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A08083 The tocsin, or watch-bell sent to the king, queene regent, princes of blood, to all the parlaments, magistrates, officers, and loyall subiects of France. Against the booke of the popes temporall power, not long since set forth by Cardinall Bellarmine Iesuite. By Memnons Statue. With the permission of the best genie of Fraunce. And done into English by I.R. ...; Tocsin au roy. English Le Jay, Nicolas.; I. R., fl. 1611.; France. Parliament (Paris) 1611 (1611) STC 1845; ESTC S113759 24,586 62

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which is in the lustre of her Soueraignty causeth her to be no longer France and maketh the valuation of her worth to be exceedingly debased and diminished Bellarmines booke for a time will be but a small pepin or kernell but with growth of yeares he will grow to be a very thicke Forrest full of trees and branches and if it be not in time lopped and prun'd it will finally ouertop and beate downe the fruit of the French trees life and infect it as the Salamander which lurketh in the hollow of some fruit tree and so through his extreme coldenesse doth by little and little cause him to wither and die When Iupiter gaue the marueilous rodde vnto Mercury his Messenger he accompanied it with shame to beare it vnto human persons immediatly after Epimetheus had framed man But I thinke that Iesus Christ the true God was no lesse careful when he gaue authority to Popes to accompany them with modesty in bearing themselues discreetly towards men I know well that as the Egyptians made Virgins to sit on Lyons so the diuine prouidence of God hath placed Ecclesiasticall authority aboue temporall but so as Popes ought alwayes to remember that this spirituall authority is without issue or earthly production as a Virgin which hath no children yea and ought no more forget that Kings are Lions And as it is easie for a Lyon at one fastening of his teeth to crush in sunder the bones of a Virgin if she affright him so it is easie for Princes to bound vp Popes in their limits if they once presume to anger them in any thing which concerneth their temp oraltie for therein consisteth their force and power A good Christian both indeede and name named Prudence said Non eripit mortalia qui Regna dat caelestia Would not Popes in these daies resemble Aaerons rodde which voide of leaues moth eaten and drie did neuerthesse in one night budde forth and become greene in such sort that the next morning the children of Israell perceiued not a branch without leaues not a Troncke depriued of humidity and separated from his sappe but contratiwise a tree greenly flourishing and loden with fruit This present time wherein we liue is not litterally the season of the Israelites but spiritually of the Iewes which miraculously retaine this rodde by miracle but make no vse of the vertue thereof since it was put into the Arke of the Couenant as faith Sjt. Paul to the Hebrewes chap. 9. it was neuer imployed nor vsed that we reade of in Scriptures There are no more Predericks in the world besides it is long since that Iuno Nucerene was extinguished the which in the warres of the Cymbrians in the turning of a hand made her withered rodde flourish And the Popes deceiue themselues to thinke that they alone can make the harmony of the Church wherein there must likewise be Kings and Princes as said Zeno hearing the Musitian Amebeus playing on his instruments that the entrailes sinewes and bones of beasts yea wood laid by accordant number and arrang'd by equall proportion make a pleasant and compleat harmony It is reported of Dragons that they rot by alwaies eating of their tailes and yet without eating any other flesh then their owne they cannot againe become yong So who will beleeue that the Popes for feare of rotting will not circumference themselues within the circle of their power but to become againe young they desire to eate the power of the Princes of the world Alas must it so fall out that I a Romane Catholique should see the Popes reproached and that in permitting the publishing of this Cardinals booke wherein France is vsed as the basest countrey of the world They haue forgotten that it is that holy Abicoboes and mountaine of refuge that stone of defence which Mahomet in his Alcoran not knowing notwithstanding the sense of his word said to be built by the hand of the Almighty for the sure and inexpugnable guard of his Ierusalem to wit the Church Yea yea as said Hanniball to Antiochus but to another purpose speaking of the forces of Syria towards the Romanes there are but too many Doctors in France capable to resist Bellarmine although copious and abundant in allegations yea there are in France enough to feather him and more then enough to feare him Cur spolieris erit non cur metuaris ab hoste O wise Villeroy vnder the branches of whose fanour and greatnesse lurke all those of the Romane faction which would wound our countrey seest thou not that the confused light of this Bellarmine sent amidst the cloud of the variablenesse of France doth presage our tempest and that the fire of his breath falling vpon the poopes of our vessels is the prognostication of the turbulency of our waters But I foresee that in the end the tempestuous storm of these waters will beare downe the Arke of their irregular power of Rome so farre that it will finally fixe and establish it vpon the toppes of the mountaines of Armenia where it cannot possibly any longer annoy the Kings of the earth He which foundeth this Toosin or Watch bell wise Villeroy is one which hath long admired thee which knoweth very much of thy proceedings and who daily weepeth at the diminution of the honor of our natiue countrey to the security and preseruation whereof thy too too great inclination to Rome giueth terrible assaults and aduantage But wherof should we feare the Clergy of France is rich But now the question is of the dignity of the Crowne of France which some endeuour to annihilate and extinguish and therfore who can hinder vs with Themistocles neither to put distinction of wealth places nor persons against the rash assertions of Bellarmine which seeke thereof to depriue vs and who can iustly reproue vs if with the Syracusans we holily vse our weapons consecrated to the Temple of the Olympian Iupiter especially sith it concerneth the defence of our liberty And if as said Publius Curulius it was lawfull to sell those trees which were most deuoutly consecrated to Apollo in the I le of Coee to build shippes for the warres doubt not Holy Father but that the Church of France vse both Fer feathers her treasures to reuenge her selfe of the wrongs which Bellarmine in his booke hath offered to the crowne of France and as the Athenians saued themselues by the pretious stones of the monuments of their deceased so we likewise will stone this Bellarmine to death with the stones of great Henry our late Kings tombe during whose life if he had published that which he hath since written that inuincible King would personally haue gone and fetched him out of Rome and so in expiation of his irremissible offence haue immolated and sacrificed him vpon the Altar of the Soueraignty of France O Bellarmine the warre is now denounced betwixt France and thee and remember that we will vse thee as the Argeans did the Spartans for whether thou recant liuing dead or otherwise
bankes of which thou hast a long time slept and as it were thy selfe at ease stretched to receiue the filth of the first which attempteth to blemish thy incomparable beauty And if the Naramones seeing the South winde had dried vp all their Cesternes in battell array resolued to seeke out his Origine thereby to fight and be reuenged of him O France France what oughtest thou to do against the pestiferous winde of this Cardinals booke which attempteth to drie vp the perpetuall source of thy Crowne and Kingdomes Soueraignty Steneleides Ephore of Lacedemonia counselled the Spartans to beare to the gates both the weapons and wou●ds of those which violate their liberties but at the ●●st I am not so bloudy neuertheles did occasion require I would not be the last for so good a subiect But France I with Publius the Syrian content my selfe to aduertise thee that the iniurie first receiued and not reuenged draweth on a second and that this second will soone bring thee a third if thou winke thereat and dissemble it vnder the cloake of Religion Briefly I tell thee that this Cardinals booke is the same to thee that Epeus horse was to the Troians that is to say in good French he will be thy ruine for in his entrailes he hideth a thousand sharpe weapons to subuert the Maiesty of thy Kings and consequently to metamorphose thy tranquility into a combustion I haue read that Pythagoras adored the Altars of Apollos Temples in Delos because they were neuer sacked nor ruinated and I beleeue likewise that the world will reuerence France because she was neuer brought vnder the yoake of subiection and slauerie But alas poore France thou now remembrest not that as aunciently for sacrifices the quietest beasts were soonest done to death and immolated so likewise at present thy excessiue piety to the See of Rome proueth to be the chiefest cause of thy destruction Cardinall Bellarmine should haue addressed himselfe to the King of Spaine to haue practised these pranckes in his Dominions for he hath shewed vs how we should beare ourselues For when Baronius likewise Cardinall wrote a Treatise of the Sicilian Monarchy this King which for Sicilia is the elected and feuditorie heyre of the Popes so well ordered his affaires that the most audacious durst not presume to publish what the said Baronius had written of that matter Many countreys subiect to his obedience yea and his Officers bore themselues so brauely in the discharge that neither the Pope nor Cardinall hath since reaped any benefite thereof yea and will or nill they were forced so to content themselues both within Italy as also in Kingdomes which yearely contribute many hundreds to the Church of Rome And yet we in France are afraid of our shadowes If there be replie made that the king of Spaine hath as iust cause to except at this Booke as the king of France in a word I answer that the quality of the estates of these two kingdomes are very much different and that Rome hath not rounded France in the eare as she hath done Spaine The wiser sort vnderstand me Et ecce mysterium quod vobis dico But now what will the aduersaries of the Romane Religion say seeing that the Sea of Rome which was heretofore the tree of life is now become an Oleander and a Vgh tree whose contagious shadow killeth those which thinke to repose themselues vnder the sweetenesse of their branches O deceitfull verdure of religion which like that of the North Sea dost couer by the faire greene passages of the holy Scriptures wrested the shelues and rockie places where all the Lordships of the world ruine themselues and suffer shipwracke No no France it is no longer time to dissemble for as Pyndarus violated the peace contracted betwixt the Greeks and Troians through the leueling of one arrow at Menelaus so this Cardinall through the arrow which he hath shot forth against the liberty of France the which he hath not exempted from the Popes bondage induceth vs to esteeme the familiarity of the Sea of Rome to be full of feare and suspition I haue heretofore heard the Abbot of Boys Oliuier report being a person sufficiently knowne for the good offices which he daily performeth both to the Church of Rome and his King that this present Pope Paulus Quintus is very affectionately addicted to France and that this Cardinall Bellarmine is a man very deuout and of a most innocent life and conuersation But now I begin to suspect and doubt the fidelity of this Abbot for the booke now published by Bellarmine and approued and authorised by the Pope doth apparantly testifie the contrary For doth his Holinesse loue France why then permitteth he that this Cardinals booke set it on fire and if the Cardinall himselfe be a deuout and innocent man why giueth he not to France that which he oweth I meane by separating and distinguishing it from other kingdomes which for the most part are feuditory and tributary to Popes I will yet further tie my selfe to the relation of this Abbot for he is knowne to be a Prelate so sincere and faithfull that he will rather die then speake one thing and thinke another and will rather beleeue that a great part of this fault proceeded thorough the negligence of the kings intelligencers at Rome and namely of Monsieur de Marquemont Auditor of Rota which hath yearely great pensions from the king and neuerthelesse was not so well aduised to discouer the imprinting of this booke whereof if he had certified Monsieur de Breues his Maiesties Ambassadour he would so powerfully and valably haue conferred with the Pope that his Holinesse weighing his allegations and reasons at least if he had loued France would haue preuented the impression therof and the Cardinall were he so deuout and innocent would himselfe haue abhorred the publishing thereof especially sith both the one and the other well knew what trouble this vnnecessary booke would occasion in all Christendome And as for vs respecting our Kings minoritie wherein it was published we can say no other then Scorpius insidias illa sub caute tetendit Those amongst vs which esteeme themselues cleerer sighted then others thinke that the publishing of this booke is a tricke meerely inuented by the society of Iesuites purposely to replunge France in the miseries from whence the late deceased King had miraculously withdrawen it esteeming that sect to resemble frogges which are neuer well before they are in the mire Which if it be so the Iesuites may properly be parallel'd to the trees of the Forrest Lytania which inuite trauellers to come and repose themselues vnder the delectable shaddow of their branches and then being set downe instantly fall on them and kill them for all their speeches are nothing but of peace of matters of state and of the dignitie of France which indeede draweth many of their side and faction so as if in the meane time they sell vs we shall be cunningly deceiued but
THE TOCSIN OR WATCH-BELL Sent TO THE KING QVEENE Regent Princes of blood to all the Parlaments Magistrates Officers and loyall Subiects of FRANCE Against the booke of the Popes temporall power not long since set forth by Cardinall BELLARMINE Iesuite By MEMNONS Statue With the permission of the best Genie of Fraunce And done into English by I. R. Notate Verbae Signate Mysteriae Ecce enim mysterium vobis dico LONDON Printed for Edward White the younger and are to be sold at the little North doore of Paules at the signe of the Gunne 1611. THE TRANSLATOR TO THE LOYALL Hearted Subiects of ENGLAND AS the Author of this small Treatise testifieth himselfe to be a true hearted subiect to the Crowne of France by composing it J will likewise in emulation and imitation of his fidelity approue my selfe to be no lesse to the Crowne of England by translating it For sith this bloudy booke of Cardinal Bellarmine ambitiously arrogating to himselfe the Title of the Popes Temporall power though particularly sent to France is neuerthelesse meant and doth concerne all other Kingdomes Soueraignties and free States whatsoeuer I thought in honour to God in alleageance to my Prince in loue to my Countrie and in duetie to all J was bound to dispoile out of his French habilements and to sute in our English attire this iudicious and compendious Treatise which so worthily opposeth and impugneth it Come nay then run if not flie hither you loyall hearted English men and as the choise of the wisest chiefest and loyallest hearted French haue already so in religion in zeale in discretion and iustice doe you now commit and sacrifice to the fire both Bellarmines booke and the thought much more the practise of those irreligious vsurping and sanguynat speeches and positions therein contained tending to the disgrace preiudice and destruction both of our Kings Countries yea for euer in your hearts and soules not onely spit at but defie the wrongfull tyrannicall Jesuiticall and Diabolicall pretence of this Sophisticall traytor and treacherous Sophister Bellarmine who as subtlely as inueterately aimeth not to reach at but to take off the Crownes of Kings and iniustlie to place them vpon the heads of Popes yea to trample their Scepters and Regall Ornaments vnder their feet and to bring their Dominions and subiects both into a wofull desolation and a miserable subiection and slauerie For alas shall we permit to see or liue to permit that our Roiall Kings of England not inferior to anie but equall with the greatest Kings of the world should now through our negligence be made homagers subiects nay slaues vnto Popes Gods mortall enemies and our deadly professed foes as was our King Iohn the Emperour Fredericke Barbarossa the King of Nauarre and Earle of Tholouse c. No no illustrious and generous Nobilitie iudicious and faithfull priuie Counsellors learned and vpright Judges reuerend and religious Prelates valorous and warlike Gentry incorruptible and watchfull Magistrates faithful and vigilant Officers obedient and loyall Commons ioine all in one yea let euery mothers sonne if occasion require with an vnanime consent Viua Voce cheerfully and couragiously with Drummes beating Trumpets sounding and Canons roaring denounce Warre to that Cardinall nay to that Pope nay to that diuell which presumeth or durst presume to depriue either our King of his soueraigntie or our Countrey of her independencie yea next and immediatly to the zeale of the glory of God let vs be zealous watchfull watchful and couragious couragious and resolute for the securitie and preseruation of King IAMES our dread Soueraigne and his heires for euer and for the conseruation and maintaining of the Soueraigntie both of his Crowne and Kingdome of England the Paradice of the world and our sweet natiue Countrie And the more to incite and powerfully incourage you in the performance of this your religious and sworne duety I haue translated published and here present you this Tocsin or Watch-bell that when you chaunce to sleepe in your beddes of securitie it may arouse and awake you to stand vpon your guard with Swordes drawne Muskets charged Match lighted and hearts eagerlie sharpened and animated to destroy and confound the Pope and his adhaerents and to subuert and ouerthrow all other hostile enemies whatsoeuer which shal either incroach vpon our Temporalitie or attempt to depriue vs of our Soueraignty to the end that neither the fame and renowne of our deceased triumphant and victorious warriours which hath heretofore spread it selfe to the farthest and remotest parts of the world and is for euer characteris'd vpon the neuer-dying Records of immortality may not deseruedly taunt taxe vs with the scandalous imputation of cowardise nor our posteritie hereafter reuile and curse vs for leauing them inheritors and heires onely to Tyrannicall slauery and Presbyteriall seruitude from the which God of his mercy preserue defend both our selues and them And hereunto let all the loyall hearted subiects of King Iames clappe hands and say Amen Amen By I. R. THE TOCSIN OR WATCH-BELL FRance it is high time without delay that this Tocsin or Watch-bell sound shrilly in the hearts of all thy people to awake and giue the Alarum to all those which ought to defend thee sith Cardinall Bellarmine the Iesuite as impudently as vniustly hath chosen the right of thy Kings minority to giue the assault to thy Soueraignty and to fixe the Petard to the gates of thy Maiesty hitherto inuiolated He hath watched the time that thy Hercules Henry the great was translated to a better Kingdome then thine to leaue the Supreintendency thereof ill assured to the young King his heire the Regency vncertaine to the Queene Regent the succession doubtfull to the Princes of blood the authority decrepit and feeble to the Parliaments the care voy de of honour to the Magistrates the loyalty without assurance to the Officers the obedience without fidelity to the Subiects and the peace without continuance to our neighbours For this booke published of late in Rome vnder the title of The Popes Temporall power hath performed all yea farre worse then all this This proud Cardinall in his booke depainteth vs Popes as if each were a Cyrus that is to say inflamed with a desire both to haue and to commaund all but our Queene Mary shall be to them a Tomiris which authorised and incouraged in the right of her sonne shall not onely cut off the complots of those Vsurpers but also the intrusion of all others whatsoeuer An acte both iust and necessary sith it is not done in contempt of the Apostolicke authoritie but contrariwise to exempt vs from that bondage whereunto this Cardinall through his booke would bring vs yea and which he would cause to steale in to the buddes of the Flower-deluces thereby to yoke and curbe the free necks of the Kings of France which more iustly then all other Kings of the world may say Filij Abrahae sumus nemini seruiuimus vnquam A iudicious
them so the Iesuites in their Troublexiue of Gretzerus report and write Being a barrell of wine and a filthy lodge stinking of lyes and blasphemies that this Cotton is the Kings Master that his Maiestie heareth no other Masses then his and that hee gouerneth the Queene Regent and yet the learned Prelates of France well know that he himselfe is a puny and in effect nothing For otherwise great Cardinall Perron the Kings spirituall Master and great Almoner and the prudent and graue Bishop of Bayone his first Almoner and the rest of the kings Almoners amongst whom there are personages alwaies ready not onely to dispute but conuict him and render him all the daies of his life their scholar should be highly debased and blamed and his Maiesties Chaplaines appeare not to be much imployed and busied But notwithstanding this I see not that eyther the king or Queene gouerne or rule the Iesuites and that for all the multitude of Benefices fauors bestowed vpon them they cannot yet draw them to loue them much lesse to liue as good subiects containe themselues in peace without innouating some things amongst vs but rather I see they alone thinke to draw all France to them and beleeue themselues able at one blow yea and with high wrestling now in the kings minority to obtaine that whereof during the life of great Henry they durst not presume to haue dream't For hardly had this great king shut his eyes and God knoweth if by their meanes because he at Rome pursued the reparation of the iniury done to his Maiesty in censuring the Arest of his Court of Parliament and threatned Cotton that vnlesse he changed maximes he would dispatch him yea no sooner I say had great Henry giuen his last adiew to this world but they built a Citadel in the suburbes of St. Germanes without that eyther the king or Queene knowing at whose expence and charge whereunto some peraduenture contributed which were least doubted of with strong and craftie force and policy endeuouring to violate the authority of the Parliament of Paris that thereby they might be permitted to open their Colledge in despite maugre the whole body of the Vniuersity As if to ouercome all they thought it sufficient to alleadge they were Iesuites as the Temple of Trophonius built in Mnatinea needed no other stay then the thread of a Spiders webbe Already through their confidents they inioy the principall offices both of the Parliament and politike authority esteeming by meanes hereof during the Kings minority so to secure and inuellop themselues in the state that through their intelligences it will be lawfull for them to diuert and turne it as they please But I will giue them an aduice which if they are wise may perchance much steade them and this it is Vindekint Duke of Saxony heretofore a sworne enemy to France in the raigne of King Charllemaine seeing the King to be gone in person to the wars of Spaine addresses himselfe to a certaine Prince of Denmarke and solicited him to inuade France in respect the King was absent and his kingdome left desolate for a prey But the Danish Prince better instructed in the conduction of the affaires of France replied No no reiect Sir those simple opinions and deceiue not your selfe for the kingdome of France is neuer vnprouided of his guard It is I confesse a prey but I assure you a subtle dangerous prey which destroyeth and ruineth those which attempt to surprise it In like manner it is true that our king is a Minor yea I acknowledge it but it is also true that the Magistrates of France are very quick sighted and marueilous resolute and vigilant in his Maiesties affairs And amongst these Magistrates there are ciuill Lieutenants which cannot dissemble any thing indamageth or preiudiceth France in respect wherof the Iesuites are not yet arriued where they desire nor haue not stroken the marke whereat they aime yea I know a certaine Magistrate which heretofore reposed vpon the vigilancy of the late king without remouing or stirring for any matter which past in Paris that now watcheth day and night to keepe king Lewes the thirteenth from danger whom God preserue and protect Yea and I perswade my selfe considering it was a Iaye which by his cryes hath discouered the assault which Bellarmine hath giuen France that it may likewise be true that a Goose by his voyce hath heretofore saued the Capitoll of Rome from the surprising of the French and I beleeue also that the Iesuites with all their snares and nets shall neuer surprise this Iaye to whom France ought to contribute and affoord an yearely memory as at Rome they yet remember the Geese which guarded and preserued the Capitoll because thorough his crie so effectually and fitly made he hath awakened and aroused France from her slumber wherein through this Cardinals wicked booke she was on the point to lose the life of her liberty Ha ye Iesuites what presage is this for you that birdes picke and warre at you Peruse I say the fortieth chapter of Genesis what was the dreame of Pharaohs Baker and thereunto adde this other place of Scripture Speake not euill of the King in secret for the birds of the ayre will reueale it and the newes therof and so applying all this together feare the discouery and torment thereof It may be you thinke that as Dragons cannot obtaine to be Dragons before they haue caten a Snake so likewise you cannot become the most furious and redoubtable of the world before you haue swallowed downe and deuoured France But let me certifie you that this booke of Cardinall Bellarmine hath awakened vs from our Lethargie and hath brought vs to the knowlege why the Popes Nuncio fauored vs so much and not many moneths since was so afraide lest the Preachers would haue stirred vp the Parisians to haue expelled and banished you the Citie For as an Arest of the Court of Parliament is of small efficacy and power without Serieants or Pursuyuants to execute him so were Bellarmines booke of small or no vertue were you not in France vnder colour of religion and conscience to put in practise the execution thereof For the maske is taken off and we are aduertised at our Ladies Church in Paris if any one deceiue vs. No no France thinke not that when question was to suppresse the sellers and distributers of Cardinall Baronius his booke at Naples written against the Sicilian Monarchy that then the Popes Nuncio remayned silent or idle with his armes a crosse for there are many hundreds now present which then saw his goings and commings yea which ouer-heard his threatnings But as those which dwell at the foote of the mountaines of Egypt are deafe by reason of the cataracts sluces of Nylus so the Magistrates of Naples seemed to be deafe and gaue no occasion of laughter to the Court of Rome which triumph when they see people tremble and feare at the threatnings of their Nuncios and feede
death the said Coeffeteau hath borne and vowed the Iesuites conditionally they should make him a Bishop hath not made him insensible of his countreyes wound but the loue thereof hath caused him to produce and bring to light the booke and the matter which it contained as also those which had of them which the politique Magistrate hath found out and seized and so hath deliuered them vp to the Presidents of the high Court of Parliament which wil soone perceiue that this detestable pamphlet is like those huge Pageants erected at Rome against the Carmenien feasts which represented Chariots of triumph that withinside were onely full of straw and hay being as combustible as the matter of this Cardinals booke which by his title vaunteth himselfe a Giant but in effect as will appeare by his refutation will proue but a collection and heape of screeds and fragments of I know not what prophane authours vnbound and torne Now if France desire to know what I am that haue sounded this Tocsin I answere I am Memnons Statue erected not in Thebes of Egypt but in Paris of France and as Memnons olde Statue at the rising of Apollo was no sooner warmed with his beames but he gaue so marueilous a crie as made the Citizens to concurre together so at the rising and apparition of the least fire whatsoeuer which pretendeth to burne France I will no sooner bee therewith warmed and touched but I will crie out Alarum to stirre vp all the world to the dispelling and extenuating thereof And put the case I am therefore persecuted and tormented I notwithstanding will neuer cease to sound and ring out my Tocsin as loud as I can no more then did Memnons Statue when it was halfe dismembred rent in pieces by Cyrus Thus Reader whatsoeuer thou art thou seest what I am but if thou art a loyall hearted French man as Pythagoras by the measure of Hercules foote could imagine the greatenesse of his whole bodie so by this small Treatise conceiue thou the greatnes of my loue to France the which if it be eyther tryed or prouoked by the King or Councell without departing from my obedience faith and communion of the Church of Rome shall produce very terrible effects not beleeuing neuerthelesse that which is reported at Rome that they are eyther Lutherans or Caluinists which giue vnto God that which is Gods and will not also take away some things from Kings to giue to Popes not yet to bow their knees humbly to reuerence the Iesuites Reddite que sunt Caesaris Caesari quaesunt Dei Deo Otherwise we must conclude that all Magistrates of the Crowne of Spaine and of the renowned Common-wealth of Venice which diminish not a-any thing from their soueraignty to please the Pope were todos Lutheranos all Lutherans which no man of iudgement will report much lesse affirme And so farewell without farewell FINIS AN EXTRACT OF THE REGISTERS OF THE Court of Parliament of PARIS Against the book intituled Tractatus de Potestate summi Pontificis in temporalibus aduersus Guilielmum Barclaium auctore Roberto Sanctae Ecclesiae Romanae Cardinali Bellarmino Imprinted at London by William Stansby 1611 AN EXTRACT OF THE REGISters of the Court of PARLIAMENT SEene by the Court the great chamber of the Tournelle and Edict assembled the booke intituled Tractatus de Potestate summi Pontificis in temporalib ' aduersus Guilielmum Barclaium auctore Roberto Sanctae Ecclesiae Romane Cardinali Bellarmino imprinted in Rome by Bartholomew Sanet the yeare 1610 the conclusions of the Kings Atturney Generall all heard and considered The said Court hath and doth prohibite and defend all maner of persons of what quality or condition soeuer vpon paine of Crime De Laese Maiestie not to receiue retaine communicat imprint cause to be imprinted or solde the aforesaid booke contayning a false and detestable opinion tending to the subuersion of Soueraigne powers ordained and established by God stirring vp of subiects against their Princes withdrawing of their obedience prouoking them to set violent handes vpon their royall persons and estates and to trouble the repose and tranquillity of the VVeale publike Inioyning and commanding also all those which haue copies of the aforesaid booke or know who possesseth them speedily to reueale and declare them to the Ordinarie Judges that according to the requests of the said Atturney Generall perqursition may be made and execution done vpon the offendors as reason shall require Also the said Court hath and doth make the like prohibition and defence vpon paine of the aforesaid penaltie to all Doctors Diuines Schoole-masters or others not to confer dispute write or teach eyther directly or indirectly in their Schooles Colledges or any other places the aforesaid proposition Ordayned likewise by the said Court that this present Arest shall be sent to the Bayliffes and Shrieffes of this Kingdome to be read published inregistred kept and obserued according to the tenour and forme thereof inioyning also the substitutes of the said Kings Atturney Generall to be carefull to see the execution therof and to certifie the Court monthly of their diligence therein Giuen in Parliament the sixe and twentieth of Nouember 1610. SIGNED DV TILLET THE EXTRACT OF AN AVTHOVR which hath written the history of our time A Great number of French were Leaguers vnder colour of Religion vntill the Duke of Feria the Spanish Ambassadour discouered and tooke off the King his Masters Maske when in the assembly of the pretended states in Paris he demanded the Kingdome of Fraunce in propriety and succession for a daughter of Spaine contrary to that which is written in sacred Scripture Let not the Lillies spinne And then it was that the chiefe President in danger of his life pronounced that good and notable Arest the eight and twentieth of Iuly 1593 whereby vpon paine of death it was defended to mention or speak of transporting the Crowne to any other vnlesse to the true heires thereof declaring all matters tending to the preiudice of the Salique law and all other fundamentall lawes appertaining to the crowne of France to be of no power value force or vertue And exhorting the Duke of Mayene to imploy his authority of Lieuetenantship that vnder colour of Religion the Crowne of France might not fall into the possession of a stranger contrary to the lawes of the Kingdome in that behalfe extant and prouided THE APPLICATION thereof made by MEMNONS Statue A Great and notable number of Catholiques vnder colour of religion adhaered with the Iesuits vntill now Cardinal Bellarmine taking off the maske and discouering the reason why the Pope his Master so sharply insisted for the reestablishment of the Iesuites in France when thinking they had assuredly opened their Colledge in Paris he vnder colour to answere a certaine person of Hercles sent the forme of that which the said Iesuites should teach our youth concerning the Soueraignty of the Crowne of France which hee brought in subiection to the Popes pleasure against that which is written of the Lilleyes Quae non laborant they are no villaines hired seruants nor slaues And then it was when with danger of his life the starue of Memnon sounded and rung out this shrill sounding Tocsin being the seuenteenth of Nouember 1610. Which vpon paine to be declared Felons and Traytors disswaded al loyal hearted French men neither to speak nor teach any way or for any cause whatsoeuer that Popes can temporally dispose of the Soueraigntie of France declaring all bookes tending to the preiudice of the French fundamentall Maximes to be wicked and Diabolicall and exhorting the Bishops of Paris N.N.N. of Guerchville Maignelet the Marchionesse of Verneul Countesse of Moret N. others to whom it appertaineth to imploy the honor which they enioy to be borne in France as also their goods to the end that vnder colour of Religion the Soueraignty of France against the laws of God and the kingdom fall not into the hands of Priests and particularly admonishing the Sieurs N.N. no more to affright and daunt the Magistrates which watch for the good of the French Monarchie nor by artificiall impietie to abuse the authoritie which they haue neere the person of the Queene Regent to the great preiudice of the Princes of bloud Lords loyal Officers and faithful subiects of the Crowne which as much as in them lieth they disgrace and cast downe to the end they may domineere and gouerne alone after their owne humours Otherwise if after this admonition they neglect to take heede the Statue of Memnon shall reueale many packets of secrets and they shall see that Mordocheus although poorely apparelled in Canuasse shal preserue both King and State yea and discouer and reueale the treacherous complors of those two Teresh and Bigthon For France is now wearie and resolued no longer to endure their iugling trickes and sleights of Legier Du. 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