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A74637 The confusion of Muhamed's sect, or a confutation of the Turkish Alcoran. Being a discovery of many secret policies and practices in that religion, not till now revealed. / Written originally in Spanish, by Johannes Andreas Maurus, who was one of their bishops and afterwards turned Christian. Translated into English by I.N. Maurus, Johannes, fl. 1654.; Notstock, Joshua. 1652 (1652) Thomason E1296_1 92,641 268

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been and is still consufed not agreeing together especially in their sutes of Law or Judicature Mariages and Divorces And yee must know that the sayings and deeds of Muhamed in the said Books are reduced to four kinds or sorts viz. to certain and true Defective Abrupt and Weak Those words or works of Mahumed which have the testimony of his Wife Axa and the ten Disciples when they say that they saw Mahumed do or say such and such things arecalled true certain and what is said of Mahumed and is reported by his other Wives without the testimony of Axa or any of his disciples is called Defective and those works and words which have but the testimony of the learned and principall men which lived in Muhameds time are called abrupt that is that they came not to the knowledge of any disciple nor of the said Axa and the fourth kind of words and works are those which proceed from good Doctors after Muhamed gave out that hee was sick and infirm In Arabick they are called Caheh Dahif Mancof Zaquini All which I prove by what a Doctor sayes who made the Book of Flowers which was collected out of the said six Books For he sayes in his Preface that all the Contents in his Book of Flowers were drawn from the certain and true sayings of Muhamed and all that is written in another Book which another Doctor collected he sayes is of the certain defective cut-off or abrupt and sick The words in Arabick are these O quuille me c. These six Books of the Suné treat of all that Muhamed spake and did and commanded to be done as will appear by the Contents of the following Chapters in which said six Books there are as many Contradictions fooleries superfluous irrationall and ungrounded things as there be in the Alcoran and the Moores say that the Alcoran is the word of God which is incredible CHAP. IIII. The fourth Chapter of this book handleth certain arguments which may be framed and brought against the Alchoran proving that it is false of it self and not the word of God And also against Muhameds Suné proving that it is of it self a ridiculous thing and fit for men of little knowledge and judgment THe first argument is from what is said in the second Chapter of the fourth book which is in Arabick Ogna Nofigha c. i. e. that at the end of the world a trumpet or horn shall sound and the Angels in Heaven and men on earth shall fall down dead and afterwards the said trumpet or horn shall sound again and all aswell Angels as men shall rise again wherein the Alchoran affirmeth that Angels are mortall and that they must all dye and rise again the which impugneth divine and humane Law and is against all naturall reason and that for severall causes First because Angels are spirits having no body but spirit onely and not having bodies they cannot dye for death is nothing but the separation of the soul from the body and in regard men are compos'd of body and soul when the soul is separated from the body and departed the body becomes a Caryon and the soul goes whether God pleaseth according to every mans deserts and works and because the body is composed of the four Elements it corrupteth and turneth to earth but the soul of man after it is created never dyes how then can it be as the Alcoran says that Angels dye when humane souls dye not The second cause is because Adam's sin was the occasion of his death by which sinning all his posterity were condemned to dye whence it follows that if he had not sinned neither he nor any of his posterity had been subject to death Now tell me O Moore what sins have the Angels committed whereby they have deserved death as Adam who incurred it by sin The third cause or ground is a naturall reason which gives all men to know and understand that Angels dye not neither can dye which is this Lucifer and all the Angels that sinned with him by their pride against God were for this sin deprived of the glory of Heaven and Paradice and were cast into the bottomless pit for ever and were not condemned to dye because they were spirits And if the devils by reason of their sins were not condemned to dye how is it that the Alcoran sayes that Angels shall dye So from these three grounds we may conclude that Angels shall not dye and that he that says that Angels dye speaks not the truth and in regard the Alcoran says that Angels dye I say it is not of God nor the word of God The second Argument is from what the Alcoran sayes in severall Chapters and namely in the first Chapter of the first book in the first Chapter of the second and fourth books in which three Chapters he relates the Creation of the world and the history of Adam how he was created of earth by the hand and Workmanship of God and how God inspired life into him and further in the said Chapters he says and affirms that after Adam was created God Commanded the Angels to bow themselves down to the ground and worship Adam and that they all did so except Sathan who refused to doe it and God asked him why hee would not worship him whom he had made with his own hands and he says that Sathan answered that he was Created of a more excellent nature viz. Of fire and Adam of durt then God cursed Sathan and he and all those who had the like will as he were cast into the bottomless pit and are cursed for ever All this the Alcoran affirms saying that the cause of the fall of Sathan and the evill Angels was because that they would not worship Adam nor prostrate themselves before him and the words in Arabick are thus Ognaidcale c. And doe signifie that which we have related and declared above which is not onely an untruth but also a great Heresy and Blasphemy Now speak O Moore and observe whether this hath any sense or reason in it for you must conceive that if such a thing were true it would have been written in the first of the five books of Moses which is called the book of Genesis or the Creation wherein he sets down the Creation of the world and how God created all Celestiall and Terrestriall things but doth not mention any such imposture and you must observe that God would never command that any should be worshipped but himself so that the Alcoran sayes that which was never true and which can never enter into the brains of a reasonable man and therefore in conclusion I say that the Alcoran hath not any reason or truth in it The third Argument is upon the first Chapter of the third Book where hee sayes that the Virgin Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ was the Sister of Aaron and Moses and sayes in Arabick thus Ogia Mariamu ya ohta Aron i. e. O Mary O
to be true And if they were true how comes it that they were not recorded amongst so many other things which are written of Salomon So that O Moore you must believe that this was all composed and Contrived by the two Cutlers above mentioned and not by God Likewise the Alcoran sayes in the 19th Chapter of the third Book That God created a Tree in Hell which tree as the Comment saies is as big as all Hell and that the chief of the Devills is the fruit of this tree which tree is called Saiaratazacom Of which fruit he sayes the damned shall eat and shall drink boyling lead and with such drink shall fill their bellies The words are in Arabick Oim sajaratazacom talhohaquaro ozosayatim Of which tree the people of Mecca and Muhamed's Uncles made a scoff made verses on it and upon occasion of this tree divers Moores fel away and returned to their former opinions and hereupon this tree in another place of the Alcoran is called The cursed tree viz. in the eleventh Chapter of the second Book which in Arabick sayes thus O guassa jarate c. i. e. That Muhamed terrified or threatned the peeple of Mecca with the cursed tree The Comment sayes that it was called accursed because it was an occasion of the losse of divers Moores who thereupon became advised and returned to their former Sects The Alcoran speaks yet a greater fable than these saying that God created the Heavens of Smoak in Arabick it sayes thus O cune aztegne c. i. e. that God sits in the Heavens being of smoak and saith c. In the Suné Muhamed sayes that God hath fixed the earth upon the point of an Oxes horn and sayes that Earthquakes proceed from this Oxe who bears the earth on the top of his horn Now tell me O Moore who art an Astrologer and hast read Ptolomy and understandest the sphear and the Astrolabe and also knowest how the earth is fixed and remains firm for the motion of the Heavens What thinkest thou of this Oxe who carrys the earth on his horn for if the earth be fixed on this Oxes horn on what doth this Oxe stand Consider O Moore this great mistake and error which is so ignorant and unreasonable as to affirm that the Heavens are created of smoak and that the earth is fixed on an Oxes horn Likewise O Moore I would have thee consider whether this Oxe be a bruit beast or an Angell if thou sayest it is a beast then you must consider that the Oxe must eat and drink and dye and if the Oxe dyes then is the earth destroyed But if thou sayest that this Oxe is an Angel it must also dye * According to Mahomets opinion seeing Angels dye and so the earth will bee destroyed And therefore I conclude that all this aforesaid is a meer vanity and hath neither reason nor truth in it but are as great fooleries as those of John de Lenzina for it was never asserted by any Philosopher Astrologer Prophet or Scripture that the earth is founded or established on the horn of an Oxe or Cow Muhamed further sayes and relates another thing in the Suné which amongst the Moores is held for an Article of their faith and Law viz. When any deceased person is laid in the grave and buried there come two black Angels to him who are called in Arabick Munguir and Guannequir one of which Angels carryes an Iron Mace and the other certain Iron hooks or Forks and these Angels cause the dead person to rise on his knees and the dead person doth put on his soul over his body even as a man puts on a shirt but so that here the Suné sayes not that the dead shall rise again out of the grave but onely that the body shall put on the soul and after that the dead party hath put on his soul and is raised on his knees these Angels begin to examine him and aske him whether he believed in Muhamed and his Law and whether hee did good works in this world that is to say whether he made his Zala and fasted his Ramadan paid Tyths and gave Alms and if the dead render a good account of himself then these two black Angels leave him and there come two other Angels as white as Snow and one of them sitteth at his head and the other at his feet and thus these two Angels shall accōpany the dead person untill the day of Judgement But if the dead party give an ill account of himself then sayes the Suné the Angell that carrys the Mace shall strike him such a blow on the head as shall run him seaven fathome under ground and the other shall presently fasten his hooks upon him and drag him under the earth and he that hath the Mace shall continually beat him with great blows and he that hath the forks shall continually drag him untill the day of Judgement All which the Moores hold for authentick and for an Article of their Faith The words in Arabick say thus Ogua anne Almu c. i. e. That the Moores are examined in their Sepulchers whether they have done good or evill works and that God will confirm and accomplish the answer of those that believe in him and in Muhamed meaning that they will answer well and shall not have any torments For which purpose and the Angels examination the Moores make their Sepulchers spacious leaving a void place where the dead lyeth and covering the place with plancks that the earth may not fall on the dead party Likewise they leave the cloaths wherein the dead is wound up untyed at the head and feet that the dead may put forth his head and feet and raise himself upon his knees when he is examined And also the Moores put about the dead body certain names written with Safforn and Oringe-flower water or wrap them in the winding sheet to the end that the dead person may be delivered from the pains and torments of the grave and Sepulcher Furthermore the Moores have a praier which they say every day after their Zala or morning praier beseeching God to deliver and preserve them from the torments of the grave which praier is in Arabick thus O allahume negine c. i. e. Deliver me O Lord God from the inquisition of the two Angels and from the torments of the grave and from the evill life Amen All this I have here inserted that the Moores may not deny this Article and that they may also see the vanity which they hold and believe in their Law or Worship For this is a very vain and ridiculous thing and without any reason Now speak O Moore who art a man of good reason and judgement how is it possible that such a saying as this can enter into thy head and that thou shouldest believe so great a mockery and untruth the which doth contradict the Alcoran and the Suné it self For the Alcoran and the Suné in severall places doe say
things is not the Law nor the Prophet much lesse the scripture of God for all the premises doe impugne Truth Reason Philosophy Logick Astrology and chiefly Theology but not that Divinity of the Moores which speaks not of spirituall things but of Corporeall and Terrene CHAP. V. The fifth Chapter of this Treatise discourseth of divers fooleries and unthruths which are in the Alcoran from which wee may conclude that the Alcoran is not the Word of God IMprimis That history which the ninth Chapter of the third book relates of King Salomon of which story there is no mention in all the Bible and in Arabick it is thus Oguahosira c. i. e. That King Salomon arayed his Armies and Squadrons aswell of men as of devills and birds and that Salomon led his Armies unto the river of Pismires then a Pismire cried out and said to the other Pismires O ye Pismires goe into your habitations and Salomon will not distroy you neither shall ye perish by his Armies and that Salomon woundred at the saying of this Pismire and praised God The glosse sayes that Salomon heard the voyce of this Pismire a Leagues distance The Story in Arabick proceeds and sayes thus Ofata facada c. That Salomon assembled the birds and found that the Whoop was wanting and out of her place whereupon Salomon threatned the Whoop and said that if she did not give account whether she went he would torture her and put her to death The Arabick proceeds and saies Ocalet inni c. i. e. that the Whoop answered Salomon and said that she knew that which Salomon knew not and said that shee had been in the countrey of Saba where shee found the Queen of Saba the Lady and Princesse of Saba Then Salomon said to the Whoop That he would see whether shee spake a truth or a lye and Salomon sent a Letter to the Queen of Saba by the Whoop threatning that if shee would not obediently come to him he would come and ruin her countrey The text of the Alcoran prosecuting this history sayes thus in Arabick Ocale ayuquum c. i. e. That Salomon knowing that the Queen of Saba was on her way would have her Royall palace brought thither before her that shee might see his power whereupon Salomon called two devills and asked them which of them could soonest bring the Queen of Sheba's Royall Palace thither before shee arived One of the devills told him that he would bring it in the twinckling of an eie the other told him he would bring it before he could stirr from his seat so this devill brought the Palace in an instant When the Queen of Sheba came to Salomon and found her Royall palace brought thither before her self was come shee marvailed and said that Salomon's power was very great I have inserted all this aforesaid into this Chapter for two reasons first that all the Readers may know what fables and lies the Alcoran treateth of and relateth secondly to shew that Muhamed layes down nothing in the Alcoran but what the two Cutlers told him and as they informed him and for this cause the people of Mecca said that the Alcoran was nothing but old stories and in divers places of the Alcoran it is said in Arabick Ocalu inhede ille azatero aleguelin i. e. That the Alcoran was nothing but ancient stories What the Comment sayes upon the premises is most ridiculous amongst other things it sayes that Salomon carried a bed with him three miles in length and as much in breadth all wrought of gold and silver which bed was carried by Devils the riches of the Curtains and Vallens of the said Bed was unexpressible And further that the birds attended this Bed in such an Order that they flew touching each others wings and served for a Canopie or shadow to Salomon that the Sun might not scorch him And that when the Whoop was gone to the sayd Country of Saba her place was left open through the which the Sun-beams shone and touched Solomons face Whereupon Salomon grew angry and threatned the Whoope as is aforesaid telling her that he would torture her and cut off her head Now speak O Moore what think you of this Story Consider that it hath no reason nor any semblance of truth in it nor is it to any purpose or necessary to mention or allege such a story much lesse of such a man as Salomon and which is not mentioned in all the Scriptures of the old and new Testaments Observe likewise O Moore the threats and menaces which Salomon used to the Whoope of torture and death which thing and story is more like the tales and feigned stories which are used to little Children than the sayings of a holy Prophet and a holy Scripture which the Moores say the Alcoran is So that I doe hence conclude that the Scripture which handles such things is not the Word of God and the Prophet that speaks such fables is not a Prophet of God Likewise O Moore thou oughtest to consider that if the things aforesayd were true they would not have been forgotten to have been put into the old Testament untill they were inserted in the Moores Alcoran wherefore you may well conceive that this aforesaid neither is true nor ever was Furthermore in the fourteenth Chapter of the third Book he brings in another story of Salomon which is in Arabick thus O same dellehum c. i. e. That Salomons death was not revealed to the Devils but only by the worm that eat Salomon's staff whereby Salomon sell down and so the Devils perceived and knew that hee was dead which till then they knew not Which story is enlarged thus That Salomon had imprisoned severall Devils and kept them tormented in Dungeons with chains and fetters of Iron and when Salomon was like to dye he commanded that his body should be embaulmed and that they should cloath him as though hee were alive and set him in his royall Throne to make the Devils believe that he was living and what Salomon thus commanded was done and they put a staff into his hand and fixt it in the ground that hee might sit the stedier and surer in the Chair and that a worm came out of the earth and eat thorow the staff and so Salomon fell down whereby the Devils knew that Salomon was dead and so they came out of the pains and torments wherein he had put them All which seems to be and is a greater fable and lye than the former though they are both two great Impostures and of little reason and judgement Now tell me O Moore whether the things aforesaid are Credible and worthy to be inserted into the Scriptures of God to say that the Devils had not knowledge of Salomons death when they daily saw Salomon in his Throne and saw that he neither eat drank slept rode on horse-back administred justice nor did any thing which hee used to doe when hee was living who can believe these things
that at the day of judgement every body shall receive its soul and men shall rise with soul and body for to give account to God at the last judgement and every one with his body shall receive glory or punishment Now then if this be true how is it that the Suné says that men receive glory or punishment in the grave and how can it enter into the brains of a Divine or of any man of knowledge that the body should put on the soul like a shirt And suppose it were true and that the soul did cloath the body like a shirt nevertheless this body is not a man that can be examined or tormented neither is the soul of it self Man for Man cannot be so called but when he is living and composed of soul and body together How then can the body answer without a soul or the soul without a body and how can the body when it is a Carkasse and lump of earth feel the Bastinado's or blows of a Mace So that O Moore and Wiseman as thou thinkest thy self to be thou hast no answer but silence and to acknowledge that all this is vanity and the words of men ignorant and of small understanding I would also O Moore that thou shouldst tell me how will the two white Angels accompany this dead body when it is full of worms and when it is corrupted and stinketh horribly and what blows can the black Angels give if the body be all filth Worms and Earth and yet the Suné sayes that they shall beat it thus untill the day of judgement So that O Moore thou must believe that the words of the Suné carry no good reason with them as neither doe the words of thy prophet Muhamed And here I will conclude this fifth Chapter CHAP. VI. The sixth Chapter treateth of divers offences which the Moores took whilst Muhamed was instituting his Law and Sect by reason of which offences divers Moores became more cautious and wise rebelled against Muhamed and returned to their former Sects and wayes of Worship THe first offence was upon the translation and vision which Muhamed had one night and his ascension to heaven by a Ladder and his riding upon Alborack and for the things which he said he saw that night in heaven as shall more at large appear in our eighth Chapter for which the Moores took offence and rebelled against him The second offence was upon the altering of the Alkibla viz. when Muhamed dwelt at Mecca and began his Sect he commanded them to make their praiers and Zala towards the holy temple of Jerusalem i. e. that when they praied they should turn their faces towards the temple of Jerusalem which command and practice continued among the Moores 12 years ten years at Mecca and 2 years at Medina which were two years after the banishment which Banishment of Muhamed is called in Arabick Alhigera Now when Muhamed and the other Moores were in Medina there were also divers Jewes who told the Moores that Muhamed commanded his followers to make their praiers towards the holy temple of Jerusalem towards which place the Jewes also made their praiers Likewise the Jewes told them that Muhamed commanded the Moores to fast the same Fast as the Jewes did and so the Jewes told them that they Moores followed the custome of the Jewes in their manner of fasting and of making their praiers towards the holy Temple of Jerusalem which two commandements of fasting and praier are written in the first Chapter of the Alcoran and upon occasion of the Jews talking in this manner and their disputing with Muhamed and the Moores about their fasting and praier Muhamed commanded the Moores that they should never observe the Jewish Fast more but should fast in the month of Ramadan The observation of which month of Ramadan was commanded in the second year of Muhamed's being at Medina twelve years after he began his Law and if the Moores are jgnorant that they fasted the Jewish Fast I prove it by the first Chapter of the first book of the Alcoran which in Arabick sayes thus Oya aynhe c. i. e. O yee Moores fasting is commanded unto you as it was commanded to the former And the comment sayes that those former were the Jews and by vertue of this command the Moores observed the Jewish fast 12 years and untill Muhamed commanded them not to observe it longer but to fast in the month Ramadan and this other command is in the same book and Chapter and is in Arabick thus Osabro ramadan alledi onzele fihi Alcoran i. e. That thence forward they should fast in the month Ramadan in which month the Alcoran was inspired And moreover the same year he commanded them to chang the Alkibla upon the same Reason of the Jewes disputing and that they should not pray any more towards the holy Temple of Jerusalem but onely towards the Minster or temple of Mecca in Arab●a It sayes in Arabick thus Ofaqueli g●●ageheque c. which signifies O Muhamed when thou praiest turn thy face towards the temple of Mecca and ye Moores turn your faces directly towards that temple wheresoever ye be ye must turn your faces towards the said temple of Mecca so the Moores upon these commands left off the Jewish fast and began to fast in the month of Ramadan and left the temple of Jerusalem and turned towards the Temple of Mecca And forasmuch as the aforesaid Idol was in the said Temple of Mecca the Jewes again opposed the Moores telling and shewing them how Muhamed made them return to Idolatry again by commanding them to pray towards the place where the Idoll was Whereupon the Moores were offended at him and acknowledged that it was a greater error to leave the holy Temple of Jerusalem and the holy house of Salomon and to turn their faces and pray towards Mecca where the Idol was towards which place all the Idolaters of the Countreys about Mecca turned their faces in honour to the said Idoll And thus the Moores began to murmur against Muhamed and sayd that it was not good to pray to the Idoll and thereupon divers Moores became wary and circumspect and turned to their former Sects and waies of worship And when Muhamed saw the great offence they took he made the Verses aforesaid and thereupon the Moores were silent and were induced to make prayers towards the Temple of Mecca saying that God was pleased with it and had commanded it by the Alcoran And this was the Moores second offence And Muhamed and the Moores continued thus five years making their prayers towards Mecca whilst the aforesaid Idoll was in the temple of Mecca untill Muhamed conquered Mecca and destroyed the Idoll and most part of the people of Mecca were slain by the sword because they would not become Moores Now tell me O Moore what thinkest thou of these five years during which Muhamed and the Moores made their praiers towards the place where the Idoll was Truly to