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A49252 The naturall mans case stated, or, An exact map of the little world man considered in both his capacities, either in the state of nature or grace / as is laid down in XVII sermons by that late truely orthodox divine, Mr. Christopher Love ... ; whereunto is annexed The saints triumph over death, being his funeral sermon, by that painful labourer in the Lords vineyard, Mr. Tho. Manton ... Love, Christopher, 1618-1651.; Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. Saints triumph over death. 1652 (1652) Wing L3169; ESTC R35003 150,068 340

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will turn away his anger from thee and behold thee with a smiling countenance thou being in Christ and Christ in thee and God being well pleased with his Sonne must needs bee well pleased with thee too great is your benefit by having an interest in Christ I may say in this case what Elisha the Prophet said to King Jeroboam 2 King 3. 14. Verily sayes hee were it not that I regard the person of Jehosaphat King of Judah I would not looke toward thee nor see thee just so does God say to us were it not for my Sonne Jesus Christ you should never see my face nor have a good look from me 6. If thou hast a real interest in Christ then this is another part of thy comfort that God the Father doth as truly accept of thee in his Sonne as if thou hadst in thine own person done and suffered what Christ did this is a great benefit God accepts of what Christ hath done for us as if we had none it our selves as in Ephes 1. 6. Hee hath made us accepted in the beloved that is in Christ God lookes upon thee in Christ and accepts of all thy duties and performances as well as if thou hadst prayed as well as ever Christ prayed and done and suffered as much as ever Christ did 7. Art thou now in Christ well take this for thy comfort thou maist be confidently assured that thou shalt bee one day with Christ This is the last consolation and I shall give you a pregnant text to prove it though it be not so well understood in the common reading of it as it should bee Rom. 8. 10. sayes the Apostle if Christ be in you the body is dead because of sinne but the Spirit is life because of righteousnesse What is the meaning of this the body is dead because of sinne the meaning is not that the body does mortifie sin but the body is dead because of sin that is sin shall bring your bodies to the grave but your spirits shall live because of righteousnesse that is the righteousnesse of Jesus Christ through the righteousnesse of Christ your souls shall live for ever in glory with Christ though your bodies die and sin bring them to the grave yet the killing of your bodies shall but make way for the living of your spirits being in Christ here you shall for ever live with Christ in glory hereafter the death of your bodies shall but give you an entrance into Glory and therefore why should death be grievous to those that are in Christ Jesus for death is but as it were the marriage day wherein Christ and their soules shall bee united together if Christ bee in you your bodies shall die because of sin but your spirits shall live because of righteousnesse You have another pertinent place to prove this in Joh. 17. 23 24. sayes Christ there I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me and Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me Some conceive that this prayer of Christ was made onely for the Apostles that they might be where Christ was in heaven but if you marke the precedent words you shall find that it was for all Beleevers for saies Christ himself neither pray I for these alone but for all those that shall beleeve in my Name to the end of the world Great is your comfort in having an interest in Christ here you shall one day reign with him for ever in Glory Thus I have done with these seven consolations to those that have a real and well grounded interest in Christ I have onely now a word or two by way of Use to apply and set home what I have said concerning this particular Use Here you see what unspeakable comforts redound to you that have an interest in Christ you have all things though you have nothing Christ is yours and all that Christ hath is yours and all that you have is Christs Christ sweetens all afflictions and crosses to you and the having of Christ represents God the Father to you not with terrour and dread but with goodnesse and meeknesse and loving-kindnesse and mercy and long-suffering and through Christ God doth as freely accept of you and of what you doe as if it were done as well as ever Christ did it and being in Christ here you shall for ever live with Christ in glory hereafter Oh how should all these mercies and priviledges stir up all those that have yet no part in Christ never to give rest to their eyes nor slumber to their eye-lids till they have gotten an interest in him SERMON VI. EPHES. 2. 12. That at that time ye were without Christ LEst any of you that hear mee this day should lie under a spirit of delusion and think that all that I have said touching the happinesse of those that have an interest in Christ belongs to them when it doth not I shall therefore spend this houre in shewing you some characters whereby you may know whether you have a real interest in Christ or no this is the needfullest point that ever in my life I prest upon you and the Lord give you grace to lay these characters close to your own hearts and by them seriously to examine your own souls whether you have a reall interest in Christ or no but before I give you these characters give me leave by the way to premise these three or four Cautions or cautelary conclusions which will the better make way to the handling the point in hand Caution 1 1. Take this caution that men may be strongly conceited and opinionated that they have an interest in Christ when they have not I shall give you a plain text for this in 2 Cor. 10. 7. Doe you look on things after the outward appearance sayes the Apostle if any man trust to himself that hee is Christs let him of himself think this again that as he is Christs even so are we Christs This is a very notable place there were some among the Corinthians that were strongly conceited they did belong to Christ when they did not and had an ill opinion of the Apostles and thought they did not belong to Christ and to such as these the Apostle Paul here speaks men may be strongly conceited they have an interest in Christ when there is no such matter as it was with the Church of Laodioea in Rev. 3. 17. Thou sayest I am rich and increased in goods and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blinde and naked 2. Another cautelary conclusion I would have you take notice of is this that in laying down the characters of a man that hath an interest in Christ I do not
as you are chosen and sanctified in Christ Jesus it cannot hurt you I say again death may kill you but it cannot hurt you it hath no power over the better part like a Serpent it feedeth only upon your dust nay and for your bodies that which dyeth as a creature is sure to live as a member of Christ the Lord Jesus is our head in the grave your bodies have a principle of life within them beleevers are raised by the Spirit of holinesse the same Spirit that quickneth them now to the offices of grace shall raise their mortall bodies So Rom. 8. 11. He shall quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you The holy Ghost can never leave his old mansion and dwelling place how many grounds of comfort have we against the mortality of the body Christ is united to body and soul and he will not let his Mysticall body want one sinew or joynt in the account that he is to make to the Father he saith he is to lose nothing Joh. 6. 39. Mark he doth not say none but nothing Christ will not lose a leg or a piece of an ear Again God is in Covenant with body and soul when you go down to the chambers of death you may challenge him upon the Charter of his own Grace God is the God of Abrahams dust of a beleevers dust though it be mingled with the remains of wicked men yet Christ will sever it Mat. 22. 32. Christ proveth the resurrection of the body by that argument that God is the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob the ground of the argument is that God made his Covenant not only with the souls of the Patriarchs but with their whole persons Again Christ hath purchased body and soul so much is intimated in that place 1 Cor. 6. 20. Ye are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your bodies Christ had payed price enough to get a title to body and soul and therefore he will not lose one bit of his purchase the Lord will call the grave to an account Where is the body of my Abraham my Isaac my Jacob t is said Rev. 20. 13. The Sea gave up her dead and the Grave gave up her dead and Hell gave up her dead let me note that Hell is there taken for the state of the departed or else what 's the meaning of that passage that followeth afterward and death and hell were cast into the lake that burneth c. Well then all the dead shall be cast up as the Whale cast up Jonah so the grave shall cast up her dead the grave is but a chest wherein our bodies are kept safe till the day of Christ and the key of this chest is not in the Devils hands but Christs see Rev. 1. 18. I have the keys of Death and Hell when the body is laid up in the cold pit 't is laid up for another day God hath an especiall care of our dust and remains when our friends and neighbours have left is Christ leaveth it not but keepeth it till the great and glorious day 3. We are eased from the terrours and horrors of death death is terrible as t is a poenall and a naturall evill as I distinguished before 1 As it is naturall evill death in it selfe is the greatest of all evils 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 said an heathen which in Jobs language may be rendred The King of terrours Job 18. 14. We gush to see a Serpent much more the grim visage of death morall Philosophy could never finde out a remedy against it Heathens were either desperate rash stupid or else they dissembled their gripes and fears but Christ hath provided a remedy he hath delivered us not only from the hurt of death but the fear of death Heb. 2. 14. to deliver them from the fear of death that all their life time were subject to bondage by his spirit hee filleth the soul with the hopes of a better life nature may shrink when we see the pale horse of death approaching but we may rejoyce when we consider its errand 't is to carry us home as when old Jacob saw the chariots come from Egypt how did his heart leap within him because he should see his son Joseph Death however we figure it with the pencill of fancy is sent to carry us to heaven to transport us to Jesus Christ now who would bee afraid to be happy to be in the Armes of our beloved Jesus Let them fear death that know not a better life a Christian knoweth that when he dyeth he shall not perish but have everlasting life Joh. 3. 17. The world may thrust you out but you may see heaven alluring ready to receive you as Stephen saw heaven opened Act. 7. latter end there is an intellectuall vision or perswasion of Faith which is common to all the Saints though every one hath not such an extasie and sensible representation as Stephen had yet usually in the hours of their departure faith is mightily strengthned and acted so that they are exempted from all fear and sorrow 2. As 't is a poenall evill 't is sad when death is sent in justice and cloathed with wrath and cometh in the quality of a curse you know what was said before The sting of death is sin they dye indeed that dye in their sins death is a black and gloomy day to them they drop down like rotten fruit into the lake of fire now Christ hath taken away the sting the dolours and horrours of it he hath taken away death as he hath taken away sin he hath not cast it out but cast it down taken away the guilt and power of it though not the beeing of sin so the hurt the sting is gone though not death it self 't is like a serpent disarmed and unstinged we may put it into our bosomes without danger there are many accusations by which Satan is apt to perplex a dying soul these make death terrible and full of horrours But they overcome by the bloud of the Lamb Rev. 12. 11. and get the victory of these doubts and fears when sins are pardoned fears vanish Luther said Feri domine feri absolutus sum a peccatis meis strike Lord strike my sinnes are pardoned 4. 'T will be utterly abolished at the last day We scarce know now what Christs purchase meaneth till the day of judgement 't is said 1 Cor. 15. 26. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death t is weakened now but then it shall be abolished as to the elect Rev. 20. 14. And death and hell shall be cast into the lake of fire this is the second death the dominion of death is reserved for hell it must keep company with the damned whilest you rejoyce with God for the present t is continued out of dispensation it doth service to promote Gods glory but then the wicked must share death and hell amongst them and be kept under a
hast thou to do to meddle with my covenant of grace you can lay no claim to the Covenant till you have cast off the old man and subdued and overcome your sins and corruptions 2. Another concomitant of the covenant of grace that will accompany you is this you will be a people wholly devoted and given up to the service of God Jer. 31. I will be your God and you shall be my people the covenant of grace is called an holy covenant Luk. 1. 72. not so much because it was made by a holy God as because it was made for the holy creature it will make them holy that do enter into it and therefore those that are in Covenant with God are called a holy people and they must be a holy people as in 1 Cor. 6. 20. sayes the Apostle You are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your bodies and souls which are Gods and in 2 Cor. 7. 1. Seeing therefore we have these promises dearly beloved Let us cleanse our selves from all filthinesse both of flesh and spirit perfecting holinesse in the fear of God those that are in covenant with God they are a holy and crucified people 3. Another concomitant is this that man that hath a share in the blessings of the Covenant he doth make conscience to walk in the wayes of the Covenant hee will not only close with the promise of the Covenant but also make conscience of keeping the commands of the Covenant for the covenant of grace does not onely bestow blessings upon you but require something of you too as in Esai 55. sayes God Incline your ears and come unto me and hear hearken and your souls shall live and I will make an everlasting covenant with you even the sure mercies of David the covenant of grace is a sure and everlasting covenant but sayes God you shall come unto me first and then I will make with you an everlasting covenant God will have you to obey him if ever you think to have any share in the covenant of grace those that let God command what he will will doe what they please this argues that they doe not belong to the covenant of grace but if the blessings of the covenant of grace are given by God to you and the concomitants of it found with you and lastly the conditions of it found in you which is faith the only condition of the covenant of grace beleeve and be saved if God hath brought thee into a believing estate that there is not one promise in the Gospell but you do beartily assent unto and close with if it be thus then you may conclude that you do belong to the covenant of grace And thus I have done with these charactars by way of tryall Use I have only now a word or two more by way of use and so have done with this third part of mans misery and the Use that I shall make of this shall be for consolation to all those whose hearts can bear them witnesse that they doe enjoy the saving blessings of the Covenant of grace God to be their God and they to be his people and that God hath sanctified and renewed your natures and pardoned and passed by all your sins and iniquities and hath written his Law in your hearts that you doe not depart from him if you have the concomitants of the Covenant that you are disingaged from the league and covenant you have made with sin and death and hell if you are wholly devoted and given up to the service of God and doe make conscience to walk in the ways of the Covenant and if the conditions of the Covenant of Faith in Christ be found in you if you are brought into a beleeving condition if all these things be wrought in you then hearken to the great happinesse and benefit you enjoy by being under the Covenant of Grace 1. Thou hast that which is more worth then a kings ransome nay then all the world thou hast God to be thy God which is all in all it is more then that which was promised to Esther by King Ahasuerus to the half of his Kingdome you have more then the Devill promised to Christ when he carryed him to the top of the mountain and shewed him all the Kingdomes of the world and the glory of them thou hast more then the whole world for thou hast God to be thy God and thou hast an interest in the Covenant of Grace which is a bundle of promises and includes in it all the promises of the Gospell which are all yours and you may goe and apply them to your own soules in whatsoever condition you are in 2. You that are in Covenant with God labour to admire the great condescension of God that he would be pleased to proceed with you by way of a Covenant I have read of some Authors that have more wondred and stood amazed at this then at any thing else in the World that God that is the Soveraign Lord of all the workes of his hands that he should not rule us and command us by a Law but deal with us by way of a Covenant for God is not bound to give us a reward though we should serve him all the dayes of our lives God might command us as we are his creatures to serve and obey him to pray read hear and walk holily and humbly before him and when we have done all this yet he might say to us I will never give you heaven nor happinesse nor any reward at all he might have said thus to us but he hath condescended so far as to make a bargain with us that if we will beleeve in his Son Jesus Christ and live holily and walk uprightly before him then he will be our God and we shall be his people he will write his Law in our hearts and sanctifie and renew our natures and pardon and forgive all our sins and give us heaven and hapninesse when we dye Oh what an infinite condescension is this in God and what unspeakable bounty and free grace that when he might say to us you are bound to serve me and obey me and to love and fear me but I am not bound to make a Covenant with you and promise you my Son and life and Salvation through him but though I am not bound to it yet I will give you my Son and heaven and happinesse and I will be your God and you shall be my people and I will regenerate and sanctifie your natures and create in you new hearts and write my Law in your inward parts I will freely do all this for you sayes God Oh what infinite condescension and free grace and mercy is this 3. Another great happinesse you doe enjoy under the Covenant of Grace is this the Lord will pardon all the great sinnes you commit against him and accept of all the weak duties and services you perform to him though you commit great and mighty sins
you free then are you free indeed intimating that if you have an interest in Christ to free you from the slavery of sin and Satan you are slaves indeed this bondage and slavery likewise consists in three particulars 1 they are slaves to sin 2 to the Devill and 3 to the Law 1 Every Christlesse man he is a slave to sin in Joh. 8. 34. sayes Christ there Verily I say unto you whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin and in 2 Pet. 2. 19. While they promise them liberty the themselves are servants of corruption for of whom a man is overcome of the same he is brought in bondage Every man by nature is a slave to his lusts and a slave to sin and to the creatures God made man Lord over all the creatures but man hath made himself servant to all the creatures 2 He is not only in bondage and slavery to sin but to the devill too as in 2 Tim. 2. the two last verses sayes the Apostle in meeknesse instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the Devill who are taken captive by him at his will 3 He is in bondage to the Law that is he does nothing in obedience to the Law and this is the great misery of a man without Christ he is bound to keep the whole Law of God there is a very strange expression in Rev. 18. 13. Saint John tels there that all those that did worship the Beast shall cry woe and alas for Babylon is fallen and shall cry for the slaves and souls of men all wicked men are slaves to Antichrist to sin and to the Law and this is the great misery of an unregenerate man 3 Thou art not only a base and a bond man but a beggerly man too without Jesus Christ for all the treasures of grace and mercy are hid and locked up in Christ as in a common Magazine or Storehouse Col. 2. 3. In him are hid all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge if you are out of Christ you have nothing as Rev. 4. 17. Thou sayest thou art rich and increast in goods and hast need of nothing and knowest not that thou art poor and wretched and miserable and blind and naked you will grant that he is a poor and beggerly man that wants these four things meat for his belly cloathes for his back money for his purse and a house to put his head in why in all these respects every man that is out of Christ is a beggerly man 1 A beggerly man is one that hath no meat to put in his belly and all you that have no interest in Jesus Christ are beggerly in this regard because you do not feed upon that bread of life nor drink of that water of life the Lord Christ whose flesh is meat indeed and whose bloud is drink indeed without which your soules will starve for hunger 2 You will say he is a poor man that hath no cloathes to put on his back thus every man out of Christ is not only poor but naked Rev. 3. 17. Thou knewest not that thou wer 't poor and miserable and blinde and naked that man that is not cloathed with the long Robes of Cerists righteousnesse he is a naked man and exposed to the wrath and vengeance of Almighty God those men have only a cloak to cover their sinfull nakednesse and shame that are cloathed with the robes of Christs righteousnesse It is said of Jacob that he obtained the blessing from his Father by being clad in the garments of his eldest brother and so are we only blessed by God our Father as we are cloathed with the robes of our elder brother Jesus Christ 3. That man is a beggerly man that hath no money in his purse why so though your purses be full of Gold yet if your hearts be not full of Grace you are very beggerly men Luk 16. 11. Grace is only the true riches all the durable riches are bound up in Christ 4. And lastly he is a beggerly man that hath not a house to put his head in that is destitute of a house to lodge in and a bed to lie on why so thou that hast no interest in Christ when thy dayes are expired and death comes thou knowest not what to do nor whither to go thou canst not say with the godly man that when death takes thee hence thou shalt be received into everlasting habitations you cannot say 〈◊〉 Christ is gone before to prepare a place for thee in heaven So that in these four particulars you see that a Christlesse man is a very beggerly man having neither food for his body nor cloathes for his back nor money in his purse nor a house to put his head in unlesse it be in a dungeon of darknesse with Devils and damned spirits 4. Another property of a man without Christ is that he is a blinde man Rev. 3. 17. and knewest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blinde and naked and hence it is that wicked men during their unregeneracy are called darknesse in Ephes 5. 8. You were sometime darknesse but now are you like in the Lord walk as children of the light So light is come into the world and yet men love larknesse rather then light because their deeds are evil Jesus Christ is to the soul that which the son is to the earth take away the Sun from the earth and it is nothing but a dungeon of darknesse so take away Christ from the Soul and it is nothing but a dungeon of the Devill though there be a Christ in the world yet if the heart be shut and Jesus Christ be not in thee thou art in a state of darknesse and blindenesse 5 Every man without Christ is a deformed man as you may read in Ezek. 16. 3 4 5 6 8 11 and 14. verses Thus saith the Lord God thy Nativity is in the land of Canaan thy Father was an Amorite c. and in the 6. vers When I passed by thee and saw thee polluted in thine own blood I said unto thee when thou wast in thy bloud Live yea I said unto thee when thou wast in thy bloud Live when a poor childe lies weltring it its bloud not swadled nor washed nor looked after what a sad condition is it in and thus were you sayes God but then read on in the 7. verse I have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the Field and thou hast encreased and waxen great c. and so again in the 14. verse Thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty for it was perfect through my comlinesse that I had put upon thee saith the Lord Intimating that before Christ looks upon a soul he lies weltring in his own bloud and not able to help himself but when he
surety and undertaker Heb. 7. 22. A surety of a better restament now he was a surety mutually Gods and ours to work Gods work in us and our work for us among other things which he undertook there he undertook the abolition of sin on Gods part he obliged himself that it should be performed by his Spirit on our part he obliged us to endeavours of mortification now because Christ is an able surety the work is as good as done already Rom. 6. 6. Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin mark 't is crucified with him as implying his undertaking upon the crosse that the body of Death might be destroyed as noting the Work of Gods Spirit which was ingaged and made sure by Christs death upon the crosse that we should not serve sin as noting the concurrence of our endevours to which wee are obliged by the same sponsory Act of Christ thus much Christ hath done for the abolition of sin now for the Law that was an enemy that could not be overcome but must be satisfied and so it was by Christ who both performed the duty and sustained the penalty of it chiefly the latter and therefore t is said he was made a curse for us Gal. 3. 13. The sting is lost in Christ and the honey left for us But this is matter of another respect and cognisance 2 The next reason of the Apostles thanksgiving is the application he hath given us victory for understanding of which you must note that 1 Christs victory is imputed to us as if it were done in our own persons when we are actually united to him wee are possessed of all his merit Christ fought our war and joined battell in our stead we have a mysticall victory in Christ and are said to overcome when Christ overcame this is the reason why the acts of beleevers are complicated and folded up with Christs acts in the expressions of Scripture Crucified with him quickened with him and raised with him and set down with him in heavenly places Ephes 2. c. All which are terms proper to the Judiciall Vnion which is different both from the Morall and Mysticall as I could easily shew you were it not a matter of another nature now this mysticall victory is of great use to a beleever in time of discouragements if the Law challenge Satan and Conscience say thou art a sinner under a curse thou maist answer I am a sinner but I am crucified in Christ in my surety his payment and suffering is mine if Death or the world discourage you may say This is a beaten enemy I foyled it in Christ I ascended in Christ c. 2. The benefit of this victory is imparted and applyed to us by which he maketh us conquerours over sin and death all Christs worke was not done upon the Crosse there is much to be accomplished in our hearts Rom. 16. 20. The God of peace shall tread Satan under your feet c. not onely under Christs feet but ours as Joshua called his fellowes to come and tread upon the necks of the Canaanitish Kings Come put your feet upon the necks of these Kings so Christ will see us conquer he that got a victory for us will get a victory in us over sin and death and hell Christ hath trodden them under foot already when his own heel was bruised now he will doe it under your feet Doctr. Having laid this foundation the point and head of Doctrine which I shall discuss is Christs victory over Death for the comfort and profit of Beleevers Death is either the first or second temporall or eternall sinners are under the sentence of both and both are in a sort put into the hands of Satan he had the power of Death Heb. 2. 14. as Gods executioner and the one maketh way for the other Death to the wicked is but a taking them away to torment as unruly persons are committed to prison that they may molest no more Gods patience expireth with their lives and then his vengeance beginneth The curse of the first Covenant was eternall Death Gen. 2. 15. thou shalt dye that is eternally the curse must carry proportion with the blessing the blessing was eternall life and the curse was eternall death I say the sorrow and pain must have bin perpetual answerable to the life which he should have enjoyed therefore Christ is said to have delivered us from wrath to come which certainly was our portion and inheritance by Adam and without Christ there is no escape But to come to particulars I shall shew you 1. How Christ delivered us from Death 2. How far 1. How be delivered us The Apostle answereth that Heb. 2. 14. by Death he destroyed him that had the power of Death now Christs Death cometh under a twofold consideration as a merit or as a glorious act of warre and combate as the Act of a Redeemer or the Act of a Conquerour which answereth to the double evill in Death 't is a naturall evill and a poenall evill 't is a naturall evill as it is the dissolution of soul and body 't is a poenall evill as 't is a curse of the Covenant or the punishment of sin 1 There was merit in Christs voluntary Death 't was a ransome for the elect he dyed not onely in bonum eorum for their good and profit but loco vice ominium in their room and stead as when the ram was taken Isaac was spared so Christs Death was in stead of ours God will not exact the debt twice of us and our surety Job 33. Delivered him from going down into the pit for I have found a ransome The sinner must dye or the surety now saith the Lord I accept of the Death and passion of Christ for this penitent man if we go downe to the pit we go not down by way of vengeance by Christs Death the merit of our sin is expiated justice satisfied Gods wrath appeased the Law fulfilled sin pardoned and so the Jawes of Death are broken Death in its self is the sentence of the Law the fruit of sin and the recompense of angry justice and so it hath no more to doe with us for God hath found a ransome 2 You may look upon it as the Act of a Conquerour Christ foiled Death in his own person ever since he rifled the Grave death hath lost its retentive power Act. 2. 24. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 loosing the pains c. t is an allusion to the throws of a travailing woman the Grave was in travail till this precious burthen was egested for he could not be holden of it and over since the Grave is a womb rather then a dungeon and pit of vengeance non vitam rapit sed refoomat it doth not destroy life but renew it in almost the same metaphor Christ is called Col. 1. 18. The first