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A15145 A brieff discours off the troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany Anno Domini 1554 Abowte the booke off off [sic] common prayer and ceremonies, and continued by the Englishe men theyre/ to thende off Q. Maries raigne, in the which discours, the gentle reader shall see the very originall and beginninge off all the contention that hathe byn, and what was the cause off the same. Whittingham, William, d. 1579. 1574 (1574) STC 25442; ESTC S103071 143,706 216

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one to an other whilke we lucke to resaue of your gentlenes not onely for that ye seer to offend Goddes maiestie in troubling off your brethern for such vane triffles But also bicause ye will not refuse the humble requestes off vs your brethern and felowe preachers off Christs Iesus in whom albeit their appeere no great wordly pompe yet we suppose yow will not so farr despise vs but that ye will esteeme vs to be off the nomber off those that fight against that Romain Antechriste and traueil that the kingdomme off Christ Iesus vniuersally maie be mainteened and auanced The daies are euill Iniquitie abownds Christian charitie alas is waxin colde And therfore we ought the more diligently to watche For the howre is vncerteine when the lorde Iesus shall appeere before whom we your brethern and ye may geue an accoumpt off our administration And thus in conclusion we once againe craue fauor to our brothern which graunted ye in the lorde shall commaunde vs in thinges off dooble more importance The lorde Iesus rewle your hartes in his true feare to the ende And geue vnto yow and vnto vs victorie ouer that coniured enemie off all true Religion ▪ To witt ouer that Romaine Antechriste whose wonded he●d Sathan by all mannes lab●ris to cure againe but to destruction shall he and his mainteiners go by the power off the lorde Iesus To whose mightie power and protection we hartely committ yow Subscribet by the handes off Superintendentes one parte off Ministers and scribet in oure generall assemblies and fourth session theroff Ad Edenbroug the 28. daie off December 1566. Your louinge brethern and fellovv preachers in Christ Iesus Io. Craig Iaco. Mailuil Rob. Pont. Guil. Gislisonus Nic. Spittall Io. Row Da. Lyndesay Io. Erskin Io. VViram Io. Spottiswoood THus haue yon hard in theis .2 letters the Iudgementes off those excellent churches of the french and the Skottishe touchinge the thinges in controuersie Nowe yff to theis I shuld adde all other whiche are off the same Iudgement and of their opinion the nomber off churches would be so many that the aduersaries shuld euidently se and perceaue what small cause they haue to charge vs thus with singularitie as though we were post alone and none to be off oure opinion And it maie here also be noted that the moste auncientest fathers of this oure owne countrie as maister Couerdale maister D. Turner maister Whithead and many others some dead some yet liuinge from whose mouthes and pennes the vrgers of theis receiued first the light off the gospell could neuer be brought to yelde or consent vnto such thinges as are now forced with so greate extremitie Finis By D. Yonge in Nouēber Anno 1573. Such as D. Elbowrome M. Mullin● in October An. 1573. Franckford the place in Q. Maryes tyme. Platina Paulus ●ouius Slede in Fox with many other Cor. 10. Phil. 2. Psal. 4● Psal. 27. Matth. 22. Mich. 3. Heb. 11. Philip. 1. Col. 1. Psal. 42. Ephes 4. Mark the calling off Knox to the pastorshipp Knox and VVhittingham ashamed to opē some things Many tollerable foolishe things in the book by Caluins iudgement The booke trifling and Childishe by Caluins iudgement The humblenes of Gilby and his godly zeele The modestie of Knox This order was taken the 6. off Feb. D. Cox with others come to Frankf Th effecte of Knox sermon D. Cox sharply rebuked him But that they refused and at lenght ouer threw yt M. Iewell Knox putowt by those which he brought in To weet the frenche churche The letter a litle before This controuersie hath byn si●hins kinge Edward his raigne as ye se Knox accused off treason The places in all were 8. The banishment off Knox. Many off the lerned men were now come from al places This Adulphus was before this tyme a great fartherrer off the churche and the orders off the same howe so euer he was turned Marck the placing off the Englishe book and off the reiecting thother Marck this practise At lenght they agreed vppon the name Pastor An answere to a letten sent him owte off England They begin pre●ely VVittinghā here interrupted Maister No wel was the mouthe for the rest The simple sutteltie off ● factious head Horne and his companie subscribs to the other parte M. Horne came not til two The book of discipline brought foorth and read M. Horne came at 3. Yff maister Horne tooke such deliberattō before he would subscribe to that article what meanethe this that poore ignorant men and wemen must thus subscribe vpō the sudden or ells to newgate Theis three arbytres had their beinge owte from the Englishe churches The olde Discip●ine ▪ This article I finde rased in the copie what they mēt by it ▪ I know not The new discipline VII 13. Sept. Horne Isaac Chambers VVilford with diuers others To ●he 1. To the 2● 3.4 Hales VVhithead Nowell Mullins VVattes Crowley Boetley Pedder Parry VVilson ▪ Sorby Bedell Fauconer Railton Crawley Ashley Sutton Raulings Best and diuers others To the 5. To the 6. To the 7. Yea but though he did so then he will not doo so nowe I warrant yow Horne Yet olde blind father lidford being an almes man was forced by the B. off L. to s●bscribe to the booke off prayer among others more blynde then he VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne Yff Caluin be so in your iudgement I hope yow will allowe his 2. letters befor● VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead A small fault in theis daies Horne VVhithead VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Horne VVhithead Then I hope it may be now spred againe withowt offence all thinges wel waied Horne VVhithead M. couerdale sent by the duke of bipont The curtesie off the noble men off Germany to M. Bartuc the D. o● Sulff Englishe men placed at Arrow Horne and Chambers come to geneua Kethe sent into Germany and Hel●●ia Phi● ● Tim. ● 2. Tim. ● Correction off thos faultes which might som●what stay the reader the first nombre shewing the page the second the line PAge 2. line 18. enioned reade enioyed pag. 3. lin 5. is Re. yt pag. 10. li. 22. your R. yow pag. 25. li. 12. discent R. dissent pag. 27. li. 4. parie R. partie pag. 38. lin 24. ende R. tende pa. 44· li. 9. ceri●ine R. certeine pa. 47. li. 20. lette R. letter pa. 65. li. 17. subscription R. superscription pa. 72. l. 36. world R. would pa. 76. li. 10. stucke the pastor R. stucke to the pastor Li. 15. wison R. wilson pag. 82. lin 19. were R. where pag. 86. li. 5. congregagation R. congregation pag. 97. lin 30. dinner R. dynner pag. 123. lin 7. the R. then Pa. 132. lin 22. incompent R. incompetent pa. 179. l. 23. td R. to pag. 194. lin 8. cons●ners R. couseners pag. 200. lin 22. to R. the.
determination and beinge admonished theroff by the Seniors off the congregation he with the rest that came withe him made answere that they woulde do as they had donne in Englande and that they would haue the face off an English churche And the sundaie folowinge one off his company withowt the consent and knowledg off the congregation gate vpp suddainly into the pulpit redd the lettany and D. Cox withe his companie answered alowde wherby the determination off the churche was broken The same sundaie at after noone it came to maister Knox his turne to preache who hauinge passed so farre in Gen. that he was come to Noah as he laie open in his tente he spake theis wordes folowinge As diuers thinges saithe he ought to be kepte secret euen so suche thinges as end to the dishonor off God and disquieting of his churche ought to be disclosed and openly reproued And therupon he shewed howe that after longe trouble and contention amonge them a godly agremente was made and howe that the same that daie was vngodly broken whiche thinge became not as he saied the prowdest off them all to haue attēpted alleadginge furthermore that like as by the worde off God we muste seeke oure warrant for the establishing off religion and withowt that to thruste nothinge into anie Christian congregation so for as muche as in the Englishe booke were thinges bothe superstitious vnpure and vnperfect which he offred to proue before all men he would not consent that off that churche it shulde be receiued and that in case men woulde go abowte to burthen that free congregation therwith so ofte as he shulde come in that place the texte offringe occasion he woulde not faile to speak againste it He farther affirmed that amonge manye thinges whiche prouoked godds anger againste Englāde slacknes to reforme religion when tyme and place was graunted was one And therfore it became them to be circūspecte howe they laid their foundation And where some men ashamed not to saie that there was no let or stopp in Englande but that Religion might be and was already brought to perfection he proued the contrary by the wante off discipline Also by the troubles which maister Hooper Sustained for the Rochet and such like in the booke commanded and allowed And for that one man was permitted to haue 3.4 or 5. benefices to the great slaunder off the gospell and defraudinge off the flock off Christe off their liuely foode and sustenaunce These were the chieff notes off his sermon whiche was so stomaked off some especially off suche as had many liuinges in Englande that he was verye sharplie charged and reproued so soone as he came owte off the pulpit for the same The twesdaie folowinge was appointed to talke off thies thinges more at large When all were assembled earneste requeste was made that D. Coxe with his companie might be admitted to haue voices in the congregation Answere was made by others that the matter yet in controuersie amonge them ought firste to be determined Secōdly that they shuld subscribe to discipline as others had don before them and farther yt was greatly suspected that they had byn some off them at masse in Englande and others had subscribed to wicked articles as one off them shortly after euen in the pulpit sorowfully confessed For theis considerations and suche like The congregation withstoode the admission off D. Coxe and his companie ▪ Knox'at ●aste began to make intretie that they might haue their ●o●ces amonge the reste to whose requeste when certeine had yelded they then became the greater parte and so were by them admitted as members off the churche They thus admitted by the moste parte D. Coxe foorthwith forbad Knox to meddle anye more in that congregation The nexte daie beinge wensdaie whittingham wente to Maister Iohn Glauburge who was the chieff meane in obtaininge the churche and brake the matter vnto him declaringe howe that certeine nowe come owte off Englande had forbidden their minister apointed to preache that daie and intended to set vpp an other whiche he dowted woulde not be well taken And therfore leaste anie inconuen●ence shulde happe he thought good to make him priuie therto Wherupon the saied Magistrat sent immediatlie and gaue cōmaundement that ther shulde be no sermon that daie Afterwarde he sent for Valeran the frenche Minister commaundinge him that 2. lerned men shulde be appointed off either parte and that he and they shulde consulte and agree vppon some good ordre and to make report vnto him accordingly Then were apointed D. Cox and leuer off the one side and knox and wh●ttingham on the otherside To decide the matter Valeran was appointed to put downe in writinge what they shulde agree vpon But when in this conference they came to the order off Mattins and that D. Coxe saide Ego volo habere there coulde be no agrement amonge them and so brake off wherupon the congregation drew vp a supplication in latten and presented it to the saied maister Glauburge requestinge him to be a meane that the same might be considered off amonge the Senators The Englishe wheroff was as folowethe The supplication to the Senate Let it not molest yow moste graue and worthie Senators that your affayers are letted with a fewe wordes And leaste we shulde trouble yow with prolixitie yow shall vnderstande the matter briefly When your great and vnspeakable humanitie through the prouidence of god had graunted vs a churche we vndertooke forthwith as became vs to consulte abowte the orders off the same and to set ow●● Liturgie And bicause we sawe that in the prolixe and Ceremonious booke of the liturgie of Englande be manie thinges that we maie speake no worse off it not moste perfecte it seemed beste to reduce it to the perfecte rule off the scriptures and to accommodate our selues to the ensamples off that churche where in we teache and to whom we haue subscribed But when this enterprise offended some off oure countriemen althoughe the greatest nomber agreed vnto vs for that we woulde decline from the decrees off our elders here vppon there grewe to vs for a fewe monethes no small trouble At the lenght whē there appeared no ende for peace and concordes sake we gaue place to their will and suffred them at their pleasure to pike owte off their booke the chiefest or beste thinges vpon this condition that the same shulde continewe with owte alteration at the leaste vnto the laste daie off Aprill at the whiche daie iff there shulde anie newe contention arise that then all the matter shulde be referred to these 5. notable men Calvin Musculus Martir Bullinger vnd Viret What nedethe manie wordes This condition was willingly accepted and the couenaunte rated on bothe partes A writinge was also theroff to testifie the promesse made off the one to the other Moreouer thankes were geuen to god withe great ioye and common praiers were made for that men thought that daie to be th ende off discorde
that it might euidently appeare howe many we were that had consented vppon the choise off 1● men whiche shulde set downe in writinge a forme off discipline accordinge as the magistrate had commanded we on the otherside trusted that we thought it for the behouff and profit off the congregation that a forme of discipline shuld be made and put downe as the magistrate had commaunded And to this determination and sentēce beinge put in writinge we in nomber eighte and thirtie subscribe doure names with protestation that we did nothinge but that was Good and lawfull and accordinge to the magistrates will and mind requestinge them to geue their consent and to agree with vs. But they after muche debatinge and many wordes to and fro for their olde discipline that it neded not to be displaced or altered came to this passe at the lenght that they saide we had to consulte off correctinge but not off makinge a discipline and verie instantly vnd earnestlye vrged the same vpon the wordes off that aduice and councell whiche the magistrate had geuen touchinge the spedie dispatche off the discipline of the churche before the election of the ministers we therfore which thought it not muche materiall whither it were termed a newe made or a corrected discipline to haue no occasion of dissentiō chaunged oure copie and put in in steade of the is wordes discipline shulde be made shuld be corrected And so those 14. whiche made ashewe before as though they wolde not suffer anie one iote of the olde discipline to be altered ād chaunged callinge to minde I suppose either their fewnesse off their nomber or the oddes off the matter bycause ●hat olde discipline was vtterly taken awaie by the Magistrates edicte the laste off Februa as the chiefest cause off oure controuersies or ells foreseinge that the magistrate would be offended with that their dissention they all ioyntly together Maister Horne and Maister Chambers beginninge the daunce put their hands to oures for the correction off the discipline Then did Maister Horne request that seinge nowe they had consented vnto vs for the wrytinge downe off the discipline he and the residewe for that fourtene might freely geue their voices for the chosinge of those fourtene whiche they had alreadie appointed or some suche other as they woulde But we bicause we had before requested them to geue their voices and three refused cōsidering that those fourtene drew all one line and were fullye bent in all points to do one as the other beinge all like affected and by that meanes might off purpos wholie bestowe their voices vpon some certeine and so ouerthrow oure election whiche they knewe already denied to graunt and suffer them and yet we saide that yff they woulde we wold not refuse to appointe an o●her daie to chuse the sayde 14. men or other yet geuinge Maister Horne in the meane while to wit that that matter whiche might haue bin quietlie dispatched in three houres would scarsly by his meanes be fynished in three daies At the lenght Maister Horne after consultation had with certain spake alowde in the name off the fourtene in this wise Although saide he it were meete that we all seuerally geue oure voices yet that we maie be no longer an hinderance I pronoūce in all their names that we all do by our voices chuse those 14. men Whom yow haue alreadye appointed When the residew were asked whither they consented to this or no ▪ Maister Isaac answered that all agreed otherwise yff anie were contrarie minded he woulde speake And thus by a generall consente off all not one man excepte fiuetene men were chosen to write Ecclesiastical lawes the thirde off marche The 15. Elected agreed betwene themselues to assemble and come together the fourth of marche at one of the cloke at afternoone Whē they came together ther was muche a doo a great while whither the olde discipline shulde be corrected or a newe made We of the churche alleadged that all occasions off olde controuersies wheroff the olde disciplie but vnperfecte and naught was one were vtterly taken awaye by the magistrates Edicte some vrged this worde corrected or amended which was in the aduise and counsaile that the Magistrat gaue vs for the spedie dispatche off discipline For saide they that is not corrected whiche is cleane taken waie At lenght the booke off the olde discipline and an other off the newe discipline whiche was corrected in the absence off maister Horne and others were read and so they departed for that daie appoynting to meete agayne the 8. off marche the same houre The 8. off marche the 15. men assembled againe and there agreed vpon articles for makinge off discipline whiche were set downe in a paper and subscribed all vnto them sauinge that maister Horne Maister Chambers and Maister Isaac and Maister Bentham woulde not subscribe to that Article concerning the hauinge off two ministers off the worde and yet notwithstandinge they all agreed vpon this that is was a matter indifferent whither there shuld be one or many ministers off the worde for it is not defined in the scriptures but left free Afterward Maister Hales gaue to Maister Chambers a booke off discipline which was writen in the absence off maister Horne and others and was off the same Articles as the congregation had made and agreed vpon that maister Horne and he and maister Isaac might reade it ouer and if they allowed ought therin that it might be annexed to the discipline that was in hande But afterwarde when maister Horne through occasion off talke abowte the correctinge off the discipline saide that there had byn no other discipline in the churche but that olde discipline and that therfore the magistrate spake off correctinge off that no● off the v●ter abolishinge theroff and that it was answered that that same other booke off discipline beinge written when he was absent might as well be vnderstoode to be ment as that same olde discipline ▪ bothe for that there was more equitie in it and also was suscribed vnto off so many as well as that olde discipline whiche he so extolled Then maister Horne brake owte in to most spitefull wordes against all his countrie men that had agreed to that discipline which were at the leaste 36. persons affirminge that all they that had thus conspired together for the establishing off those articles accordinge to the shortnes off the time wherin they met that they were in a certeine degree giltie off treason againste the magistrat against the Senate and to be shorte against the whole citie Then maister Hales vnderstandinge by maister Hornes wordes that nothinge was sought but newe trouble and beinge put in minde also aff maister Bentham reherseth agayne that booke off discipline which a litle before was offred to maister Chambers affirminge that he vnderstode they went abowte to seeke rather an occasion off chalinginge at the booke by readinge off it then a way off makinge a new discipline The eleuenth off
marche the fiftene men meete againe vpō certeine Articles to whiche excepte one whiche maister Horne and M. Chambers would not subscribe they al subscribed A litle before our departure it was thought profitable that those thinges which we had collected and agreed vppon shulde be brought in to a certeine forme of a booke adding either owte off the olde discipline or by occasion as we were gatheringe theis thīges together such things as might seeme profitable Maister horne and maister Chambers beinge intreated that they would gather those things in suche sorte or ells be present to conferre withe other that reade Maister Horne answerethe that he woulde not neither that there was any suche neede The 16. daie of marche they met againe in the churche and there a certeine bill in whiche were writen certeine articles tendinge to discipline is exhibited vnto them that amonge the fiften it might be deliberated vpon and debated maister Isaac spake many things verie sharplie against one Article as verie daungerous and perilous againste those good men through whose liberalitie the poore off the church were susteined and makinge wise as thoughe he woulde knowe the matter better he requested the bil whiche beinge reached vnto him he putteth it vp in his bosome neither woulde he geue it againe And so by this meanes he tooke away the matter for vs to worke vpon sith that we had no other copie Afterwarde the booke in whiche those thinges were written that were agreed vppon amonge the 15. and certeine thinges owte off the olde discipline and other also were gathered in to some order was brought owte amōge them to be consulted vpon and beinge redd maister Horne and Maister Chambers fyrste off all complained that booke was gathered they not wittinge theroff and had byn longe beatten vppon amonge certeine of them and therfore that it was reason that a copie shuld be geuen to them and to maister Isaac and a farther tyme also to delyberate maister Isaac affirmed that he neded 2. monethes or one at the leaste to consider off that booke It was answered that although Maister Horne and Chambers complained that they were not admitted to the collectinge off the booke in that they did vs wronge for beinge of vs therunto required they refused it and left it to others In that they required a copie it semed vniuste seinge that the church had decreed that we the 15. shulde debate tog●ther as concerninge the writinge off the discipline for that thinge tended againe to a newe dissention Againe that they required so longe a tyme to deliberate and especially Maister Isaac it was moste vniuste For seinge the marte was nowe at hande it was profitable or rather necessarie that oure churche shulde with spede be established and oure ministers elected leaste to oure great infamie men comminge h●ther owte off all Europe they might also se the broyles off oure churche and so spread them farr abroad amoge all nations more ouer that it woulde fall owte to the great hurte off the poore yff godly men being offended with oure dissentions beinge before beneficiall to the poore withdrawe nowe their liberalitie and that ●herforee there was nede off spedie helpe in pacifiynge and quietinge the churche before the mar●e beinge nowe at hande Maister Horne answereth that he requireth not to muche tyme 2. or 3. daies shulde be enough for him to del●berate notwithstandinge that the copie ought to be graunted for no lesse tyme seinge many thinges were conteined in that booke and some also darke and dowtefull thinges and to him before that tyme vnharde off or at the least vnknowen and that therfore he requested that all shulde be asked mā by mā whither they thought not this reasonable ād iuste that he required For if to the moste it shulde seeme reasonable he would at anie hande hauie a copie off that booke Euery man therfore was asked beginninge at Maister Bentham he aswell forthe causes before alleadged as also that no occasion off wranglinge might arise off the booke and leaste the booke shulde come to the handes off anye other before it were brought to the congregation and for certeine other causes thought it not meete that anie copie shulde be geuen to anie but that the booke shulde be brought foorthe amonge them and all they hearing it that were appointed off the congregation it shulde be after read and that tyme enoughe shulde be geuen to stande vpon euerie decree and sentence and more exactly to examin them and that this seemed to him very iuste and reasonable And this iu●gement is condescended to off all the reste and so Maister Horne leaueth off from requestinge the copie Afterwardes the booke is begonne to be redd from the beginnige and in examininge off euerie off the decrees longe time is spente and off some articles in the beginninge mutche disputation and debatinge is had But Maister Horne Maister Chambers and Isaac beinge asked their iudgemēts would not answere no not in the moste plaines●e maters and knowē of all men either to allowe or disalowe as for exāple There was one article we professe the selfsame doctrine which is conteined in the Canonicall bookes off all the holie scripture to witt in the bookes off the olde and newe Testamente in whiche is conteined fullie all doctrine necessary for oure saluation To this and suche other beinge moste plaine and manifeste maister Horne answered as to all thother that he woulde answere nothinge with owte great deliberation By whiche his doinges he gaue occasion to all men to wonder And so some other decrees off that booke beinge examined a meetinge off the 15. was appointed againste the nexte daie and so they departed The nexte daie beinge the 17. off march and againe the daie folowinge beinge 18. twelue off the 15. mette For Maister Isaac Maister Horne and Chambers came not Vpon bothe daies the discipline was more diligently read and examined and off eleuen off them whiche were appointed alowed and subscribed vnto Vpon the 20. daie off marche the discipline was offred to the whole congregation that it might of them either in the whole or in parte be alowed or disalowed and the same daie was it twise reade ouer After the readinge Maister Horne and Maister Chambers require a copie off the discipline that at their leasure they might farther deliberate vpō it It was answered that it was to be opēly read and reade againe bothe to them and others as often as they woulde with time ynough geuē to euery man more diligently to examine euerie Artikle but seinge the Magistrate had commaunded that we shulde exhibite to them a copie off the discipline turned in to laten so soone as possible might be Therfore we durste not scatter any copice before the Magistrate had seene it Besydes that we feared leaste Maister Horne and Maister Chambers Who were amonge the 15. appointed off the churche for the writinge off the discipline who might also when they woulde not onely he are the discipline but also examine the same diligently
came to passe not many daies after that the lorde began to shewe mercy vnto Englande in remouinge Queene Mary be deathe and placinge the queens maiestie that nowe is whom god longe preserue in the seate the newes wherof as it was ioyfull to all suche as were in exile So it appeared that the churche off Geneua was not behinde the reste who after that they had geuen to god hartie thankes for his great goodnes consulted amonge themselues and concluded that for so muche as there had byn iarres betwene them and other churches abowt the Booke off common praier and ceremonies it was now expedient and necessary not onely that vnfained reconciliation shulde be betwene them but also that they might so ioine together in matters off religion and Ceremonies that no Papist or other enemie shuld take holde or aduantage by a farther dissention in their owne countrie whiche might arise in time to come yff it were not in time foreseen and preuented To this ende was William kethe one off the congregation chosen to do this message to them off Arrowe Basill Strasbrough Wormes Franckford c. And to them off Arrowe and Francford this letter was wrytten which folowith and subscribed by the ministerie in the name off the whole congregation The Copie off the letter written the 15. off December The Father of mercies and god of all cōsolation confirme and increase yow in the loue off his sonne Iesus Christ that beinge in the conduite off the lion off the tribe off Iuda ye maie be victorious against Sathan and Antechriste to the ouerthrowinge off Papistrie and errour and establishinge of Christes glorious kingdome AFter that we hearde dearely beloued of the ioiful tiding● off Gods fauoure and grace restored vnto vs by the preferment off the moste verteous and gratious Queene Elizabethe We lyfted vp our hartes and voices to oure heauenly father who hathe not onely by his dewe prouidence norished vs in oure banishement preserued vs and as it were caried vs in his winges but also harde oure praiers graunted our requestes pitied oure countrie and restored his worde So that the greatnes off this maruelous benefit ouercomethe oure Iudgements and thoughts howe to be able worthely to receaue it and to geue thankes for the same And when we had withe great comforte wayed the matter to the intēt that we might at the leaste shewe our selues mindefull off this most wonderfull and vndeserued grace we thought amonge other thinges howe we might beste serue to godes glory in this worke and Vocation off fartheringe the gospell off our sauiour Iesus Christe And bicause all impedimentes and cauillacions off aduersaries might be remoued it seemed good to haue your godly counsell and brotherly conference herein whiche we desier to lerne by this bearer our louinge brother kethe that we might all ioyne hartes and handes together in this great worke wherin no dowte we shall finde many aduersaries and staies Yet iff we whose suffraunce and persecutions are certeine signes off oure sounde doctrine holde faste together it is most certeine that the enemies shall haue lesse power offences shall sooner be taken awaie and religion best proceade and florishe For what can the papiste wishe more then that we shulde dissent one from an other and in steed off preachinge Iesus Christe and profitable doctrine to contende one againste an other either for superfluous Ceremonies or other like trifles frō the whiche god off his mercy hathe deliuered vs Therfore beare brethern we beseche yow as we dowt● not but your godly iudgements will think it so beste that what so euer offence hathe byn heretofore either taken or geuen it maie so cease and be forgotten that hereafter god laie it not to oure charges yff thereby his blessed worde shulde be any thinge hindred And as we for oure partes freely remitt all offences and most intirely imbrace yow oure deare brethern So we beseche yow in the lorde that vnfainedly yow will do the like on your behalff wheroff albeit we assure oure selues as bothe by ▪ good experience we haue proued and also haue receaued by your letters yet ● to cut off all occasions from Papistes and other cauillors we thought it beste to renewe the same amitie and to confirme it by theis oure letters Moste earnestly desiringe yow that we maie altogether teache and practise that true knowledge off Goddes worde whiche we haue lerned in this oure banishment and by goddes mercifull prouidence seene in the beste reformed churches That consideringe oure negligence in times paste and goddes punishemente for the same we maie with zeele and diligence endeauour to recōpence it that god in all oure doinges maie be glorified oure consciences discharged and the members off Iesus Christ releued and comforted The whiche thinge the lorde god who hathe mercifully visited and restored vs graunt and performe To whom be all honour praise and glory for euer and euer Your lovinge frinds and in the name of vvhole churche Christopher Goodman Miles Couerdale Iohn Knox Iohn Bodliegh VVilliam VVilliams Anthony Gilby Frances VVithers VVilliam Fuller Iohn Pullain VVilliam Bevoyes VVilliam VVhi●tingham The Answere returned from Franck. by W. Kethe The grace off god and the assistaunce off the holy goste lighten and strengthen yow to the vnderstanding and constant reteining of his truthe to the fartheraunce off his honor and glorie and to the edifinge and maintenance off his churche in Christe Iesu oure lorde DEarely beloued as your letters were moste welcome vnto vs bothe for that ye reioice at the prefermēt off our godly queene and al●o tha● y● studie howe to promote the glorie off god So are w● right sory that they came not afore the departure off suche as ye seeke a charitable reconciliatiō with all For where as ye require that all suche offences as haue byn gyuen and taken betwene yow and vs maie be forgotten hereafter there be not here paste foure left which were then present when ye dwelt here and not one off the lerned ● sorte sauinge M. Beesley Yet we dowte not but as they promised in their former letters to forget all displeasures afore conceaued so they will performe the same and esteeme yow as their brethern And for oure partes as we haue had no cōtention with yow at all afore time so we purpos not as we trust there shall be no cause to entre into contention with yow hereafter For ceremonies to cōtende where it shall lye neither in your hands or oures to appoint what they shall be but in suche mennes wisedomes as shall be appointed to the d●uising off the same and whiche shall be receyued by cōmon consent off the parliament it shal be to small purpos But we truste that bothe true religion shall be restored and that we shall not be burthened with vnprofitable ceremonies And therfore as we purpos to submit oure selues to such orders as shall be established by authoritie beinge not of themselues wicked so we would wishe yow willingly to do the same
that the congregation would answere to certeine interogatories whiche were thies First that they might knowe wha● partes off the booke they woulde admit The seconde was for a seuerall churche and the thirde what assurāce they might haue for their quiete hab●tation To ●he firste answere was made that what they coulde proue off that Booke to stande wi●he gods worde and the countrie permit that shuld be graunted them To the 2. whiche was for a church it was tolde them that they vnderstoode by the Magistrats the tyme serued not to moue anie suche matter till the counsaile brake vp at Ausburge To the third it was saied that a generall graunt was made at their first comminge thither to the whole nation and the fredome off the citie offred to all suche as were desyrous off it in as large and ample manner as they coulde require whiche was to them assurance sufficient Theis 3. questions thus answered maister Chambers and Maister Grindall departe back againe with a letter from the congregation whiche was as followethe Grace mercy and peace c. AS it was euer moste true so at this present we feele most sensiblie that where so euer god layeth the foundation to builde his glory there he continueth till he bringe the same to a present worke All thanks and praise be vnto him therfore that hathe moued your hartes so as in no pointye seeme to forslowe your diligence to the furtheraunce off the same And as the worke is off moste excellencie So the aduersaries cease not most craftely to vndermine it or at the leaste through false reportes and defacing off the worke begon to sta●e the laborers whiche shulde traueil in the finishinge theroff But truthe euer cleareth itselff and as the Sonne consumethe the clowds so misreportes by triall are confounded Oure brethern sent from yow can certifie yow at lenght touchinge the particulers off your letter to whom we haue in all th●ngs agreed whiche semed expedient for the state off this congation As for certeine Ceremonies whiche the order off the countrie will not beare we necessarily omit with as litle alteration as is possible which in your letters ye require so that no aduersary is so impudent that dare either blame oure doctrine of imperfection or vs of mutabilitie excepte he be altogether willfull ignorante rather seekinge howe to finde faultes then to amend them Nether doo we discente from them whiche lie at the raunsome off their blouds for the doctrine wheroff they haue made a moste worthye confession And yet we thinke not that anye godlie man will stande to the deathe in the defence of ceremonies whiche as the booke specifie the vpō iuste causes maie be altered and chaunged And yff the not full vsinge off the booke cause the godly to dowte in that truthe wherin before they were perswaded and to staye theyr comminge hither accordinge as they purposed either it signifieth that they were verye slenderly taught whiche for breach off a Ceremonie will refuse suche a singuler benefit or ells that yow haue harde them misreported by some false brethern who to hinder this worthie enterprise spare not to sowe in euerie place store off suche poore reasons Laste off all it remainethe that ye write that the firste off February nexte yow will come to helpe to set in order and establishe this churche accordingly whiche thinge as we moste wishe for your companies sake and for that ye might se oure godly orders alreadie here obserued So we put yow owte of dowte that for to appointe a iourney for the establishing off Ceremonies shulde be more to your charges then anie generall profit excepte ye were determined to remaine with vs longer then 2 monethes as ye write to our countriemen at Densbrorow and Emden whiche letters notwithstandinge are nowe staid and as apearethe we neuer the neere We referre the reste to oure brethern maister Chambers and maister Grindall who by their diligent inquisition haue learned so farre off our state as we wrote vnto yow in our former letters that is that we haue a churche freely graunted to preach gods word purely to minister the Sacraments sincerely and to execute discipline truly And as touchinge our booke we will practise it so farre as gods worde dothe assure it and the state off this countrie permit Fare ye well At Franckf this 3. off December Your louinge frinds Gorge VVhetnall Thomas VVhetnall Iohn Knox. Iohn Bale VVilliam VVhitingham Edward Sutton Thomas VVood VVilliam VVilliams Iohn Stanton Iohn Samford Iohn fox VVilliam Kethe Iohn Mak●braie VVilliam VValton Mighell Gill. Laurence Kert Iohn Hollingham The answere to this letter from S●rausbrough was as foloweth Grace mercy and peace c. WE haue receaued your letters and also your answere in wrytinge concerninge certeine Articles and do perceyue aswell by the same as by maister Chambers and Maister Grindall your state But for so muche as your opinion is that the tyme do●he not presently serue to moue the magistrats in those requests the obteininge wheroff was the principall cause of our sending vnto yow we cannot at this present condescend vppon anie generall meetinge at anie certeine tyme ether to remaine with yow or otherwise And therfore iff yow shall certeinly perceaue a time conuenient that the Magistrats may be traueled withe all aswell for the good and quiete habitation off the commers and especially Students as also a seuerall churche and to knowe whither the exercise off the booke shall be vsed suche we meane as no reasonable mā shall iustly reproue and that the certeintie off theis matters maie be knowen at the magistrats hands then yff yow can let vs haue intelligence we will farther consu●te what is to be done on oure par●ye trustinge god shall directe vs to do so as maye be moste to his glorie in the ende howe so euer the presente tyme shall iudge off it From Strausbrough this 13. off December Your louing frinds c. as in the letteers before WHen this letter was redd to the congregation they requested that for so muche as the lerned men coulde not cōdescend vppon any generall and certeine tyme off meetinge as nowe appeared by their letters they might conclude vppon some certeine order by common consent still to continewe and that wihowte farther delaye and also to haue the holie communion ministred whiche the moste part ernestlie desired At lenght it was agreed that the order of Geneua whiche then was alreadie printed in Englishe and some copies there amonge them shulde take place as an order moste godly and fardeste off from superstition But Maister knox beinge spoken vnto aswell to put that order in practise as to minister the communion refused to do ether the one or the other affirminge that for manie considerations he coulde not consente that the same order shulde be practised till the lerned men off Strausbrough Zurik Emden c. were made priuy Neither yet woulde he minister the communion by the booke off Englande for that there were thinges in it placed as
he saied onely by warrant of mans authoritie and no grownde in godds worde for the same and had also a longe tyme verye superstitiously in the masse byn wickedly abused But yff he might not be suffred to minister the Sacraments accordinge to his conscience he then requested that some other might minister the Sacraments and he woulde onely preache Iff nether coulde be admitted be besought them that he might be discharged But to that the congregation woulde in no wise consente Whiles these things were thus in handlinge came maister Leuer before elected who assemblinge the congregation requested that he might withe their consentes appointe suche an order as shulde be bothe Godly withowt respecte off the Booke off Geneua or anye other requestinge farther that for so muche as that office was off so great importaunce ād that he had not byn in the like before that he might betweene that and Easter haue a triall off them and they off him and so at the ende off that terme either take or refuse whiche time off triall as it was willingly graunted him so when they vnderstoode that the order whiche he woulde place and vse was not altogether suche as was fit for a right reformed churche they woulde in nowise yelde to the same Knox whittingham and others perceyuinge that theis beginnings woulde growe to some what yff it were not staid in time drewe forthe a platt off the whole booke off England into the lattin tonge sendinge the same to maister Caluin off Geneua and requestinge his iudgement therin and shewinge him that some off their countrie men went abowte to force them to the same and woulde admit no other sayinge that it was an order moste absolute and that yff euer they came in to their countrie they woulde do their beste to establishe it againe Nowe folowethe the description A description off the Liturgie or booke off seruice that is vsed in Englande FIrste off all morninge praier offreth it selff The minister hauinge put on a white garment whiche they call a surplesse beginninge withe some sentence off holie scripture as for example ▪ yff we shall saie that we haue no sinne we deceyue oure selues c. or some suche of like sorte Then he takethe in harde the exhortat on whiche stirreth vp to a confession off synnes whiche the minister pronounceth with a loude voice the people sainge after him To this is added an absolution and when these thinges are done he rehersethe the lordes praier and afterward lorde open thow my lyppes and my mouthe shall shewe forth thy praise O god be redie to be my helpe c. Then come and let vs singe vnto th Lorde c. By and by also there folowe 3. Psalmes together at th ende off euery one Then foloweth the first lesson whiche conteinethe a whole chapi●er off the olde Testament After this lesson they saie or singe we praise ●he lorde or Blessed be the Lorde c. Then an other lesson owte off the Newe testamente vnlesse peraduenture the solemnization off some highe feast haue other set and apointed lessons Nowe in cathedrall churches they vtter their lessons in plaine songe and thē afterwards is Benedictus added This booke warnethe that they keepe this order through owte the whole yere Afterwards the crede is pronounced by the Minister all the people in the meane tyme stāding vp Afterwards fallinge downe vppon their knees the Minister saithe The Lorde be with yow The answere And with thy spirite Then Lorde haue mercy vppon vs Christe haue mercy vppon vs Lorde haue mercy vppon vs c. our father c. pronounced owte alowde off all with all boldnesse Then the Minister when he standeth vpp saithe o lorde shewe vs thy mercy The answere and geue vnto vs thy sauinge helthe O Lorde saue the king In the day wherin we shall call vppon thee Iudu● thy Ministers withe righteousnes And make thy chosen people ioyfull O Lorde saue thy people And blesse thyne inheritaunce Geue peace in our tyme o Lorde c. At lenght● Collects are had ●n place off a conclusion the firste for the daie the seconde for peace the laste is for the obteininge off Grace Nowe the eueninge praiers are saide 〈◊〉 manner as the other are sauinge that after the firste lessen foloweth my soule doth magnifie the lorde After the 2. lessen Now Lorde c. and in steed off that collect God whiche arte the Author off peace is vsed o God from whom all holie desiers c. besides there is caution added that all Ministers shall exercise them selues continually aswell in morninge praiers as eueninge praiers except perhapp by studie in dyuinitie or some other busynes they be greatly and necessarely let or hindred· Besides vppon euery Sabothe daie wensdaie and fridaie there is yet in vse certeine suffrages deuised off Pope Gregory whiche beginnethe after this manner O God the father off heauen haue mercy vppon vs miserable synners O God the sonne redemer off the worlde c. onely leauinge owte the inuocation off saincts otherwise we vse a certaine coniuringe off god By the misterie off his incarnation by his holy natiuitie and circumcision by his haptisme fastinge and temptation by his agonie and bloudie sweate c. yea it comprehendethe in plaine wordes a praier to be deliuered from suddain deathe the people answeringe to the ende off euery clause either spare vs good lorde or ells Good Lorde deliuer vs or we beseche thee to heare vs Good Lorde O Lambe off God that taketh awaie the sinnes off the worlde is thrise repeated Then Lorde haue mercy vpon vs thrise and then the Lords praier with this praier also o Lord deale not with vs after our sinnes to the same adioined passinge ouer some things least we shulde seeme to syfte all those drosses which remaine still amonge vs. Nowe the manner off the supper is thus The nomber off three at the leaste is counted a fitt nomber to communicate and yet it is permitted the pestilence or some other common siknes beinge amonge the people the Minister alone maie communicate withe the sicke man in his house First therfore the Minister muste be prepared after this manner in a whit lynnin garmente as in sayinge the other seruice he is apointed and muste stande at the Northeside off the Table Then is had the Lords praier after the custome then he reciteth the collect and after folowe in order the ten commaundements but so notwithstanding that euery one off the people maye answere lorde haue mercy vpon vs and inclyne oure hartes to keepe this lawe After the rehersall off the commandements the collect off the daie as it is called and an other for the kinge is had By and by the Epistle and Gospell folowethe to witt suche as the callender apointethe for that daie And there in this place there is a note that euerie holy daye hathe his collect Epistle and Gospell whiche fill 73. great leaues off the booke ● when the reste fill scarse fiftie For all holy daies
are nowe in like vse as were amonge the Papistes onelye verye fewe excepted Then he goethe forwardes to the crede and after that to the sermon iff there be anie Afterwardes the parishe priest byddeth the holie dayes and fastes on their eues iff there be anye that weeke And here the booke warnethe that none defraude the parishe priest off his due or right specially on those feast daies that are dedicated to offrings Then foloweth a praier for the state off the churche militaunte and that not withowte a longe heape and mixture off matters vntill they come after a certeine confession off sinnes to lift vp your hartes the people answeringe we geue thankes to the lorde Let vs geue thanks to our Lorde God the answer It is meete and right so to do It is verie meete right and our bownden dewtie c. vntill they come to that clause O Lorde holie father c. and so the preface accordinge to the feaste is added Afterwards he saithe Therfore withe Angells and Archangells and so endethe with holy holy holy lord god till he come to hosianna in the highest Nowe the priest bowethe his knee acknowledginge oure vnworthynes in the name off all them that shall receiu● And settinge owte gods mercye he beseche the God that oure bodies maye be made cleane by his bodie and that our soules maie be washed through his bloude And then he againe standeth vp and takethe in hande a freshe an other praier appointed for this purpos in which are conteined the wordes off the institution all whiche beinge donne he first communicateth then by and by he saithe to an other knelinge Take and eate this in remembrance that Christ died for thee and feede on him in thy harte by faithe with thanksgeuinge Now abowte th ende the Lordes praier it vsed againe the Minister sayinge it alowde and all the people folowinge to conclude they haue a geuinge off thanks in th ende withe Glory to god in the highest as it was vsed amonge the Papistes yff it happen that there be no sermon onely a fewe thinges are omitted but all other thinges are donne in order aforesaid In baptisme the Godfathers are demaunded in the name off the childe wither they renownce the deuell and all his workes the lustes off the worlde c. and they answere I renownce them Then wither they belieue the Artikles off the faithe whiche beinge confessed wilte thow saith he turninge himself to bothe the witnesses be baptized into this faithe and they saie yea I will. After afewe thinge rehersed he takethe the Child and dippeth it in but warely and discretly as it is in the booke vppon whose forehead also he shall make a crosse in token forsoothe that when he is olde he shall not be ashamed to confesse the faithe off Christe Crucified Afterward sendinge awaie the Godfathers and Godmothers be chargeth them that they bringe the childe to be confirmed off the Bishopp as sone as he can saie the Articles off the faithe the lordes praier and the ten Cōmaundemēts And seinge there be many causes as the booke saithe whiche shulde moue them to the Confirmation off Children this forsoothe off all others is the waightiest that by imposition off hands they maie receiue strenght and defence against all temptations off sinne and the assaults off the world and the deuell bicause that when Children come to that age partlie by the frailtie off their owne fleshe partly by the assaults off the worlde and the deuell they beginn to be in daunger And leafte anie shulde think any error to be in this Confirmation therfore they take a certeine pamflett off a Catechisme whiche consisteth off the Articles off the faithe the Lordes praier and ten commandements and all this is dispatched in lesse then two leaues To these is ioyned their manner off Mariage off whiche that we maie passeouer many petty ceremonies these follies who can suffer The husbande laithe downe a ringe vpon the booke whiche the minister takinge he geuethe it in his hande and biddethe him to put it on the fourthfinger off his wiues left hande Then he vsethe this forme off wordes withe this ringe saithe he I thee wedd withe my body I thee worship withe all my worldly goods I thee endue In the name off the father the sonne and the holy ghoste A litle after the Minister saithe to the newe maried persons knelinge before the lordes table Lorde haue mercy vppon vs Christ haue mercy vpon vs Lorde haue mercy vppon vs Oure father which arte c. Lorde saue thy seruaunt and thy handmaide c. and so a few things beinge rehersed they muste be brought to the Lordes supper The visitation off the sicke is after this manner Peace be to this howse The answere and to all that dwell in the same Lorde haue mercy vpon vs c. our father c. Lorde saue thy seruaunte Answere whiche trustethe in thee Sende forthe thy helpe from thy holy hil and withe spede saue him c. as in the other prefaces withe questions and answers Off the Buriall The Priest meetethe the Corse at the entraunce off the churcheyarde either singing or softly pronouncinge I am the Resurrection and the liffe c. I knowe that my redemer lyuethe Iob. 19. beinge comme to the graue it is sayed Man borne off a woman Iob. 9. When the earthe is throwen in we committ saithe he earthe to earthe duste to duste c. The Lorde hathe geuen the Lorde hathe taken I harde a voice from heauen sayenge Blessed are the ●ead whiche die in the Lorde Lorde haue mercy vppon vs c. The purification of women in childbed whiche they call geuinge off thankes is not only in all things withe vs almoste common withe the Papistes but also with the Iewes bycause they are commaunded in stede off a lambe or doue to offre monie Other thinges not so muche shame it selff as a certeine kinde off pitie compelleth vs to keepe close in the meane season nothinge diminishinge the honor due to those reuerende men who partely beinge hindred by those times and by the obstinacie and also multitude off aduersaries to whom nothinge was euer delightfull besides their owne corruptions beinge as it were ouerflowen did alwaies in their minde continually as muche as they coulde striue to more perfect thinges Note that this description is verye fauourably put downe yf ye conferre it with the Booke off order in all points and the vsage off the booke in many churches of this realme yow can confesse no lesse And hereoff ye maie gather what M. Caluin woulde haue written yf they had noted all the abuses of the same The answere and Iudgemente off that famous and excellent lerned man Maister Iohn Caluin the late Pastor off Geneua touchinge the Booke off Englande after that he had perused the same faithfully translated owte off Latten by maister Whittingham To the godly and lerned men Maister Iohn Knox and Maister William Whittingham his faithfull brethern at Frankford c. THis thinge trulie
serue antechriste There were other 8. places but this was most noted in that it touched the Emperour But it seemed the magistrates abhorred this bloudly cruell and outragious attempt for that when as certeine off Knox his enemies folowed hardly the Magistrates to knowe what shuld be donne with him they did not onely shewe most euident signes of dislikinge their vnnaturall suite but also sent for maister Williams and Whittingham willinge them that maister Knox shuld departe the City For otherwise as they saide they shuld be forced to deliuer him yff the Emperour his counsaile whiche then lay at Ausburge shuld vppon like information send for him The 25 off marche maister Knox the night before his departure made a moste comfortable sermon at his lodginge to 50. persons or there abowte then present which sermō was of the deathe and resurrection off Christe and of the vnspeakable ioyes whiche were prepared for Goddes electe whiche in this liffe suffre trouble and persecution for the testimonie off his blessed name The next daie he was brought 3. or 4. mile in his waie by some off some off those vnto whom the night before he had made that exhortation who with great heauines off harte and plentie off teares cōmitted him to the lorde The verie same daie beinge the 26. off marche one Adulphus Glauburge A Doctor off lawe and nephew to Maister Iohn Glauburge the Senator whom D. Cox and the rest had wonne vnto them sent for wittingham and tolde him that there were presented to the Magistrates thre Docters 13. batchelers off deuinitie besides others and that the magistrates at their suites had graunted them the full vse off the Englishe booke cōmaunding and charginge him therfore not to medle any more to the contrary for as he saied it was fullie concluded that so it shuld be And supposing that Whittinghā woulde let it what he might the next daie againe he sent for him home to his howse where he gaue the like charge D. Coxe and other present by whose procurement the same was donne Whittingham answered that yff it were so concluded he woulde willingly obaie not dowtinge but that it might be lawful for him and others to ioine themselues to some other churche But D. Coxe besought the lawier that it might not so be suffred wherto whittingham answered that it woulde be to great crueltie to force men contrary to their consciences to obate all their disorderly doinges offringe that iff it woulde please the Magistrates to geue him and others the hearinge they would dispute the matter against all the contrary parte and proue that the order whiche they sought to establishe ought not to take place in anie reformed churche The D. off lawe made a plaine answere that disputation there shulde be none vsing his former wordes off charging and commaundinge not to deale farther in that matter When as the congregation harde off the cruell and more then tirannicall dealinges off this Doctor Maister Gilby and others withe him were sente to maister Iohn Glawburge by whose commaundment as ye harde they had receiued the frenche order puttinge him in remembrance off the same and shewinge him that certeine lately come amonge thē had sought as they were crediblie enformed to ouerthrowe their churche by placing the Englishe booke amonge them To this maister Glauburg made answere that he was enformed howe that bothe partes were full agreed and contented and that theruppon he had committed the whole matter to the lawier his cousen Then he asked for whittingham it was answered that strait charge was geuen him that he shuld medle no more in that matter The magistrate asked againe off whom he had that commaundement and when it was tolde him that the Doctor his cousen had geuen him that charge he then began verie gentlie to perswade with maister Gilby and the rest that they shulde be contented and he would se that nothinge shulde be vsed but that which shuld be tollerable and so maister Gilby withe the rest departed The 28. off marche D. Coxe assembled all suche as had byn Priests and Ministers in Englande to his lodging and there declared howe the Magistrates had graunted them the vse off the Englishe booke and that he thought requisite that they shulde consulte together whom they thought moste meete to be Bishop Superintendent or Pastor withe the rest off the officers as Seniors Ministers and Deacons Wherunto maister Christopher Goodmā answered that his opiniō was that they ought first to agree vpon some perfect an godly order for the churche and therto to haue the cōsent of the congregation wherby it might appeere that they contemned not the reste off their brethern And farther to proceade to the electiō which he thought also ought not to be attempted withowte the consent off the whole churche To this was answered that for the order it was already determined and other order then the booke off Englande they shulde no● haue so that the perswasions off Goodman nothinge at all preuailed nether in one thinge or other yea the proceadings off sundrie personnes whiche I coulde name were suche as if there had bin nether orders officers or churche there before their comminge or any promes to be kepte off their partes after they came as maie more plainly apeere to the reader by this lette folowinge written by maister Whittingham to a frinde off his in Englande whiche letter is off his owne hande to be seene Grace mercy and peace throught Christ our lorde AS yow require a brieff answere to your shorte letter so nether tyme permitteth nor I intend to trouble yow farther then the verie necessitie off the matter askethe And firste for that ye seeme to hange in suche extreame perplexitie partly bicause of sundry talkes and diuers letters off men off good credit which cause the yow not a litle to merueile and partly by reason off the Good opinion once conceyued and yet reteined off certeine persons bothe godly and lerned whiche maketh yow to dowte ▪ I think it beste briefly and simplie to open a fewe chieff pointes vppon the whiche the reste off the matter dependethe After certeine monethes that we had here liued in great consolation and quietnes it chaunced that as oure nomber did increase so some entred in whiche busilie vndermined oure libertie and labored to ouerthrowe oure discipline whiche troubles grewe at lenght in so great quantitie that by the greatest parte it was concluded that no man shulde neede here after to subscribe to anie discipline for as muche as they presupposed that none wou●d come hither whiche shulde haue nede theroff Whiche donne they altered oure orders in praiers and others thinges thinkinge to bringe in place the full vse off the great Englishe booke whiche notwithstandinge by reason off diuers imperfectiōs we coulde not admit so that to growe to a common concord it was agreed and the name off god inuocated that the whole matter shulde be referred to maister Caluin Maister Musculus Maister
in ministers and Elders whiche is described for other offenders and to be donne towardes them rather with more seueritie Now folowith the Discipline reformed and confirmed by the authoritie off the churche and magistrate IT is moste cumlie and godly that Christian people resorte together in place and tyme therunto by common consent appointed yff the persecution off the vngodly will suffer the same and they themselues haue no vrgent cause to the contrary there to heare the pure doctrine off Gods worde taught and them selues openly with their presence and voice to declare the consent off their hartes to the same and to confesse with their mouthe agreablely their belieff and faith vpon god and his holy worde according to the scriptures The congregation thus assembled is a particuler visible churche such as maye be in diuers places off the worlde verye manye And all theis particuler churches ioyned together not in place for that is not possible but by the coniunction off true doctrine and faithe in the same do make one whole churche in this worlde And the electe off God that be in this whole churche and euery parte theroff with all the elect that hath byn from the beginninge off the worlde and shall be to the ende theroff doo altogether make that holy catholike and Apostolike churche the spouse off oure sauiour christe wchiche he hathe purified to him selff in his blood wheroff mention is made in the creede I beleue one holie Catholike and Apostolike churche But at this present oure consideration muste be off the visible and particuler churche The signes and notes off a visible churche are thies Firste true and goldly doctrine Secondly the right ministration and vse off the Sacramentes and common praier Thirdly honest and godly liffe yff not in the whole multitude yet in manie off them fourthly discipline that is the correction off vices but the 2. firste notes are suche as withowt the whiche no forme off anie godly visible churche can possibly be Wherfore they be the principall and chieff notes And therfore we define a particuler churche visible to be the congregation off Christen men whither they be fewe or many assemblinge together in place and time conuenient to heare Christes true Doctrine taught to vse his holy Sacramentes rightly and to make their common praier together in the whiche their appearethe a studie off honest ād godlye liffe and which hathe in it a godly discipline that is to saye ordinaunces and decrees Ecclesiasticall for the preseruation off comely order and for the correction off vices Off the doctrine off the churche which is the first note The Doctrine whiche we holde and professe in oure church is the same that is taught in the canonicall bookes off the holie bible conteininge the olde testamente and the newe in the whiche is conteined the true and liuelie worde off god and the doctrine off helthe bothe as concerninge faithe and godly liffe at full sufficient for the saluation off all the faithfull that vnfainedly beleue therin The summe off the whiche as concerninge faithe is briefly and truly comprehended in the 3. creeds the common creede commonly called the creed off the Apostells the Nicene creed and the crede off Athanasius And as concerninge godly liffe in the ten commaundementes written in the xx chapter off Exodus Off the Sacramentes and common praier the second note We obserue ad kepe the forme and order off the ministraon off the sacramentes and common praier as it is set foorh by the authoritie off the blessed kinge Edwarde off famous memorye in the laste booke off the English seruice Wheroff notwithstanding in the respecte off tymes and places and other circumstances certeine rites and ceremonies appointed in the sayed booke as thinges in different maie be left owte as we at this present doo The times and houres for the teachinge and hearing off goddes worde and the ministration off the sacramen●es and and saying and hearing of the cōmon praier such as be nowe vsed or shall heare af●er by common cōsent be thought moste meete to be vsed are to be kept and obserued off all men not hauing lauful cause to the contrary Off the Ministers off the worde Sacra ments and common praier It is thought expedient for the churche at this present to haue 2. Ministers or teachers off the worde elected off dotrine and godly liffe such as the rule off the scripture dothe requyre as muche as maie be And that the sayde 2. Ministers and teachers off the worde shall in all things and points be off like authorite and neither off them superior or inferior to other Item that the saied 2. Ministers shall by themselues or fit persons by them and the Seniors in the name off the whole congregation to be appointed when necessarie cause shall so requyre preach the ordinarie Sermons on wensdaies thursdayes and sondaies before noone and after noone instruct and Heare the examination off the youthe in the Catechisme on sondaye in the after noone at the howre accustomed and shall by them selues or other appointed persons as is afore sayed Minister the Sacramentes dewly saye the common prayers distinctly viset and comfort the sick specially at their last tyme and howre off deathe bury the dead comely and obserue all other comely rites and vges in the churche directing all their behauiour actes and life according to the rule off off their vocation set foorth in the holie scriptures Item that sixe either fewer or more as the habilitie off the churche wil● beare such as be godly and haue nede off the helpe off the churche be appointed by the Ministers and Seniors in the name off the whole congregation Wheroff 4. to be well lerned who shall reade and expownde the chapters and shall helpe the two ministers off the worde when nede shall require in the doctrine off the worde Catechisinge off youthe Ministringe off the Sacramentes sainge off common praier and the other two or moo shall ayde also the sayed ministers Seniors and Deacons in visitinge off the sick and seinge to strangers and in callinge off the congregation when nede shall be and in all other necessarie and comelie thinges and rytes to be done in the churche Notwithstandinge anie other godly and lerned men whiche lyue off them selues and be not burthenus to the churche maye helpe the Ministers off the worde in the aboue named Ecclesiastical functions iff they themselues so will and be ther vnto called by the saied ministers and Seniors Item for the further instruction off you●he and seruants it is thought good that besides the examination off children in the Catechisme ordinarely vsed the said children and seruants with the whole congregation shulde be all presente at oure ordinarie sermon to be made purposely for them on sondayes at afternoone so lernedly that it be yet for their capacitie most plaine and with all possible perspecu●tie and that one tenor off Christian doctrine from the beginninge to the ende be obserued and kepte in
denounced excommunicate which excommunication seing it is the vttermoste penaltie off Ecclesiasticall power shall not therfore be executed vntill the matter be hard by the whole churche or such as it shall specially appoint therunto Item yff anie person shall be a notorious knowen offender so as he is offensiue to the whole congregation then shall the Ministers and elders ●mmediatly call the offender before them and trauell with him to reduce him to true repentaunce and satisfyinge off the congregation Whiche yff he obstinatly refuse ●o do then one off the Ministers shall s●gnifie his offence and contempte to the whole congregation desyring them to praie for him and further to assigne him a daye to be denownced excommunicate before the congregation except in the meane time the offendor submit himselff before the whole congregation to the order off the discipline Item that neither the Seniors and Ministers nor the whole congregation shall medle in anie ciuill matters as iudges or determiners off the same but onely as arbitres For peace makinge that the magistrates be troubled as litle as maye be with oure controuersies but in case the Seniors and first and afterwardes the congregation or such as the congregation shal appoint can make no peaceable ende by waye off arbitrement then the iudgement off the saied matters to be referred to the Magistrates off the citie and there to be ended Item we thinke good for oure quietnes sake and for the conseruinge off the good reporte of oure nation that all matters and controuersies amonge oure selues yff they cannot priuately be pacified whiche firste ought to be attempted be brought before the Seniors and Ministers and there to be harde And in case they cannot ende them then afterward to be referred to the whole congregation or such as the congregation shall apoint to the hearinge and determininge theroff yff they can and that no matter be brought vnto the magistrate or senate to hinder derogate or let the authoritie off the churche or the discipline theroff before theis waies be proued vnder paine off discipline before the congregation vnlesse the thinge appeteine directly to the state off the citie or offence against the lawes Senate or magistrate off the same In whiche cases euerie man maie and ought forthwith to complaine to the magistrates Item where as the best waie off Christian reconciliation is that the parties priuately betwene them selues agree and the next that agrement be made by mediation off some paceable and godly men We decree that in case 2.4.6 moo or lesse do consult amonge themselues or trauell with the parties for peace making quietly and charitably then the saied parties in so doinge do nothinge against good order off discipline but according to the dewtie and office off Christian and peaceable men Item that the ministers and Seniors shall haue authotie t● heare and determine on the behalff off the whole churche all offences determinable by the congregation committed by any person in the congregation vnlesse the partie called before them haue iust occasion to take exceptions to the sayed ministers and Seniors or to appeale from them as not competent iudges Item yff anye haue iust occasion to take exception to some off the Ministers and Seniors and not to the more parte that then those off the Ministers and Seniors to whom the exception is made in this case shall not be iudges but in this case for the tyme remoued from the ministery and that the rest off the Ministers and Seniors to whom no exception shall be made with as maine off the congregation ioyned to them as they be in nomber whiche shall be excepted shal be arbitres and iudges in the saied causes and that the saied persons so to be ioined to the Ministers and Seniors shal be appointed by the congregation the Ministers and seniors not excepted geuinge their voices as others off the congregation Item yf exception be taken to the more parte of the ministers and Seniors that then the churche shall appointe 6. moo to be Iudges wirh the reste off the ministers agaynst whom exception is not made the same reste off the ministers hauing their voices in the election off the 6. as other members off the churche Item yff all the ministers and Seniors be suspected or sounde parties or yff anie appeale be made from them that then such appeale be made to the bodie off the congregation The ministers seniors and parties excepted And that the body off the congregation maye appoint so manie off the congregatiō to heare and determine the sayed matter or matters as it shall seeme good to the congregation Item iff anie person doo vniustly take exceptions to anie off the Ministers or appeale from the whole ministery that then such persons besides the punishement for the principall cause shall also be punished as a contemner off the ministerie and a disturber off the churche Item yff all the ministers and seniors from whom it shall be appealed as is aforesaied shall saye and chalenge the more parte off the congregation as not indifferent iudges that then they maye appeale from the congregation to the magistrate prouided that iff any minister or senior aopeale to the Magistrate and be founde to haue done it with owte iuste cause that then by that facte he shall be remoued from his ministerie and shall neuer after be admitted in the ministery before he hathe made publick satisfaction for the same Item that the Ministers and Seniors and euerie off them be subiect to Ecclesiasticall Discipline and correction as other priuate members off the churche be And that in case anie person or persons accuse anie off the Ministers or elders or the more parte off them or them all of anie crime or crimes the same order off proceadinge in all pointes be vsed as it is heretofore particulerly expressed in the making off the exception to summ or the more part or all the saied Ministers and Seniors as parties or otherwise incompent arbitres Item that no accusation against any off the Ministers and Seniore be adm●tted vnder 2. Witnesses at the leaste And that yff anie do vniustlie accuse the Ministers and Seniors or any off them that he or they shall therfore be moste sharply disciplined as a cōtemner and defacer of the ministerie and a disturber off the whole churche Item yf anie controuersie be vppon the dowtfull meaning off anie worde or wordes in the discipline that first it be referred to the ministers and Seniors And yff they cannot agree therupon then the thing to be brought and referred to the whole congregation Item for the auoyding off occas●on off contention hereafter that bookes of discipline cōcerning this churche heretofore made be of no effecte hereafter but voyde and Canceled Item that all bookes and writinges off recorde concerning actes and orders in this churche be deliuered and remaine in the custodie off the ministers and elders for the tyme being Item that a R●gister booke be kept by the ministers and Seniors off all
36. article that the gouernement off the whole churche is committed to the ministers and Seniors The obiection to the 13. Article We allowe the translatinge off bookes But that so open a lawe shulde be made for that matter that is the thinge we fynde fault withe For it bothe conteineth that whiche is a pestilent matter to oure congregation by meanes off danger off such as are wont to traueile as strangers vpp hither vnto vs owt of Englande as also it maie be reprehended in that it semeth to smell and tend openly to the priuate commoditie off some men The answere Where it is signified that certeine bookes godly and fitt either to instructe or comforte oure countrie men in this calamitie off oures and off oure countre shuld be translated in to our tonge then the whiche there can be nothinge more profitable or necessarie they saie it is a pestilente matter forsoothe bicause it is so openly mentioned as though by speaking nothinge it might be perswaded that we do nothinge here but slepe for wher they add towching the priuate commoditie off some in so common a profit we cannot gesse what that meanethe in as muche as all men that haue in theis miserable daies yet hitherto caused bookes to be set foorthe in oure tonge haue rather lost then wonne by them The obiection to the 16. Article In the 16. Article the custodie off the treasure off the churche perteineth not necessarily to the Deacons by the worde off god And at this daye many reformed churches do not obserue it and moreouer it semethe more profitable vnto oure congregation to haue it otherwise Fowrthly the moste parte off the auntientest churches keepe a plaine other custome The answere Iff they be able to shewe so plaine a place in all the whole Scripture for anie other that ought to haue the custodie off the treasure off the churche as is in the 6. off the Actes off the Apostells for the Deacones we yelde vnto them Yea and Caluin shall yelde also whose name they oftentimes wonderous confidently and falsely alleadge who in the ● Chapter off the Institution off a Christen man in the 55. diuision thinketh plainly as we doo aswell concerninge the custodie as the distribution off all churche mony and vtterethe the same in plaine wordes In the primatiue churche saith he the Deacons receaued euen as it was vnder the apostells faithfull peoples dayly oblations and the yerely reuenewes off the churche to th entent they shuld bestowe them vppon true vses We desier them nowe to shewe vs more plainly vnto what other men that charge dothe rather belonge then to the deacons c. But they saye manie reformed churches obserue not this ād that it will be more profitable for oure congregatiō to haue it otherwise And that the moste parte of the aunciētest churches keepe still an other custome This as we sayde before is onely to affirme and proue nothinge But thus they doo a●moste allwaies But where they speake off the auntientest churches we beleue they meane the popishe churches but would not for shame vtter it or ells let them shewe vs what auncient churches those be yet this we maye not ouerpasse how that they affirme that it will be profitable for oure churche to haue it otherwise that is that one as it is nowe haue the custodie alone know alone and distribute the churche mony alone and make accoumpt alone and to himselff alone But we are ready to proue either to the magistrate or to the worlde in case the Magistrate so permit it bothe by testimonies reasons and matters in dede that this is not onely not profitable but also it hathe and is vtterly pernitious and to the plaine vndooinge off oure churche The obiection to the 17. Article We fynde faulte that the election off the Deacons is not free ynough For the riche men muste be allwaies taken Also in that they ought to depend vppon the will and councell off the elders where nowe agreat parte off the elders bothe liue and depende vpon the Deacons purce There mouth therfore semethe to be stopped so as they dare neuer reproue and ouersore correcte the Deacons when they offende The answere There was neuer man that was in his right witt whiche denied i● to be moste profitable for the churche to haue suche men chosen to be Deacons as the least suspition can be had in Where Horne and Chambers affirme that a great parte off the Elders liue and depend vpon the Deacons purce it is a plaine slaunderous reporte But admit there be one or two amonge them off the poorer sorte that shall perhapps haue nede now and then off some relieff off the churche monie Do not yow Horne and Chambers knowe that they haue byn richer in tymes paste and excepte they preferred Religion to riches maye be richer when they will And nowe as they are become willingly banished men so are they willinglye poore men for the same Religions sake that ye will seeme to professe Wherfore then had ye rather enuiously to reprehend pouertie in suche a one then gentlie to cōmend so great a vertue but that ye are driuen hereto by griefe of your stomakes through malice What Dothe Paule require welthe in Elders as ye doo or vertue Go too and shewe vs owte off Paule that this your purce welthe is so necessary in an elder We dare affirme that suche a one shulde haue byn off more authoritie with Paule as also with all men that be godly and more worthie to be an elder by reason off his pouertie for the whiche he is so contemned at your hande But poore elders dare not ye muste vnderstande reproue offendinge Deacons Do not yow Horne and Chambers knowe that in the primatiue churche Bishopps them selues had their appointed liuinge owte off the treasure off the churche whiche was in the Deacons handes and yet the Deacons in case they did amisse were neuer the lesse sharply corrected off them And yet theis men that requier such ruffling riche elders woulde haue Deacons off the poorer sorte But by what example and by what reason why cannot ye beinge Christians be content in exile aswell with poore Elders as with poore Deacons we remember that one off yow saied openly in our hearinge and in the hearing of manie other that yow coulde not with your conscience be vnder such ministers and such Seniors as oure church hathe nowe chosen If ye can finde no other faulte in them then willfull pouertie the congregation also can not repent them yet off the ministers and Seniors whom they haue chosen and as for this pure conscience off yours we passe not for it But we think yff welthe be to respected in anie that is in Ecclesiasticall Ministery it is to be be respected chieffly in Deacons that they medle with the churche monie with owte sinistre suspition In dede abowte 4. monethes paste ye had Deacons surely honest men we saie not nay but yet suche as for