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A11777 The holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages. With arguments of the bookes, and chapters: annotations. tables: and other helpes ... By the English College of Doway; Bible. O.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1609-1610 (1610) STC 2207; ESTC S101944 2,522,627 2,280

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Goe ye forth into the mount and fetch branches of the oliue tree and branches of the most fayre tree branches of the mirtle tree and boughes of the palme trees and branches of the thicke leaued tree that tabernacles may be made as it is written † And the people went forth and brought And they made themselues tabernacles euery man in his house toppe and in his courtes and in the courtes of the house of God and in the streate of the water gate and in the streate of the gate of Ephraim † Therefore al the church of them that were returned from the captiuitie made tabernacles and dwelt in tabernacles For from the daies of Iosue the sonne of Nun the children of Israel had not done it in such sort vntil that day and there was exceeding great ioy † And he reade in the booke of the law of God day by day from the first day til the last and they made the solemnitie seuen dayes in the eight day a collect according to the rite CHAP. IX The people repenting in fasting and sakcloth put away their wiues of strange nations 5. Esdras confesseth Gods benefites and the peoples ingratitude 32. prayeth for them and maketh league with God AND in the foure and twenteth day of the moneth the children of Israel came together in fasting and sackeclothes and carth vpon them † And the seede of the children of Israel was seperated from euerie strange childe and they stood and confessed their sinnes and the iniquities of their fathers † And they rose vp to stand and they read in the volume of the law of our Lord their God foure times in a day and four times they confessed and adored our Lord their God † And there arose vpon the steppe of the Leuites Iosue and Bani Cedminel Sabania Bonni Sarebias Bani and Chanani and they cried with a lowde voice to our Lord their God † And the Leuites Iosue and Cedmihel Bonni Hasebnia Serebia Odaia Sebnia and Phathahia said Arise Blesse our Lord your God from eternitie to eternitie and let them blesse the high name of thy glorie in al blessing praise † Thou the same o Lord alone thou hast made heauen al the host therof the earth al thinges that are in it the seas and al thinges that are therin and thou dost giue life to al these thinges and the host of heauē adoreth thee † Thou the same o Lord God which didst choose Abram broughtest him out of the fire of the Chaldees and gauest him the name Abraham † And thou didst finde his hart faithful before thee and thou madest a couenante with him that thou wouldest geue him the land of the Chananite of the Hetheite and of the Amorrheite and of the Pherezeire and of the Iebuseite of the Gergeseite to geue vnto his seede and thou hast fulfilled thy wordes because thou art iust † And thou sawest the afflicton of our fathers in Aegypt their crie thou didst hear● vpon the Read sea † And thou gauest signes wonders in Pharao and in al his seruants and in al the people of his land for thou didst know that they had done proudly against them and thou madest thyself a name as also at this day † And thou didst diuide the sea before them and they passed througth the midst of the sea in drie land but their persecutors thou threwest into the depth as a stone into the rough waters † And in a piller of a cloude thou wast their leader by day and in a piller of fire by night that the way might appeare to them by the which they went † To mount Sinai also thou didst descend and spakest with them from heauen and thou gauest them right iudgements and the law of truth ceremonies and good preceptes † Thy sanctified Sabbath thou didst shew them and the commandements and ceremonies and the law thou didst command them in the hand of Moyses thy seruant † Bread also from heauen thou gauest them in their hunger and water out of the rocke thou didst bring forth to them thirsting and thou saidest to them that they should enter in and possesse the land vpon which thou didst lift vp thy hand to diliuer it them † But they and our fathers did proudly and hardned their neckes and heard not thy cōmandements † And they would not heare and they remembred not thy merueylous workes which thou hast done to them And they hardned their neckes and gaue the head to returne to their seruitude as it were by contention But thou a propitious God and gratious and merciful long suffering and of much compassion didst not forsake them † Yea and when they had made to them selues a molten calfe and had said This is thy God which brought thee out of Aegypt and they did great blasphemies † But thou in thy manie mercies didst not leaue them in the desert the piller of the cloude departed not from them by day to lead them into the way and the piller of fire by night to shew them the way by which they should goe † And thou gauest them thy good spirite which should teach them and thy Manna thou didst not withhold from their mouth and thou gauest them water in thirst † Fourtie yeares didst thou feede them in the desert and nothing was wanting to them their garmentes waxed not old and their feete not worne † And thou gauest them kingdomes and peoples and didst part lottes vnto them and they possessed the land of Sehon and the land of the king Hesebon and the land of Og the king of Basan † And thou didst multiplie their children as the starres of heauen brought them to the land wherof thou hadst said to their fathers that they should enter and possesse it † And the children came and possessed the land and thou didst humble before them the inhabiters of the land the Chanan●ites and gauest them into their hand and their kinges and the peoples of the land that they might doe to them as it pleased them † They therfore tooke the fensed cities and fatte ground and possessed houses ful of al goodes cesternes made by others vineyardes and oliuetes manie trees that bare fruite and they did eate and were filled and became fatte and abounded with delicious thinges in thy great goodnes † But they prouoked thee to wrath departed from thee and threw thy law behind their backes they killed thy prophetes which admonished them ernestly to returne to thee and they did great blasphemies † And thou gauest them into the handes of their enemies and they afflicted them And in the time of their tribulation they cried to thee thou from heauen didst heare and according to thy manie cōpassions gauest them sauiours that should saue them from the hand of their enemies † And when they had rested they returned to do euil in thysight thou didst leaue them in the hand of their enemies and they possessed them And they
therfore for this also remember me my God spare me according to the multitude of thy mercies † But in those daies also I saw the Iewes marying wiues wemen of Azotus and of Ammon and of Moab † And their children spake the halfe part the Azotian tongue and they could not speake the Iewes language and they spake according to the language of the people and people † And I rebuked them and cursed them And I beate of them some men and shaued them bald and adiured them by God that they should not geue their daughters to their sonnes nor take their daughters for their sonnes for themselues saying † Did not Salomon the king of Israel sinne in this kind of thing and surely in manie nations there was not a king like to him he was beloued of his God and God sette him king ouer al Israel him therfore also foren wemen brought to sinne † And shal we also being disobedient persons doe al this great euil to transgresse against our God and to marie foren wemen † And Sanaballat the Horonite was sonne in law to one of the sonnes of Ioiada the sonne of Eliasib the high Priest whom I draue from me † Remember o Lord my God against them that pollute the Priesthood and the right of Priestes and Leuites † Therfore I sepatared from them al strangers and I appoynted the courses of the Priestes and Leuites euerie man in his ministerie † and in the oblation of woode at times appoynted and in the first fruites Remember me my God vnto good Amen ANNOTATIONS Concerning the bookes of TOBIAS IVDITH WISDOM ECCLESIASTICVS and MACHABEES PROTESTANTES and other Sectaries of this time denie these bookes to be diuine Scripture because they are not in the Iewes Canon no● were accepted for canonical in the primitiue Church But in deede the chiefe cause is for that some thinges in these bookes are so manifest against their opinions that they haue no other answere but to reiect their authoritie An old shift noted and refuted by S Augustin touching the Booke of VVisdome which some refused pretending that it was not canonical but in deede because it conuinced their errors For otherwise who seeth not that the Canon of the Church of Christ is of more authority with al true Christians then the Canon of the Iewes And that the Church of Christ numbreth these Bookes amongst others of diuine and infallible authoritie is euident by the testimonie and diffinition not only of later general Councels of Trent Sess 4. and Florence Instructione Armenorum of Pope Innocentius Epist ad Exuperium and Gelasius Decreto delibris sacris but also the Councel of Carthage An. Dom. 419. S. Augustin lib. 2. Doct. Christ cap. 8. Isidorus lib. 6. Etymol cap. 1. Cassidorus lib. 1. Diuinarum Lectionum Rabanus lib. 2 de Institutione Clericorum and others testifie the same as we shal further note seuerally of euerie booke in their particular places And for so much as our aduersaries acknowlege these Bookes to be Holie and worthie to be read in the Church but not sufficient to proue and confirme pointes of faith the studious reader may consider that the Councel of Carthage calleth them Canonical and Diuine which sheweth that they are of infallible authoritie For a Canon is an assured rule and warrant of direction whereby sayth S. Augustin lib. 11. contra Faustum cap. 5. et lib. 2. contra Cresconium cap. 32. the infirmitie of our defect in knowlege is guided and by which rule other bookes are likewise knowne to be Gods word His reason is because we haue no other assurance that the bookes of Moyses the foure Gospels and other bookes are the true word of God but by the Canon of the Church VVherevpon the same great Doctor vttered that famous saying that he vvould not beleue the Gospel except the authoritie of the Catholique Church moued him thervnto contra Epist Fundamenti ca. 5. True it is that some Catholique Doctors doubted whether these bookes were Canonical or no because the Church had not then declared that they were but since the Churches declaration no Catholique doubteth So S. Ierom testifieth that the Booke of Iudith among the rest semed to him not canonical til the Councel of Nice declared it to be Likewise the Epistle to the Hebrewes the Epistle of S. Iames the second of S. Peter the second and third of S. Iohn S. Iudes Epistle and the Apocalyps were sometimes doubted of yet were afterwardes declared to be Canonical And most Protestantes namely English admitte them al as the assured word of God though they were not alwaies so reputed by al but as S. Ierome affirmeth of S. Iames Epistle Paulatim tempore procedente meruit authoritatem By litle and litle in processe of time merited authoritie THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF TOBIE BESIDES the testimonies of Councels and Fathers before mentioned S. Cyprian de Oratione Dominica alleaging this booke cap. 12. saith Diuine Scripture instructeth vs that prayer is good with fasting and almes S. Ambrose li de Tobia ● 1. calleth this booke by the common name of Scripture saying he wil briefly gather the vertues of Tobie which the Scripture in historical maner layeth forth at large VVhere he also calleth this historie Prophetical and Tobie a Prophet And lib. 3. offic cap. 14. alleageth this booke as he doth other holie Scriptures to proue that the vertues of Gods seruants farre excel the Moral Philosophers S. Chrysostom ho. 15. ad Heb alleageth Tobias as Scripture denouncing curse to contemners S. Augustin made a special sermon of Tobias as he did of Iob which is the 226. sermon de tempore S. Gregorie parte 3. pastor curae admon 21. alleageth it as holie Scripture And vene able Beda expoundeth this whole booke mystically as he doth other holy Scriptures S. Ierom translated it out of the Chaldee language wherein it was written iudging it more ●e●e to displease the Phari●aical Iewes who reiect it then not to satisfie the wil of holie Bishops vrging to haue it Epist ad Chromat Heliodorum to 3. The author is vncertaine but S. Athanasius in Synopsi reporteth the contentes at large And S. Augustin li. quest ex v●roque testamento q. 119. deliuereth both the contentes and cause of writing it briefly thus The seruant of God holie Tobias is geuen to vs after the law for an example that we might know how to practise the thinges which we reade And if tentations come vpon vs not to depart from the feare of God nor expect helpe from anie other then from him It may be diuided into three partes The first foure chapeers shew the holie and sincere maner of life of old Tobias The eight folowing relate the iorney and affayres of yong Tobias accompained and directed by the Angel Raphael In the two last chapters they praise God And old Tobias prophecieth better state of the commonwealth THE BOOKE OF
And she abode in her husbands house an hundred fiue yeares and dismist her abra free and she died and was buried with her husband in Bethulia † And al the people mourned for her seuen dayes † And in al the space of her life there was not that trubled Israel and after her death manie yeares † But the day of the festiuitie of this victorie is receiued of the Hebrewes in the number of holie daies and is worshiped of the Iewes from that time vntil this present day ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVI 26. After that her husband vvas dead As yong Toblas and Sara were notable patterns to maried persons so Iudith is a like good example to deuout widowes excelling most partin manie respectes For first she professed this holie state of life in the old Testament when it was most rare the law prouiding that the brother or next kinsman should marie the widow of him that died without children as it semeth she had none the Greke text affirming that she gaue al her goodes before her death to other kinred ch 16. v. 24. Secondly she was only once maried ch 15. v. 13. ch 16. v. 26. wheras it is also commendable after twise or oftenner mariage at last to abstaine Thirdly she was yong about 36. yeares for three yeares and a half after that her husband was dead she was called a yong maide ch 12. v. 12. Fourtly she was of excellent beautie ch 8 v. 7. Fiftly exceeding rich ibidem Sixtly very noble especially after the deliuerie of the people from such distresse ch 15. v. 10. Seuently for this renowmed fact and for her other great vertue ch 8. v. 8 manie principal men desired to marie her ch 16. v. 22 Eightly al the people wished much issue of so noble a stock ch 16. v. 25. Nintly she liued long in the state of widowhood about threescore and nine yeares from 36. to 105 ch 16. v. 28. Tently there was great and long peace in al Israel after that she had releeued Bethulia ch 16. v. 30. Al which might easely haue inuited an other to haue maried but her great deuotion and feruent desire to serue God in a retired austere life fasting praying ch 8. v. 6. cutte of al incitements to mariage and made her before the Gospel to embrace Euangelical counsel not commanded but for better attaining to perfecton counseled by our Sauior and S. Paul Mat. 19. 1. Cor. 7. THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF ESTHER OF the authoritie of this booke only two or three ancient writers doubted before the councels of Laodicea and Carthage declared it to be Canonical Al the rest did euer esteme it as diuine Scripture For albeit S. Ierom in his time found not certaine partes therof in the Hebrew and therfore transposed the same to the end of the booke as now we haue them yet in the Greeke he found al these sixtenne chapters conteyned in tenne And it is not vnprobable that these parcels were sometimes in the Hebrew as were diuers whole bookes which are now lost But whether they were at anie time in the Hebrew or no the Church of Christ accounteth the whole Booke of infallible authoritie reading as wel these partes as the rest in her publique office And the councel of Trent sess 4. For more expresse declaration defiueth that al the bookes recited in the same Decree amongst which is Esther with al the partes therof as they are accustomed to be read in the Catholique Church and be conteyned in the old vulgare latin Edition are sacred and Canonical Scripture It conteyneth a particular great danger of the people of Israel hapening as is probable shortly after their general relaxation returne of some from the captiuitie of Babylon and their deliuere from it through the godlie Zele and other vertues of Quene Esther directed herein by Mardocheus who being also in imminent danger was deliuered aduanced and finally writ the historie which may be diuided into foure partes not by order of the chapters as hey are here transposed but in order of time first the author reporteth some thinges going before the peoples danger in the 11. 1. 2. 12. chapters and part of the 3. Secondly their danger and distresse in the rest of the 3. and part of 13. chapters Thirdly their deliuerie from the 4. chapter to the middes of the. 9. and rest of the 13. and in the 14. 15. and 16. Fourtly the thinges that ensued hereupon in the other half of the ninth chapter the 10. chapter and first verse of the eleuenth VVho soeuer vvil please to read this historie in order of the time as the thinges happened adioyning the latter chapters vvhich are in the Greke and not in the Hebrevv may folovve the letters of the Alphabet as here vve haue placed them in the margent beginning at the second verse of the 11. chapter vvhere he findeth the letter A. and vvhen he cometh to B. returne vvhere the same letter is noted ch 1. And so in the rest folovv the same direction THE BOOKE OF ESTHER CHAP. I. King Assuerus celebrateth a great banket to shew his glorie 10. calleth quene Vasthi therto who refusing to come is by aduise of his counsel deposed IN the daies of Assuerus who reigned from India vnto Aethiopia ouer an hundred twentie seuen prouinces † when he sate in the throne of his kingdō the citie Susá was in the begynning of his kingdom † In the third yeare therfore of his empyre he made a great feast to al the princes and to his seruantes to the most valiant of the Persians and the nobles of the Medes and the rulers of the prouinces in his sight † that he might shew the riches of the glorie of his kingdom and the greatnes vaunting of his might a great time to witte an hundred foure score dayes † And when the daies of the feast were accomplished he inuited al people that was found in Susan from the greatest to the least and commanded seuen daies a feast to be prepared in the entrance of the garden and of the wood which was planted with royal garnishing and with hand † And there hong on euerie side hangings of skie colour and grene and hyacinthine colour held vp with cordes of silke and of purple which were put into rings of yuorie and were held vp with marble pillers Beddes also of gold and siluer were placed in order vpon the floore paued with the emerauld and the touch stone which paynting adorned with meruelous varietie † And they that were inuited dranke in golden cuppes and the meates were brought in change of vessels Wine also plenteous and the best was set downe as was worthie of a kings magnificence † Neither was there that compelled them to drinke that would not but as the king had appointed making ech of his princes ouerseer of euerie table that euerie man might take what he would † Vasthi also the
Mat. 11. v. 20. Mar. 1. Luc. 1. 7. Psal 131. v. 17. b S. Iohn vvas first onceiued likevvise first b●rne and he first prea●hed and shortly after him our Sauiour came c Christ is the Angel of the testament because he made the Pact of peace betvven God and man d In the meane time God threatneth to punish al euen secrete sinnes e knovven ●o him though not to other vvitnesses Zach. 1. v. 3. f Paying of tithes is most strictly commanded Iob. 〈…〉 v. 14. Isa 5● v. ● g Sinne of murmuring against God is great blasphe mie and not to lerable For vvhen they were punished by famine for defrauding the Leuites of tithes they blasphemously imputed it to God as though he had not such care of his owne people as he had of other nations vvhich had abundance of temporal goodes a In the day of iudgement it shal plainly appeare vvhat difference is betvven the iust and the wicked Zach. 3. v 8. 6. v. 11. Luc. 1. v. 78. Exo. 20. D●ut 4. 5. 6. Mat 11 17. v 11. b The Septuagint for explication adde Thesbites And S. Ierom. in 17. Mat teacheth that Elias shal in dede come and restore al thinges c Christs first coming was in al mekenes not in terrour but his coming to iudge wil be dreadful And therfore the prophet here meaneth not S. Iohn Baptist but that Elias himself shal come before the great and dreadful day of our Lord. * vtter destruction● Prooemial questiōs touching these bookes They are called Machabees of Iudas Machabeus Iudas had this surname for his streingth and val●●e li. 1. c. 2. v. 64 65 66. Others also called Machabees li. 2. c. 6. 7. There be foure bookes VVritten by vncertaine auctors The tvvo last are not Canonical v. 24. Ievves Protestantes denie also these two first Their arguments * li. 1. c. 1. v. 1. 7. 11. 57. ch 4. v. 52. ch 6. v. 16. ch 8. v. 16. li. 2. ch 1. v. 19. ch 2. v. 25. ch 12. v. 43. ch 14 v. 41. ch 15. v. 39. Euseb li. 3. c. 25. hist S. Ierom de viru illustrib Ansvvers Approued by Councels And by Ancient Fathers The same contentes of both the bookes Foure principal partes The occasion of so extraordinarie disposition ●● 2. c. 2. v. 24. The historie conteyneth tvvo partes An order how to reade these bookes Read first the preface li. 2. ch 2. v. 20. The first part of the historie The persecution of the Church by Antiochus B :: Other kings reigned before Alexander in Grece but he vvas the first that reigned in that great Monarchie erected by himselfe :: By deliuering his ring to Perdicca he gaue him auctoritie to distribute his kingdomes I●s●nu● li. 12. ●●urtius li. 10. * li. 2. c. 3. v. 1. :: Epiphanes Noble in re●owme D :: This Antiochus begane his reigne in the yeare 137. from Seleuchus the first king of Syria after Alexander otherwise this vvas the 156 yeare of the Grecian Monarchie Euseb in chroni●o * li. 2. c. 4. v. 7. F :: Being established in the kingdom of Syria he coueted also the kingdom of Aegypt * li. 2. c. 4. v. 21. H :: Iosephus li. 12. c. 6. vvriteth that Antiochus first killed such as vvould haue hindred his entrance into Ierusalem and aftervvards those that opened the gates vnto him but vvould haue hindered him from spoyling the temple :: This vvas Apollonius as appeareth li. 2. c. 5. v. 2● :: The tovvre of Sion fortified and kept :: by a garrison of Macedonians :: It sufficed not this cruel tyrant to spoile Gods people of their goodes and manie of their liues but he also peruerted manie in religion because his master the diuel seeketh to destroy mens soules :: Daniels prophecie ch 9. vvas here in part fulfilled as in a figure and our Sauiour confirmeth it ●la● 24 of Antichrist setting vp abomination of desolation in the holie place * li. 2. c. 5. v. 11. The 2. part The warres of the Machabees begune by this Mathathias and prosecuted by his sonnes especially by Iudas as in the seuen chapters folovving and more largely in the second booke from 8. chapter to the end of the last K This smal helpe of great importance is that ayde wher of Daniel prophecied ch 11. v ●4 :: Mathathias not of priuate spirite but being general capitaine of the people did this iustice according to the lavv vvhere it is commanded to kil the auctors of false pretended religion Deut. 13. S. Cyprian Exhort ad Martyrium c. 5. S. Beruar Epist 158. ad Innocent Num. 25. :: These are commended by S. Ambrose li. 1. Offic. c. 40. and other fathers dying in the simplicitie of doues though they had not the prudence of serpents which others obseruing are more commended especially in respect of the whole Church so dangerously impugned which God in dede wil euer defend and conserue from vtter ruine Yet he vseth also ordinarie meanes by lawful vvarres and the like :: Assideans othervvise called Esseni not hypoch●y●ically as the Pharises nor erroniously as the Sadduces but sincerely professed a peculiar holie rule of life Iosephus li. 2 c. ●2 de bello Iudaico Gen. 22. Gen. 41. Num. 25. Iosue 1. Num. 14. 2. Reg 2. 4. Reg 2. Dan. 3. Dan. 6. :: In al affayres order is of singural importance that euerie office be designed to ●●●●est persons As here Mathathias appointed Simon the chiefe for determining matters in counsel Iudas the first for execution and that the rest should obey these two and ech of these the other in his office :: He did not arrogate to himself to be chief but being designed by his father vvas so accepted by his bretheren the good people ioyned vvith them in defence of the lavv of God Iudas had foure battles and victories against foure general captaines sent by king Antiochus Epiphanes The first against this Apollonius * li. 2. c. 8. v. 1. M :: The second against Seron :: The natural frailtie of man feareth to encounter vvith a strong enemie but true confidence in Gods helpe which is euer assured in a good cause geueth corege and getteth the victorie :: Not only the Ievves resisted Antiochus innouations in religion but also diuers other nations reuolted and rebelled because he commanded al ●o leaue their for merrites and goddes and to accept of his goddes only ch 1. v. 43. persecuting al that did not therto conforme themselues :: Praying fasting other vvorkes of penance are the best armour in holie vvarres for religion :: Publique place of prayer vvas first in Silo. Iosue 18. after in Maspha 1. Reg. 7. lastly in Ierusalem a penta contarchos Deu. 20. :: This most godlie resolution encoreged themselues procured Gods merciful protection :: The third battle made by Iudas vvas against this Gorgias an other captaine of Antiochus Epiphanes :: Vigilancie in rulers and pastors preserueth from al the diuels stratagems ::
him for the same THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF GENESIS THIS first Booke of holie Sripture called Genesis which signifieth birth or beginning was written by Moyses when he was designed by God to instruct rule the children of Israel As also the other foure bookes folowing The Author and authoritie of al which fiue bookes were euer acknowledged by the faithful both of the old and new Testament and so accounted and estemed by tradition til Christ and his Apostles who also confirmed them by their testimonies and allegations of the same as of holie Scriptures From the creation vntil Moyses writ which was aboue two thousand and foure hundred yeares the Church exercised Religion by Reuelations made to certaine Patriarches and by Traditions from man to man without anie Scriptures or Law written But the peculiar people of God being more visibly separated from other nations manie errors abunding in the world God would for correction confutation therof haue his wil made fu●●her knowen to his children and so remaine amongst them in written record by his faithful seruant and Prophet Moyses VVho therfore declareth the Author and beginning of al thinges that is How al creatures were made by God and of him haue their being and by him only are conserued He teacheth expresly that there is one onlie God against those that imagined and brought into the phantasies of men manie goddes That the whole or vniuersal substance of heauen and earth with their ornaments and accidents were made in time against those that thought the first fundation therof had euer benne That God doth gouerne the same against those that say al is ruled by d●stenie or by the starres and not by the continual prouidence of God That God is a rewarder of the good and a punisher of euil which sinners seme either not to know or grosly to forgete And that God created al for mans vse and benefite which should make vs grateful VVherfore holie Moyses more particularly describeth the beginning of man what he was at first how he fel how al mankind is come of one man deducing the Genealogie of Adam especially to Noe. Then how men being more and more defiled vpon the earth with wicked especially carnal sinnes were by Gods iust wrath drowned with an vniuersal floud Againe how a few reserued persons multiplied the world a new But this of spring also falling into manie sinnes especially Idolatrie and spiritual fornication as those of the first age did to carnal offences God stil conserued some faithful true seruants Of which Moyses specially pursueth the line of Noe by Sem his first begotten sonne Then describeth the particular vocations liues maners notable sayings and noble factes with sincere religion of Abraham Isaac Iacob Ioseph other holie Patriarches who liued before the written lavv Likevvise vpon vvhat occasion in vvhat mane● Iacob otherwise called Israel with al his progenie descended from the Land of Canaan into Aegypt and were there entertayned So this booke contayneth the historie of two thousand three hundred odde yeares And it may be diuided into eight partes The first contayneth the Creation of Heauen and Earth other Creatures and lastly of Man chap. 1. 2. The second part is of the trangression fal of man his casting out of Paradise of multiplication of m●n and of sinne though stil some were iust of the general floud that drowned al except eight persons few other liuing creatures of the earth from the third chap. to the 8. The third part is of the new increase multiplication of the same from the 8. chap. to the 11. The fourth of the confusion of tongues the diuision of nations in the 11. chap. The fift relateth Abrahams going forth of his countrie Gods promise that in his seede al Nations should be blessed the commandment of Circumcision from the 12. chap. to the 21. The sixth part recounteth the progenie and other blessings especially the great vertues of Abraham Isaac and Ia●ob from the 21. chap. to the 37. The seuenth part reporteth the felling of Ioseph into Aegypt and his aduancement there from the 37. chap. to the 46. The eight and last part is of Iacob and his progenies going into Aegypt their intertainment there and of Iacobs and finally of Iosephs death in the fiue last cahpters The signification of the markes here vsed for direction of the reader The numbers in the argumentes of chapters point to the verse where the matter mentioned beginneth This forme of crosse † in the text sheweth the beginning of euerie verse The numbers in the inner margent ouer against the crosse shew the number of verses in the same chapter This marke signifieth that there foloweth an Annotation after the chapter vpon the word or wordes wherto it is adioyned The number also of the same verse is prefixed to the Annotation These foure prickes shew that there is an Annotation in the margent vpon that place And when manie occurre the first answereth to the first marcke the second to the second and so forth In like maner the citations of places in the inner margent are applied to the authores alleaged But when there be more such marginal annotations then may easely be applied we vse the letters of the Alphabete for direction This forme of a starre * in the text or annotations pointeth to the explication of some word or wordes in the margent Sometimes we put the Concordance of other Scriptures in the inner margent of the text VVe haue also noted in the margent when the Bookes of holie Scripture or partes thereof are read in the Churches Seruice For their sakes that desire to re●d the same in order of the Ecclesiastical Office THE BOOKE OF GENESIS IN HEBREW BERESITH CHAP. 1. God createth heauen and earth and al things therin distinguishing and bevvtyfying the same 26. last of al the sixth day he createth man to vvhom he subiecteth al corporal things of this inferior vvorld N THE beginning GOD created heauen and earth † And the earth was voide vacant and darkenes was vpon the face of the deapth and the Spirite of God moued ouer the waters † And God said Be light made And light was made † And God saw the light that it was good he diuided the light from the darkenes † And he called the light Day and the darkenes Night and there was euening morning that made one day † God also said Be a firmament made amidst the waters and let it diuide betwene waters waters † And God made a firmament and diuided the waters that were vnder the firmament from those that were aboue the firmament And it was so done † And God called the firmament Heauen and there was euening morning that made the second day † God also said Let the waters that are vnder the heauen be gathered together into one
place and let the drie land appeare And it was so done † And God called the drie land Earth and the gathering of waters together he called Seas And God sawe that it was good † And said Let the earth shootforth grene herbes and such as may seede fruite trees yelding fruit after his kinde such as may haue seede in it selfe vpon the earth And it was so done † And the earth brought forth grene herbe such as seedeth according to his kinde tree that beareth fruite hauing seede eche one according to his kinde And God saw that it was good † And there was euening morning that made the third day † Againe God said Be there lightes made in the firmament of heauen to diuide the day the night and let them be for signes seasons and dayes and yeares † to shine in the firmament of heauen to giue light vpon the earth And it was so done † And God made two great lights a greater light to gouerne the day and a lesser light to gouerne the night and starres † And he set them in the firmament of heauen to shine vpon the earth † and to gouerne the day the night and to diuide the light the darkenes And God sawe that it was good † And there was euening and morning that made the fourth day † God also said Let the waters bring forth creeping creature hauing life and flying foule ouer the earth vnder the firmament of heauen † And God created huge Whales and al liuing mouing creature that the waters brought forth according to eche sorte al foule according to their kinde And God sawe that it was good † And he “ blessed them saying Increase and multiplie and replenish the waters of the sea and let the birds be multiplied vpon the earth † And there was euening morning that made the fifth day † God said moreouer Let the earth bring forth liuing creature in his kind cattle such as creepe beastes of the earth according to their kindes and it was so done † And God made the beastes of the earth according to their kindes and cattle al that crepeth on the earth in his kind And God saw that it was good † and he said “ Let vs make Man to our image likenes and let him haue dominion ouer the fishes of the sea and the foules of the ayre and the beastes and the whole earth and al creeping creature that moueth vpon the earth † And God created man to his owne image to the image of God he created him male female he created them † And God blessed them and saith “ Increase and multiplie replenish the earth and subdew it and rule ouer the fishes of the sea and foules of the ayre al liuing creatures that moue vpon the earth † And God said Behold I haue giuen you al maner of hearbe that seedeth vpon the earth and al trees that haue in them selues seede of their owne kinde to be your meate † and to al beastes of the earth and to euerie foule of the ayre to al that moue vpon the earth and wherein there is life that they may haue to feede vpon And it was so done † And God sawe al things that he had made and they were very good And there was euening morning that made the sixt day ANNOTATIONS CHAP. 1. 1. In the beginning Holie Moyses telleth what was done in the beginning of the world and so forward euen til his owne time writing aboue two thousand and foure hundreth yeares after the beginning Al which being incomprehensible by humaine witte or discourse he knew partly by Reuelations from God for he had the gyft of Prophecie in most excellent sorte partly by Traditions from his elders who lerned of their fathers For vntil that time the Church had only Traditions of such things as were reueled to special men wherby we see the great authoritie of Traditions before there were Scriptures And since Scriptures were written they are also necessarie for three special reasons First for that we are only assured by Tradition of the Church that those bookes are in dede holie Scriptures which are so accounted and not by the Scripture it selfe for that were to proue the same by the same vntil we be assured of some part that proueth some other partes And this made S. Augustin to say plainly that he could not beleue the Gospel except the Church told him vvhich is the Gospel Secondly holie Scriptures being once knowen to be the word of God and so of most eminent authoritie of al writings in the world as S. Augustin S. Ierome al other Fathers agree yet for the true vnderstanding of the same both the Scripture it selfe and the ancient Fathers remitte vs to the Church namely to those in the Church that are appointed by Gods ordinance in the high place that he hath chosen VVhich were the High Priests in the old Testament as appeareth Deut. 17. Mat. 23. Ioan. 11. And in the new Testament S. Peter and his Successors for whom Christ prayed that his faith should not faile and therfore commanded him to confirme his bretheren Luc. 22. Thirdly for things not expressed in particular in holie Scripture the Scripture and Fathers do likewise remitte vs to Traditions and to the iudgement and testimonie of the Church Christ saying to his Apostles he that heareth you heareth me The Apostles doubted not to say It semed good to the Holie Ghost and to vs. And S. Paul willed the Thessalonians to hold the traditions vvhich they had lerned whether it were by word or by his Epistle 1. In the beginning God made heauen and earth Al writers ancient and later find such difficulties in these first chapters that some otherwise very lerned haue thought it not possible to vnderstand the same according to the proper and vsual signification of the wordes as the letter may seme to sound but expound al allegorically as that by the waters aboue the firmament should be vnderstood the blessed Angels by the waters vnder the firmament wicked spitites and the like So did Origen and diuers that folow him therein Yea S. Augustin in his bookes vpon Genesis against the Manichees written shortly after his conuersion when he could not find as he desired a good and probable sense agreable to the wordes in their proper signification expounded them mystically but afterwards in his other bookes de Genesi ad literam he gratfully acknowledgeth that God had geuen him further sight therin and that now he supposed he could interprete al according to the proper signification of the wordes yet so that he durst not nor would not addict him selfe to one sense but that he was readie to imbrace an other lest by sticking to his owne iudgement he might faile So likewise S. Basil S. Chrisostom S. Ambrose S. Ierome S. Bede and other greatest
is no barren among them † As the barke of a pomegranate so are thy cheekes beside thy hidden † There are threescore queenes fourescore concubines and of yongmaydes there is no number † My doue is one my perfect one she is the only to her mother elect to her that bare her The daughters haue seene her and declared her to be most blessed the queenes and concubines and haue praysed her † What is she that cometh forth as the morning rysing fayre as the moone elect as the sunne terrible as the armie of a campe set in aray † I came downe into the garden of nuttes to see the fruites of the valles and to looke if the vineyarde had florished and the pomegranats budded † I knew not my soule trubled me for the chariotes of Aminadab † Returne returne ô Sulamitesse returne returne that we may behold thee CHAP. VII VVHAT shalt thou see in the Sulamitesse but the companies of campes How beautiful are thy pases in shoes ô princes daughter b the ioyntes of thy thighes are as iewels that are made by the hand of the artificer † Thy nauel as à round bowle neuer wanting cuppes Thy bellie as an heape of wheate compassed about with lilies † Thy two breasts as two fawnes the twinnes of a roe † Thy necke as a towre of yuorie Thine eies as the fishpooles in Hesebon which are in the gate of the daughter of the multitude Thy nose as the towre of Libanus that looketh against Damascus † Thy head as Carmelus and the heares of thy head as a kings purple tyed to cundite pipes † How beautiful art thou and how comely my dearest in delightes † Thy stature is like to a palmetree thy breastes to clusters of grapes † I sayd I wil goe vp into the palmetree and wil take hold of the fruites therof and thy breasts shal be as the clusters of a vineyard and the odour of thy mouth as it were of apples † Thy throate as the best wine worthie for my beloued to drinke for his lippes and his teeth to ruminate † I to my beloued and his turning is toward me † Come my beloued let vs goeforth in to the filde let vs abide in the villages † Let vs rise earely to the vineyards let vs see if the vineyard florishe if the flowers be readie to bring forth fruites if the pomegranates florish there wil I giue thee my breasts † The Mandragoraes haue geuen a smel In our gates al fruites the new and the old my beloued I haue kept for thee CHAP. VIII VVHO shal giue to me thee my brother sucking the breasts of my mother that I may finde thee without and kisse thee and now no man despise me † I wil take hold of thee and wil bring thee into my mothers house there thou shalt teach me and I wil giue thee a cuppe of spiced wine and new wine of my pomegranats † His left hand vnder my head and his right hand shal embrace me † I adiure you ô daughters of Ierusalem that you rayse not vp nor make the beloued to awake til herselfe wil. † Who is this that cometh vp from the desert flowing with delightes leaning vpon her beloued Vnder the appletree I raysed thee vp d there thy mother was corrupted there she vas defloured that bare thee † Put me as a seale vpon thy hart as a seale vpon thyne arme because loue is strong as death ielousie is hard as hel the lampes thereof lampes of fyre and flames † Manie waters can not quench charitie neither shal floudes ouerwhelme it if a man shal giue al the substance of his house for loue as nothing he shal despise it † e Our sister is litle and hath no breasts What shal we doe to our sister in the day when she is to be spoken vnto † If she be a wal let vs build vpon it bulwarkes of siluer if she be a doore let vs ioyne it together with bordes of ceder † I am a wal and my breasts are as a towre since I was made before him as one finding peace † The peacemaker had a vinyard in that which hath peoples he deliuered the same to keepers a man bringeth for the fruite thereof a thousand peeces of siluer † My vineyard is before me A thousand are thy peacemakers and two hundreth for them that keepe the fruites thereof † Thou that dwellest in the gardens the frends doe harken make me heare thy voice † Flee ô my beloued and be like to the roe and to the fawne of harts vpon the mountaines of aromatical spices THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF WISDOM AS wel of the auctor as of the auctoritie of this booke there haue bene diuers opinions among the lerned But in processe of time the first is probably discussed the other is clerly decided by the Church For concerning the former doubt Manie ancient Fathers alleage sentences of this Booke as the sayinges of Salomon Namely S. Ireneus apud Eusebium lib. 5. c. 8. Hist S. Clement of Alexandria li. 5. 6. Stromat Origen ho. 12. in Leuit. li. 8. in Epist ad Rom. S. Athanasius in Synopsi Orat. 2. cont Arrian S. Basil li. 5. cont Eunomianos S. Epiphanius heresi 67. S. Gregorie Nazianzen lib. de Fide S. Gregorie Nissen in Testimonijs ex vet Testam cap. de Natiuitate ex Virgine S. Chrisost hom 33. 34. in Mat. S. Cyril of Alexandria li. 10. c. 4. Also S. Cyprian li. de exhortat Martyrum c. 12. li. 3. c. 59. ad Quirin li. de Mortalitate S. Hilarie in Psal 127. S. Ambrose li. de Salomone c. 1. and diuers others suppose Salomon to be auctor of this booke To whom likewise some of them ascribe the booke of Ecclesiasticus But S. Ierom Praefatione in libros Salomonis testifieth that some ancient writers affirme this booke to be written by Philo a Iew and the other by Iesus the sonne of Sirach And S. Augustin very plainly li. 17. c. 20. de ciuit saith custom preuailed that the bookes of Wisdom Ecclesiasticus for some similitude of speach are called Salomons but the more lerned assuredly iudge that they are not his what then shal we say seing so manie other ancient lerned Doctors cite them as his The answer is easie And sufficiently insinuated by S. Augustin that these two bookes being like vnto the other three which are Salomons were also called his VVherto we may adde a like example in the two first bookes of Kinges which are called the bookes of Samuel though he writte not al the first nor anie part of the second Moreouer al these fiue are called by one general title Sapiential bookes In so much that the Church readeth in the sacred Office before al Epistles taken out of anie of these fiue bookes not Lectio Prouerbiorum
his time The end of the Sapiential Bookes THE FOVRT PART OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CONTEINING PROPHETICAL BOOKES The argument of Prophetical bookes in general AMongst manie great benefites which God bestowed vpon his peculiar people in the old Testament one principal and very excellent was that besides their ordinarie Pastors and gouerners in spiritual causes the Priestes of Aarons progenic and other clergie men of the same tribe of Leui in ●erarchical subordina ion of one chief with other superiors and subiectes disposed in sacred functions he also gaue them other extraordinarie Prophetes of sundrie tribes as admonitors and guides to reduce them from errors of sinne into the right way of vertue Which office the same Prophetes performed as wel by threatning the offenders with Gods wrath and punishment as by exhorting them to repentance and so to trust in Gods assured mercie that he would geue them better times and reliefe from their miseries But most especially these holie Prophetes did foresee and foretel the happie times of Grace in the New Testament The coming of Messias Christ our Redemer and Sauiour With the mysteries of his Incarnation Birth Passion Death Resurrection Ascension Coming of the Holie Ghost Fundation Propagation perpetual Stabilitie of his Church and finally the General Iudgement Eternal Glorie of the blessed and Euerlasting paine of the damned For albeit they preached and prophecied manie thinges properly and immediatly perteyning to the particular state and people of the Iewes and other nations Where they conuersed yet the principal summe of al the prophetical bookes is of Christ and his Church Yea al the old Testament is a general prophecie and forshewing of the New Which as we noted in the beginning is conteyned and lieth hid in the old Neuertheles speaking more distinctly of the proper arguments or contents of the foure partes of the old Testament the former three more peculiarly setforth the Law the Historie and Sapiential precepts and this last part chiefly conteyneth Prophecies of thinges to come Of which the greatest part is now come to passe or dayly fulfilled and the rest shal likewise be performed in due time So now in order after the Legal Historical and Sapiential bookes folow the Prophetical and are these according to the names of the Prophetes that writte them Isaie Ieremie with Baruch Ezechiel and Daniel commonly called the greatter Prophetes and the twelue lesser a●e Osee Ioel Amos Abdias Ionas Micheas Nahum Abacuc Sophonias Aggeus Zacharie and Malachie Who were al singularly inspired and gouerned in their preachings and writinges by the Holie Ghost that they could not erre Yea they were so illuminated in their vnderstanding that they clerly saw that which they vttered And therfore their Prophecies are called Visions for the assured infallibilitie of truth which they auouch For as nothing is more certaine in vulgar knowlege then that which we see with our corporal eyes and therfore of al witnesses the eye witnes is estemed the surest and as in al natural knowlege that is most certaine which is sene by discourse of reason so in supernatural knowlege nothing is more assured then that which is sene by supernatural light Whereof there be three sortes the light of Faith of Prophecie and of Glorie Al three certaine and vndoubted but most clere and manifest is the vision by light of glorie wherby God is sene in himself and al thinges in him that perteyne to the state of euerie glorious Sainct Next therto is the vision by light of prophecie wherwith God illuminateth the vnderstanding of the Prophet by a special extraordinarie and transitorie light of grace that either he clerly seeth the reueled truthes or at least perfectly knoweth that he is moued by the Holie Ghost though he vnderstand not al that the Holie Ghost intendeth and so when and where it is Gods wil he vttereth the same for instruction of others The last which is also certaine but more obscure is the supernatural knowlege which al Catholique Christians haue by light of faith assuredly beleuing al thinges which God reueleth by his Church Concerning therfore this excellent diuine gift of Prophecie granted to few for the benefite of al Gods seruants we are here to informe the vulgar reader that wheras these prophecies are for most part hard to be vnderstood and as S. Peter teacheth not knowen by priuate interpretation but must be interpreted by the same Spirite wherwith they were written our purpose is not to explicate them nor yet to produce large explications of the godlie lerned Fathers but rather fewer and briffer notes then hertofore and for the rest we remitte the more lerned and studious readers according to their capacities to search the same in the commentaries of ancient and late Expositers wishing others to content themselues with the more easie partes of holie Scriptures and other godlie bookes and daylie instructions of spiritual teachers And such as do also read these may obserue with vs these amongst other special causes of the hardnes of the Prophetes One cause is the frequent interruption of sentences with suddaine change from one person or matter to an other without apparent coherence Which S. Ierom noteth in sundrie places As I saie 7. after that the Prophet hath seuerely reprehended king Achab for his distrust of Gods assistance against his temporal enimies v. 13. in the next wordes he prophecieth that a Virgin shal conceiue and beare a sonne Christ our Sauiour and the like in other places An other cause is that the Prophetes speake thinges of some persons which are to be fulfilled in others either of their progenie or prefigured by them As the prophecie of the Iewes and Gentiles comprised in the historie of Esau Iacob Likewise that which Iacob prophecied Gen. 49. of Simeon an Leui not fulfilled in themselues but in the Scribes and Priestes descending of their stock Also much of that which Dauid semeth to speake of Salomon Psal 88. can only be vnderstod of Christ Other examples wil occurre in the Prophetes ensuing Briefly for we can not here expresse al the causes in few wordes prophecies are often times vttered in figuratiue speaches and often not in wordes but in factes other times so mixed with histories and temporal thinges with spiritual againe some thinges perteyning to the old Testament so ioyned with mysteries of the new and the like that most hard it is to discerne nay not possible without special reuelation or instruction of others to know to what purpose or thing euerie part perteyneth or is to be applied for some thinges are spoken only of the historie some thinges of misteries manie thinges of both And the reason why the Holie Ghost doth so vtter these prophecies is noted by S. Ierom in Nahum 3. that the proud and malicious enimies of Religion may not vnderstand them lest sayth he a holie thing should be geuen to dogges pearles cast to swine most sacred mysteries
ye the transmigration which I haue sent out from Ierusalem into Babylon † Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel to Achab the sonne of Colias and to Sedecias the sonne of Maasias which prophecie vnto you in my name falsely Behold I wil deliuer them into the handes of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon and he shal strike them in your eies † And of them a malediction shal be taken vp by al the transmigration of Iuda that is in Babylon saying Our Lord make thee as Sedecias and as Achab whom the king of Babylon fryed in the fire † for that they haue done follie in Israel and committed adulterie with their freindes wiues and haue spoken the word in my name falsely which I commanded them not I am the iudge and the witnes saith our Lord. † And to Semeias the Nehelamite thou shalt say † Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel For that thou hast sent in thy name bookes to al the people that is in Ierusalem and to Sophonias the sonne of Maasias the priest to al the priestes saying † Our Lord hath made thee priest for Ioiada the priest that thou shouldest be ruler in the house of our Lord vpon euerie man rauing and prophecying to put him into the stockes and into prison † And now why hast thou nor rebuked Ieremie the Anathothite which prophecieth vnto you † Because vpon this he hath sent into Babylon to vs saying It is long build ye houses and inhabite them and plant gardens and eate the fruities of them † Sophonias therefore the priest reade this booke in the eares of Ieremie the propher † And the word of our Lord was made to Ieremie saying † Send to al the transmigration saying Thus saith the Lord to Semeias the Nehelamite Because Semeias hath prophecied to you and I sent him not and hath made you to trust in a lie † Therefore thus saith our Lord Behold I wil visite vpon Semeias the Nehelamite and vpon his seede there shal not be vnto him a man sitting in the middes of this people and he shal not see the good that I wil doe to my people saith our Lord because he hath spoken preuarication against our Lord. CHAP. XXX The prophet is commanded to write the same which he preacheth 4. first pensiue thinges 8. Then ioyful 9. Especially in the new Testament when God wil raise Dauid towitte Christ 16. Who shal destroy al enemies 19 And whose Church shal be great glorious and perpetual THIS is the word that was made to Ieremie from our Lord saying † Thus saith our Lord the God of Israel saying Write vnto thee al the wordes that I haue spoken to thee in a booke † For behold the daies come saith our Lord and I wil conuert the conuersion of my people Israel and Iuda saith our Lord and I wil make them returne to the land which I gaue their fathers and they shal possesse it † And these are the wordes that our Lord hath spoken to Israel and to Iuda † Because thus saith our Lord We haue heard a voice of terrour there is feare and no peace † Demand and see if a man beare childe wherefore then haue I seene euerie mans hand vpon his loyne as a woman that is in trauel and al faces are turned into the iaundice † Alas because that is a great day neither is there the like to it and it is the time of tribulation to Iacob and he shal be saued out of it † And it shal be in that day saith the Lord of hostes I wil breake his yoke from of thy necke and wil breake his bandes and strangers shal no more rule ouer him † but they shal serue our Lord their God and Dauid their king whom I wil raise vp to them † Thou therefore my seruant Iacob feare not saith our Lord neither be thou afrayd Israel because loe I wil saue thee out of a farre countrie and thy seede out of the land of their captiuitie and Iacob shal returne and be at rest flow with al good thinges and there shal be none whom he may feare † because I am with thee saith our Lord to saue thee for I wil make a consumation in al the Nations in which I haue dispersed thee but thee I wil not make into consummation but I wil chastice thee in iudgement that thou maist not seme to thy selfe innocent † Because thus saith our Lord Thy wound is vncurable thy stripe is very sore † There is none to iudge thy iudgement to binde it vp there is no prosite of medicines for thee † Al thy louers haue forgoten thee and wil not seeke thee for with the stroke of an enemie I haue striken thee with cruel chastisment for the multitude of thine iniquitie thy sinnes are hardened † What criest thou vpon thine affliction thy sorow is vncurable for the multitude of thine iniquitie and for thine hardned sinnes I haue done these thinges to thee † Therefore al that eate thee shal be deuoured and al thine enemies shal be led into captiuitie and they that waste thee shal be wasted and al thy spoilers wil I geue to the spoile † For I wil close vp thy wound and wil heale thee of thy woundes saith our Lord. Because they haue called thee ô Sion an out cast This is she that had none to seeke after her † Thus saith our Lord Behold I wil conuert the conuersion of the tabernacles of Iacob and wil haue pitie on his houses and the citie shal be built in her high place and the temple shal be founded according to the order thereof † And out of them shal come forth praise and the voice of them that play and I wil multiplie them and they shal not be diminished and I wil glorifie them they shal not be lessened † And his children shal be as from the beginning and his assemblie shal be permanent before me and I wil visite against al that afflict him † And his duke shal be of himself and the prince shal be brought forth from the middes of him and I wil bring him nere and he shal come to me For who is this that applieth his hart to approch vnto me saith our Lord † And you shal be my people and I wil be your God † Behold the whirle wind of our Lord the furie going forth the storme violently falling it shal light vpon the head of the impious † Our Lord wil not turne away the wrath of indignation til he haue done and accomplished the cogitation of his hart in the latter daies you shal vnderstand these thinges CHAP. XXXI God wil reduce Israel from captiuitie 4. and geue them abundance of al thinges 9. after their tribulation 15. Rachel The afflicted Church shal cease from mourning 18. confessing that she is iustly chastised 20. Christ a perfect man shal be conteyned in his mothers wombe 26. He rising from slepe death wil build
builded not houses to inhabite and vineyard and filde and seede we haue not had † but we haue dwelt in tabarnacles and haue bene obedient according to al thinges that Ionadab our father commanded vs. † But when Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon was come vp to our Land we said Come and let vs goe into Ierusalem from the face of the host of the Chaldees and from the face of the host of Syria and we haue taried in Ierusalem † And the word of our Lord was made to Ieremie saying † Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel Goe say to the men of Iuda and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem Why wil you not receiue discipline to obey my wordes saith our Lord † The wordes of Ionadab the sonne of Rechab haue preuailed which he commanded his sonnes not to drincke wine and they haue not drunke vntil this day because they haue obeyed the commandment of their father but I haue spoken to you early rysing and speakeing and you haue not obeyed me † And I haue sent to you al my seruants the prophetes rising early and sending and saying Returne ye euerie one from his most wicked way and make your studies good and folow not strange goddes nor worship them and you shal dwel in the land which I gaue you and your fathers and you haue not inclined your eare nor heard me † The children therefore of Ionadab the sonne of Rechab haue firmely kept the precept of their father which he commanded them but this people hath not obeyed me † Therefore thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel Behold I wil bring vpon Iuda and vpon al the inhabitants of Ierusalem al the affliction which I haue spoken against them because I haue spoken to them and they haue not heard I haue called them and they haue not answered me † But to the house of the Rechabites Ieremie said Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel For that you haue obeyed the commandment of Ionadab your father and haue kept al his commandments and haue done al thinges that he commanded you † Therefore thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel There shal not want a man of the stocke of Ionadab the sonne of Rechab standing in my sight al daies ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXXV 1. The house of Rechabites VVe haue here according to the state of Gods Church in the old Testament a cleare example of religious life by professing and performing good workes of supererogation not commanded by God but piously instituted by a holie man called Ionadab VVhich not only himself and his proper children but also their posteritie manie ages after him voluntarily obserued by a prescript Rule Not to builde houses nor dwel in anie but in tentes not to sow seede nor to plant nor haue vinyardes nor to drinke wine A like rule but not the same in al pointes was prescribed by God himself Num 6 for such as would voluntarily embrace it And Elias and Elizens with then disciples obserued an other forme of religious life as appeareth 4. Reg. 1. 2. c. Al which vvere figures of more perfect Religious Orders in the Church of Christ consisting in three essential vowes of voluntarie Pouertie Chastitie and Obedience not commanded but commended and for the better attayning to perfection counseled by our Sauiour vvherof they are called Euangelical Counsels observed by the Apostles leauing al their worldlie substance and al desire of hauing anie proper possessions such also as had wiues leauing them the rest no● marying al renouncing their owne willes subiected the same to Christs wil folovving him VVhose example others imitating this holie maner of life hath stil continued in the Church as is euident by the Ecclesiastical histories euen from the Apostles time But al obserued not the same particular rules nor were called by the same titles For as in the time of Moyses law some were called Nazareites some the Children of the Prophetes and some Rechabites after the name of their founders father Rechab a renowmed godlie man so now some are called Eremites some Monkes some Freares and some Religious Clerkes And of ech of these kindes diuers sortes are distinguished by varietie of rules habites special functions and titles either of their first Institutors or of the Institutes themselues or of the places or other occasions As Carmelites Augustines as wel Monkes as Canons Regular Benedictins Bernardins Carthusians Dominicans Fra●c scans Iesui●es Theatines Capuchines and the like As also manie distinct Orders of Nunnes But none of them al differ from the rest nor from other Catholique Christians in pointes of faith nor make anie Sectes of Religion as Heretikes ridiculously obiect For al beleue and confesse the self same Catholique Faith in al the Articles therof al vse and acknowlege the same and no other holie Sacraments and al are vnited in one vniuersal Church vnder one visible Head Euerie Order good and holie in their profession al together excellently a●o●ing the whole bodie with sacred semelie varieties make the same vniuersal Church more glorious CHAP. XXXVI Ieremie in prison sendeth Baruch by Gods commandment to read a booke of comminations before the people 7. exhorting them to repent 9. which being read in a porch of the Temple 11. Micheas reporteth it to the Nobles in the court 14. whither Baruch being called readeth the same before them 20. they informe the king 21. who hearing part therof causeth the booke to be burned 26. and commandeth to apprehend Baruch and Ieremie 27. The booke is write againe by them with addition of more AND it came to passe in the fourth yeare of Ioakim the sonne of Iosias king of Iuda this word was made to Ieremie from our Lord saying † Take a volume of a booke and thou shalt write in it al the wordes that I haue spoken to thee against Israel and Iuda against al Nations since the day that I spake to thee from the daies of Iosias euen to this day † If perhaps the house of Iuda hearing al the euils that I meane to doe vnto them let euerie man returne from his most wicked way and I wil be propicious to their iniquitie and to their sinne † Ieremie therefore called Baruch the sonne of Nerias and Baruch wrote from the mouth of Ieremie al the wordes of our Lord which he spake to him in the volume of the booke † And Ieremie commanded Baruch saying I am shut vp neither am I able to goe into the house of our Lord. † Goe thou in therefore and read out of the volume wherein thou hast written from my mouth the wordes of our Lord in the hearing of al the people in the house of our Lord on the fasting day moreouer also in the hearing of al Iuda which come out of their cities thou shalt read it to them † if perhaps their prayer may fal in the sight of our
histories fables and so did not account them Canonical Scripture First we answer that he reporting the Iewes opinion vseth their termes not explicating his owne iudgement intending only to deliuer sincerely that which he found in the Hebrew Yet would he not omite to insert the rest aduertising withal that he had it in Theodotions translation Which answer is clerly iustified by his owne testimonie li. 2. c. 9. aduersus Ruffinum in these wordes Wheras I relate sayth he what the Hebrewes say against the historie of Susanna and the Hymne of the three children he that for this reputeth me a foole proueth himself a sycophant For I did not explicate what myself iudged but what they are wont to say against me Secondly we answer that if S. Ierom did not thinke these partes to be Canonical yet seing so manie other ancient Fathers and now the whole Church hold them for Canonical we so beleue them to be For albeit the ancient Councels and others that recite catalogues of holie Scriptures do not expresly say as the councel of Trent lastly doth Sess 4. that al the partes of bookes by them recited are Canonical yet they do not except anie partes of this Booke and therfore speaking indefinitly do in dede include al and not exclude anie parcels vsually read in the Church as these are Moreouer very manie ancient Fathers do expresly alleage these partes as Diuine Canonical Scriptures Of manie we shal cite some The prayer of Azarias is alleaged as diuine Scripture by S. Cyprian Ser. de lapsis by holie Ephrem li. de humilitate comparanda ca. 9. by S. Chrysostom ho. de tribus pueris Leontius Cyprius apud Eutym par 1. Panopliae tit 8. Patianus Parenesi in Poenitentiam S. Augustin Epist 122. li. de natura boni c. 16. S. Fulgentius ad Venatiam de poenitentia c. 16. Likewise the Hymne of the three children is alleaged by most of the same and by diuers others As by S. Ierom himself in c. 3. ad Galatas Epist. 49. de muliere septiesicta S. Ambrose Praefatan Psalmos li. 6. in Lucanum c. 2. Concilium Toletanum c. 13. In like maner the historie of Susanna is cited as holie Scripture by S. Ignatius Epist ad Magnesianos Tertullian li. de corona militis S. Cyprian li. 1. Epist. ep 8. 40. S. Chrysostom Ho. 1. in fine hath a whole sermon of Susanna as vpon holie Scripture S. Ambrose li. 1. de Officijs c. 18. li. 3. c. 14. li. 3. de Spiritu Sancto c. 7. S. Augustin Trast 36. in Ioan. Ser. 118. 242. Finally the histories of Bel and of the Dragon are iudged Diuine Scripture by S. Cyprian li. 1. Ep. ep 4. li. 3. ep 1. li. 4. ep 6. S. Basil ho. in diuites auaros S. Athanasius in Synopsi briefly explicating the argument of this whole booke maketh expresse mention of the Hymne of the three children and of the histories of Susanna and of Bel and the Dragon To conclude therfore with whom we begane S. Ierom speaking of this whole Booke saith Daniel temporum conscius totius mundi philoistor lapidem praecisum de monte sine manibus regna omnia subuertentem claro sermone pronuntiat Daniel skilful of times a studious historiographer in cleare speach sheweth the stone cut out of the mountaine without handes which ouerthroweth al kingdomes Signifying the principal contents of this booke to be that al other kingdomes namely for example sake the foure great Monarchies the fist of the Chaldees the second of the Medes and Persians the third of the Grecians and the fourth of the Romanes should be ouerthrowne one after an other and only the kingdom of Christ our Sauiour borne of a perpetual virgin shal be permanent for euer More particularly this Booke may be diuided into three partes In the first six chapters especially are declared for most part in maner of historie certaine actes of Daniel with the other three Hebrew children and of the kinges of Babylon In other six chapters is more directly prophecied of Christ and of Antichrist of the perpetual glorie of Christs kingdom and vtter destruction of the others with the end of world and general iudgement In the two last chapters are conteyned the histories of holie Susanna and of the idols Bel and the Dragon THE PROPHECIE OF DANIEL CHAP. I. The king of Babylon by force entring into Ierusalem spoyleth the temple 6. amongst others carieth captiue Daniel Ananias Misael and Azarias S. who abstayning from the kings meates 15. are fayrer then other children 17. and wiser Daniel also vnderstanding dreames then al the magicians of Chaldee IN THE third yeare of the kingdom of Ioakim king of Iuda came Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon into Ierusalem and besieged it † And our Lord deliuered into his hand Ioakim the king of Iuda and part of the vessels of the house of God and he caried them away into the land of Sennaar into the house of his god the vessels he brought into the house of the treasure of his god † And the king spake to Asphenez the gouernour of the Eunuches that he should bring in of the children of Israel and of the kings the tyrants seede † children in whom was no spot beautiful of forme and instructed in al wisedom cunning in knowlege and taught in discipline and that might stand in the kings palace that he might teach them the learning and the tongue of the Chaldees † And the king appoynted them a certaine prouision for euerie day of his meates of the wine wherof he dranke himself that being nourished three yeares afterward they might stand in the kings sight † There were therfore among them of the children of Iuda Daniel Ananias Misael and Azarias † And the gouernour of the enuches gaue them names to Daniel Baltassar to Ananias Sidrach to Misael Misach to Azarias Abdenago † But Daniel purposed in his hart that he would not be polluted of the kings table nor of the wine of his drinke he requested the gouernour of the eunuches that he might not be contaminated † And God gaue vnto Daniel grace and mercie in the sight of the prince of the eunuches † And the prince of the enuches said to Daniel I feare my Lord the king who hath appoynted for you meate and drinke who if he shal see your faces leaner then the other youthes your equals you shal condemne my head to the king † And Daniel sayd to Malasar whom the prince of the eunuches appoynted ouer Daniel Ananias Misael and Azarias † Proue I besech thee thy seruants for tenne dayes let pulse be geuen vs to eate water to drinke † and looke vpon our faces and the faces of the children that eate of the kings meate and as thou shalt see thou shalt doe with thy sernants † Who hearing that maner of speach
already Praef. Tobiae that the Canon of the Christian Catholique Church is of souereigne auctoritie though the Iewes Canon haue them not Finally wheras these bookes were not canonized in the former General Councels it sufficeth that they are since declared to be Canonical Diuine Scripture as some other partes haue likewise bene which English Protestants do not denie As the Epistle of S. Iames the second of S. Peter the second and third of S. Iohn and S. Iudes epistle of al which Eusebius and S. Ierom testifie that some lerned Fathers doubled sometimes whether they were Apostolical or no. But afterwards the same with these two bookes of Machabees and others were expresly declared to be Diuine Scripture by the third Councel of Carthage can 47. By the Councel of seuentie Bishops vnder Gelasius though by the name of one booke as also Esdras and Nehemias as but one booke Last by the Councels of Florence and Trent If anie further require the iudgement of more ancient Fathers diuers doe alleage these bookes as Diuine Scriptures S. Dyonise c. 2. celest Hierar S. Clemens Alexan. li. 1. Stromat S. Cyprian li. 1. Epist ep 3. ad Cornelium li. 4. ep 1. de exhort ad Martyrium c. 11. Isidorus li. 16. c. 1. Etym. S. Gregorie Nazianzen hath a whole Oration of the seuen Machabees Martyrs and their mother S. Ambrose li. 1. c. 41. Offic. But to omite others albeit S. Ierom vrged not these bookes against the Iewes yet he much estemed them as appeareth in his commentaries vpon Daniel c. 1. 11. 12. S. Augustin most clerly auoucheth li. 2. c. 8. de doct christ li. 18. c. 36. de ciuit that notwithstanding the Iewes denie these bookes the Church holdeth them Canonical And wheras one Gaudentius an heretike alleaged for defense of his haeresie the example of Razias who slew him self 2. Mac. 14. S. Augustin denieth not the auctoritie of the booke but discusseth the fact and admonisheth that it is not vnprofitably receiued by the Church si sobrie legatur vel audiatur if it be read or heard soberly VVhich was a necessarie admonition to those Donatistes who not vnderstanding the holie Scriptures depraued them as S. Peter speaketh of like heretikes ●p 2. c. 3. to their owne perdition Now touching the contentes a great part of the same historie which is written in the former booke is repeted in the second with such varietie of some thinges added some omitted as in the bookes of Kinges and Paralipomenon and as the Gospel is written by the foure Euangelistes Ioyning therfore these two bookes together the Concordance therof conteyneth foure principal partes The Preface the Historie an Appendix the Conclusion But the three former partes are very extraordinarily disposed For the writer of the second booke who doubtles was a distinct person from him that writte the former first of al added an Appendix to the historie written before making mention of two Epistles and reciting the summe of one of them in the first chapter and part of the second as though he meant to haue writte no more of the same matter But then as it may seme vpon new resolution intending to abridge the historical bookes of Iason maketh a preface to his worke in the rest of that second chapter And so prosecuteth his purpose and finally maketh a briefe conclusion in the three last verses of the same second booke The mayne historie conteyneth two special partes The first sheweth the state of Gods peculiar people the Iewish nation from the beginning of the Grecian Monarchie parted after the death of Alexander amongst his folowers of which some did exceedingly persecute the Iewes by diuers both suttle and cruel meanes to the ruine of manie and euen to death and martyrdom of some most constant obseruers of Gods Lawes and true Religion til the warres of the Machabees in the first chapter of the first booke and in the 3. 4 5 6. and 7. chapters of the second booke In the other fiftene chapters of the former booke and other eight of the second are described the battles victories triumphes of the valient Machabees Of which holie warres Mathathias was the beginner and first captaine Iudas the second the third Ionathas and Simon the fourth after whose death his sonne Iohn Hyrcanus succeded Duke and Hieghpriest But because these bookes are intermixed the one with the other wh●soeuer please to read them in order of the historie may folow the direction of the Alphabet letters set in the inner margen beginning with A. at the twentith verse of the second chapter of the second booke to the end of the same chapter Thence procede as the signe of a starre directeth to the next letter B. which is at the beginning of the first booke the first chapter first verse And so in the rest And when the capital letters are ended the smaller wil direct you THE FIRST BOOKE OF MACABEES CHAP. I. King Alexander conquering manie countries erecteth a new Monarchie 6. who dying his chief folowers succeede in seueral kingdomes of the same Monarchie 11. King Antiochus approueth that a prophane schole be setup in Ierusalem 17. subdueth Aegypt 21. inuadeth Iudea entreth by force into Ierusalem spoyleth the temple 25. and killeth manie 30. Two yeares after sendeth an other spoyler who killing manie robbeth and burneth lerusalem 35. fortisieth the towre of Dauid 38. prophaneth al holie thinges 4● commandeth al to committe idolatrie 47. and to forsake the rites of Gods law 52. vpon paine of death 57. He setteth vp an abominable idol in the Temple 60. persecuteth and murdereth those that conforme not themselues to these innouations AND it came to passe after that Alexander Philips sonne the Macedonian that first reigned in Greece being gone out of the land of Cethim stroke Darius king of the Persians and the Medes † he made manie battels and obteyned the munition of al and slewe the kinges of the earth † and he passed through euen to the ends of the earth and tooke the spoiles of the multitude of the Gentils and the earth was silent in his sight † And he gathered powre and an armie exceding strong and his hart was exalted and eleuated † and he obtayned the regions of the Gentils and the tyrantes and they were made tributaries to him † And after these thinges he fel downe in his bed and he knew that he should dye † And he called his seruants the Nobles that were brought vp with him from his youth he diuided his kingdom to them when he yet liued † And Alexander reigned twelue yeares and he died † And his seruants possessed the kingdom euerie one in his place † and they did al put crownes on them after his death their sonnes after them manie yeares euils were multiplied in the earth † And there came forth of them a sinful roote Antiochus Illustre the sonne of king Antiochus
both them coming against vs and the whole world with one becke † And he admonished them also of the aydes of God that were geuen to their fathers and that vnder Sennacherib an hundred foure score fiue thousand perished † And of the battel that they had against the Galatians in Babylonia how al they when it came to the point the Macedonians their felowes staggering being only six thousand slewe an hundred twentie thousand by reason of the ayde geuen them from heauen and for these thinges obteyned verie manie benefites † With these wordes they were made constant and readie to dye for the lawes and their countrie † He appointed therfore his brethren captains ouer both orders Simon and Ioseph and Ionathas vnder euerie one putting a thousand and fiue hundreth † Beside this also the holie booke being read vnto them by Esdras † and a signe of Gods helpe being geuen in the foreward the duke himself ioyned battel with Nicanor And the Almightie being made their helper they slew aboue nine thousand men and the greater part of Nicanors armie being made weake with woundes they forced to flee † And taking away their money that came to buy them they pursued them on euerie hand † but they returned being taken short with the time for it was the day before the Sabbath for the which cause they continewed not pursewing them † But gathering together the armour and spoiles of them they kept the Sabbath blessing our Lord that deliuered them this day distilling the beginning of mercie vpon them † But after the sabbath they diuided the spoyles to the feeble and to orphans and to widowes the rest themselues had with their felowes † These thinges therfore being done and obsecration being made in common of al they desired our merciful Lord that he would be reconciled to his seruants vnto the end † And of them that were with Timothee and Bacchides fighting against them they slew aboue twentie thousand wanne the high holdes and they diuided manie prayes making equal portion to the feeble pupils and widowes yea and to the elder men † And when they had diligently gathered together their armour they layd al together in conuenient places and the residue of the spoiles they caried to Ierusalem † and Philarches that was with Timothee they slewe a wicked man which in manie thinges had afflicted the Iewes † And when they kept the feast of victorie in Ierusalem him that had burnt the holie gates that is Callisthenes when he was fled into a certaine house they burnt a worthie reward being repayed him for his impieties † But the most impious Nicanor who had brought a thousand merchants to the sale of the Iewes † being humbled through the helpe of our Lord by them whom he esteemed no bodie laying aside his garment of glorie fleeing by the midland came alone to Antioch hauing gotten great infelicitie by the destruction of his armie † And he that had promised that he would render tribute to the Romanes of the captiuitie of Ierusalem now professed that the Iewes had God their protectour that for him they could not be wounded because they folowed the lawes appointed by him CHAP. IX Antiochus repulsed from Persepolis 3. and hearing that his armie is ouerthrowne in lurie 9. wormes issuing from his bodie intolerably stincking 11. acknowlegeth his wicked desertes 14. promiseth amendment 18. writeth to the Iewes praying them to obey him and his sonne 28. and dyeth miserably AT that time Antiochus returned out of Persis dishonourably † For he had entered into the citie which is called Persipolis and he attempted to spoile the temple and to oppresse the citie but the multitude running together to armes they were put to flight and so it chanced that Antiochus after his flight returned with dishonour † And when he was come about Ecbatana he vnderstood the thinges that were done to Nicanor and Timothee † And swelling in anger he thought that he might wreake the iniurie of them that had put him to flight vpon the Iewes And therfore he commanded his chariorte to be driuen iorneing without intermission the heauenlie iudgement vrging him forward because he spoke so proudly that he would come to Ierusalem make it an heape of the sepulcher of the Iewes † But he that seeth al thinges our Lord the God of Israel stroke him with an vncurable and inuisible plague For as he ended this verie speach a cruel plague of the bowels tooke him and bitter torments of the inner parts † and in dede very iustly as who had tormented the bowels of others with manie and new torments albeit he by no meanes ceased from his malice † And beside this replenished with pride breathing fire in his minde against the Iewes and commanding the matter to be hastened it chanced him going with violence to fal from the chariot and his limmes to be vexed with a greeuous bruising of the bodie † And he that seemed to himself to rule euen ouer the waues of the sea replenished with pride aboue the measure of man and to weye the heights of mountaines in a balance now being humbled to the ground was caried in a portatiue seate testifying the manifest power of God in himself † so that out of the bodie of the impious man wormes crawled abundantly and his liue flesh fel of for paynes with his smel also stinke the armie was anoyed † And he that a litle before thought to touch the starres of heauen him no man could carie for the intolerable stinke † Hereby therfore he begane being brought from his great pride to come to the knowlege of him self admonished by the plague of God his paines increasing euerie moment † And when neither himself now could abide his owne stinke thus he sayd It is reason to be subiect to God a mortal man not to thinke of himself equally with God † And this wicked man prayed to our Lord of whom he was not to obteyne mercie † And the citie to the which he came in hast to haue brought it to the ground to haue made it a sepulchre of bodies heaped together now wisheth to make it free † And the Iewes whom he sayd he would not vouchsafe worthie no not of burial but would geue them to birds wilde beastes to be spoiled destroy them with the litle ones now he promiseth to make them equal with the Athenians † The holie temple also which before he had spoiled he would adorne with goodlie donaries and would multiplie the holie vessels and of his reuenewes would allow the charges perteyning to the sacrifices † Besides these thinges that he would be a Iew also would walke through euerie place of the earth and would declare the power of God † But the paines ceasing not for the iust iudgement of God was come vpon him despayring he wrote to the Iewes by the maner of a supplication an epistle conteyning these words † To HIS
and the new Testament shew the same God Christ Church and other Mysteries of Religion The old more obscurely with lesle helpes The new more expresly and yeldeth more grace In both Testaments are foure sortes of Bookes Legal Historical Sapiential Prophetical Al these books recited are Canonical and of infallible truth Cone Carth. An. Dni 419. Conc. Laodic cap. 59. Florent Instruct Armen decret 7. Trident Sess 4. S. Atha in Synop. S. Aug. li. 2. doct Christ c. 8 Isider li. 6. Elymol c. I. alibi Nicep li. li. 4. cap. 15. Euseb li. 5. c. 8. Apochryphal of two sortes 1. Not declared canonical 2. Reiected as erronious The Holie Ghost declareth by the Church which Bookes are Diuine Scriptures Mat. 28. Ioan. 14. 16. Act. 2. 20 1. Tim. 3. The old and new Testament differ in time In maner of vttering Varietie of Precepss Promises Meanes Temo 3. quest 10 Algasiae Heb. 7. 9. 10. Gal. 4. The old Testament conteyneth figures of the new A continual visible Church from the beginning of the world to Christ The same Mystical bodie but different in state Diuided into six ages The first age continued 1656. yeares 1. Cor. 10 Gal. 3 Gen. 1. The second 368. or 398. The third about 4●0 Gen. 8. Gen 12. Genebrard Chronolog S. Aug. li. 15. c. 8. ciuit Gal. 3. Exo. 16. 3. Reg. 6. 3 Reg. 7. 1. Esdiae 1. The fourth 480. The fifth 4●0 The sixth nere 640. Al the time from the creation to Christ aboue 4000. yeares MOYSES signifieth taken from the water Exod. 6. N●m 26. 1. Par. 6. Ioseph li. 2 Antiq. cap. 9. S. Aug ser 88. de temp S. Greg. oratio in laudem Basilij magni S. Aug. li. 18. ciuit c. 39. The excellencie of Moyses Deut. 34. Eccli 45. Glos ord His sepulchre not knowen ●o anie man Genesis written by Moyses Alwayes authentical So knowen by Tradition confirmed by Christ Alleaged also by the Apostles Religion reueled to special persons and so obserued by Traditions Mat. 19. Heb. 11. Iacob 2. 1. Pet. 2. 2. Pet. 2. S. Aug. quest vet noui Testam cap. 3. VVhy Scripture was written VVhat Moyses specially sheweth in this booke Man most particularly described The right line from Adam to Noe. The principal Patriarches from Noe to the 12. sonnes of I●cael Gen. 10. This booke diuided into eight partes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The first part Of the creatiō of al things The Church readeth this booke in her Office from Septuagesima til Passion Sunday Also this first chapter beginning of the second on Easter Eue before Masse Act. 14 15. 17 24. Psalm 32 6. 135 5. Eccli 10 1. ●eb 11 3. :: The firmament is al the space from the earth to the hieghest starres the lowest part diuideth betwene the waters on the earth and the waters in the ayer S. Aug. li. II. de Gen. ad lit c. 4 Iob. 38. Ier. 10 13. :: Likewise heauē is al the space aboue the earth in whose lowest part are birdes and waters in the higher part starres the hieghest is the Empyrial heauen Esa 66. :: The lights made the first day are disposed the fourth day in their proper courses for more distinction of times S. Dionys ca. 4. de diuin nom S. Tho. p. 1. q. 67. a. 4. q. 70. a. 2. :: The Sūne Moone for though the moone be the least visible starre except Mercurie yet it geueth more light on the earth by reason it is nerer and so Moyses speaketh according to the vulgar capacitie and vse of things S. Aug. li. 2. de Gen. ad lit ca. 16. Col. 3 10. Mat. 19 4. :: Euerie creature in nature is good but al considered together make the whole world perfect most apt to mans vse and Gods glorie S. Aug. li. 1 de Gen. cont Manich. ca. 21. The Church had only Traditions no Scripture aboue 2400. yeares Tradition● necessarie for three causes 1 ●●● Epist ●und c. ●5 2 Scripture of most eminent authoritie Luc. 10 16. Act. 15 28. 2. Thess 2. Origen super Gen. c. 1. Aug. li. 2. de Gen. cont Manich. ca. 2. ● Scriptures hard lib. 1. c. 18. lib. 8. c. 2. Bas ho. 9. in Genes Chrisost epist 44. Amb. Beda in examen Ieron Epistol ad Eustoch Gen. 1. v. 3. 14. Exo. 20 5. 18 v. 20. Ioan. 8 25. Rom. ● why Scriptures are hard Three spiritual senses besides the Literal Allegorical Moral Anagogical ● Ieron Epistol 8● ad Ocea Tert. d● Baptis A figure of Baptisme Christians called fishes Light being an accident remayned without subiect by the iudgement of some lerned Fathers The accidents of breade and wine can remaine by Gods power without their subiectes Tenne prerogatiues of man in his creation 1. made like to God 2. The Mysterie of the B. Trinitie insinuated in his creation 3. produced by God him selfe 4. placed in paradise 5. Lord of al earthlie creatures 6. innocencie 7. excellent knowlege 8. powre to liue euer 9. gift of prophecie 10. God conuersed familiarly with man Gods blessing alwayes effectual Especially in the holie Eucharist Not al men ●emen commanded to marie God createth not new kindes of creatures yet stil worketh Io. 5 17. conseruing gouerning al things and creatch soules grace and glorie of the same kind S. Aug. li 4 de Gen. adlit ● 12. Exod. 20 11. Deut. 5 14. Heb. 4 4. :: Mans soule is immediatly created by God not produced of other substance as the soules of beastes and plants are 1. Cor. 15 45 :: Vvhether this paradise be now extant is vncertayne though it be certaine that Enoch and Elias are yet liuing in earth S. Aug. li. 2. cont Pelagi c. 23. See Perereus li. 3. q. 5. li. 7. q. vltima Mat. 19 5. Mar. 10 7. 1. Cor. 6 16. Eph. 5 31. :: As we say brick is made of earth and a house is built of bricke so Adam was made of earth and Eue built of a ribbe of Adam And that of one ribbe as if God should build a house of one bricke or as in dede he fed 5000. men with fiue loaues Chris ho. 15. S. Aug. Tract 24. in Ioan. S. Tho. p. 1. q. 92. a. 3. :: Not three nor foure nor more for then two were chāged to an other number S. Ier. li. 1. cont loui Obseruation of holie dayes by Gods institution ●● Psal 6. 11. Act. 13 14. Leuit. 23. Obseruatiō of festiual dayes is religious not Iudaical nor heathnish Honour of Sainctes is to the greater honour of Christ Hon●● in 40. Martyr●s VVhy a particular positiue law besides the general lawes of God nature was geuen to man first reason lib. 8. de Gen. ad lit c. 11. Psal 15. ● reason The sinne of disobedience Ioyned with damage to him that disobeyeth Ioyned with damage of him that forbiddeth True obedience is blind and prompt Not meate but the di●obedience hurteth him that transgresseth the precept of abstinence Lawes in
WITH THE PRAYER OF MANASSES folow after the MACHABEES Heretikes denie some scriptures because they cōuince their errors Lib. de Praedest Sanct. c. 14. The Churches canon of more authority thē the Iewes A canon is an infallible rule of direction The Gospel is knowne by the Church Bookes doubted of beiore the Churches definition are not doubtful after Praefat. in Iudith De viris illustrib verbo ●acobus Other testimonies that this Booke is canonical chap. 1● Toma 4. 〈◊〉 in ● Reg. 10. It was written in Chaldee The cōtentes Diuided into three partes This booke is read at Mattins the third weke of September The first part Tobias his holie maner of life :: Not absolutly al but very manie for some of the same tribe and kinred did also feare God c. ● v. 2. :: Al the people of the tenne tribes did not serue Ieroboams golden calues but some feared God consequently refrayned from euil Prou. 3. at least from idolatrie Amos. 8. v. 10. :: True zele is not hindred from workes of mercie by feare of death because perfect charitie casteth out feare I Ioan 4. :: Both elder and yonger sorte of his kinred derided him not his proper parentes for he was depriued of father and mother when he was a child as it semeth c. 1. v. 4. :: In a prouince of the Medes wherof Rages was the head citie for when they came where Raguel dwelt Tobias stayed there and the Angel went to the citie of Rages where Gabelus dwelt c. 9. As one may say such a one dwelleth in Rome that dwelleth in anie part of Romania in Yorck Lincolne or Mum moth that dwelleth in one of those shires :: Asmod●os signifying Destroyer is a captaine or king of those diuels which specially destroy soules by the sinnes of the flesh afterward tormenteth both soules and bodies for the same sinnes :: Act. 10. An Angel shewed Cornelius that his prayers were heard Apoc. 5. prayers of the faithful are offered to God by Angels other Sainctes :: As Moyses to the people Deut. 33. and Dauid to Salomon 3. Reg. 2. So Tobias gaue holie admonitions to his sonne in al fourtene noted in the inner margin 1 2 3 :: The same doctrine of good workes and reward is taught Daniel 4. v. 24. 4 5 6 7 :: A notable rule agreable to the law of nature 8 :: VVorkes of mercie extēd also to the dead 9 10. 11 12 :: It perteyneth to good men amongst other thinges to geue notice and to dispose of their temporal goodes by their last wil. 13 14 The second part The iourney and affayres of yong Tobias assisted by the Angel Raphael :: The Angel Raphael appearing in forme of a man prefigured our Sauiour who indede became a verie man S. Beda :: Raphael signifying med●●in● of God ● Greg. ho. 34 calleth himselfe Azarias whose shape and vi●a ●e he tooke vpon him which name also signifieth the helpe of God :: S. Paul also calleth flesh of fish 1. Cor. 15. and Plinie lib. 9. c. 15. * and liuer v. 19. :: Diuels who exalted them selues as equal with God a●e iustly made subiect to corporal creatures God cōcurring with natural causes whose good pleasure is sometimes to vse instrumēts naturally vnapt as when Christ gaue sight to the blinde by putting clay on his eyes Ioan. 9. sometimes more apt as when he fed manie with few loaues Ioan. 6. So the Angel by Gods appointment vsed this meanes to expel the diuel :: Into the place where good soules rested none then hauing accesse into heauen See Annotations ●en 37. * and hart v. 8. :: The second night he asked and obtayned this grace for he knew not his wife vntil the fourth night v. 22. :: A iust man sayth S. Ambrose lib 3. Off. c. 14. feared other mens harmes and would rather his daughter should not be maried then others should be in danger preferring honestie before profite :: See chap. 6. v. ● Mystically it signified Christs passion whereby the diuel was expelled out of mens hartes S. Aug ser 28. de Sanctis Prosper li. de promiss p. 2. c. 39. :: In the one familie there were no more children but one sonne in the other one onlie daughter :: The Angel went to the citie i● selfe called Rages Tobias remaining in the ter ●i●orie or prouince therof w●● Ra●●e● which place is also called Rages c. v 7. :: Such of the Iewes as beleue in Christ hartely lament that he ●a●●eth so lōg from their nation Some more assuredly with old Tobias others more doubtfully with his wife expect his returne S. Beda ●n Tobiam Euen so the remnant of Catholiques in countries fallen to heresie haue great sadnes and continual sorovv in their hart Rom. 9. vvishing with what temporal losse soeuer the saluation of their brethren kinsmen and countriemen some hoping more confidently and comforting others that Christ wil againe illuminate our whole nation as sight was restored to old Tobias Instructions to maried persons out of the example of Tobias and Saras Mariage Ephes 5. Mat. 19. True Mariage alwayes a holie contract Now a Sacrament Proper instructions for man and wife part 2 de Matrim q. 22. 23. Three necessarie pointes in Matrimonie Exod. 34. Deu. 7. Leuit. 18. Nu. 36. v. 7. Tenne godly Rites obserued in the Mariage of Tobias and Sara 1. 2. 35 4. 5. * Apud Munst●rum Gen. 29. v. 27. Iudic. 14. v. 17. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. :: It nothing disgraceth the sacred historie that a smal matter being also true is recorded with the rest As not one letter nor one title of the lavv may be omitted Mat. 5 S. Be●● also expoundeth it mystically of Gods preachers S. Ierom. doth the like in Isaiae 56 and S Augustin li 22. c 56. c●●t Faustum Manich. :: God vsed this gal of a fish in curing Tobias eyes in like sorte as the liuer in driuing away the diuel c. 6. v. 8. * 1 2. 3 4. 5 6 7 * 1 2. 3 4. 5 6 7 * 1 2. 3 4. 5 6 7 * 1 2. 3 4. 5 6 7 * 1 2. 3 4. 5 6 7 * 1 2. 3 4. 5 6 7 :: Gratful Tobias recounteth seuen benefites receiued by the companion of his iourney that they haue receiued not manie but al good things by him :: Fasting and almes are as two wingues with which prayer flyeth into heauen :: O how swete or excellent a thing is it saith S. Augustin ser 3. de Natiuit when Angeles guardianes of our life offer our vowes or resolution to flee vices and embrace vertues before the sight of Gods Maiesty Offices of Angels towardes men Readic to helpe al. Offer mens prayers and good workes Ayde the godlie Exhort to good Instruct Expel euil spirites Deliuer from euils and dangers Procure temporal commodities for the soules good Proue the good by trib●lations Comforte the patient and a● vertuous Angeles guardians haue special care of soules committed to their charge The third part
Old Tobias prayseth God prophecieth better state of Gods people :: Temporal affliction for the spiritual good of others :: His bodie being in captiuitie yet his spirit was free to praise and thank God S. ●●pr li. de mortaluate :: He prophecieth the reedifying of the temple and citie of ●e●usalem :: Onlie celestial Ierusalem shal be free from al tribulations :: No Christian in ignorant sayth S. Augustin Epist 86. that Alleluia is a voice of praise In English it is Praise ye the Lord vvith ioy :: This can not be vnderstood of the citie of Ierusalem but of the Church of Christ :: Gods seruantes must not only expect what shal be commanded but also seeke to know what they ought to do :: A notable cōmendation of Tobias familie and posteritie And a plaine testimonie that true Religion neuer failed wholy in the tenne tribes much lesse in the kingdom of Iuda least of al in the Church of Christ new Testament S. Ierom for the authoritie of the councel of Nice held this booke to be canonical which before he did not Epist 111 115. Prefat in Iudith Others Doctors both before and after the councel of Nice accounted this booke canonical VVhen this his●orie happened An● by whom it was written 2. Para. 33. The cōtentes Diuided into foure partes This booke is read at Mattins the fourth weeke of September The first part The occasion of the Iewes persecution at this time :: The author being resolued to write this historie ioyneth his narration to his internal purpose saying Arphaxad therfore c. S. Greg. ho. 2. in Ezech. :: Thou foole this night they shal take thy life from thee these things whose shal they be Luc. 12. ● 〈◊〉 * defenderet se :: This cruel cōmandment was as cruelly put in execution by Holofernes ch 3. ● 11. :: An expresse figure of Antichrist 2. Thes 2. for whom al heretikes make way as precursers for the singular man of sinne wil confesse no God but himself The second part Gods people are in great feare and distresse :: The high priest managed also the temporal afsayres of the cōmon welth at this time by consent commission of king Manasses as is most probable these thinges happening shortly after his repentāce 2. Paral. 33. Exo. 17. :: Holofernes could not be altogether ignorant of so famous a people as the Iewes but in his rage marueling at their attempt demādeth more particularly of their habilitie to resist him See v. 27. Gen. 11. Gen. 12. Exod. 1. Exo. 7. c. * made solide or firme Exo. 14. Exod. 1● 16. 17. Iudie 2. 3. 4. ● Nu. 21. I●s 12. :: He semeth to speake of the captiuitie of king Manasees Paral● 33. See the argument of this booke pag. 1011. 4. Reg. 21. :: As Holofernes v. 3. demanded that which he in great part knew so his men knowing Achior wel ynough in rage demand vvho he is that dare say such thinges :: Nabucodonosors vassals would haue no other God but him And God almightie is also ielous and wil haue no God but him selfe :: God regardeth the pride of sinners :: the humiliation of penitentes :: the sanctitie of his Church in general as wel holie persons as holie thinges :: and true cōfidence in him without presumīg of mens poure :: Gods seruantes first of al before they fight do workes of penāce cōmend their cause to God then take wea pons in hand expect opportunitie to encounter with the enimies :: A common frailtie of people in distresse to impute error to their Superiour though in deede Ozias erred rather in yelding at last to their suggestion v. 2● then in withstanding thus long The third pare Iudith delinereth her whole nation from persecution :: In three special obseruances this holie widow led a most religions life In much priuate prayer in wearing hearecloth and in much fasting as it were a perpetual lent aldayes but Sabbathes feastes excepted * the first day of the moneth :: In this especially they offended that they prefixed a ti●● meaning then to yeld the citie for they shold rather haue fought against the enemie then deliuer Gods people to a tyranne holie thinges into prophane handes by their example put Ierusalem and the temple in like danger Rabanus :: S. Paul 1. Cor. 10. v. 10. alleaging that happened to the people of Israel in the desert addeth this word destroyer which is only in this place and not Num 11. nor 14 nor els in the old Testamēt which is an other argumēt that this boke is Canonical :: Some thinke Abra was a proper name but whether it was or no it signifieth an handmaide of more honour as we speake A maide of honour :: Of such priuate oratories as this our Sauiour semeth to speake Mat. 6. saying F●ter into thy chamber c. Of like oratories among Christians read Card Baronius An. D 293. S. Cyp. ep 56. :: The zele of Simeon and Leui was commendable but for diuers ' euil circumstances the fact was re proued by Iacob Gen. 34. 49. Ixo. 14. :: She prayed that Holofernes should be moued with her beautie swete speach which he might be and not sinne but he by his free wil sinning God turned his sinne to the good of others See Annot Exod. 7. pag. 173. S. Aug. Ser. 228. :: See ch 8. ● 32. * ●●nd● 〈◊〉 :: God by this testifie ● her holie intention in adorning herselfe :: Not only certaine meates were forbid by the law Leuis 11. but in maner al the meates of the Gentiles were vnlawful being offered to idoles for which cause Daniel and the three children would not eate of the kings meates in Babylon Dan 1. * Stiped barley :: She told manie thing● cuidently true other things conditionally as it was like to come to passe if God sent not better meane● :: S. ●ulgentius probably iudgeth that Iudith was now about fourtie yeares old Epist 2. cap. 6. :: Al that Iudith sayth is true in her sense as she meant it but not in the vnderstanding of Holofernes and his souldiars yet was no lesse lawful then that Iosue did in de●euing the citezenes of Hay Iosue 8. S. Aug. q. 10. in Iosue :: See chap. 10 v. 5. :: This puritie confisted in abstaining from meates forbid by the Law or offered to Idoles * P●ell● :: The s●s●ing of one woman ouer ●h●ew an innumerable host of dr●●ka●d● ● Amb. li. 〈◊〉 〈…〉 El●● c. 9. :: If Bethulia had benne taken Ierusalem also had b●u● in extreme danger sor 〈…〉 wherof God had made more special promise to Dauid and others Isa●● 37 38. c :: Iudiths ●●ope● Aug●●●● defended her as Iacob●●●gel deliuered him from all euiles 〈◊〉 48. :: Achior an Ammonite ch 5. v. 5. being truly conuerted and beleeuing in God was admitted into the Church notwithstanding that Ammonites and Moabites were excluded by name Deut. 23. v. 3. which is therfore
other especially the wicked afflicting the good which our Sauiour describeth Mat. 24 saying Nation shal rise against nation You shal be odious to al nations for my sake Iniquitie shal abound c. :: This ioyful propagation of Gods glorie and name is either vnderstood to be prophecied of the Church in general which is as an iland of the whole world or properly and particularly amongst other gentiles of ●la●des conuerted to Christ as great Britannie others Iere. 48. :: The prophet and faithful people confessing Gods benefites and perfect performance of whatsoeuer he promiseth or determineth conforming their desires to his pleasure say Amen as wel in prosperitie when he deliuereth and blesseth them as in aduersitie when he punisheth by the destruction of Ierusalem which is here prophecied and the like :: After the reiection of the Iewes al Gentiles shal be conuerted to Christ Apoc. 7. ●1 :: In the time of grace geuen by Christ his whole Church singeth this and other like canticles of praises :: Other peoples haue their peculiar proper cities Babylon Damascus Tyrus Sidon c. but al Christians haue one citie the Catholique Church signified by Sion :: Fensed vvith vval and bul vvorke of faith good vvorkes S. Ierom here noteth that the sense of this Canticle is hard by reason of often and sudaine inter locutions of diuers persons consisting in questions and ansvvers To vvhose lerned commentaries vve remitte the studious readers :: A prophecie of the general resurrection of al men :: Some in glorie :: Some in miserie Mich. 1 Iob. 40. :: Tyrants are called serpents for their suttle poysenful malice and barres because they hold men fast inclosed in bondage And for the same reasons the diuel is called a serpent and a barre The fourt part Prophetical admonitions to both the kingdomes of Israel and Iuda :: By Ephraim is vnderstood the kingdom of Israel whose first king Ieroboam was of that tribe :: After that the tenne tribes were caried captiues 4 Reg. 17. God deliuered the two tribes out of imminent danger 4. Reg 18. 19 :: geuing peace to their people :: spirite of iudgement to king Ezechias :: and victorie to the souldiars :: Because Isaias other holie prophetes often and much vrged not only the people but also priestes vvhich had rule ouer the people to kepe Gods commandments and to expect his mercie and goodnes they scornfully repete the same wordes deriding such exhortations desperatly geuing themselues to al wickednes as if they neither feared death nor hel v. 15. Mat. 21. v 42. Act. 4. 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 9. 2. Reg. 5. 1. Par. 14 Iosue 10 :: As husbanmen dispose their workes in order so God sometimes worketh miracles sometimes geueth benefites sometimes sendeth afflictions and greater to some then to others :: But none are continually afflicted without intermission :: Ari signifieth a lion El God So Ierusalem called the lion of God to witte a strong citie is threatned with destruction which happened first by the Babylonians 4. Reg. 25 againe more miserably by Titus Vespasian 40. yeares after Christs death 2. Reg. 5. 1 Par. 11 Luc. 19. :: Scribes and Pharises pretending knowlege of Scriptures can not read Christ in the Prophets because these bookes are sealed or loeked and they haue not the key Apoc. 3. :: The Gentiles could not read Christ in these bookes because they knew not letters of the holie Scriptures S. Ierom Praemio in Isaiam Mat. 15. Mar. 7. 1. Cor. ●● Eccli 29. :: You that trust in your owne counsels and forces or in other mens and not in God shal finde the miserable euent of your follie as is before noted chap. 2● * Apostatae or denyers :: Either Isaias was commanded to write this which should be fulfilled manie yeares after or els he speaketh prophetically to Ieremie nere 200. yeares before he prophecied signifying that he should hen write it as in dede he did Iere. 41 c. Psal ●3 :: This claritie in sunne and moone shal be after the general resurrection :: Christ wil exercise his seuere iustice in the general iudgement when he shal bid the damned goe into euerlasting fire Mat. 25. :: If often happeareth that when e●il men seme most secure they ●al into sodaine calamities * Hel. Iere. 42. :: Both this Prophet and afterwards ●ere●●e admonished the Iewes not to trust in the Aegyptians but they contemning this admonition shewed in their deedes that they distrusted God not be leuing nor obeying his prophetes for the same were at last punished :: In the meane time God destroyed the armie of Sennaca●●b be seging Ierusalem 4 Reg. 19. But they forgote this and manie other examples of Gods powre and loue Isai 2. The fift part Of the captiuitie and relaxation of the kingdom of Iuda with other afflictions and comfortes but especially of Christ and his Church :: Albeit manie thinges in this and other places perteyne first and literally to the old testament yet al are in figure and some thinges haue no other literal sense but of the new testament As this prophecie of maffling or vnperfect tongues to speake readily is fulfilled in the Church of Christ plainly and distinctly confessing al Mysteries of Catholique faith and religion and the like which can not be verified in the Iewish people * Noble cities of Iuda This manie other prophecies perteyne to the old testament as in figure alluding to the historie but principally to Christ and his Church Pref. of prophetical bookes VVhat the wordes Iudgement and Iustice signifie Definition of Iudgement and Iustice as they are vsed in the holie Scriptures Both applied to Gods and mens actions Explication of the text :: Sennacarib spoyled al the kingdom of Israel and al Iuda sauing Ierusalem which he also beseged reproching and despising God but himself was therfore spoyled and despised :: Fidelitie in performing promises of good thinges temporal and spiritual :: Messengers sent to procure peace shal mourne because they can not obtaine it Psal 14 1. Cor 1. :: Both prophecies histories testifie that terrene Ierusalem was subiect to destruction and was destroyed and therfore this is necessarily to be vnderstood of the Church of Christ against vvhich he● gates shal neuer preuaile :: God willeth as vvel the gentiles that were farre of to come neere :: As Iso the Iewes that were his pecular people al to attend that he wil destroy this whole world before the general Iudgement :: No defence of strong places signified by Bosra shal saue anie men from destruction in the day of Iudgement :: In the meane time as a figure therof Sion shal be destroyed and therfore the metaphorical destruction folovving rather perteyneth to the state of the damned in the next vvorld then to the afflicted in this life :: An euident prophecie of the conuersion of Gentiles In whom the Church shal continually spring florish :: Christ leaning al logical
translate the Latin text rather then the Hebrew or Greke which Protestantes preferre as the fountaine tongues wherin holie Scriptures were first written To this we answer that if in dede those first pure Editions were now extant or if such as be extant were more pure then the Latin we would also preferre such fountaines before the riuers in whatsoeuer they should be found to disagree But the ancient best lerned Fathers Doctors of the Church do much complaine and testifie to vs that both the Hebrew and Greke Editions are fouly corrupted by Iewes and Heretikes since the Latin was truly translated out of them whiles they were more pure And that the same Latin hath bene farre better conserued from corruptions So that the old Vulgate Latin Edition hath bene preferred and vsed for most authentical aboue a thousand and three hundered yeares For by this verie terme S. Ierom calleth that Version the vulgate or common which he conferred with the Hebrew of the old Testament and with the Greke of the New which he also purged from faultes committed by writers rather amending then translating it Though in regard of this amending S. Gregorie calleth it the nevv versiō of S. Ierom who neuertheles in an other place calleth the self same the old Latin Edition iudging it most worthy to be folowed S. Augustin calleth it the Italian S. Isidorus witnesseth that S. Ierom version was receiued and approued by al Christian Churches Sophronius also a most lerned man seing S. Ieroms Edition so much estemed not only of the Latines but also of the Grecians turned the Psalter Prophetes out of the same Latin into Greke Of latter times what shal we nede to recite other most lerned men S. Bede S. Anselme S. Bernard S. Thomas S. Bonauenture the rest VVho al vniformly allege this only text as authentical In so much that al other Latin Editions which S. Ierom saith were in his time almost innumerable are as it were fallen out of al Diuines handes and growne out of credite and vse If moreouer we consider S. Ieroms lerning p●etie diligence and sinceritie together with the commodities he had of best copies in al languages then extant and of other lerned men with whom he conferred and if we so cōare the same with the best meanes that hath bene since surely no man of indifferent iudgement wil match anie other Edition with S. Ieroms but easely acknowlege with the whole Church Gods particular prouidēce in this great Doctor as wel for expounding as most especialy for the true text and Edition of Holie Scriptures Neither do we flee vnto this old Latin text for more aduantage For besides that it is free from partialitie as being most ancient of al Latin copies and long before the particular Controuersies of these dayes beganne the Hebrew also the Greke when they are truly translated yea and Erasmus his Latin in sundrie places proue more plainly the Catholique Romaine doctrine then this which we relie vpon So that Beza his folowers take also exception against the Greke when Catholiques allege it against them Yea the same Beza preferreth the old Latin Version before al others freely testifieth that the old Interpreter translated religiously VVhat then do our countriemen that refuse this Latin but depriue themselues of the best and yet al this while haue set forth none that is allowed by al Protestantes for good or sufficient How wel this is donne the lerned may iudge when by mature conference they shal haue made trial therof And if anie thing be mistaken we wil as stil we promise gladly correct it Those that trāslated it about thirtie yeares since were wel knowen to the world to haue bene excellent in the tongues sincere men and great Diuines Only one thing we haue donne touching the text wherof we are especially to geue notice That whereas heretofore in the best Latin Editions there remained manie places differing in wordes some also in sense as in long processe of time the writers erred in their copies now lately by the care diligence of the Church those diuers readings were maturely and iuditiously examined and conferred with sundrie the best written and printed bookes so resolued vpon that al which before were leift in the margent are either restored into the text or els omitted so that now none such remaine in the margent For which cause we haue againe conferred this English translation and conformed it to the most perfect Latin Edition VVhere yet by the way we must geue the vulgar reader to vnderstand that very few or none of the former varieties touched Controuersies of this time So that this Recognition is no way suspicious of partialtie but is merely donne for the more secure conseruation of the true text and more ease and satisfaction of such as otherwise should haue remained more doubtful Now for the strictnes obserued in translating some wordes or rather the not translating of some which is in more danger to be disliked we doubt not but the discrete lerned reader deepely weighing and considering the importance of sacred wordes and how easely the translatour may misse the sense of the Holie Ghost wil hold that which is here donne for reasonable and necessarie VVe haue also the example of the Latin and Greke where some wordes are not translated but left in Hebrew as they were first spoken written which seeing they could not or were not conuenient to be translated into Latin or Greke how much lesse could they or was it reason to turne them into English S. Augustin also yeldeth à reason exemplifying in the wordes Amen and Alleluia for the more sacred authoritie therof which doubtles is the cause why some names of solemne Feastes Sacrifices other holie thinges are reserued in sacred tongues Hebrew Greke or Latin Againe for necessitie English not hauing à name or sufficient terme we either kepe the word as we find it or only turne it to our English termination because it would otherwise require manie wordes in English to signifie one word of an other tongue In which cases we commonly put the explication in the margent Briefly our Apologie is easie against English Protestantes because they also reserue some wordes in the original tongues not translated into English as Sabbath Ephod Pentecost Proselyte and some others The sense wherof is in dede as soone lerned as if they were turned so nere as is possible into English And why then may we not say Prepuce Phase or Pasch Azimes Breades of Proposition Holocaust and the like rather then as Protestantes translate them Foreskinne Passeouer The feast of svvete breades Shevv breades Burnt offerings c. By which termes whether they be truly translated into English or no we wil passe ouer Sure it is an English man is stil to seke what they meane as if they remained
fiction of the author That is If anie error could be committed by the authores of Scriptures either through ignorance obliuion or anie other humane frailtie what soeuer were produced exception might be taken and question made whether the author had e●red or no True it is that some of these bookes as we shal particularly discusse in their places were sometimes doubted of by some Catholiques and called Apochrypal in that sense as the word properly signifieth hidden or not apparent So S. Ierom in his Prologue before the Latin Bible calleth diuers bookes Apochryphal being not so euident whether they were Diuine scripture because they were not in the lewes Canon nor at first in the Churches Canon but were neuer reiected as false or erronious In which sense the Prayer of Manasses the third booke of Esdras and third of Machabees are yet called Apochryphal As for the fourth of Esdras and fourth of Machabees there is more doubt But diuers others as the booke ascribed to Enoch the Gospels of S. Andrew S. Thomas S. Bartholmew and the like recited by S. Gelasius Decreto de libris Ecclesiasticis dist 15. Can. Sancta Romana S. Innocentius the first Epist. 3. S. Ierom Ep ad Laetam S. Augustin li. 15. cap. 23. de ciuit Dei Origen homis 2. in Cantica are in a worse sense called Apochryphal are reiected as conteyning manifest errors or fained by Heretikes Neither can a Christian Catholique he otherwise assured Which Bookes are Diuine and Canonical Scriptures but by declaration of the Catholique Church which without interruption succedeth the Apostles to whom our Sauiour promised and sent the Holie Ghost to teach al truth For if in anie thing more then others assuredly one chief and most necessarie point is to know and declare which Bookes are Gods holie Word being of most singular importance THE SVMME OF THE OLD TESTAment as it is distinguished from the new Not withstanding the subiect general argument of both Testaments is one the same in substance as is already said yet they differ in time in maner of vttering of Mysteries in varietie of precepts promises also in meanes to obserue the thinges exacted to attayne to the end proposed In regard wherof S. Ierome saith Lex Moysi omne vetus instrumentum elementa mundi intelliguntur quibus quasi elementis Religionis exordijs Deum discimus The law of Moyses and al the old Testament are vnderstood the elements of the world by which as by first rudiments beginnings we lerne to know God For that in it we haue first the Law of nature and asterwards a law written with promises of temporal rewardes as long life land flowiug with milke honie the like but it brought nothing to perfection as S. Paul saith when giftes hostes were offered which could not according to conscience make the obseruer perfect For the helpes of that time were but infirma egena elemēta Weake poore elements Likewise in general touching the punishments that sometimes happened to the people of the old Testament when they transgressed the same Apostle affirmeth that al the same chanced to them in figure are written for our correption vpon whom the ends of the world are come so that the old Testament or Law was but our pedagogue in Christ Yet it setteth forth to vs the whole course of Gods Church for the space of foure thousand yeares that is from the beginning of the world vntil Christ our Redemer which Diuines diuide into six ages wherein was varietie change of her state three vnder the Law of nature and three others vnder the written Law The seuenth last age being this time of grace wherin we now are from Christ to the day of general Iudgement as the world was made in six dayes and in the seuenth God is said to haue rested and therfore sanctified it in other sort then the former six The eight wil be after the Resurrection during for al eternitie VVhich six ages of the ancient Church old Testament are thus distributed The first from the Creation to Noes floud conteyning the space of 1656. yeares The second from the floud to the going of Abraham out of his countrie 368. or counting Cainan Gen. 11. iuxta 72. Luc. 3. 398. yeares The third from Abraham his going forth of his countrie to the parting of the children of Israel out of Aegypt VVhich-some count to haue continued 720. yeares others whom we folow but 430. And thus farre in the law of nature before the written law The fourth age dured 480. yeares from the deliuerie of the children of Israel forth of Aegypt to the fundation of the Temple in Ierusalem The fifth age was from the fundation of the Temple to the captiuitie transmigration of the Iewes into Babylon about 430. yeares And the sixth age dured about 640. yeares from the Captiuitie of Babylon to Christ In al which times God was acknowledged and rightly serued by a continual visible Church with true Religion the same no other which now that Church holdeth that is called and knowen by she name of Catholique As we intend by Gods assistance to shew by briefe Annotations concerning diuers particular points now in Controuersie as the holie Text geueth occasion And especially by way of Recapitulation after euerie one of the six ages when we come to those passages in the Historie where the same are ended OF MOYSES THE AVTHOR OF THE fiue first bookes MOyses so called because he was taken from the water as the name signifieth was borne in Aegypt the sonne of Amram the sonne of Caath the sonne of Leui the Patriarch and so of Iacob Isaac and Abraham His maruelous deliuerie from drowning his education excellent forme singular wisdome heroical vertues rare dexteritie in al affayres whole life most admirable are gathered out of holie Scriptures by S. Gregorie Bishop of Nissen into a briefe Summe most worthie to be read but to large for this place He was borne about the yeare of the world two thousand foure hundred long before al prophane writers yea before manie of the Painimes false goddes as S. Augustin declareth in diuers places of his most excellent booke intituled of the Citie of God He liued in this world 120. yeares Of which 40. were in Pharaos court as the adopted sonne of Pharaos daughter fourtie in banishment from Aegypt in Madian and fourtie more he gouerned the people of Israel His singular prayses are also briefly touched in the last chapter of Deuteromie added by Iosue and in the booke of Ecclesi●sticus He died in the desert and was buried in the va●le of Moab so secretly that no mortal man knew his sepulchre lest the Iewes who were very prone to Idolatrie should haue adored his bodie with diuine honour for the greatnes and multitude of his miracles and for the singular estimation they had of
transgressed Morally ancient Fathers here note that albeit the life of the Patriarkes seemeth long to vs yet if we cōpare the same to eternitie it is nothing Neither by the iudgement of Philosophers may aniething be counted long that hath an end as Tullie bringing Cato wisely disputing sheweth the longest life to be but a short moment VVhereby againe we may see what losse we sustaine by sinne seeing if sinne had not benne we should al haue benne translated from earth to heauen and neuer haue dyed 24. VVas seene no more That Enoch and Elias are yet aliue is a constant knowne truth in the hartes and mouthes of the faithful saith S. Augustin in his first booke de peccat merit remiss c. 3. and confirmeth the same in diuers other places And it is testified by very many both Greeke and Latin Doctors S. Ireneus li. 5. S. Iustinus Martyr q. 85. ad Orthodoxos S. Hippolitus li. de Antichristo S. Damascen li. 4. de Orthodoxafide S. Hierom. epist 61. ad Pamach c. 11. S. Ambrose in Psalm 45. S. Chrysostom ho. 21. in Gen. ho. 58. in Mat. ho. 4. in epist 2. ad Thess ho. 22. in ep ad Heb. S. Greg. li. 14. Moral c. 11 ho. 12. in Ezech. S. Prosp li. vlt. de promis S. Bede in c. 9. Marc. Theophilact and O●cumenius in cap. 17. Mat. and others innumerable Touching Elias it is manifest in Scriptures that he shal come preach be slaine with an other witnes of Christ before the terrible day of Iudgement Of Enoch Moyses here maketh the matter more then probable saying of euerie one of the rest he dyed onlie of Enoch saith not so but that he appeared or vvas seene no more For which the seuentie two interpreters say And he vvas not found for God translated him VVhich can not signifie death but transporting or remouing to an other place VVhereto agreeth the author of Ecclesiasticus saying Enoch pleased God and vvas translated But most clearly S. Paul saith Enoch vvas translated that he should not see death and he vvas not found for God translated him VVith what plainer wordes can any man declare that a special person were not dead then to say He vvas translated or cōueyed away that he should not see death Neither is it a reasonable euasion to interprete this of spiritual death For so Adam being eternally saued as S. Irenaeus li. 3. c. 34. Epiphan con haeresim 46. S. Agu●●in epist 99. ad Euodium and others teach and the whole Church beleeueth was preserued from that death and so vndoubtedly were Seth and Enos being most holie and the rest here recounted as is most probable Neuertheles for further confutation of the contrarie opinion of Protestants the reader may also obserue the iudgement of S. Chrisostom who affirmeth that Though it be not a matter of faith vvhether Enoch be novv in Paradise from vvhence Adam and Eue vvere expelled or in some other pleasant place Dicunt tamen sacrae Scriprurae quod Deus transtulit eum quod viuentem transtulit eum quod mortem ipse non sit expertus The holie Scriptures say that God translated him and that he translated him aliue that he felt not or hath not experienced death And S. Augustin as expresly saith Non mortuus sed viuus translatus est He to vvit Enoch is translated not dead but aliue Yea he teacheth how his life is sustayned thus many thousand yeares vpon earth And sheweth moreouer that both Enoch and Elias shal dye For seing Enoch and Elias saith he are dead in Adam and carying the ofspring of death in their flesh to pay that debt are to returne to this life of common conuersation and to pay this debt vvhich so long is deferred Diuers reasons are also alleaged why God would reserue these two aliue First to shew by example that as their mortal bodies are long conserued from corrupting or decaying in like sorte Adam and Eue and al others not sinning should haue bene conserued and according to Gods promise neuer haue died but after some good time translated to heauen and indued with immortalitie Secondly to giue vs an argument of immortalitie which is promised after the general Resurrection For seing God doth preserue some mortal so long from al infirmitie we may assuredly beleue that he wil geue immortal eternal life of bobie and soule to his Sainctes after they haue payed the debt of death and are risen againe Thirdly these two one of the law of nature the other of the law of Moyses are preserued aliue to come amongst men againe towards the end of the world to teach testifie and defend the true faith and doctrin of Christ against Antichrist when he shal most violently oppugne persecute the Church Of Enoch it is said in the booke of Ecclesiasticus that he was translated vt det gentibus poenitenntiam that he geue repentance to the nations by his preaching reducing the deceiued from Antichrist And of Elias Malachie prophicieth that he shal come before the great and terrible day of our Lord and shal turne the hart of the fathers that is the people of the Iewes to the sonnes the Christians and of the sonnes the deceiued Christians to the fathers the ancient true Catholiques CHAP. VI. Mans sinnes cause of the deluge 4. Giants vvere then vpon the earth 8. Noe being iust vvas commanded to build the Arke 18. vvherin he vvith seuen persons more and the seede of other liuing things vvere saued AND after that men began to be multiplied vpon the earth had procreation of daughters † The sonnes of God seing the daughters of men that they were faire tooke to them selues wiues out of al which they had chosen And God said My spirit shal not remaine in man for euer because he is flesh his dayes shal be an hūdred twentie yeares † And Giants were vpon the earth in those dayes For after the sonnes of God did companie with the daughters of men and they brought forth children these be the mightie of the olde world famous men † And God seing the malice of men was much on the earth and that al the cogitation of their hart was bent to euil at al times † it repented him that he had made man on the earth And touched inwardly with sorrowe of hart † I wil saith he cleane take away man whom I haue created from the face of the earth from man euen to beastes from that which creepeth euen vnto the foules of the ayre for it repenteth me that I haue made them † But Noe found grace before our Lord † These are the generations of Noe Noe was a iust and perfect man in his generations he did walke with God † And he begat three sonnes Sem Cham Iapheth † And the earth was corrupted before God and was replenished with iniquitie † And when God had perceiued
by his only wil could in a moment haue drowned al the rest of the world sauing whom he pleased not needing in any thing the helpe of his creatures yet would vse both natural supernatural meanes as the labour of Noe to build the arke new fountaines springing and the heauens powring downe water fourtie dayes togeather afterwards the winde to dry vp the earh and because the dore being great for Elephants● to enter in and was to be firmed without as S. Ambrose noteth for better induring the forcible waters could not commodiously be closed by Noe our Lord by the ministrie of Angels shut him in on the out side to teach vs by al this and the like disposition of things that albeit his Diuine omnipotencie can do what he wil al alone yet he wil haue his creatures to concurre and cooperate as secundarie causes sometimes naturally sometimes supernaturally or miraculously as it pleaseth his goodnes to impert to them powre and vertue 23. But only Noe As there is not anie thing in al the old Testament from the creation of the world til the coming of Christ more notable more admirable or of greater importance then this historie of the general floud so was there nothing though al or most chanced to them in figure that euer more aptly more liuely or more exactly prefigured Christ and his Church with the rest of al mankind then did Noe and the arke the drowning of the rest of the world in that deluge VVhich S. Augustin declareth in many places but most especially and of purpose in his twelfth booke against Faustus the Manichee from the 14. chapter to the 22. and in his fifteenth booke of the citie of God in the two last chapters where he sheweth at large both the certaintie of the historie and that as certainely it was a figure of things in the new Testament and withal the great congruitie betwen the figure the things figured The same did Origen explicate homil 2. in Gen. S. Gregorie homil 12. in Ezech. Rupertus li. 4. comment in Gen. c. 71. sequent and diuers other ancient Doctors confirming their expositions by S. Peters testimonie saying In the arke a fevv that is eight soules or persons vvere saued from drowning by vvater vvherunto Baptisme being of the like forme novv saueth you also And by our Sauiours wordes saying As in the dayes of Noe so shal also the comming of the sonne of man be In summe the Doctors teach that Noe signifying rest was a figure of Christ the very rest of mans soule VVhom who soeuer foloweth shal find rest for their soules The arke signifieth the Church the forme therof being six times so long as broad and tenne times so long as hiegh resembleth the proportion of mans bodie lying prone or prostrate The dore in the side representeth the wound in Christs side from whence flowed the holie Sacraments by which the faithful enter into the Church and are sanctified The timber wherof the arke is made the water bearing it vp signified the Crosse of Christ and Baptisme For as Noe saith S. Augustin vvith his vvas deliuered by the vvater and the vvoode so the familie of Christ by Baptisme signed vvith Christs Passion on the Crosse Likewise the squarnes of the timber which both sustayned the burden of al contayned in the arke and resisted the boystrous waues of the floud beating without did signifie such men in the Church as be constant stand firmly in al sortes of tentations especially godlie lerned Doctors and Pastors who by worde and example vphold and cōfirme the faithful people in al afflictions within and withstand and conuince al Heretikes and other Infidels that oppugne the Church without Againe the hiegher lower rowmes with the midle chambers third loftes other distinctions of cabinets and partitions and al sortes of liuing creatures cleane and vncleane receiued therin did signifie the varieties of al states functions and diuersitie of maners and merites in the Church in which are persons of al degrees Clergie and Laitie Potentates Princes subiectes good and euil The most strong kind of glew called bitumen signified the permanent or euerlasting stabilitie and vnseparable cōnexion of the Church by the grace and continual assistance of the Holie Ghost conseruing the same The consummation of the arke in one cubite signified the vnitie of the same Church which is one in al times and places Neither would God almightie haue manie arkes for Noe and his sonnes or other creatures nor manie chiefe rulers though he would that of them should come manie Nations but one only arke and one chiefe gouernour therof and that al without the same should corporally dye to signifie that al which dye without the Church do perish and are eternally damned wherupon S. Hierom amongst other Fathers sheweth that al within the Church that communicate with the Sea Apostolique wherin S. Damasus sate then gouernour are as those in the arke of Noe and al Schismatikes Heretikes and other Infidels are in like case with the rest of the world that were drowned with the floud The end of the first age A BRIEFE REMONSTRANCE OF THE STATE OF THE CHVRCH AND FACE OF Religion in the first age of the world From the creation to Noes floud the space of 1656. yeares HERE according to our purpose mentioned before we wil briefly recite certaine principal points of Religion taught and obserued in the first age In which the foundations of the true maner of seruing God that should be continued to the end of the world were laid and prospered in some as appeareth in these seuen first chapters of Genesis But first of al we shal in two words repete as it is clerly geathered in the same holie Scripture the state of man before and immediatly after his fall being the subiect to whom al this pertayneth After therfore that God had created other things both in heauen and earth last of al he made Man to his owne image and likenes with vnderstanding and freewil therin like to Angels and superior to al other creatures and so made him Lord and maister of al earthlie things Neither were these the greatest benesits which God bestowed on man for his diuine goodnes ind●ed also this his reasonable creature with innocencie original iustice whereby al things were most rightly ordered within him and about him His mind wil and reason were obedient to God his senses inferior part of his soule were subiect to reason his flesh and bodie obeyed the spirite and al earthlie creatures obeyed him God also adorned man with excellent knowledge both natural and supernatural And albeit his bodie was of corruptible substance yet the same and al his posteritie if they had not sinned should haue benne conserued and without dying haue benne translated to euerlasting life Thus man was placed in Paradise and E●● there made of
land and excedingly increasing became the most principal nation in the world the selected people of God called by the name and title Of the children of Israel Of whom not only Moyses but al the old Testament most specially treateth and of whom and in whom the promised Messias the Redemer of mankind should be borne CHAP. XXXVI Esau with his wiues and children parteth from Iacob 9. His genealogie is recited with their habitations AND “ these are the generations of Esau the same is Edom. † Esau tooke wiues of the daughters of Chanaan “ Ada the daughter of Elon the Hetheite and Oolibama the daughter of Ana daughter of Sebeon the Heueite † Basemath also the daughter of Ismael sister of Nabaioth † And Ada bare Eliphaz Basemath bare Rahuel † Oolihama bare Iehus and Ihelon and Coree these are the sonnes of Esau that were borne to him in the land of Chanaan † And Esau tooke his wiues and sonnes and daughters and euerie soule of his house and his substance and catle and al that he could haue in the land of Chanaan and he went into an other countrie and “ departed from his brother Iacob † For they were exceding rich and could not dwel together neither was the land of their peregrination able to beare them for the multitude of flockes † And Esau “ dwelt in Mount Seir he is Edom. † And these are the generations of Esau the father of Edom in mount Seir † and these are the names of his sonnes Eliphaz the sonne of Ada the wife of Esau Rahuel also the sonne of Basemath his wife † And Eliphas had sonnes Theman Omar Sepho and Gathan and Cenes † And Thamna was the concubine of Eliphas the sonne of Esau which bare to him Amalech these are the sonnes of Ada the wife of Esau † And the sonnes of Rahuel were Nahath Zara Samma and Meza these were the sonnes of Basemath the wife of Esau † These also were the sonnes of Oolibama the daughter of Ana the daughter of Sebeon the wife of Esau which she bare to him Iehus and Ihelon and Coree † These were dukes of the sonnes of Esau the sonnes of Eliphaz the first-begotten of Esau duke Theman duke Omar duke Sepho duke Cenes † duke Coree duke Gatham duke Amalech these are the sonnes of Eliphaz in the land of Edom and these are the sonnes of Ada. † These also were the sonnes of Rahuel the sonne of Esau duke Nahath duke Zara duke Zamma duke Meza and these are be the dukes of Rahuel in the Land of Edom these be the sonnes of Basemath the wife of Esau † And these were the sonnes of Oolibama the wife of Esau duke Iehus duke Ihelon euke Coree these be the dukes of Oolibama the daughter of Ana and wife of Esau † These are the sonnes of Esau and these are the dukes of them the same is Edom. † These are the sonnes of Seir the horreite the inhabiters of the land Lotan and Sobal and Sebeon and Ana † and Dison and Eser and Disan These are dukes of the Horreite the sonnes of Seir in the Land of Edom. † And Lotan had sonnes Hori and Heman and the sister of Lotan was Thamna † And these were the sonnes of Sobal Aluan and Manahar and Ebal and Sepho and Onam † And these were the sonnes of Sebeon Aia and Ana. This is Ana that found the hot waters in the wildernes when he fed the asses of Sebeon his father † and he had a sonne Dison and a daughter Oolibama † And these were the sonnes of Dison Hamdan and Eseban and Iethram and Charan † These also were the sonnes of Eser Balaan and Zauan and Acan. † And Disan had sonnes Hus and Aram. † These were dukes of the Horreites duke Lotan duke Sobal duke Sebeon duke Ana † duke Dison duke Eser duke Disan these were dukes of the Horreites that ruled in the Land Seir. † And the Kinges that ruled in the land of Edom before that the children of Israel had a king were these † Bela the sonne of Beor and the name of his citie Denaba † And Bela died and Iobab the sonnne of Zara of Bosra reigned in his steed † And when Iobab was dead Husam of the land of the Themans reigned in his steed † He also being dead there reigned in his steed Adad the sonne of Badad that stroke Madian in the countrie of Moab and the name of his citie was Auirh † And when Adad was dead there reigned for him Semla of Masreca † He also being dead Saul of the riuer Rohoboth reigned in his steed † And when he also was dead Balanan the sonne of Achobor succeeded into the kingdome † This man also being dead Adar reigned in his place and the name of his citie was Phau and his wife was called Meetabel the daughter of Matred daughter of Mezaab † These therfore be the names of the dukes of Esau in their kinreds and places and callings duke Thamna duke Alua duke Ietheth † duke Oolibama duke Ela duke Phinon † duke Cenez duke Theman duke Mabser † duke Magdiel duke Hiram these are the dukes of Edom dwelling in the land of their empire the same is Esau the father of the Idumeians ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXXVI 1. The generations of Esau As before Moyses described the genealogies of Cain of Iapheth and Cham of Nachor of Ismael and other sonnes of Abraham so here he recordeth an other collateral progenie of Esau that the difference and distinction of them and the selected people of God might be more conspicuous because contraries opposed are sene more clerly And so the Churches succession and perpetual light compared with the interrupted and obscure companies shineth the brighter For albeit in those other generations there might be manie faithful and iust persons among the infidels and wicked and of some we are assured as of Lot and Iob yet faith and religion decayed and was extinguished in their carnal children and only continued in the right line from Adam to Iacob whose twelue sonnes were fathers and beginners of twelue Tribes and in them the same true Religion was stil conserued and publikly professed as in the onlie knowne visible Church til the cōming of Christ as S. Augustin clerly sheweth in his excellent worke of the Citie of God especially in the 15. and 16. bookes in manie chapters 2. Ada the daughter of Elon In the 26. chap. v. 34. Esaus two wiues which he tooke in Chanaan are called Iudith the daughter of Beeri the Hetheire and Basemath the daughter of Elon of the same place and here the same two wiues are named Ada the daughter of Elon the Hetheite and Oolibama the daughter of Sebeon the Heueite VVhich neither agree in names nor countrie Againe his third wife Ismaels daughter here named Basemath in 28. chap v. 9. is called Maheleth For reconciliation of which and otherlike difficulties or seeming contradictions albeit he lerned expositors say that either these persons had
Lord † the priest shal account the price according to the number of yeares vnto the iubilee and he that had vowed shal geue that to the Lord. † but in the Iubilee it shal returne to the former owner that sould it and had it in the lotte of his possession † Al estimation shal be weighed by the sicle of the sanctuarie A sicle hath twentie oboles † The “ first borne which pertaine to the Lord no man may sanctifie and vow whether it be oxe or sheepe they are the Lordes † And if it be an vncleane beast he that offereth it shal redeme it according to thy estimatimation and shal adde the fift part of the price If he wil not redeme it it shal be sould to an other for how much soeuer it was estemed by thee † Anie thing that is consecrated to the Lord whether it be man or beast or field shal not be sould neither can it be redemed Whatsoeuer is once consecrated shal be holie of holies to the Lord. † And any consecration that is offered of a man shal not be redemed but dying shal die † Al tithes of the land whether of corne or of the fruites of trees are the Lordes and are sanctified to him † And if anie man wil redeme his tithes he shal adde the fift part of them † Of al the tithes of oxen and sheepe and goates that passe vnder the sheepheardes rodde euerie tenth that commeth shal be sanctified to the Lord. † It shal not be chosen neither good nor bad neither shal it be changed for an other If anie man change it both that which was changed and that for the which it was changed shal be sanctified to the Lord and shal not be redeemed † These are the precepts which our Lord commanded Moyses vnto the children of Israel in the mount Sinai ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXVII 26. The sirst borne God here forbiddeth to vow the sirst borne and geueth the reason for that they are the Lordes shewing that those things wherto we are already bound are not properly matter of vow But a vowe properly is a religious promise voluntarily made to God of a good thing vnto which we were not bound And that the same is verie gratful to God appeareth not only in this chapter and in manie other places of Moyses law but also in the law of nature Gen. 28. Iacob vowed and God accepted therof Gen. 31. v. 13. And the royal Prophet in diuers Psalmes pertaining to the new Testament commendeth vowes It is certaine also manifest 1. Tim. 5. that widowes did lawfully vowe chastitie in the primitiue Church and such as did afterward breake the same did violate their promise to God Innumerable also most lerned and most godlie fathers haue euer from Christs time both taught and practised religious vowes of obedience to superiors who otherwise had no authoritie ouer them and of perpetual chastitie and voluntarie pouertie It is likewise and continually hath benne a most common practise in the Church to vow other good workes of pietie as to visite holie places to build Churches Collegies Hospitals and the like being no way bound therto but of mere deuotion See Annotations 1. Tim. 5. THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF NVMERI IN this booke called Numeri are contained saieth S. Hierom the Mysteries of al Arithmetike or numberiug of the Prophecie of Balaam and of the fourtie two Mansions of the Israelites in the desert VVhich mystical sense the same great Doctor as also S. Augustin and other Fathers do gather of the literal written by Moyses VVho here prosecuteth the sacred historie after Genesis and Exodus Leuiticus also containing one moneth from the second moneth of the second yeare after the deliuerie of the Israelites out of Aegypt nere 39. yeares to the last of Moyses life First therfore he reportet● how al the men of twelue tribes of the age of twentie yeares and vpward were numbered Likewise the tribe of Leui was numbered and imployed parth in priestlie function the rest to assist the priests He describeth also the oraer of marching and encamping the Leuites alwayes next and round about the Tabernacle the other twelue tribes in circuite of them on al sides He moreouer recordeth certaine notable murmurings tumults schismes and rebellions with the euents therof and miserable endes of chief seducers VVhose great iniuries Moyses mekely sustained with singular patience stil executing his owne function with heroical fortitude Among which diuers precepts and lawes are partly repeated partly added as wel concerning Religion and Gods seruice as godlie policie and ciuil gouernment of the people with chastisment of offenders How also their enemies endeuoured to annoy them Bala● king of Moab procuring Balaam the sorcerer so much as in him lay to curse them but al in vaine Yet by carnal fornication manie were drawen to spiritual Both which being punished God againe prospered his people in diuers encounters and battailes against Infidels Finally the promised Land of Chanaan on both sides lordaine is described by limites which they shal parte amongst them by lo●t the Leuites mingled in euerie tribe with their appointed cities and commodities for habitation and the tithes first fruites oblations and abundant prouision for their maintenance Cities also of refuge are designed for casual manslayers and a law established that al shal marie within their owne tribes to avoide confusion of inheritances So this booke may be diuided into three partes In the first the principal and most perfect sort of the people are numbered and disposed in order according to diuers states and offices before they depart from the desert of Sinai in the nine first chapters Then are related sundrie thinges which happened vnto them in the rest of their iourney especially manie and great impediments through al which God punishing some brought the residue to enioy the promised land from the 10. chap. to the end of the 33. Lastly the countrie of Chanaan is againe promised with order so to poss●sse and enioy it that euerie tribe may haue and keepe their seueral partes in the three last chapters THE BOOKE NVMERI OR NVMBERS IN HEBREW VAIED ABBER CHAP. I. Al the men of twelue tribes of Israel of the age of twentie yeares and vpwardes but not vnder nor wemen are numbred 20. and are sound in al six hundred thirtie thousand fiue hundred fiftie 47. The Leuites not yet numbred are designed to serue about the Tabernacle AND our Lord spake to Moyses in the desert of Sinai in the tabernacle of couenant the first day of the second moneth the second yeare of their going out of Aegypt saying † Take the summe of the whole assemblie of the children of Israel by their kinredes houses and the names of euerie one whatsoeuer of the male sexe † from the twentith yeare and vpward of al the strong men of Israel and you shal number them by
of an vnicorne in them shal he winow the Nations euen to the endes of the earth these are the multitudes of Ephraim and these the thousandes of Manasses † And to Zabulon he said Reioyse Zabulon in thy going out and Issachar in thy tabernacles † They shal cal the peoples to the mountaine there shal they immolate the victimes of iustice Who shal sucke the inundation of the sea as milke and the hidden treasures of the sandes † And to Gad he said Blessed be Gad in breadth as a lion hath he rested and taken the arme and the toppe of the head † And he saw his principalitie that in his part the doctor was reposed which was with the princes of the people and did the iustices of our Lord and his iudgement with Israel † To Dan also he said Dan a lions whelpe he shal flow largely from Basan † And to Nephthali he said Nephthali shal enioy abundance and shal be ful of the blessinges of our Lord the sea and the south he shal possesse † To Aser also he said Blessed be Aser in children be he acceptable to his brethren and dippe he in oile his foote † His shoe yron and brasse As the daies of thy youth so also thy old age † There is no other God as the God of the rightest the mounter of heauen is thy helper By his magnificence the cloudes runne hither and thither † his habitation is aboue and vnder the euerlasting armes he shal cast out the enemie from thy face and shal say Be destroyed † Israel shal dwel confidently and alone The eie of Iacob in the land of corne and wine and the heauens shal be mistie with dew † Blessed art thou Israel who is like to thee o people that art saued in our Lord the shield of thy helpe and the sword of thy glorie thy enemies shal denie thee and thou shalt treade their neckes ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXXIII 2. Came from Sinai According to the historie Moyses recounteth here three benefites First that God gaue the Law in Sinai Exod. 20. Secondly he cured those which were bitten with serpentes nere to Seir. Num. 21. Thirdly in mount Pharan he appointed Seuentie ancientes to assist Moyses in iudgementes Num. 11. But according to the Mysterie which specially is intended S. Augustin q. 56. in Deut. saieth this prophecie is not to be negligently passed ouer For it euidently appeareth that this benediction perteineth to a new people whom Christ our Lord hath sanctified in whose person Moyses spake and not in his owne So in this prophetical and proper sense saieth this Doctor our Lord and Sauiour cometh from Sinai which is interpreted tentation when he passed the tentation of his passion and death Heb. 2. v. 18. Christ riseth from Seir interpreted hearie for that in the similitude of the flesh of sinne e●en of sinne he damned sinne in the flesh Rom. 8. v. 3. He appeareth from mount Pharan interpreted fruitful mountaine in that he geueth abundance of grace in his Church of the new Testament which is a citie set vpon a hil Mat. 5. CHAP. XXXIIII Moyses seeth the promised land but is not suffered to goe into it 5. He dieth at the age of 120. yeares God burieth his bodie secretly and al Israel mourne for him thirtie dayes 9. Iosue replenished by imposition of Moyses handes with the spirite of God succedeth 10. But Moyses for his special familiaritie with God and for most wonderful miracles is commended aboue al other Prophetes MOYSES therfore went vp from the champion of Moab vpon mount Nebo into the toppe of Phasga against Iericho and our Lord shewed him al the land of Galaad as farre as Dan † and al Nephthali and the land of Ephraim and Manasses and al the Land of Iuda vnto the vtmost sea † and the south part and the bredth of the plaine of Iericho a citie of palmetrees as farre as Sego● † And our Lord said to him This is the Land for the which I sware to Abraham Isaac and Iacob saying To thy seede wil I geue it Thou hast seene it with thyne eies and shalt not passe ouer to it † And Moyses the seruant of our Lord died there in the land of Moab our Lord commanding it † and he buried him in the valley of the Land of Moab against Phogor and no man hath knowne his sepulchre vntil this present day † Moyses was an hundred and twentie yeares old when he died his eie was not dimme neither were his teeth moued † And the children of Israel mourned him in the champion countrie of Moab thirtie daies and the daies of their mourning that mourned for Moyses were accomplished † And Iosue the sonne of Nun was replenished with the spirit of wisedome because Moyses did put his handes vpon him And the children of Israel obeied him and did as our Lord commanded Moyses † And there rose no more a prophete in Israel as Moyses whom our Lord had knowen face to face † in al signes and wonders which he sent by him to doe in the Land of Aegypt to Pharao and to al his seruantes and to his whole Land † and al the strong hand and great meruailes which Moyses did before al Israel The end of the fiue bookes of Moyses conteining the Law THE SECOND PART OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CONTEINING HISTORICAL BOOKES The argument of the booke of Iosue VVHETHER Iosue himself writ this booke which is the common opinion or some other it was euer held vndoubtedly by al for Canonical Scripture and according to the distribution of the whole Bible into Legal Historical Sapiential and Prophetical Bookes this is the first of the historical sorte But as the fiue procedent called Legal besides the Law comprehend also the historie of the Church from the beginning of the world nere 2500. yeares and withal conteine much diuine Wisdome Prediction of thinges to come so these bookes now folowing called Historical and likewise the Sapiential and Prophetical ensuing after participate each with others in their seueral argumentes euerie one more or lesse inducing Gods seruantes to keepe his Law recording thinges donne teaching what is most meete to be donne and foreshewing before hand thinges donne afterwardes or which yet shal come to passe So this booke doth not only set forth the Actes of Iosue who succeded Moyses in tēporal gouernment of Gods people commanding and directing them by lawe and wisedome but also the same thinges donne by him and his verie name as S. Hierom other Fathers teach prefigure our Lord IESVS Christ For in Hebrew IEHOSVA is the name both of this Capitaine General the leader of The Israelites ouer Iordan into the Land of promise and of our Lord and SAVIOVR who by his Baptisme and other Sacramentes bringeth his people of al Nations into the true Land of the liuing where is life and felicitie euerlasting Touching th●fore the historie these foure special thinges are here described
and serue him with a perfect and verie true hart and take away the goddes which your fathers serued in Mesopotamia and in Aegypt and serue our Lord. † But if it like you not to serue our Lord choise is geuen you choose this day that which pleaseth you whom you ought especially to serue whether the goddes which your fathers serued in Mesopotamia or the goddes of the Amorrheites in whose Land you dwel but I and my house wil serue our Lord. † And the people answered and said God forbid we should leaue our Lord and serue strange goddes † Our Lord God he brought vs and our fathers out of the Land of Aegypt out of the house of seruitude and did in our sight great signes and kept vs in al the way by the which we walked and among al the peoples through which we passed † And he hath cast out al the nations the Amorrheite inhabiter of the Land which we haue entred We therfore wil serue our Lord because he is our God † And Iosue said to the people You can not serue our Lord for God is holie and a mightie aemulator neither wil he pardon your wickednes and sinnes † If you leaue our Lord and serue strange goddes he wil turne him self and wil afflict you and ouerthrow you after he hath geuen you good thinges † And the people said to Iosue No it shal not be so as thou speakest but we wil serue our Lord. † And Iosue said to the people You are witnesses that your selues haue chosen to you our Lord for to serue him And they answered Witnesses † Now therfore quoth he take away strange goddes our of the middes of you and incline your hartes to our Lord the God of Israel † And the people said to Iosue We wil serue our Lord God and wil be obedient to his preceptes † Iosue therfore in that day made a couenant and proposed to the people preceptes and iudgementes in Sichem † He wrote also al these wordes in the volume of the law of our Lord and he tooke a very great stone and put it vnder the oke that was in the Sanctuarie of our Lord † and said to al the people Behold this stone shal be a testimonie for you that it hath heard al the wordes of our Lord which he hath spoken to you lest perhaps hereafter you wil denie and lye to our Lord your God † And he dismist the people euerie one into their possession † And after these thinges Iosue the sonne of Nun the seruant of our Lord died being a hundred and ten yeares old † and “ they buried him in the coastes of his possession in Thamnathsare which is situated in the mountaine of Ephraim on the North part of mount Gaas † And Israel serued our Lord al the daies of Iosue and of the ancientes that liued a long time after Iosue and that had knowen al the workes of our Lord which he had done in Israel † The bones also of Ioseph which the children of Israel had taken out of Aegypt they buried in Sichem in part of the field which Iacob had bought of the sonnes of Hemor the father of Sichem for a hundred yong ewes and it was in the possession of the sonnes of Ioseph † Eleazar also the sonne of Aaron died and they buried him in Gabaath of Phinees his sonne which was geuen him in mount Ephraim ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIIII 2. They serued false goddes It is euident by this place that Thare and some other progenitors of Israel sometimes serued false goddes from which they were reduced but Abraham was euer preserued in true religion and the whole familie of Thare was therfore persecuted in Chaldea as S. Augustin sheweth li. 16. c. 13. de ciuit Likwise Theodoret q. 18. in Iosue and other both ancient and late writers teach the same as is already noted pag. 203. 30. They buried In that no mention is made of mourning for Iosue S. Hierom noteth a mysterie and a special point of Chistian doctrin It semeth to me saieth he Epist de 42. Maus mans 33. that in Marie prophecie is dead in Moyses and Aaron an end is put to the law and priesthood of the Iewes For so much as they could neither passe into the land of promise nor bring the beleuing people out of the wildernes of this world And Mans 34. Aaron sayeth he was mourned and so was Moyses Iesus is not mourned that is in the law was descentinto hel called limbus in the Gospel is passage to paradise THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF IVDGES SAINCT Hierom geuing this general rule Epist ad Eustoch virg that in reading historical bookes of holie Scripture the historie as fundation of veritie is to be loued but the spiritual vnderstanding rather to be folowed agreably therto teacheth Epist ad Paulin. that in this booke of Iudges there be as manie figures as princes of the people Neither doth he meane that there were no more but for example sake affirmeth that these Iudges raised vp after Iosue and sent of God to deliuer the people fallen for their sinnes into afflictions were types and figures of the Apostles and Apostolical men sent by Christ to propagate and defend his Church of the new Testament For albeit diuers of these Iudges were sometimes great offenders yet they were reclamed by Gods special grace and so amending their errors did great thinges to the singular honour of God and are renowmed among the holie Patriarces and Prophetes particularly praysed in bolie Scipture saying And the Iudges euerie one by his name whose hart was not corrupt Who were not auerted from our Lord that their memorie may be blessed and their bones spring out from their place and their name remaine for euer the glorie of holie men remaining to their children After Iosue therfore who it semeth guided and ruled the people 32. yeares this booke written as is most probable by Samuel shewing the famouse Actes of these Iudges of Israel prosecuteth the historie of the Church the space of 288. yeares more And may be diuided into three partes First is described in general the state of the people sometimes wel and sincerly seruing God other times falling to great sinnes in the two first chapters Secondly their offences afflictions repentance and deliuerie from their enemies are more particularly reported from the third chap. to the 17. Thirdly other special accidents which happened within the same time are recorded in the last fiue chapters THE BOOKE OF IVDGES IN HEBREW SOPHETIM CHAP. I. Vnder a general captaine of the tribe of Iuda assisted by the tribe of Simeon Israel subdueth diuers cities of the gentiles 12. Othoniel taking Cariath sepher possesseth it and marieth Calebs daughter obtainig also addition of her dowrie 21. Iebuseites yet dwel in Hierusalem with Beniamin 27. and the Chananeites with diuers of the tribes AFTER the death of Iosue the children of Israel consulted
men dying They fel and were ouerthrowen on the east side of the citie of Gabaa † And there were that were slaine in the same place eightene thousand men al most valiant warryers † Which when they had seene that were remayning of Beniamín they fled into the wildernes and went on to the rocke the name wherof is Remmon In that flight also stragling and going diuers waies they slew fiue thousand men And whereas they went farder they pursewed them and slew also other two thousand † And so it came to passe that al which were slaine of Beniamin in diuerse places were fiue and twentie thousand one hundred fighting men most prompt to warres † There remayned therfore of al the number of Beniamin that could escape and flee into the wildernes six hundred men and they abode in the Rocke Remmon foure monethes † But the children of Israel retyring stroke al the remaines of the citie with the sword from men euen to beastes and al the cities and villages of Beniamin the deuouring flame did consume CHAP. XXI The tribe of Beniamin is repayred 8. by foure hundred virgins reserued in the slaughter of Iabes Galaad 19. and by other virgins taken that come forth of Silo to daunce THE children of Israel sware also in Maspha and said None of vs shal geue of his daughters to the children of Beniamin to wife † And they came al to the house of God in Silo and sitting in his sight vntil euening lifted vp their voice and with great wayling beganne to weepe saying Wherfore ô Lord God of Israel is this euil done in thy people that this day one tribe should be taken away out of vs † And on the morrow rising early they built an altar and offered there holocaustes and pacifique victimes and said † Who hath not ascended in the hoste of our Lord of al the tribes of Israel For they had bound them selues with a great othe when they were in Maspha that they should be slayne which had beene wanting † And the children of Israel being moued with repentance vpon their brother Beniamin beganne to say One tribe is taken away out of Israel † whence shal they take wiues For we haue al sworne in common that we wil not geue our daughters to them † Therfore they said Who is there of al the tribes of Israel that went not vp to our Lord into Maspha And behold the inhabitantes of Iabes Galaad were found not to haue bene in that armie † At that time also when they were in Silo none of them was found there † They sent therfore ten thousand the strongest men and commanded them Goe and strike the inhabitantes of Iabes Galaad in the edge of the sword as wel their wiues as their litle ones † And this shal be it which you shal obserue Al of the male kinde and wemen that haue knowen men kil ye but the virgins reserue † And there were found of Iabes Galaad foure hundred virgins that knew not mans bedde and they brought them to the campe in Silo into the Land of Chanaan † And they sent messengers to the children of Beniamin that were in Rocke Remmon and commanded them that they should receiue them in peace † And the children of Beniamin came at that time and there were geuen vnto them wiues of the daughters of Iabes Galaad but others they found not which they might geue them in like maner † And al Israel was very sorie and repented for the killing of one tribe out of Israel † And the ancientes said What shal we doe to the rest that haue not taken wiues For al the wemen in Beniamin are dead † And we must very carefully and with great studie prouide that one tribe be not destroyed out of Israel † For our owne daughters we can not geue them being bound with an oath and a curse wherby we said Cursed be he that shal geue to Beniamin anie of his daughters to wife And they tooke counsail and said Behold there is an anniuersaire solemnitie of our Lord in Silo which is situate on the North of the citie of Bethel on the East side of the way that goeth from Bethel to Sichem and on the South of the towne of Lebona † And they commanded the children of Beniamin and said Goe and lie hidde in the vineyardes † And when you shal see the daughters of Silo come forth after the maner to lead daunses issue forth sodenly out of the vineyardes and catch of them euerie one his wife and goe into the Land of Beniamin † And when their fathers shal come and their brethren and shal beginne to complaine against you and to chide we wil say to them Haue pittie on them for they tooke them not away by the right of warryers and conquerours but when they desired to receiue them you gaue them not and on your part the fault was committed † And the children of Beniamin did as it had beene commanded them and according to their number they tooke away to them selues of those that ledde the daunses euerie one his wife and they went into their possession building cities and dwelling in them † The children of Israel also returned by their tribes and families into their tabernacles In those daies there was not a King in Israel but euerie one did that which semed right to him selfe THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKE OF RVTH AMONGST other thinges that happened to the people of Israel in the time of the Iudges this historie of Ruth to witt her coming from Moab her conuersion to true Religion godlie conuersation and mariage with Booz of the tribe of Iuda is recorded as a more principal matter For that not onlie king Dauid but consequently also our SAVIOVR the Redemer of mankind descended from her VVherby was fore signified that as saluation thus proceded from the Gentiles together with the Iewes so the Gentiles are made partakers of the same grace More clerly prophecied as S. Hierom noteth by Isai cap. 16. saying Send forth ô Lord the lambe the Ruler of the earth from the Rocke of the desert to the mount of the daughter of Sion That is from Ruth the gentile to Hierusalem or rather to the Church This mariage of Ruth came to passe about the time of Abesan Iudge The booke was written as is most probable by Samuel and is diuided into foure chapters whose contentes folow in their places THE BOOKE OF RVTH CHAP. I. By occasion of famine Elimelech of Bethleem going with his wife Noemi and two sonnes into the Land of Moab there dieth 4. His sonnes marrie wiues of that countrie and die without issue 6. Noemi returning homewardes hardly perswadeth one of her daughters in law to part from her 15. The other called Ruth wil needes goe with her professing the same God and Religion 19. So these two arriue in Betheleem IN the dayes of one Iudge when the Iudges ruled there came a famine in the Land And there went a
on the sea which should saile into Ophir for gold and they could not goe because they were broken in Asiongaber † Then sayd Ochozias the sonne of Achab to Iosaphat Let my seruantes goe with thy seruantes in the shippes And Iosaphat would not † And Iosaphat slept with his fathers and was buried with them in the Citie of Dauid his father and Ioram his sonne reigned for him † And Ochozias the sonne of Achab began to reigne ouer Israel in Samaria in the seuententh yeare of Iosaphat the king of Iuda and he reigned ouer Israel two yeares † And he did euil in the sight of our Lord and walked in the way of his father and his mother and in the way of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat who made Israel to sinne † He serued also Baal and adored him and prouoked our Lord the God of Israel according to al thinges which his father had done THE ARGVMENT OF THE FOVRTH BOOKE OF KINGES THIS fourth booke prosecuteth the historie of the two Kingdomes of Iuda and Israel to the seueral captiuities of them both Shewing manie special vertues and heroical actes of good Kinges Prophetes and other godlie persons and diuers crimes of the wicked For in Iuda were some good kinges highly commended some euil whom God spared in this world for Dauids sake So that in both sortes King Dauids seede continued in his throne and royal state first in the twelue tribes afterward in two nere foure hundred fourscore yeares And after the captiuitie as wil appeare in the age ensuing it was conserued in honour and estimation til Christ our Sauiour But in the Kingdome of Israel or tenne tribes which stood about two hundred fiftie yeares was great change by raysing and extirpating royal families Al their kinges were bad yet partly were set vp by God himself partly suffered to reigne and in both Kingdomes were true and false prophetes God vsing the ministerie of al to his owne glorie the good of his Church and punishment of others and sometimes of themselues So this booke may be diuided into two partes In the seuentene former chapters are recorded ioyntly and mixtly the principal thinges donne in both kingdomes til the captiuitie of the tenne tribes The other eight chapters conteine other thinges donne in Iuda vntil their captiuitie in Babylon THE FOVRT BOOKE OF KINGES ACCORDING TO THE HEBREWES THE SECOND OF MALACHIM CHAP. I. Ochozias King of Israel consulting Beelzebub for his sicknes is blamed by Elias and fortold that he shal die 9. Fire from heauen deuoureth two capitaines with ech of them fiftie men 13. The third by his more modestie escapeth the like danger 15. With him Elias cometh to the King 17. The same King dieth and his brother Ioram succedeth AND Moab moued warre agaynst Israel after that ●chab was dead † And Ochozias fel through the ●anchions of his vpper chamber which he had in Samaria and was sicke and he sent messengers saying to them Goe consult Beelzebub the god of Accaron whether I may liue of this my infirmitie † And an Angel of our Lord spake to Elias the Thesbite saying Arise and goe vp to meete the messengers of the king of Samaria and thou shal say to them What is there not a God in Israel that ye goe to consult Beelzebub the god of Accaron † Wherfore thus saith our Lord From the bed on which thou art ascended thou shalt not goe downe but dying thou shalt die And Elias went away † And the messengers returned to Ochozias Who said to them Why are you returned † But they answered him A man mette vs and sayd to vs Goe and returne to the king that sent you and you shal say to him Thus saith our Lord Doest thou therfore send to consult Beelzebub the god of Accaron because there was no God in Israel Therfore from the bed which thou art vpon thou shalt not goe downe but dying thou shalt dye † Who said to them What shape and habite had that man which mette you and spake these wordes † But they said A hearie man and girded about his raines with a girdle of lether Who said It is Elias the Thesbite † And he sent vnto him a captaine of fiftie men and the fiftie that were vnder him Who went vp and sayd to him sitting in the toppe of the mount Man of God the king hath commanded that thou come downe † And Elias answering sayd to the captaine of fiftie men If I be a man of God let fyre come downe from heauen and deuoure thee and thy fiftie Fyre therfore came downe from heauen and deuoured him and the fiftie men that were with him † And he sent againe vnto him an other captaine of fiftie men and his fiftie with him Who spake to him Man of God Thus saith the king Make hast come downe † Elias answering said If I be a man of God let fyre come downe from heauen and deuoure thee and thy fiftie Fyre therfore came downe from heauen and deuoured him and his fiftie † Agayne he sent a third captaine of fiftie men and the fiftie that were with him Who when he was come bowed his knees toward Elias and prayed him and sayd Man of God despise not my life and the liues of thy seruantes that are with me † Behold fyre came downe from heauen and hath deuoured the two first captaynes of fiftie men and the fifties that were with them but now I besech the that thou haue mercie on my life † And an Angel of our Lord spake to Elias saying Goe downe with him feare not He therfore arose and went downe with him to the king † and spake to him Thus saith our Lord Because thou hast sent messengers to consult Beelzebub the god of Accaron as though there were not a God in Israel of whom thou mightest aske the word therfore from the bed which thou art ascended vpon thou shalt not descend but dying thou shalt die † He died therfore according to the word of our Lord which Elias spake Ioram his brother reigned for him in the second yeare of Ioram the sonne of Iosaphat the king of Iuda for he had no sonne † But the rest of the wordes of Ochozias which he wrought are not these written in the Booke of the wordes of the daies of the kinges of Israel CHAP. II. Eliseus wil not part from Elias 7. Fiftie disciples folow them to Iordan 8. The water is diuided by Elias cloke and they two passe the drie chanel 9. Elias is assumpted in a firie chariote and his duble spirite is geuen to Eliseus 13. Who returning by like miraculous meanes ouer Iordan the disciples receiue and honour him as their religious Superiour 16. They seeke Elias but find him not 19. Eliseus amendeth the waters by casting in salt 23. Boyes are torne by bear●s for mocking Eliseus AND it came to passe when our Lord would take vp Elias by a hurle winde into heauen Elias and
wordes of the dayes of the kinges of Iuda † And they buried him in his sepulchre in the garden of Oza and Iosias his sonne reigned for him CHAP. XXII Iosias repayreth the temple and Diuine seruice 8. The booke of law is found 11. wherupon they consult our Lord 15. and are foretold that much euil shal fal vpon them 18. but the good king shal dye in peace EIGHT yeares old was Iosias when he began to reigne he reigned one and thirtie yeares in Ierusalem the name of his mother was Idida the daughter of Hadaia of Besecath † And he did that which was liked before our Lord and walked in al the waies of Dauid his father he declined not to the right hand or to the lefte † And in the eightenth yeare of king Iosias the king sent Saphan the sonne of Aslia the sonne of Messulam the scribe of the temple of our Lord saying to him † Goe to Helcias the high priest that the money may be gathered into a summe which hath beene brought into the temple of our Lord which the porters of the temple haue gathered of the people † and let it be geuen to the workemen by the ouerseers of the house of our Lord who also shal destribute it to them that worke in the temple of our Lord to make the reparations of the temple † that is to the carpenters and masons and to them that mend broken places and that timber may be bought and stones out of the quarries to repayre the temple of our Lord. † Yet let not the money which they receiue be accounted to them but let them haue it in their powre and vpon their fidelitie † And Helcias the highe priest sayd to Saphan the scribe I haue found the Booke of the law in the house of our Lord and Helcias gaue the volume to Saphan who also did reade it † Saphan also the scribe came to the king and reported vnto him that which he had commanded and sayd Thy seruantes haue gathered into a summe the money which is found in the house of our Lord and they haue geuen it to be destributed to the workemen by the ouerseers of the workes of the temple of our Lord. † Saphan also the scribe told the king saying Helcias the priest hath geuen me a Booke Which when Saphan had read before the king † and the king had heard the wordes of the law of our Lord he rent his garmentes † And he willed Helcias the priest and Ahicam the sonne of Saphan and Achobor the sonne of Micha and Saphan the Scribe and Asaia the kinges seruant saying † Goe and consult our Lord for me and for the people and for al Iuda concerning the wordes of this volume which is found for the great wrath of our Lord is kindled agaynst vs because our fathers haue not heard the wordes of this Booke to doe al that is writen for vs. † Helcias therfore the priest and Ahicam and Achabor and Saphan and Asaia went to Holda a prophetesse the wife of Sellum the sonne of Thecua the sonne of Araas keeper of the garmentes who dwelt in Ierusalem in the second and they spake to her † And she answered them Thus sayth our Lord the God of Israel Tel the man that sent you to me † Thus sayth our Lord Behold I wil bring euils vpon this place and vpon the inhabitantes therof al the wordes of the law which the king of Iuda hath read † because they haue forsaken me and haue sacrificed to strange goddes prouoking me in al the workes of their handes and my indignation shal be kindled in this place and shal not be quenched † But to the king of Iuda that sent you to consult our lord thus you shal say Thus sayth our Lord the God of Israel For that thou hast heard the wordes of the volume † and thy hart is striken with feare and thou art humbled before the Lord hearing the wordes agaynst this place and the inhabitantes therof to witte that they should become a wonder and a curse and hast rent thy garmentes and wept before me and I haue heard it sayth our Lord † therfore I wil gather thee to thy fathers and thou shalt be gathered to thy sepulchre in peace that thy eies may not see al the euils which I wil bring in vpon this place CHAP. XXIII Iosias reading the law before the people they al promise to serue God 4. Al thinges belonging to Idolatrie are cast forth of the temple 8. and other places of Iuda 15. He also destroyeth the altar in Bethel not remouing the bones of a prophet 19. and other altares in Samaria killeth the false priestes 21. And maketh a notorious great Pasch 26. Yet God threatneth the captiuitie of Iuda for their sinnes 29. Iosias is slaine in battle by the king of Aegypt and his sonne Ioachaz reigneth VVho after three monethes is deposed by the king of Aegypt and his brother Eliacim henceforth called Ioakim made king AND they reported to the king that which she had sayd Who sent and al the ancientes of Iuda and Ierusalem were assembled to him † And the king went vp to the temple of our Lord and al the men of Iuda and al that dwelt in Ierusalem with him priestes and prophetes and al the people from litle to great and in hearing of al he read al the wordes of the Booke of the couenant which was found in the house of our Lord. † And the king stood vpon the steppe and made a couenant with our Lord to walke after our Lord kepe his preceptes and testimonies and ceremonies with al their hart and with al their soule and to performe the wordes of this couenant which were writen in that booke the people agreed to the couenant † And the king willed Helcias the high priest the priestes of the second order al the porters that they should cast out of the temple of our Lord al the vessels that had bene made to Baal and in the groue and to al the host of heauen he burnt them without Ierusalem in the Valley cedron and caried the dust of them into Bethel † And he destroyed the Southsayers which the kinges of Iuda had appointed to sacrifice in the excelses in the cities of Iuda and round about Ierusalem and them that burnt incense to Baal and to the Sunne and to the Moone and to the twelue signes and to al the host of heauen † And he caused the groue to be caried forth out of the house of our Lord without Ierusalem in the Valley cedron he burnt it there and brought it into dust and threw it vpon the sepulchres of the common people † He destroyed also the litle houses of the effeminates which were in the house of our Lord for the which the wemen woue as it were litle houses of the groue † And he gathered together al the priestes of the cities of Iuda and he contaminated the excelses where
the face our Lord as Manasses his father did reuerence it and he committed farre greater sinnes † And when his seruantes had conspired agaynst him they slewe him in his owne house † Moreouer the rest of the multitude of the people hauing slaine them that stroke Amon made Iosias his sonne king for him CHAP. XXXIIII Iosias destroyeth idolatrie 8. repaireth the Temple 14. The booke of the law found in the Temple is redde before him 19. wherby vnderstanding the sinnes of the people 23. a prophete foresheweth their punishment 26. but not in his daies 29. He reneweth the couenant betwen God and the people EIGHT yeares old was Iosias when he began to reigne he reigned thirtie and one yeares in Ierusalem † And he did that which was right in the sight of our Lord and walked in the waies of Dauid his father he declined not neither to the right hand nor to the left † And in the eight yeare of his reigne when he was yet a child he began to seeke the God of his father Dauid and the twelfth yeare after he began to reigne he cleansed Iuda and Ierusalem from excelses and groues and idols sculptils † And they destroyed before him the altars of Baalim and the idols that had bene set vpon them they destroyed the groues also and sculptils he cut downe and brake in peeces and ouer their tombes that were accustomed to immolate vnto them he strawed the fragmentes † Moreouer the bones of the Priestes he burnt on the altars of the idols and he clensed Iuda and Ierusalem † Yea and in the cities of Manasses and of Ephraim and of Simeon vnto Nepthali he ouerthrew al. † And when he had destroyed the altars and the groues and had broken the idols into peces and had ouerthrowen al profane temples out of al the land of Israel he returned into Ierusalem † Therfore in the eightenth yeare of his reigne the land now clensed and the temple of our Lord he sent Saphan the sonne of Eselias and Maasias the gouernour of the citie and Ioha the sonne of Ioachaz Commenter that they should repayre the house of our Lord his God † Who came to Helcias the high priest and taking of him the money which had bene brought into the house of our Lord and which the Leuites and porters had gathered together of Manasses and Ephraim and of al the remnant of Israel of al Iuda also and Beniamin and the inhabiters of Ierusalem † they deliuered in their handes that ouersaw the workemen in the house of our Lord that they should repayre the temple and mend al weake partes † But they gaue it to the artificers and to the masons that they should bye stones out of the quarries and timber for the ioyntures of the building and for making the roofe of the house which the kinges of Iuda had destroyed † Who did al thinges faithfully And the ouerseers of the workemen were Iahath Abdias of the children of Merari Zacharias and Mosollam of the children of Caath which vrged the worke al Leuites skilful to sing on instrumentes † But ouer them that caried burdens to diuerse vses were scribes and masters of the Leuites and porters † And when they caried forth the money that had bene brought into the temple of our Lord Helcias the Priest found the Booke of the law of our Lord by the hand of Moyses † And he sayd to Saphan the Scribe I haue found the booke of the law in the house of our Lord and deliuered it to him † But he brought in the volume to the king and told him saying Al thinges which thou gauest into the hand of thy seruantes loe are accomplished † The siluer that was found in the house of our Lord they haue gathered into a masse and it was geuen to the ouerseers of the artificers and of them that make diuerse workes † Moreouer Helcias the Priest deliuered me this booke Which when he had read in the kinges presence † and he had heard the wordes of the law he rent his garmentes † and he commanded Helcias and Ahicam the sonne of Saphan and Abdon the sonne of Micha Saphan also the scribe and Asaa the kinges seruant saying † Goe and pray our Lord for me and for the remnant of Israel and Iuda concerning al the wordes of this Booke which is found for the great furie of our Lord hath distilled vpon vs for that our fathers haue not kept the wordes of our Lord to doe al thinges that are writen in this volume † Helcias therfore went and they that were sent together by the king to Olda a prophetesse the wife of Sellum the sonne of Thecuath the sonne of Hasra keeper of the garmentes who dwelt in Ierusalem in the second part and they spake to her the wordes which we haue aboue mentioned † But she answered them Thus sayth out Lord the God of Israel Tel the man that sent you to me † Thus sayth our Lord Behold I wil bring euils vpon this place and vpon the inhabitantes therof and al the curses that are writen in this Booke which they redde before the king of Iuda † Because they haue forsaken me and haue sacrificed to strange goddes that they might prouoke me to wrath in al the workes of their handes therfore shal my furie droppe vpon this place shal not be extinguished † But to the king of Iuda that sent you to beseche our Lord thus speake ye Thus sayth our Lord the God of Israel Because thou hast heard the wordes of this volume † and thy hart is mollified and thou art humbled in the sight of our Lord for these thinges which are spoken against this place and the inhabitantes of Ierusalem and reuerencing my face hast rent thy garmentes and wept before me I also haue heard thee sayth our Lord. † For now wil I gather thee to thy fathers and thou shalt be brought into thy graue in peace neither shal thyne eies see al the euil that I wil bring in vpon this place and vpon the inhabitantes therof They therfore reported to the king al thinges that she had sayd † But he calling together al the ancientes of Iuda and Ierusalem † went vp into the house of our Lord and al the men of Iuda and the inhabitantes of Ierusalem Priestes and Leuites and al the people from the least to the greatest In whose hearing in the house of our Lord the king read al the wordes of the volume † And standing on his tribunal seate he made a couenant before our Lord that he would walke after him and keepe his preceptes and testimonies and iustifications in al his hart and in al his soule and would do the thinges that were writen in that volume which he had read † He adiured also vpon this al that were found in Ierusalem and Beniamin and the inhabitantes of Ierusalem did according to the couenant of our Lord the God of their fathers † Iosias
punishing oftenders in that behalfe 3. Reg. 15. 4. Reg. 18. 23. they did the same without preiudice of the High Priestes suprem●cie in spirituall causes and their godlie actes make nothing for the English Paradox of Laiheadshippe For superior authoritie and ordinarie povvre is not proued by factes good or euil but rather by Gods ordinance and institution For as the factes of vsurpers make no lawfull prescription so neither the factes of good men do change Gods general ordinance and law But are done either by waie of execution or sometimes by dispensation Often also by commission and special inspiration of God As king Dauid by dispensation did eate the holie bread which was ordained for Priests onlie 1. Reg 21. He disposed of Priestes and Leuites offices about the Arke of God Par. 15. 19. by way of execution according to the law And of the like offices in the Temple when it should be built 1. Par. 23. 24. 25. 26. by diuine inspiration And Salomon by commission from God deposed Abiathar the High Priest from his office and put Sadoc in his place 3. Reg. 2. VVherefore albeit good kinges did excellentlie well in calling together the Priestes and disposing them in their offices for execution of Gods seruice yea in commanding what they should do 4. Reg. 18. 19. 22. and in punishing Priestes 4. Reg. 23. yet they did such thinges as Gods Commissioners not as ordinarie Superiors in spiritual causes and still the ordinarie subordination made by the law Deut. 17. Num. 27. stood firme and inuiolable the High Priest supreme Iudge of all doubtes in faith causes and quarels in religion when other subordinate inferior Iudges varied in their iudgmentes Of which offices Malachias the Propher cap. 2. admonished Priestes in his time that whereas they were negligent not performing their dutie their sinne was the greater for that their authoritie stil remained and the perpetual Rule of the lavv that the lippes of the Priest shal kepe knowlege and they other men generally shal require the law of his mouth because he is the Angel of the Lord of hostes And al Princes others were to receiue the law at the priestes hād of the Leuitical Tribe This vvas the vvarrant of stabilitie in truth of the Synagogue in the old Testament Much more the Church and Spouse of Christ vvhose excellencie and singular priuileges Salomon describeth in his canticle of canticles hath such vvarrant Of this spouse al the Prophets write that more pla●nlie then of Christ himselfe forseing more aduersaries bending their forces against her as S. Augustine obserueth then against Christ her head And the same holie father in manie places teacheth that she neither perisheth nor loseth her beutie for the mixture of euil members in respect of whom she is blacke but fayre in respect of the good Canti● 1. Notwithstanding therfore sinners remaining within the Church schismatikes and heretickes breaking from the Church stil she remaineth the pillar and firmament of truth the virgin daughter of Sion THE ARGVMENT OF THE BOOKES OF ESDRAS ESDRAS a holie Priest and Scribe of the stocke of Aaron by the line of Eleazar vvriteth the historie of Gods people in and presently after their captiuitie in Babilon vvhich Nehemias an other godlie Priest prosecuteth vvhose booke is also called the second of Esdras because in the Hebrevv and Greke they are but one booke relating the acts of them both The other two books called the third and fourth of Esdras touching the same matter are not in the Hebrew nor receiued into the Canon of holie Scripture though the Greke Church hold the third booke as Canonicall and pla●eth it first because it conteyneth thinges donne before the other In the two here folowing vvhich are vndoubtedly holie Scripture S. Ierom sayth that Esdras and Nehemias to witte the Helper and Comforter from God restored the Temple and built the walles of the citie adding that al the troope of the people returning into their countrie also the description of Priestes Leuites Israelites Proselites and the workes of walles and to wres diuided by seueral families aliud in cortice praeferunt aliud in medulla retinent shew one thing in the barke kepe an other thing in the marrow signifying that this historie hath both a literal and a mystical sense According to the letter this first booke shevveth the reduction of Gods people from Babylon In the first six chapters In the other soure their instruction by Esdras after their returne THE FIRST BOOKE OF ESDRAS CHAP. I. Cyrus king of Persia moued by divine inspiration releaseth Gods people from captiuitie with license to returne and build the Temple in Ierusalem 7. restoring the holie vessel which Nabuchodonesor had taken from thence IN THE first yeare of Cyrus king of the Persians that the word of our Lord by the mouth of Ieremie might be accomplishd our Lord raysed vp the spirit of Cyrus king of Persians and he made proclamation in al his kingdom yea by wryting saying † Thus sayth Cyrus king of the Persians Al the kingdomes of the earth hath the Lord the God of heauen geuen me he hath commanded me that I should build him a house in Ierusalem which is in Iewrie † Who is there among you of al his people His God be with him Let him goe vp into Ierusalem which is in Iewrie and build the house of the Lord the God of Israel he is the God that is in Ierusalem † And let al the rest in al places whersoeuer they dwel let euery man of his place helpe him with siluer and gold and substance and cattel besides that which they offer voluntarily to the temple of God which is in Ierusalem † And there rose vp the princes of the fathers of Iuda and Beniamin the Priestes and Leuites and euerie one whose spirit God raysed vp to goe vp to build the temple of our Lord which was in Ierusalem † And al that were round about did helpe their handes in vessels of siluer and of gold in substance and beastes in furniture besides those thinges which they had offered voluntarily † King Cyrus also brought forth the vessels of the temple of our Lord which Nabuchodonosor had taken of Ierusalem and had put them in the temple of his God † But Cyrus the king of Persians brought them forth by the hand of Mithridates the sonne of Gazabar numbred them to Sassabasar the prince of Iuda † And this is the number of them Phials of gold thirtie phials of siluer a thousand kniues twentie nine goblettes of gold thirtie † goblettes of siluer of the second order foure hundred tenne other vessels a thousand † Al the vessels of gold and siluer fiue thousand foure hundred Sassabasar tooke al with them that went vp from the transmigration of Babylon into Ierusalem CHAP. II. The names and number of special men which returned vnder the conduct of Zorobabel into lerusalem 66.
Senaa three thousand nine hundred thirtitie † The Priests The children of Idaia in the house of Iosue nine hundred three † The childeren of Emmer a thousand fiftie two † The childeren of Phashur a thousand two hundred fourtie seuen † The children of Arem a thousand seuentene The Leuites † The children of Iosue Cedmiel the children † of Cenia seuentie foure The singing men † the childeren of Asaph an hundred fourtie eight † The porters The childeren of Sellum the childeren of Ater the childeren of Telmon the childeren of Accub the childeren of Hatita the childeren of Sobai an hundred thirtie eight † The Nathineites The childeren of Soha the childeren of Hasupha the childeren of Tebbaath † the childeren of Ceros the childeren of Siaa the childeren of Phadon the childeren of Lebana the childeren of Haguba the childeren of Seimai † the childeren of Hanan the childeren of Geddel the childeren of Gaher † the childeren of Raaia the childeren of Rasin the childeren of Necoda † the childeren of Gesem the childeren of Aza the childeren of Phasea † the childeren of Besai the childeren of Munim the childeren of Nephussim † the childeren of Bacbuc the childeren of Hacupha the childeren of Harur † the childeren of Besloth the childeren of Mahida the childeren of Harsa † the childeren of Bercos the childeren of Sisara the childeren of Thema † the childeren of Nasia the childeren of Hatipha † the childeren of the seruantes of Salomon the childeren of Sotai the childeren of Sophereth the childeren of Pharida † the childeren of Iahala the childeren of Darcon the childeren of Ieddel † the childeren of Saphia the childeren of Hatil the chideren of Phohereth who was borne vnto Sabaim the sonne of Amon. † Al Natheneites and the childeren of the seruantes of Salomon three hundred nyntie two † But these be they which came vp from Thelmela Thelharsa Cherub Addon and Emmer and could not shew the house of their fathers and their seed whether they were of Israel † The children of Dalaia the childeren of Tobia the childeren of Necoda six hundred fourtie two † And of the Priests the childeren of Habia the childeren of Accos the childeren of Berzellai who tooke a wife of the daughters of Berzellai a Galeadite and he was called by their name † These sought their writing in the register and found it not they were cast out of the Priesthood † And Athersatha said to them that they should not eate of the Holies of holies vntil there stood vp a Priest learned and cunning † Al the multitude as it were one man fourtie two thousand three hundred sixtie † beside their men seruants and wemen seruantes which were seuen thousand three hundred thirtie seuen and among them singing men singing wemen two hundred fourtie fiue † Their horses two hundred fourtie six their mules two hundred fourtie fiue † their camels foure hundred thirtie fiue asses six thousand seuē hundred twentie Hitherto is reported what was written in the Register From this place forward goeth on in order the historie of Nehemias † And certaine of the princes of families gaue vnto the worke Athersatha gaue into the treasure of gold a thousand drachmas phials fiftie tunikes for Priestes fiue hundred thirtie † And of the princes of families there gaue into the treasure of the worke of gold twentie thousand drachmas and of siluer two thousand two hundred pound † And that which the rest of the people gaue of gold twentie thousand drachmas and of siluer two thousand pound and tunikes for Priestes sixtie seuen † And the Priestes and Leuites and porters and singing men and the rest of the common people and the Nathineites and al Israel dwelt in their cities And the seuenth moneth was come and the childeren of Israel were in their cities CHAP. VIII Esdras readeth the law before the people 9. Nehemias conforteth them 13. They celebrate the feast of tabernacles seuen dayes 13. of collection the eight day AND al the people was gathered togethor as it were one man to the streate which is before the water and they sayd to Esdras the scribe that he should bring the booke of the law of Moyses which our Lord had commanded Israel † Esdras therfore the priest brought the law before the multitude of men and wemen and al that could vnderstand in the first day of the seuenth moneth † And he read it playnly in the streate that was before the water gate from morning vntil midday in the presence of the men and wemen and of these that vnderstood and the eares of al the people were attent to the booke † And Esdaas the scribe stood vpon a steppe of wood which he made to speake vpon and there stood by him Mathathias and Semeia and Ania and Vria and Helcia and Maasia on his right hand and on the left Phadaia Misael and Melchia and Hasum and Hasbadana Zacharia and Mosollam † And Esdras opened the booke before al the people for he appeared aboue al the people and when he had opened it al the people stood † And Esdras blessed our Lord the great God and al the people answred Amen amen lifting vp their handes and they bowed and adored God flatte on the earth † Moerouer Iosue Bani and Serebia Iamin Accub Septhai O●ia Maasia Celita Azarias Iozabed Hanan Phalaia Leuites made silence in the people to heare the law and the people stoode in their degree † And they read in the booke of the law of God distinctly and playnly for to vnderstand and they vnderstood when it was read † And Nehemias said the same is Athersatha and Esdras the Priest and scribe and the Leuites interpreting to al the people It is a day sanctified to the Lord our God mourne ye not and weepe not For al the people wept when they heard the wordes of the law † And he said to them Goe eate fat thinges and drinck the sweete wine and send portions to them that haue not prepared for themselues because it is the holie day of our Lord and be not sadde for the ioy of our Lord is our strength † And the Leuites made silence in al the people saying Hold your peace because the day is holie and be not sorowful † Therefore al the people went to eate and drinck and to send portions and to make great ioy because they vnderstood the wordes that he had taught them † And in the second day were gathered the princes of the families of al the people the Priests and Leuites to Esdras the scribe that he should interpret vnto them the wordes of the law † And they found written in the law that our Lord commanded in the hand of Moyses that the children of Israel should dwel in tabernacles on the solemne day the seuenth moneth † and that they should proclame and publish a voice in al their cities and in Ierusalem saying
tried by the losse of al his goodes children and was proued to be very patient He was then most greuously tormented in bodie being left without comforth albeit he lamentably bewa led so great extremitie wishing such dayes had bene preuented yet he neither spoke against God nor good man nor his owne soule according to truth auouched defended his owne innocencie And at last by Gods inspiration and swete consolation he re●re●e●ded himself of former imperfections vttered in some wordes and with ful resignation to Gods wil susteyned al his losses and paynes not only with contentment but also with ioy THE END OF THE FIRST TOME TO THE CVRTEOVS READER We haue already found some faultes escaped in printing but fearing there be more and the whole volume being ouerlong to be examined agayne we pray the curteous reader to pardon al and amend them as they occurre Two Tables one of the times of the old Testament an other of the principal matters in the Annotations therof shalfolow God willing with the other Tome which we desire and hope to send you shortly In the meane time the gentle reader may please to supplie the want therof as he may by the Recapitulations of the Historie and pointes of Religion in the fiue first ages already conteyned in this Volume in their proper places in the pages 29. 47 196. 701. and 934. You may please to amend the more especial errors happened in printing by reading thus Page 57. line 29. SALEM Pa. 305. in the margent much more in the Church of Christ Page 846 lin 39. reioyce that Pege 1064 line 39 line 40. how they escape many miseries which are neuer borne birth Page 1069 line 1. nor I gainsay If our selues or others shal finde more we wil gladly correct them THE SECOND TOME OF THE HOLIE BIBLE FAITHFVLLY TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH OVT OF THE AVTHENTICAL LATIN Diligently conferred with the Hebrew Greeke and other Editions in diuers languages With ARGVMENTS of the Bookes and Chapters ANNOTATIONS TABLES and other helpes for better vnderstanding of the text for discouerie of CORRVPTIONS in some late translations and for clearing CONTROVERSIES in Religion BY THE ENGLISH COLLEGE OF DOWAY Spiritu Sancto inspirati locuti sunt sancti Dei hemines 2. Pet. 1. The holie men of God spake inspired with the Holie Ghost Printed at Doway by LAVRENCE KELLAM at the signe of the holie Lambe M. DC X. APPROBATIO NOs infrascripti in alma Duacensi vniuersitate Sacrae Theologiae Doctores Professores hanc Anglicanam Veteris Testamenti translationem quam tres diuersieius nationis eruditissimi Theologi non solum fidelem sed propter diuersa quae ei sunt adiuncta valde vtilem fidei Catholicae propagandae ac tuendae bonis moribus promouendis sunt testati quorum testimonia ipsorum syngraphis munita vidimus Cuius item Translationis Annotationum Auctores nobis de fidei integtitate eruditionis praestantia probè sunt noti his rebus adducti nixi fructuose euulgari posse censuimus Duaci 8. Nouembris 1609. GVILIELMVS ESTIVS Sacrae Theologiae Doctor in Academia Duacensi Professor BARTHOLOMAEVS PETRVS Sacrae Theologiae Doctor in Vniuersitate Duacensi Professor GEORGIVS COLVENERIVS S. Theologiae Doctor eiusdem in Academia Duacena Professor PROEMIAL ANNOTATIONS vpon the Booke of Psalmes THE authoritie of this Booke was euer authentical and certaine as the assured word of God and Canonical Scripture But concerning the author there be diuers opinions For although it be manifest by the testimonie of Philo and Iosephus that in their time and alwaies before only King Dauid was by al Hebrew Doctors holden for Author of al the Psalmes yet after that lerned Origen and other Christian Doctors expounded manie Psalmes of Christ the Iewes being pressed therwith begane to denie that al were Dauids alleaging for their new opinion the titles of diuers Psalmes and some other difficulties ministring occasion of much needles dispute stil acknowledging the whole booke to be Canonical Wherupon S. Ierom and S. Augustin sometimes admitted those as authores of certaine Psalmes whose names are in the titles thereof S. Cyprian S. Cyril S. Athanasius and others agree in general that Dauid writte not al but differ much in particular touching other supposed authores In so much that Melchisedech Moyses Asaph Eman Idithun The sonnes of Core Salomon Ieremie Ezechiel Esdras Aggaeus and Zacharias are al with more or lesse probabilitie reputed authores of seueral Psalmes Neuertheles it semeth that S. Ierom rather related other mens iudgement then shewed his owne as we shal note by and by And S. Augustin li. 17. c. 14. de ciuit maturely discussing this doubt saith plainly that their Iudgement semed to him more credible vvho attribute al the hundred fiftie Psalmes to Dauid alone Further explicating that wheras some Psalmes haue Dauids owne name in their titles some haue other mens names some none at al this diuersitie importeth not diuers authores but signifieth other thinges either perteyning to the same persons or by interpretation of their names belonging to the present matter as our Lord inspired him Likewise S. Chrysostome resolutely iudgeth that only King Dauid was author of this whole Booke Moued especially by this argument for that Christ and the Apostles alleaging the Psalmes do oftentimes name Dauid as author and neuer anie other Also Origen S. Basil S. Ambrose S. Hilarie Theodoretus Cassiodorus Beda Eutimius and most part of ancient and late writers with the most common voice of Christians cal this booke the Psalmes of Dauid and the General Councels of Carthage Florence and Trent in the Cathologue of Canonical Scriptures recite this booke by the name of Dauids Psalter Moreouer it is clere Act. 2. that the second Psalme though it want his name is Dauids And other Scriptures 2. Paral. 7. v. 6. and 1. Esd 3. v. 10. say plainly that Dauid made the Psalmes 104. 105. 106. 117. 135. beginning Confesse to our Lord because he is good because his mercie is for euer VVhich he appointed the Leuites to sing or play on instruments 1 Paral. 15. 16. and yet they haue not his name in their titles Againe 2. Reg. 23. Dauid is only intitled the egregious or excellent Psalmist of Israel Neither were Asaph Eman and Idithun anie where called Prophetes as are al the writers of holie Scriptures but only masters of musike 1. Paral. 25. And the sonnes of Core were only porters 1. Paral. 26. Finally S. Ierom whose iudgement the whole Church singularly estemeth in al questions belonging to holie Scriptures semeth as much inclined that only the Royal Prophet Dauid was author of this whole booke as to the contrarie For in his Epistle to Paulinus prefixed before the Latin Bible comprehending the principal arguments of seueral bookes when he cometh to the Psalmes without mention of other authors saith Dauid our Simonides Pindarus and Alceus Flaccus also
† Confesse ye to our Lord because he is good because his mercie is for euer PSALME CXVIII A perpetual recommendation of the singular excellencie absolute necessitie and eternal heauenlie profite of Gods law with frequent aspirations to perfection hatred of sinne loue of vertue and feruent desire to rest in God GENERAL ANNOTATIONS VPON THIS CXVIII PSALME As this Psalme is the longest in the whole Psalter so it semeth to the ancient Fathers most profound in sense And so much the harder to be vnderstood because also the very hardnes therof lieth hidden which in diuers other Psalmes and partes of holie Scripture easily appeareth to the reader But here the wordes being clere and the sense also plaine and easie in some pointes of doctrine yet the more deligence is imployed the more difficultie is found in searching the whole sense and mearning of euerie word and sentence with the maner obserued in composing it and the frequent repetition of the same or like wordes Al which maturely considered caused that great Clerke and light of the Church S Augustin to omite this Psalme when he explicated al the rest And when at last he added also this he wittingly omitted one special difficultie which he doubted not to be conteyned in the maner of composing it not only by order of the Hebrew Alphabet as diuers more Psalmes and some other partes of holie Scripture but more artificially hen anie other the first eight vers●s al beginning with the first letter Aleph the next eight with the second letter Beth and so to the last of the two and twentie letters Of which omission he yeldeth this only reason because he found nothing as he humbly affirmeth that might properly perteyne the unto Confessing also expresly that whensoeuer he applied his cogitations to expound the text i● self i● 〈…〉 exceded his habilitie But finally to satisfie the often and earnest request of his bretheren and freindes trusting as alvvayes in Gods special help he largely expoundeth it in thirtie two distinct Sermons S. Ambrose also moued with like pietie made two and twentie Sermons in exposition of this Psalme Affirming in his Prologue that amongst other Psalmes especially this sheweth how great a master king Dauid was of moral good life For al moral doctrine being of his owne nature swete yet most delighteth the eares and gently toucheth the minde being vttered as here it is with pleasantnes of verse and swetenes of songue Againe whereas this Royal Prophet in manie places of this booke powrethout sentences of moral psalmes or songues as bright starres that shine and glister to al the world here most excellently he produceth a more singular mirrhor as the sunne of ful light burning with meridian heate And for the prosite of al the better to draw our attentions to lerne that we may though we can not attaine to al that we vvould he disposed this Psalme through al the Alphabeth that as children beginning vvith the first letters make entrance to further knovvlege so by the same beginninges vve should lay the first foundation and therupon procede in our spiritual building tovvards perfection in good life the true seruice of God VVhich is yet further insinuated as the same Doctor reacheth by the eight verses continually beginning vvith the same letter and so other eight in order through the vvhole Alphabet to signifie that after seuen dayes trauel in this temporal life vve may come to that vnitie vvhich vve expect in the eight day of resurrection vvhen vve hope to rise reuiued in our Lord Iesus in nevvnes of eternal life Lickevvise S. Basil in the Argument of this Psalme admonisheth that vvheras holie Dauid according to diuers states vvhich he passed vvritte diuers Psalmes as vvhen he fled from his enimies vvhen he lamented his distresses mourned in pensiuenes enioyed peace and comforte ranne a right course of vertue fel from God by sinne againe returning obserued Gods lavves in this one Psalme he comprehendeth al his prayers made to God at sundrie times here proposeth the same as a certaine profitable moral doctrine to al sortes and states of men Neither doth he pretermite doctrinal pointes of faith but interposeth them also with moral documents in such sorte that this one Psalme may suffice to teach the vvel disposed hovv to attaine to perfection in vertue to sturre vp the slouthful vnto diligent care of their soules to recreate the desolate vvith spiritual consolations briefly it admmistereth al kinde of medicine to the diuers passions of mortal men For the like iudgements of other Farhers vve remitte the lerned reader to S. Hilarie Theodoret Prosper Arnobius Cassiodorus Beda Euthymius and others but can not wel omitte a brief instruction of S. Ierom. VVho in his Epistle to Paula Vrbica not only sheweth the interpretation of the two and twentie letters but also explicateth their sense in this place by connecting them into certaine shorte sentences in this maner Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth Doctrina Domus Plenitudo Tabularum Doctrine Of the house Fulnesse Of tables VVhich is the first connexion signifying that the doctrine of the house that is the Church of God is found in the fulnes of diuine bookes The second connexion is He Vau Zain Heth. Ista Et Haec Vita This thing And This Life For what other life can there be without knowlege of Scriptures wherby also Christ is knowen who is the life of them that beleue in him The third connexion is Teth Iod. Bonum Principium Good Beginning Albeit we now could know al thinges which are written yet we know but in part and in part we prophecie for we see now by a glasse in a darke sort but when we shal be worthie to be with Christ and shal be like to Angels theu doctrine of bookes shal cease and then we shal see face to face the Good Beginning euen as he is The fourth connexion is Caph Lamed Manus Disciplinae siue cordis The hande Of discipline or of hart The handes are vnderstood in worke hart and discipline are vnderstood in sense or meaning because we can not rightly doe anie thing vnles vve first knovv vvhat thinges are to be donne The fift connexion is Mem Nun Samech Ex ipsis Sempiternum Adiutorium Of them Euerlasting Helpe This needeth not explication for it is manifest as the light that from Scriputres are eternal helpes The sixt connexion is Ain Phe Sade Fons siue Oculus O●is Iust tiae Fountaine or Eye Of the mouth Of iustice According to that vvhich vve haue expounded in the fourth connexion that dedes and intention must concurre The seuenth connexion vvhich is last in vvhich number of seuen is also mystical vnderstanding Coph Res Shin Teu Vocatio Capitis Dentium Signa Vocation Of the head Of teeth Signes Distinct voice is produced by the teeth in these signes vve come to the Head of al vvhich is Christ by
the Sabbath which is the seuenth day in the new we kepe our Lords day after the sabbath that is the eight which seuen and eight making fieftene multiplied by tenne signifying the Law of tenne commandments rise vnto 150. Againe euen multiplied by seuen make 49. wherto one to witte the eight being added make fieftie which multiplied by three signifying the B Trinitie make 150 Neither semed it without cause to this great Doctor that the fi●●● fieftie end with a Psalme of Paenance crauing mercie remission of sinnes the second with Mercie and Iustice which God ioyneth in the Redemption Iustification and Saluation of men the last with Diuine Praises signifying that by condemning sinnes in our selues through Gods mercie we may be iustified and so beginne in this life which is to be perfected in the next to praise our Lord as S. Paul admonisheth with Psalmes Hymnes and Spiritual Songues Concluding with the tvvo verses appointed by S Dama us Pope to be added in the end of al Psalmes and is obserued euer since his time by tradition in the vvhole Church Glorie to the Father and to the Sonne and to the Holie Ghost As it was in the beginning and now and euer into worldes of worldes in eternitie vvithout end Amen THE THIRD PART OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CONTEINING SAPIENTIAL BOOKES The argument of Sapiential Bookes Hitherto the Law and Historie of Gods peculiar people are set forth in the former partes of the holie Bible after which folowed the Booke of Psalmes which in maner of stile being al in verse is a distinct part but in substance of matter is an Epitome or briefe Summe of al holie Scripture most conueniently therfore placed in the middes of the rest as the Sunne amongst other Planetes a shining great light in a large house Now ensueth the third part conteining Diuine Instructions or Rules of good life A doctrine most agreable to Gods hiegh wisdom and most fitly commended to Man his reasonable creature in earth But besides this principal subiect as before is noted that each part participateth with others in their proper contents so here be manie precepts of the Law renewed sundrie examples of men and thinges past repeted and diuers prophecies vttered of thinges to come though in this part more specially is shewed the ground and as it were the very life or soule of the Law which is Reason the true Rule or Directorie wherin al good lawes are grounded For it both sheweth what ought to be done or auoided directeth mans iudgement to embrace that is good and to flee from al euil not only illuminating the vnderstanding to see that is right and iust but also disposing the internal affection to desire loue choose and preferre the right path of Gods law before whatsoeuer otherwise semeth pleasant or profitable so notwithstanding al dangers difficulties distresses worldlie calamites and death it self effectually perswading to perseuere to the end in holie conuersation Al which by a general name is called Wisdom comprising in one word al good desires holie vertues supernal giftes godlie endeuoures and the whole meanes wherby God is rightly knowen duly serued wherof these fiue Bookes teaching this most excellent and most necessarie maner of life are called Sapiential Neuertheles foure of them haue also other particular names as appareth in their titles Only the fourth is called the Booke of Wisdom by appropriation of the general name Al fiue are Canonical and assured holie Scripture as is shewed before and may be further proued of the two later which Protestants denie It is also euident that King Salomon was Auctor of the three former as S. Ierom S. Augustin and other Fathers proue by the holie text it selfe As it is likewise certaine that he either writte or at least by diuine inspiration vttered much more then is now extant For the holie Scripture 3. Reg. 4. testifieth that he spake three thousand Parables and his Songes were a thousand and fiue He disputed of the trees from the ceder that is in Libanus vnto the hyssop which cometh out of the wal and he discoursed of beastes and foules and creeping wormes and fishes Iosephus li. S. c. 2. Antiq. folowing some other Edition saith his songes were fiue thousand and parables as the ordinarie text hath three thousand For he deduced a parable saith Iosephus through out euerie kinde of trees from the hyssop to the ceder In the same maner he treated of beastes and other liuing creatures of the earth water and ayre For he was not ignorant of anie natural thing neither omitted to treate therof but clerly explicated al their natural proprieties Most briefly S. Ierom declareth both the Auctor and matter of these three bookes saying Salomon the Peaceable and amiable of our Lord correcteth maners teacheth the nature of creatures ioyneth the Church and Christ and singeth the swete bridal song of the holie Mariage THE ARGVMENT OF THE PROVERBES THE first booke called Prouerbes that is common vsual pithie sentences shorte in wordes ample in sense and Parables signifying likenes or similitudes wherby more important thinges are vnderstood then expressed instructeth and exhorteth new beginners to lerne and practise al sortes of vertues the only right way to true wisdome and eternal happines It may be diuided into foure partes In the first nine chapters the auctor interposing certaine general preceptes produceth wisdom her selfe inuiting al men to seeke her for the spiritual profite they shal therby enioy From thence to the 25. chap. he geueth sundrie more particular precepts as wel for embracing vertues as shunning of vices In the next fiue chapters more like precepts of the same auctor are added by the care of King Ezechias In the two last chapters either an other Auctor or rather the same vnder an other title commendeth to al men certaine most excellent precepts receiued of his mother wherto he adioyneth the praise of a right wise woman prophetically the Catholique Church THE BOOKE OF PROVERBES WHICH THE HERBREWES CAL MISLE CHAP. I. Parables are profitable to those that loue and wil lerne wisdom 10. Al are admonished not to folow the alurements of sinners 20. but to embrace wisdome 24. and ruine is threatned to the contemners THE Parables of Salomon the sonne of Dauid king of Israel † To know “ wisdom and discipline † to vnderstand the wordes of prudence and to receiue instruction of doctrine iustice and iudgement and equitie † that subtilitie may be geuen to litle ones knowlege and vnderstanding to the youngman † The wise man hearing shal be wiser and he that vnderstandeth shal possesse gouernementes † He shal vnderstand a parable and interpretation the wordes of the wise and their darke sayings † The feare of our Lord is the begynning of wisdom Fooles despise wisedom and doctrine † My sonne f heare the discipline of
An exhortation to chastitie temperance 8. and to workes of mercie 10. with praise of a valiant wise woman THE wordes of Lamuel the king The vision wherwith his mother instructed him † What ô my beloued what ô the beloued of my wombe what ô beloued of my vowes † Geue not thy substance to wemen thy riches to destroy kinges † Geue not to kinges ô Lamuel geue not wine to kinges because there is no secrete where drunknes reigneth † lest perhaps they drinke forget iudgements change the cause of the children of the poore † Geue strong drinke to them that be sad and wine vnto them that are of a pensiue minde † let them drinke and forget their pouertie and not remember their sorow any more † Open thy mouth to the dumme to the causes of al the children that passe † open thy mouth decree that which is iust iudge the needie poore † A valiant woman who shal finde far and from the vtmost borders is the price of her † The hart of her husband trusteth in her and he shal not neede spoyles † She shal render good and not euil al the dayes of her life † She hath sought wool and flaxe and hath wrought by the counsel of her handes † She is become as a marchants shippe bringing her bread from farre † And she hath risen in the night and geuen pray to her houshold and meates to her handmaides † She hath vewed a filde and bought it of the fruite of her handes she hath planted a vineyard † She hath gyrded her loines with strength and hath strengthened her arme † She hath tasted and sene that her traficke is good her lampe shal not be extinguished in the night † She hath put her hand to strong thinges and her fingers haue taken hold of the spindle † She hath opened her hand to the neddie and stretched out her palmes to the poore † She shal not feare for her house in the coldes of snow for al her houshould are clothed with duble † Tapestrie clothing she hath made to herself silke and purple is her garment † Her husband is noble in the gates when he shal sitte with the senatours of the land † She made sindon and sold it and deliuered a girdle to the Chananeite † Strength and beautie is her garment and she shal laugh in the later day † She hath opened her mouth to wisedom and the law of clemencie is in her tongue † She hath considered the pathes of her house and hath not eaten her bread idle † Her children arose and commended her to be most blessed her husband and he praysed her † Manie daughters haue gathered together riches thou hast passed them al. † Grace is deceitful and beautie is vayne the woman that feareth our Lord shal be praysed † Geue ye to her of the fruite of her handes and let her workes praise her in the gates ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXXI 10. A valiant vvoman vvho shal finde Vpon occasion of his mothers most prudent admonition the wiseman singularly praiseth a perfect vertuous woman And that in an exquisite kind of stile in Tetramical lambike verse with perfect order and number of the Alphabet letters Signifying as S Ierom teacheth that as none can reade or speale wordes vnles they first lerne to know the letters so we can not attaine to know the greater Mysteries in holie Scriptures except we beginne with moral good life according to that the Prophet sayth By thy commandments I haue vnderstood And therfore wi●e Salomon by instinct of the Holie Ghost as wel by the maner of stile as by the doctrine conteined concludeth his Booke of Parables with praise both of the Church in general which hath al the vertues and good properties here mentioned and of euerie faithful soule sincerely seruing God which either in dede or in desire of mind hath such part of them as may suffice to the attaining of eternal life For concerning the whole Church S Augustin in two Sermons 217. and 218 de temp S. Beda vpon this place and other Fathers shew it euidently Touching also particular soules not only of holie men but also of vvemen the frailer sexe holie Scriptures and Ecclesiastical monuments yelde manie examples besides the most Excellent and immaculate virgin Mother of God as of Sara Rebecca Lia Rachael Elizabeth Marie Magdalen Martha and innumerable others most precious pearles deare spouses of Christ and singular ornaments of his Church THE ARGVMENT OF ECCLESIASTES KIng Salomon a diuine Preacher wherof this Booke is called Ecclesiastes exhorteth al such as haue lerned the principles of good life to contemne this world because al thinges therin are vaine and insufficient to geue repose to mans soule shewing that true felicitie which al men desire consisteth not in natural knowlege gotten by witte and industrie nor in worldlie pleasures much lesse in carnal nor in riches nor in auctoritie or dominion nor in anie other temporal thing as diuers diuersly thinke but only in the true seruice of God by flying from sinne and doing good workes as in the meritoricus cause and essentially in the clere vision of God the proper end for which man was created And so this Booke conteyneth three principal parts First this diuine preacher confuteth al their opinions that imagine a false felicitie in humane worldlie or temporal thinges to the beginning of the 7. chapter In the rest of that chapter and three folowing he teacheth that true felicitie consisteth in the eternal fruition of God and is procured by declining from vices and embracing vertues In the two last chapters he exhorteth al to beginne spedily to serue God and to perseuere therin to the end of this life ECCLESIASTES IN HEBREW CALLED COHELETH CHAP. I. Al temporal thinges in comparison of true felicitie are vaine 4. because they are mutable 8. neither can anie man attaine perfect knowlege to his satisfaction 12. as appeareth by Salomons owne experience THE wordes of Ecclesiastes the sonne of Dauid king of Ierusalem † Vanitie of vanities sayd Ecclesiastes vanitie of vanities al thinges vanitie † What hath a man more of al his labour wherby he laboreth vnder the sunne † Generation passeth and generation cometh but the earth standeth for euer † The sunne riseth and goeth downe and returneth to his place and there rising againe † compasseth by the South and bendeth to the North compassing al thinges goeth forward in circuite returneth vnto his circles † Al riuers enter into the sea and the sea ouerfloweth not to the place whence the riuers issueforth they do returne that they may flow againe † Al thinges are hard man can not explicate them in word The eye is not filled with seing neither is the eare filled with hearing † What is that hath bene the same thing that shal be What is that hath bene done the same that is to
S. Ierom. VVhose discourse vve haue here cited at large for a taste of his profound exposition of this vvhole booke that such as haue apportunitie may read the rest in the auctor himself To. 7. CHAP. XI Workes of mercie are necessarie whiles we haue time 3. because after death none can merite 4. neither must we differ to beginne nor cease from good dedes 8. but stil be mindful of death and iudgement 10. auoiding wrath and malice CAST thy bread vpon the passing waters because after much time thou shalt finde it † Geue a portion to seuen and also to eight because thou knowest not what euil shal be vpon the earth † If the cloudes be ful they wil powre out raine vpon the earth If the tree shal fal to the South or to the North in what place soeuer it shal fal there shal it be † He that obserueth the winde soweth not and he that considereth the cloudes shal neuer reape † As thou art ignorant which is the way of the spirite how the bones are framed together in the wombe of her that conceiueth childe so thou knowest not the workes of God who is the maker of al. † In the morning sow thy seede and in the euening let not thy hand cease for thou knowest not which may rather spring this or that and if both together it shal be the better † The light is sweete and it is delectable for the eyes to see the sunne † If a man shal liue manie yeares and shal haue reioyced in them al he must remember the darkesome time and manie dayes which when they shal come the thinges past shal be reproued of vanitie † Reioyce therfore yongman in thy youth and let thy hart be in good in the dayes of thy youth and walke in the wayes of thy hart and in the sight of thyne eyes and know that for al these God wil bring thee into iudgement † Take away anger from thy hart and remoue malice from thy flesh For youth and pleasure are vaine CHAP. XII In youth is fittest time and most meritorious to serue God In age the same is more and more necessarie but harder then to beginne and lesse gratful 8. In this booke the preacher hath shewed that al worldlie thinges are vanitie 13. and that true felicitie is only procured by wisdom which consteth in the feare of God and obseruation of his commandments REMEMBER thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth before the time of affliction come the yeares approch of which thou maist say They please me not † before the sunne and light and moone and starres be darke and the cloudes returne after the raine † when the kepers of the house shal be moued and the strongest men shal stagger and the grinders shal be idle in a smal number and they shal waxe darke that looke through the holes † and they shal shut the doores in the streate at the basenes of the grinders voice and they shal rise vp at the voice of the birde and al the daughters of song shal be deafe † The high thinges also shal feare and they shal be afrayd in the way the almondtree shal florish the locust shal be fatted and the capertree shal be destroyed because man shal goe into the house of his eternitie and the mourners shal goe round about in the streate † Before the siluer coard be broken and the golden headband recurre and the water pot be broken vpon the fountaine and the wheele be broken vpon the cesterne † and the dust returne into his earth from whence it was and the spirite returne to God who gaue it † Vanitie of vanities sayd Ecclesiastes and al thinges vanitie † And wheras Ecclesiastes was most wise he taught the people and declared the thinges that he had done and searching forth made manie parables † He sought profitable wordes and wrote wordes most right and ful of truth † The wordes of wisemen are as prickes and as nailes deepely stricken in which by the counself of maisters are geuen of one pastour † More then these my sonne require not Of making manie bookes there is no end and often meditation is affliction of the flesh † Let vs al heare together the end of speaking Feare God and obserue his commandments for this is euerie man † and al thinges that are done God wil bring into iudgement for euerie errour whether it be good or euil THE ARGVMENT OF THE CANTICLE OF CANTICLES SALOMON called also Ecclesiastes and Idida according to these three names as S. Ierom noteth writte three bookes of three particular arguments directed to three degrees of people with three distinct titles al tending to one end the true seruice of God which bringeth to eternal felicitie In the first he teacheth the principles of good life to flee from vices and folow vertues belonging to such as beginne to obserue Gods law wherin true wisdom consisteth and this booke is called the Prouerbes or Parables that is to say Pithie brief sentencious precepts of Salomon which signifieth Pacificus Peaceable or Pacifier the sonne of Dauid King of Israel In the second he exhorteth to contemne this world shewing that true felicitie consisteth not in anie worldlie or temporal thinges but in the eternal fruition of God which is obtayned by keping his commandments And this booke he intitleth The wordes of Ecclesiastes which is Concionator Preacher Sonne of Dauid King of Ierusalem because he there exhorteth such as haue made some progresse in vertues called Proficientes signified by the inhabitants of the Metropolitan citie Ierusalem whereas in the former he stiled himself king of Israel proposing precepts mete for al the twelue tribes and al vulgar men desirous and beginning to serue God In both bookes for more auctoritie sake making mention of his godlie renowmed father the Royal Prophet Dauid with his owne title also of king But in this third booke he only expresseth his proper name Salomon whom God singularly loued wherof he was called Idida Because this alone without mention of father or king was most conuenient for the Perfect who not as seruants or yong scholars are moued by feare of auctoritie but as children are swetly drawne by loue And this he writte in verse intitling it not simply a Canticle but The Canticle of Canticles as preeminent aboue other Canticles The bridal songue for the Mariage to be solemnized betwen God himself and his glorious spouse For though al holie Scriptures are the spiritual bread and food of the faithful yet al are not meate for al at al seasons Some parts are not for sinners nor for beginners nor for such as are yet in the way towards perfection but only for the perfect According to the Apostles doctrine Milke is for children that are yet vnskilful of the word of iustice But strong meate is for the perfect them that by custom haue their senses
or Ecclesiastae c. but stil Lectio libri Sapientiae The solution therfore is very probable that this booke of wisdom was written by Philo Iudeus not he that liued after Christ but an other of the same name nere two hundred yeares before And Ecclesiasticus by Iesus the sonne of Sirach Who not only imitated Salomon but also compiled their bookes for most part of Salomons sentences conserued til their times by tradition or in separated scrolles of papers yea they so vtter some sentences in his person as if himself had written them As touching the auctoritie of these two bookes and some others it is euident that the Iewes refuse them And therfore manie ancient Fathers writing against them spared sometimes to vrge such bookes as they knew would be reiected Especially hauing abundant testimonies of other holie Scriptures for deciding matters of faith against them Euen as our Sauiour himself proued the Resurrection of the dead against the Sadduces out of the bookes of Moyses which they confessed for Canonical Scripture denying other partes where the same point might otherwise haue bene more euidently shewed And so S. Ierom in respect of the Iewes saide these bookes were not Canonical Neuertheles he did often alleage testimonies of them as of other diuine Scriptures sometimes with this parenthesis si cui tamen placet librum recipere in cap. 8. 12. Zachariae other times especially in his last writinges absolutly without such restriction as in cap. 1. 56. Isaiae in 18. Ieremiae Where he professeth to alleage none but Canonical Scripture As for al the other ancient fathers here aboue mentioned ascribing this booke to Salomon and manie others cited by Doctor Iodocus Coccius To. 1. Thesauri li. 6. art 9. they make no doubt at al but that it is Canonical Scripture as appeareth by their expresse termes Diuine Scripture Diuine word Sacred letters Prophetical saying the Holie Ghost saith the like Finally aswel ancient General counsels namely that of Charthage an D. 419. With others as the later of Florence and Trent haue declared this booke to be Canonical And that conformably to the most ancient and lerned Fathers as S. Augustin not only iudgeth himself but also plainly testifieth li. de Pradestinat Sanct. c. 14. saying The sentence of the booke of wisdom ought not to be reiected by certaine inclining to Pelagianisme Which hath bene so long publiquely read in the Church of Christ and receiued of al Christians Byshops and others euen to the last of the Laitie Penitents and Catecumes cum veneratione diuinae auctoritatis With veneration of diuine auctoritie Which also the excellent writers next to the Apostles times alleaging for witnes nihil se ad●ibere nisi diuinum testimonium crediderunt thought they alleaged nothing but diuine testimonie The summe and contents of this booke is an Instruction and Exhortation to Kinges and al Magistrates to minister iustice in the comonwealth teaching al sortes of vertues vnder the general names of iustice Wisdom With frequent Prophecies of Christs Coming Passion Resurrection other Christian Mysteries Al may be commodiously diuided into three partes In the six first chapters the auctor admonisheth al Superiors to loue and exercise iustice and wisdom In the next three he teacheth that Wisdom procedeth only from God is procured by prayer good life In the other tenne chapters he sheweth the excellent effects and vtilitie of wisdom and Iustice THE BOOKE OF WISDOM CHAP. I. Superiors are admonished to do iustice sincerely seking God 7. Who being euery where seeth al thinges 11. Murmuration detraction and lying bring to perdition 13. God created men to liue but they brought death vpon themselues LOVE iustice you that iudge the earth Thincke of our Lord in goodnes and in simplicitie of hart seeke him † because he is found of them that tempt him not and he appeareth to them that haue saith in him † For peruerse cogitations seperate from God and proued powre chasteneth the vnwise † because wisdom wil not enter into a malicious soule nor dwel in a bodie subiect to sinnes † For the Holie Ghost of discipline wil flie from him that feyneth and wil withdraw himselfe from the cogitations that are without vnderstanding and he shal be chastened of iniquitie ●ni● wing † For the spirite of wisdom is gentle and wil no 〈…〉 the ●● for from his lippes because God is witnes of 〈…〉 is a true searcher of his hart and an h●ar●r 〈…〉 cause the Spirite of our Lord ●ath 〈…〉 who le world and that which contayneth al 〈…〉 ●udge of voice † For this cause he that speaketh ●●●●st thinges can not be hid neither shal the chastising iudgment passe him † For in the cogitations of the imp●ou● there shal be examination and the hearing of his workes shal come to God to the chastising of his iniquities † Because the eare of ielousie heareth al thinges and the tumult of murmurings shal not be hid † Kepe your selues therfore from murmuring which profiteth nothing and refraine your tongue from detraction because an obscure speache shal not passe in vaine and the mouth that lyeth killeth the soule † Zeale not death in the errour of your life neither procure ye perdition by the workes of your handes † Because God made not death neither doth he reioyce in the perdition of the liuing † For he created al thinges to be and he made the nations of the earth to health and there is no medicine of destruction in them nor kingdome of hel in the earth † For iustice is p●rpetual and immortal † But the impious with handes wordes haue prouoked it and esteming it a freind haue fallen to decay and haue made couenances with it because they are worthie to be of the part therof CHAP. II. Such as hope not of life to come 6. addict themselues to 〈…〉 ●● and persecute the iust especially our Sauio●● 〈…〉 their wickednes 23. Death came vpon man by the 〈…〉 FOR they haue said thinking with the 〈…〉 Little and with tediousnes is the time of 〈…〉 the end of a man there is no recou●●●● and 〈…〉 knowne that hath returned from hel † because oe of 〈…〉 were we borne and after this we shal be as if 〈…〉 bene because the breath is a smoke in our nosthrels ●●●●ch a sparke to moue our hart † Which being extinguished our bodie shal be ashes and the spirit shal be powred abrode as soft ayre and our life shal passe as the trace of a cloude and shal be dissolued as a mist which is driuen away by the beames of the sunne and oppressed with the heate therof † and our name in time shal be forgotten and no man shal haue remembrance of our workes † For our time is the passing of a shadow and there is no returne of our end because it is sealed and no man returneth † Come therfore
the tribes of Iacob † Blessed are they that saw thee and were honored in thy freindshipe † For we liue by life only but after death our name shal not be such † Elias was in dede hid in the whirlewind his spirit was complete in Eliseus in his daies he feared not the prince and no man ouercame him by might † Neither did any word ouercome him and his bodie prophecied being dead † In his life he did wonders and in death he wrought meruelous thinges † In al these thinges the people repented not and they departed not from their sinnes til they were cast out of their land and were dispersed into al the earth † And there was leaft a verie smal nation and a prince in the house of Dauid † Some of them did that which pleased God but others committed manie sinnes † Ezechias fenced his citie and brough in water into the middes thereof and digged a rocke with yron and built a wel for water † In his daies came vp Sennacherib and sent Rabsaces and lifted vp his hand against them and put forth his hand vpon Sion and became proude by his mightines † Then were their harts and hands moued and they were in sorow as trauailing wemen † And they inuocated our merciful Lord and spredding their handes they lifted them vp to heauen and the holie Lord God quickly heard their voice † He was not mindful of their sinnes neither did he geue them to their enemies but purged them by the hand of Isaie the holie prophete † He ouerthrew the campe of the Assirians and the Angel of our Lord destroyed them † For Ezechias did that which pleased God and went strongly in the way of Dauid his father which Isaie commanded him the great prophet and faithful in the sight of God † In his daies the sunne returned backward added life to the king † By a great spirite he saw the last thinges and comforted the mourners in Sion † For euer he shewed the thinges to come secret thinges before they came to passe ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XLVIII 10 VVho art vvritten Amongst other quarels Protestantes except against the authentical auctoritie of this booke because the auctor saith that Enoch and Elias shal come againe to appease the wrath of our Lord to reconcile the father to the sonne and to restore the tribes of Iacob But that this is no iust exception is clere by other holie Scriptures where the same vniforme doctrin of the whole Church is no lesse euident then in this booke For God himself saith the same also by the mouth of his prophet Malachie Behold I wil send you Elias the prophet before the day of our Lord come the great and dreadful Christ also sayth Elias in deede shal come and restore al thinges VVherupon S. Chrysostom after he hath shewed how terrible Antichrist shal be by reason of his temporal powre crueltie and wicked lawes he addeth Feare thou not He shal only haue force in the reprobate that perish For then also Elias shal come to fortifie the faithful Likewise the wordes in the Apocalips I wil geue to my two witnesses they shal prophecie a thousand two hundred and three score dayes were euer inuariably vnderstood by tradition from the first preachers of Christ as the ancient writer Aretas testifieth that Enoch and Elias shal come admonish al not to geue credite to the deceiptful wonders of Antichrist and that they shal trauel in this testimonie the space of three yeares and a half For 1260. dayes come very nere to that space of time CHAP. XLIX Praises of Iosias who like to Dauid and Ezechias tooke away occasions of idolatrie 8. Praises of Ieremie 10. Ezechiel 12. and the twelue Prophetes 13. Also of Zorobabel Iesus the sonne of Iosedech Nehemias Enoch Ioseph Seth Sem and Adam THE memorie of Iosias is according to the confection of perfume made by the worke of an apothecarie † His remembrance shal be sweete as honie in euerie mouth and as musick in banket of wine † He was directed by God into the repentance of the nation and he tooke away the abominations of impietie † And he gouerned his hart toward our Lord and in the daies of sinners he strengthened pietie † Except Dauid and Ezechias and Iosias al committed sinne † For the kinges of Iuda forsooke the law of the Highest and contemned the feare of God † For they gaue their kingdom to others and their glorie to a strange nation † They burnt the chosen citie of holines and made the waies thereof desolate in the hand of Ieremie † For they euil intreated him who was consecrated a prophet from his mothers wombe to ouerthrow and pluck vp and destroy and to build againe and renewe † Ezechiel who saw the sight of glorie which he shewed him in the chariote of Cherubs † For he made mention of the enemies in rayne to doe good vnto them that haue shewed right waies † And the bones of the twelue prophets wel may they spring out of their place for they haue strengthened Iacob and haue redeemed themselues in the fidelitie of power † How may we magnifie Zorobabel for he also was as a signet on the right hand † and so Iesus the sonne of Iosedec who in their daies built the house and erected the holie temple to our Lord prepared to euerlasting glorie † And Nehemias in the memorie of much time who erected vs our walles ouerthrowen and set vp the gates and lockes who built our houses † No man hath bene borne in the earth like to Henoch for he also was taken vp from the earth † Neither as Ioseph who was a man borne prince of his bretheren the stay of the nation the ruler of his bretheren the stay of the people † and his bones were visited and after death they prophecied † Seth and Sem obteyned glorie with men and aboue euerie soule in the beginning Adam CHAP. L. Praises of Simon the High Priest 27. Detestation of certaine persecuting aduersaries 29. With conclusion that the obseruers of this doctrine shal be wise and happie SIMON the sonne of Onias the high priest who in his life held vp the house and in his daies strengthned the temple † The height also of the temple was founded by him the duble building and high walles of the temple † In his daies the welles of waters flowed out and they were filled as the sea aboue measure † Who had care of his nation and deliuered it from perdition † Who preuailed to amplifie the citie who obteyned glorie in conuersing with the nation and amplified the entrance of the house and the court † As the morning starre in the middes of a cloude and as the ful moone he shineth in his dayes † And as the sunne shining so did he shine in the temple of God † As the rainbow that shineth among
violence of manie waters ouerflowing sent forth vpon a large ground † The crowne of pride of the drunkards of Ephraim shal be troden vnder feete † And the flowre of the glorie of his exultation which is vpon the toppe of the valley of fatte ones shal be falling as a timely fruite before the ripenesse of autumme which when he that seeth it shal behold as soone as he taketh it in his hand he wil deuoure it † In that day the Lord of hostes shal be a crowne of glorie and a garland of exultation to the residue of his people † and a spirit of iudgement to him that sitteth in iudgement and strength to them that returne out of battel to the gate † But these also haue bene ignorant because of wine and by drunkennes haue erred the priest and the prophete haue bene ignorant because of drunkennes they are swalowed vp with wine they haue erred in drunkennes they haue not knowne him that seeth they haue bene ignorant of iudgement † For al tables were filled with vomiting and filth so that there was no more place † Whom shal he teach knowledge and whom shal he make to vnderstand the thing heard them that are weyned from the milke that are plucked away from the breasts † For command recommand command recommand expect reexpect expect reexpect a litle there a litle there † For in the speach of lippe and in an other tougue he wil speake to his people † To whom he sayd This is my rest refresh the wearie and this is my refreshing they would not heare † And the word of our Lord shal be to them command recommand command recommand expect reexpect expect reexpect a litle there a litle there that they may goe and fal backward and be destroyed and snared and taken † For this cause heare the word of our Lord ye scorneful men which rule ouer my people that is in Ierusalem † For you haue sayd We haue stroken a league with death and with hel we haue made a couenant The scourge ouerflowing when it shal passe shal not come vpon vs because we haue made lying our hope and with lying we are protected † Therfore thus sayth our Lord God Behold I wil send in the foundations of Sion a stone an approued stone a corner stone pretious founded in the foundation He that beleueth let him not make hast † And I wil put iudgement in weight and iustice in measure and haile shal ouerthrow the hope of lying and waters shal ouerflow the protection † And your league with death shal be abolished and your couenant with hel shal not stand when the scourge ouerflowing shal passe you shal be troden downe of it † Whensoeuer it shal passe through it shal take you away because in the morning early it shal passe through in the day and in the night and vexation alone shal geue vnderstanding in the hearing † For the bed is streitened so that one must fal out and a short mantel can not couer both † For our Lord shal stand as in the mount of diuisions as in the valley which is in Gabaon shal he be angrie that he may doe his worke his strange worke that he may worke his worke is strange from him † And now mocke not lest perhaps your bonds be tied strayte For I haue heard of our Lord the God of hostes consummation and abridgement vpon al the earth † Harken with your eares and heare my voice attend and heare my speach † Wil the ploughman plowe al the day to sow wil he cut and harrow his ground † Wil he not when he hath made euen the face therof sprinkle cummine and place the wheate by order and the barley and millet and vetche in their bondes † And his God wil instruct him in iudgement he wil teach him † For gith shal not be threshed with instruments that haue teeth neither shal the wayne wheele turne about vpon cummine but gith shal be beaten out with a rodde and cummine with a staffe † But bread corne shal be broken smal but the thresher shal not thresh it for euer neither shal the wayne wheele vexe it nor breake it with the teeth therof † And this is come forth from our Lord the God of hostes that he might make his counsel meruelous and magnifie iustice CHAP. XXIX The Prophet bewaleth the Iewes destruction 9. for their blinde obstinacie 17. prophecying the Gentiles conuersion VVOE to Ariel Ariel the citie which Dauid ouercame yeare is added to yeare the solemnities are at an end † And I wil make a trench about Ariel and it shal be sorowful moorning and it shal be to me as Ariel † And I wil compasse as a sphere round about thee and wil cast a rampier against thee and place munitions to besiege thee † Thou shalt be humbled thou shalt speake out of the earth and out of the gronnd thy speach shal be heard and thy voice shal be out of the earth as the Pythons and out of the ground thy speach shal mutter † And the multitude of them that fanne thee shal be as smal dust and as issles passing away the multitude of them that haue preuailed agaynst thee † And it shal be sodenly forthwith It shal be visited of the Lord of hostes in thunder and earth quake and with great voice of whirlewind and tempest and with flame of deuouring fyre † And the multitude of al nations that haue fought agaynst Ariel shal be as the dreame of a vision in the night and al that haue waried and beseged preuailed agaynst it † And as he that is hungrie dreameth eateth but when he is awake his soule is emptie as he that is thirstie dreameth and drinketh and after he is awake faint as yet thirsteth and his soule is emptie so shal the multitude be of al the Gentiles that haue fought agaynst mount Sion † Be astonied and meruel wauer and stagger be ye drunke and not of wine be moued not of drunkenes † Because our Lord hath mingled vnto you the spirit of drowsines he wil shut your eyes he wil couer your prophetes and princes that see visions † And the vision of al shal be vnto you as the wordes of a booke sealed which when they shal geue to him that knoweth letters they shal say Read this and he shal answer I can not for it is sealed † And the booke shal be geuen to one that knoweth not letters and it shal be sayd to him Reade and he shal answer I know not letters † And our Lord sayd Because this people approcheth with their mouth and with their lippes glorifieth me but their hart is far from me and they haue feared me by the commandement and doctrines of men † therfore behold I wil adde to make admiration to this people by a great and wonderful miracle for wisdom
our Lord is filled with bloud it is fatted of the bloud of lambes and buckgoates of the bloud of rammes ful of marow for the victime of our Lord is in Bosra agrear slaughter in the land of Edom. † And the vnicornes shal come downe with them and the bulles with the mightie their land shal be drunke with bloud their ground with the farnes of fatte ones † Because it is the day of the reuenge of our Lord the yeare of retributions of the iudgement of Sion † And the torrents therof shal be turned into pitch and the ground therof into brimstone the land therof shal be into burning pitch † Night and day it shal not be quenched the smoke therof shal goe vp for euer from generation vnto generation it shal be desolate there shal none passe by it world without end † The onocrotalus and hedgehog shal possesse it the ibis and the rauen shal dwel in it and a measure shal be stretched out vpon it to bring it to nothing and a plumme line vnto desolation † The nobles therof shal not be there they shal cal rather vpon the king and al the princes therof shal be as nothing † And thornes and nettles shal grow vp in the houses therof and the thisle in the munitions therof and it shal be the couche of dragons and the pasture of ostriches † And spirites shal meete the onocentaurus and the satyr shal crie one to the other there hath the lamia lien and found her self rest † There hath the hedgehog had an hole and brought vp whelpes and digged round about and cherished them in the shadow therof thither are the kites gathered together one to an other † Searche ye diligently in the booke of our Lord and read one of them hath not wanted one hath not sought for the other because that which procedeth out of my mouth he hath commanded and his spirit the same hath gathered them † And he hath cast them a lot and his hand hath diuided it vnto them by measure they shal possesse it for euer in generation generation they shal dwel therein CHAP. XXXV Gentiles conuerted to Christ shal much reioyce 5. being comforted and confirmed by his miracles much more by his internal grace which bringeth to life euerlasting THE desert and the land without passage shal be glad the wildernes shal reioyce and shal florish as the lilie † Springing it shal spring shal reioyce ioyful and praising the glorie of Libanus is geuen to it the beautie of Carmel and Saron they shal see the glorie of our Lord and the beautie of our God † Encourege ye the loose handes strengthen the weake knees † Say to the faynt harted Take courege and feare not behold your God shal bring reuenge of retribution God him self wil come and wil saue you † Then shal the eies of the blind be opened and the eares of the deafe shal be open † Then shal the lame leape as an hart and the tongue of the dumme shal be opened because waters are cut out in the desert and torrents in the wildernes † And that which was drieland shal be as a poole and the thirstie ground as fountaines of waters In the dennes wherein dragons dwelt before shal spring vp the greennes of reede and bulrush † And a pathe and a way shal be there and it shal be called the holie way the polluted shal not passe by it and this shal be vnto you a direct way so that fooles can not erre by it † The lion shal not be there and the naughtie beast shal not goe vp by it nor be found there and they shal walke that shal be deliuered † And the redemed of our Lord shal be conuerted and shal come into Sion with prayse and euerlasting ioy shal be vpon their head they shal obteyne ioy and gladnes and sorow and mourning shal flee away CHAP. XXXVI Sennacherib king of Assirians hauing taken other cities in Iurie besiegeth and threatneth Ierusalem 4. reprocheth king Ezechias 7. blasphemeth God 13. and terrifieth the people AND it came to passe in the fourtenth yeare of king Ezechias Sennacherib king of the Assyrians came vp agaynst al the fensed cities of Iuda and tooke them † And the king of the Assyrians sent Rabsaces from Lachis to Ierusalem to king Ezechias with a great armie and he stood by the water conduite of the vpper poole in the way of the fullers filde † And there came out to him Eliacim the sonne of Helcias who was ouer the house and Sobna the scribe and Ioahe the sonne of Asaph the commenter † And Rabsaces sayd to them Tel Ezechias Thus sayth the great king the king of the Assyrians What is this confidence wherevpon thou dost trust † or by what counsel or force art thou disposed to rebel vpon whom hast thou confidence that thou art reuolted from me † Loe thou dost trust vpon this broken staffe of reede vpon Aegypt vpon which if a man leane it wil enter into his hand and pearce it so is Pharao the king of Aegypt to al that trust in him † But if thou wilt answer me We trust in our Lord God is it not he whose excelses and altars Ezechias hath taken away and he sayd to Iuda and Ierusalem Before this altar shal you adore † And now deliuer thyself to my lord the king of the Assyrians I wil geue thee two thousand horses neither shalt thou be able of thyself to geue riders for them † And how wilt thou abide the face of the iudge of one place of the lesser seruants of my Lord But if thou trust in Aegypt in chariotes and in horsemen † and now am I come vp without the Lord vnto this land to destroy it The Lord sayd to me Goe vp agaynst this land destroy it † And Eliacïm and Sobna and Ioahe sayd to Rabsaces Speake to thy seruants in the Syrian tongue for we vnderstand it speake not to vs in the Iewes language in the eares of the people that is vpon the wal † And Rabsaces sayd to them Why did my lord send me to thy lord and to thee to speake al these wordes and not rather to the men that sitte on the wal that they may eate their owne dung and drinke the vrine of their feete with you † And Rabsaces stood cried with a loude voice in the Iewes language and sayd Heare ye the wordes of the great king the king of Assyrians † Thus sayth the king Let not Ezechias seduce you for he shal not be able to deliuer you † And let not Ezechias geue you confidence vpon the Lord saying Our Lord deliuering wil deliuer vs this citie shal not be geuen into the hand of the king of Assyrians † Heare not Ezechias for thus sayth the king of Assyrians doe a blessing with me and come forth to me and eate ye euerie man
† Nabuchodosor the king of Babylon hath eaten me he hath deuoured me he hath made me as an emptie vessel he hath swallowed me vp as a dragon he hath filled his bellie with my tendernes and hath cast me out † Iniquitie against me and my flesh vpon Babylon saith the habitation of Sion and my bloud vpon the inhabitantes of Chaldee saith Ierusalem † Therefore thus saith our Lord Behold I wil iudge thy cause and wil reuenge thy vengeance and I wil make her sea desolate and wil drie vp her vayne † And Babylon shal be into heapes the habitation of dragons astonishment and hissing because there is not an inhabiter † They shal roare together as lions they shal shake the manes as the whelpes of lions † In their heate I wil set their drinke and I wil make them drunke that they may be drousie and sleepe an euerlasting sleepe not arise saith our Lord. † I wil leade them as lambes to be a victime and as rammes with kiddes † How is Sesach taken and the noble one of al the earth apprehended How is Babylon become an astonishment among the Gentiles † The sea is come vp ouer Babylon she is couered with the multitude of the waues thereof † Her cities are become an astonishment a land inhabitable and desolate a land wherein none can dwel nor sonne of man may passe by it † And I wil visite vpon Bel in Babylon and I wil cast out of his mouth that which he had swallowed and the Gentiles shal no more runne together vnto him for the wall also of Babylon shal fal † Goe out of the middes of her my people that euerie one may saue his life from the wrath of the furie of our Lord. † And lest perhaps your hartes faint and ye feare the bruite that shal be heard in the land and there shal come a bruite in the yeare and after this yeare a bruite and iniquitie in the land and ruler vpon ruler † Therefore behold the daies come and I wil visite vpon the sculptiles of Babylon and al her land shal be confounded and al her slaine shal fal in the middes of her † And the heauens and the earth shal prayse vpon Babylon and al thinges that are in them because spoylers shal come to her from the North saith our Lord. † And as Babylon caused that there should fal slaine in Israel so of Babylon there shal fal slaine in the whole land † You that haue escaped the sword come stand not remember our Lord a farre of and let Ierusalem ascend vpon your hart † We are confounded because we haue heard reproch ignominie hath couered our faces because strangers are come vpon the sanctification of the house of our Lord. † Therefore behold the daies come saith our Lord and I wil visite vpon her sculptiles and in al her land the wounded shal roare † If Babylon shal ascend vp into heauen and stablish her strength on high from me there shal come wasters of her saith our Lord. † A voice of crving from Babylon and great destruction from the Land of the Chaldees † because our Lord hath wasted Babylon and destroyed out of it the great voice and their waues shal sound as manie waters their voice hath geuen a sound † Because the spoyler is come vpon her that is vpon Babylon and her valiants are apprehended and their bow is weakened because the strong reuenger our Lord rendring wil repay † And I wil inebriate her princes and her wise men and her dukes and her magistrates and her valiants and they shal sleepe an euerlasting sleepe and shal not awake saith the king the Lord of hostes is his name † Thus saith the Lord of hostes That most brode wal of Babylon by vndermyning shal be vndermined and her high gates shal be burnt with fire and the labours of the peoples shal come to nothing and of the nations shal be into the fire and shal perish † The word that Ieremie the prophete commanded Saraias the sonne of Nerias the sonne of Maasias when he went with Sedecias the king into Babylon in the fourth yeare of his kingdome and Saraias was the prince of prophecie † And Ieremie wrote al the euil that was to come vpon Babylon in one booke al these wordes that are written against Babylon † And Ieremie said to Saraias When thou shalt come into Babylon and shalt see and shalt reade al these wordes † thou shalt say Lord thou hast spoken against this place to destroy it that there be none to inhabite it from man euen vnto beast and that it be a perpetual wildernesse † And when thou shalt haue finished reading this booke thou shalt tye a stone to it and shalt throw it into the middes of Euphrates † and thou shalt say So shal Babylon be drowned she shal not rise vp from the face of the affliction that I wil bring vpon her and she shal be dissolued Hitherto the wordes of Ieremie CHAP. LII A Recapitulation of the taking of Ierusalem after two yeares siege 7. king Sedecias taken in flight 10. his children slaine before his eyes with other nobles 11. his eyes put out and so lead into Babylon 12. the Temple the Palace and other houses burnt the people caried into captiuitie 15. few excepted to til the land 17. the two brasen pillars lauatorie and al the treasure taken away 24. Al the captiues at diuers times foure thousand six hundred 31. Finally king Ioachin is exalted in the court A Child of one and twentie yeares was Sedecias when he began to reigne and eleuen yeares he reigned in Ierusalem and the name of his mother was Amital the daughter of Ieremie of Lobna † And he did euil in the eyes of our Lord according to al thinges that Ioakim had done † Because the furie of our Lord was against Ierusalem and against Iuda til he cast them away from his face and Sedecias reuolted from the king of Babylon † And it came to passe in the ninth yeare of his reigne in the tenth moneth the tenth of the moneth came Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon him self and al his armie against Ierusalem and they besieged it and built against it munitions round about † And the citie was besieged vntil the eleuenth yeare of king Sedecias † And in the fourth moneth the ninth of the moneth a famine possessed the citie and there were no victuals for the people of the land † And a breache was made into the citie and al the men of warre fled and went out of the citie in the night by the way of the gate that is betwen the two walles leadeth to the kinges garden the Chaldees besieging the citie round about and they departed by the way that leadeth into the wildernes † But the armie of the Chaldees pursued the king and they apprehended Sedecias in the desert which is beside Iericho and al his trayne fled scattering from him † And when
they had taken the king they brought him to the king of Babylon into Reblatha which is in the land of Emath and to him iudgements † And the king of Babylon killed the sonnes of Sedecias before his eies yea and al the princes of Iuda he slew in Reblatha † And he plucked out the eies of Sedecias and bound him with fetters and the king of Babylon brought him into Babylon and he put him in the prison house euen to the day of his death † And in the fifth moneth the tenth of the moneth the same is the ninetenth yeare of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon came Nabuzardan the prince of the warfare who stood before the king of Babylon in Ierusalem † And he burnt the house of our Lord and the kings house and al the houses of Ierusalem and euerie great house he burnt with fire † And al the host of the Chaldees that was with the prince of the warfare destroyed al the wall of Ierusalem round about † But of the poore of the people and of the rest of the vulgar sorte which remayned in the citie and of the fugitiues that were fled to the king of Babylon and the rest of the multitude Nabuzardan the prince of the warfare transported † But of the poore of the land Nabuzardan the prince of the warfare left some to be dressers of vineyards and husbandmen † The brasen pillers also that were in the house of our Lord and the feete and the sea of brasse that was in the house of our Lord the Chaldees brake and they tooke al the brasse of them into Babylon † And the kettles and the fleshhookes and the psalteries and the phials and the litle mortars and al the brasen vessels that had bene in the ministrie they tooke † and the water pottes and the censars and the pitchers and the basins and the candlestickes and the mortars the gobblets as manie as of gold of gold and as manie as of siluer of siluer did the prince of the warfare take † and two pillars and one sea twelue oxen of brasse that were vnder the feete which king Salomon had made in the house of our Lord there was no weight of the brasse of al these vessels † And concerning the pillars there were eightene cubits of height in one pillar and a corde of twelue cubits did compasse it about moreouer the thicknes thereof of foure fingers and within it was holow † And the litle heads of brasse vpon both the height of one litle head of fiue cubits and the litle nettes and the pomegranates vpon the crowne round about al of brasse Likewise of the second piller and the pomegranates † And there were nintie six pomegranates hanging downe and al the pomegranates an hundred were compassed with litle nettes † And the master of the warefare tooke Saraias the chiefe priest and Sophonias the second priest and the three kepers of the entrie † And of the citie he tooke one eunuch that was chiefe ouer the men of warre and seuen men of them that saw the kings face that were found in the citie and a scribe the captayne of the souldiars who tryed the yong souldiars and three score of the people of the land that were found in the middes of the citie † And Nabuzardan the prince of the warfare tooke them and he brought them to the king of Babylon into Reblatha † And the king of Babylon stroke them and he killed them in Reblatha in the land of Emath and Iuda was transported from his land † This is the people which Nabuchodonosor transported In the seuenth yeare Iewes three thousand and twentie three † In the eightenth yeare of Nabuchodonosor from Ierusalem soules eight hundred thirtie two † In the three and twentith yeare of Nabuchodonosor Nabuzardan the prince of the warefare transported of the Iewes seuen hundred fourtie fiue soules al the soules therfore were foure thousand six hundred † And it came to passe in the seuen and thirtith yeare of the transmigration of Ioachin the king of Iuda the twelfth moneth the fiue and twentith of the moneth Euilmerodach the king of Babylon lifted vp in the very yeare of his reigne the head of Ioachin the king of Iuda and he brought him out of the prison house † And he spake with him good thinges and he sette his throne aboue the thrones of the kinges that were after himself in Babylon † And he changed his prison garments and he did eate bread before him alwaies al the daies of his life † And his allowance of meate a continual prouision of meate was geuen him by the king of Babylon euerie day a certaine euen vnto the day of his death al the daies of his life THE ARGVMENT OF IEREMIES LAMENTATIONS THESE Lamentations in Greeke called Threni and by the Hebrew Rabhins intituled Cinoth were written by Ieremie before the greatest part of his o●her prophecies as semeth most probable to S. Ierom and were first songue at the death of Iosias king of Iuda Againe when king Sedecias with manie others were taken captiues manie also slaine and the Temple and citie of Ierusalem destroyed But most especially he prophecieth the Iewes miserable estate and iust cause of Lamentation after Christs coming and their reiecting him And therfore his Church singeth the same in the Aniuersarie or Commemoration of his Passion and Death and most piously inuiteth al sinners both Iewes and Gentiles to returne vnto Christ our Redemer saying Ierusalem IERVSALEM conuertere ad Dominum Deum tuum In this litle booke the diligent reader wil easely obserue manie doleful patheticalspeaches powred out from a pensiue hart as in great calamities it commonly happeneth with litle connexion of sentences but otherwise foure whole chapters are very artificially compiled in verse not by number of times with measure of long and short syllables as the Grekes and Latines vse but after the Hebrew maner obseruing number of syllables and beginning euerie verse with a distinct letter from the first to the last in order with some smal varietie of the Hebrew Alphabet Doubtles with great mysteries as S. Ierom iudgeth and therfore explicateth the significations and certains connexions of the two and twentie Hebrew letters as we haue noted vpon the 118. Psalme but aboue the capacitie of our vnderstanding In the last chapter the Prophet omitting the obseruation of Initial letters in twentie two verses prayeth lamentably as the whole people shal pray in captiuitie THE THRENES that is to say THE LAMENTATIONS OF IEREMIE THE PROPHET And it came to passe after that Israel was brought into captiuitie and Ierusalem was desolate Ieremie the prophete sate weeping and he mourned with this lamentation vpon Ierusalem and with a pensiue mind sighing and wayling he sayd CHAP. I. HOW doeth the citie ful of people sitte solitarie how is the ladie of the Gentiles become as a widow the princesse of prouinces is made tributarie Weeping she
and twentie thousand and toward the Sea of bredth ten thousand Yea and toward the East of bredth ten thousand and toward the South of length fiue and twentie thousand and the sanctuarie of our Lord shal be in the middes therof † The sanctuarie shal be for the priests of the sonnes of Sadoc which kept my ceremonies and erred not when the children of Israel erred as the Leuites also erred † And for them shal be the first fruits of the first fruits of the land holie of holies by the border of the Leuites † Yea and to the Leuites in like maner by the borders of the priests fiue and twentie thousand of length and of bredth tenne thousand Al the length of fiue and twentie thousand the bredth of tenne thousand † And they shal not ●el therof nor change neither shal the first fruits of the land be transported because they are sanctified to our Lord. † But the fiue thousand that remaine in the bredth against the fiue twentie thousand shal be the profane partes of the citie for habitation and for the suburbs and the citie shal be in the middes therof † And these are the measures therof to the North quarter fiue hundred and foure thousand and to the South quarter fiue hundred and foure thousand and to the East quarter fiue hundred and foure thousand and to the West quarter fiue hundred and foure thousand † And the suburbs of the citie shal be to the North two hundred fiftie and to the South two hundred fiftie and to the East two hundred fiftie and to the Sea two hundred fiftie † And that which shal be residue in length according to the first fruits of the sanctuarie ten thousand toward the East and ten thousand toward the West shal be as the first fruits of the sanctuarie and the fruits therof shal be for bread to them that serue the citie † And they that serue the citie shal worke of al the tribes of Israel † Al the first fruits of fiue and twentie thousand answering to fiue twentie thousand foure square shal be seperated according to the first fruits of the sanctuarie and to the possession of the citie † And that which shal be left shal be the princes of euerie part of the first fruits of the sanctuarie and of the possession of the citie ouer against the fiue and twentie thousand of the first fruits vnto the East border Yea and to the sea ouer against the fiue and twentie thousand vnto the border of the Sea likewise it shal be in the portions of the prince and the first fruits of the sanctuarie and the sanctuarie of the temple shal be in the middes therof † And of the possession of the Leuites and of the possession of the citie in the middes of the princes portions shal be to the border of Iuda and to the border of Beniamin shal also perteine to the prince † And to the rest of the tribes from the East quarter to the West quarter for Beniamin one † And against the border of Beniamin from the East quarter to the West quarter for Simeon one † And vpon the border of Simeon from the East quarter to the West quarter for Issachar one † And vpon the border of Issachar from the East quarter to the West quarter for Zabulon one † And vpon the border of Zabulon from the East quarter to the quarter of the Sea for Gad one † And vpon the border of Gad to the South quarter toward the South and the border shal be from Thamar euen to the waters of contradiction of Cades the inheritance against the great sea † This is the land which you shal diuide by lot to the tribes of Israel and these are the portions of them saith our Lord God † And these are the goings out of the citie from the North quarter thou shalt measure fiue hundred and foure thousand † And the gates of the citie according to the names of the tribes of Israel three gates on the North side the gate of Ruben one the gate of Iuda one the gate of Leui one † And to the East quarter fiue hundred and foure thousand and three gates the gate of Ioseph one the gate of Beniamin one the gate of Dan one † And to the South quarter thou shalt measure fiue hundred foure thousand and three gates the gate of Simeon one the gate of Issachar one the gate of Zabulon one † And to the West quarter fiue hundred and foure thousand and their gates three the gate of Gad one the gate of Aser one the gate of Nephthali one † Round about eightene thousand and the name of the citie from that day Our Lord there THE ARGVMENT OF DANIELS PROPHECIE DANIEL of the tribe of Iuda royal bloud about the age of tenne yeares was caried into Babylon with other children for hostage when Nabuchodonosor inuaded the kingdom of Iuda in the third yeare of king Ioakim His whole life in al about an hundred and tenne yeares was most pious with such zele of Gods honour and common good of his countrie that he was called by an Angel vir desideriorū the man of godlie desires whom also Ezechiel elder in yeares prophecying part of the same time ioyned with Noe and Iob for example of holie men recounting him also the most renowmed of his time for wisdom VVhose loyal fidelitie towards the king of Babylon was so clere that his malignant enimies said expresly of him f We shal not find against this Daniel anie occasion vnles perhaps in the law of his God His booke as wel in respect of various important narrations of thinges done as of most hiegh diuine Mysteries is very excellent but withal very obscure for that manie thinges here inserted seme hardly to agree with other authentical histories some thinges also are intricate in themselues nor placed in order of time as they happened and manie thinges so briesly related that they can not be vnderstood without the knowledge of prophane histories As S. Ierom affirmeth Epist 103. But as for an other difficultie which some make denying the Prayer of Azarias with the Hymne folowing the histories of Susanna Bel and the Dragon to be Canonical Scripture it is partly solued already in the Annotations before the Booke of Tobie where is shewed that it is no iust exception against these and other partes of holie Scripture of the old Testament because they are not in the Hebrew Edition being otherwise accepted for Canonical by the Catholique Church And further it is very probable that these parcels were sometimes either in the Hebrew or Chaldee tongue in which two languages part in one part in the other the rest of this booke was written For from whence els could the Septuagint Interpreters Theodotion Symmachus and Aquila translate them In whose Editions S. Ierom found the same But S. Ierom some wil say calleth these
our Lord in iustice † And the sacrifice of Iuda and Ierusalem shal please our Lord as the dayes of the world and as the yeares of old † And I wil come to you in iudgement and wil be a swift witnes to sorcerers and aduouterers and to the periured and them that calumniate the hyre of the hyred man the widowes and pupils and oppresse the stranger nor haue feared me sayth the Lord of hosts † For I the Lord and I am not changed and ye sonnes of Iacob are not consumed † For from the dayes of your fathers you haue departed from mine ordinances and haue not kept them Returne to me and I wil returne to you sayth the Lord of hosts And you haue sayd Wherin shal we returne † Shal man fasten God because you do fasten me And you haue sayd Wherein do we fasten thee In tithes and in first fruites † And in penurie you are accursed and you your whole nation fasten me † Bring in al the tithe into the barne and let there be meare in my house and proue me vpon this sayth our Lord if I open not vnto you the fludgates of heauen and powre you out blessing euen to abundance † and I wil rebuke for you the deuourer and he shal not corrupt the fruite of your land neither shal the vine in the filde be barren sayth the Lord of hosts † And al Nations shal cal you blessed for you shal be a land worthie to be desired sayth the Lord of hosts † Your wordes haue bene forcible vpon me sayth the Lord. † And you sayd What haue we spoken against thee You haue sayd He is vayne that serueth God and what profite is it that we haue kept his precepts and that we haue walked sorowful before the Lord of host † Therfore now we cal the arrogant blessed for they that doe impietie are builded and they haue tempted God and are made safe † Then spake they that feared our Lord euerie one with his neighbour and our Lord attended and heard and a booke of monument was writen before him for them that feare our Lord and thinke on his name † And they shal be to me saith the Lord of hosts in the day that I doe to my peculiat and I wil spare them as a man spareth his sonne seruing him † And you shal conuert and shal see what is betwen the iust and the impious and betwen him that serueth God and serueth him not CHAP. IIII. In the terrible day of iudgement the wicked shal be condemned and the iust eternally rewarded 5. Before which time Elias shal returne and conuert the Iewes to Christ FOR behold the day shal come kindled as a furnace and al the proude and al that doe impietie shal be stubble and the day coming shal inflame them sayth the Lord of hosts which shal not leaue them roote and spring † And there shal rise to you that feare my name the Sunne of iustice and health in his winges and you shal goe forth and shal leape as calues of the heard † And you shal treade the impious when they shal be ashes vnder the sole of your feete in the day that I doe sayth the Lord of hosts † Remember ye the law of Moyses my seruant which I commanded him in Horeb to al Israel precepts iudgements † Behold I wil send you Elias the prophete before the day of our Lord come great and dreadful † And he shal conuert the hart of the fathers to the children the hart of the children to their fathers lest perhaps I come and strike the earth with anathema The end of the Prophetical Bookes THE BOOKES OF MACHABEES PERTEYNING TO THE HISTORICAL PART OF THE OLD TESTAMENT The argument of the bookes of Machabees with other prooemial Annotations BEFORE we declare the contents the reader perhaps wil require to know why they are called the Bookes of MACHABEES how manie they be who writ them in what language especially whether al or anie or which of them are Canonical Scripture For satisfaction of al which demandes distinguishing betwen certaine and vncertaine we shal briefly shew that which semeth more probable in the doubtful pointes and the assured certaintie of that which is decided by the Catholique Church of Christ Concerning therefore the name and inscription S. Ierom very probably supposeth that these Bookes haue their title of Iudas MACHABEVS the narration of whose heroical vertues and noble Act●s occupieth the greatest part of this whole historie And this surname Machabeus signifying valient of streingth or by an vsual hebrew contraction Mobi more explicated Milchamach Coach bihuda that is Force of battel or Streingth in Iuda was geuen him by his father Mathathias when before his death disposing of his sonnes exhorting them he sayd to them al You my sonnes take corege and doe manfully in the law because in it you shal be glorious And behold Simon your brother I know that he is a man of counsel heare ye him alwayes and he shal be father to you Next headdeth And Iudas Machabeus valient of streingth from his youth let him be to you the prince of warfayre and he shal manage the battel of the people And from him this name was also ascribed to his bretheren and to al the rest that ioyned with them either in the holie warres or otherwise shewed their valure professing Gods law in spiritual combate euen to death As Nicetas writeth in Orat. 22. S. Greg. Nazian VVherupon old Eleazarus and the seuen young bretheren with their mother are also called Machabees There be in al foure bookes called Machabees The first S. Ierom found in Hebrew the second in Greke as he testifieth Epist 106. The third is also extant in Greke and Latin in Biblijs Complutensibus The fourth semeth to be that which is mentioned in the end of the first booke And either the same or an other vnder that title is also extant in Greke as testifieth Sixtus Senensis li. 1. Bibliothecae VVho writte them is more vncertaine but most probable euerie one had a diuers auctor Neither are the two last approued for Canonical by anie authentical auctoritie It resteth therfore to speake of the two first which the Iewes and Protestants denie because they are not in the Hebrew Canon The Protestants further alleaging that they are not in the former Canon of the Church before S. Ieroms time Moreouer obiecting certaine places of these bookes which they say are contrarie to sound doctrine to the truth of other authentical histories or contradictorie in themselues None of which thinges can procede from the Holie Ghost the principal auctor of al Diuine Scriptures Al which textes we shal more conueniently explicate according to their true sense in their proper places As for the exception that these bookes are not in the Canon of the Iewes it is answered
not eaten it was consumed † In like maner Salomon also eight dayes celebrated the dedication † And these self same thinges were put in the descriptions and commentaries of Nehemias and after what sort he making a librarie gathered together bookes of the prophetes and of Dauid and the epistles of the kinges and concerning the donaries † And in like maner Iudas also such thinges as were fallen away by the warre that happened to vs gathered them al together and they are with vs. † If therfore you desire these thinges send some that may fetch them vnto you † We therfore meaning to kepe the purification haue written vnto you You shal doe wel then if you kepe these dayes † And God that hath deliuered his people and rendered the inheritance to al the kingdom and the priesthoode and the sanctification † as he promised in the law we hope that he wil quickly haue mercie vpon vs and wil gather vs together from vnder heauen into the holie place † For he hath deliuered vs out of great perils and hath purged the place † Concerning Iudas Machabeus and his brethren and of the purification of the great temple and of the dedication of the altar † Yea and of the battels that perteyne to Antiochus the Noble and his sonne Eupator † and of the apparitions that were made from heauen to them that did manfully for the Iewes so that being few they reuenged the whole countrie and put to flight the barbarous multitude † and repayred the most famous temple in al the world and deliuered the citie and the lawes that were abolished were restored our Lord with al clemencie being made propicious vnto them † Also the thinges which by Iason the Cyrenean are comprised in fiue bookes we haue attempted to abridge in one volume † For considering the multitude of bookes and the difficultie to them that wil attempt the narrations of histories because of the multitude of matters † we haue bene careful for them that are willing to reade that there might be delectation of the minde and for the studious that they may more easily comitte it to memorie and that profite might ensewe to al that read it † And to our owne selues in deede which haue taken vpon vs this worke to make an abridgement we haue taken in hand no easie labour yea rather a busines ful of watching and swet●e † As they that prepare a feast and seeke to condescend to other mens wil for manie mens sakes we doe willingly susteyne the labour † The veritie certes concerning euery particular leauing to the auctors and our selues according to the forme that is geuen studying to be briefe † For as the builder of a new house must haue care of the whole building but he that hath the care to paint must seeke out the thinges that are apt for garnishing so must it be esteemed also in vs. † For to gather together the vnderstanding to order the speach and curiously to discusse euerie particular part agreeth to the auctor of an historie † but to pursew the breuitie of speach to auoyde the exact declarations of thinges is to be granted to him that abridgeth † From hence then wil we begine the narration of the preface let it be sufficient to haue sayd thus much for it is a foolish thing before the historie to flow ouer and in the historie to be shorte CHAP. III. VVhen Ierusalem was in peace and good order by the care of Onias high priest and king Seleucus fauoured pious workes 4. Simon a wicked churchwarden betrayeth the treasure of the Sanctuarie 7. VVher upon Heliodorus sent by the king and after curteous intertainment declaring that he must carie al the money to the king is resisted by Onias with others deuoutly commending the cause to God 23. He neuertheles attempting the sacrilege is terrified by a vision sore beaten and in desperate miserie 31. by Onias sacrifice and prayers is restored to health 35 and returning home confesseth the powre of God THEREFORE when the holie citie was inhabited in al peace the lawes also as yet were very wel kept because of Onias the high priest his pietie minde that hated euils † it came to passe that kinges also themselues and princes esteemed the place worthie of high honour and glorified the temple with verie great giftes † so that Seleucus the king of Asia of his reuenewes allowed al the charges perteyning to the ministerie of the sacrifices † But Simon of the tribe of Beniamin being appointed ouerseer of the temple ●●contended the prince of the priestes resisting him to worke some wicked thing in the citie † And 2. when he could not ouercome Onias he came to Appollonius the sonne of Tharsaeas who at that time was gouernour of Caelesyria and Phaenicia † and told him that the treasurie at Ierusalem was ful of innumerable deale of money and the common store to be infinite which perteyne not to the account of the sacrifices and that it is possible al might fal into the kings powre † And 3. when Appollonius had made relation to the king concerning the money that he was told of he calling for Heliodorus who was ouer his affayres sent him with commission to transport the foresayde money † And forthwith Heliodorus began to take his iourney in shew in dede as if he would goe visite the cities through out Coelesyria and Phaenicia but in very deede to accomplish the kings purpose † But when he was come to Ierusalem and was curteously receiued in the citie by the high-priest he told of the the aduertisment geuen of the money and opened for what cause he was come and asked if these thinges were so in very deede † Then the highpriest shewed that these were deposita and the liuelihoods of widowes and pupils † but certaine of them to belong vnto Hircanus of Tobie a very noble man among these thinges which impious Simon had promoted the whole to be of siluer foure hundred talents and of gold two hundred † And that they should be deceiued which had committed it to the place the temple that is honoured through out the whole world to be a thing for the reuerence and holines therof altogether vnpossible † But he by reason of those thinges which he had in commission of the king sayd in any wise that they must be caried to the king † And on a day appointed Heliodorus entered in to take order concerning these thinges But there was noe smal trembling through out the whole citie † And the priestes cast themselues before the altar with their priestes stoles and inuocated him from heauen which made the law of deposita that he would kepe the thinges safe from them that had deposed them † But now he that saw the countenance of the high priest was wounded in minde for his face and colour being changed declared the inner sorow of the minde
went against Gorgias the gouernour of Idumea † And he went forth with footemen three thousand and horsemen foure hundred † Who buckling together it chanced few of the Iewes to be slayne † But Dositheus one of the Bacenors an horseman a valiant man held Gorgias and wheras he would haue taken him aliue a certayne horseman of the Thracians came vpon him and cut of his shoulder and so Gorgias escaped into Maresa † But they that were with Esdrin fighting long and being wearied Iudas inuocated our Lord to be their helper and captayne of the battel † beginning in his countrey language and with hymmes raising a crie draue Gorgias souldiars into flight † And Iudas hauing gathered an armie came into the citie Odollam when the seuenth day came on being purifyed according to the custome they kept the Sabbath in the same place † And the day folowing Iudas came with his companie to take away the bodies of them that were ouerthrowen and with their kinsmen to lay them in the sepulchers of their fathers † And they found vnder the coates of the slayne some of the donaryes of the idols that were in Iamnia from which the lawe forbiddeth the Iewes therfore it was made playne to al that for that cause they were slayne † Al therfore blessed the iust iudgement of our Lord who had made manifest the hidden thinges † And so turning to prayers they besought him that the same offence which was committed might be forgotten But the most valient Iudas exhorted the people to keepe themselues without sinne seing before their eyes what was done because of the sinnes of them that were ouerthrowen † And making a gathering he sent twelue thousand drachmes of siluer to Ierusalem for sacrifice to be offered for sinne wel and religiously thinking of the resurrection † for vnles he hoped that they that were slaine should rise againe it should seeme superfluous and vaine to pray for the dead † And because he considered that they which had taken their sleepe with godlines had very good grace layd vp for them † “ It is therfore a holie and healthful cogitation to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from sinnes ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 46 It is a holie and healthful cogitation to pray for the dead The Catholique beleefe doctrine and practise of praying for the dead is so euidently confirmed by this place that our aduersaries haue no better shift to auoide the same then by denying these bookes to be Canonical Scripture VVhich being authentically proued it may here suffice to adde that albeit the Greke text as in other innumerable places differeth from the Latin yet it is no lesse clere for this doctrin VVhich in English is thus v 45. Regarding or considering that grace is layde vp for them that sleepe or dye in pietie tovvitte in true faith and repentance in the next verse 46. inferreth thus VVherupon he Iudas Machabeus made reconciliation or expiation for the dead that they might be deliuered or loosed from their sinne that is from punishment for sinne Omitting therfore multitude of other proofes vve vvil here only cite tvvo great Doctors who with others teach that the denial of this particular point of religion is a condemned heresie S. Augustin li. de Haeresib haer 53. noteth this for a special heresie saying Aerians are named of one Aerius vvho being a priest and taking it greuously that he could not be ordained a Bishop falling into the heresie of the Arrians added some proper doctrines of his ovvne saying that vve ought not to pray nor offer sacrifice for the dead Likevvise S. Bernard Ser. 66 in Cantica in plaine termes saith they are heretikes vvhich beleue not that there is purgatorie fire after death but that the soule departing from the bodie goeth forthvvith either to rest or to damnation Let them then saith he aske of him vvho saide There is some sinne that shal not be forgeuen neither in this vvorld nor in the future why he sayd this if there remaine no remission and purgation of sinne in the future vvorld He therfore aduiseth al to bevvare of such seducers saying See the detracters see the dogges They deride vs because vve baptize infantes for that vve pray for the dead It is also most vvorthie of consideration that Iudas Machabeus vvho did this charitable act for his souldiars slaine in the holie vvarres vvas the High priest or chief Bishop of the Church at that time and defender of true faith and Religion Finally vve may also obserue that he did not anie nevv thing but practised the vsual custome of the vvhole Church For so it appeareth by their sette forme of Office for the dead called HASCHABAH that is Rest or prayer for rest in their booke MAHZOR translated and set forth by Bishop Genebrard in the yeare of our Lord. 1569. VVhere are these expresse supplications Requiescat anima ipsius in cubili suo iaceat in pace dormiat in pace His or her soule rest in his bed lye and slepe in peace Againe Ye Angels of peace come forth to mete him c. And that the Ievves this day vse to pray for the dead is a clere thing and confessed by Protestantes namely Munsterus and Fagius in their Annotations vpon the 14. of Deut. and M. VVhitaker in his first booke against F. Dureus fol 81. CHAP. XIII Menelaus a fugitiue Iewe is put to death 9. Antiochus with his great armie is defeated twise with losse of manie men 23. Philippe rebelling peace is renewed 24. And Iudas is made Lord of Ptolemais IN the yeare an hundred fourtie nine Iudas vnderstood that Antiochus Eupator came with a multitude agaynst Iurie † and with him Lysias the procuratour and cheefe ouer the affayres hauing with him of footemen an hundred tenne thousand of horsemen fiue thousand elephants twentie two chariots with hookes three hundred † And Menelaus also ioyned him selfe with them and with much deceite besought Antiochus not for the weale of his contrie but hoping that he should be appoynted to the principalitie † But the king of kinges stirred vp Antiochus mind against the sinner Lysias suggesting that he was the cause of al the euils he commanded as the custome is with them that being apprehended he should be killed in the same place † And there was in the same place a tower of fiftie cubites hauing an heape of ashes on euerie side this had a prospect steepe downe † From thence he commanded the sacrilegious person to be throwne downe into the ashes al thrusting him forward to death † And by such law it chanced the transgressour of the law to dye Menelaus not to be put into the earth † And in deede very iustly because he committed manie offences toward the altar of God the fyre and ashes wherof was holie himself was condemned into the death of ashes † But the king furiouse in mind came to shew
they resolued to fight and to encounter manfully that manhood might decide the matter because the holie citie and the temple were in danger † For there was lesse care for their wiues and children and also for their bretheren and kinsemen but the greatest and principal feare was for the holines of the temple † And they also that were in the citie tooke no litle care for them that were to ioyne battel † And when they did al hope that iudgement would be geuen and the enimies were present and the armie was set in aray the beastes horsemen disposed in conuenient place † Machabeus considering the coming of the multitude and the varietie of the prouision of armour and the fiercenes of the beastes stretching forth his handes vnto heauen he inuocated our Lord that worketh wonders who not according to the might of armes but according as it pleaseth him geueth victorie to the worthie † And he sayd inuocating in this maner Thou Lord which didst send thyne Angel in the time of Ezechias king of Iuda and didst kil an hundred eightie fiue thousand of the campe of Sennacharib † now ô Dominatour of the heauens send thy good Angel before vs in feare and trembling of the greatnes of thyne arme † that they may be afrayde which with blasphemie come against thyne holie people And he in dede ended his prayer thus † But Nicanor and they that were with him with trumpets songues came nere † But Iudas and they that were with him inuocating God by prayers ioyned battel † with the hand in dede fighting but in their hartes praying to our Lord they ouerthrew no lesse then fiue and thirtie thousand being greatly delighted with the presence of God † And when they had ceased and returned with ioy they vnderstood that Nicanor was slaine for al his armour † A shout therfore being made and a great crie they blessed the Almightie Lord in their countrie language † And Iudas who by al meanes was in bodie and mind readie to dye for his citizens commanded that Nicanors head and hand with the shoulder being cut of should be caried to Ierusalem † Whither when he was come hauing called his countrimen and the Priestes to the altar he sent also for them that were in the castel † And shewing them the head of Nicanor the wicked hand which he stretching forth against holie house of almightie God had mightely bragged † The tongue also of impious Nicanor being cut out he commanded to be geuen pecemeale to the birdes and the hand of the furious man to be hanged vp against the temple † Al therfore blessed the Lord of heauen saying Blessed be he that hath kept his place vndefiled † And he hung vp Nicanors head in the toppe of the castel that it might be an euident manifest signe of the helpe of God † Therfore al by common counsel decreed by no meanes to let passe this day without solemnitie † but to kepe the solemnitie the thirtenth day of the moneth Adar which is called in the Syrian language the day before Mardocheus day * These thinges therefore being done concerning Nicanor from that time the citie being possessed of the Hebrewes I also in these wil make an end of speaking † And if wel and as is competent for a storie that myself also would but “ if not so worthely it resteth to be pardoned me † For as to drinke alwayes wine or alwayes water is hurtful but to vse now one now an other is delectable so to the readers if the speach be alwayes exact it wil not be gratful Here therefore it shal be ended ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XV. 12. Onias prayed for al the people And. v. 14. Ieremie prayeth for the people As against prayer of the faithful for the dead Ch 12. so against prayer of Saincts for the militant Church Protestants haue no better euasion vvhen they are pressed with these examples then by denying the auctoritie of the Bookes For seing the Prophet Ieremie and the Highpriest Onias being in Limbo patrum no holie soules ascending into heauen before Christ did pray for the vvhole people of the Ievves it is also certaine that they and other Sainctes in glorie do of their excellent charitie pray for those that are in this mortallife Yet neither do vve Catholiques vrge this place as though vve had no other to alleage for vve shevv the same doctrine by other holie Scriptures Gen. 48. Exo 32. Iere. 15. Luc. 16. 2 Petri 1. Apoc. 5. 6 8. and others neither must vve omite these bookes because our aduersaries denie them seing the lerned Doctores and holie Fathers confirme the same doctrine by those Scriptures Among others ancient Origen tomo 18 in Ioan. sayth it appeareth that Sainctes departed from this life haue care of the people as it is written sayth he in the Actes of the Machabees manie yeares after the death of Ieremie this is Ieremie the prophet of God vvo prayeth much for the people Likervvise S. Bernard Ser. 3. vigil Natiuit Domini Ser. 11. againe Ser. 76. in Cantica admonisheth that a good religious man is like to this Onias who prayeth to God for al the people 39. If not se vvorthely He demandeth not pardon as though he suspected any error in his doctrine or in the history but of his vnpolished stile in writing As S Paul sayth that himself vvas rude in speach yet not in knovvlege 2. Cor. 11. v. 6. But we who by Gods great goodnes haue passed now to the end of this English old Testament iustly fearing that we haue not worthely discharged so great a worke and in no wise presuming that we haue auoided al errors as wel of doctrine as historie much more we acknowlege that our stile is rude and vnpolished And therfore we necessarily and vvith al humilitie craue pardon of God and al his glorious Sainctes Likevvise of the Chruch militant and particularly of you right vvelbeloued English readers to vvhom as at the beginning vve directed and dedicated these our endeuoures so to you vve offer the rest of our laboures euen to the end of our liues in our B. Sauiour IESVS Christ to vvhom be al praise and glorie Amen THE CONTINVANCE OF THE CHVRCH AND RELIGION IN THE SIXTH AGE from the captiuitie in Babylon to the coming of our Sauiour nere the space of 640. yeares SVCH is the prouidence of Almightie God that not obscurely or at sometimes only but manifestly and without intermission his Diuine Maiestie is acknowleged his name glorified his Religion professed and his preceptes obserued by a visible knowne Church from the beginning of the world to the end therof as we haue already shewed in the other fiue ages and shal no lesse clerly declare the same in this sixth For albeit the peculiar people of God were for their sinnes caried forth of their countrie and held captiues in Babylon seuentie yeares and after their reduction
after this it happened that Manasses an Apostata highpriest by intercession of Sanaballar whose daughter he had vnlawfully maried obtayned licence to build a temple in Garizim which the Samaritanes afterwards pretended to be more ancient then the temple of Ierusalem against which our Sauiour gaue sentence loan 4. v. 22. It was also decided by king Ptolomeus in Alexandria as Iosephus witnesseth li. 13 c. 6. by way of arbitrament finding that the temple of Ierusalem and the Highpriestes therof had a perpetual succession from Salomons time and that their pretence of Iacobs adoring in Garizim was not to the purpose seing there was no succession that temple being lately built Neuertheles the same Ptolomeus to gratifie Onias an other Apostata sonne of good Onias Highpriest and Martyr 2. Macab 4. v. 34. gaue leaue to build an other temple in Aegypt which stood likewise in schisme against the true temple of Ierusalem wresting to their purpose the prophecie of Isaie ch 19. v. 19. In that day there shal be an altar of our Lord in the middes of Aegypt Which S. Ierom sheweth to be vnderstood of the Church of Christ. Before this last schismatical temple and after the former were the Seuentie two Interpreters or Translators of the Hebrew Bible into Greke of whom S. Ierom and al ancient Fathers speake much esteme of very great Canonical auctoritie In the time of the Grecians Monarchie prophane lerning florished more then before and Philosophers abunded but differed excedingly amongst themselues and al erred in the principles both of Natural Moral knowledge For wheras in dede God omnipotent was the only maker of the whole world and al thinges therein al these Philosophers supposed and taught that some material thing was coeternal with God and so they put the same thing to haue bene the beginning of al other thinges Which some say was the water some the Ayre some the Earth some the Fyre some al these foure Elements some the Atomos or indiuisible smal bodies some one thing some an other Wherof S. Epiphanius writeth in compendio contra h●reses And the like absurde conceiptes they had of the chiefe Good or Summum bonum Which the Pithagorians thought to be nothing els but a certayne immortalitie of the soule and so as it may stil be in a bodie And therfore seing both men and beastes do dye they held opinion that when a soule parteth out of one bodie it goeth into an other Yea and maketh transmigration from one species or kind to an other As from a mans bodie into the bodie of a horse or an oxe and contrariwise from a brute beast into a man againe and from one beast into an other The Stoikes put the chiefe good in vertues but could reach no further then to a certayne contentment of ioy in their minde not knowing the reward of vertues to consist in seeing God Platonikes or Achademikes conceiued more of God and pure spirites but thought both corporal and spiritual creatures were coeternal with God The Peripatetikes placed the chiefe good or felicitie in the aggregation of best spiritual corporal and worldlie thinges together The Epicures esteemed carnal and bodilie pleasures aboue al. And al these and their folowers iudged so diuersly of the right true felicitie contradicting and condemning ech others opinions that they were multiplied into innumerable Sectes As S. Augustin declareth out of Marcus Varro and opposeth against them al the one assured fayth and iudgement of Gods Church in his 19. booke de ciuit Dei c. 4. And concludeth with the Royal Prophet and S. Paul that their cogitations are vaine which wil haue happines to be in anie other thing but in seing God or to be obtained by anie other meanes without Gods grace And not only before since but also in the same times the auctors of The Bookes of wisdom Ecclesiasticus taught right doctrine against those erronious Philosophers For profession also of true fayth and religion the Machabees both suffered and labored most notably When king Antiochus Epiphanes 1. Mach. 1. v. 43. wrote to al his kingdom that al the people should be one and euerie one should leaue his owne law And whosoeuer should not doe according to the word of Antiochus they should dye Against which most wicked decree and cruel execution therof Gods grace so abunded that v. 65. manie of the people of Israel determined with themselues that they would not eate the vncleane thinges and they chose rather to dye then to be defiled with vncleane meates and that they would not breake the holy law of God so were murthered As is more particularly recorded 2. Mach. 5. v. 14. how there were in the space of three dayes fourescore thousand slayne fourtie thousand in prisoned no lesse sold After this with more pretence of iustice but with more malice endeuoring to terrifie others to draw them to yelde or make shew of conformitie to wicked lawes ch 6. v. 10. Two wemen were accused to haue circumcised their sonnes whom when they had led about through the citie with the infants hanging at their breastes they threw downe headlong by the walles And v. 11. other people were burnt with fire for secretly keping the day of the Sabbath Thirdly v. 18. Eleazarus being vrged to eate swines flesh and intreated by his familiar freindes to make shew of conformitie would neither eate nor feyne to ●a●e it but dyed most constantly leauing an example of vertue fortitude Fourthly seuen bretheren and their mother 2 Mach. 7. yelded also their liues in most glorious Martyrdom because they would not yelde conformitie to wicked lawes After which heroical constancie in suffering it was also Gods prouidence that others should shew their fortitude in deliuering his Church from these calamities and dangers For Matthathias of the tribe of Leui and stocke of Aaron Priest and after the apostasie of Iason li. 2. c. 4. v. 10. High-priest lamenting the pitiful state of Gods people with resolute mind and inuinoible corege resisting wicked Antiochus 1. Mach. 2. of iust zele with his owne handes slew one who for feare of death was readie to offer sacrifice to idols withal killed the kings commissioner who came to compel men to committe idolatrie and then gathered troupes to defend so hohie a cause Against whom the enimies fighting on the sabbath dayes killed manie which of scruple would not resist But vpon further consideration the rest resolued to defend themselues also on the sabbath day if they were assaulted Next to him succeded his sonne Iudas Machabeus in both the offices of Highpriest General captaine who as good order required first pursued the wicked towitte amongst his owne subiectes inquiring them out and such as trubled his people them he burned with fire 1. Mach. 3. v. 5. and his enimies were repelled for feare of him al the workers of
expedient that one man dye for the people and the whole nation perish not vvhich the holie Euangelist ascribeth to his office being highpriest of that yeare he prophecied that IESVS should dye for the nation and not only for the nation but togather into one the children of God that were dispersed IESVS REDEMER correct in vs our errors gather the dispersed conserue them that are and shal be gathered make al one flocke in one fould vnder one Pastour thy selfe IESVS CHRIST To whom with the Father and the Holie Ghost be al thankes praise honour and glorie now and for euer and euer AMEN The prayer of Manasses vvith the second third Bookes of Esdras extant in most Latin and vulgare Bibles are here placed after al the Canonical bookes of the old Testament because they are not receiued into the Canon of Diuine Scriptures by the Catholique Church THE PRAYER OF MANASSES KING OF IVDA WHEN HE WAS HELD CAPTIVE IN BABYLON LORD omnipotent God of our fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob and of their iust sede which didst make heauen and earth with al the ornamentes of them which hast bound the sea with the word of thy precept which hast shut vp the depth and sealed it with thy terrible and laudable name whom al thinges dread tremble at the countinance of thy powre because the magnificence of thy glorie is importable the wrath of thy threatning vpon sinners is intollerable but the mercie of thy promise is infinite and vnsearchable because thou art our Lord most high benigne long suffering and very merciful and penitent vpon the wickednes of men Thou Lord according to the multitude of thy goodnes hast promised penance and remission to them that haue sinned to thee and by the multitude of thy mercies thou hast decreed penance to sinners vnto saluation Thou therfore Lord God of the iust hast not appointed penance to the iust Abraham Isaac and Iacob them that haue not sinned to thee but hast appointed penance for me a sinner because I haue sinned aboue the number of the sand of the sea Myne iniquities Lord be multiplied mine iniquities be multiplied and I am not worthie to behold looke vpon the height of heauen for the multitude of mine iniquities I am made crooked with manie a band of yron that I can not lift vp my head and I haue not respiration because I haue stirred vp thy wrath and haue done euil before thee I haue not done thy wil and thy commandmentes I haue not kept I haue set vp abominations and multiplied offenses And now I bowe the knee of my hart beseeching goodnes of thee I haue sinned Lord I haue sinned I acknowlege myne iniquities Wherefore I beseech disiring thee forgeue me Lord forgeue me and destroy me not together with myne iniquities neither reserue thou for euer being angrie euils for me neither damme me into the lowest places of the earth because thou art God God I say of the penitent in me thou shalt shew al thy goodnes because thou shalt saue me vnworthie according to thy great mercie and I wil prayse thee alwayes al the dayes of my life because al the power of the heauens prayseth thee and to thee is glorie for euer and euer Amen THE THIRD BOOKE OF ESDRAS For helpe of the readers especially such as haue not leysure to read al vve haue gathered the contentes of the chapters but made no Annotations because the text it self is but as a Commentarie to the Canonical bookes and therfore we haue only added the concordance of other Scriptures in the margin CHAP. I. Iosias king of Iuda maketh a great Pasch 7. geuing manie hostes to such as wanted for sacrifice 14. the Priestes and Leuites performing their functions therin 22. in the eightenth yeare of his reigne 25. He is slayne in battel by the king of Aegypt 32. and much lamented by the Iewes 34. His sonne Ieconias succedeth 37. After him Ioacim 40. who is deposed by the king of Babylon 43. Ioachin reigneth three monethes and is caried into Babylon 46. Sedecias reigneth eleuen yeares wickedly 52. and he with his people is caried captiue into Babylon the citie and temple are destroyed 57. so remayned til the Monarchie of the Persians AND Iosias made a Pasch in Ierusalem to our Lord immolated the Phase the fourtenth moone of the moneth † appointing the Priestes by courses of dayes clothed with stoles in the temple of our Lord. † And he spake to the Leuites the sacred seruantes of Israel that they should sanctifie them selues to our Lord in the placing of the holie arke of our Lord in the house which king Salomon sonne of Dauid built † It shal not be for you to take it vpon your shoulders And now serue your Lord and take the care of that nation Israel in part according to your villages and tribes † according to the writing of Dauid king of Israel and according to the magnificence of Salomon his sonne al in the temple and according to your fathers portion of principalitie among them that stand in the sight of your brethren the children of Israel † Immolate the Pasch and prepare the sacrifices for your bretheren and doe according to the precept of our Lord which was geuen to Moyses † And Iosias gaue vnto the people that was found of sheepe lambes and kiddes and goates thirtie thousand calues three thousand † These thinges were geuen to the people of the kinges goodes according to promisse and to the priestes for the Phase sheepe in number two thousand and calues an hundred † And Iechonias and Semeias and Nathanael bretheren and Hasabias and Oziel and Coraba for the Phase sheepe fiue thousand calues fiue hundred † And when these thinges were done in good order the Priestes and the Leuites stood hauing azymes by tribes † And according to the portions of their fathers principalitie in the sight of the people they did offer to our Lord according to those thinges which were written in the booke of Moyses † and rosted the Phase with fire as it ought and the hostes they boyled in cauldrons and in pottes with beneuolence † and they brought to al that were of the people and afterward they prepared for them selues and the priestes † For the Priestes offered the fatte vntil the houre was ended and the Leuites prepared for them selues and their brethren the children of Aaron † And the sacred singing men the children of Asaph were by order according to the precept of Dauid and Asaph and Zacharias and Ieddimus which was from the king † And the porters at euerie gate so that none transgressed his owne for their brethren prepared for them † And the thinges were consummate that perteyned to the sacrifice of our Lord. † In that day they celebrated the Phase and offered hostes vpon the sacrifice of our Lord according to the precept of king Iosias † And the children of Israel that were found at that time
† for the euiles which thou hast sene to haue chanced now worse then these wil they doe againe † for looke how much the world shal become weake by age so much shal euiles be multiplied vpon the inhabitants † For truth hath remoued it self farther of and lying hath approched for now the vision which thou sawest hasteneth to come † And I answered and sayd before thee ô Lord † For behold I wil goe as thou hast commanded me wil rebuke the people that now is But them that shal yet be borne who shal admonish † The world therfore is set in darknes and they that dwel in it without light † Because thy law is burnt therefore no man knoweth the workes that haue bene done by thee or that shal begin † For if I haue found grace with thee send the Holie Ghost to me I wil write al that hath bene done in the world from the beginning the thinges that were written in thy law that men may finde the pathe and they that wil liue in the later times may liue † And he answered me and sayd Goe gather together the people and thou shalt say to them that they seeke thee not for fourtie dayes † And doe thou prepare thee manie tables of boxe take with thee Sarea Dabria Salemia Echanus and Asiel these fiue which are readie to write swee●tly † And come hither I wil light in thy hart a candle of vnderstanding which shal not be put out til the things be finished which thou shalt begine to write † And then some thinges thou shalt open to the perfect some thou shalt deliuer secretly to the wyse For to morrow this houre thou shalt begine to write † And I went as he commanded me gathered togetheral the people and sayd † Heare Israel these wordes † Our fathers were pilgrimes from the beginning in Aegypt and were deliuered from thence † And they receiued the law of life which they kept not which you also after them haue transgressed † and the land was geuen you by lotte and the land of Sion and your fathers and you haue done iniquitie and haue not kept the wayes which the Highest commanded you † And wheras he is a iust iudge he hath taken from you in time that which he had geuen † And now you are here and your brethren are among you † If then you wil rule ouer your sense instruct your hart you shal be preserued aliue and after death shal obtaine mercie † For the iudgement shal come after death when we shal returne to lyfe againe and then the names of the iust shal appeare and the dedes of the impious shal be shewed † Let no man therfore come to me now nor aske for me vntil fourtie d●yes † And I tooke the siue men as he commanded me and we went forth into the field and taried there † And I was come to the morrow behold a voice called me saying Esdras open thy mouth and drinke that which I wil geue thee to drinke † And I opened my mouth behold a ful cuppe was brought me this was ful as it were with water but the colour therof like as fire † And I tooke it and dranke and when I had drunken of it my hart was tormented with vnderstanding and wisdome grewe into my brest For my spirit was kept by memorie † And my mouth was opened and was shut no more † The Highest gaue vnderstanding vnto the fiue men and they wrote excesses of the night which were spoken which they knewe not † And at night they did eate breade but I spake by day by night held not my peace † And there were written in the fourtie dayes two hundred foure bookes † And it came to passe when they had ended the fourtie daies the Highest spake saying † The former thinges which thou hast written set abrode and let the worthie and vnworthie reade but the last seuentie bookes thou shalt keepe that thou mayest deliuer them to the wyse of thy people † For in these is the vaine of vnderstanding and the fountaine of wisdome and the streame of knowledge and I did soe CHAP. XV. Esdras is bid to denounce that assuredly manie euiles wil come to the world 9. God wil protect his people the wicked shal be punished and lament their final miseries God reuenging for the good BEHOLD speake into the eares of my people the wordes of prophecie which I shal put into thy mouth sayth our Lord † and see that they be written in paper because they be faithful and true † Be not afrayd of the cogitations against thee neither let the incredulities truble thee of them that speake † Because euerie incredulous person shal dye in his incredulitie † Behold I bring in sayth our Lord vpon the whole earth euils sword and famine and death and destruction † Because iniquitie hath fully polluted ouer al the earth and their hurtful workes are accomplished † Therefore sayth our Lord † I wil not now kepe silence of their impieties which they doe irreligiously neither wil I beare with those thinges which they practise vniustly Behold the innocent iust bloud crieth to me the soules of the iust crie continually † Reuenging I wil reuenge them sayth our Lord and I wil take al innocent bloud out of them vnto me † Behold my people is led to staughter as a flocke I wil no more suffer it to dwel in the land of Aegypt † But I wil bring them forth in a mightie hand and valiant arme and wil strike with plague as before and wil corrupt al the land thereof † Aegypt shal mourne and the fundations thereof beaten with plague and with the chastisement which God wil bring vpon it † The husband men that til the ground shal mourne because their seedes shal perish by blasting and haile and by a terible starre † Woe to the world and them that dwel therein † Because the sword is at hand and the destruction of them and nation shal rise vp against nation to fight sword in their handes † For there shal be instabilitie to men growing one against an other they shal not care for their king the princes of the way of their doinges in their might † For a man shal desire to go into the citie can not † Because of their prides the cities shal be trubled the houses raised the men shal feare † Man shal not pitie his neighbour to make their houses nothingworth in the sword to spoyle their goodes for famine of bread much tribulation † Behold I cal together sayth God al the kinges of the earth to feare me that are from the Orient from the South from the East from Libanus to be turned vpon themselues and to render the thinges that they haue geuen them † As they doe vntil this day to myne elect so wil I doe and render in their bosome Thus sayth our Lord God
in the space of nere 300. yeares     l 2564.     l Othoniel the first Iudge of the tribe of Iuda deliuered the Israelites from molestation of the king of Syria He gouerned comprehending also the intermission fourtie yeares Iudic. 3. v. 11. Neither did it suffice their phancies to cōmend themselues and their goodes to the protection of few goddes but diuers thinges yea and the same thinges according to diuers state to diuers goddes and goddesses As S. Augustin noteth li. 4. c. 8. de ciuit that they thought it not sufficient to cōmend their landes possessions to one god or goddesse but the fieldes to one moūtaines to an other little hilles to an other valleys or medowes to an other Likewise their corne not al to one but the sede newly sowne to one beginning to brewerd to an other when it riseth beginneth to haue knottes to an other when it bladeth to an other when the eare springeth to an other when it is ripe readie to be reaped to an other And so without end more and more vaine goddes were imagined by the diuels suggestion The booke of Iudges sheweth the state of the people of God the space of nere three hundred yeares after the death of Iosue when they had sometimes temporal gouerners of diuers tribes some times none m 2588.     m Aod of the tribe of Beniamin the second Iudge killed Eglon king of Moab and so deliuered Israel and slew tenne thousand Moabites Iud. 3. v. 20. 29.           n Samgar a husbandman the third Iudge killing six hundred Philisthimes with the culter of a plough defended Israel Iudic. 3. v. 31. He with Aod and the times wanting iudges gouerned seuentie fiue yeares     o 2663.     o Barach by direction of Debora a prophetesse fighting against Sisara chiefe captaine of Iabin king of Asor Iahil a stout woman slew the same captaine striking a naile in his head Iud. 4. They gouerned 38. yeares       Abisue Salmon p Gedeon confirmed by miracles that he was sent of God ouertherw the Madianites and deliuered Israel gouerning fourtie yeares Iudic. 6. 7. 8.     p 2701.     q Abimelech the base sonne of Gedeon vniustly vsurping auctoritie killed his seuenty bretheren one only escaping but within three yeares was hated of his folowers and slaine by a woman Iud 9.     q 2741.     r Thola defended the countrie from inuasion of enimies three yeares Iud. 10.     r 2744.     s Iair a potent noble man defended the people twentie two yeares Iud. 10. v. 3.     s 2767. Bocci   t Iepte first reiected but afterwards intreated by the ancientes of the people fought for them and ouerthrew the enemies And vpon an vndiscrete vow offered his daughter in sacrifice Iud. 11.     t 2789.   Booz     who so deluding men brought them to eternal ruine       v He killed in ciuil warre fourtie two thousand Ephraimites and gouerned six yeares Iud. 12.     w 2795.     w Abesan a fortunate good man ruled in peace seuen yeares Iudic. 12. v. 9. About this time Booz of the tribe of Iuda maried Ruth a Moabite by whom the right line of Iudas descended by Phares to Dauid Ruth 4. v. 18. c. The people in this time of peace fel againe to idolatrie For which God suffered the Philistimes to afflict them Iud. 13. The tribe of Dan set vp idolatrie Iud. 18.   x 2802.     x Ahialon gouerned likewise in peace tenne yeares Iud. 12. v. 11. A hainous crime being committed in the tribe of Beniamin and not punished the other Israelites made battle against them being themselues also great sinners lost manie men in two conflictes but in the third the tribe of Beniamin was almost destroyed Iud. 19. v. 20. The booke of Ruth amongst other mysteries sheweth the genealogie of Dauid of whose sede Christ was borne y 2812.   Obed. y Abdon an other nobleman gouerned eight yeares Iud. 12. v. 13.     z 2820. Ozi   z Samson from his birth a Nazareite of admirable streingth did manie heroical actes killed manie Philistimes in his life more by his owne death He gouerned twentie yeares Iud. 13. v. 5. c. ch 16. v. 31.     a 2840. Hei otherwise Zaraias   a Heli of the stocke of Aaron by the line of Ithamar was High priest and gouerned Israel fourtie yeares 1. Reg. 4. v. 18.         Isai or Iesse b Samuel whose mother being long barren had presented him an infant in the temple according to her vow was a Nazareire and a prophet from a child 1.   The foure bookes of kings shew the state of the Church from the b 2880.         first kinges of Gods people to their captiuitie And the two bookes of Paralipomenon do repete briefly some thinges written before partly adde thinges omitted in other bookes   Maraioth Dauid b. Reg. 1. 3. And after the death of Heli gouerned the people of Israel before Saul twentie yeares And with him twentie yeares more About the yeare of the world 2830. Troy was taken and destroyed by the Grecians In which battel were Agamemnon Vlisses Achilles Nestor many others not in dede so renowmed for anie vertues or factes of their owne as Homer Horace Vi●gil Onid others by poetical libertie flatterie sette them forth But most follie appeareth in that the citie of Rome was afterwards commended to those goddes which were taken in Troy not able to defend them selues from inuasion and spoile S. Aug. li. 1. c. 3. ciuit The psalmes written by Dauid a summarie of al holie Scriptures c 2900. Achimelech or Amarias Dauid king c By the importunitie of the people to haue a king God appointed Samuel to annoint Saul 1. Reg. 10. who at first gouerned wel but afterwards declining from God was deposed Dauid annointed by the same prophet Samuel 1. Reg. 16. Yet Saul was not actually depriued of the scepter so long as he liued 1. Reg. 31.     d 2920. Abiathar or Achitob Salomon d Dauid king prophet●● led his kingdom as a right parterne of al good kinges made the booke of Psalmes ful of al diuine knowlege prepared meanes for building the temple ordained diuers sortes of musitians and reigned fourtie yeares 2. Reg. totus 2. Par. 23 c.     e 2960. Sadoc   e Salomon excelling in wisdom prospered in this world 3. Reg. 3. c.     f 2964.     f He built the temple and adorned the same with al excellent furniture requisite for Gods seruice disposing al in order as Dauid had ordained     THE END OF THE FOVRTH AGE THE BEGINNING OF THE FIFTH AGE Annimūdi High-priests kinges of luda The sacred Historie Schismes and infidelitie Scriptures g 2972.     g The temple being finished in seuen yeares was
called Iechonias reigning but three monethes was caried into Aegypt where afterwards he dyed 4. Reg. 23. v. 34. and Eliakim otherwise called Ioakim his brother was made king Who in the third yeare of his reigne was caried into Babylon 4. Reg. 23. v. 34. 2. Par. 36. v. 4. 5. and with him Daniel and the other three children Dan. 1.   Daniel begane to prophecie also verie young in Babylon and continued after   Zaraias   Shortly after which time happened the historie of Susanna Dan. 13.   the relaxation from captiuitie       And the same Ioakim after his reigne of three yeares liued other eight yeares in captiuitie 4. Reg. 24. v. 1. 2. Par. 36. v. 4. 5. A certaine captaine picking a quarel apprehended Ieremie and by consent of principal men cast him into a dungeon the king not knowing therof 4. Reg. 25. Iere. 37. 38. Ezechiel prophecied also in the captiuitie in the countrie nere to Babylon a 3383.   Ioachin otherwise Iechonias a Ioachin called also Iechonias sonne of the former Iechonias or Ioachaz reigned but three monethes was caried into Babylon with him Ezechiel the Prophet and others And his vncle Matthanias otherwise named Sedecias was made king who reigned eleuen yeares 4. Reg. 24. 2. Paral. 36. Ismael killed Godolias the gouernour and others 4. Reg. 25. Iere. 41.   b 3394. Iosedech   b In the eleuenth yeare of Sedecias when king Iechonias the younger was prisoner in Babylon Ierusalem was taken the Temple destroyed and the people caried captiue into Babylon 4 Reg. 25. 2. Paral. 36. In the meane time Daniel was in singular great estimatiō both with the faithful people and Paganes and was aduanced to auctoritie as also by his meanes the other children for which they were enuied and persecuted but were miraculously protected Dan. 1. ad 7. 13. 14. Manie Iewes fled into Aegypt and fel to idolatrie resisting contemning Ieremies admonitions to the contrarie Iere. 42. 43. 44.   THE END OF THE FIFTH AGE THE BEGINNING OF THE SIXTH AGE Anni mūdi High-priests The line of Dauid The sacred historie Schismes and infidelitie Scriptures c 3418. Iesus sonne of Iosedech From the captiuitie the Iewes had no kinges but the line of Dauid continued in these persons from Iechonias to Christ c In the captiuitie by diligence of the prophetes manie Iewes had great zele in true religion And about the 24. yeare of the captiuitie Assuerus otherwise called Astiages made Esther Quene and wicked Aman seeking to destroy al the Iewes in those partes was himself hanged on the gallowes which he had prepared for Mardocheus Esther 7. c. When the Monarchie came to the Chaldees by the powre of Nabuchodo nosor king of Babylon there was greatest confusion of manie goddes and of al kindes of idolatrie The historie of Esther Mardocheus and Aman written in the booke of Esther in the captiuitie d3420   Salathiel d Euilmerodach deliuered Iechonias or Ioachin from prison and enterteyned him as a prince 4. Reg. 25. v. 27.     e3464     e Baltazar being slaine Darius king of Medes Persians possessed Babylon Cyrus succeding Darius released the Iewes from captiuitie and gaue licence to Zorobabel Iesus to reduce the people into Iurie         Zorobabel 2. Paral. 36. v. 22. 1. Esd 1. And great dissention among the more lerned Grecians For the Pithagorians put their chief happines or Summum bonum in the immortalitie of the soule The Stoiks in moral vertues The Achademikes cōceiued much of pure spirites as Angels but could affirme nothing The Peripatetikes placed the consummation of al in the aggregation of spiritual corporal and worldlie prosperitie   f3465     f The Iewes being returned into Ierusalem sette vp an altar and offered sacrifice 1. Esd 3. v. 2.   Esdras write the relaxation of the Iewes from captiuitie And Nehemias the reparation of Ierusalem g3466     g The next yeare they begane to build the temple 1. Esd 3. v. 8.     h3469 Ioachin   h Attaxerxes otherwise called Cambyses also Assuerus forbade to perfect the temple And Iesus the Highpriest returned into Babylon 1. Esd 4. v. 7.         Abiud       i3470     i Daniel vnderstood by vision that Christ should come within seuentie wekes which make 490. yeares from the perfecting of the temple the walles of Ierusalem Dan. 9. v. 25. The schismatical Samaritanes opposed against the building of the temple 1. Esd 4.   k3490 Eliasib   k Aggeus Zacharias the prophets exhorted to build the temple 1. Esd 5. The Saduces acknowleging only the fiue bookes of Moyses reiected al other Scriptures and denied the resurrection Aggeus Zacharias l3500     l Iudith killed Holofernes either about this time or in the dayes of Manasses before the captiuitie Praefat. Iudith The Scribes expounded holie Scriptures sophistically Iudith either here or before the captiuitie m3502   Eliacim m The temple being perfected Malachias who is supposed to be Esdras exhorted to offer sacrifice with sinceritie Mal. 1. 2. The Pharises were precise in the letter corrupting the sense making large hemmes of their garments often washing themselues and the like Malachias n3508     n And Nehemias brought the kings Edict for the reparation of Ierusalem 2. Esd 2.     o3509     o Esdras Nehemlas and others labored in repayring Ierusalem but were often interrupted 2. Esd 3.     p3530   Azor. p About this time the citie was wel repayred with three walles 2. Esd 3. 7. And so by the iudgemēt of some expositers the count of seuentie wekes begane according to the prophecie of Daniel ch 9. v. 26.       Ioiada         q 3504. Ionathan   q Nehemias returning from Persia or Chaldea into Iurie found thicke water for the fire which Ieremie had hid in a deepe caue 2. Mach. 1. v. 20. 23.       Iaddus Sadoc r Alexander the great honored Iaddus the Highpriest Ioseph li. 11. c. 8. Antiq.     r 3644.     s Onias a most zelous godlie Highpriest 2. Mach. 4. was persecuted by Simon a church warden slaine by Andronicus a courtly minion v. 34. And after his death prayed for al the people ch 15. v. 12.     s 3689. Onias Achim t Iesus the sonne of Sirach writte the booke of Ecclesiasticus in the time of this Simon Highpriest as semeth ch 50. v. 24. 25.       Simon Priscus   v The seuentie two Interpreters being sent by Eleazarus Highpriest to Ptolomeus Philadelphus king of Aegypt translated the Hebrew Scriptures into Greke Sanaballat a Grecian obtayned licence for his sonnein law Manasses the Apostata high-priest to build a temple in Garizim Ioseph li. 11. c. 8. Antiq.   t 3700.     w An other Iesus Nephew of the former translated Ecclesiasticus into Greke Prolog Eccli Ananias an other false
pretender built an other schismatical temple in Aegypt     Eleazarus   x Philo the elder writte the booke of wisdom in Greke S. Icrom in pref In the time of Onias the second his brother Iason obtayned for money to be high-priest   w 3720.         Ecclesiasticus conteyneth manie moral precepts and is a storehouse of vertues and holie mysteries   Manasses an Apostata Eliud       w 3750. Onias       The booke of wisdom is also replenished with much doctrine of vertue and of diuine mysteries   Simon         x 3810. Onias Eleazar       y 3825.     y Antiochus Epiphanes persecuted the Church most cruelly like as Antichrist wil doe nere the end of the world 1. Mach. 1. v. 11. 2. Mach. 5. 6 7. Antiochus set vp the abomination of desolation wherof Daniel prophecied ch 9.     Mathathias   z In defence of the Church Mathathias and his sonnes with others made warres killed and oue● threw al their enemies aduanced religion clensed the tēple deliuered the people from persecution 1. Mach. 2. c. 2. Mach. 8. seq   The bookes of Machabees conteine the historie of the Iewes from Alexander the great to the time of Ioannes Hyrcanus high-priest aboue two hūdred yeares z 3846.   Mathan d After the warres the Iewes in Ierusalem writte to the Iewes in Aegypt exhorting them to kepe the feastes and other rites as they were obserued in Iurie 2. Mach. 1. 2. After Iason folowed more vsurpers of the Highpriesthood   a 3847. Iudas Machabeus   e Pompeius the great taking Ierusalem subdued the Iewes to the Romanes He entered into the holy place called Sancta Sanctorum there prophaned holie thinges caried away Aristobulus who had bene Highpriest prisoner confirmed Hyrcanus in his place After whom Cassius also spovled the temple S. Aug. li. 18. c. 4● de ciuil Menelaus   b 3853. Ionathas   f S. Iohn Baptist was borne of Elizabeth who had bene long barren Lisimachus   c 3869. Simon     Alcimus   d 3878. Ioānes Hyrcanus Iacob         Aristobulus         e 3847.             Alexander             Ioseph the husband of the most B Virgin         Hyrcanus Marie       f 4000.             IESVS CHRIST   And six monethes after Christ our SAVIOVR was borne of the B. Virgin Marie in Bethleem circumcised adored by the Sages and presented in the Temple When king Herod reigned in Iudea Herodians held opinion that Herod was Christ the Messias whom the Iewes had long expected     Antigonus   g Ioseph fled with the child his mother into Aegypt and Herod murthered the innocent infantes But Christ the Sonne of God coming into this world cut of al these other old sectes And from time to time cutteth of al haresies that rise against his Church     Anaelus   h Returning from Aegypt they dwelt in Nazareth     g4001 Aristobulus   i Christ at the age of twelue yeares remayning in Ierusalem vnknowen to his parentes was found the third day in the temple amongst the Doctors     h4006 Iosue Simon Mathias   k S. Iohn Baptist preached and baptized in Iordan Of whom Christ amongst others was baptized and fasted in the desert fourtie dayes     i 4012. Iosephus Iozarus Eleazar Iosue   l Christ crucified redemed mankind arose from death ascended to heauen sending the Holie Ghost planted his perpetual visible Church     k 4030. Annas Ismael Eleazar Simon         l 4034. Caiphas       The first holie Scripture of the new Testament was S. Mathewes Gospel written about the yeare of Christ 41. And the last was S. Iohns Gospel the yeare 99. The end of the sixth age and of the old Testament A PARTICVLAR TABLE OF THE MOST PRINCIPAL THINGES CONteyned as wel in the holie text as in the Annotations of both the Tomes of the old Testament In vvhich the letter A. directeth to the former volume B. to the latter and the numbers to the pages AARON of the tribe of Leui designed to assist his brother Moyses a 163. called the prophet of Moyses a 169. He yelded to make an idol a 243. was consecrated Highpriest a 275. In him his seede the Priesthood of the written law was established a 206. 275. 278. b. 438. 610. He once murmured against Moyses a 348. He Moyses offended in doubting of Gods wil a 365. b. 196. He died in mount Hor a 366. And is particularly praised b 438. Abel offered sacrifice sincerely a 13. 15. 31. and was slaine by his brother ibidem Abdias prophecied the captiuitie and relaxation of the Iewes and the Incarnation of Christ the Redemer of mankind b 840. Abiathar the Highpriest was deposed a 692. Abimelech killed his brethren and vsurped gouernment a 534. Abram left his country Chaldea for religion a 45. 51. a principal Patriarch a 50. He and his seede were strangers in diuers countries foure hundred and thirtie yeares a 60. 187. His name changed to Abraham a. 63. 65. His faith and singular obedience a 75. His many vertues a 200. 203. He was neuer an idolater a 203. 515. He died at the age of 175. yeares a 83. His praises b 438. Absalom ambicious and sedicious a 663. He perished in rebelliō a 670. Abstinence a 9. 39. 47. 280. 545. 934. b 613. 772. 994. see Fasting Accaronites durst not keepe the Arke of God a 582. Accidents remaine without subiect in the holie Eucharist a 4. Achans secret sinne punished in the multitude a 481. Achitophel a wicked counseler a 667. hanged himselfe a 669. Adam created in grace and knowlege a 5. transgressing lost the same a 10. repented and is saued b 356. Adonai one of the names of God is also read in place of Tetragramaton the name of foure letters which the Iewes pronounce not a 168. Adoration ciuil due to men a 77. 133. 144. 152. 868. adoration religious of holy persons and other thinges a. Ssssss 746. 746 763. but diuine adoration is only due to God a. 218. 219. see Idolatrie Aegypt was diuersly plagued a 170. 177. cc Affinitie spiritual and carnal in certaine degrees hinder mariage a. 298. c. Agar lawfully maried to Abraham a 62. Aggeus prophecied after the relaxation from captiuitie exhorting to build the temple b. 865. 999. Ahias prophecied the diuision of Salomons kingdome a. 731. and afterwards the vtter ruine of Iero●oams house a. 738. Alcimus an Apostata deceiued the Assidians b 915. did much wickednes and died miserably b 922. Alleluia a voice of praise to God a. 1009. b. 191. 217. Alexander the great brought the monarchie to the Grecians b. 8●2 999. He honored Iaddus the high priest a. 2●8 b. 999. His Empyre diuided into foure kingdomes b. 793. 〈…〉 s
Elias had before a 763. His particular miracles a 940. Enchanters are sometimes suffered to doe meruelous thinges but not true miracles nor al they desire a 176. 177. 180. They sometimes confesse the power of God 178. 371. Enoch yet liueth a 19. b 437. Epicures beleue not eternal punishment nor reward b 346. Equiuocation is sometimes lawful a 52. 71. 89. 91. 777. 1026. b 964. Esther most humble and prudent a 10●7 b 998 a figure of our B. Ladie and of the Church a 1051. The whole booke of Esther is Canonical Scripture a 1035. 1036. 1052. Eucharist a Sacrament and Sacrifice a 190. b 885. Prefigured by bloud a 228. by the loaues of proposition a 229. by al old sacrifices a 239. 264. 288. b 609. Christs real presence in the Eucharist a 150. 188. 210. b 50. 69. 181. See Paschal lambe and Manna Transubstantiation cōfessed by Hebrew Rabbins b 993. Euangelistes signified by foure liuing creatures and by foure wheles b 676. 690. Eue was not borne but built of Adams ribbe a 7. She was a figure of the B. virgin a 11. Example in gouerners is of great importance b 387. 848. Examples ought to moue b 628. 818. Excommunication prefigured a 332. Exequies for the dead a 77. 202. 637. 711. 931. 936. b 978. Ezechias mortally sicke recouered miraculously a 805. b 504. Ezechiel a Priest a Prophet and a Martyr b 674. He prophecied in Chaldea b 998. the beginning and end of his prophecie is very hard 674. 711. He is often called the sonne of man b 677. His last vision perteyneth in some part to the Iewes but more principally to the Church of Christ b 749. 763. It can not be expoūded of the Iewes and their Temple b 753. 765. 767. F. Faith is aboue reason a 775. without faith none can be saued b 289. 348. Faith is the groūd of al true vertues a 60. b 411. there is no true faith but the Catholique faith of the whole Church b 536. Faith alone doth not iustifie a 61. 900. b. 70. Faith and good workes gaine heauen a 393. 410. b 34. 338. Fastes instituted and obserued a 382. 706. 899. 934. 957. 1006. 1029. 1045. b 534. 615. 795. 825. 827. 874. 895. 994 It is an act of religion b 514 great effectes therof ibidem Fathers and the holie Doctors doe build adorne the Church b 537. Faultes must be reueled or concealed with discretion b 400. 402. Feare of God is the first degree of wisdom b 269. It is the seede of al other vertues and of eternal glorie b 375. Feare of Superiors because they are Gods ministers is necessarie a 594. b 412. Feare not men commanding contraie to God b 313. Feare of God with the obseruation of his commandments is the summe of al godlie doctrine b 333. Feastes instituted and obserued a 7. 225. 307. 380. 430. 707. 934. 1050. 1059. b 153. 947. 972. 994. Fire sent miraculously a 15. 279. 528. 748. 761. 855. b 948. Fire perpetually kept in the tabernacle a 271. 279. Fire shal burne the world immediatly before the general iudgement b 97. 545. Foure miracles in the fire which Ieremie hidde b 948. 949. Firmamēt signifieth the space from the highest starres to the earth a 1. Flaterie is ful of guile b 401. Fortitude consisteth more in suffering patiently then in repelling forces a 88. Fortitude contemneth imagined feare b 301. Fortitude required in Iudges b 383. Free consent is required in euerie couenant a 214. and in mans iustification b 323. Freewil is in man a 13. 15. 33. 191. 200. 207. 458. 459. 596. 703. 978. b 177. 217. 271. 323. 349. 418. 466. 526. 543. 567. 821. No sinne can be cōmitted without consent of freewil a 11. 32. Luther abhorred the name of freewil Caluin disliked it a 16. Freindshipe is a strong band a 609. b 405 426 False freindshipe fayleth in aduersitie a 1046. G Gard of the outward senses a 972. Gedeon was confirmed by miracles a 528. encoraged by a dreame a 530. By a stratageme with a few he ouerthrew manie a 531. Genealogies are recited from Adam to Noe. a 18. 818. From Noe to Abraham a 44. 50. 819. From Abraham by Isaac and Iacob to Dauid a 821. From Dauid to Iosias a 823. and to his sonnes a 939. Also from his sonne Iechonias to Christ b 1004. Genealogies of Leui to Aaron and Moyses a 168. 828. 939. b 1004. Gentiles shal be conuerted to Christ a 51. 85. 146. 453. 463. 529. 681. 716. b 16. 119. 425. 484. 498. 521. 543. 544. 558. 636. 702. 743. 812. 813. 839. 872. Giantes before Noes floud a 22. 1033. 1090. others after the floud a 402. Gloria Patri c. added after euerie Psalme by Eclesiastical tradition b 266. Glorie eternal a 35. 712. b 34. 83. 156. 492. God is one in substance a 30. 47. 160. 196. 702. 934. b 41. 182. 362. 988. Knowne by his workes a 162. 178. 464. 1105. b 435. 436. 508. Onlie God knoweth al thinges a 1103 b 251. God calleth the whole world his Beautie and his peculiar people his Corde b 879. He would haue al to be saued b 706. 714. 735. 816. 822. 835. 847. His threates are conditional b 579. 844. He rewardeth al that kepe his law and punisheth the transgressors a 216. 401. 451. 1101. b 21. 22. 830. 831. Gods especial protection in distresses a 804. 924. 1019. 1044. 1051. 1090. 1107. b 27. 30. 37. 51. 56. 57. 61. 67. 255. 262. 487. 512. God figheth for his seruantes three wayes a 512. God tempteth not to euil a 76. He is neuer the cause of sinne a 153. 535. 666. 684. 758. 1024. 1061. b 23. 192. 541. 612. 822. His permission is sometimes called his fact b 653. 654. He made man right a 5. b 327. 550. He is ielous a 216. 1018. b 726. He speaketh by his Priestes Prophetes and Preachers a 194. b 861. God vseth his creatures to supernatural effectes a 163. 764. 998. 1005. And suspendeth their natural operation at his wil. b 781. Gods foreknowlege what wil happen or may happen doth not preiudice mans freewil b 349. Gog and Magog signifie Antichrist and his adherentes b 746. Goliath prouoking the Israelites was slaine by Dauid a 605. 608. Gospel is kowen by the Church a 989. Grace is necessarie otherwise none can merite a 245. b 65. 217. 293. 405. 512. 513. 520. 549. 667. 995. It requireth mans cooperation a 401. 422. 463. 603. 704. 892. b 33. 43. 217. 323. 394. 408. 528. 536. 603. 811. 869. 995. Grace is also necessarie to perseuere a 422. b 129. 293. 679. Grace sufficient is geuen to euery one effectual of Gods especial mercie to some b 678. Al grace is from the fulnes of Christ b 538. 881. It enableth man to kepe the commandments a 458. 704. b 584. 742. 865. Gradual Psalmes are prayers and prophecies b 234. Gratitude acknowlegeth benefites receiued b 447. H Habacuc prophecied before the captiuitie of Iuda b 857. An other Habacuc
a 970. Otherwise they are iniurious to Gods word b 394. They must crie and not cease b 533. 539. 678. 734. 845. 871. 935. When they haue leasure frō preaching they must imploy their labours in writing b 428. Patience much commended in the Prouerbes in manie places It kepeth from desperation b 376. and bringeth content b 849. Patriarches in the Law of nature were al Priestes and gouerned the Church a 212. They continued by perpetual succession to the Law of Moyses a 35. 50. 206. Peace is forbidden with Infideles a 2●6 Peace is a reward of keping Gods law a 315. 856. 1017. b 233. 273. c. Peace and warre both necessarie vpon iust occasions b 321. Peacemakers rewarded b 286. Penaltie of original sinne remaineth in al mankind a 33. Penance necessarie a 32. 47. b 619. 826. 994. with contrition confession and satisfaction a 32. 685. 934. 977. Penitentes must haue humilitie and confidence a 594. 1020. 1042. 1043. People must lerne of their pastors a 215. Peregrination or pilgremage to holy places a 84. 899. Perfection in this life is to tend to perfection a 63. Persecuters loue treason not traytors a 548. b 893. Persecuters doe pretend false causes against the innocent b 618 789. 914. 930. 954. Persecution of foure sortes b 170. Persecution must be borne with patience a 74. 155. 156. 158. 750. 964. It can not hinder the Church b 17. 883. Pharao by abusing Gods benefites hardned his owne hart a 173. 178. 179. 181. 191. 582. Philo a Iew writ the Booke of wisdome before Christ b 343. Phinees killing a malefactor is not to be imitated by priuate men a 374. His zele commended b 196. 439. Pietie is preferred before lerning b 382. Pilgremage a 84. 899. Places sanctified a 140. 160. 232 259. 423. 478. 700. 785. 879. 9●5 b 2●3 ●46 760. Also respected by painimes b 956. Politique worldlinges persecute innocents against their conscience b 983. Prayer a 17. 31. 34● b 715. 965. Sette forme of prayer praises a 880. 921. 935. b 965. 1002. Prayer with fasting almes a 1006. b 825. Prayer sacrifice for the dead 978. 996. It is hitherto obserued by the Iewes b 979. Prayse of Sainctes and good men redoundeth to Gods praise b 937. Preaching a necessarie office of Pastors b 533. 539. 678. 734. 845. 850. 853. 871. 886. 935. Predestination supposeth the meanes of iustification and saluation a 84. 201. Prerogatiues of man in his creation a. 5. Presumption of proper strength depriueth men of Gods assistance b 909. 995. Pryde is the roote of al sinnes b 387. Priesthood a 32. 47. 274. b 994. Priesthood and Law stand and are changed together a 32. 326. Priests proper office is to offer sacrifice a 57. 276. 295. Priestes consult God for others a 486. They are called goddes a 171. High Priest called Prince a 304. and Princes called Priestes a 651. 677. 859. Pagan Priestes much esteemed in their owne nations a 143. No priest at al amongst Protestantes a ●6 Princes of euerie familie in the law of nature were Priestes a 212. Procession made by Priestes people a 479. Prodigalitie dissipateth that which the wise gathereth b 300. Prodigees are signes of Gods wrath b 958. Promises of God are conditional a 415. 496. 905. Prophecie is a principal diuine benifite geuen to few for the good of manie b 449. Prophecies are called visions b 450. and are certaine b 718. 736. Light of Prophecie is more clere then the light of faith b 450. Euerie Prophet perfectly vnderstandeth that he is illuminated b 797. None can prophecy but by Gods illumination b 510. Prophecie vttered conditionally is true though the euent folow not b 620. Prophets visions are limited a 789. Al prophetes most principally speake of Christ b 449. manie Prophetes are hard to be vnderstood b 450. 675. 749. 797. 803. 8●3 844. Why they are obscure b 451. Manie Prophecies are vttered in factes a 731. b 570. 580. 595. 628. 69● 815. Foure greater Prophetes and twelue lesse b 809. Propitiatorie of God a 229. 293. 342. Protestantes doctrine concerning hardning of hart a 171. Prouerbes are common briefe pithie sentences b 268. The booke of Prouerbes perteyneth particularly to beginners Ecclesiastes to such as procede and the Canticles to the perfect in pietie b 333. Prouidence of God in mens actions a 136. 166. 176. b 262. c. Prudence requisite in al actions a 137. 1043. b 427. Prudence in disposing souldiars to fight fortifieth the armie b 928. Prudence chooseth the lesse danger or euil in distresse 937. Psalmes and Canticles are more special praises of God b 11. Psalmes 150. al made by Dauid b 3. 4. 19. 174. 176. The whole booke called the Psalter b 13. It is a Summe of al other Scriptures b 5. the Key of al other Scriptures b 6. It selfe hath tenne keyes or principal Articles of Diuine doctrine b 7. 8. It is composed in verse b 9. more ancient then any prophane Poetrie now extant b 10. It was written for manie causes especially for Diuine seruice in the old and new Testament b 11. 12. 109. Manie Psalmes perteine to the new Testament b 21. Seuen last Psalmes instruct more particularly how to praise God b 260. Number of Psalmes mystical b 266. Titles of the Psalmes were added by Esdras and the Septuagint b 19. Bishops are bound to be skilful in Dauids Psalter Other Priestes to haue competent knowlege therin b 13. 93. Punishment for sinne a 15. 23. 33. 69. 656. 685. 1088. 1091. b 101. 376. 383. 705. Purgatorie a 33. 711. b 24. 77. 384. See Prayer for the dead Pu●illanimitie in a superior is iniustice b 391. In al others a sinne contra●ie to iust zele b 417. Pythagoras taught transmigration of soules b 1000. Q Quales were sent miraculously amongst the Israelites a. 207. 347. b 193. Queene of Saba visited Salomon and admired his wisdome a 727. R Rachel a figure of the Catholique Church a 103. She was buried in Bethlehem a 111. Her weeping was prophetical b 603. Rahab deliuered two Israelites from danger a 472. Rainbow was before Noes floud but was afterwards set for a signe of Gods mercie a 38. Razias killing himself is not to be imitated b 984. Rechabites a religious order b 613. 995. Recidiuation aggrauateth sinnes b 611. Redemption by Christ a 12. c. b. 16. c. See Christ Relaxation of the captiuitie foreshewed b. 747. performed b 933. 944. c. Religious orders a 335. 545. b 613. 995. Reliques a 153. 191. 290. b 949. 996. Remission of sinnes a. 294. 577. 926. c. Remission of iniuries with discretion a 1048. Repentance necessarie a. 32. 47. 1074. b. 65. 465. See Penance Restitution a 223. 270. Resurrection a 34. 48. 203. 712. 936. 1083. b 49. 485. 546. 743. 996. Rewardes of good woorkes a 76. 1102. b 199. 393. 395. 448. 543. 579. Rewardes temporal in the old Testament a 157. 190. 451. 682. Rocke of the Church is Christ who also
S. Chris ho. 21. in Gen. et in 2. Thes 2 Theodor. q. 45. in Gen. Aretas in 11. Apoc. S. Greg. lib. 14. Moral c. v●● ho. 12 in Ezech. Eccl. 44. Mala. 4. Eccl. 48. 1 2 3 See D. Sand. lib. 8. c. 35. de Monar Eccl. And F. Pererius in c. 12. Danielis The professors of true religion were called the sōnes of God the folowers of errors the sōnes of men :: God who is immutable subiect to no passion yet by the enormitie of sinnes semeth prouoked to wrath and to repent that he had made man S. Amb. li. de Noe arca c. 4. Eccl. 44 17. :: In al generations God reserued some iust Much more in the law of Grace :: A right example of a iust maa Heb. 11. Sōnes of God and sonnes of men was then such a distinction as now Catholiques and Heretiks lib. 15. c. 23. ciuit De vera relig c. 7. con epist sund c. 4 Trac 32. in Ioan. Philo. Iosephus Lactant. Rupert Tostatus This warning and expectation of repentance sheweth freewil in mā ho. 22. in Gen. Tradit Heb. lib. 15. c. 24. ciuit Scriptures not easie Erronious opinions concerning these giants The principal doctors proue that they were men and begotten of men First reason 2 3 4 5 Giants most monstruous in bodie and in minde Luthers argument that al mens workes are sinnes Heretiks like to Sisyphus The sinnes before the floud very greuous in foure respects 1 2 3 4 2. Pet. 2. Luthers argugument answered Ezech. ● Luc. 1 2. Apoc. 22. Noe iust and perfect VVho is perfect in this life Diuin● calcuio Appelles an old Heretike that denied Christ to haue true flesh A general answer to al calumniators of wise and learned men Origens opinion of long cubites not probable ●o 2. in 6. Gen. Moyses in other places can not be vnderstood to speake of o long cubites Exod. 27. l. 15. ciuit c. 27. Deu. ● :: Noe was iust not only by the estimation of men but in deede and before God :: Obseruation of cleane and vncleanne beastes by tradition before the law of Moyses Mat. 24. Luc 17. :: The Hebrew word Thehom signifieth a gulfe of water from whence new fountaynes sprang more abundantly thē euer since or before :: Arubbah signifieth great pipes or windowes by which water fell downe in great abūdance from the ayre here called heauen S. Hier. quest Heb. S. Epiph ad Io. Hierosolom S. Chr. 〈◊〉 25. in Gen. Sap. 10. 4. ●cl 39. 1. Pet. 3. God vseth both natural and supernatural meanes as secundarie causes in producing conseruing gouerning punishing in rewarding his creatures li. de Noe area c. 15. Al or most thinges in the old Testament be in figure of the new no figure more exact then the floud of Noe. 1. Cor. 10 Ep. 95. l. 5. de Baptis c. 28. de vnitate Eccles ca. 5. In Psal 103. 131 Ser. 69. de tēpore 1. Pet. 3. Mat. 24. Luc. 17. How the Doctors applie the figure to the things figured Noe signified Christ The arke the Church Entrance into the Church by Baptisme Vertue of Sacraments cometh from Christs Passion Doctors and Pastores in the Church li. 12. de Baptis c. 14 Varietie of states and orders in the Church Good and euil in the Church Perpetuitie o● the Church Vnitie of the Church One chiefe gouernour in the Church Epist. 57. ad Damasum No saluation out of the Church Man made to Gods image and in happie state Man obeyed God and al earthlie creatures obeyed man Man placed in Paradise Eccle. 7 30 sap 2. 24. Man sel by yelding to tentations Original sinne Adam and Eue were penitent Sap 10. Faith in one God The blessed Trinitie Though the B. Trinitie worke ioyntly in al creatures yet diuers workes are atributed to distinct Persons Gen. ● By faith the state of man past present was knowne Beleefe in Christ to come Remedie for men but none for Angels that fel. Heb. 2 16. Apoc. 13. 8. Heb. 11. None admitted into heauen before Christ External Sacrifice Publique prayer with other Rites Ceremonial obseruations Feastes Abstinence Cleane vncleane Places dedicated to prayer Gen. 2. 3. Gen. 29. Gen. 9 Gen. 7 2. Gen. 4. 26. Figures of Christs Sacraments Baptisme Mariage Gen. 1. 1. Pet ● Mat 19. Gē 2 24 Penance Contrition Gen. 3. Confession Satisfaction From hence is taken the ceremonie of ashes on Ashwene day Priesthood Priesthood Law stand change together N●m ● 10 12. 45. Latherli de abroganda Missa Good worke necessarie Gen. 4. Freewil ●● de ser●● arbit li 2. Instit ca 2. par 8. Gen. 3. Temporal paine due for sinne remitted Purgatorie Mat. 5. Prayer for the dead And to Saincts Offici● pro defunctis Sepulchers of Patriarches religiously conserued Iosue 14. Gen. 23. li. 2 Antiquit Epist ad Pamach Enoch translated aliue Gen ● Heb. 11. Communion of Saincts Ministerie of Angels Gen. 3. 24. li. 11 d● Gen ad lit c. 40. Honour of Saincts Gen. 6. Psal 11● General Iudgement Iudge of the world Epist Iudae v. 14. Resurrection Gen. 2. 7. Gen. 5. Euerlasting life The blessed in eternal ioy The wicked in eadles paine Gen. 3. 24. Church euer visible Succession of Patriarches One supreme head of the Church Gen. 4 16. Gen 5. Gen. 4 17. S. Aug. li. de Pastore c. 8. 20. Cains negatiue doctrin True faith stil remained in manie Some also iust and perfect Gen. 6. Interruption of heretical Sinagogues Cōtinuance of the Church The second age of the world The third part of this booke Of the newincrease multiplication of the world :: The crowe returned not into the arke but as appeareth by the He brew text going and returning rested vpon the arke :: They entred into the arke the 17. day the secōd moneth of the other yeare so they remained there 12. monethes and tenne dayes :: In the whole yeare of the floud was no sowing nor reaping nor pleasant varietie of times but al desolate miserable hence forth God promiseth more seasonable times S. Amb. ii de Noe Arca. c. 23. Noes sacrifice manie wayes cōmendable Li. de Noe Arca c 22. 1. Voluntarie 2. Speedie 3. Solemne Heb. 13 10. 4. Pure 5. Bountiful 6. Holocaust Leuit. 1. Psal 50. Isaie 1. Amos. 5. ●●al 1. Iust Mar. li 3. q. 4. S. Hiero. ● Heb. Sacrifice is pleasant to God not for the external things but for the sincere mind :: Of this commandment or rather blessing see the Annotations chap. ● v. ●8 Leuit 17. :: The rainbow was before but was not a signe as God saith henceforth it should be for men to remember his promise Seuerianus in Gen. S. Tho. Quod●●b 3. a. 30. :: By this it is clere that Noe had no more children after the floud S. Chrisost b● 29. in Gen. Apoc. 13. 8. Heb. 11. Ad. q. 119. Ho. 27. in Gen. Voluntarie abstinence without cōmandment Abstinence from bloud some times
4. :: The life of the iust hath fulnes of dayes though it be otherwise short the daies of the wicked are void of fruict be they manie or few S. Ambrose li. de Abraham :: S. Augustin ●q 72. in Gen disputeth but could not decide whether Rebecca went to some Priest or Prophet or Altar or whither els or only retyred to priuate prayer :: Holie Scripture premonisheth Iacobs sinceritie lest in the Mysteries folowing he might be suspected of false dealing S. Aug. li. 16. c. 37. ciuit VVhy Agar Cetura being lawful wines are called cōcubines Their childrē signified Pagaines Heretikes Gods predestination and for seing include not exclude the meanes by which his wil is done The couenant made to Abraham pertaned only to Isaac and Iacob not to the rest of his issue li. 16. c. 35. ciuit 2. Reg. 8. Psal 59. Gods mere mercie in electing anie his iustice to the reprobate Rom. 9. Iacob lawfully bought but Esau sinned in selling the first-birth-right :: God by Abrahams exāplar life inuited the Aegyptians to true religion now commandeth Isaac to stay in Gerara to the like end S. Theod. q. 76. in Gen. :: See pag 52. :: Adulterie a great sinne also among Painims * The chanel where sometimes a vehement streame rūneth sometimes none at al. * VVrangling :: So nations of the world first enuyed the Church of Christ but after made peace with it :: Esau by marying against his parents wil made breach from them External ceremonies in the law of nature Christian for titude preuaileth more by suffering then by forcible resisting The Epistle on Saturday the second weke in Lent :: Iacob secure in conscience that the right of first-birth belonged to him yet feared to geue occasiō of offence to his father :: It was truly Gods wil but not in that s●● as Isaac vnderstood it :: Isaac now knowing it to be Gods wil ratified that he had done :: worldlings blessing consisteth in transitorie welth :: The Idumeans being subdued by king Dauid 2 Reg. 8. reuolted from king Ioram and had a king of their owne 4. Reg. 8. they were againe subdued by Hircanus teste Iosepho li. 13. Antiq but againe Herod an Idumean raigned in Iewrie Math. 2. Luc. 1. Iacob did not lie nor sinne in saying he was Esau c. He is proued innocent by the text 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Fathers proue his innocencie in this fact Euerie lie is a sinne Some deceipt good Ho. 6. ad Col. Hier. 20. Epist. 125. It was good that Isaac knew not Iacob when he blessed him Good in respect of Esau More to Gods glorie and Iacobs commendation Ho. 53. q. 79. in Gen. :: Isaac againe cōfirmeth the blessings of Abraham to Iacob and his sede omitting Esau yea and God repeteth the same v. 13. The Epistle in a votiue Masse for trauelers Sap. 10. * House of God :: To whom ynough is not ynough to him nothing is ynough Aulus Gell. VVhy Iacob traueled in poore state A notable example of Gods comforth to the afflicted Al nations beleuing in Christ are blessed in him Erecting and annointing of Altares is a religious office being done to Gods honour The Church lerneth not rites of Idolaters but they of the Church Difference in religious supersticious ciuil honour consisteth in the persons intentions Two sortes of holie oyle Vowes are properly of things which are not otherwise commanded Gen. 14. :: S. Augustin q. 87. in Gen cōmendeth familiar kissing of kinsfolke and frendes as a laudable custome in some countries It is no where more ciuil modest then in England * VVithout ●●●ges :: Laban greeously offended neither could Lia be excused but Iacob was innocent in this fact :: After seuen daies he had Rachel who was his first spouse S. Hierom Tradit Heb. S. Aug. q. 89. in Gen. :: Not properly 〈◊〉 but griefe ●●●●ul 〈◊〉 S. Aug. li 22 c 5● cont Faust :: Of pluralitie of wi●●s see pag. 62. :: Holie Scripture saith S. Augustin would neuer h●●e mentioned such womanlie de●ires but to admonish vs to ●●ke great misteries therin li. 22 c. 56. ●o●t ●austum :: Iacob did iustly vse this meanes to recouer th●● which Laban withheld s●ō him being du● for the dowrie of his wiues and recompence for his seruice Rupert li. 7. c 39. in Gen. :: Annointing of Altar● and free vowes are gratful 〈…〉 es to God See chap. 28. Ter 〈…〉 :: 〈…〉 sinned 〈…〉 Psal 4. Images of false goddes are idols Some images are neither religious nor supersticious Some are religious 1. Reg. 19. 〈…〉 3. Rachel tooke away her fathers Idols for h●● good She kept them in recompēce of wrongs :: The changing of his name here promised is performed chap. 35. S. Hieron Tradit Heb. Iacobs feare was iust and without fault 1. Ioan 4. q. 102. 〈◊〉 Gen. The causes of his feare The humble conceipt of him selfe Eccle. ● Esaus inclination meanes to reuenge Iacobs prayer qualified with Humilitie Gratitude Confidence Meeknes Iacobwrestled with an Angel corporally spiritually Osee 12. :: Iacob seing Gods hand in this change of his brothers mind not of flaterie but sincerly acknowledged his benignitie as Gods countenance towards him O Dina saith S. Bernard what nedewas there to see wemen of a strange countrie Tract de gradib humilitatis :: They offended by falsly pretending religion and by excesse in reuenge therfore are reproued by their father v 30. chap. 49 v 5. Otherwise their zeale was iust to punish so foule a fault Iudith 9. * An execrable tree :: God when it pleaseth him maketh the weake stronger then the mightie and few more terrible then ●●nie S. Ch●isost ho. 59. S. Aug. q. 112. in Gen. :: The name of supplanter not sufficiently expressing his valure he is also called Israel See the Annotation Math. 2. :: For this fact Ruben was excluded from the chiefe dignitie among his bretheren Gen. 49. Clensing from sinne is the first office of the seruants of God The name ISRAEL signifieth special prerogatiues in the Patriarch Iacob Al his twelue sonnes in their posteritie were heires of the promised land :: The separation of Esau from Iacob :: By the common opinon of Latin and Greke fathers this was holie Iob. as we shal discusse when we come to his booke against the hebrew doctors who say Iob was of Nachors race chap. 4. 10 22. 25. By comparison of interrupted companies the cōtinual succession of the Church is more glorious One place of Scripture feemeth contrarie to an other but is not Holie Scriptures not easie to be vnderstood Esaus last parting from Iacob The seuenth part of this booke How Ioseph was sold into Aegypt and there aduanced :: These things folowing hapned to Iacob in his generations that is in his childrē See S. Chrisost ho. 23. in Gen. :: That for il life they were infamous the hebrew word d●●●a signifieth infamie :: The Epistle on friday
●yp ●●p 76. in fine S. Aug. Tract 12. 13. in Ioan. :: The same credite is geuen to God speaking by Moyses as if he had spoken immediatly by himself S. Hiero. in Epist ad Philem. :: The first of al Canticles sacred or prophane Origen ho. 6. in Exod. :: God only suffered them to goe into the sea For they went of their owne accord supposing they might folowe where the Israelites went before S. Aug. ser 89. de temp :: Musical instrumēts vsed before the law of Moyses in the seruice of God :: These things chanced to them in figure 1. Cor. 10. :: The wholsome wood of the Crosse made the bitter sea of gentiles swete Theodoret. q. 26. in Exod. The same Church Religion in this age as in the former Beleefe in one God Three diuine Persons Strength or power the Father vvisdome the Sonne Spirite the Holie Ghost Christ promised to Abraham Rom. 9. To Isaac And to Iacob Christ prefigured by Abraham By Melchisedech By Isaac Iacob Ioseph Iob. Moyses And manie other things Prophecie of Christ Iob. 19. Sacrifice Altares Churces dedicated Vowes Priesthood Priuilege of Priests VVhere is no sacrifice no priest is required Circumcision Penance Gen. 44 Mariage Degrees of cōsanguinitie Pluralitie of wiues lawful sometimes neuer of husbands Blessings Signe of the Crosse Ceremonies Musical instruments Baptisme prefigured 1. Cor. 10. The B. Sacrament Priesthood of the new Testament Traditions Tythes Forme of iustice Precepts Raising seede to the brother Abstinence Freewil Mans industry necessarie God tempteth nor to euil Faith and good workes together iustifie and are meritorious but neither of them alone Iet 2. Heb. 11. Heb. 1● Perfection in this life Foure principal merites of Abraham 1. Prompt obedience 2. Faith without staggering 3. Propagation of faith and religion 4. Perfect obedience Other iust men Isaac Iacob He spake truth in mystical sense Ioseph Iob. Moyses Nu. 12. Exo. 32. Election is of Gods mercie Predestination excludeth not ordinary meanes Sinne is the cause of reprobation Pharao and other Aegyptians hardned their owne harts God did only permitte them to obdurate themselues Protection Inuocation of Angels and Patriarches S. Aug li 16 c. 36. 〈◊〉 Adoration of creatures Swearing by creatures Ominous speach Dreames Images Reliques Deuotion to holie places Figure of Christ crosse Iosue 24. Funeral offices 2. Reg. ● Place dedicated for burial Mourning 40 dayes Exequies of seuen dayes Special place of burial rightely desired No soule before Christ entred into heauen Diuers places in hel Act. 7. v. 16. Luc. 16. Resurrection Mat. 22 General Iudgement ● Pet. 2. ●p Iud. Eternal punishment of the wicked and ioy of the blessed Heb. 11. Continuance of the Church notwithstanding breathes from it Abraham neuer contaminate in Religion Thare and Nachor reduced from idolatrie Abraham publikly professed his faith Sem. Sale Heber Melchisedech Manie professors of true Religion Breaches from the Church Moabites and Ammonites Nachors progenie Ismaelites Gal. 4. 2. Paral. 12 16. 28. Madianites Idumeans Heb. 12. Idolatrie stil increasing yet the Church continued yea also increased The Church of Christ in the new Testamēt alwayes visible and great The same Scriptures forshew Christ and his Church Multitude of progenie promised to Abraham pertaineth to the Church of Christ Gen. 13. 〈◊〉 17. 22. Apoc. 7. Very absurde to say the Church of Christ was at anie time obscure Succession of spiritual gouernets during the law of nature Iob. 19. Priesthood Moyses law established in Aarons seede Ex. 28. Nu. ● Moyses chiefe in spiritual and temporal gouernment The beginning of the fourth age The second parte of this booke How the Israelites were sustained in the desert prepared to receiue the Law :: God least it in their wil to be content with ynough or to couere more yet suffered them not to haue more when it came to measurin●g v. 18. 2. Cor. 8. :: These birdes by Gods prouidence came from other places to the children of Israel Nu. 11. v. 31. :: By their wo●dering at the duble quātitie it appeareth they intended not to gather so much :: By anticipation Moyses writeth here the commadment geuen when the Tabernacle and Arck were finished Exo. 〈◊〉 :: This Relique was put in a golden vessel Heb 9. though it was infinitly inferior to Christs flesh ●● 6 yea inferior to the flesh●● anie glorified Sainct Manna so called of Man-hu It was a figure of the Eucharist li. 3. c 37. ●o 45 T●●●26 Ioan. 6. v. 25. 41. 49. 51. 55. Twelue miracles in Manna Psal 77. v 25 〈◊〉 li. 1. c 12 cont Occol●m● ● 〈◊〉 li. ● c 12 par●●m 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. No miracle in Protestants Communion Al the said miracles are more eminent in the B. Sacrament 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. :: If this ceremonie of holding vp his handes was of such importance in the law of nature why do Heretikes deride the same and the like in the Catholique Church VVheras also our Sauiour lifting vp his hands blessed his disciples Luc. 24 S Damascen also teacheth li 4. c. 12 Oxthox that this exten●ion of his handes prefigured the Crosse of Christ And now it representeth the same :: Cohen in Hebrew signifieth Pri●●e o● P●●●st which offices in the law of nature were often ioyned in one person :: Manifold wisdome wherof Daniel prophecieth c. 12. v. 4 in Christian gentils was here prefigured in Iethio a gentil :: To whom Moyses willingly yelded Origen in hunc locum Morally Superiors are admonished by Moyses example to lerne of a●●e man that which is good 5. Chrysostom ●o de fer●nd●s reprehensio●●b● ● :: To this place which was their 12 mansion they came the 47. day after they parted from Aegypt And the third day folowīg which was the ●o the law was geuen in mount Sinay S. Hierom. Epist 1. ad Fabiolam :: God would haue their free consent els it were not a perfect couenant Theodoret. q 35 in Exod. :: In this couenant God promiseth particular loue Priestlie function wherby they might better serue him and effectual grace and sanctitie :: The people promise loyaltie to God and to keepe his commandements :: So Angels Saincts offer our prayers other good workes to God though he know al things before hand :: The people and al inferior clergie also are to kepe their limites and to lerne Gods wil of their superiors Agreement of old and new mysteries The third part of this booke 〈◊〉 Diuine Lawes M 〈…〉 l and Iudicial :: In Hebrew 〈◊〉 in Greke 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in English a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This com 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 e one of the nine folowing Catech. Ro. p 3 q. 9. The Epistle on wenesday in the third weeke of Lent :: This and other ceremonial precepts are determinate lawes for obseruing the cōmandments of the first table pertaining to God Protestants charge al Catholiques to be Idolaters They abuse their
the people presumed more to do that semed to them selues right or good though it was nought which afterwardes the kinges more restrained and punished The historie of Ruth is regestred in holie Scripture for the genealogie of Dauid and especially of our Sauiour Christ Iudic. 12. :: Noemi perswaded not to idolatre but in sinuated that if Ruth would not returne to her countrie she must also leaue the false goddes And so she answered that she would serue the same true God of Israel :: She had a husband and two sonnes and sufficient prouision but now was bereued of them al. :: The Church vseth this salutation in the holie sacrifice and other diuine office :: Booz doubted not but reward was due to good workes :: Yea a ful reward answe●able to Ru●h pietie Vvhich must be spiritual and eternal :: The euent shewed that Noemi was inspired by God to geue such direction to Ruth to foretel what Booz would doe :: It was very cōmendable that she loued her first husband and mother in law but more vertue infleing occasion of sinne with young men and seeking to marie according to the law of God with her former husbands kinsman Deut. 25. :: Booz calleth his kinsman brother as Abraham called Lot his brother Gen. 13. being his Nephevv :: See Deut. 25. noting here withal that the penaltie was lesse whch an other kinsman vndertaking the mariage the woman was preuēted from complayning before the iudge :: Here appeareth the final cause of writting this historie to shew the Genealogie of King Dauid from Iudas the Patriarch of whom Christ should descend so prophecied Gen. 49. and shewed to be performed Mat. 1. qq̄ in 1. Reg. c. 1. These histories are also expounded mystically by the ancient Fathers Prolog● in 1. Reg. li. 17. c. 4. ciuit Ep. ad Paulin. The general contents of al the bookes of Kinges Para lippomenon Samuel writ the first part but vncertaine who writ the rest Cōtents of the first booke diuided into foure partes These bookes are read at Mattins from the feast of the B Trinitie vntil the first sundaie of August The first part Of the gouernments of Heli and Samuel and of changing the state into a kingdome :: This childe being of the tribe of Leui though not of Aarons stock was lawfully vowed to the seruice of the tabernacle by his parentes during his childhood but coming to yeares of discretion he was at his owne electiō to continew or to depart If he had bene of anie other tribe he must haue bene redemed Leuit. 27. The Canticle at Laudes on wenesday :: Leaue of to praise idoles as ye haue accustomed to doe :: The Church of Gentiles :: The Synagogue of the Iewes S. Aug. li. 17. c. 4. cini● :: Neither Dauid no● Salomon much l●ss● an●● other King possened or ●udged the endes of the ta●th but ●●●●ts enheritance reacheth to the endes of the earth Psal 2. v. 18. :: Sinnes directly against God and that hinder his seruice are more hardly remitted but none at al a●e irremissible before death because during life euerie one may truly repent if he wil and to al true penitētes God promisseth remission of sinnes Ezech. 33. :: Gods determination to punish tooke not away their freewil but for their obstinacie he leift them to themselues without his grace and so iustly punished them See S. Aug. li. 5. cont Iulian. c. 3. :: This was fulfilled as in the figure in Samuel not wholly for priesthood stil remained in the line of Aaron as appeareth in Achias Abiathar Sadoc ch 14. 22. 2 Reg. 8. but perfectly in Christ 1. Reg. c. 2. :: Rare thinges are called precious and so the gift of prophecie is here termed which was then granted to few :: This vision happened early in the morning before the time of dressing the lampes when some were put out and others light :: Their confidence of helpe from God by presence of the arke was good and commendable but their sinnes deserued to be punished :: This zele of religion in Heli towards the arke is a great signe that he died in good state though he was temporally punished for not correcting his sonnes :: So sowne as Christs Gospel or Testament came among the Gentiles al false goddes idolatry fel downe S. Beda qq in 1. Reg. c. 3. :: The arke being a holie thing as Reliques are was terrible to their false god the diuel so the Reliques of S. Babilas ouerthrew the false god Apollo as ● Chryso●● testifieth at large li. cont Gentiles 〈◊〉 5. :: Obstinate sinners doe harden their owne hartes not God but by suffering them so to do ●ee A●not ●●●d 7. :: As the arke was terrible to the infideles chap. 5. so also to those that beleued right but vsed it not reuerently :: These men knowing that the presence of the arke was good for them though the Bethsamites had benne punished for their irreuerence towardes it feared not to receiue and kepe it :: That is 〈…〉 say the Phili 〈…〉 who were 〈…〉 o● the seuen nations of Chanaan which God comm●nded his people to destroy 〈…〉 the Amorrheites :: Heli his sonnes g●ieuously offending in then office before chap 2. and now Samuels sonnes also peruerting iudgem●t gaue occasion to the people to demand a l●ng to iudge their temporal causes rightly not declining to wrong for bribes :: Misphat signifieth maner fashion or proceding :: God alwaies heareth those that truly repent for their sinnes but doth not alwayes deliuer them from afflictions which are due for offences or profitable for probation and merite of his children ●●od 19. Deut. 17. Iudi● 2. v. 16. Vvhy the peoples demand to haue a king is disliked Kinges sometimes oppresse their subiectes by Gods sufferance but vniustly ● Cyp. li. 3. ep 9. siue 65. ● Hier● in Osee 8. ● Greg. li. 4. c. 2. in 1. Reg. 8. Kinges haue prerogatiues aboue but not cont●aric to the lawes Euil princes may be deposed by God the Church but not by the people only Concil Lateran c. 3. de heret Pointes obserued in the constitution and deposition of King Saul 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The second part The election annointing gouernement of King Saul :: One that by diuine inspiration foreseeth thinges too come :: Oppression of innocentes crieth to heaven :: ● Gregorie here noteth that such as are placed in height of gouernement are annointed with oyle which signifieth mercie light and cu●ing of others :: But the litle vessel foreshewed that Saul not perseuering in grace should be deposed from his kingdom li. 4 c. 5. in 1. Reg. 10. :: Samuel enioynet● obedience to Saul to trie his humilitie S. Greg. li. 4 c. 5. in 1 Reg 10. :: God gaue him peculiar grace for executing the office of a king :: By and by also the gift of prophecie :: Then superious :: By lotte the people were assured that the election was of God
haue geuen credite chap. 19. v. 24. :: God suffered Semei being of his owne free wil malicious for punishment of Dauids sinnes to curse him but was not the author of his malice for so Semei had committed no fault therein and then he could not lawfully haue benne punished for it as he was 3. Reg. 2. :: The people doubting lest Absalō might be reconciled to his father were not allured vnto him til they saw such a crime committed as semed to make reconciliatiō impossible So al rebelles and vsurper● of others right seeke by some enormious fact to make their adherentes and folowers sure vnto them but God plagueth them in the end as he did both Achitophel and Absalom :: Bad counsa●● often falleth worst to the counseller :: Dauid moued with compassion towardes his sonne Absalom being in actual rebellion against him presigured Christs cōpassion towards his persecuters being his creatures praying for them in his passion S. Ambrose in Psal ●18 v. 108. :: Al his sonnes being ●ea● ●●t he had once three sonnes a daughter chap. 14. v. 〈◊〉 :: Al the eleuen tribes are called by the name o● Ioseth being chiefe after Iuda S● Semei not of the proper tribe of Ioseph ●ut of Beniamin pleading for pardon of his former fa●lt alleageth that he came first of the eleuen tribes to submitte him self and serue the king :: Chiefe or great in ●amil●●iti● Iosue ● :: After that Dauid was deliuered from the handes of Saul 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 must dangerously of ● m●●●●secut●●●●● and 〈…〉 here specially named and from al his enimies c●rp●ral spiritual when he had good repose of mind his visible enimies being 〈…〉 ●ed and his sinnes remitted acknowledging Gods infinite goodnes by inspira●ion of the Holie Ghost made this Can title of thanks geuing and praise of God It is inserted amongst the Psalmes the 17 in order al one in sense so differing in some wordes that the one explicateth the other :: Though some few Gentiles were subdued by Dauid and some were conuerted to true religion in the old Testamēt yet the fulcon uersion of Gentiles per●eineth to the Church of Christ which is here forshewed and described to haue perpetual seede for euer :: King Dauid in this last prophecie plainly distinguisheth betwen the couenant pro●●ise made to him touching ●●s earthlie kingdom and the kingdom of Christ who should be borne of his 〈…〉 In both which 〈…〉 the reward of the good and punishment of 〈…〉 :: The king proposed not this for desire of that water but to trie and exercise his mens fortitude :: Precious thinges are most mete to be offered to God :: This sinne punishment happened before when Dauid had health and streingth of bodie The furie of our Lord that is Satan a ●u●●o●s spirite yet Gods creature not our Lord him selfe but by permission only 1. Par. 2. 1. Satan arose against Israel 〈◊〉 Dauid :: Contrition :: Confession :: Satisfaction The Epistle in a votiue Masse in tyme of plague or mortalitie :: Temporal punishment inflicted after the guilt of sinne was remitted :: If subiectes had not proprietie in their goodes but that the right and dominion of al perteyned to the prince then could nothing at al in anie case be geuen gratis by the subiect but only yelded as due to his souereigne The contentes of this booke diuided into three partes The first pa●● King Dauides admonitions to his sonne and his death :: For this conspiracie Abiathar was deposed ch ● v. 27. :: Basely estemed or punished as offenders vpon suspition or ●●lo●●● :: King Dauid did not ad●●e his sonne as a subject adoreth his prince ●a● adored God geuing thankes for this bene●●●e of a succed●● as it foloweth in the next verse The second part O● Salomons r●●●ne and actes good and bad :: In al co●●e 〈◊〉 suires●● 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 to heare his mother :: By special instinct Salomon did this extraordinarie fact as a prophet minister of God executing his sentence geuen before against the house of ●●l● 〈◊〉 the sinnes of his children ● Reg. 2. ● 31. and for A●●athars proper fault 〈◊〉 with Adonias against Salomon 3. Reg. 1. :: Salomon was not only a kīg but also a prophet Moreouer some secular princes do● 〈◊〉 ●●inate spiritual superiours are in shal them in ther 〈◊〉 yet thei● i●●●sd●ction is not depending on the 〈◊〉 but the 〈◊〉 to be 〈◊〉 by them Num 27. v. 21. The Epistle on monday in the 4 weke of Le●● :: So here●●●es not being able to proue that their synagogue is the true permanent Church would destroy the Catholique and so haue none at al. :: These bookes are not extant * Narovv vvithout broad vvithin :: 〈…〉 :: Holie of holies or most holie place :: Stones in buildinges and bones in ●●●ng bodies represent the state of religious persones who being hidde in their Monisteties and c●ll●s so much the more fortifie the Church by how much 〈◊〉 they appeare abrode because their office is not to t●●ch but to mou●ne S. Bernard Ser. 64. :: It is a clere 〈◊〉 that al ●ar ued grauen pictures or images were not vnlawful but were religiously made sette in the holie Temple for the more honour of God The end of the fourth age Articles of ●aith other pointes of religion state of the Church more expressed in this fourth age then before Beleefe in one God Diuine lawes Moral Ceremonial Iudicial Mat. 22. Onely God to be 〈…〉 The 〈…〉 q. 154. in Eoxd Mat. 22. 〈…〉 Christ Freewil in Angels and men Obiection of Gods ●or ●novvledge answered Grace necessarie 2. Cor. ● Gods cōmand mentes possible to be kept Good workes Meritorious D●●ers sertes of Sacrifices Holocaust ●●● sinne Pacifique Fire sent from God 〈…〉 charitie Sacraments Alanus de Sacra c. 9. Manie more in the old Testament then in the new li de vera Religi●ne c. 17. Christs Sacraments more excellent Most of Christs Sacraments presigured in the old law but not al. S. Aug. in hunc Psal ser de ve●bis Domini li. 17. ciuit c. 20 li. 1. cont aduers leg c. 18. S. Cyril li. 3. m Ioan. S. Leo ser 8. le passione Some like im●●●●ments in ●se of holie Rites Tabernacle Propitiatorie with appertinances The Tabernacle and afterwardes the Temple the onlie place for Sacrifice Q●est 56. in Leuit. Yet God some times dispensed therein ibidem Feastes of the old law Figh●sortes of feastes besides the dailie sacrifice S. Beda de Embolismo 〈◊〉 1. Prescribed fast from euen to euen Seuenth yeare of rest and Iubiley yeare O●●●r ceremonial obseruances 〈…〉 and vncleane No bloud to be eaten nor 〈…〉 Not 〈…〉 ●eed● in one field No cloth of d●●ers matter Strict commandment to kep●●l the Law The obseruers blessed and rewarded Trans●r●ss●●●s cursed and punished VVork●● of supererogation Vowes Nazarit●● Rechabites Three so●●● of Chri 〈…〉 prefigured Laitie Clergie Mounkes Holie scip●●res expo 〈…〉 mystically S. Bern.
to fight for them See Iosue 23. Psal 135. :: He destroyed the places where sacrifice was offered to idoles ch 17. v. 6. but tolerated other places where the people offered to God our Lord without the temple not being able to reduce al to perfection 4. Reg. 8. :: Elias was assumpted from ordinarie conuersation with mortal men the eighttenth yeare of king Iosaphat 4. Reg. 2. 3. who reigned twentie fiue yeares 3. Reg. 22. v. 42. So he shewed this special care of Ioram and his kingdom after his assumption seuen yeares 4. Reg. 8. v. 25. ch 9. :: To wit when he beganne to reigne alone for he reigned together with his father at the age of 22. 4. Reg. 8. v. 26. And after his fathers death but one yeare :: See 4. Reg. 8. v. 18. :: Human hope failed but Gods prouidence vsed meanes to conserue some of Dauids issue to sitte in his throne yea to continue the succession 〈◊〉 Christ Mat. 1. 4. Reg. 11. :: Gods promise being absolute and certayne yet humane meanes were neuertheles required * the vve●eli● vvatch :: In case of right and necessitie we see here what the high Priest could do and did by his authoritie who otherwise intermedled not in the kings affayres ch 19 v 11. :: They are wilfully blind that wil not see difference betwen images of Baal of Christ or of Sainctes * simul●●ra :: By the law euerie one payed yearly halfe a sicle towards the repayring of the tabernacle and so afterwardes of the temple Ex. 30. Ma● 〈◊〉 :: He that killed his spiritual father was slaine by his owne seruantes 4. Reg. 14. D●●t 24 4. Reg. 8. :: Obduration of hart for former sinne :: So long as this king obserued the ordinance of God to be directed by the high priest N● 27. v 2● he prospered in his affayres :: For vsurping spiritual authority which pertayned not to him the high priest with his assistantes opposed themselues against the king and God confirmed their sentence by striking the same king with leprosie And so he was not only cast out of the temple but also out of his kingdom and common conuersation with other men forced to dwel in a separet house without the citie according to the law Leuit. 13. v. 46. :: Neither could he be buried in the propet sepulchres of the kinges 4. Reg. 15. 4. Reg. 16. VVicked policie auaileth nothing but hurteth much 4. Reg. 18. :: Being penitēt in ha●t for their sinnes Gods dispensation might be sapp●sed fo● legal purification i● case of ●●ce ●ine which otherwise was st●●●ly comma●●●● L●●●t 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Deut. 27. c. :: Voluntarie workes of superetogation more then was commanded :: Besides consession of sinnes there is also cōfession of Gods excellencie goodnes 4. R●g 18. Isaie 36. :: ●ore danger of p●●●e in prosperitie then in aduersitie 4. Reg. 21. :: A pregnant example of the effect of harty repentance :: This prayer is not extant in the Hebrew but in Greke Latin as yet neither receiued for canonical by the Church no● refused 4. Reg. 22. ● Reg. 12. :: Geuen by the hand of Moyses :: It is a benefite to be taken out of this world before genera● mise●●e come vpon the people :: This Phase o 〈…〉 h made by Io●●as is fanious partly for that this feast had bene omitted some yeares but specially for the great and extraordinarie solemnitie made at this um● 4. Reg. 16. :: Iosias thought that the king of Aegypt intended to inuade his kingdome And it was Gods wil he should be slaine and not see the euiles that should happen to the people :: Solemne exequies with lamentations and musike :: Hitherto from K. Danids death the sonne had euer succeded to his father ●●re 25. :: It is like that Esdras added this cōclusion when he restored the holie Scriptures that were lost for he beginneth his owne booke with the same wordes The end of the fifth age The Church stil visible and the same faith as before One God Three Persons Christ Sacrifices Sacramentes to be changed by Christ Fruict of penance Abstinence Fastes Lent Feastes Place of the Temple designed long before Synagogues Sanctuarie Sette forme of prayers Ministerie of Angeles Honour and Intercession of Sainctes Reliques Images Good workes me●itorions Euangelical counselles pre figured Chastitie of clergie men religious orders Mat. 19 1 Cor. 7. Act. 5. 1. Tim. 5. Solemne Exequies for the dead Gen. 5. Resurrection Iudgement Eternal glorie or paine Church without interruption Ieraboams wicked policie Prophets inspired by God to resist Schisme and Heresie 4. Reg. 23. The often change of Kinges and euil successe in the kingdō of Israel The first familie reigned but 24. yeares The second newe familie 26. The third but 7. daies The fourth 48. yeares The fifth 103. The sixth one moneth The seuenth 12. yeares The eight 20. yeares The ninthnine yeares Then ouerthrowen and the kingdom neuer restored The kingdom of Iuda for Dauids sake conserued in his sede Succession of Priestes continued Extraordinary mission of Prophetes Great effectes of their preaching and miracles Elias his miracles Eliseus his miracles Religion not wholly destroyed in the kingdom of Israel Heresies in the kingdom of Israel Ieroboamites Manie constant in true religion Iezabelites Samaritanite● diuided into manie Sectes Tobias neues yelded to Schisme The Kingdom of Iuda more free from herefie King Achaz Vrias high priest King Ioram and others committing idolatrie in fact manie others stil professed true Religion Authoritie depending vpon diuine ordinance is not changed by factes or practise Good kinges defended and promoted religion not as chiefe in spiritual causes but by way of execution dispensation o● cōmission Mat. 1● Priestes by their negligēce do sinne but lose not their authoritie Deut. 17. v. 〈◊〉 The Church of the old Testament conserued in truth Much more the Church of Christ ●● Psal 30. conc ● li. 3. ● 32. de doctrin christ ● Tim. 3 4. Reg. 19. ● Es●r 7 The two bookes of Esdras and Nehemias are but one in the Hebrew The third and fourth are not canonical Epist ad Paulin. This historie hath also a spiritual sense First booke diuided into two partes The first part The returne of gods people from Babylon Isaiae 44. 45 Ierem. 25. 29. :: Liberally gaue such thinges into their handes :: This enumeration of the Israelites which aseended into Ierusalem signifieth the Elect which ascend from the militant Chuch to the triumphant :: Such as say they are priestes and can not shew their vocatiō must not exercise that functon ... Al aboue numbred of the tribes of Iuda Beniamin Leui do not amoūt to 30. thousand three hundred So in this general number are contained aboue twelue thousand of other tribes not recited among the rest as Rabbi Salomoa explicateth the difficultie :: Notwithstanding the terrour of infideles Gods seruantes too 〈◊〉 corage to offer sacrifice :: By the ordinance of Dauid
1. Pa● 25 :: By their weping they testified that the new temple was not so excellent as the former And therfore Agg●u prophetie c. 2. can not be vnderstood of this temple but of the Church of Christ ● Aug li. 18. ci●it ● 45. :: Schismatikes and Here-tikes may not be admitte● to communicate in sacrifice with Catholiques :: God geuing corege to his seruantes stricke their enemies with terrour and so made them cease from hinderuig his worke as they before intended :: The hart of the king is in the hand of our Lord. Prouerb 21. The second part Esdras instructeth the people :: Esdras came with the f●●●● from Babylon 〈◊〉 ●sd 12 ●●ut returned thither and now ascended the second time ●o Ierusalem :: This great number which by Esdras perswasion came from Babylon signified the greatfiuict of soules conuerted from sinne by the exhortation of holie preachers S. Beaa li. 2. in Esara c. 10. :: It suffice not to part from Babylon that is from sinne but we must also doe workes of satisfaction and therfore Esdras here proclamed an extraordinarie fast to those that were come from captiuitie :: Malachias the Prophet complaineth also of this fault c. 2. v. 11. threatning Gods punishment both to superiors and subiectes for not correcting it ● 〈◊〉 :: In respect o● their greatiniquities Esdias presumeth not to aske the conseruation of the whole people but some reliques or ●●rā lest part as it were a little post or a naile of a whole house towards the reedifying therof ●Esdras being extraordinarily sent by God to correct the people repayreth to the high Priests sonne by his authoritie calleth the people together and so procedeth to make reformation ●o S. Paus conferred with other Apostles Gal. 2 :: Their ●inne was punished by ouer much rayne v. 13. And so affliction gaue them more feeling of their faultes :: Amongst other inconueniences of vnlawful mariages one is that children are borne illegitimate Duble title of this booke The cōtentes S. Ierom. Epist ad Paulin. Diuided into three partes The first part Nehemias his cōmiseration of his countrie :: Nehemias by his legacie being sent from a king by his name which signifieth comforter from our Lord and by his building againe the walles of Ierusalem prefigured our Sauiour who was sent from God the Father himselfe being the comforter of mankind and the send●● of an other comforter the Holie Ghost to remaine with his Church S. Beda prolog in Nehemiam :: Infideles Heretikes are greued that others endeuoure to repayre the ruines of the Church in any countrie :: Gods hand was clearly shewed in the effect of obtaining the kings fauourable letters The second part How the citie was repayred with walles people :: Finishing the gate they dedicated it to Gods seruice being for defence of his holie citie and so sanctified it :: It was Gods prouidence that the enemies mocking at the reparation of Ierusalem did not so furiously resist til the worke was performed so sometimes heretikes scoffe at the ende●●●●●● of poore priestes laboring to restore Catholique religion but whether they scoffe or rage Gods holie worke procedeth and prospereth :: S Beda in his time lamented that some spiritual Superiors neglected to feede their flock either spiritually or temporally and yet exacted temporal reuenewes and oppressed the poore people li 3. c. 21. in ●sd How much more may we with him wish an other Nehemias that is a comforter from our Lord to correct this fault to releeue poore Catholiques distressed A right propertie of a true pastor to do that good which he preacheth to others S. Beda ibidem :: A good conscience hath great confidence in God and iustly hopeth for reward :: VVhen heretikes other aduersaries of the Church finde them selues not able to suppresse Catholiques they offer conditions of peace and libertie to al so when protestātes beganne where they are weake they would haue none persecuted for anie opinions in religion but where they are strōg they hardly grant toleration to Catholiques :: Three special defences of a citie are the strength of walles shut●ing and opening the gates in due time diligēt watchmen so to the custodie of faithful soules three thinges are necessarie the grace of God due regard of the outward ●enses and continual watch against out inuisible enemies S. Ierom here noteth whēce he receiued eech part of this booke which is al Canonical Scripture being al alike so declared by the Church :: The people requested Esdras to bring the booke of the law and he brought it neither is there anie mention that he writte the whole law out of his memorie or by miracle which maketh it probable that al copies were not burned or lost but some reserued by Ieremias Eze chiel Daniel Aggeus Zacha rias or by him selfe or others out of which he collected one intire volume correcting faultes committed by scribes adding some thinges for explication sake supplement of the histories and that either by tradition o● reuelation :: Athersatha priu●●eg●● by reason of his fauour with king Artaxerxes Chap. 2. 1. Esd 2. :: True repentance requireth w●●kes of penance especially the ren●ou●●g of occasions of sinne as seperation from euil con panie abandoning of euil cogitations and of much wordly pleasure :: Changing of names importeth ●ome beneficial mysterie Gen. ●7 :: Free wil in sinners Num 14. :: In al leagues couenantes of peace those articles are specially mentioned wherin breach hath bene made in former times :: Because Ierusalem was most impugned by enimies fewe were willing to dwel there :: yet many valient men of the tribes of Iuda Beniamin and Leui offered them selues of other tribes the tenth part were chosen by lottes wherby is gathered that many of the tenne tribes returned also into Chanaan though the holie Scripture doth not so expresly record what became of them as of the other tenne tribes because Ierusalem pertained to the lote of Beniamin Iuda was the Kinglie tribe and Leui the Priestlie S. Beda lib. 3. cap. 31 in Esdr Esdras went againe to babylon and obtayning a fauorable commission of the King brought manie with him into Ierusalem ● ●●a● 7. :: The genealogie o●●●gn P●●●●●s 〈◊〉 Iosue to leddoa otherwise called Iaddus :: As others gaue tithes to the Leuites so they gaue to Priestes Num. 18. ● 21. 28. The third part Correction of faultes Deut. 23. Num. 22. :: This Tobias was an Ammo nite a persecuter c. 14. to whom Eliasib being akine by reason of vnlawful mariages ioyned felowshipe with him for wicked lucre which therfore Nehemias corrected prefiguring therin ou● Sauiours zele who threw byers and sellers out of the temple Mat. 21. And these persecuters prefigured heretikes in their wordes and actes as venerable Beda expoundeth li 〈◊〉 Esd c. 19. :: A iust man that hath merited by good workes may pray with great confidence for reward THE THIRD AND FOVRTH BOOKES OF ESDRAS
ment only of those that persist impenitent and obstinate The fourt part The prayses of Iudith who with al the people praise God :: Iudith was a special figure of the B. Virgine Marie to whom these praises perteyne in more eminent sorte then to anic other creature S. 〈◊〉 bert●s Carnete●sis :: S. Ephre●● ser de 2. A ●●ontu citeth this place as holie scripture so testifying this booke to be canonica● :: Such giantes as were before Noes floud Gen. 6. :: Nor such as were after Num. 1● Deut. ● :: Euerlasting torments of fire wormes perteyne to the damned bodies S. Aug. li. 21. c. 4. ets ●●uit and greater paines to the damned soules especially the losse of Gods vision :: In the Greke ● 11. Manie de●red her to mariage :: Liuing in al 105. yeares she was widow about sixtie nine for when she slew Holofernes she was about fourtie yeares old ch 10. v. 18 and her husband was then dead three yeares and a halfe before ●h 8. v. 4. Iudith an example of holie widowhood Manie incitementes concurring to the contrarie made her widowhood more excellent Deu. 25. v 5. Ruth 3. v. 12. widowhood an Euangelical counsell Melite S. Atha S. Greg. Nazian Origen apud Euseb lib 6. c. 25. hist This whole booke is canonical The contentes VVritten by Mardocheus Diuided into ●●ure partes This booke is read at mattins the last weeke of September The first part beginneth in the 11. ch A B :: Modestie and temperance amongst heathen people condemneth Christianes that vrge men to drinke immoderatly and so cause them to be drunke S. Au. Ser. 231. ●32 de tempore The end of immoderate feasting is commonly browling Here the king became furious and the queene was diuorsed from him :: Brentius approueth the sentence of this parasice but Iosephus li. 11 c 6. Macrobius li 7. c. 1. Saturn S. Ierom ad Rustic and S. Ambrose l. de ●●h● c. 14 iudge the queenes refusal lawful and agreable to the Persians lawes which prohibited maried we●● to come in sight of other men in great assemblies neither had the king iust cause to break that law for pleasing his phansie in his drunken humour v. 10. Luther also wresteth this example in fanoure of adulterie par 2. de diuortio folio 177. Editionis ●●itenber 〈◊〉 1553. 4 Reg. 24. :: Deut. ● v. 3. Israelites are forbid to marie with Gentiles yet when there was no danger to be peruerted and great hope of good Esther by Mardocheus counsel consented to marie king Assuerus though otherwise she detested the bed of the incircumcised and of euerie stranger ●h 14. v. 15. K. Dauid also maried the kings daughter of Gessu● 2. Reg. 3. v. 3. :: Mardocheus hearing suspicious wordes and obseruing their actions sawe that they intended euel and informed the King wherby their ●●eson was disouered Rab. ●alom Iosep * C ch 12. v. 1. D :: Aman exacted such honour as heathen people gaue to their lesse goddes which was also idolatrie for Mardocheus was willing to giue him ciui● honour euen to kisse the steppes of his feete but feared and refused ●o geue Godlie honour to him ch 13. v. 13. 14. S. Th● 2. 2. q. 84. a. 1. :: Such is the preposterous ●nrie of rancour to appoint the day of executing his malice before he had got the kings decree The second part The Iewes danger to be massacred * E ch 13. v. 1. :: The letter at large is in the seuen first verses of the 13 ch of which this is the summe F The third part The deliuerie of the Iewes from danger :: The first and best remedie in distresse is to do workes of penance for sinnes cōmitted 1. Cor. 11. 〈…〉 :: Great confidence in Gods helpe when mans helpe fayleth and in dede this meanes by mouing the kings ha●t to grant Esthers petition was Gods special worke * G ch 1. v. 1. H * I ch 15. v. 4. K :: This prudence in delaying to propose her petition increased the kings desire to know it moued him to promise more assuredly so bond him the more to accomplish it :: Gods eye which neuer slepeth saw whath Aman intended and for execution of his owne diuiue iustice vsed this meanes b●y subtracting slepe that time from the king and inspiring his mind to heare the histories read and to reward good seruice donne Ioseph :: Ambicious men are most b●●nde in conceite of their owne deserts and fortunes :: Either they had read Gods promise to the Iewes Gen 13 15. c. or coniectured this by humaine prudence :: After three-dayes fast of al the Iewes with prayers and other workes of penance Esther asked and obtained the saftie of the whole people more precious to her then halfe of the kingdom :: Horrour of a guiltie conscience is commonly the first torment of a sinner S. Chrissocons 4. de Lagaro :: VVhat litle trust in false freindshipe when bad men once fal into disgrace :: Such honour is due to kinges yea though they be Infideles because they haue terrestrial maiestie and authoritie from God And the contrarie opinion and behauiour of heretikes vvhich despice Dominion and blaspheme Maiestie is condemned by S. Iude in his Epistle v. 8. * Lch. 16. v. 1. M :: VVhere no more danger remaineth remission of iniuries is more commendable then reuenge but where malice continueth and new danger may probably ensue iustice is necessarie and afterwards peace may be made more securely S. Bernad ser 2. d● verb. Apost :: In the ●i●a slaughter Amans tenne sonnes were slayne and afterwards also hanged v. 14. The fourth parth Other thinges folowing their deliuerie from danger :: The Iewes in Susan kept the fiftenth day holie v. 18 those that dwelt in other places kept the fourtenth day :: A feast instituted by Mardocheus was accepted and obserued by al the Iewes as a constitution agreable and not contratie to the law Deut. 4. v. 2 12. v. 32. Psal 76. Great and maruelous changes by the power of God D. Tho. prologo in Epist Canonic Esther a figure of our B ladie And of the Church :: S. Ierome here aduertiseth the reader that he found al hitherto in the Hebrew And the parcels which folow only in the Septuaginta Greke Edition which either they translated out of the Hebrew or added by inspiration of the Holie Ghost * The Greke of the 72. Interpreters A :: Except the 72. The first part The presage and occasion of Esthers aduancement and Amans persecuting the Iewes :: Mardocheus had this dreame before Amans aduancement or his owne and the peoples danger 4. Reg. 24. :: Mardocheus was a good dragon and Aman a bad one :: Esther by her fountaine of teares and humble supplication quenched a great flame of Gentiles against the Iewes ch 10. * B chap. 1. v. 1. C :: Here it appeareth that Aman was a fauourer of traitors of perhaps of the same conspiracie * D ch 3.
v. ● * ch 3. v. 3. E :: Great hurt to a king that is ruled much by one counseler Salomon teacheth that VVhere are manie counsellers cogitations are confirmed ●ron 15. v. 22. * F ch 3. v. 14. ch 4. v. 17. * Excep● the 72. G The Epistle on wenesday in the 1. weke of ●●n● And in a votiue Masse against Paganes :: Idoles are nothing in the vvorld 1. Cor. 8. but ba●e imaginations of men :: The Church vseth this prayer in the offertorie the 22. sunday after Pentecost as a parcel of holie Scripture Of herselfe nor for wordlie glorie she desired not to marie a heathen king but for the cōmon good she maried him God dispensing with the law in this behalf See ch 2. G * H ch 13. v. 8. :: Ves●im●nta oratus not orn●●●s her playing w●ede :: A notable example for Noble wemen how to kepe their state remaine neuer theles humble in hart :: By this comparison of angels she ment that the king excelled al or most part of men * K ch 5. v. ● L :: At last this king saw his owne errour in beleuing one false counseller ouer much ch 1● v. ● 〈◊〉 1● v. 6. :: As Mardocheus suggested th● king confirmed the obseruation of a feast in memorie of Gods benefice and so both Iewes and Gen●●les kept it * M chap. 9. v. ● ● 18. c. 47. ciuit conc 2. de Lazar Rom. 9. Praesat 〈◊〉 Iob. Iob of the race of Esau VVhy God suffered him to be so afflicted The contentes according to the historie Iob an especial figure of Christ Praf●● Moral documentes in this booke True logike Philosophie Hard and ea●ic thinges to be vnderstood are both profitable VVritten by Iob himself most part in verse Diuided into three partes This booke is read the two f●r●● wekes of September The first pa●● The change of Iobs prosperous s●a●● into affliction 〈…〉 :: Diuels appeare not in Gods sight but sometime in presence of Angels which represent God S. Athan q. 8. ad Anti●c●●● :: God doth not directly send euils b●t permitteth them to happen to his seruantes :: By this holie example ancient fathers condeme the sen●●es Stoikes who are neuer moued S. Aug. li. 1. c. 9. ciuit S. Paul also reproueth men vvithout affection Rom. 1. v. 31. Aswal Iob as other prophetes writ their owne actes and prayses Good workes are both Gods workes and mens workes Praef●● in Iob. Iobs patience inuincible in ●l sortes of ●●●liction English Catholiques lose their goodes and children and are afflicted in bodie Great commendation to be good amongst the bad Philip. 2. Apoc. 2. ●●ntie Sacrifice being of infinite vertue yet the valure in application is limited :: A man of pl●ine 〈◊〉 true dealing mixed with meek●●● with out al guile is called a simple right man S. Greg. li. 1. Moral ● 2 ●●● :: His wife perswading him to desperation and blasphemie signified carnal cogitions which corrupt the soule inwardly as afflictions do affault the flesh outwardly S. Greg. li. 3. c. 24. :: Seuen dayes together euerie day and night some good part These visiters of Iob were in dede his freindes and professed true religion They erred in Iobs particular case li. 3. ● 24. And prefigured heretikes li. 5. ● 18. :: After so long ●●le●ce at last ●●b expresseth hi●●Spand●● so 〈…〉 des 〈…〉 great 〈…〉 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 〈…〉 ly 〈…〉 〈…〉 ud 〈…〉 o 〈…〉 〈◊〉 by God bu 〈…〉 to m 〈…〉 bein 〈…〉 〈…〉 nne euen from his conception and 〈◊〉 wishing that whatsoeuer concurred to his longer afflictions in this life and h●●d●r●● his more spedie deliuerie from dangers and calamities had not bene for so he had benne sowner at ●est as Gods goodnes should dispose of him Al which was a lawful desire and no sinne at al. See 1. Pineda in c. 2. Iob. The second part Diuers discourses and disputes about the cause of Iobs afflictions The first constrct betwen Eliphaz and Iob. :: No innocent euer perished eternally but innocent Abel was slaine temporaly and innumerable others suffer calamities for their greater merite :: Heretikes pretend such obscure visions more to gette credite then to edifie others S. Greg. li. 5. c. 18. :: Iob easely granteth that man may not compare not contend with God ch 9. v. 1. Yet men may be innocent free from greuous sinnes :: This disputer hauing pretended an imaginarie vision from God 〈◊〉 Iob now he supposeth that neither God no● Angel no● other holie person wil patr●●age his cause nor iudge of his case as he doth but that al wil condemne him of impatience follie enuie and other sinnes :: This proueth unporteth that a man must not thincke to passe his life without trauel but must get his bread vvith svveat of his brovves or suffer other calamities :: Gods goodnes deliuereth his seruantes the space of this laborious life :: And most especially in the houre of death S. Org. li. 6. c. 18. ●nuocation of Sainctes especially Angels in Iobs time li. 5. c. 30. :: A man of sincere conscience confesseth the sinnes wherof he is guiltie yet acknowledgeth not al wherwith others may vniustly charge him :: S●nd●e wayes without water :: Iobs aduersa●ies pre●●med to teach him but because they erred in their applying of true assertions in his case which himself vnderstood and not they he acconted not their discourses for good doctrin The vse of Hyperbole in holie Scripture Treasure of satisfactorie workes in the Church Pardons do applie the suffering of some for the satisfaction of others :: A souldiar must be alwayes readie to indure trauel to be promptly obedient content to be beaten by his superior with out al resistance vpon paine of his life he is alwayes subiect to cares and to danger of death and therfore must euer be readie to dye * Seol :: Iust Iob supposing he was at the point of death prayed God to spare or cease to punish him more and to accept of that affliction which he had already suffered So the Church in behalf of soules departed in state of grace prayeth God to spare and cease from further punishing them and to geue them eternal rest :: The second confflict This second disputer charged Iob to be ob●●●●ate who in ded● was constant 〈◊〉 a true setled iudgement :: Euen thus heretikes imagine Catholikes to the ignorant and therfore fil their mouthes and bookes with thinges that are not denied and yet inserre much falshood sophistically applying one truth against an other being them selues ignorāt how to reconcile difficulties :: Iob here granteth that which was truly said by his aduersarie sheweth how he did wrong apli●●rue doctrin against him and so stil defendeth his owne in nocencie and iust quarel :: Angeles moue the spheres of heauen :: Euen so S. Paul though he was not guiltie in conscience of anie crime yet he would not therin iustifie himself 1. Cor. 4. :: This is an assured true assertion that God afflicteth
Iewes See page 12. n Gods benefites bestowed vpon Dauid and vpon faithful Christians prefigured by him are for euer to be praised by al peoples and nations Gods prouidence in suffering euil the 3. key a This Psalme was made vpon the same occasion and to the same purpose as the former b to exhorte the iust and innocent to patience c by Dauids memorable example d Few are so wicked but they speake and pretend iust thinges e but neither thincke wel f nor do wel but both contrarie which feaned sanctitie is duble iniquitie g These wicked sinners that flatter and incite king Saul seme to haue spent al their life from their infancie in malice h Their furie is vnquiet til they may wound the innocent with their poisonful sting i neither wil they harken to good admonitions but stoppe their eares like an aspe that layeth one eare close to the ground and stoppeth the other with his taile k But God wil breake their cruel force l though it semeth most strong and in superable m Gods iust determination of punishing the wicked stil remaineth bent and readie though execution be some while differred n That force and powre which is now inuincible hard and strong like a lions strongest teeth shal then be as impotent and soft as waxe o Gods wrath like fire the most forcible element shal fil vpon them and they shal be cast into vtter darkenes depriued of the sunne and al comfortable light p Before their malice can bring to effect the great mischieffes which they plotte and purpose God suddainly cutteth them of before they fully vnderstand of either sicknes or death casteth them as it were aliue into hel q The iust reioyce in the punishment of the wicked for three causes first in zele of iustice conforming his wil and mind to Gods iudgement secondly for that himselfe through Gods mercie hath escaped that terrible damnation thirdly for that he is now deliuered from molestation and continual tribulation r The iust seing or by faith knowing what punishment remaineth for the wicked is therby assured that the good shal reape fruict for his wel doing and that in the meane time God ruleth and iudgeth on the earth though as yet it appeareth not so euidently An other prayer of Dauid in danger the 8. key a King Saul hauing thrise attempted in vaine to kil Dauid 1. Reg. 18 v 11. c. 19. v. 9. sene some of his guard to fe●ch him from his owne house that he might be slaine but God moued the mind of Michol to admonish him of the danger and to helpe him away in saftie though Saul thought she would haue bene a scandal vnto him or cause of ruine by the handes of the Philistians 1. Reg. 18. v. 21. Vpon which occasion Dauid made this Psalme As he also made others for perpetual memorie of Gods like benefites in deliuering him in iminent dangers VVhen Saul sent three troupes of serieants to kil him and solowed them himselfe 1. Reg. 19. v. 20 likevvise vvhen he vvas knovven and bevvrayed before Achis king of Geth 1. Reg. 21. also in Ceila in the deserts of Ziph and of Maon c. 23 in Engaddi c. 24. in Hachila c. 26. and againe amongst the Philistians c. 27. and 30. b They haue so straictly beseged me that it is now in their haudes to take away my life c Of my part I haue committed no sault against myn enimies for which they can haue a●ie iust cause to persecute me d The prophet soreseing in spirite that the Catholique Church shal be vniustly persecuted prayeth and teacheth others to pray that God wil mercifully visite his faithful people of al nations e and not spare obstinate persecuters f Persecuters laboring how much or how long soeuer shal at night that is in the end of al their wicked endeuoures be vnsatisfied in their desires g as hungrie dogges that runne hunting al the day night also stil seeking not finding wherwith to fil their rauenous mouthes and deuouring bellies h They threaten and determine to vse al crueltie i as if there were no God that heareth and wil punish it k Through Gods grace the Church is stil strong and the vertuous do perseuere l God suffereth afflictions to fal vpon his seruants to kepe them exercised lest in prosperitie they forgete their duties to him m Depriue them of powre that they may not do so much euil as they desire n After that their iniquitie is complete o they shal be accused and punished for their blasphemies and lies p As. v. 7. q They shal in vaine seeke oyle for their lampes with the foolish virgins repent with Iudas and finding no helpe r shal continually blaspheme in hel ſ In the resurrection King Dauids thankes for victories the 8. key a The change of state from aduersitie to prosperitie in the people of Israel was a figure of the like change in the Church of Christ b worthie to be remembred c for the instruction d of Gods beloued e as the same are more largely recorded in the bookes of kinges f God suffereth his people to be afflicted as wel for their sinnes as for exercise in vertue g after sheweth his mercie in pardoning and fauour in aduancing them h by punishīg sinners i VVarning them to amēd k and then restoreth them to former good state l God also as he hath promised by his holie oracle m hath aduanced king Dauid in his temporal kingdom and doth much more aduance him and other elect in euerlasting life n As a vessel for meaner vses o Bring it vnder my dominion p As God doth sometimes punish q so he also rewardeth r strongly with fortitude A confident prayer for Christs Incarnation the 5. k. ●y a In songues of praise and thankes to God b From al coastes of the earth faithful people pray to God c the Church builded vpon an assured fundation is exalted to great powre and dignitie d God conducteth defendeth and deliuereth those that confidently trust in him e in the Church a place of assured protection f Christ● kingdome the Church perpetual to the end of this world and eternal after the general Resurrection g Who is able to vnderstand or explicate how great Christs mercie is in redeming vs h and his truth in performing his promised rewardes i For so imestimable benefites I wil alwayes praise thee with Psalmes Canticles or other thankes in this life k and eternally in the life to come Exhortation to good life in respect of reward or punishment the 7. key a Directed to Idithun one of the masters of musike to sing it or to make tune for it b The wicked threating to ruinate others Dauid or anie iust man feareth them not because his soule is subiect to God c Therfore I firmely purpose neuer to be moued from God d In vaine do you myn aduersaries stil assault me e though ye be al confederate to kil me f
pittied and not affliction added to the afflicted :: Foure execrable vices Ingratitude Hypocrisie Insolencie Oppression of the poore Cōcupiscence of the flesh of the eyes :: ●●u●e Luxurie Auarice Ambition :: Dishonour of parents shal be senerely punished :: Youngmen folowing carnal appetite can no more geue account of their actiōs then of the vvayes vvhich an eagle a serpent and a shippe haue passed :: By these examples are commended foure vertues Industrie Prudence Concord and Humilitie :: Other foure Fortitude Chastitie Order and Iustice :: Fooles ought not to gouerne :: Moderation is necessarie in al actions Some suppose one Agur to be auctor of this chapter But it semeth more probable that only Salomon is auctor of this whole booke VVhy he is called Gatherer VVhy God suffereth heresie to reigne :: VVordes perteining to Salomon spoken to him by his mother who here calleth him Lamuel signifying God vvith him :: Doctrine is most profitable to those that are modestly dumme more vvilling to heare then to speake :: The chief most proper office of a king is to do iustice :: A vvoman of such perfectiō as is here described is in dede rare yet possible to be found :: Flaxe on the distafe signifieth purpose to do good workes yarne on the spindle the vvorke vvel begune which geueth confidence in God that the same shal be perfect and haue due revvard :: They make and sel cloth which lerning and obseruing Gods lavv do teach it others :: External comelines is not durable but the feare of God is more vvorthie of praise :: Good vvorkes shal be revvarded :: at the tribunal seate of iudgement The praise of a right vvise woman vvritten in verse in order of the Alphabet Proem lament Psal 11● v. 104. The Church hath al good properties requisite A faithful soule hath them at least in desire Rare and excellent wemen both in the old and nevv testament This booke called Ecclesiastes teacheth to contemne this vvorld Because felicitie consisteth not in anie temporal thing but in the eternal sight of God Diuided into three parts The first part of this Sermon sheweth that Felicitie consisteth not in anie temporal thing :: In the end of this world the earth shal be purified so remaine for euer :: Mens soules dayly created are of the same kind as Adams soule other creatures either were in their kindes from the beginning of the vvorld or are procreated of diuers kindes preexisting S. Tho. pa. 1. q. 73. a. 1. ad 3 :: Al natural thinges are insufficient meanes to attaine felicitie :: VVisdom is the best thing in this vvorld yet is not perfect selicitie but the meanes to attaine it VVisdom maketh men to be angrie with sinne to feare God and to proceede in vertue :: A vvordlie man may obiect that seing vvisdom bringeth not felicitie in this life it semeth best to take his pleasure ease not to labour for it :: But the wiseman cōfuteth this conceipt Because wordlie ioy is short vncertaine neither is anie ioy that men haue in this life true ioy of the blessed but only a consolation in miseries :: Consideration is the directorie of al good workes :: The conceit of worldlie men not considering the life to come :: It is better to vse that is honestly gotten for our necessitie then to be stil solicitous to get more :: Generation Corruption Alteration perteine only to thinges of this world vnder heauen often here described by the terme Vnder the sunne For spiritual substances are not comprehended in time nor place S. Ierom in hunc locum to 7. :: Al this sheweth that nothing of this world is perpetual but to be vsed interchangeably in due time place maner and order For disorder maketh confusion :: God suffereth the innocent to be afflicted for a time of his special prouidence because they therby merite a great reward Psal 72. It is in dede better not to be at al then to be in eternal miserie Mat. 26. v. 24. but temporal affliction which the iust suffer is not miserie as wordlie men estemeit but a special meane to attaine eternal felicitie :: True charitie not contaminate with enuie by how much it is increased in number so much it increaseth in streingth S. Iero. 1. Reg. 15. Osee 6. Man without Christs helpe can neither resist tentations nor rise from sinne Prou. 24. v. 16. And without mans free consent Christ wil not stay him nor raise him vp Ioan. 13. v. 27. * In purgatorie :: Because no man is able to attaine perfect knowlege of God it behoueth al to speake and thinke so berly of him :: Vow or promise once made must be fulfilled Deut. 23. :: The proper Angel which associateth euerie man Iob. ●● :: As temporal riches ●e often the occasion of their owners ●uine so vaine philosophie and heresie auaile not heretikes not their folowers but as they came naked from their mothers wombe the peruerse Church so shal both such masters and scolars depart without comforth into the wrath which they prepare to themselues S. Ierom. in ●une locum :: Al this shevveth euidently ha● 〈…〉 e consisteth not in riches :: It is plainly preached saith S. Iero. of the coming of Christ vvhose name was geuen and knovven before he vvas borne in flesh None can perfectly knovv the nature of al thinges present of to come The 2. part True felicitie is procured by good life and consisteth in the eternal sight of God Anger rightly vsed is commendable beneficial to correcte our owne faultes and others Prou. 22. :: But hastie or immoderate anger is sinful and hartful :: Likewise moderate riches profite the seruants of God so that they ●ette not their mind vpon them 3. Reg. 8. 2. Par. 6. Prou. 20. 1. Ioan. 1. * The preacher :: Mans reason which is the superior part of his soule rarely thinketh good :: Sensualitie stil inclineth to euil :: God made man right he of his owne wil ●el from God Sec S. Aug li. 14. c. 11 ciuit * The obscure thing :: As probable coniecture of a mans inward disposition is made by his exteriour countenance so his good workes shining before men are good signe of internal vertues which in dede are right and meritorious when the intention is sincere referring al to Gods glorie edification of others without desire of vaine praise in the world :: By this terme vanitie is ful vnderstood that fell citie is not in prosperous thinges of this world neither are al men miserable that suffer aduersitie * 〈◊〉 〈…〉 ing :: Mortal men suffering calamities knovv not vvhether th● same be in●●●ted for their proofe and merite as in I●b and Tobie or for their sinnes only as in Pharao the Aegyptians but shal know in the indgement after their death :: A sinner in this life may amend if he wil become inst but a●ter death he can not repent chap. 11. v. ●
Mystically the Gentiles were iudged by Salomon better then the Iewes S. Ierom. :: Base vicions me● mixt with the good corrups the whole companie much more a mortal sinne in a mans soule destroyeth al the vertues that were there before :: Euil men aduanced seme to prosper :: But they fal into their owne trappes :: Such as seke by sense and reason to obtaine true knowlege enter not into the citie the Church They labour in vaine and are afflicted in studie of Scriptures when they walke in the desert and can not finde the citie S. Ierom. This text and manie others haue two senses 1. In kinges and al superiors are required mature age diligent care of the cōmon good 2. Antiquitie in matter of faith and religion is to be folowed not noueltie Iya. 8. Dan 7. Apoc. 1. Iere. 1. Also mortification and labour is required in Pastors not delicacie nor ease The B. Virgin Marie more free from sinne then the Patriarches Cant. 2. The 3. part An exhortation to beginne quickly and perseuere in Gods seruice a Of al vertues the workes of mercie corporal and spiritual most auaile for obtaining eternal felicitie Mat. 25. b So the same be grounded in true faith beleuing al that is written in the old and new testament signified by seuen eight c After de●th none ca 〈…〉 either ●●erite or demerite d Both in youth and old age do good workes :: An admonition to al in general to liue wel in this world remembring the day of general iudgement before which such signes shal come as are described here and by our Sauiour Mat. 24. And likewise euerie one is admonished in particular to serue God diligently whiles he hath time before death come when al his senses former helpes shal faile * The preachet :: This is the brife summe of al proficable doctrine Feare God kepe his commandments * Hidden or obscure thing Proem in Eccle. King Salomon according to his three names writte and intitled his three bookes Salomon Pacifier king of Israel Ecclesiastes Preacher king of Ierusalem Idida Beloued This Canticle doth excel other Canticles Al are not mete to read it Heb. 5. Best methode in lerning is to beginne with doctrine of good life then studie to know natural thinges and finally contemplate diuine mysteries A sacred dialogue or Enterlude * Forma dramatis God Christ the Spous or Bridgrome Three spouses The General The special and Singular Ephes 5. Origen S. Ierom. S. Aug. lib. 8. de Gen. adli S. Greg. S. Beda S. Tho. A●bor Geneb Del Rio. The particular contents are sette in the margent of euerie chapter a The Church of the old testament desireth Christs coming in flesh and the Christian Church prayeth for his coming in glorie b The Church outwardly afflicted is inwardly fayre c Christ encorageth his spouse the Church d She meditateth of his Passion and Resurrection e Christ praiseth his spouse f She againe praiseth him g VVith thankes for her repose and present consolation a Christ professeth himself the floure of mankinde yea Lord of al creatures b The Church excelleth al other societies In the Church the godlie excel sinners Among the innocent and holie the virgin Marie surpasseth al. c The Church praising Christ resteth secure vnder his protectiō d He for the weakes sake permitteth her not to be molested til she be prepared to suffer vvith patience e She feeling Christs assistance confesseth preacheth boldly his Gospel truth against al Paganes and Heretikes f VVho though he shew not himself visibly g yet encorageth her to approch vnto him h commandeth his pastors to destroy heresies i And so she reposeth in him a The Church finding Christ not in darke ignorance nor in philosophie but by his reue●ling him selfe to her holdeth him for euer b euen til the lewes shal at last also find him c Christ speaketh as before ch 2. v. 7 d The Church of Christ admireth her owne conuersion from Gentilitie e now ful of good workes f She also professeth that the ascending to eternal rest is by fighting manfully in obseruing the ten commandments in the six dayes of this life g euen to bloud if ned● be h which is the highest degree of charitie i And inuiteth al others to come vnto Christ k who in the flesh which he tooke of his mother was crowned in heauen after his Passion a Christ againe prai●eth the beautie of his Church b Sincere and simple intention c Al her temporal occupations directed to Gods glorie d Pastors who like nurces geue bread of good doctrine to litle ones e Faith and good workes f Preaching Christs passion g And not ashamed to professe Christ Crucified h Administration of Sacraments wherby the Church Christs mystical bodie is ioyned to him her head i which is an inexpugnable fortresse k Both Iewes and Gentiles are fed with the principles of Christian doctrin l Christ dwelleth in mortified and deuout mindes m The Church triumphant is without spotte and euerie particular soule entring into heauen the B virgin mother was also in this life alwayes immaculate n Al tentations whether they be in manifest crueltie or in flatering sureltie make constant soules more gratful to God a The spouse condescending to Gods vvil is vvel content to suffer persecution b Christ again● shevveth his good liking in his spouses patience c and vvilleth the glorious Sainctes to congratulate vvith the patient d The spouse desireth to rest in meditation e but is called vpon to helpe others f and vrged by Christs owne example working for al mankind g And so she imployeth herself also in actiue life h Stil conseruing a desire to returne vnto contemplation i The deuout confer together describing the excellencies of Christ k And resolue to seke him whersoeuer he be a The Church teacheth her children that Christ is delighted with the godlie desires and fructful vvorkes of the faithful b Christ g●●●●e commendeth his Church wel composed of distinct orders some gouerning some retired in clo●sters from this world the rest also exercising vvorkes of mercie in the trubles of this life al together making a complete armie terrible to al enimies c The more anie contemplate Gods Maiestie the better they perceiue that he is incomprensensible d Manie true pastores e more hyrelinges that also preach truth but for temporal commoditie f And innumerable faithful soules in the Church g Al vvhich are but one bodie in vnitie of ●aith h The voice of the old synagogue admiring the beautie of Christs Church i The Church of Christ exhorteth the Synagogue of the Ievves to returne to Christ a Christ interposeth his commendation of the Ievves vvho at last shal returne to him vvith great seruoure of faith and deuotion b And so iointly praiseth his Church consisting of both peoples c The Church as it vvere taking the vvoid out of Christs mouth vvhiles he
praised her she returneth al the praise to him d Praying him to come and stil remaine vvith her e Acknovvleging him to be the only Sauiour of both old and nevv testament a The Synagogue prosecuteth her prayer desiring Christs Incarnation b Christ admonisheth vvordlie men not to molest those that serue him in contemplation other spiritual vertues c Angels and other Sainctes of the triumphant Church admire the beautie of the C●n●les conuerted which is also vnderstood of euerie holie soule ascending from this world into heauen And more singularly of the most glorious virgin mother of God f The Church of Gentiles reioyceth in the strong defence vvhervvith her Sauiour hath established her g Keepers of this vinyard vvere the Prophetes and Apostles and their Successors are stil the kepers therof h Christ shevveth that together vvith the pastors himself especially hath care of his Church alvvayes assisting the visible gouerners therof vvith his inuisible grace i The vvhole Church militant vvel contented yea desiring Christs Ascension into heauen for the good of al that here serue him prayeth him from thence to send abundance of his grace that vve may ascend the high mountaines of perfect charitie and zele of Gods honour that he vvil make our soules such hilles the garden of al vertues so voutsafe to dwel therin Amen d The Synagogue of the Iewes was corrupt vnder the tree of Christs Crosse when they cried Crucifie him Crucifie him And againe His bloud be vpon vs and vpon our children Againe VVe haue no King but Caesar c. e Christ againe sheweth his affection towards his Church of the Gentiles calling her his owne sister and the Synagogs sister promising and bestowing on her manie excellent benefites Both the auctor auctoritie of this booke were sometimes doubtful The same doubt is of Ecclesiasticus It is most probable that Philo a Iew writte this booke collecting manie sentences of Salomons Argum. lib. Reg. Fiue Sapiential bookes of the old testament Chap. 7. 8. 9. The Iewes denie these bookes to be Canonical Mat. 22. Exo. 3. They are iudged by very manie ancient fathers and afterwards defined by the Church to be Canonical Scriptures Et li. 17. c. 20. ●●●● The contents Diuided into three patts The 1. part An admonition to loue and practise iustice 3. Reg. 3. Isa 56. 2. Par. 1● :: Mortal sinnes are not only committed in dedes vvordes but also in though tes :: He that maliciously curseth s●u●sed of God ●al 5. v. 22. :: Be not cause of your owne eternal death by euil life :: Desperate death deliuereth not the wicked from calamities :: Neither are an●e damned vvhile they are in th●● life :: But sinners not repenting being et●●nal 〈…〉 them 〈…〉 〈…〉 be 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 be after death fal to these prophane thoughts and speaches of infidelitie :: Of infidelitie touching paine or reward after death procedeth the Epicures life :: Infidels are not content to liue in riote but doe also enuie and persecute the iust vvhose good examples vexe their mindes sturred therto by the diuel :: An euident prophecie of the Iewes malice persecuting our Sauiour Fulfilled by the chief Priestes Scribes and Ancientes recorded dy the Euangelists Mat. 27. v. 41. Mar 14. v. 53. Mat. 27. v. 43. :: vvant of beleuing diuine Mysteries namely the reward of the iust punishmēt of the wic ked is cause of dissolute life and of hatred against the good :: Temporal death of the iust is the way to eternal life vvhere damnation called here the tormēt of death shal not touch them :: For albelt Martyrs seme in the eyes of the vnwise to dye or to be extinguished they passe in dede into eternal and vnspeakeable glorie Chap. 5. v. 4 Mat. 13. v. 43. :: Al the iust shal approue Gods iudgmēt condemning the wicked :: Literally is vnderstood that the wiues of adulterers often become adultresses their children wicked Morally their sensualitie al their vvorkes are wholly corrupted * See S. Ierom. in Isa 56. v. 4. :: Chastitie of the bodie is a singular great vertue spiritual chastitie of true faith and religion is greatter and more generally commended as the roote and fundation of al vertues For vvithout faith it is vnpossible to please God :: VVhen soeuer the iust dieth it is profitable for him dying yong his immaculate life is more commendable then old age in the wicked v. 16. :: The damned shal be vvithout al excuse vtterly confounded in their owne consciences Gods prescience d●●th not preiudice mans free wil. ●tl 17. ● 30. ciuit :: VVicked men in their false conceipt iudge the trauels of the iust to be vaine fructles :: Repentance of the damned is only for the losse paine whereinto they are fallen not of loue towards God or vertue nor of hate towards sinne therfore is fructles bringing no comforte nor helpe at al but euerlasting torment and anguish of mind Chap. 3. v. 2. Pro. ●0 v. 19. :: For the certaintie of thinges that shal be Prophetes do very often speake in the pretertence of thinges to come as if they vvere already past :: As the ioy of the blessed so contrariwise the miserie of the damned is meruelous great for euer vnchangeable Eccle. 9. v. 18. :: Al powre is from God therfore to be respected though the magistrates sometimes abuse their auctoritie Rom. 1● v. 1. :: As euerie ones charge is more or lesse so his account is easier or har der and the punishment if he offend smaller or greater S. Gre. ho. 9. in Euang. :: VVisdom is attained by this gradation and so from first to last a resolute desire ioyneth faithful soules to God v. 21. The second part VVisdom procedeth from God and is procured by prayer :: The perfectest children are borne in the beginning of the tenth moneth :: Children in the mothers wombe are as in slepe :: Salomon whose sayinges are here recited praied for wisdom obtained it 3. Reg. 3. 3. Reg ● v. 9. :: God first gaue him grace to desire wisdom before al other thinges as he explicateth plainly cap. 8. v. 21. :: Salomon was a most excellent Philosopher :: Proper Epithetons of the spirite of wisdom :: See the Annotation Prouerb 1. v. 2. Heb. 1. v. 3. :: God the increated wisdom is infinite and wisdom created is also most excellent amongst Gods giftes 3. Reg. 3. Prou. ● :: This is also the speach of Salomon recited by the writer of this booke :: Of Salomons wisdom riches glorie renowmed fame not only the bookes of Kinges Paralipomenon but also our Sauiour doth witnes Mat. 6. 12. :: It is not certaine that Salomon hath immortal glorie but rather by immortalitie is here vnderstood that his glorious fame remaineth to the end of this world :: Neuertheles wisdom of her part geueth life and glorie euerlasting to al that perseuere to the end of this life :: It is
After the general Resurrection the heauens and earth shal be altered in qualities not in substance Psal 31. :: The greatest and proudest Gentiles being conuerted to Christ do humble themselues to the simple maners of Christians to penance fasting praying and al vvorkes of mortification Act. 7. v. 49 :: A prophecie that the Temple shal cease :: and sacrifices of the old Testament shal become vnlawful Prou. ●4 Iere. 7. ● 13. :: Iosephus expoundeth this of the Angels voice vttered in the temple before the destruction saying Migremus hinc Let vs depart from hence S Ierome confirmeth the same by the wordes of the Psalme 54 I savv contradiction in the citie :: God geueth natural powre to al l●uing creatures of generation but himself bringe●h forth children of his Church :: Immediatly before Christ come to iudge this whole world shal be destroyed by fire :: Christ ascending to his Father left the signe of Thau Ezech 9. the crosse vnto vs or put it in our foreheades that we may freely say the light of thy countenance is signed vpon vs. S. Ierom. in hunc locum :: Men of al nations shal be brought into the Church by the mynistrie of particular Angels S. Iero. ibid. Apoc. 21. :: General resurrection of al men Mar. 9. v. 44. As God was serued more specially in the temple so he is now in Churches but is in al places See Act. 7. v. 48. Clergimen in the old law succeded by bloud in the new by election The summe of Ieremies life 4. Reg. 23. 24. ●ha 44. v. 8. He wrote two Bookes one Epistle The contents of his bookes Epist ad Paulin. His propheci● diuided into fiue partes eb 1. 13. 21. 29. 40. The first part Gods clemencie inuiteth to repentance his iustice punisheth obstinate sinners * 4. Reg. 22. ● 8. :: He prophecied also inbanishment ch 44. in Aegypt :: Ieremie had fiue special prerogatiues He was sanctified in his mothers wombe a Priest a Prophet a perpetual virgin a Martyr Isa 51. v. 16. 59. v. 21. :: He prophecied not only of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles * or a nuttie rodde :: God is watchful to performe his word and a nuttie rodde as the 70. translate that is his Law is outwardlie hard and bitter like a nut shel but sweete pleasant as the kernel when the shel is broken S. Theodoret :: God promised not peace in his life but victorie in his death :: God multiplied Israel in Aegypt deliuered them from seruitude :: Not of anie desert but of Gods mere grace Israel was preferred before other nations Mi●h 6. ●● :: Into a fruitful land :: God commanding two thinges to flee from euil to do good the Iewes contrariwise left God and serued idols Isa ● Mat. 21. v. 33. :: God created al thinges good planted his Church in iustice and sancti●ie no euil proceded from him Iere. 32. v. 33. Iere. 11. ● 13. :: Gods intention when he punisheth is to moue sinners to repentance afflicting them in this life that they may escape eternal damnation :: No idolat●ie nor other sinne whatsoeuer can be so great but God wil remitte it if the sinner be penitent :: The tenne tribes :: The two tribes :: The kingdom of Iuda receiuing more benefites was more faultie then the kingdome of Israel but neither of them excusable :: After the captiuitie manie ●evves returned to God but especially this prophecie is fulfilled in the Gentiles since Christ :: The kingdom of Israel being in captiuitie long before Iuda at last they vvere released al together S. Theodoret in hunc locum :: An othe is an act of religion lavvful so it be made by God almightie not by false goddes and vvith other three conditions in truth not falsly in iudgement vvith due consideration not rashly and in iustice in matter that is iust and of importance Ose● ●0 Sap. 1. :: If they were in dede natural fooles they should be excused :: Gods prouidence neuer suffereth the Church to be destroyed :: Except al requisite conditiōs be obserued in an othe it is vnlavvful as vvhen one svveareth by God almighty but vntruly of rashly or to do an vnlavvful thing it is periurie :: By the lion the prophet semeth to vnderstand Nabuchodonosor :: By the vvulf Nabuzardan :: By the leopard Alexāder the great or Antiochus Epiphanes Ezec. 22. :: As before v. 10. ch 4. v. 27. Isa 1. Zach. 7. :: It is against Gods iust iudgement to omitte such thinges vnpunished v. 9. ch 9. v. 9. :: Captaines are called pastours because they feede and gouerne their soldiars Isa 56. Mat. II. :: Af●er al the Prophetes of the old testament Christ himself and lastly his Apostles called the levves vvho stil contemning the Gentils are called they heare and obey Mat. 10. v. 5. Act. 13 v. 46. Isa 1. :: That is from Babylon which is northward from Ierusalem :: The Ievves presumed that God would neuer suffer his Temple to be destroied they thought also that external sacrifices vvithout internal repētance should take avvay the sinnes but for their impenitence they their sacrifices are reiected and the temple destroied Mat. ●1 :: It is true that God sanctified the tabernacle in Silo and aftervvards the temple in Ierusalem but if the people be not sanctified he is not ●ied to the place Ios 18. Iud. 18. 1. Reg. ● Isa 65. 1. Reg. 4. :: The Kingdome of ●ene tribes :: God gaue his perfect law comprised in the ten commandments which alone being kept wil suffice aftervvardes added ceremonial precepts to exercise the people in external sacrifices of beastes and other corporal thinges to be offered to him self as wel to kepe them from idolatrie as to leade them therby to internal vertues and to signifie Mysteries of the new testament As is noted Leuit. 1. ●●●● ●● :: Persecuters spoile the shrines of kinges and other principal persons of crueltie also of auarice if they be richly adorned :: Those that professe knowlege of the law obserue it not in workes haue not true wisdom :: As serpents can not be hindered by inchantments from hurting men no more can the furious Chaldees be disswaded by anie speach from killing spoyling and ransaking the Israelites :: Not a few teares but a fountaine or riuer is scarse sufficient to lament the slaughter of Psa 27. After the destruction of Ierusalem most of the people especially the richer sort were caried into ca●t●uitie others were persecuted til they were consumed that is euen to death destruction But not al the nation consumed for he prophecied the contrarie ch 4. v. 27. ch 5. v. 10. 18 And after 70. yeares the reliques were released and returned into Iewrie manie also remained stil there As is euident in the bookes of Esdras ● Cor. ● ● Cor. 10. :: These nations are also circumcised in flesh but neither they no● the Iewes
34. c Niniue exceeding glorious for antiquitie greatnes riches vvarlike prowese most large dominion vvas at last destroyed a Ierusalem vvithout proper merites preferred by Gods special grace before al other places sanctified adorned protected most singularly yet stil prouoked him to vvrath contemning his admonitions and persisting and multiplying sinnes can not but at last be seuerely punished Ezec ●● Mich. ● * bring b About 40. yeares after Christs resurrection the most part of the Ievves persisting obstinate vvere brought to maruelous distresse and miseries vvhen Titus tooke destroyed Ierusalem which is also a figure of the destruction of this vvorld and of eternal punishment of the vvicked d Al nation shal inuocate one God in a chosen lippe or tongue in vnitie of fayth and vvith one shoulder of fortitude beare the yoke and burden of Christian life made svvete and light by Christs grace e Men of light conuersation contemners of Christ shal also be conuerted become graue greatly honour him Aggeus prophecied after the captiuitie of Christ and his Church S Ierom. Epist ad Paulin. a Zorobabel descending directly from the kinges of Iuda was now duke chiefe temporal gouerner of the Iewes by permission of Darius king of Persians c It behooueth without delay to set forward restauration of Gods seruice reductiō of soules from sinne amending of il maners because by fores●owing therof Gods honour is hindered and manie soules do eternally perish b In like sorte Iesus secceded in the office of high priest to Iosedec vvho vvas caried vvith others captiue into Babylon 1 Par. 6. v. 15. Deut. 28. Mich. ● d To incite the people to iust estimation of his preaching the prophet auoucheth that he is a messenger not coming of him self but sent by God a They beganne the new vvorke the 24. day of the sixt moneth b and the 21 of the 7 moneth the prophet had an other reuelation Heb. 12. c Iacob the Patriarch Gen. 49. prophecied that Christ should be the expectation of the Gentiles VVho is called the desired of al Nations because he vvas hertofore vvanting and alvvayes necessarie to al nations d That vvhich touched a holie thing vvas sanctified Leui. 6. v 18 but the thing so touched did not sanctifie other thinges so the people by touching the sacrifices vvere legally sanctified but not really and therfore their sacrifices were not gratful to God so long as they did not endeuour to build the temple as they ought to haue done Amos. 4. * spr●ng vp Al other kingdomes perishing the kingdom of Christ which is his Church is neuer destroyed Eccli ●● The temple restored after the captiuitie vvas not so glorious as that which Salomon built But Christs Church of the nevv Testament in which he dvvelleth spiritually farre excelleth the material temple Zacharie begane to prophecie but two monethes after Aggeus S. Ierom. Epist ad Paulin. Mal. 3. Isa 21. Iere. 3. Ezec. 18. 20. Ose 14. Ioel 2. a VVhen God in the holie Scriptures sayth Conuert to me and I vvil conuert to you VVe are admonished that vve haue freewil And when vve ansvver Conuert vs o Lord to thee and vve shal be conuerted we confesse that Gods grace preuenteth vs. Conc. Trid. sess 6. c. 5. b That this was an Angel in the shape of a man is manifest v 11. c Seuentie yeares from the transmigration of Ioachin vvere complet in the first of Cytus Dan 9. Seuentie yeares were also complet from the destructiō of the temple in the second of Darius Histaspis and therfore the prophet novv prayeth God to inspire such as vvere able that they would build the temple againe Zach. 8 d From foure partes of the world to wite the Moabites Ammonites on the east of Iurie The Idumeans and Aegyptians on the south the Philisthims on the vveast the Assirians Chaldees on the North side had much molested the Ievves al vvhich vvere therfore plaged punished for the same * fabros a According to S Augustins rule in Psal 71. vvhen greater thinges are sayd then can be verified as the letter soundeth the same is literally to be vnderstood of the thing presigured And so this prophecie perteyneth to the Church of Christ rather then to the citie of Ierusalem b O ye Gentiles that remaine in confused Babylon of this world flee from it into the Church c And ye Iewes that haue feloship vvith Babylon leaue it and serue God sincerely a Literally this vision perteyned to the hiegh priest of tha● time b Vvhose fault is here taxed for that he admonished not the people to build the temple and to abstaine from marying vvemen of strange nations as 1. ●sd 8 9 10. c Angels are promised to assist the Prelates of the Church d Christ according to his manh●od is the seruant of God Of vvhó S Luke expoundeth this prophecie Luc. 1. ● 78. a Most Hebrevv Doctors some Christian expound this vision of the temple the old synagog but most others vnderstand it literally of Christ his Church b The candlesticke Metaphorically signifieth Christs Church c The lampe or light Christ d seuen lightes al the pastores of the Church e Tvvo oliues Enoch and Elias Apoc. 11. f VVhich vision vvas to be declared to Zorobabel for his consolation that he might knovv that God vvould protest his Church g Tvvo branches the diuine and humane natures of Christ a In this booke or roll of papers were writen the sinnes of the people and designed punishment b It appeared flying to signific that this decree of punishment came from heauen S. Chrysost ho. 27. ad popul c Excecation obduration fel vpon the Iewes for their auarice and periurie d Antichrist shal beginne his reigne vvhere Babylon vvas first built Gen. 11. a Foure Monarchies of the Chaldees the Medes and Persians the Grecians and the Romanes Dan. 2. b VVhen the prophet set the crovvne on the high priests head that he might withal signifie that it perteyned not him but as in figure of Christ he explicateth that God reueled this mysterie saying Behold a man vvho is also God called Orient that is Raising vp establishing the kingdom vvhich vvas promised to Dauid S. Iero. is bunc locum Luc. 1. r 78. a Because the temple vvas burned in the fift moneth Godolias slaine in the seuenth 4. Reg. 25. v. 8. 15 the Ievves fasted in those two monethes al the time of their captiuitie Isa 58. b VVhich fast vvas good but vnperfect wan ting vvorkes of mercie most especially required in fastes Isa 58 S. Greg. p. 3 past curae admonie 20. ho 16. in Euang. c And therfote the prophet admonisheth to fast from al sinnes Exo. 22. Isa 1. Iere. 5. a These benefites here prophecied are greater then euer vvere bestovved vpon the Ievves before Christ came therfore are rather to be vnderstood of the graces of the nevv testament Zach. 1. v. 14. b The tenne tribes vvere
built in Aegypt by Ananias in in the time of Ptolomee Philometor both schismatical Iosephus l. 11. c. S. li. 13. c. 6. :: Besides former great masaker c 5. foure most notorious martyrdomes are here related 1 Vvemen with their circumcised children 2 Other people for keeping the sabbath :: A necessaire admonition to the weake in time of persecucion 3 Eleazarus nintie yeares old cruelly slaine :: He vvas excellently lerned in holie Scriptures and in al diuine and humane knovvlege :: To feyne or make outvvard shevv of consent to false religion is neuer lavvful :: In the old restament none could enter into heauen but the most iust went to Limbus when they died :: Old age saith S. Ambrose li. 2. c. 10. de Iacob patri ought to be the hauen not the shipvvrake of thy former life 4 The fourth Martyrdom vvas of seuen bretheren and their mother ● VVhosoeuer please to read more of these glorious Martyres may sec the large discourses of Flanius Iosephus in his booke de Machabeis And of sundrie ancient Fathers S. Cyprian li 4. Epist ep 6. S. Chrysostom homilia de natiuitate septem Machabaeorum S. Ambrose li. 1. Offic. c. 40. c li. 11. de Iacob c. 9. S. Augustin de origine animae Tract 8. in Epist 1. Ioan Ser. 110. de diuersis S. Prosper li de praedict par 2. c. 40. S. Prudentius hymno de Romano Martyre S. Leo. Ser de Nat septem fratrum Machab. S. Gaudentius Brixanus Tractatu de Machabeis S. Ephrem Ser. de morte S. Victorinus Aser Carmine de septem Machabeis Deut. 32. v. 43. :: A promise is properly of a good thing bindeth the promiser to do that vvhich is in dede good In so much that whosoeuer promiseth svveareth or vovveth to do euil is bond not to do it And to do it is a distinct sinne besides the former :: In that this godlie woman deceiued the tyrant she did vvel lavvfully vsing aequiuoeation * li. 1. c. 2. v. 1. The second part of the historie The vvarres of the Machab●e● begune by Mathathias li 1. c. 2 and prosecuted by Iudas I. :: In al good attemptes deuout prayer is the first preparation And no vvhere more necessary then in battel As vvel for good successe supposing alwayes a good cause as also that euerie one pray for his ovvne soule that it be in state of grace * li. 1. c. 3. v. 10. :: This Philip a Phrygian was left in Ierusalem by Antiochus to afflict the Ievves ch 5. v. 22. N :: A iust and religious cause is the very best helpe that can be in vvarres 4 Reg. 19. Of this battel vvith the calatians there is no other mention in holy scripture but it semeth to be that vvherin they assisted Antiochus the first called Soter vvhen he repelled the Galatians inuading Asia vvherof Appianus vvriteth in bellis Syriacis And Iosephus testifieth l. 12 c 3. that Antiochus Magnus sonne of Soter much fauored the Ievves for their explottes donne in his fathers dayes * li. 1. c. 4. v. 28. R :: A chief citie of Persis called Elymais li. 1. c. 6. v. 1. :: Antiochus vvas in dede really and seriously greued and truly acknovvledged that his affliction vvas for his sinnes li. 1. c. 6. v. 11. but he vvas not truly penitent for the offence committed against God his neighbour but only for his ovvne calamitie miserie therfore could not obreyne mercie to remission of his sinnes nor release of the punishment So also the damned in hel knovv confesse that they are punished for their sinnes but haue not true repentance for their offence against God :: Of this tyrant S. Cyprian geueth this censure li. de exhort Martyrij King Antiochus an inueterate enimie to al the good Nay in Antiochus Antichrist is expressed * li. 1. c. 6. v. 17. P :: This recouering and clensing of the temple vvas after the fourth battel of Iudas vvhich vvas against Lysias one of Antiochus chiefe captaines as appeareth li. ● c. 4 and so was before the death of Antiochus vvritten here ch 9. li. 1. c. 4. v. 5. * li. 1. c. 5. v. 1. T :: It is neuer an act of fortitude but of extreme pusillanimity when one in temporal miserie killeth himselfe to be ridde therof But is a most heroical act to dye willingly for Gods glorie :: Against this Gorgias Iudas had a victorie before in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes li. 1. c. 4. :: Timothee the second captaine general of Antiochus vvith Bacchides was once before ouerthrowne li. 1. c 8. v. 30. :: Iosephus Gorion li. 3. c. 13. saith these tvventie zelous young men vvere of the Assidians who professed a certaine religious forme of life of vvhom mention is made before li. 1. ch 2 v 42. c. 7. v. 13. Protestantes confesse that Iudas instituted this feast It is distinct from other feastes v. 5. :: This Lysias also bad bene vanquished before li. 1. c. 4. v. 28. :: Knovving that the Patriarches Abraham Isaac Iacob likevvise Moyses Iosue and manie others vvere singularly assisted by Angelles these Machabees in their good cause prayed for Angelical helpe and had it but ioyntly vvith their ovvne endeuour although some times God geueth such victories vvithout cooperation of men Exo. 14. 4. Reg. 19. :: Lysias vvas in dede the kings consin v. ●5 but he calleth him brother for honour sake :: An other Timothee was slaine ch 10. v 37. :: Also an other Apollonius vvas slaine before li. 1. c. 3. v. 11. :: A furlong is about the eight part of a myle so this fire vvas sene thirty miles of others count a furlong to conteyne a thousand foote the fifth part of a myle so it vvas sene 48. myles distant Iosue 6. :: Tubianci or Tubieni signifie religiously good it is pro bable that these vvere the Assideans li 1. c. 2. v. 42. c 7. v. 13. :: Iudas had the victorie twise before against this Gorgias li 1. c. 4. v. 1. li. 2. c. 10. v. 14. :: It was commanded Deut. 7. v 25. not to couet nor take aniething perteyning to idols but to destroy al See this sinne punished Iosue 7. 1. Reg. 15. c. :: Vnles it had bene the doctrine practise of the Church to pray for the dead Iudas could neuer haue thought of anie such matter :: It is only profitable for those that dye penitent * li. 1. c. 6. v. 18. This text is clere for praying for the dead in the argument pa. 890. Likevvise the Greke S. Augustin ep 61. ad Dulcit l. 1. c. 23. de morib li. de cura pro mort c. 1. Enchir. c. 110. Denial of this doctrine is heresie Mat. 12. Iudas vvas high priest when he caused prayers and sacrifice to be offered for the dead It was the general practise of ●he Church And is yet obserued by the Iewes W :: In the first booke ch 6 v. 30 the number of
and patterne of a sincere and hartie penitent bewayling confessing and punishing his owne sinnes The ninth is the end and renouation of this world with the general Resurrection and Iudgement The tenth is eternal felicitie and punishment according as euerie one deserueth in this life These are the tenne keyes of this holie Booke and tenne stringes of this Diuine Psalter Moreouer to finde which of these is the proper key and principal string of euerie Psalme lerned Diuines vse foure especial wayes First by the title added by Esdras or the Seuentie two Interpreters for an introduction to the sense of the same Psalme So it appeareth that the third Psalme treateth literally of Dauids danger and deliuerie from his sonne Absalon which is the eight key though mystically it signifieth Christs Persecution Passion Resurrection which is the fifth key Secondly if there be no title or if it declare not sufficiently the key or principal matter conteyned it may some times be found by allegation and application of some special part thereof in the new Testament So it is euident Act. 4. v. 25. c. 13. v. 33. Heb. 1. v. 5. Heb. 5. v. 5. that the second Psalme perteyneth to Christ impugned and persecuted by diuers aduersaries VVhich is the fiftkey Thirdly when greater thinges are affirmed of anie person or people as of Dauid Salomon Iewish nation or the like then can be verified of them it must necessarily be vnderstood of Christ or his Church in the new Testament or in Heauen So the conclusion of the 14. Psalme He that doth these thinges shal not be moued for euer can not be verified of the tabernacle nor temple of the Iewes but of eternal Beatitude in heauen VVhich is the tenth key Though the greater part of the Psalme sheweth that iust and true dealing towards our neighboures is necessarie for attayning of eternal Glorie Fourtly when both the title and Psalme or part thereof seme hard and obscure some part being more cleare the true sense of al may be gethered by that which is more euident According to S. Augustins rule li. 2. c. 9. li. 3. c. 26. Doct. Christ So the title and former part of the fifth Psalme being more obscure are explaned by the last verses shewing plainly that God wil iustly iudge al men both iust and wicked in the end of this world VVhich is the ninth key By these and like meanes the principal key being found it wil more easily appeare what other keyes belong to the same and what other stringes are also touched At least the studious may by these helpes make some entrance and for more exact knowlege search the iudgement of ancient Fathers and other learned Doctours But besides this singular great commoditie of compendious handling much Diuine matter in smal rowme this booke hath an other special excellencie in the kind of stile and maner of vttering which is Meeter and Verse in the original Hebrew tongue And though in Greke Latin and other languages the same could not in like forme be exactly translated yet the number and distinction of verses is so obserued that it is apt for musike as wel voices as instruments and to al other vses of Gods seruants Neither is musical maner of vttering Gods word and praises lesse to be esteemed because profane Poetes haue in this kind of stile vttered light vaine and false thinges For the abuse of good thinges doth not derogate from the goodnes therof but rather commendeth the same which others desire to imitate And clere it is that this holie Psalmodie was before anie profane poetrie now extant For Homer the most ancient of that sorte writte his poeme at least two hundred and fourtie yeares after the destruction of Troy as Apolidorus witnesseth others namely Solinus Herodotus and Cornelius Nepos say longer VVheras kind Dauid our Diuine Psalmist reigned within one hundred years after the Troianes warres There were in dede Amphion Orpheus and Muscus before Dauid but their verses either were not written or shortly perished only a confuse memorie remaining of them recited altered and corrupted by word of mouth but before them were the sacred Historie of Iob almost al in verse and the two Canticles of Moyses Exodi 15. and Deut. 32. It is moreouer recorded that I●bal long before Noes floud was the father of them that sang on harpe and organ Musike therfore is maruelous ancient But sacred Poetrie is in manie other respectes most excellent and most profitable This holie Psalmodie saith S. Augustin is a medecine to old spiritual sores it bringeth present remedie to nev vvvoundes it maketh the good to perseuere in vvel doing it cureth at once al predominating passions vvhich vexe mens soules A little after Psalmodie driueth avvay euil spirites iuuiteth good Angels to helpe vs it is a shield in night terrors a refreshing of day trauels a guard to children an ornament to yongmen a comforte to oldmen a most seemlie grace to vvemen Vnto beginners it is an introduction an augmentation to them that goe forvvard in vertue a stable firmament to the perfect It conioyneth the vvhole Church militant in one voice and is the spiritual eternal svvete perfume of the celestial Armies al Sainctes and Angels in heauen To al this we may adde other causes which moued the Royal Prophete to write this diuine poetrie First he had from his youth by Gods special prouidence a natural inclination to Musike wherin he shortly so excelled that before al the Musitians in Israel he was selected to recreate king Saul whom an euil spirite vexed And his skil together with his deuotion had such effect that vvhen he playde on the harpe Saul vvas refreshed and vvaxed better For the euil spirite departed from him saith the holie text VVherfore he made these Psalmes that him selfe and others might by singing them imploy this gift of God to his more honour Secondly verse being more easie to lerne more firmly kept in mind and more pleasant in practise for as wine so musike doth recreate the hart of man the Holie Ghost condescending to mans natural disposition inspired Dauid to write these Psalmes in meeter mixing the povvre of diuine doctrin vvith delectable melodie of song that vvhiles the eare is allured vvith svvete harmonie of musike the hart is indued vvith heauenlie knovvlege pleasant to the mind and profitable to the soule Thirdly Dauid singularly illuminated with knowlege of great and most diuine Mysteries indued also with most gracious disposition of mind the man chosen according to Gods ovvne hart 1. Reg. 13. would vtter the same Mysteries with godlie instructions and praises of God in the most exquisite kind of stile that is in verse For otherwise he was also very eloquent in prose as wel appeareth by sundrie his excellent and effectual discourses in the books of Kinges and Paralipomenon For which cause Moyses also described the
passage of Israel forth of Aegypt through the read sea in a Canticle after that he had related the same whole historie more at large in prose that al might sing and so render thankes with melodious voice and musical instruments praising God Likewise in an other Canticle he comprised the whole law a litle before his death So also Barac and Debora and after them Iudith song praises to God for their victories in verse Salomon writte the end of his Prouerbes and a whole booke intituled Canticles the Prophet Ieremie his Lamentations in verse Anna hauing obtained her prayer for a sonne gaue thankes to God with a Canticle The like did king Ezechias for recouerie of health The Prophets Isaias Ezechiel Ionas A bacuc and the three children in the fornace againe in the new Testament the B. virgin mother iust Zacharie deuout Simeon gaue thankes sang praises to God in Canticles Fourthly albeit the holie King was not permitted to build the gorgious Temple for Gods feruice as he greatly desired to haue done yet he prouided both store of mu●itians foure thousand in number of which 288. were maisters to teach made these Psalmes as godlie dirties for this holie purpose in al solemnities of feastes and daylie sacrifice when the Temple should afterward be built Fiftly he made these Psalmes not only for his owne others priuate deuotion nor yet so especially for the publique Diuine seruice in the Temple and other Synagogues of the Iewes but most principally for the Christian Catholique Church which he knew should be spred in the whole earth Forseing the maruelous great and frequent vse therof in the Christian Clergie and Religious people of both sexes As he prophecieth in diuers Psalmes Al the earth sing to thee sing Psalmes to thy name Againe I vvil sing Psalmes to thee ô God in the Gentiles in al peoples and Nations VVhich him selfe neuer did but his Psalmes are euer since Christ song by Christians conuerted from gentilitie as we see in the Churches Seruice For the whole Psalter is distributed to be song in the ordinarie office of our Breuiarie euerie weke And though extraordinarily for the varietie of times and feastes there is often alteration yet stil the greater part is in Psalmes Certayne also of the same Psalmes are without change or intermission repeted euerie day And such as haue obligation to the Canonical Houres must at least read the whole Office priuatly if they be not present where it is song The Office also of Masse ordinarily beginneth with a Psalme In Litanies and almost al publique Prayers and in administration of other Sacraments and Sacramentals either whole Psalmes or frequent verses are inserted Likewise the greatest part of the Offices of our B. Ladie and for the dead are Psalmes Besides the seuen Poenitential and fiftene Gradual Psalmes at certaine times So that Clergie mens daly office consisteth much in singing or reading Psalmes And therfore al Byshops especially are strictly bond by a particular Conon Dist 38. cap. Omnes psallentes to be skilful in the Psalmes of Dauid and to see that other Clergiè men be wel instructed therin According to the Holie Ghosts admonition by the pen of the same Royal Prophet Psal 46. Psallite sapienter Or intelligenter that is Sing Psalmes vvith knovvlege and vnderstanding them Not that euerie one is bond to know and be able to discusse al difficulties but competently according to their charge vndertaken in Gods Church Otherwise euerie one that is or intendeth to be a Priest may remember what God denounceth to him by the Prophet Osee c. 4. Because thou hast repelled knovvlege I vvil repel thee that thou do not the function of Priesthood vnto me Thus much touching the Author the contentes the poetical stile final cause of this holie Psalter As for the name S. Ierom S. Augustin and other Fathers ●each that wheras amongst innumerable musical instruments six were more specially vsed in Dauids time mentioned by him in the last Psalme Trumpet Psalter Harpe Timbrel Organ and Cimbal This booke hath his name of the instrument called Psalter which hath tenne strings signifying the tenne commandements and is made in forme as S. Ierom and S. Bede suppose of the Greke letter Λ delta because as that instrument rendreth sound from aboue so we should attend to heauenlie vertues which come from aboue Likewise vsing the harpe which signifyeth mortification of the flesh other instruments which signifie and teach other vertues we must finally referre al to Gods glorie reioyce spiritually in hart and render al praise to God Concerning interpretation of holie Scriptures AS Prophecie or other holie Scripture was not at anie time by mans wil but the Prophetes holie men of God spake inspired by the Holie Ghost so no prophecie nor explication of Scripture is made by priuate interpretation 2. Pet. 1. but by the same Spirite wherwith it was written which our Sauiour gaue to the Church to abide for euer the Spirite of truth to teach al truth Ioan. 14. 16. Neither perteyneth it to euerie one to discerne the true spirite but to some 1. Cor. 12. Holie Scriptures consist not in reading but in vnderstanding S. Ierom Dialogo aduers Luciferianos The wordes of holie Scripture are so to be vnderstood as holie men the Sainctes of God haue vnderstood them S. Aug Ser. 18. de verb. Domini Men must lerne of men not expect knowlege immediatly of God nor only by Angels Idem in prologo Doct. Christ There be some thinges mentioned in holie Scripture which God wil haue hidden and those are not to be curiously searched S. Amb. li. 1. c. 7. de vocat Gentium By those thinges which to vs are hidden in holie Scripture our humilitie is proued S. Greg. ho. 17. super Ezech. THE BOOKE OF PSALMES PSALME I. The Royal prophet Dauid placed this Psalme as a Preface to the rest conteyning 1 true happines which consisteth in flying sinnes and seruing God 3. The good doe prosper 5. not the wicked 6. as wil appeare in the end of this world BLESSED is the man that “ hath not gone in the counsel of the impious hath not “ stoode in the way of sinners and hath not “ sitte in the chayre of pestilence † But his “ wil is in the way of our Lord and in his law he wil meditate day and night † And he shal be as a tree that is planted nigh to the streames of waters which shal geue his fruite in his time † And his leafe shal not fal and al thinges whatsoeuer he shal doe shal prosper † The impious not so but as dust which the winde driueth from the face of the earth † Therfore the impious shal not rise againe in iudgement nor sinners in the councel of the iust