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A09502 Spirituall exercyses and goostly meditacions and a neare waye to come to perfection and lyfe contemplatyue, very profytable for religyous, and generally for al other that desyre to come to the perfecte loue of god, and to the contempte of the worlde. Collected and set foorthe by the helpe of god, and diligente laboure of F. Wyllyam Peryn bacheler of diuinitie and pryor of the friers preachers of greate Sayncte Bartholomes in Smythfyelde. Peryn, William.; Essche, Nicolas van, 1507-1578. Exercitia. 1557 (1557) STC 19784; ESTC S114592 137,241 328

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the length thou most paynefully most miserably yet most louynglye and willinglye sufferest moost crewel moost bytter and moost shamefull deathe for me specially and for all mākynd and so well thou yet louyst me that if nede were thou art redy to suffer the lyke yea more paynfull passion more cruel death rather then I should perysh if I wold faithfully loue and serue the. ¶ O Most louing and mercyfull sauyoure Iesu I moost vnkind sinner haue neglected and set at nought the that haue done so muche for me and I haue offended as vnkyndly and as greuously as though thou haddest done nothing at all for me For I haue contynually offendyd and synned all my life but specially ī these N. Thou most here remember thy special dedly sinnes one after another and be speciallye sorye yf tyme wyll serue And generally I confesse my innumerable enormytes wherin I haue contēpned and offendyd the. Fyrst in breking of thy holy .x. commaundementes In the .xii. Artycles of the catholyque fayth The statutes and commaundementes of holy churche In the .xii. coūsels of the gospell In breking such priuate vowes as I haue promised In the .vii. mortal sinnes ¶ Omytting the .vii. workes of meryc gostly and in not doing the .vii. gyftes of the holy inspiracions I haue misused the gyftes of grace lent vnto me I haue mysused my v. vyttes or senses outwarde and my senses inward I haue misspent al the powers members and myghtes of my body and of my soule I haue mysspent the gyftes of nature the gyftes of fortune the giftes of the holy goost I haue not desposyd me to haue constante fayth perfect hope and burning charitie which are the thre theological vertewes I haue not had in me the foure cardinall vertues Prudence Iustice Fortytude and Temperaunce I haue not labored to haue in me the .xii. frutes of the holy gost I haue not labored so ernestly to com to perfection of lyfe and to the perfect loue of the as I wolde haue done to come vnto hyghe dignitie and honour of the worlde I haue sinned and lyued sinfully in euerye place in euery state in euery office that I haue lyued in by word by dede thought in omission in losse of my tyme and in vnkyndnes and vnthankfulnes towardes the my Lorde God towardes thy blessed mother and all thy blessed angels and saintes And agaynst all myne neighbors against the good folkes the blessed frindes of god agaynst the weake and sinners agaynste my benefactours and frendes agaynste my superiors my egalles my inferiours agaynste the quicke and the deade against the sowles in purgatory againste all creatures against my owne selfe agaynste both my body and my soule for I haue misvsed these creatures to the great dyshonor of the my lord god to the iniurye of myne neghbours and to the condemnacion of myne owne soule So that ther is no gyfte nor benefyt that thou haste geuen me nor no good thing in the whiche I haue sought the sincerely and purelye For I haue lesse or more sought myne owne commodytie myne owne wyll or pleasure Thus in all my hole lyfe I haue ether done commytted sinne eyther omyttyd and not done my dewty or els doing my dewty or any good woorke I haue not done it so syncerelye purely as I ought to haue done Wherfor I forsake here al kynde of sinne and al my dedes good and bad and I runne only vnto thy greate mercy and infinyte merytes ¶ O most mercyfull petyfull and most louyng lorde Iesu I moost humbly lowly beseke thy mercyful goodnes for thy most holy concepcion and natiuitye For thy blessed conuersacion and moost holy lyfe For thy moost harde and sore laboure and trauel for the great sorow and heuynes of thy blessed harte for thy most payneful agonye and bloudy sweat for al thy bytter and most paynfull passion for al the cruell effucion of thy moost precious bloud for thy most painful most cruel moost bytter and shamefull death graunt me mercy and forgeuenes of all my vnkindnes and sinne mortyfye in me al that offendeth the worke in me suche vertues as moost maye please thy blessed wyll in me to thy honour my saluacion Amen O Moste gloryus mother of mercy and ladye of grace my syngular help and comfort in heauen and in earth nexte vnto my lord god and sauyor Iesu I humbly beseke the for that holy passyon death and al the paines that thy deare sonne Iesu sufferyd in thy sorowfull syght For al the sorow heuines and most bytter compassion that thou sufferedst for him and me optain for me cleane remyssyon of al my synnes and all the paines that I haue deserued for them and increase of al vertue perfeccion Here praye to thy specyall aduowryes O Mooste blessyd and holy N N. N. N. and al ye moost holy and blessed company of heauen for al the paynes and labours that ye suffered here by the grace of the holy goost and for the very loue and honoure of god I humbly beseche your blessyd charyte pray for me vnto my lord and swet sauyour Iesu that he vochesaf to remyt my wickednes and synnes and so to confyrme me in his grace and loue that I neuer returne to syn agayne Here turne thy heart agayne vnto thy Lorde Iesu saynge ¶ And were I dayly fall and am redy to syn vochesafe to graūt me oh Lorde grace euer moore as ofte as I fal to arise againe with perfect sorow hate of syn and with most lowely cōfidēce trust of his blessed swet mercy That the multytude of my syn and mi great frailtie driue me not to disperate sorowe and inordynatte heuynes Nether let me mistrust the great and most gracius redynes of thy moost louyng mercy that is euer redye to forgyue as ofte as we do repent be yt neuer so ofte Draw me not to presūpcyon but that I how so euer whan so euer and how often soeuer I offend the I may moost lowly and mekely acknowelege my wretchydnes and frayltie and repente myne offences and synnes wyth a fyrme purpose to amend and with an vnfayned trust of remyssyon and forgeuenes in the infynyte merytes of thy most blessed blood payneful passyon and most precyus death to the glory honoure of thy mercy ful charytie most myghty maiestie Amē ¶ The Thyrd exercyse of reformacyon of the soul in the fyue wyttes sences COnsider how thy fyue wittes are wonderful wekened and dysorderid by the fall of our forefather and parent Adam But a greate deale more infected and disorderyd by thy owne actual synnes the great abuse of thē Wherefore that they may be redyer brought againe vnto ther former and original purenes wherin they were before the fall of adam thou must nedes shut vppe and refrayne from all misuse of all thy senses as thy syghte hearing taisting with thy tong smellyng and fealyng in the crucyfied humanitie of Chryst accordyng to hys exāple wyth so
into this stable sure ioye that he maye he refresshed with the magnificētie of the goodnes of god Let him approche and ascend vnhye in harte by contemplacion of these and let the most excellente and inenarrable clemēcye of Iesu be exalted in his harte Fyftly thou must haue medytacion of the moost blessed passion of oure sauyoure Iesu to reuolue thy harte and to transforme it into him the whiche thou doyst when thou doyst not only folowe and haist compassion thou merualyst and reioysest but thou art wholy cōuerted and turned into thy lord Iesu christ crucyfied so that in maner euery where and alwaye the lorde Iesu chryst crucyfied metyth wyth the yea then arte thou veryly and trewly resolued into hym when thou leauyng thy selfe and going out of thy selfe and surmountynge and transsendynge all thing yea aboue thy selfe abstracryd from all thynge thou arte all together turned into thy lorde Iesu crucified so that thou canst se nothinge thou canst feale nothynge with in thy self but only christ crucified scornid reuyled and put to payne of pure loue for ye. ¶ Syxtly thou must consyder behold that most blessed passiō of thy lord to come to rest of inward swetnes the which thing thou dost whē thou being resolued as I sayd dost not cesse with a thursty hart or or feruent desyre to reuolue tosse in thy mind the most blessed passiō And enteryng as far as thou arte able into that infynite treasure of that blessyd passiō mekely and deuoutly thou doist melt for pure and deuoute loue and wyth feruent deuocyon and burninge loue thou falleste from thy selfe and doeste reste all together in chryste crucified But the more that thou doste cleue leane vnto him onlye so moch the more thou fallest decaiest from thy self dost relent by most deuout loue and how moch the more that thou dost decay leaue thy self by loue and deuocion so moch the more thou dost cleaue art knyt vnto thy loue that dyed for the and doyst rest in hym And so doth the cleauinge vnto chryst by loue and louely deuocion increase one the other vntyll the spouse of chryst that is to saye thy soule be all to gether swallowyed vp and deuoured of that moost burning hoote furnes of loue of the passiō of thy spouse most dere beloued in whose blessed armes thy soule restyth a slepe haue therfore medytacion of the moost blessed passion of thy lord Iesu in folowyng it to purge thy mynde hart By compassiō to get loue and vnion wonderyng at it to eleuate lyfte vp thy harte reioysing therin do delyte and conforte thy hart resoluing to come to parfect conformacion and lykenes resting therin kepe thy deuocyon ¶ Aspyracions ¶ Gracious lorde and swet sauiour which sufferidst most paineful passiō for my loue graunte me grace in the merytes of the same passion most faithfully to folow it ¶ Mercyfull and most petyfull lorde Iesu which art full of pytye graunt me grace to take compassion and to lamente thy moost Innocente and wrongfull death and most paynefull and gracious passion ¶ Graunte me good lord I humbly beseke the that I maye so ernestly mynde thy bytter passion that I may sorow it as tenderly as though I sufferyd it my selfe ¶ Oh deare lord sauiour prynt thy most bitter death blessed passion in my harte that I maie neuer feale nether any thing dysire saue the my louyng lorde crucified for me ¶ My most gracious sauyour Iesu make my stubburne and sturdy harte melte and be resolued of very pure and deuoute loue in the meditacion of thy moost precious death painefull passion ¶ The practise of the syxte exercise MOOST mercyfull sauioure Iesu I wretched siner do knowlege that I am infinitly bounde vnto the for the innumerable most singular benefites which thou moste louingly and lyberally hast bestowyd vppon me and al mankynd but specyaly for the ineffable benefit of my redemcyon by thy mooste crewel death and passion from the thraldom of the deuyl sin and hel And for that thou hast franchessid and made vs the children and heyres of heauen For the which benefyt specially we remaine and are become bond detters vnto the and thoughe we can neuer make a iuste recōpense for it yet of thy gracyus goodnes thou wylt mercyfully accepte that whiche we are able to make be it neuer so simple And bycause that amonge all that wee can do there is nothyng more acceptable to the than with thankeful and oft medytacyon to folow thy most blessid lyfe and passyon pryntyng and perfectly expressing it in the powers of our soule in al sensies of oure bodye therfore I moost humbly beseke the moost gracyus Lord Iesu graunt me the grace so perfectly to conforme me in my whole lyfe vnto thy blessid life and passion that al my cogitaciōs my words midedes and maners may be so lyke vnto thy holy thoughtes wordes dedes and blessyd maners that wher euer I be sean harde or felte ther mai nothing be found in me but that which was foūd in the my lord Iesu And lyke as thou were crucyfyed in thy blessyd humanytie so graunt me grace by the merytes of thy crucifyxion to crucyfie nature and sensualytie by the acquyringe of al true vertue ¶ Graunt me grace also to consider and to conforme my soule vnto thy mooste heuy and sorowful soul that I may continually lament thy great dishonour the losse of soules my sinnes and the sinnes of all men ¶ Good lord graunt me grace so depely to print in my hart thy bitter paineful passiō very loue that I may feale more the paine that thou suffred for me then any payne that I haue or should haue if I where woūdid in myne owne bodie ¶ Graunt me good Lord Iesu that my spirite may euer burne in thy loue be eleuat and minde euer more the vtterly resignid into thy blessid pleasure ¶ Graunt that my soule also may be contryte compassyonate with the mortified vnto al creatures ¶ Graunte that my bodie also to be ful of trauel payne and afflyccyon for thy honor and thus I may be conformable and lyke vnto thy blessid humanyte ¶ Graunte me moost louyng Lord Iesu thy grace to exercyse moost effectuusly thy holy and mooste blessid passyon by perfect ymitacion by perfect cōpassion by perfect admyracyon by exultacyon and ioy by perfect resolucion by perfect rest ¶ Graunte me grace wyth often memory of thy blessid lyfe and passion to folow thy blessid example in suche vertues as aperith in thy holy passion and lyfe For thy blessid passion and lyfe is the mooste holyest and hyest relygion and the rule and example of al vertue and perfectyon ¶ Graunt therefore moost merciful Lord Iesu that thy passion may be the very rule of al my lyfe ¶ Graunt me grace that I may wyshe and desyre from the bottome of my hart wyth al delyght of my soule for thy loue to be contempned set at nowght
and passion of Chryst prynting deapely in to thy soule fleshe his passion deathe that they shyne out of the like a lanterne so that thou alwaye thinke and talke of them For Chryste oure sauyor by the same redemed vs when the deuyl possessed vs as his slaues and bond men that now we are the fathers of heuē which by his only begottē sonne hath bought vs paying by hym our dettes wherein we were bound vnto him And for thys greate benefit we remayne detters vnto him for euer Wherefore yf we wil repaye this det vnto him godly and thankefuly we must prynt hys lyfe passyō and death ī to the powers of our soule and in to the sensies of our bodie and in to al our fleshe we must beare this his crosse vppon vs and folowe effecteously as thoughe we were become one with him in his lyfe and passion And thus the dette that he paied for vs we do some what recompence That thou mayst perfectly fulfyl the same thou must neades conforme or make lyke all thy thoughtes thy wordes dedes thy maners so lyke vnto the thoughtes the wordes the dedes and maners of thy lorde Iesu chryst that wheresoeuer thou be seene harde or touched there be nothinge found in the but that which was in Iesu chryst then shal be sene in that that thou art a very christiā a seruante louer of Chryste And bycause that we are lyke hym in the nature of hys manhed we must according to this example crucify oure nature in vs bycause our nature dyd wyllynglye synne as he exhorteth vs in the holye gospell sayenge deny and forsake thy selfe and take vp thy crosse vpon thy backe folowe me In this he commaundeth that we shoulde crucifye oure bodely nature and sensualytie wyth very true vertues Our soule also we must confirme and make lyke vnto the most heuye and sorowfull soule of our lorde Iesu so shall we do yf we sorow and lamente al waye the greate dishonour of god the losse of soules and our owne sinnes and the sinnes of all men And loke howe muche we wante in this conformytie and folowing of christes passion in oure bodye and soule so moche more we remayne in debte vnto oure lorde god Certaynely a faythfull louer of Iesu ought to drowne in maner so prynte hym selfe into the lyfe and passyon of hym that he shoulde feale that passion lyfe more presente and more fastened into hym selfe then hys owne payne or crosse that he suferith yea yf he had any specyal paine or gryef in any member of his body were sore vexed therewyth yet shoulde he feele more the payne and passion of hys Lorde Iesu then the sorowe that payneth hym in the member of hys owne bodie Wherfore thou oughtes wyth greate desyre and deuoute harte contynually to pray intrete thy most gracious lorde Iesu that he vochsafe to confyrme the most perfectly vnto hys mortifyed holy and crucyfyed humanytye by an ardent an eleuate and a ful resygned spirite and by a mortifyed an heuy and a compassionate soule and also by an aflyctyd a laborsome a tormented and a pained bodye or at the least thou shalte praye hym to sende the some bodely and contynuall payne or grefe to put the in mynde alwaye of hys bytter passion that thou forgette it not also that he vochesafe to rest in the and to take pleasure to worke in the wythout any inpedimente We ought therfore to exercyse our selfes in the most blessid passion of oure lorde .vi. maners of wayes Fyrste thou shalte exercise thy selfe in the passion of Iesu by imitacion or to folowe it Secōdly by cōpassion or to haue cōpassiō therin Thirdly by admyracion to haue wonder Fourthly by ioy or to reioyse therin Fiftly by resoluciō or to be resoluid therī Syxtly by deuocion to rest therin Fyrste thou oughtest to haue meditacion in this blessid passion that thou mightest folowe the same for it is the hyghe most perfectest imytacion that a man can haue this is the hygh and most holyest relygion and most relygius perfecciō To folow Christ in his death and passion is the rule and the example of oure sauiour the rule of our lyfe in whō we may haue so moche the more confort consolaciō as we herein be the more conformable and lyke oure lorde Iesu And let vs thinke oure selfes so moche the more desolate as we fynd oure selfes farre from this example rule Let vs therfore wyshe and desire as moch as lieth in vs to be cast downe to be set at nought to be scornyd afflycted scorged of all persons and in the seruice that we do to God to be rebuked of all men Let vs be poore and barewyth poore and bare Iesu let vs desyre to haue nothing Yea let it be most payneful payne and vnmesurable sorow to haue any thīg and to haue nothinge let it be perfecte Ioy gladnes let vs abhorre al to tast swete delectable thinges let vs rather desire to be refreshed with vyle homely bytter thynges and let vs desyre that al fode or mete may tast to vs rather galle then hony bicause that Iesus dranke vineger gal And as I may saie breuely let vs cōsider how he vsed him selfe in his passiō and let vs conforme our selfe for our litle power vnto him as much as we can keping and obseruyng alway the meane and moderacion that we excede not the measure of oure infyrmytie Secondly thou must exercise thy selfe in the blessyd passion of thy Lord Iesu that thou mayste take compassyon on hym moost innocent cōsideryng his cruel scorging his scornes his reuyles and rebukes reuoluyng in thy hart howe greatly our Lord Iesu was dyiectid cōtempnyd in his most bitter passion how great afflicciō paine he suffered ī his hart body both by reason of his owne payne and passyon also by reason of hys compassyon towarde vs for our synnes Let vs consider with howe muche bytter sorow the very swet angells where repleanisshed with al how moch greuyd our Lorde Iesu not only the payne layd vppon hym and our vnthankefullnes but also the sore afflyccyon of hys deare mother that stode by whome he louyd moost dearely and fre he rredy to swone for sorow Certaynly by reason of the excedyng grate and moost ardent burning loue that the one bare to the other they suffered most payneful compassion and the affliction of bothe partes was exceding greate For the one sufferyd for the other sake For the mother knew wel that her dere sonne suffered for her specyally as wel as for to redeme other The sonne also knewe full well that the swerde of sorowe of hys passion perced the soule and harte of his his mother And therfore was the passion of the sonne the passion also of the mother Goo to thē good doughter the seruāt of god and the spowse of chryst to se and turne these in thy harte wyth the rebukes and paynes of thy lorde