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A55305 The divine will considered in its eternal decrees, and holy execution of them. By Edward Polhill of Burwash in Sussex Esquire Polhill, Edward, 1622-1694?; Owen, John, 1616-1683.; Seaman, Lazarus, d. 1675. 1695 (1695) Wing P2754; ESTC R212920 238,280 559

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irresistible way I am for the Affirmative in a right sence A work may be said to be done irresistibly two ways either when there is no resistance at all thus the Apostle saith ye have killed the just and he doth not resist you Jam. 5. 6. that is not resist at all or else when there is no such resistance as to impede the work thus they were not able to resist the wisdom and spirit of Stephen Acts 6. 10. there 's an irresistibility but what without any resistance at all No they disputed against him with might and main but because their disputes could not impede his work in propagating the Gospel therefore it is said that they were not able to resist him Thus when I say that Conversion is wrought in an irresistible way I mean not that there is no resistance at all for even in the Regenerate there is flesh lusting against the spirit the old Man and the new strugle in the same Faculties like Esau and Jacob in the same Womb but I mean that there is no such resistance as to impede the Work of Conversion In meekness saith the Apostle instructing those that oppose themselves if peradventure God will give them repentance 2 Tim. 2. 25. here is a resistance but for all that the work will be done if God give repentance He went on saith the Prophet frowardly in the way of his heart but what saith God I have seen his ways and will heal him Isai. 57. 17 18. here was a great resistance but for all that God will heal him God works Conversion in such an insuperable way that notwithstanding all the opposition made thereunto it doth infallibly come to pass Now this I shall endeavour to demonstrate first in general and then in particular with respect to the two Instants of Conversion 1. I shall demonstrate it in general and that by these Arguments taken 1. From God's Election He hath chosen some before the foundation of the World chosen them to holiness as the Way Eph. 1. 4. and chosen them to salvation as the End 2 Thess. 2. 13. But if Conversion be not wrought in an insuperable way how doth the foundation of God stand sure 2 Tim. 2. 19 How is that golden Chain kept entire Whom he did predestinate them he called whom he called them he justified and glorified Rom. 8. 30 Were not these called ones who have Predestination going before them and Justification and Glorification coming after them called in an insuperable way If not the Chain cannot hold together The Apostle makes a plain difference between men he opposes those of the election of grace to the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who were blinded Rom. 11. 7. and those on whom God will have mercy to those whom he hardens Rom. 9. 18. But if Conversion be not irresistibly wrought this difference falls to the ground those of the Election may be blinded and those on whom God hath mercy may be hardened as well as others For my part I should as soon believe that a little Child may put up his finger and rowl about the Spheres as that the Will of Man may stay or turn aside the Influences of electing Grace 2. From Christs Redemption If we consider the preciousness of his Blood surely he must have a Body every little Seed in Nature hath a Body given to it and the Son of God sowing his Blood and Life cannot want one If we consider the Promise of God surely he must have a seed Isai. 53. 10. and what else is the Fulness of the Gentiles and the Conversion of the Jews but this promised Seed But if Grace be not wrought in an insuperable way Christ might sow his Blood and Life in a wonderful Passion and yet have no Body springing out of it nay God might engage himself in the Promise of a Seed and yet nothing at all come of it if the Grace of God be resistible lieve must be asked of Man's will that Christ's Blood may be fruitful and God's Promise Faithful 3. From the Spirit 's Work The three glorious Persons in the sacred Trinity shew forth themselves in three glorious Works the Father hath a special Shine in Creation the Son in Redemption and the holy Spirit in Sanctification In the first Work we have God in the World in the second God in the Flesh and in the third God in the Heart or Spirit When God came forth in Creation Oh! what an Heaven and Earth full of admirable Creatures and Harmonies issued forth When God came in the Flesh what out-breakings of Glory were there What sparklings of the Deity in Miracles upon the Bodies of Men The blind received their sight the lame walked the lepers were cleansed the deaf did hear the dead were raised and the Devils were ejected with power And when God comes in the Heart or Spirit what planting of a new heaven and a new earth How much of Glory and spiritual Miracle breaks forth in the Souls of Men Even here also the blind receive their sight the lame walk the lepers are cleansed the deaf hear the dead are raised and the devil is cast out with power The very same Miracles which Christ in the flesh did do on the Bodies of Men in a visible manner the very same doth Christ in the Spirit do on the Souls of Men in a spiritual way This is the proper Work of the Spirit to sanctifie Mens Hearts the Spirit doth not appear any where in all the World so much as in a true Saint Look into a godly Man's Understanding there 's the Spirit of Revelation look into his Will there 's the Spirit of Holiness look into his Affections there 's the Spirit of Love and Joy look into hs Conscience there 's the Spirit of Consolation look into his Prayers there 's the Spirit of Supplication look into his Conversation there 's the Spirit of Meekness and all Righteousness Thus the holy Spirit shews forth its Glory and flows in Men as rivers of living water and this Glory and Out-flowing is so precious that before it came in Esse according to the rich Measures of Gospel-grace it is said of the eternal Spirit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the holy Spirit was not yet Joh. 7. 39. as if the Spirits flowing in Men were a kind of second Being to it But now after all this if Conversion be not wrought in an insuperable way the holy Spirit may be barred out of every Heart and then how shall his work be done Where shall his Glory and spiritual Miracles appear The Father hath a World to appear in the Son hath Flesh to tabernacle in but possibly the holy Spirit can get never an Heart to inhabit in never a Temple to fill with his Glory the holy Spirit would tabernacle with Men but what if the Iron-sinew in the Will will not come out What if the Stone in the heart will not break Then the holy Spirit is robbed of his Glory But is this so strange
another But that of Nazianzen is fullest of spiritual sence who cries out O infirmitatem meam meā enim duco primi parentis infirmitatem If any reply But how could we sin in Adam I answer that our humane Nature was in him and why might it not sin there You 'l say It could not for want of a Will I answer that our Wills were put into Adam's by that Covenant which was made with him for himself and all his posterity If one Man may put his Will into another Man's Will in a Comprimise why may not God who is more Lord of our Wills than our selves put all our Wills into Adam's by a Covenant and here God did it with abundant Equity because our Wills were put into Adam's as well for the obteining blessedness upon his Obedience as for the incurring punishment upon his Disobedience 2. The lower end of this Chain the universal depravation of Nature called Peccatum originale originatum this hangs upon the former all habitual Sin hath an essential relation to some actual Sin precedent 'T is impossible that one should be a Sinner habitually who in no kind sinned actually If Adam had not sinned actually he had never been habitually vitiated nay if we had not sinned in his Sin we had never been so This original Depravation is the sinning Sin the Body of Sin a Body in our Souls Flesh in our Spirits a Nail on our Eyes a Plague in our Hearts and a Root of bitterness in our whole Nature this turns our Minds into Dungeons of darkness our Wills into Gulfs of Sin our Memories into leaking Vessels our Fancies into Forges of Vanity our Affections into Chambers of Imagery our Members into Weapons of Unrighteousness and our whole Man into a Man of Sin insomuch that to be carnal is to walk 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 3. 3. When we are formed in the Womb this Chain lies upon us even in primo ardore in the first warmth of natural Conception Psal. 51. 5. And when Christ is formed in our Hearts this Chain presses so hard upon the spiritual Embryo that as soon as ever it begins to live it falls a sighing and groaning with tears Oh! my hard heart Oh! my unbelieving heart Oh! my carnal sensual heart Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death Rom. 7. 24. Nay the very Philosophers themselves who never kenned so far as the top of this Chain I mean Adam's Sin yet seem to feel the weight of it Wherefore sometimes they complain of a Sepulchrum Corporis as if 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 were become 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Grave to the Soul and sometimes they cry out of a Defluvium Pennarum as if the Soul had lost her Wings Whither also may be referred the Trismegists Indumentum Inscitiae Pravitatis Fundamentum Corruptionis Vinculum Velamen opacum with many such like expressions touching the weight and pressure of this Chain involving Men in a horrid slavery and captivity 2. Besides the Chain of Original Sin there is that of Actual the whole World 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Joh. 5. 19. lies in wickedness as a Slave in his Chains Oh! the open Profaneness secret Hypocrisies spiritual Wickednesses carnal Pollutions daring Presumptions faultring Infirmities Impieties against God Unrighteousness against Men vast Armies and Hosts of Sin which cover the World As Original Sin turns Man into a Man of Sin so Actual Sin turn the World into a World of Sin This is a long Chain reaching from Adam's Fall to the Worlds Period and from first to last enwrapping Captives all along 2. The Links of the Chains are considerable and those are three great ones 1. The first Link is Macula peccati the Stain of Sin this is the filth of the Chain a brand of deformity on the naked Captive God is the beauty of Holiness and there is no turning from him without a Blot God is a Sun of infinite light and there is no holding up our hands against him without casting a dark shadow on our faces Every Sin is a filthiness If it be a brutish lust 't is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 filthiness of flesh if a spiritual wickedness 't is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 filthiness of spirit as the Apostle distinguisheth 2 Cor. 7. 1. Nay that which is filthiness of flesh in the external commission of the Act is yet filthiness of spirit in the internal commaculation of the Soul The wicked cast out mire and dirt and the more they cast out in the transient Acts of Sin the more there is within in the abiding spot of it When the Act of Sin is passed and gone the Spot and Stain thereof stays behind and denominates us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 children of disobedience 2. The second Link is Reatus peccati the Guilt of Sin a dreadful Link chaining the naked Captive to divine Wrath fastened within him by the desert of Sin and bound upon him by the Justice of God and hence he becomes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a child of wrath No sooner doth he turn from God as his Law-giver but he meets him as his Judge and that in the face The face of the Lord is against them that do evil Whilest he flies extra ordinem praecepti hee falls intra ordinem justitiae the wages of sin is death 3. The third Link is Regnum peccati the Reign of Sin Sin is an absolute Tyrant over us his Laws are all writ in Letters of blood his strong Holds are in our very Reasons 2 Cor. 10. 4 5. His Throne is in our Wills his winged Chariot in our Affections his Weapons in our earthly Members and our whole man is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the slave of sin Joh. 8. 34. 2. The next thing in the Captivity is the Prison and that is the Wrath of God But here we must distinguish the Walls from the Dungeon the Walls are very strong and dreadful infinite Justice and Holiness are the flaming Cherubims that guard them and the Hand-writing upon them is A curse to the sinner and woe to the worker of iniquity The poor Captive as long as his Chains are unbroken lies within these Walls 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 under the judgment of God Rom. 3. 19. Wrath abides upon him Joh. 3. 36. a sad State Nevertheless whilest but here he is a Prisoner of Hope a Captive capable of Redemption The Dungeon is Hell it self a place of Darkness a gulf of unquenchable Fire a bottomless Pit of Perdition into which impenitent Sinners are still a sinking deeper and deeper without any hope of ascending out of it when the Captive is once here the utmost farthing will be exacted of him 3. The last thing in the Captivity is the Jaylor even Satan and he doth three things 1. He takes the Captive into his custody the Natural Man's Heart becomes his Palace and every room in it is full of hellish furniture not the Turret of Reason nay not the reliques
through thy truth Joh. 17. 17. for their Perseverance Keep them through thine own name Ver. 11. and for their Glory I will that they be with me where I am to behold my glory Ver. 24. And what he spake for them by his oral Intercession on Earth that he speaks for them by his real Intercession in Heaven Thus Christ doth in a special manner intercede for the Elect which proves that he died for them in a special manner because his Intercession is but the presenting of the Merits of his Death to his Father in Heaven 7. I argue from the Event following upon Christ's Death some men do believe when others draw back and whence comes this distinguishing Faith either it comes merely of Man's Free-will or of God's free Grace if we say the first 't is the very mire and dirt of Pelagianism 't is to set up Free-will as an Idol to cast lots upon Christ's Blood whether any one person in the World shall be saved thereby or not If we say the latter then God and Christ had a special eye upon some above others for God ordained that Christ should be the grand Medium to Salvation and that Faith should be the only way to Christ If then he gave Christ for all and Faith but to some it is because he did in a special way intend their Salvation and consequently Christ who came to do his Fathers Will had in his Death a special respect to them 8. I argue from the special Expressions in Scripture As the Death of Christ is set out there in words of universality so it is set out there in words of special peculiarity Christ died for the elect Rom. 8. 33 34. died for the children of God scattered abroad Joh. 11. 52. gave himself for the Church Eph. 5. 25. gave himself for a peculiar people Tit. 2. 14. laid down his life for the sheep Joh. 10. 15. sanctified himself for the given ones Joh. 17. 9. and 19. purchased the church with his own blood Acts 20. 28. redeemed a people from among men Rev. 14. 4. is a Jesus to his own people Matth. 1. 21. and a saviour to his own body Eph. 5. 23. And is there no Emphasis of Love Are there no strains of free Grace Is there no import of singular respect and affection in all these Expressions We cannot say so without dispiriting the Scripture Experience it self tells us that all are not Christ's Elect Children Church peculiar People Sheep given Ones Body redeemed Ones from among men wherefore when the Scripture saith that he died for these it imports that he died for them in a peculiar manner But you 'l say These Scriptures speak rather of the Application of Christ's Death than the Impetration and though the Impetration be equally for all yet the Application is proper to Believers only I answer that if those Phrases of dying for the elect or children of God giving himself for a church or peculiar People laying down his life for his sheep purchasing the Church with his blood and sanctifying himself for the given ones do not import Impetration I know not what can import it You will reply that these Expressions import not Impetration as it is barely and nakedly in it self but as it hath Application following upon it and this is the Emphasis of them But if these Expressions import Impetration with Application following upon it whether doth that Application follow upon Impetration as a fruit thereof or not if so then Christ merited that Application for the Elect and consequently died in a special manner for them if not then there is no Emphasis of special Love Grace in all those expressions of his dying giving himself sanctifying himself and laying down his life for them for there was no Merit in all this to procure the Application of his Death unto them But let us further enquire what these Elect Children Church peculiar People Sheep given ones and redeemed ones from among men were before or without the Purchase made by Christ were these Elect called and justified without Christ or not If so why did he die for them If not then he died for them that they might be so called and justified Were these children meritoriously begotten by Christ's Blood or not If so then that Blood did more for them than for others if not then they were not the Seed of Christ. Was that Church an actual Church before or without Christ's purchase or was it a Church in his Intention If an actual Church what need he purchase it If a Church in intention then the special design of his Death was to make it an actual Church Was that peculiar People such without the Merit of Christ's Death or not If so why did he give himself for it If not then he gave himself for it that it might be such Were those Sheep brought into Christs fold without his Death or not If so why did he lay down his life for them If not he laid it down to bring them thither Were those given Ones actually sanctified without the virtue of Christs Sacrifice or not If so then why did he sanctifie himself for them If not then he sanctified himself for them that they might be sanctified Were those redeemed from among men redeemed by Christ or not If so then he redeemed them in a special manner if not then they are the redeemed ones of their own Free-will But let the Texts themselves breath forth their own native strains of Love and Grace he so died for the Elect as to effectually call and actually justifie them Rom. 8. 30 33. he so died for his Children as to gather them together into one one Faith on Earth and one fruition in Heaven Joh. 11. 52. he so gave himself for the Church as to make it a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle Eph. 5. 25 27. he so gave himself for his People as to make them his peculiar ones Tit. 2. 14. he so laid down his life for his Sheep as to bring them into his fold and make them hear his voice Joh. 10. 15 16. he so sanctified himself for the given ones as to sanctifie them through the truth Joh. 17. 19. he so redeemed his chosen Ones from among men as to make them first fruits to God and the Lamb Rev. 14. 4. In all these special Scriptures it evidently appears that Christ in his Death had a special respect to his Elect. Wherefore I will shut up all with that of an Ancient Etsi Christus pro omnibus mortuus est pro nobis tamen specialiter passus est quia pro Ecclesia passus est CHAP. IX Of the Work of Conversion HAving passed over Redemption I come to Conversion there we had Christ formed in the Womb here we have him formed in the Heart there we had Christ coming in the Flesh and working miracles on mens Bodies here we have him coming in the Spirit and working miracles in mens Souls there we had Christ
payment from another wherefore Christ's Blood and Righteousness are meritorious as for us not merely by their intrinsecal dignity but by the divine acceptation God receiving them as on our behalf Whence it clearly appears that the divine Will doth guide the Merit of Christ in all its procurements and how then doth the Merit of Christ guide the divine Will in its eternal Election Can it guide its Guide Can it go before its Leader Surely that divine Will which goes before those meritorious procurements by its Acceptation doth not follow after them in its eternal Decrees 5. The Father is the first Person in the sacred Trinity and works from himself the Son is the second and works from the Father Thus he tells us that he can do nothing of himself but what he seeth the Father do Joh. 5. 19. And in his Prayer to his Father he saith Thine they were and thou gavest them me Joh. 17. 6. Thine they were by Election and thou gavest them me as the peculiar purchase of my Passion But now if Christ by his Merits do found the very Decree of Election is not the Order of working in the sacred Trinity inverted Is not the Son the first Origine of our Salvation Doth not the Father even in his Eternal Election work from the Son Might not the Scripture rather have said that the Elect were given by the Son to the Father than by the Father to the Son Wherefore to me it seems most congruous to say That the Fathers Love laid the first plot of our Salvation and then the Sons Blood purchased Grace and Glory for us I shall shut up all with an Answer to an Objection This Thesis that Christ did not merit the Decree of Election seems to abase Christ as if he were a mere medium for the executing of Election nay to nullifie his Merits for it supposes that God doth amare peccatores ad salutem etiam extra Christum that God doth destinate eternal Life to them even without a Mediator and then what necessity is there at all of Christ's Merits I answer Far be it from every Christian to abase and nullifie the Merits of Christ but as I take it the Thesis aforesaid doth neither of these Not abase Christ as a mere medium under the Decree of Election for though he merited not the Decree of Election yet must his praise be ever glorious and his Name above every name in that he is both the glorious Head of the Elect and the meritorious Fountain of all the blessings and good things of Election In Eternity the Elect are predestinated to be conformed to his Image as the first-born of all and in time they are called justified sanctified and glorified in and through him as the purchaser of all Neither doth he vilifie Christ who calls him the grand Medium for the executing of Election the Apostle cries up Christ by those glorious Titles The head of the Church the beginning the first-born from the dead one who hath the primacy or preeminence in all things Col. 1. 18. yet immediatly after puts all under the Father's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ver. 19. His Decree or good pleasure did preordain and direct all Neither doth this Thesis nullifie the Merits of Christ for these consist not in procuring the Decree of Election but in procuring Grace and Glory and these he procured though not the Decree it self Neither doth it at all follow that if Christ merited not the very Decree then God doth amare peccatores ad salutem extra Christum or destinate Eternal life to them without a Mediator For seeing Christ is predestinated to be the Head of the Elect and Fountain of all Grace and Glory unto them and the Elect are predestinated to be the Body of Christ and to receive all Grace and Glory in and through him and both these Predestinations are simultaneous in the heart of God and framed together in the same instant of Eternity There is not nor cannot be any colour at all to say that God doth love sinners extra Christum or destinate Eternal life to them without a Mediator When God in free Election resolves with himself such individual persons shall by an effectual Call be united to Christ as members of his Body and being such shall be washed in his blood filled with his Spirit and at last crowned with his everlasting Salvation when he resolves every grain shall come through Joseph's hands every particle of Grace every income of the holy Spirit every glimpse of Divine Favour every beam of glory in Heaven shall pass through Jesus Christ's hands nay through his very Heart-blood and crucified Flesh unto the Elect Doth he now love them extra Christum Doth he yet destinate them to Eternal life without a Mediator Undoubtedly he doth not If therefore you ask me what necessity there is of Christs merits I must answer That all Grace and Glory Sanctity and Salvation Faith and Fruition are thereby purchased and procured for the Elect. The pure fountain of Election rises of it self in the Will of God but the gracious streams thereof issue forth through the bleeding Wounds of Christ. CHAP. V. Of Gods Decree of Reprobation as touching Men. HAving treated of the Decree of Election as respective of men I proceed to the Decree of Reprobation as it relates to them In the Old Testament we find 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is opposite to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Septuagint rendred by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and importing as much as reprobare to reprobate or reject In the New Testament we have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 importing a rejectaneous or disallowed person and rather pointing out man's State than God's Act. But to pass over the word Reprobation is that Eternal Decree of God whereby he purposes in himself not to give Grace and Glory to some individual persons lying in the Mass of Humane Corruption but to leave them to final sin and for the same to punish them with Eternal Damnation In this Decree the Divine Will hath as I may so say a Triple Act For 1. It purposes not to give Grace and Glory to some persons and this is called among Divines Preterition or Non-election and is of all other the most proper act of Reprobation as it stands in opposition to Election Hence Reprobates are called the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rest or residue in opposition to the Elect Rom. 11. 7. the nunquam noti or never known Matth. 7. 23. in opposition to the foreknown and the not written in the book of life Revel 13. 8. in opposition to the written ones whose names are enrolled in Heaven 2. It purposes to leave them to final sin I say final sin for God permits sin even in the Elect but final sin only in the Reprobate Thus God suffered the Nations to walk in their own ways Acts 14. 16. and thereby gave them pereundi licentiam Thus he hardneth whom he will Rom. 9. 18. and hardening in
Creature can preserve it self and this is clear 1. From the Creatures Station even the highest Seraphin stands juxta non esse at the brink of Nullity his Being is between two Nothings Nothing negative and Nothing privative and as his passage from Nothing into Being could not be without an infinite Power creating so his natural fall from Being into Nothing would certainly be without an infinite Power conserving Creatur a habet redire ad non esse à se if God should but say to the highest Angel Tolle quod tuum est abi he must immediately away into Nullity All Creatures by their natural vanity press downwards towards nothing as their own Centre and none but the Almighty shoulders can bear them up in Being 2. From God's Royal Prerogative which the Scripture most emphatically decyphers out as it were in Figures of Glory He only hath immortality 1 Tim. 6. 16. as if there were none at all in Angels and Rational Spirits Nay there is None besides him 1 Sam. 2. 2. as if there were no Being at all in the Creature And the reason of these expressions is this God hath Being and Immortality originally from himself but the Creature hath them but derivatively and in a dependence upon him wherefore in comparison of his Being Creatures are but nullities and in comparison of his Immortality Angels are but smoak But now if a Creature could preserve it self in Being and so immortalize it self it would become a Self-subsistence and consequently a God unto it self 2. That no Creature can preserve another I mean as a principal Agent and this is evident for 1. If one Creature might so preserve another it should be a God to it yet so weak as not to preserve it self But if it could preserve another it must be by some transfusion of virtue into it and that but finite for more a Creature cannot give and then if God transfuse as much virtue into the Creature conserved as the Creature conservant did the Creature conserved might subsist of it self and be a God to it self 2. The nature of Conservation evinces this What is it but an Influx of Being Now suppose all the Angels in Heaven would try to guard the poorest Worm in the Earth and that but for one moment only what could they do towards an Influx of Being being only streams from God as light from the Sun If the Sun be gone who can keep light in the Air If Jehovah withdraw who can keep Being in the Creature All the Creatures are as I may so say sensible of this dependance and look up to God for their preservation Psal. 104. 27. which leads me to the next thing 3. That the preservation of all is from God as of him so through him are all thing Rom. 11. 36. and this appears 1. By a survey of all the Creatures Angels are under God the strongest of Spirits but cannot subsist one moment without him he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 1. 7. he is making the Angels even to this day by a daily Conservation their Immortality is a continual Spiration from the Father of Spirits The Heavens are the strongest of Bodies yet cannot stand alone God is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 building his stories in the Heavens Amos 9. 6. he is still a building of them or else all those glorious Arches would totter down If he be but angry the Pillars of Heaven tremble and are agast Job 26. 11. If he withdraw his hand all the heavenly Volumes pass away as a Scroll and out go the fair Letters of Sun Moon and Stars in the twinkling of an Eye The Earth is the Centre of the World and as to Sense it hangs upon nothing as if it were only poised by its own gravity but this created Centre is bore up by the infinite Centre of all Being and as to Faith and Reason hangs upon him The pillars of it are the Lord's 1 Sam. 2. 8. he by his strength setteth fast the mountains Psal. 65. 6. or else they would be wavering towards nullity The Sea is a vast spreading Element but lest it should be contracted into nothing it is held in the hollow of his hand Isai. 40. 12. and that imports no less than a preservative comprehension All the numberless Birds in the Air Beasts in the Earth and Fishes in the Sea wait on him for their preservation the sending forth of his Spirit is their Being the opening of his hand their Provision and the shadow of his wings their Protection not a Sparrow forgotten before him not a poor Fly without an infinite Preserver Man who is the Epitome of all the rest cannot but own him O how soon would the earthen Pitcher break if he did not keep it how soon would the Lamp of the Soul go out if he did not light it even every moment Hence God is stiled the preserver of men Job 7. 20. a most universal preserver even from the utmost hairs which are numbred by him Matth. 10. 30. unto the inmost spirit which is preserved by his visitation Job 10. 12. Thus running through the whole Catalogue of Creatures we must conclude with St. Austin Deus est per omnia diffusus non ut qualitas mundi sed ut substantia cratrix sine labore regens sine onere continens omnia 2. By the very nature of Preservation what is it but continuata Creatio God is still a making the Angels and building the Heavens my Father worketh hitherto saith Christ Joh. 5. 17. He doth per intimam operationem continuò facere Creatura saith a famous School-man quamdiu est creatura Deo quia pro quolibet instanti habet esse à Deo Preservation is but the eeking out of Creation and therefore can be from no other but God alone Omnia in illo subsistunt à quo creata sunt But to pass on 4. The preservation of all is from God according to his Decree and this is evinced by these Reasons 1. Either God preserves Creatures naturally or freely not naturally for then he should preserve them perpetually and so every Fly must run parallel in Eternity with an Angel nor naturally for then he should preserve them uniformly and so every mortal body would subsist without food as well as the immaterial Spirits therefore he preserves them freely There be various ways of Preservation viz. Preservation of Creatures as to their Being and as to their adjuncts of order beauty goodness and truth Preservation of them as to their individuals and as to their kinds Preservation of individuals by means and without means preservation of them in perpetuum and for certain periods of time Now all this variety of Preservations doth evidently display the glorious liberty of the divine Will in the dispensing thereof Angels are preserved in their individual Beings and that in perpetuum and that without means but the Nodus perpetuitatis is the divine pleasure or else their Immortality would dissolve in a moment Men Beasts and
Sam. 2. 3. seeing the thoughts afar off even from the high Arch of Eternity He hath Treasures of Wisdom such as cannot be told over Sapientiae ejus non est numerus Psal. 147. 6. and who should rule but the only wise If we cast our eyes on the millions of Creatures Angels above and Men below Stars in Heaven and living Creatures in Earth and Sea and all these pouring forth millions of Acts and falling under millions of Events that from the morning to the evening of the World surely nothing less than an infinite Understanding can comprehend all these and reach à fine usque ad finem Wisd. 8. 1. If we ponder the beautiful Timings harmonious Orders and sweet Compaginations of things The heavens hear the earth the earth hears the corn and the wine and the oil and these hear man Hos. 2. 21. Surely it must be an all-wise Artist who made these golden Chains and stands at the uppermost link ordering all I will hear the heavens saith he or else all the Creatures would turn a deaf ear to one another He guides every Wheel in Nature and when there is a wheel within a wheel never so much intricacy and crossness of motion yet the wheels are full of eyes Ezek. 1. 18. directing them to their journeys end and those Eyes are always open to perpetuate that direction St. Austin derides the Gods in the Roman Capitol Dii dormiebant Anseres vigilabant but divine Providence is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Eye that never slumbers nor sleeps his waky Wisdom claims an universal Government over all But that which makes up his Imperial Crown is 5. His perfect Unity His sovereign Authority glorious Omnipresence almighty Power and infinite Wisdom are his Crown-jewels but that which completes and makes up all these into a Crown is his Unity he is Unus nay Unicus nay Unissimus his Singularity cannot bear a Compeer nor his Simplicity a Compound if there were either of these what would become of the Government of the World Suppose a Compeer then one Omnipresent might resist the other one Almighty counterwork the other and one All-wise counterplot the other Suppose a Compound then his Power might go one way his Wisdom another and his Presence might withdraw from both But now he being one God one in Singularity so that there is none else and one in Simplicity so that his Presence Power and Wisdom are but one Essence in him he and only he is worthy to govern all Omnis multitudo revocanda est ad unitatem and perfect Unity is no where to be found but in him alone Thus much for the first point but to go on 2. God rules all according to his Decree he works all things according to the counsel of his own will Eph. 1. 11. he doth whatsoever he pleaseth in Heaven and in earth Psal. 135. 6. That which escapes the pleasure of his Will must first fly out of the Sphere of Nature Now this I evince by these Reasons 1. All those rare Jewels of his Imperial Crown cemented in his perfect Unity do shew forth their lustre according to his Will because his Will put forth a World out of nothing therefore doth his sovereign Authority give Laws to it and his glorious Omnipresence fill and cherish it his infinite Wisdom ministers to the making of his gubernative Decree and his Almighty Power ministers to the executing of it There are infinite Orders and Congruities lying in Wisdom's breast but his Will chuses out of them all what it pleaseth and so makes up its decree there are infinite possibles within Powers Arms but his Power only exerts it self according to his Decree Wherefore it is plain that God governs all according to his Decree 2. The various ways of Government set forth the freedom of the Governour all things are not ruled in the same way Matter is ruled by Forms Bodies by Spirits inferiour Bodies by celestial the visible World by invisible Angels Angels and Spirits immediately by God himself Neither do the same things always keep the same track in Joshua's time the glorious Sun did make a stand in Daniel's time the Fire did not burn in Elisha's time the Iron swam as if it had forgot its Centre in Moses's time the floating Sea stood up as a Rock and the flinty Rock flowed as a Sea In Christ's time oh what excesses of Nature what actings by Prerogative what Epiphanies of Divine glory How many wonderful ways did the divine Will triumph over the Order of Nature evidently demonstrating that the supreme Order of all was in it self alone If the God of Nature did govern naturally all the Wheels would move one way and in one road wherefore the variety of Motions doth display the liberty of the first Mover or Governour 3. The Government of all things is no other than the efficacious Direction of them by congruous Means to their supreme End and that is done by the divine Will alone the End of all is the manifestation of his Glory and this his Will freely embraceth I say freely for the All-sufficient God was under no necessity to manifest himself the congruous Means are all of his own choice and that out of the infinite Mass of Wisdom in himself and the efficacious Direction of all by those Means to that End is according to his Decree God had designed preferment to Joseph but first he lay bleeding under the murderous intentions of his Brethren then he was sold as a slave to the Ishmaelites afterwards he was wretchedly accused by his Mistress rashly imprisoned by his Master and ungratefully forgotten by the chief Butler and yet after all these windings and turnings of Providence this is the worshipful Sheaf the Ruler over Egypt and the wise preserver of Jacob and all his posterity in the famine There are millions of Creatures which know not what an End means but a divine Intelligence conducts them thither millions of Events casual as to us but the divine Will hath fixed them millions of Acts free as to us but the divine Liberty is above them millions of Confusions dark as to us but the divine Decree orders them In all God is Alpha and Omega the first Mover and the last End the wise Contriver and sure Moderator of every thing for his own Glory according to the Counsel of his own Will O thou divine Will the tender Nurse and sweet Disposer of all thou bearest up the Pillars and turnest about the Wheels of the Universe the Guide of every Creature to its journeys end is thy wise Ordination and the safe conduct of it thither is thy gracious Preservation The swiftest Angel cannot fly out of thy Dominions and the poorest Worm hath a safe abode within them Thou hast an Eye in every Wheel an Order in every Ataxy and a Line in every Confusion without thee all Beings would moulder into Nothing congruous Means prove vain abortions and Natures Harmonies jangle into sad confusions Without thee the Breath
it with the Person of the Son so that it never was any where but there all other Creations stand under the Roof of Providence and Preservation but here the Humane Nature is an Inmate in the very same Person with the Divine all other Creatures have their proper sutable seats and Ubi's in the Sphere of Nature but here 's the Sackcloth of an Humane Body cast upon and the Rush-candle of a Reasonable soul lighted up in the Sun it self The glorious Son of God espoused Flesh and Blood and the Bride-chamber where the knot was tied was the Virgins Womb there was he made of a Woman consubstantial with us as to his Humanity who was consubstantial with the Father as to his Divinity O how great is this Mystery God manifest in the flesh O Domine quàm admirabile nomen tuum non modò mundi hujus staturam admiror non stabilitatem Terrae non Lunae defectum incrementum non Solem semper integrum laborem ejus perpetuum Miror Deum in utero Virginis miror Omnipotentem in cunabulis miror quomodo Verbo Dei caro adhaeserit quomodo incorporeus Deus corporis nostri tegumentum induerit in caeteris aliquae satisfaciant rationes hîc solus me complectitur stupor God never came so near to us as in this wonderful Conjunction In the Creatures we see God above us in the Law we see God against us but here we see Immanuel God with us he is one with us by a natural Conjunction but that 's not all for being in our Nature he became one with us 2. Conjunctione Legali he was our Sponsor or Surety and so in Law one person with us his Stile is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Surety of the covenant Heb. 7. 22. and the Covenant being mutual on both parts from God to Man and from Man to God he is in both respects a Surety of it a Surety on God's part that his Promises should be performed to us and a Surety on our parts that our Debts should be paid to God We were double Debtors to God as Rational Creatures we owed perfect Obedience and as Sinful Creatures we owed eternal Sufferings the first is a debt to God's Holiness and the second to his Justice Now Jesus Christ was our Surety for both a Surety to fulfil all Righteousness for us and the Fidejussorial Bond which he gave for this was his Circumcision for he had no sinful flesh to be cut off but would become a debtor to the whole Law for us and in Circumcision he signed security for it with his own Blood and also a Surety to take our Sins on him Hence the Righteous God who cannot but judge according to truth charged our iniquities upon him Isai. 53. 6. and he as our Surety accepted the charge and those words my sins are not hid from thee Psal. 69. 5. are as St. Jorom thinks spoken ex personâ Christi for he was though not commissor yet susceptor delictorum our Flesh and Blood was taken into his Divine Person and our Sins which could by no means enter in there were yet cast upon him and being cast upon him God exacted satisfaction of him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it was exacted and he answered Isai. 53. 7. Satisfaction was exacted from him as our Surety and he answered for us and what was his Answer Why I 'le lay down my Life I 'le pour out my Soul saith he let all the Wrath due to those Sins be squeezed into one Cup and I 'le drink it up to the bottom let the Fire of God's Anger drop down from Heaven and I 'le be the Paschal Lamb roasted in it Thus Jesus Christ was a Surety nay 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the noblest of Sureties putting his Soul in our Souls stead to bear our Sins and God's Wrath and for this very purpose was he one with us in Nature that he might be one with us in Law too But neither is this all for both these Conjunctions are crowned with a third and so he is one with us 3. Conjunctione Mysticâ Christ is the Head and the Church is the Body and both together make up one mystical Christ 1 Cor. 12. 12. the Head in Heaven and the Body on Earth and the spiritual Continuity between both is one and the same holy Spirit which is on the Head without measure and on the Members according to measure If the Jew ask us where is Christ we can truly answer He is at the right hand of God in Heaven and on Earth loc here is Christ and there is Christ living and breathing in his Saints every Saint is a piece of him and all together are his fulness Eph. 1. 23. so that he doth not count himself complete without them This Conjunction is so near and full of spiritual Sense that a poor Member cannot suffer on Earth but instantly the Head in Heaven cries out of Persecution Acts 9. 4. and even the suffering Member reckons himself sitting in Heaven as long as his Head is there Eph. 2. 6. Thus our Redeemer comes very near unto us in a threefold Conjunction and in each Conjunction there is a rare Condescention In the first he came down into our Natures by a stupendious Incarnation in the second he came down into our Hell by a Fidejussorial Passion in the third he comes down into our Hearts by the Spirits Inhabitation the first opens a way to the second the second is the purchase of the third and the third as in design was a Motive to and as in existence is a Crown upon the Work of Redemption 4. Having considered the Redeemer I pass on to the Price and here I shall reduce all to three Questions 1. What this Price is 2. What manner of Price it is 3. For whom it was paid 1. What this Price is and this is the Humane Nature of Christ as subjected to the Law When the Son of God came forth to redeem us he was made of a woman made under the Law to redeem us that were under the Law Gal. 4. 4 5. Made of a Woman there 's his humane Nature made under the Law there 's his subjection to the Law and the End of all is our Redemption Christ through the eternal Spirit offered up himself to God Heb. 9. 14. and that in a way fully answering the demands of the Law The Law demanded of the Captives two things perfect Obedience from them as rational Creatures and penal Suffering from them as sinful Creatures and Christ gave up his Humane Nature a price both ways in doing and in suffering he gave himself that is his humane Nature for us an offering and a sacrifice Eph. 5. 2. an Offering in his Active Obedience and a Sacrifice in his Passive and both these together were the entire Price of our Redemption 1. Christ gave up himself in his Active Obedience That holy thing his humane Nature as soon as it came out into the World fell a breathing forth
Surety and the promised Life made good to us Sinners But you 'l object further If the Law be thus interpreted in an equitable way viz. to be done by a Surety then it is not so much as a Rule of life to us for that issues out of the first interpretation viz. the doing of it in our own persons I answer that still the Law is a Rule of life to us and the reason is because God doth not wave the rigorous and take the equitable interpretation totally and absolutely but in order to Redemption and so far only as Redemption requires it Now what doth that require It requires that the Obedience of a Surety should be admitted for the impletion of the Law and therefore thus far the rigorous interpretation is waved and the equitable takes place But it requires not that the redeemed ones should be exempted from the Law as a Rule and therefore the equitable interpretation doth not go thus far and so far as that goes not the rigorous one takes place because pro tanto it is consistent with Redemption Hence it comes to pass that Christ as our Surety fulfilled the Law for us and yet still the Law is a Rule of life to us Christ is the end of the Law to the believer and yet the Believer is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 under the Law to Christ 1 Cor. 9. 21. Thus this Price is redemptive from Evil and procurative of Good but the Crown of all is yet behind 3. It is a Price sufficient for both the former There is a double Sufficiency Sufficientia nuda and Sufficientia ordinata the first consists in the intrinsecal value of the thing the thing in value transcending or at least equalizing the thing to be redeemed the second consists in the Will of the Payer and Receiver the one intentionally paying and the other intentionally accepting that thing as a Price of Redemption the first is that radical Sufficiency whereby the thing may possibly become a Price the second is that formal Sufficiency whereby the thing doth actually become a Price Let the thing be in it self of never so vast a value the former without the latter doth not constitute it a Price Now the glorious price of our Redemption hath both these Sufficiencies in it 1. It hath Sufficientiam nudam the Active and Passive Obedience of Christ have intrinsecal value enough to equalize nay infinitely superexcede all our Debts and over and besides to purchase three Worlds for us and the reason is because his Deity poured out a kind of Infinity into his Doings and Sufferings The Righteousness which he fulfilled was the righteousness of God Rom. 1. 17. the Blood which he shed was the blood of God Rom. 20. 28. the Life which he laid down was the life of God 1 Joh. 3. 16. And what nakedness cannot the Righteousness of God cover What debts cannot the Blood of God pay for And what Worlds cannot the Life of God purchase Remember O poor trembling Soul remember he that was pierced for thee was Jehovah he that was smitten for thee was the man God's fellow and he that obeyed for thee was in the form of God O what manner of Actions and Passions were those wherein the Law-giver stood under his own Law and the Creator suffered in his own World How was his Obedience elevated into Infinity and transfigured into glory by his Godhead What a Mass of sweet-smelling Merits must that be into which the Deity it self transfused Riches and Odours This may be one reason why Christ is stiled the heir of all things Heb. 1. 2. though he be the Purchaser of all yet he is Heir of all because he received his divine Nature from his Father and that divine Nature stamped an infinite value upon the Purchase-money which bought all May I shadow it out by an imperfect Similitude A Son receives vast sums from his Father and with them purchases an estate in Lands to himself that Son is the Purchaser of those Lands in respect of his own payment of the Money and yet in a sence he is Heir to them in respect of his receipt of the Money from his Father So the Eternal Son of God is the Purchaser of all for he paid down his own Blood and Righteousness as the Price and yet he is Heir of all for that Price had its value from the divine Nature and that divine Nature was received from his Father in the Eternal Generation There is no doubt then as long as Christ is God but that his Obedience hath value enough in it self 2. It hath Sufficientiam ordinatam and this appears 1. By the Will of Christ who paid down the Price 2. By the Will of God who received it both their Wills concentre in the work of Redemption and the counsel of peace is between them both Zach. 6. 13. 1. It appears by the Will of Christ when he paid down his Obedience what was his meaning Surely not a tittle of his Obedience was irrationally done nor a drop of his Blood irrationally shed what then was his meaning in it Was it not to dissolve the Chains of Sin open the Prison of Wrath and spoil and triumph over the bloody Jaylor Satan Was it not to procure the standing of the Body of Nature the shedding down of the Spirit of Grace and the opening a door to Heaven and eternal Life These were the things on which the divine and humane Will of Christ were both set his divine Will was set upon them for before the foundations of the World even in his joyous Eternity with his Father his delights were with the sons of men Prov. 8. 31. and when the World was up he appeared to Abraham in a humane shape and to Moses to usher in a temporal Redemption the first as a praeludium to his Incarnation and the latter as a praeludium to our Redemption and both as a demonstration that the work of Salvation was in his Heart And afterwards in the days of his flesh his humane Will never parted from his divine but in a rape of Love always run upon Redemption this he sought for in a long circuit of Obedience and sought with a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 till it was finished this he sought for in his bloody Agony and when his humane Will as Nature shrunk back from the Cup of Wrath yet the same Will as Reason kissed and drunk it off to the bottom in order to Redemption this he ardently pursued after through Cross-tortures and Soul-travels and rather than fail of it he would for a time be forsaken even of God himself and when he cried out I thirst his greatest thirst of all was after this and could never be quenched till he came to a consummatum est Thus stood the mind of Christ in the business 2. It appears by the Will of God and that in two things 1. God decreed this Price to be paid for the ends aforesaid 2. God accepted it being paid for the
are renewed with the renewings of the holy Ghost but that is shed on them through Jesus Christ they have the Law written in their hearts but that is the Epistle of Christ their filthy flesh is cut off from their hearts that they may love God who is a pure Spirit but this is the circumcision of Christ Col. 2. 11. In a word all the saving Graces of the Elect are as so many Legacies of the New-testament and the New-testament is founded in his Blood Wherefore it is clear from the Covenant of Grace and its special respect to the Elect that Christ died in a special and peculiar manner for them 3. I argue from the Issue of Christ Christ was to have a Seed and this I shall demonstrate three ways 1. From the Preciousness of his Blood 2. From the Purpose of his Father 3. From the Promise of his Father 1. From the Preciousness of his Blood That there should be a Laver made of God's Blood and never a Sinner washed in it that such a vast sum of precious Merits should be paid down and never a Captive released by it is to me no less than prodigious Blasphemy every little Grain in Nature doth confute it if that do but fall into the ground and die it bringeth forth much fruit and shall the Son of God bleed and die in his assumed Flesh and be fruitless God in his waky Providence gives to every little Seed his own body and shall the peerless Flower of Heaven sow his Blood and Righteousness and have none at all A Cup of cold water given in Charity shall in no wise lose its reward and can it be so with the Blood of Christ poured out in a transcendent excess of Love and glorified into an infinite Merit by his Deity When Christ fed the multitude but with Barley-loaves small Fishes nothing was lost and can all be lost when he makes a Feast of spiritual Marrow and Fatness and gives his Flesh to be meat indeed and his Blood to be drink indeed Oh! far be the thought from every Christian 2. From the Father's purpose which as the Scriptures hold forth clearly was that his Son should be a King a Captain a Shepherd an Husband an Head and a Father And what is a King without Subjects a Captain without Souldiers a Shepherd without a Flook an Husband without a Spouse an Head without a Body and a Father without Posterity Empty Names are below him whose name is above every name Wherefore this King must have a Sion a mountain of holiness to reign in Psal. 2. 6. this Captain a Militia an army with banners to fight under him Cant. 6. 4. this Shepherd a flock to hear his voice and follow him Joh. 10. 4. this Husband a spouse a Queen in Gold of Ophir maried to him Psal. 45. 9. this Head a body to be animated with his Spirit and filled with his life Col. 1. 18. and this Father a numerous issue begotten and brought forth into the spiritual World to honour and serve him Heb. 2. 13. 3. From the Father's Promise which was in terminis That he should have a seed Isai. 53. 10. a Seed begotten by his Spirit and by that Generation bearing his Image and in that Image serving of him and to make it sure God engages by special Promises to take away the stony Heart to write the Law there to put his holy Spirit into them and so infallibly to raise up a seed to him and for the continuance of this Seed successively 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 filiabitur nomen ejus his name shall be sonned or childed from generation to generation Psal. 72. 17. The special Promises shall be ever budding and blossoming and bringing forth the fruits of Grace thus Christ shall see of the travel of his soul and be satisfied Isai. 53. 11. and as a sign of this Satisfaction he breaks out Behold I and the Children which God hath given me Heb. 2. 13. Should he miss but one of his Seed or Children his Heart would not rest or be satisfied for they are in a peculiar manner the travel of his Soul But now if Christ died alike or equally for all what becomes of his precious Blood How can the Purpose and Promise of God stand Which way shall Christ have a Seed Shall his Seed be begotten out of Man's Will No such Generation ever was there Joh. 1. 13. 'T is not of him that willeth Rom. 9. 16. Nothing less than the holy Spirit which formed Christ in the Womb can form him in the Heart but shall they be begotten by the holy Spirit That Spirit doth nothing in the work of Regeneration but what Christ merited in his Passion every new Creature which is efficiently begotten by the Spirit was first meritoriously begotten by the Death of Christ or else it would not be the Seed of Christ at least not the travel of his Soul Now Christ did not travel or merit for all men that they should be begotten again by the holy Ghost for then either all would be so begotten which Experience denies or else the Merit and Travel of Christ must be lost which the preciousness thereof abhorrs And if Christ did not merit it for all then neither did he if he died alike for all merit it for any and how then shall he have a Seed His Seed must be begotten by the Spirit and the Spirit begets no new Creatures but what Christ merited and Christ dying equally for all did not merit such a thing for any because not for all Moreover when God promised Christ a Seed either the meaning of that Promise was that some men should become his Seed or that all should be so if that some then Christ died not equally for all if that all then all must be begotten by the Spirit and renewed after Christ's Image the Stone must be cut out of every heart and the Law written there for in these things is the very spirit and life of Regeneration But seeing these things are not wrought in all it appears that the promised Seed is not all but some for whom Christ merited the very work of Regeneration 4. I argue from the Working of the holy Spirit As the holy Spirit eternally procedes from the Father and the Son in his personal Subsistence so he goes forth in time from the Father and the Son in his working in Men. Hence he is called the Spirit of the Father and the Spirit of the Son the Father sends him and the Son sends him and as the holy Spirit works in Men from the Father and the Son so he works in them more or less as the Love of the Father and the Merits of the Son do more or less respect them The Father doth in some sort love and the Son did in some sort die for all men Hence the holy Spirit hath some workings in the Non-elect Within the Church many of them taste the Powers of the World to come nay in the Pagan-world
the holy Spirit drops some moral Vertues and Beams of light from whence have issued many excellent Sayings some of which the holy Spirit hath so far owned as to quote them in his own Book But the Father doth in a special manner love and the Son did in a special manner die for the Elect. Hence proportionably the holy Spirit works in them after more glorious strains of Power and Grace as a Spirit of Grace and Supplication he melts them into Repentance as a Spirit of Faith he makes them catch hold upon Christ for Righteousness and Life as a Spirit of Wisdom he unveils their hearts and makes the Light to shine out of Darkness as a Spirit of Liberty he unshackles and unbinds their Wills and makes them free indeed in the ways of God and as a Spirit of Truth and Holiness he leads them into Truth and by inward Law-engravings moulds and changes them into it Moreover the holy Spirit after such glorious workings on them comes and dwells in them and that intimately in the very secrets of their hearts 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I will indwel in them saith he 2 Cor. 6. 16. there are two in 's to denote an intimate inhabitation as if God could never be near enough to them As in Christ Personal who is the Head there is God in the flesh by an hypostatical Union so in Christ Mystical which is the Body there is God in the Flesh by a gracious Inhabitation and to shew that he is there he cries Abba Father in their Devotions he is a Spirit of Love in their charities a Spirit of Power in their infirmities a Spirit of Comfort in their distresses and a Spirit of Glory in their sufferings Seeing then the holy Spirit who works in men more or less according to the Fathers Love and Sons Merits works in such a special way in the Elect 't is as clear as if it were written with a Sun-beam that the Father loves them and the Son died for them in a special way Hence we find these three folded and wrapt up together by the Apostle Elect according to the foreknowledge of the Father through sanctification of the Spirit and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 1. 2. And again The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the communion of the holy Ghost be with you all 2 Cor. 13. 14 If the Father's Love and the Son's Blood had respected all men as much as the Elect doubtless the holy Spirit who in Subsistence procedes and in Operations works from them both would have converted all as well as the Elect why then are not all men actually converted Is it because the holy Spirit works not equally in all or because the holy Spirit is resisted in some Is it because the holy Spirit works not equally in all I answer That the Spirit is sent forth from the Father and the Son and works exactly according as it is sent the inward impulsive Cause of pouring out the Spirit is the Father's Love and the outward meritorious cause of it is the Son's Blood Wherefore if the Father equally love all and the Son equally died for all the Spirit works equally in all for there can be no breach in the sacred Trinity Or is it because the Spirit is resisted in some I answer Their resistance is a grand Obstacle to the work but if the Spirit did roll away the Stone and new-mould the Heart and work the Will in all as he doth in the Elect that Obstacle would at last be removed out of the way 5. I argue from the Blessings purchased Christ's Death is more or less respective of men as it is more or less procurative of Blessings for them Christ purchased a Salvability for all but over and besides he purchased many choice Blessings for the Elect he purchased Repentance for them for he is a prince and a saviour to give repentance to Israel Acts 5. 31. He purchased a room for Repentance even for all men but he purchased Repentance it self for his chosen Israel he purchased Faith for them Unto you it is given for Christs sake to believe in him Phil. 1. 29. For others he purchased a ground-work for Faith but for them he purchased the very Grace of Faith he purchased effectual Vocation for them others have a Call by the Gospel but these have a Call by the Gospel coming in power and in the holy Ghost and in much assurance he purchased Holiness and Sanctification for them Indeed there is no man living on the Earth but if he did really believe he should have the rivers of living water the Spirit of holiness flowing in his heart Joh. 7. 38. but the Elect were destined and chosen in Christ to be holy Eph. 1. 4. and Christ sanctified himself in a special manner for them that they might be sanctified 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in truth actually truly Joh. 17. 19. Lastly he purchased Heaven and Glory for them others may have Heaven upon believing but these shall certainly arrive at it these are the sheep to which Christ gives eternal life Joh. 10. 28. these are the sons which without fail shall be brought to Glory Heb. 2. 10. Now seeing Christ purchased so many Blessings for the Elect 't is evident he died for them in a special way 6. I argue from the Intercession of Christ. Christ intercedes for men more or less proportionably as he more or less respected them in his Death for his Death is the foundation of his Intercession the very same Blood of Christ which as shed on Earth made Satisfaction as presented in Heaven makes Intercession Now how far doth Christ intercede in Heaven What doth his Blood speak there For all men it speaks thus Father let them all be saved on Gospel-terms but for the Elect it speaks thus Father let them have Repentance this the Apostle hints out Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a prince a saviour to give repentance to Israel Acts 5. 31. Israels Repentance on Earth comes from Christ exalted in Heaven for there he intercedes for it by his Merits and from thence he works it by his Spirit Again it speaks for them thus Father let them be made a willing people this I gather from the 110. Psalm where we find Christ sitting at the right hand of God Ver. 1. and sitting there he intercedes for us and from this Session and Intercession comes forth a willing people Ver. 3. Here 's the true original of spiritual willingness the right Hand of God which is a right Hand of Power works it in our Hearts and works it at the instance of Christ who sits and intercedes there for it Again it speaks for them thus Father sanctifie them with thy Grace preserve them with thy Power and crown them with thy Glory in Heaven Thus Christ in his sweet Prayer a little before his bitter Passion interceded for them for their Sanctification Sanctifie them
pouring forth his Blood and reconciling us to God's Justice here we have him pouring forth his Spirit and reconciling us to God's Holiness Now in my discourse touching Conversion I shall reduce all to 3. Quaeries 1. What is Mans state before Conversion 2. What is the Nature of the Work 3. Who is the Worker thereof In the first we shall meet with the extreme Necessity of the work in the second with the intrinsecal Excellency thereof and in the third with the Power and Grace of the great Agent 1. What is Man's State before Conversion I mean Man fallen for Man standing needed no Conversion and this I shall consider two ways 1. What it is in general in relation to the whole Man 2. What it is in particular in relation to the several parts of Man 1. What it is in general and this I shall open in two things 1. 'T is a State of Estrangement from God 2. 'T is a State of Enmity against God 1. 'T is a State of Estrangement from God a natural Man is estranged from the womb Psal. 58. 3. without God in the world Eph. 2. 12. God is all round about him in the witnessing Creatures and yet he is without God in the World God is in him in the Lamp of Conscience yet he is without God in his Heart for there he saith There is no God Psal. 14. 1. Which way soever God comes forth to meet him whether from Mount Sinai in the fiery Law or from Mount Sion in Gospel-charms of free Grace still he flies away from God's presence and if God pursue after him he 'l say to God in plain Terms Depart from me Job 21. 14. and if any reliques of light will not depart but stay behind in his heart he shuts them up in the prison of unrighteousness Rom. 1. 18. His Ubi is with Cain in Nod the Land of wandring and demigration and with the Prodigal in a far Country where he is far off from God Psal. 73. 27. and God far off from him Prov. 15. 29. if ever he be saved he must be brought from far Isai. 43. 6. Now upon a distinct View this is a deplorable Condition for 1. A natural Man being estranged from God the Fountain of Life must needs be a dead Man dead in sins and trespasses Eph. 2. 1. because alienated from the Life of God he is not only as the man in the Gospel half dead Luk. 10. 30. who is there set forth not as a figure of Original Corruption but as an Object of Charity as is very evident by the scope of the Parable which is ushered in with that Question And who is my neighbour Ver. 29 and at last closed up with the like Which of the three was neighbour to him Ver. 36 but he is altogether dead in Spirituals there are no true vital Spirits of Faith in him no true motions of Obedience no pulse of heavenly Affections no breath of Spiritual Prayer no taste of the Gospel-wine and Marrow no feeling of all that massy Sin and Wrath which lies upon him all his Life is a Death-wandering all his rest is in the Congregation of the dead Prov. 21. 16. Give him all the Statures of natural Excellencies strew him over with the flowers of sweetest Morality and spangle him with the Notions of sublime Theology yet still he is but a dead man his Soul a dead Soul his Faith a dead Faith his Works dead works and his Hopes and Comfors but as the giving up of the Ghost But you 'l say Is not Man a living Creature Hath he not a Reason and reliques of Light in it Hath he not a free Will and Seeds of Moral Vertue in it And why then do you call him dead I answer Man is a living Creature alive in Naturals but dead in Spirituals he hath a Reason but because there is no light of life in it 't is but a dead Reason his reliques of Light argue no more Spiritual Life in him than knowledge doth in Devils he hath a free Will but for want of the freedom indeed 't is only free among the dead I mean to this or that carnal or natural Work and not to the Will of God he hath some Seeds of Moral Vertue in him but alas these are of too low an Extraction to be any Particles of spiritual Life Mere Moral Vertues are by God's blessing on humane Industry struck as sparks out of natural Principles but Spiritual Life is a Fire dropt down from Heaven into the Heart mere Moral Vertues descending but from natural Principles never ascend up to God as their end but Spiritual Life as it is originally born of God so it is ultimately terminated in him Wherefore a man may be naturally nay morally alive and yet be spiritually dead 2. A natural Man being estranged from God who is an infinite Spirit must needs be Flesh Thus God calls the Men of the old World flesh Gen. 6. 3. thus our Saviour sets out Regeneration by its opposite That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit Joh. 3. 6. As the Body separate from the Soul is Flesh such as moulders into Dust and putrifies into Worms so the Soul separate from God is Flesh too such as turns into the Dust of earthly things and rots in those Lusts which breed the never-dying Worm in Hell neither is this Flesh only in the lower Rooms of the Soul but in the upmost Faculties of Reason and Will In the Reason there is the cankred flesh of Errors and Heresies and in the Will there is the dead flesh of Impotency and the proud flesh of Obstinacy against the Will of God Hence the Apostle tells us of a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a mind of flesh Col. 2. 18. and of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wills of flesh Eph. 2. 3. And therefore the true Circumcision is in the heart and in the spirit Rom. 2. 29. even in the highest Faculties and Powers of the Soul 3. A natural Man being estranged from God who is the Beauty of Holiness must needs be very impure he is filthy or stinking Psal. 14. 3. an unclean thing Joh 14. 4. he lies polluted in his blood with a Leprosie in his head and a Plague in his heart clothed in filthy rags of Sin and rolling in the mire and vomit of Corruption so great is his filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness that he taints whatsoever he touches his very Prayers are an abomination and his Services as dung before God Neither is this pollution only in the sensitive Soul but also in the rational there is filthiness of spirit 2 Cor. 7. 1. and disilement in the very mind and conscience Tit. 1. 15. there is no sound part but all over wounds and bruises and putrifying sores 4. A natural Man being estranged from God who is Jehovah or Beingness must needs be a very Nullity in spirituals If a Creature be separate from the God of