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A10914 A discourse of Christian watchfulnesse Preparing how to liue, how to die, and to be discharged at the day of iudgement, and so enioy life eternall. By Iohn Rogers minister to the Church of Chacombe in Northampton-shiere. Rogers, John, of Chacombe. 1620 (1620) STC 21185; ESTC S103184 154,709 397

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of life hath a foule visage to fright boyes and fooles which causeth it to be feared and hated for want of wisedome and true iudgement but take off the maske and thou shalt see Death very amiable and life odious and terrible 10. Death is to be desired before life and the day of our decease before the day of our Natiuity I meane in respect onely of temporall good and euill prosperity aduersity else not for by our birth wee enter to sorrow and by death end it and goe vp to God wherefore in olde time Sepulchers were built in Gardens as Ioh. 19. 41. not only among our sports to put vs in mind of our ends and so to vse the same moderately but also to teach vs that ioy and pleasure is a consequence of death and an entry to Gods Paradise of pleasure and therefore let vs liue to God and Death shall not hurt vs. The fourth Vse serues for terror to the wicked who hearing of this early watch and preparation for death will none of it they bee not so foolish as to defraud themselues of the comforts and delights which God gaue them with the frightfull thoughts of gastly death this would bee able to fright a fearefull simple body out of his wits and to draw honest neighbours to desperation and what needs this pudder shall not wee be saued as our neighbours and vvhat doe wee desire more doth euery man so as you say or shall all that prepare not so as you prescribe be damned our fathers nor forefathers euer taught vs any such matters and we will not nor desire to bee better then they as for you ye be vncharitable men God forgiue you I answer here is a great deale of good stuffe pact together if wee had time to vndoe and consider it But in the meane while know ye that wee desire nothing of you more then the Lord exacteth of his dearest children and therfore not to be trodden vnder foote by you for we liue not by examples but by the Lawes of the Almighty whereunto all men ought in all humility bee obedient before father or life it selfe neyther is heere any thing pressed but what your selues know to be requisite and could wish ye did if you as many and most men doe and you must lay vpon your death-beds knowing feeling what they miserable men doe Yet if you refuse this diet as ouer tart take then your owne no man will blame me for giuing you good counsell and because I giue you ouer yet follow wise Salomons aduise and that the rather for that without compulsion you often of your owne accord vse it viz. Goe to the house of mourning for there is the end of all men and hee that is liuing taketh it to heart Eccles. 7. 2. where hee would haue all men bestow sometime daily to think what pressures and agonies shall assault vs at the houre of death and for the better consideration hereof hee would haue vs goe to the house of mourning and not of banqueting and there behould a man dying and that we should marke the heauy accidents and painfull passions of that houre and take it to heart for as it fareth to day with him so shall it tomorrow fare with thee and with all the world this thou canst learn without his or any further direction for comming to the house to visit thy neighbours there shalt thou see a very sick man forsaken now of naturall heat his senses without much mouing his face like lead the bowles of his eyes sunke in his head his mouth full of fleame and some his throat ratling his tongue swollen his necke winding euery side his breast beateth and panteth for life ready to burst for paine the veynes still all infallible tokens of death Now take this to heart and take the case to be thine own for this is the way of all the world and then now seeing and viewing such perplexed extremities in others reflect and represent the like image to bee shortly in thy selfe Imagine that thou lay vpon thy death-bed that thy Physitions had now giuen thee ouer thy friends and kinsfolke stood weeping wringing their hands about thy bed vnable to help or comfort thee but rather augment the greefe of thy departure and thou the while speechlesse and helpelesse O how dreadfull shall this departure and last farewell be to thee and to them where wealth shall not asswadge thy woe but plunge thee deeper in the gulph of calamity neither honours assist thee for thou must leaue them with like vehement smart as thou gottest them with greedy desire and badde conscience thy wonted delights breed within thy soule that neuer-dying worme and neuer-quenched fire what counsell wilt thou heere take who formerly hast refused all good connsell couldest not abide to heare of death no more canst now to goe out of thy body will bee too intollerable to abide within is vnpossible to deferre the time to end thy will but vntill to morrow will not bee granted death is in poast-haste now art thou abashed that thou diddest not watch and prepare for this houre Oh hadst thou wist but it is too late now thou cryest fye fye vpon thy brutish behauiour and now for feare horror wouldest flee from thy selfe for then shalt thou see thy selfe beset with horrible monsters that is with thine owne sinnes which as furies pursue and hedge thee in all the time past shall seeme vnto thee as the twinkling of an eye but the time to come endlesse pittilesse and remedilesse so that thou maist truly say The snares of Death compasse me round about and the pangs of hell got hold vpon mee and I shall finde trouble and heauinesse c. Psal. 116. 3. 4. But returne wee to our sicke man againe whom vnexpected Death frustrateth of all his counsels and could not come in a worse time for now hee curteth off violently the webs of all his deuises and with one pellet ouerthroweth all his castles built in the ayre then commeth in the Physitian with his It will not be thinke good sir no longer of life you must be gone These be heauy tidings then his sorrowes shall bee vnspeakeably encreased when he recounteth with himselfe that his body which now hath some life in it shall after an houre be depriued of sense life spirit soule for if it be an hard matter to bee pulled away from these things which no doubt so neerely toucheth man how bitter I pray you will be the separation of the body from the soule for such two louing familiar friends which haue alwaies liued sweetly together cannot be diuided without vnspeakable griefe if the Oxe doe commonly low and mourne when his yoke-fellow which was wont to draw with him is taken away how will euery one of vs mourne when the soule shall bee separated from the body and as Sathan in our life time set forth to him Gods mercy nothing but Mercy hiding his Iustice so vvill
he now extenuate his mercy and presse his iustice to draw him to desperation so that now all his sinnes vvhich hee in his life-time committed vnrepented vvith so great facility shall violently at once rush vpon him as an armed host of bloudy enemies vvhich vvith open eyes hee shall novv to his shame and damnation behold oh how heauy and grieuous vvill they then seeme to bee vvhich formerly vve●●-so sweet pleasant Thus the soule fighteth vvith painefull sickenesse heauy temptation and feare of Gods iudgement with many mo● troubles temporall as spirituall at one instant on man a sicke and a dying man not vvoting vvhether to turne himselfe nor yet vvhat shift to make for if hee looke vpvvard hee seeth the sword of Gods iustice if downe-vvard his sinnes accusing him if to the time past all his vanities past like a shadow if to the time to come eternity it selfe and vvhat shall he doe recoyle to the body he cannot longer to abide in this sort he shall not be permitted but forsaking God in his life time shall be forsaken of God in Death if repentance preuent not and thus in the end the soule remoueth to his place and the body to the earth whence it came now this is thy case and therefore though we cannot escape Death yet let vs escape the sting and bitternesse of this Death for the true vvisdome of man is to measure all his actions by the squire of his short life and so to goe through all temporall affaires that he lose not the eternall and if some small losse of goods or preferment take away our sleepe what should the meditation of assured death doe should vve not doe as in games of actiuity at Olympus exercise our selues some fiue yeares before that in the day of triall we might winne the prize so we should now consider al inconueniences in death and against the game day be sure to get the prize and goe to heauen let fore-warned be fore-armed The fift Vse serues for comfort for Gods elect who take vvarning betimes hasten to prepare themselues against this fearefull guests comming to take away all frights feares he brings with him meet him halfe the vvay not to entreat for their liues as Shemei did Dauid but to iustle vvith him ere he come to his full strength to pull out all his stings while hee as Sampson sleepeth and as vve see vvhen bloudy vvarres bee at hand such as doubt of the victory betake themselues either to a forrein countrey a farre off or to some noble mans seruice vvho is the generall and commander of the vvhole field so escape And so vse vvise men seeing it vnpossible for them to escape death and iudgement they take godly courage and with all carefulnes prepare for his comming and vvhen all this is done seeing hee is like to be too hard for them in this combat they in time betake themselues vnto the seruice of the Lord of life and death vvho vvill not see his seruants at any hand miscarry and if they beleeue in him though they were dead yet should they liue and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in him shall neuer die Iohn 11. 25. 26. for though death as an armed man assault them to the separating of their soules from the bodies yet all this shal to them turn to the best for Death now hauing no further Dominion nor power ouer them departeth as a dastard curre that hath bit one of his Masters sheepe yet not slaine it whereby the sheepheard tendereth it the more and man thus torne is not slaine but dismembred a little but the sheepheard of our soules will recouer and fully cure it and in the meane while the body freed of all fears and troubles shall be honourably buried and the Lord of life will see it shall not be awaked abused nor miscarry vntill he awake him vp to life neuer to die any more and as for the soule his Angells shall carry him to Abrahams bofome and what looseth hee now by this combat for though he be ouer come of death as Christ his Lord and Master was yet he getteth the victory and by dying conquereth death and thus the day of Death is the master day iudge of all other dayes the triall and touch-stone of our life the last Act of the worlds comedy for if wee die a godly death it honoureth all our actions but if an euill then it defameth and deformeth them all yea the death of the righteous that is of euery beleeuing and repentant sinner is a most excellent blessing of God and brings with it many worthy benefits for 1. Death is to vs conuerted into a sweet sleepe and our bodies shall lye in our graues as in a doulne bedde freed from all dangers cares vexations and temptations and is the complement of the mortification of our flesh and wee now are freed from sinne 2. They are blessed that die in the Lord they rest from their labours and their works follow them Reuel 14. 13. 3. It separates vs from the company of the wicked 4. It seateth vs in heauen where we shall see God face to face Iesus Christ in his glory which sight so rauisheth the holy Angels that it is the fulnesse of their contentation as Psal. 16. 11. Thou will shew me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore Yea this farre surpasseth Salomons royalty commended by the Queene of Saba 1. King 10. 1. 8. 9. 5. It puts vs in possession of all these benefits that Christ hath purchased for vs Psal. 126. 5. 6. for so ong as wee are in this world wee are saued but by hope Rom. 8. 24 but when we die we shall fully enioy them a ioy it was to the Israelites after their long bondage in Egypt to enter into the land of promise so to a Prentice to be made free much more to vs to bee set at the liberty of the sonnes of God in heauen 6. If there were no death sin would neuer end with vs but wee should be euer filled with iniquity our sorrowes and labours would neuer forsake vs but wee should bee euer in soule and body most miserable if wee died not who would regard the death of the soule nor prepare against the day of doome 7. It openeth vnto vs the gate of heauen euer since we were borne we haue beene sailing to this Hauen and now being within sight of it we rowe backward from it yet no Sailer beaten with tempestuous waues but would be at the hauen no traueller passing dangerous waies but would bee at home and no godly man but would be at rest If an old aged man would make true relation of his life from his conception to his dissolution and declare all the sorrows he passed through and the heart vtter all her greefes and gripings it sustained all this while I suppose that not onely wee our selues
the faithfull or deceifulness of sinne the warnings of the zealous Ministers or the damnable wiles of Sathan But now what remedy it is too late to be wise there was a time vvhen they might escape hell but now shall be no time for euermore Yet to vs that as yet liue there is remedy enough if vve will accept of the acceptable time these frights and feares shall not touch vs. 1. If first we will euery man betimes watch and wake to God and seriously with mature sad deliberation consider in what a dolefull case mans sinfull soule shall that day stand and what paines endlesse pittilesse and remedilesse are ordained for all prouokers of Gods wrath and vengeance and therefore now let vs preuent his iudgements embrace his mercies be thankefull for this timely warnings and not delay amendment of life 2. Consider how hartily thou wouldest wish then that in this world thou hadst reformed and framed the whole course of thy life according to Gods reuealed will in all points and doe so now speedily and no longer heape to thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath but yeeld vnto the Lord the honour due vnto his name Rom. 2. 4. and 2. Cor. 7. 1. else thou shalt wish in vaine that thou hadst abated thy haughty stomacke and humbled thy selfe vnder the mighty hand of God obeyed his Ministers watched for this day but all too late 3. Looke what paine and penance thou wouldst then gladly vndergoe to obtaine saluation if in that dreadfull day it should bee granted thee and doe it now voluntarily assay labour and liue so now in such sort as thou wouldest wish then thou hadst liued in that thou need not heereafter take vp the fooles prouerbe I neuer thought of it else be sure the Iudge will ouer-turne all thy stuffe more throughly then Laban did Iacobs search all the corners of Ierusalem as with a cādle thou shalt be vnable to hide the least thought from him much lesse the originall as actual impieties abhominations of thy sinful life 4 Cōsider that as his promises be most free to all that in due time will accept therof so in that daywil he in iustice most seuerely punish the contemners therof 5. Marke here with me the superexcellent purity and diuine sincerity of Christian religion and the vpright integrity it requireth in euery man and with what exquisite precisenesse it exacteth the same purity in daily practise and therefore see that against the day of death and of iudgement thy croppe be answerable to thy seede sowne Galat. 6. 7. 8. Ier. 12. 13. and therefore setting now and for euer aside all prophanenesse and vnion or communion with the wicked and all wickednesse addresse thy selfe if thou wilt then escape this punishment to lead a pure sincere vpright life according to the contents of the fifteenth Psalme and to the purity and sole sincerity of the religion thou professest for thou now seest that the vngodly shall not stand in iudgement nor the sinners in the assembly of the righteous Psal. 1. 5. therefore approue now thy selfe a wise man striue for this heauenly prize and looke not backe to Sodom with Lots wife when thou mayest escape hell fire the difference betweene a wise man and a foole is a wise man wil foresee a mischiefe ere it come and auoid it but a foole will doe neyther Heere first wee may see what shall bee done vnto the men whom the King of Kings will honour they shall be preferred farre aboue the honour King Assuerus bestowed vpon Mordecai Ester 6. 9. and 8. 15. and 9. 4. for as in great Assises Noble men and men of worth are for honour sake made to sit on the bench with the chiefe Iudge so the Elect as standing below in a place too low for them are now called to sit vpon the seat of iudgement with the chiefe Iudge to iudge the wicked as Luke 22. 30. which passeth all the glory of this world by infinite degrees and yet such honour haue all his Saints and after thence goe to greater euen to life eternall the excellency whereof the wit of man in this life is vncapable and therefore as I haue no tongue to describe it no more haue ye eares to heare it onely let vs beleeue it and neuer cease to pray for it vntill wee come and enioy it and in the meane while seeing the Scriptures as of purpose be sparing in describing these celestiall ioyes I will not be copious in relating them but contain my selfe within my measure and labour to bee wise with sobriety which the Lord grant me to doe The second vse we are to make heereof is this that seeing the ioyes of the Elect and the glory of the Kingdom prepared for them is vnspeakeable glorious and blissefull It stands all men and women vpon to long for it and by all meanes whatsoeuer it cost them to labour to obtaine it and no longer to fixe their hearts vpon this life and world so decoitfull and transitory and if Cleombrotus an Heathen man reading but a booke of Plato concerning the immortality of the soule and the felicity thereof was so rauished with the desire of that estate that to enioy it speedily hee cast himselfe headlong into the Sea and yet Plato beeing a Pagan writ of that subiect but plain naturally blindly vncertainly but we haue a sure Word are taught heereof in Christs owne Schoole not blindely but plainely diuinely and most truly and that not by Plato but by the Iudge himselfe who will not deceiue nor be deceiued and yet are for all that still lumpish at the report hereof and as it were dead our hearts as is to be feared testifying vnto vs that we haue no part in that heauenly Country specially because wee be so desirous and eagre of this life as if soule and body liued and died together without hope of resurrection or eternall life else surely we would as that Marchant and Ieweller in the Gospell sell all to procure it not as Esau resigne our birth-right and all title to Heauen for a messe of redde broath or for a trifling pleasure or profit lose an inestimable good and what are the best things in this world but vanity and vexation of spirit and God forbid that we for such should lose an vnvaluable prize a wise Pilgrime will forbeare all delights that hinder his returne home and reserue all pleasure vntill he come to his owne country and so should wee poore pilgrimes in this strange country cast vp our eyes to heauen our country and iourneyes wished end and be much greeued when by the least meanes wee are out of our way thither and be sure euer to vse the things of this life as a Pilgrime doth his staffe who makes much of it while it furthers him in his way but if it trouble him he flings it away and questionlesse whosoeuer desireth earnestly and perswades himselfe of saluation will little
more of heauen then any of vs yet the thinking of that country much encreaseth his sorrow and so will it be to the wicked in the midst of their iollities a sting in their soules as a tart sawce making their sweetest melodies sowre deadly If this meditation were holpen with the light of a liuely faith it would as Elishaes salt sweeten all the waters of Iericho and as Elias fiery Chariot soone lift vs vp to heauen and the vvhile make al the bitter pains of this life comfortable to vs for if the loue of Lands and desire of Riches cause the paines taken for them to seeme nothing vvhat should the loue of Heauen effect in our soules should vvee for this Countrey refuse any toyle vvee know how all condemne Esau for selling his birth-right for a messe of redde pottage and what are the very best things in this world but vanity and vexation of spirit and God forbid wee should loose our birth-right in heauen for the loue of vncertaine pleasures a wise pilgrime will forbeare all delights that hinder his return and reserue all pleasures vntill hee come home and so should we else we will not come thither in haste Abraham obeyed God calling him out of his country Heb. 11. 9. because he looked for a City whose maker was God and Paul vvas content to beare all afflictions because hee looked for things that were not seene 2. Cor. 4. 17. and 5. 1. 2. and vvhosoeuer assureth himselfe of heauen will little regard this sinfull life which one point should cause worldlings to looke about them The second Vse serues for thankefulnesse to our good God for redeeming vs from hell and all miseries whereunto by our sinnes and the sinnes of our sorefathers we had wretchedly plunged our selues and of his vnspeakeable loue and mercy made vs his elect children heyres of his kingdom and if thou take this to be but a slender benefit then cōder what a damned soule would giue if he had wealth to be thus freed and do thou now the like for by nature thou wast the childe of wrath as well as hee Ephes. 2. 3. And therefore if Noah escaping the Deluge wherein millions were drowned and Israell deliuered from Pharaohs tyranny and Dauid from Saul forgat not due thankefulnesse much more ought wee deliuered from the flouds of Gods wrath tyranny of Sathan and cruelty of all enemies yea and from the euerlasting paines of hell be euer thankefull in this and the life to come for this most gracious deliuerance and blessed aduancement to his holy kingdome in heauen The third Vse serues for comfort to the Elect which goe to euerlasting life and to heauen and that in three respects 1. Of the ends why eternall life was ordained 1. that God might manifest the riches of his grace to his Elect 2. that the godly might enioy the full fruits of Christs death and the promised rewards of their labours and indignities in this life sustained 3. that they might magnifie the great vvorkes and mercies of God wrought for them 2. In regard of the effects of eternall life 1. that they may be as the Angells of God Math. 22. 30. not in substance but in conditions 2. that wee may be made partakers of the dignity of Christ in his three offices as Kings Priests and Prophets though not in the same excellency 3. In regard of certaine degrees of heauenly ioyes vvhereof the first degree of our comfort and ioy shall be in respect of the generall resurrection 1. For it shall bee a ioyfull day to vs. 1. For the Angells will awake and comfort vs in the Lord. 2. Ioyfull it shall be for that our soules and bodies separated by death shal now againe be ioyned together and glorified together eternally 3. Ioyfull shall it be in respect of the holy communion of Saints whereunto we shall be ioyned to praise the Lord. 2. A second degree of glory will this he that wee shall appeare before Christ our Sauiour be absolued and sit vvith him to iudge the wicked enter vpon his sweet promises of eternall life 3. A third degree of glory is that he will iustifie and saue vs from our sinnes 4. The fourth degree of ioy is in that wee shall be honoured with the dignity of Iudges 5. A fift degree is after we haue thus triumphed and troden our enemies all vnder feet in most glorious and triumphant manner we shall with Christ our head and all his Angells and Saints goe to life eternall which is the end of all our wishes and desires where for euer we shall enioy the presence of the holy Trinity where the inhabitants of the heauenly Ierusalem bee all Angells and Saints for Nobility all the Sonnes of God for vnity brethren for wisedome and knowledge all taught of God for experience they al ouercame the world for multitude they cannot be numbred for amity they liue in cōtinuall peace their work praising seruing the Lord for piety they keep a perpetual sabbath euery day an holy day to the Lord. 6. The 6. degree is in regard of our continuance in heauen which is euerlasting without end but if these ioyes had had an end then had it not been an heauen but it is eternall without end greefe wearinesse oldage or any corruption for vvhen Death is swallowed vp in victory how possibly can wee die our Sauiour being life it selfe 7. The seauenth degree is that the Lord will poure into our soules and bodies all the communicable graces of his Spirit for when we are vnited to Christ our head and then by vertue of this vnion and communion mysticall wee be in all created gifts and graces belonging vnto all and euery part of our soules and bodies like him but not in the same degree 8. The eight degree of ioy is a freedome from all miseries whatsoeuer belonging to body and soule and in stead thereof be enriched with the contrary blessings which the Lord grant vs. And thus farre of the thirteene Motiues for watchfulnesse against the day of iudgement and of the timely vses wee are to make thereof Hauing dwelt thus long vpon these Motiues I will now draw in my sailes and hasten to the shore exhorting euery man in the Lord that as this triple watchfulnesse is necessary and concerneth euery man that euery Christian particularly watch and prepare himselfe accordingly for while the arrows of the Lords wrath flie ouer euery mans head and are not yet fallen euery man may see and prouide for himselfe and escape were it proclaimed that for some priuy fault onely known to himselfe the King whole life the Lord long preserue would execcute in euery town some 100. ●0 or 10. persons nay but two in euery towne whom pleased him all would feare and by all meanes labour to exempt and secure themselues least he should be one of that number but we know that the fewer number in euery Towne or Hamlet shall bee saued Mat. 7.