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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11368 An admirable method to loue, serue and honour the B. Virgin Mary With diuers practicable exercises thereof. Al inriched with choice examples. Written in Italian by the R. F. Alexis de Salo, Capuchin. And Englished by R.F. Salo, Alessio Segala de.; R. F., fl. 1639. 1639 (1639) STC 21628; ESTC S100011 150,784 636

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of this world reioycing at your greatnes congratulating your glory your souerainty and the place you hold at the right hand of you B. Sonne where becoming wholy in a manner diuine and hauing nothing of mortal in you you gouerne the heauens at pleasure illuminat the Sunn rule the world trample vnder foote the pride of hel and haue dominion ouer the starrs the elements serue you the seasons obey you the Angels adore you the diuels stand in awe of you whole nations and Kings bow their knees before you and doe you honour and reuerence O Lady of heauen and earth hel your Maiesty and Empire is so great a thousand tongues cannot speake it to the ful and euen the foules of the aire the beasts of the land and the fishes of the sea do al acknowledge it at your beck the flowers spring vp plāts grow and seeds sprout forth the earth is fertilized riuers flow winds do blow the lest wil of yours can incline the destinies and order second causes whilest the first is wholy at your dispose Cast a gratious pittiful eye vpon vs poor sinners heere declare the greatnes of your power by helping vs to ouercome our selues and to obtaine remission of our sinns grace heere glory in the life to come by your prayers and merits vnto which is nothing impossible that after this miserable life we may come to enioy that happy life where we shal see our soueraine Lord in whose sight consists al our felicity The declaration of the eleuenth Starr THE eleuenth starr whose splendour not only adornes her head but the rayes of it thēce do likewise reflect on vs crown vs with a supreme felicity is her Mediation betwixt God and man one of the cheif reasōs according to the holy Doctours why God from eternity chose her for Mother that as a most powerful mediatrix her maternal prayers for sinners might moder at the rigour of the diuine iustice and occasion a reconcilement Iesus Christ says S. Bernard was sufficient it is true for our reparation from whom proceeds al that suffiseth thereunto but it was wel for vs he ioyned with him such an one as she for although as he is man he be our most faithful and powerful Aduocat Yet such dayeling beames break through his humane nature from his diuinity that we cannot looke vpon him with that confidence and though he be infinitly gratious yet being Iudge with al offenders haue smal hart to approch vnto him for which reason the B. Virgin was chosen for Aduocat and meditatrix betwixt God and man to whom there is none can feare to approch she hauing nothing in her of formidable or austere but rather being al sweetnes and benignity and abounding in al goodnes and mercy Thus S. Bernard None then how great sinners soeuer they be but may be confident of their saluation if they haue but recourse to this our sweet and pitiful Lady who being constituted the mediatrix betwixt Sinners and Almightie God most faithful performes the charge and like a true Mother of mercy stands alwayes with open armes ready to embrace those sinners who haue their refuge vnto her it is impossible they should perish if they haue but recourse vnto her as they ought if you wil beleeue S. Anselme in his Booke of the miracles of the B. Virgin O happy Mary sayes he as the sinner whom you forsake and detest cannot but perish so who converts him vnto you and you receiue and our Sauiour cannot but be saued To which concords these excellent words of S. Bernard so frequent with preachers to giue hope vnto the desperat sinner O man saye this great Doctor thou hast a sure accesse to God where the sonne beholds the mother and the father beholds the Sonne whilst the Mother shews her sonne the breasts that gaue him suck and her chast wombe the sonne to his father his wounds pierced side where so many louing signes concurr to the entertayning thee thou canst not be repelled And this cannot but be a great comfort to poore sinners that they know they haue with the Eternal Iudge such an Aduocat stil present or rather a mother indeed who is his mother also For so in the person of S. Iohn our Sauiour on the Crosse by these words Woman behold thy sonne commended her for mother vnto vs al at which time she had two sonnes on Mount Caluary both dead the one in body the other in soule one by the torments of the crosse the other by languishing of spirit of which one was her natural sonne the other only by adoption the one innocent the other culpable This in these words S. Anselme would say O shure refuge that we haue sayes he the Mother of God is our mother also and either of her children suffred death in his passion the one vpon the crosse the other by Infidelity Iudge you in what bitternes of mind the while was the B. Virgin c. And so there is no Mother would more reioyce to see her only sonne reuiued from death to life againe then the B. Virgin doth when a sinner repents and hath recourse to her and for me I am of opinion that she glories in no title more excepting that of Mother of God then of being Mother of sinners and consequētly is most glad when she may shew it most Maria mater gratiae mater misericordiae sayes the holy church the very sound of whose name me thinks hath a certaine sweetnes in it that promiseth al grace and clemency In confidence of which S. Ignatius the martyr who liued in the Apostles tymes thus supplicats vnto her Receiue me then sayes he in the bosome of your maternal piety you who are the mother of the soueraine Deity true Mother of our Sauiour and of sinners by Adoption She is painted in a long vestment vnder which many are protected to signify the maternal care she hath ouer them amongst the rest the Fathers of S. Dominicks Order are pictured so vpon this occasion as S. Brigit receiued it by Reuelation S. Dominick neare his happy end thus with teares in his eyes conuerted himselfe vnto the B. Virgin and sayd Receiue O soueraine Queene receiue my brothers whom with such care I haue nourished and educated vnder the spreadīg vaile of your great mercy gouerne them and giue them such force and courage as their ancient Enemy may neuer preuayle against them To whom she answered I promise you my beloued Dominick for that you haue loued me better then your selfe to take a tender care and protection of yours to receiue both them and al those who shal embrace your Rule vnder the couert of my veyle which is my mercy the benefit of which and but demand it I refuse to none From whence we may perceiue how great her mercy is to her deuoted seruants to sinners who haue recourse vnto her and finally to al in that she is the Mother of God the Mother of grace
sonn but would withal he should be truly the only and natural sonne of the B. Virgin also and this not as of two seueral persons but the person of the sonn of God was likewise the person of the sonn of the Virgin also and so the contrary By which we see that she was truely the Spouse of the holy Ghost who wrought in her womb the Conception of the sonn of God and by this she becomes euery way allyed vnto al the persons of the B. Trinity To conclude then this dignity and prerogatiue we say as we haue sayd before is the greatest in a creature as can possibly be imagined The declarotion of the fifth Starr THe fifth starr brightly shining and adorning this celestial Princesse is the Illustration of her spirit by the holy Ghosts ouer-shadowing her conformable to that which the Angel sayed in her salutation Spiritus sanctus superueniet in te virtus Altissimi obumbrabit tibi which diuine obumbration was then when the Sonne of God was incarnat in her wombe the disposition to so miraculous a conception and ouershadowing her with its diuine vertue the better to enable her to endure those celestial ardours which inflamed her breast the while and which doubtlesly but for it had wholy consumed her the flames of diuine loue were so vehement the while Neither according to S. Augustin and S. Iohn Damascen did the holy Ghost obumbrat her body only but her soule likewise which obumbration is no other then its light and grace which was conferr'd vpon to her most abundantly when the Sonne of God was Incarnat in her womb at which tyme her spirit was enlightened the darknes of ignorance wholy expeld from thence by which diuine light was clearly reuealed vnto her the profound mystery of the Incarnation and diuers other mystical secrets of heauen as also the vnderstanding of the holy Scriptures and the spirit of Prophecy was communicated to her thereby in a more ample manner then it euer was before to any other of the Prophets And it is the opinion of diuers Saints and learned men as namely of S. Antonin S. Bernard S. Cyprian Vrsin and Cassal c. that what tyme the Sonn of God was Incarnat in the B. Virgins womb she was often rauish't vp to the Third heauen where she beheld the cleere vision of Alm. God more face to face then eyther Moses or S. Paul And Rupertus on these words of the Canticles Oculi tui columbarum thy eyes are the eyes of Doues clearly sayes that shee was rauish't vp to the third heauen where shee beheld in a more excellent manner then S. Paul did those secrets which it is not lawful for me to know This if it were granted to any as most certaine it is it hath no doubt but it was to the B. Virgin who as farr excels al Saints and Angels as the Sunn in splendour and brightnes a litle Starr But what tongue can worthily expresse the sacred motions of her hart while the Sonn of God was Incarnat in her wōb the light and splendour which illustrated her mind and vnderstanding the fire and ardour which embrac't her wil the Ioy finally which her blessed soule possest when the Word eternal taking flesh from her ennobled her with the high title of his Mother What beames and rayes of light may we suppose reflected from her countenance while the Diuine spirit illustrated her soule in whose eyes were two continual fires burning with Diuine loue al who beheld her and yet in an admirable manner quenching al carnal loue the whilst And if Moses issuing forth from conuersation with an Angel had his face shining with such maiestick beames as struck an awful reuerence in the children of Israels harts what may we imagine of the B. virgin who was perpetually accompanyed with Angels who tooke it for honour euer to be seruing her In the meane while her vnderstanding was so cleerly illuminated as she had perfect knowledge of the Creator and al his creatures and how much loue she was to bestow on euery particular thing and so she burned in the loue of God as she loued him not only aboue al earthly things but aboue her very soule aboue her life both spiritual and temporal aboue al glory and finally aboue al desired felicity and beatitud in heauen So she enioyed such a tranquillity of mind and had al her apprehensiue and concupiscible powers so wholy at her Command that the inferiour part of her soule neuer rebeld against the superiour but was alwayes in subiection subordination to it Whence it was that she breathed forth in al places where she came so excellent and sweet an odour of sanctity which increased in her daily more and more the longer she went with our B. Sauiour in her wombe which sanctity of hers we cannot better praise nor speake of then by silent admiration notwithstanding euery one is to make some reflexion on it in his mind and seeke to draw forth from thence some spiritual profit by it The sixt Starr declared THE sixt starr of the B. Virgins Crowne which was one of the cheifest motiues the Omnipotent God had to choose her for his Spouse Was her plenitud of diuine grace and of euery vertue else Of this there needs no other testimony then the Angels words vnto her Hayle ful of grace c. Which plenitud of grace in her sayes S. Augustin was a disposition no lesse then necessary for conceiuing the Sonne of God And although many Saints haue ben sayd to be ful of grace and of the holy Ghost as Zacharias and Elizabeth with S. Iohn Baptist their sonne the Apostles the seauen Deacons and many more Yet none of them al in that plenitud as she the word admitting a superlatiue one B. Sauiour as the fountaine of al grace deriving it vnto others from himselfe according to their seueral capacities now the B. Virgin being the most capacious of al no wonder she had more in her then al the rest But yet it was a greater plenitud the Angel meant by saluting her so and the greatest indeed that possibly could bee in any Creature aplenitud which as S. Bernard saies deriuing it felfe to others giues liberty to the captiue comfort to the afflicted to sinners pardon grace to the Iust to the Angels Ioy glory to the holy Trinity and to the Eternal Word the substance of her proper flesh Besides as S. Hierom sayes Grace was giuen vnto others by parcells only but to her fully and in its intire perfection in that the fulnes of al was included in her and consequently by this fulnes of grace she must be ful of al other vertues else which euer yet any Saint was endowed with al Nay the holy Fathers and in particular S. Cyril and S. Hierom say she was not only ful of grace but had al other vertues diuine guifts and endowments congregated in her alone which in scattered peeces were dispersed amongst al the other Saints There