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A09443 A godly and learned exposition or commentarie vpon the three first chapters of the Reuelation. Preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and judicious diuine, maister William Perkins, Ann. Dom. 1595. First published for the benefit of Gods Church, by Robert Hill, Bachelor of Diuinitie; Lectures upon the three first chapters of the Revelation Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1606 (1606) STC 19732; ESTC S114701 362,972 238

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may obserue that the doctrine of Gods word is an infallible marke whereby to know the true Prophet of God and also to distinguish h●m from all false prophets God foretold his people that false Prophets should come among them for their triall Deut. 13. But how shall they discerne them surely by their doctrine for though they shew wonders yet if their doctrine tend to draw men f●om the true God to idolatrie they are false prophets and should die When our Sauior Christ was asked By what authoritie hee did those things Luk. 20.2 3. He approoued his authoritie by the testimonie of Iohn who bare witnesse of him Iohn 1.15 and confirmed the calling of Iohn by the truth of his doctrine which themselues being witnesses was from heauen Luke 20. ver 4 5. Hereby then we see the error of the Papists who teach That the onely note of a true Prophet is to confirme his doctrine by a miracle and that hee which cannot doe so is a false Prophet But this note of difference is not true for false Prophets may confirme their lying vanities by signes and wonders as we may see Deut. 13. And so doth Antichrist 2. Thess. 2.9 The sixt argument by which this Reuelation is described is the order and man●r of propounding it to the Church and it stands in foure degrees First God the father giueth it to Christ the mediator and head of the Church Secondly Christ giueth it to an Angell Thirdly the Angell conueyes it to Iohn the Apostle Fourthly Iohn di●ected and assisted by the holy Ghost deliuereth it to the Churches Now as this particular booke was so no doubt all other holy Scriptures were conueyed to the Church from whence we may obserue First the constant loue of God to his children by this his special care in propounding and deliuering his will and word to his Church Secondly that this booke and so all other parts of holy Scripture are in their kind most perfect and excellent Thirdly that the Church of Rome blasphemeth in calling the written word of God a dead letter and dumbe Iudge matching generall councels with it for authoritie and teaching that the vniuersall consent of the Church is about Scripture f●r ●●terpretation and giues life and sence thereto which otherwise of it selfe were but an inckie letter and dumbe word Verse 3. Blessed are they which reade and they that heare the words of this prophesie and keepe those things which are written therein for the time is at hand Here is the seuenth and last argumēt whereby this Reuelation is described to wit the fruit effect and the profit which comes of it euen true happrnesse This prophesie concerneth the present and future state of the Church the reading and hearing whereof ioyned with carefull keeping bringeth with it true blessednesse that is fellowship with God and life euerlasting In this argument we may obserue First the end of this booke and so of all other bookes of Scripture viz. ●o bring men to happinesse to fellowship with God and life euerlasting These things were written saith S. Iohn that yee might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ and so beleeuing might haue eternall life Iohn 20.31 Againe hee declared to them the word of Christ that by it they might haue fellowship with God the father and with his sonne Iesus Christ. 1. Iohn 1.3 In which fellowship is true happinesse Christ himselfe sayth Search the Scriptures for in them you thinke to haue eternall life Iohn 5.39 And in this they differ from all other bookes and writings of men for mens writings bee penned either by the light of nature and so be erronious and misse the end of true happinesse or els they be penned by them which haue direction from the word and so all the truth they haue leading to true happinesse is borrowed hence when as the Scriptures of themselues doe directly guide men thither From the consideration of this blessed end of holy Scripture wee may obserue first That the opinion and practise of the church of Rome is damnable who barre the people of God from reading and hearing the Scriptures in their vulgar tongue For in depriuing them of this meanes as much as in them lieth they barre them of their saluation and they doe directly crosse the purpose of S. Iohn who doth therefore pronoūce him blessed that shall heare and reade this booke with conscience to keep and obey it that he might allure and draw al men to doe it with delight Secondly we are hereby admonished with all care and diligence to reade and meditate in Gods word That place before named is most excellent Search the Scripture Iohn 5.39 Euen as wee would search for gold or some precious thing which we would fain find So the word imports And he addeth the reason For in them you thinke to haue eternall life The same is wisdomes counsell Prou. 2.4 But some will say I cannot reade I was neuer brought vp in learning and therefore I cannot search S. Iohn cuts off his excuse in the next wordes saying Blessed he is also which beares the wordes of this prophecie As if he should say though hee cannot reade yet if hee heare and keepe it he is blessed Here then i● the dutie of those which cannot read the Scriptures they must procu●e others to reade vnto them and by hearing and keeping they shall be blessed Thirdly by this scope and end of Scriptures wee must learne to carrie in mind this plaine difference between the bookes of God and writings of men Gods word bringeth a man which keep● it to happinesse but mans writings of themselues cannot doe so vnlesse they haue light from the word of God If this distinction were imprinted in our harts we should not bee so delighted as many are to heare or speak the words of God mixed with the wordes of sinfull men specially in the publicke ministerie In former times the Lord forbad his owne people to sowe their field with mingled seede 〈◊〉 to make them garments of diuerse things as of linnen and woollen Leuit. 19.19 And no doubt the same God doth mislike that the pure seed of his word should be mingled with the sayings of erroneous and sinfull men when the same is sown vpon the furrowes of mens hea●ts Secondly in this seuenth Argument wee may obserue the right manner and way of hearing and reading the Scriptures a point worthie all serious consideration I● stands in two things First we must set downe with ourselues a certaine end why we reade and heare the Scriptures which is that we may attaine to true happinesse standing in fellowship with God and life euerlasting This end must bee the motiue to induce vs to heare and reade the word of God and when this ta●es place in our hearts it wil be of force to make vs reade and heare with care and conscience which beseemeth Gods word Secondly wee must keepe in mind the things wee reade or heare so fayth the text And keepeth the things which are
come vpon all the world to trie them that dwell vpon the earth These words containe the second promise of Christ vnto this Church concerning their preseruation in time of most bloodie persecution for this Epistle vnto this Church as also this Booke was written by Iohn after the Ascention of Christ in the daies of Domitian the Emperour of Rome after whome succeeded Tra●anus who when hee was seated in his Empire raysed vp greeuous persecution against GODS Church in all places of his Dominion wherein he put to death innumerable thousandes of Christians for the space of foureteene yeares Of this persecution our Sauiour Christ fore-tels this Church calling it The houre of temptation and withall he promiseth to preserue this Church in the time of this bloodie persecution adding a reason thereof Because they had constantly and syncerely professed his Gospell In this promise of preseruation note sundry points I. the occasion thereof The keeping of the word of his patience II. The thing promised deliuerance vnder Traianus III. A pr●diction of this persecution That it shall come vpon the world for this end to trie them I. point The word of Christs patience some expound to be Christs commandement of patience but that exposition is too strait here it signifieth the whole Doctrine of saluation by Christ which is called the word of patience first because it teacheth patience Secondly because it is the instrument of patience for when a man knowes saluation by Christ and also bel●eues the same to belong to him that will make him patient in all the miseries of this life Thirdly because it cannot bee professed and holden vnto death without patience but as it is sayd of the good ground It bringeth forth fruit with patience so must euerie one doe that professeth this Gospell In this occasion of Gods promise obserue that Gods grace well vsed is rewarded with increase Those which haue receiued but small measure of grace at the first by becomming faithfull therein haue receiued increase which serues to mooue vs to bee faithfull in the vse of those tallents which wee haue receiued For heereby wee shall receiue increase when as those which hauing receiued good gifts from God as knowledge and such like because they haue not beene faithfull in the vse thereof haue beene depriued of the same Wherefore whosoeuer hath begun to know the will of God to beleeue and to repent let the same parties proceed to vse those giftes still to Gods glorie and the good of his Church and people among whom they liue and they shall see the Lord will double and treble and greatly increase the same vnto them Againe note the doctrine of the Gospell is a Doctrine of patience This sheweth how good and meete it is for euerie one to learne the Gospell in the dayes of peace for euerie one in times of tryall wold wish for strength and patience and wee know not how long these dayes of peace will last Againe each man in his calling is subiect to many crosses and miseries for in the sweat of our face must wee eat our bread And who is free from paines and diseases yea who can scape death it selfe Now in all these and in all other troubles wee haue neede of patience And therefore in the time of health and ease let vs hide in our hearts the seedes of this grace to wit the Doctrine of the Gospell and then in due time wee shall reape the fruit of patience which will make vs contented in all distresses both of life and death And if wee would know why most men are so impatient in afflictions it is because they haue so little knowledge and faith in the Gospell of his grace Secondly seeing the Gospell is the word of patience heereby all persons that looke to bee saued by the Gospell must learne to put on patience keeping a moderation in all their thoughts wils and affections for when wee be impatien● any way wee are not sutable to the Doctrine of our saluation Thirdly this word of patience is called Christs The word of my patience because Christ is the author of it This is added to beat downe the pride of this Church for when God doth praise them for their obedience their hearts might haue beene puff●d vp with pride But to preuent this euill in this Church whom he now praised hee calleth it his patience that they might not thinke this good thing was of themselues And the same consideration must checke the proude thoughts that rise in our hearts namely to remember that no good thing wee haue is our owne but Christs What hast thou which thou hast not receiued Why then shouldest thou boast 1. Corinth 4.7 II. point The thing promised is preseruation and deliuerance in the bloodie persecution vnder Traianu● in which for the space of fourteene yeares innumerable Christians were put to death I will deliuer thee from the houre of temptation Here first obserue that God hath appointed certaine set houres and times for the triall of his Church as well for the gift● of his grace as of their wickednesse and hypocrisie Thus he led the Israelites fortie yeares in the wildernesse to see whether they would obey him and hee sent false Prophets amonge them to trie whether they would turne from the true God or no. And as God thus dealeth with his Church so hee bath appointed particular times and houres wherein hee will trie particular persons God bid Abraham kill his Sonne and that was his tryall And Hezekias was left vnto himselfe That the Lord might see all that was in his heart And so for euerie Christian God hath a set time of triall wherin he will either make manifest his grace or disclose their hypocrisie This point ought to bee well weighed for herein the Lord dealeth like the worthie founders of great Schooles who haue appointed certaine set times of posing for the tryall of their Schollers to see what euerie ones proceeding is that they may be accordingly rewarded And as it is a shame for one to haue been long in a good Schoole and to haue made no proceedings in learning so it is for any one that hath liued long in the Schoole of Christ and hath not profited in grace This therefore must teach vs these duties First to try our selus and that staightly concerning our progresse in knowledge faith repentance and obedience for God himselfe will trie vs whose eyes wee can neuer blinde though wee may deceiue men He will lay open our hearts and make knowne what is in vs whether it bee true grace or false hypocrisie Let vs not couer our selues with figge leaues for God will strip vs naked but rather let vs search our selus touching our sins and Gods graces and neuer rest contented till wee haue found in our soules the good gifts of grace which will abide his tryall Secondly hereby we are admonished as neere as we can to conforme our harts and liues vnto the word and wil
sonnes so Christ the Messiah had twelue disciples but as Ioseph was beloued aboue all those sonnes so Iohn was beloued aboue all the disciples Ioseph was apparrelled better than the rest and Iohn was inspired farre better than the rest Had it not been for Ioseph Egypt had wanted her food temporall and had it not been for Iohn the Church had wanted her food eternall The future state of Egypt was reuealed to Ioseph and the future state of the Church was reuealed to Iohn The one was exiled because his father loued him and the other exiled because his maister loued him The place of his exile was into the Island of Pathmos being before by Traian put into a vessell of scalding oyle But that God who shewed his visions to Abraham in the mount to Iacob in the field to Ioseph in the stockes to Moses in Midian to Ieremie in the prison to Daniel in Babylon and to the Apostle Peter in the house of a Tanner euen he sheweth his visions to Iohn in his exile He is not bound to persons he can aduance whome he list he is not bounden to place he can reueale where hee list For persons hee can preferre Abel before Cain Iacob before Esau Dauid before Eliab Matthias before Iudas He can make Moses a Courtier Iob a Potentate Samuel a Iudge Dauid a King Salomon a Soueraigne Elysha a plowman Amos a Neat heard Ieremie a Priest Daniel a Prince Isaiah of the bloud Royall Matthew a Publicane Peter a Fisher and Paule a Tent-maker to be penners and preachers of the word of God For place as no time can prescribe against the King of a nation so no place can prescribe against this King of all nations The wind bloweth where it listeth and the Spirit worketh where it listeth It pleased Christ who is called in this Reuelation that faithfull witnesse that first begotten of the dead that Prince of the kings of the earth Alpha and Omega the first and last he that hath the keyes of hell and of death which hath that sharpe sword his eyes like fire his feet like brasse the seuen Spirits of God the seuen Starres in his hand the key of Dauid who is called here Amen the beginning of the creatures of God and in Daniel hee that reuealeth secrets it pleased this Christ to reueale secrets to Iohn Not by dreame as to Iacob or apparition as to Moses or by voice as to Adam but partly by vision and partly by voice as he did when he turned Saule into Paule This Iohn was Legatus à Latere that embassadour who leaned on his Lords breast He writeth Christs historie there he sheweth his loue to Christ hee writeth the Churches historie there Christ sheweth his loue to him especially in this that he will doe nothing which he doth not reueale to his seruant this Prophet For the Church in his time wee may see how it stood in the three first Chapters and what condition it should haue for the time to come it is plainely set downe in the rest of this booke If we respect the generall estate of the Church after Iohn had described the authors of this Reuelation which are God the Father chap. 4. and Christ his Sonne chap. 5. hee commeth to the workes of God which are predictions chap. 6. obsignations chap. 7. indignations chap. 8 9. Predictions of things to come obsignations of such as must be saued and indignation on things to be destroyed And for the more particular estate of the Church hauing chap. 10. shewed his warrant to write he commeth to her actions first in her Prophets secondly in her bodie In her Prophets their fighting falling rising chap. 11. In her bodie comparing her to a woman clothed with the Sunne chap. 12. and describing her by her combats conquests triumphs her combats defensiue chap. 13. and offensiue in Christ by words chap. 14. threatnings chap. 15. and iudgements chap. 16. her victories gotten against that whore chap. 17. and 18. the Beast chap. 19. and the Dragon chap. 20. And all that glorie which shee shall haue in the kingdome of God is vnder the type of Ierusalem most comfortably set downe chap. 21.22 The things in this booke were I grant very darke to them that liued in the dayes of Iohn as the Prophecie of Daniel was to them who liued in the time of Daniel But as that Prophecie being fulfilled wee can now tell what was foretold in it so many things being fulfilled which were foretold in this booke we may easily see what is meant by it and the posteritie to come shall better vnderstand this booke than wee doe because it may bee all things are not yet fulfilled Neither is this booke like the cities of the Anakims or the tree of knowledge which may not be reached to for blessed is hee that readeth the words of this booke But to come to these three Chapters written by Iohn surnamed the Diuine and expounded by one a most worthie Diuine The first Chapter is a Proeme or Preface to the booke the two latter are Epistles dedicating this booke The dedication is made to seuen seuerall Churches and by name to the Ministers which are called Angels In the word of God Ministers haue many excellent titles giuen them though now they are scarcely graced with titles they are called Prophets Seers Remembrancers Trumpets Watchmen Husbandmen Stewards Maydens Fishers Leaders Elders Salt Starres Angels and Shepheards Prophets to teach Seers to foretell Remembrancers to put in mind Trumpets to sound Watchmen to admonish Husbandmen to plow vp Stewards to distribute Maidens to keepe pure the doctrine of truth Fishers to catch men Leaders to goe before Elders to gouerne Salt to season Starres to giue light Angels to declare and Shepheards to feed to feed I say soundly by doctrine liberally by charitie and religiously by life By doctrine for Sacerdos sine doctrina est nauis sine velis a Priest without knowledge is a ship without sailes By liberalitie for Nihil habet homo adeò diuinum quàm benefacere Man is in nothing more like God than in doing good By life for cuius vita despicitur eius oratio contemnitur his words are not esteemed whose life is not approoued And that it may be said of them as it was of Origen Quale habuit verbum talem habuit vitam as his words were so were his workes They must not be barren like mount Gilboah but weaned as Samuel was before they be offered vnto the Lord They must be pure water if they will cleanse others and more than whetstones if they will sharpen others They must bee in
persuaded that as the members of a body being once dismembred they cannot possibly be ioyned againe so if naturall brethren be once vnnaturally disioyned no glue will conioyne them fast againe It were infinit to shew examples of brotherly loue and hatred and othe●s haue eased me of this paines Now that good God who hath brought you from one roote placed you in one countrey aduanced you to like credit and giuen you one heart giue you also one inheritance in the kingdome of heauen Thus right worshipfull I am bold to speake vnto you and the world knoweth I speake the truth and the Lord knoweth I desire not to flatter Go on therefore I beseech you continue in loue bee setled in the truth and labour to honour him who thus honoreth you Be not caried away with the shew of this world but thinke religion the best nobilitie and that as Prudentius sayd Generosa Christi secta nobilitat viros Cui quisquis seruit ille verè est nobilis He noble is that comes of Christ his race Who serues this Lord he surely is not base And this made Theodosius more to thanke God that he was a Christian than a king considering that hee must lose the one hee could not lose the other Now as to one of you I am bounden in parcicular and by him being a Minister the despised ministerie is not a little graced ●o for him I pray that hee may be an Abraham to our Abimelech a Nathan to our Dauid a Iehoida to our Ioash an Ebedmelech to Ieremiah an Elisha to the widow of this Prophet deceased a light in the Court a trumpet in the Church and that Ahashuerosh may long hold out his golden Scepter vnto him that by his meanes great men may not want such as will tell them the truth no earthly Alexander accounted a sonne of Iupiter and that no man may be more respected than a good Pastor and that he may euer remember that saying of wise Salomon He that loueth purenesse of heart for the grace of his lips the King shall be his friend His Cyrus will not be spoken to verbis bissinis in silken words to his Alexander he needeth not speake 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 either sweet words or no words For if one Antiochus might bee surnamed holy and another good Prince called the Good King much more may he whose religious knowledge surpasseth all the Princes that haue beene of this nation and whose humilitie is such that hee will haue his sonne to remember that hee differeth not in stuffe but in vse from the rest of his people and that by Gods ordinance I am the bolder for that one to make choyce of all in the dedication of this booke no man knew loued conuersed with and respected this Author more than he He resorted to him in his health visited him in sicknesse and preached a learned Sermon for him at his death Concerning this author as he sayd of Carthage I had rather bee silent then say little and his worthie labours doe speake enough for him by name that his Posthume dedicated to his excellent Maiestie by an excellent Diuine In a word therefore whatsoeuer this man did he desired to profit others by it he thought as it is written of Bernard in his life that hee was not his owne man but deputed to the seruice of others He was neuer idle but as Hierome reporteth of Ambrose and Bernard of himselfe he did either reade or meditate or pray or conferre or counsel or comfort or write or preach And thus as the Embleme is of a faithfull Teacher he like a waxe candle in giuing light to others in a short time extinguished himselfe Yet in this short time of his what art was he not maister of what vertue was hee not endued with He was a complet Diuine and hath his blessings in the Church that no mans writings are read of all sorts and in all countries with greater grace and profit than his Hee was peaceable in the Church patient of wrongs and free from ambition For as Ierome sayd of Nepotian Aurum calcans schedul●s consectabatur hee regarded not his purse but followed his booke and as Bernard sayd he liued in terra auri sine auro in a kingdome of gold without gold An excellent gift he had to define properly diuide exactly dispute subtilly answere directly speake pithily and write iudicially and how hee preached if these Sermons doe giue a testimonie what witnesse had they who often heard him themselues I haue published of his now two Discourses and I onely did it that these his labours might not perish I haue no benefit by them but exceeding great paines And since I vnderstand that his other labours are in the hands of his friends to make benefit for his children I will ease my selfe of the like labour and be a meanes that they may haue the benefit of the future impressions of this booke the which how faithfully I haue published I appeale to the godly and indifferent Reader and I hope no honest minded man will be hired to calumniate it Thus as one desirous to be seruiceable in my calling profitable to the Church not forgetfull of my friend and to testifie the happinesse of your house which was in your fathers time and is now as it is sayd of Aurelian the Emperours Refertapi●s Ecclesia Dei replenished with the godly and a Church of God and withall to leaue a monument of my duty to you all I haue as you see published this exposition of seuen Epistles vnder your eight names nothing doubting but it will bee as welcome to you as by your countenance it may bee profitable to the Church The God of heauen giue you all that blessing of blessings which if Ierome say true few men haue that you may transire à deliciis ad dilicias go on from grace to grace and be a long time happie in this life and euer for happie in the life to come London Saint Martins in the fields from my worshipfull friend Maister Oldisworths house by which familie as Paul was by the house of Onesiphorus in the time of this late and I wish I may say the last visitation I haue receiued no small refreshing March 12. 1604. Your Worships to command Robert Hill Fellow of S. Iohns Colledge in Cambridge To the Godly and Christian Reader Grace and Peace I Am not ignorant good Reader how vngratefull a thing it is to deale by way of Censure or reformation in those things wherin others haue gone before and many times for the smart that followeth do men beshrow their owne fingers Yet the warrant of a good calling will breed peace in his conscience that herein shall endeuour the obseruance of these rules of Loue to wit Iudge the best of that which is done and referre his owne paines to the glorie
of God in the good of others Hereto I aime in this second edition of this booke For my calling to this worke when mine accusers stand forth the executors of the dead shall answer for my discharge And for mine indeuour to doe good the small gaine of this reuised worke was truly returned to the right owners thereof If thou therefore returne glorie to God for good receiued to thy soule in this behalfe I haue my desire Here onely rests the doubt how this second edition should not be preiudiciall to his good estimation that published the former I answer well inough For I hope he intended the glorie of God in the good of his Church and the credit of the reuerend Author of this worke Now if any addition be brought hereunto his intent is furthered and wherein then can he be greeued If one man should helpe poore Orphanes to some lands or liuing he would not thinke himselfe wronged by another that should enlarge their iust claimes or settle their possession in a better tenure so I trust it fareth in this worke where thou shalt find vppon thy diligent view in some doubtfull things the Authors meaning truly cleared his method rectified many repetitions omitted and the matter specially towards the latter end somewhat enlarged If any thing be dissonant to the Authors iudgement in his liue-works which I hope thou shalt not perceiue rather charge the fault on me through ignorance or misunderstanding than entertaine in thy heart the least conceit of wauering leuitie in so godly learned and iudicious a Diuine who hath so well deserued of thy loue if thou loue the truth Thus crauing thy fauourable acceptance of my helping hand to do thee good I end with him That is the beginning and the end Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirit saith vnto the Churches Thine in him who is Lord of all T.P. ❧ A GENERALL ANALYSIS OF the Vision shewed to John The three first Chapters consist of a Preface containing the Title of the booke viz. Apocalypse or Reuelation described by seuen Arguments vers 1 2 3. Inscription of the vision wherein is Iohns Dedication To the seuen Churches Vers 4. Salutation including the Blessings wished for Grace Vers 4. Peace Vers 4. Authors of them viz. 1. The Father Vers 4. 2. The Holy ghost Vers 4. 3. The Son who Is described by His offices Propheticall Vers. 5. Priestly Vers. 5. Kingly Vers. 5. The execution of his offices in four works 1. Louing vs. Vers. 5. 2. VVashing away our sinnes Vers. 5. 3. Making vs kings priests Vers. 6. 4. comming to ●●dgement Vers. 7. doth confirme the former description Vers. 8. A Vision containing Circumstances foure Person to whom John Vers. 9. Place where Isle Pathm●● Vers. 9. Manner how In a Traunce Vers. 10. Time when On the Lords day Vers. 10. Parts The entrance into it containing The means of Iohns preparation viz. a voyce set out by The place whence it came Vers. 10. The greatnesse of it Vers. 10. The matter of it Vers. 11. Parts of his preparation Hearing noted in the meanes Vers. 10. Turning himselfe Vers. 12. Matter viz. a representation of Christ in maiestie set out by The place where John saw him Vers. 13. His forme or figure in His attire Vers. 13. The parts of his bodie Vers. 14.15 The properties thereof Vers. 16. His actions 1. A confirmation of John being sore afraid Vers. 17 18. 2. A commaundement to write Vers. 19. 3. The interpretation of the Vision Vers. 20. 4. Seuen seuerall commaundements to write seuen Epistles to the seuen Churches Chap. 2. 3. A GODLY AND LEARNED Exposition of the three first Chapters of the Reuelation REVEL 1.1 The Reuelation of Iesus Christ which God gaue vnto 〈…〉 his seruants things which must shortly be done which he sent and showed by his Angell vnto his seruant Iohn BEfore wee come to the words wher in is contained singuler mater fit for the time age this question must be handled Whether this booke of the Reuelation be canonical Scripture for some haue heretofore as also in our time called the authority of it in question But we are without all doubt to resolue our selues that it is canonical Scripture of equal authority with the rest of Gods book Our reasons be these first the doctrine contained in this booke is Apostolicall as any shall perceiue which seriously reads the same Secondly the stile of this booke is Apostolicall that is plaine simple and easie if we consider that the matter thereof is Propheticall Thirdly this booke hath bene approued and receiued for Canonicall by the common consent of Gods Church in all ages since the dayes of Iohn and was neuer refused of any whole Church but onely of some priuate men Fourthly the things foretold in this booke came to passe as they were foretold as among the rest in one for all may appeare by the prophesie of the two beasts whereof one came out of the sea the other out of the earth Chap. 13. the one prefigured the Romane Empire the other the Hereticall Apostaticall Church of Rome both which in all things are come to passe in these latter ages answerable to the Prophesie The contrary reasons brought to improue the authoritie of this booke are of no moment 1. Reason Iohn nameth himselfe sundry times in this booke whereas in penning the Gospell he did not once mention his own name though he had iust occasion so to do therefore it was not penned by Iohn but by some other and published afterward in Iohns name Answ. The reason is not good for there is great difference betweene an historie and a Prophesie The Gospell of Iohn is an historie of Christ now there is no necessarie reason why one man penning the history of another should name himselfe But this booke of the Reuelation is a Prophesie in penning whereof it is more requisite the prophet should put to his owne name so did the former prophets Ieremy mentioneth his name in his booke at least an hundred times so doth Isay and Daniell almost in euerie chapter Then seeing they do it so often it is no maruell if S. Iohn repeat his name fiue sundrie times in this whole booke 2. They obiect that his stile in this booke is not the same with that he vsed in the penning of the Gospell Ans. The difference of the stile ariseth from the difference of the matter seeing there he writes an historie here he pens a Prophesie Againe he writes not his owne words but those which hee receiued from Christ by particular reuelation 3. They say this booke hath bene reiected in diuerse ages as not Canonicall Ans. It cannot be proued that it was euer refused of any whole Church but of some particular men Now the disallowing of any priuat man cannot make a whole booke to be reiected for then the Epistles to the Hebrewes of Iames and of Iohn should not be Canonicall which yet be receiued of all
must giue up at the last day 1. Cor. 15.24 And here we must consider in what manner God giues his Reuelation to his sonne First therefore Christ Iesus as he is Mediator is made Lord of this Reuelation so as hee may say it is his owne right and royaltie being a part of that law whereby his Church is now gouerned whereof he is Lord and King Againe this Reuelation was reuealed vnto Christ as he is man before it was euer knowne to any creature man or Angell by reason of the vnion of his manhood with the godhead In this which hath been said we may obserue that this booke of the Reuelation is Christ his right and belongeth vnto him as his owne royaltie and priviledge For as the lawes in any kingdome belong to the prince thereof and are called his lawes alone and no mans els So this booke being a part of that law whereby Christ gouerneth his Church is his royaltie alone for God gaue it him and he hath by his Angell sent it to his Church And that which is here said of this booke must be vnderstood proportionally of all other books of holy scripture Christ is made Lord of all and they are all of them his royalties and possessions And from hence will follow necessarily First That no man in the world hath authoritie aboue this booke or any other part of Canonicall Scripture indeed Monarchs and princes haue great authoritie and preheminence in their dominions ouer all persons and ouer all causes of men but in the Church they with all others owe homage vnto Christ there hee hath the Canonicall Scriptures to be his laws whereto euery one must subiect himselfe The dispensation of the word and the adminis●ration of the Sacraments bee his royall ordinances ouer which none may dare to claime rule or authoritie for so should the Scriptures haue beene giuen vnto them for their prerogatiues as they were to Christ but God gaue them to him alone and hee disposeth thereof as pleaseth him And therefore the Pope in taking vpon him to dispence with the word and to mangle the Sacraments doth herein steppe into the roome of Christ and so declare himselfe to be that man of sinne by seeking to rob him of that princely royaltie which belongs to him alone Secondly that the soueraigne power and authoritie of expounding Scripture belongeth to Christ alone and to none other with him True it is that man hath a ministerie committed vnto him by vertue whereof he may expound Scripture by scripture but men haue no power of themselues to determine of the proper sence of Scripture And therefore the Popish practise in giuing to the Church absolute authoritie to determin of the sence of Scripture of themselues without Scripture is flat robbery against Christ for therein they giue vnto men that soueraigne power which is proper to Christ. Thirdly herein wee obserue the excellencie of this booke and of the whole Scripture of God for all of it is the gift of the father to the sonne and of the son vnto his Church The like cannot bee said of any writings of men whatsoeuer bee they neuer so excellent herein the Scriptures surpasse them all Whereby we are taught to esteeme more reuerently of the Scriptures of God than of all the writings of men in the world Here then behold the sinne of this age which more delighteth to speake and heare the sayings of men in the publicke ministerie than the glorious word of the euerliuing God Whereas the writings of men be full of darkenesse of errour and deceit but the word of God is most holy and pure and euery way perfect proceeding wholly from the father of lights vnto his beloued sonne who hath faithfully dispersed the same for the good of his Church To shew to his seruants things that must shortly be done These words containe the second third and fourth Arguments whereby this Reuelation is described viz. the end of it the persons to whom it must be shewed and the matter which it containeth Arg. II. The end of this Reuelation is To shew that is to make knowne and manifest things to come for the good of the whole Church Whence we may obserue that the Papists erre exceedingly in debarring lay people as they call them from the reading of the Scripture for the end of this booke is To make manifest to Gods seruants things to come And who are Gods seruants Are the Cleargie onely and not lay people also God forbid the lay man is Christ his seruant as well as one of the Cleargie And therefore it is Gods will that he should learne to know and vnderstand this booke like one of his seruants And here consider that if this booke of Scripture which is hard and difficult must be learned of the lay man then much more must he search into all other bookes of God which bee more plaine and easie as the histories of Gospell Epistles c. Arg. III. The persons to whom it must be shewed viz. The seruants of Christ. This Reuelation was not giuen of God for all men indefinitely but for all his seruants that is such alone as repent of their sinnes and truly beleeue in Christ for the pardon of them and shew forth the same by new obedience So hee teacheth elsewhere The secret of the Lord is with them that feare him and his covenant to giue them vnderstanding Psalm 25.14 The Lord will reueale his secret to his servants the Prophets Amos 3.7 And God will not keepe backe from Abraham the thing hee was to doe vnto Sodome and Gomorrah because hee knew Abraham would doe his will and teach his familie after him Genes 18. vers 17.19 The consideration whereof should admonish vs not to content our selues with the bare hearing of the word and outward participation of the sacraments but to labor principally to become Gods seruants and to shew the same by the practise of that which we heare Hereby shall wee receiue instruction from the Lord and grow in knowledge dayly more and more our vnderstandings shall more easily conceiue the will of God for they that will doe the will of his father shall know his doctrine Iohn 7.17 Here then is the cause why most hearers after long teaching profit little but remaine as blind and ignorant as euer they were euen their owne impietie they liue in their sinnes and labour not to become Gods seruants Secondly in this argument we may obserue that Christ Iesus is true God for here he is made the head of the Church euery true beleeuer is his seruant and he his Lord the angels of the Churches be his angels as after we shall see which prerogatiue none can haue but he that is true and very God Thirdly in this Argument are those confuted which hold that God would haue all to bee saued and cals all men without exception For if hee called all effectually then hee would offer the meanes to all to wit his holy word that so they might
first Christ sent and shewed this reuelation This action of Christ is noted by the holy ghost for two speciall causes first to shew That S. Iohn did not pen and publish this booke rashly but by calling and warrant from God This teacheth vs what must be our behauiour in all our actions whatsoeuer we take in hand we must looke we haue warrant from God for the doing of the same by vertue of our calling and with out this we should not dare to enterprise any thing If this dutie were practised there would be more conscience of the seruice and worship of God and more care of iust dealing with men then there is in the affaires of this life Secondly this action of Christ is noted to get more reuerent acceptance and greater authoritie to this booke for which cause also it was sent by an holy Angell If an earthly prince should write his letter to his subiect and withall send it by one of his guard we doubt the subiect would receiue it most reuerently Behold this booke is the Epistle and letter of Iesus Christ sent by his Angell for the benefit of his Church What reuerence therefore and acceptation ought this to find surely a thousand fold more with euery one then the writing of any earthly prince whatsoeuer The second point to be obserued is the persons whom Christ imployeth about this Reuelation and they be two An holy Angell and Saint Iohn For the first It hath pleased God in all ages to vse the ministerie of Angels as a meanes whereby hee would conuey the knowledge of his will vnto his Church The law in mount Synai was giuen to Moyses by the ministerie of an Angell Act. 7.38 Gal. 3.19 and Daniell receiued the exposition of sundry dreames and visions by an Angell Dan. 8.19 and 9.21 and 10.14 And the seuen visions which conteine the substance of this booke were shewed to Iohn by an holy Angell But here we must take heed that we do not like the papists ground hereupō the inuocation of Angels because they be about vs and bring vnto vs particular messages from the Lord for before we may pray vnto them wee must haue from God a particular commandement so to do and also a promise to be heard in that wee aske or else our prayer is not of faith but the whole Scripture affoords no word of command or promise for any such action and therefore we cannot do it without sinne The second instrument here imployed by Christ is Iohn This Iohn was sonne to Zebedeus and so kinsman vnto Christ a blessed Apostle and Euangelist which penned one of the Gospels and the three Epistles which beare his name This was that Disciple whom Iesus loued And to procure the more credit and reuerence to this booke he describeth himselfe by two arguments First by a propertie calling himselfe Christ his seruant Secondly by an effect or action in bearing record to Gods word vers 2. For the first note that Iohn doth not call himselfe that Disciple whom Iesus loued nor the kinsman of Christ which he might haue done being allied vnto him for Iohns mother was sister to Ioseph Christs supposed father and cosin german to the virgin Mary Iohn had learned of Christ himselfe that the ●earers and doers of the will of his father were esteemed more deere and neere vnto him than any bond of outward allyance could possibly make them Math. 12.50 Luk. 11.28 But he cals himselfe Christs seruant hauing yeelded vp himselfe to do his will for herein stands the dignitie of a Christian to do seruice vnto Christ. The blessed Virgine had neuer found such fauour with God to haue beene Christs mother if she had not withall become Christs seruant She bare him in her heart by faith as well as in her wombe by conception or else she had neuer beene saued by him Hence we learne that outward dignities as bloud royall noble parentage and such like will nothing further a mans saluation he that would bee acceptable vnto Christ must become his seruant by beleeuing his word and doing his will hauing cast off the old man which is corrupt and put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnesse and true holinesse So Paul saith Circumcision is nothing and vncircumcision is nothing but keeping the commandements of God 1. Cor. 7.19 and henceforth know I no man after the flesh but if any man be in Christ he is a new creature 2. Cor. ● 16 17. Againe consider in what regard Iohn is here called the seruant of Christ not onely for that he beleeued in Christ and obeyed his will as all true christians do but more specially because hee was an Apostle and did seruice vnto Christ in the worke of his ministerie which was his particular calling So Paul writing to the Romans calleth himselfe an appostle seruant of Christ Cap. 1.1 And he rendreth a reason thereof vers 9. Because hee did seruice vnto him in preaching the Gospell Hence we are taught that we must not onely shewe our selues Christs seruants in our generall calling of christianitie but especially in our particular callings and offices after the example of Christs blessed Apostles It is a good thing to professe seruice vnto Christ by hearing his woord receiuing his sacraments and keeping his Saboathes but vnlesse therewithall we shewe the power of godlinesse in our particular callings our outward profession is flat hypocrisie This magistrats ministers husband wife parents children maisters seruants buyer seller and euerie one in his lawfull calling should carefully obserue for vnlesse in the particular duties of their speciall callings as the magistrat in the duties of a magistrat c. they do seruice vnto Christ their publicke seruice in the outward duties of religion shall neuer commend them vnto God be it neuer so glorious Micha 6.6 7 8. Vers. 2. Which bare record of the word of God and of the testimonie of Iesus Christ and of the th●ngs that he saw Here is the second argument whereby Iohn describeth himselfe namely by this action or effect in bearing record to the word of God for partly by writing the gospell and partly by preaching hee bare witnesse and testified that the word of God was true And because the word of God hath diuerse parts the Law and the Gospell he shews in the next words that hee meanes especially the Gospell adding and of the testimonie of Iesus Christ that is of those things which Iesus sayd and did And that no man might cal into question the truth of his testimonie hee professeth himselfe to haue bene an eye witnesse of all those things whereof he bare record saying and of all those things which he saw And here he alledgeth his testimonie to the Gospell to proue himselfe a faithfull pen-man of this booke that so it might haue more reuerence for hee which was faithfull in penning the Gospell of Christ the same also is faithfull in penning this Prophesie of the Church In this testimonie we
written which word imports that by diligent obseruation wee should lay them vp in our hearts This is a weightie dutie and seriously commended vnto vs of God Bind vp the testimonie seale vp the law among my disciples Isay. 8.16 And Marie is therefore commended because she kept in her heart the words of Iesus Luke 2.19 ●1 It was Dauids practise I haue ●id thy saying in my heart Psal. 119. ●● And hereto ●endeth Christs encouragement pronouncing them rather blessed which heare the word and keepe it than those which bare Christ and gaue him sucke Luk. 1● 27.28 And Iames calleth it the ingraffed word Iames 1.21 because it should abide in our hearts like a syence in a stock and neuer be remooued but there grow and fructifie vnto life eternall Now because this is a point of great difficultie and the want hereof the cause of so little profiting after much hearing and reading I will therefore shew how by Gods grace in hearing and reading the word of God a man may keepe the same in memorie First a man must learne the grounds or elements of religion commonly called the Catechisme for they are the foūdation of all knowledge without which a man shall neuer vnderstand the Scripture to his comfort nor keepe the same in memorie The Apostle sayth the Hebrewes were dull of hearing the deepe things of God in Christ because they had not well learned the first principles of the word Hebr. 5.11.12 This all ignorant persons should well obserue specially the aged that they may find in themselues the cause of their ignorance and dulnesse euen want of knowledge in the Catechisme They thinke it a disgrace to bee brought vnto it now they are old but if they would not be euer learning and neuer come to the knowledge of the truth they must lay in themselues this good beginning and learne the principles of religion Secondly wee must not rush vpon Gods holy ordinance but before we either come to heare or reade with reuerence prepare our selues thereto Most men at this day vse to prepare thēselues before they come to the Lords table and so they ought to doe before they come to heare the word for God ordained both for this end to bee meanes to bring men to true happinesse they differ onely in this that the Sacraments are the visible and the Scriptures the audible word of God At the giuing of the law The people that must ●eare it were sanctified three dayes before Exod. 19. And when they did offer sacrifice or eat the Passeouer both priests and people must bee sanctified and the same thing for substance must we perform before we come to heare the word of God This preparation stands in two thing● First wee must put out of our hearts al by thoghts all delights and cares of wordly affairs and set our hearts as Ezra did to seeke the law of the Lord Ezra 7.10 Secondly we must make our earnest prayers to God that he would open our eyes that wee may see his will soften our hearts and make our eares attentiue as L●diaes were and also giue vs grace to embrace his word and keepe it for Christ is the onely doctor of the heart by his spirit without whose inward teaching wee can neuer learne vnto saluation Thirdly when we are about the holy exercise of Gods word the frame of our heart should be thus disposed I. It must bee an humble heart for the Lord resists the proud and giues grace to the humble Iam. 4.6 Them that be meeke will he guide in iudgement and teach the humble his way Psal. 25.9 A proud heart is so stuffed with selfe loue that there is no room for the word of God to lodge in But the heart that is lowly in it selfe through the conscience of sinne that is the heart in which the Lord by his graces will take vp his abode Isay 57.15 II. It must be an honest heart such as hath no manner of purpose to liue in any one sinne whatsoeuer but though it feele corruption in it selfe is resolued to please God in all the wayes of his commandements and that continually such an heart haue the good hearers resembled by the good ground Luke 8.15 As on the contrarie that is a wicked heart which resolueth to cherish though it be but any one sinne whatsoeuer III. It must bee a beleeuing heart The old Iewes heard the word but it profited them not because they mingled it not with faith 〈◊〉 their hearts Hebrew 4.2 where he compares the heart to a vessell in which there must bee both the word and faith these two must be mingled together and then it will be a word of power of life and saluation Therefore when we heare the threatenings of the law or the promises of the Gospell we must labour to resolue our hearts of the truth thereof But incredulitie wherby men except against the word as not pertaining vnto them is the mother of forge●fulnesse The old world knew nothing of the flood because they did not beleeue Matth. 24.39 IV. It must bee an hearing heart such as is pliable to the word Sacrifice and burnt offerings sayth Dauid thou wouldest not but mine eares hast thou prepared Psal. 40.6 As if hee should say beside those bodily cares which thou hast giuen me by creation thou hast bored new cares in my heart so as I can by thy grace attend and listen to thy word And when God saith Seeke ye my face this hearing heart will answere I seeke thy face O Lord Psal. 27. vers 8.9 Fourthly after we haue heard or read the word we must become doers of the same euen in the duties of our vocation We see euery man more skilfull in the works of his owne trade by reason of his dayly exercise therein euen so the constant practise of Gods word will make vs expert in it and cause vs to keepe it in perfect memorie And these are the right meanes to become good hearers and readers of the word of God Thirdly this benediction pronoūced vpon them that heare read keepe the prophecies of this booke serues to induce euery child of God as much as in him lieth to keep in memory the whole word of God but specially these prophecies of things to come that concerne the state of the Church for therefore did God reueale them that they might bee remembred When the Angell had told Daniel the state of the church from his time to the comming of Christ hee bids him Shut vp the wordes and seale the booke till the end of the time Dan. 12.4 meaning that he for his own comfort should hide them in his heart And Christ sayth to his disciples When ye see the abhomination of desolation spoken of by Daniell the Prophet let him that readeth consider it Matth. 24.15 Behold I haue told you before meaning things to come verse 25. shewing That hee would haue his children to marke and remember those weightie things that are foretold concerning the state
of the church For the time is at hand Here is a reason of the former benediction for seeing the time of the accomplishing of this prophecie is at hand must shortly be fulfilled therefore those be blessed which reade and keepe the same in memorie And it is an answere to a secret obiection for they might haue said we need not to reade or remember this prophecie seeing it shall not be fulfilled in our dayes but he addeth The time is at hand wherein they must be fulfilled and therefore it must bee marked These wordes for substance were in the first verse where it is said The Reuelation was of things that must shortly be done And here they be repeated againe Whereby hee would teach vs That these prophecies containe weightie matter to be deepely considered and earnestly thought on And S. Iohn repeates the same for two causes first to awake the members of the church out of the sleepe of security and make them stand vpon their watch continually for though they cannot fall into the dead sleepe of sinne yet the slumber of securitie may ouertake thē the wise virgines slumber as well as the foolish Matth. 25.5 And the spouse of Christ the true Church confesseth That shee sleepeth though her heart waketh Cant. 5.2 Secondly to confirme and hearten the church and all true members of Christ against the afflictions to come for herein is the common saying true He that is forewarned is fore-armed Now in these words The time is at hand Christ would teach vs to obserue That whatsoeuer thing may befall the members of Christ in this life whether afflictions temptations death or the last iudgement it selfe all will come shortly This consideration ought to take place in our hearts being of great vse in our liues as to stay vs from many sinnes so to mooue vs to doe all things with good conscience And the want hereof is the cause of much euill The bad seruant beates his fellowes because hee thinkes his maister doth deferre his comming Matth. 24.48.49 The old world went on in sinne neuer regarding Noahs prophecie and so knew nothing till the flood came and swept them all away Matth. 24.39 We should lay these to our harts and alwayes thinke with Paule the Lord is at ●and The rather because wee haue had the Gospell and peace with all temporall blessings these eight and thirtie yeares now the state of the church is interchangeable one while peace and then trouble so as it is like this peaceable state will not long continue but we must bee tried And the time of ou● triall is at hand for whatsoeuer must befall the Church will come shortly We must therefore prepare for trouble and so wee shall finde it the lesse greeuous Vers. 4. Iohn to the seuen Churches which are in Asia Grace be with you and Peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seuen spirits which are before his throne Here beginneth the second part of the Preface to wit the inscription of this vision and it hath two branches First a dedication in these words Iohn to the seuē Churches which are in Asia Secondly a salutation in the next words Grace be with you and peace c. to the ninth verse In the dedication obserue first the penman that dedicates this booke secondly the parties to whom it is sent For the first the penman is Iohn who here againe repeats his name to shew and certifie euery reader of this booke that he was without al doubt the true penman of the holy ghost in writing this Reuelation But though he repeat his name yet he doth not adde any titles of honour or commendation as hee did in the first verse Wherein he giues vs a true patterne of modestie and humilitie which is neuer to speake in our owne cause to our owne praise but onely in cases of necessitie when Gods glory may bee aduaunced and the credit of our particular callings maintained This Paule practised who often humbles himselfe and cals himself the least of all the Apostles yea the chiefe of all sinners yet when the credit of his Apostleship came into question then he sets out himselfe shewing he was a true Apostle one of the chiefe and aboue those which did falsely call themselues so as wee may find in both of his Epistles to the Corinthians Secondly the persons to whom hee wrote were the seuen Churches in Asia concerning them note two things first hee writes to churches secondly to the churches in Asia For the first why writes he to the churches rather thā to the church seeing there is but one only Catholicke church Ans. The church may be considered diuers waies first as it is the whole companie of the elect so it is but one secondly as the same is parted into seuerall branches and companies one part being in one countrey and another part in some other Wherein also euery seuerall congregation professing the gospell is a particular Church And so there may bee many Churches all of them beeing members of one Catholicke Church As the sea is onely one yet it consisteth of many parts which taking their names of the countreyes whereto they adioyne are called so many particular Seas as the English Sea the Spanish sea French Italian Scottish Seas c. And of particular Churches must Iohn bee vnderstood in this place Now Iohn chuseth rather to write to Churches than to particular men First because the matter of this booke concerneth the Church being a Propheticall hystorie touching the state of the Church to the end Secondly because particular Churches which bee true members of the Catholicke Church are the pillars and ground of truth 1. Timoth 3.15 And the Church is so called not that her authority is aboue the word but first because it is the treasure house wherein the Scriptures are preserued from age to age against the rage of Gods enemies Secondly because the Church giues testimonie to the truth of Gods word And thirdly because it publisheth the truth of God word by vertue of that ordinary ministery which God hath ordained therein Secondly in the dedication of this booke among all particular Churches God directs him to make choise of those seuen in Asia no doubt for speciall cause First because they were then most famous Churches as the chapters following and the histories of the Church doe plainely shew Secondly that the calling of the Gentiles to the light of the Gospell which long before had beene foretold might bee more euident for here the Iewes are passed by and the Gentiles sent vnto Lastly we may here obserue That S. Iohn knew no prerogatiue of the church of Rome aboue other churches for if it were the mother church whereon al● other churches should depend as the Papists would haue it I would know of them why Iohn passed by it in the dedication of this booke which containeth matter needfull for al churches to know Grace be with
polluted with sinne that once washing was not ynough but sayth hee Wash mee againe and againe rince bathe and swill me in the bloud of Christ till I be purged and cleansed from all my sinnes And this same affection should be in euery one of vs wee should labour that our hearts may bee touched with a liuely sence of our vile estate by reason of our sinnes which make both bodie and soule most vgly and filthie in Gods sight and that the staine hereof is so deepely set in our soules that we can neuer be cleansed but by the washing of Christ his own hand and that in his owne hearts bloud yea that one washing will not serue but wee must be rinced and bathed therein For till such time as this consideration doe in some measure take place in our hearts it is not possible that we should loath sinne as we ought or come to this comfortable assurance of Gods loue that he hath washed away our sinnes in his bloud for this humilitie in our soules by reason of our sins is the beginning of all true grace and comfort Now this worke of Christ in washing vs from our sinnes doth comprehend a double benefit First the remission of our sinnes whereby the guilt and punishment due to them is taken away Secondly the mortification of sinne whereby the corruption of sinne is remooued and abolished And we must obserue that S. Iohn propounds this benefit generally without limitation saying Which washed vs from our sinnes That is from all our sinnes to giue vs to vnderstand that if any beleeue truly in Christ hee hath pardon of all his sinnes without any restraint or limitation either of number or qualitie bee they neuer so many or neuer so great By his bloud How can bloud wash away filthinesse nay it rather defiles a man Answ. This washing stands not in the substance of Christs bloud but in the merit thereof for that substance of bloud which was shed is lost and wee know not what is become of it whatsoeuer the Papists say but the merit therof remaineth still And Christs bloud deserues to purge away sinne rather than any other mans bloud as of Peter Iohn c. because his bloud was the bloud of God not of the godhead but of him who was both God and man For the manhood of Christ was receiued into the vnion of the second person And so it may be called the bloud of God as Paule sayth God redeemed his Church by his bloud that is Christ God incarnate And so it being the bloud of him that is God is more meritorious than the bloud of any creature whatsoeuer Besides Christ was appointed by God to be a publicke person in the worke of redemption and in his death and passion he stood in the roome and stead of all his elect so as when his bloud was shed their bloud was sh●● because it was shed for them But the bloud of other priuate men cannot answer for any besides themselues because it is shed onely for themselues Then dam●●ble is the doctrine of the Papists who hold the bloud of Martyrs can merit for others being applied vnto them for seeing they be but priuate men and suffered in their owne persons onely they cannot profit any other thereby By bloud we must vnderstand the passion of Christ a part for the whole and with all his fulfilling of the law vpon the crosse for in his suffering hee fulfilled the law and in fulfilling the law he suffered These two cannot be seuered saue onely in thought And so this word containes the whole obedience of Christ whereby he procured the remission and mortification of our sinnes Here then wee see two notable benefites of Christ vnto his church his loue the washing away of sinnes which S. Iohn sets downe to moue the churches with reuerence diligence to reade and delight in this booke All of vs will say wee are sure God loues vs and hath pardoned our sinnes in Christ why then doe wee not shew our loue againe to him by hearing and reading his word set downe in this or any other booke of Scripture and by yeelding answerable obedience thereto Why then do we not offer vp ourselues soules and bodies to serue him as the Apostle requires Rom. 1● 1 by way of recompence for his mercies and loue shed out vnto vs But alas that is more common which is most shamefull to turne Gods grace into wantonnesse for when men say God loues them and hath washed away their sinnes yet they rebell against him when as these two benefites are here recorded to bee in●ucements of continuall loue and obedience to his holy word Verse 6. And made vs kings and 〈◊〉 to God euen his father to him be glory and dominion for 〈◊〉 Amen In these words is set downe the third worke and benefit of Christ bestowed on his church and on euery true member thereof For the better vnderstanding whereof we must consider in them foure points First the dignitie and excellencie of all true beleeuers and member● of Christ They are kings and priests Secondly when they be made kings and priests in this life noted by the phrase of speech hath ma●● Wherein 〈◊〉 speaketh of the church on earth and vseth a word that signifieth the time past Thirdly the maner how they become kings and priests they are not so borne but Christ hath made them such Fourthly to whom they be made such to God euen the father For the first The dignitie of all true beleeuers hath two heads first They bee kings secondly Priests They are called kings not in regard of an earthly kingdome for vsually the condition of most beleeuers on earth is base and contemptible but in regard of a spirituall kingdome the kingdome of heauen whereto the Lord giues them right title and interest in and by Iesus Christ. So our Sauiour Christ speaketh to his disciples Feare not little flocke it is your fathers will to giue you the kingdome And againe Behold I giue vnto you a kingdome Now the faithfull are kings in these respects first because by Christ they bee lords and conquerours of all these enemies sinne Sathan the world death hell and their owne flesh Secondly because in and by Christ they are partakers of the glorie of Christs kingdome and saluation for they receiue of Christ grace for grace and so answereably glory for glory and felicitie for felicitie Thirdly because they be made lords of all things in heauen and earth except good Angels and the church All things are yours whether it be Paule or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death whether things present or to come euen all are yours and yee Christs Quest. But if Christ bee king and all his members kings how do they differ Answ. In two points First Christ is the sonne of God by nature and so a king by nature hauing the right of the kingdome of heauen by inheritance but the members of Christ
But this shall bee our wisedome betime to sue for grace and so shall wee defeat Sathan and preuent eternall wailing Secondly here see what an euill conscience is It lieth asleep here while a man liues and neuer troubleth him and so it may do in death also but in the last day when he shall see his Iudge with his eies then it will stirre it will torment him it will attach accuse and condemne him it will lay to his charge all his sinnes his contempt of Christ and his word his vnbeleefe in the time of grace and then it will breake his heart being as good as a thousand witnesses to condemne him This should cause all men to labour to get a good conscience washed and purged in the bloud of Christ which will not suffer vs to lie in any one sinne and vpon our repentance will assure vs we be in the fauour of God Which if it do in this life then will it neuer make vs to waile at the last day but it will excuse vs and make vs looke vp to our redeemer and to reioyce in him But take heed when thy conscience lieth asleepe and accuseth not for thy sinnes no not at death that is an euill conscience which will awake at the day of iudgement to torment and condemne thee V. point The meanes whereby hee confirmeth the certaintie of the second comming of Christ that is by a double note of asseueration Euen so Amen One of these is taken from the Greeks Euen so the second from the Hebrews Amen being both as much as Amen Amen or verily verily In which phrase Saint Iohn teacheth vs how to confirme the things we auouch There bee three wayes wherby a thing may be auouched First by a simple and bare affirmation or negation Secondly by an earnest asseueration Thirdly by an oath Now S. Iohn vseth these two notes of assuring in this weightie matter of Christs second comming saying He commeth euen so Amen that is certainly and without all doubt it is so Hereby teaching vs first that an asseueration must not be vsed but only when the matter in hand is of great weight and moment Here then we see that wretched is their practise who vse to bind euerie word with an oath which is a degree aboue this asseueration Yea they also are here iustly reprooued who in their ordinarie communication haue euer in their mouth some weightie asseueration Our sauiour often vseth these words of asseueration yet onely in matters of weight and moment and when the hearers were to be moued to greater attention and their hearts were to bee more fully setled in some truth of great importance Secondly by these asseuerations Iohn would teach vs to hold against the practise of Atheists that the comming of Christ is most certaine and vndoubted Which thing we should more seriously obserue because in our corrupt nature there is bred this false persuasion That either wee shall not bee summoned to iudgement or else that Christs comming is farre off like to the euill seruant who saith My maister deferres his comming which euill seruant by nature is euerie one of vs. Thirdly hereby Iohn giues vs to vnderstand one speciall note and marke of the child of God namely to desire and long after vnfainedly the second comming of Christ to iudgement for as these words be an asseueration so withall they containe a most earnest desire Euen so Amen as if he should say by way of answer to the proclaiming of his comming Lord grant it be so yea Lord let it be so Hence it is that Saint Paule describes all those who must receiue the crowne of righteousnesse by this propertie that they loue his appearing 2. Tim. 4.8 As for the vngodly it is not so with them they being not iustified nor sanctified and so not reconciled to God in Christ cannot loue this appearing Nay they could wish with all their heart there were no hell nor last iudgement And by this one note we may well iudge of our estates for if from our hearts we desire and long for this second comming to iudgement and wish he would come quickly then it is a certaine token and signe we bee reconciled to God in Christ and shall receiue the crowne of righteousnesse But if as yet wee feele not this longing and hungering desire in vs then we must suspect our selues and labour euery day to feele it for it is the desire of the saints to say How long Lord. And with Iohn Euen so Amen Verse 8. I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end sayth the Lord which i● which was and which is to come euen the Almightie After Saint Iohn had described Christ at large in the former verses he bringeth him in speaking of himselfe by a figure as may appeare by this clause saith the Lord. The end and scope of these words in this verse is to confirme that which was before spoken of Christ being a proofe and reason thereof after this manner to be conceiued He which is the beginning and the end of all c. he is sufficient to be a king priest and prophet to the Church and is both able and willing to bestow on them all blessings which serue for their good The first part of this argument is omitted the second part is contained in this eight verse But I am the beginning and the end and therefore I am sufficient c. In this eight verse are three points concerning Christ. First he is the beginning and the end Secondly he is was and is to come Thirdly he is Almightie For the first that Christ is the beginning and the end Saint Iohn expresseth by a comparison taken from the Greeke alphabet and it standeth thus As in the A B C of the Grecians Alpha is the first letter and therefore the beginning of all the letters and Omega is the last and therefore the end of all the letters So saith Christ am I the beginning of all things that are and the end of all things The first part of this similitude is in these words I am Alpha and Omega that is I am as Alpha and Omega The second part in these words The beginning and the end From this and such like manner of speaking the Papists gather that it is lawfull to worshippe God in a strange language And that the Scriptures are to be read and deliuered to the people in an vnknowne tongue But their collection is friuolous For though the vnlearned English man know not what Alpha and Omega is yet the Churches to whome this booke was written being Grecians knew generally what was meant hereby Againe though the spirit of God vseth here and there a strange word or phrase yet we may not follow that practise in the whole seruice and worship of God whereby neither the word nor prayer should be vnderstood of the people as the Papists do I am the beginning Christ is sayd to bee the beginning for two causes First because he
their common houses which is vntrue for in the new Testament all such diuersitie of place is abolished in regard of Gods seruice and presence the dwelling house is as holy as the church Indeed churches must bee maintained because in them the people may more orderly and conueniently meet together to serue God publickly in the word and prayer for which time all due reuerence must be obserued in them but we must not think that they are more holy than other places More particularly in this circumstance of place note two things First by what meanes Saint Iohn came thither Secondly to what end and for what cause The meanes was banishment by the emperour Domitian the cause was for the word of God For the first hee came and abode in Patmos being banished thither for the Gospels sake In this his banishment consider many excellent things First Saint Iohn was a most worthy Apostle endued with rare gifts a singular maintainer of the Gospell and a famous founder of the church of God and chiefe pillar thereof in those dayes when he wrot this booke and for this cause most hated of the cruell persecutor Domitian and of the Romanes And yet obserue That whereas many other true Christians were put to the sword S. Iohn is not but escapeth by banishment The cause of this was Gods speciall prouidence by which hee reserued him for the benefit of the church that hee might receiue this Reuelation and commit it to writing for the perpetuall good of all his children And so though Domitian was a cruell tyrant and wanted no malice towards Iohn yet hee could not kill him God ouerruled him that he did but banish him and that into such an Island wherein he might quietly receiue these visions and pen the same for the good of the church By this wee see the great care and prouidence of God ouer his church that hee doth bridle and ouerrule the cruell minds and might of bloudie persecutors that they cannot for their hearts do any thing but that which serueth for Gods glory and the good of his church though they intend the contrary For Domitian intended onely the hurt of Iohn yet see by his banishment into that Isle he had fit place to receiue these visions for the good of the church So in the death of Christ the Iewes and Gentiles and all the people banded themselues together to put Christ to death and the diuell he laboured to stirre them on to practise their intended malice Yet the ouerruling power of God who bringeth light out of darkenesse directeth and ordereth this their malice and wicked practise to the most excellent worke that euer was euen the redemption of mankind So Iosephs brethren intended no such deliuerance as God wrought by him in selling their brother This consideration should comfort all Gods children in the time of any outward distresse euen the remembrance of Gods ouerruling hand Secondly in that Iohn went into banishment when it was so appointed wee learne That when we are oppressed and persecuted by tyrants for Christs sake we must not make resistance or offer violence but suffer all iniuries with patience for as one sayth truly The Christians weapons in persecution are onely prayers and teares And Saint Iohn often in this booke addeth this conclusion after the foretelling of persecution Here is the patience of Saints shewing that patience must be the complete armour against all our bloodie enemies Thirdly here also obserue That Iohn came into this Island not of his own accord as chusing a solitarie life to bee the most happie state of perfection but by violence and constraint For if hee had come into it voluntarily being little or not inhabited hee could not haue done the duty of his Apostleship in preaching the Gospell and laying the foundations of the church This then confuteth the Monkish life which is no life of holy perfection as Papists call it but of glorious superstition and slat impietie before God for hereby they forsake their callings and vtterly disable themselues to do those duties which God requireth of them in church commonwealth or familie Fourthly whereas Iohn being banished receiued his visions in a barren and base desolate place we see that those which honour God shall be honoured of God euen then when men seeke most to disgrace them for what greater disgrace could they haue put vpon Iohn than to banish him into so base an Island Yet because it was for Gods glory euen there doth the Lord appeare vnto him and honour him much in reuealing vnto him these visions So when Ioseph was sold of his brethren and most dishonoured of them then did God exhalt him most of all The same may bee sayd of Daniell in Babylon whom God did most aduance when his enemies sought his greatest ruine and the same is true of all Gods children Them which honour God will he honour II. point The cause for which hee came into this Isle is expresly set downe for the word of God that is because he was a publisher and preacher of the word of God for the performance of which dutie he was banished By which wee may note That all naturall men as Domitian and his court and all the Gentiles without Gods speciall calling doe beare a deadly hatred towards Gods word For S. Iohn was a most worthy Apostle a famous man for gifts a singular preacher of the word of God yet is hated nay banished not for his owne cause but for the word of God This hatred hath appeared in the heathen emperours by their bloudie persecutions against the preachers and professors of this word and yet though men hate it naturally the same word winneth them and taketh place in their hearts for their conuersion and causeth them to loue it so as successiuely it hath beene spread ouer all the world Which shews against the Atheist That the word taught by the Prophets and Apostles is indeed the true word of God not the inuention of man for mans word being hated cannot win vnto it him which hateth it but the word of God preuaileth by grace in the hearts of those who hate it by nature which it could not doe vnlesse there were in it some diuine power Againe seeing Iohn was banished for Gods word all ministers are to cast their accounts and make this reckoning that they may and must suffer trouble persecution yea sometime banishment it selfe for the Gospels sake if they will be faithfull For that which befell the principall founders and chiefe builders of the church cannot bee auoided of them which are ordinary ministers if they will be faithfull Christ acquainteth his disciples with this telling them That they are euen accursed when all men speake well of them Let none therefore thinke it strange at this day if for well doing they heare and receiue euill nay let them feare the curse when all men prayse them And for the witnessing of Iesus Christ. Here Iohn doth note more specially the
cast off all dulnesse of flesh and spirit and with all might stirre vp our selues to attentiue hearing so shall the word be blessed vnto vs otherwise our hearing shall turne to our deeper condemnation Verse 11. Saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last and that which thou seest write in a booke and send it vnto the seuen Churches which are in Asia vnto Ephesus and vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamus and vnto Thyatira and vnto Sardai and vnto Philadelphia and vnto Laodicea These words containe the third description of this voice whereby Iohns heart was prepared touching the substance and matter which was vttered which consisteth in two things The first is a testimonie in these words I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last The second a commaundement in the wordes following That which thou seest write and send c. I. Touching the testimonie the substance thereof is set downe in the eight verse where the words were handled and the meaning shewed They do serue directly to proue the Godhead and eternitie of Christ which Christ himselfe doth here auouch to giue vnto Iohn and vnto the Church full assurance that the things now vttered and deliuered were from God for saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last it is as much as if he had said I which speake vnto thee am God and therefore the things I deliuer are from God In this testimonie note Gods speciall care in regard of his truth hee doth not content himselfe with reuealing his will vnto his Church but more specially his care is to certifie the Church of the truth thereof that it is indeed from God This hath beene Gods care from the beginning When Peter receiued a vision from God withall Gods spirit assured him that the things reuealed therein were certen sure And so when Christ preached the will of his father among men hee did withall worke strange miracles to confirme and seale vp the truth of his doctrine that it was from God This speciall care of God ouer his Church doth first confute the Papists opinion touching Scripture They hold the Scripture to bee certen in it selfe but not vnto men till the Church giue testimonie thereunto But this is false for God euer had this care ouer his Church not onely to reueale his will vnto them but also to vse meanes for the assurance of their consciences that that which was reuealed was his vndoubted and perfect will And therefore the word of God is certen and euer was not onely in it selfe b●t to the consciences of beleeuers and that without the testimonie of the church and so should bee through the testimonie of the church should neuer come thereunto Secondly hereby are confuted many carnall men who will be of no religion because say they there is no certainetie in the matters of religion mens opinions therein are so diuers that so many men so many minds almost and no man can tell who speakes the truth Answ. It may be that men in sundry matters hold sundry priuat opinions yet in the church of God all the true members of Christ hold the same opinions touching the foundation of religion But let it bee graunted That all men on earth were of diuers opinions touching matters of religion should religion therefore bee vncertaine God forbid For religion is certaine vnto men by the meanes that God hath appointed to certifie the conscience of the truth thereof and thereby might men come to the truth and certaineti● of religion taught by the Prophets and Apostles though all men in the world were of diuers opinions touching the same Thus much of the Testimonie II. point The commaundement giuen to Iohn is in these words That which thou seest write in a booke and send it to the seuen Churches which are in Asia This commaundement hath two parts First To write the things seene in a booke secondly to send the booke to the seuen churches here named And both these must Iohn do being now disabled by his exile to preach these things vnto them personally for these causes First that these churches might be edified in the faith and strengthened in these most grieuous times of persecution Secondly that they might become keepers of this booke for the good of others for the church of God is the pillar of truth not onely for that it publisheth Gods truth but also because it keepeth it and giueth testimonie therunto In this commaundement note sundry things First that the word of God written and penned by the hand of man is a notable helpe to the church of God and a worthy meanes to edifie the same els Christ would neuer haue commaunded Iohn to haue written these visions and sent them to the Churches Which serueth to confute the blind Papists which say the word written is but an inkie letter and a nose of waxe because the sence thereof may be turned euery way as man will This also confuteth the Anabaptists which so much magnifie their Reuelations and make no account of the word written If the Lord had thought it best hee would haue taught these churches by reuelations but they must learne by the word written Secondly that the reading of Gods word either publickly or priuately is an ordinance of God for the Lord commaunding Iohn to write this booke and send it to the churches hereby implieth that they must reade the same as they did other bookes of Scripture The preaching of the word is indeede the most worthy instrument for the founding and confirming of Gods Church whereby ordinarily iustifying faith is wrought in the heart and yet reading must haue his due reuerence as a meanes to confirme and encrease true knowledge faith and repentance where it is begun Thirdly here note that a man may be vnder the crosse and in persecution and yet remaine in the speciall fauor of God for this banishment into such a desart place was vnto Iohn a grieuous crosse and yet the Lord vouchsafed there to reueale himselfe vnto him and to make him the penman of this booke Which honour hee vouchsafeth not to all but to them that are most dear vnto him Which thing each one should carefully obserue for our nature is so corrupt that when wee are vnder the crosse it would persuade vs we are cast out of the loue and fauour of God In the end of the verse the seauen Churches Ephesus Smyrna and the rest are named Which seuen places were seuen famous cities in Asia wherein were planted the most famous churches that were in those parts and for their excellencie are they named And thus much for the meanes of Iohns preparation Now follow the parts thereof which are two first is hearing folded vp with the former meanes And I heard a voyce Second is Turning of himselfe to see the partie that spake vnto him in these words Verse 12. Then I turned backe to see the voice which spake with me and when I was turned I saw seuen
euerlasting life which Christ there keepeth in store for vs and for this cause principally doth Christ here say Behold I liue for euer 3. This also must mooue vs to put all our affiance in him and to place all our ioy and reioicing in him Men haue most regard to that part of their bodie by which the whole body and euery member liueth Well wee professe our selues to bee members of Christ and in him is hid our spirituall life wee therefore must set our hearts and affections on him especially The third part of the distinction is this Though I was dead ye● I haue the keyes of death and of hell Here we must not imagine that hell is a bodily place kept with locke and key and dores as mens dwelling houses are that cannot bee proued by any place of Gods word Neither yet that the torments thereof are bodily such as bee inflicted in this world but rather they are spirituall being the apprehension and feeling of Gods wrath and vengeance whose iealousie burnes like fire But Christ in this phrase borroweth a comparison from stewards of great houses who at their installing into their stewardships haue the keyes of all things giuen vnto them Which giuing of the keyes is a token of regiment and authoritie bestowed vpon them And the meaning is this That Iesus Christ thogh he once died yet by his death did vanquish hell and death and hath obtained full power dominion ouer them both for euermore Hence arise sundry instructions first that power and authoritie to forgiue sinnes properly belongeth onely vnto Christ. No meere creature hath this power for hee that can forgiue sinnes must bee able to take away the punishments of sinne namely hell and death which none can doe but Christ alone who onely hath the keyes thereof And to say that a man can properly forgiue sinnes is to say that a man hath power in himselfe ouer hell and death And therefore the priesthood of the church of Rome is full of blasphemie who take vpon them properly to pronounce vnto men the pardon of their sinnes of themselues and they deride the custome of reformed churches who from God pronounce the pardon of sinnes vnto them that repent Secondly hereby wee are taught to reuerence Christ and to performe vnto him all due honor and loyall obedience If wee neuer haue done this heretofore wee must now begin and if wee haue done it we must endeuour to do it more For Christ hath the keyes of hell and death hee can open the gates thereof at his pleasure and cast thither whom hee will Many deceiue themselues through their false conceit of Christ they thinke not of him as of a Iudge but as a Sauior onely they make him all of mercie and pitie and thereby they take occasion to goe on in sinne But wee must consider that Christ is likewise a righteous iudge who hath the power of hell and death in his hands and therefore we must not flatter our selues in our euill wayes but striue to please him continually with fear and trembling least by our sinnes we stir vp his wrath against vs and cause him to cast vs into hell whence is no redemption Thirdly this is a matter of great comfort vnto all those in Gods church that in this life vnfainedly cleaue vnto Christ and especially in time of affliction and temptation and at the houre of death for Christ hauing the keyes of hell death is able to keepe them from hell and from the sting of death And this hee will doe because they trust in him for he hath promised it If this were alwayes sounding in our eares it would minister endlesse ioy vnto our soules against the seruile feare of hell and death Vers. 19. Write the things which thou hast seene and the things which are and the things which shall come hereafter Here S. Iohn propoundeth a second action of Christ. For hauing confirmed Iohn against his great feare hee giueth him a commaundement to write the things which he had seene c. This commaundement was giuen to Iohn in the eleuenth verse and is here againe repeated for these causes First that Iohn might see the special care of Christ ouer his church that he still continueth a prouident head thereof for their good estate after his ascention Secondly that Gods church in all ages may vnderstand that it is necessarie men should know the estate of the church to bee subiect vnto troubles that thereby they may better arm themselues against the euils to come Thirdly that Iohn might be fully assured of his calling to write and publish this booke Fourthly that Gods church in all ages might be out of doubt that this booke is no deuice of man but a booke of God and part of holy Scripture reuealed from Christ to Iohn for the good of his church If it be sayd though Christ did faithfully reueale his will yet Iohn might erre in publishing it Answ. As Christ deliuered this to Iohn so hee receiued and published it faithfully without all fault either in matter or manner for we must make a difference betweene the Prophets and Apostles and all other teachers As the Prophets in former times so the Apostles in the New Testament were called immediately by Christ and had such speciall assistance of Gods spirit that they could not erre when they propounded by preaching or writing any doctrine of Christ vnto the church of God this appeareth by the promises of Christ made vnto them Luk. 10.16 He which heareth you heareth me and be which refuseth you refuseth me and ●e which refuseth me refuseth him that sent me Againe Matth. 10.20 It is not you which speake but the spirit of your father speaking in you Ioh. 14.26 hee promiseth to send his spirit to be their comforter which shall teach them all things yea to lead them into all truth Iohn 16 1● Which promise some apply 〈◊〉 al Gods ministers but if we marke the circumstances therof we shall see that properly it agreeth to the Apostles for though in others the certaintie hereof cannot be affirmed yet in them it may for which cause in the counsell at Ierusalem thus they write vnto the churches It seemed good to the holy ghost and to vs as being assured of the certaine direction of the holy ghost which no ministers euer since could say being subiect to errour both in speaking and writing This distinction must bee held for the certainetie of our faith in the points of Religion and for our assurance of the faithfull penning and publishing of this booke And thus much of the causes of this repetition In the words of this commandement is contained the diuision of this whole booke Write the words which thou hast seene that is set downe what I haue shewed thee in this vision And which are that is all things which I reueale vnto thee touching the present estate of the church And which are to come hereafter that is those things which concerne the
future estate of the church to the end of the world as I will reueale it vnto thee Thus then is the whole booke distinguished I. It containeth things touching the present estate of the church in Iohns da●es II. It entreateth of things which concerne the future estate thereof from Iohns time to the end of the world Hence obserue the lawfulnesse of the art of Logicke for diuisions be lawfull else the holy ghost would not here haue vsed them and so by proportion are other arguments of reasoning and therefore that art which giueth rules of direction for the right vse of these arguments is lawfull and good Those men then are farre deceiued who account the arts of Logicke and Rhetoricke to be friuolous and vnlawfull and in so saying they condemne the practise of the holy ghost in this place Vers. 20. The mysterie of the seuen starres which thou sawest in my right hand and the seuen golden candlestickes is this The seuen starres are the seuen Angels of the Churches and the seuen candlesticks which thou sawest are the seuen Churches This is the third action of Christ namely the interpretation of the Vision in the principall parts thereof which he expoundeth for these causes First Iohn in this businesse was to shew himselfe a Prophet of God by declaring the present and future estate of Gods church Now the principall part of a Prophet is to expound visions or dreames reuealed either to himselfe or to others as wee may see in Daniell and the rest of the prophets Secondly that Iohn might bee encouraged in the publishing of this booke and of the things reuealed vnto him For Iohns calling respected the Church of God And when he should perceiue these visions to concerne the Churches this would stirre vp his diligence in obseruing and penning the things reuealed Now Christ expoundeth not the whole vision but two principall things therein namely what was meant by the seuen starres to wit the seuen Angels or the seuen ministers of the Churches And what was meant by the seuen golden candlesticks namely The seuē Churches thēselues The reasons why both were so called wee haue showed before with the vse therof Here onely I will obserue these three points First why Christ in the interpretation of his vision doth not expound the whole but onely two principall parts thereof This he doth for these causes First because hee hath giuen vnto his church the gift of interpretation which hee would haue them to exercise about this vision For if hee had expounded euery part himselfe then he had left herein no matter to his church whereabout shee might exercise her gift Secondly to prouoke Gods ministers especially with other members of his church vnto all diligence in studying this and other parts of scripture For if all things were easie and plaine then men would grow carelesse in reading and searching out the knowledge of Gods word Thirdly to stir vp in euery Reader of this booke an earnest and hartie desire to vnderstand the same Fourthly to excite all his seruants to prayer and inuocation vpon God for his grace that they may with reading the Scripture vnderstand the true meaning thereof II. point Note here the ministers of the churches are called Angels What these Angels are appeareth in the chapters following to wit the pastors and ministers of these seuen churches of Asia So Mat. 11.10 Iohn Baptist is called Christs Angell or messenger whereby wee haue good light for the expounding of a place in Paule 1. Cor. 11.10 saying That the woman ought to haue power ouer her head that is bee couered because of the Angels Where by Angels may well bee vnderstood the preachers and ministers of the Gospell And the reason of that precept may bee this Among the Corinthians the couering of the head was not as it is with vs a token of prelieminence and superioritie but a signe of subiection And therefore the Apostle would haue the women of Corinth when they came into the congregation to haue their heads couered according to the custome of their countrey in other assemblies to signifie their submission and reuerence vnto the ministerie of the Gospell Whereas Ministers are the Lords angels and embassadours hence wee gather that euery Minister of the Gospell must carry himselfe as the messenger of the Lord. Messengers haue regard of two things of the matter of their message and of their manner of deliuerie that they speake all which they are commanded and in such order as their Lord and master would haue it spoken or speake it himselfe if hee were present and he that faileth in either of these may iustly bee chalenged of vnfaithfulnesse The Minister therefore being Christs messenger must deliuer the whole will of Christ alone vnto his people as also in that manner which Christ approoueth and would himselfe obserue if hee were present Now can we once imagine that Christ would deliuer his will partly in English partly in Latine and other Languages or intermingle with the testimonies of the Prophets and Apostles the sentences of Fathers of Philosophers Poets and other writers Those therfore that in this sort dispence Christs gospel doe hereby bewray vnfaithfulnesse in their deliuerie Indeed this is counted the learned kind of preaching But it is not that manner which Christ approoueth And besides if this kind of teaching may take place it will bring in as great Barbarisme in regard of true Diuinitie as was among the Schoolemen when Gods word was wholly turned vnto needlesse disputation yea it would shortly banish the Gospell out of this land III. point Note the phrase which the holy ghost vseth he sayth not The seuen starres signifie the seuen Angels but Are the seuen Angels and the seuen candlestickes Are the seuen churches giuing to the signe the name of the thing signified Wherein wee haue a good warrant for our exposition of that phrase in the Sacrament This bread is my body this cup is my bloud Which the Papists vnderstand properly of the very bodie and bloud of Christ by reall transmutation But as these seuen starres are sayd to bee seuen Ministers because they did signifie the seuen Ministers so is the bread called the body of Christ because it signifieth and representeth his bodie and the cup his bloud And as it is absurd to say the seuen ministers were indeed seuen starres because they are so called so it is absurd to hold the bread in the Sacraments to be really Christs body or the wine his bloud because it is so called And thus much of the third action of Christ in the interpretation of this Vision THE SECOND CHAPTER Vers. 1. Vnto the Angell of the Church of Ephesus write These things sayth he that holdeth the seuen starres in his right hand and walketh in the middest of the seuen golden candlestickes IN this Chapter and in the next is contained the fourth action of our Sauiour Christ wherein he giueth seuen particular commaundements to Iohn to write vnto the
this is the manner of all wicked men to blesse themselues in their wickednesse and whatsoeuer they doe yet still to say and thinke God will blesse them Take an heretick● who ouerthrowes the truth of God by his errors and he will say he teacheth that which in conscience hee is persuaded is the truth for which hee will shed his bloud and whereto he would haue all men yeeld So take a professed witch man or woman they will say all that they doe is by the power of the good Angels and by some speciall gifts giuen vnto them aboue others but they will not bee brought to acknowledge that they doe any thing by vertue of their league with the deuil from whence indeed commeth all they can doe And so the carnall protestants of our time they looke for Gods blessings in this life and for eternall life by Christ after death and yet walke in the broad way to destruction in sinne profanesse Thus they blesse themselues in their euill wayes and make Christ a pack-horse for their iniquities But in the example of these Iewes we must learn to lay downe all presumptuous thoughts of our owne goodnesse and vaine persuasions of gods fauor without his true grace and rather looke vnto our sinnes and bee humbled for them that God may lift vs vp II. point Christs iudgement of them is this They are not Iewes but a Synagogue of Sathan that is a companie of men that seemed to serue God after the Iewish maner but did indeed worship the deuill Herein are many things to be considered I. How this could be true of any companie of the Iewes who were the chosen people of God Answ. Election is twofold speciall and generall Gods speci●ll election is when in his eternall couns●ll he chuseth a man to life eternall and ●his befell not all the Iewes but some onely Gods generall election is ●hē he ●ouchsafeth any people to become his visible church to haue and 〈◊〉 the outward signe● and 〈…〉 his co●e●ant● thus was the 〈◊〉 of the Iews elected and therefore were circumcised and receiued the passeouer From this generall election a church and people may fall as the Iewes did and so became the Synagogue of Sathan being indeed neuer within the particular calling from which a man cannot fall away for Gods election remaineth s●●e 2. Tim. 2.19 his calling is without repentance Rom. 11. ●9 II. point At what time did the Iewes begin to be a synagogue of Sathan Answ. Not at the crucifying of the Lord of life though that were a most heinous sinne for though some therin sinned of malice yet many did it of ignorance This Peter confess●th Acts. 3.17 And therfore in his first Sermon after Christs ascension telleth them That the 〈◊〉 belonged to them and to 〈…〉 that were a farre off Act ● ●● But when the Apostles had a long time preached Christ vnto them conuinced their consciences out of the old testament that he was the true Messias and yet they remained obstinate reiecting and persecuting both them and their doctrine then they ceased to bee a church of God and became the synagogue of Sathan for this cause Paule and Barnabas shooke off the dust of their feet against them and turned to the G●●●ils Whereby we see when a church of God becommeth no church namely not so soone as they hold an heresie for the church of the Galatians held iustification by workes yet thereupon ceased not to be a church but when they embrace an heresie against the foundation of religion and be conuicted of it not by priuate men but by Apostolicall authority or by publick iudiciall sentence of the church from the authoritie of Gods word Hence we may learne first what we are to thinke and iudge of the church of the papists of the Libertines and Anabaptists familie of Loue and such like namely that they are no churches of God for they hold heresies against the foundation which the Church long agone condemned by Apostolicall and Iudiciall authoritie Againe here we learne what to iudge of this our church of England many there be that say wee haue no church among vs because some priuat men haue reprooued the same for some things that are amisse and yet they are not reformed But this is a fond and foolish reason For first the errour must be against the foundation and yet that maketh not a church to bee no church vnlesse it be obstinatly maintained after sufficient reproofe and iudiciall conuiction by the word of God But no such thing can be affirmed of vs and therfore we remaine the true church of God III. point How became the Iewes a Sinagogue of Sathan Answ. Through their vnbeleefe as is plainely prooued Roman 11.20 Obiect But they held the word of God and defended the bookes of the old Testament for which we are beholding vnto them Answ. Indeed they held the letter but if we regard the true meaning of the Prophets and the subiect of the old Testament which is Iesus Christ that they raced out and denied And so though they held the letter yet worshipping God out of Christ they worshipped an idoll and not that God which would giue vnto them eternal life For out of Christ there is no saluation And so wee may say of the church of Rome though they hold the bookes of the Old and New testament with the Creed of the Apostles whereupon some say wee ought not to depart from them yet the truth is that indeed they hold them not The Christ of the Papists is but a fained Christ for they take from him both his nature especially his humanitie and his offices and therefore wee haue iust cause to separat from them This example of the Iewes that were once a most famous people but are now become the Sinagogue of Sathan must be set before our eyes continually For whē al the world were reiected they stood high in Gods fauour but now for their vnbeleefe they are cast off from God and are become the Sinagogue of the diuell Which must admonish vs Not to be high minded but to feare Ro. 11.20 For if God spared not the naturall branches them that were his first chosen people he will not spare vs that are but wild oliues graffed into the true vine We must therefore take heed of vnbeleefe and labour for true faith which we must testifie by obedience in our liues cōuersations Verse 10. Feare none of th●se things which thou shalt suffer Behold it shall come to passe that the 〈◊〉 shall cast 〈◊〉 of you into prison that yee may be trie● and yee shall haue tribulation ten dayes Be thou faithfull vnto the death and I will giue thee the crowne of life Here followeth the second part of th● proposition of this Epistle to wit that heauenly and spirituall counsell which Christ giueth to this church of Smyrna which I call counsell because in the next chapter our Sauiour Christ calleth such kind of instruction
charitie to bee persuaded that godly professors are the sons and daughters of God But the man himselfe that hath receiued this new name and new estate hee knowes it otherwise and therefore certainely and infallibly Secondly if no man know this name but hee that receiueth it then can none beside God and the conscience know from within the man his particular faith and adoption And hereby we are to bee admonished to beware of charging the euill and hard censure of hypocrisie vpon any that liue in the church in so doing we ouershoot our selues this iudgement belongs to God not to man saue onely to the man himselfe for wee cannot discerne the good within the man properly but by effects Quest. How farre forth may a man iudge of another mans election Answ. There be two degrees of iudgement iudgement of certentie and iudgement of charitie Iudgement of certentie is when a man can set downe certainely such a man shall be saued This is peremptorie iudgement belonging vnto God and to some men onely so farre forth as the Lord reuealeth it vnto them as he did the estate of some men to Dauid and to some Prophets Whereupon Dauid sometimes prayes for the finall destruction of his enemies but this is not giuen ordinarily no not to Gods ministers The iudgement of charity is that which bind● a man to iudge the best of another and herein bee two degrees First touching the vnregenerate charitie binds vs not to despaire of such as yet liue profanely but to hope that God will in good time call them And touching the regenerate who haue giuē good testimonies of their vocation charitie binds vs to be persuaded without doubt that they be the children of God And this we may doe without repugnance to this place for though wee cannot from within the man know his estate yet by the fruits we may which is the highest degree of iudgement that charitie can exercise Thirdly here wee see the church of Rome is deceiued who make Visibilitie the marke of Gods church for Gods church is a companie of men which beleeue the ground of the church is Gods election and adoption and mans faith which none other can see but the parties that haue them The signes thereof may be seene but properly the church cannot bee seene It comes to bee visible by the fruits of election and by the outward works of loue which proceed from faith We therefore hold farre better that wee beleeue there is a church and not that we see the church Lastly if others know not the name of Gods children then what maruell is it if the wicked miscall them 1. Iohn 3.2 The world knowes vs not Gods children therefore must not be daunted at the reproches of the wicked but pray with Christ Father forgiue them they know not what they doe Luk. 23.34 Verse 18. And vnto the Angell which is at Thyatira write These things sayth the sonne of God which hath his eyes like to a flame of fire and his feete like fine brasse Here followeth the fourth particular commaundement of Christ vnto Iohn as also the fourth particular Epistle The commaundement in these words To the Angell which is at Thyatira write of the substance of this commaundement I haue spoken before onely remember the end thereof which is to certifie this church of Thyatira that Iohn had a calling and commaundement from God to write this Epistle vnto them and further to certifie the whole Church of God to the end of the world of his calling to write this booke of the Reuelation The Epistle it selfe containeth three parts a Preface a Proposition and a Conclusion The Preface in these words These things sayth the sonne of God which hath his eyes like vnto a flame of fire and his feete like fine brasse all which things almost haue beene handled in the beginning of this chapter and in the former from whence they are borrowed In the Preface first is set downe in whose name the Epistle is written to wit in Christs name the causes thereof we haue shewed before Then Christ is described by three arguments First To be the sonne of God Secondly To haue eyes like a flame of fire Thirdly To haue feete like fine brasse For the first In the former chapter he was called The sonne of man but here he is called The sonne of God where by God wee must not absolutely vnderstand the godhead of the whole Trinitie but the person of the father who being opposed either to the sonne or to the holy ghost is vsually called God not that he is God more than the sonne or than the holy ghost but because he is the first in order and because hee is that person from whom the godhead is communicated to the sonne and to the holy ghost So that here Christ is called the sonne of the father which mysterie wee cannot fully vnderstand for the word hath not reuealed the same neither can wee find it elsewhere out of the word But yet for the better conceiuing thereof remember these two rules I. That Christ is the son of the father not in respect of his godhead but in respect of his person For the godhead of the sonne is the same with the godhead of the father The godhead of the father doth not beget neither is the godhead of the sonne begotten II. Rule Christ is the sonne of the father not by creation as the Angels and Adam were nor by adoption as euery beleeuer is but by nature in that hee is begotten of the substance of his father before all worlds for the father communicates from himselfe the whole godhead that is in himselfe vnto his sonne Christ is here called the sonne of God to stirre vp reuerence attention and care in this church in marking and obeying the things that follow in this particular Epistle And in their example Christ also teacheth vs that when we heare the word of God preached or read vnto vs wee should receiue it with fear and trembling and reuerence because he that speaketh vnto vs out of his word is the sonne of God When Pilate was about to condemne our Sauiour Christ he heard it said that Christ was the sonne of God And thereupon hee trembled and was the more afraid Ioh. 19. verse 8. shall a ●illie heathen man that knowes not Christ tremble towards him when hee heares his name and yet wee that professe our selues to beleeue in him bee nothing mooued with reuerence towards him when hee speakes vnto vs in his word At his presence the hils melt and at his voyce the rockes cleaue in sunder and therefore if our hearts shall not melt and cleaue asunder with a reuerent feare when he shall speake vnto vs wee are worser than these sencelesse creatures Secondly Christ is sayd To haue eyes like a flame of fire which we must not conceiue literally The words are borrowed from the former chapter vers 14. where Christ is described not as hee is in truth but
holy Ghost but by Christ it is manifest that none can haue fellowship with the Father but by Christ. And here the same is verified touching fellowship with the holy ghost especially for the obtaining of those graces that concerne eternall life This serueth for our speciall instruction for among the Papists there are many that haue worthy and excellent gifts of God as knowledge memorie c. And yet in them be wanting the special giftes of the spirit as faith which iustifieth regeneration for touching assurance of these in themselues they professe themselues to be ignorant And whence cōmeth this but onely from their want of Christ for the Christ of the Papists as they teach him is an idoll Christ and therefore wee are not to maruell though wee see the most learned among them to scoffe and mock at our doctrin of assurance of Faith certainty of electiō Secondly we haue many among vs that will say they looke to be saued by Christ to haue their sins pardoned by him and yet you shall perceiue in them no grace of knowledge or conscience of true obedience But these things cānot stand together to wit loosnes of life and forgiuenes of sins therfore these men deceiue themselues for if they had Christ they should haue his spirit and the graces thereof purging their hearts for Christ and his spirit are neuer seuered he that hath the spirit of Christ working in him faith good conscience hath an infallible token that Iesus Christ is his This must admonish vs to labour for 〈◊〉 vnion with Christ Iesus our head to become flesh of his flesh bone of his bone that in him we may haue fellowship with the father and with the holy Ghost for till we be vnited vnto Christ we shall neuer haue the graces of saluation wrought effectually in our hearts The second royaltie of Christ is that he hath the seuen starres that is the seuen Pastors of the seuen Churches of Asia they are called starres because in their ministerie they inlighten men in the way that leadeth vnto life And Christ is said to haue them because hee is a soueraigne Lord ouer them they bee his seruants For he ●ppointeth that person that shall be his minister among men hee giueth him gifts meet for his calling he prescribeth also vnto him his office and duties But the Pastors of Churches will some say are made by the Church Answ. The right of ordaining Pastors belongs to Christ as his royaltie the office of the Church is to testifie ratifie according to the word of God to approoue of them whom Christ maketh and indueth with gifts and for that cause is the Church said to call and ordaine Ministers The end why Christ is said to haue soveraigntie ouer the Ministers is to strike the heart of the minister of this Church of Sardis with conscience of his former negligence to stir him vp to diligence and carefulnes in his place And indeede the consideration of Christs soueraigntie ouer them is an excellent motiue to stir vp all Ministers to bee diligent in their place and so likewise all Christians For considering that they are Christs and the gifts they haue come from him this must mooue them to make conscience of all good duties for being Christs they must giue themselues wholy to do the will of Christ whose they are If he would haue vs liue we must be thankefull because he is Lord of life if our death will glorifie him we must be content because wee are his Thus much of the Preface The matter of this Epistle containeth two parts A reproofe of a vice with the remedie thereof Vers. 1.2.3 And a praise or commendation vers 4. The reproofe in these words I know thy works that is I know all thy workes they are all manifest vnto me and I mislike of them So must these wordes be vnderstood in this place as may appeare by the reason of this reproofe in the wordes following Thou hast a name that thou liuest but thou art dead Wherein is set downe the fault of this Church namely Hypocrisie for that they pretended christian religion in outward profession but yet wanted the life of christianitie the power of godlines for the meaning of the reason is this Thou hast a name that thou liuest that is Churches round about thee iudge and speak of thee as of a church that is borne anew in Christ and is guided by his spirit for by life we must vnderstand spirituall life not corporall but yet for all this thou art dead that is thou wantest true spirituall life by regeneration and art indeed dead in thy sinnes this is a great and a sharpe reproofe That which is here said of this Church of Sardis may be truly verified of diuers churches in this age As first of the great church of Rome who are guided by the Pope as by their head That church hath a name to be aliue in their owne pretence it is the only true church of God in the world but in truth and before God it is dead Some say it is as a body full of diseases and whose throat is cut but yet the heart panteth life remaineth therin But we may say it hath no manner of spirituall life but lyeth starke dead as a carkasse in the graue The reasons that some alledge for it are of small moment first they say it hath the Sacramēt of baptisme which is a note of a true Church and therefore it hath some life Ans. First Baptisme is not alwayes a note of a true church for circumcision in whose stead commeth baptisme was a sacrament vsed of the Samaritans when they were no people of God and so no church of God Againe Baptisme without the true preaching of the Gospel is no infallible signe of a church it is but a seale pulled from the writing or set to a bare paper to no vse and further outward Baptisme without inward Baptisme is no note of a church but such is baptisme in the church of Rome it hath not inward baptisme ioyned vnto it neither the true preaching of the word for the doctrine which they teach is a quite ouerturning of Christ and his Gospel and therefore outward baptisme may bee where there is no church Secondly I answer that baptisme in the church of Rome is a Sacrament not to their synagogue but to the hiddē church of God among them For God had his Church among them euen in the midst of Poperie There were alwayes some among them that renounced their religion whom God called home vnto himself by the meanes which were among them as the vse of this Sacrament the Apostles Creed and of other books of holy Scripture For as God said to Elias in Ahabs time I haue reserued seuen thousand that neuer bowed the knee to Baal So may it bee sayd of many among the Papists God hath there his secret Church who neuer yeelded to the Popes gouernment
of God So that heere these fewe haue a promise to bee freed from all want and to liue with Christ in all glorie ioy and pleasure This benefite hath beene in effect further vrged in the former Chapter heere onely I will note one Doctrine namely That they which liue in the world amonge the wicked and doe not communicate with their sinnes shall not partake with them in their punishments for the bodie of this Church must haue Christ to come amongest them as a Theefe but the godly must walke with Christ in white in glorie Lot was freed from the destruction of the Sodomites because hee partaked not with them in their sinnes and amonge the Israelites Those that mourned for the sinnes of the people are marked in the fore-head that when Iudgements came vppon the wicked they might bee spared This point must bee remembred for by reason of longe peace and prosperitie among vs many sinnes abound as Ignorance Atheisme contempt of Religion and prophaning of the Lordes Sabbath with innumerable sinnes of the second table All which call for Iudgements from heauen and no doubt they will bee punished partly in this life and partly in the life to come vnlesse our people doe repent Those therefore that would not partake of the common Iudgements that are to come must nowe beware that they communicate not with the common sinnes that d●e abounde and see that they keepe faith and good conscience hauing their righteous and zealous hearts grieued for the abhominations among which they liue After the promise is adioyned the reason thereof For they are worthy Hence the Church of Roome doth conclude That a man by his workes may merite heauen because they bee worthie of reward A most blasphemous conclusion and a manifest abuse of the word of GOD. Gods children indeede are worthie life euerlasting but not by the merite of their works for then they should bee done according to the rigour of the Lawe but for the worthynesse of their person when as they stand righteous before GOD in Christ for when GOD will saue any man he giues Christ vnto that man truely and really so as hee may saye Christ is mine And with Christ GOD giues his spirite which worketh in his heart true sauing fayth whereby hee doth receiue Christ and so Christ and his righteousnesse belonges vnto that man reallye and by vertue thereof hee is worthie life euerlasting and this is the worthynesse which Christ meaneth in this place and not any worthynesse of their workes so that this doth helpe them nothing at all and yet it is the most probable place of Scripture to prooue and iustifie the Doctrine of mans merits Vers. 5. Hee that ouercommeth shall be cloathed in white array and I will not put out his name out of the Booke of life but I will confesse his name before my Father and before his Angels Vers. 6. Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirite sayth vnto the Churches Heere is the conclusion of this Epistle and it containeth two partes a promise and a commaundement The promise in the fift verse and the commaundement in the sixt In the promise note two thinges first the parties to whome it is made To him that ouercommeth whereof we haue spoken before Secondly the things promised to wit glorie and eternall happinesse which is expressed three wayes First thus hee shall bee cloathed in white array that is hee shall haue euerlasting life and happinesse so much is signified by white ●ayment as wee haue alreadie shewed Hence the Church of Rome conclude that a man may doe good workes respecting a reward Answere In some sort it is true for so it is recorded of Moses Hebr. 11.26 Hee had respect to the recompence of reward But yet the recompence of reward must not bee the principall end of our good works for cheefely wee must thereby intend to testifie our faith and our obedience vnto God and with that wee may haue respect to euerlasting life The second thing promised And I will not put out his name out of the booke of life For the vnderstanding of this two questions must bee scanned First what this booke of life is Secondly whether a man may bee blotted out of this Booke For the first this booke of life is nothing else but Gods predestination or eternall decree of Election whereby he hath chosen some men vnto saluation vpon his good pleasure And this is called a Booke because it is like vnto a Booke For as the Generall in a Campe hath the names of all his souldiours that fight vnder him in a Booke and as the Magistrate of a Towne hath the name of euerie free man and Denison in●owled so GOD in the booke of his Election hath the names of all that shal be saued For the second Question A man may bee written in the Booke of life two wayes either truely before God or in the iudgement of men onely Those whose names are truely before GOD written in this booke cannot be blotted out For Gods counsell touching the eternall state of euerie man is vnchangable This the goulden Chayne of Gods decree doth plainely shew For whome hee hath predestinate them he hath called and whome hee called them also hee iustified and whome hee iustified them hee also glorified Others there be that haue their names written in this Booke only in the iudgement of men and thus are all men written in the Booke of life that professe the Gospell of Christ in his Church for so charitie bindes vs to iudge of them And these may haue their names blotted out In this sence doth the Scripture often speake as when the Prophet wisheth That God would blot his enemies out of the Booke of life meaning Iudas principally his meaning is that it might bee made manifest his name was neuer written therein This then is the meaning of this promise that they who doe auoid the occasions of sin and haue care to keepe faith and good conscience vnto the end haue their names written in the booke of life and they shall neuer bee blotted out Hence I gather two things First that the number of the elect in respect of God is certaine for the names of those which are to bee saued bee as it were written in a booke and being once written in they remayne there for euer Some doe teach that all may bee saued if they will but this is a meere fancie of man for what should th●●e need any booke of life if that were so Secondly hence I gather that this number can neither increase nor be diminished let men doe wha● they can If they had been of vs they would haue continued with vs. 1. Ioh. 2.19 All that thou hast giuen me haue I kept and none of them is lost Ioh. 17.12 Whereas a man may bee written in the booke of life to wit in the iudgement of men and yet bee blotted out hereby wee are to bee admonished to looke
Dauid himselfe a type of Christ as it is most excellently dysciphered in the Prophets Ier. 23.5.6 Hosea 3.5 where Christ is plainly called Dauid by the name of him that was his type signe figure Quest. Why were not as well the Kingdomes of Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh types of Christs kingdome as Dauids Answ. Because Dauids kingdome was a kingdom of light and pietie but theirs were kingdomes of sinne and iniquitie And he is said to haue the key of Dauids kingdom because his kingdome and the righteousnesse thereof was figured by the pietie in Dauids kingdome And this kinde of speaking is iustifiable by Gods word So Mat. 2.23 Christ is called a Nazarite which place hath relation to that which is said properly of Sāpson who was a most excellent figure of Christ and did most notably represent him in his death wherein hee killed more than in his life Now Christ is called an Nazarite not because he obserued their rites and orders for that he did not he dranke wine so did not the Nazarites but because he was the truth and substance of that order for in him was fully accomplished that holinesse which was figured by that order for he was perfectly seuered from all sinne and pollution And so here he is said to haue the key of Dauid because hee had the soueraigntie which was figured by Dauids Kingdome Which shutteth and no man openeth and openeth and no man shutteth Here Christs kingdome is compared to a house which can bee opened and shut by none but Christ whereby is signified that none hath power aboue Christ in his Kingdome and that his power therein is soueraigne and absolute So that hereby is meant that Christ Iesus sitting in heauen hath soueraigne power and authoritie ouer the whole Church of God to gouerne the same That we may the better vnderstand this soueraigne power of Christ we must know it hath three parts I. To prescribe II. To iudge III. To saue or destroy In Prescribing Christ hath absolute power and that in sundry things as first in prescribing doctrines of Faith and Religion vnto his Church to bee beleeued and obeyed and that on paine of damnation This power he puts in execution when in the bookes of the old and new Testament hee prescribeth the doctrine of the Law the Gospel to be obeyed and beleeued And none but he can make an Article of Faith or a law to binde the conscience and therefore Paul saith Whosoeuer shal teach any other Doctrine then that which ye haue receiued of vs let him be accursed Gal. 1.8 Secondly for regiment he hath absolute power to prescribe how he will haue his Church gouerned and by whom and therefore Moses when he was to make the Tabernacle did all things according to the patterne that the Lord gaue vnto him So Dauid gaue to Salomon patternes of all things that were in him by the spirit touching the building of the house of God 1. Chron. 28.12 Thirdly hee hath absolute power to appoint the time of keeping his Sabbath for as the ordaining of a Sabbath belongs to Christ so doeth the changing thereof hee that prescribeth worship must prescribe the ordinary set time thereunto which is to continue to the end And therfore it is but an opinion of men to hold that the church may make two or moe Sabbath dayes in a week if they wil. Fourthly In prescribing the Sacramēts and therefore Paul saith What I haue receiued of the Lord that deliuer I vnto you speaking of the Lords Supper For hee that giues grace must also appoint the signes and seales of grace The second part of Christs soueraigne power is power of Iudgement which is a soueraigne power to determine on his owne wil without the consent of others or submission to men or Angels And in determining Christ hath two priuiledges First to expound scripture the absolute power of expounding the Law belongeth to the Law-giuer and his exposition is Authenticall Secondly to determine of all Questions and Controuersies in Scripture And therefore it is a wicked opinion of the church of Rome which hold that the principall Iudge of interpreting Scripture and decyding controuersies is the Church The third part of Christs soueraigne power is to saue and destroy This is expressed in these words Hee openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth and for this cause he is sayd to haue the keyes of hell and of death Whereby is signified first that hee hath power to forgiue sins for that hee procureth at his Fathers hands Secondly that hee hath power to condemne for when men beleeue not his word hee hath power to hold them in their sins for which he can cast them into hell The ground of this three-fold power of Christ i● this because hee is soueraigne Lorde ouer his Church and the members thereof The Church of Rome saith that this key of Dauid hath more in it then soueraigntie ouer his church to wit a power to make and depose Kings that bee in his Church This they teach that they might proue the Pope to haue title in ordayning and deposing of kings by vertue of the keyes But they erre grosly for though Christ as he is Mediatour bee aboue all kings yet in that regard hee neither maketh nor deposeth any kings and therefore he saith plainly My kingdō is not of this world This caused him to refuse to take vpon him the office of an earthly Iudge or prince to deuide an inheritance betweene two brethren Hence it was that he refused to giue sentence of the adulterous woman And yet as Christ is God hee maketh or deposeth earthly kings so the wise mail speaketh of him in the person of wisdō by me kings raign For the further cleering of this we must handle another point which is deriued hence concerning the power of the keyes which is a power whereby the power of the keyes of Dauid is put in execution This power of the Keyes is mentioned Mat. 16.19 when Christ saith vnto Peter I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt bind vpon earth shall be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heauen This power of the keyes is a ministery granted to Gods church to open and shut the kingdome of heauen First I call it a Ministerie that is a seruice because whatsoeuer the church doth in Christs name is nothing but the duetie of seruantes vnto their Lord from whence it is that the most worthy members and officers that euer were in the Church as the Prophets and Apostles were but the Ministers of Christ. That this is a seruice I shew more plainely thus When Adam fell in his sinne all mankinde fell with him and thereby were all barred from the kingdome of heauen Now since that fall Christ became man and in his manhood satisfied the iustice of God for mans sinnes And this
yet they will not take paines to reade the same at least in such a constant course as they ought to doe Thirdly the Lords Sabbath is broken for though most men at set times will come into the congregation yet there is not that priuate sanctifying of the Sabbath after the congregations are dissolued which Gods word requireth but men betake themselues to their own affaires and to outward delights to omit those that haue no care at all of sanctifying the Sabbath in any sort Now these persons must needs want both knowledge obedience and all sound grace that will not set apart some time wherein they should employ themselues in Gods word and by these signes it is euident that there is a greeuous disease of negligence in the duties of Religion that infects our congregations Now where this negligence is though coldnesse be not there cannot be zeale and so luke-warmnesse must needs abound II. Signe of luke-warmenesse The Religion of most men is this In the generall calling of a Christian they shew Religion but in the affaires of their particular callings where is religion In the Church they are good Christians but in practise of the duties of their particular callings who sheweth his religion for when as men should practise their callings according to Gods word and true godlynesse they follow the desires of their owne hearts Little conscience is made of lying and oppression that loue and plaine dealing which ought to be between man and man is wanting which prooueth them plainely to bee luke-warme Gospellers III. Signe There bee many that professe themselues to bee luke-warme neither hot nor cold For though all generally come to the hearing of the word and the receiuing of the sacraments yet many when they see some make conscience to become answerable in some measure to the word which they heare and the Sacraments which they receiue doe take vp in their mouthes this slaunder of precizenesse against them mocking them for doing that which in the word sacraments thēselus profes shuld be don These men will not be enemies to the Religion of Christ and they professe themselues not to bee zealous by reproaching zeale in others Therefore they doe more than these Laodiceans did euen professe themselues to bee luke-warme For hee that reproacheth another for zeale in Religion brandeth himselfe with this sinne of Luke-warmenesse And who knowes not how many of this ●ort are euerie where I dare with good conscience say our congregations generally consist of such Now marke what followeth hereupon First that our common professors of religion are in worser case than heathen men Iewes and Turkes that knowe not Christ. This Christ teacheth in preferring cold persons before the luke-warm as if hee should say I had rather thou werest a Pagan than a Professor without zeale And Saint Peter to this purpose speaking of such saith It had beene better they had neuer knowne the way of truth than after they haue known it not to obey the commaundements of God So that vnlesse there be further matter in vs than knowledge and bare profession our case is worse than the case of Iewes and Turkes Religion knowne will not make thee better than them but it is zeale and obedience that must preferre thee before them Secondly from the consideration of our estate I gather that wee are in danger to be spewed out of the mouth of Christ as luke-warme water out of the stomacke This is the punishment heere threatned which was written for our instruction that we might know where luke-warmenesse takes place there this punishment will follow Wee may flatter our selues as the men in the old world did thinke all is well neuer regarding till the iudgement come but the truth is that in regard of this sinne we are in danger to bee cut off from the Church and from true societie with Christ God can doe this sundrie wayes either by bereauing vs of his Gospell and making vs as the heathen or by sending the enemie among vs to destroy and root vs out of this land and euen in our neighbor-countreys and townes hee sets spectacles before vs that by them wee may see how hee can spew vs ou● cut vs off from being a people And thus much of the first fault namely luke-warmenesse Vers. 17. For thou sayst I am rich and made rich and haue need of nothing and knowest not how thou art wretched and miserable and poore blinde and naked Here is the second sin of this Church namely spirituall pride The wordes depend vpon the former as a reason thereof before he charged thē with deadnes in religion and here he painteth out the cause thereof namely spirituall pride of hart As if hee should say thou thinkest thus within thy selfe I am rich for it is the manner of the scripture to expresse the thoughts of men by their speeches because the thoughts of men are as euident to Christ as any mans speeches can bee to another In that Christ doth expresse mens secret thoughts and propound the same in this Booke wee may hence gather that it is a part of Canonicall scripture for it is a priuiledge of the scriptures to set down the thoughts of Countreys of Churches of particular men euen as they cōceiue them This can no man doe in any booke of his owne deuising And hence wee may gather an argumēt against Athiests That scriptures are the word of God because they reueale mens secret thoughts Nowe followeth the thought it selfe of the Angell and people of this Church I am rich that is I haue many excellent gifts and graces of Gods spirite by this effect he expresseth their spirituall pride in ouerweening their estate before God This is a common sinne in the world and euer hath been Christ sayd He came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance by righteous meaning such as think themselues righteous And the proud Pharisie in his prayer which hee conceiued in his heart thought himselfe farre better than the poore Publican or other men And Paul bringeth in the Corinthians thinking proudly of themselues saying We are full and made rich c. This sinne takes place in the Papists at this day who perswade themselus that they can satisfie Gods iustice by temporall works and fulfill the law of God and merite for themselues and for others To come to our selues this same proud thought hath place among vs. First wee think we are rich in regard of knowledg both yong and old scorne to be catechized because they would not seeme to be ignorant some sticke not to professe this pride by bragging thus that they know as much for substance as any man can teach them when as indeed they know nothing but that wich nature wil teach a man Secondly men plead that they haue a most firme saith so as they neuer doubted of Gods mercie which is nothing but the presumption of a proude heart for true faith is troubled with doubting