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A79649 A collection of articles injunctions, canons, orders, ordinances, and constitutions ecclesiastical with other publick records of the Church of England; chiefly in the times of K. Edward. VIth. Q. Elizabeth. and K. James. Published to vindicate the Church of England and to promote uniformity and peace in the same. And humbly presented to the Convocation. Church of England.; Sparrow, Anthony, 1612-1685.; Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677, engraver. 1661 (1661) Wing C4093A; ESTC R211415 186,414 341

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were joyned together in one person never to be divided whereof is one Christ very God and very man who truly suffered was crucified dead and buried to reconcile his Father to us and to be a sacrifice not only for original guilt but also for actual sins of men 3. Of the going down of Christ into Hell AS Christ dyed for us and was buried Nam Corpus usque ad resurrectionem in Sepulchro jacuit spiritus ab illo emissus cum spiritibus qui in carcere sive in inferno detinebantut fuit illisque praedicavit quemadmodum testatur Petri locus Sic Artic. Edw. 6. so also it is to be believed that he went down into Hell 4. Of the resurrection of Christ CHrist did truly rise again from death and took again his body with flesh bones and all things appertaining to the perfection of mans nature wherewith he ascended into Heaven and there sitteth until he return to judge all men at the last day 5. Of the Holy Ghost Non habentur in R. Edward 6. Artic. THe Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son is of one substance Majesty and Glory with the Father and the Son very and eternal God 6. Of the sufficiency of the holy Scriptures for salvation HOly Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation so that whatsoever is not read therein nor may be proved thereby * Licet interdum à fidelibus ut pium conducibile ad ordinem decorum admittatur is not to be required of any man that it should be believed as an Article of the faith or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation In the name of the holy Scripture we do understand those Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament of whose authority was never any doubt in the Church Of the names and numbers of the Canonical Books Non habetur in R. Edw. 6. Artic. GEnesis Exodus Leviticus Numeri Deuteronomium Josue Judges Ruth The 1. Book of Samuel The 2. Book of Samuel The 1. Book of Kings The 2. Book of Kings The 1. Book of Chron. The 2. Book of Chron. The 1. Book of Esdras The 2. Book of Esdras The Book of Hester The Book of Job The Psalms The Proverbs Ecclesiastes or Preacher Cantica or songs of Salom. 4. Prophets the greater 12. Prophets the lesse And the other Books as Hierome saith the Church doth read for example of life and instruction of manners but yet doth not apply them to establish any doctrine Such are these following The 3. Book of Esdras The 4. Book of Esdras The Book of Tobias The Book of Judeth The rest of the Book of Hester The Book of Wisdom Jesus the son of Sirach Baruch the Prophet The song of the three children The Story of Susanna Of Bell and the Dragon The prayer of Manasses The 1. Book of Maccabees The 2. Book of Maccabees All the books of the New Testament as they are commonly received we do receive and account them Canonical 7. Of the Old Testament THe old Testament is not contrary to the New Testamentum vetus quasi novo contrarium sit non est repudiandum sed retinendum for both in the Old and New Testament everlasting life is offered to mankinde by Christ who is the onely Mediator between God and man being both God and man Wherefore they are not to be heard which feign that the old Fathers did look onely for transitory promises Although the Law given from God by Moses as touching Ceremonies and Rites do not binde Christian men Vid. haec Art 18. notata e●… R. Edwardi●… nor the civil precepts thereof ought of necessity to be received in any Common wealth yet notwithstanding no Christian man whatsoever is free from the Obedience of the Commandments which are called Moral 8. Of the three Creeds THe three Creeds Nice Creed Athanasius Creed and that which is commonly Called the Apostles Creed ought thorowly to be received and believed for they may be proved by most certain warrant of holy Scripture 9. Of Original or Birth-sin ORiginal sin standeth not in the following of Adam as the Pelagians do vainly talk * Et hodie Anabaptistae repetunt but it is the fault and corruption of the nature of every man that naturally is ingendred of the off-spring of Adam whereby man is very far gone from original righteousness and is of his own nature enclined to evil so that the flesh lusteth always contrary to the spirit and therefore in every person born into this world it deserveth Gods wrath and damnation And this infection of nature doth remain yea in them that are regenerated whereby the lust of the flesh called in Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which some do expound the wisdom some sensuality some the affection some the desire of the flesh is not subject to the Law of God And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized yet the Apostle doth confesse that concupiscence and lust hath of it self the nature of sin De Gratia GRatia Christi seu S. spiritus qui per eundem datur cor lapideum aufert dat cor carneum Atque licet ex nolentibus quae recta sunt volentes faciat ex volentibus prava nolentes reddat voluntati nihilominus violentiam nullam infert nemo hâc de causâ cum peccaverit seipsum excusare potest quasinolens aut coactus peccaverit ut eam ob causam accusari non mereatur aut damnari Artic. Edward 6. decimus 10. Of Free-will THe condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he cannot turn and prepare himself by his own natural strength and good works to faith and calling upon God Wherefore we have no power to do good works pleasant and acceptable to God without the grace of God by Christ preventing us that we may have a good will and working with us when we have that good will 11. Of the Justification of man WE are accounted righteous before God Haec non habentur in Reg. Edward 6. Artic. onely for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ by faith and not for our own works or deservings Wherefore that we are justified by faith onely is a most wholesome doctrine and very full of comfort Justificatio ex solâ Fide Jesu Christi eo sensu quo in Homiliâ de justificatione explicatur est certissima saluberrima Christianorum doctrina fie in Reg. Edward 6. Artic. 11. as more largly is expressed in the Homily of Iustification 12. Of good works ALbeit that good workes which are the fruits of faith Hic Artic. non habetur in Reg. Edward 6. Articulis and follow after Iustification cannot put away our sins and endure the severity of Gods judgement yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ and do spring out necessarily of a true and lively faith in so much that by them a lively faith may be as evidently
faith and charity so it be done according to the Prophets teaching in justice judgement and truth R. Edv. 6. Art 39. Resurrectio mortuorum nondum est facta REsurrectio mortuorum non adhuc facta est quasi tantum ad animum pertineat qui per Christi gratiam à morte peccatorum excitetur sed extremo die quoad omnes qui obieruut expectanda est tunc enim vita defunctis ut scripturae manifestissime testantur propria corpora carnes ossa restitnentur ut hemo integer prout vel recte vel perdite vixerit juxta sua opera sive praemia sive poenas reportet Art R. Ed. 6. R. Ed. 6. Art 40. Defunctorum animae neque cum corporibus intereunt neque otiose dormiunt QUi animas defunctorum praedicant usque ad diem judieii absque omni sensu dormire aut illas asserunt una cum corporibut mori et extrema die cum illis excitandas ab orthodoxa fide quae nobis in sacris literis traditur prorsus dissentiunt R. Edv. 6. Art 41. Millenarii QUi Millenariorum fabulam revocare conantur sacris literis adversantur in Judaica deliramenta sese praecipitant R. Edv. Art 42. Non omnes tandem servandi sunt HIi quoque damnatione digni sunt qui conantur hodie perniciosam opinionem instaurare quod omnes quantum vis impii servandi sunt tandem cum definito tempore à justitia divina poenas de admissis flagitiis luerunt The Ratification THis Book of Articles before rehearsed is again approved and allowed to be holden and executed within the Realm by the assent and consent of our Soveraign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith c. Which Articles were deliberately read and confirmed again by the subscription of the hand of the Arch-Bishop and Bishops of the upper House and by the subscription of the whole Cleargie in the neither house in their Convocation in the year of our Lord 1571. THE TABLE 1 OF faith in the Trinity 2 Of Christ the Son of God 3 Of his going down into hell 4 Of his Resurrection 5 Of the holy Ghost 6 Of the sufficiency of the Scripture 7 Of the old Testament 8 Of the three Creeds 9 Of the original sin 10 Of free-will 11 Of Iustification 12 Of good works 13 Of works before justification 14 Of works of supererogation 15 Of Christ alone without sin 16 Of sin after Baptisme 17 Of Predestination and Election 18 Of obtaining salvation by Christ 19 Of the Church 20 Of the authority of the Church 21 Of the authority of the General councels 22 Of purgatory 23 Of ministring in the Congregation 24 Of speaking in the Congregation 25 Of the Sacraments 26. Of the worthinesse of Ministers 27 Of Baptisme 28 Of the Lords Supper 29 Of the wicked which eat not the body of Christ 30 Of both kindes 31 Of Christs one oblation 32 Of the marriage of Priests 33 Of excommunicate Persons 34 Of traditions of the Church 35 Of Homilies 36 Of consecration of Ministers 37 Of civil Magistrates 38 Of Christian mens goods 39 Of a Christian mans oath 40 Of the Ratification Anno primo Reginae Eliz. cap. 2. There shall be Uniformity of Prayer and Administration of Sacraments WHere at the death of our late Soveraign Lord King Edward the 6th there remained one uniform Order of Common Service and Prayer and of the Administration of Sacraments Rights and Ceremonies in the Church of England which was set forth in one Book entituled The Book of Common Prayer Administration of Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies in the Church of England authorized by Act of Parliament holden in the 5th and 6th years of our said late Sovereign Lord King Edward the 6th entituled An Act for the Uniformity of Common Prayer Stat. 5. 6. Ed. 6. 1. and Administration of the Sacraments the which was repealed and taken away by Act of Parliament in the first year of the reign of our late Soveraign Lady Queen Mary to the great decay of the due honour of God Stat. 1. M. 2. and discomfort to the professors of the truth of Christs Religion A Repeal of the Statute 1 M. 2. the book of Common Prayer shall be of effect Be it therefore enacted by the Authority of this present Parliament That the said Statute of repeal and every thing therein contained only concerning the said Book and the Service Administration of the Sacraments Rites and Ceremonies contained or appointed in or by the said Book shall be void and of none effect from and after the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming And that the said Book with the Order of Service and of the administration of Sacraments Rites and Ceremonies with the Alteration and Additions therein added and appointed by this Estatute shall stand and be from and after the said feast of the Nativity of St John Baptist in full force and effect according to the Tenour and effect of this Estatute any thing in the foresaid Estatute of repeal to the contrary notwithstanding And be it further enacted by the Queens Highnesse with the assent of the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That all and singular Ministers in any Cathedral or Parish or Church or other place within this Realm of England The Book of Common Prayer shall be used 8. Eliz. Wales the Marches of the same or other the Queens Dominions shall from and after the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming be bounden to say and use the Mattens Evensong Celebration of the Lords Supper and Administration of each of the Sacraments and all the Common and open Prayer in such order and form as is mentioned in the said Book so authorized by Parliament in the said 5. and 6. years of the reign of King Edward the 6th with one alteration or addition of certain Lessons The alteration of the book set forth 5 6. Ed. 6.1 to be used on every Sunday in the year and the form of the Letanie altered and corrected and two sentences onely added in the delivery of the Sacrament to the Communicants and none other or otherwise The forfeiture of those which use any other Service than the Book of Common Prayer And that if any manner of Parson Vicar or other whatsoever Minister that ought or should sing or say Common Prayer mentioned in the said Book or Minister the Sacraments from and after the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming refuse to use the said Common Prayer or to Minister the Sacraments in such Cathedral or Parish Church or other places as he should use to minister the same in such order or form as they be mentioned and set forth in the said Book or shall wilfully or obstinately standing in the same use any other Rite Ceremony Order
used to be kept as holy dayes and then and there to abide orderly and soberly during the time of the Common Prayer Preaching or other service of God there to be used and ministred The forfeiture for not coming to Church 32. Eliz. 1. upon pain of punishment by the censures of the Church And also upon pain that every person so offending shall forfeit for such offence twelvepence to be levied by the Church-wardens of the Parish where such offence shall be done to the use of the poor of the same Parish of the goods lands and tenements of such offender by way of distresse And for due Execution hereof the Queens most excellent Majesty the Lords Spiritual and all the Commons in this present Parliament assembled do in Gods name earnestly require and charge all the Archbishops Bishops and other Ordinaries that they shall endeavour themselves to the uttermost of their knowledges that the due and true Execution hereof may be had throughout their Diocesse and Charges as they will answer before God for such evils and plagues wherewith Almighty God may justly punish his people for neglecting this good and wholsome Law And for their Authority in this behalf The Ordinary may punish Offenders by the Censures of the Church be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and singular the said Archbishops Bishops and all other their Officers exercising Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction as well in place exempt as not exempt within their Diocesse shall have full power and authority by this Act to reform correct and punish by Censures of the Church all and singular persons which shall offend within any their Iurisdictions or Diocesse after the said Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming against this Act and Statute any other Law Statute Privilege Liberty or Provision heretofore made had or suffered to the contrary notwithstanding And it is Ordained and enacted by the Authority aforesaid Which Justices may punish their offences That all and every Iustices of Oyer and Determiner or Iustices of Assize shall have full power and Authority in every of their Open and general Sessions to enquire hear and determine all and all manner offences that shall be committed or done contrary to any Article contained in this present Act within the limits of the Commission to them directed and to make Processe for the Execution of the same as they may do against any person being indicted before them of trespasse or lawfully convicted thereof A Bishop may joyn with the Iustices to enquire of offenders Provided alwayes and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all and every Archbishop and Bishop shall or may at all time and times at his liberty and pleasure joyn and associate himself by vertue of this Act to the said Iustices of Oyer and Determiner or to the said Iustices of Assize at every of the said open and General Sessions to be holden in any place within his Diocesse for and to the enquiry hearing and determining of the offences aforesaid At whose charges the books of Common prayer shall be gotten Provided also and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the books concerning the said Services shall at the Costs and charges of the Parishioners of every Parish and Cathedral Church be attained and gotten before the said Feast of the Nativity of St. Iohn Baptist next following and that all such Parishes and Cathedral Churches or other places where the said books shall be attained and gotten before the said Feast of the Nativity of Saint Iohn Baptist shall within three weeks next after the said books so attained and gotten use the said Service and put the same in Vre according to this Act. And be it further enacted by authority aforesaid That no person or persons shall be at any time hereafter Impeached Within what time offenders shall be Impeached or otherwise molested of or for any of the offences above-mentioned hereafter to be committed or done contrary to this Act unlesse he or they so offending be thereof Indicted at the next General Sessions to be holden before any such Iustices of Oyer and Determiner or Iustices of Assize next after any offence committed or done contrary to the tenour of this Act Trial of Peers Provided alwayes and be it ordained and enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and singular Lords of the Parliament for the third offence above mentioned shall be tryed by their Peers Chief Officers of Cities and Boroughs shall enquire of offenders Provided also and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Major of London and all the Majors Bayliffs and other head Officers of all and singular Cities Boroughs and Towns Corporate within this Realm Wales and the Marches of the same to the which Iustices of Assize do not commonly repaire shall have full power and authority by vertue of this Act to enquire hear and determine the offences abovefaid and every of them yearly within fifteen dayes after Easter and St. Michael the Archangel in like manner and form as Iustices of Assize and Oyer and Determiner may do The Ordinaries Iurisdiction in their Cases Provided alwayes and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all and singular Arch-bishops and Bishops and every of their Chancellours Commissaries Archdeacons and other Ordinaries having any peculiar Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction shall have ful power and authority by vertue of this Act as well to enquire in their Visitation and elsewhere within their Iurisdiction at any other time and place to take accusations and informations of all and every the things above mentioned done committed or perpetrated within the Limits of their Iurisdictions and authority and to punish the same by Admonition Excommunication Sequestration or Deprivation and other Censures and Processe in like form as heretofore hath been used in like Cases by the Queens Ecclesiastical Laws Provided alwayes and be it Enacted None shall be punished above once for one offence that whatsoever persons offending in the Premises shall for their offences first receive a punishment of the Ordinary having a Testimonial thereof under the said Ordinaries seal shall not for the same offence eftsoons be convicted before the Iustices And likewise receiving for the said first offence punishment by the Iustices shall not for the same offence eftsoones receive punishment of the Ordinary Any thing contained in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided alwayes and be it Enacted Ornamens of the Church and Ministers that such ornaments of the Church and of the Ministers thereof shall be retained and be in use as was in this Church of England by Authority of Parliament in the second year of the Reign of King Edward the sixt until other order shall be therein taken by the Authority of the Queenes Majesty with the advice of her Commissioners appointed and Authorized under tho Great Seal of England for causes Ecclesiastical or of the Metropolitan of
also of the Churches determining controversies of doctrines and matters of belief in a full Council Act. 15. and requiring submission to those determinations from inferiour members The like did the Church afterwards in her general Councils of NICE CONSTANTINOPLE EPHESUS and CHALCEDON And not onely the General Councils have exercised this Authority but particular Churches also in National Councils in the Council of ORANGE MILEVIS and others have used the same power over their children whom they were bound to teach and govern and for whose souls they were to account to God and they did no more then was their right so long as they did it with submission to the general Church to whom they are subject Christ said to the Apostles and by this to all the guides of soules that should succeed them in a lawful Ordination He that heares you heares me and he that despises you despises me St. Cypr. ep 69 From these premises it plainly follows that our dear Mother the Church of England in making these Canons and Articles for determining of controversies in matters of belief which you may see in the ensuing Collection did no more then what was both her right and her duty to do both for the preservation of her peace and the guidance and conduct of the souls committed to her charge and what her care hath been in the exercise of this power for the good of her members ever since the Reformation will evidently to her honour appear by this following Collection made up not without great care and industry of the Publisher By which he hath done our Mother this farther right that now whosoever will may easily see the notorious slander which some of the Roman perswasion have endeavourd to cast upon her That her Reformation hath been altogether Lay and Parliamentary for by the Canons and articles following which were formerly scattered and hard to be seen by every one now gathered together into a body it easily appears to any that will but open their eyes and read that the Reformation of this Church was orderly and Synodical by the Guides and Governours of souls and confirmed by Supream Authority and so in every particular as legal as any reformation could or ought to be Anth. Sparrow Books sold by T. Garthwait THe Works of that Profound Divine Dr. Tho. Jackson president of Corp. Chr. Coll. Oxon. in Folio 3. Volumes The Scholastical History of the Canon of the Scripture by Dr. Cofin Ld. Bp. Duresme in 4o. An Introduction to the Oriental Languages by Dr. Walton Ld. Bp. of Chester in 12o. The English Case exactly set down by Hezekiahs Reformation in a Serm. at Paris before His Majesty by Dr. Steward Dean of Westminster in 12o. A Rationale upon the Book of Com. Prayer by Dr. Sparrow in 12o. A Defence of the Liturgy in answer to the Exceptions of divers Ministers in 12o. The Form of Consecration of a Church by Bp. Andrews Golden Remains of Mr. John Hales of Eton Colledge with His Letters touching rhe Synod of Dort in 4o. Dr. Pierce of the Positive being of sin with a Postscript touching Mr. Baxter in 4o. A Sermon of Lent preacht before his Majesty by Dr. Gunning c. in 4o. Bp. Andrews his Sermons in fol. INJUNCTIONS given by the most excellent Prince EDWARD the Sixt By the grace of God King of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and in earth under Christ of the Church of England and Ireland the supreme head To all and singular his loving subjects as well of the Clergy as of the Laitie Imprinted at LONDON by Richard Grafton 1547. Injunctions given by the most excellent Prince Edward the sixt by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland defender of the Faith and in earth under Christ of the Church of England and of Ireland the supreme head To all and singular his loving subjects as well of the Clergy as of the Laity THE Kings most Royal Majestie by the advice of his most dear uncle the Duke of Somerset Lord Protector of all his Realms Dominions and Subiects and Governour of his most royal person and the residue of his most honourable counsel intending the advancement of the true honour of almighty God the suppression of Idolatry and Superstition throughout all his Realms and Dominions and to plant true Religion to the extirpation of all hypocrisy enormities and abuses as to his duty appertaineth doth minister unto his loving subjects these godly Injunctions hereafter following Whereof part were given unto them heretofore by the authority of his most dear beloved father King Henry the viii of most famous memory and part are now ministred and given by his Majesty All which Injunctions his highnesse willeth and commandeth his said loving subjects by his supreme authority obediently to receive and truely to observe and keep every man in their offices degrees and states as they will avoyd his displeasure and the pains in the same Injunctions hereafter expressed 1. The first is that all Deans Archdeacons Parsons Vicars and other Ecclesiastical persons shall faithfully keep and observe and as far as in them may lye shall cause to be observed and kept of other all and singular laws and statutes made as well for the abolishing and extirpation of the Bishop of Rome his pretensed and usurped power and jurisdiction as for the establishment and confirmation of the Kings authority jurisdiction and supremacy of the Church of England and Ireland And furthermore all Ecclesiasticall persons having cure of souls shall to the uttermost of their wit knowledge and learning purely sincerely and without any colour or dissimulation declare manifest and open iiii times every year at the least in their Sermons ond other collations that the Bishop of Romes usurped power and jurisdiction having no establishment nor ground by the laws of God was of most just causes taken away and abolished and that therefore no manner of obedience or subjection whithin his Realms and Dominions is due unto him And that the Kings power within his Realms and Dominions is the highest power under God to whom all men within the same Realms and Dominions by Gods laws owe most loyalty and obedience afore and above all other powers and Potentates in earth Besides this to the intent that all superstition and hypocrisy crept into divers mens hearts may vanish away They shall not set forth or extol any Images Relicks or Miracles for any superstition or lucre nor allure the people by any inticements to the Pilgrimage of any Saint or Image but reproving the same they shall teach that all goodness health and grace ought to be both asked and looked for onely of God as of the very author and giver of the same and of none other Item that they the persons above rehersed shall make or cause to be made in their Churches and every other Cure they have one Sermon every quarter of the year at the least wherein they shall purely and sincerely declare the word
of God and in the same exhort their hearers to the works of faith mercy and charity specially prescribed and commanded in scripture and that workes devised by mens phantasies besides Scripture as wandering to Pilgrimages offering of mony candels or tapers or relicks or Images or kissing and licking of the same praying upon beades or such like superstition have not only no promise of reward in scripture for doing of them but contrariwise great threats and maledictions of God for that they be things tending to Idolatry and superstition which of all other offences God almighty doth most detest and abhor for that the same diminish most his honour and glory Item that such Images as they know in any of their cures to be or to have been abused with Pilgrimage or offering of any thing made thereunto or shall be hereafter censed unto they and none other private persons shall for the avoiding of that most detestable offence of Idolatry forthwith take down or cause to be taken down and destroy the same and shall suffer from henceforth no Torches nor candles Tapers or Images of wax to be set afore any Image or picture but onely two lights upon the high altar before the Sacrament which for the signification that Christ is the very true light of the world they thall suffer to remain still admonishing their Parishioners that Images serve for no other purpose but to be a remembrance whereby men may be admonished of the holy lives and conversation of them that the said Images do represent which Images if they do abuse for any other entent they commit Idolatry in the same to the great danger of their souls Item that every holy day throughout the year when they have no Sermon they shall immediately after the Gospel openly and plainly recite to their Parishioners in the pulpit the Pater noster the Credo and x. Commandments in English to the intent the people may learn the same by heart exhorting all parents and housholders to teach their children and servants the same as they are bound by the law of God and in conscience to do Item that they shall charge Fathers and Mothers Masters and governours to bestow their children and servants even from their childhood either to learning or to some honest exercise occupation or husbandry Exhorting and counseling and by all the wayes and means they may aswel in their sermons and collations as otherwaies perswading their said Fathers and Mothers Masters and other governours diligently to provide and foresee that the youth be in no manner of wise brought up in idlenesse least at any time afterward for lack of some craft occupation or other honest mean to live by they be driven to fall to begging stealing or some other unchriftinesse Forasmuch as we may daily see through sloth and idlenesse divers valiant men fall some to begging and some to theft and murder which after brought to calamity and misery do blame their parents friends and governours which suffered them to be brought up so idlely in their youth where if they had been well brought up in learning some good occupation or craft they would being rulers of their own houshold have profited aswell themselves as divers other persons to the great commodity and ornament of the Common wealth Also that the said Parsons Vicars and other Curates shall diligently provide that the Sacraments be duly and reverently ministred in their Parishes And if at any time it happen them in any of the cases expressed in the statutes of this Realm or of special licence given by the Kings Majesty to be absent from their benefices they shall leave their Cure not to a rude and unlearned person but to an honest well learned and expert Curate that can by his ability teach the rude and unlearned of their Cure wholsom doctrine and reduce them to the right way that do erre which will also execute these Injunctions and do their duty otherwise as they are bound to do in every behalf and accordingly may and will profit their cure no less with good example of living then with the declaration of the word of God or else their lack and default shall be imputed unto them who shall straightly answer for the same if they do otherwise And alwayes let them see that neither they nor their Curates do seek more their own profit promotion or advantage then the profit of the souls that they have under their Cure or the glory of God Also that they shall provide within three moneths next after this visitation one book of the whole Bible of the largest volumn in English And within one twelve moneths next after the said visitation the paraphrasis of Erasmus also in English upon the gospels and the same set up in some convenient place within the said Church that they have Cure of whereas their Parishioners may most commodiously resort unto the same and read the same The charges of which books shall be ratably born between the Parson or approprietary and parishiones aforesaid that is to say the one half by the Parson or proprietary the other half by the parishioners And they shall discourage no man authorised licensed thereto from the reading of any part of the Bible either in Latine or in English but shall rather comfort exhort every person to read the same as the very lively word of God and the special food of mans soul that all Christian persons are bound to embrace believe and follow if they look to be saved whereby they may the better know their duties to God to their sovereign Lord the King and their neighbour ever gently and charitably exhorting them and in his Majesties name straightly charging and commanding them that in the reading thereof no man to reason or contend but quietly to hear the Reader Also the said Ecclesiastical persons shall in no wise at any unlawful time nor for any other cause then for their honest necessity haunt or resort to any Taverns or Alehouses And after their dinner or supper they shall not give themselves to drinking or riot spending their time idlely by day or by night at dice cards or tables playing or any other unlawful game but at all times as they shall have leasure they shall hear and read somewhat of holy Scripture or shall occupie themselves with some other honest exercise and that they alwayes do the things which appertain to honesty with endeavour to profit the common weale having alwayes in minde that they ought to excel all other in purity of life and should be an example to the people to live well and Christianly Item that they shall in confessions every Lent examine every person that cometh to confession to them whether they can recite the Articles of their faith the Pater noster and the ten Commandments in English and heare them say the same particularly wherein if they be not perfect they shall declare then that every Christian person ought to know the said things before they
should receive the blessed Sacrament of the Altar and admonish them to learn the said necessary things more perfectly or else they ought not to presume to come to Gods board without a perfect knowledge and will to observe the same and if they do it is to the great peril of their souls and also to the worldly rebuke that they might incur hereafter by the same Also that they shall admit no man to preach within any their Cures but such as shall appear unto them to be sufficiently licensed thereunto by the Kings Majeste the Lord Protectors grace the Archbishop of Canterbury the Archbishop of York in his Province or the Bishop of the Diocesse and such as shall be so licensed they shall gladly receive to declare the word of God without any resistence or contradiction Also if they have heretofore declared to their parishioners any thing to the extolling or setting forth of pilgrimages relicks or Images or lighting of Candels kissing kneeling decking of the same Images or any such superstition they shall now openly before the same recant and reprove the same shewing them as the truth is that they did the same upon no ground of scripture but were led and seduced by a common errour and abuse crept into the Church through the sufference and avarice of such as felt profit by the same Also if they do or shall know any man within their parish or elsewhere that is a letter of the word of God to be read in English or sincerely preached or of the execution of these the Kings Majesties Injunctions or a fautor of the Bishop of Romes pretensed power now by the laws of this Realm justly reiected extirpated and taken away utterly they shall detect and present the same to the King or his Council or to the Iustice of peace next adjoyning Also that the Parson Vicar or Curate and parishioners of every parish within this Realm shall in their Churches and Chapels keep one Book or Register wherein they shall write the day and year of every wedding Christning and Burial made within their Parish for their time and so every man succeeding them likewise And therein shall write every persons name that shall be so Wedded Christned or Buried And for the safe keeping of the same book the parish shall be bound to provide of their common charges one sure cofer with two locks and keyes whereof the one to remain with the Parson Vicar or Curate the other with the Wardens of every Parish church or chapel wherein the said book shall be laid up which book they shall every Sunday take forth and in the presence of the said Wardens or one of them write and record in the same all the Weddings Christnings and Burials made the whole week before and that done to lay up the book in the said cofer as afore And for every time that the same shall be omitted the party that shall be in the fault thereof shall forfeit to the said Church iii. s. iiii d. to be employed to the poor mens box of that parish Furthermore because the goods of the Church are called the goods of the poor and at these dayes nothing is less seen then the poor to be sustained with the same all Parsons Vicars Pencionaries Prebendaries and other beneficed men within this Deanery not being resident upon their benefices which may dispend yearly xx.l. or above either within this Deanery or elsewhere shall distribute hereafter among their poor parishioners or other inhabitants there in the presence of the Church-wardens or some other honest men of the parish the xl part of the fruits and revenues of their said benefices lest they be worthily noted of ingratitude which reserving so many parts to themselves cannot vouchsafe to impart the xl portion thereof among the poor people of that parish that is so fruitful and profitable unto them And to the intent that learned men may hereafter spring the more for the execution of the premisses ever Parson Vicar Clerk or beneficed man within this Deanery having yearly to dispend in benefices and other promotions of the Church an C.l. shall give competent exhibition to one Scholar and for so many C.l. more as he may dispend to so many Scholars more shall he give like exhibition in the Vniversity of Oxford or Cambridge or some Grammar schole which after they have profited in good learning may be partners of their patrons cure and charge as well in preaching as otherwise in the execution of their offices or may when need shall be otherwise profit the Common weale with their counsail and wisdom Also that the proprietaries Parsons Vicars and Clerks having Churches Chapels or Mansions within this Deanery shall bestow yearly hereafter upon the same Mansions or Chancels of their Churches being in decay the fift part of that their benefices till they be fully repaired and the same so repaired shall alwayes keep and maintain in good estate Also that the said Parsons Vicars and Clerks shall once every quarter of the year read these Injunctions given unto them openly and deliberately before all their parishioners to the intent that both they may be the better admonished of their duty and their said Parishioners the more moved to follow the same for their part Also for as much as by a law established every man is bound to pay his tithes no man shall by colour of duty omitted by their Curates detain their tithes and so redubbe and requite one wrong with another or be his own judge but shall truely pay the same as he hath been accustomed to their Parsons Vicars and Curates without any restraint or diminution And such lack and default as they can justly finde in their Parsons and Curates to call for reformation thereof at their ordinaries and other superiours hands who upon complaint and due proof thereof shall reform the same accordingly Also that no person shall from hence forth alter or change the order and manner of any fasting day that is commanded or of Common prayer or divine service otherwise then is specified in these Injunctions until such time as the same shall be otherwise ordered and transposed by the Kings authority Also that every Parson Vicar Curate Chauntery priest and Stipendary being under the degree of a Bacheler of Divinity shall provide and have of his own within three moneths after this visitation the New Testament both in Latine and in English with the Paraphrase upon the same of Erasmus and diligently study the same conferring the one with the other And the Bishops and other ordinaries by themselves or their officers in their Synods and visitations shall examine the said Ecclesiastical persons how they have profited in the studie of holy Scripture Also in the time of high Masse within every Church he that saith or singeth the same shall read or cause to be read the Epistle and Gospel of that Masse in English and not in Latine in the Pulpit or in such convenient place as the people
person and not an honest well learned and expert Curate which can and will teach you wholsome doctrine Item Whether in every Cure they have they have provided one book of the whole Bible of the largest volumn in English and the Paraphrasis of Eras mus also in English upon the Gospels and set up the same in some convenient place in the Church where their parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same Item Whether they have discouraged any person from reading of any part of the Bible either in Latine or in English but rather comforted and exhorted every person to read the same as the very lively word of God and the special food of mans soul Item Whether Parsons Vicars Curates and other Priests be common haunters resorters to Taverns or Alehouses giving themselves to drinking rioting or playing at unlawful games and do not occupie themselves in the reading or hearing of some part of holy Scripture or in some other godly exercise Item Whether they have admitted any man to preach in their cures not being lawfully licensed thereunto or have refused or denied such to preach as have been licensed accordingly Item Whether they which have heretofore declared to their parishioners any thing to the extolling or setting forth of Pilgrimages relicks or Images or lighting of candles kissing kneeling decking of the same Images or any such superstition have not openly recanted and reproved the same Item Whether they have one book or register safely kept wherein they write the day of every Wedding Christening and Burying Item Whether they have exhorted the people to obedience to the Kings Majesty and his Ministers and to Charity and love one to another Item Whether they have admonished their Parishioners that they ought not to presume to receive the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ before they can perfectly rehearse the Pater noster the Articles of the faith and the ten Commandments in English Item Whether they have declared and to their wits and power have perswaded the people that the manner and kinde of fasting in Lent and other dayes in the year is but a meer positive law and that therefore all persons having just cause of sickness or other necessity or being licensed by the Kings Majesty may moderately eat all kinde of meats without grudge or scruple of conscience Item Whether they be resident upon their benefices and keep hospitality or no and if they be absent or keep no hospitality whether they do make due distributions among the poor parishioners or not Item Whether Parsons Vicars Clerks and other beneficed men having yearly to dispend an hundred pound do not finde competently one Scholar in the university of Cambridg or Oxford or Some Grammar schoole and for as many hundred pounds as every of them may dispend so many Scholars like wise to be found by them and what be their names that they so finde Item Whether Proprietaries Parsons Vicars and Clerks having Churches Chapels or Mansions do keep their Chancels Rectories Vicarages and all other houses appertaining to them in due reparations Item Whether they have councelled or moved their Parishioners rather to pray in a tongue not known then in English or to put their trust in any prescribed number of prayers as in saying over a number of beads or other like Item Whether they have read the Kings Majesties Injunctions every quarter of the year the first holy day of the same quarter Item Whether the Parsons Vicars Curates and other Priests being under the degree of a Bachelar of Divinity have of their own the new Testament both in Latine and in English and the paraphrase of Erasmus upon the same Item Whether within every Church he that Ministreth hath read or cause to be read the Epistle and Gospel in English and not in Latine either in the Pulpit or some other meet place so as the people may hear the same Item Whether every Sunday and holy day at Matiues they have read or cause to be read plainly and distinctly in the said place one Chapter of the new Testament in English immediatly after the Lessons and at Evensong after Magnificat one Chapter of the old testament Item Whether they have not at Matius omitted three lessons when ix should have been read in the Church and at Evensong the Responds with all the Memories Item Whether they have declared to their parishioners that Saint Marks day and the evens of the abrogate holy dayes should not be fasted Item Whether they have the Procession book in English and have said or song the said Litany in any other place but upon their knees in the middest of their Church and whether they use any other procession or omit the said Litany at any time or say it or sing it in such sort as the people cannot understand the same Item Whether they have put out of their church-Church-books this word Papa and the name and service of Thomas Bequet and prayers having rubrics containing pardons or indulgences and all other superstitious legends and prayers Item Whether they bid not the beades according to the order appointed by the Kings Majesty Item Whether they have opened and declared unto you the true use of Ceremonies that is to say that they be no workers nor workes of salvation but onely outward signes and tokens to put us in remembrance of things of higher perfection Item Whether they have taught and declared to their parishioners that they may with a safe and quiet conscience in the time of Harvest labour upon the holy and festival dayes and if supersticiously they abstain from working upon those dayes that then they do greivously offend and displease God Item Whether they have admitted any persons to the Communion being openly known to be out of charity with their neighbours Item Whether the Deanes Archdeacons Masters of Hospitals and Prebendaries have preached by themselves personally twice every year at the least Item whether they have provided and have a strong Chest for the poor mens Box and set and fastned the same neer to the high altar Item Whether they have diligently called upon exhorted and moved their parishioners and specially when they make their Testaments to give to the said poor mens Box and to bestow that upon the poor Chest which they were wont to bestow upon Pardons Pilgrimages Trentalles Masses satisfactory decking of Images offering of Candles giving to Friers and upon other like blinde devotions Item Whether they have denied to Visit the sick or bury the dead being brought to the Church Item Whether they have bought their benefices or come to them by fraud or deceit Item Whether they have every Sonday when the people be most gathered read one of the Homilies in order as they stand in the book set forth by the Kings Majesty Item Whether they do not omit prime and houres when they have any Sermon or Homily Item Whether they have said or sung any Masse in any Oratory Chappel or any mans house not
being hallowed Item Whether they have given open monition to their Parishoners that they should not wear beads nor pray upon them Item Whether they have moved their Parishoners lying upon their death-beds or at any other time to bestow any part of their substance upon Trentals Masses Satisfactory or any such blinde devotions Item Whether they take any Trentals or other Masses Satisfactory to say or sing for the quick or the dead Item Whether they have given open monition to their parishioners to detect and present to their Ordinary all adulterers and fornicators and such men as have two wives living and such women as haue two husbands living within their parishes Item Whether they haue not monished their Parishoners openly that they should not sell giue nor otherwise alienate any of their Churche goods Item Whether they or any of them do keep more benefices and other Ecclesiastical promotions then they ought to do not having sufficient licence and dispensations thereunto and how many they be and their names Item Whether they minister the Communion any otherwise then only after such form and manner as is set forth by the Kings Majesty in the book of the Communion Item Whether they hallowed and delivered to the people any Candles upon Candlemas-day and Ashes upon Ashe-Wednesday or any Palms upon Palm Sunday last past Item Whether they had upon Good-Friday last-past the Sepulchres with their lights having the Sacrament therein Item Whether they upon Easier-Even last past hallowed the Font Fire or Paschal or had any Paschal set up or burning in their Churches Item Whether your Parsons and Vicars have admitted any Curates to serve their Cures which were not first examined and allowed either by my Lord of Canterbury Master Arch-Deacon or their officers Item Whether you know any person within your parish or else where that is a letter of the word of God to be read in English or sincerely preached or of the execution of the Kings Majesties Injunctions or other his Majesties proceedings in matters of religion Item Whether every parish have provided a Chest with two locks and keyes for the book of Wedding Christining and Burying Item Whether in the time of the Letany or any other Common prayer in the time of the Sermon or Homily and when the Priest readeth the Scripture to the parishioners any person have departed out of the Church without a just and necessary cause Item Whether any bells have been knowled or rung at the time of the premisses Item Whether any person hath abused the Ceremonies as in casting holy water upon his bed or bearing about him holy bread St. Iohns Gospel ringing of holy bells or keeping of private holy dayes as Taylors Bakers Brewers Smithes Shoomakers and such other Item Whether the money coming and rising of any cattle or other movable stocks of the Church and mony given or bequethed to the finding of Torches lights tapers or lamps not paid out of any lands have not been employed to the poor mens Chest Item Who hath the said stocks and money in their hands and what be their names Item Whether any undiscreet persons do uncharitably contemn and abuse Priests and Ministers of the Church Item Whether they that understand not the Latine do pray upon any Primer but the English Primer set forth by the Kings Majesties authority and whether they that understand Latine do use any other then the Latine Primer set forth by like authority Item Whether there be any other Grammar taught in any other school within this Diocesse then that which is set forth by the Kings Majesty Item Whether any person keep their Church holy day and the dedication day any otherwise or at any other time then is appointed by the Kings Majesty Item Whether the service in the Church be done at due and convenient houres Item Whether any have used to commune jangle and talk in the Church in the time of the Common prayer reading of the Homily Preaching Reading or declaring of the Scripture Item Whether any have wilfully maintained and defended any Heresies Errors or false opinions contrary to the faith of Christ and holy Scripture Item Whether any be common drunkards swearers or blasphemers of the name of God Item Whether any have committed adultery fornication or incest or be common bands and receivers of such evil persons or vehemently suspected of any of the premises Item Whether any be braulers slanderers chiders scolders and sowers of discord between one person and another Item Whether you know any that use Charmes Sorcery Enchantments Witchcraft Southsaying or any like craft invented by the Devil Item Whether the Churches Pulpits and other necessaries appertaining to the same be sufficiently repaired Item Whether you know any that in contempt of their own Parish Church do resort to any other Church Item Whether any Inholders or Alehousekeepers do use commonly to sell meat and drink in the time of Common prayer Preaching or Reading of the Homilies or Scripture Item Whether you know any to be married within the degrees prohibited by the Laws of God or that be separated or divorced without a just cause allowed by the Law of God and whether any such have married again Item Whether you know any to have made privie contratts of matrimony not calling two or more thereunto Item Whether they have married solemnly the banes not first lawfully asked Item Whether you know any Executors or Administrators of dead mens goods which do not duely bestow such of the said goods as were given and bequeathed or appointed to be distributed among the poor people repairing of high wayes finding of poor Scholars or marrying of poor Maids or such other like charitable deeds Item Whether any do contemn married Priests and for that they be married will not receive the Communion or other Sacraments at their hands Item Whether you know any that keep in their houses undefaced any abused or feigned Images any Tables Pictures Paintings or other monuments of feigned miracles Pilgrimages Idolatry or Superstition ARTICLES to be enquired of IN THE VISITATION OF THE DIOCES of LONDON By the reverend Father in God NICOLAS BISHOP of LONDON In the fourth year of our Soveraign Lord King Edward the 6. by the Grace of God King of England France and Ireland defender of the faith and in earth of the Church of England and also of Ireland the supreme head next and immediatly under our Saviour CHRIST Imprinted at LONDON by Reynold Wolfe M.DL St. PAUL I Testifie therefore before God and before the Lord Jesus Christ which shall judge the quick and dead at his appearing in his Kingdom preach thou the word be fervent in season or out of season Improve rebuke exhort withal long suffering and Doctrine 2. Tim. 4. Articles of Visitation by Bishop Ridley Anno 1550. WHether your Curates and ministers be of that cdnversation of living that worthily they can be reprehended of no man Whether your Curates and Ministers do haunt and resort to Taverus or Alesouses
otherwise then for their honest necessity there to drink and riot or to play at unlawful games Whether your Ministers be common brawlers sowers of discord rather then charity among their parishioners haukers hunters or spending their time idlely or coming to their benefice by Simony Whether your Ministers or any other persons have committed adultery fornication incest baudry or to be vehemently suspected of the same common drunkards scolds or be common swearers and blasphemers of Gods holy name Whether your Parsons and Vicars do maintain their houses and Chancels in sufficient reparation or if their houses be in decay whether they bestow yearly the fift part of the fruits of the benefice untill the same be repaired Whether your Parsons and Vicars absent from their benefice do leave their Cure to an able Minister And if he may dispend yearly xx.l. or above in this Deanry or else where whether he doth distribute every year among his poor parishioners there at the least the fourty part of the fruits of the same And likewise spending yearly C.l. Whether he doth finde one scholar at either of the universities or some grammar School and so for every other hundred pound one Scholar Whether every Dean Archdeacon and Prebendary being Priest doth personally by himself Preach twice every year at the least either where he is intitled or where he hath jurisdiction or in some place united or appropriate to the same Whether your Minister having licence thereunto doth use to preach or not licenced doth diligently procure other to preach that are licenced or whether he refuseth those offering themselves that are licenced or absenteth himself or causeth other to be away from the Sermon or else admitteth any to preach that are not licenced Whether any by preaching writing word or deed hath or doth maintain the usurped power of the Bishop of Rome Whether any be a letter of the word of God to be preached or read in the English tongue Whether any do preach declare or speak any thing in derogation of the book of Common prayer or any thing therein contained or any part thereof Whether any do preach and defend that private persons may make insurrections stir sedition or compel men to give them their goods Whether the Curate doth admit any to the Communion before he be confirmed or any that ken not the Pater Noster the articles of the faith and ten Commandments in English Whether Curates do Minister the Communion for mony or use to have trentals of Communions Whether any of the Anabaptists sect or other use notoriously any unlawful or private conventicles wherein they do use Doctrine or administration of Sacraments separating themselves from the rest of the parish Whether there be any that privatly in their private house have their Masses contrary to the form and order of the book of Communion Whether any minister doth refuse to use the Common prayers or minister Sacraments in that order and form as is set forth in the book of Common prayer Whether baptisme be ministred out of necessity in any other time then on the Sunday or holy day or in an other tongue then english Whether any speaketh against baptisme of Infants Whether any be married within degrees prohibited by Gods law or separate without cause lawful or is married without banes thrice first asked 3. several holy dayes or Sundayes openly in the Church at service time Whether any curate doth marry them of other parishes without that curates licence and certificate from him of the banes thrice solemnly asked Whether any saith that the wickedesse of the Minister taketh away the effect of Christs Sacraments Whether any saith that Christian men cannot be allowed to repentance if they sin voluntarily after baptisme Whether your Curates be ready to Minister the Sacraments visit the sick and bury the dead being brought to the Church Whether any minister useth wilfully and obstinately any other Right Ceremony Order Form or manner of Communion Mattens or Evensong Ministration of Sacraments or open prayers then is set forth in the Book of Common prayer Whether your Curate once in six weeks at the least upon some Sunday or holy day before Even-song do openly in the Church instruct and examine children not confirmed in some part of the Catechisme and whether Parents and Masters do send them thither upon warning given by the Minister Whether any useth to keep abrogate holy dayes or private holy dayes as bakers shoomakers brewers smiths and such other Whether any useth to hallow water bread salt bells or candles upon Candlemas day ashes on Ashwenesday Palms on Palmsunday the Font on the Easter even fire on paschal or whether there was any sepulchre on Good-Fryday Whether the water in the Font be changed every moneth once and then any other praiers said then is in the book of Common prayer appointed Whether there be any images in your Church Tabernacles Shrines or covering of Shrines candles or trindels of wax or feigned Miracles in your Churches or private houses Whether your Church be kept in due and lawful reparation and whether there be a comly pulpit set up in the same and likewise a coffer for almes for the poor called the poor mans box or chest Whether any legacies given to the poor amending high wayes or marrying poor maides be undistributed and by whom God save the King ARTICLES agreed upon by the BISHOPS and other Learned and Godly men In the Last CONVOCATION at LONDON In the year of our Lord 1552. to root out the discord of Opinions and establish the Agreement of true Religion Published by the Kings Majesties Authority 1553. Imprinted at LONDON by John Day ARTICLES agreed upon in the CONVOCATION and published by the KINGS MAJESTY Of Faith in the holy Trinity THere is but one living and true God and he is everlasting without body parts or passions of infinite power wisdom and goodnesse the maker and preserver of all things both visible and invisible And in unity of this Godhead there be three persons of one substance power and eternity the Father the Son and the holy Ghost That the word or Son of God was made very man THe Son which is the word of the Father took mans nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin Mary of her substance so that two whole and perfect natures that is to say the Godhead and manhood were joyned together into one person never to be divided whereof is one Christ very God and very man who truely suffered was crucified dead and buried to reconcile his Father to us and to be a sacrifice for all sin of man both original and actual Of the going down of Christ into hell AS Christ died and was buried for us so also it is to be believed that he went down into hell for the body lay in the Sepulchre until the Resurrection but his Ghost departing from him was with the Ghosts that were in prison or in Hell and did preach to the same as the place of St.
Church Of the Lords Supper THe Supper of the Lord is not onely a signe of the love that Christians ought to have among themselves one to another but rather it is a Sacrament of our redemption by Christs death Insomuch that to such as rightly worthily and with faith receive the same the bread which we break is a communion of the body of Christ likewise the Cup of blessing is a Communion of the blood of Christ Transubstantiation or the change of the Substance of Bread and wine into the substance of Christs Body and Blood cannot be proved by holy Writ but it is repugnant to the plain words of Scripture and hath given occasion to many superstitions For as much as the truth of mans nature requireth that the body of one and the self same man cannot be at one time in divers places but must needs be in some one certain place therefore the body of Christ cannot be present at one time in many and divers places and because as holy Scripture doth teach Christ was taken up into heaven and there shall continue unto the end of the World a faithful man ought not either to believe or openly to confesse the real and bodily presence as they tearm it of Christs flesh and blood in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was not commanded by Christs ordinance to be kept carried about lifted up nor worshipped Of the perfect oblation of Christ made upon the Cross THe offering of Christ made once for ever is the perfect redemption the pacifying of Gods displeasure and satisfaction for all the sins of the whole world both original and actual and there is none other satisfaction for sin but that alone Wherefore the sacrifices of Masses in the which it was commonly said that the Priest did offer Christ for the quick and the dead to have remission of pain or sin were forged fables and dangerous deceits The state of single life is commanded to no man by the word of God BIshops Priests and Deacons are not commanded to vow the state of single life without marriage neither by Gods Law are they compelled to abstain from matrimony Excommunicate persons are to be avoided THat person which by open denunciation of the Church is rightly cut off from the unity of the Church and excommunicate ought to be taken of the whole multitude of the faithful as an Heathen and Publican until he be openly reconciled by Penance and received into the Church by a Iudge that hath authority thereto Traditions of the Church IT is not necessary that Traditions and Ceremonies be in all places one or utterly like for at all times they have been divers and may be changed according to the diversity of countries and mens manners so that nothing be ordained against Gods word Whosoever through his private judgement willingly and purposely doth openly break the Traditions and Ceremonies of the Church which be not repugnant to the word of God and be ordained and approved by common authority ought to be rebuked openly that other may fear to do the like as one that offendeth against the common order of the Church and hurteth the authority of the Magistrate and woundeth the consciences of weak brethren Of Homilies THe Homilies of late given and set out by the Kings authority be godly and wholsome containing Doctrine to be received of all men and therefore are to be read to the people diligently distinctly and plainly Of the book of Prayers and Ceremonies of the Church of England THe Book which of very late time was given to the Church of England by the Kings authority and the Parliament containing the manner form of praying and ministring the Sacraments in the Church of England likewise also the book of ordering Ministers of the Church set forth by the foresaid authority are Godly and in no point repugnant to the wholsome Doctrine of the Gospel but agreeable thereunto furthering and beautifying the same not a little and therefore of all faithful members of the Church of England and chiefly of the Ministers of the word they ought to be received allowed with all readinesse of minde and thanksgiving and to be commended to the people of God Of Civil Magistrates THe King of England is Supream head in earth next under Christ of the Church of England and Ireland The Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction in this Realm of England The Civil Magistrate is ordained and allowed of God wherefore we must obey him not onely for fear of punishment but also for conscience sake The Civil Laws may punish Christian men with death for heinous and grievous offences It is Lawful for Christians at the commandment of the Magistrate to wear weapons and serve in lawful wars Christian mens goods are not common THe riches and goods af Christians are not common as touching the right title and possession of the same as certain Anabaptists do falsly boast Notwithstanding every man ought of such things as he possesseth liberally to give almes to the poor according to his ability Christian men may take an oath AS we confesse that vain and rash swearing is forbidden Christian men by our Lord Iesu Christ and his Apostle Iames So we judge that Christian Religion doth not prohibit but that a man may swear when the Magistrate requireth in a cause of faith and charity so it be done according to the Prophets teaching in justice judgement and truth The Resurrection of the dead is not yet brought to passe THe Resurrection of the Dead is not as yet brought to passe as though it onely belonged to the soul which by the grace of Christ is raised from the death of sin but it is to be lookt for at the last day For then as Scripture doth most manifestly testifie to all that be dead their own bodies flesh and bone shall be restored that the whole man may according to his works have either reward or punishment as he hath lived vertuously or wickedly The Souls of them that depart this life do neither dye with the bodies nor sleep idly THey which say that the Souls of such as depart hence do sleep being without all sense feeling or perceiving untill the day of judgement or affirm that the souls dye with the bodies and at the last day shall be raised up with the same do utterly dissent from the right belief declared to us in holy Scripture Hereticks called Millenarii THey that go about to renew the Fable of the Hereticks called Millenarii be repugnant to holy Scripture and cast them selves headlong into a Iewish dotage All men shall not be saved at the length THey also are worthy of Condemnation who endeavour at this time to restore the dangerous opinion that all men be they never so ungodly shall at length be saved when they have suffered paines for their sins a certain time appointed by Gods Iustice The End of the Articles Imprinted by John Day 1553. ARTICULI de quibus in
suffered to preach out of his own Cure or parish then such as shall be licensed as is above expressed Letters of the word 9. Also if they do or shall know any man within their Parish or else-where that is a letter of the word of God to be read in English or sincerely preached Fautours of the usurped power or of the execution of these the Queens Majesties Injunctions or a fautor of any usurped and forreign power now by the laws of this Realm justly rejected and taken away they shall detect and present the same to the Queens Majesty or to her Councel or to the Ordinary or to the justice of peace next adjoyning 10. Also that the Parson Vicar or Curate and Parishioners of every Parish within this Realm shal in their Churches and Chappels keep one Book of Register wherein they shall write the day and year of every Wedding Christning and Burial made within their Parish for their time and so every man succeeding them likewise and also therein shall write every persons name that shall be so wedded christned and buried And for the safe keeping of the same Book the Parish shall be bound to provide of their common Charges one sure Coffer with two lockes and keyes whereof the one to remain with the Parson Vicar or curate and the other with the Wardens of every Parish Church or Chappel wherein the said Book shall be laid up Which Book they shall every Sunday take forth and in the presence of the said Wardens or one of them write and record in the same all the Weddings Christnings and Burials made the whole week before And that done to lay up the Book in the said Coffer as before and for every time that the same shall be omitted the party that shall be in the fault thereof shall forfeit to the said Church 3. s. 4. d. to be imployed the one half to the poor mens box of that Parish the other half towards the repairing of the Church Distribution of the fortieth part 11. Furthermore because the goods of the Church are called the goods of the poor at these dayes nothing less seen then the poor to be sustained with the same All Parsons Vicars Pensionaries Prebendaries other Beneficed men within this Deanry not being resident upon their benefices which may dispend yearly twenty pounds or above either within this Deanry or else-where shall distribute hereafter among their poor Parishioners or other inhabitants there in the presence of the Church wardens or some other honest man of the Parish the fourtieth part of the fruits and revenues of their said Benefice lest they be worthily noted of ingratitude which reserving so many parts to themselves cannot vouchsafe to impart the fortieth portion thereof among the poor people of that Parish that is so fruitful and profitable unto them 12. And to the intent that learned men may hereafter spring Exhibition for Scholars the more for the execution of the premisses every Parson Vicar Clerk or beneficed man within this Deauty having yearly to dispend in Benefices and other promotions of the Church an hundred pounds shall give 3. l. 6. s. 8. d. in exhibition to one Scholar in either of the Vniversities and for as many C. li. more as he may dispend to so many Scholars more shall give like exhibition in the Vniversity of Oxford or Cambridge or some Grammar-School which after they have profited in good learning may be partners of their Patrons Cure and charge as well in preaching as otherwise in executing of their offices or may when time shall be otherwise profit the Common-weal with their Counsel and wisdom 13 Also that all Proprietaries Parsons Vicars and Clerks The fift part for reparation having Churches Chappels or Mansions within this Deanry shall bestow yearly hereafter upon the same Mansions or Chancels of their Churches being in decay the fift part of that their benefi●es till they be fully repaired and shall alwayes keep and maintain in good estate 14. Also that the said Parsons Vicars and Clerks Reading of the Injunctions shall once every quarter of the year read these Injunctions given unto them openly and deliberately before all their Parishioners at one time or at two several times in one day to the intent that both they may be the better admonished of their duty and their said Parishioners the more moved to follow the same for their part 15. Also For as much as by Laws established every man is bound to pay his Tythes Payment of Tythes no man shall by colour of duty omitted by their Curates detain their Tythes and so requite one wrong with another or be his own Iudge but shall truly pay the same as he hath been accustomed to their Parsons Vicars and Curates without any restraint or diminution and such lack and default as they can justly finde in their Parsons and Curates to call for reformation thereof at their Ordinaries and other Superiours who upon complaint and due proof thereof shall reform the same accordingly 16. Also that every Parson Vicar Curate and stipendary Priest being under the degree of a Master of Art shall provide and have of his own within 3. moneths after this visitation The New Testament Paraphrases the New Testament both in Latine and in English with Paraphrases upon the same conferring the one with the other And the Bishops and other Ordinaries by themselves or their officers in their Synods and visitations shall examine the said Ecclesiastical Persons how they have porfited in the study of holy Scripture Comfortable sentences for the sick 17. Also that the vice of damnable dispair may be clearly taken away and that firm belief and stedfast hope may be surely conceived of all their Parishioners being in any danger they shall learn and have alwayes in a readinesse such comfortable places sentences of Scripture as do set forth the mercy benefits goodness of Almighty God towards all penitent and beleiving persons that they may at all times when necessity shall require promptly comfort their flock with the lively word of God which is the only stay of mans conscience Procession to be left 18. Also to avoid all contention and strife which heretofore hath risen among the Queens Majesties Subjects in sundry places of her Realms and Dominions by reason of fond courtesie and challenging of places in the Procession and also that they may the more quietly hear that which is said or sung to their edifying they shall not from henceforth in any Parish Church at any time use any Procession about the Church or Church-yard or at any place but immediately before the time of Communion of the Sacrament the Priests with others of the Quire shall kneel in the midst of the Church The Letany and sing or say plainly and distinctly the Letanie which is set forth in English with all the suffrages following to the intent the people may hear and answer and none other
take upon him to teach but such as shall be allowed by the Ordinary and found meet as well for his learning and dexterity in teaching as for sober and honest conversation and also for right understanding of Gods true Religion Duty of Schoole-masters Sentences of scripture for Scholars 41. Item That all Teachers of children shall stir and move them to love and due Reverence of Gods true Religion now truely set forth by publick authority 42. Item That they shall accustome their Scholars Reverently to learn such sentences of Scriptures as shall be most expedient to induce them to all Godlinesse Vnlearned Preists 43. Item Forasmuch as in these latter dayes many have been made Priests being children and otherwise utterly unlearned so that they could read to say Mattens and Masse the Ordinaries shall not admit any such to any Cure or spiritual Function The Catehisme 44. Item Every Parson Vicar and Curate shall upon every Holiday and every second Sunday in the year hear and instruct all the youth of the Parish for half an hour at the least before Evening prayer in the ten Commandements the Articles of the belief and in the Lords Prayer and diligently examine them and teach the Catechisme set forth in the Book of publick prayer The book of the afflictions for religion 45. Item That the Ordinary do exhibit unto our Visitors their books or a true copy of the same containing the causes why any person was imprisoned famished or put to death for religion Overseers for service on the holy-dayes 46. Item That in every Parish 3. or 4. discreet men which tender Gods glory and his true Religion shall be appointed by the Ordinaries diligently to see that all the Parishioners duly resort to their Church upon all Sundayes and holydayes and there to continue the whole time of the godly service and all such as shall be found slack and negligent in resorting to the Church having no great nor urgent Cause of absence they shall straightly call upon them and after due admonition if they amend not they shall denounce them to the Ordinary ●nventories of Church goods 47. Item That the Churchwardens of every Parish shall deliver unto our Visiors the Inventories of Vestments Copes and other Ornaments Plate Books and specially of Grayles Couchers Legends Processionals Manuals Hymnals Portnesses and such like appertaining to their Church 48. Item That weekly upon Wednesdayes and Fridayes Service on Wednesdays and Fridays not being Holydayes the Curate at the accustomed houres of service shall resort to Church and cause warning to be given to the people by knolling of a Bell and say the Letany and prayers 49. Item because in divers Collegiate Continuance of singing in the Church and also some Parish Churches heretofore there have been livings appointed for the maintenance of men and children to use singing in the Church by means whereof the laudable service of Musick hath been had in estimation and preserved in knowledge the Queens Majesty neither meaning in any wise the decay of any thing that might conveniently tend to the use and continuance of the said Science neither to have the same in any part so abused in the Church that thereby the Common prayer should be the worse understanded of the hearers willeth and commandeth that first no alterations be made of such assignements of living as heretofore hath been appointed to the use of singing or Musick in the Church but that the same so remain And that there be a modest and distinct song so used in all parts of the Common prayers in the Church that the same may be as plainly understanded as if it were read without singing and yet nevertheless for the comforting of such that delight in Musick it may be permitted that in the beginning or in the end of Common prayers either at Morning or Evening there may be sung an Hymn or such like song to the praise of Almighty God in the best sort of melody and musick that may be conveniently devised having respect that the sentence of the Hymn may be understanded and perceived 50. Item because in all alterations and specially in Rites and Ceremonies there happen discords amonst the people Against slanderous and infamous words and thereupon slanderous words and railings whereby charity the knot of all Christian society is loosed the Queens Majesty being most desirous of all other earthly things that her people should live in charity both towards God and man and therein abound in good works willeth and streightly commandeth all manner of her Subjects to forbear all vain and contentious disputations in matters of Religion and not to use in despight or rebuke of any person these convitious words Papist or papistical Heretick Schismatick or Sacramentary or any such like words of reproach But if any manner of person shall deserve the accusation of any such that first he be charitably admonished thereof and if that shall not amend him then to denounce the offender to the Ordinary or to some higher power having authority to correct the same 51. Item because there is a great abuse in the Printers of Bookes which for covetousnesse chiefly regard not what they Print so they may vave gain whereby ariseth the great disorder by publication of unfruitful vain and infamous Books and papers The Queens Majesty straightly chargeth and commandeth that no manner of person shall print any manner of Book or paper of what sort nature or in what Language soever it be except the same be first licensed by her Majesty by express words in writing or by six of her privy Councel or be perused and licensed by the Arch-bishops of Canterbury and York the Bishop of London the Chancellours of both Vniversities the Bishop being Ordinary and the Archdeacon also of the place where any such shall be printed or by two of them whereof the Ordinary of the place to be alwayes one And that the names of such as shall allow the same to be added in the end of every such work for testimony of the allowance thereof And because many Pamphlets Playes and Ballads be oftentimes printed wherein regard would be had that nothing therein should be either heretical seditious or unseemly for Christian ears Her Majesty likewise commandeth that no manner of person shall enterprise to print any such except the same be to him licensed by such her Majesties Commissioners or three of them as be appointed in the City of London to hear and determine divers causes Ecclesiastical tending to the execution of certain Statutes made the last Parliament for uniformity of order in Religion And if any shall sell or utter any manner of books and papers being not licensed as is abovesaid that the same party shall be punished by order of the said commissioners as to the quality of the fault shall be thought meet And touching all other books of matters of Religion or Policie or Governance that have been printed either on this side
the which it was commonly said that the Priest did offer Christ for the quick and the dead to have remission of pain or guilt were blasphemous fables and dangerous deceits 32. Of the marriage of Priests Non habentur haec notata in R. Edvard 6. Artic. BIshops Priests and Deacons are not commanded by Gods law either to vow the estate of single life or to abstain from marriage therefore it is lawful also for them as for all other Christian men to marry at their own discretion as they shall judge the same to serve better to godliness 33. Of excommunicate persons how they are to be avoided THat person which by open denunciation of the Church is rightly cut off from the unity of the Church and excommunicated ought to be taken of the whole multitude of the faithful as an Heathen and Publican untill he be openly reconciled by Penance and received into the Church by a Iudge that hath authority thereunto 34. Of the traditions of the Church IT is not necessary that Traditions and ceremonies be in all places one or utterly like for at all times they have been divers and may be changed according to the diversity of countries times and mens manners so that nothing be ordained against Gods Word Whosoever through his private judgement willingly and purposely doth openly break the Traditions and Ceremonies of the Church which be not repugnant to the Word of God and be ordained and approved by common authority ought to be rebuked openly that other may fear to do the like as he that offendeth against the common order of the Church and hurteth the authority of the Magistrate and woundeth the consciences of the weak brethren Every particular or national Church hath authority to ordain Non habentur haec notata in Edv. 6. Artic. change and abolish Ceremonies or Rites of the Church ordained only by mans authority so that all things be done to edifying 35. * Homiliae nuper Ecclesiae Anglicanae per injunctiones Regias editae atque commendatae piae sunt atque salutares doctrinamque ab omnibus amplectendam continent Of Homilies THe second Book of Homilies the several titles whereof we have joyned under this Article doth contain a godly and wholsome Doctrine and necessary for these times as doth the former book of Homilies which were set forth in the time of Edward the sixth and therefore we judge them to be read in Churches by the Ministers diligently and distinctly that they may be understanded of the people Of the names of the Homilies 1 OF the right use of the Church 2 Against peril of Idolatry 3 Of repairing and keeping clean of Churches 4 Of good works first of Fasting 5 Against gluttony and drunkennesse 6 Against excesse of apparel 7 Of Prayer 8 Of the place and time of prayer 9 That common Prayers and Sacraments ought to be ministred in a known tongue 10 Of the reverent estimation of Gods Word 11 Of almes doing 12 Of the nativity of Christ 13 Of the Passion of Christ 14 Of the Resurrection of Christ 15 Of the worthy receiving of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ 16 Of the gifts of the holy Ghost 17 For the Rogation dayes 18 Of the state of Matrimony 19 Of Repentance 20 Against Idleness 21 Against Rebellion De libro precationum ceremoniarum Ecclesiae Anglicanae LIber qui nuperrime authoritate Regis Parliamenti Ecclesiae Anglicanae traditus est continens modum formam orandi Sacramenta administrandi in Ecclesiâ similiter libellus eadem autoritate editus de ordinatione ministrorum Ecclesiae quoad doctrinae veritatem pii sunt salutari doctrinae Evangelii in nullo repugnant sed congruunt eandem non parum promovent illustrant atque ideo ab omnibus Ecclesiae Anglicanae fidelibus membris maxime à ministris verbi cum omni promptitudine animorum gratiarum actione recipiendi approbandi populo Dei commendandi sunt Artic. R. Edvard 6. 36. Of Consecration of Bishops and Ministers THe book of Consecration of Archbishops and Bishops and ordering of Priests and Deacons lately set forth in the time of Edward the sixt and confirmed at the same time by authority of Parliament doth contain all things necessary to such Consecration and ordering neither hath it any thing that of it self is superstitious and ungodly And therefore whosoever are consecrated or ordered according to the Rites of that book since the second year of the afore-named King Edward unto this time or hereafter shall be consecrated or ordered according to the same Rites we decree all such to be rightly orderly and lawfully consecrated and ordered 37. Of the civil Magistrates THe Queens Majesty hath the chief power in this Realm of England and other her Dominions Rex Angliae est supremum caput in terris post Christum Ecclesiae Anglicanae Hiberniae Artic. Edv. 6. Haec notata non habentur in Artic. Edverd 6. unto whom the chief government of all estates of this Realm whether they be Ecclesiastical or Civil in all causes doth appertain and is not nor ought to be subject to any forreigne Iurisdiction Where we attribute to the Queens Majesty the chief government by which titles we understand the minds of some dangerous folkes to be offended we give not our Princes the ministring either of Gods word or of the Sacraments the which thing the Injunctions also lately set forth by Elizabeth out Queen do most plainly testifie but that onely prerogative which we see to have been given alwayes to all godly Princes in holy Scriptures by God himself that is that they should rule all estates and degrees committed to their charge by God whether they be Ecclesiastical or Temporal and restrain with the civil sword the stubborn and evil doers Magistratus eivilis est à Deo ordinatus atque probatus quamobrem illi non solum propter iram sed etiam propter conscientiam obediendum est Artic. R. Edv. 6. The Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction in this Realm of England The Laws of the Realm may punish Christian men with death for heinous and grievous offences The Laws of the Realm may punish Christian men with death for heinous and grievous offences It is Lawful for Christian men at the commandment of the Magistrate to wear weapons and serve in the wars 38. Of Christian mens goods which are not common THe riches and goods of Christians are not common as touching the right title and possession of the same as certain Anabaptists do falsly boast Notwithstanding every man ought of such things as he possesseth liberally to give almes to the poor according to his ability 39. Of a Christian mans oath AS we confesse that vain and rash swearing is forbidden Christian men by our Lord Iesus Christ and Iames his Apostle So we judge that Christian Religion doth not prohibit but that a man may sweare when the Magistrate requireth in a cause of
Form or manner of Celebrating the Lords Supper openly or privily or Mattens Evensong Administration of the Sacraments or other open Prayers then is mentioned and set forth in the said Book open Prayer in and throughout this Act is meant that Prayer which is for others to come unto or hear either in Common Churches or private Chappels or Oratories Commonly called the Service of the Church or shall preach The penalty for depraving the Book of Common Prayer declare or speak any thing in the derogation or depraving of the said Book or any thing there in contained or of any part thereof and shall be thereof lawfully convicted according to the Laws of this Realm by verdict of 12. men or by his own Confession or by the Notorious evidence of the Fact shall lose and forfeit to the Queens Highnesse her Heirs and successors for his first offence the profit of all his spiritual Benefices or Promotions coming or arising in one whole year next after his conviction And also that the person so convicted shall for the same offence suffer imprisonment for the space of 6. months without Bail or mainprise And if any such person once convict of any offence concerning the premisses shall after this first conviction eftsoons offend The penalty for the second offence and be thereof in form aforesaid lawfully convict that then the same person shall for his second offence suffer imprisonment by the space of one whole year and also shall therefore be deprived ipso facto of all his spiritual Promotions and that it shall be lawful to all Patrons or Donors of all and singular the same spiritual Promotions or of any of them to present or collate to the same as though the person or persons so offending were dead And that if any such person or persons The penalty for the third offence after he shall be twice convicted in form aforesaid shall offend against any of the premisses the third time and shall be thereof in form aforesaid lawfully convicted that then the person so offending and convicted the third time shall be deprived ipso facto of all his spiritual Promotions and also shall suffer Imprisonment during his life And if the person that shall offend The penalty of an offender having no spiritual Promotion and be convicted in form aforesaid concerning any of the premisses shall not be Beneficed nor have any spiritual Promotion that then the same person so offending and convict shall for the first offence suffer Imprisonment during one whole year next after his said conviction without Baile or Mainprise And if any person not having any spiritual Promotion after his first conviction shall eftsoons offend in any thing concerning the premisses and shall in form aforesaid be thereof lawfully convicted that the same person shall for his second offence suffer Imprisonment during his life And it is ordained and enacted by the Authority aforesaid The forfeiture of them which do any thing or speak in the derogation of the book of Common Prayer That if any person or persons whatsoever after the said Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming shall in any Enterludes Playes Songs Rymes or by other open words declare or speak any thing in the derogation depraving or despising of the same book or of any thing therein contained or any part thereof or shall by open fact deed or by open threatnings compel or cause or otherwise procure or maintain any Parson Vicar or other Minister in any Cathedral or Parish Church or in Chappel or in any other place to sing or say any Common or open prayer or to minister any Sacrament otherwise Causing other Prayer to be said or sung Coke pla fol. 312. or in any other manner and form than is mentioned in the said book or that by any of the said means shall unlawfully interrupt or let any Parson Vicar or other Minister in any Cathedral or Parish Church Chappel or any other place to sing or say common and open prayer or to Minister the Sacraments or any of them in such manner and form The forfeiture of an hundred Marks for the first offence Dyer fol. 203.231.323 The forfeiture of four hundred marks for the second offence as is mentioned in the said book That then every such person being thereof lawfully convicted in form above said shall forfeit to the Queen our Sovereign Lady her Heires and Successors for the first offence an hundred marks And if any person or persons being once convict of any such offence eftsoones offend against any of the last recited offences and shall in form aforesaid be thereof lawfully convict That then the same person so offending and convict shall for the second offence forfeit to the Queen our Sovereign Lady her Heirs and Successors four hundred marks And if any person after he in form aforesaid shall have been twice convict of any offence The forfeiture of the third offence concerning any of the last recited offences shall offend the third time and be thereof in form abovesaid lawfully convict That then every person so offending and convict shall for his third offence forfeit to our Sovereign Lady the Queen all his goods and Chattels and shall suffer Imprisonment during his life And if any person or persons that for his first offence concerning the premisses shall be convict in form aforesaid The penalties if the party convicted do not pay his forfeiture within the time limited do not pay the sum to be paid by vertue of his conviction in such manner and form as the same ought to be paid within six weeks next after his conviction That then every person so convict and so not paying the same shall for the same first offence in stead of the said sum suffer Imprisonment by the space of six monthes without Bayle or mainprize And if any person or persons that for his second offence concerning the premisses shal be convict in form aforesaid do not pay the said sum to be paid by vertue of his Conviction and this Estatute in such manner and form as the same ought to be paid within six weeks next after his said second conviction that then every person so convicted and not so paying the same shall for the same second offence in the stead of the said sum suffer Imprisonment during twelve months without bayle or mainprize And that from and after the said Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming Every person shall resort to the Church upon the Holy dayes all and every person and persons inhabiting within this Realm or any other the Queens Majesties Dominions shall diligently and faithfully having no lawfull or reasonable excuse to be absent endeavour themselves to resott to their Parish Church or Chapel accustomed or upon reasonable let thereof to some usual place where Common Prayer and such service of God shall be used in such time of let upon every Sunday and other dayes ordained and
this Realm And also that if there shall happen any contempt or irreverence to be used in the Ceremonies or Rites of the Church by the misusing of the orders appointed in this book the Queens Majesty may by the like advice of the said Commissioners or Metropolitan ordain and publish such farther Ceremonies or Rites as may be most for the advancement of Gods Glory the edifying of his Church and the due reverence of Christs holy mysteries and Sacraments And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforsaid All Lawes Ordinances made for other service shall be void That all Laws statutes and ordinances wherein or whereby any other service administration of Sacraments or Common Prayer is limited established or set forth to be used within this Realm or any other the Queens Dominions or Countryes shall from henceforth be utterly void and of none effect Coke pla fol 352. A Clause Anno 8. Eliz. cap. 1. A confirmation of the Stat. of 1 Eliz. 2. touching the book of Common Prayer Administration of the Sacraments WHerefore for the plain declaration of all the premisses and to the intent that the same may the better be known to every of the Queens Majesties subjects whereby such evil speech as heretofore hath been used against the High state of Prelacy may hereafter cease Be it now declared and enacted by the Authority of this present Parliament that the said Act and Statute made in the first year of the reign of our said Soveraign Lady the Queens Majesty whereby the said book of Common-prayer and the Administration of Sacraments with other Rites and Ceremonies is authorized and allowed to be used shall stand and remain good and perfect to all respects and purposes And that such order and form for the Consecrating of Archbishops A Confirmation of the Stat. of 5. 6. Ed. 6. 1 touching the form of consecrating Archbishops c. and Bishops and for the making of Priests Deacons and Ministers as was set forth in the time of the said late King Edward the sixth and added to the said Book of Common-prayer and authorised by Parliament in the fifth and sixth years of the said late King shall stand and be in full force and effect and shall from henceforth be used and observed in all places within this Realm and other the Queens Majesties Dominions and Countries Anno 13. Eliz. cap. 12. Reformation of Disorders in the Ministers of the Church c. THat the Churches of the Queens Majesties Dominions may be served with Pastors of sound Religion Be it enacted by the Authority of this present Parliament That every person under the degree of a Bishop which doth or shall pretend to be a Priest or Minister of Gods holy Word and Sacraments by reason of any other form of Institution Consecration or ordering than the form set forth by Parliament in the time of the late King of most Worthy Memory King Edward the sixth 3. Edw. 6.12 5. Edw. 6.1 Dyer f. 377. or now used in the Reigne of our most gracious Soveraigne Lady before the Feast of the Nativity of Christ next following shall in the presence of the Bishop or Guardian of the Spiritualities of some one Diocesse where he hath or shall have Ecclesiastical living declare his assent Every Ecclesiastical person shall subscribe to the Articles touching the Confession of the Faith and declare his assent thereunto and subscribe to all the Articles of Religion which only concern the Confession of the true Christian Faith and the Doctrine of the Sacraments comprised in a book imprinted entituled Articles Whereupon it was agreed by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Provinces and the whole Clergy in the Convocation holden at London in the year of our Lord God a thousand five hundred sixty and two according to the computation of the Church of England for the avoiding of the diversities of opinions and for the establishing of consent touching true Religion put forth by the Queens Authority and shall bring from such Bishop or Guardian of Spiritualties in writing under his Seal Authentick a testimonial of such assent and subscription and openly on some Sunday in the time of some publick service afternoon Reading of the Articles testimonial in every Church where by reason of any Ecclesiastical living he ought to attend read both the said testimonial and the said Articles upon pain that every such person which shall not before the said Feast do as is above appointed shall be ipso facto deprived and all his Ecclesiastical promotions shall be void as if he were then naturally dead And that if any person Ecclesiastical or which shall have Ecclesiastical livings shall advisedly maintain or affirm any Doctrine directly contrary or repugnant to any of the said Articles The penaltie of maintaining of Doctrine against the Articles and being convented before the Bishop of the Diocesse or the Ordinary or before the Queens Highnesse Commissioners in causes Ecclesiastical shall persist therein or not revoke his error or after such revocation eftsoones affirm such untrue Doctrine such maintaining or affirming and persisting or such eftsoone affirming shall be just cause to deprive such person of his Ecclesiastical promotions And it shall be lawful to the Bishop of the Diocess or the Ordinary or the said Commissioners to deprive such persons so persisting or lawfully convicted of such eftsoones affirming and upon such sentence of deprivation pronounced he shall be indeed deprived Several things required in him which shall be admitted to a Benefice And that no person shall hereafter be admitted to any Benefice with Cure except he then be of the age of three and twenty years at the least and a Deacon and shall first have subscribed the said Articles in presence of the Ordinary and publickly read the same in the Parish Church of that Benefice with declaration of his unfeigned assent to the same And that every person after the end of this Session of Parliament to be admitted to a Benefice with Cure except that within two moneths after his Induction he do publickly read the said Articles in the same Church whereof he shall have Cure in the time of Common Prayer there with declaration of his unfeigned assent thereto and be admitted to minister the Sacraments within one year after his Induction if he be not so admitted before shall be upon every such default ipso facto immediately deprived And that no person now permitted by any dispensation or otherwise shall retain any Benefice with Cure being under the age of One and Twenty years or not being Deacon at the least or which shall not be admitted as is aforesaid within one year next after the making of this Act or within six moneths after he shall accomplish the age of twenty four years on pain that such his dispensation shall be meerly void The age of a Minister or Preacher and his testimoniall And that none shall be made Minister or admitted to
the order in the said book allowed upon no just and lawful cause all such persons they shall enquire of present and see punished and ordered according as is prescribed in the said Act with more care and diligence then heretofore hath been done the which negligence hath been cause why such disorders have of late now so much and in so many places encreased and grown And if any persons shal either in private houses or in publick places make assemblies and therein use other Rites of Common prayer and Administration of the Sacraments then is prescribed in the said Book or shall maintain in their houses any persons being notoriously charged by Books or preachings to attempt the alteration of the said orders they shall see such persons punished with all severity according to the Laws of this Realm by paines appointed in the said Act. And because these matters do principally appertain to the persons Ecclesiastical and to the Ecclesiastical government her Majesty giveth a most special and earnest charge to all Arch-Bishops Byshops Archdeacons and Deans and all such as have ordinary jurisdiction in such causes to have a vigilant eye and care to the observation of the Orders and Rites in the said book prescribed throughout their cures and Diocesse and to proceed from time to time by ordinary and Ecclesiastical jurisdiction as is granted th●m in the said Act with all celerity and severity against all persons who shall offend against any of the Orders in the said Book prescribed upon pain of her Majesties high displeasure for their negligence and deprivation from their dignities and benefices or other censures to follow according to their demerits Given at Grenewich the 20. day of October 1573. in the fifteenth year of the Queens Majesties reign God save the Queen Imprinted at London by Newgate Market next unto Christs Church by Richard Jugge Printer to the Queens Majesty Cum privilegio Regiae Majestatis By the Queen A Proclamation against the Sectaries of the Family of love WHereas by report of sundry of the Bishops of this Realm and others having cure of souls the Qeens Majesty is informed that in sundry places of Her said Realm in their several Diocesses there are certain persons which do secretly in corners make privie assemblies of divers simple unlearned people and after they have craftily and hypocritically assured them to esteem them to be more holy and perfect men then other are they do then teach them damnable heresies directly contrary to divers of the principal Articles of our Belief and Christian faith and in some parts so absurd and fanatical as by feigning to themselves a monstruous new kind of speech never found in the Scriptures nor in ancient Father or Writer of Christs Church by which they do move ignorant and simple people at the first rather to marvel at them then to understand them but yet to colour their sect withal they name themselves to be of the family of love and then as many as shall be allowed by them to be of that family to be elect and saved and all others of what Church soever they be to be rejected and damned And for that upon conventing of some of them before the Bishops and Ordinaries it is found that the ground of their sect is maintained by certain lewd heretical and seditious books first made in the Dutch tongue and lately translated into English and printed beyond the seas and secretly brought over into the Realm the author whereof they name H. N without yielding to him upon their examination any other name in whose name they have certain Books set forth called Evangelium Regni or a joyful Message of the Kingdom Documental sentences The prophecie of the spirit of love A publishing of the peace upon the earth and such like And considering also it is found that these Sectaries hold opinion that they may before any Magistrate Ecclesiastical or Temporal or any other person not being professed to be of their sect which they tearm the family of love by oath or otherwise deny any thing for their advantage so as though many of them are well known to be teachers and spreaders abroad of these dangerous and damnable sects yet by their own confession they cannot be condemned whereby they are more dangerous in any Christian Realm Therefore Her Majesty being very sorry to see so great an evil by the malice of the Devil first begun and practised in other countries to be now brought into this Her Realm and that by her Bishops and Ordinaries She understandeth it very requisite not onely to have these dangerous Hereticks and Sectaries to be severely punished but that also all other means be used by Her Majesties Royal authority which is given Her of God to defend Christs Church to root them out from further infecting of Her Realm She hath thought meet and convenient and so by this Her Proclamation She willeth and commandeth that all Her Officers and Ministers temporal shall in all their several vocations assist the Archbishops and Bishops of Her Realm and all other persons Ecclesiastical having cure of souls to search out all persons duely suspected to be either teachers or professors of the foresaid damnable Sects and by all good means to proceed severely against them being found culpable by order of the Laws either Ecclesiastical or Temporal and that also search be made in all places suspected for the books and writings maintaining the said Heresies and Sects and them to destroy and burn And wheresoever such books shall be found after the publication hereof in custody of any person other then such as the Ordinaries shall permit to the intent to peruse the same for confutation thereof the same persons to be attached and committed to close prison there to remain or otherwise by Law to be condemned until the same shall be purged and cleared of the same Heresies or shall recant the same and be thought meet by the Ordinary of the place to be delivered And that whosoever in this Realm shall either print or bring or cause to be brought into this Realm any of the said books the same persons to be attached and committed to prison and to receive such bodily punishment and other mulct as fautors of damnable Heresies And to the execution hereof Her Majesty chargeth all Her Officers and Ministers both Ecclesiastical and Temporal to have special regard as they will answer not onely afore God whose glory and truth is by these damnable Sects greatly sought to be defaced but also will avoid Her Majesties indignation which in such cases as these are they ought not escape if they shall be found negligent and carelesse in the Execution of their authorities Given at Our Manour of Richmond the third of October in the two and twentieth year of our Reign God save the Queen Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker Printer to the Queens most Excellent Majesty By the Queen A Proclamation against certain seditious and schismatical Books and Libels c.
Obedience Item Whether they have exhorted the people to obedience to the Queens Majesty and Ministers and to charity and love one to another The Sacrament Item Whether they have admonished their Parishioners that they ought not to presume to receive the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ before they can say perfectly the Lords prayer the Articles of the faith and the ten Commandements in English Hospitality Item Whether they be resident upon their Benefices and keep hospitality or no whether they do relieve their Parishioners and what they give them Reparations Item Whether Proprietaries Parsons Vicars and Clarks having Churches Chappels and Mansions do keep their Chancels Rectories Vicarages and all other houses appertaining to them in due reparations Prayer in English Item Whether they do counsel or move their Parishioners rather to pray in a tongue not known then in English or put their trust in any certain number of prayers as in saying over a number of Beads Beads or other like Defamed persons Item Whether they have received any persons to the Communion being openly known to be out of charity with their neighbours or defamed with any notorious crime and not reformed Poor mens box Item Whether they have provided and have a strong chest for the poor mens box and set and fastned the same in a place of the Church most convenient Testament Item Whether they have diligently called upon exhorted and moved their parishioners and especially when they make their Testaments to give to the said poor mens Box and to bestow that upon the poor which they were wont to bestow upon Pilgrimages Pardons Trentalls and upon otherlike blinde devotions Sick Burial Item Whether they have denied to visit the sick or bury the dead being brought to the Church Simony Item Whether they have bought their Benefices or come to them by fraud guile deceit or Simony Adulterers Item Whether they have given open monition to their Parishioners to detect and present to their Ordinary all Adulterers and Fornicators and such men as have two wives living within their Parishes Item Whether they have monished their parishioners openly Church goods that they should not sell give nor otherwise alienate any of their Church goods Item Whether they Many Benefices or any of them do keep moe Benefices and other Ecclesiastical promotions then they ought to do not having sufficient licences and dispensations thereunto and how many they be and their names Item Whether they minister the holy Communion any otherwise Communion then onely after such form and manner as it is set forth by the common authority of the Queens Majesty and the Parliament Item Letters of the word or preaching Whether you know any person within your Parish or else where that is a letter of the word of God to be read in English or sincerely preached in place and times convenient Item Whether in the time of the Letany Goers out of the church or any other Common prayer in the time of the Sermon or Homily and when the Priest readeth the Scriptures to the Parishioners any person have departed out of the Church without just and necessary cause or disturbed the minister otherwise Item Whether the money coming and rising of any Cattel Church money or other moveable stocks of the Church and money given and bequeathed to the finding Torches Lights Tapers or Lamps not paid out of any lands have not been imployed to the poor mens chest Item Who hath the said stocks and money in their hands Keepers of the Church money and what be their names Item Contempt of Priests Whether any undiscreet person do uncharitably contemn and abuse Priests and Ministers of the Church Item The Kings Grammar Whether there be any other Grammar taught in any School within this Diocesse then that which is set forth by the authority of King Henry the eight Item The time of Service Whether the service of the Church be done at due and convenient houres Item Whether any have used to commune jangle Talkers in the Church and talke in the Church in the time of the prayer reading of the Homily preaching reading or declaring of the Scripture Item Heresies Whether any have wilfully maintained and defended any Heresies errors or false opinions contrary to the faith of Christ and holy Scripture Item Whether any be common drunkards Drunkards swearers or blasphemers of the name of God Adulterers Item Whether any have committed Adultery fornication or incest or be common Bawds or receivers of such evil persons or vehemently suspected of any of the premisses Brawlers Item Whether any be brawlers slanderes chiders scolders and sowers of discord between one person and another Sorcerers Item Whether you know any that do use Charmes Sorceries Inchantments Invocations Circles Witchcrafts Soothsaying or any like crafts or imaginations invented by the Devil and specially in the time of womens travel Pulpits Item Whether Churches Pulpits and other necessaries appertaining to the same be sufficiently repaired and if they be not in whose default the same is Resorters to other Churches Item Whether you know any that in contempt of their own Parish Church do resort to any other Church Inholders Item Whether any Inholders or Alehouse keepers do use commonly to sell meat and drink in the time of common prayer preaching reading of the Homilies or Scripture Divorce Item Whether you know any to be married within the degrees prohibited by the laws of God or that be separated or divorced without the degrees prohibited by the law of God and Whether any such have married again Privie contracts Item Whether you know any to have made privie contracts of Matrimony not calling two or moe witnesses thereunto nor having thereto the consent of their parents Banes Item Whether they have married solemnly the banes not first lawfully asked Executors Item Whether you know any Executors or Administrators of dead mens goods which do not onely bestow such of the said goods as were given and bequeathed or appointed to be distributed among the poor people repairing of High wayes finding of poor scholars or marrying of poor maidens or such other like charitable deeds Images Item Whether you know any that keep in their houses any undefaced Images Tables Pictures Paintings or other Monuments of feigned and false miracles Pilgrimages Idolatry and superstition and do adore them and specially such as have been set up in Churches Chappels and Oratories Books Item What books of holy Scripture you have delivered to be burnt or otherwise destroyed and to whom ye have delivered the same Bribes Item What bribes the Accusers Promoters Persecutors Ecclesiastical Iudges and other the Commissioners appointed within the several Diocesses of this Realm have received by themselves or other of those persons which were in trouble apprehended or
thabrogacion of certayne holy dayes accordyng to the transumpte late sent by the kyngs hyghnes to all bysshops with his graces strayght commaundement to signifie his farther pleasure to all Colleges religious houses and Curates within theyr diocesse for the publicacion and also effectuall vniuersall obsercion of the same Anno 1536. FOr as moch as the nombre of holy dayes is so excessyuely growen and yet dayly more and more by mens deuocyon yea rather supersticyon was lyke further to encrease that the same was sholde be not onely preiudiciall to the common weale by reason that it is occasion as well of moche slouth and ydelnes the very nouryshe of theues vacaboundes and of dyuers other unthryftynesse and inconuenyencies as of decaye of good mysteryes and artes vtyle and necessary fort the common welthe and losse of mans fode many tymes beynge clene destroyed through the supersticious obseruaunce of the said holydayes in not takynge thoportunitie of good serene wheather offered vpon the same in time of haruest but also pernicyous to the soules of many men whiche beyng entysed by the lycencyous vacacyon and libertye of those holy dayes do vpon the same commonly vse and practyse more excesse ryote and supersluite than upon any other dayes And sith the Sabboth day was ordeyned for mans vse and therefore ought to gyue place to the necessite and behoue of the same whan soever that shall occurre mouche rather any other holyday institute by man It is therefore by the kings hyghnes auctority as supreme head in earth of the Church of Englande with the Common assente and consent of the prelates and clergy of this his realme in Convocacyon laufully assembled and congregate among other thynges decreed ordeyned and establyshed ¶ Fyrst that the feest of Dedicacyon of the church shall in all places throughout this realm be celebrated and kepte on the fyrst sonday of the moneth of Octobre for ever and vpon none other day ¶ Item that the feest of the patrone of every church within this realm called commonly the Church holyday shall not from henceforth be kepte or obserued as a holyday as heretofore hath been vsed but that it shall be laufull to all and singular persons resydent or dwellynge within this realme to go to their work occupacyon or mystery and the same truely to excercyse and occupy upon the said feest as vpon any other workyeday excepte the said feest of the Church holyday be such as must be ells vniversally observed as a holy day by this ordynaunce following Also that all those feestes or holy days which shall happen to occurre eyther in the haruest time which is to be compted from the fiyst day of Iuly unto the xxix day of Septembre or elles in the terme time at westmynster shall not be kepte or obserued from henceforth as holydayes but that it may be laufull for every man to go to his work or occupacion vpon the same as vpon any other workyeday except alwayes the feestes of the apostles of our blessed lady and of saynt George And also such feesles as wherein the kings Iudges at westmynster hall do not vse to sytte in Iudgement all which shall be kepte holy and solempne of every man as in tyme past have been accustomed Prouyded alwayes that it may be laufull vnto all preestes and clerkes as well secular as regular in the foresayd holydayes now abrogate to synge or saye their accostomed seruyce for those holydayes in their churches so that they do not the same solempnely nor do rynge to the same after the maner vsed in hygh holydayes ne do commaunde or indict the same to be kepte or obserued as holydayes Finally that the feest of the Natiuitie of our lord of Easter of the Natiuitie of saynt Iohn the baptyste and of saynt Mychaell shall be frome henceforth compted and accepted and taken for the iiij generall offering dayes And for further declaracyon of the premysses be it knowen that Easter terme begyneth alwayes the xviii day after Easter reckenyng Easter day for one and endeth the monday next after thascencyon day Trinitie terme begynneth alwayes the wednesday next after thoctaues of Trinitie sonday and endeth the xi or xii day of Iuly Myhgelmas terme beginneth the ix or x. day of October and endeth the xxviii or xxix day of Nouember Hillary terme begynneth the xxiii or xxiiii day of Ianuary and endeth the xii or xiii day of February In Easter terme upon thascencyon daye In Trinite term upon the Nativity of saynt Iohn Baptyst In Myghelmas terme vpon Alhallon day In Hillary terme vpon Candelmas day The kyngs Iudges at westmynster do not use to syt in Iudgement nor vpon any sondayes ¶ Imprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the Sonne by me Iohn Byddell Cum priuilegio Anno 1536. By the Queen A Proclamation against the despisers or breakers of the orders prescribed in the book of Common prayer THE Queens Majesty being right sorry to understand that the order of common prayer set forth by the common consent of the Realm and by authority of Parliament in the first year of her reign wherein is nothing conteined but the Scripture of God and that which is consonant unto it is now of late of some men despised and spoken against both by open preachings and writings and of some bold and vain curious men new and other Rites found out and frequenced whereupon contentions sects and disquietnesse doth arise among her people and for one godly and uniform order diversity of Rites and Ceremonies disputations and contentions schismes and divisions already risen and more like to ensue The cause of which disorders Her Majesty doth plainly understand to be the negligence of the Bishops and other Magistrates who should cause the good Laws and Acts of Parliament made in this behalf to be better executed and not so dissembled and winked at as hitherto it may appear that they have been For speedy remedy whereof Her Majesty straightly chargeth and commandeth all Archbyshops and Bishops and all Iustices of Assises and Oyer and Termyner and all Majors head officers of Cities and Towns corporate and all other who have any authority to put in execution the Act for the uniformity of common prayer and the administration of the Sacraments made in the first year of Her gracious reign with all diligence and severity neither favouring nor dissembling with one person nor other who doth neglect despise or seek to alter the godly Orders and Rites set forth in the said Book But if any person shall by publick preaching writing or printing contemn despise or dispraise the Orders contained in the said Book they shall immediately apprehend him and cause him to be imprisoned until he hath answered to the Law upon pain that the chief Officers being present at any such preaching and the whole Parish do answer for their contempt and negligence Likewise if any shall forbear to come to the Common prayer and receive the Sacraments of the Church according to