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A10133 Iacobs vovv, opposed to the vowes of monkes and friers The first volume in two bookes; of the Holy Scripture, and euangelicall counsels. Written in French by Mr. Gilbert Primerose, minister of the word of God in the Reformed Church of Burdeaux. And translated into English by Iohn Bulteel minister of the gospel of Iesus Christ.; Voeu de Jacob. English Primrose, Gilbert, ca. 1580-1642.; J. B. (John Bulteel), d. 1699. 1617 (1617) STC 20390; ESTC S112003 232,060 268

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being past feeling haue giuen themselues ouer vnto lasciuiousnesse to worke all vncleannesse with greedinesse This is the description of a man not regenerated and renewed of the Iew as well as of the Gentill of him that is vnder the Law as well as of him which is without the Law of the Christian who is in the Church as of the Infidell which is out of the Church II. g Isai 64.6 New we are all as an vncleane thing and all our righteousnesse are as filthie raggs This is the description of the regenerate and renewed the confession of the greatest Saints which say h Dan. 9.5 c. we haue sinned and committed iniquitie and haue done wickedly and haue rebelled 〈◊〉 by departing from thy precepts and front thy iudgements neither haue we hearkened vnto thy seruants the Prophets which spake in thy name O Lord righteousnesse belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs confusion of fa●et to our Kings our Princet and our Fathers because wee haue trespassed against thee As the prayer of euery one is Forgiue w●●●● trespasse● Those can doe no good they haue neither the will nor the power These say with Saint Paul i Rom. 7.18 To will is present with me but how to performe that which is good I find●●●t Therefore these also cannot keepe the Law in that perfection which it requires of men in this life they aime and make towards the perfection and doe aduance and draw neere vnto it more and more but they shall not attaine vnot it vntill that being vnclothed of this body of sinne which doth beset them they bee clothed vpon with their house which is from heauen and that will we proue by fiue arguments III. First the most regenerate and holy are not more renewed more holy then the holy Apostle who said of himselfe and of all the Saints k Rom. 8.23 We haue the first fruits of the Spirit The first fruites are as it were an handfull taken from the whole heape our sanctification therefore in this life is little in comparison of the full haruest which wee shall rape in the life to come for we are regenerated and renewed but in part successiuely and by degrees much of the old infirmitie remaining in vs and drawing vs to sinne with such vigor and force that the Apostle himselfe complaines saying l Rom. 7.21 I finde a law that when I would doe good euill is with me He had that from the originall malice which remained as yet in him and m August in Ioan trac 41. Minuitur in vita proficientium quod in vita consumitur perfectorum which diminisheth onely in the life of those which profit and goe on as it is fully consumed in the life of those which haue attained vnto perfection whence else-where he saith of himselfe n 2. Cor. 4.16 Though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day Which words Saint Austin hath well peised and pondered and from whence he bath drawne this doctrine o Aug. de peccat merit lib. 2. c. 7. Prefect● qui de die in diem ●dbuc renouatur nondum totus est renouatus in quantum nondum est renouatus in tantum adbuc in ve tustate est He which is renewed day by day is not as yet wholly renewed and in as much as he is not altogether renewed so much is hee in his old nature And by consequent a child of this world euen as in so much as he is renewed he is the childe of God and such are all the regenerate of whom the Apostle saith that in them p Gal. 5.17 The flesh Insteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that yee cannot do the things that ye would The flesh is that which is not as yet renewed in the minde in the will in the affections as it appeares by this that the Apostle attributes to the flesh a certaine q Rom. 8.7 wisedome r Col. 2.18 reason and vnderstanding and placeth among the works of the flesh ſ Gal. 5.20.21 Idolatrie and the heresies that are conceiued and borne in the minde and exhorts vs t Ephes 4.23 to be renewed in the Spirit of our minde In which respect he saies of himself * Rom. 7.18 I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing vnderstanding by his flesh not his body for if he said vnto the Corinthians u 1. Cor. 6.19 Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the holy Ghost did hee not know that his was but this infirmitie or rather peruersitie which did as yet dwel in al the parts of his soule although it did not rule there was indeede mortified but not as yet dead The Spirit therefore is that which is renewed in the minde in the will in the affections and in all the parts of the soule and of the body The flesh is the old man the Spirit is the new man these two men are in euery true Christian they are both together at one time in one and the same subiect of the minde of the will of the affections in the minde and vnderstanding knowledge and ignorance of the same thing faith and vnbeleefe in the will confidence and distrust in the affections loue and hate c witnesse the father of the lunatick who confessed saying x Mark 9.24 I beleeue and thereupon presently prayde to Christ saying helpe thou mine vnbeliefe It is with the regenerate man Similitude 1 who is flesh and spirit as with a man raised vp from a long and grieuous maladie who makes a few turnes in his chamber but trailing his leggs after him and will stand vpright but it will be in leaning on his staffe hauing in him as yet by reason of the reliques of his sicknesse an vniuersall indisposition in all the parts of his body Or else it fareth with such a man Similitude 2 as with the aire in the dawning or breake of day which is not altogether cleare and light as it is at noone it is not partly light partly darke as the Moone is in the increase and waine but is in all her parts cleare and blacke obscure and enlightned Wee may also compare it vnto luke-warme water Similitude 3 which in all her parts is mixed with heate and cold Similitude 4 or vnto a liquor mingled with water and wine wherein is neither pure wine nor pure water but the whole is wine and water together euen vnto her most insensible parts although such a liquor will sauour somtimes more of water then of the wine and again somtimes more of wine then of water as the regenerate man in the beginning of his regeneration is more carnall then spirituall and in the progresse of the same is more spirituall then carnall These two men therefore doe fight in vs in lusting the one against the other the flesh lusteth two waies First it
maiestie i 1. Cor. 2.6 7 8 9. They containe the wisedome not of this world nor of the Princes of this world that come to nought but the wisedome of God which none of the Princes of this world knew but as it is written eye hath not seene nor eare heard neither haue entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that loue him They being of God k Matth. 11.27 none can know them but God and vnto whom God will reueale them For as amongst men none knowes the things of man saue the spirit of man which is in him l 1. Cor. 2.11 Euen so the things of God knowes no man but the Spirit of God For this first reason God must reueale them vnto vs by his Spirit m 1. Cor. 2.10 For the Spirit teacheth all things yea the deepe things of God The second reason is our incapacitie and insufficiencie for not onely haue we our eyes obscured and darkned with some certaine cloudes of ignorance but we haue them also so blinde that the Scripture calles vs n Ephes 5.8 darkenesse and plainely saith of vs and of the fairest and best things we haue by nature that o 1. Cor. 2.14 The naturall man receiueth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned VVhere the Spirit of God chargeth vs with two things o 1. Cor. 2.14 the priuation and want of all facultie aptnesse and abilitie to vnderstand and comprehend the things that are of God Secondly an euill and peruerse disposition and inclination for wee cannot only not comprehend the things of God but also we esteeme them foolishnes according to that which the Apostle saith p Rom. 8.7 The carnall minde is enmitie against God and therefore hee addes that q 1. Cor. 2.14 15 these things are spiritually discerned and that he which is spirituall iudgeth all things Dauid wrote that it was so when he prayed vnto God saying r Psal 119.18 Open thou mine eies that I may behold the wondrous things out of thy Law when Saint Peter confessed the Lord to ſ Matth. 16.16 be Christ the sonne of the liuing God The Lord presently taught him that it was so saying t Matth. 16.17 Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Iona for flesh and blood hath not reuealed it vnto thee but my Father which is in heauen The Apostle hath confirmed the same where he prayes God in his Epistles to giue his Spirit vnto them vnto whom hee writes that they may comprehend these things and assuring vs that u 1. Cor. 12.3 no man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost VI. But here is the question for they demaund Where is the Spirit In whom is the Spirit A question easie to bee resolued for as if one aske where the soule and life of man is a child would answere that it is in mans body and in euery part of the body though more sensibly and with more efficacy in one part of the body then in the other euen so when they demaund Where is the Spirit of Christ The childe of God will presently answere that it is in the body of Christ which is the Church vnited to Christ his head and in euery member of this body x Iohn 3.34 In Christ who is the head without measure in the other members with measure in some extraordinarily as in the Prophets and now ordinarie in all those that are come since in these a greater measure in those a lesser measure in some more in some lesse y Rom. 12.3 according as God hath dealt to euery man the measure of faith To doubt therefore if any one hath the Spirit of Christ in him is to doubt if he be a member of the body of Christ that is to say if he be a Christian for no man is a Christian but by the holy Spirit vniting him to Christ and inspiring him and quickning him that he liue to Christ CHAP. V. I. The words of Micah vnfitly and to no purpose alleaged cannot bee vnderstood by allegorie but of the Church in generall whose children are directed by the holy Spirit in the vnderstanding of the Scriptures II. Hee is an Heretick who obstinately defends a sense contrary to the Scriptures III. The argument whereby the Letter binds vs to depend and relie on the interpretation of the Fathers because Christ hath said nothing but that he hath heard of God his Father is impertinent and ridiculous IIII. In what consisteth our conformitie with Christ V. The argument retorted against the Author thereof VI. It is proued by the Scriptures and Fathers that wee are not to relie on the exposition of the Fathers WHen as therefore the Author saith in his Pastorall Letter that wee must not stand to our owne sense to know the sense of the Scripture Pag. 7. but follow the counsell of the Prophet Micah saying a Mica 4.2 Come and let vs go vp to the mountaine of the Lord and to the house of the God of Iacob and hee will teach vs of his waies and we will walke in his pathes Although that these words of Micah are to bee vnderstood literally of Sion and of the Citie of Ierusalem as it appeares by the words following For the Law shall goe forth of Zion and the word of the Lord from Ierusalem If by the mountaine of the Lord and the house of the God of Iacob hee vnderstands the Church of Christ Iesus it is most certaine that we ought to go and retire there to haue the sense meaning of the Scripture For there is the Scripture and there is the Spirit inspiring the whole Church in generall and euery true member of the same in particular according to the gift and wil of euery one When therfore the Scripture is read by a true member of Christ or is preached vnto him he hath the holy Spirit on his right hand and in his heart inspiring the true sense and meaning thereof and this inspiration is no other thing but that which S. Paul names b Ephes 1.18 the eyes of our vnderstanding enlightned to see comprehend the mysteries propounded in the Scriptures as it happened vnto Lydia c Acts 16.14 whose heart the Lord opened that she attended vnto the things which were spoken of Paul And it happens vnto all the Saints according to that which the Apostle saith d 1 Cor. 2.12 We haue receiued not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely giuen to vs of God And S. Iohn writing to young babes young children young men and fathers e 1. John 2.20 Ye haue an vnction from the holy One and ye know all things The one and the other after their Ma●●er who hath decided this controuersie with this notable sentence No f Ioh.
Iudge must bee present and visible we answere that that is not necessarie How often doe Emperours decide controuersies new sprung in their Prouinces by the authoritie and Iurisdiction of the Soueraigne Court without budging from their place How often haue the Popes remaining in Rome or in Auignon ended the differences of Christians a great distance from them by their Decre●all Epistles and doe as yet make knowne their will vnto al the world by their Bulls without stirring from their seate The King whom God preserue and blesse with all temporall and spirituall blessings for his glory is the supreme and Soueraigne Iudge of all this Kingdome although he be visibly and corporally but in one place of the same at one time from the place where hee is hee signifies by his Proclamation what his pleasure is vnto the which all his subiects must yeeld and agree A King who is but a man hath such a power and shall not the King of Kings haue it a mortall man absent in body shall bee acknowledged of all his good subiects for supreme Iudge and his will declared in writing shall bee a Law vnto them and shall not the Lord Iesus God-Man and Man-God be accepted of for Soueraine Iudge nor his writings for lawes vnlesse he make and shew himselfe visible and present What impietie But God be thanked our Iudge conteined indeede in heauen in regard of his bodie Acts 3.21 is alwaies euery where with his Church in regard of his Deitie and God-head alwaies present in the same in common and generall and in euery member of the same in particular by his holy Spirit by his grace by his vertue by his counsell by his helpe and assistance by his conduct and guiding and by his holy and wholesome word so farre forth that hee saith m Matth. 28.20 L●e I am with you alwaies euen vnto the end of the world for * Matth. 18.20 faith he where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them It is he then that iudgeth vs by his word which is his voice which all they that are his sheepe heare which they know and follow n Iohn 10.27 My sheepe heare my voice saith Christ and I know them and they follow me And doe not thinke that he speakes there onely of his sheepe of then or that time when he fed them with the foode and refection of his mouth he speakes of all those that shall be gathered together vnder his Sheepe-hooke vntill the ende of the world according to that he said before vers 16 Other sheepe haue I which are not of this fold them also I must bring and they shall heare my voice and there shall be one fold and one shepheard They that are not contented with this voice and heare it not they would not onely not heare our Lord Iesus although he should returne here in the flesh but also they would crucifie him againe as the Priests Scribes Pharisees and the Elders of the people did for if that so he should returne here on earth hee would say no other thing then that which he hath said alreadie and would not speake more plainely and perspicuously then he hath spoken in the holy Scriptures Therefore according as he hath commanded vs to call none our Doctor o Matth. 23.10 For one is our Doctor and Master euen Christ we will adhere and sticke fast vnto him alone and will say vnto him with Saint Peter and the other disciples Iohn 6.68 Lord to whom shall wee go● thou hast the words of eternall life and wee beleeue and are sure that thou art that Christ the Sonne of the liuing God V. The publike ministeriall Iudge is he which hath a publike and lawfull calling and authoritie from God to iudge not of the Scripture nor of the sense thereof for being immediatly from God the Law of the supreme Iudge and the most perfect rule of all godlinesse whereby all men are iudged and ruled it cannot be iudged of men by any meanes but of the doctrines of men the which he examines by the touchstone of the Scriptures and by them markes and considers if they are of God or no such are Pastors and Doctors considered apart in their Schooles and Churches and together in the Presbyterie Synods Councels Nationall and Occumenicall whose whole authoritie is limited by the holy Scriptures against and besides which they may not ordaine any thing Gal. 1.8 being to speake properly and fitly Clerks Truch-men Heralds Messengers and Ambassadours of God towards their brethren and not Iudges their iudgement being of seruice not of soueraigntie of direction not of authoritie compelling p Ephes 2.20 For we are built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets and not vpon the hand of humane opinions Wherefore if Christ Iesus himselfe hath confirmed his doctrine by the Scriptures q Luk. 24.27 beginning at Moses and all the Prophets r Act. 15.16.17 If the Apostles assembled together in Ierusalem refuted by the Scripture the heresie of those which mingled the Law with the Gospell If Saint Paul ſ Act. 17.2.3 Act. 26.22 Act. 28.23 proued his Gospell by the writings of Moses and of the Prophets surely they that are not furnished with such authoritie are bound to iustifie their doctrine by the Scriptures without the which t Orig. in Hierem ●om 1. our sense meanings and interpretation are not faith In regard of which the Apostle saith that the Spirit of Prophets are subiect to the Prophets 1. Cor. 14.32 And u Gerson de exam doctri Consid 5. num 17. Gers●● saith That we must giue more credit and beleeue soeuer a simple man not authorized excellently skilled in the Scriptures then the declaration of the Pope for it is certaine that we must so●●er beleeue and rather giue credit vnto the Gospell then vnto the Pope x Panerm in cap. significat extra de electi● Pan●rmus saith In matters which concerne our faith the saying of a pr●●ate man is to be preferred before the Popes saying if it be confirmed with the best reasons of the old and new Testament Another most excellently and euidently y Picus Mirand de fide ●rd cred The●re 6. A simple peasant or swaine a childe an old woman are more credible and 〈◊〉 to her beleeued thou the grand Prelate or Pope and a thousand Bishops of these speake contrary and against the Gospell those for and according to the Gospell The reason is verie good the Gospell is of the Master and ought to bee receiued with all obedience of faith by whomsoeuer it is preached the Pope and the Bishops are but seruants in the Masters house where they haue no other charge then to serue the children of the house according to the will of the heauenly Father comprehended in the Scriptures otherwise they are no Pastors but Impostors VI. As the publike ministerial iudgement is without proportion and measure inferior to
strength is to loue him pro viribus according to his strength He saith somewhat but he sayes not all for God lookes not to that which the sinner apostat bankrupt of his graces can now doe He askes and exacts that which man whom hee hath created according to his image inricht with all his blessings made a guardian of all his goods doth owe him That man hath receiued of God his bodie his soule all his faculties all the powers of his soule he owes then himselfe wholly vnto God and there is nothing in him which ought not to be incessantly bandied and bent to his seruice and to the seruice of his neighbour for his sake without reseruation and exception of degree without restriction of condition without limitation of time All that which man thinkes saies doth ought to be thought said done for Gods glory and there r 1 Cor. 10.31 is no place time action in the which hee ought not but procure and aduance his glory He is bound and obliged to him in a threefold manner First by right of Creation for he is bound to doe all that Adam did in his state of innocencie Adam by bond of nature did loue God with all his heart with all his soule with all the faculties of his soule with all the powers of all his faculties Euery man ought to doe as much we haue wasted and consumed Gods goods and by our owne fault are brought to that extremitie that we haue not wherewith to pay But pouertie and specially that which proceeds from bad husbandry and vnthriftinesse is no acquittance and binds not the creditor to cancell and blot out our bill and obligation and cannot hinder the creditor to aske iustly that which is his due Secondly by right of redemption we are the redeemed of our Lord Iesus he hath purchased vs with his owne pretious blood And there is nothing in vs for the which he hath not spilt his bloud nothing therefore but ought to bee for him but we are bound to dedicate and consecrate to his glorie in the highest degree and with the greatest intention that can be possible to the creature This is the argument of the Apostle Saint ſ 1. Cor. 6.19 20 Paul Ye are not saith he your owne far ye are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your bodie and in your spirit which are Gods We ought therefore to glorifie God in all that with belongs vnto him wee ought to giue him all that which hee hath purchased and bought hee hath purchased and bought whole man all that is in man is his therfore he ought to dedicate himself to him in heart with his mouth and in effect saying with Dauid t Psal 103.1 Blesse the Lord O my soule and all that is within me blesse his holy name This is not arbitrable and at the will and pleasure of man but necessarie Thirdly by expresse commandement euery commandement is of necessite The Commandement is u Luk. 10.27 Thou shalt lone the Lord thy God with all thy hart and with all thy soule and with all thy strength and with all thy minde A Commandement which comprehends all the degrees and all the perfection of the loue of the creature towards his Creator For if there be any degree of loue which God hath not commanded surely the Law of God is not perfect and Dauid shall haue deceiued vs in saying x Psal 19● The Law of the Lord is perfect and naming it y Ps 119.105 a 〈◊〉 vnto his feets and alight vnto his path for there should bee certaine degrees of charitie the which he could not see by the light of the same law God himselfe should haue deceiued vs z Deut. 12.32 forbidding vs to adde to his Law or diminish from it and propounding it to vs in his Law as a perfect rule of all perfection conuenient and sutable to the creature in the highest degree and place It should also follow that it is not the image of holinesse which was in Adam before he did cast himselfe headlong from the height of himselfe that chartie is not a Rom. 13.10 that fulfilling of the Law against that which we haue learned of Saint Paul there being some charitie which the Law doth not commaund or some perfection which surpasseth the bounds and limits of charitie and climes higher then the loue of God and of our neighbour can doe That God could not exact of man a perfect charitie God not being able to demaund iustly that which man might iustly refuse him as not being bound to doe it These are the absurdities in the which they implicate and i●tangle themselues which doe expound the word of God according to their fancies and humor and restraine them only to the qualitie of our charitie God hauing extended them to the quantity by the word All. For he which hath made al will haue all or will not haue at all hee will haue no parther hee which hath giuen vs all our strength demaunds all being more then reasonable and iust that wee should imploy them all in and to his seruice as well as to our owne Let vs now retort vpon Bellarmine his owne exposition All are commanded to loue God with all their strength that is to say omni virtute proviribus with al their power according to their strength saith he Now the Monkes and Friers can doe nothing but that which is according to their force and strength therefore they can doe nothing but that which they are commaunded to doe and so the Counsels vanish away Againe wee must loue God according to our strength and force but our heart hath his strength our soule hath hir force our mindes haue their powers wee must therefore vnite and knit all this strength and might and put them together in working to do the Lords businesse we must not doe like b Acts 5.1 2. Ananias and Saphira who hauing vowed and dedicated all their possession to God kept backe part of the price of the same and reserued it for themselues We haue made a vow to him of all that wee are and that haue we done in our Baptisme we will then pay our vow all of vs ought to doe it he that keepes backe from him a part of himselfe or the least parcell of any part goes not roundly to work with him and is accursed by the holy Ghost crying c Ierem. 48.10 Cursed be he that doth the worke of the Lord deceitfully that is to say He that is slacke and remisse to doe the worke of the Lord and slacke indeed is he that goeth not to work with all his strength powers and faculties that diuides and shares them out betweene the heauen and the earth betweene sinne and pietie betweene man and God d Rom. 1.36 For of him and through him and to him are all things to whom bee glory for euer Amen VII Let vs prosecute the refutation and goe on with it There are say
kept it perfectly or else he accuseth the most Iust of great malice That cannot he doe for he which keepes perfectly that which God commands him in this life is without sinne sinne being no other thing then the transgression of Gods commandements all which doe meete at one ende and abut vpon charitie b Hieron ad Rusticum epist 44. c. 4. Now there is none that is pure from sinne though his life had been but for a day saith Saint Ierome The Apostle himselfe doth openly confesse that he and all the Saints are tied to this vnauoidable necessitie of c Aug. de tempore serm 47. sinne saith Saint Austin and that doth hee confesse in the seuenth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans as wee shall see in the fourth argument There is none then that keepes perfectly that which God commands him yea that can keepe himselfe all being tied to this necessitie of sinning by the flesh lusting against the Spirit and by the Law of their members warring incessantly against the Law of their minde and bringing them into captiuitie to the Law of sinne which is in their members d Rom. 7.23 Gal. 5.17 as the Apostle speaks This is more perspicuously set before our eyes by death which is saith the Scriptures e Ioshua 23.14 the way of all the earth f Heb. 9.27 it being appointed vnto men once to die It is therefore a manifest conclusion that all are sinners and by consequent all transgressours of the Commandements of God g Rom. 6.23 for the wages of sinne is death and the effect of death in the faithfull is the death of sinne h Rom. 6.7 for he that is dead is freed from sinne which made the holy Apostle to sigh and call after death i Rom. 7.24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this death Now Bellarmine not being able to name any one Saint who hath been in his life pure from sinne and saying notwithstanding that they can perfectly keepe Gods Commandements hee accuseth and chargeth them with a notorious malice for what is the cause that they haue not kept the Commandements was it ignorance that was in them Noe for they knew the Commandements was it impotencie that was in them No for Bellarmine saith that they could keepe the Commandements The salt was then only in their will for three things concurre together in the reasonable creature to the producing and bringing forth of a good worke knowledge will power Now to know and to be able to doe good and not to will the doing of it is the propertie of a malicious and peruerse spirit it is a malice altogether condemned as it is written k Iames 4.17 To him that knoweth to doe good and doth it not to him it is sinne Let this be farre from Saints And therefore we will correct the saying of Bellarmine and say that the Saints and faithfull haue the wil to keepe perfectly the Commandements of God but they haue not the power and strength to doe them and that will we verifie by Saint Paul saying of himselfe l Rom. 7.18 To will is present with me but how to performe that which is good I finde not And of vs all m Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh and these are contrarie the one to the other so that ye cannot doe the things that ye would Lastly because that all which Bellarmine writes touching the diuers degrees of perfection commanded in the Law is maintained by him for the cause and defence of the Monkish state and life which he termes n Bellar. de monach c. 2. the state of perfection I would willingly aske Bellarmine himselfe or the most holiest Monke or Frier if seeing he thinkes he can keepe the Commandements of God he hath euer kept them If he saies that he hath kept them he is a lyar For hee that keepes the Commandements hath no sinne o 1. Iohn 1. ● Now if we say that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. If he confesseth that he hath not kept them he confesseth himselfe to be a wicked and malicious man in that hee would not doe that which he could and by his owne confession is doubly the childe of hell p Luk. 12.47 For that seruant which knew his Lords will and prepared not himselfe neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes VII The third argument is this If a man could keepe the Law he should haue no neede of a Mediatour q Gal. 2.21 For if righteousnesse come by the Law then Christ is dead in vaine They answere that Christ indeede should haue died in vaine if man could keepe the Law by his naturall strength and power but it is by grace that Christians keepe it and this grace hath been giuen them through the merit of the obedience and death of Christ which for this cause is not frustrate nor in vaine An answere iniurious to Christ and altogether false For if it were so our righteousnesse and saluation should be immediately of the Law and not of Christ and Christ should not be our Sauiour but onely an instrument by the which we are ayded and enabled to keepe the Law and by the obseruation of the same made our owne sauiours What blasphemie against the Sonne of God r 1. Cor. 1.30 Who of God is made vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption In as much as ſ 2. Cor. 5.21 God hath made him to be sinne for vs who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him We are then righteousnesse as he is sinne he is sinne t August Encherid cap. 41. not his owne but ours not in himselfe but in vs euen so are wee righteousnesse not our owne but that of God not in our selues but in him And marke he hath beene made vnto vs righteousnesse by God it is not written that we are made righteousnesse by him Againe we are the righteousnesse of God in him it is not said that we are the righteousnesse of God by him as by an instrument So doth the same Apostle write that u Col. 2.10 we are complete in him and not complete in our selues by him he felt it so when being as then renewed hauing been alreadie yea a long time an Apostle and neere vnto death when hauing fought a good fight kept the faith and finished his course he writes from prison vnto his Philippians that x Phil. 3.8.9 he counted all things but lesse and dung that he might winne Christ and be found in him not hauing his owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through the faith of Christ to wit the righteousnesse which is of God by faith He would haue vs to thinke and feele it so when he wrote to vs in the person of the
darkenesse the doctrine of the will is infected by the naturall peruersitie remaining yet in it the holinesse of the affections is soiled and troubled with euill villanous and disordered motions and the limmes of the body are often applied vnto filthinesse and wickednesse In like manner in regard of the Law he which is led and guided by the Spirit of Iesus is sanctified in regard of all the Commandements of the Law He findes them equally iust he affects them all hee applies himselfe to the obseruation of all of them without omitting any one and notwithstanding by reason of his frailty he cannot keepe so much as one perfectly namely with all his heart with all his soule with all his thought with all his strength for God onely without mingling therein the consideration of his owne interest which is the perfection which the Law commaunds and demaunds vnder paine of damnation IV. Because this imperfect perfection resides and remaines in all the parts of the soule and of the body as in his subiect and extendeth it selfe vnto all the parts of the Law as to his obiect it is termed The perfection of parts and is a sure marke whereby a man shall know whether he be renewed or no and whether he haue a heart without hypocrisie For the whole religion of an hypocrite is vpon the tippe of his tongue and at his fingers endes it consists wholly in words and outward shew his heart is farre from God as it is written i Mat. 15.8 This people draweth nigh vnto me with their mouth and honoureth me with their lipps but their heart is farre from me His vnderstanding may be enlightened to know God but his heart is neuer sanctified to know God he will striue to keepe some Commandements of the Law but there will be alwaies some one or other of them that will goe against his stomack as k Mark 6.20 Herod feared Iohn knowing that he was a iust man and an holy and obserued him and when he heard him he did many things and heard him gladly but he could not forgoe his brothers wife for all Saint Iohns warning and admonition telling him * Vers 18. that it was not lawfull for him to haue his brothers wife shewing in this one thing that he hated in his heart Gods Commandements and that he was destitute of the sanctifying Spirit which crucifies the whole man and makes him affected to all the commandements Of this perfection speakes Saint Paul when he speakes of himselfe as also of others l 1. Cor. 13.9 We know in part and 〈◊〉 prophesie in part And in this sort were Noah Abraham Aza Iob c. perfect V. But the other perfection whereof the Apostle speaketh in the next verse The Perfection of degrees * Vers 10. that when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away is the priuiledge of the Kingdome of heauen and is named the Perfection of degrees because then the Image of God shall be restored in man in the highest degree he shall haue perfection of holinesse according vnto his capacitie in euery part of his soule and body and shal perfectly keepe all the Commandements and euery one thereof In this sense m August in Ioan. tract vers Ex parte libertas ex parte seruitus nondum tota nondum pura nondum plena quia nondum plena aeternitas habemus enim ex parte infirmitatem ex parte accepimus libertatem Saint Austin saith that There is not yet a perfect libertie because the flesh lusts against the Spirit c. but libertie in part in part bondage not as yet an entire and whole libertie not yet a pure freedome nor yet full because not as yet a full eternitie For partly we haue infirmitie and feeblenesse and wee haue partly receiued liberty And he proues this by those places of Scriptures which we haue in the Episile to the Romans particularly because the Apostle saith n Rom. 7.18 To will is present with mee but how to performe that which is good I finde not When then shall bee the perfect libertie and freedome When saith hee there shall be no more enmitie and hostilitie o 1. Co. 15.26.53 54 55 when the last enemie shall be destroyed which is death for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortall must put on immortalitie then shall be brought to passe the saying that is written Death is swallowed vp in victorie O Death where is thy sting O Graue where is thy victorie What is that to say O Death where is thy sting the flesh lusteth against the spirit c. that is to say The s●ing of death is sinne as the Apostle speakes and sinne is alwaies in vs vntill death and wee consequently are alwaies imperfectly perfect Saint Ierome saith to this purpose that p Hieron ad ●tesiph Haec hominibus sola perfectio si se imperfectos esse nouerint this is the onely perfection of men if they know themselues to bee imperfect VI. Secondly there are two sorts of faithfull in the Church the one lesse the other more aduanced in knowledge q Heb. 5.13.14 some are babes and haue neede of milke others are of full age perfect men and haue need of strong meate euen those who by reason of vse haue their senses exercised to discerne both good and euill These in comparison of those are called perfect And it is in this sense that Saint Paul saith r 1. Cor. 2.6 We speake wisedome among them that are perfect And in another place Let vs therfore ſ Phil. 3.15 as many as be perfect be thus minded He meanes VS that are more forwards and aduanced let vs be thus minded let vs haue this feeling And what feeling Surely that we are not as yet perfect as it is manifest by the words going before for he had said Not as though I had alreadie attained t Vers 12.13.14 either were already perfect but I follow after if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Iesus Brethren I count not my selfe to haue apprehended but this one thing I doe forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth vnto those which are before I presse towards the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus Then he adds Let vs therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded to wit saith Saint Ierome u Hieron aduers Pelag. lib. 1. Imperfectos nos esse con●iteri nec dum comprehendisse nec dum accepisse haec est hominis vera sapientia imperfectum esse se nosse atque vt ita loquar cunctorum in carne iustorum imperfecta perfectio est to confesse that we are imperfect that we haue not as yet apprehended not yet receiued This is the true wisdome of 〈◊〉 to know and acknowledge himselfe to be imperfect and that I may so say The perfection of all the