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A19272 Certaine sermons vvherin is contained the defense of the gospell nowe preached against such cauils and false accusations, as are obiected both against the doctrine it selfe, and the preachers and professors thereof, by the friendes and fauourers of the Church of Rome. Preached of late by Thomas by Gods sufferance Byshop of Lincolne. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1580 (1580) STC 5685; ESTC S120768 201,470 274

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must next consider how this blessed meat is truely rightly eaten both in the sacraments without the vse of of Sacramentes This question hath vexed all Christendom nowe for the space of certaine yeres hath exercised the pennes and tongues almost of all learned men of this age with great vehemencie on eche side But surely if they would with single mindes without heat of contention truely consider howe the fruite and benefite of this heauenly foode is receaued this controuersie might bee easily ended and many a troubled conscience quieted which now almost only are by this meanes stayed from embracing the trueth of the Gospell They doe not so greatly mislike the other parts of our doctrine but this sticketh in their consciences that wee denie the body and blood of Christ really and carnally eaten and drunken in the Sacrament Wherefore I hartely desire al such for the time to laye aside that settled perswasion wherewith their mindes hitherto hath beene so holden that they could not abide to heare any thing of the contrarie and with indifferent and charitable mindes carefully to consider that which in parte I haue and now hereafter shall speake touchyng this matter First therefore you must call to your remembraunce that Christes bodye is not carnall meate and drinke for our bodyes but spirituall meat and drinke for our soules and for that cause S. Paul in this place so calleth it saying That the olde Fathers did eate of the same spirituall meate and drinke of the same spiritual drinke And yet I must needes confesse that this spirituall meate is profitable not to the soule onely but to the body also For Christ dyed for preseruation both of soule and bodye But this benefite of nourishment is not first receaued of the bodye and throughe it passeth to the soule for that were monstrous but beeyng first receaued of the soule it profiteth the bodye For as Christ sayth That which entreth into the bodily mouth defyleth not the man but that commeth out of the mouth from the corrupte hearte and mynde So contrariwyse not that good thing that entreth by the bodye dothe profyte the soule but that which entered first by the soule and is receaued by it profyteth also the bodye For the body and bloud of Christ beeyng in deede the true foode of lyfe when it is spiritually eaten by the soule through the operation of the holye Ghost maketh vs apte to Resurrection and in due tyme transformeth our mortall bodyes to the lykenesse of his glorious bodye If the spirite of him that raised Christ from death dwell in vs he that raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken our mortall bodies because that his spirit through Christ dwelleth in vs. The better to vnderstand what it is to eate this spirituall foode and how it is truely effectually receaued to eternall lyfe I must put you in minde of the comparison that before I vsed betweene the body and the soule As the bodye is sayde to eate when it receaueth that sustenaunce wherewith the hunger thereof is stayed and satisfied and as it is sayde to drinke when it receaueth that liquour wherewith the thirst is quenched euen so our soule is sayde to eate and to drinke when it receaueth that heauenly and blessed foode of Christ Jesus crncifyed wherewith the hungry and thirstie appetite thereof that is the vehement desire of the fauour of God and saluation is fully satisfyed and appeased As there commeth no benefit to the body of meat drinke vnlesse it bee eaten and drunken so the bodye and blood of Christ crucified doth not helpe vs anye thing if it bee not worthily and truely receaued The body receaueth hys foode by the mouth of the body the soule receaueth hirs by the mouth of the soule As it is not sufficient to hunger and thirst nor to receaue sustenaunce vnlesse there be a naturall strength in our bodyes to receaue concoct and digest the same so there must be in our soules that strength that may surely receaue Christ and wrappe him or embrace him in the bowels of our heart that he may thereby as it were be turned into vs and wee into him but that strength is not in our selues but is giuen of God We must therefore haue it from him from whom all good giftes proceede that is From the father of lyghtes And this gift wherewith Christ is truely and effectually receaued is nothing but faith For by fayth we receaue Christ and assure our selues in our hartes that wee are partakers of that redemption which by his death he hath procured for vs and with that firme perswasion lay him vp in the bowels of our heartes that in all our temptations and troubles we may feede vpon him and gather strength and comfort in the assuraunee of Gods fauour purchazed by him so that so often as our heartes bee shaken with mistrust and feare this faith doth comforte and releeue vs agayne Nowe that faith is the mouth and meanes whereby onely wee receaue and eate Christ to saluation I will let you vnderstand it both by Christes owne wordes in S. Iohn and by the iudgement of diuers learned and auncient Fathers For Christ vseth these wordes indifferently and as of one force and signification To beleeue in him To eate him To drinke him To come vnto him and doth attribute to eche of these y ● same effectes To beleeue in Christ is the proper worde to eate Christ or to come vnto him are Metaphores and figuratiue speeches but all of one force I am the bread of life saith Christ he that commeth to me shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall neuer thirst Marke diligently deerely beloued what Christ sayth He that commeth to me shall not hunger therfore to come vnto Christ is to eat Christ And againe he saith He that beleeueth in mee shall neuer thirst therfore to beleeue in Christ is to drinke Christ To eat and to drinke are meanes to take away hunger and thirst but to come vnto Christ to beleeue in him as Christ himselfe saith doth take away hunger and thirst therefore to come vnto him and to beleeue in him is to eate him and to drinke him An other out of the same place is this Christ attributeth the same effectes and fruits to them which beleeue in him that he doth to them that eate his bodie and drinke his blood therefore by eating and drinking he meaneth nothing but beleeuing His wordes bee these Iohn 6. verse 54. He that eateth my fleshe and drinketh my blood hath eternall life and I will raise him vp at the last daye Note the effectes that he gyueth to eatyng his fleshe and drinking his blood that is to haue euerlasting lyfe and bee raysed at the last daye In the. 40. verse of the same Chapter hee sayeth This is the wyll of my father that sent mee that euerie one that seeth the sonne and beleeueth on him should haue eternall life I
and his blood is called meate and drinke and how he is to be eaten and drunken in the sacramente truely and in deede And lastly I will let you vnderstand that the bare professyon of Christianitie the externall vse of the sacramentes and outward exercise of praying and other ●the thinges are not sufficient without the inwarde worshipping in spirite and truth and christian obedience to the will and lawe of God A sacrament is a reuerend and holy misterie ordayned of God wherin he by his holy word and promise doth both stirre vp and practise the faith of his people and by y ● operation of the holy ghost increase his grace in them besto● his benefites and blessinges vpon them wee on the other part testifye our obedience toward him vnity of faith among our selues The authour and ordainer of sacramēts is none but God himself No Patriarche nor prophet nor Apostle nor Father nor the whole church hath autho●●●● to ordayne a sacrament Who is authour of Sacraments sayth Ambrose but the Lord Iesus These Sacramēts came from Heauen c. A sacrament is a part of Gods worship but no creature can ordayne any part of Gods worship but himself according to that saying of the Prophet In vaine they worship me teaching the traditions of men In the old Testament if a man had offered any sacrifice not appointed by God it was esteemed little better then Idolatrie It is knowne what happened to the sonnes of Aaron for that they brought strange syre to the Alter of God much lesse may any appoint straunge sacramentes not ordayned by the expresse word of God in his scriptures Sacramentes be seales that confyrme Gods promises and looke what a counterfeyted seale is to a mannes writing or deede that is a sacramente in the Churche not ordayned by GOD. If this be true as in deede it is moste true what shall we saye of the Church of Roome which hath presumed not only to alter those Sacraments that Christ appoynted but also to ordayn sundry other sacramentes without any iust warrant of gods word onlye vpō forced interpretaciōs deuised of thēselues Penance Orders Matrimony corrupt Doctrine being taken frō thē be good things to be exercised in y ● church so likewise are prayer fasting and almes deedes yet I see n● cause why they shold be called sacramēts Ther is a great differēce betwene a sacramēt an other godly exercise cōmanded in y ● church as herafter you shal better vnderstād Seing therfore christ is author of sacramēts none other you may not think thē to be trifles vaine Ceremonies and mens deuises y ● you may vse or not vse at your pleasures as you list but you ought to reuere●●● thē as y ● ordinance of God to receiue thē euen as at Christs own hand For as whē gods word is taught you by the ministery of men you must not receiue it as mans word but as the word of God as it is in deede and therefore the Prophet sayd the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it euen so the Sacraments when you receiue them at the hands of a fraile and mortall yea and sometime a sinfull man you must looke to the Authour and in your faith see the hande of God offering the same vnto you The sacramentes take not their excellencye and worthinesse of him that Ministreth them though he be neuer so holy neyther be they disgraced or weakened though the Minister be wicked and euill And therfore the errour of y ● Donatistes Anabaptists and some other is sharpelye to bee reprooued that thinke the sacramentes of Christ to bee of leesse value if they be ministred by an euill or sinfull man In deede the haud of the receiuer being withoute Fayth maketh the sacramentes that of themselues bee good to bee vnto him of no Force because of his vnbeleefe But a wicked Minister cannot in anye wyse make frustrate or deceiue the Fayth of the Godlye Receauer Iudas was a wicked and false Traytoure and a Couetous naughtys person al the time that he followed Christ yet I doubte not but that the baptisme that he ministred was as auailable to the faithful receiuer as the baptisme of Peter was or of any other of the Apostles S. August vseth the same example Whereas fayth he there was great difference betweene Peter and Iudas yet was there no difference betweene the baptisme ministred by Peter that was ministred by Iudas that was all one but of the partyes one was a member of Christ another a member of the Deuill And agayne he sayth Such are the Sacramentes as they are that come vnto them Whereby one maye profitablely receiue the Sacrament of an ill minister so he himselfe be good This is a great comfort to the godly that in receiuing the Sacramēt they neede not to loke into the life of the Minister but to examine theire owne hartes Now as touching the partes of a Sacrament you shall vnderstande it consisteth of three partes The fyrste is the externall signe as the Lambe in the Passouer the cutting of the fore skinne in Circumcision water in Baptisme bread and wyne in the Lordes supper Because of these outwarde ●ignes a Sacrament is called a signe a Seale a Visible word so that it were a Monster to haue a sacrament without an externall signe or elemente to the outewarde substaunce of it Water in Baptisme signifieth that as water naturally hath a propertie to wash and clense the filth frō the body so doth the grace of God through Christ his blood wash away the gilt and filthinesse of our soules As breade and wine by naturall effect nourisheth our bodyes strengthneth and comforteth oure spirites so doeth the heauenlye foode of Christes body and blood broken and shead for vs vpon the Crosse nourish our soules and quicken our Spirites to eternall life with God As the breade is made of many graynes kneaded into one loafe and the Wine pressed out of many Grapes into one cuppe so the multitude of Christians communicating at the Lordes Table thoughe many in number are ingrafted into Christ made mēbers of his misticall body and ioyned in mutuall loue one with the other so that nowe they liue by the spirite of Christe as the members of a naturall bodye lyue and haue sence by that Spirite that commeth from the harte and from the heade This proportion and similitude betweene the signes and the spirituall effectes of the sacrament S. Cyprian acknowledgeth As this cōmon b●ead saith he being chaunged into fleshe and blood breedeth life to to our bodies so by the accustomed nature of thinges the weakenesse of our fayth being holpen is taughte in sensible argument that in visible Sacramentes are the effect of eternal life These godly instructions and ●we●e comfortes the Church of Roome weakeneth and ●aketh away by their monstrous doctrine of Transubstāciation Wherein they
the soule and body togeather so hath the soule a meanes by foode and sustenaunce to continue GOD and the soule togeather and so to preserue lyfe and putte away the death thereof The bodye when it wanteth this sustenaunce is sayde to hunger and to thirst so the Soule when it feeleth lacke of that Heauenlye and Spirituall foode whereby the lyfe therof is continued it is not in proper speeche but Figuratiuelye sayde to hunger and to thyrste that is earnestly to long and desyre to bee made partaker of that Foode by the Vertue whereof onely God and it is ioyned and preserued togeather This blessed foode is Christe himselfe and none other eyther thing or person for by him onelye are wee reconciled vnto GOD and kepte in vnitie wyth him vnto eternall lyfe and withoute him wee by sinne remayne separated from GOD and so in Death eternal vnlesse Christe doe ioyne vs vnto him He that hath the Sonne of GOD sayth Iohn hath life he that hath not the sonne of GOD hath not life By this comparison I trust you maye see why Christe is called the meate and drinke of Christians that is of the likenesse that hee hath with bodily foode and sustenaunce that keepeth in life and preserueth the Soule and the bodye togeather Wee haue nowe further to consyder not onelye that Christe is the foode of oure Soules and why hee is so called but also howe hee is made the Foode of oure soule I am sayth Christe that bread of Lyfe that came from Heauen that is hadde hee not beene GOD as well as Manne hee coulde not haue beene the Meate of our Soules We must ascende higher therefore then to the humanitie of Christe or to his Naturall bodye and blood and conceaue that it is the bodye and blood of the Sonne of God and hee too God eternall with the Father or else he coulde not haue wrought the Mysterye of our Redemption There be certayne necessary causes very profytable and cōfortable to remēber why Christ must be both god man First it was necessary he should bee GOD that hee might know the will of God and reueale the same vnto vs For we of our selues cannot see God and his will but wee knowe as S. Iohn sayth That the sonne of God came to giue vs a mynde to know him that is true Another cause is that the price of our redemption mighte be equiualent and of like worthinesse as the offence was in the sighte of GOD which could not haue bene vnlesse that person that was the sonne of God had dyed for vs. For neyther Golde nor Siluer nor anye other pretious thing could redeeme vs but the blood of the immaculate and vndefyled Lambe Christ Jesus Furthermore if hee had not bene God he coulde not haue ouercome Death and y ● Deuill vnder whose captiuitie we were holden and there fore The Sonne of GOD appeared that he might dissolue the Workes of the Deuill Vnlesse hee hadde bene verye God hee coulde not haue giuen vs power to bee made the Sonnes of God and Heires of eternall lyfe He could not haue bene Our eternall Bishop and perpetually sitte on the right hande of God to be intercessoure for vs. He could not haue bene present at all times and in all places to gather his church to direct the harts of the faithfull to heare their prayers and to remitte their sinne He could not haue rayned the dead to life abolishe Death exercise iudgement and giue eternall life vnto the Faythfull that loue his comming There be reasons also why Christe must be very manne and as hee came from Heauen as GOD so in Earth to take fleshe of the Blessed Virgine like vnto oures Sinne onely excepted First that the Justice of GOD requyred that as Manne offended and brake his Lawe and Commaundemente so manne also shoulde satisfye fullye for the same that his righteousnesse mighte iustlye bee imputed to other Secoulye that the appoynted Messias and Sauiour mighte fustaine that punishment which by gods sentence was due for sinne that is death but god alone could not haue dyed Thirdly that we myght haue the surer comfort and confidence in our necessitie to appeale to the throne of his Maiestie seeing he being our hygh Byshop was verie man as wee are and partaker of our infirmities Fourthlye that we myght more certainly be assured of our Resurrection as also that we both in soule and body should enioy eternal life in heauen seeyng Christ our sauiour hauing the same fleshe that we haue hath raised it from death and caried it w t him into heauen there as our head keeping possession for vs vntill the time that wee as members of hys mysticall body shall be ioyned to hym For where the head is there the members must be as Christ himselfe sayeth Where I am there my Ministers shall be Furthermore it was necessarie that Christ should be man that we myght haue the more confidence by him in our necessitie to appeale to the throne of Gods mercy knowing that we haue such an high Byshop as being in manhood like vnto vs hath sense of our infirmitie and hath beene tempted euen as we are For the humanitie of Christ is as it were the Conduite pipe by which onely the liuing waters of Gods mercie floweth vnto vs. Lastly Christ was man that we myght be the more assured of our Resurrection from the dead and possession of eternall lyfe not in soule onely but in body also seeing this our sauiour hauing the lyke fleshe vnto ours in all thinges Sinne onely excepted hath raised vp the same fleshe from death and caried it with him to heauen there to keepe possession of that eternall kingdome for vs. Especially considering that he by the price of his blood hath taken away the guilt of sinne from our mortall bodyes Thus in part you vnderstand howe Christ became the true liuely foode of Christian people that is because by the vnestimable wisedome and mercy of God he was prepared to bee in person God and man All kinde of nourishment hath some proportion of lykenesse with that bodye which it nourisheth and so Christ the naturall sonne of God became man also that by that likenesse he might be apt and fitte nourishmēt to preferre vs to eternall lyfe But this meate must be yet further prepared or else it woulde not serue our turne in feeding of vs. Christ therefore was prepared and made apte meat for vs to eate vpon the Aulter of the Crosse where his body was broken and his blood shedde and he offered himselfe to God the father a ful perfect sacrifice for our sinne and afterward raised the same his body from death to life y ● it might be very true sustenaunce to euerlasting life aptly and truely in all respectes prepared to that end Forsomuch as you haue now heard y t Christ is the onely foode of life why he is so called howe he was prepared so to be we
onely for the redemption of the whole worlde generally but for hys also particularly and that he vndoubtedly is partaker of that blessed worke of our redemption When wee heare these woordes Doe this in remembrance of me our faith is assured y t it is Christs commaundement that wee shoulde vse this Sacrament to call to our remembraunce the benefite of our faluation by the death of Christ and in hart and minde at al times but then especially to shew our selues truely thankefull to him for the same When our sight beholdeth vpon the Table the bread and wyne by Christes ordinaunce broken and powred out for vs to vse the Fayth is moued this to thinke As surely and truely as my bodily eyes behould vpon the table of the Lord the Creatures of bread and wine as the outward parte of his sacramente and see the same broken and poured out for mee so assuredly doe I with the eye of my faith beholde the body and blood of Christ broken and shead for me vpon the Alter of the Crosse and the same my Sauiour sitting now on the right hand of god the father with the same body and blood now gloryfyed wherewith vpon the Crosse he payd the price of my redemption Whē we see the Minister offering to vs the bread and the cup and wee receaue the same in our hande and by our sence feele them inwardly in our hartes our fayth is mooned to haue this cogitacion As truely as our Sauioure Christe vpon the Crosse by his body broken and his blood sheade wrought our redemption and offered the benefite thereof to all that would beleeue generally so truelye am I assured that now in the vse of this holy Sacrament by his minister he offereth the same to me particularly to be applied to my selfe And as surely as my hande receaueth the outwarde creatures so surelye by my fayth doe I receyue Christ himselfe and in my hart feele him and with my spirituall armes imbrace him as the onely price and meanes of my saluation When we eate of the holy breade and drinke of the reuerend cuppe and by our cast haue sence of the sweetenesse of them and fele them passe downe into our stomache there to rest that they may be according to their nature meanes to nourishe and strengthen our bodie to continue it in lyfe the fayth is stirred vp by these sences thus to thinke Euen as certainly as my taste feeleth the sweetenesse of Breade and wyne and thereby perceiue in deede that their operacion is to nourish and strengthen my body and to quicken my naturall spirites which without suche nourishmente would perishe euen so the taste of my faith and sence of my hart doth feele the sweetenesse of Christe his body and blood broken and shead for mee and all mankinde vppon the Crosse and perceiue it thereby to be the onely foode of my soule without which I shoulde perishe both soule and bodye Eternallye And as certainlye as I feele with bodilye sence that the Breade and Wyne passeth into my Stomache and there according to their proportion feede strengthen and quicken my Naturall bodye and Spirites so assuredlye doe I with my inwarde and Spirituall sence perceiue the bodye and blood of Christe and the whole benefite of his death and passiō to passe into the stomache of my soule and bosome of my hart there through the strength of a true Christiā faith to be laid vp wrought and digested as that onelye nourishmente that keepeth the life of the soule and preserueth mee both soule and bodye to eternall life They that will Christianlye and charitablely and in the feare of GOD weighe and consyder these thinges I truste will not thinke eyther that wee make lighte accoumpte of the Externall Sacramente or in oure Doctrine teache a syngle and sleighte manner of eating of Christ by fayth as the fauourers of the church of Rome doe charge vs. And I appeale to the Consciences of all them that followe theire Doctrine whether euer they were taughte to take suche sweete instruction and comfort in the vse of that blessed Sacrament or no. These good Fruites of that Sacramente are muche furthered and increased by sunderye other Godlye cogitations which the Scriptures teache true Christians to vse in the administration of it The worde of GOD teacheth that the vse of the externall Sacramentes is a manner of confession whereby men acknowledge themselues before GOD and the World that they are Christians Therefore the faythfull receauer when hee commeth to the Sacrament thinketh this with himselfe I by comming to this place proteste before GOD and his Angels and before all the Creatures of Heauen and earth that in my harte I deteste the Religion of Jewes Turkes Infidels Heretiques and all other that denye saluation to come by the death of Christe and I acknowledge my selfe vnfaygnedlye to bee of the number of them that hope to haue the fauoure of GOD and to bee saued by the merite and passion of Christe onelye The worde of GOD teacheth that Sacramentes are as it were Seales to confyrme the truth of Gods promises and to strength our fayth Therefore by this seale of the Lords Supper wee assure oure selues that wee are partakers of all that Legacie which Christ our Sauyour in his last will bequeathed to vs that is that his bodye was broken vpon the Crosse for our redemption and his blood sheadde for the remission of oure Sinnes The Scriptures teache that in the vse of the sacramentes through Fayth wee bee vnited vnto Christ and ingraffed into his Mysticall body so that wee liue nowe onelye by him and whatsoeuer is his by the truth of his promise is oures also The worde of God teacheth that the Sacrament of the Lordes supper is a linke of vnitye that knitteth vs together as members of one Mysticall bodye and therefore that wee oughte to bee ioyned in mutuall loue and charitie among our selues and that it is a foule reproch both to Christe oure head and to the whole body if we hate hurte or hinder one another For by the vse therof we confesse y ● we are all members of one bodye all Seruantes of one Mayster all Children of one Father all Subiectes vnder one Lorde and King all Partakers of one redemption all Heires of one Heritage and Gifte of Eternall Lyfe And in so manye L●●●es of Vnitye to be at discorde among ourselues is in Gods iudgemente an heauy testimouie agaynst vs in the day of his wrath Finally the word of God teacheth vs that the Sacrament of the Lordes supper is our heauenlye Feaste in whiche the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde is offered vnto vs spiritually to feede vppon in our fayth that by him as I haue before declared we maye be nourished strengthened and preserued to eternall life and therfore that we ought to bee verye carefull so coprepare oureselues that we may be worthy Guestes for that blessed table Wherefore
the Pigges of Epicures stie Edamus bibamus c. ● Let vs eate let vs drinke and be merie for to morow we shall die and after death is no pleasure nor paine Marke I pray you howe wisedome vttereth their cogitations and maketh them to speake in this wise Our time is as a shadow that passeth away after our end there is no returning come therefore and let vs enioye the pleasures that are present and let vs fill our selues with costly vvine and ointments and let vs cheerefully vse the d●eatures as in youthe and let not the flower of life passe by vs. Let vs all be partakers of our wantonnesse let vs leane some token of our pleasure in euerie place For that is our portion and this is our lot Let us oppresse the poore that is righteous oh let vs not spare the widowe nor reuerence the white heares of the aged Let our strēgth be the law of vnrighteousnes Let vs defraude the righteous and godly for he is not for our profit he is contrary to our doings he checketh vs for offending against the law blameth vs as transgressors of discipline Out of this schoole they came that iest at Preachers be angrie with them for inueighing against the vanities of this life putting them in minde of God and of heauen for they thinke that to bee a bitter saying to their pleasant life For there is none so heathenish but God sometime sendeth to his minde a gnawing corsie remorse of conscience to trouble him Out of this schole came those scorners which S. Peter prophesied shuld rise in the latter dayes liue after their owne lust when they should be taught by Preachers that y ● worlde shoulde haue an ende they be brought before the iudgement seat of God to aunswere for their wickednes would with derision and mocking say Oh where is the promise of the Lordes comming to iudgement and of the end of the world for since the fathers died all things continue a like frō the beginning of the creation Of the same sort are they that Esay speaketh of When they be tolde that God will punishe plague them not in the world to come but in this world also with some notable examples of hys iustice as he did to Sodom and Gomorra and others c Oh say they in derision Let God make speede let him hastē his worke that we may see it and let the counsell of the holy one of Israel drawe neare and come that wee may knowe it Or at least they speake as they doe in Ieremie that denie the Lorde God and say Tushe it is not hee those plagues of sworde and famine shall not come vppon vs It is vaine that the Preachers teache these myseries and plagues shal fall vpon themselues I would to God there were not too many of this sorte in Englande whose like contempteous voyce did ring in many mennes eares beside the great number of them that secretely saye in their heart There is no God and openly shew the same in the whole course of their life For if they beleeued there were a God they would neuer so reprochfully and so obstinately reiect cast aside the word of the eternall and euer liuing God I aske these godlesse Epicures whether they thinke there is a God or no If they will saye Yea why then the same must be a iust God for without iustice there can be no Godhead and if he be a iust god then he must detest hate sinne and accordingly punishe it For it is the part of iustice to giue to euery one that he deserueth reward to the good punishment to the wicked and by this can they not in iustice escape his punishment due to their lewdnesse If they will say with their Maister Epicure that there is a God but he regardeth not the affaires of the world the doings of mē that must then be either because he cannot or because he will not By the one he sheweth himselfe an impotent God and therefore no God by the other a negligent or a malicious God and for that also no God For such passions and imperfections can not lyght into the nature of a Deitie or Godhead If they will flatly thinke or saye There is no God I must speake vnto them as S. Paule doth to lyke heathenish harts mindes and I must will them to open their blinde eyes and behold the goodly beautifull and maruailous frame and workemanship of the world the Su●●e the Moone the Starres the Planets the goodly order the constant course y ● wonderfull effectes the notable varietie of times and seasons to the benefite of mans life I must byd them looke into the ayre and consider what it is that holdeth vp that huge heape of Cloudes houering without any proppe or staye and in conuenient time so sweetely sheeding downe themselues to moist season the earth which if they should fall downe at once woulde ouerwhelme and drowne the whole earth I must further wyst thē to consider y t since the naturall place of water is to be aboue the earth as verye reason and their owne heathenish Philosophers teache who or what it is that holdeth the Sea within a banke of sande that it doth not breake ouer to surrounde the earth and occupie his owne place Or what it is that causeh the dead and dirtie earth to bring for the so beautifull flowers so faire greene grasse so exceedyng varietie of Beastes Hearbes Trees Fruites Metalls and all other things either breeding in the bowells of the earth or shewing themselues vppon the vtter face thereof Who it is that created them or gaue them a beginning that preserueth and continueth them in their kindes that maketh them at some seasons of the yeere to die at another to spring and growe againe Thou wilt say happily all these things be by a certaine course of nature and the ordinarie effectes thereof Why and what is that which thou callest nature Is she a goddesse or is she a Creature Hath she a beginning of hir selfe or hath she hir beginning of an other Seneca an Heathen Philosopher could say Nature is nothing but God working in these thinges that wee call naturall But if thou be worthy the name of a man looke into thine owne body which is called Microcosmos A little world because of marueilous workemanship thereof weigh how it commeth to passe that in thy mothers womb two or three droppes of licour shoulde frame it selfe to skinne to fleshe to bones to sinewes ●o veines to arteties to the principall partes of thy liuing body the braine the harte the stomacke the lyuer the splene the guttes and others howe the spirites bee ingendred in the braine the hart the lyuer which bee the instrumentes whereby thy soule worketh life and mouing ●●rishing increasing and growing sense will and vnderstanding Consider the other outward partes of thy body and
entelye to bee noted in them and greatly to be 〈…〉 When we speake therefore of the sacrament we must speake as it is in it selfe by the force of Gods worde consisting of all three partes and not as the baldnesse of men or the weakenesse and imperfection of oure fayth maye make it ●●w vs. Nowe let vs consider the causes and endes for which Christes pleasure was to ordaine Sacramentes in hys Church that we may thereby also in part learne what fruit and benefite wee take by them The first cause is partly our owne infirmitie and weakenesse beyng dull and slowe in the vnderstanding of heauenly things partly the great goodnesse and loue of God that woulde vouchsafe to attemper himselfe to our simple capacitie and seeke meanes by outward things to ease and helpe the same For this cause in the Scripture doth he so often vse parables and similitudes of those things that are within the compasse of our vnderstāding by those the sooner to induce vs to the knowledge of his heauenly doctrines This cause the auncient and learned Fathers did acknowledge in their writinges The Lord saith Chrisostome geueth vs not any thing that is sensible but insensible things The outward things are sensible but all thinges are to bee vnderstanded in the minde In Baptisme water is sensible but our regeneration and renewing is perceiued in the minde For if thou wert spirituall and without a body he would haue giuen all these things to thee naked bare but because with thy minde there is ioyned a grosse body in things sensible he declareth vnto thee things by thy minde to be vnderstanded Like wordes almost hath Dionysius in Caelost Hier. Because of carnall persons saith Augustine visible Sacramentes were instituted to the end that by things that be seene with your eyes your minde may be transformed to those things that be vnderstanded Our vnderstanding is weake and dull our memorie is fraile and fickle and soone forgetteth the benefite of God Both these our unperfections God by his Sacramentes helpeth our vnderstanding is ●ed by the similitude and lykenesse of the external signes as before I haue noted Our Seuces also are by the erercise of the Sacramentes stirred vp to be instrumentes to helpe one mynde and weake faith Our remembraunce also by the same 〈◊〉 is marueilously● strengthened And therefore a seconde cause or ende of a Sacrament is that it maye bee to vs a blessed exercise whereby wee call to remembraunce the benefite of our redemption in Christ and yeelde to him most hartie thankes and praise for the same according as Christ teacheth vs in the institution of his laste Supper Doe this in remembraunce of mee And Saint Paule so often as you eate of this bread and drinke of this cuppe you shall set forthe the death of the Lorde vntill his comming c. They therefore which come to receaue the Sacrament and neuer thinke of this nor call to theyr remembraunce to prayse God for this vnestimable benefite but thinke that the outwarde vse of the Sacrament is sufficient are among the number of them that receyue vnworthily and make lyttle accompt of Christes benefite procured for vs. A thyrde cause and ende of a Sacrament is that wee by the practice and vse thereof myght bee traded to the obedieuce of Gods holye wyll and commaundementes thoughe the thinges seeme to our selues neuer so simple and mean● and also that thereby wee myght openly before God and the worlde protest and acknowledge that we are his people and of the number of them that looke to be saued preserued defended by the benefite of Christ onely So that the open vse of the sacramentes is a parte of that confession wherevnto S. Paule attributeth saluation when he sayeth If thou confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and beleeue in thy hart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt bee saued for by the heart wee beleeue to righteousnesse and by the mouth confession is made to saluation In the vse of the sacramentes wee confesse both by mouthe an● testimonie of all the partes of our bodye that Christ Iesus is our Lorde and sauiour A fourthe cause and ende of the Sacramentes is that they myght bee as bandes and linkes of loue vnitie and concorde among our selues Therefore Saint Paule when hee exhorted to vnitie and loue among other thinges a 〈…〉 th Wee haue one faith one Baptisme And agayne in another place Wee are one bodye as manye as bee partakers of one lofe For this cause doth Saint Augustine call the Sacrament of the Supper Sacramentum vnitatis i. A Sacrament of vnitie and teacheth vs as before I haue saide that as a loafe of breade is made of manye graynes and a Cuppe of Wyne of many Grapes so wee thoughe manye in number are made members of one mysticall bodye of Christ Iesu A foule thing it is to see the seruauntes of one Maister that weare one cognizaunce or liuerie to fall out among themselues it can not bee without some reproche of their Maister All Christian men weare one cognizaunce and badge for the Sacraments are the marks of Christes sheepe Therfore not to loue agree together is a reproch wrought to our Lord and Maister Wherby in a maner we protest to the world that we be not seruaunts of his familie For in this sayeth he shall men knowe you to be my Disciples if you loue one another as I haue loued you Hereof doth the right vse and vnderstanding of the Sacrameutes very notably put vs in remembraunce For it teacheth vs that in Baptune wee are all newe borne children of God and graffed into one bodie and in the Lordes supper fedde and nourished with one heauenly foode of the body and blood of Christ and therefore that we should with faithfull and vnfained loue hartelie embrace one the other as the children of one father the members of one body and the seruauntes of one Maister fed at one table and nourished with one foode to eternal life Let them therfore looke with what consciences they come vnto the Sacramentes y ● reserue bytter rancour malice in their hartes let them consider what heauy testimony they giue against thēselues before God his Angels The last cause end of a sacrament y ● I meane nowe to speake of is that by those as by blessed instrumentes of the holye Ghostes working hee myght imparte vnto vs and bestowe vppon vs hys vnestimable Graces and benefytes together wyth all the fruites of our redemption in Christ Jesu For as his worde is so are his Sacraments instrumentes and Meanes by the working of his holy spirite to bring vnto vs the whole benefite of our saluation And here againe because of our sclaūderous aduersaries I must put you in remēbraunce that we which teache thus teache not as it is fathered vpon vs that the Sacramentes are but bare signes For you heare vs
S. Aug. that I haue heare layde downe and by many other like that I might alleage I truste all suche as feare God and will iudge indifferently may perceiue that this is no new doctrine which at this time I taught touching the likenesse of the Jewes religion and Sacramentes to ours now in time of the Gospell Herevnto I must add this note by the way If the Israelites vnder the old law did in their sacramēts eat y ● same spirituall meat drink y ● same spiritual drink y ● we do in ours that is Christ that effecally and to saluation before Christes natural body blood were borne and come really into the worlde it maye euydently leade vs also to vnderstande what manner of eating and drinking it is that we also should vse in our sacramēts to saluation that is a spirituall eating and drinking of Christ and not such a grosse carnall and reall eating as the Church of Rome now striueth for But of this I haue to speake in the nexte part Therefore here I will make an ende c. ¶ The seconde Sermon vpon this part of the Text. 1. Cor. 10. 3. c. All did eate of the same spirituall meate and all did drinke of the same spirituall drinke For they dranke of the spirituall Rocke and the Rocke was Christe NOt only S. Paule in this place but the spirite of God in sunderye other Places of the Scriptures teacheth vs that Christe only is the blessed and Heauenlye foode of oure soules wherewith we are fed and nourished to eternall life Of this meate and drinke Esay prophecied many yeares before Christ came in fleshe Oh sayd he come all ye that be thirstie come to the waters and yee that haue no siluer come buy and eate come I say bye wine and milke without money wherfore do you lay out siluer for that which is no fode bestow your labor for that which cannot satisfye you harken dilligently vnto me eat that which is good c. In which words he caled the hungry thirstie consciences of gods people to that heauenly foode of Christ which in his gospel is laid before the faithfull by it to be fedde to eternall life and reproueth them for seeking other foode besyde Christ because indeed there is none that can satisfie them but onelye hee This doth Christ himself seeme to expound in this maner in the gospel when he sayth If any man thirst let him come to me and drinke But most euident in John the sixte hee declareth himselfe to be the onely foode of oure soules of which we must feede vnto saluation For vppon the occasyon of the Jewes following him with a carnall affection to haue their bodyes fedde by myracle as before he had done he sharply reproueth that affection in them willeth thē to labour and trauatle not for the meat that perisheth but for the meate y t shold endure to euerlasting life which the sonne of man should giue vnto them And after Moises gaue you not bread from heauen but my father giueth you the true bread from heauen For the bread of God is he who cōmeth down from heauen to giue life vnto the world And after a few words he sayth plainely I am the bread of life he that commeth to me shal not hunger and he that beleueth in me shall neuer thirst And againe I am the bread of life your fathers did eat Manna in the wildernesse and are dead This is the bread of life which commeth downe from heauen of which he that eateth should not die I am the liuing bread that came downe from heauen if any man eate of this bread hee shall liue for euer and the bread which I wil giue is my fleshe which I will giue for the life of the worlde c. Except ye eate of the fleshe of the son of man drink his blood you haue no life in you Whosoeuer eateth my fleshe and drinketh my blood hath eternall life c I will raise him vp at the last day For my flesh is meate in deede and my blood is drinke in deede c. Seing then it is very euident that Christ is the meate and drinke of all true Christians it behoueth vs next to learne why Christ is called meate and drinke for we may not groselye vnderstand it as y ● Capernaites did that it is a Meat wherwith our bodies are to be nourished as with other natural foode God forbid For Christ himselfe a little after sayth The words that I haue spoken are spirite and life Gyuing vs thereby to vuderstande that hee is oure spiritual meate and his wordes spiritually to be vnderstanded This speech then that Christ is meate an drinke vnto Christians is not a naturall and proper kinde of speaking but metaphoricall and figuratiue transferred from the bodye to the soule from a worldlye meaning to a spirituall Seuce Which the better to perceaue you must remēber that man consisteth not of body only but of soule also And as y t body hath his life and death so the soule hath her life and death And as the body hath certayn means to keepe of death and for the time to mayntayne lyfe so hath the soule meanes to preserue the life thereof and to put awaye death The lif of the body is the ioyning of the soule and the bodye togither and the death thereof is the separation of the soule from the bodye The meanes to preserue the life of the bodye that is to continue the bodye and soule togeather is foode and sustenaunce meate and drinke for we daylye and howerly doe consume and the substance of our bodies wasteth by the pores of oure skinne so that when Nature feeleth wante of Substaunce to supplye the wasting of the body then it is sayde in proper speeche to hunger or to thirst that is to desyre and couette that thing whereby the waute of naturall Substaunce and moysture maye be supplyed least the Instrumentes of the soule shoulde bee made feeble and so the soule departe and the body dye Nowe looke what the soule is to the hedye that is GOD vnto the soule As the lyfe of the bodye is the ioyning of the soule to the bodye for wythout the Soule there is no life so the life of the Soule is the ioyning of GOD and the Soule togeather and the death of the Soule is the separation of GOD from the soule for without GOD the soule hath no lyfe And yet you maye not thinke that the Soule dyeth after that sorte that the bodye doeth by ceassyng to haue a beeing or a continuaunce but it dreth a spirituall death by separation of God from it so that the tyme that it is and hath a beeing withoute God is nothing but a moste horrible tormente and more greeuous then a thousande bodilye deathes Nowe further as the body hath a certayne meanes by foode and Sustenaunce to preserue life that is
will raise him vp at the last daye Who seeth not heere that Christ attributeth the same force to beleeuing that in the other verse he did to eating and drinking and therfore vseth y ● wordes indifferently as beyng of one meaning I myght stay vpon many other places wherein the holy Ghost wytnesseth that we haue eternall life by beleeuing in Christ as in the same place He that trusteth in me hath eternal life but the matter is needelesse and the time will not suffer me Therefore by Christes owne wordes to beleeue in Christ is to eat Christ That you may not thinke this is a new deuise proceeding from my selfe or from the Preachers of thys tyme hearken you what S. Augustine sayeth This is the bread that came from heauen that if any doe eate of it he shoulde not die but that stretcheth to the Vertue of the Sacrament not to the visible Sacrament He that eateth within not he that eateth without he that eateth with the hart and not he that presseth it with his teeth Marke I pray you y ● he attributeth the true effectuall eating not to the pressing with the teeth and bodyly mouthe but to the inward eating with the hart and what is that but by faith and beleeuing spiritually to eate him and so he expoundeth himselfe in an other place This it is therefore fayeth he to eate that foode that perisheth not but remaineth to eternall lyfe What preparest thou thy tooth and thy belly beleeue and thou hast eaten And againe To beleeue in hym that is it to eate the bread of lyfe Cyprian also to the same purpose writeth These things so often as wee doe wee sharpen not our teeth to byte but with sincere fayth wee breake and diuide that holye breade Some happily thinke that this spirituall eating by faith is but a ●leight matter and of no great weyght and so the teachers of the Churche of Rome woulde perswade men but they consider not the great vertue power and strength of Faith By Fayth wee knowe Christ and the true meane of our saluation by hym By Faith wee bee graffed into Christ as braunches into the roote and stocke so that wee lyue now by him and by his spirit as the braunches doe by the Iuice that commeth from the bodye of the tree By Fayth wee bee so vnited vnto Christ that we may iustly saye whatsoeuer is hys is ours also by fayth we are made the chyldren of God and heyres of eternall lyfe By fayth wee haue peace wyth God and are assured of hys fauour in the myddest of all our troubles by fayth wee dare boldly approche to the throne of Gods mercie This might and strength of fayth they feele not that thinke it so simple a matter to eate Christ by fayth Christ witnesseth That by eating him by faith and beliefe we haue saluation and eternall lyfe and that hee will raise vs at the last daye Wherefore I woulde knowe of them what other eating there is beside thys whereby wee maye assure our selues of Saluation Truely the Scriptures mention none And that carnall eating for which the Churche of Rome striueth is suche as they themselues confesse that Iudas and all wicked persons may vse and bee damned Nowe I appeale to the consciences of them that feare GOD and will not willyngly runne into errour whether wee or they deale with the people of God more sincerely They without any euident proofe of the Scriptures contende as I haue sayde for that reall and bodily eating with which damnation maye bee ioyned wee endeuour to perswade men that manner of spirituall eatyng by faythe throughe which by the testimonie of the whole Scriptures wee shall be assured of eternall lyfe and with which damnation can not bee ioyned Some perchaunce wyll saye vnto mee or wyll thinke with themselues in their mynde If this doctrine bee true then are Sacramentes needelesse For wee may eate Christ by fayth spiritually in such sort as you haue sayd without any vse of the Lordes supper and therefore it maye seeme superfluous God forbydde that the most perfect Christians and of strongest fayth should once thinke Sacramentes to bee superfluous and needelesse They bee the blessed and holy ordinaunces of Christ by his mercy and goodnesse appoynted for our great helpe and benefite as I haue in the former Sermon declared And yet I must confesse to the great comforte of many godlye persons that the faythfull Christian maye and doth often feede vpon Christ to saluation beside the vse of the Sacrament For the spirituall grace and benefites which as I haue sayd before is the principall parte of a Sacrament is not of necessitie alwaye so tyed to the outwarde signes that without them God can not or doth not sometime bestowe the same I doubte not but the Theefe vppon the Crosse without vse of the Sacrament dyd eate the bodye and blood of Christ in such sort that he was the same day w t him in Paradise We see in the Actes of the Apostles that Cornelius and hys company was sealed with the spirite of GOD before the receauing of the outward Sacrament in such sort that if he had then immediatly departed out of this life he should haue gone to heauen which coulde not bee vnlesse he had spiritually by fayth eaten the true foode of euerlasting life that is Christ Jesus crucifyed which he fed vppon most assuredly whyle he heard Saint Peter preach Christ There were in tyme of the Primitiue Churche great numbers of godly Martyrs saued which neuer outwardly receaued the Sacrament of the Lordes supper and yet fruitfully and effectually did eat Christ by faith And so doe many at this daye which either by sicknesse or by imprisonment or by any other lyke cause of necessitie are tyed from the outwarde vse of the Sacraments Yet as I haue fayde God forbyd that we shoulde thinke the Sacrament of the Lordes supper superfluous but rather exceeding profitable In the vse of y t Sacrament there is a double eating of which one helpeth the other † As manne consisteth of two partes bodie and soule so the bodye feedeth vppon the outwarde elementes of bread and wyfe but the soule feedeth in deede and truely vpon Jesus Christ crucified The outward eating by y ● instrumēts of our body causeth al our senses our hearing our seeing our feeling our tasting to helpe our inwarde eating by faith by the same quickeneth stirreth strengtheneth increaseth our faith y t we may eate y t body and blood of Christ more effectually fruitfully For when the faithful christian heareth the wordes of Christes institution sounde in his eares This is my body that is giuen for you this is my blood that is shed for the remission of your sinnes it stirreth vppe his faith for faith is by hearing to lay strong howfast vppon this promise in his hart doth assure himselfe that Christ dyed and shed his blood not