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A35837 The faithful testimony of that antient servant of the Lord, and minister of the everlasting Gospel William Dewsbery his books, epistles and writings, collected and printed for future service. Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688. 1689 (1689) Wing D1267; ESTC R2959 250,545 433

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the lusts thereof but you must be Perfect as your heavenly Father is Perfect You regard it not but hearken unto the counsel of your own Hearts which draw you to look at the words of Paul where he saith I find a Law in my members warring against the Law of my minde so ye wrest the Scripture to your own destruction for your encouragement to live in the Flesh and say none must be free from the body of Sin while he is here in the body And thus you deceive your selves and all whom you draw from the Light in your Conscience which cries for a perfect fulfilling of the Law of God within for the Soul that sinneth it shall dye Though Paul did complain of a body of Sin it was in his growth and it was his burden which made him cry O wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me And he witnessed it put off The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Iesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death for Christ is made manifest to destroy the work of the Devil and not to destroy the Law to save Man from the condemning power of the Law while he lives in transgression of it for the Law hath power over the fleshly Man so long as he lives But he came to fulfil the Law and all the Saints bear witness of it in their measure some witness it fulfilled others wait following the Lamb daily in the Cross till they come to the fulfilling of it that the righteousness of the Law may be fulfilled in us who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Therefore mind the Light in your Consciences diligently hearken unto it and it will smite your glorious Image of Forms and Observations and break it to peices and will rend off all your glorious Coverings of your outward Profession and will let you see the Wo. is unto them that are covered and not with the Spirit of the Lord. To the Light in your Consciences I speak which will eternally witness me if you hearken unto it to be guided by it you will never find rest in outward Forms and Observations but in putting off the body of Sin through the obedience of the Spirit that the righteousness of the Law may be fulfilled in 〈◊〉 in walking no more after the Flesh but after the Spirit For they that are Christ's have crucified the Flesh with the Affections and Lusts and the body is dead in regard of Sin but the Spirit is alive unto Righteousness And this you must witness or else all your Religion is vain and your Souls will perish To you Inhabiters of England How long will you drink of the Cup of Abominations the Wine of the Fornication of the Whore which hath made you Drunk and all Nations to lay out your Money for that which is not Bread to the Merchants of Babylon who fill unto you the Cup of Abominations in drawing you from the Light in your Consciences which is given unto every one of you a measure to guide you up to God to seek for the Kingdom of God in Observations and Christ saith it is not in Observations but within so they keep you in Captivity in Babylons Kingdom under the power of Sin Hell and Death To every particular Inhabiter of England I write Come out of Babylon all Forms and Observations and Traditions which are set up by the will of Man Now is Babylon come in remembrance before God and the vials of wrath must be poured upon her and upon her Merchants for by their Sorceries are you Inhabitants of England and all Nations deceived and in her is found the Blood of the Prophets and Saints and of all that were slain upon the Earth Haste haste come out of her least you partake with her in her Sins and so partake with her in her Punishment which will speedily come upon her for the Mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it return within every one in particular examine your Hearts and mind the Light in your Conscience and it will always let you see where your Hearts are and what they delight in for it is the Heart the Lord requires he will no longer be Worshipped in Words Forms and Observations but in Spirit and in Truth and in sincerity in the inward part Therefore every one be faithful in taking heed to the Light in your Consciences which the Lord hath given to every one a measure to profit withal for the exercise of the Conscience towards God and Men in minding your watch to wait in the Light in measure it will bring to Judgment all the powers of darkness in you and the righteous Law of God will cry through your earthly and carnal Hearts till Judgment be brought forth into Victory and your wills will be brought in subjection unto the Will of God to wait on him for refreshment from his presence who satisfieth the hungry with good things And take heed of consulting with Flesh and Blood for that leads into Pride and Disobedience into Hell and Destruction mind the Light in your Conscience which is the sure word of Prophecy that you cannot be deceived taking heed unto it as unto a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-Star arise in your Hearts diligently hearken unto it and you shall eat that which is good and your Soul shall delight it self in Fatness There is your Teacher within you the Light in your Consciences loving it and obeying it is your Life hating it and disobeying it is your condemnation To that pure Light in your Consciences I speak which will eternally witness me when the Book of Conscience is opened in you Now you have time prize it in waiting on the Lord in the Light to make your Calling and Election sure in putting off the old Man and his deeds and putting on the Lord Iesus Christ in righteousness and holiness without which no Man shall see the Lord in so doing you shall escape the Wrath of God which is coming upon the Children of disobedience in this Nation and else where for the Lord will make the Earth as the Garden of Eden and hath begun his great and strange Work in this Nation which shall make the Ears of them that hear to tingle wherein he is exalting the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus which Kingdom shall break down all the Kingdoms of the World and shall fill the whole Earth For the mighty day of the Lord is coming that shall burn as an Oven and all you that are Proud and all you that do wickedly shall be Stubble and the day that cometh shall burn you up saith the Lord of Hosts and it shall leave of you neither Root nor Branch But unto you that fear the Name of the Lord shall the Sun of Righteousness arise
the Lord in silence you have no Oyle in your Lamps you are turned from the Light that would lead you to the Power of God which would preserve in the true thirsting to wait for refreshment that is in his presence so you are Imprisoned and Starved for want of Food while you are in a silent Meeting amongst the wise Virgins who feed on the immortal Bread which comes down from Heaven the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ which daily strengthens them in the Power of God which gathers all their Hearts together in one where the union is in the invisible being in silence rejoycing together in the Lord to the Consciences of you foolish Virgins I speak you are strangers to the life the wise Virgins enjoyes though amongst them you come your life is in beautifying the outside of the Lamp with words being quickly spoken but the fear of God is not before your Eyes but your Wills are out of the Cross a false joy arises in you speaking what you do not possess priding and glorying in other mens Lines end contending for Truth with that mind that is out of the Truth and so become Trees blosoming with leaves but bears no Fruit and here your folly is made manifest while you speak to others your selves are under Reproof in that you are strangers to the life of God I charge and command you silence Flesh and speak not before the Lord you foolish ones that dare to make mention of his Name while the worker of Iniquity raigns in you whom the Lord will destroy except you repent therefore all Friends who make mention of the Name of the living God examine your Hearts search them and try your ways with the Light that comes from Christ with it read your condition in the Book of Conscience there will you see how you stand in the presence of the living pure holy God whether in the state of the foolish Virgins that is turned from the Light of Christ that did convince them of Sin and so gets into the form of the Truth but an Enemy to the Cross so make Shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience c or whether you be in the state of the wise Virgins that loves the Light and in it to wait to dwell in the Power which chastiseth that nature which would draw from the Light and your Garments defile daily in the Cross and there your Souls is keept pure and chaste to follow the Lamb where ever he goes and enters with him into the rest that is prepared for the People of God where the foolish Virgins shall not come until they from their foolish Wisdom return into true obedience to the Father of Light c. Dear Children of the Lord God be valiant bold and faithful in your measures that in the Light Life and Power of God you may stand in the day of great tryal which the Lord will bring upon all you that make mention of his Name for power will be given to the Beast his Horn to exalt even to the host of Heaven for the clearing of the Sanctuary of the Lord then will all foolish Virgins and painted Beasts that are enemies to the Cross of Christ who hath defiled the Sanctuary of the living God in coming before him amongst his Saints and Children c. from amongst them they shall come trembling before the power of th● Beast when he utters his voice and commands all to Worship his Image but then shall all you Children of the most high God whom he hath called ●o be faithful to him in his eternal Power rejoyce who will you keep in that day in rest and peace in the ancient of days who will sit to judge in Righteousness all that withstands the rising of his Glory and of his Dominion there shall be no end Friends meet together in the true silence of your Spirits to wait in the Light for the unlimited Spirit of the Lord to manifest his Power in you to bruise the Serpents Head in all his appearance in you to put an end to Sin and to bring in everlasting Righteousness that you in him may grow up in the pure nature of the most high God over all blessed fo● ever Amen God almighty keep you all faithful in his eternal Power in himself to bear his Name in Righteousness that his Name may be written in your Fore-heads that all that see you may witness you to be of the Righteous Seed that the Lord hath Blessed his Eternal Power and Presence keep you in the eternal unity of the Spirit and bond of Peace where I am with you in the unchangable Love and Life c. W. D. I desire you to let this be Read in your Meetings with a good understanding in the fear of the Lord for this is the Day I will make separation betwixt the Wise and the Foolish between those that fear the Lord and those that fear him not saith the Lord God almighty ALL Saints and Children of the most high God abide with God in the calling whereunto you are called which call is the measure of Light given unto you which witnesseth against all the deceitful twisting of the Serpent within you and seals up to your Spirits the eternal love of God in the free Covenant of life in Iesus Christ All in your measure as you have received of the Lord walk faithfully with him so will you be preserved pure clean and unblamable before him and will be fortified by the Arm of his eternal Power against all the deceit subtilty windings and twistings of the Serpent within you and without you I charge you all in the presence of the Lord God to abide with God in what he hath communicated to you and run not out from the Witness of the eternal Spirit that hath sealed you up in measure in the Power of his love Thou that doest run out to speak further then thou witnessest art a filthy Drunkard that lavisheth out thy self without the fear of the Lord and so spends and wasts upon thy Lusts and the plagues and vengance of the Lord is thy Portion thou filthy Drunkard for no Drunkard nor Lustful person shall inherit the Kingdom of God. All dear Lambs and Children of the Lord abide in the Witness of the eternal Spirit which will pass Judgment and bruise the Head of the Serpent in you so will you be armed against all the glorious appearances of the Serpent without to keep him out of the Scriptures and the least of you in the Truth of God will overturn all Priests and all the Men of the World that dwell in their Serpentine Wisdom and makes a Trade of the Letter speaking and disputing of the Saints conditions as the Devil did about the Body of Moses but cannot witness the Scriptures sealed up to their Souls by the eternal Spirit now all you that dwell in the Truth in your measure will comprehend them to be Houses built upon the Sand tall Cedars aspiring up into the Air
laid up for me in the Lord Jesus and by the power of the Word of their Testimony there was a secret hope raised up in me to wait for his coming there I waited till the Administration of Iohn and I witness that of all that is born of a Woman there is none greater then Iohn for he is a burning and a shining Light who discovered more of the mystery of iniquity in me in his Administration and the sence of my condition was more manifest and the cry of my condemned Soul was great and could not be satisfied but breathed and thirsted after Christ to saye me freely through his Blood or I perished for ever and in this condemned estate I lay waiting for the coming of Christ Jesus who in the appointed time of the Father appeared to my Soul as the Lightnings from the East to the West and my dead Soul heard his voice and by his voice was made to live who created me to a lively hope and sealed me up in the everlasting Covenant of life with his Blood then I witnessed the wages of Sin and Death and the Gift of God eternal Life through Jesus Christ my Lord and I witnessed according to Testimony of Scripture Death raigns over all from Adam to Moses and Moses untill the Prophets and the Prophets untill Iohn and from this day the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force there is no rest to the Soul till Christ be manifest and this the Scripture witnesseth and I witness these Scriptures fulfilled in me in the year according to the acco●t 1645. The Witnesses that stood before the God of the Earth and had power to plague the Earth having finished their Testimony the Beast ascends out of the bottomless Pit and makes War against them and kills them and their dead Bodies lay in the Streets of the great City spiritual Sodom and Egypt where our Lord was Crucified and this Scripture was fulfilled in me in the year according to account 1648. Then Kindreds Tongues and the Nations of the Earthmade merry over the Witnesses and I see the abomination that maketh desolate which is spoken of by Daniel the Prophet standing in the holy place where it ought not and then was I led by the Spirit into the Wilderness and tempted of the Devil that the Scripture might be fulfiled Luke 4.1 In that day and hour of temptation which was in the time as the lines following giveth Testimony I witnessed these Scriptures fulfilled in me of Pauls condition wherein he complained as I then did who found a Law in my members Warring against the Law of my minde that when I would do good evil was present with me the sence of which caused me to cry Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this Death And as I was crying to the Lord to free me from the burthen I groaned under the Word of the Lord came unto me saying My Grace is sufficient for thee I will deliver thee and by the power of this Word I was armed with Patience to wait in his Counsel groaning under the body of Sin in the day and hour of temptation until it pleased the Lord to manifest his Power to free me which was in the year according to the account 1651. The Spirit of Life from God entred into the Witnesses and they stood upon their Feet then great fear fell upon all that saw them and the Temple of God was opened in Heaven and I saw in the Temple the Ark of his Testament and there were Lightnings Voyces Thunder Earthquakes and great Hail then mystery Babylon the great the Mother of Harlots and the Abomination of the Earth which made all Nations drunk with the Wine of the Wrath of her Fornication she was discovered in me and God remembred her when the mighty day of the Lords power was manifest upon her Jesus Christ was revealed from Heaven in flaming fire pouring vials of wrath upon her and rendring vengeance upon all in me that knew him not and disobeyed his Gospel and purged away the filthy nature that did me imbondage with the Spirit of judgement and with the Spirit of burning so through the righteous Law of life in Christ Jesus I was made free and am from the body of Sin and Death and through these great tribulations my Garments is washed and made white in the Blood of the Lamb who hath led me through the Gates of the City into the new Ierusalem where there is nothing enters that works abomination or makes a lie but what is written in the Lambs book of Life where my Soul now feeds upon the Tree of Life which I had so long hungred and thirsted after that stands in the Paradise of God where there is no more curse not night but the Lord God and the Lamb is my Light and Life for ever and ever I witness I am regenerated and born again of the immortal Seed and hath partaked on the first Resurrection on whom the second Death hath no power And this I declare to all the Inhabitants in England and all that dwell upon the Earth that God alone is the Teacher of his People and hath given to every one a measure of Grace which is the Light that comes from Christ that checks and reproves for Sin in the secrets of the Heart and Conscience and all that wait in that Light which comes from Christ which is the free Grace of God for the Power of Jesus Christ to destroy Sin and to guide them in obedience to the Light so shall they come to know the only true God and Father of Light in Christ Jesus who is the way to him And this I witness to all the Sons of men that the knowledge of eternal Life I came not to by the Letter of the Scripture nor hearing men speak of the Name of God I came to the true knowledge of the Scripture and the eternal rest they testifie it in Christ by the Inspiration of the Spirit of Jesus Christ the Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah who alone is found worthy to open the Seals of the Book and I witness none else can for he alone opened the Seals of the Book in me and sealed it up to my Soul by the Testimony of his own Spirit according to his own promise I will bind up the Testimony and seal the Law amongst my Disciples and I will write my Law in their Hearts and put my Spirit in their inward parts and they shall not depart from me neither shall they need to teach every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother for all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest for I will be merciful to their Vnrighteousness and their Sins and Iniquities will I remember no more and all my Childern shall be taught of me saith the
The Faithful TESTIMONY OF THAT Antient Servant of the Lord AND Minister of the everlasting Gospel William Dewsbery IN His Books Epistles and Writings Collected and Printed for future SERVICE The Righteous shall be had in everlasting Remembrance Psal 112.6 London Printed and Sold by Andrew Sowle at the Crooked Billet in Holloway-Lane Shoreditch And at the Three-Kyes in Nags-Head-Court in Grace-Church-Street A Testimony Concerning that faithful Servant of the Lord William Dewsbery from us who have long known him and his faithful Travels and Labours and suffering in and for the Gospel of Christ. PRetious to the Lord is the death of his Faithful Saints and Servants who in their Life time have given up to do his will and their faithfulness worthy to be commemorated to Posterity with those Antients and worthies of old who by their faithfulness obtained a good Report And since it hath pleased God in this our Age to cause his Gospel-day to appear and the Son of righteousness to arise to expel the darkness of a long night of Apostacy and the Clouds of Ignorance that have been over many and to raise up many living and faithful Witnesses thereof some of which have faithfully finished their Testimony and fulfilled their Course with Joy and laid down their Heads in Peace with God and entered into that Eternal Rest prepared thorow Christ Jesus for the faithful among whom this our dear deceased Brother was one whom God raised up early in the morning of his Glorious day and made an eminent Instrument in his Hand for the publication of his mighty Day of Power preaching Repentance in order to the Remission of Sin and bearing a faithful and universal Testimony to the free Grace of God to mankind and the Lord was with him and prospered him in his manifold Sufferings Travels Labours and Exercises in the Gospel of Christ and word of the Ministry as may be seen in this small Collection of his several Books Testimonies and Epistles herein contained and many were made sensible of the benefit of his Labours Counsels Admonitions and Incouragements to the good and welfare of their Immortal Souls for the Lord our God in whose Dread and Zeal he Laboured did indue him with Faith and Courage and great boldness for his Name and Truth and he publisht the same in great plainness and in the simplicity thereof To the tender hearted he was exceeding tender but to the Stubborn Lofty he was sharp and plain admonishing them and declaring the righteous Judgment of God against that state ●aiting and endeavouring with much patience and long-suffering the recovery of such who thorow the subtilty of the Enemy have fallen from Truth and from the Unity with the People of God but when any have made it thei● work to cause Division and Discord and to sow Dissention among Brethren he would plainly Testifie against them and reject them and in the Dread of the Lords Power Thunder out Gods Judgment against their Deceit Wickedness as he did upon such occasion in his last visit to London a few days before his departure out of the Body which he then told some of us was neer at hand He was a Man religiously concerned for the Honour of God and had a great care upon his Spirit that those that had believed and made profession of the Truth might answer it in a holy and blamless Conversation which he would often say could never be done by the largeness of Knowledg nor strength of Comprehension but by a real dying to their Wills and Affections by the vertue of the daily Cross he was also sincerely devoted to maintain Love and Unity among the People of God He was fervent and fr●●uent in Prayer to God for the good of his Church and for the gathering of People to their true Rest wherein we have had true Unity with him and our Souls with many more have been often refreshed and comforted with him his many deep Sufferings for the Truth and his faithful Travels and Labours in the Gospel are never to be forgotten And although the Envy of Wicked and Unreasonable Men was very great and fierce against him especially in those early days of his Travel and Labours for the sake whereof he was often Beaten Stoned and Imprisoned he neither feared their Malice Threats nor Blows but boldly went forth publishing the Truth Testiifyng to that of God in all Consciences and the Hand of divine Providence did often deliver him in a wonderful manner out of the hands of the wicked for his Names sake And finally having faithfully served out his Generation and finished his Sufferings Testimony and Course with Joy he hath now obtained the Crown Immortal and is gone into the everlasting Rest from all his Labours and his Works follow him with the blessed Reward in the Kingdom of Glory and Peace that never shall have End. George Whitehead Francis Camfeild Richard Pinder Steeven Crisp Richard Richardson Iames Parkes London 19 th 12 th Month 1689. ONe remarkable Passage I often remember About the Year 1653. upon a Market-day at Sedbury in Yorkshire as W. D. was publishing the Truth at the Market-Cross and warning the People to turn from the evil of their ways to the Grace of God and to the Light in their Consciences c. Some rude Persons endeavouring with violence to push him down and setting their Backs against a high stone Cross with their hands against him they pusht down the Cross which with the fall broke in peices many being about it yet it missed the People and little or no hurt was done thereby whereas if it had fallen upon them divers might have been killed This preservation I and divers more observed then as a special Providence of God attending him in his Labour though I was then but a Youth of sixteen years-old or thereabouts being convinced of Truth above a year before G. W. Concerning our dear Friend and Brother William Dewsbery the time of his Owning and Receiving the Truth WHen I came out of Darby Dungeon in the year 1651. I passing through several Counties Visiting Friends I came into Yorkshire to a place called Balby where Thomas Kilham Iohn Kilham Richard Farnsworth and Thomas Aldam came to me and were Convinced of God's Truth so then I passed towards Sinderhill-Green where some were Convinced and so I passed to one Lievtenant Ropers House where Iames Nailer came to see me where he was Convinced after I had some Discourse with him and then Thomas Goodyear came to me and after I had declared the Truth to him he was Convinced and received the Truth and I had Meetings at Lievtenant Ropers whither several People came who after they had heard the Truth declared received it and at one evening Meeting there William Dewsbery and his Wife came and heard me declare the Truth and after the Meeting it being a Moon-shine Night I walked out into the Field and William Dewsbery and his Wife came to me from the Meeting into the
that hath resisted the God of Israel DEar Friends let the Love of God constrain you to trust in him and feel the Birth of the Seed of God born up over all to eat and feed of the Bread of Life that out of time and place and over all visibles you may live and rejoyce over all hardships that would appear and wrath that arises all keep the word of Faith in the Power of God the Mountains shall fall before you more and more and you shall tread down the Pride of the perverse and froward Generation in the patience and dominion of God forever and let the strong bear the Burthen of the weak that all in the unity of the Spirit in the Power of the Love of God grow up an holy Preisthood offering up the Souls and Bodies a living Sacrifice in faithful Obedience to do the will of God. In whose Name it is declared unto you Dear Friends in vain is it for Man to strive to limit the holy one of Israel or his Spirit in his People for if they were as the Sand upon the Sea shoare that seek to oppress and destroy you that love God more then any thing in the World yea then Life it self fear not comfort your selves in the Light of his Countenance for he will arise and scatter in his wrath as dust before the wind all those that resist his Spirit and his righteousness will he establish in the Earth for ever And O Sion thy God reigneth and thou shalt seethy Enemies come bending to the soles of thy Feet and thy renown which shall go more and more over the Earth thy leaves shall heal the Nations which shall walk in thy Light and you shall be known in all the Earth to be the City of the most high God yea the righteous Seed which the Lord hath blessed when the Faces of thine Enemies shall be covered with shame the Mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it Let this be sent abroad amongst Friends with understanding in the Fear of God. W. D. York Tower the 19th 12th Mounth 1660. Dear Brethren ANd Suffering Members dwelling in the Power and Life glad your Hearts in the unlimited Power of God that in his strength you reign over all the Powers of Darkness in your keeping the word of Patience in the Lord Jesus who will plead your cause in his righteous Judgments when he will clear your Innocency in the Faees of all his Enemies to your eternal comfort and the Glory of his Name forever lift up your Heads this is the day that hath been proclaimed in your Ears which our God hasteth to finish and cut short in righteousness for his Name sake the mighty God of Power keep you faithful to the end Amen W. D. 19th 12th month 1660. DEar faithful Friends in God who hath known the day in your Travels that not any thing hath been dear to you not Life it self that you might enjoy the Light of the Countenance of God which he hath now manifested in the everlasting Covenant of his Light in Christ which now constraineth in the Power of our Royal Life born of the noble Seed to stand out over and above all flattering Tongues and all threatings and wrath of Men which will be more and more manifest before this day of tryal be over and what wrath ever the Lord suffers to arise in the Powers of the Earth without he moves do not any seek to stop it let God have the glory the wrath of Man turns to the praise of God and the remainder he will restrain while the royal Babes in Meekness and Patience stand still and gives glory to God in faithfull obedience with Life to Death if the Lord call for it who hath blessed the labour of all he called into the Vine-yard of God in whom my Bowels is enlarged in the strength of the Life I have received of the Father Oh feel me for I am with you filled with joy in the Lord that his royal Birth is brought forth and the Captive set free the Tongue of the Dumb loosed and the living Power of God raised to offer up living praises on the holy Altar of God in the Asemblies of his Saints Oh lift up your Heads be glad in the strength of the Lord in this day of gathering the good ripe Fruit in the Vine-yard of the Lord now doth the Vines abound with Vertue laden with Clusters of the purest Grapes full ripe which drops abundantly with the Wine renewed in the Kingdom of the Father Oh fill your Cups be not straitned in your Spirits to receive of the fulness of God in whom I am constrained to say unto you in the Light drink drink abundantly let the Thirst of the immortal Birth earnestly in the Light reach forth it self to draw more and more the infinite Life that it may comprehend you in the Power of it self that in its strength your Hearts may be set free over all below and your Spirit in the Light and Life raised in the Heavenly Harmony to praise and glorifie the Name of the Lord in eternal unity to the astonishment of all that know not God whose Hearts shall fail before the Life of God which keeps all that abide in it with what ever he gives low in his fear that neither Heights nor Depths Tribulations or Distress Persecution or Famine or Nakedness Peril or Sword Life nor Death things present nor things to come can never separate the royal Birth from its faithfull obedience to Christ Jesus the Light and dwell out of time and place and over all Creature enjoyments in the unlimitted Power to guide that your words be few and savory at all times whether in Bonds or out of Bonds to minister Grace to the Hearers and be tender affectionate one towards another in the pure chast Love of God all to lye down together in the eternal unity one in the fulness in the most high God over all blessed for ever Farewel your Brother W. D. From the Tower in York the 25 th of the first Month 1661. Let this go abroad amongst all the afflicted and wounded in Spirit with care send this to them DEar Child which Crys over all the World and beyond all the Pleasure Pomp and Vanity therein for the enjoyment of the Light and Countenance of God fear thou not neither be thou discouraged because of the violent assaults of the Enemy who seeks to draw thee into the carnal reasonings of thy Spirit and in it to kindle a fire to thy self and caus●s thee to walk in the Light of the sparkes that thou hast kindled and this thou hast at the hand of the Lord in thy going from his Counsel thou lyes down in sorrow few knows thy great distress but to the Lord it is known and them that has walked in the same Pathes Oh thou Dear and afflicted Soul who lives in the deep sence of the working of the evil one in thy mind and many times is ready to
the fulness of stature in Christ to thy own Destruction I see a Law in my Members warring against the Law of my Mind and brings me into Captivity into the Law of Sin which is in my Members but he gave not up himself to be a Servant of Sin as thou doest it was his burden that made him to cry Oh wretched Man that I am who will deliver me from this body of Death and he waited in the Faith until he was freed Rom. 8.2 For the Law of the spirit of Life in Christ Iesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit He witnessed Christ come in him to fulfil the Law and so do all the Saints now according to their growth some witness the Law fulfilled in them and others are waiting in the Faith patiently following the Lord daily through the Cross until the Law be fulfilled But thou art departed from the Counsel of the Lord thy God and causest his Name to be evil spoken of and hast made the Hearts of his People sad as they did that the Apostle speaks of For many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the Enemies of the Cross of Christ whose end is Destruction whose God is their Belly and whose Glory is their Shame who mind earthly things These Scriptures are fulfilled in thee which the Apostle mentions And while they promise them Liberty they themselves are the Servants of Corruption for of whom a Man is overcome of the same is he brought into Bondage for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the World through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ they are again intangled therein and overcome the latter end of them is worse●●ith them then the beginning for it had been better for them not to have known the way of Righteousness then after they have known it to turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto them but it is happened unto them according to the true Proverb the Dog is returned to his own Vomit again and the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the Mire And thou mayst read what will be manifest to thee from the Lord. For if we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the Truth there remains no more Sacrifice for Sin but a certain fearful looking for of Judgment and fiery Indignation which shall devour the Adversaries He that despised Moses Law died without Mercy how much sorer punishment suppose ye shalt thou be thought worthy of who hast trodden under foot the Son of God and hast counted the blood of the Coveant wherewith thou wast sanctified an unholy thing and hast done despite unto the Spirit of Grace and we know him that hath said Vengeance belongs unto me I will recompence saith the Lord It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Remember from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first work in minding that light of Jesus Christ in thee before whom thou once stoodest condemned for that thou now livest in Prize the time and give up to be guided by the counsel of the Lord in thee the light of thy conscience that discovers every vain thought wait on the power that is present with the light and it will dash Babylons children against the stones which is Sin in its conception so will thy carnal mind be brought to the Cross daily and thy Heart will be purged with the Spirit of judgment and the Spirit of burning kiss the Son in obeying his Counsel the Light in thee least thou perish in the way for if his anger be kindled a little blessed are they that trust in him The discovery of Mystery Babylon to all enslaved Captives in Babylons Kingdom who are made Drunk with the Wine of the Wrath of he Fornications and bewitched through the multitudes of her Inchantments FRiends Babylon is within you the Mother of Harlots is within you and bewitches you through the abundance of her Sorceries and the Beast is within you that riseth out of the bottomless Pit of the deceived Heart which is deceitful and desperately wicked and the Beast which all the World wanders after is your wills that makes War against the Lamb of God in you which is the Light that makes manifest the evil of your Hearts and your wisdom is the great Whore that sits upon the Beast that ariseth out of the bottomless pit of the deceitful Heart and she finds out many deceitful inventions to preserve the beastly will alive having a golden Cup in her Hand full of the Abominations of the Earth and this golden Cup is your outward professions glorious comprehensions and conceivements of God and Christ imitating what the Saints did in power according as they were moved by the operation of the Spirit of the most high God and 〈◊〉 ●mitate the Saints practice by your wisdom There is nothing but confusion in the Kingdom of Babylom so come you to be divided into so many particular Forms as Presbyterians Independants Anabaptists and divers others that are in outward worships painted over with glorious words and yet you whose wills guide you are painted Beasts bewitched with the Mother of Harlots notwithstanding all your outward professions and glorious observations they are but the golden Cup and within you are full of the abominations of the Earth as self-love covetousness lust and uncleanness hastiness frowardness backbiting slandering hardheartedness cruelty and oppresion grinding the Face of the Poor impatiency and unbelief and the Fear of the Lord is not before your Eyes and thus you lie inslaved Captives in the Kingdom of Babylon refreshing your Hearts in the Creature enjoyments which will perish some in Father and Mother some in Wife and Children some in House and Land some in Money and Gold some in self Wisdom delighting in themselves some in Honour and Preferment in this World and when there is enjoyment of these visible Creatures then there is content and when they are taken away there is trouble the mind always plodding contriving and acting every way to get of the Creatures what the Heart lusts after and he that gets the most is the highest exalted so every one is exalted above another and there is nothing but Tyranny Cruelty and Oppression among you you Sons and Daughters of Babylon And in her was found the Blood of the Prophets and of the Saints and all that were slain upon the Earth The Merchants of Babylon are your Teachers who draw you from your guide which is the pure Light of Christ in you to seek the Kingdom of God in Observations without you contrary to the mind of Christ the Kingdom of God comes not with Observations neither shall they say lo here
Blessed Truth of God to meet together in his Holy Fear that you may receive the Holy Inspiration of his Spirit to Exercise you in what Service God is pleased to call you unto whether in Prayer to God or in Exhortation to Build up one another in your most Holy Faith to raise up the Life in all th● every one that 's Overcome with the Powerful and H●avenly Motions cast their Mite into Gods Treasury and give him his own Advantage so will you feel the Encrease of his Government in you that are Faithful in the true Measure of Light and Life more and more he will give unto you to the Edifying of one another in love So will you become Epistles written in one anothers Hearts with the Pure Spirit of the Living God which will bind you up in the Unity of the Spirit and Bond of Peace and what Exercise soever is met withal whilst you are in the Mortal Body Pray to the Lord to keep you in the Life of his own Spirit that Patience may have its Perfect work that if you be Smitten on the one Cheek turn the other Cheek to the Smitter also and if you be Reviled Revile not again but in deep Humility and Patience Wait in the Pure Meek and Peaceable Spirit of our Lord Jesus who was made perfect through Sufferings So are his Dear and Chosen Jewels who bear his Name in Righteousness and have their Eye to the God of their Help and their Confidence in the Lord alone Oh ye Blessed of the Lord be Glad in his Name who will not let any of you Suffer whose Confidence is in him alone any more then he will give Strength to Bear and will Sweeten the Cup of your Tribulation with his Blessed Presence which will cause your Hearts to Rejoyce and Sing in all your Tryals and will give you your Portion forever with the Blessed Assembly that Iohn Spoke of in the seventh of the Revelations a number that no man could number that had passed through the Great Tribulation and washed their Garments and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb Therefore are they before the Throne of God and serve him day and night in his Holy Templ● and he that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell among them and Feed them and lead them to the Living Fountains of waters where God will wipe away all Tears of Sorrow from their Eyes forever And this is your Portion you dear Children of the living God who in true Love to him have waited upon him in the Light of Christ to be Buried with him in his Spiritual Baptism and made conformable to him in his Sufferings and Death And in the deep sense of your present strait being made Conformable in Measure to our Lord and Saviour you Cry as he did upon the Cross my God my God why hast thou forsaken me when he bore the Sins and Transgressions of his People Even so do you his Dear Children in your Measure passing through the Great Tribulations being made of the Number of the Slain of the Lord. Here is first a passing through the Great Tribulation and to be made of the Number of the Slain of the Lord and being truly Humbled into his Blessed Will in the deep sense of the poverty of Spirit there Wait upon the Lord until he Create you to a lively Hope and give you a Possession of his Blessed Life that is hid with Christ in God and so marry you to himself in his own Righteousness which he gives you for to be your Wedding Garment And now this Love of God constrains you to walk in all Strict Observations that are Required of you to be done but no more to Lean upon them for Life but have now all your Obediences accepted of God through Faith in the Light Life and Name of Christ in whom you now are the Righteousness of God for ever in giving up freely to be guided by his Spirit in Faithfulness to the end Oh you ever blessed and happy People Who doth witness fulfilled in you what is here written Lift up your Heads and rejoyce in the Lord and in the Almighty Power of his Humble Meek and Pure Spirit which makes Self of no Reputation but through your Obedience to Christ Jesus the true Light in whom you come to Witness the Lord to be One and his Name One and you that never had Power to believe in his Name until he gave you Power to believe you are One in the Lord for ever And here is the Joyful and Eternal Unity with the Father in the Son and one with another in the Love of Christ which bought us with his ●lood which the gates of Hell can never Prevail against And all you my Ancient Brethren and Sisters that have Obtained this Blessed Dominion and Everlasting Inheritance I Bless God for you whom I do believe will take care to answer the Desire of my Soul as before-written For the Comfort of the Young and Tender Babes for whose sake I had this Concern upon my Spirit to lay before them the true Passage into the Footsteps where the Tribulated Companions have Travelled that are Married to the Lord of Life and have upon them their Wedding-Garment that they may not come Short that are upon their Travel towards the same Inheritance in Christ the true Light as before exprest And I dearly beseech you whom God hath Sealed up with his holy Spirit to your full assurance of Gods Everlasting Love in Christ Jesus that you Watch over the tender and tribulated ones and in what possible can be done to strengthen their Faith that they may come into the heavenly Unity with the Father in the Son and sit down with all them that have been made Conformable to Christ in his Sufferings and Death that in the heavenly Resurrection blessed and everlasting Peace they may sing Hallelujah and high Praises to the Lord their God over all the wrath that 's in the Children of Men which will come to an end and vanish away like Smoke before you whom the Lord hath called in meekness and Patience to bear his Name in Righteousness in the Sweet Savory Spirit of Jesus Christ over all Blessed forever Amen In which the Lord keep you all with my Soul Faithful unto the end is the Breathings of the Spirit of your Brother and Companion in the Kingdom of Patience and Tribulation in the Lord Jesus Christ. And further I have this to communicate to my Friends and Brethren that what hath come to pass these late Years for want of Watchfulness to be Guided by the Spirit of the Lord Love hath been quenched in many that Offences have entred and Separation followed which hath deeply wounded my Spirit who hath endeavoured to the utmost of my Power in the Love of God to prevent such Proceedings and so have I done in many Years past in preventing Papers ready to be Printed from being Published that were of a tendency to quench the Love of one
did hear with much attention until two men came to me and said they had order from Edmund Iohnson called Mayor to take me away and with violence drew me forth and had me before the said Edmund Iohnson who commanded his officers to put me in Prison before he did me examine which was done and the next day the man that put me in Prison brought me forth before the Mayor and William Billers another of the Rulers of the Town who did me examine and not finding any thing against me commanded Robert Brewin Keeper of the common Goal to put me out of the Town and strictly charged me to depart forth of their Coasts with many threatnings what they would do if I again into the Town did come but the threatnings of man was not regarded into the Town I did return in obedience to the command of the Lord to finish the Testimony of Jesus I was to witness to the Consciences of the Inhabitants of the Town of Leicester Then in obedience to the Spirit of Truth I journyed into Northamptonshire and in a Town called Wellingborrow and there aways many did receive the word of Life with much gladness of heart And at a time as I was going along the Street in that Town near the House of Thomas Andrews whom the people of the the World call their Teacher he to me did speak these words Give over deceiving the people least the Plagues of God fall upon thee the answer to him was if thou sayst I deceive the people make it appear wherein I deceive them he replyed thou tells them there is no original Sin I required of him didst thou hear me say so to that he made no answer then these words was to him declared thou must either prove what thou accusest me of or own thy condemnation upon thy false Accusation he fled away and did make no answer About the time which was near three weeks after I was ordered of the Lord to return again to Wellingborrow and hearing there was a Meeting in the Steeple-house where Thomas Andrews was who had me falsly accused as is formerly written for the Truths sake into the Steeple-house I did go and in silence did stand till the man called their Teacher had done then I declared the word of the Lord to the people who did hear peaceably and afterwards I spake in particular to Thomas Andrews to prove what he had ●alsly accused me of in saying I deceived the people and there make it manifest before the people or to own his condemnation upon his false accusation but to what was required no answer he did make but away fled Then Henry Smith who in that Town dwells out of the Steeple-house haled me into the yard where the Truth to the people was declared who did here stand peaceably to hear till William Baw called high Constable did take hold on me and had me away into the Market-place amongst the people and said he would bring evidence against me for Blasphemy so he had me as Prisoner to and fro in the Market-place with so doing he made disturbance among the people but when he could not prove what he had falsly accused me with he let me go who at that present time went from amongst the people to a Friends house and came no more forth amongst the people in the Market that day The next day being the twenty eighth of the tenth Moneth called December Richard Dennit being Constable of Wellingborow came to the Friends House where I was and took me forth by vertue of a Warrant that had no name but for one who is commonly called Quaker and had me with it before Thomas Pentlow called Justice at Wilby in Northamptonshire who did me examine but would not read me any Law I had transgressed but made a Mittimus and sent me to the common Goal in Northampton on the twenty nineth day of the tenth Moneth called December 1654. A Copy of the Mittimus I was denied by Iohn Snart Keeper of the Goal and also the men that were in Commission to do Justice when it was of them desired in open Court at the general Sessions holden at Northampton the tenth day of the eleventh Month by those whose names are Iohn Clark Iohn Parker called Sergeant at Law George Benson Iohn Mansil Iohn Brown who there did sit in Commission to have judged the Cause in righteousness between me and mine Accusers but when the Mittimus was read where the charge against me was written not any appeared to prove what the Blasphemy was for which they committed me to Prison in suspition of neither they to me read any Law that any thing charged against me had it transgrest but again to Prison did me commit to answer at the Assizes holden at Northampton the tenth and twelfth day of the first Month called March 1654. And three times I was there brought before Matthew Haile who did sit Judge of Life and Death to answer what might be objected against me and the last time I before him was brought Hugh Windham was with him who then was in Commission with him to have judged the Cause in righteousness between me and my Accusers and though not any Accuser appeared against me to prove me the transgressor of any Law neither would these that sat to judge my Cause any Law to me read that any evidence given in against me was the transgression of but they me committed to Prison where I had been amongst those arraigned for Fellony and Murther So under all these Lies and Aspertions false Accusations I suffer and instead of being cleared of them when I was brought before those that were in Commission to judge with righteous judgement more Accusations were laid upon me by them which was done by I. Parker at the general Sessions before written and Hugh Windham at the general Assizes before mentioned which both did accuse me in the open Court before the people that I was a Seducer and when I required them to make manifest wherein I did seduce any they would not answer to what then was required and a Coppy of the ground of the Evidence they pretend they have against me they denied to be given me in all places where they have proceeded against me as is formerly written least their works of darkness should come to light and their folly made manifest and Truth cleared of the Lies and false Accusations with which they blind the Eyes of many and cause them to stumble at the ways of Truth in speaking evil of the things they know not as is manifest in what is written So for the Truths sake I bear Testimony of and it to clear from all Lies and Aspersions cast upon it which hath caused the simple to stumble at the way of Truth and that they no longer be turned aside by the lying spirit who every way seeks to murther and destroy the Truth from the Earth in Persecuting the Bodies of the Saints and shutting them up in Prison under
the names of Blasphemers Deceivers Seducers and Disturbers of the Peace so make Lies their refuge as that Persecuting spirit ever did in all Ages To stop the lying Mouth and for the Simple sake that desire in the truth of their Hearts to know the leadings of the Spirit of Truth in the way to know the only true God I here publickly declare to the Inhabitants of England and to all that dwell upon the Earth what I was in the fallen estate and how the Lord raised me up by the arm of his mighty Power and carried me on through the great work of regeneration that all may know the Truth I am sent to bear Testimony to the Consciences of those that dwell upon the Earth is not any Seducing nor contrary to the Truth of the Gospel but is according to the Truth as it is in Jesus He that hath an Eye to see let him see and an E●re to hear let him hear The first Birth I Was conceived in Sin and brought forth in Iniquity and in that state lived and delighted in pride and pleasures lightness and vanity as all do in that nature untill I was about eight Years of Age though before that time when I did live in vanity the Light in my Conscience did witness against me and caused some trouble in me but I departed from the Light and so followed the counsel of my own Heart that lead me into vanity to live without the fear of God And about the time when I was eight Years of Age of my natural birth the Word of the Lord came unto me I created thee for my glory an account thou must give to me for all thy words and actions done in the Body which word enlightned my Heart and opened the Book of Conscience in me where all was written I had done in the Body ever since I had any remembrance and when I had read my condition how I had lived without God who created me for his glory the Word of the Lord then came unto me Shall the Axe boast it self against him that heweth therewith or shall the Saw magnifie it self against him that shaketh it as if the Staff should shake it self against him that lifteth it up or as if the Staff should lift up it self as if it were no Wood and by the Power of the Word of the Lord that spoke in me my understanding was enlightned and my Conscience bore witness that it was my condition I had lifted up my self against the living God in living without his fear who created me to live in obedience to him but I had lived in disobedience to him untill that day so deep sorrow seized upon me and I knew not what to do that I might get acquaintance with the God of my Life who created me for his own praise and glory then I ceased from my vain conversation which I had lived in and began to read the Scriptures and Books and mourn and pray to a God I knew not where he was but expected him without looking up towards the Firmament where my carnal imaginations told me he was and as I had heard those the World calls Ministers whom I went to hear whose words did witness with my carnal imagination of God they said he was above the Skies calling it Heaven but I felt the hand of the Lord within me executing justice upon the wicked in me and what way ever I turned to seek him in observations thither the flaming Sword turned which was placed against me to keep the way of the Tree Life and execute the righteous justice of God upon me So I stood before the Throne of the Lamb reading in my mournful estate the sentence of condemnation that passed upon me from the glory of his presence and in this condemned estate I continued and through the ignorance where God was what his Worship was I strove to satisfie his justice in outward observations imitating what the Saints did sometimes in Fasting and Praying which was the practice of Cornelius and others of the Saints of the most high God as I found recorded in the Scripture of Truth But notwithstanding all my strict walking in observations in which I was seeking the Kingdom of God I found him not but the flaming Sword cut me down so my sorrow increased for I found none in my condition that I could declare it to Then it pleased the Lord to order my Friends in the flesh to put me to keep the Sheep where I was retired from company so my minde was kept in my mournfull estate where my great ease was in mourning to a God I knew not nor none could tell me where I should get acquaintance with him in the place where I was in the outward being in a Town called Allathorp nigh Pocklington in Yorkshire but hearing of a people about Leeds that walked more strictly in profession of the name of God then any did where I was I had no rest in my spirit till my Parents in the flesh sent me thither to be an Apprentice not regarding what Calling so I might be amongst those that feared the living God that I might be acquainted with the God of my life who had created me for himself and the desires the Lord raised up in me were answered when I was thirteen years old of my naturall birth I was bound an Apprentice to a Cloath-maker in a Town called Holdbeck near Leeds and as I hard so it was there was much speaking of God which they called preaching and professing him in words from the letter of the Scripture what the Saints had spoken forth so intimating the Saints practice in their carnall wisdom seeking the Kingdom of God in outward observations as I had done before I came there but when I met with none that could tell me what God had done for their souls in redeeming them from the body of sin which I groaned under and separated me from the presence of God though I walked strictly with them in their outward observations running to hear one man after another which they called Ministers yet I found no rest nor peace to my weary soul but the flaming sword the righteous Law of God cryed in me for a perfect fulfilling of the Law of God and did meet with me where-ever I was that I could finde no peace in that worship of God the world hath set up as in receiving the bread and wine which they told me was the seals of the Covenant which was long ere I durst receive it because I saw not my selfe prepared for the evil of my heart stood before me and when I was to receive it I sought the Lord to keep me by his Power that I might receive it worthily and when I did receive it my desire was the Lord would seal up his love to my Soul but I found nothing sealed up to my soul with it Then much