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A31952 Evidence for heaven containing infallible signs and reall demonstrations of our union with Christ and assurance of salvation : with an appendix of laying down certain rules to be observed for preserving our assurance once obtained / published by Ed. Calamy ... Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. 1657 (1657) Wing C240; ESTC R3864 140,854 252

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him saith a believing Soul By all these places it is evident That it is the property of a true faith highly to prize Jesus Christ a true believer prizeth Christ in all things places persons and conditions above all things and beyond all time In the eighth place This Faith relyeth wholly on the Merit of Christ for Salvation for justification disclaiming all confidence in the flesh and excluding all boasting in our selves As appears by the Language of the Apostle Act. 4.12 and Phil. 3.3 9. And have no confidence in the flesh Not having mine own righteousness which is of the Law but that which is through the faith of Christ. Where is boasting then it is excluded By what Law of works Nay but by the Law of Faith Rom. 3.27 This Faith opposeth the Mercy of God in Christ against all sinne as greater then all The Blood of Iesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sinne saith a believer speaking of believers 1 John 1.7 Because God hath said He shall Redeem Israel from all his iniquities Psal. 130.8 All manner of sins and Blasphemies shall be forgiven unto the sons of men but the Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost Mat. 12.31 This Faith as it lays hold on the promises of God so it makes him that hath it carefully observe the Conditions of the promises on his part Lord I have hoped in thy word and done thy Commandements saith a true believer Ps. 119.166 thereby intimating That it is the property of a true faith thus to rest on Gods promises A true believer applies Christ unto himself and himself unto Christ the promises to himself and himself unto the promises unto the conditions of them It is the property of this Faith to adhere to Christ even when it cannot see him nor apprehend one jot of love from him when he hideth his face from the soul and speaks bitter things and doth bitter things unto the soul Behold saith Job I go forward but he is not there and backward but I cannot perceive him on the left hand where he doth work but I cannot behold him He hideth himself on the right hand that I cannot see him He writeth bitter things against me and maketh me possess the iniquities of my youth He putteth my feet in the stocks c. But concludes Though he slay me yet will I trust in him When God hid his face from Iob and he could neither apprehend his love in his Providences nor in his Promises yet he adhered to him still This the Scripture cals for Isa. 50.10 Therefore it follows that this a true believer in some measure doth It is the property of a true believer to adhere to Christ as Asahel adhered to Abner and Elisha to Elijah Asahel would not turn aside from Abner though he dyed by his hand Elisha would not leave Elijah what ever became of him As the Lord liveth and as thy Soul liveth I will not leave thee said Elisha to Elijah and so saith a true believer to Christ Take from me what thou wilt do with me what thou wilt I will not leave thee I will cleave unto thee still though I cannot see thee I will trust in thee I will dye in thine arms In the Twelfth place this Faith is a working Faith it is not idle but operative and working as the Apostle intimates Iam. 2. ver 20.14 Faith without works is dead and cannot save living Faith is working Faith justifying Faith though it do not justifie by working yet is still working It purifieth and clenseth and that not the outward man only but the heart also Act. 15.9 It Sanctifieth Act. 26.18 to wit sincerely universally soul and body and the spirit of our mind as the Scripture speaks It spurreth on to Obedience Active and Passive sincere universal and constant as appears at large Heb. 11. Where all those worthies there spoken of are said to have done and suffered all those admirable things there mentioned by Faith This Faith makes a man patiently wait on God for the accomplishment of all that good which he hath promised in his Word in a conscionable use of all those meanes which he hath ordained warranted sanctified and affordeth for the serving of his Providence and accomplishing of his Promises The former part of this assumption is evident by the Language of the Prophet Isai. 28.16 He that believeth maketh not haste And by that which is spoken of believers Heb. 6.12 The latter is as evident by the practice of the Saints David believing the Word of the Lord concerning his Sonne Solomon and his building of the Temple was very instant with the Lord to make good his Word and what he had Promised very carefull and conscionable in instructing his Son to walk with God in uprightness of heart according unto all the Commandements of the Lord and in providing materials for the Work of the Lords House and encouraging his Son to the Work as appears by the 2 Sam. 7. compared with 1 Chron. 28. and 29. Chapters Daniel believing the Word of the Lord concerning the return of the Captivity of Iudah was very instant with the Lord by fasting and prayer to accomplish what he had promised as appears Dan. 9.2 3. Hezekiah believing the Word of the Lord concerning his recovery out of a dangerous sickness diligently used the meanes that the Prophet directed him unto 2 Kings 20.7 And Paul to instance in no more beleiving that grand promise That the seed of the Woman should break the Serpents head And that the God of Peace would Bruise Satan under his feet and that sin should not have dominion over him When buffeted by Satan Prayed frequently and Prayed fervently he besought the Lord thrice when the Law of his Members rebelled against the Law of his mind and led him Captive to the Law of sin He groaned under this burden bewailed his condition sought the Lord by Prayer for help exercised Faith on Christ And beat down his body and kept it under as appears Rom. 7.23 24. compared with 1 Cor. 9.27 The same Apostle believing the Word of the Lord concerning the preservation of himself and his companions in a dangerous voyage at Sea diligently exhorted them to use all good meanes tending unto their preservation sounded the depth cast Anchors abode in the ship c. Act. 27. All these meanes these Worthies used to serve the divine Providence and these examples plainly evidence That it is the property of true faith thus to depend on God for the accomplishment of his Word This Faith makes a man open-hearted and open-handed towards his Brethren in misery and want mercifull according to the Divine Rule ready out of a fellow-feeling of others misery bountifully cheerefully and constantly to do good unto all in misery according to ability but specially to the Godly not for his own glory but Gods for the honour of Christ and the Gospel as appears by the Language of the Apostle Iam. 2.15 16. Compared with
dead because of sinne That is the desire and bent of the soul which is naturally to sin and for sinne is turned from sinne and against sinne so that the body of sinne cannot without much reluctancy and opposition bear sway where Christ dwells 1. The body of sinne whilest alive makes a willing sinner but when dead a nilling sinner I do that which I would not saith the soul dead to sinne Rom. 7.16 The soul alive to sinne in sinning doth the evill which it would do but the soul dead to sinne in sinning doth the evill which it would not do 2. The soul alive to sinne allows it self in sinne in some sinne or other every soul in whom this body is alive allows it self But the soul dead to sinne allows not it self in any known sinne What I do I allow not saith a soul dead to sinne Rom. 7.15 I do this and I do that which I should not through humane frailty and the violence of temptation from without and from within or true necessity but I allow not what I do I do not resolve in cold bloud that thus and thus I will do but the quite contrary The soul that is truly dead to sinne allows not it self in any one known sinne The soul that is alive to sinne is in league with finne it makes leagues with sinne as the Israelites did with the inhabitants of Canaan there is no unregenerate person but he is in league with some sinne or other and though he lay some tribute upon his sinne or upon himself for his sinne yet he continues his league with sinne still and intends not the ruine of sinne nor the utter extirpation of sinne But the soul that is dead to sinne doth not make a league with any one sinne but his design is to ruine sinne all sinne he will not covenant to sinne as Iudas and the chief-Priests did but covenant against sinne as Iob did Iob. 3 1. ● This is the second Character of a foul dead to sinne As Saul should have dealt with Amalek so doth the soul dead to sinne deal with sinne it spa●es none it warrs against the whole body of death against every sinne 3. The soul alive to sinne in sinning doth the evill which he loves but the soul dead to sinne in sinning doth the evill which he hates What I hate that do I saith a soul dead to sinne Rom 7.15 The soul alive to sinne though he refrain from sinne yet he loves it still But the soul dead to sinne though he fall into sinne and be many times overpowred by sinne yet he doth not love sinne but hates it so farre forth as regenerate Object But conscience may here reply in some soul and say I cannot by this conclude that I am one dead to sinne but rather that I am one alive to sinne for I find much inclination in my will to sinne and much adhering in affections to sinne Answ. 1. If this alone were sufficient to give the denomination of a soul alive to sinne then no soul living in a body of flesh could conclude that he were truly dead to sinne for their is no soul inhabiting this earthly house no not the best alive but hath cause thus ●o complain 2. But secondly Every soul dead to sinne doth bear the image of a double person he beares the image of the first Adam and the image of the second Adam he is partly flesh and partly spirit and he is thus in every faculty of his soul there is flesh in every faculty of his soul sinne dwelling in every faculty this therefore doth not render the soul alive to sinne 3. Then thirdly Thou speakest in this as one seeking after a perfect death to the power and being of sinne in thy self But the Apostle in this Text points only at a true death to sinne and truly dead to sinne he may be and is to whom sinne is a burthen So much for ●●swet to this Objection 4. In the fourth place The body of sinne i● truly dead wastes and decayes there is a decaying in this body and a wasting away as in the natural body when once dead therefore saith the Apostle I die daily thereby implying that where there is a true death to sinne there is a true decaying of sinne Object But conscience in some may here reply again and say I cannot hence conclude that I am one truly dead to sinne but rather see cause to conclude on the contrary for I do not find that corruption doth decay and wast away in me but rather that it grows stronger and stronger Answ. Strong apprehensions of corruption are no argument of the strength of corruption at least if they be accompanied with loathing of them and warring against them in the strength of Christ but rather symptomes of a new Life This therefore should not cause any to conclude That there is no death to sinne in him but rather excite him to cleave closer to Christ who hath begun this death in him and will at the length perfect it 5. In the fifth place The soul that is truly dead to sinne is universally dead to sinne he is dead to every sinne and he is dead to sin in every faculty of his soul though but in part yet in every part of soul and body This and no less then this will serve to demonstrate a man truly dead to sinne in a Gospel-sence 6. Finally The soul that is truly dead to sinne is alive to righteousness the soul that is dead in sinne is alive to sinne and the soul that is dead to sinne is alive to righteousness If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sinne But the Spirit is Life because of righteousness This is the next thing to be spoken of and it is the second Character laid down by the Apostle to demonstrate Christ resident in us The Spirit is Life because of righteousness By Spirit in this Text is meant as I conceive the regenerate part of man and nothing else to wit that which is born of the-Spirit in this sence I take the word Spirit here because it is set in opposition to the forementioned body which body as is evident is the unregenerate part or old man So this word Spirit is used by the Apostle unto the Galathians The flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh The regenerate part lusteth against the unregenerate So Christ useth the word Spirit Joh. 3.6 That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit but the Spirit is Life because of righteousness It is as if the Apostle had said If Christ be in you it will appear by this the Spirit is Life because of righteousness that is the regenerate man is alive because of righteousness he is alive because of a double righteousness or because of righteousnes in a double sence 1. He is alive because of the righteousness of Justification And 2. Because of the righteousness of Sanctification That man is truly and perfectly alive
action Thou hast ravished my heart my Sister my Spouse thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes c. How faire is thy Love my Sister my Spouse how much better is thy Love then Wine c. Cant. 4.9 10. I conclude this therefore with the saying of a worthy man A Christians affection is his perfection in this fraile condition The final cause of cordial Obedience is the Glory of God He that cordially obeys the Will of God propoundeth the pleasing of God and the glory of his Name for his direct chief and ultimate end in all that he doth in way of Obedience according to the direction of the Holy Ghost by the Apostle 1 Cor. 10.31 And these two the efficient and the end denominate the action 1. The properties of cordial Obedience are these Cordial Obedience is free and willing Obedience voluntary and not forced To whom ye yield your selves servants to obey his servants ye are saith the Apostle Rom. 6.16 It is willingnesse in Obedience that is the beauty of Obedience and that which God chiefly looks to in Obedience If you be willing and Obedient or willingly obedient then so and so ye shall eat the good of the Land Isai. 1.19 If there be first a willing mind it is accepted according to that which a man hath not according to that he hath not 2 Cor. 8.12 If I do this thing willingly I have a reward 1 Cor. 9.17 By all these places it is evident That cordial Obedience is willing Obedience This was that which rendered Abraham's Obedience so lovely in the eye of God he rose early to go about the offering up of Isaac which shews he did it willingly He whose Obedience springs from Love to God hath his heart first warmed with the sense of Gods Love to him and he that aims principally at the glory of God in his Obedience hath his heart humbled when he hath done the best that he can for that he cannot bring more glory to God and hence it comes to pass that he is willing and ready to obey He consents to obey and that without grudging or repining even when he comes short of doing what he desires to do What I would that do I not saith a cordial server of Christ. 2. Cordial Obedience is universal Obedience and that both in respect of the Subject and in respect of the Object it is yielded of the whole man to the whole Will of God the soul according to all the powers and faculties thereof is only and wholly for Christ in its scope and bent the understanding the will and the affections are in their scope and bent only and wholly for Christ therefore saith the Apostle of such as were cordial servers of Christ Ye have obeyed from the heart c. Rom. 6.17 The body and all its members are yielded up wholly and only to Christ to the service of Christ for the magnifying of Christ shall I take the members of Christ and make them the members of an Harlot saith the cordial server of Christ God forbid 1 Cor. 6.15 God requires the whole man soul and body to be wholly yielded up unto him unto his use and service in Obedience Ye are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your body and in your spirit which are Gods saith the Text 1 Cor. 6.20 God requires soul and body to wit the whole man to be wholly yielded up unto him unto his use and service in Obedience in obeying all his revealed will touching beleeving doing and suffering Take diligent heed to do the Commandement and the Law which Moses the Servant of the Lord commanded you to Love the Lord your God and walk in all his wayes and to keep his Commandements and to cleave unto him and serve him with all your heart and with all your soul Josh. 22.5 And again Exo 23. ver 20 and 22. Behold I send an Angel before thee if thou shalt indeed obey his voice in all that I speak then I will be an enemy unto thy enemies c. saith the Lord. Go ye and teach all Nations saith Christ to his Apostles What should they teach them Why teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you Mat. 28.19 20. The Apostle useth the like phrase 2 Cor. 2.9 where he cals for Obedience in all things Here is universal Obedience unto the whole Will of God required in the whole man and he that cordially obeys the Will of God obeys according to this Rule of God to wit universally He yeelds up his whole man to the Obedience of the whole Will of the Lord without picking and chusing in the wayes of God without reservation or exception or desire of dispensation However he failes in his Obedience and comes short of what he ought to do and desires to do yet he determines not to reserve any part of himself from Christ nor to stand out against any part of his holy Will but hath his heart and mind ready prest to obey every of his Commandements which he knows as well as any the least as well as the greatest and the greatest as well as the least He thinks not tithing of Mint and Comin too small a precept to make conscience of nor a right hand nor a right eye nor an only Isaac nor Life it self or whatsoever may indeare it unto him too much to sacrifice when Christ shall call for it at his hands He resolves to obey those precepts which cross his corrupt nature most and the sinne of his constitution as well as those which it can better brook He resolves to obey both Law and Gospel in every precept Negative and Positive to his utmost power his Obedience is of as great a latitude as the whole Will of God He hath respect unto all Gods Commandements as the Psalmist speaketh 3. Cordial Obedience is conscionable Obedience He that cordially obeys the Will of God obeys not out of by respects but for conscience sake Conscience of duty leades him to the performance of duty so that he as of sincerity as of God in the sight of God obeys the will of God as the Apostles phrase is 2 Cor. 2.17 He that obeys the Will of God out of love to God and conscience of duty esteems all Gods precepts concerning all things to be right and hates every false way one as well as another even vain thoughts he consents to the whole will of God that it is good and delights in the whole Will of God after the inward man and with the mind serves the Law of God even when the flesh is captivated by the Law of sinne His heart inclineth to perform the Statutes of the Lord alwayes even unto the end and he wisheth that his wayes were so directed that he might keep all the Statutes of his God The Will of his God is deare unto him above all things Above Silver and Gold Above necessary food Above Life and all the
of all Saints he disclaimes all his own righteousnesses and accounts them as rotten raggs and abominable things in reference to Justification before God He forgets all that is behind if he cast up his parts his gifts and his graces he concludes Circumcision is nothing nor Vncircumcision is nothing his faith his love his repentance his obedience all put together nothing he brings in the totall summe in meer ciphers I am nothing yea worse then nothing saith this soul Can a man be profitable unto his Maker I am unprofitable to God and man When saw I thee a stranger and took thee in or naked and cloathed thee c. Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool saith this soul. 3. A man graciously poor or blessedly poor in spirit is a man of a contrite spirit a man that trembleth at the Word of the Lord To him will I look saith the Lord that is poor and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my Word Isa. 66.2 In this Text poverty of spirit contrition and the effect of it tr●mbling at the Word of the Lord are joyned together as linkes of a Chain so as he that hath one of them hath all of them in some measure As for contrition it hath been already spoken of from Pag. 56. to Pag. 64. to which I refer the Reader 4. A man graciously poor in spirit as he sees a fullness of sinne and an emptiness of grace in himself and bewailes it so he sees a fullness of grace in Christ a fullness of mercy with God in Christ to pardon him and heal him to justifie him and sanctifie him and fill him with all grace and this is attended with some hopes to be made a partaker of it The truth of this is evident in the poor Publican He saw a fullness of sinne in himself and an emptiness of grace and he saw a fullness of mercy in God and merit in Christ to take away his sinne and garnish his soul with all grace and had some hopes to attain this otherwise he would never have gone to God for mercy A man graciously or evangelically poor in spirit hath some hope of obtaining mercy 5. And this makes him very industriously to seek after the Lord in a conscionable use of all those means which he hath appointed I will arise and go to my Father c. saith the poor Prodigal When once this poverty of Spirit had seized on his spirit he thought no labour too much to attain what he sought Draw me we will runne after thee saith the Spouse graciously poor in spirit Cant. 1.4 6. A man graciously poor in spirit esteems spirituall riches the best riches and for them he will with the Merchant-man give the best price for th●m he will part with all carnall things and count them but dung he doth hunger and thirst after righteousness more than after riches after the riches of grace more than after the riches of the world 7. A man graciously poor in spirit is a man of a humble spirit if God dispense his gifts liberally unto him or make greater discoveries of himself his mind and will unto him than he doth to others he will humbly and thankfully and really ascribe all the glory thereof unto the Lord and his free grace and say as Daniel As for me this is not conferred upon me for any Wisdome or goodness that I have more than other but of free grace for Christs sake bestowed upon me therefore to him be all the glory Who am I or what is there in me that God should shew such favour unto me above what he doth unto other This is vigor fit and ●●t fit to give the denomination of a man graciously poor in spirit 8. A man graciously poor in spirit is the contentedst man with his condition of all others I went out full but the Lord brought me home empty saith a soul gratiously poor in spirit and yet she was contented with her condition Shall we receive good at the hand of God and shall we not receive evill Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it Why hast thou made me thus It is the Lord let him do with we as seemeth good to him This is the lan●uage of soules graciously poor in spirit Such a soul lookes upon every thing as a mercy that is on this side Hell and how bad soev●r his condition be thinks it too good for him 9. A man graciously poor in spirit justif●es God in all his deali●gs even under his sadest providences and dispensations of Justice The Lord is righteous in all his Wayes saith this soul I am justly under this condemnation for I receive the due reward of my deeds for I have rebelled against his Commandmen●s c. 10. The soul gracio●sly poor in spirit gr●anes under that privy pride which he finds in himself as that which is the great burd●n on his spirit and that which he longs to be delivered from Oh wretched man that I ●m who shall deliver me and when shall I be delive●ed ●rom this corrupt nature of mine which exalts it s●lf against God and hinders the influence of his gr●ce in me These Appearances of gratious poverty of spirit may serve to dis●ry a soul graciously and blessedly poor in spirit Try thy spirit by them and if by what hath been said thou findest this Qualification in thy self in any measure bless God for it labour to grow in it and remember the words of our Lord Jesu Christ Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of Heaven Death to Sinne. Rom. 8.10 If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sinne But the Spirit is Life because of righteousness IN these words the Apostle lays down two great Characters of our Union with Christ or Christ resident in us The first this The body is dead because of sinne The second this The Spirit is Life because of righteousness Christ is in you saith the Apostle except ye be Reprobates 2 Cor. 13.5 If Christ be in you it will appear thus The body is dead because of sinne The Body here spoken of is not a body of flesh not a body Celestiall nor a body Terrestiall but a body Diabolicall a body of sin as the members mentioned Col. 3.5 demonstrate and likewise the language of the Apostle Rom. 7.24 where he calls corrupt nature the body and more plainly Rom. 6.6 stiles it The body of sinne Ephes. 4.22 The old man This is the body here meant The body of sinne is the depravedness and corruption of our whole nature by reason of which we are naturally averse to all good and prone to evill continually and so liable to all misery and therefore the Apostle calls it A body of death The body is alive in all those in whom Christ lives not but where Christ lives this body dies If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sinne c. Death to sinne is
double There is a death to the guilt of sinne And a death to the power reign and dominion of sinne Death to the guilt of sinne is a perfect fredome from all sinne by the death of Christ for our sinne thus all in whom Christ lives are dead to sinne totally We are dead to the guilt of sinne by the body of Christ who died for us The death of our dear Saviour hath purchased and perfected this death for us The bloud of Iesus Christ cleanseth us from all sinne 1 Joh. 1.7 From all sinne past present and to come He that is thus dead is freed from sinne as the Apostle speaks Rom. 6.7 Redeemed from all iniq●ity Tit. 2.14 And this is the great priveledge of all those in whom Christ lives of all the true member● of Jesus Christ Christ undertakes for them as Iudah did for Benjamin I will be s●rety for him of my hand shale thou require him if I bring him not unto thee and set him before thee then let me bear the blame for ever said Iudah to his father Gen. 43.9 Thus Christ undertakes for all his members for all his elect so as they may and ought to turn all charges brought against them over to Christ all inditements from God or Satan or conscience abused by Satan over to Christ their surety Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect saith the Apostle it is God that justifieth who is he t●at condemneth c. So may he that is thus dead to the guilt of sinne say What sinne is it that can condemne me that can b●ing in an in●ictment against me it is Christ that died it is Christ that died for me and by his death perfected this death for me I am now compleat in him in this resp●ct who is it or wh●t is it then that can lay any thing unto my cha●ge that can seperate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus Sin my worst enemy cannot do it for I am totally dead to the guilt of it by vertue of my Union with Christ Is Ch●ist be in y●u the bo●y is dead because of sinne perfectly ●ead to the guilt of sinne Though Just●fication acquits a sinner from all sinne in Gods determination yet is not his p●r●●n formally granted nor actually put in ex●●u●i●n un●●ll sued out and the tr●bute of ac●u●ll Repentance for k●own sinne is ●aid except in some cases viz. in case of the want of t●e use of 〈◊〉 as in children and dis●●●cted persons in whom conscience cannot do its ●●ffice be●●us● of debility in the under●●anding Thi● with submission to a better ju●gement I humbly conceive to be according to t●uth and no●e it to vindicate my s●l● and cau●ion the Reader concerning that Antinomi●● Tenet about Justification so common in these daies Thus is a true believer perfectly dead to the guilt of sinne by the death of Christ for his sinne But to the power dominion and being of sinne no child of Adam is totally dead in this life no not the best of the children of God but dying daily therefore saith the Apostle I die daily c. If any man thinks himself freed from sinne or perfectly dead to sinne in this sence He deceives himself and the truth is not in him 1 Joh. 1.8 For totally dead to sinne in this sence was never any sonne of man in this life but he that was the Sonne of God to wit Jesus Christ. Totally dead to the power and being of sinne is not he that is totally dead to the guilt of sinne untill this earthly house be quite pulled down and death that last debt and wages of sinne to the godly paid then and never till then is he in whom Christ lives totally freed from the power and being of sinne By the mercy of God death which was to man the wages and punishment of sinne is made unto all true believers the end of sinne the worker of death to wit sinne doth perish by its own workes sinne is slain and abolished by death Totall death to the power and being of finne is one great part of the privative gain which death brings to all that are in Christ to all that die in the Lord death the devorcer of soul and body brings perfect death to the power and being of sinne the enemy and burden of soul and body Perfectly dead to the power and being of sinne is no man here this death belongs to that other world But truly dead to the power and reign of sinne are all those here in whom Christ lives and this is that death which this Text points at If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sinne c. All in the state of nature are dead in sinne All in a state of grace are dead to sinne according to the meaning of this Text dead to sinne in a Gospel sence Death to the power and reign of finne is one part of the renovation of our natures consisting in that which the Scripture calls mortification by vertue of which the love of sinne and delight in sinne which is indeed the life of sinne is destroyed At this death the Apostle points Rom. 6 2. How shall we that are dead to sinne live any longer therein As if he had said How shall we that are dead to the guilt of sinne take pleasure in the filth of sinne or wallow in any sinne with delight It is impossible for death to the guilt of sin alwayes produceth death to the power and dominion of sinne If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sinne Is Christ be in you as a Iustifier he is in you as a Sanctifier also The body is dead because of sinne Christ and sinne may dwell in the same subject at the same time yea Christ may live where sinne doth dwell Christ liveth in me sinne dwelleth in me saith the Apostle but Christ and sinne cannot both live and reign together in the same subject at the same time Caesar and Pompey might better have lived and reigned togeher than Christ and sinne where either of these lives it reigns and both cannot reign together If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sinne This body to wit sinne whilest alive rules and reignes as a Husband as a Lord and Master and is obeyed freely and willingly with the consent of the whole will so much that phrase of the Apostle To whom ye yeeld your selves servants to obey doth imply But when Christ once espouseth a soul unto himself he divests this Lord of his power He puts this Husband to death and assumes all the rule and domination to himself And the soul thus espoused yeelds to obey him as her sovereign Lord and sole Commander We have no king but Caesar said the Iews So saith the soul dead to sinne I have no King but Christ I yeeld my self willingly to no other Therefore saith the Apostle If Christ be in you the body is
with him in this Christ and a new Creature are one in their ends and aimes Lord What wilt thou have me to do saith a new Creature I desire thy Will should be the rule of my action I desire Christ may be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death This is the language of one joyned to the Lord Jesus Christ and one Spirit with him He that seeketh the glory of him that sent him the same is true saith Christ and he that seeketh the glory of Christ according to the rule and examp●e of Christ the same is new say I. 3. Thirdly Christ and a new Creature are one in function Christ is a Prophet and he that is joyned unto him is one with him in this Chris● is a Prophet to teach his members and his members are one Prophet with him to exhort and build up themselves and one another in their m●st holy faith but with these differences Christ hath the Spirit of Prophesie as a fountain and without measure in all fulnesse but h●s members as streams issuing from that fountain by gift and of his ●ulnesse Ch●ist is an universal Prophet to teach all his Pe●ple without limitation of persons or place but all his members are not so they are limited Prophe●s and m●y not go beyond the bounds of their proper sp●ere not beyond the bounds set by this great Prophet in his Word Christ is a Priest and he that is joyned to him is one with him in thi● Christ hath made all ●is Members Priests to God Rev. 1.6 to offer up spirituall Sacrifice to God Christ hath offered up himself to God he dyed and s●crificed hims●lf to God And he that is j●●ned unto him is made conformable unto his death he hath sacri●iced all to Christ his whole self his own reason will righteousnesse and wickednesse all within him and without him he is become dead to sinne dead to his own righteousnesse dead to the World dead to all by the body of Christ They that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts saith the Apostle Gal. 5.24 Christ is a King to rule over his People and over his enemies and he that is joyned unto the Lord Christ is one with him in his Kingly Function He hath made us Kings saith the Text Rev. 1.6 Kings in a spiritual sense to rule over our thoughts affections words and actions over all our lusts so as sin doth not rule nor reign in us within nor without as an approved Lord Christ and a new Creature are one in Life and conversation A new Creature is one dead with Christ and risen again with him to newn●sse of Life he that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit Christ is formed in his Life and Conversation by transforming him in hi● Life and Conversation and conforming him in his Lise and Conversation to the Image and Example of Christ so as he may truly say with the Apostle It is no more I that live but Christ that dwelleth in me Christ was holy and harmlesse in his Nature Life and Conversation Heb. 7.26 He w●s inwardly holy as well as outwardly holy holy in his Thoughts in his Affections in his Words and in his Actions Holy in all mann●r of Conversation in all places in all company in all times and variety of conditions holy in Life and holy in Death and he that is joyned to the Lord Jesus Christ is holy as he is holy but with this difference Christ our head was holy by nature but we his members are holy by grace only Christ our head was holy with a perfect holinesse but we his Members have only a sincere holynesse in this Life our conformity unto Christ is in kind not in degree Christ our head had a derivative holynesse he could derive holynesse into his Members and infuse it into them which had none but this is proper and peculiar unto him this cannot the best of his Members do He that is joyned unto the Lord is one Spirit one holy Spirit dwelleth in the head and in the Members in the head without measure in the members as it seemeth good unto the Head to infuse it Christ and his have one heart and they have chosen one way one way of holynesse leading to a place of perfect holynesse and happinesse they speak one language mind one thing aim at one end one they are in the state of grace and one they shall be for ever in glory He that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit A new Creature a true Member of Jesus Christ is better known by his Spirit then his outward man for the root of the matter as Iob speaks is within him his Circumcision is inward in his heart and spirit he is one Spirit with the Lord Jesus Christ. Ye know not what Spirit ye are of said Christ to his Disciples Luk. 9.55 But this Text shews what Spirit a new Creature a true Member of Christ is of he is one Spirit with Christ He that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit A new Creature one joyned to the Lord in grace is very watchful over his outward man over his words and deeds but especially over his heart and spirit to keep them stedfast with God Thus was Christ and he that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit Quest. But what Spirit was the Lord Iesus Christ of Answ. 1. The Spirit of Christ was a Spirit of Truth it is so called Ioh. 14.17 16.13 We read of a lying spirit in the 2 Chro. 18.21 22. and this is powred out in these dayes wherein so many lyes and slanders are daily broached to the dishonour of God and the Truth but this Spirit is not one with Christs Spirit but with Antichrists Christs Spirit is the Spirit of Truth but Antichrists Spirit is the Spirit of falshood error and all deceiveableness as appears by the 2 Thes. 2.10 2. Christ was of a humble meek and lowly Spirit as himself affirms Matth. 11.29 And the Prophet Zechariah of him Zech. 9.9 Of this Christ gave many reall testimonies when here on Earth He was not only humble meek and lowly in his carriage and in shew but in Heart and Spirit He was really such as his Birth Life and Death did testifie 3. Christ was of a just and righteous Spirit so saith the Prophet Zech 9.9 He is just Christ was not only morally just but he was Divinely just as is evident by his Government the revealed Will of God is the Cannon by which he rules they which walk contrary unto it sooner or later he punisheth and they which walk according to it he sooner or latter rewardeth He doth judg with righteousness and reprove with equity saith the Prophet Isai. 11.4 4. Christ was of a mercifull tender and compassionate Spirit he had compassion on the souls of his enemies as that Text Ezek. 16. ver 4 5 6. with many others shew He had
because of the righteousness of Justification which hath Christs righteousness imputed unto him for righteousness A man thus alive to righteousness lives either the life of hope the life of faith or the life of sence and this life Satan doth labour much to deprive him of Where the soul is thus alive because of the righteousness of Justification that soul is alive indeed because of the righteousness of Sanctification and this is that life which this Text points at If Christ be in you c. the Spirit is Life because of righteousness If Christ be in you as a justifier He is in you as a sanctifier If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sinne but the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness The truth of this assertion doth further appeare thus Whom he justisieth them he also glorifieth saith the Text Rom. 8.30 But without holinesse no man shall see the Lord therefore it follows by necessary consequence That he that is justified hath this qualification in him to wit sanctification otherwise he could not see the Lord or be glorified To whom Christ is made righteousness he is made sanctification also 1 Cor. 1.30 This may suffice for the confirmation of this Truth That man is alive because of the righteousness of sanctification which hath the righteousnesse of the quickning spirit imparted unto him for the inlivening and regulating of his whole man A Christian in this world is alive because of the righteousnesse of sanctification truly but imperfectly his spirit is alive because of righteousnesse that is his understanding will and affections c. all the members of his body his whole nature so farre forth as regenerate is alive because of the righteousnesse of sanctification I say so farre forth alive that is so farre forth he approves of righteousnesse imbraceth righteousnesse and lives in the practise of righteousnesse out of Love to the God of righteoufnesse This is evident in the Apostle Paul as soon as Christ had taken up his dwelling in Paul and he was once alive to righteousnesse his whole man so farre forth as regenerate was turned about to another point he had another judgment of the things of God than he had before and accordingly imbraced what he before refused his heart was warmed with a love to the will and wayes of God and desire to walk therein Lord What wilt thou have me to do saith he command what thou wilt I am ready prest to obey thy will And his great care was to have alwayes a conscience void of offence towards God and towards man as himself affirms Act. 24.16 And thus it is with every man alive to righteousnesse he hath the same frame of spirit that Paul had the same grace that he had as a man alive to righteousnesse though not in the same measure Every man in whom Christ lives is alive because of righteousnesse but every one is not alike alive every one in which Christ lives is truly alive because of righteousnesse but every one is not strongly alive to righteousnesse some are more vigorously alive then others As Christ is more or lesse in a man so is he more or less alive to righteousnesse A man truly alive to righteousnesse hath these appearances 1. He is of all other men the most sensible of his own unrighteousnesse he sees more unrighteousnesse then righteousnesse in his best actions more flesh then spirit in himself as appears in Paul Rom. 7. 2. The body of sinne which is dead stinks in the nostrils of him which is truly alive to righteousnesse as the dead Corpse of a man doth in the nostrils of him that is alive in a natural sense 3. Lastly a man truly alive to righteousnesse is a new Creature of whom I shall speak in the next place Wouldest thou then know whether Christ be resident in thee yea or nay Consider seriously what the holy Ghost doth in this Text affirm If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sie● but the spirit is life because of righteousness● and go through what hath been here said on this ●ubject and if it hereby appear that thou are one truly dead to sin and alive to righteousnesse conclu●e thou mayest safely That the Lord is thy portion that Christ is resident in ●ny soul who having once taken possession there will not be ●uted Christ in thee the hope of glory will assuredly bring the soul and b●dy to live with him in glory If we be dead with him we shall also live with him saith the Text 2 Tim 2.11 therefore i● we be dead with Christ and risen again with him we shall assuredly live together with him in glory A New Creature 2 Cor. 5.17 If any man be in Christ he is a New Creature EVery one that is out of Christ is ou● of the root of life out of the stock of grace out of the way the only true way unto eternal happiness and thus are all the posterity of Adam by nature It mainly concerns every one therefore to consider seriously what he bottoms upon the old Adam or the new one of these two all flesh standeth on How we shall come to the knowledg of this this Text tels us If any man be in Christ he is a new Creature These words as they are in themselves an intire sentence contain in them a true and lively description of a man in Christ in them the Apostle lays down posit●vely one great Character of a soul resident in Christ He is a new Creature This he layes down indefinitely if any man c. as if he had said If any man of what Nation station quality rank or condition soever be in Christ it will appear thus He is a new Creature Quest. But what is it to be in Christ Answ. To be in Christ according to the meaning of this Text is to be truly and really united unto Christ or ingrafted into Christ as a sience is into the stock incorporate into it and made truly one with it and every one that is thus in Christ is a new Creature Quest. But what is that may some say what is a new Creature Answ. A ●ew Creature according to his formality is a Creature wholly new I say a Creature wholly new so saith the Apostle in this Text Old things are past away all things are become new By a Creature wholly new I do not mean a Creature void of humane frail●y nor a Creature totally freed from the being or power of corrupt Nature not a Creature exempt from the exercise of temptations but a Creature renewed in every part though but in part and freed from the evil of temptations His appearances are many for a new Creature according to the meaning of this Text is one that is born again born of the Spirit as Christ speaks He is one in whom Christ is formed one in whom Christ lives He is one that is sanctifi●d throughou● in soul and body and spirit of his mind as
the 〈…〉 one holy 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 He is 〈…〉 from the 〈…〉 old thing● 〈…〉 new as this Text speaketh He is one whose heart and spirit principles and practises are all new and holy He is one who having received a new life from Christ desires and endeavours to live as a new Creature unto Christ only one that in every condition labours to live for the honour of Christ and so as he may truly say To me to live is Christ to me thus and thus to live is for the honour of Christ he is one in whom the name of Christ is glorified and the Gospel held forth one who in all things whatsoever he doth in word or deed labours to do all in the name of the Lord Iesus Christ to the glory of God by him one who desires and endeavours to have his whole conversation such as becometh the Gospel of Christ and to have every thought brought in subjection to the Obedience of Christ. He is one who though he have fleshly lusts in him doth not make provision to fulfill them he doth not habitually design and take thought how to fulfill them but how to mortifie them he is one who though he walk in the flesh doth not warre after the flesh but against the flesh He makes not his liberty an occasion to the flesh He is one who though he cannot live without sinne doth not allow himself in any known sinne but hates every false way and groans under the remainder of the old man in him as his greatest burden He is one that carries a holy jelousie over h●mself and all his wayes and thence labours to keep a spirituall watch within and without He is one that worships God in the Spirit and puts no confidence in the flesh one that servs God in newness of Spirit not in the oldness of the letter one that labours to be filled with the Spirit He is one whose conversation is in Heaven whilst he is on Earth one that delights in the Law of God after his inward man he delights to do the will of God He is one of another Spirit then the world hath one that walks by another rule then the world doth to wit the Word of God He is a growing Crea●ure he grows in grace He forgets what is behind and reacheth forth to that which is before He aims at perfection and presseth towards this neark He is one that lives in Christ as a branch in the Vine and brings forth fruit in him He is one in whose Nostrils the whole body of death and every part and member of it stinks one that labours to abstain from all appearance of evill and to be holy and blameless before God out of Love to God He is one that minds the things of the Spirit is led by the Spirit and walks after the Spirit He is a world-contemning and a world-overcoming Creature He is one that labours to deny himself and take up his cross and follow Christ as Caleb did to wit fully and as David did of whom God saies He followed me with all his heart to do that only which was right in mine eyes And as Ruth followed Naomi as Elisha followed Elijah and Asaebel followed Abner he would not leave Abner though he died by his hand A new Creature is one that counts himself a stranger and a pilgrim in this world and lives like a stranger a and pilgrim in this world one whose Conversation here declares that he minds desires and seeks after a better Country then this world affords to wit an Heavenly He is one that makes it his chiefest work to glorifie God and save his soul one to whom the Talent of time is very precious one that labours to use every Talent wherewith he is in●rusted according to the will of his Lord and for the honour and glory of his Lord one that labours so to walk before God here that whether present or absent he may be accepted of him one that labours to Honour God by using lawfull things lawfully as well as by shunning things unlawfull in themselves He is one that labours so to keep his account here that he may give it up with joy when the day of account comes He is one that doth not commit sinne one that seeks not his own but Christs and his Brothers good one whose affections are set on things above more then on the things below He is one to whom the Preaching of the Cross of Christ to wit the Gospel is the wisdom of God and the Power of God one who being born again as a new born Babe desires the sincere and nourishing milk of the word that he may grow thereby one that hears the voice of Christ speaking in his word by his Ministers knows it and obeys it and declines the voice of a stranger He is one to whom the whole Word and Will of God is sweet every bitter thing in it sweet He accounts no truth gall and wormwood as some phrase it He is one to whom all Gospel-Ordinances are sweet and delectable He is one that deserts not old truth to follow new light but makes it his sunne to discover the verity of it He is one that receiveth the Ambassadors of Christ to wit the lawful and faithful Ministers of the Gospel as Christ himself and esteems them very highly in love for their work sake He is one that delights in the Law of God after his inward man one that labours to live by saith in every condition prosperity and adversity one to whom the yoke of Christ is easie and his burden light one to whom none of Christs Commandements are grievous He is one that continu●th in the word of Christ in the love of it in the belief of it in the obedience of it He is one faithfull unto the death He is one which how high soever he be in place in parts in gifts or grace is low in his own eyes little in his own fight his heart is lowly still hence it comes to pass that when he hath done his best to follow the rule of righteousness he abh●rs himself for his unrighteousness and accounts himself a wretched man Finally he is one that is joyned to the Lord Iesus Christ and one spirit with him All this and much more then this the Scriptures affirm to be in a new Creature as all that are acquainted wit● the holy Scriptures know Who so desires to be better informed touching a new Creature may consult learned Dr Preston on a new Creature but a prefect enumeration of all the qualifications of a new Creature is no where to be found but in the holy Scriptures which indeed do picture him to the life and to them I refer the Reader for full satisfaction herein and for the benefit of those which are unacquainted with the Scriptures or want time or ability to collect a cleare and sound evidence of a new Creature from the Scriptures I will reduce this
He is no servant of sinne he doth not voluntarily yeeld himself to obey any sinne in the lusts thereof as an unregenerate person doth with free consent Law taken in this latter sence is that which I think this Text points at by the scope of this Chapter and all the passages of it and taken in this sense I am sure it is most for my purpose therefore I pitch upon it He that is led by the Spirit of God as a sanctifier is in great measure freed from this Law of sinne When this Law to wit lust leads as commander in chief the person is soon led away with a spirit of errour and inticers thereunto as the Apostle shews ● Tim. 3.6 2. But he whom the Spirit of God leads as commander in chief beleeves not every spirit but tries the spirits whether they are of God as the Apostle exhorts all Christians to do 1 Ioh. 4.1 He makes the written Word his touchstone to try them by He knows that whatsoever is revealed contrary to the Word of God is not of the Spirit for the Spirit of God doth not dispense things contrary unto but agreeable with the Word of God as Christ affirms Ioh. 16.13 14 15. The Spirit saith Christ shall not speak of himself but he shall glorifie me for he shall receive of mine and shew it unto you He shall take of mine and shew it unto you which language plainly shews That the Spirit of God doth make use of the Word of God and revealeth the meaning of it but never contrad●cts it Note this all you that boast of the Spirit and yet slight and contemn the Word 3. He whom the Spirit of God leads after a special manner he leades into all truth as Christ affirms Ioh. 16.13 He shall guide you into all truth that is into all truth necessary for you in such a sphere and condition as God hath assigned you unto truth in judgment in heart in practice But here note That although the Spirit of God doth lead into all Truth yet the Spirit doth not this all at once neither doth the Spirit this ordinarily without the reading and preaching of the Word but by it specially where it may be had 4. He whom the Spirit of God thus leads he fits and inables to walk with God under Ordinances as appears by Ezek. 36.27 where God gives his Spirit he gives him for a leader and whom the Spirit of God leads it inables to walk with God in the use of his Ordinances as that Text plainly shews even in the most glorious times of the Gospel for of these the Prophet here speaks Note this all you that boast of the Spirit and think you are led by the Spirit and yet cry down Ordinances 5. He whom the Spirit of God thus leads he quickeneth in some measure Rom. 8.11 where the Spirit of God dwels as a leader he dwels as a quickener he quickeneth our souls even while they dwell in houses of clay in mortal bodies he quickeneth them in every faculty and to every holy duty though not all in like measure nor to all duties at the same time Note this all you that not being under a Temptation to distrust think you are led by the Spirit of God and yet find no quickening at all by the Spirit neither desire any nor feel want of it 6. He that is thus led by the Spirit of God worships God in spirit and in truth he doth serve God in newnesse of spirit as the Apostle affirms Phil. 3.3 he doth inwardly and sincerely worship and serve God as well as outwardly and formally He knows his leader is not pleased with any outward performances severed from the service of the spirit to wit the inward man and therefore he strives with all his might to exercise all the powers of his soul and act and improve all his graces in and by the service of God being exceedingly desirous to serve his leader acceptably Note this all formal and persunctary servers of God that think you are led by the Spirit of God and all Gods People that think you are not led by the Spirit of God and yet exceedingly desire and labour thus to do 7. He whom the Spirit of God thus leadeth he helpeth his infirmities The Spirit saith the Apostle helpeth our infi●mities meaning theirs to whom he is a leader But how doth the Spirit that Why by discovering our infirmities unto us and supplying what is wanting in us out of Christs fulnesse which he holds up and applies to us The Text doth not say That the Spirit perfectly cureth our infirmities but he helpeth our infirmities He helpeth them by doing that for us which we cannot do our selves Rom. 8.26 this each mans experience which is thus led by the Spirit will tell him 8. He that is thus led by the Spirit finds so much sweetnesse in his leader that he still desires to be more led by him to be filled with the Spirit as the Scripture speaks He never thinks he hath enough of the Spirit but still desires more and his soul follows hard after the Lord in Prayer and in the use of all meanes by him appointed for the attaining a greater measure of the Spirit than he yet hath 9. He that is thus led by the Spirit of God is led by the written Word of God the revealed Will of God which is the instrument rule and demonstrator of the Spirit of God in reference to man and he that hath the Word of God or might have and will not be led by it hath no ground to conclude that he is led by the Spirit of God as it is evident by Isai. 8.20 These leaders to wit the Word and the Spirit are never opposite one to another 10. He that is thus led by the Spirit of God is chary of the sword of the Spirit the Word of God and fights with it against all his spiritual enemies the World the Flesh and the Divel this is evident in the natural Sonne of God Jesus Christ Mat. 4.4 7 10. and in many of the adopted Children of God of whom we read in Scripture Note this all you that slight the Wor● of God and fight not with it but against it and yet make your boast that you are led by the Spirit 11. He that is thus led by the Spirit of God doth walk in the Spirit and he doth walk after the Spirit But what is it to walk ●n the Spirit or to walk after the Spirit These expressions I think differ not much To walk in the Spirit saith Luther is to wrestle in spirit against the flesh and to follow spirituall motions Walking in the Spirit saith Mr Perkins is to order our lives according to the direction and motion of the Spirit A man may then be said to walk after the Spirit saith Ios. Ex●n when in respect of the trade and course of his life he walks not according to the guidance and motion of his corrupt
compassion on soul and body when he beheld Ierusalem and thought on her sinne and sufferings he pittied her prayed for her admonished her and wept over her Luke 19.41 42. All which were reall testimonies of his compassionate Spirit and the Texts in the Magin illustrate this 5. Christ was of a holy and Heavenly Spirit He was holy saith the Author to the Hebrews his Spirit is called a holy Spirit Eph. 4.30 Christs Spirit was Heavenly he was all for the things of the other World his thoughts words and works all steered their course thither-wards which evidently declared his Heavenly Spirit 6. Christ was of a publique and industrious Spirit He sought not his own but our good when on Earth he was still doing good to soul or body Mat. 4.23 He minded not himself his own ends or ease but his Fathers businesse and that he followed industriously as appears by Luk. 2.46 49. compared with Ioh. 4.34 which plainly shews he had a publique and industrious Spirit 7. Christ was of a soft and flexible Spirit he had a Spirit pliable to all his Fathers Will a Spirit easie to be intreated a sympathizing Spirit In all their afflictions he was afflicted saith the Prophet Isai. 63.9 he had a broken and a contrite Spirit a Spirit broken with sorrow for our sinnes all which were reall testimonies of his soft and flexible Spirit 8. Christ was of a lively Spirit and of a descerning Spirit he had a Spirit directly opposite to that Spirit spoken of Isai. 29.10 he had a spirit spiritually alive hence it was that he was of quick understanding in the feare of the Lord as the Prophet speaks Isa. 11.3 9. Christ was of a patient Spirit he had a Spirit slow to anger and long suffering he took all patiently from God and Man without repining in heart or tongue He was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth saith the Prophet c. Isa. 53.7 When he was reviled he reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not 1 Pet. 2.23 These were reall testimonies of his patient Spirit 10. Christ was of a loving Spirit even towards his very enemies he prayed for his enemies Luk. 23.34 died for his enemies Rom. 5.10 and all this out of love to them which was a reall testimony of his loving Spirit 11. Christ was of a Praying Spirit he spent much time in Prayer as the Evangelists shew with much delight and industry as appears by Mar. 1.35 Mat. 14.23 Luk. 6.12 Ioh. 17. chap. which shews he was of a praying Spirit 12. Christ was of an obeying Spirit of a self-denying Spirit he denied his own Will as man to do his Fathers Will as appears by Luk. 12.14 compared with Ioh. 5.30 The last words Matth. 26.39 Phil. 2.8 By all which it is evident That Christ was of an obeying Spirit 13. Christ was of a thankfull Spirit that which was matter of joy to him he made matter of praise and thanksgiving to his Father as appears by Matth. 11.25 Mar. 6.41 Christ had a Spirit thankfull to God and thankfull to man whatever kindnesse was shewed unto him returned upon the head of the doer with abundant recompence and this lively domonstrates his thankfull Spirit 14. Christ had a Spirit delighted in the exercise of all Gods Ordinances and all holy duties as his frequent exercise therein and exhortation thereunto do fully evince he was still ready to take every opportunity to instruct the people as appears by Mat. 5.1 Mar. 2.2 6.34 Luk. 5.1 3. and he exhorted his Disciples to duty Mat. 9. ult By which it is evident that his Spirit was delighted therewith 15. Christ was of a world contemning Spirit as his Birth Life and Death did fully declare and evince for in all these he shewed his contempt of the World both in the good and evill of it 16. Christ was not of a time-serving but of a God-glorifying Spirit He sought not his own but his Fathers glory in all times and things as his own Language Ioh. 12.28 17.4 shews Christ sought his Fathers glory in all things and above all things which evidently declares he had a God-glorifying Spirit 17. Christ was of a faithfull Spirit he was faithfull to God in all things He was faithfull to him that appointed him saith the Author to the Hebrews Heb. 3.2 He was a faithfull High-Priest He is called Faithfull and true Rev. 19.11 The faithfull and true witnesse Rev. 3.14 By all which is evident that Christ was of a faithfull Spirit 18. Christ had an elivated Spirit his Spirit was raised above the World and the things of the World his Spirit did sore aloft and solace it self in the things of the other world it did solace it self in God in what he did injoy in God before he left the bosome of his Father and what he should injoy with him again when he had finished the work which his Father gave him to do This is evident by the Language of Christ Ioh. 17.5 and by that which is spoken of him Heb. 12.2 19. Christ was of a stable Spirit he did not stagger in Spirit or reel up and down from one opinion to another but his Spirit was stedfast with God and unmoveable in calmes and in storms He was yesterday and to day and the same for ever How variable soever the world was in their opinion of him yet he was still the same as appears Heb. 13.8 Which evidently demonstrates his Spirit was stedfast with God 20. In fine Christ had a Spirit full of all Divine excellency and beauty he had a Spirit of Wisdome and Vnderstanding a Spirit of Counsell and Might a Spirit of Knowledge and of the feare of the Lord a Spirit indued with all Divine excellency as the Prophet shews Isa. 11.2 All these qualifications were in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ and he that is joyned unto the Lord he that is ingrafted into Christ and made new by him is one Spirit with him He that is joyned unto the Lord is one Spirit saith this Text. Here note That this Text doth not say that he that is joyned unto the Lord is equal with him but that he that is joyned unto the Lord is one with him He that is joyned unto the Lord is one spirit Christ and he that is joyned unto him are one in spirit The particulars fore-mentioned shew what Spirit the Lord Jesus Christ was of and this Text tels us what spirit he that is one with Christ is of what spirit a new Creature is of He that is joyned to the Lord is one spirit he is one spirit with the Lord. As face answers face in water so doth the heart of man to man saith Solomon As a Picture answers to the Life so doth the Spirit of a new Creature answer to the Spirit of Christ saith the Text He that is joyned to the Lord is one spirit Wouldest thou then know thy self and thy
Demonstration I shall speak something from this Text as God shall enable me and somewhat of the other to wit the seal of Confirmation from another Text if the Lord permit and so conclude this work Before I speak further of this seal of Demonstration or the appearances of it I will here premise six things First That as a Merchant sets his seal upon his wares by which he demonstrates such and such wares to be his and distinguisheth them from all other so God sets his seal upon his people to wit this seal of regeneration by which he demonstrates them to be his and distinguisheth them from all the people in the world profane morall hypocriticall This I may call Gods broad-seal sealing a soul to the day of redemption Secondly This seal God sets upon all his wares all his adopted children are sooner or later sealed with this seal every reall Saint every one that is effectually called hath this seal of Demonstration set upon him regeneration wrought in him Gods Image stamped upon him But all the children of God have not this in like measure the impression is not alike visible in all neither to the parties themselves nor to others some bear this impression as babes others as men grown up to some maturity all Gods adopted children bear this impression truly but none of them perfectly in this life The third thing premised is this That this seal of Demonstration to wit true regeneration is of absolute necessity unto salvation for Without holiness no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 No man shall ever inherit the kingdome of glory that hath not this seal set upon him in the kingdome of grace Christ will own none of these wares for his in that other world whom he doth not thus seal in this world it stands not with his justice to own such The fourth thing premised is this That this seal of regeneration demonstrates to God to man to others and to a mans self except in some cases that he is Gods He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth 2 Thes. 2.13 Fifthly This seal of regeneration is such as others may discern therefore I call it a seal of demonstration The Image of God if once stamped in truth upon the soul cannot be hid no more than fire in a mans bosome the love of God in the heart will shew it self in the outward man Nay this seal of regeneration is many times more obvious unto others than unto the parties themselves This seal is so lively stamped on some of Gods people that it shews it self very eminently in the eies of others when they that have it cannot nor will not behold it in themselves The sixth and last thing premised is this That this seal of regeneration whereever it is truly stamped by the holy Spirit of God is Gods mark and the soules earnest for Heavens eternity The Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself Psal. 4.3 The person thus sealed is a sequestred person sequestred for the Lords use sealed unto the day of redemption Where note That this seal of regeneration doth confirme and make sure the love of God unto the person on which it is set as well as the other though not alwayes to the apprehension of the person Object But Satan doth many times counterfeit this seal and thereby cheats and cosens many a soul He counterfeiteth holiness and perswades the soul that is but seemingly regenerate that he is truly regenerate and him that hath but civill holiness that he hath saving holiness and by this sophistry of his cheats and undoth many a soul How shall I then come truly to discern whether the demonstrative seal set upon my self be indeed the seal of the holy Spirit of God or but the counterfeit set by Satan Answ. 1. Wheresoever there is true regeneration wrought by the holy Spirit of God Satans seal which is upon our soules as we come into the world is cancelled corruption is not barely restrained but mortified The body is dead because of sinne as the Scripture speaks the soul is bent against every sinne it allows not it self in any known sinne it hates all sin but where Satan counterfeits this seal corruption is but restrained the heart loves it still and cherisheth some one sinne or other 2. The soul ●hus sealed by the holy Spirit of God beares the Image of God the Image of God is stamped upon it as the seal is so is the print which it makes the Spirit of God is a holy Spirit and the soul that is sealed by it is a holy soul He is renewed in the spirit of his mind Holiness is stamped upon his heart and spirit and from thence spreads it self through the whole man and through the whole life from the time of conversion regeneration wrought by the Spirit of God makes the heart pure and holy as well as the outward man therefore the Apostle calls it Holiness of truth Ephes. 4.24 and saith in another place The Spirit is Life because of righteousness Christ makes it a note of a good man that he can derive goodness from within Luk 6 45. Therefore I may safely pitch upon it That Holiness engraven upon the heart and spirit of a man and from thence declaring it self in the whole man and in the whole life is vigor fit and but fit to give the denomination of a soul thus sealed regeneration wrought by the Spirit of God is begun in the inward man it is universall and goes through every faculty of the soul and every part and member of the body through the whole life and conversation he that is truly sanctified is sanctified throughout and holy in all manner of convers●tion he that is sealed by the holy Spirit of God beares the Image of God in all these But Satans counterfeit seal of Demonstration stamps his own image he is seemingly an Angel of light whilest really a Devil and he that is thus sealed by Satan resembles him in this he is a seeming Saint a reall Devil So Christ spake of Iudas Have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a Devil He that is thus sealed by Satan hath Holiness painted on his outside but wickedness graven on his heart as is evident in the Scribes and Pharisees who were thus sealed by Satan they were outwardly holy as Christ shews at large Mat. 23. but inwardly very ugly and rotten and therefore calls them whited sepulchres not sealed soules Civill Holiness may and many times doth enable a man to carry himself civilly and holily in the eies of men but saving Holiness makes a man studious and carefull to approve himself unto God in his very thoughts and affections and in the motions of his heart as well as the motions of the outward man yea this is that which he is most carefull of and industrious about that is sealed
Answ. It is for inward fins as well as outward Note Luk. 1. Note It makes the soul to justifie God in all his dealings as appears by Neh. 9.33 Lam. 1.18 Luk. 23.41 Luk. 15.19 Ezek. 16. Note Eze. 6.9 Ps. 51.4 Hos. 14 2. Ps. 25.18 Psa. 39 8. Psa 51.2 9. Note Note Psal. 4.6 Cant. 1.2 Psal. 4.7 Psa. 63.1 Psa 42.1 Paul mourned for his sin after he was justified from his sinne This is fruit fit and but fit for real Repen●ance Pro. 28.13 2 Chron. 7.14 Isai. 1.16 17. Act. 3.19 Ezek. 2 Cor. 7.10 Ier. 24.7 1 Kin. 8.48 * Gal. 2.20 Love the Lord thy God and walk ever in his wayes are joyned together Deu. 19.9 Note Deut. 30.2 Act. 3.22 Thus did Zacharias and Elizabeth obey God Luk. 1.6 Psal. 119.6 a Ps. 119.72 b Iob. 23.12 c Act. 20.23 24. d Deut. 19.9 Deut. 5.29 Iohn 8.31 e Ruth 1.16 f 2 King 2. g 2 Sam. 2. ver 19. to the 24. Note 2 Cor. 8.12 Eph. 3.8 He tremble●h at the Word when it is rightly applied yea sometimes when it is wrongfully applied by Satan Conscience or M●n D●n 2.10 He thinks not the better of himself for what he doth or for what G●d doth by him Ruth 1.21 Lam. 1.13 Luk 23 40 41. Rom. 7.24 Heb. 10.14 * 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈…〉 When sin is sentenced to death and dying then is it dead in Gods account and in Scripture phrase Note Gal. 2.20 Rom. 7.17 Rom. 6.16 The evill which I would not v. 19. Note Note Caution A Creature universally wed The app●arances of a new Crea●ure A new Creature doth not allow himself in any one known sin nor in omit●ing any known duty He is one that doth not follow after sin● but after grace * To clense himself from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit 1 Ioh. 5.4 a Numb 14.24 b 1 King 14 8. c Ruth 1.16 d 2 Kin● 2. e 2 Sam. 2. ve● 19 to the 24. Jesus Christ formed in thee the first demonstration of thy new Creation 1 Sam. 28.14 13. The new man is renewed in knowledg Col. 3.10 Renewing light ishumble and humbling Iob 24.5 6. 1 Col. 1.6 Persons savingly inlightened walk as Children of light Eph. 5.8 2 Cor. 3.18 Note A new heart the second demonstration of a new Creature Note Note The newness of the heart consisteth not in the substance of it but in the quality of it when the heart is made new the substance is not altered but the quality isaltered A renewed heart is in Scripture called a new heart Job 19.28 Such as the heart is such is the man A new heart is in Scripture called by divers names and set forth by divers properties some of which I will here speak of as God shall inable me Note Note Note Note A heart wherein there is no guile reigning Prov. 16.17 Psal. 19.12 13. An uprightheart goes not after any known s●n but p●●ys and fights against all sinne Ps. 101.3 Conscienciousin private duties as well as exact in publique duties An upright heart makes a man studious and carefull to walk uprightly Psa. 29. ● Psa. 63.1 Ps. 53. ●6 Hab 2.4 Ps. 125.4 This it doth because God delightsin uprightness more then in any other qualification Iob 13.23 Iob 16.19 Iob 13.6 Uprightnesse if once in the heart will never out Iob 27.10 Iob 15.33 Iob 18.16 Mat. 13.5 6. Iob 23.11 12. Hence it is that the Scripture calls for renovation in Spirit in professors of religion Eph. 4.23 The third demonstration of a new Creature is living in Christ and bringing forth fruit in him Col. 1.10 This he finds by experience 1 Sam. 13.8 Note Luk. 6.45 A new Creature is ●ne that doth not commit sin This is his four●h demonstration Therefore an unregenerate person is said to be the servant of sin A regenerate person is not a servant of sin but a captive to the law of sin He that is born of God doth not commit that sin unto death the sin against the Holy Ghost This body of death is worse to a new Creature and this is his fifth demonstration Iob 3 21. A new Creature minds the things of the Spirit and is led by the Spirit this is his sixt Demonstration Psal. 4.6 Ps. 63.3 Cant. 1.2 Note When a man may be said to be led by the Spirit Note Note Nor at all times alike Note And according as the burdens which he goes under beheavior or lighter Note A new Creature is one joyned to the Lord Jes●s Christ and one Spirit with him This is his seven●h demonstration A rege●ative and sensitive s●ul is comprehended under a rationall so is a joyning to Christ under a being in Christ. Ioh. 7.18 Spi●i●uall P●i●st● Col. 2.12 Note Note Job 19.28 His goverment is spirituall yet external and internall Mat. 26.41 Mark 6.34 Mat. 9.36 Mat. 15.32 Mat. 14.14.27 Isai. 42.3 Luke 23.34 Act. 10.38 Heb. 5.7 Luk. 22.44 Prov. 8.30 Note Thus from providences 1 Cor. 11.32 To them that love God Cant. 1.5 6. G●n 32. Mic. 7.9 Thus did Pauls bonds operate in him Phil. 1.23 Heb. 12.11 Note P●al 89.30 31 32. Gospell-doctrine Gospell-Discipline Gospell-Conversation Note 1 Pet. 2.21 23. Divine patience What a Ja. 1.2 b Mat. 5.12 c Lu. 6.23 Divine joy What Hab. 2.17 18. d Mar. 8.38 e 1 Pet. ● 16 f 2 Tim. 1.8 g 1 Pet. 3.14 h Mat 10.26.28 31. Rev. 2. ●0 i Cant. 1.9 Note Christian courage k 1 Tim. 1.2 Rom. 1.16 l Dan. 3.18 Thus did the three Children we read of in Daniel declare their courage Rom 2.7 m Rev. 2.10 n Mat. 24.13 Perseverance Not● o 1 Pet. 2.19 I think it not fit here to define Conscience and therefore will pass by that Note This Christ in●●●nated to Peter Joh. 13 8. and plainly told Nicodemus Joh. 3.5 * Viz. In case of Ignorance Temptation Desertion Such a seal was set upon those mentioned Phil. 4.3 whose names the Apostle judged were in the Book of Life The saving graces of the Spirit are called The earnest of the Spirit 2 Cor. 5.5 Hates fin for its evil nature and because God hates it Eph. 4.23 Saving Holiness springs from divine principles He is still figh●ing against these and at last overcomes them all Note Note Joh. 16.13 14 15. Note All Gods adopted Children have Hannah's portion love speciall love but all of them have not Be●jamin's double portion to wit love and the assurance of it This is a choice favour a high priviledg He hath the spirit ofprayer though not the gift of prayer Note Note Sound assurance makes the soul to triumph over death the king of terrors as appears in Paul Rom. 8.38 39. 1 Cor. 15.55 Note Some singular doing or suffering for God or from God by means of sin or Satans or men * Prov. 14.26 a Follow the counsel that Moses gave to Israel Deut. 4.9 Take bred to thy self and keep thy soul with all diligence c. Negative Rules b Ps 85 8. Sin not away thi● blessin● give not r●ines to any lust keep thy self from the accused 〈◊〉 2 Pet. 3.17 Remember that God never gave any man any qualification how glorious soever to the end he should glory in it Gods People may often say of their pride as Ieph●●●● did of 〈◊〉 daughter Alas my pri●e thou hast brought me very low Walk according to the ruls of the Scripture * 2 Col. 2. Labour to grow in grace daily Mat. 25. Pray that the Spirit of God may still bear witnesse with thy spirit of Gods Love towards them