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A93781 Spiritual infatuation, the principal cause of our past and present distempers. Or a serious caveate to the many seducers and seduced who under the specious pretences of reformation and conscience endeavour the subversion of Church and State. In several sermons on Isa. 9,10,11,12. By W. Stamp D.D. late minister of the Word at Stepn[e]y near London. Stampe, William, 1611-1653? 1662 (1662) Wing S5195; ESTC R229850 116,158 268

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the sweet influence of his grace suffers him to take his full swinge in wickednesse and to run head-long without any restraint to his own ruin and destruction This I take to be the obduration of Pharaohs heart so frequently mentioned in the book of Exodus For it is said Exod. 8. 15. When Pharaoh saw that there was respite he hardned his heart and harkned not c. and v. 32. Pharaoh hardned his heart this time also c. and then Exod. 9. 12. it's said God hardned the heart of Pharaoh And 't is observable how he is threatned v. 14. I will at this time send all my plagues upon thy heart and upon thy servants and upon thy people c. So that first Pharaoh hardens and then God hardens Pharaoh hardens himself and God leaves him to himself Pharaoh hardens wilfully and God hardens judicially This I take to be the doom of the accursed fig-tree in the Gospel under which is comprised every barren Christian Le● no fruit grow on thee henceforward Mat. 21. 19. Iude 12. for ever These are th● trees Saint Iude speaks of whose fruit withereth without fruit twise dead pluck'd up by the roots Where the Method of Gods Iustice is very observable upon an obstinate and Apostate sinner First His fruit withereth he deserts his station grows weary of well doing and puts off the yoke of Christianity as if it were an intolerable burden Then without fruit The sap of grace is withdrawn and the soul becoms immediately barren Then twise dead dead naturally and dead spiritually For as the soul is the life of the body so is the Grace of God the life of the soul And lastly pluck'd up by the root not presently cast into the fire They may continue in the garden of Gods Church a long time after may participate of the dew of heaven of the holy Ordinances of God and external communion with his people But as never fruit comes of a tree that is pluck'd up by the r●ots and so left So never any thing capable of Divine acceptation comes from a man thus miserably deserted The ground and foundation of this doctrine I conceive may be safely laid upon that maxime of our Saviour Habenti dabitur To him that hath shall be given and he shall have more abundance But whosoever hath not that is hath not improved his talent from him shall be taken away even that which he Mat. 13. 12. seemeth to have These are the several kinds or degrees of Obduration and this last I take to be the disease in its full height and malignity Secondly We are in the next place to look upon the cause of this disease and what is particularly instrumental unto it We say in Philosophy Anim● sequitur temperamentum corporis The soul hath its operation according to the temper organs and disposition of the Body As there is no disease in the body so there is no distemper or depravity in the mind but is the effect and product of a certain particular cause So that as Infatuation of mind is a certain preparative unto judgement so there are certain preparatives and predispositions to Infatuation of mind Two sorts of evils there are ●n the world the evil of sin and the evil of punishment this of Infatuation is both it is hard to say whether hath the greater share in the composition This twisted evil as it arises from several causes so it is compounded of several ingredients In the general God himself may be said to harden according to that of the Apostle Rom. 9. 8. Whom he will he hardneth Not by any positive operation upon the mind as was said before but by a privative withdrawing or withholding of Grace No o●herwise then as wax being taken from the fire from being soft and pliable returns to its natural hardnesse and inflexibility And this is the just permission of Almighty God that such as will not conform unto him and walk in his ways should be left unto themselves to take their own precipitate and destructive courses For Instrumental Causes there are many To instance in some few for all the rest The first Medium unto Obduration I shall propound is The misunderstanding and abuse of secular prosperity and successe Thus Senacharibs best argument to perswade Ierusalem to revolt from good King Hezechiah is drawn from the successe of his sword upon the men and gods of Hamah Arpad and and Sepheruaim and from thence he 2 King 18. 34. 35. inferr'd that therefore the Lord of hosts should not deliver Ierusalem out of his hand And never under●tood the guilt of his Blasphemy nor the falacy of his argument nor the vanity of Nisrock his Idol till he felt the power of his maker and the stroke of Divine vengeance in the swords of his own Sons sheathed in his own bowels in the very Act and posture of his Idolatrous worship When the greatnesse of Nebuchadnezzars power and conquest lifted him up so high that he forgot he was a man God brought him down and humbled him into the very nature and condition of a beast There was a time when Dan. 4. Babylon was grown fat as the heyfer at grasse by eating up the inheritance of the Lord but it lasted not long for within a short time after Every one that went by Babylon Ier. 50. 11. was astonished and hissed at the sight of all her plagues And the same Prophet takes notice of some of Gods own people that were waxen fat and shined that overpassed the deeds of the wicked that did not Iudge the cause of the Fatherlesse c. and yet they prospered until the day of Gods visitation came Ier. 5. 28. 29. upon them Thus was Egypt gro●n as a fair heyfer and her men in the midst of her as so many fatted bullocks and all to their own destruction as appears Ier. 46. 20. Thus was I●surun grown fat and kicked he was grown thick and covered with fatnesse and mark what followed hereupon he presently forsook the God that made him and lightly esteemed the rock of his salvation Deut. 32. 15. And therefore the Divine Omniscience foreseeing this evil consequent arising from blessings abused enters a caveat against it Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his Commandments lest when thou hast eaten and art full and hast built goodly houses and dwelt therein and when thy herds and thy flockes multiply and thy silver and thy gold is multiplyed and all that thou hast is multiplyed then thine heart be lifted up and thou forget the Lord thy God c. Deut. 8. 11. 12. 13 14. The Psalmist speaks very home and close to our purpose who describing the wickeds day of Sunshine saith Their eys stand out with fatn●sse they have more then heart cou●d wish they are not in trouble as other men neither are they plagued as other men pray observe the co●seque●t Therefore pride compasseth them about like a chain violence covereth them
anguish of some sever● application I have known a very good Phisitian that when he could not cure the palsie any other way would cast his Patient into a Burning Fever and then he knew what he had to do with him It is necessary that the whole man be distempered and disordered that the mind may be the better brought into an Evangelical frame and te●per Agreeable to this method sure was S. Peters practise in the recovery of the 3000. souls we read of Act 2 41 Ye men of Israel hear these words J●s●s of Nazareth a man approv'd of God among ●ou by miracles wonders and signes which G●d did by him in the middest of you as ye your selves also know him ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom God hath raised up c. Here was a word of no small terror a word able to break a Jewi●h heart in pie●es The blood of the Son of God is brought home unto them and laid at their own doors And see what a kind and piercing operation this bitter potion had upon their minds it is said when they heard this they were pricked in their hearts and they said unto Peter and the rest of the Apostles Men and Brethren What shall we do And what ●oes S. Peter prescribe unto them in such a● affrighted trembling condition whilst this Ague fit was on them No more but Repentance and Baptisme and then immediatly applies an Evangelical Cordial Repent and be Baptized and ye shall receive the gift of the holy Ghost for the promise is unto you and to your children c. Thus the converted Jaylour being first awakened by an Earthquake that shook the very foundation of the prison and being at his wits end as well as at his swords point upon a supposition his prisoners were escaped he came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas and brought them out and said Quid faciam ad Salutem Sirs what must I do to be saved I refuse not to do any thing that may bring me into a Salvable Condition Certainly those hearts are wisely and seasonably broken that are moulded into a present Complyance with any thing that may tend to their comfort and Conversion and the way to have a cleer and a Saving Interest in Christ is to see our selves irrecoverably lost without him There are some d●seases in the body contract●d with no lesse guilt of conscience then blemish of reputation wherein the patient must be brought as low in his constitution as possibly can be and yet Live his spirits must be exhausted his blood evacuated and changed and the nearer he is brought to the gates of Death the better hopes there is of life and a safe recovery And there are some diseases in the Soul wherein the unseasonable application of Cordials strengthens the peccant humour making it mortal and irrecoverable We read of a sort of Divels that were not to be cast out but by prayer and fasting And there are sins which for their long possession in the soul are not to be ejected but by strong cries and teares by much self denyal and great maceration of Spirit Cordials are then seasonable when the malignity of the disease is killed Healing plaisters are then to be applied when thy wound hath been throughly searched and clensed The Apostles rule is that the old Leven be so purged out that the regenerate man may become a new Lump There were some in the Prophet Jeremies time that thought themselves perfectly clensed and cured when there was no such matter for God tels them that though they washed themselves with nitre and much Sope yet their iniquity was marked out before him Ier. 2. 22. Where let us pause a little and enquire what these spots might be that were so hard to be gotten out and they are expresly set down vers 34. In thy skirts is found the blood of the Souls of the poor Innocents yet thou sayest because I am innocent surely his anger shall turn from me Behold I will plead with thee because thou sayest I have not sinned Why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way So that the Spots which nitre and much Sope will not get out are these Three which I sha●… leave our Ierusalem to enquire after with●… her own walls There is first the deep scarlet spot of Blood-guiltiness especially if it be Sanguis Animarum the blood of souls that perish for want of sharp and sincere reproofs Secondly there is the white spot of pretended sanctity and impunity notwithstanding all their guilt and Thirdly there is the changeable spot of gadding Inconstancy when men reel too and fro and stagger from one extream into another and without fixing upon any certain principles Act and drive on furiously like Jehu according as necessity or advantage shall direct them And would you know the reason how the disease in this people came to be thus desperate the same Prophet will inform ye Jer. 6. 14. They have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly saying Peace peace when there is no peace They skinned the wound without searching it to the quick and lest the corruption in the bottom which made the wound to fester inwardly and to grow desperate and incurable So that the first step to the cure of the infatuated spirit is to deal impartially with the disease The best expedient to bring a man to believe and rely on Christ for life and salvation is to represent cleerly his condition out of Christ to be an estate of death and damnation And the more we are ashamed and confounded at the sight of our own ugly selves the more amiable and acceptable we shall appear in the sight of our Redeemer God hath erected two Tribunals unto which all men living are summoned to appear there to give an account of themselves The one is within our own wals as I may so speak within our own Souls and that is the Tribunal of Conscience In which Tribunal there is an undoubted power of acquitting and condemning as the Delinquent shall be found more or lesse guilty Which I take to be very cleer from that of S. John If our Heart Condemn us God is greater then our heart and knoweth all things that is he knoweth more by us then we do or can know by our selves But if our Heart condemn us not then have we confidence towards God 1 Ioh 20. 21. The other is that grand Tribunal of Iudgement whereunto all the world shall be summ●n●d at the General Resurrection which shal be in that place which God shall chuse for the manifestation of his mercy and Justice upon all men according as their works shall be Now in secular and Iudicial Proceedings for a man to have leave to make choice of his own Iudicatory his own Iudge his own Iury witnesses is so high an Indulgence advantage that it cannot be expected from any earthly power yet the great Iudge of Heaven and Earth men