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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A36320 Love to Christ, necessary to escape the curse at his coming by Tho. Doolittle ... Doolittle, Thomas, 1632?-1707. 1692 (1692) Wing D1886; ESTC R13801 131,969 240

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faith so that I could remove mountains and have no charity I am nothing 3. And tho I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and tho I give my body to be burn'd and have not charity it profiteth me nothing Love therefore is above all these for all these without love are nothing 5. Love makes us most like to God for God is love 1 Joh. 4.8 And God loveth Christ above all the men on earth and above all the Angels in Heaven therefore calls him his Beloved Son Mat. 3.17 God loveth All men with a Common Love John 3.16 Tit. 3.4 Holy men with a Special Love Angels with an Higher Love Christ most of all who is the Son of his Love Col. 1.13 So our Love is gradual we ought to love all men with some degrees of Love Holy men and Angels with an higher Love and Christ with the highest Love And when we love as God loves our Love makes us most like to God 6. Love is the highest improvement of the faculties of our Souls 1. We have Vnderstandings to know God and Christ And Love to God and Christ is the highest improvement of all our knowledg for if we know him and not love him the more we know of him the more our knowledge doth increase our sin and will aggravate our condemnation 2. We have Wills to chuse the Lord Jesus Christ and when we chuse him Love is the improvement of our Wills in taking complacency in him who is the Object of our choice 3. We have Consciences that do dictate to us that Christ is best and best for us and then we improve those dictates when we love him else all those dictates of Conscience are lost and come to nothing 4. We have Memories wherein the Sayings of Christ to us the Sufferings of Christ for us and the Benefits of Christ bestowed upon us should be lodged and laid up and when we love him we shall love to remember all these things that we have by him and from him and himself that is Purchaser and the Donor of them But if our Love is predominantly placed upon any thing below Christ all the Powers of the Soul are debased the Reason of man is degraded in contriving the getting of such ignoble and fordid enjoyments as his highest end the Will is debased in chusing of them and the Memory in being stuffed with the remembrance of them forgetting God and Christ and better things so that a man is more a brute than a man without sincere Love to Christ 7. Love is the end of all other Graces and in which they terminate their Operations Our knowledge of Christ endeth in our loving of Christ our believing on him hoping in him trusting to him like so many streams at last run into the Love of Christ 8. Love is the Everlasting Grace that shall abide and be in use and exercise when the actings of other Graces shall cease There are some Graces suitable especially to our state of imperfection in this world To live by Faith to Repent and Mourn for sin to live in hope of the glory that is to be revealed to wait till we be possessed of the Mansions that are above to desire all the good that is promised to us but not yet conferred upon us But hereafter Faith shall be turned into Vision Hope into Fruition Desires into Possession waiting into Obtaining And then we shall thus believe no more nor hope nor desire nor wait but then we shall love still yea more than ever more abundantly yea perfectly without diminution continually without intermission and eternally without cessation in which respect among the three Cardinal Graces Love hath the preheminence 1 Cor. 13.13 Now abideth faith hope charity these three but the greatest of these is charity because it is the longest in duration So that those that love Christ sincerely here shall love him perfectly hereafter and be for ever blessed in that love But those that love him not on earth cannot love him in the other world and for want of such Love shall be accursed for ever CHAP. VI. The Application of the Doctrine THE last thing propounded in the method of this Subject is the Vse and Application of it to bring it down to our own hearts to work this truth upon our Minds Consciences and Affections And now O that God would help me and Christ would help me and the blessed Spirit of God and Christ would so help me and give me lively words a lively Heart lively and inflamed Love to blessed Jesus and your immortal precions Souls that I might speak and apply this great Truth as becomes a man that deth believe every one of you before God in this Congregation this day must be Anathema when Maran-atha if you live and die void of love to Jesus Christ as becomes a man that doth believe you must be blessed or cursed damned or saved for ever as you are prevailed with or not prevailed with to give Christ your Hearts and hearty love as becomes a man that doth believe your Everlasting Stare is much concerned in this one point that now is before us Alas Methinks I do foresee the great multitudes that this Anathema will fall upon Methinks I see the Lord a-coming methinks I hear the Trumpet sounding and the Voice calling to the Dead Arise and come to judgment Come ye cursed Souls that have been in the Infernal Lake and appear before my Bar come ye cursed Bodies awake arise and stand before my Judgment-Seat and let those cursed Souls be again united to those cursed Bodies and now be both cursed together and cursed for ever and let both be inseparably linked together to endure this Curse to all eternity Methinks I see them coming but unwillingly they come but with fear and trembling with horrour and amazement Now what is to do now now Maran-atha and now every one of us that loved not that Lord that now is come must be Anathema O woful Souls O miserable Sinners O cursed Caitifs What shall we now do and whither shall we now go do that we should have asked before this day that the Lord is come Do We should have done that which we did not do and now must go thither whither we would not go O that we might rather cease to be than to be what we must for ever be and go from whence we never must return and feel what will make us cry and roar toss and throw and be for ever restless and the more restless because hopeless and remediless O Sirs my Heart is pained my Bowels roul within me my Joints do shake with trembling for fear lest any of you that pray in this place and hear in this place should fall under this Curse when the Lord shall come The Uses of this Doctrine shall be 1. By way of Inference or Instruction what things from hence may be deduced and learned 2. For Reprehension or Reproof aggravating the Charge against such as love not the
that come to pray and hear and not love Christ are such Deceivers All such mens Religious Duties and Services are done in deceit and hypocrisy they are Deceivers of themselves Deceivers of other men and go about to deceive God himself What is to play the Hypocrite if this be not to give God your Words but not your Hearts what is deceitful dealing if this be not to give God and Christ outward Service and deny him your Love to do the outward Action and withhold from him the inward Affection would you be paid what is owing to you in such Coyn in that which hath the colour and resemblance of Gold but underneath is base Metal Would you not cry out of such a one as a Deceiver and is this a fault in men to you and is it no fault in you to God are you ready to curse such a man and will not God curse you Read Mal. 1.14 But cursed be the deceiver which hath in his flock a male and voweth and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing For I am a great King saith the Lord of hosts and my name is dreadful among the heathen You bring him some cold Prayers have you not an Heart to give him you bring him some outward Expressions have not you inwards Affections to bring him you offer him Words and deny him your Love Are these cursed Doings and yet not you the Doers of them accursed Arg. 8. Robbers and Thieves are accursed Non-Lovers of Christ are Robbers and Thieves For whose are you God's or your own Whose by right are your Hearts the World 's or Christ's Who should have your Love as due to whom doth it belong to the World or Vanity to Self or to Christ that which you purchase do not you call your own that which you pay dear for is it not your own and would it not be robbery in another without your Consent to keep it from you Hath not Christ bought you with a price given for you more than you are worth He made your Hearts to love him and when you defaced them and sinned away the love of God did not Christ buy you hath not he paid dear to have your Love might you set your Love upon what you please might you place it upon what Object you list for are not you Body and Soul Christ's by purchase 1 Cor. 6.19 What know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own 20. For ye are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's Is it not a robbing of Christ to deny him his own and is not he that is a Robber of God and Christ a cursed Wretch If thou shouldest rob thy Father or Mother or a Stranger wouldst thou not be accounted a vile Transgressor how comes it to pass that thou robbest God and Christ and makes no matter of it but God doth Mal. 3.8 Will a man rob God yet ye have robbed me But ye say wherein have we robbed thee in tithes and offerings 9. Ye are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me even this whole nation They are said to rob God in Tithes and Offerings and you in your Hearts and Affections And what is the taking away of Tithes to the taking away of the Heart and love thereof and yet God cursed them with a Curse that is certainly accursed them how then wilt thou escape God might charge thee that thou hast played the Thief with him and hast stoln away thy Love from him and hast gone and pawned it for a little Silver or a filthy Lust and yet hast no mind nor serious thought for to get it redeemed or fetched out of pawn Arg. 9. Those that love not Christ are spiritual Adulterers and go a whoring from God Do not you profess to be married to Christ what and give your love to the World to Pleasures to the Strumpet Sin Is that a chast Woman that loveth another man more than her own Husband to love other things more than God and Christ is called in Scripture a going a Whoring from God Hos 4.12 A playing the harlot Jer. 3.1 Thou hast played the harlot with many lovers Committing adultery vers 8. and are Adulterers Jam. 4.4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses know ye not that the friendship of this world is enmity with God Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God A Lover of the World is an Enemy of God and are not those that God taketh for his Enemies in a bad and miserable condition and will be worse when the Lord comes Some please themselves with this as an Evidence of their good Condition and hope of Salvation that they are neither Whores nor Thieves but such as love not Christ above all in a Spiritual and Scriptural Sense are both Such a one is a Thief in robbing God of that Love that is his due and guilty of spiritual Whoredom in loving other things more than Christ and if you think to escape the Curse continuing in such Sins when the Lord comes and you tried at his Bar shall find you were wonderfully mistaken and meet with a Curse when you expected a Blessing Arg. 10. Such as shall be commanded to depart from Christ and be driven from his glorious presence are accursed Final Non-Lovers of Christ shall be commanded to depart from Christ and be driven from his glorious presence Your Heart that loves not Christ is not towards God and Christ and when he comes his Heart shall not be towards you your Heart is alienated from Christ and then Christ's Heart shall be alienated from you While you will not love you say in your hearts to Christ depart from us and Christ will say to you depart ye from me As he that trusteth in the Creature his heart departeth from God so he that loveth the Creature more than God his heart departeth from God and he whose heart departeth from God either by trusting to or loving of the Creature more than God is accursed Jer. 17.5 Thus saith the Lord Cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm and whose heart departeth from the Lord. And when Christ shall command you to depart from him you shall find your selves in a cursed condition Matth. 25.40 Such as do not love the Lord Jesus do not obey the Gospel for the Gospel commands your Love and they that do not obey the Gospel at Christ's coming shall be separated from him and they that shall be separated from him then shall find and feel themselves accursed 2 Thess 1.7 When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels 8. In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 9. Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the