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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13043 The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1580 (1580) STC 23333; ESTC S117590 888,783 1,248

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to beare weapon consydering he was out of hys natiue Countrey knowyng that in his Countrey no straunger was suffered to wear y ● like To the which questiō such answere was made by the straunger that the Merter toke from him hys dagger and brake it vpon his heade wherevpon the stranger complayned to the Maior who on the morrow sent for the yong man to y e Guilde Hall wherfore after his aunswere made vnto the complaynt by agréemente of a full Courte of Aldermē he was sent to ward and after the Court was finished the Maior and Sherifes walking homewarde thoroughe Cheape were there mette by suche a number of Mercers seruauntes and other that they mighte not passe for ought they coulde speake or doe till they hadde deliuered the yonug manne that before was by them sente to prison And the same daye in the afternoone sodainely was assembled a multitude of lewde and pore people of the City which without heade or guide ranne vnto certaine Italians houses and especially to the Florentines Lukesses and Venetians and there toke and spoyled what they founde and dyd great hurt in sundry places but moste in foure houses standing in Breadstreete warde whereof thrée stoode in Saint Bartholmewes Parishe the little and one in the Parish of Saint Beni●s Finke The Maior Aldermen and worshipful Commoners of the Citie with all theyr diligence resisted them what they coulde and sente diuerse of them to Newegate and fynallye not wythout shedding of bloude and mayming of diuerse Citizens the rumour was appeased The yong manne beginner of all thys businesse tooke Sanctuarie at Westminster and not long after the Duke of Buckingham with other noble menne were sente from the Kyng into the Cytie who there charged the Maior by Uertue of a Commission that inquirie shoulde hée made of thys ryot and so called an Oyer determyner at the Guilde Hall where satte for Judges the Maior as the Kyngs Lieuetenaunte the Duke of Buckingham on hys ryghte hande the chiefe Justice on the lefte hande and manye other men of name where whyle they were enpanelyng theyr inquestes the other Commons of the Citie manye of them secretly putte them in armour and ment to haue roong the common bell so to haue raysed the whole force of the Citie and so to haue deliuered such persons as before for the robberie were committed toward But this matter was discretely handled by the counsel and labour of some discrete Commoners which appeased their neighbours in such wise that all this furie was quenched but when worde was brought to the Duke of Buckingham that the commonaltie were in harnesse he with the other Lordes tooke leaue of the Maior and departed and so ceased the inquirie for that day Upon the morrow the Maior commaunded the common counsell with the Wardens of fellowships to appeare at the Guild Hall where by the Recorder in the Kings name and the Maiors was commaunded euery 〈…〉 den that in the afternoone eyther of them should assēble his whole fellowship at their cōmon Halles and there to giue straight commaundement that euery mā sée the kings peace kept within the Citie After which time the Citizens were brought to such quietnesse that after that day the enquirie was duly perused and. iij. persons for the said ryot put in execution and hanged at Tyborne whereof ij were Sanctuarie men of Saint Martins le graunde the other Anno reg 35 a shipman for robbing of Anthony Mowricine and other Lumbardes Iohn Steward Raph Verney the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Thomas Canings Grocer the 28. of October In the moneth of Nouember in the I le of Portland not farre from the towne of Weymouthe was séene a Cocke comming out of the Sea hauing a great crest vpō his head and a great red beard and legges of halfe a yarde long he stoode on the water and crewe iij. times and euery time turned 1457 him about and beckened with his head toward the North the South and the West and was of colour like a Fesaunt Robert Fabian and when he had crowed iij. times he vanished away And shortly after were taken at Erithe within xij myles of London iiij great and wonderfull Fishes whereof one was called Mors Marina the second a Sworde Fishe the other two were Whales The. xxvitj day of August Peter Brice Steward of Normandie Iohn Maior with a flete of Frenchmen landed at Sandwiche and with fyre and sword wasted the Towne to ashes and slewe the inhabitauntes almost to the last man Also Fowey in Deuonshire was spoyled by Pirates in the moneth of August In this yeare was a great fray in the Northe Countrey Robert Fabian betwéene the Lorde Egremond and the Earle of Salisburies sonnes whereby many were maymed and slaine but in the ende the Lorde Egremonde was taken who was by the Kings Counsell found in great default and therefore condemned in great summes of mony to be payde to the Earle of Salisburie and in the meane time committed to Newgate Not long after this sir Thomas Percie Lord Egremount and sir Richard Percie his brother beyng prisoners in Newgate condemned in a great summe to the Earle of Salisburie as is aforesaid brake out of prison by night and went to the King the other prisoners tooke the leades of the gate and Regester of Maior defended it a long while against the Shriues and all their officers in so much that they were forced to call more ayde Anno reg 36 Sherifes Maior of the Citizens whereby they lastly subdued them William Edwards Thomas Reyner the 28. of September Godfrey Boleyne Mercer the 28. of October Maister Reginald Pecocke Byshop of Chichester a secular Doctor of Diuinitie that had labored many yéeres to translate the holy Scripture into Englishe was accused to haue passed the bonds of Diuinitie and of Christian beléefe in certaine Articles of the which he was conuict before the Archbyshoppe of Counterburie and other Byshoppes and Clerkes and after vtterly abiured reuoked and renounced those Articles openly at Paules Crosse in his mother tongue on the fourth day of December as followeth In the name of the Trinitie Father Sonne and holy Ghost I Reynold Pecocke Byshoppe of Chichester vnworthie of myne owne power and will without any manner coertion or dread cōfesse and knowledge that I here before this time presuming of myne naturall witte and preferring my iudgement and naturall reason before the newe and the olde Testament and the authoritie and determination of our mother holy Churche haue helde written taught otherwise than the holy Romane and Uniuersall Churche teacheth preacheth or obserueth And one is against the true Catholike and Apostles faith I haue written taught and published many and diuers perilous doctrines bookes workes and writings conteining Heresies and errors contrarie to the fayth Catholike and determination of holye Church and especially these Heresies and errours following that is to say In primis quod non est de necessitate fidei
credere quod dominus noster Iesus Christus post mortem descendit ad inferos Item quod non est de necessitate salutis credere in sanctorū communionem Item quod Ecclesia vniuersalis potest errare in hijs quae sunt fidei Item quod non est de necessitate salutis credere tenere illud quod consilium generale vniuersalis Ecclesia statuit approbat seu determinat in fauorem fidei ad salutē animarum est ab vniuersis Christi fidelibus approbandum tenendum Wherfore I miserable sinner which here before long time haue walked in darknesse now by the mercy and infinite goodnesse of God reduced into y ● right way light of truth considering my selfe gréeuously haue sinned and wickedly haue enformed enfected the people of God returne come againe to the vnitie of our mother holy Church all heresies errors written conteined in my said bookes works writings here solemnly openly reuoke renounce which heresies errors all other spices of heresies I haue before this time before y e most Reuerēd father in God and my good Lord of Caunterbury in diuers and lawfull forme iudicially abiured submitting my selfe beyng then and also nowe at this time verye contrite and penitent sinner to the correction of the Churche and of my sayd Lorde of Caunterburie And ouer this exhorting and requiring in the name and vertue of almightie God in the saluation of your Soules and minde that no man hereafter giue fayth and credence to my sayd pernitious doctrines heresies and errors neyther my sayd Bookes kéepe holde or reade in any wise but that they all such Bookes workes and writings suspect of heresies delyuer in all goodly hast vnto my sayde Lorde of Caunterburie or to his Commissioners and Deputies in eschewing of many inconueniences great perils of soules the which else might be cause of the contrary And ouer this declaration of my conuersation and repentaunce I here openly assent that my sayde Bookes workes and writings for declaration and cause aboue rehearsed be deputed vnto the fire and openly brent in ensample and terrour of all other c. After this he was depriued of his Bishopricke hauing a certaine pencion assigned vnto him for to lyue on in an Abbey and soone after he dyed His Bookes were intituled 1. Of Christian Religion and a Booke perteyning therevnto 2. Of Matrimonie 3. Iust oppressing of holy Scripture deuided into three partes 4. The Donet of Christian Religion 5. The follower of the Donet 6. The Booke of Faith 7. The Booke filling the. 4. Tables 8. The Booke of Worshipping 9. The Prouoker of Christian men 10. The Booke of Councell In the moneth of Januarie dyed the Earle of Deuonshire in the Abbey of Abindon poysoned as men sayd being there at that tyme with Quéene Margaret to appease the malice betwéene the yong Lords whose fathers were slaine at Saint Albons and they that helde with the Duke of Yorke A méeting was appoynted by the King to be at London in obeying whose commaundement the Duke of Yorke came vnto London on the. xxvj day of Januarie and was lodged at Baynards Castle and afore him to wit the. xv of Januarie came the Earle of Salisburie and was lodged at his place called the Erber shortly after came the Dukes of Somerset Excester who were lodged without Temple Barre lykewise the Earle of Northumberland the Lord Egremond the yong Lord Clyfford were lodged in y e Suburbes And on the. xiiij day of Februarie came the Earle of Warwike from Calleis with a great band of men all arrayed in red Jaquets with white ragged staues vppon them who was lodged at the Grey Friers And the. xvij day of Marche the King Quéene with a great retinue came to London and were lodged in the Bishop of Londons Pallace And ye shall vnderstand that with these Lordes came great companies of men some had 600. some 500. and the least had 400. Wherefore the Maior had dayly in harnesse 5000. Citizens and rode dayly about the Citie and Suburbes of the same to sée the Kings peace were kept nightly 2000. men in harnesse to gyue attendance vpon iij. Aldermen which kept the night watch tyll vij of the clocke in the morning that the day watches were assembled by reason whereof good order and rule was kept and no man so hardie once to attempt the breaking of the Kings peace During this watch a great Coūsell was holden by the Lordes and a faygned agréement was made betwéen the King the Quéene and the Duke of Yorke with 1458 his retinue for ioy whereof the. xxv day of Marche a generall Procession was made in Saint Paules Church at London where the King in Royall habite with his Diademe on his head kept the state before whom went hand in hand y ● duke of Somerset the Earle of Salisburie the Duke of Excester the Earle of Warwike and so one of the one faction an other of that other sort And behind the King the Duke of Yorke led the Quéene with great familiaritie to all mens sightes The. xiij of April there was a great fraye in Fletestreete The Queenes atturney slaine betwéene men of Courte and the inhabitantes of the same stréete in which fray the Quéenes Atturney was slaine For this facte the King committed the principall gouernours of Furniuals Clifforde and Barnardes Inne to prison in the Castle of Hertforde and William Taylour Alderman of that warde with many other were sent to Windsore Castle the vij of May. On Thursday in Whitson wéeke the Duke of Somerset Iusting in the Tovvre of London with Anthonie Riuers and other iiij kept Justes before the Quéene in the Towre of London agaynst thrée Esquiers of the Quéenes And in lyke manner at Greenewiche the Sonday following On the Trinitie Sonday or Munday following certaine The Earle of VVarvvike tooke Spanish Ships shippes appertayning to the Earle of Warwike met with a fléete of Spanyardes and after long and cruell fyght tooke vj. of their Shippes laden with Yron and other Marchandies drowned and chased to the number of xxvj not without shedding of bloud on both partes for of the Englishmen were slayne an hundred and many more wounded Anno reg 37 Sherifes Maior and sore hurt Ralph Ioseline Richard Medtham the 28. of September Thomas Scot Draper the 28. of October The King and Quéene beyng at Westminster the. ix day of Nouember fell a great debate betwéene Richard Earle of Warwike and them of the Kings house in so much that they woulde haue slayne the Earle and vnneth he escaped to his Barge and went after to Calleis for he was not long before made Captaine thereof by authoritie of the Parliament Soone after the young Duke of Somerset by stirring of them that hated the Earle of Warwike was made Captayne of Calleis and a Priuie Seale direct to the Earle for to discharge him of the
y e Empire gouerned 139 Capitelinus this prouince by Lollius Vrbicus who ouercame the Brytaines and raysed another wall of turffes to kéepe oute the inroades the Northern Brytaines ANtonius Philosophus now ruled the Romaine Empire 162 and Calphurnius Agricola was sent hyther with authoritie against the Britaines then repining at the Romaines but with what successe it is not specified LVcius y e son of Coilus was ordained King who in all hys 179 Florent Vig●r●● acts déeds followed the steps of hys forefathers in such wise as he was of al men loued dread He sēt his two Ambassadors Eluanus Meduuinus twoo learned mē in y t scriptures with his louing letters to Elutherius Bishop of Rome England receyued the faith ●eda Asser Flores Historiarū Record of Saint Asaphs Church Iohn Capgraue Marianus Scotus desiring him to sende some deuout learned men by whose instruction both he his people might be taught y e faith religiō of Christ wherof Elutherius being very glad baptized these two messēgers making Eluanus a Bishop Meduuinus a teacher sent also with thē into Brytaine two famous Clarks Faganus Deruuianus by whose diligence Lucius his people of Brytaine were baptized instructed in y e faith of Christ 28. Temples were made Cathedral churches Byshops placed where Flamins before had bin at Lōdon Yorke Carlein which is now S. Dauids in Wales were placed Archbishops London Yorke and Carlein Archbishops The Epistle of Eleutherius to Lucius King of Brytaine Lib. constitut Lon. now foloweth an Epistle of Elutherius sente to Lucius K. of Brytain as I find y e same recorded in a Booke of y e Constitutions of London pertaining to y e Guild Hall of London The yeare after Christs birth 202. Pope Elutherius did write to Lucius king of Brytaine for y e amendment of y e kings the nobilitie of Brytaine as foloweth You required that we should send you the Romain Imperial laws y e you might vse thē in your kingdom of Brytaine but those laws we may disproue not the lawes of God You haue receiued lately through Gods goodnes in your kingdom y e faith and law of Christ you haue there in your kingdom both Testaments out of thē by Gods grace the aduice of your realme take a law thereby patiently gouern y e kingdom You are y e Uicar of God in your kingdom according to y e kingly prophet The earth is y e Lords his fulnesse is y e whole world al y t Psalm 45. dwel therin again Thou hast loued righteousnes hated iniquitie wherfore God euē thy God hath annoynted thée with y ● ●ile of gladnes aboue thy fellows They are y e kings children christian nations people of your kingdome that liue consist vnder your protection peace kingdom according to the Scripture as an Hen gathereth chickens vnder hir wings the people nations of the kingdome of Brytaine is youres suche as are diuided you shoulde gather them togither to the lawe of Christe his holy Churche to peace concorde and cherishe maintaine protect gouerne and defend them from the iniurious malicious and their enimies Woe be to that kingdome the King whereof is a childe and the Princes eate earely in the morning I doe not call a King a child for his youth or minoritie but for his follie iniquitie Psalm 55. and madnesse according to the Kingly Prophet The bloud-thirsty and deceitfull menne shall not out-liue halfe their dayes By eating we shall vnderstande Gluttonie by Gluttonie Luxurie by Luxurie all filth wickednesse and mischiefe according to King Salomon Wisedome will not Sapience ● enter into a spitefull soule nor inhabite in a body subiecte to sinne A King hathe his name of gouerning and not of hys Kingdome so long you shall be a King as you rule well otherwise you shall not be so named and lose that name which God forbid God graunt that you maye so rule your Realme of Brytaine that you may raigne wyth hym euerlastingly whose Uicar you are in the saide Kingdome To whome with the father c. There remayneth in the Churche of Saint Peter vpon Cornhil at London a Table wherein is written that Lucius foūded the same Church to be an Archbishops sea and made it the Metropolitane and chiefe Churche of hys Kingdome whych so endured the space of 400. yeres vnto the comming of Saint Augustine Ioseline of Fornes in his booke that he wrote of the Brytish Ioseline of Furneys Bishops saith that Thean who was first Archbishop of Lōdon in the time of Lucius builded the said Church of S. Peter Archbishops of London 13. in a place called Cornhil in London by the aide and help of Ciran chief Butler to King Lucius also that Clauus the secōd Archbishop there builded a Librarie to the same church adioyning conuerted many of the Erwydes learned men in the Pagan Law to the Christian faith The third Archbyshop was named Cadar the fourth Obinus the fift Conan y ● sixt Paladius the seuenth Stephan the eighte Iltut the ninth Dedwin the tenth Thedred the eleuenth Hillary y ● twelfth Guidilinus the thirtenth Vodinus who was slain of the Sarons that came first into this lande Lucius raigned 12. yere and was buryed at Gloucester COmodus after his father Antonius Philosophus succeded 181 Dion in the Empire with most cruel tyranny In his time the Northerne Britains burst in through the wall forrayed the Countrey and slew the Romaine Generall with his souldiours wherfore Vlpius Marcellus was appointed here a careful vigilant Captaine he sore annoyed the Brytains which were enemies to the Romain state and purchasing enuie by his vertue was shortly dismissed Then Ceronnis who ruled all vnder Comodus appointed Lampidi●● Dion certaine men of base estate to gouerne the Romain enemies here wherewith the souldiours being gréeued sent 1500. chosen men out of theyr number to Rome who accusing hym before Comodus to compasse the Empire for his sonne was deliuered vnto them who immediatelye mangled hym and slew his wife with his two sonnes Comodus thē sent Holnius Pertinax into Brytain and surnamed Lampridi●● himselfe Brytanicus thervnto perswaded by flatterers when the Brytaines were so euill affected toward him that they woulde haue nominated some other Emperour against Capitolinus him and namely Pertinax but these tumults were appeased by the Wisdome of Pertinax to his great danger for he was wel-nere slaine in tumulte and left among the dead whiche iniurie he after seuerallye reuenged sued for his discharge being afterwarde preferred to the Empire Clodius Albinus was then sente hyther by Comodus who Capitolinus at the first so greatlye estéemed of him that he honored hym with y ● title of a Caesar which Clodius refused but afterwards when a false rumor was dispersed y t Comodus was slain he made an Oratiō to the legions of
that is to say y e Fleete of Wepped where they slew xij Dukes or Captaynes of the Britaines with many other where as on the part of y ● Saxons there was one only man slaine whose name was Wepped The fourth battell was fought by Hengest Eske against the Britaines who obtaining the victory gote an innumerable spoile in whiche battell the Britaines fledde from the Angles VOrtiger obteined againe the Kingdome and shortly after 460 Hengest which was chased into the I le of Thanet entred the land with a number of Saxons but when he hearde of the great assembly the Britaines had made against him he treated W. Malme for peace which in fine was cōcluded Shortly after Hengest by a guile which before he had deuised bid his son in law iij. C. of his Nobles vnto a feast or banquet where when he The Barons of the Britaine 's slaine at a banquet had ouerlaid his guests with ouermuch Wine he fel to quarelling with taunting talke pinched euery one of thē and straight fel to fighting wherthrough the Britaines were slaine euery one The King was taken prisoner and forced to giue The King taken prisoner for his ransome Kent Sussex Suffolke Northfolke This murther of the Britans was on y t plaine of Salesbury Then Hengest began his dominion ouer Kent Vortiger fled into Wales Hengest King of Kent builded there a Castel of which building lōg let of y e same and of his Prophet Merlin Geffrey Monmouth and others speake many things Great cōpanies of y e Saxōs dayly flocked Beade into this Iland grew so strong y ● the people of y ● Countrey which sent for thē stoode in great feare of their puissance for those Saxons had taken league with the Picts began to turne their force vpō the Britaines and to be short the fire once kindled A miserable state of the Britaynes in y t lands of the Paganes there tooke iust reuenge of y ● wickednes of the people raging first vpō the Cities Countrey next adioyning after from the East sea to the Weast ouerwhelming all the whole Iland without resistance both publike priuate houses were ouerthrowne to y e groūd the Priests were slaine standing at the altare the Bishops with their flocke were murthered without respect of their dignity nor there was any that woulde bury the slaine some of the miserable leauings being takē in the hilles were there killed other being sterued with hunger were faine to créepe out of their caues buy their victuall at their enimies hāds with sale of their libertie for euer if yet they were not killed out of hand other fled ouer the Seas with an heauie hearte other tarying stil in their coūtrey in feare of death lacke of foode liued ful miserably in y e Mountaines woods Cliffes Aurelius Ambrose and Vther bréethren of Constantine y t was before slaine in France landed with a Nauie of Ships at Totnes made war vpon Vortigerne and buried him in his Castell in Wales when he had secondly raigned vj. yeares AVrelius-Ambrose was ordeined king of Britaine in whose time the Britaines by little little began to take strength 466 Beade Wil. Malme and courage vnto thē comming out of their caues in whiche they lucked before and with one consent calling for heauēly help that they might not for euer be vtterly destroyed they had then for their Captaine a Romane called Ambrosius Aurelius a gentle natured man which only of all the bloud of the Romanes remayned then aliue his parents being slayne whiche bare the name of King of the Countrey This man being their Captayne they assembled themselues togither and prouoking the victors to the fighte through Gods assistance atchieued the victorie and from that day forward now the men of the Countrey now the enimie had the victorie vntill the yeare that Bathe was beséeged where they gaue their enimies a greate ouerthrowe which was about the xliiij yeare of their comming into the land but of this we shall speake more héereafter This Ambrosius caused the Churches to be repaired Brute Booke whiche had bin spoyled by the Saxons He caused the greate Stonehenge besides Salesburie Gadeasins Tilberiensis stones to be sette on the playne of Salesburie whiche is called Stonehinge in remembrance of the Britaines that were slaine and buryed there in the time of Vortiger at the banquet and communication of Hengist with the Saxons A Saxon named Cella with his thrée sonnes and a company Kingdome of the South Saxons Agar●a Scot. Brute Booke of Saxons landed in the South part of Britaine A Saxon named Porth landed with his two sonnes Byda and Meagla at an Hauen in South-hamptonshire after whome the Hauen is named Portesmouth The third Kingdome of the East Saxons began in Britain Kingdome of the East Angles vnder Duke Vffa Aurelius Ambrosius being poysoned dyed when he had raigned 32. yeares and was buryed at Stonehinge called Chorea Gigantum VTher Pendragon so called for that he caused alwayes a 498 Gafrid Arbor Succes Dragon to be borne before him in his battels was crowned King of Britaine he vanquished Otta and Oza at Windgate by Coquet Riuer He was enamored vppon Igren the Dukes Wife of Cornewall and to obtayne his vnlawfull lust made warre vpō hir husband Goilen and slew him in battell at Duvilioc On hir he begat Arthure He raigned eyghtéene yeare and was buryed at Stonhinge ARthure the sonne of Vther borne in Cornewall at the age 516 of fiftéene yeares was crowned King of Britaine as some say at Caerleon other at Winchester one old namelesse pamflet saith at Cilicester by Dubritius Archbishop of Legions Nene●iu● This Citie of Cilicester in British is called Caier segent and was scituate néere Reading It was so called for that Constantius the sonne of Constantine the great dyed Sea Cr● there his Sepulture might once haue bin séene there besides the Citie as the Letters engranen on it in stone did declare He tooke to Wife Guinouer Cousin to Cador Duke of Cornewall and Daughter to the King of Biscay Of this King there be many fabulous reportes but certayne Wil. Malmesbery he was a Prince as Malmesberie saith more worthy to haue aduancement by true Histories than false Fables being the only proppe and vpholder of this his Countrey In the beginning of his raigne Lotho and Conradus his Aurea Histor allies enuying his prosperitie made Warre against him but he valiantlye vanquished them with their Pictes and Scottes at his pleasure and appoynted them a Gouernoure Sea Cr● Neni●● named Anguisell He fought twelue fieldes against the Saxons and alwayes bare away the victorie of whiche the last was fought at Bath where by his owne prowesse and manhoode he vanquished nine hundred Afterward he raysed the Malmesberie séege which the Saxons had planted about Lincolne and slewe them in great numbers Thus hauing abated the
himselfe so neare y ● with the heate of his harneys he got a disease to the encrease of his sicknesse Also the kings horsse leaping ouer a ditch did burst the inner parts of the K. with the pain wherof he was sore afflilcted and retourned to Roane wher shortly after he ended his life The. ix day of Septem in the yere of King VVilliam dyed our Lord. 1087. when he had rained xx yeres xj monthes lacking fine days his body being brought w t great solēnitie in Cane in Normandie there to be buried in a Church whiche he had founded a certaine knight boldly forbod the burial of W. Malme him in that place affirming that by title of inheritaunce the ground was his that king William ought not to be buried Burial forbiddē to VVilliam Conquerour in the ground which by violence he had obtayned wherfore by consent of Henry his son this reproch was appeased with the payment of an hundred pounde of siluer He had issue by Matild his wife daughter to Baldwin Erle of Flaunders Robert Curthose vnto whom he gaue Normandie Richard that Issue of VVilliā Conquerour dyed yong William Rufus vnto whom he gaue England and Henry to whō he gaue his wiues inheritance treasure hée had daughters Cicily Abbesse of Cane Constance marryed to Alane Earle of Brytain Adale wife to Stephen Earle of Bloyse Margaret promised to Harold king of Englād Alianor betrothed to Alfonse King of Galicia King Williā commanded all prisoners to be released his tresure to be distributed vnto churches ¶ King William Rufus WIlliam le Rovvse or Rufus the thirde sonne of William Conquerour beganne his raigne the Anno reg 1. ninthe daye of September in the yeare of our Lorde 1087. and was crowned at Westminster by Lanfranke Archbishop of Canturburie y ● first day of October He was variable inconstant couetous cruel hée burdened his people with vnreasonable taxes pylled the ryche and oppressed the poore and what he thus got he prodigally spent in great banqueting and sumptuous apparel for he woulde neyther eate drinke or weare any thing but W. Malme Robert of Glocest S. Albons Cronicl that it coste vnmeasurably déere As for example it was in those dayes written and for vs now to be noted that in a mornyng hys Chamberlayne bringing him a newe paire of hosen he demaunding what they coste and the Chamberlaine The best paire of hose three shillings answering thrée shillings the king being wroth said away begger that thou art are those méete hose for a King to weare bring me a paire of a Marke or thou shalte sore repent it then his Chamberlaine fette another paire that were much worse than the first and sayd ●h●y cost a Marke wherewith King William was well pleased Thus farre haue I noted the saying of King William bycause it importeth the simplicitie of apparell in those dayes vsed so farre different from the excesse of this present time Odo Bishop of Bayon and Earle of Kent with his brother 1088 The Nobles ●ebes● Robert Earle of Mortaigne and Hereford and almost all the Nobles of England raysed warre against King William and would haue had Robert his eldest brother to be King but King William by f●irs words pacifying some of the principall conspirators beséeged the residue in the Castell of Rochester W. Malme and with muche labour lastly ouercame them An Earthquake ouerturned many houses and churches An Earthquake in England Lanfranke Archbishop of Canturbury deceassed He renued Anno reg 2. 1089 the great Church of Canturbury restoring xxv manors to the same He repaired the walles of that Citie builded two Hospitals the one of Saint Iohn the other at Harbaldowne Hospitall of Saint Iohn and Harbaldovvne He restored the Church of Rochester from four secular Clarkes to fiftie Monkes He alwayes attended his booke and trauelled to correct the corruption of Writers When Lanfranke was dead King Wilham kept in his owne hands the Churches and Monasteries of England after Mathew Paris G. Lilly their pastours were dead making great spoyle and lotting them out to ferme King William making warre against his brother Robert Anno reg 3. 1090 King VVilliam made vvarre on his brother Duke of Normandy tooke the Castels of Wallarroke and of Albemarle making great spoyle in his brothers Countrey but at length agréemente was made betwéene them that Robert should giue vp into the Kings hands the Castels that he had gotten of him and the King shoulde helpe him to get all that his father had England only excepted and also if one of them dyed without issue the other should succéede in the inheritance to which couenant were sworne twelue Princes of the Kings side and twelue Barons on the Dukes side Malcoline King of Scottes did homage and fealtie to King of Scots did homage Mathew Paris Great tempest King William of England A great tempest sell on Saint Lukes day in ●imdry places of England specially in Winchcombe where a great part of the Stéeple was ●uerthrowne with thundering and lightning and in London the winde ouerturned 606. houses and 606. houses ouerturned the rou●e of Bow Church in Cheape wherewith some persons were slayne foure of the ●afters of 20. foote in length were with such violence pitched into the strée●e that scantly Wil. Malme Gualter Couen foure foote of them remayned aboue grounde whiche were fayne to be ●●t euen with the same grounde bycau●e they could not be plucked out About this time one Iustinus sonne to Gurguntus Earle Anno reg 4. of Glamorgan and Morgannoke refusing to obey Rhesus sonne to Theodore Prince of South-wales sente Aeneas The vvinning of Glamorgan and Morganoke out of the VVelchmens hands sonne to Gedi●orus sometyme Lorde of Deme●ia into England to take muster of Souldioures and there receyued a great Armie vnder the conduct of one Robert Fitzhamon and ioyning with other tables out of Went and Brecini● met with Rhesus in Blacke h●ll and there ●●ewe him and s● paying the Englishmen their wages discharged them But they taking regard vnto the goodnesse of the soyle and the great variance which was then amongst the Welchmen as in foretime the Saxons had done they turned their force of armes against those which had entertayned them and soone displaced them wholly of all the Champion and the best of the Countrey which Robert Fitzhamon diuided amongst twelue Knightes whiche he broughte with him reseruing the better parte to hymselfe who building there certayne Castels and ioyning their power togither defended their Farmes and Lordships whiche they had taken and possessed whose heires peaceably enioy the same vnto this day but Iustinus scarsely reserued to himselfe and his the hilly Countrey The names of the twelue Knightes were these 1 William Lowdon 2 Richard Granuille 3 Paganus Turberuille 4 Robert Saintqui●ti●● 5 Richard Siward 6 Gilbert Vmfreuill 7 Roger Berkerowle 8 Reynald Sully 9 Peeter Soore
who hyred ships for them of his owne charges and with his own money released the armour which the souldiours had gaged for their victuals more than a thousand in number The Scottes entred Comberlande Westmerlande and y e forrest of Engelwood slewe the inhabitauntes droue away the Cattle and robbed the Market and Towne of Penreth and whiles the Earle of Northumberland prepared to haue bene reuenged the king sent letters to the contrarie Iohn Vian Anno reg 4. French men tooke VVinchelsey knight with the French kings galyes toke the town of Winchelsea put the Abbot of Battaile to flight and toke one of his Monkes He also brent the Townes of Apledor and Rie about the least of Saint Laurence The eight of September foure Galeys of Fraunce came to Grauesende and burnt a great part of the Towne Walter Ducket William Knighthoode the. 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Guns inuented Polidor Sebastian Munster William Walworth Fishmonger the. 28. of October About this time the making of Gunnes was founde by a certaine Almaine who hauing the pouder of Brimstone in a Morter which he had beaten for a medicine and couered with a stone as he stroke fier a sparke chaunced to fal into y e ponder wherby a flame out of the morter raised the stone a great height whiche after he had perceyued made a Pype of yron and tempered the ponder with other and so finished that deadly engine as reporteth Blondus and R. Volaterianus the first that vsed shot to their behalfe and profit were the Venetians againste the inhabitauntes of Genoa During the Parliament at Northampton beginning the first of Nouember was hāged Iohn Kirby that slue the merchāt of Genoa whom he spake of before In this Parliamente an excéeding greate Taxe was demaunded 1381 Great Taxe which afterwardes was cause of greate disturbaunce Of all religious persons men and women sixe shyllings eight pence secular priests as muche and euery person man or woman foure pence to the King whiche was payde It was also ordayned that euery couple wedded should paye two shillings for euery foote of Beast and also homegilde but this was neuer asked By means of which payment in y e Sommer following the commons of Kent and Essex sodainely rebelled they being Commons rebelled Iohn Bal his Sermon Tho. Walsing animated therevnto by Iohn Ball a seditious Prieste who in hys sermons vsed to take for his Theame When Adam dalfe and Eue spanne who was then a Gentleman c. Affirming that al men were made a like by nature and therefore ought to laye away the yoke of bondage that they might enioye the wished libertie c. too shamefull sedicious and damnable to bée taughte whyche neuerthelesse so pleased the common people that they cryed hée should be Archbishoppe of Canterburie and Chauncellour of England This rebellion began at Dertford in Kent in manner as Rebellion begā at Dertford Cro. S. Albons followeth The Collectours appointed to gather the foresayd groats or pole mony comming into the house of Iohn a Tiler demanded y e same for him his wife hys daughter other hys family but the Tilers wife denied to pay for hir daughter saying she was vnder age Thē sayd y t Collector that shal I soone wit and toke the mayde violently and dishonestly searched whether she were of age or no wherwith the mother made an outcry hyr husbande being in y e towne at worke When tidyngs came to him he caughte his lathing staffe in his hande and ranne réeking home where he reasoning with the Collectour who made him so bolde the Collectour being a proude fellow let flye at the Tiler but the Tiler voyding the stroke smote the Collectour on the heade wyth his lathing staffe that the braynes fell out where throughe great noyses arose in the streates and the poore people being glad euerye man arrayed hym to support this Iohn Tyler Thus the commons drewe togither and went to Maidstone from thence backe againe to Blacke Heath and so forth to London and entred the Citie on Corpus Christs day where they destroyed many goodly places of the Rebels entred London Sauoy S. Iohns Highburi brent nobles and other as the Sauoy Saint Iohns by Smithfielde the Manour of Highburie by Yseldon and the Temple where the Prentises of law were lodged for the encrease of theyr studie They set out of the Tower of London where the King was then lodged Simon Sudburie Archbishoppe of Canterburie The Archb. of Canterburie The priour of S Iohns a Frier Iohn Legge beheaded Lorde Chauncellour of Englande Robert Halles Priour of Saint Iohns and Treasurer of England William Apelto● a Frier Minor the Kings confessour and Iohn Legge a Sergeaunt of the Kings and beheaded them on the Tower hill they beheaded diuerse other in manye places as sir Iohn Cauendishe Lorde chiefe Justice of Englande the Priour of Sainte Edmundesburie and other Rychard Lions a famous Lapidarie of London was drawen out of his house and beheaded in Chepe They beheaded all men of Law as wel prentices and vtter Baresters as Justices and al Jurers that they might get into their hands they spared none whom they thought to be learnes were it neuer so little especiallye if they founde anye to haue penne and ynke they pulled of hys whoode and all with one voyce of trying out as they had bin so many Diuels hale him into the stréetes and cut of his head They also beheaded all Flemmings not sparing anye Flemmings beheaded for reuerence of the church or other place where they found them they set thirtéene forth of the Frier Austines Church and seauentéene out of another Church in London they tooke two and thirtie in the Vintrie and many other here there in the Citie and Southwarke all whiche if they coulde not plainly pronounce Bread and Chéese but Brot and Caus lost their heades They spoyled all bookes of law recordes and monuments they coulde méete withall and set al prisoners at libertie The king to pacifie their furie offered them peace on Essex men pacified condition they woulde cease from burning of houses and slaughter of men whiche the Essex men toke and returned home but the Kentishe men remayned burning and slaying as afore Wherevppon the King sent sir Iohn Newton The K sent to VVat Tiler Knight to Wat Tiler their Captaine to intreate him to come and talke with him about his owne demaundes the Knight doing his message Wat Tiler aunswered that hée woulde come at hys owne pleasure neuerthelesse he followed softly and when he came neare Smithfielde where the king aboade his comming the same Knighte was sent againe to méete hym and to knowe his requestes but Wat Tiler séeing the knight come néere vnto him on horsseback sayde it hadde become hym better to bée on foote in his presence the Knighte aunswered that it was no harme ●ith himselfe was also on horssebacke therewith Watte Tyler drewe his dagger and offering to strike called
the other an Italian chalenged to fighte within listes against sir Iohn Cornewall and Iames of Artois which two straungers were ouercome in battaile and Chalenge of cōbat at Yorke sir Iohn Cornewal obtaining the Kings fauour maried the kings sister that had bin wife to sir Iohn Holland Earle of Huntingdon The Welchmen taking occasion by the Kings absence The VVelchmen rebel when he was in Scotlande beganne to rebel by the settyng on of Owē Glendouerdew son to Griffyth Vichā an esquier of Wales so called Glendour bicause his dwelling was in a place called Glēdordwy for Glyn in Welch is a vale and Dor is water bycause the place was in a dale at the side of y e water or Riuer of Dew in the Parish of Corwrn in the Countie of Mer●●neth in Northwales He serued King Richarde at the tyme of his oppression by Henrie Duke of Lancaster at Flint Castell The first cause of this stirre was about a péece of land in controuersie betwixte him and the Lord Reignolde Gray of Ruthiue for when he saw his cause not fauoured firste hée began to spoyle the landes of the sayde Lord Gray whereof the king being certified went with an army into Wales but the Welchmen fledde to the mountaines the King brente the Countrey slew the people with whom he mette and returned with a great pray of Cattaile Iohn Wakel William Ebot the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 2. Geffrey Chavvcer chief Poet of Brytaine Sir Iohn Frauncis Goldsmith the. 28. of October Geffrey Chawcer the most excellent Poet of Englande deceased the xxv of October who was buried at Westminster where of late at the charges of one maister Bridgeham is made ouer him a faire monument on the Southside of the Quire his workes for the most part are published in print by sir Iohn Thinne Knight and somewhat increased by my trauell in the last impression Not long after deceased the like famous Poet Iohn Gower Iohn Govver a most excellent Poet of Englād who lyeth buried in Sainte Marie Oueries Church in Southwarke He new builded a great part of that Church and cōpiled thrée famous bookes The first in Latine Vox Clamātis The second in French Speculum Meditantis The third in Englishe Confessio Amantis which last booke is in Print the other hard to come by of the first I haue séen thrée very faire copies but of the seconde I neuer sawe any one The Emperour of Constantinople came into Englande to requyrs ayde agaynste the Turkes whome the King wyth sumptuous preparation mette at Blacke Heath vpon Saint Thomas daye the Apostle and brought him to London and paying for the charges of his lodging presented him with giftes worthy for one of so high degrée Soone after came newes that the King of Leto had ●lain in battayle Bassacke the sonne of the noble Balthazardan ● destroyed Ierusalem and all the Countrey rounde aboute And bycause he had by Gods grace so ouercome contrarye to his opinion he became christened and 60000. men of his secte The Emperour of Constantinople hearing this was very 1401 The Emperour returned gladde and departed out of Englande being honored by the King with precious giftes The fiue and twentith day of July Isabel late wife to K. Isabel late vvife to K. R. returned into Fraunce Richarde not yet twelue yeares of age departed from Douer towardes Caleis and so into Fraunce to hyr Father Owen Glendouerdew w e his Welchmen did much harme to the Englishmen and returned There was founde in the Kings bedde clothes an yron K. H. escapeth ● great daunger with thrée sharp pikes slender and round standing vpright layde there by some Traytour that when the Kyng should haue layde him downe he might haue thrust himselfe vpon them This time was vsed excéeding pride in garmentes gownes with déepe and broade sléeues commonlye called poke sléeues the seruauntes ware them as well as theyr Tho. Wals Aditions to polic maisters whiche mighte well haue bene called receptacles of the Diuel for what they stole they hidde in their sléeues whereof some hung downe to the féete and at leaste to the knées ful of cuttes and iagges whervpon were made these Anno reg 3 verses Now hath this lande little neede of Bromes To sweepe away the filth out of the streete Th● Hoc●li●● Sen side sleeues of pennilesse gromes will it vp licke be it drie or weete O England stand vpright on thy feete so foule a waste in so simple a degree Banish or it shal ●ore repent thee William Venor Iohn Fremingham the. 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Chadworth Mercer the. 28. of October The Conduit vpon Cornehil in London was made which before time had bene a prison called the Tunne in Cornehill wherevnto nightwalkers that were taken in suspition of fellonie or other trespasses were committed In the moneth of March appeared a blasing starre first betwixt the East and the North and last of all putting firie beames towards the North foreshewing peraduenture the effusion of bloud about the partes of Wales and Northumberlande Owen Glendouerdew with his Welchmen wasted y ● lands 1402 of the Lord Reignalde Gray tooke him prisoner and slewe many of his people Certaine men affirmed King Richarde to be aliue and Conspiracie against K. Henrie that he should shortly shew himself openly reward them y ● wer faithful vnto him But after a certain priest was taken at Warwike who had written y e names of many which were the aucthours of these troubles both the hope and feare of this conspiracie vanished The Priest was drawen hanged and quartered Also Walter Waldocke late Priour of Lande a Priorie in Leicestershire bycause he confessed he knew euill against the king and did conceale it was likewise hanged and headed Moreouer certaine gray Friers were taken of the whiche one Richard Friseby doctour of Diuinitie being A stout Frier executed asked what he would do if K. Richard were present answered that he woulde fight in his quarrel against any man euen to the death wherfore he was condemned drawen and hanged in his religious habit and wéede At Daneburie in Essex vpon Corpus Christi day the Diuell appeared in likenesse of a Gray Frier who entring the Church raged insolentlye to the greate feare of the Parishioners and the same houre with a tempeste of whyrlewinde and thunder the toppe of the Stéeple was broken downe and halfe the Chauncel scattered abrode Shortlye after sir Roger Claringdon Knighte a bastard sonne to Edward the blacke Prince and wyth him a Squire and a yeomanne were beheadded and eyghte Graye Friers hanged and beheaded at London and two at Leicester all whiche hadde published King Richard to bée aliue Owen Glendouerdew with a company of Welchmen inuaded all the shires that bordered neare vnto hym wherefore sir Edmund Mortimer wyth manye Knightes and Esquiers wente out to encounter with Owen stronger than he was of the
Thomas Harington Knighte Sir Thomas Neuil sonne to the Earle of Salisburie and Syr Henrie Ratforde Knight and other to the number of 2200. The Earle of Salisburie was taken aliue and ledde by the Duke of Somerset to the Castell of Pomfraite and had graunte of hys life for a greate summe of money but the common people of the Countrey whyche loued hym not toke hym out of the Castel by violence and smote off hys heade When the death of these Lordes was knowen ●● the King he commaunded writs and commissions to be sent into the shires to the people and to goe againste the Rebelles into the Northe to suppresse them but they of the Northe came sodainelye downe to the Town of Dunstaple robbing all the Countrey and people as they came spoyling Abbayes Priories and Parish Churches bearing awaye Chalisses bookes ornamentes and other whatsoeuer was worth the carriage as thoughe they had bin Sarisens and no Christians againste whom the twelfth of Februarie the Duke of Norffolke and Suffolke the Erles of Warwicke and Arundale the Lord Bonuile and other with the King wente out of London towarde Saint Albons and when they heard that they of the Northe were so nyghe they tooke a fielde beside a little Towne called Sandriage not farre from Sainte Albons on Barnarde Heathe in a place called No mans Lande where the Kyng stoode and sawe hys menne slayne on bothe sydes tyll at the laste throughe the wythdrawyng manye of the Kentishmen with their Captaine Louelace that was the vaward King Henries parte lost the fielde the Lords fled and the King wente to Quéene Margaret that was come w t the Northerne men and hyr sonne Edwarde The Earle of Warwicke wente towarde the Earle of Marche that was comming towarde London out of Wales The Lord Bonuile woulde haue withdrawen him but the King assured hym to haue no bodylye harme neuerthelesse at the instance of the Quéene the Duke of Excester and the Earle of Deuonshire he was beheaded at Saint Albons and wyth hym Syr Thomas Kyriell of Kente This battayle was fought on Shroue Twesday the seauentéenth of February Exlibre Norwicensis in the whiche was slain 1916 persons The same day Thomas Thorpe Baron of the Exchequer was beheaded at High Gate by the commons of Kent Then the Citizens of London dreading the malice of the Quéene and the Duke of Somerset sente vnto them the Dutchesse of Buckingham with other to treate for to be beneuolent to the Citie for the which a summe of money was promised and that they shoulde come to the Citie wyth a certayne number of persons where vpon certayne speares and men of armes were sente to haue entred the Citie before the Dukes commyng whereof some were slayne some sore hurte and the remnaunte putte to flighte by the Commons who tooke the Keyes of the gates and manfully defended the Citie vntill the comming of Edwarde Earle of Marche where-throughe King Henrie wyth Quéene Margaret and the Northerne men were forced to return again Northwarde The thirde of Februarie Edwarde Earle of Marche foughte wyth the Welchmen beside Wigmore in Wales neare vnto Mortimers Crosse whose Captaynes were the Earle of Penbroke and the Earle of Wilshire where he put them to flight and slewe of the Welchemen aboute foure thousande Owen Tewther whome Iohn Leylande sayeth shoulde be called Me●●dicke Father to the sayde Earle Penbroke whiche Owen hadde married Katherin mother to King Henrie the sixth was there taken and beheaded and afterward buried in the a Chapel of the Gray Friers Church in Hereforde the day before this battayle about tenne of the clocke before noone were séene thrée Suns in the firmamēt shyning a like cleare which after closed togither all in one The eight and twentith of Februarie Edward Earle of March accompanied with the Erle of Warwicke a mightie power of Marchmen came vp to London where he was ioyfully receyued and on the seconde day of March being Sonday all hys hoste was mustered in Saint Iohns fielde where was redde among the people certaine Articles and pointes that King Henrie had offended in and then it was demanded of them whether the said Henrie were worthy to raigne still and the people cryed nay naye Then was it asked if they would haue the Erle of March to be theyr King and they sayde yea yea then certaine Captaynes were sente to Erle of March elected King the Earle of March at Baynardes Castel and tolde the Erle that the people had chosen him King whereof he thanked God and them and by the aduise of the Archbyshoppe of Canterburie the Byshoppe of Excester and the Earle of Warwicke wyth other hée tooke it vpon hym The Dutches of Yorke mother to Edwarde Earle of Marche fearing the fortune of the worlde sente hyr two yonger sonnes George and Richarde ouer the seas to the Citie of Vtricke in Almaine where they remayned tyll their elder brother had got the Crown Also Phillip Malpas Alderman of London Thomas Citizens of Lōdon fled Vaghan Esquire Maister William Atclife with many other fearing the Quéenes comming to London shypped them in a shippe of Antwerpe purposing to haue sayled thyther but by the way they were taken by a French shippe named the Colmapne and at length delyuered for greate raunsome Edwarde Earle of March being elected as is abouesaid Edvvard Erle of March toke on him the kingdome on the next morrowe went in procession at Paules and offered there and after Te Deum beyng sung he was with gret royaltie conueyed to Westminster and there in the Hall sette in the kings seate with Saint Edwards Scepter in his hand and then asked of the people if they would haue him King and they cryed yea yea Then after certaine homages by hym receyued he was with Procession conuayed into the Abbay there and sette in the Quire as King whyle Te Deum was singing that done he offered at Saint Edwardes Shryne and then returned by water vnto Saint Paules and was there lodged wythin the Bishops Pallaice Thus tooke he possession of the Realme vpon a Tuisday being the fourth of Marche and was proclaymed King of England by the name of Edward the fourthe when King Henrie hadde raigned thirtie yeares eight monthes and odde dayes ⸪ ¶ Edward Earle of March EDvvarde Earle of Marche borne at Roane sonne and heyre to Anno. reg 1 10. Rouse Richarde Duke of Yorke about the age of eightéene yeares began his raigne the fourth day of March by the name of Edward the fourth in the yeare 1460. he was a man of noble courage and greate wit but in his time was muche trouble vnquietnesse in the realme The twelfth of Marche Walter Walker a Grocer that VValter VValker beheaded dwelt in Cheape for words spoken touching King Edwarde was beheaded in Smithfield This Grocer is he whom Maister Hal mistaketh to be Burdet of whom ye shal finde in the xvij yeare of this King The same xij day of Marche in the afternoone
Mastes bound togither with iron bands for to holde them togither for it was an hundred and four and thirtie ●ote of length and cost sixe pound thirtéene shillings foure pence to set it vpright The Banqueting house was couered ●uer with Canuas fastned with ropes and iron as fast as might be deuised And within the sayd house was paynted the Heauens with Starres Sunne Moone and Clowdes with diuers other things made aboue ouer mens heads and ther were great Images of wickers couered and made like great men of diuers strange Nations and diuers reasons were written by them of the Countreys that they were likened to be off and the Armes of those Countreys hanging by them Also there was made as it were many ships vnder sayle and Windmilles going and about the high piller of timber that stoode vpright in the midst was made Stages of Timber for Organs and other instruments to stande on men to play on them and for other Musitions and Pageants to be playde when the King of England and the Emperour should be at their Banquet but in the morning of the same day the winde beganne to rise and at night blew off all the Canuas and all the elements with Banqueting house defaced by tempest the Starres Sunne Moone and Clowdes and the wind blew out aboue a thousand Torches and other lightes of waxe that were prepared to giue light to the Banquet and all the Kings seates that were made with great riches besides all other things were all dashed and lost The same night the King with fiftéene persons more were richly apparelled and in a Maske went to the Emperours lodging and in the Chamber of presence daunced and reuelled and then departed On the twelfth of July the Emperour and the Lady Margaret supped with the King and the Quéene at the Checker where the same night were eyght companyes of Maskers and euery company twelue persons all in Gold Siluer and Ueluet richly apparelled The fourtéenth of July the Emperour departed from Caleis toward Grauelin The eyghtéenth of July the King of Englande with the Quéene departed from Caleis towards Calbais Iohn Skeuington Mer. Taylor Iohn Kyeme the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Bruges Draper the 28. of October King Henry kepte his Christmas at his Manour of Greenewich with much noblenesse and open Court and the tenth day of February in his owne person iusted with all commers In this time Edward Duke of Buckingham was accused Duke of Buckingham accused 1521 of high Treason wherefore the King directed his letters to the sayd Duke béeing at hys Manour of Thornebury in Glocestershire that incontinent he should come to his presence which commandement the Duke obeyed and came vpto Anno reg 13 London where he was streightwayes arrested by Sir Henry Merney Captayne of the Gard and conuayde to the Tower of London on the sixtéenth of Aprill before whiche time the Dukes Chancellour was taken which had confessed matter of high Treason concerning the Kings person There was also attached a Monke of the order of the Carthusians being of Henton Priory and Iohn Delaker the Dukes Confessor all these were prisoners in the Tower Shortly after the Duke was arraigned at Westminster the Duke of Norffolke sitting as chiefe Judge There were brought foorth against him witnesses Sir Gilbert Perke his Chancellour Iohn de la Court his confessor Charles Kneuet Esquire and a Monke Prior of Henton which had diuers times sayde to the Duke that he should be King of England Diuers presumptions were layd to him by Charles Kneuet which he would fayne haue couered but in the ende he was found giltie and had iudgement to be drawne hanged and quartered and on the seauentéenth day of May about eleuen of the clocke the sayd Edward Duke of Duke of Buckingham beheaded Buckingham Earle of Hereford Stafford and Northampton was beheaded on the Tower hill and his body buryed in the Friers Augustines Church such is the ende of ambition the credite of false prophecies and of euill life This Duke had begonne a great and sumptuous building at his Manour of Thornebury but left the same vnfinished He made a faire Parke hard by the same building for the which he tooke in much faire and fruitefull ground Also another Parke at East wood one mile off he enlarged at two times to the compas of sixe miles for the whiche déede and suche like he had many a cursse of the poore tenants Iohn Leyland The seconde daye of August Cardinall Wolsey passed Thomas VVolsey Cardinall vvent Embassador ouer from Douer to Caleis to treate a peace betwixte the French King and the Emperour and returned agayne to Caleis in the latter end of Nouember and from thence tooke his iourney to Blechingly where the King welcomed him and gaue him thankes for his great paynes King Henry wrote a Booke against Luther in Germany King Henry vvrote againste Luther and therefore the Bishop of Rome Leo the tenth named him defender of the faith to which Booke Luther answered very sharply nothing sparing his authoritie or maiestie This yeare was a pestilence in this land especially at Pestilence London and a dearth of Corne for wheate was at London sold for twenty Shillings the quarter Iohn Britaine merchāt Taylor Th. Pargiter the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Milborne Draper the 28. of October This Sir Iohn Milborne builded certayne almes houses adioyning to the Crossed Friers in London wherein he placed thirtéene aged poore people who haue their dwelling ●entfrée and two shillings sixe pence the péece the firste day of euery moneth for euer The sixth of March the French King attached all Englishmens Frenchmen attached goodes at Burdeaux and deteyned the Kings tribute and the French Quéenes dower Also all Frenchmens bodies and goodes were attached at London This yeare betwéene Easter and Michaelmas was made a generall proscription of all the Realme of England● The twentith of May Cardinall Wolsey rode through London to Douer there to méete with the Emperour being 1522 accompanyed with two Earles sixe and thirtie Knightes an hundred Gentlemen eyght Bishops tenne Abbots Anno reg 14. Cardinall VVolsey thirtie Chapleins all in Ueluet Satten and 700. yomen Charles the fifth Emperour came into England and was honourably receyued into London by the Maior Aldermen The Emperour came to London and Commons of the Citie the sixth of June the King accompanying him xj Pageants were made in the Citie and the Crosse in Cheape new gilt From thence he wente to Windsore and sate in the Stall of the Garter After great feastes iustes and honourable entertainement he departed to Hampton and sayled from thence into Spayne During this time the Earle of Surrey Lord Admirall brent Morles in Briteine and then returned not long after he passed ouer to Caleis entred Picardy and brente diuers Townes and Castels He beséeged Hesding but bycause Winter was néere he raysed his séege
at Grenevviche Henrie Norice and other From this Iustes King Henrie sodainely departed to Westminster hauing only with him sixe persons of which sodayne departure many menne maruelled On the nexte morrowe the Lorde Rocheford brother to the Quéene and Henrie Norrice were brought to the Tower of London prisoners Also the same daye aboute fiue of the clocke in the afternoon Quéene Anne Bolleine was brought to the Tower of London by sir Thomas Audley Lord Chancelour the Duke of Norffolke Thomas Cromwell Secretary and sir William Kingston Constable of the Tower and when she came to the Tower gate entring in she fell on hir knées before the saide Lordes beséeching God to helpe hir as shée was not guiltie of that whereof she was accused and then desired the saide Lordes to beséeche the Kings Grace to bée good vnto hir and so they lefte hir there prisoner On the xv of May Quéene Anne was arraigned in the Tower of London on a Scaffold for y ● purpose made in y ● kings Hall before the Duke of Norffolke who sate vnder y e cloth of Estate as high Steward of England with the Lord Chancellour on his right hand the Duke of Suffolke on his left hande with Marquesses and Lords c. and the Earle of Surrey sate before the Duke of Norffolke his father as Earle Marshall of England The Kings commission being redde the Connestable of the Tower the Lieutenant brought the Quéene to the barre where was made a Chaire for hir to sit downe in and there hir inditement was redde whervnto she made so wise and discrete answeres that she séemed fully to cléere hirselfe of all matters layd to hir charge but being tried by hir Péeres wherof the Duke of Suffolke was chiefe she was by them found giltie and had iudgement pronounced by the Duke of Norffolke and immediatly the Lord Rochford the Quéenes brother was likewise arraigned and condemned the Maior of London his bréetherne the Aldermen the Wardens and four persons moe of euery the twelue principall companyes béeing present The xvij of May the Lorde Richford brother to the Quéene Henry Norris Marke Smeton William Brierton and Francis Weston all of the Kings priuie Chamber about matters touching the Quéene were beheaded on the Tower hill the Lord Rochfords body with the head was buryed in the Chappell of the Tower the other four in the Church-yard there On the xix of May Quéene Anne was on a Scaffold made for that purpose vpon the gréene within the Tower of London beheaded with the sword of Caleis by the handes of the hangman of that Towne hir body with the head was buryed in the Quéere of the Chappell in the Tower The xx of May the King marryed Lady Iane daughter King Henry married Lady Iane. to Sir Iohn Seymour Knight which at Whitsontide was openly shewed as Quéene and on Tuesday in the Whitson wéeke Sir Edwarde Seymour was created Uicount Beauchamp and Sir Walter Hungerford made Lorde Hungerford The eyght of June beganne a Parliamente and the Articles of Religion deuised by the King Cleargie held a Conuocation in Paules Churche where after much disputing and debating of matters they published a Booke of Religion entituled Articles deuised by the Kings highnesse On Saint Peters night the King Quéene stoode at the Mercers Hall and saw the watch The xxix of June the King held a great iusting triumph at Westminster where were ordeyned two Lighters made Triumph at VVestminster like Shippes to fight vpō the water one of the which brast in the midst whereby one Gates Gentleman a seruant of Maister Kneuits was drowned in his harneis In the other a Gunne brast hir Chamber maymed two of y e mariners Thomas Cromwell Secretary to the King and Mayster of the Rolles was made Lord Kéeper of the priuie Seale The ix of July the Lord Fitzwaren was created Earle of Bath and y e morrow after Thomas Cromwell was made Lord Cromwell The xviij of July Lord Thomas Cromwell Thomas Cromvvell Lord priuie Seale vicar generall was made Knight and high vicar generall ouer the Spiritualty vnder the King and sate diuers times in the Conuocation among the Bishops as head ouer them The xxij of July Henry Duke of Richmond and Somerset Henry Duke of Richmount Earle of Northampton a Bastard sonne of King Henry borne of the Lady Taileboise that time called Elizabeth Blunt dyed at Saint Iames and was buryed at Thetford in Norffolke This moneth of July Lord Thomas Howarde Lord Thomas Hovvard sent to the Tovver yongest brother to the Duke of Norffolke was sente to the Tower of London for making a priuie contract of Matrimonie with the Lady Margaret Dowglas daughter to y e Quéene of Scottes by the Earle of Anguish and néece to King Henry of England the said Lord Thomas was attaint by Parliament and also the saide Lady Margaret Dowglas was after committed to the Tower for the same In September Thomas Cromwell Lorde priuie Seale and Uizgerent sent out vnder the Kings Spiritual Seale certayne Iniunctions to the Prelates and Cleargie of the Realme charging Curates to preach and to teache their parishners the Pater noster Aue and Creede the Commaundements Pater noster creede and commandements articles of y e faith in English with other articles In the beginning of October at a Sise for the Kings Commotion in Lincolneshire Subsidie kept in Lincolneshire the people made an insurrection and gathered nye twenty thousand persons who tooke certayne Lords and Gentlemen of the Countrey causing them to be sworne to them vpon certayne Articles whiche they had deuised and such as refused to sweare they kepte prisoners and beheaded a Priest who was the Bishop of Lincolnes Chancellour Against those the King did send the Commotion appeased Duke of Suffolke the Earle of Shrewshurie and the Earle of Rutland with a strong power whereof when the Rebelles heard they desired pardon brake vp their armye and departed home but their Captaynes were apprehended and executed The ix of October a Priest and a Butcher were hanged A Priest and a Butcher executed at Windsore for wordes speaking in the behalfe of the Lincolneshiremen y e Butcher wished y e good fellowes as he tearmed them in Lincolneshire to haue the flesh on his stall rather than to sell it at such price as he was offered the Priest standing by likewise wished them to haue it for he said they had néede of it The men of Lincolneshire being pacifyed within sixe dayes Commotion in Yorkeshire after began an insurrection in Yorkeshire for the same causes there people gathered to the number of fortie thousand who tooke the Archbishop of Yorke and the Lord Darcy and caused them to be sworne to their partie Agaynste those Rebelles the Kyng sente the Duke of Norffolke the Duke of Suffolke the Earle of Shrewshurie and the Marquesse of Excester wyth a greate Armye wyth whome a Battayle was appoynted to haue béene
Martin Abboy Stra●ford Abbey Lewis and Abbeys suppressed other were suppressed to the Kings vse The Images of our Lady of Walsingham and Ipswich were brought vp to London with all the Iewels that hung aboute them and diuers other Images both in England and Wales wherevnto any common Pilgrimage was vsed for a●oy●ng of Idolatrie all which were brente at Chelsey by the Lord priuie seale The ix of August Edmond Conisby one of the groomes of the Kings Chamber was executed at Tiborne for counterfeting the Kings Seale manuell The firste of September being Sonday one Gratnell Hangman hanged Hangman of London and two other were hanged at the Wrestling place by Clarken well for robbing a Booth in Bartholmew Faire The second of September Edward Clifford Gentlemā was executed at Tiborne for counter●etting the Kings priuie Signet This moneth of September Thomas Cromwell Lorde priuie Seale Uizgerent to the Kings highnesse sente foorth The Bible in euery Church to be redde iniunctions to all Bishops and Curats through y e Realme charging them to sée that in euery parish Church the Bible of the largest volume printed in English were placed for all men to reade on and that a Booke of Register were also Register booke in euery Church to be kept prouided and kept in euery parish Churche wherein shall be written euery Wedding Christning and Burying within the same parish foreuer Saint Austi●● Abbey at Ca●terbury was suppressed and the Shriue and goodes taken to the Kings it ●easurie as also the Shrine of Thomas Becket in the Priory of Christ Church Thomas Becket ●●ent was likewise taken to the Kings vse and his bones scull and all which was there found with a péece broken out by the wound of his death were all brent in the same Church by the Lord Cromwell The Monkes there were commanded to change their habites c. The xxj of October the Churche of Thomas Becket in London called the Hospitall of Saint Thomas of Akers was suppressed William Wilkinson Nicholas Gibson the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Sir William Forman Haberdasher the 28. of October This Nicholas Gibson Grocer Sheriffe of London builded a frée Schoole at Radcliffe néere vnto London appoynting Free Schoole and Almes houses at Radcliffe to the same for the instruction of thréescore poore mens children a Schoolemayster and Usher with a stipend of tenne pound by the yeare to the Mayster and sixe ● xiij ● iiij ● to the Usher He also builded there certayne Almes houses for fourtéene poore and aged persons who quarterly receiue sixe shillings eyght pence the péece for euer The fifth of Nouember were Henry Marquesse of Excester Earle of Deuonshire and Sir Henry Poole Knight Lord Mo●ntacute and Sir Edward Neuill sent to the Tower who were endited for deuising to maynteyne promote and aduance one Reignald Poole late Deane of Excester enemie to the King beyond the sea and to depriue the King The xvj of Nouember the blacke Friers in London was suppressed the next day the white Friers the grey Friers Friers suppressed and the Monkes of the Charterhouse and so all the other immediatly The xxij of Nouember Iohn Lambert was brente in Lambart brent Smithfield The xxiiij of Nouember the Bishop of Rochester preached at Pawles Crosse and there shewed the bloude of Bloud of Hales shevved at Pavvles Crosse Hales and affirmed the same to be no bloud but Honey clarified and coloured with Saffrone as it had bin euidently proued before the King and his Counsell Also ●●ur● Anabaptistes thrée men and one woman all Dutch bare Anabaptistes ●aggots at Paules Crosse the same day The xxix of Nouember a man and a woman Dutch Anabaptistes were brent in Smithfield The ninth of January were Henry Marquesse of Excester Earle of Deuonshire executed Earle of Deuonshire and the Lord Mountacute and Sir Edward Neuill beheaded on the Tower hill Two Priestes Croftes and Colins and Holand a Mariner were hanged and quartered at Tiborne Sir Geffrey Poole was pardoned On Ashe wednesday were Iohn Ioanes Iohn Potter and Execution in Poules Church-yard William Mannering hanged in Paules Church-yard for killing of Roger Cholmeley Esquier in the same place The third of March Sir Nicholas Carew of Bedington in Sur●ey Knighte of the Garter and mayster of the Kings Horsse was beheaded at the Tower hill for béeing of counsell with Henry Marques of Excester and Henry Poole Lorde Mountacute The ix of March the King created Sir Williā States created Pawlet Knight Treasurer of houshold Lord Saint Iohn and Sir Iohn Russell Comptroller of his houshold Lorde Russell Sir William Parre Lord Parre The new Abbey of white Monkes at the Tower hill and the Minories Nunnes without Aldgate were suppressed ●n the last of March. The xxviij of Aprill beganne a Parliamente in the 1539 which Margaret Countesse of Salisburie Gertrude wife to the Marquesse of Excester Reignold Poole Sir Adrian Anno reg 31 Fortescue and Thomas Dingley Knight of Saint Iohns and diuers other were attaynted and all the Religious houses in England suppressed and not suppressed were graunted to the King for euer The viij of May the Citizens of London mustered at the Great muster a● London Miles end all in bright harneys with coates of white silke ●● cloth and cheynes of gold in thrée great Battayles the number was fiftéene thousand beside wyfflers and other awayters who in goodly order passed through London to Westminster and so through the Sanctuary and round about the Parke of S. Iames and returned home through Holborne No watch at Midsomer Doctor Shakston Bishop of Salisburie and Doctor Latimer Bishop of Worcester resigned their Bishoprickes into the Kings hand the first of July The viij of July Griffith Clearke Uicar of Wandsworth Vickar of VVandsvvorth and other executed with his Chapleine and his seruant and Frier Waire were all four hanged and quartered at Saint Thomas Waterings The tenth of July Sir Adrian Fortescue and Thomas Dingley were beheaded The ninth of September the Nunnery of Clarkenwell Clarkenvvell and other suppressed was suppressed The xij of October the Nunnery of Halywell and forthwith the Priorie of Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke and Saint Barthelmewes in Smithfield were suppressed and al their lands and goodes taken to the Kings vse The seauenth of September deceassed Doctor Stokesley Bishop of London and was buryed in Paules Church Iohn Feire Thomas Huntlow the 28 of September Sherifes Maior Thomas Huntlovv his charitie Sir William Holleys Mercer the 28 of October This Thomas Huntlow Sheriffe gaue to the Haberdashers certayne tenementes for the which they be bound to giue to tenne poore almes people of the same company euery one of them eyght pence euery Friday for euer And also at euery quarter dinner kept by the maisters to be giuen to euery one of those tenne poore people a penny loa●e a pottell of Ale a péece of béefe worth four pence in
execution and therefore to crie away away wherevpon the people ranne some one way some another many fell into the Tower Ditch and they which ●arried thought some pardon had bin brought some sayd it thundered some that the ground moued but there was no such matter The xvij of February on which day was receyued the Bookes of the reliefe of all the wardes of London towardes the new Hospitals by the Kings commissioners the Counsell dined a● Mayster Cowpers the Sheriffe and after dinner Mayster Thomas Curteys Alderman came thither to speake with the Lord Chancellour for a matter he had depending afore him in the Chancerie but for his misde●●●●o●r in words and ●●gnes to the Lord Chancellour at that time the sayde Mayster Curteys was committed to warde in the Fleete The sixe and twentith of February Sir Ralph●a Vane Anno reg 6. Sir Ralpha Vane and other executed and Sir Miles Partridge were hanged on the Tower hill Sir Michaell Stanhope with Sir Thomas Arundell were beheaded there The last of Aprill through negligence of the Gunnepowlder 1552 makers a certayne hou●e néere to the Tower of London with thrée Last of Powlder was blowne vp and House blovvne vp vvith Gunpovvlder brent the Gunpowlder makers being fiftéene in number were all slayne The xvj of May was a goodly muster of Horssemen made before the King in the Parke at Greenewich Under the Kings Banner his band of Pencioners in Muster of Horssemen number 15● euery Pencioner two great Horsses and a Gelding the Lord Bray their Lieuetenaunt The Lord Marques of Winchester high Treasurer vnder his Banner the 〈…〉 one C men The Duke of North●●berlande greate mayster of the Kings honshold vnder the white Lion and the ragged staffe fiftie The Duke of Suffolke vnder the Unicorne in the Starre C. x. The Earle of ●●●for●● Lorde Pri●ie Seale vnder the Goate C. The Marques of Northumpton high Chamberlayne vnder the Mayden head C. The Earle of Warwike mayster of the Kings horses vnder the white Lion fifty The Earle of Huntington vnder his Banner fifty The Earle of Ru●la●d vnder the Peacocke fifty The Earle of Pembroke vnder the gréene Dragon fifty The Lord Darcy vnder the Maydens body fifty The Lord Cobham vnder the Sarizens head fifty The Lord Clinton Lord Admirall vnder y e Anker fifty The Lord W●rden of the fiue Portes vnder the Rose in the Sunne b●●●●es ● The xxvj of July began the preparing of the Grey Friers Grey Fri●●● in London a● Hospi●all● house in London for the poore father ●esse Children and also in the later end of the same moneth began the repayring of Saint Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke for poore impotent and lame persons The i●j of August at Middleton xj miles from Oxford a A Monster woman brought f●●th achild which had two perfect bodyes from the na●ell vpward and were so ioyned togither at the na●ell that when they were layd in length the one head body was Eastward and the other West the legges for both the bodyes grew out at the midst where the bodyes ioyned and had but one issue for the excrements of both bodyes they liued xvi●j dayes and were women children The vi●j of August were taken at Queeneborough i●● great Great Fishes Fishes called Dolphins and the ●éeke following at Blacke Wall were vj. more taken and brought to London the least of them was more than any Hor●●e This moneth of August began the great prouiūon for the poore in London towardes the which euery man was contributorie and gaue certaine money in hand and co●enanted to giue a certayne wéekely The commons of the Citie of London being assembled in Four electione for one Sheriffe their Guild hall on the first of August elected Iohn Grimes Clothworker to be Sheriffe for the yeare following who refused and payd his fine of two hundred pound The vj. of August the commons chose Thomas Clayton Baker who likewise refused and payde his fine The xv of August the commons chose Iohn Browne Mercer who also refused and payde his fine The xix of August the commons chose Iohn Maynard Mercer who tooke the same in good part and serued William Garrard Iohn Maynard the 28. of September Sherifes Great Fishe● taken The seauenth of October were thrée great Fishes called Whirlepooles taken at Grauesend which were drawne vp to the Kings Bridge at Westminster In this moneth of October the King demaunded of the Merchant Aduēturers by way of prest of euery broad cloath then shipped to Bawmes ●art twentie Shillings sterling to A pre●t by the Merchant Aduenturers be payde at Antwarp for certayne dette there and they to haue the Kings band for the repayment thereof which did at that time amount to more than xlviiij thousand pound The xvij of October the Sergeants feast was kept at Sergeants feast Greys Inne by Oldborne Mayster Robert Brooke Recorder of London being the principall of the new Sergeants and sixe more besides him the Lorde Maior and Aldermen béeing bidden to the sayde feast rode from the Lord Maiors house vp Friday stréete through Cheape and out at Newga●e all in their Scarlet Gownes to the said Greys Inne Sir George Barne Habe● dasher the 28. of October Maior This Sir George Barne gaue a Wind●●ill in Fins●●r is Charitable deedes of Sir George Barne Field to the Haberdasher● of London the profites thereof to be distributed to the poore Al●es people of the same company Also to the par●●● Church of S. Barthelmew the little certayne tenements for the which the Parson and Church-wardens be bounde to distribute to the poore people of the same Parish xvi●j pence in bread euery Sonday for euer The first of Nouember being the feast of All Saintes Booke of common Prayer the new Seruise Booke called Of common Prayer begonne in Paules Church and the like through the whole Citie the Bishop of London Doctor Ridley executing the seruice in Paules Church in the fore●●●ne in his Rochet only without Coape or Uestment preached in the Quire and at after n●●ne he preached at Paules Crosse the Lord Maior Aldermen and Craftes in their best Liueries being present which Sermon tending to the setting forth the sayde late made Booke of common Prayer continued till almost fiue of the clocke at night so that the Maior Aldermen and companyes entred not into Paules Church as had bin accustomed but departed home by Torchlight By this Booke of common Prayer all Coapes and Uestments were forbidden through Englande and Prebendes of Paules left off their hoods the Bishops left their Crosses c. as by an Acte of Parliament more at large is set out After the feaste of all Saints the vpper Quéere in Saint Paules Churche in London where the highe A●ltare stoode was broken downe and al the Quéere thereabout and the table of the Cōmunion was set in the lower Quéere where the Priests sing The thrée and twentith of Nouember the children were
from beyond the Seas concerning matters of Religion but the matter came to small effect The seauenth of Aprill was a peace proclaymed betwixt England and France And the like betwéene hir Maiestie and the King and Quéene of Scotland The xix of Aprill was kepte the Serieants feast in the ●●ner Temple and nine Serieants were there made Mai●●er Reignald Chamley Recorder of London being one of y ● ix A Subsidie of ij s̄ viij d. the pound of moueable goods was Subsidy granted granted and the Parliament dissolued the vij of May. The seconde of July the Citizens of London had a muster The Citizens of London mustered at Greenevvich afore the Quéenes Maiestie at Greenewich in the Parke of fourtéene hundred men whereof eyght hundred were Pikemen all in fine Corselets foure hundred Haquebuts in shirtes of mayle with morians and two hundred Halberters in almanriuets which were furnished and set forth by the companyes of the Citie of London they had to euery hundred two wiffelers richly apparelled and twelue wardens of the best companyes riding in coates of blacke Ueluet to conduct them with drommes and fifes and sixe Ensignes all in Jerkins of white Bridges Satten cutte and lined with blacke Sarsenet with cappes hosen and skarfes according the Captayne 's Robert Constable and Mayster Saunders brought them in battayle ray afore the Quéene euen as they should haue fought which made a goodly shewe before hir Maiestie the Emperoures and French Kings Embassadours béeing present In the moneth of July the olde Bishops of England then liuing were called and examined by certayne of y e Quéenes Bishops depriued Maiesties Counsayle where the Bishops of Yorke Ely and London with other to the number of thirtéene or fourtéene for refusing to take the oth touching the Quéenes supremacie and other Articles were depriued from their Bishoprickes And likewise were diuers Deanes Archdeacons Parsons and Uicars depriued from their Benefices and some committed to prison in the Tower Fléete Marshalsea and Kings bench Commissioners were likewise appoynted for the establishing Commissioners of Religion through the whole Realme For London were appoynted Sir Richard Sackuile Knight Doctou● Horne a Diuine Doctour Huicke a Ciuilian and Mayster Saluage who called before them diuers persons of euery parish and sware them to enquire and present vpon certayne iniunctions Iniunctions Also the houses of Religion erected by Quéene Mary Houses suppressed as the Monkes of Westminster Nunnes and bréethre● of Sion and Sheene the blacke Friers in Smithfielde and the Friers of Greenewich were all suppressed On the euen of Saint Barthelmew the daye and the Church ymages burned merrow after c. were burned in Paules Church yarde Cheape and diuers other places of the Citie of London all the Roodes and other Images of Churches in some places the Coapes Uestments Alter clothes Bookes Banners Sepulchers and Roode loftes were burned The fifth of September about midnight fell a greate tempest at London in the ende whereof a great lightning with a terrible clappe of thunder strake the Spire béeing stone of the Stéeple of Alhallowes Churche in Bredstreete Churches in London striken and broken by tempest about a tenne foote beneath the toppe out of the which fell a stone that slew a Dogge and ouerthrew a man playing with the same Dogge and the Spire of the Stéeple was so perished that not long after the same was taken downe with lesse charges to the Parish than the repayring woulde haue cost And at the same instant by the same tempest one of the South dores of Saint Dionise Churche in Fenchurch streete with the dore of the Reuestrie of the same Churche were both stricken thorough and broken The eyght and ninth of September a solemne Obsequie Obsequy for the French King was kepte in Paules Churche at London for Henry the French King departed who dyed of a wound giuen by the County Mountgomerie at a triumph iusting in the Citie of Paris whereof he dyed about the tenth daye of July About the last of September Iohn Duke of Finland seconde Embassadour from Svvethen sonne to Gustabus Kyng of Swethen was sente by hys father to treate a marriage for hys eldest brother Ericus with the Quéenes Maiestie of Englande he arriued at Harwich in Essex and was there honourably receyued enterteyned by y e Earle of Oxford which said Earle the Lord Robert Dudley with a goodly baude of Gentlemen and yeomen conueyed him to London where he was receyued of diuers Knightes and Gentlemen of the Court on the fifth of October and was with his trayne of about the number of fiftie persons well horssed conuayed to the Bishop of Winchesters place in Southwarke where he was lodged during his abode héere and remoued from thence two dayes before Easter homeward and sped on his message as may appeare by that which foloweth takē out of Iohannes Lewenclaij comment de bellis Moscorum Ericus King of Sweden sonne of Gustabus late King of the sayde Kingdome hauing committed to prison his brother Iohn Duke of Finlande whome a little before he had employed into England on an Embassage to the Quéenes Maiestie whome he sued to for marriage and had his sute reiected agayne the second time solicited hir Maiestie in the same suite notwithstanding to his great dishonor and as it fell out his iust disgrace he attempted the same matter with the yongest daughter of Phillip Lantgraue Vanhessen at whose hand hauing the seconde tyme bin reiected of hir Maiestie héere the matter béeyng knowne there he also not onely receyued a denyall but the Lady was by hir Father bestowed vppon Adolfe Duke Van Holst Unckle Iohannes Lewenalaij of Frederike Kyng of Denmarke then enemie of the sayde Erice Thus farre Iohannes Lewenclaij Thomas Lodge Roger Martin the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 2. Sir William Hewet Clothworker the 28. of October About this time many men of warre were conueyed out of France into Scotlande and there placed in Townes and Fortresses as in the Towne of Leeth Dunbarre Inskith and other whereby it was to bée suspected that they would sodeynely inuade thys Realme wherevpon the Quéenes Maiestie sente the Duke of Norffolke towards Duke of Norffolke sent into Scotland Scotland as Generall with an army who remayned at Berwike In the moneth of Aprill the Lord Grey Wilton entred 1560 Scotland with an army of tenne thousand and beséeged the towne of L●th where betwéene the French and the English Lord Grey beseeged Lieth were often skirmishes and many slayne on both sides for few were taken prisoners In May a noble man of France by licence of the Quéenes Maiestie passed through England into Scotland to talke with the Quéene Dowager and the Frenchmen for the appeasing of this matter who at his returne agayne into England obteyned of the Quéenes Maiestie to send Sir William Ciuill Knight hir Maiesties principall Secretary with Mayster Doctour Wootton to treate with the
againe all in bright armour and encountred one another so vanished away iiij honest mē which saw it reporting y e same abrode wer examined therof before sir George Nortō to whom they 〈…〉 that those things they had séene were true as here before is rehersed Moreouer it is credibly told of many honest men that fiue miles from Blonsdon in Wiltshire a crie of houndes was hearde in the ayre the selfe same day that the ●●●ste Earthquake was and the noyse was so great that was ●●de that they séemed three or foure score couple where ●● 〈…〉 ●se ●●ke the●● Greyhoundes thinking some gentlemen had b●n hunting in the chase and thoughte to courte yet so●● of ●●ose that went out of their houses séeing nothing below abrode loked vpwards to the skyes and there espyed in the ayre fiue or sixe houndes perfectlye to be diserned Now sayth mine authour I doubt not but thousands hold this newe● for ●●bles innented for pleasure but I protest before God mā I can beléeue a great deale more stranger matter than this in this straunge worlde for the people so estraunge themselues from God by vsing manye strange fashions clapping on new conditions natures y e except he shew some miracles his godhead would quickly be forgotten on Earth and men would beléeue there wer no other world but this Thus farre Thomas Churchyarde The xiij of June about sixe of the clocke in the mornyng at Shipwesh within Bothel Barony in Northumberland there happened a tempest of lightning thunder after the which of a sodayne came a great shoure of hayle stones amongst y e which wer stones of diuers shapes maruellous to behold The xvij day of June last past in the parishe of Blamsdon in Yorkeshire after a great tempest of lightning and thunder a woman of foure stoure yeares old named Ales Perin was A monstrous childe deliuered of a straunge and hideous Monster whose heade was like vnto a 〈…〉 or heade peece the face like vnto a mans face except 〈…〉 which was founde and small like to the mo●th of a 〈…〉 the ●orepa●t of the bodye lyke vnto a manne hauyng ●ight legges not one like vnto an other and a tayle halfe a yarde long Whiche Monster brought into the world no other newes but an admiration of the deuine workes of God The xxij of Septēber at Fennestanton in Huntingtonshire Child monsterous one Agnes wife to William Linsey was deliuered of an vgly strange Monster which had a face all blacke the necke red the mouth eyes like a Lion ouer the forehead a roule of flesh which might be turned vp with ones finger on the hinder part of the head a lump of fleshe proportioned like a feather and hollow with one eare growing vppon the lowest part of the chéeke the belly big and harde the armes big hauing fiue fingers a thumbe on either hand and in place of toes on the left foote fiue fingers a thumbe on the right foote a thumbe and seauen fingers in the place of the priuities the shape both of male and female c. Ralph Woodcocke Iohn Alat the 28. of September Sheriffes Blasing Starre On the x. of October some sayth on y e seuenth appeared a blasing Star in the South bushing toward the East which was nightlye séene deminishing of his brightnesse vntill the one and twentith of the same moneth The xvij day of October were made 8. Serieante at law Serieants feast to wit first William Fleetewood Recorder of London y e secōd Edward Flowerdew the third Thomas Snagge y e fourth W. Peryam the fifth Robert Halton y e sixth Iohn Clench y e seuēth Iohn Puckering y e eight Thomas Warmesley maister Snag was sicke and therefore had a writ directed to two maisters of the Chauncerie to take his othe and so was sworne in hys Chamber at Greys Iane the other seuen were sworn at Westminster and helde their feast in the new Temple at London The Quéenes Maiestie being informed that in sundrye Proclamation against the family of Loue. places of the realme certain persons secréetly teach damnable heresies contrarie to diuerse principall Articles of our beliefe and Christian fayth who to colour their secte name themselues The family of Loue and then as many as shal be allowed by them to be of that family to be electe and saued and all others of what Church soeuer they be to be reiected and damned And for that vpon conuenting of some of them before the Bishops and ordinaries it is found y ● the ground of their sect is mayntayned by certaine leude Heritical and seditious bookes first made in the Dutche tong and lastlye translated into English and printed beyond the Seas and secretly brought ouer into the Realme the authour wherof they name H. N. c. And considering also it is founde that these sectaries hold opinion that they maye before any Magistrate ecclesiastical or Temporall or any other person not being professed to be of their sect by othe or otherwise denye any thing for their aduātage so as though many of thē are wel knowen to be teachers spreaders abroade of these dāgerous and damnable sects yet by their own cōfession they cannot be condemned Therfore hir Maiestie being very sorie to sée so greate an euill by malice of the Diuell to be brought into this hir realme by hir Bishops and ordinaries she vnderstandeth it very requisite not onely to haue these dāgerous Heretickes sectaries to be seuerely punished but that also all other meanes be vsed by hir Maiesties royall authoritie which is giuē hir of God to defēd Christs Church to roote thē out from further infecting of hir realm she hath thought méete and conueniente and so by hir proclamation commaundeth that all hir officers and ministers Temporall shall in all their seuerall vocations assist the Bishops of hir Realme and all other persons ecclesiastical to searche out all persons duely suspected to be eyther teachers or professors of the foresayde damnable sectes and by all good meanes to procéede senerelye againste them beyng found culpable by order of the lawes eyther ecclesiastical or Temporall and that also searche be made in all places suspected for the bookes and writings mayntayning the sayds Heresies and sectes and them to distroye and būrne c. as more at large appeareth by the sayd proclamation giuen at Richmond the third of October and proclaymed at London on the nintéenth of October Iohn Branche Draper the 28. of October Maior The conclusion Thus good reder I haue colected these my Chronicles of England from the first cōming of Brute into this Islande of whome it toke the name of Brytaine vntill this presente yeare of Christ our soueraigne 1580. and the. 23. yeare of our soueraigne Lady Flizabeth by the grace of God Quéene of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the Faith c. whom I pray God long and many yeares to prosper ouer vs to his glorie
707. at Mortimers crosse Pag. 708. at Towton Pag. 712. at Barnet Pag. 727. at Thewkesburie Pag. 728. at Stoke Pag. 863. at Blackeheath Pag. 870 Battel Abbey buylded Pag. 166 Battell of Gnats Pag. 509 ●arwike wonne by Edwarde the firste Pag. 306. betrayed Pag. 339. deliuered to the Scots Pag. 712. won by the Earle of Warwicke Pag. 715. wonne by the Scottes and recouered again by the Earle of Northumberland Pag. 477. 497 Barbican of London Pag. 373 Bay salt deare Pag. 1180 Bedford towne Pag. 105. Pag. 114. besieged Pag. 189 Bedforde Castle besieged Pag. 259 Benet a Mōke brought glasing into this land Pag. 111 Beda famous Pag. 111 Bewly builte Pag. 251 Beaufleete in Essex Pag. 125 Beuerley brent Pag. 215 Beranbridge Pag. 114 Bewmarise Castel builded Pag. 307 Beggers murdered Pag. 310 Biefe and Mutton first sold by weighte Page 999 Berking in Essex founded Pag. 100 Belins gate in London Pag. 27 Belinus and Brennus king Pag. 24 Beston Castel builded Pag. 254 Bermonsey founded Pag. 165 Bensinto● Pag. 114 Bishoprickes in England Pag. 2 Bishoprickes in Wales Pag. 11 Bishoppe of Excester drawne out of hys Church Pag. 279 Bishop of Chichester murdered Pag. 651 Bishop of Salisburie murdered Pag. 664 Bishop of Durham murdered Pag. 164 Bishop of Ely put to his shiftes Pag. 222 Bishops gate of London builded Pag. 746 Bishop of Rochester beheaded Pag. 1004 Bishops depriued Pag. 1112 Bishoppe of Winchester sent to the Tower Pag. 1039. depriued Pag. 1048 Bishops restored other displaced Pag. 1067 Bible commaunded to be had in euerye Church in Englishe Pag. 1013 Bilney burned Pag. 978 Bladud king Pag. 22 Blasing starres Pag. 116. Pag. 179. blasing star Pag. 179 285. 297. 636. 550. 3679. 1100. Blacke Heath fielde Pag. 688 870 Blacke Friers in Holborne Pag. 273 in London Pag. 298 Blanke charters burned Pag. 546 Blasing starre Pag. 182 Bledgabredus king Pag. 31 Blewbeard hanged Pag. 651 Bloude rayned Pag. 23. Pag. 117. Pag. 211. sprang out of the Earth Pag. 174. bloud of Hales Pag. 1014 Boniface his Epistle to Ethelbald Pag. 102 Bones of men monstrous Pag. 167 Bones of Arthur found Pag. 221 Bosten spoyled and brent Pag. 302 Bow Church suspended Pag. 302 Bow steeple builded Pag. 897 Booke written against Luther by King Henrie the eight Pag. 930 Booke of Common prayer set forthe Page 1054 Bokeland Pag. 297 Boloigne yeelded to the French Pag. 1046 Bonars heade broken Pag. 271 Bridge at London Pag. 3 Brute arriued in Brytaine Pag. 17 Brutaine so named of Brute Pag. 17 Brutaine deuided into three Pag. 18 Brother slue brother Pag. 24 Brytaine tributarie to the Brutaines Pag. 34 Brytaines barbarous Pag. 34 Brasen Image of Cadwaline cast downe Page 118 Brakenburie Conestable of the Tower Page 826 Bridge of London new made Pag. 204 Bridge of stone begun at London Pag. 211 finished Pag. 238 Bridge at Stratford vpon Auen Pag. 865 Bridges borne downe Pag. 299 Brimsburie with the bridge builded Page 130 Bristow Castel built Pag. 181. besieged Pag. 189 Brytains house in Holland Pag. 37 Brytains bodyes painted Pag. 59 Brentford Pag. 137 Bretan receyued the Faith Pag. 55 Bruite Greneshilde King Pag. 20 Bradford brent Pag. 1097 Bridwel giuen to the Citie of London Page 1057 Browne hanged in Smithfield Pag. 1168 Bursse begun in Cornehill Pag. 1129 Burton vpon Trent Pag. 135 Burgondie inuaded by the Englishe Page 457 Boundwica a woman of Britaine Pag. 40. 41. 42. 43. Britains had all things common Pag. 41 Bury Abbey spoyled and brent Pag. 353 Burial forbidden to W. Conqueror Pag. 167 Buckingham Castel builded Pag. 129 Bul hanged on the Bishops of Londons gate Pag. 1146 Burdet beheaded Pag. 747 Buriall of King Edward the sixth Pag. 1067 P. Burchet wounded Maister Hawkins Pag. 1175. founde an Hereticke ibid. kylleth his keeper Pag. 1176. hanged ibid. C. CArliele builded Pag. 21 Caratacus Pag. 38 Caligula his expedition into Britain Pag. 36 Caius Pag. 65 Canterburie builded Pag. 21. Castell buylded Pag. 34 Canterburie defaced by fire Pag. 270 Canterburie prouince deuided into Parishes Pag. 92 Canterburie brent Pag. 209 Canterburie ouerflowed by breaking out of bornes Pag. 294 Caporus King Pag. 31 Cassibelanus King Pag. 34 Cambridge builded Pag. 29 Cairleon vpon Vske builded Pag. 27 Capenus King Pag. 31 Carausius vsurped Britaine Pag. 65 Careticus King Pag. 88 Cadwalin King Pag. 88 Cadwalader King Pag. 89 Cadwine king Pag. 88 Catellus King hung vp oppressors Pag. 3● Castels at Notingham Yorke and Lincolne builded Pag. 161 Cardife Castle builded Pag. 181 Carliele repayred and the Castell builded Pag. 172 Carlile a Bishops Sea Pag. 185 Canutus the Dane King of England Pag. 139 King of foure kingdomes Pag. 140 Cardinals robbed Pag. 337 Cambridge sore perished by fire Pag. 306 Cane in Normandy spoiled by E. Pag. 3. 394 Carliele consumed by fire Pag. 303 Caleice besieged by E. Pag. 3. Pag. 398. described and builded Pag. 400. yeelded Pag. 402 Caleice like to haue bene betrayed Pag. 410 Caleice besieged by the Duke of B. Pag. 639 Caleice lost by the Englishmen Pag. 1106 Castle at Ethelingey builded Pag. 123. Monasterie builded Pag. 127 Carcason in Fraūce burned by the English Pag. 438 Caple Alderman of London Pag. 868 Cardinal Wolsey the storie of his life vprising described Pag. 904 Cardinal Campeius came into Eng. Pag. 923 Cardinal Poole came into Englād Pag. 1093 Castel at Tourney built Pag. 922 Catte hanged in Cheape Pag. 1090 Cecilius King Pag. 28 Caesar Iulius his first voyage into Brytain Pag. 31. his second third voyage Pag. 32. subdued Brytaine Pag. 33. slaine Pag. 34. London yeelded to Caesar Pag. 33 Cerdike first King of the West Saxōs Pag. 113 Cerdikes Shore Pag. 113 Cerdikes Forde Pag. 113 Chester a Citie Pag. 21 Chesse a game deuised Pag. 23 Chartsey in Surrey founded Pag. 100 Chartley Castle builded Pag. 254 Christians first in Brytaine Pag. 5● Chester repayred Pag. 129 Churchyardes appointed to Bury Pag. 117 Chastitie before beautie to be preferred Page 121 Charing Crosse Pag. 305 Children were eaten of their parentes Page 336 Chichester brent Pag. 182 Christes Church in London foūded Pag. 180 Children of King Henrie drowned Pag. 183 Chester Abbey Pag. 172 Christ was borne Pag. 35 Children of Englishmen solde in common markets Pag. 107 Chipenham Pag. 121 Chichester builded Pag. 34. 94 Chipingham in Wilshire Pag. 123 Chichester brent Pag. 214 Chrisanthus deputie in Brytaine Pag. 77 Chirinus King Pag. 30 Chester repayred Pag. 54 Christ counterfaite Pag. 255 Charterhouse of London founded Pag. 406 Chicheley his testament Pag. 612 Church seruice altered Pag. 587 Chest in the Guild Hal of London Pag. 464 Chappell at Westminster for Henrie the seauenth Pag. 875 Christ Church suppressed Pag. 908 Charterhouse Monkes executed Pag. 1003. 1004. Charitable deeds of sir Iohn Allen. Pag. 1005 Charitie of Thomas Huntlowe Pag. 1016 Churches pulled downe Pag. 1038 Churche of Sainte Iohn by Smithfielde blowne vp Pag. 1040 Charnel house of Paules conuerted to dwellings
the same Hospital but bycause suche agréementes coulde not be concluded vpon as he reasonablye required hys contribution that waye ceased sore against his wil as manifestly appeareth by his charitable giftes to the saide Hospitall somtyme ten pound at once to buy bedding with Item to the Company of Clothworkers in London four pounds the yere for euer Also more to the same Clothworkers he hathe gyuen hys owne dwelling house wyth other landes and tenements to the value of thyrtie pounde the yeare to the intente they shall hyre a Minister to saye diuine seruice euerye Sundaye Wednesdaye and Friday and that foure Sermons euerye yeare after hys deceasse be preached in the Chappell or Churche to the saide house béelongyng called Saint Iames in the Wall by Criplegate and also to gyue to twelue poore men yearly on the fyrste of October to euerye one a gowne of good Frize readye made a shyrte of good Locoram and a paire of strong shoes and twelue poore women twelue Gownes of the like Fréese twelue smockes and twelue paire of shoes for euer Item he hath erected a Fréeschoole sixe Almes houses Freeschole and Almes houses at Sutton in Kent adioyning at Sutton Valence in Kent where he was borne and hathe appointed for the Maister twentie pounde and y e Usher ten pound yerely for euer and to the sixe almes houses tenne pounde yearelye wyth an Orcharde and Gardens Item towarde the maintainaunce of a Frée-schoole at Maidstone in Kent tenn● pounde yearelye after hys deceasse Item to sette poore Clothiers aworke in the Countie of Suffolke one hundred pounde in ready money Item to the Townes of Ludlow and Bridgenorth to eche of them one hundred pounde in ready money to sette poore men on worke In the moneth of Aprill the decayed stone house called Tovver on Lōdon bridge taken dovvne the Tower vppon London bridge was begonne to be taken downe and the heades of Traytors being remoued thence were sette on the Gate at the Bridge foote towarde Southwarke The seauentéenth of May Richard Robinson Goldsmith Robinson hāged was drawen from the Tower of London to Tyborne and there hanged for clipping of Golde The one and thyrtith of May Martin Frobisher with one Seconde voyage to Cataya ship and two Barks furnished for that purpose sayled from Harwiche in Essex towards Cataya by the Northweast Seas and entred his straites beyond Quéene Elizabeths Forlande aboute thyrtie leagues where he went on shore and fyndyng store of Golde Ore fraught his Shippe and Barke caught a man woman and childe of that Countrie then on the four and twentith of August returning from thence arryued at M●forde Hauen in Wales on the twentith of September next following The twentith of June William Lumley a poore man in Necessity of the poore relieued the parishe of Elmeley in the Countie of Worcester being kept in prison by a wealthie Widow he hauing a Mare of xxij yeres olde with foale within thrée dayes after hys Mare did foale a Mare colte the which immediatly had an Udder out of the which was milked that same day a pinte of Milke and euery day after gaue aboue thrée Pintes to the great sustentation of the said pore mans wife and chyldren the which Colte continued in that sorte long time after as hathe bin séene of many thousandes The 4. 5. and 6. dayes of July was the Assises holden at Strange sicknes at Oxforde Oxforde where were arraigned and condemned one Rowlande Ienkes for his seditious tongue at whych time there arose amidst the people such a dampe that almost all were smothered very few escaped that were not taken at that instant the Jurors dyed presently Shortely after dyed sir Robert Bel Lorde chiefe Baron sir Robert de Olie sir William Babington Maister Weneman Maister de Olie high Sheriffe Maister Dauers Maister Harcurt Maister Kirle Maister Pheteplace Maister Greenewoode Maister Foster Maister Nashe Sergeant Baram Maister Steuens c. there died in Oxforde 300. persons and sickned there but dyed in other places 200. and odde from the 6. of July to the 12. of August after which day dyed not one of that sicknesse for one of thē infected not another nor any one womā or child died therof On Sunday the 4. of August betwéen y e houres of 9. 10. Tempest in Norffolke of the clocke in the forenoone whilest the Minister was reading of the second lesson in the parish Church of Bliborough a towne in Suffolke a strange and terrible tempest of lightning and thunder strake through the wal of the same churche into the ground almost a yarde déepe draue down al the people on that side aboue xx persons then renting the wal vp to the Reuestrie cleft y e dore returning to the Stéeple rent the Timber brake the Chimes and fled towarde Bongey 6. miles off The people that were stricken downe were found groueling more than halfe an houre after whereof a man more than xl yeres a boy of xv yeres old were found starke dead the other were scorched The like flashe of lightning and crackes of thunder rent the parish Church of Bongey 9. miles from Norwich wroong in sunder the wyers and whéeles of the clocke slewe two men which sate in the Belfrey when other were at Procession and scorched an other whiche hardly escaped The Tower vpon London bridge being taken downe The tovver on London bridge nevve builded a new foundation drawen sir Iohn Langley Lord Maior of the Citie of London laid the first stone the xxviij of Auguste in presence of the sheriffes of London and the two Bridge Maisters Thomas Battes and Robert Aske Nicholas Backhouse Frauncis Bowyer the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Sir Thomas Ramsey Grocer the 28. of October The ninetéenth of Nouember the newe Sergeantes at Anno reg 20 Sergeants feaste the Lawe seauen in number helde their feaste in the Temple at London The thyrtith of Nouember Cuthbert Maine was drawen Cutbert Maine executed hanged and quartered at Lawnceston in Cornewall for preferring Romaine power The seauentéenth of Januarye one Simon Pembrooke Example of Sorcerers dwelling in Saint Georges parishe in Southwarke beyng vehementlye suspected to be a Coniurer by commaundement of the ordinarie Judge for those partes appeared in the parish Churche of Saint Sauiour at a Courte holden there whyche Simon béeing busied in entertainyng a Proctor and hauyng money in his hande leaned hys head vppon a Pewe wherein the Proctor stoode whyche after he had done a certaine space the Proctor beganne to lifte vppe hys heade to sée what hée ayled and found him departing out of lyfe and straightway the saide Simon fel downe ratling a little in the throate and neuer spake worde after this was done euen as the Judge came into the Churche who said it was the iust iudgement of God towardes those that vsed Sorcerie and a greate example to admonish other to feare the iustice of God After his clothes being opened
there were foūd aboute hym fiue diuelishe Bookes of Coniuration and most abhominable practises with a picture of Tinne of a manne hauyng thrée Dice in hys hande with this writing Chaunce Dice fortunately and dyuers papers of suche like matters as he had dealt in for men such as are mentioned in Leuiticus the twentith Chapter and sixth verse If any soule turne himselfe after suche as worke with spirites and after soothsayers to goe a whoring after them sayth the Lorde I wil put my face againste that soule and will cutte him off from among my people The third of February early in the morning Iohn Nelson Nelson executed for denying the Quéenes Supremacie and such other trayterous wordes againste hir Maiestie was drawen from Newgate to Tyborne and there hanged bowelled and quartred The seauenth of February one named Sherewood was Sherevvood executed drawen from the Tower of London to Tyborne and there haged bowelled and quartered for the like treason The ninth of Marche seauen Pyrates were hanged at Pirats hanged Wapping The fiftéenth of February Iohn de Ley a Frenchman fiue Englishe Gentlemen were conueyed from the Tower of London towarde Norwiche there to be araigned and executed for coyning of money counterfaite The tenth of March deceassed the Lady Margaret Countesse 1578 of Leunex and was buryed at Westminster the thyrde of Aprill The one and thyrtith of Maye Martin Frobisher wyth Frobishers third voyage fiftéene saile of good Shippes manned victualled and other wayes wel appoynted departed from Harwich in Essex on hys thyrde voyage towardes Cataya The one and thyrtith of July after many attempts and sundrye times being putte backe by Ilandes of Ice in hys straights he recouered his long wished Porte and came to Ancker in the Ilandes newly by hir Maiestie named Meta Incognita where as in the yeare before they fraughte theyr shippes with Golde Ore oute of the Mines and then on the laste of Auguste returning thence arriued safely in England about the firste of October George Bond Thomas Starkie the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 21 Cassimere receyued Sir Richarde Pipe Draper the 28. of October The two and twentith of Januarie about seauen of the clocke at night Iohn Cassimere Counte Palatine of Rhene Duke of Bauare landing at the Tower of London was there by diuers Noblemen and others honorably receiued and conueyed by Cresset light and Torche lighte to sir Thomas Greshams house in Bishops gate stréete where he was feasted and lodged till Sunday nexte that he was by the Nobilitie fetched to the Courte at Westminster and after lodged in Somerset house On the eight of Februarie he was made Knight of the Garter and on the fouretéenth of Februarie departed from London homewardes with greate rewardes giuen by the Quéenes Maiestie the Nobilitie men of honor the Maior of London and the Citizens The fourth of Februarie and in the night following fel Deepe Snovve such abundance of Snowe that on the fifth in the morning the same was founde at London to lye two foote déepe in the shallowest and otherwise being driuen by the winde very boysterous in the Northeast on Bankes an ell or yard and halfe déepe in the whiche drifts of Snow in the Countries manye cattell and some men and women were ouerwhelmed and loste it snowed till the eight daye and fréezed till the tenth Then followed a thawe wyth continuall raine a long time after whyche caused suche high flouds that the Greate lande vvater floudes Marshes and lowe groundes being drowned for the tyme y ● water rose so high in Westminster hall that after the fall therof some fishes were founde there to remaine The seauentéenth of Februarie a yong man was hanged One hanged at Miles end in chaines on the miles end by London for murdering of a man in a Garden of Spep●n heath parishe The twentith of February deceassed sir Nicholas Bacon Lorde Keeper deceassed Lorde kéeper of the greate Seale of Englande who was honorably buried vnder a sumptuous Monument or Tombe by him in his life time erected in Paules Churche of London the ix of March He also in his life time gaue for sixe Scholers to be founde in Benet Colledge at Cambridge to eache of them thrée pounde sixe shillings and eight pence the yeare for euer The foure and twentith of Aprill fell such a snowe betwixt 1579 the houres of foure of the clocke in the morning and nine of the clocke before noone that at London some was foūd to lye almost one foote déepe The fiue and twentith of Aprill sir Thomas Bromley Knight was made Lorde Chauncelor of Englande Mathew Hamont of Hetherset by his trade a Plough Wright thrée myles from Norwiche was conuented before An Heretike brent at Norvviche the Byshop of Norwiche for that he denyed Christe ●●t the time of hys appearaunce it was obiected that he had published these Heresies followyng That the newe Testament and Gospell of Christe are but mere foolishnesse a storie of menne or rathera mere fable Item that man is restored to grace by the méere mercy of God wythout the meane of Christs bloud death and passion Item that Christe is not God nor the Sauiour of the world but a méere man a sinfull man and an abhominable Idoll Item that al they that worshippe him are abhominable Idolaters And that Christe didde not rise agayne from death to life by the power of his Godhead neither that hée did ascende into Heauen Item that the holy Ghoste is not God neither that there is any suche holy Ghoste Item that Baptisme is not necessarie in the Churche of God neither the vse of the sacrament of the body bloude of Christ For the whyche heresies he was condemned in the Consistorie and sentence was read againste him by the Bishop of Norwich the fouretéenth of Aprill and therevppon deliuered to the Sheriffes of Norwich and bycause he spake wordes of blasphemie against the Quéenes Maiestie and others of hir Counsell he was by the Recorder Maister Sergeant Windham and the Maior sir Robert Wood of Norwich condemned to lose bothe hys eares whyche were cutte off the thyrtéenth of Maye in the market place of Norwiche And afterwardes the twentith of Maye he was brent in the Castell ditche of Norwiche This yere in the moneth of May Marke Scaliot Blacke A locke kāy vveyghed but one vvheate corne smith Citizen of London borne in the parish of Saint Clements wythoute Temple Barre for ●yall of Workemanshippe made one hanging Locke of Yron Stéele and Brasse of eleauen seuerall péeces a pipe Kay fyled thrée square wyth a Potte vpon the shotte and the bowe wyth two Esses all cleane wrought whyche weighed but one Graine of Gold or Wheat corne he also at the same time made a Chaine of Golde of 43. Linckes to the whyche Chaine the Locke and Kay being fastened and put aboute a Flyes necke she drew the same with ease all whyche