English prelates In so much as howsoeuer he perswades people to ioine with the cause of Separation as himselfe had and therein since hath died yet at no hand to ioyne with his brothers congregation for manifold reasons there alledged Since which time one whose name soundes vpon an Anuile hath drawen certaine Principles and inferences touching a true visible Church where in he quoteth scripture for another forme of discipline then that which the Brownist practise and most of vs haue taught in our sermons and writings He purposing as it seemeth to receiue others into communion with him who shall separate as he hath and so shew themselues willing to be ruled by his discipline Aes me which side shall I leane vnto Both of them hold a set forme of discipline to be contained in the word Both of them alleadge for the substance thereof the very sarue scriptures but both of them differ exceedingly in the sense of such Scriptures Another side hauing no Baby for their leader although his sir name begin with a B. he holds both with the gouernement at home by Lord Bishops as also with that of Lay-elders abroad as being in the scriptures neither commanded nor forbidden but things in themselues of an indifferent nature So he holdes and yet denies to subscribe for sundry reasons Shall I separate with the first two or shal I continue in the Church of England with the third But miserable man how shall separation or not separation be good If I separate from the Church as Antichristian then the Anabaptist take hold vpon me and saith that I must separate not so much for the prelaticall discipline as for that the spirit of Antichrist there breatheth Antichristian doctrine Yea that the Church becomes to be Antichristian for that their groundes of faith therein held be principles opposite to Christ. And in my cōscience if the first be granted the second will ineuitably follow If I separate not but continue still in the Church I shall in my worke iustifie that which I haue condemned in word In word I haue condemned the Tippet the Surplice the Corner-cap the Crosse in Baptisme and the like for markes of Antichrist But forsaking my ministry I may liue in some other calling and so be put to the vse of no such ceremonies Yea but if I haue a child I must bring it where before I will not it cannot be baptized without the crosse Come I to the Cōmon seruice I must sit in the sight of a Surplice and come I to the Cōmunion I must there kneele receiue at the hands of one that vseth the ceremonies And be I called to be a Church-warden I must take an oath to present the sincere-sort that omit or speake against such ceremonies I am diuided in my selfe what shall I doe H. I. his followers do say very well that this persecution is worse then that of Queene Maries for that made an end of a man quickly but this grants life with a continuing misery Wo is me how is my soule pained within me Though heretofore Ifumed against the author of that booke intituled Errour on the Right-hand yet now mine affections bee cooled and calmed for well I see that there is nothing yet right amongst them And at home I know not how to liue as I would not be held an Hypocrite or turne-coat The euasion must be by some third meanes that as yet I know not Rest poore head rest rest against this trees roote and take a little nap in the shade He being asleep Romanista passeth by and espying Male-content asleepe be staieth and so speaketh Romanista What fast asléepe who may he be By his habite hée should be some Scholar or Citizen Whoo I know him it is Male-content whose head is full of whirligigs and whose pen spins nought but Cob-webs Stay his lips moue to and fro as doth my dog Grim when as he is ready to chunder and barke sléeping Malcon sleeping Fire fire Elias fire Romanista He is calling for fire from heauen as did Elias But it will burne as fast I thinke as did our Uault-gunpowder that should haue blowne vp the Parliament-house in Westminster together with all the heads of the Country But stay some politique retch now or neuer for an inch of policie I hold better then an ell of Diuinity In the time of discontent it is best working vpon Malcontent for vpon conceit it is then most easy to worke I remember a Dialogue in Erasmus his great Colloquium where one passing by the hie-way was desire us to fasten some strange conclusion vppon the conceit of his fellow Passengers Hereupon hée stops his course with his eies vpon the firmament fixed gaping gazing crossing blessing trembling The passengers thereupon stay looke vp and wonder whereat he should so wonder Anon as with much ado he tels them what a fearefull signe he saw in the firmament a Dragon a terrible thing in description I warrant you hereupon he startles holds vp his hands and wondreth at all the rest that they should say they see nothing Anon one of thē thinking scorne but he should see as much as another he also affirmeth that he saw such a terrible wonder Afterwards some and some euery one said he saw it and trembled In this dialogue some haue thought that Erasmus flouted people in England for conceiting a certain great prelate in the Churches firmament beyond that they should conceit c. But howsoeuer I will take aduantage of the time and see if so I can worke some strange thing vpon him I hope it the rather because one of this spirit a Sole sincerian being of late conuented before a great Prelate of this land he offred that if he the said Prelate could proue but one point then in hand hee would without more adoe turne back to the Church of Rome whereupon the Prelate spake to this effect I is it true indéed are you now ready to go a poping what a poping I had
Hostesse And I pray you has he not béene there already Liber No forsooth not this Pope but he is preparing to go thither so fast as he can Hostesse Mary and I wil pray for his good speede For then I hope euery true Catholick shall fare the better by it Good Lord he hath to doe with heauen and he hath to doe with hell and he hath to doe with purgatorie and he hath to doe with Limbo Libert Nay sweete hostesse I heard a Frier in Rome say in the Pulpit that one that was no Pope did aboue 1500 years since opē the gates of Limbo let al the soules out ouerturn the place Hostesse And had he not the Popes licence to doe it Libert He neuer spake with any Pope about it Hostesse And hath not the Pope since curst him Libert Yes forsooth He curst him euery time wherein he cursed Queene Elizabeth Hostesse Well then let king Iames take heed he do not anger him And I would pray you sir to beware how you speak any thing against holy mother Church or any of her children While I was of your mind euery thing went crosse Marry since I reconciled my selfe to holy mother Church my hens lay bigger egges then they did and I take two pence for good ale now where I tooke but a peny then I thanke Saint Campian and S. Garnet for it Well husband I see your flearing well enough These gentlemen can giue audience in all humbility but you will be a flouting Hmybeel as the man said Well gentlemen I will take away for I see you haue done Libert I pray you do meane time what 's the reckoning Hostesse Fiue shillings sir and you are heartily welcome Libert There it is Deo gratias I thanke you mine Host for your good company Malcon I pray you sir stay there be three shillings towards it and I desire I may walke with you a while Libert Well I will take your moneies for this once As for walking with me I am right willing if with any conference I may hestead you Malcon Yes sir seeing you haue bin behinde the Seas and seene the papists and their doings Libert I haue séene them and heard them and laught in my sleeue at them But which way lieth your way Malcon Towards Westminster Libert Haue with you at the nearest Hoste and Hostesse farewell Both. We thanke you heartily kind gentlemen The third Dialogue betweene Libertinus and Malcontent Libert NOw Mr Malcontent what is it you will propound Malcon I desire sir to haue notice of the state of Rome in these daies vile things be diuulged on it if it be so bad it were too bad Libert It was neuer famed for worse then it now is First for the state of substance it is generally very beggerly Traffficke as some other Cities in Italy haue it hath not Indeed many trauell thither as Pilgrimes and there be allowed to stay for certaine daies but as the number of such Pilgrims now be scarse one for an hundred that passed thither of yore so ordinarily they bee but of meane degree and ere they come thither their purse hath cast her calfe For the small time of their aboad then there somewhat comes out of the coffers of the scarlet Cardinals Which spent they put vp their pipes and packe away They might come out full but they returne foole and empty Secondly for the state of Pope and Cardinals it is altogether pompous and princelike the Cardinals hauing hinges enowe in their doore to turne vpon and the Pope besides other meanes hath a mighty allowance annually from the Curtizans scalding-tubs for no occupatiōs in Rome more cōmon then Venery and Penury Thirdly for the state of their religious houses let the vaults secret preambulatiōs vnder earth tell y● Fourthly for their publique deuotions the formes of them be Pagan-like the multiplicitie of them be as Sisyphus stone alwaies rolling but neuer at an end In a word it is an Egypt for slauery a Babel for bondage a Bethel for idolatry a Tophet for confused noise a Gehinnon for bloud-shed a Sodome for all spurcicity an Hell for dānatiō Malcont If the head be no better what shall become of the body Libert And whereas they plead Vnity taxe all other Churches for Distraction I protest a man shall finde more emulations heart-burnings vituperies bloudy practises amongst them with mutuall oppositions one against another then amongst all other Christians in the world besides Euery schoole man standeth so for his owne schoole doctrine as Thomists for Thomas Scotists for Scotus sic ad infinitum as the like diuision neuer yet hath béene raised betwéene the Aristotelians and Ramists Then go to the friery Orders and the Augustine condemns the Dominik and the Dominik him The blacke frier vituperates the gray white and either of them againe preferres highly his owne order The Iesuite condemnes the Secular for an Apostate and the Secular priest againe auerreth that the Iesuite aberreth from his orders and is now become a Statesman and Factor for Spaine As for the bloody Inquisition they plague all and all curse them what shall I say Malcon Nay you haue said enough and yet but that which I oft before haue heard I beseech you sir of your counsell I haue beene one of them which haue stood heere for the new discipline holding that we haue for popish and Antichristian And seeing this discipline would not be had I lastly resolued to separate and so enter into that course which is called Brownisme As I thus resolued there comes a booke into my hands touching Principles and inferences of a true visible Church This booke teacheth a Separation as do the writings of the former but when he comes to the discipline he then differs much from the former and so from the most of our Reformistes heere at home so well as from the Church of Scotland and the like First we haue held that the Pastor might onely administer the Sacraments but the author of this booke holdeth that the Doctor may administer them also Secondly we haue taught that the Elders were to be imploied in Church gouernement onely I meane in the discipline but he affirmeth further that they are all of them apt to teach and so to assist in doctrine Thirdly we haue published that the Church is to giue the officers their Calling meaning thereby all the men of the Church were to giue their voice but he intimates further that women and children are to giue their consent also for such election and calling Fourthly we held Excommunication to be the casting out of a contumaticus person and that to the excution thereof there appertained only rebukes the word and prayer as all spirituall but he infinuates further that some bodily punishment also is to be annexed What shall I say in many things he is crosse to the discipline which before hath beene applauded and yet the man they say an honest man reuerend and learned In the necke of
this booke I met with another called Errour on the right hand The author thereof being sometimes intangled about Discipline and yet it must be confessed that many yeares he hath in print checked ours for the which we euer caried an hard hand ouer him and during such time of the entanglement about that point he trauailing into forren parts and there abiding some yeares where all sorts of factions were daily in his eies and eares he about some nine yeares since came ouer and in London continuing hath all this while conflicted with factions and not a little vexed vs. The foresaid book he now publishing it plainely euinceth that if separation bee made from the Church of England for Antichristian then will ineuitably follow an endles wandring from faction to faction These two bookes haue put me to my wits end I know not what to do and to subscribe vnto this Churches Canons and orders I cannot Once for that I am knowne in these parts to haue set my selfe against them Secondly for that I hold some of them to be repugnant vnto the word of God Could I get out of these briers I were an happy man Libert And are you so ignorant that you cannot do that within this noneth I helped a kinsman of mine out of this pit who since hath subscribed is now beneficed and yet in nothing harmed his conscience for still his opinion in priuate liueth with him and helpful he is to such as be distressed about that opinion The Apostle willeth vs to serue Kuri● the Lord which some doe read Kair● the time And were it not that somtimes we are to fit the time in his humour the Prophet would not haue said There is a time wherein the prudent shall be silent nor would Salamon haue said There is a time for all things vnder the Sunne but this is one thing vnder the sun therfore a time for it yea a time to be silent from some good yet not to euer throwe the maine good and our good Malcon I like this speech well for indeed pearles are not to be cast before swine who wil but turne back all to rend vs. Tell me sir how I may without equiuocation come out of Iosephs pit and I will giue you forty shillings towards a veluet paire of breeches Liberti Then if I do it not call me cut Malcon And I will doe it and more then that Libert Then thus to worke sir haue you printed any thing of your diuers opinions Malcon Not any thing that hath my name at it Libert Then cary it away closely and henceforth conceale it But further haue you beene much noted abroad in the land for such a Contradictorian Malcon No sir for I was no man of extraordinary gifts Libert Then that damme is closed vp There be some which I know that if their case were such they would presently subscribe specially in secret Your best then is to leane this place where you haue beene noted and so to repaire vnto another Malcon But how then shall I doe for subscription Libert The subscription runneth that you must ex animo protest that euery thing they propound is agreable to Gods word and in nothing re pugnant Malcon True Libert Now sir they can propound nothing so erroneous and wicked but it doth agree with some part of Gods word As for example if they propound any thing for Christian which is indéed Antichristian it doth agrée with the word of prophecy who foretelleth that such euils shall be If they propound obedience to the beast in Reuelation the 13. it agrees with the word of Prophecie which saith such euils shall be propounded And in such sense you onely subscribe namely that all their euill agréeeth with the word of prophecy not y● you meane that their euill is good otherwise then respectiuely as it is a fulfilling of the holy Prophecy Muse not at the matter the case is plaine the pearle of your meaning is not to be cast before them no more then Abraham would deliuer his preseruatiue meaning vnto the licentious Pharaoh nor Christ would deliuer his Reseruatiue meaning vnto them of Emmaus when he looked another way A certaine Doctor once being demanded what hee thought of Q. Elizabeths supremacy hee vnto them replied I desire my Lords to know what you thinke of it They answer we do beléeue the within her owne dominions she is ouer all persons and in all causes Ciuill and Ecclesiastique supreame He answeres And my very good Lords I do truely beleeue the same Whereupon it is said he scaped Now sir what was it he beleeued not that the Queene was so supreame but he beléeued that the Lords so beléeued Malcon Me thinkes this should be equiuocation in him and yet the former I reasonably affect Libert Tut if euery close helpe wee vse for euading dangers must be called equiuocation then we wil condemne Patriarkes and Prophets Martyrs and Confessors and all godly policy Whereas contrariwise our Sauiour hath taught vs yea commanded vs to be subtile as serpents Malcon Without all question it must bee so and I do verily beleeue you But another thing sir if I come to be beneficed I must once within a moneth after publiquely read in my cure 39. articles of religion cōcluded vpon by our Conuocation house and thereto must then signify my assent and there be some that I like not Libert That 's nothing for vpon the former ground you may say All these agrée with Gods word Or you may say thus beloued here be articles that I must read whereto I assent and of whom I affirme that they be gooly Now you say there be such holy articles but not that all the articles are such and holy Malcon O how happy was I to meete with a man of such prudence diuine experience O that all my brethren were acquainted with this sacred policy O sir you must beware to whom you communicate it Otherwise it may come to the Bishops eares and they would fetch you about againe not only you but all others that yet kéep their places who seeme to leane to the new discipline Take héed therfore of that lest otherwise the latter errour be worse then the first Malcon I thanke you for your good counsell for indeed they be but hollow-hearted towards vs. Well sir here is what I promised and if you come to my lodging that is at N. I will bestow a supper of a crowne on you be it to night or any night within this seuennight Libert I thanke you master Malcontent And I will be at your seruice in what I can There lies your way here is mine Malcon Farewell prudent Libertino Libert As much to you reuerend Gentleman The fourth Dialogue betweene Malcontent and Atheos Malcon MAster Atheos I am glad I haue such a Chamber-fellow to night that bed I take to be the better and it is that as mine Host saith which you had last night On this other therefore I
into an Angell of light that so mislead me and the fruit which I cropt was but the forbid-fruit the ruine of such as couer knowledge beyond knowledge wich Salomon vpon his Repentance calleth a Being-ouerwise Medioc The Apostle therefore commandeth that no man presume to vnderstād aboue that which is méete to vnderstād but that he vnderstand according to sobriety all one with his Mottie that writ vppon the errour on the right hand Malcon I pray you sir by the way know you the Author of that Booke intituled Errour on the right-hand Medioc I doe Malcon And what thinke you of his booke Medioc The man is so neere and deare vnto mee as I cannot speake what I thinke but I should be held partiall Yet this I dare say as he had experience in himselfe of the Flyers error so in the persons of others he by experience of disputation did wel obserue that if the first positions of Malcontent did hold currant then not onely would followe the Brow nists separation but also would followe the main positions of the Anabaptist and if of the Anabaptist then also of othres Malcon Was hee not then at some times caryed away or entangled with Anabaptisme Arianisme c Some conclude that by his booke hee should Medioc Uery wittily and conscionably I warrant you as if certaine of the Fathers as Epiphanius Augustine should haue been tainted sometimes with all Schismes and Heresies of their times because they writ against all Schismes and Heresies of their times A conclusion good enough for Tom-Scull sometimes of Immanuel Colledge in Cābridge But to leaue this By and to returne vnto y● main namely the Subscription afore discoursed of It seemeth somwhat hard that subscription by our church shold bee pressed to all her conclusions agreed vpon in common as agreeing to the word of God Malcon It is so indeede Neither doth the former booke intituled Errour on the right hand decide that point as to to me it seemeth Medioc When you shall reade it with a lesse partiall spirit you shall obserue what yet it seemeth you haue not specially by the positions added to y● hee le of that Booke But to leaue y● and to come vnto the Scriptures for helping vs out of the Atheisticall consequents that follow their reasō of not subscribing You remember that of Iob it is thus recorded Hee was an vpright and iust man one that feared God and eschewed euill And the word Tám turned vpright is in propriety perfect was he such a one before God absolutely if so he should haue beene examined by the perfection of the Law Malcon Onely Christ could bee such a one Medioc Well in the first of S. Luke it is testified touching Zecharias and Elizabeth the parents of Iohn Baptist that both were iust before God and walked in all the commandements and ordinances of the Lord. Did S. Luke herein testifie truth Malcon It were blasphemy to say the contrary seeing therein he was but the pen man of the holy Ghost Medioc Were both of them so iust and had both of them so kept all the commandements as in nothing they had offended Malcon Doubtles no for all haue gone out of the way and all need grace and free pardon for sin else Christ vnto such died in vaine Medioc How then were they iust and how then did they kéep all the commandements Malcon Iustice and perfect obedience was imputed vnto them because their hearts were vpright in the maine of their conuersation howsoeuer they failed in the By through imbecillity and weaknesse Medioc And if God lay not the By to his childrens charge where the maine of their cariage is iust what are we that we shold once dare to lay the By vnto his churches charge being a whole corporation of his children and besides to make it an argument of brawling with our mother Salomon saith The eie that mocketh the Father and despiseth the instruction of the Mother let the Rauens of the valley picke it out and the yong Eagles eate it Malcon You in your wisedome haue inforced me to cut off the head of mine owne doubt Medioc Why alas doth not our Church hold that she erred in this life and could she be thought to hold a subscription against her owne Tenet Shée doth not presse inch subscription in an high absolute sense as if in none of her words or writings shee failed from the perfection of the word one of her 39 articles cleares that so well as all her Apologie doth against the pride of the Church of Rome in that point but she presseth conformity Secundùm quid according to that is due vnto her in this world as she hath receiued of God to be a faithful Dispensator of his will Nor otherwise could wee put a sufficient difference betwéene the Canonicall scriptures our writings For priuat conceits as you may haue yours I may haue mine a third may haue a third and so on without end must these be causes why euery of vs must exclaime one vpon another and all of vs agree in one to disturbe the Church So there shall neuer be communion neuer any order so consequently not any peace If she be a mother let her keepe her place remembring still that here she is but as Israel in the wildernes and if we be not bastards but true borne children let vs know our place and not with Corah Dathan Abiram rise vp against the congregation our mother for if we do the earth will desire to swallow vp our glory and we shal be but as they that went downe to the pit Oh Malcontent Malcontent if Quéene Maries scortching Beames were vpon vs againe wee would a thousand times be thankfull for the least cooling shade that our Lawrell gouernement affordeth But it is in such fulfilled whereof Moses long since sung He that should haue been vpright becomming once fat hath spurned with his heele Had not Manna béen so plenteous they would not so soone haue lothed and had not their mother béene so familiar shee had not beene so soone despised Nam nimia ingurgitatio facit ineptum nimia familiaritas parit contemptum They still haue in their mouthes wee must grow in grace grow in knowledge grow in obedience but when we examine their growth behold they go from good vnto bad from light vnto darknesse from obedience to disobedience from some order vnto none from some vnity to all sorts of faction First warring with their mother then iarring amongst themselues and lastly a loathing vnto all men So grew Israel in the wildernes from discontent vnto faction from faction vnto Schisme from Schisme vnto rebellion from rebellion to lifes confusion till the earth was weary of them the Sanctuary lothed them and the Lord slue them Malcon O Lord how nere this comes vnto me and how may I seale to the truth thereof from mine owne experience Reuerend sir I haue beene thus troublous vnto you but God I doubt
not will reward you for your labour Medioc If wée wil be zealously painful let these litle bees teach vs to be painful in vnity against the common aduersary painfull in shewing loue bearing one anothers burden painfull in preparing hony not in building of cobwebs painful for the cōmon good no one séeking alone his owne particular So the aduersaries mouth shal be stopped the church be cōforted all our soules shalbesatisfied with good we in all burli-burlies of the world may hold vp our head in the assurednes of our redemption As for them that hate Zion they shall be ashamed and turned backward as Apostates they shal be as the grasse on the house tops which withereth ere it commeth forth to any goodnes whereof the mower filleth not his hand neither the gleamer his lap for indeed they be tée hie spirited to be dealt withall neither they which go by say vnto them The blessing of the Lord bee vpon you we blesse you in the name of the Lord. And if they be once past the Churches Benedicitie how shall they come out of Satans snares vnto amendment of life Malcon O how the Lords loue hath abounded towards me thus timelily to to deliuer me what shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefites vnto me I will out of my heart as out of a sauing cup poure forth praises vnto the Lord yea by his grace in the presence of his people I will pay my vowes of thankfulnes vnto him Medioc Pray for the peace of Ierusalem let them prosper that loue thee O Zion peace within thy walles deare mother prosperity be within thy pallaces For my brethren and neighbors sakes I wil wish thee now prosperity because of the house of our Lord God it being the place of publique worship I will procure thy wealth Malcon And Lord for thy sons sake giue me grace to be as painful for her peace as I haue beene for the breach of her peace That so thy blessing by her mouth may come vpō me thy bles sing againe by my ministry may bee doubled vpon her Medioc Now my Bées begin to gather themselues to their rest and we will retire into the house to refect nature The questions already propounded and resolued although they haue beene but few yet adding discretion vnto iudgement you may refer all other scruples to the same heads of doctrine at least for setling your owne soule in a peaceable progresse Come friend let vs walke in but by the way sée you this plant Colutea breake a branch off disorderly and plant it in the earth carelesly yet it will prosper Sée you this Anthora plant it neere to the poisonfull Aconitum and it attracts the poysoned nature Againe here is the herbe Arum of the root therof starch is made but let the Laundres prouide wel for her hands for it will chop chinke and blister them exceedingly From these and the like many excellent meditations may arise and such if we marke the scriptures well was the practise of y● holy Prophets But as a bow continually bent doth lose his strength so Salomon wisheth that in hauing found hony we should but eate that is sufficient lest other wise it fall out we vomit it vp Ac modus sēper adhibēdus est appetitui Malcon And all I can say is * Wisedome wil be iustified of her Children when * Follie will not depart from a foole though he were brayed in a morterwith a pestell PROV 13. 20. He that walketh with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fooles shall be afflicted A Pastorall Epilogue betweene Hobbinoll and Collin Clout Collin GOod Hobbinoll why hangs thou so thy head hast lost some sheep or be some lābkins dead Thou Whilome sung vnto thy oten pipe as Fary queen could not but loue and like What meane these dumps Hobb Oh Collin-clout ays me Some of my Lambs that erst were full of glee Now droope amaine and squat aside the hill As hauing suckt from Dams some fatall ill Or frō the grasse haue lickt the venomd web Which hath them brought vnto so low an ebbe Black Will that vsde to lead them with his Bell His heart is broke to see they be not well And that is worse the cause is yet vnknowne Frō whēce these euils vntimely euils be growne Collin And what shall Collin haue if he can tell From whence it comes and how it shal be well Hobb O Collin there 's a kisse and it shall binde Me to performe the promise is behinde Speak louing Boy I long to heare thee speake Collin Ey ey but you your promise once did breake Giue me your hand that you will pitch and pay Now what 's your promise Hobb Hearken what I say I haue a nest of Turtles flidgd well ny Hearke hearken Clout one of them now did cry Tell me good newes thou shall haue thē both Collin But fetch them first Hobb Clout Clout thou' rt very loth To giue me credence 'fore thou haue thy pay Well well I le fet them Collin See you doe not stay I trust him no gainst Christmas he did say He would me giue a dozen points to play But whē yoo le came he dodgd me off with twaine And said he should but sin play to maintaine Come set them downe Now hearken forth Seest Hobbinoll on th'outside of that dale my tale In shadowie plots the Vipers Monks-cowle groes Which with his yellowe flower full trickly shoes His leaues but darker snipt like to the vine But trust me Hobbinoll too bad for swine Some of thy flock too greedy of that shade There lickt and cropt till they were sickly made And to say sooth with such a trick as that Pers lost ten Ewes and Lambkins that is flat Hobb Aes me but what will help them to recouer Collin Giue me my doues This vale now walke we ouer Seest thou that Hill seest thou that helmet flower Whose stalke is hollow as a kex In it is power T' expell the venom of the others bane If now in time it off the sheepe be tane Hobb How how good Clout Collin Dig it vp Hobbinole That double-root now stamp thou in a bole And put the iuyce to milk made somwhat warme Then geet them with an horne feare no harme Hobb For euerie sore no doubt a salue there is But sin blindes sheepherds that they doe amisse But well I wot hereafter I shall watch If in such shades my sheep doe poison catch Collin farewell I must about this geare Till they haue drunk this draught I liue in feare But proue all well that sheepe and I may ioy I better while I liue will loue my Boy An Epilogue to such Scholars amongst vs who by their places in our Church and in respect of the treasure they receiue out of her dowry ought to defend our writings against Schisme Heresie and not vnder-hand and in corners to suggest euill against vs for strengthning the hands of the Factious their priuate Fauourites In Segnior-ambo SIr Ambo takes a Pension of his Mother But fees the Fugitiue that calles her whore To vs one hand to him he giues the other A Proditor behind a Friend before But marke whilst he thus doth himselfe delite Both sides do damne him for an Hypocrite In Segnior-drypate Sir Dry pate reads and carps and hems spits No maruaile though he haue purg'd out his wits For little 't was when wit was at the full And yet 't is true he has no little skull But let him bite no warriour of our Kirke For feare my purposd Satyres do him Iirke In quendam Fig-fag Se see how Figfag stirs and moues and strouts Heark heark the silly Syre how trim he flouts Boys girles fooles applaud him for some body And yet his carps do proue him but a Nody But say not so lest that when he shall read Iambick girdes he swound and fall downe dead In homunculum Snuffe Sniffesnuff must iudge not knowing what it ment For Barly broth is Snuffes chief element Put him besides the cushion of his cup. And all his liquid sense is dried vp But launce no further Busie bodies Tumour For euery foole must needs be in his humour To the louing Reader BEloued if GOD grant meanes I am purposed to draw into forme a description of the true Church and false of the true Christ and Antichrist according to that modell and measure of grace which of God shall be administred vnto me Meane time the peruersnes of time hath forced me to write as already in these two books I haue Accept my labours with as right a hand as I giue them and then I doubt not of thy louing acceptance at least of thy readines to help me in my weaknes by publishing thy better meanes for publike vtility If thou canst bring Algummim trees to the worke of the Temple I pray thee do it my Firre shall giue place and how canst thou require more of me Farewell FINIS Ezec. 1● 5. 16. 17. 5 16. 17. 25. 26. 23. 3. 8. c. Reu. 17. 4 Iudg. 9. 8. c. So Mr. More in his tables doth record one Arrian Anabaptist ano ther a luish Arrian both burnt at Norwich a Ioue the short of Iehoue b Pro. 26. 4. a Geo. Io. b Mr. Sm. c Him and his words I haue alledged in my preface to my Manuall This caused the Author to cast Popery on the left hand as begetting Libertinisme 1 Cor. 9. 1. c. 2 Cor. 8. 20. 21. 2 Cor. 11. 28. 1 Tim. 1. 3. Tit. 1. 5. Acts. 1● 6 Act. 5. ● Cor. 10. 23. Colos. 2. 20. I meane the septuagint for the old Testamēt 1. Cor. 14. 38. Act. 7. 14 Genes 45. Master Broughton standeth stifly for this Rom. 12. 3 Deut. 32 25 Psal. 129. 5. c. Psalm 122. 6. c. * Prou. 25. 26. Math. 11. 19. Pro. 27. 22. * Deadly vvolfesbane or Aconite Anthora the antidote