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A57383 A communicant instructed, or, Practicall directions for worthy receiving of the Lords Supper by Francis Roberts. Roberts, Francis, 1609-1675. 1656 (1656) Wing R1591; ESTC R28105 135,670 280

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that cloud of witnesses Try now thy faith by thy gracious works and sincere obedience But how shall I discover the truth of my faith by mine obedience Answ. Make tryal in these particulars 1. Doth faith make thee so obedient to the Word of God that it makes thee faithfully to cleave to the sincere and powerful Ministery of it though mocked despised opposed by the wicked multitude Some mocked howbeit certain men clave unto him and believed 2. Doth faith make thee set upon the strangest and hardest tasks when imposed by God As Noah upon building of his Ark which he was one hundred and twenty years in building By faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved with fear prepared an Ark. 3. Doth faith incline and bow thine heart so unto obedience as to make thee deny thine earthly friends outward priviledges and carnal affections rather then foregoe thine obedience Abraham through faith so obeyed God as to leave his own Countrey and follow God not knowing whether he went yea as to offer up his Isaac his onely begotten Son 4. Doth faith make thee perform all thine obedience to God sweetly chearfully lovingly loving God his commands and his obedience Faith worketh by love Faith puts upon all duties and services to God in love without whimpering or murmuring 4. True saving Faith wonderfully loosens and unglues the heart of a Christian from the world and all earthly felicities By Faith Abraham Isaac and Jacob sojourned in the Land of Promise as in a strange Countrey dwelling in tents It had been much patiently to sojourn in a strange Land but to sojourn in the Land of Promise as in a strange Countrey was excellent They had not fixed Houses but moving Tents They were not dwellers but sojourners in their own inheritance because in and beyond Canaan Faith eyed and expected Heaven By Faith also Moses though a great Courtier in Egypt and the supposed son of King Pharaoh's Daughter yet preferred suffering affliction with Gods people beyond enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season And esteemed the reproach of Christ greater ●iches then the treasures in Egypt How did Moses esteem Christs riches that so esteemed Christs reproaches And no wonder that Faith thus disobligeth the heart from the World For Faith beholds in Christ the Covenant and promises Treasures beyond ten thousand Worlds Redemption Righteousnesse Adoption Holinesse Communion with God Co-operation of all things for good yea in summe Grace and Glory and upon view thereof how easily doth she slight and despise honours riches pleasures gold silver houses lands and all such low muddy perishable unsatisfying things How self-denyingly doth she desire them use them and part with them when there is occasion Doth thy faith thus make thine heart sit loose from the world 5. True saving faith is a quickening enlivening Grace yea the very life of a Christian The just shall live by his faith And Paul saith God! As the body lives by the Soul So the Soul lives by Faith Faith by the Promise and by Christ the marrow and kernel of the Promise But of this life of Faith elsewhere Dost thou live by Faith 6. True Faith is ●●tended with Sense of its own infirmity with a Spirit of Prayer and with Divine Peace 1. With a true Sense of its own infirmity This made the man in the Gospel say I believe Lord help min● unbelief And the Apostles say Lord increase our faith It s a sign of life to be sensible of weaknesses the dead body feels no infirmity Art thou sensible of thy doubts c. 2. With a Spirit of Prayer Believing in God puts upon praying to God I beleived therefore have I spoken Contrariwise No Faith no Prayer How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed Canst thou pray with groans that cannot be uttered this argues true Faith 3. With a Divine Peace Faith justifies us Justification pacifies us Being justified by faith we have peace with Go● But there is no Peace saith the LORD to the wicked 7. True saving Faith is mightily puissant and victorious It fetches strength from Christ and conquers all a believers spiritual enemies 1. Faith conquers the world The world fights against us with the Smiles of Prosperity and with the Frowns of Adversity Faith overcomes both This is the victory that overcometh the world even our Faith 2. Faith conquers the flesh For Faith purifies the Heart Every one that hath this hope in himself purifieth ●●m self even as he is pure Now Faith and Hope are Twin-graces and act alike 3. Faith overcomes the Devill We are commanded to resist the Devil stedfast in the Faith And for our encouragement herein we have this Promise Resist the Devil and he will flee from you Yea Faith is the Christians Buck●er and Shield A Shield like a door that will shelter him from top to toe whereby he quencheth all the fiery darts of the Devill Satans sudden temptations are his fierie Darts Faith quenches them all in Christs blood which is the Christians Apology against all temptations and accusations whatsoever 8. True saving Faith upholds the believers spirit from sinking and fainting under heaviest pressures and extremities of trouble The Lord propounds this to the Jewes as a support against the Babylonish 70. yeers Captivity That the just should live by his faith and this was to uphold them under all Iob was in a deep Sea of calamities and yet in midst of all as it were li●ts up his head above the waves with this triumphant expression Though he Slay me yet will I trust in him He also shall be my Salvation And again after a dolefull recapitulation of his miseries I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth And though after my skin wormes destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold and not another though my reins be consumed within me Yea Faith is of such masculine strength that it makes believers even Glory in Tribulation Yea enables them to endure tortures not accepting of deliverance We read of Martyrs so farre upheld by Faith as to smile at the Prison-doors sing in chains kisse the stake embrace the faggots and triumphantly clap their hands in flames as having gotten the victory What support and stay now hath thy faith yeelded thee in thy plunges and extremities Canst thou wait upon God though he hide his face from thee Canst thou say with Paul Troubled on every side but not distressed Perplexed but not in despaire 9. Finally True saving Faith is daily growing and constantly persevering Faith lives but because its life is imperfect it stil grows and increaseth It is said that the Righteousnesse of God is revealed in the Gospel from Faith
of Jesus Christ Consider well 1. That the Spiritual Vnion and Communion of Saints is by all means to be preserved and increased For This is most agreeable to that spiritual Relation wherein they stand one to another in Christ being fellow-branches in the same Vine Christ Living stones in the same spiritual building upon Christ and fellow-members in the same mystical body of Christ that should have the same care one of another And whether one member suffer all the members should suffer with it or one member be honoured all the members should rejoyce with it For the●e should be no schisme in the body This is much urged and that with pathetical Arguments and importunity by the Apostle I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walke worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called with all lowlinesse and meeknesse with long-suffering forbearing one another in love Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace There is one body and one Spirit even as ye are called in one hope of your Calling One Lord One Faith One Baptisme One God and Father of all who is above all and through ●ll and in you all All these Vnities should perswade the Saints to unity And elsewhere Now I beseech you brethren by the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you but that you be perfectly joyned together in the same minde and in the same judgement This is much commended by the Spirit of God Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethre● to dwell even together in unity c. There also it 's compared to Aarons precious Oyntment and Hermon's fruitfull dew This also was practised by Believers in the purest Primitive times And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul c. 2. That Divisions Schismes Fractions Dis-unions among Christs members is by all means to be avoided For Christ is not Divided Divisions are a fruit of the flesh not of the Spirit Divisions evidence professors to be carnal and to walk as men not as Christians And at last divisions will prove their Destruction that nourish them If ye bite and devoure one another take heed that ye be not consumed one of another In these regard● there 's great need of maintaining and confirming Vnion and Communion of Saints and especially in such times as these are wherein professors of Christ have by their unparalle●'d Divisions both in Iudgment Affection and Practice brought such reproach upon the Gospel and way of truth prejudice upon their own souls hazard to the Kingdome of Christ and advantage to the Kingdome of Satan In this regard what need is there of the Lords Supper which in the nature of it tends so much to unite cement knit and sodder together the disjoynted members of Christs body For as the Apostle saith We being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread As many grains of Wheat make up one loaf so many members make up one body of Christ. And as we all partake that one bread so we all thereby professe to be one walk as fellow-members in Christ with all Christian love union and mutual tendernesse one towards anothe● and if we dissolve communion with our fellow-members how can we mai●tain communion with Christ our head Thus you may examine what need you have of the Lords-Supper which is the second Gener●al branch of Preparation What present fitnesse we have for the Lords Supper is the third and last but not the least Particular whereupon by way of preparation we are to examine our selves before we communicate Wherein doth our present fitnesse for the Lords Supper consist and how may we examine our selves about it Answ. Our present fitnesse for the Lords Supper consists principally in having and exercising of 1. A competent Knowledge 2. Faith 3. Repentance 4. New Obedience 5. Love to Christ and his Members 6. Thankfulnesse 7. A spiritual Appetite to this Feast The●e are qualifications peculiarly necessary to fit us for the Lords Supper How necessary they are and how we are to examine our selves about them comes now to be declared I. KNOWLEDGE This is an inlet and foundation to all the rest therefore begin we with it Touching Knowledge Consider 1. The Necessity of it to worthy Communicating 2. Th● Triall of it What necessity is there of Knowledge before we receive the Lords Supper Answ. A competent Knowledge in Spirituals is necessary before we communicate 1. For the di●cerning of the Lords Body in this Ordinance How can the Lords body be discerned here but by Knowledge and Faith The●e are the spiritual eyes of the soul. And whosoever discerneth not the Lords body he eats and drinks unworthily eates and drinks damnation to himself 2. For Directing Communicants in the due managing of the Lords Supper This Sacrament is a part of Divine Worship without due Knowledge thereabouts we shall worship we know not what and run into the error of the Athenians who er●cted an Altar to the Vnknown God whom therefore they ignorantly worshipped Grosse ignorance herein will make men guilty of the body and blood of the Lord and to stand in need of the like prayer that Christ put up for them that crucified him Father forgive them for they know not what they do 3. For the leading on and inciting of all the other Communion-Graces Knowledge will stir up Faith Repentance Obedience Love Thankfulness and Spiritual Desire to their proper objects and actions whereas gross ignorance will either withstand them or mislead them How is Knowledge to be tryed Answ. Knowledge may be tryed whether it be ●ound and competent 1. By the Particular points of Knowledge which are more peculiarly requisite to worthy communicating 2. By the properties of true sanctified knowledge I. The particular points of Knowledge requisite to prepare Christians for worthy communicating are e●pecially these viz. A competent knowledge 1. Of God For in the Lords Supper we come to renew Covenant with God and to have the New Testament with all the Promises Priviledges and Benefits thereof confirmed and assured to us The Lords Supper being a Pledge and Seal of the New Testament in Christs blood Now one clause of this New Covenant is That The Lord will be to us a God and we shall be to him a People If therefore we have not a due knowledge of this God how can we acceptably renew and re-establish Covenant with him 2. Of our selves For we are to be the Communicants And t●erefore it 's necessary we be well known to our selves thoroughly acquainted with our own state and condition whether it be carnal or spiritual and if spiritual whether we be weaker or stronger in a state of grace c. Otherwi●e 1. How can we discover our right to the
Lords Supper 〈◊〉 How can we di●cern our need of the Lords Supper 3. How can we judge of our ●i●ness for the Lords Supper Ignorance of our selves will render us ignorant in all these things 3. Of Iesus Christ. For 1. Jesus Christ is the Author of this Ordinance that at first gave Being to it and still gives Benefit by it 2. Jesus Christ is the Matter the inward Matter and Marrow of the Lords Supper to be fed upon Take eat this is my body which is broken for you This Cup is the New Testament in my blood 3. Jesus Christ and the solemn remembrance of his death is one eminent end of the Lords Supper As often as ye eat this bread and drink this Cup ye shew forth the Lords death till he come Consequently without a competent knowledge of Jesus Christ it 's altogether impossible to communicate worthily 4. Of the New Covenant or New Testament For this is one of Christs great Seals and solemn tokens of his New Testament This Cup is the New Testament in my blood So that when we renew t●e Lords Supper we renew the Lords Covenant And how can we renew that Covenant whereof we are grosly ignorant 5. Of the Lords Supper it self For should we intrude upon this Ordinance and not competently understand what is the nature o● Sacraments in general and of this in particular we should but give God a blinde and a lame service and offer the sacrifice of fools These are the principal points more peculiarly necessary to be known in some competent sort before communicating and these are the reasons why they are so necessary to be known Next consider what ought to be known of them severally in order I. Knowledge of God These things especi●lly ought to be known touching God in some competent maner before a man come to the Table of the Lord viz. 1. That God is or That there is a God He that cometh to God must believe that he is 2. That God is one or that there is only one true God and no more The LORD our God the LORD is One. We know that there is none other God but one But to us there is but one God He onely is the living and true God 3. That this one God subsisterh in three distinct Persons Father Son and Holy Ghost There are three that beare Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one Go teach all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost The Father is ●f none neither begotten nor proceeding The Son is begotten of the Father eternally Hence called The onely begotten of the Father And The onely begotten Son which is in the bosome of the Father The Ho●y Ghost eternally proceedeth from the Father and the Son But when the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father the Spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father The●e three are Co-essentia● Co-equal and Co-eternal This deep mystery cannot be fully comprehended by our understandings must be truely apprehended by our faith It may darkly be re●embled by the light of Sun Moon and Stars united in the Arre O● by the light of three di●tinct Torches united in one flame Or by one of your Bibleleases in three folds The first fold is not the second nor the second the third nor the third either of the other and yet all those three folds are that one leaf Thus the Father is not the Son the Son is not the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost neither the Father nor the Son and yet all these three are that one most Holy God 4. That this one God is a most pure invisible Spirit God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and Truth The King invisible Whom no man hath seen nor can see 5. That this one God Father Son and Holy Ghost hath made himself gloriously known Partly by his essential Attributes or Properties Partly by his Works I. Gods essential Attributes or Properties are the high perfections of his Essence which are all one both with his Essence and with one another yet are revealed to us and apprehended by us as many and different because our weak understandings cannot comprehend this one infinite Act in one Act God is 1. Most absolutely simple No way compounded in himself or with any other thing God is a Spirit The highest Spirit The most spiritual Spirit The Spirit of spirits therefore absolutely uncompounded without body parts or passions Ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that the Lord spake to you out of Horeb c. A Spirit hath not flesh and bones And Paul proving to the Heathens that himself and Barnabas were no gods as they imagined said Sirs Why do ye these things we also are men of like passions with you 2. All-sufficient The LORD appeared to Abraham and said unto him I am God All-sufficient or God Almighty The Hebrew word according to its several derivations may signifie either of these 3. Immutable or Vnchangeable I am the Lord I change not Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shaddow of turning 4. Infinite without and beyond all bounds and limits His understanding is infinite Now Gods understanding is God himself Gods essence is infinite and boundlesse in all respects imaginable Whereupon God is Immense or unmeasurab●e Because he cannot be determined or described by any Dimensions of Height Depth Length or Breadth and because he cannot be limited confined or circumscribed with any place Am I a God at hand saith the Lord and not a God afar off Do not I fill Heaven and Earth saith the LORD But will God indeed dwell on the Earth Behold● the Heaven and Heaven of Heavens cannot contain the● how much less this House that I have builded Omni-present or present in all places Gods essence filling all places yet not comprehended in any place is consequently in all places Whither shall I go from thy Spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence If I asscend up into heaven thou art there if I make my bed in hell behold thou art there If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the utmost parts of the Sea even there shall thine hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me c. Incomprehensible Because God is boundless in respect of all created knowledge and understanding No man nor Angel can fully understand or comprehend him Great is the LORD And of his greatnesse ther is no search Canst thou by searchin● finde out God Canst thou finde out the A●●mighty unto Perfection It is as high as Heav●● what canst thou do Deeper then Hell 〈◊〉 canst thou know The measure thereof
the race set before us 4. The fle●h The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit lusteth against the flesh It 's called flesh to set forth the ba●enesse of sinne the flesh being ●he base part of man 5. The old man ●o called Partly because of the long continuance of it in us it 's an in●eterate di●ease as old as our selves Partly because of the corruptness and deceitfulness of it Put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitfull lusts 6. The law of sin in our members becau●e it as it were commands compels and even necessitates us to sin As a law rules them that are under it 7. Finally Original corruption is stiled A body of death because As the naturall body hath many members so Original sin hath m●ny lusts as limbs thereof And because this body of sin exposeth unto death These and such like are the denominations of Original sin by all which the vilenesse of it may in some measure appear The nature of Original sin seems especially to consist in the●e three particulars v●z 1. In a totall priva●ion of the Image of God and of all that Original righteousnesse and integrity wherein we were at first created 2. In an utter inability to any true spiritual good yea in an absolute enmity thereunto For when we were yet without strength When we were enem●es we were reconciled to God The carnal minde is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be 3. In an universall and continual pronenesse to all evil God saw that every imagination of the thoughts of mens hear●s was onely evill continually Their throat is an open Sepulchre c. And our Saviour tels us A corrupt tree cannot brings forth good fruit This is the nature of Original corruption Oh how deadly is the Poison of it to the Nature of man The Aggravations of Originall corruption whereby it appears to be extreamly sinfull are these viz. 1. Original sin is Naturall and Hereditary It 's bred and born with us it 's propagated with our very natures and rooted in our bones and inmost principles and consequently more dangerous and desperate As those corporal diseases which are not accidental and occasional onely but Hereditary and natural are most perilous and remedi●esse 2. Original sin is univer●all And the more universally extended the more bitterly to be lamented As epidemicall univer●al diseases are the most terrible diseases as o●●e in Egypt when There was not an house wherein there was not one dead Now Original sin is universal Partly in that All men men ordinarily descended of Adam are defiled with it Iewes Gentiles bond free male female all are involved in it All are sinners by it Partly in that All of all men are tainted hereby soul bodie all the faculties and affections of the one all the senses parts and members of the other Minde Conscience Memory Will Love Hatred c. mouth hands feet c. all are wholly depraved and unclean I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing 3. Original sin is reigning over all the sons of Adam it reigns whilst they continue in the first Adam And it reigns most cruelly and tyrannically It enthrals men unto Sa●●n at his Will unto actual fulfilling the lusts and wills of the flesh and unto death That as sin hath reigned unto death c. The Turkish slavery Spanish Inquisition E●yptian cruelty ●abylonian captivity are all ●●ort of this tyranny and dominion of sin Thi● reign of sin is evidenced Partly by our bein● Servants of sin Partly by our ob●ying 〈◊〉 in the lusts thereof Partly by our yiel●ing 〈◊〉 members as weapons of unrighteousness● 〈…〉 to take sins part to fight for it defend it justifie it c. against opposers 4. Ori●●nal sin whilst we are in this body is in some sort incurable The reign of it cannot be ●ured till Christ come to reign in thee and pluck thee out of ●hy carnal state And the ●●-dwelling or in-being of Original sin cannot 〈◊〉 fully cured no not in a believer whilst he 〈◊〉 here on earth As the Canaanit●s though tributaries and slaves yet would dwell ●mong the Israelites or as Ivie will remain in an old wall till it be utterly pull'd down to the ground ● We are all by nature wholly disposed and pro●e to run headlong into all Actual sins for kind● and degree Into all impiety against God all unrighteousnesse against man and intemperance again●t our selves contrary to all the Commandments of the first and second Table and this in thought word and work Into open and secret sins Omissions of good and Commissions of evil Wilfulnesses and Weaknesses c. Against ligh● of mind checks of con●cience motions of Gods Spirit means of grace professions and promi●es of better wa●king multitudes of mercies terrib●enesse of judgements c. and this in youth and age in ●o●iety and ●olitarinesse yea by Original corruption we are fundamentally dispo●ed to that unp●rdonable sinne against the Holy Ghost Oh who can understand h●s errours who can comprehend his sinfulnesse who can chuse but admire the patience and mercy of God to such masses of all corruption and abomin●●●●● 2. The evil of punishment whereunto we 〈◊〉 continually liab●e by reason of this evil o● 〈◊〉 is manifold and un●peakable both for this world and the world to come In thi● world the soul is expo●ed to ●●●●●tual judge●ents vi● b●indnesse of ●ind g●d●iness 〈◊〉 infatuation and strong 〈◊〉 horrour searednesse and senslesnesse of Conscience A reprobate sense c. The body name and state lies open to all external and temporal mi●eries and cur●es In the world to come both soul and body are liable to endlesse easelesse and remedilesse torments in hell fire wherein they shall be ever dying and never dead ever burning and never consumed ever tortured but never eased or pittied The worme of conscience ever gnawing blacknesse of darknesse ever amazing the infernall fiends ever torturing the wrath of God ever devouring and swallowing up the whole man c. Oh the misery of a meer carnall man is extreamly miserable III. What should we and what may we be in Iesus Christ the second Adam For clearing of this consider chiefly the●e three things viz. 1. The necessity of Getting out o● our naturall state into a supernaturall cond●tion in Christ. 2. The Duties we are to performe when once we are brought into Christ 3. The Priviledges which we shall enjoy in Christ. 1. The necessity of our getting out of our naturall into a supernaturall state in Christ is ●o great that we cannot otherwise possibly be saved For 1. The proper adequate wages of every sin is etern●ll death Much more the state of sin must needs be most deadly and damnable 2. Every man that remains in
Resurrection from the dead out of the grave the third day He both revived and rose again As a second Adam and Head of his Church for our Iustification Spiritual raising of our souls out of sin and Corporal raising of our bodies out of the grave at the last day declaring hereby his infinite God-head His Lordship over quick and dead His full satisfaction of Gods justice for us and his absolute victory o●er sinne death and the devil 3. In his Ascension up into heaven fourty days a●ter his Resurrection as our Head and Fore-runner Thereby to lead Captivity Captive most triumphantly To receive and give gifts for men To cause our hearts and Affections spiritually to ascend after him To prepare a place for us that where he is we might be also 4. In his Session or sitting down at Gods right hand as God-man our Mediatour in highest Majesty and Glory farre above all Angels Having compleat dominion not only over his Church but over all things in the whole world for the good of his Church Pouring his Spirit upon his people continually making intercession for them 5. Finally In his coming again at the last day to judge the whole world in righteousnesse In his Humiliation at his first coming he was judged and condemned by sinners unjustly In his Exaltation at his second coming he shall judge both men and Angels justly And he shall come in His own and his Fathers glory descending from heaven with a shout and the voice of the Arch-Angel and the Trumpet of God attended most gloriously with the triumphant train of innumerable Saints and Angels to render to every one according to his works Thus we are to know that Christ di●charged his office of Mediatourship as Prophet Priest and King both in his state of Humiliation and Exaltation V. That this Mediatour Jesus Christ is an absolutely All-sufficient Mediatour There can be nothing required for sinners salvation which is not compleatly to be had in Christ. Is it Redemption He hath obtained eternal Redemption for his Elect. And by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified Is it reconciliation to God When we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son Is it Justification He is made unto us righteousness He is The LORD our Righteousnesse He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the Righteousnesse of God in h●m for he is the Righteousnesse of God viz. which God hath devised and will accept So that Christ hath more righteousnesse than we have unrighteousnesse more pardons than we have debts more justification than we have condemnation Is it Holinesse He is full of grace and truth that out of his fulnesse we might receive and grace for grace Is it any thing He hath all fulnesse in h●mself that we may be compleat in him And he is able to save to the utmost all that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to moke intercession for them VI. That though Jesus Chri●t be such an All-sufficient Mediatour and Sa●iour yet he will sa●e none at all but them onely to whom he is actually applied He that hath the Son hath life but he that hath not the Son hath not l●fe He justifies sinners but onely tho●e sinners that beleeve in him He gives soul-rest to wearied souls but onely to tho●e wearied and heavy-laden ●ouls that come unto him He g●ves Priviledge to become the sons of God But this Priviledge he onely gives to them that rece●ve him c. Our union to Christ is the found●tion of all our Communion with Christ. No Vnion no Communion VII Finally we are to know touching Christ that he is the sub●tance of all the Sacraments both of Old and New Testament The Centre of the Covenant of grace and of all the Promises And the very marrow of all the Scriptures They that know not Christ aright know nothing of the Holy Scriptures to purpose for they principally testifie of him They are as the ●tarres that lead to Christ They are as the Sun-beams that discover this Sunne of Righteousnesse They are the secret swadling-clothes of the childe Jesus These things we should know touching Christ before we come to the Lords Supper 4. Knowledge of the New Covenant Knowledge of the New Covenant is the fourth point of knowledge requisite to a worthy Communicant before receiving of the Lords Supper In the Institution of the Lords Supper it is said of the Cup This is my blood of the New Testament That is this Wine in the Cup is a Signe and Seal of my blood by which the New Testament is ratified So that by the Lords Supper the New Testament or New Covenant is confirmed to us and in receiving the Lords Supper we renew Co●enant with God This we cannot do judiciously unle●s we competently understand the nature of the New Covenant Now for the opening of the New Covenant in some measure Consider these following Propositions which may afford some true taste of the nature of the New Covenant 1. The New Covenant is not the same Covenant which God made with Adam in Innocency but far different from it and that in divers particulars For 1. The Covenant with Adam was a Covenant of amity or friendship made by God with him as by a Creator with his creature But the new Covenant is a Covenant of reconciliation made by God as a Redeemer with the sinner 2. The Covenant with Adam was upon tearms of personal perfect and perpetual Obedience to the Moral Law written in his heart the curse and death being threatned to the least transgression thereof But the New Covenant is upon tearms of Faith and new obedience as the fruit thereof and testification of our thankfulness The Spirit of Grace being promised to work that faith and obedience whereunto eternal lif● is promised c. 3. The Covenant with Adam was with a person perfectly able to fulfil the Covenant in his own pe●son alone The New Covenant is with persons unable of themselves to do any thing acceptably before God without divine Grace assisting and therefore performing Covenant onely in Jesus Christ their Surety 4. The Covenant with Adam was w●●hout a Mediator Adam in his innocency n●eding no Mediator of Redemption or Reconciliation But the New Covenant is with a Med●ator Jesus Christ most nec●ssary unto sinners for their salvation II. The New Covenant is the same in substance and essential constitution but far different in circumstance and manner of administration from the Old Covenant By Old Covenant I understand The Covenant of promise That is to say all the Covenants and Promises touching Christ from the first promise of The seed of the woman immediately after the fall till Christs
come in the flesh are two viz. 1 Baptisme or washing with water in the Name of Father Son and Holy Ghost whereby we are solemnly admitted into Christs mystical body visible signifying and sealing the souls spiritual washing from the guilt and filth of sin by the blood and Spirit of Christ. 2 The Lords Supper or eating bread and drinking Wine in re●embrance of Christs body broken and blood shed according to the Institution whereby o●r spirituall nourishment and growth in Christs mystical body is sealed Baptisme answers to Circumcision the Cloud and Sea The Lords Supper to the Paschal Supper Mannah and Water out of the Rock The Sacraments of the New Testament are for number more few for observation more easie for signification more excellent VI. In all Sacraments are two parts and a Sacramental union betwixt them 1. The Two Parts are 1 The outward signe or signes signifying as water and washing with it in Baptism Bread and Wine with the actions belonging thereto in the Lords Supper 2 The inward mysteries signified by those signes as the washing away of our sins by the blood and Spirit of Christ in Baptisme and the nourishing of our souls by the benefits of Christs death in the Lords Supper 2. There is a Sacramental union betwixt the Signes and things signified founded in Chri●ts Institution Whence the signe is sometimes said to be the thing signified As This is my body This is my blood This is the New Testament in my blood And the● thing signified is called the signe As Christ our Passeover is s●crificed This Sacramental union consists in a Sacramental relation which the signes have to the things in signifying sealing and exhibiting them Hence flows another union ●etwixt the worthy Communicant and the Sacrament So that he who truly partakes the signe according to Christs Institution partakes also the thing signified This is to be well ob●erved as a special ground of comfort in communicating VII Finally The particu●ar nature of the Lords Supper may be notably discerned in the causes of it viz Efficient Material Formal and Final 1. The Efficient cause or Author of it is The Lord Iesus in the same night in which he was betrayed All power was given to him as Mediatour therefore to institute what Ordinances he pleased for his Church He first gave Being to the Lords Supper and he also can give a Blessing and vertue to it in the right use In that night he instituted it 1. To shew the abrogation of the Pa●chal-Supper and the succession of the Lords Supper in the room thereof 2. To imprint more notably a living and lasting character of his death and sufferings upon this Supper 3. To restifie his singular care and love to his Church in that when he knew he was now ready to be betrayed and crucified he would leave this Legacy and Love-Token of his Supper to his Church Now if Christ be the Author of the Lords Supper we should highly esteem it Christianly partake it and walk accordingly knowing that all abuse of the Lords Supper re●●ects and terminates upon the Lord Christ. 2. The Material cause or matter of it is Outward and Inward 1. Outward is 1. Partly the Elements viz. Bread and Wine Complete Provision against hunger and thirst Christ gives his Church full nourishment Bread is expressed Wine is figuratively implyed in the Cup because immediately after Christ said Henceforth I will not drink of the fruit of the Vine c. 2 Partly the Sacramental actions which are either on the Ministers part as Taking Blessing and Giving Thanks Breaking and Giving to the Communicants Or on the Communicants part as Receiving Eating and Drinking 2. The Inward matter are the Mysteries signified by the outward As by the Elements of Bread and Wine Christs Body and blood Christ crucified our spiritual nourishment By the actions Christs separation and Consecration to his Mediatory office Christs brokennesse and sufferings for his Elect Christs free Tender and bestowing himself for spiritual nourishment upon the true Believer And the believers Accepting and applying of Christ thus tendred particularly 3. The Formal cause or Forme of the Lords Supper understand not the outward but the inward Form is that Sacramental union that is betwixt the outward and inward matter betwixt the signes and things signified viz. such a Sacramental relation betwixt them in signifying sealing and exhibiting and this by vertue of Christs institution that he who duly receives the signes receives the things signified as was said before As the law of the land makes such a relation betwixt a twig and a turfe and the lands whence they are taken that he who in due form of law takes li●ery and seizin of them is also as fully seized and possessed of the whole Lands or Mannour 4. The Final cause or End of the Lords Supper is manifold viz. 1. The solemn Remembrance of Christ crucified and shewing forth of Christs death to the worlds end 2. The spiritual nourishment of our inward man of our faith and all our graces for strength and growth 3. The Confirmation and individual Application of the New Testament and all the Promi●es Comforts Benefits and Priviledges thereof to us 4. The Sealing up unto our he●rts the pardon of our sins in Christs blood 5. The Ratification and Augmentation of our Communion with Christ crucified in all the benefits of his death 6. Finally the publike Testification of our true lo●e to and Communion with the Saints as Christs members and fellow-members with us in him For these ends especially was the Lords Supper instituted by Christ and ought to be celebrated by us Hitherto of those Points of knowledge principally necessary to qualifie a man for worthy communicating whereupon we are to examine our selves Next of the Properties of true sanctified knowledge and of our self-Examination therein II. The Properties of true sanctified knowledge are the second way whereby we may examine and try our Knowledge In the particular points of Knowledge forementioned an Hypocrite may possibly go as far as a true Believer but in these following Properties of sanctified Knowledge the true Believer goes beyond an Hypocrite What are the Properties of sound sanctified Knowledge Answ. Sanctified Knowledge is 1. Experimental 2. Heart-humbling 3. Communicative for others edification 4. Growing 5 Affectionate 6. Spiritualized 7. Pure 8. Obedientiall 1. An Experimental Knowledge whereby a Christian hath a particulal taste savour and relish of the divine things which he knows And this I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in Knowledge and in all judgement The Greek word rendred judgement properly signifies sense Not a corporal but a spiritual ●ense whereby we have a spiritual and experimental sensiblenesse feeling and taste of the things of God in our own spirits This sense differs from Knowledge thinks Zanchy as the Knowledge of the sense differs from that of the understanding
onely bread and wine these the least matters But also Christs body and blood and all the benefits thereof So that we must here take A lively memorial of Christs death A rich banquet for our inward man A sealed pardon of our sins A blessed bond of our communion with Christ crucified A sensible ratification of the New Testament with all its promises and priviledges These things we must take eat and drink in the Lords Supper and wherewith shall they possibly be thus taken and applied but by true saving Faith alone 4. Finally faith is necessary for enabling us duely to walk after communicating This Sacrament affords heavenly nourishment Con●equently after it we should walk as nourished strengthened comforted enlivened c. Now it 's faith especially that acts moves rule●+ doth all in a Christian from Christ assisting Faith in Christ being the very L●fe of a Christian. Thus of the necessity of faith before communicating ● How this saving faith thus necessary may be typed and examined before we come to the Lords Supper This is the last branch to be considered touching Faith We may try and examine whether we have true saving faith or no Partly by the former description of true saving faith See if thou hast such a faith Partly by these ensuing properties and qualities of faith 1. True saving faith notably softens supples and melts the heart It thawes and dissolves the most stony hard adamantine spirit into streams and floods of penitential sorrow I w●ll pour upon the house of David the spirit of grace and of supplications and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced there 's faith and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his onely son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitternesse for his first-born In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon c. The Spirit of grace shall make men look upon Christ by faith as Israel looked upon the type of Christ the brazen Serpent in the wilderness and looking shall melt them make them mourn How mourn Mourn with a witness for their sins whereby they pierced Christ They shall mourn they shall be in bitterness there shall be a great mourning As for an only Son As for a first-born as for that peerelesse King Iosiah in Hadadrimmon Emphaticall expressions Naturally mans heart is closed up as a compacted Rock of Flint or Marble Faith comes as another Moses smites this Rock and brings forth Rivers of waters Faith brings the soul to Christ crucified sets him as it were with Mary under his Crosse in Golthotha makes him view the transcendent anguish agonies bitterness and torments of his sufferings and all this for our sins his thy my sins in particular For he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities c. The Lord hath made to meet on him the iniquities of us all He was made sin for us who knew no sin Oh how this strikes to the believers heart How this makes him sigh with Christ lament with him smart with him bleed with him cry out with him as it were die with him nothing melts the heart so kindly as faith looking on Christ pierced for our sins particularly Here faith reads the intolerable sinfulness of sin that could not be expiated but at so dear a rate Here in Christs sufferings faith reads the sinners doom If this befell the surety what was due to the principal If sin imputed be so plagued what might have been expected for sin inherent If this be done to the green tree what would have be fallen the dry Here faith reads the boundless Ocean of Gods matchless love in Christ What such a God give sitch a Jewel as his only Son to such a death and that for such worthless loveless hopeless godless sinners Greater love then this hath no man Oh the breadth and length and depth and height of Christs love passing knowledge Oh how do these and like considerations of faith pierce the heart break the spirit imprint contrition and overcome the soul 2. True saving faith having pierced the heart purifies the heart Purifying their hearts by faith Faith cleanses not only the outward but the inward man not onely the actions but the fountain of those actions the heart and affections washes not onely the outside but the inside of the cup and platter makes a man forbear not only outward grosse acts of sin but inward imaginations and impure inclinations to sin A true believer as truly makes conscience of and laments for the vileness of his heart and thoughts in the sight of God as the enormity of his life and actions in the sight of men But how doth faith cleanse and purifie the heart Answ. 1. By Augmentation from the word against sin which discerns the odiousness and danger of sin How shall I do this wickedness which God so forbids and abhors c. In this respect the Word hath a sanctifying efficacy Sanctifie them through thy truth thy word is truth 2. By application of Christs blood and death Christs blood is that Fountain opened for sin and for uncleannesse to wash in And faith is that hand which puts us into this Fountain applies Christs death and makes us conformable thereunto That as Christ died for sin so we die to sin 3. By inward efficacy and operation Faith is not only an Instrument of Justification but an eminent part of Sanctification and so doth of its own nature purge out sin as wine works out the Dregs Honey the Drosse or as fire purifieth unwholsome aire Shew now thy faith by thy purity A faithfull soul cannot have a foul heart As that soul that by faith looks upon Christ pierced for his sins cannot chuse but be wounded and pierced with Christ so that soul that 's pierced for piercing Christ by sin cannot but abandon and abhorre all those sins for which Christ was pierced Faith having endeared the heart to Christ embitters the heart against sin Sin being the Iudas that betrayed Christ the Pilate that condemned him the Crown of Thorns nails and spear that pierced him 3. True saving faith makes a man sincerely obedient and fruitful in good works This is a duty charged upon the faithful This is a faithful saying and these things I will that thou affirm constantly that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works This is an intrinsecal property of faith To work by love and Love is the fulfilling of the Law therefore the nursing-Mother of all good works And that faith that is without works is dead as a body without a soul. A workless faith is a worthless faith And this the faithful in all ages have practised the alacrity of their obedience hath born witness to the integrity of their faith as in
life from sin to God This is the truth and life of Repentance when it brings us to a converting change Vnchanged men are impenitent men In repentance there 's a double conversion and change wrought viz. 1. Of a mans Heart and Person 2. Of his life and Conversation His person and heart is brought to a new state Make you a new heart and a n●w spirit His life and conversation is brought to a new course That we should walk in newnesse of life A mans pe●son and heart is changed when he is brought from a state of sin to a state of grace Now a man is brought from his carnal to a spiritual state 1. When he is converted from the darknesse of sin ignorance and spiritual misery to the light of holinesse knowledge and spiritual happinesse To turn them from darknesse to light Ye were sometimes darknesse but now are ye light in the Lord. 2 When he is con●erted and raised from death in sin to life in Christ. You hath he quickned who were dead in trespasses sins wherein in time past ye walked The father said of the repenting Prodigal This thy brother was dead and is alive again was lost and is found 3. When he is converted from the reign of sin and power of Satan to God and Christ and brought under his dominion To turn them from the power of Satan unto God Ye were the servants of sin but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you Being then made free from sin ye became the servants of righteousnesse Now we are free from the reign of sin 1 When we obey it not in its lusts 2 When we yield not our members as weapons or instruments of unrighteousness unto sin And we are delivered from the power of Satan 1 When The Prince of the air works not in us as in the children of disobedience 2 When we are not led captive by Satan at his will but resist him and fight against him and yield up our selves wholly as spiritual sacrifices to God Try whether thine heart and person be thus changed from the state of sin to a state of grace A Mans life and Conversation is changed when he is brought from a sinfull to a gracious course Now a man is then truly and effectually brought from a sinful to a gracious course of life 1. When he converts from sin to Sanctity sincerely forsaking sin because it is sin and contrary to God and his holy Law ● following holinesse for holinesse sake because it is most agreeable to God and his Will As Ioseph How shall I do this gre●t wickednesse and so sin against God 2. When he converts from sinfulnesse to holinesse of life compleatly He that hates sin because sin hates all sin and he that follows holinesse because holinesse follows all holinesse Repent and turn from all your transgressions Cast away from you all your transgressions As obedient children● not fashioning your selves according to the former lusts in your ignorance But as he that hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conversation Yea he that truly turnes from all sin turns from every special sin whereunto he is inclined by Nature Calling or Temptation more peculiarly I was also upright before him and I kept my self from mine iniquity 3. When he turnes from sinfulnesse to holinesse of life continually Hypocrites though they seem to repent yet they are again intangled and overcome of their corruptions turning from the holy Commandment as the Dog turneth to his own vomit again and the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire But the true Convert returns not to his vomit but becomes dead to sin and alive to God through Christ. Whereupon the Apostle thus argues How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer herein And where there 's no living in sin any longer there 's a continual converting from sin to sanctity of life Both heart and life are converted truly unto God 1. When we accept God as our God in Covenant and we become his people according to the tenou● of the New Covenant as was formerly shewed 2. When heart and life are acted ruled and guided by God inwardly and outward●y by his Spirit and Word Then we yeeld our selves unto God as servants of God And being led by the Spirit of God we are the Sons of God Gods Testimonies also being our delight and Counsellers 3. When heart and life tend to God as their ultimate End When our desires love delight c. are towards God more then to any thing in Heaven or Earth Whom have I in Heaven but thee and in Earth there is none that I desire besides thee And when our hearts and affections desire love or delight in other things in order and subordination unto God And when both heart and life Persons and Conversations are devoted unto God and to his Glory Ye are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your body and in your spirit which are Gods None of us liveth to himself and no man d●eth to himself For whether we live we live unto the Lord and whether we die we die unto the Lord whether we live therefore or die we are the Lords This is to be truly converted in heart and life from sinne to God IV. NEW OBEDIENCE which is an immediate fruit effect of Repentance is another qualification requisite in a worthy Communicant And therefore in the next p●ace consider 1. The Necessity of it 2. The Tryall of it 1. The Necessitie of New O●edience to Qualifie a Christian for worthy communicating appears divers wayes For 1. Without true Obedience All outward Professions of Religion seeming love to Gods Ordinances and outward performances of service are dis-regarded of God as vain hypocritical and abomina●●e They profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and d●sobedient and unto every good work reprobate Con●equently Receiving of the Lords Supper will be in vain without new obedience 2. The Lords Supper being a Token and Seal of the New Covenant The New Testament in Christs blood is also a Bond and Obligation to New Obedience whereby we solemnly engage our selves to fear and obey God for ever as his Covenant-people And so oft as we renew the Lords Supper so oft we renew this Bond of Obedience without true Obedience communicating is but dissembling 3. In the Lords Supper we have a solemn Record and Memorial of the rarest and highest obedience in the world viz. The Obedience of Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God and that to the Death for our sakes Such obedience of such a person to such a death even the death upon the Crosse and all for such sinners as we are How admirable and incomparable is that obedience Christ herein
Evangelists Read the History of Christs passion in them before thou commest to the Lords Table that the memory thereof may be fresh and lively in thy thoughts at the Lords Table Think with thy self how Christs life was as it were a continued Passion and a daily dying He was very meanly brought forth into the world borne in a stable wrapped in swadling cloathes and laid in a Manger He was no sooner born but Herod seeks to murder him murdering many poor Infants lest he should misse him He is no sooner baptized but Satan assaults him Tempting him to Despaire Self-murder worshipping of the Devil in per●on but prevailed nothing Is he in his publick Ministery How is he hated reviled bla●phemed and persecuted by Scribes and Phari●es by his own people the Jew● yea by his own kindred And when he was nigh the period of his Minis●ery what torrent of sorrows sufferings flow'd in upon him Remember what he endured in the Garden in the High Priests Hall and in Mount Calvary and then behold and consider if any sorrows were like his sorrows 1. In the Garden How was his soul surrounded with sorrows even to the Death How bitter was the Cup which he then began to drink which set him into an Agony so that he prayed thrice most earnestly to his Father to let that Cup passe from him if possible and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground hereby his spirits being brought so low that there appeared an Angel from heaven strengthening him With this Agony probably Christ was so weakened that the next day he was not able to bear his Cross but Simon was compelled to bear it after him And immediatly after his Agony Iudas betrayes him to the multitude of the Jews with a kisse who apprehended him bound him and led him away to the High Priests House Thus as the first Adam sinned in a Garden the second Adam suffered in a Garden Now then when thou art at the Lords Table Remember Christs Garden-sufferings think so lively of them as if thy self hadst been in the Garden with the Disciples imagine thou hadst heard him pray so earnestly against his bitter Cup thou hadst seen him sweat drops of clotted blood so lamentably in his woful Agony that the earth was all besprinkled with his blood and that thou hadst lookt on to see him betrayed so villainously by Iudas his own Apostle into the hands of his enemies 2. In the High Priests Palace and the judgement-Hall How was Christ denyed by Peter How was he mocked ●mitten blindfolded buffetted spit upon crowned with Thornes having a Reed in his hand being scornfully bow'd unto and derided with haile King of the Iews cruelly scourged blasphemously intreated falslely accused causelesly exclaimed against by the people and unjustly condemned by Pilate against his own conscience When thou art at the Lords Table Remember those passions of thy Saviour Imagine thou hadst stood by all the while and sadly beheld all these passages his cheeks swoln with buffetting his face defiled with spitting on his head wounded with thornes his back torn with scourges c. Oh behold what a woful spectacle 3. In Mount Calvary in that filthy Golgotha how woful and tragical was his end His body was stripped of his garments His limbs were cruelly stretched upon the Cross His hands and feet pierced with rugged nails and fastened to the cursed tree He was ranked betwixt two crucified thieves as if he were the Arch-malefactor he hanged from the sixth till the ninth houre most painfully upon the tender wounds of his hands and feet He was forsaken by his disciples and friends derided by his enemies by the very thieves that were crucified with him being a thirst in his pains abused with gall and vineger given him to drink And which was heaviest of all he was in a sort deserted of God so that he bitterly cryed out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me and so he yielded up the Ghost after which a souldier with a spear piercing his side and heart there gushed out water and blood Now when thou art at the Lords Supper ●emember all those sad passages Think thou hadst stood with Mary and Iohn under ●is Crosse and hadst seen and heard his intolerable repro●ches his bleeding wounds his tortured body his bitter cries his dying groans think thou hadst his dead body all besmeared in his own blood like Ioseph of Arimathea in thine armes Remember this story of Christs death and remember it seriously pathetically Imagine The Sacrament-day to be as Christs Agony-day His Condemning-day His Crucifying-day The Lords Table to be as the Crosse whereon he was crucified And the breaking of the bread as the breaking of his body with all these mortal Sufferings This is the first Act or degree of thy Remembring Christ crucified to remember him Historically 2. Mysteriously Remember the Mystery of Christ and of his Death This is a farther and an higher degree of remembring Christ crucified at the Lords Supper Christs Death was not a common and ordinary Death full of miseries only but a speciall and extraordinary Death full of Mysteries also Among other Mysteries of Christs death The Causes and Effects of his death are singularly mysterious Remember them in communicating 1. Causes of Christs death were either 1. meritorious or 2. impulsive 1. Meritorious procuring causes of Christs death were the sins of Gods Elect imputed to him Christ in himself was totally without sin no guil was found in his mouth He was a Lamb without blemish without spot He was Holy harmless undefiled and separate from sinners Pilate his Judge cleared him saying I finde in him no fault at all The condemned thief justified him We indeed justly but this man hath done nothing amisse But Christ becomming Surety for sinners even for all his Elect that were ruined by Adam's sin stood charged with their whole debt which they were no way able to satisfie for in the least degree And so all their sins were at once imputed to him and death the due wages of their sins was inflicted upon him that his Elect might be fully acquitted and discharged Hence those passages He hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us Admirably the Evangelical Prophet Surely he hath born our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him strieken smitten of God afflicted But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed All we like she●p have gone astray we have turned every man to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him Heb. hath made to meet on him the