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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07003 The massacre at Paris with the death of the Duke of Guise. As it was plaide by the right honourable the Lord high Admirall his Seruants. Written by Christopher Marlow. Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593. 1594 (1594) STC 17423; ESTC S109865 21,717 60

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they are but yet what remedy I haue done what I could to stay this broile Nauarr. But yet my Lord the report doth run That you were one that made this Massacre An. Who I you are deceiued I rose but now Enter Guise Guise Murder the Hugonets take those pedantes hence Na. Thou traitor Guise lay of thy bloudy hands Condy. Come let vs goe tell the King Exeunt Guise Come sirs I le whip you to death with my punniards point he kils them An. A way with them both Exit Anioy. Guise And now sirs for this night let our fury stay Yet will we not that the Massacre shall end Gonzago poste you to Orleance Retes to Deep Mountsorrell vnto Roan And spare not one that you suspect of heresy and now stay that bel that to the deuils mattins rings Now euery man put of his burgonet And so conuey him closely to his bed Exeunt Enter Anioy with two Lords of Poland Anioy. My Lords of Poland I must needs confesse The offer of your Prince Electors farre Beyond the reach of my desertes For Poland is as I haue been enformde A martiall people worthy such a King As hath sufficient counsaile in himselfe To lighten doubts and frustrate subtile foes And such a King whom practise long hath taught To please himselfe with mannage of the warres The greatest warres within our Christian bounds I meane our warres against the Muscouites And on the other side against the Turke Rich Princes both and mighty Emperours Yet by my brother Charles our King of France And by his graces councell it is thought that if I vndertake to weare the crowne Of Poland it may preiudice their hope Of my inheritance to the crowne of France For if th' almighty take my brother hence By due discent the Regall seat is mine With Poland therfore must I couenant thus That if by death of Charles the diadem Of France be cast on me then with your leaues I may retire me to my natiue home If your commission serue to warrant this I thankfully shall vndertake the charge Of you and yours and carefully maintaine the wealth and safety of your kingdomes right Lord All this and more your highnes shall commaund For Polands crowne and kingly diadem Anioy. Then come my Lords le ts goe Exeunt Enter two with the Admirals body 1. Now sirra what shall we doe with the Admirall 2. Why let vs burne him for an heretick 1. O no his bodye will infect the fire and the fire the aire and so we shall be poysoned with him 2. What shall we doe then 1. Le ts throw him into the riuer 2. Oh t will corrupt the water and the water the fish and by the fish our selues when we eate them 1. Then throw him into the ditch 2. No no to decide all doubts be rulde by me le ts hang him heere vpon this tree 1 Agreede They hang him Enter the Duke of Guise and Queene Mother and the Cardinall Guise Now Madame how like you our lusty Admirall Queene Beleeue me Guise he becomes the place so well As I could long ere this haue wisht him there But come le ts walke aside thair 's not very sweet Guise No by my faith Madam Sirs take him away and throw him in some ditch carry away the dead body And now Madam as I vnderstand There are a hundred Hugonets and more Which in the woods doe holde their synagogue And dayly meet about this time of day And thither will I to put them to the sword Qu. Doe so sweet Guise let vs delay no time For if these straglers gather head againe And disperse themselues throughout the Realme of France It will be hard for vs to worke their deaths Be gone delay no time sweet Guise Guise Madam I goe as whirl-windes rage before a storme Exit Guise Qu. My Lord of Loraine haue you markt of late How Charles our sonne begins for to lament For the late nights worke which my Lord of Guise Did make in Paris amongst the Hugonites Card. Madam I haue heard him solemnly vow With the rebellious King of Nauarre For to reuenge their deaths vpon vs all Qu. I but my Lord let me alone for that For Katherine must haue her will in France As I doe liue so surely shall he dye And Henry then shall weare the diadem And if he grudge or crosse his Mothers will I le disinherite him and all the rest For I le rule France but they shall weare the crowne And if they storme I then may pull them downe Come my Lord le ts vs goe Exeunt Enter fiue or sixe Protestants with bookes and kneele together Enter also the Guise Guise Downe with the Hugonites murder them Protestant O Mounser de Guise heare me but speake Guise No villain that toung of thine That hath blasphemde the holy Church of Rome Shall driue no plaintes into the Guises eares To make the iustice of my heart relent Tue tue tue let none escape kill them So dragge them away Exeunt Enter the King of France Nauar and Epernoune staying him enter Qu. Mother and the Cardinall King O let me stay and rest me heer a while A griping paine hath ceasde vpon my heart A sodaine pang the messenger of death Qu. O say not so thou kill'st thy mothers heart King I must say so paine forceth me complaine Na. Comfort your selfe my Lord and haue no doubt But God will sure restore you to your health King O no my louing brother of Nauarre I haue deseru'd a scourge I must confesse Yet is there pacience of another sort Then to misdoe the welfare of their King God graunt my neerest freends may proue no worse O holde me vp my sight begins to faile My sinnewes shrinke my braines turne vpside downe My heart doth break I faint and dye He dies Queene What art thou dead sweet sonne speak to thy Mother O no his soule is fled from out his breast And he nor heares nor sees vs what we doe My Lords what resteth there now for to be done But that we presently despatch Embassadours To Poland to call Henry back againe To weare his brothers crowne and dignity Epernoune goe see it presently be done And bid him come without delay to vs Eper. Madam I will Exit Eper. Queene And now my Lords after these funerals be done We will with all the speed we can prouide For Henries coronation from Polonie Come let vs take his body hence All goe out but Nauarre and Pleshe Nauar And now Nauarre whilste that these broiles doe last My opportunity may serue me fit To steale from France and hye me to my home For heer 's no saftie in the Realme for me And now that Henry is cal'd from Polland It is my due by iust succession And therefore as speedily as I can perfourme I le muster vp an army secretly For feare that Guise ioyn'd with the K. of Spaine Might seeme to crosse me in mine enterprise But God that alwaies doth defend the