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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11429 A briefe collection of the church, and of certayne ceremonies thereof gathered by Thomas Sampson Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1581 (1581) STC 21682; ESTC S112207 24,396 80

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A BRIEFE collection of the Church and of certayne Ceremonies thereof gathered by Thomas Sampson LONDON Printed by H. Middleton for George Bishop ANNO 1581. TO THE RIGHT worshipful Master Francis Hastinges Sheriffe of Leicestershire IN the French historie which you did leaue with mee I did find the whole historie of the Colloquie had at Poissie much more largely written in French than euer I did see it in Latine At this Colloquie the Cardinal of Loraine being the chiefe and capitaine on the part of the Papists made an oratiō more glorious in shew thā sound in trueth The which to doe hee had both the aduise and prompting of the papistes assēbled vnder him as of that subtill Sorbonist Despense of that little furie Xaintes with their mates Thus being vnderpropped this Cardinall made an oration touching two pointes The one was of the Church the other of the Sacrament which with thē is called the Sacrament of the Altar This later point by him handled after his sort did so please our Papistes that some of them did both translate and publishe it in English being as it were taken hott out of the Cardinalls mouth The seconde part touching the Church he handled like a Cardinall painting Rome so cunningly as he coulde vnderpropping it with the holow and rotten postes of Visibilitie of personall succession and ordinarie calling as they call it and such like stuffe And therewith did he driue with might and maine to deface the true Church of Christe into which it hath pleased God to call vs to whome he hath giuen grace to professe his holy gospell Our Church hee woulde deface because wee haue not those rotten pillers of visibilitie personall succession and ordinarie calling in such sorte as he claimeth them for Rome I founde in your booke a verie short but a pithie answere made to this latter part of the Cardinalls oration touching the Church the which because I had not read it before did easily holde me in it I liked it well and so I thinke will you I haue not the skill to be a perfect translator out of the French tongue neither doe I take vppon me so to do But yet I haue truely set downe in English the whole matter conteined in the answere That little which I haue added to that which is in the French is not from the purpose I trust This I giue to you now as I did before A briefe confession of the christian faith which I founde in that booke And one thing more by the grace of God I intend to giue hereafter if I may see the other volumes accordinge to your promise This little scrappe taken out of the large French booke I sende to you not that you neede it for you doe vnderstand the French tongue much better than I but I giue it to you to the ende that it may remaine with you as a testimonie of my dutie of thankefulnesse to you for your great good will alwayes borne towards me that by these Englished scraps you may be prouoked at your leasure to reade the whole booke your selfe and in the meane time you may communicate in Englishe some part of that good which is in the French booke to such as you thinke good Accept my poore labour in good part I pray you I shall indeuour to doe more God of his goodnes ayding me to whose goodnes and direction I doe commende you Yours in Christ T. S. A BRIEFE COLlection of the Church Gathered by T.S. THE name of the church is in greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whiche worde is also taken out of an other Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to call a man from one place or state of life to another And we doe finde in the holy scriptures that there are two kinds of calling The one is ioyned with the efficacie power and worke of the holy ghost Of which kinde of calling the Apostle doth speake in the Epistle to the Romans where he saith that God doth iustifie them whom he hath called Rom. 8. The other calling is of lesse force efficacie because men are deafe and dul such as wil not heare nor vnderstande Of this kinde of calling doth the Lorde Iesus spake saying Manie are called but few are chosen This name Church Matt. 20. therefore in the cause which we haue in hande doth signifie the companie of them which are called and gathered together by the voice of God who doth by his owne word call them In the which company we do see two sorts of men For taking the word Church generally to comprehende all them which are called and doe make an outwarde profession to obey the voyce of God wherby they are called doubtles among them many hypocrites are to be founde and reprobates as both the holy scripture speaketh of the Church and experience doth declare to be true But if you will take this worde Church more properly and straitly as oftentime it is to be taken then wee must say that it signifieth only the assembly of the elect of God and of those his children whom God hath predestinate to life euerlasting This church is called and is the body of Christ members of his bodie bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh In which number the reprobate cannot be conteyned For they are the members of the diuel It is vnpossible for one to be a member of Christ and a member of the diuel at one time as Augustine well noteth Lib. 2. cont Cresc ca. 21. This distinction of the name of the church the same father vseth writing vppon the threescore and fourth Psalme when he sayeth that the Church which is signified by Hierusalem had the beginning in Abel and that which is signified by Babylon did begin in Cain And yet in his booke written of baptisme against the Donatistes Lib. 1. ca. 16. taking this word Church in the more general significatiō he sayeth that it is it which engendred Abel Enoch Noah Abraham the Prophets also that it engendred Cain Ismael Dathan and such other like to them To conclude this matter let vs take that which Augustine writeth in that same treatise Lib. 7. ca. 19. that other place which is taken out of Hierome and is cited in the decrees 24. Q. 1. Omnibus consideratis where it is said that there are two sortes or manners of men in the Church One sort are the members of Christ and the verie true Church and are in such sort of the house of God that they are the house of god it selfe whereby it may be gathered that the other sort are in the house of God but are not of it at all They are as chaffe mingled with the Wheate vntill they be fanned out of it Hereof nowe will arise this question Visibilitie of the Church that is whether the church be visible or not Truely God alone doth know thē which are his electe and we do professe that we doe beleeue
chosen So were the Deacons chosen And hereto do those rules serue which S. Paul doth giue in his Epistles writē to Timothie and to Titus touching the admission of church ministers You see nowe what the ordinarie calling is out of which we may easily gather what the extraordinary calling or vocation is which hauing an authoritie from God is lawfull notwithstanding that one or two pointes appertayning to an ordinarie calling bee wanting in it The Lord hath oftentimes vsed the seruice of men called to the ministerie of the word by such an extraordinary calling as appeareth by the holy scriptures Moses had no ordinarie calling by men Iirmiah Ionas had none Daniel Amos and diuerse other of the Prophetes had no ordinarie calling by men and yet the Lord God called these men such like to the ministerie of the word whē they which kept the place of the ordinary calling did abuse the same Thē I say then God vsed to lay to his hand extraordinarily to the worke which they that had their ordinarie calling did not onely neglecte but bring into ruine Thus the Lord god himself did and yet he did not bring any disorder or confusion into his house by this meane But thus did he to correct and reforme that confusiō disorder which was brought into his house by them which vnder the colour of ordinarie succession did ouerthrowe all good order peruerted it This doth the writings of the prophets witnes in which the priests are chiefely reproued If you will say that the men whome the Lorde did thus call extraordinarily had yet some outwarde miraculous testimonie of this their heauenly calling It is so in deed of some but it was not so in all I doe not finde that many of the Prophets did come of the race of Aaron nor that the ordinarie imposition of handes was layde vppon them Nor that they testified their vocation and calling by working straung signes and miracles If you will say that these prophetes teachers which had this extraordinarie calling did content themselues with that part of the church office which is to teach and to reprooue but they did not meddle with the sacrifices This is not altogether true For Samuel who was not of the stock of Aaron 1. Sam. 7. did sacrifice in Mizpah as it is written And Eliah beeing a Galaadite did sacrifice in Carmel 1. Reg. 18. Again it is no maruel if the prophets of that time did not extende their commission of their extraordinary calling to circumcise and sacrifice for that was the charge and priuiledge then expressely committed to the stock of Leui for that time Thus you heare what is the church and what bee the markes thereof and what is to bee thought of the vocation or calling of the Pastors and teachers of the church And thus doe wee at this present approue our christian church the ministers thereof by the rule of Gods word Tom. 4. fol. 160. And in this behalfe doth that make for vs which Augustine writeth in his booke of 65. questions and in the last question where he teacheth that wee shall knowe that he is sent of God who is not chosen by the flatterie of a fewe men but he whō life good manners and the doing of the Apostolike Priests do commend who seeketh not to be aloft but to be profitable to others Of the authoritie of the church Nowe let vs come to the authoritie of the church and speake a little thereof It doth appeare by that which is said before that wee do not take away any thing of those high and glorious titles whiche the holy ghost doeth giue vnto it We say that it is the body of Christ but so that part thereof is yet in pilgrimage looking for the full inioying of the heade Iesus Christ This is the house of God which hee doth dayly builde so that it groweth stil more and more It is gouerned by the spirit of God stil fighting against the fleshe It is purified but so that it is by little and little brought towards that perfection of beauty in which is neither blemish nor I pot It knoweth God truely but yet in part In which kinde of speaches I doe vse the very wordes of the holy scripture Out of this Church is no saluation For life and saluation is no where else but in Christ Iesus alone and onely neither doeth the Lorde Iesus powre foorth his quickning power grace but onely vpon his owne members The vnion and assembling of them together in their head Iesus is called and is the true church of Christ If you aske me whether this church being in this worlde can erre and whether it be in authority aboue the holy scripture or else it be subiecte to the holy word of God Howe the Church may erre To the first I answere that it is out of doubt that the members of the church counting each one by himselfe in particular may erre And that there are of them which do erre in doctrine maners of life For they knowe but in part 1. Cor. 13. as S. Paul saith And Iohn saith 1. Iohn 1. If we do say that we haue no sinne we do deceiue our selues And in this number we may and do recken the olde doctors For many faultes are to be founde in them and therefore they are not to be receiued in al things without exception Thus doe we thinke of the members of the church in particular whose imperfections doe not so prevaile but that of them knitte together in trueth is made a true church For they do by little and little growe and goe forwarde in the knowledge of God and of his trueth and holinesse of life But if wee will consider the partes of the Church more generally as it is diuided into diuerse Diocesses and Prouinces we say playnely that it may erre Card. Lotha It is also confessed by one of the chiefe capitaines standing for the Pope his Lorde that particular churches and prouinciall Synodes may erre and haue oftentimes erred Which thing long experience hath prooued true Let vs then consider the church in the vniuersalitie thereof which is as some say considered in that it is in a generall councell represented There is no cause why we shoulde thinke that all the power and giftes which the holy ghost doeth bestowe vpon the vniuersall church shoulde be restrayned to a certaine number of prelates gathered together in a generall councell which are not alwayes the best learned nor the best men which are in the whole chuch although they doe there represent the whole multitude of them which did sende them thither For it falleth out often times that a simple man shal be founde to haue better vnderstanding than the greatest man in the whole assembly Panormitan Which caused one famous Canonist to write vppon the chapter Significasti tit de Electionibus that sometime more credite is to be giuen to one priuate man beeing a
the substantiall pointes of trueth touching our saluation shall alwayes be buryed in the whole church but the Lord will haue alwayes some number in it sometime litle sometime great which shal vnderstand that which they ought to vnderstande and follow that which they ought to followe So did it come to passe in the time of the Prophet Eliah in Israel and in the captiuitie of Babylon and also in the time of the comming of our sauiour Christ For euen then was founde a number though but a litle number of them whose hearts were touched with the knowledge and taste of trueth as Zacharie Elizabeth Iohn the Baptist Ioseph the virgin Marie Simeon Anna. These did knowe and had the right and sure vnderstanding of the certein fulfilling of the prophecies of the comming of the promised Sauiour And yet they liued in the midst of the corruptiōs of the Scribes Pharisees Sadduces priestes Such interruptions of open professing the trueth happen in the church of God proceeding of the iniquitie of men as a thick mist which after vanisheth away by the heat of the Sunne of the doctrine I meane of the worde of God when it pleaseth God according to his secrete ordinance iudgement wisedome to suffer the same Sunne of his worde to shine foorth with power maiestie then trueth is seen embraced professed of the elect children of God Thinke you now that we will or that we doe reiect al the old Councels Nay verily but this I say that if all the rules giuen in the eldest best of them were put in execution at this daye they woulde make a greater change in the popish or Romish church called catholike than they would or could doe in the church which is nowe reformed by the gospell of Iesus But let the holy word of God be the touchestone to trye examine all that is sayde or done in the church and then it will be easily seene where the true church is Count not this a straunge thing that I require For it is an olde saying receiued before our times of the most catholike doctors Augustine writing to Maximinus the Arrian Li. 2. ca. 14 Is there any generall Councell more allowed or approued than that first Councell which was holden at Nice I trowe not sayeth he And what is that Councell which was holden at Ariminum It was a Councell reiected condemned for good cause Augustine there handleth a principall point of our Christian faith that is the diuinitie of Christ our Lord Sauiour And yet Augustine saith that for his part he wil not be boūd to the Nicene councell neither wil he haue the Ariā bound to the Councell holden at Ariminum but he wil haue the matter tried by the holy scriptures which are the meetest witnesses for both partes It may be that these Romish mē which doe runne away from the scriptures will say that there is great darknesse in the holy scripture I answere that it is most true which saint Paul saith that the naturall man perceiueth not the thinges of the spirite of God 2. Cor. 2. It is true also that saint Peter sayth 2. Pet. 1. that no prophecie in the scripture is of any priuate interpretation But yet this obscuritie is not so great but that the scriptures can expound them selues And therfore doeth our Lord and chiefe master Iesus send vs to the scriptures to nothing else but to the scriptures Search you the scriptures sayth he Ioan. 5. Luc. 16. Abraham beeing required by the damned rich man to sende some one frō the dead to admonish his brethren which yet liued in his old house answered thus They haue sayth Abraham Moses and the Prophets If they will not beleeue them they will not beleeue any that shall come to them from the dead And howe did all those moste auncient and godly Christians before vs which had among them only the scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles before that any commentarie or explication was written vppon any of them by the olde writers did they not then fetche all their light of the holy scripture onely A Romish man will here drawe vs to receiue the traditions Apostolicall for a moste sure interpretation of the holy scripture Traditions And by Apostolicall traditions he wil meane that which hath beene always receiued in the church through all the church and by them all which haue beene of the church But nowe who can assure vs that these three pointes are to be founde in any of these traditions which they do call Apostolicall traditions I doe not knowe who can doe it There is great diuersitie to be founde in the bookes and writings of the auncient fathers and that in some pointes touching faith And againe touching these wordes alwayes and of all let the Romish men tell vs at what time wee shall begin the account of this alwayes If wee will do well wee must fetch the beginning of this time euen at the church Apostolike And who shall be the firste in this account verily the Apostles them selues must be the first that shal begin this account the historie of whome is faithfully written by S. Luke and by their owne writings wee must take knowledge of them their doctrine and their doings All trueth commeth of God And God hath chosen his Prophets and Apostles to speake in his name vnto vs all that trueth which doeth appertaine to our saluation Therefore wee must alwayes haue and make our recourse to the holy scriptures And yet wee doe not vtterly cast away the aduice of Councels nor of the auncient fathers Wee doe proue that which they do saye by the holy scriptures The which holy scriptures as Augustine doeth saye truely are so tempered by the holy spirite of God that that which is obscurely spoken in one place is clearely expressed in another place of them Some of the Romish rout haue sayd that the whole wil of God touching all that which doeth appertaine to our saluation is not all written by the Apostles and Euangelists By this wicked false saying they make an open way to bring in al that falsehood error vntrueth which men list to deuise And it is the way by which Satan hath entred to destroy the vineyard of the Lorde to sowe therein his darnell of damnation and cockle choking true doctrine and Christian faith I graunt that before the time of Moses God gouerned his church by heauenly visions inspirations and reuelations But the Apostles planted the churches of God by his holy worde written And the malice of men growing with the number of them and the better sort of men decaying together with goodnes it was the good pleasure of the Lorde our God that this doctrine shoulde be written in a tongue common and knowen by which plaine trueth Gods children might receiue all that doctrin which concerneth saluation and might also withstand all subtilties creeping in vnder the couler of traditions or reuelations or custome or other