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A02599 The first two partes of the actes or vnchast examples of the Englysh votaryes gathered out of their owne legenades and chronycles by Johan Bale ...; Actes of Englysh votaryes. Pt. 2. 1551 Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1551 (1551) STC 1273.5; ESTC S100594 173,038 418

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into all blasphemers as we haue found some in this citie If we therfor be expelled out of these mad men we will next of all entre into the thu hipocryt and into thy dyssemblyng ordre and torment yow as we haue done the others Not passinge iij. yeares afore sayth the seyd Roger certen paganes wastinge the lande of Sanctius the kyng of Portingale came towardes an abbeye of the Cysteanes to destroy it The monkes hauing knowledge therof came fourth and submytted themselues desyerynge their liues with teares The paganes cōmended their conuersacyon and sayde that they myght in that ordre be saued if they hadde women The monkes iudged of thys true sentence as they hadde done of marriage that it was verye whoredome But the paganes thoughte of the monkes as the truth was that vndre that colour of religion they were filthie buggerars And so the paganes were much better than the sodometrouse monkes were Ex eodem Rogero ☞ Two archebyshoppes rebuked for collegys buyldynge MAnye greuouse accusacyons were made the same yeare to pope Innocent the thyrde by the monkes of Canterburye agaynste Hubert their archebyshop Chefely that he hadde builded a chapell at Lambeth to the horryble preiudyce of the mother churche of Canterbury placynge prestes or secular canons therin and appoyntynge them lyuynges oute of theyr yearlye rentes to theyr vtter vndoynge For there he intended they sayed to consecrate byshoppes and to depryue them of theyr eleccyons contrarye to their auncyent customes So that they much feared that the dygnyte of there churche whyche alwayes had bene a true handemayde to the church of Rome shuld haue bene trāslated to that chapel Apostatrice as they thā called it ful wisely Thus was the archebishop at the last cōpelled as was Baldewin his predecessour to stryke it downe flat to the grounde whome after lyke forte they had also vexed for buylding the like at Canterbury Neyther was the kynge nor yet all the realme at that daye able to staye them Raufe Cogeshale sayth For they feared therby also to haue lost their prerogatyue in chosinge alwaies the archebishop They muche disdayned prestes in those dayes Ranulphus saith iudged them men of much lesse perfection than they were of for their monkish cowles sake But these ij archebishoppes were men of good knowledge Treuisa saith for they vnderstode that Christ which was the only heade of the church reckened no perfecciō in mōkes frires whā he left his poor Apostles the gouernours therof Loke Roger Houedē Mathew Paris Mathew of Westmin Raufe Cogeshale Ranulphus Treuisa Fabian and Iohan Scuish ☞ A lecherouse votarye assoyled at Rome for money IN an olde boke of confessyon reckenynges and of absoluciōs sought at Rome by bawdye prestes and monkes of thys realme and obtayned for moneye I founde thys abhomynacyon to close vp my boke wyth wherat I much wondered The petycyon of an holye votray of England it shuld serue that he was a prebēd of Lincoln to Anselme the bishop of Albanense cōtained this heauy cōplaint That he at times by the deuils suggestiō had accupied al sortes of womē as wele in the churches as in other sacred places He began first with the mothers and thā folowed on with the doughters neces nigh kinswomen From thē he went to the nonnes and had to do with a sort of them also For the whiche he honestly desyereth absolucyon for his moneye and hath it as honestly of this byshopp beynge the Popes deputie after this fourme To your discressyon sayth thys byshop by writing to the byshop of Lyncolne do we commit it to assoyle this clarke in forma ecclesiae from the sentence of excommunicacyon in case he hath ronne into the daunger therof for hys fornycacyons aduoutryes incestes and other synnes We wyll yow also to enioyne hym pena●ace as ye shall se it conuenyent for the helthe of hys sowle Datum c. A great nombre of these bawdy bruynges founde I in that boke called poenitentiarium Romanum Se how tendre these fathers are to their owne lecherouse occupyenges and maryage amonge them is yet indyspensable O deuyls byrdes and promoters of all prodygyouse whoredomes and knaueryes The conlusyon of thys seconde boke THus haue I broughte to an rude the seconde part of the actes of my Englysh votaryes whych is a contynuacion of them for CC. yeares space from Sathans comming fourth frō the bottomlesse pytt Apocal. xx after the full thousand of yeares from Christes incarnacyon to the reigne of kynge Iohan in the yeare of our lorde a M. and. CC. If it be marueyled of that the first part shuld be so short contaynynge so many yeares and this part so longe of so fewe yeares I desyre them that so maruayle to take this for a full reason therof He that is in pryson can not buylde so fast to hys contentacion as he that is abrode and at lyberte I tolde ye afore that Sathan was tyed vp for the tyme. Not from doynge of myschefe for ●hat hath he wrought in all ages of the world But he was sequestred from doynge thys greatest mischefe of all in the Christen churche for their vnthankefull receyuynge of the Gospell of saluacyon whyche had professed the same Whan Noe by hys preachynge had admonyshed the people longe afore of the floude that was commynge if they repēted not theyr synnes it layserlye came forwarde But whan it was ones entered than was there no stoppe but in it flowed apace In lyke case was it wyth thys floude of darkenesse and beastlye ignoraunce prescrybed of S. Iohan the Euangelyste at the tyme appoynted it fell faste vpon them that were drowned therin for theyr vnbeleues sake That Sathan ded afore for the more parte was secrete But that he hath done sens hath bene open and aparaunte bothe wayes Idolatry and supersticyon which are the deuils owne frutes by the space of those CC. yeares and of more thā CCC yeares after them hadde a bewtiful shew and a gloryouse shyn●e of relygyon holynesse perfeccyon and of Gods onlye hyghe seruyce Suche craftye colours and deceyuable mystes were caste vpon them by Sathans subtyle sophisters and sorcerouse dyuynes Thus were they seane wondered at worshipped and had in greate honoure for that v. hondred yeares space but not knowne a ryghte for lacke of godlye dyscressyon and knowledge of Gods wurde wherby all spretes are discerned and proued But now in this lattre age by the lyghte of the lordes aperaunce they are bothe seane and knowne what they are in dede The wurdes of the lordes owne mouthe in the sacred scriptures hath declared and manifested them to be most filthy abhominacions in their best aparellynges More copye of wryters in thys age than in anye other afore is also a lyuely profe and declaracyon of the same Therfor am I nowe compelled ere I passe any further to shewe in fewe wurdes the summarye contentes of
me than called Brytayne was conuerted vnto the Christen beleue For in the yeare from Christes incarnacion lxiij was Ioseph of Armathe and other Disciples sent ouer of the sayed Philip to preache Christ and entered bothe with their wyues and chyldren Aruiagus then beynge Kynge of the lande Thys testyfieth Iohan Capgraue in Catologo sanctorum Anglie Thomas scrope de auti carm cap. 7. Iohan Hardyng in hys 47. chaptre and Polidorus uergilius li. 2. Anglice historie Brytayne first conuerted by men maried THese were surely the origynall begynnynges sayeth Polidorus of the Christen Religion in Brytayny Gildas witnesseth also in hys fyrst treatyse De excidio Britannie That the Brytaynes toke the christen faythe at the verye sprynge or fyrst goynge forth of the Gospell whan the churche was moste perfyght and had moste strengthe of the holye ghost All that tyme and a longe season after the ministers helde their wyues accordyng to the fyrst ordre of God without vowynge or yet professynge of virginite and so contynued to the dayes of Lucius whyche is called in the Chronycles the fyrst Christen kynge Though thys Lucius were a good man and began wele to inclyne to the Gospell yet was he worldlye mynded and thought that it wanted dewe aucthorite so longe as it was ministred but of symple and poore laye marryed men Anon therfor he sent vnto Rome ij of those ministers called Eluanus and Meduinus vnto Eleutherius the Byshop for they had then no pope to haue some aucthorite from then And thys was done in the yeare of oure Lorde C. lxxix Wherupon Marcus Sabellicus sayeth Enneade 7. lib. 5. That of all prouinces Brytayne was the first that receyued the Christen fayth with publique ordinaunce ¶ Christianite somwhat corrupted THen Eleutherius sent hyther ij of hys doctors called fugacius and Damianus to set here an ordre These fyrst baptysed lucius with a great part of his nobilitie and commons and then with his cōsent chaunged the Idols temples into Christen churches as they now call them the flamynes or Idoll sacryficers whiche were then xxviij in nōbre into so manye byshoppes and the. iij. archyflamenes into iij. archebyshoppes as wytnessyth Calfridus Mouemuthensis in hys second booke De origine gestis Britonum cap. 1. Alphredus Beuerlacensis in hys Chronycle Vincensius Antoninus Nuclerus Bergomas Polidorus and a great sort more This christianite endured in Brytayne the space of CC. and. xvi yeares vnto the persecucion of Dioclesiane sayth Ranulphus in Polichronico li. 4. Ca. 16. Vpon this toke the Romysh churche first occasion to deuyde the christen prouinces into dyoceses and parryshes Marke wyle these fyrst buyldynges of Antechrist or of Nemroth the yongar and considre out of what good stuffe they ryse without Gods worde All this haue I written hytherto not as matters correspondyng to the fyttle of my boke but that their spirituall frutes maye apere what they are euen from the very rootes ¶ The fyrst spryng of monkerye in Brytayne AS this newe christianite from Rome had gotten here of the Paganes both temples and possessions and were wele fauerdlye satled theyr byshoppes and priestes perchaunce beyng the same ministers that had serued the Idolles in them afore anon after there arose out of it a certayn kynde of monkerye not in apparell but in apperaunce of a more sober lyfe These within a whyle semed better learned than the other and more depelye fell into the peoples estymacyon Wherupō arose some after great stryfe and vnquietnesse amonge them and out of that stryfe moste detestable heresyes For one of them called pelagius beynge of the great monasterye of Bencornaburch in Chestre shyre though som call it Bangor began to dyspute wyth them for the strengthe of manys fre wyll and sayed that man myght be saued therby without the grace of God so denyeng the effect of Christes blood as his folowers are not ashamed to do yet to thys daye Agaynst this heretike Pelagius wrote Saynt Augustyn Saynt Hieron● Cyrillus Orosius innocensius Gennadius and at the last Thomas Braduuardin a doctor here in Englande with diuerse other ¶ Heresye in Brytayne aryseth of monkerye YEt came there in no vowynge of chastite all thys tyme neyther was vyrginite thought anye holyer amonge them then marryage For one Seuerus beyng bothe a monke prieste and byshop had a sonne there called leporius a mōke also and a priest which vexed the lande with that learnynge taught of hys father in the yeare of our Lorde CCCCxxxij as wytnesseth both Prosper Aquitannus and also Flores historiarum Thys leporius made hys boast that he was able to lyue purelye of hym selfe and by force of hys owne fre wyll wythout the assistence of God as reporteth of hym Gennadius Massiliensis Honorius Augustudimensis Iohannes Tritemius in suis illustrium uirorum Catalogis and now last of all Cōradus Gesnerus in uniuersali bibliotheca Of the same sorte was there an other called Agricola a priestes sonne also whiche in the yeare of our Lorde CCCC xlvi troubled the Brytaynes with the same doctrine as Flores historiarum sheweth The errours of both these were at the same tyme confuted by Germanus and Lupus with ●ther frenche doctours whiche came r●ydre then for the same purpose specially of Saynt Augustine in Affrica ¶ A priestes sonne was Saynt Partrick SAynt Partrick the great Apostle of Irelande was borne here in this Brytayne about the yeare of our Lorde CCC lxi and had a priest to hys father called Calphurnius whiche was also a deacons sonne that was name Podunus His mothers name hyght Conches and was holye Saynt Martynes syster Thys testyfyeth Ranulphus Cestrensis in Polychronico lib. 4. cap. 29. and Iohan Capgraue in Catologo sanctorum Anglie If this had bene fowle playe in those dayes Saynt Martyne would neuer so paciently haue suffered it For we reade that he was verye tendre vnto the sayd Patrick after that his fryndes had sent hym thydre and taught hym manye Godly thynges What rule this Hartrick kepte in that be halfe I haue not redde Yet fynde I in hys lyfe wrytten that he had a laddy waytynge on hym called Benignus whiche alwayes reported hym to be his owne propre father he neuer denyeng it I reade also that one Moduenna an Iryshe woman was very familiar with hym whether it were by the waye of marryage or no that can I no● tell Ex ante nominatis autoribus ¶ Sayntes were begotten in whordome TO entre more depely into the peoples opinion a chastyte was pretensed anon after in that monkerye but not yet solempnelye vowed and in manye places of the realme were monasteries builded bothe of men and women But marke what folowed therof immediatly after Christ chaunced in those dayes to haue many brethren For many virgins had then chyldren without fathers at
others And alwayes he had about hym a boke of Necromācye with a nombre of deuyls to wurke feates to hys Papall pleasure As the good Emprour Henry the. iiij perceyued in those dayes most shamefull abuses to growe in the churche he laboured by all wayes possyble to abolysh them He secluded scysmatykes suspended symonyakes suppressed sacrilegers ponnyshed per●ures bānished bawdes imprysoned deceyuers and condempned ydolatours Thys perceyuynge Hyldebrande whyche was a relygyouse maynteyner of all these sought by his preuy trayttours to dyspatche hym And on a daye whyls thys vertuouse emprour was in prayer he hyred a despertate knaue to laye stones of great wayghte vpon the rouse beames of the temple ryght ouer hys prayenge pewe and to lete them fall vpon hym to hys vtter destruccyon But se the ryghteouse hande of God One of those stones beynge more than thys wretche coulde wele rule bore hym downe to the grounde and so slewe hym ☞ Other practyses in myschefe of the seyd Hyldebrande ANd whan he perceyued that thys waye wolde not take than sought he out an other myschefe by colour of relygyon He made an extreme and terryble acte agaynst all them that had entered any spirytuall promocyon by symony and sent out commissyons vpon the same hys selfe beynge the greatest symonyake that euer was on thys earthe Thys had a great shyne of holynesse and is no lesse iudged of a great nombre of the hystoryanes yet was it to ij most myscheuouse endes The one was that he myght thereby confounde all those that fauoured not hys wayes An other that for execucyon of that acte the good Emproure myghte runne into the depe hate of the clergy that they myghte also seke hys vndoynge For the relygyon of thys Hyldebrande was neuer other than treason neyther was hys doctryne any other than deceyt of the deuyll On a tyme after many sorcerouse incantacyons he demaunded of that God whyche he thought he had made of breade by vertu of transubstancyacyon by what kynde of myschefe the Emprour myghte be destroyed And whan he ones perceyued that that God of hys coulde make hym none answere as the goddes of the paganes ded and as hys famylyar deuyls wold do he threwe hym with violence into the fyre As Ioannes Portuensis openly declared at Rome in the church of S. Peter The same daye Benno sayth that he openly cursed the good Emprour his chayre that was most strongely made b●ast a sondre in ij in token of the great scysme whych therupon folowed Sigebertus cōfyrmynge the same by an horryble earthquake All these examples hath Benno in uita hildebrandi Barnefridus Vrspergensis Matthaeus Parisiensis Hulricus Mutius and Robert Barnes in uitis Romanorum pontificum ☞ An acte of condemnacyon for prestes marryage IN the yeare of our lorde a M. and lxxiiij Whych after most writers was the second yeare of hys Papacy this hellysh Hildebrande helde a general synode at Rome with the bishoppes of Italy Wherein he made thys most deuylysh decre agaynst prestes not that they shulde no more beget chyldrē but that they shuld neuer after marry wyues This wycked decre extended yet further as if they had wyues already they shulde vtterly forsake them or els be depryued of their benefyces and presthode wythout redempcyon so made laye men And that no man from that daye fourth shulde be admytted to their orders that had not professed a perpetuall chastyte a sodomy it wolde be called hauynge a name accordynge to the fruytes The Germanes and the French men ded myghtely resyst this decre by the stronge authorytees of Christ and of Paule and by the vnreprouable examples of the Apostles and other holy fathers in the prymatyue churche besydes other scryptures reasons and argumentes And whan he perceyued that the prestes had despysed mocked hys abhomynable ordynaunce he cursed them with boke belle and candle and vtterly forbad them the churche commaundyng their tythes to be brent And whan that wolde not helpe the matter neyther than made he an other tyrannouse decre that their wyues shulde be taken for whores their chyldren for bastardes that no man frō thens fourth shuld heare the masse of him that kept a concubyne as he than iudged them peruersly alleging Malachyes prophecye as though Maledicam benedictionibus uestris in hys mouthe myghte vnualue or dysable their masses Thus was the churche fylle● with vnpure mynysters Rogerus houeden li i. historiae anglorum Matthaeus Paris in chronico Ranulphus Cestrensis li. vij ca. iij. Rogerus Cestrensis li. vij Lambertus Shafnaburgensis Sigebertus Martinus Ioannes de Columna Ioannes Nauclerus Duneimense chronicon Mutius alij ☞ What myschefe sprange of that pectyferouse acte VIncentius sayth in speculo historiali li. xxix ca. xlv and Matthew of Westmynst●e in hys seconde boke de floribus historiarum Antonious in the seconde part of hys chronycles and Radulphus de Diceto confirmynge that same that thys example of Hyldebrand was straūge and prodygyouse done without all Christen consyderacyon to the great preiudyce of the sayntes A sore slaundre saye they grewe therupon and so greuouse a scysme as was neuer afore in the churche for any kynde of heresy and all vndre name of relygyon Very fewe or none were founde chaste in the churche after that constytucyon was on●s publyshed some counterfetynge a clennesse for lucre and promocyon only some dyssemblynge some boastynge some lyengr and some beynge periured turnynge marryage into secrete whoredome and honest lyuynge into most vyle buggery By this ●ccasyō saye they arose in the churche pernycyouse teachers auertynge the people by their profane noueltees from the Christen synceryte and doctryne of the Gospell Thys horryble Hyldebrand the great patryarke and first founder of the ordre of prodygyouse buggerers otherwyse called vnwyuynge masmongers notwythstandyng hys vnrelygyouse constytucyon for others yet kepte he Maude the duchesse of Lorayne whome he for that purpose dyuorced from her seconde husbande Azon the marques of Esten Their occupyenges were furtiui complexus the storye sayth imbracynges in the darke or suche cullynges whan the candale was out as myght not seane of all the worlde She is called in the chronycles S. Peters denout doughter se the vnshamefastnesse of these holy whoremongers collateralis pontifici ac nimium amans pontificem beynge checke mate with the Pope and his owne dere peramoure And whan she shuld dye she gaue to the Romysh churche a great parte of Hetruria whych is yet called the patrymony of S. Peter Blondus li. iiij deca ij Martinus Platina Robertus Barnes ☞ Of whom it was in those dayes resysted AS an apte polycye to aduaunce the clergyes estimacyon augment their possessyons and increase their rythes brought Hyldebrande in thys inhybycyon of prestes marryage For by that deceytfull face of the olde wylye serpent were the lecherouse massynge prestes monkes chanons and fyestynge nonnes iudged
they said a spirituall ordre a lyfe of Angels and an holye religon which pleased God aboue all other what though they neuer had it in their liues For true virginite is a fayth vncorrupted or a beleue gouerned by the onlye worde of God without all supersticions of men This was the onlye virginite that Marye was commended of Lucc 1. This virginite perteineth chefely to marriage as testifieth Saynt Paule 2. Cor. 11. And as apereth in Abraham and other iust fathers which had faythfull wiues No people are lesse acquaynted with this virginite than sectaries or they that vowe virginite for they chefelye depende vpon mennis tradicions and rules But if a tre maie be knowne by his frutes and a man by hys dedes as oure sauer sayth they maye Math. 7 ye shall easely perceyue by their actes that these virginall votaries hath bene the verye Angels of darkenesse Marke their gostlye conueyauntes and their other good workes as they will haue them yet called like as they are here regestred in course And ye shall finde them more fyt for hell than for heauen Yea must they be canonised sayntes and do most wonderfull miracles But those miracles are the stronge delusions saynt Paule sayth that the Lord will sende vnto them that shall perish for their vnbeleues sake 2. Thessalon 2. I doubt not but this labour of mine though it be very simple will ministre some light as wele to the learned as vnlearned At the least it shall teache them to iudge false miracles that they be no more so deuylishly deceyued Lete not the oft citing of autours be greuouse to the readers my occasion iustly considered For therby shall the papistes haue shame alwayes if they report them fables or els me a liar for the tellynge of them beynge in their writynges so manyfest And as concerninge those autours they were their owne dere fryndes and wrote the best they coulde of them If they had bene their enemyes and so shewed the worst of them or els but indyfferent wryters as they were most parcyall witnesses it hadde bene a farre other shew of their mischefes than here will apere Men trusted they wolde haue seane them selues in this clere lyght of the Gospell and so haue repented their former factes of falsehede But truly they are of a farre other kynde than so Their nature is not to repent do they neuer so manye mischefes Rather stody they out newe practyses of tyrannye and cantels of cruelte to adde myschefe to myschefe tyll the great vengeaunce promysed lyght fullye vpon them Who so euer hath promoted forewarde Gods veryte they thanke God of it they haue bene non of them as yet Yf they shuld make their boastes with Paule 1. Corin. 15. that they haue done therin more labours than the other discyples men of knowlege wolde by and by saye that they lyed most falselye In dede they haue wyth Menelaus Alchimus Auantas and with Cayphas gone afore all worldlye tyrauntes in the murtheringe vp of them whice hath done it And for errours they saye But wha euer erred as they haue done sens the worldes begynnynge Trulye non as yet Neyther Turke Iewe Saracene Pagane nor deuyll as the examples herafter wylll shewe they shall not be able to auoyde yt vnlesse they dyspute with fyer and faggottes as they haue done hytherto For starke nought are they in dysputacyōs where as they are not at hād For this boke I shall haue their common lyuery and be called a thousande tymes heretyke But neyther loke I for reasonable answere of them nor yet for amendement of their knaueryes In this boke of mine is one face of Antichrist chefelye disclosed parauenture iij. vndre one wherwyth he hath of longe tyme paynted out hys whore the Rome churche that she mighte to the world apere a gloriouse madame That face is her vowed chastyte wherby she hath deceytfullye boasted herself spirituall beynge but whore and thefe and dysdayned marryage as a vyle draffe sacke and dyrtye dyshe cloute callynge all them but lewde laye persones that were vndre yt though they were kynges and quenes Lordes ladies Ye noble gouerners and learned lawers vnto whom God hath in thys age delyuered the measurynge rodde of hys worde as he ded to Iohan. Apocal. 11. that ye shulde measure all thynges rightly Be not now slacke in your offyces as in the blind tyme but thorow fourth that wretched bonde woman with her doughter that Rome churche with her whorishnesse No poynt of nobylyte were it nor yet of learned worthinesse to be as ye haue bene of late yeares styll seruaunte slaues to a moste filthye whore and to her whoredome and whoremongers Our most christen Emperour of Englande kinge Hērye the. viij of that name now his most learned graciouse sonne kynge Edwarde the .vi. a moste worthye ministre of God hath gone before yow in that behalfe They haue made open vnto ye the way and dryuen away from your gates the great aduersarie that shuld most haue noyed yow Disdayne not than yow to folowe Take from your true subiectes the popes false Christ with his belles and bablinges with his miters mastries with his fannoms and fopperyes and lete them haue frely the true Christ again that their heauenlie father sent them from aboue fashioned out vnto thē in the Gospell For much more bewtifull is he in the sighte of true beleuers than are all the corrupt children of men with all their gorgiouse aparelinges Loke you therunto with earnestnesse for nothinge will be at the lattre day more straightly required of you than that ¶ The fyrste part of the Actes of English votaries comprehendynge their vnchaste practises and examples by all ages from the worldes begynnynge to the yeare of our Lorde a. M. collected owte of their owne legendes and Chronycles By Iohan Bale ¶ Marryage instituted of God IN paradyse our eternall and mercyfull father instituted marryage immedyatly after mannys fyrste creacion and lefte yt wyth hym as an honeste comely wholsome holye and nedefull remedye agaynst all beastlye abusyons oft he fleshe that shulde after happen and graunted thervnto hys eternall blessynge Increase sayth he multyplye and fyll the earthe Gene. 1. And thys repeted he thryse after that Gene 8 9 30 to the intent it myght be g●●undedlye marked and wele knowne of 〈◊〉 to be hys most ●ernest ordinaunce Thys was the fyrste ordre of Religion that ●uer w●s made and of moste holynesse yf we dewlye respecte the maker therof wyth the other circumstaunces besydes preferrynge hys wysedome to mānis wisedome And for that it shuld not be reckened a thinge vnaduyselye done of him he loked thervpon agayne amonge all his other workes and could beholde no imperfeccyon therin but perceyued that it was of excedynge goodnesse Yet hath there sens rysen a sort whych haue agaynste Gods heauenly wisdome set theyr fleshlie folishnesse whiche
but not in Christes dyuynyte Her made he there abbasse commyttynge vnto her gouernaunce hys systre Ethelburge and a great sort more of yonge maydes to be thaught and made nonnes there Suche rule was kept among them within a short space after that God sent vpon them a plage of pestilence whiche toke awaye all their chaplaynes the cruell Danes folowynge and burnynge vp that was lefte monasterye nonnes and all Saynt Osith was marryed to Sigher Kynge of the East Saxons But bycause she loued the spyrytualte muche better than hym whyls he was on a lyme in huntynge she sent by a preuye lettre for Accas and Bedewinus Bishoppes of the East Angels contaynynge Northfolke and Sothfolke causyng them to put vpō her a nonnes aparell So made she hym to beleue in hys returne that she had professed the vowe of chastyte and gaue him therby a most wretched occasyon to lyue all the dayes of hys lyfe after in moste synnefull aduoutrie But a iust plage folowed For in the yeare of our Lorde DC liij was she slayne of the Danes and her whore howse nondrye I shuld saye vtterly destroyed Yet was she in the Popes churche allowed for a stynkynge martir for contemning marriage Loke Iohan Capgraue ¶ The perfight age of the Beast THeodorus a Greke was of pope Vytelinaus constitute the sixt archebyshop of Caunterbury from Augustine or sens the Papacy began to make all sure here to Antichristes behoue in the syxty and sixe yeare of hys age and in the yeare from Christes in carnacyon six hondred syxtye and sixe which is in saynt Iohans Apocalyps the full age of the Beast and the full nombre of man Marke it good reader For nowe of a Beast becometh he a king yea as Daniele calleth him the vnshamefast Kyng of faces Daniel 8. Presuming to sitt aboue God in euery mannys conscyence 2. Thessa. 2. Named it is there the nombre of man and the nombre of the Beast for so much as it was the time wherin mannys learnyng most strongly withstode the learnyng of God to the prankyng vp of than odiouse aduersary the verye man of synne and sonne of perdycyon all blasphemyes therupon folowynge Euydent is it by all the Englysh Chronycles that than this Theodorus came hyther with the seale of that execrable Beast to marke vp all to that most blasphemouse kingdom For neuer afore wrought the sprete of Antichrist the mistery of iniquyte so strongely as at that tyme. For hyther than brought he all vayn and craftye scyences of comitynge calking measurynge syngynge rymynge reasonynge arguynge diffining shauing oylynge exorcising incanting coniuring Loke Iohan Bapgraue in uitis Adriani Theodori Besydes that Bedas writeth li. 4. Cap. 2. and Ranulphus li. 5. Cap. 18. ¶ For the variaunce had in supputaciōs TO auoyd controuersies in the supputacyon of yeres for so much as some writeth him to haue comenly ther in the yeare afore rehersed and some ij years after Ye shal vnderstand that Theodatus which was his predecessour departed in the yeare of our Lord. DC lxv as witnesseth Hermānus Cōtractus in Chronico desex etatibus mundi In the yeare folowynge was thys Theodorus admitted of Vitelianus and received hys full autoryte of bindyng and losynge sayth Platina to holde the Englyshe nacyon styll in that fayth Marke it But by reason of serten delayes it was more than a yeare after ere he entered into England One cause of hys tarryaunce Iohan Capgraue sayth was the growynge of hys heare concernyng hys crowne which was shauen afore after a farre other sort he beynge a Greke Hys abydyng there for that only cause was more than iiij Monthes besydes other nedy matters So that it was the yeare of our Lord. DC lxviij the. xxvi daye of Maye and the seconde yeare of hys consecracyon ere he came into Kent as witnesseth both Bedas and Ranulphus With him sent Vitelianus a monke borne in Aphrica called Adriā to loke to his doctrine leaste he thaught any thing in the Englishe church that were not agreable to the Romyshe faythe as the marriage of prestes and the howselynge wyth leuened breade for he ded not in all poyntes trust hym bycause he was a Greke borne Anon after he sett vp a great scole at Caunterburye of all maner scyences as Rhetoryck Logyck Philosophy Mathesy Astrologye Geometrye Arithmetyck and Musyck and taught them there openly both in latine and Greke besides the art Magyck Sortilege Physnomye Palmestrye Alcumye Necromancye Chiromancy Geomancy and witchery that was thaught there also Bedas Ranulphus Iohā Cap ¶ Sealinges to the Beastes obedience THan constitute he the seyd Adriane both abbot and generall reader there whyls he compassed about all the whole region for the Eastre celebracion other To mysh rytes Thys is the first Archebishop sayth Iohan Capgraue that all the Englysh churche was sworne to Marke here the Seale of the Beast Apo. 13. In the yeare of our Lorde DC lxxij he helde a Synode at Thetforde in Northfolke where as he enquired of euery mannis faythe towardes the Churche of Rome Than constitute he bishoppes for euery quarter and deposed all them that were not confirmed by the popes auctoryte of whose nombre Ceddas the byshop of yorke was one More ouer he published there a boke of the churches ordynaunces made by the forsayd Vitelianus with permission of organes to make them mirye commaundinge it onlye to be obserued Christes ordre sett a part If thys were not the departynge that Paule prophecyed to come 2. The. 2. where shall we loke for any A sayinge hath Ioannes de Molinis in speculo carmel Ca. 6. which though he were a papyst I fynde here most true From the dayes of Heraclius the Emproure fayth he vnto our tymes the day drawynge towardes nyght the churche sufferynge a sore eclippes is come to a downe goynge Yea she is almost at the case of a full departynge c. I thynke a ●ruer sentence coulde not than be vttered all circumstaunces therupon considered Great pytye was it that the churches posterite than perceyued not so manifest a defeccion ¶ More sealinges yet to Antichristes kingedome IN the yeare of our Lord. DC and lxxv helde thys Theodorus an other counsell at Hatfeld in the west partyes Whare as he demaunded a reckening of the byshoppes and other curates what fayth and fauer their peoples had than to the churche of Rome as pope Agathon had commaunded hym to do by hys wrytynges whych wrote than vnto hym to do all thynges wisely Ye knowe what that meaneth I thynke Here was non enquyre made what beleue they had than there in the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ. No it was an other maner of matter that they sought Oh wonderfull was the workynge of that Serpentes generacyon Polidorus sayth li. 4. Anglice historie that false religion
marryage Ioannes Maior libro secundo Capite 12. Ioannes Capgraue in catalogo sanctorum Anglie ¶ A spirituall conueyaunce to be marked ETheldred whom ye cal Saynt Andrye of helye marryed ij great prynces Tombert of the South Girwyes and Egfride the Kyng of Northumberlande mockynge them both by the space of more then xiij yeares in not geuynge them due beneuolence accordyng to the holy doctrine of saynt Paul i. Cor. vij And in occasioninge them to aduouterouse lyuynge The lattre of thē knowynge that she mynded wylfryde then byshop of yorke muche more then hym for the storye sayeth that she loued that monke aboue all the men lyuyng requyred him in Gods behalfe to admonysh her of her dewtye that he myght accordyng to hys lawes haue increase of succession by her And he lyke a false traytour knaue notwithstandinge hys promes to the contrarye perswaded her to perseuer in her obstynacye and vtterlye to resyst hym allegynge her vowe and requyrynge a diuorcement from hym Wherupon he was then compelled to marrye an other wyfe called Ermenburgis and Etheldrede was professed a Nōne in Coldynghā with Ebba by the sayd wylfryde This kyng after that perceyuynge his knauerye by assent of Theodorus the archebyshop of Caunterbury bannyshed hym out of hys lande Then folowed she after a pace and whyles he was byshop of Eastsexse she became abbasse of hely not farre from his elbone Marke thys conueyaunce for your learnynge If this were not knauerye where shal we fynde knauery Yet was this gentylman conueyer admytted for a saynte because he buylded a college at Rippon where my selfe was ones bayted of his Basan bulles for mainteining the kynges prerogatiue agaynst their pope as good mastre Iohā Hercye can fulwell tell Ioannes Capgraue in uitis Etheldrede Vuilfridi ¶ Kynges became pylgrymes and their wyues Nonnes A Verye proper cast the women had in those dayes by the ghostlye counsell of the prelates They sent theyr h●sbandes to Rome on pylgrymage by heapes whyls they kept them spyrituall company at home Ethelburg made great haste and left no callyng on tyll her husbande kyng Inas was thydrewardes with scrippe ha●●e and staffe she lokyng for his no more coming home in the abbeye of Berkynge Thys Inas became a monke there and was the first that clogged the west Saxons with payment of the Rome shott or Peter Pens to the Pope Volateranus Fabiane After hym folowed Ethelrede kynge of Mercia in lyke fashion of pylgrymage and became afterwarde abbot of Bardeney Iohan Capgraue Conredus also kyng of the same prouynce dyed a folyshe monke at Rome So dyd kynge Offa of the East Saxons the selfe same yeare of our Lorde DCC and. ix besydes Kēredus Ethelwolphus and a great sort more Hermannus Contractus Platina Polidorus Colwolphus kynge of Northumberlande returned agayne to Gyrwyn and there dyed a monke Robert Fabiane Great layser would it requyre to shewe here how many of suche kynges the ghostly fathers sent at dyuerse seasons vnto Rome that they for the tyme might haue the spirituall occupyenge of theyr wyues and how many of their own bastardes they made kynges for them And therfore at thys tyme I passe them ouer Innumerable knaueryes wrought they in those dayes and all vndre the coloure of vowed chastyte ¶ Great experymentes of virginite AS Saynt Aldelmus the byshop of Sherborne that ye now cal Salysbury chaunced to be at Rome the people there made a fowle exclamacion vpon Pope Sergius the first for begettynge a wenche with chylde whyche he they saye by a lytle straunge workynge pacyfyed In whose returne a Synode was holden in Englande agaynst the Brytaynes or welshe men for not conformynge their churches to the Romysh obseruacions he there required to inueye agaynst them Vpon the which mocion he wrote then two bokes one for the Eastre celebracion and an other in the prayse of virgynes to blemyshe the marriage of their priestes there and also to aduaūce their newlye professed chastyte For that he had also in commandement of Sergius notwithstandynge hys owne knowne lecherye This Aldelmus neuer refused women but would haue them cōmonly both at borde at bedde to mocke the deuyll with In the tyme he was abbot of Malmesbury he appoynted oft tymes to hys fleshe this martyrdō As he felte any sore mouynges therof he layed by him naked the fairest mayde he could get so longe tyme as an whole Dauids psalter was in saynge And when hys heate was past he sent her home agayne as good a mayde as he left her Is not this thynke you a stronge argument to proue that all priestes may lyue chast This telleth Bedas Ranulphus Iohan Capgraue and manye other Englyshe autours more ¶ Images admytted with chast examples ABout the same tyme saynt Egwine abbot of Euesham and byshop of Worcestre then called wickes hearynge tell that labour was made to the pope to haue the christen temples replenyshed with Images to promote that market forewarde he hyed hym a peace to Rome And there he declared to the holye father the secrete reuelacions and commaundementes of our ladye that he had to set vp an Image of her to be worshypped at Worcestre delyueryng hym a booke whiche he had written of the same apparycyons besydes the lyfe of Aldelme The pope then called Constantine the fyrst hearing this newe wondre sent hym home agayne with hys bulles of autoryte commaundynge Brithwalde then Archebyshop of Caunterburye wyth all haste to call a generall Synode of all the clergye for confirma●●on of the same the kynges required not to be absent that daye And this was done in the yeare of our Lorde DCC and ix This Brithwalde beynge also a mōke was the first Englysh man that was Archebyshop of Caunterburye Marke it Saynt Guthlake an heremyte of Rependon tolde a certayne abbot the same tyme that goynge homewarde he shuld fynde in a wydowes howse ij of his holy monkes whiche had lyeu with her the nyght afore for easement of their chastite Saynt Bartellyne heremyte of Stafforde stale out of Irelande the kynges doughter there And as she was afterwarde trauelynge of chylde in a forest whyles he was sekynge the mydwyfe a wolfe came and deuoured both her and her chylde These storyes hath at large Iohan Capgraue in Catalogo sanctorum Anglie Guilhelmus Malmesbury et Ranulphus ¶ Englysh monkes become Antichristes Apostles IN those dayes the mōkes of Englande were becomen so myghtye in supersticiouse learnynge that they were able to peruert all other christen regyons as they dyd then in dede Some of them went into Germanye some into Fraunce some into Italye and Spayne and became the Popes instrumentes of all falshede fasshioning hym vp there a newe kyngdome of all deuylyshnesse to withstande the manyfest glory of God and subduynge therunto an pryncely Powers Yow
farre from orlyaunce in the yeare of our lorde These ij monasteries floriake and fulda with their olde inhabitauntes would I counsel al Chronycle readers to marke as they fall in their waye for wonders whiche hath comen from thens as wyll apeare after A custome the holye fathers had in those dayes to leade nonnes about with them in straunge landes where they went As we reade of walburga Hadeloga Lieba and suche other I thynke it was to helpe them to beare their chastite whose carryage was sumtyme verye comberouse vnto them and they founde not then in all cotreyes suche plentye of Nondryes as hath bene sens Sigebertus Capgraue Tritemius Nauclerus Vuicelius ¶ Oxforde shurned And Alcuinus monkes AShamed are not these prestygiouse Papystes to vtter it in their storyes and reade it in their Sayntes legendes in contempt of their christē gouernours that no kynge maye entre the towne of Oxforde without a mychefe because one Algar a Prince aboute thys age would haue had Saynt frideswyde to wyfe As though to be a kynge were a farre vyler or vnworthyer offyce than to be a pylde shytten Nonne O blynde bludderynge Balaamytes without all iudgementes godlye Of God only y● the worhy offyce of a King Prouer. 8. where as your fisting Nonnes were of Antichrist and the deuill Capgraue Fabiane Polidorus Aboute the same tyme was Alcuinus a doctour of England made abbot of Turonia in Fraunce by the gift of Charles the great which on a nyght founde all his monkes dead in the dorter by the soden stroke of God for their Sodometrye one only excepted Odo cluniacensis Guilhelmus Malmesburye Vincencius Antoninus Ranulphus Capgraue postuitam Ythamari A great matter had it bene in the popes bokes yf these men had had wiues For than he could not haue sent them to the deuill so fast accordinge to the generall commission whiche he had of Sathan his great mastre in that vycarship of his ¶ English men ponnished at Rome AFter Kyng Ethelwolphe beynge subdeacon and prest through wanton occupieng had had a bastard by the popes dispensacion he married Olburga his butlers doughter and had by her iiij sonnes which all succeded Kynges after him Guilhelmus Malmesbury et Ioannes Harding As this Kinge on a tyme chaunced to be at Rome he se many English men there wearynge fetters and gyues of Iron as they had bene murtherers or theues And as he enquyred what the cause shuld be answere was made hym that it was for spyrytualll offences done For those wylye watchers by that tyme had put manye thynges in practyse by force of their penytenciall Summe made by Theodorus afore They myght than make what synnes they wolde and sende vnto Rome whome so euer yt pleased them vpon the reseruacyons of cases Pontifycall and papall or by reason of the aggrauacyons of circumstaunces of synnes makynge men beleue they coude not dyspense wyth them whan the matter was not worth ij haste nuites And thys was the cause of their greuouse correccyons than For redresse of this the Kynge conuenaunted than with the Pope to geue him by year● a penye of euery fyre howse within hys lande as Inas and Offa had done before him for their domynyons He promysed hym also in acquytynge the churches trybutes to geue him iij. C. marke yearlye And finally he repared the English hospitall there which had bene decayed by fire Ranulphus Platina Petrus Equilinus Fabianus et Polidorus ¶ An English monkes peramoure is a Pope THe monastery of fulda in Germanye was in those dayes much frequented of Englysh monkes by●●use it was first buylded of the forseyd Archebyshop Boniface whych was an Englyshe man borne A yonge wenche borne and brought vp in Maguncia therebye Gilberta by name so mynded one of those monkes that she changed her apparell and went awaye wyth him lyke a waytynge boye or lackeye into straunge landes and became in all scyences of learnynge verye counynge and was called Englyshe Iohan. As yt chaunced thys monke to dye she get her vnto Rome and became there a common reader of publique lectours and was had in soche wonderfull estymacyon that Pope Leo the fort beynge dead she was solempnelye elected and intronysed Saynt Peters vycar in the yeare of oure Lorde DCCC.Liiij called Iohan the viij after dyuerse wryters By helpe of a Cardinall her most familier chamberlayne she was in conclusyon begett wyth chylde whan she had bene pope almost ij yeares and an halfe And in a most solempne procession to Laterane whan their churche was in the most pride by fall of the empire and subieccion of christē princes the prelates in their most pompouse aparell the daye shynynge verye fayre she was openlye delyuered of chylde without midwife and so dyed Wherin God declared m●nifestlye to the worlde that their glitteringe churche was altogyther an whore to make good that was wrytten in the reuelacion of Saynt Iohan. Apo. 17. Oh he that had seane the countenaunce of the prelates than shuld haue beholden a great thange ¶ Popes chosen from thens fourth by their N. SEns that tyme hath popes alwayes bene chosen as stoned horse are in a colte feyer by their doutye dimiceries that they can no more be deceyued that way For at the solempne stallynge of them the last deacon Cardynall doth grope them brechelesse at an hole made in the seate for that ghostlye purpose and than cryeth yt out before all the multitude that he hath ware suffycyent to proue hym no woman Moreouer the strete where she was delyuered hath euer sens bene shurned in all generall precessyons for feare of yll happes As is of women a serten brydge in a Scottysh I le called Leuissa where as yf but one woman shuld paste ouer they saye there are no salmons seane in that ryuer all the yeare after Hector Boethius in Scoteci regni descriptione For the hystorye afore reherced of thys woman Pope was yt partlye my desyre that ye shuld ●arke that monasterye of fulda For she was one chast frute of our Englysh clergye yssuynge from thens ye may chaunce after thys yet to heare of more Such an enemye to prestes marryage was not in hys tyme as was that Boniface which was therof the first buylder For euery where ded he in all his g●nerall Synodes condempne yt for aduoutery by the popes canon lawes For the scripturs wolde not serue hym The life of this female pope sheweeh more at large Iacobus Bergomas in li. De claris mulieribus Platina Sabellicus Martinus Carsulanus Volateranus Nauclerus Mantuanus Ioannes Stella Ioannes textor Robertus Barnes in uitis Romanorum Pontificum ¶ Holy water with a boke against marriage IN the yeare of our Lore DCCC LVIII as a serten day deuill at the forsayd Maguncia was hunted of the prestes wyth procession and holye water for dyuerstye vexynge the
his noble father afore hym whiche haue graciouslye begon to smell out in that fulse generation the engy●●es of the deuyll As great honoure wyl it nowe be to yow yea ▪ rather much greater to flee the sede of the Serpent by the worde of God as euer it was to Saynt George that noble captayne to flee the great hydre or Dragon at Silena as Baptista Mantuanus specifieth I speake not thys for that I wold ye to fal vpon that sorte with materiall weapon but with the myghtye stronge worde of the Lorde For as Esaye daniel Paule reporteth they shal be destroyed without handes Esa. xi Dan. viij and ii Tes ij Onlye is it Gods true knowledge that nobleth yow before hym be therfore no longer negligent An vnrecurable dyshonoure were it vnto yow frō hence furth to be led blynde felde of these bushardes in the darke The moste of yow are all readye very plentuouslye entered that lorde be praysed thynke hym onlye blessed whiche perseuereth to the ende Hauynge the gouernaunce of Christes d●●e herytage drawe not your lawes out of Antichristes rules nowe that ye knowe Christes wholsome doctryne Neyther yet fatche the breade that ye shall feade your commons with oute of hys bawdye beggerlye bowgettes but let them haue the pure purueaunce of God out of the vndefyled scryptures Be ones so mercyfull to that christen flocke that ye cle●elye 〈…〉 them 〈◊〉 t●at vyle g●neracion Let them no long●r worshyp deuyls as they haue done in these dead monkes and theues but let them loke freelye towardes their eternall and lyuyng God bothe to their soules helth yours Amen ¶ Thus endeth the first parte of thys worke called The actes of Englyshe votaryes Collected by Iohan Bale Anno. 1546. ¶ The autours names both Englyshe and other out of whom thys present Boke is collected Abbas Vrspergensis Achilles Pyrminuis Alphonsus de Castro Alphredꝰ beuerlacēsis Amandus Zierizensis Antoninus Florētinus Baptista Platina Baptista Mantuanus Bartholomeus Anglus Bedas Giruuinus Bernardus Lutzēburg Berosus Chaldeus Biblia Sacra Blondus Flauius Caius Iulius Christianus Masseus Clemēs Alexandrinus Colfridus Abbas Conradus Gesnerus Cornelius Tacitus De utraque Potestate Diodorus Siculus Edgari Oratio Egesippus Iudeus Epiphanius Cyprius Eusebius Cesariensi● Festiuate Sacerdotum Flores Historiarum Franciscus Lābertus Freculybus Iexoui ēste Galfredus Monemutensis Gēnadius Massiliēsis Georgius Ioye Georgius Vnteelius Gildas Britanus Giraldus Cambrensis Guido de Columna Guilhelmus Malmesburiensis Guilhelmus Caxton Guilhelmus Tyndale Guilhelmus Turner Hartmanus Shedel Hector Boethius Helmādus Monachus Henricus Huntyngtonensis Hermānus Contractus Hermānus Torrētinus Honorius Augustudunensis Iacobus Vorago Iacobus Bergomas Iacobus Zieglerus Iodoeus Badius Ioannes Capgreue Ioannes Hardyng Ioannes Stella Ioannes de Molinis Ioannes Annius Ioannes Nauclerus Ioannes Lydgate Ioannes Textor Ioannes Tritemius Ioannes Pomeranus Ioannes Carion Ioannes Maior Ioannes Lelandus Isidorus hispalensis Legendariū Ecclesie Liuthprandus Ticinēsis Marcus Sabellicus Marianus Scotus Martinus Carsulanus Martinus Lutherus Matheus Palmarius Merlinus Ambrosius Michael Ricius Nanclerus Ioannes Nennius Britannus Odo Chariacensis Osteirus Cātuariensis Osunaldus Myconius Otto Phrisingensis Paulus Orosius Paulus Aemilius Paulus Constantinus Petrus Equilinus Philippus Melanchton Plinius Secundus Polycrates Ephesius Polydorus Vergiliue Pomponius Mela. Prosper Aquitannus Ptolomeus Lacensis Ranulphus Cestrensis Raphael Volateranus Robertus Fabyane Robertus Barnes Sigebertus Gēblacēsis Strabo Cretensis Thomas Bradunardin Thomas Vualden Thomas Scrope Vincēsius Beluacensis Vtraque potestas VVernerus Cartusiensis VVilibaldus Anglus Finis The holye Ghost shall rebuke the worlde of synne and of ryghtousnesse of iudgement Ioan. xvi Into the newe Hierusalem shall entre no vncleane thynge neyther that whiche worketh abhominacion nor yet what maketh lyes But they only which are written in the lambes boke of lyfe Apoca. xxi The man of synne shall he opened before the Lordes commynge euen the sonne of perdycyon whiche is an aduersarye and is exalted aboue all that is called God whom he shall consume with the sprete of his mouthe ij Thes. ij ¶ Imprynted at London by Abraham Vele dwellyng in Paules churcheyarde at the synne of the Lambe Anno. 1551. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ¶ The second part or contynuacyon of the English votaries comprehendynge th●yr vnchast examples for CC. yeares space from the yeare a thousande from Christes incarnacyon to the reigne of kyng Iohan collected of theyr owne wryters by Iohan Bale ¶ B●holde thou idolatrouse churche I wyll gather together all thy louers vnto whom thou hast made thy selfe commen yea and all them whome thou fauourest and euery one that thou hatest and wyll discouer thy shame before them that they all maye se thy fylthynesse Ezech. xvi Imprinted at London for Iohan Bale in the yeare of our Lorde a M. D. LI. and are to be solde wythin Paules chayne at the sygne of S. Iohn Baptist. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum The Preface of thys boke FOr so much as Rome hath bene so synnefull a synke and pernicyouse puddell as hath all the worlde infected by the sodometrouse vowe of their symulate chastyte necessary I thynke it in thys preface of the seconde part of my Englysh votaryes to shewe what foundacyon it hath had in the same Xenophon sayth in hys boke of huntyng that Rhoma is the name of a dogge Iohan Textor affirmeth the same both in hys Epithetes Officines A dogge in the scripture is iudged a beast most vyle hys pryce beyng all one wyth the rewarde or wages of an whore for her whoredome Thou shalt sayth the lord to Moses neyther brynge the hyre of an whore nor the pryce of a dogge into the house of God in no maner of vowe for both of them are abhominacyon vnto the Lorde thy God Deuter. xxiij They in the scriptures of the sacred Bible are compared vnto dogges whych both professe and teache the verite of God vnpurely snarynge the symple sowles wyth the vnprofytable tradycyons of men synnefull Dogges are vngentyll barkers cruell byters lascyuyouse lechours gredy deuoure●s and insacyable rauenours much delyghtynge in bloude The malycyouse and couetouse Romanes wyth those vnpure Apostles whych they from tyme to tyme haue sent vnto thys our nacyon hath most apertly shewed themselues to be those vyle dogges and swyne whom Christ admonished vs to be ware of Mathew vij ¶ In the Bible text S. Hierome sayth that Roma was the wyfe of Nahor Abrahams brother Gene. xxij Whose chyldren were afterward obseruers of the Planetes and so bycame Idolaters after the mynde of Philo and other olde wryters Cechim the sonne of Iauan Genesis x. otherwyse called Italus had a doughter named Roma as testyfyeth Berosus the Chaldean Fabius Pictor Caius Sempronius whom he constitute quene of the Aborygenes or people of an vnknowne begynnynge Whych quene first buylded the great cytie so named Whom after longe tracte of tyme Romulus most gorgyously fynyshed Thys mencyoneth also
terrestryall aungelles of the folyshe worlde whan they were the very drosse of the deuyll and poyson of all Christyanyte A great nombre therfore of godly men both in Germany Fraunce perceyuynge the great abhomynacyons that wolde folowe therof myghtely styll resysted both Hyldebrande the Pope and also hys great synode of Italysh prelates callynge hym a cruell heretyke and authour of pernycyouse doctryne and them the malygnaunt counsell of Sathan This wyckednesse is wrought saye they not by any sprete of God but by the only suggestyon of Sathan For their most deuylysh decre is directly repugnaunt to the worde of God Christ sayde that no man can awaye with that sayenge saue they to whō it is gyuen S. Paule had no commaundement for virgynyte The Apostles wolde not requyre it the olde counsels durst not attempt it But alwayes was marryage fre to them that could not refrayne What meane these hypocrites than to compell naturall men by force of tyranny to lyue the lyfe of Angels whych is a thynge impossyble to their weake nature By thys cruell constytucyon they make open the way to all fylthynesse in the fleshe If they wyll haue such mynysters lete thē fatche them from heauen for in the earth they are not to be had Thys was the clamour of them whych in that age feared God doubted the myschefes of Antichrist Lambertus Sigebertus Vrspergius Nauclerus Robertus Barnes ☞ Hyldebrande made the church a full Sodome NO small commendacyons hath thys sorcerouse monke and vicar of the deuyll among the hystorianes and chronycle writers after his tyme. As were Otho Frisingensis Platina Stella Sabellicus Blondus Bergomas Aeneas VVicelius and suche other He is magnyfyed aboue the starres for his rebellyouse treason and tyranny agaynst the vertuouse emprour holden of them for a most earnest myghty and constaunt defender of Antichristes oyled kyngedome whyche they call holy churche Thys maistre of myschefe and organe of the deuyll brought by that meanes the mynysters to an ydelnesse and defyled the church with most execrable buggery Amonge all his canon lawes and synodall constytucyons he gaue out no commaundement that prestes shulde do no lecherie nor yet get chyldren but only that they shulde not marry And thys was to put in full practyse that God had afore premonyshed hys churche of by his sonne Iesus Christe by hys holye Angell by Iohan hys electe Apostle thre able wytnesses Apoca. i. That is to saye the great cytie whych is called a spirytualte and is the churche malygnaunt shulde be in effecte a very Sodome and Egipte Apoca. xi Of necessyte myghte that be no fable that was of so able witnesses vttered afore hande so earnestly Some therfore must haue fulfylled it no remedy and none so effectually as thys hellysh sodomyte Hyldebrand by forbyddynge of marryage in hys clergy and by deifyenge the Eucharistycall breade These ij poyntes chefely made the Romysh churche a Sodome and an Egipte by dyssemblynge vowes and a coūterfet presthode How nondryes anon after were buylded boyes apes and bytches prouyded to qualyfie the breche heates of these holy buggerers and to saue the outward shyne of their boasted chastyte it requyreth further processe to be declared ☞ Marryed prestes are bayted wyth a bulle ROger Houeden plainely reporteth it in the first boke of hys chronycles that the clergy contempnyng the byshop of Romes malycyouse threttenynges chose rather to dwell styll vndre hys great curse than to leaue their marryed wyues Thā practysed the seyd byshop to vexe them and to ponnysh them by others as testyfieth Mathew of Westmynstre in the thyrde boke of hys flowres of historyes procurynge the commen people to be the instrumētes of his tyranny That he myght the more fearcely chastyse them sayth he and so vtterly dryue them from the embracinges of their wyues he forbad the laye people to heare their masses and charged them fynally to destroye their lyuynges by thys bulle folowynge Gregory the Pope otherwyse called Hyldebrā● the seruaunt of the seruauntes of God s●ndeth the Apostles blessyng to all thē within the kyngdomes of Italy Germany that sheweth their true obedience vnto S. Peter If there be any prestes deacons subdeacons that styll wyl remayne in the synne of fornycacyon we forbyd them the churches enteraunce by the omnypotent power of God and by the autoryte of S. Peter tyll tyme they amende and repent But if they perseuer in their synne we charge that none of yow presume to heare their seruyce For their blessyng is turned into a curse and their prayer into synne as the lorde doth testifye by hys prophete I wyll curse your blessynges ce Thys bulle hath Symeon of Durham and Roger Houeden the one in the seconde the other in the first boke of their chronycles besydes other wryters ☞ Laye people worshyppeth the beast and hys Image MVche good stuffynge is in thys bulle whan it iudgeth marryage a fornycacyon condempnyng it by S. Peters autoryte whose doctryne to thys daye both alloweth it and commendeth it for a state of ryghteousnesse cōparynge the marryed persones to Abrahā and Sara i. Pet. iij. Neyther is the blessyng of any man turned into a curse or his prayer into synne for marryage but rather for seducynge of Gods people by supersticyons and hypocresy wylfully resystyng the holy ghost Mala. ij Psal. cviij as in thys handy bulle maker and hys other bullish begles whose blasphemouse actes are wele knowne Radulphus de Diceto sayth in hys Image of storyes that in the yeare of our lorde a M. and lxxv thys terryble turmoylyng agaynst prestes marryage gaue more occasyon of blasphemouse slaundre than euer ded heresy in the church For by that meanes sayth he the laye people contempned holy orders they reiected ecclesyastycall subiectyon and abhorred the mysteryes of God They despysed the presthode of their curates in fury madnesse they brent their tythes trode vndre their fylthie feie their consecrate hostes Thus honoured they the fowled beast and hys ymage Apocal. xiij But thys gaue a great rayse to Antichristes proude and ambycyouse reigne as herafter shall apere Thomas Rudborne and Mathew of Westmynstre sayth that in the nexte yeare folowynge was a terryble earthquake with a certen blusterynge noyse ouer all Englād wherby God declared to the worlde hys anger for suche excedyng wyckednesse as he hath done other tymes more at the lattre daye to be reuenged vtterly ☞ The treason of prelates and extorsyon of byshop Walter BYshoppes abbotes and prelates of the Englysh brode not hauyng Wyllyam conquerour a kynge to their myndes caused it by lytle and lytle to be noysed a broade amonge the people in the seyd yeare of our lorde a M. ixxv. how it neither stode with reason nor yet with conscyence that a bastarde or mysbegetten man as he was shulde haue the Englysh nacyon in gouernaūce what
the kynge and Maude the empresse he called a counsel of prelates and enacted it for a lawe that what so euer he were that layed violent handes vpon a churche man he stode accursed wyth boke belle and candell and mighte of none be assoyled but of the popes owne persone He ordeyned also that no preste frō thens fourth shulde assiste any kinge in his warres Ioannes Hagustaldensis in historia xxv annorū Rogerus Houeden Giraldus Cambrensis Mattheus Paris Polydorus Ranulphus ☞ The kynge enprisoneth the canons wiues of Paules RAdulphus de Diceto doth shewe it plainely in his abreuiaciōs of chronycles that in the yeare of our lord 1137. The kinge was in displeasure with William the deane Raufe Langforde Richarde Belmeis and th● other canons of Paules at London about the eleccion of their bishop For cōtrary to his expectacion they had chosen Amselme the other Anselmes nephew which was than abbot of Burie a man of suspected liuing as witnessed Turstanus in an epistle to the pope Wherupon the king toke all their wiues otherwise called their kichine maydes for doubt of the spiritual lawes in their best apparelinges and put thē all in the tower of London Where as they were kept very straightly and not deliuered againe withoute bodily shame deminishment of their fame and greuouse expenses the storie saith The bishoppes archedeacōs chaūcelloures deanes were in those daies most cōmenly al of one kindred as the seide Radulphus reporteth The bishop of Ro. Innocēt than wrote into England that Peters litle ship being long tossed on the water vexed troubled oppressed of enemies was very like if remedy were not foūd in time to be ouer rowne drouned the shourges of scismatikes of heretikes wer so great Loke Ricardus Hagustaldensis in hys small treatyse de bello Standardico Ioānes hagustaldēsis in descriptione eiusdem belli By the scysmatykes he ment those prestes whych wolde not leaue their wyues at hys wycked persuasyons and by the lytle shyppe hys owne sorcerouse synagoge of besmered shauelynges ☞ An other counsell holden agaynst prestes and their wyues VPon thys occasyon came Albericus the byshop of Hostyense in post from Rome in the yeare of our lorde a M.a. C. and. xxxviij as the vycege rent of Pope Innocent the second in Englande and Scotlande Thys Albericus called a synode at Westmynstre in the xiij daye of Decembre for thys whole regyō wherin he had to assocyate hym xviij byshoppes and. xxx abbottes besydes the greate nomber of other dysgysed prelates Hys chefe actes were that no preste deacō nor subdeacon shulde holde a wyfe or woman within hys howse vndre payne of dysgradynge from his Christendome and playne sendynge to helle That no prestes sonne shuld clayme any spirytuall lyuyng by heretage That none shulde take benefyce of any laye man That none were admytted to cure whyche he had not the letters of hys orders That prestes shuld do no bodyly labour And that their transubstancyated God shuld dwell but. viij dayes in the boxe for feare of worme eatynge mowly●ge or stynkynge with such lyke In all their counsels they songe styll one song folowynge the rustye voyces of Hyldebrāde and Paschall Ricardus Ioannes Hagustaldenses Wonders were seane in the skye about thys tyme Mathew Paris sayth In England was felte a palpable darkenesse with a terryble earthquake the sunne aperynge lyke sacke clothe Apo. vi Such an horryble eclyps sayth he was ouer all thys lande that men feared the heauens to haue bene decayed The sunne in some places Ioannes Hagustaldēsis sayth apered lyke quycke syluer to the wonderynge of manye These maruels wolde be marked of them whych couete to vnderstande the mysteryes of tymes after the holye scryptures ☞ The true meanynge of sygnes in the firmament declared BY thys tyme had the prelates a nombre of crafty wyttes in the vniuersytees whych were as able by schole learnynge to defende a falshede as euer were Christes dyscyples by hys heauenly doctryne to maynteyne a veryte These by a contynuall exercyse in disputacyons bicame very crafty and subtyle They toke it for an ornature of learnyng and for a thynge very conducyble to the vnderstandyng of the scriptures to define and diuyde all thynges as ded the peripatetyckes or naturall philosophers of Aristotles secte and so to proue them by naturall demonstracyons Gloryenge in the sublymyte of their wyttes they wolde be taken for men much wyser than were the Apostles and prophetes and in their doynges preferred the Idees or ymagynacyons of Plato to the eternal sprete of Christ. In the rowme of the lyuely phylosophie of God they placed faynt and vnfruitefull allegoryes as ded the olde Esseanes and as doth in our tyme the wycked secte of Anabaptistes imputyng those thynges to our synnefull wurkes whych only pertayneth to the kyngdome of faythe Thus ded the wysdome of the fleshe erect her selfe agaynst Gods heauenly wysdome preparynge a waye to Antichrist and the deuyll These doctours busyly dysputed of Peters autoryte and of the worthienesse of monkery to make good the pryde of the byshopp of Rome and to confirme the shynynge shewe of hypocresye Of thys nombre was Ricardus de Sancto Victore a Scott in Paris Alexandre Nequam and Robert Crikelade here in England all regular chanons By thys maye ye vnderstande what it ment that the sunne apeared so darke in the skye For the heauens Dauid sayth declareth the glorye of God and the firmament sheweth hys handye wurke or dedes of hys permyisyon Psal. xviij ☞ More examples declarynge those marueyles ABout the same tyme were the byshop of Romes lawes brought into thys realme by Baldewyn the archebyshop of Canterburye But so sone as kynge Steuen had knowledge therof he condempned them by acte of Parlement commaundynge by proclamacyons and streygth iniunctyons that no man shulde retayne them vndre great penalte By meanes whereof they were in some places torne to peces and in some places brent in the fyre as by good mennis iudgement they were no lesse worthie For they were verye muche agaynst the commodyte of kynges and their commē welthes christē magistrates powers Ioannes Sarisburiensis in Polycratico de nugis aulicorum libro viij cap. xxij Both the monke Gracianus whych collectyd togyther the Popes decrees into our volume called the concorde of lawes dyscordaunt and also Peter Lombarde hys brother in the rablement of hys vnsauery sentences complayned very sore that many in their tyme beleued the only substaunce of breade to remayne in the sacrament of Christes bodye Yea the best learned maisters of Paris Iohan Tyssyngton sayth in his boke agaynst the confessyon of Wycleue were at the same season of thys opynyon that in the sacramental wordes Esse was to be taken for significare Agaynst whom these adulterouse chyldren Gracianus and Petrus brought forth thys smokye conclusion not out of the scriptures but frō their
beast To worshyp the first Beast Hildericus Pipinꝰ Kyngdomes trāslated antichrist Apo. xiij Alderbertus Claudiꝰ Errours doctrine Canonistes Rome Open sale of whores Ethelbaldus Colfredus Osredus geraldus geilepus Fulda 744. Lieba Monasterium fuldēse Floriacus 651. To ease their vowes Oxford Frideswyde A king Alcuinus Autoures Ethelwolphus Penitentes at Rome Syt in the cons●●ences The Rome shott Hospytall Fulda Gilberta A wom● pope 854. Pryde hath a fall An whore Popes chosen by their stones An exāple Fulda Matrimony cōdēpned 858. A prest Holy water 875. Gabriel A boke of xij chapters Diuerse Gabriels Odulphus Fredericus Clarus The Danes Coldyngham Elphegus Ghostly fathers Cōtēciō Egelricus a married prest Marriage contēpned A married prest ethelst●nus a monke maryed A miracle Elpe Brithgida Wilfhilda Odo 946. Floria●us The kinges concubines Cinstitucions Oswalde Floriacus The sacramēt Miracles Dūstanus magnus musyck sorcerye Carni●ge autours A caste or feate Ethelstanus Athelmus Elphegus a mōkes cowle Hypocrytes Edmondus rex Dūstanes deuil worketh homely Playe tyme I trowe Glastēburye Edwinus alfgina Odo cātuariensis Cōfession Masse of requiem Alfgina loueth Stronge loue Cadina loueth Edwinꝰ rex The cōmens ryse iij. swerdes Maryed priestes Apoc. 9. Hiere 5. Rome chastite 907 Sergius Marosia Formosus Tyrāny Autours Theoracum filiabus Ioannes rauēnas Ioan ye. x 915. whores rule all Guido Mazozia 929. Ioā xi hugo rex Italie Leo et Stephanus Writers deceiued iij. whores 930 Hugo rex Goddeses for Whoredom spiritual chastite Albericꝰ Octauianus 956. Ioan. xij Synodꝰ Rome Rainera Anna. Rome sacrifice he might be chast Their spiritual father Ioan. xij Liuthprādus Byworde 960. Dunstanus The first compulsion Foundacion of chastite The deuyls cōmyssyoner A thefe A tiraūt Kynge Edgare Tiranny spiritual mariage condemned Facies ecclesiarum Heretikes and theues wilfrith penaūce An apyshe slaue The beastes autorite A proude knaue No king but a fole A witles Beast Practyse Craft Priestes go out A colour Edward Editha Al sayntes The mother dūstane Editha Great loue shewed A narrow sercher Edgare Image Bestie sinodus 969 An Acte for sodome Tirāny Visitours For mariage Bulles Dunstane accused Edgare alfreda Oratio ad clersi knauery A deuilish Illusion wolues Act. 20. Cant. 2. Monasteries Ethelwoldus impostor magus Heretykes a colour a father Ioan. 13 Stephana Oswaldus magus Floriacus Prestes expelled Apoc. 9. a colour iij false knaues 975 Scisms Alpherus Ethelredus Edwardus legatus Ioan. 13 a father A deceyt Alpherus Prestes restored The prestes The mōkes A crosse in mariage Backare sir monke 975. sinodus cōmissiō A roode knauery The rood speaketh 1 Ioā 4 thomas crōwell Verses Capgraue 1036 Canutus The crowne Egelnothus An Idol made king Image of the Beast canutus Elgiua Claustrall chastite A monkes bastarde Sweno Heraldus Dunstanus knauery Alpherus 976 a lerned Bishop Dunstane an asse A blind beast a limme of the deuill Mich. 3 sayntes Gods seruyce Precursor Antichristi Apo. 20. miracles the churche Apo. 12. Sathan Vyces 988 Deuils A bloudye cloude Danes Siricius Mōkes were Englandes destrucciō The Danes strēthened Lorde Dane 1012 Caunterburye Elphegus Tythynges A iust Plage Extent of thys boke The other boke 1551. Sathan at large Good workes Sodomites Mat. ● Mar. iiij Luc. 12. Christ to buketh Mat. 23. Vespasianus Titus Captyues Exāple Magystrates Englysh Saintes The Autour Starres Fallen starres Holye dayes Peter Paule secular laye Called Startsmen Tayles whores ▪ Face of the Se●pent Dunstanes deuil Noble men Kynge Henry Saynt George What maketh noble Lawes Doctrine Deuyls ij part A dogge False teachers Romanes Nahor Cechim Romulus Ilia Rhea Lupa Lupanaria Chloris Floralia Spurij Priapus A God Romysh goodes Iulius Nero. Aurelius Clergy Constantinus Tēples ij sōnes Emperour French kynge Childericus Angisus Pipinus Tēples Olympus Whores Aristotle Simon Magus Bishoppes Sergius Rome Sodomytes Roma Papistes Examples Adam Holy churche The author tarryed Ghostly fruytes Doctryne Sathan 1000. Syluester ij Darkenesse Saturnus Chastite 1000. Saturnus Vesta Aurelius Palumbus An offerynge Syluestre Apo. xx Dyscyples Fathers Sorcerers Two prynces Necroma●cy Oblacyon Prynces Promocyons Papacy 1001. Ioōnes Baconthorpe Decrees Empyre 1002. Germanes Yongar sonne Electours 1002. Chauncellers Princes Pyllars The Egle. An ydol Odilo abbas 1010. Purgatory Osbernus 1010. Hypocresy Phylosophy Sodome A prest 1010. A wēche Deuyls Wilfhilda Barkinge Good chere Ethelgarus Siricius 990. Elphegus 1010. ij deuils Their power A cowle The vertue Hypocrytes S. 〈◊〉 The water S. Walstane 1016. Capgraue mēbers 1017. A starre Canutus Abbeye● Rome shott Bastardes Fulbertus Gene sucke A church O traytours O caytyfes For Idolatry Bury abbey 925. 1021. 1036. A chaplayne Coueyaunce Promocyons All holy A nonne As a wyfe A prest Saye Masse Whoredom Alwinus 1044 Emma Danysh bloude A traytour Myracles An ydyote Edward Marryage Legenda Blasphemy S. Paul Errour Testymonyes Editha Hypocrytes Examples Subieccyon A voyce Straungers Prelates Lubbers Newe sayntes Gregory 1046 Cardynalles Swauus 1049 Penaunce Palumbus Deuyls Members A wytch Masses Holy churche 1053. Wenches Victor 1056. Poyson Christiā O trayters Hypocresy Duke Robert Brotheis A bastarde Autores Stigandus 1054. A Byshopp Versus 1082. Wyllyā Olyuer 1060. Edward Nicolas Westminster Petrus Damianus Berengarius Churche 1069. Wynchestre Alexander A prouiso Lanfrancus A counsell Confession Dunstanus Dead men Lanfrancus Bishopryckes 1068. An othe 1069. A stryfe Lanfrancus Canterbury Walter 1070 A wēche Ouercome A practyse Cecilia 1075. Thurstinus 1083. A battayle ij slayne Cōmēs Hildebrādus Dyscyples Aduersary vij Popes poysened A murtherer Practyses A traytour Deuyls A traytour God stryketh Myschefe ij cantels Sorcerer God brent Autores 1074 Depryued Exāples Tyraūt Autore● Cestes Scysme Seducers Maude An whore A crafte Resystaunce Sathan Marryage Angels Vycar Holy church Warnynge Wytnesses Prouysyons Prestes Tyrāny A bulle Masses Preposterously Deceyuers 1075. Contēpt Antichrist Wyllyā 1075. Rebelliō 1076 Walker Satisfactyon 1080. Durhā Reason Confirmed 1083. Kepers Boso Turgotus Vysyōs A token Pylgrymage Prestlyke 1076. Prydee 1077. A bastard Lanfrancus A warryour 1077 Blasphemer 1083. Osmundus Canonysed 1087. Kēredus Exempcyon Nobylyte Roberyes Styngers Anselme Wyues 1097. Tribute 1090. Styngers Walkinus Walterus Tryall Warnynge 1095. Starres The place A chāge Mark it symony 1092. A lechour Spretes 1093. Reward Chestre Herbert 1091. 1094 No merchaunt 1095. 1096 Testymonyes Norwych A monstre Money Symoners A deuyll Simon Richard Peche Ethelwolf A bishop 803 A bastard Wulstane Louers to blesse A fable Wolstone Hardin● Cisteanes 1098. 1135. Sectes fasciculus 1000. Sorceryes 1094 1100. 1096 Realyte Paulus Deceyuers 1094 Anselme Kynge Wyllyā Vycars Anselme Spyes 1095. Falsehede A traytour A Sathā A rebell A search Suggestyon 1089 Petyciō women Fryndly 1096 Practyses 1097 Nichetas 1098 wōders Coūsels for lucre Actes Mōkes Make spede A curse o deuils Blasphemy A mouth Sorceryes A seate Englāde A pope 1099 A sonne A fable Raylers 1101. Yll chaūge No faulte Iudgementes A practyse Lyke a kyng Rādolfe Practise 1101 ij Thomas Gerard. 1114. doctrine 1102. Marryage Sodometrye marke it Actes Exēpt Chast professiō Al a like Iniunctyons Shamed Forfaytes Buggerers 1539. Abbotes For whores Herbert Anselme A iestar Babylō Monkelyke Good stuffe Antichrist Gerard. Wyues for lucre 1103. a synode An acte Sodomytes Saintes An acte Laye prest Publyshed Conueyaunce Tēderly Practise Buggerers Wyllyā A rope Hypocryte A crafte No not so A stryfe Lawful Anselme to Rome Warelwast Paschalis Antichrist Richard restored From Rome Knaueryes subtylte Systers 6. An ordre Relygiō lyke Merchaūtes Secular A questyon O traytours 1106. Antichrist Deceyt 1112. Breches A coūsel An excuse Barnes Kynge Henry 1107. A coūsel Anselme O traytour A Pope 1108. Women Wytnesses Antichristes Papystes 1109. A Pope wurkes A wolfe 1110. Tritemius iij. bastardes Dyuynyte Baconthorpe 1113. Raufe 1115. The crowne Authours Calixtus 1119. 1123 Scripturs 1123 1102. 1115 Wiues 1120 Lordes Ladies writers A plage Bastard Celsus No vowe Eckius Reuerēd 1120. Irel ● 1125. A legate Bagges Sentēce A verse Cardynall Secrete Vnfytt Ashamed 1129. Processe Lucre. A craft Wyues Sectes Cisteās S. Robert Charterers Locustes Fatte 1135. Steuen A vowe Customes Mark it A plage 1036. Prelates A helpe A sinode Accursed 1137. Turstā Prelates Heretykes 1138. No wife 1140. Mark it Wyttes Define Plato Wysdome 1140. Dauid 1140 Decrees Petrus Esse To darken 1144. Wulwarde Goodwyn Marryage 1545. Corbet Rugge Men godly mockers A mother Examynacyon No shame doctrine I. Bale 1148. terrour Crabbes Dyscouered Autores Nicolas A mōke Salisbury All true 1159. S. Willyam Poysened Spirituall Yorke 1154. 1159. 1155. No better Becket rebukes Gylbert A ordre 1148. Rules 1159. Wāton Nigellus Gilbertynes Hefled Returned whores 1153. A shyfte Nigellus ij sortes Hypocresy Theues Mark it all voyd Nigellus Fruitfull Malcolme A kynge Maior 1163. Water 1160. Calfes Fame Antichrist writers Tolouse Becket A ruflar pleasure a wēche for loue All chast Change 1164. Prestes Addicyō An acte A preste Vndre Becket Autour articles Cursed No king Clarkes 1164. a church Christyanes Monkery Opynyons 1171. franrick Idolatrye A deuyll Defeccyon Miracles Bokes 1173. Assoiled 1220. A rebell Henry ij 1166. 1168. 1169. Errour 1171. 1188. Barnes 1176. A priour Alphege Bakon the sōne Exāples Prestes successe Curates Eckius Pedlar Heates Water Legēde Geares 1170. 1179. Sequestred Ryders Pryuyleges Walthā 1120 Burdēs Lucre. Dissent 1187. Dyshes Bellye Pāper Dyshes A priour Conueyaunce Two priours Abroade 1086. prisoner A thefe ij orders They serue 1312. 1186. 1187. mockers 1187. Pleasure 1189. miracle Durhā Longe lyfe autours Giraldus A mōke A falle Drowned Canterbury 1101. Giraldus Autores Stryses Wiles 1191. A rular a votary Accomptes Disgysed A sowster A monstre A preste A playe Depryued Meue● 1197. A frynd 1191 Antichrist Ioachim prelates Argumentes 1191. Defend Antichrist Mark it o Inciset 1192 Charite Nouant Contencion 1198. Hubert 1196. Poyson Studye Sisions Iohan. Warryres A chaunter Canons Cōtimae 1197. Hypocrite Husbandes Fulco Thre howses 1198. Legion 1196. Womē 1198. cōsecrat Baldewyn Prestes apostles 1199. Occupied Discressyon A boke Actes Yeares Sathan no stop Hydden Mistes Lighte Autour iiij paroes cōtentes The last Diuerse Craftes ij offices the firste Wiues oportet Wretches women Buggerers The. ij Autorite Deceyt o Sathā Mockers Traytours Curses An hidre Fauer Traytours rebelles Blasphemers Deceyuers ij matters Verlettes Simon Magus Iudge