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A87006 Truth and innocency, prevailing against error and insolency: wherein is examined and discovered these following particulars. I. Whether Baptism be sprinkling or dipping. II. Whether the subject to be baptised, be infants or believers. III. Whether the punishment of original sin, be the first or second death. IV. Whether man be in an immortal estate before the resurrection. V. As touching the resurrection, whether these bodies of ours shall rise again & be made immortal, or whether it will be another body. VI. Of Gods love to the whole lump of mankind make known. VII. Of the personal raign of our blessed saviour upon Earth ... by way of answer to Mr. Hezekiah Holland, sometimes preacher at Sutton-Valence in Kent ... a second part: wherein is proved, that all the laws and statutes of King Jesus ... are practicable ... with many objections answered. It being an answer to one Mr. Simon Hendon of Benenden in Kent. / By George Hammon, Pastor to the church of Christ in Biddenden, Kent. Hammon, George. 1660 (1660) Wing H505; Thomason E1022_4; ESTC R208505 201,438 228

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namely Mans Mortality A DISCOURSE Touching the Mortality of the Soul IN order to the clearing up of this Subject of Dicourse I shall lay down this Position which is That man by sin made himself wholly mortal So that when God shall take away his breath which is from the time of death till the time of Resurrection he is no more then what he was before God breathed into him the breath of life which was but dust and also to dust he doth return and the word Soul is used for illustration sake and very large in its acceptation in Scripture sometimes to be understood one thing sometimes another that no man living can say of any one thing this is the soul and this is not but the whole individual man is taken for the soul and where there is spoken of soul and body there is no more difference than there is between Spirit and breath only it is spoken by way of illustration and the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie several things as the Mind Will Soul Delight Pleasure Affection Disposition Phantasie Life Breath Wind Blast Wrath Anger Memory Thought Stomack Courage Advice Opinion Heart Witt Stoutness Willingness Promptness or Readiness of Mind also Sleep and also Man these many significations and more is derived from the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which we read in our Translation Soul But leaving these things I shall come suddenly to the Reasons and then answer some Objections but first see some Scriptures which proveth that Man is wholly mortal and first see the words of the Wise man Eccles 3.19 20. in these words For what befalleth the sons of men befalleth Beasts even one thing befalleth them as the one dyeth so dyeth the other yea they have all one breath so that man hath no preheminence above a beast for all is vanity all go to one place all are of the dust and return to dust again Agreeable to the Word of the Lord Gen. 3. Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return and this is also further amplified by John 4.7 8 9 10 11 12. in these words For there is hope of a tree if he be cut down that it will sprout again and the tender branches thereof will not cease though the root thereof wax old in the ground and the stock thereof die in the earth yet thorow the descent of water it will bud and bring forth branches like a plant but man dyeth and wasteth away ye man giveth up the Ghost and where is he as the waters fall from the Sea and the floods decay and dry up so man lyeth down for we must needs die and be as water spilt upon the ground that cannot be gathered neither doth God respect the person of any man yet he hath used a means that his banished shall not be for ever expelled from him From whence we may see that the estate of man is compared to the floods that are dryed up that is become as it were nothing and is so to remain until the resurrection for by sin and death we are banished from the Lord yet he hath used a means namely to bring us forth again at the Resurrection that his banished should not be for ever kept from him but if the righteous go to heaven so soon as they die how are they banished from him and become as water spilt upon the ground For what man is he that liveth and shall not see death Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave Selah Psal 89.48 2 Sam. 14.14 No he cannot deliver his soul from the hand of the grave when God sets his heart to look upon man as you may see Job 34.14 15. in these words If he set his heart upon man if he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath all flesh shall perish together and man shall again return unto dust From these words we see all flesh is to perish and man is flesh yea the whole man for that which is born of flesh is flesh now the soul of man is born of flesh and if it be not spirit it must die and the Apostle saith that the first man meaning the whole man was earth earthy and as is the earthy so are they that are earthy howbeit it was not first that which was spiritual but that which was natural and then that which was spiritual speaking there of the man Adam and the man Christ affirming that the first Adam was an earthly natural man and the second Adam viz. Christ was a heavenly spiritual man so then the first man thorow his sin made himself mortal even the whole man there is a multitude of Scriptures that proveth this thing but time being very pretious with me I cannot at this time set them in order before thee but shall pass to some few Reasons to prove man wholly mortal and the first is Reas 1. First because Christ dyed soul and body to purchase our souls and bodies from the grave and if Christs soul dyed it was really to that end that our souls might not lie in the grave and if we had dyed only in body then Christ had dyed only in body but the whole man being mortal and returned to dust Christ also poured out his soul to death and made his soul an offering for sin as saith the Prophet Isa 53.10 When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed mark that he shall prolong his dayes and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand 12. Because he hath poured out his soul to death and he was numbred with the strangers and he bore the sins of many c. From hence we see that Christs SOVL dyed that ours might live again and not be left in the grave which proveth that our souls are mortal and die and so I pass to the second reason to prove That the whole man is mortal which is Reas 2. Secondly because if mans body be mortal and that die and his soul immortal that live then man hath two lives two distinct Beings which is not for if there be two distinct lives and two distinct Beings then Adam was two distinct Creatures and then it cannot be said that as by the offence of ONE Judgment came upon all men to condemnation for Adam upon that account was TWO distinct beings having two distinct lives but man having but one life the whole man must be mortal or the whole man immortal and that the whole man is mortal the Scriptures and our experience doth witness Reas 3. Again Thirdly Because otherwise Christ had done Lazarus wrong by raising him from the dead for if his Soul had been in Heaven four dayes and then Christ fetched it from thence it was so far from an act of love to him whom Christ so well loved that it was great prejudice and also I strange that Lazarus did not mention one tittle of the glory of Heaven if he had been
there the four daies that he was dead but I remember that the Apostle saith That David is not yet ascended into Heaven but if Souls departed are there he also would have been there and Christ would not have brought Lazarus from thence But no man hath ascended yet to Heaven but he that came down from Heaven even the Son of man which is in Heaven John 3. And so I pass to the Fourth Reason which is Reas 4. Because the Scripture saith that immortality only dwelleth in Christ but if every man have an immortal Soul dwelling in him then immortality dwelleth in every man but the Scripture denieth that and saith that immortality dwelleth in none but in Christ or only in Christ which is one and the same and that you may see this proved to you read 1 Tim. 6.16 in these words v. 15. Which in his times shall shew who is the blessed and only Potentate the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS who ONLY hath immortality dwelling in the light that no man can approach unto so then immortality dwelleth only in Christ and the glory of man is as the flour of grass for they dye and in the same day their thoughts perish which sheweth that man is wholly mortal and so I pass to the Fifth Reason which is Reas 5. Because the Scripture saith Gen. 7.23 That every living substance was destroyed in the floud in which was the breath of life save Noah and those that were with him in the Ark and then if the Soul have life or be a living substance it was destroyed as Joshua destroyed every living Soul with the edge of the Sword Josh 11. The conclusion is this that which may be destroyed is mortal but the Soul may be destroyed and therefore mortal Reas 6. Again Sixtly Because that which is the mortal part of man bears the name living Soul which sheweth that the whole man is mortal for the Scripture saith That God made man out of the dust of the earth and breathed upon him the breath of life and he BECAME a living soul mark it was not a living Soul inferred into him but by being breathed upon the man that was made of the dust of the earth BECAME a living soul mark the word BECAME a living soul now it was not the breath that became a living Soul but it was the man which became a living soul and if the breath be not that which is called the living soul what is man when his breath returns to God that gave it surely it is a dead lump and when Paul speaks of mortality and immortality he argues mortality from the very word LIVING SOVL saying The first man was made a LIVING SOUL and the second Adam a quickning Spirit the first man was of the earth earthy and so forth These things considered sheweth that the LIVING SOVL viz. the first man was mortal and the quickning Spirit viz. the Second man Christ Jesus was he that only had immortality dwelt in him so then if mortality be attributed to that which is called the LIVING SOVL then it is plain that the whole man is mortal and so I pass to the Seventh Reason which is Reason 7. Because if the Soul dye not then it abideth alone and is unfruitful for it is not quickened unless it dye as saith the Apostle and if it dye not then is not Christ the first fruits of it for Christ is only the first fruits of them that sleep and indeed it was no argument of weight that Christ used to the Saduces to prove the Resurrection if the soul dye not for he saith God is not the God of the dead but of the living for all live to him or in his account meaning by a Resurrection but if the Soul dye not for a time how could Christ have used the words all live to him to prove a Resurrection for if it had been so that the soul dyed not then they might have said it is true their souls live to God and so it had been no argument at all to prove the Resurrection but Christ bringeth it to prove the Resurrection implying that there is no other living to God after this life is ended but in a Resurrection which brings me to the Eight and last Reason to prove Man wholly mortal which is Reas 8. Because as those that go to the Grave cannot praise God so all our glory in the enjoyment of our inheritance is promised to us that we shall receive it at the Revelation of Christ or that God will reward us at the Resurrection of the Just and that was the main comfort of the godly in the time of their afflictions as Heb. 11.35 2 Thes 1.7 8 9. 1 Pet. 1.8 9 10. And it was Pauls comfort at his death saying Henceforth is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which God the righteous Judge will give to me AT THAT DAY not before take notice there is a time limited For the hour is coming that all that are in the graves shall come forth and then those that are wise shall shine as the firmament add this that if the dead rise not then such as are fallen asleep in Christ are perished and the Saints of all men most miserable but if there be such a thing as a soul of the righteous which goeth to God how can it be that if the dead rise not that the Saints of all men are the most miserable for they are in felicity whether the body rise yea or nay moreover doubtless this opinion of the soul being immortal hath begot all these vain errors as prayer over the dead and Purgatory for that is the received opinion that men be not in their full joy or torment till the Resurrection and some are so bould as to deny the Resurrection by reason of this conceit and I could shew that the Heathen in chief have been the authors of this Opinion but there be many things that I am fain to omit because of time and offer that only which is drawn from Scripture and thus having briefly given you these few Reasons in the next place I shall instance that which men call the Soul and shew that that is mortal omitting the Opinion of the Stoick and Democritus and Plato and the like I shall speak somewhat of the received Opinion what the Soul is and that is Some say it is the Understanding part of Man the which if so then all are born without Souls and many never have any First That Children have not understanding at the time of their Birth I think all will grant if the Scripture did not prove it and also that there be many that never have understanding but are natural fools and therefore if the Understanding part of Man be the Soul then those that have no understanding have no Soul and they that have a Soul if understanding be the Soul it dieth with the man for in the same day their thoughts perish and the dead understand not Eccles
said so then there was a sort of men then even as there is now which did deny the Resurrection of the bodies of the dead which are in the dust but Christ opposeth them and proveth That there is to be a Resurrection And Secondly the Spirit of God in his people have caused them earnestly to hope and wait for it as you may read Heb. 11.35 36. in these words Others had tryals of cruel mocking and scourgings yea moreover of bands and imprisonments and others were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better Resurrection From these things which have been written you may see that both Christ have proved and the Saints earnestly hoped and waited for the Resurrection and indeed and in truth it was never questioned by the godly for when Christ tels Martha that her brother Lazarus should rise again I know saith she that my brother shall arise again in the Resurrection at the last day she never once questioned but that her brother even the same man Lazarus should arise again at the last day which sheweth that both Christ and the Saints doth prove and acknowledg that those that sleep in the dust of the earth shall arise even the same bodies only incorruptible and come to Judgment And so I pass to the ninth Reason to prove that those which are asleep in the dust of the earth shall arise which is Reas 9. Ninthly Because otherwise were the Saints in a worse condition then the wicked for they bear about in their bodies the dying of the Lord Jesus and suffer deeply and are accounted as sheep for the slaughter and the wicked they eat and drink and take their pleasure now if there be no Resurrection then the wicked were in the best condition for if there were no Resurrection then there would be no judgment and then the word remember for all this God will bring thee to judgment were of no force and I never yet read of a day of judgment since Adams being cast out of Paradise to be till after the Resurrection and then no Resurrection no Judgment then I may say with Saint Paul Let us eat and drink for to morrow we shall die but that there is to be a Resurrection and that it will go ill with the wicked read John 5.28 Dan. 12.2 and the like But if there were no Resurrection then the righteous were in the worst condition as you may read 1 Cor. 15.16 17 18 19. in these words For if the dead rise not then is not Christ raised and if Christ be not raised your faith is vain and ye are yet in your sins Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable From whence we see were it not for a Resurrection the wicked were in the best condition and the Saints of all men the most miserable because of their sufferings but it is not so for they are in the most happiest condition And thus I pass to the tenth Reason to prove that the dead as before said shall arise which is Reas 10. Because the Scripture saith that our vile bodies shall be fashioned and made like unto Christs glorious body as saith the Apostle Phil. 3.20 21. in these words For our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who will change our vile bodies OR RENEW OR REFORM OR PVT IT INTO A BETTER ESTATE AS THE WORD 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Qui reformabit corpus WILL BEAR IT that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body From whence we may see that the dead shall arise and have their vile bodies renewed or reformed even changed into another estate and condition yet the same body and made in fashion like to Christs glorious body so then it is not another body but these our vile bodies fashioned and made like to Christs glorious body which proveth that the same body which dyeth the same body shall rise again only corruption and imperfection taken away and this agreeth with the whole current of Scripture And thus I pass to the Eleventh Reason to prove that such as are returned to dust shall again awake and come forth out of their graves unto judgment which is Reas 11. Eleventhly Because the Scriptures saith That all things even the whole Creation shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption and restored into its primitive estate only those excepted who have voluntarily made themselves miserable for ever yet even they shall arise with such a body as shall not die any more the greater will be their misery And that there is to be such a Resurrection read these Scriptures Acts. 3.19 20.21 Rem 8.20 21. in these wordes Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord And he will send Jesus which before was preached unto you whom the heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began for the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him viz. Adam who hath subjected the same in hope for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travelleth in pain together until now because the creature it self also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God for even we our selves groan within our selves waiting for the adoption to wit the Redemption of our bodies From these Scriptures and more that might be added of this nature it doth appear that the bodies of the sons of men shall be raised again from the dead and he restored into that estate wherein they were created and also into the glorious estate that the body of Jesus Christ himself is in for when he shall appear we shall be made like him and he hath a body of flesh and bones which proves the Resurrection for if it be not the same body that goeth to the dust which is raised again but another body then it is a new Creation and not a Redemption by a Resurrection and then is not the Scriptures true which saith O Death I will be thy Death and Death shall deliver up her dead but God and the Scriptures is true and all them that do deny that the dead bodies shall again live and arise out of the dust of the earth are lyers And so I pass to the Twelfth and last reason although I might add many more if time would permit to prove That the dead which sleep in the dust both good and bad shall arise and come to Judgment which is Reas 12. Because the Scripture saith that although we must needs die and be as water spilt upon the ground yet God hath used a means that those that are thus banished should not be for ever expelled
page 64 to page 75. M Of Mans Mortality and how far page 35. to page 51. O Original Sin and what punishment it brought upon Adam and his posterity page 27. to page 34. And how all the Statutes and Ordinances of the Lord Jesus are perpetuated and to remain practicable to the Worlds end page 106. to page 118. Of Objections against the perpetuity of some of Christs Ordinances Answered page 119. to page 181. Q Of several Queries Answered page 209. to page 216. R Of the Resurrection of the Body page 51. to page 63. Of the Raign of our blessed Saviour with his Saints upon Earth page 76. to page 99. S Sprinkling proved not to be Baptism for several Reasons page 3. to page 5. W Of the Womans Travelling and bringing forth the Man-child and who it is and of her flight into the Wilderness and what Wilderness it is and how long she shall remain there and of the Persecution of the Remnant of her Seed and who they be page 181. to 200. Of the two Witnesses Prophesying and who they are page 200. to 208. ERRATA PAge 3 4 5. read Anon for Canaan p. 15 l. 27 r. fall f. full p. 36. l. 13 r. Job 14.7 c. f. John 4. p. 38 l. 11 r. God f. Christ p. 38 l. 34 r. infused f. Inferred p. 39 l. 7 r. God f. Christ Jesus p. 94. l. 9 r. John f. Jesus p. 121 l. 25 r. how f. though p. 132 l. 31 r. there f. the p. 133. l. 16 r. should p. 139 l. 7 p 141 l. 17 18. add this although the outward Court was taken and the City trod under foot yet no man could enter into the Temple to deface it p. 145 l. 17 r. not utterly destroyed although defaced and trampled upon p. 146 l. 29 r. naturally p. 148 l. 1 r. brought in p. 150 l. 28 r. false f. face p. 153 l. 21 r. marvellous p. 157 l. 25 r. order f. word p. 158 l. 13 r. Babellish f. established p. 161 l. 30 r. Iohn only excepted p. 165 l. 10 r. Mystery f. Ministry p. 174 l. 1 r. Jayl f. vail p. 175 l. 16 r. was not the Church p. 176 l. 24. 30 r. shoke f spoke p. 182 l. 27 r. Jayl f. Valey p. 197 l. 1 r. Edom p. 211 l. 13 add such p. 213 l. 26 r. dissolution f. desolation p. 215 r. came not Mend in thy reading some other places for I would have perused it more nicely and mended some other small faults and Parenthesi's but wanted time Truth and Innocency Prevailing against Error and Insolency SIR I Am come to the Examination and Tryal of that which you call Truths Conflict with Error and find it to be no other but Error and Insolency striving against Truth and Innocency as will appear to the impartial Reader when he compares your pretended Answer with my former Book but indeed as for an Answer to my Book it is none as I before have said for the greatest part of it is but a writing over again what you have formerly written and is already answered and therefore I shall be brief in the Answer because Tautolligies suit not with my spirit Answ And first I take notice that you see your self at a loss by granting that Christ's Baptism was by plunging in water because I have said That if Christ's Baptism were by Dipping or Plunging and he left us an Example that we should follow his steps then we ought also to be dipped or plunged but you say I read the Sentence in your parenthesis amiss may you not be ashamed so to say seeing it is plain to be read in your Book your words are these Christ only was plunged with the Spirit receiving it without measure so was his water Baptism these are your very words with your parenthesis pag. 3. lin 2. and so I leave him that reads to judge whether you do not confess that Christ's water Baptism was the same with the Baptism of the Spirit which you say was by plunging Object And whereas you say That Christ went up into the mountain and yet not covered in the earth and so he went into the water and yet not covered with it Answ To which I Answer and say That it is not said that Christ was Baptized in the Mountain but it is said that he was Baptized in the Water and so it was said of Philip and the Eunuch But it will he granted that Christ might go many times into the water and yet not be covered in it but it cannot be imagined that John could dip or plunge or over-whelm or sink as the word Baptizo will render it Christ into the water and yet Christ not covered in water And besides all this the proper signification of Baptism is a Burial and Resurrection as I before have shewed yet notwithstanding I shall give a few Reasons here to prove that Baptism is dipping or plunging And the first Reason is Reas 1. Because the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rendereth no other thing as a proper derivation but mergo or immergo which is to dip to plunge to overwhelm to thrust into the water or to sink and such like words as these which sheweth that the person Baptized is to be covered in water Reas 2. Secondly Christ was so baptized namely plunged as you have affirmed in your former Book and we are to follow his examples therefore are to be covered as Christ was in Baptism Reas 3. And Thirdly it signifieth a Burial as saith the Apostle Paul Rom. 2.4 Col. 2.12 and a man cannot be said to be buried unless he be covered with earth or the like Object And this brings me to the Answer of your Objection p. 7. where you say That Christ was buried in a rock and had no earth to cover him and therefore it cannot be proved say you that persons baptized must be covered in the water Answ To which I Answer and say That Christ was covered is clear for his body was put into a new Sepulcher and a stone rowled against the door or mouth of the Sepulcher for in that age it was usual to bury the dead in Sepulchers which are as our Graves and that his body was covered is evident because when Mary came early in the morning to the Sepulcher although the stone was rowled away from the mouth yet she was fain to stoop down to look into it to see whether she could see Jesus implying that the earth covered him out of her sight but I need not trouble my self to prove that which is so clear for the Scripture saith although I suppose you had forgot it That as Jonah was three dayes and three nights in the Whales belly so shall the Son of man be three dayes and three nights in the heart of the earth Matth. 12.40 So then as Jonah was covered in the Whales belly so was the Son of man covered in the heart of the earth from whence
9.5 And if the faculties of man be understood to be the Soul then it is easie to prove them Temperatures and Mortal because they are subject to increase and diminish as the Creator is disposed and madness that may happen to man by some obstruction in the body quite mollifieth them so then these things considered we may see that the whole man is mortal time would fail me to write the particular things appertaining to this subject of Discourse and therefore I shall pass to the answer of some few Objections which may comprehend the whole but by the way give me leave to shew you a glimpse of what the Scripture calls the Soul in which you may see how many things bear the name of Soul in Scripture and first it is taken for God Heb. 10.28 it is taken for the heart 1 Sam. 18.1 for the eyes Jer. 13.17 for the head Psalm 16.10 for the stomack Prov. 27.7 for hunger Prov. 6.30 for the whole man Lev. 7.20 Acts 7.14 Rom. 13.1 These and many more in Scripture is called by the name of Soul but I come now to the Objections which is Object 1. Fear not him that can kill the body but cannot kill the Soul Mat. 10.28 implying that there is a soul which cannot be killed Answ This is the most material Text that I know of to that purpose but Luke which is the most exact Writer hath recorded it thus Luke 12.4 5. And I say unto you my friends be not afraid of them that can kill the body and afterwards have no more that they can do but fear him which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell yea I say unto you fear him which sheweth to us man can only destroy the body which is mortal and must dye but God can destroy both the body which is mortal and also cast the whole man into hell when it is immortal after the Resurrection and so he above all is to be feared and that this in short is the meaning of the words is evident because the soul hath been killed by man Josh 10.35 but after the Resurrection none can destroy it but God and so I pass to the next Objection which is Object 2. In Phil. 1.23 24. For I am in a strait betwixt two having a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better Answ To which I answer and say That this text doth not contradict the state of Mans Mortality because there is no time to the dead that is to say that the time between Adams death and his Resurrection will be to him but as the twinkling of an eye so that as there was no time to us from the creation to our birth so when we shall return to dust from whence we were taken and become like water spilt upon the ground there will be no time also to us till the time of the resurrection for there is no remembrance amongst the dead as saith the Scripture so then Paul might say that he did desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ for the next thing to Death is the Resurrection and glory for the godly which time to them is as before said but as the twinkling of an eye Add this that Paul tells us that from the time of Death till the time of the Resurrection the crown is laid up to be received at that day mark that read the text 2 Tim. 4.6 7 8. in these words For I am now ready to be offered up and the time of my departure is at hand I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith hence-forth there is laid up for me a crown of Righteousness which God the righteous Judge will give unto Me at that day not to me only but unto them also that love his appearance From whence we may learn that the godly mans glory is to be conferred upon him at the time of Christs appearance and not at the time of death only at the time of death it is laid up sure for those that have dyed in the faith VNTIL THAT DAY namely Christs appearance which time to the dead will be no more then a moment and so being dissolved we shall be with Christ which is far better and so I shall pass to the next Objection which is Object 3. There is such a thing as a soul that goeth to heaven at death because the Apostle saith 2 Cor. 5. We know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle shall be dissolved we have a building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the heavens ver 6. Therefore we are alwayes confident knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. Answ To which I answer and say That the Apostle in this place doth not so much as hint at such a thing as the soul being immortal or distinct from the body but speaks of the happy estate and condition of the godly at that time when mortality shall be swallowed up of life as you may see verse the 4. in these words For we that are in this Tabernacle do groan being burdened not that we would be uncloathed but cloathed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life From whence we may see that the Apostle speaks in this place of mortality being swallowed up of life meaning by the state of a resurrection as appears from the 9 and 10 verses where he saith That it was their care to labour that whether absent from the Lord or present they might be accepted of him for saith he we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ c. implying that our being present with the Lord is not to be till the day of Judgment which day of Judgment will not be until after the Resurrection so that Paul in this place Equivolent with David makes no distance of time between the putting off this body and the putting on immortality viz the Resurrection which sheweth that there is no time to the dead so that this text speaks not against man being wholly mortal And so I pass to the next Objection which is Object 4. In Luke 12.20 in these words Thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee And Luke 23.43 I say unto thee to day shalt thou be with me in Paradice And Luke 16.22 23. And it came to pass that the beggar dyed and was carried by the Angels into Abrahams bosome and the rich man dyed also and was buryed and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments seeth Abraham a far off and Lazarus in his bosome c. Which sheweth there is an immortal soul Answ To which I answer and first to the first and so in order which is Luke 12.20 Thou fool this night shall thy soul be required of thee I answer to this take notice and remember that I have before shewed that the word Soul may be as well read life or breath from the word 〈◊〉
and 14 and 15 pages of his former Book intituled The condition of Adam in Paradise where he saith that the whole man begets the whole man and also else where saith that if Adam did not beget the whole man viz. the soul then did he not beget a perfect and compleat creature as the beasts do in their kind Page 12. To which I answer and say and first how my Antagonist will be able to prove the soul as he calls it to be that which was created after Gods Image I know not for the Scripture saith Gen. 1.26 that God said let us make Man after our Image not let us make a soul after our Image and when God had made man out of the dust of the earth after his own Image then he breathed into him the breath of life and then that which was made after Gods Image e. i. the Man became a living soul so that it was not a living soul that was put into man but the man that was made of the dust of the earth became a living soul by Gods breathing into him mark that But no more of this because I have spoken of it already in this Subject of Discourse But secondly cannot the soul be mortal because it is after Gods Image how then came Christ to die if not mortal and yet he was after Gods Image for he was the express Image of his Fathers Person Heb. 1.3 and yet notwithstanding was so mortal as to die body and soul Isa 53.12 And also the Apostle saith that the Man not soul is the Image and glory of God 1 Cor. 11.7 and yet man dyeth from whence you may see your self answered and your reason or argument nothing worth And as to the other matter viz. the souls Parentage I have received much light in it although not by my Antagonist for I do suppose that he wrote things from others for arguments sake which was not his own judgment and therefore he spake so cloudily but that which caused me to examine the matter more nisely was the words of a beloved brother in a private conference between him and my self about the business in the which amongst the rest of his discourse he offered this thing as an obsurdity which would follow if the souls parentage was not on earth for saith he it hath been known that sometimes there hath been such acts of uncleannesses in propagation as the Parent with the child and the child with the Parent and severall acts of uncleanness hath been committed now me thinks saith he it is obsurd to think that the pure God which hates uncleanness in the least to seem to own such a thing as to create or give a soul or to put his hand to the work as we may say in such an unclean action but every creature having seed in it self doth bring forth of it self according to its kind and the man which doth abuse Gods ordinance and way in propagation must at last suffer for it c. This and such like Discourse did put me upon the search and tryal of things since my last book was written whereby if time would give me admition at this time I could give you an account of it more at large but time fails me and calls for brevity and therefore shall say no more to this Subject of discourse but this that is The Souls Immortality hath been the conceit of the Heathen Philosophers which did suppose that mortal vertue should be rewarded hereafter for that all men injoyed blessing alike here in this life and not knowing that there was to be a Resurrection of the body whereby persons might receive the reward of what they have done in the body they have Imagined such a thing as the soul to live and receive a reward hereafter and indeed the Church of Rome have readily received such an Opinion also from whence the Church of England have received it by tradition and I am ready to believe that the Church of Rome have also abused our Greek Copies in many particulars to bear a face toward their opinion as that text in Mat. 10.28 and the stop Luke 23.43 and many such places as in reference to this Subject and others also but however the wisdome of God is such as that they cannot bury the truth because he hath given to his people that spirit that gave forth the Scriptures to reconcile and keep the whole body of the Scriptures in a sweet harmony but as for us that believe that there is to be a Resurrection both of the just and unjust let us not imagine any such thing as a Souls Immortality till the Resurrection but know that our reward shall be given to us at that day Me-thinks the Church of England seem to deny such a place as Purgatory and yet hold an Oppinion that is the rise of it and maintains it for say the Papists when persons die they do not go to Hell or Heaven but the soul goeth to a place between both viz. Purgatory and not to the full joy or punishment and so say the Church of England in effect that the soul is not in the full joy or torments till after the day of Judgment as though they could go to Heaven into Gods presence and yet not have there full joy as though in his presence there were not fulness of joy and at his right hand pleasures for evermore and also as though when souls have been cast into Hell and have been punished there they shall be brought from thence again to the Judgment seat of Christ to be tryed whether they have deserved Hell ye or nay O strange conceit of the pure Justice and righteous dealing of God in his punishing sinners what shall souls when they have been long in Hell come out again and enter into a body it 's some comfort to them that they shall be a little while out of torments but if they come from Hell they have paid the utmost farthing for when they are once there they shall in no wise come forth untill they have paid the utmost farthing These and many such things I might spend time about but this I shall leave with thee courteous reader know that when God takes away mans breath he dyeth and so dust returns to dust and the Spirit viz. breath to him that gave it and that breath that returns to God as it made the man that was made of earth to become a living soul capable to enjoy what God gave him even so in the Resurrection when that dust is raised by God and every bone and member in its proper place then shall God give forth the same breath of life again into every man and so they shall be thereby capable to receive according to what they have done in the body whether it be good or whether it be evil and to this the Spirit of God bears witness in the holy Scriptures And so I leave this Subject and come to the next which is Gods love to the whole
lump of man-kind in using a means to bring them to a Resurrection of life and Glory and I shall handle them in two particular Subjects The first will be the Resurrection and the second Gods love to man in point of Salvation and glory and so to the first Subject namely That although man must dye and be like water spilt upon the ground yet the Lord will bring him up again from the dead to live for ever in glory or misery according as they have received his grace and walked worthy of it or as they have slighted and abused grace and mercy and not walked worthy of it THE Resurrection of the Body PROVED AS touching this Subject of the Resurrection I shall be brief yet full enough to prove it to be the truth of God and the foundation of the godly mans faith and hope and my method to prove it shall be by laying down this Position which is That the dead bodies of those that return to the dust shall live again and arise and come to Judgment to receive according to what they have done whether it be good or evil For so saith our blessed Saviour John 5.28 in these words Marvel not at this for the hour or time as the word will bear it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hora is coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voyce and shall come forth they that have done good to the Resurrection of life and they that have done evil to the Resurrection of Condemnation for the Trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed 1 Cor. 15.52 And that this is true weigh the following Reasons which will confirm the truth of the Position and the first Reason is Reas 1. Because Christ himself did both die and rise again to be the first fruits of them that sleep that he might bear a sure Testimony to prove the Resurrection of the dead as saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 15.20 21. in these words But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that sleep for since by man came death by man came also the Resurrection of the dead for as in or by Adam all die even so in or by Christ shall all men be made alive but every one in his own order vers 22.23 Reas 2. Secondly because the Scripture saith that our bodies shall be redeemed from the Grave and cloathed with immortality and indeed it was the very thing that Saint Paul waited for and comforted himself in Rom. 8.19 20 21 22 33. in these words For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the Sons of God for the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope because the creature it self also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God for we know that the whole Creation groaneth and travelleth in pain together until now and not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the Spirit even we our selves groan within our selves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our bodies From whence we may see that the Apostle did look and wait in his mind for the Resurrection of the BODY which is to be understood the Resurrection and thus we see that our BODIES shall be redeemed from the dust and all kind of Corruption which proveth the Resurrection And so I pass to the third reason which is Reas 3. Thirdly because the Scripture saith the dead bodies of such as are in the dust shall arise again and live as saith the Prophet Isa 26.19 in these words Thy dead men shall live together with my dead bodie shall they arise awake and sing ye that dwell in the dust for thy dew is as the dew of Hearbs and the earth shall cast out the dead that is in it The which agreeth with the words of the Prophet Ezek. which saith And as I prophesied there was a noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to his bone and when I beheld loe the sinews and the flesh came upon them and the skin covered them about and there was no breath in them Then I Prophesied as he commanded me and the breath came upon them and they lived and stood up upon their feet an exceeding great Army From whence we may see that there is to be a Resurrection of the body out of the dust of the earth to life again that all may come to Judgment to give an account of what they have done in the body whether it be good or evil And so I come to the fourth Reason to prove the Resurrection of the body which is Reas 4. Fourthly because the same IT which is sown in corruption the same IT riseth in incorruption and every seed shall have its own body as saith Saint Paul 1 Cor. 15.42 So also is the Resurrection IT is sown in corruption IT IS raised in incorruption for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible hath put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory O Death where is thy sting O Grave where is thy victory Which clearly proveth that the same that goeth to the dust the same riseth again out of the dust only the corruption putting on incorruption and the mortal putting on immortality which cannot be understood another body but the same body neither can it be true which is said Death is swallowed up in victory no for if the dead bodies rise not out of the Graves then the Grave hath victory and is not conquered so as to be said O Grave where is thy victory but the victory of the Grave is destroyed by Christs death and Resurrection that we should not be holden therein All which proveth there is to be a Resurrection of the dead bodies out of the Graves And so I come to the fifth Reason to prove the Resurrection of the dead which is Reas 5. Fifthly Because Job also confirms this truth saying O that my words were now written O that they were now printed in a book that they were graven with an Iron Pen and laid in the rock for ever for I know that my redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and though after my skin worms devour this body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self and my eyes shall behold and not another although my reins be consumed Job 19.23 24 25 26 27. From hence we may see that although Job were in great afflictions yet the consideration of the Resurrection comforted him and that he means the very same body is plain because he saith that although worms did devour his body yet in
his flesh with his eyes and not others should he see Christ his Redeemer in the latter day stand upon the earth whom he should behold for himself and not another So then the very same Job that then was in misery the very same Job was afterwards to see the Lord to which add that the very same body that suffereth with Christ the very same body shall raign with Christ for it is against pure justice that one body should suffer with Christ or for Christs sake and then another body glorified and that body which suffered to perish for ever this cannot be in justice which also proves that the same body shall arise out of the dust And so I pass to the sixth Reason further to prove that the dead bodies of men which now are asleep in the dust of the earth shall awake live and be raised again from the dead which is Reas 6. Sixtly Because Daniel further confirms the truth of this saying Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt Dan. 12.2 In this text there is these two things considerable the first is that such as sleep shall awake and Secondly the place where that they sleep and that is in the dust and Thirdly that it is not meant spiritually that is to say to awake out of a state of a sleep of sin to Righteousness because some of those that awake do awake to everlasting shame and contempt which cannot be taken in a spiritual fence for I hope no man is so void of understanding as to think that such as awake out of sin and stand up from a spiritual death that they awake to everlasting shame and contempt but some of those that do awake Daniel saith do awake to everlasting shame and contempt which sheweth that those that die and sleep in the dust that the very same shall arise again even that which sleeps both of good and bad some to everlasting Joy and some to shame and everlasting contempt which clearly proveth that the dead bodies of such as sleep in the earth shall even they themselves and not another arise And thus I pass to the seventh reason to prove the Resurrection which is Reas 7. Seventhly Because Saint Paul saith That the dead in Christ shall rise first Now this cannot be meant spiritually first because those that be in Christ cannot be spiritually dead that is to say dead in trespasses and sins and secondly if it should be Objected that there may be dead branches in the Vine John 15. then I answer that such shall forthwith be cut out and have no priviledge by Christ but the dead in Christ spoken of both by Saint Paul and Saint John have priviledge by being dead in Christ which means the death of the body and the Resurrection of the body from the dead that is to say the godly even such as live and die in Christ shall arise a thousand years before the wicked as you may see 1 Thes 4.14 15 16. compared with Revel 20.5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. And that this is no spiritual Resurrection but a Resurrection of the body is plain because it is that which the Apostle is a speaking of in that place as you may read 1 Thes 4.13 14 15 16. In these words I would not have you ignorant brethren concerning them that are a sleep that ye sorrow not even at others that have no hope For if we believe that Jesus dyed and rose again EVEN SO mark that them also that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we that are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voyce of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the Air and so shall be ever with the Lord. From whence we may see clearly that the Apostle is speaking of the Resurrection of the body for saith he If we beleeve that Jesus dyed and rose again EVEN SO them ALSO that sleep the even so implyeth that as Jesus slept and rose again even so shall we sleep and rise again and we may know that the same body that was crucified unto death and was buryed even the same body rose again for so saith Christ to Thomas after his Resurrection Come feel the Print of the nails in my hands and reach hither thy hand and feel my side that is piersed so that we may see it was the same body which was crucified dead and buryed which also rose again even so shall our bodies even the self-same body arise out of the dust of the earth and come to Judgment And so I pass to the eight Reason to prove that those that are now asleep in the dust of the earth shall arise from the dead which is Reas 8. Eightly Because Christ hath proved it from the Scripture and the Spirit of God in his People have caused them earnestly to hope and wait for it and first that Christ hath proved it read Mat. 22.31 32. in these words As touching the Resurrection saith Christ of the dead have you not read that which was spoken unto you by God saying I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob God is not the God of the dead but of the living In these words Christ is proving the Resurrection in opposition to the opinion of the Saduces which held that there was no Resurrection but Christ tels them that they did err no knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God as much as if he should have said if you had known the Scriptures you would have believed and acknowledged the Resurrection for they bare their Testimony to the truth thereof or if you had been well instructed about the power and omnipotency of God it would not have seemed to be a thing so incredilous unto you that God should raise the dead for saith he God did tell Moses that he was the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob and God is not the God of the dead but of the living but now Abraham Isaac and Jacob is dead as if Christ should say therefore God is not their God upon your account O ye Saduces but God is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for they live to him that is in his account for God seeth all things past present and to come and calls things that shall be as if they were Rom. 4. And so he seeth all men risen from the dead and stand before him alive in a Resurrection and thus all live to him viz. in his account and this is to be understood in this text as I before have
from him for Christ hath destroyed him that had power over death which is the Devil and hath delivered us by Resurrection who by the reason of the fear of death were kept in slavery all our life long For nothing would be so troublesome to the godly as the thought of death were it not for a Resurrection but saith the Lord I will ransome them from the power of the grave I will redeem them from death O Death I will be thy Plague O Grave I will be thy destruction He will swallow up death in victory and the Lord will wipe away tears from all faces Hosea 13.14 Isa 25.8 2 Sam. 14.14 Heb. 2.14 From these Reasons and Scriptures and many more which might be added we may clearly see That the dead namely such as do now and shall sleep in the dust shall arise both good and bad and come to Judgment And now courteous Reader seeing it is so that the dead as before said must arise and come to Judgment be exhorted to take up that good resolution with the holy man Job 14.14 which saith If a man die shall he live again then all the dayes of my appointed time will I wait till my change come giving thanks alwayes to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that fadeth not away Therefore gird up the lines of thy mind waiting for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ who will change our vile bodies and fashion them like unto his glorious body according to his promise and mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself who hath abolished death and brought life and immortality to light To whom be praise and glory for ever and ever Amen 1 Pet. 1.3 Phil. 3.20 21. 2 Tim. 1.10 Secondly take this word of advice by way of Caution which is take heed and beware of giving heed to such as do deny the Resurrection of whom there is two sorts now in our dayes as there was in the Apostles dayes the one sort is like unto the Saduces Mat. 22.23 which deny that there is any Resurrection Angels or Spirits viz. God or Devil Heaven or Hell of that sort is the Ranter and his adherents and such like Athiestical Spirits And the other are like unto HYMENEVS and PHILETVS 2 Tim. 2.17 18. who say that the Resurrection is already past whose words eat as doth a canker and of this sort is the Quakers who doth affirm that he is already risen from the dead and in the Resurrection and so the Resurrection is past to him who denyeth iniquity in words in the history and yet heaps up iniquity upon iniquity in the mystery And these are the two sorts which may fitly be compared unto the Sect of the Saduces and to Hymeneus and Phyletus and I do not report the things whereof I write by hear-say but from their own mouths the more is the pitty and to be lamented These two sorts differ in manners or conversation but very little in Judgment in point of doctrine unless it be in that of conversation as before said the which if they had the conversation of Angels and yet so corrupt in principle the Scripture declares them to be in a cursed and miserable condition Gal. 1.6 7 8 9. Col. 2.18 19. Acts. 3.23 24. And indeed the conversation of many of them is bad enough although they disfigure their faces and seem unto men to fast from sin and to be more righteous then others yet they have been seen to want that special duty of prayer in their families and giving thanks in the presence of their Families for their food which God hath bestowed on them although Christ and the Apostle did not neglect to do their duty in that case to lead us an example but no more as to this I shall leave it until the day in the which God will try the wayes of the sons of men and discover all deceit and falsehood of what nature soever it be But as touching the opinion about Gods holy Ordinances by which he hath appointed to be worshipped in is sleighted and rejected by them as water-Baptisme and eating of Bread and drinking of Wine solemnly celebrated to set forth Christs death and a participation of the benefit thereof with the slightings of forms as they call them although God delight in nothing which is out of form and order as the host of Heaven and earth doth declare who when God found them without form and void did by his word put them in form and order and gave decrees to the Sea and ordinances unto the Sun Moon and Stars and they keep them so that God delights in form and order and also is a God of order in all the Churches of the Saints hence Saint Paul commended form Rom. 6.17 18. in these words But ye have obeyed from the heart that form of Doctrine which was delivered unto you being therefore made free from sin ye became the servants of Righteousness c. From whence you may see That those men which do slight and deny forms in our dayes have not received that Spirit which was in the Apostle but another Spirit even the Spirit of error although it strive to transform it self into an Angel of light that thereby it may deceive the hearts of the simple for men are got to this height of wickedness in the mystery as to think that they comprehend all things and so consequently are Gods but they shall die like men for their breath is in their nostrils yet talk of what you will almost it is in them as they say as the first Adam and the second and God and also the Serpent slain within them the tree of life and the tree of knowledg the judgment seat Heaven and Hell Mount Zion and the new Jerusalem the two witnesses and what not they have comprehended all these things as they say but alass they die and in the very same time their thoughts perish and they are chased and gone like a vision of the night Mark one peece of horrible pride of Spirit which is in them they will not allow the holy Scriptures to be called the word of the Lord neither do they exhort and press men to be diligent to read and keep the things contained therein but their fraughty books must some of them bear the Title of the word of the Lord to the world and earthly men and the like so that he that seeth but very little may see them to be the men before spoken of which shall deny all that is worshipped as God shewing themselves that they are God O horrible pride and yet pretended humility this is ungodliness in a mystery I shall not enter upon the particulars of their bottomless opinion first because it is not my task at this time and
Christ and the Saints shall receive a Kingdom and raign upon earth Reas 9. Ninthly Because the Scripture saith That God will send Jesus Christ whom the Heavens must retain until the times of Restitution of all things Act. 3.19 20 21. and that he shall take the Kingdom out of the hands of the wicked and give it into the hands of the Saints according to Daniels words Chap. 7.14 18 22. where he as King and they as Princes shall raign in righteousness Isa 32.1 and Kings shall bow before Christ and them and lick up the dust of their feet and Kings shall minister unto them that is serve them or be servants unto them peruse these Scriptures well and so I shall hasten to the tenth and last Reason and also to a conclusion as to this Subject of Discourse the Scriptures are these Psal 72.10 11. Psal 68.29 Psal 110.5 Isa 49.7 23. Chap. 60.10 11 12. and thus it is written Princes shall come out of Egypt Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to God because of thy Temple at Jerusalem Kings shall bring presents unto thee they that dwell in the Wilderness shall bow before him and his enemies shall lick the dust The Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles shall bring presents the Kings of Sheba and Seba viz. Ethiopia and Arabia shall offer gifts Yea all Kings shall fall down before him all nations shall serve him The Lord said to my Lord sit thou at my right hand until I make thy enemies thy foot-stool the Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion mark that rule thou in the middest of thine enemies The Lord at thy right hand shall strike thorow Kings in the day of his wrath he shall Judge amongst the heathen he shall fill the places with the dead bodies he shall wound the head over many countries He hath shewed his people the power of his works that he may give them the Heritage of the Heathen Psal 111.6 For thus saith the Lord the redeemer of Israel and his holy one to him whom man despiseth to him whom the nations abhorreth to a servant of rulers Kings shall see and arise Princes also shall worship because of the Lord that is faithful and the holy one of Israel and he shall chuse thee and they shall bow down with their faces towards the earth and lick up the dust of thy feet and thou shalt know that I am the Lord for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me For Kings shall minister unto thee for the nation or Kingdome that will not serve thee shall perish yea those nations shall be utterly wasted From these Scriptures with many move that I might add if time would give way to it we may see that God will take away the Kingdomes and Dominions out of the hands of the wicked heathens and give them into the hands of Christ and the Saints that they may possess the heritage of the heathen of which the taking the land of Canaan of old was a type and so Kings to fall down before them this honour shall Christ have and all the Saints praise ye the Lord. And thus I come to the tenth and last Reason that I shall give at present although many more might be given to prove that Christ and the Saints shall receive a Kingdome and raign upon earth which is Reas 10. Because the Scripture saith that there is a world to come to be put in subjection to Christ and the Saints now the word WORLD presupposeth the estate of things as at present in this world namely an inhabitance of men and beasts and of all creatures so as Adam had all things put into subjection so also shall the whole creation be restored to their former dignity Rom. 8. only the Serpent excepted and such men as sell their inheritance by their sins as Esau did his But because I must be brief I shall now give the Scriptures to prove that Christ and the Saints are to have a world to come put in subjection unto them which cannot be meant in heaven for I have already shewed that they shall not have that subjected to them but Christ and the Saints at that time viz. after the Mediator-ship is delivered up to God shall be in subjection themselves as you may see 1 Cor. 15.24 25 26 27 28. So then they having the promise of a world to come to be put in subjection under them implyeth clearly that Christ and the Saints shall raign upon earth or to have a world to come to raign in or the Kingdoms of this world to be altered and become the Kingdoms of Christ and the Saints as I before have proved but to the proof that Christ and the Saints are to have a world to come subjected under them read and peruse these Scriptures and the Lord grant to open thy understanding the Scriptures are thus read unto thee For unto the Angels hath he not put into subjection the world to come whereof we speak but one in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of Man that thou shouldest visit him Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet for in that he hath put all things in subjection under him he left nothing that is not put under him but now we see not yet all things put under him but he shall subdue the people under us and the Nation under our feet For whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas or the World or life or death or things present or things to come all are yours and you are Christs and Christ is Gods And the Saints shall take the Kingdome and possess it for ever neither shall it be given into the hands of another people for ever from whence we may see that Christ and the Saints are to receive a Kingdome and Raign upon Earth And so I pass to the next Particular saying that I have given thee but a dram at present for what I might give as to this Subject of discourse if time had not prevented me but I hope that what hath been said here being seriously read and weighed will bring other Scriptures into thy mind and so citing the Texts before read unto thee Heb. 2.5 6 8. Psal 33.8 1 Cor. 3.22 Dan. 7.18 Chap. 2.44 I come to the third particular which is the manner of the coming of the Lord and the great slaughter at the taking of the Kingdome The Battel of the great day As touching the Battel of the great day of the God Almighty We find that the Prophets as well as the Apocalepse do bear their Testimony unto the truth thereof so that I need not use much circumlocution or argument to prove it yet in order to the clearing of the matter I shall lay down this point as a ground of the dicourse which is That there will be such a great slaughter at the coming of Christ to take and possess the Kingdome that the very Fouls of the
Heavens shall be filled with the flesh and bloud of Captaines and great men of the earth For thus saith the Prophet Ezek. 39.17 18. And thou son of man thus saith the Lord God speak unto every feathered foul and to every beast of the field Assemble your selves and come gather your selves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel that ye may eat flesh and drink blood Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the Princes of the earth and ye shall eat fat till ye be full and drink blood till ye be drunken of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you And all the heathen shall see my Judgment that I have executed and my hand that I have laid upon them Revel 19.17 And I saw an Angel standing in the Sun and he cryed with a loud voyce saying to all the fouls that flie in the midst of Heaven come and gather your selves together unto the Supper of the great God That ye may eat the flesh of Kings and the flesh of Captains and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them and the flesh of all men small and great bond and free From these Scriptures you may see that there is to be a very great slaughter at the time when the Lord Christ shall take his Kingdome to Raign upon Earth and several Prophets also bear their testimony to this thing as Isa 34.5 6. Joel 2.1 2 3 4. But because of the want of time I pass to the reasons of the point Reason 1. Because the Scripture saith that God will give him viz. Christ the heathen for his inheritance and he shall bruise them like a potters vessel Psal 2. and we also see what the Psalmist saith of Christs victory over his enemies Psal 110.5 The Lord at thy right hand shall strike thorow Kings in the day of his wrath he shall Judge amongst the heathen he shall fill the places with the dead bodies he shall wound the heads over many Countries for saith he I will tread them down in my anger and trample them in my fury and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments and I will stain all my rayment for the day of vengeance is in my heart and the year of my redeemed is come from whence we see that Christ is not only to take the Kingdomes of the whole World into his hands but also to trample the wicked as ashes under the soles of his feet and so I pass to the second reason Reason 2. Because the Lord hath said that the destruction of the Assyrian viz. the man of sin or Antichrist shall be like the slaughter of Midian at the Rock Orib Isa 10.24 25 26. Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Hosts O my people that dwell in Zion be not afraid of the Assyrian he shall smite thee with a Rod and shall lift up his staff against thee after the manner of Egypt for yet a very little while and the indignation shall cease and mine anger in their destruction and the Lord of Hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the Rock Orib now that you may understand what that slaughter was you may read Judg. 7.22 Where we find that the Lord set every mans hand against his brother so that they destroyed each other with a very great slaughter and so it will be in the day of the Lord for when they see the great unavoydable judgments which shall overtake them and that the mountains will be too narrow a covering for them then will their indignation be kindled one against another so as to destroy each other as you may see from that type in the dayes of Gideon and also from the words of the Prophet Ezek. 38.18 19 20 21 22. which saith it shall come to pass at the same time when Gogg shall come up against the Land of Israel saith the Lord God that my fury shall come up in my face For in my jealousie and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken Surely in that day shall there be a great shaking in the Land of Israel So that the fish of the Sea and the fouls of the heaven and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creepeth upon the earth and all men that are upon the face of the earth shall shake at my presence and the mountains shall be thrown down and the steep places shall fall and every wall shall fall to the ground And I will call for a sword against him thorow all my mountains saith the Lord God every mans sword shall be against his brother And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood and I will rain upon him and upon his bands and upon the many people that are with him an overflowing rain and great hailstones fire and brimstome Thus will I magnifie wy self and so forth from these words with the Prophet Zach. 14.13 We may see that there will be a very great slaughter upon Gogg and his Army at the time when the Lord Christ shall dispossess him of his great power and authority and it will be like to that slaughter of Gideon which was called the sword of the Lord and the sword of Gideon Judg. 7.18 Reason 3. That there is to be such a great slaughter is clear because it is to be like the great slaughter of Jehoshaphat upon Moab Ammon and Mount Seir 2 Chron. 20.22 23 24. which was a very great slaughter as you may read in the fore cited text and that this slaughter was a type of the slaughter that shall be at the time when Christ shall take the Kingdome you may see what Joel saith to this Joel 3.1 12 13. For behold in those dayes and in that time when I shall bring again the Captivity of Judah and Jerusalem I will gather all Nations and will bring them down unto the valley of Jehoshaphat and will plead with them there let the heathen be awakned and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat for there will I sit to Judge the heathen round about proclaim ye amongst the Gentiles prepare war beat your Plowshears into swords and your pruning hooks into spears put you in the sickle for the harvest is ripe and the Angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God and the winepress was troden without the City and blood came out of the winepress even to the horse bridles by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs Revel 14.19 20. From whence we may see that there is to be a very great slaughter in and amongst the Army of Gogg and Magog I could cite many such like texts only time suffereth me not but I pass to the fourth reason Reason 4. Because it is to
for ever and ever Revel 11.11 12 13 14 15 16 17. But if it should be doubted whether the two witnesses should be slain in Ierusalem because it is said that their dead bodies shall lie in the streets of the great City which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified Answ It is clearly seen to be Jerusalem because it is said where our Lord was crucified and it is called Sodom because of their uncleanness for as the men of Sodom gave themselves up to fornication and to follow strange flesh even so shall it then be in Jerusalem that the wicked and ungodly Gentiles viz. Goggs Army shall ravish the women in the streets Zech. 14.2 and give themselves up to uncleanness and hence it is called Sodom and secondly it is called Egypt because of the slavery of the Jews and their hardships which they suffer in that time under the Antichrist of which there bondage captivity under Pharaoh King of Egypt was a type and so in respect of cruelty slavery and bondage it might fitly be called Egypt and so it is called spiritually Sodom and Egypt and yet it was where our Lord was crucified if it should be supposed to be Rome because our Lord suffered under the Roman power it is denyed upon these two reasons the first is because it is not the power under which our Lord was crucified but the place where our Lord was crucified that the two Witnesses were slain and secondly Rome is to be destroyed before by the same ten Horns that are upon the Beast have given their power unto him even they shall hate the Whore viz. Rome and make her desolate and burn her with fire Revel 17.16 17 18. And thus I shall leave these things to thy serious perusal desiring thee courteous Reader to inlarge it in thy meditations for although I have been necessitated to be very brief yet by this little which hath been said thou maist understand the scope of it more at large because when thou readest the Prophets they will further instruct thee in these things when once thou hast the knowledg of it in thy mind if it be but in a small measure and thou maist see in short who the Woman is which is to flie into the Wilderness and what her Man-child is and who are the remnant of her seed what Wilderness she is to flie into and how long she shall abide there and who the two Witnesses are and of their Prophesying and to whom and how long and of their being slain and the place where And thus desiring the Lord to inlarge thy understanding in the knowledge of the Mysteries of Christ and to guide thy feet into the way of peace and to bring thee into his everlasting Kingdome thorow Jesus Christ to whom be ascribed as is due all Power Might Majesty Dominion and Praise now and for ever Amen EIGHTEEN QUERIES ANSWERED Being desired by a Letter from a Friend and Brother in London to answer some Queries propounded therein I shall in a brief way give my Answer unto them shewing my opinion concerning them Christian Friend and my dearly beloved Brother in the Lord I Shall answer thy desire in Answering of thy Queries although I know that all the Queries propounded are not such things as thou wants satisfaction in but I understand as thou in a measure hath signified to me by Letter that in some of them thou rather aimest at the satisfaction of some other person or persons but however it be whether thy self or others yet I shall at all times according to the measure of the gift of God unto me be willing to impart it unto others that I may be a good Steward of God not hiding my Talent in a Napkin And thus I come to the first Query which is Query 1. Whether the Man of Sin or the Antichrist shall arise before the Children of Israel return to build their City and Temple Answ The Mystery of Iniquity did work in the Apostles dayes and also doth in our dayes the which fits a People for that work 2 Thes 2.7 But it appears that he shall not be risen unto his height or Congregated together into a Body until the Jews are returned and have builded although not finished their Walls or outward Court Zech. 38.7 8 17. Dan. 7.8 23 24 25. Chap. 8.22 23. Revel 17.8 11 12 13. Joel 3.1 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14. Time would much fail me to open these Scriptures and compare them together with others which relates to this thing but remember the little Horn or the eighth is of the seventh and to appear in the very latter dayes at the end of the fourth Kingdome and the fifth Kindome is the Kingdome of Christ and thus I pass to the second which is Quer. 2. Whether the Man of Sin shall be of the Assyrians Answ Yea it doth appear that the Man of Sin shall be an Assyrian from these Scriptures Isa 10.24 25. Chap. 14.24 25 26. Chap. 30.30 31. Micah 5.5 6. Time also would fail me to shew you how Salmonazer King of Assyria took the ten Tribes out of Samaria in the dayes of Hosea and of Senacharibs coming up against Judah in the fourteenth year of the raign of Hezekiah King of Judah and of the Angel of the Lord smiting the Camp of they Assyrians a type of their destruction in the latter dayes upon the Mountains of Israel and further observe that Ezekiel calls Gogg and his company which is to be understood the Man of Sin those of the North Quarters Ezek. 38.6 And that these are considered of and relating to Assyria it being called the North is clear from Zeph. 2.13 And thus I pass to the third which is Quer. 3. Whether the Jews shall return and build anew that City and Temple that Titus Vespatian demolished Answ That there is to be a City and Temple built I have before proved but thy Query lyeth in these words as I understand Whether it be the same that Titus demolished yea or nay To which I say that it appears to be the same that is to say the same both in respect of the form and place for it is to be built upon the old Basis and that it is to be understood the building or repairing of it demolished by Titus is clear because it is said They shall build the old WASTES they shall raise up the former desolations and they shall repair the waste Cities the desolations of MANY GENERATIONS Isa 61.4 Chap. 58.12 Jer. 30.18 19 20. And the Temple is to be built according to the old pattern Ezek. 40. to Chap. the last But if it should be objected that this Prophesie is already fulfilled I should desire to know when for here is mention of the ten Tribes to have their place in this City then as well as the two Tribes and that was not fulfilled when Judah came out of their captivity in Babylon but this Prophesie relates to the time
when Ephraim and Judah shall be one after Israels return out of Assyria as you may read in the foregoing Chapters as chap. 36. and 37. And they shall never be divided into two Nations any more but as yet they are Quer. 4. Whether shall the Jews be succoured in the time of the Man of Sins raign by any Nation that shall be unsubdued by the Antichrist Answ Yea Moab is appointed of the Lord to be a hiding place to Israel and Moab shall not be subdued by the Antichrist but shall escape him that Moab shall escape him read Dan. 11.41 and that Moab is appointed to be a harbour or place of safety to Israel from the spoiler read Isa 16.4 I could cite many Scriptures more but I pass Quer. 5. Whether shall the Jews be changed at the coming of Christ and made immortal as the believing Gentiles or whether shall nature have more years accompanying it Answ I do not find in Scripture that any shall- be raised from the dead at the coming of the Lord but as have dyed in the Lord neither do I find that any shall be changed amongst the living at that day but such as have before that day believed in Christ and waited for him for at his coming two shall be in one bed the one taken and the other left behind and the Saints are to judge the twelve Tribes of Israel not when the twelve Tribes are changed into an immortal state but before for I do not find that one immortal Saint shall judge or govern another who himself when so judged is immortal Mat. 24.40 1 Thes 4 15 16. Revel 20.6 7 8. Luke 22.30 But if it should be Objected and said what correspondency can there be between bodies mortal and bodies immortal I Answer and say in what may they not correspond in their commerce one with another Was there not correspondency between Christ after his resurrection and his Disciples which were in their mortal bodies did they not walk together and discourse yea did they not eat together after his resurrection surely they had society and communion one with another although Christ was raised from the dead and his Disciples lived in their mortal bodies Luke 24.38 39 to the 48. And that nature shall have more years is clear from the Text cited Isa 65.19.20 and also Zech. 8.4 and more which might be added but I pass saying that I have spoke more or less to the chifest part of thy Queries already as thou maist read at thy leisure in my Book elsewhere Quer. 6. Whether shall Christ give the Jews a Law to keep in obedience to him differing from the Law of Moses or the new Testament Answ I do not find in Scripture mention made but of two Testaments one given from God by Moses as a mediatour and the other by Christ and as for the second or new Testament which is by Christ the Jews did reject and therefore it was taken from them and they shut up under unbelief until the fulness of the Gentiles and I do not find that the gospel administrations are to remain any longer than until the fulness of the Gentiles which will be at the appearance of the Lord Jesus and as touching the Gospel the Jews are to be enemies unto it and as I before have said I never find that the preaching of the Gospel is the way to turn the whole house of Israel from their sins but God hath appointed another way of convertion to the house of Israel namely the glorious appearing of Christ in the Clouds of Heaven at which time the spirit of grace and supplication shall be poured out upon them when they look upon him whom they pierced then shall they mourn and say this is our God we have waited for him Zech. 12.10 Isa 25.9 Mat. 23.38 39 Rom. 11 26 27 28. Isa 59.18 19 20. And as touching the two places of Scripture cited Isa 2.3 Mich. 4.2 to prove that the Law shall go forth of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem it appears that as the Jews shall be waiting for their King in the Laws of Moses even so those Laws shall remain with the Jews in that day read Isa 66.20 21 22 23 24. Zech. 14.16 17 18 19 20 21. There is many Scriptures speaks to this purpose but I study brevity only giving those Scriptures which lie before me in my mind at present and so pass to the seventh Query which is Quer. 7. How it may appear that Christ shall raign in Mount-Zion in Jerusalem and judge in the valley of Jehoshaphat Answ This also I have before shewed that although the Wine-press shall be trod without the gates at the valley of Iehoshaphat so as blood to come out even to the horses bridle when the Man of Sin shall go forth with fury to destroy the Jews at the Womans return and the ten Tribes with her yet afterwards Jerusalem shall be cleansed and Christ shall have his Seat there as I have fully proved in this Book Dan. 11.44 45. Ezek. 39.11 12 13 14. Revel 14.20 So then the great slaughter shall be without Jerusalem in the valley of Iehoshaphat where he will judge or plead with the heathen with fire and the sword yet he shall afterwards possess Jerusalem or Zion his holy Mountain and his Throne shall be in the place where his Father Davids was where he shall raign in Mount-Zion in Jerusalem thenceforth even for ever Isa 24.23 chap. 9.7 Luke 1.32 33. Quer. 8. Whether the new Jerusalem that shall come down from Heaven be the place for Christ and the Saints to raign in Answ The Scripture saith that they that are saved shall walk in the light of it and shall go no more out and there shall in no wise enter into it that which is unclean but such as are written in the Lambs Book of life Revel 21.24 27. cap. 3.12 Isa 36.1 2 3. So then that is the place for Christ and the Saints where they shall be glorified and there they shall remain for ever for it is the City which Abraham looked for whose maker and builder is the Lord and it is Gods Tabernacle which shall be with men when he shall dwell with them Quer. 9. What shall be the condition of the wicked and also of such as shall believe in Christ and own him in the time of Christs raign Answ As for the wicked they shall have great Judgments in this life as I before have shewed their eyes shall consume in their holes and their flesh shall consume from their bones while they stand upon their feet and afterwards have their due deserts at the time when all shall arise at the general Judgment Zech. 14.12 18. Revel 20.12 And as for those that do believe and obey Christ so as to come up to worship the King the Lord of Hosts even such Gentiles shall have priviledges although inferiour to the Jews and see his glory Isa 60.10 11 12 13 14. chap. 61.1 chap. 66.23