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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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throwne out against Atheists Epicures Libertines Arians Anabaptists and such like mischieuous persons which desire to haue the Lords field vtterlie destroied but let vs euerie daie grow in faith and loue and let vs teach the flocks committed to our charge to feare God to hate vices and follow after vertues to denie the world and themselues obeying the commaundement of our Lord teacher Iesus Christ who biddeth vs not tobraule but to loue each other Whose example in gouerning the Church if we will follow we shal raise vp those that are afflicted take vp those that are fallen comfort the feeble waken the drousy not negligentlie denounce Gods wrath against sinnes and shall draw out the sword of the same word which is no blunt one against hypocrites wolues dogges swine goates and to conclude against all wicked ones which in our Churches mingle them-selues with the true sheepe and which cause the word of God to be euill spoken of It were a farre better thing surelie then that which some do busying the sharpnes of their wit in making of certeine trifles that forsooth the knowledge of such subtilties may shake out of our mindes all conscience It was iustlie said that the strength of the gospel was weakened through the thornie subtelties of schoole-questions and we through our wayward disputations what els do we then cause that the authority thereof be not strengthened but rather weakned and doe euen stagger among the wicked We read it excellentlie written in Liuie a verie graue writer that not onelie grudges ●ut also warres haue an end and that oftentimes deadlie foes become faithfull confederates yea and sometimes Citizens that by the same speeches of the people of Rome very bitter or cruel enmities haue bene taken vp betweene men of great account And that which these few wordes wrought with the heathen shall not godlines toward God obteine at the hands of Christians of deuines and of Pastours of Churches yea if the trauell of reading diligentlie examining conferring of this booke shall not be irksome if vpright and sincere iudgement if not preiudicate opinions but the loue of one truth shall beare swaie in al mens hearts it will shortly obteine it That olde contention about the celebrating of Easter very hotlie tossed to and fro for two hundred years or there about between the Greekes and the Latines was long since by vs thought worthie of laughter but we must take good heed lest in a matter not altogether vnlike we seeme to be wiser then both if so be that we desire to haue the Church wholl and not to leaue it rent vnto the posteritie and would haue our selues be counted not foolish among men and not stub born in the sight of god There hath scarce beene anie age which hath in such sort seen al Churches following altogether one thing in all points so as there hath not alwaies been some difference either in doctrine or in ceremonies or in manners and yet were not Christian Churches through the world therefore cut a sunder vnles peraduenture then when the Bishop of Rome brake of all agreement tyrannically ●ioyned to other Churches not what ought to be done but what him-selfe would haue obserued but the Apostle did not so Barnabas in deed departed from Paull and Paull also withstood Peter and surelie for no trifle and yet the one became not more enemie or strange to the other but the selfe same spirit which had coupled them from the beginning neuer suffred them to be disioyned from them-selues It is the fashion of Romists to commaund to enforce to presse to through out cursings and thunder excommunications vpon the heades of those that whisper neuer so litle against them but let vs according to the doctrine of the holie Ghost suffer and gentlie admonish each other that is keeping the groundwork of faith let vs build loue vpon it and let vs ioyntlie repaire the walls of Sion lying in their ruines It remaineth that through the same Lord Christ we besech our reuerent brethren in the lord whose confessions published we set forth that they take this our paines in good parte and fuffer vs to leane as it were to a certaine staie to the common consent of the reformed Churches against the accusations and reproches of the common aduersaries of the trueth But it had beene to be wished that we might at once haue set out all the Confessions of all the reformed Churches but because we had them not all therfore we set out them onelie that were come to our hands to which the rest also so farre as we suppose may easilie be drawne And we also could haue wished that the thing might haue bin made common to all the reformed Churches But when as the state of our Churches seemed to force the matter that they could not abide any longer delaie the right well beloued brethren will pardon vs with whom by reason of the time we could not impart both the Harmony it selfe and the obseruations as also the intent of this wholl edition Whereas moreouer we haue put to moe confessions of one and the same nation as of Auspurge Saxonie as also the former and latter of Heluetia that was not done without cause for besides that one expoundeth another we thought it good also hereby to ridde them from all suspicion of inconstancy and wauering in opinion which the aduersaries are wont to catch at by such repetitions o● confessions Yet why we would not adde some confession● of the brethren of Bohemia often repeated we 〈◊〉 straight way shew a cause and we hope that ou● reason will easilie be liked of them And we haue set downe euerie where two yea and in some places three editions of Auspurge for this respect lest in this diuersitie we might seeme to haue picked out that which rather fauoured ourside to haue vtterlie misliked the other Wherein notwithstanding we haue not euery where followed the order of times in which euery of them came to light but the c●ppie which we had in our hands printed at Wirtemberge 1572. with a double edition And w● therefore thought it meete to passe ouer the Apologies adioyned to the confessions as of Auspurge Bohemia Sucueland and England as wel that the work might not grow to be exceeding bigge as also that we might not seeme rather to increase disputations controuersies then to make an Harmony of doctrine And as for our obseruations our minde was to meete with the cauills of sophisters who we know well enough will take holde on the least matters that they may thereby set vs on worke Wherefore lest they should charge vs to set out a discorde rather then a concorde of confessions we haue added in the end very short obseruations in which we lay open those things which might seeme somewhat obscurelie spoken and doe fauourablie and freelie giuing them an interpretation expounde those thinges which either haue or seeme to haue any shew of repugnancie And we
great and so daungerous a burthen Truelie Irenaeus doth witnes that in times past the obseruation of faste in Churches was diuers and free as it is reade in the Ecclesiasticall historie lib. 8. cap. 14. In the same booke Eusebius maketh mention that one Apollonius an Ecclesiasticall writer among other arguments vsed this for one to confute the doctrine of Montanus the heretike Because he was the first that made lawes for fastes Therupon Chrysostome saith in a vertaine place Fasting is good but let no man be compelled thereunto And in another place he exhorteth him that is not able to faste to absteyne from deinties and yet affirmeth that it doth not much differ from fasting and that it is a strong weapon to represse the furie of the Deuill Moreouer experience also it selfe doth more then prooue that these precepts concerning fastes haue bin a great hinderance to godlines Therefore when we saw it verie euidentlie that the chiefe men in the Church did beside the authoritie of the Scripture take vpon themselues this power so to enioyne fastes as to binde mens consciences vnder paine of deadlie sinne we did loose the consciences out of these snares but by the Scriptures and chiefely by Pauls writinges which doe with a singular endeauour remooue these rudiments of the world from the necks of Christians For wee ought not lightlie to account of that saying of Paull Let no man condemne you in meate and drinke or in respect of an holie daie or of the new Moone or of the Sabbath daies And againe Therefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the worlde why as though ye liued in the worlde are ye burdened with traditions For if S. Paull then whome no man at any time did teach Christ more certainelie doe earnestlie affirme that through Christ wee haue obteined such libertie in outwarde thinges that he doth not onelie not giue authoritie to anie creature to burden those which beleeue in Christ no not so much as with those ceremonies and obseruations which notwithstanding God himselfe appointed and would haue to be profitable in their time but also denounceth that they be fallen awaie from Christ and that Christ shall nothing at all profitte them who suffer themselues to be addicted thereunto what shall wee then thinke of those commaundements which men haue deuised of their owne braine not onelie without anie oracle but also without anie example worthie to be followed and which are therefore made vnto manie not onelie beggerlie and weake but also hurtfull not elements that is rudiments of holie discipline but also impediments of true godlines How much more vniustlie shall anie man take vnto himselfe authoritie ouer the inheritance of Christ to oppresse him with such kinde of bondage and how farre shall he remooue vs from Christ if we submit our selues vnto him For who doth not see the glorie of Christ to whom we ought whollie to liue whome he hath whollie redeemed to himselfe and restored to libertie and that by his blood to be more obscured if beside his authoritie we doe binde our conscience to those lawes which are the inuentions of men then to those which haue God for their author although they were to be obserued but onelie for their time Certainelie it is a lesse fault to play the Iewe then the Heathen Now it is the manner of the heathen to receiue lawes for the worship of God which haue their beginning from mans inuention onelie God neuer being asked counsell of in the matter Wherefore if in anie matter at all certainlie here that saying of Paull taketh place Ye are bought with a great price be not made the seruants of men Of the choise of meates CHAP. 9. FOr the same cause was that forbearing and chusing of meates enioyned and tyed to certaine daies which S. Paull writing to Timothie calleth the doctrine of Deuils Neitheir is their answere sufficient Who saie that these thinges be spoken onelie against the Manichies En●ratites Tatians and Marcionites who did whollie forbid certaine kindes of meates and mariage For the Apostle in this place hath condemned those which commaund to abstaine from meates which G●d hath created to be taken with thank●giuing c. Now they also which do but forbid to take certaine meates on certaine daies do neuertheles commaund men to abstaine from those meats which God hath created to be taken are cosin germanes to the doctrine of the Deuils the which also is euidentlie seene by the reason which the Apostle addeth For saith he Whatsoeuer God hath created it is good and nothing is to be refused that is receiued with giuing of thankes Here he doth not take exception against anie times although no man fauoured frugalitie temperance and also choise chastisments of the flesh and lawfull fasting more greatlie then he did Certainlie a Christian must be frugall and sometime the flesh must be chastised by diminishing the dailie and accustomed portion or diet but base meates and a meane doth serue better to this purpose then anie kinde of meates to conclude it is meete for Christians now and then to take vpon them a lawful faste but that must not be an abstinence from certaine but from all meates nor from meates onelie but also from all the deinteis of this life whatsoeuer For what kinde of fast is this what abstinence onlie to chaunge the kinde of deinties the which thing at this day they vse to doe which are counted more religious then others seing that Saint Chrysostome doth not account it to be a faste if we continue whollie without meates euen vnto the euening except together with absteining from meates we doe also conteine our selues from those thinges which be hurtfull and bestow much of that leisure vpon the studie and exercise of spirituall thinges That by praiers and fastes we must not looke to merit anie thing CHAP. 10. MOreouer our Preachers haue taught that this fault is to be amended in praiers and fastes that commonlie men are taught to seeke to obtaine I know not what merit and iustification by these workes For As we are saued by grace through faith so also are we iustified And touching the wotkes of the law among the which praiers and fastes are reckoned Paull writeth thus For we through the Spiritwaite for the hope of righteousnes through faith Therefore we must praie but to this ende that we maie receiue of God not that wee maie hereby giue anie thing vnto him VVe must faste that we maie the better praie and keepe the flesh within the compasse of it duetie and not before God to deserue anie thing for our selues This onelie ende and vse of prayers both the Scripture and also the writinges and examples of the Fathers doe prescribe vnto vs. Moreouer the case so standeth with vs that although wee coulde praie and faste so religiouslie and so perfectlie doe all those thinges which God hath inioyned vs that nothing coulde more be required of vs which hitherto no mortall man hath
is preached is to be regarded not the minister that preacheth who although he be euill and a sinner neuerthelesse the 〈◊〉 of God abideth true and good Neither doe we thinke th●● therefore the outward preaching is to be thought as fr●i●lesse because the instruction in true religion dependeth 〈◊〉 the inward illumination of the spirit because it is writte● No man shall teach his neighbour For all men shall know me And he that watreth or he that planteth is nothing but God who 〈◊〉 the increase For albeit no man can come to Christ vnlesse he● drawne by the heauenlie Father and be inwardlie lightned 〈◊〉 the holie Ghost yet we know vndoubtedlie that it is 〈◊〉 will of God that his worde should be preached euen ou● wardlie God could indeede by his holie spirite or by th● ministerie of an Angell without the ministerie of Saint 〈◊〉 haue tought Cornelius in the Actes but neuerthelesse 〈◊〉 referreth him to Peter of whome the Angel speaking sai●● ●e shall tell thee what thou must doe For he that illuminate● in●a●dl●● by giuing men the holie Ghost the selfe same b● waie of commaundement said vnto his disciples goe ye i●● the who●● world and preach the gospell to euerie creature And 〈◊〉 Pa●● preached the word outwardlie to Lydia a purple sell● among the Philippians but the Lord inwardlie opened th● womans heart And the same Paul vpon an elegant g●●dation fitlie placed in the 10. to the Romanes at last inferreth therefore faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God Wee knowe in the meane time that God can illuminate whome and when he will euen without the externall ministerie which is a thing appertaining to his power but we speake of the vsuall waie of instructing men deliuered vnto vs of God both by commaundement and examples We therefore detest all the heresies of Artemon the Manichees Valentinians of Cerdon and the Marcioni●●s who denied that the scriptures proceeded from the holie Ghost or else receiued not or polished and corrupted some of them And yet we doe not denie that certaine bookes of the olde Testament were of the auncient authors called Apochry●hall and of others Ecclesiasticall to witte such as they would haue to be read in the Churches but not alledged to auouch or confirme the authoritie of faith by them As also Austine in his 18. Booke De ●iuit Dei C. 38. maketh mention that in the bookes of the Kinges the names and bookes of certaine Prophets are reckoned but he addeth that they are not in the Canon and that those bookes which we haue suffice vnto godlines OF INTERPRETING THE HOLIE SCRIPTVRES and of Fathers Councels and Traditions CHAP. 2. THe Apostle Peter hath said that the holy scriptures are not of anie priuat interpretation therefore we doe not alowe all expositions whereupon we doe not acknowledge that which they call the meaning of the Church of home for the true and naturall interpretation of the scriptures which forsooth the defenders of the Romane Church doe striue to force all men simplie to receiue but we acknowledge that interpretation of Scriptures for authenticall and proper which being taken from the scriptures themselues that is from the phrase of that tongue in which they were written they being also waied according to the circumstances and expounded according to the proportion of places either like or vnlike or of moe and plainer accordeth with the rule of faith and charitie and maketh notably for Gods glorie and mans saluation Wherefore we do not contemn● the holie treatises of the Fathers agreeing with the scri●tures from whome notwithstanding we doe modestlie d● sent as they are deprehended to set downe thinges meere● straunge or altogether contrarie to the same Neither do● thinke that we doe them anie wrong in this matter seein● that they all with one consent will not haue their writing● matched with the canonicall scriptures but bid vs allow● them so farre forth as they either agree with them or disagree and bid vs take those things that agree and leaue those that disagree and according to this order we do account● the decrees or Canons of councells Wherefore we suffer not o●● selues in controuersies about Religion or matters of faith● be pressed with the bare testimonies of fathers or decrees o● Councells much lesse with receiued customes or else with 〈◊〉 of men being of one iudgement or with prescription of long ti●● Therefore in controuersies of religion or matters of faith we cannot adm●● anie other iudge then God himselfe pronouncing by the holie scriptures what is true what is fal●● what is to be followed or what to be auoided So we do 〈◊〉 rest but in the iudgements of spiritual men drawen from the word of God Certainely Ieremie the other Prophets 〈◊〉 vehemen●lie condemne the assemblies of Priests gathere● against the law of God diligentlie forewarned vs that ● should not heare the fathers or tread in their path who w●● king in their owne inuentions swarued from the law of go● We doe likewise reiect humane traditions which althou● they be set out with goodlie titles as though they were d●uine and Apostolical by the liuelie voice of the Apostles deliuered to the Church as it were by the hands of Apostolicall men by meane of Bishops succeeding in their roome● yet being compared with the scriptures disagre from the● and by that their disagreement bewraie them selues in 〈◊〉 wise to be Apostolicall For as the Apostles did not disagree among themselues in doctrine so the Apostles sch●lers did not set forth thinges contrarie to the Apostle● Nay it were blasphemous to auouch that the Apostles 〈◊〉 liuely voice deliuered thinges contrarie to their writing● Paull affirmeth expresselie that he taught the same thinge● in all Churches And againe We saith he write no other thi●● vnto you then which ye read or also acknowledge Also in another place he witnesseth that he and his disciples to wit Apostolicall men walked in the same waie and ioyntlie by the same spirit did al thing● The Iewes also in time past had their traditions of Elders but these traditions were seuerelie confuted by the Lord shewing that the keeping of them hindereth Gods lawe and that God is in vaine worshipped with such OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION of Heluetia THe Canonical scripture being the word of God and deliuered by the holie Ghost and published to the world by the Prophets and Apostles being of all other the most perfect ancient philosophie doth alone perfectlie conteine all pietie and good ordering of life The interpretation herof is to be taken onely from herselfe that herselfe maie be the interpreter of her selfe the rule of charitie and faith being her guide Which kinde of interpretation so far forth as the holie Fathers haue followed we doe not onelie receiue them as interpreters of the scripture but reuerence them as the beloued instruments of God But as for the traditions of men although neuer
Deuteronomine Iosue Iudges Ruth two bookes of Samuell two bookes of the Kings two bookes of Chronicles or Paralipomenon one booke of Esdras Nehemiah Ester Iob the Psalmes Salomons Prouerbes Ecclesiastes The Song of songes Esaie Ieremie with the Lamentations Ezechiell Daniell the 12. small Prophets namelie Ose Ioell Amos Abdiah Ionah Micheah Nahum Abacu● Sophonie Haggaie Zacharie Malachie the holy Gospel of Iesu Christ according to Matthew Marke Luke and Iohn the Acts of the Apostles Paulls Epistles namelie one to the Romans two to the Corinthians one to the Galathians one to the Ephesians one to the Philippians one to the Collossians two to the Thessalonians two to Timothie one to Titus one to Philemon the Epistle to the Hebrews The Epistle of Iames two epistles of Peter three epistles of Iohn one epistle of I●de Iohns Reuelation We acknowledge these bookes to be Canonicall that is we account them as the rule and square of our faith and that not onelie for the common consent of the Church but also much more for the testimonie and inward perswasion of the holie ghost by whose inspiration we are taught to discearne them from other Ecclesiasticall bookes which howsoeuer they may be profitable yet are they not such that any one article of faith may be builded vpon them We beleeeue that the worde conteined in these bookes came from one god of whome alone and not of men the authoritie thereof dependeth And seeing this is the summe of al trueth conteining whatsoeuer is required for the worship of God and our saluation we holde it not lawfull for men no not for the Angles themselues to adde or detract any thing from that word or to alter any whitte a● al in the same And hereupon it followeth that it is not lawfull to oppose either antiquitie custome multitude mans wisedome and iudgement edicts or any decrees or Councells or visions or miracles vnto this holie scripture but rather that al things ought to be examined and tried by the rule and square thereof Wherefore we doe for this cause also allow those three Creedes namelie the Apostles the Nicen and Athanasius his Creede because they be agreeable to the written word of God OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE receiue and embrace all the Canonicall scriptures both of the olde and new testament giuing thanks to our God who hath raised vp vnto vs that light which we might euer haue before our eies lest either by the subteltie of man or by the snares of the deuil we should be caried awaie to errors and lies Also we professe that these be the heauenlie voices whereby God hath opened vnto vs his will and that onelie in them mannes heart can haue setled rest that in them be aboundantlie and fullie comprehended al things whatsoeuer be needful for our helpe as Origen Augustine Chrysostome and Cyrillus haue taught That they be the verie might and strength to attaine to saluation that they be the fundations of the Prophets and Apostles VVhereupon is built the Church of God that they be the verie sure and infallible rule whereby may be tried whether the Churh doe swarue or erre and whereunto all Ecclesiasticall doctrine ought to be called to account and that against these scripturs neither law nor ordinance nor anie custome ought to be heard no though Paull him selfe or an angel from heauen should come teach the contrary OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA HE hath reuealed himselfe much more plainly in his holy worde so farre forth as it is expedient for his owne glorie and the saluation of his in this life We confesse that this worde of God was not brought or deliuered by any will of man but that holy men of God inspired by Gods spirit spake it as S. Peter witnesseth but afterward God himselfe for that exceeding tender carefullnes which he hath of his of their saluation gaue in commission to his seruants the Apostles Prophets that they should put those his oracles in writing and he himselfe also wrote the two tables of the law with his owne finger which is the cause whie we call such writinges sacred diuine scripture And we comprehend the holy scripture in those two books of the olde and new Testament which are called the canonicall bookes about which there was neuer anie ado And of them this is the number and also the order receiued of the Church of God The fiue bookes of Moses the booke of Iosua of the Iudges of Ruth two books of Samuell two of the Kinges two of the Chronicles which are called Paralipomena the first of Esdras Nehemias Ester lob also Dauides Psalmes three bookes of Salomon namely the Prouerbes Ecclesiastes and the song of songs the foure great Prophets Esay Ieremie Ezechiell and Daniell and furthermore also the 12 small Prophets moreouer the Canonical bookes of the new testament are the foure Euangelistes namelie Saint Matthew Marke Luke and Iohn the Actes of the Apostles the 14. Epistles of Saint Paull and seuen of the othet Apostles the Reuelation of S. Iohn the Apostle These bookes alone doe we receiue as sacred and canonicall whereupon our faith maie rest be confirmed and established therefore without any doubt we beleeue also those thinges which are conteined in them and that not so much because the Church receiueth alloweth them for Canonical as for that the holy ghost beareth witnes to our consciences that they came from god most of all for that they also testifie iustifie by them selues this their owne sacred authority sanctity seing that euen the blinde may cleerely beholde as it were feele the ●ulfilling and accomplishment of all things which were foretolde in these writinges We furthermore make a difference betweene the holie bookes and those which they cal Apocriphall for so much as the Apocriphall maie be read in the Church and it is lawfull also so fa●re to gather instructions out of them as they agree with the Canonicall bookes but their authority and certaintie is not such as that anie doctrine touching faith or Christian Religion maie safelie be built upon their testimonie so farre of is it that they can disanull or impaire the authoritie of the other We beleeue also that this holie scripture doth most perfectlie conteine all the will of God and that in it all things are aboundantlie taught whatsoeuer is necessarie to be beleeued of man to attaine saluation Therefore seeing the wholl manner of worshipping God with God requireth at the handes of the faithfull is there most exquisitelie and at large set downe● it is lawfull for no man although he haue the authoritie of an Apostle no no● for anie Angell sent from heauen as Saint Paul speaketh to teach otherwise then we haue long since beene taught in the holie scriptures For seeing it is forbidden that anie one should adde or detract any thing from the word of God thereby it is ●uident enough that this holie doctrine is
times we should come together to these godlie exercises but the speciall daie which was but a ceremonie is free Whereupon the Apostles retained not the seauenth daie but did rather take the first daie of the weeke for that vse that by it they might admonish the godlie both of their libertie and of Christes resurrection The thinges obiected against this maie easelie be taken awaie The Apostles decree touching thinges offered to Idoles and fornication was moral and perpetuall but in that which they added touching blood and that which was strangled they had regard of offence giuing at that time For it was an vse euen before the Apostles time that such as then were conquered by the Iewes should abstaine from blood and thinges strangled The Apostles therefore haue laied no new thing vpon those that were ioyned vnto their fellowshippe but as yet they kept the olde vsual rite which was pleasing both to the godlie Iewes and such as ioyned with them in the societie of Christ As for that which Christ saith I haue yet manie things to say vnto you doubtles he meant not those foloish ceremonies that the Popes haue brought in nor any new articles of faith but a farther illumination of that gospel which he had already deliuered And therfore afterward he addeth touching the office of the holy ghost that he should not bring any other kinde of doctrine but should enlighten the mindes of the Apostles that they should vnderstand the Gospel touching the will of God which before had bin taught Therefore he saieth Ioan. 14. He shal teach you all thinges and shal bring al things to your remembrance which I haue shewed you Againe He shall not speake of himselfe but what he hath heard that shall he speake OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SAXONY Of traditions that is of ceremonies instituted in the Church by mans authoritie ALthough for orders sake there must needes be some decent and seemelie ceremonies yet notwithstanding men that are giuen to superstition doe soone peruert those ceremonies falselie imagining that such obseruations doe merit forgiuenes of sinnes and are accepted for righteous in the sight of God and doe turne the signes into Gods like as manie haue ascribed a godhead vnto Images and manie either of superstition or by tyrannie doe heap vp ceremonies superstition hath increased in the Church the ceremonies of satisfaction as they cal them Nebuchadnesar Antiochus because they are of opinion that consent in Religion is auaileable to the peaceable gouernment of their kingdomes doe ordaine such seruice of God as they wil hane indifferentlie obserued of all their subiects There new lawes and new Gods were erected not of superstition but by tyrannie Thus we obserue that amongst men true and false religion are confounded and each chaunged into other and we maruell at the cause why men doe not stedfastlie continue in the truth reuealed by God But the worde of God pronounceth that men are set on by Deuils to fall away from God and the nature of man being blinde curious and inconstant loueth to plaie with diuers opinions Against these great mischiefs God armeth and confirmeth his Church and deliuereth a sure and certaine doctrine which is conteyned in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles and in the Creedes Wherefore it is necessary to consider what those lawes or rites be and whence they had their beginning The first rule therefore is this It is lawfull for no creature neither for Angels nor for men neither for Kinges nor for Bishops to make laws or ordeine ceremonies disagreeing from the worde of God Horriblie sinned the King of Babylon although he excelled in wisdome and valour when he commaunded his Image to be worshipped and all men doe sinne that obey such proclamations or lawes euen as Eue sinned when shee departed from the commaundement of God for the lying persuasion of the Deuill But generallie the rule is to be obserued which is set downe Act. 5. We ought rather to obey God then men Such are the edicts which commaund to call vpon dead men or to imbrace false doctrine or to vse vngodlie worshippe Touching all these that Rule of the first commaundement is to be holden 1. Cor. 10. Flie from Idolls Such is also the law of the single life of Priests which manie can not obserue without sinne And albeit we know what opinion politique and expert men doe hold of the chaunge of lawes yet God hath so commaunded obedience that still he would haue vs fast tied vnto himselfe and to agree with his wisdome and righteousnes From whence doe arise those vnchangeable and perpetuall rules Exod. 20. Thou shalt haue no strange Gods Also Acts 5. We ought rather to obey God then men Also Gal. 1. If anie man teach you anie other Gospell let him be accursed The second rule For asmuch as it is vsuall to adde superstition to those works which otherwise in their owne nature were indifferent as to eate or not to eate flesh it is necessarie to reprooue such superstitions errours as are in this sorte added and in the practise of our libertie examples of this doctrine may modestlie be shewed And that errour is not among the least which the follie of many teachers and for the moste parte of the people bringeth in in that they teach and thinke that fasting and such like workes deserue forgiuenes of sinnes both of the guiltines of the paine as both Thomas doth write of satisfactions and manie also doe saie the same This Pharisaicall imagination easilie intangleth the mindes of men and darkeneth the light of the doctrine of the benefits proper to Christ and of free forgiuenes of sinnes and of faith For when as men thinke that they merit remission of sinnes by these their ceremonies they take awaie the honour due vnto Christ and giue it vnto these ceremonies and are somewhat puffed vp with vaine confidence Yet afterward when they be in true sorrow they fal headlong into manie doubts which turne to their destruction And of it selfe it is a great sinne not to know the benefits of God For this cause Paull so earnestlie contendeth for the abolishing of circumcision and other ceremonies of the law of Moses for feare lest the true acknowledgement of the Mediatour might be cleane put out if men should think that they deserued remission of sinnes and were made righteous by this obseruation of the law and ceremonies of Moses as the Pharisies did auouch And oftentimes Paull admonisheth to beware that the light of the Gospell be not darkened by new ceremonies of mans inuention This second errour is not so euident but yet verie daungerous After that some men see that this Pharisaical errour can not be defended they come to this Although say they these ceremonies deserue not remission of sinnes yet are these traditions defended because they are good workes and seruices of God as in the law of Moses the abstinence of the Nazarites although it deserued not remission of
conceiued in the same wordes if the state of the Churches shal seeme to require it Let them therefore leaue of in mockage to terme vs Confessionistes vnles perhaps they looke for this answere at our hands that it is a farre more excellent thing to beare a name of confessing the faith then of denying the trueth For euen as moe smal streames may flow from one spring so moe confessions of faith may issue out from one and the same truth of faith Now to speake somewhat also of those who while they will seeme to embrace the trueth of the Gospell and renounce popish errours shew themselues more vniust towards vs then was meet they should we are compelled to finde want of Christian charitie inthem This one thing in deed was remaining that after so many daungers losses banish ments downefalles woes without number griefes and torments we should also be euill intreated by those of whome some comforte was rather to be looked for But that ancient enimie of the Church is farre deceiued by whose subtilties this euil is also wrought for vs while he hopeth that we ma●e by his craftes be ouerwhelmed But bearing our selues bolde on that loue which the mercifull God through Iesus Christ our Lord beareth vnto vs and whoe hath planted a loue and feare of him in our mindes we leape for ioye in these verie thinges and boast with the Apostle that it will neuer be the same grace of God alwaies preuenting vs that tribulation anguish hunger nakednes the sword false accusation or cursed speaking shall withdraw vs from the trueth once knowne and vndertaken For we knowe that saying of Chrysostome to be true It is not euill to suffer but to doe euill Neither are we anie whit disgraced hereby but they whom I know not what distemperature whetteth against vs hauing deserued nothing to repaie them like for like quitting rayling with rayling far be it from vs whom God vouchsafeth this honour that being fashioned like to the image of his Sonne we might through good reporte and euill reporte walke on vpholden with the staie of a good conscience yea we haue resolued with our selues not only to abide the open wronges of our enimies but euen the disdaine of our bretheren although neuer so vniust And what we furthermore think of the doctrine of our Lord Iesus Christ the confession of our faith set forth manie yeares agoe hath made it knowen to the wholl world and we haue God and Angells together with men witnesses of that sincere endeuour by which we laboured and doe as yet to the vttermoste of our power labour to set vp againe and maintaine the pure worshipe of God among vs out of Gods word And euen as we shewed our selues to be readie at all times to render a reason of the hope that is in vs so we thought it a matter worth the paines to make all men priuie to that bonde which one our parte is verie straight with the holie and truelie Catholike Church of God with euerie Saint and sounde member thereof that so farre as we c●n we might deliuer partlie our selues partly the Churches ioyned with vs from those moste greeuous crimes by which some mens speaches bookes are laid to our charge And when we be thought our selues by what means it might best be done this especiallie for the present time seemed a meet waie vnto vs which would giue offence to no man might satisfie al that would yeald vnto reason namelie to publish this Harmonie of confessions whereby it might sufficientlie be vnderstood howe falselie we are charged as though we that haue reiected popish errors agreed not at al among our selues For to beginne with those stout maintainers of the Romish tyranny who wil yet seeme to be defenders of the truth this conference of confessions will plucke euery visard from their faces when as itshal plainely appeere that al the opinions in these confessions of faith were in other sondrie words so laid down that yet the same truth alwaies abideth there is none at al or very litle difference in the thinges themselues And how narrow must they needs perceiue the boundes of that their Catholique Churche to be when it shal be openlie knowen that so many kingdomes prouinces cities peoples nations professing the truth of the Gospell doe with common consent renounce the abuses and orders of the Romish Church As for those whome without anie desert it pleaseth to count vs among the Arrians and Turkes they shal see also how farre through the benefit of God we be from such hainous and wicked errours And they also who accuse vs of sedition shall perceiue how reuerentlie we thinke of the dignitie of kings and the Magistrates authoritie and they to conclude that not being content with those publique confessions of the Churches of Germanie may by laying against vs that forme of new agreement seem worthelie more and more to seuer them selues from vs and who haue alreadie very pithilie been refuted by moste learned writings they also shall if true agreement be earnestlie sought be satisfied with this Harmonie For that we maie freelie saie as it is in deede that long rancke of names sealed and written at that booke is such that it seemeth rather to stand idlelie in the field then to fight manfullie And if it had pleased vs to followe this pollicie we might haue set downe the names not of seuen or eight thousand meane men most famous Princes and some other excepted of whome it maie worthelie be doubted whether there euer were anie such or what they were but also the names of farre moe Churches And this our diligence had beene farre more commendable namele beeing bestowed not in wringing out and begging from village to village some hundreds of names but in laying out the opinions of moste gracious Kinges moste renoumed Princes of noble nations and peoples of moste mightie common wealthes and Cities of which a great parte hath not bin vsed to dispute in corners or to trifle but hath knowen these manie yeares how euen vnto bloode to suffer manie and greeuous thinges for Gods trueth sake But we know that the truth hath not it warrant from men nor by men it is simple it wil be simplie published and taught Therfore we are purposed for this time not to deale by any long disputation with anie man but bar●lie to open the meaning of the reformed Churches to knit all the Churches of Christ together with one bond of brotherlie loue to keepe peace with all men and so farre as it ought to be done to iudge well of all men yea and to intreat those whoe thinke somwhat too hardlie of vs that if we disagree from the confession of no Church that doth truelie beleeue they would themselues also beginne to be of the same minde with vs and quietlie and soberlie conferre with their bretheren of what thinges they shall thinke good rather then themselues to slaunder giue the aduersaries occcasion to rayle vpon
Of Excommunication and other Censures 33 Of the Sacraments in generall 34 Of Baptisme 35 Of the holie Supper of the Lorde 36 Of the efficacie and true communication of the thing signified by the signes 37. 38 Of the Magistrate and politike lawes 39. 40 THE ARTICLES OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION Of one God in three Persons 1 Of Iesus Christ being the true Sonne of God and of the Incarnation other workes of Redemption and of his two natures being vnseperablie vnited and vnconfounded 2 Of his last comming Of the holie Ghost and his workes in vs. 3 Of the Catholique Church and the one onelie King head and husband thereof 4 Of the diuers degrees of the Church 5 Of the prima●ie of the Antichrist of Rome 5 Of the lawful calling and Election of ministers 6 Of their power and the vse of the keies 7 Of mariage and a Single life 8 Of the Canonicall scriptures 9 Of the Sacramentes and the number thereof 10 Of Baptisme 11 Of the holy Eucharist 12 Of the ●●le of Masses 13 Of Purgatorie 14 Of Ceremonies and Ecclesiasticall rites 15 Of prayer in a vulgare tounge 16 Of the onelie Intercessour and Mediatour Christ 17 Of the corruption of man through sinne of his iustification through Christ 18 Of the one onely sacrifice of Christ whereby we are perfectly reconciled to God 19 Of good workes 20 Of the last resurrectiō of this flesh 21 THE ARTICLES OF THE CONFESSION OF Belgia Of the essence or nature of God 1 Of the double knowledge of God 2 Of the beginning and author of the word of God 3 Of the Canonicall bookes of the olde and new Testament 4 Of their authoritie 5 Of the Apochryphall bookes 6 Of the perfection of the Canonicall Scripture aboue all the doctrines of all men 7 Of three persons in one onelie essence of God 8 Of the testimonies of both the testaments whereby both the Trinitie of the persons also their properties m●● be prooued 9 Of the diuine nature and generation of Iesus Christ the Sonne of god 10 Of the diuine nature of the holy ghost 11 Of the creation of the world and Angells and the distinguishing of them 12 Of the Prouidence of God and of his iust gouernement both general special 13 Of the creation of man his fal corruption and seruile free wil. 14 Of Original sinne 15 Of free election iust reprobation 16 Of the repairing of man through Christ 17 Of the first comming of Christ and his true incarnation of the seede of Dauid 18 Of his two natures hypostatically vnited in one onelie person 19 Of the cause or end of his death and resurrection 20 Of his onelie Priesthoode and expiatorie sacrifice 21 Of faith the onelie instrument of our Iustification 22 Of true iustification through Christ 23 Of regeneration and good workes 24 Of the abrogating of the law and shadowes 25 Of the onelie Mediatour or intercessour Christ against the intercession of Saints 26 Of the Catholique Church 27 Of the vnitie and communion thereof 28 Of true notes of the true Church 29 Of the gouernement Ecclesiastical functions 30 Of the Election of Ministers Elders and Dea●ons and of their authoritie 31 Of Ecclesiastical traditions 32 Of the Sacraments and their number 33 Of Baptisme 34 Of the Supper of the Lord. 35 Of Magistrates and their office and power 36 Of the last Iudgement 37 THE ARTICES OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE Of God and the persons of the diuinitie 1 Of Original sinne 2 Of the incarnation of the Sonne of God 3 Of Iustification 4 Of the Preaching of Repentance and general Remission 5 Of the righteousnes of good wookes 6 Of the Church 7 Of the Sacraments which are administred by euil men 8 Of Baptisme 9 Of the Lords Supper 10 Of Repentance 11 Of Confession 12 Of the vse of Sacraments 13 Of Ecclesiastical order or degrees 14 Of Ecclesiastical ri●●s 15 Of ciuil ordinances 16 Of the la●● Iudgement 17 Of fr●● wil. 18 Of the cause of sinne 19 Of good workes 20 Of ●nuocation 21 ARTICLES CONCERNING THE ABVSES VVHICH ARE changed in externall rites Of the Masse 1 Of either kinde of the Sacrament 2 Of Confession 3 Of the difference of mea●es and such like Popish traditions 4 Of the mariage of the Priestes 5 Of the vowes of Monkes 6 Of Ecclesiastical power 7 THE CHIEFE POINTS OF THE CONFESSION of Saxonie Of Doctrine 1 Of Originall sinne 2 Of the remission of sinnes and of I● stification 3 Of freewill 4 Of new obedience 5 What workes are to be done 6 How good works maie be done 7 How new obedience doth please God 8 Of rewardes 9 Of the difference of sinnes 10 Of the Church 11 Of the Sacramentes 12 Of Baptisme 13 Of the Lords Supper 14 Of the vse of the wholl Sacrament 15 Of repentance 16 Of Satisfaction 17 Of Wedlocke 18 Of Confirmation and anointing 19 Of Traditions or Ecclesiastical rites 20 Of a Monasticall life 21 Of the inuocating of godlie men departed out of this life 22 Of the ciuill Magistrate 23 THE CHIEFE POINTES OF THE CONFESSION OF Wirtemberge Of God and three persons in one godhead 1 Of the Sonne of God 2 Of the holie Ghost 3 Of sinne 4 Of Iustification 5 Of the law 6 Of good Workes 7 Of the Gospell of Iesus Christ 8 Of the Sacraments 9 Of Baptisme 10 Of Confirmation 11 Of Repentance 12 Of Contrition 13 Of Confession 14 Of Satisfaction 15 Of Prair 16 Of Fasting 17 * Of Almes 18 Of the Eucharist that is of the Sacrament of thankesgiuing 19 * Of the Masse 20 Of holie orders 21 Of Mariage 22 * Of e●●reame Vnction 23 Of the inuocating of Saints 24 Of the remembrance of the dead 25 Of Purgatorie 26 * Of Monasticall vowes 27 Of Canonicall houres 28 Of Fasting 29 Of the consecrating of water salt wine and other such like things 30 Of the holie Scripture 31 * Of the Pope 32 Of the Church 33 Of Councels 34 Of the Teachers of the Church 35 Of Ecclesiastical Ceremonies 36 THE CONTENTES OF THE BOOKE FOLLOWING ACCORDING TO THE SECTIONS WHICH are in number 19. and of how manie confessions ech Section doth consist THE 1. SECTION pag. 1. OF the holie Scripture beeing the true word of God and the interpretation thereof This Section consisteth of 10. confessions to wit Of the former and latter confessions of Heluetia of that of Basil or Myllane of Bohemia or the 〈◊〉 the French the English that of Belgia Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 2. SECTION pag. 18. OF God in essence one in persons three and of his true worship This Section 〈…〉 of 11. confessions to wit Of the former 〈…〉 confession of Heluetia that of Basil of 〈…〉 or the Waldenses the French the English th●t of Belgia Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge 〈◊〉 THE 3. SECTION pag 53. OF the eternall prouidence of God and the creation of the world This Section doth consist properly of foure Confessions onely to wit Of the
Citizens of the heauenlie Ierusalem haue the fruition of the moste inestimable benefites to wit of one God one Lord Iesus one faith and of one Baptisme out of the which Church there is neither life nor eternall felicitie And therfore we vtterlie abhor the blasphemie of those that affirme that men which liue according to equitie and iustice shall be saued what religion so euer they haue professed For as without Christ Iesus there is neither life nor saluation so shal there none be participant thereof but such as the father hath giuen vnto his Sonne Christ Iesus and those in time to come vnto him auow his doctrine and beleeue in him we apprehend the children with the faithful parents This Church is inuisible knowne onelie to God who alone knoweth whome he hath chosen and comprehendeth as well as said is the elect that be departed commonlie called the Church triumphant as those that yet liue and fight against sinne and Satan and shall liue hereafter The immortalitie of the soules THe elect departed are in peace and rest from their labours not that they sleepe and come to a certaine obliuion as some phantastikes doe affirme but that they are deliuered from all feare and torment and all temptation to which we and al Gods elect are subiect in this life and therfore doe beare the name of the Church militant as contrariwise the reprobate and vnfaithful departed haue anguish torment and paine that can not be expressed So that neither are the one nor the other in such sleepe that they feele not their torment as the parable of Christ Iesus in the 16. of Luke his wordes to the theefe and these wordes of the soules crying vnder the Altar O Lorde thou art righteous and i●st how long shalt thou not reuenge our blood vpon these that dwell in the earth doe testifie Of the notes by the which the true Church is discerned from the false and who shall be iudge of the doctrine BEcause that Satan from the beginning hath laboured to decke his pestilent sinagogue with the title of the Church of God and hath inflamed the heartes of cruell murtherers to persecute trouble molest the true Church and members thereof as Caine did Abell Ismaell Isaak Esau Iacob and the wholl priesthoode of the Iewes Christ Iesus himselfe and his Apostles after him It is a thing most requisite that the true Church be discerned from the filthie sinagogues by cleare perfit notes lest we being deceiued receiue and imbrace to our condemnation the one for the other The notes signes and assured tokens whereby the immaculate spouse of Christ Iesus is knowne from the horrible harlot the Church malignant we affirme are neither antiquitie title vsurped lineall descent place appointed nor multitude of men approouing an errour for Caine in age and title was preferred to Abell and Seth Ierusalem had prerogatiue aboue al places of the earth where also were the priests lineallie descended from Aaron and greater number followed the Scribes Pharisies and Priestes then vnfainedlie beleeued and approoued Christ Iesus and his doctrine yet as we suppose no man of sound iudgement will graunt that any of the forenamed were the Church of God The notes therefore of the true Church of God we beleeue confesse and auow to be first the true preaching of the worde of God in the which God hath reuealed himselfe vnto vs as the writings of the Prophets and Apostles doe declare Secondlie the right administration of the Sacramentes of Christ Iesus which must be annexed vnto the worde and promise of God to seale confirme the same in our hearts Lastlie Ecclesiasticall discipline vprightlie ministred as Gods word prescribeth wherby vice is repressed and vertue nourished Whersoeuer then these former notes are seene and of anie time continue be the number ne●●r so fewe aboue two or three there without all doubt is the true Church of Christ who according to his promise is in the midst of them Not in the vniuersall of which we haue before spoken but particular such as was in Corinthus Gallacia Ephesus and other places in which the ministery was planted by Paull and were of himselfe named the Churches of God and such Churches we the inhabitants of the Realme of Scotlande professours of Christ Iesus professe our selues ●o haue in our Cities townes and places reformed For the doctrine taught in our Churches is contained in the written worde of God to wit in the bookes of the olde and new Testaments in those bookes we meane which of the auncient haue beene reputed Canonicall In the which we affirme that all thinges necessarie to be beleeued for the saluation of mankinde are sufficientlie expressed The interpretation whereof we confesse neither appertaineth to priuate nor publike person neither yet to anie church for any preheminence or prerogatiue personal or locall which one hath aboue another but appertaineth to the Spirit of God by the which also the scripture was written When controuetsie thē happeneth for the right vnderstanding of any place or sentence of scripture or for the reformation of anie abuse within the Church of God we ought no● so much to looke what men before vs haue saide or done as vnto that which the holie ghost vniformlie speaketh within the bodie of the scriptures and vnto that which Christ Iesus himselfe did and commaunded to be done For this is one thing vniuersally graunted that the spirit of god which is the spirit of vnitie is in nothing contrarie to himselfe I● then the interpretation determination or sentence of anie Doctor Church or Councell repugne to the plaine worde of God written in anie other place of the scripture it is a thing moste certaine that there is not the true vnderstanding and meaning of the holie ghost although that councels Realmes and nations haue approoued and receiued the same For we dare not receiue nor admit●te anie interpretation which repugneth to anie principall point of our faith or to anie other plaine texte of scripture or yet vnto the rule of charitie The authoritie of the Scriptures AS we beleeue and confesse the scriptures of God sufficientlie to instruct and make the man of God perfect so doe we affirme and auowe the authoritie of the same to be of God and neither to depende on men nor Angels We affirme therefore that such as alledge the scripture to haue no other authoritie but that which it hath receiued from the Church are blasphemous against God and iniurious to the true Church which alwaies heareth and obeyeth the voice of her owne spouse and Pastour but taketh not vpon her to be maistresse ouer the same Of the generall Councells of their power authoritie and causes of their conuention AS we doe not rashlie damne that which godlie men assembled together in generall Councel lawfully gathered haue proponed vnto vs so without iust examination doe we not receiue whatsoeuer is obtruded vnto men vnder the name of
iustice Secondlie in the generall iudgement there shal be giuen to euerie man and woman resurrection of the flesh For the sea shal giue her dead the earth those that therein be inclosed yea the eternall god shall stretch out his hand on the dust and the dead shall arise vncorruptible and that in the substance of the same flesh that euerie m●n now beareth to receiue according to their workes glorie or punishment For such as now delight in va●itie crueltie filthines superstition or idolatrie shall be adiudged to the fire vnquencheable in which they shall be tormented for euer as well in their owne bodies as in their ●o●les which now they giue to serue the deuill inall abhomination But such as continue in well doing to the ende b●ldlie professing the Lord Iesus we constantlie beleene that they shall receiue glorie honour and immortalitie to raigne for euer in life euerlasting with Christ Iesus to whose glorified body all his elect shall be made like when he shalll appeare againe in iudgement and shall render vp the kingdome to God his Father who then shal be and euer shal remaine all in all things God blessed for euer to whome with the Sonne and with the holie Ghost be all honour and glorie now and euer So be it THE KINGS MAIESTIES CHARGE TO ALL COMMISSIONERS AND MINISTERS within his Realme SEeing that we and our houshold haue subscribed and giuen this publike confession of our faith to the good example of our Subiectes we commaund and charge all Commissioners Ministers to craue the same confession of their parishioners and proceede against the refusers according to our lawes and order of the Church deliuerine their names and lawfull processe tothe Ministers of our house with al haste and diligence vnder the paine of 40. pound to be taken from their stipend that we with the aduise of our counsell ●aie take order with such proud contemners of God and ourlawes Subscribed with our hand At Hol●●udhous 1581. the 2. daie of March the 14 yeare of our reigne TO THE READER I am to desire the Godlie and Christian Reader for whose sake onelie this worke was taken in hand as to accept friendlie and brotherlie of these laboures and to beare with some light faults which might easily escape in the translating so to pardon me a great ouersight committed especiallie and onelie in the obseruations wherein is was verie requisite to haue vsed greater diligence This ou●rsight is of two s●r●es one in certain obseru set downe in the margent but ye● in latine the other in such as should haue bin placed in the margent and are cleane left out These things because they be of some great weight and moment I thought it good to admonish thee thereof and to desire thee before thou readest the booke either to place euerie obseruation in it proper page or in reading ●o haue recourse to this place lest otherwise thou maist think hardly of some parts of doctrine or other matter set downe in this Booke THE LATINE OBSERVATIONS are thus to be translated In the 12. page against the 24 line read the obseruation in the margent thus Looke the 1. obseru vpon this Confession both in this and also in the second Section Pag. 13. 1. Looke the 1. obseruat vpon this Confession Pag. 19 2. Looke the 1. obseru vpon this Confess Pag. 44. 21. Of the wasting of the gifts of the holie Ghost looke the 1. obseru vpon this Confess Sect. 4. Pag. 45. 25. Looke the first obseru vpon the Confession of Saxonie THE OBSERVATIONS WHICH are cleane left out in the margent are thus to be placed in their seuerall pages Pag. 7. against the 28. line read in the margent Looke the first obseruation vp in this Confess Pag. 20. 2. Looke the second obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 23. 11. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 26. 1. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 27. 31. Looke the second obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 27. 38. Looke the third obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 37. 16. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 43. 33. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 44. 21. Looke the second obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 94. 23. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 103. 23. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 223. 32. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 223. 33. Looke the second obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 232. 2. Looke the second obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 223. 29. Looke the third obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 336. 27. Looke the fift obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 523. 28. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess In the 105. page put out in the margent looke the 2. obseru c. Now vnto the King euerlasting immortall inuisible vnto God only wise be honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen THE CHIEFE POINTS OF CONFESSIONS BELONGING TO THIS FIRST SECTION OF the holy Scripture THE LATTER CONFESSION OF Heluetia touching the holie Scripture being the true word of God CHAP. 1. WE beleeue and confesse the Canonicall scriptures of the holie Prophets and Apostles of both Testaments to be the verie true worde of God and to haue sufficient authoritie of them selues not of men For God him selfe spake to the Fathers Prophets Apostles and speaketh yet vnto vs by the holie scriptures And in this holie scripture the vniuersall Church of Christ hath all things fully expounded whatsoeuer belong both to a sauing faith and also to the framing of a life acceptable to God in which respect it is expresselie commaunded of God that nothing be either put to or taken from the same Wee iudge therefore that from these scriptures is to be taken true wisdome and godlines the reformation and gouernment of Churches also the instruction in all duties of pietie and to be short the confirmation of opinions and the confutation of error with all exhortations according to that of the Apostle ● scripture inspired of God is profitable for doctrine for reproofe ● Againe These thinges I write vnto thee saith the Apostle ● Timothie 1. Chap. 3 that thou maist know how it behooueth 〈◊〉 to be conversant in the house of God c. Againe the selfe sa● Apostle to the Thessalonians When saith he yee receiued the word of vs ●●receiued no● the worde of men but as it was indee● the word of God c. For the Lord himselfe hath said in the gospell It is not ye that speake but the spirit of my father speeketh in you therefore he that heareth you heareth me and 〈◊〉 that despiseth you despiseth me Wherefore when this wor● of God is now preached in the Church by preachers la●f●lli● called we beleeue that the verie word of God is pre●ched and receiued of the faithfull and that neither anie●ther worde of God is to be fayned or to be expected fro● heauen and that now the worde it selfe which
perfect and absolute in all pointes and parcells thereof and therefore no other writings of men although neuer so holie no custome no multitude no antiquitie nor prescription of times nor personall succession nor anie councells and to conclude no decrees or ordinances of men are to be marched or compared with these deuine scriptures and bare trueth of God for so much as Gods trueth excelleth al things For all men of their owne nature are lyers and lighter then vanitie it selfe therefore we do vtterlie refuse whatsoeuer things agree not with this moste certaine rule as we haue beene taught by the Apostles when they saie Trie the spirites whether they be of God And If anie come vnto you and bring not this doctrine receiue him not to house c. OVT OF THE SAXONS CONFESSION Of Doctrine Seeing it is most vndoubtedlie true that God out of mankinde doth gather together vnto him selfe a Church vnto eternal life for by his sonne thorugh preaching of that doctrine which is written in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles we plainlie auoutch before God and the wholl Church in heauen and in earth that we do with a true faith embrace all the writings of the Prophets and Apostles and that in that verie naturall meaning which is set downe in the Creedes of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius And these selfe same Creedes and the naturall meaning of them we haue alwaies constantlie embraced without corruption and will by Gods helpe alwaies embrace and in this faith do we call vpon the true God who sending his sonne and geuing cleare testimonies hath reuealed himselfe in his Church ioyning our praier with all Saints in heauen and in earth and our declarations vpon the Creedes are abroade conteining the wholl bodie and ground of doctrine which shew that this our protestation is most true We do also verie resolutelie condemne all brainsick fantasies which are against the Creedes as are the monstrous opinions of heathen men of the Iewes of the Mahometistes of Marcion the Manichees of Samosatenus Seruetus Arrius and those that denie the person of the holie Ghost and other opinions condemned by the true iudgements of the Church OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the holie scipture CHAP. 30. THe holie scripture we call those Canonicall bookes of the olde and new testament of whose authoritie there was neuer doubt made in the Church This scripture we beleeue and confesse to be the oracle of the holie Ghost so confirmed by heauenlie testimonies that If an Angell from heauen preach anie other thing let him be accursed Wherefore we detest all doctrine worship and religion contrarie to this scripture But whereas some men thinke that all doctrine necessarie to be knowne of vs to true and euerlasting saluation is not conteined in this scripture and that the right of expounding this scripture lyeth so in the power of chiefe Bishops that what they according to their owne wil giue out is to be embraced for the meaning of the holie Ghost it is more easelie said then prooued The wholl scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to improoue to correct and to instruct in righteousnes that the man of God may be perfect being thoroughlie prepared to euery good worke and Iohn 15. I haue called you friendes for all things that I haue heard of my father haue I made knowne to you and those things which the Apostles receiued of Christ those ha●e they by their preaching published in the wholl world and by their writings deliuered them to posterity It is a plaine case therfore that all things which are needefull to be knowen to saluation are conteined in the Prophets Apostles writings He hath reueiled his owne word in due season by preaching which is all committed to me this is the preaching For the Gospell con●einedth things both things present and things to come as honour pietie and faith yea and all things he ha●h ioyn●l●e comprised in this one word preaching Againe Without authoritie of the scriptures babling hath no credit For seeing the Lord Iesus did many things al are not written as the same holie Euangelist himselfe witnesseth that the Lord Christ both said and did many things which are not written But those things were selected to be written which seemed to suffice for the saluation of those that beleeue For whereas they saie that the right of expounding the scripture lieth in the power of chiefe Bishoppes it is euident that the gift of expounding the scripture is not of mans wisedome but of the holie ghost To euerie man saith Paull is giuen the manifestation of the spirite to profit withall for to one is giuen by the spirit the word of wisedome c. But the holie ghost is altogether at libertie and is not tyed to a certaine sort of men but giueth giftes to men according to his owne good pleasure Oh that all the people had power to prophecie and that the Lord would put his spirit vpon them Debora a woman the wife of Lapidoth is raised vp to be a prophetesse Againe I am no Prophet nor Proprophets sonne but I am a heardman and a gatherer of wilde figges And yet Amos receiued the holie ghost and was made a-Prophet All these things worketh one and the same spirit distributing to euerie man as he will Manie examples also do witnes that chiefe Bishops haue beene often and verie foulie deceiued wheresore the gift of expounding the scripture is not so tied to the Popes that whosoeuer shall be Pope must needs rightly expound the scripture but the true meaning of the scripture is to be sought in the scripture it selfe and among those that being raised vp by the spirit of God expound scripture by scripture OF COVNCELLS CHAP. 34. WE confesse that Councells ought to haue their iudgements in the Church concerning the holy doctrine of Religion and that the authoritie of lawfull councells is great but the authoritie of Gods worde must needes be the greatest For although the Church haue a sure promise of Christs continuall presense and be gouerned by the holie Ghost yet not euerie assemblie of men maie be taken for the true Church and albert neuer so manie see me often times to come together in the name of Christ yet few are chosen and all haue not faith And as it is wont to fall out in ciuill meetinges so doth it also in meetings of the Church that for the moste part the greater side ouercommeth the better Hether to may be added that the holy Ghost doeth not make men in this life not subiect to sinne but leaueth in them manie and sundrie infirmities Examples also witne that not onelie the Popes but also Councels haue bene deceiued Wherefore seing that the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets is confirmed of god the sentence of no one mā nor of anie assembly of men is to be receiued simplie without trial for the oracle
and eternall death but this free●●me and conuersion of man vnto God and this spirituall newnes wrought by the sonne of God quickning ●s by his holie spirit as it is saide If any man hath not the spirites Christ the same is not his the wil hauing receiued the holie Ghost is not now idle And we giue God thankes for this vnspeakeable benefite that for the sonne his sake and thorough him he giueth vs the holie Ghost and doth gouerne vs by his spirit And we condemne the Pelagians and the Manichees as we haue at large declared in another place Of the difference of sinne Artic. 10. SEeing it is said that sinnes remaine in the regenerate it is necessarie to haue a difference of sinnes deliuered vnto vs. For out of that saying Luc. 11. He went and tooke vnto him seauen other spirites worsse then himselfe and they enter in and dwell there c. And of such like sayings it is manifest that some who are regenerate doe greeue and shake of the holie ghost and are againe reiected of God and made subiect to the wrath of God and eternal punishments And Ezech. 18. it is written when the righteous man shall tur●● from his righteousnes and commit iniquitie he shall die therein and when the wicked man shall turne from his wickednes and d●● iudgement and iustice he shall liue therein Therefore it is necessarie that those sinnes which remaine in holie men in this mortall life and yet doe not shake of the holie Ghost be distinguished from other sinnes for the which man is againe made subiect to the wrath of God and to eternall punishments So Paull Rom. 5. distinguisheth betweene sinne that raigneth and sinne that raigneth not And Rom. 8. he saith If yee liue after the flesh yee shall die but if yee mor●ifi● the decde● of the bodie by the spirit yee shall liue And in the first Epistle to Timothie Chap. 1. he giueth a rule Fight a good fight keeping faith and a good conscience Therefore when a man doth not keepe the faith but either wittinglie or by some error looseth some part of the foundation that is some article of faith or alloweth Idoles as manie doe which are deceiued with false opinions or doe not vpholde themselues by the comfort of faith but are ouercome by doubting or by dispaire or against their conscience doe breake anie commaundement of God he doth shake of the holie Ghost and is made againe subiect to the wrath of G● and to euerlasting punishments Of these men saith Paull Rom. 8. If ye liue according to the flesh ye shal die And 1. Cor. 6. Neither fornicatours nor adulterers nor Idolaters c. shall inherit the kingdome of God And that the oth Ezech. 18. doth clearely saie As I liue saith the Lord I doe not desire the death of a sinner but rather that he be conuerted and liue In this oath two parts are ioyned together conuersion life God doth desire and that with an oath the couersion of man therefore they doe not please him which retaine a purpose to sinne Now in this number we comprise both the sinnes of assectate omission that is affectate negligence in a duetie which is contrarie to that saying This is required that we be faithfull And also affectate ignorance such as is Pharisaicall and is to be seene in an infinite multitude which endeuoreth not to search out the doctrine of the Church and ignorantlie retaineth Idolls or doth also further the rage which is vsed in the defence of Idolls Thus much of those falls whereby the holie Ghost is shaken of There be also other sinnes in the regenerate who keepe faith a good conscience which doe not corrupt the foundation neither are sinnes against the conscience but are the reliques of Originall sinne as darkenes doubting carnall securitie wandring flames of vitious affections and omissions or ignorances not affected Some extenuate these euills and name them deformities beside the lawe of God But this blindnes is greatlie to be reprooued and we muste consider both the greatnes of the euill in this wholl pollution which is contrarie to the lawe and will of God and also the greatnes of the mercie and benefit of the Sonne of God whoe couereth these great and lamentable woundes in this miserable nature And Paull commaundeth vs to Resist those euilles by the spirit that is Atticus and Scipio doe bridle their corrupt affections by reason but loseph and Paull doe bridle them by the spirit that is by the motions of the holie Ghost by true griefe true faith feare of God and inuocation Paull feeling in him selfe doubtes and other wandring motions is sorowfull and by faith perswaded that this pollution is couered by the Mediatour and by the feare of God ●oth staie himselfe that he giue no place to anger or to o●●er wandring motions and there withall he doth inuocate God and desire his helpe saying O Lord create in me a new heart When we doe after this sorte withstand that corruption which as yet remaineth in the regenerate these euills are couered it is called sinne that doth not raigne or veniall sinne and the holie Ghost is not shaken of It is euident that this doctrine concerning the difference of sinnes is true plaine and necessarie for the Church And yet manie know what manner of intricate disputations are to be found in the bookes of our a duersaries touching the same c. Hauing thus brieflie declared the summe of the doctrine of iustification we should now also declare and confute the arguments which are obiected against this iudgement of ours but because diuers men doe obiect diuers things we haue onelie recited our confession and offer our selues to larger declarations in euerie member of the confession OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of sinne CHAP. 4. WE beleeue and confesse that in the beginning man was created of God iust wise endued with free will adorned with the holie Ghost and happie but afterward for his disobedience he was depriued of the holie Ghost and made the bondman of Satan and subiect both to corporall and eternall damnation and that euill did not state in one onelie Adam but was deriued into all the posteritie And whereas some affirme that so much integritie of minde was left to man after his fall that by his naturall strength and good workes he is able to conuert and prepare himselfe to faith and the inuocating of God it is flatlie contrarie to the Apostolike doctrine the true consent of the Catholike Church Rom. 5. By one mans trespasse euill was deriued into all men to condemnation Eph. 2. When ye were deade in trespasses and sinnes wherein in times past ye walked according to the course of this world and after the prince c. And a litle after We were by nature the children of wrath as well as others He saith Deade in sinnes and the children of wrath that is straungers from the grace of God But as a
our obedience doth please god euen in this our so great infirmitie Now for any man to dispise or mislike this doctrine whereby both the honour of Christ is extolled and most sweete sure comfort offered vnto godlie mindes and which conteineth the true knowledge of gods mercie and bringeth forth the true worship of God and eternall life it is more then Pharisaicall blindnes Before time when as this doctrine was not set forth many fearefull consciences assaied to ease themselues by workes some fled to a monasticall life others did chuse out other workes thereby to merit remission of sinnes and iustification But there is no sure comforte without this doctrine of the gospell which willeth men to beleeue that remission of sinnes and iustification are freelie giuen vnto vs for Christs sake and this wholl doctrine is appointed for the true conflict of a terrified conscience But we will adde some testimonies Paull Rom. 3. We are iustified freelie by his grace through redemption that is in Christ Iesus whome god hath set forth to be a reconciliation thorough faith in his bloode Rom. 4. But to him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodlie his faith is counted for righteousnes Ephes 2. By grace ye are saued through faith and not of your selues In these and such like sentences Paull doth plainlie teach that remission of sinnes and iustification are giuen vs freelie and not for the worthines of our workes And in the 4 to the Rom. he disputeth at large why this consolation is needefull for vs for if the promise did depend vpon the worthines of our works it should be vncertaine Wherefore to the end that we may haue sure and firme comforte against the feares of sinne and death and that our faith maie stand fast it is needefull that it leane onelie vpon the mercie of God and not vpon ou● worthines Therefore Paul saieth Therefore it is by faith according to grace that the promise might be sure For our works cannot be set against the iudgement of God according to that saying If thou markest our iniquities who shall indure●t And therefore Christ is giuen for a Mediatour to vs and this honour is not to be transfered vnto our workes When therefore we doe saie that we are iustified by faith we do not meane that we are iust for the worthines of that vertue but this is our meaning that we doe obteine remission of sins and imputation of righteousnes by mercie shewed vs for Christs sake But now this mercie can not be receiued but by faith And Faith doth not here signifie onelie a knowledge of the historie but it signifieth a beleefe of the promise of mercie which is graunted vs through our Mediatour Christ Iesus And seeing that faith is in this sorte vnderstoode of a confidence or trust of mercie Saint Paull and Saint Iames doe not disagree For where as Iames saith The Deuills beleeue and tremble he speaketh of an historicall faith now this faith doth not iustifie For the wicked and the deuill are conning in the historie But Paull when he saith Faith is reckoned for righteousnes he speaketh of a trust and confidence of mercie promised for Christs sake and his meaning is that men are pronounced righteouse that is reconciled through mercie promised for Christs sake whome we must receiue by faith Now this noueltie of this figuratiue speach of Saint Paull We are iustified by faith will not offend holie mindes if they vnderstand that it is spoken properlie of mercie and that herein mercie is adorned with true and due praises For what can be more acceptable to an afflicted and fearefull conscience in great greefes then to heare that this is the commaundement of God the voice of the bridgrome Christ Iesus that they should vndoubtedlie beleeue that remission of sinnes or reconciliation is giuen vnto them not for their owne worthines but freelie through mercie for Christs sake that the benefite might be certaine Now Iustification in these sayings of Saint Paull doth signifie remission of sins or reconciliation or imputation of righteousnes that is an accepting of the person And herein we doe not bring in a new found opinion into the Church of God For the scripture doth set downe at large this doctrine touching faith and Saint Paul doth especially handle this point in some of his epistles the holie fathers also doe teach the same For so saith Ambrose in his booke de ●●at Gent. If so be that iustification which is by grace were due vnto former merittes so that it should not be a gift of the giuer but a ●warde of the worker the redemption by the bloode of Christ would growe to be of small account and the prerogatiue of mans works would not yeald vnto the mercies of God And of this matter there be many disputations in Saint Augustine And these are his wordes Forsomuch as by the law God sheweth to man his infirmitie that flying vnto his mercie by faith he might be saued For it is saide that he carieth both the law and mercie in his mouth The law to ●onuict the proude and mercie to iustifie those that are humbled Therefore the righteousnes of God through saith in Christ is reuealed vpon al that beleeue And the M●leuitan Synode writeth I● not this sufficientlie declared that the Law worketh this that sinne should be knowen and so against the victorie of sinne men should flie to the mercie of god which is set forth in his promises that the promises of God that is the grace of God might be sought vnto for deliuerance and man might beginne to haue a righteousnes howbeit not hi●●●ne but Gods Of good works WHen as we do teach in our Churches the most necessary doctrine and comforte of faith we ioyne therewith the doctrine of good workes to wit that obedience vnto the law of God is requisite in them that be reconciled For the Gospell preacheth newnes of life according to that saying I will put my lawes in their heartes This new life therefore must be an obedience towardes God The Gospell also preacheth repentance and faith cannot be but onlie in them that doe repent because that faith doth comfort the heartes in contrition in the feares of sin as Paul saith Being iustified by faith we haue peace And of repentance he saith Rom. 6. Our olde man is crucified that the bodie of sinne might be abolished that we might no more serue sinne And Esaie saith Where will the Lorde dwell In a contrite and humbled spirit c. Secondly among good works the chiefest that which is the chiefest worship of God is faith which doth bring forth manie other vertues which could neuer be in men except their hearts had first receiued to beleue How shall they call 〈◊〉 him in whome they doe not beleeue So long as mens mindes are in doubt whether God heareth them or not so long as euer they thinke that God hath reiected them they doe neuer truelie call vpon God But
hypocrites mingled with this companie and shal be to the daie of iudgement Now the Church properlie so called hath her notes and markes to weete the pure and sounde Doctrine of the Gospell and the right vse of the Sacraments And for the true vnitie of the Church it is sufficient to agree opon the Doctrine of the Gospell and the administration of the sacraments Neither is it necessary that humane traditions or rites instituted by men should be alike euerie where according as Saint Paul teacheth There is one Lorde one faith one Baptisme one God and Father of all These things are thus set downe in another edition ALso they ●each that there is one holy Church which is to continue alwaies Now the Church is a congregation of Saints in which the Gospell is purelie taught and the Sacraments rightlie administred And vnto the true vnitie of the Church it is sufficient to agree vpon the Doctrine of the Gospell and the administration of the Sacraments Neither is it necessarie that humane traditions and rites or ceremonies ordained by man should be alike in all places as Saint Paull saith There is one saith one baptisme one God and Father of all OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SAXONY Of the Church GOd will haue vs to vnderstand that mankinde is not ●orne by chaunce but that it is created of God and created not to eternall destruction but that out of mankinde he might gather vnto himselfe a Church to the which in all eternitie he might communicate his wisdome goodnes and ioy and he will haue his Sonne to be seene for whome and through whome by his vnspeakeable wisdome and infinite mercie he hath repayred this miserable nature of men Therefore amongst men he woulde at all times haue a companie whereunto he deliuered the doctrine concerning his Sonne and wherein the Sonne himselfe did institute and preserue a ministerie to keepe and spread abroad that doctrine by the which he hath bin is and wil be effectuall ●nd hath conuerted manie to himselfe as Paull doeth manifestlie teach The Gospell is the power of God to saluation to eu●●ie one that beleeueth But it is to be 〈…〉 at and to be lamented that the greatest part of mankinde being carried awaie with a horrible rage should contemne this voice and testimonie of God and the Sonne of God and that in this companie which hath the name of the Church there haue bin alwaies many diuisons and that the true Church hath bin ouercome by forrein domesticall enemies When men do looke vpon these dissentions and doe see that they which imbrace other doctrines repugnant to the gospell doe get the vpper hand in kingdomes multitude and glorie they doubt whether there be anie Church of God which it is what manner of Church it is and where it should be And for prophane men it is a hard matter to iudge hereof but the true Church doth certeinlie know out of the diuine Testament whence these so great furies of men doe arise and yet that amongst them the Church of God is preserued and doth discerne it from other nations and knoweth which is it what manner of one it is where to be found Therefore that all godlie men might be the better confirmed against these doubtes this Article is set before them in the Creede I beleeue the holie Catholike Church By this profession we affirme that all mankinde is not reiected of God but that there is and shall remaine a certeine true Church that the promises of God are sure and that the Sonne of God doth as yet reigne receiue and saue those that call vpon him And being raised vp by this comforte we doe giue God thankes and inuocate him we doe desire receiue and looke for eternall good thinges at his hand By reason of this admonition and comfort the Article in the Creede is rehearsed seing that the selfe same doctrine touching the preseruing of the Church is verie often repeated in sundrie Sermons in the booke of God as Isa 59. This is my couenant with them saith the Lord my Spirit which is vpon thee and my wordes which I haue put in thy mouth shall not depart ●●t of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed saith the Lorde from henceforth euen for euer And Christ saith I am with you for euer euen to the ende of the worlde Also this is a sweete comforte that the heires of eternall life are not to be found elswhere then in the companie of those that are called according to that saying Whome he hath chosen them he hath also called Let not therefore mens mindes goe astraie beholding this ragged bodie of the Church and peraduenture dreaming that in other places some which doe not know the gospell are notwithstanding holie and the dwelling house of God as Fabius Scipio Aristides and such like But turne thou thy eies hether Knowe for a certaintie that in this companie of those which are called some be chosen and ioyne thy selfe to this companie by confession and Inuocation as Dauid saith Psal 26. One thing haue I desired of the Lord and that I doe still require that I maie dwell in the house of the Lorde all the daies of my life to beholde the will of the Lorde an● to visitte his temple We do not therefore speake of the Church as if we should speake of Plato his Idea but we speake of such a Church as maie be seene and heard according to that saying The● sound is gonne forth into all the earth The eternall father wil haue his sonne to be heard among al mankinde as he saith Heare him And Psal 2. I haue set my king vpon the holie hill Sion I will declare the decree The Lord said to me thou art 〈◊〉 Sonne this daie haue I begotten thee Be wise now therfore ye King We say therfore that the visible Church in this life is companie of those which doe embrace the Gospell o● Christ and vse the sacramentes aright wherein God by the ministerie of the Gospell is effectuall and doth ren●● manie to life eternall And yet in this companie there be manie which are not holie but do agree together concerning the true doctrine as in the time of Marie these were the Church to wit Zacharie Simeon Ioseph Elizabeth Marie Anne the teachers and manie other who agreed with them in the pure doctrine and did not heare the Sadduces and the Pharisees but Zacharie Simeon Anne Marie and such like c. For when the companie is very small yet God doth reserue some remnants whose voice and confession is heard and he doth oftentimes renue the ministerie according to that saying Except the Iord had left a seed ●n to vs we had beene like to Sodome c. Therefore this description taken out of the manifest testimonies of the scriptures doeth declare which is the Church what it is and where it is We maie not doubt that the Church is tied to the Gospell as Paull saith If anie man teach another
also your eies doe witnes vnto you but that which your faith desireth to learne is this the bread is the bodie of Christ the cup is his blood Now as touching the vse of the Eucharist first although we do not not denie but that whol Christ is distributed as well in the breade as in the wine of the Eucharist yet we teach that the vse of either part ought to be common to the wholl Church For it is euident that Christ beeing nothing at all terrified by any dangers which afterward humane superstition inuented or by other deuises gaue vnto his Church both partes to be vsed Also it is euident that the auncient Church did vse both partes for many yeares And certaine writers doe clearelie witnes that they which doe receiue bread alone doe not receiue the wholl Sacrament Sacramentallie for so they speake that it is not possible to d●●ide one and the selfe same mystery without great sacriledge Wherfore we thinke that the vse of both partes is in deede Catholike Apostolike that it is not lawful for any man at his pleasure to change this institution of Christ and a ceremony of such continuance in the auncient and true Church and to take awaie from the laitie as they call them one part of the Eucharist And it is to be marueiled at that they who professe themselues to defend the ceremonies of the auncient church should so farre swarue from the auncient church in this point Moreouer seeing that the worde Sacrifice i● verie large and doth generally signifie a holie worship we doe willinglie graunt that the true and lawfull vse of the Eucharist maie in this sense be called a Sacrifice howbeit the Eucharist according to the institution of Christ is so celebrated that therein the death of Christ is shewed forth and the sacrament of the bodie and bloode of Christ is distributed to the Church and so it is truely called an appliing of the meritte of the passion of Christ to wit to them which receiue the Sacrament Neither doe we condemne godlie lessons and praiers which vse to goe before and to follow consecration as they call it and the dispensation of the Eucharist yet in the meane time it is not lawfull for vs to dissemble or to alow of those errours which haue bene added to this holie 〈◊〉 rather by the ignorance of priuate men then by ●nie lawfull consent of the true Catholike Church One 〈…〉 this that of the worship which ought to be common 〈…〉 Church there is made a priuate action of one Priest 〈…〉 doeth alone to himselfe mumble vp the wordes of 〈…〉 Supper so also he alone doeth receiue the bread 〈…〉 For Christ did institute the Eucharist not that i● 〈…〉 priuate action of one man but that it should be a 〈…〉 of the Church Therefore to the right action of the Eucharist two thinges at the lest are requisite to wit the minister of the Eucharist whoe blesseth he to whom the Sacrament of the Eucharist is dispensed For when Christ did institute this Sacrament he did not eat thereof alone but he did dispense it to his Church which then was present with him saying Take ye eate ye c. And Drinke ye all of this c. This institution of Christ the auncient and true Catholique Church did so seuerelie obserue that it excommunicated them which being present whilest this holy Sacrament was administred would not communicate with others Anacl●●us in his first Epistle saith After that consecration is finished let a●● communicate except they had rather stand● without the Church doores And he addeth For so both the Apostles appointed and the holy Church of Rome keepeth is still Also the Antiochian Councell cap. 2. saieth All those which come into the Church of God and heare the holy Scriptures but doe not communicate with the people in praier and can not abide to receiue the Sacrament of the Lord according to a certaine proper discipline these men must be cast out of the Church Dionysius in his booke De Eccles Hierarc saieth The Bishoppe when he hath praised the diuine giftes then he maketh the holie and moste excellent mysteries and those thinges which before he had praised being couered and hid vnder reuerent signes he bringeth into sight and reuerentlie sh●wing forth the diuine giftes both he himselfe doth turne to the holy participation thereof and doth exhort the others to participate them to conclude when the holie communion is receiued and deliuered to all he rendering thankes doth make an end of these mysteries Therefore we thinke it necessarie to the retayning of the institution of Christ in the celebration of the Eucharist and that we maie follow the example of the auncient and true Catholique Church that the priuate Masses of the Priestes maie be abrogated and that the publique communion of the Lords Supper maie be restored Another errour is this that the Eucharist is such a sacrifice as ought to be offered daielie in the Church for the purging of the sinnes of the quicke and the dead and for the obtaining of other benefites both corporall and spiritual This error is euidently contrary to the Gospel of Christ which witnesseth That Christ by one oblation once onelie made hath made perfect for euer those that be sanctified And because that Christ by his passion and death hath purchased remission of sinnes for vs which also is declared vnto vs by the Gospell in the new Testament therefore it is not lawfull to sacrifice anie more for sinne for the Epistle to the Hebrews saith Where there is remission of sinnes there is no further oblation for sinne For whereas Christ saieth Doe this in remembrance of me he doth not commaund to offer his bodie and and bloode in the Supper vnto God but to the Church that the Church by eating the bodie and drinking the bloode of Christ and by shewing forth the benefit of his death may be admonished of that oblation of the bodie and bloode of Christ which was made once onelie on the Crosse for the purging of our sinnes For so Paull doeth interpret this saying of Christ saying So often as ye shall eate he doth not saie offer this breade and drinke this cuppe shew ye forth the death of the Lord till he come And truelie we confesse that the auncient Ecclesiasticall writers did call the Eucharist a sacrifice an oblation but they expounde themselues that by the name of Sacrifice they meane a remembrance a shewing forth or a preaching of that Sacrifice which Christ did once offer vpon the Crosse as also they call the memoriall of the Passeouer and of Pentecost the Pa●seouer and Pentecost it selfe The third error is this that manie do thinke that the oblation as they cal it of the Eucharist is not of it selfe a propitiation for sinnes but that it doth apply the propitiation and merit of Christ to the quick and the dead But we haue alreadie shewed that the Eucharist properlie is
in God that he would make vs also in the most Churches one in himselfe We whose names are subcribed hereunto who doe now teach in the Churches Vniuersities vnder mentioned do protest that in this writing which we desire to haue rightlie and not quarrelouslie vnderstood we haue recited the common doctrine published in the Churches and Vniuersities wherein we teach the Gospell and we are perswaded that this is the true sincere and incorrupt doctrine of our Lord Iesus Christ agreeing with the Apostles and Prophets and with the Creedes and that it is necessarie for the Churches and we praie our Lord Iesus Christ who was crucified for vs and rose againe that he would mercifully gouerne and defend these Churches Also we offer our selues to further declaration in euerie Article This was written Anno 1551. Iulie 10. in the towne of Wirtemberge where the Pastours of the Churches neere adioyning were met together c. OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE The Conclusion which is placed in the latter end of the 35. Chap. WE haue rehearsed those things which seeme good both to be approued and also to be refuted or amended in the Ecclesiasticall doctrine and in the wholl administration of the Church And if anie thing be spoken either more brieflie or more obscurelie then so great a matter would require our Preachers do promise that they will expouud them more largelie and more cleerlie That which remaineth we beseech all the godly through Iesus Christ the sonne of God our onelie Sauiour that which thing we hope they wil do of their owne accord euerie one according to his office and calling would take vnto himselfe a true and earnest endeauour to reforme the Church It can not be denied but that hitherto for these manie yeares not onelie the discipline of the Church hath decaied and the manners thereof haue beene corrupted with great and horrible vices and they haue verie much degenerated from the honestie of our Elders but that also the doctrine of the Church hath beene depraued in suffering and bearing with corruptions which if hereafter they be either dissembled or confirmed euerie man that is but meanlie wise maie consider how great euills are like to follow in the Church of God Those execrations and cursings are well knowne whereunto the law of god doth addict the transgressours of his word And Iosias the King of Iuda was endued with an heroicall minde when he repaired the Church and although the wrath of god was by his godlie repentance and obedience mitigated after that the Booke of the law was found out and well knowne that those punishments which the Church of god at that time had deserued through the neglect of his word and their impietie might be differred till another time yet notwithstanding such was the seueritie of god against the contemners of his word and the impenitent that the King although he were verie godlie could not altogether take it awaie from them and appease it Now we thinke that in these times the wrath of god is no lesse yea much more grieuously kindled and set on fire against the assemblie of his Church by reason of so manie hainous wicked deeds and offences which euen in that people which glorieth in the name of god are more euident then that they can be denied and more cleere then that they maie be excused then in times past when as yet the Sonne of god was not made knowne to the world by his gospell And the iudgement of god shall be so much the more seuere by how much his benefits are the greater which he seemeth to haue bestowed both in the former and also at these present times vpon vnthankful men But both many other things haue need of amendment in the Church and ministerie thereof and especiallie the doctrine of repentance Iustification and the vse of the Sacraments and single life of the Ministers of the Church do require a godlie amendment If these things by the mercie of God and by the diligence and care of all good men shall be restored according to the writings of the Prophets and the Apostles and according to the true Catholique consent of the auncient and purer Church we shall not onelie giue vnto god the father of our Lord Iesus Christ a most acceptable worship but also the wholl Christian world shal be stirred vp to declare their thankfulnes and obedience in all duetifull manner that they maie We truelie do not know of anie errour in our Preachers either in doctrine or in the other administration of the Church yet we do not doubt but that they are indued with so great modestie and godlines that if they be admonished by the testimony of the heauenly doctrine by the true consent of the Catholique Church they wil in no case be wanting to the edifying of the church And as much as lieth in vs and in our gouernment we will do our indeuour that the mercy of godhelping vs none of those dueties may be pretermitted of vs whereby we hope that the true quietnes of the Church and saluation in Iesus Christ the sonne of god may be preserued OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of Seculare Magistrates CHAP. 23. IN the former points we haue declared that our Preachers doe place that obedience which is giuen vnto Magistrates among good workes of the first degree and that they teach that euerie man ought so much the more diligently to applie himselfe to the publique lawes by how much he is a more sincere Christian richer in faith In the next place they teach that to execute the office of a Magistrate it is the most sacred function which can happen vnto man from God whereupon also it is come to passe that they which are endued with publique authoritie are in the Scriptures called Gods For when as they doe iustlie and orderlie behaue themselues in their function it goeth well with the people both in doctrine and in life because that God doth vse ●o to moderate our affaires that for the greater parte the safetie and destruction of the subiects doth depende vpon them which are the gouernours Wherefore none doe more worthelie execute Magistracie then they which of all others are the most Christian and Bishops and other Ecclesiastical men were promoted by most godly Emperours kings to an external gouernment in ciuil affaires Wherein though they were religious and wise yet in this one point they offended because they were not able to discharge both those functions sufficiently and it was necessarie that either they should be wanting to the Churches in ruling them by the word or to the common wealth in gouerning it by authoritie THE CONCLVSION THese be the chiefe pointes moste mightie and religiuos Emperour wherein our Preachers haue somewhat swarued from the common doctrine of preachers being forced thereunto by the onelie authoritie of the Scriptures which is worthelie to be preferred before all other traditions These things being so declared as the shortnes of
alreadie c. Vpon the Confession of Auspurge THe Gospell bewraieth our sinne These wordes ●eeme thus to be vnderstood that the Gospell should bewray all kinde of sinne yet not properly by it selfe For the proper difference between the law and the Gospell is to be held fast to wit that the Gospel doth properly reprooue the sinne of infidellity and by an accident all other sinnes also but the law doth properlie reprooue all sinnes whatsoeuer are committed against it Vpon the same And deserueth reward Touching the word of meriting or deseruing which this Confession vseth oft in this Section Looke before in the 8. Sect. the 7. obseruat vpon this same Confession and looke the 1. obseruat vpon the Confess of Wirtemb in this Section And againe after in the 16. Sect. the first obseruat on this Confess Vpon the same Liuing in mortall sinne Looke before in the 4. Sect. the 2. obseruat vpon the Confess of Saxony Nor the righteousnes of workes Looke before in the 4. Sect. the 1. obser vpon the Confession of Saxonie Vpon the same And like as the preaching of repentance is general so the promise of grace General that is offered to all sorts of men indefinitely as wel to one as to another without difference of country sexe place time or age But we can not conceiue how repentance and the promise of grace can be said to be preached vniuersallie to euerie nation much lesse to all men particularlie for as much as experience doth plainly prooue that to be vntrue Vpon the same Here needeth no disputation of predestination Euen as we doe abhorre curious disputations that is such as passe the boundes of Gods worde touching predestination of which sort we take these words to be meant as most dangerous matters for grieuous falls so we affirme that whatsoeuer the holy ghost doth teach touching this point in the holy Scriptures is warilie and wiselie to be propounded and beleeued in the Church as well as other parts of Christian Religion which thing the Doctors of the Church both olde and new did and among the rest Master Luther himselfe in his booke de seruo arbitrio and els where Vpon the same That they be necessarie We take them to be necessarie because they doe necessarilie follow the true faith whereby we are iustified not that they concurre vnto the working of our iustification in Christ as either principall or secundarie causes for that faith it selfe as it is an inherent qualitie doth not iustifie but onely in as much as it doth apprehend and laie hold on Christ our righteousnes Vpon the same Albeit that men by their owne strength be able to doe outward honest deedes c. Looke in the 4. Sect. the 3. obseruat vpon this Confess Vpon the same Moreouer nature by it selfe is weake Without Christ without regeneration the nature of man can doe nothing but sinne For God by his grace doth create the hability of thinking willing and doing well not helping the old man in that he wanteth but by little little abolishing it According to that saying When we were dead in sinnes c. Ephes 2. But touching the weaknes of our nature looke that which was said in the 1. obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia Section 4. Vpon the Confession of Saxonie BEcause that God left this libertie in man after his fall Here also looke in the 4. Sect. the 1. obseru vpon the Confession of Bohemia and the 3. vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same Therefore although men by the natural strength Looke here againe the 1. obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia in the 4. Sect. also the 9. obser vpon the Confess of Auspurge in this same Sect. Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge WE teach that good workes are necessarilie to be done and doe deserue c. That is obteine and that as it is ●ell added by and by after by the free mercie and goodnes of God Touching which point looke the 7. obser vpon the Confession of Auspurge in the 8. Section the 2. obser vpon the same Confess in this Sect. Also touching the necessitie of good workes looke the 7. obser vpon the same Confess in this selfe same Sect. IN THE 10. SECTION Vpon the latter Confession of Heluetia ANd no maruell if it erre How and in what respect the visible Church considered vniuersallie is said to erre it is afterward declared more fullie in this same Confession Vpon the Confession of Bohemia THe Heathenish life This saying the breethren in Bohemia did themselues expound thus vnto vs in their letters to wit that they speake here of the notes of the visible Church which are all ioyntlie to be considered that looke where both the errors of Idolaters and heretikes and impietie of life do openlie ouerflow there it can not safelie be affirmed that the visible Church of Christ is to be seene or is at all And yet notwithstanding there is no doubt to be made but some secret true members of Christ and such as it may be are onelie knowne to God be there hid therfore that there is a Church euen in Poperie as it were ouerwhelmed and drowned whence God will fetch out his elect and gather them to the visible Churches that are restored and reformed whereas Popery neuer was nor is the true Church Vpon the same But he that looseth In what sense we thinke that a true faith maie be loste we haue declared before in the fourth Sect. in the first obseruation of the Confession of Saxony and els where Vpon the same By Ecclesiastical punishment which is commonly called c. We take this to be so meant as that notwithstanding euerie Church hath hir liberty left vnto hir what way to exercise such discipline as is before said in the 1. obser vpon this same confess in the 8. Sect. As for this particular cursing to wit of this or that man if the word be taken for a 〈…〉 vnrepealable casting out from the Church of God 〈…〉 it to God alone and therefore we would not 〈…〉 in our Churches For the Church vseth onelie 〈…〉 as determineth nothing finallie following S. 〈…〉 22. Vpon the same 〈…〉 that is reprooue him admonish him 〈…〉 Vpon the Confession of Saxonie The sentence of excommunication c. Looke before in the 3. obser vpon the confess of Bohemia in this same section Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge HAth authoritie to beare witnes of the holie scripture This authoritie and right you must vnderstand in this respect that the true Church of God discerning the Canonical bookes of the scripture from al others teacheth defendeth that nothing is to be added to or taken from the canon of the olde Hebrew or the new Scripture of the Christians Vpon the same Authoritie to iudge al doctrines and to interpret scripture To this we yeald with these cautions First that in
Paull could not be withh●ld but in so fit a place he would plainelie haue declared this state of soules and would haue prescribed a meane vnto the Church whereby miserable soules might be deliuered from their torment But the true and Catholike Church in deed hath plainelie shewed that shee hath no certaintie at all concerning this third kinde of the state of soules in another world Chrysostome in his second sermon of Lazarus saieth If thou hast violently taken anie thing from anie man restore it and saie as doth Zacheus If I haue taken from anie man by forged cauillation I restore fourefoulde If thou art become an enimie to anie man be reconciled before thou come to iudgement Discharge all thinges here that without greefe thou maist beholde that tribunall seat Whilest we be here we haue manie excellent hopes But so soone as we depart thither it is not then in our power to repent nor to wash awaie our sinnes And againe He that in this present life shall not wash awaie his sinnes shall not finde any comforte afterward Augustine although he place certaine men in the middest betiwxt them that be verie good and those that be verie euill to the one sorte whereof he seemeth to assigne the place of Purgatorie yet in other places he doubteth of that matter and doth not define anie certaintie Therefore we must so thinke of this opinion of Augustine as he requireth that is we must receiue that which is confirmed either by the authority of the Scripture or by probable reason But it is euident that those places of the Scripture which are commonlie cited to establish Purgatorie are wrested from the naturall to a straunge sense and are farre otherwise expounded euen of the a●ncient writers themselues And those reasons which Augustine bringeth for his opinion do seme to leane to this foundation That we obtaine remission of our sinnes and life not onelie for Christ his sake through faith but also for the merites of our workes But how this agreeth with the true Apostolike doctrine we haue before declared Wherefore we thinke that this speculation of Purgatorie fire is to be left to it owne authors and that we must chiefely doe this as Paull exhorteth vs that we maie confirme our selues one another with speaches touching the assured faith of our resurrection and saluation in Christ Iesus for whose sake God doth so fauour the faithfull that in the middest of death he preserueth them and giueth them true peace OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of praiers and fastinges CHAP. 7. VVE haue among vs praiers and Religious fastes which are moste holie workes and such as doe verie much beseeme Christians whereunto our Preaehers do most diligentlie exhorte their hearers For true fasting is as it were a renouncing of this present life which is alwaies subiect to euill lustes and desires and a meditation of the life to come which is free from all perturbation And praier is a lifting vp of the minde vnto God and such a familiar speach with him as no other thing can so greatlie set a man on fire with heauenlie affections more mightelie make the minde comformable to the will of God And though these exercies be neuer so holie and necessarie for Christians yet seeing that a mans neighbour is not so much benefited by them as man is prepared that he maie with fruit and profit haue regarde of his neighbour they are not to be preferred before holie doctrine godlie exhortations and admonitions and also other dueties whereby our neighbour doth presentlie receiue some profit Whereupon we reade of our Sauiour that in the night time he gaue him selfe to praier and in the daie time to doctrine and to heale the sicke For as loue is greater then faith and hope so to beleeue those thinges which come neerest vnto loue to wit such as bring assured profit vnto men are to be perferred before all other holie functions whereupon S. Chrysostome writeth that Among the wholl companie of vertues fasting hath the last place Of the Commaunding of Fastes CHAP. 8. BVt because that no mindes but these that be ardent and peculiarlie stirred vp by the heauenlie inspiration can either praie or faste aright and with profit we beleeue that it is farre better after the example of the Apostles and the former more sincere Church by holie exhortations to inuite men hereunto then to wring them out by preceptes such especiallie as doe binde men vnder paine of deadlie sinne the which thing the Priestes that were of late toke vpon them to doe when as then the order of Priestes had not a litle degenerated But we had rather leaue the placetime and manner both of praying and also of fasting to the arbitrement of the holie Ghost then to prescribe them by certaine lawes especiallie such as maie not be broken without some sacrifice of amends Yet for their sakes that be the younger and more imperfect sorte our Preachers doe not dislike that there should be an appointed time and meanes both for prayer and also for fasting that as it were by these holie introductions to exercises they might be prepared hereunto so that it be done without bynding of the conscience We were induced thus to thinke not so much for that all compulsion being against a mans will is repugnant to the nature of these actions but rather because that neither Christ himselfe nor anie of his Apostles haue in any place made mentiō of such kinde of precepts this doth Chrysostome also witnes saying Thou seest that an vpright life doth helpe more then all other thinges Now I tearme an vpright life not the labour of Fasting nor the bed of haire or ashes but if thou doest despise monie no otherwise then it becommeth thee if thou burne with charitie if thou nourish the hungrie with thy bread if thou ouercome thy anger if thou dost not desire vaine glorie if thou be not possessed with enuie for these be the thinges that he teacheth for he doth not saie that he will haue his fast to be followed howbeit he might haue proponed those 40. daies vnto vs but he saith Learne of me because I am meeke and lowlie in heart Yea rather on the contrarie side saith he eate all that is set before you Moreouer we doe not read that anie solemne or set faste was enioyned to the auncient Church but that faste of one daie For those fastes which as the scripture doth witnes were ordeyned of Prophets and of Kinges it is certaine that they were no set fastes but enioyned onelie for their time to wit when as euident calamities either hanging ouer their heads or presentlie pinching them did so require it Seeing therfore that the Scripture as S. Paull doth affirme doth instruct a man to euerie good worke and yet is ignorant of these fastes which are extorted by precepts we doe not see how it could be lawful for the successours of the Apostles to ouercharge the Church with so