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A11498 D. Sarauia. 1. Of the diuerse degrees of the ministers of the gospell. 2. Of the honor vvhich is due vnto the priestes and prelates of the church. 3. Of sacrilege, and the punishment thereof. The particular contents of the afore saide Treatises to be seene in the next pages; De diversis ministrorum evangelii gradibus. English Saravia, Adrien, 1530-1612. 1591 (1591) STC 21749; ESTC S107871 200,148 283

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notwithstanding most certayne was none of the Apostles Phillip likewise may be taken for one of this order and many other who laboured with the Apostles in the work of the Gospel And seeing it is so plain a case that these all were called immediatly from God and that as we read God gaue vnto his Church Euangelists who shall wee say were those Euangelists if not these Resolue then that those seuenty Disciples were Euangelists and those Euangelistes inferior to the Apostles For why they were giuen as Legats or Lieutenants vnder those graund Capitains to vndertake with like authority theyr taske and theyr turnes And yet besides these the Apostles tooke vnto them diuerse others as fellow laborers with them But in them ther was not that valour as was in those whom the Lord himselfe did choose and infuse with an Apostolike spirite We haue read of Barnabas Iude and Sylas theyr great trauel and no smal autority in the Church In which respect they came neare and were next in deede vnto the Apostles themselues But how might this haue beene if so be the spirit of God had not wholly possessed them as it did the Apostles But we knowe how that they all met that were at the election of Mathias the same day in the same place with the Apostles themselues when the Lord poured forth of his spirite a visible shape And albeit Barnabas was no Apostle none of the twelue yet can we make no lesse of him then an Euangelist one of the seuenty As for Marke and Luke albeit theyr authority in the Church were great and theyr desertes great for their perfect and well penned Histories of the Gospell yet are they not to be reputed with the seuenty Euangelistes by reason theyr calling was by men vnto the Ministery Tertullian in in his fourth booke against Marcion writeth thus Luke saith hee not an Apostle yet Apostolique not a maister but a scholler as he was lesse then his Maister so likewise was he so much the more lesse then an other for that he was follower of a lesse Apostle As for Marke Papias in his Commentaries as Eusebius reporteth in his thirde booke hath left vs this testimony Marke the interpreter of Peter wrote in deede very diligently what so euer hee remembred yet not altogether in that order as they were spoken and performed by the Lorde Neyther in deede did hee heare the Lorde himselfe neither was hee any follower of his but afterwards as I haue sayd became the companion of Peter c. VVherefore Marke did not amisse in this that he diuulged in writing such things as before hee committed to memory seeing aboue all thinges he chiefely regarded this one thing that neyther hee would omitte any thing he heard to be true neyther committe any thing hee knew to bee false Thus saith hee of him And it is well knowen that hee was inferiour vnto Barnabas also in authority for hee was his follower and in a manner his scholler as he was also Pauls and Peters and that in no other order then were Titus and Timothy And yet notwithstanding the name and credite both of Marke and Luke for their faithfull register of the Apostles preceptes is such and so reuerend as that their Gospels are recorded among the canonical scriptures and are equaled in authority with the more exquisite labours of Mathew and Iohn And reason too For in their Euangelike recordes whome had they for theyr patternes or their patrones but the Apostles and Euangelistes So that whereas the Gospell of Ma hew may seeme to bee onely Mathewes and that of Iohn to bee Iohns onely these theyr Gospels may be reputed the Gospels not of Mark and Luke but of all the Apostles and Euangelists In the which thing verily they are worthy great commendations that they sauoured no whit at all of men as commonly they doe which pen Histories but they so nearely and narrowly followed the very spirit of the Apostles and Euangelistes as if the Apostles themselues had beene rather the penners then perusers of so greate a worke Wherefore Luke is for good cause commended of Paul in the second to the Corinth the eight chapter and eighteenth verse when as he saith VVe haue also sent that brother whose praise is in the Gospell throughout all Churches But by these you may easely conceiue who were properly Euangelistes and who not Of Prophets Chap. V. AS wee reckon none in order with the twelue Paul onely excepted so with the seuenty find we not any that may be compared And albeit we doubt not that God could haue added to the 70. others also no way their inferiors yet seeing we haue no record of sacred writte to auouch the same it were hard for man to affirme that there were any such But now when as besides the twelue Apostles and those seuenty Euangelists we read of other also who in like manner haue been honoured with the first fruits of the holy Spirite by what name or title shall they be called or by what addition shal we distinguish thē from the rest Of the number of an hundred and twenty men there remayn fix and thirty stil whom seeing we neither account with the twelue Apostles nor yet with the seuenty Euangelistes it remayneth that wee adorne them with the name of Prophets For this it is which Peter doth insinuat vnto the people out of the Prophet Ioel in his Apology for himselfe and his fellowes namely That the spirite of Prophesie promised of olde to be giuen out in the later dayes was then poured forth vppon that assembly whom then they heard preaching and prophesying in diuerse tongues to theyr great astonishement Wherefore those thirty sixe men which neyther are ascribed into the company of the twelue Apostles nor yet are recounted in the society of the seuenty Euangelists were those first Prophets whom God gaue into his Church after our Sauiour was receyued vp into Heauen In which order as it might very wel be was Ananias of Damasco reputed and Agabus both of them renowmed Prophets Iudas and Sylas are also called Prophets and for that cause are they sent by the Apostles to Antioch to exhort confirme the brethren And I am of opinion that these and such like were properly called Prophets not Metaphorically seeing they did foresee thinges to come by the spirite of God and by the same spirite reuealed things secret and recondite And albeit the interpreting of the Scripture bee a kinde of prophecying yet is that kinde more proper to the Doctor then the Prophet and more truely may a man account Doctors interpreters of the Scripture then Prophets But doubtlesse God restored to his Church in those latter dayes that true kinde of Prophecy which in Israell was familiar from the beginning and in singular wisedom did erect three kindes of Doctors in his Church and gaue them to his new people Apostles Euangelists and Prophets And these were the first Elders and Bishops of the Church of Ierusalem That the
Temple and Altar for diuine seruice might receaue no portion of that deuotion but while the rest did husband the earth they should honor the Lord onely and therfore for their liuing and allowance they were to receaue tenthes of the eleuen Tribes of those fruites which did increase The which reason and order is now obserued amongst the Cleargie at this day that they which in the Church of the Lord are promoted vnto anie Ecclesiasticall dignitie should by no meanes bee called away from their deuine function neither shuld be intangled with troubles and worldlie affaires but according vnto the honour of the maintained brethren as they which receiue tenthes of fruits should not depart from the Altar and the sacrifices but daye and night should attend vpon heauenly and spirituall busines c. About the same time there were maintained at Rome vnder Cornelius the Bishop sixe and fortie Priests seauen Deacons Eusebius lib 6.25 so manie Subdeacons as also two and fortie Seruaunts Exorcists Readers and Doore-keepers all togeather two and fiftie The number of the whole Cleargie was an hundred fiftie and fiue men all the which no doubt for the most part had their proper families and yet besides al these the widowes and other which were afflicted either with pouertie or infirmitie were a thousand and fiue hundred all the which as Cornelius himselfe doth witnes in an Epistle to Fabian Bishop of Antioch the grace and bountie of the Lorde did aboundantlie releeue and least any man should thinke that this was done penuriously or sparingly hee addeth that so great a number of Ministers so great a multitude of poore by the prouidence of God were made rich and abounding in all plenteousnes The historie of Laurence deacon of Rome is sufficiently knowen whome the tyrants of that time held in suspicion that he had the custodie of the church treasure And their suspicion was true in part for the church had treasure and in part it was false for that it was not the maner of the church to lay vp but to lay out the treasure they had By the which meanes Phillips oblations also and donations to the church were repealed all to late for the ministerie of the Deacons by the handes of the poore had there laid them vp where neither rust nor moath nor any caterpiller of the Church could breake through and steale Neither was this the least praise of the churches of that age that as they were priuatelie poore so were they commonly rich after the example of the church at Hierusalem CHAP. XII That the church had no small reuenues and certaine places in the which they did celebrate their assemblies before the time of Constantine THat professed Christians had farms possessions the increase whereof they distributed to the cleargy pouerty of the Church the edicts of Constantine the great doe sufficiently testifie True it is that vnder Dioclesian the christians were spoyled of al they possessed either priuatly or in cōmon but the godly cristiā Emperor giueth in charge to the presidentes of the prouince that those places in the which Christians did celebrate their assemblies and all other things whatsoeuer they possessed or any waies pertained to the right of their societie should againe be restored vnto them Enead 7. 8. Sabellicus maketh mention of one Lucina a noble and rich matrone that was exiled by Maxentius for that she had named the Church of Rome to be her heire Indeed it is to be acknowledged that from the time of Constantine the state of the Church was no wayes impaired neither doe I speake of the false and fained donations of Constantine but this is a thing most certaine that he was a bountifull Prince towardes the Church and worthily renowned for his bountie Sozomenus reporteth of Constantine his honorable liberalitie towards the Church of Christ Lib. 1.8 that of those grounds which in euerie Cittie were tributarie hee reserued a certaine pension which accustomably was wont to bee paide into the Exchequer and distributed the same vnto the Churches and the Cleargie the which his great gratious larges he afterwards ratified by law to stand good for euer De vita Cōstant li. 4. 28 Eusebius in the life of Costantine witnesseth the same That therefore all men may vnderstand what the welth of the Church was in those times I will produce a few presidentes of that age and begin with that which Augustine hath left in recorde concerning his owne Church at Hippon For he was himselfe also of an honourable house of great wealth I saith hee according to the common conceit of manie Epist 225. which compare themselues with themselues seeme not to haue come from wealth but to haue come to wealth for my fathers inheritance can hardly be reckoned the twentith part in comparison of the churches reuenewes the which nowe I am accounted to possesse as chiefe Lord. Whence that Church had that great wealth it is to bee seene in the same Epistle Prosper in his booke De vitae contemplatiua reporteth of Hilarie Bishop of Arelat to his euerlasting praise that hee had did not only retain those things which the church then but that he did also inlarge the same by the manifold heritages of the faithful which he receiued Among Basil his epistles there is one whole one which testifieth that there were manie at that time which vsed to leaue by testament a great part of their inheritance vnto the Church and some sometimes which did make free gift of all But what neede I to stande vppon the manifolde reports of such thinges The lawes of the Emperours concerning this whole matter are sufficiently knowne Nay this one thing I would admonish the Reader least at any time hee bee deceiued when as manie times hee may reade in the Fathers that the goods of the Church are not onely the goodes of the Bishops and the goodes of the Priestes but the goodes of the poore also I say there hee shall but note howe the auncient custome of the Church hath beene disordered through auarice and hypocrisie When all the Church goodes of euerie Diocesse were in common vnto all the Church-men of the same territorie to bee diuided to euerie Church-man according to the discretion of the Bishop then was that saying in force The goodes of the Church are the goodes of the poore Not that the whole substance of the Church was to be consumed vppon the poore but because the fourth part therof was their due by right For the first part was for the Bishop himselfe the second for the other Church-men the third for the Church workes the fourth for releeuing the poore and redeeming the captiue But when as by reason of the manifolde inconueniences which did dayly arise by meanes of this communitie and the great multitude of Churches which now began to bee euerie where erected and set vp throughout the countrie and indowed with peculiar commodities they began to depart from this communitie by
thousand Of the which foure and twenty were appointed to bee ouerseers of the workes for the house of the Lord and sixe thousand were ordayned Rulers and Iudges in all Israell And least any man shoulde thinke that they were Iudges onely in Ecclesiasticall causes as some now a dayes would hold men in hād forcing the Scriptures to that forme of gouernement they see in some Churches let the six and twenty Chapter of the same Booke be wel read and aduisedly perused and he shal find that the Isharites Chenanas and his brethren men of might were deputed officers and Iudges for the businesse without ouer Israell Of the Hebronits Hesabias and his brethren men of might a thousand and seuen hundred were appointed Officers for Israell beyond Iordan westward in all the businesse of the Lord and for the seruice of the King And in the same Chapter it is sayd that Dauid appoynted the kinse-men of Iedijas men of might two thousand seuen hundred Princes of families ouer the Rubenites and the Gadites and the halfe tribe of Manasses for euery matter pertaining to God and the King To these I may adde that which I read in the nineteenth of the 2. of the Chronicles of king Iehosophat who intending the restauration of Gods worship and the reformation of the common wealth appointed Iudges Leuits and Priests and Princes of the families of Israell for the iudgement and cause of the Lord. And where as some thinke by that in the last verse of this Chapter That the Priests and Leuites were onely deputed ouer Ecclesiasticall causes because it is there written Behold Amarias the Priest shall be the chiefe ouer you in all matters of the Lord and Zebadias the sonne of Ismaell a ruler of the house of Iuda shall be for all the Kings affaires c. As if he had there put some difference betweene matters ciuill and Ecclesiastitall It is an errour growen as I haue sayde of a certaine fore-seasoned opinion of that gouernment which we see now in the Church or Rome and some other reformed churches For who seeth not that in this place the kings affaires and in the sixe and twenty of the former booke the seruice of the King doth not signify al one with ciuil matters and politique affaires but what so euer pertayned to the Kings right Such as were first described by Samuel and afterwards eyther imitated or augmented by the consent of the people as it often commeth to passe of the which ther was nothing prescribed by Moyses But what the businesse of the Lord was the tenth verse going before declareth by particulars For the Priests were interpreters of the law as well ciuill as ceremoniall and the King so appointing they were also the ordinary Iudges thereof These things I doe therfore remember that all men may know what is lawfull for the Ministers of the Gospell who succeede the Leuiticall Ministery in ciuill causes vnder a christian Magistrate not that I would wishe them intangled therewith any otherwise then the necessity of time and causes may require and that we may also know that those precepts of our Sauiour were giuen to no other end then that as I haue sayd that misconceite of his kingdom should not be strengthned in the mindes of his Disciples Least they should thinke the power which was giuen them were annexed with such autority as that they might alter at their pleasure and innouate publique estates by theyr peculiar power Chap. XXV Theyr error confuted that thinke no ciuill affaires of the common wealth ought to be committed to the Bishops and Pastors of the Church NOw a dayes this common error hath inuaded the mindes not onely of the common sort but of some part of the learned also so that there are manye of that side very strongly opinionate that the ciuill affaires of the common wealth doe nothing at all appertaine to Bishops and Ministers no more then if they were neyther cittizens nor any suppliment of the common wealth Curriers Diers Weauers Beere-brewers Smithes Fullers Marchauntes and Pedlers furnish the common house and giue their voyce in things concerning the common wealth neyther can I dissalow the same in a common wealth but that the Pastors of Churches shoulde stande excommunicate out of their generall assemblies it is a thing vtterly against the equal right of al Cittizens Seeing they liue vnder the same lawes obey the same Magistrate beare the same burdens of the common wealth Seeing in such publique assemblies they doe consult as wel of theyr liues and goods and what so euer else vpon the which not onely theyr owne estate but the publique good of theyr Churches also doth depend seeing I say they doe consult of these no lesse then of cloth and wooll and fish and felles importing and transporting any other commodities is ther any light of reason or light reason why godly Ministers ought to haue lesse care of the common wealth then common Burgomaisters If they can alledge no reason what colour can they set vppon theyr mishapen ground Why they aboue all others should be excluded the ciuill assemblies or Parliaments prouincial whom it chiefely concerneth to see least the flocke committed to theyr charge be layd open to Wolues In those things which concerne the safety of theyr soules nay but in those things also which touch the security of theyr bodies Are they not appointed of God watchmen and ouerseers as it were in a hie tower or heedeful centrenel as they which are to see from far what mischiefes are like to insue that they may admonish as well the people as the Magistrats themselues of such things as are to be auoided The which in deed they cannot doe so long as they are kept fasting from the conscience and conference of such thinges as are done in the common wealth If the Church could stand safe though the cōmon wealth fell to decay or if the one might rise by the ruines of the other I had the lesse to say but when as Church and common wealth are imbarked in the same vessell saile together in the same danger how should the deuout minister be lesse solicited for the safety of the common state then are the common Burgesses who for the most part iudge one thing cōmodious for the Church an other for the common wealth another for themselues and their own estate These are in office but for a year they neuer forsake theyr charges These may prouide many waies for themselues theyr own estate with the detriment of the Church danger of the commō wealth they can by no means preserue themselues or theirs vnlesse both Church common wealth together be preserued These consult that the common wealth sustaine no domage in corne and cattell in wares and marchaundise least themselues at any time should want their sweet return They doe not a little regard these things but besides these theyr especial care is that iustice faith godlines and true religion decay not in the
rest which had nor cause nor end erronious was to be testored the Church againe If so be in any place all is come to the common treasury whatsoeuer the Monkish professors had in possession and that not so much with the consent as by the counsel of those whō the matter it selfe did concerne and ought rather to haue intercessed and taught the Magistrate the contrary let them beare the blame for that part themselues worthy also to bear the burthen We know that the prophanation and abuse of Church goods could not be such as that they could inuert the nature of things giuen or infring the vertue of the donation it selfe That which the Arke of God was was it not still euen among the Philistines Neyther were the vessels of the Lorde his Temple vnhallowed though they were in the midst of Babylon That the Pope of Rome with his clergy haue abused and doe abuse the true and lawfull goods of the Church it ought not to be any preiudice to the godly Ministers of the Church Seeing the possessors thereof are not Lords but stewards onely who haue the vse benefite and bestowing of the Church goods not the propriety As for that they say that the Bishops of old thought that the Church had no right to those things which were dedicated to the seruice of the Heathen gods it maketh nothing at all against the truth of our position For neyther do we hold that the Church hath any right to those things which are immediatly destinate to vngodly vses I haue already confessed that those things are in the second order of Church goods therfore in the power and at the pleasure of the christian Magistrat I remember that I sayd that I did not dislike the decree of Honorius and Theodosius and other godly Emperours whose better examples if they had imitated whose error hath vrged me to write thus much there had beene no neede of this discourse Chap. VII That it is an other thing to come from Paganisme to Christianity then to come from Popery or some other heresie MOreouer this also is not to bee omitted that it is one thing for a people to be conuerted from Paganisme to Christianity and an other thing to come frō Popery that is frō Heresie to true Christianity The difference which is between Paganisme and Christianity is much greater then that which is betweene Christianity Popery Paganisme hath nothing in common with Christianity Popery is Christianity Christianity alayed alaied or rather rackt with foule Idolatry and that I may so speake it is a certayne medley or a kinde of mongrel and motley Christianity For the sacred Scripture both of the old and new Testament the couenant of God the Baptisme of Christ the remission of sins and the name of a christian with many other things of the same profession are there peculiar to the Church which are notes of christianity are no wher to be found out of the Church Not in Paganisme not in Iudaisme not in Nahumetisme So that the Heresies Superstition which being substracted are added to the Romish Church the remainder is meere Christianity Very Popery is but a botch of the Church not the very Church but that which the foule Leprosy is or any other deadly contagion in the body of man the same is Popery in the body of the Church So that to forsake Popery is not to forsake the Church but to fly frō the infection of the church Now then when an Ethnicke becommeth a Christian an Alyen and a straunger is receyued and inserted into the newe people then beginneth he to be a member of the Church But in the reformatiō of any erronious or stragling Church an adulterous Church becommeth a chast spouse and base christians are made lawfull the wife being reconciled to her husband and therefore what things so euer the adulterous Church vsurped of the goods of her husband the lawfull Church as true spouse doth challenge the same to her selfe by his right In Theodosius Records the sixteenth Book and the foure and forty title against the Donatistes thus it goeth But those places in the which cursed superstition as yet remayneth let them be ioyned to the holy Catholique Church so that theyr Flamines and Priests theyr Prelates and all theyr Ministers be spoyled of all theyr goods and exiled into diuerse Iles and sundry prouinces There also in the fourth Booke we reade of a decree from the same Emperours Honorius and Theodosius against the Montanists in these wordes If there now remayneth any proper edifices which ought to bee called rather dens then Churches let them bee awarded to the holy Churches of the Orthodoctike sect with all theyr indowmentes Before our times there haue beene not a fewe alterations in the Church In the which when godly Emperours put downe the Heretikes they robbed not the Churches of theyr possessions but restored them to the true professors Of the which thing Sainct Austine in his fifty Epistle to Boneface a certayne Capitayne writeth thus VVhat so euer was possessed of the Donatistes parte in the name of theyr Churches christian Emperours by their religious lawes haue commuanded that they come with the Churches them selues to the catholicke Church Thus sayth Austine And were it not as he sayth I would confirme the same with many witnesses Wherefore that I may now comprise those thinges I haue sayd Those Church goods which were gotten eyther by fraude or by force and vsurped without right or else if they were freely giuen but to a superstitious end are in the power of the chiefe Magistrate But those thinges which are lawfully graunted and receyued of the Church to no such end by no such meanes are consecrate to GOD neyther can they bee any wayes transuersed without sinfull Sacrilege Sainct Austine in his Treatise vppon Sainct Iohn the twelfth Chapter Behold Iudas sayth hee is among the holy men and that you shall not need to contemne him a Sacrilegious Church-robber not a petty Lassoner hee was a thiefe of the Tresure but the Lordes Treasure of the Treasure but the sacred Treasure And if crimes are distinguished in the Court whether it be theft or publique robbery for publique robbery is sayd to be a theft from the common Treasury howe much more sharpely is a Sacriligious thiefe to bee iudged which presumeth to steale not from euery place but from the holy Church Doubtlesse he that taketh from the Church may bee compared to Iudas the wretch So sayth good Father Austine Chap. VIII How gracious and in●●●●ble the sin of sacrilege is PLato being to set downe a law against Church-robbers beginneth the matter with a large preface and first concludeth that the sin of Sacrilege is vncureable and that he which is infected with any such wretched couetise is not moued thereunto eyther for Gods euill or for mans so much as for his owne and that by reason of some other old and odious sinne not yet punished nor euer to be expiat
they are able to say for themselues and to gaine-say their accusers onely I lament that the antique order of church gouernement of great and long esteeme with our fore-fathers should be negligentlie lost or violently taken from vs and I feare me greatly least in the infelicitie of this age it be vtterly taken from vs. For who seeeth not and greeueth not to see how men are set together vpon mischiefe euen to reduce the whole Ministerie of the church to the bare Ministerie of the word But this our present controuersie can by no meanes better bee decided then by conferring the orders of the Ministery in that order as they were ordained of God and deliuered of the Apostles according to their singular degrees and seuerall seasons as they were then in vse So shall we easily learne what order is consonant to the word of God and what dissonant the which that I may the better performe there are two thinges which affoord me fit ingresse thereunto The first is the first institution of those seuerall orders The second is that one place of S. Paule to the Ephesians the fourth chapter where he setteth downe the diuerse Ministeries of the church distributed into their seuerall degrees Wherein the first place are inuested as the chiefe Patrons and first Patriarches of the gospel Apostles in the second Prophets in the third Euangelistes in the fourth Pastors and Doctors Of all the which we are now to discourse in their due order And albeit Paul seeme to write of the functions giuen to the church after the Assention of Christ Notwithstanding wee will looke backe a little further for this matter neither will we cease our diligent persute vntil wee come to that time and place in the which Christ selected his twelue Apostles and so returne by the seuentie and two Disciples whom hee ordained also and added to the Apostles for the preaching of the gospell throughout Iewrie And albeit this discourse doe chieflie intend the distinction of Ministers yet by the way we haue somewhat to say of Deacons also For whereas the doctrine of life doth not nusle vs vppe in anie idle contemplation of good things but rather traineth vs vp in the practise of all goodnes especially of christian charitie Therefore of the Ministerie of the gospel there ariseth an other Ministery which exerciseth it selfe about bodely necessaries of this life and consequently hath imposed vppon it the dispensation of the church stocke whereby it commeth to passe that there is a twofold Ministery of the church One which only respecteth the glory of God ou souls helth An other which regardeth the procuration of earthly thinges and the preseruation of this present life After these thinges handled and set out of hand as I may in the sequel of this my trauell I wil intreat of that honor and reuerence which by the lawe of God instinct of nature and right of nations is proper and peculier to the sacred Minister And last of all against the gourmandiers of church goods I will set downe and lay before their eies the odious sin of Sacrilege with the dires and punishments accompaning the same And these three things according to the variety of their natures I haue distinguished into three bookes but because they are of some affinitie and rise togeather insequence I haue also laied them togeather in this one volume Doctor Sarauia of the diuers degrees of Ministers What the Ministery of the Gospell is and what bee the partes thereof Chap. I. ALthough this present Treatise doth chiefly aime at the inequality of Ministers yet notwithstanding I take it a good way or not much out of the way if we set on first with the definition of the Ministery that thereby it may the better appear what is common to the Ministers among them all and what is proper to euery one in his particular order Vppon diuerse groundes of the Scripture diuerse definitions may be diuersely framed but I comprise them all in one word or two of the Apostle Paul and vppon his bare word I affirme 1. Cor. 4.1 1. Tim. 3.16 That the Ministery of the Gospell is a certaine dispensation of the mysteries of God which were reuealed vnto the world by the comming of Christ Where I cal a mystery not only that doctrine of the wonderful coūsaile of God in the redemption of mankinde but also all other things which God hath annexed vnto that doctrine And those I resolue into three sortes Whereof the first is The preaching and publication of the Gospell the second is The vse and administration of the Sacraments the third is The exercise and execution of Ecclesiastical gouernment The preaching of the Gospell is a sacred Embassee in the name of Christ in the which sinners are intreated to reconcile themselues to God or thus It is the publishing of that doctrine of free pardon of sinnes which Christ himselfe sued forth from his Father and purchased with his precious death or otherwise also thus It is the doctrine of the free iustification sanctification of the holy Ghost which is obtained by faith in Christ Iesus Many other definitiōs might be added were it not that I delight to be briefe Of these if you couceiue what the Gospel is and the preaching therof it sufficeth I am satisfied To the second part of this ministery do appertaine the commands of the Lord to baptise the faithfull and to administer the Lords Supper Mat. 16.19 and 18.18 But to the third part which is of gouernmēt is reserued the power of the keies of heauē the preheminence of binding losing vpon earth And this authority hath two branches whereof the one cōpriseth the Ordaining of Ministers the other cōprehendeth the Censure of maners Act. 14.13 By this power the Apostles ordained Bishops and Elders in the church vnto whom they demised their authority that all things might be done duely and decently and that good order might be mantayned in the Church of Christ In the assurance of this power the Apostle deliuereth vnto Sathan the stiffe necked and selfe willed enemies of the truth of this power in his Epistles he many times inter serteth imperious menaces with gentle admonitions But of this matter there is some controuersie in these daies haue you not heard of it neither did our fathers For there be some of strange opinion but strongly opinionat that the whole Cēsure of maners is to be set ouer to the Magistrate and how so because it appertayneth to his duty to take care for good order and publicke honesty and to take punishment of disordered persons pernicious offēces But to the Pastor vnder a christian Magistrat no such matter Let him only teach vertue and taxe vice and administer the Sacraments hand ouer head In deed he may admonish al men to proue thēselues before they eat of that bread and drinke of that cup to the which if they do obay it is so much the better but if not yet
with those which were Elders in calling whom he had about him and who gouerned the Churches vnder him but he greeueth that such graue and auncient men in yeres whome the Apostle would not haue reprooued any thing roughly should not remaine in the like esteeme with the Pastors and Elders of the Church as they were of olde For expounding those wordes of Paule to Timothie 1. Tim. 5.1 Rebuke not an auncient or an Elder but exhort him as a father hee writeth thus That in reuerence of his yeares an ancient man is to be prouoked with mildnes to goodnes that hee may the rather take warning for beeing gentlie admonished hee will be afraide least afterwards hee should bee more roughly dealt withall which were a shame for an Elder For among all nations age is honoured for which cause both the Synagogues of olde and afterwards also the Church had alwayes certaine auncient men without whose aduise nothing was done in the Church The which by what negligence it was lefte off I cannot tell except haplie it were through the sloth or rather the pride of some Pastors because they alone would seeme to bee some thing Thus much sayth Ambrose who I dare bee bound for him thought nothing lesse then that anie order of the Ministery set downe by the Apostles was nowe worne out For himselfe had Elders which did also rule the Church with him or vnder him besides that the words doe shew as cleare as noone-day that hee spake heere of Elders not in office but in age If any vouchsafe certaine auncients experienced in many thinges the senate of the Church I say not against it but this I auouch that such were they all more auncient then Iaphet are not to bee accounted among the Church officers and Elders which the Apostles ordained And I dare be bolde further to affirme that they are in no small errour who thinke that the Elders and auncients in certaine reformed Churches in this our age are of the same sute with those whome the Apostles ordained in the fourteenth of the Actes and Paule sent for from Ephesus in the twentie chapter Whose order and office is described at large in the Epistles to Timothie and Titus I perceiue here the reformation of the English Church appointeth in euery place certaine Church officers which represent in some sort those auncients and Elders and they are commonly called Church-wardens Notwithstanding these come short of that authority in Ecclesiasticall censure To excommunicate but if any excommunicate person shall disorderly presse into the holy assembly they are to endeuour by the aduise of the Minister to remoue him Their ordinary office according to law is this To gather collect to lay vp and lay out the rents and reuenews of the church to keepe the bodie of the Church and the rest in repayre to keepe the Church booke together with the Minister to admonish offendors and vnruly fellowes and as for the stubborne infamous and offensiue to present them to the Bishop or his deputie that vpon their othes furthermore also to note who they are that absent themselues from diuine seruice vpon the Saboth or holy-daies and to set a fine on their heads according to the law prouided in that case and also to looke that due silence and all other kind of honest seemlines bee obserued in the time of diuine seruice If the ancient Primatiue Church had any such kind of Elders they were not I am sure at any time accounted of our elders among the Elders Bishops of our Church for they alwaies made a difference in the Church betwene the laike officers and the Church Ministers In Tertullian his Apologie the Elders which wee reade were present president in christian assemblies were Bishops and Elders no temporall men vnles wee would make him contrary to himselfe who iustly vpbraided the Heretikes of that time with that fault That they prophaned Church functions with lay persons Neither are these things so spoken of me neither wold I be so taken as if I chalenged those reformed Churches that vse some such like Seniors for so they suppose as Ambrose seemed to wish for I my selfe did vse them when I supplied the place of a Minister in some reformed Churches For the tyrannie of Popish Bishops beeing ouerthrowne when as they which are indeed the true Elders doe themselues in like manner sustaine the office of a Bishop they could not well take vnto themselues the intire gouernment of the Church without some suspicion of the like if no lesse tyrannie And therfore it was necessarie for them to ioyne with themselues certaine godly men out of the whole corps of the Church for that without the assistance of their associates it was not possible for them alone to counter-checke the immodestie of bad men and to bring them into some Coram That place of Paule expounded in his first to Timothie the fift chapter What it is to labour in the worde and doctrine Chap. XIII IT neede not greatly trouble any man when Paule saith That those Elders especially are worthie double honour which labour in the word and doctrine as if it followed therupon that there were other Elders also in the church which taught not For these two do not signifie one the same thing to Labour in the worde and to Teach seeing there was no Elder ordeined of the Apostles that was not apt to teach But for as much as the measure of the gifts of Gods spirit are not alike in all for there be which haue receiued fiue talents who must also pay vse for fiue vnto the Lord there be againe which haue receyued but two To whom much is giuen of him manie things are required If the dolours Paule suffered for preaching the Gospell were compared with other mens labors we might wel conceiue how well worthy he was of greater honour then they whose labors were farre vnlike in the like labour Some enioy their office haue ioy therof in rest peace teach their people at home and indure no hardship abroad whose doctrine is determined within the precincts of theyr own precession But others there be which teach not one onely Church but the whole Church with theyr learned laboures and that not once for all while they liue onely but also a great deale more after many generations The which that they may the better performe they let for no labour they spare nor oyle nor toile nor health nor wealth nor life it selfe in that regard Besides there be that for the Gospels sake set light by the losse of friends and fauors and riches and reuenewes they ouercome daungers not to be numbred and vndergoe slaunders not to be suffered onely that they may inforce and set forewards the Gospell of Christ And such doth the Apostle seem to vnderstand in this place not euery ordinary and perfunctory Teacher that gouernes in the Church and instructeth with wholesom doctrine the people of God committed to his charge The
out of fashion I meane without their Deacons and Doctors and Pastors and Presbyters as were somtime the Churches of Creet vnder the Apostle Paule Who then followed the work that was vnfinished Was there no need then of some Timothie or Titus to make perfect that which was yet not performed The Apostles yet liuing it was needfull that Titus and Timothie and diuers such others should haue a larger commission how much rather after their death Wherefore to conclude either the worke of God begun of the Apostles was altogether to bee left off or else to bee followed a fresh by those whom for that purpose they left behind them By the testimonie of Eusebius his Ecclesiasticall historie the former chapiter is confirmed Chap. XIX EVsebius in the third booke and fourth chapter of his Ecclesiasticall historie writeth thus But that Paule preaehed the worde of God vnto the Gentiles and that hee laide the foundation of Churches from Hierusalem and the confines thereof euen vnto Illyricum it sufficiently appeareth not onely by his owne wordes but also out of the booke of Luke intituled The Actes of the Apostles Furthermore in what Prouinces or dominions the Apostle Peter preached the Gospell vnto them which were of the Circumcision and deliuered the worde of the newe Testament it is plaine and euident enough out of his owne wordes taken out of that Epistle we haue truly proued to be his by the consent of all men and which he wrote to the Iewes dispersed throughout Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Bithinia c. And againe in the same place But how many and who were the true natural followers of the Apostles which were accounted able and fit men to gouerne the Churches which they had founded it is not easie to say they only excepted whō some perhaps may gather by the way out of Paul his writings For the which purpose Luke also maketh not a little who reckoneth by name the Disciples of Paule whilest he laboureth to record them in the Acts. Among whom was Timothie who is said to be the first that obtained the Bishopricke of the Church which is at Ephesus Titus also was ouer the churches which are in Creet And in the same place he saith That among the rest of Paule his companions and Disciples Crescens was one whom Paule himselfe witnesseth was gone into Galatia Linus was another whō in his second to Timothy he witnesseth to haue been with him at Rome whom also we haue declared before to haue been the first Bishop of the Church of Rome after Peter And another was Clement who was the third Bishop of Rome whom Paule affirmeth to haue beene his copartner and fellow-labourer in the Lord. Vnto which we may adde that Areopagite Dionisius by name of whom Luke in the Actes reporteth that he was conuerted to the faith after that sermon of Paule which he made in Mars street at Athens and of whom an other Dionisius pastor of the Church at Corinth a verie auncient writer doth record that he was the first Bishop of the Church at Athens The same Eusebius in the same booke the one thirtie chapter hath these wordes And besides these there were manie other of that age very famous who both immediately succeeded the Apostles and also as the Disciples of so great and excellent Maisters being adorned with many singular and diuine vertues raised a most comely edifice vpon the the foundations of the Apostles which they had well laid in all places who both amplified more fully and plentifully the preaching of the Gospell and sowed the seedes of the kingdome of heauen far and neare throughout the vniuersall world For all the Disciples for the most part which liued in that age being inflamed with a more ardent Zeale and earnest loue of the heauenlie wisedome and beeing rauished in minde with a rare kinde of desire after Gods worde executed verie exquisitely the commaundement of our Sauiour which before was giuen and to them which wanted their helpe they willingly vnfoulded all their treasures Afterwards straying farre from their owne home they performed the pensions of Euangelists and to those which had not as yet so much as heard of the word of faith they laboured with all care and constancie to preach Christ and to deliuer the Scripture of the holy Gospell Who when as in diuers farre and foreine countries they had laide the foundations onely of the faith and had ordained other Pastors and committed the care to them of those which were newly brought to the faith that they might be diligently trayned vp in the doctrine of Christ themselues departed into other regions and countries with the grace and power of God For many wonderfull powers and miracles by the helpe of the holy spirite were done by them euen vnto that day so that throngs of people beeing perswaded euen at the first hearing of the Gospell preached with readie wils enterteined and imbraced that religion and worshippe which is onelie due vnto God the author of all things Thus farre Eusebius I could alledge other particulars out of the same author and others of diuers Bishops sent by diuers Churches at diuers times to conuert the Gentiles In whome it was necessarie that they should haue the like authority with that which Titus Timothie receiued of the Apostles That some heere flie vnto their old starting hole of extraordinarie calling when they are called vppon with these reasons they haue small reason For an ordinarie Ministerie beeing established in the Church it is as badly as boldly done of them and it will proue but an euill example to others to alleadge an extraordinary calling vnlesse they could make some certaine profe thereof Wherefore if we would but a litle more attentiuely conceiue and consider what the state of the Churches was thorow out the world when the Apostles departed from hence wee should soone find that in many places they left well ordered Churches in the which there was nothing a wanting that is which had there one Bishop ouer them as were the seuen Churches of Asia vnto whome the spirit of the Lorde speaketh in the Reuelation and again we should find some other Churches as yet not finished and throughly fashioned which wanted many thinges to their perfection some more some lesse according to the time the place the plentie scarcitie of the people which had giuen their names to Christ And besides all this wee shall finde innumerable places whether the Apostles could not come where were no Churches at all But whatsoeuer or of what manner soeuer they were they were all dependant vppon the Apostles gouernment whome if no man did succeede with like authoritie it must needes bee that they were all left as widdowe Churches and Orphans which is an absurd thing to say But if wee shall say that they chaunged that manner of gouernment with the which they were acquainted vnder the Apostles how could that possiblie bee permitted without the great mischiefe and miserie of all those
citties But when as many Churches were infinitely distant from others is it not straunge that not any one Church retayned that diuine kinde of gouernement as it is thought which is adored at this day in some reformed Churches Doubtles Churches so diuerse and distant could not but greatly differ in things indifferent where there was no certaynty sette downe by the Apostles And therefore this could not bee without a miracle of eyther part Namely that eyther they should so vniuersally consort in this one gouernement if it were not receiued by tradition frō the Apostles or that with so generall a consent they should alter the same if it were For all the world knoweth that in all the world the gouernment was one and the same for all the world This is without question and beyond all exception that all the auncient autentike fathers so many as held the right faith were of this beliefe that in this onely plot they did follow the Apostolique tradition and diuine institution Ireneus in his thirde booke the third Chapter against Heresies writeth thus It is easie for all men to see that will see the truth the auncient tradition of the Apostles in the Church through the whole worlde and we can recken vp those which were ordayned Bishops of the Apostles themselues and theyr successors also euen vnto our selues which neyther taught nor knew any such thing as these men doate of Out of the which it appeareth That what thing was receyued in al Churches which were founded of the Apostles was an Apostolique tradition and diuine institution but the order of Bishops was receyued euery where in all Churches and therefore an Apostolique tradition and a diuine institution Ciprian in his fourth booke the ninth Epistle From whence sayth he are scismes bred and yet do breed but where the Bishop which is one and ouer the Church is condemned by the proud presumption of some and the man which is honored by the acceptance of God is dishonored by dishonest men c. The same Ciprian in his seuen and twenty Epistle according to the order of his Epistle citing that of Mathews Thou art Peter vpon this work c. he inferreth That euē frō thence according to the course of time and succession of ages the ordination of Bishops the computation of the Church doth run So that the Church may seeme to be grounded vppon Bishops and euery action of the Church to be gouerned by the same Presidents Wherefore seeing this is thus founded vpon the diuine ordinance of God I cā but wonder at som That it was the opinion of Aerius That there is no difference betweene a Bishop and a Priest which was condemned for an Heresie by the Fathers Chap. XII THus haue we heard of the acceptance of God the diuine ordinance vpon which the authority of Bishops relied as our Fathers beleeued To the which I now adde that had not the orthodoctike fathers belieued that the order of Bishops was grounded vpon the word of God they would neuer haue recounted the opinion of Aerius among other Heresies Who three hundred yeares long after the Apostles times was the first that durst affirm That there was no difference between the holy Bishop and an ordinary Priest Of whom Epiphanius recordeth that hee spake more like a fury then a man who as hee also reporteth was wont to say VVhat is a Bishop to a Priest there is no difference betweene them for there is but one order and one honor and one dignity The Bishop layeth on his hands the Bishop sitteth on his throne so likewise doth the Priest Thus sayth Aerius But of the other side Epiphanius first sheweth That a Bishop may create Priestes and that he cannot be created of Priests The order of Bishops sayth he is the begetter of Fathers for be begetteth Fathers vnto the Church but the order of Priests cannot beget Fathers by the regeneration of Baptisme it begetteth children to the Church but not Fathers or Teachers For how shoulde he create a Priest who hath not the power of laying on of hands in the election And he aunswereth Aerius for his cauels That his trifling emulation deceiued him and that he was ignoraunt of the nature of antique histories For that when the preaching of the word was but a new thing the holy Apostle writ according to the state of the thing as it then stoode And therefore where there were Bishops appoynted he wrote to Bishops and Deacons neyther could the Apostles doe all at once But they had present vse of Priests Deacons For by those two all Ecclesiasticall functions are to be performed But where there were not any found worthy a Bishopricke there the place was voyd of a Bishop but where neede was and there were that were worthy there they placed Bishops But where as ther were not many there were not many to be found among them to be made Priests and therfore they contented themselues with a Bishop onely in that place But it is not possible that a Bishop shoulde bee without a Deacon and the Apostle had an especiall care of that that he should not be without his Deacons And thus the Church receyued the fulnes of his functions according as the conditiō of time and place did require For euery thing was not furnished with all things at the first but in processe of time such things were prouided as were requisite to the performance of things necessary c. These things he confirmeth by the example of Moyses who finished hys common wealth not all at once but after a time But as of old he should haue taken a wrong course who to reform the Churche of Israell would haue taken his patterne from the imperfect and not composed state thereof So likewise at this day they maintayn but too foul an error that would bring the state of a Church well growen in yeares backe againe to the swathling clouts And therefore Epiphanius very well inferreth thus So likewise sayth he are those things which are written in the Apostle vntill the Church be enlarged vntill it come to her ripe years vntil it be most perfectly preyzed with the or-nature of wisedome by the Father Son and holy Ghost Epiphanius perceyued that there were many things wanting and that al things were not in theyr perfect temper that after a time one and the same man was not both Priest and Bishop as it well appeared by that which Saint Paul writ to Timothy who was a Bishop Against a Priest or Elder receiue no accusation without two or three witnesses He sayd not to any Elder receyue no accusation against a Bishop c. Augustine in like manner mightily confirmeth this the censure and sentence of Epiphanius who also mustereth this error of Aerius among the mid-ranke of olde confused Heresies Hierom his opinion confuted Chap. XXII THat which is obiected out of Hierome vppon the first Chapter of the Epistle to Titus namely that Bishops are greater then
to be reputed for Doctors of what estate soeuer they be the king shal derogat no more from his royall Maiesty if for the edifying of Gods people he compose any godly worke then did Dauid or Solomon of old who in there time were no les renowmed for their heauenly wisdome then for their princely power Although the Apostle forbid a woman to speake in the congregation yet if shee bee learned shee may write and priuately instruct her familie Wherefore now if we will come to the true vnderstanding of the Apostolike writings wee must with sound iudgement put difference between Pastors Doctors who besides the teaching interpreture of the word did not otherwise intermedle with any thing in the church For albeit in the infācy of the church those first christiās had no publik professed schooles yet was it alwaies lawfull for Prophetes and Doctors to teach publicklie in the church vnto whose graue aduice the faithfull were no lesse bound to obey then to their Pastors But all this while they had not the power of the Church censure nor the right to redres whatsoeuer was amisse Wee read of Stephanus Fortunatus and Achaicus that they taught in the church of Corinth but wee finde not that they had there the authority of Bishoppes and Elders And therefore no woonder though the corruptions and abuses which raigned among them were not giuen them in charge to correct or that it was not layde to their charge that they did not correct for there was no remedye they must suffer that they could not remedy and in the meane while expect Paule his comming amongst them Likewise in the Epistle to Titus a man might well wonder why Paule ioyned not in like commission with Titus Zenas and Apollos expounders of the lawe they beeing then also in Creat except it were for this that they were Doctors onely for hee was not ignorant that they were then also with Titus Doubtlesse had they bin of the same order and power they should also haue receiued the same charge And might it not better haue bene performed of three then of one But yet wee see that the Apostle gaue the charge of Teaching there to many the power of Ruling to one alone By the which it appeareth that the Doctors and Prophetes of those times were an aide vnto the Pastors that they taught vnder their direction For indeed it chiefly concerneth the dutie of a Bishop to teach the church committed to his charge by himselfe and by others 〈…〉 such things are there in the Apostles writings 〈…〉 we may take no smal view of the beginnings of 〈◊〉 and of that forme of gouernment which was vsed of the Apostles and receiued of the next immediate ages deliuered to Apostolique men their successors It is very wel ●●●ed of Epiphanius that there are certaine histories hidden in the Apostles writings the ignorance whereof many times hath bene the cause of much error in the church But thus it came to passe that the Bishops gaue licēce to teach the scriptures vnto those which the Grecians call Lay-men The which thing Eusebius recordeth in his sixt booke the 13. chapter concerning Origen That when as yet he was not priested hee did notwithstanding set vp schoole at Caesaria and was there in treated of the Bishops there abouts not onely to dispute but to open the scriptures also The which thing Demetrius Bishop of Alexandria Origen his riuall did greatly reprehend when as notwithstanding himself was the man that had sent him before into Arabia to the same end neither yet did hee except against him when hee was catechiser in his owne church But when as of mere enuy he cold no longer indure that the renowmed fame of Origen should daily increase seeking all manner occasions to picke a quarrell against him he laid blame in the Bishops that they would seeme to licence a Lay-man publikly to professe the scriptures To the which his malitious cauils Alexander then Bishop of Ierusalem and Theodistus Bishop of Caesaria make answere in these words For that you vrge in your letters that it was neuer hard of before nor is vsed as yet that lay-men should dispute and expound the Scriptures in the presence of Bishoppes In that thing you seeme I know not how to auouch a manifest vntruth For where fit and able men are found that may be any aid to the brethren in the word they are requested of the holy Bishops that they would instruct the people in the same as was Eusebius of Nero at Larandy Paulinus of Celsus at Iconium and Theodorus of Atticus among the Synadines all the which were blessed godly bretheren and it is verie likely although it bee vnknowen to vs that the same thing is done in other places Thus for Eusebius Wherefore albeit the Primatiue churches had not their vniuersity schooles like vnto those we haue at this day yet that they were not altogeather without schooles Alexandria alone is witnesse sufficient which brought out Doctors before Origen Pantaeus and Clemens Alexandrinus and many others Neither is it to be doubted but that custome also was deriued from the Apostles We know the knowledge of scriptures to bee the gift of Gods spirite but shall that therefore take away the exercises and the traueils of deuoted students Amongst the people of God the Prophets had their Colledges in the which Samuell and Elias and Elizeus and such others were Maisters neither was it any disparagement for the other Prophetes to liue vnder their discipline God was neuer the authour of tumultuous confusion but of order nor were the men of God a company of furious bedlames but a societie of sage and wise men of a milde and a moderate spirite They which at this day holde schooles and their orders in contempt are franticke in their owne conceit and ignorant of al good societie and godly ciuilitie nor do they know nor can they conceaue what infinite good they onely doe in all estates Who can sufficiently commend the religious purpose of those men which were the first founders of Vniuersities Are they not the fruitfull seminaries of all good litterature and the holsome nurses of al honourable virtues The which being taken away all humanity and ciuill curtesie would languishe togeather and not that onely but within a short space we our selues nowe learned and religious should strangely degenerate into minds and manners more sauadge and barbarous then are any of the nations But no neede I should digresse any further into the praise of our well renowmed Vniuersities onely this I say that the Doctors and Teachers they send forth into the Church of Christ and whosoeuer els by their priuate labours and diligent traueils in the scriptures haue attained to the knowledge therof ought not by any means to take vpon them any thing in the Church against the good will or without the good leaue of their BB. 〈◊〉 why They are priuate men vnder their gouernance But yet being requested or
commanded by them as of old so nowe they may professe alwaies remembred that they doe it for the good of the church A degree of the vniuersity or any other testimony of learning ought not to impair the authority of the Pastors or to disturbe the good order of the Church That at this day they which are created Doctors are for the most part Elders I doe not mislike it for of olde also it was but a very rare and extraordinary thing for lay-men to professe the woorde publiquelie But time place and necessitye may limite this matter and prescribe an order therevnto not to bee ordered by head-strong and desperate temeritie Yong mē must here take heed least they presuming for their learning vpon the Vniuersities testimony they should therefore thinke that they are already adopted into the orders of the holy ministery vnlesse they be otherwise ordained then so the which I would haue thought scarse worthy the noting were it not that I haue found some to farre ouershot in this error There are also some others at this day who disclaiming the office of Pastors and that ordination which is solemnised by the Bishops will notwithstanding be accounted Doctors in the church but to baptise to minister the sacraments to visite the sicke to bury the dead to read publique prayer in the Church they think it stands not with their credit And why For sooth because they see these parts of the ministery performed sometimes by some not deeply learned Againe there are other which thinke it no smal part of reformation that euery church should haue with their Pastor a Doctor as if good men one Pastor who of duetye is also a Doctor could not discharge both parts Many such fancies I wittingly omit and recount them amongst the wel-pleasing dreams of such as learne to feed themselues whome verely I cannot so well like of For albeit I confesse that certaine Doctours publiquely professed in the Church which were not Pastors yet I find how that was vsed in the Apostles times of necessity and afterwards very extraordinarily onely then when either the vrgent necessity or the present commodity of the Church did so require For the ordinarye Doctours of the church are the Bishops themselues who if they could suffise to perform al duties alone they needed nor Elders nor Deacons to ioyne with them We know how in a small Church one Elder is enough And that the greatnes and great increase of Churches made this diuersity of ministers both for order and number But if anye man desire to see more of this argument he may read the writers of this age These thinges as I thinke may serue for this turne who purpose not to treat of euery thing exactly but onely to shew what I find wanting in some Churches which would seeme the best reformed To the which end I haue recounted vnto you the diuers degrees of the ministers of the church euen as they were ordained of the Lord and deliuered of the Apostles and receiued of our first fathers and Apostolik predecessors In whose foot-steps we may more safely continue then by not containing our selues therin to intangle our proceedings in some other new and strange extrauagants The second Booke Of the honour which is due vnto Prelats and Elders in the Church Chap. I. That by a certaine law of Nature among all nations the Presidents of Religion were esteemed worthie great honour HOw great the dignitie and excellencie of the Gospell is aboue all the vnhalowed mysteries of prophane nations and how farre it excelleth the Leuiticall Priest-hoode of Moses also and consequently in how great regarde of honour the same ought to be amongst all that professe Christianity the time hath bene when it was needlesse to tell but now more then necessary to proue For the lewdnes I might say the irreligion of some men in this our age doth of force compell me somewhat more earnestly to lay to their charge the neglect dutie of ingrate mindes towardes Gods Ministers whome while they depriue of their due honour they bring Religion it selfe into deepe disdaine and withall they bewray that they make no great account of God himself whose Legats they depraue For there be which think it were not a poinct matter if they were not left woorth a poinct and thinke it neuer the worse for the common-welth if they had no place at all in the common-wealth Because forsooth it is said of our Sauiour his Apostles that they renounced all worldly honours therefore are they thought worthy no honour in the world any vile or vulgar esteeme if so bee they may haue that is enough for them least haplie they should bee exalted in their owne sence and become proud of nothing Thus they thinke none worthie of honour that either doe not affect it or are not infected with it This errour is to bee confuted in this discourse in the which it shall bee shewed that by all rights both of God and man the sacred ministerie in a well ordered common-wealth hath alwaies beene had in greatest honour and estimation amongst all nations and that Christians aboue all others doe owe no lesse to their Pastors then did of olde the people of God to their Priests Albeit the life of man bee inuolued and ouer-cast with darke and thicke mistes of errour and ignoriunce insomuch that manie times it is dazeled at the view and sight of such thinges which of themselues are cleare enough notwithstanding there are yet some thinges so cleare and so manifest as in the which no man beeing not sencelesse or besotted can pleade or pretend any ignorance Such are those generall notions of sinne which GOD the author of nature hath imprinted and imprized in our heartes and mindes as thinges which are ingendred and congenerate with vs such is Religion towardes GOD loue towardes our parentes and reuerence towardes our progenitors And albeit the relique of God his Image is many waies disteyned in vs since the attaindour of our first parentes yet is it not altogether destroyed there alwayes remayned such a resplendent light of that diuine nature as by the which men might naturally and clearely see both what was good and what was not good and conceaue in some sort also what was godly and what was godlesse Indeede the Gentiles aberred from the true knowledge of the Godhead and the true worship thereof yet notwithstanding in this one thing they were well resolued that there was a GOD and that hee was to bee honoured Their Religion was depraued by them yet were not they depriued of Religion but now where it is come to that passe that men thinke eyther that there is no God or no worshippe of God there the minde may bee sayde not to erre but to raue for they alone offend against that notion of God which is ingrauen in the mindes of all men and which ingrafteth a voluntarie Religion and a religious inclination will they nill they in the heart of euerie man Nor was
there euer Nation so barbarous nor was there euer people so sauage which could liue without Religion take away Religion and take away all ciuilitie from men all seueritie from lawes There are many partes in a common-wealth vnto the which for great cause there are great honours giuen especially to prowesse Martiall of the which albeit the vse bee great yet is it for no great time But the vse of Religion is eternall There may bee a state without a Soldiour not without a Minister The vse of a Soldiour is farre from perpetuall the lesse the better the more seldome the more welcome but Religion is euerlasting and can neuer bee casseered But what should I compare the Ministerie of Religion with other mysteries in the common-wealth which all haue their deserued honours They all must vnuaile to Religion whether you respect the excellencie or the necessitie or the commoditie of that mysterie Wherefore that so notable and necessarie a function to the state should want honour in the common-wealth it wanteth common reason All Nations were euer of this minde and opinion that they thought the Presidents of Religion were alwayes to bee chosen from among the chiefe Nobilitie or if haplie they were not by byrth Noble then they were to bee innobled by the common-wealth But that the consent of all Nations in anie one thing is the verie lawe of Nature it was verie well defined by that excellent learned Orator Tullie who could very well define against the which now at the last to striue and storme vnder the colour of reformation is rather an outrage then an errour to be conuicted of frenzie rather then to be suspected of follie Did euer precept of our Sauiour crosse and incounter either the law which himself gaue vnto the Fathers or the Edict which nature God I meane hath giuen and ingrafted in the secret penitralles of al their successors Chap. II. How great the reuerence of Priests hath beene among all Nations I Will therefore remember vnto you in how great honour the worshippers of false Religions haue alwaies had their Priests in all places that their follie may the rather appeare who I know not with what religion would detract due honour from true religion For albeit the Caldees Persians Aegyptians Greekes Latines French Britons and all other Nations haue by diuerse errors and most detestable superstitions declined from that first and sincere religion which our first parentes left to their posteritie yet notwithstanding there alwayes remained many impressions as yet vncancelled and they not concealed as are these That the world is gouerned by the diuine prouidence of the eternall Godhead and that the same ruleth ouer all earthly thinges that whatsoeuer is good proceedeth from him and whatsoeuer is euill is declined by him and therefore that he is to be religiously worshipped and therefore the sacred symysts of his religion are especially to bee honoured And thus it came to passe that among the Assyrians and Babilonians their Caldies among the Medes and Persians their diuines were alwaies of singular account and supereminent authority for why They were the gouernors of religion and the expositors of the law both sacred prophane To which ende they were exercised from their youth in all learned and liberall sciences they did comprehend the motions of the heauens and deuined by the errours of the stars they read and learned and taught Religion rites and lawes they were compeers with kings in their gouernment so that nothing was done without their councel and consent Finally of so great esteeme was the discipline of the Wise-men among the Medes and Persians as that hee was not thought worthy the Empire that was not found skilfull in theyr Artes and Emblemes Theseus was the first that put a difference betweene Nobles whom he called Patritians and husband men and Artificers to the Nobles hee gaue power and preheminence to professe religion to chuse Magistrates of their own companie and also to moderate and interprete in matters sacred and diuine This law their posteritie as they receiued it of their ancestors so they obserued it very religiously By which meanes it came to passe that great reuerence was alwaies giuen both to the sacrifices and to all other their religious actions Neither could their Priests want their due parts of that diuine reuerence whom they alwayes selected out of the noblest families and who were euer one in their publique Councels For as if God himselfe was present vnto whom we ought not to thinke that there is any thing vnknowne euen so in the presence of the sacred Priestes did they propound all their more serious actions namely the diuines among the Athenians and the south-sayers sitting in counsell with the King among the Lacedemonians Strabo in his twelfth booke writeth of two Temples sacred to Bellona which were called Comana of whom the one was in Capadocia the other in Pontus both alike in all partes for that indeede they were one made by the other and had altogether the same rites and ceremonies common to them both In those places either of the Priestes were in greatest regard of honour next vnto the King himselfe and albeit they were subiect to the prince yet where the people suppliant them They had either of them six thousand seruants which were called Hierodulists or Church seruants besides no small quantitie of land ouer the which they were free Lords Twise euery yeare did the Prelate were a diademe the Prince and Priests for the most part being of the same family Plato in his booke deregno confirmeth these thinges and sayth that it becommeth all men to conceiue honourably of the Priests and Prophets and that they ought of right to be had in great estimation as wel for the greatnes of their actions as the honour of their office Wherefore saith he in Aegypt it is not lawfull for that King to sway the scepter that holds not of the Crosyer Insomuch that if any either by prowesse or by policie haue inuaded the kingdom who is not of that holy kind notwithstanding afterwards there is no remedie he must be initiated into that mystery And not there only but in many places amongst the Graecians also a man may find where the chiefe sacrifices are committed to the chiefe Magistrates Neither is this which I maintaine lesse manifest among your selues for you also aduance the most magnificent rites especially the auncient sacrifices to him that by lotte is chosen your King The same Philosopher in his twelfth Dialogue de legibus speaketh much of that honour which then and of old was giuen vnto Priestes both deade and liuing as well in their publike assemblies as at their solemne funerals The Romans and Latins were no whit inferiour eyther to the Greeks or to the Aegyptians in this behalfe for they also ioyned the sacred Priesthood with the royall Maiestie All the first Kings of the Latins Romans were Priests The Emperors also which afterwards succeeded them would themselues be the
a secrete consent as it were of the whole world and so that certain portions were designed for the Bishops allowance others also for the other Priests and Ecclesiasticall persons which were in ordinarie residence in euery Cathedrall Church and last of all other Priestes also were ordained by the Bishops euerie where through the cuntrie ouer parish Churches with standing titles who were by that meanes called to a perticular part of the cōmon charge with the Bishop least that which was to bee cared for by all should bee neglected of euerie one as it commonly commeth to passe there is no doubt had none of the Church goodes beene taken from the Cleargie but by this meanes the poore and needie should haue beene much better prouided for by the seueral Cleargie-men of euery particular territorie then when the fourth part of the remaines of the Church goodes were imployed to their vse in common and that also with more ease and much lesse murmure But the trumperie not the pouertie of the Church Munkes and Nunnes and such others which were called religious persons purloyning that fourth part vnder the title of Euangelike pouertie which they professed haue vtterly robbed both the Cleargie and the pouertie and haue brought in a straunge and wonderfull disorder into the auncient ordering of Church goodes so that that part which of olde was due vnto the poore is now in the winding vp deuolued to the rich that I may omit the manifold abuses of Impropriations and Commendams such other shifting sacrilegious titles Ambrose in his thirtie and one Epistle the fift booke The possessions saith he of the Cleargie are the prouisions of the needie and therefore let the Churches keepe reckoning of this how many captiues they haue redeemed how many poore they haue refreshed how many exiles they haue harbored For the Church hath golde not to purse but to disburse and to releeue the necessities of the needie What profite is it to keepe that which profiteth not Augustine also in his treatise vppon Iohn the one and twentith chapter disputeth of that right which the Apostles and Ministers haue by the worde of GOD to receyue carnall things of them vnto whom they minister spirituall things They giue gold saith he and they receyue grasse And in his tenth Tome there is extant no lesse then a whole Homilie concerning the paying of tythes as of dutie Hierome also in his third chapter vpon Malachie amongst other thinges which concerne this opinion hath these wordes That which we say of tythes and first fruits which of olde were giuen of the people to the Priestes and Leuites vnderstand yee also to concerne the people of the Church who are commaunded not onely to pay tythes and first fruites but also to sell all that they haue and giue to the poore and to follow the Lord. The which so great a matter if we will not performe yet at the least lets vs imitate the beginnings of the Iewes that wee may giue part of all vnto the poore and affoord the Priests and Leuites their due honour For which cause the Apostle sayth Honour the widdowes which are true widowes And That the Elder is to bee honored with double honour especially he which laboureth in worde and doctrine the which dutie who so now will not performe hee is proued thereby to defraude and supplant God himselfe and hee is cursed therefore of God in the penurie of all things so that he which soweth sparingly shall reape sparingly and hee which soweth liberally shall reape liberally c. Many other thinges of like sort may wee read in that place to this sense But if I should repute vnto you whatsoeuer the Fathers haue written of this argument I should but repeate the same things and be tedious to the Reader in a matter of no controuersie Chap. XIII A distinction of Church goods THe goods of the Church are not all of one fort for there are some which cōsist in the oblations of the people some in proper possessions some in rents and reuenewes some in lawfull fees and ancient roialties Al the which are commonly distinguished into two seuerall kinds whereof some are called Spirituall and some accounted Temporall But seeing these tearmes do neyther so fitly nor yet so fully expresse the nature of these things more proper words were to be deuised by more perfect Ciuilians For vnto that which is Temporall there is nothing in nature opposite but that which is Eternall and to that which is Spiritual nothing is contrary but that which is Carnal or corporal They therefore speak more aptly of these thinges who for the worde Temporall vse the words Ciuil and humane and for Spiritual the words Sacred holy and diuine Now albeit that ought generally to be accounted holy sacred whatsoeuer is consecrated to God and his Ministerie yet notwithstanding they cal oblations because they more nearely concerne God and his seruice more properly sacred and diuine thinges not so much for distinction sake as for that the condition and proprietie therof is such But humane and ciuil goods they account the fields and possessions of the Church for that in nature and condition they are not vnlike vnto those which other Citizens possesse and are therefore giuen vnto the Cleargie that not onely in the Church but also in the common-wealth they may be of good estate and wel able to maintaine the credit of the place and person they sustaine the which by no good meanes they can be able to vphold if in worldly welth they be so curtold and kept so thread-bare as that they cannot be in case to be as bountifull as other men Great matters are looked for at the hands of the Cleargie as hospitalitie releeuing the poore and such other thinges which Christ himselfe not onely taught but in person performed in some good sort And is it not a shame for a Bishop to exhort others vnto charitie towards the poore and needie and himselfe neither to put the same in practise nor yet to be able But least any man should thinke that this distinction came out of the Popes Mint and therefore to bee reiected he shal vnderstand by those things we haue now cited that it is the Fathers the autentike Fathers Ambrose in his Epistle de tradendis basilicis maketh mention of the collations of the people and the fields which the Church possessed Wherefore the gifts and oblations of the faithfull which they offer of their owne accord are to be accounted holy goods go●●s sacred and diuine because in that case the chiefe respect is not of man but of God Vnder this kinde we comprise the paiment of tenthes and tythes also albeit there bee great difference betwene those tythes which eyther now the people pay of their owne voluntarie not constrained or haue of olde religiously vndertaken by a lawe imposed vpon themselues and their posteritie to pay vnto the Ministers those tythes which Princes gaue vnto them and laid out for them by their
the same not that which is necessary but that which is voluntary Vppon which ground I hold this for a sure principle that that Priesthood or Bishop doth both against the honor and the honesty of the sacred ministery whosoeuer without commaund of supreme autority or constraint of extreme necessity shal take vppon him any seruice of war eyther as leader or as souldier But when such time and places betide as shall exact this at our handes we are vnwillingly to yeeld to vnwelcome necessity Theodoret in his second Booke the third chapter writeth of one Iames Bishop of the Citty of Nisib which of som is called Antioche Migdon that he was vppon occasion both Bishop and Captaine of the same his Citty the which by the helpe of God he manfully defended against Sapor King of Persia and deliuered the same as well with his prowes as his prayers The same Theodoret in his fourth booke the twelfth Chapter recordeth as much and much more of the warlike power and prowes of Eusebius Bishop of Samosis who mannaging himselfe with all manner warlike abilements ranged along throughout Syria Phenicia and Palestine wher he erected Priests and Deacons and performed such other Eccesiasticall pensions Neyther did I euer read of any that found himselfe offended with this action or thought his action offended against that Canon I doe not so thinke nor will I say so much of Theophilus and Cyrillus Bishops of Alexandria who tooke vppon them a secular principality ouer that Citty the Emperour not noting it but not commaunding it As for the Canon which Cyprian citeth I must needs confesse that I cannot attayne vnto the reason thereof onely this I am assured of that it was but a particular and a prouinciall decree seruing onely for that time and that place For no doubt to take charge of Widowes and Orphanes is an especiall worke of piety and commaunded of God in euery place of his Lawe and so that they incurre no small blame that deferre to take vppon them not the patrimony but the patrociny of such For good cause therefore was the old custome continued in the Chuch that Bishops should be the patrons of Widowes and the Fathers of Orphanes and that they especially before all others were to take charge of them without any shame to theyr calling without any breach of the Canons You shall heare how the Councell of Sardis doth allowe and recommend the same in plaine wordes For this is the speeche which Osiris then Bishop there made Much importunity and too much confluence with vnlawful sutes hath brought the matter to this passe that we haue not so much either fauor or credit committed vnto vs whiles there are some which cease not to repayr to the Court of the Bishop and especially they of Africa who as we know reiect and contemn the wholesome directions of our most holy brother and fellow Bishop Gratus Who do not only present diuers and sundry matters not materiall to the Church as many times it commeth to passe that widows orphans and the poore might be succoured but they doe further craue for certaine secular dignities and ciuill offices This bad order therefore stirreth vp not onely much muttering but many offences also Notwithstanding this is a commendable thing that Bishops should be a meanes for those which are oppressed with wrongfull violence as if so bee a widow be molested or an orphan defrauded and yet so that these parties haue some iust cause of complaint and some honest petition to praesent Wherefore if it so please you my beloued brethren let this be a decree that Bishops come not to the Court except happely they whom the Religious Emperour shall by his letters inuite But because oft times it commeth to passe that they which suffer wrong flye to the Church for succour and they also which doe wrong and are adiudged therefore to some I le or exile or in deede what sentence of iudgement soeuer they receiue they ought here to be relieued and without al doubt their pardon to be craued Therefore if it so please you as I haue sayd so let it bee decreed They all gaue a placet and let it be enacted This Canon containeth a certaine exposition of the sixt Canon of the Apostles and it teacheth vs what secular cares a Bishop or a Priest may vndertake and what not The Bishops in this point were imitators of their Fathers the Prophets which alwayes gaue their helping hand to widdowes orphanes and other afflicted people Doe we not read how fatherly and friendly the Prophet Elizeus greeteth the Sunamite after his entertainment 2. Reg. 4. VVhat wouldest thou that I should doe for thee is there any thing to he spoken for you to the King or to the Captaine of the host Nor neede this seem to any man any such a strange duety of religion that Bishops or other Ministers should repaire to Princes to intreate for the distressed Ambrose vndertaking an honorable Embassee for Valentinian the Emperour being yet a child to Maximus the tyrant spake thus in his case as himselfe reporteth to Valentinian in an Epistle VVhom sayth he ought Bishops rather to defend then orphanes For it is written Iudge the cause of the fatherlesse and defend the widow and deliuer him that suffereth wrong and in an other place Ye Iudges of widowes and fathers of fatherlesse As for that which is vrged from the example of the Apostles ther is no childe so simple so to conceiue therof as if when the Apostles had once chosen Deacons the care of the poore and the widow did no more pertayne to them I noted before how the necessity of the poore was commended to Paul and Barnabas after that and we reade how Paul also caried the beneuolence of the Corinthians and other Churches to Hierusalem Wherefore to conclude if it be lawfull as it is for bishops and Pastors and that according to the rules of charitye to imploye their labour in outward affaires and to detract some what from that time which otherwise were to be spent in reading of holy writ and other sacred trauels and that onely for our priuate necessities or our neyghbours what labour shall we thinke too much or what paines not to be performed in the commendable affaires of the King or common wealth for a publique necessity and a greater commodity Chap. XVII What a fee is and what are the conditions thereof NOw it remaineth that I make answere for those Church goods which are held in Fee of which terme before the irruption of the more barbarous nations into into the Romain Empire there was no wher any mention that phrase taking his original frō the Goths Vandals and Longobards What may be the etimology thereof and what is signified thereby the learned at large discourse discusse whose iudgements and opinions it were now too long to repeate But for our purpose this is enough and this is a cleare case that a Fee with the Lombards doth signify a priuiledge
presume to make chalenge to the goods of the Popish Church to the vse and behalfe of reformed Churches In the first of the Codices de paganis sacrificijs the 14. title there is an imperiall decree extant the words wherof are these We wil commaund that all places which in the olde time of errour were deputed to sacred vses be ioyned to our substance But what so euer by that right either the liberalitie of former Princes or our Maiestie would haue come to the hands of any particular persons her soeuer let that remaine in their inheritance with an euerlasting assurance but those things which by many decrees our pleasure is should appetaine to the hly Church Christian religion shall chalenge that vnto it selfe Giuen the 3. of the Calend. of September at Rauenna Honorius 10. Theodosius 6. A A. Coss By which decree it is manifest that it was alwaies in the power and right of the Emperour to giue those things which were wast by the abolishing of Idolatry vnto whom it pleased them And Dig. the 23. bookes ● title Da vsu vsu fructu Legalis Leg. 16. Legatum We read of Legacies giuen to the setting foorth of Pageants which might not beset forth the which chaunging but the name of Pageantes into the name of Popish-Masse are all alike the words are these A Legacie is left to a Cittie that of the yearely neuenewes therof a Pageant might be solemnized in that Cittie for the sacred memorie of the deceased which thing it is not lawfull to celebrated I aske therfore what you thinke of that Legacie Modestinus maketh answere Seeing the testator his will was that a Pageant should be set foorth but such as was not lawfull there to bee set foorth that it is no reason such a quantitie of money which the deceased bequeathed to the shew should returne the benefite of the heire And therefore the heires of the deceased and the chiefe of the Cittie being gathered together they are to consider vnto what vse the thing commised to their trust may bee conuerted that the memorie of him that made the testament may be solemnized in another and more lawfull kind These thinges siath Mode inus in the ninth of his answeres By which law any man may see what is to bee though of such behestes as are bequeated to the celebrating of vnlawfull Masses To these thinges it may bee added that the auarice of Church-men was insatiable procuring to themselues infinite donations both superstitious and superfluous Yea when liberalitie waxed colde they purchased of themselues both fieldes and fearms and many times whole countries so that at last they would haue incroached vppon all Christendome had not the lawes of aduised Kinges and Emperours limited them who did perceiue that thier ouer-thriuing was to the ouer-turning of the Common-wealth And therefore euery wise Magistrate had need to take heed that they dash not their feet against the same stone Chap. IIII. An answere to the arguments of the former chapter I May answer that we haue no lesse need to beware least while like wise men wee plie vs to run from one fault we rush like fooles into another Haue not our fore fathers kept a meane Why then let their errour bee a warning vnto vs. For wee are men also and it is a more ordinary thing among vs to slide into a contrarie vice then to keepe a commendable meane and therefore it may also come to passe that too much niggard-lines may carrie vs whither wee ought not But to admitte the vtmost that the Cleargie would haue raked together their wealth to the ruine of the Common-wealth and that of olde donations were made partly superstitious partly superfluous yet of all this it followeth not that there were none lawfull none religious none acceptable vnto GOD and a greeable vnto his worde and profitable vnto his Church But was there any thing in their goodes superfluous it might haue beene cut off was there any thing in his vse superstitious it might haue beene taken away or turned to better vse That they say it was doone for the ouer-ture of the Popes tyrāny the inuestiture of true christianity it is but a meere colour and that but a bad one neither Craftie men abused the preaching of the Gospell and the simplicitie of godlie men whome it was easie to hold so in hand that so themselues might gourmandize the goods of the Church as a fat pray that hung fit for their lips That it was so the thing it selfe preacheth vnto vs. Neyther will I any longer stay therin least this sinke beeing stirred should exhale a vapour too filthie and vnsauorie But that which is aleged for the defence of sacrilege may not so passe vnexamined The first is That the church goods serued to idolatrous prophane vses which being taken away could by no lawe deuolue to any but to the publike treasury Now that the fallacie of this proposition may the better appear I assume that to me which themselues cannot deny me namely that there is a difference to be found betweene those thinges which are dedicated to idolatry and excesse and those thinges which are abused to idolatry and excesse There is nothing so holy which the wicked may not abuse and yet the abuse of a good thing dooth not inuert the nature thereof As for the welth of the Romish Cleargy it was not all giuen to idolatrous and vngodly vses for there were many thinges giuen of old to the vse of the poore and Pastors of the Church The which albeit the Popish Cleargy haue abused yet the nature of the donation is not thereby altered Of the donations which were made to Churches some were before the corruption of the Church and some after For I shewed before that the oblations and donations of the faithfull had their beginning euen with the Apostles But that these which were made before the corruption are sacred to God no godly man will deny the same Now the Bishop of Rome and other heretical Pastors found the churches founded by the Apostles and furnished according to those times with sufficient riches to the which albeit they added much by much naughtines yet the same is not to be esteemed of alike but so to bee accounted of as the rest was No question in the Church of Rome and other heretique Churches there are diuerse and sundry thinges the which if they be taken in their proper kind are very christian and commaunded by God himselfe such is the sacred Ministery of the Church holy care of the poore So that whatsoeuer was bequeathed to either of these or vnto them both hath a godly end and may haue a godly vse As for the prophanation of things it ought not so much to mooue vs as the nature of things against the which there is no litle to be gained ether by prescription of time or abuse of the thing But if it so fall out that the prophane vse be abolished they