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A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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emperours souldiours were inclosed by his enemies Anni regum britannie 49 and in great distres of water The yere of the worlde 4135 The yere of Christ 174 by the praier of certaine christians whiche were as than in the hoste it rained so plentiousely that not onely they were reliued with aboundaunce of water but also a great numbre of their aduersaries slaine and destroyed with the tempest of raine and lightning Dolicianus the .x. bishoppe of Hierusalem that was a gentle Anni regum britannie 50 Au●dius Cassius who was sent to quiete the east partes traiterously named him selfe emperour The yere of the worlde 4136 The yere of Christ 175 but not long after he was slaine of his owne souldiours and his heade brought to the emperour Anni regum britannie 51 In this time diuers deuoute and greate learned men bothe in writinge and open disputations The yere of the worlde 4137 The yere of Christ 176 defended the christian veritee against the vaine opinions of many heritikes that were spread in the churche as A●gesipo●s Dionisius bishoppe of Corinthe Pynithus of Creete Theophilus of Antioche Melito of Sardis Ireneus of Lions Apollinarts of Hieropolis Modestus Philyppus Musanus and other Tatian an horrible heritike was famous whiche before tyme was a chrstian disciple of Iustine the Martyr this man taught that matrimonye was noo better than horedome or aduoutry He forbade also diuers kindes of m●at●s About this time Calphurnes Agricola was sent from Rome into Britaine where he repayred the walle of Adrian that was brokē down by the Pictes and Scottes he subdued the welshemen and other Britons that rebelled and quieted the I le of Wight The yere of the worlde 4138 Antonine his sonne Commodus Anni regum britannie 52 triumphed for hys victory in Germanye The yere of Christ 177 Eleutherius the .xii. pope .xiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 4139 The noble and famous phisician Galene Saluius Iulianus the lawier The yere of Christ 178 Fronto the famous oratour Anni regum britannie 53 Oppian a poete were in great estimacion Montanus an heretik taught mariage to be dyssolued and prescribed lawes of fasting Prisca and Maximilla women whom Montanus affirmed to haue the spirite of prophecie Gratus proconsul of Asia The yere of the worlde 4141 The yere of Christ 180 LUcie the sonne of Coilus Anni regum britannie 1 was ordeyned kinge of Britones who in all his actes and deedes folowed the steppes of his forefathers in suche wise that he was of al men loued and dread This Lucie in the eight yere of his reigne that was about the yeare of our lorde 187. sent louinge letters to Eleutherius pope desiringe him to sende some deuout and lerned men by whose instruction bothe he and his people mighte be taught the faythe and religion of Christe where of Eleutherius beynge veray glad sent into Britaine two famous clerkes Faganus and Dunianus by whose diligēce Lucie and his people of Britaine were instructed and baptized in the faith of Christ .1294 yeres after the arriuall of Brute The citee of Smirna was ouerthrowen with an earthquake for the restauraciō wherof the emperor remitted ten yeres tribute Marcus Aurelius Antonius ended his life Antonius Commodus the .18 Emperour reigned after his father .13 yeres Anni regum britannie 2 This man The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ although he were of nature mischeuous wicked cruell and euen from his infancy inbrasinge filthy pleasure gluttony riote with other vices yet by the counsail of certaine wise men whiche before apperteined to his father at the beginning of his reigne his dissolute life was much restreined but at length through the importune sute of flatterers he shut vp his eares against all good reason and counsayle and alwaye sought occasions to despatch out of the way the mooste wise and graue Senatours whiche were as bridels to his naughtinesse He vsed often times to play naked at weapons with the sworde players not only in the common scholes but also openly in the theatre wherby he greatly defaced the imperiall maiestee Cōmodus triūphed for his victories ouer the Germains Pantenus a man of great deuocion and learning was in highe estimacion at Alexandria and taughte in open schole diuine letters of whiche occasion the custome remayned there alwayes that certayn most excellent in al kinde of learning should be chosen to instructe the people in godly knowlage Lucilla the emperours sister The yere of Christ for so muche as she was by her brother depriued of certayne imperialle honours which were geuen to her by hir father Anni regum britannie 4 The yere of the worlde 4414 by meane of adulterie entised a noble yonge man named Quadratus to conspire against the emperour who by the counsaile of the more part of the senate committed the whole matter to one Quintianus whiche watching his time shoulde slea the emperour but he by his rashnes was detected taken and straightly examined and vttered the hole conspiracie For whiche cause Commodus kendled a greuous hatred towarde the senatours Perennius whom Commodus had made gouernour of the empire vnder him Anni regum britannie 8 The yere of the worlde 4184 The yere of Christ 187 for so muche as by priuy meanes he aspired to the imperiall auctoritee was putte to death In these dayes was great quietnesse in the churche and many noble men of Rome were conuerted to the faith among whiche was Appolonius who reading openly in the senate a boke that he had made in defence of Christian religion The yere of the worlde 4149 The yere of Christ 188 was after beheaded Anni regum britannie 9 The capital a liberarie were burned with lightninge The yere of the worlde 4151 The yere of Christ 190 Maternus a souldiour conspired to slea Commodus but he was disclosed bi one of the same coniuracion Anni regum britannie 11 and so preuented Cleander whom the emperour had aduaunced from a seruaunt to high dignitye in Rome vsed greate crueltee and exaction towarde the people for whiche cause they reised a great commocion The emperour to satisfie the people commanded Cleander to be put to death and his head to be caried about the citee Uictor the .13 pope .x. yeres A great dearth and scarcitee in Rome Commodus published that he would be called Hercules and the sonne of Iupiter The Scottes and Pictes not longe from this time ouerthrewe Trebellius the Romaine capitain in Britaine The Britons through the couetousnes of Trebellius rebelled and were vanquished shortli after Pertiner was sent by Commodus into Britain and warred against the Scottes and with gentlenes and wyse counsaile quited the B●●●ons Commodus in shoting or casting the darte had so stedie a hande The yere of the worlde 4152 The yere of Christ 191 Anni regum britannie that he would hit what so euer he appoynted Wherfore to shewe his cunninge in these feates in the open sightes he killed a great multitude of wilde beastes In this time were
of Alexandria and put manye of the noble men to death Anni regum britannie 10 Nar●es king of Perse The yere of Christ 298 troubled the countreyes of Armon●e and Mesopotamia with de●dly warre The yere of the worlde 4259 Thys N●rses had a sonne so beastlye cruell that when his father gaue vnto him a pauilion of camelles skinnes sumptuously wrought betwene with golde and demaunded whether it pleased him he aunswered that it woulde please him muche better if he mighte be kinge that he myghte make a more gorgious pauilion of mens skinnes Constantius in France proued Fortune in one day to be bothe frow●ed and f●u●urable For at the fyrste he was chased and so egrelye pursued of the Almaynes that vneth he hym selfe might be drawen by a corde ouer the walles of the citee L●ng●●● And within lesse than .v houres hir hoste was augmented and he slewe of the Almaines wel● nere .40 thousande whereby theyr power was greatly decayed and Fraunce in more quiete Anni regum britannie 11 Galerius whiche was sent agaynst the Persians The yere of the worlde 4260 The yere of Christ 299 beyng ●anquished in battayle fled to Dioclecian of whom he was so vngently receyued that when he mette him in his iourney the space of a mile that he ranne by his chariote he had not of him a woorde But Galerius beynge nothing therwith discomforted repaired his armye and in Armenia the greater ouerthrue the Persians conquered all Assyria broughte in subiection fiue prouinces beyonde the riuer Tigris and retourned to the emperoure with great spoyle Anni regum britannie Dioclecian and Maximinian triumphed for theyr greate victories ▪ The yere of the worlde 4264 The yere of Christ 309 after whiche triumphe Dioclecian gaue commandement that he would be worshipped as a god saying that he was brother to the sonne and the moone and adourning his showe● with golde and precious stoones commaunded the people to kisse his feete The yere of the worlde 4265 The yere of Christ 204 By the iust iudgement of god Anni regum britannie 16 for certaine enormityes vsed in the churche the greatest and moste greuouse persecution of the Chrystianes was moued by Dioclesian who in the moneth of Marche whan the feaste of Easter was nighe at hand commaunded all the churches of the Christians to be spoyled and cast to the earth and the bokes of holy scripture to be burned and that all Christian men that were of any auctoritee shuld be as it were disgraded and remaine as persons infamous And furthermore that no seruant remaining in the fayth shuld be made free that all prelates and chiefe ministers of the churche shoulde be with al tourmentes constreigned to worship Idoles This persecution continued .10 yeares Dioclecian and by his counsayle Maximinian gaue vppe the imperial auctoritee The yere of the worlde 4268 The yere of Christ 207 Anni regum britannie 19 and led the residue of theyr life as priuate persons Constantius and Galerius which before were named Cesars The yere of the worlde 4269 The yere of Christ 208 succeded in the empire Anni regum britannie 20 betwene whome the gouernance therof was thus deuided that Galerius shuld rule in Illiria Asia and all the east partes and Constantius in Italye Spayne Fraunce Britaine and Affryke But he was a moderate and wise prince refused Affrike and Italye and reteyned onely Spayne Fraunce and Britayne This Constantius was a man of great affabilitee clemency and gentylnesse and there with very lyberall indeuoiringe alwaye to enriche his subiectes lytle regarding his owne treasure thinking that to be his that the commons had Wherefore he sayde that it was better that priuate persons had the commen treasure to the vse of the weale publike than to be locked vp in princes coffers In festiuall dayes ▪ when he had his nobles to any banket he borowed plate of his frendes to furnish his cubbourdes Galerius the other emperour was of maners ryght commendable sauing that he was cruell towarde chrystian people For whiche cause he was striken of God with extreme and vile sickenesse as after shall appeare Galerius chose by adopcion .ii. noble men of whiche Maximinian he made gouernour of the east and Seuerus of Ital●e and Afrike Anni regum britannie 21 While this Seuerus was absent from Rome The yere of the worlde 4270 The yere of Christ 309 the souldiours chose one Maxentius the sonne of Maximinian to be emperour Against whō whā Seuerus came with an armie ▪ beyng forsaken of his own souldiours he was constreigned to flee and nere to Rauenna was takē and slaine This Maxentius was a cruell tyranne Of hys incontinence and other vices be many examples in the historie named Tripartita COnstantius died in Yorke after whom Constantine succeded Anni regum britannie 1 as wel in the kingdome of Britain The yere of the worlde 4271 The yere of Christ 310 as in the gouernance of other realmes ▪ that were subiecte before to his father This Constantine was a right noble valiant prince son of Helena woman of greate sanctimonie and borne in Britayne He was so mightie in marciall prowes that he was surnamed the great Constantine And had the faithe of Christ in suche reuerence that alwaie most studiously he endeuoired to augment the same In wytnesse of his belife he caused a booke of the gospels to be caried before him And made the byble to be copied oute and sent into all partes of the empyre Of this man the kinges of Britaine had firste the priuilege to weare close crownes or Dyademes Galerius emperour of the east whan he harde of the death of his captaine Seuerus made Licinius partaker of the empyre This Licinius in feates of armes was experte and cunninge but he hated learning so extremely that he saied it was a pestilence and poyson in the common weale Finc●rmake after the death of his cosin Cairthquint was ordeined kinge of Scottes and reigned seuen and fortie yeres Anni regum britannie 2 Maximinian Herculius The yere of the worlde 4272 desiringe to be emperour againe came to Rome The yere of Christ 311 and by priuy meanes endeuoured to defeite his owne sonne Maxentius of the empire But he was reiected of the souldiours driuen from Rome Wherefore he fled into Fraunce to Constantine his son in law whom also to slea he laide in waight traiterously opening ▪ his pretended malice to Fausta his daughter the wife of Constantine But she abhorringe the impious minde of her father disclosed the matter to hir husbande who commaunded Herculius to be taken and slayne The yere of the worlde 4274 The yere of Christ 312 In the .x. yere of the persecucion Anni regum britannie 4 Galerius the chiefe minister therof fell into a wonderfull sicknesse hauinge a sore risen in the nether parte of his bealy whiche consumed his priuie membres from whens swarmed great plentie of wourmes whiche were ingendred of the putrifaction This disease coulde not be holpen with any surgerie or phisike
reigned in Aegypt .20 yeres The yere of the worlde 3251 The yere before Christe 712 Before Britayne knovven 662 Leochrates ruled the Atheniens .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 3252 The yere before Christe 711 Before Britayne knovven 661 Ioel Naum prophetes among the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 655 A pestilent disease inuaded Italy The yere of the worlde 3258 The yere before Christe 705 for which cause Numa instituted the priestes Salios ¶ In this tyme as many wryte Homere the prince of greke poetes feigned his warkes he bothe amended and encreased the greke letters and fyrst set furthe the rules of grammer Absander gouerned the Atheniens .10 yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 701 Before Britayne knovven 651 Gyges king of Lydia reigned .36 yeres he The yere of the worlde 3265 The yere before Christe 698 by the cōmandemēt of the quene Before Britayne knovven 648 slew Condaules because he had shewed hir naked to Gyges and so obteyned bothe hys wyfe and his realme ¶ Midas reignyng in Phrigia with drinkynge bulles bloud was poisoned Before Britayne knovven 644 Two yeres was the roylme of Egypt without a king The yere of the worlde 3269 The yere before Christe 694 Before Britayne knovven 643 Claucus Chius first inuented sondering of mettalles The yere of the worlde 3270 The yere before Christe 693 Before Britayne knovven 642 ¶ The Scottes feignyng their originall out of Spayne The yere of the worlde 3271 The yere before Christe 692 write that one Simon Brech a Spaniarde was elected to their kyng whiles thei inhabited Ireland before they knewe yet Scotlande And that by hym and his successours thei were guided by the space of .113 yeres ere they arriued in Albion This Symon brought with hym oute of Spayne the marble chayre in whyche the kynges of Scottes were wont to be crowned This chayre by Edwarde the fyrste was taken frome theym and broughte to Westmynster Merres an Ethiope reigned in Aegypt .xii. yeres Eryxias gouerned the Athenians .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 3271 The yere before Christe 692 SIsillus Before Britayne knovven 642 brother to Gurgustius reyned in Britayne xlix yeres The yere of the worlde 3272 The yere before Christe 691 Before Britayne knovven 641 The yere of the worlde 3279 The yere before Christe 684 Beumerodach the seuenth kyng of Babylon Before Britayne knovven 634 reygned .xxi. yeres Croton Corcyra Chalcedon Phaselis Sybaris Locris and Tarentum citees in this season were builded The yere of the worlde 3280 The yere before Christe 683 Archeus otherwise called Argeus Before Britayne knovven 633 was kynge of Macedon .xxxviii. yeres with great loue of his subiectes The yere of the worlde 3282 The yere before Christe 681 ¶ Here the Athenians altered agayne the state of theyr citee for abolyshyng the power of princes Before Britayne knovven 631 they yerely elected nine of the nobilitee to gouerne them The yere of the worlde 3283 The yere before Christe 80 Stephinatis was king of Egipt .vii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 630 After whom succeded Nichepsos a prince singular in astronomy who reigned .viii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3292 The yere before Christe Ammon the .xviii. kyng of Iuda Before Britayne knovven 621 reigned .iii. yeres A wicked prince wherfore he perished by the sworde of hys owne seruantes ¶ Tullus Hostilius the thirde kynge of Romaines reygned .xxxii. yeres He fyrste of the Romans vsed pourple and axes or maces to bee borne before hym Who supposinge the citee to waxe feeble and weake with ease and ydelnesse prepared warre ouercame the Albanes vanquished the Ueientes and Fidenates beate downe Alba to the grounde of the Romans and Albanes were one people made In the meane while the Sabines gathered an army betwene whom a cruell conflicte was made at the wood Malicusa the array of the Sabines was broken Tullus triumphed enlarged the citee addynge thervnto the mount Coelius In Rome that time it rayned stones and was vexed with the pestilence The kynge taken also with ▪ syckenes gaue him selfe to the institution of sacrifices But finally he with his hole house being striken with lightenyng perished whan he had with greate glory of warres reigned .32 yeres The barefoot cerimonies were first made in Lacedemō The yere of the worlde 3295 The yere before Christe ¶ Iosias the .xix. kinge of Iuda reigned .31 ▪ yeres Before Britayne knovven 618 A vertuous and iust prince for in his very childehod he began to seke the god of his father Dauid He purged his lande from al ydolles ymages and woodes burned the bones of the priestes of Baal and clensed all wickednes out of the citees of Manasse Ephraim Simeon and euen vnto Nephtalim he repaired the temple that the holye thinges might be couered The booke of the lawe of Moyses whyche had been lost a longe tyme was founde againe whiche he red vnto the people Finallye vppon to muche presumption be made warre vpon the kyng of Aegipt in whiche he was wounded and died therof Leostratus was capitayne of the Atheniens Sybilla Herophila in Samos was greatly estemed Before Britayne knovven 617 Psammeticus was kynge of Egypt .44 yeres The yere of the worlde 3296 The yere before Christe 667 He receiued into amitee the Ioues and Cares Before Britayne knovven 615 whiche against their willes arryued in Egypt The yere of the worlde 3298 The yere before Christe 665 grauntyng theim a place to inhabite he increased his hoste with outwarde retinue● he subdued all Egypt and .xxix. yeres besieged Azotus which at length he toke Archilochus Simonides and Aristoxenus the musician in this tyme greatly were estemed Before Britayne knovven 613 Nabuchodonoser The yere of the worlde 3300 The yere before Christe 663 the fyrste and .vii. kynge of Babilon reigned xxix yeres Metius Suffetius capitayn of the Albanes for breaking his league was with horses drawen in pieces Before Britayne knovven 632 Ardis kyng of Lydia reigned .xxxvii. yeres ¶ In this tyme Zaleucus the moste seuere lawyer of the Locranses flourished The yere of the worlde 3301 The yere before Christe 662 who commaunded the eyes of his onely sonne whiche was condemned for adultery to bee put out leste that the generall lawe should be frustrate in him At length by the praier of the people gaynsaying it he in suche wise moderated his sentence that he cōmaūded one of his owne eyes and an other of his sonnes to be put out that the lawe might be fulfilled Phaortes the .vi. kyng of Media reigned .xxii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3303 The yere before Christe 660 Before Britayne knovven Cypselus playd the tyrant in Corin .xxvii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3307 The yere before Christe 656 Before Britayne knovven Alba distroied and Byzanee called now Constantinople was builded by Pausanias king of Spartanes Alemeō Leschon Lesbius were had in great renome Hystrus in Ponto Chantus and Stagera in Asia were buylded ¶ Phalaris tyrante of Agragentine flourished vnder whome the cunninge artificer Peryllus suffered in his
to death The same Mascazell beinge proud with the successe of that battaile named him selfe emperour and within few daies was slayne of the souldiours About this time as witnesseth Uolateran The yere of the worlde 4362 The yere of Christ 401 the Hunnes brake into Pannonia and in battayle ouercame the Romaines A controuersie was in the churche whether god were corporate and had a body and all membres therof to the likenesse of man whiche opinion was obstinatelye affirmed of certaine simple and vnlearned monkes or solitarie persons of Aegipt This opinion caused so muche trouble in the churche that Theophilus bishop of Alexandria and Epiphaneus of Cipres endeuored to haue disanulled and burned the bookes of Origine for that they semed to teache the contrary They vexed also Chrisostomus because he would not consent therto The Gothes The yere of the worlde 4363 The yere of Christ 402 whiche sens the reigne of Theodorius had ben friendes with the Romaines and in wages vnder theyr capitaines rebelled and brake into Italye by the meanes of Stillico for he triatrouslye caused the emperour Honorius to put them out of wages to the entēt that they for displeasure shoulde rebelle against the empire that he in the meane time might more commodiously by treason transferre the imperiall crowne to his son He intised also the Aleynes and Uandales to take armes agaynst the Romains The yere of Christ 403 Chrisostomus bishop of constantinople was exyled into Pont The yere of the worlde 4564 by meanes of Theophilus of Alexandria The yere of the worlde 4365 The yere of Christ 404 At Pelentia the Romaines fought a dangerous battaile against the Gothes not without losse of manye men on both partes Stillico the Romain capitayne feygned him to flye But yet the Gothes at that time were dryuen backe The frenchemen passinge the ryuer Rhine inhabyted Treueris in Gallia and the countree lyinge there about The yere of the worlde 4366 The yere of Christ 405 Chrisostome dyed in exile Britain about this time was vexed with the irrupcions of Melga king of Pictes and other barbarous people The yere of the worlde 4367 The yere of Christ 406 There fell a great hayle in Constantinople and the suburbes therof Two terrible nacions of the Gothes were in armes against the empyre the Ostrogothes being Paganes whiche had a mighty and vallaunt captaine named Rhadagasius and the west Gothes whiche were christined and had to theyr leader Alaricus The yere of the worlde 4368 The yere of Christ 407 Rhadagasius king of the Ostrogothes inuaded Italy with a terrible armye of .200000 men at whiche tyme the Romaines were in suche feare that manye of theym blaspheming christ layed the faulte of so greuous daunger vpon christian religion But that great army shortely after being inclosed and compassed with the hostes of the Romains in certaine mountaynes of Thuscane was slayne and taken wel nere al togither Ruffinus gouernour of the east intised Alaricus kinge of the wisigothes to make warre vpon the emperour Arcadius to the entēt that in time of the tumultie he might by his conspiratours be aduaunced to the imperiall auctoritie whose treason being disclosed he was slayne of the souldiours and his head set vp at Constantinople wyth his right hand Caianus also trusting to the ayde of the Gothes raysed ciuile warre The yere of the worlde 4396 The yere of Christ 408 and was vanquished put to flighte and slaine Stillicon prolonged the warre with the Wisigothes and therfore was he commaunded of Honorius to make peace with them Honorius also graunted to the Gothes to inhabite in Fraunce whiche at that time was possessed of the Frenchmen Aleines and other barbarous people that were steered vp by the counsayle of Stillico Constantius a man of no estimacion or dignitee The yere of the worlde 4370 The yere of Christ 409 nor hauing any vertue worthy a noble manne for the onlye hope of his name was made emperour of the souldiours in Britaine This man passed into Gallia to quiete the barbarous people that wasted that countrey but he preuayled nothing against them Constantine sent his sonne Constans into Spayne against two noble men Dyndimus and Uerinianus whiche kept the streightes of the mountayns called Pyrenei bothe against him and the barbarous people Arcadius emperour of the east The yere of the worlde 4371 The yere of Christ 410 departed out of this life at Constantinople He before his death ordeyned Isdericus king of Persians to be gouernour of his yonge sonne and defendour of the empyre Theodotius surnamed the younger The yere of the worlde 4372 The yere of Christ 411 being yet a child was made emperour after his father and reygned in the east Of maners he was indifferent but verye negligent in thinges perteyning to the common weale In so muche that he would subscribe and signe bylles of request whiche he neuer sawe nor knewe that was conteyned in them whiche negligence his sister Pulcheria rebuked in this maner causing him after his facion to subscribe to a byll in the which was de●i●ed the perpetuall bondage of his wife Eudoxia whom he loued entirely wherwith he being abasshed and ●●ewing a payre of redde chek●s ceased to be so negligente in matters perteyninge to the weale publike The U●●d●●es being chased of the Gothes west out of Fraunce into Spayne At●alus affectinge the empire in Rome was immediatly brought in subiection Stillico contrarye to the leag ue The yere of the worlde 4373 whyche was made with the Gothes vpon Easter day The yere of Christ 412 when for religiō they absteyned from al labour and fearinge no enemies had cast of theyr armour sent agaynst theym a I●we named Saul with a companie of souldiours Who cōminge sodeynly vpon the sayd Gothes slewe of them a great numbre with which iniurie their king Alaricus beynge irritated after he hadde reuenged him on the souldiours of Stillico in his fury turned his whole power against the citee of Rome whiche shortly after he tooke And when he had spoyled it by the space of .iii. dayes departed and toke with him Placidia the emperours sister whome after he gaue in mariage to Ataulphus his kinsman Now was the treason of Stillico detected whyche he had of longe time dissimuled and kept close and he therfore was beheaded with his sonne Eucherius At this time the Romaine empyre the fourth monarchie of the worlde whiche had of longe time flourished beganne first to decline which happened from the beginning of the citee .1163 after the kinges were expelled .919 yeres The yere of the worlde 4374 The yere of Christ 413 Honorius the emperour sent a noble man of Rome named Cōstātius with an army against Constantine whiche was chosen emperour in Britaine and was now in Fraunce whom he easilie vanquished and caused to be slaine Constans the sonne of Constantine who was sent into Spaine was murdered of his owne Duke Gerontius wherby Honorius recouered to his dominion bothe the lande of Britaine and the souldiours
slain by one Philippicus whom not longe before he had banished to the same citee Ioannes surnamed Tizocapos the .14 lieuetenant in Italy Anni regum saxo 28 Philippicus toke on him the imperiall crowne The yere of the worlde 4674 The yere of Christ 713 and reigned .ii. yeres This man at the beginninge was by the pope pronounced a Scismatick and his name defended to be mencioned in anye diuine seruice or common prayers because he commanded images to be taken out of churches for auoyding of Idolatrie Stephene the seconde or after some Gregory the .ii. was pope .17 yeres Anthemius deposed Philippicus and after he had berefte him of his sight Anni regum saxo 30 cast hym into pryson The yere of the worlde 4676 The yere of Christ 715 This Anthemius helde the imperiall auctoritee .iii. yeres Dagobert the yonge kinge of Fraunce was left vnder the tuicion and gouernance of Pectrude the wife of Pipine and Theodowald maister of the palaice this Theodowalde exercised such tyrannies and set vppon the people suche exaccions tallages that great discenscion and variance hapned therfore betwene him the other nobles of France In so much that lastlye he was of thē slain and one Ragafrede ordeined maister of the palaice in his place Plectrude stepmother of Charles Martellus helde him in prison at Coleine so longe vntill that the king of Fraunce and Ragafrede had token robbed and spoiled a great part of his heritage of the countrey of Austracie But not longe after Charles by fauoure of his kepers brake prison and was at his libertee About this time the Germaines receyued the fayth of christe Anni regum saxo 31 The yere of the worlde 4677 The yere of Christ 716 Mordake was kinge of Scotlande and reigned .xvi. yeres In his time the foure diuers people as Albion had peace betwene them selfe that is the Britaines the Angles the Scottes and the Pictes Anthemius the emperour sent forth an armye againste the Sarasens Anni regum saxo The yere of the worlde 4679 The yere of Christ 718 Which went not forwarde on their iourney but amonge thē selfe chose one Theodosius to their emperour he immediatlye tourned his whole power against Anthemius and by strength depriued him of the empire and made him a monke The Moores within the space of .20 yeres had amonge them no lesse than .xv. kinges For when that one gouernour could not please all the people eyther by some treason he was of them murdered or els for feare he left his regalitee and became priuate Whiche stubbourne frowardenes of the people when Acabath a noble man perceiued he toke on him the gouernance of the realme and forthwith put to death the noumbre of .300 of the chyefe capitaines of that sedicious people and after reigned a good season in quietnesse After the death of Dagobert one Daniell a priest for his wisedome and experience in ciuile policie was by cōsent of the nobles made kinge of Fraunce Charles Anni regum saxo 34 desirous to reuenge the iniury done to him by his stepmother Plectrude The yere of the worlde 4680 The yere of Christ 719 and her alies gathered a great company of souldiours and nere to Mense fought a stronge battaile with Rangafrede maister of the palaice in the whiche he was put to the worse But shortely he recouered his hooste whiche was disperkeled and fought eftsones at a place called Albane where he obteined the victorie Then thirdely those two hostes encountred in a fielde called winefielde where was present Daniell the king and Eudon duke of Gascoyne at whyche time was foughten a sore battaile where Charles was victour and chased the kinge and his other enemies to Gascoyne For whiche victorie he triumphed and aduāced one Clothaire to the kingdome who shortelye after died In this pastime Leo deposed Theodosius the emperour when he had not reigned fully one yere The yere of the worlde 4681 The yere of Christ 720 Zulemon capitaine of the Sarasens in Asia Anni regum saxo 35 inuaded Thracia with a great power of the whiche parte besyeged Constantinople part spoiled the countrey of Bulgarie with whom the Bulgarians met and slew of them xxii thousande Charles was made friende with Daniell and restored him to the kingedome of France The yere of the worlde 4683 The yere of Christ 722 Anni regum saxo 37 and pardoned also Eudon duke of Gascoyne The Sarasens the seconde yere that they besieged Constantinople being constreigned bothe with famine and pestilence gaue vp the siege and departed thens to Asia Charles of Fraunce vanquished the Saxones Whan Iewe had gouerned the weast Saxones in Britaine the space of .37 yeeres Anni regum saxo 38 The yere of the worlde 4684 The yere of Christ 723 by the assiduate laboure of his wife gaue vp his regall power and became a poore man and went to Rome in pilgremage Anni regum saxo 39 After him Ethelardewas kinge of west Saxones The yere of the worlde 4685 The yere of Christ 724 in whose time the reuerent Beda was famous and wrate his booke called Anglica historia to Offrike king of Northumberland About this time was a clipse of the moone whiche from the first rising to midnight appered redde as bloud In like maner appered two blasing sterres of the whyche one preuented the sonne rising the other folowed his going downe Leuthbrande the Lumbarde toke Clusium and besieged Rauenna whiche he toke and was after restored by ayde of the Uenetians Anni regum saxo 40 Charlesof Fraunce subdued the Bauarians Leo the emperour commaunded Paulus his deputie to leuie a new taxe in Italy The yere of the worlde 4686 The yere of Christ 725 but he was prohibited by Gregorie pope who hauing ayd of the Lumbardes by force of armes withstode the emperours deputie Leo gaue commaundement The yere of the worlde 4687 The yere of Christ 726 that al that were vnder the empire Anni regum saxo 41 shoulde take awaye the ymages and pictures of saintes out of churches for auoyding of Idolatry But the pope did resist the emperour and wrate into al partes of the world that neither for feare nor intreatie they shoulde obey the emperours commaundemente in this be halfe and with so vehement perswasions withdrewe the people of Italye from the obedience of theyr emperour Leo that they would haue chosen them a new emperour The citees of Italy refusing the office of the lieuetenant shippe chose to theim ●che citee his propre gouernour whom they called dukes Pelagius kinge of Castile by the helpe of god reduced his borderers to the faith of Christ. At Rauenna the people takinge partes some with the emperour some with the pope reised a great sedicion in the whiche Paule the emperoures deputie and his sonne was slaine The yere of the worlde 4988 The yere of Christ 727 Anni regum saxo 43 Theodorich beganne his reigne ouer the Frenchemen He was from his yong and tendre age nourished in the house of nonnes in womans