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A02181 Paramythion tvvo treatises of the comforting of an afflicted conscience, written by M. Richard Greenham, with certaine epistles of the same argument. Heereunto are added two sermons, with certaine graue and wise counsells and answeres of the same author and argument.; Most sweete and assured comfort for all those that are afflicted in conscience, or troubled in minde Greenham, Richard.; Greenham, Richard. Two learned and godly sermons. 1598 (1598) STC 12322; ESTC S103418 97,808 214

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griefe he was heauye and nowe may commende the Image of a wounded spirite to all that come after Dauid a man chosen according to the Lordes owne heart Ezekiah a pure worshipper of God and carefull restorer of true Religion Ieremiah the Prophet of the Lorde sanctified and ordained to that Office before hee was formed in his mothers wombe were rare and singular in the graces and fauour of God yet when they felt this wounde pearcing them with griefe of heart they were as Sparrowes mourning as Cranes chattering as as pellicans casting out fearefull cries they thought themselues as in the graue they wished to haue dwelt solitary they were as bottels parched in the smoke they were as Doues mourning not able without sighes and grones to vtter their wordes their hearts cloue to the dust and their tongues to the roofe of their mouthes But aboue all if these were not not sufficient to perswade vs in this doctrine there remaineth one example whome we affirme to be the perfect anatomie of an afflicted minde This is the Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ the Image of the father the heade of the bodie the myrrour of all graces the wisedome righteousnes holines and redemption of all the Saints who sustained the Crosse euen from his youth vpward and besides pouertie basenes hunger did willingly goe vnder the greate trouble of contempt and reproch and that among them where he should haue had a right deserued honour in respect of the doctrine he taught them and in regard of the manifolde myracles be wrought among them as the healing of the sicke the giuing sight to the blind the restoring of life to the dead This vnkindnes neuertheles did not so much strike into him But at what time hee was set as a Sacrifice for al whē he was to beare our infirmities carry our sorrowes at what time hee was plagued smitten of God humbled wounded for our transgressions when hee should be broken for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was vpon him then he cried out My soule is heauie euen vnto the death Then he prayeth Lord if it he possible let this Cup passe from mee But howe praieth hee euen with sweating how sweateth hee euen droppes of blood how long praieth hee Three times when endes his agonie not vntill he was dead What said hee beeing readie to depart My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee Was this for his humane death as some haue imagined No no wicked men haue died withthout complaint whose patience then might seeme to exceede his it was his suffering in his humane Spirite which incountred with the wrath of God his Godhead suppressing it selfe for a while he suffered indeede many tormentes in bodie but much more heuily did the wrath of God lie vpon his soule If this consideration of an afflicted spirit in these examples doe not sufficiently shew what a grieuous thing it is to sustaine a wounded conscience Let vs proceede to the comparing of this with other euils which fal into the nature of man There is no sicknes but Phisicke prouideth for it a remedy there is no fore but Chirurgery wil afford it a salue Friendship helpeth pouertie There is noe imprisonment but there is hope of libertie Suite and fauour recouer a man from banishment Authoritie and time weare away reproch But what Phisicke cureth what Chirurgerie salueth what riches ransometh what countenance beareth out what authoritie asswageth what fauour relieueth a troubled Conscience All these banded together in league though they would conspire a confederacy cannot help this one distresse of a troubled minde And yet this one comfort of a quiet minde doth wonderfully cure and comfortably asswage al other griefes whatsoeuer For if our assistance were as an host of armed soldiers If our frinds where the Princes and the Gouernours of the earth If our possessions were as large as betweene the East and the west If our meate were as Manna from heauen If our apparrell were as costly as the Ephod of Aaron If euery day were as glorious as the day of Christs resurrection yet if our mindes bee appalled with the iudgements of God these thinges would little comfort vs. Let experience speake If a troubled minde impareth not health drieth not vp the blood wasteth not the marrowe pineth not away the flesh consumeth not the bones if it maketh not all pleasures painfull and shortneth not the life surely no wisdome can councell it no counsell can aduise it no aduise can aswage it no asswagement can cure it no eloquence can perswade it no power can ouercome it no Scepter wil affray it nor inchaunter can charme it And yet on the contrary if a man languish in sicknes so his hart be whole and is perswaded of the health of his soule his sicknes doth not grieue him If a man bee reproched so he be p●ecious in the sight of God and his Angels what losse hath hee If a man be banished and yet doubteth not that heauen is his Country and that hee is a Citizen among the Saints it doth not appall him If a man be in trouble and findeth peace of conscience hee will quietly digest his trouble But if the minde be troubled who dareth meete with the wrath of the Lorde of Hoasts who can put to silence the voice of desperation who will step out and make agreement with the hells to spare vs who dare make a couenant with the Diuell that hee woulde not lay claime vnto vs If then a good Conscience helpeth all euills and all other benefits in this life in themselues cannot help a troubled cōscience we se it true in proofe which here is in prouerbe The spirit of a man will susteine his infirmitie But a wounded Spirit Who can beare it Againe in all other afflictions we may haue some comfort against sinne this is euer accompanied with the accusation of sinne A man may be sicke reproched impouerished imprisoned and banished and yet in all these haue a cleare conscience his owne heart telling him that there is noe speciall cause of these crosses in him but that he may suffer them for the triall of his faith or for righteousnes sake and well doing But when the spirit is wounded there is stil a guiltines of sin and when a mans spirit is troubled he suspecteth all his waies he feareth al his sins he knowes not what sinne to begin with it breeds such hurly burlyes in him that when it is day he wisheth for night when itis night he would haue it day his meat doth not norish him his dreames are fearefull to him his sleepe oftimes forsaketh him If he speaketh he is little eased if he keepeth silence hee boileth in disquietnes of heart the light doth not cōfort him the darkenes doth terify him To prosecute our comparisons where al other euils are the more tolerable because they be temporal pursue vs but to death this not being cured endeth not in death
make no more application the holy annointing which you haue receiued will bring the old mercies of God vpon others and vppon your owne soule vnto remembrance and leade you into all truth which shall bee requisite for your saluation Put your trust in the Lord and be you assured beleeue his ministers you shall prosper The Lord Iesus came not to breake the brused reede nor to quench the smoaking flaxe his grace shall bee euer more sufficient for you and his vertue shal vnto the end manifest it selfe in your weakenes Now therfore I beseech him to preserue your body soule spirit vnto his most glorious appearing Faithfull is he that hath called you promised who wil also performe it Amen From my house in London in Warwicke lane Anno 1591. Feb. 24. Yours in Iesus Christ as he ha●h beene Richard Greenham A letter consolatory written to a friende afflicted in Conscience for sinne Grace and peace in Iesus Christ. MY very good and louing friend in the Lord Iesus I vnderstand by M. H. who ofte trauelleth into those parts that you require of mee letters of comfort for reliefe of your afflicted and distressed conscience Wherein I could bee glad to performe any deutie that is within the compasse of my poore abilitie But your best and soundest comfort as I take it lieth in those that haue them selues bene exercised with that triall who from the comforts of Christ that haue abounded in them are best able to comfort those that are in like sort afflicted by the hand of God Agine I haue written vnto you many times of this argument If my letters remaine with you they may alwaies speake for mee that which I am able to say to that point If you require more then I haue written before this then were it reason you should sende mee my former letters that I might knowe where to begin that which remaineth My leasure is not great as you knowe and there is nothing whereinto I enter more vnwillingly then into this labour of writing Yet that you may vnderstand that I haue not altogether forgotten your ould loue towardes me nor haue suffered mine affection towards you vtterly to decaye I will indeauour at once as briefelye as I may to remember vnto you so far as I can call to minde the summe of all that I haue written vnto you heretofore The question as I take it that that lieth in controuersie betweene your cōscience and the enimie is of the assurance of your saluation Wherein I would haue you first to consider what is or at any time past hath beene the testimony of the Spirit of God vnto your spirit and then I doubt not but either from present sence of the same spirit of God crying in your heart Abba Father or from the remēbrance of the daies of old wherin you had a cōfortable assurance of Gods fauor you shal be able to repel the force of this temptation cōsidering that the holy Ghost cānotly that God whom he loueth vnto the end he loueth because his gifts calling as the Apostle saith are such as whereof he doth not nor cānot repēt him Thē cōsider the nature of faith which how weak vnperfect soeuer it be it cānot be denied euē by Sathan himselfe to be faith according to that which is saide I beleeue Lord helpe thou my vnbeliefe And if you haue faith euen as a graine of mustard seede c. that Faith apprehendeth Christ Iesus in whome there is all sufficiency of saluation and in whome wee are compleat so that whatsoeuer scruple ariseth from our selues or is inforced of the enimie from any imperfection that is in vs it neede not at all to dismay vs because wee saue not our selues but are saued by him who is made vnto vs from God wisdome righteousnes sanctification and redemption that who so glorieth should glorie in him And in deede there is no surer refuge when the enimie distresseth vs then renouncing our selues to professe the onely name of Christ Iesus who died for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification For if the enemie shall say wee haue sinned our answere is Christ hath died for vs yea is risen againe yea is ascended into heauen c. If he say we want the righteousnes of the law we must answere Christ hath fulfilled the lawe that wee by him might be made the righteousnes of God If hee say wee are in nature corrupt and therefore both vnworthy and vnfit for the kingdome of heauen we must answere him with the wordes of Christ himselfe for there sakes haue I sanctified my selfe Fynally whatsoeuer shalbe obiected against vs by the enimie our answere must bee that in Christ all the promises of God are yea and in him they are Amen That all fulnes dwelleth in him and that in him wee are perfected so that wee may boldly say with Saint Paul there is no damnation to those which are in Christ Iesus If Sathan his importunitie and impudencie will not thus bee answered we must ende all disputation with him by our selues and send him vnto Christ who amongst other parts of his office towardes vs performeth also this for vs both before his heauenly father and against all our aduersaries that he is our aduocate to pleade and defende our cause which yet is not so much ours as his owne because the question is not of our merits or satisfactions which we freely renounce but of the merite of his obedience and of the value of his death vnto the saluation of those that beleeue in him So shall wee at once stoppe vp the mouth of the enimie when refusing to pleade our own cause we referre our selues vnto Christ whome wee knowe to bee the wisdome of God and able to answere all that can possibly be obiected against vs. For seeing Sathan is a wrangling and subtill sophister it is our furest and safest dispatch to break of all dispute with him and to send him thither where he may receiue his best answere and we neede not to doubt but he that hath answered the iustice of God and canceled the obligation that was against vs before his heauenly father will easily defeate whatsoeuer the olde serpent our accuser the Deuill is able to alledge against vs. But if wee cannot so auoide his assault but needes we must enter the combat with him let vs take vnto our selues that courage that becommeth the souldiors of Christ and in the name of the Lorde Iesus manfully oppose our selues knowing that hee which hath brought vs into the battell will both saue vs and deliuer vs out of all dangers Then if the enimie shall say that wee haue no faith and therefore haue no interest in Christ we may answere that our beleeuing dependeth not vpon his testimony it is enough that our selues doe know and feele by the grace of God that wee doe beleeue As for him we doe the rather perswade
things he had somtimes inioyed he doth not only expresse the great affection he had to be restored vnto his former estate but also giueth the attētiue reader to vnderstand a secret worke of that grace of God from the remembrance of that which had been insinuating an hope of that which shold be as the euēt it self afterward declared which issue of his troubles S. Iames would haue vs diligently to consider when he saith Ye haue heard of the sufferings of Iob and haue seene the ende of the Lord. But it fareth in this case with the afflicted soule many times as it doth with those that gredily striue for the goods of this world Their affection of hauing more is so strong doth so violently possesse and carry them as it not only depriueth them of the vse of that they haue but also maketh them forget the same which is yet mo●e protest against it as if they had it not at all So the humbled afflicted spirit ouerborne for the time with present griefe and anguish of minde not onely vseth not the comforts it hath cannot presently discerne but also causeth an vtter forgetfulnes of them and which more is protesteth against them as if they were not yea as we se often in Iob he so complaneth of the contrary as if the Lord had not only forsaken his seruant but had armed himselfe and did fight against him to destroy him Here therfore we must bridle chastise our impatient and murmuring spirit and remember that of Iob so farre contrary to the other that though the Lord should destroy him yet he will trust in him Neither must we so much vexe and vnquiet our ha●ts for that we want as labour to make vse of that we haue which though it seeme little vnto vs for the present yet in truth is more then Sathan by all his force is able to ouercome as may appeare vnto vs by that endles resistance which the spirit of god dwelling in vs maketh against him For he that so fighteth is not yet captiue he that standeth in face of the enimie and endureth all his assaults is not yet vanquished Yet that he holdeth out in so great weaknes of his owne against so strong furious assaults of the enimy it plainely argueth that he standeth by a greater strength then his owne by which as he is presently preserued that hee fals not into the hand of his aduersary so nede he no doubt therby to be finally deliuered be crowned with victory tryumph in despite of Sathan all hee is able to worke against him But if the enimie whose quarrelling with vs is endles as his malice is vnsatiable will not thus leaue vs giue vs rest then as I said before it is our best safest way at once to end all disputation with him And we cannot better shake him of thē by exercising our selues in prayer reading and medit●tion of the word of God by diligent walking in the works labours of our callings for there is no greater oportunitie nor aduantage that can be giuen vnto the aduersary then if he shal finde vs idle vnoccupied If the minde be alreadie possessed of occupied in good things it cannot so easily be trsāported vnto that which is euill But if he finde the house emptie and fit for him he then entreth without difficultie In the question of faith wee haue comfort also from the works effects therof in our selues For as the tree is knowne by the fruits so faith wanteth not her fruites wherby she may be discerned These are of diuers sorts sorow for sinne past hatred of euill care and indeauor to auoide it both in generall and in particular the loue of God of his righteousnes desire care with labour contention to please him both in generall perticular duties And here againe wee haue a lawful necessary recorse vnto the time past For albeit wee haue nothing to glory in before God when the question is of the cause of our saluation yet the effects of this grace and fauour of God towards vs in the former fruites of our faith may yeeld vs noe small comfort in the time of our heauinesse and of the anguish of our spirites here of it is that the Prophet in the psalmes doth so often protest his obedience vnto God care to doe his commaundements hereof it is that Iob vnto the comforting of his distressed conscience remembreth the course of his former life led in the feare of God and obedience of righteousnes For although we may not attribute any merit vnto our workes but must giue the whole glorie of our saluation vnto Christ alone yet our works doe witnes for vs that we are the children of God because wee are guided by his spirite and as the Apostle saith though the body be deade in respect of sinne yet the spirite is life for righteousnes sake Also the gratious effectes of Christ himselfe dwelling in our heartes by faith are sure and certaine testimonies that we are members of his bodie doe belong vnto him because as branches implāted into him which is the vine we bring forth fruite according vnto the nature of the vine If it be said we doe yet sin our answere is that that happeneth vnto vs not from the new creature but from that other part yet remaining in vs stil subdued vnder sin in which the Lord of mercy doth not esteeme vs but in that new man which is fashioned againe according vnto his own image In so much as S. Paul doubteth not to say that the sins of the faithful proceding frō the remāder of corruption yet abiding in thē are not their workes but the works of the flesh which being already woūded vnto death by the power of the death of Christ languisheth more more shal finally be abolished by death which is the end accomplishment of our mortification fully endeth the battell betweene the flesh the spirit What shall I say of the loathing of this life and the vanitie thereof of that desire which is in the children of God to be dissolued to be with Christ of contēmēt in all estates patience in afflictions constancie in the truth loue towards those that loue the Lorde pitie towardes those that are in misery and the desiring of the good euen of their enimies and those that hate them Which vertues though they beare not an equall saile by reason of the weaknes of the flesh and of the malice and resistance of the enimie yet are they vndoubted testimonies of our loue towards God which is not but in those who are first beloued of him and haue tasted how good and gratious hee is If wee shall looke vnto the exercises of pietie and of the worshippe of GOD though wee may here as els where complaine of our wants and defectes yet wee shal through
grace at Gods handes nay wee doe not esteeme Gods graces when we haue not the spirit to teach vs to set a due price vpon them for speake of the Law or of the Gospell of sinne or of righteousnes speake of Christ or of our redemption iustification by him yea speake of that huge and heauy waight of glory wher with the elect of God shall bee crowned all this mooueth not wee are little affected therewith vnlesse God giue vs of his good spirit to profit by the same The Apostle ther forewith good reason gaue this precept and wee for many greate causes are to listen vnto it least by any meanes the spirit of God be quenched in vs so we depriue our selues of all these fruites Now whereas the Apostle saith Quench not the spirit it may appeare he speaketh to those that had alredy receiued the spirit For as the fire cānot be said to be quēched where it is not so they cannot be sayd to quench or loose the spirit which haue not as yet receiued it Then knowe that this precept doeth properly beelong to them that haue receiued the spirit of God and they especially are to make a special vse of it for the other it cannot profite them vnlesse that as the seede lying in the ground a long time doth afterwarde budde and become fruitfull so this continue in their mindes tyll they haue tasted in some good sorte of the spirite of GOD and then breede in them some carefulnesse that they doe not quench it Well then to them that haue felt and founde the spirite of GOD in them to them saith Sainte Paul in this place Take heede that yee quench not the spirite Of this if wee doe somewhat seriouslye consider these two questions will offer them selues and soone arise in our minde First how wee may know whether we haue the spirit of God or no Secondly if wee haue it whether it may bee lost againe or no which if they bee well and sufficiently answered they will doubtlesse giue greate force vnto this precept For the first then if wee will know whether wee haue the spirit or no wee must surely vnderstande that as hee knoweth best that he hath life which feeleth it in himselfe so he best knoweth whether we haue the spirit of God that feeleth the spirit working in him And if wee will further know by the peculiar working and effectes of the spirite then let vs marke these First of all if there bee nothing in man but the nature of man if nothing but that may bee attained by the art and industry of a man then surely in that man is not the spirit of God for the spirit is from God it is from aboue it is aboue nature and therefore the Apostle doth set the spirit of God against the spirit of the world when he saith we haue receiued the spirit not of the worlde but of God Besides the spirit of God is eternall and endureth for euer but all the doings and deuises of men they perish and in time they haue an ende Therefore though a man haue wisedome with greate knowledge though in wit and skill hee passe and excell the common sort of men yet if from aboue he haue not beene inlightned if from heauen his wisedome hath not bene sanctified his knowledge shall decay his wisdome shall wyther like grasse hee hath not as yet tasted of the spirit of God that endureth for euer And therefore saith S. Paul We teach the misteries of God which none no not the Princes and the men of this worlde which are aboue others most excellent are able to vnderstande Secondly consider whether in hee there bee any alteration or change For the wise men which were exper●e in nature coulde say that in euery generation there is a corruption And wee see that the seede sowen is much changed before it growe vp and beare fruite Then needfull it is that in regeneration there be a corruption of sinne so that as seede in the ground so sinne in our mortall bodies may decaye that the new man may be raised vp the spirit of God takeing possession of our soules Therefore the Euangelist Iohn doth make this the first worke of the spirit that it shal rebuke the worlde of sinne and this so needefull that without it there is not the spirit of God neither yet can Christ come and enter into that man Hereof it was that Christ compared the Iewes to Children in the market place who would not daunce though they were piped vnto and the reason was because they had not first learned with Ioh● to mourne for they that by the preaching of Iohn learned to lament their sinnes and for their sinnes were ●pensiue in their owne soules they receiued Christ they daūced and did reioyce to heare the ioyfull tydings of the Gospell Therefore Christ saith That whores and harlots entred into the kingdom of heauen seeing they lamēted their sins before the proud Pharisies which were tuched with no remorce for their sinnes And for the same cause it is that Christ calleth vnto him them onely that labour and are heauie laden teaching ●hat if they finde not sinne to bee a heauie loade and burthen to them they haue not the spirit of God neyther are they fitt to receiue Christ. Then to be rebuked of sinne is the first worke of the spirite which the spirite worketh in vs by these degrees First it raiseth vp in vs a great and generall astonishment by reason of all those greate and enormous sinnes that wee haue committed and this doth strike vs downe it doth terrifie vs and houlde vs amazed woonderfully then it dealeth with vs more perticularly and besides that it bringeth vs vnto a speciall griefe for speciall sinnes it doth bereaue vs of our cheefe desires and bringeth vs out of conceite and liking with the best thinges that are in vs for then it doth display before vs the vanitie and darkenesse of our vnderstanding how vnfit and vnmeete wee are to vnderstande and conceiue those things that do aboue all others especially concerne vs then doth it let vs see the peruerse corruption of our iudgement that before God and in thinges belonging to GOD wee bee as bruite beastes not able to discerne thinges that differ nor to put a sound difference betweene good ad euill then doth it let vs see that our reason is vnreasonable nay that it is hurtfull vnto vs a greate enimie to faith and a greate patrone of infidelitie and vnbeliefe When it commeth to our affections it turneth them vpside downe it turneth our myrth into mourning our pleasure into painefulnesse and our greatest delight into most bitter griefe If it doe proceede further and come once to the hearte and to the stomacke and courage that is in vs then it cutteth vs to the quicke then doth it at once throwe vs downe in humilitie vnder the hande of GOD for while wee had to deale with men wee were as stoure as any and woulde not
fire therfore if we do but a litle consider of the nature of fire we shal a greate deal better iudge of the spirite And among others these properties we finde to be in the fire First of all it will burne vp and consume things that may b● burned and consumed and therefore lighting vpon shawe stubble stickes or such like it bringeth them to ashes and doth make them as though they had not beene at all Secondly it doth purge and purifie those things that can abide to be purged and this it doth first by taking away the superfluity of drosse that hath ouer couered the thing to be purged Then by fyning the thing it selfe and by making it purer and purer Thirdly it giueth light euen in the most dimme darkest places And last of all it giueth heate and with all doth as it were put life into those thinges which are capable of life for whilest a man is frozen and starued for colde hee is numbde and as it were without life but being broughtto the fire he is h●tt he is reuiued he is cheared and then becometh actiue nimble These are the properties of fire and these doe in some manner sort resemble and shadowe out vnto vs the workes and effectes of the spirite for first of all when the spirit of God seaseth vpon a man and entreth into his soule then it beginneth to burne to wast and consume in him those things that will be wasted after this sort euill affections noysome lustes other stuble which is in man by the spirite of God are consumed and burned Secondly it doth purge vs from grosse sinnes and daily more and more doth purifie vs that we may be a cleane and holy vessell and Temple for him to rest and dwell in Thirdly it is a shining lampe euer burning and continually giuing light vnto vs in that way which we haue to walke And lastly it doth set vs on heate and inflameth vs with a zeale of Gods glorie with a care of our duety and with a loue of all mankinde yea withall it putteth life and lust into vs to walke in that good way which it doth leade vs and to doe all those good workes which may glorifie God or be commodious vnto men Thus we see what likelihoode there is betweene the ●pirite and fire for which cause the spirite in the scripture is compared vnto fire nay it is sometimes called fire for Iohn saith That our Sauiour Christ shoulde baptise with the holy ghost with fire that is with the holy ghost which is like vnto the fire Therefore as truely and as certainly as we may say that there is fire where we see strawe and such like thinges consumed or golde and siluer finely purged or great light in darke places or great heate in bodies that were nummed before euen so truely wee may say and so certainly we may perswade our selues that the spirit of God is in vs when we see our coruption consumed our soules purged from the drosse of sinne our heartes in●ightened and made hot in walking and working according to that light The second question to be considered is whether that man which hath once tasted of the spirite may loose it and haue it quenched in him To this it may be saide that because the spirite of God commeth to and worketh in diuers men diuerselie in diuerse measures therefore wee must consider of the diuerse woorking of the spirite and then frame our answere accordingly First then there is a lighter and lesser worke of the spirite which may be quenched in them that haue it and that this inferiour or lesser kinde of woorking may bee taken away appeareth plainelye by the parable of the seede which our Sauioure CHRIST propoundeth for there besides them that receiue the worde into good grounde and bring foorth fruites some an hundreth some thirtie some sixtie folde he doth also make mention of some others that receiued the worde and yet continued not And what had not these the spirite of God in them yes doubtlesse for they receiued the worde yea they receiued it gladly that which is more they beleeued that which they had receiued Beholde then three fruites of Gods spirite in these men and yet they continued not for they beleeued indeede but their faith was temporarie it lasted but for a time and after a time it vanished away and the spirite departed from them for eyther the pleasures and profites of this life did drawe out the graces of God and drie them vp or else the fierie heate of persecution did quite consume them More plaine and notable for this purpose is that in the sixt to the Hebrewes for there the Apostle faith That some may taste of the holy ghost and thereby be made to taste of the good worde of God to be inlightned to receiue heauenly giftes yea and to tast of the power of the life to come and what then surely the Apostle saith That if such fall it is impossible they should be renewed giuing vs to vnderstand that euen they which haue receiued the holy ghost that haue beene inlightned that haue receiued heauenly giftes haue tasted of the power of the life to come euē such may fall away and the spirite may be quenched in such There is a second kinde of working of the spirite which is a more thorough and effectuall working which can neuer be taken away from them that haue receiued it This the Apostle Peter describeth when he saith That the chosen of God are begotten againe of the immortall seede of the worde This is not a bare receiuing or a light tasting of the word but it is a deepe tast of the same whereby we are begotten and borne againe The Apostle Iohn setteth downe an other note of it saying That they that are thus borne againe cannot sinne that is they cannot make an occupation of sin they c●nnot fall flat away by sinne and why Euen because the the seede of God abideth in them euen that seede wherewith they were begotten to a liuely hope of life euen that seede doth abide and will abide vnto the ende Who so is begotten again by this seed and hath this seede abiding in him the spirite hath wrought that in him which shall not be taken from him and therefore our Sauiour Christ saith The worde that I speake is spirite and life And in an other place he saith that none shall take his sheepe from him for the father is mightier then all and therfore in another place he saith That it is impossible that the elect should be seduced Thus then we see the question is answered namely that there is an inferiour working which may be lost and a more effectuall woorking of the spirite which can neuer be taken away from them that haue it And this must not seeme strange to vs neyther must we bee offended that the Lorde should take some and leue others or that he shoulde beginne in some and not bring his
in yeelding obedience as euer they were parents in the meane time not seeing that children therefore rebell against thē because they rebell against God nor hous-holders perceiue that seruants doe not their dueties to them because they doe not their duety to God Are we lesse wrathfull and more mercifull are we lesse riotous and filthy defilers of our flesh and are we more sober chast and holy are we lesse giuen to oppression to hard dealing one with another and more iust righteous and carefull to maintaine the good estate of our brethren Are we not backbiters slaunderers or sowers of discord causers of contention ●mong our neighbours beeing farre off from mainteyning loue vnited and the good name of our brethren The cause why we cannot see further into these things is because we flatter our selues and because we compaire our selues with our selues with others but not with the rule of Gods word Let vs then learne to accuse our selues and to iudge our owne consciences For if God see vs condemne ourselues he will not condemne vs if we accuse our selues God will not suffer Sathan to accuse vs if we iudge our selues God will acquite vs from the fearefull iudgment to come if we be displeased for our sins God will be pleased in Christ his righteousnesse On the contrary whilest we lie in our sinnes we lie in our owne blood if we iudge not our selues God will both iudge vs and be reuenged of our sinne he wil set our house on fire he will send enemies he will sende earthquakes he will sende famines to make vs to consume our goods he will make friends foes he will sende sicknes and sorenes vpon our bodies a troubled spirit into our soules he will send vs an ill name thus will he bring plague vpon plague vntill we repent come to a feeling of our sinnes And why doth God all this because we wil not come to iudge our selues For this cause saith the Apostle 1. Cor. 11.30 that is because we iudge not our selues many are weake sicke among you many sleepe 31. for if we would iudge our selues we should not be iudged 32. but when we are iudged we are chastined of the Lord that we shoulde not be condemned with the worlde Likewise the Prophet Psal. 89. But if his children forsake my lawe and walke not in my iudgments if they breake my statutes and keepe not my commandementes Then will I visite their transgression with the sword and their iniquitie with strokes yet my louing kindnes will I not take from him neyther will I falsifie my trueth For as a father withdraweth from his child sometimes his loue whippeth him with the rod of correction so the Lord dealeth often with his children scourgeth their naked conscience God doth iudge his here but his enemies will he iudge in the world to come if we be not punished here the punishment wil be as a thunderbolt in the day of iudgmēt Hast thou bene afflicted not profited will not a litle crosse serue thee a greater shall come to thee will not a few troubles turne thee to God then many shall come vpon thee If a man be not troubled for sin here it is the way to hell if he be troubled here it is the way to heauen And as they which haue not bene troubled hauing had a little ioy shall haue eternall paine so they which here haue had a little paine shall after haue euerlasting ioye They that are corrected and haue profited by it are afflicted of the Lord in mercy but they that be vexed and amende not receiue a token of Gods further wrath Wherefore we must not looke to feele comforte in the remission of sinnes vnlesse we also haue sorrowe for committing our sinnes For neuer any of gods children were comforted throughly but they were first humbled for their sinne lawfully To the working of which humiliation wee must remember Gods iudgements shewed on others hath God destroyed the whole world for sinne and can he not or will he not destroy thee for sinne hath he ouerthrowen whole nations and will he suffer thee to lie still in thy sinnes See how full Hell is alreadie and yet daily we runne headlong thither Consider also how great thy sinne was that could not be cleansed but by the bloode of Iesus Christ Oh how soule was that sinne that nothing else could wash it but Christ his hart blood oh how great was our guiltines that were ransomed by such a price How greate was the sore that needed such a salue howe deepe was the wound that needed such a medicine O louing kindnes and vnspeakeable loue towards vs Shall Christ be slaine for our sinnes and we not slaye sinne in our selues Shall Christ die for our sinnes and sinne as yet is not dead in vs Shall Christ be crucified for vs and will we not crucifie sinne in our selues Shall Christ haue his hearte pricked with a speare and shall not we haue our harts pricked with sorrow This is the true vse and meditating of Christ his passion We are wont to defy the Iewes for accusing Christ we spit at Iudas for betraying Christ and we condemne Pilate for condemning Christ but we are much more to be at defiance with our sinnes which accused him before the iudgement seat of God we are to accuse our selues who haue and daily doe betray him we must condemne our selues whose sinnes haue condemned him But if neither the iudgements of God hell nor the crosse of Christ can moue vs then let vs examine our selues how we can reioyce in Christ. It followeth to speake of the counsell of Peter Repent as if he should say I know your heartes are pricked how be it I will shewe you how it is the pollicy of the Diuell to make these good motions quickly to waxe dry in you he will stay you from perseuering you must therfore endeuoure to continue in this godly sorrow The Apostle saw that this sorrow which as Paule witnesseth is not to be repented of was well begunne in them but in continuing his sermon still to that effect he sheweth that our sorrow must be also continuall Many sorrow as hath beene shewed but in a worldly sorrowing which bringeth eternal death not in a godly griefe which bringeth repentance Wherfore we are to note that repentance beginneth in vs continueth and endeth with sorrow Now if it might be it were expedient to shew what repentance is In one word Repentance is not a bare leauing of sinne but an vtter condemning and misliking of that sinne which we haue left For though we haue left it yet Sathan may make vs to sorrow for it many yeares after yea euen at the point of death ' Dauid had left his sinne but it caused him to sorrow an whole yeare after Iosephs brethren had forsaken and almost forgotten their sinne yet it troubled them and grieued them thirteene yeares after Our pricking of heart therfore must be continued and
but becommeth eternall For euen the heathen men thought that death was the end of all misery the perswasion whereof made them beeing in some misery to make an ende of themselues and hasten their owne death as Sathan doth make many now a daies to doe who are ignorant of the hell which is a place of farre greater paines than any they can suffer in this worlde whatsoeuer Howebeit a tormented conscience if before it was begun is now continued or if it was not before now beginneth and neuer endeth world without ende For though true it is that sicknes pouerty imprisonmēt or banishmēt haue ended their term in death yet a woūded hart which was tēporal in this life is nowe eternall after this life that which before death was in hope recouerable is after death made vncurable vnrecouerable It is good therefore to consider if euen in this life the torment of conscience be so fearefull how much more grieuous it is to susteine it in hell where that is infinite which here is finit where that is vnmesurable which here is mesurable where is the sea of sorow wherof this is but a drop where is the flame of that fire wherof this is lesse then a sparke But to shut vp this argument Some there haue beene who through out all their life time haue been free from all other troubles so as either they felt them not at all or else in very small measure and by that meanes neuer knewe what outward trouble meant As for example some men there haue beene who for sicknesse neuer knewe there headeach for pouertie neuer knewe what want meant who for discredite were neuer euill spoken of who euer put farre from them the euill daye of the Lorde who made a league with death as it were a couenant with hell who thought they could crucifie euery crosse rather thā come vnderany crosse yet they could neuer escape a wounded conscience either in this life or in the life to come True it is that Gods Children by faith repentance do often escape it but the wicked and such as are borne vnto it as to their sure inheritance the more they flie from it the more it pursueth them If we haue transgressed the Ciuil Lawes the Iudge by bribes may be corrupted if a man haue committed some capitall offence by flying his Country he may escape the Magistrates handes but our consciences telling vs that we haue sinned against God what bribe shall we offer or whether shall wee flie whether shall wee goe from his spirit or whether shall we goe from his presence If we ascend into heauen is not he there If wee lie downe in hell is hee not there If we flie to the vtmost parts of the sea is he not there also There needeth no apparitor to summon vs there needes no Bayly arraunt to fetch vs there needes noe accuser to giue in against vs sinne will arrest vs and lieth at the Doore our owne Conscience will impannell a Quest against vs our owne heartes will giue in sufficient Euidence and our owne iniquitie will plead vs to be guiltie to our owne faces Thus we se both by the experience of thē that haue suffered the wound of the spirit and by the comparinge of it with other euils what a waight most grieuous and burden intollerable it is to haue a tormented conscience Now let vs shew how we may preuent by what meanes Gods children falling into some degrees of it for if it rage in extremity it is an euill vnrecouerable may safely and quietly be deliuered from it And here a iust complaint is to be taken vp it is a wonder to be marked if we may wonder at Gods works that we se many so carefull watchfull to auoide o●her troubles and so few or none take any paines to escape the trouble of minde which is so grieuous We se men louing health and loathing sicknes in diet temperat in sleepe moderate in Phisicke expert skilful to purge to auoide such corrupt humors which in time may breed though presently they do not bring forth some dāgerous sicknes yet to auoid the diseases of the soule no man abateth his sleep no man abridgeth his diet no man prepareth Phisicke for it no man knoweth when to be ful and when to be emptie how to want and how to abound Others carried away with the loue of riches very ●ly to fall into pouerty will not sticke to rise early to take sleep lately to fare hardly to teare taw their flesh in labour by land by water in faire foule wether by rocks and by sands from farre and from neare and yet to fall into Spirituall decaies to auoid the pouertie of conscience no man taketh such paines as though saluation and peace of minde were not a thing worthy the labouring for Some ambitiously hunting after honor not easily digesting reproaches behaue themselues neither sluggishly nor sleepely but are actiue in euery attempt by loue by counsell by prudence prowesse by wit by practise by labor learning by cūning diligence to become famous to shun a ciuill reproach yet to bee glorious in the sight of God and his Angelles to fall before the heauens and in the presence of the Almightie to bee couered with shame and confusion of Conscience we make none account as they who neyther vse any means to obtaine the one nor auoide those occasions which may bring the other Others vnwilling to come within the reach and daunger of the Lawe that they may escape imprisonment of bodye or confiscation of goodes will be painefull in penall statutes skilfull in euery branch of the ciuill law and especially wil labour to keepe themselues from treasons murthers fellonies and such like offences deseruing the punishment of death yet whē the Lord God threatneth the seazure both of soule and body the attaching of our spirits the confiscating of our consciences the banishing of vs from heauen the hanging of vs in hell the suspending of our saluation the adiudging of vs to condemnation for the breach of his Cōmaundements no man searcheth his eternall Lawe noe man careth for the Gospell neither the sentence of euerlasting diuorsement from the Lord neither the couenant of reconciliation is esteemed of vs. And to reach our Complaint one degree father Behold the more we seek outward pleasures and to auoide the inward trouble of minde the more we hast and runne into it suddainely plunge our selues in a wonded spirite ere we be aware VVho posteth more to become rich who hopeth lesse to be come poore than the marchant man who aduentureth great treasures who hazardeth his goods who putteth in ieoperdie his life and yet sodenly he either rusheth vpon the rocke of hardnesse of heart or else is swallowed vp of the gulph of a desparing minde from which afterwards he cannot be deliuered with a ship ful of golde Woful profe hath confirmed how some men wholly set on
owne condemnation yet because they labored not to se their guiltinesse acquited by the remission of sinne in Christ they plunged themselues into a bottomlesse sea of sorrowes Others hauing passed these degrees hitherto made these steps to auoyd the wounde of Conscience haue come also too short and missed of the marke when because besides the sence of sinnes pardoned by the death of Christ they felt not also the vertue of his passion crucifying sinne in them but saw that with the remission of sinne was not ioined the mortification of sin they feared that there was no forgiunesse for them but still languishing with sorrow they thought themselues to stand charged with their former guiltines Yea and which is more for that such men haue not truely beene instructed nor surely haue beene grounded in the doctrine of Christes death and resurrection that is for that they sawe not as well power flowing from his death to slay sinne in them as vertue to pardon sinne in them for that they felt not as well strength to Sanctification streaming from the rising againe of Christ as they were perswaded of iustification and righteousnes therein They haue lyne still bleeding at the heart in such sort as the wound of griefe coulde hardly or neuer bee staide and staunched Wherefore let vs strengthen our weake soules with this sixe-fold coarde of consolation against these bitter assaultes Let vs first labour to know sinne then to sorrow for sinne after to feele our sinnes in Christ forgiuen further to looke for power to crucifie the same then to lay holde on iustification by his resurrection and lastly hope for strength to proceede from thence to further vs in sanctification and holinesse of life euen vnto the ende And thus much briefly for the second thing which we matched in company with the examination of sinne euen the triall of faith both which rightly vsed shall in some measure sauegard vs from the trouble of an afflicted minde Now let vs hasten to the third parte of our deuision to shew howe Gods children beeing fallen into this wounde of spirite may be helped out of it which God willing wee will also performe after we haue answered a necessarie obiection which in the former part might seeme to encounter against vs. There is no man but will grant that Dauid Iob and others of the Saintes of God had a sight of their sins a sorrow for their sinnes and a taste of the remission of their sinnes how then commeth it to passe that these men were so troubled in minde To this I answere that their trouble so befell them either for failing in some of these former things or els they were rather afflicted for triall of their faith than for punishing of sinne in them And therefore be it alwaies prouided that wee thinke not euery conflict of Conscience continuallye and chiefely to bee for the pursuing of our sinnes but sometimes and principally that it commeth for the triall of our faith and yet secondarily or lesse principally for the scourging of sinne as we may see in Iob. Whereuppon let all men be admonished when they see good men thus humbled throwne downe in minde to lay their handes on their mouthes from saying Surely these men are but hypocrites doubtlesse these men be great sinners the Lord hath founde out their hypocrisie For good reason there is that such silence should be vsed for that the Lorde may as well make trial of their faith as take punishment on their sins For if such affliction should alwaies and chiefely be sent for sinne then it should follow that all others as they exceeded them in sinne should also exceede them in the punishment of sinne But now comming to the saluing of this soare I shall seeme very strange in my cure and so much the more bee wondered at by how much in manner of proceeding I differ from the most sort of men herein I am to vs and vncertaine To them which are troubled with such blinde griefes whereof they can see no reason as often it happeneth to Gods Children in secret prouidence vvho either neuer knew God or else had but a generall knowledge of him I answere that as I denie not Phisicke to be ministered if it in part proceede from a naturall cause so I require the word especially to shewe the principall and originall cause to beginne in the soule And this I doe the rather because I would haue wisdome both in considering the state of the bodie if neede so require and in looking chiefely to the ●oule which so fewe thinke of If a man troubled in Conscience come to a Minister it may be he will looke all to the soule and nothing to the bodie if hee come to a Phisition hee onely considereth of the bodie and neglecteth the soule For my part I would neuer haue the Phisitions counsell seuered nor the Ministers laboure neglected because the soule and bodie dwelling together it is conuenient that as the soule should be cured by the word by prayer by fasting by threatening or by comforting so the bodie also shoulde bee brought into some temperature by Physicke by purging by dyet by restoring by musicke and by such like meanes prouiding alwaies that it bee done so in the feare of God and wisdome of his spirite as we thinke not by these ordinarie meanes to smoother or smoke out our troubles but as purposing to vse them as preparatiues wherby both our soules and bodies may be made more capable of the spirituall meanes to follow after As we require these thinges to bee the matter of our Ministerie in such a perplexitie so we woulde wishe the persons ministring to be men learned and of sounde iudgement wise and of Godly experience meeke and of most louing spirites For when the troubled patient shall be well perswaded of our knowledge and discretion there with all shall perceiue vs to come in tender and louing affection I thinke an enterance is made and all preiudice is taken avvay so as wee may the more freely worke vppon the Conscience first bringing them to the sight of sinne as to some cause of their trouble Heerein wee must labour to put awaye all confusion and blindenesse of sorrrowe endeuoring by wisdome to bring the parties wounded to some certaine obiect matter of their trouble and so draw out of them the confession of some seuerall especiall and secret sinne I say seuerall secret sinne because I know how many through a palpable blindnes or disordered discerning of sinne talke nothing so much as of sinne and yet they eyther can not discry seuerall sinnes or they will not be brought to acknowledge their secrete sinnes wherof the one proceedeth of the ignorance of the Lawe of God and the other of selfe loue which maketh vs loath euen in our trauell of minde to shame our selues Now that the confession of particular sins is requisite it may appeare by the two and thirtieth Psalme wherein beeing a Psalme of
we must not be austere in reprehending euery infirmity but pitifull in considering of it tender frailtie Neither do I speake this to nourish pettishnesse in any but would haue them to labour for patience and to seeke for peace which though they finde not at the first yet by prayer they must waite on the Lord and say Lorde because there is mercie that thou maist be feared I will waite vpon thee as the eye of the seruant waiteth vpon the hand of his Master I will condemne my selfe of folly and say Oh my soule why art thou so heauy Why art thou so cast downe within mee Still trust in the Lorde for he is thy health and thy saluation FINIS Another shorte Treatise belonging to the Comfort of an afflicted Conscience IN all afflictions Gods children must looke vnto the ende They are to desire to profite by them and in them to seeke the way of perfect cōfort and consolation which that they may finde they must know that the afflictions of the godly last but a while they serue them but for salues and medicines the ende of them is alwaies happy In them they are not onely preserued and purified from many sinnes but also much beautified with the Image of Iesus Christ who is the eldest Sonne in the house of God Againe the crosse of true Christians is the sweete and amiable call of God vnto repentance in that he putteth vs in minde thereby to bethinke vs of our debts because we are giuen to thinke the daie of payment is yet farre of yea we fall a sleepe vntill our turne be ended and whilest God lengtheneth our daies waiting for our repentance we neuer thinke of our sinnes vntill the houre come wherein we perish with shame The best meeting then with the Lordes visitation is without delay and in syncerity to pray for our sinnes to be pardoned For therefore doth the Lord oftentimes shackle vs the more with the chaines of his chastisements because we are more carefull to be vnburthened of our sicknes then to be freed from our sinne which wee the rather are loath to confesse because we would not be espied to be in the wrath of God Others there bee that nearing of their sinnes in the time of their afflictions will acknowledge indeede their infirmities to be the mother of such a broode yet they haue no true remorse to restraine themselues from sinne because they haue but a confused conceite thereof and though their ship be neuer so much tossed and turmoyled yet thinke they not that God holdeth the sterne These men if God beare with them do as it were settle in their lees and are as it were soked in their sinnes For prosperitie is a drunkennes to cast our selues into a dead sleepe and when the Lord setteth vs alone we cease not to sooth vp our selues bearing our selues in hand that we are in Gods fauour and that he loueth vs because he scourgeth vs not And thus retchles we are whilest we measure Gods loue according to our sence and humor Wherin we be wray our ignorance of the exercise of the crosse in that affliction is the mother of humilitie humilitie breedeth repentance repentance obtaineth mercy Some also there are who vsually whilest the fearefull iudgement of God is before their eies eyther in themselues or in others haue a fewe glancing motions and starting cogitations of their sinnes and of Christ his passion yet at all other times their mindes are so clasped vp from thinking of temptations their hearts so locked vp from foreseeing or forethinking of iudgments that they feele no godly sorrow They mocke the mourning daies of the elect as of them that be of a melancholy nature they make a sport of sin as little remembring the sting which will either pricke them to the hart blood most fearfully in the houre of death or meete thē with gryping agonies in the day of their visitatiō more speedily But happely they thinke they haue giuen good testimony word of their repentance and remembrance of God when they giue one deepe sigh and away and passe ouer Gods heauy indignatiō as ouer burning coals So that whilest the Lord in prosperity affordeth large peniworthes of his loue vnto them they dally with his Maiesty and make a sport of his mercy All which imperfections may be better corrected if in our deepest rest with a reuerente humble feare of gods iudgmēts we did waite for the day of our tryall prepare our selues to the lords visitations as they who by the writing of their owne conscience do acknowledge themselues by iust title to be fosterers therof for the feeling of Gods mercy must come from the sight of our misery by sinne which being pardoned we shall soone haue our infirmities heled Wherfore let vs first learne to cleanse our soules from sin and then to sustaine the sores of our body Sure it is that if we haue suffered our hearts to be harrowed with the rake of Gods iudgements as occasion from the Lord hath bene giuen that we are become soft well exercised in the feare of God we shall come to the feeling of our sins the sence wherof if it bring as it were a sicknes to the body a corsey to the soule it is an vndoubted earnest of our regeneration happy are we if we find our selues so diseased and troubled with our sinnes that we can hardly being in the skirmish agony make any difference between the motions to any euil the consent vnto the same for oftentimes euil motions do so possesse the soules of gods children sucking down so strongly in thē that though they weepe pray and meditate which be the last meanes remedies to ease cure them yet though they feele them with irksomenes loathsomenes as we feele sicknes in our bodies yet those motions will be continually in them without diminishing the delight onely excepted Wherefore for our comfort herein we are not to martyre our selues with disquietnes of minde because we are so pestered thronged with wicked motions and assaultes but rather let vs quiet our selues and not suffer our selues to be hindred with sicknes either of body or mind by means wherof we should become more vnprofitable to our selues the whole church of God For the godly shall not be so freed from sinne but that they shalbe assalted with euill motions suspitions delusious vaine fan ti●●●s imaginations the body of sin shall neuer be frō vs so long as we liue For the scome therof is almost continually boyling wallopping in vs foming out such filthy froth stinking sauor into our mindes that it is not only detestable to the minde regenerate and renewed by the spirit of God but also it would make abashed the very naturall man to looke into so loathsome a stye of sin sink hole of iniquity Yea it maketh vs often to quaile if it were possible it would corrupt the very part regenerate For mighty is the power
desparing vnder the crosse then when Sathan perswadeth vs that neuer any were handled so roughlye or els woulde beare vs in hande that although GOD afflicted the faithfull that haue beene before vs yet they were not so weake as wee But let vs remember that GOD hath so pinched his seruantes euen them whome hee loued and whose welfare was deare and precious in his fight and hath often brought them to such extremities as they were not able to looke vp any more not wist how to speake nor how to houlde their peace Wherefore least our infirmities shoulde ouermaister vs and when temptations are fierce vppon vs wee knowe not where to become Let vs call too minde the Saintes of God who were constrained with sighes and grones to stoup vnder the hande of GOD whose martyrs and tormented children ought to bee our looking glasses to the ende that by them wee may learne that according as GOD dealeth forth the giftes of the Spirite thereafter doth hee sende greater afflictions both to make thē the more estemed and also to cast vp a more plentifull fruite of their faith How did God deale with Abraham not a common man but rather an Angell the tenth part of whose sufferings would make a stout heart to quaile How was Dauid the seruant of God exercised in Gods schole who felt all Gods dar●s and had all his arrowes shot at him Thus it is requisite that Gods graces shoulde not b● idle in his children but set on worke by afflictions whereby they may be knowne in due time and place How did God play the Lion wi●h Ezechias who as with pawes teeth brused and crushed his bones not that wee may accuse God of crue●tie but that wee may see with what anguish the Lorde doth some times exercise his children and with what patience he doth arme them who notwithstanding his vehement trialles doe stay them selues vpon God accusing themselues Mat. 7.9 I will beare the wrath of the Lord because I haue sinned against him and ex●using the Lord with all humblenes with Dauid Psal. 114 I know O Lord that thy Iudgements are right and that thou hast afflicted me iustly c. It is much auaileable to mortification and Christian patience also to occupie our heartes in the house of mourning euen in our greatest banquetting and to betake our selues vnto some serious meditation of aduersi●ie when present pleasures would most deu●rce vs from the remēbrance thereof So though wee haue much in possession wee shall haue little in affection when God doth most aduance vs we shall feare our wantes of humilitie and ●hen esp●cially be ransacking our infirmities when the Lord for ou● triall enricheth vs most with his benefits For if the Lord God by multiplying his mercies increaseth our account we are often to suspect to call to iudgement and to arraine our selues for the vsing of Gods creatures who often giueth that in iudgement which he might deny vs in mercy and often wayneth vs from some things in his loue which hee might giue vnto vs in his anger FINIS Sweete and sure signes of Election to them especially that are brought lowe A clearing of iudgement conceiuing of the truth and true meaning of the Scripture making for vs or against vs. A rebuking of sinne inwardlie a pouertie of spirite from thence and a mourning therfore A being cast dowe in our owne conceite a meeknes to beare our punishment therby wrought An hungring after the righteousnes which is in Christ and a prising and esteeming it aboue all eartly things A musing vpon and a desire to thinke and speake of heauenly thinges A conflict of the flesh and spirite and therin by practise the powe● of the spirite gettinge the vpper hand A fowing to the spirit by the vse of the means as of the word prayer c. A purpose vnfained vpon strength receiued of vowing ones selfe wholly to the glorie of God and good of our brethren A resignation of our selues into Gods hands An expecting of the daily increase of our soules health and our bodies resurrection The forgiuing of our enemies An acknowledging of our offences with a purpose truely to leaue them A delight in Gods Saints A desire that after death the Church of GOD may flourish and haue all peace A spirite without guile that is an vnfained purpose alwaies to doe well howsoeuer our infirmities put vs by it FINIS A letter from M. Richard Greeneham to a friend of his M. M. against hardnes of heart I Beseech God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ giue mee his holy spirit in writing to giue aduice and you in reading to receiue it Amen Since the time I receiued M. S. his letter wherein hee declared his carefull compassion ouer your estate I haue beene not a litle grieued because partly for want of a conuenient messenger partly because of my manifould distractions with the like occurrances other waighty affairs I haue beene hindred hitherto from wrighting vnto you And albeit euen still I am in the same case yet conscience towards God compassion loue towards you forceth mee to ouercome lets which hardly I could otherwise preuaile against And albeit I cannot write as I would yet of that which I shall write proceeding frō the forenamed groundes I looke for some blessing from God through Iesus Christ if you will not too much faint in faith and yeeld to the aduersarie yea if you will but hope so well of your selfe as in the feare of GOD I doe write it I hope of you First whereas it seemeth you are sometimes grieued becaus you tarried not still at Cambridge according to mine aduise you must knowe I aduised it not as a thing necessary but more conuenient as I thē supposed but I aduised you to obey your father if his pleasure still continued to haue you home whereunto you yeelding I cannot see ●owe you offended it beeing your Fathers pleasure you shoulde so doe And who knoweth whether beeing there you might not haue beene as much troubled there beeing no priuiledge for persons and places in such cases And who knoweth whether it be the Lordes pleasure for the exsample and instruction and I hope the consolation of others in the ende And albeit you will nowe thinke that heere you were nearer the moe and stronger meanes yet knowe you and bee pers●aded that God can and doth in such cases worke by fewer and weaker according to his good pleasure Besides it is in our corrupt nature to make much of such meanes as we cannot haue and not so to esteeme those which God doth offer vs as we should I beseech you therefore in the name of Iesus Christ humbly to praise God for those meanes he offereth in mercy vnto you and to vse them in faith accordingly and so God shall blesse you by them And then by such conference as you may haue from hence by letters wherein if I may stand you in any steede rather for the