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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A59975 The Case in law and equity of Tristram Wodward, Esq. for the mannors of Tuddington, Harlington, and Tyngrith, and other lands in the county of Bedford / reported to the Commissioners of Obstructions by Mr. St. Nichlas the councell for the Common-wealth. St. Nichlas, Thomas. 1652 (1652) Wing S346; ESTC R37140 13,482 26

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THE CASE IN LAW AND EQUITY OF TRISTRAM WODWARD Esq FOR THE Mannors of Tuddington Harlington And Tyngrith and other Lands in the County of Bedford Reported to the Commissioners of Obstructions by Mr St Nichlas the Councell for the Common-wealth To the Honourable the Commissioners of Parliament for removing Obstructions in the sale of severall Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason IN obedience to your severall Orders of the 11 of September 30 of October and 25 of February 1651. upon the Petition of Tristram Wodward Esquire who layes claim out of the Estate of Thomas Earl of Cleveland to the Mannors of Tuddington Harlington and Tyngrith in the County of Bedford I have examined and finde That by the copy of an Office taken 35 of Eliz. after the death of Henry late Lord Cheyne it appeareth that the Mannors of Tuddington Harlington and Tyngrith in the County of Bedford were the Inheritance of the said Lord Cheyne by discent from Anne Broughton his Mother And it appeareth that in the 6 year of Queen Elizabeth the Lord Cheyne did suffer a Common Recovery of the said Mannors to the use of the Lord Cheyne and Jane his Wise for their lives the Remainder to the Heirs of the body of the Lord Cheyne Remainder in Fee to the said Jane And in Trinity Tearm 13 of Elizabeth the said Henry Cheyne then Sir Henry Cheyne Knight and Dame Jane his Wife did suffer a new Recovery of the said Mannors and Land and by their Tripartite Deed dated the 2 of April the 13 of Elizabeth limit the use to Sir Henry Cheyne and Dame Jane Cheyne and the heirs males of Sir Henry on the body of the Lady Jane Remainder to the heirs males of the body of Sir Henry Cheyne Remainder to the heirs of the body of the said Lord Cheyne on the body of the said Lady Jane Remainder to the heirs of the body of the said Lord Cheyne and for default of such Issue to the use of such Person and Persons and for such Estate and Estates as the said Dame Jane surviving the said Sir Henry Cheyne at any time during her life shall dispose or appoint by any writing subscribed with her hand and sealed with her Seal and for default of such Issue and disposition and appointment and after the expiration of such disposition or appointment then to the use of the said Sir Henry Cheyne his heirs and assignes for ever absolutely without any Condition And I finde by the Answer upon Oath of Thomas Earl of Cleveland and Sir John Crofts 12 Jacob. to an Information in the Court of Wards at the relation of Thomas Cheyne Esq the next heir of Henry Lord Cheyne by three Inquisitions that the said Lord Cheyne did cause his wife to joyn with him in a new Recovery 13 Eliz. to the use of the Lord Cheyne and Jane his wife and to the heirs males of the body of the Lord Cheyne upon the body of the said Jane lawfully coming the Remainder to the heirs males of the body of the Lord Cheyne the Remainder to the heirs of the body of the Lord Cheyne upon the body of the said Jane the Remainder to the heirs of the body of the Lord Cheyne the Remainder to such person and persons and for such estate and estates as the said Jane surviving the Lord Cheyne at any time during her life shall dispose or appoint by any writing subscribed with her hand and sealed with her Seal as by a Copy of the said Answer deposed by George Becke Gent. to be a true Copy of the Originall appeareth And it is deposed in Chancery that upon a Reference from the Parliament to Justice Reeve and Justice Foster the Earl by his Councell and Sollicitor did produce the other part of the said Deed of 13 Eliz. which limited the Fee-simple of all the Mannors for want of Issue of the Lord Cheyne and such disposition of his wife and after the expiration of such disposition to remain to the Lord Cheyne and his heirs and assignes for ever absolutely and without any Condition as by a Copy of the Depositions of John Cook and Richard Wallopp Esquires deposed by George Becke Gent. to be a true Copy of the Originall appeareth And it appeareth by the Copy of a part of the Will of the said Jane Lady Cheyne examined by the Record and deposed by the said George Becke to be a true Copy of so much of the said Will That the 10 Jacob. she made a Lease for 30 years of the aforesaid Mannors to Sir John Crofts and Dame Mary his wife to begin from the death of the said Lady Jane And it appeareth by a Memorandum in the foot of the same Will upon Record she died the 16 of April 1● Jacob. whereby the said Lease ended the 16 of April 1644. And I finde that by Indenture dated the 12 Martij 11 Jacob. made between Thomas Cheyne Cozen and next heir to the said Henry Lord Cheyne and Tristram Wodward the Petitioner and Ellen his wife one of the daughters of Sir Edmund Pelham of the one part and Sir Thomas Pelham Knight and Baronet Sir John Hungerford Knight Sir John Wodward Knight Anthony Dyott Herbert Pelham Son and heir of the said Sir Edmund Pelham William Cobbs Esq and John Coddrington Gent. of the other part Reciting That whereas the said Thomas Cheyne by Deed of Bargain and Sale inrolled in Chancery dated 17 Novemb. 6 Jacob. for the consideration of divers Lands Tenements and Leases for years amounting to the value of 10000 pound which were purchased with the money and goods of the Grandmother and Grandfather of the said Tristram Wodward and meant and intended for the Portions and advancement of Joan the Mother of the said Tristram and conveyed away from her unto Elizabeth Cheyne the wife of the said Thomas Cheyne and sister of the said Joan and the money thereof spent in the great Suits of the said Thomas Cheyne for the obteyning of the Lands wrongfully sold away from the said Thomas Cheyne by the said Henry Lord Cheyne which Lands of the said Elizabeth Cheyne or so much in value was meant by the said Thomas Cheyne and Elizabeth his wife after the death of the said Elizabeth without Issue or after the death of the said Henry Lord Cheyne without Issue to remain unto Joan the said sister of the said Elizabeth Cheyne and mother of the said Tristram And for divers other good Considerations in the said Deed exprest hath given granted bargained and sold unto the said Tristram Wodward and his heirs the Mannors of Tuddington Chalgrave Harlington and Tyngrith and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders thereof and of all other the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of the said Thomas Cheyne whereof the said Henry Lord Cheyne died seized in the said County of Bedford after the death of the Lady Cheyne wife of the Lord Henry Cheyne which lawfully descended and of right ought to come unto
Thomas Cheyne as Cozen and next heir to the said Henry Lord Cheyne and whereof the said Thomas Cheyne by Inquisition after the death of the said Lord Cheyne is found to be Cozen and next heir to the said Lord Cheyne as by a Copy of the said Inquisition deposed by the said George Becke to be a true Copie of the Originall to me likewise appeareth Now the said Thomas Cheyne and Tristram Wodward as well in consideration of divers summes of Money paid by the said Herbert Pelham to the said Tristram Wodward in marriage with the said Ellen his wife sister of the said Herbert Pelham and in consideration of the said marriage had between the said Tristram and the said Ellen the daughter of the said Sir Edmund Pelham and Ellen Lady Pelham her mother Cozen of the whole blood to the said Henry Lord Cheyne and to the said Thomas Cheyne she being descended from the Cheynes of Crall in Sussex who are of the whole blood and family of the said Lord Cheyne And for that the said Tristram is of blood of the said Elizabeth Cheyne and the said Ellen and her Issue of the blood of the said Cheynes of Crall and shall keep the same Name and for advancement of the heirs of the bodies of the said Tristram and Ellen his wife do Covenant to stand seized of the said Mannors of Tuddington Chalgrave Harlington and Tyngrith and of the Reversions thereof and of all other the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of the said Thomas Cheyne and Tristram Wodward or either of them in Tuddington Chalgrave Horkley Tyngrith Harlington Apsley Ridgemont Westonning Sundon Pullox hill Haughton Flitwicke and Strackley in the said County of Bedford to the use of the said Tristram Wodward and Ellen his wife and the heirs of their two bodies the Remainder to the right heirs of the said Tristram for ever which Indenture was enrolled in Chancery 23 Febr. 18 Jacob. as by the Copy of the said Indenture deposed by the said George Becke to be a true Copy of the Record appeareth And I finde that the said Thomas Cheyne 4 Novemb. 12 Jacob. did acknowledge a Recognizance in nature of a Statute Staple of 40000 pound before the then Chief Justice Sir Edward Cook to Tristram Wodward and Cheyne Wodward his sonne defeazanced for performance of the Covenants of the said Deed of 6 and 11 Jacob. as by the Counterpart of the said defeazance not yet proved appeareth And that the Lord Cheyne and Jane his wife did the 20 Eliz. by Fine Sur concessit make a Lease for 30 years of part of every Mannor to John Pare reserving the old Rent to be paid to the Lord Cheyne and Jane his wife and to the heirs of the Lord Cheyne And the Lord Cheyne without his wife 24 Eliz. did suffer a Common Recovery of another part of every Mannor and made the like Lease to one Francis Bevill And the Lord Cheyne and Jane his wife 27 Eliz. did by Fine Sur concessit make the like Lease for 30 years for another part of every Mannor to Ralph Astrey Esq and reserved the old Rents to him and Jane his wife and the heirs of the Lord Cheyne And the Lord Cheyne and Jane his wife 28 Eliz. did joyn in Fines of the Coppy hold Lands of every Mannor to make them Freehold whereby the Petitioner Claimes to part of the Lands and profits since the death of the Lady Cheyne and to the Reversion and profits of the rest of the Mannors since the 16 of April 1644. when the Lease to Sir John Crofts c. expired And I finde that the Earl of Cleveland and Sir John Crofts do in their Answers in the Court of Wards plead two Titles against the said Thomas Cheyne The one that 6 Jacob. he had conveyed the Reversion to the Petitioner and his heirs And that the 29 of Eliz. the said Jane Lady Cheyne did by her writing grant the Reversion of the said Mannors after her death to one Edmund Pooley and Charles Glenham and their heirs and that shortly after they re-granted the Fee to Jane Lady Cheyne and her heirs which is the now Earl of Cleveland as by a Copy of the said Answer deposed by the said George Becke to be a true Copy of the Record appeareth And it is deposed in Chancery That the said Earl by his Councel and Sollicitors did produce the said Deed of 29 Eliz. to Justice Reeve and Justice Foster upon the Reference to them who being informed that the said Deed was not found in the Lord Cheynes Office 35 Eliz. nor in the Lady Cheynes Office 12 Jacob. nor pleaded by the Lady Cheyne in the Exchequer to the respit of Homage 36 of Eliz. nor spoken of by the Lady Cheyne in her last Will as it likewise appeareth to me by Copies of the said severall Inquisitions Pleadings and Will deposed before this Honourable Committee to be true Copies and demanding the reason why it was not found in the said Offices M. Serjeant Taylor the Earls then Councel did confess the said Deeds of 29 Eliz. were proffered to the Jury 12 of Jacob. at the finding of the Lady Cheynes Office but then the Jury would not finde them and that Justice Reeves said those Deeds were no evidence which Justice Foster did not contradict And it is likewise deposed in Chancery That the said Earl borrowed Money upon his Title by the Deed of 6 Eliz. and the Inquisition of the 35 of Eliz. and concealed the Deed of 13 Eliz. and the Deed to Pooley and Glenham the Copies of which Depositions are likewise deposed to be true Copies of the Originall by the said George Becke And I finde that by Inquisition taken at Dunstable in the County of Bedford 17 Martij 12 Jacob. upon a Diem clausit extremum after the death of Jane Lady Cheyne it was found that the said Jane Lady Cheyne in her life time and long before her death was seized in her Demeasne as a Fee of the Mannors of Tuddington with the appurtenances in the County of Bedford and of certain Glebe Lands in the said Parish called the Portionaries and of the Mannors of Chalgrave Harlington the Rectory of Harlington the Mannor of Tyngrith and divers Messuages Lands Tenements c. in Tuddington Chalgrave Harlington Tyngrith Horkley Apsley Rigemount Westonning Sundon Pullox hill Hauton Flitwicke and Strackley in the said County of Bedford and that she was seased in her Demesne as a Fee of a certain Grange called Pullox hill Grange alias Harlington Grange in the County of Bedford and of a Close of Pasture called Muncks Close and a parcell of Meadow called Cranford Meade and a water Mill to the said Grange belonging sometime belonging to the late dissolved Monastery of Wooburn which last mentioned parcels were purchased by the said Lady Jane and Henry Lord Cheyne her late husband of one Roger Alford and of divers other parcels of Lands in Tuddington therein particularly mentioned and that she died seized